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analytics cloud mobile Social Loyalty programs management and marketing research Marketing Sales Customer engagement HR Productivity

enhancement Crowdsourcing Health and wellness16 Sustainability Personal Finance Game industry - $66B Games are powerful Behavioral Internal Specific Applications Why it might be valuable External15 E-business An emerging business practice

Virtual goods is groing and at least 100,000 people living like virtual gold farmer in the world Chicken & egg problem Engagement gap "Level up" Progression Social Habit Why/when to Gamefy?

Emcompasses many techniques Gamification can motivate Autonomy/Control Think of the people as players Bernard Suits Pre-Lusory Goal Constitutive Rules Lusory Attitude Voluntary Overcoming obstacles Huzinga Virtual Environment Schiller - Play is the aimless expenditure of exuberant energy Play santayana - Play is whatever is done spantaneously and for its own sake Vygotsky - creates a zone of proximal development of the child. In play a child always behaves beyond his average age. Composed of Roger Callois Opposition Salen & Zimmerman - Play is free movement within a more rigid structure Hoffman - Closd formal system, that engages players on a structured conflict and resolves in an unequal outcome Game Fun Meier - series of meaningful choices Mallaby - domain contrived contigency that generates interoperable outcomes Schell - problem solving activity approached with a playful attitude Play is doing whatever you want, but it's within some structure. There are some limits. Inside this world you can be yourself and try out anything and just goof off Game Design Techniques Game vs Play A game is a series of meaningful choises, is a problem-solving activity, approached with a playful attitude. It's a branching path where we have a set of choices. And each choice leads to various outcomes. And whatever we do, it produces some result. And this is the goal of the game, moving through that pathway. Games involve learning or problem solving. If they don't, they're play. Play can just be spontaneous energy. Games have some structure, some objectives, and at some level there has to be a challenge, which is a problem to be solved. Gamification is learn from games, find elements from games that enhance the experience that you having. Find the meaningful core of those experiences and them more rewarding, create great motivation, but not pull you out of the realworld. Listening to what games can teach us. Learning from game design, marketing, psycology, management, economics, etc Gamification recognizes that fun is powerful. Guides Highlighting Feedback Limited Options Limited Monsters Impossible to Fail NO MANUAL Training Scaffolding Onboarding Path Lessons from What it is Gamification is about finding things that are not boring in work and using game

get your players playing, and keep them playing Goofing off1

Problem-solving Exploring Chilling teamwork Recognition Triumphing Collecting Surprise Imagination Sharing Role-playing Customization Winning 1 - Easy Fun 2 - Hard fun 3 - People fun 4 - Serious fun Sensation Fantasy Narrative Challenge Fellowship Discovery Expression Submission Marc Leblanc Anatomy of Fun Nicole Lazzaro

What is a Game

What is Gamification

Voluntariness is a essencial key feature of games. "Whoever must play cannot play. If you're forced to do something it's not a game." It's specially important when we try to gamification in enterprises and in the workplace. Psychology Design Strategy Technology Systems Thinking

Pathways to Mastery Big Picutre Constraints Emotions Narrative Progression Relationships Challenge Chance Competition Feedback Resource Acquisition Reqards Transactions Turns Win States Achievements Avatars Badges Boss Fights Collections Combat Content Unlocking Gifting Leaderboards Levels Points Quests Social Graph Teams Vitual Goods Points Badges Leaderboards The elements are not the game Not all rewards are fun not all fun is rewarding It's complicated Observation Feedback loops Reinforcement Watch what people do where you are how to get to the next step Apointment mechanic3 Adiction Potential for abuse/manipulation Hedonic treadmill4 Overemphasis on Status Tangible/intangible Expected/unexpected Task non-contingent Engagement-contingent5 Completion-contingent6 Performance-contingent7 Continuous Fixed ratio Fixed interval Competitive/non Certain/non Intrinsic Rewards Status Access Power Stuff Rewards substitutes for the intrinsic motivation Competence Autonomy/control Relatedness Purposive Human centered Balance Analytical & creative Iterative List & Rank possible objetives Target behaviours10 Eliminate means to ends11 Target audience What motivates them? Bartle Player types12 engagement loops13 Rising and falling action14 Action loops Don't forget the fun Deploy the appropriate tools Doing Feeling Two approaches Devise activity loops Describe D6 steps The Design Process9 Defne Delineate Self-determination theory Rewards SAPS8 Extrinsic Rewards Variable Reward schedules Cognitivism Contingency Motivational Design Resources Reality is Broken PROBLEMS Gamification Wiki from Coursera Steve Keil - A Play Manifesto Fun is the Future: Mastering Gamification Importance of Feedback Behaviorism Positive Psychology Flow Stimulus/Response There's no best way History of Gamification Games for Change PBL problems The PBL Triads Game Elements Serious Games Iniciative Non Gamefied Environment Components How to Do it Effectively Game Elements The Pyramid of Gamification elements2 "Im a Game Designer" Mechanics Dynamics Making everything a game

Making everything an immersive 3D virtual world as World of Warcraft or Second Life any games in the workspace use games or toys in business. Ex Mac Donalds monopoly, it does not involve integration of game elements into a business process.

What it is not Gamification

simulations - They are purpose built to create an immersive experience that puts a person into an environment, and that's different from hinking about what can be taken from games and put into the existing environment to change it, to make it feel more engaging, and to create better motivation. just for marketing or customer engagement - some people think that gamification is getting people to buy things or getting people to be more engaged with companies just points, badges and leaderboards is not just game theory - game theory has a deep relationship to games and therefore to gamification but it's something different. Game theory is a set of algorithms, and formulas, and quantitative techniques for analyzing strategic decision-making. Game theory is more about defining formal models, and mathematical structures to analyse behaviors. Badges Avatars Points Leaderboard Rewards Challenges Real time feedback Behavioral Loop

Gamefication (Coursera)

Game Design Techniques

Artistic Approach Competitive framework montlhy sales - challenge Some objective other than success in the game frequent flyer programs tiers - levels weight watchers group - team free coffee after ten purchases - rewards Amex platinum card - badges

Militar Exercises Private Companies Training

"Peace Maker" (about Arab Israeli Conflict)

Gamefication Plataforms (Service providers that employed game elements to help companies promote engagement or other business goals Gamification becoming popular Jesse Schell DICE 2010 Presentation Jane McGonigal TED 2010 Presentation

Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps Game-Based Marketing: Inspire Customer Loyalty Through Rewards, Challenges, and Contests Super Better IFFT Positive Psychology SEHIs Investigate your MP - UK Raph Koster - The Theory of Fun Bartle's Player Types Wikipedia

Jesse Schell - The Art of Game Design: a book of lenses

1) Goofing off
Just beign fun

2) The Pyramid of Gamification elements

Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc & Robert Zubek MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research

3) Apointment mechanic
Farmville. time to get back

4) Hedonic treadmill
people learn to respond to the reward. No reward, no behaviour

5) Engagement-contingent
when you start something

6) Completion-contingent
when you finish something

7) Performance-contingent
how well you did the task

Gabe Zichermann - Gamefication by Design

9) The Design Process

Roger Martin

10) Target behaviours

Be specific!Success metrics! "win states"Analytics

11) Eliminate means to ends

Badges are not objectives!

12) Bartle Player types

Acting x interactingPlayer x World

13) engagement loops

Something to do... quests Motivation > action > feedback > over again

14) Rising and falling action

onboarding > climbing > rest > climbing > rest> climbing boss fight

15) External
Exemplos Club Psych Utiliza alguns aspectos da srie de TV nos elementos de gamification dentro do site, deixando de ser implementaes genricas, dando a sim impresso de que um complemento da srie.

Microsoft Utilizou o gamefication para traduzir o Windows para dezenas de lnguas diferentes. Convidou funcionrios do mundo inteiro para traduzir pequenas partes do software com o pretesto "essa sua oportunidade de realmente fazer parte de sua empresa". Com a presena de um leaderboard, os funcionrios comearam a competir quais encontravam o maior nmero de erros. Radar de velocidade (The Fun O governo da Sucia implantou um sistema teste que as pessoas participaram em uma loteria toda vez que passavam abaixo da velocidade nos radares. Isso fez com que os carros diminuissem 22% a velocidade por causa da chance de ganhar algum dinheiro.

16) Health and wellness

Dar motivao para a pessoa vencer uma barreira.

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