E 245 Course Syllabus Spring 2013

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E 245 Circuits and Systems Spring 2013

Dr. Kevin Ryan kryan@stevens.edu 1-201-216-5565 Babbio Center Room 415

Office Hours
Day: Tuesdays Hours: 12:30 PM 2:30 PM; Or by appointment

Class Schedule
Section A: Section B: Monday and Thursday Monday and Thursday 12:00 noon to 12:50 PM 2:00 PM to 2:50 PM BC-122 E-330

Required Textbook
Allan R. Hambley, Electrical Engineering Principals and Applications, Fifth Edition, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2011 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-213006-6; ISBN-10: 0-13-213006-8.

Course Website
All lecture notes, homework assignments and solutions, exams and solutions, and this course syllabus will be available on the Moodle course web site. It is your responsibility to download the required material from the course website. In addition, the discussion board on the course web site will be used to post important discussion notes and announcements regarding this course. Please check this discussion board regularly (before each class) during the semester.

Homework: 10% (Note; 50% penalty for an assignment submitted late. No assignments will be accepted after the first class past the original due date) Problem of the Week 15% Quiz One 15% Quiz Two 15% Quiz Three 15% Comprehensive Final Exam 30%

Important Notes; 1. Your overall grade will be based upon the lecture and lab parts of this course. The lecture part of this course will be two-thirds of your grade and the lab part of this course will be one-third of your grade 2. Homeworks are graded based upon completion (effort and complete and timely submission) and not on whether the answer is correct or incorrect 3. The Problem of the Week will be graded on correctness (correct answer and supporting work is required for full credit). The Problem of the Week is an individual (and not a group) assignment. Do not work (or consult) with anyone on the Problem of the Week 4. Do not submit someone elses homework or Problem of the Week if they are absent. If you are unable to attend class, please contact me. 5. Grades for the homework assignments, problems of the week, quizzes, and final exam will be posted on the course web site and can be viewed in the My Grades section of the web site. You can appeal any grade; please contact me and we can review the grading. However the request to review the grade must be made two weeks from the original posting of the grade. No reviews will be scheduled after this two week appeal period 6. Your graded work (homeworks, problems of the week, and quizzes) will be available in Burchard Room 212. Please go to this room to collect your graded work. (Cabinet on the right as you enter the office) 7. All assignments (homeworks and problems of the week) must contain a completed cover sheet (including signature, printing of your last name and first name, and section). This cover sheet must be stapled to your answer sheets. A cover sheet will be provided for each assignment. The weekly homework assignment and problem of the week will have separate cover sheets and are to be submitted separately. A submission which does not have a completed cover sheet stapled to your work will be returned with a grade of zero.

Proposed Grading Template

Letter Grade A B+ B BC+ C CD+ D F

Numerical Grade 90 and above 87 to 89.9 83 to 86.9 80 to 82.9 77 to 79.9 73 to 76.9 70 to 72.9 67 to 69.9 63 to 66.9 Below 63

Proposed Course Schedule (Dates are subject to change)

Month/Date 1/14 1/17, 1/24 Introduction Note; no class on 1/21; Dr. Martin Luther King Day 1/28, 1/31, 2/4, 2/7 2/11, 2/14 2/19, 2/21, 2/25, 2/28, 3/4, 3/7 Note; no class on 2/18; Presidents Day Note; class on Tuesday 2/19; (University is following a Monday schedule) Resistive Circuits Inductance and Capacitance Transients QUIZ ONE* ON THURSDAY, February 21st Quiz One is scheduled to cover Chapters One & Two Chapter 4 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 1 Topics Covered Course Introduction Chapter(s) in Text

Note; no class on Monday 3/11 and Thursday 3/14; Spring Recess Steady-State Sinusoidal Analysis 3/18, 3/21, 3/25, 3/28, 4/1 QUIZ TWO* ON THURSDAY, March 28th Quiz Two is scheduled to cover Chapters Three & Four 4/4, 4/8, 4/11 Frequency Response, Bode Plots, and Resonance Introduction to Amplifiers and Operational Amplifiers QUIZ THREE* ON MONDAY, April 22nd Chapter 6 Chapter 5

4/15, 4/18, 4/22, 4/25, 4/29

Chapters 11 and 14

Quiz Three is scheduled to cover Chapters Five & Six nd Final Exam Period; May 2 FINAL COMPREHENSIVE EXAM* th through May 15 To Be Scheduled During Final Exam Period * All quizzes and exams are closed books and closed notes. On some quizzes or exams, formula sheets will be provided

Topics Covered by the Text Book Chapters Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Overview of Electrical Engineering 1.2 Circuits, Currents, and Voltages 1.3 Power and Energy 1.4 Kirchhoffs Current Law 1.5 Kirchhoffs Voltage Law 1.6 Introduction to Circuit Elements 1.7 Introduction to Circuits Chapter 2: Resistive Circuits 2.1 Resistances in Series and Parallel 2.2 Network Analysis by Using Series and Parallel Equivalents 2.3 Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider Circuits 2.4 Node-Voltage Analysis 2.5 Mesh-Current Analysis 2.6 Thvenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits 2.7 Superposition Principle 2.8 Wheatstone Bridge Chapter 3: Inductance and Capacitance 3.1 Capacitance 3.2 Capacitances in Series and Parallel 3.3 Physical Characteristics of Capacitors 3.4 Inductance 3.5 Inductances in Series and Parallel Chapter 4: Transients 4.1 First-Order RC Circuits 4.2 DC Steady State 4.3 RL Circuits 4.4 RC and RL Circuits with General Sources 4.5 Second-Order Circuits Chapter 5 5.1 Sinusoidal Currents and Voltages 5.2 Phasors 5.3 Complex Impedances 5.4 Circuit Analysis with Phasors and Complex Impedances 5.5 Power in AC Circuits 5.6 Thvenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits

Chapter 6: Frequency Response, Bode Plots, and Resonance 6.1 Fourier Analysis, Filters, and Transfer Functions 6.2 First-Order Lowpass Filters 6.3 Decibels, the Cascade Connection, and Logarithmic Frequency Scales 6.4 Bode Plots Phase Plot 6.5 First-Order Highpass Filters 6.6 Series Resonance 6.7 Parallel Resonance Chapter 11: Amplifiers: Specifications and External Characteristics 11.1 Basic Amplifier Concepts Chapter 14: Operational Amplifiers 14.1 Ideal Operational Amplifiers 14.2 Inverting Amplifiers 14.3 Noninverting Amplifiers 14.4 Design of Simple Amplifiers Chapter 7: Logic Circuits (Will be covered if time permits) 7.1 Basic Logic Circuit Concepts 7.2 Representation of Numerical Data in Binary Form 7.3 Combinatorial Logic Circuits 7.4 Synthesis of Logic Circuits 7.5 Minimization of Logic Circuits

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