Buen Vs Bien 1-Sentence Matcher

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Name:_______________________________________________ Sentence Match Quiz for Category: buen_vs_bien_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below.

1) Va a hacer buen tiempo. - A: You should play well. Play well. - B: With good grapes, one obtains a good wine. - C: Fine thanks. I need some paint. - D: It's going to be good weather. 2) l goza de buena salud. - A: It's going to be good weather. - B: He enjoys good health. - C: Walking is good for your health. - D: You are going to be fine. (formal) 3) El pasaporte o la licencia de conducir estarn bien. - A: A passport or a drivers license will be fine. - B: My boyfriend is really cool. - C: A pick-up is a good choice for work. - D: You are going to be fine. (formal) 4) Esta talla me queda bien. - A: This size fits me well. - B: Ok/That is fine. - C: Very well thanks. How can I help you? - D: He does not sail to good on the open sea. 5) Esperamos que haya buen tiempo. - A: Very good, can you read the next smallest line? - B: You should play well. Play well. - C: Spanish? I want to speak it well. - D: We hope there will be good weather. 6) Muy bien. Puede leer la siguiente lnea de letras ms pequeas? - A: Very good, can you read the next smallest line? - B: Ok/That is fine. - C: We will have to get a good grade. - D: Very well thanks. How can I help you? 7) El espaol? Yo quiero hablarlo bien. - A: Spanish? I want to speak it well. - B: Very good, can you read the next smallest line? - C: You don't comb your hair well. - D: We will have to get a good grade. 8) Muy bien gracias. Le puedo ayudar? - A: You don't comb your hair well. - B: Very well thanks. How can I help you? - C: The burgers are very good. - D: You should play well. Play well. 9) Lo he pasado realmente bien. - A: We hope there will be good weather. - B: Spanish? I want to speak it well. - C: A passport or a drivers license will be fine. - D: I really had a lovely time.


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Name:_______________________________________________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: buen_vs_bien_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 10) Debes jugar bien. Juega bien. - A: You should play well. Play well. - B: You don't comb your hair well. - C: We hope there will be good weather. - D: The girl whom Felipe marries will have to know how to cook very well, too. 11) Nos pegamos un buen susto. - A: We got a terrible fright. - B: Ok/That is fine. - C: Thats all right but, when do I start? - D: You are going to be fine. (formal) 12) Ellos hicieron bien la tarea. - A: They did the homework well. - B: Spanish? I want to speak it well. - C: With good grapes, one obtains a good wine. - D: We will have to get a good grade. 13) El practicar deporte es bueno para la salud. - A: Practicing sports is good for your health. - B: This size fits me well. - C: I really had a lovely time. - D: A passport or a drivers license will be fine. 14) Est bien. - A: It suits you well. - B: There isn't anyone who hasn't enjoyed a good movie. - C: We got a terrible fright. - D: Ok/That is fine. 15) Nosotros le caemos muy bien al jefe. - A: He enjoys good health. - B: It's going to be good weather. - C: Thats all right but, when do I start? - D: The boss likes us. 16) Est bien, pero cundo empiezo? - A: This size fits me well. - B: You are going to be fine. (formal) - C: You should play well. Play well. - D: Thats all right but, when do I start? 17) Un pick-up es una buena eleccin para el trabajo. - A: It's going to be good weather. - B: He does not sail to good on the open sea. - C: A pick-up is a good choice for work. - D: They did the homework well. 18) Los equipos no tuvieron un buen Mundial. - A: The teams didn't have a good World Cup. - B: We will have to get a good grade. - C: The burgers are very good. - D: Fine thanks. I need some paint.


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Name:_______________________________________________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: buen_vs_bien_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 19) Tendremos que sacar una buena nota. - A: Spanish? I want to speak it well. - B: This size fits me well. - C: It's going to be good weather. - D: We will have to get a good grade. 20) l no navega bien en mar abierto. - A: He does not sail to good on the open sea. - B: The wound healed very well. - C: We got a terrible fright. - D: A pick-up is a good choice for work. 21) No hay nadie que no haya disfrutado de una buena pelcula. - A: I really had a lovely time. - B: A pick-up is a good choice for work. - C: They did the homework well. - D: There isn't anyone who hasn't enjoyed a good movie. 22) Las hamburguesas son muy buenas. - A: The wound healed very well. - B: The teams didn't have a good World Cup. - C: I really had a lovely time. - D: The burgers are very good. 23) La herida se cerr muy bien. - A: Fine thanks. I need some paint. - B: The girl whom Felipe marries will have to know how to cook very well, too. - C: The burgers are very good. - D: The wound healed very well. 24) Mi novio es bien chvere. - A: My boyfriend is really cool. - B: Very good, can you read the next smallest line? - C: I really had a lovely time. - D: You don't comb your hair well. 25) Bien, gracias. Necesito pintura. - A: Juan is a good carpenter. - B: With good grapes, one obtains a good wine. - C: It's going to be good weather. - D: Fine thanks. I need some paint. 26) Caminar es bueno para la salud. - A: We will have to get a good grade. - B: The burgers are very good. - C: Walking is good for your health. - D: Juan is a good carpenter. 27) T no te peinas bien. - A: You don't comb your hair well. - B: The teams didn't have a good World Cup. - C: A passport or a drivers license will be fine. - D: We got a terrible fright.


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Name:_______________________________________________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: buen_vs_bien_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 28) Juan es un buen carpintero. - A: The girl whom Felipe marries will have to know how to cook very well, too. - B: We got a terrible fright. - C: We hope there will be good weather. - D: Juan is a good carpenter. 29) Va a estar bien. - A: You are going to be fine. (formal) - B: You should play well. Play well. - C: This size fits me well. - D: The boss likes us. 30) Con buenas uvas, se obtiene un buen vino. - A: With good grapes, one obtains a good wine. - B: We got a terrible fright. - C: Fine thanks. I need some paint. - D: The wound healed very well. 31) Le sienta muy bien a usted. - A: A passport or a drivers license will be fine. - B: Very good, can you read the next smallest line? - C: He enjoys good health. - D: It suits you well. 32) La muchacha con quien se case Felipe deber saber cocinar muy bien tambin. - A: This size fits me well. - B: The girl whom Felipe marries will have to know how to cook very well, too. - C: The wound healed very well. - D: With good grapes, one obtains a good wine.


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Name:_______________________________________________ Answer Key for Worksheet fff84


Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1 1 = D , 2 = B , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = D , 6 = A , 7 = A , 8 = B , 9 = D , 10 = A , 11 = A , 12 = A , 13 = A , 14 = D , 15 = D , 16 = D , 17 = C , 18 = A , 19 = D , 20 = A , 21 = D , 22 = D , 23 = D , 24 = A , 25 = D , 26 = C , 27 = A , 28 = D , 29 = A , 30 = A , 31 = D , 32 = B

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