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SUBMITTED BY: Professor D.B.A, F.M.S.R A.M.U Prashant Saxena P.G.D.M.M 12-MM-01
Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

Academic Co-ordinator Bharat Maheshwari Dipa Shah Girish Nair

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Nikita Sanghvi Prakash Prajapati Offerd By; Department Of Business Administration Faculty of Management & Research Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh. (U.P) 2012-13
Formatted: Left Formatted: Centered



We extend our warmest thank and appreciation to all people who have assisted us in the preparation of this report. We are thankful towards the whole Stevens Business School familyAligarh Muslim University for providing the infrastructure and facilities, without which our project would have not taken a shape.

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We are also thankful to Mr. Dinesh (Sales manager, Vijay sales) & Mr.Ankit (Floor manager, Sales India) for their valuable suggestion and feed back for preparing questionnaire and also allowing us to interact with their customer for taking their feedback. We are also grateful to the respondents of our questionnaire who spared their valuable time and obliged us by giving their co-operation and the information we needed. We also convey my sincere gratitude to all the authors & websites from where we had collected meaningful materials. Last but not the least; we would like to thank our faculty member, Dr. Himani Joshi,Project guide Dr.Kaleem M.khan Academic Co-ordinatorProfessor,D.B.A for providing us with guidelines, suggestions, feedback & meaningful insights about the subject of study

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The Indian market for entertainment devices like television has been expanding in the last two decades. Several players are introducing not only several features to the existing products but also new products like LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) TV and Plasma TV to capture various segments of the market. Consumers now have a wide choice for the selection of televisions. The present study is an empirical research done on factors influencing the behaviour of the customers towards LCD Televisions of a selected city. A random sample was selected from the selected areas and a questionnaire was prepared for the research process & to analyze the data. The main findings reveal that physical features, operational features, promotional features and word of mouth are the main factors which tend to influence the buying decision in a positive manner-to increase the sales of the product, whereas the price and brand name have a negative influence on the behaviour.

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Acknowledgement...2Acknowledgeme nt.. 2

Abstract .................................................................................................... .....3

List of Charts ......5

Introduction .Introduction....6

Body of f Thesis .....7

Methodology ......11

Research DesignResearch ...........12


Findings & Analysis of Data ..............13

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Recommendations ..............................22

Limitation ....23

Appendix ...........................................................................................................24

Reference ............... ....33

LIST OF CHARTS Name of the Chart

Number of respondents

Page no.

5.a 5.b 5.c

13 14 15

% of respondents having TVs Frequency of LCD TV purchased (as per brand) Frequency of LCD TV purchased (as per screen size in inches) % of features of LCD TV preferred Factors influencing Purchase of LCD TV Budget (in rs.) for future purchase of LCD TV

5.d 5.e 5.f

16 17 18


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Best advertisement promotion


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1.1 Purpose
The project is expected to throw light into various factors which affect consumers purchase decisions, while buying LCD TV, & demographic profile of customers in Ahmedabad.Aligarh This study can play a major role for organizations while planning its marketing activities & decide on the promotions for the same. Moreover, the study is going to provide meaningful insights to students, who will be doing similar study in future.

1.2 Nature of Study

The study is based on a combination of primary & secondary data & thus will be able to analyse various major factors which affects the purchase decisions regarding consumer durables, namely LCD TVs for various area segments.

1.3 Nature of Project

As in the study, various customers are interviewed, this project is expected to serve valuable information, regarding the various factors affecting consumers purchase decisions for consumer durables mainly LCD TVs in AhmedabadAligarh, the project is undertaken in Ahmedabad Aligarh & may not hold completely relevant for other zones of the country, where the demographic factors are different.

1.4 Overview

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The study is provide a brief knowledge on the demographics elements present in the market of AhmedabadAligarh, & its effects on the purchase decisions on LCD TVs ,& major factors, or a combination of factors which affects the consumers purchase decision for the same.

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2.1.1 Liquid-Crystal Display Televisions Liquid-crystal display televisions (LCD TV) are television sets that use LCD technology to produce images. LCD televisions are thinner and lighter than Cathode Ray Televisions (CRTs) of similar display size, and are available in much larger sizes as well. This combination of features made LCDs more practical than CRTs for many roles, and as manufacturing costs fell their eventual dominance of the television market was all but guaranteed. In 2008, LCD televisions surpassed sales of CRT-based televisions worldwide for the first time, and its sales figures relative to other technologies are accelerating. LCD TVs are quickly displacing the only major competitors in the large-screen market, the plasma display panel and rear-projection television. LCDs are, by far, the most widely produced and sold television technology today, pushing all other technologies into niche roles. 2.1.2 Liquid Crystal Display A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat panel used for electronically displaying information such as text, images, and moving pictures. Its uses include monitors for computers, televisions, instrument panels, and other devices ranging from aircraft cockpit displays, to every-day consumer devices such as video players, gaming devices, clocks, watches, calculators, and telephones. Among its major features are its lightweight construction, its portability, and its ability to be produced in much larger screen sizes than are practical for the construction of cathode ray tube (CRT) display technology. Its low electrical power consumption enables it to be used in battery-powered electronic equipment. It is an electronically-modulated optical device made up of any number of pixels filled with liquid crystals and arrayed in front of a light source (backlight) or reflector to produce images in colour or monochrome. The earliest discovery leading to the development of LCD technology, the discovery of liquid crystals, dates from 1888. By 2008, worldwide sales of televisions with LCD screens had surpassed the sale of CRT units.

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Indian Television Brands

Chinese Television Brands

Korean Television Brands

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Japanese Television Brands

Other Country brands


- Holland - USA


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In todays competitive scenario, business organizations in India are most worried about the future uncertainty. An increasing number of market planners are finding that growing complexity and uncertainty of the environment are difficult to cope up. Behavioural dimension added new complexity to marketing people. Still, there is no other alternative but to face this situation. Organizations are continuously facing new equations in their operating environment in every direction (Bettis & Hitt, 1995). Complex competitive status, vulnerable demand forecast, varying consumer preference, existence of too many brands, changing attitude of channel intermediaries, shortening of the product lifecycle, (Hammer, 1997) are making marketing decisions extremely difficult and risky. And here comes the role of multidimensional analysis of a particular field. In television market, situation is no way better. Television, as a product, is getting the status of essential commodity inviting complicacies and uncertainties. TV market has also one unique problem. It is on a developing phase. A shift from rural to urban sector is continuously going on. Residential areas in metros, mini metros, cities, towns and small towns are growing at faster rate. Industrialization, infrastructure development, and extension of areas under amusement and entertainment are creating huge scope for further market growth. Social developments of community and upcoming upper middle class with increasing purchasing power have marked this field as an area of additional complicacies and uncertainties. In view of the growing importance and market (Porter, 1980) it is proposed to carry out a study covering factors affecting the consumer buying behaviour for television. CTVs are mainly two types, namely Flat-panel TVs and Front Projection TVs. On the basis of display mode, they are classified into LCD, Plasma, DLP, and SXRD or LCOS. The 14", 20" and 21" televisions are the most widely used which accounts for about 90% of the market in India. Flat screen television is the fastest growing segment. Keeping this

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in view we have restricted our study to these Flat-panel TVs only as Front-projection TVs are not televisions in the most obvious sense. The vital features that are considered by a consumer before buying a Flat-panel TV set includes: sound quality, DVD connection, remote control facility, discount availability, durability, built in stabilizer, foreign collaboration, proximity of dealers, price, picture quality etc. When more than a dozen brands are aggressively pushing for a larger chunk of the market claiming that they go well beyond picture quality and sound clarity; going for the right model is all the more tough. There are several units in the market that can be analyzed. Our main thrust in this study is the consumer and their perception towards choosing LCD Television. Keeping all these aspects in view, we have analyzed the attitude of the consumers on the basis of the attributes, preferable brand, sound quality, durability, recommendations, price, advertisement etc.

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The research was to be conducted in mainly four stages:

3.1 - STAGE 1: Identifying the Problem

a) A primary survey was done by informally interviewing few individuals who had purchased LCD televisions recently. b) Inputs, about the basic (Generic) factors that they consider purchasing LCD televisions were gathered. c) Various materials published in similar studies were consulted. d) Key factors & the kind of data required for successful completion were being identified.

3.2 - STAGE 2: Collecting Suitable Data

a) A questionnaire was framed while considering both the key & the generic factors, which affects consumer purchase decisions. b) Customers are classified according to two segments according to their area of residence.

3.3 - STAGE 3 : Analysing & interpreting the collected Data

a) A data sheet is being formatted by feeding the collected information into excel sheet systematically.

3.4 - STAGE 4 : Writing the Report

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a) etailed report has been made as per the analysis from time to time in a most possible proper, convenient & scientific format by applying suitable higher order statistical procedures to define & interpret the required information.

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4.1 Objective: To study consumer behaviour towards LCD Televisions in AhmedabadAligarh.

4.2 Sampling:
As the study demand, the questionnaires were filled by respondents from various segments of the city.

4.3 The Sample size :

The sample size was 160, which was divided into two parts Eastern AhmedabadCivil line area of Aligarh & Western Ahmedabad& Rest of area of Aligarh.

4.4 Type of Sampling Design:

Non-Probability Sampling :( Convenience Sampling) The sample design for the survey is convenience-sampling method. This method is selected by considering time factor for the survey and population.

4.5 Data Collection:

4.5.1 Primary Data

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This study is mostly based on Primary data collected, & information received directly in the process of the survey. 4.5.2 Secondary Data As the topic of the thesis is comparatively different & related to consumer behaviour of specific geographic area, thus finding adequate amount of relevant data had been a challenge. Still, some websites, & books on Market Research had been referred for finding out the factors & helped a lot in the process of Questionnaire designing.

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44 16

56 & ABOVE





AGE GROUP ( in years)

In our questionnaire we have divided ages in 5 groups. As per our survey we found that we have got maximum respondents from the age group of 26 t0 35. They responded in a very positive manner as they are young, enthusiastic and the most important is that they are aware of the features of LCD TV, price, and advanced technological updates available in LCD TV.

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Field Code Changed

More number of people is having LCD TV because of its features like picture quality, sound quality, less space consuming. Price is also one of the important factors which attract consumers to purchase LCD TV. As there is a neck to neck competition between various brands of LCD and CRT TV prices are also competitive. This is an advantage for people they can go for the option of LCD TV with their desired features even though with low budget. LCD is also preferred by the people for its feature of less space consuming. As the area of home is decreasing people have more tendencies to purchase equipment that can be adjusted with small space. Also large 24% of people have CRT TV. CRT TV has also its own features that, those who want home theatre system for them LCD TV can not serve their purpose. The Woofer & Dolby sound quality are the unique features of CRT TV so CRT TV is also preferred by consumer. There are 48 % of consumers who are having more than 1 TV at their home. They have both CRT and LCD TV. Due to variety of channels availability there are conflicts in the family for watching selective programme at a selected time. This is the major reason that

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we found in our survey that why people have more than 1 TV at home. Another common reason is the privacy of an individual in a family. In our survey we have found 5% of the people do not have TV at their home. When we inquired for the reason, the major findings came out is that they do not want to purchase TV only because they feel their childrens study might be affected because of it.

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Field Code Changed

People have a tendency to purchase specific brand Television of television. This shows brand loyalty. In our survey for LCD TVs we have also found that people have whole range of electronics of a particular brand. They have trust on a particular brand. Sony, one of the oldest brands is one of them. Currently it is 27% of the total LCD market. Samsung is also closely in competition with 24% market share. Because of advance technology and features, Samsung makes it withstand in competition with Sony.

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2% 4% 0% 4%
13% 15% 17'' 21''

7% 20%


37'' 35%
42'' 46''


32 is the most popular size of LCD TV of any company. People are more comfortable with this size of TV for domestic purpose. Next comes in the popular choice is 26. As per the total area available in the house these two sizes of TV are more popular. There are very few people who have 46 and 52 inches TV. Here the root cause for this is the size of home only. Budget is not constraint for them. Some people have large screen TV for commercial purpose, e.g. hospitals or clinic or institutes.

LCD TV Price List (in Rs.) BRAND NAME


Size 26

Size 32

Size 37

28200 33,200

39,500, 51,500 41,500

59,400 62,400
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46,500 52,500 67,500 45,900 48900 48900



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Field Code Changed

Picture quality has got the highest ranking among the features of LCD TV followed by sound quality, large screen, less space consuming, add on facility & price. People are more conscious about the quality of pictures rather than price or other features. LCD TV falls under the category of luxurious goods. As the purchasing power of the people has increased, people are more concentrating on the quality of the products rather than price.

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3% 3% 0% 11%







Brand name attached with LCD TV is the most important feature on which consumer behaviour largely depends. Price and model diversity is second in a queue. People are more brands conscious as it is a long term asset and they are not ready to change it frequently. They are ready to pay higher price but, they want durability feature. Advertisement is also contributing in the purchase behaviour of the LCD TVs. Brand ambassador also play major role in this. During our survey we also found some brand loyal consumers who always purchase the same brand electronic items.

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Field Code Changed

Budget for purchase of LCD TV has very large range. It starts from Rs. 25000 to more than Rs. 120000. Majority of the people are falling into the budget range of Rs.45000 to Rs.60000. This range again depends upon the brand which they want to purchase. Those who are brand conscious they are ready to pay higher limit of the range of Rs.60000 also. Few people are feature conscious, they will prefer lower range of Rs.45000 as LCD TVs can avail all the features with a small budget also.

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Field Code Changed

According to respondents Samsung is top or the town in terms of sales promotion. People can easily remember Samsung brand because of his brand ambassador, Aamir Khan. Videocon advertisement is also nowadays famous for bright green coloured Jelly and soft look. Haier is famous for its punch line that is Inspired Living and also beautifully designed pink coloured hoardings.

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We have done survey for consumer behaviour on LCD TV in AhmedabadAligarh taking a sample size of 160 people. From the survey we could find that there are many features which influence an individual to buy and not to buy certain type of TV. There is also difference of opinion between various age group of people and also number of respondents those who has actually taken interest in giving their feed back. Between the age group of 26-35 maximum people have responded. We have also found that many people are brand conscious. We met one family who is brand conscious for electronic equipment. All the electronic appliances that are available with that family is of Sony brand only. In our survey we also found that 27% of the people like LCD TVs of Sony brand only. There is also specific choice for size and feature of the LCD TV. People are more comfortable with 32 (35%) and their priority for the features of LCD TV is picture quality (35%). Advertisement has also impact on the brand recall and purchasing behaviour of the consumer. Samsung and LG are the two brands whose advertisement is most popular in consumer. Brand ambassadors are playing key role in the sales promotion through advertisements. There are also some specific features came into the sight. There is a huge market of LCD TV as per latest trend. It is also a status symbol for the consumer. But, still CRT TV is also having space in the drawing room of many homes. People may have more than one TV at their homes which includes both LCD TVs as well as CRT TVs. LCD TV has unique features but still people have the tendency to retain their old CRT TVs. During the conversation with the respondents regarding the reason for possessing have both types of TVs, different perception of the people came into light. 2% of them said LCD TV can not support Dolby sound system or home theatre system. Around 25% of the people responded like there is an emotional attachment with that CRT TVs as it is a vintage for them. Around 50% of the people want to keep it with them as they are not getting an expected resale value. LCD TVs has catered huge market because of its unique feature like picture quality, sound quality less space consuming, and of course price. As price of LCD TV and CRT TV are almost similar, people are now moving towards purchase of LCD TVs. LCD TVs has also become a status symbol for the people, which also influence the people to buy LCD TV.

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eople seem to be happy with present features available in the LCD TV as they have suggested no new feature recommendations.

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Different requirements to address urban and semi urban population. Products need to address Indian working environment. Innovations in advertising and promotions. Advertisements should focus more on factors like picture quality & sound quality. The distribution channel should be even stronger, even in rural areas. Growing urbanization, & increase in the number of nuclear families are creating a huge wave of opportunities for the LCD TV market. This trend is also very much prevalent in AhmedabadAligarh, thus marketers should emphasize on the major factors affecting consumers purchase decision, so that they can create a visibility & positive image in the mind of the customer

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The study is expected to give meaningful insights but can still suffer from some basic limitations as mentioned below: 1. Time Constraint As the time given to complete the project is lesser than actual time required completing similar studies, the quality of findings may get affected. 2. Sample Size & Nature The sample size estimated is 160, thus the findings from the same may not be representative of the actual population. We have selected Western & Eastern AhmedabadAligarh as our survey area and therefore the report is based on behaviour people living in Western & Eastern part of AhmedabadAligarh. 3. Classifying Income Segments Getting required number of respondents belonging to each income segment may be tough. As unless somebody is filling up the questionnaires, its not possible to accurately guess the income class the respondent is belonging to. 4. Respondents Bias Some respondents may not state their actual income,& thus under/overstatement of the same is possible. Moreover some respondents might also not state their actual reasons while making purchase decisions (e.g. Price), due to their ego states.

All the above limitations can affect the actual collected data, but care has been taken to minimize such discrepancies. Above all the limitations this study is expected to be useful with minimum possible errors & discrepancies.

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IWe am the students of STEVENS BUSINESS SCHOOLAligarh Muslim University, Kalol are doing study on consumer behaviour pattern on LCD television. We would like to request you to fill up the questionnaire given below. Your valuable feedback will help us in completing our project with the analysis of actual test and preference of consumer for LCD television.

Name: Area of residence:

________________________ ________________

1. Which age group you belonging to? 20 - 25 36 - 45 [ [ ] ] ] 26 - 35 46 - 55 [ [ ] ]

56 and above [

2. What is your profession? Student Service Others [ ] [ ] Businessman Housewife [ [ ] ]

[ ]

3. Do you have television at your home? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If answer of question no.3 is Yes than go to question no. 4?

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If answer of question no.3 is No than go to question no. 7?

4. Which type of TV do you have? LCD TV [ ] Cathode Ray Tube (Regular) [ ]

If you have LCD TV then go to next question, otherwise go to question no.16

5. Which brand of LCD TV you have? ---------------------------------------------

6. What size (in inches) of LCD TV screen you have? ------------------------------------------------ Now go to question no. 13

7. Are you planning to purchase TV in near future? Yes [ ] No [ ]

8. Which brand of TV comes to your mind when you hear the word TV? __________________________

9. Which type of TV would you like to purchase? LCD TV [ ] Cathode Ray Tube (Regular) [ ]

If you want to buy LCD TV then go to next question, otherwise go to question no.16

10. What is your budget (in Rs.) for purchasing TV?

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25000 - 45000 60000 - 80000

[ [

] ] ]

45000 60000 80000 100000

[ [

] ] ]

100000 120000 [

More than 120000 [

11. Are you aware of features of LCD TV? Yes [ ] No [ ]

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12. Which brands of LCD TV you know? LG Sony Haier Philips Panasonic [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Samsung Videocon Onida BPL [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

If other, please specify ______________

13. What size of LCD TV screen you will prefer for your home? 15inch 20inch 32inch 42inch 57inch [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] 19inch 26inch 37inch 46inch [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

14. Which feature of LCD TV you like the most? Price [ ] ] ] Picture quality [ Large screen [ ] ] ]

Sound Quality [ Add on Facility [

Less space consuming [

15. Which factors attract you to purchase of the LCD Televisions? Price Brand Name Reputation of the company [ [ [ ] ] ]
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Model Diversity After sales service Word of mouth from friends and relatives Dealer If other please specify ______________

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]

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16. Which advertisement of LCD TV you like the most? LG Sony [ [ ] ] Samsung Videocon [ [ ] ]

If other please specify ______________

17. Would you like to suggest your friends or relative to purchase LCD TV? Yes [ ] No [ ]

We are thankful to you for sparing your precious time with us. Your feed back will be fruitful to us for fulfilling our objective of studying consumer behaviour on lcd tv.

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We I am the students of STEVENS BUSINESS SCHOOLAligarh Muslim University, Kalol I am are doing study on consumer behaviour pattern on LCD television. We would like to request you to fill up the questionnaire given below. Your valuable feedback will help us in completing our project with the analysis of actual test and preference of consumer for LCD television.

Name: Area of residence: Mobile No

________________________ ________________
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold, Underline

1. Which age group you belonging to? 20 - 25 36 - 45 [ [ ] ] ] 26 - 35 46 - 55 [ [ ] ]

Formatted: Font: Bold

56 and above [

2. What is your profession? Student Service Others [ ] [ ] Businessman Housewife [ [ ] ]

[ ]

3. Which brands of TV comes to your mind when you hear the word TV? (max. 5) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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4. Do you have television (TV) at your home? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If answer of question no.4 is Yes then go to question no.5? If answer of question no.4 is No then go to question no.9?

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5. Where did you purchase it from? Company showroom Mall Wholesale market Retail Market [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ________________

Any other please specify

6. Which type of TV do you have? LCD TV [ ] Cathode Ray Tube (Regular) [ ]

If you have LCD TV then go to next question, otherwise go to question no.9

7. Which brand of LCD TV you have? ---------------------------------------------

8. What size (in inches) of LCD TV screen you have? ---------------------------------

9. Are you planning to purchase TV in near future? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If YES then go to next question, otherwise go to question no.15

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10. Which type of TV would you like to purchase? LCD TV [ ] Cathode Ray Tube (Regular) [ ]

If you want to buy LCD TV then go to next question, otherwise go to question no.18

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11. What is your budget (in Rs.) for purchasing TV? 25000 - 45000 60000 - 80000 [ [ ] ] ] 45000 60000 80000 100000 [ [ ] ] ]

100000 120000 [

More than 120000 [

12. Are you aware of features of LCD TV? Yes [ ] No [ ]

13. Which brands of LCD TV you know? LG Sony Haier Philips Panasonic [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Samsung Videocon Onida BPL [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

If other, please specify ______________

14. What size of LCD TV screen you will prefer for your home? 15inch 20inch 32inch 42inch 57inch [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] 19inch 26inch 37inch 46inch [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

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15. Which feature of LCD TV you like the most? (Rank from 1 to 6, 1 being most liked feature) Price [ ] ] Picture quality [ Large screen ] [ ] ]

Sound Quality [

Add on Facility [Facility [ consuming [ ]

Less space

16. Which factors attract you to purchase of the LCD Televisions? Price Brand Name Model Diversity Advertisement Word of mouth from friends and relatives Dealer If other please specify ______________ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ]

17. Are you satisfied with your current LCD TV? Yes [Yes [ ] No [No [ ]

If No, then Why?__________________________________

18. Which advertisement of LCD TV you like the most? (Rank from 1 to 4, 1 being the most like) LG Sony [ [ ] ] Samsung Videocon [ [ ] ]

If other please specify ______________

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19. Wouldwould you like to suggest your friends or relative to purchase LCD TV? Yes [ ] No [ ]

We are thankful to you for sparing your precious time with us. Your feed back will be fruitful to us for fulfilling our objective of studying consumer behavioubehaviourr on lcdLCD tvTV.

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