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Initial Data Base


a) Health Perception and Health Management Pattern
Our client is CAK, male born on October 10, 2010, and is only two (2) years old. We asked his father regarding on how they manage CAKs health. According to him, health is very important to their family. He said that CAKs mother makes sure that he is always clean. She always assists in CAKs bath. According to the father, CAK usually change clothes thrice a day, which were after bath or whenever his clothes were soaking with sweat from exertion while playing. His mother also assist him to brush his teeth. CAK, had an accident, he fell from a table, which resulted to high fever. The father said that they brought CAK to a manghihilot. After that the symptoms persisted so they decided to bring him to a hospital. Currently, he is confined in Philippine Orthopaedic Center for the diagnosis of Pyomyelitis at Left Thoracic. The parents interchange time to look after CAK during his hospitalization. CAK was given bed bath during hospitalization and his mother change his whenever needed or when the cloth is soaked with sweat.

b) Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
According to the father, CAK usually consumes seven (7) bottles of milk everyday. They use the brand, Bear Brand for his milk. He said that CAK is not picky when it comes to solid food; he eats everything his mother serves him. The father said that, CAK eats half servings of rice and viand which is usually vegetable. During hospitalization, CAK still consumes seven bottles of milk and half the servings of the food given to them by the hospital.

c) Elimination Pattern
The father said that CAK usually defecates everyday. And unlike almost a year ago his stool, which were watery, is solid now because he now can eat solid food. He also said that CAK usually uses 3-5 diapers a day at home because they were training him to use the bathroom. During hospitalization, still defecates everyday and they uses 5-6diapers a day to not bother to bring him to the bathroom and risk to take out the IV.

d) Activity-Exercise Pattern

Initial Data Base

Before hospitalization, the father said that CAKs usual activity was play around the house and sometimes outside to play with his cousins. During hospitalizations, CAK can still play but not as much as the activities he usually does at home. CAK easily gets tired because of the burden of his ailment and lack of sleep. He also said that when CAK really wanted to go out and play, the parents placed him on a wheel chair and pushes him around the hospital for fresh air and new environment for him not to get really bored.

e) Sleep-Rest Pattern
Before hospitalization, the father said that CAK sleeps for 10 to 11 hours at night. He usually slept at 9:00 pm at night and wakes up at 7:00 or 8:00 am. After lunch and some rest CAK usually takes a nap from 1:00 pm to 3:00 or 4:00 pm based from the fathers statement. During hospitalization, according to the father, CAK does not get enough sleep that he usually did. CAK is having a hard time sleeping because of the hot environment of the hospital room. The father said that they were able to coax him sleep at 10:00 or 11:00 pm. And then when CAK had to have his blood drawn at morning to examine and at that time his sleep is interrupted and cant go back to sleep.

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