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Alice, Fei, and Rebecca

We are working on a collaborative thesis to earn a Masters of Science in Strategic

Leadership Towards Sustainability. We share a passion for innovation, global culture,
and all things cutting-edge. We envision a sustainable future that is groundbreaking,
fun, that allows us all to explore our full potential. Together we bring the wisdom of 73 years
of life lived to the full, competency in 4 languages and citizenship of 3 continents. We have 12.5
years of research experience in 3 fields of study. As individuals we are high flyers dedicated to
achieving innovative results, as a group we are stronger. With our collective experience and
imagination we can envisage the unimaginable.

Alice-Marie Archer Rong Fei Growing up in China, Fei’s

childhood memories with the ocean and
various sports activities involving beaches
and the trees turned her into an open-
minded, risk taker – while her experience
with extra-curricular activities in school made
her a person of passion, confidence and strong-will. Her long-held
aspiration for freedom and love of the environment led her to earn
A French citizen with lifelong residence
in the UK, Alice-Marie graduated from her Bachelor of Engineering degree in Architecture Environment and
the University of Bristol with a now, to seek her Master’s degree at BTH. So here she is, in Sweden,
Bachelor of Science degree in pursuing her dream to be someone like the hero in Captain Planet,
Environmental Geoscience and a committing her enthusiasm and passion toward environmental
speciality in Water Resource protection and sustainability and, ultimately, to the creation of a
Engineering. Upon graduation better world as a whole. In her spare time, Rong enjoys yoga, sports
she trained as an assistant scientist with
such as basketball and football, music and travelling.
URS, an Engineering Consultancy in
Bristol, UK. Leaving URS to
concentrate on social aspects
of sustainability, Alice-Marie Rebecca Petzel was born and raised in the
volunteered with both Bristol's Eco- flat-lands of the USA, and attended the University
home and the Schumacher Society of Wisconsin-Madison. She struggled for years to
where she became familiar with reconcile her disparate love of both environmental
community and small-and-medium studies and economics, until she was saved by the
enterprise approaches to sustainability. concepts of sustainable business- and dedicated her years in school to
An avid entrepreneur, she started her promoting the model through activism, education, internships and
own eco-patisserie, which she closed student led entrepreneurism. After receiving her masters of arts (with
(with much heartache) when offered a honors) she moved west to work with the Mono Lake Committee, a
position with the Schumacher Institute
place-based environmental NGO. While working on behalf of Mono
where she works as project manager
Lake she inadvertently fell in love with the surrounding mountains, and
and Assistant Coordinator on
decided to move to Jackson, Wyoming to explore her new passion for
the European Commission-funded
project “CONVERGE.” A friendly face all things mountains. Somewhere in between all the skiing, biking and
in Bristol's sustainability scene, Alice- hiking she found time to work with a local grocery store integrating
Marie blogs on Ecojam, Bristol’s green sustainability principles into their business plan and operations. The
scene website. While no longer running store was the first business in Wyoming to work with the Natural Step.
her own business, she retains her Their success inspired Rebecca to leave the mountains behind and
passion for cooking and also enjoys venture to beautiful Karlskrona to explore innovative approaches to
making and playing electronic music. leading the business community- and our world- towards sustainability.

Contact us at; or at

! For references contact Tamara Connell +46 (0)455 - 38 55 26;; program
Program information:
Address: Blekinge Institute of Technology, SE-371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden

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