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Society Opinions Should parents play a role in deciding their child's future?

h because our parents have gone and faced the problems that we are having now and have had the experience. they know what is right and what is wrong and always want the good for their child. so i say that our parents should play an important role in their child's life. Posted By: Anonymous

Children know nothing It is the parent's whole purpose of being to hopefully use their wisdom of life to promote their progeny's success in theirs. My parents left me in the crap only now grown up can I see it. Now I pay the price of poor parenting and it is dear. Good guidance and support children need not selfish parents. Otherwise they will be left behind their peers who are blessed with good parents. Posted By: Anonymous

yes Parents should play a supporting role in deciding their child's future. Forcing children to take a certain path is always a way to parent, yet leaves the child up for some serious rebellion. There is a time and place that parents have to give up control. Guidance is a far better option, as you won't be able to predict the future, nor the future of your child. Posted By: Anonymous

Parents should play a role in deciding their child's future It seems obvious, then, that some training, some teaching, and some preparation is encoded in our genes as a survival mechanism for the human race, as it is with all primates. That is how we have survived and thrived. The only question seems to be the extent to which children should be trained, and the level of preparedness that is optimum for the success of the child. Posted By: Anonymous

Yes, parents should play a role in assisting with their child's future, because guidance is a necessity. Parents should play a supporting role in deciding their child's future. Forcing children to take a certain path is always a way to parent, yet leaves the child up for some serious rebellion. There is a time and place that parents have to give up control. Guidance is a far better option, as you won't be able to predict the future, nor the future of your child. Posted By: PointlessElbert47

Children need guidance to understand the complexities involved in deciding a future path. It is impossible for a child to take into consideration all the factors involved in adulthood. It is not possible for anyone to make educated decisions, when the issue is not completely understood. Understanding the expectations upon an adult, both financial and emotional, is not exactly obvious. There is no way that a child can grasp these expectations without the guidance of someone who knows and understands. Posted By: J Lamb 43

I think parents should play a small role in deciding their child's future, because it is up to the parent to lead the way for their children. I believe parents should play a role in deciding their child's future, to a point. It is up to the parents to lead their child in the right direction and make some decisions that will help their children have a positive future. While I believe that parents should have a role in deciding the future, they need to keep their child's wishes and goals in mind. It should be a decision made together, when the child is old enough to make wise choices. Posted By: EducatedAlfonso

I believe parents should play a role in deciding their child's future, because parents have their child's best interest at heart. I believe parents should play a role in deciding their child's future, because parents have their child's best interest at heart. A parent is equipped with life experience that enables them to better help their child in making good decisions. Posted By: IcyGrover

Parents should play a role in deciding their child's future, because they are the role models and their child will take cues from them. Every child learns by example. Parents teach their children what to expect and want out of life. They should try to play a role by teaching right from wrong, and teaching that the child can do whatever they want. They should also try to be positive about their child's goals and aspirations. Posted By: darcyska

Of course, parents want what is best for their children so they should help their children make decisions about their future. Children should both want to talk about their future with their parents, and actually do it. Since parents have a strong vested interest in the future happiness of their children, grandchildren, and so on they have a strong reason to be involved in helping them make good decisions about their future. This is true whether they are young children, or adult children. Posted By: MariaR

Parents should play a part in deciding their child's future, because if they don't, then someone else will. Children may not quite be blank slates when they are born, but they are very close to it. Primates, including Homo Sapiens, have in common the helplessness of the newborns, and the need for the parent to keep the child close to them and teach that child what it needs to successfully survive in the environment in which it must live. It seems obvious, then, that some training, some teaching, and some preparation is encoded in our genes as a survival mechanism for the human race, as it is with all primates. That is how we have survived and thrived. The only question seems to be the extent to which children should be trained, and the level of preparedness that is optimum for the success of the child. How much parental influence is too much? One size does not fit all. Some children have personalities and capabilities that need strong guidance by parents or other authority figures. Otherwise, they would flounder and drift. Some children, similarly guided, would quickly rebel, and that is their nature as an individual. Parents should never, never decide the direction a child's life should take, if that takes the form of telling them what and who they should be. Posted By: CI3Iike

Yes, parents should play a role in their child's future, because that is part of basic parenting. Parents should play a role in their child's future, and if they are good parents, that is exactly what they've been doing all along. I do not mean to say that parents should control what their child does for a living, or who they marry, but basic parenting means helping a child to understand wrong from right, and teaching them the tools they need to be successful in whatever they do. Parents should be available to support and advise, and that's the kind of role they should play in their child's future. Posted By: SAugustus

Yes, because children need and seek guidance from trusted adults. The experiences of our parents can contribute to our decision making and often do, as do our experiences affect our children. The idea that "parents want what's best for their children" provides a basis for this argument. Parents have been in similar situations as their children before, and have learned knowledge to offer, whether it be what college to attend, what car to buy, or in what area to live. In today's society though, parents' opinions will often not be the only opinion a child seeks, but will be weighed with the other opinions received. Posted By: Ment0n3

I believe parents should play a role in deciding their child's future, because parents have their child's best interest at heart. While a parent should not dictate to a child what they can or should do with their lives, I believe a good parent cannot help but influence the future of their child. This can go in both a positive or negative way depending on the life the parent provides for the child and the opportunities the parent can provide.

Posted By: SlayrKalle

Absolutely. Parents are supposed to be the ones who really know their child and can support them and point them in the right direction. What ever career or educational choices the child makes the parents should support and encourage success with in them. If there is anyone that a child will trust "deep down" it will be their parents. They are responsible in molding their children to be successful and decent adults. Posted By: SareBeach

Parents must play a role since they're better experienced. Though it's good to think in terms of the interests of the child, parents certainly have a role to play in deciding the child's future. They're more mature and experienced and capable of understanding the real traits of child and what could suit him or her best, considering the society, professional scope and his or her caliber. Posted By: TownMaso

I don't see how parents can help but influence their kids' futures. Parents play a role just be being parents, by being the day to day model of behavior, setting the example just by paying the bills, treating one another with kindness, choosing appropriate TV shows, and providing nutritious meals. Parents shouldn't choose their child's future in the sense of steering them toward a certain job or mate or even religion, but they should expose them to all the options. Posted By: Th4Fire

I believe parents should play a role in deciding their child's future because they invested their time and energy into that child's life. While I do not believe that parent's should be the only decision maker in a child's future life, I do feel that they should be able to assist their child in making a smart decision. Too many kids today are shipped off to college or other destinations at 18 and left to make choices entirely on their own. These kids are at a serious disadvantage because they do not have the years of experience to draw upon to make intelligent and responsible decisions. I feel that choices such as college destination, job markets, who they should date, etc. should involve the parents. Basically, all of the big decisions in life should rely heavily on parental input. Posted By: VampireShu

Parents should play a role in deciding their child's future. This is not really a debatable question. No matter what it cannot be helped. Parents should and always have played a role in their child's future. It may not always be a good role, but how children are raised determines quite a bit of how they will be in the future. If they are raised with love and affection, they are more then likely going to be that way to others. If they are raised like

wild animals, then that will probably result in the same type of treatment to others. The way an individual is raised and cared for has everything to do with decisions they will make about what to do with their own life. Granted, there are a few that no matter what their parents have done will always be bad apples, but it is the higher percentage of people that with proper upbringing will turn out just fine. We should let our children make their own adult decisions when this time comes and just hope that we have done enough with the rest of their lives to put them on the right path. Posted By: w00tboycomic

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Hey I am not saying that these decisions totally go wrong or something,they are quite experienced people and have seen high and lows of life and some of the decisions are really a master stroke and it is helpful when the kids are spoilt for choices that is can't decide or confused but people don't really face same experiences in their lives same thing that was miraculous to someone may turn out to be a nighmare for someone else.It worstens when they almost force their chidren what they feel is right for them. When a girl is doing well in her studies then she will/have to become a doctor and for boys it is Engineering or one other option is BBA(He may choose to be doctor that is also okay) even if he she wanted to be a fashion designer or something.A example of this sort happened when brother of my friend was forced to be a doctor when he really wanted to do hotel managment and the guy is sick of his life as he is sensitive and can't stand burnt or bruised people.This could easily been avoided if his parents respected their son's wish and helped him on his way but instead of making him take profession of their choice.(It is also because a Doctor or Engineer is a highly respected person in our society and someone realted to him/her is also respected).How can somebody do something when not interested in it he would make matters worse for him and also for the people around him. One of the reasons for this is that parent want to secure the future for their kids as every parent rightfully would and feel that that only a few notable professions are enough respected or give enough outcome to lead a succesful life.I blame this on the government as their are no career plans made for the youth or no guideline.They are no advisors or planners who would help students and inform their parents about the positives and negatives of any profession.One more thing here is people are most interested in things which are the flavour of the month and supported by the government raeally ignoring all others. Another thing is inherited professions like a barber's son would have to be a barber and a buisness man son's must look after his family buisness. I have a suggestion that the parents should let their children decide what is good or bad for themselves and if the parents have some reservations about it then they must discuss it with their kids and take them in confidence over it.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their childrens future for them. Parents generally have a choice of attitudes toward their children. Some parents believe it is better to determine their children's future instead of allowing children to strike on their own. Other, myself included, have an opposite opinion. Even though parents have accumulated more knowledge and experiences than their children, on no account can they force their children to follow whatever the parents' instructions. First and foremost, parents may be too close to their children emotionally. They, as a consequence, can only see their beloved children through the eyes of a protector. For instance, I once attempted to spend my summer vocation travelling throughout my country when graduating from high school. However, such a valuable experience in my eyes seemed life-threatening to my parents! Finally, without giving any consideration of my feeling, they limited my freedom in the name of safety. Obviously, sometimes parents are not open-minded enough to understand their children's needs but hasty make a decision. In addition, some parents are not good at keeping up with the rapidly changing knowledge and technologies, so that, occasionally, they are not be able to make better suggestions for their children, let lone providing a desirable future for them. A large number of parents, especially in comparatively remote areas, they might be not familiar with new technologies, such as computer. Or they might be not comfortable with Internet since they are more accustomed to traditional means of communication. In such circumstance, rarely can they know how to help their children who need doing research, applying to foreign universities through Internet. Thus, unless children are willing to give up further studying or working opportunities, seldom should they let parents decide their future. It is true that parents have experienced more ups and downs than their children, and it is meaningful to receive various advice from parents. For example, parents may not want their children to be friends with those boys from slums. Precious as it is, this advice may help children avoid troubles. However, it does not mean that parents should force or prohibit friendship. A better way-at least it seems to me-is to let the children make decisions for themselves and learn from reality. They will gradually know what kind of people they should not associate with and how to avoid bad people. To conclude, it is neither necessary nor important for parents to determine their children's future, because such activities may be detrimental to the developments of their children. TOEFL listening lecturesA university lecture on Animal Behavior by a professor of

Biology Parents should allow children to make their own choices Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their childrens future for them. Parents generally have a choice of attitudes toward their children. Some parents believe it is better to determine their children's future instead of allowing children to strike OUT on their own. OtherS, myself included, have an opposite opinion. Even though parents have accumulated more knowledge and experiences than their children, on no account SHOULD they force their children to follow whatever the parents' THEIR instructions. First and foremost, parents may be too close to their children emotionally. They, as a consequence, can only see their beloved children through the eyes of a protector. For instance, I once attempted to spend my summer vocation travelling throughout my country when graduating from high school. However, such a valuable experience in my eyes seemed lifethreatening to my parents! Finally, without giving any consideration of my feelingS, they limited my freedom in the name of safety. Obviously, sometimes parents are not open-minded enough to understand their children's needs but hastyILY make a decision. In addition, some parents are not good at keeping up with the rapidly changing knowledge and technologies, so that, occasionally, they are not be able to make better suggestions for their children, let lone providing a desirable future for them. A large number of parents, especially in comparatively remote areas, they might be not familiar with new technologies, such as computerS. Or they might be not BE comfortable with THE Internet since they are more accustomed to traditional means of communication. In such circumstance, rarely can they know how to help their children who need TO BE doing research, applying to foreign universities through THE Internet. Thus, unless children are willing to give up further studying or working opportunities, seldom should they let parents decide their future. It is true that parents have experienced more ups and downs than their children, and it is meaningful to receive various advice from parents. For example, parents may not want their children to be friends with those boys from slums. Precious as it is, this advice may help children avoid troubles. However, it does not mean that parents should force or prohibit friendshipS. A better way-at least it seems to me-is to let the children make decisions for themselves and learn from reality. They will gradually know what kind of people they should not associate with and how to avoid bad people. To conclude, it is neither necessary nor important for parents to determine their children's future, because such activities may be detrimental to the development of their children.

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