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Dalton, Russell J., G. Bingham J. Powell, and Kaare Strom. "Parties and the Aggregation
of Interests." Comparative Politics Today: a World View : School Binding. By Gabriel A.
Almond. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall (School Division), 2006.

I used this book, which is an AP Comparative Politics textbook, as an authoritative

resource on Russian interest groups. It provided a wealth of information and not only a
solid starting point, but also much needed background and context.

Graham, James. "Gorbachev's Glasnost."


This online article provided a brief and concise history of Mikhail Gorbachev and the
significant events surrounding his famous “Glasnost” policy. I used the information I
discovered in this article in order to provide background in the “interest group” section.

Greene, Sam. "Medvedev's Russia vs. Putin's." Washington Post 15 Dec. 2007. Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace.

This Washington Post article provided very insightful information about the concerns
surrounding Medvedev’s selection and eventual succession of Putin. Using information
that I acquired from this article, I included both the shared history of Putin and Medvedev
as well as the uncertainty about the future of Russia’s governance inside the section on
“Putin and Medvedev”.

Krieger, Joel, Mark Kesselman, and William A. Joseph. Introduction to Comparative

Politics AP. Boston: Houghton Mifflin College Division, 2006.

I used this book, which is also an AP Comparative Politics textbook, for two purposes;
first, in order to gain insight into the type of information that I needed to include in the
section on “interest groups” and second, as an authoritative source on interest groups
within Russia. Naturally, since the information came from a textbook and we were
charged with creating our own, it provided an excellent outline.

Kuropas, Myron B. "FACES AND PLACES: Has Russia really changed?" The Ukrainian
Weekly 2 Mar. 1997.

This article from the Ukrainian Weekly presented two opposing views about the
transformation that either has or has not taken place within Russia. The information
included within this article was poignant because it was presented from an actual news
source from within the Russian Federation. I used the information that the article
contained when compiling the section on “Russian Nomenklatura”.
"Putin sees Medvedev as successor." 10 Dec. 2007. BBC News.

This article from the BBC News provided an international perspective on the Putin-
Medvedev relationship. This article provided valuable information about the past offices
Medvedev has held both within the government as well as the business sector thanks to
Putin’s patronage. I used the information included in this article when assembling the
section on “Putin and Medvedev”.

"Russia: Social Stratification." Encyclopedia of the Nations. July 1996.


This encyclopedia article provided a multitude of information in regards to the Russian

social hierarchy both during and after the Soviet era. I used the contents of this article in
order to create a more in-depth explanation of the socio-economic discrepancy in the
section on “Russian Nomenklatura”.

"Soviet Union [USSR]: NOMENKLATURA." Reference.


This reference article revealed various facts about the Nomenklatura as it existed during
the reign of the Russian Communist Party. With the assistance of this informative article,
I was able to vividly describe the role and conditions of the Nomenklatura during the
Soviet era within the section covering “Russian Nomenklatura”.


Perspectives Quarterly. NPQ (for the Los Angeles Times Syndicate).

This editorial provided an opposing view on the status of the Nomenklatura in present-
day Russia. There was also valuable insight on the political tacts being employed by
Putin in order to centralize and consolidate power within the Russian government into the
office of the President. All of which, I included in the section on “Russian

Picture: BBC News: Europe: Book reveals key Soviet debates. 19 Sept. 2006. BBC
News. <>.

Audio: Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History. Special Interest Groups. MP3. Ed.
Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk., 1999. Student Resource Center College Edition. Gale

Picture: 10 Dec. 2007. MinnPost.


Picture: Moscow. Tours - Moscow. Irkutsk Baikal Travel Inc. <http://www.irkutsk->.

Picture: "Putin != PRESIDENT." Cartoon. 26 Dec. 2008.


Picture: RUSSIA July 2006. <>.

Video: Russia National Anthem. YouTube. 13 Jan. 2009.


Picture: Scrape TV News. 31 Jan. 2009. The Virtual Union.


Video: Who is Dmitry Medvedev? RussiaToday. YouTube. 3 Mar. 2008. Google Inc.

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