After Five

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Nevea Lane After Five

2009 Nevea Lane

All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be copied in any form without permission from the author.

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Nevea Lane After Five 2

I did not expect to walk in to find my boss firing someone on the phone. I was a professional and I did not eavesdrop. I was about to about face and quickly leave when I heard him mention a missing pickle. I did not believe it. I could not believe it. Did my boss just fire someone over a missing pickle in his lunch? I had heard him get on people before about clothes, appearances, or being late constantly, but to fire someone over a missing pickle? He was talking rapidly but calmly to his private chef. Yes, he was indeed firing the man. I stood silently with my hand on my hip, and waited for him to finish. I took a huge breath and finally said the one thing that I had wanted to say to him for the two years I had worked for him. You are a jackass. I had enough of his attitude What? Oh, Ms. Barnes, you are still here? Of course you are, I had some things and his voice trailed off. I witnessed the moment when what I said hit him. What did you just say? he said with his thick Grecian accent. I know the accent only surfaced when he was angry or amused. Perhaps he was a little of both at that time. When I looked up at him and saw his eyes dancing with laughter, I was convinced the man was actually amused. I dont know what to call that lopsided thing he does with his lips. I think it is the same smile the wolf gave when he blew down the houses of the first two little pigs. What happened to Mr. Alexander? I do employ you. He was chuckling. Why did good-looking men always insist that they could get away with being condescending to people? . I could admit, my boss was sexy but he was my boss and he had done nothing but make me miserable for the time I have worked with him. I have done every job imaginable working to put myself through college, from part time lunch server at elementary schools to working a graveyard janitorial shift, but none of them has been as hellish as working for Leandros Alexander. Well, I, Alayna Barnes, was done. Not anymore, I quit. I am not going to go into all the reasons why I should have quit a long time ago, because I dont waste time. I am leaving. I was not hysterical, nor was I temporarily insane. I was a fighter, and never emotional. I had spent my twenty-eight years of

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life fighting for everything from clothes to getting to school. I learned that emotions and I dont mix. My life had consisted of orphanages, school to school, until I managed to get a scholarship to a top university. When I realized on my eighth birthday that it was just me looking out for me, I refused to shed any tears over any situation. Even while working with the lead partner in this architecture firm, a job that I had for three years before the devil incarnate took over, I never lost my cool. I was calm, cold, calculated and now I was cross. Mr. Alexander had finally gotten under my skin. I met his green eyes, and tilted my chin a little. I was not about to back down from his challenging glare. He was confrontational, and I was stubborn. Why are you quitting? Because I can, and I will before you fire me over some silly mistake. I turned on my heel and began to walk across his plush carpet. He was obviously a lot quicker than I was because he caught a hold of my wrist before I made it out the door. One, you should not eavesdrop, and two, you cant quit over that. It was the appropriate action for the mistake that was made. His voice sunk into a baritone that could have made the walls vibrate. It was low and effective. His breath smelled of the lemon candy he kept in a container on his desk. You fired your chef over pickles. Oh, I cant even say pickles, it was one pickle. You ordered the most impossible lunch, and you dont touch the lunch for over nine hours. And now you are upset about one pickle? Doesnt that seem ludicrous to you? I tried to wrestle my wrist free, but he only tightened his grasp. Maybe in other circumstances, I would have found the move arousing, but I was becoming more infuriated by the second. What do you mean nine hours? What time is it? He looked at his Movado watch. He still looked as he did when he walked in at eight this morning. Unwrinkled and unhurried, not even a stray hair out of place on his groomed head. His Hugo Boss suit still perfectly pressed while I, on the other hand, had abandoned my contact lenses four hours ago and had my glasses perched on the edge of my nose. The rust jacket that went to my rust pencil skirt was draped over the back of my chair in the adjoining office. I still had on my calf high suede boots, my lucky boots. They made me feel powerful and right then I was grateful I was wearing them. I was tall, five foot ten to be precise, but putting these boots on allowed me to stand eye to eye

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with most men, except for Mr. Alexander. He was still a few inches taller than me, regardless of the size heel I wore. I finally gave another yank and he let go of my arm. I looked at him and pulled myself to my full height. If it was a showdown he wanted, well he was going to get it. It is now past nine at night. Everyone has gone home and so am I. Permanently. I stated. I turned and walked out of his mirrored office. He had to have the biggest ego that I have ever seen. Mirrors and oak decorated his office, probably making sure that he can see himself at all times, I thought with a sneer. Two years I had stayed late into the evenings, without him even noticing. It took me five years to climb my way up this ladder, and I just threw it all down the drain. I wished that I could blame it on my monthly, but that was last week. I was finally fed up. I was clearing out my desk into the small tote I carried with me. I was honestly looking forward to going home and not having to see his face tomorrow. As I grabbed my jacket, I felt fingers curl around my bare shoulder. In the space of a few minutes, Mr. oh so good looking Alexander has grabbed me twice and it had done nothing but anger me. I turned and faced his eyes staring at me. I could not tell if he was angry or amused all I registered was, he was a good-looking arrogant jackass. You are serious. No surprise Sherlock! I felt the goosebumps rise on the nape of my neck. All I could do was stare at his fingers, although warm and smooth, were still resting on my shoulders. I licked the corner of my mouth and met his gaze over the rims of my glasses. This is war. Yes I am serious. Just as serious as you are about your pickles. I cant believe I was walking out on a good job, but his brutal manner had finally been too much for me. He kept insane hours, and he constantly demanded me to work those same hours. That was more than about pickles. The pickles were just the last straw. He said, as if he just explained everything. Yes, they were my last straw too. Unwavering I bent to pick up my black tote. Cant we talk about this, Miss Barnes? He grabbed my tote and held it. Seeing the way his muscles strained in his black suit jacket, I knew I was not going to get that tote back any time soon.

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Sighing I held out my hand and waited for him to put the straps of the tote into my hand. Silence is a deadly weapon, and I have won more arguments by maintaining the icy aura that seemed to surround me. Architecture could be just as ruthless as the streets that I survived in Chicago, and I made it out of there in one piece. I was not about to let some shark in a suit ruffle my feathers. Am I about to throw it all away on pickles? It was more than about pickles I told myself. I was convinced that I was entitled to choose my own path, from working since I was thirteen, to putting myself through college, life taught me to stand my ground. Or, in some circles, they call it being stubborn. Mr. Alexander, please, give me back my tote. The please was for being polite, I dont beg. I bite. Apparently, so did Mr. Alexander. He turned sharp on his heel and walked back into his immaculate office, with my tote. I watched him sit down at his desk. Oh how infuriating. If I had not been myself, I would have had a temper tantrum. Of course, I had overheard him breaking up with enough of his girlfriends to know that having a temper tantrum was not going to give you what you want. I dont know why it was so hard to understand that I wanted out. The hours sucked, his demeanor was always brisk and I was withering like the roses he had sent to numerous women that he wanted to get into bed or out of his life. I walked into his office and stood in front of his desk in a battle stance with my hands on my hips. I am sure I was setting the carpet on fire with the heat I felt rolling off me. Sit down Alayna. He caught me off guard using my first name; I assumed he thought my name was Fetch or Find me. I sat but I folded my arms in front of me. I needed to keep up some form of a guard. Why dont you tell me what just possessed you to quit? I am still not following, and dont tell me this is about my chef. Mr. Alexander, it has everything to do with your chef, and the pickles. It was the last thing I could take. You and I have gotten along, well, we have not argued, since your takeover of the firm from your uncle. For the past two years, I have been at your beck and call, regardless of the ridiculous hours. Now, I want out. So yes, seeing how well you could dismiss a chef that prepares your meals at the same ridiculous hours, well I would rather leave now than get axed for bringing you a blue pen instead of black.

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I managed to get that whole speech out without flinching. I was done being intimidated by this man. I was not about to be some simpering prey to be taken in a moment. And you seem to think that quitting entitles you to voice your opinions? He arched that eyebrow at me again, How about some fact to go along with your opinion? Whatever floats your boat, Mr. Alexander. Your hero, the chef, was stealing my silverware. I could not catch him in it until tonight, with the aide of some surveillance cameras. The pickles were a rouse so he would not steal more than his share or set my house on fire. After all, why anger a man that has carte blanche access to your house? Does that float your boat Miss Barnes? Damn him. He was actually smiling this time. Here is a news flash Mr. Alexander, it does not change any thing. I am still quitting. The hours are ridiculous and I have other aspirations besides ordering flowers for the lovely ladies you seem to wine, dine and dump, working on the weekends, including Sundays and making sure that your every need is met. I dont have any personal time. I would like to take some me time. Time which you seem to not want to give me. What if I stopped calling you on the weekends? Would that help? And why do you care of whom I choose to wine dine and dump? This is not a negotiation Mr. Alexander. I just want more. More of what? His tone was a low and menacing grumble. He stood up and came to stand in front of me. I noticed that he smelled of cedar and citrus. The way his voice dropped into that husky growl made me swallow and lick the corner of my mouth. His eyes focused on my lips and I dropped my arms. I needed to get out of here. I was making a huge decision and wanted to flee before the breadth of it hit me. I did not want any regrets. Or at least that is what I kept telling myself My tote, please. What I want more of is not a concern for you. Then it obviously isnt money, and it is my concern. What can I give you that will make you stay? I dont want to lose you. He stood close to me and started to run his arms up and

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down my shoulders. I was having trouble getting over the shock of him touching me three times in the past five minutes. His touch was electric, and it was making me forget who I was, or what I was doing. Mr. Alexander, please dont. I just want out, I stared at him wide eyed. The more that his fingers ran up and down my arms, the more needy I felt. I felt an unmistakable pool of moisture form in my panties. This could not be happening. I did not believe it, not him. I could not be attracted to him. It had to be the way he was touching me. My mind was being rational, but my body was confusing me with He seems concerned about you. He does not want to lose you. My mind screamed back This is Leandros Alexander, He usually took first, asked questions later. Where was the cool calculated man who woke me up at seven a.m. on the weekends? He is in there somewhere, waiting for you to show vulnerability. I shook my head and stepped back from his touch. I seemed to knock us both out of a captivation spell for he looked at me with confusion on his face. I am willing to forget this resignation, due to a lack of food. Malnutrition, which I am totally responsible for. How about dinner? If you can convince me to let you quit over dinner, then you can leave without more appeals from me. But you are only giving me a weekend to find a replacement. Mr. Alexander honestly, you have never given me a weekend off. I am sure you will make me find my own replacement. But I am going to accept dinner because it is a long commute home and I am just too tired to cook. I walked off forgetting about my tote. I put on my jacket and shut down my laptop. I debated taking it with me, but since I did not feel like doing any more I left it on the desk. When the last blinking light went off, I looked up to see him leaning in the doorway with my bag hanging over his shoulder. He looked at me with a smile. For a man who just found out his secretary was quitting, he sure did seem to want to keep smiling. I had to question whether I was ready to wage this war. I told myself this was more about principles and at the very least, wanting weekends to myself. I believed that for a moment, until I saw that you are going to regret going toe to toe with me gleam in his eye. Well, I thought, at least I had the dignity of quitting before he fired me.

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Everything was all smiles when we sat down at some high-end restaurant of his choice. What I was amused at was most of the restaurants near my apartment complex would have been closed, but apparently not in the circles he travels in. I sat and had a sparkling water while he

ordered a bottle of wine. I needed a drink that was far stiffer than wine, as the brevity of what I just did started to sink in. But I supposed that getting smashed in front of my boss, albeit ex-boss was not a good idea. Now, Alayna, tell me what makes you want to quit. And I know it cant be because of the hours that I keep. He smiled at me. I stared and for once, I did not have an answer. I was trying for find a way to articulate that I finally felt that too much was too much. Of course, his uncle was far more demanding that he ever was, but his uncle never called me at home either. As I mulled over what I thought would be a plausible answer, a pencil thin brunette walked passed the table and let out a high-pitched squeal that dogs would appreciate. I gritted my teeth in frustration as this interloper began the usual theatrics Oh my gosh, Leandros Alexander, is that you? Its me! In reaction, all my dinner companion did was raise his eyebrow. Obviously, she was not someone worth remembering her name. I did smile inwardly at that. Oh surely you remember me, Kendal Martin? We danced forever at my brothers wedding at Four Seasons! It was only four months ago. Oh yes, Kendal, I apologize, business has gotten the better of me for the past few months. How is Jack? Smooth save, Mr. Alexander, but I was still irked. And that is when it hit me I was quitting because I was attracted to my boss. I groaned at the thought and sipped some water. That could not be the reason I was quitting. Attraction had to be the last reason! Surely, one would want to stay close to someone they were attracted to, right? No, I hate him, at least I think I do. I did not like the hours he

made me keep, and I did not like being at his beck and call. And you did not like that he didnt notice you. Where did that come from? Oh, I am in trouble. Wait, no I am not, I am quitting. I wont have to see him again. As he drew his attention back to the table, as it was obvious that Miss Martin didnt give one twit on what she could have been interrupting. Well Leandros, be sure to call me, ok? I would love to get in touch with you again. She patted his shoulder and batted her lashes at him. Viper.

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Sorry about that, but her brother is an important client. I am aware of that, Jack Martin, leading contracting firm this side of Chicago and two other smaller businesses. His last proposal came in last month with a big price tag. Martin and Giambi Enterprises, Giambi is his brother in law. Nick Giambi. Keeping it in the family I suppose I put my hand over my mouth when I realized that Leandros was staring at me as if I grew six antlers. I was rambling, forgive me. I like it. I think that this is the first time I have gotten more than one sentence from you. It is strange that as soon as you quit, I learn more about you. So is your memory something you can teach your replacement? That type of thing cant be taught. I have a knack for remembering small details, where I am from, you have to remember everything that surrounds you. Seeing the bigger picture is sometimes a problem. Thus the reason you are quitting over a pickle. No matter that you have been invaluable for the past two years to me, it is the small irk of a pickle that is making you walk out. Why did he insist on trying to pick me apart? I was not the sharing type, especially details about my life. I did not share my life with anyone. Mr. Alexander, please, you and I both know this is more than about pickles. Only, I hoped he wasnt aware of the attraction I felt for him. Realizing that this has been the man that has occupied all of your time for the past two years and there is nothing romantic about it, well that is just sad. Sighing I reached for my glass, and too late I realized I had guzzled down more than half the glass. A huge mistake! As I swallowed the liquid a slow fire started in my throat and I started to cough violently. As I was closing my eyes, I felt the table move and then a warm and very masculine hand patting my back. Then the hands started a slow circular motion across my back as Leandros slid into the booth next time. Ok, in two years this man had never touched me. Now, somehow in the past two hours, he had managed to touch me repeatedly. I tried to think of other times where there was inadvertent contact, but I could not come up with one. Maybe it was the realization that I found him sexy, but I was becoming very aware of his every movement.

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When Leandros showed no sign of moving from the spot next to me, I decided to finally turn and face him. I had to keep the conversation on track, or I would find myself thinking about him in all sorts of positions, none of them having to do with work. Really, it is not about the chef, by the way I am sorry to hear that he was stealing your silverware. I hope you find a better one. Nonsense, he kind of came with the house. I much rather cook for myself to be honest. Another surprise. Yet, everything he did always surprised me, or caught me off guard. He would laugh when he was extremely angry, and the laugh always sounded more like a growl. He would work late and still beat everyone into work the next day. He always behaved as if there was something he had to prove. And there I sat, knowing so much about him and didnt realize the truth about my attraction to him until now. He was an enigma wrapped in an ego so large that he could easily have been in a room by himself and got along just fine. Why was I, the cool, efficient, non-emotional executive assistant that I was, attracted to this man? It did not make any sense, and with the wine that was now in my blood stream, I was feeling out of my element. Well, no offense Mr. Alexander, but I dont view you as the type that cooks for himself. But then again, I dont know you at all. That was probably the biggest lie I have ever told, but it was going to take a lot of lies to try to convince myself that my attraction to him was meaningless. I suppose I was talking more to myself, but I assumed that the tone of my voice was more aggressive than I intended it to be, because he raised one eyebrow at me, which, in a boardroom setting, would have shut anyone up. What I mean to say, Mr. Alexander, is that you are always busy making deals and going here and there, you dont strike me as the type that has time to cook for himself. That made sense; at least I think it did. Oh, I wish I had not gotten that wine in my system, not on an empty stomach at least. I stared at him, and hoped that he was not picking

me apart as I had seen him do so many times to the competitors in the field. First, dispense with the Mr. Alexander. I think we should cut the formalities if we are to get anywhere. I am Leandros, and you would be?

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What is he talking about? I was not in the mood to play games, and I did not think he was the type to play them either. That is nice and all, but you know who I am. I dont think you are going to get me to change my mind. No, that is not true. I dont know you outside of the fact that you have a memory that would rival most computers. You think on your feet, you are usually two steps ahead of what I am going to ask you for, and that you are a very efficient assistant. Besides that, I dont know anything about you. For example, what is your middle name? Nicole. Very simple dont you think? What is yours? He was chuckling very deeply. What had I said that was so funny? I had seen enough of his signatures to know that his middle name started with an N. Nicolaos, the Greek male version of yours. And very male he was. From the square set of his jaw, to the way his shoulders filled out a suit, down to his cologne, everything about him screamed male, and dangerous. Still, I could not help but to smile and laugh a little at the impossibility of us sharing a middle name. Again, I felt that slow burn in my stomach. Oh

man, this was not just a lack of sex. This was an unfettered want. Desire was drumming around me and I was afraid of giving off all the signs like a smoke signal. Ok, so what. Leandros, that still is not going to make me stay. Despite all the compliments, thanks by the way, I am not sure if I am cut out to do this day in and day out anymore. Tell me, would you still be at work right now? It is a Friday night and there we were noses buried in paper. I am sure there could have been something else occupying our time. You could have had a date or something? I know that I was crossing lines, but somehow I had to put in perspective what was happening to me. By making him so unattainable, I was trying to fool myself into thinking that Leandros was also unavailable. The unfortunate thing, being his assistant, I knew that was not true. No, I did not. And you should be the one talking. Oh, that is right, that is why that you are trying to quit on me. So tell me, is there someone that you are itching to see that makes you want to quit so bad? Perhaps it is a jealous lover that doesnt get to see you as much? From his

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tone, I would have thought he was the jealous lover. His pitch had dropped below normal, and it came out as more of a growl than it did a question. No, I dont have time for all that nonsense. Dating is not my thing. But that is besides that point. I am not negotiating. I could not possibly go back to working for him when I could think about was him lifting my skirt and filling me until I screamed. The images were playing in my mind of his tanned hands gripping my back and holding me to him ughhhhhhhhhhh I groan in my head. I am too old for wet dreams. At least I think so. Dating is not your thing? What do you prefer more of the casual encounters? His question made my head snap up and turn fully in the booth to face him. I wanted to smack him and then I started stare at his lips and I was lost. The best defense for a wayward lust, anger. Again, you really are a jackass. No, I dont do casual encounters either. What type of person you think I am? You are the one with the notches in his bedpost. I dont know, Kendal seemed quite interested in you. Why dont you etch her name up there with the others? I sounded like a jealous little school girl, but I could not control my mouth. Maybe I was a little peeved that I had always worked my tail off for him and never got so much as a thank you. Or maybe I really was jealous. I would not want anyone like Kendal, I could walk over her. I need someone that can match me, want for want, word for word, passion for passion. Then he looked fully at me, and said something that made me drop my fork. That is why you and I belong together. Surely, he was talking in the professional sense? He did not want to lose me as a secretary, but resorting to flirting, that could not possibly be his style. I did not think it was. Unfortunately, I took another look in his eyes, and there was nothing in them that said he was talking about work. There were hazy, stormy almost. I am going to go home and masturbate myself into a stupor trying to forget about this. It was just lust, so I kept telling myself. His eyes dropped to my lips and I thought for sure he was going to kiss me. I had to think fast. I turned my head and looked down at my watch instead. It was almost midnight. I told myself to get home before I made a fool of myself, there was no way that he was going to

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kiss me in the middle of this restaurant, with all these people, and we barely even touched dinner. It is late Leandros. I need to get home. I think I will just call a cab, and as far as us belonging together, I think our working relationship is caput. I was pulling out my cell phone when he grabbed my wrist again. Hot pulsing waves sped through my arm when I met his eyes. There was a glow to them that I had only seen when he was going in for the kill on a business deal. I will take you home. Dont think I would let you walk out of here with this unresolved. Leandros hailed the waiter, paid for the tab and we were in his car driving to my apartment. I sat in silence, amazed that I did not give him directions. Of course, I supposed he had sent me flowers for my birthday twice to my apartment. Leandros interrupted my musings got straight to the point. Alayna, I want to come up to your apartment. I turned to look at him, and I saw he was not smiling. Leandros, I was going to protest, but something in my body screamed yes, and my rational mind followed it over the edge, telling me it was the last time that I was going to be able to see him. Yes, ok. Minutes later, we were in my living room, not speaking again. The tension was rising again, and I was trying to occupy myself by turning on my lamps. I did not have an overhead light; I preferred the intimacy of lamps, when I was alone. Leandros standing in the middle of my cozy living room with his jet black hair and his black suit stood out against my soft brown couch and sea green cushions and accents. As I was brushing against him to turn on another lamp, he reached out and grabbed my arm. Suddenly his lips were crushing mine and he was pulling me closer to him. I sank into the kiss, until I realized whom I was kissing. I groaned and pushed back. I stared into his eyes, which resembled a tropical storm at that moment. I am sorry. I think I could have at least asked you if it was ok to kiss you. He actually grinned and looked a little embarrassed.

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Why did you kiss me? You are going to try to seduce me back to his fingers pressed against my lips. Shhhhhhhh Aly, shhhhhhhhh. I dont think I want you to come back to work for me. His hands were still on my shoulders and they started to make a trail down my arms to my wrists. His thumbs began to spin circles in my palms. Where did he learn that? The circling motion made me loose all thought until I realized he said he didnt want me back. Leandros Alexander was a confusing man. Wait, you dont want me to come back? Then what was all the dinner and what not for? When I thought about it, Leandros did not put up much of a fight. Because I wanted to take you to dinner for the past two years. I have wanted to kiss you for the past two years, and I have wanted to have you in my arms for the past two years. Leandros he put his fingers to my lips. Leo, say Leo. He stated, barely above a whisper. Leo, why did you not just ask me? Because I could not have the firm think that you were sleeping around with the boss. I wanted to protect you, just as much as I wanted to be in you. I gasped at his bluntness, but I looked at him and I wanted him more at that moment. I looked at him and pulled him to me this time. I kissed his neck, for that was all I could reach without standing on my tiptoes. Then I felt his hands all over my body. I felt the building pressure within me as he kissed my shoulders, working his way down into my blouse. His hot tongue seemed to sear through the fabric as he traced delicate circles around my nipples. My senses were spiraling out of control as I felt him pull each side of my blouse down to expose my already tingling flesh. My nipple stood erect and I felt him gasp. My breathing was getting faster and faster, and I needed some control back. I cant believe I had capitulated this quickly. How long had I wanted him like this and did not know it? How long has I stared at him wondering in my subconscious what he would be like in bed. I reached down and grabbed his cock through his trousers. Hard and pulsing. I could feel his heartbeat in the engorged muscle. He wanted this moment just as bad as I did. If this was a one night stand, then so be it, I had not gotten laid in a long time, and something told me it was

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not going to be a typical screw. This would be a take and take situation. I think both of our personalities demanded that we both be dominant. I started to stoke his cock in my hand, causing what I hoped to be a pleasurable friction between him and the material. When he nipped at my shoulder with his teeth, I knew that he was trying to hold on as much as I was. I did not care, this was our night. Dawn be damned, I will have an orgasm. I loathed giving up the rhythm I had started by stroking his thick cock in my palm, but I needed to see more of his flesh, and I wanted to see what it was like when he lost control. I pushed off his suit jacket and began to unbutton his shirt, one button at a time. I was only exposing small sections of his tanned and muscled flesh, which made me impatient. Leandros was even more impatient than I was, because he lifted up one of his masculine, wellmanicured but roughened hands and pulled with what seemed like very little effort. I heard some of his shirt buttons hit my glass living room table and lost sight of the others on the cream carpet. I quickly unzipped the back of my skirt and stepped out of it, as much as I wanted him, I still wanted my clothes to remain in tact. I was in hi cut lace panties and my boots, Apparently, Leo did not mind the hi-cut bikini. He dropped to his knees and began to kiss the inside of my thigh. Oh my God, this man and his tongue. Warm little flicks on my skin and he was so close to what I wanted him to taste it was driving me insane. His hand gripped my bottom and began to start a kneading motion that could have been a massage if he was not planting wet kisses down my leg. Then, in a sudden movement, he buried his head in between my thighs. A scream died n my throat as I felt his warm breath through my panties and he began to lick my folds through the silk fabric. I had already soaked them as wet as I was for him, and he just added to the moisture. I felt my eyes roll into the back of head as he blew warm air into my crevice. Leo hooked a finger into the side of my panties and pushed them off to the side, and then I felt a lightening bolt travel through me as his tongue found its prize. He circled his tongue around my quivering clit and then took a deep suck as one would to a straw attempting to sip a milkshake. I thought my legs would have given way but he was holding me steady with his powerful arms. I noticed that his muscles were began to strain and I sunk my fingers into his thick dark mass of hair. My fingers in is hair caused him to moan and that brought my first orgasm. The deep reverberation of his groan on my sensitive and wet swollen clit had catapulted me over the edge. Leos sucking

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increased as I was feeling my legs fail me. Just as they began to buckle, he slid up my body and had me in his arms. He began kissing me with my juices fresh on his lips. Taste yourself, it is good he murmured as he plunged his tongue deeper into my mouth. I was kissing him with fervor and a hurried passion that I could not control. It was nectar like spiked honey but it was more intoxicating knowing that it was him feeding it too me from his lips. Leo pushed us back to the couch and had me on my back. As I was coming out of my stupor, Leo watched me intently with a gleam I could only describe as untamed. Wild lust clouded everything as I grabbed for him again. He shook his head and got up briefly, dug in his pants pockets and produced a condom. He ripped it open and as he put it on, I positioned myself. It was like being a kid in a candy store. I was excited, impatient and satisfied all at once. I was getting myself prepared to feel something that I didnt know that I had wanted for so long. He opened my legs so he could fit his wide muscled torso in between my thighs. Slowly he pressed into me, little by little, it was a manufactured torture that only he could be capable of. I tried to push my hips towards him, to speed along the process, but his strong hands were clamped to my waist, and holding me steady until he was ready to move me. He was in complete control. It was strange for me, to give up control. I was always in control. Yet I felt helpless, and I was happy for it. He would make sure I would get satisfaction; somehow I just knew he would. Please I whimpered. I could not believe how weak I sounded. But at that moment, I did not care. Shhhh, my impatient Aly, we both are going to enjoy this very much. Then he pulled out until the tip of his rounded head rested at by opening, and in one powerful push, sheathed himself to the hilt within my walls. I was shuddering, shivering and slightly in pain because of his thick shaft, but I did not care, the pain was worth it. I could feel his cock stretching my walls, my heart beat pulsing in rhythm to his throbbing shaft. Then he moved, slowly, he worked back and forth. I finally came out of my stupor long enough to put my hands over his where he was still clutching my waist. Taking my legs from up on his chest, and wrapping them around him, pushing the heel of my boot into his buttocks. He groaned an unrestrained cry, and bent taking my nipple into his mouth. His pace began to quicken, his muscles became more strained, and I became unglued. My eye lids became heavy as my second orgasm rushed through my body.

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My back arched off the couch, and I felt Leo loose the last bit of his control. His hands gripped at my thighs and pushing my legs open wide, he began to crush his cock into my creaming canal. As he lunged harder, his marbled cock thumped my spot harder and harder. I couldnt take it. I arched my back again and screamed my orgasm. Leos muscled abs tightened and I watched as his orgasm washed over his body. He bit his lip and let out a moan until I could tell the last contraction had passed. We both collapsed on the couch. I could not even think, and Leo was taking in large droughts of air. As he gathered me into his arms, I was content to sit there and not think, but one thing kept nagging at my foggy brain, what did he mean that he had wanted to do this for two years? Leo, tell me why Aly, I have wanted you for too long. I finally got it. But you had to quit. My uncle would not have approved. Warning bells shot off in my head, one night stand or not, my color had never been an issue before! If your uncle does not like you savoring chocolate, why did you want me? Something you knew that get on his nerves? I am not a toy, Leandros he put his salty index finger to my lips and sighed. That has never had anything to do with it. Is it exhilarating to see our skin tones blending together striving for mutual satisfaction? Yes, but that is not why I want you. Want? As in still do? Yes, tonight, tomorrow, this is not a one time thing for me. As I said, I have wanted you for too long. I am not going to let race get in the way. So put your guard down with me Aly. My guard was not so easily let down when I started to think about how long I subconsciously was attracted to him. It did not seem right, the more he had demanded of me, the more I dared to give. I have a confession though. I knew he was too good to be true. I tried to sit up but his strong arms held me close to his chest. I have tried to get you to quit before. I know my demands were sometimes outrageous, but as I said, I did not want anyone to think that me and you were

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screwing around, no matter how bad I wanted you. I needed to be around you all the time though. Sometimes your strength would make me weak. But I wanted you, all of you. Wait a minute, so you orchestrated the pickle thing? Ha! No, even I could not have thought of something that outrageous. Call it fate; I would have never guessed that me dumping on the underdog, or so you thought, would inspire the fighter in you. There have been a lot of things you have inspired me to do and none of them were legal. Shhhh, we are past that. Rest now, my Aly, because I think I am going to be hungry again real soon. With that he kissed my shoulder and I, for the first time in a long time, relaxed.

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