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Volume LXXVVVIV Issue 5 - March 4, 2013

La Jolla High School 750 Nautilus Street La Jolla 92037

Opening night, Junior Hallie Bodenstab directed the One Acts performance The Lodger starring Hannah Orr (left), Robbie Freeman
(right), Noah Wilson, Natile Miller and Tanner Perry for more information see page12.
Fellow Vikings,
The La Jolla High School
ASB is proud to announce
the 91st Annual Scarlet &
Black Ball, which will be
held this year at the Hall of
Champions in Balboa Park
on Saturday, March 9, 2013
from 8-11pm. This years
formal will feature DJ A-
ONE, who has toured with
many professional artists in-
cluding Kanye West and Ali-
cia Keys. There will also be a
photo-booth, free of charge
with the purchase of your
ticket. The Hall of Champi-
ons boast a variety of levels
including a museum, and a
dance oor.
Tickets for the dance are
sold during lunch for $45
from March 4th-March 8th.
Tickets will not be sold at
the door.
All members of the stu-
dent body of LJHS are in-
vited to attend in addition
to any dates of LJHS stu-
dents. The Dance contract
forms for LJHS students and
guests can be found online
at, or
on the schools website un-
der ASB Forms.
A few reminders for the
It is a formal dance, and the
dress code will be enforced.
The requirements are:
Men: Formal suit jacket/
sport Coat, collared shirt,
tie, dress slacks, and dress
Women: Formal dresses
that do not show bare mid-
riffs, formal shoes/ heels.
You must have your Stu-
dent ID to purchase your
ticket at the nance ofce
and must have a valid pic-
ture ID to enter the dance.
On a separate note, Air-
band has been set for Thurs-
day, April 12. All clubs and
classes are invited to par-
ticipate and compete for the
three cash prizes for the top
three nishing teams.
I hope to see you all at the
dance; I know it will be a
fantastic event
With sincerest regards, your
President and friend,
Daniel Stephen Hamilton
In This
Housewives of
La Jolla
Drunk Driving
St. Patricks Day
San Diego Unied School
District superintendent Bill
Kowba ofcially announced
on February 26 that he will re-
tire as of June 30 of this year.
Many question the decision,
however Kowba claims having
to cut so many district employ-
ees is too much stress for him.
Though Kowba only took on
the position as district superin-
tendent in 2010, this job was
not his rst occupation: at 60
years old, Kowba has served
as an admiral in the U.S. Navy
as well as multiple positions
within the school district such
as Chief Special Projects Of-
cer, Chief Logistics Ofcer,
Chief Financial Ofcer, and
Interim Chief Administrative
Ofcer, as well as interim su-
perintendent for the district,
thus his retirement after only
several years as superinten-
dent is somewhat justied.
The new superintendent,
Cindy Marten, current prin-
cipal of Central Elementary,
was elected at the SDUSD
meeting last Wednesday
By Trevor Menders
Copy Editor
A Change in Leadership
Six Spectacular Shows
By Tim Rayner
Last year at the Celebrate the Arts festival, attendees, with the
help of Jane Wheeler, created the new bench outside the coun-
seling ofce in celebration of the 90th anniversary of LJHS. The
picture above features from left to right: Dana Shelburne, Beth
Penny (PTA President), Laurie Allen(Sponsor), and Jane Wheel-
In the wake of the Newtown
school shooting and the count-
less other gun-related mas-
sacres in recent years, mass
hysteria has arisen about the
safety of our students.
In response to these shoot-
ings, the San Diego Police
Dept. in conjunction with the
San Diego Unied School Dis-
trict Police Dept. conducted
a simulation here at La Jolla
High designed to train teach-
ers on the correct course of ac-
tion in the event of a attack.
At 2:30 on Monday, February
25, 2013, local police ofcers
gathered all LJHS faculty into
the library and gave a short
presentation, which included
an overview of recent shoot-
ings and suggested protocol
for future situations, should
they arise.
Then, in an effort to allow
teachers to experience the true
stress of an actual shooting sit-
uation, the faculty was brought
into the 300 building where po-
lice simulated a school shoot-
ing, using two ofcers acting
as shooters and armed with a
handgun and an MP5 subma-
chine gun loaded with blanks.
Teachers were given the task
of saving children, represented
by balloons scattered around
the small courtyard, by corral-
ling them into the classrooms
while being shot at by the
The simulation was designed
to be as real as possible, com-
plete with the piercing sound
of gunshots and improvisa-
tional acting by the thespian
perpetratorsone of whom
was having a ctional affair
with one of our teachersthe
ofcers who took them down,
and our own Ms. Ann Boutelle
playing the teacher involved
continued on page 10...
Preparing for the Worst
Photo Courtesy of Tim Rayner
Photo Courtesy of Amanda Menas
Body Image
Congratulations to
Womens! Soccer
for making it all the way to
the CIF Championship.
Photo Courtesy of Wendy Nettleton
Photo Courtesy of Wendy Nettleton Featured: Brittany Black
The La Jolla High School
Sarah Devermann
Timothy Rayner
News Editor
Amanda Menas
Opinions Editors
Christine Han
Caitlyn Kellogg
Features Editor
Katie Allen
Student Focus Editor
Mae Goodjohn
Sports Editor
Wendy Nettleton
A & E Editor
Laura Derickson
Business Managers
Taylor Mohrhardt
Jessica Savage
Mia Kelliher
Trevor Menders
Staff Writers
Benjamin Allen
Stephanie Buchbinder
Megan Carroll
Rachel Carroll
Shane Colvard
Ali Davallou
Lilly Glenister
Lilly Grossman
Zoe Hildebrand
Misha Kabbage
Nasim Kasiri
Zen Kelly
Madeline Lavelle
Jordan Linsky
Brock Macelli
Kenneth Martey
Isabel Melvin
Heidi Moreland
Giovanni Moujaes
Nessie Navarro
Hannah Orr
Haley Richards
Waverly Richards
Erin Riley
Lauren Robbins
Lauren Robertson
Maxwell Sanchez
Sarah Schug
Janet Shackleton
The High Tide, an open forum, is the
ofcial student newspaper of La Jolla
High School. Unless otherwise noted,
opinions being voiced in the High Tide
belong to the individual author. The
High Tide welcomes letters and opin-
ions from students and staff members. If
you have a letter to the editor, please drop
it off in Room 501, or give it to any
High Tide editor. You may also email
submissions to
Submissions should be typed and cannot
be anonymous. The High Tide reserves
the right to refuse any material. Adver-
tisements are measured per column inch.
To advertise with the High Tide or to
to purchase a subscription, please email
us or call (858) 454-3081, extension
4501. Issues are distributed every four
weeks. No part of the High Tide may
be reproduced without written permission.
March 4, 2013
Copy Editors
Emma Scott
Hannah Orr
Jim Essex
Jordan Bowman
By Megan Carroll
Staff Writer
Can you imagine putting your
friends lives at stake? Can
you imagine killing another?
When you choose to drink and
drive, these are some of the
risks you take. However, at La
Jolla High School, there ap-
pears to be a lack of concern
for these risks. Students seem
to think of drunk driving as
a joke. The attitude towards
this serious issue is both shock-
ing and disgusting.
In 2010, Mothers Against
Drunk Driving and the Every
15 Minutes program worked
with the school to simulate
what a real drunk driving ac-
cident would be like. Fay Av-
enue was closed off, wrecked
cars were put in place, and
La Jolla High School students
acted as if they were involved
in a drunk driving accident.
The re department and po-
lice ofcers came, and stu-
dents looked on as the event
The entire production was
well-executed and extremely
powerful. Some found the
program to be helpful and
vowed never to drink and
drive again.
However, there were those
who were not so moved by the
These are the type of students
who go out on the weekends, get
drunk, and, without any regard
for the lives they are endanger-
ing, get behind the wheel of a
car, putting everybody on the
road at risk, which is a selsh de-
cision. Many young adults have
attitudes that bad things will not
happen to them. They already
have driven drunk countless
times and so far nothing bad has
happened. And maybe nothing
bad will ever happen.
But what if it did? What if
you killed someone? It is a
morbid thought, but it has to
be considered. You never think
that you will be the one in
the accident. It does not
seem real until it happens
to you. You do not want to
take someones life and ruin
your own at the same time.
Driving drunk is simply not
worth that chance.
Driving drunk is a stupid
and selsh decision. Desig-
nate a driver when you go
out. Have a trusted friend
you can call when you get
stuck at a party. Do anything
besides driving drunk or get-
ting into a car with a drunk
driver. Learn to respect the
fragility of life. You will be
saving your own life and
those of others.
By Ben Allen
Staff Writer
It is a wonder that any work
at La Jolla High School gets
done at all. And it is not just
because of sports, parties, or
signicant others. Procras-
tination these days lies most
rampant in the form of social
While the preferred site of
choice used to be Facebook,
students have turned their
browsers to other URLs;
Tumblr, Instagram, and Twit-
ter reign supreme now, leaving
Facebook nearly as desolate as
Following these new cham-
pions of social media is a new
age of procrastination. Hours,
if not days, are spent check-
ing feeds, updating proles,
reblogging, retweeting, liking,
and noting. The list of dis-
tracting options and activities
goes on for the budding social
Worst of all, this behavior
of blowing off homework to
blog on Tumblr or browse In-
stagram has become socially
acceptable. Its okay to blow
off nals to go update Twit-
ter. The act of choosing Tum-
blr over work has become so
commonplace that the phrase
being Tumblred has been
Proponents of the social me-
dia obsession say that these
sites build character and iden-
tity. But that is simply not
Along with procrastination,
social media encourages selsh
attention grabbing in a society
where everything we do must
be digitally recorded.
Even worse, under the veil
of anonymity, cyber bullying
and sexual harassment have
also increased as a result of so-
cial media.
But it doesnt stop there. Stu-
dent bloggers will opt to stay
home rather than go out with
friends. In this way, they (those
on social media) deny them-
selves what social media was
intended to do: bring people
closer. No one seems to care
though, so long as their blogs re-
tain their followers and the trolls
stay away.
While expressing oneself on-
Photo Courtesy of
Percentages of those killed in car accidents
Drunk drivers account for the majority of people killed in
car crashes.
Any amount of intoxication can have detrimental effects
on others on the road.
Sucked Into the World-Wide Web
Te e na ge r s & S oc i a l Me di a
line is expected in this mod-
ern day and age, it should
not control the lives of La
Jolla High School students.
Going out every once in a
while is a good thing. Get
some sun and let the eyeballs
rest. It would be better for all
involved if we spent less time
blogging and more time do-
ing. Social medias hold on
La Jolla High School stu-
dents shows no signs of loos-
ening its grip.
e Dangers
of Driving
Users of social me-
dia deny themselves
what social media
was intended to do:
bring people closer.
HI-TIDE March 4, 2013
By Mia Kelliher
Copy Editor
Competition occurs in all as-
pects of high school, including
academics, sports, and even
social status. At La Jolla High
School, which has a respected
academic ranking, students
have to compete against other
students in and out of the class-
room. The academic competi-
tion at LJHS can be seen as
both a positive and negative
part of everyday life.
On one hand, it creates an
environment where students
work their hardest in order
to achieve the highest grades,
which then gives the school a
reputation for having top scor-
ing students. Though this is
helpful in obtaining an over-
all productive and highly aca-
demic student body, it puts
immense pressure on students
to perform well, which could
cause students to either break
down or resort to other ways of
achieving academic excellence.
Competition in high school
is one of the many reasons
students have done so well in
the past and has kept up the
high standards. By offering
many advanced classes such
as honors, APs, and college
courses, LJHS has plenty of
opportunities for students to
expand their knowledge and
challenge themselves. In these
classes, students have to work
much harder to maintain an
A or B. Junior Alexander El-
iopulos said, [Competition
High school is tough. Students
spend hours doing homework
and studying. However, are
we learning life skills or mem-
orizing facts that we will forget
a week after the test? Many
students leave for college in six
months, where they will be liv-
ing on their own. Seniors are
already supposed to have cho-
sen a major and know what
they want to do with the rest
of their lives. Schools should
implement classes that teach
students knowledge necessary
in the real world.
High schools need programs
to help students explore differ-
ent career elds. They need
classes to help students with
scholarships and loan applica-
tions. Schools need to teach
students how to write a job
resume and how to act in an
interview for a job or college.
Students need to learn how
to manage money, pay taxes,
and pay off student loans.
Simple programs or classes
offered at high schools would
prepare students for indepen-
With such programs, stu-
dents are less inclined to have
mental breakdowns the mo-
ment they leave their parents.
Obviously, it is important to
learn math, science, english,
and social studies, but instead
of the core classes every year,
students should have more op-
portunities for different elective
courses. Classes such as psy-
chology, business, journalism
and writing, scientic research,
political science, economics,
engineering, communication,
and art should be offered at
every high school. This will
allow students to discover their
passions and help them decide
what they want to pursue later
in life.
Awareness classes should also
be offered at schools to teach
students how to deal with is-
sues such as depression, alco-
hol and drug abuse, anger, and
Students need to learn how to
think on their own, not how to
memorize the periodic table.
at LJHS] is extremely high
and gets everybody to try their
hardest and overall helps them
get into college and get better
Academic competition has
proven benecial in many
ways; it has given students the
opportunity to take unique
classes, to have a notable rep-
utation, and to rank higher
among students elsewhere.
Although he believes that
LJHS currently has low com-
petition, senior Milan Halgren
believes that what competi-
tion there exists is a massive
positive. Halgren expressed
that more competition is need-
ed, saying that We need to
grade on a curvehave 30%
of the population [not gradu-
ate], because there is a sense
of complacency that needs to
be corrected by more rigorous
curriculum and standardized
By Emma Scott
Copy Editor
Have you ever looked at a
classmate and sized up his
threat level? There comes a
point in life when you realize
that life is every man for him-
self. And although your peers
may not aim for high grades to
shove you a step down on the
ladder of success, they do in-
advertently lessen your chanc-
es for a better future just by
getting higher test scores.
This dilemma is a reection
of our educational system.
And it is frustrating because
so much potential and brain
power is dismissed when stu-
dents do not get into college,
or when they drop out of high
school because of numbers.
For example, consider the
SAT. If you are a self-disci-
plined, well-studied student, it
should be a breeze.
However, even the smartest
of kids get hit with lifes un-
expected detours. Now imag-
ine that you are trying to take
the SAT the day after a close
grandparent passed away. Do
you think you would be able
to perform at your full capac-
ity? Probably not. But unfor-
tunately, there is no bubble
for emotional distress when
taking the SAT. The resulting
score could mean that another
student with the same GPA
but a higher SAT score would
get into college over you. Col-
lege acceptance is so competi-
tive these days that every point
makes a difference.
Did you not think that that
one F you got in math Fresh-
man year would not count? It
might. Even a difference of
one letter grade could lower
your class rank in a school as
big as La Jolla High School.
For example, if you are in
a graduating class of 500 stu-
dents and you are ranked num-
ber 200, you could still be a
90+ student. At rst glance, it
would appear that you are not
doing well when, in fact, you
still have a very high average.
Teenagers should not have
this much pressure put on their
shoulders. Their abilities to
cope with stress and time man-
agement are still developing.
They may not think that skip-
ping a couple nights worth of
homework could count in the
long run, but it could essen-
tially dene whether they are
working at a burger joint in the
next ten years, or if they have a
medical degree.
Although competition can be
benecial, it can also result in
many negative behaviors. Too
much competition can wear
students down and become a
negative feedback loop. Instead
of attaining higher grades and
more knowledgeable students,
competition can be too stress-
ful for students, causing them
to lose hope and motivation,
which can lower their grades.
High school is a place where
competition has a role in many
aspects of student life, but in
each aspect, competition pro-
duces both positive and nega-
tive effects.
At LJHS, competition is a
crucial part of the academic
quality. The positive outcomes
of competition outweigh the
negative ones and have caused
LJHS to become a highly
ranked high school.
Photo Courtesy of
Compet i t i on:
Cat astrophe or
By Sarah Schug
Staff Writer
Is Education Preparing Us for the Real World ?
4 March 4, 2013 HI-TIDE FEATURES
By Haley Richards
Staff Writer
Saint Patricks day, March
17th, is a holiday many La
Jolla High School students
are looking forward to.
Saint Patricks day became
an ofcial feast day in the
early seventeenth century,
commemorating Saint
Patrick, and the arrival of
Christianity in Ireland. This
day has gradually become a
celebration of Irish culture in
general, with parades, people
wearing the color green, and
feasting on the traditional
meal of Irish corned beef and
The Irish have celebrated
this holiday for over a
thousand years by attending
church in the morning and
then celebrating and feasting
in the afternoon. In Chicago,
a massive parade is held every
year and the Chicago River
is dyed green. La Jolla High
School sophomore, Lexe
Mccally has attended this
parade and celebration many
times before moving to La
Jolla. Its a really cool event,
but ever since moving here I
dont do much for the holiday
anymore, Lexe said.
The largest of the St. Patricks
parades is held in Dublin,
Ireland. Taking 18 months to
plan, it is considered one of
the greatest celebrations in the
world. It is a four-day festival,
with about one million people
who come to celebrate.
In San Diego, students can
attend a free, annual parade
and festival, held on 6th Ave
and Juniper St. by Balboa
Everyone has their own way
of celebrating certain holidays.
Senior Wyatt Hegeler says,
Im going to wear my Ireland
Speedo to school. As with
every holiday, traditions are
made. Every year my mom
makes corned beef and
cabbage, said junior Julianna
Schuetz. Wherever your
family comes from, Ireland
or not, Saint Patricks day is a
great holiday to celebrate lled
with fun activities, parties, and
good food. It is never too late
to start a green yearly tradition
with family and friends!
By Misha Kabbage
Staff Writer
By Brock Macelli
Staff Writer
Growing up in La Jolla,
we are all accustomed to
the aesthetic beauty that
surrounds us. Everywhere we
walk or drive, its not hard to
nd a gorgeous view or some
unique array of indigenous
plants and wildlife.
This being said, La Jolla
High School is the very same
way, with ocean views from
many of the rooms and the
beautifully clean quads that
accentuate our campuss
visually natural beauty.
But the school is not
necessarily always this way.
The many janitors that we
seldom see around campus,
picking up trash or xing
something, are the backbone
that keeps La Jolla High School
in its pristine condition.
The janitors at La Jolla
High School tackle each day
with a great attitude and a
readiness to keep the school
at tip-top shape. One of the
janitors named Pete, who has
been working at La Jolla High
School for ten years said, I
love the students, the teachers
and getting to watch them
i nt e r ac t and learn. Another
Janitor, Everett, who has been
at La Jolla for twenty-six years
now mentioned, I really
love seeing the camaraderie
between the many students and
both the positive atmosphere
and positive attitudes of the
students and the teachers.
They both agreed that the
trash problem after lunch
has been pretty consistent
in their years at La Jolla
High, and Everett also said
the beginning of the year is
usually worse; then by second
semester the older kids have
taught the younger ones to
pick up and throw away their
While one may see a janitor
around during class, picking
up trash or driving to and fro,
this is not their duty. They are
responsible for all after-hours
mischief." Both agreed
that senior pranks were the
worst, and possibly some of
the strangest things they have
seen on campus. Pete said,
one year the seniors hung
CDs in the trees around the
quad to look like snowakes.
Another year they created
an entire beach scene on the
quad, which was cool and
they even came and helped us
clean it up afterwards.
These guys are hard-
workers and also some of the
nicest guys you may meet on
campus. They absolutely love
the student body, and gratitude
is much appreciated.
Luck of the Irish
How LJHS Students
Celebrate Their Irish Pride
Cleaning House
Photo Courtesy of
Do you ever get bored of just watching TV or playing video
games? Why not spice up some of the things laying around your
house or even add some color to some of your own personal
belongings. Need help? Look to these websites for inspiration:,, and
There is always something creative and fun that you can do
yourself. Here are a couple of ideas:
Choose the end of the cork
with the smoothest texture and
draw a design using a marker,
remembering not to make too
many intricate patterns. Take
the craft knife and carefully
cut around the edges of your
pattern, pushing straight down
into the cork, about 1/4 deep.
Press the blade down and pull
it straight up for each cut,
using lots of little straight cuts
for curves instead of trying to
make one long cut. Lay the
cork on its side and cut around
the circumference about 1/6
down from the end you rst
cut, and about 1/4 deep so
that all the cuts you previously
made will be cut free. Gently
pull off the carved pieces of
cork from the top, and now
youre ready to press your
stamp into some ink and make
some beautiful designs!
Cork Stamps
What you need:
-wine cork -paint
-inkpad -craft knife
Girls, why get your nails done
when you could have amazing
salon-looking nails right at
home done by yourself ?
First, paint your nails with the
lighter of the two colors, and
wait for them to dry completely.
Then, on a at surface, pour
each color out in two puddles,
about the sizes of strawberries,
making sure the edges of each
puddle are touching. With the
toothpick, swirl the two colors
where they meet. Now, take the
sponge and dab it directly onto
the whole nail polish puddle
a few times. Dab the sponge
down on to your nail and keep
dabbing lightly while moving
it very slightly up and down
your nail. For bolder results,
wait until the whole nail is dry
to avoid smudging. At the end,
add a clear topcoat and there
you go!
Ombre Nails
What you need:
-nail polish (2 colors)
-toothpick -small sponge
Mr. Tom Garreston, a familiar face around campus.
Photo Courtesy of Jordan Bowman
FEATURES 5 HI-TIDE March 4, 2013
By Mia Kelliher and
Ali Davallou
Copy Editor and Staff Writer
Nearly every year, right after
we return back winter break,
u season begins. Around this
time, illnesses among students
greatly increase. Reaching its
peak in January and February,
the u season plagues a huge
number of people each year.
Flu season and the effects
of the u are very pertinent to
La Jolla High School because
students have an elevated
chance of catching germs and
sicknesses, as well as being
extremely contagious.
Students attend school every
day for about eight hours
and are in contact with many
other students. The u spreads
through germs, but there are
many ways students can help
protect themselves and prevent
sickness from the seasonal u
by stopping the germs before
they attack his or her own
The u is a contagious
respiratory sickness that is
caused by a series of different
strains of viruses, and can
either have a mild effect or a
more serious one on others.
Flu Season has been known
to start as early as October
and sometimes lasting as late
as May.
The u season has started off
harsher than usual so students
should take extra measures
to protect their health as
well as others. Although high
school students are not in the
age range that is most at risk
of serious side effects of the
u, we witness many of our
classmates miss at least a few
days of school as a result of
There are several simple ways
students can prevent having
a worse u season, especially
by being alert with their
own health conditions and
making sure they have taken
some defensive measures to
prevent getting sick. Being sick
causes absences, poor health
conditions, and a variety of
negative tolls on the body
exactly why students should
worry about germs.
Stopping the spread of
germs is the most natural
and easy way to keep oneself
healthy. Some steps include
taking days off when one is
sickespecially if you are
contagious. No one wants to
be contaminated, so stay home
and rest your body. If you have
fevers or experience vomiting
take cautions to reduce the
side effects as well as to refresh
your health. Even taking the
simplest actions can stop
illnesses from easily spreading
around school.
Covering your nose and
mouth with a Kleenex when
sneezing or coughing is a very
important one, since many
people in public often forget
to do so. Another factor that
people often forget about as
well is washing your hands,
periodically as well as after
handling anything that could
be carrying some germs on it.
Properly washing your hands
is important: wet your hands
with warm, running water,
scrub your hands with soap for
about 20 seconds, and rinse;
germs can not be spread from
student to student this way.
Something nearly everyone
has been guilty of is sharing
drinks, food, forks, spoons, and
chap stick with their friends
or even acquaintances that
could very likely have germs
on it that you may not even be
aware of. As a rule of thumb,
try to keep all those kinds of
things to yourself.
Getting a sufcient amount
of sleep is necessaryeven
though it is hard to nd time
to sleep in a students busy
scheduleour bodies need the
rest to recover from a day as
well as having a strong immune
Drink lots of uids throughout
the day, especially those that
contain Vitamin C, because it
may help ght off germs in the
body. As simple as it may be,
water is essential in boosting
ones health. It has numerous
benets including: preventing
bacteria, refueling the brain,
as well as relaxing the body.
This u season, you can ght
of the germs to keep yourself
healthy. By being conscious
of easy and effective ways
to protect yourself, you can
really decrease your likelihood
of catching or spreading the
virus. It may seem obvious to
take these certain precautions
because, growing up, we have
been taught to do that as a
part of everyday life, but these
steps are crucial in preventing
illnesses from spreading. Wash
your hands, cover your cough,
get your shot, and you should
be golden for this u season!

By Nasim
Staff Writer
Since La Jolla High School
has some fashion forward girls
on campus, most of the styles
we will be expecting from
them for the spring season are
going to be phenomenal. Even
though there are many girls
who know how to shop till they
drop, some might not know
what the expected hot trends
of the season are.
Spring Trends might
typically mean pastels, dull
Easter-egg colors, and happy-
go-lucky oral prints, but
this season there is a strong
emphasis of the black-and-
white looks. Black-and-white
is appropriate to wear year-
round, and it is easy to pull
off at every budget, and
sophisticated enough to wear
around school, go to the
grocery store, and even for a
date night.
Speaking of date night
ladies, this spring you will have
no problem nding something
cute, yet edgy, to wear. Daring
cutouts, slits, midriffs, and
sheer fabrics were all over
the runway for the seasons
hot trends. These peek-a-boo
options are available for every
body shape at stores like H&M,
Nordstrom, and even our own
boutique LF.
Our styles are always
inuenced from many cultures
outside of the nation, and this
season we are seeing inuences
from India and the Middle East.
Beading is a denite yes to add
to your spring collection. This
surprise of some razzle-dazzle
is mixing in with the eye-
popping colors that we will be
seeing everywhere. But, make
sure its not too much beading
or you will be the one who is
known as the disco ball.
The past is coming back to
haunt us, but in a good way.
Colorful ats and low-heels
are coming back with a twist.
The 90s were full of pointy-
toed shoes and 1-inch heels
but now theyre modernized
with everything from ankle
straps to cylindrical heels.
Some shoe designers that are
bringing out ats and low-
heels in an extravagant way
are Jeffrey Campbell, Steve
Madden, Michael Kors, and
Marc Jacobs. If those are out
of your price range, then cute
little stores like Forever 21 and
Charlotte Russe will denitely
be carrying these inexpensive
but gorgeous styles!
Since the sun will be shining
in Sunny San Diego, you are
certainly going to need some
OMG-worthy sunglasses to
add a runway feel to your
everyday essentials. With
sunglasses this season, dark
shades are the way to go.
Hearts, circles, squares, and
any other statement-making
shapes are making each pair
louder and more amboyant
than the next.

Send The Flu





As long as you know whats
hot and whats not for the
season, you are all set to shop
your hearts out! No matter
what style you have, these great
tips for the spring season will t
right in.

6 March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013
Around the world today, people in dierent cultures see beauty in a variety of
ways. What one culture may think is beautiful, another culture may see as hideous.
We are all dierent and so is beauty.
While women in our culture would do just about anything to stay or be thin,
women in Mauritania are doing the exact opposite. Women in Mauritania are not
considered beautiful unless they are overweight! The heavier a women is there, the
more desirable she is. To be specic, Mauritanian women go out of their way to
make girls as young as 5 and as old as 19 drink up to ve gallons of fat-rich camels
or cows milk daily just to fatten them up.
In Iran, women cover up most of their bodies, so that the only part visible is their
faces. Some Iranian women have nose jobs done, to get that perfect nose. These
women sometimes judge each other based on whether or not they have had a
nose job. There, women are seen as beautiful and classy if they have this procedure
As human beings, we owe it to ourselves to understand that being beautiful is be-
ing happy, because the physical appearance of beauty varies in dierent places,
however happiness does not.
If you could change anything about your body, what would it be?
If youve been a mem-
ber of a social media net-
work, youve probably
come across a few im-
ages depicting one of the
most sought after physi-
cal attributes known
to the internet. This
social media legend is
known as the thigh gap.
If youre a male and
youve read this far,
youre probably won-
dering what a thigh gap
is and why a girl would
want one. A thigh gap is
essentially exactly what
it sounds like a gap be-
tween the inner thighs.
Why do girls want one?
The answer is found in
years worth of negative
By Emma Scott
Copy Editor Social Media Legend: The Myth of the Thigh Gap
By Waverly Richards
Sta Writer
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
By Jordan Linsky & Waverly Richards
Sta Writers
Feel good in your curves
In modern day society,
images of half-naked,
stick thin models are
plastered on posters,
web pages, and televi-
sion commercials. Being
constantly confronted
by such images, it is
no surprise that many
girls develop unhealthy
body images. Thanks to
modern media, having
a little extra meat on
your bones is no longer
viewed as healthy, but
fat. Women need to shut
out the unrealistic expec-
tations of the media and
be comfortable in their
Marilyn Monroe, debat-
ably one of the sexiest
women of all time, was
between a size twelve
and sixteen. Curves were
viewed as sexy in the
1950s and should still be
beautiful in 2013. Howev-
er, media promotes sickly
thin women. The average
Victorias Secret Model is
510 and weighs a mere
112lbs, while the average
woman is 54 and 135lbs.
When going from
Marilyn Monroe to Vic-
torias Secret models, it
becomes apparent that
there is a drastic change
in the worlds perception
of what beauty embod-
ies. No one knows who
decided that full gured
women were no longer
attractive, but it is obvi-
ous that there is a dis-
First, people say how so
many actresses in Hollywood
look anorexic, and now they
are criticizing me for looking
Jennifer Lawrence
torted view of reality.
Its sexier when a wom-
an is comfortable in her
own skin, rather than try
and look like a Victorias
Secret model, which is
just unrealistic,stated se-
nior Keller Mattoon.
However, that is not to
say that all media outlets
present unhealthy look-
ing models. Dove com-
mercials now feature
many dierent women
of all shapes and colors.
Sports Illustrated also
spotlights healthy, full-
bodied models in their
swimsuit issue every
These companies show
that it is possible to not
only be comfortable
in your curves, but be
viewed as sexy as well.
If you are still feeling
down about your body
image, just remember
that a positive, optimis-
tic mindset can help you
achieve a solution to your
problems. Keep in mind
that it all starts with rec-
ognizing that your body
is your own, no mat-
ter what size or shape it
comes in.
David Beary, a senior at
La Jolla High school says,
I think the most beauti-
ful girls are the ones who
feel most comfortable in
their own skin. Girls that
are condent with them-
selves and are happy
with the way they look
are the most attractive to
me. And to be complete-
ly honest, I like a girl with
curves! As human
beings, we need to accept
that we are always going
to be imperfect. If every-
one was perfect, then no
one would be unique or
original, and that would
take away the fun in life.
Living a healthy lifestyle
with exercise can be the
answer to improve the
way you choose to live
your life. Exercise con-
trols your weight, boosts
your energy, improves
your mood, and combats
health conditions and dis-
eases! Jennifer Lawrence,
a famous actress from
the The Hunger Games,
otherwise known as to-
days Hollywoods favor-
ite obese actress says, I
dont want little girls to
be like, Oh, I want to look
like Katniss, so Im go-
ing to skip dinner. Thats
something that I was re-
ally conscious of during
training, when youre try-
ing to get your body to
look exactly right. I was
trying to get my body t
and strong, not thin and
Being a full-gured
woman is not equal to
fat. Women are meant to
have curves, and people
need to learn how to em-
brace them. Being real
and healthy is sexier than
any other look.
To all the girls that think youre
ugly because youre not a size 0,
youre the beautiful one. It's soci-
ety whos ugly
Marylin Monroe
72% of females at La Jolla
High look in the mirror over 7 times
a day
47% of males at La Jolla
High look in the mirror over 7
times a day
67% of females at
La Jolla High think that
the average womans
dress size is a 6; the aver-
age womans dress size is
really a 14
80% of females at
La Jolla High would rather
have a better mind than a
better body
65% of males at La
Jolla High would rather
have a better mind than a
better body
78% of the student
population claims they are
generally happy with the way
their body looks
body image campaigns
and dangerously thin su-
permodels on television.
In short, girls want
thigh gaps because
they think thighs that
touch are considered
fat and unattractive.
However, in reality, most
men dont nd the stick
gure to be alluring.
Yet females still nd
themselves desperate for
space between their legs.
Unfortunately the thing
they strive to achieve
is nearly unattainable.
Ladies, as long as you
keep skipping meals in
hopes of a thigh gap, you
will always be unhappy.
The truth is, a thigh gap
is only possible if you
have a very specic skele-
tal structure. A thigh gap
actually has nothing to
do with your weight. It is
more plausible for women
with wide set hips, wide
spaced femurs, and a wid-
er pelvic girdle to acheive
this phenomenon.
However, women with
smaller hips, a smaller
pelvic girdle, and deep
close set femurs have
a dicult time attain-
ing a thigh gap, as their
bodies arent built to al-
low space between their
thighs. They would have
to be stripped of mus-
cle, fat, and even skin.
Also keep in mind that
the girls on these web-
sites (especially preva-
lent on tumblr) lock their
knees, stick out their butts
and stand with their heels
apart in order to give
the illusion of having a
thigh gap in their seles.
If youre still wanting
a thigh gap, you can al-
ways adjust your posture
to make you look thinner,
which only goes to show
how relative photography
is to attering positions.
If most tumblr famous
girls cant achieve a thigh
gap naturally, why should
you hold yourself to these
unrealistic standards?
Lastly, remember that
the dangerously thin
body type displayed by
women in the media
is only found in 5% of
the female population,
and the measuring tape
is only getting tighter
20 years ago models
weighed 8% less than a
healthy weight and now
they typically weigh
23% under that mark.
So dont hold yourself
up to the unrealistic stan-
dards of Hollywood, so-
cial media, and misguid-
ed perceptions of men.
Your legs with or with-
out a gap are perfectly
normal and attractive.
Many times, eating disorders are overlooked
when thinking about chronic illnesses that eect
high school students. It may be a surprise to learn
that an estimated 11% of high school students
have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. In
fact, anorexia is the third most common chronic
illness among adolescents. Media, the stress of
school, and unrealistic standards for body image
at La Jolla High only serve to exacerbate this prob-
Studies show that the most common behavior
that will lead to an eating disorder is dieting, yet it
is normal to see girls on strict diets at our school.
According to a recent study, 50% of females from
age 18 to 25 would rather be run over by a truck
than be fat.
If you know someone who is struggling with an
eating disorder, here is what to do:
1. Do not ignore the signs
2. Confront the person
3. Direct them to a professional
4. Tell their parents, teachers, school nurse, or
All facts courtesy of
min/counseling/Eating_Disorder_Statistics.pdf and
Eating Disorders
By Mae Goodjohn
Student Focus Editor
A Time for Reection
At LJHS, there are 3 or more mirrors in each girls bathroom, but there is only one mir-
ror in all of the boys bathrooms combined.

March 4, 2013
Spr|ng Sports Intro
Women's Locrosse
Men's Ienn|s
Irock ond F|e|d
Men's Vo||eybo||
This upcoming season shoulo have a positive outlook, oue to
the talent ol returning ano new players ano also a new coaching
Varsity returner, Junior Emily Young saio, We recently hao
our nrst scrimmage ano the team showeo gooo energy ano nelo
sense, two things that are very haro to coach.
Senior Cameron Baggett mentioneo that, The team is looking
lorwaro to our annual trip to Hawaii. The tournament is obvi-
ously in a great spot ano the competition is gooo. Besioes Hawaii,
we also want to make a run lor a CII Championship. This is the
last year we have belore we are moveo up to Division I.
Sophomore Katja Sarain
exclaims, We`ve been okay,
we win a lew ano we lose a
lew. This season is important
ano may mark the start ol
better seasons to come. Our
team is planning on locus-
ing more ouring practice ano
practicing outsioe ol school
as well.
The team has not hao a
strong season in a couple sea-
sons, but Sarain ano the rest
ol the team is working haro
to change that.
Although the swim team graouateo many important players, it
still looks strong because most ol the swimmers have been train-
ing year-rouno, some by playing water polo.
Junior Westin Waloburger mentions, The season will be in-
teresting, but in the past we have been strong ano we plan on
staying that way. I have been training haro ano I want to play a
bigger role on the team by bringing oown my times. By the eno
ol the season I hope to have college level swim times.
Even though Baminton is
not well known at La Jolla
High School, the team is still
very competitive ano it has
oone well over the past couple
Senior Aorielle Wai men-
tions, Ol course the team
wants to win a lot this season.
There are a lot ol returning
players ano our mixeo oou-
bles teams are great. The best
part ol the season, probably
lor many other teams here, is
CII Tournament play. We are
really looking lorwaro to that
ano hope to oo well.
Another strong team at LJHS, men`s tennis, is looking strong
lor a CII Championship.
Senior Lawrence agrees, We really want to win CII this year.
The team has moveo up signincantly ano it is just really solio this
year with eight seniors backing it. I personally want to oo well in
the CII Inoivioual Tournament ano mostly just have lun with
The track ano nelo team is one ol the strongest teams at LJHS.
It senos multiple people to State CII every year ano this year it
hopes to oo the same.
Senior Kelli Hancock, a star sprinter, saio, We want to go
back to State this year. The team also has our sights set on break-
ing school recoros ano also recoros on a larger scale.
Sophomore Thomas Zlatic is looking lorwaro to having a winning season. Zlatic saio, We want
to get a lot ol wins ano we can oo it because we have a lot ol returning sophomores ano they`re
really gooo. We will oennitely be playing our haroest to help us get well into CII.
By Nossio Nnvnrro nnd Lnuron Robbins
Stoff Jritr
P/t Cort, f Soro/ D.roooo
P/t Cort, f Joc, `ttlto
P/t Cort, f Soro/ D.roooo
Senior Lawrence Rano playing King ol the Court.
Sophomore Jake LaBeau working on his lreestyle stroke.
Sophomore Katja Sarain at the plate ouring practice.
Men's Go||
Both the women`s ano men`s goll teams at LJHS are always accomplisheo. The men`s team is a
gooo competitor lor the CII Championship this year.
Senior Sachin Mehta saio, The team this year shoulo be successlul. We hao a gooo season this
year ano we hope to continue that by practicing a lot ano working on technique.
P/t Cort, f Joc, `ttlto
P/t Cort, f Soro/ D.roooo
Track runners starting their nrst runs ol the season.
Senior Coleman Lee passes oll a ball to a teammate while ouring an ollensive play.
Men's Locrosse
This 2013 varsity team will be leo by a strong senior class ano a
new varsity heao coach. The team is hoping on having a success-
lul season ano making it well into CII Flayolls.
Junior Tristan Saeeo saio, Our new coach, Tommy, is bring-
ing new aspects ol the game that will help us become a more
competitive team.
March 4, 2013
Both the men`s ano women`s
lacrosse teams at La Jolla High
School will be experiencing
coaching changes this year. Ior
the men, varsity heao coach
Tom Duerr, assistant varsity
coach Kip Malo ano JV coach
Max Zarchin ano lor the wom-
en, varsity heao coach Brittany
Butler, assistant varsity coach
Maria Valoeras ano heao JV
coach Caroline Beasley.
All three ol the women`s
team coaches recently have
graouateo lrom college, where
they playeo competitive la-
crosse. The young vigor they
bring to the team helps keep
it last-paceo ano upoateo in
the ever changing worlo ol la-
Butler, who was a crucial
player at University ol Mary
Washington in Virginia, men-
tions that, We want La Jolla
women`s lacrosse to become a
householo name ano lor that
to happen, we, as coaches will
increase the intensity level, abil-
ity, skill, ano knowleoge ol the
game. In turn, the girls` level
ol oeoication ano commitment
will rise. We have some amazing
talent on both JV ano Varsity,
we`re really exciteo to showcase
that this year Bottom line, win-
ners oon`t wait lor opportuni-
ties, they make them happen
Also, San Diego Section CII
recently shilteo arouno the
women`s oivisions lor all the
schools in the county. It has split
schools into an Open Division,
Division I ano Division II. The
Open Division was organizeo
specincally by lacrosse skill, not
the size ol the school. LJHS was
placeo into that oivision with
seven ol the other top teams
in San Diego, like Coronaoo
ano La Costa Canyon. Se-
nior Sarah Alton saio, Both
our coaches are gearing us up
lor this top oivision. We have
been working with a strength
ano conoitioning coach to
prepare us more. Our previ-
ous coach was superb, but I
can really tell that |Butler ano
Valoeras| are here to make a
big name lor our program
ano solioily it as one ol the
best in San Diego.
On the other sioe, the men`s
team recently saw long-time
heao varsity coach Matt
Rosenberg step oown to pur-
sue other interests ano Tom
Duerr step up to nll the po-
sition. Duerr, who playeo at
lacrosse powerhouse Johns
Hopkins University, will also
bring the same vitality that
the women`s coaches are
Duerr saio, The 2013 La
Jolla boy`s lacrosse team is a
young team but possesses se-
nior leaoership ano experi-
ence to leao the way lor the
program. Senior mioneloer
Coleman Lee will be a large
contributor to our success
on ollense as well as oelense.
Much ol our success will be a
oirect renection ol Coleman`s
leaoership on ano oll the nelo.
Starting junior attackman
Troy Cummings will be leao-
ing the charge on the ollensive
eno. Troy`s quick hanos ano
last-paceo mentality will push
the ollense to take aovantage
ol unsettleo situations.
The men`s team is oen-
nitely exciteo lor the coach-
ing change because it gives it
the chance to work with top
players. Senior goalie Myles
Dalton-Steinharot, who Duerr
By Wondy Nottloton
Srt Ecitr
eiccLic eiiv+e
Wrroovixo nr xrw rorossr rvs` ooonrs
mentioneo will be the key
component on oelense |ano|
with his leaoership ano oirec-
tion on the oelensive eno, it
shoulo look to contain our
opponents to a minimal goals
against average, saio, These
new coaches we have playeo at
top lacrosse schools ano some
still play on pro exhibition
teams. They really know their
stull ano are conveying it over
to us well. This season shoulo
be pretty impressive.
Both Butler ano Duerr are
also heao coaches lor Mao
Dog Lacrosse. Mao Dog is
a local, oll-season club team
lor boys ano girls. The two
are working haro to create a
strong youth base lor La Jolla
High, that will in turn help the
two varsity teams hopelully
win some CII Championship
Cl./oi fro t lft:
Senior Matt Neeoham el-
evates over a Canyon Crest
Acaoemy oelenoer. The
basketball team upset 43
Montgomery in the CII
Iirst Rouno but lost to 4o
CCA in CII Quarternnals,
3-!2, Women`s varsity soc-
cer players celebrate alter
beating University City, 1-0
in CII Seminnals. The team
playeo a great game against
Catheoral Catholic lor the
championship on Saturoay,
A couple Saturoays ago,
women`s varsity waterpolo
took on Bishop`s lor the
CII Championship title. Al-
though LJHS kept it close
in the nrst hall, the wheels
came oll in the secono hall,
resulting in a loss, 13-.
P/t Cort, f Joc, `ttlto P/t Cort, f Ci.oooi Moo
P/t Cort, f )rcoo Boooo
10 NEWS March 4, 2013
Asylum Entertainment has sent
out a casting call for a Real
Housewives show for the San
Diego area, including La Jolla
and Rancho Santa Fe.
The Real Housewives fran-
chise is an original series by the
Bravo! cable network, and cur-
rently has six shows on air. The
news came after Andy Cohen,
a Bravo! executive, said House-
wives would not be expanding
past their last Miami show.
Clearly, something or someone
managed to change the cable
networks mind.
In the call, published on NBC
San Diegos website, the cast-
ing agents are looking for out-
going, strong, focused women
who live in the area and want
to share their lives on TV.
The call also explains that the
womens husbands, friends,
and families would have to be
willing to be an open book to
the cameras and to the show.
If any rich, busy, smart,
popular housewives with large
homes in La Jolla or Rancho
Santa Fe are willing, get them
to stop by the NBC/Bravo! cast-
ing call for the next set of Real
By Ali Davallou
Staff Writer
Real Housewives of San Diego
Defense Secretary Leon Pa-
netta has made a revolution-
ary decision: women are now
allowed to serve in ground-
combat. The ban on women
in combat was lifted in order
to achieve the militarys goal
of a level, gender-neutral
playing eld. Many women
have already been serving on
the front lines, but now the
technical rule will be lifted.
Some champion this new
decision, some question the
logistics and benets, and
still others wonder if the rul-
ing will at all alter the course
of war.
Previously, the US Army,
the largest ghting force, had
excluded women from about
25 percent of active duty
combat roles, according to the
Washington Post. Fox News
reported that over 230,000
jobs could be opened up to
women in Army and Marine
infantry units. By May 15,
plans are to be presented on
how to effectively integrate
women into the front lines.
The ability of women to
pass strength and tness re-
quirements was originally a
concern. In response, gen-
der-neutral tests were created
although many question how
accurately they will be able
to tell if a woman is strong
enough to serve on the front
In reality, the average Ma-
rine infantryman has to carry
a 100-pound pack and walk
long distances. Some claim
the tests lowered the require-
ments for women, leading
them to believe women may
not be adequately prepared
for some of the more intense
positions on the front lines.
Another issue is the sexu-
al harassment of deployed
women. According to the
Department of Veteran Af-
fairs, over half of the women
deployed to Afghanistan or
Iraq have reported being
sexually harassed. Some be-
lieve that putting more wom-
en in situations where they
will have little to no privacy
will increase the amount of
sexual assault. Others think
that making men and wom-
en more equal in the military
will create a more respectful
La Jolla High School stu-
dents are divided on the is-
sue. Freshman Seth Pite said,
It is a good thing that they
are willing to risk their lives
for our country. Women de-
serve to ght if that is what
they want.
However, Sophomore
Lauren Roberts is not sure
whether the change will be a
good one or not. I think it
is great that women are not
going to be excluded any-
more, but I do not know how
well the men and women will
work together, said Roberts.
The ground breaking deci-
sion to lift the ban on women
in combat has advantages
and disadvantages. Its a
great step towards equality
in the military, but only time
will tell if this new rule is
benecial or not.
By Megan Carroll and
Rachel Carroll
Staff Writers
in Combat
In the mind of the average La
Jolla High School student, the
word accessibility lacks mean-
ing. However, for the disabled,
the word is the difference be-
tween downstairs and upstairs,
in and out, normal and differ-
ent, even life and death.
Up until 2011, LJHS had no
need to make campus accessi-
ble. Parents and grandparents
may have needed ramps or el-
evators in the past, but unfor-
tunately, their needs were ig-
nored. Last year, however, the
need grew as a student arrived
in a wheelchair. A to-do list
was handed to the school and
although a year and a half has
By Lilly Grossman
Staff Writer
Accessibility Around Campus
passed, some of those needs
have still not been met.
The rst item on the list was
to make sure both elevators
are working. They needed up-
dated software and had them
running before the 2011-2012
school year started. Second,
the bridge to the upper 500
building needed reconstruc-
tion. The bridge, which had
metal railings but lacked a bot-
tom, was a safety hazard to all
students, not only disable stu-
dents. When an architect came
to evaluate the bridge last
spring, it was not approved for
an ofce building, let alone a
school. If a wheel went off the
bridge, there would be nothing
holding the 400-pound power
chair except imsy railings.
The problem was solved be-
fore the 2012-2013 school year
although the deadline was be-
fore the student entered high
Another issue is the lack of
accessibility onto the football
eld. The only way onto the
eld for a disabled person is
to travel around the school to
Fay then down to the gate on
Rushville. Taking into account
re and earthquake drills when
students are instructed to go to
the eld, students in wheel-
chairs go to Nautilus. While
the ambulances are down at
the eld, there is no one to
help the students and aids on
the other side of campus. Its
therefore the responsibility of
the school to enact a change,
put ramps to the eld, and
keep all students safe.
A nal x for the school is au-
tomatic buttons for the doors
on the library and main ofce.
In the case of a re, there are
times when no one is around
to help a disabled person.
Automatic doors are the most
important change that still
needs to be made. Having au-
tomatic doors is a safety issue
that needs to be considered.
There is a cost, as with every-
thing, which as of now has not
been met. Unless someone
generously donates the money,
the problem will continue.
As there are other students in
wheel chairs coming to LJHS
in the near future, the solution
to this problem is of utmost
...continued from page 1
with the suspect (who graced
him with a full, open-hand-
ed slap before being gunned
down point-blank). Yet the
biggest truth that most teach-
ers realized from the scenario
was that it was almost immedi-
ately over.
Being less than three minutes
in duration, the simulation had
a ctional death toll of over
ve teachers and multiple chil-
All parents of students and
local residents were notied
of the simulation prior to the
actual date, to inform them
of the purpose and content of
the demonstration, and to dis-
pel any concerns over audible
gunshot noises that might be
heard in the surrounding ar-
March 4, 2013
Photo courtesy of
Photo courtesey of
Starving Artists
By Trevor Menders
Staff Writer
The picture of an artist is
already framed in much social
stigma: emotional, moody,
unorthodox, sensitive, and
dark are just a few adjectives
that come to mind, and these
impressions can be found in
multiple books and reviews.
At the same time, the arts
used to receive much more
attention than they do now.
However, artists from both San
Diego and all across the globe
have recently begun to bring
their craft to the mainstream
in an effort to survive.
Songs on channel 933, et al.,
have started to slide away from
harsh synthesizer and autotune
and are now leaning more
in the direction of acoustic
guitar and raw vocals. Ballet,
once conned to the stage, has
started to reach the screen, with
Ballet in Cinema broadcasting
timeless performances by
famous companies to movie
theatres all around the world.
Shows like Glee, Smash, and
Breaking Pointe, although not
universally loved, are starting
to bring behind-the-scenes
glimpses into the action behind
the curtains to the masses, and
the majority of TV audiences
are eating it up.
So, the ne arts are making
a mark in popular culture in
generalbut what about in
San Diego?
The truth is, the situation here
is precarious at best. The San
Diego Lyric Operaonce San
Diegos last remaining musical-
only theatre troupefolded
under nancial pressures in
2011. The company had just
purchased the historic Birch
North Park Theatre with a
four million dollar mortgage,
which, combined with poor
ticket sales and a lack of
donations, caused the company
to close.
Closer to home, the La Jolla
Music Society managed to
book quite the fullling season:
the Academy of St. Martin in
the Fields, the BBC Concert
Orchestra, The Joffrey Ballet
of Chicago, and Alvin Ailey
American Dance Theatre.
However, the season originally
included another fantastic
company: Ballet Bejart of
Lausanne, Switzerland. The
company was forced to cancel
its entire international tour
because of budget problems:
a bad omen for arts in the
already-underfunded United
Although some companies
are successfully delving into
and playing along with a
mainstream market, others are
not: Ballet Bejart is known for
being one of the most avant-
garde troupes in dance-but
evidently, the public does not
seem to want avant-garde. It
wants drama, and grit, which
is not something that The Rite
of Spring necessarily offers.
Nonetheless, our local
companies manage to keep
plugging, with San Diego
Ballets world premeire of Don
Juan, City Ballets twentieth
anniversary season, and more
Broadway bound success at
both the Old Globe and the
La Jolla Playhouse.
The only question is, will it
last? Is the mainstreaming of
the arts to broadcast television
taking the value away from
live performance? Only time
will tell. Hopefully, newly
mass-marketed art forms will
renew Americas interest in
the culture it so painstakingly
developed in the last century,
so that innovation in the arts
may continue.
The annual Spike & Mikes
Animated Film Festival is
hitting La Jolla once again until
March 30th at the Museum of
Contemporary Art, located
just blocks from La Jolla High
This unique lm festival,
which draws in all different
types of audiences, has
used this venue in the past.
The selection of short lms
appeals to all ages, and the
pieces run the gamut from old
fashioned to up- and- coming
This year marks the 30th
anniversary of this lm festival
which will include a collection
of the most award winning and
popular shorts in our thirty-
year history, including over
ten Academy Award winners
or nominees . . .we, especially
this lm festival, just pick the
best, the best from the past
thirty years and the best that
we see of the new stuff, is how
Josef Liebhardt, production
manager, described this years
He later went on to say, this
isnt potential Oscar winners-
this is Oscar winnersthese
are Sundance winners.
This lm festival has initiated
the launching pad for many
careers and animations, such
as Jimmy Neutron, The Powerpuff
Girls, Wallace & Gromit, and
South Park.
In addition to featuring many
famous animations, Spike
& Mikes shows have been
hosted at many prestigious lm
festivals such as The Sundance
Film Festival and Cannes
International Film Festival.
With celebrity guest
appearances and much more,
this festival is a must see.
Spike and Mikes Annual
Festival of Animation
By Izzie Melvin
Staff Writer
Photo courtesey of
March 4, 2013
Photos courtesy of Jane Wheeler and Hi Tide staff.
Photo courtesey of
How Do You Afford Your Rock n Roll Lifestyle?
By Lilly Glenister
Staff Writer
Hipsters and indie kids rejoice! Music
festival season is nally upon us once
again. For most music fans, annual
festivals like these are the be-all, end-
all of concerts. One such bazaar, most
likely topping the list of to-dos for most
that immerse themselves in the music
scene, is the infamous Coachella Valley
Music and Arts Festival.
This concerts lineup was recently
announced and tickets for both
weekends, April 12-14 and April 19-21,
quickly sold out to a broad spectrum of
enthusiastic fans.
Although Coachella features
numerous bands every year, ranging
all the way from the post-punk band
New Order to the legendary rap group
Wu-Tang Clan in 2013, theres plenty
of other excitement that keeps people
coming back. For this reason, it can
be argued whether people currently
attending events like these actually go
to listen to the music.
Theres no doubt that the concert
goers will hear all of the bands playing
around them, but with all of the other
distractions, people often lose sight of
the reason that they purchased such an
expensive ticket to a music event. Thus,
the entire point of attending an event
such as Coachella virtually disintegrates
right in front of our eyes.
Nowadays, it would pose a challenge
to nd any Coachella attendee who
actually goes to the event solely based
on the lineup. In fact, there are plenty
of people, La Jolla High students
included, that pre-order their passes a
whole year in advance to ensure that
they will take part in the experience
that Coachella brings, regardless of
which bands are playing.
These students may appear to be just
extremely well organized planners on
the outside, but in actuality, there are
ulterior motives lurking beneath the
shroud of teenage jubilation. Students
want to make sure that their friends and
everyone around them know that they
are cool and alternative enough to be
going to Coachella as young teenagers.
For reasons like this, events such as
Coachella lose all credibility. In the
words of John McCrea from CAKE,
excess aint rebellion.
Once upon a time, music festivals
like Coachella were actually about
the music, not just about partying in
the desert for three days for upwards
of $350 (you can do that for free on
any weekend, just minus all of the
background noises).
Students of La Jolla High, if you
are planning on wasting your parents
money year after year on bands you
havent even heard of, just stop while
youre ahead. Save us the grief of
seeing photo after photo of you on
social media sites proving that you, yes
One Acts: Six Plays, Six Directors, Three Nights
you, attended the great Coachella.
However, despite the bounty of
misguided attendees, there are still the
few and proud that actually know more
than one of the bands featured on the
Coachella lineup. If you are fortunate
enough to fall into this category of
attendees, more power to you, and
enjoy the Coachella experience.
Once upon a time,
music festivals like
Coachella were
actually about the
La Jolla High Schools own drama
department had a successful run of its
One Acts. This year, it consisted of six
short one-act plays that were entirely
student directed, acted, and produced,
whose themes ranged from comedy to
suspense and absurdist to modern.
The student directors were seniors
Patrick OConnor, Lauren Nordholm,
Brandon Hickman and juniors Jake
Huey-Correa, Ashley Stratton, and
Hallie Bodenstab.
One of the more mysterious acts was
The Worker, which is an absurdist drama
about a married couple in which the
husband works at a secretive company.
Director Brandon Hickman said he
chose this act because Two years ago
I found it while looking for one acts
and no one ended up using it but I
still remembered it because I thought
it was awesome. His cast included
Patrick OConnor as The Man,
Shayna Bloominfeld as The Woman,
and Dominique Overturf as The
Messenger. According to Hickman,
You really feel the family feeling when
youre the director.
Unlike The Worker, Jake Huey Correa
described his play Lost as super funny
and hysterical. Taking a turn from the
conventional, Correa cast two males,
Shane Coldverd and Ian Beed, as the
two elderly women in his play who
are trying to get out of the house to
go to a play, but because they are so
scatterbrained they keep forgetting
things and they get into the car and
something very crazy happens on the
way to the show.
Comedy is something that Lost and
The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon have in
common. Director Patrick OConnor
commented Due to its humor and
lively nature, Im using it as comic
relief for the rest of the one acts.
His cast included Melissa Conroy and
Alison Devitt as The Narrators, Tyra
Majors as The Small Child, Tommy
Solem and Savannah Visser as Hansel
and Gretel, Vivian Vu as a talking sh,
Thomas Friedrich as a dirt merchant,
a giant, and a gay prince as well as
Shayna Blumenfeld as a witch and a
cobbler elf. The cast list surely reected
the humorous nature of this play.
One director, Lauren Nordholm,
chose her one act from a longer play,
Metamorphosis. Her one act consisted of
three short scenes that were performed
throughout the play. Each scene retold
a Greek myth, such as Eros and Psyche
or the story of King Eurysthicdon.
For Nordholm, the most important
thing about One Acts was that it gives
an opportunity for lots of students to
get involved, including those who have
By Hannah Orr
Staff Writer
The Worker
Director: Brandon Hickman
List of One Acts:
The Lodger
Director: Hallie Bodenstab
Director: Lauren Nordholm
Murder at Twicknam Vicarage
Director: Ashley Stratton
Director: Jake Huey Correa
Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon
Director: Patrick OConnor
Photo courtesey of
not had any previous experience in the
drama department.
Junior Ashley Stratton, the director
of Mystery at Twicknam Vicarage, chose
her one act based on the fact that its
really, really funny and the characters
were so amazing that I thought the
audience would get a kick out of it. It
was a murder mystery set in England in
the 1930s about how all the characters
try to re-enact the night of the murder
to gure out who committed the
crime, which results in some hilarious
But Mystery at Twickenam Vicarage was
not the only murder mystery featured
this year. The second was The Lodger,
directed by Junior Hallie Bodenstab,
who said that I adapted it so that it
now has blocking and a set instead of
a radio setting. Instead of comedy,
The Lodgers main focus was suspense.
In this one act, a couple had a house
with rooms to rent when a mysterious
stranger came by to look at the rooms,
which resulted in a spiral of suspense
that entrapped the audience. Bodenstab
gave away one hint and said That its
very closely tied to a story that everyone
Although the One Acts productions
have ended, be sure to attend our
schools annual talent show to see
additional performances from LJHS
students. The talent show will be held
March 15 at 7 p.m. in the Parker
Auditorium. Admission is free of
Featured: Murder at Twicknam Vicarage
Photo courtesey of Hannah Orr
From left to right: Savannah Visser, Ashley Stratton, Thomas
Friedrich (on oor), Emma Wineman, Ian Brininstool

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