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Crimson Dawn

Public Relations Department New York Sector March 5th - 2013 - Dadhici Divas

Struggle is the essence of life. Yours should be a pauseless struggle against corruption, hypocricy and animality. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Human society is not a flower but a garden with innumerable flowers with so many scents and so many varieties. We should take proper care of this garden of civilization of each and every flower. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti In order to do good to humanity and wipe out exploitation one will have to work collectively in every stratum of life. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Every atom of this universe is the joint property of all living beings. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Edited by: Ac. Vimaleshananda Avt. Sectorial Public Relations Secretary Published by: Ac. Vimalananda Avt. Sectorial Secretary - New York Sector

Inclusion and Exclusion by Ac. Vimaleshananda Avt.

Human beings are social in nature. They like to associate and they form groups as a natural tendency. Whether the group is a formal family, an extended family, an informal family, an association, a club, an organization or a corporation, the natural tendency to form groups remains even in environments where it may appear that living alone gives better chances of survival or prosperity. Since the time of the first humans they discovered that they could face the brunt of nature in a better way by associating themselves in clans or tribes. Today with the advancement of technology and communication we are talking of one global community on this earth. We are all included in the same extended family. Yet the natural tendency to form groups is now operating in an opposite direction. It is eroding the social connectivity of this global family. People tend to isolate themselves in order to save their habits or ideas, privileges and hard sweated positions. It is a real contradiction that is causing tremendous suffering for humanity at the mental and also at the physical level. What is the remedy? How to break all these physical and mental boundaries that are painfully segregating humans confined in their ego shell? There are fundamentally two lines that bring to the same positive result. The first is to encourage spiritual practices in order to bring the mental level to embrace a universal sentiment. The second is to encourage universal social service in order to respond to the needs of the collectivity generated by natural and man-made calamities. Both lines go hand in hand and pave the way to a new society where happiness for all is the goal. For reaching this goal a positive philosophy of life is a necessity. Nobody should feel inferior or superior. Everybody is important in the global family. Everybody has a role in it, whether positive or negative. Everybody is divine in essence, endowed with the same spiritual primordial gift and right to liberation. Now Ananda Marga as a spiritual society wishes to include everybody in this endeavor. Although it encourages vegetarianism and spiritual practices it cannot create a rigid division between those who follow and those who dont. Ananda Marga is not and will never be a religion that divides sheep in blacks and white. Rather it will consider all shades of grey with long or short hair, old or young, providing them with the necessities according to circumstances. Nature includes the whole creation and the scope of Ananda Marga cant be limited to a part of it. It has to include all. There is one word that we use and we see printed as part of the social custom. It is Welcome. It should be printed in our hearts so that we dont discriminate, we dont segregate, we dont divide, we dont exclude in order to save our privileges and egos. Welcome to a new baby that is born on this earth. Welcome to a new member of this universal family. Welcome to Ananda Marga the path of bliss. The path for the whole creation to be One.

INDEX Pag. 4 -Svarnanakula Katha as told by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in 1966 Pag. 7 - AMURT - Relief and service all-over the world Pag. 8 - The Passion of Lord Anandamurtiji - A Book by Ac. Abhidevananda Avt. Pag. 9 - Volunteers The Spirit of Service Pag. 10 - Quin se rob el tiempo? Pag. 14 - My Visit to Ananda Nagar by Bhagwanti Pag. 17 - March 5, 1967: The Five First Dadhici and the History of the Word Dadhiici By Bhaeravii Devi and Ac .Bhaskarananda Avt. Pag. 21 - Natural Liver Cleansing January 2013 - Pag. 3

Svarnanakula Katha as told by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in 1966

Yudhisthira was performing Rajasuya Yajina.(1) Kings, courtiers, men and women from all over had come to witness the great performance of King Yudhisthira. Shrii Krsna was also present there. Suddenly a mongoose entered the place of the yajina. Everything about this mongoose was unusual. Half of its body was golden, but the other half was like that of any other mongoose. The mongoose started rolling all over the place, and repeatedly rubbed every portion of its body to the earth of the place. People around were awe-struck what was the mongoose doing? And then as if to bring its wondrous actions to a climax, the mongoose stood up and yelled in a very disgusted tone, Useless! Absolutely useless is this yajina! Nothing compares with that yajina which I had the fortune to attend. Futile is all this here! And he left the place. People there were so taken aback that they just could not believe all that had happened. With expectations of some explanation of the mystery surrounding the mongoose, people looked eagerly at Shrii Krsna. Shrii Krsna then said, Long ago I heard about a certain very pious family. I had a desire to test their piety. The family consisted of a father, a mother, their son and the sons wife. The father would go out and ask for alms from the people in the area and whatever would be got out of this, the whole family would share it. Suddenly there occurred a famine in the area. The father was not able to get anything in alms for days together. On one of those days of hardship, when it was sure that if nothing could be gotten, that day itself the entire family would die of starvation, the father was able to get a handful of chatu.(2) On returning home he gave the chatu to his wife and said, All of us are so hungry, and this much chatu is hardly enough for one of us. Better therefore to divide it into four parts; otherwise I know in hunger I would definitely eat more and you would willingly offer me others shares too! And so, by the time you make a paste of the chatu, I will finish my bath. Shrii Krsna continued his narration to Yudhisthira and the people around, The old man was about to finish his bath when I reached there and said, I am so hungry! Please, if you have something, give it to me or I will die right here! The Brahman and his hungry family were in a similar condition, but pious and righteous January 2013 - Pag. 4

that the old man was, how could he say that there wasnt any food? So he said, Yes, we have something for you. Please do come in. I followed the old man to the house. I was offered water to wash myself and then a proper seat was given to me. The old man then went into the next room and said to his wife in a low voice, God has sent a guest to us, but the food is so little! I think my share should be given to the honourable guest. At this his wife said, What do you mean? I know well that you are very weak. If you do not eat today itself, you will not survive. And you are so important to the family. Not your share, but my share, should be given to the guest. Hardly had the mother finished when the son said, [I am very young.] But both of you are old and weak. I can very well live days together without food. So I will take my food to the guest. And immediately the sons wife added, I am the youngest of all and so can tolerate hunger better than anyone. So to save the life of my elders, my food must be given to the guest. Lets not delay, he is waiting for his food. Shrii Krsna continued, And so there was quite a fight for the first sacrifice, though knowing full well that a sacrifice here meant death. Finally, no solution coming up and the guest getting delayed, the old man said, Now look here, this is my order. My food must be given to the guest. So the old mans share of the chatu was brought before me. I was so hungry that naturally I finished that small amount of food within no time. The old man understood that my hunger was not satisfied. My host then brought his wifes share to me. This too I finished and looked hungrily at my host. The sons share was then served to me. This I also gulped down, then asked, Havent you got anything more? And then the share of the sons wife was also placed before me. This satisfied my hunger. I then thanked the noble old man and his family and blessed them, Kalyanamastu [Let there be welfare], and left the place. Some time after my departure, the members of that great family died of starvation. There in that very house lived this mongoose. He saw this great sacrifice, this great yajina. Seeing all this, he was moved to his very depths. He was overwhelmed. He prayed, O Great Lord! You gave me birth as a mongoose, but you have also shown me such a great thing! Lord, how fortunate I am, how blessed I am to have seen this great yajina! And with great feeling, he rolled on the floor of the room. All those portions of his body that were January 2013 - Pag. 5

touched by particles of chatu lying on the floor turned golden. But about half of his body did not. Since then, whenever the news of a great sacrifice or yajina reaches him, he definitely goes there and rubs his body on the earth of that place so that the other half of his body may also turn golden. But as yet such a thing has not happened to him. Shrii Krsna concluded, He heard somewhere that Yudhisthira was performing a great yajina. So he came here too. But as his body did not turn golden, he was disgusted to see what was just another show of sacrifice. And so he said, Useless, absolutely useless is this yajina. [Baba then said:] You know, the measure of sacrifice is not its quantity or its grandeur. A sacrifice should always be measured in terms of the circumstances in which it has been rendered. [Baba then asked:] Which character in this story is the greatest? [After a pause Baba said:] The old Brahman is the greatest for he is the one who made the others in his family so great! Footnotes (1) Literally Royal Sacrifice; a ceremony in which a king would give liberally of his possessions and would establish his hegemony over other kings. Eds. (2) Flour made from roasted gram (also called chick-pea or garbanzo) or sometimes roasted wheat or maize (corn). Eds. 25 February 1966 evening, Jamalpur

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AMURT - Relief and service all-over the world

Amurt is doing relief to those affected by floods in late January in XaiXai, Mozambique. At present we are serving hot porridge daily in one camp with 1650 people, about 174 families who evacuated from the low lands. Donations are accepted here:

In the Philippines local AMURT & AMURTEL volunteers responded to massive floods in early August in and around Manila. Throughout the month they distributed cooked food, bread, drinking water, and hygiene items to more than 10,000 people.

Like every year, Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) has distributed blankets to the people affected by cold wave. The programme of blanket distribution was targeted for the people of Purulia (Ramnagar) on 20th January 2013. 100 poor people of the Purulia were benefited .

Every weekend an inmate from Wake Correctional Center in Raleigh joins me to do kirtan, Prabhat Samgiita, and other spiritual songs, assisting at the Hallelujah Kitchen in Raleigh. The effort is spearheaded by Pastor Moges Abebe, and feeds about 60-80 homeless people each time. Pashupati

January 2013 - Pag. 7

The Passion of Lord Anandamurtiji - A Book by Ac. Abhidevananda Avt.

Preface Having recently witnessed and experienced the transition from corporeal to non-corporeal of Lord Anandamurtiji, I have been feeling the literary urge once more, this time in order to compose a paean unto Him. Though based on fact, this book is written from memory and consequently there may be occasional errors in respect to certain fine details, especially where the incidents related are derived from secondhand information. However, this book is not intended as a definitive history of Anandamurtijis life; rather it is an attempt to delve into some of the more salient mysteries of His life. The substance of this book is largely subjective and interpretive. That which is written here is by no means complete. Neither does it present the entirety of His Passion nor does it offer a complete analysis of the awe-inspiring events of His entire life or even of those particular events recorded here. The fact is that Baba is totally ineffable. In His own words, Anandamurtiji was a mystery, is a mystery, and will always be a mystery. Naturally, I cannot and therefore do not presume to offer myself as an authority on Lord Anandamurtiji. I do not want to suggest that I fully understand all or even a part of what He has done. In the final analysis only Anandamurtiji is qualified to make a conclusive statement about Anandamurtiji. By His Grace, He did analyze the lives of Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna, but regarding His incarnation as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, He said precious little of a direct nature. Thus the mystery, and thus our blissful attempts to unravel said mystery. These attempts, because they occupy the realm of better understanding our relationship to and with Him, come under the broad category of Mysticism. For those who may not be aware, the word Passion (with a capital P) denotes great suffering or sacrifice for a noble cause. In spiritual parlance this term is often used in reference to the method whereby a great personality has elected to leave her or his physical body. In this connection, one may be tempted to draw comparisons with past Spiritual Masters. This temptation I shall steadfastly resist. Finally, I wish to say by way of preface that this book should not be interpreted in a morbid or even a sorrowful fashion. Ever and always He was, is, and will be Anandamurti, the Embodiment of Bliss. Neither He nor we are this physical body. What often appears to the worldly mind as immense suffering proves to be sublimely sweet for one who knowingly and willingly makes the sacrifice. He has told us to be great by our spiritual endeavor, our service, and our sacrifice; and beyond a doubt He has set the ideal example for humanity in all these three respects. However, herein, I wish to address only the subject of His sacrifice as highlighted by His final days as a man residing on planet Earth. May this book be successful in amplifying His glory. ...... The Oath Who was Anandamurtiji? Today Anandamurtiji is Ananda Marga; but before He left us while He walked among us who was He? This is a question which may tantalize philosophers for many years to come. For me, when I sit in the rooms where He once gave Darshan or took reports, I simply wonder how such a small space could contain Him. The very fact that He ever lived among us, like an ordinary human being, has become like some kind of dream to me. If I contemplate any simple scene of natural beauty, then invariably I see reflected there one or another of His distinctive mannerisms. A bird flutters its wings, and His hands are manifest. A fishing boat glides slowly down the river, and once more Baba is walking before me.

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Who was Anandamurtiji? First of all He was a man who, in His darkest hour on earth, could boldly declare: I want to see sufficient change in every sphere of human existence while I am still in physical form. And secondly, He was a man who could demand from His followers on the eve of His death the following oath: All my energy, all my mind, all my thoughts, all my deeds are to be goaded unto the path of collective elevation of human society without neglecting other animate and inanimate objects right from this moment until the last point of my living on this earth. To take an oath in all seriousness one must feel that the one who demands that oath is worthy to do so. Anandamurtiji earned the right to demand from us this oath by being the first person ever to live according to such a selfless and one-pointed code. At the very least Anandamurtiji was a man who was totally committed to a noble cause. As God, He established Himself as a man; and as a man, he established himself as God. Ac. Abhidevananda Avadhuta

Volunteers - The Spirit of Service

Kids Worldwide is the prime volunteer placement agency of AMURT for children and education programs. Kids Worldwide helps to organise placements for international volunteers to get involved in over thirty childrens projects located in developing countries around the world. These projects are managed by organisations registered in the country in which they work. Point of Difference Kids Worldwide is different from the majority of other volunteer organisations in that they do not charge the projects any money for being on their website or for their services. This means that volunteers only pay for their food and accommodation to the project directors themselves, when they arrive thus directly benefiting the project they are going to help. There is no middle man and the cost is thus

very reasonable to volunteers.

January 2013 - Pag. 9

Quin se rob el tiempo?

Los Estados Unidos ofrecen una excelente oportunidad para estudiar los efectos de las polticas capitalistas neoliberales. Y, por qu los Estados Unidos? Hay varias razones, entre las principales estn: - Los Estados Unidos en el ltimo siglo han sido los lderes mundiales en varios frentes. Por buenas y malas razones y de forma positiva y negativa, en cuestiones econmicas, sociales e incluso ambientales, los Estados Unidos han marcado el paso al resto de los pases. Tal vez los Estados Unidos no hayan inventado el capitalismo, pero sin duda aqu es donde se desarroll con ms fuerza desde principios del siglo XX. Los Estados Unidos son una superpotencia (si no es que la superpotencia) y ofrecen un interesante caso prctico para ser estudiado. Su influencia en el resto del mundo hace que las lecciones aprendidas en el estudio de este pas sean transferibles, en cierta medida, a muchos otros pases del mundo. - Los Estados Unidos son el pas de las estadsticas y los nmeros relacionados a la economa estn disponibles pblicamente a quienquiera que tenga una conexin de internet. En otras palabras, un razn para estudiar a los Estados Unidos es que es fcil. Las grficas en este artculo provienen de una base de datos llamada Datos Econmicos de la Reserva Federal, o FRED por sus siglas en ingls. Y qu dice la historia de los Estados Unidos? Primero, que el pas en su conjunto ha tenido siete dcadas de muy alta prosperidad. La siguiente grfica muestra el crecimiento del Producto Interno Bruto de los Estados Unidos desde finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Sin embargo, en las noticias omos que los Estados Unidos tienen un gran dficit, es decir, una gran deuda. Los Estados Unidos deben mucho dinero. No es esto un poco contradictorio? Dnde esta todo esa riqueza que la grfica anterior muestra? El pueblo americano debe estar lleno de dinero, no? La siguiente grfica muestra los salarios como porcentaje de la economa. Es decir, si sumamos todo lo que ganan la gente que tiene un empleo en Estados Unidos y lo dividimos entre el PIB, esto es lo que encontramos:

January 2013 - Pag. 10

La grfica anterior nos indica que la riqueza generada en Estados Unidos cada vez menos llega a las manos de la gente con salario, es decir, a la gente que no es duea de una compaa. Para los dueos de las compaas, la historia es diferente. La siguiente grfica muestra a dnde realmente se ha ido el PIB de los Estados Unidos.

Y mientras las corporaciones hacen cada vez ms y ms dinero, el porcentaje de americanos con trabajo est en uno de los niveles ms bajos de las ltimas dcadas, segn lo vemos en la siguiente grfica. En otras palabras, los empleados americanos cada vez reciben menos dinero en su salario y cada vez les resulta ms difcil encontrar empleo. Los dueos del capital cada vez tienen ms dinero y cada vez lo comparten menos. Entonces, a dnde se fue el dinero? Han odo hablar del 1%?

January 2013 - Pag. 11

La siguiente grfica cmo ha crecido el ingreso promedio de los diferentes estratos socioeconmicos. En verde, el ingreso promedio del 1% ms rico de los Estados Unidos y en amarillo, el ingreso promedio el resto de nosotros, el 90% (datos de la Escuela de Economa de Pars). Como se ve, el PIB no est desapareciendo, sino que desde los 70s se est yendo a los bolsillos de las personas ms privilegiadas, cada vez a mayor velocidad.

January 2013 - Pag. 12

Significa esto que el vulgo, el pueblo, la banda, la gente comn y corriente de los Estados Unidos sigue manejando el mismo carro desde 1970? La respuesta, lo sabemos, es no. La gente sigue llena de cosas, tan consumista como siempre. Ms bien, ms consumista que nunca, cmo se explica? Ya para ahorita deberan saber que la respuesta se las voy a dar en forma de una grfica:

La grfica anterior muestra la historia de las personas que trabajan y tienen una familia. Estas son las personas que no tienen una empresa. Los hombres casados desde los aos 50 han trabajado alrededor de 40 horas por semana. La lnea punteada muestra cmo el nmero de horas que las mujeres casadas trabajan a la semana ha ido aumentando constantemente durante el mismo tiempo. En los 50s y 60s, era posible en los Estados Unidos mantener una familia de seis (dos paps y cuatro hijos, si no es que la suegra tambin) con una sola persona en la casa trabajando (generalmente el pap). Ahora, dos paps trabajan como locos para mantener a uno o dos hijos. Estos hijos crecen viendo a sus paps menos tiempo. Pap y mam pasan ms tiempo fuera de la casa y el tiempo que estn en la casa estn ms estresados. El costo social lo sabemos. La prdida no ha sido solamente monetaria como lo muestran las primeras grficas. El costo tambin lo estn pagando nuestros hijos. Quin les rob nuestro tiempo? Pero no nos engaemos, la responsabilidad sigue siendo nuestra. Por un lado, aparigraha, es decir, una vida frugal, nos puede ayudar a devolverle parte de nuestro tiempo a nuestros hijos. Por otro lado, la conciencia de los problemas socioeconmicos y su origen es importante si queremos algn da recomponer, revolucionar el sistema en el que estamos viviendo. Unindonos y educndonos ser la nica manera de vencer los grandes problemas que nuestra sociedad, la sociedad humana, enfrenta.

January 2013 - Pag. 13

My Visit to Ananda Nagar by Bhagwanti

I had been to Ananda Nagar for the first time. Luckily this year there was going to be Akhanda Kiirtan for one whole month, starting from December 1, 2012 to January 1, 2013. The dates to conduct DMS were still under discussion. I started from Delhi on December 18th and reached Ananda Nagar on the 19th and went straight to AMURT office, even though I was informed that there was no water, excepting well water to be bucketed and pulled. I was temporarily given a room. As soon as I entered the room, on the right side wall, there was a big picture of Baba, bright yellowish orange color with a most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I got a pleasant spiritual jolt. I felt I was in the presence of God. He was welcoming me to His abode. I stood there for sometime. I bowed to Him in gratitude. This was His Kripa (grace), how else could one experience that. Slowly, I started unpacking. After settling myself, I went out to a big Circular Pandal set up for Akhanda Kiirtan and the Kiirtan was going on. Ananda Nagar was still sparsely populated, as most of the crowd comes only during the last days of December. I did some Kiirtan and then went to the tent, not too far, setup for Margiis to have food. The food was cooked inside the tent itself. I had my first meal there and met some margiis who had lined up for the same. It was very simple food but delicious, at least for me. I ate there everyday. They mostly served rice, potato curry, dal and mooli (daikon), sometimes cauliflower. In the night it was mostly potato curry and chapatti or purl. It was free for all. They fed masses. It seemed that almost the whole village nearby came to eat there. There was no difference between rich and poor, all were equal, ate in the same type of steel plate. Everyone consciously cleaned their plates after eating and placed in the big basket for others to use. All the cooks and servers were volunteers, selected by the committee, even though others could pitch in. I was impressed by a young teenage girl who came every day in the kitchen to make chapatis for her grandfather who was diabetic and could not eat rice. People sat outside under the covered tent on the mats put on the ground to sit and eat. This went on for one whole month. I felt the food was delicious since it was charged by the good vibrations of kiirtan being sung close to the food tent. young and old. They sang kiirtan everyday from 3 to 6 p.m. and filled in at other times too. Actually, I saw Ananda Nagar with them, Babas quarters, gurukul, tantra peeth, and all the surrounding areas. We even made a day trip to Ranchi on the 28th to visit AmJaria where Baba had first given Kiirtan on an octagonal platform. The vibrations there were very strong and felt by many margiis after we did guru puja there. We had a person who gave us the background and stories. Baba has his quarters too. We did Dharama Cakra there, had our lunch and started back. We were 26 and arranged a bus after reaching Ranchi. Am-Jaria is about 70 km from the train station. On our way back, we stopped at Ranchi Jagriti. Our journey to and fro was very pleasant since we all did kiirtan, prabhat samgiit, Baba stories and shared personal experiences. We left Ananda Nagar at 5 a.m. and reached back the same day around 11:30 p.m.

The most important and uplifting was the Akhanda Kiirtan. As the days were passing, and the crowd was increasing, it was getting more and more intense. It was difficult to leave the site sometimes. I saw lot of stuff, like rice bags, boxes of bottled water, etc. around the podium. I thought these were supplies for the food tent but later learnt that people left these to get them charged with good vibrations. We did not see much of Didis or Dadas. Their seminars were going on. Didis would come together to attend the kiirtan for an hour and leave together. We could hardly speak to them. At one time I felt that birds of a feather flock together. The speakers were always on. We were hearing kiirtan 24 hours. If we got up in the middle of the night, we would be hearing nothing but the kiirtan. Slowly other structures were coming up. Next to kiirtan hall, tents were being built and people started coming and settling on the ground. They put hey stack, a bed sheet on top, a pillow and a blanket with their belongings surrounding them. They did not care about the cold or the discomforts. They seemed very happy, socializing, doing kiirtan, getting their lessons revised and all. Shops and cafeterias were coming up. After we came back from Am-Jaria and woke up on the 29th to go to Kiirtan, the whole place seemed to be transformed I became friendly with a Nepali group, very devoted, both like a mela (fair) site. Wherever there was space, peo-

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ple were setting themselves up, even in the corridor of our rooms. We could not go to the food tent anymore since the lines were getting longer and the food shops had sprung up. The most popular one was the sugarcane juice. First day I happily ate chaat and dosa and boasted about it and next day I had to pay for it, since I got a bit sick. As long as I was eating sentient food in the tent, I was fine. Well, next day onward I became careful. 29th and 30th, the kiirtan was in full swing with whole place filled up. On the 31st morning when I woke up, I did not hear the kiirtan. Afterwards I came to know that there was a court order to stop the kiirtan, so the kiirtan site was moved to Prout headquarters at 11 p.m. on the 30th. That was very sad as this was just a kiirtan not DMS. Therefore, all of us had to go to PU office. They have a very spacious hall. When I had first seen it empty, I thought it was very big and thousands of people could fit in, but later when it got filled up, it looked small. People had already lodged themselves in the hall. They had to move them partially, into the corridors, but they were too many. The kiirtan continued with a renewed fervor. Next day they removed the carpets since people were tripping over them. Anytime one went to the kiirtan hall, it was crowded but on the 31st evening, it was overflowing. There was no place to move. After 8 p.m., it seemed like whole Ananda Nagar had come. There must have been few thousand people. As we were approaching 12 a.m. there was no empty space. People were almost touching each other while moving in circles, no space even to clap or fold hands. One could only put their hands up or sideways or on the shoulders of the person in front. The group on the stage, singers and players were going on for hours, non-stop. It seemed they were in frenzy, so were the margiis. I felt, in this ocean of devotion, I am so small, just a spec. Tears welled up in my eyes. At 12 oclock, Babas picture came on the wall. This was another episode. To see Baba after such intense kiirtan for one month was a treat. It seemed He was visibly moved by the devotion of his Bhaktas. We all did Guru Puja. Babas Varabhaya Mudra came on the screen. There were shouts and screams.a n d the kiirtan continued. Nobody left for a long time and then slowly people started moving. There could not have been a better start of the New Year.

This episode repeated the next evening on the 1st of January, 2013, when the kiirtan was supposed to stop around 9:30 p.m. to be followed by Babas video. There was no space even to sit down. I kept sitting in an awkward position due to paucity of space while Dadas continued with their speeches. The mike system was not very good and people could not hear them, so they kept shouting Param Pita Baba Ki Jaya from time to time. Everybody smiled but Dadas were bound by their protocol. We all were waiting for Babas video. After sitting in the position for more than 45 minutes, I started getting leg cramps. I had to get up, no place even to keep my feet to move to the side. Somehow managed and saw Babas video while standing. Baba kept switching from Hindi to Bengali to English. Each one got their messages. This was followed by Babas Varabhaya Mudra. When kiirtan finished, Babas pictures, which had been placed on the podium in the center, were passed on by the crowds on to the stage. People picked up their souvenirs, in the form of flowers, candles, etc. I was a little further away. By the time I reached, my jacket which was kept on the ground around the podium was on top of the table with everything in tact, money, room keys, flashlight, with a special gift Baba had saved for me, which I treasure happily. It was 11:30 p.m. All started moving. The Akhanda Kiirtan was officially over. I was thinking if there was DMS, would this intensity have remained? May be the energies of margiis would have dissipated in different directions. Baba compensated the margiis this way. Everything happens for the Best. It is all His Leela. I felt Ananda Nagar was truly blessed. As Ac. Ramananda Avt had mentioned, Baba went to so many places but it is only when He was in Ananda Nagar, He had said: I AM THE ANANDAMURTI OF ANANDA NAGAR. The next morning, everybody started leaving. I left around 4 p.m. By then Ananda Nagar seemed empty. I felt blessed to have been able to attend this event. At the train station or anywhere, people were so friendly, so helpful. As soon as I reached Delhi, I suddenly woke up to the crude reality when the coolies and taxi drivers were shouting and bargaining. What a difference!!! BABA NAM KEVALAM.

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March 5, 1967: The Five First Dadhici and the History of the Word Dadhiici By Bhaeravii Devi and Ac .Bhaskarananda Avt.
Those who named the Octorloney Monument Shahid Minar did so without properly understanding the meaning of the word shahiid. Those brave warriors who take part in the Islamic religious wars (jehdd) are called mujhid in Arabic. Those mujhids who give up their life in battle are called shahiid. Those who are victorious in battle are called gjii (if they live, gjii; if they die, shahiid). Similarly, those who give up their life in the Christian religious wars (crusades) are called martyrs. By what logic then do we call those brave progeny who give up their life for their country or for any other great cause shahiid? Instead, we can use the word dadhiici for them because Maharsi Dadhiici sacrificed his life for the welfare of others. He did not lose his life in a jihad or crusade. Distortion (Discourse 21) 6 November 1983, Calcutta Published in:Varna Vijinna In the tumultuous history of AMarga, there are a number of incidents that Baba did not want forgotten. One of these was on March 5, now formally called Dadhici Day, when the Marg was attacked en masse for the first time by surrounding villagers incited and mobilized by Communists at Ananada Nagar. While information of the impending attack allowed for a FIR to be filed and telegrams alerting the Prime Minister, no action to stop was taken since the local police were involved. Five wholetimers were killed in that attack. Many were shot with poisoned arrows then killed with axes. But Baba saved all the rest. Dadhici Day honors their sacrifice for the ideals of Bhagavata Dharma. Driven by the primeval forces, valor and sacrifice have always fascinated the human psyche and are the basis for a lot of literature, such as in the Mahabharata. Usually the stories are in the form of mythology, but in the case of Ananda Marga, like war stories told by returning soldiers to their children, they are very real events in the not-so-distant past with witnesses and participants still alive today to contribute the retelling of their first hand accounts. Baba refers to Maharsi Dadhiici, which points to the roots of the word dadhici, a common word in Indian religious culture all the way back to the Rig Veda (see following, The Myth of Dadhici). The word dadhici is both a concept and a name describing a sacrificed person, as well as the name of the person in the ancient myth. One of the thousands of stories in the Puranas* (history of ancient times), it was first known only to the Sanskrit-taught high families, but the story about the demon called Vritrasur** has been taught to the Indian people for generations. Vritrasur appropriated Brahma with long penances to force him to grant his request to be invincible and that no weapon existing during those days should kill him. He could be killed only with a weapon created from the vertebrae of a Rishi.*** Since no one had the courage to kill a Maharishi as they were the great sages and revered keepers of the divine mantras needed to obtain blessings from the Devas, the self-confident demon asked this boon thinking he would not be opposed. Brahma, who is described as only occasionally interfering in the affairs of the Devas, granted his wish. Now Vritrasur started on his retribution of vengeance to punish the Devas, the celestial beings with warlike qualities that control forces of nature such as

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fire, air, wind, etc. The Zeus called Indra in India was the main Deva. He approached all the Rishis with humility with the request to save the Dharma on earth and heaven. No one wanted to take on Vritrasur, and all backed out but one Maharishi called Dadhiici. He came forward and offered his vertebrae as a gift for the protection of Dharma. Indra fashioned a weapon from his spine bones called the thunderbolt (the vajra). It is a powerful weapon as strong as a diamond having the combined features of sword, mace, and spear, as well as spiritual power. Armed with the vajra, Indra killed Vritrasur the demon, thus protecting the earth. From that day, Dadhiici became known as the one who protected the Dharma by giving up his life for the welfare of others and greater humanity.**** While these stories weave a haunting web to the individuals who have recently come to the flow of the Marg, at another level they delve into the psyche of a nascent society, a society that was in the process of emerging as a reactive medium. So the occurrence of the dadhici murders, and to meditate on what is the sentiment behind Dadhici Day, is to gain insights into Ananda Marga ideological beliefs and birth of the social structure itself. The Margiis were slowly being trained for confrontation, as the first phase of development was full of devotion and Tantric mysticism. March 5 created a shock that was succeeded by a pause in their unsuspecting minds. The sequential movement of the second phase had started on 31st December, 1966, with Babas reaching Ananda Nagar after resigning from his day job at the Jamalpur railways. Around the clock construction developing Ananda Nagar had begun. A huge incident of bloodshed which Tantra takes for any constructive works was reduced by the sacrifice of five great Rishis. So who were these five sannyasii who left the body over 40 years ago? Abhedanandji, was a very close brother and friendly to me, recalls Dada Bhaskarananda. My acarya was different, but he completed my lessons and he was Babas Personal Assistant from Jamalpur. His Acarya was Rambilas Roy, the Superintendent of Central Investigation Department of Bihar police. Abhedanandji was Sudhiir Kumar, a brilliant student from Patna University. On March 4th morning, he came to me in search of money, as Baba had ordered him to leave Ananda Nagar and come back with 10,000RS, which was a big sum for those days. He had orders specifically not to come back without money. It was clear Baba wanted

him to be away. He approached all the Margiis for a loan, who drew a blank. Then I told him to relax and be with me. He was very attached to Baba and could not live without Baba. So, he left on the afternoon train and reached Gaya. There was no train from Gaya that night back to Ananda Nagar as all trains had already left. But he knew one goods train was going and he some how managed to get into the guardwagon, which was not officially allowed. But the death has to reach in time to the right man. He reached at 4 am in Ananda Nagar and walked to Baba. Baba was not happy when he saw that he had come back. When the attack began at 8 am, the mob of 5,000 started coming towards Babas quarters from the West, now known as Dadhici Hill beside Purodha Pramukha Quarters, with the intent to kill him and his followers. Abhedanandji took up a stick and advanced to the mob. Before going, he was eating a sweetmeat form Babas plate called Chumchum. Years later whenever Baba was given that sweet, Baba said, Do not give Me this particular sweet as it brings the memory of Abhedanandji. It is said Baba never took Chumchum after that. When the dadas approached Baba to save them, Baba came out of his quarters and looked at the crowd. Just then, a few policemen from off in the distance, waved and gesticulated into the mass that five were killed and now they should retreat. Baba has shown how the police waved with one hand to go back, and showing with the other hand five open fingers indicating the killing of five. Now Saccidanandji was another great devotee from Karnataka, Bangalore, continues Dada Bhaskarananda. His name was Satyajit and his Acarya was Amitanandji. He was working in Delhi for some daily newspaper before receiving Diiksha. Baba had told me that the first thing in Personal Contact asked by Satyajit was Baba! When will I become avadhuta? To which Baba replied You work sincerely and you will be made avadhuta in proper time. He was made avadhuta just one month after his becoming a wholetimer. He worked in Kerala in early 1965 and I became acquainted with him then. He was doing sadhana all the time, maybe minimum six hours, on those days from 1965. He was an accomplished soul and burnt all samskaras by then. I felt from the countenance of approval on Babas face, that Baba was pleased with him from the times of PC and granted him moksha.

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The other three wholetimers were brahmacarii-Avadh, Prabhat, and Bharat-fresh trainees who left Varanansi for Acarya training in Ananda Nagar. All had the last name Kumar, but other than that, there was no relation amongst them excepting that they all were wholetimers. The system of giving the brahmacarii title was instituted only after 1978, after resuming His normal duties of the organization. Really not much is known about them since they had not begun service. Baba created APRBHA SARANI in Ananda Nagar (A-Avadh, PR-prabhas, BHA-Bharat), a road with the first letters of all the three dadas names as a memorial. Upon reaching Ranchi from Ananda Nagar, Baba said when Christians die for the Christendom they are called Martyrs, and when Muslims die for Islam, he is called a Shahiid. When my children sacrifice their life for the Mission, I will call them with the name Dadhiici. There was a DMC in Ranchi ten days after the incident when Baba told the gathering: Absolute speed and absolute pause are one and the same thing. That brings to mind the example of when you look at the wheels of a car that is in fast motion driving next to you and when you stare at one wheel, there is the illusion of it standing still, sort of suspended motion, not moving at all, yet moving at an optimum speed nonetheless. Notes for the Rest of Us Since many margiis and wholetimers did not go to school in India, here are some notes to explain some points regarding the history of the word dadhici. The stories of Dadhiici, Indra, and Vritrasur are known to most all Indians. The Rig Veda ancient Sanskrit sacred verses which were sung at Yajina(Vedic sacrifical fires) contains the original myth of the dadhici. There is a narrative epic poem Vritra-Sanhar (Killing of Vritra, Vol 1, 1875, Vol 2,1877) written by the Bengali poet Hemchandra Bandyopadhyay. The subject of the epic is the devastating war between Indra and Vritrasur, the king of demons, which results in the ultimate victory of the gods. Fast moving events, the terrifying beauty of nature, and characters battling the clouds of doom hanging over humanity made this action epic a modern classic and established the dadhici myth in modern Indian literature. *The Puranas, known as the fifth veda, are a group of

classical Sanskrit religious texts that include the history of the Universe from creation to destruction (and secondary creations after dissolution), genealogies of the kings, heroes, sages, and demigods, and descriptions of Hindu cosmology, philosophy, and geography. The dynastic genealogy is so complete, there is written record counted from Shiva to Chandragupta Maurya, the warrior king who unified the whole Indian subcontinent and defeated Alexander the Great, which is 153 kings over 6,043 years. **Vritra is the name of one of the clans of the Asuras. The Asuras are generally considered divine beings, who are primarily known for doing evil, but not always. It might be better to say that the Asuras are powerful beings who often are opposed to the gods. By the end of the Vedic period, however, the Asuras had attained their more demonic role.) The invading Aryans in utter hate called the non-Aryan community Asura (non-divine) and Rakshas (demons). *** A Rishi denotes a poet-sage through whom the Vedic hymns were transmitted to the people, credited also as divine scribes. According to post-Vedic tradition the Rishi is a seer or shaman to whom the Vedas were originally revealed through states of higher consciousness. It is generally agreed upon that some of the very greatest of the ancient Rishis were in fact women. It is recorded that there were as many as 20 women among the authors of the Rig Veda. A female Rishi is known as a Rishika. ****The sage Dadhiichi was married to Suvarcha. He sent her out of the ashram while he contemplated Bhagwan Shiva and embraced death. When Suvarcha came back to the ashram and learnt how her husband sacrificed his life for the gods, she was angry and cursed Indra. In her grief, she prepared a pyre and prepared for sati. Just then she heard a celestial voice asking her not to perform sati since she was with child. She tore open her stomach with a sharp stone and the embryo was born, so full of light all three lokas were lit up, a divine incarnation of Rudra since it was begotten by Dadhiichi. Suvarcha followed her husband through samadhi of the highest order. Brahma named their son Pipplad, who became a sage and performed tapah for the welfare of all, like his father.

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The Myth of Dadhici Vedic Mythology: DADHYANCH, DADHICHA (Dadhicha is a later form.) A Vedic Rishi named Dadhyanch was taught by Indra certain secret sciences, but Indra threatened to cut off his hand if he taught them to any one else. (Indra is the primary ruler of all devas in Indo-Aryan history. He leads the Devas (the gods who form and maintain Heaven and the elements, such as Agni (Fire), Varuna (Water) and Surya (Sun), and constantly wages war against the demonic Asuras of the netherworlds who oppose morality and dharma.) The Aswins (two powerful young and ancient pre-Vedic deities depicted as handsome young men with the head of horses and divine physicians through their knowl-

edge of the secrets of plants) prevailed upon Dadhyanch to communicate his knowledge to them. To preserve him from the wrath of Indra, they decapitated him and replaced it with that of a horse (the head of Dadhyanch became Mt. Kailasa). When Indra struck off the sages equine head, the Aswins restored his own back to him. A verse of the Rig-veda says, Indra, with the bones of Dadhyanch, slew ninety times nine Vritras; After Dadhyanchs death, Indra inquired for any relic of him. He was told of the horses head still submerged in a lake near Kuru-kshetra. Indra used the bones as weapons, and with them slew the Asuras. The story as afterwards told in the Maha-bharata and Puranas is that the sage devoted himself to death so that Indra and the gods might be armed with his bones more

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Natural Liver Cleansing

1 Remove food from your diet, especially those harmful to your body. The first step of the natural liver cleansing diet is to switch to an all-liquid diet for two to three days. This does not mean you can chug soda and coffee. Stick to water and 100 percent fruit juices, such as apple, grape and cranberry. Choose juices that contain only water and fruit juice. 2 Start the LSA mix: three parts linseed (flax seed), two parts sunflower seed and one part almond. This will give your body the essential fiber, fatty acids and nutrients it needs, as well as help feed the liver what it needs most. Buy it ground up (or do it yourself) and sprinkle on foods or mix up with your favorite foods. It is best with your breakfast in the morning. 3 Clean out your home. Remove any and all snack foods and foods and drinks with preservatives and chemicals. If you are not sure if something is bad for you or not, throw it away to be safe. Ask yourself if the food comes from the ground or a tree. If the answer is no, then throw it away. This is the perfect time to make a lifestyle change and start dieting healthier. If you have foods and/or drinks that have not been opened yet, take them to your local food bank to donate them. 4 Start to reintroduce foods to your diet. Try dark, green leafy vegetables, beets, artichokes, broccoli, grapefruit, mangoes, papaya, lemons and kale. These foods are easy on your stomach, liver and entire digestive system. Make sure that your toast is plain with nothing on it. Eat these foods for the first one to two days after your liquid diet and continue to drink plenty of water and 100 percent fruit juice. 5 Eat more foods of a good variety. Begin introducing more foods to your diet, such as steamed vegetables and fruits. Browse your grocery store for healthy food choices. Add some healthy yogurt, milk, cereal, oatmeal and more to your diet. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, chocolate, soda, chips and cakes.

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Ananda Marga in New York Sector

Where you can find Ananda Marga in North and Central America and Carabbeans. Offices, Spiritual centers , Rural development projects , Schools. Ananda Marga serves the Community in many different ways. You can locate here the places of your interest.

New Day Ananda Marga School 1825 SE Clinton St Portland, OR 97202 Tel. (503) 231-7425 Ananda Marga of Alaska 3211 Murphy Dome Rd Fairbanks, AK 99709 (907) 479-5618 Ananda Marga Monterrey Abasolo Ote 884 Monterrey, N.L. 64000 Tel. +52 (81) 8375 3351 Doblado Norte 914 Zona Centro Monterrey, Nuevo Len 64000 Ananda Maya Duhita Master Unit Allende, N.L. - Mexico Ananda Marga Cuernavaca, MOR Jess H. Preciado No. 309 Colonia San Antn Cuernavaca, Morelos 62190 Tel. +52 (777) 310 0604 Ananda Marga School Jardn de Nios Elena Emmanuel Carballo Calle Hueman 107 Santa Catarina, Nuevo Len Tel. +52 (81) 8316 0409 Ananda Marga Mxico, DF Amado Nervo No. 15 Int. 3 Colonia Agricultura Mxico, Distrito Federal 11360 Tel. +52 (55) 5342 1637 Ananda Marga Guatemala Lote 8 Manzana S Colinas de Minerva Zona Mixco - Guatemala Escuela de Ananda Marga La Limonada. Ciudad de Guatemala Unidad Maestra Ananda Maya Diipa Santo Domingo Xenacoj - Guatemala. CEAMNICA - Centro Educativo Ananda Marga Colonia Reconciliacion, Managua - Nicaragua Ananda Marga Columbus 5799 Brinkwater Blvd, Hilliard, OH 43026 Tel. (614)771-1018 Ananda Marga of Dallas 2355 Trellis Place Richardson, TX 75081-4770 Tel. (972) 699-3838 Ananda Marga School in Haiti Rua Magua Prol. - Delmas 31 - Port Au Prince Ananda Marga Costa Rica Ananda Marga Dominican Republic Ananda Marga Jamaica

New York Sectorial Office Ananda Marga 97-38 42nd Ave Corona, NY 11368 Tel. 718-898-1603 Ananda Kanan Master Unit 3157 County Road 1670 Willow Springs,MO 65793 Tel. 417-469-4713

Women Welfare Dep. Office Ananda Marga 94 - 38 212th St. Queens Village, NY 11428 Tel. 631-704-8131

Ananda Kanak Master Unit St. Andre Avellin - Quebec - Canada Tel. (819) 983-7389 Ananda Girisuta - Prama Institute 310 Panhandle Rd Marshall,NC 28753 Tel. (828) 649-9408 Ananda Vrati - Quest Center RR1 Box 1366 Hop Bottom,PA 18824 Tel. (570) 289-4021 Ananda Dham Organic Peach Farm 42310 Lake Hughes Rd. Lake Hughes, CA 93532 PH: (661) 724-1161, (323) 770-4337 Ananda Dhiira Master Unit 19393 Sanctuary Rd Penn Valley, California 95946-9700 Tel.(530) 432-3618 Ananda Lina Master Unit 2308 N. Highcross Rd, Urbana, IL 61802 Tel. (217) 344-6299 AMURT Global Coordination 2502 Lindley Terrace Rockville, MD 20850 Tel. (301) 738-7122 Ananda Marga in LA 1245 S Norton Ave Los Angeles, CA 90019 Tel. 323-734-7211 253-226-8639 Ananda Marga Yoga Meditation - Los Altos Hills 27160 Moody Rd Los Altos, CA 94022 Phone: (650) 948-2865 Ananda Marga Yoga in Denver 854 Pearl St Denver, CO 80203 Tel. (303) 839-8420

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