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April - May 2011 Issue No.

Published by UNItEd GroUP under decree no:1597 by Syrian government on 3 APR 2005

Hello All Despite the extraordinary circumstances that our country is passing through these days, cultural activities were not affected and the period between March the 15th and the 15th of April 2011 was busy with exhibitions and theatrical performances. Therefore, this issue of Whats On contains an extra-large Culture section that covers the most important events on the Syrian cultural scene.

dAMAscUs Huda Building - 5 Iskandaria St. East Mazzeh P.O.Box: 1999. tel: +963 11 2060. fax: +963 11 6129401 AlEPPo tel: +963 21 2000. fax: +963 21 264 1488. UG coUNtry MAGAzINEs MANAGEr Carole Bechara coMMUNIcAtIoN MANAGEr Haidara Suleiman

We have 2 exclusive interviews in our Interview section. The first one is with Pro. Dr. Mazen Zenati, the distinguished Syrian Surgeon and dentist, in which he talks to us about his achievements and about the latest developments in the field of dentistry and oral surgery. The second interview is with Dr. Reem Yazagi, a Syrian expat who has achieved sizable success in her scientific research in France, and returned back to Syria to help building her country and transfer her knowledge and science to the new generations. Speaking of interviews, our Film & TV section has an exclusive interview with the Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth who is starring in the upcoming mega production: THOR, one of the most anticipated films of the year. Our Fashion section has a very inspiring article about the fashion trends for the spring season. A must-read for all the fashion lovers among our readers. Pets lovers, also, have something interesting in our Lifestyle section that features a funny and useful article about Owning a Dog in Damascus, dont miss it. Another article in the Lifestyle section tackles the Narcissistic personality disorder syndrome, a phenomenon that affects an increasing number of people. While our Features section has some interesting stories about certain traditions that do not belong to this era anymore. All the sections that you love: Culture, Events, Society...etc. They are all here, and they cover all the important events on Syrian soil. Remember that our upcoming issue will be released on May the 15th, and do not forget to send us your valuable feedback to: Enjoy. Basel

MANAGING EdItor Basel Aal Bannoud EdItorIAl coordINAtor Reem Zakhour coNtrIBUtors Ehab Al-Saiid, Kinda Al-Mtwalli, Elsy Melkonian, Huda Fansa, Lama Abdullah, Isis Noufouri and Baraa Fares. dEsIGN Art & Production Manager Rita Zahar senior designer Alaa Abdullah Production officer Feras Kaissy PHotoGrAPHy Principle Photographer Qusai Al Jarrah sAlEs MANAGEr Wisam Al-Nader sAlEs coordINAtor Masa Sidawi sales team Zeid Al Ajlani - Asaad Ebish FINANcE Gihan Abbas Ahmad Mashnoq Abdulqader Asmar rEsErVAtIoN Ayham Ibrahim

April - May 2011 Issue No 74




20 22
Italian DJ Giovanni Ikome: Launches the Opening Night of Sisley Fashion line. MCN A New Era in the Syrian Advertising Industry.

25 26 28 30
Consulate of Ukraine- Aleppo. Golden Jubilee of independence of Kuwait. Launching New Collection of Tawfik Hallak Jewelry. Mr. Murat Dedeman Held a Gala Dinner on the Honor of the Syrian Minister of Tourism.


32 34 43 46 48


A Fashion Night to be Remembered. Hello, Spring! Narcissistic Personality Disorder and what can you do about it. Owning a Dog in Damascus. Distinctive approach for karma and how does it affect our lives.


Heritage & Travel

5 Archeological Sites in Idleb to Be Documented in World Heritage List. Porsche 918 RSR: Race Lab with even higher-performance hybrid drive. Metamorphosing the Fairytale Marrying a Much Older Man in Syria. From the first Hybrid car to Porsche Intelligent Performance.

Features Film & TV

60 65 66 68 68 69 70 70 71 71 71
CHRIS HEMSWORTH. Arabs Got Talent Concludes its First Season. Dubbed or muffed? World- Class TV Series Get the Arabic Touch Hop. Fast & Furious 5. Thor. Authur. Vally of the Wolves, PALASTINE. Water for Elephants. Scram 4. Paul.



Editor Letter


04 08

Prof. dr. Mazen Zenati: A Syrian Luminary. Dr. Reem Yazagyh: Syrian Community in France Suffers from Wide-Spread Chaos.

Culture 11
12 14 15 16 18

72 Guide

55 56 58

Wishah Quartet. Natural Roses Dance on the Canvas. Nawwar al-Bahra: And her first solo exhibition. Flows of Creativity. Wajadtuha Exhibition for Talented Young Generation. Russian Cultural Week in Syria.


Prof. dr. Mazen Zenati

Prof. dr Mazen Zenati .

A Syrian Luminary
Interview by: Kinda al-Mtwalli

amascus University is one of the oldest universities in the Middle East and the Arab world. It was established early at the beginning of the last century and it always had excellent Profs and lecturers. Nowadays, Damascus University has superb Profs who teach and supervise new academic generation in different fields. Prof. Mazen Zenati is a member of teaching board at Damascus university faculty of dentistry, he is one of the most famous professors of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Syria. He gave us some of his precious time to shed the light on his distinctive experience and on this important and dynamic sector. Would you give us a glance about your educational background?

Well, this is a very important question. If you love what you do, what ever it is, you will be happy and satisfied. I truly feel happy when I help someone in pain or when I reform any deformity caused by an accident. At the same time, when I teach and pass the knowledge that I got through the years to a new generation I do feel proud and happy. So I like to be Prof Dr. Mazen and I should say that this title requires continuous learning and self-educating, it needs researches and hard work that is really stressful but I enjoy it.

You are currently a member in the teaching board of the faculty of dentistry at the University of Damascus, where do you find yourself more in medicine or in teaching?

It is going forward. The quality of education is getting better; there is an increase in number of Profs at the university teaching board who studied in Europe or the United States, so different experiences and methods of teaching were imported. Also, sources of information were developed, few years ago there were no internet services in Syria, when I was a student it was really hard to get a research or certain information. Another important point is the quality of students, nowadays students are carefully chosen and they are the elite as studying at the faculty of dentistry requires high marks.

Do you think the quality of education in our universities is moving forward?

Currently the budget for researches at Syrian universities is bigger. President Bashar al-Assad as a Doctor and an educated person supports scientific research and gives science and education major priority.

One important point is that at the present time, Damascus University is adopting reliability and quality control standards or what is called ISO to reach an advanced level which in itself would push teaching quality forward. Universities around the world adopt quality regulations and classification systems regarding the number of students in sections, teaching board, teaching material, researches and other factors.

In 1997 I received a PhD in oral and maxillofacial surgery from Damascus University, it was the 12th PhD certificate the university granted at that time. In 1988 I got a bachelor degree faculty of dentistry, then in 1990 I got a diploma and in 1993 a master degree also in oral and maxillofacial surgery from Damascus university. I am very proud to be a graduate from such an ancient and important university in the region. I did several courses in Europe but I still believe Damascus University is my second home that I am much obliged to. I started practicing directly after graduation in 1989 at this same clinic. The beginnings were difficult, for example sources of information were really few, dental materials were also few. Nowadays, things are much easier, information are available in one click, advanced technology and modern materials are handy and this actually makes practicing much more enjoyable and professional.

When did you start practicing in Syria?


April - May 2011 Issue No 74


In my opinion the problem lays in the huge number of students. The solution is to prepare our students from an early age and help them to find out what they excel in. In developed countries school students dont study random big number of subjects, preparatory school students choose what they want to study at university and start preparing for that specific faculty, so we should work on the school education system. How do you find dental health awareness in Syria? What are the new trends in the world of dentistry in Syria? Does it tend to benefit of cosmetics and its attachments? You recently launched your website, what is the purpose of this site and its services?

For sure dental health awareness goes forward. In 1980s we used to call our patients after three or four months for certain check up and they dont come. Nowadays, people regularly make check up. Parents are aware of the importance of their kids dental health as they know that it is an important phase which may affect their teeth in the future. In general, Syrians are much more aware of health precautions and safety measures.

In my opinion, there are two major scientific revolutions, first is teeth implantation and the second revolution is in the cosmetic materials. Through what we call CAD/CAM we can get brilliant results that match the real original teeth and as I mentioned before almost all types of cosmetic and general surgeries can be done in Syria, we do first-rate quality surgeries in our hospitals.

A scientific revolution happened in dentistry, teeth implantation is one aspect that was vastly developed. In the past, teeth implants were restricted to particular medical situations in specific forms with many difficulties, for example teeth implantation was impossible in thin jaw-bone but now by using new technology we can stretch or enlarge the bone, we can make bone augmentation in several ways like transferring bone from the body to the jawbone. The development in technology and dental materials allow for improved treatment. These advanced technics are now available in Syria. In the past, Syrians used to go to Lebanon or France ... etc. to get advanced treatment while now we have the materials and the technology; hard laser, soft laser, CAD/CAM tech, teeth veneers for cosmetic and many others. In other words, Syria has everything needed for advanced treatment and people from Gulf and other Arab countries come here to make cosmetic or surgical treatment as they trust Syrian doctors and they believe that we offer the best quality with reasonable prices.

Modern technolog y makes life more beautiful and easier what would you tell us about the latest developments in dentistry?

The dentist is first to discover some diseases, for example diabetic situations. Sometimes patients come to remove a tooth, the doctor asks certain questions which can lead to discovering diabetes and we advise the patient to make specific tests. Through particular oral indications the dentist can discover leukemia or a lace of a certain vitamin, digastrics ailment and others. I always advise my students to have a general look at the patients face and mouth, and not to look only at the teeth, we should deal with patients as human beings who deserve all attention and good concern.

What are diseases that are likely to be detected by the dentist?

When I launched the website I had the specific aim of documenting 23 years of practicing and 15 years of lecturing at Damascus University. All of these lectures and experience should be available for students and for the public. It is a scientific and educating website that benefits patients, students of faculty of dentistry and my colleagues of doctors. Also it is an interactive website; specialists can publish their researches for the benefit of the public, people can send their questions and we will give the proper medical advice. So the main purpose is to spread knowledge and to benefit the public. I plan for several scientific projects; one of them is to form teams of specialists. Today treatment is a team work, and every team, according to my project and in cooperation with my colleagues and students, will be specialized in a certain treatment field, for example, a team of specialists for oral cancer treatment. Team work leads the way for a better, efficient and professional medical treatment to achieve excellent results for the benefit of patients.

What about future projects?

For sure, as a doctor and a lecturer I need continuous learning and updating. Attending local and international conferences inform us about the new researches and latest technologies. At the end of April, there will be the first conference for oral cancer in Damascus during which I will give a lecture. This conference will also include a day for the public to participate and ask questions, such communication is new and it genuinely serves the public, in addition it benefits doctors and specialists.

Do you participate in local or international medical conferences?


Interview however, the rules have changed and the professor can write and teach his own course. I had to be faithful to my country , it spent millions on me, and I have to utilize my experience and my years of expatriation to develop my students minds and transform them from listeners and receivers to spokesmen and creators. Although we, as Syrians, are known as being among the smartest students all over the world, we are still stubborn and refuse changes because we are used to study and learn in one specific way. We should avoid parrot-like methods that focus on memorizing subjects without understanding them. I think that we have developed our courses in Syria and we are trying to help the student, but there are some professors who dont like to work . I insist that during my stay in France Ive discovered that Syrian students are so smart and active, but they lack practice. Foreign students have independent their scientific decision while our students are always surrounded by stressful and excessive family situations. An expatriate student can learn and perform only if he or she wants to. To be honest, some French were so good to us; they treated us as humans and with noble values. But some others were not. Science conveys philosophical, cultural and social values of its society. Have you faced cultural and intellectual contradictions during your expatriation? Yes indeed. I successfully faced it and adapted to it because my Syrian culture narrowed the gap. My Syrian culture and are based on sophisticated raising, love, contributing to humanity and respecting the other, so I did not deal with them aggressively or with feelings of inferiority, and neither did they. I adapted to their high developed society and I felt respected and sympathized. What about Syrians there? In general, Syrians in France are confined; they dont communicate with each other, relations among them are not good. The reality is an alienated Syrian community suffering from wide spread chaos, part of it is emotional while other parts are administrative and authoritative ones. Serious solutions should be found to take care of the expatriates. I insist that the cultural centres should be more active; they dont pay attention to us, to the students or to the community. Cultural centres should be the core that supervise and guide our communications with the west. Expatriates in France and Europe in general werent able to achieve successful relationships with others. We should communicate with the other in the language that he understands. Considering your dreams and reality, where do you find yourself? My most important wish after coming back home is to achieve what Ive planned while I was in France, which is establishing a common core for the advancement of the scientific researches in Syria. I found some people who are interested in such field but they work alone and independently. Ive tried to communicate but an atmosphere of selfishness is overwhelming. There should be a joint working group. There are plenty of individual abilities but they are dispersed and wasted. Do you live another expatriation in Syria? Expatriation in France was so hard, but here in Syria it is even tougher, because there are many people who work against all good

Dr. Reem Yazagyh efforts... I am committed to continue to work and will fight for my dreams here in Syria regardless of my love for France and all my friends there; they respect me and they believe in me. I am eager to continue my efforts in spite of all difficulties and obstacles. I will keep on giving without paying attention to the financial benefits. Syria is the country that I loved and still love; it is my national, educational and spiritual home. Are you afraid for Syria? Yes very much so. It is a great country, filled with great people, who love it as much as I do. But, sadly they are not in decisionmaking positions.

Dr Reem Yazagyh .
Syrian Community in France Suffers from Wide-Spread Chaos.
Interview by: Khaldoun Zino

he words of Dr. Reem sound like raindrops; clear and mysterious! A mysteriousness that quickly reveals itself to be tender, copious, decisive and easily accepted by both soul and mind. We talked about expatriation, science, literature and music, and after 9 years in France, her love for the dear Syrian homeland overwhelmed all the temptations to stay abroad as many of her friends and colleges did.

You are in Syria now working as a professor in the College of Dentistry in Damascus University. what can you tell me about science, expatriation, the Syrian community in France and the difficulties you faced? I finished my studies in Biology at the University of Damascus, which delegated me to France to complete my studies there (doctorate). I had a difficult start there, but it was amazing none the less. I moved between several cities, starting in the north west of France; I, then, moved to Rennes, where I got my first diploma from its best university. There, I suffered severe alienation and loneliness as very few Syrians live in Rennes. After that I moved to Paris, where I spent 5 years concluding researches for my doctorate in Biology and specificely in Oral Molecular Biology - genetic researches on embryosThis is a rare speciality and I managed to achieve great results. However, I had to pay the price of that success, a price that was painful many times.

You speak with some pain... Were the conditions that tough? Now, I feel satisfied and proud and this is what really matters, but, at that time, many fought and stood against me. I didnt understand why, maybe it was because of jealousy from some of my colleagues in our Syrian community in France, or from some French colleagues due to scientific competitiveness. I achieved my scientific goal, but most the harassments i endured were because of my ideas, principles and Syrian social and ideological culture, and because of my national stances. I must, also, mention that many friends and French intellectuals respected and appreciated my ideas and that helped me a lot... I admit that France has educated me in a magnificent way, but my loyalty is to Syria, my country and to the University of Damascus, the university that educated me and delegated me. Now I am back to serve my country. I refuse to be uprooted under any difficulties or circumstances.

In Syria you studied in Arabic, and universities in Syria are the only universities that teach all sciences in Arabic, while in France you studied in French and English... We always wonder if this leads to a `scientific, intellectual or ideological schizophrenia? I dont feel so. Now I use, mainly, Arabic when I teach my students. however, the dilemma is that the science and information that I gained in France has not been translated into Arabic yet, and this causes a problem for me and for my students. I translated many important French researches, theories, studies, and knowledge into Arabic according to very advanced French courses, but the problem is that students in Syria are used to study, read and learn according to different methods. However, I will keep on trying to improve their levels, despite of the fact that Syrian students are not ready yet. Another difficulty is that the universitys policies used to refuse to allow changing more than 20% of the complete course. Now,

I think that we have developed our courses in Syria and we are trying to help the student, but there are some professors who dont like to work . I insist that during my stay in France Ive discovered that Syrian students are so smart and active, but they lack practice. Foreign students have independent their scientific decision while our students are always surrounded by stressful and excessive family situations.


April - May 2011 Issue No 74

Wishah Quartet

Wishah Quartet
A number of classic musical pieces consistent with the violin and cello strings were performed. The quartet presented a host of works by the renowned world musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and five musical string quartet pieces by the late Syrian musician Diaa Al-Soukari, which consist of a Turkish song, Layla Dance, Autumn Song, Spring Song and Fairozad. Concluding the concert, the quartet presented a number of musical pieces by the world musician Edward Gregg. The quartet displayed a balanced performance characterized with concord in the distribution of the pieces, especially that it holds up a difficult musical pattern in which a single instrument performs various roles in different movements.

n April the 6th Wishah quartet held a classic music evening at the Drama Theater at al-Assad House for Culture and Arts.
Wishah Quartet was founded in 2004 by professors of the High Institute of Music. It is interested in popularizing music and introducing this type to the Syrian audience, in addition to encouraging musicians to try this difficult type of music.

April - May 2011 Issue No 74


culture No doubt that these paintings belong to the school of realism, but they belong to a special kind of realism which the artist Abdullah presents in all his works; from the paintings to the stamps inspired from his works and published in the international flowers show in the year 2003. He has an idividual concept of realism which differs from the traditional concept of this school, as we shall see. It is well-known that realism as an artistic school reflects all the aspects of nature: the place and the environment and nature with all its elements and figures, especially the man and woman who have been the main themes of the works related with this school in addition to the beauty of nature. This is the traditional concept of realism, but this talented artist has his own concept and vision of realism as his works reveal. The artist refuses the traditional vision of realism as it has appeared in Europe, which based its themes on the man and considered him the main and the single subject of any artwork, and considered the other components of nature as secondary elements which complete the main theme. Here, according to artist Abdulsalam Abullah there is no place for the man under any conditions. Nature, and only nature is the dominating element. More than that, when the artist selected nature to be his only theme out of all the objects around him, he did not present it as a complete picture but selected one element from this large theme, which is the flower. His paintings are merely a combination of flowers with different colors; even when he paints a

Natural Roses Dance on the Canvas

house or a balcony of a house, he uses it as a secondary and marginal component which only exists to serve the master in the painting: the roses. This can be seen in all his paintings even when he uses other elements; he selected these carefully to be elements that link with flowers, as when he paints a bench, a desk or a vase he tries to combine it with flowers to complete the total scene.

Unique Paintings by Abdulsalam Abdullah


In spite of his talent in using colors, something I will come back to later, he did not contribute with anything new to the school of realism or to his own career. He focuses on nature as a single source of inspiration, something that leads him to imitate himself, to reproduce his works in different colors which reveals a narrow vision and limited imagination, making him appear as a single-minded artist who does not see or does not want to see everything around him. He only looks at one direction; he only selects nature from all the aspects of realism and selects only the flowers and roses from the whole concept of nature. In this way he puts himself in a corner and forces the viewers to look at this corner only.

Dance on the Canvas

The first feeling which enters your heart as you see the paintings of this exhibition is happiness; you feel as if you are in a garden full of flowers, not inside a gallery hall surrounded by cemented walls and a roof. You feel as if you were invited to a festival of nature and its lovely colors, not to an exhibition. The artist, in my opinion, wanted to hold a celebration of the spring season with all its flowers and colors which attract you deeply and make you feel joy and gladness to the degree that you imagine yourself listening to a concert and the flowers are the players who are headed by the great musician: nature.

ore than 20 paintings by the Syrian artist Abdulsalam Abdullah are now shown in the exhibition which opened last Sunday at al-Sayed Gallery and will last until 1May.

If we want to think of painting only as the usage of colors, then this talented artist can be considered one of the most professional artists. Hes interested in the usage of colors to a degree of exaggeration. He reveals his skill by using different techniques in drawing and creates a high level of harmony between the light and the shadow, in addition to his success in selecting the suitable colors inside each painting. This is, in my opinion, the cause of the instant feeling of happiness when the viewer first looks at any of his paintings.



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Flows of Creativity

n April 4 at Al-Asaad Gallery in Aleppo an exhibition of 41 paintings by the Syrian artist Zafir Sarminy was opened. Flows of creativity lasted until April the 14th (while this issue was being printed).

Flows of Creativity
and buildings of it, details of the daily life of the people and their habits. The visitor of this exhibition will notice that the artist was inspired also by Turkish traditions, which he seems to compare with the Syrian art. Zafir Sarminy selected colors carefully to be suitable for the topics of the paintings. Artist used brown as a main color of all the paintings, as it refers to the oriental environment: it is the color of the sand and the stones which the ancient houses made from. The artist used a knife and a straw as his tools to display a paint.

Nawwar al-Bahra
After participating in a group exhibition, Nawwar al-Bahra is now holding her first solo exhibition presenting various works which appear like the fruits of a workshop. Viewers cannot classify the pieces accordingly the themes which the artist dealt with and according the techniques that the artist used to express her vision. From the first look at the works we discover that the artist was interested mainly in the formal values of the different materials and techniques, i.e.: the usage of the colors of different materials from the oil colors, the watercolors, the chalk and the ink. She also used many different tools during the process of drawing: straw, knife, pens and pencils. Thus, the viewer finds himself being invited to a festival of colors more than to a celebration of ideas. it seems that for the artist colors and variety of techniques come first, and the subjects of the paintings come at the second place. In spite of this, we can classify the works as realistic paintings with a touch of symbolism.

etween the 5th and 13th of April works by the Syrian artist Nawwar al-Bahra were presented at her first solo exhibition opened in the Russian Cultural Centre in Damascus.

And her first solo exhibition


The paintings on this exhibition are realistic and were inspired by the environment of Aleppo city and its heritage. The most visible aspect of the works is the oriental touch in the artistic style of the artist Sarminy. The artist is known for his characteristic style. He used to experiment with abstraction and expressionism before he reached to the realism as his last choice. The artist is deeply rooted in the heritage of the oriental culture. All the works present different features of Aleppo: the traditional houses and streets, the great citadel of Aleppo, the famous markets

Exhibited works reveal that the artist is deeply influenced by what she had seen in the Red Sea, as well as by the landscape of river Barada and its environment. She also painted some portraits for her daughter, expressing through them her maternal emotions. In terms of the technique, Nawwar Al-Bahra made a risky decision mixing the different materials in a single painting: oil paint combined with the water colors, chalk mixed with pastels, as well as ink used together with pencils. From the artistic point of view it may be said that these works do not have a definite identity. It is clear that the artist paints openly and freely, as if she did not want to define the space in her paintings, but in contrary, as if she was led by the paintings themselves. This point also reveals that this artist has not worked her style yet, but she is still practicing, so we cannot easily classify her works or define them as belonging to any of the artistic schools.

In any way as it has been the first solo exhibition of this artist, it cannot be treated as an indicator for her experience. We should wait until she works her unique style out and only after that we can decide what the real artistic value of her works is.



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


culture cooperation with USWA, and the children are very smart and productive. This event was organized voluntarily by Radical Company, especially for the Wajadtua program. Dana Raslan, founder of Radical, said that Radical was responsible for organizing the entire event. This is our first charity event, and the theme was inspired by cartoon icon Mario, because it is a famous animated character and kids love it. So, we came up with a Mario World decoration and music and it was quite inspiring for the children. Radical also was in charge of nominating the sponsors and suggested that actor Dureid Lahham attended the event. He was more than happy to participate in this sponsorship, and he donated a sum of money for this program said Dana. Lahham told us a little about this event and how it affects the future of these children. He said; Without a doubt, one should only be happy and proud of these children because they have taken a scientific, social and environmental interest in what they are presenting. Each and every one of us has free time, so I guess its a question of whether or not we make good use of our free time. Programs like this help fill young talented kids time with activities that are of good benefit to them and to their country, so we know that they are definitely going in the right direction. USWA and I have mutual interests, because I am interested in everything that deals with social and national issues and similar cases, and whats so special about this event is that it gathers both matters because it sets a direction for this generation. Also, it shows that the future is no longer in our hands only; its actually in their hands, and the better we prepare them to be productive people, the better future we prepare for. I noticed that kids

Wajadtuha Exhibition interests vary from invention to environment to programming and you wonder where they got these ideas from. Its because they were surrounded by people who appreciate good quality. When you see an invention, such as a pen that also functions as a charger and a power-saver, which is actually an idea of a child that would never have occurred to an adult, you realize this is a real talent.

Wajadtuha Exhibition
for Talented Young Generation
Words by: Isis Nufouri

ajadtuha is a talent exhibition that displays the outstanding works of talented young children. The new generation presented innovative projects in the third of its kinds Childrens Talent Exhibition, organized by USWA organization. In the exhibition some amazing achievements were presented among the children, who presented various forms of projects, each according to their own talent.

The participating children were brilliant, bright, and most of all, they stood out in terms of how they were communicating and how they demonstrated their ideas and thoughts. Children were divided into groups relating to different subjects, namely: Life Skills, Who Am I, Robotics, Artistic, Companies, Inventions, Creativity, Scratch (program for layout and background design), Scientific, and Testing blood types. In Life Skills we met young Rasha al-Ghamian, a talented participant whose approach was to make a better society by studying the corruptive aspects of it. She ran a research and presented a well-based argument on how Argieleh negatively affects the progress of our society. She worked besides a young creative group who presented alternative solutions for several problems, not to mention the rest of the groups which were extremely fascinating and presented amazing work.

We spoke to Nourelhuda Ramadan, General Manager of USWA, who said that USWA is interested in discovering the productivity in individuals and putting it into process. He added that USWA aims to put talented people on their right path. Ramadan continued: We basically start with four-year-old children. We provide programs and activities for several age stages, but our activities in this event concerns early ages. We first test their abilities and then start training based on their abilities. We teach them skills like the art of speech and communication, then we host this exhibition to present what they have been working on; it is like a graduation project. After that, we select distinguished individuals and enroll them in a special program. This is the third time we organize such an exhibition, but this is the first time we cooperate with Radical in organizing this exhibition. The children are brilliant and talented, they worked so hard on their

projects and they are amazing speakers; we are thrilled to have such gifted participants. Not to mention Mr. Dureid Lahhams generous interest and great contribution in this event; he listened to the ideas of the children and participated in sponsoring this event alongside Katakit, and we would like to express our gratitude for that. Lina Sakhr, Marketing Manager of Katakit, which is a sponsor of this event, told us that they like the idea behind the exhibition considering that theyve been supporting creativity projects. Sakhr said: We found that this is a great opportunity for us: including this concept in our company and supporting the talented kids of the USWA program. We also joined them with Katakit Friends, which is a free entertainment club that has lots of programs and activities which the children could get involved in. This is our first



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Russian Cultural Week in Syria

Cultural Week in Syria
Words by: Youssef Alonzo

The Russian Cultural Week in Damascus entitled The Russian Days held its opening ceremony at The Dar Al Assad Damascus Opera House in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Culture. The festive event took place between the 5th and the 10th of April 2011 and included a wide range of cultural activities and attractions.

The opening ceremony was attended by His Excellency Russian Deputy Minister of Culture Mr Khirashilov and many High ranking Syrian and Russian dignitaries. The Russian Dance Ensemble Kazaki performed an energetic and colorful show of Russian Folklore Dancing. The spotlight shone on a glittering spectacle of fourteen traditional folklore dances and live singing. A total of forty endowed performers exhibited native folklore and acrobatic moves that were enchanted with traditional country and urban music. The vibrant costumes created a lively atmosphere for the entire audience who showed strong energy with their applaud after each spectacle. The Opera House in Damascus showed another Russian Folklore Dance performance by the Slovyani Ensemble on April the 6th. Cultural Dance performances were also held on April the 7th at the Cultural Centers of Sweidah and Aleppo. Additionally The Russian Days cultural event showed Russian cinematic films throughout the week-long festival at AL-Kindi Cinema in Damascus.



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Italian DJ Giovanni Ikome

Launches the Opening Night of Sisley Fashion line

Interview by: Ahmed Ramadan

We scored an interview with the 24-year-old Italian DJ while he enjoys the warm afternoon of Damascus, and we chatted for an hour about his career, his visit to Syria and his latest track, which was influenced by the Arabic rhythms and beats. Tell us more about your upbringing in Italy. Well, my history is quite interesting. My mother is Italian and my father is from Cameron. I was born in that African country and when I was four years old, my mother took me to Italys countryside. I stayed for 21 years in Italy. I absorbed the whole Italian culture but personally I feel African. My history gives me many capacities that have permitted me to do the things I do now. When I was 14-year-old, I was in a situation that forced me to decide what I was about to do with my life. I chose the music world because I had a good feeling about music, and thats how I started my music career. Im emerging into this world now; I do many remixes and play my original tracks. I work for high-rated labels in Europe like Spirits Sound Records. I usually work within world of house music, thats my passion. You launched a new mix which you based on a song by Lebanese singer Fairouz? Before I came here, [] gave me the voice of Fairouz. I just listened to the voice of that singer and found it wonderful. He told me about the reputation that this singer has here in Syria and that everyone loves her songs. I listened to the song Remma and got so

interested in the project. It took me two days to produce a track based on that song. We tried the remix yesterday at the first gig and I saw everybody being so excited about the song, asking me to play the remix one more time; I played it seven or eight times. When I remixed this Arabic song, I did it with the house music concept in mind. What brings you to Syria? Tell us more about your trip here. Ive never been in the Middle East before, so I was interested for different reasons. First of all, music was a reason; I wanted to know what would happen if I played house music here, and I found out that people here are familiar with house music. Also, I wanted to see this place, because in Italy we have different information on the television. They speak about the Middle East as it is full of problems and I wanted to see the truth with my own eyes. I want to explain to the Italian people what Syria really is about, and I want to share my impression of most aspects, for example, the fact that youre more organized than we are. I have a great impression of this place. Also, the compassion of Damascus; everything is organized very well. Im very relaxed here and that surprised me. Everybody is educated but they like to party too. The biggest surprise for me was that comparing the music we play in Italy and the

ith a mixture of funky house beats and the immortal voice of Fairouz, Italian DJ Giovanni Ikome brings the party to the opening night of Sisley Fashion line. The fashion line opened its clothing store in Damascus this past week for the first time and invited the Italian DJ to be the guest DJ in the launching event. The DJ spinned his favorite work that night, fusing for the first time in his career his music, the fashion around him and the Middle-Eastern feel that he was lately introduced to.

music Syrian people play here, you would discover its the same thing. I came here worried that I will have difficulties playing my music, but people know my music. This gave me the confidence that we can do some nice projects here, because people already know house music and they love it. My friends all over the world are asking me about Damascus and Im telling them everything works fine here. So, I say that if you need to choose a place in the Middle East; Syria would be the place. It feels like a holiday. What projects do you feel you could be involved with in the future of the music world in Syria? The most important thing I realized here is that I need to create a different perspective of what I do before I come back here. I think that bringing house music here and explaining to people that this is the music we are going to play wont be good, because Syria has its own traditions and culture. We need to bring our culture and our music and create a kind of house music that would involve a high number of Syrians working in this world; to have new clubs, new names and DJs from all over the world here.




amascus 24, March 2011: For the first time in Syrian Advertising history, Rawan Promoseven-Syria has been honored with a MENA Cristal award, during an event in which, through an unprecedented breakthrough, Fortune Promoseven was the only network to win 21 Cristals.

Promoseven Network Crowned Network of the Year in the MENA Region

Wassim Daniel, Rawan Promosevens managing director said: It truly is a great honor for us to be able to reach out to the community this way, to serve a segment of society that suffers from disabilities in communication and be pro-active in a humanitarian cause by doing what we do best, and then receive such recognition for it. I would like to congratulate everyone who worked on this campaign for their efforts, team spirit and inspiring creativity.

A New Era in the Syrian Advertising Industry

Houssam Al Aich, Weber Shandwick Public Relations managing director added: This award touched me on a personal level, as rooting for MTNs campaign in heart of CSR was meaningful enough for MCN Syria and now it is crystallized. It has rewarded all those who took business and dipped it into the societys concerns to provide care where it was mostly needed. I am happy and speechless.

Contributing to the success of Fortune Promosevens award for Network of the Year in the MENA region, Rawan PromosevenSyria was enlisted in 8 shortlists and 3 finalists, in addition to receiving a MENA Cristal award, raising the status of Syrian advertising to a whole new level within the region. Rami Omran, MCN Syrias president and CEO commented on the importance of the award saying: This new status that we have set, for the Syrian advertising industry, is only the first step towards the promotion of creative Syrian talent, both regionally and globally. We would like to congratulate ourselves and our clients on this great success, and are confident that our partnership will draw even greater achievements for the Syrian advertising industry in the near future. Also worthy of mention is that Rawan Promoseven is part of MCN-Syria, a group of international companies specialized in communications and advertising, that include Weber Shandwick for public relations, Momentum for brand activation and Universal Media for the media planning and buying, making it the biggest and only 360 group that integrates all advertising services, at the highest level of international standards, in Syria. The winning campaign, titled You Talk, They Hear, was created and developed by Rawan Promoseven and Weber Shandwick as a CSR program for MTN Syria, in collaboration with Aamal, the Syrian Organization for the Disabled. The campaign was directed to the public in Syria, encouraging them to step out and participate in providing Cochlear implants for their fellow citizens, who struggle daily with difficulties in hearing and speech.



Consulate of Ukraine

Location: Consulate of UkraineAleppo Date: 6/3/2011

Ukrainian Consulate in Aleppo celebrated international women>s day at the consulate in Aleppo. Ukrainian community attended the celebration and they spent a wonderful time.

April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Golden Jubilee of independence of Kuwait

Location: Nubalaa Palace Date: 23/2/2011 Event: Golden Jubilee of independence of Kuwait.
In the occasion of golden jubilee of independence of Kuwait, Kuwaiti Ambassador to Damascus held a reception at Nubalaa Palace in presence of a large number of Ministers, diplomats and Arab and foreign ambassadors and a number of Syrian artists and personalities of Syrian society.



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Launching New Collection of Tawfik Hallak Jewelry

Location: Four Season Hotel Date: 12/3/2011 Event: Launching New Collection of Tawfik Hallak Jewelry
Mr.Hallak launched his new collection and presented a set of magnificent pieces from yellow and white diamond, emerald, ruby, and pearls in a charming oriental atmosphere in the presence of a number of first ladies and VIPs.



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Location: Dedeman Hotel Damascus Date: 23 \2\2011 Event: Mr. Murat Dedeman Held a Gala Dinner on the Honor of the Syrian Minister of Tourism
On the occasion of Mr. Murat Dedeman visit to Syria to present the Mohammad Kamal Dedeman Scholarship Program to the Syrian talented tourism students A Gala dinner was held on the honor of the Syrian minister of Tourism and the presence of Turkish Ambassador in Syria at Al-Mutanabi ballroom. Mr. Dedeman invited all Syrian economical, social and political society; the dinner was animated by the first Soprano in Syria Mrs. Arax accompanied by the pianist Mr. Kotchorava , the quartet Oryfius with the international artist Mr. Assel Hamdan and the Syrian Tenor Mr. Ghassan Barakat which has entertained all the invitees with his magnificent performance . Mr. Dedeman met the Syrian society businessmen in a very unique event which will stay in the invitees memory for a long time.




A Fashion Night to be Remembered

In fact, cultural collaboration is very essential and important. This is the first time to participate in a fashion show, last year event in Aleppo was an adventure but it was very successful. Actually, this is a kind of an event that follows the other and we wish that this collaboration will continue for more coming fashion shows. Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China to Syria, Mr. Li Huaxin attended the event and said: I was really happy and I enjoyed it. In fact, we live in Syria; the country of history, civilization and arts, every now and then and all around the year, there are several cultural and artistic events and yesterdays show was a part of the cultural civilized atmosphere in Syria. I would like to congratulate Massaya TV for such a well-organized event and I wish that such successful events will continue. Nadia Wanner, the Swiss designer kindly answered our questions:

What is the importance of such collaboration?

It was a new experience. It is our first time in the orient world and the first time to present our collection in Syria. We do fashion shows in Europe but this is the first time in Syria and that was very interesting.

Would you tell us about your participation?

in the show and dressed some of the designs and I would like to thank Safaa Sabagh, Rouaa Yassin, Merriam Atallah Suzan Najem Aldeen and from Lebanon Karla Butros and Katia Keadah and from Egypt Pusi Shalabi and Minna Fidal, and all beautiful artists who participated.

We have been to Basra and we went to the old town of Damascus, it was very exciting to see the cultural and historical religious places here in Syria.

Did you have the time to see the country and visit some places?

A Fashion Night to be Remembered

n March 18th Massaya TV in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland held a fashion show at Nubalaa Palace in Damascus.Local and international fashion designers from Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Switzerland participated; Hani Al-Behari from Egypt , Nahed Mona, Wissam Hassan , Mahmud Gerbal and Moda Souara From Syria, Fadi Nahla from Lebanon and the Swiss designer Nadia Wanner.
A number of people of culture, ambassadors, ministers and artists attended the event. On March 19th, His Excellency, Ambassador of Switzerland to Syria, Mr. Martin Aeschbacher held a reception at his residency in Damascus to welcome the designers who participated in the event and as expected, the show was a big success.

Mr. Aeschbacher said: The fashion show was very successful, fashion designers from Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Nadia Wanner from Switzerland met together and the event was well-organized. Last year, the Swiss Honorary Consulate in Aleppo organized a number of cultural and artistic events which included a fashion show. In fact, that was the first fashion show in Khan Alwazeer in Aleppo and it was really successful; Syrian fashion school worked on Swiss textile and Swiss designers presented some works in which they used Syrian textile. Massaya TV covered the event and when they decided to make this year fashion night they contacted the embassy and we invited the Swiss fashion designer Nadia Wanner to participate.

There were 20 outfits, we were a bit different than the others as we didnt have only dresses; we have pants and skirts which are still for the evening. The colors were brown, gray and light pink and we used silk and embroidery fabric all in skin-color with shimmery effects. We do really care about the shape, we use round shapes. We dont use straight lines to show the beauty of womans body. Mohammad Al-Shple, marketing manager at Massaya TV said: the difference in Massaya Fashion Night this year was the Arab and international participation. This is the first time the Swiss designer Nadia Wanner launches her new collection from an Arab capital. Also the Egyptian designer Hani Al-Behari launched his new collection at Massaya Fashion Night. In fact, the reason for inviting Arab and international designers is to enrich the show and to give a chance for Syrian designers to contact and communicate with other designers and enlarge their scope to approach the international fame.

Would you tell us about the collection?

Kousai Al-Hajee, project manager at Massaya TV told us about the organization of the event: This is the third season for Massaya Fashion Night; we started with AutumnWinter 2010 collection followed by SpringSummer 2010 collection. Five months ago, we started preparations for Spring-Summer 2011 collection, we invited Arab designers and contacted the Swiss embassy which was very collaborative and invited the international Swiss designer Nadia Wanner. After that, we contacted the international model agency EGO Model to invite the models who presented the collections, and then we thought of a new concept for the decoration, the invitation cards, and the brochure and prepared for a glamorous way to welcome our visitor on the red carpet. A new idea was adopted in this show when some stars from the world of art participated

Tomorrow the models and our guests will travel and we will start to prepare for the coming season event which could be in Damascus or in Aleppo. Syrian designer Nahed Mona commented: Such participations push us forward for more creation and innovation. Also, to see and to contact Arab and international designers is very important for Syrian designers who have the talent and look forward to become international designers. Syrian designs are distinguished as they are handmade and we use fine fabrics to produce something different and elegant. I participated with 23 dresses, I used green, red and white and one of the dresses represented Ugarits civilization by adding Ugarit letters to embellish the dress.
April - May 2011 Issue No 74

What is the next step?





Hello, Spring!

Hello, Spring!
Spring is here, with its refreshing weather, beautiful colors and most of all its amazing new fashion trends. So say hello to bright colors, to the white trend and to the romance spirit...
Words by: Hala Jarjoura
Shoes, Christian Louboutin Blazer, Steven Alan

Dress, Zac Posen Scarf, Gucci


Shoes, Miu Miu Necklace, Marni

ClutchMarc by Marc Jacobs

Bag, Gucci

Goodbye black, welcome bright colors!

Black and gray never fade away! Well that quote is wrong this summer, leave the dark shades to the winter and welcome the bright colors. Lemon yellow and orange are the best. Pants, Phillip Lim Belt Miu Miu

Goodbye black, welcome bright colors!

Ring, YSL Pants, DKNY


Bracelet Versace

Belt, Jil Sander Bag, Marc Jacob

Shirt, Jil Sander

Belt, Burberry Prorsum Dress, Lanvin Dress, Herve Leger Ballerina Tory Burch Top Hussein Chalayan

Jeans, Rag&Bone

Shoes, Lanvin

Dress, Phillip Lim

April - May 2011 Issue No 74





Hello, Spring!

Dress, Christopher Kane


Swimsuit, Zimmermann

Skirt, Stella McCartney Top Miu Miu Bag, Christian Louboutin Dress, Alice and Olivia Belt, Alaia Skirt, Etoile Isabel Marant

Skirt, Erdem Ballerina, Valentino

Bag, Stella McCartney

Flirting Lace
It has been with us for a while already, but for spring 2011 hang your black lace dresses in your wardrobe, and replace them with colored lace. Red, yellow, pink or purple the choice is yours. Dress, Alessandra Rich Dress, Proenza Schouler Shoes, Alexander McQueen Bag, Valentino

Shoes, YSL Jacket, Temperley London

It seems that denim will never go out of style. However, for this season the big designers have gave us a new way to wear denim. So, say goodbye to skinnies and wear it loose and lightweight.

The Blue


Shoes, Christian Louboutin

Derek Lam

Bag, Lanvin

Jeans, 7 For All Mankind

Dress, Chloe

Shirt, Valentino

Shirt, Red Valentino Short, Micheal Kors

Clutch, Alexander McQueen

Jeans, Red Valentino Bag, YSL

Shirt, J.Crew



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Hello, Spring!

Alexander Wang

Belt, Lanvin

Watch, Nixon

Bag, Lanvin Top Bird by Juicy Couture

Top, Matthew Williamson

Blazer, Rag & Bone Bag, Alexander McQueen

Shoes, Christian Louboutin Bag, Valentino Dress, Kaufmanfranco

Belt, Louis Vuitton

Shoes, Versace

Dress, Thakoon

Bag, Alexander Wang

White is always one of the most popular colors, but for spring summer 2011 it is one of the hottest trends. And it is not only notable on dresses but on accessories, jewelry, and shoes as well. Its spring coolest trend, so go white this season.

White Mood

Short, Emilio Pucci

Shoes, Miu Miu

is in the Air
Clutch, See by Chloe


Spring is the new romantic season! With the floral prints, pleats, and chiffon. Very feminine and girlish. So whats not to love about this trend?

Bag, Valentino

Dress, D&G

Belt, Marc Jacobs Ballerina, Lanvin Shoes, Lanvin Shoes, Miu Miu Top, Paul & Joe

Top See Chloe

Ballerina, Lanvin

Shoes, Jil Sander

Dress, Giambattista Valli

Shoes, Giuseppe Zanotti



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


Narcissistic Personality

Narcissistic Personality Disorder and what can you do about it

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is the personality trait of egotism,

Vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness. The Name of narcissism was discovered by Freud after narcissus who is Greek myth was a pathologically self-absorbed young man who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. However, it is a condition characterized by an inflated sense of self importance need for admiration, extreme self-involvement and lack of empathy for others. Individuals with this disorder are tending to be more arrogantly self-assured and confident.

Healthy and destructive, the first type is more self confident, enjoy power or leadership, has values, and real concern for others. While on the other hand, the second type is more unrealistic sense of superiority, pursue power at all costs, lacks value, and exploits others without remorse. The healthy narcissist is a structural truthfulness of the self, self achiever, and object constancy. Synchronization between the self and the superego and a balance between libidinal and aggressive drives; it is mainly like the feeling of greatness which used to compensate for insecurity or inadequacy. According to Frued, the love of the parents for their child and their attitude toward their child could be seen as a revival and reproduction of their own narcissism. Compared to neutral observations, parents tend to over value the qualities of their child. When parents act in extreme opposite style and the child is rejected, the childs needs are not well met.

There are two types of Narcissism;

There are other narcissistic forms:

1) - ASN (Acquired situational narcissism) 2) - Aggressive narcissism 3) - Codependency 4) - Collective narcissism 5) - Conversational Narcissism 6) - Corporate Narcissism 7) - Cross-cultural Narcissism 8) - Cultural Narcissism 9) - Destructive Narcissism 10)-Gender Narcissism 11)-Group Narcissism 12) - Malignant Narcissism 13)-Medical Narcissism 14) - Phallic Narcissism 15)-Sexual Narcissism 16) - Spiritual Narcissism

ASN (Acquired situational narcissism) is the most common

type I would like to mention its means and causes. It is a form of narcissism that develops in late adolescence or adulthood, brought on by wealth, fame and other trappings of celebrity. It was

April - May 2011 Issue No 74


lifestyle found by Robert M. Millman a professor of psychiatry at the Weill Cornell Medical College. It is developed usually after childhood and is triggered and supported by the celebrity obsessed society, fans, assistants and Media. It plays into the idea that the person is really vastly important than others, celebrities are used to people looking at them that they never bother to look back. Whoever has ASN may suffer from commitment in relationships which might lead to negative abuse and erratic behavior. Moreover, a perfect example for a famous celebrity with ASN can be Bruce Willis and Demy Moore the most narcissistic Candidates for ASN. Bruce Willis have always been cheating on Demy and also Demy was cheating on her behalf till they got bored from this open relationship and wanted to start brand new with younger couples and made peace with each other by ending up as friends. We see Demys new look is getting younger and younger even way better looking than her 20 years old daughter. If we may ask ourselves why would she be so eager to compete with girls younger than her age in 25 years over Austen Kocher, that would be simply because she is dating someone who can date whoever he wants and who is also young enough to date her 20 years old daughter, therefore she is looking as hot as any girl in her 20s. She never looked better than that and her face was taken on all Magazines cover and first page just for her looks. She even took better parts in the last couple of years than her ex husband Bruce Willis. While on the contrary lets talk about Tom Cruise and his beautiful wife Katie Holmes who were also one of the most famous couples in Hollywood. Tom ever since he split from Nichol Kidman he had been taking care of his looks and aimed for younger women till he won his chance with Katie Holmes, she fell in his trap and believed his lies as any other victim for Narcissistic people, she has been living in NY all by herself and he is still living in LA for his work. What could be more Narcissistic than that, leaving his family just for the sake of work, although they dont need him financially, they need a supportive father who stands there for them. He even turned his children (from previous marriage) against Nichol Kidman so he can win the court order in making the kids move in with him. He doesnt care about the children; he is using his anger as a revenge on his ex wife Nicole so he feels like a winner. He looks nice, act nice, charming character on screen and behind all curtains are hidden tears. If you want me to talk more and more about examples, we will never stop. In terms of Healthy Narcissistic, the best example is Halley Barry who is a single mother and having a random hooking up with actors without getting involved and always looking good with best career. Never the less, working models tend to be more NPD than actors like Nomi Kimble. truth? need a second chance but that rule doesnt apply to a narcissist because they will make the same mistakes again and again since they think they are always right and you are always wrong. They will accuse you for eternity and make your image in front of people like a complete weak person by throwing all his mistakes on you. What makes it worth that he makes you believe that it was your fault in a way you cant have a space to speak out your mind. It is simply because they take people for granted. dont like to change even if you pushed them, they will act for a while and you will see it is impossible to change a narcissist. They think they are perfect in their own nature, and tend to see other peoples default. In other terms some of them criticize a lot or maybe clean freaks, or like things to be located where they are, or maybe they love to change career or love life, or maybe they like to change roommates or apartments, maybe countries, or major in college, or kinds of sports, or switch favorite team, they switch according to their mood, that is why they hate to be confronted with so many questions, they avoid face to face communication and afraid to be judged. They hate to be caught as a Narcissist and tend to play the role where they are innocent in the relationship and blame it all on you when it comes to an end. While if you are weak enough to feed their ego, they will keep you by beaten you up without controlling their anger and force you to stay with them by threatening you. In case of separation the term Ex belongs to him/her there will be no closure for that relationship, he will always refer to it as if that person dumped him/her in order to make the other victim fall in their trap and make them look innocent in the victims eyes. It is called inseparable part of his pathological space. The Narcissist will never be strong enough to face his failure and will use other ways to make him forget like intensive drinking or drugs.

Narcissistic Personality Not to forget to mention, they are obsessive with their bodies, looks, image in front people rather than considering their partners feelings. They like to impress others with their accomplishments, new job, expensive holidays, brands, their sexual conquests. Sometimes when life puts them down (i.e., getting fired from work), they try to blame It all on you, that phase will be called frustration where they give you silent treatment and treat you like you never exist, maybe humiliating you. They would rather blame you so they wont shutter their good image, this way by making you feel guilty, they will feel much better if you apologize on their behalf. If you ever decide to break the rule by dumping him/her, he /she will look for another NSS (Narcissistic Supply source) that can replace you. We have seen many people having same traits on Face book by changing their profile picture a lot, updating their status a lot, updating their friends with detailed videos in many different locations for summer vacations, updating us on daily personal notes just to keep us tracking them more often and expect us to leave our comments. This is what we call today (EMCD) Electronic Media and Communication devices. That would make me think of the founder of Face book himself whether he is already a narcissist or not? I think Mark Zuckerburg has NPD since he was the original thinker of the whole idea of communication and updates with personal lives. He betrayed his friends by pilfering their idea and speeding up in making it happen then throwing his friend out of jealousy who helped him in executing the plan then found a way to get away without being judged at the court. He also tried to use his anger on his ex- girl friend by ruining her image on-line using silly stories seen by all students at the University. If we ever come to measure the percentage we will be stunned by the amount of gender population they have NDP, it is likely to increase each year with noticeable change. The prevalence of NPD is less than 1% of the general population. It is seen in 2% to 16% of psychiatric out patients. This disorder however is more in males (50% to 75%) than females. I always remember this memorable saying,

However, the traits for Narcissism are:

1) - Glibness/superficial charm 2) - Sense of self worth 3) - pathological Lying 4) - Manipulative 5) - Lack of remorse or guilt 6) - lack of empathy 7) - failure to accept responsibility for their own actions

What they fail in hiding is their shame, magical original thinking, arrogance, envy, entitlement, exploitation, bad boundaries. They tend to be discovered even more if you concentrate on the following types of research either the clinical or the social psychology they will show positivity that they are better than others, their views are contrary to reality, exaggerate in telling a story ( Agnatic), that they are very unique people and special, selfishness, oriented towards success, and lack of interest for caring interpersonal relationship. The two types of strategies they use are either self-regulatory which is the tendency to make others feel better so they feel flattered by their good work or self-enhancement which is achievement toward success. Success can balance the scary past they are trying to hide. They always have a good beginning because they never bother themselves to face their failure in whatever comes along, they would rather experience something new that erases the ghastly past that have been haunting them. Whether we admit it or not, we deal with these people every day and we might be married to one of them but how can we handle it, thats the case. As they say if there is a will, there is a way but in this case there is no way but to leave him alone. Loneliness is what he cant possess. He will be crying like a child and waiting for another victim who can get back his ego. Believe it or not they are a bit childish in their behavior especially the ones who use their hand to cover up their anger by blaming someone else they slap their wives or kids in order to make the other person feel guilty. Although if we hear the story from both sides, we might believe the Narcissistic lie since he is a perfect liar in hiding the truth and making us fall in his trap again and again. They are indeed good negotiators they lie, lie to make us believe and when we believe we give them the power for them to believe their lies. Even the judge could fall in their trap in setting the criminal free and putting the innocent behind the bars. We may never lure the judge in listening to the truth when the Narcissistic took all the scenes with his mischievous tears. How would we convince the judge of the

about how the couples ended up and it leaves us speechless in looking for the reasons behind this magical wedding that ended up in a disaster. Such as the famous actor and athletic ( O.J Simpson ) who beaten his wife to death in public LA out of jealousy without ending up behind the bars just because the judge believed his lies or another celebrity Whitney Houston who was also married to a narcissistic man who beaten her up out of jealous from her career and success. He smashed her face in the mirror where she had an injured eye for entire year trying to recover from the physical damage that blew her career away.

Most romantic fairy tale weddings end up in divorce with stunning stories

They say a healthy narcissist can match with another healthy narcissist

because they think that the partner will heal and change after he begged several time and he learnt from what happened in the first time. People do

Why do all these victims carry away with the Narcissistic lies, it is simply

without and destructive consequences. They can be happily married to submissive, subservient, self deprecating, echoing, and indiscriminately supportive spouses. The most important element in a healthy relationship with this personality disorder that you should never judge them or question them, when you need to clear things out for him/ her just make it as if he already said that so he wont think you are being bossy on him/her. They like to be more controlling since they love to be in charge as leaders. More or less narcissistic people are more profound as athletics, Musicians, actors, directors, doctors, models and judge. The worst part of keeping the relationship with a narcissistic person that it will affect you personality till it is similar to him/her ( self centered, bitter, and lacking empathy) partly because they cant get along with people who are inferior to him, neither superior to him because he/she prefers the safe route, so you will try to be like him /her in order to go with the flow and avoid separation. They

We have to learn to receive as well as to give in order to be healthy, in a way or another each of us function with a core of self-focused view of the world Marion Solomon
April - May 2011 Issue No 74





Owning a Dog in Damascus

Owning a

Words by: Masa Kateb

in Damascus

I had got my little buddy Leo just two weeks ago. My mom hated him, saying: Hes not clean and its a taboo to have him. She made me give him away, that was one of the saddest moments of my life. Deema Dehni, 22, is just one of many Syrians who love dogs, while her mother is also one of the many who hate them.

My sister has an 8-year-old dog. In the beginning, Kuki used to jump on me whenever I went to my sisters house. Now she knows that I love her because I always bring her food. But she keeps the distance, I sometimes pet her from far away, she added. Just like Dehni, a lot of young adults in Syria would love to have a pet, but their parents stand in their way. Jouli shared the same experience: Ive always wanted a dog. My mom finally said yes, but when facing my dad, who is just too much into the Islamic religion, it was simply a NO for him. She adds: Im definitely getting a dog once I move out of my parents house, and if my husband doesnt like dogs, then I wont marry him! In the end, her parents got her a cat instead. Raising a pet in Syria is relatively expensive; it costs me around 1,000 SYP per week just for dry-food, says Masa Karkour, who has a two-year-old Husky named Killer. But there are people who feed their dogs home cooked food or just raw leftovers from the butcher, which is cheaper. Adding the costs of healthcare and accessories, the price of having a pet could easily reach up to 8,000 SYP per month, which is not affordable for an average working family in Damascus, she added. Dog care and training centers have opened up in the city. They even include hotel rooms for dogs whose owners are traveling. Abu al-Nour is a dog center located in the suburbs of Damascus just off the Airport road, which offers a luxury hotel service including healthcare and training. A stay at the hotel costs 100 to 300 SYP per day, says Hassan Shuaikani, who works for Abu al-Nour Center. It all depends on the size, breed, duration of stay and the type of food required, he added.

When asked why Syrians are confronting taboos and raising dogs in the city, dog trainer Ellie Khouri offers an explanation. Most Syrians raise dogs either as a hobby or to show off how much money they have to spend on them. He adds: Others raise dogs for security reasons and for the love of a loyal friend. Fahham says the reason he owns a dog is to estimate people from the way his pet looks at them, while Karkour explains: Ive always wanted a dog. I got Killer as a gift and now the whole family is in love with him. Hes my best friend.

I know that this society is against having dogs as pets, Abd al-Razzaq Fahham, a medicine student at al-Kalamoon University told Baladna. And I cant even take mine to public places without getting negative reactions, he added. Damascus is quite divided in its attitude towards dogs; dog friendly areas include Malki, Abu Rummaneh, Mazzeh and Bab Tuma, where strangers may even stop you to pet your friend. However, in other areas including Medhat Basha, Salhiyeh, Hamra, Midan and the suburbs, people tend not to take dogs well. I dont mind seeing them on the street as long as they dont come near me. Lina Hossaini, a 40-year-old doctor is not against dogs because of what the Islamic religion says about them, she is simply afraid of them.



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Distinctive approach for karma and how does it affect our lives

Distinctive approach for karma and how does it affect our lives
Words by: Sara Shareif
any people tend to believe that karma is the law of moral causation, theory of Karma was derived from Buddhism which was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha. Kar means organs of actions while Ma means producing or creating.

The history for Buddha started ever since Siddhartha Gautama was born, a prince of the Sakya tribe of Nepal back in 566 BC. He was at age twenty-nine years old when he was determined to change the suffering around him by abandoning the way of self-mortification and setting a mindfully meditation that can enlighten peoples life by bringing joy and happiness. His last words before he passed away

impermanent are all created things, Strive on with awareness. To do no Evil, to cultivate good, to purify ones mind, this is the teaching essence of Buddha

When we talk about the word Karma, you must understand the reasons behind the following mysterious questions such as: 1- Why there are blind people while others are blessed with their sight? 2- Why there is a smart-bright person while there is another idiot-dumb? 3- Why there is a lucky person whom has everything in life (money, fame, and love, while other is poor living in streets. 4- Why there is a talented person while another has no ambition at all.

The Dhammapada

According to Buddhism, it does not only go back to heredity, environment, and surroundings but also to Karma. We are responsible for our own happiness and misery, our actions are the words. It is true that some vibes whether there is a negative or positive can have some major effects on people minds. It can trigger some changes on mankind behavior and way of thinking. For instance, if someone is having a bad day he started exchanging his story to his friend; in a way or another, the person who is helping him to get out of his status will be throwing all his positive energy on his friend, while the other person will feel much better by sending his negative vibes to his friend. This kind of exchange in energy can define karma in a way. In a relation to the following example, this

person who helped his friend getting over his problem, he must had caused a bad incident to someone else at his work maybe firing someone who works for him in the office and thats why he got it back. While on the other hand, if he didnt cause any misery to someone else then he wont get affected by helping his friend. It is more or less like a cause and effect relations. The more you cause pain to others, the more it will affect you dramatically. Moreover, when this person who helped his friend had accidently received his negative vibe, he doesnt necessarily feel them right away, this transaction takes at some people minutes while others hours while others days. In addition to that, Karma works according to every person intentions; if the persons intention is good then he will get it back and vice versa.

Our feelings are like a cave, we hide them under the bushes so they wont show to others, simply because some of us might be too scared if they reveal their feelings, some negative consequences will be waiting at end of the road. Therefore, what most of us do, we hide the negative feelings concerning opinions, thoughts, dreams, actions from others so we dont deliberately fall on the ground and maybe lose our jobs and homes. This way Karma is like a missing bottle in the sea, it collects and recollects all the thoughts and intentions then hit you back in the right time what we call it pay back Whether your intentions are good or bad, we

What goes around, comes around

simply need to question those thoughts, do we really want to harm this person, do we really want to rub this persons money, do we really need to make others suffer by destroying their marriages, do we really want to take someones work, do we really need to gossip about this girl/guy just to ruin their image and make them feel useless. All of these negative intention will strongly hit us back in a way or another, but this hidden bottle of Karma will await for the right time to get back to you and remind you of what you were thinking or above all what you have done so it leaves you with an empty place and full of guilt. We used to watch a lot of movie where the bad person ends up alone and feeling guilty while the winner is the good person who wins it all such as, ( Cinderella where the maid is being taken advantage after he fathers death from her step mother, at the end of the movie we see Cinderella winning the prince and living a wealthy rich life) the core theme of the story is related to karma the step mother ends up as a maid and her two daughters end up cleaning the house too. The Buddha explained the cause of such differences following the law of cause and effect saying, All living beings have actions (Karma) as their own, their inheritance, their congenital cause, their kinsman, their refuge. It is karma that differentiates beings into low and high states. Buddha said However, there isnt any specific time for karma, it doesnt necessarily hit you back all the time, it can be changed with the way you change your direction in life. Lets say you have been working with bad people in a gangster illegal work and then you realize you want to change this direction and find something decent to do. This way Karma negative influence changes to the better, then you will find the differences between first job and the second one. It is by doing something good in order to earn something good. Again from Buddhist point of view, our present mental, moral intellectual and temperamental differences are, for the most part, our actions and tendencies from both past and present are well counted. It is not assert that everything is due to Karma. Whatsoever fortune or misfortune experienced is all due to some previous action Buddha said There was an interesting text I read where they stated that this belief comes from physical circumstances and mental attitudes. It also comes solely from past Karma that Buddha contradicted. If the present life is totally conditioned or wholly controlled by our past actions, then certainly Karma is

tantamount to fatalism or determinism or predestination. However if this is true then freedom will be absurdity. If we wonder after reading this text whether it will contradict with our belief in any religion or not we must know that even in all religion beliefs we are responsible for our own actions whether good or bad but not to forget to mention we will all pay our debts sooner or later. I remember a priest once told me that the tendency of practicing any religion is by knowing the phenomenal way to act and react. All religions have one base at the end which is the way humans treats each other and the way they are being treated, there is no discrimination, no violence, no gossiping, no stealing, no condemning others without a prove, and many others he mentioned. I also went to a sheikh( Soufie) who also mentioned same answer only he added we as human race we should evaluate our actions whether it will harm others or not and we should put it on ourselves if that action had

occurred to me, how will I react? Intentions are the mechanism tools for our minds reaction therefore we must evaluate the situation before determining the action. Only God who controls our destinies and predetermines our future, and punishes us for our actions that determines our fate, and controls our lifes course, but we dont call it Karma we call it your inner intention. And also patience is considered a great virtue in Islam we must believe in it in case we lost our rights in this world; we must not seek revenge in order to obtain our rights, just ask God for Patience. He also added, Never doubt your faith in Gods wisdom, when life puts you down, he gives you the serenity to look into the future and forget your past, thats why forgetting is also considered to be a great virtue of mankind.



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


lifestyle fortune in this life and achieve a better rebirth in the next. The ultimate spiritual goal is to achieve release ( moksha) from the cycle of samsara altogether which it might take hundreds of rebirth to get rid of all of ones accumulated karma and achieve moksha. The person who has become liberated creates no more new Karma during the present lifetime and is not reborn after death. When we understand what is Karma and how does it exists in our life we will understand the practice of yoga and why it is widely spread worldwide. The practice of yoga however is also about releasing negative vibes from your body and communicating with other spiritual entities around us. All people from different religions practice yoga as a positive science and way of thinking. Some consider it as a healthy practice. However if you can relate to all what is written above, you can accurate the missing link between Karma and its ethical term of practices where being fully ethical is impossible for those who make a distinction between self and other preference for the perceived self over the perceived other while being ethical is possible only for those who realize that all persons are empty, that is devoid of personhood.

I also looked for the meaning of Karma in Hinduism where one unknown source said,

watch your thoughts, for they become words, watch your words, for they become actions, watch your actions, for they become habits, watch your habits, for they become character, watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Hinduism explained briefly evil and misfortune in the world, even for those who do not appear to deserve their misfortune must be due to also wrong actions in their previous life. Moreover, in Hindu texts, the word Karma first appears in the ancient Rig Veda, but there is simply means religious actions and animal sacrifice. However Karma is considered as a fundamental Law of nature that is automatic and mechanical. Here it contradicts with religions perspective, Hindu doesnt believe that God has an upper hand in interfering with Karma nor it has to do with God punishing or rewarding people for their actions. It is simply called Bad Karma which is accumulated as a result of wrong actions. Such as, bad Karma binds a persons soul to the cycle of rebirth (samsara) that leads to misfortune in this life and poor conditions in the next. It is also mentioned in Hindu texts that it prescribes a number of activities, for example, a pilgrimages to holy places and acts of devotion that can clean the bad Karma effects. While on the other hand, positive actions are referred to as good Karma.

We must identify three types of Karma:

1-prarabdha Karma: Karma experienced during the present lifetime. 2- Sancita Karma: the store of Karma that has not yet reached fruition 3-Aqamin or sanciyama Karma: Karma sown in the present life that will come to fruition in a future life. According to the classification of karmas effects: there is the productive Karma, the supportive Karma, the obstructive Karma, and the destructive Karma, in addition to that, the major effects are followed by these types of results, 1-Immediately effective (ditthadhammayedaniya) karma 2- Subsequently effective (uppapajjavedaniya ) karma 3- Indefinitely effective (aparapariyavedaniya) Karma 4-Defunct or ineffective (ahonsi) Karma The purpose of life in Hinduism is thus to minimize bad karma in order to enjoy better

if anyone that a man or a woman must reap in this life according to present deeds, in that case there is no religious life, nor is an opportunity afforded for the entire extinction of sorrow. But if anyone says that what a man or woman reaps in this future lives accords with his or her deeds present and past, in that case there is a religious life, and an opportunity afforded for the entire extinction of sorrow.
The sources and references: Karma. John Hinnells, ed., The Penguin Dictionary of Religions, (1997). Karma, kamma. John Bowker, ed., Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Religions (2000). Hinduism: Doctrines of transmigration and karma Encyclopedia Britannica Online

Anquttara Nikaya



5 Archeological Sites in Idleb

5 Archeological Sites in

to Be Documented in World Heritage List


dleb Antiquities Department has finished procedures related to documenting five archeological areas in the Northern Province in World Heritage List.

Head of the Department, Nicola Kabbad, clarified that a specialized technical team has finished setting detailed plans for the areas, pointing out that documenting the archeological villages in the World Heritage List would improve tourism in the Province and contribute to promoting the sites which are considered some the richest archeological spots in Idelb Province. Kabbad added that Syria contains quite a big portion of the world cultural humanitarian heritage and that is why the legal protection of the heritage is mentioned in the Syrian Constitution, national legislations and international agreements.

He continued to say that Syria is one of the first countries to ratify the international agreements related to protecting world cultural heritage. The sites to be documented in the World Heritage List are eight, spread throughout Aleppo and Idleb. The archeological sites are spread in the Forgotten Cities, clarifying that the aim of archeological areas is to protect ruins from human activities and introducing them locally and globally. Forgotten city is an archeological and historic term that refers to the archeological sites and villages dating back to the period

between the first and seventh centuries AD. These cities played important role in human civilization as their churches had an active role in the religious feature of life back then, in addition to their big role in agriculture, economy and industry. The five archeological areas constitute a cultural message to the world, highlighting the originality, architecture and cultural heritage of Idleb Province as the forgotten cities pose an important topic for archeological research focusing mainly on the nature and reasons behind constructing the cities as well as the reason behind their abandonment.

April - May 2011 Issue No 74


Porsche 918 RSR

Porsche 918 RSR

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, is continuing to extend its performance and high efficiency competence via intensive development work in the field of hybrid technology. With the Porsche 918 RSR, the manufacturer of sporty premium vehicles is presenting a highend synthesis of 2010s successful hybrid concepts. The mid-engine coup 918 RSR clearly reveals what happens when the technology fitted in the 911 GT3 R hybrid and the design of the 918 Spyder are transferred to a modern, innovative super sports car. With its highly-efficient flywheel accumulator, the 911 GT3 R hybrid racing car proved to be an attention magnet during competition racing on the Nrburgring Nord schleife circuit, during the American Le Mans Series races (ALMS) in Road Atlanta/USA and the ILMC run in Chinas Zhuhai. It demonstrated

Race Lab with even higher-performance hybrid drive

its massive performance potential under realistic motor racing conditions against top competitors. The 911 GT3 R Hybrid, referred to internally as the Race Lab actually surpassed the high expectations of Porsche Motorsport. Competi tiveness, high reliability and exemplary fuel efficiency combined with top performance under scored the Porsche technicians basic idea of generating additional power in an intelli gent manner. The 911 GT3 R Hybrid obtains its additional power from its own vehicle dyna mics when braking. Porsche is now transplanting this technology into the mid-engine coup 918 RSR, the motor sports version of the 918 Spyder concept car. From the tradition established by classic Porsche long-distance race cars such as the 908 long-tail coup (1969) and the 917 short-tail coup (1971), the Porsche designers created a link to the postmodernism of the form follows function philosophy. In the 918 RSR, the lines elegant flow is dominated by muscular wheel arches, dynamic air intakes and a pulpitlike cockpit. A visible fan wheel between the ram air intake tubes and a rear spoiler with RS Spyder dimensions additionally emphasise the racing laboratory function. The new liquid metal chrome blue colour which has been created underscores the sculptured curves of the forms, whilst the typical Porsche hybrid orange colour on brake calipers and the bodys longitudinal stripes lends remarkable touches.

April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Metamorphosing the Fairytale I mean, why wouldnt they? Its not a sinful thing, and as long as both parties are fine with it, then who are we to judge them? she adds, explaining that for her, she would find it odd to see an older man marrying a younger woman, but she would not gossip about it herself. Yet, when asked if she would accept it if her father told her to go and find him a new wife, the lady struggled with the answer. I dont think my father would ever say such a thing. He loves my mother too much to do that to her. Ahmed, 23 and single, thinks that the problem comes from the women rather than the men. I think that todays young females are lacking the spirit to fight for what they want and build a life together with whom they love, he explains. They all materialistically dream of a ready husband who has the keys to the house, the farm and the car. They cant grasp that after marriage, the relationship is not only based on the money and luxury the man can provide. There are many examples around us from the lives of people we know, he says, women who are rubbing salt on their wounds and accepting a sad life for the sake of their men and their cars. If you take the monkey for his money, tomorrow the money is spent and the monkey is still the same. He repeats the famous Syrian phrase and laughs for a second. Sham, a woman in her early twenties, explains that the most disturbing reason behind a woman accepting such a marriage is the inferiority complex. Our society brings up the girls with the feeling that they need to accept that they are unequal to men, she says. Thus, Syrian women suffer from an inferiority complex here, which causes them to see any man as good enough for them and believe that they are lucky to be asked for marriage in the first place. Sham believes that another problem comes from the male side of the relationship. They want to marry a younger woman believing that they can raise and shape the woman, she says, sarcastically pointing out that the mentality of most men in Syria is that he is capable of raising his wife and changing her character to suit his. It seems to me like there is no place for the womans personality to be part of that relationship. On the other hand, Waseem Lahdo doesnt see that an age difference between a man and his wife is a huge problem. Yet, he thinks that it should be limited. According to social studies, any relationship between two human beings can be compatible as long as the age difference is not higher than ten years, he explains. The problem in a marriage with an age difference up to 20 or 30 years is not at the moment of commitment, but is yet to be seen 20 years from that, he says. After 20 years, the older man is about to finish this life, while the younger woman is still full of life and ready to explore the world around her. Thats where the unbalance between the two happens. I dont want to be judged by anyone, and I know that people are talking about me from behind my back, Fatimah says. I am marrying this man because I do believe he is the right person for me. I need a man and he needs a wife. We are meeting in the middle of the road. Fatimah then excused herself from continuing the conversation on the phone as she gets ready to go shopping for her wedding day.

Metamorphosing the Fairytale

Marrying a Much Older Man in Syria
Words by: Ahmed Ramadan

atimah is getting married next week at the sweet age of 27. She went to the souq to buy a white dress with her mother and sisters, thinking about how happy her late-father would have been to see her in her wedding dress. She was happy with the sound of the golden necklace her husband-to-be got her, as she hears it clicking while she walks, she told her friends over the phone with a smile on her face. She called her female cousins to invite them to the wedding. When they asked about the groom, however, her smile disappeared. She told them that he is a fine man with a great personality; she left out the fact that he is the age of her grandfather.

He saw me last Friday, Fatemah (which is not her real name), says to this reporter over the phone. He visited our house with his daughter and we were introduced to each other. I think his daughter knows a neighbor of mine who told her about me. Fatimahs mother got a phone call from the daughter asking for an appointment to arrange a marriage and the mother arranged the whole thing. My mother doesnt see a problem with his age, neither do I, Fatimah explains. Her voice is low; she doesnt want her mother to hear her speaking on the phone. I mean, he is a responsible wise man with a lot of experience in life, someone who will take care of me and be there for me. Fatimah also believes that her options are limited in general: Im a divorced

woman. I come from a normal household with not much family prestige; I dont have much money or beauty. I should know my limits and accept my naseeb (fate). Fatimah tells us about her husband-to-be. He is 64-year-old. He has been married before but his wife passed away a year ago. He has four sons and one daughter. Knowing that her husbands young daughter is around her age doesnt seem to bother Fatimah, but she refused to comment on that. Sarah Tartousi, who is 36 and married with two kids, believes that so many older men go for such an option, but she adds that she does not condemn them, but rather observe the situation in general.


April - May 2011 Issue No 74



The name Porsche has been associated with pioneering innovations in automotive engineering since the beginning of the last century. Ferdinand Porsche, founding father of the present-day Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, had been busy designing and developing his first cars as far back as 1896. The first fruit of this endeavour was an electric vehicle known as the Lohner-Porsche driven by steered wheel hub motors that caused a sensation at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900. This was soon followed by ever more impressive proof of just how innovative Ferdinand Porsche was. A racing car boasting four wheel hub electric motors became the worlds first all-wheel drive passenger car, brilliant also for having four-wheel brakes. No less visionary was Ferdinand Porsches next idea. Again in 1900 he combined his battery-

From the first Hybrid car to Porsche Intelligent Performance

powered wheel hub drive with a petrol engine the principle of the serial hybrid drive had been born. With this first functional, full-hybrid car in the world, the Semper Vivus (always alive), Ferdinand Porsche had entered uncharted territory. In this vehicle, two generators twinned with petrol engines formed a single charging unit, simultaneously supplying electricity to wheel hub motors and batteries. As a full hybrid concept, the Semper Vivus was also able to cover longer distances purely on battery power until the combustion engine had to be engaged as a charging station. To save weight and create space for a petrol engine, Ferdinand Porsche used a comparatively small battery in the Semper Vivus with a mere 44 cells. He

installed two water-cooled 3.5 hp (2.6 kW) DeDion Bouton petrol engines for generating electricity, driving two generators, each producing approximately 2.5 hp (1.84 kW). Both engines operated independently of one another, each delivering 20 amperes with a voltage of 90 volts. The electricity generated by the dynamos initially flowed to the wheel hub motors, with the surplus power being forwarded to the batteries. An additional special side effect was that it was also possible to use the generators as electric starter motors for the petrol engines by reversing the direction of rotation. Starting in 1901 as the Lohner-Porsche Mixte and from 1906 onward as the Mercedes Electrique, Ferdinand Porsche brought his hybrid drive to the start of volume production.



film & TV

CHRIS HEMSWORTH Now, as he contemplates his starring role in one of the most eagerly anticipated films of the year, Thor, its hard to imagine that he was ready to give up on his American dream after long, frustrating months of inactivity and returning to Melbourne, his home city, and re-group. But at the time back in early 2009 - it just wasnt happening. And thats when fate took a hand and Hemsworths life changed forever. I doing here? You know, the usual questions and the doubts that you have as an actor crop up. Then I got a phone call from Joss Whedon who wanted to see me about a film called Cabin In The Woods and I went off and shot that in Vancouver. Once I was there, I got a call about another film, Red Dawn, on the Thursday and then, the very next day, they called me about Thor. So I went from not working at all to working flat out and finding myself being offered the this incredible opportunity of playing Thor. Its been amazing. But like I said, the lesson is to just keep believing and sometimes fate takes a hand.

Khaldoun Qaddoura

Absolutely, I couldnt have had a more enjoyable time and I felt happy with my commitment, everyones commitment everyone knew they were part of something special, something that had existed long before we were involved. It had a fan base for many years before us, and so I knew there would be pressure. But it was a combination of excitement and adrenaline and I kind of rode through the whole shoot on that! (laughs). It was great Ken, Anthony, Natalie, the whole cast. Ken is a very down to Earth, good human being and he wanted to work with similar people who were all excited to be there. No I wasnt. Ive never really read a comic book. It just wasnt in my circle and I never really came across them. Its funny but since I moved to America, you see comic book stores everywhere, far more than I ever saw growing up in Australia. And of course, lots more comic books are being made into films. But since I got Thor Ive dived into reading this stuff and its incredible great writing, incredible art work. So my hat goes off to an art form that I came to a little late. But Im very excited to be part of it now.

- Thor was obviously a huge experience for you. Are you pleased with the way it turned out?

- Were you a comic book fan as a kid?

ts fair to say that Chris Hemsworth is a great believer in fate. You never know whats going to happen, do you? he grins. But I guess you have to keep the faith. You do indeed. It wasnt so long ago that he was seriously considering giving up on his adventure as an actor seeking work in the cut throat environment of Hollywood and heading back home to Australia but fate clearly had something entirely different in store for this immensely likable young actor.

Yeah. Hes the God of Thunder! (Laughs), definitely. Maybe it was through a cartoon on TV, maybe it was Norse mythology Id picked up along the way, the Vikings and all of that stuff that Im fascinated with, maybe it was via something else. But yes, I definitely knew who Thor was.

- But were you aware of Thor as a character?

You never know whats going to happen, do you? But I guess you have to keep the faith. Its exciting, it really is. I was talking with someone about it the other day and about different experiences in life and what they teach us and the best lessons are the hardest ones. And that period of not working, I really focused on being okay about not relying on exterior force to make me happy. I wanted to enjoy life and I wanted to stop thinking that Id only be happy when I had a job. It became about me enjoying the moment. And its funny because as soon as I took that load off, things started happening.

- Thats incredible. Youre life tuned around almost overnight. It must be fate

Yeah thats a great call (laughs), Ill tell you a story. I hadnt worked for eight months, I was living in Los Angeles and I was literally about to pack up and go home. I was just asking myself what am

- So then you get a call from Kenneth Branagh saying hes interested in casting you as Thor. Thats got to be a good call



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


film & TV


I think its great. . The first play I ever did was in High School, it was Much Ado About Nothing and I remember we watched Kens film of the play. And so my very first introduction to it all was watching Ken, looking at what hed done, talking about the film and analysing his decisions and choices he had made. So when I got the call asking me to go and audition for him for Thor I remember laughing to myself and thinking who would have thought it? You dream about possibilities but then you start meeting those people who have inspired you over the years who sort of seem like Gods its an incredible feeling. Youve seen these people up on the big screen, and they seem untouchable, like they come from another world, and so its a surreal journey. And I have to say, I think hes absolutely brilliant and a very likable, very down to earth guy. He did a fantastic job with this.

- A lot of people are intrigued by the prospect of Kenneth Branagh directing Thor. What did you think?

Ive never worked with anyone like Ken. He wants to have options in the editing room and you know, he really does have a few different versions of the film. Wed do one thing where Thor would be like this berserk warrior, then another where hes this cocky, brash young guy who laughs his way through everything and than another when hes very cold, like steel. Every scene we set up, Ken was challenging me try this, now try that.. It was great. I think actors can slip into bad habits where they think this is my character and he doesnt do this, he only does that But with Ken he is constantly making you think about all the options, about how you can play a scene and you discover all of these little notes where its like, maybe I wouldnt have gone for that, but now Im hitting it, it works.. And its a great way to work.

- So whats he like to work with?

Ken said to me very early on that the story is about fathers and sons and brothers and I have a very close family so there was a lot of that I could relate to. I have two brothers and a father and Im very close to them but I could relate to the dynamic, that theme. Its also about people discovering their way in life and working out who they are, what their purpose is and how they choose to live. Ken gave me a book, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, to read and its a beautiful story about a young man discovering who he is, and that helped with the background. He gave me lots of books actually on Norse mythology, comic books, Buddhism, all sorts of different subjects. He just said read them all if you want or dont read any of them. If it gives you one look, one moment, then its worth it... It was like fill yourself with these things; you cant have too much going on So that was just great.

- Thor is an interesting story with its roots in Norse mythology. What would you say are the main themes?

Yes, but not at the same level. Ive lost a little weight now just because its really hard for me to naturally sit at that weight. But hopefully it wont take too much to get back there.

- You look very fit right now. So have you maintained that training because youll be playing Thor in The Avengers?

introducing them all at the same time, when you would have just ten minutes or so to get to know each one. I think Marvel have been very smart about that. Look, Id be excited to see it as a fan, so to be a part of it is a blessing.

I love it. I love it as a fan whether it is in books and different characters who meet in different series of books or whether it is in films or TV, I love that cross pollination. Like I sit here thinking: Hmm, who would win in a fight between Batman and Superman? You start pairing them off and this, with The Avengers, is doing that same thing. I also love that weve done the individual films first, like Iron Man, Thor, so that you get to know these people rather than bringing them together and

- How do you feel about The Avengers and the cross over between the Marvel films?

(Laughs) Oh yeah. The first time I put the complete costume on was for a camera test and it was just mind blowing. It was like oh my God! I actually wear a wig in the film and as my hair grew longer it blended into the wig and it looked great. A lot of people on set didnt even know it was a wig thats how good it was and I turned up at the wrap party with short hair and everyone was like oh, youve cut your hair! I was like it wasnt real! This is after four months of working with these guys so it must have looking convincing.

- Tell me what it was like when you put the Thor costume on for the first time. That must have been a memorable moment

It was the same sort of thing it was like wow, this really is Thors hammer! (laughs). We have a few different versions of it. There was one we used for hand-to-hand combat and thats lighter, made of this rubber like stuff, and really, you dont want to break someones nose when you are doing an action scene, so it was safer. But you know, using the hammer was part of the excitement of doing a character like this. Its part of Thors make up. Its like when you play a police officer you put the uniform on and you feel like a police officer should. And with this you put on the Thor outfit and you get right into it you dont look in the mirror and think I feel like a farmer or a shopkeeper. There are no other options - its Thor. And thats a huge bonus.

- And what about the hammer? How was that?

- How old would were you when you saw Branaghs Much Ado About Nothing?
Seventeen, sixteen. (Laughs)

Ive always been pretty active and Ive played a lot of sport in my life I love surfing, boxing and Aussie Rules Football but it was exhausting, especially at first, because Id never really done any muscle building stuff which was what was required for Thor. So I had to learn a new way of training and we had a bunch of different people that I would work with. A lot of it was about going to the gym and lifting heavy weights and eating what was needed to maintain that kind of regime. My diet was the usual story tons of chicken and eggs and protein and then the right carbs and vegetables. And lots of them all, because you need it as fuel. But it gets very boring I can tell you.

- Its clearly a very demanding, physical role. How did you prepare?

Well, its not like playing Batman or Iron Man where the character is wearing a mask and so someone else could do the action I had to do it myself as much as I could. And its exhausting because they are very restrictive costumes but we had an incredible team there with me, fantastic stunt directors, who choreographed these amazing fight sequences. And we kind of developed it together. It was like how does this guy fight? We looked at the comics, we looked at his posture, and I worked on the functional aspect of actually wielding the hammer.

- How much of the action were you able to do yourself?

- Were there things that you missed when you were on that diet?

There werent any foods that I missed eating. But what happens is that you eat so much so I missed not having to eat! You have to keep it going because if you dont it will effect your muscles because you arent feeding them.

Actually, we talked about Mike Tyson who has that sort of low crouch, strong legs and all his power seems to come up from the ground. My guy uses head butts, he uses the hammer, of course, and it became very gritty and heavy. And it was exhausting but it looks fantastic. Youre running on adrenaline everyone does and its like yeah, lets shoot now! Lets try this.. And sometimes wed forget our moves and start making it up (laughs). It was a lot of fun.

- Did you think of anyone for inspiration during the fight scenes?

Oh they love it. I started this journey when I was finishing school and said I want to be an actorMy parents went good luck... (Laughs). But they were very supportive but there was a moment when they went you want to be what? No, my mom was a high school teacher, my dad works in child protection. So, not at all

- What does your family think of you landing this incredible role?

- I presume that theyre not in the business?



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


film & TV

Arabs Got Talent

Arabs Got Talent Concludes its First Season Amr Katamish Wins First Place
he Arabs Got Talent show came to the end on Friday night, with Egyptian Amr Katamish winning the first price of 500,000 SAR (6,500,000 SYP) and a brand new Chevrolet Camaro.
Katamish won over other eleven contestants, getting the highest percentage in voting which took place between 1st and 8th April. His talent is basically reciting a new kind of poetry called Al-Halamantishi Poetry, which is based on picking up issues faced by the society (political, gender issues, the Egyptian revolution and hot girls) and creating live poetry about the subject mixed up with small acts and some music. The second place in the competition took Moroccan Nour el-Deen Ben Waqqas, who amazed the judges and the audience with a drawing of the famous late musician Farid al-Atrash. Youre wondering whats so amazing about him. Well, he basically made a picture out of small scattered squares. When he finished work on the piece, the image was clear to everyone. In third place came the Saudi magician Ahmed al-Bayed, who took the audiences breathes away as he performed a very dangerous magic trick. Despite the fact that he explained to the audience what is going to happen before he started, he was still able to lure them that he landed on sharp knives and flamed candles. Meanwhile, he was actually on the other side of the stage and between the audiences, far away from the stage. There were nine other talents in the final episode, such as Morocco acrobatic group Casa Acrobat, Lebanese beat box performer Johny Madness, Sudanese popping dancer Ziad Alian, Lebanese opera singer Joseph Dahdah, two Moroccan break-dancer The Family Crew, Omani sand drawing artist Shaimaa al-Mugheri, Saudi twin brothers who perform rollerblades shows X-Wheels, Palestine 10 year-old kid Issam Bashiti, who preaches about the Palestinian case and the Lebanese al-Fayhaa choir, which is made up of around 50 people of all range of voices. The show had three judges; Lebanese Ali Jaber, the Dean of the faculty of Media at the American University in Dubai, famous Lebanese singer Najwa Karam, and Egyptian broadcaster and presenter Amr Adeeb. The first presenter of the show was Raya Abirached, a Lebanese-British TV presenter and producer who is known to be the first Arab journalist to interview big celebrities such as Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, Shakira etc. The other presenter was Saudi Qusai, who was the first Arab rap singer and producer in the Middle East. His first album included 16 songs of a mixture of Arabic and English lyrics in a Western rap beat.

- Are you still based in LA now?

Yeah. I love it, yeah, I really do.

- And both of your brothers are actors now?

Yeah, (laughter)

A: Im not really sure where the acting comes from, to be honest. After wed all gotten into it, Mum said oh I always enjoyed drama at school but never took it anywhere, partly because you boys came along and I had to raise a family.. So maybe it was in there somewhere. Mum actually started doing drama courses a couple of years back for fun, then ended up meeting an agent and in this crazy, roundabout way, shes been doing jobs back in Australia, which is great in amongst her teaching work.

- So where did the interest in acting come from for you?

It was the greatest thing. Honestly, my roots and my foundations as an actor were built there. It gave me the chance to learn how to act, to figure things out and it taught me all the basics hitting your marks, building character, everything. It was awesome. I mean, that show has been going for something like 20 years now..

- So that must have been a big learning experience

Yeah, I love Australia - family, friends, I love the surf there, I love the country, its a beautiful place, but in LA you really feel like you have access to the whole world. There is so much going on and most people who live there are from somewhere else originally and theyve come to LA for something. I really enjoy it. Its a great climate and Ive got some really great friends there. And you know what, I see more Australians than I do back home in Australia (laughs).

- Im sure there are bits of home you miss

Yeah, we get together and just sort of giggle and go god, what are you doing? Or my parents will come over for a premiere or something and stay at a flash hotel and were all just laughing, like oh god, who would have thought this? You wouldnt have imagined it from where we grew up. But experiencing everything with them is just the greatest thing. I get more of a kick out of it when they are able to be part of the ride than I do when Im just doing things on my own. My family has always been a big motivation for me. Weve always been very close and for them to be part of all of this means a lot to me.

- It must be great when you get together with your brothers and swap acting stories

It was great, started at high school and three and a half years in front of the camera, we could shoot up to 20 scenes a day, one or two takes, like three cameras going

- What was the whole Home and Away experience like for you?



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


film & TV

Dubbed or muffed? Haitham, a 19-year-old student, says that he hates the Turkish soap-opera obsession. Yet, he finds the new Fox program good. I want to strengthen my English, the young man says, and now I can do that watching my favorite TV series without subtitles, using the English voice channel and trying to understand everything. The last ten days really helped me a lot in getting know spoken English and learning some new words. Its studying with fun , the young student says, and I love it. His mother, however, seems to disagree, claiming that he is not studying at all. Nour, 26, who spends most of her day after finishing her house chores watching TV at home, sees the benefits of the new system. Its so much fun to watch the actresses and actors speaking my own language, she says smiling, I have always been a fan of Desperate Housewives, and now I can enjoy the show better without bothering reading the subtitles. However, Nour feels weird about the show sometimes. They use certain words in Arabic that Im not used to hear at all, she says, it was alright for me to read the word sex on subtitles, now hearing it in Arabic out loud makes me blushing a bit. Somehow, some words have a certain association in Arabic that we dont feel when we hear it in English, she explains, dubbing the shows brings these words in my native language and, its weird for me. Would these changes bring more audience to the TV channel? Graphic designer Michael thinks that this question is irrelevant. They are not trying to bring new people to their already existing audience, he explains , they are trying to change their targeted audience as a whole. Many people will stop watching this TV channels, but more housewives are going to start to. This means more targeted advertisement to this group of people; resulting in more money to the TV channel.

Dubbed or muffed?
World- Class TV Series Get the Arabic Touch
subtitles. Thats why I cant watch my favorite shows on TV anymore. Amal, 22, explains that she was happy to hear that her favorite TV show, Glee, is going to be on Fox TV Channel. She also found the Lebanese accent to be endearing and funny. However she has some objections to the new method too. They translate the songs with subtitles, and they are doing a lousy job doing that. Amal explains, referring to the Musical TV series famous songs, I believe that the person who translated the songs doesnt know English. She says, once, they translated the song Walking On Sunshine with the subtitles to Raks Ala Asheaa Al-Qamar (Dancing on Moonlight) and I couldnt believe it when I read it.

tarting earlier this month, Fox Middle-East TV channels went through a major change. Their popular channel, Fox Series, change not only its name to Fox, but also the whole concept behind its broadcasting. However, would the TV channel keep its targeted audience interested after the changes?
Fox Series used to be a channel to watch the latest American TV series such as CSI, Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy and other popular sensational TV series and soap-operas. However, starting with the 1st of April, The TV Channel decided to go Arabic with its shows. A duel soundsystem was installed to the channels frequency, giving the viewer choice to watch the program either in the original language or its Arabic-version dubbed version. The TV shows were dubbed in different Arabic accents and new TV series were introduced with the new dubbingsystem such as Lebanese dubbed TV musical Glee, Syrian-dubbed soap-opera Desperate Housewives, or an Egyptian-accented comedy Modern Family. This change came after a long-stream of success Arabic-dubbed Turkish soap-operas that made the Turkish actor Kvan Tatltu, known to public in Syria as Mohannad, a what was a phenomenal sensation in the Arab world. This success even changed other channels, not only Fox; a food example is Dubai-based MBC4, which changed its schedule in order to fit as much dubbed Turkish TV soap-operas as possible, what was an important shift for the channel previously dedicated to American TV series. Baladna went around and asked the Syrian community of TV-addicts about their opinions on the change. We also added a bit of flavor asking them if they like dubbed-TV in general. I cant stand the new wave of dubbed TV series, says Mazen, 31, who has been a addicted to CSI for the last two years, yet he stopped watching the TV series after the dubbing, its really hard to understand all the technical stuff that goes on in the show without the subtitles and I couldnt stand the pretentious voices of Arab actors that ruined the whole show for me. Therefore Mazen decided, to download the series online or buy the DVDs from a nearby shop rather than accepting the changes in the TV channel. Its extremely upsetting, really. I mean, even if I picked the English-speaking voice channel on the TV, Im left without



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


film & TV

Blending state of the art animation with live action, Hop is a comedy about E.B. (voiced by Russell Brand), the teenage son of the Easter Bunny. On the eve of taking over the family business, E.B. leaves for Hollywood in pursuit of his dream of becoming a drummer. He encounters Fred (James Marsden), an out-of-work slacker with his own lofty goals, who accidentally hits E.B. with his car. Feigning injury, E.B. manipulates Fred into providing him shelter, and Fred finds himself with the worlds worst houseguest. The film is helmed by Tim Hill, director of the blockbuster Alvin and the Chipmunks and produced by Chris Meledandris Illumination Entertainment (Despicable Me)...
Director: Tim Hill Stars: Russell Brand, James Marsden, Elizabeth Perkins.

Created by: Khaldoun Qaddoura

Former cop Brian OConner partners with ex-con Dom Toretto on the opposite side of the law. Since Brian and Mia Toretto broke Dom out of custody, theyve blown across many borders to elude authorities. Now backed into a corner in Rio de Janeiro, they must pull one last job in order to gain their freedom. As they assemble their elite team of top racers, the unlikely allies know their only shot of getting out for good means confronting the corrupt businessman who wants them dead. But hes not the only one on their tail. Hard-nosed federal agent Luke Hobbs never misses his target. When he is assigned to track down Dom and Brian, he and his strike team launch an all-out assault to capture them. But as his men tear through Brazil, Hobbs learns he cant separate the good guys from the bad. Now, he must rely on his instincts to corner his prey... before someone else runs them down first.
Director: Justin Lin Stars: Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson.

The epic adventure THOR spans the Marvel Universe from present day Earth to the mystical realm of Asgard. At the center of the story is The Mighty Thor, a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. As a result, Thor is banished to Earth where he is forced to live among humans. When the most dangerous villain of his world sends its darkest forces to invade Earth, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero.
Director: Kenneth Branagh - Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins and Natalie Portman
April - May 2011 Issue No 74




film & TV

Arthur is a comedy film and remake of the 1981 film of the same name. Its about A boozy playboy rascal named Arthur Bach (Russell Brand) is set to inherit a fortune if he marries an heiress called Susan Johnson (Jennifer Garner) who his mother Vivienne (Geraldine James) thinks will make something out of him. However, he falls in love with a working-class woman Naomi Quinn (Greta Gerwig) and turns to his nanny Hobson (Helen Mirren) for help when he is made to choose between money and love.
Director: Jason Winer Stars: Russell Brand, Helen Mirren and Jennifer Garner

As a young man, Jacob Jankowski (Pattinson) was tossed by fate onto a rickety train that was home to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. It was the early part of the Great Depression, and for Jacob (Holbrook), now ninety, the circus world he remembers was both his salvation and a living hell. A veterinary student just shy of a degree, he was put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It was there that he met Marlena, (Witherspoon) the beautiful equestrian star married to August (Waltz), the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. And he met Rosie, an untrainable elephant and the only hope for this third-rate traveling show.
Director: Francis Lawrence Stars: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz

Polat Alemdar and his men comprise a Turkish commando team are going to Palestine to get revenge of the aid workers who were killed by israeli commandos in the Flotilla bound to Gaza. They go on to hunt for the Israeli-zionist military commander responsible for the Gaza flotilla raid. Polat Alemdar makes his investigation in Palestine and he becomes near to achieve his aim step by step. However, they face with unexpected events. The Israeli general, at the target of Polat Alemdar, Mosche Ben Eliezer, makes it difficult with his atrocity and technologic possibilities in Palestine The movie will tell the dramatic stories of Palestinian people. While Polat tries to reach Mosche, he will see how innocent people die in Palestine. Mosche burns villages, kills children and has everyone, who help Polat, put in jail. With the movie Valley of the Wolves Palestine, the attention of the whole world will be on Palestine, where people are facing with one of the biggest humanity crisis.

Several years after the events of Scream 3, Sidney Prescott returns to her home town of Woodsboro on the 15th anniversary of the first Woodsboro Murders for a tour of her new self-help book, where she encounters former allies Sheriff Dewey Riley and entertainment journalist Gale Weathers, as well as her younger cousin Jill Roberts, her best friend Kirby Reed, aunt Kate Roberts, and several of Jills high school friends. However, with her return to Woodsboro also comes the return of past slasher-killer Ghostface, who is starting to stalk and kill Jills friends and several other people in the Woodsboro area.

Director: Zbeyr Sasmaz Stars: Necati Sasmaz, Erdal Besikioglu

For the past 60 years, an alien named Paul (Seth Rogen) has been hanging out at a topsecret military base. For reasons unknown, the space-traveling smart ass decides to escape the compound and hop on the first vehicle out of town. a rented RV containing Earthlings Graeme Willy (Pegg) and Clive Gollings (Frost). Chased by federal agents and the fanatical father of a young woman that they accidentally kidnap, Graeme and Clive hatch a fumbling escape plan to return Paul to his mother ship. And as two nerds struggle to help, one little green man might just take his fellow outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes.
Director: Greg Mottola Stars: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Seth Rogen
April - May 2011 Issue No 74

Director: Wes Craven Stars: Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox.








Aga Khan Network 3343610\1 Agency for Combating Unemployment - ACU 6122607 Amal Al-Ghad 3741010 Boosting and Inspiring Dynamic Youth Achievement - BIDAYA 33502373 Euro Info Correspondence Centre - EICC 6133865 German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD 371925 UN Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO 6121145/6 International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC 3310476 International Organization For Migration - IOM 6121370, 6121375 Syrian-European Business Centre - SEBC 6133865 Syrian Family Planning Association - SFPA 3310396 Syrian Young Entrepreneurs Association - SYEA Strategy Highlighting and building Abilities for Business - SHABAB 6611689 United Nations 6129811 United Nations Childrens Fund - UNICEF 6122592/3/4 United Nations Development Programme - UNDP 6129811 United Nations Food Program Agency - UNFPA 6113773/8 Mob 0944593854 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR 2139961/2/3 Mob 093210 0273 United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees - UNRWA 6133035/9 United Nations Volunteers - UNV 6129811 Mob 0988805745 World Food Programme - WFP 612 0597/8 World Health Organization - WHO 3329315, 3315053 Mob 0933400316


Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Ministry of Communications and Technology Ministry of Culture Ministry of Defence Ministry of Economy & Foreign Trade Ministry of Education Ministry of Electricity & Energy Ministry of Establishments & Construction Ministry of Expatriates Ministry of Finance Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Health Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Housing and Construction Ministry of Industry Ministry of Interior Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Ministry of Justice Ministry of Local Administration and Environment Ministry of Religious Affairs Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ministry of Planning Ministry of Social Concerns & Labour Ministry of Supply & Internal Trade Ministry of Transport

2227600, 2213613 3320807 3338600, 3338633 8813236, 3721287 2213513, 2213514 4444702 2228334, 2229654 2223596, 2246690 3134302 2220200 3713255, 3713256 3311020, 3311022 2129862, 2129861 5431076, 2217572 2231834, 2231845 2220101, 2211001 2221401, 2221402 2214108, 2213738 2226005 4419080 4455972, 4445610 2218854, 2218853 2225984, 2210355 2219241, 2219044 3339111, 3336801

Embassy of Afghanistan Embassy of Algeria Embassy of Argentina Embassy of The Republic of Armenia Embassy of Australia Embassy of Austria Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain Embassy of Bangladesh Embassy of Belorussia Embassy of Belgium Embassy of Brazil Embassy of Bulgaria Embassy of Canada Embassy of Chile Embassy of The Republic of China General Consulate of Cuba Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus Embassy of the Czech Republic Royal Danish Embassy (+Greenlandic Embassy) Embassy of Egypt Embassy of the Republic of Equador Embassy of the State of Eritrea European Commission Delegation Embassy of Finland Embassy of France Embassy of Germany Embassy of Greece Embassy of Hungary Consulate of Iceland Embassy of India Embassy of Indonesia Embassy of The Republic of Iraq Embassy of Iran Honorary Consulate of Ireland Embassy of Italy Embassy of Japan Embassy of Jordan Embassy of the Republic of North Korea Embassy of Kuwait Embassy of Libya Embassy of Latvia Embassy of Malaysia Honorary Consulate of Thiland Honorary Consulate of Malta Embassy of Mauritania Embassy of Morocco Embassy of Netherlands Embassy of Norway Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Consulate of Philippines Embassy of Poland Consulate of Portugal Embassy of the State of Qatar Embassy of Romania Embassy of Russia Embassy of Saudi Arabia Embassy of Serbia Embassy of Slovakia Embassy of Somalia Embassy of South Africa Embassy of Spain Embassy of Sudan Embassy of Sweden Embassy of Switzerland Embassy of Tunisia Embassy of Turkey

6112910 3331446, 3334548 3334167/8 6133560 6116692, 6132424 6138010 6132314 2212648 6118097, 6118098 6122189 6124551/2/7/9 4454039, 3318485 6116692, 6116851 3311891, 3338443 3339594 3339319, 3334609 6130812/3, 6131823 3331383, 3339395 6190900 3332932, 3333561 33488820, 33488877 6112357 3327640 6127570/1/2 3390200 3323800 6115009, 6113035 6110787 4467110, 4452090 3347351/2 6119630/1, 6117939 3341290 3710826, 6117675 3342144 3332621 3338273, 3332553 6136260/1 4424735, 4417614 6117644/5 3338851, 3333914 2451321, 2212462 6122811/2/3 3316144 / 3316214 3733601 3309317 6110451 3336871 6122941 6110408, 6622506 6132694/5/6 3335844 3333010, 3336010 3320253,3337716 3320044 3327570/1 4423155/6 3334780, 3334915 3336222, 3333689 6132114/5, 6133648 3335534 3222650, 2229200 6132900/1/2 3304470, 3302470 3340070 6111972, 6111975 6132700/4 3331411

Embassy of Turkmenistan Embassy of Ukraine Embassy of United Arab Emirates Embassy of the United Kingdom Embassy of the United States of America Apostolic Enunciator of Holy See (Vatican City) Embassy of Venezuela Embassy of Yemen General Consulate of Iraq General Consulate of Turkey General Consulate of Armenia General Consulate of Russia Consulate of France Honorary General Consulate of Portugal Honorary General Consulate of Ukraine Honorary General Consulate of Hungary Honorary General Consulate of Italy Honorary Consulate of Austria Honorary Consulate of Belarus Honorary Consulate of Belgium Honorary Consulate of Benin Honorary Consulate of Brazil Honorary Consulate of Bulgaria Honorary Consulate of Canada Honorary Consulate of Chile Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic Honorary Consulate of Denmark Honorary Consulate of Finland Honorary Consulate of Germany Honorary Consulate of Greece Honorary Consulate of Malta Honorary Consulate of Morocco Honorary Consulate of Norway Honorary Consulate of Pakistan Honorary Consulate of the Philippines Honorary Consulate of Romania Honorary Consulate of Serbia Honorary Consulate of South Africa Honorary Consulate of Spain Honorary Consulate of Sweden Honorary Consulate of the Swiss Confederation Honorary Consulate of Tunisia Honorary Consulate of the United Kingdom


2241834 6113016 3330308 3391505 33914444 3332601, 3332446 3335356, 3337490 7186682



021-2641068/9 021- 26499670/80 021-2687240 021-2232401, 2269377 021-2211829, 2219823 021-2235566 021-2660375 021-2122626 021-2214601 021-2114072 021-2110933 021-3622667, 3622665 021-2277022/33 021-4600004 021-2660375 021-2684160 021-4642666 021-4663500/20 021-2281398 021-2123001/2/3 021-2639898/9 021-2633787 021-2211888 021-2679051 021-2677438 021-2113461 021-5110220 021-2266601 021-2255926 021-2121333 021-2233095/6 021-2689644 021-3634634 021-2665002, 2669785 021-2280510/1

Cham City Centre Damascus Boulevard Damasquino Mall Ski-land Mall Town Centre Mall Al-Mounchieh City Centre New Mall

2117189 3235650 5475551, 5475566 6217780, 6224444


021-2227030 021-2674010


Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Turkey 041-473777, 041-475357 Honorary Consulate of Belgium 041-477966, 477966 Honorary Consulate of Finland 041-470171/2/3 Honorary Consulate of Greece 041-467881 Consulate of the Netherlands 041- 472531/4/5 Honorary Consulate of Sweden 041- 470171/3 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Turkey in Lattaika 041-473777 Honorary Consulate of Greece Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Turkey


ABS Abu Staif & Sons A.S Bader Ghloul Grand Mart - City Center Mall Rami Soubeh Shereen Teeba Zain El-Abdeen Zaid Mdawer Zenobia Al-Diwan Al-Mazrahe Al-Saha Al-Skhra Marosh Twenty Four (24)

6113080 6119373 3730206 3336785, 3314470 6326410 8881637 6625160 4458154, 3315220 2764825 3733231 6212282 3730625 021-2269055 021-4601333 021-2114823 021-2680985 021-4642101 021-4659401 031-2622662 031-2220674 031-2510423 031-2761592 031-2122842 031-2113004 031-2222925 033-523249 033-316866 033-314617



043-221104, 325000 043 -211114

Abu Al-Awad Al-Ashraf Al-Rawda Al-Shahbaa Al-Syoufe Al-Taleb Al-Tasweek Wal Tawfeer Al-Henem Al-Malab Al-Nour





April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Last Station Olabi Patisserie Old House Lacasta Cafe & More Stop 5 Al-Andalous Garden cafe Beite Cafe Blue Stone City Cafe Mamma Mia Restaurant Al-Qalaa - The Citadel Al-Atlal Broasted Fawaz Le Jardin Sultan Restaurant 041-468871 Mob 094657765 041-461013 041-475744 041-477919 031-416915 031-234032 031-2459999 031-239755 031-2112400 031-7340493 033-222234 033-223884 033-25335 033-235104 034-5913073 034-913600 034-910878 Azem Ecole Beit Al-Aqqad Beit Nizam Chapel of Ananias Dahdah Palace Jamaa Al-Jadeed Khan Asad Pasha Khans of Souq Medhat Pasha (Straight St.) Madrassa An-Nuri Maktab Anbar Mausoleum of Salah El-Din Minaret of Jesus (Column) Sayyida Ruqayya Mosque Sayyida Zeinab M ausoleum Shrine of Hussein Shrine of John the Baptist (Prophet Yehia to Muslims) St Pauls Chapel Takiyya As-Suleimaniyya The Citadel The Tomb of Beybars Umayyad Mosque





Apamea Azem Palace Khans of the Souq of Hama Qasr Ibn Warden - Palace The Beehive Houses-Sarouj & Twalid Dabaghein The Castle of Musyaf The Grand Mosque The Norias

East Wall Palace-Qasr Al-Heir Al-Sharqi Qalaat Jaabar - Castle Qalaat Najm - Castle Qalat Ibn Saman - Castle Temple of Bel The Theatre The Tower of Elahbel-Valley of the Tombs Dura Europs-Tal Al-Salhiyyeh Mari-Tel Hariri Qasr Al-Banaat Rasafa-Al-Mansoura Saray-Qanawat


Art Caf Art Cafe Ninar Maharaja Indian Restaurant Abu Rummaneh Damascus Gate Al Farouk for food and sweets Al-Karieh Restaurant Al-Khawali Haretna Sushi Beit Jabri Canoun Al-Tennin Casablanca Elissar Inhouse Coffee Kanaan Palace Resort Kaser Al Wali Restaurant La Casa Leilas Restaurant & Terrace Narciss Linas Segafredo Taj Mahal Tarboosh Al-Sham Tche Tche Cafe Trovka Restaurant Zaman Al-Khair Restaurants Zenobia Quattro Cafe-Restaurant Chopin Cafe Bazar Alcharq Beit Alkaisar Beit Sissi Beroea Cantra Dar Ward Delta Emeralds Kan Zaman Kaser Alwali Larose Lily house Mejana Metastrada Taj Alklaa Wanes

2325757, Mob 0988995566 4522257 Mezzeh 2005 3355555 5475500 or 1/2/3/4, 0933202075 2131322 5475551/2 2225808 5441148 3354077 5443200 6116967, 6114778 5417598 5424300, 5428577 3336039 7138201/2/3/4 4461389, 3322336 3331288 5445900 5416785, 5431205 2143798 2316070 - 2142420 - 6117363 2453434 6115158 2216339 0988995566 6440175/6 2220575-2450116 6133625 5436502 021-2249120 021-5230130 021-4651444 021-9325 021-2122010 021-3620620 021-2122411 021-2126987 021-3311299 021-9911 021-2642241 021-2222501 021-2027 021-4663300 021-9250, 021-4606033 021-2116002 043-326083 043-220408 043-313313, 213900 043-328755 Mob 094667887 041-850027 041-843231 041-458000 041-475403 041-456200 041-447207

Ishtar Hotel Villa Palmyra restaurant Traditional Palmyra Restaurant Al-Rashid Restaurant Lazaward Hotel Restaurant DEC Lailati



The Basilica of St George The Church of St Elias


022-241919 022-216120/2 051-220469 051-229648






Backdoor Club Champions Pub Le Serai Pub Blue Bar Domino Jar Al-Ward Jet Set Kasabjy Le Serai Pub Marmar Massimo Pub Oxygen Le Piano Bar XO Bar Z Bar Dome Baron Hotel Bar Sissi House

4446255, Mob 0988990066 4450676, Mob 0988900096 3737061 3340240 5431120 5429185 2232300 4416184 3737061 5446425 5444396 5420542, 5430375 3391000 2217700 0991555444

Ain Dara Site Al-Jdeida Quarters Churches & Cathedrals Al-Madrassa Al-Halawiyya Basilica of St Simeon (Qalat Samaan) Bimaristan Arghan Church of Qalb Lozeh Cyrrhus (Nebi Huri) Ebla (Tel Mardikh) Khans around the Great Mosque Madrass As-Sultaniyya Mosque of Abraham Serjilla Shibani School Souq Bab Antakya Khans The Aleppo Citadel The Great Mosque

The Army Museum The Historical Museum of Damascus The Museum of Arab Medicines & Sciences-Nuri Health Centre (Bimaristan) The National Museum The National Museum of Popular Arts and Tradition - Azem Palace The Azem Palace



Cathedral of Our Lady of Tortosa-The Citadel Qalat Marqab-The Castle


Convent of St Thecla

Ayounak Cave Khawaja Restaurant Yamak Viamidos


021-2210880/1 021-2124362 041-475744 041-330033 031-2112400 031-2459999

Monastery of Mar Musa Monastery of St Sergius The Salah Eddin Castle Ugarit

Lacasta Cafe & More Moodz Bar Abu Nawas Blue Stone


Air France Alitalia British Airways Cyprus Airways Egypt Air Emirates Etihad Gulf Air Royal Jordanian Airline 2218990 2222262 3310000 2225630 2232158 9934 3344235 2221209 2315577

Al-Andalus Cafe Al-Kordaha Restaurant Allegro Cesar Express Cafe Italian Corner Restaurant


Azze Hrawe Residence Church of the Girdle of Our Lady Qalaat Al-Hosn (Krak Des Chevaliers) Outskirts of Homs St Georges Monastery-Outskirts of Homs



April - May 2011 Issue No 74


Lufthansa MEA Airlines Syrian Air Turkish Airlines Syrian Air Air France KLM Airlines Lufthansa Syrian Air Syrian Air 2211165 2213147 2450098 2212263


DEDEMAN Mansouriya Palace Sheraton 021-2661600 021-3632000 021-21211111



021-2241232, 2220501 021-2232238 021-2211074 021-2223005 041-476863 051-221801

Dummar Cultural Complex French Cultural Centre The Italian Cultural Centre Goethe Institute Russian Culture Centre Spanish Culture Centre

3115142 2316192 3319543 3719435 2317158, 2317351 3714003

Beit Wakil Coral Julia Dumna Dar Zamaria Mirage Park Hotel Riga 021-2117083 021-3330660 021-3636100 021-2288555 021-9895 021-9294 Aal Bal Art Cafe Ninar Art House Atassi Gallery Ayyam Gallery Beit Al-Nur Beit Al-Sham Dar Al Baath Dar al Mada Dar Ez-Zarqan for Arts Fateh Muddaress Free Hand Gallery French Cultural Centre Galerie Abdal Gallery Sahar Occasions Galleria Chantout Atelier Ishtar Khan Assad Pacha Kozah Mustafa Ali Naji Al Ali Nassour Gallery Ninar Art Caf Ruaa Art Gallery Rafia Gallery Tajalliyat Gallery Al Rywak Al-Sayyed Al Shaab Ur-Nina Gallery Al-Sharq Showroom Dar El-Mhanna Ebla Gallery Kawaf Fine Arts Gallery The Small Museum Arts Home 5445794 4522257 6628112 3321720 6131088 5431287 3330038 6622141 2322276 5431899 2246710 3344219, 3347211 2316192 5445794 4444846 5436502 6617780 4465086 2215961 5410900 5421988 4423762 3710344 5422557 5610901 3310803 6112338 3337933 332 1450, 3334390 2319606 2243783 021-442861 021-2634098 021-2268757 021-2230985, Mob 0933260301 021-2232596 041-477827 Al-Balabel Al-Beiruti Al-Madar Al-Mahatta Al-Nihlawy Al-Salka Al-Sham Kanawati for Music Mirza Music Mozart Asia Floyed King Radio one Rotana 2216826 3313475 3336722 54498761, 5410821 4441982 2214461 2457153 2323088 4470294 2321445



Ramsis Isis Jdayda

021-2111102 021-2126345 021-9225 \ 3632000

Afamia Rotana Resort Lattakia 041- 330033


Art House Four Seasons Talisman1 Dedeman Sheraton Damascus Old Vine Cham Palace Ebla Cham Palace Beit Zaman Hotel Dar al-Yasmin Hotel Semiramis Hotel Biet Rumman 6628112/5 3391000 5415379 3322650 2229300 5450164 2232320 2241900 2241945 5435380 5443380 2233555 5451092 - 5451094


021-2112993 021-2122596 021-2248440 021-4464063 021-2122702


Damascus International Airport (Flight queries 167-Reservations 187) 4530201/9 Central Tourist office 2323953, 2210122 Immigration and passport office-Visa extensions 2219400 DHL 096345345 Amigo Net 5421694 Internet Cafe Smile 2326239 Spotnet Cafe 5433374 Tourist Office DHL Concord Internet Cafe Internet Centre


Queen Center Arjaan by Rotana Alfares Alarabi Omayyad hotel Blue Tower Hotel Damascus International Hotel Fardoss Tower Hotel Maaloula Hotel Rawda Hotel Safir Hotel Damascus Carlton Hotel Palmvillage Hotel

6664003 2225320 - 2248800 2235500 3340240 2311600/1/2 232100 7770250 6416206-7 / 6416210 6470140 2122000 3919004

021-2121228, 2230000 021-4440322 021-2247272 043-315906



Messenger Internet Cafe Tourist Office Happy Net cafe Tourist Office

031-2212336 033-511 033-216057




034-5910574 041-416926 041-465310


Al-Ahram Al Ameer cinema Biblous Al-Cham Cinema de Cham Diana Dunia Al-Fardous Al Khaiyam cinema Al Kindi Rametta cinema Shamas & Ataasi Al-Sofaraa Ugarit cinema Al-Zahraa Aleppo cinema Al-Ameer Al-Cham cinema Al Hamraa cinema Al Khaiyam cinema Opera Rametta Ugarit Az-Zahraa

2212504 2228513 2213355 4437008 2232300, 2232310 2211847 2211888 2213424, 2214472 4437008 2218899 3214384 2212388 2317008 2311539 2222212


Antique Khan Hotel Beit Rose Hotel Orient Palace hotel

5419450 5441241 2231351

Tourist Information Office Center Net


Afamia Hotel Al Hossen Residence Al Majed Hotel City Hotel Future Tower Hotel Al-Haramein Hotel Al-Rabie Hotel Ghazal Hotel

2228963 6471712 - 6471258 - 6420292 2323300 - 2323301 / 2 / 3 2219375 2315465 2317511 2319489 2318374 2313736

Arabic Cultural Centres Abu Rummaneh Mezze Jobar Danish Institue Beit Al-Nur Dar Al-Assad for Arts and Culture Dar Al Funoon

021-313935/310704 021-2112826 021-22405 021-322333/211071 021-311067 021-2120300 021-2112827 021-2124755 021-4444228 031-234131 021-2486340 041-234233 041-237430 041-833135

3349376, Adawi 6610678 , Yarmouk 46370040, Kafer Souseh 2238038, NIASD 5431287, British Council

44202670 6320830 2139680 6120515 3330631 245 6165/44 2231679

Al Amir Cinema Homs Damascus Al Ahram Al-Fardous




April - May 2011 Issue No 74




Al Kindi cinema Al Sabaa cinema Al Abbasiyya cinema Al Kindi cinema


043-224171 043-221139 043-220333 051-221593

Arabic Library for Arts & Tradition Al-Assad National Library The Public Library Al-Dar University Library Dar Al-Mustaqbal The National Library

2216373 3334294, 3311073 2310744 021-2244230 021-3211096 021-2238205 031-2235710 031-2313559 031-2222180 031-2232862 023-235446

Al-Bahaa Al-Bierakdar Al-Marifa Bookshoop As-Salmiyya Dar Al-Nada

023-719853 023-363017




016-230024 051-352323, 360905 015-230140


Ibn Al Nafees Ibn Sina The Italian Hospital The Red Crescent Centre Tishreen Yafa Surgical Hospital Al Ahli Al Amal Al Amir Al Ashtar Al Attar Ibn Rushd Al Kalimeh Al Mwasat Al Razi The Red Crescent Centre Al Salam Al Shihan Saloum Al Shami Sraj Eddin Al Kindi

5123637, 5121211 5348834 3326030, 3326031 4421600, 4421601 5119450, 5119451 6112792, 6114795 021-2682801, 2682802 021-2676074, 2675991 021-2665551, 2667056 021-2667393, 2676390 021-2224420 021-4654977, 4654976 021-2674602, 2674601 021-2228738, 2238228 021-2676001, 2676002 021-4646800 021-4657800, 4657700 021-2661063, 2661062 021-4644830 021-2211750 021-2675652, 2675651 021-4642800, 4642801 052-426698 052-315053 052-750025 052-223107 052-750295 052-311171 033-440301 033-225331 033-416281 031-200474 031-2127408 031-2486475 031-2486478 023-548418 023-524524 023-717102 023-633460 023-850059 041-354825, 3177956



The Culture House Library The General Islamic Library The Generality Library The Modern Arzabic Library The Artistic Library




Data Line Al-Hoda Al-Naeem Centre Arebya Co. CD Centre Eaksousy Encyclopedia Fanty Firas Golden Technique Hisham Hi-Tech Jessy Laser Lezary Centre Majal Art Masaya Syrian Video Centre Al-Qasr Centre Rainbow Ahmed Al-Zebi Al-Ansar Al-Hob Al-Khoyoul Al-Majd Al-Mawas Al-Tahhan Centre Al-Yanour Ayman Zahra Centre Miami Future Al-Hareef Safwan Al-Khateeb Centre 9804 2317271 44670680 3319270 3338885 2321989 2320276 6666701 3111902 5321742 2213418 6352800 5432090 2457801 2456178 3336810 6719873 4460358

Hammam Al malek Alzaher Balloran Spa - Four Seasons Hammam Bakri Hammam Ammona Hammam Nureddin As-Sadat Bab Al-Ahmar Hammam Yalbougha An-Nasry Al-Othmani Baths Oriental Kharraz Al-Sadeya

2225330 3391000 5426606 2316414 2229513 021-3330519 021-3622640 021-3623154 031-2234395 031-2232540 033-215250


Al-Amin Al-Anwar Al-Fattal Al-Hariry Al-Maghribi Al-Miski Al-Noori Al-Tahhan Al-Walaa Al-Zahabi Abdul Rahman Bsout Al-Anwar Al-Arabi Al-Fidaa Al-Fourqan Al-Manara An-Nawras An-Nour Al-Umniya Abbas Abu Ahmad Al-Hagar Al-Hamawi Al-Hasen Al-Hayat Al-Nasem Al-Nedal Al-Nubalaa Al-Nur

2212041 2231199, 2244554 2456786, 2222373, 2234525 3320378 2452993 2237957 4419167 2222992 2231258, 2242104 3332581


Al-Amal Hospital Al-Hikma Hospital The National Hospital An-Numa Hospital Dr. Sulayman Al-Saleh Hospital Shaba Hospital Al-Asad Medical Hospital Al-Asfar Specialist Hospital Al-Bader Specialist Hospital Al-Ahli Specialist Hospital Al-Hikmah Hospital Al-Watani Hospital Al-Watani Hospital






021-2255979 021-4442542 031-2470147 031-2211279 031-2127140 031-2618886 031-2135154 031-2211477 031-2468519 031-2471003 031-2477336 041-431450 016-251106 033-238238 033-224632 015-234752

021-3321441 021-4784163 021-2269239 021-2214227 021-2686492 021-2110494, 224 4385 021-3113833 021-4610320 021-2113577 031-2484996 031-2462907 031-2516874 031-2229655 031-2464181 031-2753447 031-2623620 031-2467522 031-2239587 031-2474733





Al-Sham Fitness Barada Gym Beauty & Fitness Centre for Ladies Body Gym Dynamic Gym Gold Gym Fitness House Al Jalaa Mayyas Womens Gym Life Gym Al-Hadad house Al-Vilat Al-Warak House Blue GYM Gym House

5617723 4450686 6315570 2130651 4429890 4447000 4427476 6622147 5127565 2321773 021-2289474 021-4465612 021-2228856 021-2332260 031-2453500

Al-Khateeb Surgical Hospital Al-Maarra Surgical Hospital Areeha Hospital Maternity House Hospital Saraqeb Specialist Hospital Al-Sufi Hospital






Abi Al-Fida Al-Dean Hayek Ibn al-Hytham Maghmoumeh Maher Fakhri


033-223107 033-237282 033-225256 033-224173 033-213690 033-217781, 217962 041-439724 041-439166 041-470890 041-826558 041-424879 041-433298 041-436671 023-529195 023-239630


Al Assadi Al Amal Al Hayat Al Mwasat Al Rawda Surgery Al Razi Al Tawfeek Dar Al-Shifaa The French Hospital 6132500, 6132501 4451334, 4451335 4455322, 4445043 2133000 3338392, 3330589 6118445, 6111600 2228250, 2216364 4414134, 4414120 4440460, 4448556

Al-Imam Jaafar Al-Sadeq Al-Abbas Al-Huda Al-Maha Amar bin Yaser Beirut Zahrat Al-Midan AL-Amer An-Nour


Abdullah Makhseen Adnan Nomeir Adnan Tinawi Al-Falah Al-Farabi Al-Farawati Al-Fardoos Akram Khalifeh Akram Khoulani Fadi Dawood Al-Aasi Al-Aata Abdullah Arab Abdul Ahad Shallah Abdul Hannan Abdul Jaleel Al-Assaad

4443928 5420244 4625040 6114850 4421169 2217613 4444926 5121058 6214527 5617051



021-4787250 021-5506684 021-2666402 021-3216496 021-2687876 021-2247827 021-4448882



April - May 2011 Issue No 74



Damascus International Airport 011-453 0201/9 Flight - 167 Reservation - 187 Police Homicide Military Police Civil Defence Fire Station Traffic Police Ambulance Health Info Centre Operator International Call Operator Phone Clock Tel-Information Tel-Telegrams Electricity Emergency Water Supply Complaints Syrian Insurance Company 112 159 116 109 113 115 110 161 141 143 119 147 146 118 114 186



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