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Acta a. Bzecutor, Admini.trator, Tnltee, Guardian, AqaH Beoei.." Attol'DlJ, etc. Bece1ft1 Depotita lubjeet to "tenlt OD Tha. Depolita. 8e1la!'int _ortppa ... the Pa,...t of Principal aJUl 11dInat, ,_.~ . _~_, Tltl.. to Beal B.tate.


I " DepOlit Box iD a LOGB B1T.lGlr.A.Jt-PlIOl..for E.Dt at '1.00 per Year aJUl upwarcla, with Boom, COUPOD Booth. ad Ladiea' Lobby. AlIo a * - " l .':'W A&B VAVLf. fte luperiDteDcl"t of tbeIe Va.





specially to accompany


Hru'lisbur~ Directory.











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Compile rs Iud P u bli t bc u

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M nn~tr ,f III, 4SSfCiali,n -f 4mtri(an Dirttl,ry Pub/islltrs

- - - - - 26 North Third Street



or Ihe

ACI of Conlrfes in tb. y ..... '908. by GUY MORTUUR Librarian of Congr.... al Washington. D. C.

Digitized by

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in tbe office



COAL}H r...-K~" U IfI:Lll:y D.



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Table of Contents.. 1908.

raq 17/t~/'g
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American Mechanice. . . . . Bands and MusicalOrganizations . . . . . . . . . . . Banks.. . . . . . . . . . . Benevulent Protective Order of ElkB. . . . . . . . . . B'nai B'ritb. . . . . . . . . Board of Trade. . BuiJdinlt, Loan and ~aving Institutlons . . . . . . . . Businees Directory. . . " Cemeteries . . . . . . . . . Churcbes . . . . . . . . . . Dauphin County OffiCt'rB. . . Fire Alarm Boxes and Locations . . . ...... Fire Department . . . . . . G. A. R. . . . . . . . . . . Grand United Order of Odd F"l\ows. . . . . . . . . ,


Page Page 50 Knights of Malta. . . . 46 Knight" of Mystic Chain. 46 :-13 Knights of Pythias. . . 46 ::13 Labor Organizatiolls . " 51.1 Map. . . . . . . . . . opp. title 44 Market Houees . . 40 44 Masonic Societies. . . 43 :H Medical Societies.. 40 lIilitalry Organizations 40 42 Miscellaneous ::;ocieties 5:! .')7 Newspapers. . . . . . 41 39 Odd Fellows. . . . . . . . 47 36 Order of Independent Ameri27 c a n s . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Passenger Railways. . . . . 42 30 Pennsylvania State Govern29 ment..... 26 44 Public Halls . . 24 Red Men. . . . 47 45 Moyal Arcanum. 48 HarrisburgCityGov~rnmellt. 28 Scbools. . . . . 3t Harrisburg General Directorv 95 Societies . . . . 4S Hospitals . . . . . . . . . -. S9 Sons of America. . 49 Improved Order of Hepta~teelton Directory. . SO! 8Ophs. . . . . . . 45 Streets and Avenues. 14 Knights of Golden Eagle . 45 Temperance Societies 4\. Kmghts of Maccabees. . . 46 ,Trust Companies . . 33


Alphabetical Business Directories

or THE

Principal Towns in Dauphin County.

Berryabuq ........... Dauphin ............. Deodate ............ Derry Church ......... Dletnch. .. ............ East Harrlaburg (see
Page. '

909 H.Uf.x .............. 90t Hlgbsplre.. .... ...... Hummebtown ....... Penbrookl .......... 916 LIDlI'leitown ......... EllzabethYiUe........... 10 Loyaltod.............. BlleDdale Forae (lee Lytt'n................. Dauphin) ........... 909 Middletown............ BDterllne ............. 1110 Hillenburg ........... J:Plaherville ............ 1110 Oberlin. .. .. .. .... ..

909 Grantville ............. 11 909 Gral7. ............... 1111

Paae i Page iIoII Fort Hunter.......... 910 I Paxton ............... 911 Pen brook ............. Pillow ............... 911 Pawl's Valley .......... 911 ProgretII... ..... ....... 911 Rockville (Me 11' 0 r ~ 1112 Hunter) . .. ....... 918 iIlwatara lltatlon....... ilIa Union [)epollt ......... 914 Welt H.nover ........ 915 Wlconiaco............. 1116 WlllIa1Dltown... .. ...





tl7 917 917 918 918

* 88,286
521, multiply by 2t, 5,637 1,432

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umber of changes in 1908 Directory . . . . . 21.146 opolation in the Directo,.y circuit (Steelton not in-


~r: 101

pm ~Od 110lI01l1li98 1I11\~ .~'Il.


Index to Advertisements, 1908.

Index to Advertisements.
Bpeci.l notice II called to cbe folJowtll8 Indu to Ad vertlJementa of




Wbom ..e ree1l8CCfal1y recommend to public patron...,..

~ Amencaa Loan Co ..............llde ~I Keely loatltute ....................... tall I~ .. rmeoto.J. J., Blate Captlal dotel.... I Kelley H. M. & Co., COllI. ...... lOP lines .... ....... ... ............ front OOyer i Key.tone Carpet Cleaning Co .. ilde lin.. AMOCiation of American Directory I Keystone Prlntinl and Binding Cu., Pnblilbera.. .... . ..... '., ... opp. 494: Ltd.......... .... .... . 421 Augbtnballlh C. E., bookbinder....... l~ KeYllOne Rug 00 ................ lIde Ilnlltl Beek ThomuJ. Co..bottlerl .......... 1:lII Lathe H. W. contractor ........... 4111\ Bernbellel C. H., arehlteCt ............ 138 Lauver W. Eo E, m.ntels .......... 467 Boola C. Roll. watCbmaker. &c ....... 147 Lyme I. R ... Co.. plumbers ......... 478 Bowman D. G. llllurauce .... front coyer McClune T. R , plcture.......... .... 7 Bord W. 1:1. 00., directory rUbu.bel'll 6 McCormick J. L., tnsurance ... llenll!l edge BrlntonPacker 00., re a eUa te )(cNell Medicine 00 .... .. .... top ltnes ....................... bottom Ilenell' N.llunat Bank...... ...... 5 Buck Cheller. IMuranne...... .. 175 Miller BI'Of. " Baker. real e.late. "C Butler Parcel and BIlUllge Tran,'er.. 183 .. .. ......... ........... centre linea Carey Pblllp Mfg. 00., rooferl ....... MUler C. H., contractor ............ 112 ............................. front covrr Montgomery J. B., coal and wood .. .. ca.e B. Wallace. Ice C1'Pam mfr .. . lev .. . .... ... back cower lind 6S4 Cenc,.l Guarantee Truet lind SlIfe Montgomery & Co., Pelpber U ..e ... 516 Depollt Co .... ................... ii M ."tgomer), & 00., storage WllreCentral Iro...nd Stl'et 00.... ........ 2 hOu""'I...... ...... . ............ D88 City AU('Clonand BlorBge 00... ...... Mullell J. Y. wall paper.............. 8 . . ......... .. .......... bollom !lnu Neely Jllmes M~ livery ................ IIi8 Clark" Dru, Store. .............. top lines NI.le, Harry L, Ilate roofer........ 680 Coder" 'MIller, contracton ..... '" !lOS NUll Plating 00., ek-ctropl.len ...... MIl ()ommonweallh Truet 00 ... ....... s OppennaD H, contractor ............ 6M Cooper B. N... Co. Iron fonodel'll .... 1112 Osler C. 11'. liquor .. .. .......... 5e8 ()ooner PubUlblDR Co .......... opp. 6711 Patriot Co, publlaberl The Patriot .. . Cowden M. B., civil engineer. &c ...... 11111 ............... .. .. botcom linea CUmberland PubilshlD, Co .......opp. 224 Patriot Job PrIntlDg Co.... . opp 675 Dauphin Depollt Trust Co ....... 7 Pax tang Cemetery AlI8IIlci. tlon. . . .. ''iT Diener P. G., jeweler .................. lUll Penn.YlvanllllSteel Co. Steelton .. . Dlntatnlln A. P., bolita .............. hack cover ltut End Bank . . . ....... .....lfI8 Redmond A., bloyclt's .. . boLtum lines FInk's Henry Bolli, brewerl. . .. 7 KemppJa WIIII.m II'.. Co" .rouRbt Iron P1n5 National BlInk. .... .. .. ..... 5 wc.rka........ ... .. ... front cover FiSher C.. eontraccor ..... ......... 286 Rhoad. J. E ,coal. IIIInd, .II" ....... 810 Fisher B. A., (est.). wall paper, St. Clair A. L.. merchant tailor .. painter . .. .. .. .... ...... .. ..... bottom linea 1Plemln, B. W..... .. ......... hack bone Aaul M. If plumber.. . ..... ... . .. 88f, Prub ... C.. lceoream ................. 301 Scheller T. 11'., (elt), boota, printer, Gable H. A. bardware ............... 808 6C... __ .................. ......... 687 Galbraith B. G., bulldel'll' lupplles .... BOt Schmidt B., baker ................... 689 Geone CharI. T., drngllL........ 8 8ehmldt C. L., lIomt, &c .............. 840 Gobl'l Palnt 8u~pJ Co .............. 82. 8eIII P. F., lIquOrl .................... 147 OorguG.A.,d t ......... ceatrellne. ShoemakerS. W paving ............ 114 GrammPII't1ngan Collltruction Co .. 181 Blea W. H. B., pnblllber Steelton Graapner'l R. U. Brewery ............ 88'2 Reporter.... .. ..................... 887 GI'G8I Edward Z. druggtat...... ...... '1 Smltb & )[cCullolllb. ad1'enlllng ... . Guaranty and Burety Co ..... centre linea ........... .................... opp. IT6 Jlanft:man ~red H . lumber ........ 81\1 Snook W. H . Itovea ................ . . Harm Bros.. coel .. .. .......... ali2 Snyder O. W., real slate ... back coyer BanIs J. P. & 8o_'!Lupbolstererl ...... 8M ISlar cal pet Cleaning \\ onl .......... 'iOI Barrlabarg AdvenuingCo ...... opp. 575 lltarIndependeont ................... til Barrlaburg Jo:ullineerlng Co .......... 856 Steelton Plllnlnlf Mill Co...... . . . . . .112 JlarrlahIll'll:J\lotorl.rOO ............. BG7 SwertlerB.G. Electric Co ............ 712 IIarrIIbnllJ National Bank ........ .... \I TIIck A. B.. paperh.nger, &c .. top Unes Barrllburg SIIvlngs and Loan Aaocl Telegrapb PrIming Co. '" .... . .. IIlIon .. .. .................. centre lint" .............. ... beek eover .nd 94 Barrllburg Telecraph.... ............ Title Guaranty .nd Sarety Co ...... .. ... .... .. . ... ... back COYer .nd 94 .. ... , . .. .. .. . .. . . ....... . centre linea Harrlabarg Truat 00............ ...... I TItle Guaranty and Trult Co .. tront cover Hickok W. O. Mfg. Co... ............. 4 Towsen Thomaal"., plate ro. fer ...... 714 Blnt'y A W., tsrpeDter ............. 8'iI Union Trult Co. of PII..... ........... 8 BOBler Adam W ,pension attomey... 898 United rce Mnd Coal Co., Ice, coel .nd HOUIehoJct Jr.lln 10 .. : .........front cover cont1'&C'tnn ................. llde lines ladependent Loan Seeullty Co. .... Wea' End Rooflnlf Co .. . ............ 767 ..... . ..... . . ......... bottom Jln.. Zaehar\aa H. C. real ..tate .... side IIneB JaeQon Mfg, 00., Bteel barrowl ...... _ I


. ...... .. ...........
.. ...... . ..



MOIEY IDVIICED} auJPIlc-:r?hLOc:' {~it=&ogIe

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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908.

Boyd's Ha ......isbu ...a St...eet Guide.


= .....

First Ward-Bounded on the South by the southern city line, on the West by the western shore of the Susquec::i hanna River, on the North by the center line of Paxton u Street, and on the East by the eastern city line. c Second Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Paxton Street. on the West by the western shore of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Mulberry and Derry Streets, and on the East by the .: u eastern city line. I I: Third Ward-Bounded on the South-east by the center line &&.I of Mulberry Street, on the South-west by the western E shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North-west .: by the center line of Walnut Street, and on the Northeast by the center line of. Fourth Street.

I :l I-


THIII.ara.., a S.r.ty C ~a::, {..:=:-~ {or.!.a~ .

Fourth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Walnut Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Forster Street, and on the East by the center line of Fourth and Sixth Streets. Fifth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Forster Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Verbeke Street, and on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. Sixth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Verbeke Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the north by the center line of Boyd Street, and on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. Seventh Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Forster Street, on the West by the center line of Sixth Street, on the North by the centre line of Maclay Street, and also the northern city line, and on the East by the eastern city lines. Eighth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Walnut Street, on the West by the center lines of Fourth and Sixth Streets, on the North by the center line of Fon~ter Street and on the East by the eastern city lines.

I :l



Z 4

.I. B. Tlei} FIII~!!~I!R ~ 1218101111 Thlfll 811'11

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908. 15 Ninth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center lines of Mulberry and Derry Streets, on the \Vest by the center line of Fourth Street, 011 the North by the center line of Walnut Street, and on the East by the eastern city lines. J"enth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Maclay Street. on the West. by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the northern city lines, and on the East by the eastern city lines. .Eleventh Ward-Bounded on t'he South by the center line of Kelker Street, on the \Vest by the western shore line of the Susquehnna River, on the North by the center line of Maclay Street, on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. J'welfth Ward-Bounded on the South bv the center line of Boyd Street, on fhe West by the \vestern shore line of the Susquehanna River. on the North by the center line of Kelker Street, on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. Aberdeen st N from 420 Market to Walnut. Academy al E from 405 N Front to Shanklin. Adams al N from 118 State to Liberty. Agate st N from 616 Schuylkill to Mahantongo. Agnew st S from Hanover to Magnolia, bel 15th. Allison st from Cameron to 12th, bel Magnolia. Angle al E from 119 Short to South.



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Ann al E from 815 S Front to Race. .Apple st N from 608 Cumberland to Verbeke. Apricot st E from Juniper to 18th, bet State and Elm. .Arch st E from S Park Way to limits, bel Graham. Argyle st S E from 14th to Catharine, bet Berryhill and Brookwood. Ash st N from 520 Primrose av to Boas. .Ash st E from S 13th to 18th and Paxton, bet Manada and Sycamore. -A.spen st E from S 14th to city limits, bet Sycamore. and Shaonis (unopened). .Atlas st X from Maclav ab 4th to Seneca. . Austin st W from 16th to city limits, bet Chestnut and Hildrup. ,Bailey st N from 14 N 12th to 14th. Balm st N from 1230 Bailey to State. :Barbara st E from 313 N Front to South. Bartine st N from 108 Forster to Sayford avo :Basin st E from 1421 N 2d to 7th . . Battis al N frQm 431 Kelker al to Boyd. Berryhill st E from 452 S 9th to city limits. ~Blackberry st E from 14 S Front to Grace. !Bluebird st E from S 13th to city limits, bet Sycamore and Aspen (unopened).



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-THE PATAIOT ."o..,,~.~~ogIe

TI7. o. To.., H I 1\ . wELLey at CO'S J;

Black Diamond. wbeD { , 1111. a. .""'. :rOD .._t.rder. '81.... 'II......

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908.

Boas st E from lOOO 1\ Front to city limits (unopened from. N Cameron to 15th). ~ Bombaugh st E from 41 N 14th to 16th. D Bovd st E from X 2d ab Reilv to ith. c:t Bradv st N from 1312 Market to State. =5 Brakespeare st nr State Arsenal. c:t Brensinger st K from Forrest ab 5th to Schuylkill. Briggs al E from 800 ~ Front to N 2d (unopened). Briggs st E from SOO ~ 2d to city limits (unopened from, 10th to 15th). Broad st, see Verbeke st. _ Brook st K from 1525 Swatara to Drummond. a Brookwood st E from ~(l0 S 15th to city limits (unopenedfrom 15th to 19th). c: Brown st E from 815 East to city limit~ (unopened from "iii Cowden to 15th). !! Buchanan st E from SPark V'lay to Monroe bel Arch. (/) Buckthorn st S from 1316 Kittatinnv to Bet;rvhill. Buttonwood st N from }()6 State to ~orth. Calamus st :-\ from X Summit to 13th. laJ Calder st E from 1400 N Front to city limits (unopened from ..I 7th to 8th). Cameron st at Lochiel Iron Co.'s "'orks. I.LI Camp M E from 2228 ~ 5th to X ith. C Canal st from Walnut to North.





laJ GORGAS} FAIR o ------st-N------PRICED DRUGGIST US _ from a20_.N .to

N. 3d SI.











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CarnatIOn st E from .:1 :\ tilth to \\11Ite Hall. Carrie al \V from 534 S Cameron to Sheaffer. Carson al from State to South al. Catharine st E from 15th, ab Xaudain. to city limits. Cedar st X from 118 Liberty to ~orth. Cedar st E from S Front to city limits, bet Hawthorn and_ Birch. Centre al X from 1150 Herr to Verbeke. Chambers st from Sharp to West Park \Va)'. Charles st E from 1210 N Front to Susquehanna. Chayne st S from 1423 Shoop to Crabapple. Cherry st E from 115 S Front to 4th. Chesapeake st W from Chesapeake Kail Works to river. Chestnut st E from 100 S Front to P. R. R. and from P. &: R. R. R. to Cameron, and from Summit to 13th, and from 15th to city limits. Christian st E from 165 Crescent to Mulberrv. Christianna st E from Cameron to Hancock, bet \Valnut and State. Christie's ct S from 422 Cranberry av to r 420 Walnut. Church st X from 206 State to Noith. Clinton st E from 1\ Front. ab Harris, to ith. Colder st at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. Coleman st at Lochiei Iron Co.'s \Vorks.


-Y::.::~=:r 100 P. 0Ild IbIdOI Shades from A.

B. TACK .1:~~..

Boyd's Harrisburg. Street Guide, 1908.

Columbia st E from 6th to Jefferson ab Schuylkill. Commerce st N from North to Cumberland, bet 7th and the P. R. R. Compas al E from 418 S 14th to S 17th. Conoy st E from 569 S Front to Race. ~Cowden st N from 514 Market to Verbeke. Cox st from 2d to the R. R. -Crabapple st E from Chayne to city limits, bet Market and Regina. 'Cranberry st E from 213 N Front to 3d and from 4th to Short. Cream al E from 325 S 16th to S 1ith. Crescent st S from 1125 Mulberry to Berryhill. Crooked st S from 1311 Market to Thompson. Cumberland st E from 1200 N Front to city limits. Currant st N from 639 Herr to Basin. -Curtin st E from 2500 N Front to city limits. -Daisv st S from 1422 Kittatinnv to Berrvhill. Dauphin st E from 18l!f X 2d: ab Kelker. to 12th. Delaware st E from lIn9 N Front, ah ~Iuench. to the Asylum (unopened from ith to ~th). Derry st E from 101 S Cameron to city limits. Dewey st E from 17th ab Rush to city limits. Diven al N from 1034 Herr to Cumberland. Disbrow st S from Walnut to Carnation av, ab 16th.

Division st E from 3000 N Front to city limits. Dock st E from 900 S Front to Race. Dogwood st E from S 13th to city limits, bet Ash and Sycamore. Drummond st E from 1422 Kittatinny to S 16th. Dubbs al E from N 2d to N 3d, bet Forster and Briggs. East Park Way from Cameron to limits, bel West Park Way. East st N from 444 North to Forster. Eaton st S from 1404 Mayflower av to Vernon. Elizabeth st E from S 10th to S Cameron, bet Hemlock and Elm, also Elizabeth st N from 610 Reily to Hamilton. Elm st E from 1049 S 9th to Cameron, also Elm st E from 16th to 18th, bet State and Walnut. Emerald st E from 2300 N Front to city limits. Ethel st W from 16th to city limits, bet Park av and Market. Evergreen st S from 1223 Market to Derry. Fahnestock al N from Strawberry to Walnut, bet River and M. Federal Square, E from 216 Locust to 3d, S from 3d to 'Walnut, W from Walnut to Court, X from Court to Locust. Filbert st N from 607 Walnut to North. Fillmore st N from 2430 ~arket to limits. Finleter st from S Park Way to Monroe, bel Walker.

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CLARK'S ::=: Drug and Patalt Madlcln. Star.~~~





Boyd's Harrisburg


Guide, 1908.

Fir st E from 1513 Walnut to Bombaugh. Florence al N from 1106 Herr to Verbeke. Forrest st S from Howard to Vernon. Forrest st E from 2136 N 5th to Jefferson. Forster st E from 900 N Front to city limits (unopened from. 11th to 15th). Fox st N from Boas to Herr, bet 7th and P. R. R. Fridley al from 207 Chestnut to Cherry. Fulton st N from 458 Cumberland to city limits. Galbraith st N E from Park Way to limits, bet Magnolia and Chambers. Garfield st ~ from 2330 ~Iarket to limits . . Geary E from 6th to Jefferson, ab Mahantango. Geiger st E from 201; K Front. abPeffer. to X ;th. George st N from Kelker. ab Cameron, to Muench. German al from \V of 2d to Cherry. Grace st S from 409 ~arket to Chestnut. Graham st S from SPark Way to limits, ab 18th. Grand st N from 414 Forster 'to Boas. Granite st from 1713 N 2d, ab Hamilton, to 13th. Grant st N from 2230 Market to limits. Grape st N from 606 Herr to Cumberland. Gray st N E from 13th to Lee, bel Magnolia. Green st N from 235 North to city limits. Greenwood st first st S of Brookwood, E of 19th.


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Guy st bel Lochiel Iron Works. Haehnlen st E from 227 Crescent to S 13th. Z . Hamilton st E from 1700 N Front to city limits. Q Hancock st N from \Valnut to Christiana, bet Cameron and E 12th. Hanna st E from ~OO S Front to city limits. Hanover st E from 1304 S Cameron to city limits. Harris st E from 1600 N Front to 12th. Harry st at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. . Hawthorn st E from S Cameron to city limits, bet Magnolia and Cedar. Hay st E from 1218 James av to Fulton. Hazel al from 637 Herr to Boas . .J Helen st E from 16th to cit, limits. bet Regina and Park. Hemlock st E from 1001 S 9th to Cameron. Z Herr st E from 1100 N Front to city limits. Hickory st N from 704 Herr to 'Verbeke and from 710 Kelker to Maclay. _ Highland st from Jessamine to Prospect. [ Highland st N from Emerald to Seneca, bet 3d and 4th. l&J Hildrup st W from 16th to city limits, bet Austin and !.luiI11III::: berry. l1li: Hill st E from Hummel to 13th, bet Berryhill and L. V. C R.R. Hoerner st N from Walnut to State, bel 15th.

A. B. TACK} WaU Pap.r aad V.lndow Sbades h:31(~~

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908. 19


c: Holly st E from 400 S 17th to city limits. :D Honey st S from Market to Thompson. CD Hop st from Mayflower to Vernon. c: CoO Howard av N from 348 Bovd to Harris. :;; Howard st N from 564 F arrest to Schuylkill. ron CoO Howard st E from 15 S 13th to 14th. CoO Hover st S from 167 Paxton to Indian. ~ ~ Hummel st S from 1233 Mulberrv to Hill ~ Hunter st E from 430 Crescent to S l~th Indian st E from 525 Race to S 2d. Iron al S from 140 Dock to 01esapeake Nail Works. Ivy st W from Moltke av to 7th, bet Maclay and Woodbine. ~ ::z: James st N from 316 Briggs to Reily. ron :D Jefferson st N from 633 Maclay to city limits. ron Tonestown rd E from K Cameron to \-,"alnut. > julia al from Verbeke to city limits. bet 10th and N Cam- :2 CII eron. ~ Juniata st from Front to 13th. =i Juniper st E from 15th to 18th. ab State. ::z: ~ Kelker al W from 1512 X 5th to Fulton. Kelker st E from 1800 N Front to 12th. -a Kelly al E from 223 Pine to Cranberry. c: Kensington st E from 420 S Iflth to cit, limits. CD Kirbv st. see Rose. . . C; Kittatinny st E from 1421 Vine to Derry.





Salll,1 and Laan Alln. U::=


Kline al N from 124 Locust to Cranberry. Kunkle al E from 1012 James av to near6th. Lee st E from 13th to Park Way, bel 11agnolia. Lemon al E from Brensinger av ab Camp to Howard. Liberty st E from 600 N Front to 3d. Lincoln st N from 2730 Market to limits. Linden st S from 1250 Bailey to Thompson. Linden st N from 1250 Bailey to State. Locust st E from 200 N Front to 3d. Logan st W from 320 Reily to Seneca. Lynn st N from 1925 \Valnut to Herr. Maclay st E from 2100 N Front to Penna. Insane Asylum. Madison st N from Xorth to Cumberland, bet 7th and

P. R. R.

Magnolia st E from S Front to city limits, bet Hanover and Hawthorn. Mahantongo st E from 2600 N Front to city limits. Manada st E from 2d to city limits, bet Dock and Hemlock. Maple st N from 622 Verbeke to Reily. Marigold al E from S 13th to city limits, bet Aspen and Shaonis. Marion st N from 400 Verbeke to Reily. Market st from 1 N Front to city limits. Market is the N and S division line. . Market House al S from 411 State to South.

-- - - - - - ----TIHE PATRIOT'S ::-:ri.'::D~;:;oogIe





H.... KELLEY GCO. {I Korda .Mate-. D. . ....... . . Il lOtIo ....

20 ..: r:
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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908.


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Mary st E from 215 S Frcnt to ~Ieadow lao Mayflower st E from a5 Crooked av to S 16th. McKinley st N from 21i:30 Market to limits. Meadow la E from 300 S 2d to Mulberry. Minnie al E from 211:!G Elizabeth to Moltke. Moltke st N from 6:t~ Muench to \V oodbine. Monroe st N from 1130 State to Reily (unopened from State to Herr). . Montgomery st N from 436 Herr to Cumberland. Moore st N from 520 Maclay to Forrest. Muench st E from 1900 N Front to city limits. yl ulberrv st E from 200 S Front to 13th and from 17th to city-limits. :\Iyers al N from 435 Delaware av to Maclay. Myrtle st. s'ee Susquehanna Nagle st E from 700 S Front to Paxton. Naudain st E from 520 S 14th to city limits. ~ectarine st S from 1217 Mulberry to Swatara. North a1 E from 513 N 4th to Poplar lao North st E from 700 N Front to city limits. North Cameron st from 1100 Market to city limits. ~orth Court st N from 216 Market to South. ~orth Dewberry st N from 318 Market to Walnut. North Eighteenth st N from 1800 Market to city limits. North Fifteenth st N from 1500 Market to city limits.


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North Fifth st N from 500 ~Iarket to Walnut and from 442 South to North and from 500 Reilv to citv limits. North Fourteenth st N from 1400 Mark~t to city limits (unopened from \Valnut to Herr). ~ orth Fourth st N from 400 Market to North and from :l38 Verbeke to city limits. North Front st N from -1 ~larket to city limits. North Nineteenth 5t ~ from 1900 Market to city limits. North Ninth st N from U()O Market to city limits (unopened to Herr) . Xorth River st ~ from 118 Market to South, and from Maclay to Emerald. North Second st N from 200 Market to city limits. North Seventeenth st ~ from 1700 Market to city limits. North Seventh st ~ from 700 North to city limits. ~orth Sixteenth st N from 1600 Market to city limits. North Sixth st N from 600 North to city limits. North Summit st N from 1212 Market to State. North Tenth st N from 1000 ~'1arket to city limits . North Third st N from 300 Market to city iimits . ~orth Thirteenth st N from 1300 Market'to city Emits (unopened from State to Herr). North Twelfth 5t N from 1200 !\Iarkct to ~1:ucnch. North Twentieth st N from 2000 Market to Hamilton . North Twenty-first st ~ from 2100 ~Iarket to Hamilton.


Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908. 21 North Twenty-second st N from 2200 Market to limits. ~ North Twenty-third st N from 2300 Market to limits. 1'1 North Twenty-fourth st N from :.!400 Market to limits. North Twenty-fifth st N from 2500 Market to :imits. North Twenty-sixth st N from 2600 Market to limits. UJ North Twenty-seventh st N from 27UO Market to !imits. North Twenty-eighth st N from 2800 Mari<ct to !imits. Oak st from Elizabeth to Seventh, bet Maclay and Woodbine. Z Oil al from 6th to 7th ab Woodbine. 1'1 Old Jonestown rd' N E from the junction of 18th, and Hollv bevond limits. lJ Oliver a(E from 709 Green to 3d. Omega st S from Cameron, ab State, to Boas. Cl Orange al N from Maclay, bel 4th, to Emerald. Ott st W from 503 Race to S Front. Oxford st E from 6th to 7th, bel Seneca. Park st E from 25 N 16th to city limits. Paxton st E from 400 S Front to city limits. Pear st W from 910 N 6th to Capital. Peffer st E from 2000 N Front to Penna. Insane Asylum. Penn st N from 218 Briggs to city limits. Pennsylvania av, see N 7th. Pierce st N from 2530 Market to limits.


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:i~b~~t.~'fK

Pigeon st from Paxton S to Hanna and from Hanover S to Hawthorn. Pine st E from 300 N Front to 3d. Pleasant st W from Summit to 13th, bet Market and Chestnut. Plover st S from Turtle av to 10th. Plum al N from 416 Briggs to Cumberland. Polk st N from 1420 Walnut to State. Poplar st N from 703 South to North. Poplar st E from S Front to city limits, bet Birch and city line. Porter st S from Hanover to ~lagnolia, bel 5th. Primrose st E from 707 East to ~ 7th and from 15th to city limits. Prince al N from 208 North to Briggs. Prospect st ~ from Market, ab 19th', to city limits. Prune st S from 1247 Mulberry to Swatara. Race st S from 117 Paxton to Hanna. Reel al E from Paxton Creek to S Cameron, bet Aspen and Hemlock. Reel's la E from N Front to 6th. Reel st N from 510 Seneca to Schuylkill. Reese st E from 328 Crescent to S 15th. Re~na st E from 14 ~ 14th to city limits. Reily st E from 1500 N Front to city limits. Rhoads _ N from rear 412 Muench - to -Peffer. al ._____________ ___ - - - - -C"D_!:f







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2::l Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908.

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Roberts st S from Hill to Paxton, nr Catholic Cemetery. Rose st S from 430 Boas to Pear. Ross st E from 2414 N 6th to 7th ab Seneca. Rudy st E from 300 S 18th to city limits. Rural st E from S Cameron to 15th, bet Hawthorn and Cedar. Rush st E from 15th, ab Brookwood av, to city limits. Salmon st from Paxton to Sycamore. Sarah st from 601 Herr to York. Sassafras st E from 1124 N Front to Svsquehanna. Sa vford st E from 1316 N Front to 7th and from 8th to . Cameron. Scott st E from Hanover to :\lagnolia, bel 13th. :Schuylkill st from Front to city limits. Second st from S Park Way to limits, ab Cameron. Seneca st E from 2400 N Front to city limits. Shamokin st from Front to 13th. Shanklin al N from 120 South to State. Shannon st E from 815 S 10th to Cameron. Shaonis st E from S Front to Cameron, bet Aspen and Arch. Sharon st, see 15th. Sharp st from E Park Way, ab 13th. Sheaffer st S from Berryhill to Paxton, bet 9th and 10th. Sherman row from 342 S River to near S Front.

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,THle I.lrutl I.~ S.ntl CI. ~ {--=:.:='::~~~=-' }l.!~~1A Shoop st E from 51 ~ 14th to 15th.


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Short st N from 430 Walnut to South. Showers st S from 120 Conoy to Hanna. Shrub st E from 39 N 12th to 14th (unopened from 12th to13th). Simon st at Lochiel Iron Co's Works. Singer aI, see Fridley. Smith al from 108 Boas to Herr. South al E from West av to Poplar la, bet State and South. South st E from 400 N Front to R. R. South Cameron st S from 1101 Market to city limits. South Court st S from 215 Market to R. R. South Dewberry st S from 319 Market to C. V. R. R. South Eighteenth st S from 1801 Market to city limits. South Fifteenth st S from 1501 Market to city limits. S011tl: Fifth st S from 501 Market to P. R. R. South Fourteenth st S from 1401 Market to )Jag-nolh (unopened from Zarker to Vernon, and from Uerryhill toPaxton). . Sotlth Fourth st S from 401 Market to C. V. R. R. South Front st S from Market to cit\ limits. SOlith !\ineteenth st S from 1901 ']lfarket to limits (unopened from Market to Rudy). South Nineteenth-and-a-half st S from 1n:n l\farkct to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from :Market to Derry).

aeetrle Automobiles} ANDREW REDIONDqiti!!4Y~rr~tl..


l 8peelalty A B TACK r PNMoI... lIu_ Blllldlnp IIIof TlDtil { 1.. K. . . . . . PllbUo PJaIIl lrat.tmateeat_

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide, 1908.


South Xinth 5t S from 90i Market to Kittatinny, and from Vine to Shaoni5. South River st S from 115 Market to Paxton and from Hanna to Chesapeake. South Second st S from 2()l Market to city limits. South Seventeenth st S from 17111 Market to city limits. South Sixteenth st S from IG01 Market to city limits. South Summit st S from 1213 Market to Mulberry. South Tenth st S from 10m Market to Paxton (unopened irom Mulberry to Berryhill). South Third st S from 3111 Market to P. R. R. South Thirteenth st S from 1301 Market to city limits. Vacated from Sycamore to Hanover. South Twelfth st S from 1201 Market to Cedar (unopened from Market to Paxton. Vacated from Ash to H'laover). South Twentieth st S from 2001 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Rudy). . South Twenty-first st S from 2101 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Swatara). South Twenty-first-and-a-half st S from 2131 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Derry). South Twenty-second st S from 2201 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Berryhill).


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----.------------_ South Twen.ty-second-and-a-half st S from 2231 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Brookwood). South Twenty-third st S from 2301 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Berryhill). South Twentv-third-and-a-half st S from 2331 Market to P. & R. R. -R. (unopened from Market to Brookwood). South Twentv-fourth st S from 2401 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twentv-fourth-and-a-half st S from 2431 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-fifth st S from 2501 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-fifth-and-a-half st S from 2531 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-sixth st S from 2601 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-sixth-and-a-half st S from 2631 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twentv-seventh st S from 2701 Market to P. & R. R. R. (open from Brookwood to Derry). South Twentv-seventh-and-a-half st S from 2731 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-eighth st S from 2801.Market to P. & R. R. R. (open from Brookwood to Derry). Sprague st E from Brensinger av ab Forrest to Howard st. Spring st N from 208 South to State.


Savings and Loan Assn.t


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Digitized by


M. M. KEllEY .. CO.}ODlCes. :11..,..:.r..~::~{COAL AND WOOD

24. Harrisburg Ha1ls, 1908. State st E from 500 N Front to city limits. Sttawberry st E from 17 N Front to P. R. R. Susquehanna st N from 234 South to Seneca. ~ Swatara st E from 356 Crescent to city limits. Sycamore st E from 1106 S 9th to city limits. Sylvan ter from 1150 Mulberry to Derry. Tanner st N from 406 Walnut to South . .: Thomas st at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works . Thompson st E from 126 Summit to S 17th. Tulip st E from S 13th to S 17th, bet Manada and Ash. Turner al N from Peffer to cit v limits. Turtle al from Hemlock to Elm. ~ Tuscarora st E from 600 S Front to R. R. Union st E from 912 N Front to 3d. ii Verbeke st E from 1300 N Front to city limits. !! Vernon st E from 43 S 13th to S 17th. fI) Vine st E from junction of S Front, Race and Paxton to junction with Kittatinny. Violet al E from 2010 Wood av to Turner. Violet st E from S Cameron to 14th, bet Hanna and Fulton. ~ Walker st from Sharp to Monroe. ab 16th. (,) Wallace st N from 6:!1 Herr to Maclay. C Walnut st E from 27 N Front to city limits (unopened from P. R. R. to Cameron). ~ Wa~hington ct bel Lochiel Iron \Vorks. :; -;;



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Washington st E from 300 S Front to 2d. West st N from 418 South to Briggs. West Park Way from Cameron to limits, bel Magnolia. Wharton al E from 5th, ab Woodbine, to 6th. White Hall S E from N 18th to Old Jonestown rd, bel Walnut. Wiconisco st E from N Front to P. R. R. William st N from 324 Verbeke to Reily. Willis al N from 235 South to State. Willow st N from 214 State to North . Wood st N from 518 Hamilton to Maclay. Woodbine st E from 2200 N Front to city' limits. Wyeth st N from 458 Verbeke to Reily. York st E from 917 N 6th to 7th, and from 15th to city limits. You sling al N from 514 Peffer to ~Iaclay. Zarker st E from 9 S 14th to city limits. Ziegler st S from 207 Cherry av to Mulberry.




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1:&1 Assembly, 1114 Capitl!l Chestnut St. Market, ChestAssociation, 114 N 2d nut c Court E Auditorium, 112-116 Market City Gray's Armory, 2d c C Cameron,:!d c Walnut Forster


1 L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LO A {1240 lIarkltStrnt

Digitized by


A. B. TACK ::~~::110B pooer ond IIndOI SbOdeS 1=11\~:lIl

Harrisburg Halls, 1908 .
Doehne's, 1334 N 6th .:\lajestic Theatre, 323 WalDunkle & Ewing's, 1936i nut ~Iarket House Hall, VerDerry beke c Capital Elks, (colored), 506 .:\Iarket Ensminger's, 3d c Cumber- ~Iasonic, 222 Market l\lasollic, (colored), 504 Mkt land .:\Iasonic, (Scottish Rite), Fackler's, 1310 Derry c 324 North Flatiron Building, Derry ~lauk's, 6th c Kelker 19th ~ ational, State c 4th Foerster's, 540 Race Odd Fellows', 304 N 2d, 321 Fraternal 0 rder 0 f .Harket and 432 South Eagles, 1203 N 6th Orpheum Theatre, 206-210 G. A. R., 26 N 3d; 305 VerLocust beke, 120 Cowden Red Men's, 1300 Fulton

MILLER BROS. &. BAKER} ~~~b:i~-::'~~II:

Golden Eagles, 451 Verbeke Good Samaritan, 109 Cowden Hanshaw's, 3d c Harris Harrisburg Board of Trade, 112-114-116 Market Hoffman's, 1531 Derry Kelker St. Market, Kelker c 4th Kinnard's, 305 Verbeke Rodgers', Forrest c Moore Russ Building, 15 N 2d Sible & Clark's, 1200 N 3d Sible's. 1127 N 3d Swab's, 1255 Market Tack's, 1216 N 3d Troup's. 15 S 2d Cnion Square, Howard ab 14th Waiters'. 4:la North al White's, 311 Verbeke ,\\'yeth's,2 N Court





H. BOYD CO ...



Standard ~ Directories ~

'No. 1411 Perkiolnen Avenue,


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IIcNEIL'S COUGH REMEDY }~r:..for~:::ro:.:! {ii1~~


Pennsylvania State Government, 1908.

Pennsylvania State Government.



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:J Tin. BauI.1y I.~ Sarely CI. w::~ {F.m::r:.-=-:.==. {orr!.t&e;i=f... ~

Governor-Edwin S. Stuart. Lieutenant Governor-Robert S. ~Iurph}'. Private Secretary-A. B. 1Iillar. Secretarv of the" Commonwealth-Robert McAfee. Deputy" Secretary of the Commonwealth-Lewis E.. Beitler. Chief Clerk-George D. Thorn. Attorney General-~L Hampton Todd. Deputy Attorney General-Frederic W. Fleitz. Assistant Deputy Attorney General-J. E. B. Cunningham. Chief Clerk-Guv H. Davies. Auditor General':""'Robert K. Young. Deputv Auditor General-Thomas A. Crichton. Chief Oerk-Nathan E. Hause. Corporation Deputy-Jonathan N. Langham.


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Secretary of Internal Affairs-Henry Houck. Deputy Secretary Internal :\ffairs-James H. Craig. Chief Bureau Industrial Statistics-John L. Rockey. Stat(' Treasurer-John O. Sheatz. Cashier-Benjamin F. ~ieasey. Commissioner of Banking-John A. Berkey. . Deputy Commissioner of Banking-John W. Morrison. Superintendent of Public Instruction-Nathan C. Schaeffer. Deputy Superintenrlents of Public Instruction-Archibald D. Glenn and R. B. Teitrick. Adjutant General-Thomas J. Stewart. Chid Clerk-Benjamin W. Demming . State Librarian-Thomas Lynch l'.Iontgomery. First Assistant State Librarian-Norman D. Gray. State Printer-Harrisburg Puhlishing Company: Superintendent of Public Grounds and BuildingsSamuel B. Rambo. Superintendent of Public Printing-A. Nevin Pomeroy. Commissioner of Insurance-David :\iartin. Deputy Commissioner of Insurance-Samuel W. McCulloch.
F.r.V~~eSel_tloDor BARNJ~" call 0& ~

ANDREW REDMOND{3d ~ oog~ts. Reily e

Digitized by

Dauphin County Officers, 1908. Commissioners of Soldiers' Orp'han Schools-Hon. Edwin W. Stuart, pres; William J. George, chief clerk. Secretary Board of Public Charities-Bromley Wharton. Secretary Department of Agriculture-N. B. Critchfield. Deputv Secretary of Agriculture-Algernon L. Martin. Chief Cierk-l\farcellus D. Lkhliter: Dairy and Food Commissioner-James Foust. Asst. Dairy and Food Commissioner-Oliver D. Schock. Economic Zoologist-Prof. H. A. Surface. Assistant Economic Zoologist-A. F. Satterthwait. State Veterinarian-Dr. Leonard Pearson. Deputy State \i eterinarian-Dr. Louis A. Klein. Agent Live Stock Sanitary Board-Dr. Otto G. Noack. Commissioner of Forestry-Robert S. Conklin. Deputy Commissioner of Forestry-Irvin C. Williams. Commissioner of Health-Samuel G. Dixon, M. D. AS!'oistant to Commissioner of Health-Benjamin Lee, M.




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State Register of Vital Statistics-Wilmer R. Batt. M. D. Factory Inspecoor-John C. Delaney. > Department of Mines-James E. Roderick, chief. ::D Deputy Chief Department of Mines-Frank Hall. < Secretary of Game Commission-Dr. Joseph Kalbfus. > Commissioner of Fisheries-William E. l\leehan. :a State Highway Commissioner-Joseph W. Hunter. 0 Assistant State Highway Commission-G. W. Ensign. Deputy State Highway Commissioner-Roy D. Beman. tool


=J.~~}Hanisburg Sayings and Loan Assn.~:=, ~

Chief Clerk Highway Department-John S, N'eal. Superintendent State Police-John C. Groome. Deputy Superintendent State Police-George F. Lumb. Chief Clerk-John H. Clarke. Secretary Water Supply Commission-Thomas J. Lynch. State Railroad Commission-N'at:haniel Ewing, chairman: Charles W. ~lann and John Y. Boyd. Secretary State Railroad Commission-Harry S. Calvert. STATE PHARMACEUTICAL EXAMINING BOARD. President-Louis Emanuel, Pittsburg. Secretary-Charles T. George, 1306 N' 3d, Harrisburg. Treasurer-W. L. Cliff. George D. Stroh, Pittston. L. L. \V alton, Williamsport. ;




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DAUPHIN COUNTY OFFICERS, President Judge-Hon. George Kunkel. Adrlitional Law Judge-Samuel J. M. McCarrell. Sheriff-Samuel F., Dunkle. Deputy Sheriffs-Edgar C. Hummel, Geo. W. McIlhenny. Prothonotary-James H. Worden.








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.. H ,. KELLEY at CO'S -Blaek DlamoDu _heD { 1.1.,lb.hltall .... IL I IkIIl. enter. ..

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Harrisburg City Officers, 1908.

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Deputy Prothonotaries-Henry F. Holler and William P. Clark. Treasurer-John L. Grove. Register-John J. Hargest. Deputy Register-J. Harry Stroup. Recorder-Dr. Henry M. ~tine. Deputy Recorder-William A. McIlhenny . Clerks to Recorder-Martin Zol1, Horace W. Snodgrasg, Edward Hoffnagle, Frank L. Jefferson, Joshua W. Gross. District Attomey-John Fox Weiss. County Detective-James T. Walters. County Commissioners-John S. Longenecker, D. Frank Lebo, William W. Wallower. Cou~ty Auditors-George F. Reigel, Elmer \V. Dockey, Ira Bowman. County Solicitor-William H. Middleton. County Surveyor-Christian H. Hoffer. Commissioners' Clerk-John H. Strock. Coroner-H. Ross CoO\'er. Warden COllnty Prison-Edward S. Keiper. Directors of the Poor-Charles C. Pass. John \V, EarlYr Daniel D. Helt. Clerk, George A. L. Row. Steward Almshouse---S. H. Rutherford. Prison Phvsician-Frederick W. Coover. Board of Prison Inspectors-Lane S. Hart, pres; Henry Cordes, sec; Samuel S. Miller, Archibald G. Knisely, W. B. Meetc'h, John H. McIlhenny.

~ GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST{16 N. 3d St ....... Court of >- uary, March,Oyer and Terminer-Quarter Sessions-JanJune and September. Common Pleas-Janz:


oeC uary, February, April, 1\-1ay, October and November.


a Oity in J/WO .

Mavor-Dr. Ezra S. ),Ieals. Treasurer-Owen M. Copelin. Controller-Henry W. G')ugh. u Solicitor-Daniel S. Seitz. Q City Engineer-M. B. Cowden. Z Citv Assessors-Harry F. O\'es. Edward S. Martin, < Harr~' G. Wells. . ~ Water Commissioners-John A. Affleck, pres; Edmund ~ Mather, George J. Hutton, George G. Kennedy, supt and sec. Board of Revision of Taxes and Appeals~Daniel L. Kiester, John N, McCulloch, Daniel W. Brubaker, James. McC. Foos~. William H. ~\ioody. Charles A. Miller, clerk. Sanitary Department-Edward C. First. ('harles A. Miller. sec; WiIliam D. Block and David H. Ellinger. sanitary officers.

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Harrisburg Fire Department, 1908.

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City Clerk-Charles A. :Miller. 1'1 Superintendent Police and Fire.Alarm-Clark E. Diehl. Highway Commissioner-William H. Lynch. 'Building Inspector-Warren 9haffer. Supervisor-First District, Charles A. Tress. Supervisor-Second District, George W. Kautz. Chief of Police-Thomas G. George. 2 Lieutenant of Police-J. Thomas Zeil. 1'1, Sergeants of Police-So Herman Kautz, William C. ColIn. Bertram A. Weills. Select Council-First Ward, Harry F. Sheesley. Second Ward-Daniel L. Keister. C) Third Ward-Jesse Hedrick. Fourth \Vard-Arthur D. Bacon. Fifth Ward-Robert Hughes. . Sixth Ward-B. Frank Sna~elv. Seventh Ward-.\dam D. Houtz. Eighth Ward-Dennis F. McCarthy. Ninth Ward-Thomas J. Bell. c.TI' Tenth Ward~William }I. Moodv. Eleventh Ward-Benjamin F. Cmberger. Twelfth Ward-Charles ~I. Orth. 8 Clerk of Select Council-J. Herman Knisely. ~ Common Council-First \Vard-George G. Young, C> ('"., Han'ey ~L Taylor.

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Second Ward-William L. Jauss. John L. L. Kuhn. Third Ward-Edward C. First. William H. Dell Fourth Ward-Ross H. Hickock. A. Coleman Sheetz. Fifth Ward-Daniel H. Brubaker, pres; Charles L. Schmidt. Sixth \Yard-William S. C. Abbott. T. B. :\Iarshall. Seventh Ward-Frank ~ickles, Charles F. Osler. Eighth \Yard-Harry G. ~rorton, H. W. Cooper. ~inth Ward-Harry C. Baum, Charles H. Miller. Tenth Ward-Augustus Wildman. ,William L. Loeser. Eleventh Ward-William Smith. ~ralcolm H. Gettys. Twelfth Ward-Amos A. ~rai1ey. John W. Oyster: Clerk of Common Council-Charles A. Miller. Harrisburg Park Commission-Charles A. Disbrow, pres: V. Grant Forrer. sec: John T. Brady. J. Horace McFarland. William E. Raile\". Henn' E. Hershc\. Board of Public \Vorks~\vi11iain Jennings, 'pres; David E. Tracy. Edwin C. Thompson. !"ec.

MILLER BROS. &. BAKER} ~=~t,~~-:;'~~-= --------------------------------------------.

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Chief Engineer-Charles A. Garverich, Assistant Engineer. Edward Halbert. Superintendent Fire Alarm, Clark E. Diehl.


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~~I~:'f:S~:'':~ l3iJ& Brol'

.. -.. .... :II


Fire Alarm Boxes and Locations, 1908.


Harrisburg Volunteer Firemen's Beneficial Association meets fourth Wednesday of every month at the different engine houses. C. D. Kramer, pres; Marion Verbeke, rec sec. Firemen's Union, composed of three representatives from each company and the chief and assistant engineers of the fire departlllcnt. Col. H. C. Demming. pres; Frederick L. Lung-feld. sec. Harrisburg Firemen's Relief Association, represented by three delegates from each company, meets second Wednesday of every month at rhe different engine houses. Chas. P. ~[eck. pres; :\larion Verbeke, sec. Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Co., No.1; org. 1858; 519 N 4th. Harry Q. Black, sec. Friendship Steam Engine Co., No.1, 3d c Cherry av; org. prior to 1801. Charles . Murray, sec. Hope Steam Engine Co., No. 2, 2d bet State and North. Charles E. Blessing, sec. Citizen Steam Engine Co., No.3, 103 N 4th. Harry H. Towsen, sec. Washington Hose and Chemical Co., No ..4; org, Feb. 22, 1841: Chestnut nr 2d. Charles E. Ripper, sec. Paxton Steam Fire Engine Co., No.6, 2d bet Washington and Vine: org. Nov. 22, 1859. John A. Snyder. sec. Good Will Steam Engine Co., No.7; org. 1860; 6th c Calder. Charles R. Dunlap, sec.

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TIU. Sllrloly"ll. Sarely C. Icun.I, fillfll,aU..... ... f""..... 1 I s...,n,",~ fir ..'.,. f Plu" '. ,.1111 B,u.. ----------------------------------1\f ount Pleasant Fire Co., N o. ~; org. 1877; S 13th c HowTrU.1

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ard. Cyrus F. Benson, sec. Susquehanna Fire Co., Ko. 9, 1159 S Cameron; re-org. Dec .. 1899. Frederic~ L. Longfeld. sec. Reily Hose and Chemical Co., No. 10; argo July 11th,." 18~!i: 4th c Dauphin avo Harry Stroh. sec. ~;lan:rock Fire Co .. ~o. 11. Herr c l;;th. .-\. A. Krebs, sec.
FIRE ALARM BOXES AND LOCATIONS. Third and Market. 1j ~eventcenth and Market. State and Cowden. 21 Sixth and Dauphin. Second and Forster. :?~ P. R. R. Shops. Thirteenth and .. :'.lar24 Sixth and Cumberketo land. Sixteenth and Wal25 Hummel and lVlulnut. berry. Fourteenth and Swa26 Third and :\f uench. tara. :n Third and Reily. Front and Dock. :l:? Third and Boas. Race and Paxton. :~4 Sixteenth and Derry. Cameron and Paxton. 35 Seventh ami Boas .. Second and Verbeke. .n P. & R. Passenger StaCameron and Magtion. 42 Second and Mulberry. nolia.

4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16

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L B. TleI} III PJPEIl!:!:~rt-:: 111001 SHADES{ N~:' It.

Harrisburg School Department, 1908. 43 Third and :\1 111berry. 4;; Seventh and :\lacla.,.. 51 Cameron and Herr: 52 Sixth and Forster. 53 Ninth and Sycamore. 54 Second and Harris. 61 Second and Cranberry. 62 Fourth and Hamilton. 63 Seventh and Xorth. 112 Second and Strawbe~r\.




l:n Fourth and Walnut.

104 141 142 212 213 214 221 22:.{ 224 201 232 234 331

121 Third and Reers lao 123 Sixth and Mahantongo. 124 Sixth and \V oodbine. Three times two taps (2-2-2) after an alarm signifies that the whole department shall respond immediately. Three taps (1-1-1) after an alarm signifies that the fire is under control.

rCameron and :\1arket. Third and Woodbine. en Reily and Wallace. Third and Yerbeke. :sFiith and Peffer. Fourteenth and State. ~lkt. and P. R R dpt. Cameron and Hemlock. Cameron and Cedar. Stafe and Susquehanna. Fourth and State. Hummel and Swatara. Tenth and State. :~:~2 Walnut and Balm. :::34 Second and 1laclav. ::41 ~t"\"enth and HamiltQn.

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r!";*":;::::'-:'}Harrisburg SayIngs and Loan Assn. {~=

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SCHOOL DEPARTM:ENT. ::0 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. C Schools consist of 2 High, 61 Grammar and 13~ Primary Schools, 1 Teachers' Training School and 1 Special School. City Superintendent, Frederick E. Downes. District Supervisors, 1st district, L. S. Shimmell; 2d district, John J. N Brehm. Secretary of the Board, D. D. Hammelbaugh. l> Directors, 1st Ward, John \V. Urban, George W. Kennedy 0 and George E. Kraber; 2d Ward, Harry G. Page and Harry A. Boyer; 3d Ward, Benjamin D. Boggs, George :J: W. Davis and Cameron L. Baer: 4th Ward, 1- c. Saltz- l> ,giver, Clark E. Diehl and Harmon 1.. :\issley; 5th Ward, ::0 B. Frank ~ead, Frank C. Sites and James K. Linn; 6t'h _ Ward. Andrew S~ Patterson and.\Iillard F. Saul: 7th Ward, William E. Cassell. John E. Lenig- and Harry Leonard: 8th Ward. Ed,,,ard ~loeskin and A. Wilson Black: 9th Ward, \Yilliam Hug-h(s. Charles S. Fahl and Clayton C. Fornev: 10th \Van!. Edwin F. Dorn- oI:oa bach ami David C. \\'as~on: 11th Ward. Samuel H. Garland and Harrv G. Crone: 12th \'!a rci , Robert E. \Villiams and Ohristian t. ~isslcy. SCHOOLS AND PRINCIPALS. High School Building, Forster c Capital. W. S. Steele. Lochiel Building, 12th c Magnolia, W. E. Kirk. Harris Building, Front c Paxton, S. P. Stambaugh. Paxtang Building. S Cameron. l\lary E. :\tIickey. Stevens Building, Chestnut nr 2d, Mary G. Edwards.

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Harrisburg School Department, IlJ08.


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Fager Building, Walnut c River, Clara L. Meredith. Willard Building, State c Myrtle, Fannie L. Johnson. Boas Building, Green c Forster, Mary M. Vollmer. Verbeke Building, Verbeke c Susquehanna, Emily J. Adams. Reily Building, Reily c Susquehanna, Lile George. Hamilton Building, 6th c Hamilton, Martin S. Taylor. . Penn Building, 7th c Cumberland, Amanda L. Crowe. Lincoln Building, State c Hith, Walter C. Heiges. Calder Building, Calder c Marion, W. H. Marshali. Downey Building, Monroe nr Calder, Anna C. Sandoe. Maclay Building, 4th c Peffer, Calvin F. Martz. Allison Building, 14th c Shoop, Anna Marshbatlk. Day Building, 5th c North, Morris H. Layton . Webster Building, 13th c Kittatinny, James B. Odell. Springdale Building, Walnut c 18th, Homezellah Burruss. Vernon Building, Vernon c 15th, Alice Ryan. Curtin Building, 6th c Woodbine, Martin H. Thomas. Cameron Building, Green c Muench, W. H. Jacobs. Forney Building, 18th c Chestnut, George S. Machen. Wickersham Building, Briggs c Cowden, Anna V. Crowl. Teachers' Training School, (Cameron Building), Anne U. Wert. Technical High School Building, Walnut c Aberdeen, Pr~~~~ha~es B~ager, jr. . _______________ _

o: ;


Teachers' Retirement Fund Board meets in office of School Board. Clark E. Diehl, pres; D. D. Hammelbaugh, sec. PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. Abrahamson's 'School, 206 Market. Harrisburg Academy, X 'Front bey limits. Harrisburg Business College, John E. Garner, 322 Market. International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, 213 Walnut, Wilson R. Houser, supt. Kindergarten and School, Miss Evelyn Barrington, 2d c State. Kindergarten School, :\Iargaret I. Charles, Market c 13th. \ Kindergarten School, Susan Seiler, 401 N Front. Moon & Adams Business College, (itO :\ 3e1. Musical Kindergarten, Sallie E. Hellerman, 112i )J 6th. National Training School, 13th c Derry. North Harrisburg Kindergarten, 1102 Herr, ~largarretta Rutherford, sec. School of St. Genevieve's Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, 500 Maclay. Pro-Cathedral School, Liberty c Church av, charge of the Sisters of Mercy,


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~=;'ao;:! won ,.'.llndOW Shotles lrom A. B. TACK ... ~~..

Harrisburg Banks, Trust Cos., &c., 1908.

St. Lawrence Parochial School, charge of the Sisters of Christian Charity, 115 Short. St. ~lary's Parochial School, Maclay c 5th, in charge of the Sisters of Mercy. School of Commerce, W. H. Keller, bus mgr; D. L. :\1. Raker, prin, 15 S 2d. Select School and Kindergarten, Miss WalJace, 214 Pine.

Harrisburg Orchestra meets Monday eve. at 138 Short. George W. Updegrove, leader; H. ]. Kurzenknabe, mgr. Commonwealth Band meets at Russ bldg every Tuesday eve. Charles A. Stouffer, band master and mgr. Harrisburg Maennerchor meets 121 Walnut every Sunday. Camp 15, S. V., Drum Corps meets every Wednesday eve. at 1509 N 3d. W. F. Raysor, mgr. Choral Society , (colored), meets at call of president, at 432 South. ,Harry Burrs, pres; Miss Eva Sturgis, sec. Fountain's Orchestra meets every Wednesday eve., 593 5 Front. W. H .. Fountain, leader. Majestic Theatre Orchestra, Charles Fischler, conductor. Orphetlm Theatre Orchestra, Fred. W. \Veber. conductor.

Standard Orchestra meets at 138 Short. E. Hatch Barrington, mgr. Symphony Orchestra meets in Russ bldg every Monday and Thursday eves. Charles R. WeiHs, mgr. West End Band meets every Monday eve., Wood nr Peffer. George A. Hutman, leader and mgr. \Volfe's String Orchestra meets at 33 Sassafras, at call of leader. H. M. Wolfe, mgr and leader.
BANKS, TRUST CO.PARIES, &c. Allison Hill Bank, 1301 Market. Authorized capital, '100,000; capital paid in, $50,000; surplus, $15,000; W. M. Hoerner, pres; A. B. ~lusser, v-pres; A. B. Gingrich, cashier. Citizens' Bank, 13th c Derry. Capital authorized, '50,000; capital paid in, '50,000. E. C. Thompson, pres; S. F. Barver. v-pres: Clayton G. ~'fiHer. cashier. Commercial Bank. 1~:!:! and 1:!~4 ~ :M. Capital. authorized. $:!1I0.c1l1ll. paid in. $110,1I0n: undivided profits and surplus. ,Uil.IIOO: inc. l!J01. D. W. ~ohn. cashier. Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., 213 Market. Capital $300,000; inc. 1834. \Y. K. Alricks, pres: Donald McCormick, ~ treas.


CLARK'S =::~: Drug and Patant Medicine Stlr8l'=/tIr~


Harrisburg Board of Trade, 1908.




East End Bank, 13th c Howard. Authorized capital. $100,000; capital paid in, '50,000. E. A. Heffelfinger, pres; Alfred K. Thomas, cashier. First National Bank, 224 Market, Lane S. Hart, pres; James Brady, cashier. Capital, ,100,000; surplus, '450,000; undivided profits, '35,656.73; discount day, Wednesday. Harrisburg Clearing House Assn, 213 Market. Harrisburg National Bank, 16 S 2d. Capital and surplus. $650,000; inc. 1814. Edward Bailey. pres: William L. Gorgas, cashier. Mechanics' Bank, Market c 3d. Capital and surplus. $265,000. C. A. Kunkel, cashier; Samuel Kunkel, assistant cashier. Merchants' National Bank, 1230 X ad. Capital, :;;100,000 ; surplus and undivided profits. ~n:J::!,()()o. Hamilton D. Hemler, pres; H. O. Miller, cashier. Sixth Street Bank (The), 2001 X (jth. Capital. $50,000. Wilson Witman, pres; Lewis Balser. v-pres; F. L. Albert Froehlich, cashier. Harrisburg Trust Co., 16 S 2d. Capital, $400,000; surplus, $350,000. Edward Bailey, pres; George W. Reily, sec and treas.

TlUe G_n'7 & ..4 8aret7 c.. {...d A'al.'IIII"'I. nll.... { , ........ -llcraaton, Pe.._ TIIIII....1. aI. I.-or ~n'l ., J.dl 1.....





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Central Guarantee, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1230 N 3d. H. D. Hemler, pres; H. O. Miller, sec and treas. Capital, $250,000, authorized; $125,000, paid up. Surplus and undivided profits, '137,000. _ Commonwealth Trust Co., 222 ~larket. Capital, ,250,000; surplus, $550,000; undivided profits, $50,000. Lane S. Hart, pres; W. H. Metzger, sec and treas. Security Trust Co., 36 and 38 N' 3d. Capital, authorized. ,250,000; paid in, '125,000; surplus, $25,000; inc. Dec. 2d. 1905. J. O. S. Poorman, cashier. Union Trust Co., 20 N 2d. Capital paid in, '250,000; surplus, '50,000; inc. 1905. Charles S. Boll, pres; Andrew S. Patterson, sec and treas. People's Savings Bank, 1011 N 3d; Dr. J. Nelson Clark. c( pres; George A. Seibert, treas. Dime Savings Fund, 223 ~larket. James McCormick. treas . .J Exchange Banking Co., ~ l' 2d. 'Y. J. Lescure, mgr.


BOARD OF TRADE. Harrisburg Board of Trade. 112-114-116 ~arket. Regular meetings of the Board. second Tuesday in every month at 8 p. m. Officers for HHI~Charks :\.. Disbro\\'. pres; James A. Bell, sec-mgr; Albert 2\1. Hamer, asst sec: \V. L. Gorgas, treas; trustees. E. Z. 'Yallo\\"cr. 1!l1U: A. Fortenbaugh,. c( 1910: L. S. Williams. 1910: F. B. Musser. 1910; Herman P.




Radnaond'i Wagon Works }~d::'t':;~ {3d and Rally Stl.. Coogle

Digilized by

1. B. TACK} Wall Papar ad Window Shades {l:ltl'::~

Harrisburg Board of Trade, 1908. 35 Miller. HilI); J. c. Harlacker, HIll: Galen Hain, 1911; Charles A. Kunkel, 1911: David E. Tracy, 1911; E. Z. Gross. 1911: Charles S. Boll, 1909; Joseph c. Smith, 1909; Vance C. :McCormick. 1909: William Strouse, I!I09; E. J. Stackpole, 1909; auditors. Col. H. C. Demming, A. D. Bacon and G. "Y. Spahr. General Committee-Consisting of the pr'esident, secretar\", treasurer, chairman of the trustees and the chairman of all standing committees. Good Roads Committee-Col. H. C. Demming, chairman: John Y. Bovd and Robert J. Belt. -Public Comfort Stations Committee-Charles P. Walters. chairman; Samuel W. Fitzgerald and Re\. J. Henry Harms. :\Ianufactures Committee-Vance C. :\lcCormick, chairman; William Jennings, William E. Bailey, Francis J. Hall. S. K. Hamburger, E. Z. Gross and Samuel Wittenmev~ Real Estate Committee-A. Boyd Hamilton, chairman; William P. Miller, Augustus \Yildman. Jay Frank Rohrer and E. ~loeslein. Legislative Committee-\Villiam ~I. Hargest. chairman; E. J. Stackpole, WiI:iam H. ~liddleton. Wellington G. Jones and Harry M. Bretz.


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Sallal' and Loan AssR. {::;:=

Publicity Committee-J. Horace :\IcFarland, chairman; James :\1. Lamberton, Herman P. :\Iiller. D. P. Jerauld and Dr. J. W. Ellenberger. Arbitration Committee-Owen :\1. Copelin. chairman; R. ~1. H. Wharton and Frank J. Wallis. Social Room Committee-Co Howard Lloyd, chairman; n Joseph E. Shearer, jr., and Frank A. Smith. Smoke Abatement Committee-Harry F. Sheesley, chairman: J. Horace }lcFarland and D. G. Fenno. Transportation Committee-Col. \Villiam F. Richardson. chairman: William B. :\lcCaleh. \\"illiam J. Rose, Charles E. Covert and Charles S. Lingle. Municipal Committee-E. E. Beidleman. chairman; Dr. E. S. Meals, Charles AllabaCh, Wilmer Crow and Anson P. Dare. Statistics Committee-George G. Kennedy, chairman; Prof. F. E. Downes, Prof. W. S. Steele, G. Walter Spahr ~ and Edward S. Nissley. Merchants Committee-William Strouse. chairman; J. H. Knouse, Harry A. Robinson, William H. Bennethum and R. F. Cook. Alembership Committee-O. P. Beckley, chairman; De- l Witt A. Fry, E. E. Ewing, W. Kent Gilbert, Dr. W. H. Seibert and P. G. Diener.


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H U KELLEY a CO. {I.lfOl'tll. . . .. ...... D. t ad _. I .... .. .

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Harrisburg Churches, 1908.


Reception and Entertainment Committee-Dr. Galen Hain, chairman; C. Howard Lloyd, Frank A. Smith, Herbert A. Rawll, Benjamin Strouse and Dr. C. M. Rhodes. Office of Board is open daily at 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Use of rooms for business meetings or entertainments can be arranged for at the building by application to the secretary-manager.



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CHURCHES. American Salvation Army. Verbeke Street Market Hall; Adjt. S. Trostel, officer in charge. Asbury M. E. Church, 11} c Herr, Rev. E. J. Ruddock, pastor. Augsburg Lutheran Church, 5th c ~luench, Rev. Amos M. Stamets, pastor. Bethany Presbyterian Chapel, Cameron c Cumberland, Rev. Henry Cunningham, pastor. Bel!hel A. M. E .. State c West, Rev. Israel Derricks, pastor. Bethlehem Lutheran, Green c Cumberland, Rev. J. Henry Harms, pastor. B. F. Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal. 13th C Vernon. Rev. Harry C. Harman, pastor. Brethren in Christ, Rev. George Detweiler. pastor, 1185 Hailey .

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Calvary Evangelical Lutheran, 332 S 13th, Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor. Calvary Presbyterian Chapel, S Cameron c Sycamore, Rev. H. B. King, pastor. Capital Street Presbyferian, Capital c Forster, Rev. Jas. F. Gregory, pastor. Chisuk Emuna, (Jewish), Congregation, Filbert c North a!. Rev. Lewis Singer. rabbi. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 13th c Thompson. Rev. A. A. KeIly, pastor. Christian and :\Iissionary Alliance, 51:~ ~ 4th. Rev. ]. S. :'.Ioore, supt. Christian Science, Board of Trade bldg. reading room, Cameron bldg. Church of Christ, Fourth street. (Disciples of Christ). 4th c Delaware. Rev. Henry F. Lutz, pastor. Church of God, N 4th nr Walnut, Rev J. C. Forncrook, pastor. Church of God. North c Lynn. Re\". G. A. Gano, pastor. Church of God. Cumberland c Monroe. Rev. John Fuqua, pastor. Covenant Presbyterian, 5th c Peffer, Rev. Curtis O. Boss~rman, pastor. Covenant Presbyterian Mission, Division c Jefferson. J olm B. Corl, supt .

L. ST.

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Harrisburg Churches, 1908. 37 Curtin Heights, (Methodist), 6th c Wharton ai, Rev. , ; Alfred L. Miller, pastor. PI Derry Street United Brethren, Derry c 15th, Rev. J. A. Lyter, pastor. fJ) Epworfu Methodist, Derry c 21st, Rev. James F. Glass, ~ pastor. 0 Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Kensington c 19th, Rev. Thomas B. Thomas, pastor. Z Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal, 5th c Granite, Rev. PI Barnett H. Hart, pastor. First Baptist, 2d c Pine, Rev. A. Freeman Anderson,


Fourth Reformed, Market c 16th, Rev. William C. Rittenhouse, pastor. General Council English Lutheran Mission, State c 17th, Rev. Charles K. Fegley, pastor. . German Baptist Brethren, Hummel c Haehnlen av, Rev. Abraham L. B: Martin, pastor. German Evangelical Lutheran Zion's Church, Capital c Herr, Rev. H. F. F. Lisse, pastor. German Lutheran, (St. Michael), 118 State, Rev. J. G. Pfuhl, pastor. Grace Methodist Episcopal, State bet 2d and 3d, Rev. Isaac L. Wood, pastor.


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "::i~~:i~_::.~l.:. ~


Green Street Church of God, Green c Calder, Rev. David S. Shoop, pastor. Han:is A. M. E. Zion, Marion nr Calder, Rev. William H. Marshall, pastor. Harris Street United Evangelical, Harris c Susquehanna, Rev. A. J. Brunner, pastor. Kesher Israel, (Jewish), Congregation, State c 4th, ----- -----, rabbi. Lochiel Mission, 39 Lochiel 4th Row. (Calvary (:hapel). Services conducted by T. M. HefHefinger and others. . Lochiel New Ylission, (old Lochiel store rooms), services weekly. Organized by Charles L. Boyer. ~.[aclay Street Church of God, Maclay c 4th, Rev. C. H. Forrest, pastor. Market Squar-e Presbyterian, Rev. J. Ritchie Smith, pastor. Memorial Evangelical Lutheran, 15th c Shoop, Rev. Lewis C. Manges, pastor. ~Iemorial United Brethren, Boas c Myrtle, Rev. Irvin E. Runk, pastor. Messiah Home, 1185 Bailey, A. Martin, pres; A. B. Musser, sec and treas. . Messiah Lutheran, 6th c Forster, Rev. Rene H. \VilIiams, pastor. Millenial Dawn Qass meets at 401 Herr every Friday evening and every Sunday at 2 and 7.30 p. m.



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Harrisburg Churches, 19C8. Nagle Street Church of God, l\agle nr Race, Rev. H. S~ Bickel. pastor. Ohev Shalom, (Lovers of Peace), Congregation, 2d c South, Samuel Friedman, rabbi. Olivet Presbyterian, Derry c Kittatinny, Rev. Joseph. Stockton Roddy, pastor. Otterbein Church ot the U. B. in Christ, Reily c 4th, Rev. E. S. Bowman, pastor. . Park Street United Evangelical Church, Park c 16th, Rev. \Villiam S. Harris and Rev. John G. Sands, pastors. People's Mission Church, Calder c William, Rev. GeorgeH. Schreiner, pastor. Pine Street Presbyterian, 3d c Pine, Rev. George S. Chambers, pastor. Ridge Avenue ~L E., 6th c Herr, Rev. Simpson B. Evans .. pastor. Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Cameron bel Paxton. Rev. William F. novle, rector. Salem Reformed, 'Chestnut c 3d, Rev. Ellis N. Kremer. pastor. Second Baptist Church. Cameron ab ~Iarket, Rev. Alhert J. Greene, pastor. Second Church of God, Green c Calder, Rev. David S. Shoop', pastor.




-S-e-c-o-n-d-R-e-r-o-r-m'-e-d-,-V-er-b-eke c G;~e~-'Re;.Harry N~ Bassler, pastor. Seventh Day Adventists, 3d c Cumberland, Rev. GeorgeW. Spies, pastor. St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal, Cnion Square Hall. Howard ab 13th, Rev, \Vard \Vinter Reese, rector. St. Augustine Protestant Episcopal, 433 North aI, Rev. Joseph W. Livingston, minister in charge. St. Francis Roman Catholic, Market nr 15th, Rev. James McGrath, rector. St. John's Reformed, 4th c Maclay, Rev. J. Rauch Stein, pastor. St. Lawrence German Catholic, Walnut nr 5th, Rev. Stephen M. Wiest, rector. St. Luke's .-\. ~1. E. Zion, ~Jonroe nr Cumberland, Rev. John A \Yalker, pastor. St. ~Iary's Roman Catholic, 5th c ~Iaclay, Rev. Martin J. Steffy, pastor. St. Patrick's Cat11edral. State c Church, Rev. :'vlaurice ~I. Hassett. rector: Rev. Daniel J. Carey and Rev. Thomas It John~nn. assts. St. Paul's Baptist. Can1l'ron c St",te. Re\'. ~Ioses B. Purvear. pastor. . St. Paul's Episcopal. fit] c Forstl'r. 5t. Paul's ~Iethodist, "inc nr Paxton, Rev. Theodore S. Stansfield, pastor.

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Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOD~~ze~~~~~~~lSta..

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Harrisburg Hospitals, 1908. St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal, Front nr Pine, Rev. 'Rollin A. Sawyer, rector. Sixth Street United Brethren Church, Sixth c Seneca, Rev. Peter H. Balsbaugh. pastor. State Street C. B. Church, 18th c State, Rev. 1. ~ ewton Seldomridge, pastor. Tahernacle Baptist, Forster nr 6th, Rev. William J. Lockhart. pastor. Tabernacle Baptist ).Ession Church for foreigners. Herr nr Cameron, Rev. L. L. Zboray, pastor. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1038 S 9th, Rev. ~ R. L. !,1eisenhelder, pastor. ;: United Brethren in Christ, 18th eState, R60.v. 1. Newton "'" Seldomridge, pastor. g; Wesley Union A. M. E. Zion, South c Tanner, Re\'. W. en H. Ferguson, pastor. ~ West End Baptist Church, 6th c Kelker, Rev. Willis W. !" Clippinger, pastor. ~ Westminster, (Presbyterian), Reily c Green, Rev. Henry A. Grubbs, pastor. .~ Zion Baptist, Marion bel Calder, Rev. W. Toliver, pastor. iI"!!I Zion Lutheran, S 4th nr Market, Rev. Stewart W. Her~ man. pastor. ' .



Sayings and Loan Assn.t C:= :c >

Catholic, Francis Rhine, supt, 13th nr Paxton. Chisuk Emuna, (Jewish). Simon Cooper, pres, Progress. ::a East Harrisburg, S. A. Reeme, supt, Herr beyond limit5. Harrisburg, Harry ),1. Barnes, supt, Cameron to 15th, ~ bet State and Herr. Kesher Israel, ewish), David Goldberg, sec, beyond N > Progress. n Lincoln. (Colored), John P. Scott, sec, Jonestown rd beyond limits. > Oheb Sholem, (Jewish), August Hirschler, sec, Progress. ::a Paxtang, Paxtang; Bellett Lawson, sec. Prospect Hill, W. C. Armor, sec, Holly beyond limits. > Vl

< ,.





State Lunatic Hospital, Maclay nr Cameron; opened 1851. ~i Spencer C. Gilbert, pres; George W. Reily, sec; J. Wesley !' = Awl, treas; H. L. Orth, :\1. D., supt. ~i The Harrisburg Hospital, Front c Mulberry; chartered; :l,. property owned by the corporation;a membershipf30 ;sup- ~i ported by voluntary contributions. Henry B. McCormick, ~ ~ 'Pres; James M. Cameron, vice pres; James :M. Lamberton, sec: William L. Gorgas, treas ; ).1iss Clara :\1. Swank, supt. :: '" The Shope Hospital, 1700 N 2d; opened May, UlO:t E. !' = L. Shope, M. D., physician in charge. ..



THE PAT RIO 1'; oogIe . ..

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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}ODICea. :1l~~r..~~~{COAL AND WOOD

;; Harrisburg Military. 1908.


Maternity. 226 Liberty; opened 1892. Mrs. J. W. Reilly, pres: :\liss Martha Alricks, treas; Mrs. A. Bergner, sec. Keeley Institute; opened June, 1892. John M. J. RaunQ ick, physician and mgr in charge, 4th c North. _ Commonwealth of Penn'a, Dept. of Health, Tuberculosis Dispensary, No. la, 202 Locust.



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MARKET HOUSES. Chestnut Street Market Co.. Chestnut c Court, William J. Lescure, sec and treas. East Harrisburg Farmers' Market House Co., Market C' 14th, D. M. ,Dull, sec. Kelker Street Market, Kelker c 4th, E. W. S. Parthemore,. sec and treas. State Street Market House, 4th c State, Augustus H. Frankem, supt. West Harrisburg Market House Co., Verbeke c 3d, John N. Kinnard, supt and treas. MEDICAL SOCIETIIS. Dauphin County Pharmaceutical Association; org. 1883; meets ev~ry third Tuesday in each alternate month at Chestnut Street SC'hool bldg. Charles F. Kramer, pres; W. L. Eckels, sec.

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Harrisburg Academy of Medicine meets last Friday of each month, except July and August, at :319 N 2d. J. Walter Park, M. D., pres; J. Harvey Miller, ~1. D., v-pres; Charles S. Rebuck, M. D., sec; Harvey F. Smith, M. D., treas; Thomas S. Blair, librarian. State Pharmaceutical Examining Board, 1306 N 3d. Louis Emanuel, pres; C. T. George, sec; George D. Stroh,. W. L. Cliff, L. L. Walton. The Dauphin County Medical Society; org. 1866; meets at the Harrisburg Academy of Medicine Hall, 319 N 2d, quarterly; professional meetings monthly. Oharles H. Saul, 11. D., of Steelton, pres; Clarence R. Phillips, M. D.,. sec.
ItILITARY. Co. D., 8th Reg. N. G. P., armory, 2d c Forster; Captain,. Frank H. Mikle; 1st Lieut., Jerry J. Hartman; 2d Lieut., John T. Bretz. Co. I.. 8th Reg., X. G. P., armory, :!d c Forster; Captain, Xicholas Tack: 1st Lieut., Frank E. Ziegler; 2d Lieut., Charles :\Iinnig. Governor's Troop, 3d Brigade, N. G. P., armory, Russbldg, 15 N 2d; Captain, Fred M. Ott: 1st Lieut., Charles P.


L L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 .arketStr...

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Harrisburg Newspapers, 1908.


Meck; 2d Lieut., George C. Jack; E. A. Nicodemus, 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surgeon; E. C. Hummel, 2d Lieut. an:l Q.M. Headquarters 8th Reg., X. G. P., at Armory, 2d c Forster. Col. Joseph B. Hutchinson, commander; Harry C. Houtz, captain and adjutant.


The Patriot, published at 11 N Market square by the Patriot Co. Daily, published every morning, (Sunday excepted); delivered in the city by carriers at 6 cents a week; by mail, $3.00 a year. The Telegraph is published every evening, (Sunday excepted), by the Telegraph Printing Co., 216 Federal square. The Daily Telegraph is served to subscribe~s in the C1ty at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscriptions will be charged ,a.oo, or 75 cents for three months, postage prepaid. Star-Independent. published daily, (except Sunday), 18 S 3d, by The Star Printing Co. Terms, yearly, $3.00, or 6 cents per week. Tri-lvYeekly Star-Independent is published every Monday. \Vednesday and Friday, by The Star Printing Co., at 18 S 3d. $1.00 per year.

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "l:i~b:i~~~~&

Advocate Verdict. published every Friday, at 10 S 'Court, e: by the Douglass Co-Operative Investment Co. Terms, "T' f1.00 per year. ;p Board of Trade Journal. published monthly by the Cumb- aT erland Publishing Co., 109-111 Market. Subscription, ~ '1.00 per year. The Courier, published every Sunday by the Courier Publishing Co., at 320 Market. ~ Cumberland News, published weekly by the Cumberland ~ Publishing Co., at 109-111 Market. Subscription, ,1.00 a year. P 'Pennsylvania Staats-Zeitung and Dauphin County Jour- 5: nal, published every Thursday by F. W. Liesmann, 534 :::z Race. Subscription, ,1.60 by mail. ~ The Evangelical, published weekly, 201 N 2<1. Rev._ Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. M. Stanford, A. M., D. D.,


Evangelical Bible Quarterly, published quarterly at 201 :I: 2d. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. H. Fouke. 8 editor. S Evangelical Bible Teacher, published n\onthly at 201 N 0 2d. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr: Rev. W. H. Fouke, ~ editor. ~ Evangelical Little Folks. published weekly at 2111 N !!d. va Rev. S. L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. H. Fouke, editor. ~



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Building, Loan and Savings Institutions, 1908.





Evangelical Visitor, published semi-monthly at lIS;) Bailey. Rev. G. Detwiler, editor. Evangelische Zeitschrift, published weekly, 201 ~ 2d. Rev. S. L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. R. Dubs, D. D., LL. D . editor. Missionary Tidings, published monthly at 201 N 2d. Miss Lillian Graeff, pub; Mrs. G. M. Steinmetz, editor. The Keystone Citizen, published monthly by the Penna. Anti-Saloon League, 11 N 2d. Single copy, 50 cents per year. , Sunday School Evangelical, published weekly at !W1 N 2d. Rev. Samuel L. \Viest, mgr; Rev. \Y. H. Fouke, editor. Suburban Life is published monthly 'by the Suburban Press at Crescent c :Mulberry, Edward 1. Farrington, editor. Harrisburg Fraternal Advocate. published weekly at 91:l ~ ad, by A. M. Aurand. Subscription, 50 cents per annum. Dauphin County Reporter is published every Warren O. Foster, ~13 Walnut. Terms, $5.00 per annum. High School Argus, published monthly at :!16 Locust. Patriotic Gleaner, (monthly), 1212 N 2d. A. M. Hamer, editor. West End Reporter, published weekly at 1405 N 3d. C. G. N'issley, editor. Terms, 50 cents per year. Keystone League Journal, published m~mthly at 201 N. 2d. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. \V. H. Fouke, editor.

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Tltl. 6aarlaty lad Sar.ty C IC.~~.:..' {F.iii3=I!r'CII~" {~~z..

by George E. Shaffer.

The Hill News, published every Friday at 1272 Market, Terms, 50 cents per year.


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PASSENGER RAILWAYS. Central Penna. Traction Co., 12 S 2d. F. B. ::Uusser, pres; \Y. J. Calder, sec and treas. Citizens' Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d. B. F. Meyers, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas. Harrisburg and Hummelstown Street Railway Co., A. G. Knisely, pres ;-W. J. Calder, sec and treas, 12 S 2d. Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d. H. A. Kelker, pres; W. L. Gorgas, treas; Alexander Roberts, sec. East Harrisbmg City Passenger Railway Co., office, 12 S 2d. Edward Bailey, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas. Harrishurg Traction Co., 12 S 2d. Edward Bailey, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas. Middletown, Highspire & Steelton Street Railway Co., 12 S 2d. \\'. J. Calder, sec and treas. BUILDING, LOAN AND SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS. American Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday eve .. 314 Broad. Gottlieb Dapp, sec. Capital City Building and Savings Asso. meets every Wednesday eve., 313 Verbeke. C. A. Schell, sec.




&. B. TACK} FIN ~IIC~~A!'.~~~,,';.,~~.Ii { 1216 NOnD lIJUl_

Harrisburg Societies, 1908. 43


City Building and Loan Asso. meets every fourth Friday eve. oj each month at Board of Trade bldg, 116 ~Iarket. Earl \\'. Cox, sec. Commonwealth Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday eve., 18 N 3d. J. T. W. McLaughlin, sec. East Harrisburg Building and Loan Asso. meets every Friday eve., East End Bank bldg., 13th c Howard. S. P. Stambaugh, sec. Franklin Building and Loan Asso. meets every fourth Thursday of each month, 213 Walnut. J. H. Musser, sec; S. W. Fleming, treas. Friendship Building and Loan A~so. meets every Thurs-: dav eve., ,121 Walnut. Charles A. Klemm, sec. Harris Building and Loan Asso. meets every third Monday eve. of each month at Sible & Oark's Hall, 1200 N 3d. Sharon Stephens, sec. Heme German Bau und Spar-Verein meets every Tuesda\' {j\'{' at 412 ~farket. Charles A. Klemm. sec. Keystone Loan Asso., No.3, meets every Thursday eve. at 937 N 3d. Ferdinand Engel~ sec. Mount Pleasant Building and Loan Asso. meets every Tuesday eve .. Derry c'14th. R. Irving Deihl, sec. Pennsylvania Building and Loan Asso. meets every fourth Monday of eaCh month, r 222 Market. F. 1. Thomas, sec.


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Provident Building and Loan Asso. meets every Wednes- ;I> dav eve .. 1113 N 3d. E. W. S. Parthemore. sec. n ~tate Capital Savings and Loan Asso., 22 Union Trust :c bldg. Tohn P. Melick, sec. ;I> Twe'ntieth Century Savings and Loan Assn .. meets last Monday eve. of each month, 1011 !'\ :~d. G ..\. Seibert. sec. ;I>



MASONIC. Harrisburg Sovereign Consistory, A. A. S. R., meets at Scottish Rite Cathedral, 324 North, second Friday of each month. Jacob P. Barringer, sec. Harrisburg Council, No.7, Royal and Select Masters, meets every third Mondav eve. of each month in :\Iasonic Hall. 222 :\Iarket. Charles C. Schriver, rec. Pilgrim Commandery, No. 11, (Knights Templar), meets :Masonic Hall fourth Thursday of each month at 222 :\Iarket. A. "V. Bergstresser, rec. Perseverance Chapter, No. 21, R. A. M., meets Masonic Hall. 222 Market. first Monday eve. of each month. Charles C. Schriver, sec. Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, F. and A. :M., meets Ma-' sonic Hall, 222 Market, second l\Ionda\" eve. of each month. John K. Royal, sec. .



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Harrisburg Societies, 1908.


J: Lily of the Valley Lodge, ~o. 34, Lady Masons, meets .". every Monday. eve. at Sible & Clarks Hall. Yictoria !vlcClure, sec. Robert Burns Lodge, Xo. 464, F. and A. ~I., meets Masonic Hall, 222 ~Iarket. third Thursday oi each month. Charles C. Schriver, sec. ..: lIarrisburg Lodge, Xo. 629, F. and . .-\. ~I., meets at o ~ Masonic Hall, 222 Market, first Thursday of each month. ..: Benjamin \V. Demming, sec . CD Zembo Temple, A. _-\. 0_ X. :\I. ~_. meets at Chestnut Street Hall. secont! \\-ednesda,- of each month. \V. F . ~ Richardson. potentate: F. J. Smith. recorder. Chosen Friends Lodge, ?\o. 43, F. and A. ~1.. (colored), ~ meets at 504 South. every second and fourth Thursday of each month. James M. Auter, sec. c: Consistory of the Scottish Rite, X o. S. (colored). meets iii meets at 504 Sout:1 every second and fourth Thursday of :& Cassius M. Brown. sec. _ St. James Commandery. Xo. 18, K. T., (colored), meets :itl4 South second Tuesda~ of each month. Joseph G, Popel, rec. Harris Chapter, Xo. 26. R A. 1\1.. (colored), meets5111 South third Tue~day of each mont!1. John P. Scott,. sec. .

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Eastern Star Chapter, :Ko. 3, (colored). meets second' and fourth :\londay of each month at ;)04 South. Mrs. :\Iatilda :\1 urray. \\'. :\1.: Clara \\"illiams, sec. l\Iecca Temple, A. A. O. X. M. S., (colored). meetS first Thursday of each month at :m-t Suut:1. Joseph Cann r rec. B'NAI B'RITH. Salem Lodge, Xo. :!Ii. I. O. B. B.. (Israelites), meets 321 ~larket first and third Sunday mornings at W.:10 o'clock. Albert Hirschler. sec. BE~EVOLE?\T PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS. Harrisburg Lodge, Xo. I:!. B. P. O. E .. meets first and third Friday eyes. of eac'h month at Cameron Hall, 103-105~ 2d, social quarters, :!1Ii :\ :!d. \\'elling-ton G. Jones, exalted ruler: Jonas ~I. Rudy, sec. G. A. R. Post No. 58,.G. A. R, meets College Block every Friday e\'(~. Henrv R Baker. I'. C. Seneca G', Simmons Post, No. 116, G, A. R, meets Kinnard's Hall every Thursday eve. William n. White, P. C. David R Stevens Post. No. 520, G. A. R, meets at 120Cowden every \\'ednesdav eve. James:\I. .-\uter, P. C. Gen. John F. Hartranft Camp, No. 15, S. of V., meets third -Tuesday 1:'\'('. of c,-ery month. Luliege Block. J .. Earle Hoerner. sec.

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Ladies' Circle, G. A. R, No. 17, meets every Tuesday ~ P1 eye., Kinnard's Hall. Mrs. Mary Backentos, seC'. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R, No. 20, meets every Saturday eye., College Block. Mrs. Mary A. Phillips, sec. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R, No. 35, meets first and third -i Mondav eves. of each month at 429 North a1. Mrs. Marv Duffin: pres; Mrs. Hattie Briscoe, sec. . GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Brotherly Love Lodge, No. 896, G. U. O. O. F., 432 South every Monday eve. Henry Herbert, sec. Past Grand Masters' Council, No.7, G. U. O. O. F., meets at 432 South first \Vednesday eve. of each month. Henry Herbert, sec. Harrisburg Patriarchie, No.5, G. U. O. O. F., meets at 432 South every third Wednesday eve. of each month. Henry Herbert, W. R Armstead Roman Lodge, No. 3468, G. U. O. O. F., meets at 432 South every Friday eve. James Anderson, sec. Miriam Household of Ruth, No.1, meets first and third Thursday eves. at 432 South. Mrs. Annie Davis, sec.

Harrisburg Societies, 1908.

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c:. IMPROVED ORDER OF HEPTASOPHS. Allison Hill Conclave, No. 850, meets first and third S \\'ednesdav eves. of each month at Fackler's Hall. John ~ c-.. E. Shade. sec.



Andrew G. Curtin Conclave, No. 898, meets first and ~ rhird Tuesday eves. of each month at Mauk's Hall. Daniel S. Graeff, sec. ~ Harrisburg lonclave, No. 42, meets first and third C"l Thursday eves. of each month at 451 Verbeke. J. T. W. VI McLaughlin, sec. Dauphin Conclave, No. 96, meets every Friday eve., Odd Fellows' Hall, 321 Market. Philip German, sec. r"n Paxtang Conclave, No. 131, meets every second and fourth Tuesday eves. of each month at Mauk's Hall. Chas. G. MacAvoy, sec. East Harrisburg Conclave, No. 150. meet first and ~ third Thursday eves. of each month at Fackler's Hall. S. rP. Stambaugh, sec.


KNIGHTS OF GOLDEN EAGLE. Harmony Commandery, No. 39, K. G. E., meets every alternate Sunday eve. of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. Edward Shope, Pen brook, sec. Capital City Castle, No. 40, K. G. E., meets every Thursday eve., 7.30 o'clock, in G. A. R Hall, College Block. M. of R, George H. Sechrist. Harmony Castle, No. 53, K. G. E., meets every Tuesday eve., Sible & Oark's Hall. M. of R, H. E. Stoner.

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~=:.n;.:'f:.~:,:{ 306 Ire..

Harrisburg Societies, 1908.

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Dauphin Castle, No. 250, K. G. E., meets every Monday eve., L~ nion Square HaIL M. of R., E. C. Duncan. Golden Star Veteran Castle, No. 190, K. G. E., me~ts e;-ery Friday eve. at 451 Verbeke. ~I. of R., J. H. Smith. Herculean Castle, No. 480, K. G. E., meets every Monday eve. at 1aoo Fulton. M. of R., Frank C. Hoffman. Union Temple, No. 40, Ladies of the Golden Eagle, meets every Friday eve. at Fackler's Hall. Margaret Bowman, guardian of records.

Harrisburg Hive, No. 257, Ladies of the Maccabees. meets the second and fourth Tuesdav eves. in White's Hall, 15 S 2d. \Vilhelmina F. Roller, R. k. Harrisburg Tent, Ko. 261, meets every Thursday evc. in Troup's Hall, 15 S 2d. Dr. F. H. Garverich. R. K. and D.


KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Cincinnatus Commandery, No. 96, meets every ;\Ionday eve. at Sible & Clark's Hall. Robert Buck, recorder. Star of America Commandery, No.U3, meets every Tuesday eve. at G. A. R. Hall, 26 N 3d. George H. Sponsler, recorder.

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Sirety Ce IClAnOl, f Slid,an."~. . . E~'I"'" {Trait B'ot. ...... I. PaIlIlHlII , ..., 1 8eoarltJ' ------------------------------------------Egyptian Commandery, No.U4, meets every Friday eve.,




Sible & Clark's Hall. John A. Wharton, recorder. Kazareth Commandery, No. 125, meets every Thursdav eve., Fackler's Hall. H. M. Askin, recorder. KNIGHTS OF ~IYSTIC CHAIX. St. John's Castle, No. 17, A. O. K. of M. c., meets every Tuesday eve. at 321 Market. F. I. Thomas, R. S. Harrisburg Castle, No. 70, A. O. K. of M. c., meets every ~ronday eve. at 1310 Derry. J. G. Parthemore, R. S. Capital City Castle, No. 213, A. O. K. of M. c., meets even- Thursday eve. at :'.lauk's Hall. J. B. Burchfield, R. S. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Phoenix Lodge, No. 59, K. of P., meets every Wednesday eve. at White's Hall, 311 Verbeke. Leonard E. Caum, K: of R. and S. Bayard Lodge, No. 150, K. of P., meets College Block ~very Wednesday eve. James L. Baker, K. of R. and S. Endowment Rank, K. of P., Section 289, meets 228 :\-'[arket last ~:Iondav of each month. H. W. Solomon, sec. Enterprise Lodge, Xo. 508, K. of P., meets every Monday f"<'. at Cameron Hall, 2d c Walnut. O. G. Brenneman, K. of R. and S.

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I. B. Tiel} IIll PIPER =::~: 111001 SHIDESh'l~~ II&.

Harrisburg Societies, 1908.


John Harris Lodge, No. 193, K. of P . meets cycry Wedn.:sday eyc. at Cnion Square Hall, Howard c Forrest. Charles S. Fohl, K. of Rand S. OnD FELLOWS. City Lodge, No. 301, 1. O. O. F., meets :t~l ?Ilarket e"ery Saturday eve. J. 1\1. Reighter, sec. Dauphin Encampment. ::\0. IO, 1. O. O. F., meets 304 K ::?d, first and third Wednesday eves. of each month. George J. Buser, scribe. Dauphin Lodge, No. 160, 1. O. O. F., meets 321 Market every Thursday eve. George F. Chenoweth, sec. . Fountain Lodge, No. 1120, 1. O. O. F., meets every Monday eve. at 309 Verbeke. John M. Mumma, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, :\0. 68, I. O. O. F .. meets Union Square Hall every Friday eve. George V. Corl, sec. Miriam Rebekah Lodge, No. 12, D. of R, meets 32] Market the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Jennie Kennedy, sec. Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 69, meets every Monday night. Sible & Clark's Hall. George Hollinger, sec. Ridgley Protective Association,!. O. O. F .. meets 228 Market. quarterly. H. W. Solomon, local sec. State Capital Lodge, No. 70, 1. O. O. F., meets Odd Fellows' Hall, 304 N 2d, every Tuesday eve. A. C. Mumma. sec.


.!::.:::::r.lHarrisburl Sayings and Loan Assn. u:~ ::D C

Susannah Rebekah Lodge, No. 247, meets the second and fourth Thursday eves. of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. G. A. Hollinger, sec. Past Grands' Asso., 1. O. O. F . Southern District. Dauphin Co .. Pa . meets in the different lodge rooms. George HoIlinger, sec. ORDER OF

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Melrose Council, No. 928, O. of 1. A., meets every Friday eve. at Dunkle & Ewing's Hall, 1936} Derry. G. B. Sprout, sec. ~It. Vernon Council, No. 333, O. of 1. A., meets every Tuesdav eve. Fackler's Hall. Geor~e \Y. Straw, sec. Robert Tippett Council, ]'\0. 7:l6, O. of I. A. meet~ every ~Ionday eve. at ~04 N 2d. J. P. Zellers, sec. RED MEN. Allequippa Tribe, No. 57, 1. O. R :\1.. meets every Tues day evc. at Dunkle & Ewing's Hall. C. of R, George B. Sprout. Cornplanter Haymakers' Association. ::\0. fit!.!. O. R M.. meets second Thursday of each month at Union Square Hall. C. W. Pressler, C. 'of S .

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Harrisburg Societies, 1908.

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~ GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRU661SH16 H. 3d SI. Z Warrior Eagle Haymakers' Asso., No. 3401, meets every

Cornplanter Tribe, :Ko. 61, I. O. R. ~I., meets e\'ery Thursday eve., Union Square Hall. C. of R., C. W . Pressler. Ee-shah-ko-nee Tribe, No. 22, I. O. R. M., meets every Mondav eve. at Red Men's Hall, ::ru5 Verbeke. C. of R., Henrv C. Sarch . Higganun Tribe, No. 484, 1. O. R. ~L, meets every Thursday eve. at White's Hall, Verbeke street. Harry Stonebreaker, C. of R. Octarora Haymakers' Asso., No. 911, 1. O. R. M., meets every Tuesday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 305 Verbeke. C. of S., Charles F. Nolde. Octarora Tribe, No. 91, 1. O. R. M., meets Red Men's Hall, 305 Verbeke, every Tuesday eve. C. of R., Charles F. Nolde. Pokoson Council, No. 66, D. of P., meets at 304 N ~d. every Thursday eve. K. of R., Lillian Hartz. Pokoson Tribe, No. 331, 1. O. R. 1\1., meets at a04 X ~d, every Saturday eve. C. of R., R. S. Chellew. Pokoson Haymakers' Association, No. 331t, I. O. R. ~L, meets last Saturday of each month at Wyeth's Hall. C. of S., Charles B. Stroh. Warrior Eagle Tribe, No. 340, I. O. R. M., 'meets every Wednesday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 1300 Fulton. C. of R., D. ~:Elli~er .. ~ ___________~ ___ ~ _ _ ~~'. __ _


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Wednesday eve., Broad c Fulton. C. of S., H. E. Sanderson. Wauwasuem Tribe, No. 382, I. O. R. M., meets every Wednesday eve. at Kinnard's Hall. C. of R., John H. Henning. V,rauwasuem Haymakers' Association, No. 382i, I. O. R. M., meets third Wednesday of each month at Kinnard', Hall. C. of S., E. J. Herbert. Octarora Council, No. 50, D. of P., meets every Friday eve. at Kinnard's Hall, 305 Verbeke. K. of R., Mrs. Victoria McClure. \Varrior Eagle Council, No. 63, meets every Friday eve. at Red ::-'-1en's Hall, l~OO Fulton. K. of R.. ~Iae Bless. ROYAL ARCANUM. Allison Hill Council, No. 2103, meets on the second and


oe:s: fourth Thursday eves. of each month in Fackler's Hall,


13th c Derry. Harry A. Boyer, sec. Dauphin Council, No. 1101, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month, White's Hall. Geo. W. Cunkle, sec. o Harrisburg Council, No. 499, R. A., meets on the second W f-I and fourth Friday eves. of each month, Cameron bldg. !?d ;: "Valnut. John Paul Jones. sec.

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Harrisburg Societies, 1908.

B. TACK .I;~~..

SONS OF AMERICA. Washington Camp, No.8, P. O. S. of A., meets Sible & / Clark's Hall every Thursday eve. Edward H. Weigel, sec. Washington Camp, No. 16, P. O. S. of A., meets College Block every Monday eve. Joseph H. Chamb-ers, R. S. Washington Camp, No. 126, P. O. S. of A., meets at 321 ~Iarket, first and third Monday eves. of each month. Edward \'1. Bodner, sec. vv'ashington Camp, No. 500, P. O. S. of .\., meets Mauk's Hall, 6th c Kelker, even' Fridav eve. Samuel Schreckengust, sec. . Washington Camp, No. 536, P. O. S. of A., meets 20th c Forster every Friday eve. Harry C. Fox. sec. Washington Camp, No. 639, P. O. S. of A., meets 19th c Derry, every Monday eve. Franklin G. Sterrett, sec. Washington Camp, No. 716, P. O. S. of A., meets in Troup's Hall, 15 S 2d, every Wednesday eve. Frederick F. Wagner, sec. Washington Camp, Xo. 743, P. O. S. of A., meets in Mauk's Hall, 6th c Kelker, every ~1:onday eve. William H. Myers, sec. TEMPERANCE. \\'om:tn's Christian Temperance Union meets second and fourth Thursday of each month at homes of members. Mrs. S. O. Goho. sec.

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~~~~:~~~IE

The Pennsylvania Anti-Saloon League, Rev. S. E. Nicholson, supt, 11 N 2d, Frances E. vVillard L. T. L. meets every Friday eve. at homes of members. Clarence Fry, sec. Good Samaritan Council, No.1, 1. O. of Daughters of Temperance (colored), meets every Tuesday eve. at 4:~2 South. Mrs. Annie E. Amos, scribe. Howard Bishop Lodge, No.7, I. O. of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, meets every Tuesday eve. 109 Cowden. Mrs. Hannah Jones, rec sec. J. R. Gideon and Jollofer Union, Golden Link Tent, No. 30, meets at 109 Cowden, t'hird Friday of each month. Hannah Jones, sec. Bethlehem Lodge, No.4, Juvenile Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, meets every Saturday eve. at 109 Cowden. Mrs. Frances Sturgis, P. G. E. M. Preston Loyal Temperance Legion meets every \\'ednesday. 4.:W p. m., at homes of members. :\lrs. ~lary A. Hamilton, supt. Grand Council, 1. O. of Daughters of Temperance, meets evcn' ~econd Thursdav of each month at -l~:! State. Anna E. Amos, grand scribe. Phvllis \Vheatle,' L'nion meets <,yer\, two weeks on Tuesday eve. at homes' of members. Mrs: T. B. Evans. pres.



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Harrisburg Labor Organi'zations, 1908.


UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS. State Headquarters, Henry 1\1. Holstein, State Council, sec, 304-306 Market Southern District Convention meets at 1511i ~ 3d. W. , F. Raysor, sec. America Council, No.3, O. U. A. M., meets every Friday eve., 311 Verbeke. J. D. Saltsman, sec. Pride of 61e City Council, 1\0. 6, O. Co :\. ~L, meets and third Friday evenings in Odd Fellows' Hall, 3~1 Market. George \\'. Straw, sec. Enola Council, No. 39, Daughters of America, meets every Tuesday evening at Mauk's Hall. Ellen Milligan, sec. Fulton Council, No. 35, O. U. A. M., meets at Kinnard's Hall every Monday eve. H. H. Heicher, sec. Allison Hill Council, No. 82, O. U. A. M., meets every Saturdav eve. at Fackler's Hall. \\'. S. Kunkle, sec. General Simon Cameron Council. No. :!1, O. U. A. 1L, Co'-) meets every \Vednesday eve. in Ensminger's Hall, 3d c Cumberland. J. W. B. Highlands, sec. Z Harrisburg Council, No, 106, 0, U. A. M., meets at Sible :& .& Clark's Hall every Tuesday eve', A. G. Lehman, sec. ~ Susquehanna Loyal League of the Junior O. U. A. M., C Q. meets monthly at the different Councils. C. C. Thompson, sec. ~




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John Harris Council, No. 174, Junior O. U. A. M., meets 15 S 2d every Tuesday eve. Albert M. Hamer, sec. Capital City Council, No. 327, Junior O. C. A. M., meets every \Vednesday eve., 321 Market. George 'V. Warden, sec. Camp Curtin Council, No .. 629, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every :\londay eve. at Mauk's HaJJ. S. W. Goodyear, sec. Lady Alpha Council, No. 15, Daughters of America, meets every Friday eye. at Dauphin bldg, IS S 2d. ~Iayme ~faley, sec. Perseverance Council, No. 72, Daughters of Liberty, meets even- Thursdav eve. at Mauk's Hall. Miss Cuni Bird. sec. . . Lady Harris Council, No. 100, Daughters of Liberty, meets every Tuesday eve. in Odd Fellows' Hall, 3:n :\Iarket. H. \V. X ewman, sec . Silver Star Council, No. 130, Daughters of Liberty, meets every Thursday eve. in Kinnard's Hall. J. W. Magaha, sec. Mt. Vernon Council, No. 150, Daughters of Liberty, meet" e\'cry Tuesday en.' .. Fackler's Hall. :\. \V. Heiney, sec.


LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Bricklayers' and Masons' International Union. ::'{o. !f), meets first and third Tuesdays of each 1110nth in Ensminger's Hall. Shannon Pike, sec.

Redmond', Wagon Works }~"::J~':.If;'::~:"c ':3d and Raill Stl, Coogle

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A. B. TACK} Wall Papar and Window Sbadas {Jl"'I1~~

Harrisb;lrg Labor Organizations, 1908. 51 Brotherhood of Engineers. Ko. G68. meets every secone! anlt fourth Sunday of each month in Mauk's Hall. Thomas :\IcClintock. sec. Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, No. 25, meets first and third Tuesday of each month in Schutzenbach's Hall. Ralph \Yheeler, sec. ~ Brotherhood of Railwav Trainmen, No. 127, meets second and fourth Tuesda \,' eves. of eae:, month at Union Square Hall. John A. Landis, sec. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, No. 574, meets second Mondav and fourth Sundav of each month at 321 Market. H. E. Swab, sec. . Carpenters' and Joiners', No. 287. meets every Friday eve. in Ensminger's Hall. John A. Xye. sec. Central 'Labor 'Cnion meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month atai S :Jd. ]. W. Coldren. sec. Cigarmakers' Union, No. 244, meets first Friday eve. in a each month in Sible & Clark's Hall. Abraham Cook, sec. DeLoss Everett Division, No. 459, B. of L. E., meets every first and third Sunday 1 p. m. at Mauk's Hall. William K. Drake, sec. Dorcas Lodge, Ladies' Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, meets first and third Thursday of each month in Mauk's Hall. Mrs. Alonzo Martin, sec.





Sayings and Loan Assn. {:;:=

Harrisburg Lodge, No. 74, B. of L. E., meets first Monday and third Sunday of each month at Kinnard's Hall. M. G. Stoner, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 174, B. of L. F., meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at :\-lauk's Hall. J. L. Redmond, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 383, B. of R. R. T., meets every first and third Sunday at Mauk's Hall. Henry G. Peters, sec. Harrisburg Typographical Union, No. 14, meets first Friday of each month at 3t S 3d. E. Ripper, sec. Keystone Division, No. 47. Ladles' Auxiliary to Order Railway Conductors, meets first and third \Vedae:;day of each month in Mauk's Hall. :\Irs. H. Leonard, sec. Keystone Lodge, No. 42, Brotherhood of Railway; Trainmen, meets second and fourth Sunday of each month at 311 Verbeke. J. P. Weaver, sec. Ladies' Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, No. 40, meets second and fourth Thursday of each month in White's Hall. 11abel Barker, sec. Ladies' Society to Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, meets second and fourth Wednesday of each month in Mauk's Hall. Fannie E. Sellers, sec. Order Railway Conductors, No. 143, meets first and third Sunday of each month in Schutzenbach's Han. George I. Wood, sec.


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H M KELLEY C l t . {1 North" Iv..&. D. CO I 10th IUd Sa&e ....

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Order Railway Telegraphers, No.3, meets first Thursday morning of each month in Mauk's Hall, and the third Thursday of each month at some point on the' Midflle c.::t Division. Berton H. Saltsman, sec. ;j Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 251, Ladies' Auxiliary to c.::t the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, meets first and third Tuesday of each month at Mauk's Hall. Blanche Donnelly, sec. Plasterers' Union meets first and third Thursday eves. of each month at 26 N ad. Jacob Matter, sec. :: Printing Pressmen's Union, Xo. 12:3. meets fourth T'hursE day eve. of each month at 3} S 3d. Ernest A. Miller, sec. c William H. Morne Lodge, No. 673, B. of L. F., meets I: every first and third Sunday of each month at 1.30 p. m. iii :. in White's Hall, Broad c James. W. M. Bailey, sec.

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Harrisburg Miscellaneous Societies, 1908.



14ISCELLABE01JS SOCIETIES. American Civic Association, Crescent c :\lulberry. J. Horace McFarland. pres. Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division No.2, meets 321 Market the third Sunday of each month. P. H. Keane, sec. Arbutus Fuuntain True Reformers meets first and third Thursda, eves. of each month at 120 Cowden. Mattie Boswell: sec.




Harnite Pride Fountain True Reformers meet second and fourth Thursda\" eves. of each month at 12tl Cowden. >- James Hill, sec.' z: . Ben Franklin Asso. meets every \Vedncsday eve. at 3! C S 3d. F. C. Hoffman, sec. A. Camp Curtin Social Club meets first Friday night of every E month at 2015 N 6th. Hector Kulp, sec. Capital City National Association of u I Toming Pigeon District of the every ~lol1day eve. at 627 Fanciers. meets Boas. A. F. Rexroth. sec. Capital Legion. ~u. 1 Hl8. ~ational Prutective Legion, meets second and fourth ~Ionda\"s of each 1110nth at 321 ~larket. \Villiam J. Sheibly. sec: Central Iron and Steel Company Beneficial Association, No.2, (Mill No. I), meets Foerster's Hall third Saturday of every month. Ashton D. Peace, sec and treas. Central Iron and Steel Works Beneficial Association, III (Mill No.2), meets Colleg~ Block first Saturday of every U month. F. B. Mickey, rec sec. Q Central Iron and Steel Co. Beneficial :\ssociatiori, ~o. 3, IIJ (colored), meets at 120 CO\\den on the first Saturday of each mon1'h. Samuel Harris, sec. t: Central Iron and Steel Works Beneficial Association, P (Universal MilI), meets 15 S 2d, second Saturday eve. of each month. C. C. Adams, sec.


Harrisburg Miscellaneous Societies, 1908.


Central Lodge, No. 19, A. O. U. W., meets 321 Market ~ first and third Saturday eves. of each month. Paul H. P1 Chadwick, financier; George W. McIlhenny, recorder.. Century Club meets first Tuesday eve. of each month at 204-206 Market. John H. Kelly, sec. Chesapeake Beneficial Society meets first Saturday of -I each month at 321 Market. George E. Kraber, rec sec. Children's Industrial Home, 19th c Swatara. Mrs. Chas. B. Fager, pres; Mrs. M. E. Burnite, sec. Court Keystone Premier, No. 3999, Independent Order P1 of Foresters, meets at 321 Market fourth Monday eve. of each month. George H. Sponsler, sec. ~ourt Royal, No.5, Order of the Golden Sceptre, meets C every Monday at Ensminger's Hall. Mrs. Ada R. Mont- Q gomery, sec. Civic Club of Harrisburg meets monthly. Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, pres. Dauphin County Bar Association meets at Court House second Friday of January, March, June and October; annual meeting first Friday of February. Frederick M. Ott, c.n pres; Eugene Snyder, treas; Charles C. Stroh, sec. Dauphin County Liquor Dealers' Protective Asso. meets :II: first Sunday of each month at 306 Market. H. O. Hol- i stein, sec. B o

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MILLER BROS. l BAKER} ~~~b:i~~~-=

Emanon Club meets second Wednesday eve. of every month at 1 N 2d. Charles B. Hidley, sec. Engineers' Club of Central Penna. meets first Tuesday of each month at 219 Market. 'William Dill, sec.. Eureka Foresters meet every Tuesday at 2d c Walnut. John A. Brown, sec. First City Zouaves and City Grays' Veteran Association meets at Armory, 2d c Forster, last Tuesday of each month. Philip German, sec. Fraternal Mystic Circle, instituted Feb. 2, 1894, meets at the call of worthy ruler. W. R., George A. L. Row; re.corder, A. C. Foltz. Harris Lodge, No. 983, Knights and Ladies of Honor, meets second and fourth Thursday eves. of each month, 148 S 3d. G. M. Harvey, sec. Harrisburg Aerie, No. 122, Fraternal Order of Eagles meets first and third Tuesday of eadh month at 1201 N 6th. A. R. Updegrove, sec. Harrisburg Assembly, No. 25, Artisan Order of Mutual Protection, meets every third Tuesday of each month at Cameron Hall, 2d c Walnut. JO'hn G. Parthemore, re.corder. Harrisburg Athletic Club meets second Monday of each month at Board of Trade bldg. Andrew S. Patterson, sec. Harrisburg Benevolent Asso. meets at call of president. .C. A. Kunkel, treas; D. McCormick, sec.



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Harrisburg Miscellaneous Societies, 1908.


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Harrisburg Branch. Xo. 118, Grand Fraternity meet;; ~londay e\"enings of each month at 3:!1 Mar keto George \ \". Parkhill, sec. Harrisburg Branch, No. 500, National Asso. of Letter Carriers, meets Post Office bldg the first Tuesday of each month. George P. Satchell. pres; \VilIiam H. Shaner, sec ~ Harry K. Kunkel, treas; .\. Hummel Buehler. sergt-atarms. Harrisburg Camp, No. 5250, Modern Woodmen of AmeriCa. meets every Tuesday eve. 2d c Walnut. Edward A. Miller, clerk. Harrisburg Camp. No.8, Spanish-United War Veterans, meets at G. A. R.. 26 N 3d, first and third Fridays of each mont'j1. Commander, Edward H. Schell; Adjutant, William P. ~lessenger. Harrisburg Chamber. Xo. 8, Companions of Friendship, meets e\'ery Tuesday eve. at Ensminger's Hall. 3d c Cumberland. :\Irs. :\Iary A. Phillips, sec. Harrisburg Club. Front c ~farket. \Yilliam Henderson, pres. Harrisburg Coal Exchange meets third Tuesday of each month at Board of Trade bldg. Sharon Stephens, sec. Harri,.c;burg Council. No. 869, Knights of Columbus. meets the second Wednesda'{ and fourth Sunday in each month at 304 N 2d. John A. Snyder, sec.
TbIe GaaraD&7 _4 ~ Co. { ..... ' I...Ir..... Ene.Ienull1lll.... { 1 ... Iflr-8anua&o-. P _ _ TmIt...ft .11 IIhl ~f . .11111 Trull T .I " , .


Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works Beneficial S0ciety meets at the office of the company the second Monday of each month. H. \\'. Potteiger. sec. Harrisburg Ministers' Asso. meets second and fourthMondays of each month, Y. M. C. A. assembly room. Rev. S. Winfield Herman, sec. Harrisburg Republican Club meets every l\Ionday at 2ft X 2d. Ashton D. Peace, sec. Harrisburg Underwriters' Asso. meets second Tuesday ot each 1110nth at 6 N Court. \V. C. Armor, sec and treas. Harrisburg Wheel Club meets first Monday eve. of eachmonth. lit X 2<1. Helping Hand Institution, for men only, open every day, 205 South. James K. P. Dumars, supt. Historical Society of Dauphin County, chartered. supported by elective memhership at $!tOO a year. neets second Thursday of each 1110nth except July and Al1~ust. Office and library, Coltrt Holtse. Theodore B. Klein. pres; James :\1. Lamberton, cor !Oec: Lewis S. ShimmeIl, librarian. Home for the Friendless, 5th c Muench, meets at the Home last Thursday in each month. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kunkel. pres; Lydia A. Forney, sec: Mrs. Margaret B Reed. treas.

aCK t 8pee1alty A B Y r.......... Mak.. ..ul1d........ofPIalD TInts {I.'. N."" PabUo

I I "


Harrisburg Miscellaneous Societies, 1908.


John Harris Circle, No. 24, Brotherhood of America, meets at laoo Fulton every Saturday eve. at i.3U o'clock. E. X. WinemiIIer, sec. John Harris Memorial Committee meets at call of chairman at Board of Trade bldg at 8.:.30 p. m. H. J. Beatty, pres; Wellington G. Jones, sec. Keystone Camp, No. GO, Woodmen of the \Vorld. meets first and r;1irrl Saturday of each month at 15 S ~d. Henry E. Klugh, clerk. Keystone Chapter. L-. S. Daughters of 1812, meets at homes of members first Fridar of alternate months. ~lrs. rMabel Crouise Jones, regent; ~Irs. Sarah Egle'Holmes, cor sec. Knights of Friendship, Xo. GS. meets every Tuesday eve. at Mauk's Hall. I. S. Holmes, sec. Lalance & Grosjean Employees' Beneficial Society meets fourth Saturcla ,. of each month at :~:!1 ~Iarket. \V. ~Ic:\Uicher, sec. . Lotus Club meets 118 Cowden. James Hunter, sec. Loyal Association, Susquehanna Council, No. UO, meets ,,::a at !) X 2d second and fourth Thursdays of each month. ~= Charles T. Charters, recorderer. I.~ ~faster Plumbers' A.ssociation meets second and fourth Wednesdar eves. of each month at room 1, 125i ~1arket. ::c James H. -Lutz, jr.. sec.




Mt. Vernon Circle, No. 67, Brotherhood of America, > meets every Monday eve. at Fackler's Hall. W. S. Reed, ::0 o sec. l\hmicipal League of Harrisburg meets in Board of n Trade bldg. Vance C. ~IcCormick, pres; J. Horace Mc- N Farland, sec. ;z:. Muzzle Club, meets at call of president. A. Boyd n Hamilton, pres; Wellington G. Jones, sec; W. R. Douglas, treas. > Naaman Tabernacle, No. 79, G. U. O. of Galilee Fisherman, meets Monday eve. at 120 Cowden. Mrs. Harriet E. Troy, sec. Omicron Pi Sigma Fraternity Delta C,hapter, room 16, 105 X 2d. Paxton Creek Flood Association meets at houses of members at call of President. J. \Y. Katz, pres. Pennsylvania Legislative Correspondence Assn., Capitol. Peter Bolger, pres; George ~1. Wanbaugh, sec. Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Christian Assa. meets first Tuesday of each, Reily c 'vVallace. Frank H. Gregory, ger.l sec. Pilgrim Encampment, No. 8.~, Knights of St. John and Malta, meets every Wednesday eve. at l\lauk's Hall. John ,\V. Fusselman, sec.

Sayings and . Assn.{ Loan





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H. M. KELLEY" CO.lODlcea, :.r..~:.~=rt!{COAL AND WOOD

56 Harrisburg Miscellaneous Societies, 1908.



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Protected Home Circle, No. 355, meets first Tuesday eve. of each month in Mauk's Hall. W. A. Reed, sec. Retail Grocers' Assn. meets every Monday at 8 p. m., at 540 Race. W. N. Kilgore, sec. Simon Cameron Circle, No. 70, Brotherhood of America, meets every Thursday eve. at 321 Market. W. N. Shetter, sec . Sisters of Christian Charity, 107 Short. Social Club, 302 Market. Thomas M. Jones, sec. Star of Dauphin Lodge, No. 21, Shepherds of Bethlehem, meets \Vednesday eve. of each week at Kinnard's Hall. Joseph H. Smith. scribe. Star of Harrisburg Lodge, No. 30, Shepherds of Bethlehem, meets every Thursday eve., Verbeke c Fulton. Carrie ~focherman, scribe. . State Capital Lodge, Knights of Honor, No. 2030, meets first and third Thursdays in each month, 1400 N 3d. Harry H. Freeburn, sec. State Pharmaceutical Asso. meets every June different parts of the State. Dr. Jacob A. Miller, sec. Suburban Club meets weekly at 30 S 2d. J. S. Lowengard. sec. Susquehanna Beneficial Club, 1146 S Cameron. Hugh McCall, sec.


Susquehanna Lodge, No. 43, Sheph~rds of Bethlehem, meets every Wednesday eve. at 321 Market. Mrs. Ida B. Solomon, scribe. enity Lodge, No. 71, Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World, (colored), meets first and third 'Wednesday eves. of each month, 506 Market. Percy Allen, E. R.; Tames Hoffman. sec. West" End Business Men's Association meets Sible & Clark's Hall, first Wednesday eve. of each month. J. H. Sible. pres: H. B. Spahr, sec. West End Republican Club meets every Tuesday at 1613 ~ 3d. Edward C. Silk, sec. Women's Aid Societv of the Harrisburg Hospital meets first Thursday afternoon of each month at the Hospital. Mrs. Henry McCormick, pres; Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, sec; Mrs. Charles L. Bailey, treas; Mrs. Meade D. Detweiler, asst treas. Young ~{en's Christian Assn. Free Reading Room, 2d c Locust. Charles A. Kunkel. pres: Homer Black, genl sec; Henderson Gilbert, treas: Franklin J. Roth, librarian. Young \\'omen's Christian Asso .. \\'alnut c 4th. Mrs. D. 1\1. Cilbert. pres: Ella ~L ~titt. genl sec .

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l. I, T~~r :-It:e~~'~IRllpnDp-ropntlqdn.&lIn03$ t.l.N~9J.

_I r b rt. C=as ifi d "B si e " 9r'l. r::7


it: di 9 a 1. ames marked thus:


are specwl.

ACCOUNTANTS. Rawll H. F., 171 N 2d ubtgeJC bldg





Bernhe se C. H., 6 Z ro e '. 13. TJ{ nu Hamilton T. H., 11 N 2d aMI,2Mrt Llo d C. H , 216 Market pperman K. T., 29 N d ~/e va W 0 & So 14 S 2d


hi h ad & H II' Co 2 2 'Val nut AGRIC L U A I"':P-E E TS r n ,Ia C ., 27 W In t American Harrow Co., 627 Walnut me Ic e n M ch ne Co 6 'W In t ow Cu., 27 N _ Bucher & Gibbs nu Case J. 1. Threshing Machine Co., 42 S 2d Crown Vfg Co, Howard ab Forre.t av



WeIdman S. B . 800 :-.- 7th ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. lJap1tal City ArtUlcla L m C., 3 ar et Shanaman J. S. & Son. 408 Market ART STORES. Black E. B .. 117 Market al g er J. C. 22 N 2

o M g. o. 62 V'al t HubpT Mfg. Co., 19 SlOth te na 0 I H v te o. 8 M k t Johnston Harves er o. ( e, 2

ARTISTS. Ballets W. 8., 715 Showers e JA,2 Bas Black E. B. 117 Market Chayne S. B., 111 M rk t L u oMSINd Montgomery & Co,. 627 ,"alnut Froehlich J. H., 16 N 2d ye I E & Br , 7 -ra u e 10 e " J 4 oa Ohio Rake Co .. 627 W.alnut Ritter P. V. 183~ N 6th Iv r ~I e P w .Iil , 0 o r J. B., 21 0 r b n Division International u y . Day Co 1835 "'i 3d Harvester Co., 61 ' .. al ut 'Sallnger J., 758 S 2d. St~.~1ton el J B & on 32 S Fr nt Stuntz E. H" Howard ab Forrest av AUCTIONEERS. p i l i C. I) nu nsmlnge J. T,. 10 S d wood w. A. M. and R. M. Co., 627 r C 5 S at " alnut Shrenk A. H . 1906 N tith ALDERMEN Caveny S. B., 204 S 2d AUTOMOBILE AND LUDRICATby M, C. 1 2 ' h 'G 0 ..s F g rAJ 922 N 2d Ie 11 ps A. 42 Elnuth Hoverter , ., 12 M k ~ 10 Is A. M. 14 8 3d U' 0 0 LES. LUIZ G, W" 1710 N 5th Central Penna Automobile Co., 109Ic la J B 6 R ce 111 _ ar et an 1 14 N Iv r Smith T. C. 2218 N 6th u m bll Go mge 1336 a ph pal .., 8 3 Thompson "'al er C. P., 449 State 11 I. V, Ca rl e n A to 0 Ie Windsor \". L., jT .. 208 1\ C r "ks. Mulbprry nr Cres,,'llt 'In e H C 1 5 h a Is ur A to 0 Ie Co S sq eA A TMENT HOUSES. h n Hamilton Commer'lal Bldg, 1222-4 :-.- 3d Harrisburg otor ar C " ar.' 10 k. 2 22 S 14 _ r t ul whit 273 Herr Kpystone Motor Car Co., 1019-25 Sigler. 30 2u _ r t


.. O ~ f 4lJV.-ht'r.ofIA:D A(t.lh~o~ 18ja:' :-:'&~.' ..


Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908,



Mulberry nr BANKS AND nANKING INSTITU'nuNS. REDMOND A" 1500 N 3d Allison Hill Bank, 1301 Market Central Guarantee Trust and Safe and 3d c Boyd Deposit Co., 1236 N 3d Citizens' Bank, 13th c Derry A WNING MANUFACTURERS. Commercial Bank, 1222-24 N 3d Corpman W. S., 1136 Market Commonwealth Trust Co., 222 Mkt Harris J, p, oil: Son, 221 N 24 Dauphin Deposit Trust Co.. 213 Market BADGE MFRS, Dime Savings Fund, 223 Market Eaet End Bank, 13th c Howard Keystone Badge Co., 1213 ~ 3d Whitehead oil: Hoag Co., 202 Walnut Exchange Banking Co., 3 N 2d -Farmers' Bank of Hummel>!town BAKERS. First National Bank, 224 Market Harrisburg Clearing House, 213 (See alao Confectioners.) Market Atticks oil: Flickinger, 13;; Ever- Harrisburg National Bank, 16 S 2d green Harrisburg Trust Co., 16 S 2d Attlcks oil: Metzger, 217 Verbeke -Hummelstown National Bank Best W. H., 1703% N 4th Mechanics' Bank, Market c 3d Chiara G., 618 state Merchants' Nat. Bank, 1230 N 3d Deppen Pretzel Co., Lilac nr Seneca -People's Bank, 18 S Front, SteelEgenrleder J., 324 Reily ton Egenrleder T., 1811 N 3d People's Savings Bank, 1011 N Enck C. H., 45 N 14th 3d Fernbaugh oil: Tltzell. 560 Woodbine Security Trust Co., 36-38 N 3d Fromm W. H., 1637 Swatara Sixth Stref't Bank. 2001 ~ 6th Gohl G. A., 226 South Steelton National Bank, Front 0 Hocker D. E., r 1820 N 6th Locust, Steelton Holfman P., 420 Reily -Steelton Trust Co., Front c Locust. Holbert J. T., 226 Hamilton Steelton Kindler J. C.. 618 N 2d Union Trust Co. of Penna., 20 N 2d Lampas T. J., 414 Market BARBERS. -Lau W. C.. 106 Trewlck Lesher O. W., 130 Paxton Adams J. Qoo 1260 Market

Motor Vehicle Co., Crescent

ntll 6auloty IDd Surety CI. sc~W: {h1n::

Meck I., 1713 Market Mehring J., 1042 Herr Miller F. J., 500 State Moyer J. H., 1334 Vernon Murray F.. 512 Peller National Biscuit Co., Union Square Nleth J. D., r 332 Reily Orth G. W., 423 State Reuwer L. Mrs., 304 Verbeke Sanders J. M., 1631 N 6th Schcll FJ. M., 1512 Derry Schmidt B., 340 Chestnut and 68 to 62 N 13th Shealler J. M., 905 N 3d Stickel L. Mrs., 1539 Walnut Stinson W. H .. 2214 Je!'f"rson Stouller L. T., 309 Herr Sutton C. H., 644 Verbeke Thorley Baking Co .. r 1924 ~ 6th Tittle D. J., 300 Calder Wagner Bros. Bakt'ry, 627 Boas Werner A. F., 213 Chestnut Wertz F. H., 217 Calder Wleger J. G., 1919 Derry Woof E .. 528 Forrest Yowler W. H., 524 Peffer Zinn A. B., 415 Kelker BAND INSTRUMENT MFRS. Nuss Plating Co., 320 Market BANKERS. American Guaranty Co., 222 Market Bf'ar W. L. oil: Co.. (invcstml'nt securities), Parlor A, Bolton House

I ::':';-.




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Anastasopulos S., 317 Market Anderson C. S., 26 N 4th Anderson J., 1403 N 'th Arbaugh. H. L., 1931 Derry Arnold A. A .. 135 N 4th Arnold J. F., 1427 N 6th Bachman A. Goo 1201 Mulb .. rry BackenslosB R. E., 3d c Market Bair S. 1$ 412% Verbeke Barnhart S. H., 2024 N 6th Bishop .\I. H., 1731 N 4th Bolton G. V., 1537 N 3d Bower A. W., 1923 N 6th Bower G. H., 1203 N 6th Bowers F. P., 703'1.1 N 3d Brown C. S., 419 Walnut Brown S. G., 26 S 4th Butler N. L., 513 South Cassell I. M., 1444 Regina Chamberlain A. L., :ial Muench Cirillo D., 212 S 2d Cleary T. J .. 1401 N 3d Cunningham J .. 505 Filbert Darow F. W., HI State Davis J. N .. r 222 Mark!'t Df'nn",' A. W .. ;,05 Mark"t Dorn G. M., 3 S 4th Drapana>! Bros .. 12 :-< 3d Dunkle G. S., 1948 Derry Ebright J. W., 606 Maclay Ernest T. J., 1253 Market Falter E., 707 Race Feslf'r J. G .. 8 N 2d Fillmore J., Bailey c Brady Fisher B., 607 Race


ANDREW REDMOND{3d lod Rill, Sis.

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16 N TDlnt

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Fisher J., 503 South al (;ailor J. A., 507 N Hh (; Ie S - Gr G rt ., 10 '3d Grey E., 405 State Hall T., 406 Cowden H J.R '2N H F. J 3 R Holtzman G. M.. 33ll Market Hoy F. H .. jr., 18 N 3d J On C .,;;0 ate .J on J 443 beke Jen IDS ., 1 arke Kammerer G. H., 1712 N 3d Keil B. F 1016 Market K r H. 25 N K & 624 \lac Lucae R. M., 414 N 3d McWilliams 'M .. 1256 Market M h W Son, Rae
M r F.. ehe

BIC ,ES, lJill I. W. Carriage and Automobile Wk Iulb c C o ' eD't am ger .,12 N 2 'earns lu5.. N 3

REDMOND A., 1500 N 3d an de oyd

BILL POSTERS. : Appell Blll Posting Co .. 323 Walnut
RD PO ROO BIL CapiD 5 .. 515 Walnut Charle" G. C .. 225 )larkf't mw Clg tore, 2d un J , 120 6th Fisher W. S., 420 Market Fishman D .. 516 Walnut IIbe Cri I,;; . - 4 M ess ., 30 erbeHoltzman G. , " 315 ! ar et Lentz & Morrow. 1901 Derry Martin F., 433 'farket errl . J., )lar org ge " .. 19 d Russ A. B., Court c Strawberry Strothers C. W., 432 South



MinutjJo P .. 211 S 2d Myers W. H., 134 Mulberry N C. 320 P n A. 312 Iy Pattoca E. ~' .. 203 l> ~d Pre C. R., 2004 N 6th R del W H., 118 Waahln ton R <lids L .. 1 Vall R 'in I' owa, 06 R Rollin H. L .. 613 Maclay Rose D, M., 401 Filbert Sh r W B" Ma S O. 22N Smith R., 1914 State

DLA MIT Baker J. W .. 1~1) Hancock Corl G. Y., ~OO ~larkel ishe A.. ne c ehnl oose \1., 1 IIbe Holstein H. M., 107 Verbeke



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I. North 3d S l

Smith J . 1620 Walnut Smi! h J .. "0'1 Stat(' S L. 1302 2d Sml< P. .. 1202. d Smith W. C., 1118 Capital S ker E ~., 164 9 ' \ 6th 'S ley ., 4 elke .Summers A. C., 42 South Swller C. G.. 1309 N 6th T as G W .. 51h berde 'T pson 190 rry V irk .. 1901. d Vorndran R. A., 3d c Market Wagner E. L., 1600 :of 6th " ner ., 91 9th ." In & loy, Kel Williams C. M .. 16 N 2d 'WolCe C. H., The Commonwealth 'y C. 1254 ry BARBERS' SUPPLI BeDder F., 520 Walnut

Hoover J, A" 657 Yerbeke Jackson ~Hg. Co .. 4th e floyd acks ~ .. 1 Paxt ohns . C. 3 N Kirk J. W .. 17th C D.'I'IY Koch C. F .. 2110 N 7th essl B. 04 C Y lem & tt. 4 prin l>chnahPl C., Ill- Paxton Searfauss J., 10th ab Market Sheafi' . C. L., l<;O~ N 3d loan . 11 line nodd. . C., mps Cr Snyder G. W .. 218 Cranberry Trout J. F., 1'00 S:a!e olllD J. F 5 S berr BLCE PRI:-"TS. Harrisburg Blue Print Co .. 14 S ARD S. HO AlkeDe A. J., 403 Walnut Albright C. S., 2031 N 7th nde M, Mrs., Boa aker S. 411 ainu Barnes G. H . 918 N 6th Belnhauer M, E" 826 N 3d ergs ser Mr 32 N Ird rs., S 2d Bishop A. L, '. rh., 61 erbek Bowers M, A. Mrs., 634 Yerbeke Cooper E M. Mrs, 222 Chestnut umm C, ., 61 3d Ilis . Mrs.. S 1 Firth M. Mrs., 432 Market





EIDslg H., 1316 Wl1llam 'Haas H. M" 1325 SusQUehanDa

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S, T


Be,sis P. :-l .. 18 N Court .Shope E. L. 1700 N 2d BE PRI


:Holcombe Mfg. Co., 10th eState

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H M KELLEY & CO'S -Black Diamonds when { 1 IItt.ldSI.t. no. ....., "on nellt ord"r. 10th






Flynn K., 13 N 5th Frank D. Mrs .. 511 Walnut I"rank M., 507 Walnut z S., 6 alnut Ich E 601. y M. H Boas Guist white L .. 1102 X 3d Hillard A. M. Mrs .. 643 Boas Johnson E .. ]329 Fulton ger S 1~8 S _". M ., 1819 th R. S . 51 mit Kreidler M. A .. 638 Muench Lau E. Mrs., 111 Hanna Leighton 1. C Mrs., 1341 Vernon r E. T .. 408 Inut M. E. , 405 ke n R .. _ 3d Martz A. E., 435 Walnut Martz C. D. Mrs., 620 KelkE'r \I G rvey M H Mrs.. X 6th lips Mrs., Cumb Miller S. S., _30 S 2d Moesleln Eo M,s., 645 Boas Murphy ll.. 22 X 4th M., X 6th E. ).f 13 Ch r C.. Dewb Pollard L. Mrs., 512 Maclay Prlc .. C. A. Mr~ . 2118 Turner Pr!ee E. Mrg .. 639 Hamilton ts E. 411 _ t H. M. Front r M. N 4t SheeslE'Y J. M .. 1226 Derry

BONNET MFRS. Blough llfg. Co.. Inc., Reily Fulton OKB! S,

uginb C. E.. t ah Uu bE'rtis ::i" 320 Market Keystone Printing and Binding Co., Ltd" 329 \larket urzen H, J Short cheffe " (es S 2d "BOOKBINDERS' MACHINERY, Hickok 'V. O. :\Hg. Co., Canal c







o ->

LLI C GORGAS M. J. 1332 LaJ Shue E., 1605 X , 5th

Armor W. C .. 4-6 ~ Court entral store Marke ocklln G.. 12 3d otterI' W., 7 Fleming S. W .. room 7. 26 N 3d Gastl'ock L .. 411 :-Iorth German P" 213>2 Chestnut bg, P ard C 3 N 3 inf'Y ., 1730 h earns " 110 d T,~hman A. G .. 1014 N 3d Pound W. R. W .. 207 Market Publlslling House of the United Evan I Chu 01 N cheffe " (es S 2d pahr 1n~ , :otewart F, H., 1427 N 3d




. 3d

tewa r . 100 Tunis \Y. S .. 8 X 3d

Shulz S. M. llrs .. 1016 Paxton Slaugenhaup M. E. Mrs .. 016 N 3d man 8. era, 4 umbe ar L., owde StollPr L. E. :\frs .. 607 Boas Stricker L .. 122 Locust Tltz!'1 D. D 2035 Fulton ley E 'irs., Cowde el M. rs., elly p nell M. rs., 6 oth W~nsel E .. 1410 X 6th Windsor House, 418 Market W. H Chest M. M 4 S C on tM.. Thorn Zeiders C, Mrs., 702 Race Zf'\tpr .1. ll. ~lr5 .. 1406 X 6th BOA 'G STA Livery BOOTS,
Dintanlan ,\. P .. 1122 :-\ Front

Il: o

cC A-


o u




0 ..

al Iron and Slee bel Dock BOILER WORKS

\lfg. &.


E'r Co

c Na

-------=--------------------------------1 L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240MarkitStnil


BOOT AND SHOE)'f AKERS. DEALERS MAN TUR Mar are M acture Alloy S. W .. 343 S Cameron Bax G. F .. 425 Mut'llch HilnE'r S . 120 Short It ting -.. 65 b~rla olen 116 S ooser 258 \\ Brenner N .. 424 "'nlml! Caruso Y .. 11~5 Market Caton & Co. 1210 X ~d erzull 701 :-.. harles 116 M irllJo " _10 S 2 City Shoe R<'pairing Co .. 317 Strawberry Cohen " 3 Cow ohen 3 Sout ohn A Stat Comfort Shoe Store. 1312 Market Conner O. F., 15]0 N 6th Conner W. T .. 13261~ X 3d ra wfo 211[1 beth rawfo , llul c De rego 308 M Crist U. S., 214 St rn wberry Dapp .1. M .. 424 Reily Dauphin Shoe Co .. 320 Market eSan T .. 13~ oughp P .. 3 rbeke rawbn E .. H~ ry


Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.

Eberts J., 635 Brigs Edwards J., 126 S 2d Finton &: Favorite, 1832 N 8th Forney Bros. Shoe Co., U8 Market Forney a: Stewart, 7 S 2d Friedman I., r 713 Cowden Garberlch J. E., 540 Violet al Glen Shoe Mfg. Co., 414 State Goldateln E., 460 Verbeke Gordon H., 1303 N 6th Gordon J., 1814 N 6th Grandonlo N., 303 Chestnut Gruber J. H., 1639 Fulton Hanover Shoe Store, 407 Market Hanscom D. B., 1027 Market Harris S. H., 1913 N 6th Harrisburg Boot and Shoe Making and Repairing Co., 1423 N 3d -Hbg. Shoe Mfg. Co., 1404-1432 Vernon Hartman J., 1214 KlttatillRY Hoffman L., 1223 N 6th Hoffman S., 47 N 14th Hoffman W. &: B., 1223 N 8th Houck P., 430 Market Jerauld Shoe Co., 310 Market Kawel J. H., 219 Muench Kelley J. E., 3 N 3d Kling J., 1913 Derry Krentz G., 1210 Fulton Lane M., 1026 Market Lappley J., 1800 N 4th Lavla J., 421 State I.utz W., 1004 Capital Mee.dows E.. 1426 Derry Mehame G. W .. 1734 N 4th


Bux C. S., 820 Market Capital City Bottling Works, F. Selss, 900-902 Market Doehne G., 28 S Dewberry Freldberg N., 420 Walnut Graupner's R. H. Brewery, 829-841 Market Hbg. Bottling Works, 26 Grace -Irvin E. G., 58 S Front, Steelton Koenig F. L., 915 Sarah av Mehring W. J., 1200 N 6th Osler C. F., 1901-1903 N 6th Schutzenbach A .. 4th c Walnut Yoffe M. &: Bro., 294 S Cameron Yuengling D. G. &: Son, C. S. Rux. agt, 818-820 Market BOWLING ALLEYS. Holtzman G. M., 315 Market RusR A. B., Court c Strawberry BRASS FOUNDERS. Hbg Me~al Wks, 2d c Paxton Hickok W. O. Mfg Co., Canal c North BREWERIES. Doehne G .. 29 S Dewberry Fink's B. Sons, 312 to 320 Forster Graupner's R. H. Brewery, 829-841 Market BRICK MANUFACTURERS. Bigler S. L., (cst), 'Cameron ab Maclay Harm BroB., 286 S ClUDeron

-< en





o o

Melcholr H., 1719 N 8th Messersmith J. H .. 212' Market Miller R. C., 1125-1127 N 3d Mongan W. E., 217 Herr Moog Bros" 13 S 3d Moyer A., (est.), 8 S 4th Murphy G., 107 N 4th NelBon Shoe Co., 211 Market Orth G. J., 320 Briggs Paul W. F., U8 'Market Phlla. Shoe Store, 226 Market Plack 0., 1101 Capital Roller W., 318 N 2d Sandler M., 123 Cowden Schwarz J., 206 Cherry av Seabold S" 1321 Market Sears F. D .. 1734t,!, N 5t)1 Sherman D., 501 Hamilton Shorb B. A. Shoe Co .. 105 N 2d Sowers G., 5031A1 Kelker Sperling 1.., 408 Walnut Stabler W. A.. 712 Susquehanna Steckley M. a: Son. 404 Verbeke Stern E., 300 Market Styers W. A .. 1915 ~ 6th Veaner A., 214 Verbeke Waldorf Shoe Store, 15 N 3d Waldschmltt J .. 1624 Park Waters E. H. Co .. 1420 Wyeth ay Weise D. S .. 409 Strawberry Wright W. F., 181St,!, N 7th BOTTLERS. Bacon D. Co .. 438 and 440 Market Beck T. J. Co., 828 Market and 620 York cAsh

Manchester Shale Brick Co., Inc., 222 Market Mt. Holly Brick and Clay Co., 153 N 4th -Steelton and Harrisburg Brick Co., Inc., 20 S Front, Steelton, and 17th c Herr, Hbg BRqKERS. Bear W. T &: Co .. (stork~, bonds. . grain, &:c.). Bolton Hou~., Central Penna. Brokerage Co., 47 Union Trust bldg Hbg Brokerage Co .. (mdse). 1908 N 2d Harrisburg Commission Co., 15 N 2d KeYlI'tone Securities Co.. 60 Union Trust bldg Melly &: Melly, r 200 N l<'ront Mosser J. C. &: Co .. 9 N 2d !'lestor J. P., 24 !'l 2d Robinson R. M., 15 N 2d Shade R. W., 1:; N 2d Telephone Se<'urlties Co., 81 t:nion Trust bldg

Chapllne C. M.. 1602 N 6th Zimmerman J. W., 633 Reily

Zudrell J., 1513 Walnut


" Pf'N .....1\.PEr.'I.I[alA-nr..reole. r,Y' .... tE--:e

II; ..

It or 1 3U ..... r. liS,'



E r sb. q" C. ssdieJ .uusmess, 19v8.

Bli LD R Se

er a



BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. al al G 7 c u In Jaci<sl)l1 Mfg. Co. 4th c Boyd e ze om er er, 1 h Cbestnut br ne GA., 15 S t W"a ver & Stewart 29 " Market

Harrisburg Carpet Co., 321 Market o e C. F. Fu nl re an C r pet Co., 1415 N ~d un &C02 2 Rotbert Co., 312 :'Iarket I at ., 13 N (i): nt C RAE " W G 'M'R Dill I. W. Carriage and Automobile V\ s, 'liu be y r es en Eureka Coal Wagon Works, 614-618 N rt Killinger J .. 1')25 Paxton II ur V\ go C., 17 ,lar et


BURIAL CASE MFRS. bg Bur al ase Co., 10th bel Mkt .

'\.. It-no "'l nd

kE S. B SI E ana 3a c Boyd ar sb rg Bu n 3 oIl ge J. ef n . " 07 ap ta Garner, 322 Market Shaffer C. E., 5 N Ca er t na on or e 9 0 d n e CASH REGISTERS. Schools of Scranton, 213 Walnut 'a on Register Co., Tbe o A m 6 :\ 3d as School ot Commerce, 15 S ~il BoIt
Se BUTCHERS. M at ,a et. IN T A ER . e ur Itu e. b CEMENT PAVEME~TS m 'e S. "., 1545 N 6th .

-I -IL


UI Y D RS &c C<\RP N E (Se-e also Contractors). II a H. R .. 31 St W 'ITl Bergbaus & Moffitt, "00 Pin 00 er .. 18 u erry

C EM ST De ml g C., c reatb A. S. & Son, pi r J. S.. D pt. Capital

7, 3d
121 Market A 'ie ltu e,


--------------~-------~ur.tJ CIA 01,

ClOP DI T::. . rl bt II n rf d, 2d Dandridge L. A. Mrs., 33 N 13th


6'Ulrllqt, Ind

liD ,PE..... {s..I.., ...... fir

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III,." a. f.".,... ! Tru



1 Ilecl1n1fy It lciJ


CIGARS AND TOBACCO. r Id " 33 P n Balr C. E. & Sons, 24 N 4th a or 10'. " 12 la et Beisel C. W., 1911 X 6tb . AR E C EA 'E S. o L B 22 V b e Brlgbton C, W., 1300 N 7tb Bellli<'Y J. W., 1328 X 2d r 'n . ,1 4 4 or .1, ey to ar t Ie I Carl & Berrier Tbe Bolton 111G )Olontgoml'ry o mo w It CJ.g r lore, n S ' .. or ne m Ie al et Ie nl Cooper A. L., 1259 De '"Y 128 N Cameron ra st , .. 8 n% :oil 3d an ar D st e ov g 'J .. CO\\' Cummlnge J. E, 8 3 dpII c l"or~I"I' aupb II Cigar Co., 7tO SUo:" ta Ca pe CI an g .lor s, Cam Da Is " "OS eron e Walnut Iffenderfer "'. H., 1846 Green CA RPET WEAVERS o la L 51 \\ In Douglas3 S. )ole . 1121 :oil 3d 'e sser A., 1104 N 7th r ve Bt A S. 31 ell R E IL CL T c. Fairlamb R. V., 210 allli 331a '\larket Ada s G. TH., 6 2d eels n . ,5 7 at Gastrock L., 411 Nortb urns & Co .. 28,32 S 2d II rt & rls 01 5 .\ rk Coo L W. 30 M k Grove A. & Sons, 458 \'erbeke Fornwald J., 1405 N 6th a 17 6 ars P t e & o 2 Nd

Hln<'y A. w .. Soutb e M rtle as L. F., 33 S qu ha na Keath J HollO Stra 'be y u n \ . J., 1 0 41 Leb E X 19' . rr II e elvy J. J., 1311 N Front Me ze S. F., 43 1\ rk ess J. K. 212 N 3d ep' I.' P. 10~ S Sechrist G. H . 361. S 14th bo k .,..... 24 F n 8im'key A. & Son, 517 N \th 'h' e 4 S a be y Wright S. A .. 245 N 14th 1m leIla J. H., 3 H w d

Robins n Ms., 'roy V\ . 120 Cowden Ru' D "






01 on " 41 e Shelly E. R .. 413 S CnmEl'oll

A "~rrv [.II . ..:.

HPOraOr'n:,' RA.~..AM .;'d IJICYCLn. I 3U aft J (ldll, S1.. ~ "1V _

"J4j ""





l!:== 111001 SHADES{




Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.


Garner A., 120!l N 3d Harrisburg Cigar Co., 500 Race Globe Clothing House, 324 Market Harry D. D., 14 l'i 3d Goldsmith A., 228 Market H .. ininger G., 12~3 Marklt Hetrick &. Gelstwhlte, 18 S 4th Hl'mpf'l M. Mrs., 3;; X 13th Hub, 320 Market Henery &. Gilmore, 1030 Market Knighton C. L 01: Co., 311 Verbeke Herman J. C. &: Co., 22 N 3d Kuhn S., 6 N 2d He88 G. B., 416 Market Larus-Althelmer Co., 8 N 2d Hf's3 H .. 1264 'Markf't LIvingston's We-Trust-G, 9 S 2d Hodge E .. 1701 N 5th Holtzman G. M., 313 and 339 Market Marks H. &: Son, 401 Market Meltzer S., 613 Walnut HOOpe8 J. B., 1021 N 3d l'iathan F. Mrs .. 24 Abel'd ...'n Hoover J. H., 1430% N 6th Pruss L., 418 Walnut Keener E. F., 2541 N 6th Schlelsner &: Klein, 28-32 N 8d Klavansky S. E. Mrs., 1332 N 6th Sherman H., 503 Walnut Knlaley H . 411 Market Shneldman S., 414 Walnut Knisley W. N., 200 Market ShIes &: Sides, 203 lIfarkpl Kochenour G. W., 230 Market Strouse Bros., 313 and 326 Market Lantz W. R., 1721 N 6th Zack8 L., 414 Verbeke Lyme 01: Runkle, 1622 Derry Martin S. K., 1498 N 7th COAL AND WOOD. Mattis C. S., 1301 N 6th Mayers I .. 1610 Green *AI\pman G. R.. (wholpsale), 146 McCarroll J 935 ~ 3d N Front. Sleelton McManus J. B., 7th c Maclay Barrackville Coal and Coke Co., McWilliams J., 214 Liberty 1 N 3d Carl R. A . S 9th and Shaonls Miller F. A . 1310 N Cameron Central Coal Co., (whol), 222 Market Miller H. J., 133 S 3d Columbia Coal Mining Co., (whol), Moschetti J., 138 S 2d 14 S 2d Nophsker J. W . 1917 N 3d COlt D. W. &: Co., (who!), 222 Mkt Peeple8 H. E., 645 Verbeke Popel S. W., 108 Filbert . Dare Br08., 1306 Market and 18th Reed S. C., 1154 Market c: Vernon and If,41 Vernon Roumfort A. L.,The Commonwealth Derry Coal and Coke Co., 121 Mkt Schremer J. I., 701% N 3d Elk River Coal and Lumber Co., Shaffer W. H., 1852 Derry (whol). 4 N 3d Shelly C. G., 3 S 13th Fry Coal Co .. 828 Market

,. :u

Shelly C. W., 411 North Smith C. G., 432 Market Smith E. E. Mrs., 667 Briggs Smith &: Keffer Co., 432 Market Spangler L E. Mrs .. 338 Chcrry Spayd R. E., 148 S 3d Stevens C. C.. 1031 Market Swavely G. W., 1135 Wallace Trombino A . 343 S River Wagner J. H., 1639 N 3d Walters H. A., 339 Reily Wf'lblcy H. S . 266 Verbeke Whitmoyer H. E., 63 N 13th Wlckenhelser R., 1931 Derry Wiesemann F. A., 619 Race Yentzer G. W., 400 Chestnut CIVIL ENGINEERS. Cowdpn E. C . 222 Market Cowden M. B.. 222 Market Pratt M. D .. 14 S 2d Roberts G . 16 S River av Rutherford T. W., 9 N 2d CLOTHIERS. (See allo Merchant Tailors). Askin 01: Marine. 36 N 2d Baturln A . 435 Walnut Baturln L., 022 Walnut Brenner J. H .. 404 Walnut Cohen H., 409 Walnut Cohen N . 446 Walnut Collins Co., 29 N 2d Doutrlch &: Co . 304-306 Market Fuld S. L., 1200 :s 3d

Sayings and Loan Assn. {::~:.~ ::D

Galbraith B. G., Handehaw H. J . Hanshaw C. E., Harm Bros.. 286 -Hess J., 400 N 7th c Curtin 924 Capital 3d c Harris S Cameron Front, Steelton

< ,..

KELLEY H. M. & CO" 10th c State and 1 N 3d

Landis J. H .. 18lh c Derry Lathe H. W .. ;;03 Woodbln~ Llehtenbprger P., 1731 N 3d McCreath L. <\ Co., (wholesale), 121 Marl,et Mllleisen G. F., 1019 N 3d Mock & Hartman. 7th c Emerald

o .

MONTGOMERY (est, 36 S 3d



Nestor &: McCreath Bros., 567 Race Oves H. F. & Co., 5 S 3d and 435 S 2d People's Ice Co., 1516 N 3d Pittsburg and Westmoreland Coal Co .. (whol), 14 S 2d Rboada J. E., Cowden c Forster Rochester and Pittsburg Coal and Iron Co .. (whol), 14 S 2d Sheesley J. H., Hemlock nr 9th Sonman Shaft Coal Co. (wholeaaie), 4 N 3d Stephpns S .. 3d c Verbpke, also lOth c Mulberry Stroh W. S., 1713 N 6th SU"qll!'hnnna Coni Co., (whol), 61 l:nlon Trust bldg United Coal Co., (whol). US 2d


THE PAT~tQ:Coogle

;r =..


OVR MOTTO. - } lIoout Coal, 1I00e.t Weicht

H . , KELLEY aCO. {18111""1,",1It U D. . , ..., I .... II.....

CONTRACTORS. (See alBo Carpenters, Itc.)

Harrisburg Classified Business 1908.

United Ice and Coal Co., main omce, Cowden c Forster; branch omce8, 3d c Cumberland, 10th c Chestnut. Howard c 14th, Conestoga c Frederick and UO S Front, Steelton Wa1l1s Coal Co., 7 S 4th White Oak Coal Co., Inc., (whol), 222 Market Wilmore Sonman Coal Co., (whol), 4 N 3d

.... -







Ball W. G., 215 Pine ButreBB J. N. &: Co.. 74 Union Trust bldg Beatty W . 23 S 4th Beck P. S .. 134 N Linden Black &: Lingle, 1940 North Bomgardner 10'. H., 450 S 17th Brady &: Snavely. 7 N 2d Central Construction and Suppl)' COFFEE ROASTERS. Co., 222 Alarket Enterprise Coffee MlIIs, 107 Cherry Coder &: MlIIer, 9 N 2d Dimm L. G.. 646 Muench Miller T. J., 324 Muench Etnoyer C. C . 1635 Swntara Elder C. B.. 24th c Derry COLLAR AND CUFF MFRS. Ferree O. F., 524 Camp Hbg Collar and Culf Co., BuckthorD FerrO-Concrete Co 71 Union Trust av c Haehnlen av bldg Fisher C., (bricklayer). 1323 N Front COLLECTORS. Fraim H. S., 612 Camp Dela" are Mercantile Co., 14 S lid Gettys &: Girvin, 2021 Green Henderson B. F .. 11 S 17th COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Henderson W. T . 518 Eml'rald Hoak A. A., 1434 Regina Bates &: Co., 17 N 2d Hudgins T. J., 1909 Green Kamerer A., N 9th nr Market CONFECTIONERS. KniBley D., 206 Verbeke (See al80 Bakers). Kreider F. E 1712 N 6th Kuhn &: Hershey. 36 N 3d Acr! V .. 800 N 3d Alltto G., 127 S 2d Lathe H. W .. 503 Woodbine Bacon D. Co., 438-440 Market Lebo E. N .. 1922 Berrybill J.yme J. H., (masonry), 427 Herr Bartl<'Y M. B. Mrs .. 1305 Market Bentz M. A. Mrs., 1016 S 21'A1 Machlln W. E., 1017 N 6th Brown G. E .. 1735 N 3d May J. K., 16 S 13th

o o

Buttorff H. Y., 110 Market Capital Candy Co .. 208 Market Collins G. H., 1323 Market Cunningham A. P. Mrs .. laO, N 6th Dietrich A. B., 1015 N 3d Freldberg N., 420 Walnut Gangl Bros.. 1257 Derry and 1000 Market Glovanls &: Gekas, 1101 N 3d Hibshman A. E. Mrs., 1902 State HugheB J. 0., 347 S 13th Jalkson C., 433 State Kambeitz L., 124 Linden Katz J. W., 802 N 3d Kessler-Paine Co., " N 3d Klinger C., Jr., 115 Tuacarora Kunls S., 1338 N 4th Levenson P.. 502 Walnut and 1028 Market Mayer T., 1304 N 6th McGowan G. S., 718 N 3d Mitchell G. F., 1219 Cowden Partet J. A., 1541 N 4th Ritter H. 1.., 1826 N 6th Rollet! BroB., 409 Market ROBe J. A., 37 N 2d Saffrln M. Mrs . 121 Short S~hmidt 'B., 58-62 N 13th and 340 Chestnut Sheaffer R. Mrs., 610 Showers Smith M. T., 1801 N 8d Souder J. A., 35 S 13th Swanger D.. 1317 N Cameron Weaver &: Hubley, 24 N 3d



McCulloch J. N., 25 S 3d McKelvy J. J., 1311 N Front Mentzer S. F., 1430 Market Mentzer &: Romberger. 18th c Chestnut Miller C. H., 824 N 7th Miller C. R., (plastering), 28 Linden Miller &: Long, State c 18th Milnor G. W . i19 Capltal Morrelt R., 600 Boas Murphy F. P., 749 S 21Bt Ness J. K., 2212 N 3d Opperman H., 131 Paxton Opperman W. H., 131 Paxton Pomralnlng J. W., 1830 Penn Heagan D., 14(3 S Cameron Ril'ker D .. 2001 Derry Schuddemage H., 2002 N Front Scott G. W., 337 S 16th Sechrist G. H., 361 S 14th Sollenberger D. S . 523 Peifer Stapf &: Benfer, 23 S 3d Stephenson F. p .. 624 Camp Strohm M. M., 1534 Derry Stucker BroB., 16 N 2d Stuckey A. &: Son, 517 N 4th United Ice and Coal Co., mala omce, Cowden c ForBter Wagner W. H., 751 S 21st Wengert W. A., 1432 Walnut Whittaker &: Diehl, 71 Union Trust bldg Wildman A., 2206 N 8d

y~u.:~;~c:;! loD Par OIIIlIndOW Shodes nom AI

COSTUMERS. VanHorn &: Son, 705 N 3d CUT STONE CONTRACTORS. Black J., 17th and Mulbem DENTISTS. F., 320 Market T., 437 State P., 1610 N 3d H. M., 3-& S Front. Steel-

B. TACK .I:~~..

Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.

:Mock Yuen, 2~ S ~th Phillips G. F., 509 X ~th Reede &: Coloviras, 307 Market Russ P., Pa. R. R. depot Stinel' J., 210 SU'awberry DIRECTORY PUBI.ISHERS.

Baker W. Cappa A. Clark W. DRESSMAK~RS. Cumblt-r ton Albert C. F., 634 Harris Dashiell J. T .. 1404 N 6th Alexander A. L. .Mrs., 110 .Mary Dunlap R. M., 2017 N 7th Andrews C. S. Mrs .. 585 Sho.vers Haln G., 600 N 3d Arment N. Mrs., 1618 Penn Kelm C. F . 29 N 2d Baker E. F . .Mrs. 1918 N 7th Keller W. L., 37 N 2d Bell L. G., 1329 Wyeth Bishop M. E., 200 S 13th Knauff A. H.. " S 2d Koaer A. S., 219 N 2d Bolton S. J. }lrs., 126 N Cameron Lebo A. E., 8 N 2d Bond L. L. Mrs .. 151 Balm Mauateller W. B., 1702 N 8th Bordner L. J. .Mrs., 408 Spring McKelvey C. M., 715 N 3d Bower J. E., 1115 to< 6th MolBtt J. J .. 200 Pine Bo,d .M. A., 438 Hummel Painter W. H., 3-& S 3d Brown E. B. Mrs., 138 S 3d Philadelphia Dental Parlors, 26 N 3d Burk B., 1413 Zarker Polfenberger T., 807 N 3d Carter A., 17121h Walnut Reel C., 1119 N 3d Collins N. H., 417 Pear Reese D. J., 409 Market Creamer C. B. Mrs .. 1064 S 9th Rhein E. R., 1504 .Market Dean R. Mrs., 220 Locuat Ritchie H. A., 214 N 3d Dillon A. I., 1221 S 9th Sheely C. A., 1227 N 2d Dougherty O .Mrs., 622 Perrer Smith E. B., 931 N 3d Dugans D. Mrs., 1413 Penn Storey J. W., Market c 13th Early M. J., 1740 N 6th Stover H. C., 231 S 13th Fenlcal l-l. A., 1339 Vernon Ferguson .M. B.. H21h Spring Vallerchamp W. E., 10 S 2d

BOYD W. H. & CO" 26 N 3d, room 7

Wall R. J., 709 N 6th Waiter W. H.. 7~ N 3d Watkins F. E., 304 Reily Westbrook C., jr., 132 Walnut Wright B. E., 36 N 3d Wright C. L., 23 N 3d DEPARTMENT STORES. Bowman &: Co., 318 Market Dives, Pomeroy &: Stewart, 334 Market Famous Department Store, 216 Market Hoerner's Corner, Inc., 1257 Market Kaufman's Underselling Store, 4-8 S 2d Loch lei Merchandise Co., 1405 S Cameron Robinson &: Co., 1300 N 3d DESIGNERS. Cumberland 'Pub Co., 189-111 Market DlDTECTIVES. Taylor's Detective and Real Batate Agency, 105 South Wblte Detective Bureau, 8 N 2d DINING ROOMS. (See al80 Restaurants). Brown S. A. Mrs., 410 Chestnut Corbin C. C., 9 S 3d Dickert H. B., 113 Market Gehl)' T. B., 328 North Hamawel A. F., 4 and 28 S 4th

Gable C., 1733 N 5th Galtor E . 1410 N 4th Garrick S. Mrs., 241) North Gilbert L. Mrs .. 1260 Market Hauer E. M., 43 N 13th Hemperly E. E., 625 Peffer Hemperly E. K., 1805 N CamerDll Hence E . .M., 1518 Wallace Herr C. Mrs., 1236 Bailey Hoffman M. E., 1529 Derry Holfman M. L., 1401 Zarker Ingram R. G., 611 Mahantongo Jackson H. F., 108 Short Johnson L., 520 N 5th Johnson M., 509 RelJ.y Jones J. E., 1419 Penn Kennedy E. B., 366 S 13th Knipe M. A. Mr8., 320 Hummel Kunkel E. 'M., 1012 N 3d Landis J. ,Mrs., 1439 Susquehanna Laverty F. H. Mrs., 236 S 14th Lease Nettie Mrs., 1078 S 9th Lee M. A., 422 Herr Lee M. F., 608 State Lemer C. E. Mrs., 1820 Penn Long A. S., 1606 N lid Lutz M. E., 119 Herr Madden A. M., 17181h N 5th Major G. M. .Mrs., 1343 Vernon Miller I. M., 115 Evergreen Miller K. E., 425 Verbeke Minium K. Mrs., 1117 N 3d Mornlngwake A .. 416 Hummel Myers E. A., 227 Pine O'Connor E., 9051h Capital Pelen B., 1344 State


CL IftK'~ -":::1' Dr ~ a 1 P ta + M1ic' 8 rore I.::JK4~I'

G(j Harrisbur CI sifi d Bus' es 1 8.
Poffenberger C. G., 135 N 13th R ne \1. , 08 sq ba a Ralsner M. l:l .. 1.08 Susquehanna R mse C., 1417 " R p 1> ,1 N 6th Rauhouser E. E., 2338 Logan R G E., 0 ee Reynolds J. A . 622 Muench Rt M E. 61' Ch nu R kw ~. B . r8 .. 649 oy Rodgers E. \'., 2233 ~ 6th R rer. 2 S th RollS{)n A.~lrs .. 1936 Derry R nb ge K. ,1 E gr n Sh ey . s.. 10 ames Shissler A., 214 Herr Sh rna r. A. r3 16 6t Simon M. E .. 208 Strawberry Sk' ne L. r8.. 262 ta .3 Igh.I.'. 10I .,1 9 ",alnut Sm!! h ~J. E. Mrs .. 2006 Susq. Sp ng S. ., 3 m I Stephens M. E. Mrs .. 422 S 13th S ger .. 25 al ce Trout . Mrs., 21 Forster Turn .. r B. A Mrs. lOO Short U er 7", Ve on Wagner E. 1oI. Mrs .. 1504 Regina W el E. ,8 N d W son 1oI., 606 State W!lv!'r! S. E 'Mrs., 1734 Walnut Ze el" E. N 3th DRUGGISTS. AI ou F. " 1 6 arket Althouse H. B., 1525 N 3d Potts O. C. 1100 N 3d .p we T. 85 F nt, to! Oil Roe F. ~1. & Son. 13th c Derry Sm h ar cy 60 Ma et Staley R. 1oI .. 1307 ~ 6th Ste er '. 1 Inu Sw ger . D., 303 \ erbeke Thorley T. A 449 State W e O. 24 6t W!'aver N. L., 2300 N 6th Wle ML.S 1 N th West End Pharmacy, 1601 N 3d Zlegler W. L, 284 M . S elt DRYGOOLS.



ot! ns, also Goods).


Eo M. L. rs., 164, N 6th Cook L. W .. 308 Market EI ei D 00 c.. 21 Market FlI in J " 20 err Formwalt H. J., 1807 N 3d Fraim A H 203 9 N 6th Ho e " 6 rbe Koralt 1oI .. 846 ;-; 2d. Steelton Lo g M 21 nd 7 F nt. Steelton Marzolf E .. 3r V bek Se m A '. 6 3d Sible E. M., 1300 Market Sm h R 1. Co 412 ar t Steelton Store Co . Ltd . Locust Ill' Canal Ste Iton

Title a_ntT _d 8are1oJ' Co. ~ ..... A .lllllnllra, E_lIrad .... . -IIaraD&oa, Peapa, !III In I' kl.~ I J 'I' 'I

f f IHlm, I' ..

Arnold C. M. Dr .. 1601 '" 6th B -A 23 19 Boher J. H . 209 Market B rna M I & Co. 24th Buehler D. A., 916 N 3d Central Dr C In, 2 N d CI k . N., oo .rb e Cotterel J. W., 1800 N 6th D 8 4 W nut DeShong J. B . mgr. 1601 N 3d Is r08 13 ta E Fo z J. B.. 2027 N 6th Forney & Knouse 426 Ma ket G an J. 1 N th George C. T., 1306 N 3d (k gas . A 16 3d Gross E. Z., (also wholesale), 119 Market Gr de P. ,9 N h C oa Hay J. W. Dr., 1402 N 3d H E H.. 30 6t HolI'a J. W .. 1342 N 6th Keller C K 405 ar t P rm cY. K ml r'8 Derry K ns E 133 N Kramer C. F., 1225 N 3d Lei Ich. 33 nt M tz . " 55 Front. Steelton Moll .. r C. A.. 35 S 2d Ni ns ha BC CO 110 "\1:a et Nunemacher A. W .. 300 North c 3d Os an . K 19 De y Pa J. .. r .. 6 1 Racp Peters D. A. 189 S Front Steelton

DYERS. Al nd . H., 32 2d d 12 arket C'a be B. " 12 3d Compton W .. 1006 N 3d and 121 Kkt Eg rt ? 8 ark a 8 N 3 Hinkle J. C .. 1317 N 6th 81 s 08 ii. 2d Stouffer I.. M. Mrs., 1409 N 3d E C' .IC IG T M NI S. Hbg Light, Heat and Power Co. 15S 1\ 4th Pax tang Electric Co., 206 Market E EC IC UP LI Dauphin Electrl('al Supplies Co. 4 M ke Harl"lsbur'g Elp('trl(' Supply Co., 111
S ?d

ELrJCTRICIANS. Da hln EI tri pp s 0., 4. Marke Lam'er W. E E. 2230 N 6th Ne ye C... P er Sweetsl!ll' S. O. Electric Co . 107 Kkt We E E tr Co 268 eff Yingst ElectrIcal Co., 1421 N 3d EC RO LA ER Nuss Plating Co.. 320 Market Fa ce E OR.... VERSo A 131 '"



.dusiness, 1&08.


Delaware Mercantile Co., 14 S 2d EXPRESS (T OCA ). Butler Pa el fer. 60 Balm Fel ~'. . Grannlson C. f.ew ey A. S., a d Ba "l8. e "'r na

1delrose Floral Co 410 "" k l.. lIIer F. W., 910 S 20th II r . .,11 BIL Schmidt C L., 313 Market chafn.els er J., 4th nr Seneca tt y C. 3 ""Ya nu

42 S ul 416 S Ca'Ue'"O 1339 .rulton YhB~s14 v National Transfer Co., 10th t te P p S V', 08 11'1 be t Stoke. J. A., 128 Tanner , al ~_ D , 1 j() }'\:. to Wlngeard W. 1807 B I"J" 11

J l.I U , E DAD R L. roh C F C w n Hbg Feed and Grain Co., 2U IIkt . _0 er 0 n I r g .AI. W., hl , TPe",lck c "'r de c e to bel nofter & Garman, lioward ab 14th .0 . a m n, 7t c ELer ld Montgomery & Co. 626-697 ...,,'nut a or I. " 419 Verbeke a 0 11' ou d F d at _ILl bel State and 340 Verl:>Ake he 81 y . t_., .Ie..llock nr 9th E:-P E S C4 A~ E Sm,,'l 'XI V"., 33 H rr A a8, 40 h t t l 6 N .. , 2027 N 6th. 933 N 60th 333 S F'!-ont ""L-U F '1 JR R C C lA 3 a d 20 S r'ront, s-..eelton c ]'," y. 1,17 e n U;b F'M' I d t te :-1 3 N ?of COII"I 8 FOU"TDER A C"_ 00 S. See Iron Founde ... .Se a 0 i.gtJd , a 0 N 10 .). FRUIT r In S - iI. 2 e tn t Acrl F., 113 Dock Opperman L S. 1208 1IJ 3d e e C, 8 5 a.ger E. F. D. Mrs.,303 "verbeke Danner H , 1414 N 3d ..... o,--ens l[ a ge 1 2 1 lluartlno M., 142 S 2d u b. C. C. 80 ~ 3 'E D M N JF CUE S. Feeser J F 140 S 3d n sy va la P m e C., n., 'il pe I '" 312 S 2d o e ba g V' ,12 16 N 2d and 16th nr Dlvlsl n

FERTILTZERS "'1e k 8 ., 2 B as Pa. Ammonia and VertlJlzer Works, Jones C.. 113 Tanner fa a '. 2 227 7 h M .. cu 10 B s. I ""a i t n ;E A-A M. Morrow S. B., 517 Willow a a ., 2 S ut a a d u'lI ry F e mC, Simonetti J 445 tva' u 7% N 3d lluonettl L. S., 415 \'Vest FIRE ESCAPES. t 8 11. M 1 06 N 3d ~eMrrI., WiLL.lAM F. Trombino S. 424 1IJ 3d

t.O., i/o, aler aD .a...ancast r E. i.... g , &.!eadIn5, ?a. s e a..":v fr n_ 0 e

Jo'lSn, OYS'rERS, TRUCK. &c. or est \,. J . 907 N 3d T 1II! Is E. D. 22 S 2d Russ W., 19 N 2d

C. ~.. ,

6 N

.. LVRJ.STS. er.yh 11 ."u S .'Y, Be.TY I 1 c 13th Bre n 'U I a C ,-10 roe C Reily and 218 Locust rb S. M Jth c De_r, lI'enlcal VI , 1339 V rr"'l1 ra IU.u R., 2013 N Cameron "":a n ill"!.. F. H Iy be 0 I .n ... Hanson O. 1026 S C8l"eron ud tr1 \Ii. 3 u;--p e T e nw 0 .C 9:._ Kepner J. A., 1108 Mark<>t 35 N 2 a d 6 S l"1ou , S eelton l~rn J., Or It I

FURNITURE DEALFRS } 'T A IJl.ET..lA6:ERS. dmG'.,06Sd Atlantic N w a d S e d ha d Furniture CD .. 114 Short e nh r ,51, 4 Burns & Co. 28-32 S 2d apln L., 515 Nalnut I k S. . 32 roo bl e Cohen F., 500 South o e _., 33 ..e e e aD.. ..14 Cald r Dunkle & Knoderer UndertaJdnc 0., 14 F 0 , te It n Ensminger J. T., 100 S 2d .l'ackler . L., 1312 Derry FOlD n ., 0 V-al ut Frank S.. 1000 Market Go dS..llt J., 2 9 ..oCUlt '}(r on Ik H 1 1 -la 10 Handler B., 1212 N 3d ~'1 v " ur It re an 1,.,.&I'.. et Co. 1415 N d Hoover J. w" .,34 Verbeke K w: ns y L. 43 \ r ek

- It





'1'''''' ........... _r "or W.,,...r . ' r ~ ~~ ~,f ... ).


H M KELLEY a CO {I Nortb ad sv-t.. D. t . lOth and lilaw'"


Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.

I ....

Kranzdorf W., 352 Verbeke Miller W., 216 South People's Furnishing Co., 330 Verbeke Pettit'" Co., 326 Market Rothert Co . 312 Market Sbarp A. R . r 605 Forster SbllJenn T. T., 124 Mulherry Tankel M., 1124 Herr Wllt's H. Sons, 50 S Front, Steelton FURRIERS. Solomon M., 231 State



b ca:
o o

I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 I. 3d U. Z Sible E. M., 1300 Market Etter S. S., 1206 Derry

Bracol\PY H. J .. 1001 ~ 6th Hratten L., 921 N 6th Braun J. M., 223 South Brt-nner I. J., 1020 Berryhill Brennel' J. M.. 563 SlOth Bricker W. B., 2100 N 6th Brinton M. J. Mrs .. 1408 Regina Broude p .. 516 State Brown J. H., 1317 WIlIIIlllll Brown L. M. Mrs., 1231 Swatara Brunner S. A., 1800 N 5th Burgoon W. F., 1334 N 6th Chronister C. W., 1538 N 4th Cimlo A., 219 S 2d Cohen H. I., 400 S 2d GAS COMPANIES . Cohen I. Mrs., 713 Cowden Harrisburg, 14 S 2d N., Cranberry Plntsch Compressing Co .. 405 S 2d Cohl'nBros.,410 S 13th Conn 43 Conover C. L., 1729 N 4th GAS FIXTURES. Conover C M.. 425 S 14th Lauver W. E. E., 2230 N 6th COllsuml'rs' Store Co .. 143 Hanna Consylman F. J .. 1101 N 2d GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Crawford F. D .. 1902 State (See also Clothiers): Crown shield H. E., 1532 N 6th Aldrlcb J. C., 1117 N 3d Cushman F. A.. 1637 Swatara Day C. H .. 1630 N 6th Dare E. J., 437 Reily Doutrlch & Co .. 304 Market DavidSon E. Mrs .. 517 South Duey C. R., 302 Verbeke DeGraw G. 0 . 119 S 2d Garonzlk D., 409 Cumberland DeHart E. E., 601 Muench Globe Clothing House, 324 Market Detwiler W. E., 27 S 13th Goldsmith A., 228 Market Devor H. C., 224 Kelker Hub, 320 Market Elder E. M. Mrs .. 1247 Mulbl'rry Kinnard L. B., (eat), 306 Verbeke Enders A. E., 70 N 13th Marks B. '" Son, 401-403 Market Enders R. A., 1801 and 1803 N 6th Messersmith J. B., 212 Market EI'dross S. L., 960 S 21st Shearer J. L., 204 Market Etter C. & Son, 601 State --------- ---------


Sides '" Sides, 205 Maricet Wert I. A., 926 N 6th

Fackler C. H., Ul48 State Faus J., lr., ]004 Market Fink K. 0., 1646 Swatara GEOLOGISTS. Fisher W., 128 Dock Demming B. C. Col., 17 N 3d Foerster G., jr., MO Race Fortenbaugh J., 1726 N 4th GRAIN BROKERS. Bpar W. L. & Co .. Parlor A. Boiton Frantz J. H., 1702 N 3d Freibergl'r M. F., 1308 Wallace House Frick C. A., 428 Reily GRAIN ELEVATORS. Gable W. T., 2022 Derry Galdino E.. 209 Mulber~ Mock'" Hartman. 7th c Emerald Garland S. H . 2000 N 5th GRANITE. Garrett E. Mrs., 621 Wiconisco Gentsllder J. J., 234 Verbeke See Marble Workera. Gibson & Miller. 1008 ~ 3d GROCERS (RETAIL). Gross M., 438 Walnut Aronson B. 504 Walnut Gross N .. 2015 N 6th Aronson J., 1423 N 4th Gutshall G. F. & Bro., 1400 N 6th Arsch R. Mrs . 712 Cowden Guyer J. H., 2166 ~ 7th Badorf James A. G.. Derry c 19th Harlackel' J. C., 215 Walnut Ballets J. A., 713 S Front Harris W., 1929 N 6th Baker G. W., 1100 N 6th Hl'fkln L .. 2026 N 5th Herman H. G., 1214 N Cameron Balmer S. H . 42 Balm Balsley G., 220 N 2d Hl'trick J. I., 1600 Reglna Basklnd A.. 331 S 14th Hlrtley M. :\Irs .. 837 SlOth Hocker H. H., 104 Tuscarora Bates E. F. '" Bro .. 724 ~ 6th Bealor & Bro., 1701 Market Hockl'r L. A. Mrs., 1047 S 22JAr Bittner C. M. Mrs., 32 S 18th Hotrman W. H .. 1531 Derry Blosser A. C., 1605 N 6th Hotrman & McFalls, 1838 N 3d Blumenstein C., 1438 Derry Holbert J. C., 621 Hamilton Boak W. A., 131 Verbeke Houseman C., 1724 N 3d Bollendorf M., 24 N 17th Houser M., 1930 Fulton Howard B. B., 1516 Derry Bomberger J. K., 1946 N 6th Bowman S., 211 Chestnut Hubbs E. J .. 2017 Kensington


Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.
Hutton J. N., 347 Muench Ingram D., 611 Mahantongo IS8acman B. H., 618 South Jacobson J., 700 N 7th Jones E. E. Mrs., 208 South Kantor M. Mrs., 1316 N 4th Katz J. W., 1101 Herr Katz W .. 344 Muench Katzman A., 630 Boas Katzman D., 1200 N Cameron Katzman S., 1100 N 7th Kaufman L., 1601 Hunter Keller G. W., 618 CUmberland Kelster \V. A. & Son. 187 N Front, St('('lton Kellam A. C. Mrs., 1740 Walnut Kennedy J. W., 1082 S Cameron Kennedy W. A.. 1846 North Kerper H. W., 234 North Kerr X. J., 400 Reily Kimmel W . 515 N 2d Kinsinger S. T., 2161 N 4th Kinter L., 1218 Mulberry Kirkland J. A., 218 Peffer Kitchen A. P . 98 N 17th Kline D. J . 114 Washington Klompus D.. Dewberry c Cherry Knox.& Meckley, 1302 N 3d Kofalt M.. 8-14 S 2d, StPelton Kramer I. W., 400 Cumberland Kramer M. E. Mrs . 670 Calder Kreidler A. H. & Bro., 100 N Zd Krentzman A. I.. 339 S Cameron Krieg A. L.. 210 Muench Lantz W. L., 1948 N 6th Leedy C. D., 1313 Market Pressler C. W., 723 N 6th Pruss B., 10 Cowden Rachman J. D., 320 Reily Raine M. A. Mrs., 571 Race Ralston M., 1701 N 4th Rappoport C. Mrs.. 329 Calder Reese H., 2200 N 6th Relf F. J., 665 Woodbine Remmer R., 1220 N Cameron Rhoads D., 1401 N 2d Richards J . 662 Woodbine Rishel J. A., 416 Calder Rosen J., 606 N cameron Rosenberg E., 1067 S 9th Ross E. C.. 616 Race Ruder J., 1239 Swatara Rumberger P. J., 2020 Derry Runkle G. E., 1924 State Runkle H. E .. 193 N 15th Runkle W. M.. 1601 Regina Salllto J. H., 1643 N 6th Schaeffer A., 1116 N Cameron Schenk A. W., 1500 Berryhill Schreckengost S. A., 645 Schuylkill Sebourn J. H., 1127 Green Seiple M. Mrs .. 821 North Seltz I. 'M .. 2622 Jefferson Selsam J. T., 400 Verbeke Shammo L. C., 609 State Shanabrook C. M.. 622 Rell,. Sheaffer E.E., 431 SlOth Shearer W. M., 1436 Swatara Sheesley H. F., 901 S 9th Sheesley J. H., 601 Walnut Shein M., 312 Cherry Sherman D., 1018 N 7th

< U)




MILLER BROS. " BAKER} ":5~b:iI!:'~~1I:

Leedy S. K . 2019 Green Lehman E. W., 1U6 Derry Lehr J. M., 1066 S Cameron Levin 1.. 514 N 5th Lingle J. F., 646 Peffer Lipman I., 619 Herr Lipman M. S., 462 Cum'berland Lodge G. H., 1622 N 4th Long H. H., 1827 N 7th Mackenaon C. T., 117 Paxton McCoy A., 610 South MacDonald J. B., 136 S 14th McGran R., 1608 Walnut Meckley E. E . 2017 N Cameron Mehring E. T., 1601 N 4th Meminger C. C., 1021 Green MllIer J. P., 1260 Market Moesleln C. J., 2301 N 6th Moore W. H., 1217 N 6th Moyer W.O., 1600 Market Myers G. W., 11 N 13th Myers M. A. Mrs., 1719 N 7th Neumyer W. H., 2000 N 4th Olewlne B., 1820 N 6th Orr L. G., 2017 Forster Orth C. M., 224 Harris Orth G. W., 423 State Parthemore J. G., 1300 State People's Grocery, 1720 N 3d Peters R. J. 01: Son. 620 N 3d Phillips H. A., 1637 State Pocomlnsky S., 620 'Filbert Pollock D., 11 N 4th Pomeroy S. S., 8 S 2d Potteiger J., 24 N 13th Sherman H. H . 1926 N 7th Sherman M., 634 Walnut Sholl J., 1422 N 4th Showvaker E. G., 35 S 3d Sigler M. A., 1400 Market SlItzer A., 1020 Market Smith C. H., 235 Crescent Smith C. J., 322 Verbeke Smith G. C., 2117 Greenwood Smith J., 1948 Swatara Smith J. P., 1200 N 2d Smith M., 603 Cowden Smith & Son, 321 Boas Sneeringer J. R., 224 Hamilton Snyder W. R., 431 Verbeke Sourbeer H. S., 500 S 13th Sourbler M. W. Mrs., 1246 Klttatinny Springer E. N., 1347 Vernon Steelton Store Co., Ltd., Locust Dr canal, Steelton Stevens C. C., 1029 Market Stoufer F. E., 1905 Derry Strayer C. F., 319 Verbeke Strock A., 2030 N 7th Studebaker C., 421 N 2d Swavely E. & C. 01: Co" 208 N 14th Swller J. H., 1201 N 7th Toomey M. E. Mrs., 621 Harrta Trlpner G. C., 1640 N 6th Trlpner J. H., 312 Verbeke Uhler W. H., 2417 N 6th VanCamp W. L., 1518 N 6th Vanmeter J. M., 416 Forster Wagenhelm H. N., 1123 S 9th




! ,..,.



Harrisburg Hat Co., (whol), 6'h NO 2d Kinnard L. B., (est), 305 Verbeke Pyne J., 5 N 3d Schlelsner tI: Klein, 28-32 N 3d HOME FURNISHING GOODS. People's Furnishing Co., 330 Verbeke HORSESHOERS. See Blacksmiths. HOSIERY MFRS. Harrisburg Knl~t1ng Mm, 2145 N 7tb Wellknlt Hosiery Co., Bth c' Haehnlen HOTELS. Acrl M., 404 Chestnut Bolton, J. H. tI: M. S. Butterworth. 21 N 2d Broad Street, Aldinger 0\1: Feeser, 325 Verbeke Capital, F. Cunningham, 137 N 4th Central Hotel, Shelley Bros., 129135 S Front, Steelton Central (The), R. L. Stewart, 311 Market Collins W. C., 123 S 3d Columbus Annex, X. E. Russ, 20S; Walnut Commonwealth, J. A. Clement, 201 Market Coulfer House. 'L. C. Keim, propr,. 169-171 N Front. Steelton


Harrisburg.Classified Business 1908.

Walborn A., 638 Verbeke Weaver J. S., 1607 N 6th Wengert W. P., 1528 Derry Wenrich W. B., 1048 S 9th Wieeemann W. A., 128 S 2d Wise A. Mr. , 1153 Cumberland Wise T., 431 North Wolbert H. B., 717 N 3d Wolfshon J., 633 Walnut Yolte I., 600 North Young G. G., 1000 S Cameron Zamplro Bros.. 215 S 2d Zeiders E., 31 N 13th Zeiders E. C., 1316 Swatara Ziegler J .. 33 S 16th GROCERS (WHOLESALE). Evans-Burtnett Co., 334-338 Chelt nut Hbg Grocery and Produce Co., 101103 S 2d Witman-Schwarz Co., 613-617 Wal nut GUNSMITHS. Capital City Repair Co., 4111A1 M1rt HAIRDRESSERS. (See also Barbera). Brown A. C., 267 Brlgga Cr('ssw('11 D. Xrs., 32 N 2d HARDWARE. Bricker J. K .. 1732 N 6th Compton's Hardware Store, 22 N 2d

'Dale G_n'T _d laret,y Co. {""" lIIa"'llralln, EIK'IIn, .......... { I IH',",

o o

_____..... P _ -

Tllllln ... 1111" -.... " J...... lral'l

'ra' ....


o J

Gable H. A., 117 S 2d GUbert H. tI: Son, 219 Market Harrar tI: ChamberUn (uddlery), 323 Verbeke Hhg Hardware Co., Inc., 5 N 2d KUlInger W. H., 27 S 13th Xaginnls W. F., 13 N Front, Steelton Martz Bros., 303 Market Miller D. Z., 7 N 13th Ryder Hardware Store, 1228 N 3d Santo J. H., 1643 N 6th Strayer O. F., 1220 N 3d




Dauphin (The), C. W, Herlhey, 109' Market DeNoon E. 'E., 314 Verbeke Eagle House, C. E. Cummings, 9(0 N 7th Ehlcheld J. R.. 501 Xarket Exchange, I. Furber, 542 North Fifth Ward, J. L. Morgenthaler, 937 N 3d Fox 0., 236 S 2d Globe, A. L. Taylor. 601 Cumberland Grand W. H. Sidle, 314 Market Grape, J. F. Haas, 559 Race Harris House, Roval oil: Gonnella, 20 HARNESS AND TRUNKS. N 3d Breckenmaker A. K., 24 S Dew- Heist A. C., 727-729 State Heist F. L. Mrs., Eagle Hotel, 625 berry Race Fohl C. S. 1008 Market Henry T. Henry. 231 Strawberry Harrar 0\1: Chamberlin. 323 Verbeke HE'rshE'Y House, D. U. Hersbey, 327' Hbg Harness and Saddlery Co., 19 Market S 3d Holfman E. G.. 441 Market Lefever C. L., 1215 Capital Hotel AJdlne., F. B. Aldinger, 43& REDMOND A., 1500 N 3d Market Hotel E. Russ, E. RI:ss. 10U1-0S and 3d c Boyd Market Regal Umbrella Co., 101 N 2d Hotel Gilbert, George Gilbert. Iflli Smltll P. A., 501 Walnut N 3d WalmE'r N. A., 24 S 3d Hotel Hare. H. M. Hare, 421 Walnut Weigel Bros., 307 Verbeke Hotel KoblE'r. G. Kobler. 1232 N 6th HotE'1 Rife. W. H. Rife. ~26 Walnut HATS, CAPS AND FURS. Hotel Russ. H. F. Ecklnger. 423 Aldrich J. C .. 1117 N 3d :\lsrkE't Central Hat Store. 1 N 3d Hursh D. F .. 300 VE'rbeke Dodge H. C .. 17 N 3d Jackson. R. C. Birmingham, 1306 N Duey C. R., 302 Verbeke 7tb

l A B TACK r:l'nHolas 1Iak. . . 8DeG1al~JDof TlDu {U'. 11.84" PabUe BaIld1Dp PIala lIIIUllla&elGIfta
Harrisburg Clauified Business, 1908.
.Kapphan R Mrs., 324 Verbeke Lancaster House, J. mcklnser, 21 Cowden LeRoy A. Sansone, 621-623 State Lochlel. C. Dulfy, Market c S 8d Maple Grove, A. Koenig, 2101 N 8th Martin C., 437 Market Mccarthy D. F., 624 State .Merchants', F. Mccabe, 126 Chestnut .Metropolitan Hotel, 437-439 Xarket Moesleln F., 1235 N 8th Mt. Pleasant, S. Conoll, Market c Cameron National, F. W. Ebel, State c 4th .Paxton, J. W. Rodenhaver, 1108 Mkt Penna., A. J. White, 313 Verbeke Penna. R. R. House, W. T. Hamilton, 123i N 7th .Russ J., 212 Strawberr)' .St. James, J. Stiner, 406-407 Market Senate, J. Russ, 2-4 N 2d Simons D., 401 Verbeke .spot, C. Spotts, 1021-1023 N 7th Star, J. L. Wohlfarth, 323 Reily State Capital, J. J. Armento, 117 Walnut .Susquehanna Hotel, F. RakOVlkl, 527 Race United States, C. G. Ecklnger, 612620 Market "Wagner, A. Mourer, 400-402 Forster 'Wall J. G., Wallace c Cumberland Washington, J. A. Brougher, 1i17 Walnut White Hall, 217 Xarket Myers C . 1733 N 6th Shook J. M., 61 N 13th Shook oil: Gemmill, H04 North Spansenberg B. R., 607 Relly Sweger J.. 1626 Wallace Wolf C. R . 234 Hummel INSTALLMENT HOUSES, Burns oil: Co., 28 S 2d Fersl I., 628 Forster Gately oil: Fitzgerald Supply Co., 31-33 S 2d Hbg Supply Co., 101 Filbert Miller, Kades 01: Co., 1000 N 3d People's Furn'g Co., 330 Verbeke Reichert B. H., 1500 Regina INSURANCE. Adler C.. 703 N 3d Aetna Life Insurance Co., 76 Union Trust bldg -Alleman M. R., 145 N Front, Steel ton American Assurance Co., 8 N 2d American Casualty Co. of ReadInc, 1864 Swatara


BALSBAUGH 6: SHAFFNER, rooms 55 and 58 Union Trust bldg

Balto. Life Ins. Co., 9 S 2d Bird oil: Nickey, 63-64 Union Trust Co. bldg Bishop W.O., 1302 William


'Wnlon D. A., 3d c Mulberr)' 'WIlt 01: Crozier, 1303 N 3d HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Imperial Novelty Store Co., 1201 N 3d People'. Furnishing Co., 330 Verbeke .Sebold H. 0 .. 1316 N 3d Yolfe J .. 1301 Fulton HUCKSTERS. See Fl.h. Oysters, &C.

Salings aDd Laan AUDit .1:':: :D <

Brightbill D. E., 1& N 2d



BOWMAN D. G., room 1 Security Trust bldg, 38 :D. o N 3d BRINTONPACKER CO., 2d c Walnut
Buck C., 36 UnIon Trust bldg Bushnell W. F., Union Trust bldg Canada Life Assurance Co 7 N 2d Carl R. A., 31 N 2d caveny S. B., 204 S 2d Cltlzenl' Calualty Co., 9 N 2d Colonial Life Ins. Co. of America, 16 N 2d Commonwealth Beneflclal Assn.. 5 N 2d Conn. Mutual Life., 35 Union Trust bldg Cook R. F., 9 N 2d Daniell J. F . 21 N 3d Dapp J. F., 421 Verbeke Dare E. O. oil: Son, 19 N 3d Driscoll W. H., 625 N 4th -Dunkle Bros., 148 N Front. Steelton Eby B. F., 1922 Derr)' Eckenrode J, W., 103 N 2d Equitable Life Ins. Co., Union Trust Co. bldg Essick W.S., genl agt Aetna Llf.. Ins. Co .. 75 UnIon Trust bldg Etter G. E., 213 Walnut Fager E. J., 8 N 2d

n .

ICE. Lathe H. W., 608 Woodbine .Moyer Bros., 20th c Brookwood Newmyer F., 76 N 17th People's Ice Co 1618 N 8d 'Unlted Ice and Coal Co., malD Cowden c Forster; hranch omces. 3d c Cumberland, 10th c Chelt nut, Howard c 14th, Conestoga c Frederick and 240 S Front, Steelton ICE CREAM. Brenneman E. S., 108 S 18th cartwrlght W. A., 1823 N 3d Case E. W., 923 N 3d Colfee E. M.. 129 N 4th Crystal Ice Cream Co., 1813 N 3d Decker S. A. Mrl. 1987 N 6th Dietrich A. B., 1015 N 3d ~h F. C., 819 Walnut, 1428 Mkt .Golden M. 1.., 718 Race .Lutz A.. 411 N 2d


H. M. KELLEY &, CO. UIIICe8. :'~':':J.~ {COAL AND WOOD

72 Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908,
Sheafer H. J. '" Co., 32 N 3d Suydam F., 4 N 3d Swengel A. W., 219 S 13th Travelers Ins. Co., 321 Market Turner L. W., 29 N 2d Weakley C. S. &: Co., 11 N 2d Wengert W. A., 1432 Walnut W\IIiams R., 8 N 2d INVESTMENTS. General Underwriting Co., r 200 N 2d Watson R. W., 14 S 2d IRON FENCE MANUFACTURERS. OFlynn W. M.. 136 S Front, Steelton Fought M. A., 217 North Fox D. H., 29 N 2d Freeburn H. H., 1400 N 3d UerlDan J. W., If S 2d Gipple J. E., 1309 Walnut HalDlDond &: BaUey, 22 N 2d Hbg Underwriters' Assn., 4 N Court Heisler M. 1..., 14 8 2d Hershey C. M., 9 8 2d Hurley W. F., 37 Union Trust bldg Jones J. P., 9 N 2d Keystone IndelDnlty Co., 321 Market Leavenworth E. A., 1935 N 3d Lelb F. R. &: 80n, 18 N 3d Levine I... U., 15 8 2d Llesmann F. W. &: Son, 534 Race Macdonald H. J., 103 Market Maloney J. H., 1 Security Trust bldg





REMPPIS W. F. CO., Water above Lancaster Bridge, Reading, Pa. see adv front cover



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IRON FOUNDER8 AND MACHIN18TS. McGill P. F., 412 Market Cooper E. N. '" Co., 130 Short Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., John Hbg Foundry and Machine Wora. Heathcote, supt, 4 S 2d 7th c Curtin Michigan Mutual Life Ina. Co. of Hickok W. O. Mfg. Co., Canal 0 Detroit, 21 N 3d North M\IIer Bros. &: Baker, Federal sq Lalance &: Grosjean Mfg. Co., DIMiller 1'0 103 N 2d vision c Jelferson MUlers Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 1 S 3d IRON MANUFACTURERS. Moore A. C., 2130 Moore Morrison J. R., 105 N 2d Central Iron and Steel Co., Front Musser J. H., 213 Walnut bel Dock Eleanor Iron Co., Lochlel M_u_t_ual_B_en_e~t Assn .. 26 N 3d



L., 321

I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U6 N. 3d SL Z OMutual Fire Ins Hbg Rolling o Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of Hummels- Lucknow IronMillCoCo.4 Lo~h~lei town Lawrence Iron .. N 3d Co. of Hummelsand Steel Co., 14 8 O 8 2d Penna. Steel Co., Steelton


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National Benellt ASBOclation, 446 State National Permanent Relief A1I8n. of America. 8 N 2d National Protective Legion, 8 N 211 Neron D. W., 392 S 2d, Steelton New England Mutual Life Ina. Co" 4 N 3d New York Life Ins. Co., 42 Union Trust bldg Northwestern Mutual Life Ina. Co., J. F. Eaton, 226 N 3d Orcutt C. B., 267 Cumberland Orth H. C., 208 Chestnut Page &: Page, 202 Walnut Parthemore &: Quigley, 1113 N 3d Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., 103 N 2d Peoples' Mutual Life Ins. Assn. and League, 16 N 2d Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co., 106 N2d Provident Life and Trust Co. of Phlla.. 4 N 3d Prudential Ins. Co., W. H. Bushnell, supt, 20 N 2d Rankin E. B. &: Co .. 317 Walnut Rettew C. V., 901 N 3d Rockafellar T. B., 272 North Rohrer J. F. &: Son, 24 N 2d Royal Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, 9 N 2d St. Lawrence Life Assn., 21 N 3d

Pinkney Iron Co., 4 N 3d Tyrone Iron Co., 222 Market IRON RAILING MFRS .

REMPPIS W. F. CO., Water above Lancaster B'd R d' P r1 ge, ea lng. a. see adv front cover
JEWELERS . See Watchmakers. JUNK. See Rag Warehouse .

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Carroll M. C., Whitehall ab 18th LADIES' CLOAKS AND SUITS. Hetrick I .. A. Mrs., 24-26 S 24 Witmer, Balr &: Witwer, 202 Walnut LAUNDRIES. Allison Hill Laundry, 306 S 15th Arcade Laundry. Granite c Logan Capital City Steam, 316 Market City Star, W. E. Orth, 414-418 State Crescent Laundry Co., 28-34 N . Cameron and 140~ Derry Eureka Hand. 933-939 Rose Helrner D. F., 206 Chestnut


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Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.

" ~I~ ut ., 216 et ., jr., 15 Nl'Ild B. M., 15 N 2d Seitfer L. M., 222 Market issley , 7 N issley , 31 N Imste tamm 3d RL HA ,D. Orwig S. H., 4 ~ 3d Heffner, 206 Chestnut Ott F. M., 222 Market Sanitary Family Was'blng Co., 16th Patterson J E., 222 Market 1m earao 2 N t Ho & S y, 15 eed G 5 N 3 ton oth F . . , 6 N 2 LAWYERS. Rupp S. S., 4 N 3d Alrlcks J. H., 11 ~ 2d Segelbaum H. 'A., 15 N 2d eltz D 22 Ma k ksL. IN2 hoema .,9 N nstoe ,14 N hopp 4 N tt G. 1 N 2 Snodgrass F. P., 17 N 3d Beidleman E. E., 16 N 2d Snodgrass R., 17 N 3d Bergner C. H., 4 N 3d Snodgrass & Snodgrass, 17 N 3d Bowman 1. P., 36 N 3d nyder 0 N 3 J. T N 3d t A. 22 Ma nyder S., 5 teeve ., 222 et H. M Mark Stranahan J, A., 15 N 2d Care R. S., 409 Market Carter W. J., 420 Market Stroh C. C.. 222 Market Conklin J. J., 16 N 2d Stroup M. E., 15 X 2d by W Trust bldg, tucke 15 N Front -Iton wartz berge Swar Unlo st bl ~ s G. ., 3d c et "Dress H. L., 15 ~ Front, Steelton Van Dyke T. K., ~1 X 3d Dull C., 26 N 3d Wallace R. B., 16 N 2d Durbin L. J 9 N 2d Weles J F 216 Market est W 3d c 'ert 4 N togle G .. 21 Hlng, 3d Keystone, 620 Harris Kwong Lee. 412 Walnut Mark How, 1258 Market Lee, 2d Mow, N 6tb



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Hughes J. (est), 416 Strawberry Eastman F M 211 Locust 'Icke F. B 3d WaIn B. F Volte ley, 1 C., 54 on Tr swort legle . ., 18 bldg Zimmerman S. H., 412 Sorth Feight A. J., 63 Union Trust bldg Forster B. L., 32 N 3d LA YERS OUT OF THE DEAD. H. C., 2d J. E., 2d eame Mrs., tate r J. R N 2d Drawb C. C. . 522 Gilbert L. D . 4' N 3d Messimer A. C., 304 Cherry Gray F. M., 4 N 3d LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Hain W. M., 333 Market eman " 222 et ohn Bro., imros eman ., 124 berry Earley . & S 4 N 2 est & est, 2 rket chiff ., 514 den Herman J. A .. 333 Market LIME, SAND AND HAIR. Herr D. C., 14 S 24 Galbraith B. G., (also plaster and Hershey E, M., 14 N 3d Locust cem 7th c n ck & man. Gerloc utz, 1 Mulbe son E 222 M Marks , 2d a eca bs J. N 3 Rhoads C. H. & Co., (also cement Jacobs M. W., 222 Market ;llastl'r and sewer pipe), 10th c Kautman D. L., 321 Market State Knupp H. E. 15 N 2d 0eRhoad E., (al aster kel P. 2 N C men wden rater et berto ., 216 y S. S., N 2d LIQUORS. Lerner M. M., 9 N 2d and 14 N See Wines and Liquors. Court ar H. H 135 N 4th D SALE OARD LIVE oukey ,7 N ABLES ANG dlth 4 N Allen "' 231 berry Meyers W, K., 16 N 2 Clark F. W .. Moltk" c Minnie Middleton W. H., 4 N 3d Davis & Hargest, 302 Muench M\ller F. C . 213 Walnut Fowle W 0., 5(fj Strawberry hell E 16 N 2








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ABE N G A 'I E T,) K m to " , 26 M io Hartman J. H., 324 Blackberry ea y o. K 's n M bl &l J nk ns W. A., 3 N t Granite Works, Cameron nr State Kchn r . , 16W d ob 0 m nt 1 .vo ke, 5 5.) MlIler J. R., 350 Verbeke N 13th un Ie N. S .. 1133 Market I D A r 91 N d aw 0 B -s. 82 M rk t Neel:r J. M. 117-121 S 3d Low W. H., 14th c Herr o e B 8., Court c Cr..llberr:r '.t:e 81 e 1'0, 24 S I '0 !'Iaul M. F. 15 4 Siabach E. 0., 233 Blackberry Steelton SalyS.E.2 abr MASSEURS AND ~SSEUS"'.s. Taylor F. E.. 312 Blackberry and 28 S C e on Albright A., 709 East Wallis Bros., Ha hnlen c r e er'n 0 J. L .. 1 0 Reel E Mrs., 1119 N 3d
-0 N 0 P N S

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Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., Howard c 14th 01 om e Mfg. 0., 0 bel State M A ARKETS .

~ m:J, ILJ ~.irlll ~.-.

LOCKSMITliS CrUlD D., 1 N 9th It V' , 46 Re in Shisler A. H., 1408 N 3d

e ce Ih V. H .. 2 mp oy es DI eo nt 0 . 2 ~ecurlty Blair 0 M, 319 Ha II n Trust bId oyer Bros., 758 S 19th arr 8burg Luan and Deposlt Co., ra on y . . 0 N th 5% S d Cannon D. K., 1247 Market Home Realty Co .. 6% N 2d ha Ie J . . , 1 h r=CU.JE...iJLD ':"', Dean J W. 1?55 Mulb rry C") ~. N 2,' ar ne V.. " 1 42 6th .. 3 W In t nd S 1NDFP~~D~~T ro~r Oro s c Currant SECURITY CO , R N 2i1 a er W & on In la c a IItual UClan Co., 4 N 3d Hart M. H .. 1123 N Cameron I an E. E. 8 ei hI . I.. 2.. . or
I' ' . { -I ra _ _ PIllA. F.IIIII..., If o-tn

2u c Vvamut

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LUMBER. ell J.. 911 Cowden aDD ( t) 2d In 1 _9 el Central MlIl and Lumber Co., N Kri g " 38 Ha I on 9t I ar et Lippman B. G., 632 Mahantongo Ensminger Lumber en, 17th '1.1 k v S n, 46 '. ron, D ry Steelton Hant m n . " 0 rl gs ayers A., (wholesale), 927 \'f 3d Hartman E. B .. 213 Walnut e r ri "' 2 A gl a III r 2 N 7t Wittenmyer Lumber Co. 7th c Moses B. F. 1827 N 6th and 6'>' F rr t . Se u) kl \10 8 V. S .. 12 " 'j MCI R PLS Nelson \V. N., 1420 Derry McKllII sA., 421 So '.h 'p m) r '. H. 20 ) . 1 h Reichert J A, ~14 Ra A H NI T hoads H. K .. 1601 Swatara See Iron Founders. ei I " 0 1\1 en h bg Engineering Co .. 7th c Kelker Siabach E. G., 217 Che.tnut er a M ch e h , 6 4t m h . H., 1 3 . ~d n 1 5 Jackson Mfg. Co .. 4th c Boyd Derry touffer H. H., 449 \ erbeke MANICURES. a e , 4 6 S a er n ay A. M. Mrs .. 201 Bergner bldg Thomas W. D., 1214 Bailey Va e H 34 St te an 6 ~a r . ., 10 N Herr \\eber O. Mrs., 118 S 2d .ve m n ., 14 2 MANTEL WORKS. Yea e F C. 16 ,ar et Young H. F., 506 Walnut oopes H. A., 42 Verbeae a e B. F. 22 6 Lau er WEE 2 0 h
... _ - -

32 S al er Hess D. B.. 1929 Boas o e J., 32 S 6t Hull B"'ls 1~23 Lo n Kelchner I. S .. 1520 Logan Ip K 21 N th Koons H. C., 26q Cumberl nd a d

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MINCE MEAT. MERCANTILE AGENCIES. Dun G. Co., 2 M et nne E. 10 13t Merchants' and Manufacturers' As- Brenneman W. H., 12th c Hamilton socia tlon, 16 N 2d OD MA RS. ER AN AI S. cLaug n J. T. W., 425 South (See also Clothiers, also TaJlors). MUSIC, & Bernh Isel 22 ell S Pia and gan apl ., 3 erd Capln S., 1002 N 3d NAIL MANUFACTURERS. Cook J. H., 1001 N 3d ap eN Wo (C el uey R., 2 V eke lley Co., nc.), ront bel Doc an n lot C ., 1316. 3d Gaeta C., 14 S 4th NEWSDEALERS. Gast k W ,17 N 3 al Boo lers etr & stw e, 1 4th Houtz W. H., 310 Verbeke Hbg :-lews Agency, 1~ S !M. Huggins E. J .. 207 Locust H ffma B. 8 lot et ck S., N wbe mfo A. L he mm eal at 8 J. " 3 Rely Union News Co., P. R. R. and P. & Mehring C., 1423'h N 3d R. depots eh H. 14 6 NE SPA RS. 00 A. A 1210 arke .Rosa H. C., 21 N 3d Harrisburg Xewspapers, see page St. Clair A. L., 1240 Market 1 hne an 521 4th H. Sle elt Rep er, hop . .. 1239 arket 154 S Front, Steelton Simms A. J .. 22 N 4th tou . C Co. N 00 EM UF TU RS. elz F. 11 S m th S. R. Co., 36-40 N Cameron MILK DEALERS. NOTA Ll 1U"Il" t C ., 1 De ell' La rs). fook B., 1M rl7 CUmberland Vallq Milk Depot, -Aileman M. R . 146 N Front, Steel2112 Atlas n










OUR}H arrIs urI b

Sngs d L A laNorUa ay i an Dan ssn.8<I Street

are L. 42 ket Fetterhoff J., 1817 N Cameron Fredrlchson C., 1272 State ull C., H el Iste . F., :I!! oas IAtz E. E .. 171 N 15th ye W. 192 rig '011 Y.. 0 R Owen C. M.. 201 N 15th Stephfonson H F., 624 Cam Will s J ., 1 Pe 'olt J. Coo 1423 Shoop Zimmerman S. S., 211 N 2d

or C., Co Bergner G.. 4 N 3d ma .0 6N dy T., Nt 3 Bretz H. M., 222 Market C e R ~,40 'iark I H . 4 14 Cullmerry O. L . 222 Market Earnest W. H., 3d c Market Dag J. A 11 U8t mlng . Vi-., 00 ,26 3d Freeburn H. H., 1400 N 3d pIe E.. 9 W ut LLI RS. rshe . M 4 N Hoster A. W., 1864 Swatara Astrlch H., 400 Market Jackson E. W. 222 Market Baker A. B., 710 N 3d kel A. N rt ark M. 925 3d e8mann F. " 534 ace enD ),1. . 11 N 3d MansbergerE. Eoo 20 N 2d Blerbower A. Mrs., 558 Race ler S., ate 8th Bon Sho 1727 6th ler C., W t Cars N. 160 nn -Neron D. W., 392 S 2d, Steelton Frankem C., 6 S 4th Nlesley H L., 7 N 3d Gove E .. 6 S 2d lie,. C. 1 N Har I A ra., 13 3d age S. S., 105 N 2d am son K. rs. (est), 1213 N 8th Kolbenschlag A. E. & Sister, 17 S 3d Roth F. J., 16 N 2d dgr F. 17 d Lau M. 15 N der S., 3d Ite I A. 31 rig Sourbeer H., jr., 1321 N 8th Opperman & Baker, 26 N 2d Stover R G., 22 Union Trust bldg Pines L. lrl 1322 N 6th ckl P. A 216 ke ub t E ., 2 N 2 Stroh C. C., 222 Market Schweitzer R., 814 N 3d Swengel A. W., 219 S 13th Wailler E. Mrs., 27 S 2d lor B., Ma &t Wilt E. 0 N ber B. Un T bl :et.- C. 18 4th
H A fI fll.aU flC!i,!I fI II!JG; \~


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H M KELLEY & CO'S -Black Dlamond8 WheDt ttOl~ .1. 'lI'a ..... 1IIrf~1d .... :yon De:ltt ord"r. Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.


Winters E. M., 204 Market Ziegler F. E., 18 N 3d NOTIONS. (See also Drygoods. also VarieUea). Brodkin G., 1127 N cameron Burchfield A., 1738 N 5th Clsster J., 112 Market and 6% N 2d Cohen H., 202 Market Colbert A. E .. 616 Schuylklll GuteHus S. J., 28 N 2d Hallem N. Mrs., 605% State Heagy R. Mrs., 1516% N 4th Hench N. I. &: Co., 7 N 2d Hench &: WlIson, 325 Market Lehman A.. 355 S 13th Levi J., 600 Walnut Lukens A. N., 302 Relly ,Martin S. K., 1498 N 7th McCloskey A. E., 1236 Market MlIler D. H., 1931 N 6th Reese C. W. Mrs., 1419 N 3d Robinson &: Co., 1300 N 3d Sample A. V. Mrs., 1722 N 4th Smith R. 1. &: Co., 412 Market Sweigard J. W . 1240 Derry Veaner A., 627 Cumberland NOVELTIES. Kaseel Novelty Co" 1119 Derry Myers Mfg Co.. 1127 N 3d Sipe A. D. &: Sons. 1701% N 4th NURSERIES. Belle Vue Nurseries, L. F. HaeItblen, Holly beyond llmlts

*REMPPIS W. F Reading, Pa

CO . -


PAINTERS. Acme Sign Co., 26 N 3d Anderson T. W., 700 Race Baker G. W. &: Son. 1923 North Baker H. W., 216 Boas

BAKER M. G., ,,30 Cranberry

Bannan G., 124 Strawberry Bayles H. T., 1600 Market Bear H. A., 209 South Bell T. A., 820 N 3d Bergstresser W. E .. 118 S Court Dare J. E., 1530 Regina Delmler R. R.. 1830 Derry Dettling H., 1013 SlOth Fells C. M .. 812 Market Fetterhoff G. F .. Jr., 2231 JelfersoD

FISHER E. A" ,est), 101t N 3d

Gates L .. 322 Herr Gohl &: Bruaw, 208 and 305 Strawberry Goodyear C. M., 7 S 13th Greene Sign Co . 225 M'arket Hartman J. J .. 513 lluench Hoover F. E., 1909 Briggs K('ener W. H .. 1253 Mulberry LIngle B'., 312 Boas Maglaughlln J. J., 701 N 2d



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LaJ C GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d SL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -LaJ Berryhill Nursery, Berryhill and MurphyJ.J.,C.,1408 Penn 6th Peffer 1921 N 13th
Woods T. A., York nr Ash OCULISTS. Cocklln C. C.. 126 Walnut Coyl(' A. L., 8 N 2d Shope S. Z., 1642 N 3d ODORLESS EXCA VA TORS. Fleck' H. P., 1235 N 7th Potter O. R., 1016 ~:larket Poulton J. S., 20 S D?wberry Poulton S. W., 1103 N 6th Reed G. H.. 1929 Elizabeth Sch1'l'iner ,E. H .. 433 Harl'is Skane J., 1730" N 4th Swigert J. R .. 1425 Rf'gina Wilson J. E .. 1422 William

WILSON T. C. & CO.,1317 Market

OILS. PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. Atlantlc Refining Co., 2207 N 7th Gohl's Paint Supply Co., 305 StrawHenry O. &: Son, Paxton c 9th berry Leonard M. E. Mrs., Hancock c Walnut PAPER BOX MANUFACTURERS.. Ferriday A. R.. 101-10i N CamOPTICIANS. eron Bo..vd Optical Co., 220 Locust PAPER DEALERS. Diener P. G., 408 MaJ\ket Donaldson Paper Co., 113 N 24 Faunce L. A., 1314 N 3d Johnston Paper Co., 17-19 S 2d Frltchey C. A., 902 N 3d Plank M. H., 1827 Penn Hamlin L., 81l" N 3d Roberts &. Meck, l15 Market Harrisburg Optical Co., 26 N 3d Kendall Optical Co.. 228 N 3d PAPERHAXG ERS. 'Marshall C. G., 924 Grand (See also Wall Papers). Poulton R. E. &: Co .. 331 Market Pratt R. D., 807 N 3d PASSENGER RAILWAYS. Rlnkenbach E. L., 1215 N 3d Central Penna. Traction Co.. 12 S Rlnkenbach J. S .. 1215 N 3d 2d Ross W. E., 11 N 4th Citizens', 12 S 2d Rubin &: Rubin, 310 Market East Harrisburg, 12 S 2d Tomlinson G. W .. 259 Briggs

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Harrisburg Classified Business. 1908.

Harrisburg, 12 S 2d Bbg and Hummelstown Street RaUway Co . 12 S 2d Harrisburg Traction Co., 12 S 2d Linglestown and Blue Mountain Street Railway Co.. 12 S 2d Middletown. Highspire & SteeltQn Street Railway Co., 12 S 2d


Mua!'er F. E., 16 N 3d PartbE'more & HockE'r. 30;; Market Phoebus Studio, 420 Market Roshon J. W . 215 Walnut Schriver C. C., 1213 N 3d


PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. Lett J., 111 N 2d PHYSICIANS. PASTE MANUFACTURERS. HarrIsburg Paste Works, 126 N Adama A. L.. 1000 S 9th BaudE'r G. W .. 1225 N 2d Cameron Pownall's Paste Worka, 128-130 N Bill G. E .. 819 N 3d Blahop S. S . 132 Walnut Cameron Bishop W. T., 211 Pine Blair T. S., 403 N 2d PATENT MEDICINES. Bomberger W. E. J., 1446 Market Adleman )1. F., 8 N 2d Bowman T. E., 1342 State Clark F. B., 1836 N 7th Brandt A. F., 111 N 4th Farley M. E . 225 S 15th Brothers W. R., P. & R. pass depot Gottschall A. B., 250 Hummel Bullck T. M., 317 N 2d. Kennedy Bros., 30 S 3d Carter C. L . 159 1 N 4th ..1 Lowery Bros., 320 S 16th Clark J. N., 306 Verbeke McNeil Medicine Co . 306 Verbeke Cocklin C. C. 126 Walnut Miller J. W., 316 Blackberry Coover F. W., 214 N 2d Shields J. D . 224 S 2d Coover H. R.. 1623 N 6th SnavelY M. S. Mrs . 1011 N 3d Crampton C. H .. 427 State Weigle G. H . 906 N 2d Crawford S. M., 413 Market Tolem Remedy Co., 21 N Sd Culp J. F 211 Locust Darlington E. E .. 1837 N ~th PATENT SOLICITORS. Deckard P. E., 413 Market Hoster A. W., 1864 Swatara DeVenney J. C., 1115 N 2d Sykes T. M., 14 S 2d Dickinson J. E., 228 N 2d Douglass W. T .. 1154 Derry PATTERNMAKER. Duff W. L .. 930 N 6th McLaughlin J. T. W . 426 South Eisenhart H. P . 1122 N 2d

-< en ...,.




PAVING. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 7th c Boa. Gramm Paving and Construction Co., (granoUthlc). 1902 Green Juniata Paving Co . 77 Union Trust bldg Shoemaker S. W. & Son, (granolithIc). 1545 N 6th Warner-QuInlan Asphalt Co., 222 Market PAWNBROKERS. Aronson C., 10 S 4th Battis F. C., 141 Short Brenner N. Son. 1315 N 3d Brenner N., 426 Walnut City Loan amce. 411 Market Cohen & Son. 431 Market TaussIg's J. Son!l, 420 Market PENSION ATTORNEYS. Hoster A. W . 1864 Swatara Sykes T. M., 14 S 2d PHONOGRAPHS. Floyd S. A., 8 N 2d PHOTOGRAPHERS. Callfornla Photo Co., 409 Market Fasnacht J. F., ~14 Market Gaugler E. K., 408 Market Kellberll J. H .. 103 N 2d Kepple E. C., 223 Market Kurzenknabe E. M.. 3 S 13th Moss C. F., 1257 Market

Ellenberger J. W., 922 N 3d Ensminger G. H.. 131 Chestnut Ewing C. M., 512 Reily Fager C. B., jr . 120 Walnut Fager J. H., 1234 N 6th Fager J. B., jr., 222 Pine Fager V. H .. 120 Walnut Farnsler H. H.. 1463 Markf?t Fishel H. W., 216 S 13th Foster J. E., 606 State Frltchey C. A., 902 N 3d Frltchey J. A .. 902 N 3d Funk D. S., 300 N 2d Garverlch F. H . 16~2 N 3d Graber L. K., 926 N 3d Gross H. F . 1412 N 2d Gunsaul I.. 29 N 2d Hamersly W. H .. 31 N 2d Hamilton H., 315 Walnut Hart C. V. 226 S 2d Hartman G. W . 120i N 3d Hartma!: P. A., 514 N 3d Hassler S. F., 270 North Hay J. W., 1402 N 3d Hetrick D. J .. 54 N 13th Holmes R. E.. 173" Stat" Hutton J. C . 5 S 4th Isenberg A. P.. 413 Market James E. H .. 608 N 3d James W. T., 1900 N 6th Jh"~N .... r.. ;~:~3 N 6th Kann F. TI .. 31:. N 2r1 Keene C. E. L . 18~:) Berryhill KlIllore F. D.. 2('11 N 6th Klugh O. R., 206 Walnut


lIeNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR f~"'...'=~r:.-::t{ 306 8rll.

.. .. ,; 'e!


Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.

Miller 1.. G .. 1232 Mulberry Sessemann H. C.. 218 Harris PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC, I<c. Baker O. F., 1319 N 6th Burns D. A., 1007 N 3d Cameron C, D., 2112 N 3d Cocklin M. G., 1204 N 3d KUl'Zenknabe J. H. Co . 1010 N 3d Ludwig Plano Co., 1007-09 N 3d Parthemore L. H., 712 N 3d Sigler C. 1'01., 30 N 2d Stlelf C. M.. 24 N 2d 'rroup J. H., 15 S 2d Wase E. B., 1105 N 3d Yohn Bros., 223 Market PICTURES AND FRAMES. Bellman W., 22 N Cameron Black E. B., 117 Market Gastrock W. M., 404 State Hayman 1.., 417 Walnut McClune T. R., 1322 N 3d McClure H., 1527 N 3d MUler, Kades I< Co., 1000 N 3d Roshon J. W., 213 Walnut Sallnger J .. 758 S 2d. Ste ... lton Saltzglver J. C., 223 N 2d Schriver C. C., 1213 N 3d Stuckey W. H., 1510 N 3d PIGEON BREEDERS. Ewing F. M., S Cameron bel TnHtwriter Works



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Kunkel G. B.. 118 Locust Leldlch K. B., 1800 N 3d Lenker J. L .. 21 N 4th Loos J. C., 30 N 2d MacMullen J., 1540 Walnut Manning C. J., 1519 N 6th Mayer J. H., 825 N 6th McAlister J. B .. 234 N 3d McGowan H., 236 State Meals E. S., 700 N 3d Miller A. I., 16 S 3d MlIler C. R., 198 S 2d. Steelton Miller D. I.. 1839 N 6th Miller J. H., 19 N 4th Neelv E. C., 210 N 3d Newman O. A., 619 Race Nickel J. E., 187 N 15th NI('odemus E. A .. 1439 Derry Oenslager J., 711 N 3d Orth H. 1.., State Hospital Park J. W., 32 N 2d Perkins R. L . 1207 N 3d Pe-ters W. C.. 123 State Phlllips C. R., 1646 N 3d Pollock M. H., 232 N 2d Quickel D. S., 1610 State Rahler C. A., 110 N 2d Rambler R. A., 1337 N 6th Raunlck J. M. J . 4th c North Rebuck C. S., 412 N 3d Rhodes C. 1'01., 914 N 6th Rickert C. 1'01., 718 N 6th Ridgway R. F. L.. 1603 Market Ritchie M. 1.1.,36 S 13th Roop J. W., 427 Boas

Tltli 611rlily lid Slrlly Ct. le::::'I. f

Rynard J. A., 662 Race Saul C. H., 2830 Locu.t, Steelton Sensenig I. B., 280 Herr Shearer A. L., 808 N 6th Sherger J. A., 1809 N 6th Shope E. L., 1700 N 2d Shope J. W., 25 S 13th Shope S. Z., 1642 N 3d Sierer A. L., 2003 N 6th Smith B. F., 1601 Market Smith H. F., 713 N 3d Smith J. K., 2115 N 2d Smith W.O., 15 S 2d Snyder G. G., 1917 N 6th Staulfer C. C., 1926 Green Stevens J. C., 240 S 13th Stull G. B., 2021 N 6th Swartz J. R., 236 N 3d Swller R. D., 1323 Derry Trullinger C. I., 2025 N 7th VanDyke A. D., 413 Market Vastine H. M., 109 Locust Walmer E. LI'R .. 112 N 18th Walter H. B., 1317 N 3d W,,\1ls W. M. L., 1802 N 4th West W. H .. 1801 Green Widder G. H., 1251 Derry Willetts T. 1.., 114 Chestnut Winger H. C" 1025 N 7th Wolford lol. L., 328 Chestnut Wright W. E., 29 S 3d Zlegler W. L., 284 Main. Steelton PIANO TUNERS. Lott W. W., 609 Forster

s.r:r...-=.: ~,=- {~--:-~


Z 0

PIPE AND COIL MFRS. Hbg Mfg. and Boller Co., 19th c Derry


PLANING lIlLLS. Boas D. D., (eat), 2d nr Vine Cenrral Mill and Lumber Co., N 9th nr Market Miller C. H., 824 N 7th Starner C. E., Logan c Delaware Steelton Planing Mill Co., 520 N Front, Steelton PLASTERERS AND STUCCO WORKERS. Barley &: Smith. 1319 SWlltara Esworthy R. W., 120 N RIYer PLATE PRINTERS (COPPER AND STEEL). Fleming S. W .. room 7. 26 N 3d PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTBBS. Bayles J. W.o 1611 N 6th Bomgardner J. W., 29 S 2d Bumbaugh W. K .. 1412 M:uket Coover J. D., 412 Spring Crabbe C. F .. 116 S :ld Davie>! J. W .. ii S 13th Elder M. B., 224 N 2d Fager E. F., 1730 N 3d Fisher Bros., 1001 Capital

> Z

AIDREW REDMDND}ru=~ :;t~~Jt3, aIOelly~

l B. Tiel} IlL PIPER :::::n= 11l1li1 SHIDEUx.~~ ...

Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.
Flowers R. J., Derry c Mulberry Fogarty E. J., 912 N 3d Froehlich C. M., 1121 Market Ollmer C. G., 105~ Filbert -Given H. A., 637-639 N Front, Steelton . Holahan H. T., 535 Wood blue Knox J. L., 213 Crescent Kramer J. A. & Son, 1266 Market Logan W. M., 1422 N 6th Lutz H. S., 211 Verteke Lutz J. H., 328 S 14th Lutz & Haas. 600 Race Lyme I. R., 1010 Market Marshall J. S . 1306 ~ 6th Marshall W. H. S., 1805 N 3d McKee E. C., 1342 N 3d Mehring L. W .. 1730 N 6th Morrow J. W., 1022 Market Nauy C., 34 N 2d Rauch E. C., 213 N 2d Saul M. F 1519 N 4th Shutter C., 187 S Front, Steelton Vaughn P. H., 1432 N 3d -Wueschlnski H. 0 . 173 S 2d, Steelton Wykoff W. C., 1310 Wyeth PORK PACKERS AND CURERS. Brelsford Packing and Storage Co., 7th c North Dold J. Packing Co" 317 Chestnut Kingan Provision Co., 421-425 S 2d PRINTERS. Aurand A. M., rn3 ~ 3d PRINTERS" SUPPLIES. Donaldson Paper Co., 113 N 2d Johnston Paper Co., 17-19 S 2d McKllIlps A., 421 South PRODUCE. Blerbower E., 120 S Court Edmunds W. H., 1531 ~ 3d Fortenbaugh W. S .. 1128 N 6th Gardner, Baptlstt Co., 301 Chestnut Gardner S., 1311 N 3d George R. H. & Bro., 1713 N 4th Hennseke J. A., 1339 Jamea Kreamer J. H., 2132 N 6th Landis C. F., 1813 N 3d Leathery J. D., 1417 Vernon Looker E . 501 North MllIer D. F .. 1262 Market Mooney E. E., 1423 Derry Neff & Co., 416 Walnut SimonetttM. P., 610 Maclay PROVISIONS (WHOLESALB). Brelsford Packing and Storage Co., 7th c North Harrisburg Grocery and Produce Co., 101-103 S 2d Kingan Provision Co., 421-426 S ad PUBLISHERS.


a"' ren "' a~

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~ ~

= rQ ........

BOYD W. H. CO., DIRECTORIES. MAP S , &c., 26 N 3d, Room 7

::r ,.


SaYings and Loan Assn. {::~= l>

Central Printing and Publishing Co., 329 Market Cumberland Pub Co .. 109-111 Mkt Kurzenknabe J. H. Co., 1010 N 3d Llesmann F. W., 534 Race Minter Co. (The), 7 N 2d Publishing House of the U. Evangelical Church, 201 N 2d Suburban Press (The), Crescent c Mulberry . RAGS AND JUNK. Abramson & Coben. 678 Briggs Colematr P., 1301 Monroe Cooper D. & Co., 411 Verbeke Coo pet J. & Son. 43 N Cameron Keystone Rag Co., 301 S Cameron Laverty F. R., Hancock c Christian Mlehlovltz & Co .. 628 North Palm C. W., Herr c 9th WlIIlams & Freedman, 210 N 10th Zukerman & Freedman, 427 North al REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Adler C., 703 N 3d Alleman M. R., 145 N Front, SteeltOll

Blair C. J. & Son, 1127 N 3d Central Prlntlng and Publlshlng House, 329 Market Cumberland Pub. Co., 109-111 Mkt Daron E. Mo, 50 N Front, Steelton Douglass Co-operative Investment Co., 10 S Court Ferriday A. R., 101-107 N Cameron German E. S., 213~ Chestnut Harrisburg Pub. Co., 10th bel Chestnut Hoffman E. K . 1321 Market Keystone Printing and Binding Co., Ltd., 329 Market Kurzenknabe H. J 138 Short Llesmann F. W., 534 Race McCormick W. E., 1628 N 6th McFarland J. H. Co., Crescent c Mulberry NI_ley C. 0 . 1405 N 3d Paasmore C., 1238 Market Patriot Job Printing Co., 330 Ilkt Ray W. S., 10th bel Chestnut Raysor W. F., 1507 N 3d Scheffer T. F . (est), 21 S 2d Shaffer G. E., 1272 Market Shaffner C. E., 401 Herr Shuman T. R . 1944 Elizabeth .Sleg W. H. H., 154 S Front, Steelton Star Printing Co., 20 S 3d Stewart F. H., 1427 N 3d Telegraph Printing Co., 216 Federal

< :u o o .


BackenstoS'S R. E .. 3d cMarket

BALSBAUGH & SHAFFNER, rooms 65 and 56 Union Trust bldg

Balser L., 1700 N 6th Benner A. J., 1404 Derry

Il =-



TowDBend H. C., 2127 N 4th


D"Y " .... EA". FI"ST IN


Digitized by

OUR MOTTO. - } BODeR QoU, Koae.' Welch&

H MKELLEY CCO. {11111 I" .11'1'Irlll D. 'IriS. .....


Harrisburg Classified Business 1908.


rn a:

o c(

Bird & Nickey, 63-64 Union Trust Snyder G. W .. 306 Market Co. bldg Swengel A. W., 219 S 13~h Tolbert J. C., H5 State Bisbop Vi. 0., 1302 W\lliam Estate BOWMAN D. G., 1 Se- Union Real Court Investment Co., Locust c curity Trust bldg, 36 N Vaughn J. S., 14 S 4th Weakley C. S. & Co., 11 N 2d 3d Wengert W. A., 1432 Walnut Brlgbtblll D. E., 16 N 2d Wilson G. W., 1241 Market BRINTONPACKER CO" Winfield M. E., 608 State Zacharias H. C., 14 S 2d 2d c Walnut Bushnell W. F., Union Trust bldg RESTAURANTS. Carl R. A., 31 N 2d (See also H~te18, also Saloons). Cloverly Heights Developing Co., 24 N 2d Allen M. Mrs., 403 N oth Cook J. M., 1307 Market Bertolanl V., 24 Grace Cullmerry G. L., 222 Market Brown M. Mrs., 204 Locust Dapp J. F., 421 Verbeke Bushey C. M., H20 ~ 3d -Dunkle Bros., 148 N Front. Steel- Cal!ounlzos & Skalln, 432'h Xarket ton Caster E. F., 411 Filbert Eastmere Land Co., 1922 Derry Cumbie G. Mrs., 1322 Market Eby B. F., 1922 Derry Fisher C. Mrs., 1114 N 6th Edgemont Realty Co., Chestnut c Fortenbaugh W. S., 1128 N 6th Court Frank L., 400 Filbert Etter G. E., 213 Walnut Germer S. Mrs., Chestnut St Mkt Fencll C. G., Allison HIlI Bank Gold S., 503 S La te bldg Green W. W., 349 ReilY -Flynn W. M., 136 S Front, Stealton Haines E. P., 136 S 2d Fought M. A., 217 North H(>lst A. H., 618 Walnut Freeburn H. H., 1400 N 3d Hinds A. M., Verbeke St Market Gipple J. E., 1309 Walnut Kramme F .. 446 Verbeke Harris H. B., 1401 Derry Landis Restaurant, H. J. Landis, propr, 206 N 2d Hbg Title Co., 21 N 3d Marsili H. J., 3 AbPrdeen Hershey C. M., 9 S 2d Home Supply Co., 1401 Derl7 Odell W. Mrs., 1304 N 7th

I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST{16 N. 3d st. -------------------------------------------------.--Z Hurley W. F., 37 Union Trust bldg Parks W. T .. 1409 :\ 6th


Jones J. P., 9 N 2d Kepner G. 1.., 114'A1 Liberty Knisely A. G., 1 N 2d Lelb F. R. & Son, 18 N 3d Levine 1.. U., 15 S 2d Lybarger J. J., 208 Harris Macdonald H. J., 103 Market Maloney J. H., 1 Security Trust bldg McCormick J. N., 1809 Penn McGill P. F., 412 Market Miller Bros. & Baker, Fede"al sq Moesleln E .. 424 State Mueller & Co., 14 S 2d Musser J. H., 213 Walnut Neron D. W., 392 S 2d, Steelton Orcutt C. H., 267 Cumberland Page & Page, 202 Walnut . Parthemore & Quigley, 1118 N 34 Penn Real Estate and Brokerqe Assn., 15 S 2d Penna. Realty and Improvement Co., Inc., r 200 N 2d Peters T. S., 9 S 2d Ployd F. W. & Co., 4844 Union Trust bldg Rettew C. V., 901 N 8d Rockafellar T. B., 272 North Rohrer J. F. & Son, 24 N 2d Rutherford Realty Co., 44 Union Trust Co. Sheesley D., 901 S 9th Shreiner O. A., 1507 State Smith H. T., 200 S 13th

P. R. R. Dining Rooms, P. R. R. Pass. Station Pond J. S., 338 Verbeke Reed A. V. Mrs., 622 Maclay Russ E., 1001 Market Selders J. H., 826 Market Shack A., 1238 N 7th , Shapero S .. 516 South and 602 Walnut Shneldman J . 14 N 5th Shultz J. M., 1306'h N 6th Spealman G. E., 1249 Market Stroth(>rs C. W., 430 South Tsrvalo T., 522':2 Raee Washington W. H .. 1021 N 7th Wilmer I. W .. 5 X 5th ROLLER MILLS. Harrisburg Roll Grinding and Corrugating Co., 423 South ROOFERS. (See also Slate Roofers). Carey P. Co. (The), Cowden Forster

RUBBER COLLAR AND CUFF MANUFACTURJ!lRS. Gordon Mfg. Co., Inc., 630 Walnut Harrisburg Collar and Cuff Co., Buckthorn c Haehnlen RUBBER STAMPS. J'ohnston T. H .. 418 N 3d Lewis O. H., 1140 Market

Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.


S'l'ATIONERS, (WHOLESALE). RUG MFRS. Keystone Rug Co . 1116 Montgome17 Roberts &: Meck, 116 Market STEAll APPLIANCES. Hbg Steam Heat and Power Co., U6 Short Mather E. &: Co., 204 Walnut STEAM HEATING. Campbell B. W., 19 S River Deller J. &: Son, Mary a River Fager E. F., 1730 N 3d Hbg Steam Heat and Power Co., 126 Short SARATOGA CHIPS. Horg. A. D., 20. Blackberry Hbg Saratoga Chip Co., 260 Cres- Lutz &: Haas, 600 Race c~nt Morrow J. W., 1022 Market Quickel H. F., 123 Pine SA VINGS INSTITUTION. STEAMSHIP AGENTS .fIarrlsburg Savings and LaanAuDo, J. C. Wensell, genl mgr, 18 N 3d Balley F. E.. j S F.ont, Steelton Macdonald H. J., 103 Market SCHOOLS, SEMINARIES, &:0. STEAMSHIP TICKETS. See page 31. Rettew C. V., 901 N 3d SEEDS. STEEL MANUFACTURERS. Holmes Seed Co., 9 N 2d Central Iron and Steel Co., Front SEWER PIPE. bel Dock -Cowden &: Co., P. R. R. c Cumli'ld .Pa. Steel Co., Steelton Rhoads C. H. &: Co., 10th c State STENOGRAPHERS. Rhoads J. E., Cowden c Forster Demming H. C. Col., 17 N 3d SEWING MACHINES. Jenkins A., 16 N 2d Moon &: Adam~. 610 N 3d Parks G. W 10 S 2d Roth F. J., 16 N 2d "Salinger J., 768 S 211, 'Steelton SAFES. JlcKenna Bank Safe Co.. 1001 N 3d SALOONS. (See also Hotels, also Restaurants). Boden Cafe, 207 Chestnut Bollinger E., 214 Chestnut Hursh J. N., 218 Cherry Keane P. H., 167 Paxton Smith H. T., ~1 State

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:=i~b~I!~~E

Stuger Sewing Machine Co., 120 Shafbler R. F., 16 N 2d Market Winger N.. 1025 ~ 7th SHEET METAL WORKERS. Winters E. M., 204 Market Eisenhour C. W., 1518 N 3d STONE. Beatty &: Bro., Cameron nr State SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Black J . 17th and Mulberry Harrisburg Shirt Co., 26 N 3d Cumbler G. W., (est), 1000 S Front, -Shearer J. L.. Jr., 204 Market Steelton Gerlock &: Lutz, 10th c Mulberry SHIRT WAIST MFRS. Hoffman &: Wllson, 23d and P. &: R. Killian W. T., 304 N 2d "HummelstOWn Brownston@ Co. Walter C. P., 449 State SILK MANUFACTURERS. STONEWARE MFRS. Peigram &: Meyer, North c 2d Cowden &: Co., P. R. R. ana CumSLAG ROOFERS. berland West End Roofing Co., 618 Schuyl. STORAGE. Attlck 0., 26 N Cameron SLATE ROOFERS. Brelsford Packing and Storage Co., NlBBley H. K., 14 N 3d 7th c North TowBen T. F., 609 Walnut Cummings W. H .. 34 N Cameron West End Rooflng Co., 618 Schuyl. Hbg Storage Co., P. R. R. C South Montgomery &: Co., 10th bel Market SOAP AND CANDLE MFRS, and 627 Walnut Sieber F. C., 112-116 Cowden STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSESPORTING GOODS. FURNISHING GOODS. Hamburger S. K., 12-14 N 2d Hamburger S. K. &: Co., 1116 N Id Cleckner &: Burke, 1226 N 3d Ebert W .. 418% Relly STAINED GLASS WORKS. Ensinger S. D., 600 Race Fager G. C. &: Sons, 213 N 2d 2ludy C. Day Co., 1836 N 3d Himes G. W., 10 N 2d STATIONERS. Jauss W. L., 200 S 2d See Booksellers. Lowe D. S.. 1418 N 6th


Digitized by



CLARK' S::::.~= Drug and Patent Medicine Store {~:~

Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.
Decevee E. J., 607 N 2d Dorn E. V., 1416a Derry Dunning W. F . 1650 Markp.t Dutton T. A . 1259 Walnut Eaton G. 14.. 1733 Market Elnzlg I. S. Mrs.. 1804 N 4th Evans I.. I., 1336 N 3d Fast G. E., 27 N 17th Funk M. B. Mrs .. 310 North Grove A.M., 1314 N 6th Grove C . 600 Boas Hellerman S. E., 1127 N 6th HII! L. V .. 1406 Market Holtzman O. C.. 1625 Xarket Hortlng A. K . 13 S 15th Kingsbury M.. 2040 Gr.:en Koser J. E .. jr . 18 Honey Lehman Z. B 1416 Derry Lemer S. A.. 1620 Penn McCauley H. M., ~8 Race McBride W. P., 1314 State MllIer F., 223 Boas M\1ler G. N., 218 Reily XlIler V. S., 2340 S 6th Morrow F. S .. 1607 Market Moyer W. D., 210 Harris MUl'nch E. A.. 1352 State Ogelsby F. 14., 109 N 3d Parkhill R. H .. 18 N 16th Reel A. C., 204 N 2d Rose E. G.. 916 N 6th Rowley M. I., 1416 State Rupp W. A . 1515 State Shunk A. C., 1853 Berryhill Silk R., 123 Verbeke Solomon N. V" 1416 Green Mull J. R., 439 State Parthemore 1.., 37 N 13th Rebuck J. 14., 15th c Chestnut Rothert Co., 312 Market Sebold H. 0., 1316 N 3d Shlomberg S. H., 4271At Verbeke Snook W. H., 334 Kelker WelBB E. W., 1221 N 6th Whitcomb W. F., 1211 N 6th Zeiders W. W., 435 S 14th Ziegler II: Hayes, 222 Hummel Zollinger G. J., 308 Blackberry SURETY COMPANIBS. American Surety Co. of N. Y., 222 Market and 63 Union Trust bldg Fidelity and Deposit Co., of Xaryland, 222 Market Penna., 16 S 2d TAILORS. (See also Merchant Tallora). Baumgartner M., 751 S 19th Bernhelsel 1.., 227 Reily Bloom B., 816 N 3d Brank R., 426 State Capln A., (ladles'), 316 N 2d Caplin Bros., 1101 N 6th Cohen D. B., 103 Filbert Cohen 1.., 511 N 4th Eluner P., 3 S 4th Engel F., 432 Boas Glaser J., 1720 N 4th Grand A . 26 N 3d Hallem M., 606% State Hersh M., 27 N 5th
TWe 8_n&7 . . . . . . .

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Hoepfer C., 1435 Derry Hoffman 14. 506 Market Horwitz 14., 127 Chestnut Lang John, 310 Forster Mall 14.. 229 N 2d Mester F . 310 Blackberry Mlchelowltz B .. 409 Market Obrasky 1.., 16141At N 6th Orth W. H., 328 Strawberry Persons II: Glenn. fi16 Walnut Ramsay S. A., 213 Walnut St. Clalr.Ao. 1... 1240 Market Salernlo ". T., 27 N 2d Schulthelsz H., 1203 N 7th Scicchitano A., 816 N 3d Severino 14.. 8 S 4th Shandler H. J .. 514 Filbert ShandlE'r 1. L .. 610 State Siple C. W .. 27 S 3d Toor S.. 1320 N 6th Wlnftl'ld J. H .. 100 Short TEACHERS, (MUSIC). Adlaman I. E .. 230 S 14th Altmaler A., 130 S 2d Arnold M. A .. 1609 Market Bennett N. J., 1335 Vernon Bereghy J. von. 1819 N 3d BIckel B. E., 1337 Derry Bill S. P. Mrs., 819 N 3d Boyd H .. 204 Locust BrlnsE'r E. A.. 312 S 15th Burtner M. 14 .. 1535 Derry C:o!lkllng R. S .. 1926 N 6th Crntzl'r B. E .. 20~6 Orl'l'n Cunkle E. T . 179 N 15th

Sourbeer F. 14., 1314 Maple Stewart N. H., 426 S 13th Stouffer B. J., 19 N 13th Strock C. S.. 128 S 13th Stuntz M. H .. 114 Evergreen Sullenberger F. E., 1433 SUIq Swartz M. E., 34 S 13th Thorley S. B., 15 S 2d Vaughn K. 14., 1620 Green Weber W. F., 136 S 2d WE'lbley M. I., 227 North Wl'nrlck J. 1... 1614 Regln<l. Worley M. E., 111 Paxton YE'agE'r H. V .. 709 N 18th Zeiders F. E., 1612 State TEAS. COFFEES AND SPICES. (See also Groceries). Grand Union Tl'a Co .. 208 N 2d Great Atlantic and Paclftc Tea Co., 1308 N 3d Great ChIna and Japan Tea Co., .,. N 6th Japan Tea and Coffee Co., 308 Verbeke P('ople's Tea Co., G. L. Wlngeard, 1126 N 3d TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Phlla. Rdg II: P'vllIl'. P. II: R. depot Postal Tel. Cable Co .. 7% N 14 West I'm Union. 11 N 3d TEl.EPHONE COMPANIES. American Tf'lephone and Telegraph Co., 210 Walnut

Redmond's Wagon Works P!,:,ll~':.tb~: {3d and Reily Sis. Googre

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wall PaDar aDd Window Shadas h:l~N~~"

Harrisburg ClatSsified Business, 1908.


Q American Union Telephone Co., 227 TYPEWRITING MACHINES. c: Federal sq Hbg Cycle and Typewriter Co., :::a Bell Telephone Co. of Penna., 210 NId Walnut and 212 Locust Remington Typewriter Co., Ii S 3d Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 7 -TERRA COTTA PIPE. S 4th Galbraith B. G., 7th c Curtin UMBRELLA MANUFACTURIIRS. Rhoads J. E., Cowden c For.tar Martin J. A., 321 Walnut Regal Umbrella Co 101 N ad THEATRES. BIJou. 34 N 3d UNDERTAKERS. CasIno, 2002 N 6th Boyd P. K., (est), 34 S 2d Edisonla, 1208 !>l 6th -Dunkle I< Knoderer Undertaking LyrIc, 225 Market Co., 148 N Front, Steelton Majestic, 323 Walnut Fackler E. L., 1312 Derry Orpheum, 208 Locust Hawkins J. D., (etlt) , 300 Cumb'ld Mauk C. H., 17U N 6th TIN MANUFACTURERS. )lauk T. M. I< Son, 805 N 3d a'Dd 13th c Derry Lalance I< GrosJean Mfg. Co., Dlvl8MlllElr E. J., 524 Race Ion c J elferson Ogelsby J. J., 109 N 3d Shoop S. M., 14th c Walnut TINSMITHS. Sourbler G. H. I< Son, 1310 N 3d (See allO Stovel, I<c.) Speese S. S., 130 S 2d' Fisher Bros., 1001-1003 Capital Thoma. J. L., 429 State Hess M. W. 8< Son, 1501 JunIper UNDERWEA>R )lA!>lUFACTURERS Lowe D. S., 1418 N 6th Parthemore L.. 37 N 13th Commonwealth Knitting Mills, 1819 Payton M., 423 Cranberry Penn Snook W. H., 334 Kelker Newville Knitting Co., ~nc . 1801 N Weast G. B., 1018 Market 4'th Weiss E. W., 1221 N 6th UPHOLSTERERS. Zeiders L. S., 1531 Bombaugh ZeIders W. W., 435 S 14th Cless R. C., 1717 N 6th ZIegler 8< Hayes, 222 Hummel Cluck S. N., 322 Woodbine


:J:: ~ Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. { ~ =::..~

Goldsmith J., 209 Locust Griest F. S., 212 Mulberry Haas H. J .. 406 Verbeke Hamill B., r 1401 N 3d HarrIs J. P. I< Son, 221 N 2d Minick J., 426 Kelker al Simms E., 205 Locust Springer J. W., 218 Hummel Vollmer H. A., 235 State Welbley C. E., 268 Verbeke Zeigler D. M., 204 S 2d

TOBACCO, (LEAF). Smith C. G., 432 Market TOBACCONISTS. See Cigars and Tobacco. TRADING STAMP CO. Doorly 8< Co., 215 Chestnut TRANSPORTATION. City Transfer Co., 16 N 2d Oreet Southern Desp., 401 Chestnut Hbg Taxicab and Baggsge Co., Coun c Strawberry Hbg Transfer Co., P. R. R. frt depot Montgomery I< Co., Pelpher LIne Fast Freights to and from Phlla. and N. Y., 10th bel Market Pa. R. R. CO.'8 Dally .Fait Freight Line, 413 Market Southern States Desp., P. &: R. pass depot TRUST AND SAFJD DEPOSIT CO. (See al80 Bankl). Title Guaranty and Surety Co., Scranton, Penna., 36 N 3d

VARIETIES. Finkelstlne H. L., 1219 N 3d Heller J., 343 Peifer Kramer C. D., 1429 N 3d McCUSker 8< Newman, 1412% N 3d Roberts R. L., 1314 S Cameron Spagnolo N., 213 S 2d Wingard G. H .. 513 Woodbine Woolworth F. W. I< Co., 406 Market and 5-7 N 4th VETERINARY SURGEONS. Crossley D. E., 1313 Fulton Haas J. A., 115 South Hughes W .. 416 Strawberry Oyler J. H., 331 Blackberry Zellers I. W., 404% Verbeke TYPEWRITER MACHINE MFRS. WALL PAPER, PAPERHANGINGB AND WINDOW SHADES. El!~~~-F1Sher Co., 1517-1519 S Cam- Anderson T. W., 700 Race Barnhart H. L . 1212 Market TYPEWRITERS' SUPPLIES. Bealor J. E., 1700 N 6th Remington Typewriter Co., I) S 3d Bodmer H. A., _8_19_N_3d _ _ __ _
Th_ P.p_r

por~1 nil """'~7\I

Digitized by UUU(3

OUR MOTTO: - } HODeat Coal, HUDest Weicht



1 ..rth ad lit'" 1111. 11,..1a


Harrisburg Classified Business, 1908.

Mann C. H., (supplies), 14 N 2d McCormick W. Moo 1628 N 6th Plack F. T., 1326 N 6th Plack W., 23 S 2d Ricker I. S., 817 N 3d Rlnkenbach E. L., 1215 N 3d Rohm F. W., 1302 N 6th Tauslg's J. Sons, 420 Market WoHEELBAR'ROWMFRS. Jackson Mfg. Co., 4th c Boyd WHEELWRIGHTS. See CarrlagemakerB. WINES AND LIQUORS. Beck C. L., 424 Market Bux C. S .. 818 Market Han len Bros., 331 Market Houck D., 1207 N 7th Keister C. Mrs., 500 Market Keenig F. L., 915 Sarah Mehring W. J., 1200 N 6th Osler C. F., 1901-1903 N 6th Reese J. N., 109 S 2d Schutzenbach A., 4th c Walnut Schutzenbach Hoo 416 Verbeke Selss F. F., 900-902 Market .Smlth F. E., 237 N Front, Steelton Waller & Steel. 319 Market Yolfee Bros., 600 State

Calvert W. W., 207 S 2d Dubel & Beck, Derry c Evergreen Fenstimacher G. S., 107 S 3d

FISHER E. A" (est), 1017 N 3d

Fllcklnger J., 806 N 3d Fortenbaugh S. L.. 1407 N 6th Gerlock J. A., 300 S 1Mh Goodyear C. M., 5 S 13th Green R. W., 1028 S Cameron Lingle H. B., 1938 North -Lord B. N., 27 Chestnut, Steelton Maglauchlin S. J. Mrs., 1820 N 3d Monarch Wall Paper Co., 132 S 2d Mullen J. Y., 127 N 13th Ney S., 1539 N 3d Potter O. R., 1016 Market Reamer W. A. & Son, 1505 N 6th Rheam J. H., 1272 Market Shaner E. B., 1931 Derry Straub W. J . 1109 N 3d Stromlnger & Slentz. 420 N 3d

TACK A. B,. 1216 N 3d

White R. A.: 1541 N 6th

T. C. & (J) 'WILSON 1319 Market CO. 1317 and


.J c[

WATCHMAKERS AND JEWE~ ERS. Adlesteln L. H., 206 S 2d WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S Bai1(y F. E., 7 S Front, Ste('lton , WEAR. Baturln M., 422 Market Boas C. R., 214 Market Brenner N., 426 Walnut







a.. :IE
U ....J


Brenneman E. P., 1006 Market Clas-ter H. Coo 302 Market Commlngs F. E., 14 N 4th Denehey W. P., 206 Market Diener P. G., 408 Market Elicker G, E., 1804 N 6th J.'aunce L. A .. 1314 N 3d Gltt R. S., 1303 Market Hoover E. G., 23 N 3d, Hutman G. A., 1013 N 3d Jacobson H. M. & Son, 8 N 3d Kamsky L., 21 N 3d Major J. M., 203% Hummel

Hbg Apparel Co., West c North al Jennings Mfg. Co., 414 State Sample P. H., 410 Verbeke -WROUGHT IRON WORKS.

REMPPIS W, F. CO., W ate r ab Lancaster bridge, Reading, Pa. see adv front cover
YEAST MANUFACTURERS. Fleischmann & Co., 210 N 2d

< o

'v. H. 'BOYD


Standard Directories <




No. 1411 Perkiomen Avenue,


-- ---------~-

ANDREW REDMOND} ~~::M~!.:i ~~~g~~ {3d and Rally Sfs. Coogle

Digitized by

..4.dvertmng Department


The Star-Independent

+ + + + +

The circulation il larger than that of any other daily in Harrisburg or in Central Pennsylvania. Success in business is the result of newspaper advertising. The "tar-Independent baa an actual average circulatMln of 18.849 copies daily.


WANTS The Star-Independent Want Columns are
cenam to bring quick and satisfactory ,.esultsusually three time. as many repli es or inquiries as all other Harri~burg papers together.



SeUer and buyer are introduced tp mutual advantage through The tar-In'lependent For Sale Columns. If you have anything for sale, The tar-Independent will find a customer for you.


FOR RENT The easiest way to Rent a House, Rooms,



. B....I._. P


+ + + + +

ces, Cottage or Farm, is to advertise in The StarIndep"uclent Want Columns. Good tepant! are looking ever day to see your ad.

If you have Lost anything, advenise Jor it in The 8tar-lnd.. pendenl Lost Columns-chancel are you will get it in~ide a few hours. If you bave fouad something, seek the owner through this column.

By Carrier in the City, 6e. per week; by :llail, 8 .00 per year, in advance.

WILMER CROW &faaaller



182022 South 3d Street,

Harrisburg, Pa


H M KELLEY &, CO {I North ad Street. lOth and State lit&.

Acri Xickolas, janitor. h ;{()(j Strawberry ;; Acri \"incent, confectr, SilO K 3d, h 314 S 2d Acy l\Iary E . laundress, h 13~ Liberty Adair Edwin, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do I Adqms Agnes, wid \Villiam, h 1010 S Cameron Q Adams Albert L., physician, 1000 S 9th, h do ..: .Adams Alice c., music teacher, h 1010 S Cameron ~ Adams Arthur E., plate printer, h 311 Hummel - Adams Car.rie L., h 121 Pine Adams Catharine J., wid George W., h 337 Chestnut .p Adams Charles c., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 1615 N 3d Adams Charles E., laborer, h 563 Race Adams Charles H., conductor, h 219 Herr :: Adams Christian 0., car inspector, h 2620 Jefferson 1$. Adams Cora A., teacher, h 1422 X 2d Adams Edward, fireman, h 347 Reily Adams Eleanor R., (:\loon & Adams), h 610 N 3d !! Adams Emily]., teacher, h 121 Pine Adams Emma K.. h 217 S 2d ADAMS EXPRESS CO., 401 Chestnut, 1116 N 3d, 2027 N 6th, 5 S 3d, 933 N 6th and 333 S Front III Adams Florence V., milliner, 334 l\12.rket, h 1411 Berry.J hill c( Adams Frank A., contract agt, 210 Walnut, h 916 N 6th l&J Adams George E., steam fitter Capitol, h 5;36 Race



Boyd's Harrisburg ( A) City Directory, 1908.


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o ::


ADAMS GEORGE W.o furniture, carpets and bedding, 106 and lOS S 2d, h 217 do Adams Harriet B., wid \Villiam ]., h 217 S 2d >- Adams Harriet c.. milliner, 1300 N :{d, h Fort Hunter z: Adams Harry E., laundryman, h 563 Race cC Adams Harvev S., elk P. & R.. h 1605 Thompson L Adams Helen' A., h 217 S 2d Ie Adams James, laborer, h 428 Herr o Adams James c., blacksmith, h 916 James U Adams James H., ins agt, h 428 Herr ~ Adams]. Edward, laborer, h 327 :\fuench Adams Jennie. cigar roller, h 563 Race o Adams John E., lineman, h 1351 North U Adams John F .. machinist, h 1110 Green Q Adams John H~, telegrapher, 71- N 3d, h Elkwood e: Adams John Q., barber, 1260 Market, h 1901 State ..: Adams John Q. Rev., missionary, h 102 Cherry av w Adams Lewis F., postal elk, h 1219 :\Iarket u Adams Martha M., wid William A., h 522 Peffer Adams Martha 0., stenographer, h 1422 N 2d Q Adams Mary E., wid Edward 0., h 1i2S Calder III Adams Mary E., wid William, h 942 S 19th Adams Mary 1\1., bunciler, h 51j3 Race e: Adams Maud, h 326 Cherry "dams May, domestic, 1217 X ad



I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240UlrkltStrl.t
Digitized by



Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory, 1908.

Adams May, laundress, h 916 James Adams Naoma, saleslady, :318 Market, h 1411 Ber~yhill Adams Peter J., laborer, h 619 Camp Adams Reily B., machinist, h 116 Short Adams Robert E., U. S. N., h 217 S 2d Adams Robert]., car repairer, h 1923 Logan av Adams Samuel A., h 1411 Berryhill Adams Samuel S., car inspector, h 340 Reily Adams S. Elizabeth, teacher, h 121 Pine Adams Susan A., wid Richard, h 217 Forster Adams Thomas, supt S. H. and P. Co., h 1422 N 2d Adams Thomas J., laborer, h 330 Muench Adams William A., h 311 Hummel Adams William A, laundryman, h 1811! N 7th Adams William c., jr., elk, 315 Market, h 311 Hummel Adams William H., switch planer, h 1010 S Cameron Adams William H., waiter, h 436 South al Addams Charles P., law elk Attorney Gent's Dept., Capito), h Carlisle Addams Susan, wid John A., h 1015 N Front Addams William H., machinist, h 1815 Green Addicks Charles, tailor, h 1503 Vernon Addleman Sue N. Mrs., stengr, h 646 Boas Adelson Annie, ciganukr, h 600 Walnut


a z

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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ":=i~b~-:'~~II:

ADLEMAN A. ALLEN, mgr Independent Loan Security Co., rooms 302-303 Floyd bldg, 8 N 2d, h 230 S 14th Adleman Ida E., music teacher, 2HO S 14th, h do Adleman Martin F., patent medicines, 8 N 2d, 'h 230 S 14th Adleman Martin M., asst mgr, 8 N 2d, h 230 S 14th Adler Bernard, h 313 Chestnut ADLER CHARLES, insurance and real estate, 703 N 3d, h 1625 Green Adlestein Henry, jeweler, 206 S 2d, h do Adlestein Louis, machinist, h 206 S 2d Adlestein Sophia, tailoress, h 206 S 2d Adley David A, laborer, h 1129 Monroe Adley Lucy B., wid Hezekiah A, h 343 Muench Adley Margaret Mrs., cook, 402 Filbert Adley Mary, wid Peter, h 1409 Monroe Adley Peter N., laborer, h 1409 Monroe Adley William H., elk P.O., h 402 Filbert Adriance, Platt & Co., agricultural implements, 627 Walnut Advocate Verdict Douglass Co., Operative Investment Co., pubs, 10 S Court Aetna Life Insurance Co., William S. Essick, genl agt accident and liability dept, room 75 Union Trust bldg,




~ ~

::z g



Affleck John A., treas and mgr Hbg. Shoe Mfg. Co., h 32 ; ; N 16th _.


.. -. . E

::::: ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ 8~r".t:

Boyd's Harrisburg (A ) City Directory, 1908.

TIII16111anty and Slrll, CD. o -----------------------{ o z.

Africa Benjamin F., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 811 N Front Africa -Benjamin 1\1., student, h 811 ~ Front Africa Jennie E., wid R. \Vesley, h 2212 Logan Africa ]. Simpson. adv sol Independent, h 811 N Front Agle Brady c., elk P. & R. depot, h 1244 Market Agle Dessie, wid Clarence E., h 1!l:!7 X 7th. Agneta Peter, bar elk, 24 Grace, h do Ahlborn August W., electrician Capitol,- h 433 Hummel Ahlborn \~'il;iam, mechanic Capitol, h 4:33 Hummel Ahn Davill F .. h 509 Cumberland Aikens Andrew]', boarding, 403 \Valnut, h do Aikens James P .. supt, h 4113 \Valnut Aikman Adrian M., photographer, h R07 X 16th Aikman Samuel S. Rev., h 807 X 16th Aker Arrian S., inspector water dept, It 233 ~orth Alabaugh Harry, hrakeman, h (;74 Hoas Alberson Mary, wid George, h 161R Penn Albert Catharine F., dressmkr, (134 Harris, h do Alhert Charles M .. plumber, h (ia4 Harris Albert Effie N., trained nurse, h 6:l4 Harris Albert Frank J., asst baker Lunatic Hospital, h 630 Hamilton Albert John W., machinist, h HI()6 Xorth

s=~, ~~c=~.~'~:~~:~::'':'' lr!:.~.[

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Albert Joseph E., butcher, h 1213 Derry Albert Lydia, wid George W., h 1812 N 6th Alhert Melanchton F., postal elk, h 6:l4 Harris Albert Rvno G., dYer, h W12 Market Alhert Sllerman .(, car repairer, h HIIII; Xorth Alhert \\-'illiam H .. chief caller, h 1112 Calder Alberts John H .. elk P. R. R.. h 2:!:!7 Jefferson Alhright Albert, conductor, h llOH ?\ Front Albright Alice J. ~Irs . oj, 7:m S :!1! Albright Aherta. masseuse, 70n East, h do Albright Anna, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do' Albright Annie S., wid James. h 14:!1 Penn Atbright Benjamin R .. janitor. h :l37 Hamilton Albright Charles, h()~tler, h 711!l Fast Albright Charles E . engr, h'260 Verheke Albright Charles F., lahoreI'. h 1 71l~ State . Albright Charks \V., machinist. h (i1l7 ~ho\\'ers Albright Christopher S .. hoarcling. 20:n X 7th, h do Alhright Clarence M., car repairer, h 1!l4~ Briggs Alhright Cora L.. h 30!l Walnut Albright Daniel A., brakeman. h 1:!:!4 Bartine Alhright Da\'id. janitor, h 3111 Dauphin Alhright David E., car impel'tor. h 17:!1 )( 4th Albright Dennis D., dri\"Cr. h Hith c Briggs Albright Edward. press feeder, h 1421 Penn

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMO~~iti:!t~o~~~tSto


B TACK fI Freaeoinc lllake SpeciallyinofPI.ln Tint. {Ill. N. ad st. Public BUlldinp &t1mateaGlvea
Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory, 1908. . 1)9
Edward C, laborer, h 1:!1I1) ~ Front Edward E., helper, h H;:la N 5th Ella Mrs., h 10th c r:rigogs Elmer G . car inspt.ctor, h liO, Dauphin George H., elk. 1:!2U N 3d, h W33 N 5th Ceorge :'IL. laborer, h :!II1H :'IIoltke Harry, traveling salesman. h 1:!26 X 7th Harry S., elk 1'. R. R., h 2:3:l;~ Jefferson Harry W., cigarmkr, h ll'134 State Henry A., h Ii:!1 ~ 4th Henry C, huckster, h !I:!4 Ash James H., barber, h lli:15 N 5th Jennie, wid Edward C, h 1201) N Front John, engr, h :n:{ \'erheke John H., hoilermkr, h :!1115 Fulton John J., cooper, h 5:18 R.ace John \Y., elevatorman Capitol, h Middletown John W., tinwkr, h l!{:l3 ?\ lith Lloyd H., opr, h u~:a State Malinda, wid Henry C., h 1liaa N 5th Martha E., h 317 Clinton ~[aude Wo, saleslady, h :\:3, Hamilton :\Iorris R., tinwkr, h :!la4 Boas :'IIyron, car inspector, h ,ml Ea!'t Rosanna, housekeeper, 14:!1 Penn

Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Alhright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Alhright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright Albright



.. IF



:J>:: } Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ ~: :::.~



Albright Samuel D., fireman, h :!:Ja3 Jefferson Albright Samuel H .. conductor, h 1:1:!7 Kittatinny Albright Samuel T .. laborer, h HIIH X Front Albright Sarah, wid Harry, h 14:!1 Penn Alhright S. Edward, pressman Independent, h 14!!1 Penn Albright Walter L., boilermkr, II t:>1Il Drummond Alhright William, car inspector, h WS X 15th Albright \\,iIlia m, representing .\merican nook Co., 213 \\'alnut. h Camp Hill Albright William H., huckster, h 17:!1. N 4th Alhright William H., lampman. h !l:!1:t Chestnut Alcock :'IIark R.. caller P. R. R. pa!'s. depot, h Steelton Alcorn Robert L.. janitor, h l;;O~ :x 4th Alcorn Roy L., helper. h 50:l Reily Alclinger Catharine, wid Andre\\', h l~t;) ~ 7th


= < = o


ALDINGER FREDERICK B., propr Hotel Aldine, 435 Market, h do Aldinger John C, (Aldinger & Fcsser), h :1:!;; Verbeke Aldinger :'IIary L .. h 1~1;; X 7th Aldinger Philip, h !{:!5 Verbeke Aldinger Wayne C, elk, h 181;) ~,th Aldinger & Feeser, (j. C Aldinger and :'II. L. Feeser), props Broad Street Hotel, :~:!:) \'erheke Aldrich Jay C. hats and men's furnishings, 1117?\ :ld, h do Alexander Aaron. hostler, II ,n;; X 1.';;th

THE PAT RolQ:K; oogIe a


H. M. KELLEY & CO.}OHICeS, :o~~~:'~~.f~r=~{COAL AND WOOD



-= :;


Boyd's Harrisburg (.A) City Directory, 1908.


.:: ::


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Alexander A. Louisa ::\Irs., dressmkr, 110 :\lary, h do Alexander Alfred ::\1., fireman, h 2117 Penn Alexander Anthony, waiter ComwIth, h 110 Jlary Alexander Carrie J., h 139! S 3d Alexander Catharine Mrs., h 181H N 7th Alexander Charles A., fireman, h 1817! N 7th Alexander David c., conductor. h1525 Penn Alexander Edgar, machinist, h 1110 James Alexander Frank, carpenter. h H16 Fulton Alexander George, elk, h 1527 Hunter Alexander Harry A., phy i~structor, 114 N 2d, h 915 do Alexander Israel L., engr, h 423 Hummel Alexander Jacob A., car inspector, h 211 Hummel Alexander John, laborer, h 1527 Hunter Alexander John C, waiter. h 420 South Alexander Leon, brakeman, h 427 Clinton Alexander Pattison C, installer, 210 'Walnut, h Penbrook Alexander Robert 1\1., student, h 1527 Hunter Alexander Samuel c., laborer, h 5:~:~ Violet al Alexander Samuel H., engr. h l!lHl ~Iaple Alexander William C. h 427 Clinton Alexander \Villiam T.. laborer. h 1527 Hunter Alexander William \V .. brakeman, h 666 Calder Alitto Gaetano, confectioner, 12, S 2d. h do .~\Ilabach Charles .\., mg-r. :n2 ~Iarket, h 218 Locust



N. 3d St.

< 8

t: ::

Alleg-rini Caescr, lunch bar elk, h 208 Strawberry Allegrini Guiseppe, bar elk, 437 l\Iarket. h do Alleman Ella, cigar roller. h 825 S Front >- ALLEMAN GEORGE R., shipper bituminous coal, office 145 N Front, Steelton, h 245 S 13th < ALLEMAN HORACE R., carpenter and builder, 310 a.. Strawberry, h Paxtang :IE AUeman Tacob J., brakeman, h 54 ~ 12th o Alleman ~lan111irtus F., machinist. h 411 S 11lth U Alleman Robert G., ins sol, 4 S 2<1. h :-:13 James ..J Alleman Samuel H., eng-r. h 101 S Berryhill Allen Albert E., livery, 2:n Blackberry. h !)U James Allen Albert 11., laster. h 126 Charles Allen Austin C, engr. h ISO] Penn Q Allen Benj. To, chief engr F. and ~L Wks .. h 27th c Derry Allen Charles E., planer, h 119 S Cameron Allen Charles L.. machinist. h 2029 Penn ~ Allen Christian Z., plumlwr. 11 1611 Reg-ina y Allen Drew, buyer. h 1117 Chestnut Allen Edward A., laborer. h 1424 ~Iarion Q Allen Edward C. driver, 6 S !!d, h 20:!!l Penn ~ Allen Effie ~J., wid Daniel L., h 125:: S l:~th Allen Eliza J.. wid George. h 217 Brigg-s z: Allen Frank H., boilermkr. h 1~:1~ ~Iarket Allen Frank L.. salesman, h 173!1 ~Iarket

z: <

A. B. TACK =tt~~~~!t~1Iol1 PODer ond WindOW Shad38 ~~l~?S~Tt:

Boyd's Harrisburg \.A ) City Directory, 1908. 101
Allen Frank W'o labor(r. h 16lli Wallace . Allen Frederick. fireman. h 132!) Fulton Allen Grace, wid James. h 42~ Xorth al Allen Harn- ~r.. motorman. h a~~ S 15th Allen Harry T., elk, 160n Regina, h 1047 S 22~ Allen James, bartender. h 111 ~ 4th Allen John, collector. h 1~22 Penn Allen John, laborer, h ~n2 Salmon Allen John. molder, h iiGG S 111th Allen John D., ~alesl11an, 215 ~1arket. h 1611 Regina Allen John Y., machinist. h 161() Logan Allen :.\1ary l\frs .. restaurant, 51i'i South, h 115 Tanner Allen :.\1ary L., wid John C. h 117 Balm Allen Xancy, presser, h 814 East Allen Patrick F., cngr. h :!m 1 Green Allen Rohert E . brakeman. h (i~~ :.\Tuench Allen Robert P., butler, 27 ?\ Front, h 117 Balm Allen Silas, helper. h 1409 Penn Allen Susan, wid Jacob, h 1II!) Tanner Allen Walter H . elk. h 2ft4 ~ 2d Allen William. machinist, h llO3 South al Allen \Villiam H.o attorne, State Railroad Commission, h Senate Hotel . Allen William J., h 2ft11 Green Allen William P .. waiter P. & R. depot, h 117 Balm

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~,!-:;'~~E

Allison Dorcas C, h Ul26 N lld Allison' Eben. elk, h 1926 X 3d Allison Elizabeth S., elk Public Records, h 1926 ~ 3d Allison Florence. housekeeper, 60H Shower Allison George E .. houseman Senate Hotel, h 1116 Short Allison Glenn (~ .. engr. h ~3~ S 15th ALLISON HILL BANK, 1301 Market c 13th Allison Hill Laundry, (:'\lrs. Ella D. and Layton L. Howard), 306 S 15th Allison Tames ~I.. brakeman. h 314 Chestnut Allison j. Elmer. elk. 1Ii X ;{d. h 1444 Market Allison Joseph R., engr. h 140n Green Allison Mabel :.\1rs., h J8:!1i X 6th Allison :'\[arclls \Y., fireman, 11 1s:n X Cameron Allito Ippolito. elk. h 2111 S 2c1 Alloway John \\>-., fireman. 11 1i4:! Boyd All 0\- Samncl \Y., shoemkr, ;J4~~ S Cameron. h do All,,:ein RClymond ~r.. ins sol, 4 S 2d, h Hummelstown Allwinc Edgar \-V., laborer, h 1611 Zarker Allwine Howard, brakeman. h 342 Cherry Allwinc \Villiam H., machinist. 81~ ~farket, h 1248 Kittatinm' Alricks Tohn H., laWYer. 11 X 2(1. h 7 N Front ALRICKS LEVI B.: lawyer, rooms 203-204 11 N 2d, h 7 N Front


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{SOll.3 8 N.

-- - - Floyd BI"g. Market ~

Digitized by

LrOog e

McNEIL'S COUGH REMEDY }~:l:.~::5~~~~:{AT~~~G~'Im


Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory, 1908.

III ___

Alricks :\lartha 0., h ~15 X Front ALRICKS WILLIAM K., pres Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., h 215 N Front Althoff William J., watchman, h ~1H6 Kensington Althoff William J., jr .. repairer, h 2033 Kensington ALTHOUSE FRANK J., druggist, 1276 Market c 13th, h 29 N 13th ALTHOUSE HARRY B., druggist,1525 N 3d, h do Althouse Joseph L., elk. 1~76 l\Iarket, h 1313 Walnut Althouse R. Edward, conductor, h 1501 Vernon Altland Jermiah H., dyer, 31; S :!d and 101~ ~larket, h do Altland J aim, expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 4:14 S 15th Altland William H., carpenter. h 1703 X 4th Altmaier Amelia, music teacher, 1311 S 2d, h do Altmaier Annetta, tclephone opr, h 1:l0 S 2d Altmaier Henry]., lockmkr. h 1:1f1 S 2d Altman Harry E .. portcr, :134 Market. h 517 ~ 5th Altman Reuben G.. switchman. h 517 ~ 5th Altman William H., artist. h 517 X 5th Altoff Charles E., engr, h 101~l :\Iarket Altoff Harry S., carpenter, h 19n6 ~ 5th Ambrose Jacob. carpenter. h 148 Syh'an tcr Ambrose Jacob 0 .. engr, h ]~47 Swatara Ambrose \Villiam E.. elevatorman. :l:l4 ~Iarket, h 116 S._vh_'a_l1_t_e_r_____~_ _ ____ _
-t,. I Security Title 8uaranh and Sirety Co le.U"I, { fllflll ............r.... {Trust BuUdlac " 'UIl. If c.


Co., Simler, mgr, 8 J American AssuranccCo. ofGeorge \\'. A. \Y. Hoster, N 2d American Casualty Reading, mgr, 1:-;1;4 Swatara I- AMERICAN GUARANTY CO., J. C. Grimm, local agt, bankers, Trust bldg, American Harrow Co . agrJ \Valnut Z AMERICAN Commonwealthimpits. fj:!7 C. 222 Marketmgr, LOAN CO., Walter Baskins,




o J

rooms 203-204 Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d see adv side lines Amcrican Salvation Arm\" Rcscue Home. 1101 N 7th American Seeding Machine Co., Superior Division, F. H. ~J arsh. genl agt. Ii:!:; \\" alnut: Empire Division, Bickford & Hoffman Di\'ision and Evans Division, 627 \\'alnut AmeriC:1Il Surety Co. of ~ ew York, Barn' M. Bretz, attorney, :!:!:!'l\larket; Bird & N"ickey. 'agts, n~1 Union Trust bldg AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO., J. S. Cole, dist plant chief, 210 Walnut AMERICAN UNION TELEPHONE CO., F. D. Houck, 2d v-pres; W. H. Wilson, genl supt, 227 Federal Square AI11111ann Othmar. civil engr. h 2n14 X :lrl A111mon Cora L., cigarmkr, h 14:!!1 ~ 2d AmJ1lon Elizabeth A., elk, It 1)27 ~ 5th Am1110n John L., foreman, ] 7:~7 ~ uth, h 1527 X i)th

~c::~~~, S:~iiC~:~

IN 0R WRED M0NO {3d 1Dd. Rell, SIs. E c.oogle

Digitized by

.I. B. TACK} FIN~E!~"~'N!'~~,,~c,~!rEA { 1216Konh Third 81reel

Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory, 1908.
103 Ammon \Villiam G., brakeman, It 1i17 Dauphin Amos Alice, housekeeper, 1403 X 4th Amos Annie E. l\Irs., h 43:.! South al Amos Lester R., laborer, h 43:.! South al Amsden Frank F., mgr Paxton Furnaces, h :!15 S Front ANASTASOPULOS STEVEN, barber and bootblack, 317 and 407~ Market, h 317 do Anastos Peter, mgr, 12 X :ld. 'h do Ancola Stanv. laborer, h 63 Lochiel Ancien-on Ahraham S., foreman \Y. O. Hickok Mfg. Co., h l:.!:~ ~agle Anderson A. Freeman Rev., h ~16 Pine Anderson Annie G. Mrs., h :t~2 Strawberry Anderson Carl, telephone inspector. h !ll:~ S 20th Anderson Charles, candymkr. h (j:~f) Forster Anderson Charles, driver, h 6l:.! Showers Anderson Charles B., driver, h iiI:.! Showers Anderson Charles E., painter. h :!2 S 4th Anderson Charles H., fireman, h ]320 Fulton Anderson Charles L., package delivery, h :m:.!t S 2d Anderson Charles S., barber. :!f) X 4th, h 408 S 14th Amlerson Clara E., saleslady. Ii S 2r1, h IHn Regina Andc~!'nn Dollie K., dressmkr, h 2:J:38 X lith Ander!'on Donald c., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 2008 N 4th Amler:;on Earl R., laborer, h ::WW'\ N 4th

Z -i UJ 0



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Andersnn Edward If .. elk P. () .. h Ii:!:! Elm n Anderson Eleanor A., h 209 State Anrlerson Ella, saleslady, It II;!!!) X :Jd > Anderson ElIa:\1 rs., h 5117 Calder Ander!'on Ella :\1., h H26 S Cameron > Anderson Elmer, machinist, h 121!l Derry en Anderson Emanuel T., foreman. h :.!1!)' Crescent Anderson Evan G.. elk, h 211118 X 4th III Anderson Florence :\1., dressmkr. h 41~ Cumberland = 0 ~::> Anderson Frank B .. elk, h :.!()08 ?\ 4th II; -:. Anderson Franklin S., solicitor, h 18 N 5th Anderson George E., roller, h 653 Boas Anderson George E., trucker P. R. R. freight depot, h ill'i =]17 Vine ;rho -CD CI.. Anderson George H., brakeman, h 2134 Atl<ls ~ Anderson George H .. puddler, h :~3:'!~ S 2d Amlerson George n., ticket elk P. R. R., h 1106 Mont- :a::D gomery ::D en Anderson George R., tl)olmkr, h l:i:.!::! Allison all c: Anderson George S.. foreman. 11 1:i:.!2 Allison ::D Anderson George W .. lahorer. h 1!1l3 Rhoads ~ ..." An(lerson Hannah, la(lies' maid. 313 N Front :. Anderson Harry]., driver. h l!H6 State "" :. Anderson Harry R., helper, h Hilla ~ 4th 1Anderson Howard, moirler, h 1)53 Boas


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Anderson Anderson :; Anderson ~ Anderson ~ Anderson Anderson ;:; Anderson ~ Anderson .\nderson Anderson Anderson .-\nderson _ Anr1er~on Anderson c:. Anderson c: Anderson ;; Anderson


Try. TOD of

H M KELL[Y & CO'S -Black Dlamond8WbeD{ I rlhl.IIIIII. 1: you DeEt order. .1. 11.1......


Boyd's Harrisburg ( .A.) City Directory, 1908.

Howard L.. hookkpr, h 180~ X 3d Tames, barber. 14n:~ N 4th. h do Tamt>s. foreman. h 418 Cumberland James, laborer, h 518 Strawherry Tames, labort>r, h IHi6 S Camernn 'Tennie A., h 20!) State John 0., foreman. h 1440 Regina John Z .. lahorer. h 1440 Regina Joseph, laborer. h :W2 :-.Jorth Lawrence J.. draftsman, 11 fi53 Boas Lillian. charwoman. 11 20!) S 2d :\Ian' C. :\Irs., hoarding, fi;):~ Boas. h do Oliv'er C .. switchman. h 1440 Regina Paul A. brakeman, h 1440 Regina Samuel, hlacksmith. h 132;) Green Samuel, machinist. h 1808 X !~d Thomas 'V., ins sol. h 204 Harris

ANDERSON THOMAS W., wall paper, house and sign: painting, 700 Race, h do Anderson \\'alter, machini~t, h 132;) Green l&J Anderson William, baker. h 411 Filbert ..J :\nc1ersoll '''illiam H .. foreman C. J. and S. Co., h 123 .-t' Paxton ...... .-\ n<1t>rson \\'illiam H .. h ~21i S Cameron l&J ~\Ilderson \\'illiam J .. machinist, h 30n Hummel




N~- 3d


.\mler50n William \V .. hrakeman. h 1!)13 Rhoads :\nderson \\'illiam 'V . h lIOIi l\Iontgomery Anderson 'Villiam Z., car inspector. h l!)lG State Anderson \\,iI50n F .. machinist. h !W!) Hummel Andraj Gell.\". lahorer. h 1:114 X ith Andreini Frediano. {'ook. -i:17 :\[arket. b <In Andreucetti Giuseppi. cook. h 110] Market Andrews Albert T.. salesman. :~n S ~d. h 15:11 State Andrews Charles. fireman. h G46 Reilv Andrews (,harles E., telegrapht'r P. R'. R.. h H51i Boas Andrews Charles L.. rodman, 222 .\Iarket. h liO!) State Andrews Cora S. :\Jrs .. (Iressmkr. a~;) Showers. h do Andrews Delia A. :\[rs .. h 151 i ~ 4th Andre\vs Elizabeth. wid Henrv R., h 1618 ~ 5th Andrews Frederick, foreman. Herr clOth. h li09 State Andrews Tames H .. irollwkr. h 585 Showers Andrews :Tames W .. supt. Herr c lIlth. h liO!) State Andrews S. Grant, engr. h H!3 Harris Andrews \'erna E .. sale~ladv. 121!l X ~d. h 1;)02 N 5th Andrews 'Yavne E .. electrician. h 1!)f)2 K 5th Andrews Wiliiam :\1.. engr. h 1502 X ;)th Angeli :\[artin. ceHarman Senate Hotel.h 1101 Market Angell Clara. \\'i(\ Thomas B.. h 1!)(Hl X Front Angle Eva. dome~tic. 1m ~ "\' 2d Angle '''illiam. flagman. h 1302 Wallace

I. L. ST. CLAIR{'TAILO~ti}e!~~e8Mgf~..t

Emplo,. nODe but flratcluB workmen, hence only.If,. 1118 A B TACK} daaovOrtand insures It. Work donc in any part of &ate { N.8dSt.

Boyd's Harrisburg (A ) City Directory, 1908.


Angney Eva W., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 613 Kelker -Angstadt Horace E., helper, h 1316 S 12th Anthil Moses, agt, h 425 Xorth Anthony Adam, fireman, h 621 Reily Anthony Oharles \V., driver, h 528 Peffer Anthony David, ironwkr, h 418 Market Anthony Ellen, wid H. William. h 260 Herr Anthony Jacob W., driver, h 528 Peffer Anthony Jane, wid Joseph,h 260 Herr Anthony Mark, foreman, h 260 Herr Anthony Thomas c., machinist, h 264 Peffer Anthony William H. H., laborer. h 528 Peffer Anwyll Arthur R., stengr, h 1403 N Front Anwyll Harry L., agt Great Southern Despatch, 401 Chestnut, h 114 Herr Anwyll Mary]., h 114 Herr Anwyll William E., elk, 401 Bergner bldg, h 1403 N Front Appell Bill Posting Co., (Nathan Appell), 323 Walnut Appell Xathan, (Reis & Appell and Appel! Bill Posting' Co.), office, 323 Walnut, h Reading Appell ~ellie K. Mrs., h 417 N 2d Apple Maria, wid Benjamin, h 610 :,J 2d Appleberry George, laborer, h 1245 Centre al Appleberry William. laborer. h 115fi Cumberland Applegate Edwin F., h 319 Kelker

~ ",

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Applegate \Villiam F., h 319 Kelker Appleton James, machinist, h 1127 Cowden Arbaugh George. helper, h 2003 Kensington Arbaugh Harry L., barber, 1931 Derry, h 696 S 20i Arbaugh Henry, blacksmith. h 2003 Kensington Arbegast Ralph S., office boy Hbg. Hospital, h Mechanicsburg >Arbogast Sophia, wid John. h 2340 X6th ~

MILLER. BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b:ril!-:;'~~E


ARCADE LAUNDRY, (Daniel E. Glazier), Granite c Logan ;S Archer David. waiter COlllwlth, h 517 Brown <:> Archibald Elizabeth ~lrs., saleslady, 3:34 ~farket, h 123 S 2d Ard ~Iargaret 11. Mrs., h 395 Emerald Ardelan George, laborer, h 1323 X Cameron Ardelan Tohann. laborer, h 1107 X Cameron Ardelean" Joseph, laborer. h 948 Cumberland Arendt 1. Keller. miller. h :!3fi Kelker Arment Alice E .. stengr. h fi57 Boas Arment Anna ~I., h 1618 Penn Arment Edward S., h 657 Boas Arment Eva, weaver. h fi57 Boas Arment HarT\' R., c\k 1212 :,J 3d. h 253 Sassafras Arment Man~ G . wid Oliver. h 1114 X 2d Arment :,Jellie Mrs., dressmkr. lfilF-: Penn. h do



McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:f~~I~l.':S~:.-:~t{ 306 Brol~

... =-;;


Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory, 1908.

ARMENTO JOSEPH J., propr State Capitol Hotel, 217 Walnut,Oh do see adv front cover
Armento Joseph 1\., cook State Capital Hotel, h do .\rmentrol1t Turner, repairsman, h illU East Armor Franklin G., pipebender, h 18:t~ Fulton

ARMOR WILLIAM C., notary, antiquarian bookseller, 4 and 6 N Court, h 128 State Armour Bertha J., seamstress, h 170~ X :;th Armour John c., molder, 1ill:! X 5th
Armour John .T., engr, h 171l:! X 5th Armpriester Barton A., brakeman, h lill:! Briggs Armpriester (;eorge \V., pres \Vest End Roofing Co., Inc., h ~Ol N (ith Armstrong Alice, saleslady, h so~ N 3<\ Armstrong Ida, h lIIlfj Green Armstrong Irvin E., helper, h 641 Harris Armstrong :\lartin \V., fireman, h 1013 :Market Anmtrong :\Iarv, salesladv, h 1:3:!:! William Armstrong. Rebecca, wid john, h 650 Emerald Armstrong Sarah A., h 11116 Green Armstrong Winf eld, fireman. h 444 Hummel Army and Xavy Record Co., Thos. M. Sykes, mgr, 14 S 2d Arndt Emor\", oiler. h 1817 Wood av Arndt .Tame; Y .. laborer, h 1:!1I:! X Cameron Arndt .Tohn S., laborer, h 111l~ Cowden



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ntll SuarlDt, IDd Suntr Co scPE..... {Slr'I,III'H~' 'Ir E, ...1 { Truat BI.... no I.,... 1SecurUy II ...IIIIH "




Arney :Mary E., elk, h 1406 Regina Arney Mertie, oressmkr, 334 Market, h \Vormleysbttrg Arnold Ada :\1.. wid John A . h 17114 N 3d Arnold Albert L.. telegrapher P. R. R. pass depot, h :!410 ~ lith Arnold Alfred. laborer, h 1411 :\Iaplc Arnold Annie 1\1., housekeeper, 1338 Penn Arnold Arthur A., barber, l;m K 4th, h tl:!l Rose

ARNOLD CALVIN M. DR., druggist, 1601 N 6th, h do

Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold \rnold Arnold Arnold ;\rnold ..... rnold Arnold ..... rnold Arnold :\rnold Arnold Arnold .\rnold
_ _ _0






_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Catharine, wid John. 11 :!11 lllackberrv Charles, painter. h 1:U;O :'IIay!io\\Oer . Daniel B., conductor, h 45 X 14ith David H., carpenter, h :121 Clinton Dorah ""., baggagemaster. h :!024 Kensington Edward. cigar mfr, l:J:~S Penn, h <10 Edward, painter. h 14:n Susquehanna Edwin 1\1., car cleaner. h 1!l:!7 Swatara Emma 0o, wid Joshua, h 1l1~ S Cameron E. :\Inrris, molder. h lIil! Regina Ephraim, carpenter. h 45 N 11ith Esther :'II., knitter. h :!:J:~2 X lith Flora. saleslao". 401i :'I[arket. h 7:l X 14ith Frederick, lab;)~er. h 10(1 Con 0\0 (ieorge E., shipper. h 1111) Conoy C;eorge M., laborer. h 2019 Moltke ___________

ANDREW REDMOND }.a:~:i~a~".i :.~~gr.;'~{3d au Aailv..lJs. ~~6IC


A. B. TAel} IALl PAPER ~:e~~J:e~ 111001 SHADES {Nort~:' 8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory, 1908.
Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold lOi George \Y., painter, h 73 N 16th (ieorge W., repairsman. h 1841 N 7th George \\'. L.. elk. h 1~41 ~ 7th Harry. lineman, h 1838 :'IJ 3d Harr,' A., valve tester, h ~22 S 15th Harr)' J., brakeman, h 711 ~ 19th James F., machinist, h Hl511 S 9th J. Frank, harber, 1427 ~ 6th, h 2121 do J. Loy, student. h 150!! :\Iarket John, peddler, h a45 S Cameron John B., painter, h Hila Hemlock John D., heater, h 419 S 14th John F., bricklayer, h 1107 N Front John F., laborer, h 73 X 16th . John H., haggagemaster, h The Central John S., foreman, h Hl3H ~~l John S., mgr, 213 Walnut, h 1509 :\'larket Joseph D., bar elk, The Central, 'It \V ormleysburg Lewis W., shoemkr Lunatic Hospital. h do Lloyd R., conductor, h 1118 S Cameron Lura Mrs., h 318 Blackherrv :\label, salesradv, 406 Market, h 7:1 ~ Hith M. Ardella, music teacher. 1509 :\larket :\Iarv F., seamstress, h Ion Conoy Mor'ris, fireman. h 2121 X 6th .

r:-:S::::::'la}Harrlsburg Savings and Loan Assn.

,. < ,. {::;:= :u


Arnold Morris, molder, h 1614 Regina Arnold 11. Stella, dressmkr, h 15~5 Derry Arnold :'\ora V., wid Andrew, h 1013 :Market Arnold Philip J., machinist, h 5li3 S Front N Arnold Ravmond, motorman. h 419 S 14th l> Arnold Ross, plasterer, h 1313 Howard Arnold Samuel, laborer, h 1~~1 Bailey Arnold Samuel F., conductor, h 4:311 Huckthorn :I Arnold Stella :\1., dressmkr, h 1525 Derry Arnold Waiter, barber, h 610 Reily . lJ Arnold \Valter, candYmkr, 'h 13(}1I :\Iav/iower Arnold WiIliam A., shoe opr, h 4111 S 14th l> Arnold \ViIliam E., car repairer. h 1:~2H Susquehanna fJ) Arnold William H., flagman, 'h 23:32 ~ lith Arnold \;Villiam H., jr., conductor, h 11):311 Penn Arnsberger William, bar elk, 7~9 State, h 727 do Aronsohn ::\lichael, salesman, 30 N ad. h n18 Green Aronson Barney, grocer, '504 \Valmtt, h do Aronson Charles, pawnbroker, 10 S 4th. h 230 S 17th Aronson Joseph, grocer, 14~;~ X 4th, h do Arrington Annie. domestic, 107 Reily Arrington Bezelar. porter. 31~ l\larket. h 1158 S Cameron Arrington Henry, scullion, h522 North al Arrington James. lahorer. h li2 Lochiel, (ith row Arsch Jacob. junk, h 712 Cowden




THE PATRIO'l: Coogle

Digitized by


OVR MOTTO: - } Honelt Coal, Honeat Welght

H M KELLEY m . {101' tilthlilt.Itllli P. CO I ad ... IIIItlt


Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory, 1908.

; ; Arsch Rebecca Mrs., grocer, i12 Cowden, 11 do ~ Arter Alice F., nurse, h 305 Chestnut ...: Arter Minnie M., wid George, h 584 ShO\vers ~ Arter Lincoln L., brakeman, h 946 Paxton .~ Arthur Ira A., student, h 1608 N 4th =:; Arthur Jacob, metalwkr, h 416 Hamilton ~ Arthur John E., elk P. R. R., h 1608 ~ 4th .: Arthur SaJlluel G., conductor, h 1608 N 4th -M Artz James A., inspector, h 503 Calder Arva Philip, laborer, h 1225 Cumberland Arwer Conrad, laborer, h 1941 Boas 2: Arzova Cosma, laborer, h 163 Paxton Ash Forrest B., real estate, h 222 Locust .Ct Ash Louis P., sale$man, h 503 Muench -!i Ash Paul B., stengr, 'h 2'22 Locust ::E Ashenfelder William J., brakeman, h 1326 N Front ; ; Ashenfelter Charles E., messenger Adjt. Genl's Dept., UI Capitol, h Mechanicsburg 0: Ashenfelter Minnie R., saleslady, 334 Market, h Mechanicsburg "- Ashton Annie, tailoress, h 12 S 4th r- Askin Harry 11., elk Peipher Line, h Camp Hill 0 Askin Reynolds B., elk P. R. R. pass dept, h 122 Hoerner .c:[ ASKIN & MARINE, Herbert Shipley, mgr, credit clothing outfitters, 36 N 2d









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<II&Il W Y Q W ...



Asper Allen, yardman. X !.Ith nr ?vlarket, h 205 :\'1uench Asper Andrew T., driver, h 205 Muench Asper Blanche M., seamstress, h 205 Muench Asper Harry F., elk, 214 Locust, ;h 1632 N 6th Asper J. Clarence, fireman, h 2034 N 4th Asper Samuel J., boilermkr, 'h 1058 S 9th Associated Press, 216 Locust ASTRICH HERMAN, millinery, cloaks, suits, &c., 400 Market c 4th, h 1934 N 3d Astwood Roscoe C. messenger Dept. Public Printing, h 170li Elm Asure Edwin, engr, h 1911 Fulton Atchley Isaac W., driver, h 1272 Juniper Atkins Caleb H., brakeman, h 35 N 16th Atkins Robert, asst storekeeper. h 1027 Paxton Atkins Robert, jr., laborer. h 1027 Paxton Atkins Samuel A., clk, h 1222 Walnut Atkinson Albert E., press feeder Courier, h 156 N 15th Atkinson Cora, dressmkr, h 210 Kelker Atkinson Cornelia, salesladv, h 1208 Derry Atkinson Edwin, timler, h 537 Peffer . Atkinson Forester T., telegrapher, h 1208 Derry Atkinson George H., elevatorman, h 433 S 17th Atkinson Hazel, cJk, Mulberry c Crescent, h 1208 Derry' Atkinson J. Earl, telegrapher P. R. R., 11 1339 N 6th

Yb;.l1b~~:=~o;,::.r Woll PJDer 0IId IIndOW ShOdes trom A.

B. TACK .1:~~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (A ) City Directory, 1908.

Atkinson William, blacksmith, It 2028 Kensington Athntic )Jew amI 5econd-hand Furniture Co., (;.\1r5. L. G. Cohen), 114 5hort ATLANTIC REFINING CO., Edwin M. Singer, mgr, mfrs of all products of petroleum, 2207 N 7th Attick Daniel J., supt, h 104 Verbeke Attick Eleanor, cashier, 206 N 2d, It Earlington Attick Harvey H., painter, h 93G 5 21st Attick Maggie, housekeeper, 1800 X 3d Attick l\Ieily J., salesman, 334 Marht, h Earlington Attick Oliver, storage, 26 l\ Cameron, h :!18 Briggs Attick William ]., brakeman, h 110:! WaIlace Atticks Annie Mrs., h 935 5 21st Atticks George M., baker, h 217 Verbeke Atticks Harry, (Atticks & Flickinger). h 1193 Christian Atticks John, baker, h 217 Verbeke Atticks John, h 1221 N 2d Atticks Walter W., h 1221 N 2d Atticks & Flickinger, (Harry Atticks and Groyer C. Flickinger), bakers, 135 Evergreen Atticks & Metzger, (George M. Atticks and William A. 1Ietzger), bakers. 217 Verbeke Atwood John E., engr, h 1209 1'\ Front Auar Lewis, laborer, h 334 52d Auar Maggie, wid William R., h 334 5 2d

Aucker Charles Hoo elk. h Reel's la c 5th Aucker Harry E., car repairer, h 648 'Voodbine Aucker Jacob S., cleaner P. R. R., h 2114 Turner al Auderberg Frederick A., adv mgr E. F. Co .. h 1500 5 12th Aughinbaugh Bessie L., bookkpr, Court ab Locttst, h 819 N 6th AUGHINBAUGH CHARLES E., book bindery, Court ab Locust, h 819 N 6th see adv Aughinbaugh Edna S . h 819 IN 6th Aughinbaugh Henry E., tailor. h 332 Harris Aughinbaugh Henry E .. jr., ~lachinist. h !l24 Harris Aughinbaugh Louisa n., wid Charles A . h 27 5 3d Aughinbaugh ::\lar)' 1\1., book sewer, Court ab Locust, h




!::I P

Aughinbaugh Nellie L., dressmkr, h 712 Green




Court Street, ahove Locust Street. Harrishorg. Pat ~


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CLARK'S =~-:~~ Drug and Patant Medicine Storels!:}:::l!11110 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.




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Aughinbaugh William M .. engr, h 1609 Hunter Ault H. Elizabeth, wid HenrY, h H~4 Grand Aumiller Austin E., elk P. R. R, h 1330 \' ernon Aumiller Laura B., wid Edward, h ~18 ~Iulberrv Auner Kate L., saleslady, ~l:~4 :\farket, h :!:!8 Forster Auner :\fary A .. wd Ephraim D . h 2:!8 Forster Aungst Edward F .. painter, h 1858 Walnut Aurand Ammon :\1.. (Harrisburg Post Card Co.), printer.. !.I13 N 3d, h 1107 do Aurand Edward L., laborer. h 16:!5 Logan Ausberrv Charles, hostler, h 616 Church Ausberr) James. hostler. h 616 Church Austin George, laborer. h 1828 Hickory Austin Harrison R, janitor. h 543 Woodbine Auter James M., messenger Executh'e Dept, h 305 S 14th Auter Sarah, cook, ] 604 N 2d Auxer Sarah L., dressmkr. h 407 Boas Averv Laura, domestic, 125 Short Avoliio Frank, pipecutter, h 316 S 2d Awl Fanny H., h 230 State Awl J. Wesley, jr., elk Hbg. ~ at. Bank, h 234 State Awl Mary E., wid Francis A., h ~34 State A yars Frank S .. machinist, h 1425 Market Avars Raymond L., chauffeur. h 1425 Market A)le Annie S., housekeeper. 617 l\luench
Title GaaraDty aDd Surety Co. I.I.t"..... EuCl"". 8.1"1-. { , ....1IIp -8erantoa, PeDDa. T",t... 'N ,II .tller kiN' ., J lclil lnlll Tna' __



Ayle Hugh W., elk P. R R, h 6a2 Dauphin Ayle Lizzie A., wid Harry B., h fi17 l\Iuench Ayle Ruth N., elk, 416 State. h 617 l\Iuench AYres Annie E., domestic. !fill"j N :!c1 Ayres Mary, wid Wilmot, h tHaI) N 6th

. o o
ct O

Baab Charlotte, tailoress, 'h 4114 Forster Babb Harry].. yardmaster P. R R, Hbg. station, h 30' N 2d Z Babs Peter. laborer, h Cooper Shop nr C. 1. and S. Co~ Mill No.2 Bach Adeline S. Mrs., saleslady, 1UU4 Market, h 707 S 21st Bach Frank T .. sub elk P.O., h :!45 Maclav .J Bach Newton LT .. patternmkr. h 1HI!l~ l\Iont-gomery Bach Tillman H., elk P.O . h 245 }Iaclay Z Bachman Abram G., barher. 1~0] l\lulberry, h do ~ Bachman Chauncey H., clothing renovator, ]205 Derry,. hdo _ Bachman Edgar D., brakeman, h HmO~ N 5th Bachman Frank, driver, h ] 1:~1) Chri~tian LLJ Bachman George, h ]:!Il!'i Derry I11III:: Bachman George, jr., driver. h 1:!1l5 Derry ..:::::; Bachman Jacob H., brakeman. h 211:1 Derry <C Bachman John. laborer. h 12111 :\llllberry


Redmond's Wagon Works ~~~dA':.lf:b~~~e~~y~~S'eSts ..

A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades {1:18d:'W~&.

Boyd's Harrisburg ( B ) City Directory, 1908. Bachman John. oiler, h 1201 Mulberry Ba("hman Ralph G . fireman. h 621 Reily Bachman Theresa. h 209 Muench Back Olga. h 1000 Cowden Backenstoe Clara R., h 1528 N 2d BACKENSTOE CLAYTON H., lawyer, 14 N 3d, h 1528 N 2d Backenstoe Sarah E., h 1528 N 2d Backenstoss Clarence 0., elk Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., h 142fJ Zarker Backenstoss Edmund D., painter, h 1815 N 5th Backenstoss Edward A., brakeman. h 1815 N 5th Backenstoss Mervin E., painter, h 211 Muench Backenstoss Ross E., real estate and barber, 3d c Market, h 310 N 2d Backenstoss Stanley G., elk P. R. R . h 1815 N 5th Backenstoss Stella ~L, stengr, 17 N :ld. h 1815 N 5th Backenstoss William R., cab driver, h 460i S Cameron Bacon Anna E., wid Daniel. h 216 ~orth Bacon Arthur D.,,(The D. Bacon Co.), h 216 North Bacon Charles A., elk, 73 union Trust bldg, h 116 Locust BACON D. CO. (THE) (Arthur D. Bacon), manufacturing and wholesale confectioners, 438 and 440 Market; bottling works, N 10th ab Market Bacon Maria Mrs .. h 1507 State ::c Bacon \ViIliam, waiter, h 515 Primrose ;.. Bader Arthur 1\1., flagman. h 1829 Susquehanna Bader Horace R., brakeman, h 1829 Susquehanna Badorf Alvin D., molder, h 916 S 21 st Badorf Clair W., molder, h 2110 Brookwood Badorf Harry, craneman, h 1623 Regina n Badorf Harry A., elk, h 1847 Berryhill Badorf Harry S., engr, h 1224 Green N Badorf James A. G., grocer, Derry c 19th, h N. Y. City :I> Badorf Katherine A.. h 933 S 19th n Badorf Mary A., wid 1\1 ichael S., h 1541 Swatara ::c Badorf Nathaniel S., carpenter, h 1847 Berryhill > Badorf Sue V., stengr Patriot, h 1847 Berryhill Badorf, see Batdorf > Badukich Dusan, cook Lunatic Hospital, h do (It Baer Alta c., weaver. h 1618 Wallace Baer Andrew]., postal elk. h 113 N 13th Baer Anna Mav. milliner, 6 S 2d, h 931 N 2d Baer Cameron' L., division mgr, 227 Federal sq, h 120 Market Baer Clara V., wid John H., h 1622 Chestnut Baer Clayton c.. machinist, h 1618 Wallace Baer Cyrenius S., carpenter, h 1253 Bailey Baer Daniel A., elk P.O .. h 42:-l S lith Baer David H., laborer. h 2111 Herr



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T h _ ~_p_r .,ore porth... ~i~Mf~



H M KELLEY &CO {I Nortb 8d Street, lOth aDd State



Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

ic: IQ Q



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ILl .J

-------------------------C GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d St.

Baer Edith M., weaver, h Hi:!:! Chestnut Baer Elizabeth R, h :!111 Herr Baer Elmer E., elk P. R R, h 1G:.!!3 Penn Baer Ella M., cigarmkr, h 421 S 14th Baer Emma E., weaver, h 1618 Wallace Baer Florence, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Baer George J., car repairer, h2212 N' Gth Baer Harry D., hostler. h 421 S 14th Baer Harry H., elk P. R R. h 1909 Penn Baer Harry H., laborer, h 2111 Herr Baer Hattie, attendant Lunatk Hospital, h do Baer Hayes, hod carrier: h 1328 :Mayflower Baer Isaac, h 421 S 14th Baer James A, painter, Ih 2318 Jefferson Baer Jessie Coo weaver, h Hi:?2 Jefferson Raer John S., fireman, h 625 Reily Baer John W., laborer, 'h 2111 Herr Baer Joseph C, driver, 11 1253 Bailey Baer Luther J.. hrakeman, h 1828 Penn Baer Samuel, baker, h 415 Kelker Baer S. Oayton, elk P. R. R., h 1:?53 Bailey Baer William H., wiper, h 421 S 14th Baer, see Bair, also Bear Bahn Charles W., collector, 14 S 2d, h 104 S lith Baier, see Bair, also Bear. also Baer

bJ Bailets Anna, attendant

o ::


~unatic Hospital. h do Bailets Charles S., salesman, h liOa Market Bailets George 0., elk, h 713 S Front >- Bailets Jacob A., grocer, 713 S Front. h do Z Bailets John A., elk. 713 S Front, h 717 Showers C Bailets Maude. cigarmkr, h 309 Buckthorn iILo Bailets \Yard B., pictures, HII4 Market, h 715 Showers Ie Bailets William. laborer, h 15th c Briggs Bailey Arthur H.o mgr, 618 Korth. h Paxtang Bailey Benjamin. conductor. h 1108 N 6th "'"" Bailev Catharine, h 2:?"2 Locust Bailey Cecil, inspector, 'h 1948 Derry o Bailey Charles L., (est), 14 S 2d U Bailey Charles L., jr., (Wolfe & Bailey), h 2103 N 3d Q Bailey Charles L. & Co., Inc., James B. Bailey, pres; E. E Bailey, v-pres; J. C Harvey. sec and treas; Chesapeake Nail vVorks, office and works bet P. R Rand Front bel Dock III U Bailey Claude A .. molder. h 2402 Reel BAILEY EDWARD, (Hammond & Bailey), pres Harrisburg National Bank, Harrisburg Trust Co., Penna. Surety Co., Central Iron and Steel Co. and chairman Central Penna. Traction Co., h 1517 N Front Bailey Emma H., wid Charles L., h ~1 S Front Bailey George, h 222 Locust


1 L. ST.



Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908. 113 Bailey Hamilton, (Eureka Coal Wagon Works), h 126 . Locust BAILEY JAMES B., pres Chesapeake Nail Works and Lucknow Iron and Steel Co. and genl mgr and treas C. I. and S. Co., h 5 S Front Bailey Mary L., wid John M., h 115 Hoerner Baile\" Oliver H., laborer, h 2136 Greenwood Bailey Orleans J., elk P.O., h 222 Locust Bailey Walter .T., florist, h 28 N Dewberry Bailey William A., salesman, 334 Market, h 927 N 2d Bailey William E., elk, h 1716 Walnut Bailey 'WilIiam E., treas L'nion Real Estate Investment Co . h 31 S Front Bailey William M., engr, h 2046 Green Bailor Charles M., baggagemaster. h 203 Hummel Bailor, see Bealor Bain Albert. laborer, h 1002 S Cameron Bain Martin, laborer, h 13th cAsh Bainbridge C. Adam, helper, h 1196 Bailey Baine Bertha c., buyer, 334 Market, h 1018 Hemlock Baine James V., weighmaster C. I. and S. Co., h 1018
Baine Sarah J., wid Edward. h 1018 Hemlock Bair Abraham, boilermkr, h 1839 Derry Bair Alice M. :VIrs., h 1618 Wallace


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------------------------------MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} .,~~b~~_:.~~II:


~ Bair Alta c., weaver, h 1618 Wallace Bair Charles E., (c. E. Bair & SOilS), h Goldsboro Bair Charles E. & Sons, (c. E. and H. B.), cigar mfrs all" tobacconists, 24 N 4th Bair Oyde H., brakeman, h 2245 Jefferson Bair George W., driver, h 998 Cowden Bair Harry \V., carpenter, h 604 State Bair Harvey B., (c. E. Bair & Sons), h 24 N 4th Bair Horace E., barber, h 707 State Bair Jacob E., brakeman, h 630 Woodbine Bair John ]., (Witmer, Bair & Witmer), h Lancaster Bair Roscoe C., fireman, h 2317 N 6th Bair Saint D., conductor, h 2118 N 6th Bair Samuel C., baker, h 415 Kelker Bair Sylvester B., barber, 412i Verbeke, h 630 Calder Bair William, cigarmkr. h 1712 Susquehanna Bair, see Baer, also Bear Baish Renna, elk. h 1020 :\Iarket Bakala Michael, laborer, h 49 Lochiel 5th row Baker Adalene, shoe opr. h 1204 Bailey . Baker Albert T., h 159 Paxon Baker Albert T .. driver, 401 Chestnut, h 23 S Evergreen Baker Aida, wid George, h 7 S 16th Baker Amelia E. ~Irs . housekeeper, 47 N 13th Baker Andrew G.. brakeman. h 2138 Atlas



Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908. Anna B., milliner, 710 N ad. h do Anna .M., dressmkr, h 2128 X 4th Benjamin F., painter, h 1625 Susquehanna Benjamin F., waiter, h 131 Linden Bernard 1\1., tailor, 'h 1118 N 2d Bertha E., dressmkr. 3:14 }Iarket, h 1851 Vernon Carrie, domestic, 3(11 1\ Front Carrie Mrs., h 4:28 Herr Catharine, nurse, 711 N ad Charles A., laborer, h 1625 Susquehanna Charles H., porter, h 123 Short Charlotte J., h 710 ~ 3d Oarence J., engr, h 568 SlOth Daisv, seamstress, h 417 Kelker Daniel G., consulting engr, 11 1500 S 12th David H., molder, h 1515 Regina Edna 1\1., elk, 109 Market. h LemoYne Elizabeth. wid Joseph. h 238 S 14th Elizabeth S., ~Opperman & Baker). h 159 'Paxton' Ella S. l\lrs .. boarding, 411! Walnut, h do Emma B., wid Oscar, h 317 S Front Emma E .. wid George W., h 1404 K 6th Emma F. )'Irs., dressmkr, 1918 1\ 7th, h do Fred R.. cabinetmkr, h 2014 1\ 5th George. brakeman, h 608 Maclay

Baker George T., foreman P. R. R., h 1708 Green BAKER GEORGE W., grocer, 1100 N 6th, h 502 Herr Baker George \V., (G. W. Baker & Son), h 1923 North Baker George V;., jr., (George W. Baker & Son), h PenJ brook ~ Baker George W. & Son, (George W. and George W., jr),. painters, UI23 Korth Baker Hannah. matron, 1185 Bailey, h do Raker Harry E., machinist, h (i5:! 'Boas Baker Harr~' H., elk P. R. R.. h uno Green Baker Harr~ R., coachmkr. h 13(11 X 4th Baker Herbert C.. fireman, h 203!1 Fulton J BAKER HOWARD W., painter and decorator, 216 Boas,. ~ h do telephone . Raker Isaac, mail elk, h Hill Derry Baker Tacoh L., screwsman. h 120.'" Bailey ;; Raker Jacob L.. jr., laborer. h 61 X 10th II. Baker James. roller, h 15ll Paxton Baker James c., conductor, h l!H:': X 7th Raker James L.. foreman printer. h 42ii State C Raker Tames L..lahorer. h 624 Walnut IIIC: Raker 'Tohn D . conductcr, h Ht!7 X !tc! J Baker )Oh11 H., porter COll1wlth. h 1S X Cameron ~ Baker Tohn R.. tinsmith. h }:UfI Green Baker john W., bricklayer. h 2005 Susquehanna

o o

Raker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Raker Raker Raker Baker Raker Raker Baker Baker Baker Raker Baker Baker Baker Baker

1m. lurally lid SDrlIy Co. k,:,~. {~:'=,~~-==-' l~~'i':r.



.I fie.

B TACK lf FreleolDC Make. "Speelaltyinof TiDta {1.'8 N.1Id 8t. PDblie Bwldlnp Plaia .KIttmatell Given
Boyd's Har'risburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

Baker John W., machinist, h 6:m Hamilton =I Baker Joseph c., laborer, h 624 \Valnut Baker Joseph W., hlacksmith, 120 Hancock, h 119 N ~ Cameron <: _ Baker Leanrler F . music and musical instruments, 1319 "" 1\ 6th, h Lemovne CD Baker Lena c., h :~4:! Cherry ~ Baker Lucy A .. h 1515 Regina CI Baker Luther J., bricklayer, h 2005 Susquehanna Baker Lvdia A., domestic, 2224 N !ld Baker :\iabel, stockkpr, h 608 Maelay Baker :\Iargaret, wid Isaac G .. h 1:351 Vernon Baker :Nlargaret, wid Simon, h 608 ~Iaday ~ BAKER MATTHIAS G., house and sign painter, 230 Cranberry, h 1005 N 2d Baker Matthias H .. plumber, h 77 N 17th Baker Maude. h 603 State Baker :\lervilIe, craneman, h lU54 S Cameron ~ Baker :\Iinnie. domestic, 221 Verbeke ~ BAKER OLIVER F., pianos and organs, 1319 N 6th, ~III h do I_~ Baker Oscar B .. eng-r. h !l52 Crescent t" Baker Otto M .. printer Star-Independent, h 411! Walnut Baker Pearl, telephone opr, 2lU Walnut, h 2128 N 4th Baker Peter A., carpenter, h 1625 Susquehanna



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SaYings and Loan Assn.{


Baker Russell H., app-rentice Independent, h 411! Walnut Baker Samuel, laborer, h 44 S Court Baker Samuel B., special police Capitol, h 710 N 3d Baker Sonny, scullion, h 1002 :\ 6th Baker Stuard, flagman, h 54 X 12th Baker Swsan Mrs., h 1:!!l Short Baker Theophilus, conductor. h 11.)42 N 6th Baker Thomas. laborer. h 549 Showers Baker Thomas J., watchman, h S24 S Cameron BAKER W. HARRY, asst chief clk Senate, Capitol, h 206 Harris Baker Wilber, 23 S 2d Baker William F., ,dentist, 320 :\Iarket, h do Baker William H., flagman, h un5 N 7th Baker William H., laborer, h 1507 S Cameron Baker William H., stonemason, h 1424 Marion Baker \Villiam H. H., chief elk ins dept, h 1604 Green Baker_ William T., elk. h 1625 Susquehanna Baker, see Baehker, also Becker Baldwin Alpheus H., conductor, h 2112 Hamilton Baldwin Amaziah, conductor, h 17(1) Market Baldwin Aubrey H., (Gramm Paving and Construction Co.), h 1902 Green Baldwin Belle B.. h 1706 ~Iarket Baldwin Edgar W., elk P. R. R., h 825 N 6th







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THE PAT RIO oogIe , "

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H. I. KELLEY" CO.}OllICeS, :or:~~~.f:';T::{COAL AND WOOD

Baldwin Edna, student, h 202 Hamilton Baldwin Ella M., h 17111; :Market ~ Baldwin John c., conductor, h 1513 ~ 6th Co: Baldwin Maud E., teacher, h 202 Hamilton =5 Baldwin Ravmond, elk P. R. R., h 825 N 6th Co: Bale John H., warehouseman, h 134 S 3d .: Bale J olm T., warehouseman, h 134 S 3d :!! Bale :l\Iary, wid John, h 39 S Court Bale Robert L., bottler, h 39 S Court Bale Thomas S., bottler, h :19 S Court _ Balentine Sarah A., wid William, h ]501 Swatara Ball Joseph, h 127 Pine ~ Ball Joseph, jr., salesman. 101 X Cameron, h 215 Pine Ball :Martha Mrs., cook. 27 :K Front fti : . Ball William G., contractor, 215 Pine, h do -- Ballew Oscar A., craneman, h 1838 5tate (/) Balmer Benjamin F., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 406 do Balmer Charles E., engr, h G30' Harris Balmer Ellen, wid Benjamin F., h 1302 Bailey Balmer l\1ary R.. wid Samuel, h 630 Harris Balmer Richard H., pressman, h 42 Balm RaImer Samuel H., grocer, 42 Balm, h do C Balmer Sarah c., domestic. 351 S 13th Balsbaugh Henry, salesman, h 1185 Bailey

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.


O I-

a:: a::

o --. >:l a..

Ralshatlgh Peter H. Rev . h 629 ~laelay Balsbaugh Samuel E., elk. 70 N 13th. h Penbrook BALSBAUGH & SHAFFNER, (Hiram W. Balsbaugh and Clyde B. Shaffner), insurance and real estate, rooms 55 and 56 Union Trust bldg . E Balser Elmer, stengr P. & R. pass depot, h 1700 N 6th o Balser Jesse H .. inspector, h 426 Hamilton U Balser Lewis, v-pres Sixth St Bank and real estate, 1700 ....J ::\ 11th, h do ~ RaIser William L., car inspector P. R. R.. h 1525 N 6th o Balsley George. grocer, 220 N 2d. h 2:.!2 do U Balsley George \Y., en gr. h 2:.!0 Cumberland Q Balsle" Helen :\1., elk. :.!72 Korth, h 220 Cumberland Iii!: Balsley Jno. T .. frt trainmaster P:R. R. depot, h 30 N 2d Balsle" Russell \Y .. salesman. 3:.!1I Market. h 337 Hummel naltha"ser George. leverman, h 711f1 521st {j Balthaser Grace Y., cashier. :134 ;\Iarket. h ].105 Penn Balthaser Jennie E., housekeeper. h 12() Yerheke Q Balthaser :\Iel,,;n G., brake-man. h !Hi X 17th (&J Balthaser Rachel B .. tailoress. :1:{4 :'.Iarket, h 1405 Penn .... Balthaser Ross H .. craneman. h ::!G!l Calder Balthaser Samuel :'.1., elk. 41ll :'.Iarket. h Linglestown :::::;, Balthaser 5arah. ",ifl 10hn. h HII5 Penn Balthaser \YiIliam policeman. h :.!(i!1 Calder

~ ~O~~~S} F~!R PRICED DRUGGIST{1~_ N. 3d SI. O Balsbaugh Hiram W., (Balsbaugl} & Shaffner), h 232 Forster






A. B. TACK =tt~~~e:t~1 lOll poper ond IlndOW ShOd3S ~~1~\~8CJI~

Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.
Baltimore Bertha, domestic, 1429 X Front Baltimore Cecil, laborer, h It:~ Linden Baltimore David, butler, h 417 West Baltimore Frederick R., porter P. R. R., h 6:t! Briggs Baltimore Garfield. laborer, h 1409 I\larion Baitimore George S., laborer, h !l57 S Cameron Baltimore George \\T .. laborer. h :l57 S Cameron .Baltimore James B., laborer, h :l57 S Cameron Baltimore Life Ins. Co., J. A. :\Iarshat1. supt. 9 S 2d Baltimore l\Iartha :'.lrs., h ::\larion nr Verbeke Baltimore ~Iary, wid Frank, h 417 \Yest Baltimore ~lary E .. trained nurse. h 1:!4 Pine Baltimore Robert D., laborer, h am S Cameron Baltimore Sarah, charwoman. h r 51!l \Valnut Baltimore Thomas D., laborer. h !l-l9 S Cameron Baltosser George \Y., engr. h fili4 Cumberland Baltozer George A., fireman. h 111~ Cowden Baltozer George H., laborer, h 1714 Logan Baltozer Tohn C. fireman, h 1418 ~audain Baltozer Ta~'lor Z., painter, h 1S01 N !ld Bamberger W. Frank. laborer. h 167 K 15th Bamford Al"a :'.1 . milliner. :l:~-l :'.Iarket, h 106 Xagle Bamford Arthur D .. elk. h fi2:~ S Front Bamford George C .. brakeman. h 1116 Nagle Bamford R. Edgar, lahorer. h 70~ Showers Bamiord Robert c.. heater, h 62!l S Front Ramford William. laborer. h 6:!:~ S Front Baney John W .. flagman. h 612 Church Banford James R., motorman. h 54:{ Race Banford Jane. wid Philip C.. h 526 Forrest Banford Rush E .. paperhanger. h 112:1 C(m'den Bange Aaron, laborer. h 4:!1 I-;:elker Bangert Clement c.. lahorer. h 25:~ S Cameron Bangert Frank, driver. h 144 S Cameron Bangert John A .. huckster, h 144 Short Bangert Louis. shoemkr, h 2:i!l S Cameron Bangert :'.Iartin. driver. h 2i):~ S Cameron Banker \-Yalter. brakeman. h 11!l9 Derry Bankes Alfaretta L., hoxmkr. h 116 Hancock Bankes Annie l'.lrs .. chaircaner. 17 Linden. h do Bankes Caroline A .. wid Tohn. h U~l:l X 5th Bankes Charles. laborer. h Z)W Cowden Bankes Clyde R., electrician. h 11 fi Hancock Bankes 'Florence E .. stengr. 7 X :!d, h 500 W I)odbine Bankes George W .. car inspector. h fi05 Pcffrr Bankes George \V .. laborer. h 1-l:! Indian Bankes Harn' \V .. lahorcr. h 1!lfi Indian Bankes Maud V . packer. h 1 Hi Hancock Bankes :\ orman S .. foreman. h 17 Linden Bankes Roy E., springmkr. Jl lUi Hancock


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F'07d MONEY ADVANCED} .lfDEPIRDINT LOA. {SO,..S MarketOMS AND s,c:oaITY co. 8 N.
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. .'

Boyd's Harrisburg (n ) City Directory, 1908. Bankes Samuel W., foreman, h 500 Woodbine Bankes Virginia ~I., -housekeeper, 116 Hancock Bankes William C., helper, h 2313 N 6th Bankes William H., flagman, h 516 Cowden Bankes William H., jr., laborer, h 516 Cowden Bankes William H., machinist, h 412 Maclav Bankler Frank P., engr, h 2138 X 7th Bankler Harry H., laborer, h 1121 Grape Banks Alfred R., laborer, h 1843 N 7th Banks Augustus J., hostler, h 192 Nectarine Banks Alice I., cigarmkr, h 1608 Chestnut d Banks Bruce, flagman, h 25 Evergreen u Banks Charles, cook Comwlth, h 116 Balm .: Banks Curtis E., baker, h 153i Fulton c Banks Edward c., tinsmith, h 1537 Fulton Banks Eliza, wid Dallas, h 1120 Cumberland Banks Elizabeth, h r 513 Walnut Banks Ella, h 12 Cowden c u Banks George, cook Senate Hotel, h 1327 N 4th a : Banks Jennie Mrs., domestic, 1206 Apple Banks laborer, h 1213 ~lonroe E Banks Jesse,D., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 1557 Walnut Jdhn c Banks Karl c., steelwkr, h 202i Derrv Banks Lawrence D., motorman, h 428 Hamilton Banks :'.Iary J., tailoress, 334 Market, h 109 North

= .....



- I.....,... , 1 Security Title SuaraDty and Surety Co lelll'OI, {f.,IIII..., II CeII'r..', { TrOllt DuUdlu. 'E '11.






Banks ~linerva A., cigarmkr, h 1843 N 7th Banks Nathaniel, lab, h 1120 Cumberland Banks William, hostler, h 235 Blackberry B~lnks William, laborer, h 112t1Cumberland Banks William, laborer, h 1211 ~\lonroe Banks William F., brakeman, It 2137 Jefferson Banks \Villiam L., hod carrier, h 123 N 16t'h Banmiller Aloys S., elk First Nat. Bank, h 621 Reily B~nmi1ler John, warehouseman, h 621 Reily Banmiller Peter, warehouseman, h 621 Reily Banmiller Wm. ~L, delivery elk, 324 Market, h 621 Reily Bannan Emma L., elk, h 713 Prince . Bannan George, painter, 124 Strawberry, h 808 Green Bannan Georeg K., foreman P. R. R., It :n2 North Bannan John H., plumber, h 713 Prince Bannan Samuel T., painter, h 1213 N 7th Baptisti Eugene, (Gardner Baptisti Co.), h 1202 Chestnut Baptisti Peter G., (Gardner Baptisti Co.), h 1202 Chestnut Baptisti W. Arthur, (Gardner llaptisti Co.), h 1208 Chestnut Baraud Charlotte, waitress, h 1616 \Valnut Barbee Hiram G., salesman, h 1538 S 13th Barbee Jesse, laborer, h 1123 ~Ionroe Barber Asphalt Pa\'ing Co., C. H. Burwinkle, supt, 7th c Boas


INDRE.W REDMOND{3d and Rell, Sis.

Digitized by


I. B. TleK} FIN ~&C~~A~'II~!"~,,~cl~~ER { 1216 Nonb Third Slreet"

Boyd's Harrisburg eB) City Directory, 1908.

Barber James, laborer, h 1072 S 9th Barber James R, student, h 210 S 13th Barber Spencer F., v-pres Citizens' Bank, h 210 S 13th Barber William B., student, h 210 S 13th Barbour Alexander E., butler, h 4UO N 3d Barbour CharlEs F., stockkpr, 6 S 2d, h 209 Briggs Barbour \Villiam F., yardmaster, h lliJ:!i Market Barburrio :Mary, wid Gaetano, h 315 S River Barburcio Michael, huckster, h 314 S 2d Bard Albert H., conductor, h 1728 N 5th Bard ~amuel S., caller, h 1728 N 5th Bard Thomas J., fireman, h 1728 K 5th Bare Charles F., brakeman, h 1916 Kensington Bare Helen, bookkpr, West c North aI, h 1737 N 6th Bare John S., foreman P. R R, h 2033 N 4th . Bare Sarah ]., wid Ulysses T., h 1737 X 6th Barger Cora, silk winder, h 1122 Cowden Barger Ella M., wid John, h 1122 Cowden Barger William H., flagman, h 619 Emerald Barger William 0 .. steam fitter, h 1122 Cowden Barker D. Carleton, typewriter inspector, h 1611 Swatara Barker George B., trimmer, h 126 Vine Barker James \V., mgr, 222 l\Iarket, h 33 Evergreen Barker ',Vilbur S., elk, 222 Market. h 1255 Kittatinny Barkey Annie, wid James F., h 2628 Jefferson


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n . .rct~F~~~~J:.J Harrisburg Savings and Loan Assn,~ :=:,


> Barkey :\feredith E .. foreman, h :!H:!8 Jefferson n Barkley Alexander, watchman, h 314 N Court :c Barkle;' :\lavme E., milliner, 925 N 3d. h do > Barksdale J~fferson D., laborer. h 12:~ N 16th ::D Barley :\dam, repairsman, h 1003 N 7th > Barley J. Frank, (Barley & Smith). h l:n9 Swatara tn Barley J. Frank, jr., student, h 1319 Swatara Barley Ralph c., draftsman, h 1251 Swatara Barley Yensie c., h 1319 Swatara Barley & Smith, (J. F. Barley and J. F. Smith), plasterers, 131!J Swatara Barlow Clara, domestic, 912 1'\ 6th Barlup \Villiam H., attendant Lunatic Hospital, It do Barmont Peter, carpenter, h 2136 N 6th Barnard Henry A., postal elk, h 1608 Regina Barner Charles, salesman, h 1605 Hunter Barner Frank A., ironwkr, h l!l34 Swatara Barner Irvin \V., engr, h 1605 Hunter Barner T ohn A .. brakeman, h 1924 N 7th Barnes 'Bertha I.. stengr, 1000 ?\ :~d, h 534 Camp Barnes Charles H . elk. h 23:~ \' erbeke Barnes Cora Mrs.: housekeeper, 1409 Monroe Barnes Cyrus c.. car inspector P. R R, h 534 Camp Barnes Edgar R, draftsman State Dept. Health, h 233 Verbeke



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Ton or


120 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908. 1ii Barnes Emory B., conductor. h 1!1!W State ..


Diamond. wben { I .,,1. If 1I1It1. you BeEt ender. IDI. II' , .." III"




Barnes Barnes Barnes do, Barnes Barnes Barnes

George A., laborer, h 1322 :'.Iarion George F., messenger Dept. Agr .. Capitol. h do George H., apartments, Hili ~ 1it';1: boarding, 918

h do
George H., laborer, h 11I1S Calder George K., elk, 421 ::\ 2<1, h :!33 Yerbeke George \Y .. court crier C. H., h 1111 South

BARNES HARRY M., supt Hbg. Cemetery, h do Barnes Lemuel S . checkman P. R. R .. h :n:! ~actarine Barnes Louisa, wirl ~imon, h 1!~:3:J Fulton
Barnes Malinda, cigarmkr, h 1732 \\'ah1l1t Barnes :'.Iar~ha S .. wid Jeremiah ~ .. h Hbg. Cemetery :: Barnes Orval 0 . elk P. R. R.. h !lIR ~ 6th E Barnes Parker T .. associate editor Suhurban Life, Cresrent c Mulberry, h do :; Barnes Rehecca wid \\'illiam E., h 2:3:1 Yerheke !! Barnes R. Elwood, ad\' sol Independent, 11 121 Sylvan tel' (/) Barnes \\'ilIiam II., elk, h 1!1:!;) Penn Barnes \Yilson. cook. h Hi4 Balm


lI.I BARNETT GEORGE R., lawyer, rooms 203-204 11 N 2d, h 1625 Swatara .J
C( Barnett Jennie. housekeeper.


lI.I lI.I

Barnett Joseph H . engr, h :!IHlS

l!)O~ :'.Ioltke ~ 7th


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Barnett Robert, bborer, h iins South Barnetts Christian. laborer. h :ilS ~tra\\'berr\' Barnetts Edward. laborer. h 112 ~hort . Barnetts Elizaheth. tlnmestic. 112 ~hnrt Barnhard Clara. wid ~an111el W., h :wn Reily Barnhart Anna E . elk, UO:.! Yernon. h lI:t~t Swatara B:trnhart r.eniamin F .. switdllllan, h 2147 ~ 4th Barnhart Benjamin R . baker. h n:la ('amp Barnhart Carolinc. wid Pattl. h 2:.!4 II ummel Barnhart C. Frederick, h H:::~ Camp Barnhart Charle~. plasterer. h 1!IH2 ~nrth Barnhart C\TttS H . milk, 1430 DerrY, h clo Barnhart Frederick G .. laborer, h ~o:!~ X lith BC!rnhart George F., brahman. II :.!1l:.!4 ~ lith Barnhart Grace L., elk. 1411:! \ernon. 11 1fi):: Swatara Barnhart Barn- 1.. tinner. h 1!1:1H ~orth Barnhart llarr~ E., repair"man, h fi:::~ Camp

BARNHART HOWARD L . wall paper and rooml mouldings, 1212 Market, h do .... Barnhart I Jo\\'ard ~r., carpenter. h 71 ~ :\ ] nth
Barnhart Barnhart Barnhart Barnhart Barnhart Tnhn. lahorer. h 1717 Log-an )ohn F., carpentl'r, h lf1:i~ ~nrth Tohn R.. ftagn~an. h lfl!l:i ~ iith Lawrencl' \Y .. harher. h lri:Hj X lith Matilda. ,,"jd llen.iamin E .. h 1!1:{:i K 5th

A B TACK} claNtGCirtand IDIDreslt. Workdolleln any part 0 { N.8d8&. Emplol'l Done bu: first-class workmrn, hence OD7~ 1818
Boyd's Harrisburg (.R) City Directory. 1908. 121 Barnhart Seth H., barber, 2024 N 6th, h 633 Camp Barnhart William B., buyer. 334 Market, h 1613 Swatara r'1 Barnhart William V., flagman, h 1804 Elizabeth Barnhart, see Bernhardt Barnheisel Reed W., supplykpr E-F Typewriter Co., h 1517 Allison Barnitz Callie E., elk, 2]0 Walnut, h ]916 N 6th Z Barnitz George P., baggagemaster, h 229 Boas Barnitz LaTrobe M., h 1916 N 6th PI Barnitz Margaret]., h 200 N 3d Barnitz Mary c., h 19]6 N 6th Barnum David A., helper, h 1117 Wallace C Baron Benjamin, peddler, h 533 Filbert Cl Barr Amanda, wid Daniel, h 326 Chestnut Barr Catharine, weaver, h 6]9 N 2d 0 Barr Charles 0., plumber, h 321 Cumberland Barr Daniel \V., ticket examiner P. R. R., h 330 Chestnut Barr Frank E., elk, h 428 Cumberland Barr Harry H., machinist, h 316 Reily Barr Harvey. engr, h 344 Crescent c:..n Barr Helen P .. seamstress. h 321 Cumberland' ~ Barr Herbert S., brakeman, h 220 Peffer = Barr Howard S., maC'hinist, h 2107 Swatara Barr]. Eimer, machinist, h 42R Cumberland = :3 Barr John, h 428 Cumberland ("t>

< en




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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} "'~~b~-:~~~II:

Barr John E., painter, h 1811 Susquehanna Barr Mary J. ~Irs., h 321 Cumberland Barr Samuel H., conductor, h 1734 Logan av Barr Sarah M., cashier, h 428 Cumberland Barr Stephen A. D., accountant P. & R., h 262 Herr Barr William, bricklayer, h 428 Cumberland Barrackville Coal and Coke Co., 401-408 Bergner bldg Barrick Dennis L., motorman, h 10 S 17th Barrick George, laborer, h 1735 N 7th Barrick Jacob, carpenter, h 121 Linden Barrick Samuel \V., brakeman, h 638 Woodbine Barrick William H., brakeman, h 1617 ~ 3d Barringer Aaron H., ironwkr. h 129 Evergreen Barringer George F., grocer, 265 Reily, h 1838i Derry Barringer Jacob P., h,919 Green Barringer John A., conductor. h 129 Evergreen Barringer Mary. wid Michael J .. h 221 :\1aclay Barrington E. Hatch, foreman, 138 Short, h 929 N 6th Barrington Evelyn; kindergarten. !!d c State, h 929 N 6th Barrington Samuel, salesman. h 929 N 6th Barron Hugh ]., (~ngr, 'h 37 X 16th Barro\\'s Herman E .. fireman. h 2114 Green Barry l\Iary B .. wid John, h 721 X {jth Barry W. Foster, asst supt Hbg. Rolling }1il1 Co., h 411 S 16th
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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }~:~J.f:~:,-:{ 306 Brol~

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.
Barteh Peter, engr, h 1913 ~ 4th Bartell Howard, fireman, h 1120 Montgomery Barthel Harry :\1., motorman, h 1~31 Logan Bartles Kate ~I., housekeeper, 22'5 Reily Bartlett Sarah F., domestic, 1933 N 2d t= Bart:ey Annie NI., wid William P., h 611 Harris Bartley Frederick, driver, h 611 Harris Bartley.J. Reilley, conductor, h 1305 Market Bartley Mary B. Mrs., confectioner, 1305 Market, h do Bartley ~ora C, tel opr P. R. R., h 611 Harris Bartolet Adam F., conductor, h 1621 Chestnut Bartolet Charles E., levelman P. R. R., h 1328 Vernon Bartolet Thomas c., student, h 1621 Chestnut BartoletWiIliam D., fireman, 11 1621 Chestnut Barton Annie, wid George, h 509 Filbert Barton Charles VV., repairsman, h 1419 N 6th Barton Ephraim, driver, 'h 113 Indian Barton George, musician, h 320 Calder Barton George c., helper, h 503 South _ Barton George W., laborer, h 1090 N 15th a: Barton John A., laborer, h 171 Indian u.J Barton John H., laborer, h 113 Indian .~ Barton John N., fireman State Capitol, h 1419 N 6th oJ Barton Joseph, hostler, h 2:l5 Blackberry oJlL Barton Juanita, housekeeper, :U1 Forster


TItle 6ulrlDty and Surety CD. IC~a:::" f1::"Iln:~tt!: ~.,=" .Jr=::~1&







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Barton Oscar S., h 1090 N 15th --Barton Wilson H., laborer, h 1090 N 15th Basehore Albert, machinist, h 125 Verbeke Bashore Annie, saleslady, h 164ll Market Bashore .Annie E., wid Clinton D., h 1438 Derry Bashore David A., brakeman, h 1615 Carnation Bashore Ferdinand D., cigars, &c., 512 Market, h 422 do Bashore Harry, ironwkr, h 111 Hanna Bashore Irvin, painter, h 1922 State Bashore John H., machinist, h 1225 X 7th Bashore John \V., sawyer, h 1922 State Bashore Kate A., wid Henry]., h 100 Evergreen Bashore Lloyd L., driver, h 1922 State Baskin Caroline IVI., teacher, h 1408 N 2d Baskin :\Iae l\I rs., domestic, 5 S Fvont Baskin :\Iarv A., wid Robert. h 211 State Baskin Susan, wid Oliver S., h 1408 N 2d Baskind Aaron, grocer, 331 S 14th, h do Baskins Charles E., plasterer, h 161:t Fulton Baskins Ira D .. wiper, h 1613 Fulton Baskins Josiah c., conductor, h 319 Dauphin Baskins Louisa. wid Leonard T., h 161ll Fulton Baskins Walter c., mgr, 4 N lld. h 319 Dauphin Basom Samuel c., laborer, h 918 Penn Bass L. Frank, mgr, 24 N 2d, h 812 Capital

ANDREW REDMOND}.~:=:~:.':i :;~~g~ {3d lnd Reily StS. C;oogle

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A. B. TleK} IALL PAPER The e~t a.= "1001 SHADES {NO.g~ 8t.
Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.
ist, 50 ~ B h Job, ac Bassh James, peddler, h 506 N 5th B 1 J eph ed r, 04' 51 I Bassh LIllie, elk, h ,,()4 1\ 5th Ba h l\1' ha I sal <;man :n:l \Jarket, h 504 N 5th Bier arr. ~ ev., 15 G n Baston \Valter, fireman, h 6:H Harris B TR SS N. C (J. . B tre , e ne 123


contractors, 73-74 Umon Trust bldg Ba res oh l'..J., N Bas ~s & Co.) h 9')7 N 3d Ba orf lau ,eI, Hi( ." 3 ,h 2 8 N th Batdorf Irvin J., ins sol, h 2018 N 6th Ba orf ee do Batdorff Alice c., domestIc, 1806 N 5th Ba rna Ali do sti 123 ~ 6 Ba eman C. rk, elk . R.. 62 Ro Bateman David 1\1.. fireman, h 631 S Front Ba rna Ge e cr m h 1 S ron Bateman Jennie S., wid Theodore, h 631 S Front Ba rna Joh T., olic lan 4 K er Bateman Joseph M., laborer, 134. oc Bateman J. Theodore, laborer h 631 S Front Ba rna :\1 a e p s f der 6. S on Bateman Urena, saleslady, 334 1farket, h 6:n S Front Ba rna \Vi m , p dIe h I D

l> ::D


~s:=" os.} Harrisburg

Sayings andloan Assn.t~;:= r

< J...

Bates Charles E., puddler, h 349 Hummel Ba s C ren S., elp h 40 rk Bates Edward F.. 17_ N th Bat s Edward F.,r (E F. Bates & Bra) h 1724 N 5th Ba s E F. Br (E. ., j an Ha ), cer 172 N 5th Ba s ry', r at & ,), 7~ 5 Bates Howard D., machmlst, h 1221 X 3d Ba s H ,'ar L., ,m hin', , h 'HfI H 111111 I Ba 5 J es ., b er, 16' N Bates John W., barber, h 1620 ~ 4th Ba s J eph lac mit h 0 1 th Bates Joseph E" bottler, h ] 5 Cowden Ba s T a)' WI ac h "2 H rIS Bates . athenne ... sale. a(h. 06 ark ,h H mm Bates ~larv A dressmkr h' 226 Crescent Ba s WI oh ., ]8 rtl Bates Samuel, molder, h 20 N 14th Ba <; \ Iia bla sm' ,h am' on 3d Bates \\ llIiam 1\1.. (Bates & 0.), h _68 nggs BA TES & CO (W M. Bates and J L. Essig) wholesale

c .


N l>


en -.po.

l> ::D l>

ru nd rod e, 1 and 7 N d Bathurst Frank, foreman. It 446 S ]5th B \v~ ler ., S e gi~ r 0 ,"it tol, h 1620 State

Sta tics








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OUR MOTTO. - } BODea' Coal, BODeat Weicht

H M KELLEY m . {,.........,.111111 D. CD ,.Irt~ .. I. I''''


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Boyd's Harrisburg (U ) City Directory, 1908.


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Batten George W., blacksmith, h 515 :\Iaclay Batten George W., jr., machinist, h 515 Maclay Battis Donald c., student, h 141 Short Battis Forrest H., student, h 141 Short Battis Frisby c., pawnbroker, 141 Short. It do Battis Ftisby C., jr., L S. storekprl' h 141 Short Battis John, laborer, h 513 Walnut Battis Paul H., clk, h 141 Short llatl1rin Abram, clothier, 435 Walnut, h do Baturin Le\vis, (Keystone Rag Co.). clothier, 522 Walnut, h 123 S Cameron Baturin :\iorris, (Keystone Rag Co.), h 639 Boas Baturin Myer, jeweler, 422 Market. h 1228 ~Iarket Baturin Samuel, clk, h 639 Boas Batl1rin Shem, laborer, h 606 South Bauchman Frank A .. driver, h 1136 Christian Bauchmoyer Christian ri., craneman, h 553 SlOth Bauchmoyer Sadie E., wid Joseph, -h lO04 S Cameron Bauder Annie, h 435 State Bauder David F., agt, h 4:35 State Bauder George W., physician, 12:!5 N 2d, h do Bauder Helena M., housekeeper, 435 State Bauder Vernon, porter, 10"23 l\ 7th, 'h do Bauer Caroline, wid ~icholas, h 907 N 2d Bauer \Yilliam H .. brakeman, h 1316 Green

o O >= Iii!:

OORG-AS} FAIR PH-ICED ~DiuGsIST {16~ N~ 3d Sf.

Bauerle John G., laborer, h 301 Blackberry Baugher Oscar, car repairer, h 2153 Jefferson Baughman Edward H., bottler, h 1622 Park Baughman Ralph G., fireman, h 621 Reily Baum Charles B., mason, h 20231 Forster Baum Clara, waitress, 113 :\larket, h 130 Chestnut Baum Edward F., adv mgr Independent, h Wormleysburg Baum Ella J., h 911 N 6th Baum Frank L., U. S. storekeeper, h 911 N 6th Baum Harry c., mgr tel office P. R. R., h 125 Sylvan ter Baum Ida M., saleslady, 1300 ~ 3d, h 911 N 6th Baum Jacob S., elk, 334 Market, h 1911 Penn Baum Louis, 'h 1502 State Baum :Mary J., wid James, h G07 Boas Bal1m l\-1ichael, car repairer, h 1632 Park Baum Wellington W., wheelwright, h 634 Boas Baum William R., postal clk,h 336! Crescent Bauman Andrew, tailor, 324 Market, h :330 Blackkberry Baumann Andreas, tailor, 'h 330 Blackberry Baumann Andrew, laborer, h 1232 Herr Baumann Daniel, laborer, h 1232 Herr Baumann Edward, cooper, h 1124 \Vallace Baumgardner Edith, seamstress, h 1518 Hunter Baumgardner Franklin, contractor. HilS Hunter, It do Baumgardner John, brakeman. h 18:..'7 Ful~on



.U .Q



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l L. ST. CLIIR{TAILO~izt!~~~~~fLr.1t

Boyd's Harrisburg ( R) City Directory, 1908.


Baumgardner Joseph, mason, h 413 S 16th Baumgardner Martin, tailor, 751 S 19th, h do Baus \Villiam, laborer, h 1321 Thompson Bausher Carmi 1., civil engr, h 136 N 13th Bausman A'bra'ham, helper, It 502 N 13th Bausman Benjamin, fireman, h 121 S Cameron Bausman John, laborer, h 1412 N 7th Bausman, see Bowsman Bax Adam, carpenter, h 1706 Fulton Bax Adam ~., tinwkr, h 425 Muench Bax George, puIler, h 425 :\Iuench Bax George F., shoemkr, h 425 }Iucnch Bax Harry J., shearsman, h 436 Hamilton Bax Louis ]., shearsman, h 519 Camp Bax Mary A., housekeeper, h 425 Muench Baxter Alfred, la:borer, h 1121 }Ionroe Baxter Benjamin W., brakeman, h 442 SlOth Baxter Edward C, messenger sec Comwlth, h 912 Green Baxter Lulu R. printer, h 1215 Derry Baxter Margaret E .. bookkpr. 1111 Market, h Camp Hill Baxter Mary E., wid Levi, h 1202 Penn Baxter Sarah E., wid William, h r 512 N 5th Bav Frank E., laborer, h 1005 Cowden Bay James G. M., office P. R R c State, h 9 N 5th Bay Maggie Mrs., h 906 Capital -------------------------------------- ---


MILLER BROS. & BAKER} .,~~b~~_;;.~~E


Bav Nellie M., weaver, h 1017 S Wth Bay \Villiam H . carpenter. h 11105 Cowden Bay William J., engr, h 264 North Bayard John. laborer, h 503 South al Bayard Joseph S., h Harrishurg Club Bayles Harry T., painter, 1600 :\Iarket. h do Bayles J. William, plumber, 1611 N 6th, h do Bazar Alice M .. wid Jacob R, h 1821 Fulton Bazar Roland M., baker. It 1827 Fulton Beach Anna, wid Peter W., h 317 Sayford Beach Frederick. elk Auditor Genl's Dept., Capitol, h N Cumberland Beachley Oscar, driver, h 15117 Hunter Beadle Harry, brakeman, h 650 Dauphin Beahm Bolzer, engr, h 2145 N 5th Beal Albert, butcher, h 1833 Rudy :Beal Clarence R., porter Hershey House, h do Beal Jacob, packer P. R. R., h 1237 Swatara Beal Norman \V., salesman, h 1123 Grape Beal Rov, hostler Hershey House. h do Bealor Elizabeth B.. wid \i\Tilliam. h 1701 Market Bealor Frank S., brakeman, h 1701 Market Bealor Harry, painter, h 1506 Wallace Bealor James E., wall paper, 1700 N 6th, h 1506 Wallace Bealor Lydia A., h .551 Camp
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INDEPENDENT LOAN lla SECURITY CO.l:,~\\ {r:~A:r~!~s~ I uoog e r

CLARK'S =11~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{~':~


Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

~ Bealor Martha, dressmkr, h 551 Camp ~ Bealor \Y. Ross. (Bealor & Bro.), h HOI ~Iarket
Bealor & Bro., (\Y. Ross and Frank S.), grocers, 1701 Mkt Beam Earl W., h 345 Harris Beam Elsie, waitress, h 141 'K 4th Beam Ida Mrs .. h 345 Harris Beam John E., car repairer, h 627 Muench , Beam Samuel H., laborer, h 237 Sayford Beam Samuel W .. 'brakeman, h 1i21' Harris Beamer Charles c., ironwkr, h 111 Hanna Beamer Charles 50 .. lahorer. h 1194 Christian Beamer Flora B. l\Irs . h 1194 Christian ) Beamer ::\lary Mrs., layer out of the dead. 515 State: h do Beamer Milton E., foreman C. I. and S. Co., h 1108 S 9th Beamer Nellie. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Beamer OlIie 1\1., bunchmkr, h 205 Sayford Bean Herbert K., machinist, h 1126 N 6th Beaner Harry F., flagman, h 1324 Susquehanna Bear Charles A., elk, h 217 Peffer Bear Ella D., dressmkr. h 1730 Wood Bear Frank, lineman, 227 \Valnut. h \Vormleysburg Bear Frank 1\1., machinist. h 422 S 16th Bea. Harry A . car repairer, h 1718 Fulton
Title Guaranty and Surety Co. { ..., U.III.Ir..... fnullrl. '.lr1IIlen. I .... '"' - 8 e.... nlOD. PeaDa. ',ull....M .11 ..... "H, Ju~III.1 ,..... , .... II1II10


c:a Bealor, see Bailor :z Beam Charles E. B.. agt, h 2121 Moore


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. o o

Harry A .. painter, 209 South, h 1702 Green lennie, wid Abner S., h 1nO Wood Julia. domestic, 313 Verbeke Samuel :\1.. engr. h Han Wood BEAR WILLIAM L. & CO., James R. Kinsloe, mgr.

Bear Bear Bear Bear

bankers and brokers, parlor A Bolton House

Bear, see Baer, also Bair. also Berr. also Baier Beard Alice Boo weaver, h 1304 N Front Beard Augustus F .. hauling. 1:11foi S 12th. h 1321 do Beard Bessie :\1.. housekeeper. 1:{04 X Front Beard Charles. tra\' salesman. h 115 X 17th Beard Cyms A .. carpenter. h 1a04 N Front Beard Eliza, domestic. Ion LOCllst Beard Hannah :\1 rs., h 11fl5 X 3d Beard Harry B . (Hbg. Harness and Saddlery Co.), h York Beard Harry \V .. brakeman, h 1009 Hemlock Beard Lawrence P., drug elk. h 115 X 17th Beard Leml1el R.. telegrapher P. R. R.. h 2011 Penn Beard Lull1 Coo warper, h lao.! X Front Beard :\Iargaret. janitress. h 225 Briggs Beard :'Ilaurice c.. dispatcher P. & R.. h 1823 Market Beard William, laborer. h 1:W4 X Front Beardsley Willard P., traffic mgr. 221 Federal sq, h 809 N 6th Be<:.sley Caroline. wid Edward, h 12:l0 Bailey

c:[ o -

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Redmond's Wagon Works }~-:ld:~tb~~.:'clf :3d and Reily StS. Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wall P~p8r and Window Sha'des {l:J"l."::~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.
Beaslev Edward, laborer, h 1424 Fulton Beasle) John A., laborer, h 12~0 Bailey Beasley Lewis, laborer, h 13~4 Mayflower Beasley Maggie. housekeeper, 1424 Fulton Beasom ~Jildred ~L, trained nurse, h 1604 N 3d Beasor Carl C, student. h 526 Woodbine Beasor Howard, engr, h 526 Woodbine Beasor Irvin c., engr. h528 Woodbine Beasor Louise, wid Joseph, h 526 \Voodbine Beatty Alfred 1\1., conductor, h 2007 N 6th Beatty Anna M., wid Robert J.. h 2007 N 6th Beatty Anthony W., brakeman, h 7th bel Maclay Beatty Catharine, wid John, h 2~ S 4th Beatty Catharine, wid Robert T., h 16~4 N 6th Beatt" Catharine S., h 207 ).J" Front Beatt~ Charles, driver, 401 Chestnut. h 23 54th Beatt; Charles E., caller P. R. R., h 2007 N 6th Beatty Charles R., conductor, h 1607 Swatara Beatty Emma F., teacher, h 107 Paxton Beatty Frank 1., laborer, h 2007 N 7th Beattv G. Irwin, h 207 X Front Beatt)' Henry J., h 207 K Front Beatty James E., letter carrier, h 626 Harris Beatty James H., (Beatty & Bro.~ h 2~ S 4th Beatty Jane. wid Archibald, h 1621 Wallace



Savings and Loan Assn.


Beatty John. (Beatty & Bro.). h 2!l 54th Beatty L. May, teacher, h 626 Harris Beatty l\brgaret A . attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Beatty ~fary A., wid Joshua, h I:UI9 X Cameron Beatty Mary E., clk, 212 Locust. h 23 S 4th Beatty :\fary J., wid Joseph S . h 2007 N 7th Beath' Samuel E., laborer, h 181~ X Cameron Beatty Samuel K., driver. 210 N 2d, h 213 Crescent Beatty Sarah H., h 107 Paxton Beatty Stewart 5., elk, h 2007 K 6th Beatty Wayne, brakeman, h 2tl07 K 7th Beatty \ViIliam. contractor. 23 S 4th, h do Beatty William J., carpenter. h 107 Paxton BEATTY & BRO., proprs Keystone Marble and Granite Works and genl stone contractors, Cameron nr State Beaver Charles. fruit, &c., 805 N :10. h do Reaver Ella A. 1Irs., h 410 Herr Beaver Henrv. brakeman, h W24 Market Beaver Irvin; barber, h 424t Cumberland Beaver John A . helper. h 410 Herr Beaver ~Iary, milliner, h 140~ Regina Beaver ~Iary E., cigarmkr, h 410 Herr Beaver Percy 1.. engr, h 2:12 Muench Beaver Rav E . fireman, h 4](1 Herr Beaver. see Biever


T h _ P . p _ r ~o_ .. N __

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H M KELLEY a CO. {I Nortb IkI-Street. D. t 10th aad litate



Boyd's Harrisburg ( 11) City Directory, 1908.

! I

lleaverson (irace C. salesladv, :!21 :'IIarket, h 411 \Valnut Becholdt Ida C, wid Charles J., h lU4 Boas Becholdt l\1arv H .. tlacher. h Hl4 Boas , Ii Hechtel Carrie C :\[rs., seamstress, h 5tH S Front Bechtel Isaac D., conductor.h 1401 Xorth a Bechtel John A., heater, III !Ill S Front Bechtel Joseph F., stonemason, h' 1740 Herr o a Beck Andrew J .. driver, 401 Chestnut, h :!a4 S 14th Beck Annie ~I.. wid Jacoh, h 12:1 Herr Beck Caloma A., dressmkr. h 1212 Bailev Beck Charles E., elk P. & R. pass depot, h 1400 Regina Beck Charles I., salesman, h 1~~:!4 Penn BECK CHARLES L., wines and liquors, 424 Market, h :: 228N3d' Beck Claude G., (Dubel & Beck). h 1503 Swatara Beck David lVI., watchman, h 141111 Regina Heck Elizabeth. wid William H., h 1l0t\ N 12th Beck Elizabeth J .. wid Benjamin F., h 213 Forster lJeck Elizabeth S., wid ~I'lartin S., h 1212 Bailey fI) Beck Elmer, cooper, h 115 Dock B~ck Emma H., hOllsekeeper, 134 N Linden Heck cabinetmkr, h III Heck Flavius A.EJ., teacher, h 213 22 N Summit Florence .J Beck George D., .inspector, h H22 Forster S 21st C( Reck George H., machinist, h nIH x 3d ,.

. -






Beck Crant, laborer, h 134 ~ Linden Beck Harrv. machinist, h 422 S 15th Heck Harr~ F., elk P. & R., h 14110 Regina Beck' Harry 1\1., fireman, h 124 Charles Beck Harry 0 .. propertyman, h 1105 S nth Beck Howard A., driver. h 114fi Cumberland Beck Ida M., bookkpr. au S 3d, h 23;) Briggs Beck Jacob F., engr, h U23 Kelker Beck J. Augustus, artist, 2Gri Boas. h do Beck John C, expressman. 4111 Chestnut, h 743 s.)nst Beck John R., drivl'r, h 3211 Strawberry Beck Maggie D. Mrs., h ]225 Wallace Reck Marian, artist, h !!fi5 Boas Beck Martha T., bookkpr, h :!]3 Forster Beck Martin L., laborer, h 1i2 N 12th Beck Onesimus If., supt Xational Transfer Co., It 320 Strawberry Beck Perry B:, nurse, 1 ion :\ :!d. h do Beck Perry L.. mgr, h 142] Hunter Beck Peter S., contractor, 134 X Lincoln. h do Beck Ralph A., laborer, h 1108 X l!!th Beck Ruth W., cigarmkr. h ]34 Linden Beck Samuel. lahorer. It 14]9. Zarker Beck Samuel H., steelwkr, h ~24 X 3<1 neck Samuel L.. elt'ctrician. It 1114 Capitol


A. L. 8T. CLAIR {TAl LO R {1240 lIarkllSlrllt Coogle

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.
12~ ~

Beck Stephen, laborer, h 1234 Herr Beck Thomas]., mgr, 828 ~1arket, h 1251 do BECK THOMAS J. CO., T. J. Beck, mgr, mineral water bottlers, main office, 828 Market c 9th; bottling department, 620-624 York c Ash see adv Beck Vermadella, bookkpr. 828 Market, h 1251 do Beck Wilkes G., l'. S. A., h 1251 Market Beck \Villiam, constable. h 127 Hanna Beck 'William]., brakeman, h 1745 N Cameron Beck, see Bueck Beckenhaugh Lillian E. Mrs., saleslady, 308 Market, h 1425 Shoop Becker Charles P., rope splicer, h 212 Verbeke Becker Clayton S., telegrapher, h 135 Sylvan ter Becker John C, linotype opr Independent, h 1736 Walnut Becker :\'fary, wid John, h 1221 N 6th Becker William e., supt, 16 N 2d, h 304 Crescent Becker, !'ee Baker Beckley David F .. ins sol, 4 S 2d, h New Cumberland Beckley Ellen M . wid Daniel A., h 227 ~ 2d Beckley LeRoy W . student. h 406 S 13th Beckley Morris J., engraver, 302 Market, h 406 S 13th Beckley Oscar P., photographer, Crescent c Mulberry,pres Berrvhill Nur!'erv. h 510 S 13th

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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~-:;'~~E

Beckley Ross L.. !'ec Harrisburg Electric Supply Co., h New Cumberland Beckley Winifred. elk. h 227 N 2d Beckmeyer Edward F., engr, h 320 S 15th Beckwith Edward J., laborer. h 2010 N 7th Beckwith Frederick, laborer, h 2010 N 7th Beebe Earle M., salesman, h 309 Briggs Beecher Robert S., sales mgr F. & M. Works, h 1923 N 2d Beeler Rachel E., wid Theodore C. h '317 Crescent Beeler. see Buehler Beers Josephine J\T.. domestic, 621 Briggs Beetem John S., pres Glen Shoe Mfg. Co., h 1U3B Logan Beever James H .. ventriloquist, h 511 Cowden Begelfa Lewis. tailor, 221 Market, 11 511 Cowden' Behan Rosa B. Mrs., h 109 Filbert ,Behm Harry, elk, h 14a2 N 6th


S C>




, ,







Bottlers and Shippers of HighGrade Beverages ~

Rocola, Iron Ale, Colery -Cola, Pepsin.Ola and "Cloverdale" Arte.ian Lithia Water, Nature's Health Restorer.


tlall OMce, 82811arklt HARRISBUR6, PAt Branch OffiCI, 620 York ~


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=_ :

~: ~:;130


Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

Behney Catharine E . h 2HIj Briggs Behney Eh'ina, wid Henry. h 2(1) Briggs Behney Frank W., conductor, h 2241 Logan Behney Harry, cigarmkr, h 1610 Penn Behney Ira L .. elk P. R R pass depot. h 1019 Green' Behny C. Thomas, elk, 1849 Derry, h 1928 Swatara Behringer Abraham E .. carpenter, h 519 N 5th Beiclel Clarence T., barber, h 1195 Christian Beidelman Joseph B., cigarmkr, h 1314 Swatara Beidelman :Vlar\, A., wid Edward B., h 218 Crescent Beidelman Scot't B .. pressman Courier, h 354 Hummel Beidleman Akolena. wid N e",lin D., h 42 Balm Beidleman Bertha A., elk Div. Public Records, h 22 S 13th


BEIDLEMAN EDWARD E., lawyer, 18 N 2d, h 1225 Market






c::; ...

o Title Bananty and Surety CD. o

Beidleman Emma n.. h 1n:m Regina Beidleman Harr\' H., student. h ] :!fI/l Clestnut Beidleman Heleil. teacher. h 1:!1111 Chestnut Beidleman Thomas D .. h 22 S 13th Beidleman \ViIliam, h 218 Crescent Beidleman \Yilliam. foreman, h :!1~ Cre!<cent Beidleman William C, Stlpt Hill Station P.O., h 1200 Chestnut Belciler Philip, lahorer, h 419 Hamilton Beidler Theresa, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do

s~.~~. {'-=I~~C=':':~'~_:~:'':'" }~~';'4

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o J



Beigh Annie L., binder, h 50 Balm Beigh Harry D .. elk. h 14(;4 Zarker Beigh Jerome R, janitor, h 50 Balm Reigh Sman, wid Henry, h 5115 Kelker Reinhaut:r Carrie. elk, 58 K 13th, h do Beinhauer :\Iary E. :'.lrs., apartments. :!i;1 Forster; boarding. 8:!fJ K 3d, h do Reinhauer Otto. fireman Capitol. h 826 X 3d Reisel Charles W., cigars. HIll K 6th. h 2:!50 Jefferson Reister Blanche A., saleslady, 318 l\Iarket, h 758 S 19th Beistline Annie, domestic. 33;:1 \\'alnut Beistlinc Bessie M .. stengr. 4i30 \\'alnut. h Carlisle Heistline Charles ~I., bricklayer. h 113 S 13th Beistlinc Florence T wid Toseph. h HiOO N 5th Hei~tline G. ~Iorri;, foreman P" &. R.. 11 Hi31 :Market Beistline Ivy. book folder. h Hi31 )Iarket Reistline Jerry K., plumber. h Hi S lflth Beistline l\Iargaret. weaver. 11 113 S l:lt h Reistline 1\hrtle A., wean'r. h 11;3] l\larkct Reistline Xellie, stengr. h 1:!~;; S\\'(\t1ra Bei~tline P. L., machinist Lunatic Il()~pita1. h do Beistline Samnel H., hril'klaver. h 11:~ S 13th

BEITLER LEWIS E., dep sec Commonwealth, Capitol, . h Harrisburg Club'

Beitman Cynthia E .. sa;eslacl~. 334 :Uarket, h 126 S 13th

Electric Automobiles} 1NDHEW REDMDN~gi~!~ b~~g~~JSt

t A B TACK r F ..._tnc Mall". 8peclalt)'lDof TiOY {I.,. N.M st. PabUa BalldlDp Plain Bltimate8GlveD

Boyd's Harrisburg (H ) City Directory, 1908.


Beitman Elvie Eo, saleslady, 334 ~Iarket, h 126 S 13th Beitman John L., paperhanger, h 126 S 13th Beitman Sue C, saleslady. :~:u Market. h 126 S 13th Beitman Susan, wid Jollli Wo, h 126 S 13th Belford Eliza Ao, wid George \V 0, h lS:!5 Hickory Belford George To, brakeman, h 1825 Hickory Belford James Po, laborer, h 1825 Hickory Belford William Wo. laborer, h 1825 N 7th Bell Amos Ao, puddler, h 913 S Front Bell Annie, wid Theodore, h 1543 Fulton Bell Arthur Ho,elk, h 2i)1 Briggs Bell Bo Frank, park policeman, h 825 S Front Bell Charles, attendant Ltlltatic Hospital. h do Bell Charles Eo, painter Capitol. h 820 N 3d Bell Charles Wo, dyer, h 1543 Fulton Bell Charles \Vo, student, h 1437 Market Bell Clara l\I., h 200 Chestnut Bell Daniel' \Vo, laborer, h 1329 Wyeth Bell Ed,Yard Fo, laborer, h 815 S Front Bell Edwar<1 To, painter, h 821l ~ 3d Bell Elizabeth, h 204 Chestnut Bell Elh Ho, cigarmkr, h 455 S Cameron BELL FRANK, managing editor Telegraph, h 223 Pine Bell Frank Ho, paintero h ~:W N :~d Bell George \"0' brakeman, h 2:~6 Hamilton



::c :.::0 <



;~ :~::} Harrisburg
Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell

Sayings and Loan Assn. { :1 ::.~ :.:C


Gordon T., car repairer. h 556 Forrest Harry, tester C. 1. and So Coo, h ln3 S Front Harry A., painter, h H20 N 3d James, driver, h 112 Short James Ao, mgr and sec Hbgo Board of Trade, 114 :.\Iarket, h 1717 State Bell James I., watchman, h 1n1i) ';\loltke Bell Tames \Vo, machinist. h :>11 Seneca Bell )0 Bond, barber, h 5UOk South Bell J Harris, elk, 14 S 2d, h 1510 Zarker BELL JOHN, lumber, 911 Cowden c York, h 251 Briggs Bell John Ao, toll collector, Front ab Division, h do Bell John Eo, elk, h 251 Briggs Bell Joseph B., dentist, 25 N 3d, h 123 S 2d Bell Joseph L., letter carrier, h 428 S 15th Bell Lawrence Mo. car inspector, h 556 Forrest Bell Lizzie, wid Abram. h 11:15 Market Bell Louisa Go. dressmkr. 1:129 Wyeth, h do Bell :'.1. Alice ~Irso, toys, 3:1 S 2d, It 200 Chestnut Bell l\Iarv, charwoman, h 1121 l'Ilonroe Bell Mary R., saleslady, 4 N 3do h 913 S Front Bell Roger F .. elk, 911 Cowden, h 27:1 Herr Bell Sabra Mo. wid William Ao, h lInn N 3d Bell Sarah J. 1'lrso, practitioner, h 2~:l Pine Bell Shelburn K.. brakeman, It 527 Camp

.' ,

.., "I .. "I

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H. M. KELLEY & CO.}OIllCeS, :Dr:'~~1.:~~{COAL AND WOOB




Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.

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BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. (THE), J. Heron Crosman, jr., division mgr, 210 Walnut and 212 Locust BELL THOMAS J., elk supt public printing, h 1437 Mkt Bell Thomas J., painter, h 1524 Penn BELL THORNTON A., painter, 819 Susquehanna, h 820 N3d Bell Tryphena. dressmkr. h 5C1i South Bell "Clysses S .. driver, h 455 S Cameron Bell Viola, h !l1:~ S Front Bell Warren R.. chemist. h :!:>1 Briggs Bell \\'ayne S., electrician. h 251 Briggs Bell Wesley H., painter. h ~:!U ?\ :ld Bell William, driver. lUCI~ K :~d, h do Bell William. laborer. h :!:W State Bell \ViIliam C, conductor, h 421 :'Iluench Bell William T conductor. h :!14:~ X 4th .. Bell William '0 . laborer. h R:!5 S Front Bellevue Xurseries. (L. F. Haehnlen). Holly bel limits Bellman Francis :'If.. brakeman. h 1601 N :ld Bellman Helen. wid Tohn H., 211:! X 4th

Bell Sibyl B.. h 2201 X 4th Bell Sibvlla, wid Irvin G .. Ii 551) Forrest Bell Sta~nen. engr, h 313 Verbeke


N. 3d St.-

U ..J

Bellman William, pearl paintings, 22 i\ Cameron, h20Evergreen Beltz Laura S., trained nurse. h ]:l25 Kittatinnv Beltz PerC\" I.. elk. 41lS ~rarket. h 1:l25 Kittatinnv





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BEMAN ROY D., deputy State Highway Commissioner,. h 1603 Green Beme~dcrfer George \V. S., laborer. h :30~ Verbeke Hendah John A., tailor. h ]4] N 4th Bendall John H .. bookkpr. !lOS ).Iarket. h 314 Herr Bender .-\nna :'If .. teacher. h 1621 Grecn Bender Bessie E. :'IIrs .. h 622 North Bender Charles A .. machinist. h 2as S Llth Bender Edgar. fireman. 11 2115 )'Ioore Bender Elizabeth ),1.. saleslady. :l2!) 11 arket, h 5 N 13th Bender Ethel ).!.. cashier, :\:~4 :'IIarket. h Pen brook Bender Frederick. barbers' chairs, supplies. &c., 520 Walnut. h :10:.! Boas . Render George B.. painter P. R. R.. h 64n Woodbine Beneler George H .. trucker P. R. R. frt depot, i1 Lemoyne Bender George \Y., heater, h l1:l:i :'Ilarket Bender Harry H., elk. 405 :'IIarket. h :Ui Chestnut Beneler H enry. trucker. h 7th c ::'IIahantongo Bender Henry E .. elk. h 141~ 1\ !1th Bender H trhert C. machinist. h 1111 Green Bender Jacob 0 .. gauger. h :!H:!:l Dcrry Bcnder Jo"hua \\' .. lahorer. h ith c :\Iahantongo


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lleIf i 'r L ;j C wid Irwin. h I) ':\ 1!lth Be r L S:l. ores 1-1 4tl Bender Lulu. bt1nelll~r. h 41!1 Cumberland Be I r ~Haria. 1 1'''17 '" fith Be r:\ " h "I ( n Bender Oliv(~r C, asst postmaster P. R. R., h 1561 vValnut Bender Reuben. hostler h 11i')1 Green Be r R ert ran lkr. )O:~I litO Bender \Vade P .. brakeman. h li::!7 ~chl1Ylk!l1 Bender \Valter:\1 brakeman. h 1:!5 S :1d . Be ict rac abO! h 1 01(' Benedict Lisle. steam fitter. h ttl:! (Jrape Benedict Ralph C. draftsman. h :!:!4 l\Iacla y Be iet ber nch cler :) S h 2 S R r Benfer Edgar S., elk, :~I- ~ 17th Benfer Tohn C, ironwkr, h I:! X l:hh Be r 'j 0 h 1Sta ~ H 'fl, l' S h Benton 'Harry. 1l1achil11~t, h :!.La Logan Benion M. \Villiam. h :!:{:!:i Log:l11 Be I S ey, ma ist, 2fl41 'lit Bel11tz Constantllle, h 440 \\'alnut Benner :\bra1ham S., conductor, h :!:!lfi :\ lith Be r A 1If, I es , ] 4 Dcr h d Benner Cloyd E., lar 1 cpain'f. h :!:!: . 14t 1 Benner Frank J.. car rep3ircr. h 14 1t; Regina





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Be "W~ P ffer r J 1 \Ipai an. 1)00:1 7th Be r I ey <. 'arp cr. Benner Mae, h ] 404 Derry Be r P r, c 'nsp 'or, He r R E.. 4114 ern Benner \Vatson ].. lahorer. Ii ]ttI:~ Regina Be r \ .. iam )ufl I 14 < Reg' Bl' r \ am lOft I li:1 Fr Bellner \Villiam E., watchman, h aa Balm Be r \ ,. iam " tra ales 1, h" ] C Ilut Be t A 1m for all 1 '. R :!1 am I Hennet \V. Edgar. elk And. CellI's Dept., h Camp Hill Be thn Tan '., h ') I!I:\" I H(' tht! \Ja I .. I Itill d BENNETHUM'WILLIAM H" mgr, 334 Market, h 2009


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."." X3 Be tlm \\"11 I.. j Hh' ,r,:~ ~Ik Bennett Annie L., wid David E., h r :;1:! ;\ 5th Bett lie \1 r" In'~" kr. I q'~41 T ffers Be tt inar I... sma h 1 I It! r nelln('tt Calvin F., hri('gew;;\ker, h 201 Harris Be t t ' rles" he " h 'leW S C len Bett rle!'. lal r. I nl' lIac BENNETT CLARA E., reporter Patriot, h 1717 Hunter Be tt 0 J 19r J :!1I14 Crel'



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McNEIL'S COUGH REMEDY} ~:l!o~::5~:":! {utl~~lni

134 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
Bennett Edwin F., h 1225 X 3d Dennett Frances Mrs., mgr, 1111 X 3d, h do Bennett George, laborer, h 1411 S Cameron Bennett George \V., brakeman, h 2027 N 5th Bennett George W., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1335 do Bennett Henry L., baggagemaster, h 931 N 2d Bennett John, helper, h 1120 N 6th . Bennett John F., brakeman, h 1820 Logan Bennett John F., laborer, h 140 S Cameron Bennett Tohn N., watchman. h 1120 X 6th Bennett john T., engr, h 2324 Jefferson Bennett John W., brakeman. h 1914 K 7th Bennett Martin L., fireman, h 18a7 Logan Bennett :Mary G., saleslady, b 1717 Hunter Bf'nnett Mav E., milliner, 1111 X ~d. h do Bennett N eilie J.. music teacher, 1:~:l.~ Vernon. h do Bennett Robert H., laborer. h14() S Cameron Bennett Thomas E .. engr. h 2128 l\loore Bennett William, driver, h 138 S Cameron Bennett \Villiam, steelwkr, h 1114 Capitol Bennett William :VI.. blacksmith, h 1914 N 7th Benning C. Leonard, brakeman, h 121 Sylvan ter Benson Adaline E., wid Henr\" G., h 648 Boas Benson Angie L.. supervisor music, h 1416 State Eenson Charles P., laborer, h 1905 Swatara


Benson Cyrus F .. mgr. 340 Yerbeke, h 240 X 14th Benson Harrv R., machinist, h 1112 Penn r Bent (;eorge' c., special agt P. R. R.. h 7 S Front Bent Henry B., engr of tests, h 207 State Bent' }[arv K.. h 31 S Front Bentley George R.. genl supt C. 1. and S. Co., h 1417 N Front 111\ Bentley John \V., carpet cleaner, 1~28 N 2d, h do J Dentlev Walter S .. elk C. I. and S. Co., h 120 S 14th Bentz 'Emma, housekeeper, h 531 Race Bentz John A;. car repairer, h 271 Hamilton Bentz fohn :\1.. switchman. h 617 Forrest Bentz joseph, foreman, h 1016 S 21} Bentz :\'lary A. i\irs .. confectioner, 11)16 5 21}. h do Bentz Sherman L.. clk R. M.S .. h H)(ll} 1\ ad Bentz William, elk. 28 S 2d, h Shiremanstown Hentz \VilIiam A .. brakeman. h 624 Hamilton Bentzel D. Edwanl;brakeman. h 1108 Plum Bentzel Edith 1\1., teacher, h !l!!5 N 2d A nentzel Flora B., teacher, h 925 N 2d ~ Bentzel Sarah E .. wid William. h 925 K 2d Benzing Sam'l B.. asst chemist C. I. and S. Co., h Steelton Benzinger (;eorgc B., driver. h 907 Capital Benzinger Laura, weaver. h !l07 Capital Bereghy Arpad von, elk P. & R. freight depot, h 1819 N 3d







Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.



Bereghy Julius yon, music teacher, 1819 ::-J 3d, h do Bereghy Zeline :\Irs., music teacher, h 1819 N 3d Berg Edwin, brakeman, h 206 Kelker Berg Edwin S., brakeman, h Hershey House Berge George ]., puddler, h 120 Sayford Berge John A., 'boilermkr, h 15a:~ Swatara Bergengren George, h 600 N 16th .Berger Arthur G., elk P. & R. pass depot, h 132 Slyvan ter. Berger Harry, millhand, h 127 Hanna ,Berger Louis, bar elk, 625 Race, h 127 Hanna Berger \Villiam, bartender, 2101 ~ 6th, h 2309 do .Berger, see Burger Berghaus Charles E., student, h 1100 N Front .Berghaus Clayton, h 1100 N Front Berghaus Valentine H. Rev., h 1100 N Front Berghaus & Moffitt, (Clayton Berghaus and Robert H. ]\'Ioffitt, jr.), contractors, 200 Pine Bergner Building, NW c 3d and Market J3ERGNER CHARLES H., lawyer, room 502 Bergner bldg, t: N 3d, h 3 S Front Bergner George S., notary, 4 X 3d, ~ 3 S Front 'Bergstresser Alexander \V., office room 15, 26 N 3d, h 1432 ::-J 6th 'Bergstresser Alick W., h 1432 N 6th

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Sayings and Loan

Assn.~: ~=t ~

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Bergstresser Edith B. Mrs., hoarding. 1432 N 6th, h do Bergstresser Effie J., housekeeper, 120 1'\ agle Bergstresser Jesse Rev., h 120 Nagle Bergstresser Roscoe, printer, h 18 S l:~th Bergstresser \\"illiam E., painter, 118 S Court, h 207 S River BERKEY JOHN A., commissioner banking, Capitol, h Hotel Russ Berkheimer Harry T., laborer, h li3;3 N 12th Berkheimer John H., elk, h 346 Muench Berkheimer Laura, saleslady, 30 N 3d, h 440 North Berkley Howard L., com cik Executive Dept., Capitol, h 1726 Green Berlew Clyde E., elk, 916 N 3d, h 602 Forster Berlin Abraham H. S., elk, 336 Chestnut, h 1218 Derry Bernecker Edgar, agt Prudential Ins. Co., It 226 Verbeke 13ernecker Herbert, tinner, h 226 Verbeke 'Bernhardt Anna J., teacher, h 1513 N 4th Bernhardt Annie, stripper, h 551 SlOth Bernhardt Charles, molder, h 514 SlOth Bernhardt Emma, packer, h 5:)1 S 10th 'Bernhardt Frederick L., molder, h 551 E 10th 'Bernhardt John, cabinetmkr, 1513 N 4th, h do Bernhardt Lewis, h 551 SlOth Bernhardt Lewis H., laborer, h 551 SlOth

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Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.







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Bernhardt Robert L., craneman, h 5:51 SlOth Bernhardt Samuel D .. collarmkr, h 107 Evergreen Bernhardt. see Barnhart. also Bernhart BERNHEISEL CHARLES H., architect, 5 N 2d, h 38 do see adv Bernheisel C. Xorman. machinist, h 1411ib Derry Bemheisel lames ~ .. hlacksmith. h 14:!:t Walnut' BERN HEisEL LUTHER, merchant tailor and ladies' coatmaker, 227 Reily, h do Bernhei~el ~r ary C. seamstress. h l1U!1 X Front BERNHEISEL ROBERT N., supt Cumberland Publishing Co., 109-111 Market. h 1907 Green Bernheisel \'alentine H . hrickIa\"{~r. h 1411ib Derry Ilernklan Georg-c. attendant Luriatic Hospital. h Bernstein facob. salesman. 411 :\Iarket. h liIIll State Jlt-rnstein Joseph. draftsman. h 114 X :!d Berrier Harry J.. pumpmkr. h ]:!1I4 X Front Herri'.'r Joseph. State game protector. h 1:!1O ?\ Front Berrier Joseph A., (Carl 8.. Berrier), h 1:!1I4 X Front Berrier :\Ian' :\., teacher. h 1:!().t ~ Front Herrier :\Iar~' :\,. wid JO~l'ph. h 1:!111 X Front BerTY :\gncs R .. wid "harll's B .. h :n ~ S :!c1 Ikrr~' .\i1l1a. honkkpr. \Yest End Roofing Co .. h 421 Peffer Berry Bertha A .. bookkpr. ,-':1111 X 'itil. h !:!1 Peffer Ilerry J:e~~ie Il .. charwoman. h :!-I~ Liherty





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Catharine. domestic. ~t'i Evergreen Cccelia. chaT\,'oman. h 1 l:! Angle aI Clyde \-\' .. lahorer. h :t5:t Hummel nil11it'l H .. machinist. h !oll:! S Cameron Eli7.alwth. wid lohn C .. h -I:I:! S 1IIth E~tella J,. waitrl'~". h :!-I~ Liberty E,'a F .. hookk~r. l:iHi X :td. h! S Cameron Frank H .. machinist. h 1-I:t:! Swatara James E .. sponger. h 1!111-1 X lith lane 1' .. wid fohn. h :!!f.t Liberty )a~p('r. cngr:h -I:!l Peffer . lohn 1: .. elk. h -I:):! S lilt h John C .. iorl'man r. 8.. R.. h -I:n S l:;th ) oseph F .. machinist, h :!5!! Hamilton :\lalHle :\1.. nl11'St'. h :!4!ol Lihert\' Kewton. tleliycryman. -11111 :\Iarket. h 17lt.?! \Valnut




181S A B TACK} Emplo,. DOne but S...t-clua workmen. hence only" { N.d8t. WorkdonelnanypartofS&ate

Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.

Berry Berry Berry Bern' Berry Berr,' Berry Berry Berry


Page. carter, h 1418 Marion Roy ~., plate printer. h !l5:1 Hummel Theodore, machinist, h !l5!l Hummel Theodore, machinist, h ~1:! S Cameron 'nlOmas, laborer. h !l!l!l Calder Thomas C. machinist, h 812 S Cameron Thomas \V .. lahorer. h 2640 Jefferson \Villiam. coachman, h 219 S Front William B., letter carrier. h 440 S 14th Berr~'hil1 Annie E .. ta'iloress. !l!l4 ~larket, h 1108 Montgy Berryhill Joseph A .. machinist. h 1108 Montgomery

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BERRYHILL NURSERY, W. E. Hamilton, mgr, Berry- C hill 'and 13th Q Berryhill Sarah. h 11I1R 110ntgomery Berthel Charles. conductor. h :l45 Crescent 0 Rcrthel Frederick 0., printer, h :{45 Crescent Berthel Henry \V., laborer. h a45 Crescent Berthel Henry Woo jr.. pressman Courier. h 345 Crescent Berti Alfredo. lunch man. h 10m :'.-Iarket Bertolani Victor. restaurant, 24 Grace, h do ( "n Bertram Simon Coo elevatorman Capitol. h 106 S Court :I: Berwick 1Iayme E .. hookkpr. h 2039 ~ 4th Beshore Charles, huckster. h a.u Harris Beshore John \V., huckster. h 17:~1 )J 3d Beshore Theorlore. huckster, h :Ui:! Harris







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Beshore \Yilliam H .. hrakeman, h ()27 Reilv Besore Lucy J., stengr. 7th c Xorth, h :U9 Cumberland Bessis Peter X., Turkish baths. 1~ ~ Court, h do Best Austin. druggist. 7:!:~ S 19th. h do Best Carrie ~r., hook sewer. h lIitO X lith Best Daniel C, lahorer. h 15:n Logan Best Edna M., h 72:J S 11)th Best Edwin ~I., surveYor, h 151~ Penn Best Helen :\1., stengr. h 1518 Penn Best ~adie:\J rs .. h 1417 X 4th Best \\'arren A . postal elk. h Hi1~ Penn Best William H . haker. 17n:H N 4th. h do Betser E. Benjamin, foreman, 11 ] :12H S Cameron Bettino Bottini, waiter P. R. R. depot. h 11114 :\larket Betts :\Ian' S .. wid David R .. h :.w:t Herr Beyard \Vilbllr W .. elk. h 571 Race Beveridge \Yilliam Rev .. h 17:!1 Penn Be\,erh' Alice ~lrs .. h 111i4 S Cameron Benrl' Charles ~I.. "hearsman. h 14:!7 Reese Beverl," Henr\', laborer, h 4;) Lochiel 4th row Bevert'v\\"iIIis. laborer. h l"1I:t S Wth Beyer 'Clinton W .. postal elk. h 24 S lUth Bickel Ad(la F .. bUl1chmkr, h l1!l:! ~darket Bickel H1anchc E . music telcher. l:l:ti Derr", h do Bickel Celia. bonnetmkr, h 41:! Hamiltol1 .


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Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.

Bickel Curtis 1\1., fireman, h 616 Reily Bickel Florence E., domestic, 220 Pine Bickel George '-iV., farmer, h 24th nr Derry Bickel Grace, garmentmkr, h 436 S 2d Bickel Harvev S. Rev., h 534 Race Bickel Henry' M., elk, h 1337 Derry Bickel T ennie, domestic, 220 Pine Dickel Lydia, wid Henry, h 412 Hamilton Bickel Oscar c., salesman, 334 Market, h 39 N ,17th Bickel William A., mgr, h 1852 Derry Bickert Clara, warper, h 1712 Fulton Bickert Kate, wid Christian, h 1712 Fulton c:i Bickett !vIary A., wid Samuel, h 155 Paxton u Bickhart Clayton, conductor, h 432 Peffer z Bickle George W., brakeman, h 6a5 Boas c Bickle Irvin 1\-1., driver, h na8 Jonestown rd C) Bickle Reuben, driver, h 1138 Jonestown rd Bickley Catharine, wid George, h 446 Delaware Bickley Clauoe H., telegrapher, h 1320 Kittatinny _ Bickley William H., machinist, h 1425 N 3d . cc Bickley 'WilIiam H. H., foreman P. R. R., h 1629 N 3d L&.I Bidaman Charles H., laborer, h 436 Cumberland E Biclaman Charles N., conductor, h 436 Cumberland Bidaman Georgianna, h 436 Cumberland Bidaman Grace P., proof reader, h 436 Cumberland C::l


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Bidaman Ross E., painter, h 436 Cumberland Bidaman Walter G., elk, h 436 Cumberland Biddaman James B., foreman, 627 Walnut, h 917 N 6th Biddeman Margaret, wid George, h 1619 Fulton Bieble Andrew. car inspector, h 412 Delaware Biehl Charles, brewer, h 1124 N 3d Biehl Jacob, pres Nat. Brewing Co., h 1124 N 3d Bierbower Alice Mrs., milliner, 558 Race, h do Bierhower Charles R., printer, 10th bel Chestnut, h 309 Hummel 13ierbower Edward M., printer Telegraph, h 558 Race Bierbower Ellsworth, hookbinder, h 444 Walnut 13ierbower Elmer. laborer, h 37 ~ Linden Bierbower Emory, produce, 120 S Court, h 216 Mulberry Bierhower J. \Vesley, laborer, h 230 Cherry Bierhower Lewis Hoo h 37 N Linden Bierhower Margarette J., saleslady, aos 1\larket, h 209 Cumherland Hierbower Mary Mrs., laundress, h 1007 Cowden llierbower Myrtle E., cigar roller, h 37 N Linden Bierhowcr Raymond, driver, h 216 Mulberry Bierhower Shellv E., elk, 308 l\Jarket, It 209 Cumberland Bierhower vVasllington, janitor. h 444 Walnut Bierbower William F., machinist, h 209 Cumberland Bierman Charles, elk, 540 Race, h 1407 Market

I. B. TleK} IALL PIPER ::::!:;.!rt-: 111001 SHIOES{No~:' sa.

Boyd's Harrisburg (n ) City Directory, 1908.

Bierman K. :\Ierkle, h 141:J Bern'hill Biery Frederick A., baker, h 47 Balm Biery John A., packer, 113 ~ :.?d, h Pen brook Biester )'Iargaret. wid Henry P .. h 1510 Wallace Biever Jonathan D., carpenter. h 58 Balm Biever Mary E .. elk, 1306 Market, h 1408 Regina Biever William H .. elk, 28 S 2<1, h Camp Hill Biever, see Beaver Biggan Catharine, wid James, h 625 Emerald Biggan Jame~ F., conductor;h 62!l Emerald Biggan :\Iary, h 625 Emerald Biggan William E., flagman, h 625 Emerald Biggs Harvey, elk, 113 S 2d, h 2012 X 5th Bigh Susan. wid Harry B.. h 505 Kelker Bigi Domenico, stonemason, h 1101 Market Bigler Anna H. :'.Irs., h 2()5 S Front Bigler F. Gertrude. elk, h 1218 Derry Bigler John A., h 1011 N Front BIGLER SARAH L., (est), J. M. Rhoads,' mgr, brick mfrs, Cameron ab Maclay Bigler S. Haldeman, chemist C. I. and S. Co., h 205 S Front Bihl A~bert W., foreman, 421 S 2d. h 1833 Rudy Bihl .\'ictor H., meat, 248 Crescent, h 1409 Regina Bijou Theatre. Magaro & Acri, proprs, :~4 ~ 3d

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~t.:=:ba} Harrisburg Sayings and Loan

:0 < ,.. Assn. tru::: ::u


Bikle Daniel B., expressman, h 1234 Walnut Bikle :Mabel A., nurse, h 1234 Walnut Bikle Walter D., bookkpr, h 12:J4 \Valnut Biles George H., civil engr State Highway Dept., h 113 Cumberland . Biles Harry, h 113 Cumberland BILL GEORGE E., physician and surgeon, women's rectal and sexual diseases, 819 N 3d, h do; office hours, 9 to. 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. telephone connection Bill J. Penteado, teacher, h 819 N :~<1 Bill Sara P. 11rs., vocal teacher, 8W X 3d, h do Billet Frank S., (1\'iemeyer & Billet), h 21tl South Billet :\IyrtIe, telephone opr, :!lO \\"alnut, h Steelton Billett Cyrus S., flagman, h 438 Peffer Billett John, watchman Com. Trust Co., h 119 Dock Billett John, jr., feeder. h 119 Dock Billett Paris, conductor, h 100:l ~larket Billett Samuel. laborer, h 119 Dock Bindle )'Iargaret, wid Herman, h H14i; X 7th Bingaman Abraham. boltmkr, h 4:W Kelker Bingaman Bessie, wid Charles, h Xlii X 6th Bingaman Carrie, printer. h 7 S 1Iith Bingaman Charles H .. drhcr. h 4111 SlOth Bingaman Emma G., demonstrator. h t:'i:n ~ 3d

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Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.














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Bingaman Ephraim, screws man, h 1531 X :M Bingaman Emma G., demonstrator, h 15:n X ad Bingaman Fannie R.. demonstrator, h 1531 X 3d Bingaman George W., laborer, h 11~ Hanna Bingaman Mary A., wid Jacob H., h 7 S 16th Bingaman Rov L., watchmkr, h 1618 Hunter . Bingaman W(lIiam :\1., driver, h :146 X ectarine Bingham Grace, cigar roller, h 562 Race Bingham Inez, cigar roller, h 56:! Race Bingham James. laborer, h 1929 Logan Bingham John, elk, h Ill:!9 Logan Bingham l\laudc, cigar roller. h 56:! Race Bingham Hugh, steelwkr, h 1100 ~ 6th Hingham Sadie, telephone opr, 2lO Walnut. h 11129 Logan Bink Frank 'v'l., conductor, h 273 Hamilton Bink Harry G., meat, h 1940 Green Binkley Howard "Y., fireman, h 513 Seneca Bin nix Frank K., supt Universal ~lill C. I. and S. Co., h 3115 S Front Binnix Joseph, heater, h 2on~ :\Iulberry Binnix Mary, wid John :\ .. h 4110 ::..; 2d Birch Charles A., machinist, h 1tl:!() Herr Birch Charles E., laborer. h lO;!O Herr Birch :\-1 an', finisher. h 1242 Kittatinnv Birchfield Cora :\1 rs., cook Home for" the Friendless






Bird Catharine :\lrs .. boarding. :!a S 2d. h do Bird Estella V., wid William J.. h 434 S 16th Bird George E., laborer, h 23 S 2d Bird Howard :\1.. (Bird & Nickev), h 434 S 16th Bird Isahella. wid Frank, h 27 Balm' Bird Teremiah M., horse dealer. h 612 South al Bird \Villiam,B., hrakeman. h:m S 17th BIRD & NICKEY, (Howard M. Bird and John O. Nickey), real estate and insurance, 64 Union Trust bldg Bird. see Burd. also Bvrd nirich Paul. laborer, h "110 Short Rirkinbint Sara L. H .. elk. h 2111) Derry BIRMINGHAM ROBERT C.. propr Jackson House, 1306 N 7th, h do Bisaf Katie. forelady Dauphin Cigar Co .. h 505 Cowden Bishop A. :Mabel, elk. 26 11: ad. h a18 Crescent Bishop Anna l\L. domestic. 92;) ~ ~d Bishop Annie L. :\1rs .. hoarding. 612 Verheke, h do Bishop Bertha. h 1l31l N 7th Bishop B. Frank. salesman. h 318 Crescent Bishop Charles. laborer. h 141 N Cameron Bishop Charles W .. laborer. h 2027 Kensington Bishop Clarence R.. student. h 16:n N 2d Bishop Eliza A .. teacher. h 211 Pine


{1240 MlrketStrllf

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Tb;Ub~~I:~o:,:c;;! lOll PJIm 0JJd IIndol8hOdes lrom A. B. T ACK Ll:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.
141 Bishop (;ram, brakeman. h 6;)4 Reily Bishop Henrietta. stengr, h 11:!1 ~ 6th Bishop ]ra ~., colIarmkr, h 4111 Hummel Bishop John, brakeman, h 20:llj Fulton Bishop John H., blacksmith. h HaH )J 7th Bishop Jlllia, music teacher, h 211 Pine Bishop ~Iaggie, wid Adam, h 141 X Cameron Bi<;hop .\lary L., boxmkr. h 141 K Cameron Bishop \I. Elizabeth. dressmkr, 2f1f1 S lath, h :US Crescent Bishop ~Iorris H .. barber. l7:n 1\ 4th. h clo Bishop )Iorris W., engr, h :!() N 14th Bishop S. Snively, physician, 1:l:! \Valnut, h do Bishop Stella, boxmkr. h 141 ~ Cameron Bishop Susan, wid William, h 928 S 11th Bishop Wi11iam H .. trav salesman. h 2:n Hamilton Bishop William 0., real estate and genl im. lao::! William, h 1631 ~ :!d BISHOP WILLIAM T., M. D., medical examiner Penna. R. R. Voluntary Relief Dept., office, York, York Co., Pa., h 211 Pine Bissinger Charles. leverman P. R R. h 110:t:\ Cow(ren Bistlint' William H., driller, h lfi2fS Park Bitner Edward. haker. h 109 Balm Bitner Edward H .. machinist, h Ion Balm Bitner Edward S . car repaircr. h 240 Hummel





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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~::i~t,~~-:;'~~E

Bitner Elizabeth, wid John. h 227 Herr Bitner Elmer E .. elk P. R. R, h l;);m N lith Bitner Frederick, actor, h 120 Short Bitner Harry, slater. h 1502 Regina Bitner Harry B., carriagemkr. h :l9 Balm Bitner Harrv C, lahorer. h 116 Svlvan ter Bitner Herrilan, puddler. h 120 Short Bitner John ~L, brakcman. h :n Balm Bitner Joseph I'lL, flagman. h 14:n X 2d' Bitner ~Iartina. saleslady. 3~4 :'o.larket. h 120 Short Bitner Marv E., wid Xicholas, h 15:l9 X 6th Bitner ~ficIiael c.. machinist. h !l2:'t Granite av Bitner Samuel L.. carpenter. h l1R Hoerner Bitner Stephen, shoemkr. 12() Short. h do Bitner William L.. lahorer, h 41 Balm Bitner, see Bittner Bitterman Leon M., draftsman, 5 N 2d. h 317 Chestnut Bitting Charles. car inspector, h 2501 N 6th Bitting Emanuel K .. shoemkr. mm Cumberland, h 621 do Bitting Ettie R .. student. h 26!l Korth Bitting Harry J., elk. 4th c Walnut. h 10I6! Market Bitting Martha J., elk, h 263 North Bitting Ralph G., brakeman, h 621 Cumberland Bitting Reuhen H . driver. h 250!l N 6th flitting Thomas K., elk. P. R R. h 621 Camp
Digitized by


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CLARK'S ::::I~= Drug and Patent Medicine Store{s::}:~J1"

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.



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Bitting William H., brakeman, h 640 Dauphin Bittle Luther E., trucker P. R R frt depot, h 40 NSummit Bittner Clara 11. Mrs., grocer, 32 S 18th, h do Bittner Conrad ]., foreman, h 1421 l\1arket Rittner Elvin. postal elk, h 32 S 18th Bittner, see Bitner Bivitch Frantz. laborer, h 110 Short Hi.itch Paul, laborer, h 110 Short Bixler Howard \\1., barber, h 1423 Zarker Bixler Ira B., conductor, h 602 State' Bixler Isaac P .. salesman. 440 11arket. h 1424 \Valnut Bixler Jacob K.. switchman. h 511 Seneca Bixler John C, flagman, h 511 Seneca Bixler Robert N., salesman, h 232::l K 6th Black Albert T .. elk, 219 l\larket, h Mechanicsburg Black Alfred T., bricklayer, h 934 N 2d Black Amy C, cataloguer State Library, h 131 State Black Andrew K., jr., inspector, h 934 N 2d Black A. Wilson, conductor, h 139 N 13th Black Bertha F .. h 22 N 5th Black Bessie, teiephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1940 North mack Caroline H., bookkpr, 318 Market, h 1414 Green Black Catharine. wid Benjamin P., h 304 Cumberland Black Charles, watchmkr, h 926 N 6th Black David, laborer, 'h 1112 S 9th
nu. GaaraDty aDd Surety Co. { ...,., A~".'.'1I1t1l, E ........ 0"'.... { 1 .... "" -8erantoD, PeDDa. T'III....111 1,111., tlll4lll ., JIII'cI.1 ,..... Tml ....

.il ..





lillI' HUI'


Black Dora F . h ::l29 Hummel Black Edith D., asst cataloguer State Library, h Camp Hill ~ BLACK EDWARD B., artist and art store, 117 Market, h 304 Chestnut z: C) Black Ella Mrs .. h 1418 l\farion E Black Ella, milliner, 318 Market, h ~29 Hummel Black Emma H., h 131 State Black Frances R, kindergartner, h 22 N 5th Black George B. "Mc., conductor, h :l29 Hummel George L., 9 S 14th 0 Black George W., flagman,& hLingle). h 1940 North Black (Black Black George \V., machinist, h 1515 Green :!O!) Say ford CC Black Harper. carpenter, h 4111 ~\Iarket. h 22 ;.J 5th Black Harry n .. salesman. BLACK HOMER, genl sec Y. M. C. A., h 1428 N 2d -I Black Howard C, boilermkr. h 111:15 K 6th Black T. Albert. elk. h Grand Hotel Black Jamcs. laborer, h ]2H4 }Ionroe ,CC Black John. Hbg. StOllC Works, 17th c ~Iulberry, h 201 S ]7th 0 Black John H .. laborer. h 5l1) West Black John M., machinist, h 1~4:~ Briggs lIJ Black Josie E., :~06 Kelker mack Kate R., shoe opr, h 152() Penn Black Lavina, h III:!! ~Iarkct





Redmond's Wagon Works} ~':.'~d~.':.tb~:~D": 13d and Reily Sts.

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A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades {.:l~dl.'a:i~&.

Boyd's Harrisburg ( B ) City Directory, 1908.

c: mack ),Iargaret C, h 509 1\ !!d :::a Black ~largaret E., milliner, h :329 Hummel Black Margery A.., wid William 5., h 1414 Green Black Mervin, carpenter, h Say ford av c 2d Black Nathaniel R., sales agt Xational Cash Register Co., The Bolton, h do Black Rachel A., wid ~latthew B .. h 11119 Penn ..; Black Ramsey S., baggageman, h !l:H N 2d j Black Rebecca I., wid A.ndrew K., h 131 State . Black Robert F., student. h 934 N 2d Black Rose E., wid William, h 320 Chestnut Black Sarah J.. wid John, h 1828 Pcnn Black Thomas P., machinist. h 110!! Penn Black \Villiam, laborer, h 1619 Fulton Black William A., printer, 10th bel Chestnut, h Camp Hill Black William C, engr, h 621 Peffer Black \VilIard R., asst sec State Gamc Commission, Capitol, h Wormleysburg Black & Lingle, (George W. Black and Amos J. Lingle), contractors, 1940 1\ orth Blackburn Charles. baker. h 2214 Tefferson Blackburn George P., elk Auditor GenI's Dept., h New ~ Cumberland CD rBlacker George F., machinist. h 4Hi Hummel c; Blacker James S., elk Hotel Russ. h 41H Hummel ::;


=~s;::.0:..} Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Alsn. U:=




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Blacksmith August F .. printer Telegraph, h 1105 N 2d Blacksmith Frederick. laborer, h !!Z'i!l 5 Cameron Blacksl1lith Roy B., elk Telegraph. h 1105 ~ 2d Blacksmith William A .. stamp elk P.O .. h 1105 N 2d Blackson Edward S., machinist, h 1807 N 5th Blackwell Jennie, h 111 ~ !!d Blade James. watertender, h 9!!tl S l!lth Blade Patrick, watertender, h 115 Hanna N Blaikie Lillias 5 .. teacher High School. h !!04 N 2d :.> Blain James G., lineman, h !!:l05 Prospect n Blair Alexander G., shearsman, h 407 S 14th Blair Andrew C. brakeman. h 61:l Selltlylkill > :D Blair Charles E., butcher, 319 Hamilton. h :l!!l do Blair C J. & Son, (C J. and S. ;\1.) .. printers, 1127 N 3d Blair Cornelius J., (c. J. Blair & Son), h 2012 Green Blair George 1\1.. meat. 319 Hamilton, h 1641 N 4th Blair Ida C, wid Wilbur. h 61:~ Schuylkill Blair l'.Iabel, h 329 Cherry en Blair S. :'.Iorris, (c. J. Blair & Son), h 2012 Green iiiF Blair Thomas S .. physician. 403 :!'\ 2d. h do Blair William A., policeman, h 84 N 17th ..... Blair William G.. brakeman. h 1811 Penn So Blake~' John, laborer, h 424 South al en Bialock }Iartin L. Rev .. h 114 Liberty nIamer John, lampman. h 1924 Elizabeth - ----- -.- --- - -


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THE PATRIOT1S :~:r~~:;''''~!roogle 8 ~~~



H 1ft. KELLEY &CO {I North lid Street. U 10th State





Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

Bland Abraham, driver. h 11;) ~ll1lherl'y gland Frank :\1.. salesman, h l:Wt; ~ 2d Bland :\Iaurice H .. laborer, h 115 ~lulberry llIanham Daniel. laborer, 11 107 Cowden Blanham l\Iazie L., wid John. h :.n1 ~ectarine Jllank E(Jward F., salesman. h 2109 ~loore Blankenhorn Anna C. h :~OO S 2d Bhtnkenhorn Fredericka. wid John. h 6116 Race Blankenhorn Harrv, fireman. h a:H Kelker Blatt :\lary A., wid Sidanham, h 1!12:t Briggs BIattenberger Daisy. domestic. 19416 ~ 2d Blattenberger l\L Lillian, wid Horace, h 24 S 3d Blaydes Thomas J., waiter, h 1425 Reese B\('cher Edwin A .. postal elk. h 411i S l:~th Bless John G., engr, h 620 Calder Blessing Annie M . roller. h 410 S River Blessing Charles E .. plumber. h 101 South nIessing David S . elk. h 1211 K 3d nIessing Francis. (Enterprise Coffee l\fills), h 126 Hoerner Blessing Frank G .. paperhanger, h 108 South Blessing Frederick F., paperhanger. h lOR South Blessing Isabella. wid Jonas, h 510 Reily messing James K .. lahorer. 11 410 S River Blessing Jeremiah. puddler. h 410 S River



Blessing John W .. plumber. h tnR South messing :\hrguerite. milliner. 400 ~larket, h 126 Hoerner Blessing Marion B.. motorman. h ln42 ~ Camerop Blessing ~rary A:. wid Alexander. h 1211 N 3d Blessing l\r ary E., domestic. 701 Green Blessing :\Iinerva S .. stengr. h H'42 K Cameron Blessing N'ellie E .. stenographer Dept. Internal Affairs, Capitol. h lOR South Blessing Sallie A .. domestic. 219 :\Iaclay Blessing Sarah A., wid D. Frederick, h 108 South Blessing Susan, wid \\"illiam. h 422 Reily Blessley James \V., supe 21i X ad, h !)()!) S Front Blessley Levi, h 911H S Front Bleyer Agnes A .. forelady. h 257 Xorth BJeyer :\larv. h 2:)7 ~orth BIeZer Robert. electrician, h ::!:i7 X orth Bleiillger :\Iary A., domestic. 1~2;) X Front Bliss Rohert P., asst sec Free Lib. Com .. Capitol, h 204 S 13th Blizzard Isaac. loom fixer. h 215 Boas Blizzard :\Iaurice H .. salesman. h St. Tames Hotel Blizzard Ora, fireman. h 1227 N lith' Blocher Ella 0., embroiderer, h (j ~ 2<1 Blocher Ira C .. elk P. R. R.. h !lUi X 6th l1Iock Harry, brakeman. h fi2~ Reily


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Boyd's Harrisbure; ( H) City Directory, 1908. 14.1) BLOCK WILLIAM D., sanitary officer, Court House, h ~ 1235 Chestnut PI Bloom Barnet, ladies' tailor, 816 Pi 3d, h 1009 do
Bloom Jacob, peddler, h 13:!5 William Bloom Lewis, junk, h 13::!:l William Bloom :'.lever. laborer, h 107- Ann al Bloom ~Iichael H .. carpenter. h 1119 Cowden Bloom Philip, junk, h 132. William , Bloomenshine Peter ':\1., laborer, h 427 Kelker al B10ser David, janitor, h 1212 Susquehanna Bloser David C, jr., supt Glenn ~1fg. Co., h 1212 Susque l hanna Bloser Edward G., wick mfr, 1427 Swatara. h do B10ser Henry M., painter, h 944 Paxton . Bloser Jay Lynn, elk, h 1212 Susquehanna Blosser Alfred C, grocer, 1605 N 6th. h do . Blosser A. Lincoln, conductor, h 6211 Cumberland Blosser Charles W., elk P.O . h 1405 ~orth Blosser Edward D., fireman, h 411 Delaware Blosser George H .. brakeman. h 1818 Dauphin Blosser Joseph, painter, h :U4 ~ Court Blosser Levi S., elk. h 6:!1I Cumberland Blosser ~Iina Y .. bunchmkr, h H20 Cumberland Blosser Robert :\1.. transfer agt, h 1316 James Blosser \Villiam, conductor. h 329 Reily

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Blosser William L., elk, h :~::!9 Reily _[ Blottenberger Amos G., driver. h 439 Boyd ,., Blottenberger Harriet. wid John, h 439 Boyd Blottenberger John M., laborer, h 42B Kelker al Blouch Abraham H., janitor. h 1427 Vernon Blollch Catharine E., elk, h 14:n Vernon Blouch Edwin C. laborer, h 18m, :i\ orth Blouch Gertrude J., h 14:!7 Vernon Blouch Henry A .. car repairer. h ] 9:~6 State Blouch Ira A., engr. h 1H Evergreen .." :IICJ '3louch Sarah, cigarmkr, h 61111 \Valnut c:> Blough Bert F .. treas and gcnl mgr Blough Mfg. Co., ~ Tnc., h 205:1 N 2d Blough Coleman, elk. 3:H ~Iarket, h 415 North al Blough hcob. peddler, h 4 Hi ~ orth al Blough Joseph, shoemkr. h IH4i Swatara BLOUGH MFG. CO., INC., Wilson R. Blough, pres; ;;.

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~:i~t,:i~:'~~K


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Blough Mary. saleslady, :ns l\Iarket, h 4]5 North al Blough .:\Iinnie :\1.. cigarmkr. h 19:tr Xorth n10ugh Sarah, wid Henry. h Ina. ~orth Blough Susie E .. milliner. h 1847 Swatara Blough Wilson R.. pres Blough Mfg. Co., Inc., treas Harrisburg Automobile Co., h 1821 N 2d -- ---~-

Burton F. Blough, treas and genl mgr; sun bonnets, ::z ladies' and children's garments. Reily c Fulton





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:::: ~::;;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS !:"g:r':.t.:


Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.



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Blumenstein Anna M .. seamstr~ss, h :!74 Peffer Blumenstein Carrie \\'., dressmkr, h 14:l8 Derry Blullwnstein Conrad, grocer, 14H8 Derry, h do Blumenstein Erina M .. folder, h :!74 Peffer lJIumenstein Frank, stockkpr, 17 S 2d, h 274 Peffer lllumenstein Frederick, laborer, h 274 Peffer Blumenstein J. George. carpenter, h 1411 N Front Blumenstein John H .. helper. h 1411 X Front 'Blumenstein Kat'herine. saleslady, 834 :'.lkt., h 274 Peffer Blum(nstcin l\lary, dressmkr, h 1438 Derry Blumenstein Samuel A., plumber, h 1411 ~ Front Blumenstine Augustus, foreman, h 1:114 N :M Blumenstine Edward A., electrician, h 1407 Monroe Blumenstine Peter 1\1., laborer, h 427 Kelker al Blumenstine Rena, teacher, h 439 S 13th Blumenstine William. cooper, h 4~!1 ~ l:1th Rluste Harry, engr. h !lth c Cumberland Blyler William. ins agt, 3:n Market, 'n 1152 do BIymire Annie, wid Jacob. h 1:127 James Rlymire George. bricklayer. h 1:139 Howard D1ymire Jacob. bricklayer. h 1:~:!7 James Boak Abraham. h ]21 Verbeke Boak Albert :\1.. painter P. R. R.. h 5:!8t Race Boak Bertha 1\1., cigarpacker, h 528t Race Boak Charles L. n., cigars, 229 Verbeke. h 2:!O do

Title Baaranly and Sarely CoIerttI. { .... ,11.,...,..,.'.r E '...... }Tra.t .., 5.r.1'It~ Pa.... e"lnc"" ... II fbi G"rI.
Boak Emma, h ]2:!3 Fulton Boak George R., laborer, h !lG Tuscarora Boak Harry E., machinist, h 121 Verbeke Boak Jacob S., tinsmith. h 2f1 Balm Boak Jennie l\'., seamstress, h 2!l Balm Boak John, foreman C. 1. and S. Co .. h 552 Race Boak Mary E .. stengr, 6:l Cnion Trust bldg, h 29 Balm Boak Robert N., machinist, h 121 Yerbeke. Boak William A .. grocer, l:n Yerbeke, h do Board of Public Works, William Jennings, pres; David E. Tracy. sec, and Edwin C. Thompson, commissioners, 27 S :!d BOARD OF REVIf?ION OF TAXES AND APPEALS p Court House BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL, Cumberland Publishing Co., pubs, 109-ll1 Market BOAS C. ROSS, watchmaker and jeweler, 214-218 Mar"ket, h 404 N 2d see adv opp page BOAS DANIEL D., (estate), Harrisburg Planing Mill p H. A. Chayne, mgr, 2d nr Vine Boas Emma E .. h 2]~ Pine Hoas John ~., elk. 12 S :!d. h 1::!4 Walnut Boas ';\lary A., hookkpr. h ]!i:l4 Park Boas ~lary lVI., wid Irvjy, ~., h ]24 Walnut Boas Murray K., policeman. h 1G:1-l Park





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Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND' {3d and ReUy Sfs. Coogle

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I Specialty A B TACK rPreecotns 1IIake. aBalldlbKe laofPlain TInt. {1.US N. ad It. PabUe lI:.UmateB Glvea

Boyd's Harrisburg ( H) City Directory, 1908.


Boas Susan E., wid Henry D .. h 5H5 N Front Boath Acquilla 1\1.. telegrapher. h 87 S 17th Boath John H., marble mechanic Capitol, h 37 S lith Bobb Francis E., telegrapher C. Y. R. R.. h 3421 Crescent Bobb George F., ~reas and mgr Harrisburg Electric Supply Co., h X ew Cumberland Bobbs Bessie M.. saleslath', It lOon N 7th Bobbs Oscar U., brakeman, h- 264 Calder Bobbs William, laborer. h 18:!6 K Cameron Bobervic Michael, laborer, h 1150 S Cameron Boblitz Carl, watchman Lunatic Hospital. h do Bock Philip, asst engr Paxtang Electric Co., h 1076 S Cameron Bockius Frank E., salesman, 6 S 2d. h 414 S 16th Bockus Anna M., elk. 122:~ N ad. h 1636 do Bockus John R.. conductor, h 16a6 N 3d Boden Cafe. (John Boden), 207 Chestnut Boden Charles J., molder. h 1258 :\Iarket Boden Ohristiana, wid Julius. h 1258 Market Boden George B., elk. 406 :\Iarket, h 1258 do Boden Grover. machinist, h 1258 ~larket Boden John, Bodel\ Cafe. 207 Chestnut, h do Bodenhorn Harry 0., painter, h :~31 Harris Bodine Harry E., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 117 N 1nh





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=~ :~=} Harrisburg

Bodley Charles W., flagman, h 1409 Green Bodley William, carpenter. h 1409 Green Bodmer Oarence F., trav salesman, h 1421 Shoop Bodmer Edw. W., agt Prudential Ins. Co., h 15:34 Walnut BODMER HILLORIUS A., wall paper, 819 N 3d, h 109 S 14th Bodmer Israel c., paperhanger, h 307 Cumberland Bodmer I va L., elk, 819 X 3d. h 15:34 \V alnut Bodmer Justina, seamstress, h 1534 \Valnut Bodmer William H., mason, h 15:34 Walnut Bodner Marko, laborer, h 1304 S Cameron Boehnke Cuno W., brakeman, h 1139 Derry Bogar Bella B., laundress, h 16:!8 Logan Bogar George W., mgr, 12 N 2d. h 431 Hummel Bogar Mary A., wid John, h 1628 Logan
---,BSTABLISHBD 181515,---

SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ II =: < :.:-






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Dian\onds, Watches, Jewelry

214 and 216 Harllet Street


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--------------------------NEWS DAILY TO INTEREST THE PAT R I o~ - T H E LADIES I N Digitized by


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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OIllCeS, :Dr..~:.rtaf:'r.::{COAL AND WOOD

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.






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Bogen Oscar J., (Enterprise Coffee ~lills), h 216 Chestnut Boger Joseph I., engr. h 1401 Mayflower Boggs Benj. D., contract agt, 210 Walnut, h 115 Chestnut BOGGS BENJAMIN RANDOLPH, div freight agt Phila. & Reading Ry., P. & R. passenger station, h 238 N 2d Boggs James, h 1837 ~ orth Boggs Randolph 1'.1., elk P. & R pass depot, h 236 N 2d Boggs William H., telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 13~ S ~d Bogner George W .. conductor, h 1510! N 4th Bogner Pearl R, elk, h 1510-t K 4th Boher J. Heck, druggist, 209 Market, h 401 N 2d Bohl Andrew J.. elk, h 1725 ~Iarket Bohl Catharine. wid William H., h 221 S 14th Dohl Catharine F .. student, h 1725 Market Bolli Charles A.. molder. h 1725 Market Bohl ~1ary, tailoress, h 221 S 14th Hohl WiIIiam A., molder, h li25 }larket Boileau Howard. bookkpr, h 1101 Penn Bolan Ida V. :Mrs., h 1506 Regina Bolan Louisa, elk, 1002 X 6th. h 1506 Regina Bolan May E., cigar roller, h 1506 Regina Boland Bessie A. Mrs., opr, h il3:1 Dauphin Roland John, engr. h :l25 Verbeke Roland John, jr., brakeman. h 1612 \Vallace

o o


Boland Joseph, potter, h 1111 Calder Boland ~laggie. charwoman, h 1111 Calder Roland :\lary, attendant Lumitic Hospital. h do Boland Stephen G ... plumber, h 1610 X 5th Bolden Ella, domestic, 424 Cranberry Boldosser David K .. car repairer, h 1)18 Emerald Bo!dosser Emma, domestic, 2:l1 l\laelay Boldosser Jennie V., seamstress, h HIS Emerald Roldosser William H., repairsman. h 2:UH Jefferson Bolen Cornelius, laborer, h 1208 Cowden Bolen Emorv L., fireman, h 116 S 14th Bolen Tohn T., machinist, h 2:l4 Peffer Bolen 'Maude, bunchmkr, h 1~19 \VaIlace Bolen ::\'Iichael, laborer, h 1121 N 7th Bolen Nora, h 1208 Cowden Bolen Pierce J., shoemkr, 116 S 14th, h do Boll Bros. 1\1 fg. Co . C. S. Boll. pres; "". A. Boll, treas; beds, mattresses, spring cots, &c., Howard c 14th BOLL, CHARLES S., pres Union Trust Co. and Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., h Camp Hill Boll TI}.OI:nas J., fireman, h 1247 ~fulberry ,Boll W tlham A., treas Boll Bros. ~lfg. Co., h 409 N 2d Bollendorf Frederick S .. elk. 1019 X !{<I, h 26 N 17th ~Bollendorf }Iatthias. grocer. 24 X 17th, 'h 2fi do Bollendorf William R, b00kkpr, h 26 X 17th



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I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240Markltstred
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Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

Bolles Frank, lahorer. h 125 Short Bolles John, laborer, h 207 :\Iarket House al Bolling Abraham L., porter. (; S 2d. h 14()4 Fulton Bollinger Avalene. wid Jacob. h ]5:l5 Fulton Bollinger Carrie. housekeeper, 406 Harris Bollinger Charles V., car inspector. h ]2()S ~ 7th Bollinger Cornelius, carpenter. h 271 Briggs Bollinger Dick W .. Aoor mgr. :l:H Market, h 1108 Capital Bollinger Elizabeth }Irs . saloon. 214 Chestnut, h do Bollinger Estella, milliner, h :.!14 Chestnut Bollinger Harvey. laborer, h 5W ~orth Bollinger Umphrey F .. painter, h 122ft BaTIey Bolt Felix S . decorator. :n~ :\larket. h New Cumberland Bolton Annie E., wid Joseph K .. h 1107 ~ 2<1 Bolton Edwin E., elk Hbg. Trust Co., h Hummelstown Bolton Edwin G . carpenter, h 1~(j0 \Valnut Bolton George V., barber. 15:l7 ~ :1<1. h 1Ii14 X 4th Bolton Gertrude ~l.. elk. h 18:l2 Derrv Bolton Jacob D .. trucker. h Front c Division Bolton John H .. elk P.O., h 72 X 17th Bolton Levi, farmer. h 2nm State Bolton Lewis H., (Harrisburg Saratoga Chip Co.). h 232 S ]3th Bolton Lincoln. carpenter. h Ifl411 Elm Bolton :\linnie E .. h 1~:12 Derry

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~I!-:;'~~E

Bolton Nora J. Mrs .. h 1614 !\ 4th Bolton Sallie J., dressmkr. ]2H ~ Cameron, h do Bolton Sarah A .. stengr. 227 \\'alnut, h Hummelstown BOLTON (THE), J. H. & M. S. Butterworth, 2d c






r~ .. '

Strawberry av Bolton Thomas J . carpenter, h 18:12 Derry Bolton Thomas ,T . timekpr, h 1212 N 7th Bolton William C .. car tracer. h 2H2 S t:lth Bolton William c., (Harrisbnrg Saratoga Chip Co.), it 232 S 13th Bolton \Villiam H., (Hhg. Paste \\'orks), h 126 N Cameron Beltz Charles H .. chief elk P. & R. pass depot, h 30 1'\ 2d Bomberger Agnes L., h 1!l45 ~ 6th Bomberger Catharine, wid Jacob, h 41 S 17th Bomberger CYrus J.. fireman, h 1715 (-;reen Bomberger IIarry C., conductor. h 26 S 16th Bomberger Joseph E .. elk. 32ti l\farket. h 62ft Hamilton Bomherger Joseph K., grocer, Ift45 N 6th. h do Bomberger Joseph W., elk. h 1ft45 N 6th Bomherger Walter S.. bookkpr, 10th c State, h 629 Hamilton Bomherger Wayne E. J., physician, 1441i }Iarket. h do Bomganlner Abraham, shocmkr. h 1427 Regina Bomgardner Abraham. jr .. elk, h 1427 Regina
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McNEIL'S COUGH REMEDY~~:A!O~::1~~::{AT't'~~~

150 Boyd's Harrisburg (.B ) City Directory, 1908.






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Bomgardner Arthur c., inspector, h 1934 Kensington Bomgardner Benjamin F., helper, h 916 S 20! Bomgardner Clara Mrs., seamstress, h 17 N 15th Bomgardner Delmar, messenger. 212 Locust, h 1400t Regina ':D MZ Bomgardner Emma E., dressmkr. h 1427 Regina Bomgardner Francis A . student. h 29S 2d BOMGARDNER FRANK H., bricklayer and contractor, 450 S 17th, h do Bomgardner Grant, barber, h 141:J N 3d Bomgardner Harry, laborer. h 1427 Regina d Bomgardner Harry, machinist, h 310 Reily u Bomgardner Harry G., machinist, h 615 Forrest Bomgardner John W., plumber, 29 S 2d, h do c Bomgardner Margaret, shoe opr, h 1427 Regina Bomgardner l\Iary, dressmkr, h 450 S 17th II!: Bomgardner Raymond G., laborer, h 2143 Howard Bomgardner William, laborer, h 2134 N 7th c u Bomgardner \Vilson F., stock grader, h 14001 Regina a : Bomgardner, see Bumgardner Bonawitz Jonathan G., fireman, h 1009 Berryhill IE Bonawitz Vergie Mrs., h 262 Delaware c Ronbright Cecelia H. Mrs., h The Bolton BONBRIGHT JOHN MILLER, reporter Star-Independent, h The Bolton

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Honce Sarah J. ::VIrs., charwoman, h :laS Hamilton Bond James, laborer, h 115 N 4th Bond Laura L. l\Irs., dressmkr, 151 Balm, h do Bond Lawrence, h ]214 vVallace Bonel l\JichaeI, coremkr, h 6:18 Herr Bond \Villiam, jr., printer, h 115 N 4th Bond \Villiam H., h 500-l South Bond William H:. jr., letter carrier, It 151 Balm lJol1e~ Agnes Mrs .. h 1219 Apple nongart Philip. driver, h 1524 Derry Bonholtzer Lydia A., wid Peter c., h 1811 Green Bonisteel Milton F., trav salesman, h 808 N 18th Bonisteel Roscoe 0., student, h 808 N 18th Bonner Harrv B., brakeman, h 1917 Fulton Bonnet Shop-(1'he), (1\1. Mae Browne), 1727 N 6th Bonsall Clarence, elk, h 626 Verbeke Bonsall Orlando, engine inspector, h 626 Verbeke nonter Charles S., engr, h 1114 Market Roob John E., wagonmkr, h 1207 Market Boob Simon H., elk. 235 Crescent, h 1207 'Market Booda Guy E., mechanical dentist, 204 l\larket, h 29 Evergreen Rooelv Evelvn ~L. milliner, h 19 S 3d Book- Anna: dressmkr, :\34 ::\larket, h 1250 Swatara Book Edgar S., propr The Casino, 2002 N 6th, h 1'540 do


IN DREW REDMOND{3d lad Rill, Sis.

Digitized by


L B. TACK} FIN~EC:~~A~III~~~"~C:I~~R{ 1216 NOnb TblnlStreet

Boyd's Harrisburg (.B) City Directory, 1908. 151 Book Edward 1., traY salesman. h 621 Emerald Book George, butcher, h 5 r 1028 State Book J. Thaddeus, conductor, h 1522 X 6th Book Linnie, domestic, 1507 N 6th rlook :Vlabel G .. seamstress, h 1528 X 6th Book Oscar 0 .. elk, 1021 Green, h do Book Zl'lIa H., teacher, h 1522 X 6th Booker Bathilda R., wid John E., h 5:~0 :\-Iaelay Booker Gertie, housekeeper, 424 South al Booker James, hostler, h 424 South al Boohr Lois K., teacher, h 530 Maelay Booker Olga V., h 5~0 Maclay Booker Stella, domestic, 424 South al Bookman Samuel, sergeant police, Capitol. h York Books Clara, wid John D . h 1421 Berryhill Books Frank, laborer, h 426 North al Books Frank, laborer, h 1239 Monroe Books J eremia'h G .. laborer, h 615 Delaware av Books Lea'h, wid Thomas, h 1640 Market Books Louise, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, 1421 Berryhill Books :\Ielvin :VL, press feeder Telegraph, h 1421 Berryhill Booh Oscar, helper, h 1421 Berryhill Books Rosie M., tailoress, 6 S 2d. h ~09 Briggs Books Sarah J., wid Jeremiah, h 615 Delaware Books Thomas c., car inspector. h 200(; Berryhill



2 -t

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Books Victor X .. apprentice Independent. h 2006 Berryhill Books. William J., buyer, 318 :Vlarket, h Pen brook > Boon Charles P., draftsman, h 1931 N 2d Boone Ella, charwoman, h 18 Cowden > Boone .\nnie Mrs., cook, h 436 South al CI' Boone Bessie ;\Irs.. h non Grape Boone Clarence H . brakeman, h 2(21) N 7th Boone Gawin H., blacksmith, h 109 Dewberry Boone John D., car inspector P. & R., h 16:1:la N 4th Boone ,1ohn H., barber, h 436 South al Boone John Y., molder, h 611 State Boone :\laggie, charwoman, h 436 South al "Boone William E., blacksmith, h 1516 Wallace Boose Anna, telephone opr, h 1921 Xorth Boose Charles E., carpenter, h 560 Forrest "Boose Harry D., plasterer, h 1921 North Boose :\lary A., wid Charles H., h 1921 ~ orth Booser Benj. K., county commrs, C. H., It Middletown Booser Bessie B .. elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1~17 State Booser Blaine A.. salesman. 7th c .\'orth. h 121 N 13th Booser Charles E., elk, 212 Locust, h 1326 Derry Booser Eden H .. spec officer P. & R. depot, h 1317 State Boosl'r Harrv \\' .. salesman, :J36 Chestnut, h 28 N 13th Booser Henr'y, shoemkr, 125~ \Valnut, h 70 N 13th :Booser J. Enlmett, elk, 336 Chestnut, oil Pen brook



:-., II




. ..








THE PATRIOT .~It""~~9g~a~IGoogle

Toll of

Try a

H M KELLEY <<It CO'S -Blaek Dla.llond8 when { IOI~.,.~ ad"1IIrMI. P. I 70n Ilest order. I" 11a.
Boyd's Harrisburg ( n) City Directory, 1908.

.. -=~




a "'u

Border Charles R.. electrician, h 1 i15 ~larket c:::t Border Frank R . stockman. h :<0 Disbrow I: Bonier George :\1.. bookbimler, h :!41 X 14th fti BonIer Joseph. hclper. h ')0(1 Disbrow ::IE Bonier Kathn'n, casemkr, h ~fI Disbrow fI) Border ~lildred. stengr. 1:tfl!l Walnut. h l:!i S 14th Boreler haker, h ~fI It Bonier Paul ~., F., labflrer, hDisbrow \VilIiam W Bordlemay ,\nna. wid Jacob, hRU Disbrow 51:< Dauphin ..J Borliner (~eorge Foo bar elk. :n4 \crheke. h 41~ Spring C( Boring Cora I. :\Irs .. domestic, Ii~ ~ lth


Booth "\cqui1la, telephone opr, :no \\'alnut, h ai S 17th Booth John C, hoilermkr, h :!;{i Reily Booth William W., machinist, h 1i:Ui ~ 3d Boothe Clarence E . collector, 15Hi ~ ad, h li~i Fulton Boothe John W., elk, lil5 Walnut. h li~i Fulton Boothe Rebecca. wid John. h li:!i Fulton Boova Philip R., \\'hite Hall Hotel, :!1 i ~Iarket, h 240 Hamilton Boaz Charles H .. conductor. h l~:l:l ~ :~d Boozer Elias F . sale~man. h 1511 Dl'rrv Bope George, laborer. h ll1i Hancock' Border Celya, telephone opr. h SO Disbrow Bonier Charles Hoo foreman, Crescent c ~lulberry, h 1715



~ lith Rortner Howanl ~oo tinsmith, h :!1l14 Kensington Bortz Bcnjamin 1.. driver. h :!:l:!!1 Logan BosC'h Frank B.. pres, :!:!:! ~larket, h tJ:t Walnut Bosch Joseph .1., riveter, h 1515 Allison Boschelli Angela .\., propr ~Ietropolitan Hotel. h 208 Hamilton Doschelli Antonio A .. (Hhg. noot and Shoe Making and Repairing Co.). h :!(l~ Hamilton Bose Charles H .. elk. h !1:;4 ~ 19th Bose Frank, lahorer. h 1:!5 Short Bo!'e Lt'wis, packer 1'. R. R. freight depot, h 1954 Derry Bosler Edward G . salesman, h 14:!i Swatara Bosler William, engr, h 15:1~ Wallace Bosley Harr~' C, floor walker, aa4 ~Iarket, h Camp HilI Bmley Scott S . adv sol Telegraph, h t:!~i Derry Boss Henry. laborer. h 14!1 Balm Bostick Harry. laborer, h :it:! ~orth al Bo!'ton Daniel, lahorer, h 511i Korth al Bo~ton Lucy. domestic. ::; IIi X orth al Bostrof Tohil E .. hrakeman. h :!fI:!4 X lith Boswell 'Mattie, domestic, 25 N Front Boswell Ralph E., elk P. & R. pass depot. h 1330 Derry Bothwell Charles \V., elk Mers' Nat. Bank, h 434 North Bothwell Maude H., stengr, h 12::Jl N 7th

W Bortner Arthur, machinist. h 2116


z: < a.. IE o

< o





... -

l L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA {1240 Mlrk.tStr.1t Coogle

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EmploJII none workml'n, hence onl,. Jlr8l- J 1.18 A B TACI} cIatIlDOI'tllDdlnlureelt. WorkdoDeinan1 partofl>SatelN.3dSt.

. Boyd's Harrisburg

bu~ f1r.t~JIU8

(n) City' Directory, 1908.


Bothwell William A., h 12=U X 7th ~ Bott Harry L.. brakeman. h 514 Hamilton P1 Botts ArciJibald C, elk. G15 Walnut, h do Botts 1\lahlon L., postal elk. h 1G47 N 6th Botts ).Iartha L. :\[rs .. drygoods. 1647 N 6th, h do Boucot J- Ronald. stengr Aud. Genl's Dept. Capitol, h 107 -I l' 2d 0 Houde Samuel B.. scc C J. and S. Co .. h Inglenook 2 Boues John C. charman Capitol. h fi:!8 Primrose PI Boughter George :\1.. cemcnt finisher, h 1616 ~ 6th Boughter Helen Y .. packer, h 7115 S Front :D Roughter Ida. wid John H . h 1507 S Cameron C Boughter James :\'1., laborer, h Reel's la c 3.d c;) Boughter John. h 705 S Front Boughter Samucl R., catcher. h Reel's la c 3d Bourgeois Louis, inspector Elliott-Fisher Co., h 1248Reese 0 Bouse John A .. M. D . special medical inspector State Dept. Health. h 1307 Berryhill Housh J. Frank, !\alesman. :n2 :\farket, h 413 \Valnut .. Housh Jolm \\' .. carpenter. h 407 Kelker Bo'usum David H . buYer. :134 11arket, h 129 Sylvan ter '-11" Boward Frank. boilerrnkr, h 1!)23 ~ 7th ~ Boward John W .. plumber. h 404 Hay 0 == Bowden William, coachman. :U5 X Front. h do S o Bowdren Annie :\1., wid Garrie, h 14 S Court



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i ii



MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~:'~~E

Bowen Charles, h 112 South Bowen George C. elk Aud. GenI's Dept. Capitol, h 112 South Bowen G. \Villiam, brakeman. h 32'2 u-escent Bowen Sarah E., ~lrs., laundress. h 60G Kelker Bowen William, c3rpenter. h 1723 X 4th Bowens Anna. wid John, h 1430 l\larion Rower Aaron W., barber. lfl23 K Hth, h 616 Delaware Bower Catharine. twister, h fil9 N 2d Bower Emma ~r.. bookkpr. 3:m Verbeke, h 1412 Wallace Bower Frank. barber. h 1907 Susquehanna Bower Giles H., barber, h IH12 Penn Bower Isadore. wid Daniel. h 1907 Susquehanna Bower Jacob J .. engr, h l:no Howard Bower James n., conductor. h l:no Howard Bower Jean. stengr, h :{2!l Kittatinny Bower Tennie E .. dressmkr. 11 Hi X 6th. h do Rower John .'\,., brakeman. h 1114 Capitol Bower John :\'1.. laborer, h l:UO Howard Bower Joseph I.. car repairer, h 106 Linden Bower Mary A.. boarcling, l:nn Howard. h do Bower Theodore. carpenter, h 1412 \Vallace Bower \Villiam :\ .. barber. h 1!14I7 Susquehanna Bowermaster Rt'njamin, bricklayt'r, h 741~ Race Bowermaster Chambers. machinist. h 7f1~ Race

-. -V'1




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INDEPENDENT LOAN 110 SECURITY .CO. ~cf~~~ {rl ~:ttif;by Coogle


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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }~:'~~~L.':s~:'~~{ 306 Br...

154 Boyd's Harrisbul"g (B) City Directory, 1908.
Bowermaster George \V., carpenter, h 1712 N 4th Bowermaster John H., carpenter, h 1849 Fulton Bowermaster Lawrence, machinist, h 11'48 ~larket Bowermaster l'.larian K., silkwinder, h 708 Race Bowers Ada, matron P. R R depot, h 1415 Briggs Bowers Albert B.. molder, h 1821 Swatara Bowers . \nl1a L., housekeeper. 634 Verbeke Bowers Annie c., tailoress. h 2219 Jefferson Dowers Annie Mrs .. seamstress Hbg. Hospital, h ~larysville Bowers Archie T., engine hostler, h 1304 Susquehanna Bowers Benjamin H., mgr, 300 Cumberland, h 313 do Bowl'rs Bros., (c. A. and L. F.), Eureka Hand Laundry, !)35 Rose Bowers Charies, leverman P. R R. h 420 Kelker Bowers Charles A.. (Bowers Bros.), h 1524 Green Bowers Charles A., elk P. R. R freight depot, h 424 S 17th Bowers Charles M., repairsman. h 627 S Front Bowers Daisv Mrs., h 102 S 4th Bowers Dani'el U., plumber, h 1822 Derry , Bowers David D., laborer, h 634 Verbeke Bowers Earl c., elk. h ] 59 N 15th . Bowers Edgar, conductor, h 1933 Briggs Bowers Edgar J., engr, h 1943 N 6th Bowers Edna A .. student, h iU8 Cumberland



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--------------------TItle SDlrllty 10. Sarety CD. IC:'\-::'I. f I~I~"'U: ~,= {T~::B1t.

Edwin, h lU8 Cumberland Elijah, shoemkr. h 1201 N 7th Ervin R, laborer. h 1119 N 7th Ezra, puddler, h 22t c Brookwood Frank P . barber, 703t N 3d, h 1907 Susquehanna Frank P .. leverman P. R R, h 1734 'Vood George c., sign painter, h 420 Kelker George \V., carpenter, h 406 Muench Harry D., elk, 23 S 3d, h 1712 N 4th Harrv T., brakeman. h 634 Verbeke Harv"ey. boilermkr, h 406 Muench Hattie I,.., housekeeper, 634 Verbeke Helen ::'\'1., teacher, h 318 Cumberland Henry L., bookkpr, 113 S 2d. h 415 Briggs Henry L .. driver. 31 S 2d, h 506 Woodbine Howard L., elk Pa. Surety Co., h 119 Vine Irene, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do James B., conductor, h 1310 Howard J. Edgar, laborer, h 641 Hamilton Jerome. nailer, h 424 S 17th Jessie c., teacher, h :ns Cumberland ]. Frank, weather strips, h 1822 Derry J. Frederick. foreman. Herr clOth, h 1540 Derry J. John, laborer, h 1709l N 7th J. Leroy, car cleaner, h 119 Vine

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Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Rowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers l30wers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers


REDMOND}~~!'!;:;~~g~{3d and Reily Sts,

Digitized by


I. B. TACK} IALL PIPER e:.::~;:~ 111001 SHIDES{No~:' 8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.
Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bo",'ers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers 155 JO!1I1 F .. brakeman, h 1411 Green John H., h 1725 ~ 6th John H., carpenter, h 15U :\ 15th John H., steelwkr, h 19114 State John H., jr. h 15n ~ 15th John P .. blacksmith, h 420 Kelker John \V., laborer, h 107 Cumberland Joseph C. engr. 'h 641 Hamilton Laura B., laundress, 'h 1709t ~ 7th Lillian gold layer, h 19117 Susquehanna Lionel F., (Bowers Bros.). h 1524 Green ~labelle A., milliner, 400 ~larket, h 406 :Muench ~Iarv Mrs., h 929 Grand ~Iar)" wid Christian, h 1540 Derry :Mary A. ~lrs., boarding, Ga4 Verbeke, h do ~Iary D., machine opr, It 1540 Derry :\lary S., hemmer, h :!219 Jefferson Xellie. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Otho M., driver, h 1513 Derry Paul. motorman, h 502 Linn Reuben, blacksmith, Lunatic Hospital, h do Rose, 'housekeeper, 154() Derry Samuel 1., h 641 Hamilton Samuel ~L, steam fitter. h H34 \'crbeke Sara E., bookkpr, 334 :\Iarket. h 41Hi ~Iuench

< ,.


l::s!::::'-:'}Harrlsburg Savings and Loan Assn. {::= :D C

Bowers Sarah J. Mrs., h 1709t X 7th Bowers Scott, car repairer, h 1:{06 Maple Bowers Sebastian. laborer, h 641 Hamilton Bowers Sylvania, milliner, 400 ~larket; h .,lOG :\[uench N Bowers William, puddler, h 2117 Brookwood l> Bowers William A., policeman, h 111f1 X 7th Bowers \\'iIliam D., fireman, h 1947 :\ 7th X Bowers William B., engr. h 1223 X Front Bowers William H., laborer, h 1734 :\ 7th Bowers William R., h I11n 1\ 7th :D' Bowersox Ethel B., domestic. 711 X Gth l> Bowersox Luella :\1., h 2025 X 6th (/) Bowie Henry, coachman, h 411 Susquehanna BOWMAN ADDISON M., sec and treas Cumberland Publishing Co., 109-111 Market, h Camp Hill Bowman Albert T .. hostler, h 1113 :\Ionroe c.4 BO\\'man Benjamin H., yardmaster P. & R.. h 6:i6 Verbeke == Bowman Burton E., turner. h 51H Kelker 5F Bowman Charles. engr, h 132G Fu-Iton Bowman Charles E .. fireman. h :141 Hummel Bowman Christian E., salesman. h 2fi:! Cumberland Bowman Clarence D., (Bowman. l\[(.1l & Co.'), h 227 ?\Iacla \' Bowman Claude C. car repairer. h :i2!1 Cuatin Bowman Clifton, laborer. h ;{:i:{ :;; Cameron


.. . .. .. ..



== '111






Digitized by


OVR MOTTOI - } Roa..' Coal, Hoa ' Weicht

IfM KELLEY ClII. {'II'11I1II3d .IfIII D. CO ..........t,....


Boyd's Harrisburg (n ) City Directory, 1908.



I". I@!!


;; BOWMAN DAVID G., notary public, insurance and real c::: estate, and mgr Title Guaranty and Surety Co. of Scranton, Penna., Security Trust bldg, 36 N 3d, h ~ 1246 Derry see adv front cover ~ Bowman Edward A., 'barber, 'h 5:!U ~ HUh Bowman Edward c., motorman, h li:i:! Forrest c.:t Bowman Edward S., engr, h 1:!:!U Swatara l-~ow]llan Ed\,"ard S. Rev., h 343 Rei1y ~ Bowman Emanuel, laborer, h 141)1 S l:!th ~ Bowman F. i\lyrle. elk, :!11 Chestnut. h :!13 Briggs Bowman Frank D., elk book dept H. of R., h 111~ N 6th :: Bowman George, machinist, h 612 Sdmylkill Bowman George, warehouseman P. & R.,h Boas ab 28th Bowman Harry, conductor: h :Hl Cumberland :: Bowman Harry "fl.., motorman. h l5Hi X 5th 2 Bowman Harry E., tray salesman, h lIt!4 State ;;; Bowman Harry F., foreman F. and :\L Works. h 1:11lU VerVI non II: Bowman Harry H., buyer, 31l"1 ~Iarket. h SH5 ~ 2d Bowman Harry H., telegrapher. h 2:l~ Harris 504 Emerald I- Bowman Henr\" c.. conductor. hCalder Bowman Herbert L.. elk, h U3U Bowman Irvin P . lawyer, 311 X :M. h In:u C;recn C Bowman Isaiah T., h 1i:!8 X 4th II: Bowman James :\1., carpenter. h I:U:! State


== =

o o o o



lJowman Jessie C, bookkpr Independent, It 1 i:!~ X 4th Bowman J. Harry, telegrapher P. R. R. pass depot, h 238 Harris Bowman John C, laborer, 11 1401 S 1:!th Bowman John K, (Bowman & Co.), h 805 X :!d Bowman John W., molder, h 1503 Derry Bowman J. vVilliam. (Bowman & Co.), h :!11 Forster Bowman Lawrence E., yardmaster. h 1434 Swatara Bowman Lewis H., brakeman, h lOlt Hanna Bowman Margaret H., warper. h 15tr.~ Derry Bowman ~lartha K., elk, Cowden c Forster, h 310 Cumberland Bowman ~lary C, stengr, Cowden c Forster, h a:!115 N 4th BO\\'111an :\lary C, wid John C. h :!6:! Cumberland Bowman )'lary E., wid Charles L., h 4:l ~ Summit Bowman, ~leil & 'Co .. (c. D. Bowman, S. S. :\<lell and --), druggists, I:! S 41'h Bowman M. Luther. elk Elliott-Fisher Co., h 11:ill Derry Bowman Peter, carpenter, h 15113 Derry Bowman Peter A. Rev., h 1841 Fulton Bowman Ralph H., helper, h l5lU! Logan Bowman Robert E., catcher, h ;;5:! Forre:-;t Bowman Robert T., laborer, h llH :\Ionroe Bowman Samuel, grocer. :!tl Chestnut. h Carlisle Bowman S. Ort. salesman. :1;~H Che:-;tnt1t. h lU S 17th


{1240 MarkitStrt

Digitized by


Yb'yUb'ri~l~:~~;>' WOII PJOOr 0IId WindOW Shodes !rom A. B. TACK 1:~~.. Boyd's Harrisburg (.R) City Directory, 1908. 1m
Bowman Thomas E., physician, 1342 State, h do Bowman Criah F. C, student. h 1004 S Cameron Bowman \Valter S., driver, h 441 Kummel Bowman \Villiam A., conductor, h lIil7 X 4th Bowman \Villiam A .. telegrapher P. R. R. pass depot, h 11)5 S Summit BOWMAN & CO., (John K. and J. William Bowman),

department store, 318 Market

Bowne ~Iorgan L., la'borer, h Front cReel's la Bowser George. laborer. h 14117 X 4th Bowsman George, janitor, h :i:! X 1IIth Bowsmall Harriet, wid George \\"., h 1~:!~ \ \" ood Bowsman, see Bausman Boyd Albert B., elk, h l;l:!S Green Boyd Annie E., wid William B. C, It 17:!S Logan Bovd Caroline E .. wid Peter K., h :WII X :\d BO)'d Caroline T .. copyholder Independent. h 1;~:!8 Green Boyd Oharles I.. elk. h 4Hi Cumberland BO)'d D. Truman. elk P. R. R. ticket office. h ill!! ~ 2d Boyd Elizabeth C. wid J. Brisbcn. h 111 S Front Boyd George T., h 41i X 10th Boyd George \V .. fireman. h 1714 X 4th Boyd Helen, music teacher, :!1I4 Locust. h <\0 Boyd Henrietta. "'id George W .. h 2114 Locust Boyd Howard A .. laborer. h ~n4 Granite

n .... tt CD :s ....


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BAKE-A} ":i~b~-:-:;.~t.:1E



BOYD JAMES, office, 222 Market, h 211 N Front and' $" Boyd Station ;r Boyd Jennie H .. seamstress. h HIt) Cherry Bovd Tohn H .. laborer. h Hit H Fulton ~ BoYd John ~L, brakeman. h 4i5 Cumberland s;:? Boyd John T .. telegrapher P. R. R .. h fil7 Muench :g Boyd John W., driver. h ;t~:! ~ayford ~ BOYD JOHN Y., office. 222 Market, State Railroad Commissioner, Capitol, h 124 Pine P Boyd Joseph. laborer. h 1 il4 X 4th Boyd Margaret J .. wid Irwin. h Hi) Cumberland ~ Boyd l\'lary A., dressmkr. 4:!l-I Hummel, h do ~ Boyd Mary A., machine opr, h 708 Capital ~ Boyd Mary V., laundress, h 337 Granite BOYD OPTICAL CO., H. W. Norris, propr, eyesight specialists, 220 Locust "" Bovd Peter c.. foreman. h 4:~8 Hummel ~ BO)'d Peter K.. (est). undertaker. ~4 S :!d ~ Boyd Rosa, copyholder, h 438 Hummel ~ Boyd Samuel K., salesman, 22 N 3d, h 1614 Chestnut ~ BO\'d William. laborer. h 1427 ~farion ~ Bo)d William H., plumber, It 1206 Cowden V)

Boyd Hugh S .. roll turner. h -li X 1 ith Boyd Isabell T., bookkpr. h ill! I X :!d Boyd Jacob H .. laborer. h :l:\i Granite

" ~.




INDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO.l:.~\\ {r:l;;l;t~~ogIe

. .. .. = .. ... . C ~ .. I





CLARK'S :~~:'~,~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store 1 =,:~::..

w: a:: c :IE

",... -


Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.






BOYD W. H. CO., Guy M. Boyd, mgr, publishers Harrisburg City and other standard directories. 32 N 3d; home office, 27 and 29 Reed c Court, Reading, Pa.


== .... :~ ....







a;; 511' III

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~ V) ~

Boyer Bover BO~'er BO}'er Boyer Boyer Bo~er Bo)'er Boyer Bover BO)'er Boyer Boyer Boyer

Abraham F., frog builder, ';1 3111 Harris Alexander L., boilermkr, 'h fl41 Herr Alice E. ~lrs .. h l:l:?7 Bartine Anna M., h 1316 h Kittatinny Annie L., 'h 204 N :!d Annie M. ?\lrs., h 1319 DerT\' Brooks E .. machinist, h 53 j\: Cameron Bros., (Edw. M. and George ~I.). meat. 758 S 19th Charles. mgr. 511n Kelker, h ISO;) ~Iarket Charles E .. lineman, H i\ 3d, h 1251 }Iulberrv Chas. E., tallyman P. R. R. frt depot, h 1942 Briggs C Stanley, salesman, h 1155 Derry David, foreman, 118 Stra\\'berry, h 1441 Derry David C, carpenter, 'h ili4 S 19th


Title Gual'llnty and Sorety -!ler.tII\on. PeDo ... -

Co. {I"d"....'II' 11I1.h,',kid. ,t J,dl.'11 I,.", { T,... . . . .""'11'.. (u"',r" 'u'~I.." , S_'" T,."



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Bo\'er Bo\'er Bo\'cr Rover




.. iii


Boyer BO\'er

David ~I.. carpenter, 11 5'36 \\'ooclbine Edith :\1., 11 :no Harris Edna M .. h VHG Kittatinny Edward, h 21~ Pine . Edward M .. (Boyer Uros,), h l~:n Rt1dy Elias. 11 53 X Cameron Frank C, flagman. h ~1::i:? X 7th Frank D .. jr.. collector. 14 S ~d. h :\ew Cumbo Frederick \\' .. machinist, h :?n~ Libertv George A .. telegrapher. h ~1~ Pine . George L., brakeman, h 15:14 \\'allace George ?d., (Boyer I1ros.). h 7fi~ 5 Hlth Harry A., mgr. CO\Yllen c For!"ter. h a04 S 15th Harrv A., molder. h ~:-: X Dewberrv Harr~' A .. molder. h 1Ii:1;) Fulton . Harr'\, C. elk. h r,:{ :\ Cameron Harr,' T salesman. :~~l.! ~rarket. 11 :?1i!1 Boas .. Har.:e\: L., laborer. 11 ~:?1:1 Teffen;on Herbert. fireman. II i:?:! ~ltielll'h Isaac. engl'. 11 14:1!1 Berryhill Isaiah. dri\'er. h :ml S 13th Jacob L., plasterer. h il:? Herr .T ohn E., brakeman. h 1:?::.t Cowden Tohn E., foreman. h 50.! S Call1l'r'm )ohn S .. hrakeman. h ::!~~i Howard

Redmond's Wagon Works} ~~Jd::;~'f;b'!~~~:: ;3d and Reily Sfs. Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shad.s h:ltN~:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908. Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer BO)'er Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer 'Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Bover BO)'le Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyle 159 Joseph I., engr, h 14U1 :\Iayflower Julia E., h 21lS Liberty Julia E., charwoman, h Hl9 Verbeke Katie c., h 300 Reik Laurie \V., boilermkr, h 51 X l:3th Lydia K., wid Theodore F., h 1805 :'Ilarket Mabel A., dressmkr, h 1209! Chestnut Margaret, wid John. h 322 Xorth ~Ielda E., wid :'Ilartin, h ill Xorth Mina W., dressmkr, h 20~ Liberty Ray, fireman, h 310 Harris Robert L., barber, h 58i Showers Samuel E., repairsman, h 1i4 X l~th Scott E., driver, h 53 i\ Cameron Simon C, buyer, 221 Market. h 1316 Kittatinny Thomas, asst machinist Lunatic Hospital, h do Vesta, wid William E., h 408 S 19th Walter L., elk, h 120ft! Chestnut William, driver, h 321 S 15th 'William F., shoecutter. h5:1 X Cameron Agnes M., dressmkr, h 25i Briggs Oliarles S., bar elk T'he Lochiel, h do Edward, bricklayer, h 1340 Fulton Edward]., rougher, h 13:!9 Rartine Elizabeth, housekeeper, 2131 X 4th

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Sayings and Loan Assn. U:=

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Boyle Harry, machinist, h 518 Hamilton Boyle Harry T., stengr, h 240 Harris Boyle Henry L., machinist, h 1108 Wallace Boyle ]. Charles, pressman Independent, h 1413 N 3d Boyle John A., flagman, h 1520 Green Boyle Josephine Mrs., 11 240 Harris Boyle ~Iary H., wid Alexander, h 1201 Wallace Boyle Tresa, waitress, h 1329 Bartine Boyle William F. Rev., h 823 S Cameron Boyle William J., caller, 'h 1108 Wallace Boyles Amy 1\1., packer. 'h 1531 ~ 4th Boyles Atchinson G., elk, 923 N 6th, h 1312 N 2d Boyles Daniel, laborer, h 415 Calder Boyles Howard E., laborer, h 1531 l\ 4th Boyles John, motorman, h 311 Clinton Boyles John S., laborer, h 1531 ~ 4th Boyles Reuben E., painter, h 340 Hamilton Boyles Robert 11., huckster, h 204 S River Boyles Robert R., steam fitter, h 340 Hamilton Boynes Annie, wid John, hr 1430 Marion Boynes John, laborer, h 628 Primrbse Boyson Albert M., boiler inspector, h 1530 Walnut Boyson Andrew c., machinist, h (110 Oxford Boyson Andrew 0., boilermkr.' h 610 Oxford Boyson \Valter B., tinner, h 1i10 Oxford

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Boyd's Harrisburg ( ll) City Directory, 1908.

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ilracey George. waiter. h 71!1 Xorth Brackbill Charles H .. conductur, h ;;:n X Cameron Brackbill Ella, wicl William. h :.>:n X Cameron Urackbill Joseph n., machinist. h :!1:!:! X 7th Brackbill Lemuel c.. salesman, h :!1:!:! X 7th Bracken George, scientist, 'h 1~:!7 Berryhill Uracken llatthew X .. bartender, :!17 ~larket, h Hl7 Calder Brackenridge John G., elk, h :~()Cl S :!d Brackenridge \'. Hummel. mgr Patriot. h :!:!S ~ orth BRA CONEY HARRY j., grocer and meat market, 1001 N 6th, h'do Bractag ~Jichael. laborer, h 1115 N 7th Bradbury Samuel H., laborer. h 1~:!4 Fulton Braddock Harry. coachman, h l!1::!4 X 3d Bradford Henry, laborer. h 11 Sherman row I3radica Pedro:laborer, h l:!Cl!) X 7th Bradie ~looney, laborer. h 1I11~ Bern'hill Bradigan Emnta R.. wid Henry, h l:l~ Hanna Dradigan Harry W .. molder. h 1507 Derry Bradley Eliza c., wid William H .. h 4n7 X Front Bradle)' Florence :\1., teacher. h l'IO:! Capital Bradley James, jr., laborer, h a41 Calder Bradley Joseph F., C'hemist, h 4:!:~ Boas Bradlev }larv E., h 42:3 Boas Bradle)' Pierce, blacks'mith, h 42:~ Boas




Bradley Pierce J., plumber. h 42:~ Doas ilradley Samuel, laborer, h 1247 :'Ilonroe IJradley William. laborer, h 4:!:~ Boas Bradle"v William H .. barber, h 1:~:W Fulton Brady "Anna R, asst cataloguer State Library, h 211 S Front Brady Benjamin F., candy. HIli S River. h do Bradv Catharine E .. wid .\lonzo E., h 1211 S :~d Brad)' Charles G .. tank repairer. h 1~:!~ Fulton Bradv Charles H., student, h :!CI:!4 X 5th Brady Edward H., elk sec Comwlth., Capitol, h 803 N 3d Brady Edward L., laborer. h 17:~:! Green Brady Edwin G., elk P. R. R. depot. h :!1l S Front Brady Frank J., elk W. O. Hickok :'Ilfg. Co., It 10lH N Front Brady George T., inspector, h 211'24 ~ 3th Brady Harry c.. sub letter carrier. h 1~15 X orth Brady James. h 17:~2 Green Brady James. cashier 1st :\ational ilank, h :)1() ~ !!d Brady James J., engr, h 1I:{:! Green Brady Jalm R., huckster, h 14:!4 :'Ilarion Brady John R.. C. S. X., 'h 5111 X :!d . BRADY JOHN T., lawyer. and notary pubhc, 18 N 3d, h 211 S Front ' Jlrady Joseph c., machinist, h t 10 Herr -- - - - - - - . - - - - -



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A. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{12401lIrkltStrllt Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK } PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER{u:i:o=~st. Boyd's Harrisburg eM ) City Directory, 1908. 16t
Brady Joseph J., brakeman, h 1732 Green ~ Brady J. Stewart, (Brady & Snavely), h 1001 ~ Front PI Brady Sarah A., wid John, h lOot 1\ Front Brady Sheridan, huckster, h 515 Walnut Brady Sidney, janitor, h 124 Balm Brady William, helper. h 5 Lochiel 1st row Brady \Villiam, ironwkr, h 1002 Fox Brady William H., machinist, h 1928 Elizabeth Brady & Snavely, (J. S. Brady and H. W. Snavely), con- PI tractors, 7 1'\ 2d Bragunier C. Edward. carpenter, h 1068 S 9rh Bragunier Frank B., carpenter, h 1310 Berryhill C Bragunier George ~1., plumber, h 1310 Berryhill C) Bragunier William D., carpenter. h 1310 Berryhill Bramley Elmer B., molder, h 1508 Allison Bramley William, boilermkr, h 15()l-\ Allison Branan Charles H .. driver, h 1704t\Valnut Branch ~Iassey, wid John. h 107 Tanner Brandane Collie Kennels. (John Black). 17th nr Vernon Brandt Aaron E., lawver, 222 ~Iarket. h ~Iiddletown '-'1 Brandt Albert F., physician. 111 ~ 4th, h do Brandt Bertha ~L. bookfolder, h 228 S 15fu ~ Brandt B. Lloyd. elk P. R. R., h 121 Hoerner 8 Brandt Daniel. bar elk. Ilt1~ ~Iarket. h do B c Branclt Daniel E., elk Hbg. Storage Co., h Pen'brook

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Brandt Daniel H., salesman, :f:l4 ~Iarket, h 1:l24 Vernon Brandt D.Bailey, (Paxton Flour and Feed Co.), sec and treas Hbg. Storage Co., h 1424 X 2d Brandt Elmira A., wid Levi. h 11fi Chestnut Brandt Elsie, domestic, Hl24 ~Iarket Brandt Jackson, houseman. h tifi5 Briggs Brandt Jacob P., elk. :121 ~Iarket, h Mechanicsburg Brandt J. Austin, (Paxton Flour and Feed Co.), h 603 X Front Brandt John J.. elk. h 2041 Penn Brandt Lottie 1., seamstress, h 711l N 2d Brandt ),Iilton, machinist. h 15tH Walnut Brandt ,Philip. laborer, h 1114 ~ Cameron Brandt Samuel, stable boss, h 321 S Cameron Brandt Thomas c., engr, h 1118 N tith Brandt, see Bryant Brank Amedeo F., representative, 21 :\' 3d, h 428 State Brank Amelia, seamstress, h 426 State Brank Beatrice, seamstress, h 42H State Brank Gaetano, barber, h 4!!H State Brank Ralph, tailor, 42fl State, h do Brank Teresina. seamstress. h 42fl State Brannan Joseph, machinist, h 37 X tHth Brant Clara, domestic, Hershey House Brant Jennie Mrs., laundress, h 805 East
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Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1905.




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Brant ~Iartin, motorman, h 14111 ~orth Brant Robert, warehouseman, h sn5 East Brantner Frank, brakeman, h 1421 ~ 4th Branyan Harry R., student, h 658 Boas Branyan John S., elk P. R. R., h 658 Boas Rranyan Levinia 1'lrs., boarding. 412 Strawberry av, h do Braselmann F. Ruth. elk. h 442 S 13th Braselmann John P., designer, Crescent c Mulberry, h 442 S 13th Brashears G. \\' ebster. elk, h 826 S Cameron Brattan James S., tray salesman, h 921 Green Brattan Margaret G., wid Samuel W., h 921 Green Bratten AIda P., bookkpr silk mill, h 308 ~orth Bratten Carlton P., salesman, h 314 Xorth Bratten Ellwood K., cigarmkr, h Hi08 Penn Bratten Frank, electrician. h 140 Linden Bratten Frank D . warehouseman, h 30R ~orth Bratten George K., student, h 314 Xorth Bratten Helen F., elk, S06 ~ 3d. h 923 X 6th Bratten Landis. grocer, 921 X mh, h 923 do Bratten ~Ian. saleslady. 334 Market, h 308 North Bratten Robert E., student. h !I23 X flth Bratten Sarah, stengr. h 1508 Penn Bratten Sarah ::\>1., picker, h 308 Xorth Bratten Susan M., teacher, h 1508 Penn

-----TItle IlirlDIy lid Surely Co, s~.'.':." {~~c~::~~~.:~~'=' ~~rr.4.


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Bratton Anna E., teacher, h 1618 State Bratton Howard c., conductor, h 161S State Bratton Sarah B.. seamstress, h 1618 State Bratton S. Blanche, elk, h 1H1S State Brauch Isadore, laborer, h 1514 Battis al Brauch l'.Iargaret, laundress. h 1514 Battis al Braun Henry W., brakeman. h 10(l!) Bern'hill Braun John '~L. grocer, 223 South, h do . Braun, see Brown Braunagle Annie ~L :Mrs., h 6n5 S Front Braunagle Archie B., brakeman, h lOU:! S !)th Braunagle Irvin L.. flagman. h WU:! S 9th Braunagle John, laborer. h HIli:! S !)th Braxton Elijah. brickmkr, h fi28 Briggs Braxton George. laborer, h 344 Brook Braxton ~Iartha A. ~Irs . h 422 Cranberry Braxton :;\I~ry. domestic. 422 Cranberry . Braxton William. laborer. h 1172 S Canleron Braxton \\"illiam H., elk, h 1417 Fulton Breach Raymond. brakeman. h 2127 Atlas Breach Thomas \Y .. brakeman. h av~ (-;ranite Breach Thomas \V., lahorer. h 2127 Atlas Bream :\Ienin. engr. h 1fill7 Hunter Breckenmaker Abraham K . ';larncss. 24 S Dewberry, h 1401 Vernon

Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily Sts. Coogle

Digitized by

l Specialty A B TACK r FreacoIDC Make. aBulidlDp 10of TID" {1.18 N.M si. I I PobUo PIalD Jl'atlmMeaGlvea

Boyd's Harrisburg (11 ) City Directory, 1908.


Breckenridge Mary E .. wid John E., h lill N 5th Brehm Oaire, student, h ~10 (;reen Brehm Cloyd E., student, h :'HO Green Brehm Harrv 8., laborer, h 1819 Bern'hill Brehm Ira F., laborer, h 1819 Bern'hill Brehm John ]., dist supervisor schoois, h 810 Green Brehm Raymond, caterer. 31)9 :\Iarket, h 1819 Berryhill Breidegan Elizabeth, wid Daniel, h 536 Race Breininger Andrew J., dispatcher P. & R pass depot, h 11aO Derry Breininger Josephine, wid Louis, h 405 S 13th Breitinger Edith L.. stengr Dept. Public Instruction, Capitol, h 1418 N 2d Breitinger Sophia, wid William H.. h 1418 ~ 2d Breitinger William M., bookkpr, h 1506 S 12t'h BRELSFORD PACKING AND STORAGE CO., consignee for Swift & Co., F. H. Davis, treas and genl mgr, dressed beef, wholesale provisions and storage, 7th c North Bren James. laborer. h 712 Cowden Breneman Anna 'B., h 606 Peffer Breneman Benjamin c.. telegrapher P. R R, h 606 Peffer Breneman :Margaret J., wid Christian. h 606 Peffer Breneman Victor L., tinsmith, h 610 Emerald Brenisholtz Charles J., checkman P. R R. h 633 Boas

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;r::: ~ Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. { ~ ::e~


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Brenisholtz Charles 'V., conductor, h 633 Boas Brenisholtz Elizabeth K., milliner, h 6.1:1 Boas Brenisholtz Irvin J., driver, h 63:3 Boas Brenisholtz Mary J., ruler, h 11 N 4th Brenizer Clara, domestic, 517 \Valnut Brenizer J. Otarles, tinsmith, 21ft N 2d, h 1707 N 2d Brenizer Samuel \V., brickmkr, h 1401 N Cameron Brenna1\ Olarles L., draftsman. It 403 S 14th Brennan Daniel, foreman, h 630 Race Brennan George A., mgr, 1511 Penn Brennan James M .. inspector, h 417 North al Brenneman Adam H., agtPrudential Ins. Co., h 210 N 15th . Brenneman Amos, engr, h 2231 N 6th Brenneman Anna L., stengr, 121 Chestnut, h 210 N 15th Brenneman Cordelia, elk, h Cameron c Harris Brenneman Edward S., ice cream and mince meat, 108 S 13th, h do. Brenneman Eliazberit, dressmkr, 334 Market, h 210 N 15th Brenneman Ephraim P., watchmkr, 1006 Market, h 1321 State BRENNEMAN FLORAL CO., (J. D. and W. H. Brenneman). Monroe c Reily and 218 Locust Brenneman Frederick, engr, h 43 Balm Brenneman Harry S., car inspector, h 1109 Plum

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H. M. KELLEY & CO.}OIllCeS, :.r":'~1.f~':1!:{COAL AND WOOD

Brenneman Jacob D., (ilrcnneman Floral Co.), h Cameron c Harris Brenneman Jdhn M., laborer, h 1027 S 9th U Brenneman Joseph. h 243 South =:i Brenneman Lizzie. h 257 Libertv u Brenneman Mabel 0., saleslady'-;~34 Market, 'h 210 N 15th Brenneman Margaret ~I., dressmkr, h 210 N 15th Brenneman May, stengr. IH S 1elt'h, h Lisburn ~ Brenneman Oscar G., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 25 Evergreen _ Drenneman Robert, laborer, h 1fl27 S !lth .!! Brenneman Victor, tinsmith. h Ino Emerald Brenneman \ViIliam H .. (Brenneman Floral Co.), mince meat and barrel dealer, 12th c Hamilton, h Cameron c Hamilton Brenner Benjamin, h 921 Sarah (/) Brenner Elizabeth, elk. 42fl Walnut. h do Brenner Harry F., brakeman, 'h fl:l4 Dauphin Brenner Israel, grocer. 1020 Berryhill, h do Brenner Jacob B., carpenter, h 18211 X 5th I- Brenner James H., elothing, 4114 Walnut. h do Brenner Joseph D., (X. Brenner & Son), h 426 Walnut Brenner Joseph ~I.. grocer, 5Ci:l SlOth, h do Brenner Xathan, (X. Brenner & Son), shoes, 424 Walnut; women's wear and pawnbroker. 421i clo, h do

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.

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Brenner X. & Son. (Xathan and Joseph D.), pawnbrokers, 1315 X :Jd Brenner Samuel, hostler, h :.!i);{ Liherty >- Brenner Solom0l1 S., SlOth z: Brensinger Clara }I., h 5ml sewer. h book HUH < Brensinger ~largaret :\1.. tailoress, 'h 1Hen :\N 5th 5th a.. E Bressler Calvin L., carpenter, h 12:lR Kittatinny o Bressler Isaiah C, carpenter, h 1:11l~ State U Bressler Robert. test board opr, 21fl Walnut, h 434 North ...J Brestel vVaIter, salesman,h 7 S l:lt'h Brestle Jaco'b, h 1!l0!l ~ 7th o Bretz Agnes, h 1410 N nth .U Bretz Annie, wid J 01111, h 191!) X lith Q Bretz Charles E., engr, 'h li21 Harris Bretz F., Summit z: Bretz Charles H., engr, h 111 hX Argyle Charles electrician, 4 Bretz Edward C, driver, h 17H1~ \Vood fj Bretz Edwin K., steel plate print-er, h 4 Argyle Bretz Ella, cigarmkr, h :Ja N Cameron Q Bretz Emma L., hUJ1chmkr, h :l:l N Cameron (;d Bretz Harry, instructor, h 1125 N 7th ... BRETZ HARRY M., lawyer and notary, 222 Market, h 224 Reily =:: Bretz Ida F. :\Irs., h 17a5 X 7th Bretz Ida L., wid Jeremiah. h ~ N 5th





I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA {1240 MarketStreet

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A. B. TACK =tt~~~~::: laD pooer and IIndOW ShadeS 1~1~\~8~U.

Boyd's Harrisburg \. B) City Directory, 1908. 16.5
Bretz John, machinist, h 1~~4 S Cameron Bretz John J., eievatorman P. R. R., h 4:36 South Bretz John T., brakeman, h :! Argyle Bretz l\Iaggie I., seamstress, h fi45 Harris Bretz l\lary, vamper. h 4 Argyle Bretz ~finnie, saleslady, 400 Market. h 4 Argyle Bretz ~linnie R., cigar roller. h ~ N 5th Bretz ~Iyra E., mgr. 35 :\' :!d. h 4 Argyle Bretz :\orman \V., laborer, h fi4ri Harris Bretz Rebecca E., waitress. :tl4 :\Iarket, h Enola Bretz Sallie, cigarmkr., h 131101 ~laple Bretz Samuel C, conductor. h 1145 Harris Bretz Thoma'S J., helper Capitol. h 4 Argyle Bretz Warren B., laborer. h fi4ii Harris Bretz William, laborer, h 54 X 14th Bretz William, laborer. h 24i Crescent Bretz William H., driver. h :~:l X Cameron Breu Henry H .. harne!'smkr. h 7 S 4th Breuer Alexamier. furrier. ~ X 2d. h do Brewster Norman L., mgr, h :!11116 X 4th Briar Harry R., waiter. h Ii Sherman's row Briar ~lan: L., wid Oliver, h Ii Sherman's row Bricker Benjamin, laborer. h 2124 N 7th Bricker Charles D .. car repairer. h 441 Walnut Bricker Charles E . salesman. 3a4 ~Iarket, h Steelton.

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~::'~~1E

Bricker Clayton, brakeman, h 3as Hamilton Bricker Da~id, carpenter. h ~:!4H X lith Bricker Edward C, h 1 i:l4 ~ 6th Bricker Emma R.. buncher. h 441 \Valnut Bricker Ernest E .. pmidler. h.2U9 S 2d Bricker Esther, wid Albert. h ltIH South Bricker George. electrician Lunatic Hospital, h do Bricker George L., chief elk, 227 Walnut, 11' ~lechanicsbuJ'g Bricker George \\'oo brakeman. h 15211 l\ 4th Bricker Harvev, brakeman, h lri~fi l\ 4th Bricker Harve'y C, pipe fitter. h 64 ~ 16th Bricker Jennie. wid Henry, h 441 Walnut Bricker JO'hn K .. hardware. 1732 X 11th. h li:{4 do Bricker Julia \'., wid John H .. h f)4 K HHh Bricker Lizzie S . domestic. 1711 Green Bricker Marv Mrs .. domestic. 2Hl!l N :ld Bricker ~Iar)' J., wid John. h 3:~R Hamilton Bricker :\lervin A., brakeman. h 2;)22 Jefferson Bricker Victoria ~hs., h 522 Basin Bricker William H., grocer. :!1l10 N 6th. h do Bricker \Yilliam S., condmtor. h ami S 17th Brickhart Hunter. laborer. h 4!t! Peffer Bricklf'y Elmer E . carpenter Capitol. h 21 Balm Brickley Frank. salesman. :t:t4 ~larket. h 21 Ralm Bridegam Annie F . wid Harrison, h 221i ~orth

MONEY AD VAN C }-U1M"r.hL~:.r {srN~ ~:.~~ ED

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McNEIL'S COUSH REMEDY ~~rl!~::5~~~{:W~:Q~tm

1D1: Bridger Harry, brakeman, h 1024 l\Iarket
I~ John, .E Bridget John, laborer, h n~ Short Bridget laborer, h 636 Briggs -:0

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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

Bridge George W., carpenter, h 645 Woodbine


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Briggins Claude, messenger, h



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Briggins Samuel, jr., foreman, h 288 S Cameron Briggles Barzellus, h 134 Vine Briggles George B., fireman, h 1318 Green Briggs Anna, wid Paul, h 342 Muench Bright Arthur A., student. h 227' Hummel ei Bright Bertha, cashier, :1:14 ~Iarket, h 47 K Cameron U Bright David ]., coffee, 130:1 Derry and 207 S 13th, h 225 .: do c I : ) Bright Elizabeth, wid Washington h l1:U Jonestown rd ~ Bright Frederick, laborer, h 516 Primrose .: Bright George H., laborer, h 47 ~ Cameron C Bright Harry H., shoe cutter, h 11:14 Jonestown rd U Bright Harry S., shoecutter, h na4 Jonestown rd a: Bright ~Iary A., wid Aaron, h 227 Hummel E Bright U. Grant, bricklayer, h 227 Hummel C Brightbill Alice L., bookkpr, h 611 Race Brightbill Betha, bookbinder, h 1319 Vernon B~ightbill Clara L., saleslady, 221 ~Iarket, h 326 S 16th

J~ Briggins Emma, wid Samuel, h

l1:~:l N 6th n3:~ N 6th


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BRIGHTBILL DAVID E., insurance and real estate, room 816 N 2d, h 623 Emerald Brightbill Edgar B.. pressman, h 229 Crescent Brightbill Floyd G., messenger P. R. R, h :125 Kelker Brightbill George A .. checker. h 16:m Carnation Brightbill George B., stealfi fitter, 325 Kelker Brightbill Grace E., charwoman, h 1300 ~Ionroe Brighthill Harry L.. student, h 623 Emerald Brighthill Harvey W., elk, 31 N 13th, h 1945 Briggs Brighthill John, pressman. 201 X Zd. h 229 Crescent Brightbill John Coo carpenter, h 1817 Green Brightbill Kate, wid Peter, h 229 Crescent Brighthill Laura A., (Brightbill & Hungerford). h 8 N 2d Brightbill Leah G. Mrs . nurse. h 40n Verbeke Brightbill Lydia S . bookkpr. h 611 Race Brighthill Mary A., wid Benjamin. h 131!) Vernon Brighthill Nathaniel, lahorer, h 515 South Brightbill William A., elk, h 326 S 16th Brightbill \Villiam E., express messenger, h 326 S 16th Brightbill & Hungerford, (Laura A. Brightbill and Kate ~1. Hungerford). chiropodists. 8 N 2d Brightfull Minnie. charwoman, h :l:'l7 S Cameron Brightly Edith, charwoman, h 1425 Reese Brightly \Villiam F .. laborer. h 1425 Reese Brighton Charles W., cigars, 1300 N 7th, h do Brimmer Ralph B., foreman P. R R, h 1503 N 6th


lNDREW REDMOND{3~ ~Id aelly St..

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I. B. TACK} FIN~E!~"~I.~~~I'~C:I~~EA { 1216 Ronn TDlrd 81001

Boyd's Harrisburg (B )- City Directory, 1908. 167 Brindle Carl L.. l!lth c Derry, h 1247 Kittatinny Brindle Pedro R, salesman, 3::l4 ~Iarket, h 342 Hummel Brindle Peter P., salesman, 3::l4 Market, h 342 Hummel Brindle Ruth, stengr, 9 N :?d, h 429 S 15th Brine Alfred, policeman, h 355 S 14th Briner Anna, milliner, 400 ;vIarket, h 536 Maelay Brininger Elizabeth, wid John W., h 1315 \Villiam Brininger Hiram McG., asst baggage agt P. R. R., 'h 1315 William Brininger Louis, machinist, h 668 EmeraJd . Brininger Louis K.. elk, 21:! Locust, h 146 Sylvan ter Brink Annie H., wid Daniel, h lS3:~ ::\ 6th Brink Daniel, molder, h 39 S lith Brink Edward, engr, h 1833 ~ 6th Brinkerhoff George E., brakeman, h 914 James Brinser Allie).. cigar packer, h 737 S 21i Brinser Annie G. Mrs., forelady, h 433 Kelker Brinser Christian L., elaim agt C P. T. Co., 'h 1600 N 3d Brinser Eva A., music teacher, 312 S 15t'h, h do Brinser George W., printer, h :U:! S l'5th Brinser Harry L., U. S. N., h 1600 X 3d Brinser Jesse, steelwkr, h 111 S 21st Brinser Redsecker, treas Hbg. News Agency, h 1509 N 2d Brinser Samuel B., fireman, h 1i:!1 Reily Brinton Alonzo, laborer, h'143a Regina


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Sayings and Loan Assa.: ::!\


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Brinton Catharine, wid John, h 2458 ::\ Gth Brinton Edward S., conductor, h 1320 Penn Brinton Everett 0., car inspector, h ..lOS N 16th Brinton Frank S., elk 'Comwlth. Trust 'Co., h 46 Balm Brinton George, h 1135 N 4th , Brinton George W., salesman, 101 S 2<1, h 12 N 16tk Brinton Harry A., elk, h 12 ::\ 16th Brinton J. Bertram, car cleaner, h 2458 ::\ 6th' , Brinton John C, collector, Cowden cForster, h 12 N 16th BRINTON MARTIN A., (Brinton-Packer Co.), h Camp Hill Brinton :\fary J. Mrs., grocer, 1408 Regina, h 12 N 16th Brinton Mary P., bookkpr, 1408 Regina, h 12 N 16th BRINTON-PACKER CO., (Martin A. Brinton and Geo. D. Packer), real estate, insurance and loans, Kreidler bldg, 2d c Walnut see adv bottom stencil Brinton Ross E., elk, h 2458 N lith Brinton Sarah A., wid Caleb, h Home for the Friendless Brinton Savilla, wid Jacob, h 210 Hummel Brinton William A . driller, h li Brady al Brinzer Clayton, ironwkr, h a:!H Chestnut Briscoe Annie, domestic, 1011 N Front Briscoe Annie, domestic, 1406 ~Iarion Briscoe Harry S., butler, h 424 Cranberry Briscoe John F., coachman, h 434 S 2d









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Ton or

H M KELL[Y &CO t S-Black Diamond. wben { II.rt. If 'frIII. L ),ou next order. 10'ft .. "I'.....

16S . Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

Briscoe John F .. laborer. h 14:!~ Fulton Briscoe John W .. laborer. h 1 Sherman row Briscoe Walter. waiter, ';1 fi:!fi Walnut Brisentine John, laborer, h 1411:~ Regina Britcher Charles E .. fireman. h !l1I7 Capital Britsd1 George W .. laborer, h a4:~ Boyd Britsch \'iola ~I.. saleslady. Ii S :!d, h 1:!4~ State Britsch William W., elk j). 0 .. h 1:!4~ State Brittain Andrew J., captain police P. R. R., h W19 Park Brittain :\Ialinda. wid Samuel, h 141 :\ I:Hh Britten Bertha J1.. laundress. h H:!II Boas Britten Cleaver C. elk. h 1111 X Front Britten Francis ~l.. janitor. h H:!O Boas Britten Linda, penmkr, h fi:W Boas Britton Fannie J.. domestic. 17 ~ Front BROAD STREET HOTEL, Aldinger & Feeser, proprs,


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325 Verbeke
Brodbeck ~lary. h !ll:l Susquehanna Brodbeck William E . janitor. :!:!:! ~Iarket. h do Brodkin George. notions. 11:!7 X Cameron, h Steelton Brogue Edward. butc'her. h 511~ Soltth al Brooke Frank A . carpenter, h lIi:15 Susquehanna Brooke James F .. brakeman. h l:l}!l Regina Brookens Charles G.. l'arpenter. h 11:!4 ~lonrf)e Brookhart Sarah A. ~Irs .. h :t.!l Hay al



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l&.I C GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U6 N. 3d SI ----I&J P.rookhart - - - - - - - -Lunatic Hospital. h do Stella. attendant

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Balaam C. laborer. h l:!iifi Swatara Charles. houseman Senate Hotll, h fiH Briggs Frank, machinist. h fi44 Briggs Henry ~I.. painter. h :!:!fl S liith Bro~ks John. laborer'. h t:~:! Liberty Brooks Keil, hostler, h :!40 S I:Wh Brooks ~Iary, wid Joshua R .. 'h ta7 Vine Brooks ~elson. laborer, h Hi:!:! Elm Brooks Thomas, laborer. h Hi:!1 Apricot Brooks Virginia J.. dressmkr, h !I:la ~ryrtle av Brooks Walter. bellman. h 5:!fi West Brooks William. laborer, h 7:!5 State Broomall Clysses G.. engr. h Him, Penn Brooll1'head Robert. jr., boilermkr. h 10741 S Cameron Broom'head William J., trucker 1'. R. R. freight depot, h II:!:! ~larket Brosey j<)!hn. elk, 4111 Chestnut. h 1l:!:i Wallace Brosey John T., laborer. h 1l:!:l WaIJace Brosious Beulah ~Lhollsekel>per, Ift:{l' Herr Dross Charles A .. car repairer. h ~11 East Bross David C, barber. h 1444 Regina Bross Emma 1\1., h 231 K 2d Brothers W. Ross. med examiner P. & R. pass depot, h 544 :\faclay Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks


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{1240 ".rketStrelt


Emplo,._e bu$lrwt-el_ workmeD, heDce 001,. A 8 TACK} claIi'-'and 1DIareI1t. Work done ID aD, panot Slate, N.1.18 8d8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.


Brotton Major, h 208 Xorth ,;, Broude Philip. grocer, 51fi State, h do 1"1 Broude Sarah. tel opr. 227 Walnut, h 516 State Brough Albert E., bookkpr. 31~ :\larket, h 1700 do Brough John S .. printer Courier. h 2025 Forster ....J Brough ~Iervin S .. teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do -, Brough Ray. wire weaver, h :!O25 Forster 0 Brough 'William H .. fireman. h :H3 S 14th BBroughl er JCaltha~ine\\.~ .. JacobHS . h 1~077 ~r 3l d h d 1'1. roug ler Oln .'"\.. 'as l1ngton ouse, 01 vv a nut.' 0 Brougher John W .. agt. h !l25 Grand :0' Brougher Mary, wid G{orge. h 7 N 14th C Brougher 1Iary G. Mr:"., h R17 Green " Brougher Minnie E .. h R17 Green .. , Brought Byron V., lahorer, h 55!1 Cat'llp 0 Brought Eliza, h 55!1 Camp Brought Laura E .. stengr, 4f)!I Market, h 55!} Camp 0 Brought Rebecca, wid John. h 55!) Camp :...... Brought Sarah, dressmkr, h 5li!l Camp _. Browman Thomas. bricklayer, h 203R Susquehanna :::::: Brown Aaron. fireman, h 2:107 Jefferson t;,J1, Brown Ahraham, machinist, h tnOl I\ 7th ~. Brown A. C. Mrs., hairdresser, 21i7 Rriggs, h do 8 Brown Addison c.. hlacksmith, h tnOl :--J 7th cS" Brown A. Laura, saleslady. It 354 Crescent ~

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:'~b~~1;.~~ .$

Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Albert \V., en gr. h ~327 K 6th Alice Mrs., h 40li Hav Allen. laborer, h Uia'Indian Allison T., laborer, h 1444 Derry Amanda, cook, h 1IIth c Swatara Annie M., laundress.h 442 Boyd 'Benjamin, waiter. h 607 State' Bertha. trained nurse, h 221 Forster Bessie Mrs., h 1!1I15 Wood Bvrd H., waiter Commonwealth, h 606 South al Calvin S., laborer, h 51 N Summit Calvin S., laborer. h 1155 S Cameron Cassius M., h 2fi7 Briggs Cassius ~L. jr.. stengr, h 267 Briggs Catharine, h 3114 Mulberrv Catharine E. ~lrs .. h 442 Bovd Cat'harine L.. wid Henr\,. hill) Xorth al Charles, driver. h a:H S' Cameron Charles, foreman, h H:m Clinton Charlt'5, laborer, h 1116 Filbert Charles, laborer, h J!lUi Logan Charles, laborer. h li24 Walnut Charles F., car inspector. h 141i Zarker Charles H .. laborer, h lUI Tanner Charles H., lahorer, h 54!1 Showers

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~~r.t.':~:'::{ 306 Br'l~

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908. 11 170 -e Brown Charles 'V., brakeman, h 314 Chestnut ~ Brown Charles "V., elk, h 314 Chestnut Brown Christian S., fireman, 'h 1711 Regina ~ Brown Clara ]., teacher, 1727 ~ 6th i!! Brown Clarence A., telegrapher P. & R., h 1625 Market Brown Cotta E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 713 Capital i~ Drown C. Summer, harber, 419 \Valnut, h 267 Briggs 'i Brown David M., elk. h 1001 Green Brown D. Howard, salesman. :~a4 Market, h 1001 Green Brown Donald, elk, h 1313 Derry Brown Dora ~L, telephone apr, 210 \Valnut, h Steelton Brown Dove, waiter Grand Hotel, h 626 Walnut u Brown Edith F .. h :-J45 Kelker Brown Edward, laborer, h 24 Lochiel. 2d row Brown Edward B., painter P. R. R.. h 11)01 Green c Ct Brown Edward T., laborer, h 709 State Brown Eleanor E., wid Clark :\1., h 530 Cowden z: Brown Elizabeth, wid Calvin, h 1602 Elm c u Brown Ella ~I., cigar roller, h 305 Blackberry Brown a : Brown Emilv :\1., teacher, h 2327 ~ 6th h do Eva B. Mrs., dressmkr, 138 S 3d, E Brown Farmer, laborer; h 811 SlOth c Brown Frank, melter, h 6()S Xorth al Brown Frank E., carpenter. h 442 l\-Iuench ~L C:) Brown Franklin P . elevatorman C: H., h 1530 Logan U





Tille Gaulltt I.~ Sirety CIc~\W.., {~-=.: ~,=- {~o;t.

Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown G. Earl, apprentice, h 1948 Kensington George, bottler. h 1102 Cowden George, cigarmkr, h 445 Verbeke George, machinist, h 119 S 2d George G., laborer, h 124 Dock George H., asst engr P. R. R. pass depot, h 2100 3d George H., driver, h 1aa:-l ~ 4th George K., carpenter, h 2()9 Cherry George S .. inspector, h 71:3 K 18th Georgianna. domestic, 211 Mary Georgianna, laundress, h 1U7 Tanner Georgie E .. confectioner. 17H5 K 3d, h do Grace L.. laundress, h 5()3 North al Gregory, laborer, h 127 Cranberry Harrv, laborer. h 203! Sassafras Harr)' B., machinist. 11 2005 Kensington Harrv C, elk, h 1415 N 3d Harry F . porter. h 7 N 9th Haves, laborer. h 12()5 Monroe Henry. waiter, 2101 X 6th. h do Henrv E., draftsman. h 15()O Allison Hernlan E., postal elk. h 1333 Kittatinny Houston. bellman, h 137 Short Howard D., barber, 419 Walnut, h 420 South



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ANDREW REUMONDh~!:::::::; :;t~g~ {3d and R811y Stl Coogle

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A. B. TACK} Int PlPfR e:e~~rI-:! 111001 SHIDE8h,o~~ 8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (n ) City Directory, 1908. Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown

Howard ~I., brakeman, h Has Reily Hugh T., cooper, h 314 Chestnut Hyman, laborer, h r 1115 ~ 2d Ida E., teacher, h 267 Briggs Jacob, helper. h 257 S Cameron Jacob D., laborer, h 467 S Cameron Jacob F., cigars. 1744 X 4th, h :J45 Kelker James, cook, h 514 Primrose James, laborer, h 48 Linden James, waiter, h 420 South James A., machinist, h 1419 Fulton James E., engr. h 410 Chestnut James L., crier Supreme Court, Capitol, h 130 State James X., laborer, h 10i Tanner Jesse H., grocer, 1317 William, h do Jessie, domestic. 520 X 5th John, elk, 504 Market. '/1 19 Cowden John, laborer, h 1424 Fulton John, teamster, h 1104 ~. 12th John A., coach nainter, h 414 Forster John E., driver, h 52 N 10th John S., blacksmith, h 118 Hancock John \V., janitor. 11 11 Sherman row Joseph, asst gardener Lunatic Huspital. Jl do Joseph. asst trainmaster P. R. R., h 415 ~Iaclay

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.:;*.:-a::.o:.}Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. U:;:= J>

Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Joseph, brakeman, h 1523 Wallace J. Samuel, salesman, h 811 N 6th Judge D., h 413 Kelker Julia, wid ~1ichael, h 1616 Hunter Katherine X., saleslady, 226 Hamilton, h do Lacy, porter National Hotel, h 137 Short Laura, saleslady, l06 :Market.'o 354 Crescent Laura Mrs., charwoman, h 1444 Derry Lena ~1. Mrs., grocer, 1231 Swatara, h do Levinia, wid George W., h HIlla )J 3d Lucy, charwoman, h 1112 X 12th Lucy :Mrs., dressmkr. h 2 S'herman row Mabel E., dressmkr, h 2:J27 X lith ~largaret, restaurant, 204 Locllst, h do Margaret, wid William ~., h 4UG Chestnut Marshall E., postal elk, h 41;{ Briggs ~lary A., wid John W., h 2f)!3 Pine Mary E., wid Cyrus G., h 1a27 Derry Mary L., domestic, 5117 South al ~lason, plumber, h 408t Walnut ~Iatthew, laborer, h 1331 X 4th ~Iaud, chambenhaid Senate Hotel, h 1230 Cowden Millie. domestic. 401 ::\ 2d Mollie :\frs .. cookCol11mol1\\'ealth, h 122 Cowden Xancy A. :\frs., h 411) Chestnut



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OUR 'HoDeat 00aI,MOTTO Weicht BODeat I - }

H M KELLty 8. CO {1..... III....... 1 rtIIld ItrII' "


Boyd's Harrisburg ( Jl) City Directory, 1908.

Xathaniel, plumber, h 714 Capital Xellic :\1.. salcslady, h 414 Forster !'\olan, driver, h40H Cowden Xorman P., conductor. 'h 120!l :\Iulberrv Rachel A., wid Joseph, h 12()5 ?llonroe . Ralph R., elk', 212 Locust. h Wormleysburg Robert, waiter Comlllonwealth, h 122 Cowden Robert A., laborer, 'h 1205 :\'[onroe Ross R.. lahorer, h 1155 S Cameron Samuel E., puddler, h ,lOS Showers Samuel J.. bricklayer, h 1!l4H Kensington Sarah A. Mrs . dining room, 4111 Cllestnut, h do Sarah E . domestic, 180n N 2d Singleton G .. barber, 26 S 4th, h 2liH Briggs Smiley J .. firennn, h l11fi Wallace Stella M., laundress, h fi38 Reily Stephen, fireman, h 17111 N 7th Susan M .. wid Rev. John D., h 20:.~5 :\ ath Thomas. laborer, h lCim~ Apricot Thomas F., laborer, h 125 Mulberry Thomas P., bar elk Aldine Hotel, h do Turner, laborer. h 211 ~[an' William, eng-r. h 2()05 Kellsington \\'iUiam, laborer, h 1724 \Valnut William A., hlacbmith. h 100l ~ 7th

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Brown \\'iJliam A., laborer, h 1U~7N 'Cameron Brown \Villiam C., cOlHluctor, h 605 Boas Brown \Villiam C .. eng-r, h 1327 Derry Brown 'Villiam C .. paperhanger, h 82:l Green Brown William E., apprentice, h 2(1/15 Kensington Brown William E., bricklayer, h 20:{O Kensington Brown \ViIIiam G., repairsman, h Hail N ad Brown William H., hod carrier. h 141!l Fulton Brown ,\\Tilliam H., laborer. h 11:! Ann Brown 'Villiam H .. mgr, 330 Vt'rbeke, h 1603 Green Brown '''illiam J., fireman, h 112 Ann Brown \VilIiam ] .. salesman, 11 21l:H Fulton BrO\\in WilJiam M., brakeman, h 11)4 S 13th Brown 'Villiam M .. laborer, h :!1l!1 Cherry Brown William M., laborer, h 1R2!l Hickorv Brown \Villiam W., mgr, h 10(11 Green . Brown Yanc\', hostler, 411) Strawherry. h Steelton Brown, see I(raun . Brownagle Jrvill. flagman. h 10(12 S !Ith Brownawell Jennie E., wid Abraham r., h 1!l24 N 7th Brownawell jost'ph C, watchman P. oR. R .. h 21137 Logan Hrownawell Kincr, laborer, h 2(1()!) 'Logan Browllawdl Lee I.. plumber, h :!(I!l7 Logan . Urownawcll Milton E .. barber, h 2:.!:W Logan Brownawell Kcwtoll A .. hottler. h W:l4 Park




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Yb;\~~h:~~~ wau par ODd IIndOW Shades from A. B.

TACK .1~\..

Boyd's Harrisburg (B ) City Directory, 1908.

Browne ~I. :'IIae, (The.Bonnet Shop), h H:!7 X 6th Browllewell Florence, picker, h 427 Verbeke Brownewell John Q. A .. assembler, h 51 X 10th Brownewell Ruth, cashier, 334 Market, h 427 Verheke Brownewell Simon. salesman, 325 Market, II 2!1 ~ 15th Brownewell \Valter M., laborer, h 1!):~2 Logan Brownewell \Villiam H., watchman, h 427 \' erbeke Broxterman Frank, carpenter, h HI14 K 4th Broy John, laborer, h 1431 Marion Bruah Ada, nurse, 17un ~ 2d. h do Brua w Albert, fireman, h 5f)() S Cameron Bruaw Harry. (Gohl & Bruaw and Cohl Paint Supply Co), h lfi:n Wallace Bruaw .Michael. engr, h 1942 State Brubaker Charles lL. machinist, h 14115 Green Brubaker Daniel Vv'" elk, h 11011 Capitol Brubaker David, roller, h 1203 Swatara Brubaker David H .. salesman, 2H) Market, h 221i Locust . Brubaker Edward H.. brakeman. h Hn;-{ \Valnut Brubaker Edwin G., laborer. h 1;-{2 \'inc Bntbaker Elsie. saleslady, :~:~4 Market. h ~fechanicsbttrg Brubaker Esther V., cashier, ;-{a4 ~larket, h 62 N 16th Brubaker George B .. bookkpr, 2()1) Market. h 16t11 N 2d Brubaker Harrv D., machinist, h 1~13 ~Iarket Brubaker Henr~' ~L. machinist, h 1405 Green

Brubaker Isaac \Y .. helper, h 1:t! Vine Bruhaker Jacob E .. painter. h li2 X Inth Bruhaker James, machinist. h 405 Verbeke Brubaker Joseph 'E . machinist. h 11C111 Capital Brubaker :'IIi1lard F .. riveter, h Hn3 !\farket Brubaker Sarah. seamstress, h 7U:l South Brubaker Weldon B.. elk Hbg. Trust Co .. h Hi01 ~ 2d Brubaker \Villiam L., flagman, h 241C1 K nth B(uce Bertha B.. bookkpr. 111:ll\" 3d, h Wormleysburg Bruce Charles P .. waiter Senate Hotel. h 5fi X 14th Bruce D. Scott. agt, h 719 ~ 6th Bruce Edna 1\. ~lrs., h 411 S Court Bruce Henry B .. messenger. 212 Locust. h 214 Herr Bruce Tohn H .. laborer. h l!1:!!l ~ 6th Bruce ~Iaggie, wid Andre\v. h :.!:l:! 1\ Court Bruckart B. Hays, liner, b 513 Race Bruckart Charles W., brakeman. h 1250 Swatara Bruehl Herman. foreman. h 1522 \Valnut Bruehl Oscar. special officer P. R R. h 16 N 16th Bruehl Paul F., hrakeman, h 1706 ~ 5th Brug-ger Elizabeth C, stengr State Treasury, h ~ew Cumherland Bruker Clara M., telegrapher P. & R depot, h 606 Forster Bruker Francis F .. plasterer. h 2007 Swatara Bruker Luther L., telegrapher P. & R, h 2007 Swatara

I.DEP~NDENT LOAN '10 SECURITY CO.lf,~\\ {r:'~i~t\;Google

CURK' S=~:I~= Drug and Patent Medicine Store {s::t}o~:::J]"

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.
Brumbach Ella E., wid Charles, h 306 :\Iulberry Brumbaugh Annie, h 1185 Bailey Brumbaugh John W., h 318 Mulberry ICI Bruner Calder, baker Dauphin County Almshouse, h do Bruner Iber L. A., bak~r, h 1837 Susquehanna ICI Bruner James :\1., butler, h 422 Cranberry a:: Bruner Stewart L.. brakeman, h 1723 Fulton Brungard Guy, cashier, Cnion sq, h 129 S Bth :;- Brunned Alfred J. Rev., h 1608 Green .eo; Brunner Ambrose B.. flagman, h 1718 Susquehanna ! g Brunner Charles D., laborer, h 12::W Cowden Brunner Charles E., laborer, h 11:!:! Herr t Brunner Edward J., baker. h 1229 ;\ 7th ~1 Brunner Eugene. engr. h 1628 Susquehanna IB"' Brunner Harry E., brakeman, h 17:!1 Fulton Brunner Howard 'vV . brakeman, h 11114 \\'allace Brunner Jennie, wid Joseph, h 1721 Fulton Brunner Jessie M., book folder, 201 ;\ :!d, h 1608 Green Brunner Joseph, laborer, h 1122 Herr BRUNNER SAMUEL A., grocer, 1800 N 5th, h do Brunner \Valter, cutter. h lfi2R Susquehanna Brunner \Villiam B., mgr, 1647 ?\ 6th, 11 1632 N 5th Bruscia Angelo, tailor, h 313 S River Bruscia Joseph, tailor, h 313 S River Bryan Abraham, laborer, h Front ab Seneca


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1'ttle Guannty and Snrety Co. { ...... A III.anl.,., Ene...,.. 1nll... { , ....m, -Scranton, Penn.. ,,..1.......11 ., ., ~, J..IIIII llRh ',..1""

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Bryan Alvin P., elk cigar stand 'Comwlth., h 512 Maclay Bryan C. Carroll, conductor, h 1215 :\Iulberrv Br)'an Oharles C, flagman," h 1215 ?lulberry Bryan H. Clay, cigarmkr, h 1j"~H ~ :3d Bryan John S., carpenter, h 1415 Penn Bryan Louisa, saleslady, -lOU :\larket. h 1737 ~ 3d Bryan Lydia S., to~acco stripper, h 135 S 2d Bryan Mary :\irs .. dressmkr, 'h 1:~5 S 2d BrYan Robert. laborer, h 21() S Court Br)'an Samuel :\1., conductor, h :!O1l3 :x 6th Bryan William C, laborer. h 17i ::\ 15th Bryant John H., brakeman. h 1071 S 9th Bryant :\lartha, cook. 60; X Front Bnant. see Brandt Br)'meser Glarles F., laborer. 'h 14 S 18th Bryson Isaac AI., flagman. h fl3(j Hamilton Bn'son William, brakeman. h 111~ X 6th Btibb Franklin E .. nailer. h 597 S Front Bubb Ralph E., draftsman. h ;)!)7 S Front Buch Ada C. weaver, h :!:!5 Reilv Buch Addison c., paver. h 225' Reily Buch Charles C.. cementer. h 14114 \\'iIIiam Buch Henry, policeman. h 2()(~5 X 6th Buch Wistar, payer. h 225 Reily Bueh. see Bush

Redmond's Wagon Works }~':.lJd~':.I(;,=~!!,: {3d and R811y Sts. CoogleDigitized by

A. B. TACK} WaH Papar and Window Shades {1:18dr.::~"

Boyd's Harrisburg ( H ) City Directory, 1908.
17.1) Buchanan Catharine A . cigarmkr, 'It 10!) Ann al Buchanan George A., firem p l1. h 1613 \\'allace Bucher Herman J., mason, h 1932 Green Bucher Jacob, conductor, h 7fi4 S 19th Bucher Julius H., mason. h 1414 .T)erry Bucher Richard K . mason, h 1416 Derry Bucher William, laborer, h 208 SouL' Bucher & Gibbs Plow Co., agrJ implts, 627 Walnut Bucher. see Booker Buchignani Guiseppi, elk :'.lount Pleasant Hotel, h do Buchignani Louis, elk, 1101 ~farket. h do Buchignani Paul, scullion, h 1101 Market Buchignani l7geno. waiter Harris House, h do Buchner ~Iinnie F. Mrs., dressmkr. h 1117 ~ 2d Buck Andrew M., car repairer, h 19Hi North Buck Arthur E., laborer, h 1619 Regina Buck Charles F., machinist, h fi52 Reilv BUCK CHESTER, genl agt Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., 35-36 Union Trust bldg, h 400 Briggs see adv Buck Frances M., cigar roller. h 419 Cumberland Buck Frank McC., engr, h 1232 Cowden Buck George, ins sol, h 1435 Zarker Buck Harvey. engr, h H115 Green Buck H. Clyde. pressman, h 17H) X !ld

Buck James. engr, h 17]!) N 3d Buck James W., laborer, h 645 Boyd Buck :Marv R. :Mrs., h 419 Cumberland Buck Rob~rt, piano tuner, h 2130 X 4th Buck Robert E . elk. 110 ~Iarket, h 629 Reily Buck Susan A., wid William R., h 1520 Green Buck William A., laborer, h 1155 Cumberland n Buck \Villiam 0., fireman, h 1107 Plum Buckale\v Edmund B.. state sec Y. 1\J. C. A., h 229 S 13th N Bllckaloo Frank H., brakeman, h 18 S 17th > Buckingham Albert A .. foreman. h 1532 Green Buckner Rice. laborer, h 1728 \Valnut > Buckwalter John H., postal elk, h 2325 X lith :a Buehler Agnes L., wid Samuel, h 1125 Cowden Buehler A. Hummel, letter carrier. h 652 Boyd

Mutual Life Insurance Company


Liberal CODtraota to ExperleDeed MeD.

OFFICE: 35-36 Union Trust Compan, Building,


HARRISBUR6, PA. ---Digitized by


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H M KELLEY QCO. {I North lkl 8&Net. D. t 10th aDd State lite.


Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.

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Buehler Charles 0., laborer, h 17:.!9 Fulton Buehler Claude, laborer, h 17:.!!) Fulton BUEHLER DAVID A., druggist, 916 N 3d, h 1406 N 2d Buehler Edgar, fireman Capitol, h 1125 Cowden Buehler Elizabeth H., bunchmkr, h 1125 Cowden Buehler Jacob, h 11)6 N 2d Buehler Martha W . h 232 N 2d Buehler William H., baker, h 1729 Fulton Buehler, see Beeler Buffalo Creek & Gauley R. R. Co., 401-408 Bergner bldg Buffington Ada, wid 'William, h 426 Reily Buffington Anna E., domestic, 901 N 2d Buffington Charles J., conductor, h 1216 Derry Buffington Chas. S., telegrapher P. R R, h 1416 XaudaiD Buffington Oarence B., molder. 'h 1945 l\10ltke Buffington Ella, h 246 Hummel Buffington Ellis F., elk P. R. R, h 2339 Jefferson Buffington Frank S .. conductor, h :"'339 Jefferson Buffington George R, machinist, h 1416 Xaudain Buffington Henry F., elk commrs, C. H., h 248 North Buffington James. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Buffington John H., machinist, h 608 Seneca Buffington Jdhn M .. flagman. h 6:J4 Peffer Buffington Leroy :M., elk P. R. R, h 2339 Jefferson Buffington Lillie Mrs., h 2423 Reel

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Buffington :'.Iabel, nurse, h 17:.!1 X 2d Buffington l\Iartha, wid Lewis S .. h 1416 Kaudain Buffington Mary, charwoman, h 144 S Court Duffingtonl\Iary E .. stengr. tn!) \Valnut, h 634 Peffer Buffington Mazie :\1., waitress. 113 :'.Iarket, h do Buffington MurJ E., elk, 2fl8 X :!d, h 1607 :0: 5th Buffington Otto, paperhanger, h 1605 N 5th Buffington Ray ~1., elk, h 248 ~orth Buffington Robert ~I., elk P. R R pass depot, h 2339 Jefferson Buffington Samuel A., telegrapher, 'h 1416 Naudain Buffington Sarah, laundress, h 1417 N 4th Buffington William U., printer Independent, h 1320 N 2d Bughman Alice Mrs., h 131 Vine Bukovec Vaso, laborer, h 1209 N 7th Bulick Thomas :\1., physician, 317 ~ 2d, h do Buller Abraham, conductor, h 1517 X 6th Buller Charles. engine inspector. h 11)13 Regina Buller George W., brakeman, II 1517 ~ 6th Buller Irvin, coremkr, h 1212 \Vallace Buller Roy V., machinist, h 1617 Market Bumbaugh Cornelius. engr, h 114 Ann al Bumbaugh Grace Mrs., cigarmkr, h 139 Ann al Bumbaugh Harry, driver. h 275 Cumberland Dumbaugh Harry, helper. h 114 .\nn

1 L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240IlarkltStred
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Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.
177 Bumbaugh Isaac, foreman pipe line, h 28 N 14th Bumbaugh James R, painter, h 1708 N 3d Bumbaugh John A., usher P. R R, h 1302 Bailey Bumbaugh May E., tobacco stripper, h 114 Ann al Bumbaugh M. Lillie, elk, 7th c North, h 1708 N 3d Bumbaugh Sarah Mrs., h 318 Mulberry Bumbaugh William K., plumber, 1412 Market, h do Bumbaugh 'William W., laborer, h 114 Ann al Bumgardner Annie E., charwoman, h 1612 Fulton Bumgardner Lucy J., wid George A., 11 438 S Cameron .Bumgardner, see Bomgardner Bunch Martin, laborer, h 5 Lochiel 1st row Bunday George, waiter Senate Hotel, 'h 511 South Bunday J. David, waiter Senate Hotel. h 511 South Bunday William, waiter, h 513 Primrose Bungart Charles, driver, h 1524 Derry Bungart Philip, driver, h 1524 Derry Burch Catharine E., h 119 South Burchfield Anna, notions, 1738 ~ 5th, h do Burchfield G. Herman, elk, 224 Harris, h 264 Cumberland Burchfield James B., carpenter, h 1738 N 5th Burchfield John B., foreman, h 1603 N 5th Burchfield Martha, weaver, h 264 Cumberland Burchfield Maud, bookkpr. h 264 Cumberland Burchfield Sarah E. :'drs., h 264 Cumberland


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Andrew E., car repairer, h 618 Seneca Catharine, student, h 1623 Green Charles 1\1., laborer, h 1977 N 7th George E., salesman, 30 N 3d, h 1338 Penn ~urd George W., tinsmith, h 652 Woodbine Burd Grover C. brakeman, h 1144 Derry Burd Harriet M., saleslady. 334 Market; h 1623 Green Burd Harry, laborer. h 1977 N 7th Burd James, engr, h 11)23 Green Burd Jane, h 1623 Green Burd Jerome M., laborer. h 1977 N 7th Burd John W., engr, h 1:U3 Penn Burd John W., driller, h 1814 Wood Burd :Margaret, wid Abraham, h 656 Sayford Burd Mary L., wid Jeremiah R, h 240 Cranberry Burd Percy N., elk, 210 Walnut, h 240 Cranberry Burd Ralph, brakeman, h 522 Peffer Burd Susannah, elk, 1219 N 3d, h 11)23 Green Burd, see Bird, also Bvrd Burdwise Julius. agt, h '810 Cowden Burg Charles H., telegrapher P. R R, h 2502 N 6th Burg Daisy E . stengr Free Library Com., Capitol,. Burg Oliver

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b=~l.~~E ~ Burchfield Theo., watchman State Library, Capitol, h do ~_~
Burd Burd Burd Burd

,.... = ='

c., engr, h 15.'U N 3d ,tIDEPEIDEIT LOAn AND SECURITY CO. l:fT~S: {\D~~==~oogIe




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::= ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS !:g:..".~=

li8 Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908.
Burganstock Edgar T., machinist, h 229 S 14th Burganstock Jacob, fireman, h 2:.m S 14th Burl:!anstock }Iinnie F., housekeeper, 22ft S 14t'h Burgard Oscar A., fireman, h 21:!H ~ 5th Burger Charles E., brakeman, h 562 Camp Burger Charles W., baker, h 315 Peffer BurgeI' Edna R, saleslady, 1015 N 3d, h 315 Peffer Burger Florence, elk, 7 N 2d. h 1714 N 6th Burger Jacob E., engr, h 1810 N 6th Burger Luther K., elk, 3H) ::\larket, h 612 X 2d Burger Rae X . stengr, 7 S 4th, h 315 Peffer 8urger William E., machinist, h 1714 ?\ 6th Burger 'William P., salesman, 334 I\Iarket, h :U5 Peffer Burger, see Berger Bnrgoon Carroll F., elk. V134 l\ 6th, h 2110 Turner al Burgoon Herbert C, laundryman, h 2122 :Moore Burgoon &ott S., elk, 13:~4 l\ 6th, h 21H1 Turner al Burgoon William F., grocer, 13:14 X 6th, h 2110 Turner at Burk Archibald F., elk P: R. R frt depot, h 1413 Zarker Burk Bessie. dressmkr, 141:1 Zarker, h do Burk Catharine J. Mrs . h 714 South Burk Eben E., ciltter. h 714 South Burk Irvin R.. fireman, h 1611 Fulton Burk Isaiah, laborer, h 120H Apple Burk James ;\1., laborer, h 714 South
I S.nll'l~ Tille al.ra." .Dd Surtt, CD ........ {..... ,1'nfrI.l. ,......,.,....} T..... 81." " ...... C.llnct.,. .1iI11 ". c..rta








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Burk John W., shoemkr. 1638 Walnut, h do Burk Joseph, brakeman, h 209 Herr Burkart John, plumber, h 1531 Fulton Burke Ella, wid William P., h 1921 Fulton Burke Helen ~hs .. janitress Capitol. h ion Xorth Burke Jane, wid Henry, h 313 Blackherry Burke J. Harvey, (Cleckner & Burke), h 1528 Green Burke John D., machinist, h 1)14 Kelker Burke Lillie. saleslady, h 70ft ~orth Burke :\fartin, fireman, h 1:1 X 5th Burke Marv E., h 1528 Green Burke :Mattlda A., salesladv. h 70!) Korth Burke ?\icholas T" truckerP. R. R., h ]n07 Cowden Burke Thomas F.. telegrapher P. R R. h 711!} Korth Burkepile Benjamin F., laborer. h 441 ~ lfith Burkepile George P., baker, h 441 S 1(ith Burkepile James R, helper. h 441 S lIith Burkepile Walter F., elk P. & R., h 441 S 1(ith Burket Abraham Goo propr Lyric Theatre, 225 ~larket, h do nurkett :\lamie. roller, h 1110 CO\\'(len Burke\' Clark H .. laborer, h HI14 Fox nurke~' Edmund C, laborer. h 140:11\ CCl1l1CrOn Burke~; Fannie. wid Samuel. h 14Il;~ ?\ Cameron Burkey Fannie L., stripper. h 14113 X Cameron

l 8peelalty A B TACK r.-reaeoln. Bak BualdID inof TIDU {1 8 N. 8d lit" l"nbllo l"laln "'Ima&elGlv.

Boyd's Harrisburg ( .B) City Directory, 1908.'


Burkev HarrY, laborer, h 14113 N Cameron Burke)' Ida, ~aleslady, 215 Market, h 546 Camp Burkey Samuel, jr., laborer, h 1403 X Cameron Burkey \Vaive c., saleslady, h 546 Camp Burkey 'William, for~man. h 546 Camp Burkhart Harn', conductor, h 6 Aberdeen Burkhart Joseph E., laborer, h 1916 Forster Burkhart Joseph H., motorman, h 1413 Zarker Burkhart William M., motorman, h Hn6 Forster Burkheiser Russel E., laborer, h 322 Clinton Burkholder Albert E., printer Telegraph, h 2028 Susquehanna Burkholder Charles \V., brakeman, h 315 Cumberland Burkholder Eleanor B., saleslady. 1206 )J 3d, h 417 Herr Burkholder Howard L., brakeman, h 1053 S 9th Burkholder Jacob c., baggagemaster, h 1101i Capital Burkholder Jacob E., repairsman, h 21119 Moltke Burkholder J. Jacob, h 417 Herr Burkholder John E., telegrapher P. R R, h 413 !;Ierr Burkholder Joseph c., chief elk R. M. S., P. O. bldg, h 722 ~ 16th Burkholder J. Reese. inspector P. R R., h 417Herr Burknolder Samuel A., salesman, h 1:310 X 2d Burkholder Viola, domestic, 229 Pine Burks Charlotte, actress, h 703 South




Burlew Arthur E., elk P. R. R frt depot, h 108 Sylvan ter > :D Burlew 'Clyde, elk, h 602 Forster Burlew Emanuel, engr, h 602 Forster n a Burlew Jesse A., fireman, h 108 Sylvan ter N Burlew ~lary G., wid James A., h 108 Sylvan ter > Burley Olarles, laborer, h 18 Cowden n Burley Laura, domestic The LQchiel :c Burn Christian M., h 1403 :l\ ()th Burn Henry, h 1403 X 6th = Burn Lizzie J., h 1220 xlarket > Burn Rachel A., forelady, h 1220 ~Iarket en Burn William, conductor, 'h 1312 Walnut Burn William ':\1., elk P. R R. pass depot, h 1312 Walnut Burneker Edgar, colI ector, h 2'26 Verbeke Burneker Herbert, tinner, h 226 Verbeke Burninger Sarah, cigar packer, h '572 Race Burnite Mary E., wid David c., h 1420 N 2d Burns Ann, 'wid Samuel A., h 2011 N 3d Burns Benjamin F., (Burns & Co.), h 2011 N 3d Burns Charles A., elk St. James Hotel, h Camp Hill Burns Charles H., brakeman, h 175 X 15th Burns David A .. mgr Ludwig Piano Co., 10117 N 3d, h 115 Cumberland Burns Frank, conductor, h 1514 ~'almtt Burns Genevieve, tead~er, h 2641 X 6th

:J>:: ~ Harrisburg SaYings and Loan AISD. { :: =:




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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OOlCes, :D~~:'~laf~'r.t{COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg ( B ) City Directory, 1908


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Burns Herman L., policeman, h 1934 Logan Burns Jacob, brakeman, h 8 N 5th Burns James~1., salesman, h 224 Verbeke Burns John c., laborer, h 1024 Herr Burns John c., Ia'borer, h 1928 Eli~beth Burns 1Iargaret A., teacher, h 2641 N 6th Burns ~1arie V., contract elk, 227 Walnut, h 224 Verbeke Burns M. Viola, dressmkr, 'h 1764 !\ Cameron Burns Patrick F., blacksmith, h 224 Verbeke Burns Robert E., heater, h 554 Race Burns Robert M., brick burner, h li64 X Cameron Burns Rose R,'h 123 Sayford Burns William, machinist, h 1415 Currant Burns Winifred, wid Thomas R., h 434 SlOth BURNS & CO., (B. F. Burns), furniture and carpets, in stalment, 2832 S 2d Burns, see Bvrnes Burr George" \V., brakeman, h 633 Ross Burr John c., brakeman. h 632 Camp Burrell John A.;conductor, h 1841 Susquehanna Burris Amos, engr, h 2315 :;.J 6th Burris Charles, h 326 Calder Burris Chester c.. upholsterer, h 2315 N 6th Bmris Edward, laborer, h 326 Calder Burris Harry L .. hostler, h 1633 Wallace



= ,.

Burris Lawrence A., fireman, h 17201 N 5th Burris l\lartha, charwoman, h 704 State elk Hbg. Club, h 1420 >- Burris Sylvester E., W., paperhanger, h ]625William Burris Washington N 3d IIIIC Burris William, laborer, h 1420 William A- Burris William H., engr, h 1625 K 3d Bailey David, coachman. lE Burriss Jane, wid Thomas, h 12:~2 Susquehanna Burris h 411 Q u Burroughs Adding Machine Co., F. 1\1. l\IcGeary, mgr, 34 Union Trust bldg ...J ~ Burrows Glarles A . engr, h 1526 Green Burrows Gertrude. domestic, 28 S 3d Q u Burrows Rebecca, wid \Villiam, h 107 Paxton h Q Burrs Carrie, wid Stephen,703 1414 Marion Clarence, lahorer, h North z: Burrs Edwarci J., laborer. h la38 Mayflower Burrs Burrs Elizabeth. wid George, h 1430 Fulton w Burrs George W., jr., driver, h 1430 Fulton y Burrs Harry. messenger Capitol. h 1430 Fulton ohn, laborer, Ii 1408 Fulton Q Burrs T w Burrs Josephus C.. laborer, h 1:~38 Mayflower roe Burrs Kate, wid John, jr., h 1416 N 4th z: Burrs LuCY, domestic, ]416 X 4th :VIayflower Burrs Rehecca J .. charwoman, h 1338 Burrs Sanderson, laborer. h 1433 Marion

l L ST. 'CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 IIlrk.tstr.d

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A. B. TACK :::tt~~e:~:~ IoU poper ODd IIndOI ShOdes f~l~\~ 8CJ~

Boyd's Harrisburg ( B) City Directory, 1908. 181
Burruss Charles H., butcher, h lilt) Walnut Burruss Home7.ellah, teacher. h 1716 \Valnl1t Burruss JamesW., porter The Comwlth., h 1716 Walnut Burruss Jordan ('., laborer, h 1il6 Walnut Burruss Jordan W., laborer, h 1716 Walnut Burruss xiame, nurse, h 1116 \Valnut Burtner A. Tennyson, elk Aud. Genrs Dept., h 15 S 15th Burtner Blanche, housekeeper, 1426 1'\ 2d Burtner Jefferson, elk AmI. Genl's Dept., h Camp Bill Burtner Minnie :\1., music teacher, 15:l5 Derry, h do Burtnet George, bellboy, :Market c 4th. h do Burtnet (;eorge T .. elk P. R. R.. h 191:1 Penn Burtnett Ambrose \V., laborer, h 521 Xorth Burtnett Anna:\1.. elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1447 do Burtnett Glarles W., (Evans-Burtnett Co.), h 2023 1'\ 6th Burtnett Harve\' 0., salesman. h 144j Yernon Burtnett John B.. elk, h 1447 Vernon Burton Charles, hostler. h 5W Brown Burton Rachel, wid William. h 634 Briggs Burtz Dora, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, Ih 1236 do Burwinkle Charles H .. supt, jth c Boas, h 933 ~ 6th Buser George C. B., elk, h 1946 K 6th Buser George J., inspector. h ]946 N 6t'h Buser Grover C. printer Independent, h Hummelstown Buser Mary A., saleslady, 221 :\Iarket, h Highspire

Bush Annie Mrs., laundress. h !)l9 Ash Bush Bertrand, contractor, h :W7 Xorth Bush Caroline, wid Samuel A .. h 207 Xorth Bush Charles V., painter. h ]315 ~ Front Bush Clarence. laborer. Ih 121 Libert\' Bush Evans E., laborer. h il4, Soutli Bush George F., draftsman. h 1934 Penn Bush Harry F., painter, h IH34 Penn Bush John E., laborer, h 210 Liberty Bush John T., foreman. h 518 Walnut Bush John T., waiter. Ih 121 Liberty Bush William A., butler. 213 ~ Front, h l\Iechanicsburg Bush William T., engr, h !l:!6 Reily Bush, see Bueh Bushey Catharine L., cigar ro:ler. h 320 Hamilton Bushey Charles M., restaurant. 1420 X 3d. h do Bushey Earl M., elk P. R. R. frt depot. h 1420 X 3d Bushey Fillmore. carpenter, h 627 ~Iaelay Bushey Frank M .. machinist, h 32() Hamilton Bushey Fremont R .. postal elk, h 627 l\Iaelay Bushey George M., laborer. h 320 Hamilton Bushey Ira D . trucker P. R. R. Crt depot. h 23 S 2d Bushe\' 10hn M .. salesman. 3!U :\farket. h 32 X 13th Bus:he~' Lettie C. domestic. 1123 X nth Bushe~' :\ferkel D., elk. h :1211 Hamilton
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Boyd's Harrisburg (R ) City Directory, 1908.


Bushman Arthur \V., patternmkr, h 76 X 17th Bushman :\lervin E., laborer, h 62 X 14th Bushman W. Theodore, carpenter, h 62 N 14th BUSHNELL WILLIAM F., insurance and real estate, Union Trust Co. bldg, 20 N 2d, h 812 N 2d BUSHNELL WILLIAM H., supt Prudential Insurance Co., rooms 30-33 Union Trust Co. bldg, 20 N 2d, h 11531 N 2d Buterb.aug'h Ulysses S., postal elk, h 228 Harris Buterbaugh Va}" H., student, h :!28 Harris Butler Alice A., domestic, 105 Locust Butler Alonzo, coachman, 2007 N ad, h do Butler Anna, dressmkr, h 418 :\-farket Butler Bertha, cook, h 234 S 15th Butler Bessie 1., domestic, 1522 N 2d C C Butler Blanche E., copyist Dept. lnt. Affairs, h 1716 N 3d Butler Charles, porter, h 1117 ~ Cameron Butler 1411 N c Butler Charles A., laborer, h S 15th Cameron Edward, driver, h 234 u I I: Butler Elizabeth, C'harwoman, h 234 S 15th ~ Butler Elsie L., teacher, h 1716 N ad :IE Butler Elsie R., wid John W., h 1716 ;-.:r 3d c Butler 'Frank, laborer, h 111t Tanner Butler Henry, laborer, h 506 State Butler Henry, jr., laborer, h 506 State










Butler James, machinist, h 1301 N 2d But1t:r James c., laborer, h 518 Strawberry Butler James J., elk, :W Grace, h lfj()7 Green Butler Tohn, laborer, h HI! Tanner Butler john, steelwkr, h 14-2 Balm Butler John H., waiter, h 524 \rest BUTLER JOHN L., statistician factory inspector, Capitol, h Carlisle Butler Joshua, laborer, h 1151 Cumberland Butler MarY, wid Hiram. h 234 S 15th Hutler Mortimer R., electrician. 434 :\.larket, h 118 S 14th Butler ~icholas L., barber, 513 South, h do Butler Ora Mrs., laundress. h 554 Primrose BUTLER PARCEL AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER, W. T. Butler, propr, 60 Balm see adv opp page Hutler Sarah. nurse, h 418 Market Butler Sarah E., wid \Villiam E., h 515 Primrose Butler Thomas, bricklayer, h 269 Sassafras Butler T. Robert. student. h 1716 N 3d Butler vVilliam, laborer, h r 10 Cowden Butler William, machinist, h 5]2 SlOth Butler William H., laborer, h 1330 Mayflower !httll'r William H .. Windsor House, 41R Market, h do Butler William T., (Butler Parcel and Baggage Transfer), h 60 Balm



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I. 8. TACK} FIN ~CC~~A~I"~f~,,~c,~~R { 121610nD TDlnl8trOOI

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.
183 Butterworth George H., elk, h 7:!O N Gth Butterworth John H., O. H . and 11. S. Butterworth), h The Bolton BUTTERWORTH J. H. & M. S., (John H. and Mor-


decai S.), proprs The Bolton, 2d c Strawberry

Butterworth l\lordccai S .. h The Bolton




H. and ;\I. S. Butten\'orth),

BUTTORFF HARVEY Y., wholesale confectioner, 110 Market, h 936 N 2d Butts Clarence C, laborer, h 11]:! S lith
Butts James A., helper, h 111:! S !lth Butts :\Iay, wid Plumer, h 301 Cresccnt

o r

Bl.lX CHARLES S., bottler and agt D. G. Yuengling & Son, 818-820 Market, h 818 do

Buxhaum Otto J.. sec anel treas. :!:!1 Market, h 1613 N 2d Buxton Amhrose ll., tahleman. h ;;79 Showers Buxton Charles W .. helper, h 3tH Dauphin Buxtcn Harry, harber, h 579 Showcrs Buxton John, laborer, h .t{l!} Strawberry Buxton Preston, messenger. :!;; ~ 3d. h 579 Showers Buyer Benjamin. en gr. h ]8:!H Penn Buzhy :\icholas S., traveling saksm<ln, :!1fl ~ 2d, h X. Y. Byer .\nclrew, baker, h flOS For~ter Byerly William H., elk The Lochiel, It do Byers David C, molder, h 1217 Cowden



C :c > ::a <


Byers Byers Byei's Byers Byers (;eorge F., screwsman, h 1:!17 Cowden ,James C, fireman. h 3]:! Harris Jennie :\lrs., seamstress. h :!:!n ~orth John D., trackman, h 1:!17 Cowdcn Samuel F., blacksmith, h 333 Clinton

Butler"""...... _u .......c .... Parcel and Baggage Transfer



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H M IELLl:.y Qt I S-Dlaek Diamond. when { 101_ 3d Itr"l.. D,CO I H.,I_ 70& nezt. emler. ...,. .
~ ~

Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.

Byers William ~1., postal elk, h UilO Chestnut Byler Chester C, elk R. ~1. S., h 2/i6 Korth Byler Heister H., despatcher 1'. R. R. depot, h 1611 Hunter Byler Warren L., elk. h Hnl Hunter B~'rd Annie. charwoman, h 11~ Liberty BYTem Edwin C, repairsman, h 141 f\ 4th Byrem George. brakeman. h Ii:!4 X lith Byrem Harry L., messenger. h ~:!(j Reily Bvrem Laura ~I.. h 141 X 4th B,,"rem Samuel, linotype orr Telegraph. h :!(iG Oliver al" B~'rem SYlvester. cutter. h :!H4 Oliver al Byrem \\'illiam Woo linotype opr. h Il!1 S 14th Byrnes James ~., conductor, h 53:! Maclay Byrnes Rachel. wid John, h 5:~2 ~faclay Byrnes. see Burns



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Cable Cornelius. ci"il engr. :!7 S :!d. h 1427 N Front Cadilek Emil. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Cadow Josiah C. messenger Dauphin Deposit Trust Co.,. 11 43!l \Yalnut Cad a\\" Xora ~Irs .. domestic. 407 1\ Front Cado\\' Richard Poo plumber. 'h 1:117 James Cadwallader David R .. impector P. R. R.. h 26 S 13th


Cadwallader Jesi'e K .. teacher Children's Industrial Home. 'h do .--. CadwaIIader Jonn P., brakcman. h 16111 ~larket >- Cad\' Ernest 1\1., musician. h 245 Kelker Z 1:;1 cC Cager John W .. waiter, h c;k S.Balm Cahaley WiIIiam T., chief S. Despatch, P. & R.pass.. Adepot. h 30G Crescent IS o Cahill \ViIIiam J .. engr, h 1:~:~8 Susquchanna U Cahot! Lydia A., wid Daniel F., h HI X Cameron ....J Cail Amos. ironwkr. 'h r fifl7 Race cC Cail Catharine. wid ~Iatthew. h r /i117 Race Cail Frederick, piler. h r H07 Race Q u Cail Sophia, cigar roller. h r (iU7 Race Cail, see Kail, also Kahl Q Cain Albert, conductor. h l!1:t~ V,,'ood Cain Charles C. flagman. h 1!lfl2 1\ 5th Cain Edgar, laborer, h 1!1:~2 Wood w )1., hemmer, 19!~2 u Cain Jessie Doo machinist. h 2211:1 \\' ood Cain John h Tefferson Cain Roy A.. laborer, h 1!1~2 \V~oJ Cain ~arrll1cl, machini!'t, h 2:!G~ J effer!'on Cain, see Kane, also Kaill Cairns Isabel, domestic, 215 N Front Cairo Michael. driller, h ill!'i S River Calder Alice Y.,. h 1516~ N 5th

z: <


{1240 Market Strllt

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Employ. nODe ftrat-claFl workmtn. hence onl,. kit A B TACK} daltvortllDd IuareIIL Work done In aDf parCof SlUe 1N.11118 US&.

Boyd's Harrisburg ( U) City Directory, 1908.


~ Calder Building, 16 N 2d r"I Calder :Margaret C, wid William, h 1262 Walnut Calder Mary K., h 319 N Front CALDER THEODORE G., mgr City Transfer Co., h 319 N Front . CALDER WILLIAM J.t sec and treas Central Penna. Traction Co. and treas Penna. Primo Feed Co., Inc., 2 h 503 N Front Caldwell James W., elevatorman Capitol, h 32 N 5th r"I Caldwell John K., car repairer, h 235 Sayford Caldwell Ralph E . helper, h 263 Sayford Caldwell Rankin S., student, h 501 Calder Caldwell Samuel G., molder, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Sarah, wid William W., h 501 Calder Caldwell S. Rowland, sec and treas, 227 Walnut, h 501 N Front Caldwell Thomas D., employee Arsenal, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Thomas D .. jr., tinsmith, h 501 Calder Caldwell William W., asst resident elk H. of R., h 1309 :::
Calfountzos Apostolos, (Calfountzos & Skalin), h 225 Mkt (J1 Calfountzos & Skalin, (A. Calfountzos and W. Skalin), ~ restaurant, 4321 ~1arket g Calhoon George D., laborer, h 745 S 19} Calhoon John D., shoecntter, h 745 S 191 ==

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Calhoun Alton J., elk, h 631 Hamilton Calhoun Mary A., wid John M., h 505 Kelker Calhoun Thomas F., brakeman, h 625 Reily California Fruit Grower.,c;' Exchange, \V. A. Hunter, agt, 8 N 2d . California Photo Co., Sidney J. Cannon, mgr, 409 Market Call Catharine; wid Robert, h 1514 Battis al Callaghan Eleanor C, stengr, 211 Locust, h Steelton Callahan John, engr, h 505 Reily Callen Matthew, machinist, h 318 Verbeke Callender Norman, cigarmkr, h 421 Boas Calmer Grafton. laborer, h 1111 Grape Calogero Alessi. baker, h 31 S Court Calvert Harry S., sec State Railroad Commission, Capitol, h Bowmansdale Calvert Herbert G., paperhanger, h 835 SlOth Calvert William, paperhanger, h r 326 Cherry Calvert William W . wallpaper, 207 S 2d, h do Calvery Caroline. wid Thornton, h 1405 William Cameron Agnes F., seamstress, h 208 North Cameron Angus B., e1evatorman Capitol, h 235 S 15th Cameron C. Duncan, pianos, 2112 N 3<1, h do Cameron Cora M., h 2112 N 3d Cameron David, driver. h 14:! Balm Cameron Eliza, h 214 Briggs


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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:Cut".t.r:s~~:'-:{ 306 Bro

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Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.


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Cameron Grace, drcssmkr, h 418 Boas Cameron James M., 401-4U8 Bergner bldg, h Front c State Cameron J. Donald, It Front c State Cameron J. Donald, elk Adams Express Co., h 214 Briggs Cameron John D., policeman Capitol, h :!35 S 15th . Cameron Peter D . supt open hearth plant C I. and S. Co., h :!()~ Xorth Cameron Samuel C, laborer, h 2132 Boas Cameron Violet, h 125 S :!d Campbell Alice, wid Abraham, h 216 Cranberry Campbell Alice G., cigarmkr, h :!034 Susquehanna Campbell Benjamin W., heating and ventilating apparatus, HI S River, h 324 Chestnut Campbell Bernard J., feather renovator, 1512 N 3d, h do Camphell Charles F., ironer, h 1549 Vernon Campbell Emma Mrs., h 2034 Susquehanna Campbell George H., tuner, :!4 K 2d, h 709 N 18th Campbell George W., laborer, h 549 Primrose Campbell Grant, laborer, h 1705 Elm Campbell Harry, heater, h 615 Race Campbell Harry V., brakeman, h 222 S 17th Campbell Harry W., foreman, h :!111 Greenwood Campbell Howard T., machinist. h 1413 Thompson Camphell Hugh, molder, h 40 N 12th - - - -- -----Title allrllt, lad Surlty Co. sc:::r {s-;~ ~,;:" ~:B1~
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Campbell Hugh, jr., steel plate printer, h 40 N 12th Campbell James, plumher, h 1552 Fulton Campbell James A., machinist, h 1:!54 Walnut Campbell James C, watchman, h.21130 N 6th Campbell John. draftsman Hbg. :I\lfg. and Boiler Co., h 1116 Walnut Campbell John C, foreman, h 1933! Logan Campbell John H .. draftsman Int. Affairs, h 254 Cumberland Campbell Lawrence H., switch planer, h 334 S 14th Campbell Lewis P., flagman, h 1!J32 Logan Camphell Lillian J., dressmkr, h 113 Locust Campbell Mabel L., cigarmkr, h :!()34 Susquehanna Campbell ~Iargaret, domestic, 15li X Front Camp!JeIl :Vlargaret, saleslady, :!15 Market, h West Fairview Campbell ~Iarv ~Irs .. seamstress. h 507 South al Campbell ~Iatid, domestic, 5 S Front Campbell Rav T., elk, h :!030 X lith Campbell Ro'binson H., conductor. h 1S:!2 Penn Campbell Samuel, slater, h 5li \\'alnut Campbell William A., laborer, h H:n Boyd Campbell William A., pressman, h 1719 Hunter Campbell \Villiam L., carpenter, h 21 S 17th Camplese Vincenzo, laborer, h 505 \Valnut

ANDREW REDMONDh~t='df.:!i :;~~gr:s {3d and Rally Stt. GOQgle

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l B. TACK} WALL PIPER e:.::~J':'~ IlIDOI SHIDESh,on\:'~'!t

Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.



CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO., William Mason, r7I' ~ mer. rooms 1-4 Weakley bldg, 7 N 2d Cann Joseph B.. waiter Senate Hotel, h 120 Liberty 'Cann Ralph, elk, 17 X 3d. h 120 Liberty U)o Cann Zillah, wid John, h 120 Liberty Canning Geo. S., draftsman Dept. lnt. Affairs, h 908 X 2d ...... Cannon Carrie ~L. domestic, 418 Cranberry Cannon David K.. meat, 1247 )Iarket, h do CI:I Cannon Ellen, wid )Iichael, h 11]3 Cowden Ct c::. Cannon George R, laborer, h 418 'Cranberry Cannon Howard c., foreman, h 643 Boas :c Cannon John J., stonecutter, h 1113 Cowden -+ Cannon Lewis, laborer, h 1113 Cowden ~ Cannon Louise C. )Irs., h 418 Cranberr\" Cannon Margaret Mrs., h 1535 X 3d c::r Cannon )lichael]., inspector P. R R, h 1113 Cowden en Cannon Sidney J., mgr. 409 )larket, h 410 York c). Canoleboro Commajo. laborer, 'h !l3 X 5th CI' Canoleboro Zapito, laborer, h 33 X 5th Capell \\"ilIiam H., elk Aud. Genrs Dept., Capitol, h 220 N 15th Capella John. elk The Lochiel, h 224 South Caperila Samuel F .. machinist, h 2407 N 6th :0' Capin Abra'ham. tailor, 316 ~ 2d, h do Capin Daniel, elk, 515 Walnut. h do


"" .....




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Capin Louis, furniture, Capin l\Iichael, merchant tailor. 3 Aberdeen, h 10 do Capin Michael, jr. tailor, h 513 Cowden Capin Samuel. merchant tailor, 1002 1\ 3d, h 510 Filbert Capin Samuel. pool, 515 Walnut, h do Capin Solomon B., h 515 Walnut Capital Candy Co . R. V. Fairlamb. treas. 2n~ :\Iarket Capital City Artificial Limb Co., Harry W. Cooper, mgr, 307 Market CAPITAL CITY Bo.TTLING WORKS, Frank F. Seiss, propr, 900-902 Market see adv Capital City Quarries. (c. P. Walter). Cameron c Paxton Capital City Repair Co .. (W. H. Waterhury). lock and gunsmiths. 41l! :\Iarket Capifal City Steam Laundry. }L T. ~[agl1ire. mgr, 315 :\1arket Caplin Aaron. (Caplin Bros.). h 122:1 CO\nlen Caplin Rros . (Aaron and Harris). t'lilors. 1101 X 6th Caplin Harris. (Caplin Rros.). h 811i 1\ 3d Caplin :Maurice, elk. h Gn5 State Caplin Philip. watchmkr, 411 }.Iarket. h 44fi Walnut Capp Clara M .. wid Thomas H .. h Harris c Front Capp, see Kapp Capps Augustns T., dentist, 4!l7 ~tate. h dl) Carberry Bertha A . saleslady. :{U~ Market, h 117 Xorth
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Savings and Loan ASln. U:= :DC 515 \V alnut, h do

N' l>



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a ::::II == .-.,.


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OUR Morro. - } HODU' (lOMI, HODe.' Welch'

IfM KELLEY 011. { '1II1II., ,Ilrw' o. CO to" l1li '11' I''''


:; ..: -


Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.




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rn a:

Carberry David ]., stable boss; h 42 N 10th Carberry Ivy, cigarmkr, h 37 Balm Carberry Jennie Y., dressmkr, h 117 l\orth Carberry John J., pipe line, h 37 Balm Carberry John W., driver, h 37 Balm Carberry Joseph, yardman, h 313 Verbeke Carberry W. Harry, painter, 334 Market, h 117 North Cardwell Harry D., brakeman, h 2017 Penn Care Pearl A., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1911 Susquehanna Care Roger S., elk C. P. T. Co., h Paxtonia CARE R. SHERMAN, lawyer and notary, 409 Market, h Linglestown Carella Leonardo, carpenter, h 16 Argyle Carey Charity Mrs., h 711 Race Carey Daniel T. Rev., h 212 State Carey Elizabeth, wid James, h 220 Locust. Carey Harry E., conductor, h 1809 Market Carey Lizette F. Mrs., stengr, 7 N 2d. h 1726 N 6th Carey Marv Mrs., h 115 Cowden Carey Mary A., wid John, h 1809 Market CAREY PHILIP CO. (THE), H. E. Lindley, mgr, roofing, Cowden c Forster see adv front cover Carey Theodore P., machinist, 25 N 3d, h 1809 Market Carichner Emma E., wid John,h 1730 Wood Car~ __~~l~rles E~_lctbo~er, ~_1317 Nort~ ___________

.... ,

Carl David B., elk, h 121 Strawberry Carl Elmira, wid John, h 1638 Fulton ...... Carl Emanuel J., barber, h 1611 Green >- Carl Frederick, boilermkr, h 509 North z: Carl George A., machinist, h 1949 Swatara 0. CARL HARRY L., bookkpr C. I. and S. Co. and notary S 14th, h do & Carl public, 404 engr Dauphin Co. Almshouse, h Oberlin Herman, 0 pk nr Poor House U Carl Jacob D., plumber. h Oberlin pk nr Poor House ...l Carl John B., tinsmith, h 86 Disbrow 0 Carl 'Tohn L., laborer, h 317 Clinton u Carl joseph, carpenter, h 19th nr Derry Carl Mary l\Irs., cook, h 505 South Q Carl Mettie, housekeeper The Bolton z: CARL ROBERT A., real estate, insurance, coal and wood, 31 N 2d, h 121 Strawberry w Carl William V\T., engr, h 617 North u Carl & Berrier, (R. A. Carl and J. A. Berrier), cigars, The Bolton Q Carlile Alex. W., (Pa. A. and F. Works), h 413 Maclay w Carlin James, h 1421 Derry Carlisle George A., helper, h 132 Dock z: Carlisle John H .. nail header. h 132 Dock ::t Carlsson Frans Oskar, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

o o


-a: -a:

~:y\~~::~~~ won par IDIItndOW ShOdeS lrom A. B. TACK lI.l:~~t. Boyd's Harrisbur~ ( C) City Directory, 1908.. 1RH
Carmam' Anna, bookkpr, h 2:H Xorth Carman)' Charles A., carpenter, h :!:!:3 Briggs Carmany Edmond R, elk P. R R, h l1:!S :\Iontgomery Carmany Elizabeth L., h 2:38 Briggs Carmany Florence, seamstress, h :.!:H Xorth Carmany Frances X" wid John E., h :!:!H Briggs Carmany J. Levan, timekeeper, h 1510 State Carmany :Mary J., wid John A., h 11:!8 :\lontgomery Carmassi Casimiro, stableman, h 1WI :\Iarkct Carnahan Annie Eo, wid :\Iadison .\., h rill1 Reily Carnahan David, plumber, h 14:!5 liret'n Carnahan Esther Foo salesladv, h IH:l:! X 4th Carnahan Leah Z., saleslady, "406 :\Iarket, h 1!.)32 ~ 4th Carnathan John F., brakeman, 321 Peffer Carnes Fred B., agt, h 381 S Front Carney Harriet, wid James, h 110~ :\Iollroe Carns Anna :'11., wid John F., h Ija~ X ;;th -Carpenter Barton .Too blacksmith, h 1S4~ l\orth Carpenter Bertha Y. :\1rs., h 4:.!~ Cranberry -Carpenter Charles, laborer, h 1:!4!1 :\Ionroe Carpenter Charles E .. apprentice, h 18:n Penn Carpenter Curtis Hoo brakeman, h 21:!:! l;reenwood Carpenter Duncan. laborer, h 20tH Fulton 'Carpenter Edward Y., puddler, h 15Hi S Cameron Carpenter Frank B., laborer, h 1848 Xorth


Carpenter (-;eorge I.. laborer, h l:n;; :\Iaple Carpenter Harry no, car inspector, h 141!l Susquehanna Carpenter Ira J., laborer, h l:U;; Maple Carpenter James S .. hauler. h !lO~ S 20~ -Carpenter Lewis H., salesman, :~;{fj Cht'stnut, h 226 Crescent Carpenter ~Iary B., cashier. h l:~:H Penn Carpenter 1[ary Eo, charwoman, h 1118 :\[onroe Carpenter ~Iary L., weaver, h 1848 ~orth Carpenter Priscilla, wid Israel, h 42fj Xorth al Carpenter Russell J., laborer, h In8 S 9th Carpenter Stephen H., laborer, h 349~ S Cameron Carpenter Thomas Bo, h 2019 Fulton -Carpenter Thomas B., jr., flagman, h 2027 Fulton Carpenter Thomas ]., letter carrier, h 918 S 9th Carpenter William B., puddler, h 1331 Penn Carpenter William H., carpenter, h 321 Crescent Carpenter William H., laborer, h 426 North al Carpenter William L.. brakeman. h 813 James Carr Charles B., molder, h 823 N 3d Carr Edward L., bricklayer, h 1211 ~ Front Carr Emily M., bookkpr, 214 Locust, h 315 N 2d Carr George W., car inspector, h 627 Schuylkill Carr James F., electrician. h 322 Strawberry Carr Lillian, weaver, h 823 X 3d


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CLARK'S =~::~I~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{s::};:~ .

Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.
Carr Mary, wid Harry, h 1211 X Front Carr )Iary A., wid William, h S:!3 X 3d Carr )Iichael. c01lector. h517 X :!ci Carr )Iyron H., machinist. h 2U3 :\luench Carr \ViIliam, laborer, h jHi South Carricato Joseph, steelwkr. h 210 S :!d Carrigan Thomas A., laborer, h 1426 Xaudain Carrigan Thomas E .. laborer, h 14:!1i Xaudain Carrington Fredk. waiter Commonwealth. h 137 Short Carrington Robert. laborer, h 1517 Derry Carrington Sarah 1\1., charwoman. h lil17 Derry Carroll Anna C, steng. Senate Library, Capitol, h 419 North Carroll Annie :\1.. wid Peter, h liO!) X :hl Carroil Claire :\1., stengr. :!Ii Grace, h :!03~ X 5th Carroll David X., distrihutor. 3:!0 !\Iarket, h ;U8 Sayford Carroll Elizabeth 1\1., saleslady, 31R )Iarket. h 419 N"orth Carroll Frank C, paymaster' F. and )1. \Vorks, h 618 Curtin Carroll Genevieve F., stengr ~IiIIer Bros. & Baker, h 419 North Carroll Gilbert .T., bookkpr F. and :\1. Works, h 1124 Mkt. CarrolI Grace :\1., stengr, 9 X :!d. h in5 do Carroil Grace 1\1. Mrs., tailoress, 3:14 )Iarket, h 2038 N 5th
TIU. Guaranty and Sur.'y Co. { ...t . III.lra"'. EnClI.......~I.H. { 1 S... ""
-Ser.u.loD. PeUD... Tnlll.......11 ."" ~I II Julclll 1...11 T...I " ,

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Carroll Carroll CarroII Carroll Carroll Carroll

Harr" ~L, machinist, h r 1212 :\Iarket lame's T machinist. h r lin1 Helen James L, telegrapher P. R. R.. h 814 ~ 6th John S., guide Capitol. h Carlisle Tulia R., wid Patrick, h 4t!) Xorth Lulu, stengr. 216 l\Iarkrt, h 4tH ?\orth


CARROLL MANSFIELD C., justice of the peace, Whitehall ab 18th, h do

Carroll )Iichael. laborer. h ~12 Green CarroIl ~lichael F .. laborer. h 1:!:!8 Wallace CarroIl N elsol1, laborer. h 4411 South Carroll Priscilla. wid :\Iarion. h (i1~ Curtin CarroIl Raymond \V .. brakl'lllan, h 11:1 Yine CarroIl \\' arcl D .. dist mgT. ] Ii X ::!d, h 705 do Carroil \YiIliam. apprentice Teleg-raph. h 1l:i "ine Carroll \Yilliam H . puddler. h 11:i Yinl' Carroll WiIliam 1\1.. machinist. h \\"hitehail ab 18th CarTllthers Tames n.. railroad !'l'C. 1Ii X :!d. h 1350 State Carruthers john F., student, h l:mu State Carson Edward. doubler. h lfin8 Penn Carson E\'l'line E .. wid Franklin. h 1(i08 Penn Carson (;race. housl'kel")ll'f. 1111:1 X 7th Carson Harn'Y L.. P. n. mes~enger P. R. R., h 1913 N 7th Carson Tames. conductor. h 1013 K 7th Carson )ol1n. carriag(' painter. h !It-! (;rand


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Redmond's Wagon Works }~':.IJd~~~b~~:: {3d and Reily SIs. Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wan Papar and Wind., SlIadas h:l"'N~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908.


Carson John H., conductor. h 1913 K 7th c::t Carson Xellie E., milliner, 1608 Penn, h do II Carson Ogcar \Y., laborer, h 344 Hummel II Carson Samuel, laborer. h 115 Tanner Carson William. laborer, h 1419 ~larion Carson \Vtlliam F., janitor, h 127 Hoerner ~ Carson 'Villiam S., conductor, h 15 Cowden 04 Carst Jesse, machinist, h 1400 Xorth Carst Lydia A., wid Augustus L., h 53 N Summit I; Carst Mary, domestic, 1107 K 2d ~ Carstettler Emma Mrs., h 701 State Cartee Bertha Mrs., saleslady, 6 S 2d. h 1512 Penn ~== Carter Alice, dressmkr, 1712i Walnut, h do Carter Alice B., bookkpr, h 611 Calder Carter Annie, domestic. 1225 Market "' Carter Arthur, laborer, h 430 l'\orth al Carter Benjamin, cook, h :?43 ~ River CI Carter Bertha A., housekeeper, 1336 X 4th :IE Carter C. Gilbert. draftsman, 11 X 2d, h 89 N 17th Carter Charles H .. laborer. h 711 Korth al 0 CARTER CHARLES 0., special examiner bureau of pensions, room 25 P. O. bldg, h 2203 N 4th ,. Carter C. Lannon, ph:rsician. 15!1i X 4th, h do c: Carter Clemm L., lahorer, h 4HO Xorth al ~ Carter C. Lewis, laborer, h 1Hi8 S Cameron C;


== ==

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l!;:..s;:::.f..}Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assl. U:=

Carter Edward, pantryman, h 4RO Xorth al Carter Emma. charwoman, h 418 Cranberry Carter Ezekiel T., laborer, h 215 X Rh'er . Carter Frederick L., gang boss. h fill Calder Carter George c., laborer, h 50111 E South Carter George W . laborer, h 430 Korth al Carter Harry, engr, h 605 South n Carter Henry, carter, h 17121 'Yalnllt Carter John, laborer, h 17121 Walnut Carter :Mary, laundress, h 516 Strawberry Carter ~Ian' A., wid Lewis L., h fill Calder Carter ~Iay: stengr, 212 Locust, h 421 Walnut Carter Rena ~rrs., h 516 Primrose Carter Robert. laborer, h 414 South Carter Roland, waiter, h 4!lO Korth al Carter Samuel. driver. h 1712~ '''alnut Carter Samuel J., driver, h 428 South Carter Scott, laborer. h 1168 S Cameron Carter William, laborer. h 416 Cranberry Carter William A., letter carrier, h 141 Linden Carter William N . laborer, h 1216 Currant CARTER W. JUSTIN, lawyer, 420 Market, h 527 Ma- ; ;.



Cartmell William M., treas Elliott-Fisher Co., h 2008 N 3d Cartwright Rosa A., wid Jacob. h 135 S 2d



..,.h_ P . p _ r *or .por~I",. N _ _ ;e.

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H M KELLEY m . {I North lid . . ... . D. CO 10th aad 1!Ita&e . .

_ ~

Cartwright Samuel, car repairer, h Moore Cartwright William A .. ice cream, 1!l2:1 N 3d, h do :& Caruso Charles. mason, h 11114 Hemlock Caruso Ferdinand. shoemkr, l1:ia l\larket, h do c: (~aruso Frank, laborer, h 1014 Hemlock Caruso Joseph, laborer, h 1014 Hemlock Cat"Vcr Charles, roller. h 28 N 10th _ Carver George B., driver, h 119 Cherry ... Cary George L., engr, h 908 N 2c! Case Charles P., ice creammkr, h 909 N 3d


] ~2

Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.


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CASE E. WALLACE, ice cream qtfr, 923 N 3d, h do see adv Case J. 1. Threshing Machine Co., George A. Dechant, agt; 429 S 2d Casey Arthur. laborer, h 554 Primrose Casey Edward P., machinist, h 425 State Casey Ellen, housek!:!eper, 434 State Casey John .T .. policeman Capitol, h 10 S 4th Casey :\Jary E., domestic, 426 Walnut Casey :Vlary, tailoress, (i S 2d, h 1311 N Front Casey Michael, laborer, h 903 Shaonis Casey l\Iichael, policeman, h 629 Forster Case\' \Villiam E .. salesman, h 629 Forster Cash- Harry, laborer, h 1624 Walnut Cash John \Y., laborer, h 1624 Walnut

N. 3d


Cash l\fatthew. laborer, h lU:!4 Walnut Cashen Thomas S., forcman, h 4 S 4th Cashman Carey L., laborer, h 1800 Derry >- Cashman Charles W., engr, h 445 Hummcl : Cashman Ed\\'ard A., inspector, h 1317 Swatara eL. Cashman Henry P., laborer, h 18()0 Derrv E Cashman Hope'L., typewriter, h 1800 Derry o Cashman John P., engr, h 305 Crescent U Cashman Robert C, plumber, h 445 Hummel ..,J Cashman William J., helper, h a05 Crescent C Cashner Joseph E., buyer, 140 S ;~d, h 262 Herr



CASINO, (A. B. Russ), bowling and billiards, Court c Strawberry Casino (The), Edgar S. Book, propr, moving pictures, 2002 N 6th



~ Ice Cream and Water Ices E

Wboleaale and Retail. All FlavorM, DeUvered to Any Part of tbe City.

::: Phone Connection 923 North Third Street I. L. 5T. CLAIR {TAl LO R {1240 IIlrkltstrl"
Digitized by



Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908. 193' Casner Edmund L.. conductor, h 420 'Market Cass Harry M., boilermkr, h 621 Reily Cass Rebecca, wid Henry, h 1256 Swatara Cassady Florence Mrs., saleslady, 320 Market, h Hum melstown Cassatt John, carpenter, h 1710 Wood Cassel Abner, h 933 N 3d Cassel Alfred, laborer, h 2028 Boas Cassel Amos, h 343} Crescent Cassel Amos C, mgr, h 1119 Derry Cassel B. Frank, laborer, h 3431 Crescent Cassel Carrie M., h 1615 Chestnut Cassel C Wynne, milliner, 334 Market, h 1327 Kittatinny Cassel David N., mot.orman, h 1926 Briggs Cassel Frank H., eleaner, h 1350 Vernon Cassel Frank R., elk, h 334 Crescent Cassel Ira G., car repairer, h 1632 Park Cassel Isaac R., foreman, h 1615 Chestnut Cassel Jennie M., stengr, 222 Market, h 16 N 15th Cassel Jessie, saleslady, 208 Market, h 1615 Chestnut Cassel Jdhn B., elk, h 259 Delaware Cassel John C, carpenter, h 29 S 13th Cassel Malinda, wid Simon D., h 16 N 15th Cassel Michael M., miller, h 1515 Walnut

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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~:i~b~~-:::'~~II:

Cassel :\1iller B., plasterer, h 1317 Howard Cassel Minnie, h 226 Chestnut Cassel Norman W., stengr, Herr clOth, h Hummelstown Cassel Rebecca E. Mrs., h 122 S 3d Cassel Rufus, h 2035 Green Cassel Samuel B., watchman Dauphin Co. Prison, h Penbrook Cassell Edward, laborer, h 1919 Forster Cassell Edward D., elk, 113 S 2d, h 22 S 18th Cassell Ezra C, barber, h 1444 Regina Cassell Irwin M., barber, 1444 Regina, h do Cassell John J., laborer, h 2031 Boas .cassell Minnie E., h 342 S 17th Cassell Ross I., elk, 14th c Haehnlen, 'h 1615 Chestnut Cassell W. Edgar, elk P.O., ill Pellbrook ,Cassell William E., money order elk P.O., h 1643 N 6th Cassell William H., h 1629 Market Caster Edward F., restaurant, 411 Filbert, h do Castor Robert C, blue printer, 14 S 2d, h 1241 Market Cathcart Bessie, artist, h 106 N 2d Cathcart :\1. Elizabeth, wid William A., h 106 ~ 2d CATHERMAN GUSTAVUS, mgr Western Union Telegraph Co., 11 N 3d, h 216 Harris Catherman Harrv L., machinist, h 1617 Penn Catherman Jesse' K., telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 1844 Green



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Catling S. Ernest, sales agt ~ational Biscuit Co'., h 1304 State Caton John, blacksmith. h 82 N 17th Caton Ravmond S., student. h 112 Cumberland Caton Sanmel 0 . (Caton & Co.). h 112 Cumberland .- Caton Thomas. salesman. 460 Verbeke, h laO Charles Caton & Co., (S. O. Caton and H. W. Fishel), shoes, 1210 N 3d e:.:: CauIl1 Edward L., h 1M2 N 7th i Caum Leonard E., chief fire marshal P. R. R.. h 1012 N it 7th tile: -I!' Caveny Alice NI., wid James, h 246 Crescent e .. ilQ Caveny Charles, asst ticket agt P. & R.. h 246 Crescent Caveny R. Frank. printer. h 417 Hummel




McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS :.:s g~r".t~

Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1903.

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CAVENY S. BRADY, insurance and alderman, 204 S 2d, h 338 S 17th Caveny S. Brady, jr.. elk P. & R. frt depot. h 338 S 17th Cence Thomas J .. leverman P. R. R., h 1l:!9 Wallace CENTRAL (THE), Raymond L. Stewart, propr, 311 Market CENTRAL BOOKSTORE, W. A. Laverty, mgr, 329 Market Central Coal Co .. (Charles E. Covert). 222 :\Iarket CENTRAL CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY CO., Frank B. Bosch, pres; Harry B. Taylor, treas; Charles E. Covert, sec, 222 Market -C-E-N-T-R-A-L-D-R-U-G-C-O-.-,-I-NC-.-, J~-hn-C. Groome, pres; J . Raymond Snyder, sec and treas. 202 N 2d CENTRAL GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 1230 N 3d see adv Central" Hat Store, \V. K. Oyster, propr, 'hats and caps,

TItle SaUIDty IDd Sarlty CO.I~:::. {-::::!ct:'r~'~~~:~e:-' }~~~:.


...,', . .".,,'




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pres; James B. Bailey, treas and genl mgr; S. B. Boude, sec; mfrs boiler plate and tank iron, office and works, bet Front and P. R. R. bel Dock see adv CENTRAL IRON WORKS, Edward Bailey, pres; S. B. Boude, sec; mfrs boiler plate and tank iron, office and works, Front bel Dock see adv Central L~"Cetll11 Bureau. J. S. Arnold. mgT, 21:3 \Valnut CENTRAL MILL AND LUMBER CO., B. H. Engle, pres; C. R. Engle, sec and treas; all kinds of mill work and lumber, N 9th nr Market CENTRAL PENN'A AUTOMOBILE CO., I. W. Dill, pres; C. C. Crispin. sec; George L. Doehn, treas, 111 Market and 12-14 N River Centr;]] Penna Brokerage Co., C. L. (~ri1l1, mgr. 47 Union Trl1st hIdeCENTRAL PENN'A TRACTION CO.~ F. B. Musser, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas, 12 S 2d

Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Rally StS .. Coogle

Digitized by

l Specialty A 8 TACK fFrncoln. lllake. aBIlIldlDplDof TiDu {DIe N. ad Be. PllbU" PIalD lIIIUmatelGlna

Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908.


CENTRAL PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, W. A. Laverty, mgr, 329 Market Cepus Joseph, laborer, h U6! S Cameron Cerzt1l1o :'Ilichael, shoemkr. 701 N :ld. h Steelton Chadwick Kate B., wid William B., h 9114 Green Chadwick :.'.lary E., stengr State Veterinary Dept., -It 904 Green Chadwick Paul H .. clk, h 1104 N 2d Challenger Charles, laborer, h 411 Balm Challenger David. constable, 412 :'Ilarket, h 1207 Chestnut Challenger Oliver, printer . h 1207 Chestnut Challenger Sarah, wid William, h 1616 Chestnut Challenger Sarah V., stengr, h 1207 Chestnut Chalmers \ViIliam, stonecutter, h 1602 Derry Chamberlain Albert E., machinist, h 2444 Jefferson Olamberlain Albert L.. barber, ~{:n 1'.luench, h do Chamherlain Clinton E., dispatcher P. & R., h 1540 Walnut Chamherlain John J., h 127 Verbeke Chamherlain Pearl. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Chamberlin Jean fl.. wid James I., h H23 N Front Chamberlin Mary H., wid Horace, h Penn c Hamilton Chamberlin Rollin S., gen'l supt, 212 Locust, h 205 Hamilton Chamberlin Ross P., (Harrar & Chamberlin), h 114 N 2d


"" -

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;~~ :~:: ~ Harrisburg

Satings and Laan ASSI. { ~::=

::II:J Chambers Charles H., molder, h 1425 Shoop Olambers George R., watchman Capitol, h \Vormleysbg. C CHAMBERS GEORGE S., pastor Pine Street Presby- n terian Church, h 216 State N Chambers Joseph H .. cleaner P. R. R. depot, h 1425 Shoop > n Chambers William A., bookkpr, h 617 N 18th Champ Caroline Mrs., h 110 Christie's ct > Champion Robert J .. warehouseman, h 43 N Summit Champlain Albert B.. asst Dept. Zoology Capitol, h 324 ::D Peffer > Champlain Henry L., second treas Lucknow I. & S. Co., ~ h 11 N 4th Chance Mary, domestic, 517 Walnut Chancier \Valter R., carpenter, h 2126 Greenwood Chandler George P., baggage agt P. R. R.. h 310 Crescent Chandler Henrietta, wid William G., h 1625 Penn !II Chandler Jane A., wid Goss, h 1235 Walnut ilia. Chandler William R., conductor, h 610 Reily Chaney Charles, laborer, h 40 Lochiel 4th row [Chaney Charles c., policeman, h 1810 Susquehanna ~, Chapline Clara M., brooms, 1602 N 5th, h 1405 N 6th ;' Chapline Joseph D., broommkr, h 1405 N 6th ":S Chapline Joseph S., broommkr, h 1405 ~ 6th Chapman Eben L.. drMt'!>man, h 1427 ~ Front ~ Chapman Verna B .. domestic, 101 Locust

> ~ < >



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-----------------THE PAT RIitiWbyLroogle i n ~

H. M. KELLEY" cO.}Omces, :,~,,~':.rla=';f~{COAL AND WOOl)

196 Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1903. ;:; Chard Stephen A., conductor, h 14:?5 N 6th .c: Charles Arthur H., steam fitter, h 1515 N 5th Charles Benjamin, shoemkr. 1116 l\Iarket, h do _ Charles Charles c., pool, 225 Market, h do ~ Charles David, laborer. h 139 Hanna ai Charles Ella \" .. wid Steriger H., h !!2()1 2'J 4th ~ Charles George L., laborer, h 1409 S 12th .: Charles Harrv, laborer, h 1409 S 12th .!! Charles Harry B., brakeman, h 1315 Market " e If! Charles Jacob 0., repairsman, h 608 Kelker Charles John F., meat. 7 N 14th, h do :: Charles Lillie. wid John D., h 13:?8 ~ 7th Charles }.Iabel A., teacher, h 326 North Charles Margaret I., teacher, h 1101 N 3d ... Charles Ross I., blacksmith, h 1!t!8 N 7th :l1li Olarles William C, laborer, h 1409 S 12th -- Charles \i\"il1iam F., laborer, h 1409 S 12th Charles William J., shipper, h 709 Showers It Charlton James M., opr, h 1514 Allison Charlton Rosa, domestic, 117 Locust L Charters Annie, dressmkr, h 605 Walnut .-- Charters Chas. T., elk Chesapeake Nail Wks., h 430 S 15th Charters Elizabeth. housekeeper, 408 S 13th C[ Charters Elizabeth, wid William, h 605 Walnut It Charters Emilie N., elk State Dept. Health. h 605 Walnut


en o o

Charters F. Salome, saleslady, 31 S 2d. h 605 Walnut Charters George, pipe fitter, h lSi:! North _ Charters George \V., constable, 204 S 2d. h 408 S 13th >- Charters Harvey F., actor, h 408 S 13th Z Charters Horace T., salesman, h 4118 S 13th -s: Charters John, laborer. h 1839 Derry a.. Charters Leota, cigar packer. h 436 S 2d Ie Charters William H .. bar elk Grand Hotel. h 408 S 13th o Chase George, bellman The Comwlth., h 135 Short U Chase Herman, driver. h 130 Tanner ..l Chase John. junk. h 712 Cowden C Chase William H. Rev., field sec, 11 1\ :?d, h 1617 Market o Chatkin Louis, laborer, h 1316t N 7th U Chatman Lacy, laborer, 11 25 Lochiel 3d row Q Chauncey Frank, stonecutter, h 418 Market Z Chaunce\' Frederick C, actor, h 120 Short C Chayne Catharine, wid Augustine L.. It 405 N 2d W Chayne Horace A., mgr, :?d nr Vine, h 407 N 2d U Chavne Sarah B., artist, 117 !...Iarket, h 405 N 2d Cheilew George, brakeman. hIlt!:! S Cameron Q Chelle\\' Richard S .. employee Arsenal. h 1022 S Cameron W Chelle\\' Rohert. laborer, h 1014 Salmon .... Chenoweth Anna F., milliner. h 19 S 3d Chenow,eth Arthur T . laborer, h 583 Showers g Chenoweth George F .. assembler, h 20 N 5th

o o



I. L. ST. CLAIR {'TAl LO A {1240 IIlrkltSfrlet

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A. B. TACK =ct~~e:~:~ IOU pooer and WIDdow Shnd~S l~l~~~a~~

Boyd's Harrisburg \ () ) City Directory, 1908. 197
Chenoweth George ~I., elk, 225 ~Iarket, h 20 :\f 5th Chenoweth J. Howard, h 20 N 5th Chester James \V., conductor, h 233 Hamilton Chester Louis P., watchman P. R. R., h 1115 Kittatinny Chesterman Sarah E., wid John, h 270 Calder Chestnut Street Auditorium, A. C. Young, mgr, Chestnut c Court . Chiara Antonio, baker, h 618 State Chiara Giuseppi, baker, Gl~ State, h do Chiara Joseph, jr., tobacco stripper, h 618 State Chidsey Charles F., jr., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 1414 State . Children's Farm, (Oberlin), A. ~L K. Lantz, supt, ]21 S 2d Children's Industrial Home, 1900 Swatara Childs A\'bert P., postal elk, h li2 X 12th Childs Charlotte, wid Sullivan S., h 1437 Susquehanna Childs William G., student, h 2101 X 6th Chisholm Clinton D., repairsman, h 523 Dauphin Chisholm Elsie, dressmkr, h 1643 N 6th Chisholm Wilhelmina, wid Jesse, h 611 Walnut Chism Simon, laborer, h 508 South Chorpenning Reuben, brakeman, h 207 S 2d Chrisemer John K., barber, h 1221 N Front Olrisman Anna L.. teacher, h 261 Xorth

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:=i~b=~-:'~~IIC

Chrisman Morgan B., h 261 North Chrismer Calvin c., salesman, 334 ~farket, h 414 Reily Chrismer Julia E., wid Calvin c., h 414 Reily Christ Bertha, opr, h 1845 Xorth Christian Science Reading Room, 103 N 2d Christley John 0., postal elk, h 353 S 1:1th Christy Jane E., charwoman, h 207 ~1arket House al Chronister Carrie B., knitter, h 1538 X 4th Chronister Curtis W., grocer, 1538 N 4th, h do Chronister David E.; fireman, h 1630 X 6th Chronister Ella, knitter, h 1538 N 4th Chronister Frank S., bookkpr, 14 S 2d. h Carlisle Chronister Raymond c., carpenter, It 602 Granite Chronister Sallie, housekeeper. 15:38 N 4th Chronister W. Curtis, motorman, h 340 S 15th Chronister William H., elk, 15:38 N 4th, h do. Chronister William H., plasterer, h 1247 ~It1lberry Chubb Abraham L., driver, h 1722 Logan Chubb Jacob E., laborer, h 25 Brady Chubb John H., janitor, h 1111 Bartine Chubb John H., postal elk, h 236 X 14th Chubb William A., bricklayer, h 1202 Rartine Chubbuck Manle" T .. salesman, h 142. Berrvhill Chung Ling, laundryman. h 412 \\'alma . Church C. Margaretta, c:k, 3:J(, Chestnnt, h 212 do


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MON EY ADVAI C }-:1'M"\'JyL~~ {~ ::r:.:-,:: ED

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McNEIL'S COUGH REMEDY ~~~:!or~::5~~::{AT1'~G~~

198 Boyd's Harrisburg ( () ) City Directory, 1908.


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I J I-


Church Edith .M., wid Robert, h 540 Camp Church John G., engr, h 1941 K 6th Church John G., jr., elevatorman, h 1941 X 6th Church Martin B., train dispatcher P. R. R., h 212 Chestllut Church Mary M., stengr, 1 N 3d, h 540 Camp Church William c., foreman P. R. R., h 264 Delaware av Churchill George W., laborer, h 1325 N 4th Churchman Hugh, laborer, h 111 Tanner Cico Dusan, laborer. h UO:! Cowden Cillev Harrv M., molder, h 3m Calder Cilley H. Quincy, carpenter, h 55 Balm Cilley John, bar elk, 314 Market, h 924 N 2d Cilley Katherine L., copyist Dept. Int. Affairs, h 55 Balm Cilley William E., sergeant police, h !l24 N 2d Cimino Angelo, grocer, 21!) S 2d, h do Cirillo Domenic, barber, 212 S 2d, h do Cirillo Gaetano, shoemkr, 210 S 2d, h 212 do Cirillo Pasquale, shoemkr, h 323 S River Citizens' Bank, 13th c Derry Citizens' Casualty Co . HO\\'ard \Y. Jones, supt, 9 N 2d Citizens' Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d Cit v Grav's ArmorY, 2d c Forster City Loan Office, 'David Throne, mgr, pawnbroker, 411 Market

nile Guaranty lad Sire., Co, ,c'\'~:l"

{F.m:=!r'c.:.~:; {TJo!.~':Z..


Z 0


City Shoe Repairing Co., (H. E. Hetrick), 317 Strawberry CITY STAR LAUNDRY, (W. E. Orth), 414-418 State; branch office, 1328 N 3d CITY TRANSFER CO., T. G. Calder, mgr, passenger and baggage transfer, office, 16 N 2d Clabaugh Anna, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Clagett James, laborer, h 806 Capital Clancy James P., piler, h 844 S Cameron Clanc\' Lawrence, elk. h 844 S Cameron CIanc~' Jean, saleslady, 215 Market, h Steelton Clancy Margaret, saleslady, 215 Market, h 844 S Cameron Clark Abbie, wid James \tV., h Home from the Friendless Clark Arthur A., bookkpr Hbg. Rolling Mill Co., h 109 Reily Clark Brodie J., brakeman, h 16:!0 \ValIace Clark Catharine Mrs .. boarding. 1839 Derry, h do Clark Charles C, brakeman. h 4118 Filbert Clark Daniel F., P. O. inspector, h 1945 Green Clark Edward. puddler. h 1400 S 13th Clark Esther 1\1., wid Theodore. h 1418 Derrv Clark Ethel E., housekeeper. 1105 N Front . Clark Florence. laundress. h !lll!) S 20i Clark Frank W .. sales stables, :\Ioltke c ~Iinnie aI, h 2029 K Cameron Clark Frederick B., patent medicines, 1836 X 7th, h do
--- --- -




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Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908.

Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Frederick D., engr, h 216 Herr George, flagman, h 601 \\:alnut George \Y., foreman, h 1839 Derry Harry E., helper, 334 Market, h 440 North Helen c., h 212 ~orth JaY.H., elk R M. S., h 1433 ).iarket Jennie Mrs., b 602 Walnut





CLARK J. NELSON, pres People's Savings Bank, 1011 N' 3d; physician and druggist, 306 Verbeke, h Mechanicsburg

o rr-

g:;t ~~:: ~~~sh' f4::1:1aVX~I~ace

Clark Clark Clark Clark

Clark JO'I1I1 H., oiler, h 909 S 201 PI Clark John J., laborer, h 1338 S 13th Clark Joseph N., jr., elk, 306 Verbeke, h :\-Iechanicsburg Clark Lanah, stripper, h 909 S 20i Clark Lawrence, laborer, h 21 Lochiel 2d row PI Clark :Mabel E., stripper, h 909 S 20i C Clark ).1ary L., wid Luke, h 909 S 201 Clark l'.Iattie, domestic, 509 South al Clark :\-[inor A., porter, h 141 Balm :c Clark Paul P., draftsman, h 332 S 14th ~ Clark Raymond P., salesman, 306 Verbeke, h :\Iechanicsburg ;: Clark Robert H., car repairer. It 2120 Turner al :a



Sayings and Loan

Assn.~=& ~

0 n

~ Samuel D., buyer, 334 :\larket, h Hockersville n Tliomas, stonecutter, h 1246 Kittatinnv :c Thomas E., motorman, h 1442 Zarker' ~ Thomas H., employee Arsenal. h 19th nr Walnut :a CLARK WILLIAM B., reporter Telegraph, h 1610 N 3d Clark William G., elk, 306 Verbeke. h Mechanicsburg ~ Clark William P., dentist, 1610 N 3d, h do Clark William S., laborer,'h 2029 1\ Cameron III Clarke Anna, h 206 Kelker If Clarke James W., local rep, 'h State Capital Hotel ~; Clarke John H., chief elk Dept. State Police, Capitol, h do ,. Clarke Sadie, wid William, h 206 Kelker Claster Henry c., jeweler, 302 Market, h 2001 N 3d =-i. Claster Ida R, h '800 N 6th III Claster Isaac 'B., salesman, 6i ::-.r 2d, h 800 X 6th E~' Claster JosePh, (Hbg. Hat 'Co.), notions. 112 Market and 6i N 2d, h 801 N 2d ;: Claster Samuel W., hookkpr, 112 Market, h 800 'N 6th ;: Claster Sarah D., wid Hayman, h 2001 N 3d :: Clause Charles H. J., salesman, 31 S 2d, h 204 N 2d :; Clausen Anna c., elk, 103 N 2d, h Steelton ~ Clausen Frederica. nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do Clauser Philip D . expressman, h 1617 Carnation "" Oawges Joseph S., laborer, h 1262 Walnut l Clawson Eugene, elk P. R R, h 115 Hoerner



Clay Alfr'ed M .. conductor, h 806 X 6th CIa;' Alivian, wid John, h 810 James Clay A. M. :Mrs., hairdressing, 4 N :1d, h 806 N 6th 0 Clay Ann, wid William, h 1812 !'\ 6th Q Clay Annie S., wid Linford. h 1i25 Green 0 Clay Charles A., driver, h 2130 X 6th Q Clay Daniel W., engr. h 1426 Wyeth a Clay Edmund, inspector, hhi03 ~ 1folth Clav Henrv S., conductor, 913 S 211! ~ Clay Jacob, laborer, h 58 ~ 14th Clay James F., carpenter, h 201f, Briggs CIay Katie. seamstress, h lR12 X 6th u E Clay Milton C, steel and iron inspector, h 269 Peffer c:::: Clay Samt1el H., brakeman. h 234i Jefferson Clay Willi 3m H., elk, h li25 Green fti :l1li Clay William S., steam fitter, h 2018 Briggs -.- Clayhaugh Sarah A., vestmkr, h i03 South (/) Clayburn William, laborer, h 42 S Court It Clayson ',"alter E., machinist. h 5;31 ~Iaelay 1&.1 Cleary Julia, elk, h 111 X 13th Cleary Mary, h 1333 Susquehanna ...I Cleary Thomas J., barber, 1401 N 3d, h 1333 Susquehanna. C Cleaver Charles R.. sol Patriot, h 10111 X 3d 1&.1 Cleckner Charles F., electrician. h 3118 S 2rl


Tr7 a TOD or

H M KELL~Y 011 CO'S -Bla.ek Dlamolld.....ben { 10lb IIIII.tnet. P. I .,rth )'oa next order. .......


Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.

.::: Clawson Tunius, waiter, 21 Cowden, h do



.. ....



Cleckner Edgar ::\1., electrician, h 30~ S 20 Cleckner Elder, elk, h ]OH~ Green Cleckner Frederick, (Cleckner & Burke). h Camp Hill >"- Cleckner Frederick, laborer, h 100i) :\Iarket Z Cleckner Tohn M., foreman, 18-22 S 3rl, h 1018 Green A. Cleckner }01111 ~r., jr., shipper C I. and S. Co., h 1018 Green E Cleckner Sarah G., h 308 S 2rl 0 Cleckner Thomas A. H., postal elk, h 308 S 2d U Cleckner Thomas A. H., jr .. sub letter carrier, h 308 S 2d ....I Cleckner William H., elk. 5 N 2d, h 308 S 2d Cleckner Wm. H., pres Hbg. Hdw. Co., Inc., h 1530 Green 0 u Cleckner & Burke, (F. Cleckner and J. H. Burke), stoves,. tinware, housefurnishing goods, &c., 1226 N 3d Q see z: Cleckner,HarrvKleckner h 1312 Shrub Cleland H., laster, Cleland Maggie E . wid David, h 636 Reily (&I u Cleland 'Valter, fireman, h 636 Reily c ::\1 uench Cleland William. brakeman, h George Clemens Harry .. C Clemens \'leslevBE.,fireman, h 194:! Kith conductor, h 60S Granite (&I 10- Clemens William J. H., lahorer, h 1417 Marion Z Clement Charles A., steward The Comwlth., h 256 Verbeke :: Clement Joseph A., propr..The 'Comwlth., Mkt. c S 2d, h do Clements Bertha M. Mrs h li30 Fulton





I. L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 "arkltstrlet

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Emplon bat tnHl. . workmeu, beuce oul, ... A B TACK} c:iaai . . .-IUldIDlarelIt. Work done lD ait, p&nof Slate 1 N.1.18 I I 8d8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908.


Clements Charles 'vV., coremkr, h 1932 N 6th ~ Clements Sarah A., wid Jesse, h 1948 N 6th PI Clemm Blair D., brakeman, h 1507 Vernon Clemm John L., flagman, h 1908 N 5th UJ Clemmens John H., h ]()3 N 13th ~ Clemson L. Calder, foreman P. R R., h 2152 N 6th Clendenin Elsie S., stengr MiIIer Bros. & Baker, h Steelton Clendenin l\fae. book folder, h 219 S 15th PI Clendenin Margaret B., press feeder, h 219 S 15th Clendenin S. Harrv, transitman, 11 N 2d, h 2415 Reel Cless Clarence 'vV:, letter carrier, h 2111 Moore Cless Daniel, driver, h 516 Peffer Cl Cless Emory L., laborer. h 516 Peffer Cless George \V., flagman, h 5H8 Camp Cless Harry F., engr, h 2113 Moore Cless Russell c., upholsterer, carpet laying and window shades, 1717 N 6th. h 524 I\Iuench Cless Sarah E., finisher, 1717 N 6th, h 516 Peffer Cless Thaddeus S., upholsterer, h 1050 S 9th Cleveland Alfred M., hIS Front Cleveland Jennie F. B. Mrs., h 118 Chestnut Cleveland Trinidad Paving Co., Frank B. Bosch, state agt, 222 ~Iarket Clifford Alexander, waiter, h 417 \Vest




MILLER BROS.' BAKER} ":=i~b~~-:;'~~II:

Clifford Kate, charwoman, h 1151. Liberty Clifford Mabel G., dressmkr, h 3U9 S 14th Clifton Edward, laborer. h 1120 Cowden Clifford Mary C, domestic, 1151 Liberty Cline Annie, wid John c., h 402 Boas Cline Chester H., draftsman, 14 S 2d, h New Cumberland Cline Clara, seamstress, h 1429 N 3d Cline Emma, h 116 South Cline Ralph M., coach trimmer, h 402 Boas Cline Ruth )1., domestic, 1638 Market Cline Samuel L., blacksmith, h 27 Sassafras Cline William, janitor, 125 Locust, h IHi South Cline, see Klein, also Kline Clingan George W., blacksmith, h Hilla Logan Clinton Howard W., flagman, h 1816 Susquehanna Clippinger Charles F., salesman, 7th c ~orth, h 1354 State Clippinger Willis W. Rev., h 347 Harris Clough Elmer E., assembler, h 1429 Swatara Clouse Samuel J., fireman, h 1151 Bailey Clouser Claude L., cutter, h 74 N 141'h Clouser David L., cabinetmkr. h 74 ~ 14th Clotlser Earl U., painter. h 150 X 15th Clouser Elsie B., laundress. h 6:n :\Iahantongo Clouser Jacob. laborer, h H()7 :\ 4th Clouser John A., engr, h 2024 Susquehanna




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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }~::'''.1.':~r:.::{ 306 Brlld




Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.


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Clouser Xellie E., saleslady, 334 ~Iarket, h j4 N 14th Clouser Percy, elk, 6~ X :!d. h 142; ~farket Clouser Raymond c., brakeman, h 1519 Penn Clouser Richard 1., plumber, h 74 N 14th Clouser Simon \tV., h liO; X 4th Clouser \\'illiam E., brakeman, h 1f)25 Wallace CLOVERLY HEIGHTS DEVELOPING CO., J. F. Rohrer & Son, mgrs, 24 N 2d and 19th c Sycamore Cluck Adeline, wid Simon, h 3:W Woodbine Cluck Edward, h :t!Cl \Voodbine Cluck John A., brakeman, It 3:!9 Hummel Cluck :\Iartha A., wid Henry, It 1329 Susquehanna Cluck l\Iary S., nurse, h a20 Woodbine CLUCK SIMON N., upholsterer and furniture repairing, 320 and 322 Woodbine, h do Cluck. see Kluck Clush Tohn F., laborer, h 21105 X ;th Clute ~Iary A., wid Horace A., h 31a X 2d Clymer Frank. lineman, 210 Walnut, h 649 :\Iaelay Coaiman Rosie, charwoman, h 16 Cowden Coan Frank S., student, h 104 South Coan :\1ichael F., foreman, h 14117 Vernon Coart Tames H., machinist. h 808 Green Coart 'Walter E., machinist. h 910 Cowdcn Coates Charles H., printer Indcpendent. h 110 Boas

Titil Saarll" 'D~ Slrl" Co.IC:''::l'f~-=~'=-{-lr::~&

Coates Elijah W., piano mover, 15 S 2d, h 2i1 Verbeke Coates Frank P., stengr. 41ll .Market, h 216 Briggs Cobaugh Charles E., canvasser, h 6a X 10th Cobaugh Christ H., ins sol. h 128 Hoerner Cobaugh Edgar, elk, h 929 X ad Cobaugh Elizabeth .Mrs., h 929 N 3d Cobaugh George A . patternmkr, h 509! :\Iuenc'h Cobaugh George H., engr, h aU9! :\Iuench Cobaugh Joseph B., engr. h 211 Briggs Cobaugh William. engr, h 1604 N :ld Cobb Arthur L.. stage mgr, 21lS Locust, h 325 'Walnut Cohean \Yinfield P., elk, h 125:l Kittatinny Coble Abraham, blacksmith, h 547 Seneca Cable Carrie E., dressmkr, h 547 Seneca Cable Charles T., shoemkr, h 613 Boas Cohle Emanuel \V .. laborer, h 1a8 S 13th Coble Emery. steelwkr. h 415 Verbeke Coble H. Baker, engr, h 1723 N 4th Coble Henrv V., h 513 N 13th Coble John D .. foreman, h Hi:!; j\Iarket Coble Tohn \V., laborer. h 719 Showers Coble jordan A., carpenter. 'It 111:{S Herr Coble Mary. wid Henry, h 143; Swatara Coble :\[onumental V,rorks, (I. Eirkitt Dickinson), 505509 N 13th, nr State




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REDMOND}ru:~=d ~~~~ {3d and Rally Stli

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Coogle ----

l S. i AIIK} "ALL rAPtH L.:e~~ri-:"lI.uOI ~HAU18{No~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908.



Coble Pearl L., wId Wilham, h 1948 N 6th ar s . l o r , 1 ;) en oc C u Coburn Georryc \V .. "teel meIter h 54~ SpraO"ue V) C bu n E., la orer. h .11) S th -t C bur S 'dn', 0 h 1'"12 0 h Cocchmo ZOPltO, laborer, h 33 ~ 5th 'PI C ch . c p te h 14 A s Cochran James. bar elk, 12:{;) ]\" 6th. h 12:n do -x:I C ch n 0\\ rd, hu r, ::4 1, ke ,h .:!:! ~ta ..::::a Cochrane Robert O. clk h 1(IB4 Fa te "'= '") C ck y arOll._., conductor. h HI ~ l"th :c -C ckl" -\Ifr E s eh r, a l ' rt Cocklm Andrew R.. repalrsman. h fHW Penn C ck' nn' E ?II., i1 E t COCKLIN CHARLES C., physician, 126 Walnut h do ~ C ck n ad H, dr er.2:! ::\1 k ,h 10, \\ llace Cocklin I Tames vardmaste h 16:W ?\ '""th C ck 1 ai-nes ( .: pIpe ender, h )J 4th C ckr 1 T h B. a 01 iv , 'W K th Cocklm ~lichael G .. pianos, music and stationer\', 1204 N , 20 H ri Cocklin Orlando L.. switchman, h 1~~1 "ernon l> ck n er _, en n, 1 4. 1. h lJ Cocklin Reb1 salesladv 'l~4 ~I rk } 1 :~< "- rn n ck 111 lIssell "c k . R. R.. h lG:W :N 5th l> - - - - -


.... ......


.. --





SaYings anu Loan Assn. t':~~= :r,

\Vilham H" letter carner, h 14(1:~ Green c 'n ,'il' m L., ag la h 10 W la Cocklin William R.. elk, 32:l Yerbeke. h Camp Hill d C rk Y., fta la, h a:. ~ 1. h Coder leorO" , b ak m, h 211 sq 11 n Coder John G" (Coder & :\Itller), h II ~ 2d o E & -11 L R, To n C de a ' il am S. Miller), contractors and builders room 23, 9 N 2d e dv Coe Toshua c.. bricklayer. h 1'""1; Pel oep11an George J '. brakeman. h 1- ('nn c ::,cneca oe la T n . . ac r. 4 J Ik Cot'Vman Samuel P., conductor. h :114 Reily off ~ co L, c1 , 5 ut , h do Coffee M. Ellen ice cream 129 N 4th h d

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Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.


Coffman Charles W., brakeman, h 1070 S 9th Coffman George M., engr, h 13:?5 N 6th Coffman JO'hn A., electrician, h 842 S Cameron Coffman Samuel L., carpenter, h lOG.! S Cameron Coffman, see Kauffman Cogley Mary, domestic, 315 Boas Cohen Aaron, junk, h 1402 Penn J!! Cohen Abel, jeweler, h 216 Hamilton Cohen Abraham, s'hoemkr, 604 State, h do o .1.1.. Cohen Albert I., tailor, h 103 Filbert _ Cohen Annie, bookkpr, 10th c Walnut, h 511 N 4th Cohen Benjamin, elk, Sayford c Currant, h 438 Walnut _ Cohen David B., tailor, 103 Filbert, h do II: Cohen Dora, wid Shem, h 1221 Cowden :IE. Cohen Effie E., saleslady, 6 S ~d, h 511 N 4th Cohen Fannie, saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 314 Calder fI) Cohen Frank, furniture, 500 South, h 607 State Cohen Frederick W., mechanical engr, h 1007 N 2d Cohen Harris, notions, 202 ~Iarkct, h 20 S 4th Cohen Harry 1., grocer, 400 S 2d, h do t- Cohen Hyman, elothier, 409 Walnut, h do O Cohen Ida Mrs., grocer, 713 Cowden, h do Cohen Israel, h 604 State C Cohen Jacob, peddler, 520 State tailor, h Cohen Jennie, saleslady, h 103 Filbert


.. ....











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Cohen Lena G. Mrs., (Atlantic New and Second-hand Furniture Co.), h 114 Short Cohen Lewis, laborer, h 104 Cowden Cohen Lewis, elk, h 446 Walnut Cohen Lewis, mgr, 114 Short, It do Cohen Louis, salesman, 300 Market, h 446 Walnut Cohen Louis, shoemkr,h 520 Brown CO'hen Louis, tailor, 511 N 4th, h do Cohen Marks, (Abramson & Cohen), h 915 N 6th Cohen Mary. cigarmkr, h 101 Filbert Cohen Moses, furniture. 332 Verbeke and 314 Calder, h do Cohen Moses, peddler, h 527 South Cohen Myer, driver, h 530 North Cohen Nathan, clothier, 446 Walnut, h do Cohen Nathan, grocer, 410 Cranberry, h do Cohen Philip, tailor, h 446 Walnut Cohen Rehecca, tailoress, h 101 Filbert Cohen Rose L., h 216 Hamilton Cohen Samuel. shoemkr, 523 South. h 520 Brown Cohen Samuel, teamster, h 1315 S 12th Cohen Solomon G.. (Cohen & Son), h 431 Market Cohen & Son, {So E. (est) and S. G.). pawnbrokers, 431 Market Cohic Tohn K, lahorer, h 133 S 3<1 Cohn Abram, shoemkr. 441 Verbeke, h 451 Hay

wUl mo by bu)"\ng your....

on p1llAr I11III \IfII WN





lro B.

Cit Dire tory, 1908,

Cohn Benjamm, elk, h 438 \\ alnllt Cohn David, elk, h 610 Church hn rrY S. h 1\1 errY Cohn Joseph P., dnver, 324 Market, h 408 Cumberlan Cohn Leah, wid Charles, h 127 Balm hn vin, . Co & .), 1 8 i\ h Cohn Levin & Bro., (Meyer), leather, lI31 Primrose Cohn }[ax, elk, 600 State, h do 1m yer . C & 0.), an cr Coken Harry, laborer, h 1:...10 Julia al Colbert Albert laborer, h 1412 N 4th lhe nn _., nons, G Sc 'lki 24 effe Colbert Grant, laborer, h 1412 N 4t I Colbert Harriet, wid James, h 305 Chestnut Ibe am abo ,h 2 N I Colbert James, laborer, h 6 1 Nort 1 Colbert John, laborer, h 1810 N 3d Ihe ofm bor hG aId Colbert 'Wilham, host er, h ... 54 Je erson Coldren Charles A., machinist, h 1437 Berryhill Idre am \"., gr, I 08 em d Coldren Lyman, engr, h 4 t5 Coldren Thomas H., laborer, h 448 S l::1th ldre Var II lOCI ,h ~ h oldsmlt 1 Samuel J., stee \\ r, h () S _




E .. 11: ...... 11:.,....,.1 IN U" NO

Cole Anna ~L, saleslady, h 1331 ~ lith Ie ie, nest" i IiO T Fr Ie rlcs wa mal 1:~3 ~ 6t Cole Charles T., coremkr, h 2124 N 4th Ie a 1 ,co 50 Prim e le'1 am bra Ian 606 mbe nd Cole Jemima, laundress, h 510 South Ie. ph dis lant I 'ef A enc Tel hone T rap 0., j \\ ut. 50S 12th Cole Lester, student, h 511 :'>J 2<1 Ie i, en 'h l ' ~ Ie . mo pai ,h '4 i\ h Cole R. Leslie, waiter, h 411) South Ie uel (' v\'. aite h 721 State Ie ter, ver 17:' Can on Coleburn Lizzie, cook Senate Hotel, h 512 South al Da 'd ho k r, h 1257 Walnut lem lem Ed d, hm h 1 \V ut Coleman Ellen, wid James. h 1421 :\larion Clem Ge e, p . ter. h "22 Harris lem Ge e \\' ress n 1 pen t, h orm burg Clem J. D ieI. rougher h 439 S 2d lem .len Mr dam ic Lo I Coleman Jesse, hostler, h 312 Blackberry


~ ::::Q




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CURK'S ::::I~I~ Drug and Patant Medicine StoreLs~~:~B..

20ff. Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory. 1908.





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Coleman John E., fireman, h 1515 Wallace Coleman John E., jr.,tlaborer, h 1515 Wallace Coleman John W., driver, h 129 Short Coleman Joseph, elk, h 1056 S Cameron Coleman Lizzie, cook, h 512 South al Coleman Patrick, rags, 1301 l\Jonroe, h do Coleman Peter, laborer. h 122:l Cumberland Coleman R. Emma, teacher, h 222 Harris Coleman Sarah ~Irs., h 222 Harris Coleman Sarah. teacher, h Hl56 S Cameron Coleman Thomas, h 105G S Cameron Coleman \VilIiam, h 104 Short Coleman William, laborer. h 432 S 2ci Coleman William E., laborer, h 432 S 2<1 Colestock Annie E .. seamstress. h :n:l Reil\' Colestock Carrie E., h 1237 Chestnut " Colestock Charles R., laborer, h 1:l14 \' ernoll . Colestock Edward R., machinist, h n02 N 7th Colestock Elizabeth B., wid Henry. h 21:l Reilv Colestock George, butcher. h 639 "Calder . Colestock George B., machinist, h 12a7 Chestnut Colestock Harriet E .. wid A. Ramsey. h 12:l7 Chestnut Colestock Harry A., hammer boy, h"1287 Chestnut Colestock Henry H., carpenter, h 21!l Reily
ftu. e ......nty and Sarety Co. {"dI,
-lkn-a.loD. PeaD&. -


1II.1...In.... EIlClIIII'I. 'ua~"" 1 IHI_ " 11 id II' .I~" kllII. If JI,lcI., 1,.... 'NlI_





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Colestock Jesse B., elk. h 1190 Bailey Colestock John \V., craneman, h 1~:!4 Swatara Colestcok l\Ian', h 1907 i\ 2d Colestock Sam~lel H., carpenter. h G3!1 Calder '-'::olestock \Villiam :\1., dk. 17 ~ ad, h \V ormleysburg Colgan Robert J., rodman P. R. R. pass depot, h 226 N 2d Call James. asst undertaker. h 517 Race Collier Allen R., buYer, !lIS .\Jarket. h 125 ~orth Collier Arthur D .. cook, h li:~ S Summit Collit:r Arthur D., jr.. cook. h In S Summit Collier George C, doubler, h t;uS Oxford Collier Jennie :\Irs., h 210 S Court ('oilier Lawson A . carpentt-r. h 1551 \'ernon Collier \\"arren n., elk, h ~li X lith Coilier Warren D . elk Dauphin Dept. Trust Co., h 811 X 6th Collier \YiIliam J .. ciyil eng-r, h l!n:t 1\ 2d Co!lin!!wood Rosetta. wit! \Yilliam. h G4:~ Schuylkill Collins Agnes, housekeeper. /iIl:1 Race Collins Annie :'.Irs., h ill:! East Collins Clarence R., fireman. h 2!1!) State COLLINS CO., (Edward S. Collins), wearing appare~


29 N 2d

Collins Dayi(1 \\" .. carpenter. h 1~1I(j Elizabeth Collins Edward ~ .. (Collins Co.), h Camp Hill

Redmond's Wagon Works} ~'::JdA'~'i;b~:~~~ .: 34 and Reily StS. Coogle

Digitized by


A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h:l~dr.::~

Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908. 207 COLLINS GEORGE, confectioner. 1323 Market, h 1 N 14th Collin!' Grant, laborer. h 1112 K 12th Collins Ira G., elk P. R R freight depot, h r 1400 Market Colline; James F., trackwalker, h 603 Race Collins James H., conductor, h 120 N 1~th Collins John H., engr, h 20~4 N 5th Collins ~largaret c., domestic, 1915 X Front Coliins }fargaret E., saleslady, 308 :\Jarket, h 1422 Walnut Coilins Mary E., wid Alexander. h 418 Crescent Collins :\1ary S. Mrs., charwoman, h 2:J9 State Collins Nellie, seamstress, h 702 East Collins Norah H. Mrs .. dressmkr, 2:19 State, h do Collins Parker, laborer, h 409 Kelker ColJins Plow Co., agrl implts, Howard ab Forrest Collins Rebecca, wid Thomas J .. h 1711 Fulton Collins Theresa, book folder, 10th bel Chestnut, h Steelton Collins Thomas, engr, h 731 State Collins Thomas. jr., laborer. h 731 State Collins Walter B., machinist, h 1702 N 5th Collins William c., hotel, 12!l S Hd. h do Collins William E., jr., fireman, h H26 S 20t Co!lins William W., brakeman. h lill Fulton Collis William 1\T.. fireman. h 1:J21 Penn

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Sayings and Loan Assn. {::=

!:: ~ =i

Colonial Life Insurance Co. of America, E. W. Cranmer, mgr, 16 N 2d Coloviras George J., (Reede & Coloviras). h The Central ("olsher John H., signalman, h 124 Verbeke Colsher S. Cameron, plumber, h 124 Verbeke Colsher William H., plumber. h 124 Verbeke Colston John W., driver, h 1822 Swatara Colt ~Iargaret, wid Alexander, h 21l1l North Columbia Coal Mining Co., \\T. P. :\Iaguire, rep, 14 S 2d Columbia Electric Co., Herman E. Snyder, mgr, 1918 N 6th COLUMBUS ANNEX, Maurice E. Russ, propr, 206 Walnut Comella Giuseppe, fruit, 131 S 2d, h do Comer John "V., waiter, h 129 Short Comfort John "V., mason. h 1617 Fulton COMFORT SHOE STORE, (M. & K. Seabold), 1312 Market COMMERCIAL BANK, 1222-1224 N 3d Commings Alfred B., cornicemkr, h 1635 N 3d Commings Burton E., elk, 14 N 4th, h do Commings Charles B., watchmkr, 14 N 4th, h do Commings Emma c., wid Charles R, h 668 Emerald Commings Fcank E., watchmkr, 14 N 4tih. h do Commings Harvey R, bar elk, h 1635 N 3d Commings Mary M., telephone apr, h 668 Emerald


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}"H M KELLEY a CO {I North ad Street. D. t . 10th aDd State 8ta.


Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908.



FAIR _ - - DRUGGIST C GORGAS} - _ .PRICED - - - - - U6 H. 3d St. --_._--

l&J l&J

Commings, see Cummings COMMONWEALTH (THE), Joseph A. Clement, propr, Market c S 2d " Commonwealth Beneficial Assn . J. A. :\Ieck, mgr, 5 N 2d Commonwealth Building and Loan A.ssn., J. T. \V. McLaughlin. sec, 18 X 3d Commonwealth Cigar Store. (Hutchison & Schell), 5 S 2d Commonwealth Knitting :\lills. J. H. Scharadin, mgr, underwear mfrs, 1S1!) Penn Commonwealth of Penna .. Dept. of Health, Tuberculosis Dispensary, ~o. 13. :W2 Locust COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., 222 Market see adv Comp Alfred L., elk, 219 :\Iarket, h 1213 do Comp Amos, flagman, h 303 Dauphin Comp Anna Y . domestic, 21)4 Forster Comp George W., flagman. h fi:!H Emerald Comp Harry B., carpenter. h !}:!f) Grand Comp Henry. h 20H6 N 5th Comp John A., postal elk. h 2120 X 6th Comp John W., contractor, h 4:!6 S 17th Comp Mina ::\Irs., h 1001 N" 3d Comp "Villiam C, electrician, h 2120 N 6th Compton Elmer F .. (Compton's Hardware Store), h 428 S 13th








Z 0<



Compton Emma F .. (Compton's Hardware Store), h 428 S 13th Compton's Hardware Store, (:\lrs. Martha J., Emma F., Elmer F. and John X. Compton), H. E. Garlin, mgr, hardware, :!:! X :!d Compton John ~., (Compton's Hardware Store), h 119 Sylvan ter Compton Martha J. ::\lr5., (Compton's Hardware Store), h 428 S 13th COMPTON WALTER, STEAM DYEING AND FRENCH CLEANING WORKS; branch office. 121 Market; main office and plant, 1006 N 3d, h do .. Compton, see Cumpton Condo Bertha. housekeeper. 727 State Condo Frank P., driver, h 2004 Wood Condran Daniel J., lather. h 503 Walnut Condran Elizabeth, wid HenrY, h 163 l\ 15th Conc1ran \Villiam C, salesman, 24 X 2d, h 1505 Vernon Condren l\lan', wid Edward, h 335 Reil\' Condren 'Villiam F., engr, h 335 ReilyCondren William G., fireman, h 428 Harris Coningsby Annie :\1. Mrs., h118 Washington Conklin Isaac X" fireman, h 1fl1:l Penn CONKLIN JOB J., lawyer, Calder bldg, 143 N 2d, h 238 North Conklin Martha E., wid Ezra \V., h 2H8 North


Boyd's Harrisbure; ( C) City Directory, 1908. 209 CONKLIN ROBERT S., commissioner forestry, Capitol, :,; h do Conkling John, U. S. immigrant inspector, h 1926 N 6th PI Conkling Ruth S., music teacher, 1926 N 6th, h do Conley James H., conductor, h 1321 Kittatinny Conley John A., fireman, h 1330 Penn Conn Bros., (W. L.), grocers, 43 S 13th, h do Conn Ella J., wid George S., h 43 S 13th Z Conn S. Robert, h 636 Briggs PI Conn \Varren L., brakeman, h 43 S 13th CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Chester Buck, genl agt, 35-36 Union Trust bldg see adv Connelly Annie, wid George, h 711 N 3d c;) Connelly Bridget c., tailoress, h 1709 N 3d Connelly Lillie, h 815 Green Connelly Myra, teacher, h 815 Green Connelly Rae E., nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do Connelly Sarah, wid William R. h 815 Green Connelly \Villiam E., elk Hbg. Trust Co., h 815 Green Conner Annie, domestic, 1815 N Front COon Conner Charles J., machinist, h 2338 N 6th :c Conner George "V., sergeant police, h 117 Hanna i Conner Ida M., tailoress, 334 l\Iarket, h 1513 N 5th S Conner Margaret, cook Commonwealth, h 1011 Berryhill






& BAKER} ~:5~t:,~-:"I.~~1E

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Conner Marv E., ~Irs., h 1R3 Vine Conner O. Fitzallan, shoemkr, 1510 K 6th, h 1513 N 5th Conner Pearl E., milliner. 614 X 3d, h 33~ Muench Conner Rebecca, cigarmkr. h 1066 S 9th Conner Sarah L., cook,.h 14211 Regina Conner Scott E., foreman blacksmith, h 236 Muench Conner Solomon L., laborer, h 1066 S 9th Conner William T., shoemkr, 1326-! X 3d, h 129 Linden Conner 'William c.. conductor. h i195 Bailev Connolly Lila H., stengr State Dept. Health: h Carlisle Connors James J .. mason. h 335 Dauphin Conover ('harles 1\1., grocer, 425 S 14th. h do Conover Curtis L.. grocer. 1729 N 4th, h do Conover Harry F .. draftsman. 204 :\1arket, h 18031 do Conrad Anna. wid Michael. h H31) Susquehanna Conrad Carrie l\irs . domestic, 713 State Conrad Chalmer E., brakeman, h 619 Kelker Conrad David H., checkman P. R R, h New Market Conrad Edward E., carpenter, h 410 Harris Conrad Edward F., fireman, h 1004 S Cameron Conrad George. brakeman, h 926 Penn Conrad George S . fireman. h 2452 J efferson Conrad Jesse E., salesman, 308 Market, h Camp Hill Conrad Joseph A., laborer, h 1304 Wallace Conrad Julia A., wid Oliver, h 1808 N 5th..

~ ~

~ ~

""= a


::::: ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g:p".~~ 210 Boyd's Harrisburg ~ ) City Directory, 1908.
Conrad Laura, elk. h 1i(Uf; X 5th Conrad Lillie ;\1., h 1U6 S Court Conrad Lottie S .. undertaker, 1~!) Verbeke, h do Conrad \\'alter Z., fireman, h 8:19 tiranite Conrad \VilIiam, car repairer, h 1123 Capital Conrad William A., porter \Vashington House, h do Conrad WiIliam C, engr. h 619 Kelker Conrad William E., engr. h 619 Kelker Conrad William H.. flagman, h 1II0~ Berryhill Conrad Winfield S .. peddler. h 926 Penn Consumers' Store So., Charles E. Hoerner, mgr, grocers,. 143 Hanna Consylman Frank J .. grocer, l101 1'\ 2d. h do. Consvlman Harvev A . machinist. h 2:106 Tefferson Consylman William. conductor, h 2806 Jefferson Consylman William C.. elk, 1117 ~ :M, h :!311fi Jefferson Convent of Mercy. 1\1aela\' c 5th Convis Edith. cigar roller. h :!~~7 Crescent Con vis Frank \V .. paperhanger, h 2:l7 Crescent Conway Tames. laborer. IT 1510 ~ 4th Conwa)' ~largaret P . domestic. 15 X Front Conway l\lary. housekeeper. 654 Cumberland Conway Michael. stoTekpr. h 654 Cumberland Conway :\lichael. jr. laborer. h 654 Cumberland Conway Thomas J., laborer, h 654 Cumberland

o THIIS.lrID" IDd S.rety o

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III l1li::


Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook

Abraham E., cigarmkr, h 308 Boas Albert T., fireman, h 2206 Logan Annie, elk, 5 X 3d, h 1204 Derry A. Wilson, h 1!)48 :'\ 4th Charles E . laborer, h t'JO Charles Charles E., plasterer, h :!laH Jefferson Clair W., elk, h 511 Cumberland Clara L., wid John, h :!:!8 Cranberry Clarence B., baker, h HI:!9 1\ 7th Curtis E . teacher, h 436 ~orth Edward W .. motorman, h 2149 Atlas Edwin C., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 20 S 13th Florence M .. stengr. ih 211 ~luenl';1 Frank L.. (L. \Y. Cook). h :~nt' :\Iarket Franklin E .. brakeman. h 211 :'IIuench George D .. (L. \V. Cook). h Camp Hill George F .. flagman. h HH \Yoodbine Grant \Y .. laborer, h 115H S Cameron Hannah B.. wid George. h fi:l7 Emerald Harrv H .. milk. 1204 Derr\". h <10 Harr)' W .. photographer, 11 (i(il Yerbeke Henr\". h 1123 Grel'n H. Oscar. flagman. h 2H18 X nth Ivie 1\1.; h 935 X 2(1 James, car repairer. 11 21:~9 Jefferson

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND j!!e~~t!~~~tf:r

t 8peclalt7 A B TACK rFrelleOlDtr Baku aBaddlDC_ faofPial.. Ttota {I.:. N.84 8t. l'abUo KltuaatellGina

Boyd's Harrisburg ( (;) City Directory, 1908.


Cook James 11., real estate, 1!3U7 )'Iarket, h do Cook J. Emory, foreman, h ():l5 ).lahantongo Cook John ~1., patternmkr, h :!046 Boas Cook John W., photographer, 215 Walnut, h 511 Cumberland Cook Joseph H., merchant tailor, 1001 1'\ 3d, h 935 N 2d Cook Joseph \\'., laborer, 'h 2149 Atlas COOK L. W., (Frank L. and George D. Cook and Edward L. Cowden), drygoods, carpets, cloaks and suits, 308 Market .cook Ma'hla, wid William B., h 211 :\Iuench .cook Mary A., teacher, h 1307 ).larket .cook Mary A., wid John W., nurse, h 1206 N 6th Cook Mervine A., buyer, 334)'Iarket, h 1428 Walnut Cook Raymond K., telegrapher, h 511 Cumberland Cook Raymond "Y., helper, h 15:19 Fulton Cook Richard M., catcher, h 194:l X 4th COOK ROBERT F., sec Merchants' Association and insurance,9 N 2d, h 1624 Wallace Cook Samuel W., h 1)41 Boyd . Cook Sarah T., wid 1. Elmer, h 436 North Cook Theodore \V., fireman, h 434 ~Iuench Cook Thomas S., policeman Capitol, h 130 State Cook Thomas T., traffic inspector, 212 Locust, h 1428 Walnut



Sayings and Loan Assn.{ :::=

~ Cook William W., plasterer, h 2139 Jefferson Cooke George S., (Harrisburg Shirt Co.), h 1308 Berryhill Q Cookley Rosa, domestic, h 16 Cowden n Cooley Shedrick, laborer, h 638 South " Coons George M., mgr, 15 N 2d, h 1937 N 2d Cooper Abraham, (J. Cooper & Son), h 123 N Cameron Cooper Albert, foreman \1\':. O. Hickok ~Ifg. Co., h 2352 N 6th Cooper Albert L., artificial legmkr, h 307 ~Iarket -Cooper Alex. S., elk Ins. Dept. Capitol, h 222 Chestnut COOPER ALFORD L., cigars and tobacco, 12159 Derry, h 332 S 16th Cooper Annie, domestic, 101 N Front Cooper Annie, seamstress, h 1710 Walnut Cooper Annie M., domestic, 327 Chestnut Cooper Caroline, domestic, 815 N 2d Cooper Catharine M., wid Charles A., h 1432 Regina Cooper Charles A. M., switchboard inspector, 210 Walnut, h 1432 Regina Cooper Charles E., dairyman, h 915 S 20l Cooper Oarence B., coachman, h 130 Cranberry Cooper Daniel B., stock boy, 318 :\larket, h 1710 Walnut Cooper David, (D. Cooper Co.), h 458 Cumberland Cooper David H., conductor, h 3:~9 S 16th

= <


Digitized by


H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OIllCeS, :o~erI':"~f~';1~{COAL AND WOOD




Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.




-I =-U) a:


o c:a:


Coopcr D. Co., (D. Cooper and S. Kerson), junk, 411 Verbeke . Cooper Dora, domestic, 407 N 5th Cooper Edward N., (E. No Cooper & Co.), h Camp Hill Cooper Elizabeth, cook, 217 Walnut, h 407 N 5th Cooper Ella M. Mrs., boarding, 222 Chestnut, h do COOPER E. N. & CO., (Edward N. and George P. Cooper), iron founders and machinists, 130 Short c South see adv Cooper Elsie, domestic, 407 N 5th Cooper George P .. (E. N. Cooper & Co.), h 203 Pine Cooper Gertrude, domestic, 514 South al Cooper Harry W., mgr, 307 Market, h 1343 ~orth Cooper James H., laborer, h 527 South Cooper James T., conductor, h 406 Forster Cooper J. Franklin, waiter, h 138 S 3d Cooper John F., laborer, h 525 Brown Cooper John M., brakeman, h 1709 N 4th Cooper John M., elk P. R R, h 406 Forster Cooper John \iV., laborer, h 525 Brown Cooper Joseph, machinist, h 124 Nagle Cooper Joseph, (J. Cooper & Son), h 123 N Cameron Cooper J. & Son, (A. and J.), junk, 43 N Cameron Cooper Mary, wid Samuel, h 339 S 16th Cooper "fary F., h 406 Forster

o -


Moses, elk, 324 Market, h 600 ~orth Nellie, forelady, h 1102 N 3d Ralph, waiter, h 507 North al Rebecca E., wid Jeremiah, h 1712 Penn Robert, laborer. h 124 Nagle Samuel c., mgr, 420 Market. h 23 S 4th Sarah G., wid Hugh W., h 931 K 6th Simon, horse dealer, h 600 Xorth Thomas. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Turner. butler, h 1610 Elm William H., horseshoer, h 1205 Market Adam D., h 1340 S 13th Amos, carpenter, 118 Mulberry, h do Carson, student, h 214 N 2d Daniel H., h 1510 Green

Cooper Cooper Cooper ; : Cooper 4( Cooper Q. Cooper Ie Cooper Q Cooper U Cooper ..J Cooper Cooper Q Coover U Coover Q Coover Z Coover






. . . ON AND ___ A.


Foundry and Machine"orks

Corner Short and South Sts.. Harrisburr, Pa. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA {1240 lIarkeUtre"
Digitized by


A. B. TACK =tt::':'~'te:~:!1Iall paper and IIntlOlSDIIdIlS I~l~\~~I~

Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908. 213
Coover Eo Hummel, timekpr, h 7Hl Green Coover Eliza, wid Solomon, h 259 Herr Coover Elsie E .. wid Dr. Eli H., h 207 Harris Coover Flora L., h 28 Evergreen Coover Frederick W., physicain, 214 N 2d, h do Coover George \V., elk Post Office, h Lemoyne Coover Harry Jo, h 1:110 Green COO\'er H. Ross, coroner and physician, 1623 N 6th, h do Coover John D., plu111ber, 412 Spring, h do Coover John W., laborer, h 111411 Herr Coover Joseph, bartender, h 1113 l\Iarket Coover :\Iargaret ~lrso, h :!Oi Harris Coover Sarah 1\1., saleslady, ~~;t4 }Iarket, h Mechanicsburg Coover Sarah R ~1rs., h 7111 Green Coover Seth, heater, h Ull S IIIth Coover S. Reeser. sale!'man, ut5 \Valnut, h 28 Evergreen Coover \\'illiam T., brakeman, h 134() S 13th Cope Adam, flagrnan, h H3:> Boyd Cope Edward :\1., fireman, h 633 Boyd Cope Jennie ~lrso, h 125 Evergreen Cope John T., laborer, h 1411 S 12th Cope Lenaes, policeman, h :n:-: Blackberry Coue l\larv L.. wid John, h 1411 S 12th Cope :\Ierio, snoemk'r, h 42U S Wth Cope William, drinr. 1217 l\ lith, h 1310 ::VIa pIe

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} "~~b~~:'~~K

Cope \ViIliam, heater, h 420 S 16th Cope William, heiper, h 63:3 Boyd Copeland Benjamin F., carpenter, h MiS S Cameron Copeland Benjamin F .. jr., hostler. h 454 S Cameron Copeland Harry F .. student, oil 1252 Derry Copeland Harvey R, hostler. h 1252 Derry Copeland Harvey R, jr., laborer. h 1354 Derry Copeland Samuel B . elk, h 1252 Derry




~ ~

- - - - - - - - ----

COPELIN OWEN M., city treasurer, Court House, h 111 Reily Copenhaver, see Koppen'haver Coplinky Abram, brakeman, h 118 Short Coplinky Joseph, upholsterer. oh 118 Short Coplinky Samuel, peddler, h 11:-: Short Coppersmith George W., elk. Hi45 1\ (;t11 , h do Corbett Annie. wid John Wo. h 8flH X Hjth Corbett Guy D .. elk. h ~O!l J:\ 16fh Corbett James T., laborer. h 1130 Wallace Corbett Wm. B., asst trainmaster P. R "'Ro, h 216 l\laelay Corbin Arthur. laborer. h 201 Kectarine Corbin Charles C, dairy lunch. 9 S ~ld, h <10 Corbin Jennie Mrso. h 4filll S Cameron Corbin Willis Go. elk. h 1741i Logan Corcoran Ann. wid Edward. h !117 Grand Corcoran Edward J .. laborer, h 1424 Hunter


MOl EY A VA NeED } IHI'M~~UyL~ {a:-N~ :=:.:u,:.!" 0 Coogle

Digitized by

McNEIL'S COUGH REMEDY}~r:!~~::I~~={ATb'~~

214 Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908. Corcoran John, blacksmith, h 928 Penn Corcoran Kate E., tailoress, h 91; Grand Corcoran \VilIiam, molder, h 917 Grand Cordas Milo, laborer, h 110!! Cowden Cordes Warren R, engr, h 1617 \Vallace Core George W., stengr, 16 N !!d, h :\liddletown Core John 'E., elk, 4th c 'Boyd, h 1813 Penn Corish William ]., engr, h 1269 S 9th Corish William J., jr., engr, h 1269 S 91'h Corkle Clyde L., car inspector, h 1256 State Corkle Elmer, laborer, h 129 Dock c:i Corkle Gerald F., brakeman, h 31 N 17th u Corkle John D., checkman P. R R, h 1607 Zarker Corkle I:.ottie Mrs., h 609 S Front c Corkle Louisa L., wid Charles, h 200i Mulberry -' Corkle William D., timekpr, h 329 Crescent Z Corkle Wm. H., asst stationmaster P. R R, h 31 N 17th C Carl Charles R, machinist, h 11 Evergreen U Carl Daniel B., confectioner, h 918 S !!lst I I: I.I..J Carl Eliabeth, cashier, 320 Market, h 334 Peffer IE Carl Frederick W., elk, h ~:~4 Peffer c Carl George V., blacksmith, 900 Market, h 11' Evergreen Carl John B., cashier Exchange Banking Co., h 384 Peffer Carl John H .. car inspector, h !l34 Peffer Carl Laura K., bookkpr, ~!l4 Market, h 1~14 Green



IE' Title Suulnty Ind Surety CO. IW~~f. {F,m:::t'!r-:.!.'::;.. {Tr!.~e::r.z... J Corl v., dressmkr, h 11 Evergreen


o J


Carl l:'riah \V., engr, h 1!l14 Green Carl William, elk P. R R. freight depot, h 1311 Green Cormany Charles W., bar elk. 601 Cumberland, h 1722 N ad . Cornelius Charles E., brakeman, h 539 :\Iaelay Cornelius John, brakeman, h 5:19 Maclay Cornelius John G., laborer, h 151!l \Vallace Cornelit,l' Kate R, wid Silas, h 1513 Wallace Cornelius Scott. conductor, h 5ag Maclay Cornell Catharine, saleslady, :l34 Market, h 1508 Wallace Cornell Lucinda, wid Smith, h 1508 Wallace Cornell Ruth, dressmkr, h 410 Walnut Cornl'll Warren W., elk, h 410 Walnut Cornell W. Edward, conductor, h 410 Walnut Cornman Charles S., engr, h 2155 Jefferson Cornman Clarence A., leverman P. R R., h 1192 Bailey Cornman Harvey L., coachman Luna1:ic Hospital. h do Cornman Parker E., leverman, h 1600 Market CORNMAN WILSON S., mgr Senate Hotel, h 111 S 3d Cornpropst Henry c.. fireman, h 444 l\Iuench Corn propst Irvin A .. laborer, h 2425 Reel Cornpropst Joseph E., driver, h 2425 Reel Corns Joseph \V., jeweler, h ~O Evergreen Cornwall Harry c., conductor, h 254 Verbeke

~c::~ s:~uc::&!

A DREW RED MON 0{3d Ind Rill, Sts. N

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Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.


Corpenning Reuben, brakeman, h 207 S 2d 1"1 Corp111an Winfield S., awnings, 1136 :'IIarket, h do Corporation Commercial Co., 1\Iilton 1\1. Lerner, pres, 9 N 2d -f Corpman J. Chester, laborer, h 922 S 20~ fJ) Corpman John H., helper, h 922 S 201 Corp111an L. Mabel, h 922 S 20! Corrigan John c., brakeman, h 628 Verbeke Corrigan Thomas, wrecker, h 1426 Naudain r Corsey Clinton, laborer, h 512 Brown Corse~' Elizabeth, wid Clinton, h 512 Brown Corsnitz ~athaniel P., laborer, h 1823 Briggs PI Corter Ossie, h 238 Cranberry av Cosgrove Jesse A., boilermkr, h 22 Union sq ~ Coslow Pearl F., It 334 Muench PI Coslow \Villiam H., porter P. R. R., h 3!U Muench Coss Benjamin F., brakeman, h 1333 Fulton Coss :'II. Roy, expressman, 401 Olestnut. h 1206 Penn Costello James c., machinist, h 612 Forster Cm:tello :\Iarv, wid Patrick, h 627 Forster >0 Costle~' Eliza"beth W., wid Byron J., It 307 S Front :0 Cottcnha111 Elizabeth, domestic. 119 S Front < Cottenham Stella, domestic, IV) Pine >0 COTTEREL DAVID W., bookseller and stationer, 7 N :0 2d, h 616 Oxford 0






Sayings and Loan


Cotterel Emma, wid John, h 616 Oxford :.Cotterel James K., photographer, 7 ~ 2d, h 436 Hummel n COTTEREL JOHN W., druggist, 1800 N 6th, h do Coulson Frank J., laborer, h 326 S River Coulter Belle 1., bunchmkr, h 126 Cherry Coulter Catharine S., It 1516 ~ 2d Coulter Clara E.. domestic, 408 Briggs Coulter Myrtle V., h 1831 Susquehanna Coulter William H.,' elk, h 126 O1erry COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, office, Court House Coup William M., flagman, h 648 Dauphin COURIER PUBLISHING CO., H. E. Smith, pres; J. P. McCollough, treas; Charles L. Rupp, sec, 320 Market see adv COURIER (THE), Courier Publishing Co., publishers, 320 Market see adv COURT HOUSE, Market c Court Courts Robert, laborer, h 1121 :\Tonroe Cover :\lonzo I., engr, h 2114 'Green Cover Bessie A., dressmkr, h Green c Calder Cover C. Earl. barber, h 27 N Linden Cover Edward "V., elevator opr, h 641 Harris Cover George W., elk, 5 N 2d, h Highspire

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H M KELLEY CIt CO'S -Blaek DlamoDd. wheD { lOtHlrl~" "11 ... P. I IlrIIl. 70a D-' .....


Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, UlOS .




c::a ..:






l&J -I


Cover Hugh A., blacksmith, h U!l3 Berryhill Cover Joseph C, bar elk, 4:31 ~larket, h 1113 do Cover Myron A., brakeman, h 277 Calder Covert Charles E., (Central Coal Co.), sec, 222 ~larket, h 202 State Cowan Benjamin F., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 21 Brady Cowan E. Romaine. elk. 5 S 3d, h 115 Washington Cowan J. Frank. elk, 4111 Chestnut. h 115 'Washington Covvan Robert S., elk, 32:1 \/' erh('ke, h 115 \\' ashington Cowden 'Eo Clilrk, civil engr. 222 }larket, h 1514 S 12th Cowden Edward L., (L. W. Cook). h 7111 :-J 6th Cowden Elbridge W., student, h 114 X :.M Cowden John W .. (Cowden & Co.). h ]46 1\ lath COWDEN MATTHEW B., civil engineer and city engineer, Trust bldg, 222 Market, h Herr see adv Cowden~lyrtle. h 1)25 X 6th Cowden Sarah E., h 2!l4 Harris Cowden Sarah E., wid Frederick H .. h 14H N 13th COWDEN & COMPANY, (J. W. and S. E.), sewer pipe and stoneware, P. R. R. and Cumberland Cowdrey Arthur, elk E. F. n. T. Co., h 1519 Allison Cowdre~ Arthur L.. toolmkr. h 1511) Allison Cowen "Benjamin F., elk. h 21 Brady Cowen John C, h 326 Kelker

2 _

C GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRU8GIST {16 N. 3d SI. l&J cox DANIEL W., (D. W. Cox & Co.)-:-p-re-s'Whit~-Oa-k
Coal Co., Manchester Shale Brick Co. and Harrisburg Masonic Temple Association, h 1013 N Front >- Cox D. Edward, brakeman. h 1237 X 7th z: COX D. W. & CO., wholesale coal, 222 Market : Cox Earl W., elk, 222 :\larket. h 1013 X Front Ie Cox Helen, bonnetmkr. h 1318 X 4th o Cox James A .. repairsman. h lS2!! Swatara U Cox Jane, wid Benjamin. h 121m Kittatinny ....1 Cox Katherine H . h 311i X Front < Cox Louis B., inspector P. R. R.. h !114 Cowden o Cox Martha S . artist. 11 X 2d. 11 1013 X Front U Cox ~lartin J.. switchman. h 21127 Penn Q Cox Rebecca H . 'h ani X Front

z: <



Civil Engineer' ....

= = = = AND SURVEYOR = = = =
OFFICE : Trust Company Building, 222 Market Street, HARRISBUR6, Pl .

L L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA {1240 Mlrketstrett

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B ft.. TACK}

EmploY' DODe bu! lI"t-cl ... workm('n. heDce onl], Jtnt. j 11118 dGleuGrtUld IDIureIlt. Work doue lD aDJ pan of i!latel N. ad8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg ( (;) City Directory, 1908.


Cox Roy G., asst treas Harrisburg Trust Co., sec and treas Penna. Surety Co. and treas Manchester Shale P1 Brick Co.,h 115 Pine (J) Cox Samuel J., helper, h 1847 Swatara Coxen Jonathan, laborer, h 314 S River -f Coxeter Henry, conductor, h 1418 Susquehanna Coxey \Villiam c., solicitor, h 331 S 15th 2 Coy Stewart E., laborer, h 10811 S Cameron f'1 Coyle Andrew L., oculist, 8 ~ 2d. h do Coyle Annie c., supervisor, 210 Walnut, h 308 S 2d ::0 Coyle Daniel, machinist, h 2HH Calder Coyle :Mary F., packer, h 308 S 2d Covle ;\liles, watchman P. R. R, h 308 S 2d ~ Coyle ~Iiles L., engr, It 2004 Green Coyman Jacob, conductor, h 634 Verbeke Cozzoli Caroline. student, h 1101 Market COZZOLI SEBASTIAN, Mount Pleasant Hotel, 1101 Market, h do Cozzoli Wil1i'am]., elk. HOI Market, h do ( J1 Cozzolli William, elk, h 29 N 10th Crab Sarah, seamstress, h ]208 K 6th Crabhe Anna E., h 251 Xorth Crabbe Charles F., plumber, 'h 116 S ::!d Crabbe George W., artist, h 116 S 2d Crabbe Louiic l'vI., teacher, h 191:? 1\ 3d



o .


Crabhe ~Iargaret, h 1200 Derry Crabbe Rachel c., ,,,it! Henry A., h 116 S 2d Crabbe Wellington, lahorer,"h 1143 S 9th Crabbe \Vendell P., elk, 627 \\"alnut, h 116 S 2d Craber Jacob, lahorer, h 1135 Wallace Craddick Elizabeth, wid Allen, h 931 Rose Craig Charles B., elk, h 527 Emerald Craig Charles E., signalman P. R R, h 626 Muench Craig Elizabeth ~I.. saleslady, 334 Market, h 216 N 14th Craig F. Stewart, elk, h 527 Emerald Craig George H., charman Capitol, h 818 James Craig George N., machinist, h 524 Filbert Craig James, laborer, h jll6 Korth al ~ CRAIG JAMES H., dep sec Internal Affairs, supt Bureau =' Railways, Capitol, h Hotel Russ Craig John T., laborer. h 549 Showers ' Craig John \V., conductor, h Hi:!2 Green Craig Kathryn, saleslady. 3!l4 ~Iarket. h 1515 Penn Craig Lettie, forelady, 221 :\::!d, h 1517 Walnut Craig Le\'i, hostler. h 11!1 S 3d Craig Louise ~L. domestic. 319 Chestnut Craig ~Iartha, charwoman, h 1213' :Monroe Craig :Martha T., h 216 ~ 14th Craig Pearl c., elk, 1408 Vernon. h ~U5 East Craig Richard H . laborer. h H;:lII Elm



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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }~:c*-':.t:s~:':{ 306 BrDa'


Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.

Craig \\" alter, student, h 1630 Elm Craig \Villiam D., laborer, h 527 Emerald Craig William K., fireman, h 40S ~luench Craig, see Krieg Craighead Bessie M., teacher High School, h 218 Forster ~ Craighead Charles c., treas, 1420 Wyeth, h Craighead Craighead Charles T., butler, h 10 S Court Craighead James W., waiter Senate Hotel, h 10 S Court Craighead William H., supt, 10 S Court, h do Craiglow Morris H., cfk, 413 Market, h 1123 Green Crain Talbot c., shearsman, h 114 Linden Crall Willis, foreman, h 59 N 10th Crall, see Croll, also Crull Cramer Alice Mrs., bookbinder, h 1832 N 7th Cramer Daniel H., foreman, h 628 Boas Cramer Harry \V., engr, h 628 'Boas Cramer Isabella, h 275 Calder Cramer Jennie, charwoman, h 275 Calder z Cramer John c., blacksmith, h 34 j'\ 15th CE Cramer, see Creamer, also Kramer U Cramp Edward A., laborer, h 2118 N 4th a:: Cramp Emma, housekeeper, 2118 X 4th 141 Cramp W., contractor, 2118 4th E Cramp Jacob W., chauffeur, h h2118 NK4th John c .J .JL Cramp Lillie, h 2118 X 4th _____

. -..-..

~~ Title SlarlDt, Ind Sare" CD.




--------------------------------------------CRAMPTON CHARLES H., physician, 427 State. h

431 do Crampton Rachel, charwoman, h S07 SlOth Crampton Upton H., driver, h 807 SlOth . Crane Albert L., carpenter Capitol, h 1530 Wallace Crane Benjamin F., engr, h 1617! j'\ 3d Crane David B., laborer, h 1404 Penn Crane Harry G., yardmaster P. R. R., It 333 Peffer Crane Helen E., teaC'her, h 333 Peffer Crane Henry B., elk Adjt. Genl Dept., h 719 N 6th Crane Irvin J., h 527 Muench Crane Mary K. Mrs., laundress, h 1404 Penn Crane Richard L., supplyman, h 527 Muench Crane Robert M., engr, h 634 Muench Crane Thomas D., engr, h 628 Boyd Crane William 1., dk, 622 Reily, h 1530 Wallace Cranford Forrest J., brakeman, h 637 Briggs Cranmer Earl ~I., mgr, 16 N 2d, It 1422 North Cranmer Emma L., stengr, 14 S 2d, h 1422 North Cranmer Sarah, h 205 Chestnut Cranston Georgia M., teacher, h 249 North Cranston Ida M. Mrs., It 249 North Cranston Vigor, cigars, 81'5! N 3d, h 249 Xorth Cratzer Bertha 'E., music teacher, 2036 Green, h do Cratzer Carrie, milliner, 334 Market, h 2036 Green

Ie:::::., fS~Ir=..: ~r;:- { ~~~%






REDMOND}.tt::~.:'ci ~~~g~ {3d and R811y Stl.

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A. B. TA IALL PIPER e:.~i!::'~ 1111101 SHADES {NO~:' 8t. eK}

Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908. 219
Cratzer Frank B., h :!036 Green Cratzer George W., mgr, 19 S 3d, h 1014 Green Craun Hiram K., salesman, h !!4 N 15th Craver Albert B., ice creammkr, h 153 Paxton Craver Caroline, wid John W., h 153 Paxton Craver Emen, roller, h 635 S Front Craver Flora" R, cigar roller, h 153 Paxton Craver Frances C, cigar roller, h 153 Paxton Craver John W., jr., leverman P. R. R, h 155 Paxton Craver :\Iary C. cigarmkr, h 153 Paxton Craver Ralph, upholsterer. h 153 Paxton Craver Ross, sign painter, h 153 Paxton Craver Sarah J., wid Augustus P., h 13:!7 Bartine Craver William 11., brakeman, h 71:! Showers Craver. see Kraber Crawford Albert B., stengr R M. S., P. O. bldg, h Mechanicsburg Crawford BenneviIle, shoemkr. :!] 19 Ellsworth, h do Crawford Bertrand. registermkr. h 1604 Zarker Crawford Charles, brakeman. h 609 Muench Crawford Charles E., fireman, h 448 S Il1th Crawford Charles V., actor, h 628 \Valnut Crawford Christopher F .. elk, 567 Race, h 710 do Crawford Ella .T., wid John, h 628 Walnut Crawford Frank D., grocer, 1904 State. h 113 ~ 17th

.:a::S:=-:'}Harrlsburg SaYings and Loan Assn.

,. :u < ,. U:= :u

Crawford Henry T., driver, h 634 Briggs Crawford Hiram S., switchman. h 11211 X 6th Crawford 'Irene 1I., h 640 \Val~ttt Crawford James H., h 1607 :Market Crawford John B., fireman, h 1713 N 5th N Crawford Leo E., shoemkr, h 2119 Elizabeth l> Crawford l\Iarion, shoemkr, ~Iulberry c Derry, h 39 N Summit J: Crawford Philip, laborer, h ]261 \,yall1ut l> Crawford Robert W., boilermkr. h 7111 Race Crawford Robert \V., jr .. elk P. R R frt depot, h 710 Race CRA WFORD SAMUEL M., M. D., medical examiner P. R. R. Voluntary Relief Dept., 413 Market, h 1607 ~ do VI Crawford William B., student, h 634 Briggs Crayton Edwin W., fireman, h 1610 Fulton , ~ Creamer Clara B. Mrs., dressmkr, 1064 S 9th, h do Creamer George H., laborer, h 1064 S 9th Creamer Herman, laborer, h 213 Cranberry Creamer, see Cramer, also Kramer Creek Clara, wid Cyrus, h 716 South Creek Samuel, bookbinder, h 716 South Creep Charles C, molder, h 181 N 15th Creep Harry B., fireman water works, h 181 N 15th Crego Curtis]., shoes, 3118 l\larket. h 821 Green




- 'OtTB Honeat Weicht Honeat Coal,MOTTO. - }

H M KELLEY & CD {101I.... 1I.leII,..' Idld .......

-= ..:
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Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.

= I
. ....

Crelier W. Harry, baker, h 412 Strawberry Creps Jacob A., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h 422 Mkt.

CRES'CENT LAUNDRY CO., Walter H. Cummings, pres and treas; B. Lindemuth, v-pres; R. Howard Cochran, sec, 28-34 N Cameron; branch office, 1406 Derry

..: Cressler Charles E .. cornicemkr, h 520 Dauphin Cressler Elva :\1., weaver, h :U1 Cumberland .... Cressler Henrietta, wid George \V., h 311 Cumberland ~ Cressler Myrtle V., cigar packer, h :U1 Cumberland _ Cressman John L., postal elk. h 342 S 13th Cresswell Dale Mrs . hairdresser, :~2 N 2d, h do Cresswell George :\1., student, h 211 Harris .!5 Cresswell Harry ~L, inspector P. S. Co., h 211 Harris ftI Cresswell Joseph F., elk P. S. Co., h 211 Harris Cretjak Samuel, laborer, h 1115 K 7th fI) Crew Richard, laborer, h 1403 X 4th


Crider John D., laborer, h 557 Camp ... Crider John W .. elk Banking Dept., Capitol. h :W4 N 2d Crider Joseph B.. drh'er, h 1631 X 4th c( Crider, see Kreider Crimmel William J., flagman, h 635 Schuylkill f- Cripple Charl:s __E.,~oi~~_JJ1k-,", h 322. H~n~~eI _


CRICHTON THOMAS A., Deputy Auditor General, Capitol, h 2223 N 3d



O' Cripple George W., N h o Cripple Sarah A.. C,barber, 25 H., 2d,322 \\' FairviewCo., h wid William h Huml1}el --- Crispen Clarence sec Central Pa. Automobile
>0 721 N 18th Z Crissy Emma H. Mrs., h 337 S 16th : : Crissy J. Forrest, fireman, h 331 S 16th E Crist Alice, wid \I\'illiam C, h 1006 Fox Crist Carrie, saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 427 S 17th U Crist Charles, fireman, h 22H Jefferson ...J Crist Charles W., bookkpr, 7th'c ~orth, h 212 Reily Crist Clara E., h 16~~0 Logan o Crist Cyrus B., laborer, h 1126 ~ Cameron ,u Crist Frank E., printer, 201 X 2d, h 340 Crescent _ Crist Frank H., master mechanic, Division nr 6th, h 2007 N 5th Z Crist George E., painter, h 421 S 17th Crist Harry, conductor, h 1506 Penn 1;11 Crist Harr.v c., conductor, h 60S Woodhine y _ Crist J. Edward, laborer, h 1030 Herr Q Crist Ylartha A., wid Louis E., h 151'5} X 4th 1;11 Crist :\1ary B., saleslady, 1206 N 3d, h 1314 do . . Crist Sadie A., salesladv, 2]5 Market. h 427 S 17th Crist Samuel C, helper: h 2:!:!1 Jefferson Crist l'riah S., shoemkr. :?14 Strawherry, h 510 Walnut :::: Crist William H., h :?217 Jeffermn





WOII '.0001101101 8hOdeS lrom A. B. TACK .J:~L


Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.

Criswell Andrew, (Gilbert & Criswell), h 111)8 Bailey Crisv,'ell Frank A. W., foreman, h 1914 X 5th Criswell Frank F., agt, h 817 East Criswell George M., carpenter, h 1198 Bailey Criswell J acoh H., carpenter, h 18 N 15th . Criswell James P., elk, h 4th c North Criswell J. LeRoy, machinist, h 522 Emerald Criswell John E., heater, h 551 Woodbine Criswell John L., machinist. h 522 Emerald Criswell John M., h 23 N Front Criswell Mabel c., saleslady. 406 ~larket, h 1198 Bailey Criswell Samuel F., h 817 East Criswell Samuel J., car repairer, h 218 l\ 14th Criswell Wilbur W., fireman, h 616 Woodbin~ CRITCHFIELD NORMAN B., sec Department of Agriculture, Capitol, h 1604 Green Critson Caroline, wid George, h 411 Cumberland Croft Bertha E., h HiM Market Croft William A .. expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 12~!l Derry Croll Eugene, bar elk, h 22 S 4th Croll F. Roy, draftsman, h 221 Peffer Croll, see Crall, also Crull Croman Jacob H., asst transfer elk R. :\1. S., P. R. R. Station. h Carlisle Cromer \Villiam. laborer, h 1002 S Cameron

Cromleigh George W .. foreman P. R. R.. h 532 Peffer Cromleigh John. lahorer. h 7112 East Cromleigh. see Crumlick Cromwell Harriet. wid James, h 1!l:{4 l\t:ayflower Crone AIda, domestic, 1540 \Valnut Crone Christian, hostler, h 1!l25 \Vyeth Crone Daniel S .. conductor, h 1!l:14 N 7th Crone Harriet, wid Charles. h um4 N 7th Crone :\larion 0., h 70;') North al Crone Phoehe :VIrs., h :ns Blackberrv Crone Sarah A. ::\lrs .. h 705 )J'orth al Cronican Edward, ins sol. 4 S 2d. h 1815 Derry Cronin David, laborer. h 109 Hanna Crook Arthur W .. rougher, h 1214 Mulberry Crook Charles E., laborer. h 2118 Turner Crook Clara M., cigar roller, h 707 Showers Crook Emma, cigarmkr, h 707 Showers Crook Ernest H., flagman, h 832 S Cameron Crook Harris. laborer. h 1:l46 S 13th Crook HelenA., h 2:l6 Harris Crook Herman. laborer. h 1114 S Cameron Crook John F., machinist, h 236 Harris Crook John H., molder, h 707 Showers Crook John W., laborer, h 313 Reily Crook Nellie, cigarmkr, h L146 S 13th

------------- -

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} "~~b~~-::'~~E ----


CLARK'S =:t~l~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store {s::;:~


Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.

~ ~

:w: Crook Susan ]., wid George \V., h 707 Showers


Crook Samuel, engr. h 920 S 9th Crook Tressa, opr. h 920 S 9th Crook \\'alter, laborer, h 1609 Susquehanna Crook William, laborer, h 1:348 S lath Crook William H., special police Capitol, h 1403 N 3d Crosby Harry L., agt, h 425 Forster Cmsbv Wi11iam L .. brakeman, h 912 Grand I Crosman J. Heron, jr., div mgr The Bell Telephone Co. of Penna .. h 115 S Front Cross Albert, installer,h 11 17 ~ 6th Cross Alexander C, painter, h 1117 ~ Gth Cross Blanche K, mi11iner. 'h 1117 ~ lith Cross Carl, elk Commonwealth Tru!'t Co., h 1117 N 6th Crossley Charles B., inspector, h 62:! Hamilton Crossley Chloe, silk winder, h 628 Herr Crossley David E., veterinarian, 1:n3 Fulton, h do Crossley John F., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Herr nr 6th Crossley Sarah A., wid John B., h 628 Herr Crosson Charles, brakeman, h 636 Reily Crosson Victor E .. brakeman, h 615 Emerald Crothers James H., bartende'r, 601 Cumberland, h 25 Sassafras Crothers Martha, wid Charles. h 713 State Crotty Edward, laborer. h 167 Paxton
Title GllIU'anty and Snre'y Co. {I..d.....I.!.I"..... Ene........."1.... { 1 .... "" - 8entnton. P~nn .. Tru.t... I'~ III .t~" kid, II J,clil IlIltl Tllit-.


o o

Crouse Amos H., h 1250 State Crouse Beryl, h 1250 State >0Crouse Charles W., h 1250 Statc W z: Crouse Guy E., car inspector. h 34:~ Harris C) Crouse Harry \V., elk E. F. B. T. Co., h a37 S 14th :IE Crouse ~Iay E., weaver, h ]250 State Crouse ?\I. Pear1, cigar packer. h 1250 State Crouse Susan B., packer, h 1::!50 State Crouse, see Krause. also Krouse Crow George \V., ele\'atorman, h 1ft 5 Court Crow Ruth E. ::\lrs., housekeeper, Z CROW WILMER, mgr The Star 1i19 Boas Co., 18 S 3d, h Printing e( 1512 Green Crowe Amanda L.. teacher. h 44G Cumberland -I Crowell Ida ~f., domestic. 27 Evergrecn Crowl Anna Y .. teacher, h 1i24 Boas Z Crowl Emma R ~lrs., telephone opr P. R R pass depot, e( h 325 Herr Crowl John A .. foreman. h G24 Boas _ Crowl Raymond D., laborer, h 1412 N 3d Crowl William F .. me!'scnger P. R R, 11 325 Herr Crowley ::\lcHenry, laborer. h 10 Cowden Crown Jacob S., car repairer, 'h 551i SlOth Crown ~Hg. Co .. Frank A. Peddicord. mgr, agrl implts, Howard ab Forre!'t


A. B. TACK} Wall Papor and Window Shades h:l~~~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908.
223 Crownover Harry 'c., messenger, h 1908 ~Ioltke Crownover ~lary ~lrs., h Home for the Friendless Crownover ~Iollie, h Home for the Friendless Crownover William D., laborer, h 11)08 ~loltke Crownshield B. Frank, brakeman, h 1608 X 6th Chownshield E. Grace, stengr, 17 N 3d, h lfj08 N 6th Crownshield Elizabeth A., wid Jeremiah. h 1608 N 6th Crownshield Horace E., grocer, 1:i32 X 6th, h do Crownshield Ross L., bookkpr Hbg. Trust Co., h 1608 X 6th Crownshield Sarah Mrs., h 440 X orth Croxton Charles H., elk P. R R pass depot, h 405 N 2d Crozier George M., (Wi x & Crozier), 11 1702 N 3d Crozier William B., elk, h 16 S Dewberrv Cruikshank Wm., watC'hmkr, 214 ~Iarket", h 1504 Green Crull Charles E., asst foreman P. R. R., h 252 Verbeke Crull Elwood X., helper, h 142li Green Crull Elwood R, engine inspector P. R R, h 611







= s: =

~ ~ ~

Crull Crull Crull Crull Crull Crull

Francis P., check man P. R R. h 3 S 13th Jacob M., elevatorman, 312 ~Iarket, h 304 North Jennie E., dressmkr. 'h 26!:l Cumberland John P., h 1402 Green ~Iargaret E., h 263 Cumberland Ross, laborer, h 116 Herr



l:;Rs:=-:nlHarrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. t::=

Crull Samuel H., check man P. R R, h 1244 Walnut Crull William M., h 2G3 Cumberland Crull, see Crall, also Croll, also Kroll Crum Catharine, h 1105 N 6th Crum Daniel, locksmith, 1 N 9th, h do Crum Daniel. jr., shoe finisher, h 1428 Derry Crum Franklin E., fireman, h 255:J N 6th Crum George W., h 20 Aberdeen Crum ~Iary, h 701 South Crum Reuben E., engr, h 1105 N 6th Crumley Harry H., molder, h 1321 James Crumlick Rosa :\Irs., housekeeper, '55!J S Front Crumlick, see Cromleigh Crummel James A., laborer, h 1527 Hunter Crummel Thomas, teamster, h 42(; 'Cranberry Crump 'Charlotte ~lrs., h 1118 Montgomery Crump William, cook The Lochiel Crumrine James, laborer, h 1720 Susquehanna Crutchley Daniel E., hooker, h 1418 S 13th Crutchley Henry, h 1418 S 13th Crutchley Henry, jr., helper, h 1418 S 13th Crutc'hley Josiah, helper, h 1418 S 13th Crutchley William, h 1339 S 12th Crysco Drug Co., C. R Keller, mgr, 153; N 6th Crystal Ice Cream ,Co., 1. :\1ayers. mgr, 1613 N 3d



The ".per __ aport.ft. Ne 'f"or

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M KELLEY a CO {I North ad ~ o. t . lOth and State 8&a.

IIi a


Boyd's Harrisburg ( C) City Directory, 1908.

_ :: E


fI) a: IIJ

.; :. --





(J Culp George A., machinist. h 1411) Market

Cuenot M. J rene. stengr State Dept. Health, h 2018 N 3d Ct1enot Paul A., mechanical engr, h 21118 X 3d Cuenot Willemer L.. draftsman, h 2018 N 3d Cuff Bessie, laundress Commonwealth, h 433 North al Cuff Tames, laborer, h 428 Herr Cuff 'Mary, laundress, h 433 North al Cuff Rebecca 1\'lrs., laundress, h 433 North al Cuff Rosamoncl. assistant, h 433 Xorth al Culbertson E. Viola, nurse, h 2216 N 6th Culhane Richarcl F., bar elk The Bolton, h Belle Vista Culhane Thomas P., f reman, h 154 Linden Culhane William, bar elk, 1108 Market, h 51 Balm Cullen George B., flagman, h 1430 Penn Cullmerry Clyde S., inseamer, h 1429 Derry Cnllmerry Cora E., forelady. h 142f1 Derry CULLMERRY GILBERT L., genl agent Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland, notary public, insurance and real estate, 222 Market, h 1429 Derry Cullmerry Harry G., machinist, h 1429 Derry CuIlmerrv Isaac D .. molder. h 1429 Derrv. Cullmerr\' Xellie Y., dressmkr, h 1429 Derrv Culp Annie, wid John C., h 112 Walnut . Culp Archie c., inspector, h 443 Harris Culp Charles, butcher, h 518 Filbert Culp Flora, nurse. h 1915 N 6th



-s: liE





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.... -

Culp Harry M., draftsman, h 409 S 13th Culp Heister c., butcher, h 1514 Susquehanna Culp Jennie E., saleslady, 308 ~Jarket, h 112 Walnut Culp Jennie L.. wicl Calvin P., h 40n S 13th CULP JOHN F., physician, 211 Locust, h 234 N 3d Culp John L., fireman. h 1226 Derry Culp l\oah, mailer, h 1Ii37 ;>\ 3d Culp, see Kulp Cumberland Edward, waiter Senate Hotel, h 236 N Court CUMBERLAND NEWS, Cumberland Pub. Co., publishers, 109-111 Market CUMBERLAND PUBLISHING CO., Ernest H. Greenwood, pres and genl mgr; Herbert S. Houck, v-pres; Addison M. Bowman, sec and treas, publishers, printers and designers, 109-111 Market see adv Cumberland Valle~' Milk Depot, J. J. Shaffner, mgr, 2112 Atlas Cumberland Valley R. R. Freight Station, ft S 3d Cumberland Valley R. R. Pass. Station, ft Chestnut, entrance, 4tH Market Cumberland Valley R. R. Waiting Room, 2d St. Station, 200 S 2d Cumbie Grace Mrs., restaurant, 1322 Market, h 4601 S Cameron


{1240 lIarkltstrllf
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to go about it. 'Phone UI and we will aend IOmeooe to us and we will abow you jUit how we do it.
Add..- Publclt)' Bureau

you want General Publicity? Publicity? Do Tbil "General Publicity Game" ilMUit you bave Generalbow jUit how our apec:ialty. We


you. Come and


Cmnhubmh JubU.1fin1J CO.



ID it ever occur to you that it would be to your advantage to bave a line apecially deaiped Letterhead diatinctive of your bUlineaa? Have you ever wanted lOme apec:ial deaip for Itreet car advertiling, a Label or Placard? Don't you bow that a little lIIulrrating will increae the value of your literature one bundred per cent.
Addrwa: Depert_t 01 DeIItnIq and EQravlq








Have you ever heard of


................. 1IcIIIr. at ...... PIIIICI . . IIIInI

Addreu: The Babbler


F you baven't and if you are an advertiaer it il your duty to youraelf to lind out IOmething about it.


Cmnhubmh Jub1i.~mlJ CO.



The Cumberland News

OVERS the entire lower end of Cumberland County. A aplendid medium lor Harri.burg Advertiaen.

The Board of Trade Journal


I s tbe publication of the




men of Harrilburg. It ilone of the beat medium. you c:an find. In jUltic:e to youraelf. find out lOmething about it.

..~. c.....1m JabU.~in.



..~. CIl1IlIrlw JabU.Jriq Co ........U...... ~

Digitized by


Conveys an Idea of Success
IfIiIE may never see the man _ himself. It's his LetterHead, his Envelope, his Business Card, Circulars or Catalog. We judge the man by that. tgyou wouldn't say a man was successful if he sent you a business letter on a piece of wrapping paper, now would you? tgWith our extensive facilities for producing Higb-Class work, we respectfully solicit your patronage and guarantee you will be judged aright.









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Boyd's Harrisburg (C ) City Directory, 1908. 225 Cumbler Arthur B., shipper, 19th c Naudain, h Steelton ::,; Cumbler ~Iel\'in B., treas Holcombe Mfg. Co., h 212 N 2d PI Cummings Alice Mrs., h 21)9 S 2d Cummings Alice M., bookkpr Courier, h 1440 Derry Cummings Carrie ~Irs., boarding, 618 N 3d, h do -I Cummings Charles E., Eagle House, 946 N 7th, h do Cummings Charles H., asst engr State Dept. Health, h 1:~0 1 Berryhill Z Cummings Homer H., machinist, h 228 Crescent PI Cummings Hubertis M., student, h 228 Crescent Cummings James, laborer, h 825 S Front Cummings James E., tobacconist, 808 N 3d, h do C Cummings James G., car repairer, h 618 N 3d G) Cummings Josephine M., teacher, h 228 Crescent Cummings Laura, milliner, 318 Market, h 317 Walnut Cummings Thomas R, flagman, h 528 Maclay Cummings \Valter H., pres and treas and storage, 34 N Cameron. h 13th c Howard Cummings \Villiam II .. machinehand, h 109 N Summit Cummings, see Commings c.n Cumpton Jacob E., waiter. h 145 Balm Cumpton ~Iabc1 )1., domestic, 145 Balm :.: Cumpton, see Compton 8 Cunkle Albert D .. caller P. R R, h 411 Herr Cunkle Alpheus D .. hricklayer, h 411 Herr

-< en




Cunkle Benjamin F., caller P. R R., h 612l Calder Cunkle Charles E .. driver. h 1420 Herr Cunkle Clara ?ll., h 910 N 2d Ctlnkle David L., h 9111 N 2d Cl1nkle Edgar 0., machinist, h 4()9 Herr Cunkle Elmer J., foreman F. and :\1. Works, h 1928 N 6th Cunkle Elva P., music teacher, 179 N 15th, h do Cunkle George T., brakeman, h 179 N 15th Cunkle George W., contract agt, 210 Walnut, h 814 N 3d Cunkle Harry K., letter carrier P.O., h ,,yormleysburg Cunkle Helen S., stengr, 11 411 Herr Cunkle Kate E. Mrs., h 1420 Herr Cl1nkle Leonard, jr., fireman, h 1815 Briggs Cunkle Leonard G., salesman, h 123 North Cunkle :'largaretta, h 12:~ Xorth Cunkle Paul F., laborer, h 1420 Herr Cunkle Samuel C., policeman, h 1435 Walnut Cunkle William E .. driver. h 1420 Herr CUNKLE WILLIAM S., marble and tile, 1133 Market, h 179 N 15th Ctlnkle, see Kunkle Cunningham Agnes ?II., weaver, h 700 State Cunningham AIda P. :\lrs., confectioner, 1507 N 6th, h do Cunningham Arthur B., laborer, h 1109 Montgomery Cunningham Felix, hotel, 137 N 4th, h do





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Cunningham George W . machinist, h 1H28 \'lood av Cunningham Henry Rev .. h 144 X IHth Cunningham James A .. laborer, h 119 S Cameron Cunningham Jesse E. B., asst Deputy Attorney General. ~ Capitol. h 511 N 2d :Ii Cunningham John. barber, 505 Filbert. h 7110 State ... Cunningham Lizzie. housekeeper. 7011 State Cunningham William :\l., machinist, h 1507 K 6th ,,;5 Cunningham \Villiam P., cashier P. R. R., h 1507 N 6ht i !~ Cupp Alice, wid :\Iilton, h 14fl!) Currant I tI Cuppett Frank. laborer. h :mG Cherry ~ Cupples Allen K .. h ] 230 N 7th 81! Cupples Charles H., salesman. h 12ao N 7th III Cupples Fanny ::\Irs . h 1113 ::\ 7th Cupples Frederick. pressman. h 111:{ N 7th Cupples George \V., conductor, h 12:m N 7th Cupples James T .. blacksmith, h lOut N 7th Cupples James W . cigarmkr. h HlII1 :\ 7th Cupples :Margaret. tobacco stripper. h 7211 Capital Cupples S. Harry. huckster. h 1:~24 ~1aple Cupples Stephen F., candymkr, h 1113 X 7th Cupples Stephen F . laborer, h 282 Vnion Cupples Stephen F .. jr .. candymkr. h 7211 Capital Cupples Susan. tobacco stripper. h 7211 Capital Cupples William G.. h 1113 X 7th


::::: ~:;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS -Zg:r"-~~

226 Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory, 1908.


o o z c o J

Till. alaranly and Surely CD ~::~ { --=~t:t:':~~~~~=

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Curlette William L.. plasterer. h 925 X ::Iii Curley Joseph F., pitman, h 1::124 S l::1th Curley William J. catcher. h ]322 S I:Hh Curnow David. supt, h 251 Forster Curns Henr\' F .. brakeman, h la:H Fulton Curns. ~ce Kearns. also Kerns Currancl Abram G .. elk, 212 :\Iarket. h till~ Xorth Currand E. HarrY, elk. 19 N 2d. h 511:'( ::\orth Currancl John E.; printer. h :){IS North Currand l\Iary A .. vestmkr. h 2(j:~ For~ter Curraml William T., machinist. h 2fiH Forster Curry Ada. elk Free Lib. Com .. Capitol. h Steeelton Currv Claude. laborer. h 12t:~ :\[onroe Curr~' Curtis C. watchman. h 1~:!(j HickorY Curr~' Edward. lahorer, h 112 Short . Curr}' John H .. eng-r, h llHi ~ ~d Curry }llle T. railroader, h tllli X :~d Cllrr,' Pearl: saleslad\', h 11 Hi X ~t1 Curr~ Rachel :\Irs .. charwoman. h 1::?1:~ :\lonroe Curtis Adam K . machinist. h lIi:lfi "\' (ith Curtis Anna B .. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Curtis Charles E .. jr.. hnstler. h 121:l \\'al1ace Curtis Fallll\,. domestic. ii12 nrO\\'I1 Curtis Florence. charwoman. h 414 South Curtis lHame C, housekeeper. 1604 N 6th

----------------------Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {!~tiz~~!y ~~Jkte

8peelal&7 AI 8I TACK ft Fre-m. Jlakea BllIldlDploof Tlo.. {d18 M.8d 8&. PDbUe PlaiD 1laUma_GlftII

Boyd's Harrisburg (If ) City Directory, 1908.


Curtis :\Iary C, wid Charles E .. h 121a Wallace Curtis Robert, waiter, h 127 Short Curtis Robert W., jr., laborer. h 11108 Fox Curtis William X .. blacksmith, h 16114 ~ 6th Curwin Elizabeth, wid Joseph 1'1., h 1n0 ~ 18th Cllrwin Harn' \Y., caller, h 21:1x X 7th Curwin James A., conductor, h :n:l8 X 7th Cusack Alice B., elk, 1015 X :-Jd, h 9ao James Cusack Caleb C, sol Patriot, h 93Cl James. Cusack Edward )., laborer, h 9:m James Cusack Mary, elk, h H:~II James Cushman Frank, grocer, 16:H Swatara, 11 1627 do Custer Mary, bonnetmkr, h 625 Forrest Custer :YIorris B., carpenter, h H25 Forrest eyr Philip, draftsman, h 1:~0 State Cyrus Albert, laborer, h 1W! Liberty Czerneski John, watchman Executive Dept., Capitol, h 441l S 15th

Dace G. Arthur, laborer, h 24 S 4th Dael'housen David, h 227 Herr Dagola Rosa, wid Alaya, h ali S River Dagostino Jiustino, shoemkr, 131 S 2d, h 142 do Dahl Margaret :\lrs., saleslady, 412 Market, h 416 Forster

.. ":II IF



> ~:~::}Harrlsburg Sayings and Loan Assn,{ ~= ~

n a

Dahr Henry H., laborer, h 1724 Logan Dailey Alice, bookfolder, h !l22 N 7th Dailey Edward, watchman, h 600 Showers Dailey John :YI., supt Mailing Div, P.O., h 425 Herr Dailey Joseph H., driver, h 1300 Mayflower Dailey Julia ),1., h 425 Herr Dailey Kate, wid Michael, h 425 Herr Dailey Margaret, folder, h 1)42 ~ 7th Dailey Margaret E., press feeder Courier, h Steelton Dailey Mary C, tel opr, 210 Walnut. h 942 N 7th Dailey Samuel F., machinist, h 1402 Vernon Dailey William H., laborer, h 1300 Mayflower Daily John H., boilermkr, h 428 Buckthorn Daily). Thomas, engr. h 819 Susquehanna Daily Patrick, laborer, h 819 Susquehanna Daily Samuel c., molder, h 333 Harris Daily, see Dailey, also Daley, also Daly Dainty Frederick c., engr, h 1945 Berryhill Dakin William L., elk, h 121 Cumberland Dale Grace, h 223 M ul'berry Dales Jo'hn, h 1309 :\Iarket Daley 'Cornelius, laborer, h 167 S Summit Daley Cornelius P., car inspector, h 167 S Summit Daley Michael A., plumber, h Hi7 S Summit Dall C. Reuben, laborer, It 1215 Fulton

= o

THE PAr .B I.~;t;gIe . 0


H. M. KELLEY & CO.}OIllCeS, :Dr:~:'~~f~r;r~{COAL AND WOOl)


Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908.

.". Daller Ottis J.. driver, It 306 Boyd :; Dalton William R, lineman, h 619 Delaware Daly Rachel Mrs., h 1324 ~Japle ~ Dandridge Jesse L., waiter Senate Hotel. h 3::l N 13th .: Dandridge Laura A . chiropodist, 33 N 13th, h do ~ Dangerfield Minnie Mrs., h 118 S 3d .: Dangerfield Wesley, steelwkr, h 500 South Daniel James, laborer, h 715 Xorth Daniel John E .. telegrapher P. R. R, h 1002 N 6t'h J:! Daniel Martin].,' butcher, h 330 Blackberry ;.;. Daniell John F., district genl agt, 21 N 3d. h 1229 N 2d u DANIELL SEWELL S., reporter Telegraph, h 1229 N 2d I: Daniels Charles H., leverman P. & R, h 409 S 19th 0;a Daniels Grace E., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 432 State Daniels Joanna, wid Lewis P., h 432 State (J) Daniels John S., conductor, h 1509 Wallace Daniels Laura M., stengr, 6t N 2d. h 1402 Market Daniels Rebecca, dressmkr, h 1917 Green Daniels Susan M., wic! Albert S . h 420 Harris I- Danlev Alice L., wic! Harrv H .. h 1138 S 9th Danner Bessie A, cigarmkr, h 902 S 20! c:( Danner Charles E., brakeman, h 31 X 11th ,., Danner Clayton, engr Islanc! Park Filter Plant, h 1609... Zarker





Danner Cora E., cigarmkr, h 902 S 20t Danner Edna A., h 902 S 20! Danner Eclward, adjuster, h i04 Dock Danner Edward G., laborer, h 902 S 20i Danner Elias, herbs, ]324 N 4th, h do Danner George .T., agt Pruc!ential Ins. Co., h 114 N 13th. Danner Harry, fruit, 1414 N 3d. h do Danner Harrv H., lineman, h 928 Grand Danner John"K., engr, h 646 Reily Danner Mervin; carpenter, h 722 X ]9th Danner Rose M., h 2000 Forster Dauner Roy C, elk, h 2000 Forster Danner Samuel R., carpenter, h 20110 Forster Danner William, laborer, h 2000 Forster Danner "'illiam F .. laborer. h 705! S Front Danowitz Samuel, pec!dler, h ]20 N 1IIth Danowitz Simon, laborer, h 120 N 10th W Dapp Edgar M., helper, h 1507 N 5th ~ Dapp Edward, flue cleaner, h 1840 Logan Q Dapp Frank A., moccasinmkr, h 424 Reilly W Dapp Gottlieb, ins sol, h 550 Camp .... Dapp Gustave A., student, h 550 Camp DAPP JOHN F., real estate, insurance and investmentsr Ii: 421 Verbeke, h 2317 N 3d Dapp John Martin, boots, 424 Reily, h do



A. B. TACK =,t:':'~e:~:~ loll poper ond Imdo" ShOd3S ~:11\~ a~lJl.

Boyd's Harrisburg \. D ) City Directory, 1908. 229
Dapp Louis G., blacbmith, h 1505 N 5th Dapp ~hry L., copyholder Patriot, h 424 Reily Dapp Ruth, student, h 2217 N 3d Dapp \\'i\Iiam A., elk, ]30R ~ 3d, h 550 Camp Darby Elmina, wid Frank, h 446 Cumberland Darby George "'., mech engr, h 253 Cumberland Darby Wayne L., actor, h 446 Cumberland Dare Albert Y., brakeman. h 1943 X 4th Dare Anson P., (E. n. Dare & Son), h ]5]n ~ 2d DARE BROS., (John E. and William H.). coal and wood, 1306 Market, 18th c Vernon and 1543 Vernon Dare Charles K .. paperhanger. ]217 Penn, h do Dare Cioyd E., laborer, h 19:~4 ~ 4th Dare Elizabeth. wid Elkannah 0., h 1735 ~ 6th Dare Emerv A., h 1!143 K 4th Dare Emer~' E .. caller, h 1f143 X 4th Dare Erasnius .1., g-rocer. 4:n Reily, h do DARE E. O. & SON, (Anson P. Dare, surviving partner), insurance, 19 N 3d Dare George \Y., laborer. h 2I2() Boas Dare John E .. (Dare Bros.). painter, 15:W Regina, h do Dare Joseph G., trucker. h 2120 Boas D1Ire .Joseph H., huckster. h 1821 Korth Dare ?lIar\" C. :\lrs .. h 1515 Penn Dare Ricl;anl L.. milk, 1442 :\larket, h do

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~-::'~~IC

Dare \VilIiam H., (Dare Bros.), h 145:l Vernon Dark J. Wesley, fireman, h 185() Xorth Darlington Delia. h 306 Cherry Darlington Elizabeth. win Thomas, h' 1185 Hailey Darlington Emerson E .. physician, 1837 N 6th, h do Darlington James H. Rev., D. D., 17 ~ Front Daron Addison P., laborer, h 591 Showers Daron Edward Rev., h 47 X 13th Daron Edward L., jeweler, h 1838 N 2d Daron William, printer, h 1313 Fulton Daro\\' Frederick \V., barber, 441 State, h do Darr Charles B., driver, h 926 Grand Darr Hp.nrietta, wid Henrv. h 3:n Clinton Darr Samuel A., car repai"rer. h 1147 Bailey Darrah A. John, machinist. h 5111 Calder Darrah George J., machinist. h ~111 Calder Darrah John A. 1., machinist, h 5i19 Korth Darrah Sue E .. housekeeper, h 5111 Calder Darrow Barnett, brickmkr, h 814 Cowden Darrow l\lo!'cs, tailor, h ~14 Cowden Darrow Rosa. cigar ro\1er. h R14 Cowden Da~e Amanda. wid Frederick, h Ht!G Green Da!'e Dora ;\ .. housekeeper. Hi:!(i (;reen Dase Jennie E., teacher. h lfi:!1i Green Dasher Anna ~I. E., wid John J., h 1!1fI7 X :!d

M0N A VA NeE 0 } 'II1:tc"~JyL~~ {8:-N~ :1:l:e:n~ E' 0

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McNEIL'S COUOH REMEDY }~r~!O~~::I~~"::!{Ai~~~~

230 Boyd's Harrisburg ( D ) City Directory, 1908.
Dasher Bertha E., bunchmkr, h 214 l\lulberry Dasher Catharine, wid Alexander, h 1004 X 15th Dasher Charles E., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 1i02 Market Dasher Edward R, elk C. I. and S. Co., h 1907 N 2d Dasher Harvey R. salesman. h 1514 Regina Dasher John .T., lineman, h 2:17 Cranberry Dasher Lily H., wid Frederick K., h 1702 ~larket Dasher Ruth, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1514 Regina Dasher Samuel F., elk, h 718 Capital Dashiell Julius T., dentist, 1404 K 6th, h do Datesman Ambrose, elk P. R. R, h 824 N 3d Daub David J., flagman, h 67 K 16th Daugherty Edward ].. bookbinder, h 1211 N Front Daugherty Frank H .. hostler,h 1925 Green Daugherty George F., carpenter, h 1211 N Front Daugherty George W., watchman Capitol, h 228 N 15th Daugherty Hamlet, h 1011 K 2d Daugherty Levan, engr, h 1016 Green Daugherty Lynn, collector, h 228 ~ 15th Daugherty :\1ary, h 1904 N 5th Daugherty Reil, assembler, h 623 N 15th Daugherty Thomas F., laborer. h 1831 X Cameron Daugherty William, hostler, h 1904 N 5th Daugherty \Villiam M.. yardmaster, Herr clOth, h 1904 :-.J 5th



ntl. Sua rilly lId Sirely GI. IC,\I:::I, {,.m:-.:,-:-:':' ::;.. hl!.~~=Z..
Daugherty. see Dougherty, also Doherty Daul Jacob, flagman. h 6i N 16th Daum Emma, student, h 1630 Wallace Daum Harry H., puddler, h 1401 S Cameron Damn :\-linnie, wid Charles ]., h 1630 Wallace Dauphin (The). Christian W. Hershey, propr, 309 Market Dauphin Automobile Garage, E. C. Hawthorn, mgr, 1336 Thompson Dauphin Cigar Co .. C. E. McCurdy. supt, 710 State Dauphin County Almshouse, S. H. Rutherford, steward, ~8th be, limits DAUPHIN" COUNTY LAW LIBRARY, David F. Young, librarian, Court House Dauphin County Prison, 223 Walnut Dauphin County Reporter, W. O. Foster, pub, 213 Walnut DAUPHIN DEPOSIT TRUST CO., William K. Alricks, pres; Donald McCormick, treas, 213 Market see adv DAUPHIN ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CO., John S. Musser, pres, 434 Market Dauphin Shoe Co., George 'B. Mumper, treas. 320 Market Davenport Florence Mrs., domestic. 814 N 2d Davidson Charles \V., carpenter. h 1536 Thompson Davidson Oyde S .. apprentice, h 1625 ~ 6th Davidson David E., car inspector, h 648 Verbeke


Z ttl II. 'J






lNDREW REDMONO{3d lid Google Balli Stat

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A. B. TACK} FIN~EC~~.!'II~~~,,~cl~~R { 1216 KOrth Tblnl8treel

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908. 231
Davidson Elizabeth )'lrs., grocer, 517 South, h do Davidson Jeremiah, laborer, h 703 State Davidson Kate, wid Henry, h 1185 Bailey Davidson :\terril 0., motorman, h 125 Sayford Davidson Ralph, upholsterer, 312 Market. h 13 N 5th Davidson Sepharious A., machinist, It 153fi N 4th Davidson Sepharious C, machinist, h 1625 ~ 6th Davidson William H., elk P. R R.. h 648 Verbeke Davidson William W.,- yardmaster P. R R, h 1512 N 6th Davies Anna E., wid Newton H., h 14:15 N 2d Davies David R., roller. h 114 X 2d DAVIES GUY H., lawyer, N 3d c Market, and chief clerk attorney general, Capitol, h 1017 N Front Davies J. \Vesley, plumber, Allison Hill Bank bldg, h 421 Forster Davies Mary E., stengr city elk's office, h 1415 Berryhill Davies ::\1ary E. Mrs., h 1618! Fulton Davies Lawrence, h 237 S 13th Davies Ralph C, messenger, 11 X 3d, h 1618! Fulton Davies Rawn V., elk 'C 1. and S. Co., h 1435 N 2d Davies William H .. elk P. R. R, h Penbrook Davies William H., ins agt. 8 N 2d. h Fairview Davies William V., elk :\Iechanics' Bank, h 214 Harris Davis Albert W., confectioner; h 1718 Green Davis Alva M .. h 115 N Summit



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Sayings and Loan



10 n

Davis Amos R., watchman P. R. R, h 1718 Logan Davis Amos R, jr., salesman, l"nion sq, h 335 S 14th Davis Benjamin F., motorman, h 115 ~ Summit Davis Benjamin F., jr., engr, h 114 Cumberland Davis Ressie, domestic, 413 Filbert Davis Carl "V., sec, Crescent c l\Julberry, h 1427 N Front Davis Catharine, domestic, 121 Short Davis Catharine A., wid John c., h 1aU5 N 3d Davis Charles A., sexton, h 1629 Logan Davis Charles C, elk P.O., h 1327 Green Davis Charles E., draftsman, h 1609 Market Davis Charles E., laborer, h 1229 S 12th Davis Charles E., watchman P. R Roo h 1219 Bailey Davis Charles H., steel inspector U. S. N., h 261 Peffer Davis Charles L., coatroom Commonwealth, h 639 Briggs Davis Charles M., machinist. h 1327 Green Davis Charles W., cigars, 1305 K 3d, h do Davis Charles W., hauling, h r 1Il28 State Davis Charles W., tallyman P. R R freight depot, h W Fairview . Davis Elizabeth, wid Harry. h HI S 3d Davis Ella C, h 1517 X 6th Davis Elsie, domestic, 1901 Green Davis Estella N., wid William J .. h 1723 Penn Davis Ethel M., skiver, h 1920 Kensington



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H M KELLEY Ilt CO'S -Black DiBmond8When{I!Olb'I.ld1.1.111. D. ....... yon nest order. I

Boyd's Harrisburg ( D) City Directory, 1908.


"'CD Davis Felix 1I., supt transportation C. P. T., h 1206~ Chestnut v.t c:: Davis Forrest, barber. h 41S South Da\'is Frerlerick H., trcas ami mgr, 7th c ~orth, h Fort ~ HU11ter a ~ Davis George, laborer, h 7111 Race ..: Davis George A., bookbinder, h :!5 S 4th ~ Davis George E., mgT, 1316 ~ 3d, h mil Driggs Davis George H., boilermkr, h ]330 :'IIaple Davis George J., elk. h 1718 Logan Davis George W .. machinist. h 112 S ::?d Davis Glenn P., machinist, h ]!l3n },ensington Davis Hamilton A., pressman. h Hi::?!) Logan :: Davis Harrv B., laborer, h 415 Pear Davis Harr)' E., machinist, h 21138 N 4th Davis Harry R., stage hanel, 12 S 2d. h 1206 Chestnut -Ii Davis Harrv S., (Davis & Harg-est), h 306 :'IIuench Davis Harr,' W., machinist. h 13:!3 Xorth ;;; Davis Harr)' W., linotype opr Telegraph, h 1718 Green UI Davis Harvev, laborer, h l:!lH Fulton Davis Henn'- W . laborer. h 1::?1I4 X Cameron bJ Davis hraei, sara tog-a l'bip~, 17311 Logan, h do -I Davis James. laborer, h 42fi T\orth al c( Davis James A., lahorer, h 1ilH ~Ionr()e bJ D3\'is James G" boilermkr. h 1:!11~\\~_~~c-=-- ________ .





bJ Davis Tames W .. laborer, h 741 S :!H

Davis "lane }Jrs., cook. h 503 Xorth:11 Davis ). Carter, engr. h f):!:') Reily Da\'is Jennie c. }lrs .. h 1~18 N 3d Davis )cremiah. boilermkr. h lHHII }faple Da\,is John. elk :\ucl. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h Xew Cum-berland Davis Tohn. fireman, h 445 S 14th Davis John A., postal elk, It 13:!4 Kittatinny Da\is John E., boilermkr. h l:{3U l\Iaple Davis John H., brakeman, h 517 }[aelay Davis John H., waiter. h 4:!6 Cranberry Da\'is John X., barber, r ::?:!:! Market. h 418 South Davis John W .. brakeman.h 1~16 Wood Davis John \Y .. mason, h :120 Curtin Davis Joseph, ma~ter mechanic P. R. R., h 404 North Davis Kate, cig-ar packer. h 12!1 Hoerner Davis Kate L.. press feeder Independent, h 816 Cowden Davis Lena G., nurse. :!fI1 N Front Da\'is Linlleas }I., cli!,patcher. h 204 X 2<1 D:lVis :\larg-aret. domestic, 413 Filbert Davis l\lark T., laborer. h 1113 Bartine Davis Mary A., wid Harry, h 4:!6 Cranberry Davis Morris, laborer, h 270 Calder Davi!' Paxton W .. repair!'man. h 19:!O Kensington


{1240 lIarketStre'"
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Emplon ba$llIt-clUl worltmeD.beDceODlY . . . 1818 A B TACK} cltui . . .lIGIleIDIareIlt. Worlt done In part of Scate { N.8d8&. aDd

Boyd's Harrisburg (1) ) City Directory, 1908.


Davis R. David. fireman, h 411 :\iarket Davis Reuben, charman Capitol, h 125 Liberty Davis Royal M., laborer. h nr Paxton bridge Davis Samuel S., bar elk, 1237 N 7th, h do Davis Samuel W., laborer, h 1941 Kensington Davis Sarah E., elk, 23 X 3d. h 100 Evergreen Davis Serena E. ~Irs., h 1517 N 6th Davis Theodore. electrician, h ] 12 S 2d Davis Thomas, laborer, h 1621 Apricot Davis W. Albrecht, elk, h 112 S 2d Davis Walter E., machinist. h 15:14 N 5th Davis William, laborer, h 638 South Davis William, laborer, h 6::?6 Primrose Davis William C, hostler. h 302 :\iuench Davis \ViIliam C, trucker, h 1948 Derry Davis William J., roller. h 520 Curtin Davis W. Wally, supt, h 117 Pine DA VIS & HARGEST, (Harry S. Davis and Jefferson S. Hargest), livery, &c., 302 Muench Davisson WiIIb.m M., machinist. h 13 N 13th Dawson Cordelia, wid John L., h 418 Reily Dawson Ernest, h 824 Paxton Dawson Herbert, laborer, h 1531 Vernon Dawson William, elk Banking Dept .. Capitol, h 804 N 6th Day Christian H., gents' furnishings, 1630 N 6th, h do




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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b:i-:-:'~~IE

Dav David, conductor, h 4 S 4th Da). Freder~ck W., engr, h 609 S Front Day Frederick \V., jr., craneman, h 609 S Front Day Lizzie J., wid Harry C, h 1630 N 6th Day ~Iary ~L, bunchmkr, h 609 S Front Day Robert, brakeman, h 811 N 6th Dayd Harry W., plumber, h 554 Primrose Dayhoff Harry L., engr, h 325 Hummel Daylor Gertrude, waitress, 334 Market, h Steelton Dazely William. elk, 6t N 2d, h Pen brook Deab!er l'vlaria, wid George. h 1338 N 7th DEACON GEORGE P., dist mgr Remington Typewriter Co., 5 S 3d, h 1932 N 3d Deal Charles. engr, h 1206 Bailey D.eal George W .. engr, h 2]08 N 6th Deal Reuben. fireman The Lochiel, h do Dean Albert C, stengr P. R. R. depot. h 418 S 15th Dean Benjamin F., inspector. h 1411 Monroe Dean Charles \V., engr., 11 614 \Viconisco Dean Edward, driver, h 1411 Monroe Dean Eldridge E., painter, h 819 James Dean Emma, domestic. 910 N 2d Dean Erastus F., watchman, h 2(13 S Front Dean George A.. laborer, h 2034 Berryhill Dean Harrison L., \vatchman. h 902 Cowden



McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }~::rJ.r:~:.::{ 306 Brol~

! =


Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908.



Dean Harry, engr. h 45 Lochiel 4th row Dean Ira P., painter, h 202 State Dean James R.. shoemkr, h 1411 Monroe Dean James \V., meat, 1255 Mulberry, h do Dean Jessie V., bunchmkr, h 819 James Dean Jobn A., laborer, h n05 Herr Dean Joseph F., blacksmith, h 9a3 N 2d Dean Katherine, teacher, h Ha3 N 2d Dean La\vrencc, h 622 North Dean l\]argarct M., dressmkr, h 622 North Dean Mary. wid Christian. h 126 Mulberry Dean Mary A .. wid John H., h 622 North Dean Noel, machinist. h 126 Mulberry Dean Rosa 1\frs., dressmkr, 220 Locust, h do Dean Samuel T., waiter, h 313 Blackberry Dean Sarah A. Mrs., h 1228 Bartine Dean Thomas, driver, h 135 Indian Dean \Varren N., laborer, h 1228 Bartine Dean, see Deen, also Doehne Deaner Charles L., laborer, h 2010 N 6th Deaner Samuel E., conductor, h 2010 N 6th Deardorf Bruce S .. postal elk, h 1505 State Dearclorf Edgar, motorman, h 1401 North Deardorf Irwin, furniture repairer, :n S 2d, h Camp Hill Deardorf John F., postal elk, h 142 N 13th

~:;) Tltl. SaarlDly I.~ Surety C

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1.1 UI

Deardorff Lewis, brakeman, h 2448 Jefferson Deardorff Rebecca Mrs., h 271 Hamilton Dearing Alexander, laborer, h 414 \-Vest Dearing Ellwood, artist. h 414 West Dearing Ernest, charman Capitol, h 7 Haehnlen Deavor John F., laborer, h 2030 Susquehanna DeCarlton Lillie H., dressmkr, h 221 Briggs DeCarlton Margaret H., dressmkr, h 221 Briggs DeCarlton Sarah. wid Lewis, h 221 Briggs Decevee Alice K., wid Edwin ]., h 607 N 2d DECEVEE EDWIN J., conservatory of music, 607 N 2d, h do Dechant George A., agt, 429 S 2d, 11 117 Was'hington Dechant Jacob 'W., foreman, h 201 Muench Deckard Percy E., M. D., asst medical examiner P. R. R. V oluntary Relief Dept., 413 IVlarket, h do Decker Jacob, broker, h 43 N 1'3th DECKER SARAH A. MRS., ice cream, 1937 N 6th, h do Deckman Frank B., laborer, h 29 Lochiel 3d row Decorsey Neal, hostler, h 821 Susquehanna Deeds Joseph, peddler. h 1113 Derry Deem Sophia. wid Charles. h 428 State Theen 'Carl K.. sec and treas \Vitman-Schwarz Co., h 'Camp Hill Deen Darwin c., elk P. R. R. depot, h 430 Boas

A. B. TACK} IALL PAPER e:!:~:! 111001 SHADES {N.~:a II&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908. 23.5 Deen D. Edwin, elk, 61i Walnut, h 430 Boas Deen Ira J., painter, h 2122 N 6th Deen John C, draftsman, h 2231 Jefferson Deen .:\lyrtle L., milliner, h 2122 I\ 6th Deen Robert A., engr. h 2122 I\ 6th Deen, see Dean, also Doehne Deering Archie, laborer, h 163 Indian Dees Kate, wid Edward B., h 18 Aberdeen Deeter Edmund .:'.'1.. elk, 2t14 Walnut, 'h Mechanicsburg Deeter Frank E., salesman, 11t1 Market, h 137 Hoerner Deeter George E., elock repairer, h 139 Hoerner' Deeter J. :\ewton, (Edmund Mather & Co.), h 204 Walnut Defibaugh George A., trucker P. R. R. freight depot, h Camp Hill DeGrant John, draftsman. h 1723 Green DeGrant \Villiam L... h 172'5 K 3d DeGraw George 0., grocer, 119 5 2d, h do DeHart 'Clarence E., salesman, 407 Market, h 1023 5 211 DeHart 'Clyde B., machinist, h 822 5 Cameron DeHart Edwin, h 1603 Thompson DeHart Edwin E., nailer, 'h 818 5 Cameron DeHart Elmer E., grocer, 501 Muencb. h do DeHart Grafton F., bartender. 501 .:'.1arket. h 10!) Linden

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DeHart Howard, 1249 :Market DeHart John W., nailer, h 822 5 'Cameron DeHart Luetta, stengr, 212 Locust, h l!)a:~ N 4th DeHart Milton R., engr, h 1933 N 4th DeHart :\Iorris \V., student, h 501 :\1 uench DeHart Myrtle V., h 1933 N 4th DeHart Paul :VI., stengr, h 193:1 N 4th DeHart William E., heater, h 31S 5 2d DeHart \Villiam F., nailer, h 818 S Cameron DeHart William T., molder, h 83() S Cameron DeHaven E. Jennie, candymkr, h 2;)2 Liberty DeHaven Esther M., charwoman, h 252 Libertv DeHaven George P., patternmkr, h 407 Kelker" DeHaven Isabella, h 109 50uth DeHaven 5arah G., wid Frederick, h 922 Green DeHaven Wm. A., bookkpr, 323 Verbeke, h Camp Hill DeHaven William H., wopd turner, h 252 Liberty DeHaven William W., h 252 Liberty Dehner Albitine, housekeeper, 910 Capital Dehner George, h 1910 Capital Dehner Otto. brewmaster, 320 Forster, h 910 Capital DeHuff Daniel, watchman State Dept., Capitol, h York Deibler Annie E. Mrs., h 323 Hav Deibler Archelaus E .. elk P. R. R:. h 509 Curtin Deibler Bertha M., seamstress, h 323 Hay

SaYings and Loan Alln. U:= l> (Harrisburg Auto Tire Repair Co.), h ::D

,. o ,.




Iti!:! ~yeJogle

OVR MOTTO. - } BOD' Ooal, HOD.e' W.lch'

H M KELLEY 011. {II...... 'IBII'''"' P. CO I lert.,d .......


Boyd's Harrisburg (n) City Directory, 1908.

.", I: ~



_ -

~ fI)




.- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d St. Z Deitch Celia, dome~tic, 600 N 3d


Deibler James :VI., steelwkr, h no Disbrow Deibler John, carpenter, 410 Strawberry Deichert Harry, postal elk, h 341 Crescent Deihl Catharine, wid Samuel B., h 5~ N 10th Deihl D. Leslie, elk, h 114 N 2d Deihl George A., farmer, h 1528 Regina Deihl John D., detective, h 919 Penn Deihl R Irving, teller East End Bank, h ~7th c Derry Deihl, see Diehl Deiker George W., bookkpr, 6 S 2d, h 1310 State Deikei John S., packer, h 903 S 20! Deiker Marie E., wid John P., h 1431 Derry Deimler Philip H., painter, h 1615 Penn Deimler Priscilla M., wid Hiram E., h 1136 Christian Ddmler Richard R, painter, 1830 Derry, h do Deimler Walter \V., messenger P. R R frt depot, h 1615 Penn Deininger James C, elk sec Comwlth., h 800 N 18th Deiseroth Edward L., ironwkr, h 549 Race Deiseroth ~lartin C, roller: h 94~ Paxton Deiseroth Mary C, cigarmkr, h n42 Paxton Deisroth George \\'., ironwkr, h 141 Hanna Deiss Anna E., bookkpr, 10th c State, h 920 N 2d Deiss William, druggist, 4th c Walnut, h 920 N 2d Deitch Annie, cleaner, h 618 i\ 3ci

o o

Deitch Florence, wewer, h 618 N 3d Deitrich Walter L., teacher, h 1150 Market Deitz, see Deets, also Dietz Deitzel Della 1.. weaver, h 824 Tames Deitzel Emma C Mrs .. h 824 james Deitzler Amanda, wid Philip l\i., h 30 S Cameron De Laney Edward R, flagman. h 1001 N 3d Delaney George B., potter. h 843 Cumberland Delaney James G., c1k. h 26(1 Cumberland Delaney James K.. c1k sec Comwlth., h 417 Briggs DELANEY JOHN C., chief factory inspector, Capitol, h500N3d Delaney John M .. teller Hbg. Trust Co., h 1527 N 2d DeLap Wilber A .. asst transfer elk R. ~f. S., h 1611 Chestnut Delaughter \Villiam. hostler, h.512 Brown DELAWARE MERCANTILE CO., (Harvard C. Zacharias), collections and export agents, room 26 Harrisburg National Bank bldg, 14 S 2d DeIl TsabeIIa. wid Henry. h 1~7 S 3d Dell Tohn A., brakeman. h 2017 Elizaheth Dell \Yilliam H., foreman Gas Co., h 127 S 3d DeIla~elva Rafaello, cook. 4~7 :'Ifarket. h do Deller Oarence E .. mess Miller Bros. & Baker, h 523 Race

I. L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOR {1240 M.rketStre.t

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Y~Ub~~::~':.:= 1011 PIIDIl ODd IIDdOl8bodes lrom A.

B. TACK 1:~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (D ) City Directory, 1908.

Deller (;eorge, steam fitter, h 5::!3 Race Deller John, (John Deller & Son, h 521 Race Deller John & Son, (John F.), steam and hot water heating, ~Iary c River Deller John F., (John Deller & Son), h 521 Race Deller :\1innie c., dressmkr, h 523 Race Dellinger Andrew 5., train dispr P. R. R., h 1817 N 2d Dellinger Caroline, binder, h 1851 Berryhill Dellinger Emma l\Irs., janitress, h 1iO~ Fulton Dellinger Henry K., coachmkr. h 1851 Berryhill Dellinger John S., mgr, h 3:~2 Hamilton Dellinger Lyman A., painter, h 3:1::! Hamilton Dellinger :Margaret, stripper. h 1851 Berryhill Dellinger Ralph, printer, h 1851 Berryhill Dellinger Valier, telephone opr, 210 '''alnut, h Enola ..Dellone Andrew J., lineman, h 111H Cowden (D Dellone Beretta, salesladv. 412 ~Iarket. h 11111 Cowden C Dellone Joseph :VI.. h !t~il X :~d Dellone Louis, h H2U ~ ~ld Dellone Louis S., elk, h !I2f1 ?\ :ld CA. Dellone Lucetta, cigar roller, h 11111 Cowden Delmotte Harry D .. di\' supt. :na Walnut, h i13 N 2d DeLong John A., steel plate printer, h 406 Hummel Delp .-\llen K.. bookkpr. 26 Grate. h :W-l N 2d Delshon Jacob. laborer. h 1221 Fulton

:s .... :s

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~J;.~~1I:

DeLuca Frank, bar elk. 217 :Vlarket. h 1518 Regina. Delvev Arthur X., salesman. h 1!11i X 2d Demain Edw. R., local forecaster weather bureau, P. O. bldg, h :lll~ X 211 Demay Oscar W., shoemkr. h Hi:!1 Walnut Demay Sarah A., wid David B.. h 1524 Regina Deming John H., con(iuctor. h 5117 l\ll1ench Demma Antonio, bar elk. 523 State. h do Demma Frank, fruit. h 523 State Demma Joseph, h 52!l State DEMMING BENJAMIN W., chief clerk Adjutant General's Dept., Capitol, h 1152 Mulberry DEMMING HENRY C. COL., geologist, mineralo~ist and chemist, 15 and 17 N 3d (3d and 4th floors), h 1152 Mulberry Demming Viola M., teacher, h 1152 Mulberry Denlmy David S., postal elk. h 1639 Market Demmy Edward F . inspeC.tor, h 17 S 18th Demmy Isaac N .. elk. h 17 5 18th Demmy John c., laborer, h 1208 Bailey Demmy John L., laborer, h 2255 Jefferson Demmy Kate A., h 1621 Park . Demmv Lavina, dressmkr, h 255 Cumberland Democratic State Headquarters, 1 S Sd De:\foss Benjamin F., helper, h 1211 S 9th

~ o ~








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CLARK' S:::,~" Drug and Patent Medicine Store {s::}:::t:lJ"

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908.
Dempsey Bridget A., wid Andrew, h 607 North Dempsey Catharine, cigarmkr, h li07 North Dempsey James A., ironwkr. h 529 Cowden Dempsey John, laborer, h 607 North Dempsey Peter 11., ironwkr, h fi07 North Dempsey Thomas A .. laborer, h 502 Cowden Demus ~1arguerite E. l\[rs .. h 40 S Court Demus Myrtle V., charwoman. h 40 S Court Demus Vi'ola G .. charwoman. h 40 S Court Demuth George' F., machinist, h 917 Capital Demuth Kaomi E., domestic, 2~n Boas DENEHEY WILLIAM P., jeweler, 206 Market, h 107 Reily . DENEHEY WILLIAM R, chief clerk P. R R" h 1423 N Front Dengler Clarence. check man P. R. R.. h Oberlin Dengler George I., brakeman, h 121 Vine Denk Harry. plasterer. h 618 Wiconisco Denk John H., plasterer, h 618 Wiconisco Denk Rov. bricklayer. h 618 Wiconisco Denlinger D. Earl: fireman. h 1!l42 North Dennee Alexander W., barber. 506 :Market, h 100 N 10th Dennev Clifton S., roller, h 427 Hummel Denney Washington I., machinist. h 1200 Derry Dennin Aloysius B .. plumber, h 1407 William ------'l'lt.le GaaraDt7 and Saret7 Co. { ...... '~.III.IrI"'. Eue.'...........H. { 1 ....'"' -BwantoD, Penna. TI'M~ .11 .'MI .I~. If 1......1 1,..11 Tra'""


De1V1in Anna B., h 1407 William Dennin Bernard J., driver, h 14117 William Dennin Edward L., cigarmkr, h 1407 William Dennis Charles H., janitor, hUla Regina Dennis Frank, water cress. h 2025 Green Dennis Gertrude. nurse, h 1715 N 2d Dennis Percy E., baker, h 141:l Regina Dennison C Stuart, elk Dept. Public Grounds and Build.(,) ings, h 118 South DeNOON ELMER E., hotel, 314 Verbeke, h do Dent Fannie B.. domestic. 1111< Christie's ct c( Dent James E., houseman. h 108 Christie's ct Dent James M., hellbov. h W~ Christie's ct Dent William, laborer:h 21ti Prune .J Deppen Irwin E .. elk, 18111 K 6th. h 521 Kelker Deppen's Pretzel Co., (S. R. Deppen and Mrs. L. K. Z Jacoby), Lilac nr Seneca c( Deppen Samuel R.. (Peppen's Pretzel Co.), h Lebanon (,) Deppen William H .. elk. h 427 l\[uench DePuy O. Frederick, brakeman. h 415 Cumberland DePuy Pearson \V .. machini~t. h 52~ ;\orth I&J DePuy Thomas E., patternmkr. h li'i30 ~ 6th Derflinger Ada. attendant Lunatic Hospital h do Derick Benjamin F .. fireman. h li:{:\ \\"oodhi;1e c( Derick Christian C. janitor, h G:l2 Delaware


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Redmond's Wagon Works }~':.'AdA':.tb~:~:: {3d and Reily StS. Coogle

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A. 'B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Sbades h:l~dr.::~

Bo,d's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908. 239
Derick Gamaliel, draftsman, h 12:~ Balm Derick Harry :\1., car inspector, h 52n~ :\Iaclay Derick Israel Rev .. h 12:i Balm Derick Joseph :\1. H., car inspector. h !'i:U) l\laclay Derick l\lcCtirdy. hrakeman, h 52H Maclay Derick Samuel H., flagman, h Ha9 Woodbine Derick Samuel H . foreman. h 529 Maclav Derick Thomas W .. hrakeman, It 1):1:1 \Voodbine Derickson John c., helper, h 1211l :\Julherry Derickson William W .. baggagemaster. h 156 Sylvan ter Derkees :\largaret J. wid John. h 10a Washington Derousse Thomas W .. bookkpr State Treasury, h do Derr Anthony L., ticket examiner P. R. R., h 2'24 Forster Derr John \V . fireman. h 12(~ Fulton Derr L10vd F,. brakeman. h l~lli Fulton Derry Block, apartments. 22:1-22Z'i S 14th Derry Coal and Coke Co . A. S. :\IcCreath. sec, 121 Mkt Derstine George H .. dispatcher. h 122~ ~ fith DeSantis Gennarino. s-hoemkr, 1:11l \'ine, h 215 S 2d Deshler David A .. engr. h 1041 S Hth DeShong James B., mgr. Wut X :M. h do Deshong John c., engr. h 1421 X lith Deshong :\Iary E., wid Edward A . h IGOx X 4th Deskins Catharine :\lrs., h r 11:111 X Front Desmond James F .. elk State Treasury. h 1'12 'Capital


Sayings and Loan Assn. U:= :c


Despota George E., laborer, 11 (Wi Calder Detemer :\largaret. domestic. 41t! Driggs Detrow Harry. flagman.h n07 Cumherland Dettling Amos. steclwkr. h 111111 Hemlock Dettling Clayton S .. molder, h 521' Emerald Dettling Edward, painter. 'h 1Il1:~ S 1IIth Dettling Elmer. driver, h 1R52 ~orth Dettling Harry, painter. Im:l S Il1th, 11 do Dettling John, elk. h 5li4 Showers Dettling Joseph. lahorer. h lfi7 Paxton Dettling Levi. molder, h 1~52 North Dettling :\lary, nurse Hbg. Hospital. h do Dettling Peter, carpenter. h 1~52 ~orth Dettling Sarah. h HlOl Hemlock Detweiler Bertha. wid :\leade D .. h 2:l S Front Detweiler Samuel. fireman. h421 State Detwiler George Rev., h lfi27 Swatara Detwiler William E .. grocer, 27 S l:hh, h 50 N 13th Detz George A .. ins agt. 9 S 2d, h 1:109 N 3d Detz George B., elk. 211R Locust. h lfi14 N 3d Detz Sebastian, machinist, h 915 S 19th Deutsch Samuel T c1k. 4HO Verbeke. h 42:1 do Devan Elizabeth"M rs .. h 1411 X 4th Devan \Villiam. coachman. h 232 N' 'Court Devany Thomas, shoemkr. h 40fl Strawberry

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T h _ ~_p_r ",or Sportlft8 N_~.

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H M KELLEY &CO {I North ad Street. 10th and !jtate . . .

~ DeYenney Samuel 0 .. brakeman, h 429 Korth



Boyd's Harrisburg (n) City Directory, 1908.

DeVenney John C, physician, 111;:; i\ 2d, h do


l&J ..J



l&J l&J

Devine Agnes, wid Patrick, h 615 Herr Devine Agnes C, stengr, 36 N 3d, h 61;) Herr Devine Elizabeth, forelady silk mill, h 615 Herr Devine James B., machinist, h 110 Linden Devine C, h 615 Herr Devine ;V!ary, picker, h 615 Herr Devine Thomas J., fireman, h 615 Herr Devine Thomas J., foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 3 S 18th Devine \ViIliam, helper, h 1 Lochiel 1st row Devlin John, engr, h 128 Hoyer Devor Harry c., grocer, 224 Kelker, h do Devor Marv S., wid Edwin. h 1926 N 6th Devore George S., blacksmith, h 2011 Penn DeVout Anson S., mgr, h 1220 Chestnut DeVout Bartholomew B., mechanic, 334 Market, h 208 Hummel DeVout Carrie L., elk, 8]3 Market, h 208 Hummel DeWald Rose C, stengr Dept.Int. Affairs, h 226 State DeWalt Elmer, laborer, h 942 S 19th Oe\VaJt Harvey E., mgr rnited Ice and Coal Co., h 120 Calder DeWees Eugene, flagman, h 1706 N 3d DeWees J. Milton, elevator opr, h 2]8 Verbeke


Dewhirst Abrallam]., cigarmkr, h 211 North Dewhrist Anna E .. stcngr Hbg. Trust Co .. 'h 107 South Dewhirst Elizabeth A., wid Stephen, h 107 South Dewhirst Lucinda, wid Abraham, h 617 Boas De'Vitt George A., fireman, h 826 N 3d Diamond Chemical Co., C. R. Wells, mgr, 1802 N 4th Dibeler George \V., conductor. h 1i24 Harris Dibeler Demas H., engr, h HI31 N 4th Dibeler Grace, h 1!1:U N 4th Dibeler Pearl, h 1931 N 4th Dibeler Perc,", coremkr, h 407 Woodbine Dice Charles A .. motorman, h 705 N 18th Dice Jennie, wid George, h 705 N 18th Dice John, carpenter, h 45 N 13th Dice Wesley J., air inspector, h 62() Dauphin Dice \VilIiam C, machinist, h 142]~ Regina Dick John L., h lW Mulberry Dick Marie, wid George, h 1409 Vernon Dick Nancy. h 1185 Bailey Dick ~ellie M., sorter, h 1409 Vernon Dick Regina C, h 116 Mulberry Dickel Lewis G., engr, h 628 Muench Dickert Charles S., motorman, 'h 311 Crescent

(,) Dewey Edwin C, elk Ami. Genl"s Dept., 'Capitol, h )Jew Cumberland

1 L. S1. CLAIR {TAl LO R {1240 "ark.t Str...

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Boyd's Harrisburg ())) City Directory, 1908.

Dickert Edythe, telephone opr, 11 311 Crescent Dickert Harry B., dining rooms, 113 Market, 11 do Dickert Marion A., telephone opr, 210 'Walnut, h 311 Crescent Dickert Paul S., elk, h 311 Crescent Dickey Annie, cigar roller, h 112 Vine Dickey Chas. A., weighmstr C. I. and S. Co., h 566 Race Dickey Charles F., laborer, h 1122 Cumberland Dickey Clarence, baker, h 311 Forster Dickey Edward T .. huckster, h 427 'Cumberland Dickey Esther M., opr, h 311 Hamilton Dickey George, cigarmkr, h 589 Showers Dickey Harry A., elk P. R R pass depot, h 427 Cumber~d


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Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey Dickey

Harry A., laborer, h 1120 Cumberland Harry L., shipper, h 1309 S Cameron Henry H., machinist, h 427 Cumberland Howard W., gardener, h 1409 Monroe Jdhn L., painter, h 170 N 15th John L., shearsman, h 112 Vine :\Iary J., wid Samuel, h 112 Vine Maude S., bunchmkr, h 112 Vine Robert M., molder, h :311 Hamilton Ross R, elk P. R R, h 315 Hamilton

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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~J;.~~1I: :,

Dickey Roy E., electrician, h 427 Cumberland Dickey William, laborer, h 714 Showers Dickinson Bayard c., elk State Dept. Health, 11 1520 State Dickinson I. Birkitt, (Coble Monumental Works), h 513 N 13th . Dickinson J. Edward, physician, 228 N 2d, h do Dickman 1~heodore, boatbldr, 'h 1308 N Front Dickson Alexander M., molder, h 1282 S Cameron Dickson Margaret, roller, h 1282 S Cameron Dickson William ~L, molder, h 1282 S Cameron Dickson, see Dixon Diederich Harry F., barber, h 129 S Cameron Dieffenbach William S., brakeman, h 1620 Chestnut DIEHL CLARK E., mgr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. and supt Fire Alarm and Police Patrol T.Iegraph, h 225 Briggs Diehl David L., (Whittaker & Diehl) and (Ferro Concrete Co.), h 114 N 2d Diehl Edward c., brakeman, 11 634 Delaware Diehl John A., machinist, h 1912 Susquehana Diehl Luther S., engr, h 1803 Green Diehl M. Ethel. cashier, 7! N 3d, h 225 Briggs Diehl Sevilla, wid Jackson, h 1528 Walnut Diehl, see Deihl Diener John M., conductor, h 1240 Kittatinny _: ;;



jNDEPENDENT LOAn AND SECURITY CO. llA~W {S."~:':!~~ I~~ .. Coogle

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bu g ( Ci y Directory, 1908.

yd' Har

N P E G . , . weI an pt an, 8 rk h 1 6 do see adv Diener Phili h In'J Derf\' D er obe E., lac {st, 11 Z er DIETRICH ALBERT B., confectioner and caterer 1015


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mill: 11111 III:


N h 13 Dietrich Hertha F., saleslady. :nn Market. h :~42 S 13th I)" riel Ha I F stt nt. 10 ?\ D . ric Harn G . )arber. h .!H ~ Cameron Dietrich H enil;!n timekeeper. h t:!!} S Camero D riel fa :\fr h S m n Dietrich 1\fary G., cigarmkr. h I:!!l S Cameron I)' riel Wa r E mg 2111 a( 11 (; n Dietrich WaIter L., elk, hI!) Walnut, h 1150 :Ylarket Dietterich H Roy lect i 'iat l!HI . Gr 1\\' I. h 19 nr rn Dietz Frederick S., postal elk. h 2i X l~th D z H ry pr B. Sh ) S e l h rk Dietz \ Irgima. domestic. 1412 X :!d rr z. s" De <;. a D ' z n zler ar _ (-;.. eva rm . C pItol, 1 Le )anon llifalaci Rocco, laborer. h 11 ~ Ann al D nd er nn H fire n. Hi au n Diffenderfer Carrie T wid \Villiam H., h 1ill Green .. D' nd er - arl . r.., ac' ist. lIil \\'a ce


Title 6Dlrlot; lod Surety CD,lcra.I~. { ...~.~cs",~:~ 'Dr.E~~"''', }~;.~"

Diffenderfer Clarence E .. laborer. h 1 ill Green D'ff nd' fer F an - \V.. mp mk h:!'- Pl r D ntl er J or,., L., ac .mith, 1 1. .l 1 enn Diffenderfer Georj~'e T .. helper h t:l'):! Sll<;qllehanna nal ~.. III I . t <; ( 1 DI nd er h Steel toil D nd er illi Hob, oni l~ (;1 n, I 0 Diggs Albert. laborer. h 120:~ :YIonroe Di s 01rl \Va' r.1 -11 \" rti I DI An . I ndr. s. I W. C dl'l Dill (;eorge W .. brakeman, h -In:~ N ith f) Ha '.-\ .,ec hg. an arc 0.. . I 10 ig Dill I r\,111 Woo (1. \Y. Dill Carriage and ,\utomobilc \Vorks llH ar' Hlr Rul r T e \\ ks re -en I P A II lOb e Co .. h : Cn.scen ~-- ~--~- - -----


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( N 4(, Mark S eet Ele Ie tom 'Ies N W

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Boyd's Harrisburg ( lJ) City Directory, 1908.


DILL I. W. CARRIAGE AND AUTOMOBILE WORKS, (I. W. Dill), carriages and automobiles, Mulberry nr Crescent Dill Thomas J .. sand flatter, h 16ao Fulton Dill William, draftsman. h 204 ~ :!d Dill William F., carpenter. h l!W:~ X 7th Dillen Erasmus D .. conductor. h 645 Verbeke Diller Abbie, shoe opr, h 5 r\ 13th Diller Annie Luzette. wid Benjamin P . h 1131 :-\ lith Diller Benjamin E .. elk. 4111 Chestnut, h Shiremanstown Diller Han'ey E., ins agt. If) K 2d. h Dillsburg Diller Xewton W .. engr. h 1615 Green Diller Rov S., elk P. R.'R.. h 1615 Green Dillman Joseph. craneman. h 204 S 2d Dillon Addie I., dres!'mkr, 1221 S Hth. h do Dillon Charl( s A . roller, h 1221 S Hth Dillon Edward ]., cooper. h 1221 S !lth Dillon Lir.coln. polisher. h 25 S 1I)th Dillsworth Fannie. wid :'.'larshall. h 514 Korth al Dimartino :'I'lichael. fruit. 142 S 2d, h do DlIne Saving Receipt Co., (Doorly & Co.), trading stamps, 215 Chestnut DIME SAVINGS FUND, James Mc'Cormick, treas, 223 Market Dime1er John H., laborer, h 9 r\ Cameron


Sayings and Loan Alsn.{


Dimeler Priscilla, wid Hiram, h U:{6 Christian Dimeler \Villiam. motorman, h 9 X Cameron Dimitor Conefl'. pipe bender. h 1116 X 'Cameron Dimm Annie. cigar packer. h 442 Cumberland Dil11m Lewis G .. contractor, 346 Muench. h clo Dimnl Lottie, seamstress. h 50H Cumberland DimJ11 :'.Iaud. dressmkr, h 50ll Cumberland Dimm Ralph M . elk. h ltilR ;"larket Dimm Roy C .. fireman. h 121:{ ~ 7th DimJ11 Sarah A .. wid SaJ.11Uel T . h 161R :\larket Dimm T. Benton, repairsman, h 5118 \Voodbine Dinelli Charles J .. janitor. h 3:m Strawberry Dinger Anna. wid George. h 1418 Penn Dinger Annie. !'aleslady, 1300 I\ ad, h 1510 Penn Dinger Annie 1\1., dressmkr, h 321 Chestnut Dinger Annie M., wid John G., h 321 Chestnut Dinger Frederick W., bricklayer, h 1224 N Front Dinger George, bricklayer, h 1510 Penn Dinger George B.. engr, h 1510 Penn Dinger James B.. bricklayer, h 1:~32 N Front Dinger James F., hostler, h 15111 Penn Dinger John A .. planer, h 321 Chestnut Dinger John H .. bricklayer, h 112 Verbeke Dink William, iaborer, h 125:l Centre al Dinsmore Annie B., housekeeper. 212 1\ :ld

THE PAT ~ IyO~gIe Iligl'\d '-JL'

H. M. KELLEY &CO.}OIllCeS, :.~.~~~.~:~~{COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908.







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DINTAMAN ARLANDA P., boats, &c., 1122 N Front, . h do see adv Dintaman Charles c., carpenter, h 1122 ~ Front Dintaman Edith ~I., music teacher, h 1122 K Front Dintaman Frank S., salesman, 120 Market, h 9 N 13th Dintaman Harvey, bartender, h 1214 Cowden Dintaman John, driver, h 2018 Elizabeth Dintaman Joseph, engr, h 1122 N 6th Dipner Charles D ., elk, 224 Hamilton, h 207 Kelker Dipner l'.laude, h 207 Kelker DIRECTORS OF THE POOR, Court House DIRECTORY OFFICE, (BOYP'S), room 7, 26 N 3d Directory for Nnrses, A. i\J. K. Lantz, pres, 121 S 2d Disbrow Charles A., pres. 17th c Derry; mgr Hbg. Shoe :\lg. Co., h 1815 ~ Front Dishion Rufus L., laborer, 'h 1319 ),Iaple Di~ney Benjamin F., laborer, h 111 Ann al Di!'sillger Daniel \1.. flagman, h 2017 Penn Dissinger Edward W., flagman, h 2158 )J 7th Di!'singer Jos. :\f., telegrapher P. R. R., h 6211 Delaware Ditlow Blanche, shoe fitter. h H7 Dishrow Ditlow John B., engr, h 120 Chestnut Ditlow Lizzie. domestic, 124 \Valnut Ditlow Maggie, wid David. h 97 Disbrow Ditmer George, h 2348 N 6th

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Ditmer Harry G., car repairer, h 2:330 X 6th Ditmer Jacob \V ., machini!'t, h 148a Walnut Ditmer John H .. cngr, h 1721 N 7th Ditmer \\'iIliam H., painter, h 131H Penn Dittv D. Estella, weaver, h :!:!5 :\[ ulberrv Ditt~ \ViIliam \\'., laborer. h 632 BoYd' Ditz'el Charles, cooper, h 241 Cresce;lt
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A. B. TACK ~~t~~e:~~~1 loll PODer ond IIndow snodes ~=1~\~ aCJI~

Boyd's Harrisburg ( J) City Directory, 1908. 245
Ditzel Charles, jr., helper, h 241 Crescent Ditzel George A., butcher, h :?41 Crescent Ditzler Bertha Mrs., h :?84 ("nion Ditzler Jacob F., engr, h 826 ?.; 3d Divel Frederick \V., It 917 S 201 Divel George M., brakeman, h 1604 Logan Divel Joseph H., laborer, h Hll S 20! Divel Samuel, laborer, h 144f1 Regina Divel Thomas G., conductor, h 1449 Regina Divelev David 1\1., laborer, h 12119 N Cameron Divele~' Isabella. wid William C, h 1131 N Cameron Divelev William W .. laborer, h 1131 N Cameron Diven 'Edward B., elk Dept. lnt. Affairs, h :?1 S 3d Diven Tames R., h il6 Capital Diven ) oseph A., car inspector, h 1516 Hunter Diven Mary E .. stengr, r :?()(} N 2d, h 1003 S 9th Dives Josiah, (Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart), h Reading. Pa. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, (Josiah Dives and George S. Pomeroy), "Great Department Stores," 332 to 340 Market and 2 to 12 N 4th Dixon Georgiana, charwoman, h 1406 Marion Dixon Henry S., watchman. 6 S 2d, h 138 S 3d Dixon Hiram E., waiter, h fi38 Briggs Dixon Tames, laborer. h r ll:lO N Front Dixon James, bellman, h 6:18 Briggs

Dixon Jeremiah H., carpenter, h 612 Granite Dixon Marshall, barber, 512 Market, h 4 Aberdeen Dixon Minnie, seamstress, It 4 Aberdeen Dixon Rachel, wid Westley, h 1513 Penn Dixon Reuben, laborer, h 157 Indian Dixon Robert, laborer, h 17:?6 \Valnut Dixon Robert W., floor finisher Capitol, h 418 Market DIXON SAMUEL G., M. D., commissioner of health, Capitol, h Harrisburg Club Dixon William, laborer, h 638 Briggs Dixon \Villiam H., laborer,h 175 Indian Dixon vVilliam T., lahorer, h 1917 Logan Dixon, see Dickson Doan Edgar, puddler, h IS:l:i Swatara Doan George, bricklayer, h :!fl1 Liberty Doan Samuel V., puddler, h 1828 Swatara Doan Samuel V., jr., cooper, h 1828 Swatara Dobra George, laborer, h 717 Xorth Dobroka Samuel. laborer, h 1238 Herr Dobson George ~I.. engr, h 1338 N 6th Dobunda .Mitru. laborer. h miO S,.yford Dock Susan, wid Jacob R.. h R09 X :ld Dockens Noah. janitor Cumberland Pub. Co., h 112:? Cum berland Dodge George C, elk, 818 ~Iarket, h 25 )J Cameron
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Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908.


I J I-


Dodge Harrv c., hatter and furrier, 1i X 3d, h '25 N Cameron Dodge Stanton "Vo, green grocer, h 25 X 'Cameron Dodge Susan, wid Harry, h 25 N Cameron Doede Harry Fo, fireman, h 2010 Penn Doehne 'Charles A., (Motor Vehicle Co.), brewmaster, 'It 319 Chestnut Doehne Edward F., lawyer, h 1847 State DOEHNE GEORGE, brewer, 29 S Dewberry; bottler, 28 do, h 322 Chestnut Doehne George L., bookkpr, 29 S Dewberry; tre3.S' Central Pa. Automobile Co., 'h 27 Evergreen Doehne, see Deim, also Deen Doelker Addie, wid George W . h 1320 Green Doelker 'Charles E.. clk, 'h 1320 Green Doepke Earnest, elk, R29 ~1arket, h \Vormleysburg Doermer Conrad, laborer, h 606. Xorth Doery Sigmund; upholsterer, 209 Locust. 'h Lemoyne Doherty Robert M., engr, h 521 Camp Dohonev Annie. nurse Hershey House Dohoney Dennis P .. driver ~1t: Vernon H. and L. Co., h 619 Forster Dohoney Jahn P., marshal State Railroad Commission, h 1110 N 2d Do'honey Margaret, wid Patrick, h 619 Forster

Title Suaranty and Surety el, IC~I::'., {flrn::~I!r:.:.~:;" hl'!.~:i:r.z..

Dohoney Thomas, jr., molder, h 504 Cowden Dolan Artlhur, laborer, h 1346 S 13th Dofbin George, repairsman, h 2135 Jefferson Dolbin Goodman, carpenter, h 2:ua Jefferson Dolbin William Jo, car repairer, h 14)(19 N 6th Dolby Harry J., fireman, h 1!It!1 Penn Dolbv William. laborer, h r 4t1f) Filbert 001( Jacob Packing Co., J. G. Ingram, mgr, pork and beef, 317 Chel'tnut Doleman Emilv. domestic, 9ft! N 2d Doleman John: laborer. h 1151i S Cameron Doleman l\lilford, driver, 215 :\1arket, h 517 State Doliner Amelia. domestic, 3d cReel's la Doll William H., laborer, h IR3U Nort/1 Doll. see Dull Dollar John, janitor, h 1715 N :~d Domhrowa August, laborer. h 112f; S Cameron DOlllhrowa Theodore H . boilermkr, h 2:~1l Maclay Dombrowski John, machinist, h 1:~1I4 Vernon Donahue Charles W., motorman. h 1124 Market Donahue Daniel. laborer. h 318 Hummel Donahue Tames B.. steelworker, h 1352 North Donahue 'rvIatthew J., conductor, h 1352 North Donaldson Ruilding, 204 N 2d Donaldson Horace, gardener, h 1732 \Vood


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I. B. TICK} FIN~Ec~~A~,,,~~~~c,~~ER{l21810nb TblnlStreet

Boyd's Harrisburg ( D) City Directory, 1908. 247
Donaldson Jennie B., h 2(1115 ?\ :{d Donaldson John Allan, (Donaldson Paper Co.), h 107 S Front DONALDSON PAPER CO., (W. M. Donaldson, C. C. Hoffman and J. A. Donaldson), wholesale paper and printers' supplies, 113-115 N 2d ' Donaldson Sarah A., wid George A., h li:{:! \Vood Donaldson \\'m. M.. (Donaldson Paper Co.). h 2005 N 3d Donbaugh Benjamin H., hostler, h ~5 X Cameron Donbaugh :VIartin. laborer. h 21S,S River Donbaugh William. laborer, h 21l'< S River Donecker \Villiam F., brakeman. h 128 Ann al Doner Samuel L .. elk. h 4116 Strawberry Donlea\" Ida. It ]!Wf/ Green . DonmC';Yer Emma G., salesladv, h 15117 Swatara Donmo\er William R .. ins sol; h 284 Cnion Donneliy Catharine, wid Patrick, h 1:1211 Susquehanna Donnelly Daniel. bridge supt, h 5111 ~larket Donnelly John ~1 .. telegrapher P. R. R., h 1225 N ~d Donnelly John T., laborer, h 1:l:W Susquehanna Donnelly ~J ary C. h 212 State Donnelly Samuel, engr, h 6411 Boyd Donner Frederick W . h !I22 X fith Donner ~largaret, wid Julius, h !I22 !\ 6th Donohoe David W., brakeman, h 1911 ~Io1tke





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Donohne John E .. laborer. h 1:l1l1 Wallace Donoidio Geri, laborer, h 141 Ann al Donovan Daniel A., engr, h 1!12~ !\ Gth Doolittle Arthur, monotype opr. h 417 Hummel lJoorly Frederick C. (Doorly & Co.). h 215 Chestnut Doorl~' & Co., (F. C DoorIy), Dime Saving Receipt Co., trading stamps, 215 Chestnut Doran Thomas, laborer. h ti56 Cumberland Dorfer Xicholas, tobaccowkr, h 62~ Boas Dorgan Cornelius J., foreman. h 2ml Blackberry Dorman Charles. carp, h 2031 I'\ 7th Dorman Edgar H., fireman, h ]615 N 4th Dorman l\Jary, wid Isaiah. h 1122 Cumberland Dorman Samuel C, fireman, h 2227 Logan Dormuth Anna M., domestic, 217 Forster Dorn Effie V., music teacher, 141()a Derry, h do Dorn George M., barber, 3 S 4th, h 14lfia Derry Dornbach Alice S .. stengr, 204 Market. It Mechanicsburg Dornbar:h Charlotte. saleslady, 4()() ~lkt., h Mechanicsburg Dornbach Edwin F .. draft!'man F. and M. Works, h 2104 X 4th Dornbach, see Dtfrnbaugh Dorsev Arthur, laborer, h 1170 S Cameron Dorse~ Blanche M., domestic, 511 South Dorsey Charles, laborer, h 644 Briggs




THE PATRIOT M~.a:=~tJ'~gIe


Try a

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H M KELLEY &CO'S -BIaek DlamondaWben{ 101 3d 11. ll1r Ton nest order. 1' 11SImI.
Boyd's Harrisburg ( D) City Directory, 1908.


, . Dorsc\' Clifford, laborer. h 11118 Monroe ~ Dorse;' Edward, laborer, h 1108 ~[onroe c: Dorse\' Frank, laborer. h 1!12 ~ 4th Dorse) George, brakel~1an, h !l:?O Grand ~ Dorsey J. Arthur, laborer, h 11I1S 1:Ionroe c,:, Dorsey John, shearsman, h 1034 S Cameron ..: Dorsey John Ho, helper, 334 Market, h 1204 Capital ~ Dorsey Mary S. Mrs., laundress, h 511 South .: Dorsey Samuel, laborer, h 232 Liberty .:!! Dorsey Samuel \V .. laborer. h r 14IlS :'larion ~ . Dorsey Tyson, laborer, h 1322 :\larion "- Dorsey William, laborer, h 644 Briggs Dorse" \Villiam, laborer, h 1225 Monroe ~ Dorwart Frank. elk, h 211 Hamilton _ Dorwart James c., machinist, h 211 Hamilton C) Dorwart John So, blacksmith, h 1!l28 Briggs c: c;; Dorwart John S., jr., warehouseman P. R. R. freight depot. !! h 19i"l7 Briggs (/) Dorwart Joseph Bo, laborer, h lil12 Drummond Dorwart l\"ettie G .. domestic. 11:?9 \\'allace Dorwart Paul T.. fireman. h 15114 \\'allace L&J Dorwart S. Ad-eline. cigarmkr, h 1928 Briggs ..J Dorwart William Ao. machinist, h 1743 ?\ 6th CI: Doscy Be~sie E., domestic, 21103 X 2<1 I.&J Doshen John. laborer. h 113 S Dewherry







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Dostman Catharine, wid Jonas, h GU) Xorth Dostman Mary E. c., winder, h HI!) Korth Dostman Paul, barber, h GIn North >- Dotson Frank, laborer, h 1151 Cl1111berlan<1 z: Dougherty Alexander, boilermkr. h 120r. Bailey Dougherty Andrew, h 1212 N 10th C. Dougherty C. Howard, eng-r, h 1il i (;recn IE Dougherty Daniel A., bridge builder. h 133 S 2d Dougherty Daniel Eo, laborer. h 13411 ?\ 7th Dougherty David Po, engr. h 818 S Cameron ..J Dougherty Dennis. foreman, h 5111 :'.Iarket < Dougherty Edward. lahorer, h 1824 ?\ Cameron Dougherty I larry c., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 622 Peffer Q Dougherty James Fo, foreman. h ]412 .s 13th Dougherty John, puddler, h iGi S l!Ith Dougherty John Eo, stengr Co I. and S. Co., h 339 Crescent Dougherty John P., shoes, 321 Verbeke, h l:t~ Cumberland Dougherty Laura A. l\hs .. h :!:Uli Jefft:r~ol1 Dougherty Lewis, car repairer, h (j~~ Peffer Dougherty Mary, wid JO'hn, h 1217 Currant Dougherty Mary A., wid Philip. h 133 S 2d Dougherty Milton, student. h a29 Chestnut

l L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LO FI {U~Q,JUOJkt!le

Employa DOne bu: lIrat-clau workmen, hence onl,. JInl- J A B TACK} clGIIucriaadllllurell&. Work don8 In an, part 01 &ate 1N.11118 US&.

Boyd's Harrisburg ( D) City Directory, 1908.


Dougherty Orpha Mrs., dressmkr, 622 Peffer, h do Dougherty Robert W., janitor, h 42 Linden Dougherty Samuel D., boilermkr, h 125 N Linden Dougherty Sarah A., wid Levi, h 90 Disbrow Dougherty Susan, domestic, 121 Locust Do\}gherty, see Daugherty, also Doherty Doughty Sallie R., wid William, h 322 Hummel Douglas Charles E., draftsman State Highway Dept., h Camp Hill Douglas Howard S., elk P. R. R., h Mechanicsburg Douglas Samuel ~lcC., pool and cigars, 1121 N 3d, h 1101

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~ DOUGLAS WILLIAM R, reporter Patriot, h 1151 Derry Douglas W. Wesley, heater, h 1217 Mulberry Douglass Annie, wid Michael C, h 1203 Chestnut Douglass Benjamin J. H., supt, 414 State, h 1606 Green Douglass Carrie, wid Benjamin P., h 1152 Derry Douglass Co-Operative Investment Co., William H. Craighead, mgr, pubs Advocate Verdict, 10 S ,Court Douglass Emma B., charwoman, h 309 S 14th Douglass Harrie A., inspector State Highway Dept., h 2022 Susquehanna Douglass Helen L., bookkpr, 1115 Montgomery, h 518 \Valnut


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~I!-:;:'~'"';.:1I: :", --------------------------------- S. 'Co., h 1606 ~ Douglass Jeremiah B., foreman C. I. and ~
Derry Douglass John L., laborer, h 914 S 9th Douglass J. Vinton, carpenter, h 634 Emerald Douglass Mart'ha J., wid James W., h 309 S 14th Douglass Mary Mrs., laundress, h 512 South al Douglass Robert c., bricklayer, h 1203 Chestnut Douglass Robert L., cigars, &c., 518 \Valnut, h do Douglass Thomas, laborer, h 800 Salmon av Douglass William F., laborer, h 1038 S Cameron Douglass William F., jr., laborer, 'h 1038 S Cameron Douglass William T., physician, 1152 Derry, h do Doutrich Isaac H., (Doutrich & Co.), h Middletown DOUTRICH & CO., (I. H. Doutrich and C. R Knoll), men's wear, 304-306 Market Doutv Ida, nurse. h 1620 X 4th Douty Joseph F., boxmkr. h 126 X Cameron Dovel Hiram, laborer, h 1120 Herr Dowhol1er Harry J., mail messenger P. R. R., h 414



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Dowhol1er Stephen S., conductor, h 414 Harris Dowhouer \Valter L.. electrician, h 414 Harris Dowling Margaret, wid Bartholomew. h 1648 ~Iarket Dowling l\linnie E., cook, 201 ~ Front Dowling William J., salesman. h 1648 Market


McNEil'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~=.".l.r:s~~:'-={ 306 Brol~


Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908.

Elizabeth ~Irs., seamstress, h 1303 :\larion Joanna, milliner, 4110 :\larket, h 1303 Marion Fred'k E., city supt. l:!!l Chestnut, h 1811 E 2d Charles C. laborer, h 1278 S Cameron Charles E .. laborer. h 71:! Nonh al Downe~' Daniel. h 127~ S Cameron Downe) Daniel W., laborer, h 1:!IH S 9th Downey David, laborer, h Hl2~ Elm 'Downe\' Edward L., laborer. h 127~ S Cameron Downev Frank H .. laborer. h 127~ S Cameron Downe~' Frank H., jr.. driver, h 127~ S Cameron Downey Frank R, mgr, :H S 2d. h 204 Chestnut Downey John \V .. laborer. h 1058 S Cameron Downe~' 'Mary Mrs., h Cowden nr Walnut Downey Mary Moo h 1278 S Cameron Downey l\lichael, brakeman, h 134 \' erbeke Downe\' Samuel. laborer. h Hl28 Elm Downie Catharine E . wid James A.. h 517 Calder Downie Harry. temperer, h 923 N 2d Downie James R, roll turner. h 517 Calder Downie l\larv. cook, h 11a Cowden Downin Norinan H . watchmkr, 2:1 ~ 3d. h 701 N 6th Doxtater William E .. telegrapher P. R R., h 1946 Kensington Doyle Chester. postal elk. h 411t Walnut Downer Downer Downes Downey Downe~




Doyle Cornelius, engr, h 711 N 2d Do\'le Erlward. conductor, h 609 Verbeke DO\'le Ellsworth, brakeman. h 2245 Jefferson DO;'le Harry c., laborer. h 41:1 Verbeke Doyle Henry. car inspector. h 1608 Logan Doyle James, laborer. h l:n7 S 12th Dode James W., h 5111 Hamilton Drabel1stadt Amos. h R2!) S Front Drabenstadt Clifton, shearsman, h 81:l S Front Drabenstadt John, piler. h 104 Ann al Drabenstadt Oscar. laborer. h foIl:l S Front Drabenstadt Simon, laborer. h 8t:l S Front Drabenstadt 'vVilliam. laborer, h 81:3 S Front Drabenstadt, see Dravenstot Drag-er Adolph, eng-r. h 1217 Swatara Drake Albert B., machinist, h 1422 State Drake Benjamin Foo watchman Capitol, 11 1422 State Drake Charles H., teller. h 1422 State Drake Draffius N .. eng-r, h 191)0 N 3d Drake Frank, salesman, h !11 1 Penn Drake George P., elk State Arsenal, h 1623 Swatara Drake Henry. engr. h 162:1 Swatara Drake Herbert. fireman, h :{a4 Hamilton Drake James A., machinist, h 2110 N 6th Drake James B., engr, h 1328 Susquehanna


TlUI BaulDIy II. Surlty CO.

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D' ke T hn L en 'ne hostler h :rH Hamilton e tIll . h (I(IU ':1 Drake LeRo~ P., blacksmith, h 142 Berrvhill J) e rg t h 1 () 1 d Drake Sarah. h lUll N 7th ]) 'C "Ilia K. ngr 21 f\" h Dra 'e Jiliam T., (raf san, 41. I\ ...

D en t -red ~, c rs, 1)O(~ eil h ( Dravenstot Emma ., \\;I( Al red ., h: .! e Iv Drawball h Catharine 13 elk ~()n Cumberiand Ii 23 S 4th D 'ha h ra :\1 la Ol f t de 52 ac h do D 1>a h me ab r. :n . er n Drawbaugh David H., carpenter, h 192!) l'; 4th D vha h Eller ho kr 14M DerT\' h do D vha h rn .. ( 'er. 21 W( Drawbaugh John' C, blacksmith, h 522 Race D 'ba h. ep .. tch n, 32 ho pso Drawhaugh Sarah J., wid John. h 1:~23 Thompson D se abe hI') (j \ Ilac Drtese ilIiam A.. ag n, 2 ~ an on Dreher Mary A .. wid George, h 251 Hummel

DRAPANAS BROS., Peter Anastos, mgr, barbers and boo lac 12 3d Drallcher 1\1 arv, domestic, 527 M llench

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l:..p~d..po:;.} Harrisburg

Savings and LoanAssi1..


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D er eb r D che er & h 1 H mm Dreher vVilliam G .. cashier, HI2 Market. h ~)1 Hummel D "hh 1 ( rg r.. nel or, 4:1 1:~ Drennan Edwin, elk Paxton J< urnaces. h 2111, Derry D s tru, te ler 2:~' Bri Dress arry .. la, ;er, 23. Brigg Dress John F. baker, h 23B Briggs D s J a., Jo . h :{ I gg. Dress Robert A., carpenter, h 441 l\larket D sel ~aro' e." C 'sto er. 4:17 ~ 14 Dressler Hattie E. Mrs., coo , h h_,} De aware D ew Henrv waiter h llR Cowden D S ali rs.. 1111 ic. ., ;,th Drewett Catharine S., housekeeper, h 1:~~ Vine D et av la er. 1:~ 'in Drewett George v\!., laborer, h 14... 6 Marion D et am A. atel an h 180r Elizabeth D et . C in. ess n, 38 ne Drewett Louisa E., shirtmkr, h 138 Vine D et Val A ins th, IB2 ~us eh a Drexel James E., conductor, h 517 \Valnut D ler ath inc . l\ ., h 'Wl Bd Drexler John ~., ver, 1. _ N th Drinkwater Edward elk C I. and S. Co., h 536 Race D kw r lS0 WI E<h (I, 'lB6 ace


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H M KELLEY 011, {tD'"'' a"lilli' o. CO t I.,. d , '. 't 1'11111

City Directory, 1908.



Boyd's Harrisburg (1)



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Drinkwater William H .. elk eLand S. Co, h 544 Race Driscoll Patrick, trav salesman, h 5::!5 N 4th Driscoll \Vade H., insurance, 525 N 4th, h do Drofries Nicholas, laborer, h 628 Boas Droneberger Jennie C, domestic, :!OU ~ 2d Drorbough Susan, wid Henry, h 3111 Calder Drum Bartholomew B., elk, 1801 N" 6th, h 1738 Elizabeth Drumgold Joseph, laborer, h 516 Strawberry Drumheller Charles H., h 107 K 2e1 Drumheller Louis A., piano tuner, h 107 N 2d Drummons Melinda, wid Henry, h 40;; Walnut Dry Mabel, cigarmkr, h 1121 Capital Dubhs Alonzo, laborer, h 1247 Centre al Dubbs Arthur, huckster, h 1110 N Cameron Dubbs Charles, laborer, h 1221 N Cameron Dubbs Charles C. fruit, &c., 800 N 3d, h do Dubbs Frank, laborer, h 1221 N Cameron Dubbs John H., huckster, h 1110 N Cameron Dubbs Tohn H., ir., laborer, h 1110 N Cameron Dubbs john ~L, blacksmith. h 517 Walnut Dubbs Sarah n., c1omestic, 13 S Front Dubbs TyrtlS B., genl agt Southern States Despatch, h Reading, Pa. Dubbs William, huckster, h 1247 Centre al Dubel Lettie, shoe opr, h 5 N 13th



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Dubel \\"illiam H., (Dubel & Beck), h 1505 Swatara Dubel & Beck, (William H. Dubel and Claude G. Beck), paperhangers, Derry c Evergreen Dubin Abraham, driver, h 508 Filbert Dubs Alford \Y., student, h 226 Harris Dubs Rudolph, editor, 201 N 2d, h 226 Harris Duelley John C, h 816 Cowden Duey Charles C, laborer, h 1705 N 5th DUEY C. RAYMOND, hats and men's furnishings, 302 Verbeke, h do Duey Frank N., carpenter, h 1f144 Berryhill Duey George S., cabinetmkr, h 1827 North Duey James M., laborer, h 627 Camp Duey John \Y., car inspector, h 627 Camp Duey ~rary J., wid Frank A., h 2037 N 5th Duev Maude, tailoress, h 1827 North Due\' Ruth H., trimmer, h 1827 North Duey vVilIiam H., carpenter, h If)51 Swatara Duff Edmund L., usher P. R. R., h 603 Boas Duff William L., physician, 930 N 6th, h do Duffan Frederick K., w.aiter, h 517 Brown Duffan Joseph C Rev., h 5] 7 Brown Duffin Thomas W., mason, h 12R6 ~Ionroe Duffins Harry R., coachman, h r 434 S 2d Duffins Joshtia, laborer. h 515 Primrose

1 L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOR {124D MarkltStrllf

Digitized by


Yb~\~~:=;~':;! Woll palll ODd IlOdOW Shodes !fom A.

B. TACK N.l:~~..

Boyd's Harrisbur& ( D) City Directory, 1908.

Duffins l\fanzilla, \vid Joseph H., h 515 Primrose DUFFY CHARLES, propr The Lochiel, Market c 3d, h The Lochiel Duffy James A., brakeman, h 1944 N 6th Dugans Dora Mrs., dressmkr, 1413 Penn, h do Duke t,eorge H., typewriter repairer, h 13:.~5 Penn Duke Harry, fireman, h 628 Verbeke Dukes Alice, wid Edgar S., h 36 Linden Dukes Annie 1\1. :'.Irs .. h HOH Currant Dukes Clarence E .. elk, h :U; Linden Dukes William H., molder. h 712 South Dulaney Annie Mrs., h l:i07-l Wallace Dull Andrew J., h HI1 S Front Dull Casper, lawyer, 26 :t\ 3d, h 227 ~ Front Dull Daniel ~1., h 227 N Front Dull Emory, switchman, h 626 Camp Dull Guy A., steam fitter, h 1427 Shoop Dull Helen Boyd, wid Andrew P. L., h 211 N Front Dull Jennie, h 227 X Front Dull John W., cabinetmkr, h 224 :--r 14th Dull l\Iattie, cig-armkr, 11 621 Muench Dull William H., ca-shier P. R. R. dining rooms, h 130 Linden Dull, see Doll Dum Elizabeth A .. teacher, h H):~5 ~ 4th

Dum Frances P., elk. 201 X 2d, h UI~5 ~ 4th Dum JOhn A .. pool. l:!tll :t\ lith, h !J10 Green Dum WiIlian1 H., laborer. h 1935 X 4th Dum William Woo salesman, :~:~4 l\larket, h 1935 N 4th DuMars Anna :\1., seamstress, h 222 Boas DuMars Cornelius K., watertender, h 53 Balm Dul\1ars James K. Po, supt. 205 South, h 222 Boas DUN R. G. & CO., mercantile agency, Joseph H. Walazz, mgr, 222 Market Dunbar Catharine S., wid Henry P., h 218 N 2d Dl~nbar Harry 1\f., baggage transfer, h 1333 N 2d Dunbar Harry P .. jr.. elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 1104 Green Dunbar Joseph R.. laborer, h 1646 Fulton Dunbar Preyost So, elk. h 216 Harris Dunbar William E., rodman P. R. R., h 218 :N 2d Dunbar William H., engr, h 2224 N 6th Duncan Alvin E., engr, h 331 Peffer Duncan Carrie, dotnestic, Hershev House Duncan Edith 1\.[ rs., h 263 Boas . Duncan Edward Coo collector Independent, h r 155 Sylvan ter Duncan Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h 1709l N 7th Duncan John F., h 1315 N 3d Duncan John H., railroader, h 152:1 ~ 5th


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INDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO.lL~\\ {r:~A:"'I:!~~~ Coogle

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=== Drug and Pat.ent Medicine Store{s::}~

City Directory, 1908.

t&:; w Duncan !\iargaret, laundress, h li52 \\'oodbine

Boyd's Harrisburg ( J)




Duncan ~Iartha, seamstress, h 42:~ Dauphin Duncan Samuel L.. asst foreman P. R. R., h 220 Harris Duncan Wilmer. laborer. h ll~ Hickory Dunfee John T . elk, h 916 :\f ad . Dunham George, driYer, h 1I11i Cowden Dunham George:' H.o (Ferro-Concrete Co.), h 1909 N Front Dunkel Cornelius, h :!ti2Ii Jefferson Dunkel Daniel E., foreman P. R. R.. h 1945 Derry Dunkel Frank C, car inspector. h :!li21i Jefferson Dunkel Harry E., inspector. h 31:! Kelker Dunkel Harvey B., fireman. h :!2()~ Logan Dunkel Joseph H . laborer. h 7411 S 1!1t'il Dunkel Michael H., car repairer. h li:!1 Forrest Dunkel Pauline H., wid Aaron K . h 40:~ S 14th Dunkelberger Howard E .. bricklayer. h !I:~H S :!t11 Dunkelberger Jacob H . driver, h :!;.t N lOth Dunkle George 0., warehouseman. 'h 1~3i George Dunkle George S., barber. H14~ Derry. h do Dunkle John, motorman. h H:!1 Forrest

DUNKLE SAMUEL F., sheriff, Court House, v-pres and mgr Harrisburg Mfg. and Boiler Co., h 19th c Derry
Dunkle\Villiam B .. conductor. h




TtUe Gaaranty and Saret,. Co. { n~', ...I.I,'n"". fne.'.......nll .... { 1 a,..m, -8c:r....l.oa. P"DO'" T,.,I.,~ .11 ..... _In, " Jdlcl'l Iml,


T,.., __

C o ...I

o _

Dunkleberger Irvin H .. car repairer, h 30 S Hi1'h Dunlap Bella. saleslady, h 1l'4:!!1 X ith Dunlap 'Charles R.. painter. h :~:!:! Hamilton Dunlap David, h 1~2H N ith Dunlap David, jr. special police. h l1:!H X 6th Dunlap Edward F., pass trainmaster P. R. R.. h 1507 N :!d Dunlap Emory B.. painter, h :t!:~ Hamilton Dunlap Fanny A .. teacher. h )0<1 i Green Dunlap James. eng-r, h 1244 State Dunlap John, baker, h H:n \" erileh Dunlap Joseph E .. puddler. h llli Xaglc Dunlap Kathryn I.. saleslady. h 1~29 ~ ith Dunlap Raymond. 'helper. h Illi Xagle Dunlap Robert. attendant ~tate Hospital. h Imi Verbeke Dunlap Robert B., foreman. h 4:~~ Boyd Dunlap Robert :\1.. denti~t. 2UI i :\ ith. h do Dunlap Samuel A., paintl'J'. h 1i41 Verbeke Dunlap Tolbert 0., painter. h :I:!:~ Hamilton Dunlap \\' arren S .. machinist. h 2:!11 Jefferson Dunlap William. fireman ~tatl' Hospital. h /iH Verbeke Dunlap William J., machinist. h 2211 Jefferson Dunlevy James E,. hlacksmith. h 1Ct:{:~ S nth Dunlevy :\Iarg-aret. wid \\"illiam. h toli:! S Cameron Dunlevy :\Iarg-aret \\" .. hookkpr. !l X :!d. 11 Carlisle

Redmond's Wagon Works ~~,!IJd~';.'f;.:!~~: -:3d and ReUy Sts.

Digitized by



A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Sbades h:l-:N~~&'

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory, 1908. 255
Dunlop Robert W., mgr, ~1 Union Trust bldg, h 217 Pine Dunmire Jdhn \V., engr, h :t!8 Harris Dunmore John R., laborer, h 18:!f) Swatara Dunmore William fl.. laborer, h 13:J4 l'hompson Dunmoyer Emma G., saleslady, :134 ~Iarket, h 1507 Swatara . . Dunmoyer \Vm. B .. agt Prudential Ins. Co., h 284 Vnion Dunn Alfred L., telegraph foreman P. R. R., h 112 S 13th Dunn Alfred L., jr .. telegraph opr, h II:! S 13th Dunn Annie, h 2(1 Cowden Dunn Bridget, wid William, h 1:~4C1 N 7th Dunn Catharine. wid Edward J., h 1112 Calder Dunn Edward J., laborer, h Ill:! Calder Dunn Edward L.. lineman P. R. R., h 4 S 1Rth Dunn Elizabeth, elk. :!:!7 Walnut, It 42:~ Herr Dunn Frank S., laborer, h 1112 Calder Dunn Harriet E., elk, 211 Locttgt, h 828 Cowden Dunn Tames L.. brakeman, h 45(} Cumberland Dunn john A., fireman. h !l2!l N :ld Dunn John M., laborer, h 13411 N 7th Dunn John T., conductor. ii1 451i 'Cumberland Dunn Joseph, mason. h 828 Cowden Dunn Mary, shoe opr, h 1:!fl3 Chestnut Dunn Mary C. charwoman. h ~:!~ Cowden Dunn Robert A., laborer, h 23(1 Say ford

cJ =
"' ::







l;:.~-:a}Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. U:= ~

Dunn Sophia G., milliner, h 1203 Chestnut Dunn Thomas, hostler, h :!8th nr Derry Dunning Charles C, teacher, h 11;50 l\Iarket Dunning William F., music teacher. 1fi5f1 Market, h do Dunsmore Benjamin A .. caller P. R. R., h 2119 Boas Dunsmore James D .. laborer, h 13UI Marion Dunsmore ~fary A., trimmer, h l:un ~Iarion Dunsmore Rachel E., wid James L.. h ll:m Marion Duquesne Amuse-ment Supply Co., Beverly \V. Glover, shipping agt, 11 1\ 2d Durbin Leonidas J., lawyer, !I !\' :!d. h 717 N 6th Durbin Sarah C. wid Tames C, h 717 N lith Durborow Bessie. hOtisekeeper. 3084 S 2d Durborow Charles A., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 1728 N 7th Durborow Frank W .. fireman, h 1728 N 7th Durborow George W .. brakeman, h :3:!3 Granite Durborow Harry :\1., caller, 11 17:!8 N 7th Durborow Henrv ~1., elk P.O., h 1:~:18 S l:1th Durborow Jacob A., conductor, h li28 N 7th Durborow James. engr, h 113 Vine Durborow Jd1m n., salesman, 11 5 K 2d, h 308l S 2d Durborow \Villiam J.. asst taxidermist state museum, h :W8l S 2d Durnbaugh Ellie Mrs . housekeeper. 1427 N Front

n .



H M KELLEY . . . {I North ad sv9. CO 10th aDd Ii&a&e ....

!Ii ~


Boyd's Harrisburg (D)' City Directory, 1908.


.. -



I&J -I I&J



Durnbaugh, see Dombach Durnin Anna M., compositor, h 7f) X lith Durrin Constatin, telephone opr, h 116 Locust Dustman Lvdia. h 1:322 ;\ 6th Dutery Geo'rge E .. carpenter. h 1541 N 6th Dutrow Joseph D . pipe bender, h 1227 Fulton Duttenhofer Annie B.. weigher, h 126 Hoyer Duttenhofer A. Bertha. saleslady, 226 ~lkt., h 1424 Penn Duttenhofer A. Rosanna, wid Gottloeb, h 1424 Penn Dutten'hofer Charles E., elk, 117 Paxton, h 126 Hoyer Duttenhofer Edward C, laborer, h 126 Hoyer Duttenhofer Edward C, jr., laborer, h 126 Hoyer DUTTENHOFER FREDERICK A., propr Phila. Shoe Store, 228 Market, h Plainfield, N. J. Duttenhofer George W., laborer, h 1728 Logan Duttenhofer John W., engr, 'h 1424 Penn Duttenhofer ~Iary A., wid 'Christian J., h 1520 N (jUt Duttinger Irvin L., brakeman, h 1702 Susquehanna Dutton John A., inspector, h 1637 N 6th Dutton Thomas A., music teacher, 1259 Walnut, h do Dutton Thomas W., C\pprentice, It 1259 Walnut Duvall Annie C, wid George W., h 1214 Derry Duvall Charles A., craneman, h 623 Race Duvall George 0., planer. h 1214 Derry Duvall George \V., puddler, h 623 Race

N.3d SL

(.) Dwyer Daniel ]., machinist, h 640 Herr Dwyer Daniel ]., jr., machinist, It 640 Herr Dwyer Francis B .. elk, h 113 Calder ~ Dwyer John H., linotype opr, h 113 'Calder -c Dwyer Kenneth c., paperhanger, It 113 Calder A. Dwyer Malcolm E .. chauffeur, h 113 'Calder E Dwyer Mary, wid John, h 508 SlOth o Dwyer Michael F., printer Telegraph, h 113 Calder U Dyblie Emil E., car inspector, h 1129 N 7th ....J Dyblie Harry G., laborer, h 11:!9 N 7th -c Dye John S., engr, h 1119 N Cameron o Dye Jdhn S., jr., laborer, h 1119 N Cameron U Dye Juniatta, forelady, 5nO Race, h 1119 N 'Cameron Q Dyer Annie E. Mrs., housekeeper, 12 S Court av II!: nyer .catharine F. Mrs., h 511 Hamilton -c Dyer 'Cyde E., laborer, h 1736 Susquehanna ~ Dyer Florence E., student, h 223 Reily U Dyer Franklin H., foreman P. R. R., h 223 Reily _ Dyer Harvey G., engine hostler, It 223 Reily Dyer Howard W., elk. h 601 :NlacIav D)'er Ross L., brakeman, h 1832 X 6th Dyer Viola ~L. h 511 Hamilton Dykeman Harvey :NI., conductor, h 1213 Bailey Dysinger Charles, truckman, It 1856 Walnut Dysinger Ferry, fireman. h 1317 N 6th


Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.



Eagle Anna H., h 1308 N 3d Eagle Carrie W., h 1308 N 3d Eagle Hotel, Mrs. F. L. Heist, propr, 625 Race Eagle Sarah W. Mrs., h 1308 N 3d EAGLE WORKS, (W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co.), Canal c North see adv Eakle Ervin S., bookbinder, h 10 N 5th Earhart Samuel, jr., fireman, h 1824 N 6th Earisman Charles E., salesman, 10 S 2d, h Steelton Earisman Edith E., cigar roller, h 704 Race Earisman Elias, laborer Capitol, h 304 Cumberland Earisman Elizabeth E., dressmkr, 'h 704 Race Earisman Kate E., wid Jacob E., h 704 Race Earley Augustus A., driver, h 1117 Capital Earley Carrie J., housekeeper, 309 Boas Earley 'Olarles L., machinist, h 1642 N 3d Earley Della, dressmkr, h 203 Mulberry Earley Harry, janitor P. R. R., h 510 Brown Earley Harry L., brakeman, h 925 Capital Earley James A., teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do Earley James W., postal clk, h 429 Maclay Earley J. B. & Son. (Morris L.), leather and shoe findings, 104 N 2d Earley John B., (J. B. Earley & Son), h 909 N 2d

1ft VI


-I 0 2




Cl 0



cf 9

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~t,~a.t-:;'~~II:

Earley John E., fireman Capitol, h 2113 Greenwood Earley John J., laster, h 1935 State Earley Lewis A., fireman, h 914 S 20i Earley Morris L., (J. B. Earley & Son), h 909 N 2d Earley Robert S., fireman, h 2345 Jefferson Earley Roy A., saleman, 1500 N 3d, h 1117 Capital Earley Stella S., teacher, h 1437 N 2d Early Amanda A., wid Daniel S., h 1740 N Gth Early Herman A., machinist, h 1935 State Early Hoyt, machinist, 11 912 Green Early John H., h 912 Green Early John J., laster, h 203 Mulberry Early John W .. director of the poor, C. H., h Linglestown Early Minerva J., dressmkr, 1740 N 6th, h do Early Winfield S., clk,12H2 Market, 11 1035 State Early, see Hurley Earnest James D., bridge builder, h 222 Boas Earnest Mary E., wid George, h 229 ~ orth Earnest Mary L., wid William D., h 222 Boas .... . Earnest Oliver D., painter, h 229 North Earnest \ViIliam H .. lawyer, 3d c :\'1arket, h Hummelstown Earnest, see Ernest Earnshaw Blake W., upholsterer, 312 :\1arket, h 235 South Earp Benjamin M., baggagemaster, h 350 S 13th Earp Edward E., laborer, h 910 S 221-


,.... = I:::'

~ ::l1l:I ~


:::: :;~;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g~r"-t~

.: ;; 258

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.

1011 Paxton James E., watchman, 'n II)!} Paxton William, stitcher. h !110 S :!:!i W. J. machinist Lunatic Hospital. h do 'Charles. laborer, h 511\ Strawberry

:. Earp Harry E., printer, h

Earp Earp Earp Easlv

o o

EAST END BANK, 13th c Howard see adv East Harrisburg Cemetery Co., Herr bey limits East Harrisburg Passenger Railway Co., 12 S :!d Easterday John, laborer, h 60!} Cedar Eastman Frank, jobber Lunatic Hospital. h do Eastman Frank :\L, (Hosack & Eastman). h 211 Locust Eastmere Land 'Co .. (S. F. Dunkle). HI:!2 Derry Easton Charles, helper. 'h 616 State Easton Charles. tinsmith. h (j:W :\orth Eastright Alexander H .. conductor. h 5:n Peffer Eastright Earl F .. student, h 5:n Peffer Eastrig;lt Ralph H., elk P. R. R., h 5:U Peffer Eaton Abraham A., carpenter, h 1'j;~;~ :\Iarket Eaton Frank S., postal elk. h Hail :\Iarket Eaton Grace :\1.. music teacher. l'i:!:3 :\larket. h do EATON JOHN F., genl agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., 228 N 3d, h do Eaton Lura :\1., student, h 1 'j!{5 Market Eaton Willis. asst steward. :!lIi :\ :!d. h 1:~~ Balm Eavenson Fanetta. saleslady, h :!'jli Briggs
$"11111, Till. Guaranty and Surety Co 'PI.II. {Illfl II 'I.., Erli Trait 81 eN'"e'INtya.,. ,., '",n,} I Secarl.,.
II~ ~





EBEL FRED W., National Hotel, State c 4th, h do Ebel Walter M., actor. h Xational Hotel Eberle Amanda. wid Denjamin F .. It 1:!5:! Reese Eberle Elmer E .. Ragman. '11 (i5:! Cumherland Eherle Roy E., laborer. 11 1:!3:! Reese Eberly Barbara. wid John, h 1Ii4a :\larket Eberh' Charles E., conductor, h l:l:!:~ Kittatinnv Eberl,' Edith. trimmer. ;~a4 :\larket. h 1:J:!:l Kittatinny Eberl)' Cieorge F .. boilermkr. h 1il5fi "ernon Eberly Harn' 'C. lahorer, h 421 Hamilton Eherl\' Hary'ey L.. boilermkr. h 1II5fi S !Ith Eberl~' John. helper, 11 1Ii X Cameron Eberly :\lary C, wid 'Christopher. h !IIIi' Cowden Eberly Weir ll., salesman, ;W4 .Market, h :\lechanicsbllrg Eberly William E., tinsmith, h 1817 N 6th t;apital Authorized, 1.00.000 Capital Paid In, 150,000


13th Ind lIowlrd Sts,. IIlrrlsbul1. PI.

'JOHN K. MAY, Vlce-Pre.ldent AL. K. THOMAS, C.obler DIRECTOR8,-John A. Ameck. Edward BaUey, Dan'! Metz, John C. Stevens, C. C. Forney, S. A. FIshburn, M. P. Jobnson.

0.... almll I klng .1.lnm.

Opea ["ry Satlr, ["nl.g trl. Btl 8'

Elactr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND ~~~Z!nb~~gyo~'~

B ft.. TACK I

f FrelKlOla&, PabUa

Make. a 8peclalty of

Balldlap In Plaia Tlnta BlUma&eI GlnD

{ll,e N." II&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (.E) City Directory, 1908.


Eberly William H., blacksmith, h I~II:! ~ ;~d Eber;ol George A., dispatcher, h Un5 Fulton Ebersol Samuel ~I., machinist, h l!l1a Fulton Ebersole Amanda, h 421 S 17th Eberso:c Annie W., wid Xcwton S., h 25 S Summit Ebersole Claries S .. fireman, h 1242 Kittatinnv Ebersole Elizabeth X., stengr, 212 Locust, h 25 S Summit Ebersole Emma, waitress, h Hl5 ~ 4th Ebersole Frank, plumber, 'h 1411 Thompson Ebersole George H., carpenter. h 2fi:! Delaware Ebersole George L.. sub letter carrier, h 25 S Summit Ebersole James R.. brakeman;h 1417 !\ lith Ebersole ~lary, presswoman, h 51:! \Valnut Ebersole ~linnie c., wid Franklin, h 111 Calder Ebersole William J., U. E. ~., h 1411 Thompson Ebersole William P . laborer, h 744 S :!lst Ebert Jacob, tinsmith, h 150a ~ flth Ebert Sara'h A" h Ii!) l\ Il1th Ebert \\,illiam, stoves, &c., 4181 Reily, h do Ebert \ViIliam D., carpenter. h 2149 Jefferson Eberts David A., laborer, h' :l2() Hummel Ebcrts Harry H., lahorer. h 1:!58 Juniper Eberts Harry 0 .. elk. HOCl North, h 1258 Juniper Eberts James. shoemkr, G:t5 Briggs. h do Eberts Martha, wid William, h na5 Briggs


a z c:. __




:g:: ~ Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. { 11 ::.~

EBERTS SEYMOUR S., plant supervisor The Bell Tele~ :I' phone Co. of Penna., room 603, 210 Locust, h 326 0 Hummel n Ebner C. Herman, elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 201 j N 6th " Ebner Estella E . teacher, h 615 xluench N Ebner George F., conductor, h G15 Muench ~ Ebner George F., jr.. elk, h l:Wi ~orth :c Ebner l\lary C. teacher, h 615 :\luench > Ebright Harvey F., s\'.ritchman, 11 2141 X 4th :I' Ebright John W . barber, GOG Maclay, h 645 do Ebright William 0., switchman, h 606 ~1aelay ::sEby Arthur F., piano tuner, 15 S 2d, h W19 Derry ~ Eby Benj. F., real estate and ins, 19:!2 Derry, h 1321 do Eb)' Charles, brakeman, h WOO X 5th Eby Fannie M., h :W:W X 3d Eby Frank, blacksmith, b 1706 N 6th Eby George L., salesman, 334 Market, h 1838 North Eby Harry E., brakeman, h 1119 Calder Eby Harry VanB., machinist, h 1246 Market Ebv Henry, blacksmith, h 1900 ~ 5th Eb)' John A., 'hostler. 'h 632 Boas Eby ). Walter, carpenter, h 13:~3 Howard EBY MAURICE C" alderman 11th ward, 1902 N 6th, h 2030 N 3d Eb)' Samuel. repairs man, h 1119 Calder

< ,.

:c > :::G

THE PAT Be~b~~OgIe I ~,.



Eby Samuel C, laborer, h 1907 Hickory :; Eby Samuel E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, It do -;; Echrick Agnes, cigar roller, 'it 94 Tuscarora ~ Eckard Calvin A., carpenter, h 20 N 14th ..: Eckard Clarence \V., car repairer, h 2229 Logan ~ Eckard Sylvester 1\1., flagman, h 1643 X Gth - Eckbert Chester R., civil engr, h 226 N 2d .. Eckelman Frank H., foreman, It 48 N 10th . : Eckelman Frank H., jr., roller, h 48 ~ 10th ~= ECKELS BROS., (G. M. and W. L.), druggists, 135 State c 2d _ _ Eckels Caroline U. Mrs .. h 329 S Front Eckels Charles, plumber, h 1215 Swatara I: Eckels Emma Mrs., telephone opr P. R. R., h 1711 Penn ;; Eckels Frances M., stengr, 222 Market, h Bowmansdale __ Eckels G. Morris, (Eckels Bros.), h :\lechanicsburg (/) Eckels Mary A., wid William, h 10 N 5th Eckels M. Louise, stengr State Dept. Health, h Carlisle Eckels Talbot G., fireman, h G4 N 16th Eckels Walter L., (Eckels Bros.), h 115 South ~ Eckels William, jr., sol Patriot; h 121 Linden (.) Eckenrod George W., driller, h 1055 S 9th Eckenrode John F., engr, h 1215 'Cowden Eckenrode John W., genl agt, 103 K 2<1, h Lancaster ~ Eckenrode Joseph A., boilermkr, h 152~ r:ulton



Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.




o c:c a:


(.) Eckenroth Bessie L.. vamper, h Ina5 Green

Eckenrode Percy F., boilermkr, It 1528 Fulton

--. Eckenroth ~L Alice l\irs., h 1935 Green >- Eckerschitz l\lattihias, cigarmkr, h ~~30 Blackberry z: Eckert Addison I., conductor, h 35 Linden :: Eckert A. Elizabeth, elk, 212 Locust, h vVormleysburg & Eckert Clarence, laborer, h 927 X 6th o Eckert Daniel A., machinist, h 1423 Berryhill U Eckert David W., elk, 'h 1408 Market ..J Eckert Edna V., stengr W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co., h WormIIIIIiC leysburg o Eckert George F., hrakeman, h 646 Verbeke U Eckert George H., bar elk, h 251 Forster Q Eckert Grace A., trimmer, 318 Market, h 1423 Berryhill z: Eckert Guy C. L., pressman Telegraph, h 1423 Berryhill IIIIIIiC Eckert Jacob, bar elk, 309 Market Eckert Myra A. Mrs., nurse, h 1423 Berryhill W Eckert Pearl E., stengr, 210 Walnut, 'h Wormleysburg ~ Eckert Roy V., elk, h 1408 Market Eckert Sadie E .. elk, h 1408 Market ~ Eckert Samuel B., brakeman, h 1629 'Chestnut ~ Eckinger Charles G . propr United States Hotel, h do ECKINGER HARRY F., Hotel Russ, 423-427 Market, z: h do ::: Eckinger Jacob, propr Lancaster House, 21 'Cowden, h do

I. L. ST.

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A. B. TACK =tt::~~e::a:no1lon PlID8r ond IIndO" 8hOdlS I~l~'~ .CJIr.

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.
261 Eckman Rosa B., wid Charles T., h U:~3 Shoop Eckrich Conrad. engr, h nas S Cameron Eckrich Harry, machinist. h nas S Cameron Eddins Cecil H., fireman. h l:nO DerryhilI Eddy Elizabeth ~1., waitress. B:~4 ~larket. 11 :!fi:~ Herr Eden Alfred G., mgr. 1:?5i :\Iarket,'11 do Edge Thomas J., h 70i ?\ lith Edgemont Realty Co., A. C. Young, mgr, real estate, 'Chestnut c 'Court Edisonia Theatre, 1:!H8 X 6th Edleblute Carl. painter. h 12i4 Juniper Edleblute Frederick, laborer. h 1415 Thompson Edleblute George A .. paperhanger. h 3Hi Xectarine Edmondson :\lbert L.. shoe opr, h :!H Hummel Edmondson Elizabeth C.. wid Edward, h 22 S 1 it'h Edmondson Eva L.. h 1717 Regina Edmondson James :\1., postal elk. 'h liJi Regina Edmondson Stewart L.. C. S. X .. h :!41 Hummel Edmondson William ::\1., elk, l:!ili }Iarket, h 49 X 17th Edmondson William P .. elk. h 17li Regina Edmunds William H .. produce. 1531 X 3d, h do Edmunds William T., roll grinder. h 1854 Derry Edwards Alfred J., student. h 4117 Kelker Edwards Caradoc, engr., h 411j Kelker Edwards Earl \' .. engr. h 1!11 X l;)th

Edwards Emily, h 226 Herr Edwards Ernest A., motorman, h un I\ 15th Edwards George L., printer. h a45 Hummel Edwards George :\-I., h 11 i S Dewberry Edwards Gertrude. elk. :!:! X 4t;1. h :!:!fi Herr Edwards Jas. S .. storekeeper. Division nr lith, h :!:!6 Herr Edwards John, shoemkr, l:!fi S :!d. h 2:!a Cnion Edwards John, jr., driver, h :!:!3 Union Edwards John C, blacksmith, h 345 Hummel Edwards Lizzie A., elk, h 226 Herr Edwards Martha Mrs., h :!:!H Forster Edwards Marv A. :\lrs.. h 109 Verheke Edwards Mary G., teacher, h :!2H State Edwards Mvrtle, tailoress. :!U:! Walnut. 'h 191 N 15th Edwards Xathan G .., laborer. h Hn N 15th Edwards Pascoe G . mgr. li:!n X ad, h :!:!Ii Herr Edwards Rachel ~frs . h 1aa Short Edwards Royal :\1.. elk. 15nH :\Iarket. h Hit X 15th Edwards Sarah A., domestic. 15111 l\ Front - Edwards Thomas. rol:er. h 1:~48 State Edwards William A .. machinist. h :!:!fi Herr Egan Charles :\1.. tinsmith. h i14 Capital Egc Edward L .. laborer. h l~HiFtllton Egenreider Barbara. sales:ady. :t!4 Reily. h do Egenrieder Anna, h 1811 X ad






-- -- -- - - - - -

MONEY AOVAI CEO }~1llc"?'Jy~:.r {~r=:er~

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Boyd's Harrisburg

City. Directory, 1908.


Ehling Albert n.. laborer. h 10i Hanna Ehling Harvey M., conductor, h 221 S lath Ehling Henry, lahorer. h 10i Hanna r Ehling William F., nail feeeler. h 10i Hanna Ehlman Albert "V .. cooper. h 15ts \Vallace Ehly Elmer E .. carpenter. h I1t4 :'.Iontgomery Ehrhart Walter S., driver.:h 1156 Derrv Ehrisman Robert .. engr, h 14:15 Regina 11\ Eibell )'1ary. cigar packer. h 142 Indian J Eichel Joseph H .. laborer. h 6a4 Camp .. Eichelberger Bruce S .. brakeman. h 171:~ Fulton Eichelberger Charles. laborer. h 2008 Green. Eichelberger Clara, saleslady. 318 Mkt .. h \Vormleysburg Eiche-lberger Elizabet'h, wid Josiah. h l:t:m Penn' Eichelberger Elmer R.. heater. h 224 S 15th Eichelberger Franklin P .. repairsman. 11 1i21! N 4th Eichelberger George B., driver. It 451 Verbeke Eichelberger Glenn L.. painter. 'h :~29 Clinton Eiche:herger Grant, elk. h 1ta Strawberry Eichelberger 'Harry F .. repairsman. h t029 Logan ~ Eichelberger James. laborer, h Hill Logan ~ Eichelberger Josiah :VI., molder. h 13:13 Penn. Eichelberger Mary C, wid Jacob C. h :t?7 Hamilton Eichelberger Otis E .. repairsman. h 645 Woodbine Eic'helherger Sylvester W.,__ s\_v_it_c_h~_an_,_ ~_2_0fl~~_r_f'_en _ __

I :l L


Egenrieder August, plumber, h 3t4 Reily Egenrieder Cresentia, saleslady. at4 Reily, h do .Egenrieder John, baker. 3t4 Reily. h do Egenrieder Jdhn N .. baker. h :n5 Clinton Egenrieder Joseph. baker Lunatic Hospital, h do Egenrieder Louis P., baker. h :t!4 Reily Egenrieder Matilda C. ]\1rs., housekeeper. 1:tt9 Green Egenrieder 1"homas. baker, 1811 X ad. h do Eggert Emil, dyer. 124S :'.'1arket and 81a N ad, h 29 S 16th Eggleston Elizabeth, cook, h 6a4 Briggs Egle Ca~harine 1., h ;l05 X td Egle 'Eliza, wid William H., h all5 1\ 2<1 Egolf Adam D., contractor, h t18 Cumberland. Egolf Lewis A., timekeeper, h 20115 ~ tith Egolf Samuel J., machinist, "h 1935 1\ 5th Egolf Susan 'C, wid David P., h 5tO Forrest Eheman William A., checkman P. R. R., h 24 S 3d Ehlen :VIary H., seamstress, h 545 SlOth Ehlen S. Fannie Mrs .. dressmkr,h 545 S 1Ot11 Ehler Elmer W., elk State Dept. Health. h 1923 Green Ehler Fannie. cigar roller, h !I;n Susquehanna Ehler George B .. lineman. h 931 Susquehanna Ehler George L.. sub letter carrier. h 1!l:!3 Green E'hler George \"l., hostler. h 192:1 Green Ehler \Villard. laborer, h 4Hi S River

Titil 6uIr8nfy and Sarlty CI. W:::'I. {F.m::t"!r:':''::.-;" hr!.~=:Z...




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I. 8. TACK} FIN~E!~Ar,,,~~~,,';c,~~~R{l218Konn TDlnl81reeJ


(E) City Directory, 1908.


Eic:lelberger Clysses G., elk. h l:!a Strawberry :D Eichinger Catharine, teacher, h :!1:~ Verbeke PI Eichholtz George W., foreman P. R. R., h :!:!~8 ::\ 6th Z Eicholtz Ira, fireman, h 411 Harris -I Einstein Annie :\1 rs .. h 1:?9 'vYalnut Einstein 'Celia :\1., h 124 Walnut EINSTEIN DRYGOODS CO", INC., Joseph Strouse, pres; Otto J. Buxbaum, sec and treas, 221 M~rket Einstein Richard. student, h 12!J Walnut Einzig Anthony J.. laborer. h 422 Cumberland Einzig Frank L., engr, h lX04 X 4th Einzig Harman, basketmkr. I:Ufi William. h do PI Einzig Ida S. ~1rs., music teacher, 1S04 X 4th. h do Eisely Edward F., messenger State Dept. Health, Capitol, -I h 1:~1I1 Berryhill PI Eisenberg Archibald C, elk. h 1112 Oxford C Eisenberg Joseph, salesman. Ii S :!d. h fi:~11 B0as Eisenberg. see Isenberg Eisenberger George \V., motorman. h lUI!) :\'lontgomery > Eisenberger Grant. bricklayer. h XUli S Cameron ::G Eisenberger Harry, cooper. 'h Xl!I S 11lth Eisenberger Hiram S., engr. h Han Forster Eisenberger Jacob B., engr. h fiau Forster :D Eisenberger Jacob P .. brakeman. h li14 Seneca


r r

< > o


J:~~:'~c:r~~} Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn.: :=~ n

Eisenberger l'.lary M., saleslady, :~:~4 :\Iarket, h 811i S Cameron Eisenberger Samuel, hricklayer, h :W5 Dauphin Eisenhart Emma xl. 'B., stengr Bureau Statistics, h 211 Locust EISENHART HARRY P., physician, 1122 N 2d, h do Eisenhour Chas. W .. sheet metalwkr, 151x X :~d, h 1519 do Eisenhower Daisy C. clk, h 1:11l S :~d Eisenhower Elmer E., planer, 'h a:n S 15th Eisenhower John. sexton. 'h 1:!() S 2d Eisenhower Samuel n., elk, 12S S :!d, h 413 ~orth Eisenhower Warren J.. tallyman P. R. R., h 1:30 S 3d . Eisenhower William E., trucker P. R. R., h 14a:l Berryhill Eissner Peter, ladies' tailor, 3 S 4th. h Penbrook Eitnier Aaron H., blacksmith, 'h 1251 Kittatinny Eitnier Samuel, repairsman, h 18:!2 Swatara Etberti Jahn W .. foreman P. R. R., h lilliot X 5th Elden :\'Iary A., wid Charles D., h Ian State Elder Belle ~1rs .. 'h 1:319 Fulton Elder Catharine, wid William S .. b /iH \Voodbine Elder Charles B., contractor. 24th c Derry, h do Elder Charles :\1., engr. ih 50H Emerald Elder David R.. collector, h 2:~4 Harris Elder Edna L.. teacher. 11 1G:n X :~d Elder Eleanor S., organist. h 2!l4 Harris

::G ;:





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'1'17. TOD or

H M 1\ "ELLEY QIJ CO'S -Blaek DlamOndlWhen{ II.rt.SdII111M. o. I I ),011 Dellt order. IOtb .Ad .......
Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.


ELDER EVELYN M., grocer, 1247 Mulberry, h 24th c Derry Elder Harry W., bar elk, h 1274 State CD Elder John, dairyman, h 24th ab Derr\" Elder Mary, wid James, h 509 Emerald ~ Elder Mary A., wid Jacob. h 1(i31 :\ 3d .: Elder Mary C, saleslady, 318 :Market. h 64 7 Woodbine ~ Elder :Matthew B., plumber, 224 N 2d, h Derry bel 23d Elder Perry G .. lampman P. R. R depot, h 17 N 17th Elder Raymond B., stengr, 1702 Susq., 'h 422 ~[uench Elder Samuel, fireman, h 140n :\ lit':' Elder Thomas B., laborer, h 64i Woodbine Elder William c., elk, h 234 Harris :: Elder William E.. laborer, h 647 Woodbine Eldridge George T., chief elk Hbg. Gas Co., h 271 Herr Eldridge Ralph S., elk, 11 271 Herr Eldridge T. Earl, student, h 2i1 Herr Eleanor J ron Co., R C. K eal. pres. Lochiel Elicker Charles L., conductor, h 2115 X 6th (/) Elicker G. Edwin, watchmkr, 1804 :\T 11th, h 602 Woodbine Elicker George W., blacksmith, h 2117 :\ 6th III Elicker G. Rov. brakeman, h 2144 X 11th ..J Elicker J. Cal;in, elk, h 904 Capital Elicker Le\\'is E., machinist, h :\ C Elicker William E., motorman.145:'::!fi Linden h S Cameron III

-_e -=







Elk River Coal and Lumber Co., 401-408 Bergner bldg Elkinton Paul P., surveyor, h 39 X 1:1th ELKS' SOCIAL ROOMS, 216 N 2d >'! Ellenberger Annie ~L. wid Israel. h 204 Harris Ellenberger Edna. cigarmkr, h 424 Walnut IIIiC Ellenberger Francis W., baker, h 193H Briggs a.. Ellenberger Harry L.. conductor. h 617 Kelker E Ellenberger Harvey E., elk, h 2:32 Mulberry o Ellenberger John A .. fireman, h 643 Woodbine U Ellenberger J. Wesley, phy~ician, n22 :\ 3d, h 924 do .....I Ellenberger Margaret, wid Samuel fl.. h 922 N 3d IIIiC Ellenb~rger Pearl E .. bookkpr, 24 :\ :!d. h 2039 ~ 4th o Ellenherger Samuel E., salesman. W:1 N 2d, h 2039 N 4th' U Ellenberger Sarah J . wid John, h 232 Mulherry Q Ellert George. laborer. h 1251 ~'Ionroe Ellicker Wi111iam c.. flagman, h 1114i Wallace IIIiC Ellinger Charles F., electrician, 'h 403 'Boas 1&1 ELLINGER DAVID H., sanitary officer, Court House,. U h 403 Boas Ellinger George W., telegrapher P. R R, h 514 Emerald Q Ellinger Harry, laborer, h 414 S River 1&1 Ellinger Joseph H., laborer, h 220 S River Ellinger Robert, laborer, h 406 S River Elliott Clara S., bookkpr. 329 Market, h 131 Sylvan ter p Elliott Finley A., sol Independent, h 264 Herr

I. L. ST. CLAIR {T' AI LOA {1240 Market Stretr

Digitized by


"} Emplon - bat INkl_ workmen, hence only" j 1818 A B TAC1\ daaI'-'andllllaralc. Workdooetnao1p&JioflJ&ate)N.8dS&.
Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908. 265 ELLIOTT-FISHER CO., W. M. Cartmell, treas; G. F. Watt, genl mgr, billing machines and adding typewriters, 1517-1519 S Cameron Elliott Frederick S., shipper, 619 Walnut, h 2147 N 5th Elliott James, machinist, h 810 East Elliott John, 'h 332 Hummel Elliott Jdhn G., bartender Hotel Russ, h 2525 N 6th Elliott Joseph, machinist, h 810 East Elliott Mary, shampooing, 8 N 2d. h 218 Briggs Elliott Mary E., bookkpr, 420 X 3d, h 131 Sylvan ter Elliott Nellie J., h 264 Herr Elliott Patrick, laborer, h SHI East Ellis Carrie, cleaner, h 1105 ~ ith Ellis D.O., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Ellis Edward K., laborer, h 1112 Cowden Ellis Frank F., machinist, h 1911 Forster Ellis George D., laborer, h 1105 X ith Ellis Harry F., potter, h 1112 'Cowden Ellis John 1\., carpenter, -h 2131 Moore Ellis Lizzie Mrs., boarding. 121 S 14th, h do Ellis :\fary E., bunchmkr, h 1105 N ith Ellis William H., machinist, h 2131 :Vloore Ellis WilliamW., blacksmit'h, 'h 1425 Wyeth Ellis William W., blacksmith, h 1640 N 6th Ellis William W., jr., blacksmith, h l(i40 N 6th







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Ellmire Lloyd F., electrician P. R. R., h 108 Balm Elmer Bridget, wid Frank, h 318 N Court Eischeid Hildegard, wid Richard, 11 236 S 2d EIscheid John R., hotel, 501 Market, h do Elsenhaus George H., draftsman State Highway Dept., h 262 North Elser Florence E .. clk P.O., h Penbrook Eltringham George N., brakeman, h 1443 Vernon Eltringham Matthias, h 1330 Derry Ely Andrew M .. laborer, h 23d nr Derry Ely Carl B., draftsman, h 125 State Ely Minnie !\-Irs., h 604 Delaware Ely Moses K., inspector, h 24 Locust Ely Samuel A., laborer, h 214 S 15th Emanuel Aaron, molder, h 52i Cowden Emanuel Annie T., wid Solomon, h 624 Forster Emanuel Gertrude C. elk, h 624 Forster Emanuel Harry G., plumber, h 70n State Emanuel Harrv J. constable, h i06 State Emanuel JosephD., bar elk. State c 4th, h 624 Forster Emanuel Joseph P., painter, h 1233 'Cowden Emanuel Katie, cJk, 1 X 3d, h605 Boas Emanuel Solomon C, cornicemkr. h 706 State Emanuel William H .. machinist. h ion State Embich George B., expressman: 401 'Chestnut, h 6'47 Boas
Digitized by

~ ~ ~

INDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO. ~J'~~~ u,.~::= I uoog e

McNBL'S PAil EXTERMINATOR ~~:'''J.':~~:'~::~ 306 Bro.~

266 Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.
Embich Grace A., stockingmkr, h H4i 'Boas Embich Helen. stamper, h fi4i Boas Embich Jacob. brakeman, h 1I1II5 X ith Emhich Ray P., expressman. 4111 C11estnut, h (i47 Boas Embick Howard \V .. ins sol, 4 S 2d, h Xew Cumberland Emerick Adam, 'plasterer, h l;j;t! \. emon Emerick Albert. chief engr Capitol, h (to Emerick Arden W., stockkpr, h 184!) ~ 7th Emerick Benjamin F., warehouseman. h Iii X 10th Emerick Calvin L.. brakeman. h 1fi:!i Carnation Emerick Catharine. cigar roller, h 1:!20 X 7t\1 Emerick Charles M .. barber, h 211 l\ 141'h Emerick George W .. brakeman, h :!:l;j Crescent Emerick Georgianna. domestic. :!lIi X Front Emerick ~f an'. wid Levi. h 11~ Dock Emerick Mor'ris. elk Dauphin Dep. Trust 'Co., h 35 Evergreen Emerick Sarah A. Mrs .. h Hili N ith Emerick William, laborer. h IS4!) :\ 7th Emerick \-Villiam K.. boilermkr, h !Wi ~ 7t'h Emerson Andrew, laborer, h 515 State Emerson Charles. painter. h 142:! 1\ ;ld Emerv Ellen l\1. Mrs .. h :!!l S :!d Emer}' Frank W .. brakeman. h 1a:!4t James Emery John H .. telegrapher. h 5im Forrest

5~ Title SDlrlDty 'D~ Sirety el. c~\-:rp~u-=-":~".:"{~iu'%.



Emerv Robert A" laborer. h 12:!!) ~lonroe Emig' George. decorator. Ii S :!d, h 1:n5 James Emig Harry ~L, carpenter. h 441'1 Cumberland Emminger Cloyd W., lineman. h wao Park Emminger Elizabeth. wid James P .. h :!5 X 15th Emminger Frank P., lineman, h :!5 ~ 1;)th Emmil}ger George \V., electrician, h :1211 Herr Emminger Robert J., lineman, h 25 ~ 15t'h Emminger \Varren D., lineman, h :14:! Boyd

1.1 III


EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT CO., salary loans, room 2, Security Trust bldg, 36 N 3d Emrick 'Charles \~,r., mgr, 1211 Market. h :!024 Green Enck Alice C, wid Henrv T., h 1:!50 ~larket Enck Chalmer L .. elk. 15 S :!d. h ~21 N mh Enck Crayton H., baker. 45 K 14th, h do Enck John C. driver. h 14:!H Shoop Enck ~label ~l., tel opr. :!11) Walnut, h 1250 :\Iarket Enders Amos E., grocer, in X 1:1th, h do Enders Annie E., wid \\,illiam. h Ill:! X lith Enders Della :VI.. saleslady. ;n~ :Vlarket, h :W24 Derry Enders Edgar. car inspector. h (ilfi Seneca Enders Frank. air tester, h 21:~:! r\ 7th Enders Harry B. laborer. h /Hil Sayforcl Enders Isaiah T., h 18fl!l X lith ." Enders john H~ huckster, h !!041 B~~s_ _ _ _ __


REDMOND}.~=:~!.~ :r~~gi'::s {3d anllRall' Sli.

Digitized by


l B. TACK}lALL PIPER ~::::~..= 111001 SHIDES h~o~:a 8c.

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908. 267
Enders Katie. domestic, 110 X :!d Enders Lena, domestic, 2ml S Front Enders :\largaret, tobacco stripper. h 111:1 X 7th Enders :\Iason G . engr, h 1~Cl2 X 5th Enders Robert A .. grocer, l~m-l~lIa X lith, h (i00 Kelker Enders \\'arren \\' .. car inspector, h 6Ui Seneca Endress Harry, laborer, h fi47 Calder Endress Theo~lore. asst yardmaster. h 2fil Cumberland Endress Zachariah, laborer, h 1012 James Engel Fe,rdinand, tailor, 4:~2 Boas, h do Engle Aaron L., laborer, h l:l S 17th Engle .\Iice R.. housekeeper. ]:1 S 17th Engle Allen S . elk. h 121:l Swatara Engle narbara. h fi~ ~ 12th Engle Benj. II .. pres Central :\lill and Lumber Co., N 9th nr :\larket. h Hummelstown Engle Charles, h 41~ :\larket Engle Charles D., salesman, all~ :\Iarket. h 26th c Derry Engle Claude R., sec and treas Central :\IiII and Lumber Co., h 1m2 N :ld Engle Edward H. engr. h 4!l S t:hh Engle Elizabeth. cigarmkr. h l:l S lith Engle Emanuel. blacksmith. h ]~24 Penn Engle Emma S,. sketcher. h 121:l Swatara Engle Enos n.. nllTsery inspector. Capitol. h 2r:i5 North


SaYings and Loan Alsn. U:=

X l> ::D < l>. :0

Engle Ephraim L., h 11~;j Bailey Engle Fanny N., Jomestic, 11~5 Bailey Engle Ira F .. fireman. h lfi14 Park Engle Irvin ~1., brakeman. 'h 1614 Park Engle John R.. helper, h :H2 Hummel Engle :\laria, wid David W., h 12]:~ Swatara Engle Oliver R.. laborer. h 1426 Hunter Engle William F . switchman, h 20:l~ (;reen Engler Emma P., domestic. ]5:~0 Wallace Englert Ralph B., bottler. h 2!1U S Cameron English B. :\liller. conductor. h lfi15 X lith English Carrie :\\rs., h l!1:n ~ 7th English Emma E. t (Harrishurg \'ia\'i Co,l. h 4:Ul Peffer English Florence M., teacher, h 4:W Peffer English George \\l., engr, h 1609 Hunter English Harry T., brakeman, h 171111 Susquehanna English Isaac. carpenter Lunatic Hospital, h do English Isabelle N., saleslady, l!lOO ~ !ld, h 1523 do English John J . conductor, h fi2:{~ Hamilton Enk Frederick. butcher. h li:J1i Forrest Ennis Blanche, shoe apr, h :n2 Kelker Ennis Bridget. domestic, HIt!1 X 2d Ennis John J . paperhanger. h a12 Kelker Ennis John J.. jr. paperhanger. h :U2 Kelker Ennis Walter G. paperhanger. h :n:! Kelker

THE P A "':i!:t~ RToogle

OUR MOTTO. - } Hon t Coal, HoneetW.lcht

H M KELLty GIl CD {1M. 1111.111111 o. I .11" If l;. I ....


Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.

Ennis William H., asst engr State Dept. Health, h Camp Hill Enright Anne R., elk, 210 Walnut, h 1346 Vernon hnright Catharine E., dressmkr, h 1346 Vernon .t..nright Helen G., milliner, h 1436 Vernon o Enright Mary E., saleslady, 221 :Market, h 1344 Vernon c:t Enright Mary E., wid James, h 1436 Vernon Ensign Guert \V., asst State Highway Commissioner, h .;; Camp Hill o Ensinger A. Leigh, draftsman, Herr clOth, h 602 Race Ensinger Grace c., h 600 Race Ensinger Mary c., wid William H., h 435 Kelker Ensinger Samuel D., stoves, tinware, &c., 600 Race, h do Ensminger Alexander S., butc'her, h 32~ Harris Ensminger Carrie, saleslady, 6 S 2d, h Lemoyne Ensminger E. Charles, elk, 100 S 2d, 'h 131 Chestnut Ensminger 'Ellen S., wid Philip, h 1431 Regina fI) Ensminger 'Emerson E., laborer, h 620 Ross Ensminger 'Eugene M., treas and genl mgr, 17th c Derry, h 1846 Derry Ensminger George H., physician, 131 Chestnut, h do I- Ensminger Hanna'h A., wid Samuel, h 338 Harris Ensminger Henry R., agt, h 56 !\ 12th c( Ensminger Jennie Mrs., nurse, h 520 Korth

.... ...... .....

o o


I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGISH16 N. 3d St. Z Ensminger Jdhn ~I., sec and asst mgr, 17th c Derry, h


o o

1813 Derr\" ENSMINGER JOHN T., auctioneer, furniture, 100-104 S 2d, h 131 Chestnut Ensminger John T., jr., elk, 202 N 2d, h 131 Chestnut Ensminger John W., air inspector, h 2462 N 6th Ensminger Joseph, contractor, h 1839 Berryhill Ensminger Joseph, tinsmi~h, h 338 Harris Ensminger Lumber Co., E. M. Ensminger, genl mgr, 17th c Derry Ensminger :Maggie, housekeeper. 183f1 Berryhill Ensminger Oliver F., roller, h 6114 Race Ensminger Ralph H., elk, h 56 :\ 12th Ensminger Sallie Z., wid Louis D .. h 15112 Penn Ensminger Sarah A. Mrs., h 82; S Front Ensminger S. Esther, saleslady. h 604 Race Enterline Tiras Rev., II 406 Strawberry Enterprise 'Coffee ~fills. (Francis Blessing and Oscar J. Bogen), coffee roasters, 107 Cherry Enterprise Mfg. Agency, washing tablets and M. O. sup plies, 1508 Wallace EntrekinW. Frank, engr, h 1644 N 3d Entrikin EdithM., seamstress, h 801 East Eppison 'Vmiam, driver. h 142 Hancock Eppleman Beulah :\of., elk. 201 :\ 2d. h ] 35 Hanna Eppleman George .T., ironwkr. h 13:1 Hanna

I. L. ST. ClAIR{TAILO~Ji~z~~~Y~~~


B. TACK .l~\..

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.

Eppleman ::\lervin H., bookkpr, 331 ::\larket, h ::W:j'i Penn Eppleman Ruth E., bookkpr, h 13;) Hanna Eppler Amos H., telegrapher P. R R., It 1918 Fulton Eppler Harry, driver, 'h 38 Linden Eppley. Charles M., elk, Division c P. R R, h 515 Curtin Eppley Ernest, salesman, 115 Market, h New Cumberland Eppley George A., telegrapher P. R R., h 515 Curtin Epstein Fannie :\'lrs., h 429 Strawberry Equitable Life Ins. Co., Union Trust Co. bldg Erb Alice, wid Frederick. h 537 Camp Erb Bella, housekeeper, 1336 Susquc;lanna Erb Charles W., elk city treasurer, C. H., h :101; Chestnut Erb Elmer, bookbinder, 10th bel Chestnut, h W. Fairview Erb Emma H., nurse, h 1327 Kittatinny Erb George H., laborer, h 332 Verbeke Erb Harry \V., brakeman, h 2040 Susquehanna Erb Henry, laborer, h SO!).! S Froth Erb Tohn '1\'1., bar elk, h 343 Nectarine Erb John ::\1., elk, 21:! Locust, h 1615 Swatara Erb Lottie M. Mrs., h :!3() Cllarles Erb Mary Eo, wid Clarence, h 2005 N 6th Erb Samuel 1\1., florist, h 28th c DerT\' Erh Theodore c., machinist, h 273 Briggs Erb Theodore Do, engr, h 325 Crescent Erb William Eo, fireman, h 1979 X 7th

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~:'~~K

Erdman Joseph A.. machinist, h 169 1\ 15th Erdross S. Levy, grocer, !)f)() S 21st, h 1008 ?II 7th Erhart \Valter S., driver. 24 N 2d, h Derry Erion Lewis, storekpr, h 1406 Green Erisman Clarence M., salesman, 9 N 2d, h l\:liddletown Erk Abbie c., stengr Capitol, h 335 Walnut Erk Harry, laborer, h 1320 N 7th ~ Erlenmeyer Sadie Mrs., supt cafe Y. W. C. A., 4th c Wal- :::.:J nttt. h do ~ Ernest Herman L., switchnnn, h 621 Calder !:!I Ernest Jacob N., brakeman. '1 1724 Susquehanna Ernest John c., conductor, h 2119 N f)th Ernest Marv E., elk, 130!) Walnut, h 114 S 13th Ernest Ray; driver, h 135 Indian Ernest Thompson J., barber, 1253 Market, h 114 S 13th Ernest, see Earnest Ernst Eva, domestic, 58 Balm Eroh Henrv E., ironwkr, h 912 S 19!Errickson Edward, foreman, h 10Sf) S 9th Eschelman Jacob F .. mail agt, h 1624 Penn Eschenbach Fannie R, demonstrator, h 1531 N 3d Eschenhour Annie F., wid Jacob G., h 1322 Howard Esenwine Edward F., painter, h Green c Hamilton 'Eshbach Horace W., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., h 409 Boas Eshelman Adeline Mrs., h 604 Cumberland ~




CLARK'S =:::11~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store {s::}:::t:lJ.,

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908. Eshelman Geo. M .. telegrapher P. R. R., h 1412 Xaudain Eshelman Harr\' N., conductor, 11 lfiHi \\"allace Eshelman Joseph C, postal elk, h :3411 ~ 14th Eshelman ~1argt1erite, trained nurse, h ~11 l\ lith Eshelman William. engr, h 1123 N 3d Eshenauer Joseph, janitor. h 11i:H Derry Eshenauer Laura j., housekeeper, lli:n Derry Eshena\\'l'r E. Lizzie, wid Addison A., h 1314 James Eshenho\\'er Christian, hricklayer, h UO] Cumberland Eshenour Bertha T . bookkpr, 18th c Derry, h 1637 Swatara Eshenour Carrie, cook Dauphin County Almshouse Eshenour Edwin, elk Merchants' Xational I3ank, h 1230 N :ld Eshenour Elmer E., collector. h ] Ii:!'; Swatara Eshenour Faber, motorman, It Hit!> Xorth Eshenour \" era 1\1.. bookkpr. h lfi:tj Swata ra Eshenower Charles E .. machinist. h !H)O S 20!Esheno\\'cr Ed",'in E.: corrl1gator. h 91111 S 21ltEshenower .Mos \\'., bartender. 2!1 S Dewberry, h 1827 Bern'hill Eshkma~ Cyrus H . asst observer \\' eathcr Bureau, P.O., h 275 Cumberland Eshlcman Elizabeth, nurse. h l:t! Hoerner Eslinger Annie ;\1., h Homc for the Friendless
"(,IU. a_at;, and Suret;, Co. -8er.... ton. Penna. {'I'~'






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Eslinger Effie I., stengr. 2i S 2d, h \V Fairview Eslinger Horace G .. conductor. h I7:!!) :;\Iarket Eslinger Lucretia ~l.. cigar roller. h I72!) l\larket Eslinger S. Jane. sorter, 'h 17:!!J :\larket ESl11cr Edward W., clk. h 14117 ~ ad ESI11t:'i' Paul H .. student. h J 407 X ad Espcnshade Ella. cook. ~:!7 K Front Espenshade Ira n.. paintcr. h 725 S 19th Espenshade .\larian, bookkpr, :n~ ~Iarket, h Hummelstown Espcnship R. Grace. stengT res elk H. of R .. h 204 N 2d Espy Helen E .. h 51J:i N Front Espy Rectina C .. elk. State Library, h :!IO Pine ESSICK WILLIAM S., genl agent Aetna Life Insurance Co . Accident and Liability Dept., 75 Union Trust bldg, 20 N 2d, h 922 Green E,~ig Frederick, hutcht-r. I: !I:!:\ ~arah Es~ig Frederick c., <lrinr. h 117 \'crhcke E~~ig John L., (Bate!' & Co.). h 117 \'crbeke Es~ig John \\ ... salesman. h lII:m S Hth Es~ig Ralph P .. shipping" elk. h 117 \erheke Estep J c!"se T., laborer. h 1II1J~ II el11lock E~tep Lizzi(' n.. cigannkr. h Jflll~ Hemlock E~tep Ray. sale!'olllan. h lCIO~ I-h'llllock Estep \VilhurtW .. brakeman. h 100.~ Hemlock

Redmond's Wagon Works }~':.IJd~~tb~!~~: {3d andJIeilv !tS




A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades {l:ltN~}L

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.


Esterley George n., eng-r. h 1821 :Market Esterley \\'illiam, laborer, h r 17:l5 K 7th Esterlv' Edwin l\L, baker, h 1410 Naudain Estes ':\lary, domestic, 1425 N' Front Esworthv D. Milton, electrician, h 9!!5 ~ 3d Esworth\' Rebecca. wid Thomas, h 239 South ESWORTHY ROMULUS W., plasterer and contractor, 120 N River, h do Esworthy Ross R, plasterer. 11 120 K River Etnoyer Christopher C, contractor, 1635 Swatara, h do Etnover Elizabeth ;'>.Irs., h 924 Penn Etnoyer Harry P., foreman, 17th c Herr, h Cnion Deposit Etnover Henrv. h 1635 Swatara Ettele Trumati P., elk R M. S., h 24 X 16th Etter Benjamin F., lawyer, 213 Walnut. h 208 Pine Etter Calvin. (Cah'in Etter & Son), h 251 Boas ETTER CALVIN & SON, (Calvin and C. Ross), grocers, flour and feed. 601 State Etter Carrie. wid Daniel. h 6:n Sadord Etter Charles F., mfr change carriers, 904 ~ 2d, h do Etter C Ross. (Calvin Etter & Son), h 251 Boas Etter Elizabeth I.. elk, 1206 Derr\', h 1159 do ETTER GEORGE E.. real estate and insurance, 213 Walnut, h 209 Pine Etter Geo. \V . asst supt Prudential Ins. Co., h 1500 State
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SaYings and Loan Assn. U:=

Etter George W., catcher, h 1014 S 9th Etter Harrv H., machinist, h 311a Cumberland Etter Hele~ ~1. :\1rs. h 317 Herr Etter Helen ~f..' stengr, Hi N 2d, h Highspire Etter :\1argaretta F., supervisor, 2111 Walnut. h 317 Herr Etter Samuel S., grocer, 1206 Derry, h 115!1 do Etter Sarah J., shoe opr, h 1221 ~ 3d Etter Susanna Mrs., h Home for the Friendless Etter William G . machinist. 11 3(13 Briggs Etter William H" caretaker Capitol. h Highspire Etter 'WiIliam H., driver Peipher Line. h :W3 Briggs Etter William H., laborer. h 1414 Susquehanna Ettien Catharine, wid Isaac. h ::no Hummel Ettinger William J., engine hostler, h I:!:! Calder Ettinger William J.. jr. machinist, h 122 Calder Ettla Anna C. h 4:33 Boas Ettla Joseph L., elk H. of R., h251 Liberty Etzler Alice B . housekeeper, 118 S 13th Etzler Anna 1\1., h 118 S 13th Etzler Daniel, h 118 S 13th Et:t.ler Edward J.. painter, h 118 S 13th Etzler Harry W., paperhanger. h 118 S 13th Etzler Joseph S., engr. h 118 S 13th Etzweiler Blanche, bookkpr. 434 ;\Iarket, h 11:39 Derry Etzweiler Emma C, domestic, 1442 :Market

.._ - - - - - - - - - - - J6

THE PATRIOT'S :~:r~.:~it;{~~ogIe

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Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory, 1908.

Eureka 'Coal Wagon Works, (H. Bailey). 614-618 lI:orth EUREKA HAND LAUNDRY, (Bowers Bros.), 935 Rose Eutzy Joseph, bar elk, IH'j ~ 41'h, h SO!}t S Front Eutzy \Villiam H., conductor, h 4~4 Walnut Evangelical (The), Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evangelical Bible Quarterly, Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201
N :!d Evangelical Bible Teacher, Rev. S. L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evangelical Little Folks, S. L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evangelical Visitor, Rev. G. Detwiler, pub, 1185 Bailey Evangelische Zeitschrift, Samuel L. \Viest, mgr, 201 ~ 2d Evans Ada B., domestic, 6:l2 Emerald Evans Ann, wid John J., h :lOH Boas Evans Annie, bonnetmkr, h !)2j X 6th Evans Arthur C, telegrapher P. R R, h 6li Muench Evans Barton D., elk Dept. of Fisheries, h 1617 X 2d Evans Benjamin 5' .. brakeman. 'h 19!!.l Fulton Evans B. Frank. mgr. h !I:n N 2d Evans-Burtnett Co., (~fahlon Evans and Charles W. Burtnett), wholesale grocers. 834-338 Chestnut Evans Clarence G., student, h 931 N 2d Evans David. blacksmith, h 1644 'Market Evans, David T., doubler, h 518 Curtin










.. -





"'ii -:IE



11.1 ..J 11.1





GORGAS}-FAIR-PRICED DRUGGIST US-II - -St. 3d - - - - - - - - - . - - _._. --- -

z: ..:

Evans Dervin A., carpenter, h 2141 Jefferson Evans Ebenezer. laborer. h 5th ab Seneca Evans Edward \V .. elk. h 615 X 15th >- Evans Frank J .. elk, Hi:.!!' Penn. h 1!l2H do Evans George. carpenter, h l:H Balm Evans Jacob A., engr. h 162H \Yallace A. Evans James, telegrapher P. R. R, h Camp Hill E Evans John. machinist, h ] rJ-!4 :YIarket 0 u Evans John A .. carpenter. h lX:~!I Susquehanna Evans Joseph E .. brakeman. h l!l1H Fulton ....:I Evans Llewellvn l.. music teacher, 13H6 ~ ad, h do Evans Lorena -G., teacher High School, h 916 N 6th 0 u Evans Louis, puddler. h 1:326 S 13th Evans ~Iahlon. (Evans-Burtnett Co.), h 412 N 2d Q Evans Moses. laborer, h 16 Haehnlen IE Evans N'athan, elk, h 721 ~ 6th Evans Rachel. wid William. h 15:10 Walnut w Evans Simpson B. Rev., It 10(1) ?.; fith u Evans Taylor, coachman. h r 11);) X Front Evans William .-\., timekpr, h ~1i7 Sassafras Q William c.. h w Evans \\'iIliam H .. bookhinder. 2(jjl~:~H Derrv Evans huckster, h Sassafras' Evans Winfield S., agt C. S. Express. h 11 S 3d Evanson Fanetta N., buyer, 334 ~larket, h 276 Briggs c Eveler vVilIiam A., brakeman, h 917 N 6th '




l L. ST.



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.
2,73 Everets Garrett H . h H:!9 X Front Everett Moses, laborer, h 16 Haehnlcn PI Everhart Howard W .. laborer, h 1527 Derry Everhart Margaret R. ~lrs., h 211 Locust II) Everhart Thomas, painter. h 211 Locust Evert William J., purchasing agt E.-F., h 1500 S 12th Everts Hattie M., h 2017 Green Everts John T., engr, h 2017 Green Everts :-.Jathan, tailor, 6 S 2<1, h 1619 K 3d PI Eves Howard E., postal elk. h 1223 Derry Eves Theron M., elk. 619 Walnut, h 1230 Mulberry Eves Veda G., h 1223 Derry C Evitts Artltur W., engr, h 1618 Zarker , Cl Ewing Cicero l\L, physician. 512 Reily, h 1500 N 6th Ewing Edward E., engr, h 1208 N 2d Ewing Frank V., breeder of fancy pigeons, S Cameron bel Typewriter Works, h do Ewing George W., engr, h 427 :\faelay Ewing Harry F., car repairer, h 427 Maclay Ewing Jdhn c., artificial fuel, h 2247 X Heh ' -11 Ewing John R.. engr. h 1942 Green :iii: Ewing Lillian 1\1. l>.lrs., h 827 Reily Ewing :\lay P., h 15110 ~ 6th Ewing Xapoleon, chef. 23] Strawberry, h do 59






Ewing Xathaniel Hon.. State Railroad Commissioner, Capitol, h Senate Hotel . Ewing William R.. engine hostler, h 427 Maclay EXCHANGE BANKING CO., W. J. Lescure, mgr, 3

Eyde E. Clayton, train dispatcher P. R. R., h 1504 Walnut Eyer Elwood D., conductor, h 1116 Green Eyler A. Jay, cashier Prudcntial Ins. Co., 1444 Market Eyler Anna :\1., wid Andrew J., h 1444 :\Iarket Evler Frank A., foreman. h 1404 State E)'ler \Valter, pressman. h 1235 Derry Eyles William H., conductor, h 103 Evergreen Eynon James H., laborer. h 1730 Elm Eynon Lewis, laborer, h 1730 Elm Eynon Thomas. salesman. Il105 Derry. h 1953 Berryhill Eynon William G., electrician, h 1678 15th Evster Elizabeth, h 3116 Calder Eyster Harry W., car repairer, h 135:~ ?\orth Eyster John K., engr. h aUf) Calder Eyster Lettie, elk, !135 Rose. h aU6 Calder Evster Rosa. wid Edward c., h 30f) Calder Eyster. see Oyster

-~ c=

Fabb James G., salesman, 28 S 2d, h 1601 Penn Fackler Charles c.. elk, h 1314 Derry





INDEPEIDENT LOAI AID SECURITY CO. l:'tt~\T {\'fi:s:!:~ .....



:::: ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~3:.r:."=


-: !


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1905.

Fackler Charles lI., grocer, 1948 State, h clo Fackler Daniel T., teacher. h 1844 State Fackler E. L.. furniture, l:n2 DerrY, h 1314 do Fackler Elias J.. news agt P. R. R. depot, h Hill3 Market Fackler Ellis. foreman. h 414 S 19th Fackler Emma, wid Simon, h 1600 N 2r1 Fackler Emma J., wid :\Ioses F., h 1948 State Fackler Harry J.. news agt P. R. R. depot. h 1603 Market Fackler J. Garfield. elk ?\Ier. Xat. Bank. h 1506 State Fackler Minnie B . cigar packer. h 1844 State Fackler Samuel S .. carpenter, h ]lil4 Park Fackler Samuel S., jr., bookkpr, h lau Derry Fackler \\" endell, news agt, P. R. R. depot, h 1626 Market Faford Mary J."Mrs., h 63i Schuylkill Fagan Anna P . elk, h 11101 Cowden Fagan Arthur F .. messenger. h 11211 Grape Fagan Elmer E., flagman. h 6li Herr Fagan Frank, laborer. h fi07 Herr Fagan Hubert E., elk, 1!l29 ?\ lith, h do Fagan John A., laborer. h HI37 S nth Fagan John E., laborer. h 1126 Grape Fagan Man' A. h 5111 N 2d Fagan Robert E . bookkpr, 334 l'.larket, h 617 HerrFager Alhert. jr. salesman, h 1311i N lith FAGER ALBERT J., alderman, 922 N 2d, h do

I SeC'1, ... THII Bllrla" , . Sir," , . len.... {.... '1.''''''~''IOr.E.''''"''} Tnlrl.,. . la" . Co "'". c..lncltrl ... ,.liI ~"rta

Annie . HUll O Fager ArthurEL.,h(Geo. (ireen & Sons), h 225 Verbeke Fager C. Fager Fager Bella F., h 122 Walnut Z Fager Charles B., jr.. physician. 1211 Walnut, h do Fager Christian D .. 11 12301 lith Fager Edwin J.. ins, 8 N' 2d, h do C FAGER EUGENE F., plumber, 1730 N 3d, h do
~I., ~I. ~

o J


Fager Florence A, bookkpr, 213 X 2<1. h 22(j Verbeke Fager Frank H.. bookkpr, 2HI :\Iarket. h 1!)43 Green Fager Fredericka ~I., stengr, 115 ~Iarket. h 12301 N 6th Fager (;eorge C, (Geo. C. Fager & Son~), h 225 Verbeke FAGER GEORGE C. & SONS, (Arthur L. and William. C.), stoves, ranges, &c., 213 N 2d Fager Harry D., proof reader. h !l22 :\ 2d Fager Helen. stengr. 2! :\ 2d. h l:!:W~ X lith FAGER JOHN H., physician, 1234 N 6th, h do Fager John H .. jr . physiciall. !!22 Pim'. h do Fager Lanra, h lfH4 Susquehanna Fager LiIlil. h 122 Walnut Fager Margaret J., trimmer, h !l2~ ~ 2d Fager Martin W., bookkpr, 219 Market, h 133 State Fager l\Iason. h ]614 Susquehanna Fager Korman A., molder, h 1614 Susquehanna Fager Suie E., seamstress, h 1614 Susquehanna Fager SttSan A. wid Dr. Charles B.. h 120 Walnut

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily StS. Coogle

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I B TIC" fl Pre.eolnlr Mak.. aBUilding_ InorPlain TIDU {1. '8 JI'.1kl at. Spectalty ,,1\ l'abUo Kltlmu.Glyea
Boyd's Harristurg ( ) City Directory, 1908. 2i5

FAGER V. HUMMEL, physician, 120 Walnut, h 410 N 2d; office hours, 8.30 to 9.30 a. m., 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Fager \ViIliam C, (Geo. C Fager & Sons), h 225 Verbeke Fahnestock Oharles, machinist, h 1725 Logan Fahnestock Elizabeth A., teacher, h 1837 X 2d Fahnestock Frank G.. draftsman, h 19:~7 Green Fahnestock Frank G.. jr., draftsman, 204 )"farket, h 106 Sot1th Fahnestock Hanna H., stt1dent, h 18:17 N 2d Fahnestock Harry, elk, 200 Market, h 1226 Walnut Fahnestock Isabella Mrs., cigarmkr, h :m Balm Fahnestock Louisa C. h 106 South Fahnestock Maria, wid Derrick G., h 112 Nagle Fahnestock William :\/., teacher High School, h 1837 N 2d Fahrney Dorothea, draftswoman Dept: Int. Affairs, h 20 N Hith Fahrnev Frances l\lrs., h 20 N 16th Fahrney 1\1. Sangree, repairsman, h 20 N' 16th Failey Caroline P .. bookkpr, 6 S 2d, h 634 Woodbine Faile\' Elizabeth G., h 517 North Faile~' Ella, photo retoucher, h 634 Woodbine Failey James, watchman P. R R. h 634 Woodbine Faile), l\1ary A., wid Thomas, h 517 North Failey Sarah, warper, h 6:14 Woodbine


Sayings and Loan Assn.{


Failey William B., telegrapher P. R R, h 4 S 4th Failey, sec Faley Failor Bessie E., apronmkr, h 341 Boyd Failor Frank A., postal elk, h 1407 Berryhill Failor Frederick, painter, h 1612 N 5th Failor Harvey, driver, h 518 North Failor Julia A., h 1612 N 5th Failor Mary, wid Wilson, h 1612 N 5th Fair Bella N., dressmkr, h 84 N 17th Fair John, elevatorman, H08 Vernon, h 24 S 18th Fair John P., fireman, h 619 Calder Fairfax Eugene, mgr, h 317 Calder Fairfax:William, scullion, h 2 Sherman row III Fairlamb Joseph V., elk, h 1827 N 2d Fairlamb Robert H., elk, 210 Market, h 1900 N 3d EFAIRLAMB ROBERT V., tobacconist, 210 and 331a iii Market, h 1827 N 2d ~! Fairman Clarence C., elk, 12 N 2d, h 1157 Derry SJ Falconer Sallie, charwoman, h 518 Strawberry ~I!II Faley Ida Mrs., drcssmkr, 1829 N 2d, h dQ ~I . ". Faley Thomas F., postal elk, h 1829 N 2d III Fale", see Fallev :1'3 Faling Rachel E., wid Michael, h 21:1 Herr ;, IFillk Charles A., laborer, h 60l Race Fa!k Charles A., jr., baker, h 601 Race




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H. M. KELLEY 8. CO.}ODlces, ~.~:~~~1.f~Tt~{COAL AID WOOD



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.

1: D





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Fa!k Frederick H .. bricklayer, h 601 Race Falk Tohn C. asst chemist C. I. and S. Co., h 601 Race Falk \Iary, cigarmkr, h 601 Race Falter Edward, barber" 707 Race, h do Fambrini Sofia. cook. h 1001 Market FAMOUS DEPARTMENT STORE, (Jonas Gr~enblatt and Julius Levitan), 215 Market Famous Rachel A., wid John, h 1539 N 4th Fanning Mary Mrs., 11 120 Chestnut Farago George, painter, h 1106 Florence av Faraner William C, steelwkr. h 441 S 14th Farasi Louis, laborer, h 314 S 2d Farber John, stengr, h 1413 N 2d Farbush William E., lab, h 1208 N 101'h Fardy Edward J., laborer, h 1203 Hanover" Farence Monroe M., brakeman, h 1224 Derry Farhner William 0., brakeman, h 609 Herr Faries Carrie L., teacher, h 1624 Green Farleman Joseph T., repairsman, h 2012 N 7th Farley Michael E., patent medicine, 225 S 15th, h do Farling John, flagman, h 633 Hamilton Farling J dhn H., baker, h 51 X Summit Farling John H., plasterer, h 1402 Regina Farling Obadiah J. Rev., h 1402 Regina Farmer Abraham G., engr, h 439 Harris


Farmer Andrew J., laborer, h 333 'Calder Farmer 'Clinton J., helper, 'h 524 Xorth Farmer Emma L., pianist, h 1222 ::\ 6th Farmer Harry A., telegrapher P. R. R. pass depot, h 132 Sylvan" ter Farmer John H., machinist, 'h 1222 ~ 6th Farmer John H., jr., student, h 1222 N 6th Farmer William H., boilermkr, h 524 North Farnan Jas J., draftsman Dept. 1nt. Affairs, h 20 N 16th Parner Annie M., bunchmkr, h 1204 Bailey Farner Benjamin H., coachman, h 12041 Bailey Farner David A., brakeman, h 2018 Penn Farner John, elk Paxton F. and F. Co., h 1217 N 6th Farner Nora M., bunchmkr, h 1204 Bailey Farner Velda Z., cigarmkr, h 12041 Bailey Farner William E., foreman Hbg. Gas Co., 14 S 2d, h Xew Cumberland Farner William E., laborer, oil 1204 Bailey Farnsler H. Hershey, physician, 1463 Market, h do Farnsler Lizzie M., wid Milton A., h 1463 Market FARN'SWORTH WILLIAM C., lawyer, 50-54 Union Trust bldg, h 21 S Front Farr William D .. bar elk The Bolton, 11 136 S 3d Farrell James H .. foreman P. R. R., h 1632 Green Farrell William F., engr, h 336 Boyd












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{1240 Market Stred

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A. B. TACK l!:tt::':'~~~:!1'on PDD8r ODd Ilndow ShOdes I~I~\~8CJll

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. 277
Farrington Edward 1., editor Suburban Life, Crescent c I Mulberry, h do Farver John L., elk P. R R, h U13 N 2d Fasick Charles W., brakeman, h H62 Logan Fasick Floyd F., fireman, h 422 Hamilton Fasick James \Y., brakeman, h au Kelker . Fasick LeRoy Z., laborer, h :n4 Kelker Fasick Ross, flagman, h :n4 Kelker Fasnacht Alvin E .. printer, h 1251 Kittatinny

FASNACHT JOHN F., photographer, 814 Market, h 1226 Bailey Fasnacht. see Fosnaught Fast Goldie E., music teacher, 27 !\ 17th, h do Fast Jesse B., postal elk, h 27 N 17th Faster John G .. lumber inspector P. R R, h 533 Maclay Fauble John P., elk P. R R, h 412 :\ 2d Fanghemler Mary Mrs., h 2m) Calder Fanght Katherine. hemmer, h 1422 :\I 3d Fanlds Marv E., wid William H., h 237 Harris FAUNCE LAWRENCE A., eye specialist and jeweler, 1314 N 3d, h do Fattnce Sarah A., wid Joseph J.. h 1314 ~ 3d Fans Esther F., elk, h 707 S 21st Falts Jacob, elevatorman P. R. R. h 1628 N 5th

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b:i-:-:;'~~IE

Fans Jacob, jr., grocer, 1004 and meat 1006 Market, h 707 S 21st Faus }Jargart't, housekeeper, h 709 S 21st Fans Martin L., brakeman. h 2450 Jefferson Faust Ammon, warehouseman P. & R, h Hi03 Thompson Faust Harvey J., hostler, h 520 Peffer Faust. see Foust Favinger Charles E., plasterer, h 321 Granite Favinger John A., machinist. h 321 Granite Favorite Chas. W., (Finton & Favorit~). h \Vormleysburg Fawber Amos. laborer, h 1932 State Fawber George, switchman, h 1S::!5 Swatara Fawcett Albert E., elk. 306 Verbeke. Ib 272 Cumberland Fawler Anna, domestic, 301 S Front Fay Francis, h 215 Forster Fayman George F .. checkman P. R R, h 4:l6 S 16th Favman Thomas W., machinist, h 436 S 16th Feagley Charles H., electrician. h 142 S Cameron Feagley Harry, polisher. h 142 S Cameron Fearnbaugh . William G., laborer, h 1510 Logan Feass Edwin 0., machinist. h 1127 N 7th . Feass HarrY, elk, h 1127 K 7th Feass Peari D., telephone opr, h 1127 !\ 7th Feaster Terome. brakeman, h 1923 Fulton Fechner 'Theodore. attendant Lnnatic Hospital, h do Fee Jessamine. wid Seth H .. h 2r.3

M0N Y I 0VA N E } ..DI.anIWT LOAN { 81)"'8 PJo;rd 81"11E C 0 a.D sacuI.n co. 8 N. lIIarlle& sq.
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Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.


a a




Feehrer A. Ray, machinist, h 1134 S Cameron Feehrer Ellen M., picker, h 1138 S Cameron Feehrer John A., h 1814 Green Feehrer Simon B., laborer, h 1007 Hemlock Feeman John A., elk P.O., h 1315 State Feeser Ellen, wid William H., h 1604 N 5th ":G Feeser Elvina, wid Josiah, h 1518 Fulton Feeser Jacob, shoemkr, h r 413 State Feeser J. Henry, laborer, h r 413 State FEESER JOHN F., fruit and produce, 140 S 3d, h 1222 Market Feeser Lizzie, apr, h 50:? N lath Feeser Martin L., (Aldinger & Feeser), h 325 Verbeke d Feeser Norman H .. elk, 1408 Vernon, h Linglestown u Feeser Salome, domestic The Central K Feevey Augustus A., solicitor, h 328 Hummel C Feevey Chas. W., elevator apr, 212 Locust, h 328 Hummel C -' Feevey Henry, upholsterer, h 1:~% N 2d Feevev Samuel, elevatorman. h :~06 S River c Fegan James E., caller P. R R, h 348 Crescent u N 3d a : Fegely Emma, domestic,U04 h 17th c Vernon Fegley Charles A., machinist, ~ E Fegley Charles K. Rev .. h 1201 Green c Fegley Elizabeth H., wid Harry, h 17th c Vernon Fegley Francis F., steelwkr, h 255 Liberty














. Z
0 II 0 J

I J lZ I J

TItle Guaranty IDd Surety Co. Ic,\I.I:f.I. {fam=::,!~~~:;1t {Tr!.~=Z..

Fegley Harry S., sawyer, h 17th c Vernon Fegley J. Henry, hostler, h 1445 Vernon Feg!ty William S., baker, h 17th c Vernon Fehl John c., leverman P. R R. h :U2Clinton Fehl John N., elk P. R R.. h 1~2!l Elizabeth Fehl Kate S., h 133:1 Bartine Fehl lV!ary E.,_ \vid Nicholas, h 133a Bartine Fehleisen . Herman L .. printer. h 507 State Fehleisen John B., fireman. h 640 Calder Fehleisen ~Iary :'.1rs., h 138 Balm Feig George J., laborer, h 1202 Capital Feight Alfred J., lawyer, 63 Cnion Trust bldg, h New Cumberland Feight Gilbert, bricklayer, h 1313 Susquehanna Feindt Eugene, apprentice, h 1212 Derry Feindt Ruth. saleslady. h 1212 Derry Feindt William F., conductor. h 1212 Derry Feister Harvey 1., conductor. h 1539 Swatara Felix Adelaide H., h 10 N 2d Felix Agnes E., h 10 N 2d Felix Daniel F., laborer, h 2114 Turner al Felix Henry K., elk, h 125 Herr Felix John'L., laborer, h 20m Logan Felix Maria Mrs . nurse, h 125 Herr Felix Mary B., h 10 N 2d




ANDREW REDMOND{3d IDd Rill, StI. Coogle

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I. B. TACK} FIN~cc~~~I ..~!-~,.'ic,~!rER{ 1216 Nonn mlnl8lreel

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. 279
Felizzi Rocco, laborer, h 204 S Court Felker Cymbeline, saleslady, 221 Market, h 321 Chestnut Felker Daniel W., flagman, h 1427 'William Felker Harry c., flagman, h 1422 Susquehanna Felker Harry M., helper, h 1427 \ViIliam Felker John, printer, 201 N 2d, h 1411 Wallace Fellabaum Henry]., laborer, h 319 Reily Fellabaum Isaac, h 319 Reily Fellers Walter R, musician, h 227 S 15th Fellers \\"iIliam H.o motorman, h 227 S 15th Fellinger William, craneman, h 1412 North Fellman Charles, foreman, h 441 S 14th Fellows Annie, elk, 62 N 13th, h 209 S 18th Fellows Frank J., foreman, h 1616 Chestnut Fellows Frederick T., blacksmith, h 141 Hoerner Fellows Joseph, blacksmith, h 209 S 181'h Fells Augustus H., painter, h 2U08 Forster Fells Bessie P., dressmkr, h 2008 Forster Fells Catharine. wid George F., h 1315 Green Fells Charles M., painter, 812 Market, h 1409 Swatara F ells (~eorge F., fireman, h 1315 Green Fells Jenie 11., cigarmkr, h 2008 Forster Fells :'.Tary B., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 1409 Swatara Fells Lydia R, h 349 S Cameron Fells Robert, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

en o
2 -I



P1 C


Fells Robert R, machinist, h 2008 Forster > n Feltenberger Frank G., electrician, h 15()7 'Wallace Feltenberger George c., conductor, h 1238 Thompson > Feltenberger Harry J., flagman, h 15117 Wallace :D Feltenberger Mary E., wid Frank, h 1116 Green Felty Bertha V. Mrs., h 1427 William Felty Catharine Mrs., h 1:n4 'Penn Felty John G., sec. 428 Market, h Fort Hunter Felty John H., bridge builder, h 1735 N 4th Felty J. Solomon, laborer, h 38 N 13th ~g Felty l\Iary E., charwoman, h 1314 Penn U Felty Robert. agt Prudential Ins. Co., h 617 Briggs FENCIL CALVIN G., real estate, Allison Hill Bank CI : 111'1 bldg, h 1700 Regina ~; Fencil Frank R., pres Harrisburg Electric Supply Co., h _~ New Cumberland r Fenical Charles E., foreman, 1408 Vernon. h 1348 do Fenical Ella E., shoe opr, h 1339 Vernon Fenical Florence V., charwoman, h 1925 Fulton Fenical George F., elk P. 0 .. h \Y est Fairview Fenical Mary A., dressmkr. 1339 Vernon, h do Fenical 'William, florist, 1339 Vernon, h do Fenical William A.. jr., shoe opr, h 220 S 15th Fenical, see Finicle Fenn Julia E., saleslady, 334 Market; h 218 Pine


I. i"

THE PATRIOT M~aR""~~:~'lCj::..

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H KELLEY GIl CO'S -Blaek DlamoDd. wheD { 1 ."I~ adlilt..... U P. II,..t. ;rOil DeD order. tOt
Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.



! II

..: 0



E c:::::t





;>- F ernow Ross R.. civil engr, 27 S 2<1, h 21117 N :ld Z Fernsler David C. student. h 120 Hoerner cC Fernsler Ceorge S .. conductor, h 12() Hoerner a.. Fernsler ~Iaurice E., brakeman. h 6111 Granite IE Fernsler Sallie A . rlressmkr. h 1:t!7 N (;th 0 Ferree Carson, trav salesman. h ](inH Carnation U Ferree Cora. shirtmkr, h 2~UR N 6th ...J Ferree EdWIn S .. collector. h 1215 Penn cC Ferree Lawrence L., electrician. 2(1fi )'Iarket, h 1157 Derry 0 u Ferree Oli,'er F., contractor, 524 Camp. h do Ferree Thomas F., contractor, h 526 Camp Q h Hi12 z: Ferrell Joseph, hauling, lahorer, Walnut 5th Ferrete Giandomenico. h a:~ X cC Ferriday A. Reeder. paper boxes. folding cartons and job printing. 101-107 N Cameron, h 204 X 2d W U Ferris James J.. machinist, h 11!1 S 2d Ferro-Concrete Co .. (J. F. Whittaker, D. L. Diehl and G. Q H. Dunham). contractors. '71 w Ferry Charles E., car inspector, It Cnian Trust bldg 348 Hamilton Ferry John B., boilermkr, h :l48 Hamilton z: Ferry Rachel c., wid John M .. h 348 Hamilton F(~rst Isaac, instalment, 628 Forster. h do

ct LaJ C GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U6 N. 3d St. LaJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - Fernbaugh & Titzell. (c. T. Fernbaugh anrl J. ~I. Titzell)r 0 bakers. 51iO \Voodbine ....... Ferner \VilIiam P., engr, h l1:l S 1:lth



Fennel William H., brakeman, h 16~1 Regina FENNO DARWIN G., journalist, room 311 Patriot bldg. h 1115 Green Fenstermacher Charles W .. printer Illdpdt . h 1729 ~ 3d Fenstermacher Harry \V., elk. 2:10 ~Iarket. h 412 Hummel Fenstermacher Jacob, h 172!J X ~d Fenstermacher 'WaIter D., brakeman. It 627 Reily Fenstermacher \Villiam. fireman Capitol. h :100 Forster Fenstermacher \Villiam H., paperhanger. h 107 S 2d Fenstermacher William 1., paperhanger, h HI7 S ~d Fenstimacher George S .. wall paper, 107 S 2d, h do Fergus James A .. boilermkr. h 1118 Hartine Ferguson Agnes, dressmkr. h 412i Spring Ferguson Andrew ~L. trav salesman, h 2:n Forster Ferguson Frank. collector. 29 N 2d, h l!) Cowden Ferguson Jessica c., h 1621 X 2d Ferguson John G .. laborer. h 1:117 Ylaple Ferguson Joseph F .. printer Telegraph, h 1ll:22 Penn Ferguson :\Iary. wid William G., h 1621 X 2d Ferguson ~Iary B., \~ressmkr. 4121 Spring, h do Ferguson \Valter, studlflt. h 507 X 5th Ferguson William H. Rev .. h 507 N 5th Ferguson. see Furgason Fernhaugh Charles T., (Fernbaugh' & Titzell), h 560 Woodbine

.... -



L. ST~ CLAIR{TAILOA{12401lIrk.tStr.1t
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8tt. W




1818 .8d1l&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.



Fer ouis, ent, 8 Fo r Fes nnie, nUTS, 542 lay Fesler Elizabeth H., h 542 Maday Fesler Tames G barber 8 N 2d h 119 Strawberry Fes Ruth wid s, h Mad Fes Willi ., n, h Kelk Fessler James M., car cleaner, h 123f> Walnut Fessler ]Vlarijaret E., saleslady, 334 Walnut, h 1236 Walnut Fes see r, al estle )J 2d Fes Willi F., la r, h Festler, see Fesler, also Fessler Fetrow Amos E., pressman, 201 N 2d, h 1715 N 7th Fet Cha ]Id., b man 715 Fet Ellie I Wi ,h 1 Penn Fetrow Florence G., bookkpr, h 1311 Penn Fetrow Frank S" fireman, h 1300 N 2d Fet Geo labor 1 151 erry Fet Har nsmi 171 7th Fetrow Martha J., wid Daniel, h 203 Barbara Fetrow Mary A., wid Amos E., h 1300 N 2d Fet Sim "h ~ Jeffe Fet Wal plum h 13 enn Fetrow \Villiam, engr, h 417 Pear Fetter Phares S., leverman, h 1214 ~ Front Fet off C e F. pam 22:n rson o





C J1'


Fett hoff Harvev E. ainter, h ')23:1 Jefferson Fet off J : mil 17 N lerOl 0 Fetter off L. fred, agman, 1 ,39 N 1 Fetterhoff Mary A., wid Samuel J., h 11)39 N 7th Fet rooff M' h el S. f eman h 1939 N 7th Fet off l n E., man, 13 ~ h Fet er lOff \VI lam 0., r pairs , h I, . N 7t Fetterman Daniel A., laborer, h 1618 Penn Fett an C g-e, laborer, h 160~ Suscuehanna Fet an J s, mo an, 1 He Fet erman Ka Ie E., g mkr, 01 C rlan Fetterman Margaret, wid Anthony, h 2118 Logan Fetterolf Charle<; M., mason, h 1601 Zarker Fet f L1 E., la r, h Zar Fet Georg ., d .man . R. .s dep ,h 10 Boas Fetzer William E., elk (jail Walnut. h l\lechanicsburg Fe\ Lo pain h 17 til Fir . Andr ,char Capi, 142 rker Fickes Andrew J., h 2222 ~ lith Ficke .. Benjamin, h 2')41 N (jth Fie Estel Hl3 ld Fic Fran, bore, ] 12 111(' Fickes Hester G., student, h 189 X Hith Ficke .. Howard 0., laborer, h 1112 Bartinc







{SO ...



McNEil'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:C~J.r:~:.:{ 306 Brol'

... ...


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.



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Fickes Jane, wid Benjamin. h H):!7 \\'ood Fickes John E" mason, h 143u Market Fickes John S., ellgr, h 1936 N 3d Fickes Olive, domestic, 407 K Front Fickes William, laborer, h 11]2 Bartine Fickes Wm, H., asst yardmaster P. R R, h 656 Reily Fickes \'\'illiam H" carpenter, h 189 N 15th Fickes \\'illiam M., h 4113 S 19th Fickes William M., jr., stengr, 5 ~ 3d, h 1203 N Front Fickes \Yillis c., laborer, h 19:!7 Wood Fickle Curtis c., brakeman, h 1113 ~lontgomery Fickle Ella, wid Elmer E., h 1113 Montgomery Ficklin Hugh H., laborer, h 1423 Reese Ficklin Marshall, jr., elk Hbg. Club, h 1404 James FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT CO. OF MARYLAND, G. L. Cullmerry, genl agent, surety bonds, 222 Market Field Cornelia Mrs" h 303 S 14th Fields Arthur S., laborer, h 342 Muench FielcIs Catharine E. Mrs., h 4(18 Cowden Fields Charles G., roller, h 1307 S Cameron Fields Edward L., conductor. h 1318 State Fields Emanuel, laborer, h 514 Primrose Fields. George W., roller, h 1300 S 13th



1.1 III


'II: C




FieMs Henry, houseman, h 243 N River Fields John A., laborer, h 1:l07 S Cameron Fields John \Y., engr, h 1307 S Cameron Fields Joshua, laborer, h 1417 :\Iarion Fields Lewis. laborer, h 1124 Cumberland Fields Samuel J., laborer, h 1124 Cumberland Fields Strud c., laborer, h 1124 Cumberland Fields William, laborer, h 519 Shaeffer Fields William H" local express, 426 South, h do Fields William J . machinist. h 13117 S Cameron Fiese Sarah A.. wid Josiah K., h 214 S 17th Filbert Frederick V., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol, 'h 275 Briggs Filbert Robert :\1., elk P. & R frt depot, h 1834 Derry Filbey Millie Mrs., housekeeper, 1416 N 2d Filbey 11homas G,. potter, h 1507 X 12th Filbey William, h 1930 State File Amos D" janitor, 'h 811 James File Harry I.. helper, h 918 S 21st File Samuel J., carter, h 1633 Regina Filiberto Angelo, laborer, h 1010 Hemlock Filiberto Umberto. laborer. h 10111 Hemlock FilipeIli Antonio, watchman, h :316 S 2d FilipeUi Charles, fruit, 312 S 2d, h do Filling Charles, salesman, 334 Market, 'II 305 Cumberland

I, . ...u. f -------------------------------------------Title Sllfllt, lid Sar." CO

IUU .... S...., INII. . . E I"," { 1 s.curlt)' II II......... II J",' Truat 81.

ANDREW REIfMONDT~~~ ~~g~ {3d and RIlly Sts. Coogle

Digitized by

I. B. TA K} IALL PAPER ~we.t ~Jee. IINDOI SHADES hiOrJ. ad St. C

B d's
g (






Filling Frank E., mgr Xational Training School, h 437 ~ H ris illin Har ., c P. " I OS 6th Filling John'W., laborer, h 305 Cumberland ill in ViiI' H. ngr, 140-' 6t illin ViII H ., e ,h 1 ~ Ie Fillinger Antonio, domestic, 41~ Briggs illm CI es. abo ,h-') N 11) h 'csb illm Jo bar ,Ba .. c dy, lee Fillmore William H., laborer,h 7~1 X 19th C") ilso ohn ga kr, r ~5 ~ ')()i ilso Jar) igar r, 'h :!6, ket Filson Maude E., lacquerer, h 1126 Market ilso ~am I en 'h 11')6 }Ia k t ilso eba m nist n:t! 21st Findley Cyrus P., cigarmkr, h 1i46 .:'Iluench iodl . Est! ~L lesl d' 334 'lark t h 6M \Iuench indl Jen S., mst ,h }I ch Findlev Louisa M., wid Milton H., h 646 ~I uench Fine i. na, . armk h 4')3 Verbeke ine gC arin 1.,\ Joh .,h l~ err Finefrock Ellis C, brakeman, h 314 S 14th Fineg Elmer E. elk, h 40n Woodbine :0 ine Et B., ( est 115 3d Finegan Grace, packer. h 409 Woodbine



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I. {

Fineran Thomas A., brakeman. h 1024 }larket j:l:~ sten P. R., iner ck rv Finfrock Char e; C, pipeclltter, 1 30; 'alia Finfrock Edwin W., conductor, h 636 Verbeke 1I1t(. infr nn7 EI bra Ian. rinfroc," Harry R., aborer, I 13 . \\" a e Finfrock Lewis, watchman, h 1:303 \\'allace ron infr , jr. ake n,h 14: Le inic e Joshua S., engine 1 tIer, Fro ab ._ Finicle ~I ollie, domestic, 15 ~ Front )) . .;; ent \lvr J., s Fro ca l111C inic c, see el ical Fink Andre,~, conductor, h 5:!:! Ba~in rth ink ., h JP d, h 7E ady, .... 01 ink rth ., sa Fink Cecelia, wid Robert B., h 229 Pine ker ink bu vid r, h 16 rry, bor ,h 11 Pill ink Fink Harry H., engr, h 637 Emerald an IN H RY NS He C. to r br ers, nd e , al , ort see adv lab r, h . 0 E raid ink mes S, ra, 0 Ilia ., g r,1 ink Fink L6t1is, mgr, 9 S 2c1. h ~12 N 2c1


0 J:

















Fink Mary A. Mrs., helper Home for the Friendless. h do :; Finkelstein Samuel, dyer, h 206 S 2d I : Finkelstine Harry L., varieties, 1219 ~ 3d, h 307 Verbeke .~ Finkenbinder Anna ~frs., h 12231 Bailey ..: Finkenbinder Carrie M., saleslady, t) S 2d, h 1431 Market .~ Finkenbinder Elmer c., elk Paxton F. and F. Co., h 518 .: N 16th J!! Finkenbinder Etta M., milliner, h 514 K 16th ; Finkenbinder Nora J., elk, 23 X 3d, 11 514 N 16th ,&.6.. Finkenbinder Raymond J., foreman Paxton F. and F., Co., _ h 514 N 16th Finkenbinder Solomon W., laborer, h 514 X 16th 'E Finley 'Charles A., driver, h 335 'Calder C) Finley Ella A., dressmkr, h 1207 ~lulberry fti Finley James P., brakeman, h 430 Muench .~ Finley John, laborer, h 335 Calder .(J) Finley John, laborer, h 1421 :\Iarion Finley John M., bridgebldr, h 15lO \Valnut Finley John N., elk P. R. R~ pass depot, h 609 ~ 15th Finley :\Iargery, h 1510 Walnut f- Finley Patrick J .. coachman. h 126 Sayford '0 Finley William H., salesman, h 218 Chestnut Finn James, laborer. 'h 1608 X 5th F!nn John. Jabqr~r, h ~44 S ~ame:~n f- Fmnegan_~_. Ed'''lml. ms,_h _O~~~ __ d _



OVR HOD..tCoal,MOTTO. - } HODe.tWe1cbt

H M KELLEY ClII. {'1111 ....talI.....t 11. CO 111.14 .......


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.






Finnen Daniel, laborer, h 478 S Cameron Finnen Ellen, wid j\lichael, h 4,8 S Cameron Finnen Harry E., laborer, h 446 S Cameron Finnen James, laborer, h 478 SCameron Finnen James E.,h 446 S Cameron Finnen Jesse, driver, h 446 S Cameron Finnen John W., fireman, h 446 S 'Cameron Finnen Joseph C .. helper, h 446 S Cameron Finnen William, hostler, h 448 S Cameron ..;J Finney George, laborer, h 624 Showers oCI:l Finney Jacob E., lahorer, h 605 S Front o Finney John W., laborer, h !H2 S River . U Finney John W .. jr., fireman, h :~41 S River Finney Joseph B., brakeman, h 647 Boas Q Finney Luther, lahorer, h 624 Showers ~ Finney :\'lary E., wid Clarence, h 126 Hoyer Finney Maurice E., paying teller Hhg. ~at. Bank, h 1407 ~ ~ Front ~ Finnev Sarah E .. h lO:1 Washington Finney William E., laborer, h ;~i2 S River Finton John W., (Finton & Favorite), h 16:~2 )J 6th Finton & Favorite, (J. W. Finton and C. W. Favorite), shoes, 16:~2 N 6th Firestone John B .. buyer, 318 }farket, 11 2:11 South Firing Elmer E .. die fitter. h lOll2 X 7th


'b~Ub~~l:~-:::;r won '.1BId WindOW shades lrom A. B. TACK .J~~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. 28.5 Firing Harrison, puddler, h 1002 N 7th Firl Anna E., milliner, 6 S 2d, h 22 ~ 4th First Charles A., laborer, h 1015 SlOth First Charles B., engr, h 1607 Susquehanna First Edward c., elk Dept. Agriculture. h 111 S 2d First Edward L., flagman. h 415 Reily First George W., helper, h 61!l Race First George W., jr., laborer, h 1048 S 9th First John H., laborer, h 618 Race First Kathryn P., stengr Dept. Economic Zoologist, h 34 OJ


FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 224 Market see adv " First N"ellie R., buyer, :l:U Market. h :14 S ad First Rebecca, wid Theodore. h 34 S :-hl ,.". First Samuel, conductor, h 612 Peffer \ J First Samuel F., chief caller P. R. R.. h 612 Peffer First Spencer L., contract agt, 210 Walnut, h 1211 Green OJ First \Villiam, shearsman. h 127 Dock ::s "First William ll., plumber, h 415 Reily .... First William "V., leverman.P. R. R., h 55 ~ 10th ::s Firth Mary Mrs., boarding, 4a2 Market. h do ~ Fischer Charles F., mason. h 227 N 15th ~ Fischer Louis G . mechanical engr, h 1!l8 N 18th <; Fischler Edith, saleslady, !l34 Market. h 410 North 0



;sIi~~;d;~~IS. ~l~~i~-i~lt~~;b:i-:~~~-= ~
Fischler Karl V., transitman State Highway Dept., h 434


Fish Grace E., housekeeper, 475 S Cameron Fishburn Susan E. }lrs., housekeeper, 1609 Carnation Fishel George W .. elevatorman, a84 :\Iarket. h lVIechanicsburg Fishel Harry W., brakeman: h 410 Strawberry Fishel Henry W .. physician, 216 S 13th, h do Fishel Jacoh. warehouseman, 813 :\Iarket, h Mechanics:' burg Fishel John W., elk, h 15:'l8 Derry Fishel Oliver. opr, h 1514 AlIison Fishel Walter S . railwav mail elk, h 1315 State Fisher Amanda M . wi(i" Reuben. h 514 Korth Fisher Annie, wid Aaron. h 201a l\loltke Fisher Arabella Mrs., h 1309 N 3d Fisher Bessie J., cigarmkr, h 514 North Fisher Boyd C, student, h 2106 N 6th Fisher Brenneman. barber, 507 Race. h do FISHER BROS., (Curtis W.), plumbers and tinners, 1001 and 1003 Capital Fisher Calvin G., car inspector, h 276 Peffer Fisher Catharine, ciharwoman, h 1922 N 4th Fisher Catharine. wid David, h 241 N 14th Fisher Catharine, wid James B., h 1922 N 4th

'9 ~


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~ ~


Digitized by


CLARI' S::~'i'~I~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store {s!:}~

.... .....
:IE ca


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908,



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FISHER CHARLES, bricklayer and contractor, 1323 N Front, h do see adv Fisher Charles B., card writer. 324 ~Iarket, h 514 North Fisher Charles J., machinist, h 1331 James Fisher Charles T., flagman. h 1824 Green Fisher Clara 1Irs., restaurant. 1114 K 6th, h do Fisher Clara l\1., teacher, h HI2i ~ 2d Fisher Clarence A, mgr, 2126 N 6th, h 2106 do Fisher C. Ovid, elk, 128 Dock, h do Fisher Curtis W., (Fisher Bros.), h 400 Boas Fisher C. Weslev. elk. 128 Dock. h do Fisher Daniel, laborer, h 619 Schuvll<ill Fisher David W., foreman, 213 !'(2d. h 1331 James Fisher Edwin L., plumber, h 421 Boas Fisher Elmer, agt, h 804 Capital Fisher Elsie H., domestic, 2122 N 3<1 Fisher Elsie Y., roller, h 809 S Front Fisher Emma M., teacher, h 1207 ~ 2d FISHER EMORY A., (estate), painting, wall paper arid window shades, 1017 l'i 3d see adv opp page Fisher Emory A, jr., collector, 2]0 Walnut, h 1017 N 3d Fisher Ethel M., weaver, h 1622 Susquehanna Fisher Eva ]., bookkpr, 1125 K 3d, h 1522 Green Fisher Foster A, blacksmith. Prune c Haehnlen, h do Fisher Frank D., foreman, 10th bel Chestnut, h 241 N 14th
Title Guaranty and Sorety Co. {I"fl, "1I11111nI1e... r 8unllnl, { 1 SHI,", .,--8cranloD, PeoD 'rul'..1 II. III" kID.I I' JU"ctl' Irll'l Trial l1li..



Fisher Fisher 1.1..1 z: Fisher 0 Fisher IE Fisher Fisher Fisher 0 Fisher 0 Fisher Fisher Z Fisher c( Fisher Fisher 0 Fisher ..J Fisher

Fulmer F., chemist, h 11]2 Plum Gertrude, booksewer, h IOn EYergreen Harry \V., conductor, h 53 X ]3th Ida It, wid Henry, h filH X 18th Jacob G., steelwkr. h 10n Evergreen Jennie G., h 61 i Brigg~ John A., concluctor, h 2111 Xorth Tohn B., fireman, h l~O;:; Chestnut john 13., h 410 Strawberry Tohn D., shoe cutter, h fiHi X ]8th john F., huckster. h 1517 X 4th John L., asst electrician Capitol, h Mechanicsburg John L., elk, 305 Verbeke, h ]5~~ Green John W., engr, h 333 S 16th John \V., laborer, h 520 North al


0 -: a




Bricklayer and Contractor


c( 'ery lowest Estimates ginn at any time and REPAIR WORK promptly aHended to

Redmond's Wagon Works }~':.~d~~'f;b~~~: !3d and Reily StS. Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TAeKl Wall Paper and Window Sbades {1:1tN~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.
Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Joseph, janitor, 206 Locust, h 503 South al Joseph H., oil carrier, h 5li Race Joseph H .. jr., draftsman, h 517 Race Kate E., dressmkr, h 110 Cowden Lewis R, elk P. R R, h 1017 K 3d Lila R, elk, 1017 N 3d, h do Lottie V., housekeeper, 1922 N 4th Magdalene, wid Marshall. h 122 Balm :\Iargaret, wid John A., h 219 Xorth )'Iartin, laborer, h 618 Boas Marv l\Irs., h 514 N 5th ~Iar)' E., wid Albert S., h 421 Boas :\Iary E . cigar packer, h 5117 Race ~1ilton c.. foreman P. R R. h 1905 Green Oscar, engr, h 1622 Susquehanna Rebecca, wid John, h 18118 1\ !ld Richard K., conductor, h 1140 Jonestown rd R l\Iilton, helper, h 192R Elizabeth Robert E., leverman P. R R, h 231 Liberty Sadie J., domestic, .no Strawberry Sallie, saleslady, h 2H!} Korth Samuel H., foreman F. and :\L vVks., h 2100 N 6th ~ Samuel H., musician, h IHIO Susquehanna :; Samuel J., elk. 1125 N 3d, h 2111 Penn t:: Sarah, wid Joseph, h 42(; S t:ith



Satings and Loan Assn. t::=

I Painting, Wall Paper and Window Shades


Fisher Sheridan. engr, h 1421 N 6th Fisher Susan. wid George W., h 1726 N 4th Fisher Susan R.. wid Emorv A., h Hl17 N 3d Fisher Thomas. laborer, h 414 South Fisher Thomas J., laborer, h 2211 S River Fisher Virgie, domestic Hershey House Fisher \Varren S., entomologist. Capitol, h Highspire Fisher \Vesley, grocer. 128 Dock, h do Fisher William C., real estate Miller Bros. & Baker, h 1346 Vernon Fisher 'William H., asst trainmaster P. R R, h 1804 N 3d Fisher \Villiam H., engr, h 1927 N 2d Fisher William J., rougher, h 426 S 15th Fisher William S., bookkpr, 1003 Capital, h 217 Boas Fisher William S., pool, 420 Market, h Dauphin Fisher William W., laborer, h 514 N 5th

:.0 :II :.0 :II




:II :.0

E. A. FISHER (Ea1:.)




Dealer la P.lnte... Sapplle W.lI P.per. Palate. 011 VarnI.baa... te. Wall P.pera of Choice P.tterne .nd Lateet Ded..... Price. Vel7 Law. Good Work Guaraateed. l'aper a.aclag .nd ""coratlng. A.U ktad. c6 Work la Both Brl&cbe. prompUy .tteaded to.

STORE: 1017 North Third Street.




::;:r::~:;..r.~~ogle ~~m=~


H ,. KELLEY C l t . {I North lid ~ P. CO 10th aDd litate ....


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.



Fishinger George. lahorer. h :!la Blackberry Fishinger Harry, salesman. h IH S :M Fishman Dora ~lrs .. pool. riW Walnut, h do Fishman 1\loses. junk. h R:!1 Calder Fishman Samuel, moving pictures. h riW 'Walnut Fisler Charles B.. brakeman. h lRI5 ~ Cameron Fisler Elsie, saleslacl\. :lR4 ~1arket. h 1511 Vernon Fisler Freclerick S. iaster. h 1511 Vernon Fi;sTer Levin F., watchman. Herr clOth, h 927 N 6th Fisler Luther, painter. h 1511 Vernon Fisler RO\. laster. h 1511 Vernon ' Fissel Heile, saleslady. !{R4 ~larket, h Steelton Fissel Danid F .. rolier, h 450 S tilth Fis'sel Elias J.. collector. :n S :.?d. h 1~:111 ~ :ld Fil\sel George. machinist, h 161111 X Gth Fis;;eI Harry, railroader. h 4111 Strawberry Fissel Sylvester, engr. h 41i5 S Cameron Fis~el Sylvester. jr .. oiler. h 127 S Cameron Fitch Tohn. lahorer. h 251 S Cameron II) Fitch ~athan T .. lawver, h 7m N 1Rth Fitting Annie. wid Leon, h 1407 Thompson Fitting David W .. nickclplater, h 1~54 Walnut Fitting W IlRIl S 1Hl ..J Fitting George~I.. .. carpenter. h X Linden Harry molder, h }04 c:[ J~itting John W .. carpenter. h 12] 7 Derry



Fitting- Rohert D .. machinist, h 1217 Derr\' Fitting. Samud E .. test hoarel opr. 2W '''alnut, h 1407 Thompson Fitting Wm. H . collector. 2111 Walnut. h 14f17 Thompson Fitzgerald Catharine D .. wid James K.. h 4111 S River Fitzgerald (iharles B .. engr. h 521 Emerald Fitzgerald Charles ~I.. plasterer. h :!4;) Crescent Fitzgerald Clara. warper, 'h I'l:!:! Capital Fitzgerald Ella. wid 1\I ichael. h I'l:!:! Capital Fitzgerald Eugene F .. hoilermkr: h l~flli ::\ 4th Fitzgera\c\ George S .. checkman P. R. R., h Ifi:?l i\ 6th Fitzgerald Harry. demonstrator. h 40:'\ S River Fitzgerald John. car repairer. h 21'l X lfIth Fitzgerald Jolin F., lahorer. h li;)4 'Calder Fitzgerald Joseph. lahorer. h 11'l41 ::\ 4th Fitzpatrick ~Iic'hael. engr, h :~;~ S Summit Fitzpatrick 11ary. elk State Dept. Health. h 1416 State Fitzgerald Patrick. watchman P. R. R .. h 1~41 ~ 4th Fitzgerald Ross E .. elk P. & R., h 1Ii:! 1 ..'\ lith Fitzgerald Samuel \\' .. real estate :'.1 iller Bros. & Baker, h Hi:!l X mh Fitzgerald Theresa. h 11'l41 ~ 4t:l Fitzgerald Thomas. laborer. h 1~41 X 4th Fitzgerald Wallace W .. janitor, 11:! :\Iarket. h 431 State Fitzgerald William T .. brake inspector, h 1125 Derry


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. 2S9
:,; Fitzimons Lillian. teacher. h 1726 :-.: 6th Fitzimons Lizette, wid Thomas. h 1726 ~ 6th Fitzpatrick Jdl111, laborer, h :3:W Chestnut Fitzpatrick Jdhn T., guide Capitol, h 118 Cumberland Fitzpatrick Mary, wid Thomas, h 1841 K 4t'h Fitzpatrick Peter. machinist, h 108 Cowden Fitzpatrick Wm. F .. inspector. 210 \Valnut, h 33 S Summit Fitzpatrick W. Righter, supt H. L., H. and P. Co., h 1416 State Flagle Frank \V., electrician, h 254 Verbeke Flanagan Cyril c., riverman, h 114 Hanna Flanagan Felix J., riverman, h 105 Hanna Flanagan Joseph A., notary. 211 Locust, h 2:l5 Boas Flanagan Matthew, riverman, h 105 Hanna Fleagle Charles E .. flagman, 'h 319 Hummel Fleagle 'Maurice L., brakeman, 'h 319 Hummel Fleagle Rosa, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Fleagle Samuel E., fireman, h 1:!:l5 S\\atara 'Fleck Adam K., coremkr. h lll45 Rudv Fleck A. Murray, flagman. h 2133 Atlas Fleck 'Charles T., brakeman, h H40 Peffer Fleck 'Charles T . policeman, h 1:32 Verbeke Fleck Cora, cigarmkr, h 60:3 S Front Fleck Ge9rge W .. engr, h 527 Peffer Fleck fIarry B., engr. h (;21 Reily Fleck Harrv F., salesman. h ~21i :-.: :~d Fleck Harr~ H .. laborer. h 527 Peffer

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"'" :II:

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~=~b~-:'~~~II:

__ ~ ,.

FLECK HENRY P., odorless excavator and hauling of all kinds, 1235 N 7th, h 605 Verbeke Fleck Jacob T., flagman. h 1420 Penn Fleck John H., eng-r, h !I1!) N :Jd Fleck John]., h (1411 Peffer Flel'k John J., enginetender, h 404 Boas Fleck Xanc\' A., wid Alexander 1\1.. h li11 Forrest Fleck Samuel. conductor, h H41l Peffer Fleck Susie E., h H5C1 Cumberland Fleck \\'illiam, salesman, h 821i K ad Fleck William C. conductor, h 151H i\ rith Fleck William H., driver, h 11145 Rudy Fleckenstein Cnarles, engine cleaner, h 12:n N 7th Fleegeal Sue, cigar packer. h 7:17 S 211 Fleet Joseph A., salesman. h 50!) N 4th Flt'et Lawrence L., flagman, h 18511 Swatara Flegeal Forster F .. asst foreman P. R. R., h 151f) Penn FLEISCHMANN CO. (THE), C. E. Penny, mgr, compressed yeast, 210 N 2d Fleisher Blanche ('0 stl'l1gr. h Hhg. Cemetery Fleisher Hiram 11., elk Dept. Puhlic Instruction, h 8118 Capital Fleisher Ida S. l\lrs., h Hbg. Cemetery







.:;; :a



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Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908





I .



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I:)z zIlI&I











0 Title Saaranly Ind Suret, Co. s~:.':." {--::::~c=tr:'!~~~= } l~~~4 0 Flemming Thomas, jr., chief of designs State Dept. Health,. h 10:? State 'h 119 Chestnut Z Flender Lucinda, wid James h 119 Chestnut Flender Renee teacher, Benjamin bootblack. C Fletcher Daniel \Y .F.,conductor, h315 Market, h 127 Short Fletcher Crescent 0 Fletcher Fredericklaborer. h 1116 Hickorv Crescent Fletcher Ernest, W., baggagemaster, h ;;24
~I.. :~32

Fleisher John J., brakeman, h til:? Emerald Fleis.her John \V., paver. h 408 Cumberland Fleisher Mary E., tel opr, :!10 Walnut. h Hbg. Cemetery FLEITZ FREDERICK W., deputy attorney general,. Capitol, h Harrisburg Club Fleming Andrew A., bar elk, h il(l~ X 3d Fleming Anna M., saleslady, h 1211 Derry Fleming David, (est). D. Fleming. executot, Hi X 2d Fleming David, pres and treas F. and ~I. Works, h 325 N Front Fleming Eliza R. wid George R. h 111 State Fleming Harry C, warehouseman P. & R, h 462 S Cameron Fleming James ~IcC, warehouseman. h 4(i2 S Cameron Fleming Jeanette S., wid Dr. James, h 61~ X Front Fleming IHartin, lunch bar elk, h 5112 K 3d Fleming Millard F., janitor. h 1~11 Derry Fleming Kannie n.. saleslady, h 1211 Derry FLEMING SAMUEL W., bookseller, steel and copper plate printing, also notary 'Public, 26 N 3d, room 7;: asst postmaster, P. O. bldg, h 104 South Fleming Samuel \V . jr., student. h 104 South Fleming Yirginia, wid William R, h 612 X Front Fleming \Vilson 1., clk sec Commonwealth, hIS Front Flemming Jennie :VIrs., seamstress, h 1424 \Vyeth


Z C 0




Fletcher George \V., steelwkr, h 1:?8 Sylvan ter Fletcher Harry \V., salesman, 3:34 ~Iarket, h 650 Cumberland . Fletcher James, caller P. R R, h fi50 Cumberland Fletcher ]. Rowe. office, 3} Sad, h al do Flickinger Amy ~J., elk. h 1518 Derry Flickinger Anna S .. teacher, h 2fi1 Briggs Flickinger Edmund B., h 1M!) State Flickinger Edward E., h ] 549 State Flickinger Elizabeth, weaycr. h 2tl:?8 Berryhill Flickinger Elizabeth, wid Samuel. h :.!fi1 Briggs Flickinger G. Clair. brakeman. h 2214 Logan Flickinger George F., molder. h 5fi:? SlOth Flickinger George H., machinist. h 11 S 16th Flickinger Gilbert M., caller, h 261 Briggs \ Flickinger Grover c., (Atticks & Flickinger), h 135 Evergreen

a . " .B

TACK r ~c Mall" B1lIldlDIP 1Dof TiDta {Ule N." II&. t 8pecdalty P1lbUc PlaiD lIIAIJIIMIIGlftll

Boyd's Harrisburg (}') City Directory, 1908.

Flickinger Harry, tel opr, h :!028 Berryhill Flickinger John, wall paper, 806 !\ 3d, h 1316 X 6th Flickinger John W., conduetor, h 2102 N 4th Flickinger Josiah B., drygds, 1520 Derry, h 1518 do Flickinger Lydia, wid \Villiam J., h 2028 Berryhill Flickinger Richard J., dispatcher P. & R., h 311 Walnut Flink Gustaf A., draftsman State Highway Dept., h 121 South Flora Erna, telephone opr, 210 'Valnut, h 216 Cumberland Florence Crittenton Home, umo N Front Florence Sylvia. h 107 Filbert Florh Irvin, laborer, h f)~2 Boas Floria Deac Mrs., h 121H N Cameron Florstead Annie, edger, h 124~ Kittatinny Florstead John, foreman, -U:l S Cameron, h 1243 Kittatinm' Flowerfield Lillie. waitress. 334 Market, h Enhaut Flowers Benjamin G., h 1316 N Front Flowers Oarence G . clk P.O., h 1614 State Flowers Elf\1er, elk P.O., h l:n6 N Front Flowers Emanuel W., baker, h 332 Reily Flowers Harriet, dressmkr, h ~~2 Reily Flowers Helen, weaver, h 613 Harris Flowers Hiram, baker, h 613 Harris Flowers Horace, tinsmith, h 235 Cranberry

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Flowers Maggie M .. bookbinder, h 332 Reily Flowers l\largaret, housekeeper, fil3 Harris Flowers ~Iary L.. wid ::\Iilton Y., h 618 Walnut Flowers Ralph ]., plumber. Derry c Mulberry, h 1402

Floyd Carrie, wid James B., h 854 S Cameron Floyd Elizabeth J., wid Samuel, h 511 S 13th Floyd Harry B., brakeman, h 2128 Greenwood Floyd 'Helen T.; h 436 Korth Floyd l\1ichael A . patternmkr, h 235 Briggs FLOYD SAMUEL A., talking machines, Floyd bldg, 8 N 2d, h 513 S 13th Fluke Mary A., wid Levi L., h 601 Kelker Flurie Abram, hostler, h 606 Church Flurie Ooyd A., brickmkr, h 606 Church Flurie Ida Mrs., h 606 Church Flurie William H., brickmkr, 'h 605 South al Flurry Ace, laborer, h 1706 Walnut . Flury George B., supt, h 2006 N 6th Fluss Julius, elk Pat Tel. Co., 212 Locust, h 408 Hummel Flynn Agnes, wid James, h 810 James Flynn Harry J., bar elk, h 515 N 5th Flynn James, driver, h 1902 N 6th Flynn Katie. boarding, 13 N 5th. h do Flynn William E., ccrr repairer, h 1923 Moltke


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H. M. KEllEY 8. CO. }ODlCes, :.:~:. r..=Ttt{ COAL AND WOOD

2!-l2 Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City


; ; Focht George, bottler. h 4:1~ Walnut :;; Focht Margaret ~Irs .. laundress. h 239 State Focht William D . laborer. h 212 N 10th ~ Foerster George, h 5HII Race .: Foerster George. jr.. grocer, 540 Race. h llHi ~ 2d ~ Fadel George, fireman. h 1136 S Cameron Fogarty Edward, laborer. 'h !115 Grand tS Fogarty Edward. jr., plumber, h 1121 N Front -Fogart}' Eugene J., plumber and gas fitter, 912 :t\ 3d, h do _ Fogg Joseph, junk. h 512 South Fogle Albert H., brakeman. h 2145 Atlas :: Fogle Andreas, .driver, h n04 Ash Fogle John H., trucker P. R. R. Crt depot, h 1912 Korth c: Fohl Avery, plumber, h Hun :\Ioltke "iii Fohl Charles S., harnessmkr, 100~ :\Iarket. h 88 N 17th Foland Hubert C, elk Aud. GenJ's Dept. Capitol, h 16 S fI) 18th Foley James V., laborer, h 9a2 Grand Foley John T., bookkpr, 2fi Grace, h 932 Grand Foley Katherine, milliner, h ~06 Cowden Foley l\laria, wid John, h !1:J2 Grand ~Iarket, h Steelton O Foley Mary, saleslady, :J:J4 ]227 Wallace Foley Michael C, engr, h <C Foley Sarah, !Ohoe opr. h :1 S 18th Foley Susan E., proof reader Telegraph. h 1)32 Grand




a: o fa:


Folk Bessie E., domestic. 1602 Green Folk Charles D., bookbinder, h 42(i! Boas Folk. see Foulk Follett Adas"a M., housekeeper, :!1l4 I1r Greenwood Follett Dessie. domestic. 175 N l;)th Follett Rosa E., milliner, h 1141 S HI! Follett William IL, laborer, h !J41 S 1!l~ Follett William W., baker, h 941 S HI! Follmer John G .. clk P. R. R. frt depot, h. New Cumb'd Foltz Alfred, lahorer, h 8115 N 3d Foltz Andrew B., mess Comwlth. Trust Co., h 114 South Foltz Augustus C, deputy revenue collector, P. O. bldg, h !J:!:3 N' :!d Foltz Catharine G., h :!:!2 N 2d Foltz Charles F., asst cashier P. R. R. frt depot, h 101 Evergreen Foltz Frank, hrakeman, h 638 Muench Foltz Frank, laborer. h HUll N 7th Foltz John A., laborer, h 4R N 13th

FOLTZ JOHN B., druggist, 2027 N 6th, h do Foltz \Valter, dri\'er, h 18:~2 ~tate Foltz \Ye!Ole\' T" laborer. h 1216 Wallace Foltz WiIlia;n- G . brakeman, h 1225 Wallace Foltz, see Foultz, also Fultz Foman John. butler, h ]2G Liberty

A. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240M.rkltStreet
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A. B. TACK ~t::':'~~e!:nJ Ion poper ond IIndOlShOd3S Rl~\~8CJ~

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. 293
Foor Tames F., brakeman: h 7111i Showers Foos ~'lfg. Co., agrl implts, li27 \Valnut Foose Albert E., agt, h 2114 X 2d Foose Ellen :'VI., witl David H., h 342 S 13th Foose Frank C, elk, 121 Chestnut, h nll4 (~reen Foose Jacob A., foreman. h 41 Summit Foose Jacob E., packer, 4411 :'IIarket, h Lemoyne Foose James B., clk. h fi3 !\ lath Foose James :\lcC., horseshoer. 111 Filbert, h 4t18 Market Foose Samuel A . elk, h 5a i\ 13th Foote Daniel B.. emp Arsenal, h 21x Hamilton Foote George B.. driver, Hill ~ :.!d, h 1115 :'Ilonroe Foote Stella L., stengr Dept. Int. Affairs, h 218 Hamilton Foothorap Harry A., engr, E. F. Co., h 150() S 12th Forbes Bessie. laundre~s, h :Jm Calder Forbes Charles E . attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Forbes Clarence R.. draftsman Statl' Dept. Health, It 62] X 2d Forbes Elmer E., laborer, h ti74 Boas Forbes Harry, machinist, h li72 Boas Forbes John. brakeman, h 1~1f)~ Maple Forbes John, foreman, h li7:! Boas Forbes J. Watson, machinist, It lOl1 J\ 7th Forbes Rush \V., blacksmith, h fi74 Boas Forbes Samuel, brakeman, h 11121 :\ 7th

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~-:;'~~IE

Ford Bettie, wid Ellis W., h 21f1 Kelker Ford Carrie :'Ilrs., laundress, h 1f)7 Tanner Ford David H., brakeman, 'n l:m2 ?\ ad Ford David L., chief caIIer P. R. R., h 2127 Jefferson Ford Edward, laborer, h 119 Tanner Ford Ida :\'1., wid Robert, h fj:m Briggs Ford James. laborer. h 117 :'.lulberry Ford John F .. shearsman. h 11119 S 1IIth Ford Joseph, agt. 11 445 Verbeke Ford :\,lartin J .. inspector, 210 Walnut, h 627 Briggs Ford Mary, wid :'Ilartin, h H:.J7 Briggs Ford William, flagman, h 41:! Reily Ford' William, laborer. It 1117 :\Ionroe Fordnev Grace E., h 141:J Wallace Fordnev Kate.h 141:l Wallace Fordney John S., porter. h :~25 Hamilton Foreman Anna M., wid Joseph H .. h 2045 X 4th Foreman B. Scott, printer, h 2:m S 14th Foreman Carrie R, dressmkr, h 2fi4 i\orth Foreman Charles \' .. car repairer. h 14:l4 Swatara Foreman George. laborer. h 42() Harris

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FOREMAN JACOB H., sec and treas United Ice and Coal Co., h Carlisle ~ Foreman Sallie E .. wid Rohrrt C. h 14:~4 Swatara ,~ Forest Clarence ;\1.. assistant. !1Il7 :\ :~d. 'h do

MO N 10 VA NeED } -U1'M"\Ul'L~f' {8:-: E'

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McNEIL'S COUBH REMEDy~~::!O~::5~~~!{Ait-d~~

294 Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. Forman David, student, h 523 N 4th Forman Emma, garmentmkr, h 1220 \Vallace Forman Jacob, furniture, 402 Walnut, h 523 N 4th Forman John, waiter, h 126 Liberty Forman Robert. junk, h 1233 ,.currant Forman Samuel, student, h 523 K 4th Formwalt Harvey J., drygoods,180i ~ 3d, h do FormwaIt, see Fornwalt Forncrook Florence L., stengr, 11 ~ 2d, h 1019 Green FORNCROOK JAY C. REV., pastor Fourth Street Church of God, h 1019 Green Forney Amanda S., wid William W., h 414 S 13th FORNEY BROS. SHOE CO., C. C. Forney, mgr, wholesale boots, shoes and rubbers and shoe mfrs, 428 Market ' Forney 'Charles M., (Forney & Knouse), h Paxtang Forney 'C. Harvey, (Forney Bros. Shoe 'Co.), pres People's Ice Co., h Dauphin ' Forney -Ghristian H. Rev., editor. 'h 1336 Derry Forney 'Clayton c., mgr. 428 ~farket; treas People's Ice Co., h 1332 Derrv Forney Clinton ]., florist, h 623 Dauphin Forney Edward L., blacksmith, h 441 Delaware Forney Edward L., bookbinder, 201 N 2d. h 1525! N 3d Forney Harry A., (Greene Sign Co.), h Paxtang

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W I Forney J. Oharles, elk, 615 \\'alnut, h 512 Emerald

Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney


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Jeremiah c., laborer, h as Linden John H., conductor, h 15251 N 3d Lydia A., editor, h 13:~6 Derry :Mabel E., stengr, 1400 N 3d. h 414 S 13th Mary E., wid George. h 126 Nagle Forne~ May c., bookkpr, h 414 S lath Forney Michael W., agt P. R R, ith c Maclay, h 512 Emerald Forne\" Nellie Do, salesladv, 164i ~ 6th, h 512 Emerald Forney Sarah, wid John \V., h 511 S 13th Fornev William C. I., elk P. R R, h 414 S 13th FORNEY & KNOUSE, (Charles M. Forney and' Jacob H. Knouse), wholesale and retail druggists, 426 Market FORNEY & STEWART, (J. C. Forney (est) and Henry J. Stewart), boots and shoes, '1 S 2d Fornwald Chas. A., stengr P. R R. depot, h 630 Verbeke Fornwald Harry J., stengr P. & R pass depot. h 630 Verbeke FORNWALD JOSEPH, carpets, oil cloths, rugs, &c., 1405 N 6th, h 630 Verbeke Fornwalt Amv E .. wid Elsworth, h 1536 N 5th Fornwalt Da,,'son A., chauffeur, h 1020 S 211 Fornwalt Franklin E., foreman P. R. R., h 1933 Green


INDREW REDMONO{3d aad R.,I, s...

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A. B. TACK} FIN~Ec~~a~I.~~!;.~cl~~ER~ 121610nn mlrd 81root

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. 295

:D Fornwalt George E., machinist. h 15!l1i X ~th Fornwalt. see Formwalt P1 Forrer Charles P., laster, hIS::!!) N 3d Z Forrer Clarence L:. weighmaster, hIS::!!) N 3d Forrer Edna V., seamstress, h 1S::!9 N 3d (J) Forrer Julia A., wid Tempest L.. h 17!l2! X 5th Forrer Nora I., saleslady, 1015 X 3d, h 1829 do Forrer Pearl H., cashier. 318 :\1arket, hIS:!!) N 3d Forrer V. Grant. sec, 84 L'nion Trust bldg, h 263 Peffer Forrer vVarren E., mgr, 331a Market. h 41!l Boas Forrer Winfield S., motorman, h 18::!9 N 3d Forre.~t Abner B., foreman, 2d nr Vine, h 421 S 17th P1 Forrest Chas. H. Rev., asst State Library, h 542 \Voodbine Forrest Harry A., laborer, It 421 S 17th' Forrest \\'alter J., oysters, 907 N 3d, h do P1 Forry Edward, machinist, h 21!lO X 6th Forshey Theodore, weaver, h 1!l09 ~ 3d C Forster Arthur G., elk, h 1618 N 2d'r Benjamin L.. lawyer, 26 X 3d, h 7 S Front Forster J. Montgomery, h !l03 S Front Forster Maud> H., h 1618 X ::!d Forster. see Foster . < Forsyth Charles, laborer, h !)42 S 19th Forsyth Charles N., foreman, h 1008 Berryhill Forsyth Edward A., laborer. h 151 Paxton


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Sayings and Loan Assn.::::::,

Forsvth Emma, roller, h 10()S Bern'hill Fors~th Gertrude, polisher. h 1602 Zarker Forsyth Hannah M. Mrs., h 1602 Zarker Forsyth John P., electrician, h 160::! Zarker Forsyth May B., stripper, h 1008 Berr)'hill Forsyth \ViJliam K., shoe tacker, h Hi02 Zarker Fors)thc John A., salesman, 6 S 2d, h 1732 Fulton Forsythe Jos~h C. laborer. h 17:12 Fulton Forsythe Marv E., elk, 1402 Vernon. h 1602 Zarker Fors\thc Walter, elk, h 1732 Fulton Fors~:the \Vayne W., machinist, h H20 Oxford Fortcnbaugh Abraham, h 171!l N 2d Fortenbaugh Anna E., h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh Harry W., tinner, h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh Homer E., elk Peipher Line, h :!1i5 North Fortenbaugh John, grocer, 1726 N 4th, h do Fortenbaugh John B.. paperhanger, h 2007 Briggs Fortenbaugh Julia. wid Henry, h 1323 Derry Fortenbaugh J. \Varren, elk, h IBM X 3d Fortenbaugh Man' J., wid James 1' .. h 1806 N 3d Fortenbaugh l\Jirrel ~L, cutter, h 265 North Fortenbaugh Phoebe, wid Peter W., h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh Stanley L .. wall paper, 1407 N 6th, h do Fortenbaugh Susan 1\1., book foMer, 201 N 2d, h 414 Forstt'r

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THE PATRIOT ."oAR....~~:~'l,.t..

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TJ7. Ton or

H M KElLr_ y &CO'S -Black Diamonds ",hen { 1 ...Ih IdSIIII .11. ....L n.,,,,t ord"r. 10lh
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Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.

1: 0
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FORTENBAUGH WILLIAM S., restaurant and produce. 1128 N 6th, h do

Fortenbaug'h \Vm. \V., foreman Peipher Line, h :!65 Xorth Fortna Charles A .. letter carrier, h 1:!I:1 Chestnut Fortna Dadd H .. engr, h :.!11 S l~th Fortna Rudolph K .. letter carrier. h till!! X Front Fortney Anna ~I.. stengr. 7:t L~l1ion Tmst bldg. h Steelton tortne~' .-\rdella. loopcr. h 1!l:!:.! N 7th Fortney Charles H .. motorman, h l:n 1 \Valnut Fortne\' Charles :\1., painter. h 1:l:!:.! Pcnn Fortne\' Erlwart\ '1' .. machini~t. h 117 S I:-hh Fortne,' Ella \' .. hUH'r. :t:!J :\Iarkt.'t. h !IIl !\ lith Fortnc~' (;corge R.: bellman, h 11111 Cowden Fortney Grace D., actress. h 11111 Cowd'cn Fortne~' Harve\'. brakeman, h fll:! S lith Fortne~' Har'ic\ \V .. elk. l!I S Wth. h 157 !\ 15th Fortne\' Tamcs' n., electrician. h l:n 1 \\' alnut Fortnev 'Lama A" dressll1kr. h !Ill X lith Fortnc,' Lizzie. dressmkr. h !111 !\ lith Fortn('~' :'Ilinen'a R.. wid Georgc, h 1110 Cowden Fortne\' Robert H., elk. :.!4 !\ Wth. h Steelton Fortnt;\, Svlvestcr '1' .. salesman, h :!:i4 North Fortnc~' T'llOl11as Ii .. car repairer. h 1iU:.!4 X 5th Fortnn William, lahorer. h ill:.! X 7th F(lrwar<l Joseph E .. postal elk. h 1:!4 Syh:an ter



z ..: A..







{1240 MarketSfre..

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Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.

29i ~.

Foster Robert. machinist, h 219 Boas Foster Sarah, housekeeper, 1928 N 4th Foster Virginia R., saleslady, 221 Market, h 107 Wash'n Foster \Varren 0., Dauphin Co. Reporter, 213 \Valnut, h Lochiel Hotel Foster \Vesley E .. engr, h 606 Seneca Foster. see Forster Fought Catharine. honnetmkr, h 1422 ~ 3d Fought Emma. wid Henry B., h 2:~3 :\laclay FOUGHT MILES A., real estate and fire insurance, 217 North, h do Fouke William II. Rev .. editor, 201 K 2d, h 1627 Chestnut Foulk A. Lillie. bookkpr. 100:~ Capital, h 2033 N 5th Foulk Amos. carpenter Lunatic Hospital, h 2033 N 5th Foulk George. engr, h 1439 Susquehanna Foulk Lillie ~I., cashier, :UO Market. h 1312 Howard Foulk. see Folk Foultz John B., brakeman, h 615 Calder Foultz Stewart C. fireman. h 622 Verbeke Foultz, see Foltz. also Fultz Fountain Annie 'E .. seamstress. h !H Tuscarora Fountain Carrie. cigarmkr, h 5f13 S Front Fountain Elizaberh, cigarmkr, h 5!1:~ S Front Fountain Elizabeth. wid Oliver. 'h 91 Tuscarora Fountain James, cook Senate Hotel,'h 227 N River



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MILLER BROS. l BAKER} ":=i~b~~:'~~IE.

Fountain ~Iildred, forelady. h 5f13 S Front Fountain Kelson, electrician, h li:~2 ?\ 5th Fountain Olive P., stengr, h 112 :\'agle Fountain Oliver, laborer, h 112 Kagle Fountain Sallie, wid Xelson, h 203 S 2d Fountain Willis H., nailer. h 593 S Front Foust Albert, machinist. h 412 Maclay Foust Alice, elk-Dairy and Food Div . Capitol, h 608 N 3d Foust Harry, brakeman, h 1233 Bailey FOUST JAMES, dairy and food commissioner, Capitol, h Hotel Russ Foust Samuel c., boilermkr, h 211 S 15th Foust 'Phomas. loom fixer, 'h 413 Pear Foust, see Faust Foutz Martin L., paperhanger, TI 32 Balm Fowler 'Boyd S . brakeman. h 2124 ~loore Fowler William 0., stable. 505-507 Strawberry, h 10 Aberdeen Fox Adelaide. wid Richard. h 12!l Walnut Fox Clifford c.. engr, h ls:m Swatara Fox Dale E .. polisher. h 1!136 Logan Fox David, laborer, h f)2:~ Herr Fox David H .. ins, 29 X 2d. h U13!1 Creen Fox Edna :\L. trimmer. h i)04 Emerald Fox Elmer, laborer. h 34 Lochiel :~d row



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> Z

Fox Sarah E., wid Harry E., h 1319 James Fox Uriah, conductor, h 1809! N 5th Fox Wallace c., pressman Tefegraph, h 623 Herr Foy Alice, wid \ViIliam, h 1211 Apple Foy Charles R., foreman, 500 Race, h 421 Hummel Foy Henry H., salesman, 315 :\Iarket, h 4:n Hummel Foy Henry H., jr., foreman, 500 Race, It 421 Hummel Foy Minnie ~1., milliner. 318 :\1arket, h fn Hummel Frady Julia, wid George. h 8 Lochiel 1st row . Fraelich Daniel, engr, h 1624 Fulton Fraelich Emlin F., engr, h 618 Reily Fraelich Henry S., engr, h 426 Reily Fraelich Heston c., laborer, h 618 Reily Fraelich Sherman W., flagman. h 2039 Green Fraelich \V alter J., h 618 Reily ~ Fraelich William H., laborer, h 1423 \Vyeth ~ Fraelich. see Fralich, also Fralick, also Froehlich Frailey Eva L., weaver, h 1206 Penn Frailey Susan B., wid Amos B., h 1206 Penn Fraim Alvin H .. drygoods, 2032 N 6th, h do Fraim Charles W., h 2229 N 6th FRAIM HARRY S., builder, 612 Camp, h 2229 N 6th Fraim Howard H., student, h 2229 X 6th Fraley Isabella, wid Henry, h 1231 Derry Fraley John S., engr, h 1645 N 6th

ANDREW REDMOND}'~~:~.!':i :;~~~ {3d anllAell, StS.

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A. B. TACK} WALL PAPER e:e~~:.:! 111001 SHIDE8{N.~:' 8s.

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.
Fralich Elizabeth, starcher, h 1424 X 6th Fralich George, conductor, h Globe Hotel Fralich John H., conductor, h 1424 N 6th Fralich Sarah. laundress, h 1424 N ()th Fralich Sarah ~I.. wid Jacob, h 523 Camp Fralich, see Fraelich, also Fralick, also Froehlich Fralick Daniel R., baggagemaster, h 417 North Fralick John D., ilar elk Hotel Aldine, h do Fralick Levi B.. conductor; h 523 Camp Fralick Lewis B., elk P. R. R., h 2227 Je~erson Fralick Lewis L.. conductor, h 2227 Jefferson Fralick 5iamuel K., conductor, h 221H Jefferson Fralick, see Fraelich, also Fralicil, also Froehlich France Isaac, janitor, h 1411 James Francis Anna, tel opr, 227 \\'alnut, h :t38 Harris Francis Julia, wid Thomas, h 827 SlOth Franck George J., heater, h 11146 S Hth Franck Jacob J .. ironwkr, h 131 Dock Frank Annie, weaver, h r 1324 N 3d Frank Bertie E .. wid "'elton, h 1418 Derrv Frank Carson D., engine hostlh, h 223!1 Logan Frank Charles H., brakeman, h 16~9 Susquehanna Frank Charles H .. driver, 3113 ~Iarket. h 1~18 Kittatinny Frank Charles R., bricklayer, h 1!1:!7 X 5th Frank Charles \V., watchman, h 1508 Hunter



Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank

Dora T. Mrs., lodging, 511 Walnut, h do Emilv :\1.. wid lohn. h r 1324 N 3d Fian~, wid Cluirles W., h 1927 N .3th Frederick. stonecutter, h 627 :\1aclay Harrison E .. elk, lUI ~[arket. h 15H6 Hunter Harry, salesman, 334 Market. h 14~0 K 4th Harr~' E., conductor, h 2335 Jefferson Harry M:, policeman. h 10n7 :\" 7th Harvey. engine preparer, h 1!H1!1 X 7th Jacob. (Dauphin Bedding Co.). h unn l\farion lacob \Y., conductor, h 1!1(1H X 7th Tames L., brakeman, h 2~37 Jefferson john W .. baker. h 1321 Green Joseph, mgr, :12:1 Walnut, h 1IH1 N 2d Leslie, brakeman, h 607 Cumberland Lorenzo L., brakeman, h 548 Forrest Lottie M., cigarmkr, h 751 S 191 Louie, restaurant, 400 Filbert, h do 1fabel A.. tel opr, 227 Walnut, h 2239 Logan Marx M .. bricklaver. h 1927 N 5th Max. lodging, 507 Walnut. h do Raymond P .. elevatorman Capitol, h 1927 N 5th R. Bertram. laborer, h 751 S 19t Rebecca. wid Michael, h 1007 N 7th Samuel S., postal elk, h 3f) S 17th

Sayings and Loan Alsn. t:= lJ o

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HOD..'OUR MOTTOI - } Coal, HODea' Welsht

H M KELLEY &CO {t.t.IIrQ,,.11.trIII. . I , .. ~ ..




.". Frank Simon, furniture, 1111111 ~Iarket, h 1:!4R do c: Frank Simon, jr .. elk. h 511i Walnut Frank Susan, wid Charles, h 116 Locust Frank William G .. engr. h 6411l\luench c: Frank William H . machinist, h 64!l Hamilton ..: Frankebergcr Amelia. nurse, h 505 S l~th . c: Frankem Augustus H .. supt, h 6ltR North Frankem Clara, milliner, 6 S 4th, h 2410l K 2d M Frankem E. Lawrence, transitman, :!:!:! :\lkt., h 2001 ~ 2d Frankem Emily K .. hookkpr. 6 S 4th, h :!IHn X 2<1 Frankem Lillie, h f)(lio( Xorth Frankem Mary, elk, 12 S :!d, h 20nt ;\ :!d u Frankem Sarah A .. wid Edward L.. h :!OOl N 2d Franhnberg Adolph, sol, h 1411 Swatara c: ca Frankford John S., fireman. h 410 Herr Franklin Benjamin, laborer. h 1239 :\lonroe Franklin Caroline. wid Samuel, h 222 Boas Franklin Charlotte, wid Alhert, h 14117 Marion Franklin Christopher C, porter P. R. R .. h 514 Brown Franklin Dorsey, laborer, 11 12 Haehnlen Fr"nklin Edythe :\1.. saleslady, h fi!{:~ Emerald Franklin Frank. lahorer. h 1~:~9 1\lonroe 0 Franklin George C .. carpenter. h 1)33 Emerald C Franklin Harve\,. laborer, h 113 Tuscarora Franklin John. fnail messenger, h 12 Haehnlen

. 300 ...

Boyd's Harrisburg (]j") City Directory, 1908.



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[<ranklill John, waiter, h ]47 Balm Franklin John, jr., bell boy, h 147 Balm Franklin 1Ierchandise Co., G. E. Da\'is, mgr, merchant tailors. law x :~d Franklin Robert, porter. h 147 Balm Franklin Samuel E., 11 222 Boas Franklin '''illiam n.. laborer. h 12 Haehnlen Franklin William E., car repairer. h 11:\3 Emerald Frantz Charles 0 .. laborer. h 11118 Park Frantz Edwin: lahorer, h 1512 Hunter Frantz Elmer J .. carpenter. h (mil "'oodbine Frantz Harvey. carpenter. h HI42 Xorth Frantz Joseph H .. grocer, 17112 X :\d, h Hill2 Green. Frantz ::\Iarv H .. teacher. h 1420 \\'alntlt Frantz l\latilcla ?It.. wid John. h HilS Park Frantz Pe~rl A .. waitress. :lB4 :\Iarkct, h 1942 North Frant7 Susan. boarding. (i24 'Yalnl1t, h do FRASCH FREDERICK C., ice cream, 1428 Market and 319 Walnut, h do see adv opp page Frasch 'Villiam F .. ice creamll1kr. h 1412 Zarker Fr<'ser William :\lc .. lahorer. h ill5 Xorth al Fratz Bertha. elk. !1:tZ'i Rose. h :\Iicldlctown Fral1nf<'lder Curtis 'V., .fireman. h !) ~ l~th Frawlc\' Tohn n.. molder. h 112i Forster Fray Charles A .. printer. lflth hel :\Iarket. h 1417 Shoop

Y~b~~l:~~:r IOU P. II1II1101101 Shades trow A.

B. TACK .1:l~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.

Fray Sarah. wid Simon G .. h 1417 Shoop Frazer Edgar K .. lumber. h 1:i:!H N :!d Frazer :lliriam, h I:):!!I N :!d Frazier Charles E .. ins agt. h :!:!no N nth Frazier Charles E .. jr.. ~raneman. 11 :!:!! It I N (ith Frazif:r Edward C. pmldkr. h 1:107 S I:!th Freaner Elizabeth. h 1iU-l N :~d Freaner William, huckster. h :{:!s Reilv Frederick Charles P .. brakeman. h 1Ii:!~ Fulton Frederick CharIesT .. lahorer. h l:!Ofi ~Iarket Frederit-k Clara B.. drcssmkr. h 1:!Uli :'Iarket Frederick David H., harber. 'h :!:.!lCrescent Frederick Florence R.. salesladr. :W:! Walnut. h 120fi :'Ikt. Frederick George \\' .. laborer. -h l:!Oli :'larket Frederick LeRO\. craneman. h 1:!llIi :'Iarket Frederick Russell S .. wiper. h Wlfi S Cameron Frederick \V alter I.. craneman. h l:!Wi .\Iarkd Frederick \\,illiam' L.. steelwkr. h 10111 S Cameron Fredrickson Christian. milk. 1:!7:! State. 11 do Free Annie. milliner. h :!:.!!I Hummel Free Benjamin F .. machinist. h I11HI X lith Free B:anche :'lrs.. milliner. 11110 X lith Free Charles B.. plasterer. 'h fillll \ Voodhine Free Daniel. elk. :;1111 :'Iarket. h :!:.!!I Hummel Free Edward \\' .. hrakeman. h :Wli Harris

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ,,:S~t,:i~:'~~E

Free Elmer, laborer. 11 li:l:~ S Front Free Eva. sea mstres!.'. h ;):;s \ \. oot! bine Free Frank H .. bookbinder. h Ifl S 1:-<[h Free (;eorge H .. conductor. h IOt!1 X lith Free Harry ~ .. engr. h !1I1:\ X :\d Free Horace H .. fireman. 'h I:!II:\ \\'a!lace Free John :\ .. motorman. h 11011 ~rarket Free Lewis E .. painter. It :;;):-: Woodbine Free :'fan- B . seamstress. h :;:;~ \Yoodbine Free \'l'ison ~ .. brakeman. 1: I:-:W\ ltern-hill Free Rohert R .. student. h lIIl!1 X lith Free Samuel .\1.. paperhanger. h -tlli Herr Free \\'arren B.. brakeman. h 11011 X lith Freeburn .\lice :'I. :\1 rs .. h -t;) 1 ~ I-lt)l Freeburn Charles \r .. l'ngr. 11 !!II:! Fulton



,.... s=






~:~e:e~'::n ~

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319 Walnut Sf. and 1428 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.



CLARK'S :~tl~l~ Drug and Pataot Madlclna StoraL~~:~c.,

.... .....


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908


;a III








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"a "0




U) ~







Freeburn Christian E., pressman Patriot. h 1705 Penn Freeburn Edwin :\1., sec Penna. Primo Feed Co., Inc., 16 X 2~, h 419 :\Iadav . Freeburn E. :\1. & Co.: sales agts. 16 K 2d Freeburn George A.. student. h 1 i05 Penn FREEBURN HARRY H., real estate and insurance, 14:00 N 3d, h 1408 N 2d . Freeburn John C. machinist, h 123i X ith Freeburn John l\1.. ins sol, 4 S 2d, h Steelton Freeburn Richard H., engr. h 1623! K :Jd Freeburn Robert, engr, h 301 Boyd Freed George 'V., laborer, h 911 S Front Freed Henrv F., electrician, 11 II!) X lith Freed Isaac; pres Penna. Primo Feed Co .. Inc., h 1337 N Front Freed John A., laborer. 11 106 Dock Freed John M., engr, h 106 Dock Freed Jonathan D., h 911 S Front Freed William ]., en gr. h 1155 Derry Freedman Abraham, press feeder Courier. h (j}8 Forster Freedman Abraham, (Zuckerman & Freedman), h 605 State Freedman Albert L., ins agt. h 114 Short Freedman Edgar, elk, 114 Short, h do Freedman Henry. 11 618 Forster
"l'lU. 6 _.. t,. ...d Saret,. Co. { . .u. ".III,lnl... Enc.I.....ud.... { I .... _ -8craatoa. Peaa.. T,"II" ..~ III .IN, J.lcI.ll..... Trill"




. '. ...




Freedman Joseph, salesman, 'h filS Forster >- Freedman Rebecca, h 114 Short Freedman Samuel. tailor, ::\Iarket, h 616 State z: Freedman Wolf, (Williams:m.t.Freedman). h ()37 Boas & IE Freeland George W., bar elk l~rand Hotel, 11 1419 N 3d Freeland HarrY, laster, h 122il )Iulberrv Freeland John H., stengr, 4 ~ :~d. h Fairview Freelano Lola E., elk, 2t1G Chestnut, h 1346 \' ernon Freeland Mary, bOxl)lkr, h 1225 ?'.lulherry 0 Freeland Walter H., inspector. h UH4 S 21st Freeland \Yilliam h 1225 Z Freeman Jackson. A., carpenter, )Iarioll )Iulberry cook. h 1:114 <C Freeman l\lary, wid William H .. h 612 Reily Freeman Mary B. Mrs., h 563 SlOth .J Freeman Winnifred, wid Henry, h 439 S 2d Frees Edward L., flagman. h 3i3 Buckthorn Z Frees Isaac, baggagemaster, h 1405 Vernon Frees Paul. brakeman, h lH6 Regina Frees. 0 Freese see Fries stengr, 11 222 North Elsie L., Freese Leoma A., wid Joseph B., h 222 North l&J Freese :Vlary A., wid Jeremiah, h 511. Harris Freeston Harry F .. elk sec Commonwealth. h 808 Capital Frehn Bertha M .. housekeeper. 1414 Zarker c( Frehn Jacoh E .. eng-r. h 1414 Zarker

..... =

-: a


Radmond's Wagon Works} ~'::Jdlt'~'f;b~:~-:~: :3d and Ratfl StSI

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A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h:l~dN?::}L

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. Freiberger Moses F., grocer. 1:~08 Wallace, h 1419 do Freibt:rger Sara, telephone opr. h 1419 \Vallace . CD Freidberg David, agt, h 42 \Valnut :; Freidberg Jacob, student, h 422 Walnut ;; Freidberg Xathan, confectioner and bottler, 420 Walnut, h 422 do ~ Freil James, ironwkr, h 1400 S 13th Fremell Carrie A., wid Theodore. h 152f1 ~ 5th French Blanche, domestic, 219 Pine French Elmira, wid Michael W .. h 416 Market French Harry B., craneman, h 1430 Regina French James B., h 14!l0 Regina French J. Smith, foreman, h 1430 Regina Frenie Anthonv, barber. h 237 Harris Fretz Samuel, elk. 421 x 2d, h 210 Herr Frey Anna 1\1., milliner. h 324 North Frev Caroline Mrs., h 324 North Fre}" Charles. express messenger, h 406 Chestnut Frey Edward S., engr State Highway Dept., h York Frey Elvin c.. elk. Herr clOth, h 516 Kelker Fre)' Ernest F .. templetmkr, h 114 Locust Frey Eugene B., telegrapher. 7} N 3d, h 1605 N 4th Frey Fannie E. Mrs., h 1310 Susquehanna Frey Georgianna. milliner, h 1310 Susquehanna Frey ~label, cashier. 334 Market, h 1325 X 6th


Sayings and Loan Assn. U::'=

Frey Mary E., stengr. 312 Market, h Shiremanstown Frey S. A., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Frey Simon F., elk, 601 State, h VHO Susquehanna Frey, see Fry Freysinger Elmer M .. elk. h 41 S Court Freysinger Harvey H., laborer. h 2:l08 Jefferson Freysinger Jacob, fireman, h 41 S Court Freysinger, see Frysinger Friberg Harry, rook Lunatic Hospital. h do Frick Charles A.. grocer, 428 Reily. h do Frick Co .. John Senft. genl mgr, engines. 400 X 2d Frick Harry, elk, 24 ~ 3d, h 1510 N 5th Frick Lewis H .. flagman, h 1510 X 5th Frick Mary, wid Au~gustus, h 428 Reily Frick William L., stereotyper Independent, h 94 N 17th Frickman Daniel E., fireman, h 1725 Susquehanna Frickman Henry, sexton, h 1725 Susquehanna Frickman Howard H., salesman, h 1725 Susquehanna Friday Charles, fireman, h 628 Verbeke Fridenger Jessie, weaver, h 619 N 2d Friedberger Freda, artist, h 29 S 17th Friedberger Joseph, artist, h 29 S 17th Friedman Isaac. shoemkr, r 713 Cowden, h 529 Filbert Friedman Samuel Rev., h 235 Kelker Fries Edward D., machinist, h 1829 N 5th

:.:It < :.:It




a II:

TH E PATRIOT'S -:'::ri.~:;.~:=:. Ie uuog

J8 Digitized by






ry, 1



Fries Harry, brakeman, h GO:! Delaware Fries John A., prillter, h 1(;14 Wallace Fries Fre Fri,:,s avid ,Ik. h Cam Frishkorn John H .. boilermkr, h 401j ~ 19th Frishkcirn \Villiam F., carpenter h :!21 Verbeke Frish nWI .,clk R.R sde h1B Fritc Char ., st Sec wlth, 0W Fritchey A. Viola, h no:! N :ld

mb. t




.: FRITCHEY C. ALBERT physician, 902 N 3d, h do Fritc Elm , for . h :. )J a( Fritc _ Gen teac 11 !lO' ld ~ FRITCHEY JOHN A., physician, 902 N 3d, h 1611 N 2d Fritchev John F., h no:! )J :{d Fritc Ros rlec eng Fritc see chev Fritz Albert J., puddler, h 37 Lochie1 4th row Fritz Augustus, laborer, h 1723 X 12th Fritz rles. dler, Lac ad r Fritz vid T remk 1352 rnon Fritz Elsie M., saleslady. h 32 S 18th Fritz Frank A., molder; h 1326 Thompson Fritz nk F gma 2121 ersol Fritz rn' C t, h f owd Fritz Har..,"e)' W., elk P. & R. pass depot, h Steelton





6 N.





o u

, i

o u


Fritz Ida G .. ~tengr The lomwlth., h :!1:..0 ~Ioore Fritz J. Leon. hostler, h 152:3 \Vallace Fritz 11. la r, h .,1'" Cal 11 Fritz 11 P. orer, !l Ca Fritz Joseph, basketmkr, h 17ml ?\ l:!th Fritz Lewis, brakeman. h (j32 Hamilton Fritz ggie,' eha L .. h . r-.) VI.' 11 Fritz rv, \\ larel L.. h I-Ia Fritz Mar~' A. l\1rs., h _104 Brookwood Fritz Mir;nda, wid Tefferson, h 1523 \ \" allace Fritz W'lliam locks', 144' eginalo Fritz liam mach , h (j xfor ;roc ow an ., brakeman, h 181 ~ X 13th Frock William H., conductor, h 152:3 \\"alnut Froehl' h 'Cha 1 :\1.. ber,') ~lar h 11 Froel F. bert. lier t. B h Ca Hill Froe IC John, I!nO?\ 3d Froehlich John H., artist. Hi :\ 2d. h HiOO Green Froel r h :vIa ( L., ar' 11!)1 . :kl Froe} . see elich 0 Fr also lick Fron m "rvilla ., sales a y. :l:H larket, 1 ummelstown Fromm \Villiam H., baker. 'lU:l7 Swatara, h Hummelstown Frost Flizabeth laundre h 814 G een Frost ma igar r, h Susq anna ;rost orge ., nail f r, h J_ Sho\\ ers

1 L ST.



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908. 305
Frost Hettie J., housekeeper, h 1223 Susquehanna ~ Frost Howard V., laborer, h r 326 Cherry PI Frost John L., bar clk, 217 Market, h 148 S 3d Frost Lydia V., wid John \V.,. h 1223 Susquehanna Frost Robert G., roller, h 1819 Briggs Frowcrt Lucretia H., seamstress, h 624 Maclay -f Frowert Spencer G., car builder, h 624 Maclay Frutchey Laura M., teacher, h 1837 N 2d Z Frutchey, see Fritchey 1"'1 Fry A. Addessa, clk, 5 N 3d, h 111 Washington Fry Aaron L., laborer, h 1000 Berryhill :D Fry Agnes M., wid Harry A., h 239 State C Fry Annie Mrs., h 239 State Fry Arthur F., engr water works, h 212 Crescent C) Fry Bruce, laborer, h 512 North Fry Charles N., ironwkr, h 1012 N 3d 0 Fry 'Charles R.. nailer, h 911 SlOth Fry Clarence A., student, h 212 Crescent :..... Fry Clarence L.. rodman P. R. R. pass depot, h 1921 N 2d _ Fry Coal Co., Howard C. Fry, mgr, 828 Market Fry Curtis, auctioneer, 519 State, h do '-11 Fry Daniel W., carpenter, h 438 S 2d ~ Fry DeWitt A., asst sllpt C. I. and S. Co., h 313 S Front g Fry Edward H., salesman, 440 ~1arket, h 17191 N 4th S Fry Edwin L., heater, h 1806 State ~

< en

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~-:::'~lE:K ~

Fry Elias E., stamp elk P.O., h 212 Crescent Fry Ella lVI., housekeeper, 104 Dock Frv Elmer E., conductor, h 61S 1\ 15th Fry George W., barber, h 813 N :~d Fry George W., brakeman, h 1428 Korth Fry Grace 1\1., stripper, h tan5 Prospect Fry G. Washington, switchman, h 2040 Fulton Fry Harrison, screwsman, h 108 Dock Fry Harrison, jr., irol1wkr, h 206 Herr Fry Harry 1\1., driver, h 631 S Front Fry Harvey L., machinist, h 1621 Regina Fry Hattie B .. cigarmkr. h 4:lS S 2d Fry Howard c.. mgr. 828 :Market, h 32 S 13th Fry Howard W., elk Sec Comwlth, hIS Front Fry Ira D., clk, h 1914 Fulton Fry Jacob G., machinist, h 418 Market Fry James B., stcel inspector U. S. N., h 1012 N 3d Fry Jennie, wid William C, h 1523 N 6th Fry Jeremiah, salesman, 15 S 2d. h 911 SlOth Fry John, laborer P. R R, h 1913 Swatara Fry John H., car inspector, h 629 Camp .. Fry Levi S., engr, h 21:~S N 6th Fry Lillian Mrs., housekeeper Hotel Wall Fry Malcolm A., postal elk R M. S., h 825 Green Fry Mary A., wid Jacob B.. h 1000 Berryhill
- - --~-




INDEPENDENT LOAn AND SECURITY CO. L::r~\T {~'~':'-=l:bogle

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No No

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<:) <:)


Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory, 1908.


o Tltli 6uaranty aid Surety Co


Fry iles ,c1 lEo: Gre Frv Phoebe K., roller, h 911 SlOth Fry Raym I W lac ith, 5:!6' 5th Fry mn E., de ry s P ., h 2 C ent Fry Thomas F., yardmaster P. & R, h 1020 Paxton Fr\' ;Iyss G., c Dep ubf nst ion ;..Je . Ie Fr\' m. ho pr er s. &. ake, 20 tate Fry William H., conductor, h 100() Hemlock FRY WILLIAM L., f 'ht nt R. N. Ry dC R. and ent pir nio nd hor Transportation Lines, P. R.. R. freight depot, h 1921 N 2d Fry e F als rve Frye Harry R, laborer, h 1929 Wood Frye Theodore S barbe h 71- Cowd Fr\' Villi ~I. nito 71 ow Fliertes Jas. H., consulting engr, :!7 S 2d, 11 ~ew Yo'rk Fuget Roy H., l.J S. A h 958 S 215 Fug WillA bor h n S 2 Fuhrman Aaron, conductor, h :!28 S 15th Fuhrman George elk, 3'l! Ma k t, h 1 ~') LiJ d n Fuh an n', ckst h 1 Lind Fuhrmann Amelia, wid Ernst, h 1318 X 2d Fuhrmann 'Edna \J bookkpr, h 1318 11\ 2<1 Fuh "lnl1 mil ma ist. VUS 2<1

C FulIcher Harry W., laborer, h 1529d , . _9 do Ful ~aml L., hie ,200 Logan
~ ~.

~.t... {IMd, ~::' fa:Ii:~~"''''


}l 5.ea~~


_ I


Ful Car G. achi , h -l Sara Ful er Char es E., )rakeman, h 17 S 1Mh Fuller Denton A., salesman, 25 N ad, 11 1:3114 State FulI Fra C. ema Her lOtI ea Hil Fuller Free trick ., chenllst, h._II N 1hrh Fuller \Valtol1 B., draftsman. h 1205 Swatara Ful 011 itol 'id n F :!1i!1 ssaf Full on' ora, nurse, h 0 ~ uench Fullerton John R, fireman, h 269 Sassafras Ful on liam, ca pai h:. Sas as Ful H. ry S .. carp en er Arsenal, 1 ,;:;?\ th Fulmer Josep'h C, millwkr, It 1:!4!1 Swatara Ful (-;e e S, em 11 1)1 orr Ful ~ra _ n" . g< r r r. h 1 :\or h Fulton Robert n., asst cashier State Treasury, Capitol, IT Ful Rci~, A., e gr, h ;~:\ h Fulton Sylvester G., engr. h fila Forn~~t Ful Wi' m ~ lab ,h n:\ til FulL. .ee z. a, FOl Fulweider Albert c., piano tUI1r. :!:!;~ ~Jkt., h Fun Ada wi yrus ., h H i\ h Fun Alfr ., e . 'h E aId


~ 4.


S 14th

Elect I Aut obile} ANDREW REDMO

8peclalty A B TACK tf FreHOlnlr Mak... aBulldi"". tnof' Ttnt.e {1 8 N.8d It. l'obl1o Plain


Boyd's Harriscurg (G- ) City Directory, 1908.


Funk Alice V., saleslady, a08 :\Iarket, h 24 S 3d Fqnk Amos, brakeman, h 1~16 N 5th Funk Benjamin F., laborer, h 435 Reily Funk Bessie :\1., saleslady, h 597 Emerald Funk Charles E., salesman, h 215 Chestnut Funk Daniel E., fireman. h 1428 Green FUNK DAVID S., physician, 300 N 2d, h do Funk George, bridge builder, h 435 Reily Funk George K., engr, h 824 N 3d Funk George W., laborer, h 428 S 17th Funk Harry A., air examiner P. R R, h 214 Reily Funk Harry A., warehouseman P. R R freight depot, h 1410 Penn cg Funk J. Clarence, student, h 300 ~ 2d ::II Funk Jennie E. Mrs., h 640 Hamilton Funk Jessie L., casemkr, h 1816 ~ 5th rFunk John A., eng-r, h 214 Reily 1:" Funk Laura P., saleslady, 308 Market, h 24 S 3d Funk LeRoy, brakeman, h 323 Dauphin "CI~ Funk :\1argarct A., wid Erasmus, h 343 Reily ~e Funk Margaret M., teacher, h 1419 N 6th Funk ~fargaret ~1., wid Harrison, h 1419 N 6th ~. Funk :\Iarv B. :Vlrs .. music teacher, 310 North, h do Funk Mar). B., wid T. ;\ ewton, h 1113 l\Iarket Funk Nevin W., laborer, h 640 Hamilton

Ie Ic


Sayings and Loan Assn.{ :-:.:

Funk Parsons, laborer, h 8 Lochiel 1st row Funk Ralph \V., pressman, 201 X 2d, h 826 N 3d Funk Ross L., cigarmkr. h :no ~orth Funk William H., policeman, h 13116 Market Funk vViIliam S., laborer, h 2149 N 5th Funston Emma E .. h 406 Filbert Funston Harry C. brakeman, h GOI Maelay Jotmston Rudy, h 211 Mulb~rry Fuqua John Rev., h 1125 Monroe FURBER IGNATZ, hotel, 542 North, h do Furber William I., elk. 542 North, h do Furl Grover C, machinist, h ,lOS Harris . Furman David, (Michlovitz & Co.). h 531 Filbert Furman Louis, elk, 2]0 N 10th, h 626 North Furman Samuel K.. postal elk, h 27 N 16th Furman Simon, peddler, h 626 North Furst Emanuel, asst baggagemstr P. & R., h 822 Cowden Fusselman John W . leverman P. R. R., h 1627 Wallace

Gaberic John, laborer, h U03 S 9th Gable Albert H., conductor, h 204 N 2d Gable Annie S., candymkr, h 433 State Gable Catharine. dressmkr, 1733 N 5th, h do Gable Florence P. G., saleslady, h 1911 Green


Digitized by

H. M. KELLEY" CO. }OUlCeS, :.~,erI':'\1.f~~{COAL AID WOOD






Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.

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0 I-

iill. ~.




Gable Harry c.. jr., elk, h 1911 Green GABLE HENRY A., hardware, 113-115-117 S 2d, h 104: Chestnut see adv Gable Henrv c., shoemkr, h 1911 Green Gable Tohn M., h 1733 N 5th Gable Samuel H., brakeman, h 425 S 15th Gable \"illiam T., grocer, 2022 Derry, h do Gabriel Evan H., elk P.O., h 137 Paxton Gabriel John, junk, h r 1825 George Gaciio Joseph, tailor, h 426 State Gaebler John M., laborer. h 1311 Bartine Gaeta Cashmer, tailor, 14 S 4th, III 12 do Gaeta Oliver, h 12 S 4th Gaff Charles \V., postal elk, h 1011 Green Gaff John E., laborer, h 1233 Fulton Gaffney Alice G., saleslady, 313 Market, h 950 Paxton Gaffney Celia, wid Charles, h 950 Paxton Gaffney Henrietta Mrs., h 918 Cowden' Gaffney James G., switch board inspector, 210 Walnut, h Steelton Gaffney James P., steel inspector. h 1150 Mulberry Gaffney John M., brakeman, h 26th c Greenwood Gaige Melven, baker. h 717 N 18th Gaines Lizzie Mrs., h 1433 Marion Gaitor Eleanor, dressmkr, 1410 N 4th, h do








... ...



Gaitor George, barber, h 1410 N 4th Gaitor John A., barber, 507 N' 4th, h 1410 do Gaitor Joseph H., caterer, h 37 N Summit >- Gaitor Mattie Mrs., h 431 State II: Gaitor Sarah M., laundress, h 14111 ~ 4th cr: A.. Galante Serafno, barber, 5 Grace. h 1022 Market BERTRAM G., builders' E GALBRAITH siding, 7th c Curtin, h 1625 supplies, yard and R. R. N 2d see ady 0 opp page u Calbraith George, agt, h 402 Filbert ~ Ca!braith Hannah S., elk. h 1217 Wallace Galbraith James W., huckster, h 1217 Wallace 0 u Galbraith James W., jr., driver, h 1217 Wallace Galbraith Lottie L.. elk, h 1217 Wallace Q Galbraith William. h 1217 Wallace GaMino Enrico, grocer. 209 Mulberry, h do


H. A. c:;,ABLE

z: :;,


113-115-117 South 2d StreIt, Harrisburg, Pa,

Building and Wagon Hardware.

Sash, Doors and BUnda

Digitized by

1 L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 lIaft Stnet


A. B. TACK =,t!:.::t~!:nJ laD PUDer IIIHlIlIHIOI 3118 I:l~\~~Tt

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908. 309
Gall C. Stuart, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Gallagher Bernard J., laborer, h 1917 :\Ioltke .-Gallagher Charles :\1.. lahorer. h i42 S 19th Gallagher Charles :\1. K.. laborer. h 742 S 19th Gallagher Edward, brakeman, h Ill!) Harris Gallagher Edward L.. pressman, h 624 \Valnut Gallagher Ellen. h 1211 :\I ulherry Gallagher .1. LeRoy, elk P. R. R.. h 1;)16 N 6th Gallagher J. Xorton, foreman P. R R, h 209 Hamilton Gallagh('r John, engr. h 151H ~ 11th Gallagher John. puddler. 1, 14(111 S l:~th Gallagher John .1 .. foreman. flth e Herr, h St. James Hotel Gallagher John P .. elk Dept. :\lines, Capitol. h S5 N 17th Gailaghcr :\[ary. milliner. II S 2d. h :\IiddletO\vn Gallagher Samuel. lauorer. h 122-1 X 7th Gallagher Samuel D., elk P.O . h 7-12 S 19th Gallagher William R. flagman. h 161:l X 4th Gallagher WIlliam W .. lahorer. h 511i Hamilton Gallagher George F .. dist mgr, 211 ~ :ld, h do Gallon Charles A .. master mechanic, h 1001 X !ld Gallowa\' Edward, brakeman. h !lH S 14th Gallowa~' James E., brakeman. h !l41 S 14th Galyin lohn n.. hlacksmith, h 16(15 S Cameron Gamher Anna :\Irs .. h 12ii~ State Gamber Charles. elk. h !!5:i Sassafras
-------- -----

Gamber Helen A.. saleslady. h lii29 X 6th Gamher H. Franklin. elk. The Bolton, h do Gamber lane E .. saleslady. II S 2d. h 1529 X 6th Gamber john P .. elk, h i52fl N 11th Gamher John \Y . motorman. h 2:15 Sassafras Gamher ~L \"irginia. elk. h 1:i:!!1 ~ 6th Gamber \V. Frank. carpenter, h 12:i8 State Gamber W. Harry. lahorer.h 15:!!l ?\ lith Gamber William H .. puddler. h 152!) N 6th Gamble Jas. X .. P. n. messenger P. R R .. h 216 Kelker Gamble Jennie S .. wid Hugh A .. h 6C17 Peffer Gamble Lewis. engr. h 21fi Kelker Gamble :\laude I.. teacher. h 607 Peffer Gamble \\"illiam, laborer. h fi22 Herr Gamrode Andrew. helper. 11 1~11 Berryhill


-B. G. GALBRAITH a Builders Supplies I

ARd Olallr in elmld, lill!, Hair, Plashr, Pipe and CDn,D Rlefil'l

::z 8i!

P s;:

COAL AND WOOD YARD: SeveDth and CurtiD Streets, Harrishurg, 'a.



._---- ------------- - - - - - UU.Dln LOA. {8,,--all'lo;rd B1".

a N.....

RESIDESCE: 16'5 Norlh




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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

IE ~







.. .. ..
Co: K C



Co: I I:

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I l


Gandy Walter F., fireman, h 154U N 5th Gand~' William, h 1540 N 5th Ganges Kate 1., dressmkr, h 46 Linden Gangi Bros., (Frank and Charles), confectioners, 1257 Derrv and tOOO Market Gangi Charles, (Gangi Bros.), h 1127 Derry Gangi Frank, (Gangi Bros.). h 1127 Derry Ganley Frank, peddler, h 516 \Valnut Gannett Farley, engr Water Supply Com. of Pa., Capitol, h 1518 S 12th Gano George R.. ins sol, 4 S 2<1, h 1549 Fulton Ganoe J. Edward, driver, 11 213 Barbara Ganter Sue Mrs., h 1209 Glestnut Gantt Amos L., conductor, h 2241 N 6th Gantt Forest B.. brakeman. h 531 Emerald Gantt Laura E., h 531 Emerald Garber Charles E., motorman, h 4111 :\1ttench Garber Frank S., salesman. 3:U :\larket, h 340 S 15th Garber Marv E., elk, 215 Walnut. h UI S 3d Garber Sadie N., wid Samuel 1.. h 19 S 3d Garber Sarah N. l\1rs., h 19 S 3d Garberich Glarles H., machinist. h 11112 X 2d Garberich John E., shoemkr. 54/) Violet aI, h do Garberioch Warren, laborer, h 423 Muench Garberich, see Garverich. also Gan"ick

Title Suaranty and Suretl CO. IC,~'~::'"

{F.m::~~I!r:'~~:;;I' {Tr!.~":i:r.Z...









Z C Gardner George \T.. postal elk. h 61


Garbrick Ella, boxmkr, h 435 Kelker Gardiner Laura. wid Thomas, h 925 X 6th Gardiner Leonard, salesman. h 925 ?\ 6th Gardiner Mabelle B., asst chief opr, :!1t1 Walnut, h 925 ~ 6th Gardner Alfred B., (Gardner-Baptisti Co.), h 37 Evergreen Gardner Alice :\1., telephone opr P. R. R., h 450 Cumb'd Gardner Andrew J., engr, h 23:l6 N 6th Garoner-Baptisti Co .. (Alfred Gardner, Eugene, Peter G. amI Vv'. Arthur Baptisti). produce. 301 Chestnut Gardner Benjamin F .. carpenter, h 1311 X 6th Gardner Celia. tailoress. 6 S 2d. h 1302 N Front Garoner Charles. laborer, h 23M ~ 6th Gardner Charles E., pipe tester. h 1522 Thompson Gardner Charles R., laborer. h 1:~27 ~ 2<1 Gardner David R.. car inspector. h 652 Verbeke Gardner Edgar C. fireman. h 162;j Carnation Gardner Elizabeth. dressmkr. h 214 Forster r;ardner Francis F., laborer. h 452 Hay Gardner Frank L., draftsman State Dept. Health, h 621
~ 14th Cardner George \V., laborer. h 450 Cumberland Gardner- Goldie T .. h 13/)::? N Front Gardner Harry E., brakeman. h 1011 Cowden




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Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.


Gardner Harvey LeR., pressman, h 1:l02 X Front Gardner Helen 11., dressmkr, h 1405 Regina Gardner Irwin B., fireman, h 1311 N 3d Gardner James F., conductor, h 1302 ~ Front Gardner James l\1., driver, h 2336 N 6th Gardner John A., h 1508 Howard al Gardner John F., trucker P. R. R. frt depot, h Camp Hill Gardner John S., engr, h 2032 N 4th Gardner Mary E. Mrs., h 450 Cumberland Gardner :\Iary E., weaver, 'h 1302 .K Front Gardner Paul, laborer, h li09t N 7th Gardner Regina F., dressmkr, h 214 Forster Gardner Robert L., salesman, 320 :Ylarket, h 1405 Regina Gardner Samuel, fruit, 1309-1311 X 3d, h do Gardner Sarah, wid George W., h 2004 Berryhill Gardner William H., engr, 'h 4141 Harris Gardner William H., janitor, h 203 Sassafras Gardner William'L., meat, 1542 N 6th, h 1612 N 4th Gardner William M., molder, h 1405 Regina Gardner William M., jr., elk, h 1405 Regina Gardner William S., huckster, '11 427 Hamilton Garis Amanda G.,h 1185 Bailey Garland Catharine, wid Richard, h 132 Hoerner Garland John K., druggist. 18;~9 X 6th, h 642 :\Iuench Garland Jdhn S., elk, h 2000 N 5th Garlan(\ Ralph c., driver, h 2123 X 6th Garland Samuel H., pres West End Roofing Co. and grocer, 2000 N 5th, 11 do Garman Allen A., conductor, h 2023 N Cameron Garman Benjamin A., fireman, h 611 Forrest Garman David, elk. 1501 Regina, h 1!l15 Swatara Garman Dillie E., h 1841 Xorth Garman Fannie Mrs., h 1200 Baile, Garman George P., repairsman, h :h21l Moore Garman Hanna'h Mrs., h 2011 Moltke Garman Henry A., (Hoffer & Garman), h 70 N 12th Garman Hulda W., saleslady, 329 :\larket, h 1606 Penn Garman John c., checkman P. R. R., h Lucknow Garman JO'hn M., ca'rpenter, h 1933 State Garman Laura E., student, h 1606 Penn Garman Laura J., h 1841 North Garman Louisa c., wid Uriah 'B .. h 620 Hamilton 'Garman Mildred A., h 1606 Penn Garman Morris A .. engr, h 2130 X 5th Garman Rutoh V., laundress, h 21111 :\loltke Garman William F., conductor. h 1606 Penn Garman William H., laborer. h 1827 Rudy Garman William M .. salesman, :l34 Market, h 549 S Front Garman, see German Garmhausen Alfred D., painter, h 144 Linden


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H M KELLEY CII CO'S -Blaek DlamoDd. wheD { m......." .... D. , r 3d Street. 70. BeD order. Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.


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Garner Abraham, clothier, 12()!) N' 3d, h 1005 Green Garner Allred, porter, h 5113 Korth al Garner Jacob, salesman. 120!) K 3d, h 11105 Green Garner James B., asst, 4::.m State, h do GARNER JOHN E., Harrisburg Business College, 322: Market, h 218 Forster Garner John E., jr., student. h 21R Forster Garner Joseph L.. blacksmith. h 1121 \Vallace Garner :\lax. salesman, h ] 122 !'vlontgomery Garner \Villiam. brakeman, h 26H Delaware Garner \Villiam T., pottl'r, h 841 Cumherland Garnes Charles, ins agt, h 1421 Regina Garonzik David, gents' furnis1hings. 40n Cumberland. h do Garonzik Ida. wid Michael, h 1521 Fulton Garratv Lulu, saleslad\'. 334 Market, h Steelton Garrett Abraham E., ;alesman, 215 Market, h Mechanicsburg Garrett Charles, brakeman. h 1624 X 5th Garrett Ella ~Irs., grocer, li21 \Viconisco. h do Garrett Harry S., brakeman, h 201m X tith Garrett Henry H., engr. h 212R X 6th Garrett Hiram, laborer. h 1412 ~ lith Garrett Tames. waiter Senate Hotel. h 3:1 X 13th Garrett John F . brakeman, h lOR Linden Garrett Katie. laul1(lres5. h HI X 4th
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Garrett Mahel L. !\lrs., h 20)j N lith Garrett :\forris, engine ho~tler, h 2130 ~ 4th Garrett S:!muel S., lahorer. h (j~1 Wiconisco Garrett Sarah .I., cigarmkr h HI8 X Linden Garrett, see Gehrett Garrick Susan l\1 rs., dressmkr. :!411 X orth, h (10 Garrow Edward E .. car inspector, h 14:!!) Susquehanna Garse<1 Florence Mr5., matron P. & R.. h 1:!13 Chestnut Garver l\Iary E., seamstress, h 1~1 Locust Garverich (harles, helper. 10th bel Chestnut. h Penbrook GARVERICH CHARLES A., fire marshal and chief engineer Hbg. Fire Dept., 16 N 2d, h 1306 Vernon Gan'erich C. :\linnie. hookkpr, h ::!fl3 State Garverich E. Clara, h 131lfl N 3<1 Gan'erich Ecina P .. nurse. h Ifl2~ X 3d Garverich Elizabeth, wid Henrv, h 13117 Green Garverich Fannie. wid Harn-, l~ l53fl Derry Garverich Frank 1-1., physician, Hi:!2 X 3d,'h clo Garverich Harry M .. machinist. h 124 S 13th Garverich ~10riis P., expressman, h l:mG X 3d Garverich Xellie P., trimmer, !l:t4 :\larket. h 711 N 2d Garvcrich H.ose c., wid John E., h 524 Forrest Garverich Ross E., engine hostler. h 20!l Muench Garverick Frank L.. car repairer, h Cameron ab Maclay Garverick George F .. carpenter. 'h fl~7 Daupilin

l L. S1. CLAIR {TAl LO A

{1240 Market StrelfT

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EmplO)'llllODe lIrlt-elasa workm"n, hence onl), lfrat- J A B TACK} c:IcIItVlriucllDlarell'- Wort dOlle iD I0Il1 partourc.t.e IN.1.18 Idll&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.


Garverick l\Iary E., dressmkr, h 20:1 :',Iuench Garverick, see Garberich. also Garvick Garvick John c.. machinist, h 630 Dauphin Garvin 7-.lorris H .. florist Capitol, h 300 Chestnut GARVIN THOMAS H., chief clerk H. of R., h The Lochiel , Garwood :Mabel, domestic. 2101 N' 2d Gaskin Michael. laborer. h 704 X 7th Gassner Arthur c., supt agencies. 321 Market, h 29 S Summit ... Gastrock Albert E., draftsman F. and M. Works., h 404 State Gastrock Albert G., helper, h r 1~2G N 6th Gastrock Benjamin, molder. h 2013 Fulton Gastrock Hertha :\1.. saleslady, h 511 North Gastrock Charles. cigarmkr. h 717 Ash Gastrock Elizabeth S .. saleslady, 221 Market, h 404 State Gastrock Elmer H., pressman.h 717 Ash Gastrock Emma R, cashier. h 511 North Gastrock Frederick J .. confectioner. h 511 North Gastrock Henn'. machinist. h 415 North Gastrock John: supt and purch agt F. and M. Works, h 415 ::-.rorth Gastrock Jos. K.. draitsman F. and :\1. Wks., h 2110 K 4th


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MILLER BROS. &. BAKER} "~~b~~'t.~~1I:

GASTROCK LEWIS, cigars, tobacco and stationery, 411 North, h 415 do Gastrock Louisa, weaver. h 717 Ash Gastrock Martin W .. machinist, h 404 State Gastrock l\lary A.,' wid Levi, h i17 Ash Gastrock 1\larv c., chocolate coater. h 108 Conov Gastrock Rosa, wid Barthold. h 415 ::-.rorth . Gastrock William A., elk, h 1723 X 3d Gastrock \Villiam E., steam fitter, h 108 Conoy Gastrock William ]., merchant tailor, 1723 N 3d, h do Gastrock William :\1.. picture frames, 404 State, h do Gasway }[ary, cook, h 626 \Valnut Gatchel Alfred L., elk P. R R pass depot. h 323 Chestnut GATELY & FITZGERALD SUPPLY CO., Frank R. Downey, mgr, installment house, furniture, carpets, clothing, &c., 31-33 S 2d Gates Frank, brakeman. h 2:!23 Logan Gates George \V .. machinist. h 1913 Green Gates James H .. porter, 40n Market. h 414 South Gates J()hn C. draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 79 N 17th Gates 10hn H .. elk P. R R.. h Hummelstown Gates joseph P .. clk cas'hier State Treasury, h Hummelstown Gates Levi, mattre!'smkr. h 1625 ~[arket Gates Linden. painter. a:!2 Herr, h <10 Gates Sarah. domestic. 82~ 1\ 2d






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ExceUeat for Cr.. .. to.





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Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.



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G s \ Ilia H., ont -to, 1 1 C ral (;audio ] oseph, barber, h !H8 ] ames G gil' E. rtz ho r, ::; ~ rke h 8 ve Gaugler, see Gougler G ker da A., rak Ian 0' Se a (;aul L11aries, h S el}d S Cameron Gtul George D., farmer I S d SCam n (; L e,l se bg. osp I,h 0 (;aul Ross 0 .. machinist, h 15]3 Allison C; t w i n ' . , I er rri h B d l;ault Emma V., 11 :!105 Derry (; It h11 S coli' tor '>]:! ark 11 ') 5 rry G se int c., em ,h 21 ree Gause Laura, 'librarian, 125 Locllst, h 227 N 2d G n cha ]., rpe r, 04 ate Gavis George, barber, h Z05 Barbara l~ or 'ran S., III h - 16 5th G , or _ ichae, h H16 1 5t 1 Gaynor Bernard, laborer h "031 K 7th G 11a ~Ia are do sti \V ut 4t1 Gearhart Samuel 1., painter, h UHO North G ha To' s, . ver 11 X 1 Gearv lexander, bricklaver, h 4:! 1\ 13th Gearv Fctwarct L. 'r., barber I Z2f Ha 'Ito G ~'. 111 ,p al ,h ;:)1:3 en



--------------------------------------------Geary William E., flagman, h 1949 Berryhill

G y Ilia F., ud ,h 13 nn GeLhard Catharine, h 1089 i\ Cameron G Jar \la are ., I nd s, I 2:; cia Ge) lardt Caroline D., teacher, h 420 S 13th C;ehhardt Eduar A student, I 4:!O S 1atl (; lar H v ba r, 14 ~d, 42 13 C;ebhart Andre~v ]., tallyman P. R R, h 917 S 19th C; Jar 'ar ne, id 111. fiZ2 ho rs Gebhart Charles J~., laborer. h lIlS9 N Cameron Gebhart Em X Ion tic "lG am' n (; 1ar -;e( e. I we, 1 11 <-. X am n Gebhart Jacob. fireman, h 16H! Fulton G lar oh F., lor h ) S we Gebhart }'an', charwoman. h 622 Showers Ghar 1a' wi ] ac ,h 7 9tl C; Iy Oll1as}. .. laborer. 1 14 n \\\eth Geeri"nO" Frederick laborer. h :HH Clinta"n c; in~ lal ,h 1m h : 0 ton Geesaman Samuel \V., brakeman. h Holly bey limits G an W. ~ sal 11a 318 Iar t, I 20 14 Glesey Ira"., engr, h 6.:.7 Boyd C;ee<;ey John H., laborer h 1017 S 9th G y eod e B , din r I1S,. 8 ~ rth, do Gehr John, engr, h 1608 Derry - - --

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A. B. TACK} IALl PIPER e::::~.:.:.~ W11001 SHIDES{No~:I8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.
315 Gehrett Amon F., car inspector, h 513 Emeraid Gehrett A.nna R, stengr, 18 ?\ 3d, h 405 Woodbine Gehrett George A., brakeman, h 618 Delaware Gehrett Sarah H., wid John J., h 1908 Elizabeth Gehrett Wm. B., car inspector P. R R, 'h 405 Woodbine Gehrett, see Garrett Geib Howell R, rodman P. R. R pass depot, h Marysville Geibe David B., carwkr, h 1197...christian Geibe Louisa E., wid William, h 1107 Christian Geiger Allison. laborer, h 1220 Swatara Geiger Clarence K., laborer, h 581 Showers Geiger Edgar W., flagman, h 405 Filbert Geiger Elias K., roller, h 703 Showers Geiger Elias K., jr., electrician, 11 703 Showers Geiger Elvia H., saleslady, 318 :\Iarket, h 70!l Showers Geiger George R,' h 347 S 13th Geiger George G., pipe fitter, h 232 Cherry Geiger Harry C, baker, h 420 Reily Geiger Harry P., engr, h 347 S 14th Geiger Harvey C, fireman, h 432 Hamilton Geiger Herman E., candymkr, h 227 N 14th ~ Geiger James, puddler, h 581 Showers l> Geiger John A., letter carrier, h 222 Crescent Geiger John W., mgr, 25 N 3d, 'h :\Ie6anicsburg Geiger Laura G., wid James W., h 440 S 14th

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Savings and Loan Assn. U:= :u

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Geiger Ralph P., attendant P. R R. h 581 Showers Geiger \Valter, pressman, h 222 Crescent Geiman Amos, laborer, h 1910 State Geise Albert, baggagemaster, h 1151 Bailey N Geise Annie Mrs., boxmkr, h 239 State l> Geisel Augustus A., hostler, h 327 Maclay Geisel Oharles L., student, h 1818 X ad Geisel Henry, foreman, h 1818 X 3d Geisel Henry, jr., h 265 Peffer l> Geisel Herbert F., clk P. R R. 'h 327 l\Iaclav Geisel John F., plumber, h 1818 1\ 3d Geisel Lillian M. Mrs., h 422 lVIarket l> Geisel Ro J., engine inspector, h Hlllfoi Green CJ) Geisking Charles, genl foreman P. R. R, h 526 ~Iaclay Geisking Harry W., machinist, h 1710 Green Geisking J. Leroy, brakeman, h 1939 N 4th Geisking William, jr., foreman P. R R, h 1710 Green Geissinger William M., switchman, h 631 Camp Geist Charles M., car inspector, h 2041 N 51'h Geist Della, saleslady, :U8 Market, h 2123 Jefferson Geist Etta, h 2123 Jefferson Geistwhite Franklin :\1.. fireman, h 1957 ~Ioltke Geistwhite Geo. W., (Hetrick & Geistwhite), h 504 S 13th GeistWhite Levina, wid Joseph, h 1959 Moltke Geistwhite, see Guistwhite

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THE PAT8Jdn?roogle

OUR MOTTO. - } Bo_"'O&1, BOD..' W.lch'

H M KELLEY 011. {'",......... "'" o. CO ........ I"""


::; Geistwite John c., fireman, h :1~6 Peffer Gekas James, (Giovanis & Gekas), h 1104 Plum - ; Gelbaugh Annie, wid George, h 412 Strawberry c$ Gelhaugh Minerva, elk, h 240 S 13th Gelwicks George D., foreman, h 4111 Hummel :5 Gem Stamp Moisture Co., C. H. ~1auk, propr. 1745 N 6th ~ Gembe Christian c., paperhanger, h 3418 Cherry Gembe Frank M., paperhanger, h 37 S Court i! Genlmill Annie D., nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do ~ Gemmill Emma S., wid Lewis A .. h 1711 X 4th Gemmill Melvin H., fireman, h 1923 X 4th 3 Gemmill Walter N., (Shook & Gemmill), h 1406 ~orth Gemperling Albert R., conductor, Ii 204 Hamilton Gemperling Frank, jr., flagman, h 1713 X 3d fti Gemperling Frank A., conductor, h 1611 N 5th : . Gemperling Harry H., engr, h 1219t Bailey 1ft Gemperling Lulu, telephone opr. 227 \Valnut. h 1611 N 5th VI Gemperling Maude I., saleslady. 400 Market, h 1611 N 5th Gemperling l{obert R., car inspector, h 1611 N 5th General L'nderwriting Co .. Mcily & Meily, fiscal agts, r I200 N 2d CTCnn George E., draftsman. 5 N 2d. h 114 do Gensemer Agnes, wici Abraham, h 315 Boas C( Gensemer Elizabeth F .. tailoress. :l:l4 ~Iarket, h 315 Boas Gensler Annie, wid Elias, h 1329 Derrv



Boyd's Harrisburg (G-) City Directory, 1908.



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Gensler Arthur J., barber, h 235 Boas Gensler Elizabeth, tailoress, h 1329 Derry Gensler Harry M., barber, h 235 Boas Gensler Howard E., drug elk, h 1329 Derry Gentslider Adam, plumber, h 1416 William Gentslider Benjamin, laborer, h 1416 William Gentslider Frederick, laborer. h 1416. William Gentslider Jacob ]., grocer, 2~4 Verbeke, h 123 Sayford Gentslider Minnie, warper, h ln6 William Gentslider. see Golzenleuchter George Alhen, mgr, 4111 :Ylarket. It do George Annie R., wid Edwin, h 2341 S 13th George Bradford, laborer, h 1119 1\ 4th . GEORGE CHARL~ T., druggist, 1306 N 3d, h do see adv George Charles W .. brakeman, h 622 Calder Gcorge David P., laborer, h 1;{(M Wallace IlrJ George Evan W., (R. H. George & Bro.), h 1830 Fulton U George Harriet T., elk, h 230 S 13th George H. Howard, engr. h 16~2 Regina Q George H. :\1.. caller P. R. R., h 1831) Fulton W George Isaac W., elk, h ~22 S 15th George James. film opr, h HI) ~Iarket 2: George John, laborer. h 109 X 4th c) George Lile, teacher. h ~:)() Xorth

FAIR PRliD-ORDG-its-'-{1fl.-iSi.


1 L. S1. CLAIR {TAl LO ~z!}~tD;~~~rJrelf

"Yb;U':~l:~~~ won PiJlrlllllDdOW Sh. IrOID A. B. TACK .":J~a. Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908. 317
George ~Iary M., wid John H., h 1830 Fulton George :\linnie Mrs., h 2~8 Peffer George :\'ora, knitter, h 109 N 4th George Paul E., laster, It 1830 Fulton


GEORGE R. H. & BRO., (R. H. and E. W.), dressed poultry, produce, &c., 1713 N 4th George Robert A., brakeman, It 23H S !!d George Roy, laborer. h Ion N 4th
George George George George George Russell H., (R. H. George & liro.), h 1830 Fulton Samuel A., laborer, h 51H Seneca Thomas G., chief of police, h 111111 :\' !!d Venala, laborer, h 109 ~ 4th Walter c., machinist, h 11~ S 2d



liEORGE WILLIAM J., chief clerk commission SOldiers' Orphans' Schools, Capitol, h 1001 N 2d
Gerace Gerber Gerber Gerber Angelo, laborer, It 29 S Court Abraham. peddler, h lUG Market George \Y .. motorman. h 1511 Regina Moses, peddler, h 704 North al

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GERBERICH FREEMAN C., asst supt Bureau of Railways, Capitol, h Dauphin

Gerdes Anna, wid Bernard, h 120 Cumberland Gerdes Augustus H., machinist, It 262 Verbeke Gerdes Bernard J., jr., salesman, 312 Market, h 120 Sylvan ter
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Gerdes Elizabeth L.. bookkpr silk mill. h 120 Cumberland Gerdes Harrv B., bar dk, HOI Cumberland, h 120 do Gerdes Mar~, domestic The Locheil Gerdes William F., brakeman, h 21H Reily Gerhard Reginald, electrician, h 2ri9 Briggs Gerhard, see Gerhart Gerhart Charles, car repairer, h 1312 State Gerhart Charles H., driver, h 5:!4 \Voodbine Gerhart Cora I., teacher, h 1312 State Gerhart George, huckster, h 524 \Voodbine Gerhart George S., car repairer, h 1254 State Gerhart Grover C, elk P. R. R., h 221i N 2d Gerhart Lewis, puddler. h 14 Lochiel 2d row Gerhart Mary C. seamstress, h 1312 State Gerhart P. Frank. electrician, 12 S 2<1, h i1 N 16th Gerhart Sadie, bunchmkr, h 130 Indian Gerhart Titus, car repairer, h 1949 State Gerhart William F., carpenter, h 1312 State
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& Luiz). h 1211 Swatara (;erier\.: Jal1l(;s A .. wall paper. :mll S 13th. h do Gerlock ~labcl E., stcngr, 14 S 2d, 11 1:!11 Swatara Gerlock & Lutz, (F. G. Gerlock and R. L. Lutz), stone, lime and builders' supplies, SEc 10th and Mulberry

(;''fbt'h .'\;roll1. J;)1l!nrtlla:1, G rif "i: lr;;:1].; (; .. (;l'rlock




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CLARK'S =:::~I~ Drug and Patent Medicine Stor81'=~AJl.,

318 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Dire!=tory, 1908.
German Caroline J., h 933 X 3d German Emanuel S., printer, ::Wli -Chestnut, h 1013 N 2d -c GERMAN JOHN W., agent Mutual Life Insurance Co. :. of New York, room 24,14 S 2d, h 1338 State ~ z: German John W., jr., draftsman State Dept. Health, h 1338 -c State ~ GERMAN PHILIP, bookseller, 213Yz Chestnut, h 25 N !5 4th == I - German Philip J.. flagman, h 128 Bairn Ii German Ralph C, rodman State Highway Dept., h 25 II~ -10 N 4th 'DO =! German William H., cashier Hbg. Gas Co., h 613 Boas II:.. German, see Garman loll GO Germer 'Charles F., laborer, h 107 S River II .. ~.J Germer Christop'her, jr., blacksmith. h 1109 Capital r!-~ Germer Donald C, student. h 4:l2 Harris Germer George W., elk, h 108 S Court CI) Germer J. A. 'Christopher, foreman P. R R, h 432 Harris ~ z: Germer Joseph H., machinist, h 820 Cowden Germer Mary, wid George, h 107 S River'E Germer Maude 1., h 432 Harris . lle Germer Melvin, molder, h 107 S River a.. Germer Susan ~Irs., restaurant, Chestnut Street Market, h 108 S Court en Germer William. laborer, h 107 S River cr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Title Gaaranty and Sorety Co. { ~ . UIlI.'.',.1.... fIlClI.I .1111 f ' I""ttr


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Germeyer Edward H., engr. h 1222 Bailey Gerry Elbridge B., gauger. h 1317 Berry11i11 Gessner David, foreman, h 24 N Summit Getchell Alfred L., elk, h 32:1 Chestnut Getkin David, engr, h 648 Reily Getkin Edward. laborer. h (i48 Reilv Getkin WaIter H., laborer. h 64."; Reily Gettel Frank M., brakeman. h 2223 Logan Getter Charles C, asst supt. 4 S 2<1. h 41 S 17th Gettle William J., oiler, h 140 S 1:3th Gettys Arthur E., (\Vest End Electric Co.), h 268 Peffer Gettys ).Ialcolm H., (Gettys & Girvin), h 1H24 Green Gettys Mary E., stengr, 9111 X 30., h Xew Cumberland Gettys & Girvin, (Malcolm H. Gettys and Ovid R Girvin), contractors, 2021 Green Geyer Albert L., conductor. h 1916 X 3d ' Geyer Bella M. Mrs., h 1928 Briggs Geyer Charles F., puddler, h 21 Lochiel 2d row Gever Edward, brakeman, h 405 Filbert Geyer John, carpenter, h 1956 Derry Geyer John R, lawyer, 1 N 2d. h Middletown Gever William E., elk, h 1043 S 9th Geyer, see Guyer Gianbastiani Alberto. scullion P. R. R uepot. h 1101 Mkt. Giannelli Giovani, scullion P. R R depot, h 1101 Market

Redmond's Wagon Works}~'::Jd~';.'f;.!:~:: by~D'Dgl~ Sis. {~anll Railv


A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Sbades h:l~N~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.
319 Gibbens William, fireman, h 325 Verbeke Gibbins Anita, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 613 S Front Gibbins Charles E., steelwkr, h 105 Tuscarora 1:1 Gibbins Oarence P. E., checker P. 1. and S. Co., h 612 . . Showers iii Gibbins Elizabeth, domestic, 1925 N 2d C Gibbins George C, puddler, h 613 S Front .. Gibbins George G., laborer, h 613 S Front Gibbins Harvey, hos.tler. h 1316 ~Iaple Gibbins James, h 111 Ann al Gibbins Lewis, laborer. h 831 S Front Gibbons Catharine, wid Thomas. h 2a2 Charles Gibbons Clair P., fireman. h 613 Emerald Gibbons Earle C, brakeman. h 61a Emerald Gibbons Edith M., laundress. h 1320 N 4th 'Gibbons Harold C, machinist, h m:l Emerald Gibbons Harry D., elk, 19 K 2d. h 1:t20 N 4th Gibbons Josephine A. ~Irs., h 249 S Cameron Gibbons Olive F., wid Joseph, h 1:~2fl N 4th Gibbons Victor C. fireman, h 61a Peffer Gibbons William B., conductor. h lila Emerald Gibbs Grace, domestic, 1208 Apple Gibbs Frances. elk Free Lib. Com., Capitol, h 1807 N 2d ;;! Gibbs James L. W., chief draftsman State Dept. Health, h all 1807 N 2d 5;


Savings and Loan Assn.


Gibbs John R., pickler. h 2147 N 5th Gibbs Joseph C. driver. h 428 North al Gibbs Josephine ~f., wid James ~L. h 1807 X 2d Gibbs William H., motorman, h 527t Peffer Gibson Alfred L., machinist, h 434 S 17th Gibson Andrew. coachman, h 237 ~ River Gibson Anna E. ~Irs., h 602 Church Gibson Edith ~lrs., charwoman. h 1219 ~Ionroe Gibson Elsie, charwoman, h 161 Paxton Gibson Frank A., (Gibson & ),Iiller). h 1525 N 2d Gibson George, laborer. h 1110 N 12th Gibson Isaac J.. scullion. h 1()4 Tanner Gibson Isaiah, scullion Senate Hotel. h 104 Tanner Gibson Nancv Mrs., h 1426 Fulton Gibson Reuben, laborer, h 326 Basin Gibson William, laborer, h 161 Paxton Gibson & Miller, (F. A. Gibson and J. D. Miller), grocers, 1008 N 3d Giddens Eva Mrs., charwoman, h 1120 Cumberland Giddens Lewis, laborer, h 1223 Monroe Giddens William H., laborer, h 1113 Monroe Gidelbaugh .ayde 0., conductor, h 203 S 18th Cider ),Iichael, laborer, h 1174 S Cameron (;iede Christian. h 251l Verbeke Giede Frederick \V .. fireman. h 250 Verbeke

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M. KELLEY" CO. nO~~~da:..-===





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Giecle George \V., foreman Independent, h 1612 Green -- Giede John c., checkman P. R. R., h li29 Green Giffin 'Charles F., laborer, h lIla Bartine Giffin Frank E., canvasser, h 1113 Bartine u Giffin Virginia, bunchmkr, h 1:~2 Indian Gift Charles, fireman, h 8 N 5th .: u Gigl John B., jr., salesman, 24 N 2d, h 278 Muench Gilberg Mary E., wid Benjamin. h 507i Muench Gilbert Blaine, fireman, h 1131 N 6th Gilbert Blair W., laborer. h 52G Muench Gilbert Carlton P., conductor, !h 1922 N 5t'h GILBERT DAVID McC., managing editor Patriot, h :: 1109 Green ~ Gilbert Edward, brakeman. h 1100 Cowden Gilbert Ervin J .. laborer, h G21 Herr Gilbert Frederick M .. elk Dauphin Dep. Trust Co .. h 214 __ N 3d II) GILBERT GEORGE, (Hotel Gilbert), 1415 N 3d, h do Gilbert George, laborer. h 621 Herr .... Gilbert George E., machinist, h 325 S 16th Gilbert G. Raymond, machinist, h 1608 Chestnut : . Gilbert Harry, hrakeman, h 2011 110ltke ~ Gilbert Harry, timekpr, h 111 N 4th .... Gilbert Harry c., brakeman, h 1607 N 5th



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

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Gilbert Harry D., elk, 2,12 Locust, h 1109 Gn'en Gilbert Harry D., driver, h 2017 ~loltke Gilbert Harry P., elk. h 1H22 N 5th Gilbert Harvey E., brakeman, h 522 l\Iuench Gilbert Henderson. elk, 219 :\Iarket, h 16()0 N 2d GILBERT HENRY & SON, (Henry Gilbert's Est and Spencer C.), hardware and mill supplies, 219 Market Gilbert Henry D .. elk, h 1109 Green Gilbert Jacob S .. painter, h ~na Yerbeke Gilbert Jane, stengr State Dept. Health. h 1109 Green Gilbert John, brakeman, 11 1602 Derry Gilbert Leon, waiter, h 2 Haehnlen Gilbert Lime l\lrs .. dressmkr, 1260 :'.Iarket, h do GILBERT LYMAN D., lawyer, room 502 Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d, h 203 N Front Gilbert :\larion R.. chief elerk The liell Telephone Co. of Penna .. 212 Locust. h 1109 Green Gilbert l\lary R., wid David 1\1.. h H@ Green Gilbert Milton J., laborer, h 218 K HUh Gilbert Naomi, domestic. h 618 K 2d Gilbert Nellie, charwoman, h 518 Strawberry Gilbert Peter J .. (Gilbert & Criswell), !) Grace al Gilbert Robert B., brakeman, h 822 N 6th Gilbert Spencer c.. (H. Gilbert & Son), h 107 N Front Gilbert W. Kent, remitting elk, 615 \Valnut, h Camp Hill

I. L. ST. CLAIR {TAILOA{12401lIrkltStrl"

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Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908. 321 -Gilbert & Criswell, (P. ]. Gilbert and Andrew Criswell), tobacconists and pool, 502 and 504 Market Gilchrist Charles W., paper-hanger, h 609! North Gilchrist Elizabeth l\~., robemkr, h 609! North Gilchrist Margaret, wid Robert M., h 609! North Gilchrist Robert 1\1., laster, h 6091 North Gilchrist S. Wiestling, elk, 30 S 3d, h 609! North Gilchrist Thomas, gasmkr, h 167 S 3d Giles Benjamin, laborer, h r 1130 N Front, Giles Charles B., brakeman, h 26 S 3d Gilger Harry S . conductor, h 49 N 14th Gill Annie, wid William B., h 1627 Regina Gill B. Grace, seamstress, h 1627 Regina Gill Elizabeth, domestic, 2035 N Front Gill Hayes R., engr, h 1627 Regina Gill John, tentmkr State Arsenal, h 1947 Boas Gill John A., machinist, h 1439 Regina Gilleland Ellen, laundress, h 310 Forster Gillen Emma Mrs., h 13 Grace Gillen Joseph, driver, h 1118 Calamus Gillet Joseph, messenger P. R. R.. h 1327 James Gillilln Ella J., saleslady, 334 Market, h 22 N 4th Gilliland Annie, wid Thomas B., h 425 Forster -Gilliland Frank P., conductor. h 1716 Penn Gilliland Howard A . machinist, h 425 Forster









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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~t,~~:'~~1C

Gilliland Lila, housekeeper, 646 Boas Gilliland Mary E., dressmkr, h 646 Boas Gilliland William M., h 646 Boas Gillis Daniel A., conductor, h 2025 N Cameron Gillis Roy, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Gillis Walter A., laborer, h 15l!) Hunter Gillsdorf Conrad, laborer, h 1230 Herr Gillums Ellwood T., conductor, h 2041 Green Gillums Gertrude E., wid George C, h 935 N 7th Gillums Harry W., engr, h 635 i\I'uench Gillums John, conductor, h 1004 N 7th Gillums William H., conductor, h 935 1\'7th Gilman Effie, stengr, h 922 Green Gilman Harold B., student. h 141 N 13th Gilman Harry E., supt, Herr clOth, h 922 Green -Gilman Helen M., elk P. & R. freight depot, h 308 Crescent Gilman Mary L., wid Thomas J., h 922 Green Gilman ::'Ifav B., wid'Samuel M., h 141 N 13th Gilman Ret~ben H., checkman P. R. R., h 308 Crescent Gilmer Annie F., h 1009 N 2d GILMER CHARLES G., plumber, 105Yz Filbert, h Derry c 28th Gilmer Charles R., h 100H N 2d Gilmer Frank B., plumber, h 114 Verbeke ,Gilmer George W., brakeman, h 1009 N 2d


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== :;~;- McIEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~3:.."-~=

322 Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908. Gilmore Alfred G., (Henry & Gilmore), h 2107 Derry Gilmore John A .. machinist. h 21 S :lei Gilner James. carpenter. h 413 State Gilner Tane L., wid Thomas. h 444 Cumberland Gilner ).,larv A.. h 413 State Gilner Patrick. laborer. h 41:1 State Gilsdorf John, laborer, h 1230 Herr Gingher Alice E., elk. 212 Locust. h :l17 S Front Gingher Bertha M., goldlaver, h :n 7 S Front Gingher Harry R.. te,ster C. 1. and S. Co., h 105a Hanna Gingher John R., flagman. h 314 ~ 2d Gingher Pamela. wid David, h 3li S Front Gingher Ralph M., flagman, h 105a Hanna Gingher Sara E .. stengr, 14 S 2d, h 317 S Front Gingrich Ammon B., cashier Allison Hill Bank, 1301 Market, h 445 S lath Gingrich Charles, telegrapher P. R. R., h 11;;8 Mulberry Gingrich Charles A., postal clk, h Hil9 1'\ 5th Gingrich Charles C, elk. h 916 ~ 6th Gingrich David, driver, h 2223 Derry Gingrich Elias S., foreman. h- 114 Sylvan ter G'ngrich El1en ~I., boarding, 601 Maclay, h do G ngrich Emma B., packer. h 2223 Derry G.ngrich Fannie Y., weaver, h 427 Kelker C,ingrich, Florence, tel opr, 227 \Valnut, h 427 Kelker

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Gingrich Harry C, hrakeman, h 601 Maclay Gingrich Henry N., laborer, h 60l Maclay Gingrich Howard 1\1., engine hostler, h 1;31 Peffer Gingrich James H., telegrapher, 7i N 3d, h ]4 N 13th Gingrich Joseph, teamster, h 2223 Derry Gingrich Louisa C, wid Jacob S .. h 1619 N 5th Gingrich LuelIa K, buYer, 318 Market. h 114 Sylvan ter Gingrich Mabel L.. packer, h 222:~ Derry . Gingrich Margaret, 2223 Derry Gingrich l\Jary A.. saleslady. 6 S 2d, h Highspire Gingrich Sarah, wid John, h 529 Seneca (;ingrich \Vrn. F., apprentice Independent, h 427 Kelker Gingrich WiIIiam H., engr. h 336 Peffer Gingrich William M .. brakeman, h 4~i Kelker Ginsburg Lena, wid Le\vis. h 1521 Fulton Ginter Elizabeth, h 1610 State Ginter William, driver. h 1~~12 X ith Ginter William ]., repairsman. h :!5 N Hith Ginther Emma Mrs .. h 1111 Herr Giovanis George, mgr, :!08 ~Iarket, h do Giovanis Tames. (Giovanis & Gekas), h 1104 Plum Gioyanis '& Gekas. (T. Giovanis and T. Gekas), confectioners. 1101 N 3d . . GiovanneIli Emilio, waiter. 'h 1101 :Ylarket Gipe Annie, seamstress, h 702 East

Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily StS . Coogle

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fPreHolDC PabUe 8alldlap la PlaIa Tlnta BIUma&eIGlftII


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{dIe N I&. ...

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.


Gipe Edward E .. laborer, 11 12:J Cranberry Gipe Etta, wid R. Franklin. h 1:!:3 Cranberry Gipe :'.lary A., polisher, h 1:!:I Cranberry 'Gipple Charles E., fireman. h 632 Boyd Gipple Harry c., laster. h I:Ufl Shrub GIPPLE JOHN E., insurance, real estate and notary public, 1309 Walnut, h 1318 do Gipple Samuel H .. carpenter. h 1:310 Shrub Gipple William G., engr, It 219 Peffer Girvin Eleanor, bookkpr, 24121 Green. h do Girvin Ovid R, (Gettys & Girvin), 11 2021 Green Gise Clarence B., shoe opr, h 1(1)6 Hunter Gise William E . car inspector, h 1606 Hunter Gise William H., fireman, h 16116 Hunter Gitt Edward c., brakeman. h 1221 ~Iarket Gitt ~1argaret, h 805 ~ 3(1 Gitt Robert S., jeweler, ~3()3 Market, h do Gitt Rosanna, wid Thomas W., )11S114 N 3d Giusti Giuseppe, cook, 24 Grace, h do Given Arthur W., engr, h 4:tO Kelker al Given David E., laborer, h 934 S lUth Given Elizabeth T., elk, 10th bel l\hrket, h 905 N 2d Given Elmer E., brakeman, h :!01l8 N 6th Given Harry R, hostler, h 2008 ~ 6th Given Louisa, stengr, 222 :'.Iarket, 'h !l05 N 2d



Sayings and Loan Assn.{


Given Nathaniel, h 640 ~Iahantongo Given Washington 1., laborer, h 1i40 Mahantongo Given William, car inspector,'h 430 Kelker al Givens Annie, cigar roller, h 93i X ith Givens Laura, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 2006 Susq Givler Adam, ticket exmr P. R R depot, h 525 Muench Givler G. Hursh, brakeman, h 611 Kelker Givler Harry c., driver, h 1:123 Wallace Givler Jdhn B., 'brakeman, h 619 Camp Givler Paul, machinist, 'h 652 Dauphin 'Givler Theodore. laborer, h 1126 Cowden Givler William F., elk P. & R frt depot, h 1922 N 4th Glace "E. Clyde, carpenter, h 1626 Berryhill Glace George, foreman, h 1626 Berryhill Glace Isaac M., flagman. h 2226 X I)th -Glace I van M., elk, h 1626 'Berryhill Glace Maurice 'C., student, h 1626 Berryhill Glace Raymond W., carpenter, h 2005 N 5fu ,Glacey Frank, laborer, h 428 Cranberry -Gladfelter George S., bar elk, 212 Strawberry, h 1209 N 3d ,Gladfelter Harry B., bar elk, 212 Strawberry, h 549 Camp -Gladfelter Homer L., h 212 Strawberry -Gladhill Howard J., fireman. h 430 Herr -Glancey Howard J., teller 1st Xat. Bank, h 221 State Glancey James A., messenger, 401 Chestnut, h 105 Wash'n

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THE PAT !J 1zId~OgIe D n-T'

H. M. KELLEY &CO.}ODICeS, :.~~:'~~'T'::{COAL AND WOOl


Boyd's Harrisburg (}) City Directory, 1908.








.". Glancey Mary lVI" wid :\Iichael]., h 105 Washington II: Glancy Annie, vestmkr, h 133 N 4th Gland Harry S., car repairer, 'h 1411 N 3d ,~ Gland Laura A. Mrs., h 1411 N 3d ..: Gland Pearl, seamstress, h 1411 K 3d ':: Gland Samuel T., switch planer, h 1113 Penn _ GIant Oyde R., elk P. R. R., h 312 Reily GIant James H., engr, h 312 Reily GIant John M., car repairer, h 1402 WiIliam Glaser Cresentia B., h 1720 N 4th Glaser John, tailor, 17~0 K 4th, h do u Glaser Walter, engr, h 342 Harris Glass Alice A., dressmkr. h 823 S Front II: Glass Annie M., housekeeper. 25 N 17th n; Glass Benjamin, planer, h 622 Race Glass Bessie, cigar roller, h 823 S Front (/) Glass Charles E., postal elk, h 25 .. N 17th Glass David W .. tinner, h 442 Hummel Glass Delana, wid Peter, h 823 S Front Glass D. Webster, laborer. h 331 Hummel Glass Ernest W., student, h 914 S 21st Glass Frank W., fireman, h 444 Hummel c( Glass Grover C, elk, h 331 Hummel Glass James F. Rev., h 914 S 21st Glass Martha ]., wid John H., 'h 2303 N 6th



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Glass Mary c., milliner, h 25 N 17th Glass ::\Iinnie R., cigar roller. h 442 Hummel Glass :Myrtle M., buncher, h 442 Hummel Glass Raymond E., car inspector, h 25 N 17th Glass Stephen G., elk Adjt. Genrs Dept., h 823 S Front Glassmyer Edna 'E., stripper, 'h 460 S Cameron Glassmyer Martin L..laborer, h MiO S Cameron Glazer Frederick, h 329 S Front Glazier Daniel E., (Arcade Laundry), h 1732 N 4th Glazier Harry, driver. h 1732 N 4th ..J Glazier John C, blacksmith, 2019 Elizabeth C Glazier l\'1ary A.. wid John, 2019 Elizabeth Gleason Cornelius. steward The Lochiel, h do GLEN SHOE MFG. CO., INC., J. S. Beetem, pres; E. Q Moeslein, treas, H. G. Beetem, sec, 414 State z: GLENN ARCHIBALD D., deputy supt public instrucC tion, Capitol, h 1010 N 2d (;II Glenn Chaunce~' D., elk, 7 N 2d, h 110 Evergreen ~ Glenn Daniel, (Parsons & Glenn), h 11 N 4th Glenn Emma. cook. h 116 Liberty Glenn Frank W., elk, h 110 Evergreen Glennen Mary, trained nurse, h 1012 Green Glennen Nellie G., teacher, h 1012 Green Glennen Philip, h 1012 Green Glessner Charles H., blacksmith, h 330 S 15th


l L. ST. ClAIR {TAl LOA {1240 "lr~ltStrllt

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A. B. TACK I:tt~e:~:!1loU PODer ODd IIDdOl8hOd3S ~~11\~.~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.


GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, (W. & B. Strouse), clothing, men's furnishings, boots, shoes, &c., 322324 Market Gloss Franklin, shoemkr, 444 S 2d, h do Glover Beverly W., mgr, 11 X 2d, h Camp Hill Glover Robert 0., asst cashier, 22 Union Trust bldg, h 116 Locust Glover William S .. butler, h 500! South Goch(naucr Harry, helper. h 1~53 Vernon Gochenauer Harr", laborer, h :w:n N 7th Gochenauer John \V., laborer, h 155:l Vernon Gochenauer 'Milton 0., laborer, h 2132 Boas Gochenauer William J.. laborer, h 2U:n N 7th Gochenour George E., brakeman, h 138 Indian Gochenour Harry, foreman E. F. B. T. Co., h 1227 Bailey Gochenour Hiram. stonemason, h 2Bl Strawberry Gochenour l\ettie, weaver, 'h :15 S Court Gochenour. see K.ochenour Gochnauer George C. mgr K.eystone Securities Co., 20 N 2d, h Camp Hill Goehringer Carl C, brewhand. h 122 Hanna Goetz rete , att~ndant Lunatic Hospital, h do Goetze Barbar . E., wid Theodore C H., h 1:i20 N 3d Goetze Gustave T., painter. h 1417 Green Goetze Lena A. E., elk. 12(11 X 3d, h 1320 do




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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~-:;'~~IE : n: Goffet Joseph. weaver. h 332 Verbeke
Gohl Charles H., h 227 Briggs Gohl Christian F., flour and feecl. H Cowden, h 1003 N 2d Gohl Edgar F., student. h HlII3 N 2d Gohl Frederick. electrician. h 226 South Gohl Frederick :VIrs., h 227 Briggs Gohl F. Rosa, h 227 Briggs Gohl George A .. baker. 2:!1i South, h do Gohl George A., jr .. driver. h 226 South Gohl Harry W., painter, h 227 Briggs Gohl John P., (Gohl's Paint Supply Co.) and (Gohl & Bruaw), h 1416 K 2d Gohl Mary V . milliner. h 227 Briggs Gohl & Rruaw. (John P. Gohl and Harry Bruaw), master painters. 2n~ and 305 Strawberry GOHL'S PAINT SUPPLY CO., (John P. Gohl and Harry Bruaw), 305 Strawberry see adv next page Gohn Edward G., inspector P. R R, h 23 Balm Gohn Emma, h 361 S 14th Gohn Rebecca J., domestic, 107 S Front Goho Risheill M . student, h 80; N 6th Goho Stephen 0., rep Hummelstown Brownstone Co., h Gokey Peter, supt, h 2;)] Forster Gold Samuel, restaurant, 50a State. h do




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McNEIL I SCOUGH REMEDY} ~:l!O~::5~~:! {Ai~~~

326 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
Goldberg David Rev., interpreter P. R. R., It 17 Cowden Golden Caroline L.. domestic, 1606 N 3d Golden George B., cigarmkr, It 151~ Fulton Golden John, laborer, h 3117 S 15th Golden Martin L., ice cream, 718 Race, h 113 South Golden Mary E., polisher, h 3117 S 15th Goldsboro Lottie H., h 144 Balm Goldsborough Robert G., hIS Front Goldsmith Abraham, clothier, 2:!8 !\Iarket, h 706 N 6th Goldsmith Elizabeth F., teacher, h 1013 N 2d Goldsmith Frank F., dept mgr, 6 S 2d. h 204 N 2d Goldsmith Hassinger. clk P.O., h 1013 N 2d Goldsmith Isabel, teacher, h 805 N 6th Goldsmith Jacob, steelwkr, h 1235 Cowden GOLDSMITH JOSEPH, furniture and upholstering, 209 Locust, h 805 N 6th Goldsmith :\bry A. H., wid William, h 1013 N 2d Goldsmith Meyer, salesman, h 706 ;-.J 6th Goldsmith M. Lee, mgr. 2()!) Locust, h 805 N 6th Goldstein Eli, shoes, 46() Verbeke, h 423 do Goldthwait :Milo S .. salesman, 3:H Market h 332 Chestnut Golzenleuchter Jacob, grocer, h 123 Sayford Golzenleuchter Rosina, wid Adam, h 123 Say ford Golzenleuchter, see Gcntslider Gonnella Pietro, (Rovai & Gonnella). h Harris House






TItle 6uUIaly IDd Surely Co , lel'I'.I, UIIII""''' CllllIIIII {Tr..8eoul!lb' J -Inr'", tIM1 PE,I'. , BuII'-",
G-o-nt-n-e~ 2\Iichael S., fireman. h 2056 Swatara
Gontz Hattie, laundress. h 1022 2\larket Good Amos S .. laborer, h 12115 Hanover Good Amy, bookkpr, 7th c Curtin. h 614 Reily Good Arthur ] .. inspector. h 441 S 14th Good Bertha 1\1.. housekeeper. 6n7 Forster Good Clair E., elk P. R. R.. h 2044 K 4th Gooel Edmund G., postal clk, h 43 N 17th Good Emma. h 522 Basin Gooel George. C:-lntractor, h 614 Kelly



; ;:n

o ., Paints, Oil and Glass






8hell.ok., Bru.h.... Floor Oil, Floor Wax .nd P.lnt ..... l'IuppUe.. Gold Lo .., Brouzes. Broil... Liquid, Colo ... In Oil, Colo... lu 1IlatelDp..r .nd 81&,11 Write...' M .. terl.l .

II.r W.rell..... 305 SlrItem' StrI. ar D"~I'I B.t St.... lal SII. ., 111. loa Slr lte,," StrI, B.rrlaltarll, '


P. O. Box lI88.


ANDREW REDMOND{3d Ind Rellr Stat Coogle

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I. B. Tlei} FIN~cc~~.~I.~~~,,~c,~~ER { 1216 NOnD Third streel

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.
Good Jacob. h 447 S 14th Good Jacob H., baker, h 1402 ~larket Good J. Lee, electrician, h 2044 ::\ 4th Good John, fireman, h 1506i X 5th Good John, machinist, h 2044 X 4th Good :\1ary E., wid Amos, h 447 S 14th Good :\lary W. ~frs., h 121 Linden Good l\1aud I., stengr, h 607 Forster Good Olive S., student, h 43 N 17th Good Samuel J., chauffeur, h Front cReels la Good William G., flagman. h 239 ~Iaelay Good William W., driller, 'h 1224 \\'alnut Goodall Maggie, wid John, h 561 Sheaffer Goodfellow George, mechanical engr. h 335 Peffer Goodfellow George B., h 335 Peffer Goodhart Edna, picker, h 1413 N2d Goodhart Frank c., collarmkr, h 4111 Stra\vberry Goodhart Herbert S., flagman, h 144:3 Berryhill Goodloe John, driver, h 1626 \Valnut Goodman Charles, mail elk, h 19 Evergreen Goodman 'Christian. fireman. h 404 'Cumberland Goodman Harold K., elk P.O . h 243 Hummel Goodman Harry, tailor, h 1223 Cowden Goodman Howard, mail elk, h 21 Evergreen Goodman Ivy M. Mrs., 11 1612 Logan



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'::J.:~M~~} Harrisburg

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Goodman John A., h 243 Hummel Goodman Julia, wid George, .h 1948 X ()th Goodman Oaks L., conductor, h 621 Reily Goodman Raymond, brakesnan,:h 608 Forster Goodman Rosa, wid Oscar, 'h 408 Korth Goodman Rose S., bookkpr. h 1948 X 6th' Goodman Samuel A., foreman, h 1621 ~Iarket Goodman William E., machinist. h 2031) Susquehanna Goodwin John F., labQrer, 'h 140 Dock Goodwin Joseph, florist, 11 435 Walnut Goodwin Sarah, wid Thomas, h 140 Dock Goodwin Thomas L., conductor, ih 21i Evergreen Goodwin William, machinist, 'h 421 Verbeke Goodyear Adam G., elk, 210 Walnut, h 909 N 3d Goodyear Anna E., wid Frederick A., h 222 Rriggs GOODYEAR CHARLES M., wall paper, 7 S 13th, hdo Goodyear 'Clarence H., laborer, h 1106 :\Iarket Goodyear Frank J., storekpr P. R. R., h 2446 Jefferson Goodyear George W., laborer, h 111;) S Cameron Goodyear John H., paperhanger, h 2048 Swatara Goodyear Lizzie, domestic, 120 Walnut Goodyear Simon W., carpenter, h 621 1Iahantongo Goodyear William A., sol Telegraph, h 714 N 3d Goodyear William J., machinist. h 1:335 :\Iaple

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Goodyear \Villiam :\1., car repairer, it 1132 ~Iarket Gordon Aaron. salesman, 318 ~Iarket, h 131 N 10th Gordon Alexander, fireman, h 1605 N5th ~ Gordon Edith H., boxmkr. h 439' Herr Gordon Harry, shoemkr. 1303 ?\ 6th, h do ~ Gordon Ira L., elk, h 439 Herr .: Gordon Jacob, laborer, h 131 X 10th ~ Gordon Joseph, cigar box mfr, 441 Herr, h 439 do Gordon Joseph. shoemkr, 1614 X 6th, h 1733 Fulton Gordon Mfg. 'Co., Inc., R. W. Moorhead, mgr, rubber collars and cuffs, 630 Walnut Gordon Maud M .. h 1712 :l\Iarket Gordon William A., glazier, h 1833 Susquehanna Gore 'Charles, laborer, h 232 S 15th ~ Gore Georgianna, laundress, h 117 Cowden .E Gore James, laborer, h 232 S 15th I'aI Gorgas Albert R.. coffinmkr, h 654 Boas Gorgas Benjamin F., machinist, h H114 Kensington (/) Gorgas Charles, fireman, h 817 Susquehanna GORGAS GEORGE A., druggist, 16 N 3d, h 262 Forster see adv centre lines 1&1 Gorgas Jacoh P., carpenter. h 131l> Yernon Gorgas ~label, caJ1(lymkr, h 1)54 Boas C Gorgas :\Iary c., saleslady, Ii S 2d, h !t!f1 S 14th 1&1 Gorgas Mary E .. liner, h 1358 Yernon

TrF. T_ of

H M KELLEY&CO,SBlaekDlamODdIWhOD{,,....rt.1d11rllL 111111... sa 70. Dest order. Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.









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Gorgas ~Iary L., wid Adam B., h 32fi S 14th Gorgas Minnie F., dressmkr, h 1fl14 Kensington Gorgas Xaomi B .. dressmkr. h Ifl14 Kensington Gorgas 'Yilliam F., elk P. & R. depot. h ~26 S 14th Gorgas William L., cashier Hbg. ~at. Bank, h 904 N 3d Gorkes Charles. foreman carpenter P. & R., h 1223 N 2d Gorkes Jennie E., h ]223 X 2<1 Gorman 10hn F . blacksmith. h R7 X Hith Gorman ]dhn H .. (Gorman & Harris). h 12:37 Kittatinny Gorman Robert F., student, h 87 N 16th Gorman & Harris. (1. H. Gorman and B. S. Harris),. sprayers. 1237 Kittatinny Gormley Joseph, asst trainmaster P. R. R. depot, h 212' Kelker Goronzik Harry, furniture, 1401 Marion. h do Goshert Bessie Y .. wid Harry X .. h 26 S 3d Goshert John S .. elk, h 420 S 17th Goshorn Edward S .. telegrapher. h 311i S 13th Gosney James K., laborer, h 241 South Gosne\' Kate Mrs., h 241 South Gosne~' Kate ~rrs., h 241 South Gosney Thomas J., fireman, h 1028 S 9th Gothard Agnes, wid \Villiam, h 1849 Fulton Gotta Emma 1.. wid Solomon D .. h 1332 N 3d Gotta Minnie "E., teachet:... h ]332 K 3d

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. AB TACK}Empleft-battrst-cta.workmeD,beUe8OUIY " . J 1818 daIt"'aDd~11. Worll:donelnanyJIMCofSlatelN.8d8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.


~. Gottheil Matthias, brewer, 11 330 Blackberry Gottschall Amos H., patent medicine, 250 Hummel, h do PI Gottschall Amos W., student, h 250 Hummel Gottschall Edwin H., asst mgr telegraph P. R R, h 1317 Derry -I Gottschall Milton, car repairer, h 43 N Summit Gottschall Paul B., elk, h 250 Hummel Gottschall, see Godshall, also Gutshall Gottshall Daniel, fireman, h 1718 N 5th PI Gottshall Elmer F., policeman, h 112 Conoy Gottshall Frank E., photographer, h 316 S 15th lJ' Gottshall Harvev c., machinist, h 1317 Green C Gottshall John 1\1., machinist, h 311 Walnut C) Gotwals David c., stengr Adjt. Genl's Dept., h 1617 Derry Gotwalt William F., linotype opr Patriot, h 213 Muench Goudy Annie K., shoe opr, h 1602 Regina Goudy George H., blacksmith, h 2008 Briggs Goudy Gertrude G., machine opr, h 1602 Regina Goudy Harry E., nail feeder, Ii 138 Dock Goudy Harry W., bartender, h 9 Sherman row c.n Goudy John H., shoe opr, h 1602 Regina :1:. Goudy William, laborer, h 742 S 19th Goudy William c., usher P. R R depot, h 1845 North Goudy William E., puddler, h 1~8 Dock rEf! o

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MILLER BROS. " BAKER} .,~~t,~-:~~~E

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GOUGH HENRY W., city controller, room A Trust Co. ~ bldg, 222 Market, h 1401 S Cameron ... Gough Martin, conductor, h 1519 W'allace Gougler Benjamin T., conductor, h 110 N 18th Gougler, see Gaugler Gould George W., salesman, h 619 Briggs Gould Rebecca, tailoress. 20"2 Walnut, h 619 Briggs Gould Rebecca A., wid Christian, h 619 Briggs Gourley Ellis P .. elk Senate Hotel, h 302 Chestnut Gourley M. Blair, trucker P. R R, 11 302 Chestnut Gourley Nellie, bookkpr, 217 Chestnut, h 302 do Gourley Reuben H., salesman, h ~02 Chestnut Gouse Joseph, laborer, h 1953 Boas Gouse Morris. h 1953 Boas Gove Ellanoni, milliner. 5 S 2d, h 220 Crescent Gove Helen, milliner, h 220 Crescent =' Gove Josephine, wid Hiram, h 2'21) Crescent Gower In,in E., engr, h 324 S 13th Graber Leon K.. physician, 926 N 3d, h do Grace Tames H., fireman. h 325 Verbeke Gracey' Amanda, wid Witliam, h 1425 James Gracev Ella M .. domestic Hershev House Grady Annie, domestic, 301 N Front Gradv Frank, foreman, 500 Ra~e. h 32!l Chestnut Grady Harry A., brakeman. h 1713 Penn Grady James, boilermkr, h 103 S Cameron

..... =


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~':'urJ.':~~~ 306 BrtM


.. , ,,' ..
_ .



Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.









, "

Graeff Annie E., wid Herman R, h 1820 Derry Graeff Charles M., engr, h 4:l2 S 17th 'II Graeff Daniel S., elk P. & R pass depot, h 235 ~ 14th Graeff E. Earl, mgr, 3tU Market, h 1841 Berryhill '!!: Graeff Florence A .. hOllsekeeper, 1820 Derry i!! Graeff Peter B., stengr P. & R. pass depot, h 27 S 16th ~~ Graeff \Vayne S., dispatcher P. & R pass depot, h 235 N I", 14th i~ Graffius John W., elk, h 2547 Agate -I Graffius Lucetta, wid l\Iartin V., h 1314 ~laple Graham Allan S., asst supt Hbg. Gas Co., h Y. M. C. A. 11 Graham B. Franklin, fireman, h 611 Herr cD Graham Daniel F., policeman, h 1646 Market u Graham Daniel H .. policeman. h H!l4 S Cameron Graham Edward, engr, h 434 S 17th Graham Franklin 11.. peddler, h 2~9 State Graham Harry H., laborer, h 6H3 Peffer Graham Hiram ~L, laborer, h 8:14 S Cameron Graham Hiram M., jr.. catcher, h U8 Tuscarora Graham Tohn, h 30~ 11uench cc: Graham john L., laborer, h 1833 Swatara Graham J. Oscar, car repairer, h H03 Peffer ~ 2: Graham Julia Mrs., h 10n Verbeke c Graham Malcolm, driver, h 1422 Herr ::... Gra'ham l\laud ~L, shoe vamper. h 2222 Logan



Tille Galflaly ~ Sirely C IC:.a:::'f'~r=..:~,=-{Ja.::=



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Graham Minzie, machinist Lunatic Hospital, h 2133 Jefferson Graham Robert, florist, 2013 K Cameron, h do 111 Graham Samuel, h 603 Peffer ~ Graham \Valter, repairsman, h 946 ~ 7th Graham William, laborer, h 308 11uench Graham William c.. engr, h 632 Verbeke Gra~1l11 Enos V., salesman, h 415 Briggs C Grall Angelo, laborer, h 2U S Court .: Gramm 'Elmira, wid Jacob S., 11 1~25 Derry Gramm Harry F., (Gramm Paving and Construction Co.), h 1521 Green Gramm Harry M .. machinist, h U29 S 19th Gramm Irwin H., brakeman. h 1924 N 4th [Derry Gramm Jacob A., stengr Hbg. Rolling 11ill Co., h 1825 .111 Gramm Joseph R., tacker, h 1825 Derry ~ Gramm 1label, cigarmkr, h 2110 1100re Gramm Mary A., wid John J., h 10lU X 7th Gramm l\luriel, cigarmkr. h 2110 Moore 1.1 Gramm Korman, tinplater, h 2110 Moore




III GRAMM PAVING AND CONSTRUCTION CO., (H. F. Gramm and A. H. Baldwin, jr.), 1902 Green see adv opp page Gramm Ray H., student, h 1521 Green Gramm Samuel S., conductor, h 1934 N 4th


REDMOND}M=:~!.':i :.~~~ {3l-udJlai1v Stl. DIgItIzed bYU"\:RJgI'l

I. B. TleK} IAll PIPlR ~:e-::= 111001 SHADES {NO~~ II&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.


Gramm Taylor C, brakeman, 'h 19~4 X 41:'h Gramm William F., baker, h 48 ~ Slim mit Gramm \VilIiam G., conductor, h 2110 Moore Grand Abraham, tailor, 26 )J 3d, h 509 Cowden Grand Army Republic Hall, 2(l X :ld Grand Harry, junk, h 533 Filbert Grand Hotel, (William H. Sidle). 314 l'>Iarket Grand "Cnion Tea Co., George E. Zellers, mgr. 21lS ~ 2d Grandone James F., bar elk, 3()!i ~Iarket, h 1547 Walrtut Grandone Oscar, lunch bar elk, h 1547 Walnut Grandonio !\'icola, shoemkr, 8()3 Ch~tnut, h do Granger Daniel, laborer, h 1118 Wallace Granger Samuel, laborer, h 1118 Wallace Grannison Charles, local express, 416 S Cameron, h do Grannison Edward, driver, h 711 State Grannison George C, waiter Senate Hotel, h 1610 Walnut Grannison John C, laborer, h 938 Carrie al Grannison William C, driver, h 1519 Hunter Grant Abraham, tailor, h 509 Cowden Grant Annie M., wid George, h 119i 'Cowden Grant Harry, peddler, h 5a3 Filbert Grant Harrv H., foreman P. R R. h 1419 ~ 6th :Grant James W., messenger, H3 l'>larket. h 150 Balm Grant Kenneth C. asst engr \Vater Supply Co. of Pa., Capitol, h 1427 ?\ Front


.!:;*.:-n::.-:'}Hmlsburg Sayings and Loan Alsn. U:;:::

Grant Sarah J., wid John, h 2:115 Jeflerson Grape Hotel. J. F. Hass, propr, 559 Grape Grass Anna M., cigarmkr, h 153fii Wallace Grass Arthur A., machinist, h 17111 N 4th Grass Carrie E.. wid Peter A., h 153fH Wallace Grass Dora N., elothing cutter. h lifo )J 4th Grass Henry. carpenter, h 1418 North Grass John W., laborer, h 1418 Korth Grass ~Iaggie, wid John F .. h 1710 X 4th Grass Mary H. Mrs., boarding. 414 Boas, h do Grass \ViIliam C. fireman, h fi26 Peffer Grall George 1\1., laborer, h 2046 Kensington Grall \Villiam P., laborer, h Hi:n Fulton Grauer Blanche N., teacher, h 19:19 X 6th Graupner Albert R, elk, 829 Market, h 1458 do
Both Phones

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Gramm Paving and Construction Co.

~ 0..











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OIJR MOTTO. - t HODeaU::oal, HODeanYelsb&f

H M KELLty &CO {111l.... U Ie",..1. . , ...... . .


City Directory, . :332 Boyd's Harrisburg (G) H., h 1458 1908. . , Graupner Mary L., wid Robert :; Graupner Max R., brewer, 82!) Market, h 1458 do GRAUPNER'S ROBERT H. BREWERY, brewer and ~ bottler, 829-841 Market see adv ..: Graupner William, elk, 829 Market, h 1458 do ~ Gray Andrew C, janitor Executive Dept., h 714 Ash .: Gray Anna M., stengr, 5 S 3d, h 1113 Market Gray Annie, cigarmkr, h 814 N 3d . ~ Gray Benjamin F., head waiter, COl11wlth., h 424 Herr ~ Gray Benjamin F., laborer, h 1940 Berryhill _ Gray Benjamin J., carpenter, h 1940 Berryhill o Gray Catharine. book folder, 201 N !!d, h 222 Peffer (;ray Charles E ., elk, h 14th c Herr Gray Charles W., laborer, h 1940 Berryhill ftii (jray Daisy :Mrs., h 114 Mary . Gray Delia A., wid Clarence E., h 707 State (/) Gray DoJlie, seamstress, h 649 lloyd GRA Y FRANK M., lawyer, room 209 Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d, h 261 Cumberland (iray George Z., fireman, h 264 Verbeke t- (iray Harriet Eoo attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do (ira)" Helen 1\1., bookkpr, 9 S !!d. h 222 Peffer C (ira." Henry, laborer, h 518 Strawberry (iray Ida ~1., cigarmki", h 1940 BerryhiJl ~ Ciray Ira C, repairsman, 81:l Market, h 1123 Derry




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(;ray (iray (;ray (;ray (;ray (;ray James C, boilermkr, h 649 Boyd John F., telephone opr, h 222 Peffer John ~1., laborer, h 1926 Berryhill John Woo engine hostler, h 6411 Boyd John W ., janitor. h 1321 :YIarion Katherine F., elk, h 64B Boyd (;ra~' Louisa. wid Jacob, h 1 jOll N 12th




Baers, Ales and Porter


Member of 8cleDUftc 8tatlon
--------- ---~--

Pore Prodocta, or New York



I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240IlarketStre.t
Digitized by


'f~:,I.:~~.:r loB ,.1II11Dd01 SIIOdeS IrDi A. B. TACK .~~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.

Grav :Martha, wid William ~I., h 422 Herr NORMAN D., 1st asst State Librarian, Capitol, h 210 Pine Gray Philip c., U. S. N'., h 649 Boyd '~ray Richard S., printer, 10th bel Chestnut, h :Ylechanicsburg Gray Robert, waiter Commonwealth.h 1 Haehnlen iray Samuel, repairs, &c., 12 S Court, h do {iray Thomas A.. carpenter. h 19411 Berryhilt (~ray Thompson "V., canvasser, h na4 Rose (iray William H ., foreman, h 43C1 State (iray \Villiam H., helper, h 222 Peffer (,ray, see Grey (iravbill Carrie, domestic, 107 N 2<1 (ira'yhill Catharine, laundress, h 17:- N 6th U) Graybill Clinton, fireman, h 2137 Jefferson (iraybill Elizabeth Mrs., teacher, h 264 Forster Graybill Frank S., elk P. R. R., h 346 Hummel Graybill Harry B., carpenter, h a4f1 Hummel Graybill Harry S., motorman, h 1643 ~1arket Graybill Harvey E ., laborer, h 414 Delaware Gravbill Irvin, h 1736 N 6th Gra)'bill Maude, laundress, h 1736 ~ 6th Grayhill Michael, butcher, h 12fi Sylvan ter Grayhill Nelson F ., inspector, h 666 Calder


MILLER BROS. & BAKER} "=~b~~t.~lcc

Gravbill Rebecca A . wid Thomas. h 421 Herr Gra)bill Roy S., elk, h :146 Hummel Graybill Tola, laborer, h 1736 ?\ 6th Graybill, see Kraybil1 GRA YDON ALICE A., reporter Patriot, h 210 Chestnut Graydon Julia, h 210 Chestnut Graydon Sarah S., wid H. Murray, h 210 Chestnut Greager Minnie E .. embroiderer, h 4C12 N 3d (;reat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., C. S. Shively, mgr, 1308 N 3d Ctl eat China and Japan Tea Co., Charles \V. Pressler, propr, 723 N 6th GREAT SOUTHERN DESPATCH, H. L. Anwyll, agent, 401 Chestnut Greathead Adeline V., stengr State Vet. Dept., h 132 / Locust Greek Otis c., yardmaster P. R. R., h 644 Peffer Green Albert, butler, h 11 N Front Gr (,,,,1 lkf' '\. }fr c ~t-:'l'!.'T. :~7 ~ 2rl . h ;\('\\' Cumh. Gr(" '1 :\ll<lI'h~. sndlioll. h :Wri ~(}t'tl1 Gret'H :\111]:1. nl1r~I. h sq., \\"nodhilll' Green Al1Iiic F . :'.Irs .. 11 fill;; l-lerr Gn'cll Bessie A., elk, 2:!1 Market, h Steelton Green Bessie E., milliner, h 31 S 16th Green Betty, wid Charles A., h 213 Cranberry


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CLARK'S =:''i'11~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{s::}:~~


Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory,


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c .....

Green Carrie E., stengr, 7th c North, h Stet'lton Green Catharine Mrs., h 621 Cumberland Green Celia J .. wid \Vilson T., h 182!) N 5th GREEN C. EMORY, fencemaker, h 239 State Green Charles, laborer, h 111 S River Green Charles, laborer, h 1405 James Green Charles D., laborer, h 1112 Florence Green Charles H. A., laborer, h 416 Crescent Green Chas. H. A., lunch bar Senate Hotel, h 905 Capital Green Clara, wid Charles. h 428 Cranberry Grt'en Clinton R., laborer, h 116 Ann al . Green Daniel \V., musician, h 1842 Hickory Green Elizabeth, domestic, 522 \Voodbine Green Emma, charwoman. h 554 Primrose Green Florence E., dressmkr, h 1221 Derry Green Frank L., h 31 S 16th Green Frank L., jr., carpenter, h 31 S 16th Green Frank M., draftsman, h 1018 S Cameron Green Gabriel \V., carpenter State Arsenal, h 1839 Herr Green Harry, laborer, h 514 Brown Green Harn', laborer, h 1405 Marion Green Hays: expressman. h 220 S 17th Green Herbert, laborer, h 622 Briggs Green Howard J., elk P. R. R., h !J~O K 6th Green Howard ~L. drug elk, !)16 X 3d, h 310 Kelker
TlU. 0-11&7 alld 8are&7 Co. {ludlI...In.... EDcIlflla........... { IS.....



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Humphrey, laborer, h 116 Angle al James, laborer, h 213 Cranberry James A., brakeman, h 1621 Regina Jane. wid J. Thomas, hIli) Ann al John c., watchman, a34 Market. h 122 S 14th John D., laborer, h 507 South al Katie E. Mrs., h Mahantango nr 6th Laura D., Yamper, h 31 S lfith Lewis C., brakeman, h 310 Granite Lexington. laborer, h 1842 Hickory Lillie M., forelady, h 31 S 16th Lizzie. laundress. h 11ti Angle al Lottie, laundress, h 116 Angle aJ Louisa, wid Alfred, h 416 Crescent Mabel, domestic, 512 Brown Magdalena, wid George, h 1065 S !)th Mary, bunchmkr, h 116 Ann al Mar" Mrs., h 10li5 S !)th Mary Mrs., h 514 Brown 1Iar\' Mrs., laundress, h 521 South Mar, l.; wid Christ. h 507 South al Minilie, tailoress. h {;13 State Nancy A., wid Charles, h 4 Aberdeen Philip E., ironwkr, h Ilfi Ann al Ralph M .. laborer. h 1501! Derry

Redmond's Wagon Works }~~Jd~';.'f;b~~U: {3d and Reily StS. Coogle

Digitized by


l. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h:16df.'::~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908. 335

::;reen Robert D., car repairer, h 1II:!8 S Cameron ::;reen Robert W., wall paper. 1II:!1'i S Cameron, h do ::;reen Rolland C, waiter. 'il in4 ?\ 5th ::;reen Samuel, laborer, h IS:? Balm ::;reen Samuel B., laborer. h li4G York ::;reen Simon, junk, h 613 State :;reen \\'ilIiam, laborer, h 1131 Monroe ::;reen William F ., paperhanger, h 1:!:!1 Derry :ireen \ViJliam H .. laborer, h 1Hi Ann al ::;reen \Villiam L., engr, h 425 Hamilton :ireen William ?\., salesman, 'h 7111 ~ mh ::;reen WiJliam W., lunch room, :~4!1 Reily. h do ::;reenabaum George B .. laborer, h fi:!4 Delaware :ireenabaum Geo. G.. yardmaster r . R. R., h 1128 N 6th :;reenawalt Andre\\'. laborer, h r HI:!4 Herr ::;reenawalt Annie ~L. wid Lorenzo L .. h :~:W S 14th ::;reenawalt Edward ~1.. fireman, h :!Ins Susquehanna ::ireenawalt Edwin J., supt money order di\' P.O., h 130 Walnut ::ireenawalt Harn' D ., watchman P. R. R. frt depot, h Lemoyne . ::ireenawalt Harry .1., engr, h HilS Green ::ireenawalt Harry L., fireman, h fi:!i Reily ::ireenawalt Henry. laborer. h l:nn );' Cameron ::;reenawalt Jacob T., elk, 'h :?24 Locust




s l:;- -=:'0:a} Harrisburg SaYings and- L Ass-n.-U-:.... .. -oan -.-. .

Greenawalt Jeremiah K ., h 130 \Valnut ::ireenawalt Jeremiah K., jr., scc and treas Hbg. Steam Heat and Power Co., h 130 \Valnut Greenawalt Julia A., wid Jacob. h :!:!4 Locust Greenawalt ~lartin. beamer, h llUI ~ Cameron Greenawalt :\larv F .. milliner. h HHS Green Greenawalt :\1. Howard . draftsman. 14 S :!d, h 114 Locust Greenawalt Peter, laborer. h 1224 Herr Greenawalt Regina C. h 130 Walnut . Greenawalt Smiley; attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Greenawalt Teresa A .. h lIHS Green Greenblatt Jonas, (Famous Departmcnt Store), h Balto. Greene Albert J. Rey .. h 1i0'2 Walnut Greene 'Charles A., brakeman, h 224 S 1Uh Greene James G., postal elk, h 300 Chestnut Greene John E ., waiter, h li08 Walnut Greene John R., cigarmkr, h 1003 Green Greene Leonard, porter, 221 Market, h 152 Balm Greene Sign Co., (Harry A. Forney), 225 Market Greene William L., engr, h 425 Hamilton Greenfield Charles R., driver, h 1605 N 4th Greenfield David 0., flagman, h 606 Boas Greenfield Frank. engr, h !2!l Hoerner r;n enfield Lillie :\L, wid Irwin. h 6un Boas Greenfield Martha ~L cigarmkr, 11 60H Boas

-- - - ---

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T h _ ~_p_r #or Sportl"a N _ - - DiQiliZedbyGO

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..... .. S



M KELLEY & CO {I North lid 8trMe. 10th and l!laate ....


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.



-.. i


Greenfield Nan. milliner. JUO :'Ilarket. h 606 Boas Greenley James C, barber, h 1:~:31i Fulton Greenollr Emma L., wid John. h 1421 James Greenour George, molder, h 2\1111 Penn Greenwald Charles H .. repairsman. h 1618 Green ~ GREENWOOD ERNEST H., pres and genl mgr Cum=5 berland Pub. Co., 109-111 Market, h Camp Hill ~ Greenwood Irene, cashier, ::1M Market, h 1535 N 6th Greenwood Ralph H .. engr. h 15:15 N 6th Greger Elizabeth Mrs., h 211211 Elizabeth Gregg Jason C, barber. h 1206 Penn Gregg Mary A .. wid Samuel, h 1206 Penn Gregory Frank H., sec P. R. R. Y. :'II. C. A., h 612 Reily :: Gregory J. Francis Rev., 11 ::117 Forster ~ Gregory Roy C, asst sup P. & R. pass depot, h 142 Sylvan ter t(iregory William H., salesman, h 227 Boas Greider Christian S., sec Hbg. Mfg. and Boiler Co., h 1 S Front (/) Greser r\'Iartin, laborer, h Front cReel's la Grey Eli, barber. 4115 State, h 267 Briggs 1&.1 Grey Lewis, machinist, h 448 Delaware Grav .J Grev. see Alice, h 1106 S 9th Gribbins ct: Gribbins John Hoo laborer, h 11116 S 9th

J: .". ==



1&.1 o ;:: IE








, .lil







Gribbins William E., laborer, h 1110 S 9th Gribble Jennie, elk, :!M Verbeke. h t:{03 Susquehanna Grieff Chades W., yardmaster, h 175 N 15th Grier Charles C, plumber, h 2:W S 14th Grier Charles H., painter, h 1811 ~ 5th Grier Edward \V., inspector, h 30:1 Crescent Grieshaber Joseph A .. elk Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., h Camp Hill Griest Frank S., upholsterer, 212 :'IIulberry, h 26 S 3d Grieves Robert, laborer, h 14:~1l Vernon Griffee Catharine L., book folder, Court ab Locust, h 614 Boas Griffee George J., blacksmith, h 614 Boas Griffev Ada C .. twister, h 1115 Bartine Griffey Catharine A., cigar roUer, h 121 i\agle Griffey Charles, shearsman, h 121 Nagle Griffey Edward C, conductor, h 705 Showers Griffey Francis R., bookbinder, h 442 S 15th Griffey Harry E., laborer, h 442 S 15th Griffey William ]., laborer, h 1115 Bartine Griffin Daisy, cigarmkr, h 1928 Kensington Griffin George F., foreman C P. T. Co .. h 1533 State Griffin George L., waiter Senate Hotel, h 236 Liberty Griffin Harry, car repairer, h 1401 North Griffin Harry C, laborer, h 141ll North


Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.
33; -Griffin Henrietta, wid Alexander, h 126 Liberty 1'1 Griffin Henry L., mgr, JIIG Market, h 32 S 17th Griffin John T., gang leader, h 411 Muench (J) -Griffin Joseph \V ., conductor, h 1401 North -I Griffin Mary E .. seamstress, h 1928 Kensington Griffith Anna :\1., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Griffith Caroline, wid Thomas J., h 2040.N 4th Griffith Christine Mrs .. tai!oress, all N 3d, h 203 S Front PI Griffith Isabella, teacher, h 335 Walnut Griffith John 0., bridge builder, h 2"~ N 5th -Griffith Mervin, brakeman, h 611 Forrest Griffith Oscar, fireman, h 1:!8 Balm c;) Griggs D. Henry, boilermkr, h 129 S :!d Griggsby John, laborer, h 1 Haehnlen Grigsby George T., mason, h 342 Brook al Grimes Charles, brakeman, h 94R Paxton Grimes Daisy :\L. teacher, h 237 N 15th Grimes George W., laborer, h 1627 Park -Grimes Henrietta, wid James S .. h 2:l1 N 15th ( J1 Grimes Henrietta R., h za7 N 15th Grimes James L., machinist, h Za7 N 15th 3': Grimes W. Lloyd, barber, :~ S 4th, h Penbrook 8 Grimm Charles L.. mgr, 47 l'nion Trust bldg, h Newville ~ Grimm Clara, dressmkr, h 2:!5 N" 2d Grimm Edgar 1\1.. bridge builder, h 27 S Summit ~


:u c:

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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ":=i~b~~:'~lc ~

-Grimm Edward L, foreman, h 1536 Walnut Grimm John C, local mgr. :!22 1\Iarket, h 114 N 2d Grimm Martna A .. wid William 0., h 27 S Summit Grimm l\lary E ., wid Jacob, h 1G15 Park Grimm N. Lester, elk. 158 N 4th, h 4:38 S 13th Grimm Sara C, stengr. Crescent c Mulberry, h 27 S Summit Grimm Stella M., teacher. h 27 S Summit Grimwood William H .. brakeman, h 3!1 ;\ l:!th Grinage Lewis, student. h 11611 S Cameron Grinage Thomas \Y., laborer, h 1160 S Cameron Gring David, pres. 4 X :Id, h Newport Grissinger Annie, nurse. h 1316 Susquehanna Grissinger Daniel H., boilermkr, h 1432 Green Grissinger John D., watchman, h 1400 Penn Grissinger John W., weighmaster C I. and S. Co., h 546 'Race Grissinger Mabel E., cigarmkr, h 24 N 10th Grissinger Rankin C, baker, h 211 Herr Grissinger Ruth L., stengr, 210 Walnut, h 211 Herr Grissinger Samuel C, postal elk. h 1412 Derry -Grissinger Susanna, wid Levi, h 1432 Green Grissinger William B., boilermkr, h 24 N 10th Griswold John K., molder, h 1630 Regina Groce Earl C, salesman, h 116 Linden


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Groce James E., wheelwright. h 116 Linden Groff Abram L., sec F. and M. Works. h Derry c 2ith Groff Alden D., student. h 202 Reily . Groff Bessie E., laundress, h 1118 ~lontgomery Groff Chalmer C, stengr, h 1505 Penn C, repairsman, h 'I. Groff Christian cigarmkr. h 1118 1505 Penn Groff Edward. Montgomery "J Groff Edward L.. asst Senate librarian, Capitol, h 202 Reily Groff Fiank G., brakeman, h 325 Hummel Groff George E., barber, h 113i Christian Groff George 1\1.. h 256 }\ orth Groff Hannah. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do (;roff Helen E., saleslady, 400 Mkt., h 1118 1fontgomerv Groff Jacob B., carpenter. h 105 Korth 11),. 0 ... Groff Jacob G., patternmkr, h 236 Hummel :EO (Jroff John H. Rev . h 28th nr Derry Cz Groff Maggie, wid William D .. h 1;5:!3 X Hth z- Groff ~iargaret. wid Wesley K.. h 140 Linden C..I Groff Peter, laborer, h 541 Race .. C Groff Peter :\., brakeman. h 585 S Front 11.111 CD!tit Groff Samuel L., foreman, 9th nr :\larket. h Hummelstown C..I Groft Eva AI., stripper. h 444 SlOth II. Groft Uriah, laborer, h 2153 Jefferson Groft William, conductor. h 444 SlOth



:::= ~~~- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~~:p".t=


Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.

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Groninger Charles E., brakeman, h 2i5 Cumberland Groninger Edna, saleslady, :l34 Market, h 1511 N 6th Groome Jacob L .. ins sol, 4 S 2d, h Steelton GROOME JOHN C. CAPT., supt Dept. State Police, Capitol, h Philadelphia Groome John C. pres Central Drug Co., h Carlisle Groover Julia. saleslady, h 432 S 15th Groover Lehman. fireman, h 620 Peffer Grosh Ada L.. milliner, Ij S 2<1. h 1ill!) Penn Grosh E\'la. laundress Dauphin Co. :\lmSiilOttSe, h do Gross Alice S., h :t!3 Kelker GROSS EDWARD Z., druggist, 119 Market, h 23 N Front see adv Gross Eli B., h 4:1 X 14th Gross Elizabeth, wid Daniel. h ~ji Liberty Gross Elmer H .. (Hbg. Engineering Co.). h 1616 N 4th Gross Enneta L .. h t28 Chestnut Gross Florence S. l\Irs., h 1:!1l9 ;\ ;~cl Gross George. laborer. h ,laB S Cameron iGross George E., engr, h 254 Calder Gross George H., (Hbg. Engineering Co.). h 1616 N 4th 'Gross Henry M .. elk, h 2:1 ?\ Front ,Gross Herbert F., physician. 1412 :\ td. h do Gross Howard E., craneman, h 43 ?; 14th Gross James, machinist, Ih 203!l N 5th

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and lelll Sis.. Coogle

Digitized by

Boyd's Harristurg (u ) City Directory, 1908.


Gross Tohn, laborer, h :!51 S Cameron -Gross 'T ohn A., fireman, h 5l:! Hamilton Gross Joseph W., fireman, h 1411~ N 6th Gross Joshua W., elk recorder, C. H., h Maple Grove Hotel Gross Lake K., laborer. h 3:!1 S Cameron 'Gross Lura :\1., milliner. h 1209 )\ ;{d -Gross :\Iartin, laborer, h 251 S Cameron 'Gross :\Ieyer, grocer, 4:\8 Walnut; meat. do and Sayford c Currant, 'h 101 Short 'Gross ~athan, grocer, :W15 ~ Uth, h do -Gross ~orman W. L., barber, h 121 S Dewberry Gross Sarah }irs., 'h 1410 )J Hth Gross Susan, wid Andrew, h 20;{3 ~ 5th Gross. see Groce Groubitz }[ark, laborer, h 550 SlOth Groupe Hattie }I., domestic, 6111 Kelker Groupe :\linnie, domestic, 416 Calder 'Grou\'cr James, labon'r, h 1144 Derry ~ Grovance William, hoot black, 811:l l\ 3d, h do ""~ Grove Annie :\1., music teacher. I:U4 l\ 6th, h do ~ 'Grove A. & Sons. (J. K. and :\'1. :\1.), cigar mfrs, 45g \'erbeke . Gron. Caroline, music teaC'her, fillO Boas. h do -Grove Caroline, wid Abram, h 1314 ~ 6th


~~ ::::} Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. { ~ : :

< ~


Grove Elmer T., trav salesman, h :U7 Chestnut Grove George H., supt Paxtang Electric Co., h 1247 Kittatinnv

GROVE GEORGE H., architect, 213 Walnut, h Hum- ::D melstown 0


Grove -Grove -Grove Grove Grove -Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove Grove

George T., elk P. R. R., h 1843 Fulton George W., machinist, h 817 S Front G. LaRue, salesman, :!4 ~ :!d, h :l22 S 13th Grant U., machinist, h :!o:!~ l\ fith Howard :\1., engineer, h UI:12 Penn Irvin C, fireman, h HI:! N Hth Isaac, elk, 'h 26 S 3d James H ., contractor, h 4:!4 Muench J. Dewitt, machinist, h 4:!4 Muench John K., (A. Grove & Sons), h 1:314 N 6th John M., elk, h 70 N 12th L. La V ene. teacher, h 424 Muench :\Iartin A., teacher High School, h ~~9 Briggs Mary A .. wid John, h :!030 ~ 4th ~lichac1 M., h :\Iaple Grove Hotel :\lorgan :\1.. (A. Grove & Sons), h 1314 N 6th Oliver 11., electrician. h 1247 Kittatinny Ralph G., machinist, h 424 :\1uench



GROVE JOHN L., county treasurer, Court House, h Steelton

r; s::





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THE PAT RIO T . Coogle

H. M. KELLEY" GO.}ODlCeS, :1I.-::'~f!r.~{GOAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory, 1908.

... ... .n

...= , e4 Grove Romanus, sign painter, 320 c::


0 0

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.. -E c::.


~lkt., h Hummelstown Grove Samuel, laborer, h 112 Cowden Grove Sara, telephone apr, 210 'Walnut, h 1208 Penn Grove Sarah, wid George, h 140S N 3d Grove U. Grant, machinist, h 2028 N 6th Grove Wells c., leverman P. R R, h 1508 N 5th Grove William E., motorman, h 2030 N 4th Grove William H., cigarmkr, h 600 Boas Grove Wilber H., machinist, h 424 Muench Grozdy Samyon, laborer, h 1316 ~ 7th Grubb Annie, domestic, 513 i\ Mh Grubb Elizabeth V., dressmkr, h 262 North Grubb Ella B. Mrs., h 1823 Hickory Grubb Howard, elk, 7i N 3d, h Lucknow Grubb Ida c., dressmkr, h 262 North Grubb John D., brakeman, h 626 Calder Grube Joseph, real estate, h S26 N 3d Grubb Leonard L., conductor, h 417 Briggs Grubb Mary A., wid Abram, h 200S ~ 5th Grubb Percy L., teacher, h 417 Briggs Grubb Sue A., wid Foster, h 512 Hamilton Grubb William H., car inspector, h 1703 N 7th Gruber Andrew, brakeman, h 2240 Jefferson Gruber Edwin, laborer, h 130S Currant Gruber John, laborer, h 130S Currant



1-' _ ..

iii III


Z GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRU881SH16 N. 38 Sir h do 0 Gruber John H., shoemkr, 1639 hFulton,Thompson Gruber Mary A., wid John G., 1407 0 Gruber William, laborer, h 561 Sheaffer
Grubbs Henry A. Rev., h 1915 N Front Gruhler Mary, wid Andr(i!w, h 120S Chestnut Grumbine James c., coremkr, h 206 S River 0. Grumbine Pearl, elk, h 206 S River E Grunden Harry H., laborer, h 1727 \Valnut 0 u GRUNDEN PERCIVAL E., pharmacist, 933 N 6th c Boas, h 931 do ....J Grundon Emma c., wid William H., h 612 Peffer Grundtner John, butcher, h 536 Forrest 0 Gruver Andrew, elk, h 432 S 15th U Gruver Harry, elk, h 432 S 15th Q Gruver Irvin]., car repairer, h 2021 Kensington z: Gruver Jennie. saleslady, h 432 S 15th Gruver John, laborer, h 4:32 S 15th W Gruver Julia, saleslady, 334 Market, h 432 S 15th U Gruver Lizzie A., tobacco stripper, h 7 N 9th Gruver Lloyd C, plas~erer. h 4~2 S 15th Q Gruver Nellie, saleslady, 318 Market, h 432 S 15th W Gruver William, laborer, h 560 Sheaffer Gsell Howard E., machinist, h 623 Harris E Guarin Edward P., checkman P. R R, h 1205 N 6th P Guenther William F., salesman, h 304 Chestnut







,I -iii


.... -

A. 8. TACK :::,t~~~e:!:~ loU paper and IIndOI snodas ~=l~\~:JI~

Boyd's Harrisburg (6 ) City Directory, 1908. 3H
Guiles Catharine, wid l-Iysses B., h 215 Hummel Guiles Charles H .. pressman. h 11112 N 2<1 Guile:;; Christian, milk , 215 Hummel, h do Guiles Eva 0 .. saleslady. h 21:5 Hummel Guiles Isaac ,,'., h 2U:;" H mnmel Guinnen Frank. eng-r, h 31~ Verbeke Guinnivan Daniel, foreman. h 1H8 State Guinnivan Frank. machinist. h 1818 ~tate Guise Clara C, housekeeper. 241 :\1 uench Guise Harry A., lahorer. h 1,24 ~ fith Guise Jacob , laborer. h 1,::0 Fulton Guise :\Iarv A .. wid William E .. h 241 :\Iuench Guise l\Ien:in L., carpenter. h In25 Penn Guise Webb A .. carpenter. h HW) X 5th Guise William C, machinist. h 1~1() ~ Front Gl1ise \Yilliam E., painter, h I:UU X Front Guisewhite Charlotte. waitress. h 215 \Valnut Guistwhite Frank :\1.. salesman. 331 :\Iarket, h 116 Cumberland Guistwhite Grace E., h 273 Herr Guistwhite Lizzie E .. h 2:1 X 5th Guistwhite Luther. hoarding . . 2,:1 Herr and 11112 N 3d, h do Guistwhite Xora. cashier. 4:1!1 :\Iarktt, h do Gl!istwhite. see Geistwhitc
------ .- ~ -


MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~:'~~1E

Guitz Andrew. lahorer, h 12:12 Herr Gulacski Paul. finisher. h ~09 James Gulasch :\Iichael, driver, hIll 1 N Cameron Gll;brandsen Gustave :\ .. civil eng-r, h 1410 State Gulbrandsen Glistave E .. student. h I41() State Gulbrandsen Walter .-\ .. ch'il eng-r. h 14lf1 State Gnld George. brickmkr. h 4::2 ~tate Gullill!> William, scullion. h 418 South Gully Araminda, telephone opr. 22, \Valnut, h 4:\5 Kelker Gull\' Edward E .. lahorer. h 1,;Jfi X 5th Gull)' James R .. laborer. h 435 Kelker Gully John H .. boltmkr. h 17an K rith Gully Kadel D., elevator opr. h 25 S l~th Gulh' Thomas R.. Illolckr. h 1:lj Kelker Gunifert Harry S .. janitor. h W8 Strawberry Gllmmo Edward \Y .. irotmkr. h 1011 Hcmlock Gummo Edward W .. jr., h 1011 Hemlock Gummo Fannie E .. bunchmkr, h 1011 Hemlock Gump John F .. brakeman. h 1421 Wyeth Gump Samuel, expressman. h 1626 Fulton Gump William A., jr., brakeman, h 1626 Fulton Gump William A.. sr .. laborer. h 1626 Fulton Gumpert Charles R.. lahorer. h 2~8 Hamilton Gumpert Charles \Y .. actor. h 2~S Hamilton Gumpert Harvey, actor, h 2:{~ Hamilton -- - - -- ---

Floyd MONEY ADVANCED} IIOIPl.nUT LOU {BM-a l1Iark., AIID nCValtT Cu. 8 N.

--- ~-~-


BI,I .. Sq.
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McNEIL'S COUSH REMEDY~~::l!~:3~~={~t'~~

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... c:

... ....

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342 Boyd's Harrisburg (i) City Directory, 1908. Gumpert Harry S., janitor, h 4118 Strawberry . Gumpert William ll., salesman. HH ~larket, h 17~O Green Gumpher H. \Vesley, brakeman. h 1~;{4 X 7th Gunderman C. Xelson, brakeman, h 1415 N :~d Gunderman Cornelius, laborer, h HI;) Xorth Gunderman David B .. fireman. h ;)~~ 1\1 uench Gundrum Ruth E., elk, h 909 1\ 3d Gunsaul Irmine, physician. ~!) X ~d, h do Guntner Michael, laborer, h :!II:~~ Kensington Guringa Guiseppe. laborer. h 1:!z) Mulberry Gurnee Frederick V., machinist. h 1~64 :\Iarket Gury George C, trucker P. R. R. frt depot, h Lemoyne cS Gush George, laborer, h 121(i X Cameron u Guss Effie K., tailoress. 215 :'Ilarket. h 6:U Hamilton c Gust John, laborer. h 1114 K 7th c Gustapson Chas. E., asst machinist Lunatic Hospital, h dt) -' Guster George A., bellman. h 811~ Capital Gusti Joseph, cook, 24 Grace. h do c Gustin L. Pearl, stengr, h 1:~:111 Susquehanna u Gutelius.EIlen L., saleslady. 28 X 2d. h do a= Gutelius S. Jennie. notions, :!8 X 2d, 11 do E Guth Norman, photo printer, ~14 l\larket. h 1226 Bailey c Guthrie Adelaide W. l\Irs., h 5~1 l\Iac1ay Guthrie James M .. jr., woodwkr. h 521 l\1ac1ay Guthrie Thomas, foreman, h 11] 6 ~ 6th

-= ...,

W Thll Guaranty and Surety Co

leillrol, J -8.....'u. , , - {

) FltfUl.,.t 01 C,lttrall. Tr....t Uulldlaa

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Ciutman Julius E., supt. H S ~d. h 1102 Green Gutshall Calvin F., engine hostler. h 212!l )J' 6th Gutshall Daniel c.. (G. F. Gutshall & Bro.).h 1400 N 6th Gutshall Francis, carpenter. h 104!l S 9th Gutshall George F .. (G. F. Gutshall & Bro.). h 1400 N 6th Gutshall George F. & Bro., (G. F. and D. C.), grocers, UOO N 6tlh Gutshall James \V .. laborer. h 121~ Currant Gutshall ~lan' B .. domestic, aou Boas Gutshall Ne\\~ton. boilermkr. h ]~:~;) Briggs (iutshall Oliver :'II.. laborer. h 1~12 Currant Gutshall Reuben M .. laborer. h l()04 S Cameron Gutshall ~homas, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Gutshall William ]., laborer. h 1212 Currant Gutshall \tVilson, blacksmith, h 1400 N 6th Gutshall, see Godshall, also GottSIC'hall. also Gottshall Guttenberg Myers. laborer. h 317 Cherry Guy Hunter D., car inspector. h 50U Clinton Guy William, fireman. h 2333 X 6th [burg Guyer Frank B.. stengr, Howard ab Forrest, h MechanicsGuyer Jacob H . grocer, 2166 ~ 7th. h do Guyer Ralph c.. fireman, h 2148 N 7th Guyer Walter L.. bookkpr. h 108 Calder Guyer, see Geyer Gyena Andy, laborer, h 1125 N Cameron

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I. B. TACK} FIN ~IIC~~A!I.!'~~,,~c,~~ER { 1216 Korth Third 81111

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 343


Haak Conrad, laborer, h 12l!J \\Oallace Haar L. A., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Haas Amanda, center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Haas Bertha L., weaver, h 1342 Penn Haas Uharles Ao, flagman, h 2133 X 4th Haas Christina, folder Independent, h 21:~3 X 4th Haas Conrad, h 914 S 20th Haas E. :\lIen, bookkpr, 326 Market, h ~Iarysville Haas Emma L.. weaver, h 1342 Penn Haas George Eo, conductor, h 944 S 1!I! Haas Harry A., brakeman, h 414 Boas Haas Harry J., upholsterer, 406 Verbeke, h do Haas Harrv ~I., brakeman. h 621 Delaware Haas Harro Wo, bartender, 559 Race, 'h 556 do " Haas, Henr~y M., basketmkr, 1325 Susq .. h 1342 Penn Haas James A., veterinary surgeon, 115 South, h do

2 -I







FREDERICK, Grape Hotel, 659 Race,h do

Haas]. Frederick, jr., (Lutz & Haas). 'it 588 Showers Haas John, engr, h 410 Boas Haas J olm A., letter carrier, h 21:lfi K 5th Haas John G., machinist, h 1410 X ad Haas ~lary j\I., wid John K .. h UI:!O Creen Haas William F ., dyer, h l11U6 ~ :ld Haase Albert R C; laborer, h Hil3 Regina


< :.n .



::Jl'~:a~~~}Ha"lsburg SaYings lAd Loan Assn,~:=

Habbarde Thomas Fo, hostler, h I!Wr X 4th n Haberstroh Julius, watchman, h 21);W Sus<]uel:anna Hackenberg Elizabeth, h 31 N 16th :.Hackrnberger Ellen E., seamstress, h 651 Dauphin ::D Hackenberger George A ., brakeman. h 5:~;j Peffer :.Hacktnberger George H., laborer. h 1i:}1 Dauphin t!' Hackett Charles C, bookkpr, h 8H1 X 2d Hackett George E., h 1115 X ad Hackle\' :\melia, wid Fred, h 814 James Hacknlan WaIter S .. salesman, a:l4 ~larket, h :~41 Crescent Haegner ~larie. cashier, 334 Market. h 1440 Berrv'hill Haehnlen David U .. frog planer, h 18H" Green . Haehnlen Edward \V., upholsterer. h 501 ~Iuench Haehnlen Frederick A., elk, 813 ~Iarket. h 32 S 16th Haehnlen James \Y., art glasswkr, 'h 150 Linden Haehnlen James \Y., brakeman, h 150 Linden Haehnlen John R, laborer, h 428 Hummel Haehnlen Lottie R, teacher, h 2041 X 4th Haehnlen Louis F., Belle Vue Nurseries. Hollv be\' limits Haehnlen Mary, wid William P .. h 2041 X 4tll . Haehnlen William H ., laborer. h 150 Linden Haertter llarry t'. G., bookkpr, 2R S,2d. h 134 N 13th Hafer Edward E., fireman, h 1449 Vernon Hafer William E., engr, h 1449 Vernoll Hafer William E., jr., turner, h 144!l Vernoll - - - -- - - - - ----~




.. O ....... G



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!!!. H II - - of

KELLEY at CO'S -BIaek DlamoDu .heD { 101111... 1111...... D. I lert.... 1t. .1. ~ onler. DeB

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Hafley Albert H., bridge builder, h 511 Race Hagan Margaret c., cigar roller, h 4~!l Pear c:: Hage G. ~farie, h 1105 X Front Hage Hother B., elk, h 605 I\' Front Q Hagel John, mgr, !) N 3d, h 1617 do ~ Hagemeyer Bertha, cigarmkr. h !!38 Cranberry Hager Anna E., bookfolder, 201 N 2d, h Steelton Q ~ Hagerling Roy H., salesman, 111 Market, h 210 ~ 3d Hagerman George F., bookkpr, 15 S 2d, h New Cumb'ld' Hagerman John A., laborer, h 815 James - Q Hagerman William A., salesman, ~4 X ~d, h Xew Cumb'ld: Hagner Elmer E., foreman, h 1440 Berryhill Hagner Ralph S .. machinist. h 1440 Berryhill g Hagy ~Iarket, h Steelton E Hagy Clara, saleslady, 215 ()~!) Swatara C) Elmer E., engr, h 1 c:: Hagy Florence E. Mrs., h 711 S Front Hagy George, foreman C. P. T. Co., h 1833 Derry :::E Hagy J. Harry W., elk, 20() 1\larket, h 475 S Cameron Hagy Joseph M., laborer, h 475 S Cameron Hagy Morris W., provision packer, h 711 S Front Hahn Annie R., domestic, 1Il4 Yerbeke L&J Hahn Christina, wid Frederick, h 248 Crescent .J Hahn Frank A" assembler, h 439 S 16th C Hahn Herman F., h ~2~1 l\ 3d L&J Hahn l\lary )'1., h ~48 Crcscent





Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.













Hahn M. l\1atilda, h 704 X 3d Hahnlen \\"iIIiam L., brakeman, h 1335 Fulton Haifleigh Anna ~I., h 11Hi Green HaiAeigh Caroline n., steng-r, h 1337 Penn Haifleigh Isaac, watchman, h 1337 Penn Haifleigh Kathryn E., teacher. h 1115 Grcen Haigh Joseph W., brakeman. h 1330 ?\ 6th Haimerl John, asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Hain David, watchman. h Hi~ N 15th Hain Galen, dentist, 50() N 3d, h do Hain George, carpenter, h 4~1 S 13th Hain Herbert H.: elk, 143 I-lanna, h 15~ ?\ 15th







,iN "~I



w ... -


HAIN JACOB, h The Central Hain Landis R., drug elk, :l33 S Front, h 153!l! N 5th Hain Lillian. nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do Hain Ross B., elk, h 15~ N 15th Hain William 1\1., lawyer and pres Highspire Water CO'P' 333 Market, h 808 I\' ~d Haincl Richanl, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Haines Augustus, puddler, h 115 ~agle Haines Augustus H., drag out, h 18~1l \\'00(1 Haines Clayton H., fireman, h 1205 Derry Haines Ella Mrs., s:leslady, 215 Market, h 1011 do Haines Emanuel P., restaurant, 1:~5 S 2d, h 129 do Haines Howard M., inspector, h 2043 N 5th

1 L. ST. CLAIR{TAILO~J!?-e~M~t~tr...


B TICK} Emplo)'l DODe bu! lI..t-clus workmrn. beDce oull' 1!!.1l- J llU6 ft WorkdoDelDanJpal'tofSlAtePi.3d8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.


Haines John. stamper, h 107 Tuscarora Haines Joseph, laborer, h 115 Nagle Haines ~Iary A., nurse, h 428 S 13th Haines, see Hanes Hair Alice C, stengr, 31 S 2d, h \\' Fairview Hake Alfred, cigar mfr. 1227 K 6th, h do Hake Eugene 0 .. elk }Ierchants' ~at. Bank, h 44 Balm Hake Oneita, bookkpr. h 331 Kelker Hake Oscar, news agt P. & R pass depot, h 5SS Showers Hake Wiliam S., flagman, h :~3] Kelker Halbach Clarence, watchmkr. h 701 K 6th Halbert Edward, elk, 8 N 3d, h lOOS Green Halbert HarrY, laborer, h 1416 North Halbert William c. helper. h 60G N 2d HalbleibCaroline K., wid John J., h 1:H5 James Halbleib Harrv A., conductor, h 273 Hamilton Halbleib Tames C, brakeman, h 1605 Penn Haldeman Albert G . machinist, h 1f)14 S Cameron




< en


:0 C

o .

HALDEMAN DONALD C., lawyer, Trust Co. bldg, ::: 222 Market, h 219 S Front c.n Haldeman Edward :\1.. lawyer, 1243 Mulberry, h do Haldeman Edward S., laborer. h 1080 S 9th Haldeman Eliza E., h 219 S Front Haldeman Elizabeth 1\[rs., h 1185 Bailev Haldeman Filmore, helper, h 112 Dock .

HalJeman Herbert B .. cashier, 227 Walnut, h 501 N Front Haldeman Isaiah R, elk AmI. Genl's Dept., h 810 ~ 6th Haldeman John, elk, h 501 X Front Haldeman Leonard, helper, h 112 Dock Haldeman l\largaretta C. wid Richard J., h 219 S Front Haldeman Max, stengr, 227 Walnut, h 1017 N Front Haldeman Richard, h 21!1 S Front Halderman Daniel H., engr, h 1231 ~ 6th Hale Charles D., car repairer, h wn9 Logan Hale George L., tinsmith. h 22 Balm Hale Lewis H., salesman, h 129 S 3d Hale Nora. domestic. 1612 Green Halestock Emih. wid David, h 707 Korth al Haley Francis i-I.. puddler, h 33 Lochiel, 3d row C7 Haley John T., car eleaner, h 1253 Swatara Halev Thomas. h 125.'l Swatara =IE Hale~' Timothy J .. conductor. h 125:l 5watara ;; Halfpenny Harry B.. elk. h 1:146 State Halfpenny \Yilliam. conductor. h 1!346 State c::::::: Halfpenny William C. elk P. R. R frt depot, h 1346 State --f Hall Alban, engr. h 1823 Susqnehanna Hall Amanda, wid Samuel S., h 205 Calder Hall Annie E., laundress. h 41:! South Hall Annie M., domestic, 21:3 :Mary Hall Art'httr L., salesman. h l:!H Swatara


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I oog e

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~ut,:.r:8~:':{ 306 Br...

Hall Blanche E., stellgr, 5 ~ 3d, h 614 Briggs Hall 'Charles, pressman, h 111 Hoerner Hall Charles, waiter, h 313 Forster Hall 'Charles H., car inspector, h 19th nr Derry : a Hall Clifford C, laborer, h :!1I4;j ~ 4th tHall .. ~ Hall 'Cloyd F., salesman. 308 Market, h ).Iechanicsburg Daniel W., h 111 Hoerner ill .! Hall Edward. laborer, h 115:! S Cameron ~= j .. Hall Emlin F., asst foreman P. R R., h 2303 N 6t'h .! e- Hal! Emma R, wid James S .. h 1;37 Harris oL' ~. Hall Francis J., sales agt C. I. and S. Co., h 1601 );' Front HALL FRANK, deputy chief Department of Mines, Capitol, h 108 Walnut u Hall George A., elk F. and ),1. Works, h 502 Emerald z Hall George F., driver, h :n;~ Forster ~ Hall Harry. fireman, h :.!09 Calder Hall H. Xewman, laborer. h 1(;3 X 15th ~ Hall machinist, X 4th z Hall Irvin, C, porter. hh 11)48 South Isaac 41:.! ~ e.,) Hall Isaac G., brakeman, h 4:!4 Hamilton a: Hall Jacob R, laborer, h 2308 Jefferson Hall James L.. laborer, h 3:.!0 Calder E Hall Jeremain P., flagman. 'h 114 :\lulberry ~ Hall John A., engr. h 1805 ~ 5th .J -'L Hall Jo'hn F .. conductor, h 164 X 15th c:: -------u TlU, SaarlDt, ID. Sarlly CO. f s'::~r;:.'U: {~:B~


. -.='til


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.



.. e






... ...



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> 111
Z 0

-------------------------Hall John P., laborer, h 125 Short








> Z


Hall Joseph R., fireman, h fi37 Harris Ha:1 J. Ross, student, h 1SIl5 X 5th Hall Leonard, restaurant, 1:1:?'2 :\Iarion, h 320 Calder Hall Louisa :\Irs., h 514 Xorth al Hall Lucy. domestic, 111 Angle al Hall :\Iargaret :\Irs., 'h :!:!Ot :\1 ulberry Hall :\Iarv A., wid Tohn. h Rhoads al Hall X ellle E., h :!'l1:l Derr\' Hall Olive B .. teacher, h :!34i3 X mh Hall Philip ?\ . brakeman, h :!n~ Strawherry Hall Robert, brakeman. h H3j Muench Hal1 Robert. driver, h Ion Tanner Hall Robert H., driver. h 109 Tanner Hall Robert. laborer, h 113 Tanner Hall Samuel F., laborer P.O., h 412 South Hall S. Ra \'. mac'hinist. h 1!l:H X 6th Hall Thomas. barber. 40n 'Cowden. h 412 South Hall W. Herbert, chauffeur, h 14;~5 Regina Hall William H . hostler. h ;j35 :\Iaelav Hall. see Haul Hallem )'lorris. tailor, 60;j! State. h do Hallem Xettie :\Irs .. notions. (;4)5t State, h do Haller Daniel, laborer. h 113 Cowden Haller Edgar l\I., machinist, h 308 S 2d



REDMOND}::~~=d ~~~gl:8 {!Itt and Belly Stl.

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B. TAeKl WALL PAPER. e:=i!,,::'~ WlIOOI SHADES{ NO~~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.



[alley Josephine, domestic, w:n N Front lalley ;\Iargaret, domestic. 16:U N Front lallman Christian. laborer, h 1115 Plum lallman Clarence W .. helper. h 2jj Sayford lal1man Henry T .. elk :\ud. Gen'l Dept.. h 429 Boas laliman John. car repairer, h H)]4 K 5th lallman John, paperhanger. h 11)112 Walnut ral1man Levi. laborer. h 165 :\ 15th rallman, see Haulman faUy Kate, holtsekeeper, 24111 Green falsey Harry J., steelwkr. h 1:~:!1 ~laple [alterman \VilIiam C, driver, h j S Crook'ed famacher \\'illiam C., salesman. :lUS Market. h Lemoyne [a maker El1wood A., railroader. h 256 Calder lamaker George E . machinist. h 2(18 Kelker lamaker James I.. teacher, h 111 Verbeke I amaker Jennie. laundress, h 1120 Cowden lamaker John R.. brakeman. h G71l Emerald lamaker Katherine Mrs .. h 911 K 2d !amaker Kathryn E .. stengr. h 650 \Vooclbine ramaker Thomas G .. engr, h 20:n N 4th [amaker. see Hammaker [amawei Ahmed F .. dining rooms. 4 and 28 S 4th, h do [am3wei Hamed. elk. 28 S 4th. h do [amblin Harry W . h 2:14 Hamilton

;*s!:::'-:'}Hanlsburg SaYings and Loan Assn.

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lJ lJ

[ambright Beulah M., saleslady. 1:100 :\ Hd. h 1906 Green C [ambright C Howard. asst shop elk P. R. R., h 1704 ?\ 6th . [ambright Clara. wid Horace K, h 1906 Green N lambright Elizabeth, wid Charles E .. h 1712 N 5th l [ambright Harry G . helper, h 1906 Green rambright Horace K, eng-r, h 190fi Green lambright John H .. brakeman, h 87 Disbrow J: rambright Walter R.. elk P . R. R., h 17UH J\ 5th [ambright Walter R., hostler. h 171:! X 5th lJ rambrow Charles. planer. h 112 S 2<1 lamburger Sidney K .. (S. K. Hamburger & Co.). sporting ; goods. bicycles, &c .. 12-14 N 2<1. h 2218 X ad [amburger S. K & Co., (S. K Hamburger), sporting goods, 1116-18 N 3d famel Charles H., engr, h 24 S 18th ~ lamer Albert M., asst sec Hbg. Board of Trade, h 1212 Co'-


en 5r

Della, wid Allison. h 338 Verbeke George \V., asst sec Y. :M. CA., h 121 Cumberland William H., adjuster, h 149 Paxton William K.. (W. Hamer & Son). h 149 Paxton William M .. (W. Hamer & Son), h 1100 N 2d [AMER W. & SON, (W. M. and W. K.), meat market,

famer 'amer lamer famer lamer


Indian cRace



BOD. .'

OUR MOTTO. - } Coal. HOD. .' Welcb'

IIM KELLEY 011 CD'{ tlUl'" .......... o. , .......hIIt .


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.



...: Hamersly William H., physician. :U X :!d, h do .". Hamill Andrew J., engr, h 6411 Boas Hamill Brazillia, upholsterer, r 1401 N :~d, h 1821 N 7th Hamill Edward ]., helper, h 1610 N 6th ~ Hamill Harry E., elk P. R R, h 16:!1I X 4th ..: Hamill James R, nail feeder, h 139 Ann al ~ Hamill Kate, wid :\Iadison, h 640 Boas Hamill ~fame G.. h 623 Boas Hamill Martin, nail feeder, h 139 Ann al ~ Hamill Pearl B., h 6:!3 Boas ~ Hamill Robert S., conductor, h 62;~ Boas Hamill Roy B., civil engr, h 208 Reily a Hamill Sylvester F., conductor, h 2U8 Reily Hamill \iVilliam S., elk P. R R, h 208 Reilv II: HAMILTON A. BOYD, reporter Telegraph and corree;; spondent, h 123 South Hamilton Amanda. wid William, h UU7 Green Hamilton Arthur 0., elk, 212 Locust, h Pen brook Hamilton Eben B.. student. h 1517 Green Hamilton Elizabeth A., wid John R, h 1705); 3d Hamilton Elizabeth M., stengr. :111 Verbeke. h li05 N 3d ~orth ~ Hamilton Ellen, wid Allen, h 251214 S 17th Hamilton Frances c., student. h O. Hamilton Frank P., elk, h 620 S 13th CC Hamilton George W., stables, 1326 :'.Iarion. h 321 Kelker




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I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U6 N. 3d SI. Z Hamilton Grace S., machine opr, h 3:n Kelker



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Hamilton' Harry c., machinist. h 1808 Green Hamilton Harr;' R., elk P. R R, h 415 S 13th HAMILTON HUGH, physician and surgeon, 315 Walnut, h do; office hours, 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p.n. Hamilton John, hostler, h :!57 Liberty Hamilton John A., conductor, h 233 Kelker Hamilton John R, jr., driver, h 1705 N 3d Hamilton John 'vV., elk, Hl:n Green, h 333 Kelker Hamilton Lewis, laborer, h 6th nr Boas Hamilton Louis, repairs man, h 927 N 6th Hamilton Luther J., draftsman, 11 N 2d, h 214 S 17th Hamilton Nathan M., h 1517 Green Hamilton Nelson c., conductor, h 603 Dauphin Hamilton Robert E., machinist, h 559 Woodbine Hamilton Ruth A., teacher, h 348 Hummel HAMILTON THOMAS H., architect, Patriot bldg, 11 N Market sq, h 214 S 17th Hamilton W. Emory, mgr Berryhill Nursery, h 620 S 13th Hamilton William, h 108 Hanna Hamilton William B., asst transfer elk P. R R, h 348 Hummel Hamilton William B., machinist, h 559 Woodbine Hamilton William T., hotel, 1237 N 7th, h do Hamlin Jerome, elk, 1228 ~ 3d, h 1102 do
~ ~ -~~

'(b;Qb~~::~~:;.r IOU,. 101 IIndOW 8hOdes IrOI A.

B. TACK .I:~~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

Hamlin LuRhette, optician, 811! N 3d, h 70S do Hamm Conrad, fireman, h 21 N 15th Hamm George -E ., signal supervisor, h 64 N' 12th Hamm \Villiam R, engr, h 2305 Prospect Hamm Wi11is, waiter, h 4U Cranberrv Hammaker Albert J., fireman, h HJHI Moltke Hammaker D. Edward, blacksmith, h 2HO!l N 7th Hammaker Jacob, laborer, h 1!148 Moltke Hammaker Jacob C, laborer, h lfI3!1 lloas Hammaker Nellie H .. h 1510 Green Hammaker \\,illiam S., draftsman ~tate llighway Dept., h 202 Kelker Hammaker, see Hamaker Hamme Frank E., mgr, 132 S 2d Hammelbach Daniel, machinist, h 1llfIV );" 4th Hammelbaugh Charles F., bar elk, h 501 Market

HAMMELBAUGH D. DANIEL, sec School Board, 123 Chestnut, h 1437 N 2d

Hammelbaugh Harriette. wid George B., h ]423 N 2d Hammelbaugh Katherine G., teacher, h 1437 N 2d Hammelbaugh Mary A., wid Philip J., h 1437 N 2d Hammelbright Annie. cook, 334 Market, h 1307! Wallace Hammer George 0 ., flagman, h 67 N 10th Hammersla Joseph, salesman, 113 S 2d, h Lemoyne Hammond Edward W., asst timekpr, h 1714 N 3d

MILLER - - - - - -BAKER} ~~~b~~~~~1I: BROS. &. - - ----..

- - --- .,

Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammonn Front

G. Porter. elk, 22 N 2<1, h lGOn X Front John \V., conductor, h 223 Peffer Lvdia, wid Isaac K., h 2:!3 Peffer William. laborer, h 18(;3 N 12th William H., (Hammond & Bailey). h 1609 N

HAMMOND & BAILEY, (W. B. Hammond and Edward Bailey), general insurance, 22 N 2d Hampton Charles S.. laborer, h 1323 Bartine
Hampton Charles \V., laborer, h 1323 Bartine Hampton William H., fireman instructor P. R R pass depot, h 606 \Voodbine Hamsher Ella M., housekeeper, h 2128 Moore Hamsher John R, agt, h 916 N 3d Hamsher Ross B.. elk, h 2128 l\Ioore Hamsher Sarah, wid John W., h 2128 Moore Hanawalt Catharine H., h 523 Muench Hanawalt Edgar A., machinist, h 523 Muench H;>~cn H;1rn' }f .. cnt1rlt1ctnr. 11 ~i S Summit H :U;Cl' i. 1:1;111t:h('. h ::7 ~ StltlJl1lit Hallct' .Io'('l'h :\1.. lab"rer. h :~7 ~ ~l1l11mit H;l11C')l'k John :\Il1tual Life' ](1". Co . R. C. Johnston. agt, iii L' nioll T ru=,t blJg Hand Charles B., fireman, h 1505 Allison Hand John, car builder, h 1428 Berryhill


Digitized by


CLARK'S =:I~: Drug and Patent Medicine Store{~~~

.... ..... w


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908

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en c

Hand Lydia, wid Harn' H., h 26 N 10th Handibo"e Edward C, iaborer, h 203 Barbara Handiboe Elizabeth F., wid John, h 2()3 Barbara HANDIBOE JOHN, associate editor Independent, h 237 Kelker Handiboe John W. A., linotype opr Independent, h 854 S Cameron Handiboe William. laborer. h 203 Barbara Handler Barnhart, furniture, 1212 K 3d, h do Handler Samuel. upholsterer, h 515 Cowden Handley ).Ian H .. salesladv, 31R ~Iarket. 'h Steelton Handshaw Eiizabeth F . wid William. h 233 S 15th ,Handshaw Emma. wid Daniel, h 1621 i\ 4th 'Handshaw Harry F .. foreman, 210 \\'alnut. h 900 ~ 2d tHandshaw Harr)' J., coal and wood, 924 Capital, h 217 N 2d Hands'haw James Q., trav salesman. h 900 i\ 2d fIandshaw Robert W., brakeman, h 25 S 17th cHandshaw Samuel G.. foreman, 824 i\ 7th, h 25 S 17th fIandshaw Trov Do, brakeman, h 25 S 17th tHanes Harvey C. elk, 401 Chestnut, h 2003 Briggs ,Hanes, see Haines Hanev Charles P .. laborer, h 1116 Rartine Hanich Joseph. billiard elk The Lochiel, h do Hankins David S., bookkpr. 33fi Chestnut, h 1716 Green
Title Guaranty and Sarety eo. { ..........,.,.,,,..... fuca" ... '~"n. I In ..... -ScrantoD, PeDna. T n all a.... ~I"", IN'e1., U.... rmt_ .....






0 0

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iHanlen Annie B .. wid Christian. h 108 Locust HANLEN BROS., (Stanley G. Jean), wholesale wines and liquors, 331 Market Hanlen Harn' B.. conductor. h 318 ~luench ,Hanlen Irvin' B., h 122 Chestnut jHanlen Jacob B., waiter, h 318 Muench ,Hanlen )'Iary E .. quiller. h 31S ~Ittench Hanmer Elmer L.. ticket agt P. & R. depot, h 122 Evergreen Hann 'Villis. waiter. h -H4 Cranberry Hanna Walter S., asst ('ngr State -Dept. Health, h 1507

0 a:

Hannah Leola. stengr State Dept. Health, h no State B., ins -I Hannan RobertStore, J.agt. h ~8 S 4th Hanover Shoe F. Hickey. mgr, 407 Market Hanscom Darius B., shoemkr, 1027 ~Iarket, h 1048f S 9th Hanshaw Charles E., coal and wood, 3d c Harris,_ h 1606 C X 3d Hanshaw John H., postal elk. h 86 ~ 17th Hanson Edward. steel inspector, h 1243 Market Hanson Gustav. florist, 12:!1 ~ 3d and 1025 S Cameron, LaJ h 1321 do Hantzman 'Charles F., draftsman, h 613 Forster H., c( . HANTZMAN FREDpagelumber, 660 Briggs, h 613 Fors~ ter see adv opp


Redmond', Wagon Works }~~d~~~b~~7 -:3d.and Reu, Sts. t; 0 ogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Sbades {.:ltN~J'~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
Hantzman John. molder, h 411a S 14th Happer Howard S., ins sol. h !!O~ Harris Happle Charles W., laborer. h 1!1!I7 N 7th Happle ~[innie A... wid Elliott E., h 561 Camp Happle. see Hopple Harhaugh John W., elk Dept. Public Printing, Capitol, h 143 N 4th Harbeson Frank P . laborer.h 54!! SlOth Harbi!'on Tame!'. conductor, h ~Zll S l:~th Harbold Ella, wid William. h 1144 Market Harbold James D .. carpenter, h :!71 Hamilton Harbold John :\1.. lahorer, h :!o~o Kensington Harbolt Lillie C. :\irs., h 1308 Market Harclerode Grace :\1.. stengr. 14 S :!d. h Steelton Harden George. lahorer, h 1:!0i' Apple Harden Harriet. domestic. 112 Short Hanten :\Iabel. domestic. 1207 Apple Harden Sheridan, lahorer, h 112 Short Harder John E ., laborer. h 5~i' \'iolet al Harder John P .. caretaker. 202 Locust. h do Harder William D .. repairsman. h 5~7 Violet al Harder William P., machinist. h 1708 Wood Hardin Sheridan, butler. h 112 Short Harding' Jean :\frs . h 2045 Green Harding Stedman D . salesman. h i'}5 ~ 18th





c: ~

~1.~o{'}Harrlsburg Sayings


and Loan Assn. t::=


Lumber. Mill Work


Building Material
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M. KELLEY" CO. no~~~l:~

! ..
I u


Boyd's Harrisburg (II) City Directory, 1908.




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c:c IaJ
_ _

Hare John J., carpenter, h l1:W Jonestown rtl H are Simon H., carpenter, h ~O:!l Swatara Hare \Villiam F .. cooper, h 814 S Cameron Hargest 'George W., inspector, h 2204 K ad [limits I-largest Jefferson S., (Davis & Hargest), N Front bey Hargest John J., register of wills, C. H., h 2204 N 3d Hargest Thomas S., (Hargest & Hargest), h 1614 Green Hargcst William 1\1., (Hargest & Hargest), h IVJ Reily HARGEST & HARGEST, (Thomas S. and William M.), lawyers, 222 Market Hargleroad Cam W .. machinist, h 340 Hummel Haring Wolfgang, civil engr, h ~09 State Harkelrode Elizabeth, wid Benjamin, h 426 North Harkinson S. Frank, carpenter, h 41:1 \Voodbine Harlacher John W., printer, h 1650 Fulton Harlacher J. William, shipper C. 1. and S. Co., h 6 Argyle HARLACKER JOHN C., grocer, 215 Walnut, h 803 N 2ct Harlacker John c., jr., elk, h 803 N 2d Harlev Daniel, laborer, h 107 Cowden Harley Josephine Mrs., h 608 North al Harlev Sarah, charwoman, h 1408 Fulton Harliilg Curtis S., fireman, h 6.37 Boyd Harling Edward F., repairer, h 2003 N' 7th Harling Frederick A., car inspector, h 6:lj lIIuench Harling Percy J., engr, h 637 Boyd

~,.~illl: I~-*

a-'. ._11.

C GO-RGAS} FAIR PRICED DR-UG-GI-SY-{ -N.-3d-S-t. 1-6 ~ Harling Samuel D., repairsman, 'h 1119 X 7th
Ii!!: C 0..







Harling William T., finisher, h 6:17 l\Iuench Harlow Edith A. l\I rs., h 40() N 2d Harm Amelia A., bookbinder, h 1189 Christian HARM BROS., (Herman and Frederick J.), coal, wood sand and brick, 286 S Cameron see adv Harm Frederica l'.lrs., h 1189 Christian Harm Frederick J., (Harm Bros.), h 1714 Market Harm Herman, (Harm Bros.), h 114 Balm Harm K. Mae, bookkpr, h 114 Balm Harm Paul W. F., elk, 44f1 ~Iarket, h 30n Buckthorn Harm William, laborer, h 1240 Thompson Harman Bruce R., cashier, 'h 1311 Vernon Hannan David W., lineman, 210 Walnut, h 2337 N 3d Harman Edwin, car repairer, h 1935 North Harman Ella, domestic, 275 Calder

Lyhens Valley
.anufacturers and Dealers in




286 South CalDeron St.
Digitized by

l L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 lIarkltStrHt



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

MILLER BROS. &. BAKER} "~~b~~-::'~~II: :,

Harman Elsie 0 ., elk. Crescent c Mulberry, h 1615 Hunter Harman George W., h 1615 Hunter Harman Harry C. Rev., h 1:U1 Vernon Harman Harry E., brakeman , h 2136 Atlas Harman Harry V., lather, h 1409 North Harman Jacob. carpenter, h 1530 Derry Harman Morris G., engr, h 1615 Hunter Harman Oscar J ., conductor, h 1617 Hunter Harman Ray H., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 1409 North Harman Rebecca N., tailoress, 3U N 3d, h 1615 Hunter Harman \Vealthy R, h 1409 North Harman William H., foreman Hbg. Advertising Co., h 1522 N 4th Harman William NI., butcher, h 1409.1\Jorth Harmony Frank, laborer, h 111 S Dewberry Harms J. Henry Rev., h 1525 Green Harner Amy R. stengr, 210 Locust, h 129 S 14th Harner Charles M., engr, h 322 Clinton Harn('r Elizabeth, wid John, h 1417 N 3d Harner Florence, elk, Howard c 14th, h 129 S 14th Harner John T., carpenter, h 927 N 6th Harner ~hrvin O.,jJ. S. A., h 927 N 6th Harner Mary J .. Wid John B., h 1417 N 3d Harner Sarah M., wid William H., h 129 S 14th Harner William J" artist, h 420 Muench


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Harner, see Horner Harney Martin c., engr, h 1611 ~1arket Harnish Amos, coachmkr, h :!US N 15th Harnish John, foreman, .h The Central Harnish John D., electrkian P. R R, h 1930 N 7th Haromi Frank, shoemkr, h 111 S Dewberry Harp Frederick, laborer, h 12a3 George Harp James, puddler, h 14110 S 13th Harper Andrew, engr, h 4 N 9th ~ Harper Catharine, wid John H., h 1304 N 2d Harper Catharine A., tel opr P. R R, h 1116 Montgomery ~ :farper Elsie D., bonnetmkr, h 1116 Montgomery Harper Emma J., wid Alfred J., h 1116 Montgomery Harper George H., coremkr, h 1304 N 2d Harper George W., h 1926 Kensington Harper George W., elk P.O., h Penbrook Harper Helen E., saleslady, :US Market, h 701 Green Harper John H., plumber, h 1311 N 2d . Harper Joseph G., shoectltter, h lU26 Kensington Harper Ross, elk, h la11 N 2d Harper Roy B.. machinist, h 1926 Kensington Harper Russell S., machinist, h 1116 ~lontgomery Harper William E ., laborer, h 1226 Bartine Harper William H., driver, h 1403! Regina Harpster Lizzie, h 1249 Derry

i --


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:::= a::;- I.NEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g:r".t=

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.




Harr Cora C, wid Augustus, 11 15()() N. 6th Harr Jacob A., molder, h 428 S :!d Harr John, machinehand, h 1613 Derry Harr Leonard 0., painter, 'h 1613 Derry Harrar William R, (Harrar & Chamberlin), h Y. :t\L C. A. Harrar & Chamberlin, (W. R Harrar and R P. Chamberlin), saddlery hardware and leather, 323 Verbeke Harrigan D.aniel J., switchman, h 1816 Berryhill Harrington B. Boyd, student, h III S Front Harrington Eliza'bevh B., wid ~10rdaunt L., h 111 S Front Harris Alexander E., driver. h 639 Verbeke Harris Bert S., (Gorman & Harris), h 20 i\ 15th Harris Bertha, waitress, h 517 'Walnut Harris Burtise S., sprayer, h 20 N 151'h Harris Charles, driv~r, h 404 Cranberry Harris Charles, flagman, h 607 Cumberland Harris Charles L.. laborer. 11 111) S River Harris Dallas T., laborer, h 13211 S 13th Harris Daniel, houseman, 11 630 Briggs Harris Edward D., laborer, h 1 no Walnut Harris Edward H., driver, h 110 Hanna Harris Eleazer, junk. h 1221 Cowden Harris Ella :\1., quilIer, h 17:30 Logan Harris Ellen C, wid J. Porter, h 221 ?\ 2d Harris Frank P., drug elk, 16 ~ 3d, 'h 211! ~ 2d

Tille Buranly aDd Sareff CD. s;::..~. {"c:.:.t::T.~':~~~~':'" } ~...:.~'U



' ....-

driver, h 257 O Harris George, F., fireman, hLiberty\Vallace . Harris George 1211 Harris George W., laborer, h 1730 Logan 671 Briggs Z Harris Harriet. wid Charles.h h6:39 Verbeke " Harris Harry J., boilermkr,

' Harris Henry Rovai Gonnella. h 150!}b N 3d C Harris House, B.. mgr,&1401 Derry, proprs, 20Vernon




Harris Howard, laborer, 'h Hil6 Walnut Harris Jacob R, conductor, h 538 :\1aclay Harris Jessie M., saleslady. 318 Market. h 143 K 4th Harris John, laborer, h 1530 Vernon HARRIS JOHN T., div traffic mgr The BelI Telephone' Co. of Penna., 212 Locust, h 1812 State HARRIS J. PORTER & SON, (W. Domer), upholsterers, awningmakers and furniture, 221 N 2d see adv w. DOMER HARRI'" ESTABLISHED 1877'



aDd MaDufacturer. of




Elactr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Rally StS. Coogle

Digitized by

8peetaltT A B TACK f' Fre_lnC Hair" BOIldlDp I.Jiof TIn.. {dl. M.Iet ... PabU., Plaia lIIUDIateIGI'ftD

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris J hrrts Harris Harris Harris Harris


Katherine E., wid \ViHiam, h 1:t S Front Leo F .. upholsterer. 'h :!()4 ~ ::!d ?\lary l\1rs .. carpet sewer. h 1H3 S :!d .:'\linnie C. !\lrs .. h 50n Filbert ~athan ~., helper. h 184!) Swatara Philip E .. fireman. h 13~~ S 2d Ruth A., student, h 20 N 15th Sallie 1.., h 117 S Front San1t1c1 H ., boots and shoes. 1!n3 ~ 6th, h do Samucl M ., brakeman, h Hi31 Fulton Samuel R ., elk, 1H2!1 K Gth, h 1!)27 do Sarah, domestic, 413 Filbert Thomas, laborer, h nils Monroe \\'alter B., coachman. h Executive Mansion stables \Y. Domer, (j.l'orter Harris & Son), h 221 N 2d Harri~ Wilbur F., salesman. 7 S :!d, h 1812 State Harris \\'ilIiam, grocer, Ill:!!) N 6th, h do Harris William, laborer, h 3::!6 Calder Harris William H .. laborer, h 639 Verbeke Harris William S. Rev .. h 211 i'J 15th Harrisburg & Hummelstown Street Railwa\' Co . A. G. Knisely, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas, 12 S 2d Harrisburg Academy, N Front beyond limits Harrishurg Academy of Medicine, 31H N 2d

~T~ : : : : ~ Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. { :=.~


HARRISBURG ADVERTISING CO., H. E. Smith, pres; J. P. McCullough, sec and treas, 320 Market see adv
Harrisburg Apparel Co .. Inc., E. Moeslein, sec and treas; \\'est c North al

HARRISBURG AUTOMOBILE CO., George G. McFarland, pres and mgr; W. R. Blough, treas, Susquehanna c Hamilton
Harrisburg Auto School, James A. Brown. instructor, ::!30 South' Harrishurg Auto Tire Repair Co., (Ho\\'ard DeHart), 5 ~ 13th Harrisburg 'B enevolent Assn., 121 S 2d Harrishurg Blue Print Co., 14 S 2d




= V)

HARRISBURG BOARD OF TRADE, James A. Bell, mgr and sec, 112-114-116 Market
'Harrisburg Boot and Shoe Making and Repairing Co., (A. A. Boschelli), 1423 N 3d Harrisburg Bottling Works, (Max P . Johnson), 26 Grace Harri~burg Bridge Co., Willard S. Young, sec, 223 Market Harrisburg Brokerage Co., (F. A . and A. S. Smith), mdse hrokers, 1!108 N :!d Harrisburg Burial Case Co .. \\'. L. (;orgas, pres: J. K . Royal, sec and treas ; J. H. Spicer, Stlpt: 10th bel .:'\larket

THE PAT RIO T\>igilizedby

H. M. KELLEY &co.}Omces, :.~.If~~1.f~r::::{COAL AND WOOD

~ ~


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

:;; HARRISBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE, (John E. Garner), 322 Market HARRISBURG CARPET CO., (H. G. Heyd), 321 Market ~ Harrisburg Cemetery Assn., room 26 N 3d _ Harrisburg Cigar Co., P. A. Keppel, supt, 500 Race Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., William L. Gorgas, treas, 12 S 2d -- Harrisburg CIay Co., E. L. Rinkenbach, pres; M. L. Bowman, sec, 1215 N 3d U Harrisburg Clearing House Assn., C. A. Kunkel, pres; A. K. Thomas, sec; Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., mgr, 213 Market ca HARRISBURG CLUB, William Henderson, pres; Ed!! ward J. Hilton, supt, Front c .Market (/) Harrisburg Collar and Cuff Co.,(W. G. Starry), Buckthorn c Haehn1en Harrisburg Commission Co., George M. Coons, mgr, 15 N 2d I- Harrisburg Conservatory of Music. 607 N 2d U HARRISBURG CYCLE AND TYPEWRITER CO., c:( Harry C. Ross, pres; Charles E. Covert, treas; typewriters and supplies, 25 N 3d I- Harrisburg Dental Laboratory, G. E. Booda, mgr, 204 Market




a: o a:


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HARRISBURG DIRECTORY OFFICE, (W. H. BOYD CO.), 28 N 3d, room 7 HARRISBURG ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., F. R. Fencil, pres; R. L. Beckley, sec; E. F. Bobb, treas and mgr, jobbers electrical supplies, 111 S 2d HARRISBURG ENGINEERING CO., (George H. and Elmer S. Gross), 7th c Kelker see adv HARRISBURG FEED AND GRAIN CO., James W . Barker, mgr, 222-224 Market Harrisburg Flour Sack Mfy., (M. H. Plank). 1827 Penn HARRISBURG FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, 7th cCurtin HARRISBURG GAS CO., L. S. Williams, mgr, office, 14 S 2d


Builders of Special lIachinery. All classes of Engines and Pumps Repaired, Re bored and Rebuilt


I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR {1240 MlrkltStrllt

Digitized by


A. B. TACK ::::tt~~~e:~:~ IoU PODer ,ond IIndOW SD3dlS l~l~\~a~U.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

HARRISBURG GROCERY AND PRODUCE CO, H. R. Simonetti, pres and treas, wholesale grocers, 101 S 2d HARRISBURG HARDWARE CO., INC., W. H. Cleckner, pres; John W. Weibley, treas; H. A. Dill, sec, hardware and sporting goods, 5 N 2d Harrisburg Harness and Saddlery Co., (H. B. Beard), 19 S :kl Harrisburg Hat Co .. (Joseph (laster), 61 X ~d HARRISBURG HIGH SCHOOL, Prof. W. S. Steele, principal, Forster c Capital HARRISBURG HOSPITAL, James M. Lamberton, sec, Front c Mulberry Harrisburg Knitting :.\Iill. (\Y. H. Sheafer). :.!145 ~ 7th HARRISBURG LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER CO., E. Z. Wallower, pres; office, 153 N 4th; stations, 4th c South, 9th c Walnut HARRISBURG LOAN AND DEPOSIT CO., Daniel A. Teats, mgr, 5% S 3d HARRISBURG MANUFACTURINO AND BOILER CO., S. F. Dunkle, pres and mgr; E. L. Brayton, vpres; J. V. Kunze, treas; C. S. Greider, sec, 19th c Naudain HARRISBURG MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION, D. W. Cox, pres; J. H. Shopp, sec; W. L. Gorgas, treas. 222 Market

Harrisburg .:.\[ etal Works. (Samuel O. and \\'illiam S. Ree\),- brass founders. :.!d c Paxton HARRISBURG MOTOR CAR CO., (Samuel G. and G. Roy Sweetser), 105-107 Market see adv HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK, 16 S 2d see adv HARRISBURG NEWS AGENCY, INC., Redsecker Brinser, treas and mgr, all daily and Sunday Philadelphia, New York, Pittsburg and Baltimore newspapers, wholesale and retail, 102 S 2d Harrisburg ()ptical Cn .. Harry C. Ibach. mgr, :.!Ii N ~d Harri~hurg Paper nox Co .. .\ . Reeder Ferriday, 101-107 X Cameron Harrisburg Park Cn1l1111i~~i(:l1. \'. Grant Forrier, sec, 84 t~ nion Trust l>ldgOp .. n Day and NI"ht Both Phon...

::0 ~


Repairs""and" Supplies
Special Att.... tlon laven to T"url.tH
Floyd B1,'. MONEY ADVANCED} IlfDltPltNPENT LOAN {30:t-a Mark..tsq; AJlD Su;UanT co. 8 N.






105 AND 107 KARREr UREU. HARRISBURG, PA. - -- - --- -- -- ---- - - - Digitized by

McNEIL IS COUGH REMEDY ~~:l!O~::I~~= {AT1'~~~

358 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

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Harrisburg Paste \Yorks, \Y. H. Bolton, propr, 1:!6 N . Cameron HARRISBURG PIPE AND PIPE BENDING CO., J. Hervey Patton, pres; W. T. Hildrup, jr., sec and treas; D. E. Tracy, genl supt; pipe and coil mfrs, Herr c 10th . HARRISBURG PLANING MILL, (Daniel D. Boas est), H. A. Chayne, mgr, 2d nr Vine Harrisburg Post Card Co .. (A. ~I. Aurand), tl13 N 3d Harrisburg Public Library Association. \\". K. Alricks, treas, 1:!3 Locust HARRISBURG PUBLISHING CO., State Printer, 10th bel Chestnut HARRISBURG REPUBLICAN CLUB; Ashton D. Peace, sec, 28 N 2d Harrisburg Roll Grinding and Corrugating Co., T. F. Kewby, mgr. 4:!H South HARRISBURG ROLLING MILL CO., R. C. Neal, pres and treas; C. E. Covert, sec; mErs of skelp and bar iron, Lochiel Harrisburg- Rubber Tire \\"orks. (I. W. Dill), rubber vehicle tires, :'.Iulbern c Crescent Harrisburg Saratog'a Chip Co., (\Y. C. and L. H. Dolton), :!;)Il Crescent

Co PUla. -In,lnl Ih- 1 Secarib' Tltll 6uaraah and Surlh J . Icun { fllfIlI_ta' CuI"111 {Trot Bu1l41. . IJ I


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Z C 0

HARRISBURG SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, John C. Wensell, genl mgr, 18 N 3d see adv centre lines HARRISBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT, offices, 121 and 123 Chestnut Harrisburg Shirt Co .. (J. R. Rotc and G. S. Cooke), shirt mfrs. :!ti ~ :ld, room :!;) HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO., C. A. Disbrow, pres and mgr; J. A. Affieck, treas, 1404-1432 Vernon Harrisburg Silk :'.1 ills. (Pelgram & l'Ieyer), Xorth c 2d HARRISBURG SOVEREIGN CONSISTORY, 32d degree A. A. S. R., Jacob P. Barringer, sec, 324 North HARRISBURG STEAM HEAT AND POWER CO., William Jennings, pres; J. K. Greenawalt, jr., sec and treas; T. Adams, supt, 118-128 Short Harrisburg Stock Yard, G. W. Pressley, supt, 2139 N 7th Harrisburg Stone Works, G. Black). 11th c :Mulberry Harrisburg Storage Co., D. Bailey Drandt, sec and treas, P. R. R. c South Harrisburg Supply Co., (H. Kushel and S. Swartz), installment, 101 Filbert Harrisburg Taxicab and Baggage Co., J. L. Shearer, pres; \"'1. p. jIaguire, sec and treas, Court c Strawberry HARRISBURG TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL, Prof. Charles B. Fager, jr., principal, Walnut c Aberdeen


ANDREW REDMOND{3d and Rln, Sta.

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l. B. TICK} FIN~~c~~A~I,,~~~,,~ol~!fER { 1216 NOrtIJ ltJlrd stroot

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 3;')9

flARRISBURG TELEGRAPH, Telegraph Printing Co., 216 Federal sq see adv ITt -Iarrisburg Title Co., real estate, 21 X 3d 2 -Iarrisburg Traction Co., Edward Bailey, pres; William J. Calder, sec and treas, 12 S :!d fJ) iARRISBURG TRANSFER CO., T. L. Wallace, mgr, P. R. R. freight depot iARRISBURG TRUST CO., 16 S 2d see adv iARRISBURG UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION, rW. C. Armor, sec and treas, 4 N Court r-Iarrisburg Viavi Co., (E. E. English), 8 N 2d iARRISBURG WATER AND LIOHTING DEPT., PI John Affleck, pres, Court House, works, ft North -Iarrison Annie, wid Albert, h 304 Mulberry -I -Iarrison Edward D., laborer, h 1730 Walnut PI -Iarrison Elmer S., h un S Dewberry C -Iarrison ~Iary, wid Jacob, h 515 Cowden -Iarrisan Ralph, laborer, h 1614 Walnut -Iarrison Ralph F., laborer, 'h 1618 Walnut -Iarrison Samuel, salesman, h 518 :\'orth -Iarrison Wm. H., car inspector P. R. R., h 1629 Wallace -Iarrison William H., jr .. candymkr, ,h 11129 Wallace -Iarrison William R., laborer. h :W4 Mulberrv -Iarro Howard H .. foreman P . R. R., h 1001 Cowden -larro Salinda, wid Henry, h 152 Sylvan ter



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iARRY D. D., cigars and tobacco, 14 N 3d, h 1521 N 2d

-larry George M., mgr, 14 N 3d, h 1::;21 :\ 2d -larr\' Herbert D., elk, 210 Walnut, h 1521 ?\ 2d -larsh Jacob c., lineman P. R. R.. 'h 2312 Jefferson -{art Anne E .. wid Franklin. h tnll:! S Cameron -Iart Barnett H. Rev ., h 1!114 N 3d -lart 01arles 0., policeman, h 122 S :~d -lart C. Vincent, physician, 226 S 2d, h do -lart Ella L., h 807 N 2d 1art Harry H .. machinist, h :{03 Briggs -fart Harrv ~ .. laborer. h 1215 S 9th 1art Tames, laborer, h 1006 Fox -Tart )ob. policeman Capitol. h 235 S 14th -Tart Tulia. wid Tohn. h 1006 Fox

iART LANE S., pres First National Bank, pres Commonwealth Trust Co., h 400 N 3d -fart Laverne J.. elk, 421 S 2d, h 2:15 S Uth -I:>_rt ~lichat'l H., meat. 112:1 N Cameron, h do -Tart Robert i\J., laborer. h lOIl2 S Cameron -Tart Salome. wid William R., h For N 2d -Tarter .-\aron B .. enl,Yr. h 4!l K Hith larter Forrfst T.. Imlkeman. h 6112 \\'oodbine larter LeRov. fireman. h 49 X 16th larter WalIa'ce n., laborer. h 49 N 16th lartin John, opr. h 21106 State




,..,.. H M KELLty &, CO'S -Blaek Diamonds wben { 10th .......... . I .Iff To. of to next order. lI.t .....

,. 360

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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.


Hartman Abner 'vV., salesman. ~26 }Iarket, h 226 North Hartman Albert F., elk. h 4Hi S 13th Hartman Barbara E. Mrs .. h 6:33 Savford Hartman Charles B., elk, :l N 2rl, It 2f125 Penn Hartman Charles B., inspector, h 4:H S 13th J-Iarttnan Claude H., watchnlkr, 23 ~ !ld, h 701 ~ 6th Hartman Oaude N .. elk F. and 11. Works, h 441 Market Hartman Cornelius 'vV., craneman, h 3:30 Kelker Hartman Edward H., machinist. h 205 Kelker Hartman Eldridge B., lumber, 213 Walnut, h 4:17 S 13th Hartman Frank H .. machinist, h 4H S 14th HARTMAN G. WILLIS, physician, 1207 N 3d, h do;. office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. Hartman Howard F., machinist. hUN Cameron Hartman Jacob. shoemkr, 1214 Kittatinny, h 441 Market Hartman James A., linotype opr Telegraph, h Camp Hill Hartman Jerry ,T., painter. 513 Muench. h do Hartman Jessie R, teacher. h 4:17 S 1:1th Hartman John H., agt, livery. :t~4 Blackherry, h 442 \Val-nut Hartman John H .. machinist, h 14 ~ Cameron Hartman John H., machinist, h 255 Crescent Hartman Josiah, fireman, Lunatic Hospital, h do Hartman Louisa J.. domestic. HIl4 Fox Hartman Margie G., h Hj~~() X :~<1


HARTMAN PAUL A., physician, 514 N 3d, h do Hartman Rufus A .. (Mock & Hartman). h 2:~2 Maclay Hartman Sarah, wid Harman, h 11;45 X 6th Hartman Sarah E., wid Jacob R. h 1630 N :~d Hartman Victor, car repairer, h 16SIl Park Hartman William E .. brakeman, h 1506 N 4th Hartman \ViIliam E.. leverman P. R R. h 1205 Cowden. I-Iartmire Clyde .T., pres feeder, 201 X 2d. h 1620 Susq. Hartmire D. \ViJlis, pr'essman East End Bank apts, Hartmire J. Frank, pressman, h 1424 North Hartranft H. Howard. salesman, h 2!lO N 2d Hartranft Wilson H., h 2aO N 2d Hartwick Charles W., inspector. h Ita Conov Hartwick Edw. A., telegrapher P. R R.. h 102 Tuscarora, Hartz Adam, bartender. :124 Verbeke. h 1411 Penn Hartz Aoam, laborer. h 14H \Vveth Hartz Alice, wid David. h 1411 Penn Hartz Edgar 'vV., ironwkr. h 705 S Front Hartz Edward. tobacco stripper, h 2:!!l Liberty Hartz Emma. domestic. !?:W Libert\" Hartz Frank, sand flatter, h 17322 'Bartine Hartz Frederick, plumber, h 1814 Penn Hartz George H., sand flatter, h 1322 Bartine Hartz Harry, brakeman, h 229 Liberty Hartz Jacob, laborer, h 1417 Wyeth


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EmpJon _ bu' Amkllaa workmeD, heDce oDI, . . . A B TAC.} daaI'-'lIIId.1DIareIlt. Work done In auy panof S&ate J N.1218 1\ :idS"

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.


Hartz John, laborer, h 1814 Penn Hartz Lewis, sand flatter. h 1230 ~ Front Hartz Mary R., clressmkr. h 1411 Penn Hartz Samtiel, sanel flatter. h 1322 Bartine Hartz Wilhelmina, wid Samuel. h 205 Mulberry Hartz \VilIiam, blacksmith, h G16 Curtin Hartzell Ada K.. student. h 1414 Wallace Hartzell Almira F .. \\'id Elijah, h 220 S 17th Hartzell Amanda ~Irs .. milliner, 1313 N 3d, h clo Hartzell An1\', teacher. :!14 Pine. h 612 N 16th HARTZELL CHARLES V. REV., chief clerk factory inspector, Capitol, h 612 N 16th Hartzell Charles W .. bookbinder, h 106 S lith Hartzell Charles Z., brakeman, h 523 Kelker Hartzell Elmira F .. wid Elijah. h 21116 Derrv Hartzell Harry C, bookbinder, ~01 N 2d, h i06 S 17th Hartzell Harr~' F., car repairer. h 265 Delaware Hartzell Harry H., fireman, h 611 Calder Hartzell Helen. dressmkr. h fl12 X 16th Hartzell T acob S., brakeman, h 643 Boyd Hartzell Lorenzo F., flagman. h 1509 \VallaC'e Hartzell 11arion. stengr. 111 ~Iarket, h Carlisle Hartzell ~fartha J.. wid George L.. 1501! N 6th Hartzell William E .. oiler, h 1414 Wallace Hartzell William H., flagman, h 1310 Wallace

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Harvey Forrest E., student. h 614 Briggs ~ Harvey Gwin :'11., elk, AmI: Genl's Dept., Capitol, h 614 ~_ .... Briggs Harvey Harry P., usher. h 121 Cumberland Harvey John C. sec and treas Charles L. Bailey Inc., h lOG South Harvev Laurence Y., elk, 7 X 2d. h 210 Verbeke Harve\' Mason :'11.. brakeman, h 280 union Han'e\' l\Iav B., h H12 ~Iulberry Harvey Robert C, fireman, h 38 ~ 10th Harvey S. Harvey, elk Independent. h Hummelstown Harvey Thomas J .. laborer. h 1930 Kensington Han'ie James D., ins agt, Hi N' 2r, h 535 N 11th Harvie r. Donald, bar elk. h 5:15 X Cameron c:> ,..... Haselet 'John S., hostler, h 302 :\Iuench Haskim'TanHs. laborer. h 1Ii:!() Elm HASSETT MAURICE M. REV., rector St. Patrick's Ca- ~ thedral, h 212 State :=Q Hassett Samuel. conductor. 11 32;; \' erbeke Hassinger Damon. engr, h 544 \\' oodbine c::= Hassinger Isaac, car repairer, h ii44 \\' oodbine ~ Hassler David 1:., foreman. h IHa:! Briggs ~ Hassler Eli ?If.. supt Reservoir Park. h clo :=Q Hassler Flora ;\J.. h HI:.!2 Briggs -,:, Hassler Gilbert H .. elk sec COHm-lth. Capitol, h 204 N 2d

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~tturJ.':~~::{ 306 Bre.

Hassler Harriet Y., wea\'er, h 1UOl X 3d Hassler Hervey G., foreman, h Hl4 Conoy Hassler Samuel F., physician, :!7H ~orth, h do "'l! Hasson Annie ~lrs., h 3:!6 Basin ~ Has!"on Charles S .. elk. h 13nt Wallace Haswn Elizaheth, h 1301 \Y allace Ii I-Iasson If arry ~I., flagman, h 1301 \\' allace Hasson John, painter, h 13117 S l:!th Hasson ~Ian. dressmkr, h 1301 Wallace Hasson Samuel. conductor, h a:!5 Yerbeke Hasson William H., conductor, h 97 N 17th C Hastings Howard \Y., dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do c.:a Hatcher Catharine. wid Thomas Y., h 610 Buttonwood John, butler, :!UIl X z Hatchet Joseph, houseman, h3d Barbara c River c Hatchet Hatchet Roger, hostler, h Barbara c River Hatt eld Emma. dressmkr, h :!:10 X Court z Hatfield Ephraim S., cementer, h 437 Hummel C Hatfield Ceorge W .. laborer, h (;54 Verbeke c.,) Hatfield Tohn D., hrakeman, h 91:! Hemlock Hatfield RO\' M., brakeman, h 437 Hummel Hatfield Wiiliam D . fireman, h 1:11 N' Cameron c Hatton Bertie. domestic. an7 X Front ..J Hatton Ella. domestic, :~1l7 X :!r1 ..JL c~ Hatton John :\1., floorwalker. :.t!o :\Iarket. h 3:!O Crescent

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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.


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Title aaaran" an Sarety''fl-:"..~===-{Jn.~

Hatton William H. D. Rev .. h 160:! N 5th Hat\'ani Joseph. laborer, h 1:311 l\Iaple Hauck Alfred B., foreman, h Front c Seneca Hauck Harrison, ironwkr, h 3n X 13th Hauck John Goo cooper, h 2139 Greenwood Hauck Lloyd. elk. 141:5 Filbert, h Wormleysburg Hauck Ralph n., driver. h Front c Seneca J-Ictuck \Yilliam E .. molder, h :?141 Greenwood Hauck, see Houck Haudt'nschild Charles \Y., electrician. h 1718 N 4th Hau<1enschild Tacoh. laborer. h 1718 ~ 4th Hatlt.'r Annie E.. wid John M . h 113 ~ 4th Hauer Ellen M., uressmkr. 43 ~ ]3th. h do Hauer Harrv \\-., fireman, h 113 ~ 4th Hauer J. Eciwarcl, plumber. h 1m3 ~orth Hauer Mary E., stengr, 4 X Court, h 113 ~ 4th Hauer Raymond L., clk :'Iler. ~at. Bank, 1:!30 N 3d, h do Haul'r \\"iiliam Roo clk P. R. R., h U03 ~orth Hauk Eugenia Mrs .. h :!:!;; Hummel Haulman Allison 1'1., salesman, 3:!1 Market, h 110 Hoerner Haulman, see Hallman Haupt Charles W., clk, h 1;;14 \\"allace Haupt Evalena. knitter, h 1:!tl4 X 7th Haupt Harry H., janitor, h 1:!tl4:'1i 7th Hause George E., conductor, h 944 S 19t


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A. B. Tiel} IAlL PIPER ::::.W::i!J:! IliDOISHIDE8 {l'i.~~ 8&.

Boyd's. Harrisburg (11) City Directory, 1908.

HAUSE NATHAN E., chief clerk Auditor General's Dept., Capitol, sec Union Real Estate Investment Co., h 262 Boas Havens John J., fireman, h 1309 ~ 3d Havcrstick Edward S., ins sol, 4 S :!d, h 14291 Regina Haverstick ~Iary L., wid Benjamin L.. h 826 ?\ 3d Haverstock George, elk Telegraph. h :\ew 'Cumberland Haverstock Harry G .. conductor, h 1638 i\ 5th !Haviland Miles B., engr, h 153:! :\ 5t'h Hawbecker Linn, elk P . & R. pass depot, h Camp Hill Hawk David B., carpenter, h 11:,W Capital Hawk Flossie, machine opr, h i45 S :!li Hawk Isaac, blacksmith. h 1609 ~ 4th Hawk James B., carpenter, h 3:H Harris Hawk ~lary E ., cigarmkr. ,j, 3:H Harris Hawk Robert J ., laborer, h 608 X 18th Hawk Sarah B., cigarmkr, h 3:H Harris Hawk Warren , fireman, h 112~ ~lontgomery .Hawk \"'illiam, stonemason, h i:!3 9howers Hawk William H . stonemason. h 745 S 211 Hawk William J ., plasterer. h 1331 Howard Hawkins 'C ornelius C, wid James D., h :!51 Cumberland Hawkins Earo, domestic, ::W :\ Camcron Hawkins Edward F .. salesman. 24 ~ :!d. 'h 431l Hummel Hawkins Gladys, dressmkr, h 1II:!:! l\Iarket




Hawkins Hawkins Hilliard. laborer, h 11:!O Herr HAWKINS JAMES D., (est), B. H. Bowers, mgr, funeral director, 300 Cumberland N Hawkins Lambert. elevator opr Comwlth .. h 42i Basin l> Hawkins Lewis, laborer, h 32i Basin Hawkins Phoebe H .. h 110i Capital Hawkins William, laborer, h :!:!II S Court ~ Hawthorn Daniel \\' ., asst mgr telegraph P. R. R. depot, h 82 Disbrow Hawthorn Edmund C , mgr , 13:,W Thompson, h 112 S 14th :0 Hawthorn Frank H ., fireman, h till Calder l> Hawthorn Franklin J .. salesman , Ii S :!d. h 1:315 James CJ) Hawthorn Harold H., tracer. h 1111 SOutll Hawthorne Edna E., typewriter, h 2204 ~ 6th Hawrhorne James W ., baggagemaster. h 110 South 'Hawthorne Sherman T ., laborer, h 22114 N 6th '&wthorne Thomas P., rodman, h 110 South HaY ,Oharies L. , air inspector. h 425 Harris lRay John W ., physician and druggist , 1402 :\ 3d, h do Hay Luther M., sign painter, h 1402 N 3d Hay Mary, stengr, 213 Walnut, h 1402 N 3d HA Y SIGN CO., Harrisburg Advertising Co" proprs, 320 '" Market ;r Hayaski Yk, butler. 105 ~ Front a

SaYings and Loan Assn. u:~::: :0 C Harriet, wid James, h :!II X Cameron

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OI:R MOTTO: . - } HODes' Coal, BODe.' Welcbt

H M KELLty CIt c!n p. I;



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Hayberger Jacob, laborer, h 1732 Walnut Hayden Maude, dressmkr, h 27 N 17th a Hayes Anna E., h 1537 Hunter c:t Hayes Clarence E., electrician, h 1611 Market Hayes Effie, miIIiner, 3:-l4 l'.l'arket, h. 1527 Swatara a c.:t Hayes Eliza Mrs., domestic, 207 Briggs Hayes Ellen, wid Joseph, h 1537 Hunter Hayes Franklin H., elk, 1438 Derry, It 1537 Hunter a Hayes Harry E., asst mgr telegraph P. R. R. pass depot, h 1611 Market Hayes Harry F., (Ziegler & Hayes), h 1527 Swatara a E ) Hayes J. Elmer, elk F. and M. Works, h 1527 Swatara C Hayes John R., huckster, h 1145 Cumberland II: C;; Hayes Joseph, laborer, h 1205 Monroe 2 R. R., ....- Hayes William J., telegrapher P.State h 1730 Regina Hayes William P., tinner, h 706 Hayes Wilson, laborer, h 1709 Elm Hayman Isaac, laborer, h 504 Walnut Hayman Jacob, junk, h 504 Walnut I- Hayman Jennie A., wid John W., h 2122 Jefferson Hayman Lewis, picture frames, 417 \Yalnut, h do 0 Hayman Vernon c., machinist, h 2122 Jefferson c[ Haynes 1. \\' arren, car agt, h 1316 Derry Hayward Albert, laborer, h 116 Hoerner


Boyd's Harrisburg . Hayberger Oharles E., la:borer, City Directory. 1908. h 405 Filbert ~6!

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Hayward Richard W., employee Arsenal, h H16 N 7th Hayward Rich. W., jr., employee Arsenal, h 1308 Wallace Hazen John F., brakeman, h 1905 Green Hazzard Anna E., wid John H., h 1416 N 6th Hazzard Miller, watchman P. & R., h 1416 N 6th Heacock O,ester, elk, h 1226 N 7th Heacock Hannah, wid WiIIiam H., h 1226 N 7thHead Thaddeus. laborer. h :lUS Mulberry Heagle John, mgr, h 1608 N 3d Heagy Abram L., engr, h 1514 N 4th Heagy Clark G., foreman, 17th 'c Derry, h 1952 Derry Heagy George H., watchman, h 1737 Market Heagy George W., h 1833 Derry Heagy Harvey c., machinist, h 146 Linden Heagy John, blacksmith, h 503 Reily Heagy Levi, carpenter, h 1516! N 4th Heagy Levi R., stengr, h 1516 N 4th Heagy Loraine S., h 1737 Market Heagy Mirna, mgr, 8 N 2d, h 1833 Derry Heagy M'orris A., bar elk, 946 N 7th, h 943 do Heagy Rebecca Mrs., notions, 1516 N 4th, h do Heagy Robert M., warehouseman, h 1833 Derry Heagy S. Loraine, student, h 1737 Market Heagy William A., stockman, h 422 S 16th Heagy William H .. engr, h 1516 N 4th

I. L. sf". ClAIR{TAILOR{1240MlrkltStrett
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T:'Ub~~~~;:! II'. III

_,_Ira A. B. TACK ...


Bqyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

Heaps George \V., flagman, h ::?:~:3 S 14th Heaps Robert G., conductor, h :!l(i Chestnut Hearn Jennie Mrs . h :! Haehnlen Heart Kate L., wid Milton, h 1118 1\ 3d Heathcote John, supt :'letropolitan Life Ins. 'Co., 4 S 2d, h York Heaton Clara, domestic, 31 S Front Heberlig George Z., machinist, It 107 ~ 4th Heberlig Joseph, laborer, h 212 N 10th Heberlig Paul NL, machinist, h 107 N 4th Heberlig Phoebe, saleslady, 334 Market. h 1418 N 3d HeckOharles, lunch bar elk, 441 Market, h do Heck Henry c., plumber, h 43 N 13th Heck John, laborer, h 318 S 2d Heck John N., conductor, 'h 608 Peffer Heckard David V., laborer, h 1224 ~ Cameron Heckard John, brakeman, 'h 632 Peffer Heckard William, laborer, h 1224 N Cameron Heckard William E., laborer, h 1224 1\ Cameron Heckendorn L. Kate l\lrs .. dressmkr, h 318 Korth Hecker Nafhan, elk. 522 Walnut, h 612 State Hecker Samuel,bookkpr, h 612 State Heckert Elmer E., flagman, h 408 Reily Heckert George W., engine hostler, h 40S Reily

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} .,~~t,~~-:'~~K

Heckert George \V., mgr, h The Bolton Heckert Jacob F., blacksmith, h 1206 Bartine Heckert James B., laborer. II 417 Reily Heckert Norman c., car repairer, h 1908 North Heckman Harry A., conductor. h 1521 ~ 3d Heckman Ira, carpenter, h 33 N 12th Hedrick Jesse, h 312 Chestnut Hedrick Millard F., helper. h 12fia Bailey Hedrick Robert 0 ., h 1938 N 7th Heefner Acta. housl'kecper, h 1116 Penn Hf!efner Carl, elk Peipher Line, h 1244 Kittatinny Heefner Catharine. wid :'farion, h 1116 Penn Heefner Marguerite E., elk, h 1116 Penn Heeps Charles A . telegrapher P. R. R., h 23 Evergreen Hees M . Wolford :\Irs., milliner. h 1605 N 3d Heeter Elma A., saleslady, 311 Walnut, h do Heffelbower Nelson, carpenter, h 307 Clinton Heffelfinger Carrie E., opr. h 78 N 17th HEFF'Er,F~'NGER EDWARD A ., !>res East End Bank, ~ 120 S 13th HI ~:~ :ti:'~('r l~ . (;,rtr\1lk. h l:!fI :-.; l:hh HI ti"e; Georgia. cpr. 'h 7~ :\ 17tl> Hdfc:llngcr :'Iarion, opr, h 78 N 17th Heffelfinger Roger F., machinist, h 78 N 17th fIeffelfinger William H., cabinetmkr, h 78 N 17th


CLARK'S =I~= Drug and Patant Medicine Storel=(I~~C.

Heffelman John F., chauffeur, 111 1Iarket, h Xew Cumberland C Heffinger Xelson, bar clk, 1237 X 7th, h do c=i Hdfken Anna E., dressmkr, h706 N 19th Hefflefinger T. ~flilton, cooper. h 1020 S Cameron c Heffner Andrew F .. postal elk, h I:Ui Kittatinny c=i a: HEFFNER DANIEL F., (Peerless Hand Laundry), 206 iii Chestnut, h do toHeffner Jeremiah, postal elk. h 1510 Hunter 1I,.,t .2 .. Heffner \Villiam, fireman. h 956 X ith !g Heffner, se'e Haffner j&: Hefkin Hoyt H., elk. 2026 N 5th, h do .. Heikin LiJiian, grocer, 2026 N 5th, h do .. Hefright l\Iary h 140~ ~J Heicher Harry J., wid Henry,l\larket. Xorth S 14th H." mgr, 329 h 4!m II" Heicher Elizabeth, wid Levi F .. h 1110:1 Cowden U) Heicher John H., elk, h 1003 Cowden Hcicher Marion Y . bookkpr. 426 Market. h 147 Sylvan ter z: Heichf'r l'.licha,el U., fruit, 19 N 20. h 14i Sylvan ter housekeeper. 14i Sylvan ter E Heicher Reba L., agt, h 1314 \\'iIIiam Heicher Viola S., ~ c Heidelbaug'h Harry T., telegrapher P. R. R., h 2007 N 6th Q. Heiges Cora Mrs .. h 580 Showers ~ Heiges George S., salesman, 20fl Locllst, h 908 Green en Heiges Harry D., car repairer, h 1425 Xorth C




Boyd's Harrisburg (II) City Directory, 19Q8.



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Heiges James V., timekeeper. h 412 S 17th Heiges John L.. warehouseman. h 412 S 17th Heiges Lloyd P., laborer, h 580 Showers Heiges O. Rl1s!oell, timekeeper. h 412 S lith Heiges Park E . laster, h ]():{ Tuscarora Heiges \VaIter C, teacher. h 9ns Green Hf'igrs William B., checkman P. R. R.. h 412 S 17th Heik Fannie 0 .. nurse. h 21H Hamilton Heikel Frederick, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Heiken Shem. laborer, h (l:H \Valn\1t Heikes Catharine D., h 226 \"erbeke l-hikes Edward. piano tuner. ] 5 S 2d, h :!6j Herr Heikes Emma, domestic, 151:3 ~ cah Heikes George D., tinner, h 226 Verbeke Heikes Robert Y., elk, h 446 S 14th Heikes Sarah, wid Levi, h 21:37 Jefferson Heikes, see Hikes, also Hykes Heiland Jonas F . foreman. 5UO Race, h 326 Crescent H eilbronner Ida. h fl27 N :3d Heilig Charlrs E., laborer. h 250 :\Iaelav Heilig Sarah R.. saleslady, 9 N 2d. h 56 Balm Heilig Simon P .. salesman, h 56 Balm Heilig Winfield S., salesman, h 51i Balm H{'~lman Caroline E .. stcngr, lla N 2<1. h :\Iechanicsburg Hellman Susan C. domestic. 205 Pine

Redmond's Wagon Works }~~Jdi'~l(;b~~~-DIr-Ir-{3-d-an-d-Re-lI-y-St-So Coogle

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t B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades {1:16d:.r::~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 367

feilman William ~f., laborer, h 35:1 Nectarine -Ieim Charles S., car repairer, h 632 Emerald -Iei;:1 George, conductor, h 411 Hamilton feim George W., calIer P. R R, h 11:!8 Cowden feim OscarS., elk P. R R, h 1208 Penn feim Serena L. Mrs., dressmkr, h 12 Aberdeen feim Willoughby F., postal elk, h 243 ~ 14th fein Elizabeth A., charwoman, h 1825 Rudy feinbach James B., brakeman, h 522 Woodbine -Ieinbach \Vilfred F., foreman, h 1434 Berr!'hill feinbaugh Edwin, brakeman, h 1432 K 6th feiner John C, flagman, h 425 Dauphin feinev Catharine, h Home from the Friendless -Ieiney Elmer, engr, h 1210 Cowden -Ieiney Frank, h 1:?10 Cowden -Ieininger George, cigars, e43 Market, h do feinlv BennevilIe, h 345 S 14th -Ieinly Mary A., dressmkr, h 345 S 14th -Ieinly William S., carpetlayer, h 1308 Vernon -Ieinman ~1ary, saleslady, !l34 l'1arket, h :\Iechanicsburg feins J. Wesley, auditor, h 114 N 2d -Ieintzman Marv, domestic, 101 N Front -Ieiser Harry B:, engr, h 1427 N 6th -Ieiser Harry S., clk P. R. R pass depot, h 1427 N 6th -Ieiser William H., barber, h 333 Boyd

feiserman John H ., brakeman, h 1000 ~ 7th 1:eisev Annie, h 1185 Bailey feisey Christianna Mrs., h' 8 S Hith ~eisev Daniel H., collector, h 504 N 3d ~eisey Daniel M., elk, h 1734 Fulton ~eisey Harry F ., laborer, h 1734 Fulton Heisey Harry F., stengr C I. and S. Co., h 1403i Regina Heisey Henry L., bookkpr, 36 ~ Cameron, h 44 N 12th ~eisey John A., fireman, h 635 Peffer N ;.. Heisey John A., postal elk, h 338 Hummel n Heisey John M., painter, h 620 Forster :c Heisey Levi T., telegrapher P. & R, h 124 N 13th ;.. ~eisey Lydia, h 1185 Bailey Heisey Mary E., wid Jacob S., h 1734 Fulton ; .. Heisey Noah T., chief dispatcher P. & R , h 21 S 16th V) Heishlev Christian I., meat. 2:m North, h do Heishley Harper F ., elk, 2:39 North, h 29 Evergreen Heisler George W., puddler, h 140(1 S 13th en Heisler Joseph H., laborer, h 28 S Cameron Heisler Martin L., insurance, 14 S 2d, h 1211 Kittatinny i5 Heisler Newton, elk, 14 S 2d, h \Vormleysburg K ~EISLER W. HARRY, mgr dept illustrating Cumberland Pub. Co., 111 Market, h 1907 Green Sen Heisley Harry C, inspector, h 1314 Susquehanna ~ Heisley l\lary J ., wid John S., h 1314 Susquehanna
Th_ " . p _ r "or aportlft_

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H M. KELLEY & CO. no~rth a:~::-rg ( City ector 908.







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HEIST ALBERT C., hotel, 729 State, h 727 do H' Au n~ \. It, h ,.. ~ State IS H. taura Car , WI< ark'~ 1 a:!:. 4th Heist Charles. h 7:!1 ~tate Heist Charles n.. buffer, 11 :J:!:! S 14th Fn 'ck J. her, I~ace :!7 S ST DE KA MRS agle el, Race, h do Heist 1 larry C. elk.:n!l ~Iarket. It ,:!, State tor. I . I Stll I.. in ~la I Wi .,rerl .h 1 elster Patrick. engr, It 11):10 1\ lith Heister, see Hiester r ;)th HI 11 1\ 1 1:; 1 1in J' aken ich 1,04 gc \\ ainte h J erich enry R., conductor, It 1;)11 ~ :Jth Helfrick Charles S .. barber, It 1;:;11 ?\ ;:;tl1 er, h - , i\ ~ J-f If ick L . S, ca ick er R ber, llX Ie er Har )ara A., \\ I( Ed\,,, ard Loo It "".1 Race Heller Charles C. janitor C nion Trust Co., h ~4:!() State .;;., elk nv. Pt t . Rec H 11 r Ed h I:! erry , Bo I r Ed I L., r FlorLnee. tramed nurse, :!:n _oas Heller George VIi., accountant, 14 S :!d, h :!;{7 Boas







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Heller Harry J., elk, h :l4:~ Peffer Heller Jacob, varieties, :l4:~ Peffer, It do idA am ~ I:!06 ry r Ja erry , h I:! I r Jo " he Heller John E., brakeman, h 513 Hamilton Heller Leon Rev., h 41l S Court , for r N ,h7 ace m R, grap rW P. R h 12 erry Hellerman Emory G., machinist, h 1503 Penn Hellerman George J., bookkpr State Highway Dept. h 10 B s rma ram, Z7N Hellerman Joseph I., elk P. R R, h 1127 N 6th Hellerman Sallie E., music teacher, 112-7 N 6th, h do :!7 \ ut, h er B , tel ne 0 7 Gr er G kr, h Gre e, st - Hellier Raymond, elk. It lfi17 Green Helm J. Glarles, elk, h 2()12 Susquehanna nspe h 91 pital To \V., ist, .,m on man 4 Je Helman Luther Moo postal elk, h 1517 Green Helms Eliza, domestic Senate Hotel, h 434 S Cameron enat tel, ron orne s E SC KP mars t,20 uth ing d, Ja Helt Daniel D., director of the poor, C H., h.Loyalton





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A. B. TACK }PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER{1lII:"~o~;~ *Boyd's Harrisburg (11) City Directory, 1908. 36f1
Heltzel George c., painter. h :!o-t~ Susql1ehanlla Helwig James R. , h 417 :\Iuench HEMLER HAMILTON D., pres Merchants' National Bank, pres Central Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., h 918 N 3d Hemminger Bruce. lahorer. h 1~1:1 Briggs Hemminger Frank, machinist, h 71:) l\ l!lth Hemminger John. h Hn:{ Briggs Hemminger Wallace E., laborer, h 7W~ l\ l!Hh Hemp :\laggie. domestic, 2an South Hempel Ernest. laborer. h 33 !\ l:Wh Hempel Minnie :\lrs . cigar mfr, ;{:; ~ l:tth, h do Hemperley A. Ella, h 21 l'\ UHh Hemperley Bessie S., h 21 :\ 1~tal Hemperley W. Scott, conductor, h :!1 l\ 1:{th Hemperly Catharine, student, h W:!H Green Hemperly 'Cyrus. stable boss, h 1110 Capital Hemperly Elsie E., dressmkr, 6:!5 Peffer, h do Hemperly Emily K .. dressmkr. 1i'05 ?\ Cameron, h do Hemperly Frank H .. laborer, h Ii:!:; Peffer Hemperly George W . trav salesman. h Hi:!G Green Hemperly Joihn E., salesman. h ;{OfJ Kelker Hemperly John M ., mgr :\iiller Bros. & Baker, h 1~()3:\ Cameron Hemperly Julius A.. laborer, h li:!5 Peffer _ __ __ _




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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~t.:i~:'~~1IC


Hemperly :\an M .. teacher, h l/i:!fi Green Hemperly ?\ettie P., elk, 7n3 N ad, h 1110 Capital Hemperly Russell F., brakeman. h 111 N 4th Hemperly William :\1., collector, h 530 :\taelay Hence Emma M., dressmkr, 1518 W~lIace, h do Hence Harry, conductor, h 34 W Sun1mit HenCh Charles F ., asst storekeeper, h 232 Harris Hench David M., draftsman, h 411 S 14th Hench Euphemia ]., wid Samuel A., h 807 Green Hench Harry E., painter, h 411 S 14th Hench Harry F., (Hench & Wilson). ih 614 N 2d Hench John M., elk P. R. R., h 617 Muench HenCh Nicholas I., (X. I. Hench & Co.), 11 1017 N Front Hench N. I. & Co., (K I. and l'\. P. Hench est), notions. wholesale, 7 N 2d Hench R. Irvin, hostler, h 411 S 14th ~ Hench Uriah H" laborer, h 637 Hamilton Hench William S., shirt mfr,h 807 Green ~ Hench & Wilson, (H. F. Hench and H . B. Wilson), notions, 325 Market ~ Henderson Adele D., elk, h 335 Walnut Henderson Albert F., hostler, 324 'Blackberry ~ Henderson Benjamin F . contractor, 11 S 17th, h do ::11::1 Henderson David B., laborer, h 618 Peffer ~ Henderson 'Ellen, wid Nathan, h 335 Hamilton tA


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Henderson Frances, domestic, 11n~ Calder Henderson George S., brakeman, h 13 S 16th Henderson Harry c., linotype opr Independent, h 201 S Front l! Henderson Hattie V., trained nurse, h 618 Peffer ~ Henderson Jacob R., brakeman, h 618 Peffer .. III Henderson ~Ialcolm D., car repairer, h :!017 Fulton -,:,s Henderson ~lary. wid Joseph, h 518 Emerald =':; 0 .. Henderson Ernest, l1li= Henderson }Iaude A., wid Bureau h 1010 Cowden Briggs Robert J., elk Railways, h 612 ~! Hendersun S. Percy, carpenter,. h 518 Emerald .~ 08 H enclerson William, elk, :!1!1 Market, h 25 ~ Front QIIII Henderson \ Villiam H., ticket agt P. R. R., h 111 S Front ~ Henderson \\'illiam T., contractor, 518 Emerald, h do ~ Henderson William 1\1., h :!O()5 Green CD)o O~ Hendricks Charles, barrel dealer, h 51 N Cameron Hendricks Charles E., 10 S EO Hendricks Mary Mrs., salesman, Bailey2d, h Steelton h 1185 ~z z- Hendricks Samuel H., elk, 193 N 15th, h 1610 Zarker C.A Hendrickson Clarence fl.. frt agt, h ;)36 Peffer ~C CDD: Hendrickson Robert. janitor. :1:!4 :\Iarket, h 123 Short 1&1111 D:II) Henery Charles R., (Henery & Gilmore), h 2045 Derry C.A Henery John S .. molder. h 1:!!l5 S l:lth Ii. Henery Walkrr L., elk P. R. R., h 2009 :'t.Ioltke Henery William C, molder. 1:!il5 S 13th

: : ~:;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~3~r"-~=

370 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

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-----------------------Electric Automobiles} ANDREW RED!~i~e~ b!~~~dl~J SII.

Henery & Gilmore, (Charles R. Henery and Alfred G. Gilmore), cigars and pool, Hl~() l\larket Henneberger John F., h 3n9 Clinton Henneberger Rae E., milliner, h 311!) Canton Hennecke Frederick L., huckster, h 825 N 3d Hennecke John A., produce, 1339 James, h 1337 do Hennecke Sarah J., charwoman. h ~54 Verbeke Henney Joseph E., carpenter, h 1062 S 9th Hennig Charles]., supt silk mill, h ~()3 Harris Hennig Minnie, dressmkr, h ~03 Harris Henning Elmer. laborer, h !I:!4 Penn Henning John H .. e1evatorman P.O., h 1935 Penn Henning Joseph H .. elevatorman. Capitol, h 1437 Swatara Henricks Franklin P., laborer. h 1501i Thompson Henry Aaron ]., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., h 210 N 3d Henrv Ada :\L salesladv, ~15 :\'1arket, h 614 N 18th Henr)' A. Ethel, stengr; h 612 Schuylkill Henry Alberta; wid John, h 7 Sherman row Henry Alexander, jr., civil engr, h 114 ~ 2d Henry Amos F., repairsman, h HH8 State Henry Christian C, laborer, h 61~ Schuylkill Henry Claude E., helper, h 1H18 State Henry Cloyd E., fireman, h 5fl1t Hamilton Henry Edison R., tinner, h 614 N 18th Henry Edward. driver, h 518 North


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8peelaUy A B TACK lfJ!'reeeolnc Hake. aBotldlDcaln01Plain Tin.. {11'8 N.8d I'nbUc Xl;tlmat.eeGlna

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 371

Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henrv Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henr)' Henry Eleanor M., waitress, 334 l\Iarket, h 2034 1\ 4th G. DuBree, laborer, h 190fi l\loltke George E., car inspector, h 22 r\ 13th George F., painter, h llO!l ~ Front Harrison, telegrapher, h 614 K 18th Harry, laborer, h 705 East Hotel, Thomas Henry, propr, 2:n Strawberry Isabella, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do John, laborer. h 111 Tanner John G., photographer, h 12181 Derry John K., ins sol, 4 S 2d, h Royalton Tohn R, elk. 227 \Valnut. h 14:I!l Derrv ":.finerva D.. tel opr. 227 Walnut, h 1i14 K 18th Owen. (0. Henry & 50n), h Is;!:i Derry O. & Son, (Owen and Thomas). oils, Paxton c 9th Ralph L.. telegrapher. h 1~14 Cn'en Rav E., milliner, h 1918 State Retlben c.. leveler, h 614 ~ 18th ~ 'nomas. (0. Henry & Son). propr. Henry Hotel, ~ 2:n 5trawbern. h do ~ Henry Thomas laborer. h 402 Verbl'ke I.~ Henrv Walter L., elk, h 2009 Ivfoltkc t" Henschen George X. c., teacher High 5chool, h 269 Herr Hensel Effie. wid Tohn, h 16I!) X ~d X H entsch Irvin, laborer, h 411 S 14th ;,:.


;'M~:g::} Harrisburg

Hentschel Wilhelmine, :a Hepford Alice R, stengr, 323 Verbeke, h 411 ~Iac1ay Hepford David, asst machst Lunatic Hospital, h do n Hepford David G., trucker, h Front nr ~eneca Hepford George, laborer. h 21j:~4 Jefferson N Hepford Herbert P., collector, 227 \\'alnut, h 411 :\Iaelay ~ Hepford John E., fireman, h 1805 1\ lith X Hepford John W., engr, h 2H:~4 Jefferson > Hepford Julia, wid John, h 6~2 Calder :a Hepford :'.Iatilda. wid 5a11111el. h 180;) ~ lith Hepfonl ~L Gertrude, teacher, h 411 :'Ilac1ay Hepford l\iinerva 5., teacher, h 411 ;\Iaelay Hepfonl )Jellie J.. milliner. h 411 :\faclay Hepford Samuel G .. physical director. h ~II-t!l 1\ 4th Hcpkins Ellen, saleslady. 400 I\farket. h 2~6 Boas Hepkins Jacob, fruit, 2:!6 Boas, h do Hepler G. Wellington, contractor, h 20n Kelker Hepler William. steelwkr, h 2207 Berryhill Heppehamer Annie, domestic. 180!! :\ :kl Hepperle John, meat, 532 S Cameron. h do Hepperle John, jr., boilermkr. h ri:'i:i SlOth Herb J. Newton, postal elk, h 28 S l;l1h Herbein Jc,hn R, eng-r. h 4:t4 S 17th Herbert Alice ~\'1., wid Charles, h l~\o!) Wallace Herbert Edgar J., leverman P. R R., h 10n2 Green

Savings and Loan Assn. ~ i: ::..."! < > wid ' Frederick, h 4:n Kelker al




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H. I. KELLEY" CD.}ODlCes, :1t~~:.r..~~r:~{CDAL AND WOOD

372 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.



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H crbert George, laborer, h 440 S Cameron Herbert Ceorge D . journalist. h :1:!:1 ~Iaclay Herbert Granville S., wire chief. :!:!7 Walnut, h 2211 Logan Herhert Hannah F. :'lr5., hottseheper. jOf) East Herbert Henry, elk, h 71!) Cowden Hebert Henn:, ir .. driver, h 71ll Cowden HERBERT JAMES C., news editor Patriot, h 323 Maclay Herbert John, laborer. h :!:!:!4 Logan Herbert William E .. lineman, h 1:!1II Hickory Herbst Charles P., inspector, h 1:!2:! Swatara Herchelroth Gertrude R, wid Eli, h 1~35 1':orth Herchler John, bricklayer, h Hi7 Paxton Herman Uenj. ~., acct. Reily c Fulton. h HIHi Green Herman Charles C, elk, P. R R., h ;11 7 X 2d Herman Edwin S . (J. C. Hernpn & Co.). h Front nr 1\Iaclav Herman Elina :\1., wid Christian, h 21~ Kelker Herman Elizabeth Mrs., h W3ll N' 7th Herman Frederick P., laborer. h :H4 Granite . Herman George \V., laborer, h Hi:!!} N 5th Herman Harry G., grocer, 1214 i'.: Cameron, h do Herman James R, tallyman P. R. R. h :!lI.i S 15th Herman John Armstrong, lawyer, :~:~:~ ~larket. treas Highspire Water Co., h !.I N Front


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Herman John C, policeman, h !I3() Grand HERMAN JOHN C. & CO., (E.S. Herman), cigar mfrs and wholesale tobacco, 22 N 3d Herman John :\1., trucker P. R R freight depot, h 1113 Kittatinnv Herman LeRoy F., checkman P. R R, h 1312 Howard Herman Machine Shop, (1\1. P. Herman). ;Ui S 4th Herman MaT\" E. Miley. wid :\Ianasseh. h HiII3 Green Herman l\Ielvin P., (Herman ~lachine Shop), h Camp HiIl Herman Stewart W. Rev., h an Walnut Herman Thomas J., fireman, h 1I1t1~ Cowden Herman William H., conductor, h 1312 Howard Herman 'William H., jr .. electrician. h 44 N 13th Hermansderfer Elizabeth, h 5aa Race Herr Agnes. wid John, h f)21 Cumberland Herr A. Jackson, (cst), 14 S 2d Herr Alvin V., carpenter. h 57 X Dalm Herr Andrew J., painter, h 1241 Bailey Herr Annie c., wid John B.. h 4:!fi~ Boas Herr Catharine. milliner, h 1537 Swatara Herr Clara Mr:;., dressmkr. 12a!l Dailey, h do Herr Daniel C, lawver, 14 S 2<1. h 1ll'N Front Herr David G., machinst. h 334 Harris Herr Edwin C, farmer. h Verbeke c 14th Herr Elizabeth, h 2GO Worth

1 L. ST. CLAIR{"AIL<=!i~b!~~~gtrS1ntt

A. B. TACK :::tt~~e:!:~1Iall paper Dnd WindOW Shndes I=1~\~8CJI~

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

Herr Emma. tobacco stripper, h 418 S River Herr Emma H. ~d rs., h 1!II7 i\ 6th Herr E. Rus!'elJ, farmer, h 14th c Verbeke Herr Isaac \V., blacksmith. h :1:1~ Crescent Herr Jo!'eph, laborer, h 1:!:15 Bailey Herr LeRoy, flagman. h 41:.! Strawberry Herr ~Ianton ~I.. stonecutter. h 1:;:17 Swatara Herr Mary, wid John E .. h 1102 :\ Cameron Herr KannieG., wid Andrew T., h In ?If Front Herr Ralph ~I.. draftsman. :!lU Market, h nailing Springs Herr Robert \V., blacksmith. 11 15:n Swatara Herr Sadie, cigarmkr, h 2:!:! S 15th Herr Sadie E., wid Daniel B . h 1:;37 Swatara H err Samuel. salesman. fi S :!d, h 1:1:1:! ~ Gth Herr Sarah, domestic, SOH N fith herr Sarah A., wid David S .. h 2Hl Pine Herre John 1-1 . baker, h l:!lIi ~ 7th Herre 'Louis C .. baker, h H:ill Woodbine Herren Jennie ~Irs., h 2 Haehnlen Herring Annie L., wid Harry. h WIt Cowden Herring Bertha B., teacher High Schoo1. h 11 0:1 i\ :.!d Herring George A .. laborer, h 1011 Cowden Herrington James L.. masseur, 1:!OO ~ :1<1, h do Herrmann Augustus \V., molder. h :11i Balm Herrmann Frank H., hostler, h Wi:.! Roy<1

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~t.~~~~~E

Herrmann Margaret F .. hou::ekeeper, :lfi Balm Herrmann \vilJiam, baker, h lOO!) ~larket Herrmann \Yilliam F ., laborer. 11 7 Aberdeen Herron \VilJiam E .. waiter Coml1l o nwealth, h 3:!:{ S 15th Herschlev Winfield S., laborer. h 111 S River Hersh H'omer \Y., brakema'n. h 1718 Fulton H ersh ~[orris. tailor, 27 ~ ,;th, h cia Hersh Samuel H., elk P . R. R., h H:!O Penn Hershberger Russell, stec1wkr, h 411 ~tarl,et Hershev Catharine ~f'rs., h :!1:! S l:;th

HERSHEY CHRISTIAN W ., propr The Dauphin, 309 Market, h do HERSHEY CLINTON M., real estate and insurance, rooms 10 and 11, 9 S 2d, h Hummelstown HERSHEY DAVID U., Hershey House, 327-329 Market, h do
Hershev Hershev Hershe~' Hershey Hershev DeWitt. l;tborer. h I:!:! Dock Edwin :\1.. lawn-r. 1.f ~ :~d. h Derrv Church Elizaheth E .. salesladv. :1:1.f }Iarket: h 1~41l ~orth Harry C, train dispatcher P. R. R.. h l!l14 Green Harrv E., 11 1110 ~ ad Hershe~' Harr~' L .. cnl int rewnue. P. n. bldg. " :~2!! X :!d Hershe~' House. n. cr. Hershev, propr, :127 ~~Iarket Hershey Isaac H., flagman, h 'IHII Vernon Hershey J. DeWitt, laborer, h 1:!:! Dock - - - -- - _. - ---- --Floyd MONEY ADVANCED} OItPENPE\IIT LOAN {301I.8 Harke' A.D SEeC.ITT CO. 8 N.
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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

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Hershey Peter S., carpenter, h 5f.i4 Race Hershock \Villiam F., telegrapher, 15 X 2d, h 1~8 Chestnut Hershman Luther F., polisher, h ~136 Greenwood Hertz Edward, inspector, h 1528~ N 4th Hertz John, mac'hinist, h 412 Forster Hertz Lerov P .. machinist, 'h 413 Pear Hertz WilIi'iull, inspector, h 1528t X 4th Hertz \Villiam H .. cngr water works. h 412 Forstcr Hertz William K., machinist, 'h 2ili :\luench Hertzler Albert A., engr, h lU~ X 6t h Hertzler Davis. conductor, h 321 Herr Hertzler Elizabeth H., wid Rudolph, h 1927 Briggs Hertzler Ella ~ .. weaver. h H127 Briggs Hertzler Frank C. machinist. 11 IH27 Briggs Hertzler George E., craneman. h 1!}~i TIriggs Hertzler Howard D .. cash P. 1<. R. frt depot, h 1401 N 6th Hertzler Russell C. student. h a~1 Herr Hertzler Samuel M., engr. h 1401 N nth Hertzog Camphell H., draft~man Dept. Int. .-\ffairs, h 810 Capital Hertzog Bharos H., inspector Diy. Zoology. Capitol, h 255 North Hertzog Walter S . State inspector of high schools. h 1901 Green Herzog Annie :\Trs .. h 1213 N Ht'h

-8 'IIIH. 11111 8erurtty nlll &ulraaty lad Surety Co SCRlIlO., { fllflll 1,I lrICI. {TrUllt BulldlD. PE,.'.


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Herzog Harry J., elk, 4111 Chestnut, h 3111 S River Hesko Mic'hael, laborer. h lUIi Christianna Hess Adam R., telegrapher P. R. R .. h f):n Boas Hess A. Lafayette, chipper, h :3n X Summit Hess Anne :\lrs .. 'h 14 Cowden Hess Annie 1'1., h 1ft!9 Boas Hess Annie 1\1., saleslad\', a18 :\Iarket, h :\Ian's\'ille Hess Benjamin B., roller. h 13~5 :\Iaple . Hess 'Benjamin F., hooker. 11 l:t!il :\Iap1c Hess Carrie, dressmkr, 4nn :\Iarket, h Steelton Hess Charles K., shipper C I. and S. Co., Ii 126 Dock Hess Christian, baker. h 1~::?5 Raile\' Hess Christian :\1.. carpenter. h !llll )J lith Hess Clara S., waitress. 11:l :\larket. Ii do Hess Clarence E., (:\-1. W. Hess & Son), h 1815 George Hess Daniel. blacksmith, h 14 Honev Hess Daniel B., butcher, 1929 Boas, 'h do Hess Delilah. wid John, h l~H Dock Hess Edg'ar D., plumber, h 14 Honey Hess Edwin H., druggist, 1530 N 6th, h do Hess Elea"or L. Mrs .. milliner. h 1006 K mh Hess Ellsworth. shoecutter. h ::?O X VHh Hess Emerson C, elk. 416 Market. h 15 Linden Hess Emma. domestic, 1321 ~ 6th Hess Ervin S., pool. 30!l Verheke. 'h 1415 Walnut



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I. B. TACK} FIN!KO~~A~I.~!-~,,~o,~~R {1116 Mono rrurg 81rOOI

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 37[;

Hess Frances L., teacher, h 1006 ~ 6th Hess Frank J., h 1006 N 6th Hess Frank T., brakeman, h 1007 Green Hess George B., cigar mfr, 416 1Iarket, h do Hess George E., conductor, h 1908 N 3d Hess Hannah, wid Amos, h 13:!1 ~ Gth Hess Harry, cigars, 1264 Market, 'h do Hess Harvey G., plainer, h 1324 Howard Hess Henrv, laborer, h 20 N 13th HESS H. GEORGE. reporter Independent, h 619 Cumberland Hess Hiram A., planer, h 13:!~ Howard Hess Ida T., wid David L., h (ill Cumberland Hess James C, car inspector. h lSI:! N 5th Hess Tames T. B., laborer, h 10 S Cameron Hess "ray B., elk, h GOO~ Delaware Hess Jeimie n. Mrs., nlg.r, 1:!13 ~ 6th, h 1214 Apple Hess John J . engr, h 615 Boas Hess John W ., ball player, h 12!i Dock Hess Mary C, wid William, h 313 P~ffer Hess Marv G .. saleslady, 215 Market, h MarysviIIe Hess M . Elizabeth l\lrs., h 14 Hone\" Hess ~roses \\' ., (l\L W. Hess & SOIl), h 1501 Juniper Hess l\L W. & ~on. (l\1oses W. and Clarence E.). tinsmiths, 1301 Juniper



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l:~~~~} Harrisburg Savings and Loan Assn.~~ :=:, !'"2 N Hess ~annie ]., wid Philip, h 620 Muench > n

Hess P. Edgar, templetmkr, h 620 Muench Hess Samuel E .. butcher. h Ill2!) Boas > Hess S. Irvin, cigars. 30fl Verbeke, h 1:;51 \Valnut :D Hess Susan, wic! acob, h 11108 ?\ 3d Hess Susan, wid Tohn, h 13:H Howard > f.n Hess William F., 'carpenter, h 1704 Susquehanna Hess \Villiam R., elk, 310 Market, h 1535 Walnut Hess Winfield S., telegrapher P. R. R. depot. h 224 ~ 15th Hessenberger Charles F., inspector, h :n 1 Herr Hessenberger Emily ~I., women's exchange. h :ll1 Herr Hessenberger Frank L.. elk, IHIO N 3d. h 311 Herr Hessenherger :Mary, wid Charles F., h 311 Herr Hesser Frank S .. huYer, 3!l.f ~larkct, h 1::!1I9 Swatara Hession ~Iartin. laborer. h 113 Hanna Hession ~Jartin R., laborer, h 11!l Hanna Hession l\lichael]., laborer, h l1i3 Hanna _ Hesson Edward F., flagman, h 628 Reily . :; :::D Hetrick Aaron, pattcrnmkr, h 1430 \\'alnut c;; Hetrick Charles D., h l513 Regina ~ Hetrick David H .. carpenter, h 1513 Regina ~ HETRICK DAVID JOSEPH, physician, 54 N 13th, h do; office hours, until 10 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p. m. Hetrick Dora, elk. 15 S 2e1, h 1513 Regina Hetrick Edward. trucker P. R. R. frt depot, h Penbrook





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H.U. . KELLEY at CO'S -Black ()tamond, when { IGlUI'U.1111.... D. , I ..,. ....... I )'on De,., order. -


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Hetrick John E., drug elk. h 1513 Regina Hetrick L. A. ~Irs .. ladies' cloak and suit parlors, 24:!B S :!d. h RaysorviI1e Heights Hetrick Lawrence A., (Hetrick & Geistwhite), 11 Raysorville Heights u Hetrick Mary A., wid John. Ih ](11)4 1\ jth E c::: Hetrick ~liley A . head lightman, h :!li4 Verbeke Hetrick ~linnie G., elk, WOO Regina, h do fti Hetrick Ruth D., miIIiner. h 58 X 1 jth :E Hetrick Sarah, wid William, h 1600 Regina (J) Hetrick WiIIiam A .. salesman, 11 5:~ 1\ 1 jth Hetrick & Geistwhite. (L. A. Hetrick and G. W. Geistwhite). tailors and clothiers, 1~ S 4th l&J Hettrick Elma A., seamstress, h illl ~ :!d .J Hetzel August \V., machinist, h 1a2!) Green Hetzel Cecelia F. ~lrs .. bookkpr, iiOfl Race, h 40 Balm . l&J Hetzel Lawrence, bricklayer, h a:n Crescent

.... ...... .... C'-t

376 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 'tit Hetrick Frank F., carpenter, h 1513 Regina


Hetrick Grace V .. 1004 X jth Hetrick (;m E .. oiler, h ]:!:!1 Derrv Hetrick Ha~ry n.. brakeman, h 412' Strawberry Hetrick Harvey E., (City Shoe I<epairing Co.). h Camp Hill Hetrick Irvin. draftsman, h 143() \Valnut

HETRICK JEROME I., grocer, 1600 Regina, h do







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Hevener Bessie ~I., h 1aj Cranherrv Heverling ~rorris S., cig-armkr, h lui:! State Hewitt C. Viola. waitress, :~:~-! Ylarket. h :!1i3 Herr Hewitt George F .. (West End Elec. Co.). h :!:H Delaware Hewley Andrew S., local express. 13:m Fulton, h do Hewlev Effie 1., domestic, 1:1:{!1 Fulton Hewle}' Harry E., porter. h l:~:m Fulton Heyd Henry G., (Hbg. Carpet Co.), h Ylechanicsburg Henl }latthew, laborer. h :.!l! Chestnut Hibbs Frank W .. ticket elk P. R R, h IiO!) l\luench Hibbs & Co .. fiscal agts Oregon-Idaho Gold l\fining Co., rooms Ii;j-(jj Union Trust hldg Hiblll'r Elijah. constahle. 1!J1l:! X lith. h 1~4!1 Fulton Hibshman .-\nna E. Mrs .. confectionen. 1HO:! State. h V~48 Xorth . Hibshman -Barn' H .. mail elk. h 1:!1H :\ Front Hibshman Lewi~ R. turner. h 1141i-:\ Derrv Hibshman Lucetta ~rrs .. h 12111 :\ Front . Hickernell Latimer. patternmkr. ih :!]:m X lith Hickey James F .. mgr. 407 ~Iarket,.'h ~12 Green Hickey John, laborer.h ~1:.! Green Hickev X ora E., saleslady. :~:14 ~larket. h ~1:! Green Hicklan Charles, puddler". h :!j LochieI :~d row Hicklin Elizabeth, domestic, 51:1 S '1:1th Hickman Charles A .. opr, h 1511 Allison

8 I.. TACK}

cIaII~ ..od

Emplo)'ll none bu: Ilrat-cIUil workmt>n,bence only JlrtJt J 1"16 lIwurealL. Work done In anT panof SCa&el N. 8d8&.

~ lickman William S., brakeman, h 5:!4 Seneca PI lickok Charles K., salesman, h 511S ~ :!<I lickok Louisa. wid William 0., jr . h 5118 ~ :!d lickok Ross A., sec \\'. O. Hickok :\Ig. Co., h 111l State U) Iickok William 0 ., :M, pres W. O. Hickok }[fg. Co .. h -I 2!l1 :\ Front

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.



IICKOK W. O. MFG. CO., W. O. Hickok, 3d, pres; Ross A. Hickok, sec; S. Schriver, treas, Canal c 2 PI North see adv licks Benjamin C, hookkpr. 14 S :!d. h ~tl'e:toll licks Elizabeth ~I., lIurse, h 100 S 1:3th C licks Emory H ., lahorer, h !l4fi Paxton licks J . Flemming. liner, h tBOj Swatara c;) licks John \V .. foreman. HUH Vernon. h I'enhrook licks Margaret ~lrs .. h 1:!:W Walnut licks },[argaret R.. chf supervi~or, 2111 Walnut. h 12:W do licks Maurice. laborer, h HI.! Chern' licks William C, (People's Tea Co:). h l!1:~j ~ :~d licks William G., student, h 1!I:~j ~ :~d licks William r.. foreman. h l:!ao Walnut ~ licks William L, employee State Arsenal. h l:!:W Walnut Iidlehaugh Harry T .. brakeman, h :!OUj ~ mh lidk" Charles B .. elk. fiW Walnut, h .flU Forster licster Bella. housekeeper, 214 ?\ :!d [iester Gabriel. h Estherton, Harrishurg P. ().


f iester Linnie K. Mrs .. elk, Stale' f:oard Puhlic Chemists, h 11:!1I :\[ontgomery Iiester Rov R., rodman, h 11:!1I :\[ontgomenliester Wiiliam A., sec. !l ~ :!d. h l-il:~ ~ 2d . Iiester William S., electrical engr. h ~l:~ N 2<1 Iiester, see Heister I iggins Josiah, watchman Senate. h :~:!1 :\f uench figgins S. Jeanette. saleslady. t:WH ~ :~d. h .f:!~ Hamilton Iiggs Isaac, laborer, h t:!::n :\lonroe Iigh :\Jamie, nurse Hhg. Hospital. h do Iigh William L.. linotype opr. 201 ~ :!d. h 221 Boas I ighlands Charles 1\ .. painter, h ]j:!:! \Valnut lighlands John W., blacksmith. h li:!:! Walnut Iighlands John W. B.. printer, h 17:!:! Walnut lighspire Water Co .. W . l\I. Hain. pres: J . A. Herman. treas, :~:~;~ ~ Iarket light James C. laborer. h fill.f Cumberland likes Edward. helper, h 555 Camp likes. s<'e Heikes. also H "kes lilhish John E .. flagman: h 2011:1 i\ 5tl1 lildehrand Harry Ii .. ironwkr, h 11;).l Derry lildehrand James A., coremkr. h 4:!f1 ~l11ench Iildehrand John F .. corelllkr. h 42fl :\Illench



IILDRUP WILLIAM T., JR., sec and treas Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 109 S Front

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:::1:1 ""1:1

.DEPENDENT LOAN uo SECURITY CO. ~~~~ U:.~:~:.~l:::


.... ....


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~~r:s~:':1306 Brol.

Hile Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill HiB Hi1I Hi1I Hill Hill Hill Hil! Hill Hill Hill

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908.

David, laborer, h !!:!H S River Anna Mrs., charwoman, h 1!!:W ~lonroe Annie M., domestic, 1118 Green Benjamin, laborer, h 414 Short Charles E., conductor, h 1727 Green Charles S., telegrapher, h u1:! Walnut Clara, wid James, h 102!) S 9th Elno L .. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Ezra, laborer, h 425 Strawherry George B., laborer, h 1846 Hickory George W., jr., draftsman, h 812 Capital Harry, molder, h 1629 Park Horace C, agt, Cowden c Forster. h 802 N 6th James A .. mess Div. Public Records, h 116 Liberty John, laborer, h 26 Lochicl ~d row Joseph. laborer, h 47 Lochiel 4th row Laura V., music teacher. 1406 \Yalnut, h do Leah, domestic, 711 State Lydia Mrs., h 512 Walnut 1laggie C, wid Mahlon, h 1629 Park ~foses, hostler, h 425 Strawberry Salem, laborer, h 47 Loc.hiel 4th' row Sarah B., wid Jacob, h 14116 ~Iarket Sarah S., h 410 Olestnut William, laborer. h 511 Primrose






... > III


Title aUlrlDty aDd Surety Co. IC::::lI, fI'::~I~": ~.,:=-

Hili \Villiam, laborer, h RII9 S lIIth Hill William E., bellman, h 718 :\orth al Hill 'William H .. policeman P. R. R.. h 16 N 16th Hillard Annie ~I. ~Irs., boarding'. 64~ Boas, h do Hillegas Harry B .. elk, h ~24 Kelker Hillegas Lydia. wid Francis. h it!4 Kelker Hillegass Josiah H., asst advg mgr, :l~4 Market, h 2114

{- - '/"':~B1~


> Z

Hillegass Louisa'. wid Josiah, h 1206 N 6th Hiller John. master carpenter P. R. Roo h 1612 Derry Hiller Lena, wid George, h 2~5 North Hiller S. Virginia, wid"Mahlon. h 14111 Derry Hills Caroline. wid Spencer. h 111 Tanner Hills Robert. laborer. h III Tanner Hilmer Conrodine. wid Henry, h 15~~ Logan Hilmer George W., car repairer, h 1829 Logan Hilmer John I., brakeman, h 182j N 5th Hilmer 111eodore R, electrician. h 153~ Logan Hilner Alfred c., laborer, h 2:!12 Tefferson Hilner Walter B., printer, 10th bel Chestnut, h 518 Peffer Hilpert Meir G., draftsman. h HI ~ 2d Hilton Charles H .. warehoust>man, h 2~] Lihert\' Hilton Edward J.,' supt Hbg. Cluh, h 2(j~ Lihert)" Hilton Harr\' D .. bar elk. 2()(j Walnut. h 1212 ~ ~d Himes Cllaries D .. elk P.O .. h :n 7 Peffer


REDMOND}::::~!::i:;~~gl::s{3d and
Digitized by

Reily Stl. Coogle

B. TACK} IILL PIPER ~:!:~J:.~ IINDOI 8HADE8{No~~':. 8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 379

imes Charles H., h 6:!(i Oxford imes Charles T., salesman, h :!6 S 3d imes Cloyd, flagman, h :Hti Granite imes Corter c., fireman, h 120! Dock imes Daniel V., brakeman, It 6:11 Ross imes Edgar, watchman Hbg. Club. h 1405 N 4th imes Frank M., brakeman, h ti:!!i Oxford [MES GEORGE W., stoves and tin store, 10 N 2d, h W Fairview .11les Earn' 11 .. laborer, h ;)U;;.~ ~Iuench ,mes Harrv M., elk, :I:!II ~lark~t . h :!u.n Penn ,mes Henr-v, h 2(131 Fulton :mes Horace, laborer, h 1:U Short imes Marv C. ?\lrs., h 512 South lmes Sadie, wid George A., h 505t :Muench mmelrich Abraham, laborer, h 617 Harris mmelright Annie Y., cook, h 13f17t Wallace ndman Charles R., fireman, h 2145 Jefferson nds Alex. ~f., restaurant, Broad St. Market, h Rockville nebach Harr\", brakeman, h :!4 S 3d ncr ~lartin ~t, machinist, h :!112 N 6th ner Samuel, stack inspector, h :!108 ?\ 6th nes Horace, waiter, h 131 Short nes ~lal1d L.. elk. 215 Walnut, h 2:-31 S 15th

l> :u < l> :u

;*s:::::.-:a}Harrisburg Savings and Loan Assn. {:~=

[NEY ALFRED W., carpel1ter, South c Myrtle, h 502 N 13th see adv nc\' Elmer M., laborer, h 1407 ~ Cameron ney George A., laborer, h 122:!, Cowden ney John \V., laborer, h l:na N Cameron ney Mary, h 1335 Derry ney William 11., books. Inu X 4th, h do nkel Margaret. wid Harry, h 4l!) Boyd nkel ~e)son H., car inspector, h 1545 Fulton nkle Annie Mrs., 931 S 2fl.~ nkle Catharine. cigarmkr. -h 1117 N Front nkle Charles B., steelwkr, h 1618 Fulton nkle Charlotte 1(. knitter, h 2154 N 7th nk\.e George H., watchman, h 2'215 Brookwood nkle Harrv F., conductor, h 1013 Market nkle Harr~' Y .. brakeman. h 1124 Bartine

o o
N l>








. Jobblag a.Ad Repairing of all Kinds Attended to lOP: South and Myrtle Sts., HARRISBURG. PA.


Digitized by

HOD..t Coal, Be.e.t Weicht


IfM KELLEY a CO. {"" 11II_.d II",' P. 1 t lid lIa', .......


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.












a: o

o ct

Hinkle James c., dyer, 1317 N fith, h do Hinkle John H .. brakeman, h 150H X 5th Hinkle Joseph H., watchman, h 5:.!6 Filbert Hinkle :\lary A. :\Irs., h ] 1211 Cowden Hinkle Samllel B.. h 464 S Cameron Hinkle Sall1uel H .. caller P. R. R., h 2154 N 7th Hinkle Warren "V .. elk. 111 N 2d, h 404 Verbeke Hinkley E. Celia. elk State Veterinary Dept., It l~HI Market Hinklev Emma, wid William H .. h 1219 Market Hinkle,< Reno. elk, h 1219 :\;Iarket Hinnenkamp llernard. laborer, h ]3~ Linden Hinnenkamp Bernard. jr., driver. h l:l~ Linden Hinnenkamp 1Iary K .. weaver. h 138 Linden Hinton Charles E., porter P. R R. h 111:111 Cumberland Hippensteel Albert E .. laborer, h 110; S !Hh Hippensteel Charles E., C. S. A., h !I(I~ S 9th Hippensteel Charles M., laborer. h l111i S nth Hippensteel Cora, cigar roller, h 1022 S 9th Hippensteel Denton R, laborer, It 110; S Hth Hippensteel Edward C, laborer. h HI:.!:.! S !Ith Hippensteel Elmer, ironwkr. h 114 Dock Hippensteel E. Virginia. cigar roller. h 114 Rock Hippensteel Geo. W .. car inspector. h li:!S Susquehanna Hippensteel James M., laborer, h 9111-1 S nth

.... .... .. .. .... Z= ~f:



o o

Hippensteel Joseph H., laborer, 11 1022 S !Ith Hippensteel :\;Iary, stripper. h 114 Dock Hippensteel Sherman A., butcher, h 440 SlOth Hipple Benjamin, cupolatender. 11 :.!li S 15th Hipple G. Clifford. brakeman. h 1111 Wallace Hipple Harry, brakeman, h 1541 Fulton Hipple Horace, carpenter. h 4:!:! lloas Hipple Jacob, doubler. h 5li Muench Hipple James, messenger Dept. Economic Zoology, h :\;Jiddletown Hipple Lewis C, policeman. h 11 X Cameron Hipple Nettie J., stengr, 1i S :?d. h ~larysvi11e Hipple Perry J .. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hipple Raymond F., caller. h 1410 Wallace Hipple Rena B., topper, h U:!5 Swatara Hipple Robert W., tinner, h 633 Mahantongo Hipple Wesley A., teadher High School, h 415 Briggs Hipple William]., painter, 'h 1410 WalIace Hipple William R., tinner, h fi33 l\Iahantongo Hippodrome, A. L. Roumfort & Co., proprs, moving pictures, 331 Market Hirschler Albert, (Samuel Kuhn), h R03 N 6th Hirschler August, (Solomon Kuhn & Co.), 'h 803 ~ 6th HirSh Catharine, waiter, 1 iOO N 2d HirSh Simon, (The Hub), 'h 1615 N 2d





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1 L ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240lIlrtItStnlt

Digitized by


~b~~h:~~~ won P. ODd IlndOW shades lrom A. B. TACK .I:l~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
Hirtle\' Charles :\1., heater, h 84U S 'Cameron Hirtley John, h I":ti S Wth Hirtley John. jr.. heater. h I"::?II S Cameron Hirtley :\largaret :\ .. eigarmkr, h ~2U S Cameron Hirtly :\Iary Mrs., grocer. I":n SlOth. h do Hitchcock Bridget. housekeeper The Lociliel Hite Eugene E .. bookkpr, h 2:'; Evergreen Hite :\Iaxwell. atlctioneer. h :lfi ~ l;H'h Hitz Adam, h 11~5 Bailey Hitz Charles. machinist. I{ 11 11 Capital Hitz Esther. h l:n i ~ Front Hitz George B., elk. h 1:n7 ~ Front Hitz Jacob, bookbinder, h 1:{17 l\ Front Hivner Ida V., seamstress, :n S 2d. h 121 Vine Hivner Jdhn W., janitor. l'i ~ 2d. h 121 Vine Hoagland Fannie G .. 11 I-WI ~ Front Hoagland Virginia. teacher, h 14m K Front Hoak Amy W., nurse Hbg. Hospital. 'It do Hoak Andrew A .. contractor. H:t4 Regina, h do Hoak A.nna E., dressmkr, h 1~4:t Vernon Hoak Frank, brakeman, h 1118 X mh Hoak Jacob D., car inspector. h 1:l43 Vernon Hoak Jacob F., printer, h 1434 Regina Hoak, see Hoke Hoar Charles H .. brakeman, h 1::?15 Stlsquehanna

n ....




MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ..,~~t,~~:'~~E


Hoar Harrv E .. conductor, h 1928 N 4th (:; Hobart Da~id P .. elk State Hig11way Dept., h fiO!) ~ 15th c= Hobart Joseph :\., asst to asst engr P. R. R. pass depot, "I:? h 621 N 16th ~ Hobart Thomas L., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 1111 i'

Hobb5 Amos. sweeper, h 14211 Zarker ~ Hobbs Levi, bar elk The Loehiel. h 216 S River ::11::1 Hobbs IVlary ]., hOtlsekeeper. 14:!0 Zarker -,:, Hobbs :Vlina ~[r5 . h 600 Showers ~ Hobbs Ross, drafter, h 1420 Zarker p Hobb5 Warner, h Island Park !i: Hobson Alfred, ticket elk P. R. R. depot. h Briggs nr 6th :::z Hoch Andreas, laborer, h 1112 Currant !;a Hoch Conrad. laborer. h 1219 Wallace V') Hoeh Frank E . flagman, h 4 N 1:Hh ::; Hock Frank. flagman, h 1940 Derry Hock William, laborer, h 2031 N 7th co.n Hockenbrock William E., trucker P. R. R. freight depot, h :II: 1519 Vemon 8 Hockensmith Calvin, foreman, h 1221 Derrv rEt Hocker Albert c., carpenter, h 1047 S 22f ~I Hocker Anna, wid Levi, h 1047 S 22! (Ii Hocker M., h 641 Calder Hocker Charles, laborer, h 906 S 19th ~


IIOEPEIOENT LOAN ~ SECURITY CO.l:,~\\ {r~IIar'l!."itized

CLARK'S =~~I~ Drug and Patent Medicine Stora{




Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.











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Hocker Daniel, molder, h 906 S 19th Hocker David E., baker, r 18:!U K 6th, h 515 Dauphin Hocker Ella E., housekeeper, 621 Hamilton Hocker Emma. wid John W., h :!(i7 Delaware Hocker Frank E., baker. h 1637 ?\ 7th Hocker George L., brickmkr, h 904 S 19th Hocker George L. . .ir., brickmkr, h 904 S 19th HOCKER H. HERSHEY, grocer, 104 Tuscarora, h 621 S Front Hocker Tohn C. laborer. h 1722 \Valnut Hocker John W., (Parthemore & Hocker), h 129 S 2d Hocker Krehl S., student, h 1047 S 2~i Hocker Levi. carpenter, h 904 S 22J Hocker Lillian A. ).irs .. grocer, 1047 S 22t, h do Hocker ::'Ilabel G.. h 406 Hummel Hocker l\lartha, wid :\ rlam, h 1700 }.J :!d Hocker R Willson, brickmkr, h 906 S 19th Hocker William A., driver, h 651 Calder Hocker William H., laborer, h 484 S Cameron Hockey Joseph G., motorman, h 1250 Bailey Hockley Adam J .. janitor, h 505 Cumberland Hockley Arthur E., (Keystone Laundry), h 1615 Wallace Hockley Catharine A., (Keystone Laundry), h 610 Harris Hockley Charles W., machinist, h 505 Cumberland Hockley Jess \-., stengr, h 610 Harris
Title Gaarant7 and S1II'et7 Co.


-Scranton, Penna.-

{IUd"...UIII.I.III.....kla If.......nll.... frllll .... Enc.I IIH."',u.I a.d ali 'I~" Judicial 11111.

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Hockley Samuel S., (Keystone Laundry), h 604 Dauphin Hockley Thomas, machinist, h 1517 Wallace Hockley Thomas Z., h 610 Harris Hodge Annie E., charwoman, h 14:!7 ~ 4th Hodge Archibald, jr., barber, h 612 Church Hodge Bertha c., h 1106 Green Hodge Carrie, saleslady, h 612 Church Hodge Cordelia B., elk Trav. State Library, Capitol, h 1106 Green Hodge David H., barber, h 18:~5 Susquehanna Hodge Edgar, cigars, 1701 N 5th, h do Hodge Margaret, wid Archibald, h 1701 N 5th Hodge Mary A., wid James M .. h U06 Green Hodge Robert L., h 1425 N 4th Hodge \Villiam W., barber, h 421i Hamilton Hoechst James c., teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do Hoelle Alice A., wid Lucas A., h 229 Mulberry Hoelle G. RoY, laborer, h 229 Mulberrv Hoelle Lillie 1-1., bunchmkr. h 229 Muiberry Hoelle Lucas A., trucker P. R R, h 229 Mulberry Hoepfer Christopher, tailor, 1435 Derry, h do Hoepfer Elfreda E., h 1435 Derry Hoerner Alfred, drygoods, 316 Verbeke, h 230 Hamilton Hoerner America M., wid John W., h 302 Ctfmberland Hoerner Andrew, h 41 !\ 13th

Redmond's Wagon Works }~':i'Ad~':.'tb~~e~~~tl.

.A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h:l"N~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. 388
Hoerner Charles E., mgr, 143 Hanna, h do Hoerner's CorneF, Inc., \\'. ),1. Hoerner, pres; A. G. Eden, mgr; department store, 12-:>7 ~larket Hoerner David S., machinist. h 204 S 2d Hoerner Elmer E., elk, 432 11arket, h Oberlin Hoerner F. Dale, printer Courier, h 302 Cumberland Hoerner Frank H., salesman. 334 ~farket, h Progress Hoerner George A., laborer, h 553 S Front Hoerner Howard C, laborer, h 204 S 2d Hoerner J. Earle, printer Independent. h 1404 N 3d Hoerner Jessie M . milliner, h 14111 Market Hoerner Mary, cigarmkr. h 204 S 2d Hoerner Mav I., elk, 1257 Market, h 1401 do Hoerner Sarah ]., student, h 1401 Market Hoerner \Vm. l\I.. pres Hoerner's Corner, Inc., h 1401 Mkt. Hoerner. see Horner Hoff August, carpenter, h 1117 N 3d Hoffa J. Wilson, pharmacist, 1342 X 6th c Calder, h do Hoffer Addison H., (Hoffer & Garman), h 89 N 16th Hoffer Anna E., bookkpr, h 89 ~ 16th Hoffer Christian H., Co. surveyor, C. H., h Midlet'n Hoffer C.,TUS M .. student, h 89 ~ Wth Hoffer John Flouring :Mill Co., Steelton Hoffer John, pres John Hoffer Flouring l\li11 Co., h 21 N


== iii "'






Sayings and Loan Assn. U:= ~


Hoffer John, jr., treas Hoffer Flouring ~Iill Co., h 21 N Front Hoffer Maggie, domestic. 1803 ~ 2d Hoffer & Garman. (A. H. Hoffer and H. A. Garman), flour. feed and grain, Howard ab 14th Hoffert T. Ravmund. student. h 2114 \Valnut Hoffert ~ass k., rep. 222 Market, h 204 Walnut Hoffman Abraham L., machinist, h fi34 Reily Hoffman Adam, center assistant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hoffman Anna, wid Ludwig, h 1531 Fulton Hoffman Anna :\Irs . cigar packer, h 57 ~ 13th Hoffman Annie. wid Joseph H .. h 1Hl!.l Wallace Hoffman Annie. forelady. :\lulberry c Crescent, h 8 S 18th Hoffman Annie :\Irs., nurse, h 288 S Cameron Hoffman Benjamin, (\V. & B. Hoffman), h 1223! N 6th Hoffman Bessie, press feedel'. h 8 S 18th , Hoffman Bessie M., h 1603! Derry Hoffman Calvin J., conductor, h 1204 Chestnut Hoffman Charles, laborer, h 1001 Berryhill Hoffman Charles C., (Donaldson Paper Co.), h 1520 N 5th HOFFMAN CHARLES H., supt city delivery, P. 0.. 3d c Walnut, h 245 Hummel Hoffman Charles N., boilermkr. h 1419 Green Hoffman Charles P., brakeman. h 1813 N 5th Hoffman Charles W., conductor, h 1812 Fulton

n .



Th_ *orC .por~I"B ~1\I!ft~'"






M KELLEY a CO. {1 No...... lid . . . . . 0. t 10th _4 1Iea*-",


Boyd's Harrisburg (II) City Directory, 1908.


~i = ..



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HOFFMAN EDWARD G., hotel, 441 Market, h do Hoffman Edwin A .. machinist. h 115~ :\1 ulberrv Hoffman Eli K.. printer, 1H:!1 :\larket. h 14111 larker Hoffman Elizabeth :\irs., seamstress. h 14:!1 Susquehanna Hoffman Ella S. :\1rs .. center assistant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hoffman Elmer J., laborer, h lS45 Swatara Hoffman Elsie :\1. :\irs., forelad\', ::JOO Race. h 5r.r. do Hoffman Emma J. :\lrs .. lHoffman & McFalls). h 1838 N' 3d Hoffman Erastus B., machinist. h 1~23 Green Hoffman Esther, stengr. Howard c 14th, h S S ISth Hoffman Frank. railroader, h 1!!1I3t Mulherry Hoffman Frank C, printer Cumbo Pub. Co .. h l:!aOt Derry Hoffman Frank E .. electrician Capitol, h !W) :\Iaclay

Hoffman Clarence S .. bar elk. II !!:::t Savford Hoffman Claude \Y .. carpent~r. h l!lU:t Cireen Hoffman Cora E., wid Samuel. h :!-!!I :\faclav Hoffman Daniel. marketmaster, It l~:l~ Fl;lton Hoffman Daisy L.. telephone opr. !!:!7 Walnut, h 12031 MulbernHoffman David H .. machinist. h :ml S 17th Hoffman David W., h 15al Derr\' Hoffman Edgar G.. elk, h :!1Il Hiulliiton Hoffman Edward c.. warehouseman. h Ilia X 15th


.... -, .....

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ti011't:JCS1 flIA"piUbED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3dSL





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Hoffman Frank H .. machinist. h :WIl-! Reily Hoffman Frank H .. painter. h Hitl!1 Stlsquehanna Hoffman George. contractor, h 4J:! S l!lth Hoffman Georgc, hlacksmith. h lil!1 :\lahantongo IE Hoffman George. fireman. h 1!10:{ Green Hoffman George E .. (Hoffman & Wilson). h -!1:! S 19th A- Hoffman George F., painter. h lIi:~:; \Yallace E Hoffman George L .. repairer. h 11i:~a \\lallace c Hoffman George :\I., flagman. h li:!~ \' erbeke u I-loffman Gertrudl;':\1.. teacher, h lIi1G ~ :{<i ...I Hoffman Harris W .. engr, h I)Hi Dauphin ..: Hoffman HarTY, machinist. h 71:! Race c Hoffman Harry C, (Hoffman & Schooley), h 23 S 4th U Hoffman Harry C, car repairer, h 1!1~8 Kensington Q Hoffman Harry 0., carpenter. h 413 Delaware IE Hoffman Henrv, laborer, h 2100 Forster Hoffman Isaac"D., postal elk. h 1324 Kittatinny III Hoffman Jacob B., h 441 :\Iarket U Hoffman Jacob B., newsrlealer, 438 ~larket, h 921 Penn Hoffman JacohO., conductor, h 1411 Sylvan ter g Hoffman Jacob P., elk, 12 S ~d. h 1;):!9 Derry (;IiI Hoffman James. laborer, h 4:~1) South al Hoffman Jennie, housekeeper, 1:!:!3t 1\ Hth E Hoffman]. Grant, bartender, 1a06 ~ 7th, h 1831 N 5th Hoffman ] obn, elk, 11 1838 ~ ad



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman

John c., brakeman, h 545 Seneca ." John C, laborer, II !):.!9 S 2()i John F., carpenter, 11 1270 Juniper John F., fireman, h 612 Schuylkill John G., boilermkr, h 1401 Zarker -I John H., policeman, h 1536 ~orth J o'hn W., postal elk, h 310 S 13th 2 Joseph, tailor, 3:!4 }larket, h 921 Penn 1"1 J. Robert, salesman, 'h 1104 Green Lillian, elk, h 12BOi Derry Louis, shoemkr, 1223 N lith, h 1223.\ do C ::Ylaggie C, wiel Adam, h 1616 )J 3d C) ~f<1ry A. C, h 1410 Xorth ~rar;' E., dressmkr, 152t1 Derry, h do ~Iary E., teacher, 1185 Bailey, h do ~fary L., dressmkr, 1401 Zarker, h do ~Iatthew, baker. h 1547 Walnut }[ic'hael B.. boilermkr, h 1715 Hunter ~Iichael E., elk, 17 ~ :~d, 'h 122;~i N 6th c.n }linnie E .. cashier, 334 }Iafket, h Steelton ~loses, tailor. 5M }[arket, 'h 921 Penn ~ .\'ellie, tel opr, 2W \Valnut, h 1013 ~Iarket .\'elson, chief elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1405 State 0 .\' ora, domestic. 121 Locust



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:i~b::i~-:;'~~IE ~

Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Peter, baker, 420 Reily, h do Philip M., conductor, h U28 Camp Ray \Y., machinist, h 122 ?\agle Rebecca, h 1622 X :.!d R. Wilson, ins adjuster, h 11)30 ~ 3d Samuel, shoemkr, -17 .\' 14th, h 8 S 18th Samuel A., h It10:! Green Samuel F., fireman, h 1HO. Green Sarah, wid Henf\" \Y .. 11 1742 N 3d W. & B .. (Wm. a'nel Benjamin), shoes, 1223 N 6th ;a \\. alter J., stable boss, h 1117 Plum W. Frank, machinist, h 12031 Mulberry ~ William, (W. & B. Hoffman), h 1834i )J 6th \Villiam, laborer, h 430 South al, finisher, h 8 S 18th William E., fireman. h 2006 Forster ~


,.... = =

HOFFMAN WILLIAM H., grocer and general store, 1531 Derry, h 1529 do Hoffman William H., car repairer, h 1853 Swatara Hoffman William H., sponger, 'h 1606i Logan Hoffman William H. G.. engr, h 1410 Xorth Hoffman \Villiam L.. check man P. l{. R., 'h 1230i Derry Hoffman \Villiam R., laster, h 1!}:~4 York '. Hoffman & }IcFalls, (Mrs. Emma J. Hoffman and Mary J. ~[cFalls), grocers, 1838 .\' 3d





-= 51



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: : ~~;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ 8:r".t~

386 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908. HOFFMAN & SCHOOLEY, (Harry C. Hoffman and William G. Schooley), Troy Steam Laundry, 15201526 Fulton HOFFMAN & WILSON, (G. E. Hoffman and F. C. Wilson), crushed stone, 23d and P. & R. R., office 1603Yz Derry Hoffman, see Huffman Hoffmann Harry ::\1., undertaker, 109 X 2d, h 511 do' Hoffnagle Henry, clk recorder, C. H., h Pen brook Hoffnagle Jennie E., wid Winfield S .. h 3a Evergreen Hoffnagle Jerome E., laborer, h 1409 Wyeth Hoffnagle J. Frank, flagman, h 525 Woodbine Hoffnagle ,Mary, wid Jacob W., h 4~ N lIlth Hoffner Sarah, weaver, h 509 Cumberland Hoffsommer Alfred F., field sec., 16 X 2d, h 1712 11arket Hoffsommer Conrad, h ~~2 S 17th Hoffstot Harvey, conductor, 1\1 18()9 X 5th Hogan Clinton, laborer, h 1417 Marion Hogan Mary H., teacher, h 215 Peffer Hogan Rebecca, wid Richard, h 215 Peffer Hogan William, laborer, h 1333 ~ 4th Hogentogler Chalmers C., h 1201 Green Hogentogler Charles S., fireman, h HmS X 4th Hogentogler Edward 0., catcher, 11 52t1 Race


... -....
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0 Title &umnty and Surety CD. s;::~~ {"::::!,~,!,:~:D{~:~~r.' }l~~~4 wid Joseph, h 0 Hogentogler Est11er,T., baker, h 181115053dPenn Hogentogler Frank N Hogentogler Harry G., laundry, 2103 Logan, h 503 Maclay Harry ins agt, 321 1152 do Z Hogentogler Joseph H., shearsman, h}'Iarket, hCameron Hogentogler F., 11124 S C Hogentogler Oswell,laborer, h h.1024SSCameron laborer, Cameron Hogentogler Ross, 1024 0 Hogentogler Theresa Mrs., matron Capitol, h 1024 S CamJ




0 II:





eron Hohenshelt Eva D., saleslady, 318 :\Iarket, h 5tn Camp Hohenshelt H. Hayes. brakeman,h 51a Camp Hohens'helt \Villiam A., engr,h :!1;~n Jeffersoll Hohl Annie, wid Henry, h 120 Conoy Hohmann Senerifa, wid Frederick, h 1210 X 7th Hohn Lewis J., laborer, h 1072 S Cameron Hoke Adam, janito,r P.O., h 232 S 2d Hoke Bessie, tobacco stripper, h 704 Showers Hoke Charles A., laborer, h 1229 X (ith Hoke Oharles L., clk, h 546 Forrest Hoke Daniel L., agt, h 704 Showers Hoke Emma :\1.. domestic, 1214 Cowden Hoke G, McClellan, lampman, h lfl12 Elizabeth Hoke Godfrey, laborer, h 12::m N nth Hoke Helen,' milliner, 6 S 2d, h 546 Forrest Hoke Howard A., machinist, h 546 Forrest

EI8Ctr!C Automobl,les} ANDREW REDMDlDbJli1<1Dg1tily Sts..

I A B TACK rPre_IDI' Mak. . . SpedaU;rof TiDta {U,eN..... PabUo BulldlDpta PIalD lIIUmataGlftll

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908..


Hoke Howanl ~l.. private sec Atty. Gen1., Capitol, h 1809 X 2d Hoke John W . cleaner. h 1907 ~Ioltke Hoke Margaret E., saleslady, h 1229 X 6th Hoke .\Iary, tobacco stripper, h 704 Showers Hoke ~Iary R, h Hn:! Elizabeth Hoke l'hrtle '\1., teacher. h 21114 X Uth Hoke Robert C, brakeman, 11 :!~2 Gnion Hoke Ruth, bunchmkr, h 7114 Showers Hoke Sarah .\lrs., h 1214 Cowden Hoke S. Edith. teacher. 'h 2U14 X 6th Hoke \ViIliam G., foreman. h 2014 i\ fith Hoke William G., machinist, h 1Ii31 Susquehanna Hoke \\"illiam G., telephone opr, 'h 2014 ~ 6th Hoke William H., laborer. h 231 Hummel Hoke. see Hoak Holahan H. l~homas. plumber, 5!l5 \\'oodbine, h do Holahan Pamelia A .. wid James R..11 l!142 ~ 5th Holbert 'Elmer E .. air inspector P. R R, h 1837 N 6th Holbert George R. h fi21 Hamilton Holbert Jacob C. grocer. fl21 Hamilton, h do Holbert John T .. baker, 226 Hamilton, h do Holbert Ralph. salesman, 1117 ~ ad. h 621 Hamilton Holbert William. laborer. h !124 X 2d Holbrook Frank E .. salesman, h 415 Hummel


~ :::: ~ Harrisburg

Holcomb J. Henry, financial elk Soldiers'. Orphans' Commrs .. Capitol. h 2:!7 Pine Holcombe Louis R, pres Holcombe .\Ig. Co., It Wormleysburg Holcombe Mfg. Co., L. R Holcombe, pres: W. F. Walters, sec: .\. B. Cumbler, treas; bed spring and mattress mfrs. 1IIth bel State Ho!fertv Rebecca. domestic, 2:3 S Front Holland Cloyd C. elk P. R R. h 626 l\Iaela\" Holland Daniel A., policeman Capitol, h 27H "Herr Holland George R.. elk P. R R, h 626 .\1aelay Holland Wm . .\1.. yardmaster P. R. R, h Juniata Bridge Hollands' Bessie A., saleslady, 412 Market, h 1820 Derry Hollands John L., boilermkr, h 1804 Derry Hollands Nellie ~I.. h 1804 Derry Hollands William T., fireman, h 1804 Derry Hollar Elizabeth Mrs., h 2009 Penn Hollar Fritz, 'butcher, h 522 Filbert Hollar Ross B., elk P. R R, h 2128 Moore Hollenbaugh Benjamin T., flagman, h 529 Camp Hollenbaugh Charles D., engr, 11 429 Peffer Hollenbaugh Frank, salesman. h 2116 Moore Hol1enbaugih Harry B., paperhanger, h 2129 .\foore HoHenbauglh Isaac F .. conductor. h 1946 Green Hollenbaugh Willard S. M., fireman, h 2116 .\-foore

Savings and Loan Assn. { ~ =: :a <


:n ::c :-


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388 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
; ; Hol1er A. Lincoln, ins sol, 901 ~ 3d, 11 333 Crescent =:; Holler C. DeWitt, student, h 333 Crescent Holler Harvey V., tinner, h 1313 Wal1ace c:; Holler Henry F., dep prothon'y, C. H., 11 Hummelstown Holler Maurice. A., machinist, it 1313 Wallace =:5 Holler Xorman A., laborer, h l:U3 Wallace '~ Holler Sherman, painter, h 209 Xorth . . Holler William :VI., paperhanger, h VH3 Wal1ace Hol1ey C11arles E., fireman, h 1505 Hunter ,.: Holley David F., bartender Hotel Rife, h 122 Charles Holley Sarah :\Irs., domcstic, 10;; N Front :: Hollinger Oharles H., elk sec Comwlth., h 225 Pine Hollinger Eli, carpenter Capitol, h 416 :\luench c:: Hollinger Elmer J., brakeman, h 206 'Calder fti Hollinger George A., lctter carrier. h 2010 Green Hollinger Rebecca, \vid Elias, h 225 Pine ," Hollingsworth C. Roy, fireman, 11 Hi27 Derry VI Hollingsworth Curtin E., engr, h 1627 Derry [N 2d Holloway Henry C Rev .. elk State Highway Dept., h 1603 Hollv Fannie Mrs .. charwoman. h 1227 }[onroe I- Holly Hartman, elk, h 2020 Susquehanna (,) Holly John 1., postal elk, h 20211 Susquehanna ~ Holly Sallie, domestic, 'h 1418 Fulton Holmes Charlts, laborer, 11 H26 Calder



a: o


I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST ~ 16 N. 3d St. Z Holmes Clayton. :helper, h 2103 Herr
Holmes Holmes ..- Holmes >- Holmes z: Holmes < Holmes a.. Holmes S Holmes o Holmes u Holmes ...J Holmes Holmes

o (,)

HOLMES SEED CO., Harry L. Holmes, genl mgr, 9 N 2d ,Q Hoisberg Harry E., linotype apr Courier, h Hummelstown z: Holsberg John W., elk Paxton F. and F. Co., h Hummelstown IIiJ Holsberger George ]., pipecutter, h 1812 N Cameron Y Holsberger John, pipecutter, h 1812 N Cameron Holsberger John H., elk Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., b Q 1812 N Cameron IIiJ Holsberger Wi11iam, blacksmith, h 1812 N Cameron !: HOLSTEIN HARRY M., state sec O. U. A. M. of Penna., 306 Market, blacksmith, 107 Verbeke, h 128 ::: do

< o

Emma Mrs., h 1425 Marion Frailk, laborer, h 11!1 X lfirh 'George, laborer, h r 1130 N Front Harry L., v-pres and genlmgr. !I X 2d. h Paxtang Harry L., jr., salesman, 9 X :!d, h 1447 Berryhill Isaiah S .. blacksmith, h Hi:.!l X :~d John, salesman, h ~4 Disbrow' I\lary, domestic, 232 Forster :\Ioses. porter, h 1414 Marion Xellie R :VI rs .. seamstress. h 214 N 15th Robert E .. physician, 1735 State, h do Robert J., asst yardmaster P. R R, h 161.6 N 2d




{124D IIlrketStrllt

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A. B. TACK =lt~~~e:~:~ IoU paDer and wmdow Shld3S ~l~\~:JIl.

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.


Holstein Howard 0 .. a!'st state sec O. C. A. ~I., !l06 Markl't. h H ul11l1lclstown Holstine John H .. car inspector. :11 :t:t:1 Harris Holstine Louise. laundre~5. 'h :t:t:t Harris Holstine Ralph. messenger. l:tlHI i\ 3d. h :~:t:{ Harris Holstine Samuel L.. dri\er. h :;:::{ Harris Holt Alfred. 4:!:! Hummel . Holt Frances L.. milliner. :!I;; ~larket. 11 4:!:! Hummel Holthaus F. Theodore. elk F. and ~l. \\orks. h :!1I:l!l ="15th Holtry Samuel :\I.. eng-r. h lil4 lJauphin Holtz ~alill(la :\1 rs .. h :!:n S Rh'er Holtz Samuel A .. agt Prudential Ins. Co .. h Lemoyne Holtz Sci\'illa. shoe opr. h :!1l!1 (;n:('nwood Holtz William W., asst cashkr 1'. R. R. freight depot, h :t:l;, H ummt:i Holtzendollar Frederick. engine hostler. h 110;;.\ Cowden Holtzinger John II.. publisher. h ~10 i\ lith Holtzman Charles F .. ciriYer, h 1:!47 Baile\' Holtzman Da\'id K .. ins sol. h W:!5 :\lark'et

HOTZMAN GEORGE M., cigars, pool and bowling, 315 and 339 Market, barber, massage and shoe shin ing parlors, 339 do, h 2222 N 3d
Holtzman Lester. mgT. :1:{!I :\Iarket. h :14:-; S l:tth Holtzman Oscar 1.. fireman. h lit;, :\Iahantongo Holtzman ()tti1ia c., mtl~ic tl'acher, Hi:!;) :\Iarket. 11 do




Homan HarlC\' H .. mgr, Ii:!, Walnut. h The Lochiel

FOR'THE FRIENDLESS, 5th c Muench REALTY CO., Glen G. Mead, mgr, 6Yz N 2d floor) SUPPLY CO., 1403 Derry

HOllier Denha E .. dOlllestic. l:t:!/i Derry Honafins Robert. watcilman Capitol. h'Lehanon Honnafous John H .. jr.. hdper, h HIUII ~ ,t'h Honnafolls ~largaret. wid Charles E . h WIlli N 7th Honnafous Pern. laborer. h lilj() Calder ' Honnecker Enllila :\1 rs .. h I;,O~ :\Ilison Hood Albert :\ .. laborer. h Ii;)O Bo\'(1 Hood Belle O. :\1rs .. rigarmkr. il fi~~ Boas Hood Helen. sale~lad\'. :t:~ .. :\I;.rht. 11 li5H Bol'u Hood James W .. engr. 'h ~1~ Capital ' Hood John, bar elk. h liM :;ol1th Hood Lina ~I., salesla<h', h fi5f1 Bo\'u Hood Solomon P . Rev.: h 144 Balnl Hood William W., puddler. h 1)50 Boyd Hoofnag-Ie Susan. nurse Hhg, Hospital. h do Hook Clara H .. teachl'r. h 1!1-1.:! ~ ;)th Hook Tcan B .. dnssmkr. h 1!14:! ~ 5th Hook }:~~e. laborer. hI:!;' !\' Hit'h ' Hook JU'hn F .. ('ngr. h 1;;:1~ ~ ;,th Hook John H .. cunductor. h l!l4:! ;\ ;;th - - - -- - . - D&ra.O&.T LOU {an-a Flo7 d BI" ..


aN. lIIark., Sq;

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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.







I;~ I~
.~ .




Hook John H., jr., machinist, h 1942 X ;)th Hooker Paul, civil engr, 27 S 2d. h 1427 X Front Hooper Emory G., brakeman. h 1:!5 S 3d Hooper Grace, milliner, 41)0 l\Iarket, h :Mechanicsburg -.1:1 Hooper P. Stansberry Rev., h 150;) Penn Hoopes C. Alfred, bookkpr, 429 \"erbeke, h 917 N' 3d Hoopes 'Coleman, stationmaster P. & R.. h 133 S 14th Hoopes Edith, seamstress, 'h 205 ~luench Hoopes Emma, wid Isaac, h 614 ~laelay Hoopes Eseher M., elk, 1108 ~larket, h Steelton Hoopes Frederick W., electrician, h 1:~3 S 14th Hoopes Harry A., mantels, 42H Verbeke, h !H7 N 3d c:i Hoopes Jacob B., tobacconist, 1021 N 3d, 'h do U Hoopes John B., laborer, h 1246 Bailey c Hoopes John 0., conductor, 'h 436 S 15th c Hoopes May C, saleslady, 334 xlarket, h 133 S 14th ~ Hoopes Nellie ~1., nurse, It 133 S 14th Hoot Charles T., brakeman. h (l29 Ross C Hoover Albert E., elk The Dauphin, h 4 X 13th U a: Hoover Alice Mrs., h 507 Cowden HoO\er Alice Mrs., h 608 X 2d ~ E Hoover Alice J .. stengr, 2(11) ~Iarket, 11 1323 Green c Hoover Anna ~l., elk, 206 Chestnut, h 7f) Disbrow Hoover Augustus G., bar elk, 441 ~larket, h do Hoover Benjamin C, laborer, 'h 76 Disbrow

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Hoover Benjamin F .. foreman. :i00 Race. 'h 515 N 13th Hoover Benjamin \Y., coachman, 'h 222 N River Hoover Bessie ~I., cigarmkr. h H15!) Rudy Hoover Carrie, candymkr, h :!2:! N River Hoover Charles F., (Charles F. Hoover Furniture and Carpet 'Co.), h 1417 ~ 2d


.. .... ..


HOOVER CHARLES F. FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., (Charles F. Hoover), 1415-1419 N 2d Hoover Oarence. laborer, h Ion:! X 15th Hoover David ~L. laborer, h HI:!l Herr Hoover Edna, domestic, 127 Pine Hoover Edna B., stengr, 4:!l Verbeke, h 208 do Hoover Edward, laborer, h 2109 Boas Hoover Effie E., stengr, 440 .:\Iarket, h 1523 Swatara Hoover Effie M., opr, 'h 1237 Bailey Hoover Ellsworth 'G., jeweler, 23 X 3d, 'h 100 Evergreen Hoover Emma E., press feeder, h 1;')23 Regina Hoover Eugene H., fireman, 'It 12 S 1611h Hoover Frank E., painter, 1909 Briggs, h do Hoover Frank I., stengr, h 1716 Regina Hoover Gertrude E., tobacco stripper, h 1921 Herr Hoover Harold L., pressman. 201 N 2d, h 1402 State Hoover Harrv, laborer, h 1700 Herr Hoover Harry, machinist, h 1021 Hemlock Hoover Harry R., carpenter, 'h 1716 Regina


aNDREW REDMOND{3d lad Rill, SII.

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I. B. TleK} FIN~~e~~A!,.~f~..~e,~~ER { 121610nb Tnlnl8lreet

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
391 Hoover Harry W ., yardmaster P .R R., h 2:?29 Jefferson Hoover Howard c., flagman, h 1808 ~Iizabeth Hoover Ida L. ?vIrs., housekeeper, 61:? ~ 18th Hoover Ida ~I. , vamper, 'h 15 X 17th Hoover Ida S .. dressmkr, h 1217 N 6th Hoover Isaac \V., windowmkr, 'h 1431 Shoop Hoover Jacob G., laborer, h 1700 Herr Hoover J as. E., expressman, 401 Chestnut, It 1{)04 Hunter Hoover Jennie, elk, h 2022 Derry Hoover John, meat, 32:? S 16th, !h do Hoover John A., repairsman, h 1237 Bailey Hoover John F., painter. ]li24 i\ 6th, h do Hoover John H., cigars and pool. 14:~0~ X 6th, h 208 Verbeke Hoover Jo'hn R.. shipping elk. :U:! :'IIarket, h 263 Sassafras Hoover John W., blacksmith, h 15:!4 ~ 5th Hoover Joseph A., blacksmith , li57 Verbeke, h 934 Penn Hoover Joseph \V. , furniture, 3:.l4 \. erbeke. h 1823 Green Hoover J. \Vesley, shipper, 7th c i\orth. h 1523 Swatara Hoover J . 'Nesley, shoe opr, h ::W )J l:~th HoO\'cr T. Willis Rev" h 14()2 State HoO\'cr Lawrence, electrician, h 1(1)~ S Cameron HOO\'er Louis A., machinist. 'h fj:{4 Penn HoO\'er Martha J., wid William F ., 'h 610 Willow Hoover May c., stengr, 115 ~larket, h 1716 Regina
- - - ---

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Savings and Loan Assn.:::::t

Hoover :'Ililton, laborer, h UI2H Forster Hoover ~ellie, saleslady, 400 Market. h 1:!18 do Hoover Osborne, engr: h 1413 Swatara Hoover Robert P., student. h 1417 X 2<1 Hoover Ross H., shoecutter, h 21i X I:1th Hoover Uriah, brick sorter.h 432 State Hoover \V. Grant. elk, 2:~ X :{d. h 14:n Shoop Hoover William A., h 1909 Briggs Hoover William A., painter, 'h I1I21 Herr Hoover William A. , signalman, h HIli:! Xorth Hoover William E ., laborer, h 1H5!) Rudy Hoover Witliam F., heater, h 610 Willow Hoover William H., sol, h 208 Calder Hoover William W ,. art glasscutter. h 1524 X 5th Hoover Willis P., photographer, h 141)2 State Hopkins C Floyd, mgr, 208 Locust. 'h 23n :'\ 2d Hopkins Harry, laborer, !h 624 Walnut Hopkins John. laborer, 'h Hi19 Fulton Hopkins Oliver. laborer. h 4ns Cranberry Hoppes Charles Z.. elk P . O .. h 1Ii IU Hunter Hoppes John S .. stengr. h 425 S 1:~th Hopple Charles c., brakeman, h 335 Kelker Hopple Edward L.. bricklayer, h 207 ~luench Hopple El~ie :'II.. nurse. h IH:n Fulton Hopple Henry E .. hoxmkr. h 1!l:H Forster


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H pp Ja es lab r.of 20~ I\1 'nch Hopple ::-,ltchael H., engr, h .07 .. luench I ..... : 1 pp :r-.\' on " ick ye h ') 7 \11en h Hopple Trnbin C .. battery man, h 4:~" lerr o Co 1 pp s H pi ..: Hopsitar John. laborer, h l:ns 0. 7th H ptl F nc 0 1"01 r. Ii:!: Fo ter Co Hopton I\lary l\f rs .. dressmkr, h b_:~ l' orster H rei r or \ cl H'"\!"' . I 1;) a s 'i! Horn Alex. D., steam fitter, _07 Blackberr~, h ...H el er ~ I rn a,'. j sa "111 ,I "11{ ':! [Iornafius 'Wilham ~J., brakeman, h 4.)1 ~ 4t 1 H rnl rg M y. un es Lu tic Hos 'tal h do Horner Andrew H .. labor'tr, 1 7 I ~ .q H rn EI" .;;;., bo r. I 20')~ K lsi "0 fti Horner George 1\1., . ra eman, h 7:{ ~ :\ th ::r- H rn G 10 L.. tor 'kpr h (i~0 Oxford -. Horner Harry T., agman, 1 17. '1. iit H rne Joh . . pe ter h :W'1 Bhckberry HornLr Jo 111 H., po lshe ,h _44 ail. H rn II" HornLr .To ph ..'hnrsn11.n, h :t!l) " 14th n Pans g, ge. h _:!5 "CI. ng -' H me William H. elk Dept Int ,\ffairs, h Oberlin cf HornL . se H, ne ,al H Tn III H lrnick Elh, dome<;tic. h lion ,'tate :


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Annie E .. housekeeper, 1:12:1 ~watara (ri l.. tel r, I )1~ -::e 'r Ella, housekeeper, 21~ Kelker J le ., oJ... Jr. er . 1 1. 21.' Ke r John H., conductor, h 218 Kelker } ni J n '. j fl. 11a h ,~ u n Hornin~ Oliver fl., watchman. h 1:l:!:~ Swatara ]-I ni I)e ,I liS 'al r Horning Samucl 5 .. farmer, h 1:l2:l Swatara H ni \ sl E )ra em ,I l:!:- la ay Horning William J., condllctor. h :{:15 l\Iaclay H st 111 E wi C, IS, lH :\ rkL Horst Jacob Y., switchinan, h 1~-1:! ?\ 7th H st am L e1r sn 11, lil \\' 111 Horst Tohn, driver, h 40ij Verbeke H st' oh en ,h -:14 -. C er Horst Luther M., elk, h IIi:!1 :\Iarkl't II ,ti r wi \1. al( na 11 :\11 or Horstick (.leorge \\., check man I . R. h.. , h 11:1, Derry lJ sti 5 aI- bo fol r. th d ' c!' lit, P -ta Horting Anne h.., music teacher, 11 :-- !;)th. h do H tin C rle E., bo r, lW Ba Horting Harry C, engr, h 13 Sloth H rtin 1" ti L.. ar pa' r, 50' R'y Harting Matilda, WId David, h 1~17 :\ Cameron Horning H 'ni Horning H ni Horning

r_" C



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Boyd's Harrisburg (II) City Directory, 1908.


Horton Charles B., boy's \\"ark sec, Hi ~ 2d, h 114 do Horton Harn' L., student, i1 1 S Front Horton Isaac' ~ .. conductor, h Ii:::! Reily Horton ~Iary E., weaver. h fi:l:! Reily Horton ~lan' R .. wid Oliwr G .. hIS Front Horvartin George, ins agt. :J:!l ~larket . h Steelton Horwitz Michael. tailor, 1:.!7 Chestnut, h do Hosack George ~I.. (Hosack & Eastman). h Pittsburg HOSACK & EASTMAN, (George M. Hosack and Frank






M. Eastman), lawyers, 211 Locust Hosan Xelson. laborer.h l:!:!U Wallace Hosler Edna, stengr, :;4 Cnion Trust bldg. h Carlisle Hossler Samuel H .. telegrapher P. R. R.. h 231 ~ 14th HOSTER ADAM W., pension, claim and patent attorney, 1864 Swatara c 19th, h do see adv Hoster Adam W .. jr., molder. h 1!l:;:~ Rudy Hoster Frank C .. cigars, h lSH4 Swatara Hoster William C. contract agt. h 1~(i-! Swatara Hostetler ~rart'ha A .. wid lacob. 'h :!lIoa X (jth Hostetter Chester D .. elk: h 1~4:{ Fulton Hostetter Grace. diet cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Hostetter Harry S .. printer. h :{:.!!I Chestnut Hostetter r. ~Jl'hin. elk 1'. R. R .. h 1S4!l Fulton Hostetter Laura E .. h 1~4:{ Fulton Hostetter ~Iaud ~ . , h 11'4:J Fulton

:u c



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~-;;'~~IE

Hostetter Sarah wi(\ lacob C .. h 184:3 Fulton HOTEL ALDINE, Frederick B. Aldinger, propr, 435 Market Hotel Gilbert. George GiI1;ert, propr. 1415 ~ 3d Hotel Hare. (Henn' ~1. Hare). 4:!1 Walnut Hotel Rife, Willia111 H . Rife. propr. :~:!5 Walnut Hotel RlIss. Harry F. Eckinger. prnpr. 4:!!l ~larket Hotz ~J an' .-\ .. sales!a<h', :!:!1 ~Iarket, h :!:;:{ ~ orth HOlick Davie!. whole!'al~ liquor. 1:!07 ~ 7th, h do Houck Frank D .. :!d v-pres. :!:.!7 Walnut. h ;')117 N Front HOUCK HENRY, sec Internal Affairs, Capitol, h Lebanon HOlick Henr\' 0 .. <:al<:'<:111a11, h. 1:'i:U; State HOUCK HERBERT S., v-pres and mgr publicity Cumberland Pub. Co., 109-11 Market, h Carlisle




Pension and Claim!ttorney


PUocteenth and Swatara Streets.

Take AlII.on Hili Car.

lIarrlsburit. Pa.
Telephone 898

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:Cut"J.':.'i:.:{ 306 Br'l~

394 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
Houck Joseph, laborer, h 19:H X 7th Houck Katie, domestic, 2118 X 14th Houck Lerov S., window trimmer. !l34 :Vlarket, h 811 N lith . . Honek Luther, driver, h 18:!O Swatara Houck Philip. shoes. 430 ~Jarket, h do Houck Samuel :yr., bricklayer, h an7 Chestnut Houck. see Hauck . Houdenshield Charles, laborer. h 1718 X 4th Houdensh:eld Harry].. c1k. h 1718 X 4th Houdenshielrl Jacob, laborer, h 1718 N 4th Houcleshel Daniel F., flagman, h 1531 X 6th Houdeshell :Ylary V., wid George M . h :m9 Harris Houghton Charles E., conrluctor, h 5~7 Curtin Houghton Harry F., brakeman. h 1:3118 N 6th Houghton Harry L., engr, h 231)4 X 6th House George c., laborer. h 177 Indian Houseal Harry, fireman, h 611~ Calder Houfeal Louis ]., tailor. 21 N !ld, h -107 Boas Houseal William, laborer, h 120 Dock HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., George E. Lynch, mgr, 3 N Market sq see adv front cover Householder Albert, elk P. R. R., h 803 East Householrler Annie. elk. h 80!l East Householder Ella, wid Samuel. h 8118 East





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tal III

Householder, see Housholder Houseknecht Fannie A., stengr State Dept. Health, h :!U!I State Houseman Charles, laborer. h 1719 N 12th Homeman Christian, grocer, 17~4 1\ 3d, h do Homeman Edith :\L h 1724 K :~d HOllseman George \V., laborer. h 1715 ?\ 12th Houseman Jonas, laborer, h 1719 N 12th HOllseman Joseph, laborer, h 1719 X 12th HOllseman !\Iary, elk. 3d c Cumberland, h 1724 N 3d Houseman :\Iarv E., elk, 11 1724 N ad Houseman Wiliiam, laborer, h 171ft ~ 12th Houser Annie C, wid James H., h 319 Boas Houser Catharine, cigarmkr, h 630 Hamilton Honser l.1ark V., elk. h 603 X Cameron Honser Cornelius, laborer, h 804 S Cameron Houser Cornelius. jr., h 804 S Cameron Honser Frank L., stamper, h 419 Boas Honser George H .. assessor, h 216 Chestnut Honser Grace, cigarmkr, h fi30 Hamilton Houser Harrv c., ironwkr, h lOW S 9th Houser Isaac, laborer. h 118 X Linden Honser Jacob. machinist, h 1!l09 Green Houser John G., painter, h 624 CurtiR Houser Lizzie, wid Henry. h 1016 S 9th

ANDREW REDMONOh~:=:~:;'':i :;~og~ {3d and Reily Stl. Coogle

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1 B. TleK} IAlL PIPER e:'::~J:! IIIDOI8HADE8{ !i.~~


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory, 1908. 395 ::g Houser 1\laheJ, seamstress, h 13119 Green Houser l\hrgaret, housekeeper, all3 S Front rHouser l\lary, grccer, 1930 Fulton, h do Houser Marv L. Mrs., h 603 N Cameron ,." U) Houser l\linnie 1\1., wid Frank 1\1., h 1126 CO\vden ~ Houser Robert 1\1., stock sorter, h 1116 Plum ~ Houser Sarah F., saleslady, 334 :\hrket, h 1309 Green ~ Houser \\'illiam F., janitor C. H., h Middletown Houser WilIiam S., carpenter, h 4U) Boas CD c::::t Houser \Vilson R, supervisor, 213 \,yalnut, h 17 S 3d Housholder Charles F., carpenter, h 415 Pear C") Housholder Charles .T., steam fitter, h 415 Pear Housholder Edwin M., policeman Capitol, h 317 Boas ~ Housholder Ella J. l\Irs., h 420 Market Housholder Elmer E., contractor, h 412 Boas 0 Housholder Harry B., laborer, h 415 Pear Housholder Margaret, housekeeper, 412 Boas ':'1) Housholder l\largaret, weaver, h 412 Boas rHousholder \YilIiam, carpenter, h 412 Boas C Housholder William T., hostler, h 31 S 3el Housholder, see Householder ~ Houston Charles 0., elk P. R R, h Pen brook l> Houston Ralph, elk. h 1220 N 7th ::D. Houston Sarah, wid Charles, h 337 S Cameron Houston William A., civil engr, h 212 Forster

..... ..


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N l>

.!:*':-"::'-:-'}Harrisburg Sallngs and Loan Assn. {~= lJ Houtz Adam D., cutter, 310 Yerbeke, h 1629 X 6th 0 Houtz Etta L., wid Oscar S., h 1121 N 2<1 0 Houtz Harry C, stengr, 5 N :3d, h 1121 N 2d
Houtz Joseph c., messenger city elk, C. H., h 1121 N 2d Houtz \VilIiam H., tailor, 3In Verbeke, h 1620 ?\ 6th Houtz William :\1., apprentice, h 162!1 ?\ 6th Hoverstick Emma :\Irs., h 1336 Fulton Hoverter Abner B., coach painter, h 1447 Regina Hoverter Annie E., wid George W .. h 32 Evergreen Hoverter Annie G., h 1257 Mulberry Hoverter Beulah S., stengr, 212 Locl1st. h 1257 :Mulberry Hoverter Charles A., painter Capitol. h 1318 Thompson Hoverter Elizabeth fl., bookkpr, l:n 1 X 3d. h 1257 Mulberry

i ,.


HOVERTER GEORGE A., alderman, 412 Market, (2d floor), h 32 Evergreen ~ Hoverter Harry B., cutter, h 1447 Regina ~ Hoverter Harrv R, bar cJk Senate Hotel, h 1313 Swatara = Hoverter :Mary H., wid John, 11 1257 l\lulberry : :r Hoverter Maurice c., cJk, 1322 l\larket, h 1447 Regina ~ Hoverter Ross W., package cJk P. R R, h 1852 Swatara n Hoverter Samuel M., driver, h 131 S 3d :::a Howanstine Clarence E., brakeman, h 1533 N 5th 000' Howanstine John P., flagman, h 316 Muench ;r Howanstine William J., elk, h :n6 Muench


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BOD U)oal, HODt

Ol:R MOTTO W.lllbt I -}

H M KELLty & CO {I. . . . . .~. . .- . . I .... . .trwI



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

Howard Alexander W., h HIl5 X 7th Howard Benj. B., grocer, 1515 Derry. hUOn Thompson Howard Dwight L., fireman. h UH2 ~ 7th Howard Edward P., (Richwine & Howard), h l!1l5 ~ 7th Howard Ella D. }Irs., (Allison Hill Laundry), h :m6 S 15th Howard Elmer W .. laborer, h 710 Xorth al Howard Ervin \V .. electrician, h 22:m X 4th Howard George \V., elk Commissioner Forestry, Capitol, h all Chestnut Howard Harry B., machinist, h 4Ui Harris Howard James A., shoe opr, h 1409 Thompson Howard James G., painter, h 1604 Susquehanna c :t Howard James \V., laundry. :~nfi S 15th, h do .1$ Howard John T H.carpenter, h 2030 Susquehanna .. .;; Howard Layton L., (.\Bison Hill Laundry), h 306 S 15th :IE Howard Xathan. waiter The Commonwealth, h 521 South Howard Percy A., district agt, h 12:1 S 2d :fI) Howard Samuel D., telegrapher P. R R., h ns S 21st / Howarcl Susan E wid Frank E 180::> l'Iarket It Howard Tabitha. ..wid Hamilton... hh fill7 South '0 Howard Taylor. laborer, h 2:t! S 15th Howe George A., machinist, h 15271 Derry .t,) Howe Harrv, fireman, h 620 Verbeke C Howe }t.sse K., telegrapher P. R R, h 145 Sylvan ter Howe Lulu, watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do

It O #,



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Howe Percy W., machinist, h 125 S l:hh Hower Est~lia, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Howerter Annie. housekeeper. 150:1 1\ 2d Howlett Richard, waiter, h 122 Cowden Hoy Oarence S., laborer, h 216 Peffer Hoy Danie}' F .. car repairer, h 62:1 ~Iahantong-o Hoy Francis H . foreman, 7th c Walnut, h 7119 Green Ho}' Francis R .. jr.. barber, lS X :ld. h WI::> Green Hoy George K., electrician, h 103 South Hoy Harry A., laborer, h 517 South Hoy Lucy H., domestic, 705 1\ 6th Hov Robert W., electrician, 153 :-.J 4th, h 902 Green Hoy Wilson T., elk, 2161 N 4th, h do Hoyer Anthony K.. telegrapher, h 64 N 14th Hoyer Charles A., laborer, 'h 2135 Atlas ' Hoyer George R. stengr Dept. Public Grounds and Buildings, h 113 Chestnut Hoyer :\laude, stengr Telegram, h New Cumberland Hoyer Roy, elk Lochiel 1Idse. Co., h 1267 S 13th Hoyler Andrew, fireman, h 569 Race Hoyler Dorothea M., wid John ~f., h 601 Race Hoyler Frederick J., miller, h 109 Tuscarora Hoyler Jdllll C, barber, h 28 N 5th Hoyler Mabel E .. stengr P. & R .. h 1417 Berryhill Hoyler Rose. cigarmkr. h 102 Tuscarora

I. L. ST. ClAIR{"AILOADUti~!~Y~Mt~'[f

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Boyd s Harnsburg (

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lrectory, 1908.

A. laundress. h 110 Cowden

UB, fu
Hubbs Hubbs ubbs ubbs Huber Huber nber nber Huber Huber uber uber H nber Huber nber

eph ers,

nd ~



Emma J. Mrs., grocer, 2017 Kensington, h do John W painter h 21:37 Atlas wis B lIer, 1 Cal liam ,C. S , h f) alder Adolph R, laborer, h 1()17 SlOth Alice, teacher. h 1427 Walnut ie E ker, 4 Ht el Valt, 19r, 27 \\ t Benjamin F., engr, h 17W ~ 5th Blanche E., copyist. 'h 1427 \Valnnt des, rer. : ij S n i t rles ottle 129 Charles A., brakeman, h 105 S Summit Daniel P., laborer, h 224 Hummel t'h L. ~I rs. State pt. H , h :.. Edward M., polisher, h 224 Hummel Edwin T., laborer, 'h :m2 S 2d "in T ., lab .h :~ 2d nk B 19'he 37 H a Franklin V., plasterer,.h a:32 S 2d Frederick, laborer. h 1017 SlOth







Huber Huber uber uber Huber Huber

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Huber Gertrude, student. h ~24 Hummel uber rv :\ ndnc h 15"- "reen uber r~" n akem 4:W nilta Huber Howard M .. fireman, h 14111t Regina Huber Ida, weaver, h HIl7 SlOth uber e, te r. 'h .-.- \Val uber E .. s r Sta ept. tho h 7 Gr Huber Tohn, laborer. 'h III.) ~' SUml1l1t Huber joseph 0., actor, 'h 882 S 2d uber herin F, teacl' h :!:!4 H mlllel uber isa I essm (III ~ t. h Suml uber : ia E .. \\1(\ Georgt. ~I.. h 17J Reg a Huber :Ylfg. Co .. J. A. Rose. mgr. agrl implts, 19 SlOth Huber 1VI y. w'l Henry h 1427 W,lnut uber v E. (ler, 41 V n uber id E., 1 4071 gina Huber Minnie L., seamstress, h 1716 N 5th H nber Ross. brakeman. h 1616 Penn l'hf'r ;j". \' ;]l1iel h '22 Il'me uher . ;r;tll. < nrer. _..!-1 I! wi Hllhlr \\';1shi11g-tol1. lahorer. h l:i27 (;rC('11 Hnhn \\'il!i1l11 H elk. h 1"7 Ville ulH:r liam naile 1.1-11 non ubert teph, ookb r, 32 rket, 28 B Hubler Elizabeth c., wid Joseph M . h 2036 N 4th












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110. . LOO


CLARK'S =::I~I~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store {=:J!':k4fJ.


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

== == Z

Hubler Harry 0 .. fireman. h 20!l6 N 4th Hubler Ida, dressmkr, h 2036 ~ 4th Hubler Robert S., fireman, h 341 Kelker Hubley Alpheus T., (Weaver & Hubley), h 50S N 3d Hubley Alpheus T .. jr., steel inspector. h HIIO Green Hudgins Alice R. weaver, h 1435 Susquehanna Hudgins Charles R, h 1426 Green Hudgins Daisy ~., elk, h 191)9 Green Hudgins Harry ~1., machinist, h 14~l5 Susquehanna Hudgins John D., laborer. h 1435 Susquehanna Hudgins Phoebe, h 142fi Green Hudgins Robert A, laborer, h 3 r 1028 State Hudgins Thomas .I., contractor. l!ln!} Green, 11 do Hudson Don F., brakeman, h 53n \Yoodbine Huff Emma T., wid Elias, h 1814 N llth Huff Ruth, salesladv, 334 Market. h 1~14 X 5th Huffer Calvin L., elk 14no Market, h 11 S ] 8th Huffer Clarence Z .. teller Com. Rank, h 11 S 18th Huffmann, see Hoffman Huggins Edgar .I., merchant tailor, 2117 Locust, h Penbrook Huggins Elmer E., car inspector, h 2226 Logan Huggins George L., fireman, h 2204 Logan Huggins Joseph S., carpenter. h :w:n X 5th Huggins Russel S., elk P. R R. pass depot, h 2226 Logan
"l'IU. Gaannt;r and 8nre&7 Co. { d........111.... E IIIIlfl.... { I . . .. -laranlon, Pe.aa.TruIII ~ III .11Ier ~'~III J. .clllll1111 Tral'"

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Huggins \Yilliam H., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hughes Aaron, brakeman, h 1514 Logan Hughes Benjamin B., huckster, h 31i Lochiel 3d row Hughes Ellis, laborer, h Iii Cowden II ughes Grant. laborer, h ].lUH Susquehanna Hughes James, laborer, h 5:m Primrose Hughes James, (est). livery, 4W Strawberry Hughes John n., confectioner, 34i S 13th, h do Hughes ~Iahala, "'id David, h 14;m Shoop Hughes ~Iary. wid James, h 415 \\"alnut Hughes Otto. laborer, h 175 Indian Hughes Rohert. cashier, Herr c 1IIth. h 11O:{ Penn HUGHES WILLIAM, veterinarian, 418 Strawberry, h 415 Walnut Hulawitz Casper, h 720 X 7th Hull Arthur H., teacher High School. h 812 Capib~ Hull Bros., (Harvey J. and John K.), meat, 1723 Logan Hull Ella S., trimmer, 334 ~Iarket. h Xew Cumberland Hull Harvey J., (Hull Bros.). h Hn7 ;:\i 3d Hull Jacob P . bricklayer, h H07 :N 3d Hull John, car repairer. h l!W6 Penn Hull John. horseman. h 517 Walnut Hull John K., (Hull Bros.). 11 1707 N 3d Hull Thomas 1.. laborer. h 1707 N 3d Humbert Annie :\1., domestic, 237 N River

Redmond's Wagon Works ~-:'':.'~d:A';.t~~ {3d and RailYJts.



1. B. TACK} Wall Papar and Window Shades h:l~d:.r::~

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City



Humbert Emma. wid George, h 237 N River Humbert Randolph D., laborer, h 220 S Court Humble C. Emma, wid Henr\', h 313 Herr Humble George W., asst road foreman engines P. R. R., h




Humburg Andrew H., laborer. h 438 S Cameron ::: Hume Ada ~I., stripper. h 106 Ann Hume David O. electrician, h 507 Kelker Hume Edgar' B., foreman. 1702 Susquehanna. h 228 Broad Humelstein Aaron, conductor, h 1516 Susquehanna Humelstein Aaron, jr., patternmkr, h 1516 Susquehanna Humelstein Harry, laborer, h 1516 Susquehanna Humelstein Marne, tel opr, h 1516 Susquehanna Humer Carson S., carpenter, h 1408 Derry Humer Edwin c., floor mgr, 334 Market, h Earlington Humer John F., test boardman, 210 Walnut, h 1408 Derry Humes Florence, h 2009 Penn Humes James W., car repairer, h 78 Disbrow Humes Laura E., wid Lyman, h 1835 Susquehanna Humes Lyman A., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 324 Reily Humes Mabel L., elk, Derry c Evergreen, h 78 Disbrow Humes Sadie J., saleslady, 318 Market, h 2417 N 6th ~ Hummel Albert H., electrician, 334 Market, h Hummels- CD town c; Hummel Alfred, contractor, h 623 Briggs ~


.:;a a::.-:a}Harrisburg Sattags ud Lou Asan. U:= ..

Hummel Caroline, wid David E., h 11 N 4th Hummel Catharine E., wid Samuel W., h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Charles, brakeman, h 46 N 10th Hummel Charles H ., frescoer, h 1~23 N 2d Hummel Charles W., engr, h 87 N 17th Hummel Edgar c., deputy sheriff. C H., h Hummelstown Hummel Edward F., policeman, h 330 S 14th H ummel Edward W., h 21 S 4th Hummel Eliza B., wid Richard H., h 107 S Front Hummel Elmer c., asst treasurer, C. H., 'h Steelton Hummel Esther R., saleslady, 334 Market, h Hummelstown Hummel E. Valentine. student. h 107 S Front Hummel George A., fireman. h 2224 N 6th Hummel George W., h 330 S 14th Hummel Harry A., agt, 'h 1f104 State Hummel Han'e\", laborer, h 1124 ?\ 6th Hummel Horace, lineman. 227 Walnut, h 1105 N Front Hummel Jacob L., trucker. 'h Reefs la nr 6th Hummel Jeremia'h, laborer, h 12~6 Cowden Hummel J. Fred. tinsmith. h Hi21 Penn Hummel John K., h 821 N 2d Hummel John \V .. laborer, h Reel's la nr Ilth Hummel Louisa E ., wid Frederick, h 1506 State Hummel ~fary A., h l50n State





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M. KELLEY & CO. n~~l:&a=







Hummel Myrtle :\1., stengr, 112 :\Iarket, h 2305 ~ 6th st y mas P. R., I 1 :N ay um I P p T. ummel Revery., agt, h 2101 ~ 6t'h Hummel Richard H., (est), 10:~ 11arket um I R Y.. gra r P. R.. )25 rket ummel \\ I ham C, patternmkr, h 11 :;..r 4th Hummer Frank H., helper, II 1256 Walnut um r:\l . 11 h 1 \\" a t ump rey nna, housekeeper, 14()!) James Humphrey Thomas, florist, Greenwood c 19t, 'h do um eys gar ,br ma . R. ,h Da lin ump reys arry ., U. ::'. A., 1 14:3 / ::,hoop Humphreys Susan Mrs., h 1437 Shoop urn ies rrv S. :h 1 Sh urn IOU. Edgar K., ~oapll1 r Lunatic Hospital, h 2120 N 7t'h un ord ate (Br tbil Hu rfo h8 2d

1&1 ..J


(J) Hunsecker Charles F., carpenter, 'h :l50 Nectarine

uns er vid call .R .h. Ch uns er nie, omes c, 192. tate Hunsecker Mary, wid William, h 1318 Penn uns er liam, sa Ian :~26 est uns er m, gr, I 3 S <>t'h Hunsicker Charles I., blacksmitili, h 1724 N 4th
-----------------------Hunt Robert c., yardmast h 14" Syl' I te



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3 L

unt illia H.. r, 118 een Hunter Caroline P., wid Rev. John, h 39 Balm Hunt eha A. ngr, I 202 usq ann unt Cha H har Col, 33 th Hunter Charles H., cook, 811 N Front Hunt Ed\ A. eck n P R. 124 aln unt For . h ~): ront Hunter George \V., conductor, h 1832 N 2d Hunt Jam - wa h nan 1!1t' r D y lint Tam H., itor 70 tate Hunter Jennie Mrs., laundress, h 167 Indian Hunter Jose I C, ~r. 'I - '~2:\1 nc'! UN R EP W. ate ghw Co issi Capitol, h 410 Briggs Hunter Mabel l\Jrs I 414 Soutl unt Rob L., gr, 328 6th j f l1!lter Sallie, waitress, :~29 Chestnut. h do Hunter Samuel, laborer. h 1418 N 4th Sus; wid her 90 ] tl un t Q H tinter 1 ijvsses. laborer. h r Hil Filbert ~ 1Iunter \Veslev c., laborer h 90~ SlUt unt Vill A. t, 8 2d, 14 Z ; Huntmgdon Julia B. Mrs., music teacher, h 204 N 2d Q HUlltsbeq:;er Ahraham, firpman, h 2:18 Crescent



l L. ST. CLAIR { .- A.I L""" Fe {1240 IIlrklUtrllf





Boyd's Harrisburg (1l) City Directory, 1908. 401 Huntsberger Elizabeth, h 1115 N!-ld . ~ Huntsberger Joseph I., laborer, h 436 Muench Huntzberger John H., conductor, h 465 S Cameron Huntzberger Minnie M., wid David G., h ~4:1 Kelker Huntzinger Benjamin K., sec, 1 S 3d, h \V'ernersville Hupeneer Michael, laundryman Lunatic Ho~ital. h do -f Hurd Augustus, laborer, h 412 Cowden Hurley Clara, domestic, 224 Kelker Hurley George, baggage porter, h 2141 N 4th HURLEY WESLEY F., real estate and insurance, 37 Union Trust bldg, h 609 N Front :II Hurley, see Early Hurlock W. Spry. dentist. h 1609 K 2d C Hursh Abraham B., h 55 N 17th HURSH DANIEL F., hotel, 300 Verbeke, h do Hursh Daniel 0., machinist, h 55 N 17th Hursh Elmira J., wid Augustus L., h 1740 K 3d Hursh Harry H., horse dealer, h 1715 State Hursh Jay N., saloon, 218 Cherry. h do Hursh J. Frank. elk U. S. Hotel. h Hummelstown Hursh L. Minnie, teacher, h 224 Herr c.n Hursh Rov T., bar elk, h 1740 K 3d ~ Hursh Sofie Mrs., h Seneca nr Front Hurst Charles A., driver, h 1314 Howard Hurst Frank A., elk, h 2027 Forster

< en


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~-:'~~IE

Hurst George, laborer, h 1914 Forster Hurst Grover c., laborer, h 90;~ K 19th Hurst Jacob, laborer, h 1849 North Hurst James, helper, h 1314 Howard Hurst John W., laborer, 'h 1849 North Hurst Joseph, brakeman, h 1:114 Howard Hurst Joseph, switchman, h 1:114 Howard Hurst M. Ethel. stengr State Dept. Health, h 113 Locust Hurst Nellie T., domestic, h 1709 N 2d Hurst Ross J., bricklayer, 'h 1533 N 3d Hurst Thomas, h 441 Hummel Hurst William, hcaterman, h 2037 Boas Htlsler William G.. shipper, h 233 Hummel Huss George B., fireman. h 946 1\ 7th Huston Berwyn, apprentice, h 437 Verbeke Huston Frederick W., drhcr. h ~Ofi Green Huston George 1\I., engr, h 4:~7 Verbeke Huston Hugh, repairsman. h 1212 Susquehanna Huston Tohn. h fl30 Forster Huston 'Tohn B., h GIl) Boas Huston 'Tohn L.. elk, 21f1 ::\'Inrkt't. h 208 Liberh' Huston John W., laborer, h 1218 N 6 t h ' Huston Levi A . brakeman. h 1114 Plum Huston Marv c.. wid \YiIIiam H., h 607 Reilv Hutcheson Ethel F., machine opr, h 1724 Ftilton

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:::: ~~;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ 8~r"-t;

402 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.
Hutcheson John L., carpenter, h li24 Fulton Hutchinson Christianna, wid Israel C, h 1111 Capital Hutchinson Hiram S., cigarmkr, h 1111 Capital Hutchison Alice M., wid James W., h 1511 Penn Hutchison Della A., laundry maid Lunatic Hospital, h do Hutchison Emma M., wid Joseph B., h 224 Boas Hutchison J. Frank, elk, 214 Market, h 2:!8 Forster Hutchison Joseph B., (Hutchison & Schell), h 224 Boas Hutchison Julian W., supt, 18-22 S 3d! h Camp Hill Hutchison Margaret Mrs., h 326 North Hutchison Robert C, elk, 9 S 2<1, h 1631 Green Hutchison Ross D., apprentice Independent, h Camp Hill Hutchison Sarah L., wid David H., h 326 North Hutchison William R., express messenger, h 1631 Gree~ Hutchison & Schell, (J. B. Hutchison and E. H. Schell), Commonwealth Cigar Store, 5 S 2d Hutchman William, fireman Lunatic Hospital, h do Hutman George A., watchmkr, &c., 1013 N 3d, h 1703 do Hutman Henry H., machinist. h ]319 Marion Hutter Frank, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hutter Frank L., bookbinder, h ]R13 :N 6th Hutter John R., foreman, h 1$13 K 6th Hutton Anna, domestic, 219 S Front Hutton Bashon, driver, h 21:~ S River

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Hutton George ]., gauger, h 347 Muench Hutton George W., electrician, h 347 Muench Hutton]. Nagle, grocer, 347 Muench, h do Hutton John C, physician, 5 S 4th, h do P.utton Zora, housekeeper, 48 N Summit Buver Olive A., tailoress, 1407 Derry, h do Hyde Ada C, saleslady, 318 Market, h 416 S 17th Hyde Blanche E., h 501 Muench Hvde Curtis, foreman, h 416 S 17th Hyde Mary A., h 416 S 11th Hyde Matthew, laborer, h 214 Chestnut Hyde Perry G., supt. 9th c Herr, h 411 Walnut Hvers Alice M., wid William E., h 1834 N 7th Hyers June M., cigarmkr, h 1834 N 7th H vkt>s, see Heikes, also Hikes Hylan Patrick J., hostler, h 91 Disbrow Ifvland Delia E., wid Michael J .. h 122 N 10th H~'ler Flora, domestic, 936 N 2d, Hyman Jacob. laborer, h 504 Walnut I-Ivman Isaac. laborer, h 5114 \Valnut H~'nicka Edward 0.. florist. h 113 Balm H}l11icka George. contractor, h State Capital Hotel Hynicka George W., molder, h 113 Balm H vnicka :Mary A., h 129 Walnut Hynicka Ray: molder, h t:i N nth

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMONDDi!~z4dvHJlIJ~.



1IaIr. . Specialty of { , . N. . . . . . 81U1"Dplo PIalDTIa. . .UmatelGl_

Boyd's Harrisburg (I) City Directory, 1908.


Ibach Catharine, bookkpr, 500 Race, h 419 Strawberry Ibach Harry c., mgr, 26 N 3d, h 419 Strawberry Ibach John W., U. S. N., h 103 North Ibach Joseph W., city detective, h 600 Dauphin Ibach Lydia A., wid Charles, h 419 Strawberry Ibach M. Florence, elk, h 103 North Ibach William, janitor, 114 N 2d, h 103 North Ickes Helen, domestic, 504 North Ihling Chas. E., timekeeper P. R. R. depot, h 216 Chestnut JIhling SamueIW., cashier P. R. R. depot, 'h 216 Chestnut Ikeler Raymond G., livery, h 111 South .. Imber Matthias, elk, 219 Market, h 925 Rose Imes Martha, wid William, h 1202 N 12th Imes Minnie, charwoman, h 1202 N 12th Imperial Novelty Store, H. H. Kaylor, mgr,house furnis'hings, 1201-1203 N 3d Independent 'Blue-Star Film Exchange, A. 'M. Brank, mgr, a 21 N 3d ~ Independent Film Supply Co., Beverly U. Glover, mgr, ,,~

.. ..e

INDEPENDENT LOAN SECURITY CO., A. Allen Adleman, mgr, rooms 302-303 Floyd bldg, 8 N 2d see adv bottom lines Ingram Daniel, grocer, 611 Mahantongo, h do


~=::} Hurlsburg

IlIlags and Loan Assi. t C


Ingram Harry, bricklayer. h 1315 Fulton Ingram J. Geiger, mgr, 317 Chestnut, h 1833 N 2d Ingram John W., flagman, h 1810 Penn Ingram Mary E ., dressmkr, h 611 Mahantongo Ingram Rachel G., dressmkr. h 611 Mahantongo, h do N Ingram Sarah J., wid Price E., h 1!l2!tk Howard :n Ingram, see Ingream Ingream Bertha A., h 51 N Summit > Ingream Charles E .. engr, h 1!l9 N Cameron :G Ingream Flay F .. engr, h 1247 Mulberry Ingream Frank, engr, h :l8 N lOth :(I) Ingream, see Ingram Inly Gertrude, ironer, h 4~1 Kelker International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, W. R. Houser. supt; H. D. Delmotte, div supt; J. T. Whitaker, res mgr, 21!l Walnut International Harvester Co. of America, John G. Young, genl agt; L. E. Richey, asst genl agt, 813-817 Market Intry Frank M., tailor, h 42R State Irons Robert H., supt Mill No. 'I, C. I. and S. Co., h 106 Chestnut Irvin George, butcher, h 445 Verbeke Irvin George E .. helper. h 1156 Derry Irvin James A .. draftsman, 212 Locust. h 1116 ~ 6th Irvin Susan, wid Elmer, h 115n Derry



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H. II. KELLEY" CO.}O., ::.:.r.f:~{COAL AND WOOD

Irvine Frank, elk, h 209 Walnut Irvine Katherine P., stengr State ~fuseum, h 916 N ad o Irvine Thomas F., electrician,h 114 ~ 2d c.:t Irvings Lizzie, domestic, 328 Chestnut ;j Irwin Bertha c., milliner, 318 ~Iarket, h 419 Forster c.:t Irwin Oharles M., baggagemaster. h 419 Forster Irwin Charlotte E., elk, h 419 Forster Irwin George T., press feeder, h 225 Herr Irwin Guy W., elk, h 339 Chestnut Irwin Howard c., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 225 Herr _ Irwin James B., laborer, h 1233 X 7th ~ Irwin John E., engr, h 225 Herr i!!:i Irwin Louis A., elk, h 606 X 16th -Ii Irwin l\Iary E., housekeeper, 1233 N 7th Irwin l\linnie H., stengr Dept. l\lines, h 419 Forster Irwin William H., engr, h 1812 Green U) Isaac Stephen E., agt, h 1304 Market H., 518 South, IE: Isaacman Benjaminelk. hgrocer,Berryhill h do Isele JO'hn A., mail 1508 Isenberg A. Percy, M. D., asst medical examiner P. R. R. Voluntary Relief Dept., 413 11arket, h 1308 Market Isenberg William J., lineman, 11 X 3d, h 1823 Fulton Isenberg, see Eisenberg Isenberger IE: Isenherger, Archie c., elk P. R. R., h 612 Oxford see Eisenberger .... -

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Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.



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Isett Harry c., conductor, h 14as :.\Iarket Ishey Carrie, laundress, h 61S Woodbine Ishey 'Christian, switchman P. R. R., h titS Woodbine Ishey Nora ~\L, dressmkr, h GIS Woodbine Istin Mitru, laborer, h 1107 N Cameron Iungerich Amelia, wid Daniel, h 1800 X 6th Iungerich Calvin L., air inspector, h 510 Reily Iungerich Isaac S., salesman, h 1607 X 3d Ives Katherine, milliner, h 211 Kelker Izer Lee S., elk, 212 Locust, h 1416 .:\larket

Jack George c., printer, h 1419 Swatara Jack Lydia, wid William D., h 1010 James Jack Theresa c., wid Josep;h L., h 1419 Swatara Jackson Amanda, wid John H., h 434 South Jackson Amelia, domestic, 110 Christie's ct fj Jackson Andrew, letter carrier, h 150n N 5t'h Jackson Andrew J., trimmer, h 418 S 'Cameron Q Jackson Andrew L., butler, h 327 S 14th f;I;J Jackson Benjamin F., laborer, h 1030 Cumberland .... Jackson Brandt 1\., bel! boy, h 665 Briggs Jackson Casper, laborer, h 122 Cowden C) Jackson Charles, laborer, h 44 S Court Jackson Charles A., barber, 509 State, h 514-1 N 5th



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A. B. TACK ::'~~:!1lon poper ond IIndOI so. el1"~~l}r

Boyd's Harrisburg (J ) City Directory, 1908. Jackson Jackson Jacksun Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson JaLkson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson J:l!'kson Jackson Ja,kson 405 Charles F., laborer, h 182"2 Swatara Charles H ., fireman, h 508 South Chester M., air inspector, h ~146 Atlas c. Sylvester, stengr, 222 Market, h 214 N River Daniel, driver, h 1408 Marion David, kindling wood, 824 Paxton, h do David, laborer, h ]22 Cowden David R., laborer, h 1418 Wyeth Edith Mrs., h ]227 ~fonroe Edward, driver, h 434 South Edwin W., lawyer, 222 l\larket, h 117 Chestnut Eliza, laundress, h 220 S Court Elizabeth, housekeeper, 122 Cowden Elizahath, wid Herbert, h 1127 l\Ionroe Elizabeth, wid Joshua, h 329 S 14th Ellen, domestic, 1623 N 2d Ellen, housekeeper, 1417 Marion Elnora, h 1127 ~Ionroe Emma, cook, h 514 South Eveline, housekeeper, 1127 l\Ionroe Fenton, laborer, h 1237 Monroe Fenton, jr., laborer, h 1237 Monroe Garnett M., laborer, h !l36 Carrie al George \V., porter, h 1118 Short Hannah E., domestic, 6 Sherman's row

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~:'~lcK

Jackson Hattie, charwoman, h 18 'Cowden Jackson Helen F. Mrs., dressmkr and clothing, 108 Short, :;:. J ... ckson Helen H., teacher, h ~mH N 6th T Jackson Henry S., waiter, h 112 Liberty Jackson Horace, laborer, h 1412 William ~ Jackson House, (R. C. Birmingham), 1306 ~ 7th Jackson Howard, laborer, h 1127 :\lonroe Jackson Isaiah, conductor, h 647 Boyd Jackson Jam~s K., teacher, h 117 Chestnut ~ Jackson John. laborer, h 713 Race Jackson John 0 ., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h H21 N 2d 5: Jac:kson John T., barber, 44:l Verbeke, h 507 South :z Jackson John T., foreman carpenter P. R. R., h 2220 N 6th Jac'kson John W ., laborer, h 12311 Monroe -Jackson Joseph, driver, Ii 12:~2 :\Ionroe Jackson Joseph F .. butler. !Ill ?\ 2d _ c;.n Jackson Josephine Y., wid William, h 3~ ~ 2d Jack"on Lavina M., wid James. h 41 N 16th ~ Jackson Lennie, office girl, h 5117 South g Jac'kson Lillian, nurse, h 507 South S Jackson Lindsay, laborer, h 1614 Walnut ~ ,ackson Lizzie, domestic, HI8 Short ~ JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO., steel barrows, mining wagons, charging barrows. &c., William Jen- ~ nings, sec and treas. 4th c Boyd see adv next page

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Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.
Martha, domestic, 1648 Market Martha c., wid John W., h 81a SlOth Mary Mrs., matron, h 665 Briggs Mary F., proof reader Independent, h 223 N 2d Matilda, wid Moses L., h 622 Briggs IVlay E., stengr Ins. De{lt., Capitol, h 32 N 2d M. Foster, elk, 7th c :r\orth, h 2017-1 N 6th Minnie, domestic, 115 Lanner Moses, laborer, h 71~ Race 'Myra, cashier Cumbo Pub. Co., h 15110 N 5th Richard E., scullion, h 521'1 West Robert, bootblack, h 424 South Robert L., waiter Senate Hotel, h 341 MuenchSarah Mrs., h 115 Tanner Sarah E., domestic, 71~ Race Sat ora E., waitress, h 665 Briggs Simeon, blacksmith, 1025 Paxton, h 801 SlOth Stanton R., porter, 1108 Market Susan F. Mrs . nurse. h 713 Race Thomas S., laborer, h 1i7 Indian Walter H., laborer, h 434 South William, laborer, h 122 Cowden William, laborer, h 436 S Cameron William, laborer, h 801 SlOth WilIiam. laborer, h 1519 Hunter Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson c::i Jackson u Jackson Tackson 4 jackson c:t Jackson -' Jackson Jackson 4 U lackson a : jackson &a.I Jackson E Jackson c Jackson Jackson Jackson




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:) Jackson William F., fireman, h 123 N lfith L Jackson William L., laborer, h 1164 S Cameron r Jackson William M., janitor. h 14:14 Vernon Jacobs Banks, fireman, h 1124 X fith Jacohs Caroline, wid S. Kirk, h ~54 Crescent ttl Jacobs Charles H., fiI'eman. h 2151 Atlas II. Jacobs Ella I.. hookkpr. 9 S 2d, h 114 Calder 111\ Jacobs Elma G.. wid John A .. h 421 Herr .I Jacobs Emma. laundress. h 60n Cumberland. Jacob'i Emma V., wid John, h 1:!1 S.14th Jacobs Frank J.. pipe cntter. h 317 Boas Jacobs George, h 12!W 1'\ Front Jacobs George W .. elk. 22 l'nion Trust bldg. h 20:n ~ 4th J ~ohs George \~ ~r~ve~l 21:m Green\\'o_o_d __ _






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TACK}lrIN~E!~!.~~~,,~.,~~RU!18IOrll1llll1l bl

Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.


Jacobs Harry B., elk Paxton F. and F. Co., h 512 SlOth Jacobs Harry R, installer, h 1223 Bailey Jacobs John A., bar elk U. S. Hotd, h 35 Balm Jacobs John c., laborer, h 725 Showers Jacobs John c., packer, h 1223 Bailey Jacobs John H., cabinetmkr, h 1226 N Front Jacobs John M., conductor, h 2227 N 6th Jacobs John W., lawyer, 9 N 3d, h 2031 N 4th Jacobs Kathryn M., telephone opr P. R R, h 415 Kelker Jacobs Mary, wid George L., h 405 Reily Jacobs May L., h 2227 N 6th Jacdbs Merkel- M., student, h 217 S Front JAICOBS M. WILLIAM, lawyer, 221 Market, h 217 S Front JacO'bs M. William, jr., student, h 217 S Front Jacobs Nellie M. Mrs., h 1820 Wood Jacobs Phoebe W., wid George W., h 2031 N 4th J acdbs Rebecca, wid John, 'h 415 Kelker Jacobs Roy, driver, 'h 317 Boas Jacobs Russell 0., elk, 323 Verbeke, h 539 Camp Jacohs Samuel, plasterer, h 725 Showers Jacobs Samuel S., brakeman, h 539 Camp Jacobs Walter R., driver, h 317 Boas Jacobs Ward E., nurse, h 1501 N 2d Jaco'bs William, laborer, h 725 Showers

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Jacobs Willis H., teacher, 'h 918 Green Jacdbs Wilson D., salesman, h 339 S 151'h Jacobson H. M. & Son, jewelers, 8 N 2d Jacobson Julius, grocer, 700 l\' '7t!h, h do Jacobson Morris E., (Samuel KU'hn), h 702 N 6th Jacoby Arthur M., salesman, h' 2050 Susquehanna Jacoby Elmer P., salesman, 215 Market, h 640 Reily Jacoby Frank E., laborer, h 1431 Market Jacoby Harry G., conductor, h 1431 Market Jacoby James M., fireman, h 1430 Naudain Jacoby Laura K., (Deppen Pretzel Co.), h 2050 Susq. Jacoby Mary E., wid David B.. 'h 269 Verbeke. Jacque Hattie V., housekeeper. 21114 Green Jacques Harry V., machinist. h HlU Hanna Jakobcen Henry. huckster, h 322 Kelker Jalkson Christopher, confectioner. 433 State. h do James Clarence, hostler, h 1232 Bailey James Edward. lahorer, h 512 N 5th James Elizabeth A., winder, h 1321 1\ 2d James Eugene H., physician, 60:'< X 3d, h do james Henry. laborer. h 624 Briggs James John, foreman. Division nr mh. h H66 Emerald James J. Warren. salesinan, h 114 N 2d James Lewis T .. elk P. R. R.. h 666 Emerald James Lily, domestic, 554 Primrose


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James Margaret E., cigar packer, h 105 S 2d ;; James 11ary ~Irs., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do James Sarah A., wid :Miles, h 1051 S 2d ~ James Sophie, wid Daniel, h 554 Primrose ~ James William c., car inspector, It 356 Crescent c.:t James William T., physician, 1900 N 6th, h do =S Jameson Adalina E., h Home for the Friendless c.:t Jameson Gertrude, wid Rush E., h 21 S 4th .:: Jamison Benjamin H., painter, h 1214 Apple ~ Jamison Charles, tinwkr, h 1213 X 6th ~ Jamison Kate, (est), milliner, 1213 X 6th Jamison 1Iarie, It 315 Cherry Jamison Xellie, cook, h 7113 South u Jamison Olive E., stengr State Dept. Health, Capitol, b 223 Pine Jamison Samuel R., ironwkr, h 819 S Front ca Jamison W. Grant, engr, h 616 Granite ~ Jamison William, heater, h 329 S 15th U) Jamison William L., heater, h 329 S 15th Japan Tea and Coffee Co., D. H. Schearer, mgr, 308 Verbeke 1&1 Jarrett \Vm. B., telegrapher, 401 Chestnut, h 1902 N 3d .J Jason Edward. laborer. h 120 Tanner C( Jason Lester. laborer, h 171 Indian l&J J auss Anna c.. wid Christian E., h 11] 3 ~ 6th


r.,. a D. Blaell DlamODU or-er H M WELLEY at CO'S - ; r o D _ u d ewheD { '...... III....... .1\ l r . - , . . . . . . ..... 408 Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.'





Jauss Christian E., physician, 1323 ~ 6th, h do Jauss David F., h 202 S 2d Jauss David F. jr., dri\"t~r, :~:n 1Iarket, h 202 S 2d Jauss D. Luther, h :no Chestnut J auss Harold ,R., stengr, h 2112 S 2d Jauss Helen M., teacher, h 1~2:~ X lith Jauss Lizzie F., teacher, h 2112 S 2d Jauss \Villiam L., stm'es and furnaces, 20n S 2<1, h do Jay William, h 211 Cumherland Jean Stanley G., (Han len Bros.), h 1420 State Jefferies Charles A., janitor, h 537 Woodbine Jefferies Edmund L.. janitor, h 225:1 Jefferson Jefferies Florence, saleslady, 334 :\Iarket, h Steelton Jefferies Fyanna, wid James :\1., h 706 N 19th Jefferies :\Iyra D., book folder, 201 ~ 2d, h 706 N 19th Jefferies Sarah :\1., bunchmkr. h 124 Ann al Jefferis ':\Iary E. :\Irs., h 111 Verbeke Jefferis William :\1., fireman, h 200:~ X 7th Jefferis \Villiam:\1., inspector gas works. h 111 Verbeke Jeffers George H., mgr, 1111 X :!d, h 24 X 2d Jefferson Frank L.. elk recorder, C. H., h Steelton Jefferson Thomas, waiter. h 119 :\1 ulberry Jeffries .\rthur E., air inspector. h 519 \Voodbine Jeffries Christopher, air inspector, h 504 Woodbine Jeffries Oarence. roller, h 522 Forrest

Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.


Jeffries George E., doubler, h 520 Forrest Jeffries Isaac, foreman, 'h 519 Woodbine Jelley William E., sol, 206 Market, h 22 S 4th Jenkins Albert, elk P. R. R., h 1701 Penn Jenkins Alfred, stengr, 16 N 2d, h 125 Evergreen Jenkins Anna F., embroiderer, h 241 South Jenkins Clayton A., brakeman, h :~40 Harris Jenkins David A., barber, 114 Market, h :!67 Briggs Jenkins Edward A., machinist, h 237 K 15th Jenkins Edward L., elk Banking Dept., h li01 Penn Jenkins J. Edward, sexton, h 1126 Herr Jenkins John, waiter, h 519 Brown Jenkins John J., machinist, h 113 S Cameron Jenkins John W., laborer, h 9th ab Reily Jenkins Laura W., wid Harry c., h 13:!:l Berryhill Jenkins Lewis D., roller, h 125 Evergreen Jenkins Lewis P., student, h 1701 Penn Jenkins :Mabel, bookkpr. 334 Market, h 12:i Evergreen Jenkins :Mary, cashier, :~34 Market, h 125 Evergreen Tenkins Robert D., elk P. R. R.. h 1323 BerrvhiII Jenkins Walter A., laborer, h 1145 Cumberl;ind Jenkins William A., livery, 34 N 9th, h Steelton Jennings Edwin D., (Jennings Mfg. Co.), h 14:!6 N 2d Jennings Elizabeth, domestic, 603 K Front Jennings Emma ]., wid William W .. h 223 State


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Jennings George \V., laborer, h 50U ~ Cameron Jennings Harry E., eng-r, h 638 Boas Jennings John c., (Jennings Mfg. Co.), h 1426 N 2d

JENNINGS MFG. CO., (John C. and Edwin D. Jen- ; ; nings), mfrs of ladies' aprons, 414-416 State S Jennings Sarah A., wid John, h 17:!1 Logan c.n Jennings Silas ]., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h Lemoyne ~
Jennings William, pres Hbg. Steam Heat and Power Co., > sec and treas Jackson Mfg. Co .. h 232 State .~ Jennings \VilIiam, conductor, h 1721 Logan Jerauld Adeline \V., wid Alfred, h 14 Evergreen Jerauld Arthur K., conductor, h 107 Linden Jerauld Dwight P., (Jerauld Shoe Co.), h 14 Evergreen

JERAULD SHOE CO., boots, shoes and hosiery, 310 Market

Jeszenka George, laborer, h 1114 N Cameron Jett John, laborer, h 1110 Kittatinny Jillson David S., office sec, 16 X 2d, h 711 N 18th Johannes F. William, laborer, h 1116 S Cameron John Edward c., machinist, h 623 Harris Johns Albert, laborer, h 2116 Turner Johns Anna E., dressmkr, h 1812 Korth Johns Calvin B., carpenter, h 1812 Korth Johns Edgar, laborer, h 1621 Apricot . Johns Franklin R .. plasterer, h 1319 Bartine

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Johns George P., brakeman, h 1819 N 5th Johns Harry, jobber, Lunatic Hospital, h do Johns Harry U., student, h 1812 North Johns Newton B., lather, h 550 Woodbine Johns Paul F., bricklayer, h 1319 Bartine Johns William, laborer, h 502 South al Johnson Albert, laborer, h 1241 Monroe Johnson Albert C, charman Capitol, h 1910 Logan Johnson Andrew, laborer, h 1065 S 9th Johnson Anna C, wid Isaiah, h 61.5 Forster Johnson Anna M" stengr Lunatic State Hospital, h do Johnson Annie, h 412 S Cameron Johnson Annie, domestic, Hershey House Johnson Benjamin F., helper, h 125 Short Johnson Berger, elk, h 615 Forrest ~ Johnson Carrie, wid Peter D., h 1712 Market Q Johnson Charl't"s, laborer, h 13~1 Bartine Johnson Charles, laborer, h 1118 Cumberland JOHNSON CHARLES, resident clerk House of RepreC sentatives, 'Capitol, h The Lochiel U Johnson Charles, waiter, h 2 Haehnlen I I: &W Johnson Charles A., conductor. h 2215 Logan E Johnson Charles C., huckster, h 1940 Fulton ~ Johnson Charles E., laborer, h 227 N River ~ Johnson Charles G., laborer, h 1430 Fulton


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~="'.1.r:~:.~{ 306



Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.

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. . Johnson Charles G., supervisor Lunatic Hospital, h do Johnson Charles H., barber, 142rij- Derry, h 921 S 21st Johnson Charles H., laborer, h 420 Herr Johnson Charles H., laborer, h 1118 Cumberland Johnson Charles H., laborer, h 1745 X Cameron Johnson Charles P., student, h 402 Filbert Johnson Clement B., elk. h 913 N 2d Johnson Cornelius J., packer, h 5 Haehnlen C Johnson Daisy E., charwoman. h 1113 Monroe ~ Johnson Dani'el, laborer, h 1217 Monroe Johnson Edward W., laborer, h 921 S 21st Johnson Ellen F. Mrs., h 1231 Monroe Johnson Elmer H., printer Courier, h 327 Granite Johnson Elmer S., bookkpr, 17th c Derry, h 1817 Derry Johnson Elvina, boarding, 1329 Fulton. h do Johnson E. Olive, weaver, h 16171 N" 3d Johnson Eva M., teacher, h 18 N 16th ft Tohnson Fannie L.. teacher, h 913 ?\2d ... Johnson Floyd]., foreman, h 143 Balm Johnson Frank, hod carrier, h 1106 N 12th Johnson Fred C, M. D., chief med inspector State Dept. Health, Capitol, h ]311 Berryhill Johnson Frederick, bootblack. h 315 Forster Johnson Frederick, laborer, h 5211 X ;;th Johnson Frederick \V., collector, h 11] X 2d



ANDREW REDMONDh~:=~.!:i :x~~g~ {3d ud RIIII Stat

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1 B. TACK} IILL PIPER =.::~-:! 111001 SH1DES{N~:' 8"

Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.
411 Johnson George, hod carrier, h 1106 Calder Johnson George \V., laborer, 'h 1745 N Cameron Johnson George "V., waiter The Commonwealth, h 313 Nectarine Johnson Harry, laborer, h 1839 Derry Johnson Harry W., engr, h 231 S 14th Johnson Henry E., machinist, h 1724 Logan Johnson Isaac, laborer, h 109 Angle Johnson James C, foreman P. R R, h 617 Boas Johnson James H., constable, h 273 Calder Johnson James H., waiter, h 1113 Monroe Johnson James R, helper, h 625 Boas Johnson John, laborer, h 410 Cowden Johnson John, machinist, h 617 Boas Johnson John, messenger State Railroad Commission, h 5th ab State Johnson John, waiter, h 1109 Hickory Johnson John E., laborer, h 1I5! Liberty Johnson John H., laborer, h 428 South Johnson John H., porter P. & R depot, h 154 Balm Johnson John M., inspector, h 1514 Allison Johnson Jo'hn W., machinist, h 617 Boas Johnson Joseph C, huckster, h 39 Sassafras Johnson Julia L., wid Mathew M., h 18 N 16th Johnson Julius, hostler. :h :!1:l S Court

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Lafayette, la'borer, h 107 Cowden Landis, motorman, h 1331 Bartine Laura Mrs., dressmkr, 520 N 5th, h do Levi M., helper, h 403 Kelker Levina, wid John, 'h 1322 Fulton Lewis, laborer,:h 432 North al .

JOHNSON LEWIS C., blacksmith, 1303 N 4th, h 432 Reily

Lillian, charwoman, 'h 216 Prune Lloyd, laborer, h 515 Adams Mabel, domestic, 413 Filbert Margaret, charwoman, h 1418 Marion Maria E., wid Andrew, h 327 Granite Mark A., waiter, h 816 James Martha E., domestic, 428 Soucl'l Mary, wid George, h 125 Short Johnson~Iary E. Mrs., h 1409 Marion Johnson ~Iary E., wid John, h 509 Muench Johnson ~[ary J., milliner. 1727 N 6th, h 2215 Logan Johnson l\Ian R. }Irs .. charwoman P.O., h 402 Filbert

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JOHNSON MAX P., Harrisburg Bottling Works, 28 g D Grace, h 1625 N Front G4 Johnson 1'1. Elizabeth. cook, h r 513 Walnut =r
Johnson M. EIIa, wid William H., 'h 1430 Swatara Johnson Mina, dressmkr. 5(19 Reily, h do
. . . .T 0" THE NEWS 0 .. TNE

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a;;;.o8:a.~{"elPt} H.
Johnson c: Johnson Johnson Johnson ~ Johnson :at J6hnson ~ Johnson Johnson M Johnson .~. Johnson _ Johnson :: Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson :E row ;;; Johnson VI Johnson II: Johnson Johnson J o'hnson Johnson (.) Johnson c( Johnson II: Johnson

M. KELLEY I, CO. {11I~::':IeI=,

Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.

Minnie B. Mrs., saleslady, 11 111 X :!d Nelson M., elk, 17 S 2d, h 2032 Green Oscar G., boiler inspector, h 1414 X 6th Pearl, bookkpr, h 921 N 3d Rebecca, wid George Q., h 611 Maelay Richard E., la'borer, 'h 1118 Cumberland Richard 1\-1., fireman, 11 1714 'Walnut Roy L., elk silk mill, h 403 Kelker Samuel, laborer, h 1117 Monroe Selina, wid William, h 1206 Apple Solomon J., laborer, h 412 S Cameron Stewart M., canvasser, h 1429 Regina Stewart M., 'huckster, 11 18381\ 6th Sylvia E., looper, h 630i Peffer Vincent R., bellman Hbg. Club, h 111 Sherman \Valter, laborer, h 25 Lochiel 3d row Warren K., postal elk, h 11lH S 2d W. Clifford, janitor, h 402 Filbert William, bootb1ack, 111 315 Forster William, brakeman, 11 645 Boas William, laborer, h 1118 Cumberland William F., laborer, h 420 Cranberry William H., car inspector. 'h 426 Boas William H., hostler. h 508 S 1Hth





Johnson William H., laborer, h 12li :\Ionroe (.) Johnson William L., motorman. h 662 Calder _ Johnson William T., foreman, h 1326 X :ld >- Johnson \VilIiam T., laborer, h 44 Lochiel 4th row Z Johnson William W., laborer, h 30 X Summit Johnson \Yilmer, elk Sec. Commonwealth, h 4:l6 ~orth a.. Johnson Wilmer H .. elk State Highway Dept., h 339 Ie Hummcl Johnston Addison E., printer, h :15:{ Hummel U Johnston Anna M., h 1807 N 2d ....J Johnston Cora. boxmkr, h 1215 X Cameron Johnston David H., foreman, h 2631 N 6th o Johnston Edith, saleslady, vm Locust. h 11i Calder U Johnston Edward E., mgr Penna Primo Feed Co., h 2631 Q N 6th z: Johnston Edwin F., postal elk. h 12:~~ Derry Johnston Ellen:Nlrs., elk, h 1:l2 Loct1~t (;IJ T ohnston Frances, charwoman. h 118 Liberty U Johnston George F .. engraver. h 117 Calder Johnston Harvester Co. (The). 1\1. n. \\"hittaker, mgr, 214 C Locust (;IJ Johnston Kathryn. elk, :~n~ ,oerbeke. h :!6H Cumberland Tchnston LOl1isa, forela<l\", riOO Race. h 129 Hoerner z: johnston l\1argaret, waiticss. h 14114 Regina Johnston l'.Iarie. wid Daniel R.. h 129 Hoerner





~=~ao:; 1I,.lIlllndOI SIIIIIeS 1r0i A. B. TACI .l:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908. 413 JOHNSTON PAPER CO., (R. A. and Paul Johnston and R. H. Moffitt), wholesale paper and pri.nters' supplies, 17-19 S 2d, SEc Market sq Johnston Paul, (Johnston Paper Co.), h li21 X 2d Johnston Pearl E., bookkpr, 2119 Locust, h 921 N 3d Johnston Rachel]., h 1807 N 2d Johnston Robert A., (Johnston Paper Co.), h 204 )J 2d Johnston Robert c., district agt John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co., h Middletown Johnston Samuel E., policeman, h 1332 Thompson Johnston Sarah 1\11., cigar packer, h 129 Hoerner Johnston Thos. H .. rubber stamps, 130 Locust, h 117 Calder Johnston Thomas 0., chief elk The Comwlth . h do Johnston Walter, elk, 17 S 2d, h 204 N 2d Johnston 'Wilbert, laborer, h 1215 ~ Cameron Johnston William H., bookkpr, h 117 Calder Johnston William H., elk Ins. Dept., Capitol. h 204 N 2d Johnstone Robert F., elk, 102 S 2d, h 1509 Penn Jones Albert, laborer, h 1255 Centre al Jones Albert A., laborer, h 1415 Fulton Jones Alexander, laborer, h 812 James Jones Alfred, sol West End Roofing Co., h 2247 Jefferson Jones Ambrose I., driver, h 1924 Berryhill Jones Andrew, laborer, h 809 SlOth

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ":i~b~~-:;'~~E

Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones ones ones Jones Jones Jones Tones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Anna B., domestic, 134 Cranberry Annie, domestic Senate Hotel Annie E., exchange opr, 334 1larket, h Camp Hill Archibald, laster, h 1701 N 5th Bertha I., warper, h 1419 Penn Beverly, laborer, h 512 South al Burton A., attendant P. R. R., h 618 Muench Campbell, fruit, 113 Tanner, h do O1arles, laborer, h Hi22 Elm 'Oharles B., conductor, h 530 Peffer Charles E., h 36 S 17th Charles E., flagman, h 413 Reily Charles J .. musician, h 1330 Fulton Charles T., laborer, h 1330 Fulton Charles Y .. hutler, h 21~ S Court Charles "Y., laborer, h 1224 Currant Crawford, laborer, h 715 Ash Daisy Mrs., watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do Daniel, engr, h 4th bel Chestnut David F., laborer, h 1320 Howard David M., tinwkr, h 2633 ~ (jth Edna, telephone opr, 318 ~hrket, h liOl N 5th Edward, molder, h 100!) l'vlarket Edwin M., telegrapher P. R. R., h 438 Boas Edwin S., shearsman, h 2251 Jefferson


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==.i Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908.




Jones Elizabeth Mrs., h 1121 Grape Jones Ellen, housekeeper, 35 S 17th Jones Ellen, tailoress, 318 Market, h 616N 2d Jones Emma, elk, 334 Market, h Camp Hill Jones Emma, wid Edward, h 109 South Jones Emma E. Mrs., grocer, 208 South, h do Jones Emma J., housekeeper, 1235 y!onroe Jones Ephraim N., engr, h 504 Calder Jones Fannie, domestic. 1701 N 2d Jones Florence, h 504 Calder Jones Florence J., cigarmkr, h 1942 Briggs Jones Florentine B., elk Bureau of Railways, Capitol, b 224 N 3d Jones Floyd, porter P. R. R. pass depot, h 1618 Elm Jones Frances Mrs., h 526 Brown Jones Francis, molder, h 202 Herr Jones Francis, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Jones Frederick, porter P. R. R. depot, h 1615 Elm Jones George, laborer, h 1601 Apricot Jones George, laborer, h 120 Tanner . Jones George A., laborer, h 310 Harris Jones George K., driver, h 618 Muench Jones George R.. laborer, h 1603 Elm Jones Hannah Mrs., music teacher, h 134 Tanner Jones Harriet, domestic, 424 South al ------- - - - - TlUe GaanmtT and IIuet;F c.. {1IIiI1. 1UI11llln1n, hMIIIn......... { , ......
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Jones Harry c., pianist, h 21 S 4th Jones Harry D., elk Aud. Gent's Dept., h 358 S 13th Jones Henrietta, wid Oscar, h 128 Indian Jones Hester 1\,lrs., h 428 North al Jones Howard E., molder, h 1942 Kensington JONES HOWARD W., supt Citizens' Casualty Co., 9 N Market sq, b 439 Walnut Jones Ida B., h 1419 Penn Jones Jacob, carpenter, h 19aii Swatara Jones James, laborer, h 337 S Cameron Jones Jennie E., dressmkr, 1419 Penn, h do Jones Jesse, laborer, h 32 Lochiel 3d row Jones Jessie H., h 1252 Market Jones J. Miley, teller First National Bank, h 122 South Jones John, laborer, h 4~0 South al Jones John, laborer, h 1168 Jonestown rd Jones John F., laborer, h 315 ~ectarine Jones John H., brakeman, h :321 Dauphin Jones John r., brakeman, h 1811 N 7th Jones John K., printer, h 21 S 4th Jones John 1\1., laborer, h 16081 Walnut Jones John 1\1., mgr, Division nr 6th, h 2224 N 3d JONES JOHN PAUL, genl insurance agency and real estate, Spooner bldg, 9 N Market sq, h 214 N 3d Jones John W .. molder, h 408 S 19th

Redmond's Wagon Works }~':Jd~~'f;b~:~: {3d and Rell, StS. Coogle

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1. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades {.:l-:N~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory, 1908. 415
Jones .John W., puddler, h 1a02 N 7th Jone!'> Joshua, steelwkr, h 112 S 2d Jones Joshua W., h 214 N 3<1 Jones J. \Voolston, supt, Crescentc l\Iulberry, h 1334 Derry . Jones Lester. laborer, h 3 Sherman row Jones Lewis, laborer, h 1628 Elm Jones Lewis J .. stengr, Division nr 6th, h 2251 Jefferson Jones Livingstone W., telegrapher P. R R, h 501 Cumberland Jones Lizzie 1\1., wid George, h 512 South al Jones Lucius, porter, h 1204 Capital Jones l\IabelIe E., stengr, 111 l\[arket. h 5:W Peffer Jones Maggie, domestic. 1246 l\Iarket Jones Margaret. elk, h 2247 Jefferson Jones Maria, wid Henry E., h 812 James Jones Marie, elk State Dept. Health. h 217' Briggs Jones l'Iarie L., wid John, h 1616 Walnut Jones l\Iartha Mrs., cook Senate Hotel, h 512 West Jones l\lartin F., student. h 141!l Penn Jones Mary, wid Joseph, h 436 South al Jones 1\[ary, wid Laurence S., h 21m State Jones Mary A. l\Irs., domestic, 17 S Front Jones l\'lary A., wid David, h 2640 Jefferson Jones Mary E. l\[rs., h 514 Primrose

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l\Iary J., wid WiIIiam, h 2029 K Cameron Mary S. domestic. 305 S Front l\Jattie l\frs., h 1150 Cumberland l\Iaud C. stengr State Banking Dept., h 217 Briggs Morris R, laborer, h 540 North Mortimore, porter, h 160~! Walnut Kellie, dressmkr, h 1818 Swatara Ketta, dressmkr, h 1300 S 13th Korman 1\1., brakeman, h 232 Peffer Oscar E., comluctor, h 432 S 13th Percy \V., student, h 327 Hummel ~ones Robert R., electrical engr, h 26 S 3d Jones Robert W., elk, h 2029 X 5th Jones Rosie, wid Thomas. h 311 Nectarine Jones Russell C., brakeman, h 1818 Swatara Jones Russell G., drivel', :h 507 Pr~nrose Jones Samuel. porter P. R R, h 4:?5 South al Jones Samuel, watchman Telegraph, h 627 l\Iahantongo Jones Samuel J.. janitor. 401 Chestnut, h aon l\fulberry Jones Samuel 1\1., conductor, h 39 N Summit Jones Thomas A., laborer, h 36 S 17th JONES THOMAS M., reporter Independent, h 105 Locust J ones Thomas M ...ostockman. 334 Market, h 1252 do

Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones J ones Jones

r!;' s:;::.or.}Harrlsburg Saliags and Loan Assn. U::':: ~ .. Jones Mary J., wid Jeremiah, h 3]5 Nectarine :c



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T h _ ~_p_r of"or .pori:lnB " _ _ _

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H M KELLEY m . {I Nonb. ad....... D. CO 10th aDd . . . . . .


Boyd's Harrisburg (J ) City Directory, 1908.

Jones Thomas S., laborer, h 1~19 ~ 7th Jones Thomas \V., 'h 111 Hanna Jones Thomas W., laborer, h 132() S 13th ,- Jones Trueman, laborer, h 1403 Regina J ones Valentine, 'h 2fi:{2 Jefferson . . JONES WELLINGTON G., reporter Telegraph, h 1315 _ Berryhill Jones William C, molder, h 1419 Penn Jones William E., porter P. R. R. depot, h 1615 Elm Jones William E., trav salesman, h 231 S 15t'h Jones William H., elevatorman Capitol, h 540 North Jones William H., flagman, 'h 28 S 18th Jones William H., laborer, h 1942 Kensington Jones William H., repairsman, h 2027 N Cameron Jones Wm. H., package dept, 334 :\Iarket, h 316 N Court Jones William "M., molder, h 1419 Penn Jones William T., printer, 11 1252 Market Jones W. Russell, draftsman, 'h 1186 Bailey fJ) Joppey Perry, cook Commonwealth, h 554 Primrose Joppey Robert, laborer, h 554 Primrose Jordan Cranberry 1&.1 Jordan Anna, domestic, 129 carrier, h 223 ~Iaelay Harry C, sub letter ..I domestic, 129 Cranberry .C( Jordan Mary, 1Irs., h 130 Mulberry Jordan Nellie


I a:
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Jordan Robert, laborer, h 42 Lochiel, 4th row Jordan Stephen, steam fitter, 'h 129 Cranberry JOUi" Jacob, laborer, h 1322 N 7th Journey William, asst foreman, h 1162 Mulberry Joyce Cecelia A., dressmkr, h 1521 Regina Joyce William H., ins sol, h Hi21 Regina JUDD FRANK A., chief clerk Senate, Capitol, h Hotel Russ Judy Harry, carpenter, h 133 Evergreen Julius Curtis A., machinist, h H10 K 6th Julius Forrest E., car inspector, h 315 Seneca }ulius George H., painter, '11 25 Balm , Julius Jennie C, bookkpr, 215 Market, h Penbrook Julius O. Lincoln, elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 648 Boas Jung Ring, laundry, 618 K 3d, h do Juniata Paving Co .. R. C Jacob, pres, Union Trust bldg Jupee Ellen E., wid Joseph, h 142S :\Iarion J upee :\Iary E .. dressmkr, h 1428 :\Iarion Jupee Thomas, laborer, h 1428 :\[arion Juricks Caroline C, charwoman, h 1lii Indian J uricks John. scullion Senate Hotel. h 514 South Jury Hiram, conductor, h 1407 Currant Jury :\Iaud, elk, h 1407 Currant 1ur)' Ralph, laborer, h ]..lOi Currant

I. L. ST.




Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

Kahle Levi B., brakeman, h 17UH X 4th PI Kades Samuel, (Miller, Kades &- Co.), h Grand Hotel . Kaercher Daniel c., elk P. & R. pass depot, h 1330 Derry (J) Kahle James E., laborer, h 2003 Forster -I Kahle William A., laborer, h 1505 Regina Kahler Harry V., brakeman, h 2105 Jefferson Kahler Jesse, mgr, 902 ~Iarket, h 1411 do Kahlman Peter, brewer, h 1114 Christian PI Kahnev Harvey, conductor, h 68 N 14th Kahnev Mervitl F., fireman, h 1215 X 6th Kaile Harry E .. laborer, h 2116 Greenwood C Kain Catharine E., hOllsekeeper, 1130 S Cameron C) Kain C. HarrY, architect, h 209 S 13th Kain James, puddler, h 1400 S 13th Kain James M., machinist, h 1616 N 5th Kain Martin, painter, h 1009 Market Kain Martin P., blacksmith, h 1130 S Cameron Kain William M., machinist, h 1132 S Cameron Kain, see Kane, also Cain, also Keane '-11 Kaiser Annie c., wid Dominicus, h 530 Filbert Kaiser Frederick 'vV . laborer. h 631 Herr Kaiser John H., engr, h 615 S Front Kaiser John 'vV., stamper. h 42 Linden Kaiser Missouri, h 1124 S 9th



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "=~b:i~-:'~~IE .:J

Kaiser Sarah, charwoman, h 1124 S 9th Kaiser, see Keiser, also Keyser Kalbfus Jos., sec Game Commission, Capitol, h S18 N 6tb Kale Anna, domestic, 2:;0 Briggs Kaley A. Elwood, carpenter, h 925 X 3d Kalmal Freda. domestic. 124 Linden Kambeitz Lee A., confectioner, 124 Linden, h do Kamerer Andrew, contractor, X 9th nrMkt., h 17 N 13th Kammerer George H., barber, 1712 N 3d. h 1936 Penn Kammerer John A., machinist, h 2042 Susquehanna Kammerer Joshua c., mail elk, h 29 S 18th Kammerer Pedro J., elk, 7th c i\orth, h 5il5 Race Kammerer, See Kemerer Kamsky Alix, tinner, h 105 Filbert Kamsky Lewis, mfg jeweler, 21 N 3d, h 30 Evergreen Kane Bridget, wid Dennis, h t:n1 S 12th Kane Bridget 1\1., wid Flan, h 334 Hummel Kane Dennis, machinist, h 1225 Mulberry Kane Edward J.. laborer, h 1:Hl S 12th Kane Helen, h :m4 Hummel Kane John, hod carrier, h 169 Indian Kane Lawrence H., laborer, h -t4 Linden Kane Margaret, binder, h 44 Lin4en Kane l\'iary, tel opr, h ;~:J4 Hummel Kane l\Hchael W., laborer, h 505 Cowden



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:::: a:~- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ 8~r".t~


Boyd's Harrisburg ( K) City Directory, 1908.



Kanc Patrick, laborer, h 44 Linden Kanc Roy, laborer, h 526 Cowden Kane William P., driver, 401 Chestnut, h 44 Linden Kane, see Kain, also Cain, also Keane Kann Anna c., h 2046 )IT 4th KANN FRANK BYERS, osteopathic physician, 315 N 2d, h do Kann Frederick W., elk. h 2046 N 4th Kann Helen, milliner, h 2046 N 4th Kann \\' alter E., elk. h 2046 N 4th Kann William S, telegrapher, 71 N 3d. h 2046 N 4th Kantner \Vayne. laborer, h 612 Verbeke Kantor Bessie P., cashier, 400 l'\'Iarket, h l:n6 N 4th Kantor Jacob, elk, 431 Market, h 1316 N 4th Kantor 2\fary l\Irs., grocer, 1316 N 4th, h do Kantor Rose, saleslady, 400 Market. h 1316 K 4th Kantrowitz Israel, musician. h 42:l Strawberry Kanzdorf Charles, elk, h 1321 X 4th Kapp Arthur H., car repairer, h 1912 Briggs Kapp Frederick. brakeman, h 633 Ross Kapp Margaret L. :\lrs., h 8 Aherdeen Kapp Robert R, salesman, :n S 2d. h 643 Boas Kapp Stanton R, fireman, h 641 Boyd Kapp. see Capp Kapphan Lillie, h 324 Yerbeke

---ntll81~rlnly Ind Slrlt, GO. sc;::,~{.==,::~:~~:=n. H~~4



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Kapphan Louis V., mgr Kapphan's Hotel, 324 Verbeke, h 1927 P'enn Kapphan Rose :\Irs., hotel, 324 Verbeke. h do Karle Caroline H., wid Augustus, h 318 Kelker' Karle Henry A., elk, 416 Verbeke, h 318 Kelker Karle Hugo F., bartender, h 1507 Logan Karmany Anna E., bookkpr W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co., h 2:n Xorth Karmany Florence, housekeeper. 2:n Korth Kz.rns Daniel Z.o machinist, h 124 ~ylyan ter Karns Lavina, wid Augustus, h 124 Sylvan ter Karns Sarah E., domestic, 268 Briggs Karper Charles A., roller, h 28 N 111th Karper Roy S .. elk P. R R. h 344 :\Iuench Karper Samud R., planer. h 121!1 Swatara Kase Jay H.. postal elk, h 15 K 17th Kaseel Xovelty Co., A. C. Cassel. mgr, 1119 Derry Kassen George \V., laborer. h (;32 Calder Kassmer Anna :'.1., wid Bernard ]., h 32;:) Crescent Kast Bessie E .. teacher, h 1331 Susquehanna Kast Luther F .. carpenter. ]:J31 ~usquehanna. h do KAST MILLER I., architect, 204 Market, h 241 North; Rast Yirginia L.. student, h 1331 ~l1squehanna Kating Mary]. Mrs., h ;;03 Walnut . Katz Ahraham, peddler. h 13::!(1 ~Iaple

B ft.. TACK}

1IIaIr.. 8DeC11alty Cd {Ul. K. . . . . Pre. . . . . PabUe Baild...... PIal.~" BdbMaGlftll

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.


Katz Henry, trav salesman, h 231 Boas KATZ JACOB W., wholesale confectioner, 802 N 3d, h 1101 Herr Katz Leona, stripper, h 563 SlOth Katz :\Iax, junk, h 649 Cumberland Katz :Meyer, notions, 510 Market, h 'j N 5th Katz William, grocer, 344 Muench, h do Katzman Adolph, grocer, 630 Boas, h do Katzman David, grocer, 1200 N Cameron, h do Katzman Moses, h 604 Forster Katzman Samuel, grocer, 1100 N 7th, h do Kauer Frank, tailor, 324 Market, h Steelton Kat.1ffman Abraham, fireman, h 1118 K 6th Kauffman Alonzo, fireman, h 530 Camp Kauffman Boyd, brakeman, h 627 Camp Kauffman Charles E., brakeman, h 532 Camp Kauffman Charles L., student, h 1504 N 6th Kauffman Daniel B., stonemason, h Penn c Seneca \ Kauffman 'Daniel G., fireman, h 93 Disbrow Kauffman David A., foreman P. R..R. depot, h 2011 N 5th Kauffman Dora, dressmkr, h 156 Linden Kauffman Edith M., dressmkr, h 450 S 14th Kauffman Edward L., fireman, h 542 Forrest Kauffman Elizabeth, wid Abraham, h 3471 Crescent Kauffman Emanuel H., painter, h 1917 Briggs

=::} Harrisburg Sayings and Laan Assn. {

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Kauffman Fannie B., cigarmkr, h Penn c Seneca Kauffman Forrest A., weighmaster C I. and S. Co., h 1810 N 5th Kauffman Frank, laborer, h 1625 Wallace Kauffman Frank B., flagman, h 514 North Kauffman Frank D., conductor, h 1504 N 6th Kauffman Frank G., stonemason, h Penn c Seneca Kauffman Geo. H., salesman, 334 Market, h 3471 Crescent Kauffman Grace, h 232 N 3d Kauffman Harry K., brakeman, h 627 Camp Kauffman Harry \"'1., carpenter, h 548 Forrest Kauffman Herbert H., rodman P. R. R. pass depot, h Lancaster Kauffman Jacob, car repairer, h 1928 Korth Kauffman Jacob B., engr, 'h 1916 Penn Kauffman Jacob L., brakeman, h 617 Cumberland Kauffman James A., fireman, h 1715 Fulton Kauffman James B., car repairer, h 511 Muench Kauffman J. Elmer, fireman, 'h 639 Hamilton Kauffman J. Harry, engr, h 631 Harris Kauffman John, bookkpr, 142 S 3d, h 156 Linden Kauffman John A., h 1947 N 7th Kauffman John C, conductor, h 1821 Fulton Kauffman John E., brakeman, h 628 Verbeke Kauffman John ~I., car inspector, h 628 Woodbine

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H. M. KELLEY" cO.}Omces, :ei'::'\1.~":!{COAL AND WOOD

.". Kauffman John R, trucker, h 1818 Wood Ii Kauffman John W .. fireman, h 1635 Hamilton Kauffman Joseph c., laborer, h 1818 Wood oC:I Kauffman Lillian, wid Adam, 'h 1810 X 5th .= Kauffman Lillian M., h 1810 X 5th & Kauffman Lillian ~1., elk, 1247 ~lulberry. h 1230i Derry .: Kauffman :Mary E .. wid \ViIIiam ~I., h 530 Camp Kauffman Milton W., fireman, h 617 Delaware Kauffman Rebecca E., wid Jacob, h 1415 Zarker '.... Kauffman Theorus, fireman, 'h a:n Reily _ Kauffman William H., engr. h 1240 Kittatinny U Kauffman, see Cauffman, also Coffman. also Kaufman Kaufhold Charles, laborer, h 824 Cowden . c: Kaufhold Joseph, laborer, h 918 Cowden -;; Kaufhold Magdalena 1Irs., h 918 Cowden Kaufhold Margaret, cigarmkr, h 1118 'Cowden fI) Kaufhold Peter, molder, h 918 Cowden Kaufman Carrie V .. retoucher, 16 X 3d, h 1229 Derry Kaufman Clarence F., dentist, 26th c Derry, h do Kaufman Clyde H .. elk, Herr clOth, h Xew Cumberland I- Kaufman David, (Kaufman's Underselling Store), h 1629N 2d Kaufman David L., (Kaufman & Lesh), lawyer, 321 Market, 'h Highspire I- Karfman Emerson D., steelwkr. h Hil7 Logan

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Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.



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>Kaufman Emma, domestic, 412 Cranberry Kaufman George w.. h 2140 N 6th Kaufman Harry, news agt P. R R depot, h 232 N 15th Kaufman Inda ~1., student, h 26th c Derry Kaufman IsabeIIa H .. wid George W., h 1229 Derry Kaufman Levi, grocer, 16(11 Hunter, h do Kaufman ~1ay D., wid William H., h 1617 Logan Kaufman Pearl D., packer, 11 Wi7 Logan Kaufman & Lesh, (David L. Kaufman and Daniel Lesh),. spirit 1evel mfrs, 321 ~Iarket KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE, (David Kaufman), department store, 4-8 S 2d Kautz Charles, h Vine nr 2d Kautz Chas. E., weighmaster C. I. and S. Co., h 114 V.ine Kautz Christian L., helper, h 607 Verheke Kautz Elizabeth :M., floorla(h, hUOn Cowden Kautz George H., machinist: h VB2 X 6th Kautz George :\1., planer, h ~33 Reily Kautz George W .. supervi!'or 2d dist, h 327 Reily Kautz Helen ),1., h 64-1 Calder Kautz James. B., special officer. 206 Locust. h 515 Race Kautz James B., jr., elk P. R. R frt depot, h 247 Maclay Kautz J. Frank, driver, h 1~2:l X 5th Kautz John A., engr, h iil:i Race Kautz John S., clk, h 40!I Kelker





l to ST. CLAIR{TAILO~i!i~i:!~Y~~~~~r


A. B. TACK t:ct~~~~J IOU poper Dna Imao, ShDa3S ~Il~\~.~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.
Katttz Laura E., wid Charles, h 1100 Cowden Kautz !vlorris, (Irivcr, h uth ab Seneca Kautz Robert E., paperhanger, h 1606 Logan Kautz Robert F., machinist. h :JO!) Dauphin Kautz Samuel H., sol Patriot, h 27 S 13th Kautz Sarah A., wid Ouistian, h 40n Kelker Kautz S. Herman, sergeant police, h 646 Dauphin Kautz Susan S., wid Jacob, h 5th ab Seneca Kautz William H., elk, 14 S 2d, h 24:l Korth Kautz William S., engr, h Hila x 6th Kawel Emory D .. car repairer, h :~i Sassafras Kawel John H . shoemkr, 21!) :'Iuench, h do Kawel l\larv E. :'lrs., h 37 Sassafras Kawel Russell, storekeeper C P. T. Co., h !l7 Sassafras Kav Louis W . h 18U2 Green Kay Margaret, wid George, h 1:120 Kittatinny Kav :,'larv C, buver, :1:l4 Market, h 1:~20 Kittatinnv Ka\'lor Charles, h 1832 Berrvhill Kaylor Daniel \V., carpenter. h 141fl Hunter Kaylor Harvey H., mgr, 12111 1\ ad, h 2101 Derry Kaylor Kathryn, shoe opr, h 1418 Hunter Kaylor William E., bridge builder, h uoa Mayflower Kayner Florence, c1k, h 121fl Derrv K eagle Clara 11., h 419 Peffer Keagle Gertrude, asst forelady, h 410 Peffer

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} .,=~t,~~-:;'~~E

Keagle H. Edward, warehouseman, h 156 ~ 15th Keagle John E., conductor, h ,lUI Peffer Keagle John W .. tinwkr. h 419 Peffer Keagle Mark. laborer, h 5!l8 Violet al Keagle Ross E., molder, h 419 Peffer Keagle Thomas L., driver, h Hili K 15th Keagle William L., roll turner. h 156 N 15th Keane A. Michael. h Hii Paxton Keane Dennis, engT, h 516 :'Iaclay Keane James F., engr. h 1728 Green Keane John, engr, h 2125 N 2d Keane Nora A., domestic, 16i Paxton Keane Patrick H., saloon, Hi7 Paxton, h do Keane William]., engr, h ;)24 :'Iaclay Keane, see Keene, also Kane Kearney Catharine, wid Lawrence, h 14 Cowden Kearney \ViIliam, laborer, h 14 Cowden. Kearns Annie, tailoress. 318 :'Iarket, 11 814 X 3d Kearns Bros .. (j. A. and \V. R.), bicycles, &c., 809 Kearns Effie M., hooks, 11 07 N 3d. h do Kearns John A .. (Kearns Bros.), 11 1107 K !3d Kearns Joseph E., foreman, h 1112 :\lontgomery Kearns Rhoda, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kearns William, laborer, h 1:1 ~ 5th Kearns Wilmer R., (Kearns Bra!'.), h ~ew York


Fl07d M0.. EY 10 VA NeE 0 } DOIPl.OUT LOO { aoil. lI. .ke&m"l\ n DO sac:uany CO. 8 N. Sq; r Coogle
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Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.



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-= ! _ W . II: mil Buarlaly aad Sire., el, 'C~~'l.' {FIIn:::!r:.:;.. {orr!.~z..

Kearns, see Curns, also Kerns Keath Bertha F., drcssmkr, h 1276 State Keath Edward, carpenter, h 58 Balm Keath John H., carpenter, 310 Strawberry, h 1276 State Keath John H., painter, h 1811 N 7th Keath, see Keith Keating Edward, foreman, h 1116 N 6th Kee Mark, laundryman, 'h 412 Walnut Keech Alfred J., engr, h 273 Herr Keedh William G., conductor, h 1!!37 N 7th Keefauver John \V., plasterer, h !!7 N 10th Keefe Annie J., dressmkr, h 212 South Keefe Margaret c., saleslady, 318 Market, It 212 South Keefe Mary J., h 212 South / Keefe Rose E., buyer, 318 ~Iarket, h 212 South Keefer Caroline R., h 1631 N Front Keefer Charles E., brakeman, h 35 Brady Keefer Daniel S., elk, h 1929 Forster Keefer David, fireman, h liOS ~ 4th Keefer Ellen Mrs., domestic, 215 N Front Keefer Elizabeth, \vid Heilman H., 'h 338 S 17th Keefer George, engr, h 1221 :\Iulberry Keefer George E., brakeman, h 1221 )"Iulberry Keefer Grace J., elk, h r 1212 Market Keefer John B., tJ: S. A., It 1631 N Front





Keefer ~1aggie, dressmkr, h 1217 Currant Keefer ).,Iary, wid Robert A., h 602 Cumberland Keefer Nora, laundress, h 602 Cumberland Keefer Roy c., laborer, h 1708 State Keegan Patrick, laborer, h 7117 S Front Keel Annie, domestic, 15:H Hunter Keel Charles, bricklaver, h 605 Church Keel -clyde, draftsman, ,h 2214 N 6th Keel John H .. elk. 'h 608 Church Keel Joseph \Y .. trackman. h 2214 N 6th KEELEY INSTITUTE (THE), J. M. Raunick, mgr in charge and physician, 4th c North see adv Keely Charles C., conductor, h 2136 :Moore Keen Theophilus J., helper, h 1018 Paxton Keenan Jane M., wid Francis, h 207 Briggs


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I. B. TACK} FIN~I!~A~I.~~~~ol~~ER { 1218 Norm I1IIn1 SlrII

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.
423 Keene Agnes M., stengr, 630 Walnut, 'It 2d ab Maelay Keene C. Edwin L., physician, 1849 Berryhill, h do Keene George W., center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Keene Laurence E., elk, 54 Union Trust bldg,h 21 S Front Keene, see Keane Keener Annie E., wid Charles A . h 9:n Susquehanna Keener Charles A . brakeman, h 621 Reily Keener Charles W., machinist, h 1253 ~lulberry Keener Claudie, saleslady, 406 Market. h 654 Emerald Keenrr Elijah S., steeldresser, h 654 Emerald Keener Elsie, domestic. 209 Pine Keener Elwood F., cigar mfr and tobacconist, 2541 N 6th,
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Keener George A., carpenter, h 2123 Jefferson Keener ~Iary, domestic, 209 Pine Keener Viola P., b 30 S 4th Keener William. salesman, h 1253 1\1 ulberry Keener William H., painter, 1253 Mulberry, h do Keeny Emma A., stengr, 1 N 2d. h 721 Capital Keeny Harry "V., adv solicitor, h 721 Capital Keeny John B., fireman, h 106 Tuscarora Kl>epers Susanna, 1112 Market, h 1146 do Keesherry John H., elk P. R R, h 2026 N 6th Keesberry Maria E., wid John H., h 202t) N 6th Keeseman William H., driver, h 1341 Howard

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Sayings and Loan Assn.:=:!

K!eesey George H .. printer Telegraph, h 1224 ~Iulberry :aKeesey Thomas]., linotype opr Telegraph, h 324 Hummel n Keet Alphonso G., printer Star-Indpdt, h 315 S Front :aKeet B. Elinore, copy holder Indpdt., h 315 S Front :D Keet Charles R, trav salesman, h 914 Green Kcet Fannie. wid Asahel, h 1809 N 2d :aU') Keet Frank S., salesman, h 204 N 2d Keet George K., elk P. R R, h 204 K 2d KEET MARTIN M., reporter Patriot, h 315 S Front Keet Wayne M., drug elk, h 315 S Front Keets George T., laborer, h r 1737 N 7th iii ;;Keets Tohn T., driver, h 541 Primrose Keever Allen K., molder, h 1201t Derry IIwl Keever Annie, cigarmkr, h 413 North al Keever Charles, h 413 North al Keever Edgar G., mac'hinist, h 1421 Vernon r Keever George M., planer, h 1421 Vernon :I: Keever James F., elk, 1101 S 2d, h 108 Sylvan ttr ::D Keever John A., foreman, h 408 Market Ui all Keever Olive, casemkr, h 1421 Vernon c= ::D Keever Rebecca E., wid \Villiam \V., h 413 North al ~ Keever 'William H., brakeman, h 413 North al Keffer Donald, laundryman, h 1433 N 2d Keffer Edward R, salesman, 432 Market, h 2112 Green ~ Keffer Frank M., bookkpr, 432 Market, h 2110 Green






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H ,. KELLEY at CO'S -Blaek DlamOlldlWlaell{ 11IttI St." ... o. l.ert~Jd IhIIL roa Den order. Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.








Keffer Harry G .. salesman. 17 S :!d, h Camp Hill Keffer John J.. (Smith & Keffer Co.). h 143:! K 2d Keffer John J., jr .. rodman, :!22 1Iarket. h 1432 N 2d Keffer \V ashingtoll B., p3inter, h 1:!1Il Susquehanna Keffer William A., carpenter, h 1328,:\ Front Keffer, see Keefer, also Kiefer Kehler Monroe H., elk Dept. Int. Affairs. h 1424 State Kehr Charles H .. traY salesman, h 708 X 3d Kehr George \Y . sec, Crescent c :\ll1lberry, h Camp Hill Kehr John W., helper, h H20 \\'oodbine Kehr Margaret, wid Peter, h (i:!(1 \V oodbine Keihle Francis. machinist. h 336 S Hith Keicher Christian F .. laborer. h 418 Clinton Keicher Oscar. lahorcr. h 335 Boyd Keiffer Susan AIrs . housekeeper, in51 ::\Ionroe KeihI William F., fireman, h H20 N 18th Keil Benjamin F., harbert 11116 :\Iarket. h :!:~S S 13th KeiI Benjamin F .. jr . expressman, h naa Grand KeiI Catharine E., h l:!UZ; :\ 2cl KeiI George H .. brakeman, h 1732 Elm KeiI George ::\1., brakeman, h 17:~2 Elm KeiI Harry A, patternmkr, h 1205 :\ 2d KeiI J. George, planer, h 545 Race KeiI Tohn. butcher, h 1205 X 2d Keil John .T., jr., machinist. h Iri14 Penn


Keil ~Iar\" c., h 1:!()5 ~ :!(l Keil ThOlnas c.. elk P. R. R. freight Ill'POt, h 545 Race Keil. see K vie Keiler George \V., grocer, filS Cl1mberl3nd, h do Keiler John F., policeman. h nu!) :\ 6th Keim Bertha. stripper. h Ii:H \\'alnut Keim Charles F., dentist. 2!) N :!d, h 218 l\Iaelay Keim Cora E., housl'keeper. li37 vValnut Keim George c.. asst supt Dept. Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol, h Lochiel Hotel Keim Harrison, marker. h 1f)1ll Hemlock Keim Harry c., rougher. h IHn S 12th Keim Mamie T., stripper. h H!li Walnut Keim \\' arren B., civil cngr. h 129 :\ 4th Keim, see Kime Keiper Annie ~L, h Dauphin Co. Prison Keiper Annie ::\1. Mrs., matron Dauphin Co. Prison, h do



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KEIPER EDWARD S., warden Dauphin County Prison,. h do

Keiper Keiser Keiser Keiser Keiser Keiser Elsie :\Iay. h Dauphin County Prison Clara. wid Joseph. h lS~2 Green Elizabeth, wid Emanuel H., h 1944 Berryhill Ellen Mrs., janitress. 227 Walnut, h 1310 Currant George G., engr, 'h 17:!2 Green Harry E .. telegrapher, h 230() N Gth


1 L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOR {1240 "lrk.tstr.1t

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Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.


Keiser Jesse E., engr, h 1907 N 6th Keiser John, elevatorman, !!27 Walnut, h 1310 Currant Keiser Samuel E., bookkpr, 2!! N 2d, h 717 Capital Keiser Willard F., laborer, h 2127 Herr Keiser, see Kaiser, also Keyser Keisling 'WilIiam, brakeman, It 1954 N 7th Keister Alice; cashier, h 28 Balm Keister Catharine Mrs., wines and liquors, 500 Market c 5th, h 426 ~ort'h Keister Daniel L., supt, 10t'h bel Chestnut, 'h 316 Crescent Keister Edwin, asst sec Hbg. Trust Co., h 1526 N 2d Keister Ellen B., warper, h 1930 Logan Keister Harry, mgr, 500 Market, h 426 North Keister Joseph A., engr, h 1232 Walnut Keister Kate E., h 1232 Walnut Keister Louisa V., h 803 X 2d Keister Marv S., h 1::!32 Walnut Keister Matilda E., press feeder, h 316 Crescent Keister Nell E., student, It 316 Crescent Keister Simon L., student, 'h 316 Crescent Keitel Emma, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Keitel Harry W., elk P. R R pass depot, h 2035 N 4th Keiter Flora A., wid Philip,;h 2;) 1\ 13th Keiter Frank M . engr. h 237 South Keiter Jennie, telegrapher, 'h 25 N' l:JtIh



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "=~\:,:~-:;'~~II:

Keith Henrv C, laborer, h 337 .Muench Keit'h Sadie'L., h 337 xluench Keith, see Keath Kelchner Edna M., examiner, h 1228 N 7th Kelchner Ida 1., weaver, Ii 1:!28 N 7th Kelchner Isaac S., meat, 1520 Logan, h 12"28 N 7th Kelker Frederick,h 5 N' Front Kelker Henrv A., h 15 S Front Kelker Henry A., jr., h 15 S Front Kelker Louisa, wid George B., h 309 Walnut KELKER LUTHER R., custodian Division of Public Records" State Library, h 128 Walnut . Kelker Rudolph F., jr., division engr. h 128 Walnut Kelker Street :Market House, Kelker c 4th Kell Elizabeth, wid Jeremiah, h 1185 Bailey Kell Elmer J.. laborer, h 418 Hamilton KellGeorge R, 'C. S. A., h 11140 Kensington Kell Henrv A., bricklaver, h 1216 N Front Kell Jacob L., lahorer: h 1940 Kensington Kell Jeremiah E., tailor. 6 S 2d. h llR5 Bailey Kell Margaret J . seamstress, h 314 Ointon Kell Myrrha E . packer, h 1940 Kensington Kell Ralph L., rodman P. R R. pass depot, h 104 Boas Kellam Annie C ~o{rs .. grocer, 1740 \Valnut, h do Kellam Jehu C, h 1740 Walnut







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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~":'''J.r:.'i:.:~ 306 BrIM



Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.


Kellberg J. Herbert, photographer, 103 ~ 2d, h Whitehall Keller Alfred J., brakeman. h 2027 Logan Keller Barbara, wid Sebastian, h 1826 Swatara Keller Blanche Mrs., h 4()7 Walnut Keller Charles H., mgr, 705 X 3d, h 335 Hamilton Keller Charles R.. mgr, 13415 Green. h 1537 N 6th Keller Christian K., druggist, 405 1'Iarket, h The Bolton Keller Christian, jr., artist, h 37 X 2d Keller Clarence E., elk, 4 X lld, h 24 S 17th Keller Croll, druggist, 405 Market, h 37 N 2d Keller Edgar F., teacher High School, h 518 Calder Keller Edith B., seamstress, h 1504 X 5th Keller Edward c., salesman, h 1623 xIarket Keller Elmer E., brakeman, h 913 Capital Keller Emeline c., wid John P., It 37 N 2d Keller Evelyn, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Keller Francis ]., engr, h 1537 X 6th Keller George F., helper, h 1513 Vernon Keller (-;eorge N., car repairer, h 2132 Jefferson Keller Harry L., carpenter. h 1403 State Keller Harry L . printer Patriot. h Carlisle Keller Harry M., driver. h 249 S Cameron Keller Helen V., seamstress, h 1504 N 5th Keller Horace P . stonecutter. h 1313 N' 6th Keller James G. mgr, 7(}5 X 3d, h 1613 Carnation

nil. 6r...... Sir'" C ....... 1....,II....... r-......{ 'lrnA ..... ..... .1, .1'. " 1 .. ....... 'lilt ~


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Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller

James N., engr, h 423 Hamilton Jesse N., machinist. h 1641 N 6th John, laborer, h 14:32 Swatara John, shoecutter, h 1439 Vernon John F., flagman, h 1504 N 5th John J., machinist, h 15117 N 6th John J., Plolder, h 606 Briggs John P., jr., elk ~Iechanics' Bank, h 37 N 2d Joseph L., shoe opr, It 913 Capital Joseph S. H., cooper, h 1045 S 9th Joseph S. H .. jr.. laborer. h 613 Race I-\:ate A., dressmkr. h 1322 N 2d ' Lida, saleslady, 1201 N 3d, h 1:~22 N 2d L. Wesle\,. laborer. h 1322 N' 2d ~Iarg:lTet' E., wid John W., h 1322 N 2d Maria E., wid John, h 710 East ~Iary A., seamstress. h 1537 N 6th !\lar}' A .. wid John, h 122 ).J 13th Nellie L., stengr State Highway Dept., h 606 Briggs 1\-ellie R., telephone opr. 210 Walnut, h 421 Kelker Oliver P., engr, h 1739 X 6th Oliver P .. jr., machinist. h 1739 N 6th Samuel B., printer Patriot, h ~lechanicsbllrg Samuel c., machinist, h L305 Green Sarah J., wid Luther R., h 421 Kelker

l B. TICK}lILPIPER e:!:~.= IlIDOISHIDES{lio~:a ...

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.


Keller Silas G., cooper. h 924 S 9th Keller William, carpenter, h 421 Kelker Keller William H., bus mgr School of Commerce, 15 S 2d, h do Keller 'William H., elk, !l!l4 :\Iarket, h 1712 Susquehanna Keller William L., dentist, 33 !\ 2d, h 202 Harris Keller William Y., salesman, h 1327 Berryhill Kelley Annie 1\1., wid John, h 624 Herr Kellev Benjamin F., car reRairer, h 534 S Cameron Kelley Carpenter H., laborer, h 534 S Cameron Kelley Carrie ~Irs., domestic, 21142 Green Kelley Earl H., elk, h 222R N 6th Kellev Estler S., laborer, h 1410 William Kelle)' Frank, laborer, h 503 South al Kelley ,George W .. blacksmith. h 6119 K Cameron Kelley Harry S., (H. :\1. Kelley & Co.), h 25a Boas .:.~ Kelley Helen, h 20!lO N 3d C Kelley Henry ~L. (H. 11. Kelley & Co.), h 1545 Vernon KELLEY H. M. & CO., (Henry M. and Harry S. -Kelley), coal and wood, 10th c State and 1 N 3d ~ (!ad floor) see adv top lines Kelley James, laborer, h 1011 Berryhill Kelley James ~I., finisher, h 624 Herr Kelley Tames W., stonecutter, h 1009 Berryhill Kelle~ )ennie, wid Charles, h 1419 Fulton' l>

l:*.. -r.} Harrisburg Sayings and Loan a::.

Jerome c., plumber, h 1030 S Cameron John E., shoes, 3 N 3d, h 17lt) Green John ]., engr, h 12121 X 7th John J., melter, h 1127 Derry J. Oscar, elk, h 5!l4 S Cameron Kelle~ Lessie E., domestic, 135 N 13th Kelle)' :Vlaggie E., weaver, h 624 Herr Kelley Xicholas, confectioner, h 208 :\Iarket Kelley Peter \\T .. pipe bender, h 16:n Logan Kelley Richard T., engr, h 609 Harris Kelley Samuel G., bridge builder, h 51a North Kelley Sarah, wid Samuel, h 1211. l\Ionroe Kelley Thomas P., engine hostler, h 5:14 S Cameron Kelley William D., plumber, h Hill Berryhill Kelley William fl., elk, h 6119 Harris Kelle}' William L., engr, h 538 Violet al Kellum Chaunce\' c., coachman, h 244 Libertv Kelh' Alonzo, lahorer, h !1l4 Cowden . Kell,' Austin A. Re\., h 13] 1 Derr\" Kell,' Bertha 1., h 4(1(; Harris . Kell~' Charles, linotype opr Independent, h 1009 N 7th Kell\' Charles E . bricklaver. h :!:! Linden Kell)' Edward. fireman, 11 5fi~ Camp Kelly Ellen, hottseheper. :!uao X acl Kelly George C. elk A(ijt. Genr~ Dept., h ]25 S 14th Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley

:u < Assn. U:= :u C




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Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908. Kelly George W., pipecutter, h 1721 !\ 12th Kelly Gertrude G., penmkr, h 640 Calder Kelly Isaac, laborer, h 404 Cranberry Kelly James, news agt, h 314 Chestnut Kelly John H., salesman, h 126 S 2d o .~ Kelly John \V., waiter, h 112 Angle al Kelly Mae E., saleslady, 221 Market, h 1101 N 3d Kelly Sarah, ~ Kemerer, see wid John, h 125 S 14th Kammerer . o Kemp Clara, tailoress, h 1225 Fulton _ I'~cmp Elmer, laborer, h 121 Mulberry Kemrer Wm. P., caller P. R. R. freight depot, h 326 S 15th _ Kendall Amos B., repairsman, h 1945 Kensington Kendall Delvin E., page Executive Dept., Capitol, h 1945 Kensington -- Kendall Lucy, elk, h 1507 Market fI) KENDALL OPTICAL CO., (W. Fred Kendall), opticians, 228 N 3d Kendall VV. Fred, (Kendall Optical Co.), h Camp Hill Kendig Daniel W., shocmkr, h 521 Cowden I- Kendig Gustavus A., foreman, 500 Race, h 240 Crescent Kendig James G., carpenter, h 1615 Logan c:( Kendig Samuel B.. janitor, h 406 Strawberry II: Kendlehart J0:110 L., elk Sec. Comwlth., h 203 State I- Kennard Harry, brakeman. h 2:!57 Jefferson
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OVR MOTTO. - } BOlleaUloaJ,Boll&WeJeb&

H M KELL~Y at CO {,..... l1li8 ...... P. ' .... ~.IfIII



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Kennard James D., foreman, Court c Cranberry, h 228 Cranberry Kennard, see Kinnard Kentledy Abraham R., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 1622 Wallace Kennedy Anna M., seamstress, h 356 S 13th Kennedy Annie Mrs., it 327 Peffer Kennedy Benjamin A., engr. h 236 Hamilton Kennedy Bros., (H. Clay and J. Russel), pat med, 30 S 3d Kennedy Charles G., elk, h 126 S 2d Kennedy C. X elson, craneman, h 726 Race Kennedy Earl H., laborer, h 1126 S 9th Kennedy~ Earl H., jr., laborer. h 1126 S 9th Kennedy Edward, driver, 'h 5W Dauphin Kennedy Edward W .. porter P. R. R., 'h 1413 N Cameron Kennedy Elijah C. laborer. h 141;j N Cameron Kennedy Ella B.. dressmkr. ~~51i S 13th, h do KENNEDY GEORGE G., supt and sec Water and Li~hting Dept., h 1414 N 2d Kennedy George K., attendant. h 1834 N 71'h Kennedy George \V., roller. h 1046 S Cameron Kennedy G. William. adjuster. h 119 Hanna Kennedy H. Clay. (Kennedy Bros.). h Phila. Kennedy James E .. elk. h :156 S 13th Kennedy James P .. foreman, 11 350 S 13th




'I:'llb~:::~~ laU.1III1IDdOI SbIIIIeS ttOI A. B. TACK l:~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.
Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy


J. Calvin, ~insmith, h 141a ~ Cameron Jesse B., contractor, h 10::!0 Fox Jo'hn x., millwright, h 7:W Race Jdhn W., groc'er, 108::! S Cameron, h do J. Russel, (Kennedy Bros.), h 30 S 3d Lilly E., wid George }"l., h 1834 ~ 7th Luther R, laborer, h 119 Hanna Lydia A., wid John, h ::!::!5 Briggs Margaret A., saleslady, h 356 S 13th Mary E. Mrs., h 11::!6 S 9th Maude, teacher, II l!J::!9 X ::!d ~ancy ]., wid Robert, h ::!::!4 Cumberland Patrick, elk, 'h 804 N 6th Raymond, dk, h 11.130 Green Robert J., laborer, h 1709 Fulton Rosa, wid John E., h Union sq Ross P., elk, h 519 Dauphin S. Alter, chemist, 121 ~larket, h 2::!4 Cumberland Sarah C, saleslady, 318 Market, h 356 S l:lth Sarah C, wid ]. Lemuel, h 19::!9 X 2d Shelburn W."inspector, h 519 Dauphin S. Sylvania, cigar brander, h 119 Hanna 'Dhomas A., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Virgil H., paperhanger, h 726 Race '\Tilson A . grocer, 1846 Korth, h do

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~~",&1I:

Kennerk Michael, plumber, h 21 Forrest Kennev Annie. domestic, Front c Heel's la Kenny' Frank, laborer, h 703 Race Kenny Mary, housekeeper, 711l, Race Kenny patrick .T., piler, h 705 Race Kenny Peter J., elk cigar stand The Lochiel, h 703 Race Kent Chester & Co., mfrs' drugs, fi27 \Valnut Kenyon C Thomas, watchmkr, h ~1::! N 3d Keough James, h 231 Strawberry Kepford A. Clayton, fireman, h 117 Conoy Kepford Clyde D., helper, h 117 Conoy Kepford George :'.1., bricklayer, h 15:l4 X 6th Kepford Raymond, elk, 24 N 3d, h 117 Canoy Kepford \Valter R., air inspector, h 62H Dauphin Kepford William D., watchman, 114 X :!d, h 117 Conoy Kepford W. Melvin, h 117 Conoy Kephart Margaret, wid John C, h 1220 N 7th Kephart William P., caller P. R R, h 1220 N 7th Ke:,l~'~ Flr1f'l1. rlrinr. 11 1f~::!.~ nrig-g-~ Ke;)kr Elizaheth. \\ icl Daniel C. 11 :!111 ~ 1;)th Ke:1L'r Jennie ~I . packer. h 1!J::!4 Rrig-g"s Kepner Alvin T., fireman, h 20:~1i X 41 h Kepner Benjamin L., car repairer, h 4UI Harris Kepner Bertha L. Mrs., h 1433 Swatara Kepner Edward A., music teacher, h 308 Market

'.DEPENDENT LOA. 110 SECURITY CO. AWa\ {r~ '!!.~ ...

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CLARK'S =::~,~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store 1s:=}.:~c.

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ner ra ~r ., h 10 vden Kepner George L., real estate, 114i L'iberty, h do KEPNER JOHN A Hori t 35 N 2d 1108 M rket









New mber Kepner ~arah R., wid Smith C, h 2020 K 6th Ke pel Philip A., su t, 500 R ce, h 1 '~14 ~ '>d pIe ia M 1 253 Iy pple arine .. hotts per, _ .J Reil~ Kepple Edwin C, photographer. 223 :Market, h 226 State Kepple Emih' 0., teacher, 11 ')53 Reily pIe '. A., ogra h 2:... ate pIe ,aret .. , la ess, _. 9 Sta Kepple \\'illiam H., foreman, h 131:l Creen Kerby Anna cigar packer, h 266 Verbeke by G e J., r, h ron by L ciga r, h Ver Kerby, see Kirby Kern Austin R., ins sol, 4 S 2d, h 1829 N Cameron n Fr n, st heat ector 14 N n Fr ick J. acks ,h Swa Kern Harry, shoemkr, h 124 Vine Kern John' C, shipping agt 57 Union Trust bldg, h 119 Sout , dri h 60 2d n Lt
TlU. O_nty and Sarety -8eraatoa, PenD&. -

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n ~a war h 12 Fr I"ern Stewart H., machinist, h 1221 Swatara Kerner Charles A, electrician. h HH4 N 3d ner . , con or, h 4 K I1S C s, cl 0., :?2 . . tehar I\.erns Frank. car cleaner, h 814 K 3d Kerns George. driver, h vm:!1 N 4th ns J A., , h 1Reg' ns J F., h , h 1 Penn kerns Ltda E., charwoman. h 614 Showers Kerns ?1ary. wid John, h l:!H Bailey I' 1S?" el, la r, h .J. Gre ns S wid n H. 022 tteha erns Tomas. laborer, h _oon Penn Kerns William C, clk P. R. R., h 152:~ Penn K ns, s I' earn. 0 Cu per beth train urse, 'n6 "erper arry \V., grocer. _.)4 North, h 701 Green Kerper :'faria H .. ,del Samuel F .. h 1:n6 Penn Kerr AId \L. tel hone h 5H: eral r Ali ., we h 2 orth r Fr CC~, cigar roller, h _30 Sloth Kerr George .\.. salesman, h 814 Capital T,err Ida \1 mach' opr, h 1-2~ N ,.. r In( mIen eave "19 S

Redmond's Wagon Works }i!-:,t~d~':atb~~: {3d and Reily Sts



A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h:l~d:.r::~

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908. . 431
Kerr J. Albert, salesman, h 127 Linden Kerr Joseph, agt, h 814 Capital Kerr Lydia, wid Peter J., h 117 Verbeke Kerr Mary W., h 25 S Front Kerr Nellie, domestic, 2124 N 3d Kerr William W., conductor, h 110 Calder Kerr X. Joseph. grocer. 400 Reily, h do Kershaw John, laborer, h 1236 N Cameron Kershner Wayne A., elk P. & R. pass depot, h 1330 Derry Kerson Solomon, (D. Cooper Co.), h 1322 Wallace Kerstetter A. Priscilla, wid Henry, h 114 Barbara Kerstetter Bertha E., h 1310 S 12th Kerstetter George, motorman, h 1352 North Kerstetter George W., baggagemaster, 1h 1223 Market . Kerstetter Harvey, motorman, h 238 State Kerstetter H. Norman, elk Lochiel Mdse. Co., h 1310 S 12th Kerstetter Jonathan, salesman, 334 Market, h 114 Barbara Kerstetter Millard M., car repairer, h 2321 Jefferson Kerstetter Walter, weaver, h 114 Barbara Kessack Caroline, cashier, 334 Market, h 1715 State Kessack Caroline R., wid George, h 1715 State Kessack James, mason, h 1715 State Kessack James H., elk silk mill, h 1715 State Kessack Nancy, trimmer, h 1715 State

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Kessler Beulah, domestic, 1006 N 2d Kessler Harry c., (Kessler-Paine Co.), h York . Kessler John H., molder, h 1533 Fulton Kessler Nora, domestic, 1631 N 2d Kessler-Paine Co., (Harry C. Kessler and Paine), confectioners, 4 N 3d Ketterman John G., painter, h 1729 Zarker Kettner Frank, fireman, h 1413 Regina Keville Alma B., cigarmkr, h 520 Muench Keville Thomas H., brakeman, h 520 Muench Keys Abraham L., driver, h 1802 Boas Keys Alfred C., laborer, h 103 S River Keys Brennan, h 117 Tanner Keys Clarence E., porter P. R. R. pass depot, h 1115 N Cameron Keys Clayton, fireman, h ] 129 N Front Keys David, heater, h 1413 Maple Keys David, laborer, h 711 North al Keys David H., laborer, h 146 Indian Keys Edward, laborer, h 434 Kelker Keys 'Ernest, elk Union Trust Co., h 1129 N Front Keys Irene, weaver, h 1111 N Front Keys John, laborer, h 554 Primrose Keys John, jr., bottler, h 434 Kelker Keys Joseph, hostler, h 5] 4 South al


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THE PATRIOT'S :::r=~:;'-:'~:. Coogle

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KELLEY .. CO. U.:.-:a.~

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.


_ _

Keys Louisa, wid John, h 4.14 Kelker Keys Luther, waiter, h 142 Hancock Keys Margaret, wid James W., h 633 Verbeke Keys Martin L., cab driver, It 10:l S River Kevs Rebecca l\Jrs .. h 146 Indian Keys R. Edward, roller, h 1129 K Front Keys Samuel 1., engr, h 511 S Front Keys Samuel T., conductor, h 4:14 Kelker Keys Stephel1, foreman, h 219 Barbara Keys, see Keyes. also Kies Kevser Ada, waitress. h 117 Tanner Keyser John, waiter, h 412 Cranberry Keyser, see Kaiser. also Keiser Keystone Badge Co . H. E. Sanderson, mgr, 1213 N 3d _ Keystone Bottling Works, (Morris and Tobias Yoffe), 294 S Cameron . . KEYSTONE BREWERY, (H. Fink's Sons), 312 For!! ster see adv KEYSTONE CARPET CLEANING WORKS, R. W. UJ Young, pres; J. K. Linn, treas, 1115 Montgomery see adv side lines I&J Keystone Citizen (The), Rev. S. E. Nicholson, editor, 11 ..J N 2d C Keystone Film and Supply Co., Peter ~Iagaro, mgr, 9 N 2d I&J

I Ji


;e .

pres; D. L. Kaufman, sec and treas, 321 Market Keystone Laundry, (Katherine A., Arthur E. and Samuel >S. Hockley), 620 Harris ~ Keystone League Journal, Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d KEYSTONE MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, C) (Beatty & Bro.), Cameron nr State U Keystone Motor Car Co., C. C.Cocklin, sec and treas, 1019-1025 Market ~ KEYSTONE PRINTING AND BINDING CO., LTD., C) Harry H. Heicher and E. Earl Graeff, mgrs, 329 MarU ket see adv Q Keystone Rag Co., (Lewis and :\Iorris Baturin), 301 S z: Cameron


z: t:)
LoJse Leaf Work
329 Marhet Street

I ,


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

KEYSTONE RUG CO., R. W. Young, pres; J. K. Linn, treas, mfrs of rugs made from old worn carpets, 1115 Montgomery see adv side lines Keystone Sales Co., patents, 320 Market KEYSTONE SECURITIES CO., George C. Gochnauer, mgr, stocks and bonds, 80-62 Union Trust bldg Kichman Frederick, laborer, h 1003 Paxton Kichman George, lahorer, h 1433 Vernon Kichmann Conrad, laborer, h 1435 Vernon Kidman JOIhn P., driver, h 1414 N 7t'h Kiefer Mary, wid Andrew R., 'h 1233 Mulberry Kienle George J., steward The Bolton Kies George A., driver, h 228 Sayford Kies Kate Mrs., nurse, h 1208 N 6th Kies Samuel A., painter, h 1009 Market Kies, see Keyes, also Keys Kiester Alice, cashier, h 28 Balm Kiester Robert E., blacksmith, h 506 S 13th Kiger Harry E., flagman, h 1924 N 5t'h Kiger Mabel M., wid William J.. h 282 Union Kilborn James W., elk Aud. Gen'l's Dept., h Camp Hi11 Kilgore Frank D., physician, 2011 N 6th, h do Kilgore Wiley A., brakeman, h 612 Ross Kilgore William N., h 2011 N 6th Ki1lian Charles R., .caner P. R R, h 35 S Summit








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MILLER BROS. cl BAKER} ~~~b~~~,",&1I: oS

Killian William T., shirtwaist mfr, 304 N 20, h 226 North ~ Killinger Amos D. E., teacher, h 1941 State ~_ Ki1linger George H., h 138 S 2d Killinger Ira J., glasswkr. h 434 S 14th Ki1linger John, wheelwright, 1025 Paxton, h 1020 do Killinger John H., ironwkr, h 1074 S !lth Killinger Mary c., h Grand Hotel Killinger Sarah A., boarding, 138 S 2d, h do Killinger \Vade c., art glasswkr, h 434 S 14th Killinger William, carpenter, h 434 S 14th Killinger \ViIliam A .. car repairer, h !l33 Nectarine KILLINGER WILLIAM H., hardware, paint, oil and ii glass, 37 S 13th, h do Killough Mary, saleslady. 221~Iarket. h 603 ~ 2d Kilmore Hattie E, Mrs,. h 1!IlR Kensington Kilpatrick Charles, bricklayer. h Hi:~S X 6th Kilpatrick Thomas. conductor, h Hi3S N 6th Kimberling George, puddler, h 10 Lochiel 1st row Kimc Samuel S .. contractor, h ].l:U ~ 4th Kime William H., h 1434 N 4th Kime, see Keirn Kimes Theodore P,. bookkpr. h 1821 N 4th Kimmet Benjamin C, driver, h 1524 Derry Kimmel Elizabeth, domestic, 400 Briggs Kimmel Margaret, cook, fi17 \Yalnut




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::= ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g~.."-t;

434 Boyd's Harrisburg (1C) City Directory, 1908. Kimmel Roy V., machinist, h 151 Linden Kimmel William, grocer, 515 N 2d, h 1842 State Kimmel William E., elk, 100 N 2d, h Lemoyne Kinch Clara F., wid Jefferson, h 2036 N 5th Kinch Harry G., air repairer, h 2036 K 5th Kinch Lillie J., wid Frank H., h 2036 X 5th Kind Hudson A., conductor, h 11::? Calder Kind Sarah E., wid Louis, h 112 Calder Kinderman William, salesman, 1500 X 3d, h 421 Kelker Kindler Charles A., baker, h 415 Herr Kindler Frank L., paperhanger, h 604 North Kindler John c., baker, 618 X 2d, h do Kindler Pearl c., milliner, h 415 Herr Kindler Ross H., elk, h 415 Herr Kinert William K., laborer, h 1518 Allison Kines Ellen Mrs., h 1002 Fox Kines Laura M., cigarmkr, h 533 Emerald Kines Oscar K., bookkpr, h 1423.swatara King Annie M. Mrs., boarding, 1819 N 5th, h do King Oharles, brakeman, h 707 East King 'Charles E., machinist, 'h 429 Hamilton King Oarence E., elk P.O., h 1226 Mulberry King Edward S., foreman P. & R., h 310 Nectarine' King Elizabet'h, wid John, h 648 Verbeke King Frank, laborer, h 2017 Penn

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King George J., jr., brakeman, h 521 Muench King George L., engr, h 239 State King Grace I., cigar roller, h 619 Cumberland King Harry B. Rev., h 435 S 13th King John M., ins agt, h 314 Boyd King Joseph M., laborer, h 302 Boyd King Joshua T., driver, h 13::?4 N 2d King Mary E., h 1819 N 5th King Mary E., wid Albert, h 1818 N Cameron King Searight H., puddler, 'h 619 Cumberland King William, engr, h 1114 ~ Front King William A., salesman, 30 X 3d, h 1410 Market King William F., brakeman, h 1003 Green King Winiam J., laborer, h 1818 X Cameron KINGAN PROVISION CO., pork and beef packers, S. W. Oyster, mgr, 421-425 S 2d . Kingport Margaret K., wid Abram, h 51 N 17th Kingportz Rosa, seamstress, h i12 Green Kingsbury Berrha, nurse, h 2040 Green Kingsbury Myrtle, music teacher, 2040 Green, h do Kingsbury Walter E., salesman, 223 Market, h 2040 Green Kingston Edwin L., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h Steelton Kinkade Grover, laborer, h 106 Dock Kinley Jacob H., carpenter. h 1117 Bartine Kinley Ray, 'helper, h 1117 Bartine

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Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

Kinnard John N., mgr, 305 Verbeke, h 1118N 3d KINNARD LEONARD H., (est), hats and men's furnishings, 306 Verbeke Kinnard Mary E., wid Leonard H., h 1118 N 3d Kinnard, see Kennard Kinneard Harry H., salesman, 304 Market, h 1008 N 3d Kinney Frederick 'B., student, h 220 S 1'5t:h Kinney Harry T., surveyor, h 220 N 15th Kinniard Sarah, domestic, 17 N Front Kinsey George, draftsman, h 1623 Regina Kinsey Horace, fireman, h 1644} Fulton Kinsey Irene E., ironer, h 508 Calder Kinsey JO'hn R., cutter, h 1623 Regina Kinsey William J., engr, h 508 Ca1der Kinsinger Samuel T., grocer, 2161 K 4th, 'h do Kinsloe James R., mgr W. L. 'Bear & Co., h Hbg. Club Kint George, asst dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do Kinter Andrew G., h 115 Tuscarora Kinter 'Catharine 1\1., !housekeeper, 115 Tuscarora Kinter Charles H., mgr, 153 N 4th, h 804 N 2d Kinter Fannie A., wid Isaac, h 1921 K 2d Kinter George, h 13 N 4th I Kinter George D., engr, h 441 Harris Kinter George G., repairsman, h 1624 N 7th Kinter George H., gateman P. R. R., h 13 N 4th

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Kinter Kinter John F., engr, h 1551 Fulton t:I Kinter Katherine M., bookkpr, 228 N 3d, h 1714 Susq. n a Kinter ,Louis, grocer, 1218 Mulberry, h do N Kinter S. Wilt, conductor, h 1430 N 2d > Kintner Annie E., markingwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do n Kiritz Lewis L., salesman, 1300 N 3d, h 326 North Kintzer John K., driver. h 27 S Court > Kinzer Harry M., barber. 25 N 2d, h 1107 Penn ::D Kipp James K., meat, 1821 N 4th, h do > Kipp Myrtle E., musician. h 1642 Market Kipp Peter, patternmkr, h 1642 l\[arket Kipp Sherman W., salesman, h 1642 Market Kipple John P., car repairer, h 601 Maday :.9 Kiracofe Clifford 0., conductor, h 1:~6 Sylvan ter EKirby Annie, wid William c., h 2i>i> Cumberland 1'1 Kirby Charles A., h 255 Cumberland Kirby Irene, h 310 Mulberry Kirby James G., salesman, 10 S 2d. h Steelton Kirby John A., elk, h 256 Cumberland tI Kirby, see Kerby lC "C. Kirchner Henry, engr, h 1725 N 6th ;:1 Kirchner May A" saleslady, 312 ;\larket, h 1725 N 6th Kirk Agnes A. Mrs., h 1007 S !lth Kirk Ann D., wid John c., h 926 S 9th

SaYings and Loan Assnlt ~:= < > J. Carroll, conductor, h 13 N 4th ::D




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H. I. (EUEY .. CO.UIla. :......:.r..t"::~{COAL AND WOOD



Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

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Kirk Bertha A., cigar roller, h 1007 S 9th Kirk Olester R. paperhanger, h 1418 Berryhill Kirk Clarence E., brakeman, h 1114 Montgomery Kirk Clarence H., elk P.O., h 102:1 S 9th Kirk Cora, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kirk Edgar c., elk, h 25 N 10th Kirk Elizabeth, picker, h 926 S 9th Kirk George W., plasterer, h 3.n Boyd Kirk Harry B., roll turner, h 1007 S 9th Kirk Howard E . printer, h 140R North Kirk Jacob, plasterer, h 1:335 N 6th Kirk Jacob E., paperhanger, h 1418 Berryhill Kirk Jacob W., blacksmith, 17 c Derry, h 610 Muench Kirk James c., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 908 N 2d Kirk Joseph Y., asst baggage agt P. R R, h 26 N 10th Kirk Martha, picker, h 926 S 9th Kirk Peter E., flagman, h 2]:11 Jefferson Kirk Robert L., elk, 5 N 3d, h 331 Boyd Kirk Samuel S., engr, h 610 :Mllench Kirk Victor M., brakeman, h 1803 Susquehanna Kirk William A., laborer, h 610 Muench Kirk William E., teacher, h 237 S 13th Kirk VV. Scott, conductor, h 1114 Montgomery Kirkland Edward, laborer, h 133 Vine Kirkland Fenia :\Irs., h 133 Vine



Kirkland Joseph A., grocer, 218 Peffer, h Lemoyne Kirkland Louretta, housekeeper, 2015 ~ 2<1 Kirkpatrick John A., cooper, h 605 Maelay Kirkpatrick John H., ins sol, 4 S 2d, h Highspire Kirkpatrick William J., clk, 1304 N 3d, h 605 Maclay Kirkup Elsie R, housekeeper, 1412 ~ 13th Kirkwood William 0., driver, h 1827 Logan Kirkwood William S., checker P. & R, h 417 N 2d Kise Aaron, h 1802 Susquehanna Kise Harry E., huckster, h 348 Boyd Kishpaugh Jessie B., elk Div. Public Records, 11 227 Forster Kishpaugh T. Stewart, typewriter, h 227 Forster Kiss Andrew, laborer, h 1125 N Cameron Kiss John, laborer, h 1118 N Cameron Kisscadden Caroline, wid William, h 1056 S 9th I:IJ Kissinger Carrie V., housekeeper, 1115 N 2d U Kissinger Elizabeth, h 1023 N 7th Kissinger Emanuel, laborer, h 15th c Briggs Q Kissinger John E., cashier, 42 Union Trust bldg, h 84 I:IJ Disbrow Kissinger Kathryn c., dressmkr, h 1115 N 2d Iii!: Kissinger Roy R, laborer, h 15th c Briggs ~ Kissinger William H., beamer, h 1201 Derry Kister John F., milk, :122 Boas, h do

1 L ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240 IIlrtttStnlt

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PODer ODd lIIOI SIDles 1I11\~ml


Boyd's Harrisburg (K.) City Directory, 1908.

Kister Julius, watchman P. R. R. frt depot, h 321 Walnut Kister Vernon, salesman, 210 N 3d, h Wormleysburg Kistler Belle A., opr, h 1350 North Kistler Charles R, brakeman, h 615 Harris Kistler Charles "Y., foreman, h 1350 North Kistler Elizabeth, wid William H., h 1411 ::-.J' orth Kistler James A., motorman, h 1821 N Cameron Kistler Joseph D., laborer, h 1821 N Cameron Kistler :\fary :\1., opr, h 1350 North Kistler Robert J., laborer, h 1411 ::-.J'orth Kistler Russell S., conductor, h 1350 North Kistler S. Lvman, fireman, h 1821 N Cameron Kistler William ]., carpenter, h 210 Calder Kitchen Amos P., grocer, H8 ~ 17th, h do Kitchen Clemuel B., engr, h 2015 ~ 7th Kitchen Jay, brakeman, h 98 N 17th Kitner Cloyd B., car cleaner, h 2002 Penn Kittell Carrie J., bonnetmkr, h 619 Emerald Kitterman John. painter, h 1729 Zarker Kitzelman Charles E., carpenter, h 500 Reily Kitzelman Charles H., carpenter, 334 ~Iarket. h SOO Reily Kitzmiller Augusta, h- 1331 Derry Kitzmiller Clarence A., driver, h 1219 Apple Kitzmiller Dixon G., yardmaster, h 1145 Derry Kitzmiller Edgar S., brakeman, h 611 Schuylkill

MILLER BROS.l BAKER} ~~~b~~-:'~~IE

Kitzmiller Frank K., (Kitzmiller's Pharmacy), h 1331 Derry Kitzmiller Ralph, molder, h 1617 Regina Kitzmiller Wm. A., carpenter, 1408 Vernon, h 1Gti Regina KITZMILLER'S PHARMACY, (Frank K. Kitzmiller), 1325~ Derry Klaiss Abner \V., postal clk, h 2205 N 4th Klase Katherine M., waitress, 334 ~Iarket, h 1403 Zarker Klavansky Benjamin, janitor, h 1332 N 6th Klavansky Sarah E. ~lrs., cigars, 1332 N 6th, h do Klawansky Elias, grocer, ;331 'Calder, h do Klawansky James, salesman, h 43D Verbeke Klawansky Louis, furniture, 439 Verbeke, h do Klawansky Samuel, furniture, h 1415 N 4th Kleckner Frederick; painter, h 1009 :Market Kleckner Harrison :\1., warehouseman, l':13 Market, h ...Mechanicsburg Kleckner Henrv S., laborer, h 130G Wallace Kleckner John S., brakeman, 'h 45 X 13th Kleckner, see Cleckner Klein Joseph, adjuster, h 1112 Cowden Klein Louis A. Dr., Deputy State Veterinarian, Capitol, h 806 N' 18th Klein Mary E., wid Henry S., h 234 N' 2d Klein Otto,_ (Schl~~ner&2<I~nl. h~Al!oo_~~~ _____ ~

MOIEY 10 VAil CEO} 1ftI'&"Y.lytz:' {~ rJ:::.l't!.

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hJem Samuel, laborer, h 121 :\ Cameron Klein Theodore B., h 264 Boas K . ,see . e, aRline K m 'C sA., esta 518 Klepper Ehzabeth, WId Theodore, h 2023 Derry Klepper James F., laborer, h 134 Hanna . Abr m, d' ,'h 1 N 4 K Ag h 327 rry klme Alfred, brakeman, h 161b Penn Kline Andrew]., buyer, 334 Market, h 105 Evergreen . An ouse er,5 th Car , we h 2 orth Kline Charles, agt, h 3_7 ClIerry Kline Charles, conductor, h 1514 N 5th K . eha A., man 12 B' s eha E., . man 416 h me Char es E., c k, 18'2t 1\ 5th Kline Charles E., postal elk. h 33 K 16th Kr Ch I F., r 'tor 'ot, h - Che Da ., gr 114 shin, h d me Ed\\ar carpenter, h 3... 7 Peffer Kline Elizabeth M . h 1509 Market Kline Esa' S., lab r, h 33'l S 14th Est M., t hone 210 nut, N 13 Fre ck K.. cooper, 731 1\ Lth





Ge A., I elk 12 S Kline George A., stlld~nt, h 1514 N 5th Kline H arr\' D., asst pressman Telegraph, h 104 S 13th H:I 1., enter, 4!l B s Ha P., lIcto 143 ~ 1 Kline Ida M.. teacher School of Commerce, 15 S 2d, h Middletown I Izz , wid Ham. 44 ~ et Jol , for 1, h a 12th Kline Josiah W., elk State Ljbrary, h 1244 Market Kline Katherine, h I lome for the Friendless La '0' clr lkr. h Boa l\l a 0' do tic. :l 18th Kline 1J argaret, forelady, h 1ii:W~ X 4th Kline Mark :\1., flagman. h 12:in Reese Ma ., elk an H ton Mi S., la h 2. 15th Kline Nancy, knitter. h 327 Peffer Kline Rebekah, h Home for the Friendless Re S .. c 06 C nut. I 01 1\ Re R., lan. Pe Kline Rose, elk. 114 Washington, h do Kline Samuel, plasterer, It 4:Jii Verbeke Til igan h 51 alnut \Va H., ,h 6 'erbe





Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.


Kline William, h 1325 N Front P1 Kline William, painter, h 417 Strawberry Kline William E., contractor, h 327 Peffer Kline, see Cline, also Klein ~ Klinedinst Fannie R., wid Charles W., h 411 Walnut Klinedinst Joseph S., agt P; & R., h 254 Boas Klineline George M., foreman, Herr clOth, h 823 N 6th Klineline John D., pattemmkr, h 823 N 6th Klinepeter Allen, express messenger, h 265 Herr r Klinepeter Anna, wid Samuel, h 329 Maclay Klinepeter Bessie E., saleslady, 318 Market, h 611 Walnut PI Klinepeter Jacob W., flagman, h 317 Kelker Klinepeter \ViIliam B., conductor, h 2128 N 4th Klinepeter William H., baker, h 2128 N 4th ~ Klinesmith Annie Mrs., h 1229 N 7th P1 Klineyoung Christian L., fireman, h 515 Kelker C Klineyoung Gus]., fireman. h 1847 Fulton Kling Albert, laborer, h 231 S River :c Kling Anna V., press feeder, h 1842 Boas > Kling Benjamin F., car repairer, h 525 Violet av ::D Kling Catharine, dressmkr, h 1110 Penn < Kling Charles 0., dhauffeur, "h 246 Liberty > Kling Clarence E., conductor, h 1721 Hunter .::D Kling James P., laborer, h 1535 N 3d =' Kling Joseph, shoemkr, 1913 Derry, h 1842 Boas


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.r.v.::'::::::M Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ : :


> Kling Mary, opr, h 18-12 Boas n Kling Tillie, charwoman, h 246 Liberty :c Kling William H., h 1104 Plum > Klinger Albert, bar elk, 300 Verbeke, h 1406 Vernon :u Klinger Charles, laborer. h 1406 Vernon Klinger Charles, jr., confectioner, 115 Tuscarora, h do Klinger George W., laborer. h 2029 Kensington Klinger Harry, h 1406 Vernon Klinger James, cooper. h 1406 Vernon Klingler John, car repairer, h L~31 Thompson Klitch Harry. tailor, h 418i Reily Klomplls Bernard A., peddler. h 1008 N 7th Klomplls David. grocer, Dewberry c Glerry, h do Klomplls Fanny. apronmkr, h 1008 ~ 7th Klompus Helen, apronmkr, h 1008 N 7th Klopp Oscar G., elk Aud. Genrs Dept., Capitol, h Lebanon :.::D Klotz George 0., flagman, h 621 Reily ::D C;; Klucher J. Albert, elk, !l01. Verbeke, h 20-13 Penn c: Klllcher Louis J., asst supt, 4 S 2d, h 524 N 16th ::D Kluck Charles F., lahorer, h 704 N 19th ~ Kluck, see Cluck Kluge Ralph A .. civil engr, h 707 N 18th "' Klugh Charles H., sand flatter, h 1313 N Front ~ Klugh George A., h 707 N 2d





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a__.. H I .lELLEY . CO'S .


Black DIa_ _daWbeD{ll11rt11l111lt_t. 7011 Dezt card.... 1 .............


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

Klugh Harry R, conductor, h 656 Reily Klugh Harry S., l~borer, h 656 Reily _ Klugh Henry E., elk Dept. Agriculture, Capitol, h 214 N 15th _ Klugh John, laborer, h 656 Reily ~ Klugh Oliver R, physician, 206 Walnut, h do =i Klugh Siranda E.; wid Peter, h 1313 N Front ~ Klunk Doshia, wid Edward, h 1523 Penn Knabe Benjamin F., machinist, h 1113 Wallace Knabe Charles H., engr, h 1105 Wallace Knabe Serena C., teacher, h 1105 Wallace Knabe William H., laborer, h 1108 Currant Knabe William H., jr., laborer, h 629 Herr :: Knaby Carrie, saleslady, 318 Market, h West Fairview Knaub Clara, domestic, 1948 State Knaub Horace, brakeman, h 1713 Peml Knaub Jacob, carpenter, h 1529 Fulton Knaub John E., fireman, h 19031 .~ 3rl Knaub IHary, housekeeper, 1529 Fulton fIJ Knaub 'Villiam L., laundryman Lunatic Hospital, h do Knauff Arthur H., mech dentist, 4 S 2d, h 25; Crescent Knauff Jas. 0., mess Dept. Pub. Instruction, h 432 Boas -I Knell Arthur B., fireman, h 51 N Summit C( Knell John B., stonecutter, h 51 N Summit W Knell John M., driver, h 51 N Summit



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W Knell Rebecca S., 51 Summit, o Knell Roland H.,I.,boarding,X513dN Summit h do fireman, h N , = Knepley Fannie h 1802

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Knepley George V., machinist, h 541 :\1aclay Knepley Joseph H., laborer, h 650 Verbeke Knepley Susan, wid William J., h 650 Verbeke A. Knepp Albert J., helper, :1:34 Market, h 1329 Penn E Knepp J. Ernest, salesman, 334 1Iarket, h 1329 Penn o Knepp Nancy Mrs., h 35 N 5th U Knepp Nancy, wid James, h 1329 Penn ....I Knier Rachel, stengr, h 54::! Woodbine Knier Rachel A., wid Harry L., h 542 Woodbine Knight A. Lee, brakeman, h 609 Muench Knight Florence, saleslady, 318 Jl.Iarket, h 2122 N 4th Q Knight Frederick S., electrician, h 2122 N 4th Knight Mary E., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 2122 N 4th ~ Knight William, salesman. h 251 Forter (;IJ Knighton Chas. L., (c. L. Knighton & Co.), h 1322 S 13th U KNIGHTON C. L. & CO., (Charles L. Knighton), clothing and furnishings for the entire family, 311 Verbeke (Broad) Knighton George A., janitor, h 100!) :\;Iarket Knighton George R, brakeman, h 2033 Logan Knighton Harry c., fireman, h 500 Reily Knighton Harry R, painter, h 117 Linden

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l L ST. CLAIR{TAILOA {1240 lIarkltStr.

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A B TACK} efulwrt:aad iDIareIl&.


Work cloD. In aDT pal'&OC . . . . l X ... It.


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

PI Knighton James A., puddler, h 1026 S 9th Knighton J. Francis. helper, h 1026 S 9th fI) Knighton Ralph A.. brakeman, h :W33 Logan Knighton WIlliam L., molder, h 635 Woodbine -I Knipe Benjamin F .. jr., carpenter, It 3::W Hummel Knipe ~lanolia A. IVlrs., dressmkr, 320 Hummel, h do Z Knisely Albert P., h 2035 N Front Kniselv Archibald G . real estate, 1 ~ 2d, h 20:m N Front PI Kniselv Bernard R, salesman, 115 :Market, h New Cumberland C Kniselv Cora E., milliner, 614 N 3d, h do Knisel)' Edwin J., elk R M. S., h 223 S 14th C) Knisely Frank H., chil engr, h 306 N 3d Knisely Hannah E., h 231 Pine Knisely James B., brakeman, h 331 Dauphin KNISELY J. HERMAN, clerk Select Council, Court House, h 231 Pine Knisely John H., machinist, h 1633 Susquehanna Knisely John U., motorman, h 2.~2 S 14th Knisely Lincoln L., dep 'factory inspector. h 2:n Pine Kniselv :Marv c.. wid Abraham H . h :1116 Xorth 8 Knisel) Russell. bookbinder, h 232 S 14th B Knisely Samuel H., h 231 Pine 0 Knisely William N., tobacconist, 2110 ~Iarket. h 2".:n Pine a <'t> Knisely, see Kneisley. also Knisley ~

441 ~



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Knislev Charles E., fireman, h 63S Hamilton Knisley Daniel, contractor and builder, 2116 Verbeke, h do ~ Knisley Harry, cigars, 411l ~Iarket. h 1613 Penn c= C') Knisley, see Knisely V) Knittle George \V., carpenter, h 441 ~Iarket :I: Knobl Andrew M., laborer, h 56;) Sheaffer ~ Knobl Annie, weaver. h 1628 Fulton Knobl Frank ]., piler, h 1642 Fulton -" Knobl Joseph, hostler, h 565 Sheaffer ~ Knobl Martin, laborer; It 1628 Fulton <= Knoble John, steam fitter, 11 2121 X 6th' Knoble John W., bar elk, 1001 Market, 'h 1235 Derry Knoche Frank, salesman, 223 Market, h 3118 Hummel Knoll Charles R, (Doutrich & Co.). h 21 Evergreen =e Knoll Rebecca, wid Jacob S., h 21 Evergreen <= Knonul Vincenz, laborer, h 110 Short ~ :z Knorr Fietta, wid Henry, h 629 Boas <= Knorr Mary A.. wid Samuel, h 433 Boas c= -t Knorr Nora, nurse Hbg. Hospital, 11 do Knott Howard c., loans, h 1602 Market ~ Knouff J. Byron, postal elk, h 1811 ~Iarket ~ ." Knouff John H., plasterer, h 1412 Penn Knouff Susanna c., wid Henry, h 1412 Penn Knouse Harry c., artist, Crescent c ~Iulberry, h 218 N 15th


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IIOEPEIOElt LOAlll1 SECURITY CO. &,~2~U'.~::a:::

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.- Knouse Ida G., elk, Crescent c


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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~".1.f:s'io':a:~ 306 Brol'

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City


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~lulberr'y, h 218 N 15th Knouse Ira P., blacksmith, h 218 K 15th Knouse Jacob H., (Forney & Knouse), 'h 700 N 6th Knouse Ralph E., drug elk, 426 Market, h 216 N 15th Knox Elizabeth S., teacher, h 259 Boas Knox Emma, dressmkr, h 259 Boas Knox Frances J., wid Hiram, h 259 Boas 'Knox J. Lewis, plumber, 213 Crescent, h do Knox Samuel c., laborer, h Friendship Engine House Knox William R., (Knox & Meckley), h 259 Boas KNOX & MECKLEY, (W. R. Knox and F. B. Meckley); grocers, 1302-1304 N 3d Knull Harry C, salesman, 'h 204 Reily Knupp Berttha, saleslady, 406 Market, 11 Penbrook Knupp Daniel W., contractor, h 2151 Herr KNUPP HARVEY E., lawyer, room 3 Russ bldg, 15 N 2d, h 227 Herr Knupp Herman H., painter, ill 2030 Boas 'Knupp Howard R., painter, 'h 2151 Herr Knupp Lenora, saleslady, 406 Market, h Penbrook Knuth Louise, domestic, 207 State Knuth Mary H., cigarmkr, h 603 S Front Knutor Jdhn, laborer, 'h 1016 Fox Koach Annie Mrs., housekeeper, 1630 Fulton Koblentz Max, peddler, h 600 Walnut

Till II_II' Slrlly C :::: f~=.:~'=-{~= ....

-- - - - ----




Kobler Annie M., h 1632 N 3d Kobler 'Christian F., foreman, h 1632 N 3d Kobler Ohristian H., bar elk, 1232 N 6th, h do KOBLER GEORGE, propr Hotel Kobler, 1232 N 6th, h do Kobler John, elk, 1219 N 3d, h 1232 ~ 6th Kobler John F., lahorer, h 602 Boas Kobler Josephine, milliner, h 602 Boas C Kobler Lizzie B., h 1632 N 3d II1II: Kobler Pearl. h.] 232 K 6th Koch Annie B., dressmkr, h r 2] 10 N 7th Koch Carrie Mrs., garmentmkr, h 1227 \\lallace Koch C. Frederick, blacksmith, 2110 N 7th. h do Koch Charles G., plumber, h 1914 Elizabeth Koch Charles H., elk, 14 N 3d, h 313 Peffer Koch Henry, laborer, h 327 Sayford Koch Howard H., engr, h 263 Delaware Koch James, car cleaner, h 313 Peffer Koch John B., cab driver, h 313 Peffer Koch Maggie P., seamstress, h 327 Sayford Koch Pauline, wid Charles, h 327 Sayford Koch Rosa, cigarmkr, h 327 Say ford Koch Susan L., wid Charles H., h 3]3 Peffer Kochanour Jacob F., livery, 21lUi Wood, h 2547 N 6th Kochel James 1., mattressmkr, h 21t Evergreen


ANDREW REOMONOh~:~~G.::t :;t~g~ {3-c-a-n-=-d-=-R,-: -II, 511. d Coogle

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l B. TACK} III PlPEI1!:::~'::'~ IIIDOI SHIDES{N~:' sa.

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.
443 Kochenour Annie M., charwoman, h 1532 Fulton Kochenour Charles E., waiter, h 342 Reily KOCHENOUR GEORGE W., cigars and tobacco, 230 Market c 3d, h 803 Green Kochenour Harry E., barber, h 1532 Fulton Kochenour Joseph c., flagman, h 342 Reily Kochenour Paul G., student, h 803 Green Kochenour William D., typewritcrmkr, h 1532 Fulton Kochenour, see Gochenour Kocher Milton, foreman, h 175 }J 15th Kocher Samuel S., flagman, h li27 Ross Kocher Walter L., salesman, 110 Market, h 609 Calder Koegel Mary, wid Charles, 'h 311 Herr Koehler Mary, h 437 S 14th Koellner August, laborer, h 1111 Penn Koellner Mary, bookfolder, h 1111 Penn KOENIG ALBERT, propr Maple Grove Hotel, 2101 N 6th, h do KOENIG EDWARD, asst baggage a,ent P. R. R., h 1831 N 2d Koenig Frederick L., bottler and wholesale liquor dealer. 915 Sarah, h 913 N 6th Koenig George R., bookkpr, 829 Market, h 1454 do Koenig Harry H., tinsmith, h 208 Cherry Koenig Jacob F., laborer. h 208 Cherry

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Koenig John, butcher, h 571 S Front Koenig John M., checkman P. R. R., h 571 S Front Koenig Louis, elk, h 18.'U N 2d Koenig Louise, domestic Comwlth, h 208 Cherry Koenig Marie S., saleslady, 3a4 Market, h 571 S Front Koenig Sarah, cigarmkr, h 208 Cherry Koenig Wilhelm, tinner, h 1309 Wyeth Koenig W. Louis, tinsmith, h 208 Cherry Kohlenkamp Nicholas, h 156 Sylvan ter Kohler Barbara. wid George. h 227 Verbeke Kohler Cora, wid George, h 230 Verbeke Kohler Daisv M., roller, h 327 Hamilton Kohler Davi'rl, machinist, h 1516 Thompson Kohler Edward S., car inspector, h 1702i Fulton Kohler Frederick, brakeman, h 552 Woodbine Kohler Jacob c., carpenter, h 327 Hamilton Kohler Jacob G., carpenter, h 230 Verbeke Kohler Rose M., weaver, h 2307 Jefferson Kohler Stephen J .. laborer, h 1120 Cowden Kohler Walter T., laborer, h 327 Hamilton Kohler William H., agt, h 1623 N 4th Kohler William R.. driver. 15 S 2d, h New Cumberland Kohler. see Koller Kohli Frederick J.. fireman, h 2218 Atlas Kohlmann Peter, laborer, h 1114 Calumus

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II. KELLEY .. CO. {':':-.:"'='

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.



; ; Kohnlein August, laborer, h 1197.Bailey Kohnlein John. plate printer, h 1197 Bailey _ Kohr Bros., (Charles W. Kohr), express, 114 S River Kohr Charles W., (Kohr Bros.), h 225 Market Co2 Kohr Lydia Mrs., cigar packer, h 225 Market =5 Kohr Thomas E., patternmkr, h 1826 Swatara Co2 Kolhenschlag A. E. & Sister, (Anna E. and Etta M.), mil.: liners. 17 S ~d Kolbenschlag Anna E., (A. E. Kolbenschlag &. Sister), h 2~1 Briggs Kolbenschlag Etta M., (A. E. Kolbenschlag & Sister). h :: 231 Briggs ~ Kolbenschlag John Y .. salesman, h 2!l1 Briggs Kolbenschlag William F., h 414 Spring -I Koller Amanda R., wid Harry M., h WOO Creen 2 Koller Emorv E., fireman, 11 4!l4 Hamilton -- Koller Frank, fireman, h 1124 Green fI) Koller. see Kohler Kolp Fannie E . saleslady. 318 Market. h :iOS Walnut Koneke Harn' M., treas,' 208 Locust, h 818 East Koomes Bertha. milliner, 400 Market, h Penhrook ~ Koomes John W., tinsmith. 213 t\ 2d, h 2:~ S 11th Koons Bertha :M., housekeeper, 1242 State C Koons Calvin H . repairs man public schools. h 14 N 15th Koons C H. Albert, elk, h 14 ~ 15th


.'i. .

a: o



Koons Charles, laundryman, h 21 S lith


Koons David. teamster. h 1~:~9 Berrvhill Koons Edward F., laborer. h 15111 Penn a.. Koons Ellen, domestic. 815 N 6th IE! Koons George \V . farmer. h 201 Hummel Koons Harry E .. car repairer. h 1!114 t\orth U Koons Harry H .. postal elk. h 14UH Derry ...1 Koons Harvey C. meat, 2ml Cumherland and 16~9 Penn, h 207 Hamilton Koons Helt'n :'11., bookkpr. :I:a 1[arket, h l:i:~9 N 4th U Koons Irene. dressmkr. !1:U ~Iarket. h \Y Fairview Q Koons Jacoh. h 2111 Hummel z: Koons Jacoh B.. carpenter. h J:t?!l \' ernon Koons James J .. foreman, h 21 S lith (;II Koons Jerome B .. lahorer. h 15!1!1 X 4th U Koons J. Grant, teacher. h 4111 S l:lth Koons John. carpenter. h 517 \\'alnut Q Koons John H., brakeman. h 111!1 Plum (;II Koons ~farie .\. :-"Trs .. h 21 S FWllt .... Koons Mary H .. sale~b(h. :\::4 ~Iarket. h Penbrook Koons l\far,' P., milliner: 6 S :!d. h 1242 State ::: Koons l\filton. car repairer. h 1:~2!l Vernon

>= Z

KOONS CHARLES E., druggist, 1336 N 2d c Calder, hdo Koons Charles \V .. carpenter, h 17:l2 Elizabeth



~=~-:rIl_."_hlA. B. TACK .~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908. 445
Koons Minnie. cigarmkr, h 1914 North G Koons Percy E., laborer, h 2041 Penn ~ Koons Roy, machinist, h 1914 North (II Koons Thomas R, engr, h 1811 K 6th 0 Koons Thomas v.,'., lineman, h 14 N 15th Koons Wilhelmina, wid Cyrus, h 1,914 ~orth Koons William B., elk P. R R pass depot, h 1422 Naudain G Koons William E., shipping elk, h 14 S 16th Koons William I., inspector P. R R, h 1833 North CD Koons William T., machinist, h 1242 State 11 Koons W. Turner, stonecutter, h 1242 State G Koons, see Coon, also Kuhn Koontz Harry M., car repairer, 'h 1619 Chestnut Koontz Milton 0., machinist, h 310 S 15t'h Koovell Frances c., housekeeper, 211 K Front ~ Kopilivitz Nal'han, tailor, h 133 ~ 10th CD Koplovitz Haman, laborer, h 135 ~ 10th Koppenliaver Amos L., lahorer, h 1926 Swatara Koppenhaver Charles, laborer, h 1914 Forster ~ Koppenhaver Charles, laborer, h 1926 Swatara Koppenhaver Frank B., car repairer, at 621 Schuylkill Koppenhaver Nal'haniel, lather, h 432 Market Koppenhaver, see Copenhaver Korner Albert, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Koser A. Stewart, dentist, 219 N 2d, h 1114 do




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MILLER BROS. l BAKER} ~::i~bli~l.~~1I:

Koser Charles W., blacksmit'h, h 1112 N 6th Koser Edw. B., agt Pntdential Ins. Co., h Mec'hanicsburg Koser Geo. L., agt Prudential Ins. 'Co . h Mechanicsburg Koser J. Harry, salesman, 334 Market, h 427 Hamilton Koser John A., driver, h 1630} N 5th Koser John E., brakeman, h 18 Honey Koser John E., jr., music teacher, 18 Honey, h do Koser Josephine R, te'acher, 11 1112 ~ 6th Koser Sarah A., housekeeper, 1112 N 6th Kost Charles J., roll turner, h 567 Race Kost 'Curtis E., brakeman, h 1816 Green Kost Samuel M., flagman, h 526 Forrest Kost William C. laborer. h 52() Forrest Koster Gustave F .. foreman silk mill, h 1826 Green Kosurc Alverta E .. h 12:n Derry Kough Catlharine E . wid Jacob R.. h 1501 N 6th Kough Harry E., elk P. R. R. pass depot. h 1501 N 6th Kozel John, helper, h 2027 Green Kraber Alcinda, wid Christopher, h 629 S Front Kraber Charles L., nailer, h 601 S Front Kraber Cora, dressmkr. h li27 S Front Kraber Elizabeth, wid John 0 .. h fi27 S Front Kraber George E., carpenter, h fi29 S Front Kraber Howard C, nailer, 'h 811 N 3d Kraber John H., charman Capitol, h 94 Tuscarora


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CLARK'S =:.-:~ Drug and Patent Medicine St.r'{s!:jIJr~


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.



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t:; Kraber Raymond M., electrician P. R R, h 627 5 Front

Kraber, see Craver, also Craber Kraft Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 1821 Briggs Kraft Harry, sheetman,Court ab Locust, h 1821 Brigg~ Kraft John, engr, h 129 5ayford Kraft Ludwig, casemkr, Court ab Locust, h 703 N 19t'h Kraft Mary, tobacco stripper, h 1821 Briggs Kraft William L., 'brakeman, <h 510 Woodbine Krall Charles "C., engr Capitol, h 2284 X 6th Krall C. Richard, elk, h 2284 N 6th Krall Gertrude R, teacher, h 9 5 16th Krall Helen, teacher, h 2284 N 6th Krall John c., laborer, h 208 5trawberrv Krall John E., jr., elk, h 1213 Green . . Krall John G., millwright, h 9 S 16th Krall Mabel E., student, h 9 5 16th Krall Ralph M., switchman, h 9 S 16th Krall Roy L., drug elk, h 9 S 16th Krall William G., telegrapher P. R R, h 9 5 16th Kramer Aaron M., motorman, h 117 Hoerner Kramer Ambrose, plumber, h 1426 N 3d KRAMER ANTHONY, reporter Patriot, h Middletown Kramer Charles F., druggist, 1225 N 3d, h 1638 do Kramer Charles F., jr., student, h 1638 N 3d

cigar packer, h 627 5 Front


ij I... ~1 &1


Title a-a~ aIId ~ 0.. { ......... - . . . .toa, P _ TIIII," .M .,1

-,.latnilln.Min II J- - - {- IR."" t a"" f ................. T.," ...... 1/l1li

Kramer Christian D., varieties, 1429 N 3d, h do Kramer Christian D., jr., machinist, h 670 Calder ~ Kramer Florence G., vamper, h 1312 N 6th Kramer Frank F., A. Kramer & 50n), h 1615 Regina C Kramer Frederick J., ticket elk P. R R, h 442 Walnut E Kramer Harry, peddler, h 118 Short KRAMER IRA W., grocer, 400 Cumberland, h do KRAMER J. A. &: 'Son, (Frank F.), plumbers, 1268 Market (.) Kramer John A., (J. A. Kramer & 50n), h 1615 Regina Kramer John F., baggage transfer, h 205 N 15th Kramer Lawrence E., stengr C. V. R R, 401 Chestnut, h 1615 Regina Kramer Lizzie L., cigar packer, h 117 Hoerner Kramer Margaret E. Mrs., grocer, 670 Calder, h do .J Kramer Ruth \V., stengr, el Market, h 400 Cumberland Kramer, see Cramer, also Creamer Z Kramme Fritz, restaurant, 445 Verbeke, h do C Kranzdorf Charles, elk, h 1321 N 4th (.) Kranzdorf William, furniture. 352 Verbeke, h 1321 N 4th Krater Reuben, elk, 1801 N 6th, h 1909 do II: Kratzer Adam A., laborer, h 13th nr \Valnut l&J Kratzer Charles P., carpenter, h 1837 N 4th Krattse Annie E., saleslady, 318 Market, h 649 Dauphin Krause David A .. laborer, h 540 Violet al




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Redmond's Wagon Works P!-:Jd:u'f;~~: {3d and Rel~ Sts. Google

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1. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Sbades h:l1N~~

447 ~ c:::a Krause Frank, flagman, h I:! !\ 5th Krause "Frederick \\'., art glasswkr, h 1246 Market Krause Karl. laborer, h 912 Capital Krause Lewis ~ . upholsterer, h fl49 Dauphin Krause Lou ~lrs., h 308 Cherry Krause Selma, weaver, h 912 Capital Krause Theresa. wid George C, h 116 Short Krause, see Crouse, also Krouse Krauss Charles, salesman, 302 Market, h 800 N 6th Kraybill Martin E., mgr, 36 ~ Cameron, h Brandtsvine Kravbill, see Graybill

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

== .. == i .. ..

KREAMER JOHN H., wholesale butter and eggs, 1132 N 6th, h do Krebs Augustus A., laborer, h l!llR ~Maple :. Krebs Charles, laborer. h 302 S River Krebs George W .. machinist, h nH; Schuylkill c:::a Krebs Henrv G., foreman. h 315 Crescent Krebs loa, opr, h 315 Crescent Krefneski August, laborer. h 1112 Currant Kreider Aaron S., v-pres People's Ice Co., h Annville Kreider Annie E., wid Peter H .. h 1715 N 5th Kreider Elizabeth C, wid Beniamin S .. h 1914 N 4th Kreider Frank E., contractor:1712 N 6th, h do Kreider George \V .. hostler, h 1712 ~ nth



Sayings and Loan Assn. {::=

Kreider Gideon R, sec and genl mgr People's Ice Co., h Annville Kreider Harry E., helper, h 267 Forster Kreider Helen S . elk, h 1708 1\ nth Kreider Jennie, telegrapher P. R R pass depot, h 25 N 13th Kreider :\fae B.. h 1708 N 6th Kreider Margaret 1., elk, 212 Locust. h 2334 N 6th Kreider "Minnie M .. teacher, h 1712 N 6th Kreider Sarah E., bookkpr, 22 N 2d. h 1712 N 6th Kreider Solomon, engine hostler, h 2:l34 N 6th Kreider Tobias. carpenter, h 1628 Wallace Kreider. sec Crider KREIDLER A. H. & BRO., (A. H. and H.), grocers, 100 N 2d Kreidler Amelia R, bookkpr. 100 N 2d, h 809 Capital Kreidler Anna E .. h SIlH Capital Kreidler Augustus. h 809 Capital . Kreidler Aug. H .. (A. H. Kreidler & Bro.), h 809 Capital Kreidler Clara :\1., bookkpr, 100 ~ 2d, h 809 Capital Kreidler Edith A., dressmkr, h 904 Penn Kreidler Edward J., elk, 100 N 2d, h 1207 ~lulberry Kreidler Ferdinand, wagonmkr, h 904 Penn Kreidler Harry, (A. H. Kreidler & Bro.), h 809 Capital Kreidler Helen, picker, h 904 Penn Kreidler Herman A., elk, 100 N 2d, h 809 Capital




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II KELLEY r. CO. no~!:tla:.::::

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.

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III o _

Kreiclier James c., machinist. h ~fI!I Capital __ Kreidler Lawrence F .. elk, 2HI ~larket, h 904 Penn Kreidler l\linnie A., boarding, 6:~~ Muench, h do Kreiger Aaron E., elk P.O .. h -Linglestown Kreiger Carl E .. porter, h 1714 Penn Kreiger Catharine E. l\Irs., h 1 Hl4 1\ 6th Kreiger Grant, planer, h 11 X 5th Kreiger Miltoll B., fireman, h 1268 Juniper Kreiger S. Harry, elk, 619 \Valnut, h 1714 Penn Kreiner Elsie J., domestic, 234 Hamilton Kreiner John H., fireman, h 1:t~4 Green Kreiner Marv. domestic, HiOO Green Kreiner vViliiam F., flagman, h 27 Balm Kreitzer -Gharles A., butcher, 'h 1!W1 Bailey Kreitzer Lottie E., milliner, h I:!07 Bailey Kreitzer \\'illiam, laborer, h 1201 Bailey Kremer Ellis N. Rev., h :!24 Chestnut Kremer Ellis X., jr., h 224 01estnut Kremer Hiram S . student, 'h 224 Chestnut Kremer John, special ins agt, 55 Gnion Trust bldg, h 601 ~ Front Krentz Ernest \\'., laster. h 1015 N 7rh Krentz George, shoemkr, 1210 Fulton, h 1015 X 7th Krentz 'George L.. laborer, h 1015 N 7th Krentzman Anna 1., grocer, 3:l9 S Cameron, h 341 do


Krentzman Dora, cigarmkr. h a41 S Cameron Krentzman Ella, cigarmkr. h ;~41 S Cameron Krentzman Samuel. butcher. 'h 341 S Cameron Krepps George, brakeman. h 540 Peffer Krepps Harry, brakeman, h :!21il Jefferson Krepps Sara'h, cigarmkr, h 111l State Kreps Harry P., elk, h 615 Harris Kressman Harry. molder, :h 326 Strawberry Krichbaum Emma R., h 1111 X :!d Krichbaum Maggie B., saleslady, :m~ ~larket, h 1117 N 2d Krick Bertha, domestic Hotel Aldine Krieg Adam, h 129 Verbeke Krieg Adam G., meat, 438 Hamilton, h liOO N 5th Krieg Adam H., butcher, 438 Hamilton, 'h 1700 N 5th Krieg Albert L., grocer. 2lfl Muench, h 529 Peffer Krieg Charles. butcher. 'h 127 Verbeke Krieg Ludwig, laborer. h 12a2 X 7th Krieg, see Craig III Kriner Leo, foreman, H18 Schuylkill, h HI7 Mulberry U Krise Charles ~I.. machinist, h 2111U1 Penll Krizak :Ylic-hael, laborer, h 1115 ?\ 7th Kroft Ralph E .. messenger, oil 422 :\l11ench Kroh Jesse T., car cleaner. h I!lS!! X 7th Kroh William c., brakeman, h 612 :\Iaclav Kroll Amelia G., bunchmkr. h 1835 Briggs

l L.ST.



Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory, 1908.
449 ~

Kroll, see Crull 'Kronebitter Catharine, wid ~Iartin, h 1136 S Cameron 'Krontz Dallas H., brakeman, h 637 Walnut Krotzer Adam A., bridgewkr, h 57 N 13th 'Krotzer Annie M. Mrs., h 221 S 13t'll 'Krouse Fred W., glasswkr, h 1246 Market 'Krouse John W., produce, h 526 Seneca 'Krouse Karl W., brewhand, h 912 Capital Krouse Lydia, domestic, 624 Verbeke Krouse, see Krause, also Crouse Krow Daniel D., brakeman, h 2017 N 5th . Krow Harvey C, brakeman, h 668 Calder Krut:ger EmiL draftsman, h 203 State Kruger Abraham, salesman, h 415 North al Kruger Mary A., wid Augustus, h 917 S 19th Kruger Mervin, test boardman, 210 \Valnut, h 1243 Mulberry Kruger Theodore J., salesman, 339 Reily, h do Kruger Vrban M., machinist, h 327 Kelker Kruger William C, telegrapher, h 327 Kelker Krumbine Horace V., fireman, h 214:J Atlas Kshinka Rudolph G. F., elk State Treasury, h 222 Locust Kuebler Anna, h 142() Green Kuebler Charles E., press feeder, h H2() Green Kuebler Elizabeth, h 1723 Logan

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.MILLER BROS. l BAKER} ~:i~b~~I.~~1I: ~

Kuehler Frederick A., baker, h 1420 Green Kuebler George. asst gardener Luna,tic Hospital, h do Kuehler Lilian R, cashier, 221 Market, h Steelton Kuebler Robert, electrotyper, h 1420 Green Kuebler Samuel A., treas, 323 Walnut, h 417 Boas Kuglc John M., switchman, h 234() Logan Kugle John S., brakeman, h 1732 N 7th Kugler D. Paul, engr, h 2128 N 5th Kugler Joseph, laborer, h 113() S 9th Kuhlwind George, machinist, h 1316 State Kuhlwind \Villiam, switchman, h 21U) Penn Kuhn Charles F., (Kuhn & Zell). h 446 S 13th Kuhn Frederick E., polisher, h 1146 Derry Kuhn George, fireman, h !W32 Fulton Kuhn Harley I., laborer, h 18117 Penn Kuhn Howard L., cigarmkr, h 2()32 Fulton Kuhn Howard M., engr, h 21147 Green Kuhn John L. L., (Kuhn & Hershey), h 446 S 13th Kuhn Mary, wid Napoleon B., h 1()1H Hemlock Kuhn Mary E., wid Albert, h 1818 :IJ Cameron Kuhn Myrtle. housekeeper, 425 Dauphin KUHN SAMUEL, (Alfred Seligman, Albert Hirschler, Solomon Kuhn and Morris E. Jacobson), clothiers, 6 N2d Kuhn S. Harry, asst supervisor P. R R, h 150 Sylvan ter



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:::: ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g:r".~


Boyd's Harrisburg ( K) City Directory, 1908.

",lie 111111







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o Title Balranly and Surely Co. o


Kuhn Smith A., conductor, h G2G Hamilton Kuhn Solomon. (Solomon Kuhn & Co.), h 803 N 6th Kuhn Solomon & Co., (A. Hirschler), carpets, :! S 2d Kuhn Walter W., stengr, h 408! Walnut Kuhn William J., carpenter, 1810 N 4th, h 2032 Fulton Kuhn & Hershey, (John L. L. Kuhn and Harry L. Hershey). builders and contractors, 3(; ~ 3d Kuhner Emma T., domestic, 218 ~ 2d Kuhnert Ida, domestic, 723 Capital Kuhns \ViIliam H., car repairer, h 2112 Turner al Kuhns, see Koons Kulp Catharine C. teacher, h 115 Calder Kulp Edwin T., engr. h 2042 Green Kulp George ~L, elk, h 115 Calder Kulp George R., brakeman, h 6Hl Dauphin Kulp James C, elk P. R. R.. h 11ii Calder Kulp John D., asst yardmaster P. R. R.. h H31 Muench Kulp William A., brakeman, h min Kelker Kulp, see Culp Kummerer Frank \\T., lineman. h 49 X 10th Kunis Samuel. confectioner, 1a38 X 4th, h do Kunkel Beverlv. h 221 N Front Kunkel Chas. X., cashier l\lechanics' Bank, h 221 N Front Kunkel Elizabeth, domestic, 58 N 13th

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-----------------------Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMONDD1~!d'~~QJ~

Kunkel Elizabeth. wid George G., h 1113 N 3d KUNKEL ELIZABETH C., wid John C., h 17 S Front Kunkel George Hon., pres judge, C H., h 131 'Walnut Kunkel George B., physician, 118 Locust, h do Kunkel George E., laborer, h 21:1 S 15th Kunkel John 'C, 'h 11 S Front KUNKEl; PAUL A., lawyer, notary public, 2 N Court~ h 1607 N 2d Kunkel Samuel, asst cashier }lechanics' Bank. h 901 N 2d Kunkel. see Cunkle Kunkle Claude \V .. foreman, h 1624 Susquehanna Kunkle E. Bertha, h 224 Briggs Kunkle Elizabeth S .. wid Jacob C, h 224 Briggs Kunkle Emma J.. h 1805 X ad Kunkle Emma :M., dressmkr. 11112 X ad. h 311 Herr Kunkle Harriet, wid Samuel, h 180n ~ :~d Kunkle ~Iilton A .. machinist, h Hill!) Swatara Kunkle Thomas, warehou!'eman. h 16:1;) X 4th Kunkle William S., keeper Detention House, 28th bey limits. h Paxtang Kunkleman Thomas, ,varehollseman. h 1fi3:~ )J 4th Kttns Frank "' .. fireman. h 5nn Calder K tlnt7. George n.. puddler, h :n5 ~I tlench Kuntz Glenn. elk, 22fl7 X ith. h 315 ~Iuench Kuntz ~Iaude H., elk. h Maclay nr 3d

.I A..

B TACK fI FJoeeooIDc Makee Bll11dl..paaof TID.. {ute N. ad . . Sp_laU,. PllbU" PIaIIl ........ GInR
Boyd's Harris1:urg (L) City



Kuntzelman Charles E., car repairsman, h 923 Susquehanna Kunz Frederick C. consulting cngr, h 223 X 2d Kurtin Abraham, h 46 S Court Kurtz Arthur J., brakcman, h 19 N 10th Kurtz Bcnj. W .. foreman Capitol grounds, h ~Iiddletown Kurtz Chauncy F., foreman, fil5 Walnut, h 39 N 12th Kurtz D. Charles, elk C I. and S. Co., h 126 S 2d Kurtz Elizabeth. wid William C, h 126 S 2d Kurtz John E., driver, 440 Market, h 1106 do Kurtz John H., painter, h 120 Evergreen Kurtz John R., studcnt. h 1832 N 7th Kurtz Lydia. wid John. h 1832 X jth Kurtz Max, driver, h 649 Cumberland Kurtz Stephen, shearsman. h 1132 S !lth Kurtz William R, brakeman, h lR32 I\ 7th Kurtz William B .. brakeman, h 50 N Summit [N 3d Kurzenknabe Charles E., student, h 128 Verbeke Kurzcnknahe Ellen ~L, photographer, 1 S 13th, h 1010 Kurzenknabe Flora F., h HHO N 3d KURZENKNABE HARRY J., printing and binding, 138 Short c South, h 128 Verbeke .KURZENKNABE J. H. CO., pianos, organs, music publishers, &c., 1010 N 3d


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Savings and Loan Assn.~

Kurzenknabe John H., (J. H. Kurzenknabe Co.), h 1010 N 3d Kurzenknabe Korman B., mgr, 1010 N 3d, h do Kurz~nknabe Paul E., plumber, h 1010 N 3d Kurzcnknabe Richard L., elk, 1010 N 3d, h do Kurzenknabe Susan M., h 1010 N 3d Kushel Hyman, (Hbg. Supply Co.), h 101 Filbert Kusner Bessie, wid Harry, h Filbert c North al Kusner Lewis, elk, h Filbert c Korth al Kuster Ar1l1etta. stripper, h 40 Balm Kuster John W., puddler, h 40 Balm Kuster, see Custer Kutz C Elizabeth, teacher, h 335 Walnut Kutz Forster"L., salesman, 324 Market, h Carlisle Kutz Lvdia A., domestic, 8()6 N 2d Kutz !\farv A., wid William C. h 1329 N 6th Kutz Robert R., machinist, h 523 Emerald Kutz William A., h 1329 N 6th Kwong Lee, latmdry, 412 Walnut, h do Kyle Edward, carpenter, h 1825 North Kyle, see Keil Kyler Charles E., machinist. h 401 S 13th

:a == ,. < :a




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Labardo Frank, cook. 523 State, h do . L'lcey Andrew, laborer, h Hi20 Elm



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H. I. KELLEY &cO.}8mces, :.~.-:"\1J.'T.::{COAL AND WOOD

.:: Mt

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.




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a: o

C a:

Lady ~Iary E., dressmkr, 'h 119 Calder Latir Leo A., blacksmith, h 613 Xorth ...- Laird Jane ~frs., trained nurse, ill 444 Cumberland >- Laird Minerva L., stengr, h 133 Sylvan ter z: LALANCE & GROSJEAN MFG. CO., J. M. Jones, mgr~ cC tin plates, sheet steel and foundry, Division c Jeffer0.. son I: Laman Harrv E., fireman. h 1Hai Swatara Lamar Charles O.,h 1a:!2i James Lamb H. ).[ervin. salesman. :l08 l\farket, h Mechanicsburg ..J Lamberson Da\'id L., brakeman, 'h 1905 N 4th < Lamberson Oscar W,. conductor, h UI05 X 4th Lamberson Pearl, telephone opr, 227 \Valnot, 'h 1905 N 4th Q Lambert Charles B.. car repairer. h ;t41i Harris z: Lambert Frank P .. fireman, h au Cumberland <Lambert Henrv. laborer. h li:3:~ X 4th ~ Lambert Oscar L., catcher, h i02 X 19th YLambert Xorman ),1.. elk. 1111 X :!d. h li:~3 N 4th Lambert William J.. chauffeur, 'h HIS X 19th Q Lamberton Annie B.. wid Rohert A .. hIll X Front ~ LAMBERTON JAMES M., lawyer, 216 Market c Court, _ h 111 N Front Ii!: Lamey Edward C. 'car repairer. h 1!I:l:l X lith Lamey l\hry B., elk. 1i:!7 lloas. ,11 1i1~ Oxiord

o o


Lacey Frank. laborer, h 418 Cranberry Lacev Thomas, washer, h 175 ~ 15th LaC1iance Frank S., trav salesman, h 109 N 17th Lachman Harvey K., dispatcher. h 1420 1!arket Lachman Josiah K., student, h 1420 :l\Iarket Lack Carrie, tai!oress, h :JO N Dewberry Lack Charles H., h ao N Dewberry Lack Fred S., merchant tailor, :JO N Dewberry, h 449 S 14th Lackey Charles H., fireman, h 1404 Regina Lackey Daniel H .. craneman, h 1404 Regina Lacke~' Gilbert, lineman, h 1401 Regina Lackey James B., brakeman. h 1404 Regina Lackey John, engr, h f':~6 Peffer Lackey John A., brickmkr, h 1404 Regina Lackey Lawrence H., helper, h 6!l6 Peffer Lackey Lizzie, chambermaid Senate Hotel Lackev Mabel E., h 636 Peffer Lacke,r ~lav l\lrs., h 1R29 X 5th Lacke)' :.\lervin F., car inspector. h 1048 S Cameron Ladenberger J. Philip, laborer, h 668 Boas Ladv Alberta, h lUI Calder Lady Amos, carpenter. h 119 Calder Lady Charles W., carpenter. h IHI Calder Lady Lawrence W., brakeman, h 1415 Green

N. 3d St.

l L. ST. CLAIR{TAILC)A {1240 Mlrkltstrllt Coogle

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A. B. TACK t:&~~:!1lou pODer ODd 1Ind01 ShOd]S l~la~.m

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.



Lamey Philip H., mgr, 2145 X 7th, h 618 Oxford Lam'kins Benjamin F., laborer. h r 1156 Cumberland Lamond Abigail P., teacher. h aa5 Walnut Lampas Charles T., elk, 414 :'I[arket, h do o Lampas Jacob L., baker, h 47 X Summit Lampas Theodore J., baker. 414 Market. h do G Lancaster House, (Jacob Eckinger), 21 Cowden Landers John A. E., flagman, h'143H Vernon CD LANDIS AARON M., alderman, 1418 N 3d, h do '1 Landis Abram B., fireman. h HiII5 Derry "G Landis Alexander c., h 54:l Race . Landis Alfred M., bar elk. !la7 X ad, h 1120 ~ 2d Landis Allen H., train dispatcher P. R. R. pass depot, h 1426 State Landis Annie 1\1., wid Reuhen.h ISla N 3d Landis Arthur F., weighmaster C. 1. and S. Co., h 1809 Berryhill Landis Bessie S., cigar roller. 11 221 S 2d Landis Blanche. cashier, 2()6 :\ 2d. h 204 do Landis Carrie c.. wid Harr\' S., h 2111 Penn Landis Celeste, cashier, :?OC; N 2d, h 204 do Landis Charles A., laborer, h 612 Race Landis Oharles E .. cashier, Division nr, fith, h 1630 Green Landis Charles F., pro<it1<.'e, 1~1~ N ~d. h do Landis David D . laborer. h U~II!1 Berryhill



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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~:i~b~~'J;.~~1E


Landis Edna, dre!'smkr. h ~12 Herr e: Landis Edward B., dispatcher P. & R. pass depot, h 19 S Hith 'T' Landis Edward D., huckster. 221 S 2d. h do Ii' Landis Effie. fitter, 24 S 2d. h Hill2 N :{d ~ Landis Elizabeth. nurse. lillll X 2<1. h do Landis Elizabeth S .. cigar roller. h 221 S 2d Landis Frank S .. mgr. 2(1(i X 2d, h 2f14 do Landis George A., h 11:!O X 2<1 Landis George S., drug elk, 40;; }farket, h 1520 X 2d Landis Grover c., crane opr. h l43f1 SusqCehanna Landis Harry, carpenter, h HiO~ Logan Landis Harn.. machinist. h 11114 N 7th Landis Har~ J.. elk. h 1120 :\ 2d Landis Harvey. ironwkr. h :{2!1 Chestnut Landis Harve}' L.. elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 1614 X 4th c.n Landis Henry. mason. h l~ml Bern'hill iIC Landis H enr~' B., elk. h 12Hi K itta'tinny Landis Hiranl .1,. propr Landis Restaurant. h 204 N 2d Landis Howard S .. machinist, h 11114 X ith Landis Jel1tlic :'II r~,. clressmkr. 14:m Susquehanna, h do t'D Landis Tennie L .. h :i2:~ Cowden ~ Landis 'Tohn A .. h 112fi :'Irontg-omerv Landis '10hn A .. flagman, h 14;1(; Yemon Landis john A. E., flagman, h u:m YerilOn



MONEY ADVANCED} rulslc"\':JyL!~ {TN~ :=:.:U~

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McNEil'S COUGH REMEDY }~:!~~::5-:':! {Dt-g~lRi


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Boyd's Harris?urg (J.. ) City Dire~tory, 1908. Landis John H., bookkpr. h 31 Sassafras Landis John l\1., h r 1308 Wallace Landis John R., conductor, h 423 Peffer Landis Joseph H., coal. wood and hauling, 18th c Derry, h 1600 State Landis Leon G .. elk, 2:!l S 2d, h do Landis Martha, wid Abraham. h :133 S Front Landis Mary, fancy goods,' 2112 Chestnut, h 333 S Front Landis :Mary, shoe vamper. h 181)tJ Berryhill Landis l\lary, wid Abraham S., h 1426 State Landis Matilda A., wid Joseph H., h 1600 State Landis Kellie M., domestic. 9115 X 3d Landis Oliver T., letter carrier, h 1110 X Front LANDIS RESTAURANT, Hiram J. Landis, propr, 206 N 2d Landis Roger L.. conductor. h 1VUI ~Iontgomery Landis Rossiter B., driver. h 221 S 2d Lanflis William E., carpenter. h 525 Emerald Landiztte Lcmila E. }Irs., h 1116 Cowden Landrenccetti Guiseppe, cook. h 11111 Market Landrus l\1ary H. Mrs., h 1420 Susquehanna Lan' Asbury, laborer, h 516 Brown Lane Edna, seamstress, h 624 Hamilton Lane Ellen, wid Daniel F., h 1630 Logan Lane Hyman, junk, h 441 \' erbeke Lane Jose?h, porter. 441 l\larket, h_ 118 Liberty

fltle 6uaraoty IDd Surety ~~_.c~_.~_:~ {_F._U:_,~i!r:.:.~ {Tr!.~Z..


Lane Joseph R.. machinist, h 1518 ~ 4th Lane Max, shoemkr, 1II2H ~Iarket. h do Lane 'V. Henr\', laborer, h 11:>4 Cumberland Lang Alexander, brakeman. h liOt) ~howers Lang Herman, opr, h 1341 S 12th Lang John, tailor, 3](1 Forster, h do 111\ Lang John C. inspector, h !}1i S 19th J Lang Lena, dome;;tic. 402 Forster .. Langdon Claude A .. civil engr, h 1312 Kittatinny Langenheim Frederick E .. asst engr 'Vater Supply Com. of Pa., Capitol, h 15111 S 12th LANGHAM JONATHAN N., corporation clerk Auditor General's Dept., Capitol, h 422 Market Langletz Charles B.. carpenter, h fl11 Race Langletz Harry W. J., elk, 223 Market, h 1620 Hunter Langletz Henry, h 1620 Hunter Langletz Sara, cashier, 6 S 2d, h Camp Hill Langletz, see Langlitz Langlitz Catharine, wid Casper, h 419 Kelker Langlitz Mary M., milliner, 400 Market, h 419 Kelker Langlitz. see Langletz Langlotz Bransby F., elk, 140 N 13th Langlotz John W., steam fitter, h 1328 Maple Langlotz Martin, h 140 N 13th





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I. B. TACK} FIN~t:c~~~,.~f!-,,~cl~~ER{l216Nonn lll1nl8treet

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908. 455
Lantz Anna M. K, supt, 121 S 2d, h 130 do Lantz Carrie E., saleslady, h 417 Maclay Lantz Catharine, wid Philip, h 417 Maday Lantz Charles ~, student, h 417 Maclay Lantz Elizabeth H., wid Jacob, h1612 Green Lantz Harrv A., teacher, h 414 Maclav \ Lantz Joseph F., clk, h 2011 Moltke . Lantz Sarah, wid William, h 1730 N 5th Lantz William E., lineman, 21U Walnut, h 432 Market Lantz William L., grocer, 1948 N 6th, h 417 Maclay Lantz William R, cigars, 1721 N 6th, h 1730 K 5th Lantzer Mattie M., tailoress, 6 S 2d, h HI!) N 6th Lape Harry 0., engr, h 1327 Howard Lape Iva B., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h Steelton Laposka Antonio, trackhand, h 12()!) N 7th Laposka Nicholas, trackhand, h 12()!) N 7th Lapp Samuel H., chief of Bureau of Information, Capitol, h 105 N 13th Lappley John, boots and shoes, 1800 N 4th, h do Lappley John, jr., clk, 1800 N 4th, h do Lariccihia Vincenzo, stone cutter, h 16 Argyle LaRoss Annie, wid Robert, h 1113 K 6th Larsen Yictor J., tailor, h 410 Maclay Larue Charles 0., stengr P. R R freight depot, h Steelton Larue Isabella A. Mrs., dk, 1539 \Valnut, h 147 Linden




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'::~~~':,UJ'B} Harrisburg Savings and Loan Assn.: =:" f"!' LARUS-ALTHEIMER CO., w. H. Leman, mgr, cloth- ~ ing, 8 N 2d n

Latchaw William H . painter, h 25 X Dewberry :c Latham Edward, brakeman, h 12S Sylvan ter :; Lathe Grace M. Mrs., h 2135 Atlas _ LATHE HOWARD W., contractor, ice, coal and wood, > 503 Woodbine c 5th, h do see adv "" Lathe William H., machinist, h 2151 X 5th Latherow William W., brakeman, h 21123 Fulton Latsbaugh H. Park, stengr, h 530 Maclay Latsbaugh Kesiah A. R, wid Samuel, h 919 Ash Latta Robert ]., conductor, h 30S Crescent Lau Annie M., h 107 S Cameron Lau Elizabeth Mrs., boarding, 111 Hanna, h do Lau Emma E., bttnchmkr, h 1525 Swatara





Ice, CoC}I Clnd Wood !

S03 Woodbine. Cor. 5tb St., Harrisburg. PI ...... . . . . . . HE ~ATAIOT MORNING ~A~ER HARRIS.URea. .
Digitized by

"' =Coogle

"-7. Tea of

H M KELLEY. CO'S -Biaek Dlamolleb wll { ,11rI.14I ItrIII. , . St... at.


708 _ _, orde~.



Boyd's Harrisburg (I.. ) City Directory, 1908.

Lau Harry B., elk. 12~ Short. h Carlisle Lau Henry. lahorer. h 1525 Swatara ' : Lau Irene- E .. cigar ro11er. h 1525 Swatara .. Lau James C, elk P. R. R. pass depot. h 1525 Swatara Lall Jennie. bunchmkr. h I5:!;) Swatara Co2 Lau John H., machinist. h Hn S Summit Lau .~hn S., laborer, h !l3:! \'erbeke Lau :\len'in R, brakeman. h 151 SYlvan ter Lau Zllla, seamstress, h 15:!;) Swatara Laube :\Ioritz. h 41~ Hummel Laubenstein Ezekias, foreman. 4a~ :\larket, h 3:!8 S 16th Laubenstein Jennie. wid Ambrose. h 14:!O Xaudain Laubenstein Lee A., bookkpr East End Bank. h :J28 S 16th == Laubenstein Mary. housekeeper, 151H Derry Laubenstein X. Esther, h :l:!8 S 16th Laubenstein Peter, pavement layer. h 15B) Derry L"lubensteill \\"illiam 1., elk. :!]2 Locust. h a:!8 S 16th Lauber, see Lauver Lauck, see Louck fI) Laucks :'.fatthias A., trainmaster P. & R. pass depot, 1r. 17:m State Lal1dermilch Reuben X., h l!lO:l X 2d I.&J ..J Lauer Xellie G .. teacher, h 11107 X :ld .'-nna h 1726 :ld C Lauf'le :\Ian- :\1.. milliner.X l:i:!11 X :l<1. h 17:!6 do Laufle R., I.&J . ._--_ - - - ..





o -


Laufle Theresa E., wid Gebhard. h 1726 X :Jd Laurie \\'illiam J. plumber. h 1!lll~ Susquehanna Lauric . .-\nnie :\1 .. teacher. h :!1:! Xorth Laurie 10hn n. F .. elk. h .'<54 S Cameron Laurie "Rae H. }Irs . h 11111 X :ld Laurish Harry S .. dep U. S. l\Iarshal. P. O. bldg, h 329 Peffer Lausch .-\. Lincoln, laborer, h i-t:!2 Capital Lauster Frederick. h li06 Forster Lautsbaug'h Charles R.. h 171~ Briggs Lalltsbaugh Ella R., h j 701': llriggs Lautsbaugh Sidney C. wid Samuel G., h 170~ Briggs Lautsbaugh \\"illiam B .. brakeman. h 266 \" erbeke Lauver Carrie. domestic. !127 1\ tHh Lam'er Frederick, laborer, h 2!l Forrest Lal1\'er George L.. teamster Lunatic Hospital. h do Lauver Laura. domestic. !l:!1 Yerbeke

LA UVER WILLIAM E. E., wood mantels, tiles and grates, 2230 N 6th, h do see adv 0PP page
Lauver. see Lauber Lan'11e Anna. saleslad\'. Ii S 2d. h 611 Boas Laver Albert, laborer. h 1993 ~ 7th Laverty Alice L., h ]22 Sylvan ter Laverty Annie L., ~aleslady. ~:l4 !\Iarket. h 142:l BerryhiU La\ert~ Edith W., stengr, 119 ::\Jarket, h 21 S :ld

l L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240Markltstrllf


Boyd's Harrisburg (L ) City Dft-ectory, 1908.


Lavertv Ella K., h 1259 Walnut Laverty Elsie R, stengr, 212 Locust, h Middletown Laverty Fannie H. l\lrs., dressmkr, 236 S 14th, h do Laverty Frank R, junk, Hancock c Christian, h 1936 Briggs Laverty Jesse W., brick mfr, h 403 Herr Laverty Maggie Mrs .. laundress. h 328 Strawberry Lavertv Martha A. l\lrs., h 403 Herr Lavert~ Marv E .. wid Charles L.. h 21 S 3d Laverty Ralph, printer, h 402 S 14th Laverty William A., mgr, 32!1 Market. h 122 Sylvan ter Laverty William J., ticketman, h 328 Strawberry Lavia Joseph, shoemkr, 421 State. h 426 do Law Harvev R., conductor, h 1012 Paxton Law John t., inspector, h 1012 Paxton Law Payton, laborer, h 48 Lochiel 4th row Lawler Aima, cigarmkr, h 330 Hamilton Lawler Edw. J .. decorator, 221 Market, h 410 Walnut Lawler Elmer J., elk, h 330 Hamilton Lawler James T., brakeman, h 1220 Cowden Lawler John. heater, h 330 Hamilton Lawler William J.. fireman, h 330 Hamilton Lawless Joanna, h 542 Race Lawless Mary, tailoress. aIR Market. h Steelton Lawless Mary .T., housekeeper, 542 Race


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Lawless Thomas, foreman C. 1. and S. Co., h 542 Race Lawlor John \Y., h 11 :-.J 5th Lawrence Charles, laborer. h 1:~04 \VaIIace Lawrence Grant. flagman, h 1318 Kittatinny Lawrence Iron Co., rooms 401-40R Bergner bldg Lawrence Jefferson, driver, 113 N 2d, h Penbrook Lawrence John F., flagman, h 162; Penn Lawrence William, laborer, h 162:1 Apricot Lawrie Fannie Mrs., h 139 S 3d Laws Christianna, h H28 Chern' Laws Nancy Mrs., h IHlG Chri~tian Laws William, laborer, h 1196 Christian Lawson Bellett, sec Paxtang Cemetery Ass'n, h Paxtang LAWSON BROS., (1. A. and E. K.), granite monuments and mausoleums; 824 Market EIIClIIc F... ellel,le n " ,n ..."1.,,.., .. ...., I,ll"



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lias, Electric and Combination Fixtures

Sixth St.,

Ilarrlsburll. Pa.


Digitized by

~ ~



McNEIL'S PAil EXTERMINATOR }=urJ.f:~r:.~{ 306 and


(L) City Directory. 1908.

if -i..


Lawson Edward K., (Lawson Bros.), h Paxtang Lawson Frederick c., laborer, h 404 Cranberry Lawson James. laborer, h 8 Sherman row Lawson John A., (Lawson Brbs.), h 400 N 2d Lawver J. Wesley, brakeman, h 2156 ~ 7th Lawyer Annie :\1., cook, h 669 Briggs Lawyer Florence, domestic, 319 X Front Lawyer John \V., laborer, 'h 21105 Swatara Lawyer l\laggie Mrs., 'It 5a5 X Cameron Lawyer Samuel H., musician, 'h 669 Briggs Lay Isabella :\lrs., h 48 Balm Laylon Harry, engr, h 1741 X 6th Laylon \\,illiam, machinist, h 429 Harris Layman Olarles G., flagman, h 1643 Fulton z: Layman Lewis M., laborer, h 1643 Fulton ~ Layton Charles, laborer, h 1822 Swatara .... Layton 1Iorris H., teacher, h 708 East Z Layton :\Iorris H., jr., student, h 708 East CE Layton William, butler, 612 X Front ~ Layton William H., jr., conductor, h 343 S 16th a: Leach Annie, bunchmkr, h 1610 Hunter 1.&.1 Leach Helen, laundress, h 1320 N 4th Leach Julia, laundress, h 118 Liberty oJ Leader Barnett, junk, h 100li Cowden ;:~ Leader James. helper, h 920 S 20l


Titi. BairlDIy In S.r.Iy C lc:::l'P~-=.:~-r.:-{.J..::a .

Leader J osep'h, molder, h 1831 Briggs Leader Max R., pressman, 109 :\Iarket, h 920 S 201 Leader Ralph W., gas fitter, h 1223 Currant Leader SalIie A., 'h 2:!4 N 15th Lea'hy CatHarine M .. saleslady, h li17 ~ 7th Leah, William, watchman, h'li17 N 7th Leak' Emma, h 103 N 13th Leakwav Alban 1\., elk, 227 Walnut, h 314 Boas Leakwa}' Elizabeth :\Irs., h 251:\ Hummel Leakway Fanny l\Irs., h 42:~ Herr Leakway Wilford H., \\'arehouseman P. & R, h 251i Hummel Leaman Elwood c., carpenter, h 1243 :\Iarket Leaman Jacob W., telegrapher P. R R depot, h 1449 Bern'hilI Leaman 'Warren H., engr, h 642 Boas Lear Jdlm W., elk P. R R. freight depot, h Penbrook Leas Charles I., foreman car inspector, h 320 S 13th Leas Charles W., elk, 12 S 14th, h 1929 Swatara Lease Edward, cooper, h 1637 X 3d Lease George E., laborer, h 917 S 20! Lease Harvey, elk, 12tH N 3d. h 312 Cumberland Lease John B .. elk. 312 Verheke, It 312 Cumberland Lease john \V., salesman, h 312 Cumberland Lease Mary, 11 312 Cumberland


1.1 III



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ANDREW REDMOND}.~:=::::'::d ~~~~ {3d and R811J Stl. Coogle

Digitized by

1 B. TACK} IAlL PIPER ~:.~~..= 111001 SHIOES h.o~~ ...

. Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908. 45

Lease Nettie ~Irs., dressmkr, lOiS S 9th, h do Lease William \Y., fireman, h 10i8 SlOth Lease, see Leese, also Lies Leathery John D., butter, 14li Vernon, h do Leavenworth Edwin A., genl agt Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1935 X 3d, 'h do Leavy Nathan H., conductor, h a43 Hummel Lebegern Frederick, conductor, h 1420 N 6th Lebo Arthur E., dentist, 8 X 2d, h 310 do Lebo Arthur W., stengr, 5 X 3d, h 336 Harris Lebo Charles E., driver, h 619 Dauphin Lebo Clarence, elk, '421 N 2d, h Mechanicsburg Lebo Cora M., cashier, 322 Market, h 336 Harris LEBO D. FRANK, county commissioner, Court House, h Williamstown Lebo Elizabeth, wid William, h 212 Hummel . LEBO EMANUEL N., contractor and builder, 1922 Berryhill, h do Lebo Harrison, conductor, h 1250 Reese Lebo Harry E., brakeman, h 1827 Briggs Lebo Herbert E . conductor. h 502 Reilv Lebo John E., elk 1st ~at. Bank, h Hi2!) Carnation Lebo Leon L., brakeman, h 85 Disbrow Lebo Mary, wid Joseph, h 230 ~ 3d Lebo Newton D., laborer, h 3H 1\ 16th




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l:*':=:'-:.lHarrisburi Sayings and Loan

Lebo Rebecca, wid Daniel, h 336 Harris Lebo Samuel, laborer, h 1934 Briggs Lebo Selena E., music teacher, h 1H22 Berryhill Lebo Thomas E., laborer, h 138 Hoerner Lebo Vriah, car inspector, h 331 Reily Lebo vYiIliam, laborer, h 1407t Vernon Lebo William E., carpenter, h 39 N 16th Lechleitner John. laborer, h 1633 Fulton Lee Alexander H., butler, 313 1\ Front Lee Anna B., wid ~Iichael H .. h 20 X 4th Lee Arthur, waiter, h 422 Herr Lee Benjamin, asst to State Com. Health. Capitol, h 1915 N Front Lee Bertha A., domestic, 432 Korth al Lee Bertha M., dressmkr, h U03 Briggs Lee Charles, candymkr, h 1526 Regina Lee Charles A . elk Am\. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h 125 Pine Lee Clarence C, engr, h 13:!5 Derry Lee Compte Jos. n., bookkpr State Treasury, h 262 North Lee Edward, hostler, h 432 ~orth al Lee Faith C, h HIl5 N Front Lee George, laborer, h Hin3 Elm Lee George H . laborer, h 1144 Cumberland Lee Harriet, wid Robert, h 121!1 :\[onroe Lee Harry J., barber, h 41:! \Valnut

< l> :u Assn. {::= C



TH E PATRIOT ~y Coogle


Ho. . . Coal, 110. . .'

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H M KELLEY aCO. {_ t .... 111 . ...... D. t I ......... .1


Leed0111 Charles H .. plumber. h 606 Granite Leedom Daniel :\1., bookkpr State Highway Dept., h 606 Briggs Leeds Amos B., elk P. & R, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Daniel. fireman, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Edgar V., h 11 S 15th Leeds George W., engr, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Malinda, wid Richard. h 476 S Cameron Leeds Richard, engr, h 2M N 15th Leeds Thomas R, ins sol, 4 S 2d. h 1224 Swatara Leedy Charles D .. grocer. 1al~ ~Iarket, h 1315 do Leedv David. brakeman. h 60~ :\Iuench Leecl~' David' S., caller P. R R. depot. h 417 Kelker Leedv Louisa M., wid William. h la15 Market Leec1;' Samuel K .. grocer. 20tH C;reen, h do Leedy William C. sponger, h .n j Kelker Lees William J.. policeman. h Hm~ Hunter 11;1 Leese. see Lease. also Lies ~ Lec!'er Bertha M., wi(l Charles E., h 1126 S 9th Q Leeser Emma. charwoman. h 1112 N 2d 11;1 Lefever Charles L .. harness. 1215 Capital, h la17 Wallace f-o Lefever Emma R, teacher. h 411 Cumberland Lefever George H .. fireman. h 1702 Penn Lefever Mamie. hookkpr. 201 N 2<1, h 1a17 Wallace LeFevre Arthur K .. elk P. R. R. h Duncannon

Lee Helen M .. wid John F., h 2U X 4th Lee Hugh, tailor, h :~5 Sassafras Lee Jacob, carpenter, h 1526 Regina Lee James. laborer, h 14:n Marion ~ Lee John H., janitor. h 663 Briggs Lee Julia, wid Henry. h 5U6 South Lee ~lartha J., housekeeper, 12~ Sayford Lee Marv, h Front -! Lee :\Iar,' A. HI15 Ndressmkr. 4:!~ Herr, h do l\hs., CD Lee Mary F., housekeeper, 663 Briggs _ Lee :\1ary F. }frs., dressmkr, 608 State, h do u Lee 1Iary J., laundress, h 43'2 North al ~ Lee Maurice T., waiter Commonwealth, h 663 Briggs Lee Molly, domestic. 1410 James :E Lee Na11(~y, wid William, h 1156 Cumberland -- Lee Nannie, laundress, h 5H7 South al (J) Lee Ralph A.. laborer, h 663 Briggs Lee Susan, wid John. h 4a2 North al Lee William, laborer, h 43"2 Xortl, al Lee \Villiam H., barber, h 66a Briggs I- Leech Annie. wid William, h 215 Barbara Leech T ohn. h 215 Barbara Leech A janitor, h C Leeder \Villiam ~l.,.. watchman 215 Barbara S 2% Frank Capitol, h 920 Leedom Alice, wid David, h 606 Granite


Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908:

...... ....

a: o


o o


~u=~~ Wi'. . . . . snlllllOI A. B. TACK .1:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.

LeFevre Charles E., salesman, ao K 2d, h H18 N 6th Leftridge George E., laborer. h 131 Cranberry Leftwich Leanna, domestk, 21 S 4th Lego Alfred P., janitor. h 1U! Calder Lego Frank D., laborer, h 426 Cumberland Lego George E., laborer, h 1117 Calder Lego ~Iartin, mattressmkr. h 16410 \'erbeke Lego Rachel A. l\Irs., janitress, h 1114 Calder Lego Ruth H., saleslady, h 426 Cumberland Lego Stephen B., conductor, h 152H Penn Lego Stephen B., jr., laborer, h 60U Delaware Lehman Alfred R.. engr, h 54 Balm Lehman Alonzo G., bookseller, 1014 X :~d, h 922 Grand Lehman Alvah F., telephone opr, 2111 Walnut, h 273 Calder Lehman Amos 0., machinist, h :~55 S l;~th Lehman Annie, notions, :l55 S 13th, h do Lehman Clara E., wid Charles, h 9aa S 19th Lehmhn David 0., carpenter. h 19a4 K 4th Lehman Edward, 'laborer, h 2(;40 Jefferson Lehman Emanuel \V., grocer. 14W Derry. h do Lehman Elsie, saleslady, :m4 l\larket, h 127 Say ford Lehman Esther :\1., elk, 1:~5 Evergreen, h do Lehman Frank, driver, h 1522 vVallace Lehman Harriet, elk, 1014 N 3d. h 922 Grand Lehman Irvin L., salesman, 5 K 2d, h 141() Derry

MILLER BROS" & BAKER} ~::i~b~~-:;;'~~E

Lehman Jacob, barber. h fi:17 \Voodbine Lehman Jacob A .. elk, 141H Derry, h do Lehman John R., "elk Dept. Int. Affairs, Capitol, h 403 vValnut Lehman Luella :\1., cutter, h H22 Grand Lehman Samuei \V., bartender, h aaH Reily Lehman Simon Coo agt, h 14418 State Lehman \Villiam D., motorman, h 127 Sayford Lehman William 1., brakeman, h llH4I Bailey Lehman Zora B., music teacher. 14l1i Derry, h do Lehmer Charles, baker, h 1411i Shoop Lehmer J. Clayton. baker. h 2:~:m Logan Lehmer Ralph F .. helper, h 225 Crescent Lehmer, see Lemer Lehn Irvin B., conductor. h 262 \'erbeke Lehr Annie, domestic, 1702 l\Iarket Lehr Charles V., brakeman, h 1329 Berryhill Lehr Frank A . machinist, h 641 Schuylkill Lehr Grace Eoo milliner. h fi41 Schm'lkill Lehr Tames :\r.. g-rocer. 1II;')li S Cameron. h 141415 S 9th Lehr )oseph engr.h :!II:!:! X lith . Lehr :\Iina A .. wid Henry. -h (;-11 Schudkll1 Lehr \Villiam, baker, h lion Forster . Lehr William H., engr, 'h 1329 Berryhill Lehr William H., jr., hostler, h 1329 Berryhill


'IDEPENDENT LOAN 110 SECURITY CO. lrA\\ {rr-.. . ~~



P.lJAK'~ :-'.-:~"

nrull' an" Patent IAe"icioe Stor8~ o~ B~C?A11..


Director . 462 Boyd's Harrisburg (L)'h Cit Briggs Lehrman Edith P. inspector, 667



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e m ur::\ s., 2 J ate Leib Al er b c H rri H IS h ~ 12 3 Leib Emma E" stengr, h !I ?\ Front ei F n R. (F n R. Le &. SO I, X w um er land E B R N R & 0 , , r k .), in ra ce n real estate 18 N 3d el Howard ,,( raftsman Dept. Int, Affairs, Capitol, h 11~ S th . Leib J Oh11 C, salesman. :3:a ~lark('t, h 10 X 16th e ~ rg ret wi G rg J, 1 7~?\ Leih ~Iary L., elk Di,', Puhlic Records, h 111 X 16th e en 0 Jo n "c rp te, 'h 64 ~l ke Leiben ood John \ \' .. I st h Hi4() ~I rk t el y Char es "laborer, h 1_21 X Cameron e' y ha 'es " el n, 6 ' ff Leiby Pierce, laborer. h 12;{3 George Le y am el, 1a in t, 2 7 6 Leiby Scott S .. law\,er 15?\ 2d, h :\[arys\,ille Le ic K he 1e '. ph} ci , LOO?\, d, do Le'dich P cy G" dru is 33'~ S Fro t c'i ,h 0 Leldich Percy L., student, h 333 S Front Le' ig Toh B ca in ec r, 2 5 og n Leldigh }Iabel G" stengr. n X 2d. h Xew Cumberland
--- 'l't .. Guaranty and Snrety Co. {

_ -8erllnlon. Pen .....




Ene,"", ..2.'''''''U.,lla,ll...._,'" II ~Ic, ....,-. { 11",,,u. all Ilhr III .!.. IM-

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Leidy Dayid. engr, h 316 Cumberland Le y" an s <... ,p _ta IJ... h _3fJ De y -: Leidy \far' F h Ho e f r F iet lie' ~ Leld~' Ottanu5 H" machimst, h 2113(1 Green Le' h '.T E ra , l o r , 4( S in Leighton Alexander, drii.. er. h 1:341 \' crnon Le ht n ar E st g, h SO St Cju a a Leighton Emma K ~Irs,. h 116 ~ 14th Le ght n eo ge "carpenter. h SO, SusCjuehanna LeihtnI-ablla~, rs bo dig, '4 Veno h o ~ Leighton Josep.1 \\" carpenter. h 1:lH Vernon Le' ht 1 'et' V d 5S k h 'II Su u an a ,... Leighton Samuel. carpenter, h 12fi E\'ercrreen . ~ Le b h ffi h er re .J Leinhach Oli,'cr T salesl;lan 1~0 \1 ke h ')9 E er ee ~ Le inger a y, ) ac sllllth, !H.) SU"Cjuehanna 2 ..... Lei~(,J 'ng \\--Ilia P cl h ')"4 L(,I~her ()!"car \ \' '. baker, h 1;);,0 Fulton J Le' m e( ic f en n, 1 ~ ) Ca er 1 Lei~m:lll J-f crman. laborer. h 1120 S Cameron ~ Le m 1 ar, F.. ig 111 1 11_ S 'a r Ld Leister C A" a~st ardener Lunat'c Hos 'tal h d L er Aus in " reman. It _tin l alder L ' er Ed' h .. an tr ". fi3 C 1p ..( Lelter:\ c1"ol1 E.. elk. 211~ X 2<1, h 114~' lJailey




A. B. TACK} Wall Paper ad Window Shades {1:1~:.w~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.


Leiter Oliver G., fireman,. h 1911 N 7th Leitner Robert, linotype opr Patriot, h 75 Disbrow Leitzel William H., carpenter, h 1956 Derry Leman William H., mgr, 8 N 2d, h 819 N 3d Lemberger Herman K., bookbinder, h 1623 Regina Lemel Samuel, elk, 1207 N 7th, h 600 North Lemel Sarah, dressmkr, h 600 North Lerner Clara E. Mrs., dressmkr, 1620 Penn, h do Lerner John D .. photographer, h 1620 Penn Lerner LeRue, h 213 S Front Lerner LeRue, jr., h 213 S Front LEMER MILTON M., lawyer, rooms 21 and 22, 9 N Market sq and 14 N Court~ h 122 Chestnut Lerner Sara A., music teacher, 1620 Penn, h do Lerner, see Lehmer Lemmey William ]., supt, 101 N Cameron, h do Lemon Charles, laborer, h 505 Walnut Lemon Samuel H., elk Dept. Int. Affairs, h 117 Sylvan ter Lemory David A., bricklayer, h 1312 Fulton LeMoyne Thomas, brakeman, h 1105 S 9th Len Harry, laborer, h 1312 Currant Lenarzes Nicholas, peanuts, h 923 Capital Lendt Catharine, wid Christian, h 1227 Swatara Lenhart Florence M., teacher, 1327 N Front Lenhart George W., fireman, h 2152 N 7th


Salills ad Loan Assn. US:'::

Lenhart Harry, stocking boarder, h 2152 N 7th Lenhart Lewis, laborer, h 117 Ann al Lenhart Lewis L., elk, h 1327 N Front Lenhart William J., painter, h 1605 Logan Lenhart William S., postal elk, h 1327 N Front Lenig Grant c., blacksmith, h 1403 Vernon Lenig Grant W., engr, h 649 Harris Lenig John E., elk P.O., h 647 Harris Lenig Margaret, wid John S., h 649 Harris Lenig Margaret, wid William F., h 1403 Vernon Lenker Amelia, domestic, 101 N Front Lenker Daniel L., driver, h 1731 M:;r.rket Lenker Daniel P., carpenter, h 41 N 14th Lenker David, carpenter, h 902 S 19th Lenker Elizabeth, h 928 N 2d Lenker Elizabeth, wid John B., h 1915 Forster Lenker Harry c., elk P.O .. h Progress Lenker Jared, carpenter, h 41 N 14th Lenker Jesse L., physkain, 21 N 4th, h do Lenker John M., motorman, h 607 Boas Lenker Ralph A., pattcrnmkr, h 902 S 19th Lenker William, laborer, h 908 S 19l Lenker William L., carpenter, h 9f12 S 19th Lennox Bessie E., shoe examiner, h 1522 Regina Lentz Charles E., (Lentz & Morrow), h 1849 Derry

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-=}H. M. lELlEY

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Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.




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Lentz Cyrus M., laborer, h 948 S 21st Lentz George E., baggagemaster, h 10 N 15th Lentz Harry W .. bottler, h 14 S Dewberry Lentz James J . laborer. h 14 S Dewberry Lentz Joseph F .. h 624 Verbeke Lentz Joseph M., brakeman, oil 500 K 13th Lentz Leo H., laborer. h 14 S Dewberry Lentz Truby, laborer, h 14 S Dewberry Lentz William c., brakeman. h 112 Cowden Lentz & Morrow. (c. E. Lentz and S. C. Morrow), pool rooms, 1901 Derrv Leonard Albert c., g~ide, Capitol, h Lancaster Leonard Allen A., flagman. h 2019 X 6th Leonard Bridget, h 416 Boas Leonard Caroline L. :\Irs., h 4119 Boas Leonard Della B .. milliner, 334 Market. h 1217 N 6th Leonard Genevieve, domestic, 522 Korth al Leonard Harry. conductor, h 1729 N 6th Leonard Joseph L., laborer, h 409 Boas Leonard Margaret E. Mrs., oils, Hancock c Walnut, h 1221 Bailev Leonard R M~nroe, elk P. R R, h 1931 N 5th Leonard Susan Mrs., cook The Central, h 522 North al Leone Frank, bar elk. 339 Market, h Steelton Leone James. bar elk, 217 :\larket, h do



Leopold August F., electrician. h 3:111 S 16th Leopold Edward, laborer, h 938 Paxton Leopold Mary, wid Otto, h 9as Paxton z: Leopold Otillia. bunchmkr, h 93S Paxton C Lepperd Leo A., fireman, h 623 Ross A. Lerch David, elevatorman, h 121 Vine E Lerch l\liranda A., h 28 S 13th . o Lerew \V., u Lerew Charlespiano inspector. h HI29h Forster Harry, mover, 15 S 2d, 161 Paxton ~ Lerew Harry M .. carpenter. h 1840 Boas C Lerew John L., lather, h lS411 Boas o Lerew Sarah E., dre.ssmkr, h 1840 Boas u Lerew Solomon, h 124;') Swatara Q Lescure David P., tray salesman, h :no Chestnut IE Lescure Edward H .. machinist, h 427 S 13th C Lescme Edward J" elk. h 427 S 13th Lescure Frank H., machinist, h law Green ~ u Lescure Joseph H., paperhanger, h DUO Green Lescure J. William, h 13111 Green Lesctlre \Viliam J .. mgr. 3 X 2d, h 921 do Lcsh Daniel, (Kaufman & Le~h). h Port Royal Lesher George B., fireman, 'h 630 Boyd Lesher H. Elmer. salesman. 334 1iarket, h it3 Capital Lesher Lola. domestic, 219 S 18th Lesher Louis L.. fireman, h 630 Boyd



Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.

Lesher Mabel, domestic, 561 Woodbine Lesher Oscar W., baker, 130 Paxton, h 1;)50 Fulton Lesher Pierce, fireman, 'h 1024 Market Leslie Jacob W., salesman, 11 Ii!!2 Penn Leslie Roy J., machinist, h 1722 Penn Lessig Albert, laborer, h 1863 N 12rh Lessig Samuel, laborer, h101 State Lester Joseph, salesman, h 352 Hummel Lett Emilie, h 218 Pine Lett Gertrude, h 218 Pine Lett James, photographic goods, 111 X 2d. h 218 Pint. Lettich William, bricklayer, h 16:15 Carnation LeVan Arne S., elk, h Ii03 Derry Levan Erskin K, engr, :h 123 S 14th Levan Helen F., saleslady, 400 Market, h lioa Derry Levan Howard A., conductor, h 13 Evergreen Levan Mabel V., 'h 123 S 14th Levan Milton D., engr, h 18 Evergreen Levan William, driver, h 232 N Court Levan William F., engr, h 1703 Derry Levenson Ida, elk, 1028 Market, h 502 Walnut Levenson Philip, confectioner, 1028 Market and 502 Walnut, h do Levenson Samuel, elk, 1028 Market, h 502 Walnut Levey Benjamin F., laborer, h 225 N 2d








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Levi Abraham, bottler, h 808 Cowden Levi Annie, cigar roller, h 808 Cowden Levi Annie, wid Moses, h 808 Cowden Levi Benjamin F., laborer, :h 1644 'Elm Levi Glarles, hostler, h 324 Blackberry Levi Harry, 'huckster, h 808 Cowden Levi Jacob, notions, 600 Walnut. h do Levi Mary, cigarmkr, h 808 Cowden Levi Sarah, seamstress. h 808 Cowden Levin David, peddler, 11 111 State Levin David, salesman, h 512 Cowden Levin Harry, elk, uon Walnut. h 518 Filbert Levin Isaac, grocer. ;')14 X oth, h do Levin :\fax. peddler, 'h 518 Filbert '=' Levin :'.loses. peddler. h 50(; Cowden Levine Louis C .. real estate and ins. room 1, 15 S 2d. h ~
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Levitan Julius, (Famous Department Store), h 253 Briggs ~ Levy Henry, elk, h 222 Kelker ~ Levy Le'yis, shoemkr. 1422 X :~d, h 1426 N 4rh Levv ~Iareaner. wid Louis. h 222 Kelker ! Levy Samuel. grocer, h IOU:'; X 7th ~ Lewis Archibald. mac'hinist, h 1074 S Cameron -a Lewis Archibald C. elk AmI. Cenl's Dept., Capitol, h 204 N 2d


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:::= ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~3~r"-t~

Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis .Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.

Bertha, domestic, 104 Christie's ct Bertha, dressmkr, 114 Mary, h do Bertha, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h Steelton Caroline E., roller, h 1074 S Cameron Clarence B., waiter, h 104 Christie's ct Daniel, driver, h 330 Brook David H .. fireman, h 1808 Susquehanna Edward M., porter, 202 N 2d, h 114 Mary Emily, wid Alexander, h 718 North al Frankford, nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do George H., rubber stamps, 1140 l\iarket, h do Harry A., elk P. R R freight depot, h 22 N 14th Harry B., porter, h 114 :M'ary Haywood, houseman Senate Hotel, h Steelton I. Alfred, engr, h 1714 N 5th Ida, wid John, h 104 Christie's ct Irene Mrs., h 111 Angle al Ivy M., actress, h 610 N 2d Jerome ]., brakeman, h 1017 N 7th John, laborer, h ]532 Logan John, tinwkr, h 1828 Fulton John D., machinist, h 163 S Summit Joseph, brakeman; h 1247 Mulberry Josie, nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do Kate, wid William H., h ]074 S Cameron

Lewis Kate h O Lewis MarneM., cigarmkr,2337Ht743dS Cameron J., nurse, h N

TIIIII.lrllly II' Senly el, ~{--:::.:=:...,~} lr:.~

Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Mary, domestic, 112 Angle al Martha, wid James, h 1119 Monroe Matilda, wid Henry, h 444 S Cameron Moss S., barber, h 244 Liberty Preston, laborer, h 431 State Robert A., laborer, h 662 Calder Robert H., laborer, h 114 Angle al Robert H., laborer, h 120 Tanner Sadie, wid Charles, h 212i Verbeke Sadie S. Mrs., nurse, h 10 S 2d Samuel P., hlacksmith. h 18n~ Susquehanna Sydney, wid Guy, h 1:!45 Monroe 'Walter J., porter, h 114 Mary Walter 1.., machinist, h 51:~ Xorth William, bar elk, h 1122 N 6th \\"illiam C, brakeman, h 510 ~orth William E., h 709 Capital \"'il1iam R., butler, h 112 Mary William H., hod carrier, h 1232 ~ionroe William H., tinsmith, h 208 Cherry \Villiam H., jr., porter P. R R depot, h 112 Mary William J., laborer. h 528 Peffer \Villiam R, laborer. h 702 N 7th




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Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.


Leyder Jacob K., telegrapher P. R. R., h Fort Hunter Leyder James S., telegrapher P. R. R., Maclay street, h Thompsontown Libby Ralph, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do LICHLITER MARCELLUS D., chief clerk Department of Agriculture, Capitol, h 715 Capital Lichtenberger Annie, saleslady,. 334 Market, h 1731 ~ 3d Lichtenberger Chester A., machinist, h 1340 N 3d Lichtenberger James B., student, h 1731 N 3d Lichtenberger Jean, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 1731 N 3d Lichtenberger Mary c., saleslady, h 17:U N 3d Lichtenberger Paris, wood, 1731 N 3d, h do Lichtenstein Solomon B., genl mgr, h 114 N 2d Lichty Moses, h 26 N Summit Lichty Watson, laborer, h 26 N Summit Lick 'Mary, telephone opr, 210 WalrlUt, h Marysville Lickel Chester H., molder, h 53:1 Curtin Licke! Lewis, foreman, Derry c 19th, h 1932 Swatara Licking Flora V., wid John, h 14M Naudain Liddick Olarles c., carpenter, h 39 S 13th Liddick Harvey S .. brakeman, h 1517 N 5th Liddick Jacob L., h 636 Verbeke . Liddick Joseph H., carpenter, h 414 Clinton Liddick ~ellie, saleslady, :m4 l\larket, h 39 S 13th Liddick William H., brakeman, h 1416 Wyeth

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Sayings and Loan AssD.{

Liddick Wister, brakeman, h 1839 Fulton Liebal1 Charles, fireman, h 620 Kelker Liebtreu Elizabeth, wid Conrad H., h 1732 N 3d Liebtreu Henry, laborer, h 1732 N 3d Liefter Isaac, instalment, h 505 Cowden Liefter l\lorris A., hostler, h 544 SlOth Lies, see Lease. also Leese LIESMANN FREDERICK W., (F. W. Liesmann & Son), publisher Pa, Staats-Zeitung and Dauphin County Journal, 534 Race, h Camp Hill Liesmann F. W. & Son, (George W.), ins, !)34 Race Liesmann Geo. \-V., (F. W. Liesmann & Son), h 123 Conoy Liesmann Marie A., milliner, 400 :\Iarket, h Camp Hill Liesmann William F. c., elk. h 122a l\Joore Light Amelia, wid George H., h 515 Walnut Light Anna M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Light Bertha, picker, h 505 Hamilton Light Bertha G., h 26 Evergreen Light Cyrus M., laborer, h 48 Balm Light Daniel S., coal agt P. R. R., h 26 Evergreen Light Herman]., engr, h 1228 N 3d Light Isaac, laborer, h :12fl Clinton Light Isabella, h 48 Balm Light Leah, wid Jefferson, h 207 Kelker Light M. May, bookkpr, 1300 N 3d, h !W7 Kelker

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H. II. IELLEY" CO.}D. ::.:..rllr.:!:{COAL AND WOOD

Light Saul, baker, h 1042 Herr Light Stephen H., laborer, h 48 Balm Light WilIiam H .. laborer, h 50!) Hamilton U Lightner Andrew C, conductor, h flUI Peffer =5 Lightner Ann J., wid Charles ~L, h 1904 N 6rh c:t Lightner Aug. J., warehouseman P. R. R., h 1423 Green .: Lightner Austin, machinist, h 2012 N 5th .ee Lightner Bessie, wid Richard C, h 209 Harris . : Lightner Elizabeth, domestic, 668 Boas Lightner Jacob, elk Dept. Int. Affairs, h 2104 Derry Lightner James B., molder, h 619 Peffer Lightner Kate E., dressmkr, h 120 Calder Lightner ~f. Elizabeth, chocolate coater, h 1403 Bumbaugh -Ii Lightner William, lineman, 210 Walnut, h 318 Nectarine :II Lightner, see Leightner .......... Lighty Anna, weaver, h 1410 N 6th U) Ligonier Carriage Co., H. CHill, agt, Cowden c Forster Lilley J. Pursel, elk factory inspector, h Marysville Lincoln Clarence, hostler, h 424 South al ~ Lind Jennie, nurse, h 432 Kelker Lindecukle Hannah, wid George, h 1a6 N 13th Lindemuth Edgar S., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Middlet'n C Lindemuth Hiram E., sawver, h 1709 Penn Lindenberger Sophia. wid Philip, h 233 Kelker ~ Linderman Peter, peanuts, h 923 Capital


Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.



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Lindle WiIIiam, engr, h 426 S 15th LINDLEY HARRY E., mgr the Philip Carey Mfg, Co., Cowden c Forster, h 802 N 6th Lindley William S., engr, h 193() Green Lindsay Alexander C, car repairer, h 1314 N Front Lindsay Ambrose P.) laborer, h 1158 S Cameron Lindsay Christopher H., brakeman, h 1115 Capital Lindsay George, shoemkr, h 121~ N Front Lindsay Harry A., bricklayer, h 1219 N Front Lindsay Herman \\T., asst supt Prudential Ins. Co., h 359 S 14th Lindsay Robert B., machinist, h 427 Hamilton Lindsay Samuel, park policeman, h 325 Verbeke Line Albert A., ianitor, h 910 S 19! Line Anna T., r'oller, h 910 S 191Line Edgar R., driller, aa4 Market, h 910 S 19i ~ Line John, cutter, h 173 K 15th U Line Kathyrn, milIiner, h 173 N 15th Line William A., shipper, h 173 N 15th Q Lineaweaver George B., laborer, h 1927 Forster ~ Lingerin Xicholas, fruit, h 321 Walnut Lingle Amos ]., (Black & Lingle), h 1918 North II!: Lingle Benjamin 1.. paihter, 312 Boas, h do ~ Lingle Charles E., elk, h 313 Seneca Lingle Charles S., (:\lontgomery & Co.), h 1338 Derry

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A. B. TACK ::~a:1IDD POOOr ODd . .

Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle Lingle



Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.

Daniel W., carpenter, h 1919 Herr David H., principal, h 1000 North Edward 0., mgr P. & R. Tel. Co., h 605 Forster Eliza, elk, 7 N 2d, 'h 514 Peffer Elma A., cigarmkr, h 646 Peffer Fremont W., painter, h 19121 North George W., flagman, h 1613 Susquehanna George W., jr., elk P. R. R., h 1613 Susquehanna Harry H., machinist, h 1325 Derry Harvey B., paperhanger, 1938 ~ort11, h do John H., patternmkr, h 236 X 15th Joseph L., carpenter, h 247! Hummel Josiah F., grocer, 646 Peffer, h do Lizzie, domestic, 1605 N 6th Margaret, wid Benjamin, 11 1912! Xorth Mary J., h 19121 North M. Edna, cashier, 1300 N 3d, h 514 Peffer Orville H., elk, h 1985 X 7th Pierre B., machinist, h 1614 Derry Ruth H., dressmkr, 'h 1325 Derry Sadie I., knitter, h 1640 Fulton Sarah E., wid Joseph H., h 103 Washington Stanley R., bookkpr, 646 Peffer, h do Thomas H . driver, h 1640 Fulton William, painter, h 1603 N 6th

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~:'~~1E

Lingle William H., car builder, 11 514 Peffer Linglestown & Blue :l\Iountain Street Railway Co., Dr. Charles Smith, pres; \'1. J. Cakler, sec and treas, 12 S~ Lininger Joel A., elk Sec. Commonwealth, h Carlisle Link Harry A., elaim elk P. & R. pass depot, h 1417 Bern'hilI Links L~o, draftsman, h 114 X 2d Linn Charles A. R.. salesman. !l34 Market, h 111 ~ 13th LINN JAMES K., treas Keystone Carpet Cleaning Works and Keystone Rug Co., h 454 Cumberland Linn Lemuel G., brakeman. h 404 Cumberland Linn 7\1abel G., h 111 ?\ 13th Linn ~Iary A., wid Philip, h 111 X 13th Linn }.J'ellie, 11 1415 ~Iarket Linn Noah K . foreman. h 404 Cumberland Linn William V .. brakeman, h 404 Cumberland Linnane .Margaret E .. forelady. h llfn S Bth Linnane ~Iichael, puddler, h 1061 S !Hh Linsenmaver Alonzo, brakeman, h 44~ S 14th Linsenma)'er Edgar, foreman, h 1439 Zarker Linsenmayer Jacob. laborer, h 448 S 14th Linville Harry K.. engr, h 2128 Jefferson Linville Susan, laundress, h 2128 Jefferson Lipkins Dennis, hostler. 11 231 X River

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Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.

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Lipman Isidor, grocer, 619 Herr, h do Lipman Moses S., grocer, 452 Cumberland, h do Lippert Edward, caller P. R. R., h 1012 S Cameron Lippert John D., rougher, h 910 Hemlock Lippert Sylvester D., helper, h 1012 S Cameron Lippert William A., elk, h 1012 S Cameron Lippi Benjamin F., engr, h 1626 Wallace Lippi Edgar c., brakeman, h 1632 Wallace Lippi Primo, bar elk, 1101 Market, h do Lippincott J. Alhert. cashier, 7th c Boas, h 211 Boas Lippmann Bruno G., meat, fi32 Mahantongo, h do ci Lippmann Emma M., stengr, h 632 :\Iahantongo u Lipscum Dennis, coachman, h 231 N River z: Lippy Charles 0., stengr Dept. State Police, Capitol, h do. Lippy Edith Mrs., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h 626 EmQ erald Rev., h z: Lisse Heinrich F. F.elk, 12591106 Capital Nectarine Litch Raymond A., Derry, h 344 u Little G. Frank, salesman, 326 Market. h 502 N 3d a : Little Giles F., foreman, h 1923l N 7th Little John, brakeman, h 1640 Market IE Little Mervin J., brakeman, h 1643 Market Little Milton c.. warehouseman, h 227 S River Little, see Lytle Litzenberger David, laborer, h 403 Filbert

THIIS.uuly lid Sirtty CI,",\a::I , {hln=."r::':'~ {Tr!.~:n1 ...

Living~ton Amanda, asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do

Livezev Ella E., wid William H . h 1812 Wood


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Livingston Amaziah, rigger, h 1307~ \Vallace Livingston Esther, wid Benjamin. h :n 7 Dauphin Livingston George J., telegrapher P. R. R., h Fort Hunter Livingston Joseph B., steward Lunatic Hospital, h do Livingston Joseph W. Rev., h 121 ~ lIith Livingston l\faria c.. cashier, h 311 Walnut Livingston Mary S., elk Lunatic Hospital, h do Livingston Milton A . electrician Capitol. h 624 Calder Lh'ingston Minnie A .. cashier, h 311 Walnut Livingston Samuel J .. engr, h 624 Calder LIVINGSTON'S WE-TRUST-U, L. Fink, mgr, ladies' and gents' clothing, 9 S 2d Livy William. salesman. h lin Filbert Llovd Anna L.. wid Jsaac. It 1119 Locust LLOYD CHARLES HOWARD, architect, 216 Market, h 1815 N Front Lloyd Clarence A .. hrakenlan, h 1937 N 4th Lloyd Claude H., bar elk, h 1314 William Lloyd George c., fireman, h 2044 Susquehanna Lloyd James \1.. huyer, 1257 l\larket. h R3 N 17th Lloyd Mary. housekeeper, 104 Short Lloyd Sue Mrs . tailoress, 215 Market, h 237 South Loban Isabella, wid John, h 622 l\luench



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Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.


Loban John, gardener and florist, Capitol, h 622 Muench Loban John E., elk, 1702 N 3d, h 622 ~1uenC'h Loban Lydia H., dressmkr, h 622 :\1:uench Loban Robert R, elk Central Trust Co., h 622 Muench Lochiel Furnace, (Pa. Steel Co.), S Cameron bel Hanover LOCHIEL (THE), Charles Duffy, propr, Market c 3d Lochiel ~ldse. Co., (A. C. Logan). genl store, 1405 S Cameron Lochman Harvey, train dispatcher P. & R, h 1320 Kittatinny Lockard John V., boltmkr. h ~:n Chestnut Locke Edith, cigarmkr. h 624 North Locke Frank, junk. h i15 Cowden Locke ~Iary, cigarmkr. h 715 Cowden Lockhart William J. Rev., h 611 Briggs Locklev Irene, domestic. 914 N 6th Lockwood Gordon, laborer. h 1705t N 5th Lodge Edna ~., bookkpr, h 1622 K 4th Lodge Florence, h 239 State Lodge G. Horace. grocer, 1622 N 4th, h do Lodge Henry, h 222 Chestnut Ledge John G., attendant P. R Ro, h 1622 N 4th Loeb Joseph, salesman, 401 Market, h 127 Chestnut Loeser Harry R, musician, h 2135 N 4th Loeser William 1.., dist mgr, h 21:m N 4th


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Loewen Isadore, peddler, h 522 Brown Loffert John, lahorer, h 1119 S 9th Logan Arbour c., (Lochiel Mdse. Co.), h210 Reily Logan Catharine A., domestic, 621 Reily Logan Hugh A., laborer, h ~o Lochiel 3d row Logan John A., flagman, h 265 Delaware av Logan John V., bookkpr Lochiel Mdse. Co., h 210 Reily Logan Samuel c., puddler, h 30 Lochiel 3d row Logan Samuel D., laborer, h 30 Lochiel 3d row Logan Vera J.. saleslady. 30 N 3d, h 1116 do LOGAN WILLIAM M., plumbing and heating, 1422 N 8th, h do Loh James H .. h 1810 State Lohman Charles F .. laborer. h lUll N 6th Loman MarY, wid Edward, h 2~9 State Lomax Joh.1, cook, h llGBalm Lomax Sarah Mrs., cook, h llGi Liberty Lombardi Emilio. cellarman Senate Hotel, h do Lomman l\'[ary, domestic, 1613 N 2d Long Andrew'. stonemason, h 402 Reily Long Anna E., salesladv. h 1252 State Long Annie E., h 2f12 S Cameron Long A.nnie S .. dressmkr, 1505 N 2d, h do Long Arthur Woo polisher, h 739 S 12t Long Barbara, wid John, h 620 Calder



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Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.

Long Benjamin F., bricklayer. h 1619 Market Long Bessie M., cigar packer, h 205-} S 2d Long Carrie ~L, h 1619 }Iarket Long Christian L.. (~liller & Long), h Front c Kelker Long Daisy V., cigar roller, h 205! S 2d Long David B., laborer, h 1114 X 1~th ==5 Long David L., engr, h 1416 N 3d c.:. Long Earl M., student, h 1252 State Long Elden, foreman, 10th c Chestnut, h 70 N 12th Long Elizabeth ~I., cigar packer, h 2051 S 2d Long Elizabeth R., teacher, h 1505 N 2d Long Ella, wid George H., h 1127 Cowden _ Long Elmer J., fireman. h 1054 S Cameron ~ Long Ernest" carpenter, h 17]9 Fulton Long Fannie, wid Jacob, h ]2201 Derry Long Frank W., timekpr Hbg. Rolling Mill Co., h 2009 Green Long George A., elk, h 42 N Summit U) Long George D .. conductor. h 3li Chestnnt Long Grace, saleslady. 334 ~Iarket. h ]619 do 1&1 Long Harry B., elk Hbg. Rolling ~Iill Co., h 1619 Market .J Long Harry B., laborer, h 1403 S ]2th J., hostler, h C Long Harry J.. jr.. laborer.1426 N 6th 7th Long Harry h 1106 X

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lLI Long Harry P., cashier. 23 S 3d, h 42 Summit



Long Long Long Iii!: Long C Long A. Long E Long o Long U Long ....I Long CLang Long U Long Q Long IE Long Long ~ Long U Long Long Long Long Long Long Long


Harry W., barber, h 1113 N Front Harvey H~, .grocer. 1~27 N 7th, h do Harvey R., mgr, :t2:t Walnut, h State Capital Hotel Henry F. Rev., h 340 S l:1th Irene N., h 3411 S'I:lth Isaac c., wood turner, h 3:W Kelker Jacob 1\1., h 212'2 Turner al Jacob W., laborer, h 1220! Derry James T., jr., sub letter carrier, h 1427 James Jane, seamstress, h 21fl Herr J. Elden, elk, h 7n ~ 12th Jennie E., wid William. h 511l X 5th John D., engr, h 1119 X 6th John W., carpenter, h 2:l31 ~ 6th John \V., laborer. h 1915 Forster Joseph A., concluctor, h 155:1 Walnut J. Reese, laborer. h 153:-t Wallace Lewis A., mattressmkr. h 1220t Derry Lewis A., trainman, h ]215 State Lewis H., laborer. h 2247 Elizabeth }falcolm W., electrician. 'h ];;05 ~ 2d :\Iartin, laborer, h 528 Filbert }fartin L., watchman, h 1i14 Susquehanna Mary, wid Frederick, h 328 Hummel

Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory, 1908.


Long Mary, h 328 Hummel PI Long Mary A., wid Michael, h 1926 ~ 5th Long Maud E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1619 do CJ) Long M. Grace, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1619 do -I Long Nat'han R., teller, h 1553 Walnut Long Nettie'S. AIrs., .h 1935 N 5th Long Oscar, car repairer, h 1917 Elizabeth Z Long Susan E., student, h 1113 ~ Front PI Long William A., elk, h 1426 N 6th Long William D., elk Hbg. Trust Co., h Cnion Deposit Long William G., laborer, h 705 K 19th C Long William H., waiter, h 533 Primrose Cl Long William J., brakeman, h 1926 X 5th Long William ),1., elk, 9 N 2d, h 1426 X lith Longabaugh George W., craneman, h 17:!!) Regina Longacre Ambrose, laborer, h 1631 Regina Longacre Annie E., h 1631 Regina Longacre Laura A., weaver, h 1631 Regina Longacre R. Pearl, weaver, h 1715 Regina '-11 Longacre Sarah B., wid Joseph, h 1631 Regina Longenecker Albert P., laborer Capitol, h 4ll' S :!d ;.: o Longenecker Edgar ),1., elk P.O., h Progr('~~ Longenecker Erma K., stengr State Dept. Health, h Mid- So dletown



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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~~:'~~c ~

'L~ie~ecker Franklin R., dispatcher P. R. R., h 1948
Green Longenecker Harry B., engr, II 11:1 X 17th Longenecker John, ho~tler. h Hi! 7 X :3d LQNGENECKER JOHN S., county commissioner, Court House, h Middletown Longenecker Louis'C. L., brakeman, h 1511 Logan Longenecker Alary S .. h 415 Briggs Longenecker Reuben H., h 1710 ~ :~d Longenecker William, h 1333 James Longenecker William, tinner, h 337 Boyd Longfeld Anna :\1., housekeeper, l()~:! S Hth Longfeld Frederick L.. laborer, h HI!":! S lIth Longfeld Godfrey R.. laborer, h 108:! S Hth Longnecker Benjamin H., inspector C. V. R. R., 401 Chestnut, h Carlisle Longsdorf Alvin A., messenger, h :l:!2 S 13th Longsdorf George A., laborer, h 12116 X 61'h Longsdorf William, brakeman, h 2f1:m X 5th Longwell :Mart'ha A., domestic, 10(12 ~ fith Look Roy, brakeman, h 1935 State Looker Charles H., laborer, h 808 East Looker Edward. produce. 501 Xorth. h do Looker Edward B., electrotyper Jndependent, h 1211 Thompson Looker George \V., carpenter, h 120H Thompson

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR~~~:'f:I~~=-{30& Bre..


Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.

Looker Jacob B., laborer, h 1:!1I4 Hailey Looker Joseph W., laborer, h 1726 Logan Looker Mary J., elk, 501 North, 'h do Looker Thomas, craneman, h 1211 Thompson Lookingbill David c., elk, 8 S 2d, h 265 Forster Loomis Elmer J., telegrapher P. R R, h 330 Chestnut Loomis John c., cook Commonwealth, h 116 Balm Loon Bessie. tailoress, h 522 Brown Loon Hosea, peddler, h 522 Brown' Loon, see Lune Looney Edward ]., porter, h 442 South Loos Julia c., physician, 30 N 2d, h do Loos, see Luce Loose Elizabeth, wid J. Wesley, h 805 Green Loose Wesley S., elk, h 805 Green Loper Charles F., fireman, h 1413 Currant C Q Loper Christian F., flagman. h 629 Schuylkill Loper George H., brakeman, h 631 Schuylkill Loper John W., brakeman, h 6:U Ross C Lorah Wilson, plumber, h 1300 Penn U Amelia B. N a : Lorenz Theodore, Mrs., h 1320 'V.3dO. Hickok Mfg. Co., messenger Lorenz h 1320 N 3d :IE c Losch Anna M., h 1321 North ~L Losch Charles A., repairsman, h 23 Brady

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TIll 81m'" .I~ Sir'" Ce ICIAITOI. f"'"III........ E.,I.,... {Trut ..... 1 8ecarlt7 .,' w". PI.IA. Ie ........ II ,....
Losch George c., molder, h 1321 North Losch J. Jacob, laborer, h 1321 North Loser Harvey A., genl store and postmaster, Progress, h do Loser William A., barber, h 120 Boas Losh Adam, laborer, h'175 N 15th losh Adam, laborer, 11 1002 S Cameron Losh John, bricklayer, h 1314 Fulton Losh Mabel L., bookkpr, 210 N 2d, h 626 Maday Loth Lawrence, salesman, 334 Market, h 509 Seneca Lott Anna G., wid John W., h 609 Forster Lott Harry, salesman, h 2015 N 6th Lott Margaret A.. weaver, h 429 Pear Lott )'1ary A .. bunchmkr, h 429 Pear Lott William \V., piano tuner, 609 Forster, h do Lotz Ellis A .. machinist, h 1809 Susquehanna Lotz Harry B.. genl foreman P. R R, h 114 N 2d Lotz William, engr, h 628 Verbeke Louck, see Lauck Loudenberger John S., checkman P. R. R., h 1428 Naudain Loudenberger J. Verna. seamstress. h 13:!4i James Loudenslager Charles E., patternmkr, h 1415 Regina Loudermilch David R, laborer. h ]815 Briggs Louer Charles E., driver, h 61lS Showers
- - - - - - - . - - ---




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ANDREW REDMOND} ~=.::!.':; :it~g~ {3d and Rally SII. Coogle

Digitized by

l B. Tiel} IlL PIPER ~:::~J':'~ IINOOI SHAOE&{NO~:'

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.


Loughran Edward J., shoe opr, h 227 Muench Loughran James E., conductor, h 2126 Moore Loughran Laura M. Mrs., h 227 1\Iuench CI) Loughran Laurence F., elk, 418 :Market, h 227 Muench Lourimer James 1\1., car inspector, h 1430 North aLourimer Thomas, h 1642 Elm Lourimer Thomas, jr., elk P. R R, h 1642 Elm Lovanitz John, lahorer, h 717 Korth CD Q Lovanitz Paul, laborer, h 717 :\ orth Love C. Paxton, flagman, h 1322 Kittatinny ~ Love Margaret, domestic. 503 K Front :z: Loveland George E., mechanical engr, h 115 Reily Lovell Daisy B. Mrs., h 617 Forster aLover Laura, domestic, 321 Verbeke a Lovett Daniel, barber, h 506 South Low Charles E., elk, 322 Verbeke, h 14th c Herr CI) LOW WILLIAM H., marble and granite works, 14th c C) rHerr, opp cemetery entrance, h do a Lowe Catharine, wid John M., h 2333 Jefferson Lowe Daniel S., tinner and stove repairer, 1418 N 6th, h do Lowe Daniel, laborer, h 1736 N 7th Lowe David, jr., laborer, h 1736 N 7th Lowe Earl, student, h 27 N 17th Lowe Edward, laborer, h 1736 N 7th Lowe Ella J. Mrs., h 1636 ~ 3d

"" ....


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r:::':::'-:-'}Harrlsburl SaYings Ind Loan Assn. {::=

Lowe Eugene T., brakeman, h 520 S 14th Lowe Fulmer M., elk, h 812 Green Lowe Harry c., laborer, h 1736 N 7th Lowe James P., painter, h 517 'Valnut N Lowe John W., engr, h 1920 Penn Lowe Myrtle E., cigarmkr, h 1843 N 7th Lowe Russel S., brakeman, h 1926 Wood Lowe Thomas, inspector, h 821 SlOth Lowe Victoria, wid Thomas. h 256 Verbeke Lowengard Jacob S., mgr, 28 S 2d, h 416 Briggs Lowengard Leon, stengr, Reily c Fulton. h 416 Briggs Lowengard Sophia. wid Joseph, h 416 Briggs Lower Elsie E., winder, h 38 N 12th Lower Lewis N., flagman, h 429 Muench Lowery Bros., (D. D. and John H.). medicines, 320 S 16th Lowery DeWitt D. Rev .. (Lowery Bros.), h 1535 Derry Lowery Frank H., car repairer, h 1735 N 5th Lowerv Grace B., student, h 1535 Derry Lower,' Harrv E., salesman, h 330 S 16th Lowerv Ira DeWitt, h 1535 Derrv Lowery John H .. (Lowery Bros.): h 1705 Derry Lowerv Tohn H. Rev .. h 1535 Derry Lowery 1fabe1 G .. stengr, 14 S 2d, h 1705 Derry Lowman Marv, dressmkr, h 1500 Penn Lowrey Charies R, brakeman, h 631 Dauphin

,. o :t ,. ::u

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THE PATRl2!byGooglr

~-==:.;} II.

I. KELLEY. CO. t.'.='.:"':.

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.


..: Lowrev Ella M. Mrs., laundress, h 1,122 William Lowry' Edward, porter, h 236 Liberty Lov Albert H., ironwkr, h 16!:l8 Fulton Loy Edward H .. laborer, h 439 S 16th ~ Loy George E., blacksmith, h 309 Cumberland ~ Loy John, fireman. h 329 Hamilton ~ Loyer Catharine 1\L, wid Jacob, h 1334 N 4th .: Loyer George 'V., laborer, h 1326 N 4th Lo\'er ~fatilda Mrs., cook, 1319 William . : Lubold Lloyd D., elk Aud. Gent's Dept., Capitol, h 613 Brigg-s _ Lucas Addison, lahorer. h 416 Cranberry Lucas Charies E .. waiter, h :{55 S Cameron c:::t Lucas Emma, domestic. UH 0 N ;{d -a!i Lucas George, laborer, h 1137 S 9th ::E Lucas Harn, laborer, h r 413 State Lucas Henrietta, wid Robert A., h 1121 N 6th U) Lucas Howard S .. laborer, h 11:H S !lth Lucas Hyle G .. laborer, h 355 S Cameron Lucas Jane, wid Charles E., h 355 S Cameron Lucas Joseph. laborer, h 554 Primrose ~ Lucas Lydia A., housekeeper, 816 James Lucas Philip A., checkman P. R. -Ro, h 926 Grand C Lucas Robert M., barber, 414 N 3d, h 416 do Lucas Samuel. laborer, h 4lfi~r~nbe_,:"y_ _ ____ _ ___ _





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Lucas Sarah A. Mrs., laundress, h 1417 l\ 4th L1.1CaS Viola, domestic, 816 James Luce Ellen E., wid Joseph P., h 5th c Camp Luce, see Loos Luckenbaugh :\fary. telephone opr, 210 Walnut. h Marysville Lt:cknow Iron and Steel Co., James B. Dailey, pres; Henry L. Champlain. sec and treas, 14 S 2d Ludlow n. Stanley. laborer. h Hum S Cameron Ludlow Samuel G~,laborer. h 10lill S Cameron Ludt John F .. jr . elk P. & R. freight depot. h 114 N 2d Ludwick Albert C, air brakt- inspector, h 1:!2 Verbeke Ludwick John If.. carpenter. h 12:! Yerbeke Ludwig Jerome. foreman. h :!tI:!:~ Forster Lud\',,-ig Oliver J., welder, h :!1I1:! State LUDWIG PIANO CO., D. A. Bums, mgr, 1007-09 N 3d Luft Ivy 1\1.. steng-r, Hi X :!d, h 'fiddletown Lukens Andrew X .. notions. 3n:! Heii\", h do Lukens Charles. 11 Hn;; Green Lukens Elizaheth, wid Ernest A .. h r.:n ~l'h\1\"lkill Lukens Frank S .. molder. h :m:! Reih. Lukens George A .. carpenter. h HI j.[arket Lukens Herhert. puddler. h 10:11 ~ !lth Lukens John S .. helpt>r. h 11)0:\ ~ !lth Lukens :\1 artha A.:...~'-_i(_l_H_;l1~~-. I1 1O:)1_~ nt_l~ ~ _____ _


Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.


Sb.1rII A. B. TACI .l:~


Lukens Nelson c., puddler, h 1035 S 9th Lukens Wilbert, boilermkr, h 1054 S 9th Lukens William, carpenter, h 1424 N 3d Lum David, laborer, h 1844 Hickory Lum Edward. lahorer, h 1844 Hickory Lum Ella, seamstress, h 1076 S 9th Lumb George F., deputy supt Dept. State Police, Capitol, h 1336 State Lundy Benjamin, laborer, h 1211 Apple , Lundy Eliza~eth J., saleslady, 318 Mkt., h Hummelstown Lune. see Loon Lupfer Emma T. Mrs., boarding, ,lOst Walnut, h do Lupfer Hen!'y J.. sol, h ,lost Walnut Lupfer James H., laborer, h 1835 Logan Lupfer James L., supt, h 1835 Logan Lupfer Vesta P., opr, h 1835 Logan Lupkie Percy c., elk P. R R freight depot. h 213 Reily Lusard William, bar elk, h 1101 ~1arket Lusk Adelaide F., penmkr, h 1302 Wallace Lusk Charles P., elk, h 221 Herr Lusk James c., carpenter, h 1302 Wallace Lusk James c., jr.. bricklayer, h 1302 \Vallace Lusk Robert W., flagman, h 2160 N 7th Lusk Susan A., wid Robert E., h 2.'W,1 Jefferson Lusk Sylvie R, stengr, h 2341 Jefferson

Luster Richard, laborer, h 131 Balm Lustre George, laborer. h 1321 N Cameron Lutckens George E., painter, Capital, h 712 Capital Lutes Britton H., bar elk, 2101 N ()th, h 1112 Capital Luther George, labore!', h 1847 N 12th Luttringer Leo A., employee State Arsenal, h 83 Disbrow Lutz Amanda M., wid William F., h 119 Herr Lutz Andrew S., machinist, h ]023 S 21t Lutz Augustus, ice cream, 411 X 2d, h do Lutz :A.. Wesley, salesman, h 8 S 16th Lutz Bernhard, bartender, h 5U) ~ 4th Lutz Ressie L., h 328 S 14th Lutz Clara ).1.. teacher, h lUI Herr Lutz Dah', nurse. h lfill X 4th Lutz Da~id A., carpenter, h 210;) Herr Lutz Edward E., milk. 171 K 13th, 11 do Lutz Edward J., paperhanger, 'h ]34;; Howard Lutz Ella, laundress, h 152:.! Wallace Lutz Fav, milliner, 334 Market, h 171 X 15th Lutz Feiix A., machinist, h 102] S :!1t Lutz Frederick A., engr, h 211 ~[uenc'h Lutz Frederick F . inspector, 2(1~ Walnut, h ;~2S S 14th Lutz Frederick !\L, boilermkr, h ViIS Wallace Lutz George L., salesman, 110 ).[arket, h Highspire LUTZ GEORGE W., alderman, 1710 N 5th, h do
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INDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO.l:.~~\\ {r:!~:..~~~ G oog1'e

CLARK'S ::::~.~ Drug and Palent Medicine StDre{.::sJbr~

t:i w Lutz Harry B., engr, h 2044 Green
Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory, 1908.
Harry S., plumber, 211 Verbeke, h do Henrv F. Rev., h 215 Muench Henry F., h 119 Herr Horace, transfer elk R. M. S., h 133 Herr Isaac D., druggist Lunatic Hospital, h do James F., molder,h 1811 Berryhill James H., assembler, 'h 1345 Howard James H., plumber, 328 S 14th, h do James H., jr., (Lutz & Haas), :h 114 Hoerner Jennie B., te:fcher, h 133 Herr John L., engr, h 1522 Wallace John S., machinist, h 1811 Berryhill Joseph, salesman, h 1023 S 21-1 Joseph L., laborer, h 1922 Wood Josep'h S., repairsman, h 1023 S 21-1 Leroy E., elk, 617 Walnut, h 1710 N 5t'11< Mary E., cigarmkr, h 1811 Berryhill May A., saleslady, 308 Market, h 328 S 14th Minnie A., saleslady, 310 Market, h 328 S 14th Minnie c., 'housekeeper, 2105 Herr Minnie E., dressmkr, 119 Herr, h do Peter J., elk, 119 Market, h 209 Boas Richard L., (,Gerlock & Lutz), 'h 1345 Howard Simon J., U. S. A. .. h 211 Verbeke Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz ~ Lutz a::: Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz
::E ~


o o z o

Lutz William, shoemkr, 1004 Capital, 'h 119 Herr Lutz William E., painter, :h 1'1 N 5th Lutz William F., inspector, h 1652 Fulton Lutz William 0., laborer, h 513 Kelker Lutz William W., conductor, h 41 N 16th LUTZ &: HAAS, (James H. Lutz, jr., andJ. Frederick Haas, jr.), plumbers, steam and gas fitters, 600 Race Lybarger Jesse J., real estate, 208 Harris, h do Lyme 'Catharine M., picker, 11 427 Herr Lyme Edwin L., (Lyme & Runkle), h 327 Reily Lyme Harry S., brakeman, h 653 Dauphin c( LYME IRVIN R., plumbing and gas fitting, 1010 arket. h 1538 Walnut see adv !..yme John H., mason, 427 Herr, h do ..I Lyme Mary c., picker, h 427 Herr Z Lyme Victor D., motorman, h 1316 Howard

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No. 1010 Market Street,

Barrislnlrg, Pa.

EIIUmates tumlBhed on application Prnmpt and penonal attention liven all work

Redmond's Wagon Works }~~~d:t\':.~b~~:: {3d aruLRel', Sts. by'Goagle


A. B. TAeK} Wall Paper and Wlnd.w Sbadas h:::'N~~

Boyd's Harrisburg -(L) City Directory, 1908. 479
Lym"e William J., foreman. Derry c 19th, h 153 Sylvan ter Lyme & Runkle. (E. L. Lyme and G. E. Runkle), cigar mfrs. 152'2 Derry . Lvnch Charles, bri~klaver. h 13113 Fulton L~'nch Charles R., machinist. h 1412 Berryhill Lynch Christian \Y., pres Paxtang Electric Co., h 211 State Lynch Daniel C, steel inspector. h 14]2 Berryhill Lynch George E., mgr. :: N 2d, h do Lynch James H .. bricklayer, h l:ln:l Fulton Lyn~h James J., bricklayer, h 1!J1I!J Fulton Lynch John H., foreman. 414 State, h 80 N 17th Lynch John S., h 224 Korth Lynch John W., laborer. h ]20H X lith Lvnch ~larv A., wid John T., h 12ml X 6th L~'nch :\far~' E .. shro;ldmkr. h a:l:l Chestnut LYNCH T'HOMAS j., executive clerk and sec Water. Supply Com., Capitol, h 710 Capital Lynch \ViIliam H., highway commissioner. rooms 22-23 Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h ]341 N 2d Lynch William H., jr. ci"ilengr. h 1341 K 2d Lynch William W .. roller. h a:m Chestnut L~'ne Cora. cigarmkr. h 623 Cuml)('rland Lvne Elizabeth B., wid Lewis, h lal Dock Lyne Gertrude E .. cigarmkr, h fi:!:t Cumberland Lyne John \V .. watchman, h 62a Cumberland


Savings and Loan Assn.


Lynn Elsie, domestic. 2!J0l N 5th Lynn Olive, domestic. 502 Emerald Lynn Robert H., fireman, h all Dauphin Lyon John, laborer, h HUI S 9th Lyon Robert X .. salesman, h 1319 Derry Lyons George R.. fireman. h 1930 1'\ 5th Lyons Jennie A .. roller, h 1520 X 4th Lyons Kate, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Kate J., wid Robert, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Lillie 1\1., cigarmkr, h 1124 Cowden Lyons :\rargaret E., cigarmkr, h 1124 Cowden L~ons ::'IJinnie, stripper, h 1124 Cowden Lyon's Thwdorf'. artist, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Thomas, jr.. printer. h 25 Forrest Lvons William S., machinist. h 1520 N 4th Lyric TIleatre, Abraham G. Burket. propr, 225 Market Lyter Annie. wid ~aml1el T.. h H12~ Boas L~ter Caroline C, cook, j 1:1 Market Lyter Catharine J .. elk, h 15181\ :ld L"ter Charles E .. brakeman, h 5li l\laclay Lyter Christian H., carpenter, h 1U4U State Lyter Elsie. cigarmkr, h 228 S 2d Lyter Frank, driver, h 228 S 2d Lyt('r George W., driver Paxton Fire Co., h 228 S 2d Lyt('r Harry E., brakeman, h ~27 Herr

.... -


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H M KELLEY a CO. {I North .*'Me'" P. ....... t lOth aDd

Lyter Lyter Lyter h Lyter Lyter Lyter Lyter Lyter Lyter Lyter

Boyd's Harrisburg (~I) City Directory, 1908.


Harvey F., expressman, h 148 Linden John F., collector Telegraph, h 220 Forster Joseph A. Rev., pastor Derry Street U. B. Church, 150H Derry Rody W.: car inspector, h 1151 Market Roy 1\1., fireman, h 1914 Susquehanna ~ Ruth, seamstress, h 1424 \Valnl1t Sarah, cigarmkr, h 228 S 2d Sarah A., wid Moses. h 1151 ~larket Wayne F., actor, h 220 Forster William H., h 1006 K 2d ._ L~ter William H., car repairer, h 2406 Reel Lytle George D., tinsmith, h 1326 Green Lytle James H .. carpenter, h 13:n Green Lytle James H., foreman, h 727 S 19th . . . Lytle Mary F., seamstress, h 1331 Green _ LytIc 1iallde L.. book folder, h 1331 Green -fI) Lytle William J., checkman P. R R, h 60 N 14th Lytman Frank, lahorer. h 1246 N Cameron

fireman, h 344 Hamilton ." ~lacAvoy Charies G., electrician, h 1938 N 6th ~ M~cAvoy John L., machinist, h 1938 N 6th 1&1 !-.1acAyoy Thomas D., elk P. R R, h 1938 N 6th

1&1 ..I

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MacAyoy Verna, saleslady, :n~ ::-'Iarket, h 607 \Valnut 11acbeth Charles, carpenter, h 6111 Herr l\laccabees Office, S. S. Foutz, D. G. C., 31 X 2d MacCreary Etta B., wid Harvey A., h 1114 Capital


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~}:~g~e:iJ's ~~;~aa \i'. ~l~=.I,a~~~~~~z!~,1~ f4af~t~}arket

MacDannald Addie B. 11rs .. matron. h 12:!0 Walnut MacDannald Helen G., stengr, 115 Market, h 1220 Walnut MacDannald J. Guy, sponger, 'h 1313 Bartine MacDonald Edward, baker, h 507! S Front MacDONALD HENRY J., real estate, insurance and steamship agent, 103 Market, h 105 S Front MacDonald James W., machinist, h 9 S 15th l\lacDonald Jane R, stengr Soldier's Orphan's Commis., h 9 S 15th l\IacDonald John B., grocer, 1:~5 S 14th, h 111 do MacDonald Robert A., cutter, :?07 Locust, h 1828 Green MacDonald William, fireman, 'It 1319 James ~lacDowell Minnie E., wid Calvin, h :!:W X 3d MacDowell Thomas c., car repairer, h 2:UI N 3d Mace William F., flagman, 'h 3:!:~ S 11th Macey Sidney F., assembler, h 9:!:! S :!lst Machamer Carrie E., roller, h 13:l8 ~ 7th Machamer Charles, cementer, h :?u:n ~ 7th :\Iachamer David J., engr, h 2136 N ifh






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I. L. ST.

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A. B. AC }P
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l>.Iachamer David J. jr. fireman, h "136 Nith M ha F nk en h ') D ph ~fachamer Harry H., machinist, h 2034 Green M la J n S ar ter 21 Tu ~r l\lachamer Samuel. laborer, h 2009 Briggs Machamer Sa uel K., s fi r, 334 eil M la r '\\t lia 0., ndt or, 133 ~ i .Machamer William 0., jr., laborer. 'h 1338 N 7th M en nn sa lad 11 N h nb k Machen George S .. teacher, h 1~2 ~ l~th M 'hen . P 1, t r S uri Tr Co h 1 N h 1\1 len rer M., h 1 ... N th Machlan Ida, h 815 East M hla am A ore n iph Li hOB gs ;\tachlin William E., contractor, 1017 N 6th, h do M k rry ., c 21 Lo t, 6 14t Mack Jo n .,Ia orer, h 3 N 9th MACKENSON CLARENCE T gr er, 117 P to hi N d Mackenson Clarence T., jr., elk C. V. R. R., h 1213 N 2d M ke n re ,t he h 3 2d MackenZie William P., v-pres and genl mgr F. and M. W ks, h 213 Stat M ke) rt ,Ia rer, 1i EI Mackey Benjamin. labore~h 1417 Marion_ _ _





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M ke) ha s elk 12 oct Mackey E. Virginia, forelady, h 3:n Hamilton M ke an " Sa uel 17 E __ Mackey Frankiin P., engr, h 1815 Green ~ M key Hen . tta I 1\:1 fit , 3 ~Ia et, 32 er M ke) ou ,\\ L nz ., 331 a on V) Mackley Calvin L., laborer, h 1109 Cowden M kle Cat rin wid am I, h 109 ow n Mackley Charles E., laborer, h 415 State M kli Cha s pro er, 9 ~ rk h d M klil oh S., otype opr, 10. lIar et, 31 1 arkct Macl'vIullen Elizabeth, wid William A., h 1540 Walnut M Mt n n, ysi n. 40 aln h ,..... Mad\ay Helen, wid Charles. h Hi2i3 ~ 2d M Ne' Ma 1m ., t gr ler . &. . dot, 14 Reg1l1a MacPherran John P., conductor, h ~23 ~ 6th l' utr J a 5, lore 1 An I j\bdden Alexander C, engr, h 238 Hamilton IV del Ali M., eng nd end t, 718 N 5 Madden Annie M., dressmkr, 1718t X 5th. h do M dde Ed,' W. .st il1l ste P. R R., 60 er N de am, la rer, In he.Madden John L., machinist, h 1610 ~ 4th IV de oh P., r c Th olt , h 32 aln

,~_b:'i-:'~~~K .:!. -h 26 err ct



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:::: ~:;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ::a g~.."-t;

E =482
Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory, 1908.


'l!! ~


IE ~



Marg~et E., teacher, h 171S! X 5th :\rattie. housekeeper, 14~2 Fulton Madden Michael, h 1718-! X 5th Madden Morris F., elk, h 17181 N 5th :\fadden Regi~a S .. wid Dr. William D., h 131 Hanna Madden Rose A., chief elk, 212 Locust, h 131 Hanna ;\ladden Stella E., proof reader Telegraph, h 131 Hanna Madden \Villiam, waiter, h 4:!8 Herr l\Iadden \\"m. A., elk P. R. R. ticket office, h 131 Hanna ;\Iadden William T., laborer, h lIi05 Swatara Maddux George. 'shoemkr, h 350 Harris ;\1adenfort Charles C, fireman, h 6:!5 Dauphin Madenfort Franklin B.. bricklayer, h 7121 N 19th :\fadenfort Grace, elk Dauphin Cigar Co., 11 712t N 19th. Madenfort James M., bricklayer, h 712t X ]9th :\Iadenfort l\Iarcus :\1., bricklayer. h 712! X 19th l\Iadenfort William F., brakeman. h 11l1a Capital !\lacler Alvina, nurse Home for the Friendless, h do Mader Carrie. bunchmkr, h HI37 ~ 7th :'-lader Elizabeth, wid Amos, h {,21 Forster :\Iader Laura, saleslady, h 202:1 Green "Mader Margaret, cigar brander, h HI37 X 7th Mader Samuel H., engr, h 1937 K 7th :\Iader ~tyles B.. e1eaner P. R. R. depot, h 1937 N 7th Mader Susan, nurse, h 1423 K 2d


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TlUI SlireRty IRd Sarlty CO.

s:- {--==.:='=,:-..:~=., } ~~~14






Mader \Vm., press feeder, lOth bel Chestnut, h Penbrook l\lader William W., salesman, 334 l\larket, h 607 Calder Madison Abraham, laborer, h 2 Sherman's row l\fadison Annie :\1., wid Isaac, h :"l4n~ ~ C.meron !\fadison Pearl, charwoman, h 807 S iOth Madison William H., laborer. h 509 State :\Iaeyer John \V., tinsmith, h ]211 Penn l\Iaeyer ;\Jarv A., wid David, h 914 X 2(1 Mag'aha Johil W., helper, h ]219 Fulton ::\Iagaro Gabriel. lahorer, h ]21 Cherry \lagaro Lewis, laborer, h 21112 Briggs ~lagaro :Michael, (:\lagaro & Acri), h 32] S River :\Iagaro Peter. mgr. 9 N 2d. h 201 Barbara !\Iagaro Salvatore. fruit stand. 5 S 2<1. h :~43 S River Magaro & Acri. (:\1. l\Iagaro and ~l. Acri), proprs Bijotr Theatre, 34 N ild :Magdeburg Anna. stengr State Dept. Health. h 410 Briggs ~Iaget' Henry R.. e. ~. X .. 11 H1 ~ 1:tth ::\Iagee J. Robert. scre,,"sman. h HI S l~th Mager Charles D .. foreman. h :!3f1:~ ~ Gth Mager George R.. laborer. h :i:1(; ~lac1ay Mag-cr. see :\Iajnr ~('ag-gio Guiseppe. lahorer. h ~:l ~ Court ~Iagill Abra'ham ~I., engr. h 172'2 ~usque':lanna Magill Clauda ~L. milliner. h :ill :\( lIench

B oA.. TACK rt

IllalEe. a 8 ....eIaI~ of {ute ....... Pl'eHOlq ... bUG ldlnpin Plain TID.. lIItImMeIGI_

Boyd's Harrisburg ()I) City Directory, 1908.

Magill David, machi.nist, It :l2i'i Verbeke _Magill Eva, domestic. 3''':> X Front _Magill Eva C, elk, h Front c Walnut Magill :\Jaggie, dressmkr, h li21 Penn Magill William C, caller P. R R, h 2Mi'i Agate Maginley 11ary, domestic, 1930 ~ 3d Maglauchlin Alfred C, paperhanger, h 1820 N 3d Maglauchlin Jacob J., painter, 701 N :?d, h 703 do Maglauchlin Rudy A., brakeman, h 1815 Susquehanna Maglauchlin Sarah J. Mrs., wall paper, 1820 N 3d, h do ~Maglauchlin William J., painter, h 115 North ~1agnani Antonio, laborer, h 25 ~ 10th Magnelli Paulo, fruit, h 140 S 2d _Magruder Harry W., laborer, h 335 Harris _Mjlguire Charles A., engr, h 625 Forrest Maguire John J .. watchmkr, 302 Market, h 612 York Maguire ~1ichael T., mgr, 315 Market, h do Maguire Walter r .. mgr, 14 S 2d, h 1705 N 2d _Maguire, see McGuire, also Meguire M'ahaffe Anna, saleslady, 400 Market, h 2027 Logan Mahan Frank R, engr, h 14:l3 N 2d Mahan Harry S .. cigarmkr, h 1606 N 5th _Mahan John, h 1606 N 5th Mahan :\'Iaggie E., h 14:13 N 2d Mahan Mary E., h 14:l3 N 2d



Savings and Loan

Assn.~ ~=

Mahek Vendel, laborer, h 559 SlOth Maher Tames, h 91 Disbrow Maher james]., as~t machinist Lunatic Hospital, h 89 Disbrow :MAHON J. MONTGOMERY, chief clerk, 413 Market, h Carlisle Mahon John 11.. jr., draftsman State Dept. Health, h 127 Pine Mahon Margaret T., wid Patrick, h 110 Nagle Mahon Nora T., housekeeper, 110 Nagle Mahon William A., machinist. h 110 Nagle Mahoney Annie, domestic, 107 S Front _Maile\' Amos A., machinist, h 407 Hamilton Mailev Anna, wid Amos A., h 1307 N 2d Mailev Charles H . machinist, h 1307 N 2d Mailey David M., laborer, h 1016 Hemlock 1\J ailey Elizabeth, wid William, h 212 S River Mailev Emorv M., h 212 S River Maile}' Eva C., bookkpr, 939 Rose, h 1307 N 2d Mailev Ida M. Mrs .. h 105 Hanna Maile) Lottie B., h-ollsekeeper, 1016 Hemlock M ailey William M., electrician, h 909 Penn Main'Tohn W., laborer. h 405 Verbeke Main ~1ary E. Mrs., boarding. 405 Verbeke, h do J\laines Olivia A., wid Thomas B., h 326 Chestnut

THE PAT R I ~! I og e
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H. M. KELLEY" cO.}Omces, :.~::'~~~{COAL AND WOOO

4R4 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.
; ; l\fair Lizzie, wid George R., h 2141 Atlas -= Majestic Theatre. Reis & Appell, proprs, 323 Walnut Major Charles, h Hi02 Hunter I: l\f ajor C Lloyd. salesman, 304 l\larket, h 1602 Hunter ~ Major Edgar :\1., chief elk automobile div State Highway ~ Dept., h 1321 Berryhill c:a :\Iajor Grace :\1. :\lrs. dressmkr, 1343 Vernon, h do .: Major Jacob :\1., watchmkr, 2031 Hummel, h do Major James, laborer, h 1331 X 4th ,Il: Major]. Elwood, stengr, h :W:~l Hummel Major Margaret J., wid Davis, h it2 South :: Major William A., conductor, h 1:14:1 Vernon IE Major, see l\Iager Ci Mak Rozal. wid Joseph. h 474 S Cameron ~ Makibbin Clara J., saleslady, 334 Market, h 2008 N 6tq Makibbin James G., engr, h 1912 X 5th Makibbin William J. A., machinist, h 1806 N 6th II) Makowski Edw .. elk Dept. :\fines. Capitol, h 2117 Moore Malaby Harry B .. fireman, h 2404 Reel Malaney Annie B., nurse. h 1015 Green I- Malaney Imogene 1., tel supervisor, 210 Walnut, h 1015 Green Malaney John. h 1015 Green C :\lalata Frank, elk, h 249 North Maley Charles E .. machinist, h 12:!S 1'\ ad


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~laley Charles W., foreman. h 122R X 3d :\Jaley Ettie, housekeeper. 558 SlOth Maley George W., laborer, h 1018 Paxton Maley Harry, car repairer, h 523 Cowden z: Malev T. Frank. collector, 14 S 2d. h 424 do I11III: l\lale~ John ]., craneman. h 1018 Paxton A. Maley :Mary A .. cigarmkr, h 55R SlOth :Ill: l\Ialey Thomas J., conductor, h 5:lR S Hlth o Maley William "H., carpenter. h 424 S 2d U ~Ialick Ada L., weaver. h 1:~22 N 4th ....I :\lalick Daniel E., engr. h 1322 K 4th C :\[alick Equi11a c., carpenter, h 1826 Fulton o :\falick Irene, wea\er. h 1322 N 4th U Malie l\Iichael. assembler, h 1605 S Cameron Q Mall Moses, tailor, 229 K 2d. h do z: Malled :\Iichael, laborer. h 12:!6 Herr C Mallul Charles, tailor. h fIl5 S 19th (;d MaInor l\lihilh', laborer. h 1238 X Cameron U Malone James' A . elk P.O .. h ;;311 :\laelay Malone \ViIIiam. h 428 :\Iuench Q Malone William, jr.. janitor. h 4:!~ :\luench (;d Maloney Daniel, ironwkr. h 7:n State Maloney Edward, puddler, h 5 Lochiel 1st row Maloney Ellen C, wid Thumas F .. h (;:~:l Forster ==> Maloney Imogene, supervisor. :no Walnut. h 1015 Green

1 L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240MarkitSfreet
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A. B. TACK ::t~~~:!1loU poper ODd wmdOI ShOd3S ~1~\~:.sru.

Boyd's Harrisburg (}OI) City Directory, 1908. 485 MALONEY JOHN H., real estate, genl insurance, &c., room 1 Security Trust bldg, 36 N 3d, h 1619 Green Maloney Michael, flagman. h 12:H X 7th l\Ialotte Ellen :\ .. dressmkr, h 414 Harris Maloy, see Meloy, also lVI ulloy Malseed George, laborer, h 31 Lochiel ~~d row Malseed Harrv F., trucker P. R. R., h 103a Hanna Malseed John' B., caller P. R. R., 'h ~1:arket nr Cameron Malseed 11:argaret Mrs., 11 2H4 N 2d Malseed Mary, wid William, h 701 S Front Malseed }Iinnie. bunchmkr. h illl S Front Malseed Noah E., brakeman. 11 uno \Voodbine Manahan Don F., car inspector, h taO Schuylkill Manahan Elizabeth. wid William L., h U10 Seneca Manahan (ieorge. jr., conductor, h :m6 Reily Manahan Margaret. wid George. h :mn Reily Mana'han Norman G., painter, h 62:! Curtin Manahan Watter D., sign painter, h a36 Reily Manahan William T., engr, h fa8 Calder Manbeck Beatrice. saleslady. 13()O N 3d, h 1:i:!5 Penn Manbeck Boyd. elk, h 19:!0 1\ 6th Manbeck Frank. brakeman. h 530 Cowden Manbeck Edward S .. salesman. h 194:{ 1\ 6th Manbeck P. \Vellipgton. salesman, h 192(1 :\ fith

MILLER BROS.' BAKER} ~~~b~~-:;'~~II:

Manchester Shale Brick Co., Inc .. D. \V. Cox, pres; R. G. Cox, sec and treas, 2:!2 Market Mangel Daniel, h r 551 Race Mangel Samuel. machinist. h r 551 Race Manges Lewis C. Rev .. h 1431 Walnut Mangold Charles, 'h 1714 Fulton Maning Jennie :\lrs., h ~15 SlOth Maning Nellie 1., cigarmkr, h 815 SlOth Maning Raina A., cigarmkr, h 815 S 1IIth Manley Ahner B., contractor, h 1324 Fulton Manley Agnes }1rs .. h 425 Strawberry Manley Benjamin F., laborer, h 1427 Derry M;mley Edwin, engr. h wa4 N 4th Manley Frederick W .. machinist, h 937 ~ 7th Manley George H .. carpenter. h :H4t Chestnut Manley Harry L., stereotyper Patriot. h 1521 Swatara Manley John ft. carpenter. h J21)() ?\ 7th Manle\' }[arv A .. domestic. 111115 X Front l\-Ianlc\' Xori'nan S .. steelwkr. h 1521 Swatara Manlc~' (hcar E .. pipe fitter. h 1427 Derry Manic\" RanTIund S .. elk P. R. R.. h Lucknow l\llanlc,' Sarah (~ .. :-alesla<1\", h :n-u Chestnut Manley Walter R.. sl1h let'ter carrier, h 14:!i Derry Manley \\'ashing-ton S .. tele~rapher P. R. R .. h Lucknow Mann Charles H., watchmakers' supplies, 14 N 2d, h Dillsburg


Boyd's Harrisburg ()() City Directory. 1908.


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Mann Charles K., elk, h 2009 Penn :\Iann Charles N., State Railroad Commissioner, Capitol. h 113 Chestnut Mann Edna F., teacher, h 2:m Briggs Mann Elizabeth, wid Hiram, h 1907 North Mann Harry E., fireman, h 21211 ~Ioore Mann Oscar J., boltmkr, h 2137 :Hoore Mann Robert E., repairsman, h 723 S 21st 1\lann Rosene H., dressmkr. :334 Market, h W. Fairview Mann Samuel, butler, h 1322 James l\Ianneli Peter, laborer, h 140 S 2d Manning Charles J., physician, 1519 X 6th, h do Manning Frances V., housekeeper, 1519 N 6th Manning Harry, laborer, h 2009t N 5th l\fanning Henry C, blacksmith,' h 21)116 ~ 5th l\lanning Louis, laborer, h Front c Division Manning :Margaret, waitress, 206 ~ 2d Manning l\lartha, wid John, h 149 Linden Manning Nellie I., roller, h 815 SlOth l\lanning Rama A., cigar roller, h 815 SlOth Manning William A . conductor, h 149 Linden l\lansberger Emma E.. notary, 44 Union Trust bldg, h Middletown Mansel Edward, trav salesman, h 127 State Mantey Gustave, h 1819 N :~d

-----Title Bunally and Sarely CO. W.-::I, {f'~=I::.:.r::;-1II {Tr!.~....z..

:J II :J



Anna E., cigar packer, h 414 Cumberland Ella, cigar packer. h 414 Cumberland . H. \Vitmer, machinist. It 414 Cumberland Israel, conductor, h 414 Cumberland Lucy S., cigar packer. h 414 Ctlmberland Samuel S., coachman. h 125 Cranberry Lenus G . driver, h 451 S 2d ~\lanum Wilton R.. elk, 44() Market, h 723 S 19th MAPLE GROVE HOTEL, Albe'rt Koenig, 2101 N 8th :\Iara\'ic Joseph, laborer. h 1148 S Cameron 2'.larbnrger Anna ~I., cashier, 2118 N 2d. h 106 Balm Marburger Bertha, domestic, 1721 N ~d ~larburger John C, elk The Comwlth., h 106 Balm March Bessie E., teacher, h 410 S 13th March Joshua B., heater, h 40i N Summit March Lavina, wid Daniel, h 410 S 13th J\Tarch l\fabe1 J., teacher, h 410 S 13th March Mary I., stengr, 324 Market, h 410 S 13th March Paul D., mechanical engr, h 410 S 13th :\farchi Joseph, laborer, h 219 Mulberry Marcus Dora, wid Samuel. h 513 Cowden Marcus Isaac. moving pictures, 103 N 3d, h 417 Boas :\larcus Joseph, laborer. h r 1212 Bailey Marcus SalTInel, cigarmkr, h 513 Cowden Maren Peter, laborer, h 1405 N Cameron

Manuel l\Ianucl Manuel Manuel l\Ianuel l\lanuel Manum


Digitized by


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.


Margerum William DeH., telegrapher P. R R pass depot, P1 h 1617 Chestnut Marion iluillion Co., H. C. Demming, sec and genl mgr, Z 17 N 3d ~ l\Iarion Edward \V., elk First Nat. Bank, h 1424 Walnut (I) Marion Improvement Co., \\'. T. Hildrup, pres; H. C. Demming, sec and genl mgr. 17 N 3d l\hrjosh H erlik, laborer, h 1121 N 7th Mark Anna S., elk, h 711 Capital Mark C. Brown, clk, h 711 Capital Mark David B., bricklayer, h 68 N 17th PI Mark Ellie V. Mrs., h 7] 1 Capital :Mark G. Arthur, elk, h 711 Capital Mark How, laundry,'1258 Market, h do ~ Mark John N., elk, h ]807 N 3d PI Mark Mary S., stengr, h 711 Capital C Markell Charles I., messenger, h 1508 Green Markell Charles W., elk, h 1508 Green Markeli Helen c., teacher, h 1508 Green Markell Mary M., teacher, h 1508 Green ::\Jarkcll RacheJ G., bookkpr, 11 N 2d, h 1508 Green Marker Daisy M., h 420 S ] 6th }brkle Charies C, molder, h 1815 Berryhill l\larkle l\Iaurice C, flagman, h 1184 Christian Markley David M., ins sol, 4 S 2d, h 1519 Green


o rr-


Markley John, laborer, h 1201 Mulberry Markley John W., car repairer, h 337 Clinton Markley ::\Iary A., cashier, 334 Market, h 1207 Wallace Markley Milton, inspector, h 1422 Regina Markley Robert R, draftsman, 204 Market, h Lemoyne Markley Roy, brakeman, h 111 N 4th Markley Wayne L., bookkpr, 17 ~ 2rl. h 1519 Green Markley William, puddler, h 1306 Currant Markley William A., elkP. R R, h 1207 Wallace Markley William A., mgr, 209 Market, h 411 Briggs Markley William D., contractor, h 1425 Berryhill Marks Albert W., machinist, h 1820 Derry Marks Annie, wid Leonard S., h 1635 N 7th Marks Daqiel B., sand, 2d ab Seneca, h do Marks Edgar S., (H. Marks & Son), h 18]3 K 2d Marks Frederick, laborer, h 932t S 21st MARKS H. & SON, (Mrs. Sophy and Edgar S. Marks), clothiers and furnishers, 401-403 Market Marks Jane, h 414 Herr Marks John G., machinist, h 163j X 4th Marks Lizzie. h n:tn S 21st Marks Samuel A., elk. 109 S 2d, h 414 Herr Marks Sophy }trs., (H. Marks & Son), h 1530 N 2d Marks William c., hostler, h 1635 N 7th Marlin J. Frank, driver, h 2015 Mottke


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Tr.r. '1.'_01

H M KELLEY at CO'S - 7 _ ,order.- { 1." ....1ShIlL P. BIaok DIamond, wla 111rt~ a. ......


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory, 1908.

Marlin \Y arren, dri,er. h 31lfi Boyd 15 Marquart Augustus \\' . paperhanger. h 1I10G Cowden _ Marquart Everett B., cutter. h Hi14 \\"allace ; ; Marquart Frances S., wid Abraham. h 31 7 ~laelay B ~Iarql!art John A .. engr. h !l:!:i Yerbeke . . ~Iarquart Robert R .. hostler. h 17111 X 4th I Marquette Rosa, wid \yiIliam, h 106 S Court ~ Marquette \YiIliam. cigarmkr. h 1:1:111 Howard ..: ~farrett Arthur \Y .. machinist, h lIill \Vallace & 'lars Cassius H .. laboren h 14111 X 4th .: Mars \\'illiam H., carpenter. h 11m2 Susquehanna J!! l\Iarseilles Elizabeth. h :ml Briggs ~Iarsh Catharine, telephone opr, 227 \Valnut, h 14118 Susq_ ;\Iarsh Ella ~Irs., laundress. h 319 Caklh ~Iarsh Fannie R., elk, 7113 X ad. h 22(j Liberty :: ?\Iarsh Fred H., mgr, 625 Walnut, h 22H State Marsh Grace. bonnetmkr. h 14118 Susquehanna Marsh HarT\" L. S .. farmer. h 21st c ~larket )Iarsh ~Iaria A., wid David. h 229 State !! l\!arsh ~Iima K., matron. 22i Libert". h do (/) l\Iarsh \\iI1iam. chief acct E.-F. Co.,h 1;;1111. S 12th l\Iarsh \YiIliam T .. lahorer, h 14118 Susquehanna Marshall A. Leslie, student, h 516 X 5th 1&1 ~Iarshall Annie:\1.. wid John L., h !124 Cranel ..I ~Iarsl.all C. Grafton. optician. !124 C;ran<1. h do

1$ -I



~farshall ~lctrshall


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l\Iarshall Charles, laborer, h- 1525 Fulton Clara, wid George. h 152ii Fulton Frank S .. elk. 121111 X 3d, h 4]9 :\Iuench Marshall George L., laborer. h 415 Yerbeke ;\Iarshall George \V .. suh elk P.O .. h 22l'lfi ~ fith Jr arshall Harriet, wid Elisha. h 7()~ East ~Iarshall Ida E., saleslady, :l:14 Market. h :n:J Herr :\larc;hall James. lahorer. h 12!l N 16th :\larshall John A., supt Baltimore Life Ins. Co., 9 S 2d, b 419 Muench :'.Iarshall John R .. sail-sman, 112 Market, h 4l:! Strawberry Marshall J. Stephen, master plumber. 131Hi X 6th, h do ~larshall Thomas B .. foreman P. R. R.. h 14f1:l N 2d :\Iarshall Thomas L., puddler. h 17 Lochiel 2d t;OW Marshall Wilber H., machinist. h una X 2<1 :\Iarshall William F .. ri\"erman. h 152i"i Fulton ?lIarshall William G.. haker. h 42H Cumberland :'.1arshall William H. Rev .. teacher. h ;;lfi ~ ;,th MARSHALL WILLIAM H. S., plumber, 1805 N 3d, h: Marshhank l\I:-.rshbank Marshbank h do l\Iarsbbank



Anna. tcach{'r. h :1:~:i \\'alnut Carl W., lahor{'r, h 1524 Regina Oara, house sec Y. \-\'. C. A., 4th c \Valnut,. Edgar \Y., machinist, h






ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240MarkIfStr'"
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Boyd's Harrisburg (l'I) City Directory, 1908.


Marshbank Grace E., saleslady, 334 lIarket, h Mechan,; icsburg 1"'1 Marshbank John, machinist, h 14331 Regina Marshbank lIar)" stengr, 14 S 2d, h 600 Seneca Marsili O1arles L., mgr, 3 Aberdeen, h 118 Dock Marsili Harry J., restaurant, 3 Aberdeen, h do Marsili Lucetta Mrs., h 503 Cumberland 0 Martensen Carl, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Z Martin Abra'ham L. B. Rev., h 134 Sylvan ter Martin Abraham L., conductor, h 1606 Zarker I"JI Martin Abram E., postal elk, h 45 N 17th MARTIN ALGERNON L., dep sec Agricultural Dept. and director Farmers' Institute, Capitol, h 715 Capital C Martin Alice Mrs., h 703 SOUt11 C) Martin Alonzo, engr, h 6:!1 :\luench .Martin Alonzo R, hostler, h 621 Muench 0 Martin Angelo, cellarman, h 1101 Market Martin Arthur E., laborer, h 1717 Penn Martin Charles, hotel, 437 Market, h do Martin Charles, labore)", h r 1208 N 10th :Martin Charles A., car inspector, h 427 Harrison Martin Charles F., fO'l'eman, Court ab Locust, h 820 N 6th c .n ~ Martin Charles L., h 5:37 Camp Martin Chester M., elk P. R R, h :!16 Reily == B Martin Clarence E., salesman, 3:!5 :\larket, h 265 Herr

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MILLER BROS. l BAKER} ":i~b~~-:;'~~IE

Martin Clifford T., fireman, h :!13 Harris M"rtin Daisy c., stengr, 66 Union Trust bldg, h 45 N 17th Martin David, blacksmith, h 306 S 2d MARTIN DAVID, insurance commissioner, Capitol, h Commonwealth Hotel Martin David H., supt, h 107 Paxton Martin David S., laborer, h 1924 Wood Martin Edgar F., templetmkr, h 2117 N 2d Martin Edmund S., salesman, h 1731 Green Martin Elizabeth, wid Alfred, h 144 S Court Martin Ella Mrs., center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Martin Frances :\lrs., h 721 North Martin Frances, wid John, h 1227 Monroe Martin Frank, real estate, 401-408 Bergner bldg, h West Fairview Martin Frank N., pool, 433 Market, h do Martin Frederick C. musician, 'h 1168 :\1 ulberry Martin George W., frog planer, h 706 Green Martin George \V., ins sol, :!6 N :!d, h 301 Crescent Martin Gertrude J., forelady, h 3()1 Crescent Martin Grace P., bookkpr, 306 Verbeke, h Steelton Martin Harry A., car repairer, h 218 S 15th Martin Harry W., fireman, h 1924 Penn Martin Harry X., machinist, h 1!):J8 Kensington Martin Harvey E., laborer, h 1012 Berryhill
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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~.:.a:.:.t',~:':'~ 306 Brut
490 Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory, 1908.


1:artin Martin Martin Martin Martin :Martin


1-Iartin Martin Martin Martin



1-1artin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin ICC Martin Martin IE Martin ..I Martin


Herman, trucker, h Front c Division Howard D., stengr, h 621 ~Iuench Howard W., roll turner, h 1809 Green Irene, center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Jacob, laborer, h 172t1 Logan James. laborer, h 3:..~ Dauphin James, laborer, h 1820 Swatara J ames ~L, fireman, h 37 X 12th Jennie A., umbrellas, 321 Walnut, h do John, elk, 3:H 'Market, h 130 Sylvan ter John C, tailor Lunatic Hospital, :h do John H., driver, h 327 Dauphin John L., brakeman, h 1226 N 6th John V,'., foreman, h 301 Crescent Joseph, bar elk State Capital Hotel, h do Joseph, elevatorman; 324 :\iarket, h 220 Bailey Joseph E., heater, h lIno Berryhill Julia E., h 321 Walnut Lawrence, bartender, 437 :Market, h do Leo G ..boilermkr, h 6:J9 Dauphin Levi Geyer, flagman, h 213 Harris Lewis, bellman, h 721 Xorth Lizzie, center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Louis T., elk, 9 S 3d, h do Marne E., packer. h 171l2! N 5th

Title a r........ Sirth C eTf........... - ,... {Tn8& . . . . . .. .1,.1 nlu. .............. II ...... lleoad~



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1.1 UI

Martin Margaret C, wid S. Boyd, h 117 Pine Martin Marv A., wid Charles, h 9 S 3d Martin Olaf A., mechanical engl", h 1714 State Martin Oscar C, laborer, h 1720 Logan Martin Philip J .. foreman, h 228 Hummel Martin Ralph E., craneman, h 11110 Berryhill Martin Ralph G., elk, 'h 216 Reily Martin Randolph .T., houseman, 11 fi06 South al :Martin Rebecca, lodging, 26 S 3d, h do 1-Iartin Sadie, wid Richard, h 12113 Monroe 1-1artin Sallie W .. wid Samuel A .. h 402 Cumberland MARTIN SAMUEL K., cigars and notions, 1498 N 7th, h 218 Reily Martin Sarah J., wid Wil!iam H., h 1702! N 5th :\Iartin Sophia, wid Philip, h 806 Green Martin Steve. laborer, 11 1120 N" Cameron Martin Susan E .. stripper. h 11110 Berryhill Martin Thomas H., engr, 'h 5lli X 16th Martin Thomas P., fireman, h 112 X 18th Martin Yincent W., postal elk, h 68 N 13th 1Iartin Wilbur G., printer, h :Jill Crescent Martin William B., messenger, h I.Un! Green Martin William F., bridge builder, h 13117 Green Martin W. Richard, machinist. h 17:n Green 1-brtoz Conrad, laborer, h 1112 Currant

ANDREW REDMOND} ~f::~!:i ~t~~ {3d andJIell, Goog e

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1 B. TACK} IALL PIPER e:!:~ 111001 SHIDES{N~:' 8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.

Martz Adam, gasmkr, h 578 Showers Martz Adam, wreckmaster P. R. R., h 512 Woodbine Martz Alice c., auditor, h 213 Cumberland Martz Annie E., lodging, 4a5 Walnut, h do Martz Bros., (Calvin F. and Grant A.), hardware, 303 Mkt. Martz Cah'in F., (~lartz Bros.), 11 2302 1\ 6th Martz Catharine L., h 301 Boyd Martz Charles A., engr, h 5:~:fCamp Martz Clara D. Mrs., boarding, U~II Kelker, h do Martz Edward '~1., salesman, 3113 ,\larket, 11 1851 Herr Martz George E., elk, 449 State, h 605 Forster Martz Grace V., saleslady, 334 Market, h 213 Cumberland Martz Grant A., (~Iartz Bros.). h 235 Verbeke Martz Harry C, engr, h Hi24 Chestnut Martz Herman E., salesman, 318 ~lkt., h 21:3 Cumberland Martz Isaac L., engr, h 3ilG Hummel Martz James. chef Hotel Aldine. 435 :\larket. h do Martz john H., jr., repairsman, h 1324 Fuhon Martz Mary C, wid John C, h 213 Cumberland Martz :\Iilton D . salesman, 303 xlarket. h 1221 Green Martz Roy \\T., machinist, h 213 Cumberland Martz Wi1liam A., flagman, h 1611 N 4th Marvin Alfred, lawyer, 54 Union Trust bldg, h 934 N 2d Marzolf Caroline, tel opr. 210 Walnut, h Front nr Seneca

~:':=-:'}Harrlsburg Sayings and Loan

AISA. U::'=


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Marzolf Elwood L., drygoods, 317 Verbeke, h 420 Cum- C berland Marzolf Emma G., elk, 317 V~rbeke, h 2d c Seneca Marzolf Frank J., machinist, h 2131 Swatara Marzolf Frederick G., foreman, 11 919 Rose N Marzolf George, trucker, h Front nr Seneca I l> Marzolf John A., dispatcher, 'h 1417 X 4th Marzolf John H., boilermkr, h 200ti State Marzolf j. Ross, machinist, h 317 Cumi1erland J: Marzolfl\Iary, wid J o'hn, h H33 Grand l> Marzolf Michael, h Seneca nr Front Marzolf Michael, jr., plasterer. h Seneca nr Front Marzolf Oscar C, fireman, h 1261 \\'a:nut l> Marzolf Robert R., bridge builder, ;, !I:H Grand Marzolf William H., butcher. h 1711 :\ :trl __ Mast'nhimer Grace ~Irs., saleslady. 400 ~[arket, h 1209 ~ Chestnut Maseto Val, chef, 11 413 Filbert Masi Joseph, laborer. h 325 S River l\faskaleris William. hat c:eaner. h :!O;) .Barbara Masner Charles F .. carpenter, h 15:1fi Wallace Masner John, h 1536 Wallace ~Iasner William E .. laborer. h !ill; S nth Mason Annie. dOlllestic, 1Ii07 N :!rl Mason Annie J., tailoress, h 211i Chestnut .Mason Clifford H., cashier. fil!! Walnut. h 120 Sylvan ter



.. oaT 0" THE NEwa 0 .. THE DAY A~~EAR. FIRaT IN

OUR Bone.t Weicht BanDt Coal,MOTTO. - }

H M KELLEY &CO {lilli_ Sllte....' ' .... a~ ......


Boyd's Harrisburg (J\I) City Directory, 1908.




o a: ,Iz


~Iason Emma, domestic, 111 Reily Mason Harvev, laborer, h 16 'Cowden Mason Huldah, wid John, h 1a06 S Cameron Mason William, laborer, h 1108 ~10nroe MASON WILLIAM, mgr Canada Life Assurance Co., rooms 1-4 Weakley bldg, 7 N 2d, h Dauphin 11asoner Gertrude J., winder, 'h 1~4 Sayford Masoner John H., molder, h 124 Sayford l\lasoner John W. S., gas fitter, h 124 Sayford l\'lasoner Percy Y., gas fitter, 'h 124 Sayford lIassa Joseph, peddler, h 1527 Vernon ~lassamore A. James, laborer, h 15a5 s.watara ~Iassamore Carrie A., packer, h 1535 Swatara Massamore Roy J., machinist, h 1535 Swatara Massey Benjamin, waiter, h 142 Hancock Massey Thomas, lahorer, h 123 ~ 16th lIassimore James S., fireman, h 1600 Zarker Massimore William S., conductor. h 1606 Regina Massner Emma, wid Jdhn, h 1216 Wallace l\lassner Harry C, car inspector, h 1909 Elizabeth l\Iassner William H., engine inspector P. R. R., h 202 Verbeke Massner William H., laborer, h 1319 N 3d Masterson Harry T., plumber, h 2:316 Jefferson

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Jennie l\lrs., seamstress. h 1314 Fulton John T., painter~ h 2131 Jefferson Joseph E., electrician, h 1634 Wallace Leah 'Mrs., h 515 ~ 2d Robert D., janitor, h 1634 Wallace ~Iasterson Sarah, domestic, U24 Boas ~Iasterson W. Edgar, huckster, 'h 1640t Wallace ~latchett Charles T., roller, h 229 S 14th ~Iatchett Emery A., roller, h 1235 Derry l\'latchett George A., watchman, h 1543 Swatara ylatchett Isaac X., engr, h 1807 X 6th l\latchett l\lary A., cigarmkr, h 135 S 2d Matchett Samuel G .. hridge builder, 'h 1723 Logan l\Iatchett Winfield L., flagman. h 1302 Wallace l\Iateer George \V., car inspector. h 1839 l\'orth l\Iateer Robert R., v-pres l\Ierchants' Kat. Bank and Central Trust Co., h tlO" X 3d l\later Anna B., h 1114 Grape l\Iater Harry, brakeman. h 141 Sylvan ter Q Mater John A. B., laborer. h 1114 Grape li&I Mater l\Iervin A .. ins sol. h :~:{8 Verbeke ~ Maternity .Hospital, 22fi Liherty Mates 11:; Pine z: MathanHelen C. domestic.,\berdeen 'Molio l\lrs .. h 22 Mather Edmund. (Edmund l\Iather & Co.). h 204 Walnut Masterson 11asterson l\Iasterson :Masterson

Y:,u.:=;:o; II,. . . . . _

HOI A. B. TACK .l:~..


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.

MATHER EDMUND & CO., (Edmund Mather and Jasper N. Deeter), steam engineering appliances and supplies, 204 Walnut Mather Frederick H., laborer, h toos \Vood Mathers Harry J., fireman, h 1521 \Vallace Mathews John, driver, h 1120 ~Ionroe Mathews W. Frank, carter, h 1120 ~Ionroe Mathewson Helen H., milliner, h 1925 N 4th Mathias Annie, domestic, 1616 1'\ 4th Mathias Benjamin H., woodwkr, h 222 N 15th Mathias Edward J., electrician, 'h 225 South Mat:hias Ernest L., tailor, h 170:l X 5rh Mathias Geary H., conductor, h 431 Kelker Mathias Geary J., planer, h 320 Harri!. Mathias George D., foreman, h 1405 Vernon Mathias Harry A., brakeman, h 1910 Fulton Mathias Lawrence G., crane runner. h 320 Harris Mathias Lile, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 573 Showers Mathias Park, lahorer, h 573 Showers Mathias 'Robert K., foreman \V. q. Hickok Mfg. Co., h 1213 Mulberry Mathias Roy, wood~vkr, Ih 2109 Swatara Mathias Simon C, switchtender, h 573 Showers Mathias Sterling, elk. 312 Verbeke, h 431 Kelker

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "=~b~~-::'~"';.:IE

Mathias Theodore. sol, 15 S 2d, 'h Steelton Mathiot William H., salesman. 22:l 1Iarket, h 209 Harris Matillo James, laborer, h 105 Tanner Matin Julius, laborer. h Rt2 Cowden Matlack Hannah, laundress. h 115 'Mulberry ~Iatson Harry E., fireman. h 1336 ~ 7th Matson Henry A., laster, h Whitehall ab 18th Matson Jacob U., h 1336 ~ 7th Matson Walter R., laborer, h Whitehall ab 18th Matta Joseph, laborer, h 325 S River Matteoli Sebastian, lunch bar elk Senate Hotel, h do Matteoni Angelo, waiter, h 1101 Market Matter Bertlha E., proof reader, h 1933 N 7th Matter Charles F., elk, h 916 S 21st Matter Claude, brakeman, h 1240 Thompson Matter Edward, plasterer, h 916 S 21st Matter Harry F., chief caller P. R. R., h 1625 Wallace Matter Harry S., h 1933 N 7th Matter Harvey 0 .. engr. h 1933 X 7th Matter H. Homer. la\\"\'er. t:m :\ 4th. 'h (10 Matter Jacob 0 .. plasterer. h l!l:t:~ Derry Matter Jeremiah .T . plasterer. h i-!U ~ 21st Matter Jonat11an R.. carpenter. h 92U S 21st Matter Joseph W., helper, h 521 Seneca Matter Mabel S. E., h 916 S 21st



8 B



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Boyd's Harrisburg ()I) City Directory 1908


Matter X ..Frank, statIOnmaster P. R. R. depot,h 20 S 17th M er ee 10 r ~lattern Harry, carpenter, h til:! Cumherland :IE 1\1 tes Vi m on ct ,h 70 oa ~latthew Charles F .. engr, h 21114! X 5th -r: M the H lie mil er 00 la et, 20! 5t a:: Matthews (-'harles H., driver, h 325 S Cameron ;: M the s n t . I or h 9 Ca er I - :\Jatthews David H., elk Ami. Genl's Dept., h Grand Hdte1 M th s m L. ea er, 71 1\ h ,So:; :\Iatthcws Frank, paInter Lunatic Hospital, h <10 -~ i:;: ~I th s or 'an \Ir h 9 ort al III ';I :\latthews J. \Varren, merchant tailor. :100 Reily, h do "a ~~ M th s 'illi , or, h 14 ra er ~: I! ~fattis Charles S., tobacconist. 13111 X firh, h 5071 :Muench M z hn a'b r, 11 N h :\latz IVIIchael, laborer, h 1112 Currant U) ~f zin er co F. re an, 1 .,.: Ca ro ~ z: Matzinger John \V., policeman, h 1128 S lameron M zin er ar re wi ac " Re <; I 4 &. :\Iatzinger \Vilham J~ trucker, h Front bel DiVIsion >- M g C a w ' W' lia H 1 L X 3d Q,. :Ylaugan Grace L., weaver, h 81z) ~ 3d > } g s" ra m '., c r air . h S 1 V d


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ClUe GuanDt;, aDd Suret;, Co. J ...d., U.i.,.lra..... EIIC.lara ml.... J 1 Inl -II nto Pe .. UII. H. '.r I" cI.1 11,1 .t

z: :Ylaugans Alvey H. foreman F. and \1. Works, h 2401

N th :\Iaugans Carrie V. saleslad\' h iith c ~cneca ~ ug s m t e l . h 4 20 Z:; :YIauger Harry, edgesetter, h 1234 Bailey C" 2- ~'ug M y, d en. h 15 rig", MAUK CHARLES H., funeral director and embalmer 1 7 N 6th h 1 5 :\Iauk Edward W .. elk, h 202 S lath ( ~I Ia & on h' 2 S 3tl (.;,. :\ uk eo e :\lauk Thomas M .. (T. :\1. :\fauk & Son), h 202 S 13th S, h as d 2- M U T. 805 N 3d and 13th c Derry or T, U dertakers, IV ttl ell wi -\11 L II: ) C sc t ~ Maul Gertrude E., stitcher. h :H2 Crescent IV til ar L or lal ilk lil 1 1 19 w n Matll James B., (Acme Sign Co.). h 1t!'2 Christian 'Z" ~ ulf E wa \\ :h i) 19t c( :\laulfair John S., conductor. h 12t1!l Bailey Ir 1 p al 1;{ L :\ tIT Oscar, engr. h ::!:\1k,X 15th \\ 1m :\Iaurer ~ tIT \\ ia H. at rt11 r. 2:l '\ th ':\Iaurcy Margaret. cigarmkr. h :11H1 Buckthorn ~ lIr G org H 'iv en, ::! S:. h ax ng :\Iausteller William D .. denti~t. 1702 X lith, h do :\ xt( G rg H. Ilf-, h ~ th




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, Y. M~l~'~~~L" CITY DIREC'PORY ~1ea, Cal.



...8alem,lI'.... GaT DIRECTORIES, Ltd., 7' Church 8t1'eet. TJDitOJlIw. Il:iNNl:A<POLlS DIRIDCTORY COMPANY, 211 Na'tkttlG-,. Bulldlnc, St. Paul, Minn. ~-MlSElOtJrRI DIRECTORY COMPANY, au E. nth St., R. L. &: COMPANY, 18 Griswold Street, Det1'Q!lt;:": POLK-HUSTED DIRECTORY COMPANY. 801 CaL POLK-McAVOY DIRECTORY COMPAJNY, Omah-. POLK-filOUTHERN DIRECTORY COMPANY, 210 Little Rock. Ark . . PORTLAND DIRECTORY COMPANY. 198 Fedetal PRICE'" LEE COMPANY, lI08 Meadow Street, l'IIew,-"_ _ RICHMOND, W. L., Warburton Building, Yonkei'll, SAMPSON'" MURDOCK COMPANY, UI Summer SOARDS DIRECTORY COMPANY, 601 Commercial leans. La. TROW DIRECTORY, PRINTING AND BOIOlCB:INlO -:' 89 Third Avenue. New York. N. Y. UPINGTON, GEO., 317 Washington Street, BrookJYD. UTICA DIRECTORY PUBLISHING CO., 49 Arcade WILLIAMS DIRECTORY COMPANY, lI08 Post "'~"_'''' '_'' WORLEY, JOHN F. DIRECTORY CO., 373 ,",omXRe.J,OII WRIGHT DIRECTORY CO.. 107 Wisconsin Street, ---SEE OTHER 10E---

A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Sbadas {l:l~d:';~..







Maxwell Catharine D wid William h li09 N 5th axw Fr es C gar r, h i P on aI Maxwell Harrv E., laborer, h 1409 Monroe c: \ Maxwell Jacob B., conductor h 1709 N 5th axw Jos O. ive 19 N 5 Maxwell Oliver P., conductor, h 1940 N 5th Maxwell Samuel 'v" laborer h 1409 Monroe axw Wi m H rog ilde 12 Pax Maxwell Wilmer B., buver, 334 Market, h 1947 Green May Anna 1\1rs., h 6114 'Showers ay rles, br aye 34 erg n May Charles A., laborer, h 809 SlOth May Elton E. laborer, h 604 Showers ay est , ca spe ,h 2S May Henry, laborer, h 809 SlOth May Isaac W. taborer, h 809 SlOth ayes fire n, h 9 H 's May Jahn K., v-pres East End Bank, contractor, 16 S ~ 13th, h do =i ay ue , fla an, 909 6th May WlIliam F., h 1215 Currant :; Mayberry Alvin G., elk Aud. Gent's Dept, Capitol, h 107 N Mayer Charles, piano tuner, h 514 Walnut Mayer Edna, elk, 1304 ~ 6th 11 do

...;' ..::.-:. anli q ..

g,lll" Alsn. U:""::


aye ele ., c mk 34 16t AY J N ., spe ist, eas of t sto ch and rectum, 825 N 8th, h 1704 N 3d; office hours, 9 to 1 . m to nd 7 9 p aye ohn ., dri , 40 hes ,h 4N h Mayer Laura R, wid Otto, h 1607 Swatara aye eo , cl R h 8 Jam aye ine M., h 1 Han Mayer Thomas, confectioner, 1304 N 6th, h do aye Villi ,m 'nis 618 urti aye, ee 'er, 0 M r Mayers kbraham, meat, 927 N 3d, h do aye Isaa tud ,h N aye Isra, ciga ,161 ree, do Mayers John, h 517 Woodbine aye Min ., h 10 en ave I\nn id tiam 511 ce Mayes Charles R, madhinist, h fin4 Church Maye Will' C, r c1 er,11 - 1 R ayn B mi ., el .R ,h H mel Mavo Eli, laborer, h 507 Primrose lay ' 0 ,16' 2d ays eten rs., 0 d Ma~arkos Michael. laborer, h 61 Lochiel cAd 15 J es seal' spe ,h" St
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H M KELLEY W I . Jl North ............ IP. CO U " aad . . ....


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.

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McAfee Edward, steelwkr, h 1306 Currant McAfee Ettie P., wid Adam, h 306 Kelker McAfee Harry ~L, elk, h :!03 S River McAfee ~lan Y. ~lrs., h 203 S River McAFEE ROBERT, secretary of the Commonwealth, Capitol, h The Commonwealth ;\IcAlarney Ada, wid ~Iatthias \V., -h 1622 N 2d McAlicher Alexander, engr, h 1920 ~ 5th :\;IcAlicher Chester E., elk, i:!3 ~ 6th, h 1920 N 5th McAlichcr Effie J., housekeeper, 19:!O ~ 5th i\-IcAlicher George K., fireman, h 2oao Fulton McAlidher Harper L., engr, h 19211 ~ 5t1h McAlicher John, conductor, It 209 Reily McAlicher Sherman G., carpenter, h 633 Dauphin ~lcAlic'her William H., laborer, h 1144 C~lder ~IcAlicher, see ~lcGallagher .\IcAlister Annie M.. laundress. h 92i Rose McAlister Edward, puddler. h 1:!16 Currant McAlister James C, drug elk, h 2405 N 6th McALISTER JOHN B., physician, 234 N 3d, h 232 do McAlister John J., motorman, h 24()5 K 11th McAllister Chas., typewritermkr, h Susquehanna nr Reily McAllister Ella .\1:.. 11 228 N 15th McAllister Garfield, elk, 212 Locust, h ins ~ 6th McAllister James H., machinist, 11 2041 Logan

Q GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d SL 1&1- --_._-- --_._ _ - - ---_._-- - - :\>IcAllister John c., foreman F. and ~1. \Vorks, h 272 Pef-

fer :\>IcAllister John H., postal elk, h il)~ ~ 6th McAllister John T., fireman, h 332 S :!d .\fcAllister \Villiam, elk, h 175 X 15th :\>lcAlIister William. laborer. h 1328 S 13th McAlpin Thomas. lineman. 'h 813 East 11cAIvain James P.. laborer, h 1:!2:J N Cameron McAlvain, see ~IcIlvain McAtee Frank, laborer, h 121i Ann al McAtee Louisa ~lrs., 11 239 State McAuliff Joseph F., car inspector, h 1804 Elizabeth McBlair Annie. wid James. h 1997 X 7th McBride William, brakeman, h lSI:! Susquehanna ~1cBridc William K., brakeman, h !l46 Boyd :\>IcBride William P., driver. h 11114 S Cameron McBride William P., music teacher. 1314 State, h do W McBurnev Andrew, laborer, h 211:l2 Tefferson ~ ~IcBurney Jerome T .. teleg-rap'her P: R. R .. h 20 S 16th McCabe Annie, wid Samuel, h Don Q 1\fcCabe Cyrus. laborer, h 11)112 S 9thCapital W McCabe Francis H., propr Merchants' Hotel, 125 Chestnut, z: McCabe h do W., laborer, h 515 S 14th Georg-e ~IcCabe Tal11~s A., elk, 16 ~ Court. h 404 Briggs

.... :::

1 L. ST. CLAIR fTA I LO A {1240 ..anet Strlll Coogle

Digitized by

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908. 49';'
McCabe James "., laborer, h 614 Race McCabe Jane, wid Frank, h 404 Briggs PI McCabe Joseph, laborer, h 2008 N 7th -C McCabe Joseph, painter, h 515 S 14th McCabe Thomas, engr, h 1219 Apple McCabe Thomas F., brakeman, h 515 S 14th MicCafferty Bertha 0., housekeeper, 2022 Kensington McCaffrev Marv, h :l1S N Court McCahan David E., helper, h U01! N 2d , McCahan George c., laborer, h 2M6 Susquehanna PI McCahan John L.. fireman, h 655 Dauphin :0 McCahan Thomas R .. assembler. h 16~7 Wallace McCahan William A., engr, h 1637 Wallace McCain Donald R., rodman P. R. R. pass depot, h 230 c;) N 2d McCaleb J. Sherrick, elk Aud. Gent's Dept., Capitol, h Mechanicsburg MIcCaieb Laurence B., stengr, 318 Market. h 4th c Strawberrv






McCALEB WILLIAM B., supt Phila. division, P. R. R. depot, h 27 N Front ~ McCall Chas. F., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 217 Crescent :I: McCall Harry C, elk, 248 Crescent. h 217 do
McCall Hugh B., steelwkr, h 1409 S Cameron McCall Jane, wid Cormick, h 217 Crescent

o o .

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} .,=~t,~~'X.~~1E

McCall ~fary, booktipper, 10th bel Chestnut. h Steelton McCalley James B., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 803 N 3d McCalley K. Irene, elk State Dept. Health. h 803 N 3d McCalley Lavinia R., wid James B., h 803 N 3d McCallion John F., elk, h 1621 Carnation M'cCallister Charles S., laborer. h 1426 Susquehanna McCallister William D .. elk. 1127 N 3d, h 175 N 15th McCallum Neal P .. rodman P. R. R. pass depot, h N 6th McCamant Delia, wid Thomas. h 511 N 2d McCamant Samuel. machinist P. R. R.. h 218 Boas McCann Abraham R .. laborer. h 1207 Apple :McCann Alexander, pipe line. h 111) Dock ~IcCann Alexand~r, jr., iro\1wkr. h R1B S Front McCanil Amos R.. laborer. h 110!) Calder ?l'lcCann Charles, agt Prudential Ins. Co., h 1413 Currant McCann Charles, ironwkr, h 704 Race 1f'cCann Charles, laborer. h IH2!) ~ 6th McCann Charters, ins sol. h 1413 Currant McCann George. fireman. h lll2!) Fulton McCann Hazel J" roller, h 172ll Penn McCann Jas .. watchman Dauphin Co. Prison, h 572 Race McCann James P., plumber. h !,)72 Race McCann John. engr. h 1R:W N 6th ~[~~~~J()h~ ~~L~~a~o~er, 1~!~7 ~V~n~ ~ ___ ~ _____
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INDEPENDENT LOAr. AND .SECURITY co. L:~~\T {a.1i:ar~~ II... ~ogIe


== 2::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g=r"..t=

Boyd's Harrisburg (:M) City Directory, 1908. McCann Samuel ~L, h 172:.1 Penn McCanna Emma, dressmkr, h 142:1 Vernon M~Canna George P., baggagemaster, h 1423 Vernon McCans Wilson S., conductor, h 114 N 13th :\lcCarrell Samuel J. 1\1., additional law judge, C. H., 'h 121 Locust :\IcCarreII Thomas c., jr., law student, 16 ~ 2d, h Mechanicsbur~


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McCarroll Benjamin, painter, h 320 Herr ~IcCarroll Clara M., dressmkr, h 320 Herr McCARROLL JAMES, cigar mfr, 93li N 3d, h 821 Forster McCarroll William, h 259 Forster McCarthy 'Cornelius A., machinist, h 806 Cowden McCarthy Dennis, h 13 K 5th McCARTHY DENNIS F., hotel, 524 State, h do McCarthy Edward, heater, 'h 1069 S 9th McCarthy Johanna, h 212 State McCarfuy John, elk, 227 Walnut, h 20 S 18th McCarthy Josephine, housekeeper, h 605 South al McCarthy Josephine F., wid 'Charles F., h 524 State McCarthy Julia, domestic The Commonwealth McCart'hy Julia. wid Charles, h 205 Kelker McCarthy Maggie E., elk, :Ufl Verbeke, 'h 1640 N 3d McCarthy :\lary, h 2014 State

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McCarthy Mary, wid Michael, h 1210 Bailey McCarthy Mary A., dressmkr, h 205 Kelker McCarthy Minnie S., wid John, h 1226 N 6th McCarthy William, baker, h 501 Market McCartney John L., carpenter, h 507 Kelker McCartney Maria, domestic, 25 S Front McCarty Jdhn, helper, h 1307 S 12th McCarty Roy W., fireman, h 2137 Jefferson McCarvel Edward J., bar elk, 421 Walnut, h 1409 S Cameron McCarvel Terrence T .. machinist, 'h 1409 S Cameron McCarville Ellen, wid William, h 1919 Herr McCaskey Joseph A., salesman. h 14:{2 Derry McCaskey William J., elk Aud. GenI's Dept., Capitol, h 13th c Berrvhill McCaslin Clarence, carpenter, h 215:1 Jefferson :\lcCauley Charles E., yardmaster C. I. and S. Co., h 548 Race :\IcCaulev Elmer E., conductor. h 627 'Kelker McCaulev Helen M . music teacher, 548 Race, h do ~1cCaule' Sara'h E., wid Gilbert ~L. h 13 S Front 1lcCaulley Edna V . wid Charles. h 2312 Jefferson ~lcOain Charles. baker. h lil:1 }Iarket ~fcClain Elmer W .. car repairer, h 2025 Fulton ~1cClain George, lahorer, h 430 S Cameron

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {~!iZ~~!~~~~~


A B TAC " l


Haku a Specialty of

{ 1.'. !C. Ikl Ill. BwlcUupiD PlabaTlDu lrauma&e.Glftll

aoyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.


McClain Harvey, helper, h 547 SlOth McClain John, gasmkr, h 1438 Vernon McClain Michael, h 1517 N 3d McClain Sarah N., charwoman, h 14:~8 Vernon McClain William, car repairer, h 115 S Cameron McClain William G., laborer, h 430 S Cameron McClarin George Q., car inspector, h 611 Maelay McClaughen Andrew E., laborer, h 414! Reily l\lcClaughen, see Maglachlin, also McGlaughlin, also McLaughlin McCleaf Boyce G.. printer, h 1430 North McCleaf Lindsey J., employee State Arsenal, h 1430 North McClean Robert B., circulation mgr Telegraph. 11 1415 Market McClean William M., machinist, h 232 Hamilton McClean, see McLean McCleary Cora E., stengr, 333 Market, h 1355 Vernon McCleary Harriet, chief opr, 210 Walnut, h 1355 Vernon McCleary Isabella, wid Ephraim, h 1355 Vernon McCleary John A., shoecutter, h 1432 Vernon McCleary Molly B.. wid Abraham, h 1527 Fulton McCleaster Catharine E., dressmkr, h 2038 N 5th McCleaster Glarles F., brickmkr, h 248 Hummel McCleaster James E . laborer, h 946 N 7th McCleaster Robert A., foreman, h 248 Hummel


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Sayings and Loan Assn.{


McCleaster Sarah, wid James, h 2038 N 5th McClellan Benjamin F., engr, h 21! c Brookwood McClellan Charles W., constable, h 137 S 3d McClellan Edward H., tinsmith; h 1719 !\ 4th McClellan James J., hotel elk. 3d c :rvIulberry, h 137 S 3d McClelland Robert, engr, h ;U6 Kelker McClenaghan Sinclair, laborer, h 20UI N Cameron McClintick George E., laborer. h 1917 Derry McClintick l\Iinnie. clk, h HIl7 Derry McClintock Charles "V., trainmaster P. R R, h 1925 N 2d McClintock Edgar F . transitman State Highway Dept .. h 1925 N 2d M'CClintock Frederick T .. chief elk P. R R., h HI25 N 2d McClintock Grace J., h H12:> ~ 2d McClintock Joseph H .. clk P. R R. h 222 Reily McClintock Ray, laborer. h 135 Vine McClintock Thomas J., engr, h 307 Verbeke McClintock Washington S., carpenter, h 166 N 15th McClintock William J., engr, h 624 Peffer McCloskey Anna E., notions. 12:l6 l\larket. h do McCloskey Elinore A .. salesla(Jy, :ns 11arket, h 401 Boas McCloskey Hugh J., elk. h 118 Boas McCloskey Mary A., h 118 Verbeke :McCloskey William J .. artist. 401 Hoas. h do . McClune Charles, repairer, h 220 North




I 0 LUgIe ~



H. II. KELLEY" CO.}O. :~-:'~..::~{COAL AND WOOD

500 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.


McClune John S., postal elk, h 237 Maelay McCLUNE THOMAS R., pictures and frames, 1322 N 3d, h 220 Harris see adv ).IcClure Anna :\1., h 107 Chestnut ~ c:; :\fcClure Bertha 1., stengr State Highway Dept., h 1603 N 2d lvIcClure Elizabeth H., wid T. Hayes, h 125 S 14th ~\1cClure Ella, trained nurse, h 1(;28 Green :McClure EIlwood S., janitor, 217 Chesnut, h 232 Mulberry McClure Elmer A., pressman, h 1705 Market u McClure George T .. brakeman, It 1:?5 S 14th McClure Gertrude Mrs., h 330 Hamilton I: 1ft-Clure James, heater, It 1400 S 13th , . McClure John C., baker, h 21)7 Sayforo !! McClure John M., agt, h 207 Sayford II) McClure l\fabel \T., h 1115 Kittatinny 11cClure Martha M. Mrs., h 1527 N 30 McClure Mary R., wid William R., 'h 812 Capital McClure Milton B., h 323 Granite McClure Ralph, laborer, h 232 :Mulberry :\fcClure Roy, photographer, h 12:?5 Susquehanna McClure William H., painter, h 1631 Derry McClure William M., brakeman, h 642 Reily :McComas William J., flagman, h 1818 1\ 5th McCombs Charles J., elk P. R. R., h 1991 N 7th

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~fcCombs Harry, caller P. R. R., h HI!)1 ~ 7th McCombs John L., laborer, h 328 Hummel :\!cCombs Robert, upholsterer, h 257 Kelly al :\IcCombs Robert c., laborer, h 115 Ann al ?llcCommon Amos, foreman, h 1317 William McComsey Harry, elk, h 536 North McConkey Charles B., lawyer, 7 N 2d, h 209 S Front McConkey Charles R., clk State Treasury, h 328 North McConkey Fannie \V., wid Eldridge, h 209 S Front McConkey James, special agt P. R. R., h 1709 K ~d McConneIl David ]., student. h 635 Hamilton McConnell Lewis c., repairsman, h HI22 N 7th McConneIl Minnie K., teacher, h 139 N 13th McConnell Sarah E., wid John, h HI35 N 6th McCool Joseph H., laborer, h 825 SlOth 1\'1c('ool Thomas, laborer. h 14 Cowden ~ l-lcCord Boyd c., cab driver. h 618 Dauphin ~ HcCord Charles H., conouctor, h li30 Muench lYle-Coro Edward, brakeman, h 2307 Jefferson Q McCord Edward G., car repairer. h 109 Hoerner ~ McCord Elizabeth, domestic, 221 State ~\lcCord George S .. laborer, h 1117 Hoerner II!: :Mr-Cord James, carpenter, h 107 Hoerner McCord John, steam fitt~r, h 313 Verbeke ~lcCoro }Iary, wid Joseph, h 342 Boyd

A. B. TACK :'=::1 100 PODer OOd IIndOl snode8ltl1\~:'~

Boyd's Harrisburg (M ) City Directory, 1908. 501 McCord Ralph W., painter, h 515 N 2d McCord Robert, laborer, h 450 Cumberland McCord Sarah J., elk, 7 N 2d, h 121 North McCord Thomas B., blacksmith, h 121 ~orth McCord Thomas B., jr., bar elk, 5th Ward :aouse, h 113 North McCord William D., shoemkr, h 121 ~orth .McCorkle Jacob, flagman, h 1944 Green McCormick Annie C, wid Henrv, h 301 N Front McCormick Bernard, foreman, h" ~3~ Peffer i\1cCormick Bertha 1., weaver, h 1524 Wallace ~IcCormick Blanche, saleslady, 334 Market, h 916 Grand McCormick Bushrod, stonemason, h :U1 Blackberrv " McCormick Cameron, h 1716 N 6th McCormick Charles E., storekeeper, h 17111 X ~d McCormick Christina ~1., wid William, h 245 :\Iaelay McCormick Donald, asst treas Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., h 101 N Front McCormick Eliza F., h 227 State McCormick Frank H . pressman Telegraph, h 2346 ~ 6th McCormick George H., conductor, h 7116 Race McCormick George \Y., brakeman, h :!!l~ Verbeke McCormick Grace B., h :''!l~ Verbeke McCormick Harris B., elk :Mer. Nat. Bank, ill 314 X 2d



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l\lcCormick Harrv A.. salesman. :l34 Mkt., h 2:l~ Verbeke McCORMICK HENRY. (deceased) (estate), rooms 401-408 Bergner bldg McCormick Henry, jr.. 10!l-H15 N ~d, h 101 N Front McCORMICK HENRY B., trustee. rooms 401-408 Bergner bldg, h 305 N Front McCormick Howard W., painter, h 503! ~lucl1ch McCormick Jacob H., h 232 Verbeke . McCormick Jacob 1., actor, h 105 N 4th McCORMICK JAMES, 103-105 N 2d. h 101 N Front McCormick James jr., 103-105 ~ 2d. h 101 X Front McCormick James P., actor, h 1716 N 6th McCormick Tames S .. fireman, h 6!l4 Calder McCORMICK JOHN L.. special agent for Penna. for Travelers Insurance Co., 321 Market, h 245 Maclay see adv front stencil McCormick John N .. real estate, 18119 Penn, h do McCormick Kate, wid Levi J.. h 631 Briggs McCormick ~Iargaret J.. wid Howard, h 1~1)9 "Penn McCormick Park, cand\"mkr, h 1201 N Front McCormick Robert, sec Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., h tn1 N Front McCormick Samuel :\I., asst supt. 9 N :!d. h 916 Grand McCormick Sarah, wid William. h 1211 Apple McCormick Sar~_R~wi~Georg~T.,~ 50:~t :Iue~~__
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McNEIL'S COUBH REMEDY ~~:..r.r.. c:...,-:.:: {.T ~~~~

502 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.
McCormick Vance C. Hon .. trustee. rooms lO1-40S Bergner 'bldg, :h 301 N Front McCormick Walter M . jeweler, Hi~:-; N 6th, h 5031 Muench McCormick W. Elmer, printer, 1628 N 6th, h do McCoy April, grocer, 510 Soui'h, h do McCoy Bessie S., saleslady, 334 ~Iarket, h Camp Hill McCoy Catharine, wid James. h 1935 Penn McCoy Foster. teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do McCoy Frances A., elk, 416 State, 11 U):~5 Penn McCoy J dim S., porter The Central, h 515 State McCoy Kate, bookkpr. 500 Race. h 19:15 Penn McCoy Mary, elk, 414 State, h 1:t!8 K ad McCoy Mary E . seamstress Lunatic Hospital. 'h do McCoy Milton J., salesman, h 529 ~Iuench M1:Coy William, engine hostler. Ih llHi ~ 6th McCoy William, fireman. 'h 1:~4l Vernon McCoy William C, plumber. 'h 261 Forster l\fcCov William F . machinist. h 261 Forster McCrae West B.. laborer. h 21l:~9 Logan McCrea Harrv, brakeman. h 19:34 Fulton :\fcCrea Rufus. watchman, h 1220 Bailev McCreary Charles. laborer, h 1011 Co\\:den McCrear)' Elijah P., asst supt Prudential Ins. Co .. h Midr dletown

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Joseph F., laborer, h 1004 Berryhill Lambert S., cigarmkr, h 1614 Zarker Mary. weaver. h 619 N 2d Walter, wclder,h 1614 Zarker Andrew S .. (Andrcw S. ~lcCreath & Son), h Front McCREATH ANDREW S. & SON, (Lesley), analytical McCreary McCreary McCrear)' McCreat'h 119 S


and consulting chemists, 121 Market

McCreath Lesley, (Andrew S. ~lcCreath & Son), h 1!H5 N Front :\fcCreat'h Lesle\' & Co . coal and coke. 121 :\Iarket :\fcCreath Robert, (~estor & :\IcCreath Bros.). h 1 U) S Front :\IcCreath William, (~estor & ~1cCreath Bros.), h 119 S Front }IcCreery Catharine L.. wid George J .. h 21Hi South McCrone Edgar L.. inspector. h 1:!49 Kittatinny McCrone George S .. elk P.O .. h 577 Showers McCroskey James H .. printer. 11 1428 Berryhill Mc'Croske\' Sarah A .. wid Tames. h :n8 Boa" McCue Aiice. wid John. h"I:!:!4 Cowden McCue Thomas n.. hoilermkr. h 1407 Xorth McCulla Edmund B .. laborer. h 19~0 Elizaheth ~IcCttllion John \V .. engr. Ih 288 S Cameron McCulloch John X., contractor. h 25 S ad



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I. B. TACK} PIN~&!~A!.!'~~,,';ol~~R{ 1116 Nona lJI1rd 81rlll

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908. 503
McCulloch Margaret, wid Stewart T., h 1202 N 2d ::D McCULLOCH SAMUEL W., dept insurance commis- 1"'1 sioner, Capitol, h 1202 N 2d 2 McCullough Amelia R., wid James H., h 426 Harris McCullough Emma P., saleslady, :U8 :\1arket, h 426 Harris UJ McCullough Harry c., brakeman, h 123 S 3d McCULLOUGH JAMES P., treas Courier Publishing 0 Co. and Harrisburg Advertising Co., h 2041 N 2d 0 McCullough John E., elk P. R. R. pass depot. h 1320 Kittatinnv McCune Alice S .. h 1224 Cowden McCune Mattie M., housekeeper. :1:l0 S 13th PI McCurdy Clifton. brakeman, h 618 Race 0 McCurdy Colin E., supt Dauphin Cigar Co., h 1Hi6 :\1ul- -I berrv McCurd)' Edmund E., machinist. h 62fl Curtin PI McCurdy ~ugene J.. driver, h 620 Curtin C McCurdv Frank Eoo laborer, h 618 Race McCurdy George W .. puddler, h 618 Race McCurdy George W., jr., stereotyper Telegraph. h 1816 > Penn ~ McCurdy John c.. laborer. h 1954 Swatara < McCurdy 'Margaret, wid William E .. h 142 ~ Linden > McCurdy Ralph B., fireman, h 147 Paxton ::D McCurdy Ross S., riverman. h 618 Race 0



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McCurdy Warren E., fireman. h 618 Race McCurdy William E .. printer, h 595 S Front McCurtin Frank W., riveter. h 1903 State



McCusker Mary M .. (:\IcCusker & Newman), h H12} : N 3d McCusker & Newman. CM. M. McCusker and A. Xe\\"- I: man), varieties. 14121 K 3d :'1$ -McCutcheon IIoinee M .. wid Robert. h 1i2:l N 6th ;.! McDaniel Glarles c., agt. h 440 S 13th ~! McDaniels William Foo ins agt. H ?\ 2d, h 141S Herr -~ McDermott George. purlrller. h I:Wi S 12th McDermott James A .. en gr. h 214 Kelker ~ ~It McDermott Regina c.. h 214 Kelker _~ McDermott \Villiam, elk Hershey House. h do !' McDermott William Too barber. h 26 S 4th ;: McDevitt John J., asstforeman P. R. R.. h 1822 Green ;: McDevitt Thomas H., chief elk P. R. R.. h :lll Chestnut c;; McDevitt William H.o machinist P. R. R.. h 1807 Green :; McDonald Glarles. car inspector. h 4mq Walnut j: McDonald C1yrle B.. press feeder Courier. h 1204 l'Iarket McDonald Edwarrl. haker. h iOiH S Front McDonald Frank c.. stereotyper Telegraph. h Penhrook McDonald Harriette B., saleslady. 334 Market, h 1!!04 do

~~~~~!~~ ~~~~~i~" R~,a~\~~~:~lli~I~~?: l~O~a~~~~n




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McDonald Joseph c., shearsman, h 1204 Market ;; i\:IcDonald Mary A., wid Oliver, h 307 S 15th 15 ?-i,'Donald ~l('rtie, nurse Hbg. Hospital,h do . . lVIcDonald Nellie. wid Harry, h 1622 N 6th -=- .Mc Donald Samuel A., engr, h 443 Delaware c:. McDonel Charles L., laborer, h 1321 Thompson =i ~lcDonel Thomas B., carpenter, h 1319 Howard c:. J\kDonnell Alfred A., plasterer, h 1413 Green McDonnell A. Ruth, h 1413 Green ~IcDol1ne)) Bert, fireman, h 1413 Green ?l'IcDonnell Harry, car inspector, h 1413 Green 1'..icDonnell Hilhert C, f reman, h 4U6 Reily _ McDonnell \Vm., K., inspector P. R. R, h 632 Woodbine u ~'kDottgal Clara A., teacher, h 1900 Green McDougal Willis n .. engr, h 1900 Green :McDowell John E., foreman P. R R.. h 118 Sylvan ter McDowell Mary F .. elk Div. Public Records, h'230 N 3d McDowell William D., bricklayer, h 221 Pine fJ) HcElhaire Catharine, wid James 11., h 614 Cumberland McElhoes Samuel E., bookkpr, 10th bel Chestnut, h 1332 Howard l&J M,-Elroce Cora, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do .J Ml-Elroy Edward, fireman, h 313 Verheke :'IfcElroy Harry, engine inspector, h ~e113 Penn l&J M. Elwaine L. Maude. teacher. h 21Cl Kelker

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Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.




l&J McElwee Andrew J., plasterer, h 417 Hamilton

McElwee Claude, elk, h 315 ChernMe Elwee Claude, salesman, h 315- Cherry Me Elwee Edward. coremkr, h 417 Hamilton l\kElwee Evans n .. lather, 11 411 Hamilton l\JcElwee Wi\1iam R, engr, h 37. N 1lith McEnroe Charles H., machinist, h !n 1 Green 1kEvov Catharine T., wid Thomas D., h 60; \Valnut l.1cEvov D. Walter, elk, h 607 Walnut' Joseph T .. \\'eigh boss, h fiOi Walnut i\kEvo\' T. Charles. lineman, h em; Walnut NicEvov Theresa. elk, h 601 Walnut Mr.Evo~ Yerna, elk, h fiO; Walnut McEvo~' William, machinist. h 607 Walnut ~h Fadden Annie, h 1un N 3d l\fcF'adden Carrie Mrs .. h 312 North McFadden Cloyd, cigarmkr, h 3U7 Herr McFadden David. watchman, h 11:! Charles McFadden Delia. wid Andrew R., h 1107 Penn ),1cFadrien Ellen P., hookkpr, h 2021 ~ 6th ~1cFadden Frank, messenger, h 3117 Herr McFadden Grace, elk. 11 210 IVluench McFadden Harvev. brakeman. h 1tn4 ~ 6th :McFadden James'F., engr. h 43!l Peffer McFadden James J .. brakeman, h 4112 Verbeke


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908. McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadclen Mc Fadden McFadden McFadden


John E., stonecutter, h 2021 l\ 6th John F., engr, h 510 Maclay John W., h 210 :\Iuench :Marv, clk, 101 N 2d, h 2111 :\Il1ench :Mary E., wid Samuel, h 18:~5 l\ 4th :\Iason S .. engr, h 2009 Green Sara ::-.J trained nurse, h 21121 X 1)th Thomas L., conductor, h 1G:!1I Dern Victor H., engr, h 721 X lith M~adden Wiliam F., caller P. R R. h :W7 Herr Mc Fadden Vlilliam H., conductor, h it:! X lith McFadden William ]., transfer clk P. R. R., h 1101 N ~d McFadden William 5., engr, h 307 Herr McFalls Mary]., (Hoffman & ~fcFalls), h l:-:a~ N 3d McFarland Carolyn :\I., saleslady, :~34 :\Iarkct, h 158 Syl~~r

<. en


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McFarland Charles A., driver. h 7 Crookell McFarland Charles E .. policeman, h ;):\ X ~l1m1l1it __ l\lcFarland Edward S .. foreman, h 15):0: ~dvan ter McFarland George G., pres and mgr Hhg-. Automobile ::: Co., h 1511i Green c.n McFarland Tames R, salesman. h 325 Che~tnl1t ~ McFarland j: Horace. treas J. Horace ~IcFarlalld Co., h 8 129 S 13th __________ ~
0 _ _ _

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McFARLAND J. HORACE CO., (Mt. Pleasant Press). J. Horace McFarland, treas; printers, electrotypers, engravers, binders, &c., Crescent c Mulberry Mc Farlancl Katherine :\1.. teacher. h 15:-: Svl\'an ter McFarland :\Iartha A., wid John \Y .. h 11i7 )J 7th McFarland Publicity Service. Jeffersl)n Thomas, mgr, Crescent c :\Il1lbern' l\fcFarland Roht>rt B., 'student, h 1:!H S 13th McFarland William, watchman. h 17117 Elm McFarland William c.. elk P.O., h 158 Sdvan ter McFarling John, bookkpr. h 51 ~ Summit McGallagher. sec :\IcAlicher McGann Albert W .. helper, h 19aH X 5th McGann Anna J., tacker, h 44 N 10th McGann Laura V., book folder, h 44 X Wth McGann Ross P .. lahorer, h HI25 X 5th :McGann Susan. wid James R, h 44 X 10th McGarvey :\nnie A .. cigarmkr, h 656 Emerald McGarvey Cora :\I., cigar roller, h 11114 X 6th l\fcGarvey Hugh. storekeeper, Herr c Wth. h (j5G Emerald McGarvey John, catcher, h 1104 N 6th McGarvey John. engine hostler. h 1::t2:3 Fulton McGarvey l\linnie H" boarding, 1104 N 6th. h do McGarvey Rose E., cigar roller, h 1H14 N 6th McGarvey Sarah A .. hookkpr. 500 Race, h 656 Emerald McGary Harry W., driver, h 12211 Bailey


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.. ....

~lcGaughey Annie E .. elk, h :11. Hall1ilton :\IcGaughey William A., machinist, h :U7 Hamilton McGeary Foster ::\1.. mgr, a4 Cnion Trust bldg. h 403 K 2d McGeehan Edward P .. steel meiter, h 1616 ::\larket McGe.ehan John, hricklayer, h 1616 Market McGeehan 1\lary M., tel opr. h HilS Market McGeehan Sfasia T . milliner, :~:l4 ~Iarket, h 1616 do l\lcGeehen George E., car inspector, h :t24 S 15th :\IcGeehen Mary A .. wid George. h :t!4 S 15th McGILL PHILIP F., real estate and insurance.412 Market, (2d floor), h 404 Filbert \IcGinley Daniel E .. h 14~4 Bern-hilI McGinle}' John K.. h 1014 James' :\IcGint("y l\lary F. ~1rs., h 1729 N :{d McGinn James A., blacksmith. h 1116 Grape l\!cC;innes Percy R., stengr, 9 N ad, h 1632 N 6th ::\lcGinnis Frank, bar elk Columbus Annex, h 433 S 17th ~JcGinnis P., z McGinnis Frank A., helk, hS20:~8 K 5th Mary 405 14th U McGinnis Percy H .. laborer, h 1640 Wallace a : McGlaughlin, see Maglauchlin. also l\'lcCIaughen. also McLaughlin . E \JcGolrich Rachel. waitress, K 2d. h 444 Walnut :\JcGonigal Katie H., wid William A., h 118 South ~L wid Patrick, h 7a1 _ c:: ~lcGoyern Bridget, -_____________ State

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~~:,fr:S~:':~ 306 Br...


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory, 1908.


11111 81U11., II' Sirely CI. II:'~-::., f~II-=': ~,::- {~c;..~

\lcGoyern Edward. laborer, h 5114 Cowden :\IcGoyern Joseph P .. boilermkr. h :U7 Cherry ~lcGoyern l\Iarv A. E. Mrs., saleslady, aa4 Market, h 1018 Hemlock' . ::\IcGovern Peter. shoemkr, h 7al State Md;owan Alice c., teacher, h itS X ad McGowan George S., confectioner, 718 K ad, h do :\JcGowan Henrv \\'., h 1aa Hanna :\lcGowan Hiraln. physician, 2a6 State. h do :\J cGowan James J., nail feeder, h l:~a Hanna :\lcGowan John. puddler, h 1a:~ Hanna :\lcC-;owan John. ir., brass molder. h 1:t:~ Ilanlla McGowan John \V .. engr ..h :n6 Korth l\IcGowen John W .. .ir., fireman, h HHi Korth :\IcGowan Richard Z., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 718 N ~d 2'llcGowan Winifred, saleslady, h :US Korth :\lcGrady Harry c., apprentice, h 16:n Wallace :\lcGraii Howard S., janitor, 211 Market, h 1~08 N 2d i\lcGran Rachel. grocer, 16118 Walnut, h 1602 do . i\lcGran Sarah, seamstress. h 16112 \Valnut McGranagan Annie G., trained nurse, h Hi14 Penn McGranagan Caroline . \vid James W., h un4 Penn :\IcGranagan 'l\lartha E., cJk State Dept. Health. h 1614 Penn :\IcGranaghan Agnes. housekeeper. l4lil :\Iarket


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l B. TACK} IILL PIPER e:..::~.:.:.~ "1001 SHIOES{N~:S s&.


(1\1) City Directory, 1908.


McGranagahan John E., machinist, h 1715 Penn McGrann Patrick H., mess State Treasury, h 812 Capital McGrath Edward, boilermkr, h 1955 Berrypill McGrath James Rev., h 1461 Market McGrath Mary Mrs., h Home for the Friendless McGregor Louis J., elk Ins. Dept., Capitol, 'h Carlisle McGrew Diaeha, wid John, h 512 Xorth al McGuffin James H., laborer, h 2fJ7 ~ectarine .McGuffin Lee T., laborer, h 207 Xectarine McGuffin William; 11., bell boy Commonwelath, 'h 207

11 III

McGuigan Kate, nurse, h 1835 Derry McGuigan 1.fayme, press feeder, h 1835 Derry McGuire Bernard J., leverman, h 1240 Walnut McGuire James M., helper, h 628 Harris McGuire John A., brakeman, h 1927 N 7t'h McGuire Joseph C., asst chemist C. I. and S. Co., h 628 Harris McGuire Mary, wid John, h 2013 Fulton McGuire Mary M., stengr, h 628 Harris McGuire Michael, car repairer, h 115 S Cameron McGuire William H., fireman, h 539 Woodbine McGuire William J., planer, h 62~ Harris McGuire, see Maguire, 'also :\Ieguire McHazel Edith B., wid Robert W., h 602 Cumberland



.!:;'':=-:'}Harrll_11r1 Savilll and Loan

McHazel Wilson J., checkman P. R. R., h Steelton ~..tcHenery Arbour L., laborer, h 1243 Bailey McHenery Gertrude M., folder, h 1243 Bailey McHenery Mary 1.1., h 2'13 S 15th N McHenery Millard F., h 223 S 15th l> McHenery William H., laborer, h 1243 Bailey McHugh Daniel, laborer, h 442 Hummel :J: McIlhenny Catharine A., h 1324 Derry McIlhenny Emma, wid Josiah, h 122".2 Derry l> McIlhenny Frank, flagman, h 313 Verbeke McHhenny George W., deputy sheriff, C. H., h 25 N 13th McIlhenny Helen F., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1222 Derry J> McIlhenny Jennie F., packer, h 1222 Derry UJ McIlhenny John H., h 1:l24 Derry McIrhennv Minnie 'C. dressmkr, 334 Market, h 1324 Derry McIlhenny Sarah R., h 1324 Derry McIlhenny Susan S .. h 1324 Derry McIlhenny William A., dep recorder, C. H., h 1217 Market ir McIlvain Cyrus, laborer, h 1017 N 7th en McIlvain .T eremiah. janitor, 11 409 Strawberry McIlvain Lizzie.lh Home for t'be Friendless McIlvain, see ~IcAlvain McIlwain Charles K., roller, h 2116 N 6th McIntvre Dorothea ~frs .. h 535 Primrose l\IcIntyre George E .. brakeman, h 2043 Logan

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M.IELLEY" CO. {",~~=-.:..I=,

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;::; McIntyre Mamie, saleslady, 334 ~Iarket, h 700 State 15 Mcintyre Mary c., h 515 N 5th Mcintyre Robert E., h 2031 Penn ~ :\k Intyre Walter, mattressmkr, It 535.Primrose ~cIvor Lucy Mrs., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ 2\IcKav Delbert D., foreman, 1420 \Yyeth, h 13114 N 3d _ :McKa~ Elizabeth, roner, h 807 S Front :s 1-kKay Harry Z., tinner, h 1541 N 4th 'i! .\lcKay James S., shoemkr, h 306 Reily ~ McKay Sylvester, puddler, h 807 S Front ~. r.:Kechnie Grettie, housekeeper Hbg. Hospital :: :McKee Ahner c., elk, :!06 l\Iarket, h 116 S 1:1th McKee Catharine ~I., h 110 Statc c: ::'.h-Kee Curtis D., conductor, h ;):!:! Xorth ca ~ld~ee Erlward c.. plumber, 1342 N :Jd, h do ?'kKee George ,\\' .. h 714 N mh fJ) :'\kKee James T . engr. h li1~ ~ 3d McKee James T., jr., engr, h 514 Calrler ~lcKee Mary J .. wid Andrew J., h :!U9 Boas )11 Kee Meda H .. stengr, 7 S 4th. h 116 S l:hh 11cKee Rudolph F . machinist, h 209 Boas i'I!cKeehan Don 0., foreman F. and 1\1. \Yorks, h 530 -" Woodbine ~ :.Jc Keehan Tohn A., brakeman, h 332 2\Iaelav i\ikKeehan Margaret A.. wid Francis, h 2347 Jefferson


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.



a: o t-


McKeenzie Harry E., driIIer, h 1517 Regina :\lLKeever Charles B., roller. h 5111 Emerald .\lcKeever George A .. brakeman. h 5111 Emerald >- McKeh'ev Anna E., weavcr, h 1i21 N 18th McKEL VEY CLYDE M., dentist, 715 N 3d, h do < McKelvey Ellsworth, boilermkr, h 11 Hi nailey a.. 1kKelve'\' Grace. elk. h 621 N l~th ' & i\Jl"Keh'('~' H. Albert. salesman, ~:!1 :\Iarket. h ~1l6 Derry o ~JcKeh'e\' lIendl'rsoll S., heater. h 1i21 ;\ l~th U ~IcKelve)' John, watchman. h laa S :td ..J NlcKt>lvev Lwlia C., salesla(l\', :-t:H ~rarket, h 1I:!1 X 18th McKelve~' ?lfan' B.. saleslad,', :t:U ~Iarket. h ~i21 ); 18th McKELVY JACOB J., carpenter and contractor, 1316 u Bartine, h 1311 N Front McKelvy .1. Alfred, carpenter. h Ull X Front z: McKelvv Jennie S.. tailore~s. II S 2d. h 1:n1 ?\ Front < McKemia "Bank Safe Co .. \\', P. :'IcKt'lllla, Jll~r. 1001 ;'IJ' :.1d (;II McKenna \ \'illiam P., lod~illg-, 1(1m x :-tcl. h do ~ McKenrick John. carpenter Capitol. h 4:!!1 Hummel McKILLIPS ALEXANDER, machinery, belting, pulleys, hangers, printers' supplies, automobile and lu(;II bricating oils, 421 South, h 1508 Wallace :VIcKilJips .\ndrew K .. hlhnrt'r, h IiOt; Cumberland McKillips J. Howard. asst m~r. 4:!1 South. c Lemoyne :::: l\IcKilIips John E., brakeman. h lila Penn

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A. L ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 IIlrkltStrtlt Coogle

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w=~-::r 1011,.l1li110001 X_If01 A. B. TACK ...:~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908. .509
McKillips Maude G. Mrs., boarding, 1713 Penn, h do McKillips Sarah J., wid Philip G., h 606 Cumberland McLain Anne Mrs., h 214 Pine McLanachan Frands J., baker. h U;]6 Hunter McLaren Adaline. roller, h 2110t Mulberry McLaren Agnes Mrs., It :'~lIi IVlulberry McLaren Bessie ~I. Mrs., h 1905 Hickorv McLaughlin Albert, brakeman, h 615 Harris McLattghlin Alice, wid John. h 1805 Penn l\'kLaughlin Cparles A., engr, h 647 ~Iaclay :McLaug~lin Clara. telephone opr, 210 Walnut, 'I 1:!1:! N 6th M.:Lattghlin Grace. teacher, h 1801 X :!d MrL2ughlill Hugh L.. conductor, h 1427 Market :VfcLal1ghlin Jame!' A., elk Comwlth. Trust Co .. It 18111 N 2d McLaughlm John. sho~ opr, h 420 Boas McLaughlin John G.. telegrap'her P. R. R.. h 436 Peffer McL:ug-hlin John W., flagman, h 612 Oxford McLAUGHLIN J. T. W., pattern and model maker, 425 South, h 1106 N 6th McLaugi1lin Luthel H., blacksmith, h :l40 Boyd McLaughlin Marie D., stengr and notary, 227 \\"alnl1t, h 1805 Penn McLaughlin Mary E., wid Grant M., h 1212 N 6th McLaughlin Rebecca c., wid William Hoo h 10~ S 17th McLaughlin Rose. wid James, h 1801 N 2d McLaughlin William, bartender, h 424 \V alnut McLaughlin, see Maglauc'hlin, also McClaughen, also Mc-" Glaughlin McLean Charles, puddler, h 47 Lochiel 4th row McLean Mary. nurse, h 2040 Green McLean, see ':McCiean McLinn George Goo driver, h 221 S Hith McMahon Daniel, laborer. h 112H K Cameron McMahon Tacob, bartender, ] 101 Market. h do ::Vld\Tahon 'Tohn A .. machinist. h 112f1 N Cameron l\rc~rahon \[arg-arct. wid l\Tichael. h ]]:!!l N Cameron l\Tcl\l<lhon \Jarg-arrt A., stt"ngr. 6 S :?d. h 1129 ?IJ Cameron Mc ~I ~hOll ]\1 artin. salesman. :{20 ~Iarht. h :?:?2 Chestnut l\TcMahon Nora A . edge stitcher. h 11:!!l X Cameron l\ldTahon Thomas P., plumber, h 142!"l~ N' !"ld McMahon William, cigarmkr. h 2~n- Mulhern' Mcl\hnam~' George N., blacksmith, h 18H X 3d McManaway Orner, carpenter, h 1101 }vlarket McManus James B., tobacconist, 7th c ?\Iaclay, h do Mcl\fanus Tames P., shearsman. h ]212 X 7th l\fc~fantlS Tohn. lineman, h 624 Walnut McManus "Lizzie, saleslady. :~34 Market, h Lemoyne ~\'J CNbnus Margaret M., cook Harris House
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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER}-"~~b~~~~~c --- --------------








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INDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO.l:t~\\ {r:~~:r~!:~~ Coogle

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CLARK'S =::,~u Drug and Patant Medicine Store{~/or~Af!.

l\Idlanus M. J., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ::\Ici\lanus Patrick. asst foreman, h :l:lO Strawberry McManus Thomas, laborer, h 5114 Cowden ~lcMaster Emory H., helper, h :n Lochiel 2d row C :\Idlaster Raymond. laborer, h 28 Lochie1 :ld row :\[dlaster William H .. puddler, h 28 Lochiel 2d row !5 ::\fcl\l~ en Henry H., a~st yardmaster P. R. R, h 2028 N 5th ::c t- )lcMichael Houstin C, machinist, h 125 Paxton .~ :\Tcl\Jillan David K., scientific asst Di\,. Zoology, Capitol, ! .. h 709 ~ 18th !g !\Id\Jorris Harrier, bookkpr. :l:l4 ::\farket, h 636 Emerald Mdlorris Jessie A., bookkpr, 3:l4 ~Iarket, h 636 Emerald ~ McMorris John W., laborer, h 6.16 Emerald Mc1\Iorris Mary]., wid John W., h 6:16 Emerald , McMorris Muriel, stengr, 1025 Market, h 1406 Regina McMorris Myrtle, elk. h 1406 Regina U) McMorris Samuel S., fireman, h 1535 N 5th McMorris William J., painter, h 411 Reily Z l\IcMullen George H., laborer. h 336 Muench ~ E McMurtrie Ellen, h Home for the Friendless >- McNaight J. Earl, barber, h 616 Kelker McNaight John G., flagman, h 616 Kelker ~ McNaight William A., brakeman, h 616 Kelker McNair Samuel H., salesman, h 21 Cowden U) ~fcNair Sarah Mrs., h 1107 Capital --_. Titl. a-D_ aDd ~ a.. {...... EnuIIra.......... { 1 . . .. . . . . .I0Il, P e _ , .........., ..... ~. r... _ Z




Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.



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McNair William B., machinist, h 628 Dauphin McNally Annie E .. wid Eugene c., h 1409 Wallace McNally Eugene E., brakeman, h 502 Woodbine McNally Harry G., engr, h 2124 Jefferson McNally Robert L., elk, 1801 N 6th, h 2124 Jefferson McNamara Patrick A., machinist, h 946 N 7th McNaughton Charles M., bookkpr. 22 N 3d, h 109 N 13th McNaughton David, elevatorman, h 19 S 3d McNaughton Edith, milliner, :t:l4 Market, h 109 N 13th McNaughton James, engr, h 6414 North McNaughton James M., bartender, h 604 North McNaughton Nelson R.. student, h 109 N 13th McNeal Daniel W., laborer, h 1920 Briggs McNeal David R., painter, h 2128 Boas McNeal Earl D., elk, 802 N :~d. h 2128 Boas McNeal Frank W., mgr, h 2(10; 1\ 2d McNeal Harry A., engr, h 2~5 :\lac1ay McNeal Harry R., telegrapher P. R. R. pass depot, h 69 N 16th ' McNeal Harry R.. brakeman. h 1839 X 7th l\Ic;-';eal Jesse: laborer. h 721 North Mc~eal Reuben F .. brakeman. h 18.19 ~ 7th Me Keal Rohert 1\1., elk Dept. Public Instruction, Capitol. h 71~ X ~o McNeal Rudolph. carpenter. h 411 Market House al

Radmond's Wagon Works }~~Jd.\';.tb~:~: ~3d and RIIII SII. Coogle

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A. 'I. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Sbades h:l1N~~i:

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.


MeXcal \Villiam. press feeder. h utW Briggs Harry K., planer, h 5:m S Cameron MeXcely John :\1., brak~man. h (i:!6 Emerald McXeil Malcolm :Vf., dispatcher P. ~ R. pass depot, h 1629 Regina

McNEIL MEDICINE CO., Joseph N. Clark, pres; Dr. J. N. Clark, sec and treas; patent medicine, 306 Verbeke (Broad) see adv top lines Me X eill Charles, laborer, h 1243 l\Ionroe l\lcNeill Emma K., cigar roller, h li:H ).J Hth McNeill George F., laster, h lillli Briggs McNeill }Iarv, wid Frank, h 17:n N lith Mc~cill Theooore. brakeman, h 15:{3 X 4th McXew Clara B .. wid \\,illiam T., h 1'0( S 13th McXew Thomas W., rougher, h li'iltit Derry l\IcXiff Gilbert, supt, h filli'i X :!d McKiff M. Katherine, teacher High School, h 6115 N 2d McNiff Patrick, h fill5 l\ :!d McPherson Earl R., salesman, :1:14 :\Iarket. h :W() Pine McPherson Preston L., im agt, 9 S 2d, h !l23 S 19th McPherson William, laborer, h 414 Crescent McQuaid John J., laborer, h 1:U4 S l:!th McQuate Harry P., weighmaster C. 1. and S. Co., h 1118 Green McQuate Ida Gertrude, bookkpr, :m X :~o, h 111~ Green


l;* -=:'-:'}Harrlsburg Savings and Loan Assn. {::= ..

McQuate Peter, special officer. h 130 Vine ~.fcQuate Roy c.. elk P. R. R., h Ill:': Green McReynolds l\1ary Y., stengr. h :!01 State McSwine Harry, carpenter, h 1IlfiU S !Ith McWilliams Bessie, milliner. h :ll:l Chestnut McWilliams John, cigars, 214 Liberty, h do McWilliams :\Iack. barber, 12i'ifi 1Iarket, h do McWilliams Nancy. wid Ralph, h 1l!1 Xorth n 1Iead Arthur C, (Mead & Pittman), h li08 State Mead Glen G., mgr Home Realty Co .. (;1 X 2d, h 1419 Mkt Mead :\Ian', wid Ebenezer, h 93fl Penn l'.Iead T. Dwight, molder, h 520 Xorth Mead William L., molder. h 93/1 Penn MEAD & PITTMAN, (Arthur C. Mead and W. J. Pitt-


, ,

man), genl agents of eastern dept Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, room 12.9 N 2d ..\:lea(lath Can', lahorer, h !WI S Wth Mtarlath Te~Sl' E .. motorm:II1, h !l41l S l!lth n[catlath )('s~e H., laborer, h ProsPt'ct nr ::!:l<\ ~ll'a{lath ()~car A., machinist, h 1!1:!8.~ ~ 5th l'.leadows Clinton A . laster, h 211:n I~ensington i\[cadnws Edw. 0., genl foreman, 212 Locust, h 11 N 4th -:\Iec.dows Emanuel, shoemkr. 14:!fi Derry, h do ),It.agher Joseph c.. po!'tal elk. h l:i::!ri Regina





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H KELLEY CCO. {I Nort.h ......... U D. lOth

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Buddal\"a ~., conductor, h .lOG S 14th MEALS EZRA S., mayor, 16 N 2d and physician, 700 N 3d c North, h do Meals Harry S., fireman, h 7110 ~ 3<1 u 1Ilt:als Theodore S., ice cream mfr, 1613 N 3d, h 1617 do :I\[eals William H., carpenter, h 1611 Derry :\leals William H., wrecker, h 611 Herr ).It<:.ns Dorothy E .. packer, h 1216 Derry 11('ans Jos. ~I., rentals Miller Bros. & Baker, h 218 North ~ft'ans Samuel \\'., h 517 Walnut 1'.lease Margaret. domestic, 2118 X 3d MECHANtCS' BANK, Market c 3d i>.!lck Benjamin F., hrakeman, h 2(15 Calder l\1(ck Charles H., boilcrmkr. h 6nO Boas l'Ieck Charles P., foreman Telegraph. h 26 N 5th .... Meck Charles S., (Roherts & Meck), h 1230 N 6th t.IC'ck Ella S .. h 2:n Crescent Meck Emma, domestic. 1601 N 3d fI) Meck Frank L., salesman, 115 Market, h 1205 Green ?leck George, electrician. h 1249 Bailey &a.I l\[eck George E . painter, h 2:14 South .J )If'ck George W., hoister, h 1249 Bailey Meck Henry E., elk, h 320 Boas :r:w; :'.Ieck Henry E., fbgman, h 234 South ... l\'f(ck Hiram, engr, h 42;j Forstf'r



~I pals

Boyd's Harrisburg (11) City Directory, 1908.



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1'fC'ck Ira. haker, lila :\larket. h do ~\('.ck James A., mgT. 5 X 2d, h Lemoyne l'h'ck John A .. printer. h 231 Crescent Meck Joseph H., printer, h 12115 Green ~J ('ck Lewis S., carder, h 231 Crescent 1'.leck Mary C., h a:!!l Granite t!eck Xelson c., teamster, h 2 S 18th 1\It:ck Raymond F., laborer. h 1318 Susquehanna ~Ieck Robert P., h 1:H8 Susquehanna'cK Rosina R.. stengr, 115 Market, h 1318 Susquehanna ~ It'ck Thomas E .. fhgman, h 234 South Meck Warren Z., elk C. 1. and S. Co., h 1215 Chestnut Meck \Villiam] .. conductor, h 1318 Susquehanna :\l'eck William S., telegrapher Telegraph. h 2012 N 6th Meckley Benjamin F., checkman P. R. R., h Steelton l\lecklev B. Frank. fireman. h 17t)a Penn l\Ieckle,' Charles D .. laborer. h l!H3 Wallace Yleckley Edward A .. checkman P. R. R., h Pen brook Mecklev Elrov E .. grocer, 2UH X Cameron. h 2307 do Meckley Frank B.. (Knox & :\Ieckley). h 1217 Green Mecklev l\labe1 L.. teacher. h 52::> Seneca Meckle~' l\Iary. wid Abraham, h 4:!U ~ l(it'h Meckle\' l\liellael. blacksmith. h 1:111 \\'allace :\J erklf'" Rohert B .. student, h ri:!5 Senl'ca ~fe('kley Samuel J.. farmer. h 2:W7 X Cameron

A. L. 8T. CLAIR {TAl LO A {1240 ..arteUtn..

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Boyd's Harrisburg ()[) City Directory, 1908. 513 Mecklev Sarah T.. wid Samuel, h,525 Seneca Meeha~ Addie C. wid Daniel. h 210 Pine Meehan William E., com of Fisheries, Capitol, h Phila Meek Alden R, student, h 218 S 13th Meek Charles R, student, h 218 S 13th Meek Nellie, wid Walter E., h 218 S 13th Mehaffie Annie N .. milliner, h 20'27 Logan Mehaffie Charles E., shearsman, h 616 Mahantongo Mehaffie David 1.. h :-l02 North Mehaffie Elmer C, elk P. R. R, h 643 Dauphin Mehaffie George A., cutter, h 43"2 Kelker Mehaffie George W., shoemkr. 1734 N 4th, h 432 Kelker Mehaffie James A., huckster, h 711 Prince . l\lenaffie Stephen R, flagman, h 643 Dauphin Mehaffie Thomas M., laborer, h 1926 Elizabeth Mehaffie William D., laborer, h 2118 ~ 7th Mehaffie William S., elevatorman P. R R. h 2118 N 7th ~1ehargue Oliver B., warehouseman, 312 Market, hW. Fairview Mehring Albert J., student, h 1217 N 3rl . Mehring Albert \V., drug elk, 1:-l06 N 3d, h 1211 Fulton Mehring Casper)., merchant tailor, 1423t N 3d, h 1211 Fulton . Mehring Charles A .. elk, 13th c Derry. h 1217 N 3d Mehring Elmer T., grocer, 1601 N 4th, h do :Mehring Harry L., mer tailor, Hill ~ 6th, h 1217 :N 3d Mehring Jacob C, h 1217 ~ 3d Mehring John, baker, 1042 Herr, h do Mehring John W., signalman, h 1225 Bailey Mehring Louis W .. plumber, 1730 N 6th, h do MEHRING WILHELM J., wholesale dealer wines, liquors, beer, 1200 N 8th, h 410 Boas l\leily George P., (Meily & Meily). h 112 Herr Meily George \\'., C\Jeily & ~leily). h 112 Herr M'eily John, laborer, h 142 Cranberry Meily Lester J., elk. 426 Market, h 413 Briggs Meily Susan A., saleslady, 262 Herr, h 132 Sylvan ter :\Ieily & Meily, (G. P. and G. W.), hrokers. r 200 N 2d Meisenheimer Anna :\lrs., h 513 North Meisenheimer LeRov., laborer. h 1800 N Cameron l\Ieisenheimer Philip' G .. steam fitter, h 13(111 ~ Cameron ~reisenhelder Catharine, wid Henry. h 511 N' 10th ~reisenhe\f1er Elizabeth B .. domestic. !/1Il N 6th l\Ieisenhelrler Ceorge W., laborer. h :117 Briggs :\Ieisenhelder Harn. ironwkr, h 4th c Basin ;\Ieisenhelder Lewis R, tray salesman. h 18116 Penn :\leisenhehler Mary A . wid Christopher, h 28 X 10th :\leisenhelder :\Iary E., wid (;corge \Y., h 1:~25 James :'.leisenhelder Robert L. Rev .. h 1046 S 9th :\Ieisinger Nicholas. elk. 121l1l ~ 6th. h Steelton



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MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~b~-:':'~~c S

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:::= ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ g:r".t=


Boyd's Harrisburg ( )[) City Directory, 1908,

o TItle aa.ranly and Suret, CO,I~::.~ {--=~=,:,:~~~:~~,:". }~~~4. o 42~


:\Ieixd Zachariah T .. teacher High School, h 205 Hamilton Melcher Christian S., telegrapher P. R R, h 5:H Curtin Melchior Harry S .. engr, h (i29 Kelker 1\1 elchior JIenr\. shocmkr. IiI!) X lith. h Ii:!i Penn l\lelchior Lestc'r, pipecl1Ul'r. h 1i:!i Penn Melchior :\label S., h 1i:!i Penn :\Ielchior Ralph ~., electrician. h Ii:!i Penn ::\lelester Sam'l, warehouseman P. & R, h GH) Cumberland :\Telester \\"illiam C. brakeman, h 1511!) Wallace Melhorn Edward L.. supt. h :!1l i X :!<1 1\lelia Joseph. lahorer. h :!:!1 :\Iulberry Melia Joseph. labfjrer. h 111:~ S nth :\1 elick Emil~' D., wid Justus A . h SOli Capital :\lelick John P .. sec State Capital ~a\"ings amI Loan Assn. and v-pres Cnion Trust Co., :!:! L'nion Trust bldg, h lilll) ]\; 2d :\lclick Joseph B.. student, h nun X :!d :\Icll Edwarcl :\ .. .ir .. car inspector, h 1i:!5 :\luench M ell Emily E .. packer. h :!:!5 Hummel 1\lell Harry J., engr. h 1118 Boas :\lell R(I\". l'. S. A., h a:n Xectarine :\'Iell San1l1cl S .. (Bowman. :\1 ell & Co." h :nn Crescent Mell Sarah n.. wid Harvey L.. h 14!J Paxton :\[ell \\"ilIiam. heater. h ill/'! Boas ::\f ell \\,illiam C. machinist. h :!:!5 H 111llnH~1



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:\lell William F., elk. :\Iarket. It :!:!:i Hummel l\lellinger Fanny D. h 14:!;) S\\'atara Mellinger l\latthias n.. brahman. h 15:n Wallace Melling-lor Rehecca (i . wid :\Iartin. h H:!:i Swatara Mellinger Rufus. elk. h 15~1 \\"allace 1\1 ellinger \" eryl B .. helper. h 142;) Swatara :\1 elloll :\. Katie. drcssmkr. h l;):W X 4th :\1ellon Hertha D.. saleslady, ~1~ :\larket. h 15ao X 4th 1\lellon :\1 an' ~f.. tailoress. 'h l;)~O X 4th Mellon Sarah T., wid leremiah R .. 11 l:i:\u X 4th :'IIellon S. Irene. hookkpr. 1111 X Can1l'ron. h 15~O N 4th :\1 eloy Charles, painter. h :11!l Dauphin lUelm' Harry T .. fireman. 11 1 ill5 Green ~1 do,' Tnll1l' h H:i :\ltH'nch :'IIdo\' 'l'hilip K .. laborer, h :n:\ Daliphill Meloy ~al1l\1el 1... telegrapher P. R. R .. h \\". Fairview \T e JOY \ rillialll. Iahorer. h :1:-.i :\ ectarilll' 1'llelo\'. ~ee :\laloy. al!'o :\Iullo\" l\lelr()~e Floral (0 .. ~anll1e1 P;trker. mgr. 410 :'Ilarket l\reltzer ~;11I11lt'1. clothier. :>1:\ \\";!Inut. 'h (10 ~Idville :\Ian. wid ~lichael 1.. h 1:":t:i :\ :!d :\-Teiyin Tohn E .. llSher P. R.0R.. h 1414 :\Iarket ~I('h'in Lf'\\'i~. checkman P. R R .. 11 U14 :\Iarket ;\lel\':11 :\richarl B .. conductnr. h 1414 :\Iarket Meminger Charle~ C. grocer. Itl:!l Creen. h do


Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Rally StS.. Coogle

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Boyd's Harrisburg (:\1) City Directory, 1908.


l\femmger Theo. H . elk Dept. Int. Affairs. h 1021 Green Mencer Joseph. machinist helper. h 2020 ~ 5th Mench \Iichael S., salesm:lI1. h lIall Regina ~Ienche, Charles L.. baker. h 12!lH Bailev NIenche~' Chester T., barber. 25 K 2d, h i21 Cranberry Memlt'nhall Clarence H . elk, h (j07 Kelker Mendenhall l\lary A . wid James. h 21:15 N" 4th Menear George H .. sand flatter, h 211()j Penn l\Jenear Grace A., presser, h 2007 Penn Menear Ida C, laundress. h 2:~9 State Mcnear 'William A . helper. h 20(17 Penn ~renge Hans G., linotype opr, 2111 ~ 2d. h 1H20 Susq. Mengel Howard, barber, 14(){I Derry, h 410 S 14th .Mengel Howard, chief elk P. & R. freight depot, h 1250 Derr\' ~lenges E!la. domestic, 2:t! K 15th, Menges Lewis, huckster, h 1128 N 6th Menges l\1;chal'l, plumber, h 115 Xorth Menke Frederick E., brakeman, h 12:1 Linden Mcnnig Harry E.; brakeman, h 12a Linden Mentzer Bertha ~L. artist. h 1430 :\Iarket Mentzer Cora, domestic. :~3a S Front Mentzer George. flagman, h H:l5! Regina Mentzer John. agt. h 2:m State Mentzer l\lar~' K. Mrs . cashier, 11:1 l'.Iarket, h do

>' >'
t:7 ~

~ :::: ~ Harrisburg

Savlnga and Loan Assn. { J: := :D <

MENTZER SAMUEL F., (Mentzer & Romberger), builder, 1430 Market, h do MENTZER & ROMBERGER, (S. F. Mentzer and D. H. Romberger), builders' supplies, 18th c Chestnut l\lercer John i'lL, sawyer, h Derry nr Evergreen Mercer j.\liIton W., hostler, 812 Blackberry Mercereau Josephine B., 'h 1416 State MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, Job J. Conklin, genl counsel; mercantile agency, Calder bldg, room 5 16 N 2d Merchants' Association, R. F. Cook, sec, 9 X 2d :Merchants' Hotel, Francis H. l'.lcCabe, propr, 125 Chestnut MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, 1230 N 3d see adv Mercurio Augustino, (Mercurio Bros.), h 119 Washington Mercurio Bros., (A. :\1. and 5.), wholesale fruit, 123 Washington Mercurio Mariano, (Mercurio Bros.), h 121 Washington Mercurio Salvatore, (Mercurio Bros.), saloon, 306 Strawberry, h 123 Washington Mercy Home, conducted by Sisters of :\Iercy, 603 N 2d Meredith Artlhur R., agt, h 1l!J Loctlst . Meredith Charles S .. h 222 Briggs Meredith Charles W .. elk P. R. R. depot, h 119 Locust Meredith Clara L., teacher, h 119 Locust

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Meredith Edwin F., plumber, h 1417 William M dit Eli M. id !Ilia h 9 us Meredith Elizabeth, wid Adrain, h 1192 Bailey M dit Ha r elk. R R., h c er e, Pe brook M dith Ha 'L lk, 110 ~ yI dit Ha y P., sp or, 63 err }Ieredith Isabella B. seamstress, h 115 Calder 1\1 dit T oh H., 'bo ,h 2 gg MEREDITH PHILIP T., lawyer, room 505 Bergner ld 4 N d, 80 N nt Jferedith Sarah D., h 1015 N 6th M dit'h Sue .,,' K" F h 1 6 ~ th 1\1 Ie 1'hon\' 0., con uctor, h 2_c S Il1'h Merkle Charles"E. foreman, h 1722 ~ 6th M Ie me ., m h C cen Merkle Laura, cigarmkr, h 409 Hamilton M -Ie orr S., Ipe h 1 2 N th Merkle Philip A., SWItchman, -h 1722 ~ 6th M kle S'las ex ess n, 09 am' n M Ie alt, elk, 27 een, 4 HamIlton Merkle William L., helper, h 409 Hamilton M na ran fru h 14 gin JIerol Charles, elk, h 522 Filbert

1\1 ifie Ar ur, ulli Th Lo el Merrill George]., pool, 3()7 Market, h S 2d --. M ill se, les n, 123 2c >- 1\1 im Ed E., rained nurse, Ifj2_ ~ 3d z: Merritt George H. shoes and ins, 1918 Green h do < 1\1 ere T s h 5 S e a Q.. Mersing Jos. R., salesman, 330 Verbeke, h 529 Violet a1 :e ~f z B sie rs. 32 Ch y o 1\[ ___ ersnllth oso. rakeman, h" H20 Camp U ;\Iessersmith Tames laborer, h 710 'J 19t1 ..J M ers th _ ren 1 pIa re 1 1 . ~ Z ker < :'Iessersmith.T. Harry, men's furnisher and Regal shoes, 12 ar . h 4 B g-s MessersmIth ?lIae. salesladv, 318 l'IIarket. h 1603 Zarker Q Uessers n'th Willi A I"rak lal 1 I! - X ... h z: M ett nn Mr., COt ,81. 1\:.. < MESSIAH HOME, 1185 Bailey W 1\1 iah om 0 all e, v. Rml san U treas, BaIley bel 1:!t h 1\J im An . C. rs., ycr It he ad, 4 rr -


R A }



DR 61 {16 N. 3d St.


d Messimer :l\J im Messimer l'vf im

B. Frank. blacksmith 304 Chern'. h do Fr k r pri cr. 1. 2(1. 23 2 George F .. candymkr, h 18:t! Creen Ge ge boo rill h ., S

A. B. TACK ~t~~e::!110U pODer ond ImdOISDDdlS 1~1~\~:Jrf.

Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory, 1908.


:Messinger Carrie E. ~Irs., saleslady, 334 :'.Iarket, h 239 Cril11berrv l\,lessinger Margaret. wid Jacoh, h 41~ S River Mt'ssinger 1Iary C, cashier. :184 Market, h 239 Cranberry Messinger William P., chief elk, Herr clOth, h 814 Capital J',"cssner Kate Mrs., h 410 Briggs :Me!'sner vVilliam E., molder, h 635 Boyd Mester Frederick, tailor, 310 Blackberry, h 214 Crescent

METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Angela A. Boschelli, propr, 437-439 Market METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., John Heathcote, supt, 4 S 2d M( tz Anna, stengr, h 1I)1l1 N 3<1 Metz Elmer H., real estate agt P. & R., h 925 N 2d l\ietz Franklin S., heater, h 1326 S 13th Ht'tz Ceorge J., laborer. h 221 Barbara Nlctz J. Bowman. mgr, 2fl2 N 2<1, h do l\frtzger Abhott R.. salesman, 334 Market, h 804 N 3d 1'.htzger Anna, wid William B., h HIll N 3d It'i(tzger Bertha, saleslady, 406 ~1arket, h 321 Hummel :Mctzger Bessie 1\1., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1841 Berryhill Metzger Bessie M., elk.; ?'IT 2d, h 319 S Front l\[etzger Charles E., sales agt, h 23 N 4th M ctzger Edward. carpenter. h 319 S Front :!\Ietzger Edward, laborer. h 12112 N Cameron

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~::i~b~~-:;'~~IE

l\letzger Edward W .. elk, h 1534 N 4th l\It'tzger George 0., brakeman. h HHIl Penn l\ Howard G., elk P.O., h 2:l34 N 6th Metzger Tra M., brakeman. h 4~2 S Cameron l\fetzger John A., h 1524 Thompson l\1(':tzger John H., lahorer, h 12112 N Cameron Metzger Jos. B., elk Chesapeake Kail Wks., h Penbrook s;! l\ll'tzger LaRue. linotype opr. h 321 Hummel ~ Metzger Lena. domestic. ll:l Market ~ Metzger Henry A., asst genl agt, 619 Walnut. h 1622 Mkt. Metzger Sallie J. Mrs .. h 320 Sayford P Metzger W. Calder. illustrator, h 3111 S Front ~ Metzger Wesley. laborer, h 1!-n 1 N Cameron ::z IVletzger William. lahorer, h 1 ~!l7 N 7th Metzger William A .. (Atticks & l\'1etzger). h 1221 ~ 2d ___ Metzger \\'iIIiam H .. m.older. h 1R41 Berryhilf ::: Metzger \Villiam H., sec and treas Commonwealth Trust Co .. h 301 ~ Front : 8 Metzler Estella :'II.. elk. 36 S 2d. h 418 S 17th Metzler John. cOIH!nctor, h 1251 Derry B Metzler John G .. i11spt'ctor. h 2t4!) X 4th 0 Mever B. Frances, h ;)14 Walnut ~ Me\'er Edward A .. h 1~!~2 \'ernon ~ Mever Edward H .. machinist. h 514 'Yalnut '" Meyer Robert L., machinist, h 13~6 \'ernon ~



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Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.

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o ., z

Mever SYbilla, wid Charles, h 1326 Vemon ~'le'ver Theodore W., machinist, h 1303 Green Meyer, see :\Iayer, also :\loyer Meyerowitz Aaron :\1 .. meat, 121 Angle aI, h 22 Aberdeen Meyerowitz Celia, 'h 22 Aberdeen Meyerowitz Henry L., printer, h 533 Filbert Meyerowitz Nathan, printer, h 516 Filbert MEYERS BENJAMIN F., pres The Star Printing Co., 18 S 3d, h 11 N Front MEYERS BENJAMIN JR., reporter Independent, h Riverside :\Ieyers Christian. telegrapher. h 1409 Mayflower c:i Meyers Emma S., cigar roller. h .j,20 S Cameron c." ~leyers Eva E., cigarmkr. h 911 S 1IIth Meyers Frank, elk F. and ~L Works. h 2126 K 4th a Me)'ers Frank A., night agt . .j,OI Chestnut, h 214 Briggs ~ :\'Icyers George B., carpenter, h .j,20 S Cameron Meyers :\'lary, wid Daniel. h 1261 Walnut c u Meyers Minnie L., cigar rolIer. h .j,211 S Cameron a : MEYERS M.h MEREDITH, managing editor Star-Independent, 11 N Front E Meyers Sarah, wid Elias. h 1941 Briggs Mevers William H., driver, h 119 ~orth MEYERS. WILLIAM K., lawyer, 18 N 2d, h 213 N Front



Titli 61maly lad Slrl., C. , lel.lnl, IF.tfttt... ., CIIIIrHIt {Tn., J -e.,.~,", 1M1 8tiearl~ pt,I..


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see Ma\ers. also :\h'ers Abraham. h Ina X'12th Albert. brakeman, h 17 X 11 th Caroline, wid John, h 5a5 Race Charles ~., tallyman P. R. R.. h H:1 Paxton Ouistiana, wic!' S:unncl R .. h 14:13 Berryhill Edgar D .. en gr. h 62!1 Forrest Ella. cigarmkr, h 641l\Jaday Ceo. D .. conductor. h 764 S If1th Harry. lahorer. h 5:~il Race John "C. engr. h ilH Camp John H., engr, h 641 :\lac1ay ~lichat'l John H., shot' cutter, h 1929 Swatara Mkhael Tovce, domestic Rershev House l\lichael i\Jaude. cigarmkr, h fi3I"Maelay I\lichael Sarfmel R., shipper, 2d nr Vine, h 1431 Berryhill :'II ichael Sarah A., wid George A., h 25 Brady l\fichaC'1 William c., repairsman. h il!l5 Race ~licha('ls Ahraham, laborer, h 1j:l:~ N 12th :'Ilichat'ls Charles, laborer, h 17::5 N 12th Michaels Edward, laborer, h lIll i ~ 7th :'Ilichaels EJlen. wid William R .. h r 1723 N 12th :'Ilichaeis George L., laborer, h 1723 N 12th l\lichelowitz Renno, tailor, 409 Market, h 421 Strawberry :\1ichcner Asher L .. car inspector, h 1951 Berryhill

:\Ie\ers. Michael :\Iichae1 ,\1 ichaf'l ?llkhael \lichad i-lichael \lichael :\lichal,1 !\Iichael :\Iichacl ?llichael



REDMONO{3d lodllll, SII.

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A. B. TACK} FIN~EC~~A!I,,~~!-..~ol~~ER{I!16 NOOO mlrll8lre&1

:D l\lichl'ner Frank K., helper, h 21i Linden Michigan l\iutual Life Ins. Co. of Detroit. J. F. Daniell, 1'1 dist genl agt, ~1 N' :ld Michlovitz Abrarr:. (~1ichlo\'itz & Co.). h 529 Filbert -I l\fichlo\'itz Isra~l. h t:~24 \Yilliam Michlovitz Joseph, junk, 1;l:!4 William. h do Michlovitz Philip, peddler. h Ii:!.! Xorth Michlovltz Simon, Olkhlovitz & Co.). h 5:l2 Filbert }./ Ichlovitz & Co., (D. Furman, A. and S. ~Iichlovitz), rags, Ii:!~ Xorth Micken~ James, laborer, h 412 South Mickert Philip, car repairer. h 57 N lath PI Micke\' David W., lahorer. h :l2!l Bani Micke~' Ellen B., wid Edward J .. h :{~!l Boyd -I Mickey Frank n.. clk C. I. and S. Co .. h 1909 N 2d PI Mickev John, waiter Commonwealth. h 419 West C Micke~' Julia, shoe apr, h :J~!l Boyd ' Micke\' 1. Wilson. laborer, h :l2!) Bonl M icke\' ~I an', domestic, Hl811 X Canleron :c Micke\' :\Iar\' E .. teacher, h :l:!O Xorth :.:D M icke~' 1\ aOlili, cook. 118 Locust Mickev Susan. wid Christian H .. h !l2W:-.1orth Mickley Ronaid. salesman. h 14~!) James :D Middaugh \Valter, fireman. h 1511 Hunter o Middleton Burrel T., steelwkr. h 15:1 Balm
Boyd's Harrisburg' ( }I) City Directory, 1908.


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,...:.:sW;:a~c:r~}Ha"lsburg Savings and Loan Assn.:::



Middleton Charles, machinist, h l:!II~ Penn :.Middleton l\iargaret, charwoman, h 15:~ Balm n Middleton Mary E., wid William A., h ~:!1 Herr ;: MIDDLETON WILLIAM H., lawyer, rooms 207-208 :D Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d, h 816 N 2d _ Middletown. Highspire & Steelton Street Railway Co., :.Edward Bailey, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas, 12 V) S 2d Midlam Anna 11., teacher, h fi1G Boas Midlam Frank E., bricklayer, h tali Boas Midlam J. Edwin, machinist, It 61G Boas Midlam Mary A., wid John F., h 616 Boas Miinch Alfred, barber, h 570 Race Miinch George, (W. 1Iiinch & Son), h 570 Race Miinch William, (W. Miinch & Son), h 570 Race Miinch W. & Son, (Wm. and George), barbers, 570 Race Miinch, see Minnich, also Muench ;: Mikels James, puddler, h 1111 Calder Mikle Frank H., conductor. h au 1Iaday ';::; Mikle Roy, student, h 315 Maclay :; Milburn V,ragon 'Co .. A. F. Xewl'omer. genl agt, 1017 ;\[kt. ~ 'Miles Adelaide. wid Richard. h 1427 N 2d ,.., Miles 'Benjamin c., machinist. h 915 Penn Miles Olaries, brakeman, h 516 Dauphin ~ :Miles 'Charles R., weighmaster, 9th c Walnut, h 915 Penn




THE: PATRIOT ...::R. .~~:u~'1~~.. Google Dlgltlzea15y



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M. KELLEY &. CO'S ~~:~.:o:!~:.~{:.:r.~-:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (lI) City Directory, 1908.

Miles Geary, flagman, h 1107 Cowden ~liles George W., cabinetmkr. 312 ~Iarket, h 915 Penn :\1i1es Giles, laborer, h 121 Balm Miles James G., cashier, h 915 Penn l\Iiles John M., elk Hbg. Club, h 121 Balm ~ Miles Lee, caller, h 1107 Cowden Miles Max, drug elk, 93::} N 6th, h 1107 Cowden c .:J Miles Robert c., bookbinder, 201 N 2d, h 915 Penn Miles Ross, bell boy Commonwealth, h 121 Balm ~Eles Sarah, wid Alfred G., h 404 Reily ~liles Walter, bell boy Commonwealth, h 121 Balm :Miles William A., tray salesman, h 404 Reily Miley Andrew J., mess Ins. Dept., Capitol, h 107 N 2d :: Miley Susan E., wid Jacob, h 241 N 15th . l\lilhouse James W., elk, 5 N 3d, h Camp Hill MILLAR ARCHIBALD B., private sec to the Governor.. Capitol, h 231 Maclay ~Hllar Clara, elk, h 1616 Park Millar Harry, employee State Arsenal, h 1616 Park l\Iillar James H., machinist, h 313 Verbeke lIfillar Rowena, teacher, h 204 1\ 2d III Millar Ruth, stitcher, h 1616 Park ..I Millard Susan C, supervisor, h 617 N 2d h C ?\lilleisen Arthur W.,.. shoecutter,:!tl 36 X 10th ~Iillcisen (icorge 0 driYer, h :\ 1IIth

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MILLEISEN G. FRANK, coal and wood, 1019 N. 3d, h 707 do :\Iilleisen llenry R., elk. h ~:!s :\ 14th :\[illcisen ]aco!) n., elk, :~ X :\0. h 3ti X tilth :\1 illciscn 1 acoh :\f.. drivcr, h an N 11lth :\Iiller Aaron. hrakeman. h :!1~ S 15th :\[illcr ;\hner ]., laborer. h 117 :\Iulberry ~ri1ler .-\hner J .. .ir .. dri,cr. h 1I i ~Iulberry :\1iller :\da, bookkpr, Derry c l!lth. h 12!1 X 13th ~Iiller Adam, carpenter, h 1231 Railey :\Iiller Adrian :\1., seamstres~. h Hi::?:l Park :\Tiller .\. Lawrence Rev .. h ::?:137 ~ nth :\IilIcr Albert. lahorer, h ~1:1 X 16th :\IiIler Albert .\., shoe opr, h 1211!) Derry Miller Albert C, warehouseman P. & R., h 7 S 16th Miller Alhert E .. harber, h H:.!:I Grand l\Jiller Albert laborer, It 10111 Fox :\Iiller Alexander S .. (:\Iiller & Long), h ]~tlO State :\IiIler Alice ~1.. h 1:.!1i Paxton ~liI1er Allen C, engr, h 1411:1 Derryhill . MILLER ALVIN I., physician, (Specialist), Electrical' and Medical All diseases peculiar to. women, all nervous and chronic diseases of men and women, 15 S 3d, h do United 'phone No. 549 l\IiIler Amanda, charwoman, h 1425 X 4th



A B TACK}EmPIoJl!-ba'-...claaworkmeD.heDceODJ'~{ N.ad8&. la18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . "' 'Workdone1nanlpaft

Boyd's Harrisburg (11) City Directory, 1908. Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller :Miller

Anastasia Mrs., h 637 Mahantongo Anna, domestic, 1927 N 6th P1 Anna. stengr, 813 Market, h 115 Evergreen fJ) Anna :\'1., liner, h 257 S Cameron Annie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do -I Annie B., wid Jacob, h 456 S Cameron Annie S., wid I\'icholas R, h 1329 S Cameron Z Arthur, laborer, h 739 S 21-1 rrt Arthur R, conductor. h 1921 ~orth ~IilIer Austin :N., elk, 1:!1 Chestnut, h 301 Briggs :D l\IilIer Benjamin F . brakeman, h 348 Harris C Miller Benjamin F., contractor, h 129 N 13th C) l\Iiller Benjamin F .. engr. h 1:-t?5 N Front ~Iiller Benjamin H., laborer, h 1521 Penn Miller Bertha, h 1006 S Cameron Miller Bertha J., saleslady, h 115 Balm Miller Bertie, teacher, h 238 Muench Miller Bessie M., elk, 824 N7tlh, h 21 S 17th Miller Blaine. brakeman, h 946 N 7th Con Miller Bradford, draftsman. h 257 Forster' MILLER BROS. & BAKER, (Herman P. Miller, Wil- ~ liam P. Miller and W. Harry Baker), real estate and g insurance, Real Estate bldg, Federal Square see adv S centre lines .



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MILLER BROS.l BAKER} ":5~t,~~-:'~~1E

l\i(iIIer Calvin c., eng-r, h 2340 N 6th Hiller Carl S., molder, h 315 Reily Miller Caroline. wid Frank J., h 2342 N 6th :MilIer Carrie, h 600 South . l\liller Carrie M., saleslady, 10 S 2d, h 218 Reily .Miller Catharine ~lrs., h U)f)5. Green Miller C. Earl, elk, h 222 N 14th Miller Chalmer H., laborer, h 1429 1"\ 2d Miller Charles, foreman, h 1602 Market Hiller Charles, fruit, h 1826 Hickory 1\.J iller Charles, laborer, h 415 State l\illler Charles, planer, h ]705 Green MILLER CHARLES A., city clerk, Court House, h 616 Briggs Miller Charles A., ins sol, 4 S 2d, h 22 N 15th :Miller Charles R., baker, h 15 N 13th . Miller Charles B . car repairer, h 315 Dauphin Miller Charles E., brakeman, h 642 Peffer ~Hljer Charles E., electrician, h 410 S 14th l\J:)ler Charles E . messeng-er C. \'. R R, 401 Chestnut, h 337 do Miller Charles F., carpenter, h 650 Boas Miller Charles F., laborer, h 619 Boas Miller Charles F., jr., carpenter, h 410 S 14th Miiler Charles G., elk, 8 S 2d, h 329 Nectarine



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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:.t"J.r:.~:.-:t{ 30& Ir."



Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory, 1908.

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MILLER CHARLES G., reporter Patriot, h 327 Chestnut l\lilIer Charles H., laborer, h 18:W Hickory MILLER CHARLES H., propr Union Planing Mill and contractor, 824-832 N 7th, h 11 N 13th see adv ~JiJler Charles]., yardman. h 575 S Front :\liller Charles K., fireman, h l!l1i Penn :\liller Charles L., foreman engines P. R R, h 1612 Penn ~lilIer Charles M., brakeman, h ::!::!46 Jefferson :\liller Charles N., conductor. h 45::! S Cameron :\liller Charles R., contract plasterer, ::!l'! Linden, h do :\Iillel' Charles W., helper, h 61 Balm :\Jiller Charles W., laborer, h 1934 "Yood Miller Christiana, wid Augustus. h 1705 Green :\liller Christiana, wid John G., h lini Penn Miller Christiana L.. wid David R, h 125 Paxton M;ller Clara S., tekphone opr, :!lII Walnut, h 1616 Park Miller Clare. cashier, 334 :.\Iarket, h 1938 Berryhill Miller Clarence, cabinetmkr, h 916 Green Miller Clarence A., foreman Dauphin Cigar Co., h 1351 Xorth Miller Clarence B., elk sec Comwlth .. h 617 N 2d ~li1ler Clarence C. machinist. h 26n Verbeke }1iller Clarence W .. fireman. h 181M N 6th :MilIer Claude B.. elk, 334 Market. h 2::!12 Logan





:\1iller Claude J., trucker P. R. R. freight depot, h 304 S River ~1iller Claude S., driver. h444 Cumberland Miller Clayton G .. cashier Citizens' Bank, h Pen brook :\1il!er CI\'de, brakeman, h 211 Hummel :'\lilIl'r O~de E., brakeman. h 16:!3 Carnation :\Iiller C.' Nagle. templetmkr, h a~n S Front :\IiIler Conrad, h 13li Penn :.\Iiller Conrad. carpenter. h 4:!:l Yerbeke :.\Iiller Conrad C. butcher, h 17l1) X 5th :.\liller Constantine. laborer. h :ii5 S Front .\Iiller C. \'ictor. head elk. 4:!6 Market.h 67 X 14th }Iiller Daisy, bunchmkr, hall:! S :!d Miller Daniel B., laborer, h 1013 S 21st :.\liller Daniel B., laborer, h 1345 North



Lumber and Mill Work



Offlca lid Ylrds: 8242&3032 lorlb 7th Straat, Harrlsbur" PI.


REDMOND}.~::::M:=.i :~~~ {3d andJIell,

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1\ 1. er Miller :\.' r r 1\'l1Uer



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Dame F .. pro( uce. 1_(,_ ~larl,et, h do Daniel 1., stamper. h l(i:!:l Park Da' C, m r, h - Swa Da;., m r, h 'erb DavId H .. 1>01ler111kr. h Hi:!:l Park David H .. notions. J!J!l1 :\ lith. h do Da' I., ph .. an. I :\ (it do Da T .. c ter, J Hu I Donald Z .. hardware. j : \ 1:1th, h do Dora :\1., roller. h 101:1 S :!lst E(' -; .. cl .) II \ \" h I > S Ca n Ed V.. h e r ..h fi X Edmund J.. undertaker. ,,:!-l Race, h ;j(jll do Edna ::'.1.. domestic. U!lfl ::'.Iarket Ed ' . I. c\ri . h IS lerry' E( I, lab . h 1 \Iari E( \\arc\. teams er, h " Bern I Edward A., elk Star-J ndependent. h 1~17 :'.1arkct Edward A .. fireman, I ')lU G E( I A., t ex er P. R.. h Cresc Ed I C.. < 11111S, :!Il L tn "Edward \ \' .. brakeman. 11 170i Penn E. Farl. elk h 6U Granite EI wate' r. 40 rket Ii:!:! 1 ,adju. . h 4( a111ilt_ EI


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Savings and loan

:u < l:. Assn U:= :u

r El .. wi niel. Iii ~ !\l1l!er Elizabeth, h J IS;' Bailey !\1iller Elizabeth. seamstrc~s. 11 J fI!l1i Herr r EI th, \ 'onr (n:~ ar r EI th J. ncsti :!O P nIiller Elizabeth P., wid David H., h !104 :\ :!d :\Iiller Ellen :\1., wid John, h 2;'0 Liherty r EI E .. c splic 1 I ill ith r EI ; .. st F. a I. \\ '. h 1 Ierr :\IiIler Elvin, conductor. h J~4fi :\ortl1 1\1 iIler Emanuel H., salesman. 11 :!:!:l J:oas 'r EI 011 Eaken h :!1: oore r EI E .. \ \lfre h ] COW! :\li11er Emma 0., stengr. :!OS Loetl~t. h Linn e \\'ah1l1t :\IiIll'r Emory n.. earpl'ntl'r. h :!-lOH Reel 'r EI E.. er P R. <iiI mOll 20 ;\;' 'r EI E.. 1 :11:.. seen :\1111er Enos J. Rev . 11 lli:!fl StI~qtlehallna i\lilkr E. Olin', stengr. h Lynn c Walnut r Er A., SS111. "tllll!> . lb. h J Swat ;\1 Iikr F ~tt'lIa l.. CIgar roller, 11 1fill, ~watara i\lilkr Ethel 1. R .. teacher. h ]fi:!:! X ;,th 'r El ~, C.. kSllli 1 :!fiO . beke 'r E l' C.. kCllla IiH lphin

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OUR lion..' Welc1d Hon. . Coal,MOTTO. - }

H M KEllr.y &, CO { .....-~. ...... , t . . . .......



Boyd's Harrisburg (]\I) City Directory, 1908.

Eva, wid Gottlieb, h IH3 S 3d Ferdinand. plumber, h 4!!H Verbeke Florence l\1rs., h 6!!8 Herr Florence, music teacher, :!'.!3 Boas, h do Forrest, porter, !!5 K 2d, h 1420 Marion Francis A., laborer, h 1420 N 4th Frank, laborer, h 427 South al Frank E . carpenter, h 1907 Briggs Frank E., painter,h 1911 Briggs Frank F., conductor. h 806 1'\ :~d Frank \V., electrician, h 211 Barbara Frank X., asst vardmaster P. R. R., h 2H4 Muench Frederick, mac1iinist, h 1708 Fulton Frederick A., cigars, 1310 N Cameron, h 1304 do Frederick C .. ironwkr, h 1355 North



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:\Iiller :\liller :\Iiller :\li1ler



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MILLER FREDERICK C., lawyet: and notary public, 213 Walnut, h 1618 N 2d :\liller Frederick J., baker, 500 State, h do :\lil1er Frederick J.. barber, 226 Chestnut, h 220 do 1Iiller Frederick K.. engr, h 1Ii24 Logan MILLER F. WILLIAM, florist, 900 to 912 S 20th, h do ~1iller George A., brakeman. h 1419! Regina Miller George A., salesman. 434 :\Iarket. h Lemoyne :\1iller GJlorge B., car inspector, h 1938 Berryhili :\Iiller George c.. bricklayer, h 2148 Atlas
C;eorge c, flagman. h 140a Berryhill George E., repairsman, h 1626 N 7th George F . foreman Independent. h New Kingston George G., flagman, h 1816! N 5th George 1\1., tailor, h 1843 Susquehanna George P. W., driver, h 22n South George R, postal elk. It 339 S 14th George "V., agt C. Y. R R, h 202 S River George 'Y., carpenter. h 110 Tuscarora George W., driver, h 1909 Rhoads George W,', machinist, h 609 Briggs Genldeotls X .. baggagema~ter. 21)0 Verbeke Gertrude M .. sorter, h 1~04 N /)th Grace K .. music teacher. h 218 Reilv (-;\1\' F., student. h 12!1 X 1:1th Ha'rald A., student. h llli4 :\1nlberrv Harriet. wid David \Y .. hl;-;12 Regina Harriet. wid Barn', h Fo::?2 Tames Harriet, wid Tohn: h 1739 N 6th Harry. car repairer, h 917 Capital Harry, cornicemkr. h Fo::!:? James Harry. engine inspector. h 11)24 Logan Harry, engr. h 1;,1~ X 2d Harn'. bhorer. h -wn Cowden Harr;' B .. lahorer. h 1;')21 Penn
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Miller :\!iI\er :\liller :\i;Uel'


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:\(iller l\Iiller l\l1l1er wliller Miller Miller Hiller Miller

I. L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOR {1240 MarketStre" .

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Boyd's HarrIsburg

City Directory, 1908.

Miller l-larn' C elk P R R., h 331 ~ Front Mill I arr) elk, :!<I, 7 SIt Miller arn' T., electnclan, h ,,_ S !) Miller Barr;' J., mgr, retail dept. Atlantic Refining Co., h

1l ill arry r., <I , h :? Log Miller Harry 0., salesman, :nn " arkct. 1 07 vernon l\liller Harry S., paperhanger, h 1::!18 Cowden 1\1 iii Harrv T elk, h :""41 Ca l\1ill arry hak HJa God . 1\1 illel arrv " elk, __ L()cu~. I :!:!1 . ad ~: iller H ary'ey, carpenter, h l!Jl 0 For!'ter rvlill Harve' I bore h 5IHi S tl ai Mill arve bore l:!:?/i 'den Miller arvej ., fire h5 d\1lp l\:iller Harvey J.. cigar mfr, 1:J:~ S :~d. h do MILLER HARVEY 0 cashier Merchants' National k an eas . ral G antee rust Safe posit ., h 23 3d Miller Helen L.. nurse, h Ii:?O Reily Miller Henrv c;teelwkr h 1:liiii 1\;orth ~iil1 enr) laho 1 :?1:" llber Mill enrv., labOl , 1 1110 ~ Cam MILLER HERMAN P., Senate librarian, Capitol, h 2117 NM





S. & AK





l\liller H. Hershey. elk. h 1:!5() \\'alnllt Mil: lram orer, ::!{) ;\ n Mill o\\'a bore H)4-1 h l\Jillcr Howard R.. machinist. h 650 Boas Miller Ida ]\L, cigarl1lkr, h 20:!:\ Kensington j\IiI1 la ::\f ssmk .5 E\ een, Mill a T. 654 1\ et l\liller Ira. student, h 1800 State l\Ii!lcr Jrvin E., brakeman, h H:!n Xorth Mill aac, In:: l.hfi eil\" Miil aac , arret h 14 4th l\IilIcr Iver~on 0., laborer. h HJ46 Br.iggs l\li11er Jacob, (:\Iiller, Kades & Co.), h Grand Hotel 1\1 ill cob - ,hor 4n{i ,111er Mill cob (:\r~ll 'ades Co.), rand el l\lillcr Jacob 1\1.. carpenter, h 1117 Eartine l\Iil1er Jacob R., condt1~or, h 1627 N 6th :Mill cob ivery ~ Ver ,h 1 N 6t ~ill mes (Gihs ' \fi h ~tI T flth 1\ljjrr T~1l1L" H .. C:lflwt c,,':ITll'r. 11 ,dO \" .1\11 MILLER JAMES M., sec Telegraph Printing Co" h 1219 h l\lillL 111l'S 1aho 11 :;:! anitL' Miller James W., yardmaster P. . R. c lvision, Fort Hunter ~









CLARK' S::~:'~I~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store l s:::}::::ll..



Boyd's Harrisburg (}l) City Directory, 1905:






l\liiler Jason \Y. Rev., h Lynn c Walnut ~lilIer J. C, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~liller jeanette :\1 rs., h 2::11 S 2d ~Iiiler Jennie. janitress. h :!2118 X lith ~liller Jennie E., wid James :\ .. h 1~4!1 Fulton l'diller Jennie ~I., wid Adam. h :!2U~ )\ lith .:'II iller ) esse L .. puddler. h :;28 Race MILLER J. HARVEY, physician and surgeon, 19 N 4th, hdo }liIler John, brakeman. h lith nr Clinton ~Iiller }.lm, contractor. h 1409 Ja111~ ~IiIler 10hn, h 118;) naile,' "!'.liller 'John, h 111(17 :\larket ~IilIer "John, watchman. h /i:14 Herr l\IilIer 'John, P. O. messenger P. R. R .. h 575 S Front :\IiJIer john A., baggagc:master, h WHi') Zarker l\liller John A., car inspector. h 62ii Schuylkill Miller John A., iaborer. h Hll:~ S 21st 1\ Iiller john B., hutcher. h 1i-t1l4 )\ lith Miller John R, elk. h :l/ij S Front .:'IIiller John E., h UtilI Briggs ;\liller 'John F .. brakeman. h 2:{-12 )\ 6th :\lilIer 10hn F.: h :~!l S 17th ~iIIer 'John F., bookkpr P. & R. freight depot, h 3 N 13dJ :\Ii1ler john F . carpenter, h 2:111:) )\ 6th
'l'Ule 6_n\7 and 8oret7 Co. {,dl. . . .IIIIIIIIt,1, Ene.........InIII.... { , .... ,.. -8enualoD. Pea ..... T,uII... 'I~ III 111, .I~I ., . .Ielil Trilla '''''-''

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l'IIi11l'r :\Ii11er Miller



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:\li11er l\1 iller



John H., baggagemaster. h 1405 Zarker John H., carpenter, h 1:3-15 l\orth John H., dairyman, h State ab 21st John H., laborer. h 1317 Penn john J., carpenter, h 1211 Linden John K, elk, h 331 S Front ) ol1n l\I., salesman. :U8 ~larket, h Steelton JOhn P., engr, h ISH!) X 4th John P., grocer, 1:!511 :\Iarket, 11 do John R., carpenter, h 1!)48 Briggs John R., h 213 Boas 'Juhn ~ .. watchman 1'. 0., ';1 :n~ ::' 1:~th ) ohn T., elk Hbg. Trust Co .. h 5UG Emerald John Y .. elk Banking Dept.. Capitol, h 804 N 6th John \Y., asst chief eng-r, Capitol, h 5(16 Emerald Tohn \Y., drher. h :::t~ Bowl 'John \Y .. dri,oer, h r U:!i.:\[arion )ohn \Y .. engine clramr. h Ill-! Cowden Joseph. laborer. h :n Lochiel ad row Joseph A .. elk P. R. R .. h :-:lIti X 3d Jmeph :\ .. eng-r. h :!Il:'; Kelker J(l~l'ph E .. engr. 11 :H~ Harris Jo~eph E., florist. 1Hi Balm. h do Jo~eph F., salesman. 11 12f17 X 2d Jo~eph .T . conductor, h 1!):!(I )\ 7th

Redmond's Wagon Works ~ ~,!,Jdlt~~b~~: ':3d and Reily StS . Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h:l";.~~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908. 527
~Iiller Joseph L., brakeman, h ~344 X 6th MiJ1er Joseph L., engr, h 22:J ~ 15th Milkr Joseph 0., packer P. R. R., h 308 S River Miller Joseph S., elk, 'h 806 N 3d Miller Joseph W., pat med, 316 Blackberry, h 120 S 3d Miller Joshua A., laborer, h 1420 Marion Miller Joshua A., jr., laborer, h 1420 1'larion Miller J. Warren, instructor, h 120 S 3d MILLER, KADES & CO., (Jacob Miller, Samuel Kades and Jacob M. Miller), installment, 1000 N 3d Miller Kate,11 134 S Dewberry Miller Kate, saleslady, h 575 S Front Miller Katherine, h 257 S Cameron Miller Katherine E., dressmkr, 425 Verbeke, h do I Miller Kat1tryn, folder, 201 N 2d, 'h 1905 Green Miller Kathryn, press feeder, 11 1427 Swatara Miller KathrynM., saleslady, 3~4 Market, h Steelton Miller Katie M., saleslady, 318 Market, h Steelton Miller Laoma J., trucker P. R. R. frt depot, h 1724 Elm Miller Laura, wid Jacob, h 1941 N 7th Miller L. Beulah, h :~:n S Front Miller Leah X., h 184~ Susquehanna Miller Leon F., elk, 421 N 2d, h 234 ~fuench Miller LeRoy G., piano tuner, 1232 Mu~berry, "h do

.!:'.:::.o:.} Harrlsburl Salills

Loa Asu. {::=

Miller Leroy K., agt Prudential Ins. Co., h New Cumberland Miller Leslie C, machinist, h 2022 X 5th Miller Levi C, fireman, h 434 S Cameron Miller Lewis, rollerman, h 1212 Cowden Miller Lewis A., driver, h 921 N 18th Miller Lillian G., bookkpr, h 425 Verbeke Miller Lillie L. Mrs., h 611 Peffer Miller Lillie M., teacher, h 1801 Market N Miller Lizzie C, domestic, 1625 Green > )Iiller Louie S. Mrs., h 19 S 4th n ).filler Lydia. milliner. 4(K) 1Iarket, h Shippensburg :c Miller 1fabel C. saleslady, :1()~ ~Iarket, h 260 Verbeke > Aliller Mahel 1\1., wicl Harn', h 1514 State ::z:I Miller 11aggie E., dressmkr. h ~li X :1<1 :Miller Mahlon R., bookkpr. Cowden c Forster, h 1425 > Vt \Valnut ~Iiller Malinda, wid Peter, 'h lOW X 7th Miller Margaret, wirl Abraham C. h 214 North 1filler ':\Iargaret. wid Gt>orge. h 11:m Wallace Miller Margaret A., dressmkr, h 24/l0 Reel l\liller 1largaret A .. housekeeper, 16t:l Penn Miller ~Jargaret 1r.. elk. Wi S ~d. h 52~ Race ;;. So ~liller 1'1 argarct P .. wid ])a\'id R.. h 211 5 X ~d l\IilJer :\Iaria 11., wid Dr. Jacob A .. h :~27 Chestnut ~ ~IiIler 11aria ~ .. wid Daviil :\1.. h 116 S 14th




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I uoog e









Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.






Mill arie lk, 8 '''d. h spire Mill ane sales GS h 18 2d :'vliller ?llartha, wId Albert. h 428 Cranberrv ~1i11er ?lIartha A., wid Theodore, h l:~HG ~ Front Mill arth wid H.. - '!;'j X Miil anit cran n. h -.; lOt :\'1ilIer :\lartin L.. blacksmith. h 17:H :\larket :\liller ?I[ary. h 822 James Mill ary .h R herr ~Ii!I ary, Davi 12(1 ~ :\filler Mary. wid David }I.. h 2023 Kensington ?lfiller ::'.Iary, wid Samuel. h :141 Bonl l'dill ary _ omes Hl:l:l 'n Mill ary, '" adu urse ~1!1 _ :Vliller ~Iary A., wid Abram P .. h 1~ S lith .Miller '[ar\, A wid Daniel H .. h 21 S lith _\lill ary id D G .. h 1 Ma Mill _ arv,.. 'id \~ . ~ ott. I . 0 Gr :VHller :\[ar;' J.. wid \Vil1iam. h R16 Briggs :VIi lie \Tan' K h 1:l:l~ \1adl.o Mille ar~ id \\ n; F .. j7 f\ r ;\liller arv ~', UIl( orster ~1iller ).Iatide E .. cigarmkr. h 1!}.! 1 X 7th Mille l\Iauric \1., labor r h l:N'l Wallace


o u

\!iller Mille ?lIilIe ,\1 iller .\filler }lille MilIe l\IilIer .\ Iiller '\Iillt. ,\1 illc :\Iiller :\Iiller

GO -GA- - -FAI -- --







'\filk .\lilier :'II iller :\J ilk :\Iille :\Iiller :'IIi1ler ,\1 ill( Mille :'IIiIIer :\J iller

:\Iaxwell, car cleaner. h 9R7 ?\ 7th aze, 3 Str errv ilton Irive '46 :v rry l\Iinnie, domestic The Lochiel }Iinnie M. cashier h 611 Peffer II1ll1e wea h (il. dar onro, e'lato n. h K 4 :\lontgomery H., stengr F. & l\1. Wks., 11 131 Herr ?l1()se~. carpenter. h :n 5 ReilY t'\vto , st'al . R. dep 1113 rket . Via ookk (117 ket, I N 13 Olin W .. vocal teacher. h 131 Herr O!>car K., ellgr. h U:!!l X 2d ,car 'ngr. OJ.\ ch ,car 4:!!I I Perc\'. laborer. h :~1 Lachiel 3d row Peter. laborer. 11 1:!2:1 Cumberland 'ter arpe h 1 N 6t lOch sttl h :~ l:h Rachel, wid \\iliam. h -ttl!1 Cowden Ralph L., elk C. 1. and S. Co .. h 528 Race hecc . wid n T., j" \\' eeel J orer, 1 Ve -e Regina. wid Chri~tian, 11 2;;7 S Cameron Ri~harrl C. shoes, 112:5-1127 i'\ 3d, h 1522 Green

A. L

. Cl





Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.
Miller N Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller 1IilIer

!'i29 ~

:MilIer Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller :\liller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller


Richard J., special delivery messenger 1'. 0 .. h :!:t!1 3d Robert. h 21~ Reilv Robert, bartender. 4l:il State, h 1:!:!() Cowden Robert F., meter inspector, h 601 Herr Robert P., car repairer. h 1834 Walnut Rose AI. Mrs., h 13411 K 3<1 Sadie. ironer, h 1820 Wood Sadie, knitter, h 1826 Hickorv Sadie, wid Samuel, h 1:l45 Korth Samuel, hrakeman, h 18311 N 7th Samuel, junk, h 5118 Cowden Samuel D., switchtender, h :!014 I\ 7th Samuel H., elk water dept. C. H., h :!:!:! K 14th Samuel H., conductor. h UIlO ~ 6th Sara. milliner, 400 Market, h Duncannon Sarah. h 6:!5 Herr Sarah, domestic, 1948 Green Sarah, wid Hiram, h 6n:l South al Sarah A.. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Sarah J., wid James. nurse, h 19:18 Berryhill Serena, wid Be'njamin F., 11 1105 \\'allace Simon L., storekeeper, h :!1 X 17th Stephen A., flagman, h 348 S 13th Susan P .. wid Morris P., h 1819 X 2d


-< en


:D C



o o .


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:5~b~~-::'~~K

Miller Miller Miller Miller :\1iller Miller ll.~ iller 'Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller l\tilier Miller l\liller
l\~ iller

;\iiller Miller :;\1iller l\j iller Miller Miller Miller ?lfiller

Susan S., boarding, 230 S 2<1, h (\0 Thomas c., draftsman, h 1259 Dailey Thomas C, finisher, h 1150 Derr\' . Thomas T" coffee roaster, 324 Muench. h do Thomas )., laborer, h 9111 James . Thomas J., jr., laborer. h :l24 Muench Tillie, laundress, h 424 State Tolbert G., steam fitter, h 1804 X 6th Verna, hookkpr, 210 ~ :!d, h 129 N' 13th Verna S . music teacher, 2340 N 6th, h do Walter, ho~t1cr, h 2317 N 6th 'Valter 0., painter, h 1416 NalHlain 'Varren. conductor, h 47 X Hith 'V. (,1\'(le. brakeman. h 11~-! Chrbtian 'V. Er!win. elk. 311 S 2c1. h fi~Hi Harri~ ,,'('iler T.. laborer. h 14:?-! ~tl~(Juehanna \Yilhclnlina l\Irs., h ri14 K :1<1 ' William, conductor. h !i:! X l:!th William, furniture. 21(; South. h do William, molder. 11 H~7 S;Yatara "'illiam A., buyer. ~:u :.\Ta rkl't. h 1164 :.\Iulberry \\,illiam A., car repair('r. h 1R-!f) Fulton William A., ekctririan. h 21 X ]7th \Villiam A., machinist. h 1849 Fulton William A. R.o chief elk cit:- treas, C. H .. h 569 Race








INDEPENDENT LOA~ AND SECURITY co. l:~~T {~"~:,:!:r..I~~G

Digitized by


oog e


:::: ;;::~- McNEIL'S COLD TIBLETS ~3~r"-t;


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908. William ll., salesman, h 3:Jl S Front William c., brakeman, h Ill6!) Moltke William c., foreman, h 2:!IIS ~ 6th \Villiam D., e1evatorman Capitol, h 1610 Penn \\"illiam E., laborer, h 173;) ~ 7th William G., civil engr, h :!:!tl Locust William G., electrician P. R. R., h 14:!:! Green \\'iIIiam H., h 6:16 Harris William H., brakeman, h 2148 Atlas William H .. car cleaner, h 337 Chestnut William H., engr, h 1!141 N 7th William H., flagman, h 52 ~ 12th William H., heater, h 8:18 S Cameron \Villiam H., laborer, h 1345 North William K., driver, h 452 S Cameron WilIiam L., laborer, h 4 );' 9th William M., conductor, h 3:~8 Bovd William M., concluctor, h HI58 N 7th William N., carpenter. h 1451 Regina William 0., engr, h ii:l2 Woodhine Wi11iam P., (Ivliller Bros. & Baker), h 2115 N 3d William R., stengr, h l~an Green Wi11iam S., (Coder & Miller), h 1207 N Front William S . eng-r, h 1~1:! N 4th \Vilson, package dept, :l:~4 ~Iarket. 'h 41 Linden -

Miller ~..' ilier MiUer }.iiller l\ i ;1I('r }Iiller Miller :\;iller },'[iIIcr :'.IiIler





Cz zC ...

l\'IiIler :\fiIIer Miller MIller Miller Miller


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--1IIII81.IIII.n Sir'" C ={~..... .... ~ }l':== ------- ------- ------

Miller :Miller Miller Miller

c o



Sectric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND Ji~t~e~~yt!~"b~e

.Miller & Long, (A. S. Miller and C. L. Long), contractors, State c 18th MILLER & STONER. (Charles A. Miller and Martin G. Stoner), proprs Star Carpet Cleaning Works, Cameron c Walnut see adv l\iillers' 1\'Iut. Fire Ins. Co., B. K. Huntzinger, sec, 1 S 3d Miilevelo Bono. laborer, h 110 Short Milligan Alhert J.. boilermkr. h 2126 ;-.; 7th ~I illig-an Annie, domestic. 2120 X :~d ~li1Iigan EIIen D., wid John, h :!1:!6 X 7th 2\lilligan Harry II., pOl inter. h 2Uli l\ 7th ~ri11igan Samuel A . puddkr, h 1118 Conoy :\Iilliken Gertrude " .. honnetmkr, It 18111 Penn ~JiIliken' Harry 1., inspector, h 602 Seneca 1\ IiIliken lames T .. conductor. h ii:1~ Peffer ~lillikel1 -~[argaret, wid fohn. h liII2 Seneca l\liIlikm Sarah D .. center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do ~Ii\likcn Thomas S., driver, h :!Oll-i State ~II ills Effit~ E. :\1 rs., h lIi:!2 X lith ~Iil\!' Frank :\1., machinist. h :t?ZI Hummel l\lills L. Henry, laborer, h r ;)1:l Walnut l\IiIls ~lan:\1. :\Ir,; .. launrlress. h 440 South :\lil1s Sara-h. domestic. HII South :\lil1s Thomas. lahorer, h ::i17 South l\Iil1!' William G .. harher, h HIll Elm - - - --------- --- - - - ------------------



Malu,. 8pec1a1ty 01 {I.'. N.8cl ... PabUo Bwldlap In Plaln TiD" KlltIJDateIGlna

Boyd's Harrisburg (M.) City Directory, 1908.

:vlilnor George W., contractor, 'it!) Capital. h do l\lilton Lewis, (I river, h 70ft Korth al Mimnaught Michael J., helper, h 624 Race 1finichan Bessie. hemmer, h 1414 ;\laple ~Iinichan Harry fl., h 1411 !\ 6th l\Iinichan Horace. !"team fitter, h 507 Cowden Minichan Jennie, stengr, h 1414 J\Iaple Minichan Sarah E .. wid Samuel E., h 1.414 :\1aple Minick Benjamin F .. car inspector. h 2124 !\ Gth 1linick Bertha. bunchmkr. h J:i:m Fulton i\Iinick Charles H .. helper. h 1!l:W N Front :\Iinick David B., car inspector. h 2150 N fith ~Iinick Elmer E., laborer, h 121 Savfonl l\linick Harry R.. plasterer. h 121!l N Cameron l\'finick Jeremiah, upholsterer. 426 Kelker al. h 15:~O Fulton Minick Lucy A., wid J. Henry. h 121 Sayford ),Iinick :\label L., dressmkr, h 215(1 !\ lith l\finick \Villiam ~. forgeman. h 12~ Say ford :\Iinium Elias C .. h ls:n Briggs Minium John, helper. h 1117 K :ld Minium Kate l\lrs., dressmkr, 1.117 !\ :~cl. h do Mink('r Joseph. pUddler, h 1:~2R S lath Minkiana Joseph. laborer. h 221 ;\lulhl'rry Minkie Frederick, laborer, h 12th c Kelker :c ~\'linnich Ephraim, laborer. h ~HI Susquehanna :.-



--------------------------------------- :a ~=::~Harrlsburg Sa,lngs and loan Assl.{ < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :.:a :\1innich Harry W .. engr, h ;)2H Woodhine
l\1 innich Howard, foreman, h 2:t1l S 2C\ Minnich Tohn, laborer, h Canal bel ;\laclav l\'linnich 'Tohn A., watchman, h 101~ IlerrvhiIl l\-linn!ch John H., laborer. h 20l!i Penn . Minnich Joseph, laborer. h 1~:l4 !\ 7th Minnich, see l\luench, also ).Iunch Minnick Annie U. Mrs., h 2115 S 18th :\Iinnick Elzo H., shoemkr. 'h 205 S 1~th ),linnick George H .. brakeman, h fill:la Peffer :\finnick George Y .. millwright. h 12:i4 ).Iarket :\1innick Irvin E .. engr. 11- tufi Calder :\1innick Lawrence, laborer, h 1:10li !\ 2d ).Iinnick Xorman. paperhanger, h 2ft;; S l~th Minnier Charles F .. machinil't. h :!'22 Reilv 1linnier William H .. elk, h 222 Reil\" . l\1innier \VilIiam T., engr, h 222 Reily Minnig Charles F., policeman, h 1211:1 l\larket Minnig Elmer R., foreman. 'h 71ll ?\ 19th Minnig Francis, local express. h l::W:~ l\Iarket :Minnig Melvin, driver. h 120:l l\larket :VI innis Emerson S., laborer, h !l4fi X 7th ~IinnisSusannah A., wid Timofh\" D .. h !122 Penn Minnis Vernon R.. letter carrier. 'h !l22 Penn Minor Sarah, cook, h 215 'Cranberry



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T H' E--P-- AT R iJig~d~' oogIe I n T;C


H. I. KELLEY .. CO.}'" :':'1rI.:.rll~:':t{COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.






~ _



tZ GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST US N. 3d St. '0 Mitchell Alex. H., mess Dept. Int. Affairs, h 820 N 6th


Clara A., cigarmkr, h 5Ui Emerald Harry, plasterer, h 516 Emerald Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h 2640 Jefferson George W., heater, h lOOG Green Harry W., car inspector, h 1519! N 5th Joseph, heater, h 613 Mahantongo Leo, screwsman. h 26411 Jefferson ~1inskey Lottie Mrs., h 600 South Xlinskey Simon, junk, h 520 Filbert MINTER CO. (THE), Luther Minter, book publishers, 7 N Market sq Minter Jacob L., miller, h 129 Paxton :\Iinter Luther, (The Minter Co.), h 16 Evergreen :\;Iinter Sarah, wid Mic'hael, h 1630 Green Mintzer Bertha, h 131 Walnut Minutolo Paolo, barber, 211 S 2d, h do Mlsenhelter Elizabeth, wid George, h 910 N 6t'h Mishey Milton B., asst cashier P. R. R. depot, h Mt. Joy Mishler Henry, h 1123 Derry Mishler Michael J., driver, h 1921 Derry :\1issemer Benjamin F., mac'hinist, h 1619 Penn Missemer :Mary E., stengr, Crescent c 1Iulberry, h 1619 Penn Missionary Tidings, L. Graeff. pub, 201 X 2d Mitc'hell A. Ellen, milliner, 318 Briggs, h do

NIinsker Minsker :\linskey :\1inskey Minskey Minskey Minskey


..... ..... '" .. ..,

Mitchell Clara B., elk Dept. Int. Affairs, Capitol, h 820 N 6th :\Iitchell Edgar H . stableman, h 1112 James MITCHELL EHRMAN B., lawyer, Calder bldg, 16 N 2d, h 315 N Front :\litchell Ella M., stengr, 901 X 3d, h 1112 James ;\Iitchell (ieorge F., cand\' mfr, 12U) Cowden, h do MITCHELL HORACE 'B., office, 5 N 2d, h 600 N 3d Mitchell Isaac, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~litchell James, laborer, h 141:1 Marion 11itchell Jennie F .. teacher, h ~;)2 S Cameron Mitchell Joseph c., motorman. h l1:l Verbeke ~Jitchell Mary, housekeeper, S5:! S Cameron :\Iitchell ~lary :\1., h SilO N 3d Mitchell Matilda, wid James. h 51 ii X iith :\Iitchell ~li11ar<1 F .. elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 511 Calder 1&1 Mitchell Percival, laborer, h 521 Brown ~ l\litchell Samuel, laborer. h 214 Cranberry ::\litchell Samuel :\1.. repairs man. h ii33 Emerald Q :\1itchell Thomas S .. purch agt. 227 Walnut, h 1712 State ~ ::\Iitchell \\"illiam, laborer. h 4211 Cranberry Mitchell \Villiam :\., laborer, h n:n Herr II!: Mitchell William E .. brakeman, h 2:U4 Jefferson :\Jitchell William R.. brakeman, h 14211 Hunter

A. B. TACK t:s~::lIOU PUDer ond IIndOl8llOdeS r.1~~:em

Boyd's Harrisburg (M ) City Directory,. 1908. 533
~Iitten Charles E .. elk, h 1323 Swatara Mitterlehmer Frederick J., foreman, 7th c Xorth. h 430 S 17th Mitterlehner Cecelia H., bllnchmkr, h 430 S 17th ~Iixell J. Lawrence, bottler, h 12 N 5th ~Iixell Parker ]., car repairer, h 2'245 Jefferson :\loats Landry S., blue printer, h 255 Kelly al ?llobley Edward, laborer, h 1164 S Cameron :\Iock Frank G . (Mock & Hartman), h 2289 N 7th ~lock Lee, laundry, 1115 S 2d, h do :\[ock Mow, laundry, 1:m5 X 6th. h do ~Iock Yuen, dining room, 24 S 4th, h do MOCK & HARTMAN, (Frank G. Mock and Rufus A. Hartman), grain elevator and coal, 7th c Emerald :\lockler Ellen. domestic. 27 S Front l\loeller Catharine. wid Dietrich, h 116 ~ l:~th :\Ioeller ;\Iatilda E., teacher, h 116 ~ 1:~th l\Ioeller Minna c.. bookkpr, 428 ~'darket. h 116 X I:Uh ::\Ioeller, see :\J oller Moeslein Adam E:, elk, h 336 S 15th :\Ioeslein Chas. J., grocer and provisions, 2:1111 ~ lith, h do :\Ioeslein Christian, h 416 Cumberland MOESLEIN EDWARD, sec and treas Harrisburg Apparel Co., real estate, 424 State, h 422 North 1Ioeslein Edward, jr., carpenter, It Boas


:\loeslein Elizabeth :\[rs .. boarding. 64:> Boas, h do MOESLEIN FERDINAND, propr Wonderland, 904 Market; hotel, 1235 N 6th, h 605 Verbeke :\Ioeslein Frederick ~L, elk, 302 Verbeke, 11 645 Boas .:\Ioesleil1 William E., bricklayer, h 612 Boas Moffitt Charles A., car repairer, 'h 2031 ~ 7th :\Ioffitt Charles W., solicitor Patriot, h 432 Market 110ffitt George R., physician, h 1705 N Front :\Ioffitt John ]., D. D. S., office. 200 Pine, h 1727 ~ 2d 110ffitt Luther R., teacher, h 17n5 1\ Front :\loffitt Robert H., h 17n5 X Front Moffitt Robert H., jr., h 17115 X Front :\Ioffitt Sarah A .. wid Charles. h 1114 Penn Moffitt Thomas R., elk. 11 17115 X Front :\Iogel Levi F .. postal elk. h 1:m1 Kittatinny :\Iohan William T., inspector, h ~21!) X 4t'h :\Iohler Edna W., drawing teacher. 11 1707 Green '-11 :\Iohler Edna W., teacher. 11 1121 Green ~ :\Iohler Smith, brakeman. h 54 X 12th 8 1Iohler \Villiam D., loom fixer, 11 17()7 Green :\lohn Da\'id, stable boss. 11 111 S Cameron 1\101m David, jr.. salesman. 4411 ~Iarket, 11 111 S Cameron t-. :\lohl1 Harn. wrecker. 'h ~14 Xectarine ~ :\lohn Harr~ H., elk, h 111 S Cameron V) rMolm Harr)' W., laborer. h 1018 BerryhiIl



MONEY AOVAI CED} .lWDanlW,.UT LO". AJlD Si-cuallY Co.

{8~.8 P'.o;rd BI"

..... ..-.



Digitized by



Advertising Department

W.D.BOYD to.
Member of the A ..oclatioD of American Directory PDbl18hen

HOME OFFICE: Wanner Building

Reed Streel Corner Court

........ CIt)' rrb.... alJ'


S. . . .Ili. Ctr.l I . .I _


WWIa...-n ClIJ' ttnIU.

.r 'rl

dpal T. . . . . . ..

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(TIl ADB llA'tI"

allre .c c.Co


GUY M. BOYD. Manager


Digitized by


I. B. Tlei} PI~~~a~.~~!-!..~~R{ 1216 ROnl TDInI bl

Boyd's Harrisburg (1\'1) City Directory, 1908.

Mohn Nellie, cigarmkr, h 135 S 2d Mohry John T., yardmaster P. & R., h 414 Hummel PI Moist Abram J., dairyman, h 1631 N' 5th 2 Moist David A., livery, r 914 N 3d, h 2456 N 6th .-1 Moist D. Blaine, electrician, h 1631 N 5th Molet ~lic'hael, laborer, h 1226 Herr MOLLER C. ADOLPH, druggist and P. O. Station, 0 No.7, 35 S 2d, h 116 N 13th Moller Marie E., wid George P., h 1823 Market Moller, see ~loeller Moltz G. \Van'en, postal elk. h 1335 Derry Monarch \Vall Paper Co., F. E. Hamme, mgr, 132 S 2d ", :Monath Eliza. wid George. h 21:i Mutberry 0 Monath Frank H., elk Peip'her Line, 'h 215 Mulberry -I Monck Mary, forelady Dauphin Cigar Co., h 505 Cowden Monegan Richard E., tinner. h 2417 Reel PI Mongan :Martin L., carpenter, h 1106 S Cameron C l\longan William E., S'hoemkr. 217 Herr, h do Monismith Samuel, repairer, 'h 2026 Kensington Monismith \Villiam, repairer, h 1819 Susquehanna > Monmi1ler Josephine Mrs . h 625 Forrest :a Monn Annie ~l.. wid James D . h 16:33 Swatara < Monn Clara F .. cigarmkr, 'h 1633 Swatara > Monn Ethel B.. cigarmkr, h 1633 Swatara :a Monn Frantz. bottler. h 16:-J:~ Swatara


0 r r





Monn James c., riveter, h lIi:l3 Swatara :. Monn Josiah. h 2104 N 6t:!ll n Monn LUt'her G., engr. 'h 1(;24 Swatara ~fonongahela ~Ielting Co .. Elmer R. Wagner, mgr, oil, : . 10th ab Division :D ~Ionroe Charles, laborer. h 17:n K 6th :. Monroe Clyde \V., helper. h 17:n 1\ fith (I) Monroe Elizabeth, charwoman. h :t Haehnlen ~lonroe Elizabeth. domestic. 15117 State Monroe Harry c., eng-r. h 21O:i :\ lith Monroe Hezekiah. butler. lIiU5 X Front. h do Monroe :\Jorris 1... cleaner, h 17:n X lith Monroe William. laborer. h :~~ Lochiel ,!th ro\\' Monroe \\', ~cott, conductor. h ] 7:11 X lith ~lonser Ceorgc. lahorer. 11 Ii:::! Ikla\\'arc l\Tollser Laura E .. elk. h li!t:! Delaware






Coal and Wood

BOTti PtlONl!.S


- - - - - - - - - --

36 S. 3d St.. COR. CHESTNUT ST.



' .'

"'HE r - - . ~A"'AIO'"


HA .... I U .. G.


Digitized by

~"~L"G oogIe


l'r7 ~ IP. Black DlalilOllda Wbell{ I 11M.,. ',,"I. ..... - .. H II ~ "~LLEY .. CO'S -7-'-". - ,.... ,....... 536 Boyd's Harrisburg (:M) City Directory, 1908.


,; .:


:: IE

= :;

Nellie E., elk, h (ia~ Delaware Lewis. bar elk, ;na \'erbeke, h do :\lontellc Grace E., stengr, 14 S :!d, h Wormleysburg . ~lontelle Lulu, dressmkr, 4()O :\Iarket, h \Vormleysburg :\lontgomery Addie R. ~lrs., h 1:l20 N Front :\lontgomery A. ~Iargaret, wid Samuel. h ~no Cumberland :\lontgomery David. laborer, h 514t ~ 5th :\Jontgomcry Edward, bricklayer, h 2549 Agate :\Iontgu11lcry Emma L.. wid J amcs D., h :WtI Chestnut I\lontgomrry Frank S., supt, :W S :~d. h 30tl Chestnut '\[ontgomery (;eorge P., h :W!J Chestnut :\[ontgomery Graham .-\., painter, h 131t1 ~ Front :\lontgomery Harry B., mgr, h 9(J:! ?\ 2d :\lontgomery Helen. student', h tltI:! X :!d ).Iontgomery James. bricklayer, h 2;")49 Agate MONTGOMERY JAMES B., (estate) (Montgomery &


Co.), coal, 36 S 3d c Chestnut see adv back cover and page 535
:\Iontgomcry Joseph, painter, h 111;) S River ~lontg()ll1ery Joseph. (:\Iontgomery & Co.), h :!:!i State :\lontg0111ery J os. ~d. student, h 309 Chestnut [!W'! N "ld :\fontg0111ery J. Stewart. asst wire chief, :!~7 \Valnut. h :\Iontgomery Olivcr Boo druggist. h :W9 Chestnut ~[ontg0111ery Peter If .. molder, h HI5 S River ~lontgomery Rohert, laborer. h 514t X 5th

:\Iontgomen' Samuel. stonemason. h B:!7 S :!U!

MONTGOMERY THOMAS LYNCH, State -Librarian. Capitol, h 605 N Front


Thomas \\' . elk Aud. (;enl's Dept., Capitoi, h .t:u Boas

MONTGOMERY WALTER L., manager, 36 S 3d. h 309 Chestnut MONTGOMERY & CO . (Joseph Montgomery and estate James B. Montgomery. William K. Alricks and Charles S. Lingle). Peipher Line Fast Freight to Philadelphia and New York. 10th bel Market see adv

:FA8T FREIGHT) To alld from Philadelphia and New York

Low .atll, Rlpl. Trllllt a.d Prall,t Oillm,

. . - lark 1 Car. of PEIPHEB LIIE


PHILADELPHIA-Willow Street Wharf. Phlla .... Reading Rwy. Co. NEW YORK-Pier 10, Nonh River, Central R. R. of~. J NEW YORK-Pier 112, North River, near VeIlbl"Ol8et! St., C. R. R. of N. J. NEW YORK- Pier 46. North River, near Christoph. r ~t, C. H. R. of M. J. BROOKLYN-Fulton Terminal. foot ~'nlton 8treet. Ventral R. R. of N. J BROOKLYN-Foot lay Street. East Hlnr, Central R. R. of N. J. BROOKLYN-E. D. Terminal, Ea.<! River. Central R. R. of N. J. IER'lEY CITY-Depots, Central R. R. 01 N. J. NEWARK-Depoes, Central R. R. olN. J. HARRISBURG-Tenth Street, below Market. Phlla. and HeatllnK R",y. Co.
IVIONTGOIVIE ... V . . CO., Proprlet-ora

lhDplo,. none but fI ...I-CI.... workmen. be_ ODI7 ".. A B TACK} __ -*ud a-r.IL Work doue In aDJ' ,.ner Slate J1 N. Nil&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (l'I) City Directory, 1908.


MONTGOMERY & CO., storage warehouses, general III transfer and distributing agents of agricultural implements, &c., 625-627 Walnut see adv ~lontugh 'WiIliam A., brakeman, h 708 Green ~ ;\Ionver Annie, saleslach', 334 ~Iarket, h Carli~le r.Ion)er John E., janito"r, h 2(; N 3d Moody Adaline, wid \Vashington, h 5th cReel's la Z Moody Arthur, butler, h 21!l S Front III Moody Charles \V .. cngr, h 5th c Rcel"s la l\~00dy George \V., huckster, h lion Walnut ::D Moody William H., h 2:U!l N 3d l\loog Bros., (Louis and Paul), shoes, 1:l S ad C) l\Ioog David, installcr, 210 \\"alnut, h 1!l]:? Forster Moog John F., salcsman, ]3 S 3d, h do Moog Louis, (Moog Bros.), h 215 Cumberland :.roog Marie, wid Ferdinand, h 13 S 3d Moog Paul, (Moog Bros.), h 711) N 2d Moon Bertha :\1., stcngr Dept. Mines, Capitol. h 21l!l State Moon Delevan \V., mgr. h 6111 N 3d r-.loon Emma .Mrs., (1\1oon & Adams), h 6lU N 3(1 MOON & ADAMS, (Mrs. Emma Moon and Miss Eleanor Adams), business college and public stenographers, 610 N 3d "t-.Joonev Drach'. brakeman, h 314 X ectarine 11oone~' Ellis 'E., butter, 1423 Derry, h 1421) do

< en


. =



o .


MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~::i~~~~-:;'~~II:

:'>oIoore Albert D. B .. machinist, h 121 S Dewberry l\Iocre Alvin L.. car repairer, h a~J ?\ Summit . MOORE ALFRED C., genl insurance, 2130 Moore, h do I\loore Amanda A" \\ ill t'pton t'., h 2::0 S ]5th Moore Anna, stengr. h 51l:! Brown 'Moore Austin A .. merchant tailor, l:!lCl )'Iarket, h do l\Ioore Barbara E. :'>oIrs,. h 211(j Turner M00re Bertha :\I., hotlsekeeper, 14:ltl ~ 3d l\lpore Bessie, dressmkr, h 2fi!) Forster Beore Bessie E, l\Irs . h Hil!l Swatara Moore BlanC'he, tailoress, h 1421 ~orth Moore Carrie E., wid Joseph S., h 218 Prune Moore Charles, canvasser, h 29 N 5th Moore Charles W., waiter, h 340 Muench



Storage Warehouses
forwarded upon_ order of owners or autborlzN agenu. Separate locked rooms for BOlllehold Good.. Low rats of FIre Inluranr.e. Flrat,CI_ Teams tor Baullng and Mo?lq Goods. Pianoe and Extra Heavy Hauling a 8peclalty,
8I'J and Repain tor, and General loterebandlll8 received, stored and p'omptly

General Tranafer and DlltrlbuUng Agenta. Agricultural Implements. MachIn-


WABBBOUSE8, NOB. 8U and a7 Walnut Rtreet, Canal Street, above Market, and Tenth Mtre .. t, beloW' Ma ..k ..t,

.... ....

INDEPENDENT LOANlla SECURITY CO. ~l~~ {r:'~~~;~;toogle


Moore 1\[oorl' E~ Moore :'Iloore l\loore c:i 1\loore u .\foore c l\loorc C) 1\loore - ' Moore Moore l\Joore C U l\loore a : :\Ioore :l\1oore ~ l\loorc C :\loore ~ ~L l\Ioore C: Moore :\Ioore :\Ioore Moore Moore :Yloore Moore :Y1oore :Moore


t:! :\roon~ i~ l\T oore ,oa



McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:ft~~fr:8~:'~~ 306 Bro..

:)38 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.
Corddia T. wid William, h :!(I:I X Hith Curtin. c~gr, h 14;~() N ad Elizabet h, domestic. :!:!4 Pine Elmer E., switchman, h 6114 Granite Fanny Mrs., h rl04 Cowden F:ulIlv P. 1\lrs .. h 1l1~ Florence Frank A., employee State Arsenal. h 1421 Korth Franklin \V .. laborer. 'h 1:!:!1i Currant Geor~e E., carpenter. h 15:~~ Hunter Geo. F., waiter The Commonwealth, h 1429 Mari<1n George S .. huckster. h 222 KlOth Grant l\'1., paperhanger, h :124 Strawberry Hardenia. wid Henry. h lU~ Liberty Hugh R .. laborer, h 2:l0 S l;)th James, laborer, h 121 Dock Jaml's. laborer, h 1600 State James F., driver. h 7fH S 19th James G., engr. h 17t:~ Penn James S., missionary, h 51:~ X 4th Jane, h 256 Boas Jesse T., catcher. h 212:! Turner John H .. lahorer. h 1;~2:1 Jame~ John H., laborer, h 20a Kectarine Josephine, h 121 S Dewherry Katherine, dressmkr. h 4111 Filbert

Moore Moore ?-oIoore ?lloort, ?-otOOrt'

Tltli a rally Sarety CO. 1':'\-::',

r..::r...=..: ~,::-{ ~=



Z 0


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Louisa, wid George S., h 90() S 19th Louisa A., wid William. h ]:!24 Currant Lynn \V., engr, h r 935 N :ld Maggie R., wid Samuel, h ()41 Harris Malinda, wid Edward, h 607 X. Cameron Margaret A., cigarmkr, h 230 S 15th l\laria, laundress, h 35:3 S Cameron IViartin, assessor, h 502 Brown Martin A., laborer, h 502 Brown ~Ioore Mary :VIrs., matron Capitol. 11 5112 Brown Moore Mary B., wid Jacob A., h 214 Muench ~Ioore Mattie B .. wid Frank B., h 2:19 State Moore P. Ray. mechanical dentist. 4 S :!d. h !t!G N 6th ~Ioorc Ralph' A., elk. 12li N nth. 11 do Moore Ralph D .. brakeman. 'II (i04 Seneca :\[oore Rebecca Mrs .. h 1253 Monroe ~Ioore Retta B., wid J. Patton, h 1724 Green :VIoore Richard, lahorer, h 414 South :\Ioore Roy, brakeman, h S K 5th Moore Samuel B .. bricklayer. 'h ]:\03 S Cameron Moore ~amuel T., surveyor Dept. Forestry. Capitol, h 816 CapItal ~Ioore Spencer, bellman, h 108 Libert\' 2'foore T'heodore. machinist, 11 7 S 16th lloore Theodore L .. cook, "h :{:!II Calder

ANDREW REDMOND} ~:=::.::!:; :r~~gl:s ~3d and R8111. Stat

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1 B. Tiel} IILL PAPER ::::!:i!':':: WlNOOI SHIDES h~.~:S

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.



Moore \V. Earl, apprentice, h 1210 Market Moore William, 11 256 Boas Moore WiIIiam, driver, 'h 108 Liberty 1Ioore William, teamster, h 906 S 19th Moore William, upholsterer, h ft Chestnut Moore Wm. A., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 37 N 17th Moore William H., grocer, 1217 X I)th, h do Moore William H., supt, 21 X ad, h 231! South Moore \Villiam L., salesman, 'h Ill!) Ann al Moore \ViIliam ~1., brakeman, h flllli S 19th Moore WiIIiam T., machinist, h 12112 Christian Moorhead George W., laborer, h 625 Harris lI.Ioorhead J. Milton, brakeman, 'h 2013 N 7th Moorhead Joseph S., h 625 Harris Moorhead Robert W., mgr, fi:m Walnut, h 2()3 Hamilton Moran Anton, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Moran 'Clara A., saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 428 Hamilton Moran George J., fireman Water Works, h 428 Hamilton Moreland Effie M., wid NewelI, h 1807! N 5th Moreland Ida J., bookbinder, h 1519 Walnut Moreland Irvin D., elk, h 18071 ~ 5th Moreland Mary, wid Herman, h 15]9 Walnut Moreland Oliver P., helper, 'h 1807i N 5th Morell Ernst, gardener, h 620 S 13th Moretti Engene, storekeept'r, h 1101 Market





~ -=-:'}Harrllburl ..

SaYiDgl and Loan Alln. G:=

< l> :u


Moretti Frank F., restaurant, 1112 Market, h 1146 do Moretz Clarence, elk P. R. R., II Penbrook l'.Ioretz l-Iiester C, l'on<luctor, h ti41i Woodbine 1\lorgan Amelia, varnisher, h 1712 Elm N ~lorgan Annie L., teacher, h R1!) N 2d M organ Christian H., freight .agt, h 1728 State Morgan David S., lahorer, h t:UII S 13th Morgan Elizabeth, teacher, h ] IIi Calder l: Mc:.rgan Frederick B., dispatcher P. & R., h 1542 Walnut Vlorgan James, laborer, h ]21 Mulberry Morgan James L., machinist, h 3:t! S lfith Horg'an James \V . machinil't, h 533 Maclay Morgan John H., lahorer, h Ii l\ !lth . ~lorgan John P., h Itti Calder Morgan l\[ay, h 1tI:\fi Market Morgan Merkle L., t'xpressman, 4111 Chestnut, h 124 ~ GoO Hover 1'! organ" ~l ichael, car inspector, h 1!)li!l Moltke :Horgan Paul. evangelist, h 17111 Susquehanna c..o ).Iorgan Susan F., wid James "V., h R]!l N 2d I: ~lorgaridge William W., billiards, 17-19 S 2d, h 915 N 2d : a l\lorgenthal Edwarc\ H., brakeman, h 231 S 14th ~Iorgentha\er Chri~ti,l11, foreman, ]R S 3d, h 2;)7 Cumberland Morgcnthaler Frcc\'k L., mgr. 6:!7 Walnut, h 2]3 Hamilton !L




... i


>. . .

. . . .T 01'" THIE NIEW. 0 .. THIE DAY A .... IEA" . . . I".T IN


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OOB s .... o-a.MOTTO. - } IIM KELLEY CO { , ......, ...... ..... Weltlla& at. 540 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.

*' ...............

;; MORGENTHALER JOHN L., 5th Ward Hotel, 937 N II: 3d, h do ~ ::\Iorgcnthaler Mary R., saleslady, 334 Mkt .. h 257 Cumb'ld

!! '.\Ioringwakc Annie, dressmkr, 416 Hummel, h do _

_ ::\Iorley Emma Mrs., h 212 Harris

_ :


_ i\lcrley Robert M., fittcr, h 212 Harris l\forne Fannv, wid William H., h 1417 N 6th i! ~Iorne Madora E., trimmer, 334 ~Iarket, h 1417 ?\ 6th ~ :'.Iorning Christian F., elk, 400 Mkt., h Shiremanstown Morning Hannah, domestic, 203 ~ Front :: ~ Iorningstar Lawrence E., conductor. h 1437 Zarker :'.Iorningwake \Vi11iam, fireman, h 440 Hummel c::: ~rGrr Anthom', h 112~ l'\ Cameron fti ~Iorrell Elmer, gardener, h 6:?0 ~ 13th ~ ~\I(jrrett Alhert c., barber, h 4:?1l S 2d (J) :'Ilorrett Frank W., carpenter. h HI28 Logan ~[nrrett Tesse S .. laborer. h ll:?tI l\Iarkct ~iorrett )ohn W .. carpenter, h fiOS Briggs ).;orrett Lawrence T., bar clk. 517 \\'ailltlt. h do ... Morrett l\Icn'l A., machinist. h !mn ~ 2d ;\Tnrrett Oliver F . painter, h' lIi3 fi t Wallace .." :'Ilorrett Reuben, contractor, &c .. 600 Boas, h do "-" '1arrett Romain, cigarmkr. h 1120 l\Iarket :\Iorrett Samuel T., plumber. h 14:lfl SusCfuehann'a

=:; :\lorley Mary H., elk State Dept. Health, h Marysville


a: o

o o


Morris Morris :\[orris Morris :\forris :\forris :\IClrris ::'-Iorris

N~ 3d -St.



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TIenjamin. peddler, h ii12 X 5th Earl S., carpenter, h um4 X 6th Fanny, tobacco stripper, h ;'i1:? ~ iith Freda, cigarmkr. h ii12 ~ iith Gcorge C, conductor. h :?:~:l Harris Harry E . mgr. h :~f):! Cumberland Howard. bar dk. h 41~ S 17th Tohn. laborC'r. h 1:l:W :'.Iavflo\\'er ~Iorris )ohn x .. helper. h 41.': S'17th ~Iorris fohn S .. steelwkr. h :!Wil Swatara Morris 'fohn W., conductor. h l:Ul Xnrth Morris Rebecca. cig-armkr. h iiI:! X :Jth :\Jorrison Abram. carpenter, h Ton St~te :\'Torrison Adelaide V. ~Jrs., 11 iiI.': \\"alnut ~Iorri!'on .\mos K .. firel1lan. h fill!) ( hfonl :Morrison Am~', wid \'enrg-e. h :!4Zi X Ri\"(~r Morrison Andrew 1\1.. Illg-r, h :!1:!:~ X :!c1 Morrison .\rthur R.. fireman. h II:! :\Iulberr\" :\10rrison Beatrice 1'.lrs., h :1:10 Cherry . :\Jorrison Charles II .. hookkpr Patriot. h 40.! Brigg-s ::\Iorrison Charles 1\1.. eng-r. h ;\,,0 S 17th ::\forri~on Da\'id, iunk. h TOIi South Morrison E. L.. ri11ysician Lunatic Hospital. h do Morrison Ella. s1Ie~la(h. :1:i.! I\T arkl't. h Steelton Morrison Harry. 1abor~r, h 20:\!) I\:ensing-ton

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.
Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Harry L., machinist, h 1404 Market Henry, porter, 137 N 4th, h do Herman, tailor, h 520 State Isaac, h 24 Aberdeen John S., coachman, 11245 N River



G n

Morrison Lenher 11., agt, h 1406 Regina ~ Morrison Margaret, nurse, h :-n5 N Front " Morrison Mary, cigannkr, h 522 Race .. ~ _ Morrison Miles B., laborer. h 1940 Briggs Morrison Monroe A .. elk. h 1406 Regina Morrison Rebecca, wid Alexander, h 14n4 ?larket _ Morrison W. Eber. elk Patriot. h 404 Briggs (t Morrissey Amy. wid George, h 2:l5 ~ River C Morrissey George A .. laborer, h 1405 S 12th Morrissey Harry L., elk Elliott-Fisher Co .. h 1407 S 12th Morrissey James, policeman, h 1405 S 12th -. Morrissey James E., rougher, h 1312 S 12th Morrissev Tohn S., coachman, h 2:15 N River 4!'t Morrissey Mary. cigarmkr, h 10:l Tuscarora o-C:: Morrow Anna E .. wid Herbert A .. h 225 Peffer Morrow Arthur M .. laborer, h 1947 B~~~ _____ ~___ ~

MORRISON JOHN W., deputy commissioner of banking, Capitol, h 212 Chestnut MORRISON J. RALPH, mgr Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., 105 N 2d, h 121 State



MILLER - - - " BAKER} ~~~~~-:::'~~E BROS. ._--Morrow Bertha H .. stengr. 14 S 2d. h 225 Peffer Morrow E. Bovd. teacher, h 225 Peffer Morrow Edward M., boilermkr, h 1:n3 Swatara Morrow Ellen S . wid Richard, h l!H7 Briggs Morrow Emily R., tel apr The Comwlth., h 5 ~ 13th Morrow Ethel. book sewer. Court ab Locust. h 227 Peffer Morrow Frank, carpenter, h l!IIH :\loltkc Morrow Frank S., mgr, 16th c Elm. music teacher, h 160~ State. Morrow John K.. carpenter. h 5:l7~ \Vooclbine


MORROW JOSEPH W., contractor, plumbing, steam and hot water heating, 1022 Market, h Highspire

lI.Iorr(lw Katherine. ,\"io \\'ilIiam \V .. h :1ii2 Hummel ?Iorrow Lenora. telephone opr. 227 \Valnut, h 22:5 Peffer :\Jorro\\- :'.Jahel R .. actres~. h ::07 Briggs ::\Iorrow Richard \Y .. elk St. Tames Hotel. h l:UB Swatara :vlorruw S3.11ltH'1 C. p:-tinter. h H14. Briggs 1\Jorrow Samuel If .. fruit. &c .. 517 Willow, h 307 Briggs Morrow Thomas A .. h 1!l081 State l\Iorrow Virtue 1\1., teacher: h 1!).t7 Briggs I\Iorrow "'aIter S., attendant Lunatic Ho~pita1. h do )..forrow William T.. elk. h 190:'0:\ State Morrow William \V. G., elk Peirher Line. h 205 Chestnut :i\{or"ch Jac(lh. carpenter. h 4~~ South l\Iorse J. ::\Iansfield. steel inspector. h 511 ~ 2d -------




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CLARK' S::=I~ Drug and Patent lIedicinl St.r. {..=~

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.



MORSE WILBUR, sec to State Com. Health, Capitol, h 110 Locust 110rtimer James X., elk, Herr c 1IIth, h 1:!:14 'Walnut 1[orton Annie, wid Edward, h ;oj:!4 Filbert 110rton Harry G., foreman, 4th c Boyd, h 524 Filbert ~Iorton Jame~. laborer, h Hi05 Elm :\Iorton Norman, laborer. h 11;05 Elm ~[orton Robert F., brakeman, h :117 Cowden :\lorton Russell \V., bellman, h !i16 Brown ~Iorton Walter E., engr, h 21211 X 4th Morton William C, teamster, h f)U:O; York :\Iorton William ]., laborer, h til4 South al l\Iosbv Albert, driver. h ll:m 1\ Front :\'Ioschetti John. cigars. 1m~ S 2d, h do Moschetti Joseph, confectioner. :W5 S 2d, h do Moser Emerv L., boilermkr, h 181:! N 7th Moser Guy L, postal elk, h 127 Sylvan ter !\.Ioser Joseph, h 1:J4 Balm Moser William H., stengr Dept. Public Printing, h 821 N 6th Moses Annie C. ?Irs., h 11:13 N 6th ~loses Benjamin F., meat, 18~7 N 6t'h and 5;t! Forrest, It 534. do :\loses Benjamin F .. jr., butcher. h 5:l4 Forrest ~Ioses Charles R, elk, 5:14 Forrest, h do
T1Ueo-.,t7 .,d . . . . 0.. J ..... UII....tn_~ ..--~-{~ - .....&0-. p - n .......... 111 ....' .... " J......" ..... , . , _




Moses Howard E., draftsman F. and ~L \Vorks, h 2:!7 N 2d ~Ioses John W., draftsman F.and M. Works, h 618 Ross Moses :\fary M., saleslady, h 1215 N 7th ~Ioses William c., butcher. h 1215 N 7th Moses \Vil!iam S., meat market and produce, 1215 N 7th, h do Mosey Harry P., asst foreman P. R R, h 1444 Market (,) ~Iosey Ira ]., engr. h 1647 Market Mosey John Y., elk P. & R. freight depot, h 1647 l\1arket l\losher Evan. laborer, h 58 Lochiel F., c( :\Joss Charles M . photographer. ..1257 ~farket, h do :\closser Anna wid George F It 615 Harris Messer J. c. & Co., (J. C. :\fosser and Mrs. 1. E. Oyster), brokers. !) N :!cl ..J ~Iosser J. Chas .. (J. C. ~[ossl'r & Co.), h Xew Cumberland :\Iosser S. Wirt. (Smith & Keffer Co.). h 408 Briggs }lost William .:\1.. timekeeper. h 2;) Forrest (,) l\\osten George A., fireman. h lao Tanner :\fote MatHIe. shoe opr. h :{H Hummel :'liote Sophia, wid Frank, h :~41 Hummel ::\Ioten Lfwis. porter, h ri~:1 Brown l&J l\Ioten :'.lary J .. wid James. 11 l!!tI Cowden l\lotor "ehide Co .. (c. A. Doehne and J. S. Trego), automohiles . .:\Jtdberry opp Sylvan ter c( :Motter ,\nnie C. wid John. h :?:!4 Pine

-: a



Radmond's WagaD Works ~~~d~I(;'::~ {3d and R.iI, StS. Coogle

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A.. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Yvlndow Sbades h~ec'~:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.


Motter Bertha E .. proof rearler Patriot, h l!l:~a N 7th }I.,lotter Chester P., elk. 224 Hamilton, h 1107 ~ 6th Motter Cloyd. brakeman. h Linden c Thompson Motter G('Irc\on. electrician, 4!l4 ~Iarket, h 154:1 Swatara Motter Harry P .. sale<;man. :US ~Iarket. h 1925 Derry Motter Joseph. elk. 19 S 2d. h 1107 X 6th Motter 1. William, molder. h 1114:1 ~loltke Motter Lewis, elk. h 170:{ 1\ 2d Motter Lnlia, wid Samuel, h 24:1 N 14th Motter Margaret, domestic. Front bel Division Motter Ross. car repairer. h Aberdeen nr \Valnut Motter S. Lewis. elk ::\lechanics' Bank, h 1703 N 2d Motter William B., salesman, 'h 1107 X 6th Motter \Villiam C, salesman, 318 ~Iarket, h Pen brook Motter. see :\Iatter Moul Alfred W . hookkpr. :112 ::\Iarket. h 19 S 4th Moulton .\rthur B.. ::\1. D., asst chief medical inspector State Dept. Health, Capitol. h Camp Hill Mounismith William. car repairer. h 1819 Susquehanna Mount Clarence A., laborer, h 22 S 16th c::t Mount Holly Brick and Clay Co., E. Z. Wallower, pres, CI 153 X 4th . ~ Mount Pleasant Hotel. (S. Cozzoli), 11th c Market C! MOUNT PLEASANT PRESS, (]. Horace McFarland ;! Co.), Crescent c Mulberry ~



r!!;'':='-:.lHarrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {::= ~



Mountz Daniel A., conductor, h 2013 Logan Mountz Elias K., elk. 215 Walnut. h 1316 Howard Mountz Frank L., salesman, 334 Market, h 32 N 13th Mountz Frank W., tankmkr, h 1717 Logan Mountz Harvey S., slater, h 2125 Herr Mountz Josiah, carpenter, h 2125 Herr Mountz Maude, 'h 2125 Herr Mountz William J., plasterer, h 2125 Herr MOURER ALEXANDER, propr Wagner's Hotel, 400'402 Forster, h do Mourer, see ~1aurer Mower Emma C, 'h 807 N 6th Mowers Bertha M., h 917 N 2d Mowers Charles A., laborer, h 111 Tuscarora Mowers Jane, wid Peter A., h 54 N 12th Mowers \Villiam C, carpenter, h 1607 Logan Mowery Harry L., brakeman, h 216 Reily Mowery Jacob B., ins sol, h 1602 Market Mowery Minta, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Mowery William D., conductor P. R. R., h 1719 Penn Mowry Abraham, carpenter, h 114 S 14th Mowry Anna ::\1. Mrs., h 420 Hummel Mowry D. Albert, laundryman, h 420 Hummel Mowry David C, conductor, h 1806 Susquehanna Mowry Napoleon B., stonemason, h 1127 Capital


.I-. I -

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H M KELLEY c, )1 No...... 114.-.o. CO J lOU. aDd . . . . ,

.Yloxle) By ,s esl y. .3()( .la et, 4 th 1\1 er Alb t S elk h ~003 Green Moyer lfre J., engr, h _00 Gr n .... 1\1 er n w, os ard, 1004 .M rket, h 320 Verbeke _ Moyer n rew, (est), boo s an shoes, S h iii 1\1 er An M M ,h 919 Penn U Moyer rie ., 37 1 1 1 M er Bro (M S nd '\. S), ice, 20th c Brookwood Moyer aro 1I1e, wid 'e be, 1:.' S qu an .M er 'Cha les D, yardmaster P. & R h 1433 Walnut Mo)'er av, k an, h 16 ... 'or M 'er Eli, coachman Lunatic Hospital h do M yer liz et, w A r e ,h 05 ~ 6 Mo er Fannie S saleslad , 1300 N 3d h 2003 Green M yer ra es ., t ch ,h 05. 6 110 er Frances L., cigar roller h 433 S 17th )I )' er;eo ge ., l i )ec r. 18 S ,ta -- Alo 'cr Grace A mitliner h ~~54 Hummel Ul ~\I er a . E., tn ke R 1 U D a\\ e ~ :\Iover Harv'e\', teamster h 18~m Berrvhill .... 1\1 .er let .:P.,p ce n, 10 S th .J l\loyer Irvin G. conductor. h HiIl7 Hunter ..". 1\1 er ac N, elk, 41 Yl Ot 11 J8 ate ~ ~'lover 'Tohn A. mgr, 8 S 4th, h 705 N 6th . . :L,[ er 011 H. aJ.. ,1 4 rt 1. 1 10


Boyd's Harrisburg (1\1) City Directory, 1908.


~ G.)C-G1~ ~ r 'R ,-llC-l-U--"j-Gr-'s-r-''-6-"-,-~'-8-'

_ -er l'Ioyer l'I er ~ }.l(lyer .... i\L er ~ l'.loyer . . l\l er to :\loyer ~ 11 er 011 I-l. a~ an '1 l' 01 . 5 John \Y., brakeman. h 1824 Logan oh W h; 1 l\ en Joseph. harber, h Il111 Rhoads al os h \ ,c P . - dot. 81' Co de Joseph \\'., condttctor, h 1~on :\[ulberry ot ;\ c .. , 1 1 K ' at' y Louis F .. engr, 11 1421; Berryhill tit r, st ati 1111 tet'. ' R de t, 13 .,I N 3d l1li M er vn 11 ,c tcr 211 T , h 05' 0 to Moyer ~iargaret. dOl11estlc, HI ~larket \.i 1\'1 er '1a s, sla ',:' 4- 1 rk ,h 81' \0 h Q Moyer Matllda, tailore~s. h L08 ~l1squchanl1a I!: 111 er ;fa nil \\i J0 ph ., ~5 H 1m ct: l\~oyer ~I ichael 5., L\lo\'er llro~.), h 20th c Broo wood M . er '0< S. 1\1 ei roo h" It I 'B ok 'ood U 1I10\'er Rose G., teacher. It 1002 (Ireen _ i\I' er ar E vi< \,il' 111 .. 4;\: ~ r h Q Tllover Solomon, laborer. h 10,,2 5 nth J.; M' er ViI d'., . I g. rt1. Co h l"fi8 Stat r.1oyer \\,illtam. tailor. h l:?O~ Sl1sque lanna l\f er Vii' 111 ., ad' ist 1 :?134 \ fitl ~kver \Villtam D., musil teal ler ... 10 Iarns, do I:) ;.! . er ViI' III oc Iron :,\1 rkt h I ---- -

(J l\1





Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908. 545
::,; Moyer William S., fireman, h 1405 North Moyer, see Mayer, also Meyer Moyle Laura c., bookkpr, h 612 Woodbine l\ioyle William H., laborer, h 612 Woodbine :Mozingo Charles D., carpenter, h 1623 Penn Mozzoni Tolias laborer, h Front cReel's la Mu(kler Alice M., saleslady, 310 Market, h 274 Muench He(kler George H., conductor, h 274 Muench !I';uckler John R, h 274 Muench l'ftlckler John R, laborer, h 232 S 2d MuckIer Margaret M., h 274 Muench :Muckler Mary M., h 274 Muench Mudd Agnes Mrs., h 118 Angle l\fudrl Benjamin H., blacksmith, h 118 Angle Mudd Kate, wid Harrison, h 118 Angle Mueller Emil, mgr, 14 S 2d, h Pllila. l\lueller Harry J., student, h H29 Briggs Maeller Henry H., tailor, h 629 Briggs Mueller Louis, elk, 8 S 2d, h 508 Filbert l\fuell('r ~...Iary P., wid Paul, h Hil! Hunter Mueller William H., machinist, h 1614 Hunter Mueller & Co., Emil Mueller, mgr, real estate, 14 S 2d l\fuench Adelaide E., wid Isaac S., h 1352 State Muench Elizabeth A., music teacher, 1352 State, h do Muench, see l\Ennich, also Munch





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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:=i~b~~-::'~1.:11: ~

Mulcahy Michael J., hostler, h 416 Boas Mulford Furman L., civil ('ngr, h 75 N 16th Mull Annie, wid John F., h 1119 Derry Mull George D., tinsmith, h 1639 N 4th Mnll Jacob R, tinware, 4:~9 State, h 1639 N 4th Mull Sallie, housekeeper. 1639 N 4th Mullen Caroline, wid William]., h 2.304 N 6th l\fullen Daniel B., laborer, h 1024 Paxton Mullen Daniel B., jr., elk, h 1024 Paxton Mullen Dorse A., flagman, h 432 S l:~th ATullen Elizabeth, saleslady, 334 Market, h 512 Walnut Mullen Emma P., elk, 3:~4 Market, h 1402 do Mullen James, chauffeur, h 512 Walnut !\'hlllen ,Tean M., saleslady, 215 Market, h 1024 Paxton :Mullen lohn ]., pressman, h 625 Briggs MULLEN JOHN Y., wall paper, 127 N 13th, h 133 Linden, both 'phones see adv Mullen Joseph A., laborer, h 1419 Fulton Mullen Joseph 1., flagman, h 432 Market Mullen Lillian M., buyer, 334 Market, h 1402 do Mull('n Lizzie, rlomestic, 19 N Front Mullen :\Iary F . wid Israel, h 1519 Fulton :Mullen Pder J., linotype opr, h 625 Briggs Mullen Sarah E., wid Thomas F., h 512 Walnut Mullen Thomas F .. civil engr, h 1:~3 Linden

~ c:: .....


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:::: ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ g~:-.~


Boyd's Harrisburg (l\l) City Directory, 1908.


l\Iul1cll W. Edwin. machinist, h 619 ~ 18th Mullen Wilmer, elk, 7 N lath. h !;{!l Linden :\Julligan Elmer. flagman, h 2i7 Hamilton :\Iulligan George J., bookkpr, 11 271 Hamilton Mullin Eliza, gatherer, 201 N 2d, h 424 Driggs ;\Iullin Elizabeth, wid Michael, h 424 Briggs Mullin Kate A., elk State Dept. Health, h 424 Briggs :\luIlin Mary A., gatherer, 201 N 2d, h 124 Briggs Mullin Wm. A., elk Aud. Gent's Dept., h Boiling Springs l\ltilloy, sec l\la!oy, also Meloy :\Jmllm3 Amos, trav salesman, h 24 X 15th l\Iumma Amos C, telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 306 Crescent :\1 umma Charles, nurse, h 2132 Atlas :\f umma C. Xislev, elk, 12] 8 N 3d. h Steelton Edward-C., agt, h 818 Capital :\lumma Emma F. Mrs.; h 1421 Susquehanna :\lumma Enos B., engr, h 1625 Derry :\Iumma Ethel E . proof reader Telegraph, h Lemoyne :\1 Ul1lllla Ethvle L., saleslad\", 1:1(::1 X :~d, h JOn Cumberland' . :\lul11ma George \V . bricklayer. h 613 Calder ::\h1l11111a George W . elk P. R. R. frt (\epot. h 3 S 14th 1Iumma Ceorge \V .. jr., bricklayer. h 6t3 Calder :\Iumma Harvey \Y., flagman, h fi4:1 :\IacJay l\lumll13 H. Druce, elk. 22 X :~d, h 624 Oxford

o J

TIll. slaranty IDd Sirety CD.I~::':- {a.;::~=':'~I~~~~:~~,:". H":~& ----------------------- h 1!140 X 6th Mumma Jacob \Y., conductor,
Mumma Jennie ::\1 , teacher, h 1526 Derrv Mumma Jesse, cal repairer, h 1819 X iith . Mumma John, h ::112:~ Penn :\lumma John A., linotype opr Telegraph. h Lemoyne :\lumm3 John D., inspector C. V. R. H .. 401 Chestnut, h Lemoyne . .\1 uml11a John ::\1. letter carrier, h 1526 Derry :\Iumma John T .. Drakcll1an, h IS!!) X .lth MUl11ma joseph, engr, h 1414 Green l\lumll1a Josep'h 1\1., fireman, h l!lU7 Penn )'Il1mma Kate, h 21a2 Atlas :\1 Ul1lllla Lc\'i H .. salesman. :n~ :\larket, h 121 SHah :\It:mllla :\Iarion, saleslady. :lOS ;\larket. h 24 X 15th ).[l1I11ma ~rartill, elk, h Hi2;-; Dern' Mumma :\lyra, milliner, 1:{UII X 3d, h 1!lG1 :\Ioltke MUMMA RALPH S., stationmaster C. V. R. R , 401 Chestnut, h Camp Hill :\lul11ma Ruse E., stengr, 212 Locust. h 1526 Derry :\1 unJlIla Sallie J.. wid Joseph. h HHil ?lloltke ).J t1111l11a Sarah. wid Thomas F., h ,lOti Cumberland :\Julllllla Susan X . stengr. 14 X !ld. h lii21i Derry :\fu111111a \ViIIilm \V .. firel1lan. h 202:~ Penn :\1 tlllllllert En anucl P .. fli]lt. ~ X :!d. h 11 X 5th ~Iumper George B., treas, :12(1 :\Iarket. h Xew Cumberland



1.1 III


Elecfr!c Automobiles} 'NDR-EW REDMDNO-f3daRdReHy Sfs.

Digitized by




Specialty A 8 TACK fl Fre8OOla. Make. aBalld!.... lJlof TiDY {U'. N. . . II&. " PabUo Plaia


Boyd's Harristurg


City Directory, 1908.


Mumper Gec,{ge C, car repairer. h 61H Ross Mumper Harry A., stengr P. R. R. frt depot, 11 Mchsbg. .!\Iumper William H., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 11chsbg. Mumper \\'illis D., car repairer, h 614 Ross Mundis Jol.n K., janitor, h :!5:-l Liberty Murlatt Rt ssel, elk. h 14:!O N :-ld :\,1 urlatt \V Illiam H .. flagman, h 15:{4 X 4th Murnane john, laborer, h 546 SlOth Murnane .Marv, wid Patrick, h 546 SlOth Murnane Patrick H., bricklayer. h 546 SlOth Murnanr Thomas L., junk, 'h 1825 George Murphy Alice, cigar packer, h 611 S Front :\Jurphy Andrew E., h 1328 Susquehanna Murph~ Annie. domestic, 507 Filbert Murph: Bridget. cashier Senate Hotel. h do ;\lurphy Catharine, charwoman. h ]i1l5 t:lm Murphy Edward, laborer, h 1429 Marion Murphy Ethel 1\1., stengr, 54 Union Trust bldg, h 328 iI:ort'h Murr,hy Ettie, h 107 N 4th Mur{Jhy Franklin P., contractor, 749 S 21st, h do Murphy George, shoemkr, 107 N 4th, h do Murphy James, laborer, h l11ll Cowden Murphy James, shipper, h 1063 S 9th Murphy James J., linotype opr, 11 1215 Swatara

~ ref::} Harrisburg

Sa,lngs and Loan Assn. { :::=

Murphy John, painter, 1408 Penn, h do MUlphy John A., engr, h 1063 S 9th Murp'hy John T., boilermkr, h 313 Reily n Murphy Kate, cashier Senate Hotel, h do o Murphy Lawrence, bookkpr, h 610 Briggs N Murphy Maria, wid Andrew, h 1328 Susquehanna ,. Murphy Martin, electrician eLand S. Co., h 611 S Front n Murphy Mary, boarding, 22 N 4th, h do Murphy Mary, chambermaid Senate Hotel > Murphy Mary, domestic, 2005 N 3d Murphy Mary E., saleslady, 318 Market, h Steelton > Murphy Paul L., bookkpr, 615 Walnut, h 610 Briggs tI2 MURPHY ROBERT S., Lieutenant Governor, Capitol, h Senate Hotel Murphy William, brakeman, h 1502 N 6th Murphy William M., 'h 1063 S 9th MurPhy William P., foreman, Herr clOth, h 1416 Susq. !'. Murray Albert G., asst cashier P. R. R. freight depot, h fit 316 Boas Murray Anna, h 1408 Marion G'!!I Murray Anna, wid Charles, h 1904 Green Murray Anna C, wid George T., h 1148 Derry ~. Murray Arthur F., engr E.-F. Co., h 1500 S 12th J":S Murray Benjamin C, driver, h 1166 S Cameron Murray Bradley S., mgr, 307 Market, h 1410 N 6th I

::c :!




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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OIllCea, :"':~:'~II:':=:{COAL AND WOOD

548 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory, 1908.
;; Murray Charles, hostler, 'h 317 Hay a :Murray Oharles E., watchman, h 204 Mulberry IVIurray Charles E. P., rodman, h 1904 Green _ :\lurray Clarence c., driver, h 826 James ~ Murray Ellis, helper, h 1913 Susquehanna Murray Emma M., clk, h 1148 Derry ~ Murray Francis M., switchman, h 349 S 13tb .: MURRAY FREDERICK, baker, 312 Peffer, h do Murray George E., brakeman, h 623 Schuylkill ~ Murray Harry E., furniture repairer, h 1532 Fulton Murray Harvey L., trucker P. R. R. freight depot, h 1117 Cowden ~ Murray Isaac N., carpenter, h 329 Maclay Murray James B., helper, h 125 Dock -Ii Murray James H., janitor, h 1903 Wood Murray J. Edward, mac'hinist, h 806 Green -"'fI) Murray John W., h 623 Schuylkill Murray Mary J. Mrs., h 1627 N 5th Murray Matilda, wid John H., 'h 133 Short Murray Michael J., brakeman, h 182] Susquehanna Milton, janitor, h I- Murray Minnie M., h 11481903 Wood Xiurray Derry Murray Porter, conductor, h 1825 N Cameron C Murray Porter K.. mess P. R. R.. h 1825 N Cameron 11urray Ray W., fireman, h 601 Clinton

II tl





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Murray Robert, cleaner, h 1913 Susquehanna Murray Roy A., cook, h 104 Christie's ct Murrav Thomas A., sexton, h 416 Cranberry )'Iurra)' Thomas W., inspt!cto~, h 1512 S 12th !vIurray Weir P., laborer. h 826 James Murray William, baker, h 541 Woodbine Murray William B., puddler. h 125 Dock Murray \Villiam E., h 826 James Murray William E., baggagemaster. h 161!) Swatara Murrie Minnie :\lrs., salesladv, 4110 Market, h 434 Peffer Murtaugh James F., conductor, h 12~j Chestnut :\lurtaugh John B., millwright, h 21152 Susquehanna Murter Eugene L., supt Gas Works, h 21st c Holly Muse George \V., asst search elk Dept. Int. Affairs, h 19 S 16th :Musgrove Alice :\1., saleslady, a:-u ).larket. h 1212 N 2d Musgrove Sarah A.. wid William, h 1212 ;.J 2d Musgrove William H., laborer, h 1212 N 2d Musketnuss \Villiam R., foreman. h 22:l Crescent Musselman Bernard H., blacksmith. h 1114 James Musselman Harry G., train dispatcher P. R. R. pass depot, h 31 S ]7th Musselman Jacob M .. driver. h 90:! Capital Musselman James. blacksmith, h (ili2 Emerald :\lusser Amos n., v-pres Allison Hill Dank. h 68 N 12th

l L. S1. CLAIR {TAl LO ~ti!!d2b~t!'89~~'"

,A. B. TACK l:&t~~,::-nJ lOU pouer ond IIndOI Shodas l~l~\~:lIl

Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory, 1908.


Musser Andrew. paintl'r, h !l-l:: K 7th Musser Benjamin F .. catJ\'a~ser. h :::n S 15th Musser Charles E., lahorer. h 1 !I:!H Bern'hill Musser Emma F., photo printer. 16 ~ 3d, h 7 (10 Musser Frank g., pres Central Pa. Traction Co., h 220 S 13th

MUSSER FRANK E., photographer, lS'N 3d, h Washington Heights

Mu!>ser Henry. carpenter. h :.!:!1!l Brookwood

MUSSER JAMES H., lawyer, real estate and insurance, 213 Walnut, h 215 N 2d
Musser John S., pres, -I!l4 )'Iarket, h 347 Hummel Musser J. Raymond, elk. 14 S 2d. h 1603 Market Musser ~Iari(;n C, ~rrs .. sale~\;{(h', :Hi X :!<l, h 1:I:!a Swatara Musser Warren. elk The LochieI. h do Musser \\'i1liam H., asst district attorney, :.!1Ii ~Iarket, h :!15 X :!d Mutual Ilenefit Association of America, G. F. (;allaher, supt. 2(; ~ :ld Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Xc\\" York, John \V. German. special ag-t. room :!l. 14 S 2d


MUTUAL LOAN CO., Bessie L. Zimmerman, mgr, rooms 303-304 Bergner bldg. 4 N 3d l'.lutz Sophie ?>irs . h 11111 !\ 7th
l\lutzahaug-h Charles (;., eng-r. h

S Camenm

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~:'~~1IC

Mutzahaugh Elizaheth. wid William, h 1535 Logan 1\1 utzahaugh ~rinnie \ '., wid William. h 1535 Logan 1.,[utzehaugh n1anche, elk, 1:!47 :\Iulhern. h H:!7 Grand l\lutzebaugh David L., elk P. R. R., h ::!3 S 1Iith 1htzehaugh Jm:eph. roller. h !I:.!7 Grand rIutzebaugh Langhorne, machinist, h 515 Hamilton Mt!tzehaugh ::\Iary, wid IS3ac, h 1111) Ann 1.rt:tzehaugh :\[attie. wid John. h 444 S 2<l ' Mutzehaugh Ralph :'II.. lahorer. h 1SH:l X 12th l\I\1zakloz ::\Iato. lahorer, h il~ Lochiel 1.fyer Angie T., wid ~pencer. h 1109 K 2d 1lyer T. (;Ien, stengr ~tate Highway Dept .. h nll9 N 2d MYers Abraham l'.. collector, 14 S :?(l, h Hi15 Allison M~'ers Abraham \\"., (The ~h'rrs :\Ifg. Co.), h 1923 State M~ us Adam L., t'n~r, h 171 ~ X lith l\r~'ers Ag-nt's, millil~er. 4l1li ~Iarket. h :!33 Kelker M;'ers Albert \\" .. lahorer. h 1rl:.!U X :l(1 M"ers Alfred E .. lahorer, h ll1a J3mes M~trs Ah'in G . ~ak:'llIan, :0; S 2( h 1207 Crern l\:I,'en; Amos F., h m:l Penn M~:ers Anna 1... milliner, h 1! 137 X 2cl M"ers Annie :\Ir~ .. dome,;tic, -Ill Filhert M:,ns Annie ~Irs. nnr"l'. h 1:!:.!~ Cowden 1.1\ ers Art hur T., fin'ma n. h :!:t::il Jefferson ~f~'ers Aug-mtlls E .. car repainT. h li:!li Reily


Digitized by




Boyd's Harrisburg (}() City Directory, 1908.

Myers Barbara Mrs., h 318 Reily ~!yers Benjamin F., fireman, h 1024 Market Myers Bessie V., saleslady, 318 Market, h 1261 Walnut ~iyers C. A. Rahter, machinist, h 1704 Penn }.lytrs Carrie E., teacher, h 228 Hamilton Myers Catharine A., wid George W., h 1937 N 2d Myers Catharine A., wid Joseph F., h 1511 'N 4th Hyers Catharine J., saleslady. h 913 Penn Myus Charles, ice cream, 1733 K 6th, h 1735 do Hyers Charles A., flagman, h 634 Reily Myers Charles E., hostler, h 1339 N 2d c:i ~.Jyers Charles E., laborer, h 1224 Currant u Myers Charles H., conductor, h Hotel Lynch Myers Charles H., jr., inspector, h 611 Cumberland c I\J vers Charles M., brakeman, h 2025 X 5th CI M~'ers Chester, barber, h l~H Mulberrv l'Jvers Christian E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1407 May flower ' C Myers Christian \Y., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., h 2001 Green U I I: Myers Daniel B., telegrapher P. R. R., h 228 Hamilton Myers David H., policeman P. R. R.. h 1020 Green E Mvers Earl M., machinist, h 1511 X 4th c l\.f~ers Edna M., housekeeper, h 60!) Dauphin 1hers Edward, elk The Central, h do l\l~'ers Edward F., car repairer, h 318 Ha_r_ri_s_______


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TlUe 6UIf.DIy aDd Surlly CO. IC~~.::'., {flm:::' =-:':',::;" {Tr!.~a::z.. ...

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l\herg Edward S., watchman, h 1417 Vernon }IJ ~ers Elizabeth, wid William H .. h 3()5 Cumberland M~'ers Elizabeth A. Mrs., dressmkr, 227 Pine, h do l\1~'ers Elizabeth 1\1., laundress. h 5H 5 Front M;'crs Ella 5., stengr, IU3 )oJ 2<1. h Highspire IViyers Elmer G.. carpenter. h 1324 Kittatinny ~;yers Emanuel C, machinist, h fi3n Mahantongo Myers F. E. & Bro., agrl implts, 627 Walnut ~Iyers Frances, filing elk, 227 Walnut, h 12071 Mulberry l\;lyers George A., ice creammkr, h 304 Calder Alyers George H., butcher, h 921 5 19th Myers George ~I. c., helper, h 2105 Greenwood l\lyers George W., grocer, 11 X 13th, h 9 do Myers George \V., ironwkr, h 419 \Valnut Myers Harry A., fireman, h 422 Harris l\Iyers Harry F., brakeman, h 1302 N 3d l\fyers Harry L., chauffeur, h 1607 Hunter Myers Harry R., laborer, h 1413 James ?\1vers Hattie, domestic, 400 X 3d Myers Henry, laborer, h 1118 Kittatinny :NI "ers Henry U .. h 1830 X 6th l\f"ers Herman D., brakeman, h 644 Verbeke M)'ers Herman :\1., painter, h 128 5ylvan ter Myers Tacob P .. conductor, h 1509 N 5th l\1)'ers }. Ed,,'" .. linotype opr, 18 5 3d, 11 New Cumberland




Digitized by


l\Iyers .M rs Myers M rs Myers M 'ers M rs Myers M rs Myers M 'rs M rs Mvers M rs Myers .M rs M) rs Myers .M rs .Myers 1. rs M}ers M 'ers M rs






121 onn lDlnl8Iroot

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Jennie V., wid Andrew, h 318 Harris EI r, cke P. R. d t, 83 ta J. Frank, draftsman F. and M. Wks., h 2126 N 4th Fr k, . sm' h 76 ate John, contractor, h 206 S 13th John D., b ke n, h 638 \1 en h hn , s sm ,h S I'h John H., draftsman, h 2121 N 2d 'hn ., m h 08 nn John J., s'hoemkr, h 208 Herr hn \1., ist, 15 C ero sep, wa hm P. . R., 23 Char es Joseph D., elk, 1733 N 6t'h h 1735 do ath ne un ss, 91: en Laura A., housekeeper, 1607 Hunter eo sw' hm , 'h 47 ulb ry oy, boo pr nion Trust Co., h 1840 N 7th Lottie R., 'h 1919 Green fg. 0., \\ ly ), a no ltie, 11 N 3 :Mary, 'boarding, 1430 N 6th, h do ar vid ich , h 43 sq an :Mary, wid S. Mark, h 441 Peffer Mary E. Mrs., gr cer 1719 ~ 7th 11 d ar , s en, 1 N __ ~ __________

2 UJ

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_M vers 1Iary L., teacher School of Commerce 15 S 2d h N

M an bu n .Myers Maude E., cigar rolIer,h Penn c Seneca L., ess 'r, 10 re vo M rs au _Myers :\1ervIn H., elk Gen. Guar. Trust Co., h 232 S 14th M 'ers \lilt pa' er, 547 Fr t .M rs ilt P., ak an, 62 Vo bine Myers ~IitcheII. laborer, h 619 Cumberland M ers yr V., es kr, 1:1!J 1\1:' Myers ::-.JeIIie, saleslady, !J34 Market, h ~Iechanicsburg M ' rs 11{ ora ur h ' Y71 . ull ry M, rs ora ., ler, 16 H er Myers Oscar R., farmer, h 1940.N 7th M rs aul , a D . Z og Ca 01, 51 Myers Peter B., h 2126 N 4th M 'ers ort A., rp er, 18' Kit ill! M. ers . L. C., ( . L. 1 yers), teac ers agency, 101 r 1Iarket == MER E L (N ion E cat al ure ::III and R. L. Myers & Co.), pres Cumberland Valley c;;; B ,1 M ket Ca p I ~ :- ers 0)" car repairer, h 1!lH7 ~ 7th MYers Samuel D helper h l'Vil Vernon M rs mt ]., k, 84f T 7t Mvers Samuel \,y., laborer, h n07 WaIIacc :. M' .rs ra en h 171 ull ry




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HARRIS.URG'S MO .... ~I!'r; 'Y\..

TI7To_ of

H M KELLEY at CO'S -Black DlamODd.WlaeD{t.,rt.llllh1&. D. ,.ua Dezt order. lit..... II... lit.
Boyd's Harrisburg (]I;) City Directory, 1908.

Sara A .. saleslady. 221 ~rarket. h New Cumberland Sarah E., stengr: :!:!7 Walnut. h ]2117! ~lulberry Sarah R. :\ f rs .. hIS Front Sophia, wid Rolandus. h 12;)::\ 11nlberry Susan A .. wid Amos, h tl1:~ Penn Thomas E .. salesman. h 1111!1 Green Thompson 13., laborer. h :!:lH State \Y. Harrv. laborer. h 111:-: KittatinO\' ~lyers William b., laborer. h 41101 Reily . Myers William E., flagman. h 1OO!I Berryhill ::\1vers \Villiam H., asst editor. h 171111 (;reen ~I}'ers William H., bar elk. 4:~;; :\Iarket. h ]~:! X River :\hers \Villiam H., barber. 1M Mulbern', h do 2Vlyers William H., conductor, h 100!! Berryhill Myers \VilIiam J., conductor. h HUH Dauphin Myers William :\1., milk. ] !l2:! Briggs. h clo 1\1 vers William 0 .. elk. h 1 ~!l7 Bern'hill Myers Willis T., car repairer, h l!l!lO'Susquehanna (/) :\fyers. see Meyers :\lvnich Howard N .. lineman. h 1131 Wallace ::\I~,ton broker. 1507 Green I&J :\lyton J. Clyde, tailoress,h20~ Walnut. h 119 S 14th Xannie, Mvers ~1yers :; ~I vers 11 M)'ers B :\1vers M,'ers ~ M)'ers l'hers





Nace Charles, puddler. h 1;; Lochiel :!d row



< <

Nace George H., machinist. h ]207 Derry ~ace Isaac. h 22::1 Bri~~s Xachman Joseph. (The Huh). h Hill'i ~ :!d >- Naftzin~er Charles. postal dk. h 4f1fi Bri~gs z: Xagel John F .. baker. h Hi:!:! :\Jarket a.. Xagcl Mary A .. wid John. 11 1422 ~Iarket IS Nagle Calvin, brakeman. h 11:1;; Yerbeke o ~agle Charlcs E .. machinist, h ]~16 X :ld u ,'\agle Christian :\1,. chief engr water works. h 1816 N 3d . I ~agle George \V .. printer. h :l:lHa Hummel ~agle John. laborer. h WOO S !lth o Xagle John H .. machinist. h 1f(]4 1\' :~c1 u 1\ agle Louisa. sea111~tress. h 1110 1\ :M Q Xaglc U. Grant, tclegrapl1t'r P. R. R., h 1:nO Swatara see Naugle z: Xaglc, Joseph, laborer. 11 -li4 S Cameron Na~y Nailor Irvin L. feed. 4tH Yerheke, h Camp Hill (&I Xailor :Mae. waitress State Capital Hotel, h fl01 North U Xalen Annie A.. h 500 Xorth Xaien James J.. helper. h 4:!:t Herr Nalen Julia. h ;;00 Xorth Naletl. see Xokn Xall Edward. lahorer. h r 1114 Filbert Xang!e ~Iargaret. :,ak~lac1y. :118 1Iarht. h SteeltonXapier Dais\ D .. packer. h -n Linden

EmplOJl - baS trawl ... workmen, beJU)e only A B TACK} etou-*1IIIIl.lDRrwlL Workdoneln anI pulofiJ&atelJ N.1118' ad Sa.

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.

Napier Eliza ]., nurse, h 41 Linden Napier Irene. wid Robert W., h 305 Briggs Napier James, machinist, h 405 Verbeke Napier John, machinist, h 41 Linden Napier Robert W .. brakeman, h 305 Briggs Napier William, machinist. h 41 Linden Napper Charles L., laborer, h 1603 Apricot Napper Robert F., carter, h 1603 Apricot Napper Susan, wid Charles, h Hiua Apricot Nary )'Iargaret, laundress, h t;!2 ~hllberry Nastaf Gecrge, laborer, h 1308 S ameron Nathan Lewis, elk, h 24 Aberdeen Nathan Reba, saleslady, h 24 Aberdeen Nathan Simon, tailor, 11 24 Aberdeen Nather Paul R, molder, 'h 1143i Derry National Benefit Association. J. C. Tolbert, mgr, 445 State National Biscuit Co .. S. E. Catling, sales agt, Union sq National Cash Register Co., ~. R Black, sales agt, The Bolton National Education Bureau, (Robt. L. :Myers), 101 Mkt. NATIONAL HOTEL, F. W. Ebel, propr, State c 4th ~ATIONAL PERMANENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, E. P. Mummert, supt, 8 N 2d NATIONAL PROTECTIVE LEGION, Richard Williams, mgr, 8 N 2d


-< fJ)







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:: -


National Training School, F. E. Filling, prin, 13th c Derry National Transfer Co., Holcombe Mfg. Co., proprs, 10th bel State Naughton G. Katherine, elk Hbg. Hosp., h 1231 Cowden ~ Naughton John :\1., repairsman, h 702 N 3d ~ Naughton Mary F., stengr, ]03 N 2d, h 1231 Cowden Naughton Michael, watchman, h 4112 Verbeke Naughton Timothy, laborer, h 12:n Cowden Naughton William D., elk, h 12:n Cowden Naugle Oliver T .. baker, h 557 Camp is Naugle William R, apprentice Independent, h 711 S 21i => Naugle, see Nagle S NAUSS CHRISTIAN, plumber and gas fitter, 34 N 2d, h& Nauss George }'1., student. h 34 X 2d Nauss Russell, draftsman. h :!;~ Herr Nave Bertha E. :'Ifrs., domestic. 1:Hl4 \Vallace Navlor Charles E .. brakeman, h 2116 X 4th Na\'lor Edward (;., elk P.O .. h 4:m S l~~th Na~'lor Ella ?\Irs., h 1121 Grape Navlor Harn' R.. laborer, h 52; Emerald Na"lor Heleil E. :\lrs., h 1121 Grape Na~'lor Joseph \\' .. letter carrier. h 2H North N avlor :'II vrtle. attendant Lunatic Huspital, h clo Na}'lor ~arah. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do



'McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~~:'':~r:.:{ 306 B_

554 Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908. NEAD BENJAMIN M., lawyer, Russ bldg, 15 N 2d, h 278 Herr Xead B. Frank, lawyer, 15 X :!d, h :!78 Herr X eagle Ella, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do . Xeagley Ella A .. laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Xeal :\Ibcrt 5., huckster, h :!u:n N 7th .. r Neal n. Franklin. janitor. h :~:~!l Hamilton ill Xeal Harold C, elk Hbg. Rolling :\Iill Co., h 15 ~ Front Neal John 5., chief elk State Highway Dept., h 229 ~Iaelay Keal Judson \V .. laborer. h 9th nr Reily NEAL ROBERT C., pres Harrisburg Rolling Mill Co. 11 and sec and treas Paxtang Electric Co., h 15 N Front Neal Robert C, jr., supt Hbg. Rolling :\1il1 Co., h 15 N Front Neale Harrv T., student. h 2:!4 ~ 3d Neale \\,il\{am A .. elk Bureau of Railwavs, h 224 :N 3d Nearhood Oscar D., laborer, h lH07 N 7th Neary Thomas, engr, h 1l:!4 S 9th Neas Winfield L., carpenter, h 18:!3 K 7th Nebelung Richard, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Nebillger Andrew. carpenter, h 1l:!1 !\ 6th [land N ebinger Bertha, h 1000 N 3d Nebinger Eliza B., saleslady. :!21 ~Iarket. h 415 CumberN ebinger Elizabeth. elk. 414 State" It Steelton


~ :;



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rille 61.r.I" Id Sire., CO.IC:::='P-:'..~~-r=-{~:

N ebinger George, paperhanger, h 1437 Swatara Nebinger Hannah Mrs., h 1109 Penn Nebinger Ida M .. milliner, H!l4 l\larket. h Steelton Nebinger Lewis B.. checkman P. R R, h 1314 Howard Nebinger Lewis M., carpenter, h 108 Hoerner :-':ebinger :\Iary E., saleslady. 406 ~Iarket, h 108 Hoerner Kehillger Paul, elk C I. and S. Co . h 108 Hoerner N ebinger Russel H., engr, h 14Hi Derry Nee Bridget, wid John, h 611 S Front .:"-Jeefe Leon F., elk State Highway Dept., 11 1022 Green NEELY EDGAR C., physician, 210 N 3d, h do; office hours, 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Neely Francis C, elk, 21:! Locust, h 1513 Green Neely Grace, housekeeper, h 113 S 3d NEELY JAMES M., livery, 117, 119, 121 S 3d, h 113 do see adv




> Z C o


Local Express,T ransferandLivery

SAFE AND PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY ~:!:':!~r:D. ~ 111-119-121 South Third Street, H.rrlablrl, P

AIDREW REDMOND}~:=:~'::; :;~~~13r1 aDtl.Rallt.Sh , Dlgl~zelJ'by~~t!

1 B. TACK} IALL PIPER e:.::~,:: 111001 SHIDES{N~:' sa.

Beyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908. .5;')5
Neely Jessie, domestic, 335 Walnut Neely John S., brakeman, h 5:U Emerald Neely ~lary E., h 1423 North Neeter Charles F., baker, h 624 Muench Neeter Edward E., elk, 330 Verbeke, 'h 1415 Wallace Neeter George F., engr, h 624 Muench Neeter Mary, stengr, 9 S 2d, h 1415 Wallace Neeter William L., engr, h 1415 Wallace Neff Ammon C. salesman. h 1~3(i! X 6rh Neff Amos, flagman, h 1527 PennNeff Amos 0., fireman, h 1105 Cowden Neff Augustus A., machinist, h 1600 N 6th Neff Bertha, dressmkr, h 1831 K 6th Neff Charles R., salesman,'h 529 Emerald Neff Cyrus ::\1., fireman, h 104 S 13th Neff David H., elk, h 1a11 Fulton Neff George C, press feeder Telegraph, h 1836! N 6th Neff Harlan, craneman. h 104 S 13th Neff Isaac, meat, h 1836! N 6th Neff Jacob S., air inspector, It 1831 N 6th Neff James, laborer, It 1831 N 6th Neff John, laborer, h 521 N 5rh Neff ~lartha, wid Oliver, h 521 N 5th Neff :\lary M., wid Dr. Henry K., h 108 Walnut Neff Oscar ::\1.. h 620 Camp

< l>



Sayings and Loan Assn. {~= lJ

Neff William H., (Neff & Co.), h 422 :\Iarket Neff & Co., (W. H. Neff), produce, 416 Walnut Neffe Leon F., elk State Highway Dept., h 1022 Green Negley Huldah, saleslady, h 408. Harris Negley 1. ~filton, driver package dept, 334 Market, h 408 Harris Neice Emon' E., brakeman, h 1003 Green Neidig Anmi C, stengr, h 233 South Neidig Annie L., wid Titian, h 402 State Neidig Claude, electrician, h 233 South Neidig Jacob, planer, h 233 South Neidig James M., electrician, h 23:3 South Neidig John, carpenter, h 232 North ~;eidig John. 5 ;-.: :.!d. h 1605 1\ 5th Kcidig-.Samuel II., plumber. h 233 South 1\ eidinger :\Iag-gi<: ~'lrs .. h 430 State l'\eidlinger Edward, brakeman, h ]2(; S ]:3th


,. n ,.




NEIFFER LEWIS M., lawyer, 222 Market, h 700 N 6th ?\ eiles Francis H .. coremkr, h !ill:! S Cameron Neill J. \\" esley. plumher Capitol, h 280 Briggs Neilson Laura, stengr, 76 l'nion Trnst hldg.. h ]5 N 17th D :II Nt'ilson Louella R., stengr Cre~cent c ~Itllberry, h 15 N en ] 7th 1\ eiman B. Ralph, elk P. & R. freight depot, h 231! South ;r Neiman Clyde L., barber, h 1:3112 1'\ 3d a





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OCB MOTTO. - t BODeR Octal, BODeat W btf

H M KELLr.y p. CO {_ t Ida ..,.. ............



Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.


; ; ~eiman Rebecca, domestic, lIt!2 Green == ~,eiman Theophilus M., elk, h 1311::! ~ 3d Ktitz Lillian 1\1., stengr, 321 Market, h 14:!8 Swatara u 1\(1: Jacob E., agt, h 434 Hummel Xelley John, machinist, h 628 Race o l\elley Mark T., plumber, h 6:!8 Race ~ Nelley Mary F., milliner, h 133 N 4th Kelley Michael, engr, h 628 Race X clligan Edna, h 820 Capital ~,dligan Harry F., engr, h 8:!O Capital ~,(-l1igan Thomas F., craneman, h 8211 Capital :: :\t!ligan Thomas W., cngr, h 820 Capital I\I'Iligan William F., cigarmkr, h 820 Capital Xdson Alice E., teacher, h 18th c Mulberry ?\" (lsOI1 Arthur F., roll designer, h 18th c Mulberry Xclson B. Frank, linotype opr, h 402 S 19th (/) Xt'lson Claire A., bookkpr, h 267 Herr Kelson Edith M .. elk, 1215 N 3d, h 267 Herr Kdson Herbert B., elk State Dept. Health, Capitol, h 204 N 2d Nelson Mabel Mrs., h 6114 South 'Magnolia, domestic, O 1\elson Mary J. Mrs., h 1921 44:! South Kelson Fulton C ~elson :'Ilary L. Mrs., housekeeper, 1117 Monroe X('lsol1 Nicholas W., genl mgr, 619 \Valnut, h do


IS -=






o o

Kora, ""id \\'illiam C, h 267 Herr RaymOl}d H., laborer, h 43:! S 14th Robert J., mess Dept. Mines, h 433 South Shoe Co., T. F. Parthemore, mgr, 211 Market ~elson \\-'illiam N., meat, 1420 Derry, h do l\l'scmger Enoch A., engr. h 2125 Penn NI:~bit Helen M., stcngr Div. Zoology, Capitol, h 335 Walnut :l\;esbit Joseph B., trackwalkcr, h 46 Balm Kt'~bit Mary, shoe opr, h 311 Ruckthorn av Nesbit WilIiam.l:l., brakeman, h 2004 State Kesbitt Thomas A., ticket receiver P. R. R. pass depot, h 622 N 18th Ness Daniel V., elk State Dept. Health, h 25 S 2d NESS JOSIAH K., contractor and builder, 221l N 3d, h do . Ness Walter S., elk Hbg. Nat. Bank, h 2212 N !ld NessIe Margaret J.. bookkpr, 12 S 2d, h 127 S 13th Nester Frank R., conductor. h !l:l1 Maelay Nester Samuel, asst undertaker, h 620 Kelker Nestler Jacob F., car builder. h 1967 Moltke Nestor John L.. (Nestor & McCreath Bros.), h 320 S 14th Nestor Joseph P .. 24 N 2d. h Lykens NESTOR & McCREATH BROS., (J. L. Nestor, Robert and William McCreath), coal and wood, 567 Race

Xelson l\dson K tlson Nelson

I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA {1240 Mlrk.tsfrlll

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wou P.IIII ... x_lrom A. B. TACK ~.1:~


Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.

NeubauIll John, ironwkr, h l:!fi7 S 13th Neuer _\nnie M., wid George, h 1911 State Neuer William \\'., signalman, h 1911 State Neuffer Theodore, salesman, h :!40 Cranberry Neumaier, see Neumyer, also Niemeyer Neuman Annie L. Mrs., h 121 S Dewberry Neumyer Gayton L., electrician, 320 Peffer, h do Neumyer Herman, musician, h 320 Peffer Neumyer Howard, stripper, h 320 Peffer Neumyer Joseph, planer, h 2111 S River NeuIllver ~1arv, wid Edward C, h Hil-1 ~ 5th Neum)'er Ray~ond L., fireman, h :l:!tl Peffer Neumyer Walter J" musician, h 3:!fl Peffer NEUMYER WILLIAM H., grocer, meat and produce, -2000 N 4th, confectioner, 2134 N 6th, h 320 Peffer Neum\'er, see Niemever, also ~eumaier Neupert Teresa, elk State Dept. Healrh, h 917 Green Neve)) ).J arv :Mrs., h 1:'l:1!i X 7th Nevitt Thomas H .. supervisor, h 8()9 N 6th NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Albert A. Wert, dist mgr, room 411 Bergner bldg, h 4N3d New System Dental Parlors. B. E. Wright. mgr, 36 N :1d New York Casualty Co., J. F. Daniell, genl agt, 21 N 3d

G ~


() I '" " '" \ J .....


! .

:s .... :s





BRO~~ &: I!~KER} ~=~b~~-;;'~~~ ~



NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Dick Oliver, agency director, 42 Union Trust bldg NEWBOLD WILLIS GEIST, reporter Patriot and genl correspondent, h 1147 Derry Newbrough Anna !'\ .. laundress. h 6:!8 Reily Newby T. Frank. mgT. 4:!3 SO\~th, h Heckton Newcomer A. Earl, bookkpr, h 1413 Market NEWCOMER ANDREW F., genl agent Milburn Wagon Co., 1017 and 1019 Market, h 227 S 13th Newcomer Howard R., driver, h 2286 Howard Newcomer I. Luther,. huckster. h 311 X 13th Newcomer Ira D., bookkpr. h 2:!7 S 13th Newcomer J. Elmer. sale~man. h :15 ~ 12th Newcomer :\Jary, domestic. 40-1 Briggs Newcomer Maude. mailer. h :15 N 12th Newcomer Rush J .. salesman, :1:H :\larket, h 435 Hummel Newcomer Samuel S., fireman C. 1. and S. Co., h Steelton N ('\\'comer Sarah E., h 308 Chestnut Newcomer W. Earle. elk. h 31:1 Herr Newcomer \VilIiam L.. conductor. h 31:1 Herr Ne\\'hall ;\dam. as,,! St1"pt. h :Wl ~Iarket Ne,nllan .-\ddai<le ~lrs .. (~lcCu!'ker & ~ewman), h 615











~ ~

::; -




Newman .-\111\". hunchmkr. h lit:; S Front Newman Antiie 1\1 rs .. h 121 S Dewherry Newman Benjamin F., elk, h Lochiel Farm

8 ..... '8 i

,-I , -



2~ ""...

INDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO. 4~\\ {r~..!'I:~ Coogle

Digitized by

CLARK'S =~.~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store~'=:~~

558 Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.
Ne\vman Edgar. machinist, h 615 S Front Newman George \V., carpenter, h 631 Forster c=i ~ewman Harry. laborer, h 615 S Front :z Ntwman Harrv \V., electrician, h 444 Cumberland C Newman John: quarryman, h 469 S Cameron c=i !5 Newman 1.. Leon. student, h 615 Forster z ~c:\Vman Luther \Y., laborer, h 615 Forster t- )Jewman :\larv ~Irs., h GI9 Race Newman Kane\,. domestic. i13 South al ! g Kewman Oscar A., physician. 61!l Race. h llo ij;; Newman Thomas, lineman, h 731 State lQ oa .~ II Newman \\'alter E., laborer. h 4fiH S Cameron ~J Newmyer Frank, ice. 75 X 17th, h do . , Newmyer George, boiler\\'a~her. h 519 North Newmyer Gwrg-e, jr., driver, h 519 Xorth Newmyer Joseph, fireman, h 201 S River K ewmyer Lillie IV1., cigar roller, h 519 ::\ orth Kewstat Benjamin, elk. 438 Walnut, h do Newton Abram, cook Park Hotel, h 520 N 5th Newton Harry J., elk P. & R. freight depot, h 59 N 13th Xewton Isaac, gasmkr, h SO!! SlOth ~ewton Isaac, laborer, h 10th nr Hemloch Newton James :1\J., stee1wkr, 59 N l:~th Xewton ~Iinnie E., telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 59 N 13th


t:; Kewman Daniel, plasterer, h (ill;) South


nUe a_nt;r and 8aret.;r c.. {..........I...Ira.... EIRe.............. { , ...._ -8enat.oa. PaDua. t"..... u' III ...., " ... " Jeiliclil ,.....



. o z



o -I


-: a w

N e\Vton X orman, elk Peipher Line, h 59 N 13th !\ e\HiIle Knitting Co., Inc., William C. \V oodburn, pres; James \V. Sharp, sec and treas, underwear mfrs, 1801 X 4th Key Florence 1\1., bookkpr, ~(l2 X 3d. h 211 N 15th Xcy John \V., conductor, h ls:a Fulton Ney Joseph D., cutter, h ls:n Fulton ~ey Lewis. elk, h 430 1\luench X ey Robert P., huckster, h Hi Disbrow ?'\ey Russell 1.., machinist. h 211 X 15th X ev Solol11on, wall paper, )ii;l!) 1'\ ~d, h 211 )J 15th -:-';e~' \\'iIIiam H., engr. h :;:14 Peffer Xey William W., postal elk, h 42:0- S 14th K eyer .'\manda. wid ~Ios('~. h 2UU:; Briggs Xeyhart Catharine, wid Jacob, h 81:l \Vest Kicholas Annie. h nO;:; Reih' Sicholas George H . laborer. h l:!lill Juniper Nicholas Harry G., labonr. h 12m~ Juniper Kicholas John D., alderman, G:!l Race, h do Xicholas Laura A., lanndress, h IH48 X 6th Xicholas :\Iardie. wid Theodore .1., h 216 Herr Xicholas Sadie, laundress. h 14(1)01 :\Iarket :\'ichols Anne E .. wid Austin \\' .. h 1:!4fi DernKichols Arthur A., post office inspector, P. b. bldg, h l\cw York

Redmond's Wagon Works} ~~ld~~t'::~": ~ 3d and Reily Sts. Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wall Paplr and Window Shades h:l.d~~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.

Nidhols William c., brakeman, h 1314 S Cameron Nicholson Agnes c., saleslady, 406 Market, h 1215 do Nic:,olson Charles W., elk, h 1215 Market Nicholson Frank, machinist, h 1215 Market Nicholson John, coadhman, h 517 State Nicholson John T., waiter, h 642 Briggs Nicholson Marne E., saleslady, 400 Market, h 1215 do Nicholson Nellie V., saleslady, 5 N 4th, h 1215 Market Nicholson Robert F., foreman, h 1215' Market Nicholson S. Edgar Rev., supt, 11 N 2d, h Paxtang Nicholson William, bar elk, h 447 Verbeke Nickel Elmer J., conductor, h 1229 Mulberry Nkkel Ethel, saleslady, 334 Market, hMechanicsburg Nickel Frank R., conductor, h 1012 Fox Nickel J. Edward, physician, 187 N 15th, h do Nickens James, carter, h 412 South Nickens Lewis, laborer, h 606 State Nickey Belle, saleslady, 334 Market, h Carlisle Nickey 'Benjamin, laborer, h 1422 Penn Nickey Harry, foreman, h 712 Showers Nickey John 0.; (Bird & Nickey), h 432 S 13t!h Nickle Roland J., laborer, h 147 Ann al Nickle Russell R., laborer, h 147 Ann al Nickles Francis H., fireman, h 1910 N 7th Nickles Frank, watchman P. R. R., h 1910 N 7t~

-a :;


r!:;'1Ia"::.or.}Hlrrllburl SIIIIII ad Lou AliI. U::'=

Nickles Sarah M., elk, 414 State, h 1910 N 7rh Nickolas Frederick, tailor, h 139 Paxton Nickoli George L., grinder, h 317 Seneca Nicodemus Edwin A., physician, 1439 Derry, h do Nicodemus Luella, elk, 212 Locust, h 204 Verbeke Nicodemus Rebecca, wid Frederick L., 'h 204 Verbeke Nicol George B., flagman, h 1119 Green Nicolls Frank c., supt, h 1117 Green Niebel Benjamin H. Rev., sec, 1625 Chestnut, h do Nieman Christopher E., laborer, 'h 642 Calder Nieman Georgia W., teacher, h 621 Emerald Nieman Isabella, wid George W., h 621 Emerald Niemeyer Wm. G., (Niemeyer & BiIlett),'h 207 Barbara Niemeyer & Billett, (William G. Nieme'er and Frank S. Billett), horseshoers, 411 Spring Niemeyer, see Neumaier, also Neumyer Nies Charles L., elk, 23 S 3d, h 425 S 17th Nies Daniel M., puddler, 'h 327 Reily Nies Florence, saleslady,S N 2d, h 1200 Market Nies Harry G., laborer, h 1200 Market Nies Martin L., laborer, h 3,27 Reily Nies Montgomery G., engr, h 1408 Wallace Nies Robert H., cigarmkr, h 327 Reily Nies William A., laborer, h 1200 Market Nies William J., engr, h 1200 Market


,~:! .:

THE PATRIOT'S ~;:r='::;'":.~oogIe by"G

8' Digitized

. .-




-= =-

.. "


H M KELLEY a CO. {1.lferUa ......... D. t 1 .. 8ta&e ....


:; :;

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.


:: ~


o II(


B. Franklin, laborer, h 117 Dock Eliza J., wid Harry, h 6~6 Race Ellen J. Mrs., cigar roller, h 64 K 16th Ephraim H., bricklayer. h 117 Dock ).lartha n., dressmkr. h :!:!5 X 15th }Jan' I.. seamstres~, h li:!6 Race }L RO\. brakeman. h ]flU:~ Green ~iess Ruth L. cigarmkr, h (i:!li Race Niess Sarah B., wid John, h :!:!5 N 15th Xieth Joseph D .. haker. r ~!l:! Reily. h a:~8 do Xikirk William. brakeman, h :14 S :ld Kipple Clara. wcaver, h 9111 S Front Xipple Clifton. helper, h 9111 S Front i\ipple Daisy I., housekeeper. 901 S Front Xipple Jeremiah. heater. h Hill S Front Sipple Jeremiah, jr .. helper. h 901 S Front ~isbet )'fargaret. wid John, h 11!l8 Market Xislev Annie. h 12~5 Market )Jisle~' C. Anna, stengr, 16 1\ !ld, h 1846 State Xislev Clara L.. h 2406 N 6th ~isley Elmer E., postal elk. h 1534 Regina Nisley Emma C, stengr, 5 K !ld, h Pen brook Xislev F. Albert. brakeman, h HOI N 19th Nisle~' Horace C. helper. h lRt6 State Nisley Ida E .. seamstress, h 2406 N 6th
Niess Niess Niess Niess Niess Xiess Niess
.. .

Xisley Isaac L.. elk P. R. R .. h 2401; X 6th Nisley Martin H., elk, 802 K 3d, h 1846 State .--. Nisle~ l\larv E., saleslady, a!14 :Market. h 650 Emerald >- Kisley Simon S., laborer: h 650 Emerald II!: Xissley Christian G., printer, 1405 N 3d, 'h 2'22 Hamilton cC A.. Nissley Clayton ~L, contractor, h 211~ Derrv h E Kissley David F .. underkeeper Dauphin Co. Prison,Co.,do Xisslev Edwarrl S., asst sec and treas Cniol1 Trust h o Ifi E H'rgreen U Xisslev Gabriel E., fireman, h 18116 Green ...J Xissle~' George. fireman. h 1918 Penn NISSLEY HARMON L., lawyer and notary, 7 N 3d, h

FAIR - - - DRUGGIST __. - SL Z GORGAS}- - .PRICED - - - --U6 N. -3d - -------



306 N 2d . NISSLEY HAiRY K., slate and tile roofing, 14 N 3d, Q h do see adv II!: --- - - - - - - - - - -


RepalrlDg Promptly Attended To

&tlmatea 1!'1lI'Illabed



Roofs in Slate or Tile

14 North Third Street, Hal'rislturi, 'a.
Digitized by


{1240 Market Str.1I



Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.

NISSLEY JOHN C., lawyer, 31 N 2d, h 114 do 1'1 Nissley Jonas, boilermkr, h 313 Verbeke Nissley Luther, laborer, h 1124 Green Nissley :\Iabel H., elk Senate Library. Capitol, h Hum-I melstown Nissley Rachel, domestic. 1821 N 2d Nissle)' Samuel B., elk Dept. State Police. Capitol, h do Z Nissley Samuel G.. motorman, h 626 Showers 1'1 Nitralier Daniel, blacksmith, h 1408 Regina Nitz Mary A., wid John P., h 1424 Regina lJ Nitzger LaRue, printer, h 321 Hummel Nixdorf Anna M., wid Emanuel, h 2152 X 6th C) X:xon Aubrey H., porter, h 116 Liberty Nixon Maria, wid George, h 113 Cowden (') NIXON'S PHARMACAL CO., 1100 Market Nixon Robert B., pharmacist, h 1624 Market Noack Otto G. Dr .. agt to State Live Stock Sanitary Board, Capitol, h Hotel Russ Noaker Carrie A. Mrs., saleslady. 318 Mkt., h 335 Walnut :::: Koaker Lafayette P., drug elk, 421) Market, h 1213 do (J1 Noble 'William, boilermkr, h 310 Kelker Noblet Thomas, plasterer, h 1211 Chestnut Koel Chester, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Noell Edward W., barber, h 1712 Elm N'cell George W., carpenter, h 1712 Elm


< en


o .


MILLER BROS. &. BAKER} ~~~b~~:'~~1E

Koell Harry M., polisher, h 1712 Elm Noell Rosa, domestic, 826 N 3d Noffsinger Albert C, laborer, h ]262 Juniper Noffsinger Harry, elk, 401 Maket, h 1262 Juniper Noffsinger Mabel, shoe opr, h 1262 Juniper Noffsinger William H., laborer, h 1262 Juniper Noggle Effie, cigar roller, h 1347 North Noggle Elmer, brakeman, h 1347 North Noggle George M., gasmkr, h 1347 North Noggle Robert S., laborer, h 609 Cumberland Noirott Percy A., plasterer, h 707 S Front 1I<0lan George T., boilermkr, h 1428 N 6th Koian Hiram S .. foreman, h 402 S ]4th Kolan Maggie M., forelady, h 16fl2 Susquehanna Nolan Mary A., book gatherer, h 1602 Susquehanna :r-:olde Charles F., barber, 132fl N 3d, h 426 Reily Nolen. see Nalen Non Arthur V., milk, 330 Reily, h do Noll Ernest F., engr, h 15th c North Nolte Henry, conductor, h 2225 N 6th Nonn George, designer. h 1604 Penn Noon Eugene F., brakeman, h 531 Emerald Nophsker Annie A., nurse, h 1917 N 3d Nophsker Ellen, wid Henry, h 1601 N 6th Nophsker James C, messenger, h 1917 N 3d


,... = =


Digitized by


::::: ~~;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ g~r"-t;

562 Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory, 1908.
Xophsker J. Burd, brakeman, h nUG Dauphin Nophsker John W., cigars, 1919 N 3d, h 1917 do :r-;orris Ellie, waitress, 407 N Front Norris George \V., porter, h 1414 N 4th ~orTis Owen c., lineman, 210 Walnut, h 432 Market ~orris Hugh W., (Boyd Optical Co.), h 1114 Capital ::",:orris Margaret E., charwoman, h 1414 ~ 4th .I\l'rris Martha K, wid Miles, h 1414 N 4th l\orris Mirtie M., wid A. \\Tilson, h 207 S Front ~orris Tohias, painter, h 445 Verbeke Norris William, agt, h 445 Verbeke Northern Central Railway Passenger Depot, ft Chestnut; entrance, 413 Market; freight depot. ft 3d ~orthern Equipment Co., M. W. Fager, sec, mfrs' agts, 133 State NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. J. F. Eaton, genl agent, 228 N 3d Norton Enoch, craneman, h 607 S Front Norton George, laborer, h 1104 N 6th Norton Matthew N., foreman. 1408 Vernon, h Penbrook Norton Samuel E., engr, h 23d and P. & R R R Notar Natale, laborer, h 33 ~ !lth Note Frank. engr, h 1524 N 4th Notestine Christianna Mrs .. h 1623 Chestnut






III" :;:;


_'unlty ... Simy Cit.. ={"=='=\.~=-- }l'=='

Notestine Lucien B., chief elk P. R R, h 443 Hummel Notestine Sherman E., elk, h 1623 Chestnut Noto Nazzareno, laborer, h 113 Dock Novak William, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Novesec Miko, laborer, h 1115 S 9th Novinger Charles, meter inspector, h 1210 \Vallace N ovinger Dorothy A., domestic, 2009 N 3d Novinger Howard c., elk, 8 N 2d, h Heckton Novinger Lucy, dressmkr, h 814 Green Noye Charles A., brakeman. h 1~25 Susquehanna Noye Charles E., coach builder, h 182.15 Susquehanna Noye Isaac L., brakeman, h 1a22 Fulton Null Carrie Mrs., h 1125 N 7th ~ull Clara E., dressmkr. 2004 Kensington, h do N ull Frank. h 130 Chestnut Null Grace R, saleslady. 3:l4 Market. h 2004 Kensington Null John R, h 2nn4 Kensington Null Robert P .. C. S. ~ . h 2nU4 Ken~ington ]'I;ull Thomas E . driver, h 119 Cherry Numbers Thomas. bridgetender. h 418 Forster Nunemacher Amanda. h 511 N 4th NUNEMACHER AMBROSE W., druggist, 300 North c 3d, h 2225 N 3d Nunemacher Samuel. ins sol. h 511 N 4th Nunemaker Daniel IT .. h 115 Balm






Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily Sis. Coogle

Digitized by

--- --------------------

Mall. A B TICKtr.--1DsPabUo. . 8pee1altJ-IDofPIalaTlDu {I.'. N.... II&, , , " SwldtD .II:IUmII&eeGlfta

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City D,irectory, 1908. Nunemaker John W., stockkpr, Crescent c Mulberry, h 332i Crescent Nursery Home, Mrs. Mary E. Tagg. matron, 615 State N uss Anthony, h 1211 N Front Nuss Anthony H., jr., supt, :l20 Market, h 1211 N Front Nuss Charles W., mgr, 320 M'arket, h 1600 Hunter NUSS PLATING CO., C. W. Nuss, mgr, electroplaters and band instrument mfrs, 320 Market see adv Nutt JOhn T.; machinist, h 517 Walnut Nyamcz Todar, laborer, 'h 1101 Calder Nye Aaron B., filer, h 1018 S 21l Nye Annie M., cigarmkr, h 1'511 Logan Nye Annie M., wid Joseph 'B., h 1261 Walnut Nye Benjamin F., engr, h 65 N 16t'll Nye Bert'ha I. Mrs., h 84 N 17t'h Nye Charles, elk, 'h 18201 N 5th Nye Charles A., janitor, h 411 Hummel Nye Oharles N., laborer, 'h 1820! N 5th Nye Claude, steelwkr, h 112 Sylvan ter Nye 'Cora,'h 112 Sylvan ter Nye Emanuel G., brakeman, h 1425 Hunter Nye George L., conductor, h 58 N 16t'll Nye Harry B., painter, h 1226 Derry Nye Harry c., steelwkr, h 1610 'N 5th

~=:: ~ Harrlsburl
Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye

Sayllgs and Loaa ASSI, { ::





Harry F., brakeman, h 1240 Market Harry F., engr, h 26 N 16th Harry]., laster, h 344 Nectarine Ida, weaver, h 205 North Irvin W., electrician, 434 Market, 'h Steelton Jacob B., music teadher, h 1941 Kensington ]dlm, laborer, h 50 N 10rh John A., carpenter, h 1306 Susquehanna John E., foreman, h 615 Harris ).'la:bel M., seamstress, h 1942 Kensington Myra, domestic, 808 N 2d Sadie A., weaver, 'h 1942 Kensington Solomon, laborer, h 1936 Berryhill William F., foreman, h 112 Sylvan ter


> n




of Plallnlt Tableware. Musical InlUumeny. Bloyclee, small Macblne Trlmmlngl and Bou.. PurnlahlDl!' Goode. Poltlhlng. Re1Inlahlnlf. Oxldtztng. Brouslug. Brultng and Lacquering of Cbandelter and Ornamental Wort. 8peclal attenllon liven to 8l1ver Plating and Gilding. ~elve Ye.n' Practical &perteDce.


O ..,.,. H U _ _ lVI_n __. r



Ko. 310 lIarlot Stnet. 'atrlot B.lld.". - HaRRISBURG. PA.


T' H E PAT R I R;;t; ogle

Digitized by

H. II. KELLEY" CD.}OBes. :et'''~:':.~~':~{CDAL AND WOOD

Boyd's Harri.sburg (0) City Directory, 1908.

! c.:a



'Ii S ..... i i5



a: o I."

o ~ a: ~

Oaster Harvey ~I., sol, 220 Locust, 'h 227 Pine Oaster Robert, elk The Commonwealth, h 227 Pine Oates William, ins agt, 321 Market, h 727 State Ober B. Frank, (Ober Bros.), h Pen brook Ober Bros., (B. Frank and David \Y.), livery, Court c Cranberry Ober David W., (Ober Bros.), h 138 Sylvan ter Ober Frank B., driver, h 217 Barbara Oberdier William W., carpenter. h :n K Wth Oberdorf Harry D., conductor. h :t!S ~ l:tth Oberholser Earl, draftsman F. and M. Works.h 527 Seneca Oberholtzer I1an'ey, helper. h 152Cl Drrry Oberholtzer John H., boiler works, 71:~ S 21~. h do Oberholtzer Kate E., stripper. h 71~ S 21t Oherholtzer Samuel. jr .. boilermkr, h :t4.6 Crescent Oberman Herman, salesman, h 4:~2 Herr Obraskv Abraham N., student, h HIl~ \Vooo Obrask)' Lewis, tailor, Hi14~ N 6th, h 191!l Wood O'Brien Catharine E .. wid Jame~, h 121 S Cameron O'Brien Charles, mgr, 15 ~ !ld, h lUi Locust O'Brien Dennis, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do O'Brien Tames L., student, h l:t~1) ~ 2d O'Brien john F., bartender, h 1330 N 2d O'Brien Lizzie, domestic, 507 ~ Front

o o


D~U6GIS_~~1~_~. 3d


O'Brien 1\1. Arthur, elk, 9th c Herr, h 224 Verbeke O'Brien ~lary, ctomcstic, 1801 Green (J'Brten \Villiam H., driver, h 1:15 Paxton O'Brine Catharine ~Irs .. h ij::a Race O'Brine Ross A., plumber, h 5:t:t R".ce Oby Beverly \'., driver, h 401i Cowden O'Callaghan Daniel, h 1212t X 7th O'Callaghan WiIliam J. Rev., 'h 14Gl ~Iarket Och Anna M., h 1210 X 7th Och John G., salesman, 324 l\Iarket. h 1424 Swatara Och Marcus, blacksmith, h 1210 ~ 7th Och Svlvester, laborer, h 12H1 N 7th OCHS CHRISTIAN P., genl agent Adams Express, h 209 Crescent Ochs Eugene E., elk, h 134 Yerbeke Ochs Glenna, saleslady, :m4 l\1arkct, h 1:14 Yerbeke Ocker Samuel E., brakeman, h 4;' X I:Hh (;I;J O'Connell Annie G., teacher, h 14U7 1\larket U O'Connell Dennis, inspector water dept, h 1467 Market O'Connell John. purchasing agt C. P. T. Co., h 1467 Mkt. Q O'Connell Lawrence, laborer, h VH7 S 12th (;I;J O'Connel\ Mary c., teacher, h l41i7 ~Iarket O'Connor Delia. dressmkr, h 90Z'i~ Capital 2: O'Connor Eilen. dressmkr, 9051 Capital, h do t:) O'Connor Haldeman ]., h 1:~ K Front



A. B. TACK ~~a:::1lau paper and IIndOI ShadeS ~I~\~ :.,.rx~

Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory, 1908. 565
Odell James, fireman, h 1304 N 7th Odell J. Burr, teacher, h 1:~25 Berryhill OdeIl Wilhelmi me Mrs., restaurant, 1304 N 7th, h do O'Donnell Bridget, h 2525 N 6th O'Donnell Catharine, wid Thomas, h 118 Verbeke O'Donnell Charles, jr., V. S. N., h 246 North O'Donnell Charles J., molder, h 246 North O'Donnell Elizabeth, wid John, h 1862 Swatara O'Donnell Hugh J., oiler. 11 1219 Bailey O'Donnell Joseph E., inspector, h 114 N 2c1 O'Donnell Lena, saleslady, :~:l! ~larket, h 2121 N 6th O'Donnell Lydia A.,dressmkr, h 246 North O'Donnell Marv B., stengr, 204 Market, h 118 Verbeke O'Donnell Michael, h 1:~ N 5th Oenslager Frank, painter, h 272 Briggs Oenslager Harriet, wid John, h 7{1!l N 3d Oenslager John, physician, 711 N 3d, h do Oenslager Ross, h in9 N 3d Oerman William II" flagman, h 404 Hummel Offerd Josephine ~lrs., h 267 Briggs .. Offman Martha. nurse Hbg, Hospital, h do Ogden Caroline E., h 917 N 18th Ogden Julia, attendant Dauphin Co. ;\Imshouse. h do Ogden Thomas. elk State Highway Dept .. h 229 :\Iaclay

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:i~t.~~-;;'~"';.:IE

Ogelsby Boyd 1\1., advertising mgr Harrisburg Telegraph, h :n2 Hummel Ogelsby Fannie ~L. music teacher, HI9 N 2d. h cia

OGELSBY JOSEPH J., undertaking, 109 N 2d, h do Ogelsby Joseph N., lahorer, h 16f1 N 15th

Ogc1sby 1\Iartha J" teacher, h 109 N 2d Ogelsby \\'arwick :\1., trust officer Commonwealth Trust Co., h 919 N 2d Ohail James X., salesman, h 230 Forster Ohail William L., printer, h 417 Peffer Ohio Rake Co . agrl implts. 627 Walnut Ohl Florenz, laborer, h 418 S River Ohnhaus Bert. foreman C. 1. and S. Co., 565 Race Ohnhaus John, laborer, h f'24 S Cameron Ohrum Armon F., machinist, h 112 Hoerner Okerbloom Huldah :\Irs .. h 1502 State Okeson 1Iarg-aret, stengr. h 816 Capital Oldknow Frederick, elk, a34 Market, h Camp Hill c.n Old Ladies' Home, 01arles lloyer. mgr, 5ml Kelker O'Leary Edward J., bar elk, 306 Strawberry, h 1537 N 4rh :Ii: ~ O'Leary John. h 12ft1 Wallace S O'Leary Joseph F., machinist, h 3:~3 Hummel O'Leary :\Iargaret 1\1 .. stengr, 4 S 2d, h 153i ~ 4th ~ O'Leary :\[ar\, A .. wid Corneliu!', h 333 Hummel == ~ O'Leary Patrick ]., oiler, h 1 ifl5 X ith c,,) O'Leary Timothy, lahorer. h 1212~ X 7th ~


MONEY ADVANCED} O&.IRD&\IIT LO"" {ao.-a Jl'lo:rd 81" ""0 sacvalTY co. Barke' Sq. Coogle

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Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory, 1908.

= ....



O'Leary Timothy. jr.. helper, h 428 Boas Olewine Averv E., blacksmith. h 14i Paxton Olewine Benjamin. grocer. 1820 ~ 5th, h do Olewine George, laborer, h 6:33 Muench Olewine George A., car repairer, h 1820 N 5th Olewine Harry B.. telegrapher P. R R. h 5~2 Camp Olewine Howard R, bar elk, 300 Verbeke, h Penbrook Olinger Vo'ilIiam, engr, h 519 Seneca Oliphant Albert A., conductor, h 117 N Cameron Oliver Chilled Plow Wks .. V';. E. Dietrich, mgr. :?10 N 3d Oliver Dick. agency director, 42 l) nion Trust hldg, h 1915 C N Front ~ Olley William L .. salesman. 29 N 2d, h 908 Penn z Olmsted Fidelia B.. h un5 N Front c Olmsted Marlin E .. (Olmsted.& Stamm), h 105 N Front OLM'STED & STAMM, (M. E. Olmsted and A. C. z Stamm), lawyers, 5 N 3d c Olphin Henry. carpenter. 1~17 George u Dovd a:: Olsen HiramF., elk, h 1911 Xh 4th Olsen H., boilermkr, HilII\' 4th E Olsen John H. F., helper, h 1911 N 4th Olsen Joseph W . elk, h 1911 N 4th Olsen Samuel Eo, electrotyper, h 335 Granite Olsen \ViIliam B., machinist, h 1911 N 4th Olsen William VV . boilermkr. h HUl :K 4th


TItle 811rDIy II~ Slrlly CI. IC~.~.::..' {~:I-::"'t;.. {Tr!.~:;!r.:r...

111\ J


Omaro\\" V,'illiam, lahorer, h 335 Bovd Om bert Pelecrino, laborer, h 3:3 N 5th Ommert Charles. carpenter, h lall) Penn Ommert Jacob F., carpenter, h 1310 Penn Ommert Loretta M., waitress, :~34 l\larket. h ~w James O'Neal Oharles H .. mac'hinist. h 216 ?\ 10th O'Neal Tames, lahorer. h 1331 N 4th O'Neil \,"arren, postal elk, h 40 Linden Oppernnn Charlotte. (Opperman & Baker), h 131 Paxton OPPERMAN HENRY, contractor, 131 Paxton, h do see adv Opperman Karl T .. architect. :?!I X 2d. h 1201 Chestnut Opperman Lina ~ .. fancy goods. 1211~ K 3d. h Camp Hill Opperman \Villiam H .. contractor, WI Paxton. h do Opperman & Baker, (C ]. Opperman and E. S. Baker), mi1liner~, 21i N 2<1

3Engineering ~ Contracting


No. 181 Paxton Street, - Harrisburg, Pa.

'A':li;.s:ne::8! ANDREW REDMOND{3d IDd Rilly S1I.

Digitized by


Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory, 1908.

Orawa OrC.wa On'utt Orcutt Orcutt Orcutt Orcutt


Michael, laborer. h 11:!1 K 7th Zeigle, laborer, h 1121 N 7th C. H., real est and ins, 267 Cumberland, h 268 do Frederick, hostler, h 1406 Marion Helen c., teacher, h 268 Cumberland Jennie E., saleslady, h 2(i8 Cumberland William L., paperhanger, h 107 North OREGON-IDAHO GOLD MINING CO., Hibbs & Co., fiscal agents, 65-67 Union Trust Co. bldg Orem Grace, milliner, 334 Market, h 327 Peffer Orem Irene V., knitter, h :t!7 Peffer Oreman William E., flagman, h 404 Hummel Oren Charles J., laborer, h 915 S 221 Oren Howard c., elk. 204 \Valnut, h New Cumberland Oren James, boilermkr, h 2007 Kensington Oren Thomas J.. carpenter, h 419 Cumberland Orendorf Wm. B.. asst trainmaster P. R. R.,h 2020 Green Orner Bessie. opr, 'h 130 Hoyer Orner Edward c., bartender, h 442 North Orner John L., chemist, 'h 442 ~orth Orner John R., h 442 North Orner Mary K., h 627 Maelay Orner William F . salesman. 226 Market, h 1146 Derry Orpheum Theatre, C. Floyd Hopkins, mgr, 208 Locust ,Orr Addie A., wid Ellis c., h 228 Verbeke

::u P1
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Sallngs and Loaa


'Orr Arthur B., machinist, !h 1200 Christian Orr Charles B., elk, 302 Verbeke, 'h 228 do Orr Grace V., penmkr, h 203 'North Orr Harry B., elk P. R. R., h 270 Cumberland :I Orr James c., janitor, 123 -Chestnut, h 203 North Orr John c., salesman, 336 Chestnut, h Camp Hill Orr Joseph A., brakeman, 'h 1326 Penn Orr Lewis G., grocer, 2017 Forster, h 2019 do Orr Mabel L.. elk, 'h 228 Verbeke Orr William E., conductor. h Hl3 S Summit Orr \Vol. T .. trucker P. R. R. frt depot, h Wormleysburg ~! Orren William K., engr, h Holly bey limits ,Orrick Humphrey L.. bootblack. !) S 2d. h lUi Angle al Orris Adam, puddler. II 220 X Hlth ,. Orris Adam E., engr. h 130 S 3d ..p Orris Earl F. W., laborer. 11 220 N 10th r Orris Ellen l\L ~lrs., h 431 Hamilton Orris George \V., laborer, h 220 ~ 10rh :: Orris S. Nevin, switchman P. R. R.,lh 20a5 Fulton ;;; 'Orsinger Edward V., bar elk .senate Hotel, h 1525 Green Orsinger Joseph. pressman Telegraph, h 1221 Wallace ~ Orsinger Lillie E., h 44 i Verbeke "'W .()rsinger Paul, engr, h 1121 Wallace Orsinger Rose, wid Vincent. h 301 Blackberry ~ Orsinger Vincent G., 'h 1525 Green

. N > n ::c >

I 2r

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THE PATRIOT "'::RRN~~:':-':J~lh

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...,. D ...... of

H KELLEY II CO'S -Black DlamoDd. wbeD { III~ IINtI U P. I IINIUd ),oa aext ordew. Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory, 1908.

I ...........

iIi c.:.

..: .= ~

Ursinger William, cigarmkr, h 1525 Green Ort Myrtle 1. Mrs., tel opr, h 1509 Hunter Orth Carrie L., teacher, 'h 237 Briggs Orth Charles M .. grocer, 224 Harris, h 1600 Green Orth C ~lary, wid George, h 2UI \'erbeke Orth Conrad, h 251 North Orth George ]., shoemkr, 320 Briggs. h 1322 Green Orth George L., printer: h 16:34 ~ 3d Orth George V.' .. baker and grocer, 423 State, h do Orth Gertrude V., stengr. 2:! N 2d, h 204 Herr Orth Hannah "'., wid fohn. h Almshouse


l&J l&J






ORTH HENRY C., fire, life, health, accident insurance,. 208 Chestnut, h 219 State Orth Herman A .. h l:n 7 ?'oJ 2d o.rth Hiram c., tailor, h 8 Aberdeen ORTH H. L., M. D., supt and physician Penna. State Lunatic Hospital, h do Orth J. Andrew. postal elk. h 32 ::\ 2d Orth Tohn A .. laborer. h 487 Walnut Orth Louisa C. wid J. Harry. h 2:37 Briggs Orth :'.Iary C. teacher High School. h 2HI Yerbeke Orth 2\1. Elizabeth. mnsic teacher, h :!fil North Orth )Jellie, h 204 Herr Orth Rebecca, teacher. h 2()4 Herr Orth William. laborer. 11 2()M Boas

o _


PRI~ED DRU66ISTi1_&_~._~dJt.

ORTH WILLIAM E., (City Star Laundry), h 430 North Orth William H .. tailor. 32~ Strawberry, h S Aberdeen Orwan Haney L.. machinist, h 50n Oi.lder Orwig Samuei B., lawyer, room 21tH Bergner bldg, h 1109
N 2d Osborn Frank F .. engr, h 621 Boas Osborn LOllis c., salesman, h H22 Xorth Osborne Charles, driver, h 516 Strawberry Osborne Division International Harvester Co. of America. N'. W. N el son. genl agt; H. A. :N1 etzger. asst gen1 agt; agrl implts, 619-621 Walnut Osborne James. laborer, h 407 Filbert Osborne fohn E .. driver. h 6ll N lIItlt _ Osler Allen 0 .. repairsman. h 2630 Jefferson

OSLER CHARLES F., wholesale liquors and bottler, 1901-1903 N 6th, h 1905 do see adv


- Foreign and Domestic Liquors ~



Bottrew 01 PABST MILWAUKEE HEER Ale, Porter DD<I Wei Beer

1901.1903 North Sixth Street,

Harrisburg, PIlL.
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L L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR {1240 Mlrk.tstr...


BmplOTI nooe but Ilraw:J_ workmeo.beDIleODJy". 1816 A B TACK} elGIi-*&IId iDmnalL Work4oneinaDT puSofS&at.elJ N.adS"

Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory, 1908.


Osler Oliver E., printer, h 331 S 16tlh Osman Agnes L. )'Irs., h 1922 Swatara Osman Caroline, wid Benjamin, 'h 612 Buttonwood Osman Edwin c., molder, h 1930 Swatara Osman Elmer, huckster, h 713 State Osman Henry, laborer, h 612 Buttonwood OSMAN HORACE K., druggist, 1901 Derry, h 1924 Swatara Osman ~fay B., teacher, h 1922 Swatara Osman Milo E., motorman, h 569 Forrest Ossman Charles H., salesman, h 240 S 14th Ossman Charles S., fireman, h 615 Kelker Ossman Jennie W., saleslady, h 240 S 14th Ossman John R., cashier P. & R. frt office. 11 ~02 Green Ossman Ruth, teac'her, h 802 Green O'Sullivan Elizabeth, housekeeper, 526 Xorth O'Sullivan Elizabeth, wid Patrick, 'h 526 Xorth O'Sullivan Jeremiah, jr., elk, h 526 Korth O'Sullivan Jeremiah F., helper, 'h 1126 Wallace O'Sullivan Jdhn, printer, h 526 North O'Sullivan Joseph, bar elk The Bolton. h 615 ~orth O'Sullivan J\Iargaret M., teacher, h 1805 :\larket O'Sullivan Mary, weaver, h 526 North Oswald Ephraim T., chief carpenter Capitol, h 234 N 14th Oswald Julia A., wid Samuel, h 1303 Green




P1 :II C


o .


O'Toole l\Iartin J., publisher, h 311 Market O'Toole Sarah E., Charwoman, h r 131 S 2d Otstot Benjamin F., conductor, h 617 Cumberland Otstot Charles L., brakeman, h 1106 Plum Otstot Edith B., cigarmkr, h 12 Aberdeen Otstot Ella K, domestic, !002 N 4th ' Otstot Elmer G., elevator boy, 'h 12 Aberdeen Otstot Franklin G., elk,.::l5 Union Trust bldg, h Steelton Otstot George B., special officer P. R. R., h 636 Woodbine Otstot George R., laborer, h 41 N Summit Otstot Harry R., engr,h 1116 N 6th Otstot Harry E., elk, h 331 Granite Otstot Harry R., jr., fireman, 'h 1227 Cowden Otstot Jacob, steelwkr, h 12 Aberdeen Ott Annie, wid Louis, h 201 Hamilton Ott Charles. dairyman, h 1928 Fulton Ott Emma F. Mrs., janitress, S 2d, 'h do Ott Francis J., solicitor, 14 S 2d, h 1260 1Iarket OTT FREDERICK M., lawyer, notary, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h Susquehanna twp Ott Grace, laundress, h 916 James Ott Harry H., machinist, h 9 S 2d Ott Louis, machinist, h 201 Hamilton Otto Clara, laundress, h 1320 N 4th Otto George W., engr, h fi40 Reily
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c=:: ~




}~llcen:.~t.for c':':

306 B ..

Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory, 1908.

to ry dr ma Slat )cp Hea h 5 S ber _ Oudin Elise Mrs., boarding, 31:3 Chestnut, h do lou . Ht lab 'r, I 15 7th :a 'enl Ge ge \\ ., porter, 334 arket, 11 5th O,-,{rholser Earle, draftsman, h 527 Seneca erh er elA raft n,1 7S ca 'erh r J na s., h oJ_7 Seneca Overmiller Silvus, stengr P. R. R., h fll6 N 6th ert Agn Mr har man 124 on 'es rrah., cl , 35 ~ _d, h 6 \ shington Oves Gilbert M., draftsman, h 116 Washington es rrv (H. Ov & C h I Wa gto VE . F. CO., Ha y F. es), al a woo, 5 S 3d and 435 S 2d ,d sma 11 Vas gto es race _ es Var, mac st, 16 \ hing n Owen Charles M., milk, 201 r\ 15th, h do ven vid Bee h N wen rtr F., lsek cr, :\Iu h CIC Owen L. Grace, h 1513 N 2d h, \\' Ste n, h 12 'en liza n :IE ven van ,la r, 5 I lilto c .J Owens George W., machinist, h 635 \Yalnut ~~ wen arr abo h 6 Cam


Till alinity IU Slrlty C IC::.-:lf~-=rn:~'=-{~tOm~

en . Mis, cen h 4 G n Owens J. LeWIS. bncklayer, h 820 James Owens Paul, bricklayer, h 1844 Green wen ach ., t pr, \Va t, h 5 R ilto Owens Ralph c., watchmkr, 23 1\ 3d, h 1844 Green Ovler Charles 0., machinist h 1<)"7 Bri s 14!... --;ree 'Ier na, rpe Oyler Elmer D., machinist, h 62ft Mahantongo Ovler Frank h 32(; Reilv ,Ier rve ., rc rsm 813 ark 1 18 Sta Oyler J. Clayton, salesman, 241\ :!d, h 122ft Batley OYLER JOHN H. veterinary surgeon 331 Blackber , h Pi Oyler Lottie, ctgarmkr, h 6:)2 Boas Oyler Price\' M., salesman 24 X 2d h 122n Bailev be~ ., a\ 19m h Ii :\1 a' ton 'Ier Ovster Albert L., h L6 State Ovster Chas. Clifford, salesman. ft ~ 2d h r\ ew Cumb'ld 'ste ani '., I rer, 3!l 'd Oyster Elizabeth M., bookkpr. h _fi8 Herr OYster Elmira T., stengr, 15 ?\ 2d, h Bridgeport ste ran " bless r T gral h2 N3 Oyster lola E. Mrs., (J. C. Mosser & 'Co.), h 1\ew Cumbo Ovster Tohn R., salesman. 7 S 2<1, h 1727 N 3d . 'ste . aur lk, N!... h 1 N

ANDREW REDMOND}~t:~~.:!i:;~~g~{~~e~nd ~~r, Sta


l B. TACK} III PIPER e:::-~ 111001 SHADES {N~:' 8"

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908. Oyster Oyster Oyster Oyster Oyster,

Laura L., dressmkr, h 170n Penn l\1argaret, wid Simon, h 826 N 3d Napoleon .K., (Central Hat Store), h 6 N 2d Simon W., mgr Kingan Provision Co., h 268 Herr see Eyster

Paar Edward H. Rev., h 3:l8 S l:1th Pacific Mutual Lift' Ins. Co., Willard Smoot, genl agt, 4 N :1d Packer Clinton. laborer, h 421 ~ Summit PACKER GEORGE D., (Brinton-Packer Co.), h 1100 . N 3d Paden W. Frank, ins sol, 4 S 2d. h 112 Mulberry Paeritch Ferde, laborer, h 110 Short Paganelli Lawrence, lunch bar Senate Hotel, h 136 Linden Paganelli Leonard, boilermkr, h 1:16 Linden Paganelli Lewis, huckster, h 136 Linden Paganelli Mary, saleslady, h 1:16 Linden Page Anna F., cigarmkr, h 70S Showers Page Bessie M., housekeeper, h 14:JR Regina Page Catharine, wid Frederick, h ]944 Derry Page Charles, salesman, 3:{4 Market, h 1944 Derry Page Charles C. conductor, h a14 S 15th Page Daniel R., molder. h :!".!6 ~ 15th Page George W., driver, h t:l12 \Vallace

~ -=:'-:-'}Hlll'lsburl ..

SaYlnls ad Loal Assn. U:=

,. :u < ,. :u

Page Harry E., electrician, 434 Market, h 226 N 15th Page Harry E., laborer, hIS!) N 15th Page Harry G., laborer, h 542 S Hlth Page ]. Frank, planer, h 210 ~ 14th Page John J., collector Independent, h 1438 Regina Page John L., fireman, h 1511 Hunter Page John W., elk, 1827 i\ 6th, h 5:14 Forrest Page Joseph, laborer, h lOR Cherry Page Luman B.. (Page & Page), h Camp Hill Page Mary L. Mrs., nurse, h 544 Forrest Page Richard V., auditor. 2:!7 Walnut, h 204 do Page Riley, driver, h 1944 Derry Page Ross, paperhanger, h HiHl Allison Page Samuel S .. (Page & Page), notary, 105 N 2d,h Oberlin Page Sarah. wid Elias. h :1~ N lath Page Simon, motorman, h IH44 Derry PAGE & PAGE, (S. S. and L. B.), real estate and insurance, Cameron bldg, 2d c Walnut Paget Donald, elk P. R. R.. h Lunatic Hospital Paget John, gardl'ncr Lunatic Hospital. h do Pague C11ristianna (~ .. wid Peter D., h 610 Buttonwood Pague Ellsworth, telegrapher P. R. R., h 1118 Capital Pague William E .. laborer. h 1118 Capital Paine Frederick J.. laborer. h 1219 Mulberry




-.... I..

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-------------------TH E PATRIOT Coogle

Digitized by

B . . . . o..a.B. . . .U .....Il&

0'" XOTI'O. - }

K KELLEY.' CO. {11th............ U , ..... III .Irwt at



Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.

Paine John H., engr, It :U7 Buckthorn av

I Paine \Villiam J., laborer, h 1710 Briggs ~ Paine William W., laborer, h 1710 Briggs :s Painter Eby, elk, 6 S 2d, h 261 Forster ~ Painter Ht'nry H . laborer. h 1317 Howard :. Painter Jacob E .. bridge builder, h 261 Forster Painter 1\lary 1\1., wid Christian. h 1302 l\Jayfiower ~ Painter Rebecca, wid George, h 2025 Green Painter Roy E., brakeman. h 616 Muench II Painter Samuel E., elevator opr, 6 S 2d. h 2fi1 Forster Painter Samuel T., brakeman, h 1951 State c:: Painter \Villiam. conductor, h 2]2 Hummel fti Painter \Villiam H .. dentist, 34 S :{d, h Glenwood 25 Pairich Paul. laborer, h 2:; K 5th "' Pajrito Ferdinand. laborer. h 140:; ~ Cameron VI Palm Cyrus W., junk, Herr c 9th. h do Palm Tohn H .. laborer, h r 1208 K 11)th Palm Sharon. patternmkr, h 10 Evergreen Palm \Villiam S., laborer, h 1000 Cumberland Palmer Albert S., laborer, h 28 K Dewberry Palmer Anna M., elk, h 4:~() Kelker c:( Palmer Annie Mrs., h 2344 N 6th Palmer Annie c., h ]50 K Hitlt Palmer Carrie E., cigarmkr. h 2344 K lith

oil Paine William D., (Kessler-Paine Co.). h York


o tO

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o _


Palmer Charles, boarding, 28 N Dewberry, h do Palmer Charies E., laborer, h 2fi X Dewberry >- Palmer Charles W., laborer. It 1625 Park z: Palmer Clifford A., plasterer. h 1117 James < Palmer Frank S., elk. h 119 Linden a.. Palmer George \\T., carpenter. h 150 :\ 15th E Palmer Harry c., laborer, h 121 X 16th o Palmer Harry H .. car repairer. h ~27 N 3d U Palmer Herbert \Y., laborer. h 26 :\ Dewberry ...I Palmer J. Arthur. cigarmkr, h 26 ~ Dewberry Palmer,T. Frank, elk Hbg. Nat. Bank. h 811 Green Palmer Tohn A .. bookbinder. h 1625 Park U Palmer john W., switc'hman P. R R. h 1618 Susquehanna Q Palmer Lafa vette. machinist. h 128 :\ lulbern' Z Palmer Maggie, lieut A. S. A.. h 1101 :\ 7th < Palmer 1\Iatilda C. wid Clayton W .. h 26 N Dewberry W Palmer Norman J., paperhanger, h 1Ii18 Susquehanna U Palmer Ruth, h 12Fl l\Iulberry Palmer Stewart A., stonesettcr. h 1625 Park Q Palmer Thomas C. drh'er, h 56:l Sheaffer W Palmer Thomas E .. helper. h 16t~ Susquehanna Palmer \\'alter W .. laborer. h 1114 Capital Z Palmer William. planer. h 1424 Derry Palmer William H., hostler, h 2]() S Court Palmer William L., switchman P. R R, h 430 Kelker

< o


1 L ST. CLIIR{TAILOA{1240IlarkItStnlf
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won ,. a IIndO" som IrDi A. B. TACK .1:~..


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.

Pancake Albert L., elk, h 1319 State Pancake Alfred A., h 1501 N 2d Pancake Edwin, machinist,h 1319 State Pancake Howard ., machinist, h 111l Paxton Pancake Ida )'lrs., h 30S S Front Pandano Charles, laborer, h 142 S 2d Panelli Giovachino, bar clk, 437 Market, h 4~3 do Pankake Ella :\1., stengr, 21 N 3d, h 1513 Logan Pankake Elwood L., carpenter, h 1513 Logan Pannell Albert, car repairer, h 28 N 10th Pannell Charles F .. watertender, h 942 SIn')" Pannkake Etta, h 1818 Green Pantazio Peter, candymkr, h H Grace Pantle Paul (;., machinist, h 1516 Thompson , Pardoe Edward 0., elk Ins. Dept., Capitol, h Camp Hill Parfet James A . confectioner. 1541 N 4th. h do Parialo Domenic, laborer, h 214 S 2d Parialo Joseph J., labor agt, h 310 S 2d Paris Clarence, porter The Commonwealth, h lOS Short Park Frank, bricklayer, 11 632 Race Park James S., elk P.O., h 331 Reily Park John H., engine inspector, h 632 Race Park John H., jr., druggist, 621 Race, h 632 do PARK J. WALTER, physician,32 N 2d. h 113 S Front Park ::\Iargaret A., wid Arthur, h 331 Reily

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:i~b~~'t.~~E

Park Mary, cigar packer. h 632 Race Park William J., helper, h 618 Kelker Parker Alexander. h 1164 S Cameron Parker Carl S., inspector, h 619 Forrest Parker Cloyd M., h 1635 Wallace Parker Edward, laborer, h 504 South al Parker Edward L., conductor. h 1707 K 5th Parker George. cleaner P. R. R. depot, h 1462 Zarker Parker Hannah. wid Joseph B.. h 1127 Centre al Parker Harriet A., teacher, h 436 ~luench Parker Harry, laborer. h 26 Lochiel 3d row Parker Harrv c., huckster, h 615 Cumherland Parker Harr~' J.. wheelwright. h 1714 Briggs Parker Helen W .. !'aleslach', .flO :\Iarket. h do Parker James A . driver. Ii 1127 Centre al Parker Tohn, laborer. h 1127 Centre al Parker John A., lahorer, h 23 Lochiel 2d row Parker John R.. laborer. h 524 Brown Parker Joseph, laborer, h 1127 Centre al Parker Lizzie, c'harwoman. h 1430 Madison Parker :l\Iartha L.. cook, h :U1 "K ectarine Parker Mary J .. wid Robert 1., h 311 Nectarine Parker Maude E., ruler, 201 N 2d, h 132 Verbeke Parker Nathaniel, patrol driver, h 1617 Elm Parker Richard H., butler, h lO6 Short


Digitized by

CLARK'S ::~:u Drug and Patent Medicine Stor8{.,::a~-=.~

t&:i 574
Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.


Parker Samuel, mgr, 410 Market, h do Parker Sarah R, h 1624 Green .::=i Parker Thomas W., printer, h 1431 Swatara :-= Parker William H., conductor, h 436 Muench C Parker W. Sylvester, driver, h 716 ~orth al ; Parkhill Charles H., elk R M. S., h 300 Chestnut ::z:: Parkhill Frederick M., laborer, 'h 615 Harris Parkhill George W., ins agt, h 1:!55 Derry Parkhill John F., casketmkr, 11 615 Harris Parlcl1i1l Mary. student, !h 615 Harris Parkhill Rosa H., music teacher, 18 N 16th, h do Parkhill William D., coachmkr, h 18 N 16th Parkin William S., employee State Arsenal, h 1749 Regina Parkinson Sarah W. 1\frs., elk Div. Public Records, Capitol, h Carlisle Parkison Charles, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Parks Elmer, elk, 1409 N 6th, h do PARKS GEORGE W., sewing macbines, 10 S 2d, b Steelton Parks William T., restaurant, 1409 N 6th, h do Panner Edward E., elk, h 1230 Bartine Parmer Thomas P., agt, h 1326 Maple av Parson Aaron B., carpenter, h 622 Oxford Parsons Benjamin, laborer, h 1018 S 9th


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Parsons Edmund G., (Parsons & Glenn), h 11 N 4th Parsons Edwin, elk, 'h 1162 S Cameron Parsons Eric B., lawyer, h 1603 N 4th Parsons George B., brakeman, h 617 Peffer Parsons George E., electrician, h 617 Peffer Parsons Harry E., checker P. & R, h 460 S Cameron Parsons Harry E., laborer, h 1513 Derry Parsons Henry G., laborer, 'h 446 S Cameron Parsons Isaac W., carpenter, h 135 Linden Parsons Isaiah, policeman, h 1162 S Cameron C( Parsons Mary R., rolter, h 1018 S 9th Parsons May I., saleslady, 334 ~farket, h 617 Peffer Parsons Roy, elk, h 31 "N Cameron ..J Parsons S. Walter, steward, 216 N" 2d, h 1162 S Cameron Parsons Theodore 1\1., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 405 S 19th Z Parsons William, laborer, 11 353 S Cameron C Parsons William H., horseshoer, h 449 S 2d Parsons & Glenn, (E. G. Parsons and D. Glenn), tailors, 516 Walnut Part'hemore Annie, domestic, 203 N Front Part11emore Clayton Y., car inspector, h 623 N 18th Parthemore Daniel H., watchman, h 623 'N 18th Parthemore D. S. Early. elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1738 N 6th Parthemore Edward, conductor, 11 1824 Green Parthemore Elwin S . eng-r, h 1214 N 6th

- - - - - - - - --.-

Redmond's Wagon Works ~ ~c:,t~d~~~b~~: {3d and R811tSII.



4+1+It+!1ttH......++++I+I......... ++ of'. ++.+++.+++++++ +.+ ........

A Sign of AssignDlent
is not often seen covering the doors of a business house where one of our brilliant -:- -:- -:- -:-

introduces the buyer to the seller. If you need a sign vf any kind you need us. We can carry out your idea or furnish you with a new idea.

Harrisburg Advertising Co.

80th 'Phones


Market Street


ClOur distri bu ting agency is licensed and the service is g u a ranteed. Our men are all experienced in thi~ work and place one piece in each and every home, unless we are otherwi:::.e instructed by our dien t. We want to distribute your circulars and samples.




The Sunday-Courier
A well displayed advertisement in The Courier has helped many a business man out of a tight place. Try it.


320 Market street ,



Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.

Anna L., teacher, h 2U~ S 1~lth Caroline ~l.. teacher, h 142;; ~ Front Cecil. opr, h 211 l\Iuench FrankS .. agt. h 5112 Cumherland Frederick, watchmkr, h 7111 X lith George \Y., hod carrier. h 12:12 ~]onroe Guy S., press helper. h 1~1I:1 X ;)th Henry n., laborer, h 2 r ll:m X Front Henr'\" R.. conductor. h :W~ S 1:hh Ida :\1., turner. h l!l:tI) X lith James B .. cashier. 4 S 2d, h :I~ Balm James B.. painter. h :!m 7 Elizabeth 'ames c.. lahorer. h 1!1:1Ii X lith " ames H .. elk P. R. R .. h H:!;; X Front john. laborer. h HI!I Indian ()tis. carpenter, h 1~1I:1 ~ 5th Lizzie ~Irs .. h :!1I!1 Kelker Lottie t .. housekeeper. h 1~1I:1 X 5th Louise ~Irs .. nurse Hbg. Hospital.h do ~Iaud E .. prcss feeder. h l~(I:l K 5th Sadie E .. mgr. ~ K 2d. h l!HO X 7th S. I rene. trimmer, h :lR Balm Theobold S .. employee Arsenal, h 1417 X'orth

H M KELLEY & CO {I North ad Street. 10th and State s

c ,:,


Pattersun Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patte;son Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson

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PATTERSON JOHN E., lawyer, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h 216 Cumberland




Patterson \\,illiam :\ .. car repairer. h 42 Balm Pattison Ethel .\1.. bookkpr. h ;)11 l\Iuench Pattison Rachel A . wid (;eorge H .. h 511 ~I uench Patton Arthur L.. barber. :n2 Reily. h 2:lIi Hamilten Patton Cly<le E .. barber. h 2:W Hamilton Patton Edwin F .. harher. 211:\ S :!d. h do Patton Ella. saleslad \". :!1;) l\Iarket. h 4:\11 Boas Patton Frcderick. saiesman. :\:14 :\Iarket. h ];):U State Patton Harry 1.. driver. h 411S Chestnut Patton J. Harvey. pres libg-. Pipc and Pipc Bending Co., h 1!l24 X :1d Patton lIar" A .. wid \\,illiam. h 1:\21 Bartine Patton :\Iar~' E., wid Samuel L.. h 22:1 Pine Patton ?\ elson F., harbert h :!II:I S 2<1 Patton Perc\' E .. salesman. :n~ :'Ilarket. h 20:1 S 2d Patton RanilOnd. hrakeman. h ;)II~ S 1:\th Patton Rohert. postmaster P. R. R, h 411~ Chestnut Patton Robert R .. checkman P. R. R .. h liUS N 2d Patton \\. alter E .. ins sol. h 2:\li Hamilton Patty William ~I.. dk State Highway Dept .. h 6tH Briggs Patzman Juseph. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Paul Carrie A .. dressmkr. :n)o( lJarkct. h 1:1~:~ Swatara Paul Clinton P., conductor. h ;';;0 Forrest Paul E<.rl. elk. h 711 X ]:~th Paul Edwin F .. salesman. 1III S 2<1. h SI X 1Hth


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.
Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul George A .. foreman. 140~ Vernon. h H8H S 15th fohn A., foreman. h :ms S 15th \Iargaret K.. h 14:!i Berrvhill Raymond' T .. ins sol. 4 S ~d. h Carlisle Richard, dancing. 1257 Market, h 511 S 14th






PAUL WILLIAM F., shoes, 418 Market, h 1809 N 3d Paules Hannah R ~Irs . h 446 SlOth

Paules ~Iary E., roller. h 446 S 1IIth Pa\'elic Ivan, laborer, h 1101 S 9th P1 Pavelic John. laborer, h 1101 S 9th Pavonl William. asst mgr, 14IlS Vernon, h 1514 State Paxson Joseph L.. elk State Highway Dept., h 610 Briggs C Paxson Russel, draftsman. h a:17 S 15th ~


Paxtang \Vater Co .. J. F. Rohrer. sec. 24 N 2d 8 Paxton Alvetta. domestic, 419 Herr " . Paxton Effie M. 2'.1 rs .. stengr. 227 Walnut, h 1208 Derry 51

PAXTANG CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, Bellett Lawson, sec, office, Paxtang Cemetery, Paxtang see 0 adv 0 PAXTANG CONSOLIDATED WATER CO., David Gring, pres, room 507 Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d PAXTANG ELECTRIC CO., Christian W. Lynch, pres; R. C. Neal, sec and treas, 206 Market; lamp ex- c.n change and supplies, 512 State B

= =

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "=~b:i~~~1I:


PAXTON FLOUR AND FEED CO., (McCormick es- ~ tate and D. Bailey and J. Austin Brandt), Canal bel R State and 340 Verbeke Paxton Furnace. (Central Iron and Steel Co.). P. R R ;; and S h a o n i s ' Paxton Hotel.]. W. Rodenhaver, propr, 11118 ~Iarket ~ Paxton Rolling l\[ills. (Central Iron and Steel Co.), P. R. B Rand Shaonis i; Payne Aaron S., delinquent tax collector. h 1709 Market "'" Pa~'ne Annie Mrs., h 721 Korth Pa~.. ne Annie E .. charwoman, h 1106 Kittatinnv Pa"nc Bessie 1'.1.. nurse. h 17119 2'.Iarket Pa"ne Charles E., laborer, h 1106 Kittatinnv Pa)'ne Elwood R, car inspector, h 102 Conoy . Payne Ethel E., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1709 Market

-= e;

PAXTANGWithCEMETERY =. All Lots Sold Perpetual Care


~ ~

Stricti, a Madern Cemetery. Inquire into Our S,stem af Eas, Pa,meDts.

Telephone Connection. Oftice on the Grounds.
Digitized by

~ ~


:::: a:;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ 3::-. =



Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.

Payne Frances A., dressmkr, h 545 5 Front Pa~'ne Frederick H., student. h 1709 ;\larket Pa;'ne George H., laborer. h 1527 Hunter Payne Jacob M., laborer, h HOI) Kittatinny Payne Jefferson, weighmaster C I. and S. Co., h 545 S Front Payne J. Vir~inia, bookkpr, 222 Market, h 1709 do Payne Lucy ~lrs., domestic, 50:1 South al Payne Richard A .. laborer, h 1411 K 4th Payne Robert S., laborer, h Canal bel :\Iac1a\' Pa)ne Sarah. charwoman, h nOli Kittatinn~; Payne Sarah C, domestic, un5 N Front Pa\'ne Thomas E., laborer, h 509 :Korth al Payne William, candy, h 1243 Market Pa}'ne William W., laborer, h 1710 Briggs Pavrits Paul. laborer, h 550 SlOth Payton Charles, laborer, h :l:15 Calder Pa;ton John H., porter. :n:1 Verbeke, h do Payton :\Iichael, tinsmith. 42~ Cranberry. h 115 Christie's ct Pa,'ton Oakley 1., fireman, h 1237 :\flonroe Peace Ashton'D., eng-r of tests C. 1. and S. Co., h 1501 Swatara Peace Clifton :\1.. gauger. h 1':27 5 Front Peace :\Iyrle R.. h 1':27 5 Front

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o TIn. aamDly IDd Sarety

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Peace Samucl 5., laborer, h 905 5 Front Peall Blanche B., bookkpr. 28 ~ Cameron. h 1000! N 7th Pea)) Joseph G . foreman, 7th c Boas, h 1000! N 7th Pearce Edwin W., elk Aud. GenI's Dept., Capitol, h 1429Bern'hill Pearce Percy. plumber, h 19:15 Briggs Pearce. see Pierce Pearl Harry \V . car inspector, h 19:m Logan Pearson Amor 5 .. engr, It 516 Calder Pearson Annie B.. bUl1chmkr. h :WII S River Pearson Carrie, h 27 S Front Pearson David \V .. helper, h 114 Xagle Pearson Ed\\'arrl. lahorer. h :W(l S Rh'er Pearson Ceorge H., fireman. h 17:!fI X 5th Pearson Isaiah. bricklayer. h 2]] 7 )loore Pearson John. puddler: h 114 Xagle

PEARSON LEONARD DR., state veterinarian, Cap- itol, h Hotel Russ

I'rarsnn I'rarson Pearson Pearson I;'earson Prarson Pearson :\Iargaret. aprol1mkr. h 114 Xagle :\[an' H .. h ~7 S Frollt Pear'] E. Mrs., h 1951': X 7th Ralph. brakeman, h 5Hi Calrler Sarah E., seal11"tre~~. h :mu S RiYcr Sarah E .. wid 1,,1111. lJ (l:!(j Rfih Stephen A., brakeman. h li:i:l Roas

Elect~c1utomobllesf1iOREWtiE-OMDND !i~t~z-e~-~ydc!-~-II!-~~e

8 A.. TACK r......


Malt.a a 8peelalty of {UI. N." II&. ooID. PabU., Ba,ldlDplJl PlaiD TlDta JllUma&laQtwa

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.


Pearson Walter I., elk P. R R, h 236 :\Iuench Pearson William, prothonotary of Supreme and Superior Courts, lawver, 2 N Court, h 27 S Front Pearson, see Pi~rson Pease Joseph, laborer, It :UlI S River Pease "fIherese, wid Joseph, h 319 S River Pea)" George K., supt F. and M. Works. h 500 Seneca Pechart Charles ]., carpenter, h 1421 Regina Peck Annapolis 1:., brakeman, h 606 Kelker Peck Catharine, wid Horace. h 220 N 15th Peck Elizabeth ~lrs., h 1322 N 6th Peck Frances. domestic. 1013 ~ 3d Peck Rosa !vIrs., h 324 S 2d Peck Sarah, wid John E., h 1422 N 3d Peddicord Fletcher M., painter, h 1427 Susquehanna Pee Charles R, fireman, h 611 Calder Pee Myrtle F., shoe opr, h 17361 N 5rh Pee Roy B., fireman, h 6"23 Forrest Peeble Truman B., carpenter, h 424 S 2d Peeples Hannalh E. Mrs., cigars, &c., 645 Verbeke, h do PEERLESS HAND LAUNDRY, (D. F. Heffner), 208 Chestnut Peffer Caroline, wid Jacob, h 1605 Elizabeth Peffer Charles D., blacksmith, h 1606 Wallace Peffer Ellen B., wid David, h 725 S 19th

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~:::: ~ Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. { ::

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Peffer Franklin W., brakeman, h 1606 Wallace Peffer I. Newton, car deaner, h 2035 Penn Peffer Isaac, laborer, h 2035 Penn Peffer Jasper 0., conductor, 'h 527 Woodbine Peffer John c., painter, 1921 N 6t'h, h do Peffer John R, laborer, h 1606 Wallace Peffer Kieffer G., roller, 'h 2100 N 6th Peffer Lewis W., laborer, h 2304 N Cameron Peffer Minnie, domestic, 202 Harris Peffer Ralph, salesman, 215 Market, h Cameron ab Maday Peffer Widney ]., mess Weather Bureau, P. O. bldg, h 1921 N 6th Peffley Harry C., helper, h 906 Capital Peffley Tamar E., wid John H.,'h 906 Capital Peifer Albert, plumber, h 322 Reily Peifer Alfaretta W., wid William, h 422 Kelker Peifer Catharine G., telephone opr P. R R, h 422 Kelker Peifer Charles F., maChinist, h 121 Hanna Peifer Elmer J., h 912 James Peifer Frances, wid John, h 322 Reily Peifer George W., laborer, 'h 1332 Maple Peifer Guy H., electrician, h 912 James Peifer Harry E., brakeman, h 1415 James Peifer Harry W., car repairer, h 418 Harris Peifer John, jr., laborer, h 322 Reily





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THE PAT RIO ~ oogIe . ..


M. KELLEY 8. CO,}Onlces. :.r:~!.~1.:';'t!:{COAL AND WOOD

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.


;:; Peifer John c., elk P. R. R., 11 411i Cumberland :; Peifer Joseph S., elk, 1200 X 3d, h 912 James Peifer Louis, plumber, h 1503 Logan c:; Peifer Michael, laborer, 11 1614 N 5th .: Peifer Nlinnie ~1rs., h 7 ~ 9th ~ Peifer Theresa, weaver, 'h H22 Reily _ Peifer Thomas, helper, h 1426 William ;;; Peifer, see Piper 1; Peiffer August, puddler. 11 2338 Logan _ .f! Peiffer Darius, engr, 'h 13 ~ Cameron Peiffer Elmer, bartender, 401 Verbeke, h do o Peiffer Jawb D., bar elk Hotel Russ, h 1115 Derry Peiffer John C, agt, h 1224 Wallace c:: Peiffer John L., engr, h 27 ~ 12tlh ca Peiffer Lucy, elk, h 1119 Derry Peighta[ John C, fireman, h 27:l Herr 1ft Peinovic Saul, blacksmith, h lI1 S Dewberrv Va:' PEIPHER LINE FAST FREIGHT TO NEW YORK, 10th bel Market see adv PEIPHER LINE FAST FREIGHT TO PHILA., 10th .... bel Market see adv Peirson Henry W., elk State Dept. Health, Capitol, h 113 ct Locllst Peiser Isaac. mgr, ~ ;-.; 2<1. h Phila. Peitsch Tohn. fireman. h 5(12 Cumherland





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N. 3d SI.

Pelen Abraham. engr, h HlO8 Penn Pel en Blanche. dressmkr. 1:l44 State. h do Pel en Gertrude .E . milliner. 'h 1344 State Pelen Harry ~L, painter. h 4112 Cumberland Pelen John W., machinist, h 1208 X lith Pelen Samuel L.. bricklayer Lunatic Hospital, h 1344 State Pelen Susan M., teacher. h 1a44 State Pelgram & Meyer, (Harrisburg Silk ~Iills). North c 2d Pelham Edward E .. salesman, :n9 l\larket, h 701 Green Pellegrino Pasquini, scullion, h 1146 Market Pellow Florence 1\1., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h 605 Dauphin Peiton Lester c., fireman, h :n4 Clinton Pelton William A., brakeman, h H45 Hummel Penacove William E., repairer, h 1517 Vernon Pendergast Anna A., housekeeper. 1425 \Villiam Pendergast James. laborer, h 1425 William IiIJ Pendergast John T., packer. 113 N 2d, h (j51 Boas ~ PeJ1(~~~~st Katherine F., !<tengr, Cowden c Forster. h 651


Pendergast ).[ary E., teacher. h liril Boas ~ Pendergast Peter, engr, h 651 Boas

Ii: Penderga!'t Susan. bookkpr. 227 \Valnut. h (j51 Boas

Penderga!'t Thomas C, student, h 14:12 l\ 3d

Pendergast Peter F .. mgr, :n2 Forster, h 1351 Boas

I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240MlrkltStrell
Digitized by


A. 8. TACK l:t:.:s~e::'!1lon pooer ODd IIndOI SDOd3S 1~1~1Jr~.'csru.

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908. r,.sl Penclerg-ast \'iolet, saksla<1y. h 14:!5 William P.enderg-ast \\"illiam, cleaner. h 14:!;:J William Penman Charles n., :lsst chid Dmean of Statistics, h 801 K 6th PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILA., john W. Eckenrode, genl agent, 103 N 2d Penn Premium Co., (Frank Rohrcr and Paul Trute) , 5 ~ :!<1 Penn Real Estate an<1 Brokerage Association, Louis U. . Le\"ine, agt. 15 S :!<1 Pennell James. liagn1an. h 1;:J:!:i ~ Hth Pennell John. h Ii:!!) Peffer Pennell john A .. fireman. h Ii:!!) Peffer Pennell Josephlllc. wid Harry n.. h :~4 S lath Pennell \[a \. ~l.. !'eam"trt'~s. h 1;:J:!:i ~ lith Pennell \ \'iiliam H . laborer, h :!111i Turner al Pennington Frank n., carpenter, h 4:U Herr Penning-ton ~lary ;\Irs., h 111!) Angle al Pennington Moses. janitor, h 7114 State Pennock Charles A .. foreman, Division nr lith, h 21111 N fith Penna. ;\l11l11onia an<1 Fertilizing Works. (A. W. Carlile),





PENNA. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE, Rev. S. E. Nicholson, supt, room 301 Patriot bldg, 11 N 2d


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~=~t,:il!-:;'~"';.:II:

Penna. Canal Co .. Tho!'. T. Wierman, pres: office, 14 S 2d PENNA. PRIMO FEED CO., INC., Isaac Freed, pres; William j. Calder. 1st v-pres and treas; E. M. Freeburn, sec; Edward E. johnson, mgr, 16 N 2d and 16th nr Division Penna. R. R. Coal ()ftjce, D. S. Light, agt. X 7th nr Reily PENNA. R. R. CO:S DAILY FAST FREIGHT LINES. division freight office, 413 Market Penna. R. R. Dining- Rooms, passenger station . Penna. R. R. Freight Station. ft S :1d and 7th c :\Iaclay Penna. R. R. Pa~s Station. ft Chestnut. entrance, 419 :'.larket and 7th c :\ladav Penna. R R. Real Estate Dept., T. T. Wierman, special ag-t. H S :!(I , Penna. R. R. Voltmtiry Relief Dept.. na :\Iarket Penna. R. R. Young :\Ien's C'hristian :\s!'ociation, F. H. Gregorv. genl !'~c. Reih' c \Valhce PENNA. R'EALTY AND iMPROVEMENT CO., INC., real estate, rents, insurance and investments, r 200 N 2d Penna. Redltction Co .. Cameron ah l\ladav PENNA. STAATS-ZEITUNG AND' DAUPHIN COUNTY JOURNAL, F. W. Liesmann, publisher, 534 Race PENNA. STATE ARSENAL, Herr ab 18th


'1 E





- -S Floyd BlrlS. N. Markel Sq;

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Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.



PENNA. STATE LUNATIC HOSPITAL, Maclay c Cameron PENNA. STEEL CO. (THE), E. C. Felton, pres, Steelton see adv back cover Penna. Surety Co., Edward Bailey, pres; R. G. Cox, sec and treas, 16 S 2d Penny Charles E., mgr, 210 N 2d, h 1606 State Pennypacker Cyrus F., engr, h 1817 Berryhill Pennypacker William H., elk sec Comwlth., hiS Front Pensinger Christiana, packer, h 1003 S 22d Pensinger George, car repairer, h 1003 S 22d Pensinger William S., car repairer, h 1003 S 22d Pensyl George W., h 1532 N 4th Pensyl Mary, wid John, h 518 Peffer Pensyl L'rgie D., car inspector, h 1532 N 4th Pentz Bertha G., h 1606 N 6th Pentz Charles H., machinist, h 1606 N 6th Pentz David G., telegrapher, 401 Chestnut, h Mchsbg. Pentz Lillie I., teacher, h 1606 N 6th Pentz Rachel, wid William, h 1606 N 6fh People's Bridge Co., E. Z. Wallower, pres; F. R. Leib, sec and treas, 18 N 3d PEOPLE'S FURNISHING CO., house furnishers, W. H. Brown, mgr, 330 Verbeke (Broad) Pcople's Grocery, Pascoe G. Edwards, mgr, 1720 N 3d

ntle 80araDIy and Surely Ct. ",\a:::'I,{F.m::,~-.. ... {Tr!.r=:z.. . ,,:;,

PEOPLE'S ICE CO., C. H. FORNEY, PRES; A. S. KREIDER, V-PRES; C. C. FORNEY, TREAS; G. R. KREIDER, SEC AND GENL MGR. 1518 N 3d People's l\lutual Life Ins. Association and League, W. D. Carroll, dist mgr, 16 N 2d People's Savings Bank, 1011 '~ 3d People's Tea Co., (W. C. Hicks), 1126 N 3d Percival Harry S., chief test boardman, 210 Walnut, h 204 1\' 2d Perdue Annie E. Mrs., h 34 Linden Perdue Elizabeth ~L, bookkpr, h ::l4 Linden Perdue Harry, steelwkr, h 408-l Walnut Perduc ~lan W., saleslady, 3:34 ~larket, h 34 Linden Perekovic Joseph, laborer; 11 58 Lochiel Perkey John, stonemason, h 324 Clinton Perkey Mary E., wid David F., 'h 324 Clinton Perkey William S., broommkr, h 324 Clinton Perkins Bessie, cook The Commonwealth, h 107 Cowden Perkins Frank, elk, 9 1\ 2d, h 1243 Mulberry Perkins Roscoe L., physician, 1207 'N 3d, 11 do Perrin William J., lunch wagon, 19 S 4th, h do Perrington Florence E. :Mrs., h 229 Mulberry Perry Charles F. A., carpenter, h 1705 :Ylarket Perry Charles P., helper, h 209 Calder




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ANDREW REOMOIO{3d aDd Reily Silo Coogle

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.A. B. TACK} FIN~l:c~~A~,.~t~,,~cl~~R{I!I6NOrlb 1I1InI hi

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908. 583
Perry Charles R., machinist, It 269 Broad Perry Daisy, housekeeper, h 1019 'N 6th Perry Daniel W., foreman, h 1019 N 6th Perry Emma E., cigar roller, h 1109 N Cameron Perry Etta 1'.1., stengr, 1408 Vernon, h 117 S 14th Perry John E., student, b 117 S 14th Perry Lillian ~., laundress, h 918 James Perry Xaomi E., wid Richard H., h 269 Verbeke Perry Norman B., elk, 19 S 2d, h 1019 N 6th Perry Olixer H .. elk, h 269 Verbeke Perry Robert W., laborer, h 1109 N Cameron . Perry Thomas. chief elk Dept. Int. Affairs, h 117 S 14th Pessagno Louis Mo, bar elk Capital Hotel. h 918.Grand Peters Adam, laborer, h 1237 Cowden Peters Albert H., puddler, h 1326 N 7th Peters llertha W .. h 1838 State Peters Catharine, 'wid Charles Go, h lllO Penn Peters C Earl, flagman Po R. R., h 317 Chestnut Peters Charles Fo, elk, 16 N 2d, h 122 Strawberry Peters Charles F., laborer, h 119 Hoerner Peters Charles H., bookbinder. h ;{2 S 3d Peters Charles H., fireman, h 616 Reilv Peters Christian G., brakeman, h 616 Reilv Peters Clyde, molder, It 813 James Pet~rs Dallas To, leverman Lochiel, h 53 N 10th



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.r:J.~c:,-::.} Harrisburg
Peters Peters Peters Peters :Peters Peters :Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters ,Peters Peters Peters Peters 'Peters Peters Peters 'Peters Peters .Peters Peters


SaYings and Loan Assn.::=


Dallas W., molder. h 1422 N' :ld Edgar :\1., printer, h :129 Herr Elizabeth, wid John, h 616 Reily Emory Po, fireman, h 5:1;) Violet al Frank 1\1., printer Courier. It 12lO Derry C;eorge. musician, h 802 Capital (~eorge, pressman, h 1737! ?\ ad George E., draftsman, h 2118 :\Ioore George H., 'helper, h 616 Reily (;eorge T., machinist, h U;:l8 State Hale L., plumber, h 104 S 13th Hannah, wid George W., h 1211) Derry Harry F., press feeder, h 422 Hamilton Harry K., linotype opr, h 1210 Derry Henrietta M., h 1838 State Henry, gasmkr, h 319 Cherry Henry Go, switchman, It 2118 :Moore Herbert A., brakeman, h 28 N 5th Herman, salesman, 334 ~Iarket, h Progress James C, conductor, h !l:n X 6th Jennie wid Harry C. h :111 Chestnut John, laborer, h :U3 Briggs John, laborer, h 1404! James John, mason, h un Xorth John E, E., machinist. h l:H X 13th






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Toa . ,

H M .ELLEY 8. CO I S-Black DlamoDd. wb { IDlb'l. St.,. III. I l.rI.1ll1tnIL 1\ order. I I )'OQ D '

1D 584 CD



(P) City Directory, 1908.


Peters John W .. floor boss C 1. and S. Co .. h Wormleysbg PETERS JOSEPH, M., civil engineer, 222 Market, h 13th c Calamus

Peters Lavina H .. wid Willis A .. h li2..! Curtin Peters Levi. laborer. h r 1411~ :\Iarion ..: Peters Lillie L., h 1:t!6 1\ 7th ~ Peters :\'lary A .. wid James. h Cumberland c Hickory Peters :\iary E .. stengr Aliller Bros. & Daker. h ~Iiddle town Peters Mervin C, (R. J. Peters & Son). h 255 J30as Peters :\ewton \V., brakeman. h tilli Maclav Peters Phoebe. cigar packer. h Ill! Hoerner :: Peters Richard J .. (R. J. Peters & Son). h :!1i7 :\ orth Peters R. J. & Son. (Mervin C). grocers. (i:!(l X !ld Peters Robert. laborer, h :14:1 Kelker Peters Rose :\irs . h fo:l:l James Peters Sarah N., bookkpr. 1a~ Short. h :l44 Hamilton Peters Thomas S .. real estate. !) S :!d. h :~:! S :ld Peters William C, physician. l:!:J State, h do Peters William P .. peddler. h :!lIn Cherry Peterson Theodore, h :!:!f) Forster Peterson Zella :\1.. h 1411fi State Petrey George \V .. engr. h H:! :\ lith Petros Diener, laborer. h 1224 Herr Petros George, candymkr. h !I Grace -------- --~




Pettit Haves D., elk. h 114 :\ :!c1 Pettit Lal1ra :\1., h Hi1/i Dern' Pettit Lindsay H., mgr. :l:!11 ':\Iarket, h :!:!~ :\orth Pettit Pearl. housekeeper, lIilli Derry Pettit \\'ilIiam H. H .. foreman. 10th bel :\Iarket. h 1616 Derrv PETTIT" & CO., Lindsay H. Pettit, mgr, furniture and

carpets, 326 Market

Pettyjohn James, I'nolder, h ill l\orth al Pfarr Jacob. brakeman, h Reel's la ab :ld Pfeiffer Florence C. h lIi41 :\Iarket Pfouts William, salesman. h :!:J5 S 1:-1th Pfuhl J. (-;eorge Rev., pastor St. l\lichael's German Luth eran Church. h 4(1:! K 2d . Phelps Wheeler H., linotype opr Patriot. h 111114 Green Pheneger Benjamin F .. machinist. h 15:!:l X :M Philahaum Burr W .. brakeman. h !l1 ~ Cameron Phila. Dental Parlors, ~5 N :M Phila., Harrisburg & Pittsburg R. R.. 10th ah Berryhill Phila., Reading & Pottsville Tel. Co .. P. & R. depot Phila. Shoe Store. (F. A. Duttenhoffer). :!:!{) :\1arket Phila. & Reading Ry. Division Frt Agt's Office. P. & R. pass depot Phila. & Reading Ry. Freight Depot, J. S. Klinedinst, agt, :\larket nr !lth

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.


Phila. & Reading Ry. Passenger Depot, ;\Iarket c Canal' ~ Phila. & Rearling Ry. Rotmdhouse, Paxton or S Cameron P1 Phillips Bruenton, butler, h 14:{ Linden Phillips Catharine, milliner. 6 S 2d, h 1707 Penn (J) Phillips Charles W., laborer, h 1419 Marion ~ Phillips Clarence R., physician, Hi4H N :M, h do -, Phillips Daniel R.. waiter, h 1427 ~ 4th Phillips Etta. charwoman. h !!1:{ Cranberry 2 Phillips Fannie \Irs . h (il4 Church P1 Phillips Frank B.. foreman. h H!!9 Walnut Phillips George C. S .. laborer. h 1:{!!9 ~ 2<1 Phillips George E., dining room, 5un N 4th, h 640 Briggs C Phillips Harriet F., teacher. h 524 West ~ Phillips Harry .-\-., grocer. l:ia7 State. h do .. , Phillips Harry W., bar elk. h :W7 Blackberry Phillips Harvey E., sub elk P.O., h Hi07 Chestnut Phillips Irene ~lrs., h 1!{!!!) K 2rl Phillips Jdhn, steam fitter, 'h 111119 Market Phillips Joseph. agt Prudential Ins. Co., h 40:1 S 19th _ Phillips Leroy, h 110 ~[ary Phillips Lewis 0., inspector, 12 S 2d, h 116 Locust ""':II: Phillips Lina, charwoman, h 1419 ?\Iarion Phillips ~lary. wid ?\Iark, h 12117 Swatara 8 Phillips ~Iary A .. wid George W .. h 1:t!9 ~ 2d [14th Phillips ~Iaude I.. ~tengr. 42 ('nion Trust bldg, h 413 S



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~~~1E .9

Phillips Peter J., conductor. h 12117 Swatara Phillips Samuel, flag-man. h 121 Vine PhirIips Samuel L., printer Telegraph. h :141 S 16th Phillips \Varren S., asst steward, h a:-u Brook Phillips \Villiam. e1evatorman. h H14 Chnrch Phillips William 1\1.. weighmaster. h 40:l S 19th Phoebus Anthony, (Phoebus Studio). h 420 Market Phoebus Studio, (Anthony Phoebus), photographer, :'.larkct

-,... -=

PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn., J. Ralph Morrison, mgr, 105 N 2d ;g Pickel Annie. cigarmkr, h 12:l7 N 7th ~ Pickel Harry, brakeman. h 1127 Wallace Pickel Harry, fireman, h :n N 16th Pickel William H . hosecutter P. R. R.. h 12:l7 N 7th '=' Pickels John, foreman, h 1:t:m Susquehanna Pickering George E .. carpenter. h !l25 Penn Pickering John A.. carpenter. h HI1l7 N'orth Pickering- Lulu A., weaver. h 92;) Penn PickillC" Elizabeth, , Denton. h :n2 Chestnut Picking Harry E .. machinist. h 1121i i\ lith Pie L. St. Clair. rodman P. R. R. pass depot. h 104 Boas ~ PIERCE EDWARD R., mgr State Capital Savings and :::0 Loan Association, Union Trust Co. bldg. N W c ~ Market sq, h 1715 N 2d Vf


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:::,:,f:~r:.,::{ 306 B_


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.

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..: :lL

Pierce Edward S., driver, h 624 Walnut Pierce F. Clinton, painter, h 400 Verbeke Pierce John, helper, h r 51H Race Pierce John R., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h 607 Forster Pierce Rebecca, seamstress. h 1611 N 3d Pierce Rohert, machinist, h 1520 N 6th Pierce \YiIliam A., helper, h 2309 Jefferson Pierce, see Pearce Pierson Henrv. elk, h 113 Locust Pierson John "1., collector, h 1801 Berryhill Pierson, see Pearson Pietro Resta, laborer, h 64 Lochiel Pietzsch Gustavus. carpenter, h 630 Woodbine Pietzsch Richard P .. l.'. S. A., h 942 S 19i Pietzsch William G .. brakeman, h 942 S 19i Pike Daniel A., h 2012 Kensington Pike Tames G., machinist, h 19ti Swatara Pike Lillie Mrs . h 1H30 Logan Pike Shannon. bricklayer. h 2012 Kensington Pike Willard G., laborer. h 811 S Front Piker William J., artificial legmkr, 11 261 Delaware Pilkay Joseph J., elk Hbg. Xat. Bank, h 308 Chestnut Pilkay Mary R., teacher, h 308 Chestnut Pilsic Karl, steelwkr. h 650 Calder


> 111

> Z
4 O


Pind Raymond, h 559 SlOth Pine Daniel. foreman. h 409 Boas Pine Pearl E., housekeeper, 1185 Bailey Pines Jesse M., baggage agt, h 2129 Jefferson Pines Lura :'II., milliner, 1322 N 6th, h do . Pines Nora, hemmer, h 2129 Jefferson Pinkerd Charles, laborer, h 12110 N 12th Pinkerd Fannie, wid Columbus, h ]~29 N 4th Pinkerd Susan L., wid William C, h r 110 Short Pinkerton Frank, policeman, h 1515 Penn Pinkerton \Valter \V., car repairer, h 638 Dauphin Pinkney Margaret H. Mrs., h 306 IVlulberry Pinkney ~Iining Co., iron ore. rooms 401-408 Bergner bldg Pintsch Compressing- Co., E. L. Murter, supt gas mfrs, 405 S 2d Piper Catharine M. Mrs., teacher, h 203 State Piper Frank D., laborer, h 509 South al Piper Julia, teacher, h 340 Hummel Piper, see Peifer, also Peiper, also Peipher Pipes George H., collector, h 415 S 13th Pipes William S., boilermkr, h 1327 Thompson Pipes William S .. foreman, h 415 S 13th Pipp Henry B., laborer, h 1Ii27 Susquehanna Pi Joscph, laborer, h 1825 N 4th Pipp Joseph C, craneman, h 1407 Regina

ANDREW REDMOND} ~::=.::; ~~oms {3d andJl.I~ Stl. Go ogle

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L B. Tiel} laL PIPER e:..::~ IIJOOI SHIDEShf.~:''''

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.


Pipp William J., laborer, h 14:!!l! Susquehanna Pisani Lorenzo, bar elk State Capital Hotel, It do Pitcock Harvev, brakeman. h 526 Cowden Pittenger Edward L., laborer State Capitol, h 1825 Briggs Pittman \Villiam ] .. (~Iead & Pittman), h 1524 Walnut Pitts Edward A., waiter. h 10 Haehnlen Pitts Ira E., waiter, h 10 Haehnlen Pittsburg & \\"estmoreland Coal Co., W. P. Maguire, rep, 14 S 2d Place Harry, dyer, h un:! Cowden Place \Villiam. opr. h 1514 Allison Plack Albert H .. elk. :!H S 2d. h :!6:J Peffer Plack Arthur. laborer, h n:n Susquehanna Plack Ferdinano T .. watchmkr. &c .. 1:J26 ;\ 6th, h 1328 do Plack Gustav. machinist. h 17:n Susquehanna Plack Herman, lather. h 1812 Susquehanna Plack Herman. jr., watchmkr, h 1~12 Swatara Plack Herman F .. watchmkr. h lila S Cameron Plack Otto. shoemkr. 11111 Capital. h do ... Plack Otto W., decorator, 40n :\brket. h aa5 Crescent Plack Rudolph. shoe opr. h 103 S Cameron

PLACK WILHELM, jeweler, 23 S 2d, h 2004 N 4th Plack William, salesman. h llll! Capital Plack William G., loom fixer. h 1728 X :~d Plank Albert W .. ins agt. $) X 2<1. h 1:!24 :\Iarket

.!;'.::::.-r.lHarrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. U:= :0

Plank George \V., repairsman. h 657 Dauphin Plank Hermes A.. salesman. a24 ~Iarkct. h 8 ~ 13th Plank Lola M., tailoress, 202 Walnut. h 1224 ':Market

,. < ,.

PLANK MILTON H., (Hbg. Flour Sack Mfy.), whole- N sale paper dealer, 1827 Penn, h 1421 N Front Plank William E .. photographer. h 2:!fi Boas Plant Catharine. cig-armkr. h 616 ~ l~th J: Plant John W., lahorer, h 1(140 Herr Plant Victoria. watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do J> Platt Bertha. wid John, h 18:n Briggs :0 Platt May :\Irs .. h 112 Cowden Pleam ~lartiri, eng-r. h 1524a :!\ 4th Pleasant Sdvester I.. waiter. h 2 .\berdeen Pletcher Alice :\1., saleslady. 24 S 2<1. h :!;;~: ?\ orth Pletz Kathrvn E .. saleslad-i. h ISO:! 1'\ 4th Pletz Theo(iore. messenger Hhg. ~at. Hank. h 1:':1'12 ~ 4th ~ Pletz Theodore A .. signalman. h 1802 ;\ 4th CIt Plitt Lot1isa C.. h 1:!:!4 :\1 ulbern' ~ Plough Ida 1\1.. elk. 81:l ;\ :ld. h :'W S St1mmit ~ Plough Mervin S .. salesman. 41S :\farket. h ~:~8 Hummel == Plotlgh Xora. elk. 1:!4S :\Iarket. h :m S Summit == Plough Samttel. h 39 S Summit CI. Plotlse Carrie l\L. h 574 S 1!1! ~_~ Plouse Edith. domestic Hersile\" HOl1se . !ilL Plotlse Fanny, h 56 X 12th
. . . .T 0," THE NEW. 0'" THE

,. o

-.,. -




HOIl..'Ol:R MOTTO. - } 00aI, HOlle.' We""*

H M KELLEY QCO. {_ 1 ...... ...... P. I I ....... .....

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.

Plouse Harry W., driver, h i;)4 S IH! Plouse Wil1i~1l1 D., driver, 'h i;)4 S i!l~ Plowman John W., telegrapher, :~ K ~d, h 133 Hoerner Plowman Lillie, cigarmkr, h i05 S Front Plowman Mollie E., h 3i Sassafras Ployd F. W., (F. W. Ployd & Co.), h Rutherford Heights PLOYD F. W. & CO., (F. W. Ployd), real estate, 43 and 44 Union Trust bldg Plum Charles E., h 1114 Green Plunl Harry, student, h 1114 Gteen Plum ~lartha, wid Andrew, h ~1l5 S l~th Plummer Amos J. telegrapher P. R. Roo h 140i Regina Plunkett James, watchman. h ~1:.t! Atlas Plunkett Kate, housekeeper The Commonwealth, It do Pneumatic Carpet Cleaning Works, (J. H. Pownall), 128 and 1:10 N Cameron Pocominsky Simon, grocer. 5~O Filbert, h do Poet David W., tinner, h HJ:!:l :\ Bth Poet Harrv G-., laborer, h 1n:.?:! Elizabeth Poet H. Jennie. wid Samuel T .. h 1923 l\ 6th Poff Mar\' R., wid Frank, h :It,l4 Boas Poffen'berger Alfred S .. student. h 1942 N 6th Poffenberger Bessie B., waitress, :l29 Chestnut, h do Poffenberger Oharlotte G., dressmkr. 135 X 13th, h do Poffenberger Emma F .. wid Charles H., h tn1:.? N 3d







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Poffenberger Grace :\1.. milliner. 400 ~1arket, h 327 Crescent Poffenberger Irwin M .. car inspector, h 214 S River Poffenberger Isaac R.. conductor. It 41S Boas Poffenberger James, student. It 41S Boas Poffenberger John F .. conductor, h 135 X lath Poffenberger J. Russell, plumber, h 1:~5 N l:{th Poffenberger Luther L., laborer, h (i:!1 Forster Poffenberger Martha ~1.. wid William H .. h 115 Locust Poffenberger Thomas, dentist. ~()i ?\ :ld, h do Poffenberger Criah A .. conductor. 'h 1!142 l\ flth Pogue J. William, laborer, h 14:15 Swatara Pohl Laurence. blacksmith. h ill4 East Poic Stephen, laborer, h 1115 X ith Poindexter Charles, blacksmith, It 440 South Poindexter Henry, laborer. h 5()3 South Poindexter James. driver, h 412 Walnut Poist Albert A .. chief elk P. R. R.. h 1~t:'~ N 6th Poist Clara E .. wid Tacob A .. h 181:1 X lith Poist David F., laborer, h lS1:l X 6th Poist Sarah, domestic, 113;) Wallace Poles :\1alinda Mrs . h 123 N 16th Poles Reginald. laborer, h 7 Haehnlen Poles Spottswood. laborer. h 1ill Elm Poles 'Yarren. laborer. 11 lfi:.!O Elm


{1240 Market Strait

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.~a.;:~~~;, WI P . . . . SDalleSttOiA. B. TACK .1 . Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1905. ij8H
Pollard Pollard Polleck Polleck Polleck Pollock Pollock Pollock Pollock Pollock Pollum Polston Polston Edward. waiter, h :!1 Cowden Lidia. boarding, 51:! Maclay, h do Cora, cigarmkr, h :!37 S 14th Daniel, grocer, 11 X 4th, h :!:H S 14th joseph, h :!:~7 S 14th Frank H., conductor, h 405 S 14th joseph B .. conductor. h 111:! S Cameron 1Iartha H .. physician, :!:~:! X :!d, h do Rachel, h :!a:! N :!d \Villiam A., ironwkr. h 1aa Paxton Loyina 11rs., h ~;w James james A., teamster.h :n;~ S 14th james 0 .. laborer, h 40)0( Cranberry


POMEROY A. NEVIN, supt public printing, Capitol, h Senate Hotel

Pomeroy G. S .. (Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart), h Reading Pomeroy Silas S., grocer, I":< S :!d, h :!:~a Boas Pomeroy Stephen W. Re\ .. h :!:~:l Boas Pomraining Elizabeth, wid john W .. h 11":<:10 Penn Pomraining joseph \V .. contractor. U~:~11 Penn, h do Pomraining LeRoy, car repairer, h l~ao Penn Pond Annie E., wid james S .. h :!11 Calder Pond James S .. restaurant. :l:l~ Verbeke, h l:!:!S l\ Front Pond Ross E . helper. h 1a:!;) Penn Ponito\\"ski Semi!. laborer, h 1115 X 7th

Poolman :\ug"ustus, laborer. h 1I11ii S !Ith Poorman Bessie E .. gloyes. h :!~ S :~d Poorman Fannie K, h HlH ~ :!d Poorman Irwin, loom fixer. h 1:!1l1l Bartine Poorman James B., h lil!1 ~ :!d Poorman 10hn H. C. laborer. h 1!1II7 l\ 4th Poorman joseph n. S .. cashier Security Trust Co., h Highspire Poorman Rose. wid William A .. h 1:!1I0 Bartine Poorman Samucl, organ builder. h :!8 S :ld Popel Joseph G .. letter carrier, h ill5 State Popel Samuel \V .. cigars and express. Hll'I Filbert, h 110 do Popian John. laborer, h 1i4~ Calder Porr \\'ilIiam C. stonecutter. h :!1:~:~ Swatara Porter Abram K .. elk. :~:H :'.Iarket. h II:!X Cowden Porter. Alonzo M., storekpr Dept. Public Grounds and Buildings. h :~4 S 17th rorter Bella M., stengr, h 11:!~ Cowden Porter Bertha. teadler. h :t,!:t Herr Porter Charles H .. conductor. h :!:!II Forster Porter Charles L.. lahonr. h 11:!~ Cowden Porter Charlotte. wid Charles. h 1:!~ Indian Porter Daniel. lahorer, h Hi:!11 Elm Porter David, waiter, h 417 \~' est Porter Edward C, brakeman. h :!1~4 Greenwood

~ ~


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== Drug and Patent M.dlclne


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.


Porter Harry F., plumber, h 1515i N 5th Porter Harry P., bar elk, 306 Strawberry, h do Porter Jame~, laborer, 'h 213 Cranberry Porter Jennie E., h 122 Cumberland Porter Jennie M., saleslady. 334 Market, h 323 Herr Porter John, laborer. h 709 State . Porter John, molder, h 1515t N 5th Porter Joseph D . laborer. h 1505 Derry Porter loshua. stocker, h 125 Hanna Porter 'Kate S . tailoress, h 323 Herr Porter Mark. laborer. h 1231 Monroe Porter Martha A . h 323 Herr Porter Marzella. charwoman, h 1~ Cowden Porter Russel c., elockmkr, h 323 Hummel Porter Samuel F., mason, h 1933 Logan Porter Samuel 1\1c., plate fitter, h 313 Peffer Portser \Vm. W., rodman P. R R pass depot. h 226 N 2d Posey Rufus R, janitor, 334 Market, h 813 SlOth Post Ernest K., asst supervisor signals P. R R, h 66 N

17th POST OFFICE, Edward J. Stackpole. P. M., 3d c Walnut; William C. Beidleman, supt Hill station; George A. Tippett, supt Maclay station; sub station, 1800 N 6th, John W. Cotterel, supt: sub station, 13th c Derry,
TltIe . . . . . .t7 _4 lareIiF Ce..l ...... ........... EacIIIra, ........ { t ......, -8eraaao.. Pe.aa.1fmlt..... 11'11_ M . "".... , .... , .... _ .

. o o z o o

Edward J. Roe, supt; sub station, 1849 Derry, James A. Badorf, supt; sub station, 1225 N 3d, Charles F. Kramer, supt; sub station, 901 S 9th, Harry F. Sheesley, supt; sub station, 191 N 15th, Harvey E. Runkle, supt; sub station, 35 S 2d, C. Adolph Moller, supt; sub station, 224 Kelker, H. C. Devor, supt; sub station, 2d c State, W. L. Eckels, supt; sub station, 117 Paxton, C. T. Mackenson, supt; sub station, 1924 State, George Runkel, supt; sub station, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, William H. Bennethum, supt; sub station, 824 N 6th, Walter O. Waite, supt; sub station, 2d c Calder, Charles E. Koons, supt; sub C( station, 6th c Emerald. Miles L. Weaver, supt; sub station, 1405 S Cameron, Arbour C. Logan, supt POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE CO., Clark E. Diehl ..J mgr, 7Yz N 3d Poticher l'latilda l\lrs., h 1424 Green Z Potteiger Aaron A .. foreman. h HI1 i Forster Potteiger Amandus. engr. h 5!)!) Emerald Potteiger Arthur \r . farmcr. h lith nr Hanover Potteiger Charles E .. elk. h HI! i Forster Potteiger Franklin A. \Y .. ('aller. h ri!l!l Emerald Potteiger Harvey A.. asst. 30U Cumberland, h 313 do Potteiger Jacob. gro('er. 24 :'\ 13th. h do C( Potteiger John J . carpenter, h 21101 Briggs

-: a w


Redmond's Wagon Works} ,!~~d.\'~~b~~:clr {3d and Reily Sis. Coogle

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1. B. TACKl Wall Paper and Window Shades h:l':.dli~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908. Potteiger Myrtle V., telephone opr, 210 \Valnut, h 1708 N 5th Pot t,l"iger Sophia 1\lrs., h 1185 Bailey Potteiger William A., farmer, h 17th nr Hanover Potteiger, see Pottiger Potter Alfred A., paperhanger, h 1364 Vernon Potter Charles c., painter, h 1364 Vernon Potter Charles H., musician, h 1325 N 4th Potter Danid G., laborer Capitol, h L125 :N 4th Potter ])~nicl G., jr., charman Capitol, h 1~25 N 4th Potter George, charman Capitol, h 1120 Hickory Potter Ira W., fireman, h 1218 N 7th Potter Irwin L.. paperhanger, h 1364 Vernon Potter Katie Mrs., h 1212 l\larket Potter Laura, wid Ira c., h 1364 Vernon Potter Levi, h 1364 Vernon Potter Margaret A. Mrs., h 708 Capital Potter Oscar R, wall paper and painting, 1016 Mkt., h do Potter' Ralph D., elk, h 111 Calder Potter Richard, laborer, h 1406 N 4th Potter Richard, waiter Senate Hotel, h 100 Tanner Potter \-VaIter, salesman, :-t34 Market, h 1364 Vernon Potticher Boyd, boilermkr, h 66 N 12th Potticher Elmer A., hooker, 11 66 N 12th

l:;' -=:'-:.lHIrrilburg SIIIIII and Loan Assn. ..


Potticher Harry E., elk P. & R freight depot, h 66 N 12th Potticher William c., laborer, h 66 ~ 12th Pottiger Harry W., machinist, h 2143 Jefferson Pottiger, see Potteiger Pottorff Auruba A., housekeeper, lUH Capital o Pottorff J. Albert, bricklayer, h 1119 Capital Pottorff John W. bricklayer, h 1119 Capital N Potts Alwilda E., trained nurse, h 1520 N 2d Potts Annie M., wid Howard D., h 409 Briggs. n POTTS GEORGE C., druggist, 1100 N 3d, h 1513 N 2d ::c Potts George N., laborer, h 1ft2 Balm > :::leI Potts Lewis. salesman, h 507 Cowden Potts Mabel F., elk State Dept. Health, h 4119 Briggs Potts Milton G., notary public, h 1520 N 2d VI Potts Ross R, engine hostler, h 421 Cumberland Potts W. Baird, elk P. R R. pass depot, h 409 Briggs Potts William c., electrician. h 321 Verbeke Poulton Catharine S., h 804 N 6th ;;;: Poulton Charles W .. mgr. ;) ~ 3d. h 408 Forster C Poulton Charlotte A., h 804 N 6th .!it Poulton Claud, linotype opr Telegraph, h 231 Verbeke Poulton Frank A., elk, 228 N 3d, h 231 Verbeke t Poulton Joseph S., (R E. Poulton & Co.), sign painter, 20 S Dewberry, h 231 Verbeke

:c :.= < :.:.-




"'or THE PATRIOTS ,.h_ aporta"_ N_,.,_


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IP. at.


{l1fOnb. ad. ....... lOA aad





Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.







a: o ro C

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Poulton R. E. & Co., (J{. E. and J. S. Poulton), opticians, :~31 Market Poulton Ross E., (R. E. Poulton & Co.), h 2404 N 6th Poulton Silas W., signs. l1(1~l X Gih, h 916 do Poulton Susan A., wid Joseph L., h 804 N 6th Pound William R. \V., stationer. :W7 :.vlarket, h Camp Hill Powell Albert T. B., laborer. 11 ~150 Greenwood . Powell Bessie. h 46 Linden Powell Cornelius, laborer, h :~25 S 14th Powell David, laborer, 'h 8 Sherman row Powell Ella, wid Walter L.. h 262 Herr Powell Elmer, elk, 420 ~Iarket, h 1439 do Powell Fanny, housekeeper. Greenwood or 221 Powell Frank S., driver, h lCIOO Fox Powell Henry, cook, h 137 Short Powell Howard G., elk P. R. R., h (i03 Forster Powell Jennie, 11 2H2 Herr Powell John, laborer, h 325 S 14th Powell Lettie, housekeeper, 46 ~ Linden Powell Reese, laborer, h 809 East Powell Samuel R., brakeman, h 1836 N 7th Powell Samuel R., machinist, h 1506 Berryhill Powell William A., laborer, h 1209 Kittatinny Powell Willis W., driver, h 1000 Fox Powers James, hostler, h 1616 N 6th


>Powers Mary M., seamstress, h 1616 X 6t11---------Powers Noralh A., blankbook sewer, h 1616 N 6th Powers Thomas, laborer. h 424 Harris Powley Charles, barber Lunatic Hospital, h do Powley Dora, domestc, 1521 N 2d Powley JdllO. laborer, 11 1112 N Cameron Powley John C, foreman. h 1116 Kittatinny Powley Joseph N., h 1505 ~ 12th Powley Ralph S .. pressman, 11 1116 Kittatinny Powley William S., steam fitter, h 1112 ~ Cameron Pownall Esther M., wid Simeon B . h 706 East Pownall Joseph H .. (Pneumatic Carpet Qeaning Works and Pownall's Paste \\lorks), h 422 Briggs . Pownall :\lary L., bookkpr s.ilk mill. h 706 East Pownall's Paste Works. (Joseph H. Pownall), 128-130 N Cameron Pownall 'Phoebe D., milliner, 334 Market, h 706 East Pratt George W., patrol driver, 'h 26 S 3d Pratt Jeanne. music teacher, h 114 State PRATT MASON D., consulting engineer, 14 S 2d, (3d floor), h 1000 Green PRA TT RALPH D.. eyesight specialist and mfg optician, 807 N 3d, h 2014 do Preas Edward J.. rlraftsman. h 1516 S 12th Preisler Charles R., laborer. h 204 S 2d



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1. B. T1CK~PRACTlCAL PAPER HANGER{1.1:e:o!':b~ ..

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908.

Prescott Edwin, fireman. h 3:13 Kelker P1 Prescott James N., brakeman, h 18211 Penn Prescott Lulu F., stengr State Treasury, h 1404 N 2d fI) Prescott Margaret R.. stengr State Dept. Health. h 265 -f Briggs Pressel Samuel J., boilermkr, h lS115 Berryhill Pressler Charles F .. elk P. & R. frt depot. h 150!1 Swatara Z PRESSLER GHARLES W., grocer, teas, coffees and P1 spices, 723 N 6th, h 134 S 2d Pressler Harry S., asst foreman P. & R. freight depot. h Hi09 Swatara C Pressler Henry, boilermkr, h H,)fm Swatara C) Pressley George"\\ .. supt stock yard. h 1711!! X 7th Pressley John P.. engr, h 1!l2!! N 7th Pressley William H., h 1711 l'\ 7th Preston Atlee B .. conductor, h 17:~5 ~ :Jd Preston (-;eorge C. laborer. h 1226 Currant Preston John E .. flagman. h 1809 X 6th Preston J. vVesley, laborer. h 1226 Currant U1 Preston Kate. wid Tohn. h 1633 X 4th !I: Preston Samuel F.: laborer, h 1221 Currant i Preston William F .. machinist, h 1fi2!l X 4th Preston William G., caulker. h 1:!2f) Currant Preston William G., jr., laborer, h 1226 Currant Pretz Edward, nailmkr, h 100~ Fox



o o .


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~:'~~

Pretz Samuel L.. collector, 15 S 2d. h Steelton Pretz Susan R.. wid Elias, h 9:m James Pretz William, bar elk Hotel Wall. h do Price Abraham F., cab driver. h 2'11 N 2d Price Annie B.. wid Harry, h 109 North Price Catharine A .. boarding. 2118 Turner, h do Price Charles A., sec Hbg. Grocery and Produce Co .. h 109 Chestnut Price Charles F .. brakeman. h 641 Dauphin Price Charles N .. h 121 Cumberland Price Emma Mrs" hoarding-. 6:m Hamilton, h do Price Harry, lahor('r. h 12118 N 10th Price Helen t .. elk State Lihrary. Capitol. h Paxtang Price Jacob F .. laborer, h 1814 X Cameron Price Jacob R.. foreman, h 6 Haehnlen Price Julia A .. wid Abram P . h 1f)!l Chestnut Price J. Watson. flagman. h f):!:! Dauphin Price Mar" E .. head waitress. :t{4 :Yfarket, h 228 S 2d Price Morris E .. laborer. h 2001 X 7th Price Reese W., brakeman. h 117~ N Linden Price Reuben, laborer. h 21:~ Cranberrv Price \Villiam, elk P. R. R. freight depOt. h 112 Barbara Price William. laborer. h Front bel Division Price William H. t butler, 115 S Front Priest Joseph R., canvasser, h 1340 Penn
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INDEPENDENT LOAN AND SECURITY CO. llaVe\' {\'ft:a=,~ uoogle


:=:= ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g~r"-t:;

594 Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory, 1908. Primm Molly E., housekeeper, 11;j :\Iulberry Primrose Edward, nail feeder, h 116 Ann al Primrose Ella J., wid George, h 522 Race Primrose Ellen, wid Thomas, h 813 S Front Prince Charles, engr, h 313 Verbeke Priolo Michele, h 102 Short Pritchard George R., letter carrier, h 19115 N 3d Pritchard John c., driver, h 200 S River Pritchard Jonathan A., laborer, h 2()0 S River Pritchard William. driver, h 200 S River Pritchard \Yilliam T., elevatormail Capitol, h 1744 N 3d Pritchard \Vilmer C., machinist, h 1744 N 3d Pritz Hettie Mrs., h 1185 Bailey Proctor Alfred, laborer, h 1207 Monroe. Proctor Eugene, janitor Capitol, h 725 State Prospect Hill Cemetery Co., \Y. C. Armor, sec and treas, 4 N Court Prosser George, miller, h 319 Briggs Prosser Lewis \V., engr, h 415 Peffer Prosser Park, barber, h :!02!) N Cameron Prosser Thomas C, waterman, h 212 Calder Proud Alice C. trimmer, 400 Market, h 1148 do Proud Catharine, wid John, h 1148 Market Proud Kate. h 1148 Market Proudfoot Edward A., repairsman, h (;23 Reily II. S.rlty CO. ~{,,==':.-..~="'} ~~":.

LIFE CO. O PROVIDENTSuydam, AND TRUST room OF PHILA. Franklin district mgr, 307 Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d Prowell Carrie L., nurse, h N Z Prowell Harry B., bookkpr,2014 N 3d h New Cumberland 113 2d, C Prowell JosephMrs.,clk, 219Free Lib. hCom., Capitol, h 231 Z., Market, Mechanicsburg Prowell Mary clk O South

o TIIIII.lnllf









Prowl Levi, brakeman, h 1509 Wallace Prudential Insurance Co. of America, \Y. H. Bushnell, supt, rooms 30-3:3 l'nion Trust Co. bldg, 20 N 2d Pruss Benjamin, grocer. 10 Cowden, h 19 do Pruss Lewis, clothing, 4]8 Walnut, h do Pryor James A., salesman, 210 N 2d, h 1215 Derry Pryor James \V., trimmer, h 1419 Hunter Pryor Laura J. Mrs., h 1926 N 4th Pryor William, boilermkr, h 1811 Briggs Pliblishing House of the Church of God. 329 Market PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH, S. L. Wiest, mgr, 201-209 N 2d Pugh A. Judson, watchman State Treasury, h 318 Boas Pugh Darlington J., foreman, h 129t Dock Pugh John D., draftsman, it 1605 Market Pugh Sarah A., h 318 Boas

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily StS. Coogle

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t A B TACK r .-....eoioC IllakH 8pedalt)' ofPlain Tlata {I.'. N. ad aa. PabUo BOlldlocaln Jt.tlma&eaGlna

Boyd's Harrisburg (Q) City Directory, 1908.


Pugh William A., plumber. h 129 Vine Pugh William E., elk, 8 S 2d, h 252 North Pullen Martha, wid Alexander, h 1603 Elm Puller Alice, domestic, 1415 Marion Puller Daniel, laborer, h 1147 Cumberland Puller Edward, laborer, 'h 1114 N 12th Puller Leanna, wid Travis, housekeeper, 1408 Marion Puller Lillie, domestic, 1415 Marion Puller Susan, wid Albert, 'h 1147 Cumberland Puller Warren, laborer, h 1415 Marion Purple Harry R., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h Camp E;

Puryear Moses B. Rev., h 436 S Cameron Putman George D., laborer, h 1532 Wallace ColO Putman Samuel T., hostler, h 1532 Wallace ~ rPutnam Frederick H., driver. 'h 1532 Wallace rn Putt Ella, book folder, Court ab Locust, h Wormleysburg Putt Lovina Mrs., h 254 ~orth Putt Thomas, carpenter, h 601 Herr ~ Pye Anna M., milliner, h 610 N 2d ~III Pye Charles R., barber, 2004 N 6th, h do I.~ Pye Joseph K., elevator opr, 204 N 2d, h 610 do ro Pye Rkhard D., laborer, h 261 Sassafras av Pye Samuel A . lahorer, h 431 S 13th Samuel H., driver, h 610 N 2d




Sayings and Loan Assn.! C:=

Pyke Harry E., salesman. 'h 1619 N 2d Pyle Edward, auto te'acher, 'h 517 Walnut Pyne John, hatter, 5 N 3d, h 819 Green

Quaid Bessie, cigar roller, h 215 Blackberry Quaid Catharine, wid William, h 215 Blackberry Quaid Helen, cigar roller, h 215 Blackberry Quaid John, car repairer, h 1644'N 4th Quaid John, roller, h VB4 S 12th Quaid Robert, laborer, h 1:~5 Vine Quaid William. brakeman, 'h 215 Blackberry Quann Albert P., elk. 4!l2 South. h 4~1 South al Quann Josephine F .. domestic. ;)11(; South Quann ~r artha, wid Preston. h 5116 ~outh Ouann William, laborer. h 2114 X Court Quarry James. foreman, h 1:n2 S Cameron Quay Adeline, wid Marshal, h 176~ X Cameron Quay David A .. laborer. h 1768 X Cameron Quay Emma L., h 1827 N 4th . Quay George J .. foreman. h 1768 X Cameron Quenzler George, brakeman, 'h 17:!2 Fulton Quenzler Valentine. watchman, h 1!l28 N 4th Quenzler William E., machinist. h fi:!~i Peffer Quickel David S., physician, 1610 State, It do

THE PAT R I ~!: I og e

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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OD1ces. :"~~:'\~.~~':~{COAL AND WOOD

; ; 596
Quickel Harry F .. asst supt. 12S Short. h 128 Pine .Quickel Jacob, loom fixer, h 3fi Penn c::; Quickel Kenneth ~I., student, h 1:!;~ Pine Quickel ~Iary J.. wid John, h :~1:i Herr ;5 Quickel Ralph D .. student, h l:!:t Pine ~ Quickley John, drivcr, h 313 S 14th Qtiiggle John R.. conductor, h 24 S :1d Quigley Albert S., elk P. & R.. h ~11t) Green _ Quigley Charles, h 14i Berryhill Quigley Charles Y., weighmaster, 11 421 ~Iaelay Quigley David, asst dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do C5 Quigley Eliza A. ~rrs., h 160li ~ 3d Quigley Frederick B .. student. h 2G:~ Boas ~ Quigley H. Carter. mail elk. h HiOl Derry Quigley James, bricklaycr. h HIH Berryhill stengr. h Green fI) Quigley J. Earle, conductor,~1I0 4:!1 ~Iaelay Quigley John :\., h Quigley John F., machinist, 421 l\Iaelay Quigley John X., (Parthemore & Quigley), v-pres Commercial Bank.. h 263 Boas Quigley Joseph A., machinist, h 2033 Fulton Quigley Lillian ~f., china decorator. h 26:1 Boas Quigley ~Iinnie. weaver. h 1314 Fulton Quigley \\' alter S .. machinist. h 311 S Cartlrron Quigley William. l'. S. A., h 2444 Jefferson



Boyd's Harrisburg (u.) City Directory, 1908.



o .... o c a: .... z o o


GORGAS}-FAIR - - - - - - - - - - - {18 - -3d - PRICED DRUGGIST - - N. - St. --- Quinn Cecelia, wid ~Iichael, h lillS SlOth Quinn Kate, (Iomestic The CommollweaItl1

Rabane TOllY, laborer, h 142 S :!d Raber Alice: housekeeper, 515 X l:~th Raber Harry. carpenter, h W)4 \V oodbine Rabuck l\Iarv. wid John. h 1518 X :1d Rabuck l\Iiles. elk P. R. R. frt depot, h li16 X 18th Rachman Harry ~'l., salesman. 6 S :!d, h :!:30 Reily Rachman Jacob D .. grocer. :~:!II Reily. h clo RADABAUGH HARRY E., dep col int revenue, room 20 P. O. bldg, h The Central Rallalia Andrew, laborer, h 51 Lochicl 5th row Raclalia Frank. laborer, h 50 Lochiel 5th row Radcliff David. laborer, h 1217 Apple I;I;J Rackliff James, laborer, h 1:!17 Apple Y Radcliffe Benjamin E .. c1k Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h 12:ifj Swatara Q Rader Bertha l\frs., h 7 Lochiel 1st row W Rader Charles. decorator. h 50:~ Hamilton Rader James A .. laborer. h la2 Dock II!: Rader William, laborer, h 13ao S l:1th Radford Charles H .. fireman. h Hi:!7 Fulton Radibaugh. see Raudibaugh


At 8. TACK =,'::.onW:~o1lau paper and IIndOI SbOd3S 11~~~.2R'

Boyd's Harrisburg (u.) City Directory, 1908.


Radicchi Ettora, shoemkr, 11 :~23 S River Radin'hi Joseph, shoemkr, h 16.'1 Paxton RadziL'wicz Joseph J., elk Dept. ~Iines, Capitol, h 14 S 4th Haff Jacobina, wid George, h 8091 S Front Rafferisperger Charles A., electrician, h 410 Xorth Raffensperger Lnarles E., machinist, h 1641 Susquehanna Raffensperger CharIes S., pressman, h 2009! X 5th Raffensperger John \V., moving pictoures, h 2(;5 Sassafras Raffensperger Lo\'ina, wid Daniel S., h 265 Sassafras Raffertv Edwin T .. conductor, h 1111 Cowden Rager 'Leonard, barber, h ll1:! ~ 4th Ragland Henry. head waitl'r Grand Hotel, h 4:~:~ South Rahm Ambler, fireman, h 27 S 17th Hahm Catharine Il., cigarmkr, h 27 S 17th Rahm Edward A . expressman, 41ll Chestnut, h 27 S 17th Rahm Ida ),1., cigarmkr, h 27 S 17th Rahm John, lahoreI', h 42!l ~ l:~th Rahm \VilIiam, flue corker, h 1R25 Berryhill Rahn Battia ~Irs., h un2 Hemlock ' Rahn George H., lahorer, h :{41 S River Rahn l\lary II. wid Harry, h Hi2fi Fulton

RAHTER C. A., physician, 110 N 2d, h do Rahter 1. Howard, student, h 1111 X 2d Railing )01111 :\.. , stocker. h 101 Hanna Raimer David A .. laborer, h 112 Liherty

Haine Archibald S., elk P. R. R., h lfi:!11 X 4th Raine )'Iary A. Mrs., grocer, 571 Race, h do Rainier George, puddler, h ]1104 S 9th Rai~mer ).Iaggie S .. c1ressmkr. 170S Susquehanna. h do Raisner ~j ary H., dressmkr, h 1708 Susquehanna Raisner Rebccca R., seamstress. h linR Susquehanna Raker Dwight L. ~I., prin School of Commerce, 15 S 2d, h Hun i\ :~d Rakovski Frederick. Hotel Susquehanna. 527 Race. h do Ralston :\ nnie E., seamstress, h :)11-1 Kelker Ralston Augustus. salesman. h ] Gil!) Green Ral<;ton Charles \V .. car repairer. h l:U14 \Yallace Ralston Donald, driver, h 51 H Kelker Ralston :\far\' F .. c1omesticc. l:t:!:1 S 1:!th Ralston :\liIler. grocer. 1701 X 4th, h do Ramhler ~IaT\ A., wid Henr\' H.. h 1:~:17 ~ Gth Rambler Rohert A., physician, l:~:lj X 6th. h do Rambo Anorew :\1.. journalist, h 442 ~ lath Rambo Frank \Y .. car illSpcctor, h 54:~ Seneca


~ -,::,


RAMBO SAMUEL B., supt Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol, h 1623 N 2d Ramer Gl'org-e D .. hottler. h 14IH) \'emon Ramp Charles ~l.. asst mgr. 1Ii ~ 2c1. h 41:! Cumberland Ramsay Katherine 11.. wid (;eorge D .. h 1111 Locust Ramsay Russell :\f.. machinist, h 2HZ) Briggs
N .....
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a a} Sa tie ;\. ai r, 3 ra nt, 2 5 igg Ramsey Catharine, dres<;mkr, 1417 '\ 4th, I d a e} eh Ie, la. rer, h 614 \\ alnut Ra ey Fr k I'') E rg et Ramsey George A., pamter, h 1114 Bartine an e) Je e, e n, 1 2() T h Ramsev Lile dome<;tic, 142Q 1\ '>d a C):\1: rgaret, C larwoman, h 1425 N 4th Ra c) \;[ v l\ S., S5 at og er ta L ra .', 12 Evergreen an 111 .;tt F a5 III r, (j a et, 'J ~ ~ K.andall ?llan', wid ~cott, h 14~'~ Sh 0 an all \'a cr _" )00 ,kpl, h 11:~0 Montgomery Pal 'til Y er'., 'vi n ,I 0 ~ta . Randolf Erne~t L.. painter, h :!:!Ofl Bern'hill an olf Ha T\" " ho r, 1 2 11I 'I' Randolf Lewis, laborer, h :!~Ofl Bern'hill at 01) ar g '. k. 5' !\ rih a1 Randolph C"rttc; ". h 5e an h :-07 . or al an olp 1 arr~, firtlllan, h 161- Hunter . Ran 011 Itt., 01 sf 5 -?\ rt al Randolph \Tartha, wid Tohn, h 1~~2 \Iad'!o\\'cr an r vi p stc er,' 2 ~ at . Rankenberger Edward \Y. car inspector, h '327 Yiolet al

ntlD aaarlDty aId Sarety CO IC.U"I, t PE


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RANKIN E B & CO (E. B R nk' ), ge ts, 17 Na nut

Rankin Ed ttn B (F H. al Rankin Harold L., mgr, h 24 S an m al 5 ,I ak lla h Rankin "'alter B., hookkpr, 71





11M- {

1 Security at ul ..


enl in ur.-,ee

in . C .), ~ - \ . In t 17th !II P 11 l'niol1 Trttst hldg h 1701

Rannels Oscar Y .. machini<;t, h ] ;jOfI X litl an. n \'i all H" porkr, 4: _ :\ arke\, h 1l;)j Cumb, Raj I' rei (;., ril er, :! Hi ')e " Happ (harIes H .. harher, h 1.. 1.1 Thompson ap F 11(' E. 1a es lk h n N h Rapp Floyd A .. apprentice Telegraph, h :!O):; Dern" al Tn", les (h:!" :!, h _01 n n' Raj)p )ohn C .. flagmali h 1 'i0,, 1 :\ 'ith al P L yi, cp 1rSl1lal1, 1: _!I amI ton Hap J 'lIia s n~ r) ac h V nl '5\ rg Rapp ~Iargarl't M" 1>ookkpr, :!4 ~ :.!d, h 2015 Derry ap l\ n Ir ,cI S~ k ]~ , I\ 6tl h 0 Rapp PeTL:Y G., machinist, h :!nta Derry al op rt 11(' Y Irs., g rt', :J:. C d , h 10 Rappoport Jo!'e )h, hlltcher h ~2!1 Calder as usen rc( uk, S .. mgr, 40n ~Tarket, h lItO State Ratl Cl st, 1(1< 'T, 1 L h' 2 ro Rathfon Frank E., hreman, h ;,3fl Forre~t at 01 H ry \" 1a fIe ,I 22 L ga


I .. c.1

II, _fa.

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908. Rathfon Horace, helper, h 1713 Regina Rathfon John W., engr, h 609 Forest Rathfon Mabel J., wid Hanson E., h 2012 N 7th Rathfon Mary M., dressmkr, h 2231 Logan Rathfon William S., carpenter, h 2231 Logan Rathvon John F., repairsman, h 421 Harris Rau William H., decorator. 215 Market, h 2005 Penn Raubberatts Charles, laborer, h 1213 Monroe Rauch Arthur H .. machinist. h 42!l S 15th Rauch Blanche M .. waitress. 3:~4 ~Iarket, h 1847 Herr Rauch Clarence, plasterer, h 1R4j Herr Rauch Curtis M., painter. h lR47 Herr Rauch Edna. teacher, 322 Market. h 438 S 16th Rauch Edward C, plumher and gas fitter, 213 N 2d, h 120 South Rauch Florence, stengr. Hi3 N 4th. h 438 S 16th' Rauch Laura E., waitress, h 1847 Herr Rauch W. Grant, elk Com. Trust Co . h 438 S 16th Rauch William M., carpenter. h 438 S 16th Rauch. see Roush Raudibaugh Abraham D .. carpenter, h 3118 Harris Raudibaugh Alfred, carpenter, h 520 Woodbine Raudibaugh Benjamin F., carpenter. h 1842 K 7th Raudibaugh Bryner A., cornicemkr. I~ 1225 Derry

Z -I



o r





Sayings and Loan Assn.:::::,

Raudibaugh George H . laborer, h 16:lfi Fulton Raudibaugh Isaac. carpenter. h 319 Boa!' Raudibaugh John F., laborer, h 5112 Showers Raudibaugh, !'Oee Radibaugh Rauhol1!'er Etta E., dressmkr. 23:l8 Logan, h do Rauhou!'er Jenhie N., wid Henry, h 2338 Logan Raunick John M. J.. physician, 4th c North, h do , Raver Elizabeth, wid Gustave, 'h 1509 1\ 5th 20 Raver John H., flagman, h 1620 Fulton U Raver l\Iinnie, wid Joseph, h 18 Lochiel 2d row ;: Raver William B., apprentice, h lfl20 Fulton III Raver William H., brakeman. II 2nI6 Elizabeth 111'1 Ravil('r John \Y., supervisor signals P. & R. pa!'s depot. h ~J 1313 Derr\" !' Rawll Herhert' F .. consulting accountant, till X 2d, h do .Ray Caroline G., wid Albert C. h III Evergreen Ray Frank P., elk, 10th bel Chestnut, h 19 Evergreen Ray Frederick E., elk, 10th bel Chestnut. h 111 Evergreen Ray Henry, machinist, h 912 S 22t Ray John T .. fireman. h 1414 Berryhill Rav William H .. driver ..RI0 :\Iarket. h 130 Ho\"er Ra~' William S .. supt Hbg. Publishing Co., 10th bel C11estnut. h 111 Evergreen Raymond Charles X., mail elk, h 406 Cumberland Raymond Charles \V., 11 1101 X Front




PAT A I OT ..~R""~~S:U~'l~..
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or.. of

1'1'7 a

H 1\ U "ELLEY P. CO I SBIae.. DlamODd. wheD { I ....- h."". at - )'oa neat order. .1111.......


Boyd's Harrisburg (n.) City Directory', 1908.

~ Raymond :Marion G., stengr Att)'. Gent's Dept., h 406-

Cum berland :; Raymond Wimam, jeweler, 11 12:!~ ).Iarket Raysor Harry B., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Pen brook U Raysor XelIie P., weaver, II 240 X, 15th ..: Raysor William F., printer, 1507 :\ 3d, h 417 Harris ~ Raysor William H., ticket exr p, R. R. depot, h 240 l\ 15th Rea Chules E., letter carrier, 'h Front ab Seneca Rea ).Jatilda A., stengr, h Front ab Seneca Read ),1 an' E .. wid Levi D .. h 711 Prince Read Washington D .. stengr supfs office P. R. R., h 300Chestnut :: Read William, h In SHah Read \VilIiam H., laborer, h 2:JS Liberty Read, see Reed, also Reid . :; Reagan Daniel, contractor, 1403 S Cameron, h do :IE Reagan Dennis F., elk, ()19 Walnut, h 228 S 14th Reagan Eli7.abeth, fitter, :n:'o1 ),larke1. h Steelton In Reagan ~Iaria, h :!2~ S 14th Real Estate Building, 21:1 Locust LLI Ream .-\IYin. car inspector. 'h 614 ,. erbeke ..J Ream Blanche, h 1:J:! S Dewberry Ream carpenter, h Verbeke C Ream George, 'V., machinist.614 I:~12 Susquehanna George h LLI Ream Harry, rt'pairsman, h H20 'Viconisco


Ream Leyi. salesman, al:'o1 ).Iarket. h :!fi4 Verbeke Ream Levi E., brakeman, h 41n Reilv Z Ream Norman \\' .. car inspector, h fios Schuylkill C Ream \\'illiam .-\., blacksmith, h lfj2H :\ 5t'h A. Ream William L .. printer, 201 X 2d, Ii I:108 Susquehanna E Ream, sec Rhcam o Reamer ;\Iexander, paperhanger, h H20 Kelker U Reamer Ernest D .. (\\' ..-\. Reamer & Son), h 1505 N 6th ...I Reamer George W., h 1:U2 State C Reamer 10hn A., laborer,h 2144 ~ 7th o Reamer i~ose, stengr, 21:l 'A'alnut, 'h 8 Aberdeen u Reamer \Y ..\. & Son, (\Villiam A. and Ernest D.), wall Q papl'r and wilHlow shades, HjU:i X lith hrak('man, h ::!144 X 7th Z Rean 1 cr \\,i!bert Reamer \\,illiam :\,' (,,' ..-\. Reamer & Son), h 1505 N 6th 1;1;1 Reardon Patrick J.. fireman. h :!::!H Atlas Reas Ella, domcstic. 111 Tann('r U Reaver Annie C. wid James, h 16111 X 4th Reber John ),1., bar elk -till \'erbeke, h 4:{;1 do Re')er ~lat:d ~r., h Hitt (~reen Reber Pl'arl M., cig-ar roll('r, h 4a:~ "erbeke Rebert ~daria, h li5f1 Emerald Rebuck .\. Dole, tinner. h 17:!:) Regina Rebuck Charles E., policeman, h HI:!2 Fulton


LLI GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U8 I. 3d St. (.) Ream Jeremiah M .. ddiycryman, :Hf' )'Iarket, h Dauphin



1 L. S1. CLAIR {TAl LO A

{1240 Market Stre..

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A . B TACK}Harrisburg Boyd's

EmplOJII none but Ilra\-c1Ua workmen.heDeeOllI7"" J 1818 cIaaI-*aDCl luare81t. Workdonelnr.nJ' .-no, S&atel!f.adlJ&.

(R) City Directory, 1908.



Rebuck Charles S .. physician. 412 N ad, h do Rebuck Harvey 1\ r.. laborer, h 228 Charles Rehuck James').!., stoves and tinware, 15th and Chestnut, h 1424 ~Iarket Rehuck ~riles, stengr. h 616 N 18th Rebuck O~car E., motorman, h 18:~5 Fulton Rebuck \Villiam E., laborer, h 12111 Currant Hechel William. rodman, 11 N 2<1. h :117 Chestnut Reck Preston \V., bridge builller, h :!:m State R('ckord Charles :.'I!.. elk. h 220 Kelker Reckord Frank F. D .. student. h 22U Kelker Reckonl Ida, wid Thomas, h !I:!:1 X 2d Reckord Tames F .. elk. i)02 ).Iarket. h 2:!U Kelk('r Reckard John D .. stengr Water SupplY Co. oi Pa .. h 923 N 2d Redd Anderson. lahorer. h 12:{a }Ionrne Redding Rebecca. domestic. !12i) X ~d Redell James. weaYer. h 212 :'.Iulberry Re<lfern Francis D .. can(h'mkr, h 1514 Hatti~ al Redifer Alice ;\ I.. wea vcr: h 708 Creen Redifer Cora ?II.; weavC1", h 708 Green Redifer Herbert If., fireman, h 70~ Crecn Redman Albert D., ekyatorman Capitol. h 21i:~ Xorth Rcdman ;\Ihert D., jr., electrician, h 21::: North Redman .-\Ibert F .. hhorer. h 424 SOlllh al

< fJ)





o .


Redman Joseph L., engr. h 5fi5 Fl)rre~t Redman 'l1lOmas. lahorer, h 119 X 1Iith

REDMOND ANDREW, automobiles, carriages, wagons, harness and bicycles, 1500 N 3d c Reily and 3d c Boyd, h 1835 N 4th, telephone see adv bottom lines Redmond Annie E., cook, h 122:! Apple Rtcjmonct Clara, nnrse Hbg. Hospital, h do Redmonn John. laborer. h :i17 \Valnnt Redmond Louisa. wid John. h 12:!:! .\pple Redmond 'Thomas B .. jr., engr, h l!I:!5 X 4th Redseck('r Frank. brakeman, h 16(1r; Penn Reed Agnes V. ~Irs .. restaurant, 1i2:! :'.Iac1ay, h do Reed Amanda, wid William. h 205 Chestnut Reed Annie, hOllsekeeper, h 16:!5 \Vallace Reed Benjamin F .. foreman P. R. R., h 1i:.!2 :\Iaclay Reed Bertha S .. 11 117 ~ orth Heed Bessie, milliner, :n8 :\iarket. h :!:!(i Peffer Reed Hyers, miilhand, h 517 \\' alnut Reed Carson \V., lahorer, h 1817 Briggs Reed Charles E., brakeman, h 19~() ~ 4th Reed Charles E .. huckster, h 1:W7 ~ :~d Reed Charles H., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Reed Charles P., carpenter. 1117 S :1<1, h Rutherford Reed Clara E.. teacher, h 56 N 14th
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INDEPENDENT LOAN AID SECURITY CO. ~J'~~~ u-:. ~::=: I uoog e

Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed z Reed . . Reed !:! Reed Reed E Reed C Reed ...I Reed ~~ Reed u Reed


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

Daisv, teacher. h 56 !\ Hlh Elm~r E., cigarmkr. h 1:!fI Charles Elmer E., jr., coremkr, h 120 Charles Francis I., driver, h !'!55~ Agate F. Edna. tobacco stripper, h 1~:l4 X 7th George D., laborer, h 181 i Briggs George H., painter. 1!l:!!l Elizabeth. h 19:!2 N 6th George L .. lawyer, 5 N Hd. h Carlisle George 1\1., brakeman, h :un S RiYer George R, blacksmith helper. h 644 Boyd George W., h 1ft!9 Green Harrv F., -brakeman. h 1909 Moltkc Harry K., U. S. K. h 2041 Herr Herbert A .. motorman. h 19311 N 4th James. fireman, h 1415 N 3d James L., carpenter, h 307 Dauphin Jennie, seamstress, h 337 Crescent Jennie V., h 1629 S\vatara Jeremiah E., brakeman, h 525 Peffer John E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do John F., carpenter, h 1441 Shoop John 0 .. car repairer. h 1951 Briggs Joseph 0., elk P. R R pass depot, h 1845 N 2d Lena 11rs., nurse. h 1611 N 6th Lewis 'V., flagman, h 618 Verbeke Margaret B., wid George E .. h 1~05 Berryhill ~'larion G .. h 326 Peffer :Marv B.. seamstress, h 2041 Herr 1\Iar~' M., teacher. h 1321 William Minnie. stengr, 270 North. h 3:37 Crescent Myrtle 1\lr5., h r 512 N 5th Philip, bricklayer. h 1305 Berryhill Ramlond E .. elk, 1306 N 3d, h 1629 Green Rellben S., h 624 1\faelay Reuben S., jr., molder. h 608 K 16th Robert F., laborer, h 1154 ~Iarket Robert F., upholsterer. h 120 Charles Robert G., hlacksmith. h If130 N 4th Rohert L., farmer. h 18th ah Herr Robert M., blacksmith. h 1!1:12 Fulton Ross B . linotype opr. 201 N 2d, h 1412 Green Rudolph K., elk. h 326 Peffer Samuel B., h 326 Peffer Samuel E., brakeman. h 1409 Berrvhill Sarah 1\1 r5 .. h 400 Verbeke . Sarah J., wid David. h 610 ShO\vers Sarah P., domestic, 1101 K Front Silas c., cigars. 1154 1\farket, h do Spencer F., aS5t machinist Lunatic Hospital. h do Thomas W .. h 2041 Herr


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Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed CReed ~ Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed ~ Reed ~ Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed



ANDREW REDMOND}~:=~"::!:i :x~~gl:s {3d andJiail, Sts.



1 B. TACK} IILL PIPER I...:!:i!r1-:'~ WINDOI8HADfS{North ~

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R d Th m W.., b ke an, h 17 S 17th v lac R d lte ., lore , 1 1 Reed 'vVarren E., driver, h 1327 Howard R d fre ., em 10 be lar t, h 23 egi Reed William, laborer, h 112 Short R d lia wa m h 37 rry 1 Reed \'- 11liam D., laborer, h ~015 ogan R d William E., driver h 310 S River R d \ Ra" pr ma h 1 :~ h in CD Reed, see Read, also Reid & 010 as) 1 N R de illi A. Re Reede & Coloviras, (WIlham A. Reede and George ]. Co:c 307 Mark t lov s), I ncl 00 R der an P., rp er, 21 Gr wo Reeder James H., car repairer, h 1505 Wallace R der m E ar pai , h 05 al e Reeder Sarah E., domestic, 1713 N 2d R dy arl K. lk, 579 F t Reedy me, ass yard ste, h 5 S nt Reel Annie C. music teacher, 204 ~ 2d, h do bo kp 13 aln , h 19 Ca ron R B ie Reel Charles, dentist, 1119 N 3d, h do R C rles ., chi' t, 43 Ber hill Reel C. Howard, draftsman" 111 N 3 lJ Reel Edith K sten r. h 1119 S Cameron

.. -

~~Y1Dp-:'}Harrlsburl SaYings

andLoanAssn.{.. ~ l>

R E bet Mr., 11a use, 11 3 hd Reel Emma S., h 706 1\ 3d R G rge., alu ica ngr 11 N Reel Gertrude E., dressmkr, 910 Green, h do R H ry s m 30 Ma et, 342 res Reel J. Harry, cas et tnmmer, h 1 9 S am on Reel John S machinist h 910 Green R M gu e, d A us , hOG en Reel Mary, wid Peter, h 1119 S Cameron R M Ma ret Ik, ml k nth, 111 S C Reel Nettie, WId David, h ga3 Myrtle av R IRs B Ii not pe 0 r, 201 N 2d, h 1412 Green S uel ., h 13 ee R Reel W. Shennan, h 1627 Green R me e ean als ea Reen Fredenck M., letter carner, h 1925 N 6th R n S '1h M, h 14 'l" 3d R ese . . Es la, ng ,336 hes ut, 63 urn Reese Alice, helper, ;t~4 Market, h 236 Charles R e nja n l\ en h 1 Ito Reese Blanche, telephone opr, h 1111 Montgomery R e rrie T. l s., ion 141 N 3 h d Reese Cathanne, sa esla y, 4 M ket, 31 Kel Reec;e Charles threader h 1641 Fulton R e rne s ba lk tel ife, 12 yl




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Boyd's Harrisburg (It) City Directory, 1908,

ese vid den 40 ark h1 2d ese Iza., elep one opr, h . Ke er ~ Reese Elizabeth Mrs., h 310 Kelker ese ren D., sla 334 rke 11 10n eese . Rose erry, salesman, 109 S 2d, h 1634 Derry Reese Harry, grocer, 2200 N 6th, 'h do ese iah, 132:. 3d esc . iah, Jr.. foreman . R. ., 1 15_1 N 6th ~ Reese Jacob .T., h 1:312 1\ 3d ese les ste h M eh :: ,ese nes., lab er. hI_I Pe er


~ REESE JAMES N" wholesale liquors, 109 S 2d, h 1634 D -=

esc 111 ., h 1 . ~. Reese 'fohn M., machinist. h :~12 Muench esc' rth 1 13 N:l ese ry j "mill r. h - ,eu erla e Reese Paul (-;., molder. h H1211 ~ ith ese' ch:lr con Ie, 5]\' 1, h B esc ~. nne ., c uctr, h Ii:. etf Reese Satllliel R., brakeman, h Hilt; Susquehanna ('se om )., i wkr 226 ~ arle ese om V" cks 1. h I K er Reese \\'alter E., fireman, h 11:10 Montgomery ese' rd Re hIS t


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eSt~ Ilia " e ,h 131 "de Reese WIlliam D., h fiOH Seneca >- Reese \Villiam P., bookbin i'r. h 1111 l\I ntg ry z: eser lIa wid onr h 3 16 < Reeser George \V., repairsman. h li2:3 Delaware, a.. Reeser 'fan' M ,can(h'mkr h 4th Sene :Ie eser ielia tru r, h ceca Reeser "'ue, rmlliner. 4011 Market. h i\I echanicsburg Reever Flizabeth A dome'itic. WI') ~ :t i .....l eve har \\'., gr, !l2!i ate Reffner John H .. conductor, h :;4~ :\ectarine

REGAL UMBRELLA CO Geor e H. Jeffers mgr, mbr s, t ks ba 101 2d Q Regan Thomas .1., roller, h 140 Hoerner z: Register George, laborer. h :J:li " Cameron < 11m ry. IA )11\' t i3 ;aln l&I Rehpenny John D., labor~'r, h V;;fii N 12th !:: Rehrer Edwin \V .. clk P. & R. frt oepnt h ]22 Evergreen iber mel 1rs. 1:.?:l -itta Il\' o Reiber t"arl, elk P. & R. frt depot. h 1~:13 ~ittatlllllY ~ Reiber ~Iahel, saleslady. h 12:~:l Kitattinnv ' _ iber else H., kell h, 5el .2: Reich Isaac. stahleman. h 14('~ Zarker g Reichardt Saml1el S., car repairer, h 1fl28 State icha An 1\ f., lsek er, Pa n

l L ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{l~t~~dMark:J'b'trD"e

~=~~:;! WOIl ,.1II110dOI

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.


UOII A. B. T .l:~.. ACl


Reichart Caroline F., cigarmkr, h 1:!1 Paxton Reichart Rachel, wid Frederick, h 121 Paxton Reichart \Villiam, fireman water wks, h 1:!1 Paxton Reichert Benjamin H., installments. 1500 Regina, h do Reichert Georgt B., urakeman, h 5li \Voodbine Reichert Harn. butcher. h IHi S Court Reichert John' A., meat, 714 Race, h 92'2 S 9th Reichert Lena. wid Christian, h UHS X 6th Reichert r.Iargaret, stengr, 11:!1 Market, h 1318 X 6th Reichert Samuel, watchman, h 1006 Hemlock Reichley' James c., roofer, h 7tH K 19th Reichwine Ellen E .. milliner, :tt4 Market. h ::!09 State Reick Charles, engr. h 12'26 Derry Reid James, printer. h 11::!~ Derry Reid, see Reed, also Read Reidinger Annie L. }[rs., h 400 Filbert Reidinger Sophia Mrs., h (i56 Emerald Reidlinger Calvin, machinist. h 1411 K 6th Reidlinger Frederick W .. jani~or, h 1411 N 6th Reidlinger Horace E., inspector P. R. R., h 1;j~~ X 6th Reidlinger William M .. sol, ::!6 N 3d, h 1411 X 6th Reif Fulmer ] .. grocer, 565 \Voodbine, h 561 do Reif Joseph, expressman, 401 Chestnut. h ~17 S River Reiff Carrie ~1.. teacher, h 1536 Walnut



Reiff Harriet. wid Thomas T.. h 1618 ~Iarket Reiff William H., elk sec Comwlth .. Capitol, h HilS ~1kt Reiffert Conrad, laborer, h 410 Reily Reiffert Henry, repairsman. h 410 R~ily Reifsnyder Henry L., h 650 Boas Reifsnyder Irvin K., elk. Banking Dept., h 10 S 4th Reifsnyder James ~L, foreman. ~(HI N 7th, h ~10 Capital Reigart Mary E .. wid Benjamin F .. h InUl Derry Reigel Charles C, machinist, h l~n Sylvan ter Reigel George F., asst stationmaster P. R. R. pass depot, h 1813 Green Reighter Edward F .. attendant. 4th c I\'orth, h do Reighter John l\1.. elk P. R. R. frt depot. h 131::! Berryhill Reigle Harry T .. lahorer. h !l1:~ S :!:!1 Reigle John C. watchman Dauphin Co. Prison. h :!8 S 16th Reigle J. Reiff. student. h :!8 S 16th Reigle Lincoln }[., laborer. h !l07 S :!:~d Reigle Mellie L.. teacher. h :!8 S lIith Reigle Mitchell. h fl13 S 2:!t Reigle. see Riegle Reiley Frederick A., student, h 1:!!I Pine Reile,' Tames MC'K., solicitor, 14 S 2d. h ::!6(i Herr Reilc\' 'Tennie E .. wid Tames, h 31 N Cameron Reile)' "Katherine S., stuoent, h ::!66 Herr Reily Elizabeth H .. wid Gcorge W., h 1501 X Front





CLARK'S ::::I~li Drug and Patent Medicine Stlre{'=/IIr~

606 Boyd's Harrisburg ( R) City Directory, 1908.


REILY GEORGE W., treas Harrisburg Trust Co. and v-pres Penna. Surety Co., 11.1501 N Front Reily Joseph, laborer, h 634 Walnut :IE Reily, see Riley ~ Rein Harry A., tinsmith, h 1802t N 5th 4C Reindel Katherine E., saleslady, 221 Market, h 118 Wash'n Reindel :\.fargaretta, cigarmkr, h 118 Washington Reindel Paul F., barber, 'h 118 Washington Reindel William H., barber, 118 Washington. h do Reindel William H., jr.. elkP. R. R. h 118 Washington Reinert James, postal elk, 11 19 N 11th Reinhard Adam, brakeman, h 1138 N 5th Reinhard J. Albert, epgr, h 214 Cumberland Reinhard Jennie A., h 1803 N 3d Reinhard Walter L., elk P. R R frt depot, h 1803 N 3d Reinhart Mary, wid ~amuel, h 160 Linden Reinhold Frederick G., stoker, h 1280 S Cameron Reinhold Harry, brakeman, h 1211 S 9th Reinke Elfreda M . nurse, h 201 N Front Reinoehl Jacob, h 801 Green Reinoehl Nelson A., elk, h 801 Green Reis Moses, (Reis & Appell), h New York Reis & Appell, (Moses Reis and Nathan Appell), proprs :Majestic Theatre, 323 Walnut Reisch Florence, domestic The Commonwealth
Title a-..~ and 8~ Ceo { ..........1 1,...... f .............. { , . . ._ ... -8uaato.. p _ _ ,,..1.... N III II ... tiN' If JHlcll1 " ..II , . .






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Reisch Frank E., machinist, h 1945 Briggs Reisch John H., electrician, h 631 Boyd Reisch Levv B., bartender, 236 S 2d, h 205 S River Reisinger Margaret L., hemmer, h 1424 Green Reisser 'Cecilia A., roller, h 833 SlOth Reisser Charles, laborer, 11 833 SlOth Reisser Frank G., machinist, h S'16 S Cameron Reisser Joseph H., hostler, h 829 SlOth Reisser Lucas J., laborer, h 833 SlOth Reisser Theresa 0., stripper, h 833 SlOth Reist J. B. & Son, (J. B. and J. K. Reist), grain graders, 321 S Front Reist John, gardener, h 1641 Susquehanna Reist Jonas B., (J. B. Reist & Son), h 327 S Front Reist Jonas K., jr., (J. B. Reist & Son), h 109 Washington Reist Mabel M., cigar roller, h 1316 Maple Reist Susan K., dressmkr, h 327 S Front Reiter Max, salesman, 10 S 4th, h 230 S 17th Reith Karl, bartender, 1001 Market, h 1631 Logan Reitz Homer A., shoecutter, h 1832 State Reitz Isaac S., warehouseman P. R R, h 1403 Zarker Reitz John J., warehouseman P. R R, h 1832 State Reitzel Charles E., elk, h 313 Ginton Reitzel David S., flagman, h 1318 Fulton Reitzel John \71/ carpenter. h 1316 Vernon

Redmond's Wagon Works ~~-:,t~d:~'f;b~:~'"!.r:: {3d and Relfy Stat Dig.itized Coogle



A. B. TAeK} Wall Papar and


Sballes h:l~N~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

Reitzel Kate, wid Phillip A., 'h 1340 N 3d Remine George W .. div opr P. R. R depot, h 241 S 13th

REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., George P. Deacon, dist mgr, 5 S 3d

Remmer Reuben. grocer. 1220 N Cameron, h

Rendell Elizabeth, wid Leopold, h 242 Crescent Reneker Anna M .. domestic, 16119 N Front Reneker Boyd C. flagman. h 4i'i N l~th Reneker George. brakeman, h 1420 Susquehanna Reneker :\1 urray J., brakeman. h ~45 ~ ectarine Reneker \Valter L., telegrapher P. R. R, h 1440 Naudain Renn Roland D., postal elk, h 1249 ~fulberry Rennen Charle!'. laborer, h 182] Ceorge Renshaw Edmund L.. driver, 2:!flj ~ jth, h 2142 N 5th Renshaw Edwin J.. roller. h 2:~6 S 13th Ren!'haw Isaac. laborer, h 1125 Grape Rentschler Howard :M . postal elk. h 1!l2i Vernon Renz :\Iinnie C. domestic, 17!l2 State Resch John T., laborer, h 12 Lochiel 1st row


Sawlngs and Loan Assn. u:~=

Resch Oliver. laborer, h 12 Lochiel 1st row Reservoir Park. 18th c \Valnut Resh Esther :\1. l\'irs., h 252 Lihert\" Resh Helen 1\1.. milliner. h 252 Libert~" Reside David. fireman. h 1906 State " Reside :\Iargaret R.. tel opr, 210 Walnut, h 1:!03 Mulberry Reside Stewart T., storekpr, h 12(13 Mulberry Reside \V. Edgar. cashier. 401 Chestnut, h 1203 :\fulberry Resline Oscar G., baker. h 59 Balm Ressing Ro!'s R, flagman, h 1116 Cowden Ressing Susanna, wid Serrell. h :ni Dauphin Ressler Catharine B., wid Valentine B.. h 620 Oxford Ressler Samuel H .. fireman. h 417 North Ressler \Varren \V .. paperhanger. h Il151 Rudy Rettberg Christie. h 1219 N 6th Rettberg Harry H., machinist, h 2nfl5 Briggs Rettberg LOllisa A., wid :'.Iartin. h 1:!4 Hoerner Rettherg Philip, machinist. h 124 Hoerner Rettew Charles E .. con(lllctor, h :!(j6 Briggs

n .

RETTEW C. VERNON, insurance, steamship tickets and foreign money, 901 N 3d, h do
Rettew Pierce. student. h :!flli Briggs Rettinger Caroline. wid Henry, h It!9 Boas Retting-er Edg-ar S., bricklayer. h ti2H Boas John H .. farmer. 11 IIiOII Verbeke




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H M KELLEY 1 . {I North lid Stnet. P. CO 10th aDd state ....

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Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.





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Rettinger :\Iabel 1., seamstress, h (;:!9 Boas Rettinger Raymond C, laborer, h 6:!9 Boas Reuter Martin V" conductor, h HH Verbeke Reutter Mary E" asst cataloguer State Library, h Duncannon Reuwer HarTY E .. touch opr, 304 Verbeke, h do Reuwer Lisette Mrs .. baker, 304 Verbeke, h do ]~evie Charles, messenger Ed. Dept. State Library, h 207 S 1Rth Revie Daniel, elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 207 S 18th Revie Joseph, messenger State Library, h 207 S 18th Rex Hilary S .. salesman, h l:n Sylvan ter Rex Otho \V., foreman, h 601 Herr Rexroth Albert :r., master mechanic C. P. T. Co., h 425 Peffer Rexroth Clayton A., puddler, h 105:1 S 9th Rexroth Earl, helper, h 425 Peffer Rexroth Marf5aret, wid l\lichael, h 1619 N 3d Rexroth William, (A. L. Roumfort & Co.). h IOU N 4th Revnolds Ada, h Cowden bel \Valnut Reynolds Arthur G., brakeman, h 430 Harris Reynolds Calvin, fireman, h 154 N 15th Reynolds Caroline ~I. 1\1rs., tel opr P. R. R., 11 547 Camp H.eynolds Della, wid Daniel A., h 430 Harris Hcynolds Della c., seamstress, h 430 Harris


Fanme L., bonnetmkr, h 4:30 Harris Frank. agt, h S02 X 6th G. Olaries, flagman, h 622 Muench Harrison L., barber, 1218 Wallace, h do l~eynolds Helen R., student, h 547 Camp Reynolds Jesse S., cngr, h 622 Muench Reynolds John F .. painter. h 1700 Susquehanna Reynolds Julia A., dressmkr, 622 Muench, h do Revnolds Laura E., cashier. :no \Valnut, h 622 Muench Reynolds Lewis J., brakeman, h 7 S 14th Reynolds Lottie ~L, seamstress, h 222 S 7th Reynolds l'vlargaret J., dressmkr, h 622 Muench Reynolds Mary \T., saleslady, h 4th nr Boyd Reynolds l\Iildred, saleslady, 3:14 Market, h 98 N 10th Reynolds Robert A .. h 622 Muench Reynolds Tilton C, policeman Capitol, h 621 N 2d Rcvnolds Weston. laborer, h 7 Haehnlen Rh;m Henry, sorter, h :lO N Summit Rhan Melvin A .. fireman, h 1206 Bailey Rhan Sylvester, laborer, h 1:~24 James Rheam Anna, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rheam Benjamin c.. carpenter. h 1934 N 6th Rheam Harry c., laborer, h 19:14 iIJ 6th Rheam John H., wall paper, 1272 l\Iarket, h Steelton Rheam John H., jr., paperhanger, h 3:m Nectarine Reynolds Reynolds Rc::ynolds Reynolds


Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory, 1908. 60D Rheam, see Ream, also Reeme Rhein Erastus R., dentist, 1504 ~\,larket, h do Rhein Henry D., student, h 1504 Market Rhen Mary H., wid Harry F., h 1626 Fulton Rhine Charles A., flagman, h 636 Muench Rhine Edward, baker, h 226 South Rhine Francis, supt Catholic Cemetery, h 315 Hummel Rhine George c., fireman, h 2115 Greenwood Rhine Joseph, molder, h 315 Hummel Rhine Joseph J., laborer, h 761 S 19th Rhinehart Emanuel, laborer, h 801 S Front Rhinehart Emory \V., fireman, h 8 N 5th Rhinehart Lawrence, laborer, h 419 Walnut Rhinehart Waidley A., laborer, h 702 Showers Rhinehart, see Rinehart Rhinesmith D. Harry, baggagemaster, h 331t Hummel Rhinesmith Francis, carpentel:, h 121 S 14th Rhiver Frank, brakeman, h 225 Mulberry Rhoads Blanch L., weaver, h 507 Cumberland Rhoads Charles B.,. salesman, 318 Market, h 50 N Summit Rhoads Charles D., elk, Cowden c Forster, h 1201 N 2d Rhoads Charles E., brakeman, h 521 Woodbine Rhoads Charles H., (c. H. Rhoads & Co.), h 1323 State RHOADS C. H. & CO., (Charles H. Rhoads), lime, cements and sewer pipe, 10th c State


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ":=i~b:~:'~~K

Rhoads Clara E . weaver, h 507 Cumberland Rhoads Daniel H., bricklayer, h 823 Green Rhoads David, driver, h 2002 State Rhoads David, grocer, 1401 N 2d, h do Rhoads Elizabeth, wid Adam, h 77 N 16th Rhoads Ellen N .. wid Thomas B., h 2016 N 5th Rhoads Elmer E., car inspector, h 83 N 16th Rhoads Elmer R., elk, 10th eState, h 1323 State Rhoads Frederick c., trackman, h 649 Dauphin Rhoads George M., air inspector, h 1133 Wallace Rhoads George W., draftsman Dept. Jnt. Affairs, h 212 Muench Rhoads Harry c., elk, h 1323 State Rhoads Henry K., meat, 1601 Swatara, h do Rhoads Irene c., elk, 210 Walnut, h 1912 Green Rhoads James A., brakeman, h 1310 Howard Rhoads James C. B., civil engr, h 1912 Green Rhoads James M., mgr, Cameron ab Maelay, 'h 1912 Green Rhoads John W., car inspector, h 1417 Currant RHOADS JOSEPH E., lime, coal, wood, cement, terra cotta sewer pipe, Cowden c Forster, h 1201 N 2d see adv next page Rhoads May, bookkpr, 10th eState, h 1323 State Rhoads N ena M., cigarmkr, h 1924 N 5th Rhoads Ross R., elk, Cowden c Forster, h 1201 N 2d
Digitized by








:::= ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABUTS ~g::-."~




Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

Rhoads Sarah E., asst matron Dauphin Co. Almshouse r h do Hhoads Solomon, toll collector, h :!44 ~orth Rhoads \\"allace W .. car cleaner. h 521 Woodbine Rhoads \Valter H., laborer, h 319 Verbeke Rhoads William D., roller, h 1612 N 3d Rhoads William F .. elevatorman Capitol, h 1129 N 6th Rhoads William H .. carpenter. h 5117 Cumberland Rhoads William H .. lahorer. h 1728 Walnut Rhoads William S .. hricklayer. h ~24 ~orth Rhodes Effie c.. housekeeper. 4all Harris Rhodes George W., blacksmith. h Hi17 X !lei Hhodes Joseph B.. supt. h 1424 Regina Rhone l\Jav Y .. elk Dairy amI Food Commr., h 419 Boas Rh,'nes Elia ::'\1.. domestic. 100 Chestnut Ricci Antonio. laborer. h HI2 Short Rice Amos. machinist. h ] 626 Logan Rice Benjamin E .. car inspector. h 4 ~ l!lth Rice B. Tohn. fireman. h l!1fl:l (;reen Rice Charles. lahorer. h 1214 Apple Rice Charles W., trucker P. R. R. freight depot, h 1612' Chestnut Rice David C, brakeman, 11 2:!1l7 Logan

RHODES C. MELANCT'HON, physician and surgeon. 914 N 8th, h do

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Till. Bllra.1, aDd Sarlh CD Icrill., { .... II ...."'.'.10' f '.,.... } Trut ..... .... I S.~"'tr CNlnlcln .... " 'h ~"',. --------------Rice Edith R.. housekeeper. 2HZ) Harris Rice George H .. hricklayer. h 516 Cowden Rice George W .. janitor, h 1al0 Wallace Rice Hannah. wid Tacob, h 119 Korth Rice HarT\' laborer. h l:t!~ Tames Rice Harr~' \ \'., engr. h eoZ) X Front Rice Henrietta. wid Lemuel. h :!'.!417 Logan Rice Hiram H., laborer. h l:t?!l James Rice J. Ernest, contract agt. 2111 Walnut. h 5 S 14th Rice .~Iargar('t E.. c1ressmkr. 16t:? Chestnut. 11 do Rice Olena T., brakeman. h 1~17 ~ 7th Rice Willis S., car inspector. h 1714 Reg-ina Ricedorff Levi H., eng-r. h :;~~ \\'ooelbine Rich Augustus, mgr, 627 Boas, h do Rich Tennie E. :'.Irs . h 1!!4fl Market Rich ~1arie Too wid Augustus, h 1:?5 Balm

I,. ,.....


Sewer Pipe. Fire Brick and Fire Clay.

~ C~~!:.4~~.~:~P2.D
Office and Yards I Cowden and Forster Sts .

Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily StS. Coogle

Digitized by

I B Specialty ft,. TACK lfFre.oolnc lllake. aBouldin. . Laof Tlnu { 1.'. N...... rabUc PlaiD JIIUmataGl..a

Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory, 1908. 611 Rich ~orman P. W .. elk, 5 S 21. h 1240 Market Rich Prcliltiss K, brakeman, h 2116 X 4th :D Rich ~aml1el W., asst foreman P. R. R .. h 1126 N 6th Rich William G. F., foreman, 6]~ Schuylkill, h 144 Cran- n berr\' :;: Richard; David :\1., (Acme Sign Co.). h :~41 Nectarine Richards Idwal T .. catcher, h IHO Wiconisco Richards James c., brakeman. h 662 'Voodbine Richards John, roller, h 6111 Wiconisco Richards Josiah, grocer, h 6Ci2 Woodbine Richards Karl E., student, h 1333 Derry Richards Martin H., roll turner, !h 1333 Derry Richards Mary E., wid John, h 2140 N 5th Richards Rufus R., brakeman, 'h 2140 N 5th Richards William H., fireman, h 1924 Fulton Richardson Albert P., electrical engr, Mulberry c Crescent, h 1428 North Richardson Benjamin, waiter, h 124 Liberty Richardson Brady S., supt Hbg. Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 116 Evergreen ~I; Richardson Carrie S., opr, h 1266 Juniper P"III Richardson Clyde S., bridge builder, h 1433 N 2d ,Richardson F. Irvin, pressman, 'h 429 S 15rh F Richardson Georgianna, cook, 125 State Richardson Harry S., barber, h 802 Capital

= ....




SaYings and Loan Assn.{


Richardson James M., waiter, h 602 Walnut. Richardson John 1'1., laborer, h 1266 Juniper Richardson Joseph, laborer, h 1622 Walnut Richardson Mary E., teacher High School, h 18 S 13th Richardson M. Ellen, domestic, 524 West Richardson Sarah J., h 18 S 13th' . Ric'hardson Thurlow D., pipecutter, h 1423t Regina Richardson William,1huckster, h 1316i James Richardson William E., laborer, 'h 8 N 9th RICHARDSON WILLIAM F., keeper State Arsenal, h 223 Forster, telephone' Richer Mabel, milliner, 334 Market, h 1233 Kittatinny Richerd Carrie, book folder, h 414 Forster Richerd Elizabeth, wid Wesley, 'h 414 Forster Richey Laban E., asst genl mgr, 815 Market, h 719 N 18th Richmond Augustus D., machinist, !h Front ab Seneca Richmond Forest, laborer, h 2333 Logan Richwine Addie I., dressmkr, h 1221 S 9th Richwine Albert M., fireman, h 1631 Park Richwine Atillia L., 'h 1936 Fulton Richwine Charles A., helper, h 1'221 S 9th Richwine Oara, milliner, h 1936 Fulton RichwIne Clarence K., machinist, h 1441 Regina Richwine Ellen, trimmer, 334 Market, h 209 State Richwine Ellsworth F., conductor, h 349 S 14th


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-----------------THE PAT R I n-Togle ~\)



Richwine Ellsworth S., fireman, h 517 S 14th 5; Richwine Samuel J., flagman, h 1936 Fulton " ~ Richwine ~amuel ",T., brakeman, h 1936 Fulton ~ Richwine Sarah MrR., h Home for the Friendless ..: Richwine Wilbur S., (Richwine & Howard), h 1835 Sus~ quehanna .: Richwine & Howard, (Wilbur ~. Richwine and Edwin P. Howard), barbers, 306 Reily Rick Alexander, laborer. h 830 James If: Rick Charles, engr, h 230 ~ 2d _ Rick John W., laborer, h 1509-1 Logan !I Rickabaugh Harry H., pump runner Capitol, h 2119 o Greenwood



Boyd's Harrisburg (,R) City Directory, 1908.

_ = ..


-Ii ~~~~:~:~~~ ~:u~;' ;::~:~,g~ ~~~~oh;r~~44 Derry

Rickabaugh William, boilermkr, h 30 S 18th Rickard Eliza, wid Levan, h 421 North Rickenbach George W., flagman, h 1144 Derry Rickenbach J. William, brakeman. h 1125 Capital Ricker Andrew F., baker, h 2052 Susquehanna Ricker Daniel, contractor, 2001 Derry, h do Ricker Harrv M., elk, h 3 S 16th Ricker Irvin" S., jeweler, 817 N 3d, h do Ricker Rehecca, wid John ~., h 1208 N 6th ~ickert_C~arles M., phYRician, 71~ ~ 6th, h do


a: I-

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o o



Rickert Rob<;rt E., student, h 718 N 6th Rickert Wilbur P., student, h 718 N 6th Rickert \ViIIiam E., motorman, h 181!l North >- Riddle Clarence D., plumher, h 660 Verbeke Z Riddle Daniel F., plumber, h 1933 Penn C Riddle Franklin P., brakeman, h 1252 Reese "- Riddle Geor~e W., plumber, h 1332 N 7th IE Riddle SophIa, h 610 Buttonwood u Riddle WiIIiam A., elk, h 1933 Penn Ridenour Edward J., laborer, h 1321 S Cameron ~ Ridenour Frederick E:, florist, h 1321 S Cameron C Rideout Lucv Mrs., h 8 Sherman row u Rideout :Matthew E., waiter, h 406 Cranberrv Rider Adam, laborer, h If129 Swatara Q Rider Catharine, oomeRtic, 11 ~5 Bailey Z Rider Ira M., agt Prudential Ins. Co.,"h Xe\\' Cumberland C Rider Tacob R., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 128 S 2d W Rider j. Paul, elk C. I. and S. Co., h 128 ~ 2d ~ Rider Lillie c., wid William S .. h 400 S 2d Rider Phoebe A., wid Josiah S., 'h 607 Calder Rider, see Reider, also Rvder Ridgway Richard F. L., physician, 1603 ~Iarket, h do Ridinger John E., laborer. h 318 ~ 15th Riefstahl Lewis c., jr., asst auditor, :!:!; Walnut, h 10 S 16th

l L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 lIark.tstrall

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,AI B. TACK =,~~e:~:!1loU PUDer ~Od DIdo. SbOdas 1~1~\~:lll:

Boyd's Harrisburg (n) City Directory, 1908. 613
Riegel Hanson S., master mech-anic C. 1. and S. Co., 'h 275 Briggs Riegel Ross ~L. civil eng-r. 27 S ~d, h 275 Briggs Riegel Susan, elk State Dept. Health, h Steelton Riegel William A., elk, 1325 Derry, h 2001 Kensington Riegel, see Reigle Rife Harry L., flagman, h 2n ~Iaelay Rife Jefferson G., flagman, h ~43 :Maelay Rife Thomas K., laborer, h 1211 Bartine

RIFE WILLIAM H., propr Hotel Rife, 325 Walnut, h do

Riffle Alice L., machine folner, h 11:1:! Derry Riflle .\nna G .. weanr, h Syh-an Heights . Riffle Clavton "'., tinsmith. h 4:1 Bra(h' Riffle ~[artha E .. weaver, h Sylvan Heights Riflle SalIie E., hookbinder. h Sylvan Heights Riffle \\'illiam A., laborer, h Heights Riffle \\7iIIiam A., jr., laborer, h Sylvan Heights Rifkin Samuel, junk, h 1:127 ~Iaple Riggle William H., sales mgr, :3-1 Union Trust bldg, 'h N Front he,' limits Rigglt'Jl1an IS. Clinton, ins sol. It) X ~d, h 112 :\Iulberry Riggleman Jacoh B .. agt, h 112 ~Iulherry Riggs William C. l'onductor. h 2!1 S 3d Riggs William H., laborer. h 205 Xectarine Right Frank. helper, h l:t!:l Penn

Right Robert, lahorer. h Cameron ab l\faclay Right. see Wright Righter Jacob ~L, repairsman, h 1707 X 7th Righter ~Iargaret \\7., stellgr. 326 ~Iarket, h ~:!:? N' 3d Righter :\artin 1.., repairsman. h 17117 N 7th Riidiger Harry A., brakeman, h 1935 N 7th Rile\" Alfred E . ice l'reammkr, h 141!.1 Regina Rile~' Edward L.. tinsmith. h 14:10 Susqueh;nna Rilev Emanuel. laborer, h lOS! Christie's ct Rile~' Frank. hostler, h liOO N :1d Rile'\' Harn' ;\I .. wood hoxes. 1700 X :3c\, h do Rile, Jane ~Irs., h UtlfI ~Iarion Rile~- )ohn :\1.. policeman. h 1419 Regina Riley Joseph W., hoilermkr, h 13111 Herr Rile\' Permelia, wid Peter, h 17411 \\'alnut Rile~- Robert, pres~man, h HW Regina Riley ~arah A., wid George, h ::?1::? :\Iulberry Rilc\", see Reily Rimt'l Owen I~., machinist, h 26!l8 J efferscon Rimer Jacoh F .. carpenter, h 413 S 14th Rineard David H., elk P. R. R., h Front ah Seneca Rineard Harn' C, trucker. h Front ah Seneca Rineard Sanlltel \V_. trucker, h Front ah Seneca Rineer Joseph. car repairer. h 1424 Cn'en Rineer Joseph B .. lahorer. h l;)!lH Wallace
Flo;rd MONEY ADVANCED} ..DEPENDENT LOB {aM-S Market 84J; AND satVIITY co. 8 N,

f s



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McNEIL'S COUDH REMEDY }=o~::I~= tii~~

614 Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.
Rineer Samuel E., foreman, h 566 Race Rineer William A., book folder, h ~19 S 15th Rinehart Annie E., domestic, 108 Locust Rinehart John A., laborer, h 421 S 14th Rinehart, see Rhineheart Ringland John A., foreman P. R. R., 'it 1626 ~ 3d Ringland Margaret, nurse, h 1626 X 3d Rinkenbach Edward L., watchmkr, jeweler and optician. 1215 N ad, h 216 Forster Rinkenbach Edward L., jr., student, h 216 Forster Rinkenbach Joseph S., optician, 1215 N 3d, h 216 Forster Rinker Harriet K, stengr, 16 ::\ 2d, h 2035 Penn Rinn Frank P., umpire, h 609 Xorth Rinn Kate l\1rs .. saleslady, h 609 I\orth Rintz John R., iaborer, Ii 1741 Susquehanna Rintz Lillie ::\I., saleslady,a:U ~lkt., h 1731 Susquehanna Ripka William \'1 .. postal elk, h 1559 Walnut Ripley Ada A., h 1325 ~orth Ripley Joseph, F., policeman Capitol, h 1325 ~orth Ripper Anna 1\1., packer, h un Derry Ripper Charles E., printer Independent, h 1141 Derry Ripper Charles H., press feeder, h 332 Harris Ripper Edward, bookbinder, h 1141 Derry Rippin Randolph, engr Independent, h 2()~t! Jefferson Rishel John A., grocer, 4,16 Calder, h do



ntll Baar.lff Surlty el. 'W:::'I, {,.m::r:;.:.':;n {orr!.~z..






Rishel \ Villiam 0 .. asst supt. ! S 2d, h Camp Hill Ritchie Elsie 1\1.. h 36 S 1:1th Ritchie Herman A., dentist, 214, :x 3d, h ~59 ~orth Ritchie Ida B., h 10 S l:Hh Ritchie James W., real estate, h 10 S 13th Ritchie Josiah, h 10 S l:~th Ritchie :\Ielanchthon l\1., physician. 31) S l:lth, h do Hitchil.' Russel, machinist, h 16H} Logan Ritchie Simpson n., laborer, h 1610 Logan Ritner Annie A., wid Thomas M., h 317 X Front Ritner Henry C. car inspector, h 115 X 4,th Ritner Ira D., tailor, h 330 Harris Hitner J. Howanl, cntter, h llm:J Susquehanna Ritmor :\fary P .. wid John P., h 1303 Susquehanna Ritner Thomas L., machinist P. R. R., h :~3n Hiuris Rittenhouse \Vi1liam C Re\,., h Evergreen Ritter Alma :'.1.. stengr, h 134,0 State Ritter Charles \V .. car inspector, h 613 Delaware Ritter Clarence H., elk, h 1:~fl4 ~Ia\'flo\\'er Ritter C Templeton, draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 223 X :!d Ritter George A., telegrapher P. R. R., h I90G K 3d Ritter Harry \Y., telegrapher, h fl09 Harris Ritter Harvey A., car repairer, h 1~41 Kittatinny Rittl.'r Howard L .. mgr, IS2f) X 6th, h 1906 ~ :1<1




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I. B.


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

Ritter Tames A., tinsmith, h 238 Charles Ritter ). Frank, elk, h 1:-l40 State Ritter Lewis E . ball player, h 4:!:~ S 13th Ritter :\1ary, wid Tempest T .. h 253 Hummel Ritter :\Iatilda L., student, h 253 fIummel Ritter :\Iax. jeweler, h 2.30 S lith Ritter :\1ildred B., student, h 13411 State Ritter Perc\' Y., artist, 1835 N 6th, h do Ritter R. VInton. salesman, 440 }larket. h 1835 N 6th Ritter Sara A., stengr, 9 N 2d, h :\fechanicsburg Ritter Walter C, shoe opr, h 253 Hummel Ritter \Villiam A., trav salesman. h 51 N 17th Ritter \Vilson W., elk, h 1608 State Rittler Charles A., machinist, h lS:!5 X 4th Rittler Frank A., machinist, h 344 ~1uench Rittler George W .. bricklayer, h 1825 X 4th Rittler :\lary E., washwoman, h 18:~:-l Logan Ritts Harvey L.. cab driver, h 1609 Susljuehanna Ritts .los., shoemkr, Crooked al nr ~Iarket. IT 1188 Bailey Ritts Roy E., plasterer, h 1188 Bailey . Ritts Russell M .. cab driver, h 1188 Bailey Rivers Frank. hrakeman, h 225 :\'1 ulberr)' Roat Abraham, electrician, h 313 Boas Roat Ella E., wid Abraham B., h 1211 Mulberry Roat Harry, constable, h 313 Boas

en n



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.r:l.~~~} Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn.:::::

n .

RPat Harrv A .. h :n3 Boas Roath Harry ~ .. brakeman, h IS:!2 Fulton Roath \\'illiam W., fireman, h 163ft X 4th Rohb X elson E., supt contracts. 22i \\' alnllt. h 1910 N' 3d Robbin James X .. stengr Adjt. Genrs Dept, h Ste'elton Robbins Frank A., draftsman, h 32 X 2d Robeck Sarah C. wid James A., h !l:!5 Susquehanna Roberts Alexander, civil engr, h l() S 2d Roberts Alexander H .. (Roberts & :\leck). h 5th c Camp Roberts Benjamin, h ISH6 ~ 6th Roberts Charles. coachman, h 246 X River Roherts Charles. driver, h :n4 S 15th Roberts Charles, laborer, h 142 Dock Roberts Cnarles H .. elk P. R. R., h :!:!5 :\Iacla\' Roberts Charlotte, finisher, h 2110 Derrv . Roberts Oara S .. cigar packer, h 142 Dock Roberts David \V .. steelwkr, h 411 Market Roherts Emma wid Daniel. h 552 Race Roberts Ettie :\1rs .. lodging, 411 ~1arket, h do Roberts George. civil engr, 15 S Ri\'er. h 5th c Emerald Roberts George A.. salesman. :~~4 ~Iarket. h 2110 Derry Roberts George S .. asst yardmaster P. R. R .. h 1836 ~ 6th Roherts George W., foreman. 511H Race, It 142 Dock Roberts Harry J., engr. h 2:!:i :\Iaelay Roberts Hugh. driller, It !IS Disbrow





MO .. NING ~"~II
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HA ....... ulua.




T_ of

H II. 1\ wELLEY I CO'S -Blaek Diamond. wilen { 1 rth III IftIL P. 78 n_t order. IDS .......

1ii 61G

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, ,1908.





Roberts John B., artist, 2110 Derry, h do Roberts Lewis, laborer, h 142 Dock Roberts Mary, cigar packer, 'h 142 Dock Roberts 'Nora, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Roberts Olive, milliner, 40tl l\Jarkd, h 1818 State Roberts Paul S., elk, h 2'25 Maclay Roberts Robert L., varieties, 1314 S Cameron, h do Roberts Sarah, wid Robert, h 1314 S 12th Roberts Thomas, h 1314 S Cameron Roberts William B., bookkpr, 324 l\larket, h 114 Locust Roberts vYilliam C, elk C. I. and S. Co., h 1314 S Cameron.Roberts William H., janitor, h 130;') S Cameron ROBERTS & MECK, (Alexander H. Roberts, Charles S. Meck and Vincent W. Stanford), wholesale stationers, 115 Market Robertson Ira B., elk P. R. R. freig-ht depot, h 1500 N 6th Robertson :Maude E., teacher, h 1500 X lith Robertson Oscar c., sec, h '1701 Green Robertson Paul T., machinist, h 214 Harris Robeson Carl \V;, student, h 1628 Green Robeson Howard S., engr, 'h Hi28 Green Robins Charles L., train dispatcher, h 2016 Green Robins Claude R., elk, 420 Market, h 2016 Green Robins Grace. nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do Robinski Andrew, laborer, h 1907t X 7th

1&.1 GO RGAS}
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson


Alexander, policeman. h 10 Haehnlen Andrew, laborer. h 1a32 'WilIiam Aubrey, mail messenger, 'h 11) Hachnlen' Benjamin H., laborer, 'h 131 Short Burd, laborer.h r 110 Short Charles, cook. h 1442 Derry Charles E., Capitol emplo:-:ee, h l!WG N 2d' Charles H . chef, h 412 Walnut Clarence E., bricklayer, h 2121 Boas Daniel, laborer, h 1i7 Indian Edward, laborer. h Hi21 Apricot Effie, domestic, 128 Walnut Emanuel, waiter, h 117 Tanner Fernando, laborer, h r 110 Short Fielding, packer, h 14 Haehnle Frank, laborer, h 115 S River Frank, laborer, h 32 Lochiel 3d row Frank ~., caterer, h 129 Balm Grace E., saleslady, 406 :Market, h 1710 PennHarry A., (Robinson & Co.). h 1429 N Front Harry B., barber, h 1712 Logan Harrv E., laborer, h 1184 S Cameron Harr). P., laborer. h 40 S Court Henry A . waiter, h 127 Short Hugh, car repairer, h 1931 R"noads al

I. L. ST. CLAIR{T.A'LOA{!i~i!~d~~ehS~e



EmploJII baS 8rwt-clua workmen, beDCle only JInI. { 1.lS dcw-*ud IIIIDreIIL WorkdouelD an1 pan of S&a&e N.IId'"

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.


Robinson James, laborer, h 500 South ~ Robinson James K., telegrapher P. R. R, h 1538 -Derry 1"1 Robinson James W., messenger C. H., h 1622 Walnut Robinson Jennie Mrs., h 919 N 6th Robinson John, asst storekeeper Dept. Public Grounds ~ and Buildings, h do Robinson John, laborer, h 1323 William Robinson John, student, h 9Ul N 6th Z Robinson Jdlm E., laborer, h 1120 Hickory PI Robinson John H., bellman, 'h r 110 Short Robinson Joseph T., laborer, h 117 Tanner Robinson Kathryn, matron Children's Industrial Home, 'h do c;) Robinson Laura, wid James, h 1001 N 3d Robinson Lewis D., paperhanger, h 341 Harris Robinson Lillie, cook Senate Hotel, h 1118 Hickory Robinson ::\laria L. Mrs., chiropodist, 31 N 2d, h 263 Briggs Robinson Marshall, rag picker, h 1184 S Cameron Robinson Marshall, jr., laborer, h 1184 S Cameron ~ Robinson Mary B.. , 'h 111 State ,Robinson Mary E. Mrs .. h 349 Reily Robinson :Mary J., wid Joseph, h 119 N 16th Robinson ~lary L., wid William, h 1955 Rudy c Robinson :May, domestic, 413 Filbert

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MILLER BROS. l BAKER} "':5~b~~-:'~~1I:

Robinson :Mildred L., domestic, 6 Haehnlen Robinson ::\1ilton T., brakeman, h 1710 Penn Robinson Pearl, masseuse, h 50 N 13th Robinson Richard, driver, h r 110 Short ROBINSON ROBERT M., broker, 15 N 2d, h 219 do Robinson Robert R, salesman, h 219 N 2d Robinson Roy B., salesman, 324 Market, h 220 North Robinson Ta)'lor, carter, h 1~1 Reese Robinson Thomas B., salesman, h 263 Briggs Robinson \Valter R., adv sol Courier, 'h Central Hotel Robinson William E., machinist, h 1955 Rudy Robinson William R., carpenter, h 1716 N 4th Robinson William L., cutter, h 333 Dauphin Robinson William S., engr, h 1806 ~ 5th Robinson Wilmer B.. laborer, h 42 S Court ROBINSON & CO., (H. A. Robinson), department store, 1300 N 3d Robison Bertha E., bundler, h 1026 S Cameron Robison Charles S., electrician P. R R. h 1207 Bartine Robison Harold, machinist, It 1906 N 2d Robison Harold K, student, 'h 225 X 14th Rohison Harry B.. laborer, h 111..2 ~ Cameron Robison Tame's E .. conductor. h 1 nCl(i X 2d Robison 'Tohn C .. lahorer. h 411'1 Clinton Rohison joseph, barber, 11 1441 Shoop

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }f:f~~r:~r:.-={ 306 BrIM


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

Robison Pe-ter, engr, h Cameron ab :\1aclay Rohis)n Phoebe A., teacher. h 1026 S Cameron Robison Wm. D., fireman water works, h 1026 S Cameron Robison William M., inspector, h :!25 N 14th Rocchie Domenico, lahorer, h 505 \\"alnut Ro('chie John. lahorer, h 5115 Walnut Roche ~lan' A .. wid William. h 116 South Rodlester &. Pittsburg Coal and Iron Co., 'V. P. Maguire, rep. \14 S 2d Rochman Abram, h 4 t:l Filbert Rochman Bertha :\'Irs., h 711l South Rockafellar Sarah. wid John. h !.l!l2 N 2d Rockafellar Thos. B .. real est and ins agt, 272 North, h do ROCKEY JOHN L., chief Bureau of Statistics, Capitol, h Lebanon Rocktashel George, engr, h 432 Hummel Rock\\'t'll Harr\' E., conductor. h 238 State Rockwt'll Jame's T.~ conductor, h 32 Summit Rockwell :\1argaret B. Mrs., dressmkr, 649 Boyd, h do Roddick \ViIliam. carpenter, h UO\) ~ Cameron Rodd~' Charlt's. storekpr Lunatic Hospital. h 1620 Market Roddv Joseph Stockton Rev .. h 1625 Swatara Rode Ralph R. elk, h l:t~ti ~ 2d Rodearmel Harriet. wid HenT\". h 25 X 4th Rodearmel Helen L.. h 604 ~(3d


> 111

> Z


Rodearmel William, journalist. h 604 N 3d Rodenbaugh Harry, 'engr, h 233 S 14th . Rodenhaber Hiram \V .. brakeman, h 502 State Rodcnhaber Wallace B., plumber. h 413 \\'oodbine Rodellhaver Charles A.. c\k, 309 Verbeke, h 1128 N 6th Rodenhaver Elizabeth, wid Joseph. h 310 Boas Rodenhaver J. Edgar, printer, h 1204 N 3d Ro,lenhaver J. \Yilliam. pn>pr The Paxton Hotel, 1108 ~Iarket, h do Rorlenhaver :\Iae E .. saleslad\. 12m :\ 3d. h 310 Boas Rodenhaver William. laborer, h 527 Peffer Rodenhiser Rollins :\I., engr, h 1H06 Berryhill RODERICK JAMES E., chief Department of Mines, Capitol, h The Lochiel Rodgers Albt'rt, engr The Bolton, h do Rodgers Alfred P .. caller P. R. R, h 2141 Moore Rodgers .\ngeline :\1 rs .. cigarmkr. h 603 S Front Rodgers Clarence W .. cab driver. h 2233 N 6th Rodgers Edward. electrician. h 1432 ~audain Rodgers Esther V., dressl11kr, 2::!~!l K 6th. h do Rodgl'rs George \Y., flagman, h 22:1a N 6th Rodgers I J erhert c., fireman, h 2()31 Penn Rodg-t'rs James. laborer. h 143::! Natldain Rodgers John, laborer, h 2034 Fulton Rodger.:; John C., laborer, h 1027 Paxton

ANDREW REDMOND} ~.:::::.::!~ :r~~l:& {3d and RaUt SII~





L B. TACK} IILL PIPER ::::!:~r1-:: IlIDOI SHADES {N.~:' II.

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.
619 Rodgers John 1.., traY freight agt P. & R., h 1322 Walnut Rodgers l\Jar, watchman Lunatic Hospital, 11 do Rodgers :\hry, cigarmkr, h 2034 Fulton Rodgers May, cook, h 701 South Rodgers Richard C, laborer, h llHl Currant Rodgers lllOmas ]., watchman, h 846 S Cameron Rodgers William, puddler, h ]317 S 12th Rodgers William L., carpenter. h 1432 Naudain Rodgers William T .. elk, h 2141 Moore Rodkey Carrie E., cigarmkr, h 4]3 Hamilton Rodkey Charles 1., detective, h !116 Capital Rodkey Elmira Mrs., h 716 Capital Rodkey George W., car inspector, h 1223 N 7th Rodkey Harry E .. watchman P. & R., 11 716 Capital Rodkey Harvey G., painter, h 1102 "I\: Cameron Rodkey Theodore, painter, h 413 Hamilton Rodkey \Valter. apprentice, h 413 Hamilton Roe Adda S., asst cataloguer State Library, h Derry c 13th Roe Curie, h 13th c Derrv Roe Edward J., (F. ~f. Roe & Son). h 1166 Mulberry ROE F. M. & SON, (Ed. J.), druggists, -N W c 13th and


Roe Sarah A., wid Francis M., h Derry c 13th Roeschel Richard C, machinist, h 324 "Hamilton Roethorn Frank, conductor, h 434 Peffer


Sayings and Loan Assn. u:~:=

Rofrez John, laborer, h 522 Filbert Rogers Charles, h 205 Chestnut Rogers David, asst supt C. 1. and S. Co., h 709 S Front Rogers Frank, laborer, h 1504 Penn Rogers Robert So, bar elk National Hotel, h 1422 Hunter Rogers Ross. student, h 709 S Front Rogers Thomas E., fireman. h 709 S Front Rogers William G., cooper, h 437 S 16th Rogers Zephaniah, porter, 3:14 Market, h 1841 Briggs Rogoff Louis, junk, h 423 North Roher Frederick, laborer, 11 1155 Cumberland Rohm Ferdinand F., policeman Capitol, h 2033 Green Rohm Frederick \V., jeweler, 1302 X 6th, h 1340 do Rohm William L., clock repairsman Capitol, h 2033 Green Rohr William H .. salesman, h 113 S 3d Rohrhach Adam]., laborer, h 1014 Paxton Rchrbach Conrad. laborer. h 5UIi S Cameron Rohrbadl naniel H., laborer, h 5(Hi S Cameron Rohrhach Elizaheth. wid George. h ;;U6 S Cameron Rohrhach 'William, laborer, h filii ~orth Rohrer Anna ~1., (lressmkr. 227 S 18th. h do l~ohr\?r nertha. i>alesladv. 400 l'darket. h 5:t7 Race Rohrer I\, Frank. scre\vman, h !!:l 1\ 17th Rcdlrf'r Charies P . watchman. ::::4 :\larkt>t, h ;):37 Race Rohrer Daniel. engr, h 5::7 Race

:u < )II :u c n .





-----.------------OUR Boa..&Coal.MOTTO Welch& Hoaelt I - }

H M KELLEY W I . {I.,.I . II1II1...1 v. CO I. . d U .....


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

; ; Rohrer Elizabeth, wid Martin, h 581 5 Front == Rohrer Elmer, roller, h 624 Reily ~ Rohrer Frank L., (Penn Premium Co.), h 1636 Elm ~ Rohrer Harry 5., brakeman, h 42:1 :\laclay Rohrer Heien, bookkpr, 7 N 2d, h 23 ~ 17th u Rohrer Howard A., roller, h 58:::! 5howers _ Rohrer Irene, teacher, h 23 N 17th _ Iii Rohrer Jay Frank, (J. F. Rohrer & 50n), h 1400 N 2d ... ROHRER J. F. & SON, (J. F. and Jay F.), real estate ~ and insurance, 24 N 2d _ Rohrer John c., conductor, h 1105 I\lontgomery U Rohrer John F., (J. F. Rohrer & 50n), h 1400 N 2d Rohrer Mary, wid Jacob A., h 600! Boas II: Rohrer \Villiam H., cigarmkr, h 537 Race Roland Edward M., conductor, h 1435 Walnut ....... Roland Frank A., fireman, h 10 N Cameron (/) Roland Harry D., brakeman, h 630 Woodbine Roland William F., machinist, h 332 5 15th Roller Abraham, brakeman, h 2156 N 7th Roller Aida, c1k, 214 Market, h 1720 N 3d I- Roller Bessie, ch1lrwoman, h 324 Calder Roller Charles W .. brakeman, h 2162 ~ 7th .61' Roller Edward, tinner, h 1308 Penn Roller Emma Mrs., charwoman, h 665 Briggs Roller Emma, wid Aurelius P., h 139 Balm


a: o o

.... a:

o o


Roller Ferdinand, engr, h 1720 ~ :ld Roller George J., machinist, h 306 Reily Roller George W., baker, h 429 Boas Roller Irvin B., brakeman, h 2156 N 7th Roller Jane A. :Mrs., h :J24 Calder Roiler John, brakeman, h 2156 N 7th Roller Minnie F., h :US N 2d Roller 5arah E., seamstress, h 2156 ~ 7th Roller William, shoemkr, 318 l'\ 2d, h do Rolles Bros., (John, Jos., :\Iichael and Ross), confectrs, 409 Market Rolles Joseph, (Rolles Bros.), h 504 :\Iarket Rolles Michael, (Rolles Bros.), h 9 Grace Rolles Ross, (Rolles Bros.), h !) Grace Rollin Harry L., barber, 613 Maclay, 11 do Rollins Charles 5., laborer, h 1230 I\Ionroe Rollins Frances L., h 511 N 2d lid Rollison Alice, proof reader Telegraph, It 1!}:l6 Derry Y Roman Alice, cook, h 301 5 14th Romberger Daniel B., laborer, h 1269 5 13th Q Romberger Daniel H., (}Ientzer & Romberger), h 210 S W 15th Romberger George D., ins sol. h 1269 5 13th Z Romberger George L., laborer, h 1:::!G!) 5 13th C Romberger Harvey D., telegrapher, h 51 ~ 14th


r:'lla:t;~~; r/Oll '.IIIIb1OISh.lrOIl A. B. TACK .I~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908. 621 .Romberger Wilson, woodwkr, It 211J S 15th Romberger W. :Merill, laborer, h 1:!6~ S 13th Rome :\lbert H., repairsman, h 1210 Wallace Romich Harry, horse trainer, h 565 Race Romich Henry, h 565 Race Romich Herman, lineman, h 1022 Herr Romich John, tinner, h 565 Race Romich William, tinper, h 122 Hoyer Romich William H .. pipe bender, h 1112:! Herr Romig Calvin S .. postal elk, h 142 X 13th Romig Sarah, nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do Romig William H., elk P. R R, h 6211 Peffer Ronan Frank, brakeman, h 1104 N 6th konemtls Rollin A., postal elk. h ~16 Capital Ronk Hannah, seamstress, h 2024 Susquehanna Roof William B .. cook, h 1612 N 6th Rooney James E .. elk P. R. R, h 2125 N 2d Rooney 1[argaret, saleslady. h 28 Balm Roop J. Howard. elk, h 427 Boas Roop J. \Varren. physician and surgeon, 427 Boas, h do Roop William 0., physician. h 427 Boas Roots Daniel, laborer, h 334 S 15th Roper Lenore, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rorer Robert ~I., elk Aud. Genl's Dept .. h 311 Chestnut Rorer William D., principal Hbg. Academy, h Lemoyne

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:S~t.~~-:;'~~IE

Rosboro Mary ~I., stengr, h 131 Sylvan ter Rose Annie, wid Edward F., 'h 1242 Walnut Rose Annie. housekeeper, 1304 Susquehanna Rose Daniel M., barber, 401 Filbert, h do Rose Edward G., vocal teacher, 916 N 6th, h do Rose Edward \V .. stl1dent, h 1221 Market Rose Elizabeth, wid Harry, h 414 Briggs Rose Fannie T., saleslady, 30S ~Iarket, h 1242 Walnut Rose Harry, engr, h H14'Forster Rose Harry M., asst yardmaster P. R R, :It 617 Schuylkill Rose Harvey J., brakeman, h 1221 Market Rose Harvey L., driver Citizen Engine Co., h 339 Chestnut Rose Jacob A., mgr, 19 S 10th, 'It Paxtang Rose John A., confectioner, 37 N 2d, 'It 414 Briggs Rose Margaret A. Mrs., h li35 N Uh Rose Margaret c., wid Harvey]., h 1221 Market Rose Ross R S., brakeman, h 1242 Walnut ROSE WILLIAM .T., division freight agent P. R. R., 413 Market, h',Nantillie, R. F. D. No.2, Mechanicsburg Roseberry (;eorge. h 1215 Julia al Rosel;erry (;eorge, jr., laborer. h 1020 Fox Roseberry Harry, laborer, h 431 Harris Rosen grocer, ~_06 N Cameron, h do







'.DEPENDENT LOAN aiD SECURITY CO.lf,~\\ {~::!~ogIe

CLARK'S ::~= Drug and Patent Medicine Store {~::::J]"

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Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

Rosenberg Ellis, grocer, 1067 S 9th, h do Rosenberg May, domestic, 718 X 7t'h Rosenberg Morris A., paperhanger, h 518 State Rosenberg William, elk, 1067 S 9th, h do Rosenberger Daniel W., boxmkr, 11 117 Evergreen Rosenberger John \V., weaver, 'h 117 Evergreen Rosenberger Katherine G . dressmkr. 117 Evergreen, h do Rosenberger Percy NI., molder. h 909 K 19th Rosenberger Rosella, 'housekeeper. 15::!3 1'\ 2d Rosenberger Wilhelm, laborer, h 1112 Currant Rosenblatt Carolyn, wid Joseph, h 1120 Green Rosenblatt Clara, saleslady, h 1120 Green Rosenblatt Maurice, salesman, h 1120 Green Rosenitch John, asst gardener Lunatic Hospital. h do Rosentfual George ]., genl mgr, 221 ~Iarket, h 1627 N 2d Rosh Ada, milliner, h 1709 Penn Roshon J. William, photograp'her, 215 Walnut, h 1814: Green Ross Albert H., laborer, h Cameron ab :NIaclay Ross Andrew C, plasterer, h 1716 Susquehanna Ross Anna G., bookbinder. h 413 Harris Ross Antonio, laborer, 'h 316 S 2d Ross Blanche M., wid Robert C. h 1614 Derry Ross Blanche T., elk, 615 Race. h 616 do Ross Charles, laborer, " 1247 ~Ionroe
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Ross Charles F., h 313 S River Ross Charles T., electrician, 'h 1115 ~Iarket Ross Edgar E., elk. :WOO ::\ 5th. h 2fl:n Atlas Ross Edward C, grocer, (j]5 Race. h 6W do Ross Edward C, plasterer, h 1~:!1 :\Iarket Ross Edward S., flagman. h 2fl2f1 X 7t'h Ross E. Owen, elk, h 6W :\Iaelav Ross Finely, watchman, h ]~:m ilerryhill Ross Frank K., student, 'h 1 S Front Ross George F., search elk Dept. Int. Affairs, hiS Front Ross Gertrude E., h Hl3H Green Ross Hanna11 M .. lodging, 1 S Front, 'h do ROSS HARRY C., custom tailor, 21 N 3d, h 219 Pine Ross Harry C, jr.. electrician. h fillH \Valnnt Ross Harry L.. catcher. h :!fl2fl :\ 7th Ross Hattie. garmentm kr. h 1:!:!(i :\ lit11 Ross Howard Z., elk. 21:! Locn!'t. h 1421 X 2d Ross Irvin E .. elk. h 21:n .-\tlas Ross James C. elk P. R. R. ireight depot. h 119 South Ross Tessie. wid FinlcY. 'il 413 Harris Ross )olm A., engr. h '4:1:~ Harris Ross John F .. engr. h filii ~Iaclay Ross JO'hn H .. inspcctor. h li:!~ Hamilton Ross Joseph D., tailor. :!1 :\ ad. h filln Walnnt Ross J. "\'alter. painter. h /jill Walnut

Redmond's Wagon worksT~~I~~'f;b~~~~:: {3d and Relly'Sts. Coogle

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A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h~~~dN~~

Boyd's Harrisburg ( R) City Directory, 1908.

Ross Kersey S., brakeman, h 611 Dauphin Ros!\ Levi, laborer, h 632 Briggs Ross Martha, trimmer, h 1407 North Ross Michael, laborer, h 316 S River Ross Robert F., flagman, h 130;'! Green Ross Samuel G., brakeman, h 2219 Logan Ross Sarah, wid Adam, 'h 1936 Green Ross Walter K., student, hiS Front Ross William E., optician, 11 N 4th, h 1056 S 9th Ross William G., brakeman, h 413 Harris Ross William K., h 1521 N 6th Ross, see R u s s . Rost George, laborer, h 1618 N 4th Rote George G., employee State Arsenal, h 203 N 15th Rote Harry L., flagman, h 1520 Wallace Rote John R, (Hbg. Shirt Co.), h 1714 Green Rote Stuart B., student, h 1714 Green Roth Alice, h 228 N 2d Roeh Bella, dressmkr, It 228 N 2d Roth David M., mail elk, h 111 Calder Roth Elizabeth, wid Nicholas, h 23N 15th Rot'll Ellen, wid Girard, h 228 N 2d Roth Frank G., student, h 226 Hummel Roth Franklin J., lawyer, 16 N 2d, 'h 226 Hummel Roth Harry C, elk P. R R, h 335 Hummel

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-~--.=.o:.} Nantua, Snilp lid loB Alsn. t::-=- ~ ... Roth Stuart C, asst cashier P. R. R. freight depot, h 1009 :z:
~~ ~


Rothe John E., asst trainmaster P. R. R. pass depot, h 2022 Green ' Rothe Samuel F., U. S. A., h 202~ Green ROTHERT CO., Charles A. Allabach, mgr, home furnishers, carpets, stoves, furniture, 312 Market Rothfus John, brakeman. h 2259 Jefferson Rothrock Adam, molder, h 210 South Rothrock Annie, bunchmkr, h 210 South Rothrock Boyd P., curator Zoological Div. State Museum, h 11 N 4th Rothrock Charles V., policeman, 'h 415 Delaware Rothrock Margaret :Mrs., h 529 Emerald Rothrock Mary, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rothrock Sadie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rothrock William A., motorman, h 563 Forrest Rott Harry, ironwkr, h 1246 Walnut Rouch Charlotte ~I., bookkpr, 24 S 2d, h 1211 Olestnut Rouch George T., salesman, a3.! Market, 'h 1211 Chestnut Rouch Jesse J., machinist, 'h 1211 Chestnut Rouch Lydia Mrs., It Home for the Friendless Roucher Christian, boilermkr, h 703 East Roufus George, bootblack, h 1024 ~farket Roufus Jahn, bootblack. h 1024 Market
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Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

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Roufus Thomas, bootblack. 10:!4 ~larket, h Lebanon Roumfort A. L. & Co., (A. L. Roumfort and William Rexroth), amusement parlor, :1115, and proprs Hippidrome, 331 ~larket Roumfort Augustus L., (A. L. Roumfort & Co.), cigar stand. Commonwealth, h 'Camp Hill Rourke Bernard. engr, h 1511 ~ lith Rourke Edith, elk, 1Ii K !!d, h 5n7 Xorth Rourke Edward c.. elk P. R. R .. 'h 1900 X 3d Rourke John, machinist, 'h 5417 Xorth Rourke ;\lartin F., laborer. h 1alO S Cameron Rouse Alvin H., carpenfer, h Hi:!l Derry Rouse Harry c.. engr, h 1227 ;\lulberry Rouser Charles E., laborer, h 10~ Libertv Roush David A .. agt, 401 Chestnut, h 3i Balm Roush Frederick, laborer, h :!3fl State Roush George, flagman, h 309 Reily Roush George F .. laborer, h 239 State Roush Gertrude M., elk, 410 Market, h 3fl9 Reilv Roush Samuel 0., steam fitter, 'h 1421 Zarker . Roush William B., conductor, 'h 405 Reily Roush, see Rauch Rovai Angelo, cook, h 1101 Market Rovai George. (Rovai & Gonnella), h Harris Hou:oe









ROVAI & GONNELLA, (George Rovai and Pietro Gonnella), proprs Harris House, 20 N 3d Rovoski Joseph, laborer, h 56 Lochiel ROW GEORGE A. L., clerk directors of the poor, h 1728 Green Row George J., c1k P. & R. freight depot, h Penbrook Row Joseph E., car repairer, h 1828 State Row }L S. Quay, checkman P. R. R., h 171 ~ 15th Rowan John, blacksmith, 'h 2016 Susquehanna Rowe Alfred H., car repairer, 'h 1210 Wallace Rowe Charles G., boilermkr, h 1534 Thompson Rowe Daniel E., brakeman, h 633 Verbeke Rowe Elsie, domestic, Im7 Cumberland Rowe Harry]., barber, h 5:!:1! Maclay Rowe Lewis F., ware'houseman, h 1831 North Rowe .:'Iran E .. domestic, (;40 Walnut Rowe Saniuel 0., fireman, h 1624 Wallace Rowe William E., printer, h 160!l ~ 3d Rowley Mahel I., music teacher, 1416 State, h do Roy Alice, b 1415 Fulton Roy]. Albert. laborer. h 711 North al Roy ~Iinnie, domestic, 213 'Cranberry Royal ]dlm K., sec and treas Burial Case Co., h 119 Pine Royal Mary E.. 'h 200 Pine

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Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908. G2;,,) ROYAL UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ~ OF DES MOINES, IOWA, Mead & Pittman, genl PI agents, room 12, 9 N 2d Royce George G., conductor, 'h Hao X mh UJ Royce Mary A. Mrs., h 912 Cowden Roycraft Hester, stengr, 227 Walnut, h 20 S 18th 0 Royer Cat'harine, twister, h 1511 Penn Royster Reuben. driver, 31 S 2d, h 315 Forster 2 Rubendall Charles c., laborer, h 1215 Fulton PI Rubendall Elias, h 1340 Vernon Rubenstein Hyman F., floor walker, 334 :'.farket Rubin Harrie B., (Rubin & Rubin), h 809 1\ nth Rubin Irvin B., (Rubin & Rubin), h 809 X I.Ith Cl Rubin Israel, rag dealer, 11 120 Balm Rubin Louis, rag dealer, h 120 Balm 0 Rubin Sidney B., (Rubin & Rubin), h 809 X mh 0 Rubin & Rubin, (H. B., S. B. and 1. B. Rubin), opticians. -310 Market Rubinsky Israel, peddler, h 120 Balm Rubright Edward J., milliner, 200 N 2d, 11 K ew York Ruby Annie M., wid William, h 1115 James Ruby Harry C, laborer, h 517 Kelker :I: Ruby Harry K., conductor. h 1937 N 4th. 8 Ruby Harry T., engr, h 601 Boas Ruby John 1., machinist, h 609 Verbeke a



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.MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:i~b~~:'~~1I: ~ Ruch Elmer E., fireman, h 200 Pine ('D_~
Ruch Florence, bookkpr, h 200 Pine Ruc'h Harry C, h 1907 N 3d Ruda Antonio, laborer, h 1310 N 7th Rudd William C. T., carpenter, h 2031 1\ 7th Ruder Andrew, laborer, 11 1239 Swatara Ruder Annie M., stripper, h 2138 Greenwood Ruder George A., warehouseman, h 2138 Greenwood Ruder Jacob, grocer, 1239 Swatara, h do Ruder Mabel W., stripper, h 2138 Greenwood Ruder William F., puddler, h 2138 Greenwood Ruder William F .. jr., nail<~.r, h 2138 Greenwood Rudisill Isaac P., h 1413 Green Rudolph George W .. laborer, h 121 Dock Rudolph Lilljan, h 1257 Walnut Rudolph Martin. brakeman. h lii10 Wallace Rudolph Ross, barber, h 1444 Regina Rudolph Wilmer E., printer Telegraph, h 1205 Wallace Rudy Adam, elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 1425 Zarker Rudy Addie, h 112 Locust Rudy Ainsel B.. carpenter. h 1807 Berryhill Rudy Alma Mrs., matron Home for the Friendless. h do Rudy Ann C, wid David, 'h 1913 State Rudy Barbara, wid Joseph, h 1806 Derry Rudy C Day, (c. Day Rudy Co.), h 1513 N 3d



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::::: ~::~- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g~r"-t;

626 Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory, 1908. RUDY C. DAY CO., C. Day Rudy, pres; Karl Steward, sec; art stained glass and church frescoing. 18351841 N 3d Rudy Cltarles E., signalman, 'h 1913 State' Rudy Charles R, repairsman, h 433 Kelker Rudv Darius E., h 1634 N 3d Rud)' Elizabeth, domestic, 1517 N Front Rudy Ethel :'It, saleslady, 334 Market, h 2142 N 6th Rudy Fannie, weaver, h 216 N 15th Rudy Fiedda, wid Jacob, h 52S Emerald Rudy Frederick, p:.tcker P. R R. 'h 1722 )J 5th Rudy George B., car inspector, 'h 1123 \Vallace Rudy Harry, salesman, 334 :'Ilarket, h 235 Briggs Rudy Harry K., signalman, 'h 1913 State Rudy Harry M., fireman, h 2124 N 5th Rudy Howard E., flagman, h 1634 1\ 3d Rudy Ira D., car repairer, h 605 Forrest Rudy Jahn ]., engr, h 525 Maclay Rudy Jonas F., sciver, h 1807 BerrytJill Rudy Jonas J., conductor, h 2142 K 6th Rudy Jonas M., asst trust officer Union Trust Co., h 1808 Derry Rudy Joseph, agot Prudential Ins. Co., h 342 S lit'll Rudv Lenora. clk, h 1123 Wallace Rud)' Levi, h 605 Forrest

o TIIIIII.nl1y u. Sirt" Ct.a:-{ a.:='::'I1.."'''::--}

Rudy )1ichael L., repairsman, 'h 238 N 14th


Rudy Logan 'h O Rudy Mamie G., stamper,P. 615RRace depot, h 1634 N 3d R pass M., tel opr

C Rue Mary E., widwaiter Harris House, h do Samuel, h 220 Pine Rugani Amadeo, O Ruggles Edward A., car repairer, h 422 S Cameron

Z _Rudy William H., jr.,508 State h 202 Mulberry Rudy \Villiam H., h car inspector, Z
Ruggles Susan, wid Alexander, 'h 430 S Cameron Rumberger Peter J., grocer. 2020 Derry, h do Rumfelt Lottie, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Rumfelt Mamie. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Rummel Ira L.. c1k P. R. R. pass depot, h 556 Forrest ~ Rummel Louis B., elk. h 413 Hummel RummIer 1Iargaret, wid John, h 511 State Rumpf Oharles, machinist, h 8 K Cameron Rumpf Charles c., h 1526 ~ 6th Rumpf Joseph A., mac'hinist, 'h 152ti X 6th Rundenelli Philip, laborer, h 324 S River Runk Aldon A., blacksmith, h ]907 Wood CRunk Clarence A .. steam fitter. h 1253 l\Iarket .:: Runk Daniel :'11.. machinist. h 121 Linden Runk David II .. machinist. h 916 Penn CRunk Edward 8.. machinist. h Hi03 Hunter Runk Irvin E. Rev .. h 25R Herr



Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and R81~ Sta. Coogle

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l 8pee1alt7 A B TACK r ..........IDc Mak... aBwldlncalnof TInt. {I.'. N. ad sa. i>nbUe PlaID Jr.tlmatftGly.

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.


Runk Russell J., helper, h 12 S Cameron Runk Sarah c., wid George, h 1907 Wood Runk William H., steam fitter, h 50:! Seneca Runkle Charles H., laborer, h 1911 North Runkle C. Herbert, watchman, h 1514 Derry Runkle Edward D., elk, 1924 State, h 1431 Regina Runkle Elizabeth }Irs., h 1218 N 7th Runkle George E., (Lyme & Runkle), h 1541 Swatara Runkle George E., grocer, 1924 State, h do Runkle Harry 1., packer, h 1435 Walnut RUNKLE HARVEY E., grocer, 193 N 15th, h 1429 I:; Walnut .... UI Runkle J. Frank, elk, 269 Cumberland, h Hi39 N 7th Runkle John A., salesman, 7th c North, h 1610 Swatara Runkle John K.. fireman, 11 1939 State Runkle Julia, wid David, h 1514 Derry Runkle Kate c., housekeeper. 1514 Derry Runkle LeRlle V. S., reporter, h 633 Hamilton Runkle :\1ary E., student, h 1639 !\ 7th. Runkle :\1. Gertrude, teacher, h 1610 Swatara Runkle Rebecca, wid Daniel. h 1435 Walnut Runkle William K., h 1911 North Runkle William L.. laborer, h 1514 Dern' RUNKLE WILLIAM M., grocer, 1501'Regina, h do Rupert Guy, draftsman, h 341 S 15th

Rupert Herbert A., plumber, h 617 Cumherland Rupert Isabel Z., saleslady, 334 M;arket, h 248 Hummel Rupert Stella M., h 248 Hummel Rupley Catharine, saleslady, h 611 Cedar Rupley Daniel D .. electrician, h 611 Ced~r Rupley Edward c., laborer, h 12:12 Bartme Rupley Harry, painter, h 611 Cedar Rupley Harry F., telegrapher P. R. R.. 11 :!fiH Peffer Rupley John P., elk, h 611 Cedar Rupley Lena.h 215 Herr Rupley Lucy E., teacher, h 21:i Herr Rupley Mary }1.. saleslady, h 611 Cedar Rupley Phoebe A., wid Henry :\r.. 'h :!1:i Herr Rupley Walter B., engr, h fal Cedar' Rupp Abraham B., elk, :loti Verbeke, h 1515 State Rupp Allen, machinist, h H19 ):I 15th Rupp Amos B., elk. 11 N 4th, h 50:! North Rupp Anna, wid Henr)', h 101 ):Iorth Rupp Bertha E., saleslady, 334 Market, 'It Mechanicsburg Rupp Charles, trav salesman, h 309 Crescent RUPP CHARLES L., sec Courier Publishing Co., h 1103~ Capital . Rupp Clara, dressmkr, 'h 1742 ~ 3d Rupp Oarence R., elk C. I. and S. Co., h :is!) S Front Rupp Edith, saleslady, 334 }Iarket, h ~Iechanicsbl1rg -.----.- -NEW. DAILY TO INTERE.T - T H E LADlE. I N Digitized by

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Rupp Frank ~L. craneman, 11 589 S Front Rl1pP George \V . laborer, 'h 4 ~ nth ~ Rupp Harlan. elk. 4411 Market, h a09 Crescent c:.:t Rupp Henry E., elk P. R R freight depot, h 58~ S Front =5 Rupp Herbert C, telegrapher P. R R pass depot, h Camp c:.:t Hill .: Rupp J. Clarence, elk, 8 N 2d, h Mechanicsburg ~ Rupp John H., laborer, h 4 N 9th ~ Rupp Minnie V., wid Jdhn F., h 589 S Front Rupp Olive E., dressmkr, h 613 Herr Rupp Peter, laborer, h 4 N 9th ~ Rupp Peter, jr., laborer, 'h 4 N 9th C Rupp Sadie R, tailoress, -h 101 ~ort'h RUPP SOLOMON S., lawyer, rooms 305 and 308 Bergner bldg, 3d c Market, h Shiremanstown -- Rupp Sue E., wid John S., h 613 Herr fI) Rupp W. Adin. music teacher, 1515 State, h do Rupp Warren R, patternmkr, h 613 Herr Rupp William .T., driver, h 1117 Wallace I- Rupp Winfield S., salesman. 318 ~farket. h Wormleysburg Rush Alfred L., helper, h 1518 Susguehanna Rush Daniel E., flagman, h 1519 Penn C Rush Dollie E. Mrs., h 6:~5 Hamilton Rush. see Resh



Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

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Rusling William J., asst master mechanic P. R. R, h 1427 Front Russ Adolph B., (f'he Casino), Court c Strawberry. h 40i Filbert Russ Augustus, steward Senate Hotel, h 1910 Susq . Russ Building, 15 N 2d Russ Glarles, laborer, h 105 Ann al RUSS EMILIO, Hotel E. Russ, 1001-1003 Market, h do Russ Enrico, elk, 1101 :Market, h do Russ Frank, laborer, It 103 Ann al Russ James, laborer, h 105 Ann al RUSS JAMES, Senate Hotel, 2 and 4 N 2d, h do Russ John. hotel, 212 Strawberry, h do Russ Louis A., machinist, h Senate Hotel Russ Louis .T., cashier Senate Hotel, h do RUSS MAURICE E., propr The Columbus, Annex 206 Walnut, h 120 Market Russ Narcissus, h 120 Market Russ Patrick, h Front cReel's la Russ Salvatore, peddler, 'h 1325 Fulton Russ \Villiam. fish, &c., 19 N 2d, h 12 do Russ, see Ross Russell 'Charles R, brakeman, h 1551 Fulton Russell Elizabefh F. Mrs., registry elk P.O., h 103 Locust Russell Enos ~L, messenger flag room, Capitol, h New Cumberland


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I. L. ST.

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A. B. TACK =,~:nJ IoU PlID8r and IIndOI ShOdeS r.l~\~:lR'

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory, 1908.

Russell Fannie M., cigarmkr, h li24 ~ 6th Russc:l Frederick, sweeper, h 1535 Fulton Russc] Frederick J., machinist, h 1535 Fulton Russell Georgia, nurse, 105 N Front Russell Harry, foreman, h 23 S 2d Russell John J., conductor, h 332 Peffer Russell Joseph, laborer, h 45 Lochiel 4th row Russell Joseph Y., machinist, h 346 Hamilton Russell .Mary E., stengr State Dept. Health, h 125 Pine Russell ~faude M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Russell Samuel E., h 1919 N 6th Russo Frank G., laborer, h 204 S Court Rust George E., painter, h 134 Indian Rust l\lary F., wid Joseph, h 134 Indian Ruth Bessie E., saleslady, 334 l\iarket, h 1Iechanicsburg Ruth Carrie L., wid Elmer L., h 15 Evergreen Ruth Harry, patternmkr, h 414 S 17th Ruth John, fireman, h 1602 Derry Ruth Mabel E., elk, 8 N 2d, 'h Fairview Ruth Pearl, 'housekeeper, 414 S 17th Rut'h Stanley G., stengr, h 15 Evergreen Ruth \VilIiam B., laborer, h 1612 K 6th Rutherford Adeline }I., h 1154 :Mulberry Rutherford Adeline M., wid William F., h 11;")4 1fulberr.y Rutherford Amanda, housekeeper, 26 N 10th

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b:i~-:;'~~E

Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford 2d Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford Donald 1., student, h 1154 ~\lulberry ~ Eliza E., h 30th c Derry Elizabeth 1\1., h 24th ab Derrv c:: '9 Harvey G., fireman, h 1103 Cowden _ Howard A., teller Hbg. Bank, h 1418 N =,


James A., supt, h 30th c Derry J. Edmund, supt, h Lochiel Farm Jahn Q. A., jr.. elk. 226 N 3d, h Rutherford Joshua E., elk Chesapeake Xail Works, 'h

ar ~

Rutherford J. Parke, agt Barber Asphalt Paving Co., h Paxtang Rutherford Keziah, h 1154 Mulberry Rutherford Margaret S., teacher, h "Lochiel Farm Rut1:terford Margaretta, principal, 1102 Herr, h 30th c Derry Rut'herford }IarshalI.11 1154 }lulberry Rutherford }Iartha K., h 30th c Derry Rutherford Mary B., matron Dauphin Co. Almshouse, h do Rutherford Moses, laborer, h 119 N 16th Rutherford Ramsey, foreman, h 250! Verbeke Rut'herford Realty Co., F. W. Ployd, mgr, room 44 Union Trust bldg Rutherford Samuel H., steward Almshouse, h do



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McNEIL'S COUBH REMEDY }~::!o~:..,..~;! {AT 11~~liiii


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


8111 Rutherford Samuel S .. elk. h Dauphin Co. Almshouse Rutherford Suzannah E .. h 209 S 13th lOC RUTHERFORD THOMAS W., civil engineer,9 N 2d. h Paxtang 200 3d -:0 Rut'herford William S., mgr, hh 502 SN13th liZ Rutledge Jdlm c., foreman, oae Rutledge Melvin 502 S io Rutter Adam c., M., student, hWallace13th engr. h 1409 ~D: Rutter J. Harvey, machinist, h 1(,45 Market Ryan Alice, teacher, h 515 K 4th c!~ Ryan Benjamin" F., fireman. h 515 Calder Ryan Burd. car repairer, h :l:.!G Clinton Q Ryan David A., foreman. 170n Susque'hanna, h 14 N 16th u Ryan Edward, huckster, 'h 5:!1 Cowden IE Ryan Ellen, c'harwoman, h 41:! S River C c= Ryan James F., timekpr P. & R. pass depot, h Hummelstown IE Ryan Jesse P., student. "h 515 X 4th C Ryan John H .. laborer. h 4t:! S River U a : Ryan John J.. telegrapher P. R. R. pass depot, h 329 Chestnut :IE Ryan John :.\1.. brakeman. h 161i X 5th c Ryan Joseph. packer, 'h 412 S River Rv'an Josia'h P.,h 515K 4t'h Ryan Julia te~~~~~._ 11 257 Boas







TIO. alarllty .Id Slrl" CI. 'C:EI~:l..' {'.~.!~I:r:..~", {~-S:r.1...

Ryan l\Tary. wid Patrick H., h :!57 Boas Ryan :'II. Ella, teacher, h 257 Boas Ryan Patrick, telegrap11er. h R2!l Chestnut Ryan 5amuei T., bridg-e builder. h f);t;3 Briggs Ryan l'homas :\., cook. h 25H Liberty Ryan \Villiam F .. carpenter, h 2;)7 Boas Ryder ('harles E .. ai'st engr \Vater Supply Com. of Pa., Capitol. h 22:!5 X 4th I Rvder Davit! F .. elk. 1221' :\ :M. 'h 1127 X Front RYDER HARDWARE STORE, (Snively Ryder), hardware, cutlery, &c., 1228 N 3d Rnler Sniveh. (lhder Hardware Store). h 2:l09 X :ld R~der. sec r-(ider, "also Reider Rynard J01111 A .. physician. ;;Ii:! Race. h do Rvnard Mary E . teacher. h 14:13 Derrv R)'nard :\ orillan 1\ .. plttmbcr. h 416 Harris

Z 0

Sachs Harry ~r., conductor. h lIS Evergreen Sackman Anna. tel opr. :!1Il \\" alnttt. h 4:!9 Strawberry Sacks Man. salesladY. fi S 2<1. h Steelton Sacks Minilie. cigar roller. 'h !ina S Front Sacks, see Socks Sacristo Luis. lahorer. h 110 Short Sadler Charles J .. flagman. h :162 Forrest

Z C 0



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A. B. TACK} FIN~IE!~A~"~!'~"~DI~~R{ 1218 Nona unl

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 631 Sadler Daniel W., machinist, h 1225 Swatara Saeder J. Adam, carpenter, h 330 Boyd Saff'rin Marv Mrs .. confectioner. 121 Short, h elo Sagi Arthur. draftsman. h 804 N 18th Sahlstrom Gustave, draftsman. h 19 S 17th ST. CLAIR ALBERT L., merchant tailor, 1240 Market, h 1509 Vernon see adv bottom lines St. Clair Clara ::\1., charwoman, h 150 Balm St. Clair Douglass, elk. h :mo Forster St. Clair Howard, mattressmkr, h 16~1I Market St. Clair Jennie AIrs., h 300 Forster St. Clair Jesse, machinist, h 2040 ~ 4th St. Clair J. Harris. car repairer. h 20411 N 4th St. Clair Laura, wid William" h 1620 Market St. Clair Margaret V., press feeder. h 1620 Market St. Clair Stuart, 'student, h :~oo Forster St. Clair Verna C, elk, h 2040 :\ 4th 'ST. GENEVIEVE'S CONVENT, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, 500 Maclay St. James Hotel, James Stiner. propr. 4:n5-4:117 Market St. Lawrence Life Assn., W. H. MooreJ supt. 21 ~ 3d Salerno Vincent F . tailor. 27 N 2e1. h 2li l\larket Sales John, supt, 10th eState, h 521 North Sales Richard, coremkr, h 633 Herr Salingre Lewis, gardener, h 11l)3 S Cameron




r r



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n .





SaYings ami Loan Assn.:=

Salisbury Leah J.. nurse, h r 132R !\ 3e1 :c Salters James. laborer. h 11~ Short ~ Saltsman Berton H., telegrapher P. R. R . h 431 North Saltsman George A .. asst cashier Mechanics' Bank. h Lucknow la c River rei ~ Saltsman Henry VV., sexton. h Hi43 Susquehanna Saltsman James D., b 2013 N 5th Saltsman William C, engr, h 15031 Derry Saltsman William H., lamp inspector, h 1517 Walnut Saltzer Harvey F., postal elk, h 1818 Xorth Saltzgiver Ella S., weaver. h ~07 Barbara Saltzgiver Elmer 0 .. elriver. h !l] 1 X 6th Saltzgiver James C .. art store. 223 N ~d, h elo Saltzgiver Jay C, student. h ~2!l ?\ 2e1 Saltzgiver Lillian G., h ~07 Barbara Salvadore Johann, machinist, h 2245 Jefferson Salvation Army, H10~ Market . Sample Alexarider, butler. h 408 Verbeke Sample Anna V. Mrs .. notions. 172~ ~ 4th. h do Sample Belle F .. stengr, 227 \\Taitltlt. h 1506 (,reen Sample Channing L., bar elk, 1~35 X 3d, h 422 :\larket Sample Clara B., h 1506 Green Sample John B .. janitor State Dept. Health, 1722 N 4th !Sample Katherine. milliner, 400 Market. 'h 4~2 do .sample Laura I. l\frs .. h 13U'i Green

.. "'

THE PATRIOT M~A""N~~:':-'lJ:1l..

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I uuog e

~I!.. --

H M KELLEY at CO'S -;rODDeztuder.- 100b ........... P. Black VI.mODd.WbeD{I.DrI~~'I,"I.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.




.&; Sample .Marie A., teacher,



- ;;



-I c[



Sanders Levi, driver, h 16()S Wallace Sanders Loring A.. , salesman. Union sq, h IS112 Derry Sanders Mary :\1., charwoman. h r lIt.!~ State Sanders Paul, fitter, h Hjfl~ \V allace Sanders Percy c., flagman, h 24 Linuen Sanders :Rebecca ::\1., wid Franklin, h fill :\luench Sanders Ross L., barber, h 502 Herr Sanders Samuel, foreman, h 1314 S 12th Sanders Thomas, stoncmason, h 943 X 7th Sanders William, tcalllster, h 15lfi Drummond Sanders Winfield B., baker, h 400 S 19th Sanders, see Saunders Sanderson Annie. domestic Hers11ey House Sanderson Earl R., elk, 1801 N 6th, h 534 ::\Iaclay Sanderson Elsie V., watch woman Lunatic Hospital, h do Sanderson Harvey E., photo printer, 1213 N 3d, h 1315 do Sanderson James D., engr, h 97 ~ 17th IiIJ Sanderson James D .. press feeder Telegraph, h 1315 N 3d U Sanderson John R.. elk, 1401 N 2d, h do Sanderson Marv M .. h :1:13 :\Taclav Sanclerson Thomas. stonemason, Ii !l4!l X 7th Sandler Harry J., tailor, h 5]4 Filhert Sandler J saac, tailor, h 610 State Sandler Marks, shoemkr. 12:~ Cowden, h 516 Filbert Sanclmann Leo, attemlant Lunatic Hospital. h do -

'h 17:!:! ?\ 4th Sample Marv E. ~Irs., h 4:!2 :\farket Sample :\Iau'd M., elk, h 1722 X 4th Sample ~Iinnie E., teacher, h 1506 Green Sample Peter H., wrapper mfr, 410 Verbeke, h 408 do Sample Virginia F., teacher High School, h 150fi Green Sample Walter H., engr, h 111 N 4th Samples John, elk, 433 State, h do Sanders Alice J., housekeeper, 615 Showers Sanders Amanda E., wid Henry K., 11 615 Showers Sanders Annie ;\1., cigar roller, h 615 Showers Sanders Augustus, lahorer, h 15W Drummond Sanders Charles, lineman, h 1608 \VaIIace Sanders Christian, h r 338 Verbeke Sanders Edward, laborer, h 1516 Drummond Sanders Ella ::\1., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 1226 Swatara Sanders Elmer, laborer, h r 1811 N 7th Sanders Frederick, car inspector, 'h :1:30 Delaware Sanders George, laborer, h 1516 Drummond Sanders James M., baker, 1631 N 6th, h do Sanders Jennie, domestic, 10j N Front Sanders Jo'hn C, agt, h 15 Howard al Sanders Joseph, steward, h 405 Market Sanders Lafavette, laborer, h 1516 Drummond Sanders Levi: blacksmith, h 880 Hummel


DRUGGISrt1~,-- 3d~

l L ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{12401lIrtetStrHt
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A B TACK} BmplO1I none



1I..t-c1Ua workmen, bence 0Dl.J"" J I_US WmkdonelD&DIJU'OI's.uelN.8clS&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.


Sandoe Anna c., teacher. h 1602 State PI Sandoe John L., engr. h 16H:! State Sandoe l\lary E., stengr State Dept. Health. h 1602 State (I) Sands Anna M., teacher, h 450 S 14th Sands Franklin B., laborer, h 428 Cranberry Sands John G. Rev., h 450 S 14th . Sands L. Mabel, teacher, h 450 S 14th 2 Sands \\'illiam, laborer, h 435 ~orth PI Sandt Albert, laborer. h 1110 {;rape Sanger Edgar, jeweler. h Briggs or :!d Sangree George H., collector, 14 S :!d, h 15:!:! \'ernon C Sanitary Dust Remm'ing Co .. H. A. Boyer. mgr, Cowden ,..,. c Forster u'



0 0

SANITARY FAMILY WASHING CO., Frank S. Morrow, mgr, 18th c Elm

Sankey James W., h 252 Boas Sansom Charles. weighmaster C. I. and ~. Co .. h' 40Rt , Walnut Sansonl (;race E .. housekeeper, h 6~t:l J,c!kcr Sansom Harry :\1., salesman, 3:14 l\Iarkct. h li3:1 Kelker Sansom Joseph J.. pipe bender, h 6:m Kelker Sansom Samuel D .. elk C. 1. and S. Co .. h :!l:~ Forster Sansom William L.. baker. h 1706 State Sansone Antonio, Hotel LeRoy, 521-52:~ State. h do Sansone Charle~~_ ~~~t~~l 523 Sta~e _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____

' __ :::



Santo Frank, laborer, h 1410 Susquehanna Santo Isaac, boilermkr. h 1410 Susql1channa Santo Jacob H., hard\\'are and groceries, 164:3 ~ fith. h do Santo l\fary E., wid John. h 1119 S River Santo Solomon. coal, h 559 S Front Santo \VilIiam H., engr. h 109 S River Santuch Isadore, huckster, h 557 SlOth Sarch Bertha 1\1., cigarmkr, h 1411) Wallace Sarch Samuel, hostler, h 614 Cumberland Sariano Frank, fruit, :!:!~ South, h do Sarich John, laborer, h 1120 N Cameron Saricks Thomas F., elk Dept. ~lincs, Capitol, h 161:1 Park Saro Mike, laborer, h 1:~U8 1'\ 7th Sarsone Giovana. laborer, h !l17 S River Sarver Martin \\i., tester, h !l!l4 Crescent Sarvis Charles D., yardmaster, h 142!) :'Ilarket Sarvis George L.. elk P. & R. freight depot, h 4:H S 13th Sarvis George 0 .. trainmaster P. & R.. h 1429 ~farket Sarvis Raymond H., boilermkr, h 1429 Market Sassaman George K., fireman, h 1405 ~layflower Satchell George A., collector, !l1 S 2d. h 12:!i ~ Front Satchell George P., letter carrier, h 1225 1'\ Front Satterthwait Alfred F., asst Economic Zoologist, Capitol, h Middletown Sattler Charles. bellboy, h 1Il4 Cherry

MILLER BROS. " BAKER} "~~b~~:'~~1I: ~ ~



INDEPENDENT LOAN AID SECURITY CO. ~J'~~~ {r:,~:::I.'. bye-oogle

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:.n~!1.f:S~:'~{ 306 Bred

-= -S


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.









CC ....,
.... L

Sattler George Hq elk, h IUtI;) I)axton Sattler J. Frederick, machinist, h lOO:; Paxton Sattler Johanna, wid Frederick, h lOOr; Paxton Sattler Otto II., machinist, h 1005 Paxton Sattler \Vilhelm F. L., photographer, ~H) 'Walnut, h 1005 Paxton Saucerman Catharine, wid \\'illiam, h 551 Camp Sauers George E., shoecutter, 'h 112~ X Cameron Sauers John A .. laborer, h 11~:! N Cameron Sauers Joseph M., huckster, h 1122 N Cameron Sauers Matthias, h 134 S 3d Sauers, see Sours, also Sowers Sauerwein Henry, carpenter, h 17111 N' 7th Saul Anna M .. teacher High School. h 1916 N' 5th Saul Charles. brakeman, h 5~!) Seneca Saul .Charles E., motorman, h 88 Disbrow Saul C. Leroy, molder, h 529 Seneca Saul Daniel L., pres Auto Knitting l\liJJs, Inc., h 26 S 17th Saul David F., elk, 432 Market, h 31 S Summit Saul George, motorman, h 1739 X 3<1 Saul Harvey \V., engr, h :m7 Peffer Saul James B., tester. h llfi Dock Saul Joseph M., h 2500 N 6th Saul Joseph S., elk, h 15~7 Derry Saul J. Russell, elk, 5 S 2d, h aos S 13th
- - - - - - - - --- ~ ".'1"1,

Tille BlarIy Slr.Iy C.


f """.11I.~..... III....,.. { Traat 81.... .. 1 hoarl.., " hilI TIIII



F., Z SAUL MILLARDadv plumber and livery, 1519 N 4th, h 1518Yz do see flagman. h 1719 N' O Saul Wesley J ..W., policeman, h 11105th Saum Charles Wallace


Saul Saul Saul Saul


Levi, jr., engr, h 88 Disbrow Man-, elk, 1222 N 3d, h Hl1fi N 5th Mar)' D., saleslady, h 5~!) Seneca Mary E. Mrs., h ~~63 Jefferson

> Z

Saum John I.. elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 626 Herr Salim l\hrtle L., saleslady, :U8 l\larket. h 1]]2 Wallace Saunoers Charles S., mgr P. R. R., dining rooms, h 1210 Baile,Saunders' John D., laborer, h 24H1 Reel Saunders ~linerva R.. saleslady, ~:!1 ~\'larket, h ~04 X 2rl Saunders Robert. elk, 6 S 2d, "h 2410 Reel



BPlumbing, Livery and Contracting


Main Water Pipes Tap'cl by Moebler Macblne


No. 1519 North 4th Street

Digitized by

ANDREW REDMOND h~!=:~~ :;~~g~ {3d and Reily Stl. Coogle

l. B. TACK} IlL PIPER 1.....::~ri_ WINDOISHADEShcm18d 8L

rris rg ( Ci Dir



3 ')

Saunders Ross, barbe~ h 502 Herr ~aun s T las elk P R. R h 4 .. 4 S C erol aun s, s San s Saur Edward, driver, h :~ N 9th ~aur cob bore 1 C berr r C _au~ Ge e, t er, I 08i OO( Sausser H. 'Walter, cashier, 7th c North, h 1430 Swatara 'ava (~e e Grille :m Tect . e . ava He J., Ed rei ( . 1 :~i 14 Savercool Bmjamin II., bricklayer, h 425 North ave 01 S. rs., ')121' as aWl An cig lkr, ~Oli d Sawyer Charles E., elk, 520 Walnut, h Lemoyne 'awl Ed H. bor h 204 ';; R' awy Ell ous epe Oli d Sawyer Frank, laborer, h 1040 S Cameron ';;aw)" Jac b fire n, h 'JOB S 'J i aw Jac jr., are 2:n Riv Saw~er Lester, laborer, h 306 S 2d ~aw: Roll' A. R ., h 'l09 N Front aw) Ro A., stu t, h 9 N ant Sawyer William A., heater, h 1042 S Cameron ';;avford Fann R. h 217 State a~'f He an fire 1, h Ca r Sayford John rvI., elk Hbg. ~at. Bank, h Camp Hill


Harr uri




. {~


Sayford John Milt, elk P. & R. freight depot, h 411 Walnut avf Ru II, sent, 104 Ider ayfor S. J. ewton, asst ema . R. ., h Ca Saylor Qinton B., car repairer, 'h 2()02 N 4th ayl Edg lab r, h S ~aylor Eugene W., roofer, 82. usq ann Saylor Mary, cigarmkr, h 1!HO Forster ayl Roy ,st nt. 7:~ bek aylor Simon R., carpent ,h 2. . er e Scaletta Giuseppe, adjuster, h al7 S River can g I' ore ddl h 1 Sw ra . car Ig i GlU 0, w er, om. ark Scardigli Julius, Ittnchman, h 1001 Market car i V ntin ort h l( Ma t ~car W m. f e . 22'aln ,h 1 N Scattergood 1. Clyde, tra\~ salesman, h 822 N 6th cha r A st, kem h 1 S1 .cha r G ge, )er, ~47 eta Schaefer 10hn A .. hoilermkr. h B46 S 14th . cha r A.. 'len 1er. '~53 mm ~ cha r.' rew, oce llti Can on, a Schaeffer Andrew, fahorer, h r 1/)24 Herr 'eha 'r rew lor h 11 'N era ~.cha . r C rles pre an, 152 van Schaeffer Charles'S., pressman, 201 N 2d, h 527 West av





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OVB KO'l"l'O. - } B-,o-I,lIea,,&Wels1a&

H M KELLEY e l l . {lit'1.,...,........ o. CO .... III Itrlll

;; ..


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

-= I:



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Schaeffer Harry A., supt, h l:W6 ~ Front Schaeffer Lewis J., salesman, 7th c ~orth, h 124:l Swatara Schaeffer ;\lartin, laborer, h 12:W Herr SCHAEFFER NATHAN C., supt Public Instruction, Capitol, h The Bolton Schaeffer Tilden H., patternmkr, h 8 S 13t'h Schaeffer, see Shaffer, also Scheffer Schaenzlin Frederick, car inspector, h 1222 Wallace Schaff Jacob N., carriage painter, h 143G Derry Schaffer John A., boilermkr, h :l44 S 14th Schaffer Joseph P .. lineman, h' 844 S 14th Schaffer Laura, wid Francis i h 1203 Derry Schaffer Margaret, elk, h 1203 Derry Schaffer Philip J., lineman, 'h 1203 Derry Schaffner Annie, wid Emanuel, h 328 S 15th Schaffner Emanuel B., policeman, h 328 S l::ith Schaffner Harry G., caller P. R. R.. h 311 Buckthorn Schaffner John B., shoemkr, h 328 S 15th Sc'haffner John 0., brakeman, h 1713 Penn Schaffner Sallie E., h 5 N' 13th Schaffstall Edward c., switchman, h 1934 Penn Schaffstall Edward R., machinist, h 1110 X (it'h Schaffstall George W., repairsman, h 261 Herr Schaffstall Jacob A., blacksmit11, h 10!) S Cameron Schaffstall Jo'hn H., bar elk, 44_1 ~larket, 'h 1126 ~ 6~h_


Z GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST US N. 3d SI. 0 Schaffstall Sarah, wid Christian, h 1847 X 7th 0 Schafmeister John, florist, 4th nr Seneca, h 2331 Logan
;:: Schampan Hyman, tailor, 11 1723 Susquehanna Z Schaner Edward G., postal elk, h 443 S 14th C Schaner William H., letter carrier, h 355 Hummel a. Schank Bernard, laborer, h 656 Sayford IE Scharadin Ira H .. mgr, 181!) Penn. h 204 Kelker o Scharadin, see Sheridan U Scharr Goldie, cigar roller, h 122 Hoyer ...l Scharr Margaret, cigar roller, h 122 Hoyer C Scharr Mazie Y. ~Irs., h 1725 N 7th o Schaum Charles V .. helper, h 2144 Atlas U Schaum Edmund]., painter. h 180!} Fulton Q Scheaner Fannie. dressmkr. h 1400i Regina Schearer David H., mgr. :~08 Verbeke, h do C Scheele Estella M., bookkpr, 4 S.2d. h 522 ?\ 16th IiIJ Scheele Theodore G., carpenter, h 522 ~ 16th y Scheffer Esther A., student, h 1320 N 2d Scheffer Frederick W., policeman Capitol, h 1320 N 2d Q Scheffer Lizzie M. Mrs., h 800 N 2d &AI Scheffer Martin L., printer. h 21 S 2d ~ Scheffer Rosanna R.. wid Louis K .. h Hl1:{ Green SCHEFFER THEODORE F., (estate), bookseller, stationer, printer and binder, 21 S 2d see adv opp page Scheffer Theo. F., collector, 226 Chestnut, h 1013 Green

ia =

~=~~~ woo P. OIIIl1ndOW ShOdes lrol A. B. TACK .l:l~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
t.j;17::s: Scheffer T. Jefferson, bookkpr, 21 S 2d, 'h do Scheffer \-Varren D., elk P.O., h 323 Hummel Scheffer William T., bookkpr, h S(lH ~ 2d Scheffer, see Schaeffer, also Shaffer Scheible 1-':' ate. h :!:!7 \" erbeke Scheirer ~latilda, wid Luther 1., h 1318 Kittatinnv Schelhas August, baker, h 10415 :'.Iarket . Schelhas Carl, yardmaster. h 1005 ~larket Schelhas Gottlieb, tailor State Arsenal, h 100;:; Market Schelhas Paul G., elk, h 11105 Market Schell Agnes G., elk. h l5t:! DerrY Schell Alice M., h 1:!~ Balm . Schell Anna C, cashier. 334 ~larket. h ;jH6 S 13th Schell Annie C .. housekeeper, 11:15 Dern' Schell Annie 1\L. foreladv silk mill, h llll2 Christian Schell CarolYI1{' L., h 150a N 2d Schell Charles A., elk. 212 Locust. h 202!l Creen Schell Clayton. boilermkr, h 143 Naudain Schell Ed~\'ard H., (H utchison & Schell), h 2ltJl Green Schell Edward J., plumber. h 1;:;12 State Schell Edward lVI., baker, 1512 DerrY, h do Schell Ephraim H .. bricklayer. h 1017 S 2l-}. Schell Frank W., drug elk, 11110 r\ 3d. h 1102 do Schell Frederick ~., pain~.r~~8~ ~\ ~l(~ __ ._ _ _ __

~ ~


-g ...

" \ J DI ..,







MILLER BROS. I BAKER} "~~b~~'t.~~1E :

Blank Book Binding and Printing!


Office Stationery and ~ailroad Supplies ~



Flat-Openint Blank Books a Specialty.

BoODd aDd Be-bOODd 10 the beat Style and at
ne"~f)n .. ble

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Prlc .. ~.


-'" " ==


B o

Stationer Printer and Book Binder

No. 21 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa.


CLARK'S =~I~li Drug and Patent Medicine{~~


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 1908.


= = =

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Schell Harry, jr .. stonemason, h 91lt; S 20t Schell Harrv B., stonetllason, h 9116 S !!()! Schell Hen~an J., elk, 22 1\ 3d, h 1U4G (;rcen Schell Joseph P . engr, h 1512 State Schell Lulu ~Irs., h 17:19 ~ 3d Schell l\.fary, cigarmkr. h 621 Forrest Schell ;\fan' C, wid :YIichael. h 1192 Ouistian Schell l\Ivrtle R., elk, l\Iulberrv c Crescent, h 1135 Derry Schell Thomas. h US5 Derrv . Schell Walter S .. elk, !) X 2d, h 216 Crescent Schell William F .. painter. h 826 N 3d Schell William H., fireman, h 627 Hamilton Schell, see S)lell Schellenberg Otto P., machinist, h 547 Race Schellenberg, see Shellenberger Schenk Allen W., grocer, 1500 Berryhill, h do Schenk :Ylargaret H., saleslady, 1500 Berryhill, h do Schenk William H., salesman, 1500 Berrvhill, h do Schick Carrie A., wid William K., h 1630 N 3d Schick Harris R., elk Telegraph, h HmO N 3d Schick Sarah, wid William D., h 2044 Susquehanna Schieb William E., conductor, h 1621 Regina Schiffman Abram, leather, 514 Cowden. h do Schillenn Otto, driver, h 1211 N 7th Schilling Christine, ruling machine feeeler, h 2053 Penn
TIUe Gaann*7andltarev 0.. { ........hIIa.................... { , ...... -8enaaoD, . 8 n _ TmIt.....11 .... ~"J

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Schilling Elmer S .. printer, h 1110 :Montgomery Schilling Henry, laborer, h 1238 Herr Schilling Jacob, laborer, h 1941 Boas Schilling John J . carpenter, h 205:~ Penn Schilling Peter, laborer, h 1941 Boas Schilling Peter, laborer, h 1238 Herr Schillinger Amalia, wid William. h 1341 Vernon Schimele John, driver, h U04 Cowden Schindler Andrew, <:ar inspector, h 2145 N 4th Schindler Augustus, usher P. R. R., h 125 Hoerner Schindler Charles, laborer, h 2142 N 7th Schindler Ernest, h 2145 }; 4th Schindler Ernest, jr.. brakeman, h 2145 ~ 4th Schindler George, brakeman, h 2145 N 4th Schindler John M .. car repairer, h 616 Wiconisco Schindler Joseph X., h !!145 X 4th Schindler. see Shindler Schlaver Annie c., teacher. h 20S7 Green Schlaver Elizabeth, elk. 334 l\larket, h 2037 Green ~chla~'er Jacob F., h 1'000 N 3d Schlaver Tulia ?\ . elk. 4411l\Iarket, h 2037 Green Schla~'er \,'illiam H .. jr.. die pressman, h 123 Sayford Schleg-el John, h 112!{ N Front Schlehr William H .. laborer. h 123 Savford Schleicher William F .. undertaker. h 130 S 2d

Redmond's Wagon Works }~~d~':.~~~ {3d ad Rel', SII. Coogle

Digitized by

A. B. TACK} Wall Papar and Y4lndol Shades {1:18d:'W~

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 689
Schleisner William B., (Schleisner & Klein), h 1805 N 2d SCHLEISNER & KLEIN, (William B. Schleisner and !iii Otto Klein), wearing apparel for men, women anq _ children, 28, 30 and 32 N 3d ::I Schlesinger Emanuel. foreman, h 408 Boas iii Schlicher Pauline K., stripper, h 416 S River C Schlick Agnes E. G., teacher, h H<22 N 6th .. Schlick Frank J.. watchmkr, 214 Market, h 1822 N 6th Schlick Tohn P., h 1~22 ~ 6th Schlick Katie C, dressmkr, h 1822 1\ 6th Schlick Louisa, housekeeper, h lR22 1\ 6th Schlick Philip, laborer, h 1822 1\ 6th Schlitzer Benjamin, frog builder. h 573 S Front Schlitzer-Lewis A., cigarmkr, h 573 S Front Schlosser Ellen B. l\Irs .. h 1915 Briggs Schlosser Joseph L., car inspector. h 1844 North Schlosser Lloyd, car repairer, h 1844 North Schlosser 1\Iyrtle, shoe opr, h 1844 North ~ Schlosser Peter L., laborer, h 1915 Briggs Schlosser Ralph M., helper. h 1844 ~orth Schlusser Tennie ~Irs . domestic. 2~2 Chestnut Schmid AtlgUSt C. collector. h 26! !'\ 2d Schmidel William F., laborer, h 443 Boyd CI Schmidel William F., jr.. patternmkr. h 614 Muench Schmidt Benjamin, painter, h 5.23 .W est ~


~::=::'}Harrisburg Sayings

and Loan Assn. u:~=

SCHMIDT BERNARD, baker, 58-62 N 13th and 340 Chestnut, h 58 N 13th see adv SCHMIDT CHARLES L., florist,' 313 Market, h 101 Green see adv next page Schmidt Charles W., tailor, b 318 Herr Schmidt Christina E., wid John. h 2119 Chestnut Schmidt George, brewer, h 313 Verbeke Schmidt George A., fireman, h 209 Chestnut Schmidt Harry, laborer, h 1113 N Cameron Schmidt John, jr., laborer, h 607 Race SCII.IDT'S S.tIlERY. &882 10RTH 1311" 340 CHESTIIUT, STREET





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.por~I""B N~_
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".p_r "or I uoog e


H M KELLEY &CO {I North 8cI 8tnA 10th aDd State . . .


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.









I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d 8L Z SCHOCK OLIVER D., asst Dairy and Food CommisU

c( ~

Schmidt Joseph. h 2~:! Forster Schmidt Joseph, laborer, h 111:~ X Cameron Schmidt ::\larv B., wid John, h HII7 Race Schmidt Mar~' P., wid Henry 0 .. h 1509 State Schmidt Robert L.. salesma"n, au sad, h 209 Chestnut Schmidt Rudolph \Y., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Schmidt, see Smith Sc'hmiedel Henrv E., laborer, h 18:l7 Rudv Schmiedel Otto "E., conductor. h lUll Swatara Schmiedel Paul E., salesman, 4a2 Market, h 1536 Derry Schmiedel William F., elk, h 614 :VIuench Schmucker Joseph, laborer, h :l:l2 Blackberry Schnabel Carl, blacksmith, 1112 Paxton, h 1114 do Schnader Harrv E .. elk. 1408 Vernon. 11 2 S 16tli Schnader Jacob, usher P. R. R.. h :! S 16th Schnader Jonathan. carpenter. h 2 S 16th Schnader William E., postal elk, h 2 S 16th Schneider Fritz, laborer, h 1211 N 7th Schneider Philip. bar elk The Central, h do Schnurbusch Olristian, driver, h a13 Verbeke Schnyder James \V., flagman, h 1530 N 5th Schnvder Minnie ~I., elk, h 15:l0 N 5th Schn~der, see Snyder Schoch Benjamin J., saw filer, h :l33 Granite Schoch Howard D .. saw filer, h 3:l3 Granite

----------"--- - - - - - - - - - - -

sioner, Capitol, h Hotel Russ Schoeneweg John 13.. cook Lunatic Hospital, h do --. Scholl Charles G .. motorman, h 419 S 15th ~ Scholl Sarah L., wid Jacob S., h lU39. S 9th -c Scholl, see Sholl A.

IE o u


From January 'Til December

THIS is the only store on which lOU can .Bfell rely (or the Freshest and Choicest Cut FLOWERS as well as for Original Designs. , , I




l L. ST.

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Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.

Scholvin George H., brakeman, h 1420 Hunter Schomberg Christianna, wid W m. :\1., h 14 Aberdeen Schook C11arles McC., laborer, h 1210 Penn Schook John W., car repairer, h 1210 Penn SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, W. H. Keller, bus mgr; D. L. M. Raker, prin, 15 S 2d 5chooley William G., (Hoffman & Schooley), h 1529 N 3d Schoppert Charles, laborer, h 1088 S Cameron Schoppert May, cigarmkr, h 1088 S Cameron Schorbenberner Hans, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sc'hrack Ralph E., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Wormleysburg Schraudenbach Albert, driver, h 248 Oliver al Schraudenbach Edward R., planer, h 1245 Bailey Schraudenbach George, brakeman, h 248 Oliver al Schraudenbach Josephine, h 1245 Bailey Schraudenbach Julia, nurse, h 1274 State Schraudenbach Julius c., frog buillier, h 1245 Bailey Schraudenbach Nellie, h 1245 Bailey Schrawder Edwin M., steelwkr, h 2013 Swatara Schreadley Harry B., elk, h 1936 N 5th SC'hreadley Jennie, wid Saul T., h 1936 N 5th Schreadley John E., tinsmith, 1615 N 5th, h do Schreadley Pearl J., h 1936 N 5th Schreadley William F., elk P. R. R., h 1837 N 7th




-< en







Schreck August, laborer, h 1122 S Cameron Schreck Frank F., engr, h 1944 Fulton Sc'hreck Frederick, laborer, h 1116 S Cameron Schreck Frederick W., laborer, h 1122 S Cameron Schreck Jacob, car repairer, h 1635 N 4th Schreck John, jr., puddler, 11 1633 N 4th Schreckengust Charles T., laborer, h 1314 James Schreckengust Harry W., catcher, h 2401 Jefferson Schreckengust Mary A., wid J dhn, h 1314 James Schreckengust Mary V. Mrs., h 1311 Fulton Schreckengust Samuel A., grocer, 645 Schuylkill, h 240] Jefferson Schreckengust Samuel W., switchman, h 2401 Jefferson Schreckengust Wm. c., elk, 630 Walnut, h 632 Verbeke Schreffler Anna S., milliner, h 1904 N 3d Schreffler Edward, driver, h 717'N 19th. Schreffler Elizabeth F., seamstress, h 921 N 18th Schreffler Harry P., carpenter, h 1837 Briggs Schreffler Jared I., cigars, 7011' 'N 3d, h 1904 do Schreffler John H., salesman, 22 N 3d, h 1904 do Schreffler Justina, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1217 N 6th S<;hreffler Sarah A., wid Henry c., h 1911 N 7th Schreiner Blanchard T., adv agt, h 1335 Penn Schreiner Frank I., agt, h 1727 Regina Schreiner George H. Rev., evangelist, h 1710 Susquehanna
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JNDEPENDENT LOAN AND SECURITY CO. 't~\\' {a.o~~~g.''''' eo ogle


Boyd's Harrisburg ( S) City Directory, 1908.

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Schreiner Harry D., press feeder Indepdt., h 1727 Regina Schreiner Harry J., elk, 1201 X ad, h 1335 Penn Schreiner Harry S., linotype apr, h 1335 Penn Sc'hreiner. see Shreiner SCHRIVER CHARLES C., photographer and frame mfr, 1213 N 3d, h 221 Maclay Schriver Elmer B.. driver, 1428 Regina Schriver Howard H., driver, h 1428 Regina Schriver Samuel. treas W. O. Hickok :Ylfg. Co., h 43~ Boas Schriver William H., agt, h 1428 Regina Schroeder Carharine, teacher, h 43() S 13th Schroeder Grace E., saleslady, 400 :\Iarket, h ~lechanics burg Schroeder Jacob D., foreman, l\Iulberry c Crescent, h 436 S 13th Schroeder John, engr, h 1445 Berryhill Schroeder Minerva E., h 436 S 13th Schroeder R. Byron, stengr Arsenal. h :'.Iechanicsburg :-;chropp John A .. postal elk. h 1510 Hunter Schllballer Charles. fireman. h Hill Carnation Schuhaller Charles A .. blacksmith. h 14111 Grecn !'chuballer Robert, heater, h 2624 Tefferson Schuhaller \Villiam J.. trucker. h Front cReel's la Schuckert Harry S .. carpenter. h 441 :Market Schl1ddemage Catharine A., teacher. h 20112 X Front Schuddemage Clara :'.I., h 21102 ~ Front Schuddemage Henry, contractor, 20112 X Front, h do Schue Vv'arren, carpenter. h ()21 Camp Schultheis ;\Iary J., tailoress, 21 X :1(1. h ~54 S Cameron Schultheisz Henry. tailor. l:!fI:J X 7th, h do Sch1lltz :'.fartha. ~ttendant Lunatic Ho~pitCll. h do Schultz X Cyill E .. conductor. h HiII7 I-Itm;er Sd1l1rk Lydia J. :'.Irs . caretaker. h 40n Forstt'r Schurtz Harry \Y., barber. h 1211~ Dartine ~chl1ster, see' Shuster SdlUt t George L .. watchman. h Iii!) S Summit Schutt Gertrude E., elk. h l:in S ~lImll1it Schutzenbach Andrew. wholesale liquor dealer, 4th c Walnnt. h 3d cReel's la Schutzenbach Augustus A .. h 1122 X ~d Schutzenbach Barbara. wid Hugo. h 1122 X ~d Schutzenbach Charles. elk, 4th c \Valnut. h ~d cReel's la Schu!zenbach Clara, milliner. h :~d cReel's la Schlltzenhach Hugo, liquors, 4]6 Verbeke. h 1122 N 3d o.;chuyl('r Claude J., fireman, h 16:!::? Derry S('huyler Peter J., road foreman engines P. & R., h 1622 Derrv Schuyler Samuel, h 1622 Derrv Schwab Conrad, laborer, h 1n'i N 7th Schwartz E. Theodore, printer, h 4:~8 Boas


Tltl. Blarla., IDd Sire., Ca. 'r::~ {,,:::a:c~tr:,:a{_:~:.':"'

} l~cyt4


Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND D~~!d~~e~lg~~

A. B. TACK} .....-m.::::: ~~.:.&7lDo~1alDTla.. H:~:.:.~ Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908. , 643
Schwartz Forest E., letter carrier, h 4:18 iloas Schwartz, see Swartz Schwartzbach Ammon E., laborer, h 126 Hanna Schwarz Frederick J., inspector, h 1027 Paxton Schwarz J. Grant, pres Witman-Schwarz Co., h Camp Hill Schwarz J. Grant, jr.. elk. 615 Walnut, h Camp Hill Schwarz John, !.'hocmkr, 206 Cherry, h do Schwarz John H., shoemkr, h 104 Balm Schwarz William, uriver, 106 S 2d, h 2()6 Cherry Schwegler Ferdinand, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Schweitzer Carrie, h 559 Race Schweitzer Frederick J., elk, 224 Harris, h 1600 Green Schweitzer Hettie, h 559 Race Schweitzer John F., porter, h 25H Sayford Schweitzer Rose 1\1., milliner, 614 1\ 3d, h do Schweitzer, see Sweitzer Scicchitano Antonio, tailor, 815 K 3d, h do Selafforrl John, h 4(19 X 5th Scott Alexander P., furniture repairer, 334 Market, h Hummelstown Scott Annie Mrs .. charwoman, h 1213 Monroe Scott Annie E., wid William P., h 425 South al Scott Arthur, h r III Cowdcn Scott Charles E., policeman, h 110 Filbert Scott Charles II., salesman, 334 Market, h 123 S 2d

..... ~



-I :~





Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott

Sayings and Laan Assn.{ :::.=



C. Linford, supt, 19th c Derry, h 1302 State Corinne, wid Samuel, jr., h 142 Balm Elizabeth, laundress, il 23H State Elizabeth F., elk, h 25 S 4th Ellen M., forelady, West c Xorth aI, h 226 Locust Francis R, h 138 Balm Frederick, finisher, h 25 S 4th Frederick, laborer, h 1!145 Hickory Frederick G., elk, 413 Market, h 1330 do George, laborer, h 1444 Derry George \Y., contractor, 337 S 16th, h clo Harry F., helper, 334 1\Iarket, h 1412 Maple Henry, lahorer, h 335 Calder John H., foreman Paxton Furnaces, h 1919 N 2d John P., teacher, h 139 Linden John R, laborer, h 1417 James John W., laborer, h 710 Xorth al Joseph, huckstcr, h 71:3 State Leah, wid Samuel, h laa2 William Margaretta :\1., h 25 S 4th Martha R, h 1a9 Linden Marv, h Front ab Division Owen, steelwkr, h 18H:! Swatara Rebecca, wid George, h 139 Linden Robert, driYer, h 518 Brown

< ,.

:D :D

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H. M. KELLEY &CO.}ODlces, :.r:~:'~~=~{COAL AND WOOD

; ; 644


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

o a:

Scott Samuel, laborer, h 1~08 Apple Scott Sarah Mrs., h 113 Mulberry Co2 Scott Solomon, fir~man, h 229 N River =i Scott SteIla, domestic Senate Hotel, h 12 Cowden Co2 Scott Thomas, laborer, h 1862 Swatara Scott Walter, laborer, h 1704t Walnut Scott William M., finisher, h Uti James Scout Jane, wid Charles W., h 417 Boyd Scull Mary Mrs., h 1238 Market Seabold Edward D., stockkpr, h 1414 Penn ~ Seabold Harry H . mgr, 1312 11arket, h do il5 Seabold Harry J., driver, h 813 \Vest Seabold Samuel, shoemkr, 1321 Market, h 1410 Regina Seabold William G .. laborer, h 2008 Briggs Seabold, see Sebold, also Sebolt fI) Seaboldt Jdhn D., brakeman, h 1705 ~ 4th Seacrest Ruby, stengr, 4 N 3d, h 1940 Green Seacrist George. elk, 408 Prune Seager Dennis, asst janitor, h 1513 Hunter Seal Charles W., postal elk, h 924 N 6th Seal Helen D., stengr, ~08 Walnut, h 615 Boas C Seal James E., laborer. h 924 N 6th Seal Tohn B., elk, h 615 Boas Seal \tVilliam A., foreman P. R. R.. h 924 N 6th Z Seam_a_n_Charles J., missionary, h 525 X 4th


=a: o




Seaman Eustace A., conductor, h 1348 North Seaman Henry G., attendant P. R. R.. h 1400 State Seaman Henry G., jr., laborer; h 1400 State cC Seaman Mary E., stengr and bookkpr Dairy Commr., h 1400 State a.. IE Seaman Ross R., elk to the mayor, h 1400 State o Searfauss Albert, laborer, h 220 Boas u Searfauss Henry 1\1., machinist, h 1507 Regina Searfauss John, horseshoer. 10th ab ~Iarket, h 231 Harris Searfauss John A.. chief caller P. R. R., h 220 Boas Searle Amarilla M .. wid Douglass E.. h 1241 Swatara Searles Edward ~L, millwright, h 111() Walnut Sears Frederick D., shoemkr, 17M} 1\ 5th, h do Sears George W., laborer, h 1115 N Front Sears Harry A .. park policeman. h 16;)2 ~ 4th Sease Chester A., laborer, h 1930 Wood f:j Sease Eliza J., wid James P., h 193() Woorl Sease George G., craneman, h 1930 \Vood Q Sease Harriet C, seamstress, h 1!lao \Y ood W Sebastian Angelo. lunch bar elk Senate Hotel, h 1101 Mkt Sebastialli Joseph, cook, h 11m ~Iarket I!!: SEBOLD HARRY 0., stoves, furnaces, roofing and spouting, 1316 N 3d, h do Sebold, see Seabold. also Seholt Sebourn Augusta B., seam~tress, h 6a2 Harris


A. B. TACK ::t~,:r: IoU pooer ODd IIndOW Shodas 1~1~\~:l1l

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 645
Sebourn Augusta B., wid \Vashington C. h 632 Harris Sebourn Charles \V., inspector, h 1517 Penn Sebotlrn Harry Ro, car inspector, h 1222 Walnut Sebourn Jacob H .. grocer, 827 Green, h 225 Forster Sebourn Robert F., laborer, h 658 Verbeke Seboum William A., laborer. h 6:~2 Harris Sechler Theodore ~1.. stengr P. R R, h 222 Xorth Sechrist Geo. H., contractor and builder. 361 S 14th. h do Sechrist Maud, domestic, 319 N Front Sechrist Milton A., bricklayer, h 353 S 14th Secrist George E., elk, 318 Market, h 408 Prune Secrist Wm. H., shipper C. Land S. Co., h 1252 Swatara Securitv Trust Building. ;1n-aS N ad SECURITY TRUST CO., George A. Gorgas, pres; Jdhn K. Bowman, v-pres; John C. Wensell, sec and treas, 36 and 38 N 3d Seebo!d James L .. lumber. 251 Forster, h do Seeger Augustus F .. baggage transfer, h 1110 Penn Seeger Catharine, houseket'per, 200 Verbeke Seeger Conrad. salesman. aZl l\Iarket, h 200 Verbeke Seeger John W., hostler. h ]110 Penn ~t'eger l\lay. music teacher. h 1110 Penn Seeger Xettie ~I.. elk. :lO X :Jd. h 200 Verbeke See! :\nnie C, nurse, h 70a N 6th

Sed Elizabeth ~L. stengr, h 703 X fith Seel Joscph F .. h 70:l X 6th Seel Kathryn E., h ;0:1 X 6th Seel Wi1lia;ll E .. (Waller & Seel), h 258 Xorth Seeley Emma C, h ] 4(17 Green St'cs 'Carrie Mrs .. h 212 Chestnut ? Sees David K.. molder, h 1117 ~ Front ~ Set's David K.. jr.. plumber. h 1117 N Front ~ Sees William E., paperhanger. h 1117 X Front ~ Seesholtz Annie G .. opr, h n:l9 Hamilton p Seesholtz Charles J.. car inspector, h 1HI Balm ~ St'csholtz fohn. h :U9 \'erbeke :z SEFTON' CHARLES A., carriages, wagons and auto- 59 mobile tops, 1203-1207 Capital, h 272 Cumberland '" Segelbal.1m Charles S .. h l:?H S 2d Segelbaum Horace A .. lawyer. 15 N 2d. h 120 S 2d Segeti Xicholas. lahorer. 11 11111 Calder . (JI ~egm'r Edgar F .. watchmkr. 420 l\larket. h 2:19 Briggs :s Seiber :\Ian, charwoman. h 1:{21 Bartine 8 Seibert Adam. engineer. h 211 Blackberry Seihert Amy E., elk. W15 ~ Hd. h 181R Penn ~_ Seibert Arthur C. laborer. h 211 Blackberrv ... Seihcrt Arthur .T .. plumber. h 11111 Market Seihert Clarence F., machinist, h 10:; X Linden Seibert Emma J. ~l rs .. h 111110 Green =M:-::O'-::'N=-=E:-:-::Y'-A7'"D=-V:-"-A~N-C--E 0 }-._oiii_nIlfT LO~A11 { BO"B~-FJ-07d-Bl-"C.


A_O nU71ITT Co.

8 N. Mark,.t\ Sq.
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_; 1

Boyd's Harrisburg (~) City Directory, 1908. o:t-' 8111 Seibert George A., sec and treas People's Savings Bank, ;~ h 1404 Green "II~ Seibert Harriet L., wid David S., h 1818 Penn Seibert Homer G" jeweler, 1::!15 ~ ad, h 1818 Penn ~ Seibert John IV1., paperhanger, h :319 Herr fj' Seibert Lee, nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do :Ie Seibert Matilda :Mrs., h 505 Kelker ~a Seibert Raymond S., student, h 1404 Green t! Seidel Edward H., conductor, h 1:l22 Howard j:l: Seidel Edward R., meat, 208 1\1 uench, h 1821 N 2d lilt- Seidel Esther, wid Samuel W., h !l09 Reily Seidel Harry A., laborer, h 536 Violet al c:i Seidel Preston, car repairer, h 273 Herr U Seidel Ralp'h T., elk DauJ)hin Deposit Trust Co., h W. Z Fairview ~ Seiders Charles J., brakeman, h 614 Delaware ..... Seiders Elizabeth, wid Andrew, h 602 Showers Z Seiders George M., laborer, h 1034 Herr . . Seiders Harry, brakeman, h 424 S 17th !::::! Seiders Harry, wiper, h 1119 Wallace Seiders Jeremiah, h 614 Delaware IE Seiders John, laborer, h 1119 Wallace . . Seiders John E., foreman, h 324 Harris Seiders Jo'hn H., restaurant, 826 :\larket, h 507 Calder Sei~ders John I., fla~man, 'h 605 Daup~~ _ _ ~ _ __



IE J t-


fltle 6uml" lnd Sarety ee, IC~Wl' {f.m:=t!r~'::;.. {Tr!.~.:z..

Seiders Martha, milliner, 6 S 2d, h Steelton Seiders ~ary, milliner, 6 S 2d, h Steelton Seiders Mary, wid Israel, h 1536 Wallace Seiders Mary, wid Peter, h 1735 N 7th Seiders Samuel, h 1725 Regina Seiders Samuel D., salesman, a34 1Iarket, h 1119 Wallace Seiders William D., laborer, h 314 Harris Seiders. see Siders, also Zeiders, also Zeiters Seidle Caroline C, wid Samuel, 'h 109 North Seidle Est'her A., wid Samuel W., h 309 Reily Seidle George P., molder, h 1804 Susquehanna Seif Angeline, h 500 Calder Seif Anthony J.. machinist, h 500 Calder Seiferd Harrison, bricklayer, h 1301 S Cameron Seifert Alfred A., fireman, h 2a2 Kelker Seifert Edward E., driver, 'h 213 Verbeke Seifert Moses K., huckster, 213 Verbeke, h do Seifert Susan, wid Emanuel, h 21a Verbeke Seighman George W., wheelwright, h 18 S 16th Seigler Charles L., laborer, h ::!:!57 Jefferson Seigler C l\Iauhew, laborer, h ::!257 Jefferson Seigler Howard E., laborer, h ::!257 Jefferson Seiler Bertha, trimmer, 334 :\1arket. h 649 Boas Seiler Clarence E., messenger H. of R., h 239 South Seiler Frank W., ore sampler, 121 Market, h 117 So~th


o J


ANDREW REDMDrtD{3d lnd Reily SIL Coogle

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.I. B. TACK} FIN~KC~~A~I.~~~,,~cl~~ER { 1216 NOnll third hi

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


.seiler George H., bricklayer, h 649 Boas .Seiler Lavinia, wid Herman, h 649 Boas PI Seiler Marfha 0., teacher, h 401 N Front Z Seiler Mary W., 'Vid Jacob F., h 401 N Front Seiler Susan, kindergarten, 401 N Front, h do Seiler William E., ore sampler, 121 :\Iarket, h 117 South Seiler William R., laborer, h 271 Verbeke Seiler, see Siler, also Seyler 0 Seilhamer George R., car inspector, h 60 1\ 12th 0 Seilhamer William A. G., collector, h 126 Linden Seiple :\iart'ha Mrs., grocer, 621 Nort'h, h do Seiple M. Ella, domestic, 518 Filbert JI'I Seiple Sallie, h 518 Filbert Seislove Claude c.. upholsterer, h 415 X 2d 0 SEISS FRANK F., propr Capital City Bottling Works -t and wholesale liquors, 900-902 Market, h 1411 do see PI adv '0 Seitz Charles H., engr, h I6()2 Penn SEITZ DANIEL S., lawyer and city solicitor, 222 Mar::c ket, h 1211 N 2d :aSeitz Elizabeth, wid ~oah, h lIS;) Dailev :D Seitz Frank E., mail elk. h l!) Evergreen < Seitz Grace, housekeeper, 11111 Plum Seitz Harry G., ins sol, 4 S :!d, h 14 ~ 14th :D Seitz Harry G., machinist, h 2622 Jefferson 0



.... ....


::c > :D :.:til








Beers, Ale and Porter-FRAN-K-F-:SEISS




'\AI'HOL.ES ... L.E


900 aDd 902 Market Street,






=== =c;;

Tea el


H ,. KELLEY & CO'S -Black DlamoDd. ",be. { 10111 U1I.llta I It, .. ....... JOu De"t order. Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
Bessie ::'II.. weaver. h 20!l Barbara Caroline. (Slayman & Sel1ers). h 424! Cumberland', Charles C, plumber, h 1119 ~ Front Charles R, sealer P. R R. h Pen brook Clarence E .. car inspector, h :!1:!8 Atlas David G., engr, h 5119 :\Juench David H., switchman. h 1820 Green Edgar H .. eng-r. h H20 Xauclain Emma :\lrs., laundress. h 1i'447 ~ 7th Esther L.. tobacco stripper. h laO Indian Fannie E., housekeeper. h filii Calder Frank R, harness cleaner, h 114 Barbara George L .. carpenter. h 1921 X 4th George Z .. c1k, h 4211 Hamilton Harr\', brakeman. h 626 \Voodbine HeleilM . h 5n!l'~tuench Jennie M., weaver. h 209 Barbara John E .. mgr, lOIn :\Iarket, h 2216 Logan John R, brakeman, h 1114 Xagle Tohn R, butcher. h 130 Indian )onas. engr, h filH Calder . Mame A., machine opr. h 5Hi Hamilton Reuben, flagman, h til!? 1\1 uench T. HenrY, sand flatter. h 111!1 ::\ Front Thomas 'c.. sand flatter, h 11 HI X Front

,. 648

Sellers Sellers Sellers ~ Sellers ~ Sellers ..: Sellers

~ Sell~rs

J: ==

, ;i Sellers
Sellers Sellers Sellers :: Sellers ~ Sellers Sellers I:: Sellers Sellers ;;; Sellers UI Sellers Sellers I&J Sellers -I Sellers ct Sellers Sellers LLI Sellers





~ o



N. 3d SL

Sellers William F., fireman, h 1100 Wallace Sellers \Yilliam G .. asst yardm3f'ter P. R. R, h 540 Maclay Sellers William H .. butcher, h 132 Indian Sellers William L., carpenter. h 2031 X 7th Sellman Roger B.. cashier. 421 S 2d, h 113 Locust Scllmyer George D., helper. h :~3!l Peffer Sellmyer Irvin D .. charman Capitol, h 339 Peffer Sellmyer Ralph F., elk, h :{3!l Peffer Selsam John T., grocer. 4110 Verbeke, h 1113 Green SeIser Jacob E., driller, h ::?1OH Brookwood SeIser Sadie M .. packer. h ::?1Il1i Brookwood Seltzer Abner G .. lahorer, h 1!)]!l Swatara Seltzer Alfred L., decorator. :134 Market. It 1:!04 N 6thr Seltzer Joseph J., decorator, h 1535 State Seltzer J. Howard, stengr, 14 S :!d. h ;\liddletown Seltzer Nevin R, templetmkr. h 12()4 X 6th Seltzer Peter E., carpenter, h 12114 ::\ lith Seltzer Ross E .. elk P. R. R. pass depot, h ~lO S 13th: Selvey Isaac. laborer, h 1329 W\'eth Selway Joseph, brakeman. 11 :W48 Susquehanna Sempeles John. candymkr. h 433 State Semple Carolinr. wid Da\'id. h 4103 Forref't

SENATE HOTEL, (James Russ), 2 and 4 N 2d

Senft John, genl mgr, 41Hl N 2d. It do S('nior Albert E .. package elk P. R. R., h lill3' Dauphin'

l L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 lIark.tSfnIl

Digitized by


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.


Senior Albert H., conductor, h 603 Dauphin ~ Sennet Harrv, elk, h 12 N 5th 1"1 Sennet Penrose, laborer, h 12 K 5th Senseman Alfred J . drygoods, 1206 N 3d, h 266 Forster Senseman Charles \V., carpenter, h 813 James Senseman Harry R., salesman, 8 S 4th, h 1934 Green Senseman LeRoy H., elk, 1206 N 3d, h 266 Forster Senscman Samuel P., carpenter, h 809 James Z Senseman 'William, carpenter, h 809 James 1'1 Senseman \V. Thomas, conductor, h 154 Svlvan ter SENSENIG ISAAC B., physician, 280 Herr. h 1125 N Front; night calls answered from residence Bell 'phone at house and Potts' drug store QSensenig Oliver H., laborer. h 1125 N Front Sephus Joseph, laborer. h 113 Christie's ct 0 5ergeant Eliza E., wid William, h 321 N Front Sergeant Mary, h 321 N Front Sergeant Sarah H., h 321 N Front --Sersch John J., U. S. A., h 752 S 19-1 Sersch Nicholas, helper, h 752 S 19t ~ Scssemann Haydn C, piano tuner, 218 Harris, h do 3: Settles Helen, wid Jacob, h 616 Church Severino 1\1 ichael, tailor, 8 S 4th, h 412 Forster g Severns Julia G .. wid Andrew, h Home for the Friendless Sevetozan Ungurian, laborer, h 1111 N Cameron


UJ -I 0

:u c:


~ __ , ..

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b:i~-:;;'~~II: ~

Seward George '0/., laborer, h 2036 Boas Seward Ida A.. bunchmkr, h 2036 Boas Seward Tillie P .. bunchmkr, h 2036 Boas Sewell John, laborer, h 1406 Marion Sexton Edmund A., elk P. & R., h 104 S 17th Seyler, see Seiler, also Siler Seymour Ressie 1\1., housekeeper, 1070 S Cameron Seymour Edward F., engr. h 609 Race Seymour George W., helper, h 1070 S Cameron Seymour George \V . jr., brakeman, h 1070 S Cameron Seymour Ida L.. cleaner, h 644 Primrose Seymour T ohn D., fireman, h 1827 N 4th St:;'mour 'Samuel W., policeman, h 126 Nagle Seymour Sarah E., wid William, h 644 Primrose Shaak Caspar S., salesman. 22 N 3d, h 264 Forster Shack Albert, restaurant. 12:~R ~ 7th, h do Shack Frank, clk. 12:~8 X 7th. h do Sha(\e Adam. h 745 S 2l~ S\'a(le Charles. apprentice Independent. h 308 Cumberland Shade Charles. elk. h 4117 Reily Shade Clylie ~L, pipebender, h"24 N Summit Shade Elizabeth :\lrs .. h 312 Verbeke Shade Emory E .. conductor, h 2245 !\ nth Shade Eugeile H., clk, h ~61 Sassafras Shade Francis R., laborer. h 4117 Reily


= ~

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }f:~I;:.r:~':.:{ 3068....


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Adam, laborer, h 745 S 21i John, laborer, h 647 Verbeke John E., stockkpr, h 308 Cumberland John S., policeman. h 1828 Green Lee. helper, h 1225 S 9th l\lary, wid William H., h 1215 Wallace Robert \V., carpenter, h :l08 Cumberland

:; _


Shade Shade Shade Shade Shade Shade Shalle


SHADE ROBERT W., broker, room 5, 15 N 2d, h 1915 do

Shade Susan, waitress, 517 \Yalnut Shade William F., plumber, h 1512 X 4th Shadel Herbert, laborer. h 616 Forster ~:hadel Mary, tel opr. 227 Walnut, h 13a9 N 6th Shadel Viola C, wid William A., 1:139 N 6th Shader A. Hamilton, elk W. L. Bear & Co., h 1405! Regina Shader nertha :\L, saleslady, 1:100 ~Iarket, h 141S Regina Shader Florence c., bookkpr, 210 X Hd, h l!05i Regina Shader Frederick G . helper, h 141S Regina Shader Henry F., laborer, h 1405t Regina Sr.ader J. Leonard, fireman, h as Linden Shader John E., flagman, h 31S Hummel Shader John H., coremkr. h 1241l TIlOmpson Shader Tohn L., bottler, h as Linden jD, Shader \vm. I., pressman Cumbo Pub. Co., h 1424 Zarker



Title Blaralll and Surety CD. Ie:::::.. P'~I~":' :,-r=" {~~rtt.

Shader William W. B., barber, 1270 Market, h 1424 Zarker Shadle Charles H., brakeman. h 2428 Reel Shadle Irvin W.o elk, 622 Reilv, h 242a Reel Minnie X 111 Shadle William E., nurse, 16063d 2d Shadle H., h 512 N Shadnev Xelson, waiter Senate Hotel. 'h 104 Filbert Shadmv Charles I., laborer, h 690 S 20th Shadow Elizabeth, h 17:16 N 7th Shadow William E., car inspector. h 690 S 20th C Shaeffer Annie, tobacco stripper, h 514 ~ 5th ~ Shaeffer Augustus F . laborer, h 210:3 Greenwood Shaeffer Catharine E., noodlemkr. h 521 Cowden Shaeffer Esther F., teacher, It 6611 Boas Shaeffer Frank A., laborer, It 210:l Greenwood . Shaeffer Frederick J., teamster, h 210:3 Greenwood '" Shaeffer George :\1., fireman, h 162 N 15th ~ Shaeffer John L., conductor, h 1a05 K 2d Shaeffer John R., laborer, h 2101 Greenwood ~haeff('r Rm', elk. h 114 Cumberland Shat'/fer Sallmel E . patternmkr, h 111:1 Capital 111 Shaeffer Tilden H., patternmkr, II 8 S 13th Shaeffer \Villiam F., puddler, h 508 Boyd Shaeffer William G., laborer, h 132H Thompson Shafer !\fary A . wid Henry, h S12 East Shafer l\linnie A., boarding. 143 N 4th, h do




ANDREW REDMOND} ~::~=ci :;t~~ {3d and Reily Stat Coogle

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1 B. T1el} IALL PIPER ::::.::~.= 111001 SHIDES{ N.~:' II.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
0.31 Shaffer Alfred H., blacksmith, h 60li N 18th Shaffer Anna, saleslady, 31S l\Iarket, h Steelton Shaffer Annie, wid] eremiah, h 5:!5 Cowden S11affer Charles, helper, 10th bel Chestnut, h Penbrook Shaffer Charles E., linotype opr, 10th bel Chestnut, h Dauphin Shaffer Charles H., laborer, h 1613 Penn Shaffer Charles T., stengr. h :l2H S 16th SHAFFER CLINTON E., wagons and carriages, 5 N Cameron, h 1232 Derry Shaffer Daisy E .. domestic, 1722 Logan Shaffer David J., laborer. h 91:-l SlOth Shaffer Elizabeth A .. wid Samuel. h 2401 ~ 6th Shaffer Emma. wid Elias, h 317 Reily Shaffer Ethel, student, h HOI! Green Shaffer Frank D., laborer, h 1839 Rudy Shaffer Frank E . brakeman, h 1619 Logan Shaffer George, blacksmith, h 441 Hummel Shaffer George, laborer, h 647 Cumberland J: Shaffer George, special officer P. R. R., h 544 Forrest """ Shaffer George B., laborer, h 1947 Swatara ~ Shaffer George E . publisher The Hill News, 1272 Market, hiS 13th Shaffer George H., engr, h 1417 Regina


r!:.;* s;::.-:-'}Harrlsburg Sayings and Laan Assn. U:;= ..

Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaff!'r Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer

Harvey, laborer, h 101 Cherry Hulda'h Mrs., salesladv, 215 Market, h 226 N 14th I. Costa, buyer, 334 Market, 'h 1232 Derry Jacob, fireman, h 647 Cumberland James, driller, h 1616 State James H., laborer, h 101 Cherry lane. h 1205 Green John, brakeman, h Jefferson nr Maclay J o'hn, cook, h 1102 Cowden John c., h 1206 Bailey Jolm H. fireman, h 4t S 13th Lawrence, fireman, h 647 Cumberland ~haffer Lii!ie )'lrs., h Harris nr 4th Shaffer Lizzie, cigar roller, h 647 Cumberland Shafffr LyEa A., h 1232 Derry ~ ~haff('r ~Iargaret. wid John A., h G4/ Cl1'llberland Shaffer ),Iargaret B., laundress, h 1225 :N 6th Shaffer :\fary, cigarmkr, h Jefferson nr :\1aclay Shaffer ),lichael, laborer, h 1087 N Cameron I'" Shaffer Robert B., printer, 10th hel Ohestnut, h Mechan- :; icsburg == -. Shaffer Samuel, laborer, h 709 Korth al Shaffer Sigmund. cranetender. h 101 Cherry Shaffer Spencer, student, h 1232 Derry Shaffer Theodore, carpenter. h (iflfi X 2d

:u < :u c


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OVR BODe.' I - } BODeR Coal,BOTTO W'e1ab&

H M KELLty QI CO {_ 1 ....IIaII'MII p. ... 111 .....



Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

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..: SHAFFER WARREN, building inspector, room 311 Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h 2401 N 6th Shaffer William, carpenter, h 1507 N 12th Shaffer William, painter, h 16 Honey c.:t Shaffer William H., cigars, 1852 Derry, h do ..: Shaffer William H., flagman, h 1206 Bailey ~ Shaffer 'William H., laborer, h 1943 Rudy .: Shaffer William J., shearsman, h 347 Nectarine -!... Shaffer William M., foreman, h 1931 Derry Shaffer, see Schaeffer, also Sheffer ~ Shaffner Andrew E., laborer, h 119 Linden _ Shaffner Annie M., cigarmkr, h 8 N 9th ~ Shaffner Beulah, saleslady, 221 Market, h Steelton Ci Shaffner Charles, machinist, h 431 Peffer a: n; Shaffner Charles E., printer, 401 Herr, h do Shaffner Clyde D., (Balsbaugh & Shaffner), h 1112 Green Shaffner Cornelius E., painter, h 8 N 9th Shaffner Edward W., painter, h 401 Herr Shaffner Edwin 0., mgr, h 1618 N 3d Elma waitress, O Shaffner Ettie V\'., teacher, h113 l\Iarket, h 1433 Zarker Shaffner V .. 618 Curtin Shaffner George B., pipe cutter, h 1191 Linden Shaffner Henry C, cabinetmkr, h 401 Herr c( Shaffner Tacob, trav salesman, h 2!!8 Herr Shaffner Jacob 0., h 2()13 Green



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Shaffner James B., motorman, h 119 Linden Shaffner Jamcs P., laborer, h 119~ Linden Shaffner Jennie C, waitress ~ational Hotel, h 8 N 9th Shaffner Tohn, brakeman. h 6()7 Cumberland Shaffner John .1., mgr Cumberland Valley Milk Depot, :!112 Atlas, h 2020 ~ 5th Shaffner John 1\1., organizer, h 516 Emerald Shaffner Kossie, h 1!!11 N 6th Shaffner Marion G.. fireman, h 2038 Fulton Shaffner Mary. wid Harry. h 82 N ]7th Shaffner Racile!, wid Da\;id~ h ]618 N 3d Shaffner R. Frank, stengr. 16 N 2d, h 224 Peffer Shaffner Sadie N., cigarmkr, h 8 N 9th Shaffner Sarah E;, wid Isaac J., h 5 N 9th Shaffncr William A., laborer, h 1604 Derry Shaffner Willard, sol. h 1712 Green Shaffner, see Schaffner Shakespeare David, rollcr, h 2114 Moore Shakespeare David E .. oiler, h 2114 Moore Shakespearc Susan A., salcslady, h 2114 lVIoore Shallcnberger John B., elk sec Comwlth., h 143 N 4th Shallenberger, see Shellenberger, also Schcllenberger Shallhammer Frank, fireman, h 8 X 5th Shallowcigh David S . salesman. 510 Market, 11 7 N 5th Sham ba ugh Alb~r_t_A_._. _la_bo_rc_r ,___n_17_D_a_u_p'h_i_n_ _ _ __ h

Y_.=~~..;?' WOO ,.II1II ... X_troll A. B. TACK ...~~.. Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 65:1 Shambaugh Annie 1'1., domestic, HH3 :'loltke
Shambaugh Chalmer, elk, h 421 Muench Shambaugh Charles J. E., brakeman, h 2006 Wood Shambaugh Edward R., brakeman. h 1619 \Vallace Shambaugh Ellen, wid Samuel A, h 1913 ,\Ioltke Shambaugh Harry E., laborer, h 1913 :'.Ioltke Shambaugh Isaiah c., driver, h ]931 Wood Shambaugh Joshua S., engr, h 225 Mulberry Shambaugh Rebecca Mrs.; h 1619 Wallace Shambaugh Samuel G., hostler, h 20111 Wood Shambaugh William J., laborer, h 2m ~ayford Shambaugh \\'iIliam J., laborer, h 1130 ~ 1th Shammo Calder B., laborer, h 609 State Shammo Charles A, elk, h 609 State Shammo Harry L.. foreman, h 60!} State Shammo Luther c., grocer, 609 State, h do Shammo William J., heeler, h 609 State Shamp Mary, wid Silas A, h 1523 N 6th . Shamp Wm. P., foreman F. and .\1. Works, h 60j Maelay Shanabrook Calvin 1'1., grocer, 622 Reily, h do Shanafelt John F .. car repairer, h 122() Derry Shanahan John W. Rt. Rev., D. D., Bishop of Hbg., h 212 State Shanaman Cora, domestic, 2229 X 4th Shanaman J. Arthur, G. S. Shanaman & Son), h 542 Peffer

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~t,:i~-:;'~~&

Shanaman Jere. S .. G. S. Shanaman & Son), h :WOO N 6th ~ Shanaman Jeremiah S. & Son, (J. Arthur), artificial limbs, ;; 40R Market ~ Shanaman Luther A .. machinist. h 2flflO ~ 6th ~ Shanasey Michael, brakeman. h 1922 Boas ~ Shandler Harry .T., tailor, 514 Filbert, h do ~ Shandler Isaac L., tailor. 61fl State, h do ~ Shaneman Mary E .. nurse Hbg. Hospital, h do Shaner Aaron, helper, h 1414 Herr Shaner Annie E., housekeeper. 100S Cowden Shaner Annie V. )'lrs., h 121 1\ orth Shaner Charles, puller, h 1640 ~larket Shaner Charles E., postal elk. h 1329 Kittatinny Shaner Eleanor, cigar roller, h 322 Herr Shaner Evans B .. wall paper, 19:~8 Derry, h do Shaner Fannie, dressmkr, h 1400~ Regina Shaner Harry B., elk, h 1008 Cowden Shaner Horace D., photographer, h j26 S 21l Shaner Tacob Y .. h 1Hf)~ Cowden Shaner 'IetIl'rson ]) .. h H I ~Iarket Shaner 101111 H .. bartender. h 1fHI~ Cowden Sh;ml'r Robert ~ .. pipe fitter. h 1~~23 Maple Shaner Theodore. blacksmith. h 1414 Herr Shaner Theodore, jr., machinist, h 1414 Herr Shaner, see Schoener


I.DEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO.l:.'1\\\ {r~-:~~o~Ie


CLARK'S ::'...,. Oru and Patent Medicine Store J -::t B~ -,

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Boyd's Harrisburg ( S) City Directory, 1908.








S nk enj lin ., j k. I 7~! . 1 Shank Emery, laborer, h ~35 Harris S nk ste }T res kr :!3 ar Sank George \\., engr, h _3" Harris Shank John G., foreman h ROC) Gr n S nkilt S., uc P frei t dot, N 4th S nk am ,n on n, I 7!{ am 11 Shank Samuel S., flagman, h 332 Boyd Sh nk Tho s: car nte h 1 .4 S qu nn S nk H \ , .. bri la y ,h:.. fI 11 Shanklin John: bricklayer, 'h 1514 Green S nk Jo. jr bri aye h:. fI n Shanklin Lvda, h 1514 Green nk':M 'on k, 2 ~ ke I 7 Ca al ~ anklm Sarah, h 110 Capital Shannahan Denn' lab er. I 13 '\ 5d ~ nn an rem h, ore, h 1 X' Shannahan Philip, heater, h 13 X 5th nn y n ,Ia rer l' C sti Shanut?ssy Joseph, laborer, h 1212 Christian h nn y T nco ., . J G h]') 2 isti nn B ar, wid. sep ,h _34 7th Shannon Blanche. rolier, h 815 S Front nn E er, or h B <;
'fiUe G_DtT aDd 8aretJ' c.. - .ato eDD 'rll



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Shannon Hannah M., copy holder, h 1829 Derry nn J. 'lIm e, ig ner 18 D y S 1annon J. Fillmore, Jr., elk, :.05 ~Iarket, h 427 S 14th Shannon Joseph A, braken . h r'28 S Ca ron nn ~ tin., b kia, ,I !l4 \Va ra Shannon l\lary T., press feeder Courier, 'h Steelton nn :i\ ,c rm h :H vat a Shannon T. Justus. elk, G:!. \\" alnut, h 1829 Derry SI ant t\u tus ., t ols er. 114 oa pe Sa lei, sta ant-. ,1Hi ut and 2 alnut, h 1111 X 7th api Be amI hu te l' C an Shapiro David, puddler. h li:!(j Xorth 'lpi Hi ,c' r ler. 1:!' Ct ant apiro Li Ie, cigar ro er.l1 I:!:!. Currant Shapley Raymond R.. machinist. h li13 Kelke 'lro J en ~ ., I n~ \\"( Sharp Albert, h 116 Verbeke ~ arp Ibe R. abi till I ~1 Ea h Sharp Augustus. laborer. h 1.~1:~ ~ 6t'n C;harp Charles r dri r. 1 "'1~ Fast . 'lrp 1111 ,ptl ler. 14 S . th Sharp George. paver, h 121 S 14th 'lrp eo F floc 'alk .:~ ~r oct. 81 Ea Sharp James Hoo roller, h 116 Verbeke

mo 's





{3 nd




1. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades h:l~dM~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


Sharp James W., sec and treas Newville Knitting Co., h Sharp John R, laborer, h 921 Grand Sharpe Albert R, laborer, h 506 North Sharpe Sarah c., saleslady, 221 Market, h 506 North Sharpf Augustus K., h 1313 N 6th Shartle Adaline, wid Jacob M., h 405 Strawberry ShartIe Mary J., wid Mark J., h 321 Cumberland Shartle Paul F., electrician, h 405 Strawberry Shartle Roy, press feeder, 201 ::IJ 2d, h 405 Strawberry Shartzer Adam B., foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 1349 do Shartzer Annie M., roller, h 86 Disbrow Shartzer Charles, molder, h 212 N 15th Shartzer Eliza'be1!h, seamstress, h 325 Ohestnut Shartzer Grace A., elk, h 1349 Vernon Shartzer Jno. 0., foreman F. and M. Wks., h 212 N tlith Shartzer Kathryn G., nurse, h 86 Disbrow Shartzer Mary F., h a23 Chestnut Shatto Alexander M., gardener, h 1716 Susquehanna .Shatto Benjamin F., coachman, h 117 N Rive.r Shatto George, conductor, h 504 State Shatto Harry B., salesman, 30 N 2d, h 1424 N 6th Shatto Harry 1., inspector, h 627 Harris Shatto Irvin A., engr, h 627 Harris Shatto Ross W., brakeman, h 504 State



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r!;*a::.-:'}Harrllburl Sa.p aM lJaD Alln.

Shatto William H., brakeman, h 423 Dauphin Shaub Albert A., loom fixer, h 12m Green Shaub Catharine M., apr, h 1728 Penn Shaub David W., fireman, h 1700 N 2d Shaub Elizabeth F .. bunchmkr, h 632 Herr \ Shaub Estella :\1. Mrs., cook, 1700 N 2d Shaub George H., janitor, h 913 Susquehanna Shaub George W., conductor, h 1728 Penn Shaub Harry W., conductor, h 1425 N 2d Shaub Joseph, laborer, h 632 Herr Shaub Joseph E., laborer, h 1336 Currant Shaub Kurwin J., brakeman, h 1728 Penn Shaub Thaddeus L., engr, h 608 Forster Shaub William M., driller, h 17U~! N 3d Shaumper William, laborer, h 1)43 Boas Shaver Charles H., fireman, h 621 Dauphin Shaver Charles N., conductor, h 1238 Walnut Shaver F. Chester, fireman, h 6th nr Granite Shaw Anna R, hOllsekeeper, 618 Muench Shaw Daniel F., puddler, h 1:J28 S 13th Shaw Dessa, nurse Hbg-. Hospital, h do Shaw John, puddler, h 1330 S 13th Shaw Joseph S., laborer, h 329 Basin Shaw Mabel, domestic, 1709 State Shaw William J., engr, h UI17 Green







H M ," ELLEY a CO. {tl'l'ort.h ad. ...... D. t t.tII. _el

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Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Shawver Della, domestic, 208 Pine Shav Wilson L .. laborer. h HHl3 Hemlock Shea Fred'k L.. rodman P. R. R. pass depot. h 104 Boas SHEAFER H. J. & CO., (John A. and Ralph Westc:.:a brook), insurance, 32 N 3d ;5 Sheafer \V'illiaI11 H., (Hbg. Knitting ~:lill), h Phila. c:.:a Sheaffer Albert 1\. engr, h 6:!~ Camp Sheaffer Alice' C, demonstrator, 14 S 2d. h 1451 Vernon Sheaffer Annie J., opr, h 172!l X 5th Sheaffer Annie R.. boxmkr, h 527 \\' est . __ Sheaffer Benjamin F .. flagman, h 12H5 Derry _ Sheaffer Benjamin F .. engr, h 1152 ~rarket g Sheaffer Catharine. noodlemkr. h :i21 Cowden Sheaffer Catharine, wid John. h 341 Harris :: Sheaffer Chas. L.. horseshoer. 1508 N :-ld. h 431 Hamilton 2 Sheaffer CliarIec; W .. ins elk, :~21 l\1arket, h 25 ~ 16th Sheaffer Clarence. brakeman. h 6111 Harris Sheaffer Daisy A., h 614 1\ Hith Sheaffer Daniel E .. inspector. h 122:li Bailey Sheaffer David. elk, h 1729 K 5th Sheaffer Edward E., expressman, h 7 Aberdeen Elmer O Sheaffer Emma.E., grocer, 4:n SlOth, hN433 do ~ Sheaffer wid Lemuel 0., h 226 14th ~ Sheaffer George H., engr, h 1417 Regina Sheaffer George H., stengr, h 433 SlOth

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Sheaffer George W., laborer, h 1729 X 5th Sheaffer Harriet M., elk, h 1152 Market Sheaffer Huldah, wid Charles E., h 226 X 14th Sheaffer John, driver, h 610 Showers Sheaffer John, laborer. h 507 \Valnut Sheaffer John L., brakeman. h 2248 Jefferson Sheaffer John M . baker, 905 N 3d, h do Sheaffer John VV .. janitor, h 414 Muench Sheaffer Joseph \V., engr. h 458 S Cameron Sheaffer Luther C. laborer, h 1512 Regina ...J Sheaffer Michael 0 .. janitor, h 510 SlOth Sheaffer Philip L., laborer. h 337 Chestnut o Sheaffer Ralph D., baker, h 414 Muench u Sheaffer Raymond, opr, h 414 :\Iuench Q Sheaffer Reuben W., steam fitter. h 915 N 3d ,z: Sheaffer Robert A., gas fitter. h lS~8 North Sheaffer Roberta ~1rs., confectioner, 610 Showers, h do liIJ Sheaffer S. Ross. gas inspector, h 1838 North Y Sheaffer Thomas B., elk, h 2458 N 6th Sheaffer William B., janitor. h 510 SlOth Sheaffer William F., saddler, h 527 West Sheaffer William W., pipe bundler, h 613 Cumberland Sheaffer, see Schaeffer, also Shaffer Sheahan Elizabeth C, stengr Executive Dept., Capitol, h 1110 N 2d

o o




Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 657 Shealer Levi L., engr, h 1321 Howard Shear Catharine, wid Walker, h 532 Race Shear Ellen, charwoman, h 532 Race Sheared Charles E., puddler, h 15 Lochiel 2d row Shearer Abraham L., carpenter, h 1002 Cumberland SHEARER ALFRED L., physician, 808 N 6th, h do; office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. Both 'phones Shearer Anna E., h 1815 N 2d Shearer AquiIla B., contractor, h 14:~ Sylvan ter Shearer Cbarles c., machinist. h 2126 N 4th Shearer David M. cementwkr, h 1612 Zarker Shearer Grace, domestic, 1838 N 2d Shearer Helen M . teacher, h 808 N 6th Shearer Jesse A., h 143 Sylvan ter Shearer J. Frank. janitor, 1905 N Front. h do Shearer John, bricklayer, h 1251 Mulberry Shearer Joseph G., puddler, h 614 Showers Shearer Jos. L.. men's furnishings, 204 Market, h 16 N 4th Shearer Joseph L., jr., shirt mfr, 204 Market, h 206 N 3d Shearer Kate, cigarmkr, h 35 Balm Shearer Martha, wid Montgomery. h 1424 North Shearer Park, foreman, 1400 Howard, h 1343 do Shearer Samuel, machinist, h 16 N 4th Shearer 'William c., elk, 431 North, h Kew Kingston







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Shearer \Villiam D., conductor, h 329 S 16th Shearer \VilIiam M., grocer, 1436 Swatara, h do Shearer William T., laborer, h 1411 North Shearer Willis, painter, h 1362 Mayflower Sheats John, h 806 N 6th 'Sheats ).clary, domestic, 213 Pine Sheatz Ida V., h 222 N 2d SHEATZ JOHN 0., state treasurer, Capitol, h 222 N 3d Sheck Eli M., laborer, h 515 Emerald Sheck John M., brakeman. h 519 Emerald Sheehey George A., watchman P. & R. freight depot, 'h 817


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Sheehey George H., helper, h 1257 ~ 13th C> Sheehey J. Daniel, rollhand, h 1257 S 13th .Sheehey Michael J., elk P. & R. freight depot, h 145 Ann al '= Sheehey Sarah A.; wid Daniel. h lOin S 9th ~ Sheehey Viola E., cigar roller, h 817 James :::l1l:I Sheeler Charles E .. telegrapher, h 414 Boas :z: Sheeley Augustus, laborer, h 292 N Cameron Sheeley Merban, laborer, h 292 N Cameron =::i Sheely' Curtis A., dentist. 1227 N 2d, h do ~ Sheely J. Henry W., bar elk, 517 Walnut, h do :::l1l:I Sheely Rush, fireman, h 1231 Fulton ~ Sheeslev Amelia M., h ]001 S 9th Sheesley Calvin F., engr, h 2243 N 6th

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Boyd's Harrisburg ( 8) City Directory, 1908.

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Charles A., millwright, h liillS Zarker Charles E., fireman, h lim \Valnut Daniel, real estate, 901 S 9th, h do David, carpenter, h 1934 Swatara Earl E., shoecutter, h ]3 S 1Gth Edmund E., cutter, h ]3 S 16th Sheesle~' Elmer C, carpenter, h !1m S ::!lst Sheesley George L., elk. Hemlock nr !lth, h 909 S 9th S>heesley Harry F., ~rocer, 901 S 9th, h 905 do Sheeslev Isabella, WId Samuel, h fil7 Race Shcesle)' James E., carpenter, h ]3 S 16th SHEESLEY J. HARRY, coal and feed, Hemlock nr 9th, h Rutherford, Paxtang Sheesley John H., grocer, 601 \Valnut. h do Sheesley John M., boarding, 1226 Derry, h do Sheesley Kate Mrs., dressmkr, h 515 Muench Sheesley Mary, dressmkr, h 617 Race Sheesley Mayme M., information elk, 210 Walnut, h 13 S 16th Sheesley Raymond H., elk, 11 1934 Swatara ~heesley Ross R., macbinist, h 617 Race Sheesley Samuel W., h 71 N 16th Sheesley Sarah M., wid Abram,h 203 Muench Sheesley Tilden H., fireman, h 2235 Jefferson Sheesley William, h 1001 S 9t1h

Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley

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Sheesley William D., machinist, h 1711 Penn Sheets Charles E., agt, h 709 East S11eets Earl c., car inspector, h 415 Hamilton Sheets Edward, janitor, h 31 S 13th Sheets Edwin J., janitor, h 31 S 13th Sheets Emma, wid Thomas; h 1710 Briggs Sheets George, engine hostler, h 1000 N 7th Sheets Joseph, wagonmkr, h 405 Verbeke Sheets Lin, laborer, h 1712 Briggs Sheets Samuel J., laborer, 11 1710 Briggs SHEETZ A. COLEMAN, 2d asst State Librarian, h 413 Briggs Sheetz Annie L., h 30 S 4th Sheetz Belinda ;\1., wid Edwin F.,h 413 Briggs Sheetz Emma B., domestic, 227 State Sheetz Frank, salesman, h llH~ ?\ lith Sheetz Ina N., h 308 Hummel Sheetz Levi, teamster,h 937 S 19th Sheetz Mattie I., milliner, 1300 N 3d, q, 413 Briggs Sheetz M. Lou, teacher High School, h 413 Briggs Sheetz Nettie I., milliner, h 413 Briggs Sheetz Orval W .. laborer, h 1714 Briggs Sheetz Salome, tailoress, 227 Reily, h 1424 Green Shefer Henry, restaurant, h 1111 N 7th Sheffer Jolm B., shoe opr, 'h 2037 Kensington

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND !i~~e~~~~~~~'e

l A B TACK r :I'reIIcololJ Makeaa8peelaltyofPlato TlDIe {t.'.N.adIH.. PabUo B1Illdio 10 .Ia&\JllMel Qlorea

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. Sheffer Melvin W., salesman, 308 Market, h Camp Hill Sheffer Merl, electrician, h 215 Walnut Sheffer Michael J., laborer, h 911 S 19th Sheffey Albert B., postal elk, h 101 N 13th Sheffield James W., laborer, 'h 1806 Elizabeth Sheffler George W., madhinist, h 905 S 20i Sheib William, conductor, h 1621 Regina Sheibley Harry, conductor, h 2322 Jefferson Sheibley Jacob E., salesman, h 309 Briggs Sheibley Laura c., stengr, h 309 Briggs Shei'bley William J., ins agt, 8 N 2d, 'h 85 N 16th Shein Max, grocer, 312 Cherry, h do Sheldon Charles, laborer, h 549 Primrose Sheldon Jennie, wid Eli, h 237 Crescent Sheldon John G., barber, h 517 Shaeffer Shelenbarger John N., barber, h 551 S Front Shell Bertha E., domestic, 352 Hummel Shell William H., laborer, h 441 Boyd Shell, see Schell S'hellahammer Mabel, laundress, h 19 N Front Shellehamer Annie, wid Harry, h 1831 N Cameron Shellehamer Harry, brakeman, h 1831 N Cameron Shellenberger Annie M., dharwoman. h 432 Kelker al Shellenberger Aug. R., h 212 N 3d Shellenberger George 'vV., bookkpr, h 12:!a Swat~ra



Salligs and Loan



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H. M. KELLEY ,. CO. lODlCea, :.~~:. r..f~r;r~ {COAL AND WOOD

:;; Shellv W. Howard, salesman. h 1521 N 5th -;; Shenck Minnie ~1rs .. h r 4~5 Strawberry ~ Shenk Clarence, elk, 11l~ J\' :ld. h 4:n Hummel =:i Shenk Earle \Y., student, h U2() ~ 6th ~ Shenk Harvey, engr, h 1420 N 6th Shenk Hiram, eng-r, h 1932 N 4th Shenk Susan, wid Daniel, h 1~5~ Market Shenk Willis, flagman, h 1432 ~ 6th o y". Shephard \V ashington, laborer, h J 25 K 16th o Shepherd Joseph, puddler, h 472 S Cameron ~ Shepler Annie :Mrs., h Home for the Friendless i5 Shepler John N .. fireman, h 411 Hummel ~ Shepler Sherman, carpenter, h 1321 Fulton Shepler Simon, blacksmith, h 1321 Fulton Shepley Charles S .. 1110torman, h :~34 S 16th Shepley Edward B .. carpenter. h 21124 Derry I[ Shepley Emma, domestic, 9 N 5th Shepley Floyd B., bookbinder, Court ab Locust, h 2024 Derry I- Shepley Guy E., apprenticc, h 21124 Derry Shepley James R., student. h 1645 :'.hrht cC Sherhocker Harrv.laborer, h 659 Savford '1[ Sherbocker John \Y., laborer, h 2~2 'Sayforcl Sherfy Irene S., wid Charles W., h 1311 \'ernon

660 Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. ~ Shelh- ~la~assa n.. conductor, h 424 Crcscent



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SHERGER JOHN A., physician, 1809 N 6th, h do; office hours, 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. Sheridan John L., laborer, h 227 SlOth Sheridan Richard C, foreman C I. and S. Co., h 1705 N 3d Sheridan vVilliam F., stengr and elk Water Supply Com. of Pa., Capitol, h !}27 ~ :~d Sheridan, see Scharadin Sherk D. Austin. elk, ~13 :\Iarket. h 14!l Sylvan ter Sherk David L., driller, h 14!l Sylvan ter Sherk Galen A., motorman, h 22!l ~ 14th Sherk Harry A., builder, h 1325 State Sherk Harry A., laborer, h 16117 ~ 4th Sherk Harry V., car inspector. h 72:J N 19th Sherk Henry R., elk, h 1325 State Sherk Jacob, driver, h 723 ~ 19th Sherk Jennie :\1., elk, 115 Market, h 22U N 14th Sherk John A., laborer, h 1518 Regina Sherk John A., jr., brakeman, h 15U3 Regina Sherk Louisa ~Irs .. h ~108 Calder Sherk :'.Iargaret F., wid Abraham D . h 55 N 17th Sherk ~ed :\1.. car repairer, h 2003 State Sherk Susan :\lrs., h 1607 N 4th Sherlock ~1aria, wid Samuel, h 1519 Regina Sherlock Rebecca, wid David G., h 1~40 Derry Sherman Benjamin. laborer, h 120 l\1ary

1 L. ST. ClAIR{TAILOA{12401lIrkltStrll.
Digitized by



At B. TACK ~~~:!1loU paper ~Od IlndOW ShOdas l~l~~~,f..II~

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.
David, grocer, 1m8 K 7th, h do David, shoemkr, 501 Hamilton, h 16114 N 5th Frank B.. janitor, h 216 Cranberry Harry, clothier, 503 Walnut, h 1118 lfarket Harry H., grocer, 1925 N 7th, h do Louis. h 1118 Market liargaret, apronmkr. h 647 Boas Moses, grocer, 6~4 \Valnut, h do ~herman Reuben. peddler. h 1000 Cowden . Sherr Louis, shoemkr, h 1026 11arket ~herry John J., linotype apr Independent. h t:1I:1 N ad !'hertzer A. Franklin, motorman, h H)46 :\ orth Shertzer Cora E., elk. h 11 0 Conov Shertzer Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 1255 Bailey Shertzer Frances, elk, h 110 Conoy Shertzer George E .. carpenter, h 1255 Bailey Shertzer Harry R., motorman, h 1946 X orth Shertzer Sarah. domestic, 207 State ~,hertzer William H., supt, h 110 Canoy Sherwood ~1. ~Iat1d. teacher. 'h 1107 Capital Shetron S. Wilbur. brakeman, h 24 S l~th Shetter Carrie Zav, h 1504 State Shetter George X., h 1504 State Shetter :'.1 arlatt A., h 713 X Hth Shetter William X., elk, h 15 ~ 15th Sherman Shern'an Sheman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman


Shettk Isadore, wid Jacob B .. h 17(l~ X 5th Shickley George, laborer, h 24 Lachiel 2<1 row Shickley Howard. laborer. h 2:W5 Prospect Shick lev Sherman, laborer, h :n Lochiel !{d row Shicklev 'Wilson, laborer. h 24 Lochicl 2d row Shiefer' Ham: G .. fireman, h 6117 Cumberland Shields Am3THla c.. stengr. h 111 Calder Shields Charles, printer Telegraph, h Penhrook Shields Daisy. cigar roller, h 142 Indian Shields James D., patent medicine~, 224 S 2<1, h do Shields John Rev., h 212 State Shields Joshua, laborer. h 1227 ::'.Ionroe Shields ,Martha )'lrs .. chambermaid Senate Hotel, h 216


Shields Ralph, laborer. h 504 Xorth Shields William C.. fireman, h 54 X 12th Shiffler )'lary, janitress Capitol. h 2511 Xorth ~ Shiffler William, janitor. h 21i1l Xorth Shiley Harry B .. painter. h 215 S 1:)th Shilltnn Frances B., h 124 ),1 lliherrv '9 Shillenn George W .. bar elk. 2:n Strawberry, h do Shillenn Jo~eph E .. laborer. h 124 ~1t1lberry ~ . Shillenn Regina C. saleslady, a:~4 ),1 arket, h 124 :'.Iulberry ~ Shillenn Thomas T., cahinctmkr. 124 :\1 ulbern', h do Shillenn William F . paintl'r, h 121;~ S 9th .
~ ~


~ --



MONEY AoVAI CEO }IDI'll&~hLt:' {~~ ~:e~~!'

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McNEil'S COUBH REMEDY }~:l!or.r::s':.~~ {AT 11~JJ.i

662 Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
Shilling John E., flagman, h (iIi Emerald Shillinger Amelia. wid William. h I:H I Yernon Shimmell Carl. student. h 424 Xorth Shimmell Lewis S., dist supervisor schools. h 424 North Shimmell Marv. teacher, h 424 :-.Jorth Shimp \Villiam J .. engr, h 1525 1'\ 5th Shindel G. Otis. hrakeman. h 120:~ Cowden Shindler Amy, cigar roller. h 01] S 111th ShincHer Forrest. brakeman, h 121:~ Apple

SHINDLER GEORGE F., clerk, h 317 Cherry


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.... z c u

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Shindler John R.. ironwkr. h 1:~:t2 S l:~th Shindler 'Lizzie Mrs .. h 26211 Jefferson Shindler Louis n.. laborer, 'h 1i21 \\'iconisco Shindler William B .. engr. h 144 Indian Shindler. !'ee SchimHer Shingler Clemence L. :\1.. conductor. h ;oj 11 S 14th Shipe Robert, brakeman. h 2212 Atlas Shipe Washington F .. laborer. h 12:!4 Eartine Shipley George' \\' .. weighma~tl'r C. 1. and S. Co., h 1050 S 9th Shipley Herbert. mgr, 26 S ::d, h 22 X 4th ~hipley Joseph R .. laborer. h Ml Race ~hipley Rohert W .. helper, h 5112 S Cameron Shipley Susan E .. wili Louis H .. h l')1)2 S Cameron Shipley \Valter A .. laborer, h lOall S Oth ._---_._-------.---------nlllSlarlaly lad Sari" CI. 'C~l~:'., {orr!.~:nz






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Shipley Walter E .. heater. h 1111 :\lulberr), Shipley William L., chemist, h 1 i1:t Green Shipp Elizabeth M., h 102 Balm Shipp Kate. wid Jdhn M., h Ill:! Balm Shipp :.\1ary A., wid Jacob M .. h 102 Balm Shireman Annie Mrs., h 929 Grand Shireman Clara S .. teacher. h 7n X 17th Shireman Cora s'hoe folder, h 1522 Regina Shircman Daniel \Y., blacksmith. h 1310 Vcrnon Shireman Edward L.. machinist. h 1522 Rcgina Shireman Harn' P .. molder. h 711 ~ 17th Shireman ~fan: C .. h 70 X 17th Shireman Ruftis K .. painter. h R:!fi James Shirey Almer E .. elk. h 1517 State Shiry Frederick, laborer. h 11l:!4 :YIarket Shirk Charles A., fireman, h 1843 N 4rh Shirk David H .. fireman. 'h 1213 Penn Shirk Eugene l\L, caller, h 438 :\Iuench Shirk Foster J.. painter, h 1()03 Derry Shirk Lucius T brakeman, h 1919 :\Ioltke . Shirk :\Tartha: wid A1110S. h 2;')0 Libertv Shirk Mal'\' B .. wcayer. h 2:1n Libertv Shirk Philip \f .. blacksmith, h 1603 berry Shirk Sarepta B.. wid Jacob P., h 1919 :Moltke Shirk William H .. laborer. h 250 Liberty



ANDREW REDMOND{3d In~ Rill, Sb. Coogle

Digitized by

I. B. TACK} PIN~IC~~~.!'t~~o,~~R{ 1116 NOna TbIJ1I Of

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

:0 Shirley Catharine Mrs., 'h 421 Hamilton PI Shirley John P., tinner, h 421 Hamilton Shirley Lucy Mrs., dressmkr, 1410 James, h do Shirley Mary A., wid Harry, h 1426 Susquehanna ~ Shirley Philip, h 425 Hamilton (I) Shirley Philip, lahorer, h 421 Hamilton Shirley, see Shiley Shisler Albert H., locksmith, 1408 N 3d, h do Shisler Ellen, wid Josephus, 'h 216 Forster Shisler Herbert, hostler, h 235 Blackberry Shisler John A., electrician, h 1408 N 3d Shisler John A., elevator attendant P. R. R, h 240 Harris PI Shisler Theodore E., machinist. 'h 16116 Susquehanna Shissler Annie, dressmkr, 214 Herr, h do ~ Shissler Daisy M., h 318 Chestnut PI Shissler Mamie E., saleslady, 30 N 3d, h 318 Chestnut Shive Adolphus R, laborer, h 828 S Cameron C Shive Andrew, laborer, h 1128 Wallace Shive Celia, laundress, 1128 Wallace Shive Sarah R., tel opr, h 828 S Cameron > Shive William A., laborer, h 828 S Cameron Shiveley Oaude S., mgr, 1308 N ad, h do < Shively Alice, domestic, 927 N 61'h > Shively Haryey, carpenter, h 26 S 3d o Shkue Jacob, peddler, h r 1308 Wallace


o o r




.r.~=I:::J-:::'} Hanlsburg

Sa,lngs and Loan Assn.:': ~:e,

n .

Shlomberg Jacob, electrician, h 427! Verbeke Shlomberg Jennie. elk, ]2]9 N 3d. h 427i Verbeke Shlomberg Samuel H .. stoves, 427J Verbeke, h do Shlomherg ~olomon, labort'r. h 4:!n Verbeke Shneidman Anna, saleslady, :W N :ld, h 14 N 5th Shneidman Isaac, restaurant. 14 X 5th, h do Shneidman Jacob, merchant tailor, 521 1\ 4th, h do Shneidman Maurice A .. student. h !)21 N 4th Shneidman Hehecca, stengr, :10 1'\ 3d. h 14 N 5th Shneidman Samuel. e1othier, 414 \Valnut. h flo Shoaff Annie D., press feeder, h ]2]R Market Shoaff Eleanor. elk. 12114 N 3d, h 31!) Kelker Shoaff Tra S .. fireman. h ] n2:! Fulton Shoaff Tacob L.. ~()nductor. h :11:) Kelker Shoaff j. Edward. mailer Tmlepelldent. h 3]5 Kelker Shoaff Lewis \Y .. rodman, h !lUi Kelker Shoaff \[alldt'lint.' D., stengr. :121 Market, h 315 Kelker Shoaff l\hrtle H .. h 242 N 14th Shoaff \\'illiam R. carpenter, h 242 X 14th Shoemaker A. Edgar. elk. 'h 110!l Penn Shoemaker Ag-nes P .. h 14:m l\Iarket Shoemaker C~tharine. milliner. Ih 14:Ui Market Shoemaker Catharine, wid George J.. h lO]!l Green Shoemaker Chalmers. S\1pt Glen Mfg. Co .. h 193R Logan Shoemaker Ec\warrl, elk, Herr clOth, h ] 103 Penn









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.. H M KELLEY at CO'S -B1aek llh.WoDd ....beD{'to.Ir,~a.'Ia', III< D. 1'1111 :rOD DeliL Ohler. .. I"
Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Shoemaker Ceorge J., saksman. tnl S ~d, h 143G Market "" Shoemaker Harry F., coremkr, h 1521 Derry c: Shoemaker Harry \\"., bookkpr, 7th c Xorth. h 1321 ~ S,vatara SHOEMAKER HOMER, lawyer, 9 N 3d, h 1522 N 2d ~ Shoemaker John V., engr Hbg. Hospital, h 943 Paxton ~ Shoemaker Lewis C, bookbinder, h 14:16 Market ~ Shoemaker l\Iary, wid Samuel K.. h 1521 Derry Shoemaker Pearl. dr('~smkr, 334 ::\.farket, h 127 Evergreen G Il Shoemaker Ray S., (Samuel \V. Shrwmaker & Son). h



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Shoemaker Samuel \\'., (Samuel \\". Shoemak('r & Son), h 1545 N 6th SHOEMAKER SAMUEL W. & SON, (Samuel W. and Ray S.). granolithic paving, 1545 N 6th see adv Shoemaker S. Pearl, tailoress. h 1:!7 Evergr('('n Shoemaker Stella R . h 1~7 EYergreen Shoemaker Walter F .. elk. h !won X Hth Shoemaker \\"i1Iiam :\1., engr, h :!(Hl!l X 11th Shoemaker \\"iIIiam T . h e7 Evergreen Shoemaker. see Shomaker. also Shumaker Shoeman Elmina. wi(1 Hiram, h 1715 X 4th Shoeinan Ernest K., engr. h 5~7 ~Iac1ay Shoeman Hiram L., car repairer, h I1G Charles Shoeman :\JabeJ R .. h 1715 X 4th


4th, h do Sholl. see Scholl o Sholl Jacob, grocer. = Sholley Paul J.. brakeman. h Showers
14~:! ~


Sholly Catharine, wid John H., h 1i:!1 Forster Sholter Ralph C .. conductor. h :n 1 Briggs ..: Shomo Allen E., stengr Aud. Genl's D('pt .. Capitol. h 6U9a.. Briggs E Shomo Harry P., elk .\ml. Cenl's Dept .. Capito), h 808 o Capita). U Shook George W .. caqwntcr. 112H ~ Front. h do ~ Shook John :\1., (Shook & Gemmi;i). ice cream, 61 X 1:3th, 0< h 14()4 Xorth Shook & Gemmill, (John M. Shook and vYalter K Gemmill), ice cream, 1404 North . Q Shoop Alexander D., fireman, h 611 Forrest



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&, SON Granolithic Paving

l'ar"l 7... C.... C...... A. ..


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I i: O.e. a.d ldc. I 1545 Nort.. Slat" Str....

T_I_phon_ Oonnectlon


B TACK} . . . . . .nOlleluarealr. WorkdoneiD&D1 putol S&atelJ !I.1816 Bmpro,. bat ftl'll-elus workmen, beDC.lCl ODl7 JInlaIId lidS&'
Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.



Shoop Shoop

Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop


Shoop Shoop

Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop

~hoop ~hoop ~hoop

Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop

Alva V., stengr Berryhill Xursery. h 1362 Vernon Bernard J.o bookbinder, h 216 :'.Illench Clara E .. domestic, 1905 N' 7th C. :\iaurice, laborer. h 435 Harris David K., laborer, h 400 :\I1uench David S. Rey .. h 206 Harris Durbin J., huckster, 1944 N Cameron Edna 1\1.. saleslady, 20S Market. 11 l!lft! \' ernon Edward c., car inspector, h 411 Hamilton Edwin J., repairsman, h 19(11 State Edwin W., h Hill 1\ 2d G. Davis. driwr. h 611 Forrest George W., elk P. R. R. freight depot. Ii 1511 N 2d Gertrude V .. ~:deslady, 120(i ~ 3ci. h II II:! ~lontgy. Harry X., machinist, h 432 ~rarket H. Edwin, foreman, h 1401 State Henry B .. trimmer, h \Valnut c 14th John, h 719 X 2d John H.o puinter. h 612 K l~th John L.. conductor, h 143 N 4th John \V .. carpenter, h 170S X 4th ~Iargaret .-\., bookkpr, 26 Sad, h fill Forrest ::'.Iartha, wid Chri!'topher, h ] 71t~ X 4th ~\Iartha E .. elk, 21 ~ 3d. h fill r: orrest :'.fary E., hotlsekeeper. \Valnut c 14th







o o .


Shoop M. Jennie. \\irl Bernhart J.. h 11 0:\ ~Iontgomery Shoop l\Iorris. student. h 612 1\ l:-:th Shoop Peter, laborer. Ii 11:!1 1\ 7th ;; SHOOP SAMUEL M., undertaker, Walnut c 14th, h do c:: Shoop Thomas F., car repairer, h 1852 \\'alnut ~ Shoop V. :'.Iabel, salesla.cly, 120fi X :M. h 1103 l\Iontgy. Shoop Walter R.. brakeman, h 45 N lath ~hoop \Vm. E., e1evatorman:3.'W Market, h 1362 Vernon Shoop William E., laborer, h 1905 N ith Shoop William F., brakeman. h 14()9 X 6th ;a Shoop \Vilmer, conductor, h 1144 Derry c:> Shope Abraham L., physician Dauphin County Almshouse, :I: h Penlbrook Shope Albert, patternmkr, h 1520 Regina Shope Alice, h 3 Evergreen Shope Augustus B., tailor, h 29 X 16th Shope Benjamin F., machinist, h 1520 Regina Shope Carrie M., vestmkr, h 29 N 16th Shope Charles E., elk, h Sl1 N 16th Shope Chester L., tailor. h 29 N 16th Shope Cornelius B.. foreman, 317 Strawberry, h 2:3 S 13th Shope Edgar T .. student, h 29 N" 16th Shope Edna C., tailoress. h 3 Evergreen Shope Elias L., physician Shope Hospital. l7()O N 2d, h do Shope Faber A.. apprentice, h 23 S 1:l1h


Digitized by

Lroog e

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:c.:.n~:.r:s~:''::~ 30& Brol'

666 Boyd's Harrisburg (IS) City Directory, 1908.


SHOPE GEORGE F., The Hill Tailor, 1239 Market, h 3 Evergreen Shope Gladdis O. l\lrs., nurse, 17IH. K :.!d, h do Shope Harry S., student, h 3 Evergreen ~ SHOPE HOSPITAL (THE), E. L. S'hope, 1700 N 2d ~ SHOPE JACOB W., physician, 25 S 13th, h 32 do; office hours, 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 9 p. m. Shope James A., student, h 3 Evergreen Shope John T., tailor, 1309 Howard, 'h 19 S 13th Shope Minnie, h 32 S 13th Shope Robert ~I., cutter, h 19 S lath SHOPE SAMUEL Z., physician and oculist, eye, ear, nose a specialty, 1642 N 3d, h do Shope Stewart, machinist, h 2126 N 4th Shope Wesley W., baggagemaster, h 21 S 13th Shope Wesley''','., jr., telegrapher P. R. R., 11 1429 Zarker SHOPP JOHN H., lawyer, rooms 305 and 306 Bergner bldg, 3d c Market, h 510 N 3d Shopp Mary J. Mrs., boarding, 1332 N ith, h do SHORB B. A. SHOE CO. (THE), Harry J. Dietz, pres; Joseph F. Shorb, v-pres; Bazil A. Shorb, sec an~ treas, fine footwear, 105 N 2d Shorb Basil A., sec and treas R A. Shorb Shoe Co .. h York Shorb Clara S., h 112 South ~L Shorb Joseph F., v-pres B. A. Shorb Shoe Co., h 105 N 2d




Tlb a.lrlDty I.' Sirety Cit ":'~-::'.' fS~,~"''': ~,::- {~~~

Shore Charles, laborer, h 1025 S 9th Shorey Emma. cigar rolIer, h 23d nr Derry Shorey John R., florist, h 23d nr Derry Shorey Josephine A. E., housekeeper, :!3d nr Derry Short Charles R., foreman C. I. and S. Co., h 55i Race Short Charles R .. jr., machinist. h 55i Race Short D. LeRoy, hostler, h 55i Race Shortes Jesse c., card writer: 318 Market, h Lemoyne Shortlidge Earl D., salesman. 334 :\clarket. h 308 Kelker Shortz Rcuhen P., foreman Patriot, h 1619 Carnation Shott Edward \V., machinist, h 629 Bov(1 Shott Franklin, driver, h 1:!17 Fulton . . Shotwell l\lelancthon S., architect. h 1613 N Front Shotzbarger David T .. painter, h 20:!i Briggs Shotzbargcr Elmer, brakeman, h 2120 X 4th Shover Alice S., dom('stic, 11/1 X 2d Shover Clarence E., elk, ai S l:Hh, h do Shover George S., fireman, h 1iOl Derry Shover Glen R., hrakeman. h 1 iot Derr\' Shover John E., driver, h Camp Hill . Shover John R., engr, h liM Derry Shover Joseph :\r., conductor, h litiS Boas Shover Mabel E. l\frs., h 4:!4 S 14th Shover Norman C. brakeman. h li01 Derry Shover Robert. undertaker, h :w~ Yerheke




ANDREW REDMOND} ~t=:~!:i :;~~~~ {3d and Rally Stl. Coogle

Digitized by

I. B. Tiel} IILL PIPER e:=~J:.'! WINDOI8HIDE8{No~:' ti'Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
667 :D Shover William B.. engr, h 1619 N 6th Shover William c., conductor, h 17(11 Derry Shower Glarles F., h 230 1\ 14th en Showers Jercmiah, cngr, h 4:l4 S lath Showman William G .. draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 801 1\ 6th Showvaker Eugene C . grocer, :m S !"ld, h 109 do Shradley Beatrice A . cigar roller. h 42 N 12th ~ c::t Shradlev Bernice, miIliner. :{:l4 l'.larket. h 42 N 12th c: Shradlcv Christian H . laborer, h 42 K 12th Shradley Elmer !v1., laborer, h 72!l S 19th :z: Shradley Lionel W., student, h 42 N 12th Shradley Pamela L., stengr, 36 N Cameron, h 42 N 12th ~ Shreadley Allen E., clr builder. h 1725 Fulton ~ Shreadley Samuel A., h 1725 Fulton Shreffler George W., machinist, h 905 S 20i en c::: Shreffler William c., gastender, h 966 S 21st Shreiner Adam H., tree dealer, h 813 N 16th ~ Shreiner Charles 0., carpenter, h 1325 Bartine Shreiner Edwin H., painter, 4:13 Harris. h do l: Shreiner George A., real estate and builder, 1507 State. h do :0 Shreiner Harry B .. patternmkr. h 8:1.3 N 16th Shreiner Howard R., plasterer, h 1325 Bartine Shreiner Teremiah L.. motorman, h 1944 North

..... ,.

,... "' ..... ,.



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l:;* -=:,-:.} Harrtlb~rl Saylngl and Loan Alsn. {::= :0 ..

< ,.

Shreiner l\Iargaret E., elk. 2112 Walnut. h 214 North Shreiner Walter J.. elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 409 Briggs Shreiner. see Schreiner N Shrenk Alexander H., auctioneer. h 1906 N 6th Shrenk Charles W., packer. h 190fi N 6th Shriver Forrest A., carver, h 1601 Green \ O. Shriver George ]., carver, h 1601 Green l: Shriver Helen B.. teacher. h 1601 Green Shroad Andrew H., eng-r. h 1338 N 3d Shroad Andrew S . electrician. h 1338 N 3d :0 Shroad Cecelia A., dressmkr. h 1338 N 3d Shroad Elizabeth R .. milliner, h vm8 N 3d Shroener Earl, mason, h Hila S 21st Shrum Chas. D., electrician, 4U1 Chestnut, h 409 Hummel Shrum John H., stengr. 12 S 2d. h 409 Hummel ~ Shrum Katllerine A., stengr, 212 Locust, h 409 Hummel Shrum Levi, warehouseman, h 409 Hummel Shubkcgel Daniel, laborer, h 1114 N Cameron 000 Shue Catharine F .. wid Samuel R.. h 1015 N 6th Shue Elizabeth l\1rs .. hoarding, 1605 N 5th, h do Shue Howard. brakeman. h 1617 N 5th it ShlIe Meredith, h HI15 ~ 6th Shue Walter R .. fireman. h 1845 Fulton Shuey Adam, carpenter, h 212 S 13th Shuey Arldison H . elk, h 1913 North

,. ,.

B....a c-a. B ....' WelC"l


K M KELLEY I I . {11t~ I" ltate11,111 D. CO 1.1rI~ld .....



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory, 1908.

Ii Shuey Charles S., elk P. R R, h 212 S 13t'h

..: Shuey C. Holmes, blacksmith helper, h 2103 Herr Shuey David W., inspector, h 1811 Green Shuey Eden L., carpenter, h 212 S 13th Shuey Ed\...ard L., molder, h 420 Boas Shuey Elizabeth, h 1849 State Shuey Elsie, charwoman, h 426 S 171'h Shuey Elsie P., filler, h 212 S 13th Shuey George M., machinist, h 416 Herr Shuey Jacob D., salesman, 334 :\1arket, h 1913 1\orth Shuey John H., h 2103 Herr Shuey John H., laborer, h 1913 Nort11 Shuey John J., heeler, h 2060 Derr) Shuey John S., elk, h 2060 Derry Shuey ~lary M., roller, h 2060 Derry Shuey Sarah J., wid Henry, 'h 1913 North Shuey Stanley G., pipe bender, h 1942 North Shuey William, machinist, h 2060 Derry Shuey William H., carpenter, h 4 N 13th Shuey William R, machinist, h 266 Cumberland Shuff John. h 2 N 9th Shuff William J., mac;hinist, h 2 N 9th Shugart Ame.lia, seams~ress, h 1905 Green Shugart An~l~, domestl~ 1_110_N 3d

Shuey Addison W., driver, h 1937 State


~ ..... _




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Shulenberger Charles E., caterer. 309 :\iarket, h 1934 State Shuler Abraham L., heater, h 545 SlOth Shuler Abraham R, machinist, h 627 Boas >- Shuler Edward 1\1., trav salesman, h 1736 Logan z: Shuler George W., mgr, 8 N 2d, h 522 S 15th ..: .0.. Shuler George W. L., apprentice Patriot, h 522 S 11th E., 1736 Logan E Shuler Laura wid bookkpr, h h 1736 Logan Shuler Mary, James M .. o U Shuler Reuben M., driver, h 1113 Derry Shull Andrew, engr, 'h 625 Kelker ..I Shull Edward S., switchman, h 425 Kelker o Shull Harvey E., upholsterer. h 625 Kelker u Shull Ida B., wid Alfred, h 11118 James Shull J. Edgar, student, h 1543 N 6th Q Shull Mary A., wid Daniel, h 625 Kelker Z Herr ..: Shull Myrtle Mrs., 'h 434 h 522 Calder Shull Ross c., machinist, I;IJ Shull Samuel c., engr, 'h 1543 N 6th ~ Shull Samuel P .. brakeman, h 1332 Susquehanna Shull William H., engr, h 522 Calder Shuller Abraham, laborer, h 672 Boas S'huller George A., conductor, h 7:;7 S 19th Shuller John A., conductor, h 1425 Vernon Shulman David, peddler. h ]524 Susquehanna Shulman Philip, salesman. :125 ::\Ikt .. h 1524 Susquehanna

o ........


~==~ won _1II110dOI SD. 101 A. B. TACK ...:~~..

. Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz

Amos, h 1921 Penn Byron E., conductor, h 22:12 X 6th Carson B., driver, h 2029 Forster Clara H., dressmkr, h 22:l2 ~ nth Clayton B., dyer, h 1409 N ad David T., warehouseman P. R. R., h 45 N Summit Fernando R., laborer, h 2026 Boas George W., foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 1625 Regina Harry c., train dispatcher P. R. R., h 192:! Green Isaac, stable boss, h 931t Susquehanna James E., machinist, h 324 S 16th James :\1., restaurant, l306! N 6th, h do James W., watchman, h 2i}60 Derry John A., carpenter, h 221 Reily Joseph S .. elk P. R. R., h 22:l2 K 6th Lavina, wid William, h 2]25 Boas Margaret, examiner, h 400 Verbeke }lorris, laborer, h 2011 Briggs Nathan W., laborer, h 2036 Boas Nevin, conductor, h 1607 Hunter R. 1., carter Lunatic Hospital, h do Robert c., elk First Nat. Bank. h 1641 ~1arket Robert E., inspector, h 1211 Bailey Theodore G., packer P. R. R., h 2125 Boas William J., tallyman P. R. R., h 121 Sylvan ter

Shultz, see Schultz Shultze Margaret M. Mrs., h 1831 Swatara Shi.tlz Sarah M. Mrs., boarding, 1016 Paxton, h do Shumacher Anna M., cigarmkr, h 1:J36 Penn Shumaker Abbie A., wid Harry, h 57 N l:Jth Shumaker Andrew S., laborer, h 329 Kelker Shumaker Oara M .. cigarmkr, h 133H Penn Shumaker David. h 7111) Prince Shumaker Isabella. wid Samuel, h 606 1\ lRtb Shumaker Jacob c., car inspector. h 'jon Prince Shumaker Jennie M., elk, h 7119 Prince Shumaker John E .. elk, 619 Walnut. h 1150 Market Shumaker Lillie 1VT rs .. h 1336 Penn Shumaker :\lary A., iIrs .. dressmkr, 716 N 6th, h Marysville Shumaker Ralph L.. mail elk, h 1609 Chestnut Shumaker Robert L., asst transfer elk R. M. S., P. R. R. station, h 1609 Chestnut Shuman Charles H., foreman, h 1134 Market 5human Harry A., foreman, 500 Race, h 1822 State Shuman Jacob, steelwkr, h 1235 Cowden Shuman John A., bricklayer, h 90 N 17th Shuman Kathryn, dressmkr, 1604 N 3d, h do Shuman Theodore B., switchman, h 615 Peffer Shuman Theodore R., printer, 1944 Elizabeth, h 615 Peffer

MILLIR BROS. " BAKER} ":i~b~~-::'~~E --------------------------------------------


CLARK'S ::~:I~ Drug and Patent Medicine St.r8{'=Jor~~

670 Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. ~ Shuman William 11., h 1604 N 3d w ~ Shumberger Jacob S., laborer, h 17~7 Wood :E SHUMBERGER J. CALVIN, public accountant, 85 ~ Union Trust bldg, h 1208 Derry ..: Shumberger Sarah, wid Simon, h U3n Derry CI Shunk Am\' C, music teacher, h 1853 Berrvhill Shunk George B., pumpman, h 932 S 20t . Shunk HO\vard S . engr, h 1521 Wallace Shunk Mary S., wid Peter, h 1237 Kittatinny Shunk Royal ~1., elk P. R. R freight depot, h Riverside Shupp Boyd, bar elk, 1303 N 3d, h 1318 Penn Shupp Boyd, elk, 1226 N 3d, h 1523 Derry Shupp Eliza J., wid George M., h 1318 Penn Shupp George, molder, h 1523 Derry Shupp William, laborer, h 1318 Penn Shur Howard W., laborer, h 557 S Front Shure Austin.P., conductor, h 352 S 13th Shuster Clayton, collector, 330 Verbeke, h 311 Muench Shuster Frank, h 311 Muench Shuster T. Earl, clk, h 437 Harris Shuster, see Schuster Shutt Agnes, domestic, 2031 N 7th Shutt Charles P., driver, h 1825 N Cameron Shutt Harry C, brakeman, h 522 Dauphin Shutt Harry W., car repairer, h 1826 N 6th



Shutt Norman, laborer, h ]821 N 12th Shutts'Mary A., student, h 330 Maclay Sibbett Curtis A., foreman, 1017 N 3d, h 114 Cumberland Sibbett James A., elk P. R. R, h 812 N 3d Sible Edith C, h 256 Herr Sible Elizabeth D., saleslady, 334 ~larket, h 259 Sassafras Sible Eugene M., men's furngs, 1300 Market, h 1308 do Sible H., foreman, h O Sible George H., jr., elk, 438 259 Sassafras Sassafras George Walnut, h 259 SIBLE JOHN S., pres United Ice and Coal Co., h 2M Herr Sible J. Sidney, elk United Coal and Ice Co., h 1612 N 3d Sickel A. Harrison, civil engr, h 207 Hummel .J Sickel David C, paperhanger, h 207 Hummel Siders Charles W., laborer, h l!l48t Moltke Harry, laborer, Z Siders John, eleaner, h h 1119 Wallace Siders 672 Boas ' C[ Siders John C, laborer, h 1119 Wallace Siders John H., car inspector, h 517 Seneca Siders John, jr., laborer, h 1119 Wallace W Siders Martha 5., milliner, h 517 Seneca Siders, see Seiders Sides Allen M., (Sides & Sides), 'h 1624 N 2d C Sides Andrew T., printer, h 52 Balm Sides George S., salesman. h 209 Muench




Redmond's Wagon Works }~':.'ld~~!f:~~ {3d anrUlalll luDigitized by ~Ot!)81~


1. B. TACK} Wall Papar and Vilndow Sbades h:ltJ.r:r~"

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


Sides J. Frank, (Sides & Sides), h 114 N 2d Sides Peter, h 209 l\luench Sides Samuel R., salesman, h 414 Briggs SIDES & SIDES, (Allen M. and J. Frank Sides), outfitters, 203-205 Market ;:;; :::: Sidle Amanda, wid J O'hn D., 'h 263 Reily Sidle Ellen, wid John P., h 215 Walnut Sidle Solomon T., butcher, 1803 X 6th, h 11;21 Wallace SIDLE WILLIAM H., Grand Hotel, 314 Market, h do Sieber Addison R., laborer, h 1845 N 7th Sieber Alfred, dispatcher. 12 S 2d. h 131 S Cameron Sieber Bertha H., stengr, 2d nr Vine, h 1209 N 2d Sieber Carl F., fireman, 'h 1845 N 7t'h Sieber David A., car inspector, h HIS Mahantango Sieber Eliza S., wid Abra'ham, h 221 S 15th Sieber Frederick c., soap and candle mfr, 112-116 Cowden, h 1209 N 2d Sieber ~Iarv. wid Charles F., h 1209 N 2d Sieber ;\1. Blanche, stengr, 16 X 2d. h 1517 State Sieber Paul K., machinist. h 131 S Cameron Sieber S. Grace, stengr, 11 1845 N 7th Sieg James Y., printer, h 1111 N 3d Sieg William P., foreman. h 419 Swatara Siegel JOOn F., bookbinder. 201 X 2d. h 326 Hamilton Siegel Susanna, wid George A., h 1421 James




Savings and Loan Assn. U:=

Siegel William H., molder. h 1407 Susquehanna Sieger Samuel J., car repairer. 'h 21i7 Delaware av Siegle Earl, molder, h 1407 Penn Siegle George A., jr., molder, h U07 Penn Siegle Mary Mrs., janitress, h 1407 Penn Siegle William L., h 1407 Penn Siegrist John A., elk, 219 Market, h Lemoyne Siemons James A., fireman, h 1320 Thompson Sierer Adam L., physician, 2003 N 6th, h do Sierer Anna C., roller, h 118 'Oharles Sierer Charles driver, h 118 Charles Sierer Geo. W., warehouseman P. & R., h 1115 N Front Sierer Harry A., ironwkr, h 509 Calder Sierer Joseph S., driver, h 118 Charles Sigler Apartments, 30 N 2d Sigler Clarence H., elk Com. Trust Co., h 920 Green SIGLER CLARENCE M., pianos, organs and musical goods, 30 N 2d, h The Sigler Sigler Harry S., charman Capitol, h 122 Balm Sigler Howard F., elk, 212 Locust. h 1416 Market Sigler Martin A., grocer, MOO Market, h 1416 do Sigler Sarah E., elk, h 1117 Green Sigler. see Zeigler. also Ziegler Sigmund John :\ .. conductor. h Hua X orth Signor Edward. laborer. h 4:!7 Strawherry


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{I North ad . . . . 101la aDd ilia. . . . .


Boyd's Harriscurg (8) City Directory, 1908.


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Siler Plummer E. W., laborer. h 141:! Susquehanna Siler Warwick, elk, h 11:!8 1\ ()th Silk Edward C, conductor. h :U:! Boyd Silk }Iary, wid James, h l:!H \'crbeke' Silk Rosie. music teacher, 12:~ Yerbeke, h do Silks Allen J.. engr. It 1941 ?\ 6th Silks George, brakeman, h :!1117 ?\ 6th Silks Lucy, domestic, lilO vViconisco Silks \Viliiam E., brakeman. h 19:!1 Moltke Silver Clara, roller. h 1fI2!} S 9th Silver Harry. conductor, h 1:l:!4 X .6th Silverwood Clarice Y., h 636 Boas Silverwood Florence L., h 636 Boas Silverwood Harvey }J., machinist, h 916 Green Silverwood Velma A .. h 6a6 Boas Silverwood \"incent W., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 916 Green Silvesto Pedro. laborer, h 21li }Iulberry Silvius Annie E .. wid John R.. h :5i3 Race Silvius Cora M .. weaver, h 5j;~ Race Simcox Edward S., fireman. h 1908 ?\ 6th Simcox Scott-A., electrician. h 5:!3 1\ 5th Simington Charles, laborer, h 706 ::-.Jorth al Simmars Alfred J., printer Telegraph, h 172:! K 5th ~~,~~~ars John S., mailer Pat_r_io_t_._h_S_t_ee_l_to_'_l_ _ _ _ __




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Simmars Reuhen }l.. laborer. It 1ifl5 Penn Simmers Abram P .. checkman P. R. R., h 161)"2 Market Simmers Charles K.. elk, h :!al< ~1 uench Simmers Decatur. policeman. h 41:~ Xorth al Simmers Elizabeth :'.lrs., h :!a~ :\-Iuench Simmers Frances, saleslady, 334 Market, h 227 South Simmers George W., bookkpr, h 2137 N 4th Simmers Hiram MeG., elk P. R. R., h 2137 N 4th Simmers John, laborer, h 336 S 2d Simmers Joseph H., bridge builder, h 1115 Wallace Simmers Samuel M., policeman Capitol, h 227 South Simmons Abraham, salesman, 1300 N 3d, h 1413 Market Simmons Arthur, laborer, h 259 Sayford Simmons Arthur, waiter, h 305 Chestnut Simmons C Edward. fireman, h 1527 \V allace Simmons Chas. K., employee State Arsenal, h 1321 Vernon

~~::~~: t~~~~{~n~:, :';~;e;,I~O~~}4 South a1

Simmons Laura R. Mrs., h 616 Mahantongo ~ Simmons Martlla L. Mrs., h 1234 l\Jarket C Simmons Mary, wid Frank H.,.M 259 Sayford

Simms Albert J., tailor, 22 N 4th, h 222 Kelker .... Simms Bros., E. Simms, mgr, dyers, 35 N 2d Simms Edward, up'holsterer, 205 Locust, 'h 229 Forster ~ Simms George P., 'hostler, h 515 State

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Simms Henry A., laborer ';1 4" Lochiel 4th row Si ms me boo lac h 5 St Simms Lizzie Mrs., h 18 Cowden Si 1S ar)' 16 ow 1 Simms Otto, laborer, h 619 Mahantongo Simms Willi ,I b re 4 oc" 1 4 ro Si ms iIli ,1 re, h 1 9 2t Simms, see Sims Si n me ., pe r, 32 10 Simon John H., elk, h 32 N 10th Si n n mini h h n Sta Si n.l. ollie . rs., ressm r, 208 Strawberry, h do Simon Reuben E. engr h 226 S 17th Si ne ohn., cI en H I, 4 17t Simonetti Harry, huckster, h 1223 \Vallace Si ne' H er ,p H G er nd od C h 443 Walnut Simonetti Jacob, fruit, 445 W lnut h 443 do Si ne L s R fru ,&c, 15 es, 2 Fo er Simonetti Maurice P., produce, G10 Maclay, h do Si ns lic . 1 ., 11 ace Simons DavId, hotel, 401 Verbeke. h do Si ns Fred .ck, tdd , h 1 rbe Si ns hn., er, 23 L g n Simons John B., craneman, h 1206 N 7th


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Si ns hn ., h 206 7t Simons Lillie, h 401 Verbeke Si ns ar wid ose M 3 No Simons Minerva 1'1. Mrs.,h 306i Cherry Si ns \fin . M ale I dy, 08 rk h R og Si ns or, wid ra s, ....33 Simonson Arthur c., laborer, h 803 SlOth Si nt Ca n en h H is . Simonton George E., collector, h 1926 Fulton Si nt Je S. ond tor 19 Fu n Si nt Pe 1M., kOl er, 1 926 Fulton Simonton Roy A., teamster, It 1839 Derry Si nt Sa h K wid ohn ., 17 F t Simpson Elizabeth, wid Robert, h533 N Cameron Si so ea ett B., ale dy, 34 Ma t, Emerald Sim son John A., carpenter, h 1209 W Hac Si so os ,'h kst h 7 fIer n Simpson Joseph T., flagman, h 628 Emerald Si so Liz M 'h S urt Simpson Pinckney, hostler, h 229 N River Si so Rob rt W gu mit h 5 N me n Si so Wi m, J nk, 217 9t, h Simpson William, laborer, h 418 Cranberry Si so ViI m, a 9 d, :m Ca ro

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=:= ~::;- McNEI~'S COLD TABLETS !:,g~.."-'=

Boyd's Harrisburg ( S) City Directory, 1908.
Sims Abigail, wid Hcnry, h lO05 Green Sims Charles, labortr, h 1!)(11 Wood Sims 'William B., mgr, i S 4th, h 22:1 S 14th Sims, see Simms Sing l'.lark, laundryman, h 412 Walnut Singer Charles, fireman, h :n ?\ ]2th Singer Charles l\I.. bookkpr, h 22Cl!) X ;M Singer C. Wayne, bookkpr ::\lechanics' Bank, h Mchsbg. Singer Edwin ::\1., mgr Atlantic Refining Co .. h 1928 N 3d Singer Jennie ::\1., cashier, h 17:~O Susquehanna Singer John, tinsmith, h 14li Susquehanna Singer John A., machinist, h 424 \\'alnut Singer John n.. draftsman, h 18th c Mulberry Singer Lewis, rabbi, h 5:1:1 Filbert Singer Samut:1, elk, 504 'Walnut, h do Singer Sewing ,\lachine Co .. C. W. Emrick, mgr, 120 Mkt. Sing-iser John W .. butcher, h 1611 Park Singisel' ::\Iurray E .. driver, 11 1611 Park Singleton Henry, laborer, h 511 Primrose Singleton .John H., brakeman, h 4:16 Market Singleton Richard, foreman, h 501 lVIarket Singley John H., brakeman, h 1426 Swatara Sinkovitz lulius, tailor, h 165 Paxton Sinoni Xatalle, !<hoemkr, h :12~ S I~j\'er Sipe :\. Derland, (A. D. Sipe & Sons). h 1701~ N 4th

o O

Tltl.BIII'II'" lid Sail'" Co lera", { ......' "'...... I.lor E """'} TII_rib> CIIlracl ' '111. 1M CIIrIt ...........
Sipe A. D. & Sons, (A. D., R. C. and C. L.), novelties .. 1701-l ?\ 4th Sipe Charles L., (.\. D. Sipe & Sons), h liOl! X 4th Sipe Curbin T.. impcctor, h H6 X Summit Sipe Horace 11., laborer, h 12:18 Thompson Sipe John D., elk, 1218 X :ld. h X Cumberland Sipe ,\[ahala, housekeeper, 1f)24 State Sipe Ru~~c1 c., (A. D. Sipe & Sons), h 17tH! N 4th Sipes Wilbur, brakeman, h 1412 Xorth Siple Charles W .. tailor, 27 S :ld. h 2015 Penn Siple (;eorge E., engr, h 2147 Jefferson Siple Harry, teamster, h 711 N 12th Siple Jacob, h 214i Jefferson Siple John, laborer, h la1!) William Si!;ler Jacob H., carpenter, h llR Paxton ~ister Aloysius, superioress. 5011 :\faclay. h do Sister Francis, snperioress, Rna N 2d, h do Sister Scholastica, juperior~ss, Sylvan IIeights, h do Sisters of Christian Charitv, 107 Short SISTERS OF MERCY; 500 Maclay Sites Albert W., yardmaster p, R. R, h 419 Herr Sites Amanda. h 419 Herr Sites Emma M .. teacher, h 7~0 N 6th Sites F. Earl, elk, h 1602 N 6th Sites Frank c., watchmkr, 214 ~Iarket, h 1008 N 6th

. I,

I,. . . ..,





Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {~~iZ'" ~~~e

L . 8peelalt)' A 8 r"aCK fFreHolac 1IIaJI:. . .BulldSDplaof TID.. {IJI'. If. . . . . . PabU., PlaID .IIIu.MeIGt_

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.

Sites Harry :\1., painter, h 51)7 Harris Sites John H., fireman, h (144 Reily Sites Llila, elk, 1541 X 6th. h 507 Harris Sites Maud, h 419 Herr Sites Ralph. draftsman. Herr clOth, h 419 Herr Sites Robert, carpenter. h i20 ~ 6th Sites \Villiam H., h IiH Reily Six David, engr, h Hn7 X 7th 'Six J acoh, engr, h 21118 N 7th Sixeas Joseph H., salesman, h HI8 S 17th SIXTH STREET BANK (THE), 2001 N 8th Skalin William, (Calfo.untzos & Skalin), h 225 Market Skane Alberta. teacher, h 405 Kelker Skane Daniel, painter, h 412 I-Iarris Skane John. painter. 1730 K 4th, h 40) Kelker Skane Laura. milliner, h 628 Harris Skane Mary E., teacher, h 405 Kelker Skeen William E., foreman, h 2408 N 6th Skelly Francis L., ~alesman, Int S td, h 216 Chestnut Skelton Carfield, brakeman, h 403 Reily Skelton Mary L., wid Jesse, h 1531 N 6th Skiles A. Hayes. foreman. 500 Race, h 10 Argyle Skiles Henderson J., tallyman P. R R, h 1443 Zarker Skiles Howard c.. tallvm:m P. R R, h 1427 North Skiles Howard W., elk. h 1427 Xorth





Skiles Skinner Charles E., leverman P. R R, h 1262 State Skinner Lizzie Mrs., dressmkr, 1262 State, h do Skinner \\'iIliam H., janitor P. R R, h 1262 State Slabach Edwin G., meat. 217 Chestnut; boarding stable, 233 TIlackherry, h ItG Sylvan ter Slade Roman, porter P. R R. pass depot, h 351 S Cameron Slape Georg-e S .. butcher, h 630 Herr Slaughenhaup IVlary E. Mrs., hoarding, fl16 N 3d, h do Slaughenhaup \\"iIIiam P., foreman, h 916 X 3d Slaughter Ephraim, houseman, h fl03 Capital Slayhaugh Charles T., shipper C. I. and S. Co., h 112 Tus<.'arora Slaybaugh Clyde, ioreman C.I. and S. Co., h Steelton Slaybaugh Elias W., brakeman, h 1607 II unter Slaymaker Harry F., asst pass trainmaster P. R. R., h 1516 ~tate Slaysman Tillie, (Slaysman & Sellers), h 4241 Cumberland SIaysman & ~ellers, (T. Slaysman and C. Sellers), boarcling, 4:!4l Cumberland Slear Elias F., (Welknit Hosiery Co.), h 31 S 18th Sleighter ~orman E., car repairer, h 3i N 12th Slentz Charles J., car repairer, h 319 Hummel Slentz J. Alfred, elk, h 1303 N 2d Slentz John H., elk Dept. Sec. Comwlth., Capitol, h do

Savings and Loan Assn.{ ~= < > Lizzie c., cigarmkr, h 1427 North

:D :D .::7




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H. M. KELLEY" cO.}Omces, :.~~~:'~~"::::{COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.





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Slentz Sallie G. l\1rs .. tailoress, 400 ~Iarket, h 340 S 15th Slentz William lH., (Strominger & Slentz), h 1303 N 2d Slentz William M., jr., fireman, h 1331 N 2d . Slicer Martha J., cigar packer, h 430 Reily Slicer Thomas W .. carpenter, h 430 Reily Slichter Evelyn. saleslady, !l34 Market, h 1007 N 3d Slichter Leroy, baker, h 11107 N 3d Slichter Turie, wid Simpson A., h 1007 N 3d Slike William H., salesman, 10 S 2d, h Steelton Sliker Arthur G., elk P. R R. h 506 Calder Sliker Augustus H., driver. h 5()() Calder Sliker Oarence W., car repairer. h .1402 N 6th Sliker Elva, stengr F. and M. Works, h 506 Calder Sliker Ross G., helper, h 5116 Calder Slitzer Andrew, grocer, 1020 Market, h do Sload Howard, switchman, h 627 Forrest Sload Paul c., elk, h 2213 Logan Sloan Annie L .. wid Samuel, h 1115 Market Sloan Charles F., carpenter, h 1426 Penn Sloan J. Alex., horseshoer, 110 Tanner, h 105 N 4th Sloan William B., salesman, 440 Market, h 1007 N 3d Sloane Samuel L., elk. h 1115 Market Sloat Barbara. wid Samuel J .. h 1415 N 6th Sloat Helen, elk State Dept. Health, h 1415 ~ 6th ~Ioat Her?crt E., brakeman, h 1415 i\ 6th


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Sloat Laura ~I., teacher, h 1415 ~ lith Sloat Alary J., wid ~fichael, h 1609 ~ 6th Sloathaur John W., gasmkr, h 587 S Front Sloathaur Spencer E., optician, h 587 S Front Slonaker W. Edward. machinist, h 624 ~laelay Sloop Elizabeth. housekeeper. 117 South Slote William S., elk P. R R, h 2524 Jefferson Slothower Arthur A., salesman, h R21 SlOth Slothower Charles A., trav salesman, h 210 Hummel Slothower Jacob E.. traY salesman. h 214 S 13th Slothower l\linnie, domestic, 1505 ~ 6th Slough Charles A.. (Slough & Smith). h ::!034 Kensin~ton Slough & Smith. (Charles A. Slough and Jacob M. Smi~h), la vers hard wood floors, 422 ~ 3d Smaling Elmer, brakeman. h 628 Verbeke Small Annie R, wid Charles H .. h 1t12 State Small Bertha. trimmer, h :U3 Crescent Small Charles c., fireman, h 32:5 Verbeke Small Daniel J., switchman, h 1934 State Small Edna. seamstress. h 1414 Regina Small Effie C, cigar roller, h 558 Race Small Eliza c.. h 102 State Small George W., elk 1st Xat. Bank, h 11H Chestnut Small Lizzie Mrs .. seamstress. h 1414 Regina Small 'Sylvester M., laborer, h 1934 State


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{1240 Mlrket Slnlt

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A. 8. TACK ::t~~r:1loU pODer and IIndOI ShOO3S el~\~~'Il

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
Smallwood John L., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Smallwood Thomas W., elk. 4a3 Herr, 'h Paxtang Smallwood William, flour, 4:~:~ Herr, h Paxtang Smarsh Vincent J., machinist, h 611 Boas Smay George W., bar elk V. S. Hotel, h 4:!2 :Nlarket Smedley :\lary E., wid Francis, 'h 1745 X Cameron Smedley Winfield T., flagman, h 609 Peffer Smee Elmer H .. blacksmith, h ]508 Walnut Smee Frank, paperhanger, h 1545 Fulton Smee George, laborer, h :!120 Greenwood Smeig-h Anna E., dressmkr, h 154!) Walnut Smeigh Jesse M., carpenter, 11 ]549 \Valnut Smeigh Martha E. :\frs .. dressmkr, ]549 Walnut, h do Smeigh Mary, wid Charles, h 920 Grand Smeigl1 :\1innie. housekeeper, 1609 X 4th Smell :\fartha J. M., h 321 Hay Smelter Josep'h, laborer, 'h 1073 S 9th Smeltzer Benjamin F., stengr, 214 Locust, h 308 Kelker Smeltzer Chalmer F., nailer, h 564 Race Smeltzer David H., asst foreman P. R R, h 1845 Derry Smeltzer Grant W., elk P.O., h Oberlin Smeltzer Harn' S., teller Citizens' Bank, h 122:! ~Iarket Smeltzer Ira ..\ .. farmer Lunatic Hospital. h do Smeltzer John. driver, 414 State. 'It Camp Hill Smeltzer J o'l1n W., puddler, 11 564 Race

Smeltzer Robert. farmer Dauphin Co. Almshouse, h do Smiley Charles H., eng-r, II 1851 Fulton Smiley Claud ~L. brakeman, h 61a Dauphin Smiley Frank L.. brakeman. h flOl Dauphin Smiley George. h Hi09 X 5th Smile\' Gertrude E" saleslady, 40n :YIarket. h 430 Hamilton Smile~' G. Herman. foreman' E.-F. B. T. Co., h lfilR! N 5th Smiley Harvey F., fireman. h 50!) Hamilton Smiley Henderson, laborer. h 5()9 Hamilton Smiley John G., car inspector, h 430 Hamilton Smile\' :YIiriam Y1., dressmkr, h 430 Hamilton Smile}' :'.Iorris E., clk, i1 7 ~ 3d, h 509 Hamilton Smiley Pierce. puddler,h ta17 S 12th Smiley 'rhomas ~L inspector P. R R., h 430 Hamilton Smiley William T., air brake machinist, h 235 Hamilton Smith Ahraham, waiter. h 21111 ?\ fith ' Smith Aclam H., motorman. h 3117 S lith Smith Acidic. cigarmkr. h ]:~Il~ Wallace Smith Acleline ~frs .. bllnchmkr. h 6116 Showers Smith Agnes S. :\lrs .. (lIhg. Rrokerage Co.), h 19m~ 1\ 2d Smith Alhert. fireman. h l):;fi SlOth Smith Albert T.. shoe stitcher. h 123R Baile\' Smith Alexan~ler n., tester C. Land S. Co .. h Cameron bel Hemlock Smith Alice, seam!'tress. h 1:;22 X 4th }-~liDI'I"PI"T LOU {8M1. ";l"-;~ A"D S&lVaJTY Co. 8 N~ Marke'--"::"ogIe Digitized by uU




-.,. 8111

Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smirh Smith Smith Smith

Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory, 1908.








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Alonzo B., conductor:h t:U9 KittatinllY Andrew C, trucker, h Reel"s la c 4th Andre,,, J., elk, :134 :Ylarket. h 1011 do Anna Mrs., h 1260 State Anna, saleslady, h 17a:! X 4th Anna, weaver, h 1629 Susquehanna Annie )'Irs., h 143n Market Annie, wid John \Y., h 162:~ K 4th Annie F., stengr,h 505 )Iuench Annie L, nurse, 32a Hummel Annie L., seamstress, h 1212 Currant Arietta H., weaver, h 162n Susquehanna Augustus, driver, h 1311 Howard Augustus, puddler, h uno S 13th Austin. h 3111 S 14th Benjamin .c., driver. h 11:!4 Hickory Benjamin F .. driver. h 438 S 15th Benjamin :\1., laborer. h ~23 SlOth Benjamin S., elk, h 61HI Forster Benjamin S., conductor, h 2M Hamilton Bertha. telephone opr. 227 Walnut, h Wormleysbg Bessie E . domestic, 1211 N 2d Bessie I., saleslady, 3:l4 }Iarl~et, h 1n34 Forster Bessie 1., stengr, h 2218 ~ 6th



flUe SuafaDty aid Slrlty CI lel.IT, { fllltl. . . II CIIIn," {Tru& Bu1I~ -1111111., I~1 8ecarl&7 PE....
Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith :;;mith Smith
B. Frank, laborer, h 470 S Cameron B. Frank Dr., (Smith Pharmacy), h 1601 Market Blanche, domestic, 7nH State Blanche A., student. h 206 Hamilton Blanche ),-1., vamper, h 12:l!) Cowden Britomarte. artist, h 2114 N 6th Carey J., brakeman. h 121:, Bailey Catharine E .. wid Isaac R., h 213 Calder Cecilia. saleslady, 406 ~larket. h 440 S 15th Charles, driver, h 432 South al Charles, driver. h 18H) George Charles. laborer, h 213 S Court Charles n.. machinist. h 43:l Peffer Charles C, fireman. h f102 Dauphin Olarles D., fireman. h f1a:~ Harris Charles E .. carter, h 1620 \Valnllt Charles E., shoecutter, h 12:18 Bailey Charles E .. screwsman. h f)n~ Boas Charles F., blacksmith. h :~4 X ] !lth Charles G.. (Smith & Keffer Co.), leaf tobacco, i~2 ~Iarket. h 21119 ~ 2d :;;t11ith Charles H . barber. 822 X :1d, h 210 Libertv Smith Charles H .. grocer, 2:tii Crescent, h 214 K i4th Smith Charles B.o meat, l:na X 2d and 1325 Derry, h l:Wi X :!d



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.I. 8. TleK} FIN~EC~~"!III~:'~,,~cl~~ER{I!I6IOrtll TbIJd 81f11

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


Smit'h Charles H., road foreman P. R R. pass depot, 'h 1:!1O ~ :?d ." Smith Charles H., tipstaff, h 229 Liberty Smith Charles L., elk P. & R pass depot, h 16 N 14th -f Smith Charles L., postal elk, h :~54 S 13th Smith Charles N., teamster, h 211:?5 ?\ 5th Smith Charles R, machinist, h 21W; Boas .Smith Charles S., coremkr, h 1629 Susquehanna Smith Charles \V., elk, 1:104 N 3d, h 15nG1 N 4th Smith Charles W., conductor, h 1!1:?1 X 5th r Smith Charles \V., laborer, h 282 Calder r Smith Charles "V., laborer, h 404 :Muench 1"'1 Smith Charles W., machinist, h 214 X 14th Smith Charles W., plasterer, h 1011 ~larket Smith Charles W., U. S. A., h 111H Wallace -t Smith Charles W. R, waiter. h :?lIIfs Court ." Smith Chester B., machinist, h 1423 James C :Smith lllTistian B., engr, 1408 Yernon, h 1246 :'.Iarket Smith Christianna, wid John A .. h 2()!I Hamilton :J: Smith Clara E. ~lrs .. dressmkr, h 12x Tanner > Smith Oara P., wid Dayid, h m~a Peffer :D Smith Clarence L.. firem~, h 425 Cumberland Smith Clarence "V., trucker P. R R frt depot, h Camp > Hill :D .smith c. Luther, elk, h 16 N 4th 0


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~J..~~~} Hanlsburg

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Savings and Loan Asso.:


'Smith Clyde ]., grocer, 32:! Verbeke, h :ns Reily > 'Smith Cora :\1rs., h 514 South al n Smith Cora G., saleslady, :134 Market, h 205 Briggs :J: Smith Cordie, domestic. 719 Cowden > :D Smith Curn' H., electrician. h 214 X 14th "Srilith Dalli'el A .. flagman, h 1725 X 4th Smith Daniel K., laster, h 11)13 Salmon Smith Daniel K.. teamster, h 1121 Wallace Smith Daniel W., lahorer Capitol. h 4Ii Pear 1:11 Smith David H., turnkey Dauphin Co. Prison, h Progress ~. Smith David T .. fireman, h 2142 N 6th :1.8 Smith Dora n.. saleslady, 308 :\farket. h Wormleysburg ::: Smith Edgar G . telegrapher P. R R, h 1501 N 6th ,Smith Edgar H., attendant P. R R, 11 2108 X 3d Smith Edgar K., foreman P. R R, h 120Gt Derry Smith Edgar Z., brakeman, h 111 N 13th f Smith Edith V., domestic, 45 N 13th z Smith Edmund S., watchman, h 45 K 13th Smith Edna, cigarmkr, h 116 Hanna :::l1lI M Smith Edward c., electrician, h ~n.J3 Green _ Smith Edward F., carpenter. h 628 Peffer ~ Smith Echvard G., installer, h 210 Liberty SD Smith Edward G., telegrapher P. R R, h 1501 N 6th ~ Smith Edward N., laborer, h 48 N Linden SMITH EDWIN B., dentist, 931 N 3d, h do J-



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TI7. or.. .,

H u au; o. Blaelr tam_d. . . . . . {,."' ., ....... .~LLEY WI CO'S ord .... ,It Slllt . .
70. DUt.



Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

, . Smith Eifel, button holemkr, h 111R Cowden S Smith Effie 1\1., dressmkr, h 505 Muench ~ Smith Eli, hostler, h r fiB ?\ 3d == Smit'h Elizabeth 11rs., h 1:1:!1 X Cameron Smith Elizabeth, wid Thomas, h 4411 S 15th Co: Smith Elizabeth A., wid Tesse R.. h 1703 Green Smith Elizabeth n., wid \\,illiam. h 1f134 FO'rster =s Smith Elizabeth E. ~Irs., cig-ars, 657 Briggs, h dO' Co: Smith Elizabeth :\1., saleslady. h )934 FO'rster Smith Ellen R.. wid JO'hn R.. h 18:!7 Susquehanna Smith Elma, bO'ttler. h 44:! Rovd Smith Elmer ]., storekeeper P. R. R.. h 2tn8 N 3d Smith ElwOO'(1 K, cO'remkr. h :UfI Reily _ Smith Emma, cigarmkr. h 515 :\Iuench Smith Emma K.. wid T. Rockhill, h ;W7 ~ :!d Q Smith Emma 1\1.. elk, 115 Market. h 401 S 14th Smith Emory E., expres!'man, h 141 Paxton ftii Smith Esther K., bonnetmkr. h 505 }Juench Smith Esther M., cig-ar roHer. h 6:!!i S FrO'nt U) Smith Esther S .. elk. :t!ll :\larket, h 1i03 Green :\Irs., h :!1l5 II: Smith Ettie 0., boO'kkpr. I:rigg-s 3:!1 l\htrket, h Smith Eva L&I Smith Everett D .. fireman, h 1:!13 ~ 7th fillfl Muench ..I Smith Fannie. wid Henr\', h R14 James C Smith I'a1l11le J., weaver.. I1 :... _a ., ,)t I1 , . "'1'1-'" r:

.. =-L&I L&I




Smith Smith Smith Smith >- Smith z: Smith a.. Smith Smith E Smith Smith U ..:I Smith Smith Smith u Smith Q Smith z: Smith Smith Smith ~ Smith U Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith

< o <

FilmO're, hoc! carrier. h 1152 Cumberland Flora E., housekeeper, h 15:m X fith (Florence M., bunchmkr. h li2!i S Front FO'rest T .. carpenter. h :!UO ~ 7th Frances :'.1., saleslach. 334 Market, h 10 ~ 13th Frank A., (Hbg-. Brokerage Co.). h 1908 N 2d Frank B., elk, H K 3d. h Carlisle Frank K., fireman. h llO3 Forrest Frank L.. lahorer, h 4:!H Pear Frank :\1., brakeman. h ] III Ii Penn Frederick, asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Frederick, laborer, h 11:!4 1'\ Cameron Frederick A . tinsmith. h WOII!' Log-an Frederick c., conductor. h 1514 ~ 6th Frederick .1 .. elk Adj. Genl's Dept., h 424 Boas Fred'k R., purch ag-t C. I. and S. Co., h 1509 State G. Calvin. grocer. :!117 Greenwood, h do George A., car filler, h 1420 Zarker Georg-e C, pla~terer, h 2;);) Forster George F . fireman. h 1411 \V"eth George H. L., h 2114 X lith George LaRue. h 255 Forster Ceorge P .. pla~tl'rer. h :n7 :\[l1ellch George W . agt. h 1727 X 4th George \V .. laborer. h 24:~ X River

B ft.. TACK}

EmplOJII - . bat Im-el_ 1fOI'lrmeD, be_ 01117" j 1.1e eIGIa ..... UMla-t.It. WorlrdonelD&1l7J1U'oflllatelX.8d . .

Boyd's Harrisburg (8 ). City Directory, 1908.


Smith Girton D., elk, 212 Locust, h Camp Hill ~ Smith Grace A., cigarmkr, h 625 S Front 1'1 Smith Grace L., saleslady, 334 ~farket, h Mechanicsburg Smith Hampton, coachman, h 24:~ N River fJ) Smith Hannah, wid William, h 519 N5t'h -t Smith Hannah 1'\'1., wid Nathaniel, h 48 Linden Smith Harriet. wid V,'iI1iam, h 225 N River Smith Harry, elk, 504 Walnut, h 50:1 Cowden Smith Harrv, laborer, h 4 Sherman row PI Smith Harry, porter, h 1418 N 4th Smith Harry D .. molder, h 1646 ~ 4th :0 Smith Harry E., engr, h 1827 Susquehanna C Smith Harry E., laborer, h 404 ::\luench C) Smith Harry F., coremkr, h 1629 Susquehanna Smith Harry S .. laborer, h 1215 Monroe Smith Harry T., engr, h 2()03~ N 5th Smith Harry T., saloon, 451 State, h do Smith Harry Vv'., carpenter, h 2055 Penn Smith Harry W., elk, h 1617} N ad Smith Harry W., machinist, h 141 Sylvan ter c .n Smith Harvev, carpenter, h 409 S 14th SMITH HARVEY F., physician, 713 N 3d, h do ~ g Smith Harvey 1.. lather, h 1814 Fulton Smith Harve}' T .. real estate. 2110 S 13th, h 417 do S o Smith Helen, wid Charles, h 614 Church



o . --n>

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "=~b:~-:'~~II:

Smith Helen :M., cashier, 334 ~larket, h 1260 State SMITH H. ELMORE, pres Courier Publishing Co. and Harrisburg Advertising Co., h 814 N 6th . Smith Henrietta S., stengr State Highway Dept., h 204 N 2d Smith Henry. gardener, h ;')8 N 16th Smith Henry E . laborer. h 1936 Forster Smith Henrv L . elk. h 41) N 12th Smith Herbert, messenger, h 214 N 14th Smith Herbert F., machinist, h 1949 Rudy Smith Herbert L., salesman, h 170a Green Smith Howard, barber. 1914 State, h do Smith Howard 1., clk P. R. R. freight depot, h 213 Calder Smith Howard S., machinist, h 430 S 14th Smith Ida B., wid Amos H .. h 100:~ X ad Smith I. Lloyd, cashier, 111 S 2d, h 1605 Green Smith Ira K., inspector. h 2flG Hamilton Smith Isaac. driver, h 213 S Court Smith Isaac G .. h WIll Tames Smith Isaac L.. plasterer, h 1402 Green Smith Jacob, h 6;'):! CaMer Smith Jacob, barber, h 212 Cumberland Smith Jacob, bottler, h un3 Howard Smith Jacob, elk. h 511:1 Cowden Smit'h Jacob B., shipping elk. h 1727 N 4th


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~:.':~:,-:~ 30& BrIM

Smith Smith Smith Smith "e Smith :m Smith Smith j ~ Smith i!5.. Smith : II Smith E& Smith Smith Smith c:i Smith u Smith z Smith c Smith Smith Smith Smith _ Smith CC Smith Smith c Smith ~ Smith

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Jacob E., laborer, h 2618 Jefferson Jacob H., letter carrier, h 43 N 16th Jacob ~f., (Slough & Smith), h ::!115 Brookwood James, driver, h 105 Tanner James, laborer,h 105 Tanner James, laborer, h 674 Boas James, laborer, h 1209 ylonroe James, laborer. h 13:~1 ~ 4th james B., driver, h 1240 ~ Cameron James G., baker, h 142!l Regina JamesH., driver, h 1818 George James H., laborer, h 1421 Marion James H., piano builder, h 111 North James M., trackhand, h 1022 Fox James S., puddler, h 625 S Front James T., laborer, h 5 N 9th James W., hostler, h 324 Blackberry James W., laborer, h 608 iloas James W .. jr., foreman, h 608 Boas Jeanetta E., wid William S., h 612 Cumberland Jemima 1\1., wid John J., h 434 ~orth Jennie, cook. h 1423 James Jeremiah, laborer. h 21155 Penn Jesse, laborer, h 3 Lochie11st row Jesse F., (Barley & Smith). h 333 Hummel

-= =!






TItII BllrlDIy ID~ Suret, el, ":'-:::'1, {1':'1In:a:

Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith

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J. Gordon, brakeman, h 317 Crescent J. Jacob, plasterer, h 1118 Cowden J. Lehner, coremkr, h 1206t Derry John, h 16119 N 4th John, carpenter, h 1329 ~laple John, grocer, 1948 Swatara, h do John A., asst supt E.-F. B. T. Co., h 403 S 13th John A., crane runner, h 21155 Penn John A., waiter, h 05 Capital John c., car inspector. h 2112 X 4th John D., carpetlayer, h 1428 James John E., heater. h 80S S Cameron John H., elk Executive Dept., Capitol, h 315 N 2d John H., laundryman. h 1243 Bailey John :\1., teacher, h 1R46 \Valnut John J.. conductor, h 1011 Market John K., physician, 2115 N 2d, h do John M., elockmkr, h III North John M., coachman, h 720 N 1nth John M., engr, h 1636 Wallace ~mith John M., machinist, h 666 Boas Smith John N., electro Elliott-Fisher Co . h 316 Hummel Smith Tohn R., elk, 306 Verbeke, h 2450 N Gth Smith :Tohn R., flagman, h 128 Vine ~mith John W., baker, h 1260 State

ANDREW REDMONDh~t~.:!i :r~~~ {3f and R811y Sti~ Coogle

Digitized by


l B. Tiel} IlLl PIPER e:!::;:.: 111001 SHlDES{N~:' II.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smit'h Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith John W., bottler, h 912 Cowden John ,,'., car inspector, h 658 Woodbine John W., carpenter, h 1329 Maple Joseph, laborer, h 1603 Elm Joseph, weighmaster, h 1324 ~ 2d Jourl\ey, barber, 509 State, h 509 Primrose J. Patterson, brakeman. h 640 Boas J. Porter, grocer, 1200 ::'\ 2d, h 1119 do J. Ralph, draftsman. h 114 N 2d J. Ritchie Re\., D. D .. h 12i State J. Ritchie, jr., student, h 12i State Junius. barber, 1620 \\'alnut, h do Kate E., dressmkr, h 918 X 6th Kate 1\., wid John W., h ll1i Hanna Katherine A .. bookkpr, ] 11 X 2d, h 218 Pine Katie L., elk. h 4t1 N 12th LeRoy, hoilermkr, h lii S 1Hth Leurenza, driver, h 18t!) George Lewis A., drh'er, h 1301 X 3d Lewis E., laborer, h 268 Delaware Lillie R.. saleslady, 334 M.fl,rket, h 1:!60 State Lloyd 1\1., painter, h 1744 Logan Louis A., driver, h 922 Ash Louis W., barber, 1~02 X 2d. h do Louise, seamstress, h (i1:J Harris


;::a.. s;::.-r.}Harrlsburg Sayings and

Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith S1J1ith Smith Smith Smith

Loan Assn.


Lydia, h 1222 Bartine Lwlia, wid David, h 51ii 1\luench L)'dia, wid Jacob L., h 409 S 14th ~Iabel, saleslady, h 440 S 15th :Mabel E., forelady, h 9 N Cameron Margaret F .. wid E. Grant, h 503 Muench 1\lartha, wid Jacob, h 41 Linden ~Iary, cigar packer, h 608 ~ 1Iith Mary, wid Godfrey, h Hi:!9 Susquehanna Mary, wid Jeremiah, h 1252 State ~lary A., wid George. h 516 IIamilton :Mary E., folder. h :,W:J5 Penn ~lary E., wid Alexander, h 41)-: Crescent l\Iary H., wid Joseph. h 16~6 \\'allace l\lary J., wid David H., h 14tH; Derry ~(ary R., domestic, 640 \Valnut l\lary T., confectioner. 1301 N :1<1. h do ::.ray, charwoman, h 21a Mary 1\1. Edith ),[rs .. dressmkr, 21106 Susquehanna, h do l\lelrov S . fireman. h 15119 Hunter l\Iichael, laborer. h 110~ ~ Cameron :'vlichael H., h 1222 N Front Smitl~ l\ Iillard 1 molder. h :~:12 11 t~mmcl .. Smith ::'Iilton A., <1raftsmnn. h :n Evergreen Smith l\linerva }L. wid \\'i1liam P .. 11 602 Dauphin

:u < :u c o .
N l>




-... -








OVR 1Io0e.& I - l BOOeH CloaI,III[OTTO We.b&r

H M KELLEY W I . {_ t . . ............ P. CO MIl III .......


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

; ; Smith M. Iva. nurse; 401 S 14th, h do CI Smit'h Monetta, seamstress, h 15:.!:.! X 4th, 'h do Smith Moses R., blacksmith, h l:m Evergreen _ :Smith ~.Ircr, grocer, 50:1 Cowden. h do c:t Smith 1\-1 yrtle Mrs., dressmkr, h 1206 11arket =5 Smith Nellie, dressmkr, h :U:1 Cherry c:t Smith Nellie M., saleslady. 3H4 Market, h 1260 State .: Snlith Nicholas, huckster, h 334 Logan Smith ~ora, watch woman Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Smith Xorman, bookkpr, 630 Walnut, h 206 Herr Smith Orson V., chief elk Dept. Mines, h 1213 Kittatinny Smith Oscar F., elk, h 6a7 Dauphin ~ Smith Paul G., student. h 2115 K 2d Smith Paul J., painter, h 1232 N 6th Smith Percy A.. buyer, 318 Market, h 112 Boas :IE Smith Percy L., bricklayer, h 1811 N 6th -...- Smith Peter. agt, h 414 S River (/) Smith Peter A., harnessmkr, 501 Walnut. h 1113 James SMITH PHARMACY, (Dr. B. F. Smith), 1801 Market Smith Philip W., barber, 1202 X ad, h 212 Cumberland Smith Pierce L.. fireman, h 2010 Susquehanna I- Smith Premier Typewriter Co., W. B. Sims, mgr, 7 S 4th Smith Rachel 1frs., h :.!4:l N River c( Smith Ralph 1., (R. 1. Smith & Co.), h 412 Market Smith Ralph L., machinist, h 205 Calder



a: o a:

o o


Smith Randolph. laborer, h 1422 Fulton Smith Rebecca E . domestic, 407 Kelker Smith R. 1. & Co., (Ralph 1. Smith), drygoods, ladies' >- . ready-to-wear goods, &c., 412 Market Ii!: Smith Robert. laborer, h 115 Dock ..: Smith Robert A., engr. h 42ti Muench c.. Smith Robert C, elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Camp Hill E Smith Robert C, master mechanic P. & R., h 401 S 14th o Smith Robert K, heater, h 1012 S 9th U Smith Robert 0 .. boilermkr. h 1423 William ~ Smith Rosa A. Mrs .. h :H:W N 4th .., Smith Rudolph W., (Smith & Son), h 906 Hemlock o Smith Samuel, carter, h 142:l James U Smith Samuel E., h 2108 Derry Q Smith Samuel H., conductor, h 610 Verbeke z: Smith Samuel J., carpenter, h 12n~ N 7th ..: Smith Samuel R. Rev., h 46 N 12th Smith Samuel R.. jr.. clk. h 46 X 12th ~ Smith Samuel T .. boltmkr, h 6:l5 Dauphin Smith Samuel W., conductor. h 238 Kelker Q Smith Sander E., weighmaster. h 12.~9 Cowden IiIJ Smith Sarah S., stengr, h 602 Dauphin f- Smith Sarah, wid Christian G., h 404 Muench z: Smirh Sarah M., wid Joseph F., h 1405 N 6th Q Smith Sarah M .. wid William. h 5:-14 North

~~.:=~~ ron ,.-l1li1lIII01 SOdS ttOi A. B. TACK .l:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.



Smith Sidney Z., wid Edward, h :.!129 Jefferson Smith Simon; laborer, h 960 S 21st Smith Somers H., student, h 2114 N 6th SMITH S. R. CO., macaroni and noodle mfrs, 36-40 N Cameron Smith. Stanley c., elk. h 1315 K 2d Smidt Stanley H., h 107 Chestnut Smith Susan c., housekeeper, 45 ~ l:~th . Smith Theodore F., checkman P. R. R, h 3a S 17th Smith Thomas, laborer, h 1331 K 4th SMITH THOMAS C., alderman, 2218 N 6th, h do Smith Thomas c., huckster, h 13!J7 Susquehanna Smith Thomas E., laborer, h 932 James Smith Thomas E., laborer, h 2618 Jefferson Smith Thomas G., asst engr Capitol. h 5:14 North Smith Thomas H., laborer, h 104 Dock Smith Thomas H., porter, 219 Market, h 116 Tanner Smith Verne C .. painter, 11 1317 Marion Smith Walter c.. barber, 11.18 Capital. h do Smith \V. David. foreman. h 45 N lath Smith Wesley c., brakeman, h 322 Peffer Smith Whittington, laborer, h 554 Primrose Smith William, bricklayer, h 123 Hanna Smith WiIliam, engr, h 1116 N 6th Smith William, machinist, h lS:.14 Fulton

Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~::i~t,~~~~K ----Wm. A., ins. Miller Bros. & Baker, h 15~2 X 5th William R., (Smith & Son). h 1008 S Cameron William D., h 600 Forster William E., brakeman, h 505! Muench William E., laborer, h r 563 Race William G., elk P. & R freight depot, h Paxtang William G., laborer, h 123 Hanna William H., barber, h 612 Cumberland William H., driver, h 12:~1'! Bailey WilI(am H., engr, h 226 Maclay William H., Ragman, h 11/)5 Penn William H., laborer, h 216 S Court William H., laborer, h 415 S 14th William H . repairsman. h 19ao X 4th William J., elk, h 21an K 4th William )., laborer. h 404 ~Iuench William K., carpenter, h 505 Muench William K.. laborer, h 21 N 10th William ~L conductor, h 2f1 S :M \\"iIIiam ~r.. flagman. h Gon noas Willimn :'II.. hod carrier, h 1120 Herr William ~ . conductor. h 6:17 Hamilton William 0., physician, Hi S 2d, h fill} N 6th William P .. jr., machinist, h 602 Dauphin \Villiam R, postal c1k, h 2218 N 6th

IIDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO. lr&\ {llr"IIu~e:: Coogle

Digitized by

CLARK'S =~':t'~~ Drug and Patent Medicine StoreLs'='}:~

686 Boyd's Harrisburg ( S) City Directory, 1908.

t:i Smith Wilmer T., dentist, 4 S ..: Smith \Vilson A., mechanical h 33 Balm 2d, h 123 do a:: brakeman,

J. ~effer and S. W. Mosser), wholesale tobacconists.. 432 Market l~ SMITH & McCULLOUGH, (H. E. Smith and J. P. Mcl8 Cullough), advertising, 320 Market see adv I;;: Smith & Son, (\V. B. and R. W.), grocers, 321 Boas t 1 Smith. see Schmid, also Schmidt, also Schmitt. also Smythe Smithson Dora E., wid Alfred L.. h 17~2 ~ 3d j'; Smoley Alexander J., blacksmith. h 1044 S Cameron Smoley Irene. knitter, h 1044 S Cameron Smoley ~Iarion A., wid Joseph, h 1044 S Cameron Smolev 1vlarv P., laundress. h 1934 Logan Smolizer Arthur P .. packer P. R. R., h 116 X 18th Smolizer Harn. brakeman, h 1318 Yernon" Smolizer John; flagman, h 1318 Vernon Smolizer John L., car repairer. h 1261 Bailey Smolizer Luther. painter, h 1318 Vernon Smoot Willard, genl agt. 4 N 3d. h The Commonwealth Smothers Charles S., laborer, h 211 S River ft&le fJauoaD&,7 aDd 8111'-, c.. {...... ".I...In.... ....

-= := :;:

:; Smith ~ Smith Smith Smith


Wilson A., salesman, 324 }larket. h la:l Evergreen Wilson B., electrician, h 1405 N 6th Wilson 0., h 122 Cumberland Zacharias. laborer, h 3:W S 14th . SMITH & KEFFER CO., INC., ~Charles G. Smith, John

z c

-8eraa&oa. PeDaa.-

fmtlN 11 .I~.. ~...., JMlcIIl ,... f.-t ...

hie""'.......... {,..._



C[ o -

Smothers Emanuel, waiter, h 225 K River Smothers Oliver, carter, h 21:~ S River Smothers Simon. laborer, h 21!~ S River Smouse David B .. elk C. T. and S. Co., h 1521 State Smucker David E., painter Lunatic Hospital. h 1837 N 6th Smucker Edwin S .. barber, 1642 N 6th, h do Smull Sarah L., wid William P., h 4112 N 3d Smyser George \V., car repairer, h 4112 Y!uench SmYser Henry"' .. conductor. h 424 Hummel Sm~'ser William H .. salesman. 6 S 2d, h 424 Hummel Snavelv Alfred. foreman, h 2:U N 2d ~navel~' Amelia, laundress, h 266 Delaware av Snavel)' Archie L., conductor. h 402 Cumberland Snayely n. Frank. engr. h 105 Calder Sna\'ely Blanch !'.I., millincr. h 105 Calder Snayely Calvin L., agt Prudential Ins. Co., h )Iiddletown Snawly Carrie ~L. bookkpr. 120 ~farket. h 577 S Front Snayely Charles \V., driver, h 577 S Front Snavely Clarence, student. h 1011 N 3d Sna\'eiY Cyrus. conciuctcr. h ~030 N 5th Sna\'cl" Eila C, dressmkr. h 2GG Cumberland C;;nwcl,' Elmer E .. laborer. h 40~ Cumherland Snavel~' Frederick. plum her. h 2:1:) Crescent Sna\'('ly Harry W., elk, 211 Chestnut, h 12::!!) Fulton Sl1ayel}, Harr)' \Y . (Brady & Snavely), h 231 ~ 2d

Redmond's Wagon Works ~~':i'Jd1t';.'f:b~~: {3d and Relt,Sts. Coogle

Digitized by

/ 1. B. TACK} Wall Paper and Window Shades {l:l~dN~~"

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 687 Snavely J. George, h 231 N 2d Snavely John E., sub elk P.O., h 1801 N 3d John N., foreman, h 1229 Fulton Snavely John R., tree agt, 125 Libcrty, h do Snavely John \V., puddler, h 577 S Front Snavely Joseph, laborer, h 1823 N 12th Snavely Josephinc M., elk State Dept. Health, h 105 Calder Snavely l\fary S. Mrs., patent medicines, 1011 N 3d, h do Snavely Michael F., h 9!!8 :N 6th Snavely Park W., laborer, h 1109 N Cameron Snavely Samuel, U. S. A., h 707 N 19th SNAVELY S. ED., livery, 235 Blackberry, h 24 S 3d Snavelv Susan P., h 826 K 3d Snavely William H., painter, h 402 Cumberland Snedden John \V., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h 927 N2d Sneeringer Annie, wid Gregory, h ~1700 Green Sneeringer J. Ross, grocer, 224 Hamilton, h 1700 Green Snell Aaron, laborer, h 21 Linden Snell Bertha 1. Mrs., h 122 N 13th Snell Harry D., messenger, h 122 N 13th Snell John L., edge trimmer, h 21 l:inden Snelling Elizabeth, wid Clement H., h 424 S 13th Snider, see Schneider, also Schnyder, also Snyder Snively Eveline, wid Joseph, h 138 S 3d :c Snively Mary, charwoman, h 411 Strawberry ~ Snoddy Calvin S., mgr, h 227 South ::I:' Snoddy Deames c., brickmkr, h HI N 10th Snoddy Elizabeth, dressmkr, 318 :'.larket, h 257 Sassafras ~ Snoddy Emma c., dressmkr, 318 :'.1arket, h 257 Sassafras ::I:' Snoddy Harry c., blacksmith, Thompson c Crooked, h 0 1322 Vernon n Snoddy Levi F., fireman, h 434 S Cameron Snoddy Rebecca, wid Zachariah, h 257 Sassafras Snoddy William S., waterten.der, h 468 S Cameron Snodeal Charles M., fireman, h 314 Chestnut Snodgrass Anna B., wid William L., h 1527 N 6th Snodgrass Charles E., machinist, h 45 Balm Snodgrass Frank P., (Snodgrass' & Snodgrass), deputy elk V. S. Dist. Court. h 112 State Snodgrass Helen V., cigarmkr, h 45 Balm Snodgrass Henry A., laborer, h ()!H) Boyd Snodgrass Horace W., elk recorder, C. H., h 112 State Snodgrass Marcie A., saleslady, h 1527 N 6th Snodgrass Miriam, saleslady, 334 )'larket, h 45 Balm Snodgrass Robert, (Snodgrass & Snodgrass), h 112 State Snockrass Robert K., boilermkr. r 45 Balm SNODGRASS & SNODGRASS, (Robert and Frank P.), ~ lawyers, 17 N 3d


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I uoog e


M. KEUEY. cO.n.:..-::.~

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Snoke David M., driver, h 309 Hamilton Snoke Ellen, wid George, h 21a I\'" Front == Snoke Hiram F .. flagman, h 607 Verbeke Snook Arthur A., 'train receiver P. R R, h 638 Camp c:a Snook manche, saleslad,\', h 6!18 Camp .: Snook Herbert F., tinner, h 1702 Fulton o Snook l\lartha Jane, wid Oliver, h 1548 Fulton ~ SNOOK WILLIAM H., dealer in furnaces, stoves and :& tinware, 334 Kelker, h White Hill see adv i! Snow Alfred S., engr, h If105 Logan .f: Snow Earl C, engr. h 1908 I\'" 6th Snow F. Herbert, chief sanitary engr State Dept. Health, :J h 1909 i\ Front Snow Tames D., watC'hman, h 614 Oxford -= Snow Tames H., tailor, h 420 S 17th __ Snow William A., ladleman, h 171(i Logan Snowden Ada, wid Tohn W., h 12 Haehnlen 1ft Snowden Charles C, waiter, h 4!!6 Korth al VI Snowden Fenton, laborer, h 16 Cowden Snowden Malinda, domestic, 12 Haehnlen Snvcler Abraham L., blacksmith, h 1465 l\larket I- Snyder Abram. laborer, h 1865 N 12th Snyder Ada V., huncher, h 222 S .15th Snvcier Agnes, ruler. h :U8 S 15th C Snyder Agnes S., trimmer, h 14th c Walnut




a: o



Snyder Snvcier Sn\der Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Sn "der Snyder Snyder Snyder Snvder Snvder Snyder Snyder A. r..lae, cashier, h 1802 N 6th Amelia, charwoman, h 125 Cranberry Amos H., h 222 Chestnut Anna R Mrs., saleslady, 400 ~1arket, h 806 N 6th Annie C Mrs., h 101!! N 3d Annie R, wid Joseph H., h 310 Boyd Arthur, laborer, h 108 Nagle Barbara, center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Benjamin, peddler, h 525 "Vest Bernice, bookkpr, 400 Market, h lOa S Summit Bertha M., dressmkr, h 1615 N 5th Catharine, wid AbnN, h 584 Showers Catharine Mrs., nurse. h 1445 Zarker Charles, helper, h 705} S Front Charles A., bar elk, 214 Chestnut, h 1509 Logan

o o


o u


---DEALER I N - - -

; Roofing, Spoufing and Jobbing





We make a apee1alty of "Old Style Oharcoal boD TiD 8poatiDK" u.a& __" for yeai'll. BBLL PBOlO!:

I. L. ST.

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Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Snyder Charles B., conductor, h 1708 Market ~ Snyder Charles B., stengr, h 925 S 19t PI Snyder Charles D., painter, h 1445 Zarker Snyrler Charles E., student, h 79 K 16th Snyder Charles F., laborer, h 605 Showers Snyder Charles F., machinist, h 260 Delaware av Snyrler Charles H., painter, h 404 S 19th 0 Snyder Charles L., elk P. R R, h 26 N 14th Snyder Charles R, tinsmith, h 1827 N 4th PI Snyder Charles S., physician, h 1008 N' 2d Snyder Charles T., engr, h 1617 N 5th lJ Snyder Chester, fireman, h 41 N 14th C Snyder Clara, housekeeper, 1000 Cumberland Snyder Clara, wid Mahlon H., h 26 N' 14th C) Snyder Clarence F., elk P. R R pass depot, h West Fairview Snyder Clarence S. E., machinist, h 12 S 18th 0 Snyder Cora Lee, adv writer Miller Bros & Baker, h 1008 . N2d Snyder Daniel T., brakeman, h 2210 Logan .snyder David F., engr, h 1713 Green (J1 Snyder Duke c., student, h 1834 Derr\" Snyder Earl R, repairsman, h 5 S 16th _ ~ Snyder Edith, warper, h 1617 N 5th Snyder Edith M., elk, h 1311 Wallace _____ ____ __ i

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Edward, motorman, h 2008 State Edward A., dairyman, h 411 S 13th Edward G., elk, 565 Woodbine, h 2296 N 6th Edward H., mechanical engr, h 1605 N 2d Edward L., machinist, h 925 S 191 Edward R, fireman, h 640 Harris Erlward T., laborer, h 1827 N 4th Edward Y., musician, h 320 Chestnut Edward W., cab driver, h 1910 Green Edward W., brakeman, h 1515 Vernon Edwin c.. elk, 17th c Derry, h 1815 Korth E. Guy, elk. h 229() N 6th Eli T., machinist, h 2298 N 6th Sn~der Elizabeth, domestic, 101 N Front Snyder Elizabeth, wid Tacob, h 3G N 13th Snyder Elizabeth, wid jacob, h 1354 North Snyder Elizabeth, wid John H . h 513 North al . ~ Snyder Elizabeth M., bunchmkr, h 1827 N 4th ~ SNYDER EUGENE, lawyer, 10 N 3d, h The Commonwealth ~ Snyder Flora A., h 405 Herr Snyder Florence, bookkpr, 806 N 3d, h 1605 N 2d ~ Snyder Florence. domestic, 125 Cranberry Snyder Frank, trucker P. R R freight depot, h Camp Hill !:!] Snyder Frank M., elk P. R R, h 2296 N 6th V;




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Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.


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Snyder Frank T., fireman, h G50 Reily Snyder G. Armor, elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 1012 N 3d Snyder George F., brakeman, h ]802 N 6th Snyder George F., machinist, h 12()8 Market Snyder George B., engr, h 1802 N 6th Snyder George H., laborer, h ]!!::!1 Currant Snyder George W., blacksmith, 218 Cranberry, h 405 Herr SNYDER GEORGE W., real estat~, 306 Market, h 79 N 18th see adv back cover Snyder Gertrude, h 1708 Market Snyder G. Guy, physician, 1f117 N 6th, h do Snyder Grace, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 1354 Vernon Snyder Grace L., wid William H., h 434 North Snyder Harris E., postal elk, h 1316 Walnut Snyder Harry A., trucker P. R. R. irt depot, h 132 S 3d Snyder Harry c., brakeman, h 6 N 5th Snyder Harry c., plasterer, h 2036 Kensington Snyder Harry E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Snyder Harry L., painter, h ]2 S 18th Snyder Harry ~I., plumber, 11 609 Herr Snyder If arry P .. fireman, h 6:14 Boyd Snyder Harrv T., brakeman. h 404 S 19th Snyder Harry W:, dairyman, h :!6() Delaware Snyder Helen, domestic. 4H2 Verbeke Snyder Henry, laborer, h 8:n S Front

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Henry W., storekpr, h 1605 N 2d Herman E., electrician, 918 N 6th, h do Hilda G., housekeeper, h 26 N 14th Irvin J., tailor, 334 Market, h New Cumberland Isaac D., brakeman, h 335 S 15th Jacob. conductor, h 1432 N 6th Jacob, laborer, h 525 West Jacob H., flagman, h 1354 North Jacob T., stengr, 4 N 3d, h 270 Briggs James, crane opr, h 1926 Kensington James B., conductor, h 1529 Green James F., engr. h 9:!G S 19! James H., fireman, h 1914 Penn Jane, wid John, h 125 Cranberry Jennie ~1rs., h 328 Hamilton Jesse, machinist, h 22:~5 Logan Jesse M .. machinist, h 809 S Front J. Gordon, salesman. 334 ~larket, h Carlisle J. Henry, carpenter. h Ii21 Green John. carpenter. h 1947 Kensington John, carpenter, h 2116 Turner John, ironwkr, h ]fl06 Fox John, laborer, h 1354 Vernon John A., carpenter. h 1415 North John A., letter carrier, h 561 Forrest

Bectrlc Automobiles} ANDREW REDMON~ig~~e~ b~~~~gfJl.


l A B TACK r....._lnc III....... Specialty ofPlain Tlnta {1,'eN.NIIt. PabUc Bu.ldlnca1n li'Atlma&aOl.....

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


Snyder John A., pipe bender. h 1HI nalm Snyder John A., jr., helper. h 561 Forrest Snyder John B., driver, h 1148 Cumberland Snyder John C., blacksmith. h 1715 Regina Snyder John c., laborer. h 611 Harris Snyder John F., elk P. & R pass depot. h 1465 ~1arket Snyder John F., shipping elk, h 658 Calder Snyder John G., fireman, h 10116 S Cameron Snyder Tohn P., laborer. h328 Hamilton Snyder John R, machinist, h 124 Ann al Snyder Joseph, brakeman, h 1835 Susquehanna 6 Snyder Joseph B., driver. h 2123 Moore -t Snyder Joseph H .. bar elk. 214 Chestnut, h 349 Nectarine u.t Snyder J. Raymond, sec and treas Central Drug Co., It ~ Mt. Holl\' =-:I Snyder Julia 'B., cook. h GIll North al Snyder Julia S., wid Isaiah. h 10()8 X 2d Snyder Kate ::\1., elk, h H08 Market Snyder Kirk. fireman, h 1354 Vernon Snyder Laura Mrs., h 1236 Cameron Snyder Laura L., wid Christian F .. h 214 S 15th Snyder Leeland c., telegrapher P. R R., h 214 S 15th Snyder Lillie, domestic, 322 ~ 2d Snyder Lizzie L., housekeeper. 9:n N 3d Snyder Lloyd W .. bookkpr, 17 S 2d. h 1720 Penn

Snyder Sn;'der Sm'der Snyder

Sayings and Loan Assn.{




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Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder

Louisa, seamstress. h 17t18 ~J arket Margaret E .. wid Emanuel K., h fl16 S 20t Marshall P .. elk. 209 ;'darket. h 214 S 15th ::\1artha M .. housekeeper, 513 ~orth al Martin, laborer, h r 1024 Herr Martin, laborer, h 12:12 Herr Marv, casernkr. h 1354 Vernon ~farv E., h 554 Forrest ~[ai L .. stengr. h 6] 1 Harris Michael. laborer. h 151m Logan l\lichael. jr., rougher, It :n~ S 15th Minnie Mrs .. h 1111 X 7th ::\1innie M .. clk. 11~6 X 3d. h 15:W N 5th :'.Iiriam n. ":'.I rs .. saleslady. h i12 ~ 3d X Ma, h 514 Filbert . Oliver F., blacksmith. h 1~27 X 4th Oliver W., fireman, h fi3S Herr Paul c., asst treas. 208 Locust, h 405 Herr Permilla M., wid Benjamin. h 1311 Wallace Perry A., steelwkr, h 737 S 21i Ralph E., h 2224 N 6th Ralph R., agt. h 1605 N 2c1 Robert A .. h 2':!2 Chestnut Robert M., elk P. & R. pass depot. h SOH); 61'h Rosa, cigarmkr, h 565 Race


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692 Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

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Snyder Ross F., engr, h 2530 Jeffcrson ~nydler S~amuell JA"ficlcancr, hh '~13!)1 ~vlallace _.n)"( er ~ amuc ., reman, _:... ...... t as Snyder Sarah. wid John n., h 2:!!I Crescent Snyder Sarah E., bunchmkr. h 132 S 3d Snyder Shertz E., elk, 22 N !Jd. h 620 i\lahantongo Snyder Simon, coachman. h 554 Forrest Snyder Susan, h 18112 N 6th Snyder Sydney T .. craneman, h mm S 21st Snyder Sylvester L., compouncier, :~:n ~Ikt., h 584 Showers Snyder Vernon G., elk Hbg. Nat. Bank, h 716 N 19th Snvder W. Hayes, salesman. 22:1 Market, h 302 S 2d Snyder William. laborer. h 12:t6 N Cameron Snyder William. reporter. h 1243 Market Snyder William E., chauffeur. h 19111 Green Snyder William Eo, car inspc("tor, h 26:19 N 6th Sn\'dcr William H., elk, :l:n i\larket, h 132 S 3d Snycier William .I., conductor, h 1196 Bailev Snyder \ViIliam R, grocer. 4:n Verbeke. h do Snyder William S., lawyer, 5 ~ 3d, h :!39 S 1:1th 'S\H'der, see Schneider, also Snider Snvker William. mail elk, h 21140 N 4th Sobbelan Camillo. laborer, h 33 K 5th Sober Eciwin 1.. fireman, h 630 Reily Sober ~[artha G . ~tengr State Library, h Dauphin

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Sobo Toseph, laborer. h 1021 S 9th SOCIAL CLUB, 302 Market Socialist Party. room 16, College Block. 26 N 3d Socks. see Sacks Soffas Charles, laborer, h 70f) N 7th Sofield Alice D., dressmkr, h 26:l Briggs Sohn Daniel W., cashier Com. Bank, h 1419 N Front Soladev Eliza, wid John, h 522 Calder Solcs Anna, nurse, h 6119 Herr Soles Charles E., engr, h 2119 Jefferson Soles Samuel P .. trucker Po R R, h 2043 Boas Soles Southard Po, trucker P. R. R. freight depot, h 2213 Brook Soles T. Edward, brakeman, h 198!l K 7th Sollenberger Christian F., salesman. h 268 N~rth Sollenberger Clinton A . carpenter, h 627 Emerald Sollenberger Diller S., contractor, 523 Peffer. h do W Sollenberger Harry D .. carpenter. h 610 Seneca ~ Sollenberger Maurice G., carpenter, h 23:J2 N 6th Sollenberger. see Sullenberger Q Sollers Annie R, wid James W . h 1138 Market ~ Sollers Charles G.. machinist. h 611 Wallace Sollers Harry C. electrician, h 7th n1'" Muench E Sollers Tames E., laster. h 113R l\larket Q Sollers Letitia 2\1. Mrs .. h 115 Dock

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A. B. TACK t:.=.a:: loU poper ond IIIldOI_ e~?~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908. 693
Sollers Rebecca Mrs., h 321 Reily Sollers William M., elk, h 1138 Market Solomon Henry W., elk, 228 Market. h 414 Strawberry Solomon T oseph. salesman, h 1120 Green Solomon Joseph W., flagman, h 1706 Susquehanna Solomon Martin L., conductor, h 625 Calder Solomon Morris. furrier, 231 State, h do Solomon Nellie V., music teacher, 1416 Green, h do Solomon Rebecca, wid Harry G., h 1416 Green Solomons Jose, salesman, 6 S 2d. h 719 N 2d Sommer Harry A., car repairer, h 2109 xl06re Sommers Harry W., mgr Metropolitan Hotel, h do Sonman Shaft Coal Co . John Y. Boyd. pres: Vance C McCormick, sec and treas, rooms 401-408, Bergner bIde-. Soper Anna W . wid Leander V. B.. h 406 S 13th Soric Stief, laborer, h 1088 S 9th Sornberger Daniel, conductor, h 144 Sylvan ter Sornberger David, driver, h 336 Hummel Sornberger Earl D., plumber, h 336 Hummel Sornberger Elmer c., carpenter, h 336 Hummel Sornberger Olive C, telephone apr P. R. R., h 23 S 16th Soth Henry, fireman, h uO!) Seneca 50th John, Iahorer, h 509 Seneca Souder Alice F., housekeeper, 1738 N 6th


Souder Jacob A., confectioner, 35 S 13th, h do Souders Anna l\1., bunchbreaker, h 836 S Cameron Souders Effie 1., roller, h sali S Cameron Souders Kathryn, roller, h 836 S Cameron Souders \Villiam A., laborer, h 836 S Cameron Souders William C, h 110 S 4th Sourbeer Aaron, carpenter, h 1957 Rudy Sourbeer Catharine, bookbinder, h 431 S 17th Sourbeer Charles E., conductor, h 324 S 14th Sourbeer Dora C, student, h 431 S 17th Sourbeer F. Marion, music teacher, 1314 :\Japle av, h do Sourbeer F. Marion, jr., draftsman, h 1314 Maple av Sourbeer Harry E., paperhanger, h 1218 N Front Sourbeer Henry, jr., notary, 1321 N 6th, h do Sourbeer Henry J., foreman, h 1218 N Front Sourbeer Henry S., grocer. 500 S 13th,h do Sourbeer Herman R., conductor. h 324 S 14th Sourbeer Ida F .. housekeeper, h 431 S 17th Sourbeer J. Frank, janitor, h 246 Hummel Sourbeer John A., laborer, h 1211 N Cameron Sourbeer Lila E . shoe finisher, h 1342 Vernon Sourbeer Mary K., wid George W., h 801 N 6th Sourbeer Samuel T., heater, h 4:H S 17th Sourbeer Criah C:, tilesetter, h 1!!20 ~ Front Sourbeer William H., laborer. h 1211 N Cameron

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Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


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Sourbeer William "Y., laborer, h 1342 Vernon Sourber \Yilliam c., linotype opr Telegraph, h Paxtang Sourbier Charles J., factory mgr Elliott-Fisher Co., h 1935 N 2d Sourbier George H., funeral director and embalmer, 1310 N 3d, h do Sourbier :Mary ]., wid George B., h 122 Boas Sourbier Mary W. ~Irs . grocer. t::?45 Kittatinny, h do Sourbier Yiola F., student, h 1245 Kittatinnv Sours Ta1llt'~ E., fireman. h HiHi Swatara Sours. 'see Sauers, al~o Sowers Southard Charles ?\J.. expressman, h 1205 llanm'er Southard E. Albert. lumber, h 3:~5 Che~tnut Southard Effie E .. saleslady. 4(11) :\Ikt., h 41!1 Strawberry Southard EmilY. wid Alexander. h :~a5 Chestnut Southern States Despatch. T. R. Duhbs, genl agt, P. & R. pass ctepot Soveric Ivan, laborer. h 1113 S 9th Sowers Alice. domestic. 419 State Sowers Alice S. Mrs., h 523 Cowden Sowers Carrie P .. warper, h 1825 Fulton Sowers Elmer c.. foreman. h 16111~ Fulton Sowers George. shoemkr. 50:~1 Kelker. h IH25 Fulton Sowers George F .. laborer. h 1281i S Cameron

Tltll allrllty lid Surety CI, IC~~-::'., {..m:::t!~'::;.. {Tr!.&~'!J"1Z..

George \\' .. brakeman, h 1811 Green George \Y., puddler, h 1286 S Cameron Georgie, domestic. 31)1 Briggs Ida :\1.. saleslady. 1206 ~ :ld. h 182ri Fltlton ~owers John A .. laborer, h 4H) State Sowers Joseph 0., steelwkr. h 4:~5 S 16th Sowers :\faIHie. domestic, 1111 ~ 3d Sowers :\[inen'a. domestie. ~111 X :td Sowers :\Iyrtle:\1., hOltsekeepcr. 1~25 Fltltllll Sowers Raymond, flagman. h :148 1\ ectarinc Sowers Sarah A., wid (~eorge. h 523 Cowden Sowers \Yalter ~ .. cht'cker 1'. & R .. h 5:n Cowden Sowers \\,iIIiam. hrah'man. h :as ~ectarinc Sowers \\,illiam A .. conductor. h 2:W :\IuCIll'h ~owcn;. see Salters, also Sours Spagnolo Xicotlemo. varieties, 21:1 S 3d, h do Spahr Catharine, wi (I John F., h lilll Crecn Spahr Charles :\I.. conductor. h H2i S 16th Spahr Charles S .. car inspector, h :136 Hamilton Spahr Edna F .. h 1102 X :~d Spahr (--;eorg1' E .. laborer. h 336 Hamilton Spahr Harry L.. switchman, h l~:n N 3rl Spahr Harry :\r., laborer. h 323 Kelker Spahr Harr." W .. weig-hmaster P. R. R., h 2218 Logan Spahr H. Brooks. stationer. 1223 X :-lei. h 2211 do Sowers Sowers Sowers Sowers


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I. B. TACK} P'~~~A~.!,~!-,,~.,~~R{Ill6KOnUDlJdhl
Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


Spahr Helen, telephone opr, 210 \Valnut, h New Cumberland Spahr John H., driver, h 3~3 Kelker Spahr Mary E., wid George, h 1164 Mulberry Spahr Norman M., elk, 319 Market, h 314 Verbeke Spahr Susan, weaver, h 323 Kelker Spahr Thomas L., h 11112 X 3d Spahr Walter S., car inspector. h 1514! N 4th Spain Mary, wid Martin, h 5011 Brown Spangenberg Bruno R.. ice cream. 5117 Reily, h do Spangler Alvin ~1., elk P. R. R.. h 1936 Susquehanna Spangler Bertha l\1., seamstress. h 19th c Swatara Spangler Charles C, elk, 11 X 3d. h 1426 William Spangler Charles E., ins agt, a~1 :\brket. h Steelton Spangler Charles E .. machinist, h 2042 X 4th Spangler Charles H .. patternmkr. h 535 Camp Spangler Charles S., roll turner, h 102 S lith Spangler Cyrus, laborer, h 115 Mulberry Spangler Daniel J.. helper, h 1428 Naudain Spangler Earl \V . conductor. h 1613 Chestnut Spangler Elmer. machinist, h 17H N 3d Spangler Frank E., car inspector. h 707 X 19th Spangler Frank H., printer, h 204 S 13th Spangler George S., ruler, Court ab Locust. h 341 Peffer Spangler George \V.. car repairer, h 1120 N Front




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Spangler George' W .. laborer. h 3:J8 Cherry Spangler Harry F., elk, 1:108 N 3d. h 622 Verbeke Spangler Tacob, laborer. h 1:1M S 13th Spangler Tohn K.. laborer. h 1519 Fulton Spangler L. Emma l\Trs., cigars, :~38 Cherry, h do Spangler LeRoy C, elk. h 535 Camp Spangler Lydia H., h 1708 N 6th Spangler ~Iary C, stengr, 5! S 3d. h 2042 N 4th Spangler :;\farv C. wid Robert, h 341 Peffer Spangler Vernon D .. oiler. h 1428 Xaudain Spangler Wilda. stengr. 227 Walnut. h Penbrook Sparrow Caroline. teacher, h Hi07 Derry Spatrow Charle!' xL. lahorer. h 908 S 22.\ Sparrow David. mail driver. h 510 North al Sparrow Edward. janitor. h 104 Conroy Sparrow Jacob. blacksmith, h 1607 Derry Sparrow Tohn. laborer. h 510 Xorth al Sparrow l\1innie V., h 104 Conroy Sparrow Susan H., teacher. h 1607 Derry Sparrow Thomas F .. fireman, h 138 S 13th Sparver Chester E .. draftsman. h 1918 K ::;th Sparver Leonard, engr. h 1918 N 5th Sparver :Mary A. ~1rs .. matron P. R. R. depot. h 1419 N 6th Sparver \Vi1Iiam ].. engr, h 6~7 Camp

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Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

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Spatzer Daisy, domestic, 1255 Mulberry Spayd Edith A. :\lrs., proof reader, h 1236 Walnut SPA YD ROBERT E., alderman and cigar mfr, 148 S 3d,. h do Telephone . Spayde Luther, painter, h 1912! :Korth Speakes Calvin, laborer, h 624 Briggs Speakes George W., laborer, h 44 S Court Speakes Otis. blacksmith. h 642 Primrose Speakman William H., salesman, 334 :Vlarket. h New Cumberland Speaks Perry E., waiter. h 636 Btiggs Spealman George E., restaurant. 1249 :\Iarket, h do Spealman James A., elk, 24 N 3d, h 1211 Green Spealman John, butcher, h 817 Susquehanna Spealman Lewis. elk. h 1211 Green Spear Darvin 1'.. foreman, h 10 S 18th Spear Fredt>rick T., express messenger, h 10 S 18th Spears \\tilliatl1, porter, 'h lIlt Tanner Speas Alvin P., printer Telegraph. h Penbrook Speas Harry E., elk P.O., It 1354 State Spece David, conductor, h 601 Maelay Spece Sarah, domestic, 1012 N 7th Spece Walter D., elk P. R R, h 1447 Vernon Speck George, h 504 State Speece Lloyd. foreman, h 513 Calder

Speece William N., brakeman, h 609 :\fuench Sped Alexander R, h 124 Walnut >- Speel John N., pay director C. S. N., h 124 Walnut z: Speelman Claude, laborer, h ::W Lochiel 2d row C Speese Albert S., brakeman, h 32 N 5th A. Speese August F., elk, h 1101 N 6th E Speese Charles H., blacksmith, It HI54 Boas o Speese Charles R, machinist, h 818 Cowden U Speese Ellen E., wid Joshua M., h 26t ~ 5th ....J Speese Ettie l\Irs., h 2t1~l4 Green C Speese Frank. helper, h 292 S Cameron o Speese Frank 1\., conductor, h 1248 Bailey U Speese Gertrude 1'.1., bookkpr, 441) Market, It 26! N 5th Q Speese Hyde M., policeman, h 1520t N 4th Z Speese Marietta, wid Harry R, h 1101 N 6th C Speese May 1., hookkpr, 29 N 2d, h ::Wi N 5th (;I;J Speese M. Sue, h !Wl Capital ~ Speese Samuel S., umlertaker, 130 S 2d, h 123 do Speise Blanche, cigar roIler, h 440 S 2d Speise Frank, huckster, h 440 S 2d Speise George \V., laborer, h 440 S 2c1 Speise Mary, cigar roller. 11 440 S 2d Speise Mary A., wid Lewis. h 440 S 2d Spence Harry J., caller P. R R, h fi36 Reily Spence Susan, wid Marshall, h 416 South

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Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.


Spencer Annie L., wid William J., h 1522 Regina Spencer James, laborer, h 1239 Monroe fI1 Spencer Mary, domestic, h 2 Sherman row Spencer Samuel G., dept mgr, 312 Market, h 204 N 2d Spengler Samuel, brakeman, h 152!l Green -I Speraw Harry F., brakeman, h 1927 Logan Sperick Michael, lahorer, h 1112 Currant Sperling Louis, shoes, 408 Walnut, h 40!l Filbert 2 Spicer Charles F., mgr, 440 Market, h 702 K fith fI1 Spicer J. Henry, supt Burial Case Co., h 2043 K 2<.1 SPICER JOHN S., analytical chemist Dept. Agriculture, Capitol, h 2043 N 2d Sprcer Nancy, wid Charles A., h 2041 N 2d C) Spicer Rudolph K.. mgr, 34 S 2d, h 12~ Chestnut Spickler Alice, bookkpr. 12 S 2d, h lIOn K 2d Spickler Carson L., printer, 10th bel Chestnut. h 1106 N 2d Spickler Mabel, bookkpr, 12 S 2d, h 1106 N 2d Spickler Martha, wid Martin, h 1106 ~ 2d Spickler Russell A., linotype opr Patriot, h 1H26 Penn Spidel Annie, domestic, 509 Walnut ' -11 Spidel Norman A., baker, h 158 N 15th Spidle Edward R, salesman, :l34 Market, h Steelton :I: Spiegel Bessie E., domestic, 201 N Front 8 Spiegel Margaret, domestic, 111 N Front S Spies Irvin, flagman. h 1417 Swatara !




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Spink Frank B., telegrapher P. R. R, h 1605 Zarker Spire Harry A., hrakeman, h a15 Buckthorn Spitler Alfred, detective. h 1614 Swatara Spitler Laura J., elk. 14()8 Vernon, h 1614 Swatara Spitz Josephine, h 416 Briggs Spitzer Ina. laborer, h 1004 Cowden Spitznogle Myrtle, cigarmkr, h 626 Hamilton Splan John, driver, h 608 York Splawn Lee, laborer, h 940 Carrie al Spofford Kate R. elk State Veterinary Dept., h 1010 N 2d Spofford S. Ella, elk, :t~ N 3d, h 1010 N 2d Sponenberger Frederick. huckster, h 1848 State Spong Alice, tailoress, 202 Walnut, h Wormleyshurg Spong Bertha, teacher, h 10 N 2d Spong Ella Mrs., h 1501 Penn Spong Harper W., elk Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., h W. Fairview Spong John D., elk C. I. and S. Co .. h W. Fairview Sponsler Albert J., fireman, h 1321 Bartine Sponsler Anna Louisa, h 105 Chestnut Sponsler Edward R, electric railway promotions, 4 N 3d, h 105 Chestnut Sponsler George H., mgr, 1 N ad, h 127 Sylvan ter Sponsler Howard c., h 51 N Summit Sponsler Howard C, salesman. 22 N 3d, h 214 Reily



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Sponsler Ida l\L. saleslady, .fUU ~Iarkt't. h 276 Briggs :a Sponsler J. Edward, salesman. :n8 ~larket, h fil:1 Briggs _ Sponsler Joseph A., h !l17 ~ ::?(\ Sponsler Mary A. Mrs .. h 1:121 Rartine 1! Sponsler Sara R., h 1:?1 Sylvan ter ~ Sponsler Verna, housekeeper, 276 Briggs Spooner Albert P., student. h 117 Locust Spooner Elizabeth. h 216 Herr Spooner .\"illiam H., office 9 ~ 2d, h 117 Locust Spot Hotel (The), Charles Spotts, prapr, 1021-102:3 ~ 7th Spotts Annie S., cigar packer, h 2106 ~ 4th Spotts Charles, propr The Spot Hotel, 11123 :K 7th, h do Spotts Charles A., rlk. h 21116 ~ 4th Spotts Glarles H., conductor, h 21:!ii Atlas Spotts Edna L., domestic, 162!l N 2d Spotts Ellie, wid David. h 826 N 3d Spotts Harry c., bar elk, 313 Verbeke. h 14011 N 3d Spotts James A., packer, h 6th c Cumberland Spotts John A., engr, h 1023 :K 7th Spotts Joseph J., student, h 102:~ N 7th Spotts Milton V., machinist, h 5112 Linn CIC Spotts Sarah, domestic, 605 N Front :IE Spotts William A., conductor, h :nOH X 4th c Spot wood Bessie D., laundress. h 132~ William ~.. Spotwood Charles F., waiter Hbg. Club. h 1328 William

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Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

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Spotwood Elizabeth. domestic. 1328 William Spot wood J sabella, wid Edward, h 528 North Spotwood Jesse S., bellman Hbg. Club. h 1328 William Spotwood John, barber, h 1204 Capital Spot wood Mary, cook, h 130 Tanner Spot wood J\Iary J., wid David. h 1328 William Spotwood Thomas H., coachman, h 1328 William Spotz Allen U .. (T. C. Wilson & Co.), h 1353 Yernon Spratt Emma J . cashier. h 134 Vine Sprenkel Edna M .. h 40!l N 2d Sprenkle H. Harold, foreman Dauphin Cigar Co .. h 692 S 20th Sprenkle]. Webster. foreman Dauphin Cigar Co., h 692 S 20th Sprenkle Tillie, domestic, 2118 N 3<1 Spriggs Frank. laborer. h nn Angle al ~priggs George W., laborer, h 40S Cowden ~:priggs Hattie, wid Henry W., h 626 Primrose Spriggs J. Edward, waiter Grand Hotel. h 1321 William Spriggs ~Iary, attendant, 159k ~ 4th, h G26 Primrose Spriggs ~ora, attendant, 427 State, h 62G Primrose Spriggs Sarah C, domestic. 110 Angle al Spriggs Thomas, bootblack, h 110 Angle al ~priggs William E., laborer, h 110 Angle al Springer Carrie E., h 1l~2 Wallace

{ ---------------------------------------------~-~ --~--


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REDMOND}::~~':!; :;~~g~ {3d and Reily Sill

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l. B. TACK} tILL PIPER r::!:i!'::: IINDOISHIDE8 tN.g:. H&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 699
Springer Charles, guide, Capitol, h 11:n Capital Springer Christopher C, carpenter, h 1529 Vernon Springer Edward E., machinist, h 6:m Boyd Springer Edwin N., grocer, 1347 Vernon, h 1345 do Springer Emma C, h 1335 Vernon Springer George N .. watchmkr, 206 Market, h 514 Kelker Springer James P .. light trimmer. h 5!l8 ~orth Springer John W., upholsterer. 21:t Hummel, h do Springer Joseph E., baggagemaster, h 1210 Chestnut Springer Katie. wid Oliver. h l!):!:l Penn Springer :Margaret, wid James P., h 538 ?l:orth Springer Sadie B., dressmkr, 213 Hummel, h do Springer, Samuel, foreman, Capitol, 1131 Capital Springer Uria'h, engr, h 1132 WalIace , Sprout Addie T.. wid Emanuel. h 1821 N 5th Sprout Alfred 1'.1., elk, 1901 Derry, h 2146 Greenwood Sprout Charles B., foreman. h 546 Race Sprout Charles E .. boilermkr. h 2146 Greenwood SPl'Out Ella B., housekeeper, h 546 Race Sprottt Frederick, boilermkr, h 2146 Greenwood Sprout George B., nailer, h 928 S 201 ~ Sprout Guy R .. boilermkr, 'h 2146 Greenwood Sprout Grace F .. student, h 1821 ~ 5th :D Sprout Harry C. painter. h 2012 Penn Sprout Tohn S., elk P. R. R.. h 1821 N 5th

~ -=-:'}Harrlsbur, ..

Sayings and Loan Assn.

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Sprout Oliver S., machinist, h 19:n Penn Sprow Alice M. Mrs., opr, h 1005 Hemlock Sprucebanks Charles, driver, h 921 Bartine Sprucebanks George W., hostler. h 312 N Court N Sprucebanks Tames, molder. h 312 N Court Sprucebanks William W., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 925 , . Bartine 0 Spungin Samuel, butcher. h 19 Cowden ~ Squibb Mary M., knitter, h 824 N 3d Squires Benjamin W., tinmkr, h 612 Wiconisco ,. Squires Thomas G., h 612 Wiconisco Srvesh Albert. laborer. h 717 ~orth Stabler William A .. shoemkr. 712 Susquehanna, h 603 .J> Stackhouse RusselI J.. supt P. & R.. h 120 Market Stackpole Donald C. draftsman. h 1948 N 5th ~ STACKPOLE EDWARD J., treas and editor Harrisburg . . Telegraph, postmaster and custodian U. S. Court == House and Post Office bldg, h 1825 N Front & Stackpole M<1rgaret J.. wid Edward H. H., h 1948 N 5th Stacks Alvin A., elk. P. R. R. pass depot. h 211 Peffer Stacks Elmer E .. caller P. R. R.. 11 220 Boas It Stacks Margaret A. ;'I.1rs., canvasser. h 607 Reily Stadler George M .. cashier, 813 Market, h 1315 do Stager Bessie 1\1., salesladv. 440 Market, h 7 N 9th a






THE PA -W:g~~ b~1ogIe

00. . ...-W- } 8-*0MI..0'1"1'0 I ....'

II,. KELLEY . . . {__ .............. I. CO 1 . . 111 II ....


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.




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Stager Leighton B., h 1211 :Market Stager Leighton n., jr., elk, h 1211 Market Stager Lucie M . elk. a:~4 Market. h 1211 do Stager l\taria. wid William H . h 602 Showers Stager. see Steger Stahl Aaron F .. watchman, h 2021 Elizabeth Stahl Annie Mrs., hOllsekeeper, 1148 Cumberland Stahl Annie, seamstress. h 2144 N 7th Stahl Catharine, wid John A., h 28 S :ld Stahl Catharine. wid Louis. h 13~9 North Stahl Charles D., fireman. h 2100 N 6th Stahl Charles H . printer Telegraph, h 714 ~ :ld Stahl Esther E. Mrs .. opr. h 301 Crescent Stahl Harry, butcher. h 14]8 Zarker Stahl Henry 0., messenger, h 1339 North Stahl Jennie. seamstress, h 2144 K 7th Stahl John c., driver, h 635 Camp Stahl Milton c., laborer, h 641 Maclay Stahl Sadie, seamstress, h 343 Boyd . Stahl \\'i11iam P., inst agt. fI S 2d, h 1321 ~farion Stahl, see St01l, also Stull ~tahler Arthur F . helper, h 19116 State Stahler Catharine, wid Henry, h 17 K Cameron Stahler Hazel, opr, h 1906 State Stahler John, engr, h 5 Lochiel 1st row

Stahler John A., toolmkr, h 1906 State Stahley William MeL., engr, h 1441 Berryhill Stahr Nora, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do >- Staiger Adolph, baker, h 1272 State Staiger Frantz. laborer, h l11ll Grape ..: Staiger Gottlieb, cabinetmkr, h 1272 State a.. Stailey Harrv H" brakeman, h 759 S If1th E Staile~ John F., car repairer, h 2147 Atlas o Stains Frederick \Y . repairsman, h 1 K nth U Stains Renie B., wid Paul, h 34 X 1ilth ...J Stair Edward, nailcutter, h 231 Mulbern' Stair Ella M., tohacco stripper, h 231 ~fitlberry o Stair Lizzie. wid George \\' .. h 231 Mulberry u ~tair Robert, clk, 424 Market, h 2:n Mulbern' Q Stake Wesley P., typewriter, h IHO!) Swatara' Z Staley Robert B.. brakeman, h 1432 N 4th


o o


STALEY ROBERT MORRIS, druggist, 1307 N 6th h do y Staley Susan Mrs., charwoman, h 1221 Monroe Stalipar Louisa, boarding, 526 Cowden. h do Q Stallman Horace, foreman. 1408 \" ernon, h 65 N 10th (;I;J Staman Eleanore, elk. h 916 Cowden to- Staman Harry Z., bottler. h 916 Cowden 916 z: Staman Mary \V., moccasinmkr, hMkt.,Cowden Stambaugh Carrie, saleslaciy, 400 h l'.lechanicsburg


1 L ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240larl.tltlll
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-.:.:=;.-:;r II,. .1I0d01 SDrIIeS Irll A. B. TACK ...~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Stambaugh Chester A., car inspector, h 1017 Hemlock Stambaugh Cyrus E., cooper, h 1036 S 9th Stambaugh Harry F., lawyer, h 228 Maclay Stambaugh Harvey A., laborer, h 1009 S 9th Stambaugh John H., salesman, h 432 Reily Stambaugh John K. cooper, h 1009 S 9th Stambaugh Mary M., wid Jacob, h 220 Briggs Stambaugh Minerva, cigar roller, h 142 Indian Stambaugh K Craig, laborer, h 1036 S 9th Stambaugh Priscilla, wid Jacob M., h 1612 Chestnut St;tmbaugh Roy Boo elk, 22 N 3d, h 1009 S 9th Stambaugh Ruth, cigar roller, h 1036 S 9th . Stambaugh Samuel P . sup prin, Front c Paxton, h 228 Maclav Stambaugl~, see Stumbaugh Stamets Amos ~L Rev., h 1939 X (ith Stamey Maude B.. shoe opr, h 13 S 16th Stamn~ A. Carson, (Olmsted & Stamm), h 911 X :!d Stamm Henrv B., laborer, h 1513 Hunter Stamm Joseph Eoo engr, h 1426 Susquehanna Stamm Mary J. Mrs., h 2124 Turner av Stanford Grace M., proof reader, 2m N 2d. h 226 Reily Stanford Laura Eoo 'it 226 Reily Stanford Vincent W., (Roberts & Meek), h 804 Green

MILLER BROS. I: BAKER} ":i~b"~~~1I:

Stanford Wesley M. Rev., editor, 201 N 2d, h 226 Reily Stanford Zelia c.. artist, h 226 Reily Stanhope Edward M . foreman, h 2006 N 6th Stanley Augustus J. K, baggagemaster. h 357 S 14th Stanley Augustus J. K .. jr., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 357 S 14th Stanlev Charles. laborer. h 1110 ~lonroe Stanley (;eorge c.. leverman P. & R.. h 1(j:~4 Elm Stanlev James, conductor. h 57 N 10th Stansburv Marv A .. wid Isaac L.. h 70:{ N 2d StansfieliI John- K, blacksmith, h 531 \'iolet al Stansfield Theodore S. Rev., h 116 Vine Stanton Emma J.. charwoman. h 450 Hay Stanton James. houseman. h 639 Briggs Stanton Lee, laborer, h S Cameron bel Typewriter Works Stanton Perry, porter, :W9~1arket, h 12;~H Cowden Stape Harriet, wid Samuel, h 1308 \ViIliams ~ Stapf Bertha A., dressmkr, h 47 N 14th :I: Stapf George. carpenter, h 47 N 14th g Stapf John, (Stapf & Benfer), h 23 S 3d _ Stapf Louis W., apprentice. h 47 X 14th Stapf & Benfer, (John Stapf and Joseph ncnfer), contractors, 23 S 3d "< STAR CARPET CLEANING WORKS, (Miller & ~ Stoner), Cameron c Walnut see adv next page

'= _I


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CLARK' S::~:,~.~ Drug and Patent Medicine Stlrl {~


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

STAR-INDEPENDENT, The Star Printing Co., pubs; Wilmer Crow, mgr, 18, 20 and 22 S 3d see adv ~ STAR PRINTING CO. (THE), Benjamin F. Meyers. CI pres; Wilmer Crow, mgr, publishers Star-Indepen2: dent, 18-22 S 3d see adv C Star Theatre, Alhen George. treas, 410 Market Stare James, brakeman, h a7 N 16th :II: Stark Andrew C, carpenter, h 15:.!O Thompson :;- Stark George W., flagman, h 1937 N 6th II "" Stark John S., carpenter, h 436 S 14th ! i Stark Wilton A., flagman, h 1337 N 2d j~ Starkey William P., mech engr, Herr clOth, h 1522 State Starner C Emory, planing mill, Logan c Delaware, h 2130 1:'011 ~ 7th ,"' Starner Robert, painter. h 627 Maclay Starner Wilson W., conductor, h 444 S 14th Starr Hiram H., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 1327 Fulton Starr Joseph M., laborer, h 1327 Ieulton Starr Morris, tinsmith, h 1327 Fulton Starry Harry, brakeman, h 2122 Greenwood Starry Miriam E., h 611 N 15th Starry Wallace G., (Hbg. Collar and Cuff Co. and WelIknit Hosiery Co.), h 33 S 18th Starry William T., supt, h 611 N 15th



= E

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z: STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, Joseph J. Armento, propr.

217 Walnut see adv STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Edward R. Pierce, mgr, 22 Union Trust bldg, N W c Market sq State Council O. U. A. M. of Pa., Harry M. Holstein, S. C, sec, 304-306 Market State Y. M. C A., Charles L. Huston, chairman; ]. B. Bailey, treas; E.B. Buckalew. sec, 16 N 2d Staub E11en ]., seamstress, h 16 N 16th Staub France L., stengr, 813 Market. h 1121 Derry Staub Laura E., housekeeper, 1121 Derry Stauffer Benjamin G., agt. h 2102 Derry Stauffer Bessie L., h 111 Calder Stauffer Carl, engr, h 1512 N 5th Stauffer Caroline, wid John K.. h 1926 Green

TIUe G_.~ aDd 8aretir 0.. { ..........IIaIrI.... ~........111. { II... ... -Saraatoa. Pe._, ....... alii II. a'''' ~. . at J....... ".... ''''-'

z c



-: a





Telephone Connection. ,


Cameron. Cor. Walnut Redmond's Wagon Works }~':i'Jdi':a~b~~: {3d and Reily StS.
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A. B. TAeK} Wall PaDar and

~lndow Sbades {.:=l(~~


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Stauffer Charles, messenger, Court ab Locust, h 1608 Logan Stauffer Charles, orderly Hbg. Hospital, h do STAUFFER CHARLES C., physician, 1926 Green, h do; office hours until 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. Stauffer Edith Nt., elk, ~111 ?\ 2d. h 230 N 15th Stauffer Elva 1\1.. seamstress. h 230 X 15th Stauffer Frank H., miller, h 19 S l:1th --Stauffer Frank W . engr, h 2217 Brookwood Stauffer George M .. checkman. h 1426 Walnut Stauffer Harry c., flagman, h 1434 Green Stauffer Harvey L., molder. h 1945 Swatara Stauffer Henn': fireman, h 1611 Derrv Stauffer Jacob B.. elk Adjt. Genl's Dept., 2028 Green Stauffer lacob \Y., driver, h 1945 Swatara Staltffer Jennie 1\1., weaver, h 16(11 Susquehanna Stauffer 10hn P., motorman, h 12 S 17th Stauffer Tohn \Y., brakeman. h 14118 Zarker ~tauffer 'Lottie L., domestic. 315 !\ Front. Stauffer Samuel G., salesman, Ii l!133 X 2d ~tauffer Sarah. h :!1Il2 Derrv Stauffer Saral~, wid John, h' 2~W X 15th Stauffer Walter J., brakeman. h fi:!~ :Mahantongo Stauffer William. elk. 31fl Verbeke. h do Stauffer William .\ .. flagman. h 1~04 N 5th


51 =I


r!:*S::::'O[.}Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {::~~c-

Stauffer, see Stouffer Staupper George, jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do Stead Harry. elk. h 42~ :\Iarket Steadman Caroline 1.. weaver. h :!Ofl Barbara Steadman Ethel c.. weaver, h 2()9 Barbara Steadman ~Ian' ~lrs., h 209 Barbara Stebbins S. :MaY, nurse, h 130 S 2d Stecher Franklin Z., stable, Singer nr Chestnut, h 76 N n 14th Steckley Augustus, brakeman, h 1944 N 6th Steckley Elizabeth A., wid Matthew, h 1808 N 4th Steckley Frederick W., laborer, h 79 Disbrow Steckley George VV., barber, 401 Kelker, h 1736 Fulton Steckley John D., brakeman, h 2242 Jefferson STECKLEY M. & SON, (William W.), boots and .-hoes, '404 Verbeke (Broad) Steckley Paul B., student, h 1808 N 4th Steckley Warren M., elk, 404 Verbeke, h 262 Peffer .: Stec~ley William W., (M. Steckley & Son), h 404 Verbeke Stedman Frank W., elk, 434 ~Iarket, h 222 South Steefer Annie. cook Grand Hotel. h 239 State Steel Arcl G., elk State Treasury, h 4th ab Market Steele Alonzo T.. tankman. h lib; X 5th !!L Steele Bert'na A. ~l rs., nurse. h V.(;~:! Fulton Steele Cheyney. eng-r. h 1(j1~ Susquehanna


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{I North 14 ....... 10th aDd . . . . . . . .

. ".


Boyd's (S) City . 704 Frank Harrisburg:!:n HamiltonDirectory, 1908. Steele engr, h

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Steele George F., brakeman, h i:!:!!.1 Jefferson Steele Gertrude, h IGl:! Susquehanna Steele John D., h lll27 Green Steele John J., laborer, h 613' Sho\'\,'ers Steele J. Harry, postal elk, h 444 S 13th Steele Kate. wid \YiIliam H., h :!111 ?\Ioore Steele Leon E., fireman, h 1126 N 6th Steele Luther E., center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Steele Maggie Mrs., center asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Steele Permilla J. Mrs., h ina Hamilton Steele W. Sherman, principal High School, h 1622 State Steelman Edgar S., test boardman, 210 Walnut, h 319 Peffer Steelton & Harrisburg Brick Co., E. E. Fiese, supt and treas; \Y. E. Abercrombie, sec, 9th c Reily, 17th c Herr and 20 S Front, Steelton Steely Edna. laundress. Lunatic Hospital, h do Steely Kate A"lironer, h 1941 N 6th Steen James, laoorer, h 11113 S 21st Stees Charles B., laborer, h 1611 Wallace Stees Clara F., wid Osceola, h 332 Verbeke Stees Emma, milliner. 200 X 2d, h Pen'brook Stees Harriet, wid George W., h 115 S Cameron Stees Harriet B., domestic, 3110 X 2d

Stees Harry, blacksmith. h 14:! Cranberry Stees Harn' H .. h 1114 \Vall1ut Stees Harr~' :\'1.: fruit, &c .. 1406 N 3d. h do Stees Henr~. janitor, h 142 Cranberry Stees Isaac; bricklayer, h 724 N 19th Stees Jacob 0., clk F. and M. Works, h 2632 Jefferson Stees Lawrence W., painter, h 236 Cranberry Stees Mary, warper, h 724 N 19th Stees Mary E., weaver, h 643 Briggs Stees Rebecca, shoe opr, h 724 N 19th Stees Robert, bricklaver, h 724 N 19th Stees William R., laborer, h 1237 N 7th Steever Adam M., chief clerk P. R. R, coal office, h 1220 N 7th Steever Anna M .. wid Aaron M., h 223 Maclay Steever Anna R., wid John W .. h 1DS7 N 7th Steever Florence E .. laundress, h 628 Delaware Steever George, cab driver, h 1224 Cowden Steever John W., laborer, h 628 Delaware Steever Mary L., h 1987 N 7th .0 Steever Ralph E .. lawyer, 222 Market, h 1324 Walnut W Steever Robert F., brakeman, h 1987 N 7th STEEVER WILLIAM F., pharmacist, 1324 Walnut, z: hdo ,:::) . Steffen Johann, laborer, h 1224 Herr




1 L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 larlltSIrIII

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Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908. 705 Steffy Abraham K .. fireman, h 1313 North STEFFY MARTIN J. REV., rector St. Mary's R. C. Church, h 2131 N 4th Steffy Samuel B., polisher, h 25 S 16th Steffy Simon K., fireman, h 1623 Regina Steger Henry, car repairer, h 2541 Agate Steger, see Stager Stehman Edward c.J fireman, h 1639 N 6th Stehman Frank L., laborer. h 119 Balm Steiger Henry J., c1k, 1311 N 3d, h 1938 Green Steigleman Sarah, wid George, h 2121 Moore Stein .T. Rauch Rev., h a30 Maclay Stein Lewis H., policeman, h 610 Church Stein Simon, sale stable, Derry nr 21st, h 21st c Greenwood Stein William, laborer, h 1407 Monroe Stein. see Stine Steinberg Anastasia B., cigar roller, h 129 Hanna Steinberg Frank, watertender, h 129 Hanna Steinberg Frank M., Ia.borer, h 129 Hanna Steinberg William J., baker. h 129 Hanna .steinberger Pearl, saleslady, 334 Market, h Enhaut Steiner Charles c., linotype opr Telegraph. h 612 Briggs Stein~r Nichola~, cook Lunatic Hospital. h do Steiner William L., carpenter, h 612 Briggs Steiner. see Stiner

< en
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= S I

Steinheiser Howard F., baggagemaster, h 136 Hoerner_ ~~ Steinmeier William R., boilermkr. h 729 S 19th ~ Steinmetz Augustus S., conductor, 'h 620 Hamilton Steinmetz Bessie M.o h 524 Emerald :1:7 STEINMETZ GUS M., city editor Telegraph, h Wash- ~ ington Heights Steinmetz William B.o asst road foreman of engines P. R. R., h 524 Emerald Stemler Frank H., engr, h 1943 N 7th ,.,., Stemler John A., laborer, h 1943 N 7th Stence Benjamin F., baker, h 2408 Reel Stence William A., carpenter Peipher Line, h 417 State Stengavitch John, laborer, h 717 Nort'h Stengle John, foreman, h 1303 S Cameron Stengle John 0., shearsman, h 1303 S Cameron Stephen Annie, h 215 Reily Stephen Henry G., h 1617 Green Stephen Samuel, laborer, h 1113 N Cameron Stephens Ella, domestic, 107 N Front Stephens George W., blacksmith, h 46 N Summit Stephens Jesse K., collector, 31 S 2d, h 183 N 15th Stephens Lloyd c., c1k P. R. R., h 114 Conoy Stephens Mary, domestic, 5 S Front Stephens Mary E. Mrs., dressmkr, 422 S 13th, h do .Stephens Mildred R., bookkpr, h 303 S 17th

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~;5~b~~-:'~~&


~NDEPENDENT LOAN AND StCURIlY CO.l~'~\' {\'1:':!r-g.~

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::::: ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~8:..".t=

:e :a


Boyd's Harrisburg ( S) City Directory, 1908.

~ ~

Stephens Oscar C, asst transfer elk R. ~1. S. depot, h 303 S 17th STEPHENS SHARON, coal and wood, 3d c Verbeke (Broad), h 270 North Stephens Thomas, sweeper P. R. R., h 9113 Simonis Stephens V,riIliam R., laborer, h 46 ~ Summit Stephens, see Stevens Stephenson Alva M., bookkpr, 11 ~ 3d, h 624 Camp Stephenson Catharine, wid Jacob. h !l~vergreen Stephenson Ernest, mail elk, h HilO Derry Stephenson Frank P., contractor, fi24 Camp. h do Stephenson Gomer L., bricklayer, h 121! Hanna Stephenson Harry F .. milk. 624 Camp. h do Stephenson John D., bricklayer, h !U7 ).laclay Stephenson Levan. bricklayer, h 3]9 Maelay Stephenson Margaret Mrs .. h 201 :\Illiberry Stephenson Palmer P .. huckster. h 32!~ Peffer Stephenson Willis F .. bricklayer, h !l2!l Peffer Stephenson. see Stevc:nson . Sterick Lewis A .. machinist, h 274 Peffer Sterick William W .. fireman, h 15!U X 5th Sterline Charles K., ins sol. 4 S 2d. h New Cumberland Sterline Dorothy, stengr. State Dept. Health, h 214 Briggs Sterling Edward I., yard foreman. h 241 Hummel Sterling George W., laborer, h 11116 X 7th

THI. BI.f.lly II~ Slf.1y CO.IV:~{ "::::.=':':~.~~:~= l~~l1

~ 7th Stern Emanuel, shoes, :1110 :'.Iarket, h 412 Briggs Stern John F., carpenter. h 70 X 14th Stern ~linnie 1\1.. seamstress. h 70 N 14th Stern Moses 0., salesman. 3(HI Marht, h 412 Briggs --tern Walter L., elk, 300 :\Iarket. h 412 Briggs Sterner Samuel, driver, h 602 Church Stt'Tlwr \,"illiam H., fireman, h lIill8 Hunter Sterrett Franklin G .. ironwkr, h !l2!1 S 211! Sterrett ?lIarv E .. wid Alexander \V . h !I:!9 S 201 Sterringer J~seph R., engr, h 42!1 Kelker Sterringer J. Rush, oiler, h 424 Kelker Sterringer l\Iervin, sub elk P.O., h 1631 Carnation Sterringer R. Elwoocl. laborer, h 1717 Penn Steube Anton, gluer. h 850 S Cameron Stetthe Palll, inspector. h 850 S Cameron ~tevells Benjamin F. Rev .. h 240 S 13th Stevens Clarence c., grocery, HI::?!}. and cigar store, 1031 Market, h 1117 Derry Stevens David, driver, h 1412 Fulton Stevens Eclward, brakeman, h 923 Rose Stevens Edwin A., bookkpr, 1408 Vernon, h 1956 Swatara Stevens George, driver. h 940 N 7th Stevens James M., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 303 S 17tb

Sterling )'Irs., h 1016 7th O Sterling Susan C. B., shoemkr, hN1016 \Villiam

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~ ~


Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and R.I~ Sts. Coogle

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B ft.. TACK

l {dlellf..... r............ JIak. . . 8pealaltJ' of PabUo BaUd...p'" PIaIDTlDta BltlDlMeaen.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City. Directory, 1908. STEVENS JOHN C., physician, 240 S 13th, h do


Stevens Xellie B., asst cataloguer State Library, It Carlisle Stevens Thomas H., asst supt, 9 S 2d, h 200 Pine Stevens William C, collector. 28 S 2d, h Shiremanstown Stevens. see Stephens Ste\-en "on Alonzo fl., chef, h 1117 Grape Stevenson Frances 1., wid Theodore, h 410 Spring Stevenson Frank G., painter, h 1215 ~ Front Stevenscn Frederick S., elk, 28 S 2d, h 410 Cumberland SteYenson George, teamster, h 946 N 7th Stevenson John F., frescoer, h 1325 ~ 2d Stevenson Kate, cook, 116 Pine Stevenson Lindsey A., salesman, h 410 Spring Stevenson Melville. elk, h 410 Spring Stevenson l\finnie E. Mrs . helper, 334 Mkt., h 1117 Grape Stevenson Robert, elk, 1225 N 3d, h 1215 N Front Stevenson, see Stephenson Steven ton Ernest E., postal elk, h 1610 Derry Stevick A. Lincoln, pool, h 279 Calder Stevick David B., driver. 2207 N 7th, h do Stevick Frank E., bookkpr. 221 Market, h 520 Calder Stevick Franklin F., agt, h 1019 N :ld Stevick William. machinist. h 55 N 13th Steward Carrie E .. elk. 1841 N 3d, h 1ft;! Calder Steward Charles A., elevatorman C. H., h 102 Calder




Steward Steward Steward Steward Steward Steward Steward Stewart Stewart Ste\vart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart

Sayings and Loan Assn.{ :::=

George "V., helper, h 1626 Susquehanna Jacob W., art glasswkr. h 102 Calder James F., ins agt, 9 S 2d, h 1415 Susquehanna Karl, (c. Day Rudy Co.), h H05 N Front Kate R, wid Michael. h 1626 Susquehanna Raymonrl E., clk P. R R., h 102 Calder William M .. electrician. h 1626 Susquehanna Alfred c., blacksmith, h 618 N 1SH) Augustus, coachman. h lOS Mary Charle N., laborer, h 1314 Marion Charles W., elk, h 1604 State Clara B., stengr Atty. Genl's Dept., h 426 S 13th Clayton E., laborer, h 1941 Briggs Clement. press feeder, h 317 Hummel Craig G .. machinist, h 15121 N 4th E. Conway, elk. 445 State, h do Ella Mrs .. h 1!l05 :vlonroe Elwood B.. elk. h 400 Verbeke Emma, h 823 N 2d Emma J., wid Theodore, h 1300 Monroe Emma :\L P., h 81S N !ld Eva, domestic, 1413 V,Tilliam Frank H., printer, &c., 1427 N 3d, h do Frank S .. timekpr, h 224 Crescent Harry, butler, !l19 N Front, h lOS Mary

> n ::c >







cd. ~

~~ ~~




THE P AT a Ie~V.OOgIe n?r . ~~it

H. M. KELLEY .. CO. }Omces, :.:~:. ~~~tw;:! {COAL AND WOOD

... Stewart Henry J., (Forney & Stewart), h 3201 Chestnut 15 Stewart Ida 1'.1., teacher, h 618 N 18th Stewart Ira F., elk, h 1726 Penn c:; Stewart Isabella, h 10m N Front _ Stewart James, boilermkr, h 50 N 10th ~ Stewart James G., bar elk, 2:n Strawberry, h do _ Stewart James L., (Weaver & Stewart). h 1415 Market Stewart John E., carpenter, h IH41 Briggs Stewart John H., laborer, h 113 Cowden . : Stewart John M., messenger Sixth Street Bank, h 600 Peffer :: Stewart Joseph H., engr, h 1634 ~ 5th ~ Stewart Linsey, laborer, h 1413 William Stewart Maggie M., housekeeper, 212 Mulberry "iii Stpwart Margaret Mrs., h 212 l'vIulberry Stewart :\fary, domestic, 3 S Front fJ) Stewart Mary c., wid John Q., h 1404 N 2d Stewart Matilda, wid Jeremiah, h 418 South Stewart Nora H., music teacher, 426 S 13th, h do Stewart Paul. laborer, h 141:~ William ... Stewart Percy F., stationery, 1()02 ); 6th, h 1427 N 3d 5tewart P. Ross, c\k P. R. R. freight depot, h 618 N 18th ." Stewart Raymond L., propr The Central, 311 Market, h do ..... Stewart Robert, gardener. h 127 Cranberry Stewart Robert A., physician Lunatic Hospital, h do



Boyd's Hartisbu~g (S) City Directory, 1908.



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a: o a: ~

!: =

Stewart Roger, C\k, h 426 S 13th Stewart Sarah 1., h 618 X 18th Stewart S. Earl, student. h 16()4 State >- Stewart Tillie c., wid William J., h 426 S 13th z: STEW ART THOMAS J., adjutant general, Capitol. h 823 a.. Stewart N 2d W. Arthur, drug elk. 30n North, h 1406 State IE Stewart William, butcher. h 1611 Green o Stewart William, laborer, h 113 Cowden U Stewart William, laborer, h 1305 :\Ionroe ..J Stewart \ViIliam, porter, h r 109 Tanner ..: Stewart \\;iIliam E . contractor, 14f1(i o Stewart William H., bar C\k. 1023h ~ 7th,State h do u Stewart William H., fireman, h 640 Boyd Q Stewart William J.. engr, h 317 Hummel Z Stewart \ViIIiam \V., conductor, h 16114 State Stewart. see Stuart (;I;J Stickel Bruce H., machinist, h 632 Verbeke U Stickel Daniel. conductor. h 142 Linden Stickel John. laborer. h 717 :\orth Q Stickel Lurella :\1rs., baker, 153H Walnut. h 147 Linden (;I;J Stidfole Harry. fireman, h (j:~5 Boyd Stieff Charles ~L, piano mfr. 24 X 2d. h Baltimore E Stiffler Clarence. bar elk, 21i :\Iarket. h do Stigleman Benjamin B., salesman, It 1!!3 :\ 13th

o o .....:



l. L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {12401lIrk.tStr.1t

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A. B. TACK I::&t~~~:-:1IOD pouer ond IIndOI SbOdas I~l~\~:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 709
Stigleman Charles A .. apprentice Patriot, h 123 N 13th Stigleman John, fireman, h 1:!3 N 13th Stigleman Victor B., stereotyper Patriot, h 123 N 13th Stiles Joseph A., elk, 115 l'vlarket, h New Cumberland Still Clare ~f., saleslach', !l34 ~larket, h Steelton Still Irwin G., steel\Vk~, h 2007 Kensington. Still J. Parker, machinist, h 3:n Nectarine Still Susan C, wid Harvey, h 524 North Stilo Leo, laborer, 11 143" Ann al Stimeling Agnes. domestic, 31 S Front ~timeling Tr"in S., steelwkr. h 1429 Regina Margaret. c1ome~ti(', limn ::\ Front Stimer Andrew ~L, puddler. h 110 Sylvan ter Stimer ~vlartin, helper. 11 415 Cumberland Stimer Robert, molder, h 1117 X Front Stimer Samuel. molder, h 1318 Penn Stimer Samuel R. A .. molder, h 441 Hummel Stimcr William. engr, h 6(}(}~ Boas Stimmcl Benjamin f .. painter. h 517 'Valnut Stimmel Rebecca R., h 1603 Penn Stine Arthur R:, fireman, lSIlO Wood av Stine Charles W .. car repairer, h 2153 Jefferson Stine George L., laborer. h una Briggs Stine Henry, laborer. h :WIIO N 5th

MILLER BROS. cl BAKER} ~~~b~~~~~1I:

STINE HENRY M. DR., recorder, Court House, h 309 N 2d Stine John C. agt. h 210 Pine Stine l\Iargarctta, elk. 7 X 2c1, h (;23 do Stine :\Olary, wid John 'V., h a50 Xectarine Stine Xaomi, salesladv, h 452 Cumberland Stine Rebecca C, h i~on Wood a\' Stine Sarah A., wid '''illiam A .. h 1800 \\'00(1 Stine Shaffer H., car repairer. h 194() K 7th Stine William S., elk, h 203 Korth Stine. see Stein \ Stineman Charles B., postal elk, h 12;:;8 Swatara Stiner Charles, conductor, h 2:!0 Herr Stiner Charles F .. electrician, h 220 Herr STINER JAMES, dining room, 210 Strawberry, propr St. James Hotel, 405-407 Market, h do Stiner Xicholas, laborer. h 1:l42 X 7th Stiner, !'oec Steiner Stingle James F., car inspector, h 1231 '\'allace Stingle Roy H., car cleaner, h 1231 'Wallace Stinney Thomas, laborer, h 818 James Stinson )'Iargaret E., tei<'phone opr P. R. R., h 1829 Fulton Stinson Samuel T., electrical engr. 212 Locust, h 1829 Fulton Stinson Sarah R., housekeeper, 1~2!1 Fulton .;;

;, .. _




_ :: _

8 1-



--' PIOJ'd MONEY 'DV --NC-ED }-.fIIDIt.I.nillT LOU-{-.a Barke'81".. aND VIITT co. 8 N. &q;
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Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory, 1908.


Stinson Sarah R.. wid James, It 18:'!9 Fulton Stinson William H., baker, 2:'!14 Jefferson, It do Stiteler Richard E., heater, h 127 Paxton Stiteler Sallie D., cigar roller, h 1:'!7 Paxton Stiteler \Villiam W., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 1344 North Stites George S., drug elk. h 825 ~ 6th Stites Mabel C, teacher, h 825 ~ nth Stites Mary J., wid Harry, h 825 N 6th Stites Thomas H. A., M. D., inspector dispensaries, State Dept. Health, h H)()9 N Front Stitt Ella M., genl sec Y. W. C A., 4th c Walnut, h do Stitt Floyd A., conductor, h 409 Kelker c.:t Stitt Roy. carpenter, h 409 Kelker Stitt W. Roy, carpenter, h 409 Kelker C Stober Alexander L., molder. h 1004 N 15th c::a Stober Charles 1., laborer, h 2100 State Stober z: Stober Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 1004 X 15th Lewis. contractor, h 2]1)0 State u Stober Lewis, foreman, h 612 X 2d a:: Stober Lillian, domestic, 70 N 13th ~tober Margaret E., mattress opr. h 1437 Shoop E Stober Mary E., h 208 Strawberry Stober Samuel J., laborer, h 1437 Shoop Stocker Charles J., eng-r, 11 1227 Swatara

.. ..

III mi. 8am." lad Sar." C.

IC.""I, J -1",.11_ llIe- { 1 8eouI~ PE~I&. lfllllll_tllc.trnta Traat BuU~



Stockett Howard, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h 815 lames



o o

z " c

STOCKTON DAVID, SUPT BOYD'S DIRECTORY. OFFICE, 26 N 3d, room 7, h State Capital Hotel Stoey Jennie. laundress, h 3]1) Forster . ~toey Ida L.. housekeeper, 11211 X Front Stoey John R., h 23~m ~ 3d Sloe\" \\'ashington L.. salesman, h 2H5 Cumberland Stoe\" William W .. h 1126 ~ Front Stokes Fr:lnk. waiter. h 128 Tanner Stokes Tames A., local express. h 128 Tanner Stoll George H., helper, h :-l:m Crescent Stoll George ;\\., conductor. h 2:1() Harris Stoll Tohn. hod carrier. h 1122 :\Ionroe Stoll T'l'ter i'lL, gas fitter, h H07 Race Stoll SYivt:ster, mason, h 1122 ~)onroe Stoll William F .. foreman, 511f1 Race. h HO Indian Stoll. spe Stahl. also Stull Stoltz Abraham, salesman. h Hl:l Filbert Stone .\rza 0 .. elk State Treasury, h ~ew Cumberland ~tolle Earl. fireman. h 1202 X :M ~ton(' Harry \Y .. sec, l;j:l X 4th, h 119 Cumberland StOlle :\[an. win Harrv H .. h 119 Cumberland Stone :\[in~ie :\1.. !>ale;lady. :ns :\[arket, h Mechanicsburg StOlle Hosa E., domestic, !1t:'i ~ :?d ~tone Tolbert. brakeman, h 261 Herr



REOMOIO{3d lad R., SIL

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Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


Stonebraker Kate G., asst matron P. R. R.. h 16 Aberdeen J'I1 Stonebrah'r .:'Ilaggie :\Irs., matron P. R. R,11 16 Aberdeen Stonebreaker Harry, elk Am\. Genrs Dept., Capitol, h Z Camp Hill -I Stoner Alhert E .. ianitor P.O., h Pen brook Stoner Arthur. elk Hotel Russ, h :n1 Boas Stoner Bessie n.. elk. h 1929 Green Stoner Catharine L .. knitter, h 1910 Fulton Stoner Edith, saleslady, h 405 Boas Stoner Elizabeth, hemmer. h 1726 Fulton Stoner Emily 1\1., elk, h 1929 Green P1 Stoner Florence l\1.. warper, h 1726 Fulton Stoner Frank D., molder, h 1432 Berryhill Stoner Franklin R, weighmaster p, R R.. h 1726 Fulton -I Stoner Harry. laborer, h 36 Lochiel 3d row P1 Stoner Harry D., brakeman, h 1U6 ~agle C Stoner Harry E., foreman P. R. R .. h 319 :\Iuench Stoner Harn' G . fireman, 11 1503 Wallace Stoner John H., elk cigar stand The Lochiel, h 1929 Green Stoner Tohn R. cornicemkr. h 1929 Green :.Stoner Laura E. :\'1rs .. boarding, 607 Boas, h do :a STONER MARTIN G., (Miller &: Stoner), h 618 Calder ::: Stoner Mary, wid James C. h 405 Boas :a Stoner Mary, wid Michael, h 1609 Derry Stoner M. Elmer, custodian P. R R. depot, h 1609 Derry . -- --- n



r r



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.r:l.~:B~:~-:r.} Hanlsburg

Sayings and Loan Assn.:

:.Stoner :\1. :\lay, graduate nurse. h 311 Boas n Stoner :\1. May, stengr, h 172() Fulton Stoner ~orman E., telegrapher P. R. R .. h 1533 N 4th :.Stoner Xorman G., brakeman, h Hi09 Derry :a Stoner Orin, laborer. h 36 Lochiel :{<\ row . Stoner Susan, wid Ephraim, h :nl Boas Stoner \Villiam R. conductor. h 1114 \V allace Stonesifer Frank D .. tinsmith. h 515 Cowden Stonesifer John "Y .. fireman, h 607 Cumberland Stonesifer Raymond. driver, 215 Walnut. h 1727 N 7th Storey ,\nnie C. wid Charles A., h 24 X 14th Storey Helen A., trimmer, 318 :Vlarket. h 24 N 14th Storey J. V\,'ilbert, dentist, Market c 13th, h 35 S 17th Storm Charles A.. electrician. h 922 N 6th Storm George W., artist, h The Bolton Storm James A., -helper, h 68 N 13th Stormfeltz Alice V .. dressmkr, h 910 Cowden Stormfeltz Elizabeth, wid Harry, h 910 Cowden Stott James H., packer, h 1602 Green Stott John E., elk Aud. Genl's Dept.. Capitol, h 602 Briggs Stott William 0., heater, h l!lG Dock Stouch Emma, wid Adam, h 155 Sylvan ter Stauch Herbert J., expressman, h 626 Reily Stoudt Charles M., brakeman, h 619 Dauphin Stoudt Esther, cigar roller, h 2114 Green

=, .



THE PATRIOT .~A"FlN~~:~'1~



Tea.r H II


"ELLEY &CO'S -Black Diamond. wbe. { IlOll IIIII....... ."th ....... 78 ntIS' ord"r. I

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Stoufer Frank E., grocer, 1!}O~-191l5 Derry, h 18.'H Berryhill 1: Stouffer Annie E., wid Henry. h 3!l Brady c:I Stouffer Bertha J., 111usic teacher, III ~ I:Uh, h do ;5 Stouffer Bessie. saleslad\'. 11 111 Calder c:I Stouffer Carrie :\1.. elk Free Library C0111., Capitol. h 1020' Green Stouffer C~tharine, seal11~tres~. h :!I8 Briggs Stouffer Chas., trucker P. R R., freight clepot. h 12 N. 5th Stouffer Charles A.., poultry. Spring Lake. h 44i Verbeke _ Stouffer Charles H., clk P. R R. h H.Hl Susquehanna Stouffer Charles R, salesman, h Hl!l Shoop _ Stouffer Elizabeth A .. wid J. Harvey. h 111:!1I Green Stouffer George R. brakeman, h 11:10 :\Iarket Stouffer George R .. dyer, h 140!l N ~d Stouffer Gertrude L.. saleslady. :lHl :\Iarket. h 14IH Green Stouffer Hettie l\1., cigar buncher. h l!ill~ For:,ter :;


l&J Q

STOUFFER H. H., meat market, 449 Verbeke (Broad)r h 1513 Green l&J .J Stouffer I. Henry, conductor. h 16m Susquehanna
Stouffer Stouffer Stouffer Stouffer Jacob. machinist. 11 ::!f:i:1fi Jefferson John n., carpenter. h 415 Strawberry John E .. laborer. h 14111 :\laplc John (; .. carpentt'r. h In ~ 1:1th




Stouffer John B .. lineman. h :~Il:i Blackberry ;:. Stouffer 'Tohn \Y .. driver. h I411~ Zarker . z: Stouffer Laura :'.1. ~J rs .. (her. 14(111 ~ ::<1. h do ..: Stouffer Laura 1VI. :\Irs .. h'ti:!!l :\Iarket A. Stouffer Lemuel T .. baker. ~1I!l Herr. h do Ii: Stouffer Leroy B., laborer. h 30Zl Blackberry o Stouffer Lillian B., wicl J ra D., h 1~4!l Yerl10n U Stouffer Lillie Y., wicl John. h I!lO;;: Forster ...1 Stouffer ?-.Iarv A .. \\'icl William. h ~!) Linden ..: Stouffer :\larv E .. assorter. h 520 ~ HHh o Stouffer Mertie l\1., wid \\"iIIiam S .. h GO!l }[uench U Stouffer Robert C. oiler, h 1!lOS Forster Q Stouffer Samuel T .. carpenter. h 520 X 16th Stouffer Stedman P .. butcher. h 160R Logan Stouffer Susanna. wicl Jacob H., h 1401 Green Stouffer Tolbert 1\r.. elk. 413 :\Iarket. h 5211 ~ 16th ~ Stouffer William. lahorer. h 26:16 Tefferson ~ Stouffer \Villiam 1., brakeman. h imn Smqnehanna Q Stonffer Willoughby, timekeeper, h al!l \' erbeke, ~ Stouffer. see Stauffer . . Stol1~h .\1110S. carpenter. h l:ns \Villiam ~totl~h Lena :\1 rs .. h 4:!4 ~ orth ~ Stot1~htol1 Franri~ L.. ~ig-l1 painter. h 1417 \-ernon S(ou:,rhton \\"illiam S .. steam fitter. h 14:::{ Zarker Stout Emma. wid Tohn. h ::5 S Summit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.

z: -c

l L. ST.

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EmplO1l! A B lAC K}elcuIlllirtud


ba' t11'1t-e1_ workmeD, hence ODI)' . . J 1.18 Workdooelu an,. pan 01 8&&181 N. 1IdSt.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory, 1908.


STOUT MORTON C. & CO., John Hagel, mgr, merchant tailors, 9 N 3d Stover Amos H .. letter carrier. h 2235 N 6th STOVER HARRY C. DR., dentist, 231 S 13th, h 233 do -t Stover JessI!, laborer, h 1829 Rudy Stover Raymond G., asst sec State Capital Savings and 2 Loan Association and notary, 22 Union Trust bldg, 1"'1 h 161R Derry Stover Charles R., lamp trimmer, h 344 S 13th :0 Stoyer l\lorris 0., fireman, h 344 S 13th Stoyer Samuel i'l1., eng-r, h 344 S 13th c;) Stradig-o Samud, laborer, h 208 S Court Straining Andrew, boilermkr, h 940 N 7th Straining Annie 1\1., dressmkr, h 940 N 7th Straining- Charles E., brakeman, h 605 N Cameron Straining- Tohn E .. h 1752 N Cameron Straining John E., jr., engr, h 29 N 12th Straining William. plasterer, h 1752 N Cameron STRANAHAN JAMES A., lawyer, 15 N 2d, h 303 do Strange William D., porter, h 616 Church Strasch Robert, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do 8 Stratton Harry W., organist, h 2d nr Cumberland c::> Straub Alexander, laborer, h 1325 Susquehanna Straub Alice ~1., saleslady, 1314 N 3d, h 1325 Susquehanna == ~ Straub Charles, chauffeur, h 1224 N 6th ~

< en



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:S~b~~-:'~~IE

Straub Conrad A., paperhanger, h 1109 N 3d Straub George c., laborer, h 656 Woodbine ;; Straub Jerome H., plumber. h 133 Balm c::: Straub J. Kewton, carpenter, h 133 Balm ~ Straub Mary, saleslady, h 919 S 19th Straub Ralph. Vi umber, h 112 Ann al > Straub William J., wall paper and window shades, 1109 N ::;:: 3d. h do Strausner Karl, printer, h 1440 Derry Strauss Alice, domestic, 13 N Front Strauss. see Strouse Straw Elizabeth, wid ?o.Iichaei. h 141 Paxton ~ STRA W GEORGE W., reporter Star-Independent, h 3] '=' N 15th Straw Jacob. h 2401 N 6th Straw Tohn N . laborer, h 141 Paxton Straw l'.Iichael B., foreman. h 2143 Herr Straw ::\[urray L., eng-r, h 2121) Boas Straw WiIliam H., elk, Herr clOth, h 2124 Boas Straw William H., laborer. h 956 S 21st Strawhcekcr John "' .. flagman, h 16118 Hunter Strawser Jacob, repairsman, 'h 1621 X 5th Strawser Stephen W .. machinist, h 64:1 Boas Strayer Caroline. wid Theophilus, h Front ab Seneca Strayer Cyrus F., grocer, 31f1 \' erbeke, h do


INDEPENDENT LOAN 110 SECURITY CO. ~~~~ U,HI::!" bye:oogle


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }~=~:'f:~,={ 306 B_

7g Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
GlI\' L.. elk, 1218 ~ 3d, h 2124 do (;u'y W .. elk, 121~ ~ ad, h 228 Verbeke Harry R., salesman. 1218 l\ 3d. h 228 Verbeke ~lary J., seamstress. h Front ab Seneca Oliver F., hardware. 1220 ~ 3d. h 2124 do Stra~za Joan, laborer, h HUH ~ Cameron Streeper Frank T., fireman. h 6ti Cumberland Street John, engr, h 1340 ~ 3d Street ~Iack. en gr. It 1415 X :M Streeter Harrison, salesman, h 18 S 18th Streeter ~Ian', wid Edward. h 18 S 18th Stricker LiZZIe, boarding, 122 Locust, h do Strickland B. Harn', elk, h 214 South Strickland Elizabeth C., teacher. h 214 South Strickland 1. ~'fack, elk. h 214 South Strickland Lavinia ~I.. '\'id Benjamin H.. h 214 South Strickler Charles B., bedmkr, h 11)15 Derry Strickler David H., laborer, h :~24 S 16th Strickler Edith E .. stengr, ~2S Verbeke, h Penbrook Strickler Edward D .. carpenter, h 1531 Swatara Strickler Frank S .. elk ~Iechanics' Bank, h Hummelstown Strickler Herbert B., berlmkr. h 324 S 16th Strickler Homer H., elk Pa. Tel. Co., 212 Locust, h Hummelstown Straver Stra)'er Strayer Strayer Strayer



> Z


Strickler Lyman, train tiispatcher P. R. R. depot, h 2:19 N 14th Strickler Paul A .. notan', 216 ~brket, h Hummelstown Strickler Robert A . machinist. h 4114 S lath Strickler Salome, domestic, :n S Front Strickler William H., carpenter. h 20116 Penn Stricwig Irvin E., yardmaster C. 1. \Vorks. h 302 Crescent Strike A.r1ington \V., laborer. h 211; Swatara Strine A.. Edward, brakeman. h 6111 Curtin Strin, Elmer E., driver, h 1S02 Susquehanna Strine Jacob, brakeman. h 1112 ~ ith Strine Jacob G., brakeman, h 16H Park Strine ?\[orris S., foreman. 1!) SlOth, h Progress Strine Otto E., printer, ] II!! ~Iarket, h Carlisle Strine Regina. h 52; Woodbine Strine Reuben. painter, h 1431 James Strine Sarah c., wid Daniel. h 615 ~Iahantongo Strine \"iolet ~r., domestic. 115 Cumberland Stringer Bessie :\lrs .. housekeeper, 125 01estnut Stringer Edward L.. brakeman. h 16115 Chestnut Stringl'r Kathryn M .. wid :\Iichael. h 12li Swatara Stringer ~Ielissa. wid Edward H., h ](1)5 Chestnut Striplin Benjamin A .. bartender, 21 Cowden. h 131 Balm Stripling Benjamin, lahorer. h 1418 X 4th Stripling John, waiter Hbg. Club, h 1418 N 4th Strock Abner, grocer, 2030 N 7th, h do

ANDREW REDMOND }.~.t::~!:.i ~~oma {3d and Reily S'I. Coogle

Digitized by

1 B. TACK} InL PIPER e:!:~.= 111001 SHIDES{N.~:'II.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
Strock Angie, dressmkr, h 13W Yernon Strock Catharine S., music teacher, 128 S 13th, h do Strock Frank P., elk, h 255-! Boas Strock HarTY B., student, Ii 128 S 13th Strock Isaac', watchman, h 1612 ~ 6th Strock Isaiah, driver, h IG07 Elizabeth STROCK JOHN H., chief clerk county commissioners, Court House, h 128 S 13th Strock lViargaret B.. h 128 S l!lth Strock Samuel ~I., laborer, h 614 Granite Strooe A. Elwyn, elk Commr. Forestry, Capitol, h .Paxtang Stroh Charles B., steelwkr, h 531 Race Stroh Charles C. eng-r. h 3115 Dauphin STROH CHARLES C., lawyer, 222 Market, h 1005 N Front Stroh Frederick, laborer, h 21104 Penn Stroh Harry, laborer. h 174~ Susquehanna Stroh Harry C, florist. Capitol, h 1fI05 X Front Stroh Harry P .. elk. 1i1:l X 6th. h 1715 do Stroh Henry E .. conductor. h 2134 N 6th Stroh John E., plumber. h 1214 Apple Stroh ~Iary, wid Frederick, h 228 Peffer Stroh Roy, elk, h 1il5 X 6th STROH W. SCOTT, coal and wood, 1713 N 6th, h 1715 do

""' ,... "', -I .,.



"' CD = c:







l;*las;::.-:'}Harrlsburg Sayings and Loan Assn. t== :0

:0 < .

Strohecker Ray C, foreman, 9th c Herr. h 517 N 2d Strohm Adam, plasterer, h 707 S Front Strohm Annie L., wid William. h !)14 Sarah Strohm Carrie M .. milliner. h l:n3 N 3d N; Strohm Emma T., elk, h U)34 Derry l> Strohm John A:. plasterer, h 15:~4 berry Strohm Leah. wid Jacob, h 1320 'WiIliam Strohm :Ylorris ~L, contractor, 1534 Derry, h do J:. Strohm Sadie B .. housekeeper, 1534 Derry l> Strohm William E., messenger, h Hl:l S Summit :0. Strominger Albert. pl,.sterer. h nG Capital Strominger Bertha ~L, chief opr. h ] IS Calder l> Strominger Elmer E., salesman, 15 S 2r1. h :\Iechanicsburg U): Strominger Emma. seamstress. h 1411 X :~d Strominger Frank, baggagemaster, h 2:38 State Strominger Frank. jr., car cleaner, h 238 State StTfJming-er Ralph. (Stroming-er & Slentz), h 1647 Market ~ Strominger Robert l\1., carpenter. h 1411 !\ 3d Strominger William A., machinist. h 118 Calder en Strominger William A., jr., machinist, h 118 Calder STROMINGER & SLENTZ, (Ralph Strominger and :=II William M. Slentz), wall papers, 420 N 3d StT0th<"r Arthur F., waiter. h 4:n State Strother E. ?llay. attendant. h 41H; Cranberry Strother Fannie E. ~lrs., h lUG Cranberry

o .






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I -} HOD'" OllB MOTTO Coal, HODe.'

H M KELLEY c. {tIIIi III! .....III 11. CO '11rftI1. ....



Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

a: o fo a:

;; Strother Richard, laborer, h 512 Brown I: Strothers Anthony, hostler, h 1726 \Valnut _.- ~trothers Colonel \V., pool, 4:~2 South, restaurant 430 ~, .. h 1328 William c:I ~tro)thers Ellen L., charwoman, h 17:!6 \Valn'llt :5 Strothers Fannie, domestic, 507 N Front c:I Strothers Tames, laborer, h 1726 Walnut .: Strothers Louisa C., \\"id l\nthony, h 1726 \"v"alnut oS! Strothers McArthur, driver, 429 State, h do _ Strothers Susan l\[rs., h 49 1'\ Cameron Strother~ Viola. elk, 4~:O South, h 1421 Marion :: Stroub Toseph, laborer. h 919 S 19th ~ Strouh Lena L., stengr, 19th c Derry, h 919 S 19th Stroub Mary A .. saleslady, 308 Market, h 919 S 19th .; Stroud Tennie B.. h ~1 N 17th Stroud Lewis P., engr, h .~n N 17th - Stronp Clay G., ins sol, 4 S 2d. h 1611 N 3d fI) Stroup Edward W., driver, h 1!l37 Howard Stroup Frances E., wid 'Wilson W., h 1602 Derry Stroup Harry M., machinist, h 1424 William Stroup J. Harry, dep register, C. H., h Millersburg Stroup Lottie. elk, h 1Ii02 Derrv STROUP MICHAEL E., lawyer, rooms 12-13 Russ bldg, C 15 N 2d, h Elizabethville Stroup Olive M., buncher, h 1424 William










U ..,


.y Q

oW ...

Ii!: g

Stroup Simon P .. boilermkr, h 1424 William Stroup William H., helper, h 1921 Derry Strouse Benjamin, (W. & B. Strouse), h 1632 N 2d Strouse Bros., (J. and ~l.), clothiers, 313 and 325 Market Strouse Joseph. (Strouse Bros.), pres Einstein Drygoods Co .. Inc., h 31~{ Market Strouse Michael, (Strouse Bros.), h 313 Market Strouse Milton G., laborer, h 1320 N Front Strouse Musser, laborer, h 1!l20 N Front Strouse Walter A., engr, h 1320 N Front Strouse William, (W. & B. Strouse), h 2118 N 3d Strouse W. & B., (William and Benjamin), Globe Clothing Store, 322-324 !\Iarket Strunge Frank, foreman, h 123 Liberty Strunk Lulu M., stengr, 17 N 3d, h 2:30 Forster Stuart Albert F., bricklayer, h 614 N 16th Stuart Cora, h Executive Mansion, 311-!l13 N Front STUART EDWIN S., Governor, Capitol, h Executive Mansion, 311-313 N Front Stuart Emma S., buyer, 334 Market, h 614 N 16th Stuart Frederick, engine hostler, h 1204 N 3d Stuart Harry F., engr, h 1221 N 7th Stuart Hugh c., salesman, 28 S 2d, h !lOG Green Stuart Tohn K.. elk. h 1244 l\:l'arket Stuart :\lary F., wid James, h 814 East

I. L. ST. ClAIR{TAILOAf1240MartetSfrell
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.~a:~::~~: ~ou P.1IIIl1DlO1 SI10deS IrOID A. B. TACK ...:~..

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908. 717 Stuart },Iary J., nurse, h 1!1:?2 X Gth Stuart Sarah, stamper, h 1H31 N 7th Stuart William A., elk R M. S .. P. O. bldg, h 1931 ~ 7th Stuart William P., salesman, 222 :.\Iarket, h 006 Green Stuart William R, messenger. h 1221 1'\ 7th Stuart \Y. Searight, elk Hbg. Trust Co .. h Carlisle .Stuart. see Stewart Stuber Louis P., foreman P. & R, h 612 ~ 2d . Stubinsky Fanny Mrs., h 710 Cowden Stuhinsky Jacob R., salesman. 320 }'larket, h 710 Cowden Stubinsky John, junk, h 10()G N 7th Stuck Foster F .. carpenter. h 222:3 Jefferson Stuckenrath Robert 0., draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 181}3 Market Stucker Anna J" vestmkr, h 218 Herr Stucker Bros . (Chas. D. and Geo. B.). contractors, 15 N 2d Stucker Charles D., (Stucker Bros.), h 206 Reily Stucker Elizabeth, wid Peter, h 304 S 2d Stucker George B., (Stucker Bros.), h 304 S 2d Stucker John A., foreman, h 304 S 2d Stucker Lavina, dressmkr, h 218 Herr STUCKER ROBERT, lawyer, 15 N 2d, h 211 Reily Stucker, see Stocker Stuckey Adam. (Adam Stuckey & Son). h S. Earlington

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~~~E

STUCKEY ADAM & SON, (Elmer), contractors and builders, 517 N 4th . Stuckey Elmer, (Adam 5tuckey & Son). h S. Earlington Stucke" \Varren \V., brakeman. h 11)13 Market Stuckey William R., pictures. 1i;10 X 3d, h W. Fairview Studehaker Anna L.. h 261 Briggs STUDEBAKER CLEMENT, grocer, 421 N 2d c State,

Stull G. Burton, physician. 2021 1\ 6th, h do ~ Stullar Lizzie. h 1230 W alnut ~ Stultz Charles R.. porter, 325 Verbeke Sturn John 1.. carpenter. h 1438 Regina Stumbaugh Maggie, h Wl State Stumhaugh :.\Iinnie,11 817 East Stumbaugh, see Stambaugh Stump Theodore H .. junk, h 1105 S 9th Stumpf Jacob 1.. fireman. h 339 Kelker Stuntz Edward H., agrl implts, Howard ab Forrest, h 114 c.n Evergreen :II: Stuntz Herman E .. ~tltdent. h 114 Evergreen :8 Stuntz \fabcl H .. 11lu~ic teacher. 114 Evergreen, h do Stuntz Sarah E .. ~tengr w. n. Hickok :.\Ig. Co .. h 227 Herr ShIPPY Ct'orge. lahorer. h 200(j Kensington Stuppy Lizzie. domestic. 1518 N 6th Sturgeon Catharine E .. latmdress. h 1210 Apple




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CLARK'S =~:I~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store 1S:::}:~

. B

) Cit



turgeon rank J., cab drl\ er, h 1:..1 Apple Sturgeon Kate E., wid Timothy S., h 14:!(I Herr rgeo 'lIie r it! n ~ nk, '>10 A rges n T., terer GOO n Sturgis John \V., coachman, h 519 South Sturgis William, laborer, h 51!) South rm A h, la r, h - S 19t t, h rm F k C, grapl . R. pass SummIt Sturm Frederick, V. S ..\ .. h Briggs nr Cowden S rm ~ ardt, rer. igg~ 0\\"(1 rm ieb, I er, h \) Gr ~turtevant Wentze, expressma,n. 101 Clestllut, h 635 Hamilton S tsma Elizab h elk, I -:n X ,.. 1 tsma izab ., wi vic! 17al th utsman len, stengr. h j . 1 X .Jt 1 Stutsman James 0., caller P. R. R.. h :!17 Reily St tsma hn P nc!uct h :!17 R '1\' tsma arth ?\Irs. 418 Ii tzma izabe drs., aundress. unatic ospita Stutzman Ellen J., saleslady, 7 X :!c!. h 17:n N 5th Stutzman Tohn M elk P. R R .. h I-IS Pen tzma IZZle rid J II .. 1 1 M tzma artin. p mbe, !IOIi \ den

o (,) z cs: o ..J




w :E


tzrna 1arti V., h 8 Pe Stutzman Thaddeus, h 561 Race Styers Emily, \v1 George, h 11~5 Bailey ers r, pI rer. :!:{ ( Te ers am A oem !115 , 'h d Styles Rufus E., carpetlayer. h ISH Susquehanna Suburban Life, The Suburban Press, pubs, Crescent c l.fu v ur'ba ):ess ( ), De n RIa rd, p Fra . .\rnold, v-pres; J. Horace :\Ie Farland, sec and treas, Crescent c :\1 ulbern ffel S " don c, 2:!1 e r A hard eIwk 114 ::-, ~uhr Richard A., laborer. h tl14 S HJ.;\Suknic Peter. bar elk. 5:!7 Race. h 'Ienb eh A.. ' X : 114 r1es !cnbe Fra ,11111 each 4:-\:{ ., h ~ullenberger :'Ilerle, pr('~" feeder. h 14:3:: Susquehana Sullenberger Samuel .-\ .. lahorer. h 14:::: Susquehanna 'lenbe Sar .. wi "oma .h 1 harle lenbe Sar " ci,.., kr. h eha Sullenberger Wilham E .. laborer. h 114 Charles ~uJlenberger. see SoIJenlll'rger . livan nes l\ 111' (jth livan haril .h 1 '\' lit I


Redmond's Wagon Works }~~Jd~';.~b~~D: {3d and Rei~ Sts.



A. B. TAeK} Wall Paper and Window Shades {.:l~dN~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.
Sullivan Ella, domestic Commonwealth. h ulln S Cameron Sullivan (~eorge W .. policeman P. R. R.. h 1112 Wallace :a Sullivan James L., state police. h 1112 Wallace Sullivan J. Edward, laborer. h 1115 Cowden .. Sullivan John A., brakeman, h 1116 ~ Hth "' Sullivan Tulia. h ulla S Cameron Sullivan Kate,domestic Commonwealth, h 1409 S Cameron Sul1ivan ~Iargaret ~I.. teacher, h 1~(l5 ~Iarket Sullivan :'Ilarv. wid Cornelius. h 1115 Cowden Sullivan ~Iary A . wid Tohn 0 .. h 1116 ~ 6th Sullivan :\lichael J. cigarmkr. h 14119 S Cameron Su11ivan Patrick. "ladle runner. h :~~ X Summit Sullivan Robert fl.. brakeman. h 1115 Cowden Sullivan Thomas J.. h 2:llHi K nth Sullivan Timotlw. puller out. h 19 Lochiel 2d row Sullivan William \V., florist. h 17:m X 7th Slll1ivan. !'ee O'Sullivan Sultzhaugh Ada. waitress. 11;1 ).Iarket. h do SuItzbaugh Annie E .. domestic. It!) Cumberland Sllltzbaugh Lizzie n .. pantry girl. 11:~ ~Iarket. h do Summerhill ~rary .\ .. wid John. h 1!12~ Wood Summers Arnold C. barber. 42fi South. h :l12 do ~ Summers Charles. laborer. h 41:l Cranherry a::I Summers Reuben. lahorer. h 1705 Penn c:; Summers Zenohia. wic! Samuel. h 412 Cowden



= ,...

l:;* -=:'-:-.lHarrilburl Salilll and Loan Alln. {:::.= ..

Summerville James, laborer. h 141f) Marion Slll11nW Joseph E .. steelwkr. h W5f) Swatara Sunday Alfred F .. craneman. h lil:~ Regina Sunda\' AI11Y. domestic Hershey House Sunda~' EI11;11a R.. cashier. ao~' ).Iarket. h 1:l58 Vernon Sunday Kate, wid J01111 . \ h 1:158 Vernon Sunday Pearl S .. stengr, h 1a5S Vernon Sunday-School Evangelical, Samuel L. "Viest, mgr, 201 N 2d Sunday Svlvester. elk, 401 Chestnut, h 133 Sylvan ter Superior Drill Co., F. H. Marsh, mgr, 625 Walnut




n .



SURFACE H. A., economic zoologist, Capitol, h Mechanicsburg

Sus key Catharine, wid John, h 31 N 5th Suskey Elizabeth Mrs., h 25 N 15th Suskey John, brakeman, h 605 ~ Cameron Suskev Toseph. roller. h :n N 5th Suskev Laura l\Irs., h 1506 Howard al Smquehanna Coal Co .. John C. Kern. shipping agt, 51 Cnion Trust bldgSusvancic Michael. lahorer. h I!Wn N" ith Sutch Rohert \\' .. plumber. h -in 1\ nalm Sutch Thoma!'. printer. h :?fifl Calder Sutch Thoma!' ),1.. molder. h 2Hii Howard Suter Adam H .. elk. l1:l S :?d. h 2:lj X 15th


T h _ ~_p_r .-or aportlna N_"8

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I uoog e


H II KELLEY a CO. {I NOI'tIa ........... D. t lIItIl aotl .....


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.



Suter Annie ~I .. domestic. !I!ti :\ 7th ~uter Frank J.. printer Cumbo Pub. Co., h 117 S 13th ~uter Harry. shoecutter, h 511 t\ Summit Suter ~Iary E., wid J. Rudolph, h 11115 S Hth Suter Theresa, wid Frank X .. h :!:-l5 N 15th Sutliff George, plumber. h 1:!4H :\larket Sutliff Simon, laborer, h 3d cReel's la SUTTON CHARLES H., baker, 644 Verbeke, h do Sutton Edith, stengr. 101 N Cameron, h Eberly's Mill Sutton Edward, elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Lemoyne Sutton Frank B.. salesman, :J:l4 :\larket, h New Cumbo Sutton George E., student, h 1423 Market Sutton Harry C. watchmkr. 4118 Market, h 142ll do Sutton Scott. laborer, h 420 S 15th SUYDAM FRANKLIN, district mgr Provident Life and Trust Co. of Phila., room 307 Bergner bldg, 4 N N 3d, h 411 Briggs fI) Swab Christ A .. engr. h 1!l:~0 ~ 6th Swab John G.. h 12511 Walnut Swab Theodore, fireman. h 5116 Kelker Swab Wellington, postal elk, h Hll2 State Swails 1\ ewton A., driver. :~12 Market, h ~I'echanicsburg O Swain ::\fayme. saleslady. 4110 Market. h 20".:!7 Logan C ~\\'ales "lorence A., press feeder Independent, h 1117 Cowden



z o o


Swallow Silas C. Rev., h S16 :\ fith ~wamhcrry Jacob, boilermkr. h 21118 Brookwood Swamley Edith. nurse Hhg. Hospital. h do Swan Charles. driver, h 411l} :\ 5th Swanger David, confectr, l:n 7 N Cameron, 'h do Swanger George \V., laborer, h 1317 N Cameron Swanger William A., elk, h 548 Woodbine Swanger William H., laborer, h 1317 N Cameron Swank Maggie C., wid Obadiah c., h 28 N 16th Swarger Charles A., trimmer, h 622 Forster Swarger Edward F. D., druggist, 303 Verbeke, h do Swarger Edward F. D. Mrs., fancy goods, 303 Verbeke, h do Swarger John H. machinist, h 258 Calder Swarger Walter T .. bottler. h 622 Forster Swartley Emma E., wid Harry. h 1105 N Front Swartwood \Villiam E., mess Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol. h 440 S 15th Swartz A. Enola, tel opr, h 1213 N 6th Swartz Amanda J., wid Abram A . h ll17 Cherry Swartz Anna, cigarmkr, h 432 S 15th Swartz Annie, cigarmkr, h 101 Mulberry Swartz Annie E. }"Irs., h 29 Sassafras Swartz Bessie L.. cigarmkr, h 1IYi Mulberry Swartz Charles. bar elk. h 228 S 2d




Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.


Charles 0., carpenter, h 506 Filbert ~ Charles \V., salesman, h 1732 Regina PI Charles \,y., jr., switchman, h 1732 Regina David L., laborer, h 1334 Maple UJ Della M., seamstress, h 1124 Bartine -I Edna B., saleslady, 24 S 2d, h 224 Herr Edward, laborer, h 322 S River Elizabeth Yl. Mrs., 11 1605 Green Z Elmer E., laborer, h 1956 N 7th PI Emanuel, puddler, h 2O:l S River Emeral, dressmkr, 11 2641 N 6th :0 tmma j\1., wid David, h 13 cAsh C Swartz~Enola, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1217 N 6th c;) Swartz Frank c., fireman, h 627 Race Swartz Frederick J., inspector, h'1027 Paxton Swartz George E., bridge builder, h 506 Filbert Swartz Harry R., repairsman, h 2014 Penn Swartz Harry S., brakeman, h 2149 Jefferson Swartz Henry A., attendance officer, h 110 Cumberland Swartz Ira V~, drill press opr, h 2551 Agate ~ Swartz Isaac B., (Swartz, Umberger & Swartz), h Penb'k Swartz James c., elevatorman, 334 Market, h 1242 Derry -= Swartz Joshua W., (Swartz, Umberger & Swartz), h 717 == S N 2d -= Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz S",artz Swartz Swartz



MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:=i~b~~~~


SWARTZ J. ROSS, physician, 236 N 3d, h 233 Pine j V') office hours, 8 to lOa. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. _~ Swartz Margaret, saleslady. h 1005 Green Swartz Margaret G., h 129 Pine Swartz Margaret M., saleslady, 24 S 2d, h 224 Herr Swartz Ylartha V., wid George B., 'h 60 N 14th Swartz :Mary E .. music teacher, 34 S 13th, h do Swartz :vIorris. laborer. h 101 YIulberry Swartz :\h-rtle M .. folder, h 29 Sassafras Swartz Pci'ul M., stengr, 2 X Court. h 200 Pine Swartz Raymond. shoectlttcr, h 1732 Regina Swartz Robert H., student. h Hlo5 Green Swartz Robert L., brakeman, h 1428 N 4th Swartz Samuel, (Hbg. Supply Co.), h 101 Filbert Swartz Sarah E., teacher, h 110 Cumberland Swartz Sarah J., nurse, 1700 N 2d, h do Swartz Stella, domestic, 222 Pine ~ Swartz Sydnie E., h 1305t Green ::11:1 Swartz Susan L., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1305i Green ~ SWARTZ, UMBERGER & SWARTZ, (J. W. Swartz, =i B. F. Umberger and I. B. Swartz), lawyers, rooms, ~ 24-26 Union Trust bldg Swartz William A., blacksmith, h 2551 Agate .:s! Swartz William D., shoe opr, h 1732 Regina Swartz_~V~l1!am M~~-=pai~er, h ~20 Ross_




:::: ~~~- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ 3=r".t;




Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Swartz \\'111. R., mess Dairy and Foo<l Dept., h 34 S 13th Swartz, see Schwartz ~\\'avelv Carrie A .. (E. & C. Swaveh' & Co.), h :.!1l8 ?\ 14th S\\'a\'('I~' Elsie ~l., (E. & C. Swavely). h :.!(I~ X 14th ~\\'avely E. & C & Co., (Elsie ~L and Carrie .\, Swavely), grocers. :!n~ N 14th Swavely George \CV .. cigars, 11a5 WalJace, h do Swavely Hiram H .. engr. h :W~ T\ 14th Swaveh' Howard K .. elk, (i1S Cumberland. h do ~\\eele~' "ernon. fireman. h 54 ~ 1:.!th Sween('\' Ceorg<'. laborer. h 15:'!~ Vernon Sweeney H enri~tta. wid Samuel. h 1117~lcmroe Sweene\' Tacob C. machinist. h Hi10 ?\ 4th Sweene~' "Tames. elk Bureau Statistics. Capitol. h 1 S 18th SwecJ:c\' "r rnnie E .. wid \Villiam T., h G:l2 \' erbeke Swcenc~' 'John. lahorer. Ii f\:17 ;\' 7th S\H'cnt'\' John F,. stcngT Commonwcalth Trust Co., h 33' \: 17tb S\H'enCV ~ra1achi. tailor. h liII5 ~orth SWl'C!W\' ~[argaret. dome~tic, 17 S Front S"'een('\' ~ Ian'. domestic. 17 S Front Sweeney ~i~lr\' .\ .. teacher. :1:!::? ~Iarket. h 1 S 18th Sweellc\' Patrick J .. elk supt office 1'. R, R.. h 1 S 18th Sweell(,v Solomon H,. laborer, h (i:.!:l 1\ luellch SWL'('t~cr (;, Roy. (lIbg-, ~Iotor Car Co,), h 105 }Iarket
- - -Sweetser Sa1l1t1cl G .. (S, C. Sweetser Electric Co. and Hbg, ~Iotor Car Co,). h 10:; :'Iarket


, THIIlllrl. " . Ilrely CD ' ........ {.... "..,.",." ,.for E.",,",,} Yr." AIU '" II I S.~rl" ...N. "'kall", .M tb ,."..



SWEETSER S. G. ELECTRIC CO., (Samuel G. Sweetser), electricians, 105-107 Market see adv Sweez\' ~tlsan. domestic. 621 Emerald Sweger Alice. dressmkr, .H):!;) WaJIace, h cia Sweger Jacob, ice cream. Hi25 WaJIace. h do



Electric Construction' Repair Work


Estimates Chmflllly f lIrDIshed

Dealer and Jobber In

~~(~~~=~~~~. GAS and ELECTRIC FIXTURES

5ic;:ycles, 5ic;:ycle and Automobil6 Supplies

~ Nos. 105 and 107 Marhet,

Harrisburg, Pa ..

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND {3d Ind Rel~ Ita.. Digitized Google

I A"



IlakH 8peelal~ of B1ll1dJD lIl PIalIl TiIlu *ttmataGl..a


{I II. . . . .

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory, 1908.

Sweger John C, trucker P. R. R. freight uepot, h Lemoyne Sweger Pearl. knitter. h W:!5 Wallace Sweger William H .. car inspector. h :!54:t X 6th Swegert Elizabeth. housekeeper. 11:!:~ :\ 7th Sweigard Carl, laborer. h 1:!1l K 7th Sweig-ard Elmer C .. car inspector, h ()14 Wooubine Sweigard Howard \' .. hrakeman, h 17:U; Elizabeth Sweigard John W" notions. 1:!40 Derry, h do Sweigert Abraham B.. blacksmith. h 1:!1H K 7th Sweigert Anna ~1.. saleslady, ails :\larket, h Hummelstown Sweigert Catharine, wid Jacob. h sao James Sweigert (ioldie V. ~l'rs .. honnetmkr, h l:US N 4th Sweigert Jacob K., laborer, h 1:U8 1': 4th Sweigert John F .. hostler, h HI:!6 X 4th S\\'eig-ert Joseph \V .. engr. h :!:!:! Chestnut Sweigert Walter A .. elk, H~ln K 6th. h tHl6 Susquehanna Sweigert "\'alter A., driller. h 1:31)0( ?\ 4th Sweigle Elizabeth ~I.. saleslady, 4119 }[kt., h 1t5:! Walnut Sweigle (~eorge, laborer. h 1:!5:! Walnut Sweikert Isaac X., flagman. h 15!W Wallace Sweitzer l\larv C. domestic. 579 Showers Swenc\' John'T .. brakeman. h 1:3:!S ~ 4th Swene~' TIlOmas J., conductor. h l:l:!~ K 4th SWENGEL A. WILMER, insurance, real estate and notary public, 219 S 13th, h do

~:::: ~ Hanlsburg

Sayings and Loan Assn, { :: :::


Swenson Adolph, pipe fitter. h 1m2 Hemlock Swenson Charles F., special officer, h WI:! Hemlock Swenson J. William, helper. h 1Hl:! Hemlock Swenson Philip, elk, h lIll:! Hemlock Swift Elmer, blaster, h !):W Cowden Swigert Helena D .. student, h 1425 Regina Swigert Joseph R.. painter. 14:!5 Regina, h do Swiler Carrie. wid John C. h 16:n Susquehanna Swiler 01arles G .. barber. 1:\119 :\ fith, h do Swiler David, baker, h 16:H Susquehanna Swiler Joseph H., grocer. 1~1I1 N ith, h do Swiler Robert D., physician.l:~23 Derry, h do Swiler \Villiam E .. letter carrier. h 16:n Susquehanna Swiler Zelia 1\1., warper. h 10:W Susquehanna Swilkey Henry H., stonecutter, h 4tH S 13th Swimer Bcnja'min, laborer. h 5:~3 Filbert Swimer Lena. cigarmkr. h 51~ FiII>t'rt Swimer Lewi~. laborer. h ;;1:! Filhert Swimer \Iendel. carpenter, h ;;l~ Filbert Swindell Arthur, laborer, h 611i S Front Swin<lells James K.. upholsterer. h UU(i Penn Swisher John F .. fitter, h 917 S ~~{ Swonger Catharine. wid Elmer. h H:!4 Walnut Swonger ~iles K., brakeman. h 54~ Woodbine SW0ng-er William A., electrician, h 548 \\'oodbine




THE PATH. I ~ ogIe .

R. I. KELLEY" CO.}ODICa. :.~:~~r..~:r.~{COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.

;; :;

_ ~




=a: o





Swope A. Carl. timekpr P. R. R., h 6:!6 Boas Swope Anna M., teacher, h 626 Boas Swope nruce M., mech engr, h 1121 Green Swope David H .. drayman, h 2013 N 6th Swope Emma M., wid Samuel P .. h 19~5 N 2d Swope "rank H., conductor, h 20~5 Green Swope Harry F., hrakeman, h 612 Church Swope Harry R.. hrakeman, h 1805 Susquehanna 'Swope Howard H., brakeman. h 101~ Market Swope Ida F., saleslady. 221 ~farket, h 2~1 Briggs Swope Jennie E .. wid Abram B., h 1121 Green Swope Ralph R.. engine hostler. h 1124 K 6th Swope Robert B., stndent. h 1121 Green Swope Ross H., elk P. R. R., h 626 Boas Swords Amy :M., ruffer, h Wallace nr Reily Swovelin Harry K, machinist, h 618 Kelker Sykes l\fabel E .. domestic, 1810 Elizabeth SYKES THOMAS M., pension a~d patent attorney, 14 S 2d, h 1403 Market SYLVAN HEIGHTS HOME FOR ORPHAN GIRLS. Sister Scholastica, superioress, 12th c Derry Szabo Foszef. laborer. h 1330 N 7th Szeg-edi ~icolas. lahorer. h 1~12 N 7th Szusc Ilia. lahorer, h 12:16 Herr

z o



TACK ALBERT B., paper hangings and window shades. 1216 N 3d, h 127 Herr Telephone connection see adv top lines Tack Albert n .. jr., paperhanger, h 127 Herr Tack Elizabeth S .. h 127 Herr Tack Emma, h 127 Herr Tack Louis R.. paperhanger, h 1814 Penn Tack Nicholas, paperhanger, h 632 1\luench Tack Sarah L., elk, 1216 ~ ad, h 127 Herr Taddein Angelo, attendant P. R. R. dining rooms, h 1104 Market Tagg A. Pearl, saleslady. 3:14 Market. h 13:1f1 Green Tagg- James D .. laborer, h 64a Harris Tag-g John D .. inspector, h 2129 N 4th Tagg :\lartha E., wid Wilson, h 409 Woodbine Tagg :\lary E., wid James D., h 1719 N 5th Tagg Sylvester W., tinsmith. h 1:.l:10 Green 1&1 Taggart Edith V., telephone opr P. R. R. pass depot, h U 11)0~ K :Jd Taggart James 1\1., ins sol, h luIS State Q Taggart J. "'e!'ole", laborer, h 6:n Herr 1&1 Taggart John, laborer, h 1:12-1 N 7th Taggart Katie ;\Irs., h 411 ~Iarket HOllse al I!: Taggart ~rary F., h 1217 Cowden Q Taggart Theodore T., blacksmith, h 1:!1:~ Cowden

l L. S1. CLAIR {TAl LO R

{1240 "arket S1rMt

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~~~ loU PlJII8r ond IIndOl SbOdeS r.l~\~ :.Ill


Boyd's Harrisburg (T ) City Directory, 1908.

Taggart Thomas J., elk. ~ r 11104 ~ 3d Tait Eliza A. Mrs., h 4~4 Forster Tait Joseph L., machinist, h un:~ Cumberland Tait Sarah .\ .. h 50:{ Cumberland . Tait William ~L, elk P.O .. h 424 Forster Tall Gl'orge, waiter, h 511 Primrose Ta!! ~ancy, wid Charles. h 41!! Cowden Tammen Jacob. foreman, h 14:n Swatara Tanger Clarence F .. motorman. h 1108 ~ 6th Tan(!"cr Guy E .. motorman. h 11118 ~ 6th Tankd :\ [ax. second hand furniture. 1124 Herr. h do Tann William C., waiter. h 51f:1 ~ 5th Tarman Edward. switchman, h {i:1!l Camp Tasak Frantz, laborer, h 11112 Cowden Tassner John, laborer. h ll~~ S Dewberry Tate Eowaro A., bootblack. h 41:~ Cranbern' Tate Filmore, laborer, 11 5119 S011th . Tate Harriet, domestic, h 51111 South Tate ~Ian' ~[rs .. nurse, h 6!1H Sadord Tate ~[ercer B., elk. h 21~ X 2<l . Tate Wil\iam, laborer, h SIIB South Taubert Ceorge. meat, 114fi S Cameron, h 1142 do Taubert Jacob F., butcher. 11 1142 S Cameron Taubert ~Iichael H., machini~t. h HUO N 7th Taubert Sophia, wid Frederick. h 1142 S Cameron




... " ='


c= Tausig Emma. wid Jacob. h in4 X 6th ~ Tausig Herman. (jacob Tausig's Sons). illJ X {ith Tausig's Jacob Sons. (H. an(1 E. F.). pawnbrokers and '=' ~ jewelers. 420 ~Iarket ~ TawIH'\' Cilbert, foreman. h 4:!H Cumberland Tawne~' ~li\lard ~L, printer. h 124 Evergreen Tawney Virgie 11., nurse. II :!Uf)f) X ;'Jth Taylor Abraham L., sec and treas \Vest End Roofing Co., Globe Hotel. Gth c Cumberland. h do Taylor Anthon\' H., machinist. h 1 is Cumberland Taylor .-\. Rauh. coremkr, h 2i9 Calder Ta~'lot Rass. laborer. h 3:12 i\1 nench Ta"lor Bavard ~I., elk. 'h 2:!1i~ 14th . Ta)'lor n. 'Edward. elk F. and ~I. Works, h 10{i Conoy ...Tavlor RYron. laborer. h H15 Calder Ta"lor 'Carrie. domestic. i1:~ ?\ :lei Ta~'lor Charl~s D .. cOIl(lnctor. h 41161 Reily =a:. Tavlor Charles F., miller C. I. and S. Co .. h 105 South g Ta~'lor Charles H., flagman. h 1111:1 Market S Taylor Charles H., porter P. R. R .. h :I:!~ Calder Tavlor Coleman. laborer. h 11:!1 X ith Ta\'lor David. stonecutter. h :1!1 X Hth TAYLOR'S DETECTIVE AND REAL ESTATE CJO\ AGENCY, (Morris C. Taylor), 105 South r-

~. MILLER BROS. " BAKER} ~~~b:i~:'~~E ~ ---------------------------------------------- .~ ;; Tausig Edwin F., (Jacob Tausig's Sons). h SOt; ~ 2d


-" "

MONEY ADVANCED} INDI'.NnlllT LOAJI t 3..... _arut.Blrt.. AIID aU.vany co. Sea.
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--_._-1'10;,4 I !Ii.


IIcNEIL'S COUSH REIIEDY }~for~:""I-:'=tiitU~

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.
Taylor E. Bruce, stengr, 2:!:! M~ket. h 1211:> ~Iulberry Taylor Edward. laborer, h 1111 X 16th Taylor Elizabeth A .. wid George \\' .. h :m5 Herr Taylor Frank E., stable. 312 Blackberry, h ~ew Cumb'ld Taylor George, carpenter, h 4:16 S 14th Taylor George. laborer, h 34!1 S Cameron Taylor George A., watchman, h 64 \Voodbine Taylor George E., wagonmkr, h 1445 Regina Taylor George F., hostler, h 440 S Cameron Taylor George R.. laborer, h 41lX Cranberry Taylor George \\'., laborer, h 1211 Hanna Taylor Harry B... bookkpr, 25 ~ :M, treas, 222 Market, h 114 Locust Taylor Harry C. timekeeper, h 120;) :\1 ulberry Tavlor Hattie. wid Charles, h' an X :>th Ta"lor Henrv, laborer. h 525 Brown Ta)'lor Hey\\:ard G., civil engr C. I. and S. Co., h 1511 Green Tavlor Isaac B., coachinan, h 1111 Barhara Ta~'lor James. orderly, h 511 Primrose Taylor James C. engr. h :147 Boyd Taylor James E .. laborer. h !l.32 Muench Tador Tames E .. laborer. h 16112 Elm Ta\'lor 'Tames H .. laborer, h 664 Woodbine Ta~'lor James P., carpenter, h Hili) Elizabeth

I 111\


ntle 6umnty lid Surety Ca. IW~::'' {,.m:='!~:':'~,. {Tr!.~=Z..

Taylor James P., helper. h 142'2 ~1arion Ta~'lor James R., driver, h 664 Woodbine Taylor James-R.. laborer, h HtH S 11th Tavlor 1. Oark, conductor. h 2lC1X Turner al Ta~'lor john A.. hostler. h 2:?1 \' erheke Taylor John H .. engr, h 2148 ~ fith Taylor John H .. rubber, h 124 Hanna Taylor J. Zachary, shoe opr. h 1445 Regina Taylor Lawrenct' It. porter, h :n5 Calder Taylor Lorenzo, laborer. h :115 Calder Ta \'Ior Lottie E .. domestic. :1:~2 ~1 uench Ta~'lor :\Iae, dressmkr. h 1445 Regina Taylor Martin S.. teacher, Hamilton bldg. h 2i!l Calder TaYlor :\fan. wid David. h 2:tx ~tatc Ta\'lor Mar\' J.. wid Tames R., h ;;45 S Il1th Ta;'lor ~I. Harvey. cik c. I. and S. Co .. h 115 Conoy Taylor ~rinena. book folder. Court ah Locust. h W. Fairview TaYlor ~linnie. saleslacl\. 6 S 2(1. h Enola Ta"lol :\1innie. wid Isaac, h 42 South Ta"lor ~Iirial1l. telephone opr, :!lU Walnut, h 124 Hanna Ta\'lor :\lorris C, (Taylor's Detective and Real Estate -\g-ency). h 111:5 SOllth . Taylor ~athan. inspector, h l:~:l:i ~laple Taylor Quay F., compositor. h lS:JI):t Derry


N II. 111\ J



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INDREW REDMONO{3d lid ."Iy Sta.

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Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.


Taylor Ralph J., brakeman, h I:W Hanna Taylor Ralph L.. elk. I~ S 2d. h 1111 X 6th 2 Taylor Reuben, h 440 S Cameron -i Taylor Samuel. weighmaster. h 1:!1l Hanna UJ' Taylor Samuel n., porter P. R. R.. h 4:!~ South Taylor Samuel L., bookbinder. h 1111 X 6th 0 Tavlor Samuel :\1.. trav salesman. h !I():{ X 2d Ta)'lor Samuel ~ .. floorwalker, :ns :\lkt .. h 1205 Mulberry Taylor Samuel \V . cooper, h 1~:! Ann al Taylor Susan. wid \Villiam R.. h 115 S River Ta"Ior Susan L.. wid Thomas S .. h Il:!4 X ()th ", 'Ta\'lor Thomas E., nailer. h 417 S 14th 0 Taylor Walter S., mess Atty. Genrs Dept., h :n5 Calder ~ Taylor William H., helper. h ~HI!) Herr Taylor William H. K.. repairer. h lSaH1 Derry 1"1 Taylor William :\1., sweeper. h ~5;)1 Agate 0 Taylor William S., floor boss C. I. and S. Co.; h 1!):J5 Green Ta)'lor Wilson R., brakeman, h 664 Woodbine ::c Teague :\Iary J., hIllS tilth :a;. Teal1l Jacob. chef, h 19~1 Logan ::xJ Teats Daniel A., mgr. 51 S :ld, h 55:J Camp < Techmeyer Harn' \V .. ins sol. h 1:!4 Locust :a;. TEITR'ICK REED B., deputy supt Public Instruction, :::a Capitol, h Carlisle 0



0 rr-

TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., E. J. Stackpole, pres and treas; J. M. Miller, sec, 218 Federal sq Telep'hone "Securities Co., R. W. Dunlop, mgr, 81 Union Trust .bldg Tellev \Villiam. laborer, h 1:!:!:1 X Cameron Templar Frank X .. elk. :!1!1 :\larket. h ~:li Evergreen Temple Arthur J.. machinist. -h :!:{4 S :!d Temple C1harles, laborer, h l:!:W Cowden Temple Cora. cigarmkr, h :!:l4 S :!d Temple Josep'h, gardener. It una X Front Temple Lomax, hostler, It 149 BaIrn Temple :\fary E . weaver, h 234 S 2d Temple 'Xellie Y., cigar roller. h :!34 S 2d Temple Robert, coachman, 1815 X Front,'h a:l:! ~luench Temple Samuel, laborer, h 2:{4 S ~d Templin Ella. domestic. 715 Capital Tennis Jerome E., collector, h i:!5 ?\ 19th Terman Dorsey c., collector, 8 X 2d, h ~O!I X :{d Termin Harrv. laborer, h 600 South Termin Susan, wid Hiram, h 181H X 5th Terry Herbert G., trav salesman. h 1:!06 X 2d Terry John, bellman, h 131 Short Tettemer Harry, fireman, h 62:! Boas Teupser Frank A., night.mgr, 7i N ad, 'h 812 do Teupser Mary E., wid Emile A . h 812 X 3d Tewson Henry W., helper. It 19a. Penn

J'~~~~-::'} Hmlsburg Sayings and Loan Alln.~::::" ~ N

;: _



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H U (ELLEY at CO'S -Blaek elE' ucler. - 1 Hit'. 3d I'. .,. P. DlamoDd. WbeD{ 70 lOt. II' .........
Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.




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Tharp Anna, cigarmkr, 11 1109 S 9th Tharp Mary C, cigarmkr, h no!) S !)th Tharp Samuel D., laborer, h 1109 S 9th Tha tcher Cora, h 705 South Thatcher Richard P., draftsman, Herr clOth, h 100 S 17th, Thayer Alverta, domestic The Central Theal Mary, wid Israel, h 1104 Walnut Theurer Charles T., telegrapher, 7i K 3d, It 1227 Wallace' Theurer John H., elk, Court c Strawberry, h 224 South Theurer William, pool, h 1127 Derry Tholan John H., fireman, h nal.i Boyd Thoma Luther J., brakeman. h 11)06 Berryhill Thoma Robert, h 1006 Berryhill Thomas Adam, coachmkr, h 14()S Regina Thomas Alfred K.. cashier East End Hank, h 1401 Berry hill Thomas Asbury ,,"V., waiter Hbg. Club. h 7flH K 7th Thomas Charles, laborer, 11 513 Primrose Thomas C11arles. waiter, h 511 :\ort11 al Thomas Charles W .. printer Telegraph, h 432 S 13th Thomas Cleveland A., bar c:k, 4:~5 ~rarket. 'h do Thomas Clifford J., fireman. 11 tWfI Emerald Thomas Earl H., postal elk. h :m X 1:1th Thomas Edgar. laborer, h 1426 Susquehanna Thomas Eliza J .. cook Senate Hotel. h 511 ?\orth al


Thomas Elmer, machinist, 11 142 Syl"an ter . Thomas Emil", domestic. Hill1 ?\ 2d Thomas Findiay 1., teacher, h 440 S 16til Thomas Floyd F .. waiter, h 51:3 Primrose Thomas Frank, laborer, h .an South Thomas Frederick, driver, h 921 Sarah Thomas Gardner J., caterer, h 130 Liberty Thomas George \V., barber. 5t Aherdeen, h US ?\ 11lth Thomas George W., ironwkr, h 60~ York Thomas G. \Valter, machinist, h 338 S ]l)th Thomas Harry B., fireman. h 63(j Dauphin Thomas Harry H., engr, h HHl Kelker Thomas Henry M., collector, 11 ]25:1 S 13th Thomas Henry W., engr. h 231 Harris Thomas James R.. h 522 S 15th Thomas Jefferson, mgr, Crescent c ~Iulberry. h 22 S 17th Thomas J. Herbert, elk Dairy and Food Commr., Capitol,. h 723 Capital Thomas John, lineman, h ]:'?~ S l:lth Thomas John, laborer, 'h 7()2 State Thomas John, laborer, h 526 Brown Thomas John, U. S. N., 'h 21!l8 :\-Ioore Thomas John S., storekeeper, h 12;~:l ~Itllhcrry THOMAS JOSEPH L., funeral director, 429 State, h do' Thomas Josephine Mrs .. cook, h 142 Balm

;:: Z ..:

Ie o


....I ..:

..: IiIJ y Q

.... ;:


{1240 Market SfnIt

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Coogle'IOY' nODe A B TACK I' cIaII-*aIId 1DIareI1L.

butlh.l-d.... ""rklll' n,beDeeouly.lnl- i 1818 IIDf panof t!&a&e1 N. 8cl8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.


Thomas Julia Mrs., h 515 Primrose Thomas LeRoy, waiter, h 638 Briggs Thomas Leslie, bellman, h 410 South Thomas Lillian AI. :Mrs., h 660 Emerald Thomas Lydia, milliner, 200 X 2d, h 206 do Thomas Martin H., teacher, h 1126 ~Iontgomery Thomas Mary, domestic. 408 ?\orth Thomas Matthias. laborer, h 518 Strawberry Thomas Kelson G., flagman. h Ij;34 :?\ 5t'h Thomas Percy, ticket receiver P. R R depot, h 723 Capital Thomas Susan ~Irs., charwoman, h 225 N River Thomas T. Ba'hn Rev., h 413 S 19t'h Thomas William. stonemason. h 1128 N Front Thomas William D., meat, 1:!14 Bailey, h 118 Balm Thomas William H., pipe cutter. h 660 Emerald Thomas \Villiam H., real estate, h 1209 Green Thomas William K., lineman, h 123 S 13t'h Thomas \Villiam R, cleaner, h 624 Daup'hin Thompson Anna, wid Benjamin P., h 2022 Brookwood Thompson Annie AIrs., cook, 309 Blackberry Thompson Annie L.,h 627 Kelker Thompson Benjamin H., foreman, h 1200 Bailey Thompson Benjamin Q., brakeman. h 1611 Green Thompson Bessie M .. milliner. 'h 438 Cumberland


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "::i~b~~~~E

Thompson Charles A., motorman. 'h 2107 Greenwood Thompson Charles H., janitor, 334 Alaroket, h 526 West Thompson C11arles \V., steelwkr, h 1451 Vernon Thompson Chester, cook Hhg. Club, 'h 106 Filbert :::tI:I ~ Thompson Clarence, brakeman, h 1944 Green I:') V) Thompson Clarence E., laborer, h 628 Briggs Thompson Clifford, fireman, h 1226 Derry ::i: ;;. Thompson Com ilia ~L AIrs., h 2331 N 6th Thompson Daisv AIrs., h 213 S River 1"'1"'1 Thompson Edward E., laborer, 'h 2107 Greenwood ~ Thompson Edwin C, bookkpr, Crescent c Alulberry, h :::tI:I => 1304 Derry ::i: Thompson Elizabeth M., saleslady, h 438 Cumberland <= Thompson Ella M., wid A. Frank, h (\30 Briggs Thompson Ellsworth, painter. h 106 Cherry Thompson Emily D., housekeeper, 258 Calder =E Thompson Florence ~L AIrs., h 931 S 20t => :::tI:I Thompson Frank C. barber, h 1845 Berryhill ::z Thompson Frisby. laborer. 'h 110 Angle al => ~ Thompson George \V .. ironwkr. 'h 4 Lochiel 1st row ~ Thompson (;eorge W., trucker P. R. R.. h 214 X 10th Thompson Georgianna. 'housekeeper, 1Il(\ Filbert ~ :::tI:I Thompson Harr~' A .. brakeman. h 2130 Atlas ~ Thompson Hattie. cook, h 711 North al ~ Thompson Ida. housekeeper. 641 Herr VI

= =


I.DEPENDENT LOAN 110 SECURITY CO. ~J'~~~ {r:.~:~ .::



McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~~:.':.~~:'':~t{ 306 Br...

730 Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.
Jacob W. Re\ .. elk, ::!1I1 X :!d, h Lemoyne James, laborer, h lUI) Filbert James, laborer. h 115 Cowden James, jr., laborer, h lUI) Filbert James C, elk, h 706 N 3d James C, electrician, h 51H Race Jennie, seamstress, 'II 201~ Susquehanna J esse A., laborer, h 1:!53 Monroe John C, h 4:~S Cumberland John W., h 13:!5 Vernon Joseph P., detective. h lU15 Capital Lawrence E., porter, h 7U5 State Lina, laundress, h 213 S Court Lucy A., stengr State Dept. Health, h 817 N 3d Lucy M., laundress, h 4as Cumberland ~largaret, stengr, 24 X 2d, h 1325 Vernon :\Iargaret :\Irs., h 175 Indian }Iartha ),1., wid J ames B., 11 127 S 13th Mary Mrs., h 711 Xorth al Morris H., steelwkr, 'h 58;) Showers Rachel A., wid William. h 402 Verbeke Robert, barber, HlO7 Derry. h 1~45 Berryhill Robert J., machinist. h 523 :\-Iuench
Sa_~ie, ~harwoman, ~lH_Cowden


... .....

Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson T'hompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson lhornPson

---------------------------------------(\. Thompson Samuel, waiter, 'h 626 Briggs

Tla, Blaraoty a Sir.., Ca.c~Wl {s'::~r.!.~~ ~.,=.



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Thompson Thom~s E., carpenter, h 4:l8 Cumberland Thompson Thomas \Y., laborer, h 128 Indian Thompson \Villiam. barber, h 607 State Thompson \'Villiam, barber. h 1Hat; Kensington Thompson 'vVilliam, laborer, 11 175 Indian Thompson \Villiam, laborer, h 444 S 14th Thompson William. laborer. h 515 South Thompson William B .. brakeman. h 444 S 14th Thompson \\!illiam C, fireman. h 247 Hummel Thompson William F .. drug elk. 1~251 Derry, h 127 S 13th Thompson William F .. floor finisher, h 2022 Brookwood Thompson \ViIliam H., elk, h I) Aberdeen Thompson William H .. stonemason. h 1214 Apple Thompson William J., salesman, h 1)35 Hamilton Thompson WiIIiam T .. huckster, h 2;)8 Calder T'hompson \\'illiam W., printer. 2111 X 2d. h 64 X 18th Thorley Baking Co.. <J. H. a nl! ~I rs. ~I. E. Thorley), r 1!124 X I)th Thorley Joseph H .. baker. r 1!124 \: lith, h i)].~ Maclay Thorley ~Iary E. ~rrs., (T'horley Baking Co.). h 518 Maclay Thorley ~amuel E .. drug clk. 44!1 ~tate. h jll~ \: lith Thorley Susan B., music teacher, 15 S :?d. h 518 Maclay T'horley Thomas A., druggist, 449 State. h j08 N 6th




REDMONDh~:~'::; :;~~g~ {3d and Rally SII.

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L B. TleK} IALL PIPER l!:!:-:':::' 111001 SHIDES{ N~:' ~

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.

THORN GEORGE D., chief clerk Secretary Commonwealth, h 203 State Thorn ~Iabel, elk State Dept. Health, h 242 XOTt'h Thorne Chase, salesman. 321 ~Iarket, h 310 X td Thornlev Frances. wid Thomas. h 1:329 N 4th Thornley 1'hos. A . elevator opr, 221 ~Iarket, h 1329 ~ 4th Thornton David ~1., farmer Cameron Farm, 19th nr Park Way Thornton Esther. domestic Senate Hotel, 11 12 Cowden Thornton James :'II., supt, 'il 20111 X 4th Thornton Robl'rt. laborer. h 414 South Thornton Samuel. waiter Commonwealth, h 511 South al Thornton Stella, domestic, 703 Xort'h Thorpe Ohauncey G., elk Aud. Genl's Dept., Capitol, h Im~5 :\Iarket Throne David E., mgr. 411 ~larket. h 30f) Boas Throne Harry E" brakeman. h ;l~;l ~~ Cre:,cent Throne Josep'h C .. fireman, h :l:~f) S lath THRONE PENN LUSK, reporter Independent, h 108 Herr Thumma Adaline F .. wid Samuel. h :U3 Driggs Thumma Jean. shoe opr. h a:lfi S 16th Thurston Albert. draftsman, h ;~:l4 Bovd Thurston Eugene y" laborer.h 427 Xorth Thurston Frances ~I.. wid ~lcC1ellan. h 427 l\orth

,..,. ~


rt"I, ut'

..... ~. ,.,

~' ..... '






~ a:::.-r.}Harrllburg ..

Sayings and Loan Alsn. t::=

Thurston Robert J., molder, h !l23 Grand Tibbs Ella :\1.. charwoman. 'h 14H!1 ~larion Tichi Martin. laborer, 11 1943 Boas Tic'hi Samuel. laborer. h 1943 Boas Tic'hi Stephen. laborer. h 1943 Boas Tiger Elber. machinist. h l11a ~Iarket Tilghman :\nn. wid \\illiam. h 141 X Cameron Tilghman Edith. h 104 Tuscarora Tilghman .1 ohn 0,. elk. h (i2;~ Brigg's Tilghman John T., h 104 Tuscarora Tilghman :\[arg'aret. stengr. 2:!:! ~[arket. h 1114 Tuscarora Tilghman William J .. laborer.h 141 X Cameron Times \Villiam. lahorer. h 5:!7 South Timm Charles. driller. h 1132 Bm'd Timmons \\'illiam P .. 'il :U:J Brfggs Timothv David T .. lahorer. h 2 Lochiel 1st TO\\' Timoth~' Reuben C .. laborer. h 2 Lochiel 1st ro\\' TindalI' Lee. attendant. fn~ \\alnl1t. h 7~7 ~tatc Tippery (;eorg-c H .. hutchl'r. 'b ] ~;~~ X 7th Tippet Esta :\1.. folder. h finn S 1!1~ Tippet Jessie R .. housekl'eper. flllli S HI,} Tippet ~fary .\" ;;tayer, h 901i S 1!li Tippl't \\,illial11 P .. boilermkr. h HIIH ~ l!1~ Tippett D. Luther. helper.h 142!1 Swatara Tippett (-;{'O. 0\,. supt ~raclay P. O. ~tation. h 233 Maclay
. aT 0" THt: NEwa 0,. THE OAY A~~t:A"S FIRaT IN

c n

,. < ,. ::u


THE PAT R I aT Coogle

Digitized by

OUB KO'ITO I - } B ..... c..I. BODea' Weicht.

K M KELLEY or.. {litI.... III"llreet o. CO .111~ U "


= 1:



Boyd's Harrisburg (1.') City Directory, 1908.





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Tippett Jacob. boilermkr, h S Argyle Tippett 1\1. ~largaret, presser, 'h :; Argyle Tippett Warren S., inspector, 227 Walnut, h 8 Argyle Tippett William, laborer, h fHI6 S 1!li Tipton Edgar C, fireman, h 668 Boas TITLE GUARANTY AND SURETY CO., SCRANTON, PENNA., David G. Bowman, genl agent, 1 Security Trust bldg, 36 N 3d see adv centre lines Titler Charles W., fireman, h 1525 Wallace Tittle A. ~'lay, teacher, h 641 'Boas Tittle Charles W., elk, 12 N 2d, h 300 Calder Tittle Darius J., crackers, aoo Calder. 'h do Tittle Elizabeth, teacher, h 641 Boas Tittle John c., tailor, h 641 Boas Tittle Mary Ann, wid Jacob, h 1401 X 3d Tittle Minnie A., bookkpr, 1226 ~ 3d, h 300 Calder Titzel Amos S., motorman, h 212 ~ 14th Titzel Chas. F., foreman P. R. R. frt depot, h 1320 Walnut Titzel Daisy D., boarding, 2035 Ftilton, h do Titzel Henry E., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h Lemoyne Titzell James M., (Fernbaug'h & Titzell), h 2239 Jefferson Tobias Mary c., wid John H., h 622 Delaware Tobias Warren E., apprentice Patriot, It 633 Boyd Tobin William, engineer, h 1106 S 9th Todd~~:rt~a~. Mrs., h 212 N 3~ ___________ _


Todd Charles K., drug clk, 16 N 3d, 'h 226 Maclay Todd Donald c., machinist, h 911 N 3d Todd Frank, laborer, h State c Cameron Todd Frank, machinist, h 410 Forster Todd Furman M., train dispatcher P. R. R., h 211 N 15th' fodd Harry E., teacher :Mechanical School, h 1232 Mkt. Todd Ira A., h 410 Forster TODD M. HAMPTON, Attorney General, Capitol, h 300 N 2d Todd William, bar elk, 21 Cowden, h 504 :Market Toddes Ira, salesman, 'h 504 Market Togan James F., hod carrier, h 1530 Vernon Togan Lewis, laborer, h 1526 Vernon Tolan Rocco, laborer, h 33 N 5th Toland Arthur, pipe bender. h 1734 Elizabeth Toland Charles F., engineer, h 1725 Penn Toland Marne L. Mrs., h 1734 Elizabeth Tolbert Albert]., helper, h 14 Lochiel 2d row Tolbert Charles E., puddler, h 7 Lochiel 1st row Tolbert George, coachman, h 20 S 4th Tolbert James c., real estate, 445 State, h 713 Ash Tolbert William, motorman, h 1116 N 6th Toliver Lucy A., wid Thomas, h 1331 N 4th Toliver 'Simon \V., waiter Commonwealth, h 510 State Toliver Walker Rev., 'h 1407 James


l L S1. CLAIR {TAl LO R ~~g~i~e~ ~~~~gre'


'f,:~~::~~:;.' \'.011 PJOOf IIIl1ndOw Shades uom A.

B. TACK .I:~~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg ('1') City Directory, 1908.

'TOLMAN E. E., broker, room 504 Floyd bldg, 8 N 2d, h New York Tolmie John G., molder, h aU6 S :!d Tomkinson Ellen F., h 604 Boas Tomkinson Martha M., h 604 Boas Tomkinson Theophilus L. Rev., h 115 Verbeke Tomkinson William E. Rev., h 604 Boas Tomlinson Anna, wid William V., h 1619 Regina Tomlinson Annie, wid Francis E., h 220 Briggs Tomlinson Charles A., laborer, h 182:! Logan Tomlinson Francis c., elevatorman, h li:!8 Fulton Tomlinson George W., optician, :!5!1 Briggs, h do Tomlinson Harry B., tinner, h 17a5 Fulton Tomlinson Isaac R., watChman, h 269 Forster Tomlinson Jennie, housekeeper, 269 Forster Tomlinson John K., caller P. R. R., h 259 Briggs Tomlinson Louisa, cigarmkr, h 12:!8 N Front Tomlinson Lydia S., wid John K., h 1253 Derry Tomlinson Ralph H., collector, 15 S 2d, h 259 Briggs Tooke Anna, saleslady, :n8 Market, h 412 Herr Toole ~ora A., wid Jo'hn, h 603 S Front Toomey Charles E., engr, h 629 Muench Toomey Clarence J., porter, h 110 Liberty Toomey Cornelius F., elk P. R. R., h 1307 S 12th Toomey Cornelius J., laborer, h 1323 S 12th

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} -- -~:S~t,:.~~~~-= ---------------------~-

- -- - -

Toomey Garrett S., engineer. h 619 Harris Toomey George, janitor, h 108 Liberty Toomey George D., tinsmith, h 1538 Wallace Toomey Henry E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 621 Harris Toomey Jeremiah F., laborer, h 1323 S 12th Toomey Mary, milliner, h 1323 S 12th Toomey Mary E., housekeeper, 608 Race Toomey Minnie E. ~\Irs., grocer, 621 Harris, h do Toomey Thomas J., laborer, h 608 Race Toomey Thomas M., laborer, h 1403 S Cameron Toomey Wesley A., register, h 619 Harris Toomey William M., laborer, h 2632 Jefferson Toor Simon, tailor, 1320 N 6th, h do TGpley Conyers Dr .. h 230 Harris Torrington Ethel, elk Div. Pub. Records, h 717t N 2d Torrington Frances, wid William J., 'h 717* N 2d Totyinka Mary Mrs., h 1240 Herr Toup Edward, laborer. 11 1207 Apple Townsend Adam Goo fireman, h 1!1:!~ Penn Townsend .-\rthur, iorlIl1Cln. h V"::{!I i\ :!<i Townsend Howard c., printer, 2127 X 4th, h do Townsend Sue M .. stengr, h 2127 ~ 4th Townsend Wesley F., (People's Tea Co.), h 2205 Logan Townsley Edward E" brakeman, h 1932 N 7th Townsley Elsie D., boarding, 1220 Cowden, h do


CLARK'S ==~ Drug and Patent Medicine StDre{-=.AIr-='~


Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.

Towsen Clarence S., brakeman, h 509 Walnut Towsen Edward c., P. R. R, h 1308 S 12th Towsen Harry H., collector, 28 S :!d, 'h :!66 North c::::I Towsen J. Albert, c'heckman P. R R, h 12tH Derry Towsen J. Walter, machinist, h 1229 Swatara c::::I Towsen ~laria, wid James A., h 509 \-Valnut !5 TOWSEN THOMAS F., slate roofer, 509 Walnut, h 616 :z: N 2d see adv . Towson Charles \-V., caretaker Island Park, h do Trace Charles S., elk, h 19:!5 N 2d Trace Emma S. :Mrs., h 227 State Trace Frederick S .. mac'hinist, h 1~1II Green Trace John F . elk. h 181f1 Green Trace J. Montgomery, elk, 1.)27 Walnut, h :!27 State Trace Martha. teacher, h :!:!j State Tracey Effie, h 23 X 5th Tracy Annie, domestic Hershey House Tracy Annie G., dressmkr, h 1411 Susquehanna Tracy Catharine, cook, h 417 West Tracy David E., genl supt Hbg. Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 2007 N 3d Tracy E. F., machinist Lunatic Hospital, h do Tracy Ferguson E., machinist, h 1730 Green Tracy Helena c., elk. 2:!7 Walnut, h lUI Susquehanna Tracy Joseph P., hostler, h Hi!"!2 N 4th

t:i ..:



'flU. Guaranty and Sarel7 Co. {"'~I, a~III.I.III"", fllClI.,........... { , 1M..... -Sera_Lon, P .. n_ T",,"" III .I~II ~ J..1cI1I T_._


.., I.....


Tra:cy ~rargaret, stenographer. h 1411 Susquehanna Tracy 1Iatthew A., asst supt, lOth c Herr, h 115 Locust Trafford George :\1., painter. h 1!):J4 Susquehanna Trafford William. flagman. h HI:!!) Wood TRA VELERS INSURANCE CO., John L. McCormick, special agent for Penna., 321 Market see adv front stencil Traver Tohn B . bender. h :{;W Crescent Travers' .\lvey S .. mgr Whitehead & Haag Co .. 202 \Valnut. h do Z Travitz Howard \V .. hostler.h 1429 Vernon c( Travitz :\Iarv E .. domestic. :{;):J Hummel Traxler \\,iliiam. molder. h 1flH Derr\' ..J Trayer Harry, brakeman, h 128 Balm Trayer Martin. brakeman. h 24 Union sq

o o

T. F. TO-'\N-S-E-N--



And Dealer In All lUnd. of

Roofing Slate, Ridge, Rool, Paper, Nails, &co


put on by Experienced Slaters.

Rfplirlns Done It Short Notice.

Of:fioe, 1109 Walnut Street,

Harrishurg, Pao
Digitized by

Radmond's Wagon Works }~~Jd.\':a'f;b~~:: ':3d anllReily Its.


A. B. TACK} Wall Papar and Ydndow Sbadas {~l~l(~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (,r) City Directory, 1908.

Treadwell Charles P . baggagemaster. h 1::!34 Market Treadwell John W., flagman, h 1207 Market Trego Edwin T., machinist, h 1724 Penn Trego Harry J., salesman. ~n8 Market, h Mechanicsburg Trego James S., (Motor Vehicle Co.). h 211 Crescent Trego Joseph G., asst road foreman P. R R. h 438 North Trego Joseph G., jr., clk, h 438 Korth Treichler Jeanette, housekeeper. 1313 ~Iaple Treichler !\label A., weaver. h 1313 :\faple Treichler Mary A., wid John C. h ~Iaple av nr Verbeke Treon Harry H., prop Wonderland. h 255 North Tress Charles A., supervisor 1st dist. h 230 S 2d Tress Charles H., laborer. h 1329 Fulton Tress John S .. pipe line. h 436 S 2C\ Tress Lewis W., laborer. h 908 Hemlock ~ Tress Lillian V., cigar packer, h 4a6 S 2d ~ CI Tress William, laborer, h 1329 Fulton Trewick Patience :\-1.. wid Walter L .. h ::!20 Pine Triest David, brakeman, h l707! X 7th Triest Florence M. Mrs .. h Reilv nr :!d Trimble Edna ~1., elk. 121 ~Iarket. h 114 Calder Trimble ~1arvin W., dyer, h 1006 X 3d Trimble Robert S .. elk C. 1. and ~. Co .. h 114 Calder Trimble Viola J., wid Samuel B.. h 114 Calder Trimmer Charles R, machinist, h 49 X Summit


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Sayings and Loan Alln.

Trimmer Emma C ::VIrs., h 133 S :~d Trimmer Laoma W., paperhanger. h 1726 Elm Trimmer Ralph E., paperhanger. h 1800 Walnut Tripner Cora J., stenographer. 11 X 2d, h 1640 N 3d Tripner George C, grocer, 1640 ~ 5th. h 213 Kelker Tripner John H., grocer, 312 Verbeke, h do Tripner Laurq A., housekeeper, 1640 N 3d Tripner Mary C, wid William A., h 1640 N 3d Tritle Fred M., supt Telegraph, h 1127 Capital Tritle Martha B., h 1317 N 3d Trombino Antonio, cigars, 343 S River, h do Trombino Sarafino, fruit, 8 S 4th, h 318 S River Trombino Sol, fruit, 424 N 3d, h 318 S River Trone Maurice N., elk sec Commonwealth, hIS Front Trostel Jennie A., lieut A. S. A., h 1101 N 7th Trostel Sadie, adjt A. S. A., h 1101 N 7th Trostel Samuel P., adjt A. S. A., h 1101 N 7th Trostle David B., 'elk, h 1601 N 2d Trostle David P., engr, h 442 Hummel Trostle Edna ::VI., stenographer. h 432 Hummel Trostle Ellen Mrs., h 609 Oxford Trostle Hallowell A., bridge builder, h 602 N 16th Trostle Harry E . carpenttr. h 27:! :\1 UCIH."ll Trostle Jesse, fireman, h 1!115 X. 7th Trostle John ),1.. eng-r. h 17:W ?\ lith

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H KELLEY o. CO {I North 8cl ....... U 'or.. 10&10_4 !Mate ....

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Boyd's Harrisburg (rr) City Directory, 1908.




o C(


Trostle Joseph \Y., hostler, 'h Hli X lith Trostle .\Iary E .. stenographer, 16 X :!d, h fill2 N 16th Trostle Rebecca, \"ill William 1\1.,11 I.i:!U Camp Trotter Alison, wid Robert, h :!I)O:::; Penn Trotter Thomas W., laborer, 11 21108 Penn Trou Henry A., 'h 4:!1.i Hummel Troup Building, 15 S 2d Troup Charles S., salesman, 15 S 2d, 'h 722 N 6th Troup Edward S., asst foreman P. R. R, h 1921 N 4th Troup Grace E., h 17;m X 5th Troup Harry, salesman, 15 S :!d, h 1456 Market Troup Harry M., collector, :.n S :!d, h 17321 ~ 5th Troup Jacob, laborer, h 1218 Currant Troup John, plumber, h 405 Verbeke TROUP JOHN H., pianos, organs, &c., 15 S 2d, h 722 N6th Troup Katherine, milliner, h /:(21 N 6th Troup Lemmon J., fireman, h Hl26 N 7th Troup Lucinda L' .. wid Harry S., h :H15 l\loorc Troup Martha H., wid John A., h 1719 N 6th Troup .\lary l\Irs .. h 515 Walnut Troup MerriI, driller, h 517 Walnut Troup Ralph R, student, h S21 N 6th Troup Robert W., sales mgr, 15 S 2d, 'h 722 ~ 6th Troup Samuel E., carpenter, h Hl21 N 4th

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Troup William. laborer. 'h 121:,:(. Currant Troup William .-\., candymkr, h 1508 Regina Troup William F., salesman, 15 S 2d, h 821 N 6th Troup WiIIiam L., asst ioreman P. R. R, h 406 Harris Troupman Jennie E., saleslady, 3~14 Market, h Steelton Trout Agnes Mrs., dressmkr, 421 Forster, h do Trout Brooke, mgr wrapping paper dept, 17 S 2d, h 421 Forster Trout Charles, laborer, h 517 Walnut Trout Emery F., carpenter, h 1824 State Trout George S., fireman, h 270 Peffer Trout G. Parke, conductor, h 231 Sayford Trout Jacob F., blacksmith, 1900 'State, h 1913 Briggs Trout Matilda E., milliner, 1727 N 6th, h 545 Camp Trout Myrtle, wid B. Frank, h 215 S 15th Trout ~athaniel, boltmkr, h 1406 N 6th Trout Susan, wid ~ athaniel, h 1927 Logan Trout Thornton D., engr, h 545 Camp Trout William L., brakeman, h 2022 N 5th Troutman Forrest J., rigger, h 1712 Fulton Troutman Henry 0., carpenter, 'h 441 Market Troutman Margaret, saleslady, 334 Market, h Mechanicsburg Troutwine Frank, laborer, 'h 1332 N 4th Trawler William, printer, h 120 Chestnut -------

l L. ST. CLAIR{"AILOAJi!i~Z~~b~e~~8'


Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory, 1908.


Troy Caspar J., engr, h 1438 Berryhill Troy Ellen F., wid Harry, h 1199 Bailey Troy Laundry, (Hoffman & Schooley), 1520 Fulton Troy Michael E., engineman, h 1438 Berryhill Troy William A., chiropodist, 120 Cowden, h do Trullinger Charles 1., p'hysician, 2025 N 6th, h do Trullinger George c., car repairer, h 241 N 15th Trullinger George L., laborer, h 241 N 15th Trullinger Ralph E., machinist, h 241 N 15th Trullinger Walker S., checkman P. R. R., h Penbrook Trump Bess E., proof reader, Crescent c Mulberry, h 1611 Chestnut Trump Mary, wid Samuel, h 1905 North Trust Co. Building, 222 Market Trute Paul, (Penn Premium Co.), h 1636 Elm Tschopp Jacob D., carpenter, h 615 ~ 18th Tschopp James, carpenter, 11 1829 Briggs Tsrvalo Theodore, restaurant, 522-1 Race, h do Tucker Charles W., plumber, h 2318 Jefferson Tucker Effice R., salesman, 324 )'Iarket, h 1419 do Tucker Harry W., artist, h 14 Evergreen Tucker Martha M., cigarmkr, h 2138 Moore Tucker Samuel, roller, h 2138 Moore Tuckey John, laborer, h 1048 S 9th Tugend Jacob A., salesman, h 1241 Market


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~ 0

a MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b~~-:'~~E S

S 0

Tunis Carrie T., cashier, 3n5 Market, h 609 ~ortn Tunis Charles H., machinist, h 609 North Tunis Mary E., moclel, 202 Walnut, h 609 North TUNIS WILLIAM S., bookseller and stationer, 8 N 3d, h 621 Briggs Turner Beauty A. Mrs., dressmkr, 106 Short, h do Turner Bertha E., teacher, h :W08 N 5th Turner Charles P., mechanical engr, 11 147 N 13t'll Turner Edgar G., agt Penna. Railways Advertising Co., 29 1\ 2d, h 2008 N 5th Turner Edward, teacher, h 1425 l\Iarion Turner George, laborer, h 46 Lochiel 4th row Turner J. Almeda, charwoman, h 1422 Marion Turner James E., laborer, h 107 Cowden Turner John, waiter, h 607 State Turner J. Robert, laborer, h 1956 Swatara TURNER LEWIS W., insurance, room 14, 29 N Sci, h 2008 N 5th Turner Mars'hall E., salesman, 26 N 2d, 11 222 Chestnut Turner Mary R., stengr, 222 Market, h 2008 N 5th Turner Rebecca B., wid Alexander, h 224 Kelker Turner Stephen E., laborer, h 587 Showers Turner William H., laborer, h 1425 Marion Turns Edward D., carpenter, h 1419 North Turns Edward H., inspector, h 1019 K 7th

... '" a ::11:1



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:::= ~::~- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g:r"-t=

738 Boyd's HarrisbuTg (U) City Directory, 1908.

o o z c o J

Turns Harry W., inspector, h 2043 ?\ 5th Turns Lydia A., wid George, h 327 Herr Turns Martin. car inspector P. R R, 11 5:l ~ 10th' Turns ~Iary S., wid William, h 634 Harris Turns Theodore, conductor, h 53 N 10th Turns William, laborer, h 1'828 \Vood Turpin James c., laborer, h 708 ~orth al Tuscon Bruno, laborer, h 11 Lochiel 1st row Twentieth Century 'Savings and Loan Association, George A. Seibert, sec, 1011 }oJ 3d Twigg Guy S., inspector, 227 Walnut. h \Vormleysburg Twining Roscoe D., toolmkr, h 2225 X 3d T\\'yman John, hostler, h 235 Blackberry Twvman Reuben, laborer, h 1135 S 9th Tyler Anna A. ~frs., charwoman P.O., h 245 North Tyler Francis, inspector. h 418 Market Tyler Josephine, saleslady. 406 :\,larket, h 245 North Tyrone Iron Co., 22'2 Market Tyson 'Clair, elk P. R R pass depot, h GSS Peffer Tyson Emma, h 121 S Dewberrv Tyson Ivey B .. carpenter, h 429'S 14th Tyson Jerome. laborer, h 2022 ~ 7th Tyson Lewis H., asst chief elk R 11:. S .. h 406 Briggs T\'son Lincoln c., huckster. 'h 21131 N 7th T)'son Mabel M., bookkpr, 111 Market, h G38 Peffer

lUI. &'Irlltr II. C I=.~ {a.::~=,":=, }l~-r-.:.

Tyson l\Iargaret 11., dressmkr, h 2()22 X 7th Tyson Samuel M., brakeman. h 611 Peffer Tyson William H., foreman P. R R., h fi88 Peffer

Ubi I Oliver S., engr. h 14 S 17th Udelhofen Elizabeth. housekeeper. 111 Short Uhland Roy L., conductor, 'h 719 N 19rh Uhler Jas. }I., watchman Aud. Gent's Dept., h 1808 N 6th Uhler Jeremiah, bookkpr. 1415 X 2d, h 1421 do Uhler M. Elizabeth. wid Henry. h 124 'State Uhler William A.. brakeman. h 2134 N Gth Uhler William H:, grocer. 2417 X Gth, 'h do Ulle Kavas, laborer, h 1306 S Cameron Ulmer William H., engr, h lS()4 Green Ulrich Albert N., letter carrier P. 0 .. h 2138 N 5th Plrich Catl1arine. wid Sebastian. h 4:~2 Cumberland lTlrich David E., fireman, h 1406 N 6th l'lrich Ed\\ard. blacksmith. h 1:115 Walnut Ulric'h Elizabeth, saleslady. 400 11arkct. h }lechanicsburg l:lrich Elizabeth M., weaver. h 1849 State Ulrich Frank H., barber. h 1517 Regina Ulrich Frederick'S .. elet'trical eng-r. h 1525 Derry Ulrich George E .. car repairer. h 77 ~ 16th 1 11rich Harry n., foreman, h l:n 5 \Valnut


Sectr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMONDDi!~zt!~@J~t


8_ TACK r.........C . .IE.. 8pee1allJ'IaofPlaia TID.. {01. II. . . . . l PabUo aa.ldla. . ........aBoyd's Harrisburg

eu) City Directory, 1908.


Ulrich Harry E., student, h 1525 Derry Ulrich T erome S., elk, 3:!0 \' erbeke. h 430 Cumberland Ulrich j o'hn c.. foreman. 'h Hili Regina Ulric'h :'.Iabel, domestic, 21110 N 6th Ulrich Oscar, cab driver, h 1212 Apple Ulrich Peter, h 1111 :\hrket Ulrich William. laborer, h 1849 State Glrich \\<'iIIiam M., lather, h 1849 State Ulsh nertha, seamstress, h 1627 Logan Uls'h Charles 0., butcher, h 2021 Fulton Uls'h George, h 2021 Fulton VIsit George E., fireman, h 17161 N 4th Glsh John Y., laborer, h58 Balm Ulsh Shuman W., baggage transfer, h 244 Crescent Ulsh Thomas M., driver, h 446 Boyd Ulsh William R., motorman, 'h 4:!3 Kelker Umberger Benjamin F., (Swartz, lJm'berger & Swartz), h 427 Peffer Umberger Calvin S., laborer, h 638 Harris Umberger David. laborer, 'h 642 Mahantongo Umberger David P., laborer. h 521 Dauphin Umherger Henrv H .. switchman, h W39 N 7th l.:mberger Jacob. carpenter, h 642 ~Iahantongo Umberger lVlargaret. wid Benjamin F., h 926 Capital





Sayings and Loan Alln.t


Cmberger ~fargaret E., wid Calvin, h 638 Harris Umberger Mary c., elk, h 926 Capital Umholtz Charles W., blacksmith, 'h 2125 Jefferson Umholtz George Vi .. car repairer, h 1925 Briggs Umholtz Leonard 1'1., brakeman, h 668 Boas . Umholtz :\lary, wid John B., h 1925 Briggs Underwood J. Arthur, accountant, h 132 Locust Unger Bertha ~I., elk, 414 State, h 2301 N 6th Unger Charles D., driver, 'It 231) Crescent Unger Clara L., dressmkr, h 1407! Vernon Unger David J., laborer, 'h 11;41 Fulton Unger Frederick F., postal elk R. M. S., h 606 N 6th Unger Ira L, elk Central Trust Co., h Penbrook Unger John W., pressman, h 242 Crescent Unger Levi B.. shoe opr, h 1407! Vernon Unger :'.lartin H., elk, h Ufl7 N 6th Unger :\lary, wid Thomas, h 1407! Vernon Unger Rosa. saleslady, h 2301 N lith Unger S. Duey. teacher, h 1836 Walnut Unger Susan. wid WiIIiam E., h 2!l0l X 6th Union Carbide Sales Co .. 627 Walnut Union ~ews Co., P. R. R. and P. & R. depots UNION PLANING MILL, Charles H. Miller, propr, 824-832 N 7th see adv

THE PAT R I R;t ogle

Digitized by

H. M. KELLEY & cO.}Omces, :o~~:'~.:':'~{COAL AND WOOD

740 Boyd's Harrisburg (U)' City Directory, 1908.


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UNION REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO., Herman P. Miller, pres; William E. Bailey, treas; Nathan E. Hause, sec, Court c Locust union Trust Co. Building, 20 N 2d c Strawberry UNION TRUST CO. OF PENNA., Charles S. Boll, pres; John P. Melick, v-pres; Andrew S. Patterson, sec and treas, 20 N 2d see adv United Coal Co .. Walter P. Maguire, rep, 14 S 2d UNITED ICE AND COAL CO., main office, Cowden c Forster; branch offices, 3d c Cumberland, 10th c "Chestnut and Howard c 14th see adv side linea United States Army Recruiting Station, 4 N 3d UNITED STATES EXPRESS CO., W. S. Evans, agent, 23S3d UNITED STATES HOTEL, Charles G. Eckinger. propr, 512-520 Market, h do United States Internal Revenue Office, P. O. bldg Cnited States Pension Examining Board. P. O. bldg Vpdegraff Harry, brakeman, h 607 Cumberland Updegrove Albert G., laborer, h 627 Herr Updegrove Albert R.. house mover, h 1327 Herr Cpdegrove Angeline. wid Ellis, h 1200 Penn L'pdegrove C. May. h 120 State Cpdegrove George \Y., violinist, h 1200 Penn l'pdegrovc Helen c., milliner, 40U )larket. h 627 Herr

N. 3d St.


....J ..:




!:: Iii!: =:


Updegrove Jennie. bllnchmkr. h 627 Herr Updegrove John H . driller, h 2004 Berryhill Updegrove )label, bookkpr, ;:; N 2d, h 1:!1I0 Penn Updegrove )Iarie ::\1., housekeeper, 627 Herr Updegrove Philip S., brakeman, h 120 State Updegrove Sarah E .. ruler, 17 S 2d, h 1200 Penn Updegrove William c., molder, "h 120 State Upp J. Calvin. elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Columbia Upton William, laborer, h 112 Short Urban Frank J., trav salesman, h 411 S Hith . Urban John W., ironwkr, h 1124 S Cameron Urban Joseph R.. laborer. h 4~14 S Wth L'rban Lillian, press feeder, h 1124 S Cameron Urban Margaret A., stripper, 'h 1124 S Cameron Urich Bertha :\1.. operator. h 625 X 15th Urich Charles S .. laborer, h 14a:J Regina Urich Edward L., plasterer, h W12 Swatara Urich Elwood H., policeman, h 1329 ] ames Urich lola E., teacher, h 811 ~ ~d Urich Jacob. plasterer. h HI1l5 :\ort'h Urich Jacoh :\1.. plasterer. h l!IWI :\orth Urich John. carpenter. h 192G :\orth Urich John B . elk, h 221 X 15th Urich Laura 1., teacher. h li:!5 ?\ l::;t'11 Urich Lyrli:t, wid David. h 221 X lrith

A. 8. TACK ~~~:!1laU paDer ond WIIldOUhod38 el~\~:"ru.

Boyd's Harrisburg (V) City Directory, 1908.

'i 41

Urich .\laurice W., artist, h !I~!.I X :!d C rich Perry S .. carpenter, h ,lIS Muench Crich Rebecca E. ~Irs .. h !11:> Capital Crich Roger S .. elk. !'itate c l:-:th. h 1!1~6 Xorth erich Sadie E., bookkpr, :!7 X ~d, h 1437 Regina Crich Samuel. florist, 'h ():!5 ~ 15th Crich Samuel T .. plasterer. h 51iO Camp l'rich Sarah. wid \\"illiam S., h 14:H Regina l'rich Simon S., ins agt Prudential Ins. Co., h 31 Balm l_'rich William. carpenter. h !I:!!l X ~(I Usaw ~ relancthon. printer T cle~raph, h 4] 8 .\Iarket Cttln Char!es. florist. :~n 1 Walnut. h do etz Charles. inspector. h 1II1i'\ Fox

Vadakin Asad S .. dk Adjt. (~enrs Dept.. h :!1I1 State Vail Henri \V . chief engr, h l~n:! Swatara Vailes Jesse M .. policeman Capitol. h 516 ?\ 3d Vale Elisha .\1.. tlraftsman Dept. Int. Affairs. h Carlisle Valentine Elva ~l.. salesladv. :J:J4 :\Iarket, h W. Fairview Valentine C;eorge B .. chaiml1an P. R. R.. 'h 357 Hummel Valentine George W .. cont"luctor. h :~57 Hummel Valentine ?\Iary E .. wid Geor~e W .. h 549l SlOth Valentine Wells W .. fireman. h 141~ Maple V,dentine William H.. lahorer. h 54!lt S 1nt'h

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b:i~~~K

VaJlerchamp (;ohin. draftsman. h 1l!l4 Bailey Vallerchamp William E. Dr .. dentist. lU S :!d. h do Van.\ernam Luella. wid Charles W .. h fjUj Peffer Vanaman Hattie F .. wid Luke, h l:!:In Derry Vanaman Lester. brakeman. 'il ]:!all Derry' Vanaman Lester E .. elk 1'. & R. pass dep(>t. h 1:!:W Derry Vanaman \\'. LeRoy. telegrapher P. & R .. h 1:!:11l Derry VanAsdlan Charles. painter. h 14:!l-I ~ :~d VanAsdlan Charles B., elk. 'h 621 Korth Van:\sdlan Daisy :\L. tobacco stripper. h fi:!1 X orth VanAsdlan Frank E .. fireman, 'h lIi2i X 4th Van.-\sdlan Gordon. painter, h H:!i'\ X :~d VanAsdlan Harry, painter. h IIi:!j X 4th Van.\sdlan Uelen B.. opr, h Hi:!j X 4th VanAsdlan Jacob. hostler. h Hi:!j X 4th VanAsdlan John. painter. h IH~ X :~d \' an:\sdlan William. mason, h j!) Dishrow Van Roskirk Thomas S .. fireman. h :!155 J l'fferson VanBuskirk Frederick E .. machinist. h 1411 Wallace \' an Ihlskirk }Iame. we'l\er. h Capital nr Cumberland VanBuskirk William. h 1Il:! Tanner VanCamp Edith B .. saleslady. :!:!1 Market. h 1:>:1:1 N 51'h \" an Camp Joseph :'II.. polict'man. h 1:;:~:I X ;)t:1 VanCamp Rebecca. \\'id Jaml's. h 1:ili'\ :\ lith
AN. saullny Cu.



VanCAMP WILLIAM L., grocer, 1518 N 6th, h do -N-E-Y--A-OVANCEO} IN.ErENPINT LOU {~:a PI~Yd BI<t.. MO
8 N. HUll., ...
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McNEIL'S COUGH REMEDY }~r:!.r::l~~:: {D1~~~

7 d's rris g ( ) C Dir ory 08.
Vance Clarence I., elk, I;) X 3d, h \Vest Fairview ce 1I1ie , wi ob H., 410 :!d Vance "V !lIard F., salesman, :!U!J Locust, h 1:!:i Pll1e Vanderbilt John A., bookkpr h 1315 Derrv der t I B., \Vi 11 G Sit 3d Vanderloo Peter, tailor, h :!111 Derry Vanderloo Theodore machinist. h :!111 Derry der e L s 1 ~Ik d. l's p'L. pito 613 Briggs Vandling Lizzie h 107 Locust R., P. lOy Art O. .0 sst .Market, h MarYSVIlle VanDYKE T. KITTERA, lawyer and pres Union Mfg. Co IN h P \- an Fosen LottIe. housekeeper. I:!:!.) Bailey Vangelisto Domenico, lahorer, h :~:J X 5th Ho Jdh V.. kern h 1 J St leha a \- anHorn John \,y., laborer, h Front cReel s la VanHorn Mabel D .. h :!:!!) S l~Hh Ho Ro wid llial l:U oas . anHorn \Villal11 H., huckster. h UHi Susque'hanna VanHORN & SON, J. G. and C. H. Keller, mgrs, theatr co mer nd plie 705 3d an Kir Ho\\ard, haner, 1.Ull X .Jd, h :L4 Peffer VanKirk Samuel, helper, h :~:!4 Peffer








Le \far' -. ~f h ;' eli 1 .\Ie Ch ian eng 1:!O Gre Vanmeter Ella, saleslady, Ii S :!d. h 41H Forster V 1111<.' Ja M. 'oce Hi - ster do ~le Jos H rem h :! Gr VanOrmer Charles H., elk, h 31Hi Cumberland . Or H . sa ad" :!1;~ 'titl On Ja ?\. :!l~l Gtl VanOrmer Joseph, 'h ;Wfi Cumberland V On Lo' a, h eke r, a 'CUll dan On }I e E k SeD Hl 1, h her land .. \' orsl I C' '. lal er, -:n 'la\' Rip Bei lin 1110 , h s' len () \' an Riper H. Thomas, lahorer. h 4ti:! S Cameron Y Rip }Ial 'I ".. lIer, li:!.- -ailH" 1:ttl Sc';'k ~ ton nof ckr l:l:~ " 'III Yantz Ho\\'ar<l,h :~:!!) Reih '? Van\\"acht r .\ tl tIr, I tier :i14';;; ut'it \ \ \" a r ( g-e ell, it :!: \' I "all\\'agner C;eorg-e \\' .. jr .. elk. ;'j X :1<1, h :!:~:::i X ""\ Van\\'a<Tner I a\ Tell' stell"" h :!')'V' X f I I ' Ill''' ulal UIl! s L tic spit h d \'arney Lewis G., civil ellgT. 'h llilfl State Vl~ilil' Rosu, laborer h 1 HI.! \" C ron

------ - - -


{-I .1..Clair', { Tru.' Hull. . . . , I .util F.IIIII_I .,







canec:.... INDREW REDMONO{3d IDd Reily SII.




A. B. TACK} FIN~EC~~,,~,.~f~,,~o,~~ER{ 1216 Nonn T111n1 Slrll

Boyd's Harrisburg (V) City Directory, 1908. ';" 4:~
'Vastine Harry ~Iontis, osteopathic physician, lOll Locust, ::D PI h do Vaughan Annie ~I., wid John E., h 2022 ?\ lit'h Vaughan OIaries Z .. civil engr, h 1!l43 X 6th -I Vaughan Mary M., housekeeper, 1624 Green Vaughan Phoebe \V., wid George, h Hi24 Green Vaughn Christina, wid John D., h Ha2 James VCQ.lghn Edward J., laborer, h 511 Harris Vaughn Edward L.. watchman, 'h 2047 Herr Vaughn Elizabeth J., h 60S Forster Vaughn Ira G., weaver, h 60S Forster Vaughn James, timler, 'h 1433 James P1 Vaughn John S .. real estate, 14 S 4th. h do Vaughn Kate M .. music teacher, 11i20 Green, h do ~ Vaughn Mabel E., teacher, 'h 1620 Green P1 Vaughn Mary. saleslady, 1219 i\ 3d. h 1432 James C Vaughn Mary A., wid Patrick, h 60S Forster Vaughn }Iary E., h 1620 Green Vaughn Patrick H .. plumber, U:~2 X :1d, h Rockaway Cottage Vaughn Thomas, stonecutter. 'h ]542 X 6tl1 Vaughn \VilIiam, brakeman. h (jOS Forster Veacock ~Iargaret S., wid Samuel S .. h :l:n S 14th Veaner Aaron, shoemkr, 214 Verbeke; notions, 627 Cumberland, h do --, ------------_._---- --------

en n n



SaYings and Loan


Veaner Benjamin. up'holsterer, h 1i27 Cumberland Veaner Joseph P., upholsterer. h n27 Cumberland Veith Ernest. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h c10 Velder C11arles A., jobber Lun. Hos .. 'h 2021 ~ Cameron Velder Wilmer n.. machinist. h 21121 X Cameron Vellis Harry H.. laborer, h 40G S l!lth Venia Eugene. laborer, h 817 SlOth Venia Thomas, laborer, h 817 S l()th III Venia Thomas, jr., laborer, h 817 S tilth Venn John H .. elk Dept. ~Iines, Capitol, h 1520 \Valnut 7! Vennic Eugene, laborer, 'h 5114 South al ~! Vennic John. waiter, h 504 South al ' ,Vennie Joseph. laborer. h 504 South al Verheke Gertrude. milliner. :~34 ~1arket, h H2!l X 3d ,-VERBEKE MARION, elk city controller, h 113 Conoy ; Veres Ceorgc. laborer. h 1713 N 7th Veres George, jr., laborer, h 1713 N 7th Veres Paul, laborer, h 1713 ~ 7th Vering Ida Mrs., h 114 Mulberry Vering LeRoy. U. S. N., h 114 Mulberry Verner Edward, porter, 432 Market, 11 517 State Verner Margaret Mrs., h517 State Vernon Thos. R., asst sec Free Library Com., h 440 North Vickery Gilbert S., chief draftsman, h 405 S 13th

=-1 II,





HARRISBURG'A MO .. NI~~iz~d\~t.'Joogle


Vierick Henry L.. elk D~'pt. Economic Zoology, h 715 _.. Capital :; Vinson Edward L.. fireman. 11 HIl(; Uern'hill ~ \'iolitz Joseph, porter. :kl c ~[ulberry. h ~Io ~ \'isiting Xurse Association ..\. Lantz. ~upt, I:!] S 2d Vogel Edwin L.. machinist. h :nll lJerr =5 Vogel Samuel D., engr. h :nu lJerr U Vogler Frank, carpenter. h 7ii3 ~ 1!11 Voglcsong Frank E., ins agt. IIi ~ :!<1. h ~Iechanicsburg \'ogt Guy S., butcher, h lill!) Schuy:kill Vok JoseJ>'h. laborer. h ii:!:! Filbert Volk Edward H., salesman. h ~Oll~ Susql1l'hanna _ \'011 Reinhold. shoemkr. h wa:! ~ Cameron \'ollmer Christina, wid Charles F .. h ]]II~ X :!d c \'ol1mer Frank H .. upholsterer, :~:!1 ~[arket. h :!:!R Liberty Vollmer Harry :\ .. upholst crer. :!:~;) ~tatl'. 'h llH Liberty Vollmer ~Ian' ~I.. teacher. h 110~ X :!d Vonhauser Edward. \ .. carpenter. h :;1:1 S 14th (/) Vonhauser John P .. carpcntl'r. h 51:3 S 14th \' onX eida Frank ~I.. telq.~rapher. 7 ~ ~ :l!1, h State Capital 1I0tel l&J \'oor11ees Panl. a~st l'ngr, 11 X :!<l. h :!:!:!!I ~ 4th -I \'oorhees Theodore C. sale'man. h 107 Che~tnut C Yoorhce!' \\"iIIiam E .. engT. h :~:llia Hummel l&J \"orndran E, Inin. barhl'~. 11 :!S X iit11


Tea . ,

H M 1\ WElLEY CII CO'S -Black IllamoDd beD { ,10lIIfh .SI... . D. . ....... )'011 Deltt order. .....
Boyd's Harrisburg ('W) City Directory, 1908.

'i 44





l&J "-- - ------ -------- - --. ------ ---------Vorndran R. Harn-. barher. h .un "'alnut \'orndran Hichard:\ .. barher The Lochiel. 11 :!~ X 5th \'osolinski Thomas. junk. h Ii:!.! ~orth \'o\\, William. lahorer. 11 4Wi lIa,' \'l1cenic Jacoh. laborer. h 1117 S !lth





\Yachcndorier John. laborer. h 141ii :\Iaple \\'ac'ilter Earle C. !'alcsman. h 114 Locn:-t \\'achter Haryey. bar elk The Loc'iliel. h 14 ~ 4th \\'achter Lizzie: charwoman. 'h ~1I44 Hoa~ ~ \Yachtmann George. elk. h :I:!8 Hamilton u \Vac,htmann Robert E .. laborer. h Ii:!;) :\[ahantongo fit:! cr Waddell C. Roy. elk P... R. R .. h P. R.Kelker c1epot. h 655 Waddell Tone H. :'.Irs td opr R, pa~s z: Dauphin ~ \Vade Jefferson. carpenter. h 77 Disbrow IlII \Vade JO'hn L., machinist. h l:{:{~ Fulton U \Vade ~Ian' E .. wid \\"iIliam Foo h 1:~:::-; Fl1lton ,\Vade Sanluel, carpenter. h lillt Herr \Vade ~anll1cl. laborer. h 1:!:{5 Currant \Vads\\,ort';l Rohert R. fireman. h ;)lli Dallphin \Vagener (;t'org-e \\"oo lahoflor. 11 l5W Logan \Vagenheim Harry X .. gn)Cl'r. l1:!a S !Ith. 11 11:!1 do "'ag-er ,\nna Coo manicurist. :!]{I ~ :1<1. 11 ::1:\ Crescent

A B TACK} daMuwtUldIuarelIt. WorkdollelDaU1J11U"0 &elN.ad8&. Emplo" DOD. ba'lIral-Clau workmeD.beDCIIOD1~j I.UI '
Boyd's Harrisburg nV) City Directory, 1908.

Wager Ezra]., elk, 813 Market, h 421 S 15th ~. \Vager John 1\1., car inspector, h 313 Crescent Wager Margaret ~I., supervisor, 210 \Valnut, h 313 Cres- PI cent \\'aggoner Charles J., agt Prudential Ins. Co., h Lemoyne Waggoner Harry L., agt Prudential Ins. Co., h Lemoyne Wagner Albert, waiter, h 2 Haehnlen Wagner Albert J., engr, h 1fiaG ?'IJ 51'h \Vagner Anna L., housekeeper, 1733 ~ 4th Wagner Anna M., stitcher, h 25 Brady PI \\Tagner Arthur A., brakeman, h 1839 Derry Wagner Arthur W., salesman. 324 Market, h 1425 North Wagner August D., bar elk Hotel Russ, 'h 1504 Regina \Vagner Bessie. bunchmkr, h 152() Penn C) WAGNER BROS. BAKERY, August Rick, mgr, 627 B~ . Wagner Caroline, wid Ezra, h Market nr 12th Wagner Carrie E., wid Samuel P., h 1626 N 6th \;Vagner Catharine, wid Serell, h 222 Verbeke Wagner Catharine ~L, elk Div. Pub. Records,h 109 Calder \Vagner Charles, laborer, 'h 12 N" Cameron Wagner Charles \V., cigars and pool, 5th c Kelker, h 1626 i\ 6th \\Tagner Charles \V., conductor. h 1220 Swatara Wagner Claude G .. electrician, h 1505 Al1ison



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\Vagner 'Cora L., seamstress, 11 Hi2:3 N 5th \Vagner Daniel, flagman, 'h 120_Verbeke Wagner Edna E., teacher, h 109 Calder Wagner Edward L., barber, WOO ~ 6th, h 1626 do Wagner Edward M., carpenter, h 415 S 16th Wagner Elias, car repairer, h 1622 X 5th Wagner Elizabeth A., wid Jesse, h 2009 Moltke Wagqer Elmer, trucker, h 12'29 S 12th Wagner Elmer R.. mgr, 11 508 Emerald Wagner Elsie ~1. Mrs., dressmkr, 1504 Regina.. h do Wagner Emma Mrs., h 3:m Chestnut Wagner Frank A., carpenter, h 959 S 21st Wagner Frederick, h 511 State Wagner George, inspector, 227 Walnut, 'h 1233 NIulberry Wagner Hannah, domestic. 2 Aberdeen Wagner Harry, engr. h 1945 X 7th Wagner Harry n., elk, 1304 X 3d, h 21123 Green Wagner Harry E .. ironwkr, h 1mm ~ 3d \Vagncr Harvey. electrician, h 1022 ),Iarket Wagner Harvey. roller. h 162111 X 5th \Vagner Herman, elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 1217 N 6th \Vagner Hiram, glazier, h 12 X Cameron Wagner Hotel, (Alexander ),Iourer). 400-402 Forster Wagner Irene :\1., bookkpr, an X 2ll. h 714 Capital Wagner Jacob E., tin plat=-~._~~!)l0 X 5t'h







McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~n~r:.~r:.:! 306 I_

146 Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.
Jennie E .. h 7:)1 S :!lst John. HUG Forster John C, brakeman. h -l01; Boas John D., laborer. h Hi:!!) Swatara John H., cigars, lI;:m X 3d, h do John H., teamster, 'It W21i X /)th John S., conductor. h IOn Calder Joseph S ... driver. h 11:1 Hoerner Lester M., plumber. h 77 X 17th Lillian B., milliner. h 1:!-l2 Dailey ~Iabel A., elk. lU07 X :ld. h 714 Capital ~Iargaret ~lrs., h 1242 Bailey ~Iartin, laborer, h 12:!8 Herr ~Iary. wid George F .. h 2 Aberdeen ~lary. wid Jacoh. h lfi211t X 5th ~Iary :\., elk factory inspector,'h 121 South .\Iary A., roller. h 751 S 21st ~Iary A., wid Fre(lerick F" h 121 South ~Iary H" wiu Henry].. h 129 Verbeke ~Iatilda, weaver, h 162nt X 5th ~L Catharine, elk. h 109 Calder Minnie, h 511 State '\Iinnie E., wid Earnest, h 1146 Derry Xancy E., wid David FL,'h 95!l X 21st Olie. roller, h lIi2:1 X 5th Wagner \\'agner \Vagner \Vagner Wagner Wagner j~ \Vagner Wagner 'I .. \Vagner . = Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner \Vag-ner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner 'Wagner \Vagner Wagner Wagner Wagner



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\Vagner Otto. bookkpr, h ]1)8 Sylvan ter "Vagner Reuben L., ston~cutter. h 714 Capital Wagner Samuel C, flagman, h 192!) X 5th \~ragner Therese, domestic, 12;; X 4th \Vagner \" erna A., waitress. 3:34 ~larket, h 1623 N 5th \Vagner \\"arren A,. stereotyper Independent, h Lemoyne Wagner \\". Howard, foreman, h 5:~O Emerald \V agner William, assembler. h 120 \' erbeke Wagner WilJiam H., contractor, 7ill S 21st, h do \Vagoner Frederick F., cooper. h 11l/ili S Cameron Wagoner Joseph D., salesman. 'h 318 Verbeke Wagoner Jos. D., jr.. mail carrier P. R. R.. h 318 Verbeke Wagoner Katherine D., wid John W .. h !)11 N 6th Wag-oner Lionel 0., barber. !)UI S 9th, h 1066 S Cameron \Vag-oner Samuel R, machinist. h 1315 \Vallace Wagonseller Simon Co, elk Dept. Int. Affairs, h 24 S ~d "Vahl Frederick \Yo, brakeman, h 27 S 18th \Vahner Howaru, electrician Lunatic Hospital, h do \Yaid nartholomew D., patternmkr. h 423 S 14th Waidlic'h Karl X .. postal elk. h 1:{2H Kittatinny


WAITE WALTER 0., druggist, 824 N 6th, h 822 do Waizencg-ger \Yilliam. engr. h !IlH :!O~ WALBORN AARON, grocer. 638 Verbeke, h 1300 Wallace Walhorn Franklin E., laborer. h 1632t Walnut

A.DREW REDMOND} ~=::::=.i :;~~~i!i!~ b~td;~~'~'


L B. Tiel} IALL PlPlR e:!:~.::.:! 111001 SHIDES{M.~:' sa

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directpry, 1908.
'i 47

Walborn Roy E., elk, G38 Verbeke, h 1300 \Yallace Walburn Andrew j., flagman, h lIlO8 Hunter Walburn Irvin. brakeman, h aau S Hith 'Walburn Joseph H., conductor, h 1428 Swatara Walburn LelIa X., h 511 Race Walde Catharine, wid John C, h 1995 N 7th Walde Charles, laborer, h 199"5 X 7th Walde John, laborer, h 19!m N 7th Walden Edward C., stock elk, 312 ~1arket, h 60G Ohurch Waldorf Shoe Store, Charles O'Brien, mgr, 15 1\ 3d Waldschmitt Gustavus, elk, 11 ).; :3d, h 1624 Park Waldschmitt Joseph, shoemkr, 1Gt4 Park, 11 do Wales Frank, laborer, h 1115i Monroe Walford Charlotte, wid John, h 109 Cumberland Walfortl Elizabeth S., weaver. h 109 Cumberland Walhay Dale \V., flagman, 'h 1).;2:1 Swatara \Valhav ~Iaurice K., conductor. ';, au; Swatara Walk<len William. machinist. h l:t! Hanna Walkemeyer Bessie L., roller. h 555 S Frbnt Walkenleyer Florence, cigarnlkr, h 555 S Front Walkemeyer Fred R, foreman, h 555 S Front Walkemeyer Frederick R. jr., driver, h 555 S Front Walket'neyer Henry A., elk United Ice and Coal Co., h 549 S Front Walkendaffer Charles, laborer. h 15th c Driggs

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Walker Anna 0., stengr, 4118 :Market. h 1:t!5 Kittatinny Walker A1'thur, laborer,h 42 Lochiel 4th row Walker Calvin H., salesman, 223 Market, h 918 James Walker Dean F., bookkpr, 10th eState, h 15 S 17t'h Walker Elizabeth F. L., masseuse, Hl7 Chestnut, h do Walker Elizabeth J .. wid William, 'h 2112 S 13th Walker George, bridge builder, 11 225 Mulberr~' \Valker Harr" E., hostler, h 1216 Cowden Walker Harry M., carpenter. h 18:10 Penn Walker Jame"s H., laborer, h 48'S S Cameron Walker James H., jr., laborer, h 43~ ~ Cameron Walker J. Merrill, draftsman. h 34:3 Crescent Walker John L., policeman, h 1208 X lith Walker John R Rev., h 410 South Walker John v"., pumpman, h 17!!S 1\ lit'll vValker Toshua C. waiter. h 4 Haehnlen Walker kate, charwoman. '11 214 l\I ulberry Walker Laura .1 .. domestic. 929 N mh Walker LeRoi A .. salesman. 1300 ~Iarket, h 1265 Bailey Walker Lucy, wid Richard. h 511 ~ 51'h Walker Mary]., wid George. h7(1:~ State Walker 1'\athan R, brakeman. h 12K l:~th Walker 1\ elson A .. draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 111 N 17th Walker Nelson \V., houseman. :!1I11 ?'>; ad, h do

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H M KELLEY aCO. {_ l i dIt.a. ....... P. t ... 111'1....



Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.





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Walker Sallie, wid Jacob K., h 1335 Kittatinny Walker Sara'll J., domestic, :!Ol1 N 3d Walker Taylor, laborer, 'h 113 Cowden Walker William, waiter, h 642 Briggs Wall Annie M., elk, :!:!'j" Walnut, h 416 do Wall Garret S., student, h 90S N 2d \Vall Hartville S., telegrapher, 'h 27 N 15th Vall John, watchman, Herr clOth, h 416 Walnut WALL JOHN G., hotel, N W c Cumberland and Wallace, h do \\'all J. Sutton, chief draftsman Dept. Int. Affairs, h 908 N 2d Wall Laurence E., student, h 9US N 2d \Vall Richard, asst machinist Lunatic Hospital, h do Wall Ric'hard J., dentist, 709 N 6th, h d o ' '. "raIl Thomas ~I., conductor, h 222 Chestnut Wall William H., plumber, h 1120 Wallace Wallace Charles W., motorman, h 2127 Moore Wallace Cloyd c., collector, h 222 Herr' \Vallace D. Ewing, painter, h 2032 Berryhill \Vallace Earl, brakeman, h 1524 \Vallace Wallace George ~1., painter, h 53:.! Woodbine \Vallace Horace 1\-1., conductor, h 567 Forrest 'Wallace George \V. B., laborer, h 1925 Fulton Wallace James E .. laborer, h 1:1:12 :\Iayflower

~ GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U6 I, 3d St. U . Wallace James F., conductor, 'h 2164 N 7th _ \Vallace John c., student, h 533 Woodbine









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Wallace John :\1., elk, 432 Market, h 807 East \\'allace Joshua, hostler, h 1124 Hickory Wallace Julia E., wid Andrew J., h 1332 Mayflower Wallace ~label E .. wid George W., 'h 1914 State Wallace Martha J., waitress, h 1332 Mayflower Wallace :\fary M., wid John F., h '533 Woodbine Wallace )'Iary X., inspecto{, h 2Hi4 X 7th Wallace Richard, laborer, h 1828 Hickory Wallacli Robert B., lawyer, 16 X 2d, h 214 Pine Wallace Robert W., teamster, h 1524 Wallace Wallace S. Claire, stengr, h 134 X 13th Wallace Stuart G., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 567 Forrest WALLACE THOMAS L., soliciting agent P. R. R. and N. C. Railway and Empire, Union and Anchor Transportation Lines, also mgr Harrisburg Transfer Co., P. R. R. freight office, ft 3d, h 214 Pine "Vallace \Valter L.. conductor. 11 2257 N 6th Wallace Warren W., machinist, h 1511 Wallace Wallace William, driver, h 120S Penn Wallace William H., conductor, h :n:l~ 1'.loore Wallace, see Wallis Waller Jacob, h 1102 Market \Valler Laura, housekeeper. 1102 :\Iarket

"t::':~h:;O:=C;; ~OII P. 0lIl1lIII01 SbUdeSUoi A. B. TACK .1~~..

Boyd's Harrisburg- ('V) City Directory, 1908. 749 Waller ~lary A., wid Reuben R, h 1518 X 5th WALLER & SEEL. (William E. Seel), wholesale liquors, 319 Market Wallis Bros., (Ralph ~I. and R Earl), livery, Haehnlen c Prune WALLIS COAL CO., Frank J. Wallis, mgr, coal and wood, 7 S 4th Wallis Frank]., mgr, 7 S 4th, h 205 Hummel Wallis Jean M., stengr, Crescent c :\lulberry, 'It Penbrook Wallis Ralph M., (Wallis Bros.), 'h 237 Hummel Wallis R Earl: (Wallis Bros.), h 235 Hummel Wallis William, printer, 11 2:!!.I S 15th Wallon Laura, wid John, h 1249 ~lonroe Wallower Aaron, h 424 Cumberland Wallower Chas. S., asst yardmaster P. R R.. h 314 Maclay Wallower Ohristian L., painter, h 1206 Fulton Wallower Clarence 1., elk, h 20H Calder Wallower Cyrus L., tollman, h 114 Locust Wallower Edgar Z., student, h 410 X 3d WaIIower Edward A., asst foreman P. R. R., h 1741 N 6th Wallower E. Z., pres Hbg. Light, Heat and Power Co. and People's Bridge Co. and Mt. Holly Brick and Clay Co., h 410 N 3d Wallower George B., molder, 11 435- Strawberry

MILLER BROS. & BAKER} ~~~t,~~-:'~~IE

Wallower John H., foreman, h 314 ~Iaelay Walfower John J .. flagman, 'h 81ll East Wallower l\Iary Mrs., h 908 Capital Wallower Robert F., tankhand, 'h .n j Cumberland Wallower Samuel A., carpenter, h 328 Reily Wallowcr William A., student, h 258 Verbeke Wallower William H., brakeman, h 1236 Bailey Wallowcr William S .. engr, h 258 Verbeke WALLOWER WILLIAM W., county commissioner, Court House, and circulating mgr Star-Independent, h 306 Chestnut Walls Carrie M., domestic. 1007 X 2d Walls Rose, wid John, h 1850 North Walls William P., ins agt, 16 ~ 2d. h Shiremanstown Walmer Annie :\1., wid Joseph. h 1242 Bailey Walmer Carrie, roller, h 24 Balm Walmer Charles E., elk P. :R. R., h Paxtonia Walmer Edith M., teacher, h 115 N 13t'h Wallller E. LeRue. p'hysician. 112 X l~th, h do Walml'r Henry. carpenter. h 24 Balm Walmer Howanl C. sall-sman. 11:l ~ 2<1. h l:n~ Walnut \i\'almer Israel. jr .. laborer. 'h Il:!!1 (;rape Walmer ~1artin L.. checkman P. R. R .. h Pcnhrook Walmer :Vlary A .. wid Israel. h 10()4 Fox Walmer Mar)' E., h 1242 Bailey
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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.



AL ER 0 ., ha ess, run , & ., 24 3, h 115 N 13th 1m Sa uel ,cl km P. . RIP bro Walmer William W., storekpr C. P. T. Co., h Xew Cumb'd It ni ., ver 13 Ve on \\' alt Charles E., laborer, h 1J6() "ernoll W It \lay, ftch . h 13HO \" rno It tcr ., e r, 36 "en Walter ..-\. Roscoe: student, h 1317 X 3d Ite Ch es dr sm h 4 C tin WAL TER CHARLES P., alderman, agent for monum t, vin cu 'ng uil 'ng d sh st e, 44 St ,h \Valter Clara E., dressmkr, h 814 Green alte Ed ,b he I 4 St \\talter Edgar \V., steelwkr, h !J33 S :!lst "alte Fr 'Iin ~., b 'be 1 4 5t alter George '., b acksmtth, h fi14 L urtlll \Valter Grace, saIeo;ladv h '>'31 Kelker AL ER A Y ,p sid ,s U. pe on amining board and surgeon p, R. R., 1317 N 3d, h do alt Ha ,G lIca (i16er nd S e, h 0 \\ alter 1. Belle, h 131. :-.J 3d Walter Isabella L w'd Will" 111 C h - n X ')d alt J ac ,h 3 S te nu. Qft.....Dt aad S ..... - ~1IfI .."
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Walter J. Elmer, bookkpr Lunatic Hospital h do ait Jer lial ., I 14 eell Walter Joseph H., carpcnter, h 2;~a ~ 15th "alt Mo '5, de h 1 7 ~ cI alter 2\' ettIe, h _.36 S 13fil Walter Kora S. h 141' S ad alt Ra S, tud t, I 'n 7 3c \Valter Ross S .. motorman, b :nti Clinton alt Sa el as for an R "h n Ike Walter Wliham R .. dentist, 704 X :Id, h !lI5 do Walt AI" e, \.' W ste "" -OB Ca ron alt _11 ar, vid avi, 11:.. -! t umme \Valters Catharine A" wid Jacob, h -1~5:3 Derry alt C les "e tri n, 25 21 Walters Charles S,' laborer, h 2010 State Talt Did, al pre lR Ft n, do aite E mer "edge setter, h 723 S _1st Walters George laborer, h 1942 Derr alt G rge ., t ols er, 15' Th ps Walters George E" heel scourer, h 725 S 21st alt G rge ., ckl er, 25 1 \Valters Gertie, h 106 Cowden Walters Harry A ci ars, 339 R 'Iy, h do aU H ry ,h ste, h 9. 5th Walters Harry M., expressman, h 1500 Berryhill

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.1. B. TACK} Wall Pap.r and ~Indow Shades {l:l~:'-::~

Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Di,rectory, 1908. 7;:;1 Walters Henry H., carpenter, h 1528 Thompson Walters Irvin F., bookkpr, ';1 H::l5 Camp Walters James T., county detective. 2Hi 1Iarket, h 591 S Front Walters John \V . brakeman, h 1516 Hunter Walters Levi. h 6112 Boas Walters ~largaret, wid John, 'h 234 X 15th Walters Marv H., h 333 :\laclav Walters Mile's, brakeman. h 54' X 12th Walters Minnie Mrs., h 2212 i\ 6th Walters Philip c.. elk Sec. Commonwealth, h 808 Capital Walters Ray N., laborer, h 1528 Thompson . Walters Robert, laborer, h 1243 1Ionroe 'Walters Roy A., printer Independent. h 410 Hamilton Walters Samuel A., draftsman P. R. R., h 2300 N 6th Walters \V. Frank, sec and treas, 10th bel State, 'h Camp Hill Walters William, h 3:l3 Maclav Walters William M . flagman,h 4111 Reily Walton Edgar, elk Telegraph, h Ifill; Penn Walton Edgar A., conductor, h 52S Camp Walton Edgar W., letter carrier, h 1607 Penn Walton Edward c., laborer. h 606 Church Walton Edward K., flagman, h 1521a X 3d Walton Frank :Yl., car inspector, h 645 Calder

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\Valton Harry H., patternmkr, h 1946 Derry \Valton Havard, engr, h 622 Peffer Walton John H., h 907 N 6th Walton \len'in H .. electrician. h 16117 Penn 'Walton Samuel \L repairsman. h 1240 Thompson Walton William A., machinist, h 1932 Kensington Walton Wm. R., artis~ Div. Zoology, Capitol, h 810 N 18th Waltz Alfred M., laborer, h 1725 N 7th. \Valtz Charles H., laborer, h 1828 North \Valtz Frank W., watchman, h 636 Herr Waltz John H., driver, h 1725 N 7th Waltz Mabel, stengr, 45 Union Trust bldg, h 1828 North \Valtz Oliver 0., motorman, h 2039 Boas Waltz Oscar E., pressman, h 1725 N 7th Waltz Ross D., helper, h 1423 N 6th \ Walz F. Eugene, h 125 N 4th Walz Ida M., teacher, h 125 N 4th Walzer Anna 'M., teacher, h 1803 N 2d Walzer Annie S., elk, h 18,'l'i Fulton Walzer Emma Mrs., milliner. 2; S 2d, h 2~1 N 3d Walzer John A., laborer, h 2.'H GlarIes Walzer John W., drover, h 1803 ~ 2d \Valzer Luther N .. foreman. h 1~1l3 X 2(1 \Valzer Luther \V., conductor. h :;011 X :M \Valzer Martin L.. hrakeman. h HHI:'o\ Creen

TH E PATRIOT'S :::..i.~:Nr;.~;. Ie uuog

46 Digitized by

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Boyd's Harrisburg (". ) Clty Directory, 1908.

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lzcr arr elk, ~o: ':!d Izer 'illi L.. che. 1~: : ult \Vampkr Danner A.,. tinsmith, h 1~14 ~orth 'nan er 'nie sa ad} :n. 'aup nan er lian. rive. 14 r01 YVanamaker William, jr,. driver. h 1411 }lonroe 'nha 1 A ~I Ies ',1:. N; h 1 nha 1 A 1\1 id \ iam, 1na :!d Wanbaugh Bailey H .. h :!:{6 Hamilton 'nba 1 C IV . tud . h - I) ~ nba ~ Carin vid i. h 11 m Wanbaugh Edward L.. laborer, h 1111 Plu111 \V nba h E , WI ~ew 1 1H ., Pen nba h G g-e h 1 ~ Wanbaugh Landis M" actor. h 1!1:l9 ~ :!d W nba' h L 's T rak n. ~Il~) nn nba .. 1 L ooe " fo lan dep ent. leysburg \V nba h M i alt bra an, ')(j!) ~ ler nha 1 S lel abo hlP Wanbaugh William C. student, h 1516 N :!d \\. nse Tame R" I b rer, 1154 SCan n




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ntz org E,. ftsn F. d} \Vo ,h Chnton Wanzer Tames E., butler. h 41~ South rtl lie lall e5S. i 14 ith \\ anI lelia. WId Andrew, h t.\;j Short Ward Damon. waiter h 135 Short rd nk flor h 1 \0\; tit Ward George \Y., fireman, h 437 SlOth \Vard Harr", driver, h 109 Tanner rd rry , cl 15 Val \\ ard Howard G., fireman, h 195.... N 7th Ward James P., engr, h 519 Maclav rd nA ., \\ er, I 5S t \\ard John C, 1I1S agt, 4 S 2d, h 1518 Walnut 'Ward Lloyd S., expressman, .till Chestnut, h 1427 Zarker rd rtin e 1. tper or R. pass atio h 42 ~ l:lt Ward Raymond, laborer. h 21lti S Court rd ber , in I, 3 T 3( 218 fte ard 'Illiam d., eng-r, h 4-1 HamIlton .Q \Varden Benina Mrs., 'h :l28 Hamilton rele 'aro e G, d T exa r, h I} H w arden atharme " steilgr, h 1. _:\' 6th . Z; \Varden Elizabeth. 'wid Sa;""uel. h till North rde Geo \V, )or 1 r Re o


I. L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240IlarkltSfnIt :rO( .e



Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.
Warden Warden Warden \Varden Warden

\Varden William, carpenter. h 160~ Penn Z \Varden. see \Vorden Ware Lloyd H., engr, h 424 S 15th PI Wareham Jennie, forelady, 414 State, h 102 N 2d lJ Wareham Mabel G., stengr, 227 Walnut, h 207 Calder Wareham Milton Y., elk P. R. R.. h 207 Calder Warfel Harve\", brakeman. 'h :312 Granite C) Warfel Walter C. brakeman, h 17 S 15th Warfield Albert A., canvasser. h 12 S 12th (') Warfield George W., mail elk, h 12 S 16th \Varlow Marv R.. student, h 41 N 17th Warlow Thomas A . postal elk, h 41 N 17th \Varlow Warren F .. elk Water Supply Commission of Pa., h 41 N 17th ~ Warner Alice Mrs., laundress, It 1202 Bailey ~ \Varner Charles. laborer. h 15114 Thompson 8 Warner David E .. laborer. h lOl!) S 2H lift \Varner Earl A .. student. h 121 Herr 0 Warner Edgar. driver, h 1202 Bailey ~


(;eorge W .. letter carrier, h 202 Herr 1"1 J. Edward, molder, h 311 Reily John M., evangelist. h 1912 N 6th 1ft Priscilla. h 933 Susquehanna VI Samuel ~IcC. special delivery messenger P.O., h



-t 0


MILLER BROS. & BAKER} "'=~b~~-::'~T. ~

\Varner Elmer E., canc\\'mkr. h 1222 \Valnut Warner Grace K., bookkpr. h 216 Reily \Varner Grace R.. bookkpr. :l:l-l ~Iarket. h 519 Muench \Varnt'r Harolrl S .. student, h 1412 State \Varner Harry E .. drug elk. 1276 ~Iarket. h ll~l N Summit \Varner Isabella. wid William. h 1211 N Front Warner Jacob, laborer. h 61~ X ad \Varner J. ,-\Ibert. baggagemaster, h 121 Herr \Varner Tames A .. laborer. h 1-l02 \'ernon \Varner john. laborer. h a:17 Chestnut Warner Lucy. housekeeper. 14ft! Vernon \Varner ~Iaf\' E .. wid Lawrence 1\1.. h :i1!) ~Iuench \Varner Oliver, fireman. h 121 Vine WARNER-QUINLAN ASPHALT CO., Charles E. Covert, state agt, Perry G. Hyde, supt, asphalt paving, 9th c Herr Warner Reuben A., laborer, h 113 N Summit Warner Samuel M .. laborer, h 1402 Vernon "Vlarner William. laborer, h 91~ Grand Warner William H .. mgr, :l:U :\farket, h 1412 State \Varren Oara, domestic. 106 Christie's ct Warren Daniel H .. laborer, h 1528 N nth \Varren George \V., blacksmith. h 141:l N 6th \Varren Grant. laborer. h 106 Christie's ct \Varren Henry C. laborer. h ]26 Liberty





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:::: ~::;- McNEIl'S COLD TABLETS !: ~:..".:~;



Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.

o o

\Varrcn Jourdan. laborer, h 106 Christie's ct \Varren Katie C. domestic, 1007 K Front \\'arren Lloyd E., laborer, h 337 Chestnut Warren l\Iargarct. wid James. h 116 S River \Varren Martha. domestic, 106 Christie's ct Warren William, laborer, h 106 Christie's ct Wase Edwin B., music dealer, 11115 :\ ad, h 1538 N 6th Washburn Charles M .. policeman. Capitol. h 232 K 14th \Vashington Andrew C. waiter, h 214 Cranberry \Vashington Annie. wid Jesse. h 412 \Yalnut \Vashington Caroline Mrs., h 1117 Cameron \Vashington Carrie. domestic, 223 X Front Washington Catharine, wid Edward. h 1144 Cumberland Washington David. laborer, h 1249 ~ronroe Washington Edward. waiter, h 510 State Washington Elizabeth, wid Soney, h law )'Jonroe \Vashington FI(Jrence, wid Henry, h 711 Xorth al 'Yashington Frank, hod carrier. h 215 X Rh'er \Vashington Frank. stonemason. h 523 \\'est \Vashington Frank H., asst me!'senger Dept. Public C;rounds and Buildings. h 327 S 14th Washington George. laborer. h 707 Korth al Washington Henrv. laborer, h 511 N 5th \\'ashington Hester E .. charwoman, h 142() Fulton \\'ashington House, John A. Brougher, propr, 517 \Valnut

TIIIIIIUlDty II. Sir.., Co. 'C.~{--==='::...'r-!:a. }~~~4

'Vashington Wks Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington W ashington Washington 14th "Tashington Washington 'Vashington Washington 'Va!'hington James, laborer, h S Cameron bel Typewriter James A., porter, h 4:~3 South al Tames E . laborer. h 1822 Swatara john, driver, h 433 South al Laura ~Irs .. h 426 North al ;\Iamie L. )"Irs .. h r 1130 X Front ]\fary, domestic, 18 Cowden :Mary. wid William. h 1a28 William ~Iary E .. domestic, h un x 13th Nathaniel ]., salesman. 204 Walnut, h 303 S



Norman, laborer, h 18 Cowden Robert, butler, h :~27 S 15th Robert. laborer. h 4:{:{ SOllth al Sallie, wid Alexander. h lllHi Calder Solomon. hod carrier. 11 11111.; Calder \\~a!'hington Thomas, lahorer. h 142~ ~Iarion 1.1 \\"ashington \\"alter. laborer. h 17] Inclian III \\'ashington \Yilliam H., restaur~llt. 11121 !\ 7th. h 1310 III:: l\:I onroe ~ \Va~son Charles H., huckster, h 515 ~eneca III "'asson Da\"id C.. foreman F. and i\f. Works, h 515 Seneca ~ Wasson Howard ]., machinist, h 1:\ Evergreen \Vater :-\npply Com. (,f Pa., ThomCi~ J. Lynch. sec, Capitol

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND J~ilndilJ~tll


B TACK r PNeooiDIl 1Iak. . aBuUdlDII1I1Dor TIIlta {I. '. If. . . II&. l 8pedalty PlaiD P.bUe KaUJDat.eeGl_
Boyd's Harrisburg (\V) City Directory, 1908. 7Ii!)

\Vaterlmry Wm. H.,(Capital City Repair Co,), h 119 North \\'aters Calvin, laborer, h 4:U :\orth al \Vater~ Charles, driver, h 4:14 :\orth al \Vaters E. II, Co., Inc., E, H. "Vaters, pres, sec and genl mgr: C C Craig, head treas: shoe mfrs, 1420 'Wyeth \\~ater:; Evan 11.. pres, sec and genl mgr E. H. \Vaters Co., Inc., h 17()4 Green Waters George \Y . foreman, h ~29 Say ford vVatiord Lewis, waiter, h ~1!1 Calder Watkins Charles, laborer, h 1204 :\ 12th \Vatkins Clarence, porter, h 112 Short Watkins Elizabeth Mrs., h 1244 Kittatinny Watkins Frank E .. dentist, 304 Reily, h do \Vatkins George II., inspector P. R. R. pass depot, h 210 Kelker Watkins Gwilvm, elk. h 1244 Kittatil1nv Watson Addie c. ?lIrs .. h 1249 Kittatirll1Y Watson Albert R., elk P. R. R., h 6:36 c.ilder \Vatsol1 Amy M., teacher, h 1803 N 3d Watson Annie 1\1.. wid James D., h 636 Calder vVatson Blanch ~lrs .. h 411 Market . \\'atson Charles ]., salesman, h 1419 :\Iarket Watson Daniel L., elk, h 1421 N 6th Watson Elmer J.. elk, h 1417 Penn

5 :a

i= CI


z ~ ,....






~=::~Harrisburg Sayings and Loan ASln.~ ~= ~ Watson Ernest L., supervisor of signals P. R. R., h 1331 <
Berrvhill Wats0n Frank ~\J., engine hostler, h !l27 :\ 6th \\'atsol1 George C, brakeman, h 1521 Vernon \-\-'atson George \\'" conductor, h 15112 ~ 6th \Vatson Harry S., expressman, h 1803 ~ 3d Watson Helen E., dressmkr, h ]502 N 6th \Vatson Henrietta. wid Thomas, h 4:36 S Cameron Watson John W., laborer, h ]5()2 N 6th Wat!>on kate I. Mrs .. domestic, 27th c Derry Watson Pauline. salesladv, 1!!19 N ~d. h'6:ln Calder Watson Robert 'Ill., investment securities, 14 S 2d, h 204 N 2d Watson Sarah A.,.dressmkr, h 415 Herr Watson Thomas, janitor, h 12 ~ !!cl Watson William T., lahorer, h 1905 Hickory Watt George F.,. gcnl mgr Elliott-Fis'her Co., h 1624 N 2d Wattaul C;corge, laborer, h 1004 Cowden Wattaul :\Ian. weaver, h 1004 Cowden Watts Alexander, charmanCapitol, h 503 South Watts Andrew, barber, h 1625 N 3d Watts Anna E., domestic, 1419 K Front \Vatts Arthur C, fireman, h ~28 Peffer Watts David, C\k. h 3d cReel's la Watts Elsie, cigar roller, h 1520 Penn Watts Finley K., salesman, 11 330 Peffer

= ra



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H. II. KELLEY" cO.}Dmces. :~-::.~~::r~{COAL AND WOOD

Watts Frederick W., salesman, h 2103 Derry \Vatts Galen W. S., postal elk, h 259 Cumberland _ Watts Hannah, domestic, 412 Soutl1 ~ \Vatts Irma A., asst cataloguer State Library, h Island :5 Park ~ Watts James ]., ironwkr, h 101li Paxton .: \"latts Lester i\., printer, h Island Park J!! 'Watts Margie, domestic, 428 Cranberry ~ Watts Marian B. C, wid David, h 3d c Reef's la Watts Robert V., mail elk, 11 201 S 18th Watts Robert W., machinist, h 508 Reily Watts ,Samuel A., h Island Park Watts Shirley B., collector, 210 Walnut, h Island Park Wauntz George E., draftsman F. and M. Works, h 30~ :E Clinton Way Kate, cook, 1000 N 3d (J) Wayne Annie xl. ~lrs., h 1 N 9th Wayne William F., craneman. h 1 K 9th Weakley Bruce, postal elk, h 413 Briggs Weakley Building. 7 N 2d ~ Weakley Charles S .. (c. S. vVeakley & Co.), h 1517 N 2d Weakley C S. & Co., real estate, ins and rents. rooms 201204 Patriot bldg. 11 N 2d Wealand Frank. conductor. h 1251 Bailev \V ealand John elk, h 1829 Berryhill -



Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.

o o c



z o



iii: \\'

Weand Hiram B., painter, h 212 Reily Weary Morris 0., watc'hman, 334 Market, h 347 Crescent \Veast George B., tinning and furnace work, 1018 Market, h 1701 Park Weast Ralph, tinsmith, It 1701 Park Weatherby Joseph, electrical engr, h 2015 )J 2d Weathers John, driver, h 1820 Swatara Weaver Alfred \V., engr, h 1938 Fulton Weaver Alvin M., carpenter, h 182() Xorth ,..J Weaver Anna E., elk, 1607 ~ 6th, h do Weaver Barton W., elk Aud. Geors Dept .. h 602 Briggs \Veaver Benjamin G., foreman, 'h 5:18 Violet aT u 'Weaver Bruce. laborer, h 319 Cumberland Q Weaver Calvin. carpenter, h 1611 Derry IE Weaver Charles, laborer. h 1606 Logan C \Veaver Charles. plumber, h 2120 N 3d (;I;J 'Weaver Charles A., car inspector. h 647 \'crheke U Weaver Charles H., elk P.O., h Hi22 Penn vVeaver Charles R.. lather. h 5i'i~ Forrest Q Weaver Christina, h 328 Cherry 1&.1 \\" caver Cora E .. clomestic. 9n4 1\ 2c1 .... \\'eaver CYrus Fl., electrician, h 321 Verbeke eaver Eclith. shoe opr. h 1643 Market Q Weaver Edward D., brakeman, h 1626t Wallace Weaver Edwin F., genl agt, 18 X 3d, h 15:t5 Hunter

< o

l L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240Ilarklntrllf
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At B. TACK =,~::llou PODer ond IIndOI Sb0d88 r.l~\~~R

Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.
\\'eaver \Vean'r \Veawr \Veayer \Veaver Wea\'er Wean'r \\'eaver Weaver \\"eaY('r \Yean'r \Veaver \Veaver \\'t'ayer \\' eaver Weaver "Veaver \Veaver "Veanr \\'eavcr VV caver Wea\'er Weaver \Veaver \V ('a'vcr


Elizabeth C. (Iomcstic. 711l': ~ 6t)1 Elizalwth F . bUllchmkr. h l:W Paxton Ellen, wicl George. h 821 SlOth Emma ~lrs., housekeeper. lia7 Forster Eva, tailoress, h 11:~9 Derry EYa I.. bookkpr. 1:!117 Capital, h 5;!:~ Curtin Fannie. housekeeper. 1711 l\ 5th Frank T .. car inspector. h aw Hummel. Frederick \V., elk 1'. R. R.. h Penbrook C;eorgl" salesman. h :!1 Cowden (;eorge F . brahman. h 5111 Calder George H .. card writer. h 4411 Delaware (;eorge H., h Ifill Penn (~eorge R. cahinctmkr. h 41~ Forster (;corge R, lahorer, h 8:U S tilth Ceorge \V . laborer, h 171111 ;\; l:!th Hannah. wid John :\1.. h lli:H Logan Harriet ~I., wid lohn L.. h 5;")~ Forrest Harry. lahorer. II :!:!1;") Jefferson Harrv. teamster, h HiII5 ?\ 5th Harry E., painter. h :!IIn l\ 7th H. Creswell. (\V. n. \Veaver & Son). h :!1:!2 N 3d H. Cyru~. ins agt. jot X :!d. h :l46 S 13th Helen E . telephone opr. h :UII Hummel Jacob. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

MILLER BROS.l BAKER} ~~~t:,~~::;'~~1I:

Weaver vVeaver \Veaver \Veaver \Veaver \\"eaver \Veaver \\I'eaver Wt'aver Weaver \\'eaver \\'eawr Jennie E . cigarmkr. h 2m 9 X 6th John F . printer. h 1:!1I Paxton Tohn H .. brickmkr. h 5:;8 Forrest )01111 H .. car inspector. h 1:U5 Bartine lohn H .. fireman. h 1:U17 S Cameron )ohn P .. l'onductor. h ;);):! \\'oodbine John S., grocer. HiII7 X lith, h do Tohn S., heater, h ;);)1 \Voodbine John S .. (Weaver & Hubley). h :!1I5 Pine Jonarilan, elk. h !It:! SHit Jost'ph. laborer. h 17110 X 12th Joseph B., mailer Telegraph. h 1:!7 Pine \~'f'a\,l'r Joseph F .. private sec. h 119 Canoy \\'eaVf'r Joseph .T .. asst stationmaster P. R R. depot, h . 1:!7 Pine \Veaver J. \\"('s\t'\', district wire chief, :!lCI \\'alnut, h 1611



\-Veawr L. ..hers. student. h :!1:!1l X :M \Veaver Lou: wid C. Edward. h 441i Delaware \Veawr Lucy. houst'heper. !I:!:~ Rose \~:('a\'er Lucy :\1.. wid (;eurge F .. ,ir .. h fill7 Boas \i\T ean'r :\Ian'. scamstr('~~. h fi-l:! Bonl \V e:n'er :\[ar~. ~Cal1lstfl~~. h HI)oo: X '7th Wean'r \Iar\'. wid Daniel. h :m :\ l:tth Weaver ~[ar)' E .. elk. 1:m-l X :hl. h l:n5 Bartine
O...T F1o:rd BI". MONEY ADVANCED} D....."vanTLOA.. {lit",......Jl.~ I AlIa .. c:u. ~
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LrOog e


ris g ( ) C y Directory, 08.


Weaver \fary E, quiller, h <)'')3 R ... ave ary ,ro ,h M rry 'II~ Weaver Mattie, wid \\,iIIiam. h li28 Primrost' llIe Wave lVIiles ude h 3 Hun I Jl ave ilto ore 1, 1 ;\ .h 8*


. WEAVER NILES L., druggist and P. O. station No. 15. -: 2300 N 6t h do

.. 0 -III:

ave sca ., bema I 1! Ful \Veaver Pearl M., seamstress, h 9113 N :ld ~ Wave Phili atch n, ? :'vla t. h '')'l R ~ ave icha H., ter rier 152 enn \Veaver Robert H., car repairer. h 558 Forrest Weave Ross F elk h HOB 'J :kl ave aIo dom ic she ous z \Veaver Samuel C. laborer, h 18illl Boas oC Weaver -;ara R elk ~tate H' hw - Dep 120 ::!d ave lsa '. w Albe h 1 Gr z Weaver V. :\Iilton, (\Veaver & Stewart). h 1418 }Iarket . . Weaver Warren O.,(W. 0 Weav' & S ) h:2" N ave 'illi c., ef c 1ac stre reig stat a: h 2016 ~ 6th LL.I \V('aver William F., car re ain'r, I '"11 C "de! ave Tilli J.. elk 12. '[ar Weaver \V. O. & Son, (W. O. and H. C.), architects", 14

S "d

-an...' ... 'heSUlrlnly Ind Sarely Co SCRt.1&, { f.II1I1 ..., ., eN"IC" 'E

1 Security Tl'Wlt nundt. .


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a\,e Ht y, ( . \\ ver A. Hu v), fec ners, _ N. "Yea,,('r & Stewart. (V. l\Ii!ton \Y t'avcr and James L. St rt), Ide )22 rke ehb larles " flagman. h 2:n.1 ~ 6th \Yehh Charles S .. laborer. h 1:1:H Fulton hI> vto .. el ICta 1;{4 lilt \ ehb '..d~vard. laborer, h 16_1 Apncot Wehh Crant. elk, h M N 10th bh rac , cI R. pas 'pot l:la uIto ehh Jos(phme. buyer. :ns :'Ilarket. h 2.}!) Xnrth Webb Louis, lahorer. h 1621 .-\pricot Cl'. lest 7 i-J 011t hi, (hh . a tthe\\. laborer. h 1 ._1 .-\pncot \Vehh Richard. coachman. h :W:ti X Frollt bh S 1\ firer , h :\ 1 _hill' .Iher "\., la)orer, 1 (l~i l1mbcrand Wehher John :\1., laborer, h 41:~ ~tatc hhe Hal' S .. d gel 111 -a( 101 0 her . Idr.. . lab _ . h.). I X ameron \V chr ChariesR.. salesman. h WI} SYlvan ter - her arcl E., okk h 1 ~ylv ter hn ~ Iwil " m cial. 1a 2d "-(:her Elizal)eth. housekeeper. h U~S Susquehanna - ber ~ len ste . fi Val h han hur


F ... Fine call on ~ BARNJo:s8. Seleetton of

AND R WRED M0NO {3d Ind Rill, Sts. E




1. B. TACK} F'N~lto~~A~.~~~..~ol~~ER{J21610nD TIIIId_

Boyd's Harrisburg nV) City Directory, 1908.
Weber Weber 'Weber W(;ber Weber Weber Weber Weber \Veber


Ethel, governess, 105 K Front Frank, line foreman, 227 \\'alnut, h 1117 N 7th Fred W., musician. h 136 S 2d George A., pressman, It 31~ Hummel Joseph N., genl agt, h 160 Sylvan ter :.\Iary, wid \Villiam. h 1428 Susquehanna :.\Ian E., wid William H., h 2404 N 6th Xel1le R, tel opr P. R. R., h 24114 ~ 6th Ottilie ~frs., manicure, 118 S 2d, h 1:16 do Web~r Ralph B .. U. S. N . h 2404 ~ 6th Weber Samuel C. check man P. R R, h 160 Sylvan ter ,V cher W. Frederick, musician, h 1a6 S 2<1 'Veber William, messenger, h 5:17 ~ Cameron Weber William F .. music teacher, 1:~6 S 2d, h do Weber William H., watchmkr, 206 ~Iarket. h 1428 Susq. Webner Louisa. wid Simon. h 109 ~ 1!lth Webster Amelia, charwoman, h ll:n ?\ tameron \Vehster Charles c., heater, h 21!l4 N 5th Webster David L.. engr, h 21:34 'K 5th \V(h~tl'r (;eorge A .. carpenter, h 202fi Green VVebster Tacob D .. conductor. h 25~ Cumberland 'Vehster john H .. carpenter, h 9():~ Shaonis Webster :.\lary V., wid George W . h 50!) Kelker Webster Maud B., garmentmkr. h 21:34 N 5th Webster Ralph L., fireman, h 2026 Green


2 -I

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=-II'~M~~} Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn.~



\Villiam. laborer. h 18 Cowden Wedlock Ella, domestic, 22:~ ~ front Weeher Charles P .. motorman, h 5:;1 Race Weeher William McK., machinist. h 1!l2fi Susquehanna Weeks Douglass, laborer, h r 512 ~ 5th \V eck~ ~amuel. hoc;tler. 11 fi08 Schmlkill Weeks Wil!iam, h r 512 ~ !)th . Wehkr Estella M .. h 12 ~ 2d '\Tehler. sec \\'heeler Wehline Harry A., fireman. h 216 Verbeke Wehling- Frederick W .. carpenter, h 216 Verbeke \\rehlin~ Henry. foreman. h 21G Verbeke Wehner Peter. conductor, h 809 Green Weible Belle M . wid Joseph A .. h 4Cl2 Briggs Weibll' Edward L., telegrapher, 15 N 2d, h -I1I2 Briggs Weible,' .\dam L.. elk. h 1911 N 2d W eihlc~' Charks A .. brakeman. h 525 Dauphin

= -

r'I N > n :c >

WEIBLEY CHARLES E., upholsterer and dealer in antique furniture, 268 Verbeke, h 1911 N 2d W_eibley Frank R, salesman. 26G Verbeke, h 1911 1\ 20 Weibley George B., elk. 9 N 2d, h 1911 N 2d Weibley Harry S., cigar mfr, 1733 ~ 5th; tobacconist, 2G6 Verbeke, h 1911 N 2d Weibley Jeremiah c., salesman, h 227 North Weibley John W . treas Hbg. Hdw. Co., Inc., h 1911 N 2d


c:;; :;

THE PATRIOT M~R"..~~:~~~

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W- -


.. H II (ELLEY ca CO'S - 70ft D_' -.lei'. P. Blaek

DIaIDODd.... beD { 1 I",. a. It...t.

10111 .... 111/1 .


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.

'5 Weibley ~I. Isabella, music teacher, :!:!i Xorth, h do .::: Weibley Sarah ~lrs., h iOtl East ':: Weible'y William, laborer, h :!:n ~Iulberry Weida Albert ]., salesman. l:!Cl ~Iarkl't. 1:!4 Evergreen 1: Weidel Cyrus, lahorer. h llU~ X Front ~ \Veidenback Daniel. laborer, h l:n:! Currant - \Veiclenhammer Franklin Y. Rev .. h 534 Race :s c:t v\' eidenhammer Hattie ~1.. saleslady, :n~ :\Iarket. It 5.34 Race . \Yeidenhammer T. Frederick. tt'acher. h 1!144 State \Veidenmeyer :\ihert C. haggage transfer. h 1:!4~ v\' alnut \Veidellmeyer Harr\' :\1., electrician. h l:!48 Walnut Weidler :\'nnie E., ~id Wil:iam W .. 11 5U!} Kelker :: Weidler Parke W .. timekpr. 'h :!H) ~Iaelay Weidling Henry C. h 903 ~ :!d IWeidman Frank. haker, h lII:W S !lth ~ \Veidman George. meat. 114 S :!d, h 1111~ (ircen :IE \\'eidman Harry. elk. In~ Walnut. h :m Linden \\'eidman Jacol), carpenter, h 1~3H Derry \" eitlman :\1. Catharine. s\('ngr. :!1I5 :\larket, h 1ltl~ Green


WEIDMAN SAMUEL B., Architectural Sheet Metal Works, office and shop, 800 N 7th, h Edgewater \\' cidman Susan. wid Jacoh. h :!1I4f) (;n'en \Yeidner Theodore A., machinist. h 1Ii:t:l Park \\'eidner Theodore :\ .. jr., draftsman, h 1Ii:13 Park

o o


;: Z






..: -


\V eier Charles L.. har elk, h LUi S :~c1 \\"eigel Brook, <\\'eigel Bros.). h Xe\\' Cumherland \Veigel Brus.. (Ross B. anel Brook), harnl'ssmkrs, :\01' \'crheke Weigel David, driver. h liH \'erbckc \\"eigel Edward H .. foreman Telegraph. h Penbrook Weigel Emma. wid William. h :!:!:l Cranberry Weigel Harry ~r.. agt, :\14 Crescent Weigel Ross B .. <\'Veigel Bros.). h Xl'\\' Cumberland \Veigel Samuel :\1.. carpenter. h liHI~ ~ 5th \\'eiger John F .. bricklayer, h l:!:!fi \\"allace Weigle Arthur F .. elk. h lila ~ 5th Weigle Gilbert H .. patent medicines. !lilt; ~ :!d. h do Weiglc Harry S., laborer. 'h 171:~ ~ 5th \Veigle Ira A., car repairer. h :!1l:37 Penn Weigle Lucy A .. wid Henry. h !1C)1) X :!cl Weigle Mary A.. elk State Dept. Health. h !lllii X 2d Weigle ~Iary A. :\lrs .. h lil:~ ~ 5th \Veigle Tolhert. elk. :l:!;~ \erheke. h ~ew Cumherland Weikamp .-\Ioysius. laburer. h :'i:.n ~orth \Veikert Albert D .. brakeman. h WII!I Susquehanna \\'eikert Harn-. tinner. h i4 X 14th W cil Alfred \'... stengr .-\djt. rienl's Dept.. h lUi X :!d \-Veil Bessie. domestic, 17Wi N :!d \Veills Bertram .-\ .. sergt. of police. h l:~:!li ~ :!d

GORGAS}_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N.-3d -SL FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST US ---_. - -

L L ST. CLIIR{TAILOR{12401lIrk.tStnIt
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~ ~.m"lo,..

cIau-waad &uan.1L. Wotltdou.WIIIl1,.not tl&&&eUf.......

110". DU: 11r"...I_ w ..r~mrn.AeDceODI1 jlrlll- J


Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.


Weills Olas. R., (\Y. 11. L. WeiHs & Son), h 518 Forrest Weills Isaac ~I., druggist. h 122ft X 6th Weills Lizzie W., wid Abram, h 1;J()8 N 2d Weills William E., teacher, h a37 ~Iaclay Weills William ~1. L.. (W. ~1. L. Weills & Son), physician, 1802 N 4th, h 337 Maclav WEILLS W. M. L. & SON,'(William M. L. and Charles






R.), druggists, 1802 N 4th . Weimer Rachel. wid John ~1.. h 1:!13 Derry Weimer Sue, h 1213 Derr\' Wein George F., maC'ilinist. h 21511 N 7th Wein George F., jr. h :.niiO X 7th Weiner Jacob, driver, h 'j:!II X 'jth Weinhold Daniel, rate elk. -ila ~Iarket. p 223 ~ 2d \Veinmann E. May. saleslady. h 120 Svlvan ter Weinmann Jacob:h 120 Syl"an ter \Veintz Catharine, wid :\lclchor, h 1223 N Front Weir Anna c.. h 1604 X :!d Weir Sibyl M., h 1604 X :!d Weir William. fireman, h 1i40 Boyd Weirich Elizabetifl, 'wid ~lichael. 'h 1913 Elizabeth Weirich Goldie ~L housekeeper. Hila Elizabeth v\' eirich :\1 an' E., seamstress. h HIl8 Elizabeth Weirick Charles. ag-t Prudential Ins. Co .. h :\Iiddletown Weirick Harry L., painter. h 1;)29 Regina


c: Cl o

MILLER BROS.l BAKER} ~~~t,~~~~1I:

Weirick In' C, teacher. h 1413 :\Iarket Weirick J. 'Clair. chief elk, 212 Locust, h Enola Weirman Paul, fireman, h 4:~-i :3 lifu Weisbrocht August, brewhand. h !l14 Capital Weisbrocht ~Iarie :\Irs., h 912 Capital Weise Charles D . car inspector. h 1208 ~ 7th Weise Darius 5., shoemkr, 4119 Strawberry, h do Weiser Ernest. cab driver. h a2(j S 2d Weiser John, laborer. 'h 212 11 ulberry Weiser John L.. engr. h l:!:U !-.Iulberry Weiser ~Iary E., telephone opr. :!10 \Yalnut, Cowden Weiser Samuel S., transfer ag-t. h U111 Cowden Weiser Lrias P .. laborer. h 21:! :\ll1lherrv Weiser \Valter. foreman. h 211 K 2d . Weisl'r \\'arren ~I.. laborer. It lUI! Cowden Weiser, see \vizer -


== ,.,., =

WEISS EDWARD W., stoves, tinnir~ and furnaces, cb 1221 N 6th, h do c:: WEISS JOHN FOX, district attorney and lawyer, ,216 ~ Market, h 206 Pine Weil's Lena 1\1.. sakslad\'. h 1~2fl X nth Wl'is~ 1\1. \'irg-inia. wid iIon. John H . h :!o~ X 3d \Vciss ~cttil', dn'ssmkr. h 1~:!1I X I)th '\\'('iss Rudolph F .. baker. h l)oo::!11 K lith

~ :::z


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\Veisser Anton, carpet wea\'er, 1104 N 7th, h do \\'eitmwr Annie L., teacher. h 1721 X :M Weit11l~er Charles E., elk, It 1721 ~ 3d Weitm~er John H., machinist, h Ii21 N 3d -e :a Weitrrtyer John H., jr., machinist. h HI38 Penn \Y eitmver William F., machinist, h 19a5 Penn \Veitzel Charles B., fireman, h 1341 Yernon Weitzel Edgar E., brakeman, h 2049 Penn Weitzel Elizabeth A., wid Warren W . h 1521 State \Veitzel Frank, inspector, h 1:!33 :Mulberry Weitzel George A., postal elk, h 1314 Berryhill \V eitzrl George R., elk, It 1314 Berryhill Weitzel Harriet :\'1., casemkr, h 1314 Berryhill \\'eitzel Harrv 1., boltcutter. h 1622 N 6th Weitzel Harr}' S., engr. hIli;):! :\larket Weitzel T. Columbus. h 1111 N 1;)th Weitzel }.laggie M. Mrs .. boarding. 626 Reily, h do \Veitzel \\'alter D., lineman. 227 \Yalnut. h 2032 Susque:II: hanna .: u Weitzel Warren W .. boltcutter, h 1622 N 6th Welch Andrew \\'., laborer, h 911 Capital L&.I Weleh Hilda F. Mrs., h li21 Cumberland :E \Velell, see Welsh c \Veleorner Harry E .. eng-r, h 1:~7 Linden ~L Weleomer \Yil1iam W .. en gr. It ]:')21) \\'allace


..... ..... . -

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR} ~!~~;:.':8~:.~~t {306 Bro...

762 Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.


Till 1.lrl.ty I.~ Slr.ty CO. IC:'\-::I. f S~~I~;:::":' ~.:;:n {-Ir..S:t"';.~&





til ~



Weldon Ellie, seamstress, h 100] ~ 3d \Veldy Harry, carpenter. h 1)37 Forster Welker Carl L., patternmkt, h 3110 Boyd \Velker Charles A., flagman. It 16]9 Logan \Velker George H . ironwkr. h 22:~ :\Iulberry \Vdker Henry, cigarmkr. h 251 ~ Cameron Welker James A., laborer. It 1233 Bailey Welker ~Iaria A., wid Tohn H .. h 17:n Green Wellein John, (Wellein' & l\leloy), h 413 Muench \\'ellein & Meloy. 0. \\'ellein and J. B. Meloy), barbers, 5()fI Kelker \\'eller Tohn M . laborer. It filin \\'oodhine vVeller Luther H .. car inspector. h 1f12() Fulton Weller Tobias K . hookkpr. Cameron ab' Maclay. h 1314 Kittatinm' \\' ellknit H osien' Co.. (E. F. ~Iear and \V. G. Starry), 14th c Haelinlen \\'ells Alma, wid Thoma:" A . It HI Balm Wells Bessie. charwoman. h r ::i1:1 \\'alnut \Vells Caroline Mrs., tailoress. h ]:,)40 ~ 6th vVells Catharine .E.. dressmkr. h 927 Rose vVells Charles Q., cooper. h 1120 Cowden Wells Elizabeth A. :'.Trs., It 2U21i ~ 6th Wdls Elmira .T., wid Joseph E., h 1245 Kittalinny Wells llarry C. city assessor. 11 1108 Penn



REDMOND}~:=~.!:i~~~g~{3d and RIlly Sta.

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L B. TACK} IILl PIPER e:!:~.::! 111001 SHIDES{N~:'

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.



:u < .!!:".:=-r.lHarrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. U:= :u o Welsh John B., fireman, h 922a Penn Welsh John J., repairsman. h 63 N 16th o Welsh Kathryn 1\1.. elk. H40 Chestnut, h a2:5 :\Iac1ay
Margaret T .. h 21~2 N 5th }\lary C. wid William T h 9:?2a Penn .. Robert D., engr. h 1409 N 6th Hobert C. scalemkr. h 242 Harris Hohert :\L. helper. Ii ~17 Reily Theodore R, machinehand. h fl22a Penn Thomas, h 105 S 2d Wiiliam. laborer, h aon S River Winifred. h 21a2 K 5th tlee \Velch \~Teltey Elmer, riveter, h 106 S Court VVeltnier Chas .. warehouscman. (;15 \Yaillut. h Lemoyne Wt:1tmer Frank S .. elk. h 1218 \Valnut Welt mer Harn. warehouseman. h 1~ Brad\' \Veltmer Jsaac'.laborer. h la Brady . \VeJtmer lames L.. h 4Rt ~ Cameron Weltmer John. shoemkr. Harris nr Green \Veltmer Laura V . bookkpr. HI 1'\ ad. h 2(16 South Welz Frank P .. laborer, h 2i4 Driggs \Velz John L.. expr('s~ mt'sscnger. h 274 Briggs WeJz ~hrgaret A. :\Irs .. h :U:l Reily Welzel Charles F., elk. 11 ~ ad. h :l:t~ S lath Wel!;h Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsh \Velsh Welsh Welsh Welsh VI/elsh,
T 0" THI: "IEWS 0,. THIE

Wells Henry ?\ . laborer. 11 1704 Walnut W clIs lal11l'~ n., 11 :W!I Boas cooper, h 1 ~ Uth Wells James ""'ells Joanna. wid John, h Home for the Friendless \Vells Kate :\Irs., h 12:!:J Currant . Wells Lewis H., engr. h :?::m2 N Gth Wells lVlargaret. awningmkr. h :n:: Reily \Vells P:ll1l H., engine repairer. h 6~1 Hamilton Wells Putnam. elk. h 2f12fi X fith Well,; Wi1I.iam E., cooper. h 927 ~ 19th Welsh ~\Iice C.. wrapper, h !l25 :\Iaelay \Velsh Arthur W., traY salesman. h 242 Harris \iVelsh Clayton L.. plasterer. h 922a Penn Welsh Cornelitls E .. train riispatcher P. R R, h Lynchville Welsh David E .. conductor. h !l:!5 ~Iaclav 'Welsh Edward C .. bartender. h !I:!:!a Pen~ Welsh Frank, hostler, h 211:!() Wood 'Welsh Frank L., cJk. h :1U~ Bonl Welsh George. iaborer. h Hl1 Cilpital Welsh George C. tabk opr, h l:n!l Penn Welsh Harry D., machinist, h 325 Maclav \Vdsh Hilda, wid James A., h (;21 Cumberlantl \Velsh Jacob, flagman. h 1605 Penn \~'elsh John, jr .. city detective, h 2115t S 2d






OAY A .... I:A ... F'''.T IN

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OUB BOTTO. - } B ___ 0-1. .Be_.* ""elp'

H M KELLEY I ICD' { ,.IftII.~" IhwI o. I . ... I .. .....



Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.






a: o a:

WELZEL FREDERICK L., merchant tailor, 11 S 3d, h 338 S 13th Wenerick Lyman G., driver, h 1II3fi Herr Wengert Daniel W., huckstt.r. h 5114 Reily Wengert Roy C;., h 5114 Reily \Vengert Vannie. housekeeper. 15:!~ Derry Wengert Warren R.. grocer, 15:!~ Derry. h do Wengert \Villiam. carpenter, h 4:J:3 S l:tth \Vengert \Villiam A .. fire ins, real e!'tate. rents and builder, 14:t! Walnut. h do Wengert, see \Vingert Wennel Charles E . salesman. t-I1I2 X ad. h 1:15 Hoerner Wennell ~1ary A. ~lrs., boarding, 6 ?\ 5th, h do W("nnell William J . steam fitter. h 26 Balm 'Wenrich Ann R., wid Richard. h :l:l ~ 12th \~' enrich Charles, butcher, h ftW ~ orth \Venrich Christopher E . blacksmith. h 1611 Zarker Wenrich Oayton K., laborer, h 18:l:l Briggs \Venrich Elmer, carpenter, h :t:~ ~ 12th W("nrich David L., blacksmith. h 2140 Greenwood Wenrich Enos S., carpenter, h 5:t! \Vest 'Venrich Enos S., jr.. edgesetter. h 1li:l2 Thompson \Venrich Francis. h 1:~~1 1\Iarion 'Venrich George C, telegrapher. h 1124 X Front Wenrich Irvin. laborer. h 1106 Walnut

t- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST US N. 3d St. Z Wenrich John J., carpenter. h 18:~:l Briggs







o u


W enrich John J.. jr .. laborer. h IS:l3 Driggs Wenrich John W . elk. h 1008 S nth Wenrich Joseph. cigarmkr, h 62Cl Xorth Wenrich Leah, wid Thomas, h 1Il47 S 9th Wenrich Maria. wid Enos, h 639 Herr \Venrich Peter. janitor. h 620 Korth W("nrich Ross P .. pressman, h 620 Xorth \Venrich Samuel, watchman, h 5!l5 S Front Wenrich Thomas A., fireman. h mm Herr vVenrich Uriah, laborer, h 12119 Kittatinm' Wenrich Wilkins G., machinist. h 1321 1\Iarion Wenrich William B., grocer, 104!) S 9th. h 1047 do' Wenric'h William R., helper. h 1833 Briggs Wenrich William R., machinist. h 421'Xorth \Venrick Agnew C, fit;,eman. h 1817 Susquehanna \Venrick Charles A., stock fitter, h 227 ~ 14th Wenrick Daniel E., carpenter. h 227 N 14th Wenrick David E., wreckmaster P. R. R.. h 2004 Kensington Wenrick Elmer f.., engr. h 1810 X 3d vVenrick Frederick. watchman, 'h 15:H Logan Wenrick George W., fireman. h 15::!:q ?\ 5th \Venrick Irma, cigarmkr, h 2:.!i X 14th W enrick Josephine L.. 111t1!'ic tea~her. lIil4 Regina. h do

~~=~:; IOU , .

.lIndO'R snooes Irom A. B. TACK .I~~


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.

Wenrick Lewis A., elk, h 1725 Green Wenrick :\latthew F., brakeman, h 1520 Susquehanna Wenrick William, watchman, h 105! S :!d Wenrick William E., flagman, h 15:!:! Susquehanna Wenrick William J., driver, 'h 339 Hamilton Wensel E1cala c., boarding, 1410 N 6th, 11 do


WENSELL JOHN C., genl mgr Harrisburg Savings and Loan Association, 18 N 3d and sec and treas Security Trust Co., 38 do, h Paxtang Wentling William H., engr, h 11176 S 9th Wentz Emma E., saleslady, :{:H Market, h H:~:I Swatara Wentz John. laborer. h l1:!CI Christianna \Ventz La\'enia, wid Jacob, h 11103 Cowden Wentzel Luther :\1.. solicitor, h U:!O Regina Wentzell Thomas W., salesman, h 1115 Green Wenzel David, machinist, h li19 Logan . Wenzel Peter, laborer, h 649 Calder Wenzel Sadie S., machine opr, 'h 1719 Logan Wenzell C. Daniel, expressman, h 1414 ~orth Werdebaugh William D., elk, h 139 1\ 13th Werner A. Frederick. baker, :!13 Chestnut, h do Werner Catharine H., cigar packer, h 612 Curtin Werner Charles A., brakeman, h 1338 ~ 7th Werner Emma c., h :!1:!8 N 7th Werner George A., conductor, 11 2143 X 5t1h

Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner 'Verner Werner Werner

George A., jr.. elk P. R. R. frt depot. h 2143 N 5th Harn' F .. elk. It :!CI:n Fulton Harr' :\., conductor. It 612 Curtin Harr)' :\., jr., hrakeman. h :!1:!4 Turner al John L., machinist, It :!:!:J:l Logan Leo A., elk P. R. R. freight depot. h 2143 N 5th Lerue, brakeman, h :!o;n Fulton Maude H., tobacco stripper. h 612 Curtin :\lay E., tobacco stripper. h 612 Curtin Miriam. wid :\IcCiellan K .. 'h :!O:H Fulton Oliver, engr. 'h :!1l1:1 Kensington Percy 0., lahorer, h :!(113 Kensington Rufus A .. lahorer, h 21131 Fulton Samuel n.. flagman. h 142 Linnen Thomas C. chipper. h :!1:!~ ?\ 7th \ViIliam L., laborer, It 1R33 Fulton

WERT ALBERT A., dist mgr New England Mutual Life Ins. Co., room 411 Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d, h Carlisle \\. ('rt .\nne l., prin training school. It fl12 :\ 2d "Vl'rt Annie :\r.. l11occasinmkr. h 4:!1 Bovd \\Tt'rt Charll's A . elk, :I:!:! \'erheh. h 411~ do \Vert Charles H . lahorl'r. h 2114;-; Herr \-Vert Charles J.t l'3r repairer, h ;-;2:\ \\'oodhine 'Vert ('ora, dOIlll'stic. fill:! ~ :If!


CLARK'S :::....~I~ Drug and Patent Medicine St.rel:/Gr~


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.

\Yert Edward, salesman. 334 Market, h !l26 X 6th

4 N 3d, h 912 N 2d Wert Emma, domestic, 924 ~ 3d ::E \Vert Howard H., postal elk R. M. S .. h 1)04 ~ 16th CII Wert Ira A., gents' furni.hings, !l26 1\ 6th. h do Wert James 1'1., car repairer. h 531 \Voodbine CII Wert Tane 0., wid Fenlinand; h 1011t ~ 3d cc: Wert J. Howard Prof., h 912 N 2<1 :;: Wert John, postal elk, h 39 X 13th .... \\'ert :\lervine, shue opr, h 421 Boyd Wert Ort A., potter, h 421 Boyd !i Wert Samuel S., timekpr. Herr clOth, h fn2 ~ 2d jj; Wert Sarah E. Mrs., h 421 Boyd :;1 Wert William H., conductor,l; 211117 Green ~J \Vertz Charles E., repairer. 24 X 2d. h 9th c Reily !!-- Wertz Charles H., nicke1plater, h lZllO! Logan \Vertz Charles R., baker. h 215 Calder \Vertz Ed",-ard B., laborer, h 1::n:3 Tulia al Wertz E. William. laborer, h 18H1'Briggs \Vertz Florence. domestic, 603 X Front Wertz Frank H., baker, 217 Calder, h do Wertz Helen E., h 215 Calder \Vertz Henry]., foreman, 1408 Yemon, h 66 N 16th \Vertz John, conductor, h 1fl23 X 5th


t;:; WERT EDWARD H., lawyer, room 505 Bergner bldg.


TIUe Gaaranty and Sare." c.. {.........I...Ira..... EIICII.... I.d... { I . . .. -1klI"...toa, Pe._ I,"n 11 .IM. tl .... II JHiclII 1II1II , ... __



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\Vertz 10hn, laborer, h 348 Bonl \Vertz 'Tohn H., molder, h 9th'c ReihWertz Joseph, laborer, h 9th c Reily' \\"ertz Morris B., brakeman, h U'23 X 5th \Vertz Oscar I., laborer, h 58 X 14th \Vertz Peter, brakeman, h 21:m :\100re \Vertz Reuben, laborer, h 11:!!1 Grape Wertz Roy S., laborer, h n2:1 Peffer \Vertz Solomon S., gas inspector, h 215 Calder Wertz William C. plumber. h 217 Calder \Vest Ansel G .. carpenter. h UI Linden West Edward C. collector, 1:nn :\ lith. h 1418 William \V est End Electric Co., (.\rthm E. Gettys and George F. Hewitt), 268 Peffer WEST END PHARMACY, James B. DeShong, mgr.. 1601 N 3d West End Reporter, Christian G. Xissley, pub, 1405 N 3d WEST END ROOFING CO., INC., Samuel H. Garland.. pres; Abraham L. Taylor, sec and treas, 618 Schuylkill see adv opp page West Gertrude, housekeeper, 191 c Greenwood \Vest Jennie C., nurse, h 19 Linden West John Y., h 29 Linden West Joseph L.. fireman, h 621 Boas West Samuel, carpenter, h 1502 Thompson

A. B. TACK} Wall Paper and fdodo. Sbades {.:1:.~~'

Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.
West Samuel A., molder. h I:!H 1\ Linden West Sophia, wid Chester.i1 l~m Green


WEST WILLIAM H., physician, 1801 Green. h do; office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. West \,yilliam lI., fireman. h 1!1 Linden West William W., fireman. h fj:!1 Boas WESTBROOK CHERRICK, JR., dentist, 132 Walnut, h 1015 N Front
Westbrook Harry F .. fireman. h 1:!:!H Cowden \\'estbrook John A., (H. J. Sheafer & Co.). contractor, h 502 ~ 2d Westbrook John A" laborer, h fj:l~ Calder Westbrook Sarah J., wid Thomas G . h 911 SlOth V':esten S. Frank. mechanic Capitol. h ~2i Hummel Westbrook Carrie

wid Albert. h 210 Hummel


\Vestfall Brittomart, nurse Children's Industrial Home \Vestfall Frank, h li3111 \\'ood Westhafer Anna M .. cashier. 3:~4 )'farket, h 1615 Fulton \\'esthafer Emma, wid Harry. h lIil5 Fulton \Vesthafer'Irvin E., shearsnian. h Hil5 Fulton Westhafer Kate, wid John, h :!1~ Boas Westhafer Lena ~1., wid Geary D .. h 413 Briggs West':lafer Minnie R.. bookkpr. 14 ~ :!d. h ~Iechanicsburg \Vestlake Frederick E., supt. lW:! \. emon, h 610 ~ 3d

~ !

r!;',::::,o:..lHarrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~= ~

Wetherspoon Amanda, cook, h 14:!i Marion 'Wetmore l'.lazie C, nurse, h 1j:!() X :Jd , \Vetter William, electrician, 405 S 2d, h 1611 Green Wetzel Aaron, laborer. h !l4Ii S 21st Wetzel Caroline S., wid George' \V., h 25 Evergreen Wetzel Carrie, domestic, 2:13 Sayford \V"tzel George \V., laborer, h 123 Dock Wetzel Gertrude, wid Raymond R .. h i12! ~ 19th Wetzel J. Edward, policeman, h lii12 ~ 5th Wetzel John F., machinist. h 1j:n Regina Wt'tzel Lovine J., baker. h :!:{~i Logan \Vctzcl Ralph n., brakeman. h l:n ~yh'an leT Wetzd Richard, cook, h 2:~:.l Sayford Weyant 'B. Frank, laborer, h 319 Hay Weyant Catharine S., wid Ephraim, h 317 Hay

I a



West End' Roofing Co.

618-620 Scbuyllllll Street
4-PI, Slag Roof Guaranteed 10 Years


T h e " a p e r "or aportlft_ Ne,.,.,.

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M KELLEY CCO"{l North ad . . ....... D. . lO&b a.d 8&a&e


Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.

ic::t !

.... .... -

\\'eyant Jacob C .. barber, h H;!x James \ \'hakn A. Floyd. cllemist, Herr l' lOih. h :!:~5 Briggs \\"haley William. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Wharton Anna Co :\1 rs .. h :lUi Briggs \\'harton Bromley, sec Board Public Cnarities, Capitol,h do '\Yharton Elliott D., linotype opr Telegraph, h New Cumberland Whartor: George E., elk. h 554 'W oodbine \-\harton John A .. foreman, 1408 rernon, h 1629 Derry WHARTON RICHARD M. H., mgr the Patriot, h 1519

\Vharton William A.. conductor. h 1118 N 6th Wharton \Villiam H., enginetemler, h 554 \Voodbine \-Vharton W. Ross, barber, 131m N 6th, h :HG Briggs \\'heaton Amanda. h !l Haehnlen Wheeler Blanche E .. stengr, h 5:~4 :\Iaelay Wheeler Daniel W .. draft~man. h 5:~4 :\Iaclav \\"heeler Elizabeth J., dressmkr, 822 X !ld, h do Wheeler Ellen, wid John c.. h 9:~2 Penn Wheeler Harry E., blacksmith, h 1264 State \\'heeler Harvev D.. conductor. h 1266 State Wheeler John E., painter, h 114 Locust Wheeler John H" h 229 Cranberry \\'heeler J. Parker, blacksmith. h 5:~4 :\Iaclay Wheeler Mary I\l., weaver, h 822 N !ld


o ... o c

a: a: z o o




\\'heeler :\\. Fanuie. hOl1~ekeeper. fiOi Showers Wheeler L.. machinist. h 644 Calder 'Yheeler Ralph, car repairer. h un 1 Susquehanna Wheeler Rov P., hlacksmith, h ;':14 l\helav Wheeler Wiiiiam, foreman, h Ij:Uj Delaware \\heeler \Villiam. inspector. :!:!7 Walnut. h 'Yormleysburg \\'heeler William :\1., pudd!<.'r. h R2:! ~ ~d 'Vheder. see "'heler Wherlv Clinton H .. conductor. h 1410 ~ 7th WhiPI)erman Charles, salesman. h 18.19 Briggs Whisler Alonzo A., helper. h 44!l Delaware Whisler Annie ~ 1.. wid John. h :~2:J Peffer \Vhisler Cora D., seamstress, h H 16 Penn Whisier Ettna. shoe opr, h 74:{ S 2:\<1 Whisler John E., brakeman. h a21i S 13th Whisler Josiah ;\ .. conductor. h 1502 Walnut Whisler Parker. lahoreI', h 7G:\ S 1!1~ \Vhisler Roy E .. electrician, h :~2!1 Peffer Whisler ~ali1l1el. laborer. h 74:\ S 2:\d Whisler \\'illiam H., jr. engr. h :l;' l\ 1ith 'Vhistler John c.. carpenter. h fi:W Woodhine Whistler Mabd ~1. ~[rs .. h 14 ~ Dewberry Whitaker Harry A .. paperhanger. h !Ill X 19th Whitaker Joseph T .. resident mgr. 21:~ '''alnut, h 26 S 3d Whitaker ~rary. forelady. h 1!1:!:\ l\ 4th

A. L. 51. CLAIR {TAl LO A

------{1240 IIlrk.tSlnII
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Boyd's Harrisburg <,V) City Directory, 1908. 769
Whitcomb David, huckster, -h un N ~d Whitcomb Edward R, foreman F. and :\'1. Works, h 332 ~iaclay \Vhitcomb' Evelyn, saleslady, 406 :\Iarket, h 109 Mulberry Whitcomb Florence M., janitress, h 1009 Market \iVhitcomb George, huckster, h 109 ~Iulberry Whitcomb 'Grover c., carpenter, h 1706 Fulton Whitcomb John, machinist, h 1211 N 6th Whitcomb Kate Mrs., h 1009 Market 'Vhitcomb Mabel B., saleslady, 334 Mkt., h 109 Mulberry Whitcomb Mary E., saleslady, 308 Market, h 109 Mulberry Whitcomb Wilson F., stoves, &c., 1211 N 6th, h do White Albert F., car repairer, h 550 Woodbine White Albert J., Penna. Hotel, 313 Verbeke, h do White Alexander, waiter, h 1614 'Walnut White Bessie L., saleslady, 334 Market, h 429 Hummel White Charles B., stengr, h 431 State Wlhite Charles E., collector, 14 S 2d, h 1315 Penn White Charles E., laborer, h 1963 MoItke White Charles W., laborer, h 505 South White Clarence E., laborer, h 1407 N 2d White Daniel, storekpr F. and 1\1. Works, h 2126 N 4th White David A., driver, 11 1315 ~orth ,.%ite Della, domestic, 523 Brown

UJ -.of 0 Z



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0 0


WHITE DETECTIVE BUREAU, Harry C. White, supt, rooms 304-305 Floyd bldg, 8 N 2d White Earl M., pressman, h 2126 N 4th White Edith S., saleslatly, h 407 Herr White Edward, ins agt, 9 N 2d, h 120 Chestnut White Edward, repairsman, h 722 S 21} White Edward R, craneman, h 1{)50 S Cameron White E. Esther, bookkpr, h 1315 North White Ella, wid William L., h 1818 Fulton White Ettie B., bookkpr, 334 l\Iarket, h 1407 N 2d White George B., laborer, h 407 Herr White George L., pipe bender, h 203 Kelker White Hall Hotel, P. R. Boova, propr, :n7 :\Iarket White Harper S., baker. h 58 N 14th White Harry, porter, h 32'2 Calder White Harry c., (White Detective Bureau), h 1111 N 3d White Harry H., machinist, h 2239 N 6th White James, waiter, h 20 N Cameron White J. Burns, cataloguer State Library, Capitol, h 233 N 14th White John, tailor, h 509 North al White John W., car record elk P. R R. pass depot, h 1407 N 2d White Joseph, porter P. R R., h 1413 William White Luther, laborer, h 21:3 Cranberry '''hite :YIargaret :\1. ~Irs., charwoman, h 514 Strawberry
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8 cf
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I.DEPENDENT LOAN AND SECURITY CO.llA~\T {\,,~:':!r-="'" toogle

::::: ~~~- McNEIL'S.COLD TABLETS ~3::-.t=

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.


-~ 0 ..




iii III


"White ~Ialld :\. machine opr, h 1~18 Fulton \\'hite ~lilton C. conductor, h 115" Linden White ~Ittsser D .. stengr P. & R. pass depot, h 131:1 Xorth White X ellie, h 1418 William White ~ettie ]., elk, a05 Strawberry. h 921 X 3d \"hite Oak Coal Co., Inc., D. W. Cox. pres; E. W. Cox, sec. :!22 }larket \\'hite Peter. grocer. h l:!:\ :\Iulberry WHITE ROBERT A., wall paper and window shades. IMI N 6th, h 607 Reily White Robert g., laborer, h 140i ~ :!d White Robert E . machinist, hUla Dern" White Sara E., saleslady, :!:!1 :\larket, h i:W1 Wallace \-Vhite Thomas, laborer, h 1(21) N 4th White William, carpenter Senate Hotel, h 141 S 3d \Vhite \\'iIliam B .. carpenter. 42:5 Strawberry. h 40i Herr White \Villiam B., machinist. h lli:m ~ lith White \\"iIliam R .. jr., boilermkr, h 40i Herr WHITEHEAD & HOAG CO., A. S. Travers, mgr, advertising novelties and badges, 202 Walnut (3d floor) \\'hiteman Charles C. freight sol, h :!:!u~ X 3d \Vhiteman (;eorge, h :!nH Hummel Whiten Tsabella, charwoman. h 310 Cherr\" \\'hitesel Thomas. fireman. h 14111 X nth Whiteside George A .. h I:!:! ~Illlberry

o o z c o J

Tnl. 811nlty II~ Sar.ty CO.IC.~ {--=:='=~.":.::':" ~=

\Vhiteside Harry J.. asst supt Prudential Ins. Co., h 122 l\lulberry Whiteside ~Iargaretta P., h 12:! :\htlberry Whiting Bella. h :UU Cherry Whiting Carrie, charwoman. h 811i S Wth Whiting Edward B., laborer. h ~Oi SlOth Whiting Eugene, la'horer, h 4:!6 Herr vVhiting Harry, porter The Commonwealth. h 426 Herr Whiting John W .. bricklayer, h 41(1 South Whiting l\lartha Mrs., charwoman. h 1:l31 Wyeth Whiting ~apoleon, waiter COl11wlth .. 11 4:!4 Herr Whiting Sarah, housekeeper, 424 Herr \\"hitman Denjamin, elk Commercial Hank. h 204 ~ 2d Whitman Charles E .. car inspector. h :!09 ~ 15tli Whitman Emma. wid Daniel. h 11:!i Grape \\"hitman (;eorgc B.. motorman. h 1:!~ Linden \\"hitnnn Irvin .1 . laborer. h 11:!7 r;rape Whitman :\Iartha, h :!II!I 5tate \Vhitman Ross. huckster. h 1411:! ~ litl; \\"hitman ~arah l, wid George. h 107 Linden \\'hitman. ~t'e \\"itman \\"hitmoyer Anna L.. candymkr, h 1411:\ llo111baugh \V;lit111ow'r Catharine. ,,"ic\ ~ulo111on. h li-l:! Reilv WhitnlO~"er Christie. hOl1!'eheper. Ii":! Reily . '.Vhitmoyer Earl. st('am fitter, h 1411:~ "Dombaugh


Electr1c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND~iti!!~Y ~oR~~~ts.


B TACK r.-...-....PabUo aBalldlDplDof l 1IaIr.. 8peelalt)' {UI. N." .. PlalDTIDta . . . . . . .


Boyd's Harrisburg (W ) City Directory, 1908.

Whitmoyer 'Whitmoyer \\hitmoyer Whitl11Qyer Whitmoyer \Yhitmoyer Whitmoyer Whitmoyer Whitmoyer Whitmoyer


Edna M., h 1403 Bombaugh Elmer L., bookb:lHlcr, h 14113 Bombaugh Frank S., conductor, h 710 X 6th Harry E., cigars, 63 X 13th, h 113 do Harry E .. engr. h ::!211 Hamilton . HO\\'ilrd B.. student, h 710 X (ith John A., molder, h 1403 Bombaugh Sallie, housekeeper, 642, Reily Sarah, wic! Simon, h 710 N 6th \Villiam G., conductor, h 7]0 N 6th Whitmo~'er \Villiam H., teamster, h 1441 Zarker \Vhitmyc.r T. J.. teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do Whitmyer \\'esley C, fireman Lunatic Hospital, h do \Vhitmyer \V. F., fireman Lunatic Hospital, h do \\'hitmyer William M .. h 2120 Jefferson Whitney George E .. O('rauld Shoe Co.). h ::!28 S 13th Whitney George F . h 2::!~ S 13th Whitney George 1\1: .. elk, 5 :\ 3d, h 1614 Green Whitney J olm, laborer. h :t!!'i Cherry ~ 'Whittaker John F . (Whittaker & Diehl and Ferro-Con- "I:~ crete Co.), h lim x 2d \ [1"= \Vhittaker Marvin H., mger The Johnsto.n Harvester Co., 1.2 . :!H Locust, h iOl X 6th .Whittaker & Diehl. (J. F. Whittaker and David L. Diehl), contractors, 71 l'nion Trust bldg ::J:


Sayings and Loan Assn. { ~:=

\Vhitworfu John F .. corporation elk sec of Commonwealth, > Capitol, h clo :D \\lillie Lewis S., carpenter, h H)()6 \"alnut ""ickenheiser Edward. laborer. h !I3;; S l!lth n \,yickenheiser Harry. laborer, h 745 S 23d Wickenheiser Ross; tobacconist. 1!l31 Dern'. h 745 S 23d \Vickersham Charles ]., sponger. h 1615 ~ 3d "Tickersham Florence, nl1rse IIbg. Hospital, h do WICKERSHAM FRANK B., lawyer, room 409-410 Bergner bldg, 4 N 3d, h Steelton Wickersham Helen. saleslady, 334 ~Iarket. h :!0::!7 Derry Wickersham Howard, chief elk R. ~L S., P. O. bldg, 'It 20::!7 Derry Wickersham Lizzie M. Mrs., h 1311 State Wickersham Luther E., student, h 130 State '\Tickersham ~[yra A., elk, 42 Cnion Trl1st bldg, h 2027 Derr\' Wickey .\vis A., cigar brander. h 713 Xorth -.Vickey Charles W .. driver, h 713 Xorth \\" ;cklinc Thomas Nl. R., cngr, Ih l;aS X 3d Wdder D. Harry, elk, 11 1516 Derry WIDDER GEORGE H., physician, 1251 Derry, h 1249 do; office hours, until 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. Widewater Sadie, wid John, h 1245 ~IonrQe Wi(,1nd Catharine. wid Henry, h 62~ Reily

> :0 <


-----------------THE PAT R I O(!

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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OUlCes, :.r:~:.t.~'1~{COAL AND WOOD

; ; 7':'2 Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.

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'Xieand John H., flagman, h 639 Harris Wiebner John D., machinist, h 1350 S 13th Wiebner John D., jr., laborer, h 1401 K Cameron \Viebner Minnie L., weaver, h 1350 S 13th Wieger Catharine, wid Peter, h 1635 Park \Vieger Cecelia, cigarmkr, h 1635 Park. Wieger George, conductor, h 1635 Park \Vieger Joseph G., baker, 1919 Derry, h do Wieland Henry, h 444 Boyd Wieland Leamer J., dressmkr, h 1239 Bailey Wieland Milton, driver, h 1239 Bailey Wiener David, stengr, 5 N 3d, h Carlisle \Vier Kurvin E., machinist, h 543 Camp Wierman J. Emory, carpenter, h 2033 Penn Wierman John E., driver, h 440 Boyd Wierman John P., car repairsman, h 2028 X 7th \\"il:rman Sarah E., h 116 Pine WIERMAN THOMAS T., pres Penna. Canal Co., special agent real estate dept P. R R, 14 S 2d, h 118 Pine Wieseman Edna F .. elk, h 923 Sarah V,'ieseman J. J. ,-\Ibert, machinist, h 923 Sarah Wiesemann Catharine, wid John, h 1927 K 4th Wiesemann Charles, cJk, 219 Market, 'h 1160 MUlberry' Wiesemann Frederick A., cigar mfr, 519 Race, 11 do

N. 3d SL




IiIiJ ~

\Viesemann George F. \V .. motorman, h 610 Race \\'iesemann Jonas, broommkr, 'h 1927 X 4th Wiesemann William A., grocer, 128 S 2d, h 219 Briggs Wiesner Hannah, wid ~Iax, h 26 S 18th Wiesner Joseph, artist, h 26 S 18th Wiest Augustine, cJk Security Trust Co., h 111 Short Wiest Clayton C, coremkr. h 721 S 19th Wiest Preston C, packer P. R. R.. 'h 721 S 19th Wiest Samuel L. Rev., mgr, 201 X 2d, h Dauphin Wiest Stephen M. Rev., 11 111 Short Wiest \Varren \V., foreman, 205 X 2d. h Stone Glen Wiestling Cora :\1., stengr P. & R. frt depot, h 1931 Logan \Viestling Eliza, wid Samuel C. h 1512 Walnut Wiestling John G .. machinist, h 641 Schuylkill \;\,'iestling "Ralph G., letter carrier, h 1922 Penn Wiestling Susanna H., wid Jacob G .. h 1!l:!2 Penn Wil'~tling William E., blacksmith, h 1!l:n Logan Wigand Harry, laborer, h 607 Cumberland \\'iggins Edna. seamstress. h 151m \\"allace Wiggins George K .. evangeli~t. h 17 Evergreen Wiggins Gertrude :\1., wid Edwin J .. h 15119 Wallace Wiggler Lulu. domestic, 412 \Valnut Wightman Edwin E., draftsman, h 1508 State Wigington Josephine. wid \\"illiam. h 14:!:~ Reese at \\'igington \Yilliam. lahorer. h 1423 Reese at


{1240 "arteUtrelf
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.A. B. TACK::==~~ laD PODer ond IIndOW Shodas 1=1~\~:J-u. .

Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.


Wigton Richard B., salesman, h 204 N :.!d Wigton Wade H., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 118 South Wigton William. elk, h 118 South Wike Foster. laborer. h 14:W Bern'hill Wike Jerome. laborer, h 14311 Berr"yhill Wike William H .. conductor, h 14:~() Berryhill Wiland Charles F., laborer. h 1211 .\pple Wiland Reuben. brakeman. h 1216 ~ 6th "'ilbar Elizabeth. will Tosiah P .. h 2:.!:.! Herr \Vilhar Geo. H .. expre~s messenger. h HiIIi:i Susquehanna \Yilhar Crace E . honkkpr. ]2:.!5 ~ :~d. h 222 Herr \Vilbar Henry, carpenter. h 4 X I:Hh Wilbar Josiah P., elk P.O .. h 2:.!2 Herr Wilbar Ralph n .. elk 1'. R. R .. h ]lIS X 6th \Vilbert Harn' E .. brakeman. h 141;) Currant \\'ilbcrt Howard. lahorer. h 14];; Currant Wilbur Della. wid Horace L.. h :U4 X Court \\,ilcox Joseph P .. h 1~5a Berryhill Wilcox' Ll1thella, h Il'1iia Bern'hill \Vilcox :\Iarv. domestic. 162f1'State Wilde William J., engr. h 14~ ~ 4th Wilder Edward. lahorer. h 411:~ Filhert \Vilders Harry. brak<'man. h 1(1111 S lith \Vildman Aug-ust. h :'!:'!1I6 ~ :ld

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b:i~-:;'~~IE

WILDMAN AUGUSTUS, contractor and builder, 2206


\Vildman Augustu~. jr.. electrician. h 26:1;; X 6th ~ \Viley Andrew T., laborer, h 1~34 Penn .. \Vile~' Charles .~., h ~0l9 ~ 5th 'if Wile~' LeRm. C. S. X .. h ]:.!:.!:.! Walnut ~ ''''i!ey Sadie :\Irs., h :;15 \Valnut Wile~' WaIter H .. car insprctor. h ]~I~ Dauphin \Vile\, \\'illiam R.. cal> (lriver. h :.!O~ Strawbern' \Yilh'elm Amanda B., wid Peter S., h 814 X 2d . Wilhelm Charles A., h 17116 Green \\'ilhelm Charles 'Y .. ironwkr. h 3:~:'! S Cameron Wilhelm Ella E., h ~o;; S Front \Vilhelm Hannah :\1.. wid Tacoh. h ~fl5 S Front \Vilhelm James H. (; .. labnrer. h ~II:; S Front Wilhelm Katheril1(' E .. sal(~lad,. Ii S :.!d. h 171)6 Green Wilhelm Marv L.. h ] 7111; (;reen Wilhelm Sanluel K. elk :\Iechanics' Bank, h 814 N 2d c.n Wilhelm William E .. lahorer. h so;; S Front Vvilkts l.\IC'. salc~lady. :::14 :\[arket. h 212 S River \Vilkinson Ald,.h :\1. ~[rs .. h 17:12 Logan \\;'ilkinson Anna L.. cigarmkr. h 17:{:.! Logan n \\'ilkinsnn Tohn \r .. driYer. h :.!1:~ S Ri,'er ~ \\.' ilkins('n \\'iIIiam. lahorl'T. h ] 7:1:.! Logan \Vilkisoll Alberta. dOl11t'stil" HI:::.! ~ :!(l \Villard Clara, domestic. :.!IIII ~ :\r! ADV~-AN-CE~-D} '_Dan_PINT LOB {ao.-a 11'.74 Blda



8 N. llark~
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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.

\Villatt Priscilla. matron, 1102 Herr, h do "'illett Edson J., carpenter. h 4!l4 Herr Willetts Geary ~l., machinist, h 114 Chestnut

-------- -------III ---------CI. IC,~~a::.. {,.H:::,"!rc.:.;" {Tr!.~:r.z.. ntle GUmDty Ind Sarety IE \\~-Il~;;;;-sr)~;;-iel G.. stewa-r-(-I,-h-1G24 Elm --- - - - - - -

WILLETTS THEODORE L .. physician, 114 Ch'!stnut. h do; office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 12 to 3 and 8 to 8 p. In. Willi Edith 1\1.. cig-ar rollcr. h :!1~O ~ 4th \Villi Russell. plasterer, h :{:~:! S 2d Willi Samuel A . salesman. l~() )'Iarket, h 16:~O N 3d Willi Sarah. wid George W., h :!l:!O X 4th Williams Albert, lahorer. h r 104 Filbert Williams Alke l\lrs .. h i:!1 Xorth \Villiams Allan G., inspector P. R R, h 142i K Front Williams Annie, domestic, 112 Angle al Williams Annie. wid Thomas ~I.. h 406 Xorth Williams Ava Mrs .. saleslafl\. 215 }Iarket. h Steelton Williams Blanche E., steng-r. 4:!O :'.Iarket. h L'30 Balm \Villiams nlanche G., housekeeper. 125~ Swatara Wiliiams Carl, laborer, h 14:{~ :'.Iarion Willi~1I11S Charles, hostler, h 11:111 K Front Williams Charles E., brakcman, h ]501~ N 6th \VIIliams Charles 1\1., barber. ](j ?\ 2d, h 41~ S 14th Williams Charles S .. harber, h 22!l4 N 6th \Yiiliams Clarence. porter. h 1420ll\Iarion \Viiliams Clarence E .. laborer. h 1149 Cumberland Williams Daniel, steward Hbg-. Rep. Club, h Hl1 William


IfI\ Williams Earl D .. h Hi20 X :M J Willi.II11S Elh"ard L., driver. h 18011 \Valnut


\ViI\iams Eliza, cook Senate Hotel. h ]~~2 William \\'illia11l~ Emilia, wid John. h 1:~4 Tanner \\,i\lia11l~ Etta, wid Charles, h 41H Crescent WIlliams Frank. laborer, h Hliiol S Cameron Williams Freda: sorter, h ri:!!1 \\'e:o:t . \\'iIliams Georg-e. laborer. h ~:m Calder WillIams Cieorge. roller. h Hnn t\ 4th \villia11l~ George E .. draftsman, h 1524 Green \Yilliams George L.. repairsman, h 6(14 Herr Williams George T .. laborer, h :~:l5 Calder \Villiams George \V .. lank repairer, h 14211 Penn \\'iIliams Georg-ianna. domestic. 1418 \Vyeth \\'illiams Harrison, driver. h 4:19 S 2d \villia11l~ Graee R.. waitress. :tH ~larkct. h 171r1 Penn aft \\'illiams Harrv. laborer. h 1:':! Cranberry VI \\,ii\ia111~ lIarr~' 1.., chef. h ~:!fl Cnion \\,illiallls Barr;' T .. religiot1~ \\'ork sec. ]6 X :!d. h Paxtang \\"illiams Htlen. charwoman. h Uti ;"Iarion \"illiams Helen. cleaner, h 14:!1I1 l\Iarion \\'illiams Helen :\Irs .. h :{ Sherman row \\"iIIiallls Henry. chei Senate Hotel. h 220 Cnion Williams Herb~'rt C. fir~maT~.~IHn4 Herr



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Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.

Wiliiams Horace. junk, h 523 West Williams Horace J., barber, h HiHi \Yalnut 'Williams Irma H., h 403 S 14th WILLIAMS IRVIN C., dep Commissioner Forestry, Capitol, ,h Paxtang Wiliiams Isaac S .. laborer. h 104 Filhert Williams Jennetta, h 1411 William Vlilliams Jessie R., steng-r, h 604 Herr WiiTiams J. Henry, teacher, h 1712 Walnut \Villiams Tohn. laborer. h 2Hi Cranbern' Williams 'Tohn C. brakeman. h :?'216 .\tias Williams ) ohn C, milk, 1500 Penn. h do Williams John F., h 1620 N 3d Williams John R., porter P. R. R. pass depot. h 1706 , \Valnut WilTiams Joseph, laborer. h 177 Indian Williams Joseph H., h 119 ~Iulberry Williams Joseph 0., postal elk. h 429 Yerbe1-:e Williams Levi ~ .. laborer. h 1 X 9th Williams Luther S .. mg-r. 14 S 2d, h 1:)2:1 N 2d Williams Margaret. wid Henry C. h 114 Liberty Williams ~lark. laborer. h 12112 N 12th Williams Marks, h 815 West Williams Marks, (Williams & Freedman), h 425 North Williams M,ary, charwoman, h 14201 l\1arion


Z -I


en o o rr-





N !\farv Mrs .. h 1418 \\\'eth ;.. ~Iar~" wid \\iilliam J., il 17110 Susquehanna n May, h 1H S ~{d Morgan. laborer. h 107~ S Cameron ;.. Olivt'r. laborer, h :{R Lochiel 4th row :a Peter. lahorer. h 211 N Cameron Rachel. domestic. 13:n Wveth Rent' H. Rev .. h 815 X 6tl1 Richard. laborer, h lUll Cumberland III 'William~ Richard, mgr, f( N 2d, h 1 j':{11 Chestnut , 'Williams Robert C Capt., l T. S. A. recruiting office, 4 N :1<1. h 2114 \Y alnut Wi~liams Rohert E., h 1524 Green ,_ \Viiliams Robert E., molder, h 1412 Susquehanna \VilIiams Robert T., drh'er, h 4Hi Crescent '\Villiams Samuel. peddler. h 508Cowden r Williams Sarah E. Mrs., h 1718 Elm :III '\Villiams Sylvester C C. car repairer. h 191H Fulton '\\'illiams T. Howard, laborer, h 1700 Susquehanna Williams Tillie I., salesladv. 30~ ~Iarket, h 1817 N 7th Williams Vinccnt T., brickla\'er, h 20m') N i'ith ~ \"'illiams Viola K.. knitter. Ii 1718 Elm ~ Williams Waltcr W., porter. h 130 Balm ;::K Williams William, butler, h 719 Xorth "Williams William, laborer, h l1iili S Cameron ~

Williams \\Tilliams Williams Williams '\Villiams \Villiams '\VilIiams \\'illiams '\\":Iliams

=-1 !J



THE PATRIOT M'::"""~i'J:~!~oogIe



H M 1\ wELLEY GI CO'S -Blaek D.

),0. Dest 01"<1"1". -

DtamoDd.....b { 1 .,Iha. ....... IOt~.d II. . . . .

Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.


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'Yilliam, laborer, h 1408 X 4th 'Yilliam C, laborer, h 13:12 William "'illiam L.. boilermkr. h 15111 Allison William L., milk, h Penn nr Reilv William ~I., houseman. h 1:! Haehnlen WILLIAMS & FREEDMAN, (M. Williams and W_

'\'illiams 'Yilliams Williams \Yilliams "'illiams

Freedman), rags and junk, 10th c Walnut

\Yilliamson Albert E., eng-r, h 1327 Penn "'i1Iiamson Hertha. housekeeper. WlIi :'.larket Williamson C1o\'er B .. charman Capitol. h 13:!3 Vernon \Yilliamson Harry D., draftsman. h 1:1:!:J "emon "'iIIiamsol1 Han:ey. laborer, h 2U!I Che:,tl1ut 'Yilliamson h's~ie (i., dres:,mkr. h 13::!:1 \"emon \\"i!liamson John H., engr. h 3118 Reily Williamson John :'.1.. nailer, h 3321 S 2d Williamson Joseph D . el('ctrician, h 441 ~ Wth 'Yilliamson Leonard. fireman, h 27 Forrest 'Yilliamson Martha. wid C;eorge. h 308 Reily Williamson l'\!a,v E . milliner. 3a4 l\larkct, h 1:J2:l Vernon 'Yilliamson Peter, lahorer. h 1Will ~ 4th "'illiamson SwIne\" A., wid "illiam. h r W:.!8 State 'Yilliamson \\'illiam 0 .. assembler, h ;~01 Crescent 'Yillis Christopher D .. elk Bureau Statistics, h 440 North Willis Clara T .. seamstrc:'s. h !Ill ~ 18th Willis Edward L., buyer. 3:14 :'.larket. h ::!032 X 5th


"'illis Fannie. wid Samuel. h 2118 Call1cr "'i1Iis (-;el)rge II .. ag-t Prudential Ins. Co .. h .tl~ 'Yalnut "'i1lis Grant D .. fireman. h 1i37 "'oodbine z: Willis JIarry 'Y .. plumber. II 1512 Penn 'cC \Yillis Ida B .. salesla(h. :l3.t :'.larket. h 1411;) do A. Willis John G .. supt. i-iowarcl c 14th. h 1405~Iarket E \Yillis Joseph l".. bricklayer. h 643 Boas o 'Willis Latim<>r. bm:('r. 3:U ~[arket. h 141~ clo U Willis 'Yilliam F .. foreman Capitol. h 1512 Penn .....I 'Yillits Charles R.. elk see Commonwealth. h SOS Capital 'Yilloughby Georg-e B .. eng-r. h 2037 ~ 5th 0 "'illoughby Sophia, wid John. h lfi17 ~ 3d U Willow Georg-e F .. brakeman, h 1!150 ~jth Q Wills Annie 1\1.. domestic. 3115 X Front E 'Vilis Brown 'Y .. fireman. h 21147 Penn cC Wills Frances R.. kinderg-artt'n tender. h 259 Herr raI "'iIIs Tohn F .. elk, 3:ttl Chestnut, h :!5H Herr U 'Vilis john S .. postal elk. h :!59 Herr Wills :'.lary B., kindergarten teacher. h ::!5!1 Herr' Wills :'.lan C. wid Willis C. h 2047 Penn \-Vills :'.Iattie. hemmer, h H:!:! Susqnehanna Wills :'.Iyrtll., saleslady. :t:l4 }Iarket. h Highspire "'iIlson Elizabeth fL. h :?:11l ~ 2d "-ilmore Sonll1an Cual CU .. J. :.\1. Cameron. pres: \V. E. Anwyll. sec and treas. rooms 401-4118 nerg-ner bldg

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Boyd's Harrisburg (\V) City Directory, 1908.

Wilsbach Lawrence, farmer, 'h Paxton ab Cameron Wilson Alice L., cashier, 406 Market, h 1533 Hunter Wilson Annie, wid James, h 344 Boyd \Vilson Annie M., wid Elmer E., h 1519 Penn \\,'ilson Benjamin, scullion, h 414 'Cranberry Wilson Calvin J., policeman, h 11 N 15th Wilson Catharine I., wid Charles H., h 1820 Derry Wilson Charles A., brakeman, h 1637 Market Wilson Charles E., laborer, h 1332 N 7th \Yilson Oharles X., shoecutter, h 2118 Greenwood Wilson Charles S., conductor, h 14 Argyle Wilson Clara, domestic, 250 Verbeke Wilson Clinton, salesman, 334 Market, h 1920 N 4th Wilson David, fireman, h 607 S Front \Vilson David, laborer, h 410 Cowden Wilson David A., hotel, 3d c, Mulberry, h do Wilson E. Baker, watchman Capitol, 'h 1815 Green Wilson Edith, cashier, 1206 N 3d, h 1920 N 4th Wilson Elizabeth, wid Moses G., h 1533 Hunter Wilson Elizabetth c., wid Henry H., h 1306 Shrub Wilson Ella R., bookkpr, 1520 Fulton, h 344 Boyd Wilson Esther A., wid Clark, h 1215 Wallace Wilson Esther N., milliner, h Hl8 Tuscarora \\Tilson Evelyn, watchman Lunatic Hospital, 'h do Wilson F. Bayard, dentist, 25 N 3d, h 1419 Berryhill



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Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson \\Tilson Wilson Wilson Wilson 'Wilson Wilson Wi!son \Vilson Wilson \Vilsol1 Wilson \\ il!'on

Frances H., wid David, h 601 Briggs Francis G., student, h 1257 Market Frank, barber, h 668 Emerald Frank c., (Hoffman & Wilson), h 1603! Derry George, artist, h 1830 Green George, laborer, h 113 Verbeke George F., conductor, h 2302 N 6tth =r: George W., real estate and ins, 1241 Market, h do i!:; George W., roller, h 1952 Swatara ..,., Grove c., elk, 406 :\'Iarket, h 1533 Hunter Harris B., (Hench & Wilson), h 926 N 2d Harry, brakeman, 11 1920 N 4th Harry, engr, h 239 Hummel o Harry, painter, h 414 Boas Harry B., stage mgr, h 14~3t Regina =' Harn' G., draftsman, h 108 Tuscarora Henry J., steward, 302 ~Iarket, h 1412 James Isabella S., wid Samuel, h 2017 Derr\' Jacob, street sweeper, It 50 N 10th . James E., painter, 14!?"2 William, h do James R .. brakeman, h 654 \Yoodbine James R., janitor, h 118 Tanner Tennie :'vl .. weaver, h 15:~3 Hunter 'Tohn, laborer. h 1(;1:; Elm John, lamplighter, h ~:}!I Delaware



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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~~~':.~:'-J::~ 30& , 'i'iH

Boyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908.

John \\'., meat, 1~i)i) :\Iulberrv. h 1257 Market )oseph 1~., engr, h 4:14 CUl11be"rland J. Robert. stengr, 41:~ :\Iarket, h Camp Hill Kate. wid Jacob. h j~ X 14th Leah 1\L wid David, h 4:14 Cumberland Luc\' ~rs., h 507 South al Lueila :'I1rs., seamstress, h 1:1:1 Cranberry Lulu A .. charwoman, h 410 Cowden :\labe1 C., vamper, h 14 Argyle :\Iary J. :\'frs .. h 1828 Penn :\lary L. Mrs .. housekeeper, 417 State }lan' V., h Home for the Friendless :\Iissouri. dressmkr, 515 \Valnut. h 13::!3 William Pearl 1L, hookkpr. :t14 l'darket, h HI~I) K 4th Rebecca, h 11 Ri) Railev Richard. laborer. h Canal bel Reih' Robert D" contractor. h III S Rh:er Roy A., fireman. h 5~O Basin Samuel A .. inspector. h 1712 Regina Samuel G .. engr. h 160!lt N 3d Sarah B., wid Benjamin F., h 606 Showers Saunders A., elk. 212 Locust. h Penbrook Stanton. flagman. h 1321 X 2d Sue F., h Home for the Friendless Thomas }t. s.hearsman, h 10~ Tuscarora



\i\'i!son \Vilsnn Wilson Wilson V,,"ilson Wih-on \Vilson \'\'llson 'Nih-on \Vilson \Vilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson \Vilson Wilson Wilson \iVilson \iVilson \Vilson Wils,)ll \Vilson Wilson

Title SllrlDIy Ind Sire., CO. IC~':::., f"~I=:' ~,=






"Wilsun Thomas C, (T. C Wilson & Co.), h Holly ab 19th

WILSON T. C. & CO., (T. C. Wilson and A. U. Spotz). wall paper and painters, 1317 and 1319 Market
\Vilson \'irginia 1\lrs .. h Home for the Friendless YVilsqn \\', Arthur, pressman. h (il6 Dauphin Wilson W. Grant. h 211H X 6th Wil~on William C .. catcher. h 216 Chern' Wilson \Villiam C, laborer, h 14:lH :\Iarlon Wilson William F., h 1HI S l:~th Wilsun William H .. brakeman, h 1725 X Ttll \-Vilson William H .. blacksmith. h 5:!:~J :\laelay WILSON WILLIAM H., genl supt. 227 Walnut, h 2327 N 3d Wilson William J.. lahorer. h 21117 Kensington Wilson William P .. draftsman. 227 Walnut, h 2327 X !lll Wilt Carrie E . milliner, 8Hl X :ld. h 1105 ~ 2<1 Wilt Charles R .. conductor. hIll Hoerner Wilt Ella ~l rs., h 18:ll1 ~ 6th Wilt Jacoh. h n:l:l X 6th \-Yilt 'John \V .. hrakeman. h 1~26 ~ lith Wih'er Catharine. wid John. h H X 1:~th Wiln'r Elmer L., bridge builder. h 1;;28 \Yalnut Wih'el' Frank. machinist. h 6;)~ Calder Wilvl'r Harris B., laborer, h 7:35 S 21.\ \\'ilvcrt lla C, domestic, 2:~O State -





L B.



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Wilvert Sallie E. ~lrs., tlrcssmkr, 17:]4 \\ alnm. h do 'Vilve t William, mason, h l'j~H Walnut ilve ViII 1:'1 rint h 1 X "'imer Amos. wagonmkr. h 1:]15 Penn 'imc CharI' r., I bore h l'n - Pe 1 ime a r i . , ( cr, 20'j omp \\'imer 'Villiam. foreman. h 1710 Fulton W inal t Car' :'lr h 1:l Grace mal CIa 'e. llan 1:!: dva er \Vinancl Fremont J.. machinist. h 1!11m Susquehanna Winal Jac I Illes<; C. 1. and 5. Co., h l')o~ Sylvan ter lila Lot 1!1 d \ \Yinand Reiland G . fireman. 11 12.n So\vatara \"ina I 'YaIt 1'., )rinter Patriot h :'Iechanic"hurg ina \Vil 1. jr ngr 84:-; am n \Vinckler Conrad. huckster, h 411 Filbert WitHI Clara dome<;tic. U'~ Balm inl! \Tar .. \\ San ,h g, \"imler Roger, waiter, h 2 Haehnlen \Vindfield O<;car, CO) erwkr h ::;3'/ \' erbeke ind Den. in L iga T. I :{5l igg \\'indle }Iary J.. wid Harry H .. h 654 Calcler \Vindmaker Charles F., laborer, h 1~1:! '\ 12th Ca L. ewa h 1 St ind Windsor Helen :'1.. h :]1S ~ orth


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Windsor Jesse L., elk, IH )J 2d. h 520 Woodbine ind Joa a. \\ Wil 1 L UI err il1(\sor :'Ian, sales ad\", 403 ate Windsor }lar\', wid Tesse. h 1403 State incl }Ia ' e, ci' mk 14 tat incisor 'VI lam .. rep . mal , 1~ .. (;re WINDSOR WILLIAM L., JR., alderman, 208 N Court, h SN h . 'indsor \V I lam _., ~k\.. clen. l:n '\J or \Vinegardner Robert E., packer P.R. R.. h 1180 Christian 'ine \\ am bra lan. ():~F111 'ineml er .( gar _ " lab r. h _Ii I phil Winemiller Lynwood. car repairer. h :i21 S 14th 'inc er n' del ers D.. 11 flS 'ine cr fian. '. s ma. ;)2 . Ht \Yinfielcl Bertha ~ [rs .. midwife. h IjO~ ~tate 'infi Es r J., esla 21; ark h Ii " "tat 'infi JCI ci, roll h H hor Winfield Jo;.;eph H .. tailor. HH) Short. h cia r infi La' pc r. 1 1 \: h al 'inti ~[ E.. I es e. Ii ~tat 1 do Winfield ~ I aurice H .. salesman. h (iO~ State ling I k ' 111il . hr' aye l:r" 1'\0 1 mg CI es lost h:.. I Je son \Vingard George H .. \,ariety, ;jl:~ Woodbint', h 544 do





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H M .ELLty D. CO {1IIIi 111ft ~ 'trIII 1 ........... 1\ "ca

Harry E., broommkr, h 15081 N 5th Wingate A. Wayne, candymkr, h 444 Cumberland ~ Wingeard Amelia, housekeeper, 1104 Cowden ~ \Vingeard Annie, wid Luther, h 519 Cowden ;j Wingeard Daniel, machinist, h 519 Cowden ~ Wingeard David 0., foreman F. and M. Works, h 220 .: Mulbern" Wingeard George L., mgr, 1126 ~ 3d, h 220 Reily ~ Wingcarel William, local express, 1807 Berryhill, h do Winger Charles W .. clk, h 1025 N 7th _ Wmger Edgar H .. mgr, h 1025 ~ 7th \Vinger George E .. machinist, h 1025 X 7th _ WINGER HARRY C., aldennan and physician, 1025 N II: 7th, h do iii \Yinger Harry c., .ir., letter carrier, h 6:n Boas -- \Vinger Margaret E .. cook, 334 Market, h 13071 Wallace (/) Winger Naomi, stengr, 1025 1\' 7th, h do Wingert Barbara, wid Jesse, h IHM Susquehanna Wingert C. William, switchman, h 1851 Swatara Wingert Harry S., foreman, h 416 S 16th I- VVingert Mabel .1., saleslady, !-US l\larket, h 416 S 16th \Vmgert. see 'Wengert c( Wingfein Adam, laborer, h 1114 1\ Cameron Wink William J., driver. 11 19 Brady I- WinkeJback Lavinia, h 1024 Market .;;

;;' \\iingard


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.

i =-.



z: :::

Winkler Conrad. scullion, h 411 Filbert Winks William E .. foreman. h 400 S 14th \Vinn Edward, cigarmkr, h 611 Showers 'Vinn Harry c.. car repairer, h 1925 Logan \Vinn l\lary, wid George, h 609 Showers "'inn Michael. painter. h 611 Showers Winn \Villiam. engr. h Hill Susquehanna \\Tinn. see Wynn, also 'Vein Winning William, foreman, h 121 S 14th Winslow Mollie E .. wi('\ John, h 1627 N 4th Winter Blake E., brakeman, h 6M Emerald \Vinter. Ida, cook Senate Hotel. h 35 S Court Winter John \\'"., car repairer. h 630 Emerald Winter Sarah. wid Ignatius. h 35 S Court Winters Annie, housekeeper, 1207 N 3d Winters Annie. wid \VilIiam. h 325 S 15th Winters Catharine. wid John, h 1625 Penn Winters Charles W., laborer. h 406 Spring Winters C. Ross, upholsterer, h 109 S 2d Q Winters Edgar R., weighmaster C. 1. and S. Co., h 1437 ~ Susquehanna . . WINTERS EDWARD M., notary public. stenographer, typewriter and surety bonds, room 2, 204 Market h 118 S 2d ' Winters Francis D .. fireman, h H56 Cumberland



~.:~~-o;:! WI P . . . SbUdBS'rOI A. B. TACK .l:t. .

Bcyd's Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 1908. 7S1
Winters George S., elk, 1 S 3d, h 3:!5 S 15th . Winters Henry c., laborer, h 418 Herr Winters Herbert, 'hostler, h 235 Blackberry Winters Isaiah D., watchman Dept. Int. 'Affairs, h 406 Spring Winters John, foreman, h 631 Kelker Winters John, jr., elk, h 631 Kelker Winters John B., machinist, 'h 469 S Cameron Winters John W., huckster, h 1641 ::\ ith Winters Joseph A., hooker, h 1335 Susquehanna Winters Joseph B., engr, h 1{i:!3 1\ ad Winters Joseph c., brakeman, h 1624 ~ :;d Winters Joseph T., chief elk P. & R. pass depot, 'h 65t) Cumberland 'Winters Martha IV1., cashier, 334 l\larket, h Hi23 N 3d Winters Mary E., wid George, h Ion S 2d Winters Maud H., cigarmkr, h 406 Spring Winters Thomas 0., engr, h 616 Verbeke Winters William, laborer, h 1641 Kith Winters William c., laborer, h 1504 Howard al Winters William H., elk, 16 N 3d, h 109 S 2d Winters William H., driver, 28 N Cameron, h 1422 Derry Winters William L., driver, h 656 Cumberland Wintersteen Grace, physician Lunatic Hospital, h do Wintrode Howard A., carpenter, h 425 S 14th

Wintrode Sarah P., domestic, 941 N 7th Wipperman Charles G.. salesman, 22 ~ 3d, h 19114 do Wipperman Julius D., car repairer. h 1839 Briggs Wire Harry, laborer, h 1102 Grape Wire William, heater. h 1102 Grape Wise Alvin, h 103a Hanna Wise Annie Mrs., grocer. 1153 Cumberland, h 1032 Herr Wise Annie E. Mrs., h Hl3a Hanna Wise Charles E., boilermkr. h 103a Hanna Wise Charles E., heel shaver, h 1335 Howard Wise CharlesW., apprentice, h 1326 Howard Wise David, h 610 Ross Wise David H., foreman, h 427 l\Iuench Wise Edith B., saleslady, 334 Market. h 112 Vine Wise Edward S., laborer. h 1~1i ~orth ,\\'ige Elizabeth, wid Jeremiah, h 1132 Wallace 'Wise Frank, switchman, h 1116 N 6th Wise Frank B., switchman, h 2311 T efferson Wise Frerleric-k D .. machini~t. h 211' Calder Wise C;,!orge J.. boilermkr. h 11\:12 I [err Wi~e Harry G.. cigarmkr. h 1:1:1:i Howard W;se Henry F . machinist. h 1411 Regina Wist' J(,5!'it'. c-igarmkr, h 2~i Crl'~t'l'nt Wise Tohn A., fireman. h 712 N' l\)th 'Wise }ohn A., tinsmith, h 162R Penn


CLARK' S:::I~ Drug and Patant Medicine Store l s-J/:PrlDelJ.











oh :F.. int> h "4:! H IlIl I Joh G., )or . h 3:! err Tohn \\'., laborer h 227 Crescent oh \'., 00( un h 26 \\' Lewis F., laborer, h 120 Strawberry Lil Irs ig Ikr 21 Cal r Lnlia l\1rs., h 23!1 State ~ E T., or P iot 13 Ho ard l'vlary, forelady, h 20.> . RIver ~Ia . J, \'icl William F., h oJ27 Crescent . Ie n. f em . h C cel Robert P., engr, h 206 S River IS .us w Ja ,.h 27 len \Vise Theodore, grocer, 431 North, h Camp Hill 'is Vii 01, ed.. an R. ,h 0 R e Wise Wilham B., butler. h _36 ?\ Court IS "il' 01 bo'l rmk h 11 9 H 11a 'ise Villam ., bo cling, 32~ hes ut, 10 'Vise \ViIIiam M., brakeman. h una Susquehanna 'is r A us R ab r, 55 oas Wissler Christian R.. laborer. h 16m) ~ 12th 'is r J ob ,el ,h 4 s \Vitchey George H., carpenter, I 181 Eliza eth \Yitherow -\lice teacher, h III Chestnut Vis Vise 'Wise is \\'ise Vis Wise I \Vise \Vis lis \Vise

o o z o .oJ
o c(

'it! 0\\ ou. 1\1.. wid rat C, 11 he 1Ut Witherow Sallie 11., forelady, 2145 X 7th, h 1625 N 4th 'itl em ViII I elk III ICS It, 32 \VitherspOoll Fanny, janitres~, 334 ~Itrket, h 1427 Marion Titl W 11k " c P. R. 'iSS po l I N h \Vithrow James B., engr, h 11i20 ::\ 4th "itl \\' nm '-., SSI kr, I 11)2!1 '\ 3d 'it row. ary, .hir kr. I Hi:' l\ I Witman Cora, cigarmkr, h 1128 Capital Tit n wa L.. 17( ~ ont \\'itman Emanucl \V., car repairer. h 239 N 15th 'itt 11 \' ~ lal er, :n Re \\'itman Harry L, laborer. h :.!13!l Moore 'itt n rae t, 210 '\ 2 \\'ittnan I etcr ., car repan er. h II:.. Capital WITMAN-SCHW ARZ CO., J Grant Schwarz, res; r1 De ,s an re w es gr rs, so salt fish. 613-615-617 Walnut 'itt 11 \ lia pr ~ix St t] lk. 214 tat Witman \Y. Frank. h S(J!I ~ 2<i 'itl 1.. \\' 'tm< I E , BA R WI ME , ( . H. Witmer, J. J. Bair and B. F. Witmer), ladies' misses' and chiln' .ead to- ar rm ts, lnu

Redm d's Wag Wo k

l BnlldloK. R .. palrlng J f Ro rT: &,1

an eil~ s.

A. B. TACK} Wall Paplr and Window Shadls h.-=l.V:~

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.
\Vitmer 'Witmer lay Witm~r \\'itmer \\"itmer 'Witmer Witmer


n. Frank, (\\"itmer. Bair & \Vitmer). h Lancaster David H., (\Yitmer. Bair & Witmer). h 219 Mac-

(;eorgc E .. patternmkr. h !ltI5 S :!01 Harry H., dist mgr. :!1II \Yalnut. h 125 Pine Isaac' W .. re:;taurant. 5 X 5th. h <10 John J., fireman. h 2051 Penn Joseph, elk. h :;48 Camp Witm~r Joseph t;., carpenter. h Ii':n Briggs vVitmer Sarah A. ?II rs., h IHOli (;rel'nwood Witmer William K., bricklayer. h 1~:!2 :'\orth \\'itmor George E .. ins sol: -1 S :!d. h Pcnbrook Vdtmver Wesley, laborer. It :!m~ Elizabeth Witm\'er \Villiarll G" brakeman. h H~II-1 Penn \VitSC"il Fritz, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do



~ ~

WITTENMYER LUMBER CO., (Waldo W. and Samuel Wittenmyer), lumber wholesale and retail, 7th c Schuylkill
\ViUennl\"er Samuel. (\\'ittel1mver Lumher Co.), h 1524 N 2d . \Vittennn-er \\"aldo \\' . (\\"ittennwer Lumber Co.), h 1524 K 2(1 . \Vittle (;eorge. r1ri\"Cr. h 1 j21 Susquehanna \Yittle John E .. en gr. h Hilii': !'nsqnehal111a 'Wix Harry c., elk, h l:!Otl Penn


Wix James ~1.. (Wix & Crozier). h laO:1 X 3d ~ ~ Wix L. Ross, elk, l:ma X :ld. It do WIX &: CROZIER, (J. M. Wix and G. M. Crozier), Hotel

-=-a:=f.lHarrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {~= :II

Sayford, 1303 N 3d
~ ~


Wix, see \Vicks \Vizer. see \Veiser \\' obensmith Edwin C. conductor. It Hll!l ~Iarket \Voehle Charles. ch'il engr. h 21:!0 (;reen v\ oernle Herman L.. blacksmith, h 424 Hamilton "'og-ram Lojos. lahorer. h j4~ S Wth Wohlfarth Albert J.. har elk. h 2nl1 Log-an \Vohlfarth Cat'ilarine. boxmkr, h :!ilS S Cameron Wohlfarth Charles F., elk, 1t1 .:\ :!d. h lIII4 Cowden vVohlfarth John, laborer, h 441 Buckthorn Wohlfarth John H., supt. 10th c State. h 442 S 14th

a n





WOHJ..,FARTH JOHN L., Star aotel, 323-325 Reily, hdo

Wohlfarth Margaret J., hoxmkr, h 255 S Cameron vVohlfarth ~[innie S .. boxmkr. h 21)5 S Cameron \Vohlfarth Minnie W., wid 01arles, h 2:15 S Cameron Wohlfarth \VilIiam F., helper, h 534 Violet al Wohlleben Henry. carpenter, h 1428 Susquehanna Woland Annie. cigarmkr, h 1521 Swatara Woland Harper H .. fireman. h 41 ~ 14th Wolhert Horace B .. g-rocer. i1'i :'\ ad. h :l0l Briggs

.II ..



T h _ " . p _ r of'or aportl.,._ N _ _ _

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{I North ad IItrMi&. lOth aad 8ta&e . . .

... ... -... .....




Boyd s Harrisburg ('V) City Directory, 908.


E c





::IE -.-




0 >-



rn an h k. '('r ou ab oCt h nbrook Vol' -\In V.. en~ h ,):~~. op Volllenpmin V.. engr, 1 H:.!, ~ !It \rolf nen"unin \Y., nnchinist, h ).Iulberry nr Front "01 ~ha s . ste vkr, 44 S 1 h Wolf Charles R, ice cream. 2:~4 Hummel, h do '01 ella s jr. ltt<. h:.. H m \Yolf Chester R. mgr. H~2. Penn, h 4-.~ Harris '01 ~Iai E., utcl " h ]"15 Fllto '01 Clif ,d 't'r, ] 2: )0<. \\' olf Dallas, conductor, h 14:W Berryhill T01 Ed, d I bla sm ,h n, 1 \\' olf Ella ~1rs" saleslack 3:{4 ~Iarket, h 921 X 3d Tol Elsi R.. eng :~i T:.!d 14'" SI p Tolt 'mery G" pri! r, I ,50 ~ Ult \VoH Emmett, cutter h 2:)4 Hummel Tol ac C, ilk 42: ho h \YoH James H .. laborer. It 15:n Logan i 01' oh -\., Hil Che mt \VoH John L, painter, h 0 wde WoH John H" trackman, h 114 N 18th r 01 oh L, r re ire 1 2 9 J rs \Volf John W., caller p, R R freight depot, h Camp Hill '01 . 0 ar, ive 1 4 No h

\\' olf \!ilton E. boilermkr h 1422 Penn '01 lin . d es 2( Cu erl I "Y,,1f ;\1. Lizzie. wid Jos~ph A., h :.!6th c Greenwood E r01 ho e. ( llt'S 1: N d 0 'Wolf Raymond, printer. h 4_:~ Harris U \' olf Rob J. . tid t, h H:.!:l Shoo -01 . ( utit'. af) tcr, 12 :.J on ..l \\'oli \Yillia11l K. c.. cart~r. 11 26th e Greenwood 0 :01 ca ent h 1\ u Wolle Yil n 1 W., stcelwkr. h 9Vq S ke Benjamin 2fl! 'or- Ch es -\ e1 rici" h "101) D'rr' Q '01 eh es "pt ler. 23 Sta liP!: Wolfe Christianna, h :W S 3d Tolf CIa A. Olll ie, 02 tit I y \\' olfe Clinton H., barber The C0111\\"lth., h 235 Boas 'olf Ed rd ba Ik, 23' 7th do Q \Volfe Eleanor "se, str ,h )11 les tt 'Volfe Frank L. sol, h 14;37 Derry f-c olf Ge e ,ca lSP or 14' No 1 I!: Wolfe Grover c., elk P. & R frt depot, h Boiling Springs :::: 01 Ha y 111 er, 13 Ho er \Volfe HattIe F., teacher. h Hill hes nut

cC A.

\\'olf Joseph II., carpenter, h HI.~2 \\ralnut -01 er P. rak lan 1"')') \y. Bac 'olt . Jar) Mr~ . boa lin,.,. 124 ~ C ero, h



L 1. LA t A L :;)1 Hl '-II It ...


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908. 78il

~ Wolfe H. Morris, patent medicines, h 133 Sassafras Wolfe Hugh B., collector, 36 N 2d, h 1224 Bailey III Wolfe Jesse c., brakeman, h 1620 Chestnut Wolfe J o11n C., carpenter, h 811 N 6th UJ Wolfe LeRoy J., (Wolfe & Bailey), h 132 State -I Wolfe Pearl E., tailoress, 202 Walnut, h 1437 Derry Wolfe Ralph M., foreman F. and M. Works, h 51)0 S 13th Wolfe Sarah M., wid Samuel, h 112 South Z Wolfe Wil~am D., flagman, h 416 Buckthorn III Wolfe William E., telegrapher, h 1233 Mulberry Wolfe William H., laborer, h 1404 Vernon Wolfe William H., shoecutter, h 1224 Bailev C Wolfe William H., jr., brakeman, h 32 N Summit WOLFE &: BAILEY, (LeRoy J. Wolfe and Charles L. Cl Bailey, jr.), lawyers, 16 N 2d Wolfenden Frank, draftsman, h 114 N 2d W olfersberger Earl B., sign writer, h 622 Harris Wolfersberger Gabriel E., foreman, h 622 Harris Wolfersberger Levi, farmer, h 1600 Verbeke Wolfersberger Walter S., elk, 400 Verbeke, h622 Harris c.n Wolff Gates H., laborer, h 71 N 10th Wolfgang Abtile E., woodwkr, h 1839 Berryhill Wolfgang James M., laborer, h 622 Woodbine Wolfinger William, clk United States Hotel, 'h do Wolfley Clarence N'., fish, &c., 226 N 2d, h do n




Wolfley Harry A., asst baggage agt P. R. R., h .226 N 2d_ COD~ Wolfley Jennie G., penmkr, h 226 N 2d COD Wolfley John c., elk, h 226 N 2d Wolfley Kate, wid Jacob B., h 226 N 2d Wolford George W., agt, h 1605 N 3d Wolford Howard J., plumber, 304 Harris, 1~ 1603 N 3d WOLFORD MARTIN L., physician, 328 Chestnut, h do _ i!; Wolfshon Julius, grocer, 6:~a Walnut, h do Wolfshon Theresa, elk, h 4114 Walnut ,." \Voliung Horace J., salesman, 210 N 3d, h Hotel Russ \Vollerton Emma, elk, h 420'1 Reily . Wollt'rton :Mary E., wid Charles E., h 42(1~ Reily Wollt'rton Theodore F., engr, h 1532 N 6th o Wollerton William M., leverman P. R R, h 519 Kelker Wollet Benjamin F., h 436 S 15th Wolpert Charles J., jeweler, 23 N 3d, h 812 do 31 \Voltz Eli T., traY salesman, h 1242 l\farket ;; Woltz Maynard c., elk P. R R. freight depot, h 1242 Mkt. ::z Wolz Nellie, wid Herman J., h 810 ~ast \Vomen's Exchange, (E. M. Hessenberger and :\1. J. Bas- ~ kin Est.), fancy goods, 11112 N 3d Womer Catharine l;., saleslady, 131)11 K 3d, h 617 Calder ~ Womer Jacob H., brakeman, h 11)07 Moltke Womer John, fireman, h liti Calder ~ Womer ~lary, stcngr, :!:...~ Federal Sfj, 11 617 Calder V)





Digitized by


Wonr\er John S .. carpenter, h 72 ~ 14th \\'onderland. Harr\' H. Treon and Ferdinand' i\foeslein, proprs, amuselilent parlor. !Hlf; Market .. \YonrJcrs Robert A . salesman, h 21 S 15th ~ Wonner Ethel G., stengr. 212 Locust. h 272 Muench \Vollsetler Gehret B., baker The Lochie1, h do ; ~ Wood Charles H., engr, h 6113 Showers ~= Wood Charles J.. jr.. salesman, h 13a Walnut ;= \\'ood Frank E .. salesman. 304 Market. h Shiremanstown !~ Wood George, foreman. h 1317 William .,,'a, Wood George I.. yardmaster P. R. R., h Ht?4 N 3d ~ " ~ ~ Wood Isaac L. Rev .. h 212 Pine \Vooel John R., machinist. h 603 Showers Wood Walter A. ~r. and R. ~1. Co .. agrl implts, 621 \Valnut \Y ood 'William, waiter. h 11 a ~f ulberry . Wooel William :\1.. printer. 201 X 2d. h 12M~ Derry \\'oodburn Albert. laborer. h l205 :\Ionroe \Voodbllrn Isaac. laborer. h 5 Sherman row Woodburn William C. pres XewvilIe Knitting Co., h Xewville Woodcock Emma. wid Calvin, h la19 Xorth Woodcock Walter H., steelwkr. h 1aHI ~orth Wooden .-\nnie L.. wid J. Wesley. h 62~ Yerbeke "'oodfield Thomas C., ()pr, h Ii Grace


:::: ~~;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~g~."-t;

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.


TIll. al.r.a., la~ Sire., Ca,le {"r':'=::::~~~~:~=-- }~~~"4

~Irs., ?\ 7th Wooels C William H .. waiter. h 113 :\lulberry \\"oods Harry, brakeman, h a08 Kelker Woods Harry B . brakeman, h 3tn Calder \\'oods Isaac, puddler, h 1006 S 9th Woods John J., laborer. h 5(15 Primrose Woods Robert W., elk The Bolton, h 1504 Berryhill \\'oods ThOl.113 S A .. nurseryman. York cAsh, h 919 N 6th \Voodson Alvertus. laborer, h 1332 William \i\' oodward Ellsworth, butcher. h 92R Crand \Voodward Elsworth C. lahorer. h 19m1 Elizabeth \\" oo<l\\"ar<l Frerlerick. pipe fitter. h !l:?8 Grand Wcof Amand T. Mrs., h 528 Forrest W oof Edward: baker, 528 Forrest, h do Woof Fannie E.. milliner. 17~7'N lith. h 5:!S Forrest ',"oof Tames. blacksmith, h 5:?8 Forre!'t Woof Rus!'el W., driver. h !):!8 Forrest \\"oof Thomas A., laborer, h 528 Forrest Woolard \"irginia. charwoman. h n:m Jlonroe Wook-ott Henry J., supt. h 1II!1 \\"a~hington \\"oolley Elizaheth A.. hookkpr, 18 ~ !hl. h 350 Crescent Woolley George. printer. h 7:n S l!lth \\-'"oolle\" Tohn E .. watertender. h ~:iU Cre~cent Woolle}" ~fary J .. bookl-pr, h 350 Cre!'cent

ad O \Voodley Fanny. domestic, 2011 hK Hl02 \Voodmansee Queenie W.



Z til



Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMO~~iz:~~ ~~feStsr

t 8peGlall7 . .. A B TACK r........... MalE.. BUlldiDp iDof TlDt. {dl. 11'. .an. PabUo PlaID ........
t t

Boyd's Harrisburg (W ) City Directory, 1908.


Woolridge George 0 . ins agt. 9 S 2d, h 435 Strawberry Woolworth F. W. & Co., H. L. Griffin, mgr, 5 and to-cant :lEI store. 401) Market and 5 and 7 N 4th I; 'Worcester \VilIi,lIl1 M., buyer, 334- Market, h 1941 Green \Vorden H. M. Fuller, cattle dealer. h 637 Maclay rn WORDEN JAMES H., prothonotary, Court House, h I:D 635 Maclay \"orden Lockwood B., student, h 635 ;\faclav 6; \Vorden. see V.rarden . \Vork Edward F., engr, h 631 Emerald ~ \Vork Emma M., saleslad\", 334 1Iarket, h 546 Woodbine 6 \Vork Harrv R., salesmall. 310 Market, h 546 \Voodbine ;:: Work Hugh M., eng-r, h 54fi \Voodbine 'Workman Alfred E., boilermkr, h 1407 Zarker \Vorkman James L., machinist. h 1194 Bailey \Vorkman John F., janitor, h 1626 State \Vorkman Joseph, machinist. h 328 1fuench 'Workman Ravmond \V., machinist, h 1626 State \Vorkman Ro'ss F., student. h 1626 State Worle~' Alice, wid \Villiam H., h 1121 Capital Worley Amelia M . wid Philip B., h 1328 N 4th \Vorle\" Edith, h 217 Mulberrv \Vorle~' Frank, cab driver, h i422 Walnut \Vorle\ Tesse E .. driver. h 12tl4 N 7th ::c '''' orle~' 1fary E., music teacher, 111 Paxton, h do > :D


== =-


Sayings and Loan ASSD.{

Worley Sam'l A., linotype opr, 201 ~ 2d, h 222 Cumbl'd 'Worley Verna, press feeder, h 1121 Capital \Vorlev William, foreman, h 111 Paxton \Vorniser Alfred G., h 15:{0 N 2d Worrel Edward Clark, chief clk State Railroad Commission, h 1513 N ad Worrell Xorris H., engr. h 1509 Green Worst Jacob H., clk Grand Hotel, h 11 X 5th Woutersz Bernard H., chef The Commonwealth, h 636 Camp Wrede Bessie, saleslady, h 824 N 3d Wren Carrie, domestic, 441 Market Wrenshall John C, jr., div.engr P. & R. pass depot, h 103 Locust Wright Ambrose W., brakeman, h 644 Woodbine Wright Aseph, car inspector, h 19th nr Derry. Wright Augustus H., driver, h 347 S Cameron Wright Buchard E., dentist, 36 X 3d, h 18 do Wright Carter, laborer, h 4 Haehnlen Wright Charles. driver, h 413 Filbert .. Wright Charles E., flagman, h 917 Penn Wright Clarence L., dentist, 23 K 3d, h 328 Harris Wright Edna C, packer, h 419 Hummel Wright Elizabeth, domestic, 930 N 6th Wright Ella, saleslady, 334 Market, h 122 Sayford

::== > <

n .



> >

~II_~ ~ ..

air e.S


=1'' '


i iti



H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OUlCes, :.~~:'~~~{COAL AND WOOD

788 Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 1908.
Emory E., laborer, h 414 Hamilton Frank, machinist, h 1323 Penn Franklin W., plumber, h 1715 N 5tll Frederick, driver, h 347 S Cameron George, foreman, h 2016 ~ 7th Harry, wheelwright, h ]520 Penn Harry L., expressman, h 1316 N 2<1 Harry M., laborer, h 1760 Logan Howard L., marker, 'h 122 Sayford Isaac, laborer, h 1403 Zarker James A., conductor, h 442 Cumberland James M., brakeman, h 440 Muench James 0., machinist, h 1321 Wallace J. Earl, sec, 222 Market, h 442 Cumberland John, laborer, h 215 S River John A., warehouseman, h 14 S 16th Joseph, car inspector, h 19th nr Derry Lawrence M., steam fitter, h 627 ~Iaelay Milton J., planer, h 204 S 13th Oscar W., huckster, h 925 Ash Salome, cook, 1934 N 3d Samuel A., carpenter, 245 N 141'h, h do Samuel T., molder, h 419 Hummel Scott S., conductor, h 1213 \Yalnut ;:; \Vright Wright ~ Wright ~ Wright ..: Wright ~ Wright - Wright ~ Wright ~ Wright Wright _ Wright Wright Wright Wright ::E Wright -- Wright fI) Wright Wright Wright ~ Wright Wright O Wright .", ..... Wright Wright


a: o a:

o o _


..: 0.. Wright Spencer H., elk, h 322 Hamilton Wright Thomas, 'helper, h 419 Hummel Wright William, brakeman, h 18291 X 3d Wright 'William B., laborer, h 419 Hummel Wright William E., physician, 29 S 3d, h do \Vright William F., foreman, 7th c Emerald, h 2287 N 7th Wright William F., shoemkr, 1815! N 7th, h 1317 N 6th Wright William H., brakeman, h 1111 Cowden Wright William H., telegrapher P. R. R.. h 643 Schuylkill Wright Willis A., laborer. h 322 Hamilton Wright, see Reith, also Right Wrightstone Grant. warehouseman. h 1122 Cowden Wurster Edward F., upholsterer. Capitol, h 1807 Market Wurster John H., h 14:11 Vernon \Vurster John, jr., grainer, h 142!)~ Yernon 'Vurster Marv M., h 1431 Vernon "'yant Catharine S. Mrs., h 317 Hay Wyant Elizabeth D . h 1204 N 2d ' \V)'ant Elsie 1\1., quiller. h 1521 Walnut Wyant George c., eoach painter. h 152] Walnut Wyant :\lan' E .. wid William H .. h 1204 :-;l 2d Wyant Samuel P., cigarmkr, 11 1521 "'alnut Wyant William W., stengr. 4 X ~d, h 12114 ~ 2d W"hle William N., machinist. h :112 Herr Wykoff Emma. wid Walter. h 46 Linden


U .....J

< <







l L. ST. CLAIR{TAILO~ti!e!~~e:!'~~~f~rnI

A. B. TACK t:&~e:~~ IOU poper ond WindOW ShOdas l~l~\~:.sru.

Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory, 1908. 789
Wykoff William C, plumber, steam, gas- and hot water titter. lin 0 Wyeth. h 660 Verbeke Wyman Charles t., driver. h !ll7 S 22i \~!yman Eugene X., laborer. h 434 S Cameron 'Wyman ::\falinda, h 1421 N 4th Wyman Nettie ;\1., domestic, 1849 Berryhill Wyman Sylvester R.. foreman, h !ll7 S 221 Wynekoop Amanda Mrs., h 126 Cherry \Vynekoop Bertha A., dressmkr. h 1:!6 Cherry \Vynn Alice. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do \V \,11n Charles. fireman. h 16:t! Park Wynn Frank Poo engr, h :!~ X 16th Wynn Philip, elk, Hill Walnut. h do \Vynn. see 'Winn, also Wein Wyre William G., fireman. h 6GS Boas

Yane\' ~rarv A .. wid Lewis. h li()~ X 3d Yaple Albert A., conductor. h fi35 Harris Yaple L. Ross, laborer, h 16:H Fulton Yaple McCune S., brakeman, h 6:!4 Reily Yarman Alfred. conductor, h lOU nerryhill Yarnall Edgar L.. brakeman, h 160:1 C1Jestnut Yarnall John L., tray salesman, h 1440 Market Yates Clara J., hookkpr, 1115 ~ 2d. h Steelton

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~-:'~~E

Yeager Augustus L., 'laborer, h 662 Boas Yeager Catharine, h :n 1 S Front Yeager Charles. laborer, h 535 Race Yeager Elizabeth, wid Charles, h 4:n Xorth Yeager Elmer E., brakeman, h ti:!5 Herr Yeager Frank Coo meat. 11i:18 :\Iarket, h do Yeager Frederick \V., molder, h 34 ~ Summit Yeager Henry, car inspector, h 662 Boas Yeager Herman V., pianist and teacher, 709 N 18th, h do Yeager J. Creighton, guide, Capitol, h 114 N 2d Yeager Margaret, h 311 S Front Yeager Michael, laborer, h 1130 S 9th Yeager Philip R., elk P. R. R., h 311 S Front Yeager Philip S., elk, 4 N 3d, h 311 S Front Yeager Rebecca, wid Daniel, h 1012 N 7th Yeager Samuel F., expressman, h 1907 Briggs Yeager Samuel J., boilermkr, h 407 S 19th Yeager William G.. steelwkr. h 1952 Boas Yeager William J.. elk 1'. R. R. frt depot, h 237 N 14th Yeager William J., jr .. helper. h :!:li X 14th Yeagle Samuel, laborer. h HiO:l X 4th Yeagley Aaron H., elk. The Central. h do Yt'akle Teremiah Woo elk. !l X :!c1. h 114:1 Derr\' Yeakle,: Rebecca E .. wid Adam. h 1~1Il \\' oot! av Yeater' A. Cloyd, h ] !I:l:~ N 5th
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10 N A0VA NeED } '=I'/lc"\'h~:'- {~ :::l:.:U;:' Ie EY uoog

NEI SC GH EM Y} _::'0

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Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City D'rect y, 1908.











.., J

Yeater .-\. Lloyd. Jr., hrcman. h IH4H ), ;jth ate CIa - on III hinh -17 . 5tl atts ~hr) A., omestic, oJ : { . ;ront Yeatts \\" alter S frt <;01 P R. Rand agt Union Line, 4 Met, St. avi Yeick James A., carpenter, h HI ~Iarket ing J. 010 ca ep r, 614 chu kill Yeingst John c., car repairer, h 43:? S Cameron Y ing St', . P ker ?1 gin ntc H. ran. ca epa r. :~4. ~o Yentzer George \V., cigars. 4110 Chestnut. h S:!:! Cowden nt7 L ,\\ Ge ge .h 1 ~ lith Yentzer t:rie. laborer, h x:!:! Cowden T on 1\ ,h 15 :~( eoman Rut 1, 1 Hote _-\ ( JI1e Yessler Prudence h 41 S ~ 17th tte ~ra s. g I de II Ev _re Yetter Leroy. agt Prudential Ins. Co .. h Steelton tte \Iil 1 J. me Cpl h I ) ) ' I Ymger George. h !I:!6 C;rand Yinger lIarr -:\J iro -kr, I liO'" Rae Ige Ra. lah 'r, illr ac Yingling Frank. carpenter. h 1:11:! Penn 19l T \ ter .. c P. R. l:t Pe ~I~~st Allen _:~~e~tnciall. h :i:?O Emerald



H. bo , h :! ngs All er mgst Catharine, h 6... 1 Dauphin L. Yingst Catl rin' \1 rs h ;j'"O Ra 19~ elL e~. r il. eel . h _ ;j:: ffe. n , Yingst Charles D., salesman. :{:{4 :\lkt.: h 141:3 Thompson 19" eh, es . eI :!~ 2d. :!O X ~ 'r II1gst DaVId. laborer. h :!I:!fI Jefferson Y' IgS Edi I1t e H -;pit h J I g , Ed rd. em . h ,. I Dl a\\ar~ Yillgst Edward. elk Paxton F. and F. Co , h Hummelstown Ele 19~ :{d ica '0. H. . 'r gS! ele ICI, . 1 1 X Ig" Epl im 1>0 . h :W ~ lito 19~ :;:va. I.. c . b ~ hth. h _II::" hIlton Yingst Faher IJ printer. h 4'):{ Forstt'l' Ig~ Fr<' P ale all 1:! :\T 011 1ft ':!ng"t Frederick C. electrician. h 1Ii:~8 \\-aJlace -, 19S fa l\1 Yi st ctr I l . h :!1 ~d '" IJ1g"t _-laney .-\ .. foreman. h 4_l'- Hummel I. Ying~t l-farvey. coop{'r h 1')1) DO'k ~ IgS J. l rIe, h 1 :3 T 1111 11 Y:!ngst Jes~ie, center ass! LlInatic Hospital. h do , Ig~ loll ca ts, :~:? F t. do mgst JOh11, laborer, h 424 ~ Cameron "ingst Kat'E .. lotlsl-'ep' \:-lfG' n


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A. B. TACK} FIN~IE!~!,..~t!',,~cl~~ER {1216 NOIlb lDlrd hi

Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory, 1908. j!ll
Ymg:,t Luther C., lahorer, h 55(1 Race: Yingst .\1 innie. boarding, 160:1 Thompson, h do Yochum (;eorge c., conductor. h 14:!4 Xaudain Yocum David, laborer, h 2022 Elizabeth Yocum Elmer I., fireman. h l:Hi Hartine YOCU111 Henry;"':., carpenter, h 15:m ~ Gth Yocum 10hn \\'., switchman. h :ns Clinton Yocum \Valter E., machinist. h ]652 X 4th Yocum William H .. engr, h Ii21 Green Yocum \\"illiam M .. conductor. h 224!l 1efferson Yoder Charles L. R.. draftsman Dept. Internal Affairs, Capitol. h 826 Cowden Yoder C. \Villiam E .. steam fitter. h ~2G Cowden Yoller H. Rudy, engr, h ]9:14 ~ 5th Yode:- James ] . lahorer. h 2022 Kensington Yocler ]. Lemon. en gr. h l/i:l5 \ValJace Yoffe Har.r\", h 10;5 S 9th Yoffe Isaac. grocer. 60() North. h 614 ~tate Yoffe .I acoh. house furnishings. 1:lUl Fulton,. h do Yofft' Kopel. h 111;5 S 9th Yoffe ~Iax r... elk. h 1:~:~O William Yoff(' ~Iorris T., (Keystone Bottling \\"orks) (Yoffe'e Bros.), h 125 S Camerpn Yaffe Moses, laborer, h 1:130 \\"ilJiam



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Yaffe: Tobias, (Keystone Bottling Works) (Yoffee Bros.), h 4100 State N Yoffee Bros .. (l\Iorris ami Tohias). liquors, (j1l0 State ~ Yolle I:yrl J., machinist, h 1m2 x 4th :c Yohe Charles E .. harher, 12fi4 Derry, h do :.Yohe Henry, lahorer Capitol. h ]221) Currant :D Yohe lohn H .. fireman, h ]!Il:! X 4th ;: Yohe ~linerva. nurse. h J5:lll ~ 4th tn Yohe ~amuel. laborer, h 12211 Currant

.:tJ.~~~~} Ha"laburgj~'I~g(~n_d_Loan=~sn.~:= . ~


YOHN BROS., (E. W. Yohn), pianos, organs and musical goods, 223 Market
Yohn Charles A .. carpenter, h 2]33 Moore Yohn Ezra \V., (Yohn Bros.), h Mechanicsburg Yolawitz ~erko. laborer, h 1115 N ith Yolcm Remedy Co .. proprietary medicines, 21 ~ 3d Yontz Charlcs T.. machinist, h 2;5 1Iamilton Yontz Charles S .. painter, h 275 Hamilton Yontz Harry F., painter. h 15]5 N" 6th Yontz Isabel, wic! Joseph S . h Imm Boa~ Yontz John 1-1 . painter P. R. R., h 1!l:18 Boas Yontz Joseph S .. jr., painter. h 1!':m noas Yontz 'ran~l1s :\1.. machinist. h Hit;; X fith Yontz Margarl't. wid William H. B .. h ];;15 N 6th Yontz Xewton R., lahorer, h fiOi ~ Cameron Yontz William H .. plast('r('r. h 1!130 Hoas Yontz \Villiam S .. conductor, It 1507 Penn


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Yooss Catharine, wid Floran. h 1;)::!7 Logan -... York Haven \\"ater and Power Co., \\". J. Hunker, supt,. :; 19th c Gn't'I1\\'ood ~ York Henrv. h 711 ~ 6th ~ York Lois,"h 711 X 6th _ York Maria. h 711 N (jth . Yorty Amelia M., wid Samuel R.. h 13114 :\ :!d ~ Yorty Florence, bookkpr, 334 l\1arkct. h 1304 N 2d Yossalovitz Anna, sakslalh'. 41111 1' h 111112 Cowden, Yossalovitz Anton. 'laborer: h Ii;; Lochiel Yossalovitz John, elk, 4114 Walnut. h 1Il1t! Cowden ~ Yost Albert A., laborer. h 437 1\1 uench Yost Annie E., Mrs . h 4112 Verbeke Yost Annie E .. wid Zacharias. h 41::! ~Iuench 1$ Yost Catharine, wid Levi. h 664 Boas Yost Edward butcher. h 540 Camp Yost Elmer E., helper. h 1Il5:! S Cameron Yost Frank S . helper, h 3111 Muench fI) Yost George \V., helper. h 1737 Fulton Yost H arn- Z., laborer. h 270 Calder Yost H ar,,"c\,. elk. 1ioI:!7 ~ 6th. h 5:H Forrest I&J "ost Hovl"ard \V., m:ll'hinist, h 1!1:m Logan ..I Yost Isaac. brakeman. h 1114 !\ lith Yost Jeremiah D., policeman P_ H. R., h 664 Boas I&J Yost Lemuel D., laborer. h HI;';:.! S Cameron


'h7., '1"_ .

H ,. KELLEY ca CO'S - Diamond. ... - { lOll ........ D. Black wb I .1rI~ .eltt ord" III.. aI )'01& II'


Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory, 1908.

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Yost Lulu M., winder, h 323 Granite Yost :\Iar\, C. cashier. all4 :\Iarket. h 4:n ~Il1ench Yost Roy' R.. weig'htmaster C. I. and S. Co .. h 1052 S Cameron Yost Thomas H., engr, h 4:37 )lucnch Yost. see Youst Young Albert J.. hod carrier, h 1:524 \' ernon Young Amanda F. )1rs., dressmkr, hilt! :\ 7th Young Arthur C, mgr Edgemont Realty Co., Chestnut Street Auditorium, h 2::!:! Forster Young Art'hur K .. elk, 1a14 !'oJ 3d. h :!0:l5 Penn Young Benjamin F., conductor, h 418 S 16th Young Bertha G., teacher Higoh School. h 1tn:! N 2d: Young Bertha M., h lUI )Iulberry Young Carl, express messenger, h :!l;) Crescent Young Charles, chainmkr. h 508 '\Yalnut Young Charles \V., brakeman. h 121la Grecn Young Charles \Y., nailer. 'h 11S :\agJe Young Clarkson L., gasmkr. h :W::! S ::!d Young Cora 1\L h 5!19 S Front Young Daniel W .. driver. h vm:; )Iarion Young David F., librari;m. Cot{rt Hot1!'t.'. h I HI::! N 2d' Young David K .. plumher. 'h 11!l )Iu:herry Young Elizabeth, wid Davicl, h HI:! S l:tth Young Ellen, seamstress, h :!:m State

Boyd's Harrisburg (Y ) City Directory, 1908. Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Frank ~1., engr, h 2321 N 6th Franklin H., leverman, h 1006 S Cameron Frederick D., waiter, h 413 Filbert Garfield, conductor, h 1435 Walnut George A., foreman, 7th c Forster, 11 2035 Penn George A., postal elk, h 1327 Kittatinny George G., grocer, 1000 S Cameron, h do George :\1., butcher, h 323 Crescent George W., planer, h 100nt S Cameron G. J. Kline, fireman, 'h 1847 Fulton Harry C, letter carrier, h 121 Conoy Harry F., elk Sec. Comwlth., h 242 North Harry F., fireman, h 316 Harris Hedwick, elk, h 1802 Penn Henry F., meat, 506 Walnut, h 508 do Jacob R., hod carrier, h 1705 Elm James H., brakeman, it 1736} N 5th James R., laborer, h 414 S Cameron J. Frank, elk, 1000 S Cameron, h 1000i do John, elk, h 1125 Capital John D., boilermkr. 'h 38 N Summit John G., genl agt, 813 Market, h 817 N 6th John H .. foreman, h 599 S Front John J .. janitor. h 111 Short Julius L., engr. h 2102 N 6th




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MILLER BROS. " BAKER} "~~~:i~-:;'~~E

Young Leroy T., special delivery mess P.O., h 121 Conoy Young Louisa. wid Amos "vV., h 221 Forster Young Margaret. domestic, 670 Boas Young :\fartha, wid Adam, h 1114 N 12th Young Mary P., wid John W., h 120 Market YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Homer Black, genl sec, 2d c Locust Young ~lyrtle B., stengr. h 425 Hummel Young Peddrick, chief elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 1802 Penn Young Robert, laborer. h 414 S Cameron Young Robert, laborer, h 522 North al YOUNG ROBERT K., Auditor General, Capitol, h Harrisburg Club Young Ross \V .. pres Keystone Rug Co. and Keystone Carpet Cleaning- Works. h 508 \Valnut Young Theodore, puddler. h 1003 Paxton Young Willard So, elk. 223 ~[arket, h 221 Forster Young "'illiam H .. conductor, h 610 N 18th Young William Roo hod carrier. h r 349 Reily Young \\'iIIiam Roo ins sol. 4 S 2d, h 425 Hummel YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Ella M. Stitt, genl sec, Walnut c 4th Youngblood Charles, laborer. h 123:l ~Ionroe Yount Charles E .. h t5H2 Green

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }~=~~f:.~~~{ 3068_

79:-) Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory, 1908.
Yount Charles E .. jr., helper. h 15H:! Green You sling (ieorge E., clk P. R. R.. h :!34 N 15th Yousling :\Iary B., wid John Y .. h 1:!1:l (ireen '{Ol1st Alice ;\1.. telephone opr. :!W Walnut, h 429 S l:lth Youst Emma A. Mrs .. domestic, ]:!:! Chestnut Yomt ~aIIic. telephone opr. :!:!j \Yalnut, h 42n S l:Uh Yonst. see Yost Youtz Ida l\I.. elk. h :!11 j Grel'nwoot! y owler Hlanche M .. nurse. h 5:!.! Peffer Yowler Charles E., cIkHershey House. h 44 N Summit Yowler Charles E .. jr .. student, h 5:!.! Peffer 'y owler Crace E .. cigarmkr. h H X Summit c:i Yo wIer Paul H., stu(\ent. h 5:!4 Peffer U Yowler William H .. baker. 5:!4 Peffer. h do Yuengling D. G. & Son, C. S. Bux, agt, bottlers, 81S-820 IE }farket CI C) Yungd Joseph P .. asst supt. Hf)~ \'ernon, h 6 S l~th Yuninger Ross \\' .. conductor. h IIlO Penn


ZACHARIAS HARVARD C., real estate, room 26 Harrisburg National Bank bldg, 14 S 2d, h Camp Hill see adv side lines
Zacks Louis, clothier, 414 \'t'rbeke, h 238 Harris
jL Zalkind ~Iendal, collector, h 342 Hamilton

Tm. alarillty lad Siret, CO. IC::::", f'~I~':U:-~,=" {~":t. - -----.-Zampino Bros., (Samuel and Thomas), grocers, 215 S 2d Zampino Samuel. (Zampino Bros.), h Enola Zampino Thomas, (Zampino Bros.). h Enola Zarger Bertha. wid Jacob, h l:~:!U Vernon Zarger Clan'l1l'e E .. machinist. h :!2.!5 Elizaheth Zarger Harry .1., watchmkr. :!:~ XJ:kl, h 1ml2 Forster Zarger Philip E .. carpenter. h II.!:! WOOllbine Zarger. see Zorger, also Zarker Zarker Annie A., wid William H .. h fit!} Grand Zarker Benjamin F .. meat, 2:!:!8 X lith. h do Zarker Charle-; E.. painter. h !,)1I1 (;rand Zarker Eva. millin('r. a:H :\Iarket. h 16:!8 Park Zarker Erza 0 .. draftsman. :!:!7 \\"alntlt, h 1G~8 Park Zarker Frank K.. elk. h 22:!8 X 6th Zarker (;corgc. machinist. h lIi:!~ Park Zarkcr George e., laster. h 19!16 Derry Zarker Jacob S .. painter, h 2~45 Logan Zarker Tame!' :\I., lahorer. h Hl!I t.rand Zarkt'r )ohl1 H .. elk. h ~:!:!8 X 6th Zarker Lewis H .. laborer, h 11i:!8 Park Zarker :\fan" :\1. :\Irs .. saleslady, h Hlt!l N nth Zarker Radlel S., wid John h 1:!6 Evergreen Zarker Robert E., laborer. h !ll!l t.rand Zarkt'r Simon B.. driver. h :!=.!:l \' erbeke Zarker Tillie :\1., h 10c) S l:~th


C l1li:





ANDREW REDMOND}~:=:~=.i :r~~~~ade@Q~~



L B. TACK} IALL PAPER e:!:~.::.:! 111001 SHADES h~.g:. II&.

Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory, 1908.

Zearfoss Robert ~I.. wrcckmaster P. R. R., h H14 l\faelay Zearfo~s Samuel .\ .. lahorer, h 153~ N 6th Zearing Eliza A., wid \\'illiam, h 24116 Reel Zearing Harry B., motorman, h :;:1:1 Peffer Zears Henry. laborer. h 1227 X 7th Zechman Oillah. domestic, :t!:! X 2d Zedricks Chester \\' .. barber. h :1115 Chestnut Zedricks Eliza C ~Irs . ianitress. h 3415 Chestnut Zedricks Lnlia A .. Jal1n~lress. h :;17 State Zefiro Giatlpaoli, scullion. 4:n ~larket. h do Zeiders . \gnes. hIli I 2 State Zeiders Alma M . cigar roller, h 442 S 15th Zeiders Carrie ~.Irs .. hoarding, 702 Race. h do Zeiders Catharine. wid Henry. h lin:! State Zeiders Catharine )'1., teacher. h un:! State Zeiders David P., craneman. h 1:!1l~ \Vallace Zeiders Edward. grocer, :31 X I::th. h do Zeiders Edward II .. mol<ler. h :n 1\ lath

ZEIDERS ELMER C., grocer, 1316 Swatara, h do Zeiders Emen- n.. brakeman, h 18:~4 ~ 6th Zeiders Emma }l.. elk. 31 ~ l:{th. h do Zeiders Emma :'.1.. dressmkr. :17 X l:1th. h do Zeulers Fannie E .. music teacher. 1612 State. h do Zeiders George E .. laborer. h 7112 Race Zeiders Harry. machinist, h 14:t5 Shoop

:t l>


Zeiders Zeiders Zeiders Zeiders Zeiders Zeitlers Zeiders Zeiders Zeiders Zeiders Zeiders Zeiders ZeIders Zdders Zeiders ZeIders Zeiders Ze1ders Zeiders lei(lers

r:;a... -=-:.lHarrlsburg Sayings and Loan Assn. U:;=. :u o

Harvey, laborer, h 70:! Race Harvey A., warehouseman, h :155 Xectarine H. Austin. foreman. 2Cll N :!d. h Lemoyne H. Irene. teacher, h 1612 State . Ida B., shoe opr, h 46 K L'lth Jacob. laborer, h 702 Race Jay H., collector. 3:!() :\Iarket. h 1443 Regina John. carpenter. h 411 N l:ah 10hn D .. elk. 406 :'.Iarket. h LemOYne ) onathan. contractor. h 46 X 1!ltll Juliann. wid Samuel D .. h U~:~4 X 6th Lama A .. foreladv, h 4G K l:~th Lewis S .. tinsmith. 15:\1 l\omhaugh. h do ~ewton G .. elockmkr. :!:~ :l\ :Id. h Lemovne Oscar W .. laborer. h i(l2 Rare . Samuel E .. laborer. h 702 Race . Samuel 1.. laborer. h H~:H N 6th Susanna. wid Adam. h ill:! Race Theodore :\1.. elk. 12~ Short. h :19 Linden William C .. salesman. h 40 X l:tth

< l>

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ZEIDERS WILLIAM W., tinsmith, 435 S 14th, h do Zt:idt'f!". ~('C' Seider!'. al!'o Zeiters Zeig'l'nthaler John R .. shear!"ll1an. h 5ril) Race Zeigler Adelia \' .. cig-armkr. h :!OClfi Elizabeth Zeigler Adrain C, student. h :!ClClfi Elizabeth




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OVB I[OTTO I - } BOD", Coal, HODe.t W'e"bl:

H M KELLty!P. CO {1l1lil1li ,Stile INII. . t ... a . . at



Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) .City Directory, 1908. Amos W., conductor, h 20115 N 5th Annie E., wid Henry S., h 2005 N 5th Catharine A., milliner, 18 N 4th, h do C. Edgar, elk, h 2307 N 6th Charles c., conductor, h 2313 Jefferson Daniel :1\1., upholsterer, 110 S 2d, h 157 Paxton Edna S .. roller. h 2313 Jefferson Elizabeth ..~ . , wid Jacob, h 31 N 15th Ella S., saleslady, h 1719 N 7th Eh'a 1\1., buncher, h 1427 Susquehanna George B. 1\1., laborer, h 1426 North George C. hostler, h 2006 Elizabeth Harry E., hostler, h 226 Briggs Harry H., brakeman, h 642 Dauphin Harry S., elk, h 616 Muench Hurley E., engr, h 1509 Derry John H., laborer, h r 326 Cherry John M., conductor, h 2!l07 N 6th Lee A., checkman P. R. R .. h 1140 Thompson Lloyd, brakeman, h 6~~8 Muench r-.1argaret B. l'Ilrs., h r 326 Cherry l'vIartha M .. elk State Dept. Health, h 1905 N 2d Mary, wid John, h 18 N 4th l\lary A., wid Elias, h 421 Herr Mary C, wid Charles N . h 625 Hamilton

Zeigler Zeigler ~ Zeigler ~ Zeigler ..: Zeigkr ~ Zeigler _ Zeigler -;; Zeig.ler _ Zeigler ~ Zeigler Zeigler :: Zeigler Zeigler a Zeigler __ Zeigler Zeigler (/) Zeigler Zeigler Zeigler Zeigler Zeigler Zeigler Zeigler c::c Zeigler ZeIgler




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Zeigler ~rary E., saleslady. 221 Market, h Steelton Zeigler Ralph, heater. h 624 Muench Zeigler Rmsell '\"., laborer. h 2005 N 5th Zeigler Warren B., brakeman, h 612 Seneca Zeigler William S., conductor, h 1905 N 2d Zeigler. see Ziegler, also Sigler Zeil Herman R., agt, h 103 N'orth Zeil J. Thomas, lieut of police, h 257 Briggs Zeil Margaretta, wid WilIiam, h 255 Briggs Zeit Mary E., saleslady, h 251 Briggs Zeil William F., salesman, 212 ~Vlarket, h 257 Briggs Zeifer Daniel D., laborer, h 46 N 10th Zeiter Emmet E., engine washer, h 1406 N 6th Zeiter Harry, heater, h 46 N 10th Zeiter Jennie M. Mrs., boarding, 1406 N 6th, h do Zeiters William D., plumber, h 619 Calder Zeiters, see Zeiders, also Seiders IiIJ ZeU B. Frank, laborer, h 1223 S 9th U ZeU Charles F., barber, h 112 Linden ZeU Clara, wid John W., h 1019 S 9th Q ZeU Jacob, musician, h 1156 Derry &ill ZeU John D., puddler, 11 112 Linden Zell John D. B., engine inspector, h G05 Herr I!: ZeU Rose A., roller, h 1223 S 9th ZeU Samuel A., laborer, h 1223 S 9th


I. L. ST. ClAIR{TAILOA{1240lIartStnif
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.-.:=~~.; 1011'. . . . . 8IlDI18S IrOIl A. B. TACK ...:~..

- Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory, 1908.


.Zell William S., (Kuhn & Zell), It 1543 Fulton Zeller Ephraim, machinist, h 2102 N 6th Zellers Albert M., carpenter, h 507 Hamilton .Zellers George E., mgr, 208 N 2d, 'h do Zellers George W., brakeman, h 1944 N 7th Zellers Ida, dressmkr, h 3d nr Muench Zellers Isaac W., vet surg, 404i Verbeke, h 1327 N 6th Zellers James P., ins sol, 4 S 2d, h 1412 Berryhill Zellers Susan, saleslady, 221 Market, h 1327 N 6th Zentmyer Charles M., painter, h 1409 Vernon Zerbe Harry P., stengr, h 1814 State Zerbe Jacob, laborer, h 1215 Fulton Zerbe John R., brakeman, h 15:.W Thompson Zerbe John S., postal elk, h 1254 Swatara Zerbe Raymond A., bricklayer, h 400 Verbeke Zerbe Sylvia A., teacher, h 1814 State Zerbe "Villiam H., It 1814 State Zerbe Wilson B., bookkpr, h Hi12 X 5th Zerby Arthur S., plasterer, h 2150 Atlas Zerby Edward E., elk P. S. Co., h 621 N 15th Zerby Florence V" bookkpr, 110 Market, h Steelton Zerby Francis, plasterer, 'h 2150 Atlas Zerby Mary E., wid Joel R., h 2150 Atlas Zerby SylvanusW., plasterer, h 2150 Atlas Zerby William A., student, 'It 621 N 15th

Zercher Benjamin T., conductor, h V~24 Green Zerfing John D., express messenger, h 106 Cumberland Zern Charles, tinner, h li53 Boas Zettler Reinhold, laborer, h 931 S 19th Zick Savilla, wid J olm, h 704 East Ziebus Albert, butcher, It 125 N Cameron Ziegler Alva. bunehmkr. h 1427 SusfJuehanna Ziegler Annie A .. elk. h 33 S 1Gth Ziegler Charles E .. laborer, 11 1340 Vernon Ziegler Elizabeth ~L. weaver, h 33 S 16th ZIEGLER FRANK E., lawyer and notary, 18 N 3d, h 106 State Ziegler George L., collarmkr. 1008 Mkt., h Mechanicsburg Ziegler Herllie E., engr, h 1509 Derry Ziegler John, grocer. 33 S Wth. h do Ziegler Joseph G .. (Ziegler & Hayes), h 63 N 14th Ziegler Solomon, carpenter, h 637 \Valnut Ziegler & Hayes. (Joseph G. Ziegler and Harry F. Hayes), stoves, 222 Hummel Zieg-1c-r. sec Zeigh-r. also ~il!lcr Zierden :\Iicia ~r.. curator Ed. niL State ~ useum, h 916 :\ 3e1 Zigner I farry 11 .. huyer. :n~ :\arkct. h 11 N 4th Zigner John R., polic(,l11an Capitol. h Goldsboro Zimmerman Aaron A .. hrakeman. h 1!l50 Derry




I.DEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO. If,-a\\\ {rr'-='~ Coogle

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CLARK'S =:I~= Drug and Patent Medicine Store{~:~


Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory, 1908.

Albt'rt ~ . salesman, h 615 X 18th Alberta. teacher, h Hi7 Paxton Annie E .. wid Conrad 0., h 307 S Front Arthur 1\1., printer, 10th bel Chestnut, h 1923 Benjamin F. 1\1.. chauffeur. h 14 S Court Bessie L.. mgr, 4 X 3d. h 2116 ~ 4th Carrie. salesla<.h, 3:14 ~brket. h Middletown Charles. elk P. 'R R .. h 3UfI Cumberland Chas. J., asst storekpr P. R. R, h 1928 Green Charles L., scalcmkr, h 214 Peffer Charles R.. brakeman, 'it 427 S 15th C. LeRm. student, h 214 Peffer Curtis A'.. student. h 2]4 Peffer David A., boilermkr. h 1202 :\larket David R. )1.. driver. h 51)] Cumberland DeWitt C. elk P.O., h Penbrook Earl F . shoe opr, h 134 Hoerner Edward F .. steelwkr. h 142:1 Hunter Ed\\', L., telegrapher P. R. R .. h 257 Forster Elizabeth. wid John R., h 1543 N 6th Elsie 1\1.. roller, h 51i0 SlOth Frank L.. laborer. h 22 Lochiel 2d row Frank S., student, h 10 S 4th George \V., ironwkr, h 1617 N 6th

Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Briggs Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman

'ft~~-;t~c..{=-.. .=,=~-={,~.r
Zimmerman Harrison \Y., carpenter, h 1819 Korth Zimmerman Harr\" D" laborer. h r aliI Race Zimmerman Harr;- J .. eng-r. h 4:~;) S Wth Zimmerman Harvey G .. mgr ~lotor Yehiele Co., h 1329i Howard Zimmerman H arn-y X .. carpenter. h 1]1l!} Bailey Zimmerman Helen. stengr. :mH Race. h Shiremanstown Zimnwrman Tda. wid Herman, h 7U8 South Zimmerman Jacoh. hoilermkr, h 5fiO SlOth Zimmerman James B., eng-r. h 1229 X 7th Zimmerman T. Irvin. brakeman. h 644 11uench c( Zimmerman 'J ohanna. wid Leonard. h r 561 Race Zimmerman John H .. asst yardmaster P. R R. h 1304 X 3d ..I Zimmerman John H .. carpenter. 1:t2!l Howard, h do Xat. Bank. h 157 Paxton Z Zimmerman John .1.. ..mess 1st mfr. fi:l:l Reily, h 1543 N 6th Zimmerman John \Y hroom Zimmerman Joseph. peddler. h 7n~ South Zimmerman ,Jos<'ph C. ('ng-r L'umwlth .. h 1512 \Vallace Zimmerman Josiah C. h t:l{I:i \Vallace Zimmerman Josiah C. jr .. brakeman. h 2616 Jefferson Zimmerman Kate. h :Wi S Front . Zimmerman Laura. h :;t1~1 Kt'lkcr ~'-:i\11ll1erman Lenw H .. elk. h 1~1!) :\orth c( Zimmerman Lillit:. 1111llchmkr. h 7U~ South


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Redmond's Wagon Works}~,!,~d~~~~::{34anIlReiIJ StS..

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A. B. TACKl Wall Paper and Window Sbadel {UI~!f~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory, 1908. Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zin!l1~erman Zimmf'rman ZinuTlerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmennan Zimmerman Zimmerman


Lillie E . seamstress. h 1115 Cherry Luther R., agt, h ::!116 1\ 4th Lydia ).[ rs., h 14 S Court L~man, conductor. h 1427 Hunter 1vi. Alice. h 1512 Walnut ~Iargaret. wid Jacob H .. h ::!8th nr Derry Maria. wid Joseph. h Hili' X'orth ~Mary A .. wid Aaron S . h lfl:i Cherry Mary J.. h 15. Paxton Matilda 1\1.. wid John \Y . h 1G17 X 6th ~1av c.. elk. h 5i6 ~ :!d M. Georgianna. roller. h 5GO SlOth l\forris. conductor. h ;n G X 2cl Morris E .. engr Comwlth .. h 1319 ~Iaple N'athan. tailor. h 12!1 X 10th Norman, laborer. h 70~ South ;; Peter S .. chid elk P. & R. pass depot, h 425 -


Zimmerman Zimmerman Zirnmerman Zimmerinan Zimmerman Zimml'rman

Raymond S .. carpenter. h 1819 Xorth Robert ~'L. elk. h ::iOn Race Samuel H., la\\'\"er. 412 Xorth. h do Samuel I\ .. eng'r. h ::!:m Briggs Samuel S., milk. :!11 X 20. h 1245 ~Iulberry S. :\Iilton. bookkpr. h 1:n5 Swatara


Sawlngs and loan Assn. {~~:=:

Zimmerman Theophilus. F., yardmaster P. R. R., h 10 S ..... 4th .... Zimmerman Thomas J.. car inspector, h GU. Forrest :.-

~~~~~~::~ \Villiam. ~I~i~:~~~e;'{o~!r~Derry {~fI~~, laborer, h is~;~w Zimmerman

2~th nr

Zimmerman William G., foreman F. and ~I. Works, h 525 0 Camp n Zimmerman William H., machinist. h 1::!09 Bartine Zimmerman William 0., brakeman. h 1814 North Zimmerman William W.o patternmkr. h 1:l4. Hoerner Zink (;eorge, toolmkr. h 411:! Verbeke Zink George A., h 111 Washington Zink William, carpenter, h 1735 X 4th Zinn Abbie M., wid Levi R., h 1819 ~ 2d Zinn Anson B., baker, 415 Kelker, 11 do Zinn Edward c., postal elk, h 1819 N 2d Zinn Frank H., car repairsman, h 2017 N 6th Zinn Margaret B. Mrs., saleslady, 36 S 2d. h 619 N 2d Ziprock John, laborer. h 1136 S 9th Zirilli Pietro, laborer, h 103 Hanna Zitch Margaret, wid James S., h 1926 Wood Zitch Susan A. Mrs., h 602 South Zol1 Martin, elk Recorder. C. H . h Oberlin Zoll Minerva G., stengr Patriot, h Oberlin Zol1 Salome, saleslady. 334 Market. h Oberlin

.... I



T h _ P _ p _ r ~~r

aport. "~igi~Jt~-tlogle


H M KELLEY I ICO. {I NorUa ...... . ... o. I .... . aad l~

;; :;

Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory, 1908.





.. -.,-


a:: o
c:[ a::

zoa William ~L, engr, 'h 240 X 14th Zollinger Bessie B., h 1Ii:.'8 l\ ;~d Zollinger Caroline, wid George, h 1G2~ 1\ ad Zollinger Charles, h GII2 X orth Zollinger Edgar, student, Ii 1jf)2 Xorth Zollinger George J., stoves, 30S lllackberry, h :n S 3d Zollinger John F., blacksmith, 115 S Dewberry, h 602 ~orth Zollinger Warren A, h 13 S 2d Zook Abraham, car repairer, h 2G2G Jefferson Zorger Anna C, wid Peter F., h !J23 Bartine Zorger Calvin, 'heater, h 212i Swatara Zorger Daniel .1;1., brakeman, h 191G N ith Zorger Harry Eo, molder, h 1934 Kensington Zorger Henry, mason, h 1934 Kensington Zorger, see Zarger, also Zarker Zorintan Petru, laborer, h 65S Savford Zuckerman Harry ~L, (Zuckerman & Freedman), h 423 North Zuckerman Victor, peddler, h 419 North al Zuckerman & Freedman, (H. 1\1. Zuckerman and A. Freedman), junk, 42i Xorth al Zudrell Elizabeth S., wid John, h 1633 Market Zudrell Fidel J., salesman, h 1513 Walnut Zudrell Joseph, brushmkr, 1513 Walnut, '11 do


o o

Zudrell Julia H., teacher, h H;aa ~larket Zudrell ~lary D., elk, 14118 \'ernoll, h lG33 ;\larket __ Zug Frank V .. buyer, 334 ~larket. h 1409 N 2d >- Zug George'vV., salesman, 3a4 :Market, 'h 1409 N 2d Ii!: Zug Harry M .. switchman, h !ill Market C Zug Herbert S .. salesman. 221 :\larket, h 261 Briggs a. Zug Liliah B., teacher, h 1711 Market Ie Zug Margaret A., elk, 30 N 3d, h l i l l :\tIarket o Zug William B.. elk. h 1ill Market U Zustilsch Andre\\", laborer, 'h 62 Lochiel ...l Zweifel Thomas. foreman. Herr c Wth, h 1G35 ~ 6th ~ Zwiebel Raymond I.. l1lachini~t. 'h 1114 ~ lith



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l L. ST, ClAIR{TAILOA{1240lIlnItStnIt Coogle

Digitized by


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.








ABBRF.VU.T 0118 US&D I~ Tals DlaICTORY.-Ab . above: al.. alley; av .. aveDue; bel., below; bel .. between; bldg., bulldlq; bookltpr., bookkeeper; elk., clerk: e .. corner: do. ditto: B. . . .t: ft.. toot; h .. home: Ina., lusurauce; la., lane; mfr., manufacturer: m~.. manager: mkr., maker: nr., near: N.. norch: h., Pennsylvania: P. S. Co., Penua. Steel lo.: rd .. road; R. R., railroad: Iq



s .. liOuUl;

8. 8. Co., tlCeeltoD Store Co.: W Welt; Wid widow.

Burgess-Albert B. Smith. Borough Solicitor-Frank B. Wickersham. Borough Treasurer-Leroy H. Sutton. High Constable-John T. Buser. Council-J. V. W. Reynders. pres; Peter S. Blackwell, Ernest C. Henderson. Anthony McGeehan. Frank Stees, Joseph H. Gerdes, John C. Craig, Thomas J. Nelley, Kirk ~ Shelly, Jacob Prowell. i Secretary of Council-Charles P. Feidt. ,z School Directors-William F. Darby. pres; D. Augustus ~ Peters, sec; William A. Attick, treas; B. F. McNear, ~



MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ":i~b~~~~~1I: ~

B. ~Iartin, William E. Weaver, William Webster, George Klaiss, John Rider. Charles F. Zimmerman, L. E. McGinnes, supt. Abercrombie Utley S., pur agt S. S. Co., h 406 Spruce ABERCROMBIE WYMAN E., v-pres Steelton National Bank and genl supt Steelton Store ,Co., h 349 Spruce Abracoff Taso, (S. Spirkoff & Co.), h 263 Franklin Abramovic Joseph, laborer, h 106 Chambers Abramovitz Louis, peddler. h :!2i Christian Abramovitz Max, grocer, 2i Cumbler's row, h do Abrochoff Nicola, shoemkr, :!G4 Franklin. h do Acker John W., laborer, h 226 Mulberry a\' Acri Frank, laborer, h :~:m ~ 4th Acri Frank, truckman, h ~H3 S 3d Acri John, fruit, :m N Front, h 3S5 sad Acri Peter J., elk, h 385 S 3d Adam Pompilills G., student, h 526 New Ridge Adamovitch Giva. laborer, h a18 Franklin ADAMS EXPRESS CO., F. F. Ruhl, agent, 120 S Front Adams Marshall, h 53:! New Ridge Adams Kimrod G., h 5~2 New Ril\gc Adams \\Tilbert L.. laborer. h 532 K ew Ridge Aglenovic :\1arko, laborer, h 55 Conestoga Aikey Thomas C, painter. h :lS:1 S Front Ajolinoivic Stanko, laborer, h i:!O 54th



:::= ~::~- McrtEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~3:r....t~

80:l Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
Alhert Henry Y .. helper, h ::!:12 Pine Albert J. Harry, elk. h :!:~::! Pine Albert Tohn .\., laborer, h :lin Christian Albert )oseph E., elk S. S. Co., h Hbg. Alberts Anne. mech engr P. S. Co .. h :!r1 nr Felton Albright Alice ]., wid Hironemotls, h 79 ~Iain Albright Emil. engr, h 746 }\lohn Albright William G.. steelwkr, h (l1l5 ~ Front Albright \Villiam ~I.. pressman, h 6115 ~ Front Alburger Edward T . jr .. <Iraftsman P. S. Co., h 2487 S 2d Alcock Mark R.. caller, h 8:J~ X Front Alden Charles A., civil engr, h 401 Pine Alek Samuel, laborer, h 31)7 Frederick Alexander Horace, laborer, h 145 Adams Alleman Ethan C. clk, h 234 N 2d Alleman George R.. coal, (wholesale), 145 ~ Front, h Hbg. Alleman Leah. wid :\Iichacl R., h 144 N 2d Alleman l\lartin L.. carpenter, h 243 Main Alleman Man' A .. h 144 1\ 2d ALLEMAN M. RUDY, notary public, real estate, steamship agent and insurance, 145 N Front, h do Allemannia Conclave. Xo. !l4::J. 1. O. H .. meets first and third \\"ednesdav eve. of each month in G. A. R. Hall; Harry Deik. sec Allen Drew :\1., sales agot P. S. Co., h Hbg .

o mil alaraDIf aDd Slrllf

CD.I:~ {a.::.:.=,=~:'{.:~::" l~tJt

Allen Francis machinist, h O Allen John W.,1..laborer, h 1()4 227 Jefferson Ridge

o J



Allen Lewis E., ins sol, h 200 Adams Allen Thomas. machinist, h 19 Swatara Allison Howard. elk. 50 S Front, h 15 Locust Allison John B., miller, h 163 Frederick Allsbary Henry. laborer. h a04 Highland AlIsberT\' Fannie. wid Gibson. h7~ Furnace Altland \Villiam S .. drh'er, h 405 Bessemer Ament Joseph, lahorer. h 557 S Front American Union Telephone Co., E. L. Daron, mgr, 41-43 N Front Ancient Order of Hihernic!Jls, Division Xo. l, meets first and second Thursday of each month in Dunkle's Hall; Tames T. O~eill. sec Andcrmal1Jl Charles II.. helper, h 70~ X 2<1 Andermann Harry T., machinist. h 7fl~ 1\ 2d Andermann Reinho'ld, blacbmith, h 70~ X :!d Anderson Evan G., elk P. S. Co .. h libg-. :\11(Ier~on T01m H .. painter. h :11!l Christian Anderson 'Tohn T . laborer. h un Ridge Ander~on Tohn W . elk ~. ~. Co., h 117 X Front Anilerson Robert L., pl?ner. h :!/l S :ld Anderson Thomas. labo:tr. h (is::! ~ Front Anderson Thomas J.. lahorer, h 1:?!1 Ridge

Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMONDDi!~z~d~~J~g~~"


B ft.. TACK

l llak. . . Speela1t;r of {Ole Jf. . . . . f II'reHOIDC PabU.. Bwldillp ill Plaln TID.. .lliltlJlaalaa-

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Anderson William G., laborer. h l:Ha Ridge Andes Charles fl., foreman, It a4il Poplar Andra Ezechiel, laborer, h 38~ ~ 3d Andrew George B., riveter. h 453 Main Andusura Mile, laborer, h rill S 3d Ange\etf Jordan. h 4Tli Main Angney Kate, wid David, h 346 Swatara Angyel Christina, wid ~icola, h 447 Myers Anthony John, laborer, h 401 Catharine Apgar Eml)' B., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Aramija John laborer, h 55 Frederick Arko Thomas, laborer, h 217 Calumet al Armstead Erasmus, laborer, h 80 Furnace Armstrong Frank, butcher, 196 S Front. h 304 Walnut Armstrong Joseph S., lahorer, 11 laO Lincoln Armstrong Joshua, driver, h 1!1 Conestoga Arnolrl Christian H., laborer, h 245 Christian Arnolrl Jacob, lahorer, h 216 N 2d Arnold Tohn. laborer. h 422 Swatara Arnold John, jr., laborer, h 422 Swatara Arnold Philip R., electrician, h a79 Myers 'Aronson Harry, meat, 558 Sad, Ashby Thomas. laborer, h .52H N Front Assein Emil, ci\'il engr P. S. Co., h 2613 S 2d

c Astava Savi C, laborer, Ii 540 S ad n Atan'ockko Savar, laborer, 'h ~'54 Christian Atkinson Calvin N., clerk, 11 180 ~1 vers N Atkinson Horace G .. engr, 11 180 l\iyers > Atonasoff Todar, laborer, h 455 l\Iain n Attick David 1\1., motorman, h 2d c Franklin Attick Edward C. letter carrier, h 22 C11estnut > :a Attick John C, carpenter, h 640 i\ 2d Attick Mary E .. clk S. S. Co., h 838 X Front > Attick Robert R., frog builder, h 6a4 X 2d til Attick William A., heater, h 357 S 2d Attick William C, bricklayer, h 8:18 N Front Attick William E., asst supt, h 43 ~ Front Atticks America A., wid Charles H., h 217 Lincoln Atticks l\Iary E., wid John W., h :?09 Lincoln Atwell :\~lncv. wid Elias, h 170 Ridge . Atwell Thomas, laborer, h 1TO Ridge Auch Walter F., draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Auker John A., frogmkr, h 2211 S ~d Auman Frecierick A., police P. S. Co., h 26 N 2d Aument Kate M., dressmkr, h !l84~ S 2d AZBE FRANCIS J. REV., rector St. Mary's R. C. Church, h S 2d c Hoffer Azbe l\lanca, saleslady, 844 S 2d, h do

::c ~=::JHarrlsburg Sayings and Loan Assn.! ~= :a < Assembly No. 238, Loyal Americans, meets first and third > :a Fridav eves. of each month at 284 Main




-----------------THE PAT R I ~T
Digitized by


H. M. KELLEY" CO.}lDlces, :1t,::.rta~'T'::{COAL AND WOOD

;; -= -


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.





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o o C

a: a:

Babhle Samuel C, clk P. S. Co., h Xew Cumberland Babhle William H., bridge builder, h 726 N 2d Babic Pavel, laborer, 11 563 S ad nabic Torno, laborer, h 711 S 3d Bacan Todor, laborer, h 59 Conestoga Bachavovitch J<j1n, laborer, h !l63 Frederick Baclage Martin, h 807 S ad Ba(Ham Stephen. asst supt merchant mill P. S. Co., h 309 Pine Badtdorff Glarles W., bricklayer. h 273 Main Baer Josephine, wid Anton, h "157 N Front Baer }Iarv 11.. h 157 N Front Baica Tove, laborer, h 545 Myers Bailets Irvin, engr. h 118 Frederick BAILEY FRANK E., jeweler, steamship agent and mgr Postal Telegraph Cable Co., 7 S Front, h 9 do Bailey Harry F .. telegrapher P. & R.. h 26 S 3d Bailey Lloyd E., telegrapher, h 9 S Front Bailey Silas, constable. h 352 Ridge Bailey Stephen, laborer, h 352 Ridge Bailey William H., laborer, h 157 Ridge Bailor George, laborer, h 176 Adams Bailor Grant J., enge, h 15a Adams Baker Albert E., laborer, h !l27 Conestoga Baker Bros., (David P. and Joseph I.), clothing, 558 S 3d


Baker Charles P .. asst sec, h 229 \Valnut Baker David P .. (Baker Bros.). h 544 S 3d Baker Edward G., laborer, h 581 S 2d Baker George, fireman, h 85 Main Raker Hannah, wid Henry, h 116 S Front Baker Harry, chauffeur S. S. Co., h 28.3 ::\Iain Baker Henrv, h 544 S 3d Baker Ida ~i. Mrs., h 107 S Front Baker Joseph I.. (Baker Bros.), h 544 S 3d Baker Mary, wid Jacob, h 156 S 2d Rakic Milo. laborer. h 709 S 3d Bakich Milo, laborer, h 716 S ad Baldwin Cemetery, S. F. and :\. \Y. Dunkle, trustees, 148 N Front ' Baldwin Claude L.. laborer, h 181 S Front Baldwin Commandery, No. 1118, A. and I. O. Knights of ?\J alta, G. R. Reidel, rec; meets ::\londay eve., 15 N Front Baldwin Edward S .. bricklayer. h 3411 ::\Ivers Baldwin Hose Co., ~o. 4, H. H. (;ardner: :162 S Front Baldwin ~Iargaret. wid Charles S .. h in7 N Front Balkovic John, laborer, h 2:n ::\Iain Ball James H., laborer, h 127 Adams Ball J. Sydney. laborer. h 4U7 Bailey Ball l\lilford Rev .. h 127 Adams

W ~

l L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {1240 lIarkl' SInd

Digitized by


At B. TACK l:&'!:.on~~:~ lOB pooer ond IIndOI SbOdes el'fa\~:'ra.

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Balosko John, laborer. h 51li S :lei Baltimore Jacob. lahorer. h ]6i Adams Ban Joseph, laborer, h 4aG :'I'lohn Bankovic John. laborer. h 5:!!l S :!d Bankovic 11iC'hael. lahorer. h 1 H4 Frederick Bankovic Thomas, laborer, h 2ii6 :\Iain Banks John H., machinist, h :!ao :\Iain Banks Rebecca Mrs., h 64 Furnace Bannan Annie D .. elk S. S. Co., h 121 S 4th Bannan Harrison W., machinist. h ]55 S 4th Bannan William F., machinist, h 1:!1 S 4th Barber Charles E .. laborer, h :n7 Conestoga Barber Jeremiah, laborer, 'h ;H:~ Orchard av Barber William, laborer. h 266 Canal al Barbir Nikolo, laborer,h 726 S 4th Barisch Abraham, grocer, 642 S 3d, h do Barley Abraham ~., paperhanger, 25 X 2d, h 27 do Barley Otristian E., plasterer, hiS 4th Barley Ralph C, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Barley Samuel A., foreman S. and H. Brick Co., h 1 N 4th Barlow George, laborer, h 8 Cumbler's row Barnes Alice 11,1. Mrs., h 184 Main Barnes Harvey, lahorer, h 401 S Front Barnes Oscar, laborer. 11 40 Furnace Barnet Harry X., carpenter, h 468 :-oJ Front

Barnet John J., carpenter, h 207 N Front Barnet John R.. carpenter, h :!16 N 2d Barnet \,yalter H., carpenter. 11 207 N Front Barnhill Alexander, laborer. h 130 Ridge Barr Harry M., craneman, h 220 :-oJ Front Barrick Frank, helper, h 41:3 Reading Barrick George, patternmkr, h 25 Chestnut Barrick John 'W., h 45 S 4th Bartels Henry, shoemkr, 219 Ridge, h 218 Lincoln Barth Charles W., butcher, h 122 Lincoln . Barton Ivan, laborer, it 708 S 3d Bartron P. Edgar, steel tester, h 355 S 2d Baskin Oliver P .. supt water works, h 242 Main Basehore Charles F. elk Steelton Xational Bank, h Enhaut Basom E. &ott, inspector, 'h 40ti ::\ 3d Batcher Steve, driver. h flll7 S :lcl Batdorf Elsworth. laborer, h :li S Front Batdorff John "V .. blacksmith. h 211 Main Bates Charles E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 21i Chestnut Bates Henrv L., foreman. Ii 2H Chestnut Bates Joseph, blacksmith. h 2~ Pine Bates William H., hlacksmith. h 2R Pine Battle Samuel 0 .. lahorer. h :!1I7 .\ciams Baughman John C. lahurer. h :!iil S :!d Baul11 Abram, h 171 Christian



_ ~






10 N AD VA NeED } rullt&\UyL~:'- {-:-t =:.:u"' EY .....

Digitized by






Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.



Bausher Carmi 1., civil engr P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Baxter Edward, elk, h 2611 S ~d Ehxter James F., telegrapher 1'. R. R., h 145 Christian Baxter Mary E., wid David. h Hi) Christian Baxter Stanley, boilermkr, h 145 Christian Beaden Henry, laborer, h 166 Adams Bealor Alvin, laborer, h 372 S 2d Beals Rebecca, wid Joseph, h 149 Adams Beamer Benjamin F., laborer, h 11 Cumbler's row Bear Abraham, grocer, 369 S Front, h do Bear Eva, wid Abraham, h 31m S Front Bear Joseph K., hrick burner, h 8311 N Front Beard George W., blacksmith, h 679 S Front Beard Herman T., engr, h 369 S 2d Beasley Cora Mrs., h 14!1! Adams Heasle,' Letitia, domestic.-H'I6 Adams Beasle}' Luther, laborer, h ~42 Ridge Reasor Louise. stengr P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Beaver George A., steelwkr. h 315 N Front Reaver Harr", steclwkr. h 265 S ~d lld>esi Josep]), lahorer. h 468 110hn Bechtel Elmer F., draftsman. h Front c Felton Bechtold David J., elk P. S. Co., h 105 N 2d Becic Joseph, laborer, h 624 S 3d Beck Charles, steelwkr, h 4(l~_S_Front _.. _ _ _ _ _ __



nUl 6uaraDty lid Sarlty el. ,c~a:::.., {F.=,~ {orr:.~

Beck Christian F., blacksmith, h 534 S 2d Beck Christian F., electrician, h 335 Swatara Deck Esther E., wid Tohn c., h 229 ~ 20 Beck Ferdinand F., hlacksmith, h :!11 Swatara Beck Frederick, machinist. h ~37 Swatara Bec k James, laborer. h 32 Chestnut' Reck John c., machinist, h 211 Swatara Beck i.auritz F., lahorer, h 337 Swatara Beck :\Iahel, elk S. S. Co., h 229 S 2d Beck Peter, foreman. h 39 S Front Beck Samuel X., machinist, h 22f1 S 2d Becker Stanislaus, h 37n S 2d Beckmann Henry, laborer, 'h 518 Good Beckwith Charles W., laborer, h lti2 Ridge Beckwith Ernest, laborer, h 154 Adams Beckwith Jesse. laborer, h 2;')4 Franklin Behman Arthur K., machinist. h 221 Swatara Behman Jacob H., planer. h 221 ~\\'atara Behman Lizzie. elk, 116 1'\ Front, h 221 Swatara lkhman Man', wid HenrY, h 21!l Christian Rehn!'y CYrus J. Re\ . h '332 Main Heide!" Charles H .. barher, 45 S Front, h 43 do Heidel George B .. chief elk P. S. Co .. h 24 S 4th nciclel John W .. grocer, 26 S 4th, h do Heidel Joseph E., inspector P. S. Co., h 24 S 4th

o o


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. H07 Beider Emma, h i:!() X 2d Beider Philip, rigger, !1 720 K :!d Beider Philip, jr., laborer, h 7211 ?\ 2d BeinhalH,r Irvin E., hooker, h 411 Catharine Beistline' Roy 1\1., steelwkr, h 321 S 4th Bekina Ivan, laborer, h 359 Frederick Belie Juda, lahorer. h 30 Chambers Belie Steven, laborer, h 551 S 3d Belie Stovan. laborer, h 729 S 3d Belich Juro, laborer. h 7 Chambers Belicic John, laborer, h 254 Frederick Bell Alexander. lahorer, h 141 S Front Bell Howard, driver. h 128 Ridge Bell John, carpenter. h r 254 Frederick Bell ~or>hronia E. Mrs .. charwoman. h 346 Swatara Bell Teiephone Co. of Penna. Exchange. H. H. Whitmer, mg-r. G S Front Hdl Yan D., laborer, h 319 S Front Bellows \V. Scott. engr. h 244 Pine Re!l1sic ~1irko. laborer, h 107 Chambers BLl1cic Joseph. iaborer, h 7:~7 S 2d Bender Daniel G., fireman S. S. Co .. h 108 S Front Bender Ephraim, faborer, h 1:14 X Front Bender Fr~derick W., machinist. h 321 Swatara Bender Joseph H., laborer, h 682- 5 2d

::D P1 2


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:c :a::D < :a-





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SaYings and Loan Assn.::=




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Bender Lewis P., engr, h :~3:1 Lincoln Bendorf Edward, shearsman, h Front bel Frances Benedict Tohn, laborer, h 485 1\lohn Benkovic ",roseph, lahorer, h 440 1\lohn ..:Benkovic Loaro, laborer, h 172 Frederick Benko\ic Marto, laborer, h 150 Frederick Benkovic Michael, laborer, 11 164 Frederick Bennett Edwin \V., sub letter carrier. 11 3:! S 4th Bcnnett Walter H .. h 32 S 4th Rent Luther S. School Building, ad c Bessemer Benncr Charles. laborer, h 205 l\1ain Btntb" Agnes, domestic, 17 N 4th



BENTON GILBERT L., RT. REV., V. G., rector St. =-1 James'R. C. Church, h 407 N Front ., Rentz Alexander S., machinist, h 28 S 3d Bcrecz John, laborer, h 419 l\Iohn Rerel11uda Vincent. laborer, h 235 Christian Berka Frank. laborer. h 398 Mohn Bernstein Joseph, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hhg. Berry John n.. telegrapher P. S. ("0., h Hbg. Hertoiette Benneville S .. butcher S. S. Co., h 1i3 Lincoln Beshore Amos H . dairyman, 235 Swatara. h do Beshore Harry A . stengr P. S. Co .. h 349 :\Iain Be~horc \Villiam R.. salesman, h ~:!5 Swatara Bessemer House. (1'1. A. Obercash). 243-245 }Iain


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H I 1\ WELLEY &, CO'S -Black Diamond Ia_{ 100b ... ''-II'' IItrI ...... )'oa .. est order.






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Bethel JOhll. patternmkr. h ran x ~d net nan spe bor h G F ne\ He alln.,.. rdel . h :. _ 1\10 Beyrent :\[an- A. :\1rs .. h 1;;:1 S :?d Hic ~Iil 'c.. to t B C. pt.. :14 Hic Ch an ... can tor,. 77 _ 111 Biddinger Charles \Y .. laborer. h 1:.!-l Lincoln nil aco \ . I rer, iHi" Fro Hie .. aco. rel' t. 1 \"In. ) .. I bg. Bijoff J9hn, (C. Di~nkaroff & Co.). h 46.'~ ~'1ain Bik F r . st -kr. "):n 111 Rilj .los ,la r. I 4! d Billet Benjamin. helper. h Hi-! X :.!cl Bill Har lab . h'") ;\h Bill .. E e1. P. Co.: (i4 'd Billet Myrtle. telephone apr, h In4 X :.!d Bill G. 1fre aha h ~-( ~la' Bin 1an hn I bric yer 'mt 'I! Bishop Joseph. laborer. h ~~-l X Front Bitl Wil' 11 E Ik P ". Cr h Sh' nan t wo Bitt 1an ob elk S. h :~ 4th Bitting John \Y .. foreman. h ;);)5 X :td Bitt Fr 'rick for an. I ":16 L' colI Bitz obia tbo h;; ~lol Blacekovic' Jose. laborer. h H17 S :.!d



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Black Benjamin G .. janitor S. S. Co .. h 1!l S 2d Bla eha \Y ael t. h Ch nllt Black Henn' R.. brIcklayer. h _.t.} S\\atara Black Tame~ :\1.. forema;l. h 41 Penn RIa ell er cd St 011 ess roce Adams. h do Blain \Villiam R.. bender. h ~lohn nr 6th B1ai ayi .. b rm h:n _eba n Blaker Henn n., t1l1Smit 1. h:.!. Elm Blakey Emnia B.. wid Bernard. h :.!UO Adams Bla Ja D. bore 1 4~ rna Blake\ Leanna, \\Ie Batt e, h , 'urnale Rlanel Edward. laborer. h ;)~U Ridge Bla Geo FL lOre 42 idg Blam Tames E .. la )orer. 12,jl. e m5 B1aziner Jacob. laborer. h ;;:i7~ S 3d Rle, Jol V.. In'r 4:{;) tha Rlic am. V.. lwr. 4~4 .. 'ers mont; Clayton. lahorer. h ~fl1n ~ ~d Blo Be' 1111l car ter. Hi. arr urg Bitt ran arp 'r. I . 4 :\ Rlttt Tohn, lahorer. h ~1~ Frederick nob . T 01 a ho . h S nt Hoc Ta . lal r. I . I C ~to".. Bodner John. h !1~4 S :.!<1













Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Bogar John, laborer, h 41S Mohn Bo d n Pritz labo r, i-OS Myer Bo L, .. .an, bo . h 9 S ro Bogic~evics Radovan, laborer, h 5:~5 Christian Bo r ren E. bo r, h 24 Ha sbu Bogner John F., laborer, h 152 Bessemer Bo r' mu'., ler ss, 66 F nt Bog r an ~., \\ Sampson. h 2 Lincoln Bogolanovic Milo, laborer h 759 S 3d Boj ;ac ich I, f m h S I Bojanjac Pero, laborer, h nl S 3d Bol d 1\ rga ,\\ . J 0 ,h 17. ers Bol eher dam, laborer, h 61.) S Front Bolbeher Kate wid -\dam h 61'l S Front Bol y J ep ab r, I 74 ohl Bolling Edward W .. foreman. h 3511 Ridge Bol ger eo \\ lab er, 15 hris n Bolton George S., teller ~ational Rank, h 327 Pme Bo ard r Abrah ,j elk . So., H Bor ard r" dre P.. bor ,h 0 ge Bond Frank, switch builder. h 3S0 S 2d Eo J. rr} Ik." nt, a4 oc Boner :!\Iatthew. laborer, h Good nr 4th Bo Itz H v tim ee P. Co h ~ . dIe Bonzlc A am, abQrer. h aS9 S dd

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Booher :\filton F., ke h 2d r J ffers Boo r J n, em ,h < _!l I n p Booker John H., hostler S. S. Co .. h 522 Ridge Boo C ste \.. eh t, 72 2d Books Elizabeth, wid Samuel J., h :172 S 2d Bo H rv la rer 55 S 2 Bo J enn(e. ., el . S. 0., h :172 S 2d Books John H. laborer, h 378 l\Iyer<; no Ch es dr sm P. C h g. Booser Aaron, elk, h 327 S Front Boo r rna 'id enr h S ron Borarmal George, laoorer, h f)06 S 2d Borcsil Ilkan, labor h 0)11 CI isf Bor Yo, 1 re, h 7 S Bosnak Frank, laborer. h 5:12 S ;{d Bos r ha e, \ eh les 22 3d Bosocnas Jack, laborer, h 1f) Chambers Bos I r F han . C ev :l "Va It Bos. r les. (,., elk . S. 0 .. 1 :\11 (letO\"n Bosvnak Reza, laborer, h 621 S :~d :ot an H Ira ma ). S '0. Hi spi Botts Henry G., driver S. S. Co., h Highland BUl 1a la ce ,fo ma h I S BOlH man '. RaY, la)orer, h 1,_ S tel Bondman John J-f., foremarr, h l1:l " 0)<1

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~=~:.r:~:.::{ 306._


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Boudman ~ c11ic, elk S. S. Co., h 172 S 2d Bowen Charles, stonecutter, h 179 M vers Bewen William P ., bricklayer, !1 li9 '~lyers Bowers Charles J., h 222 ~lyers Dowers David X., laborer, h 2611 ~lain Bow('rs Edwin X., laborer, h 360 Swatara ]1owers Frank A., laborer, h 2-H Christian Eow('rs George J., steelwkr, h 247 Christian Bowers Herman R., steelwkr, h 247 Christian Bowers Letitia, wid Andrew, h 247 Christian Bowker Thomas, laborer, 'h a23 S 2d Bowman Amos, steelwkr, h 401 S Front Bowman Andrew, laborer, h 1\'101111 nr limits Bowman ElizahethD., salesladv, h 248 N Front Bowman Frank B., foreman, h 530 S 2d Bowman Harrv E., blacksmith, 'h 350 S 2d Bowman Henry 8., h 530 S 2d Bowman Lester L., electrician, h 216 S 2d Bowman \Villiam, h 248 N Front Boyd Charles, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Boyd Frances L., wid Henry, h 146 Ridge Boyd Harry ~I.. timekeeper P. S. Co., h 327 Poplar Boyd Howard D., laborer, 'h 146 Ridge Boyd Stephen J., planer, h 2545 S 2d

Title SlaraAIy IDd Saret, ee. Ie:::::., f ~Ir;:..: ~,=- {./.-~




BOYD W. H. CO., Guy M. Boyd, mgr, publishers Harrisburg, Steelton and other standard directories; home office, Wanner bldg, Reed c Court, Reading, Pa.



Boyd \Villiam B., lawyer, 15 X Front, h 2545 S 2d I:o\'er Cora, h 341 Locust BO)'er David N., sawyer, h 410 N Front Boyer Frank M., machinist, h flOi N 2d Boyer George E., steelwkr, h 164 Lincoln Boyer George H., weigher, h 164 Lincoln Boyer John A., laborer, h 4i5 Main Boyer John D., yard foreman P. S. Co., h 350 Spruce Boyer John C.. laborer, h 2i S 3d Boyer :'IIartin T., foreman P. S. Co., h 608 N 2d Boyer Warren H., timekeeper P. S. Co., h ins N Front Boyles Harry H., ftelper, h 209 S 3d Bozic Adam, laborer, 11 650 S 3d Bradica Luka, laborer, h 162 Main Bradkin George, grocer, 502 Myers, h do

ANDREW REDMOND}.a=~~~W~{3d n:u~~l~ " II Rill It

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L B. Tiel} III PIPER e:!:= IllDOI3BIDES {N.~:' ..

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. 811 Bradley Jos('ph S., asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg. Bradley William H., barber, 247 N Front, h Hbg. Bradshaw James G., hammerman, h 176 Lincoln Bradshaw Samuel W . bridge engr P. S. Co., h 176 Lincoln Brady Mary A., wid John P., 11 638 N 2d Brady Wesley, laborer, h 540 N Front Brager Charles, laborer, h 407 :\lohn Brajkoviz Cilika Mrs., grocer, 239-241 Frederick, h do Brame Carl W., laborer, h 369 }Iyers Brandt Abram ~I., elk, 51 S Front, h 53 do Brandt Aquila, laborer. h H31 Myers Brandt Elmer G .. hotel, 373 S Front, h do Brandt Herman A .. !'>teelwkr, h 331 :\Iyers Brandt John A.. liquors. 51 S Front, h 53 do Brandt Joseph S., laborer, h 267 ).Iain Brant Charles, laborer, h 528 Xew Ridge Brant Charles H., laborer. h 846 ::-.: Front Brant John J., lahorer, h 44G Ridge Bram"an Elizal)('th \V., teacher. h 251 X 2d Bran)'an John T .. laborer, h 2527 S 3d Brashears Clara J.. elk S. S. Co., h 167 S 2d Brashears George R., watchman S. S. Co .. h 161 S 2d Brashears Harry l\I., laborer, h 167 S 2d Brashears Robert E .. laborer, h 144 S 2d Brashears \\.. Franklin, elk S. W. I. and C. Co., h 501 N 2d

l> lJ

.!:.;'':=-:.lHarrisburg Savings and Loan Assn. {::= lJ

Brashears William M., laborer, h 378 Myers Bratcovich John, laborer, h 852 S 2d Bratina Fabian, grocer, 519 S 2d, 11 do Bratten Harrv, butcher, h 267 N Front Breckenridge"John, h 235 S Front Breckenridge William W., planer. h 21Z'i2 S 3d Breheny :Michael, laborer, h 675 S Front Breheny Patrick, melter, h 675 S Front Brehm Samuel A., inspector, It 2529 S 2d Breinach Anthom'. (Gunther & Breinach), h 3 Hoffer Breinig John. tinsmith. h 39() Mohn Brenizer George A., laborer. h 301 ~d yer!'> Brenizer Harry. laborer, h 301 Myers Brenizer Jane )'Irs., h 301 l\lyers Brenizer Laura, domestic, h 301 )'hers Brenizer \Villiam L., laborer, h 521 Lincoln Brennan Charles L., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Brent Edward. porter, h 56 Furnace tlrestel Walter Y., upholsterer, 192 N Front, h Hbg. Bretz Abraham T., h 757 S Front Bretz Benjamin F., jr., machini!'>t, h 425 Swatara Bretz Clarence H., laborer, h 338 Swatara Bretz Jesse, lahorer. h 4:l7 Catharine Bretz Kate }Irs .. h ]34 ?\ FrPllt Bria Frank, laborer, h 3:34 ~ 4th
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OVB JloDe.t I - } BOD_ Oo..a.BOTTO Welsb&

H M KELLEY aCO. {_ , ...... IInIII o. t ..............


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

llricker Charles, elk, h 13 X 3d llricker Godfrey, laborer, h 525 Bessemer Bricker Joseph \\'., watchman Steelton 1\at. Bank, h 13 N 3d ~ I :ricker Winfield B., machinist, h 235 N Front Brightbill Samuel M., supt S. & H. Brick Co., h 103 S 4th _ Briniac Anthom', laborer, h 13 Chambers Brinjac Joseph,'labon:r, h 557 S 3d 1! Brinser Christian L., (c. L. Brinser & Son), h Hbg. ~ Brinser Claude E .. (c. L. Brinser & Son), h 346 Pine Brinser C L. & Son . (c. L. and C E.), hardware, 140 N Front Brinser Olivia :\1., wid Jacob J., h 211 1\lyers Brinser Sarah E .. wid Abraham F., h 336 Lincoln -iii Brinton George E., blacksmith, h 24 Pine i3rinton John 1\1., steelwkr, h :l:15 Myers fI) Brinton John W., helper, h 26 Adams . Broadus Dudley, plasterer, h 158~ Adams Broadus Robert, janitor. h 21!1 ;\dams Broadus William, laborer, h 141 Adams ..... nrock Roy K .. labon'r, h 1:~4a Ridge (,) Brock William J.. laborer. h l:t4a Ridge Brodaric Tone, laborer, h 159 ~Iain c( Broderic Johan, laborer, h 815 S ~d Brodkin George, grocer, 502 Myers, h do






a: o

Brodnic John. laborer. h 52:t S Front Brodnic 'Stif, laborer, h 860 S 2d Brookhart James H .. helper, h 120 S Front nrooks Barn'. brakeman, h 554 S 2d >Brooks l~obert. laborer, h 161 Adams Brooks Samuel. lahorer. h 82 Furnace a.. TIrooks William. lahorer, h 412 Ridge E Brn~s Harr\' R.. driller. h 2fiG S 2d Brougher Miles u Brown Annie E ..:\1.. elk. h 2115h Pine Iron al charwoman. 54:3 Brown Arthur L.. laborer, 11 54 Furnace Brown Carrie Y., teacher \Yest Side School, h Wormleyso burg u Brown Catharine. wic! Charks. h 74 Furnace Q Brown Charles A .. blacksmith. h 301 S Front II!: Brown Christ. machinist. h 41H Christian Brown David, laborer. h '9 CUl11bler's row filii Drown Edgar, porter, h 109 Adams y Brown Emma .1 .. wid John, 11 54~ Iron al Brown George A., laborer, h 426 N Front Brown George E .. laborer, h 546 Lincoln Drown George H., laborer. h 110 Ridge Brown Jackson A., laborer, h 110 Ridge Brown James :\1.. elk P.O., h !l47 Poplar Brown John, bricklayer. h 41!l Christian

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HOI A. B. TACK ..l:'~..


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Brown John A., riveter, h 3H Swatara Brown John W., barber, 122 Adams, h 115 do Brown Lewis, janitor, h 214 Ridge Brown Lizzie M., wid Peter, h :tm Pine Brown :'!ack, laborer, h 350 Ridge Brown Malinda, h 10 Cumbler's row Brown Mary E., elk, h 412 S 2d Brown Phoebe N., wid George, h 19 Pine Brown Rachel A., wid Alexander, h 1111 Ridge Brown Richard R.. laborer, h 862 X Front Brown Simon S., blue printer P. S. Co., h }liddletown Brown Stouel, hod carrier, h aao N 2d Brown Vance, laborer, h 862 1\ Front Brown William, laborer, h 176 Adams Brownell John R., civil engr P. S. Co., h 357 Spruce Brubaker Blake C, elk, :17 N Front. h 32'2 Pine Brubaker Harrv D., driller, h 365 :'lain Brubaker JohnZ., laborer, h Ia Cumbler's row Brubaker William C, foreman, h 3:!:! Pine Brubaker William L., eng-r, h 15 N 3d Brubaker William P., driller, h :n 7 Christian Bruc(' Oliver, laborer, h 145 Adams Bruclrusz Peter, laborer, h 461i Myers Brunhouse Alfred, laborer. h 658 N 2d Brunhouse Charles F., rougher, h 19 N Front

Brnnhouse Lena, wid \Villiam, h 658 N 2d Brunner Morrison J., fireman. h 6:~6 S 2d Bruno Charles, laborer, h 201 :\lohn Bruno Joh~, laborer, h 3~ S 3d Brussart George A .. draftsman P. S. Co .. h 316 Pine Buchanauer John, laborer, h 405 Mohn Buchert Johan, laborer, h 74 Furnace Budlovic Mitar, elk, ~44 S 2d. h 848 do Buffington William H .. chief elk machine dept P. S. Co., h 29 S 4th Bugarski Vlada. laborer. h 50S :\Iyers Buhrman Xewton A .. molder. h 324 :\Jvers Buhrman William H .. molcler, h 324 ~1vers Bukert Michael. laborer, h SUI S ad . Bukota Andrew. laborer. h SUI S 3d Bukota ?vIichael. laborer, h 819 S 3d Bukovec Michael, laborer, h 856 S 2d Bukovec William. laborer, h 804 S 2d Bul:-tt ~!rills. l<lhorer. h i'ilfi S 3d Bulat Simon. laborer. h 7111 S :td Bulger John. m:\chinist. h :n 1 S :!d Bullock William S .. \\"oorlwkr. h 2513 S 3d Buna Jonathan. lahorer. h Hi7 Christian Buncie'Vaso, laborer, h 724 S ad Bunrty Jonas. laborer. h 3M N 2c1


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Burger Charles "'" electrician, I~ 11:l S 4th 1 rge H a ' ,\' A ew " h )". )<1 Burget Lawrence, lahorer, h .26 .-\<lams Burgm n H Iga, Iraf lan 6 '\ 4t rkl der oa., I ner, ~1 S :. Burkholder \\'illiam H., foreman, h 4111 S Front rns ohn abo r, h rol el Ito Burns Thomas, ngger, h 401 S Front B rre Ke ,I re 1 10) Ad s rre :,\10 oe, ntr< or, 56') ~ ~( Burrell Samuel. laborer, h 1~~ Adams rris ha s -.-\ ab r, 70 ain Burrows George, laborer, h ~~f) .-\da1115 ser ra '., ,'h 3() in user] ohn T., high constable, h 410 :-:'watar3 Bush Harr' E" foreman h ')0'3 Swatara sh me ra 11an 1 4{ Cat rin Bustajor Xicholas, laborer, h 763 S 3d tal 1a ,\\ chn 1, 1 68 2d Butcher Chalk lev S., chemist, 'h :!;)4:i 5:, :3d Butch Ge ge; I bo h 'l-(j F der' , tch 1\1 in, bar ,h 3 S _ Butcher Michael, driver, h 1 7~ Frederick tIe ha s \ la er, 54 ron I Butler Eber, health officer, h 33 S 3d
d8 eD






tIe ra la rer 25- Ad s utler aul " foreman, "h .L4 Pme Butler Richard, labore h 130 Ri I e tIe ob t B, ab r, I _55. Ian Butler Willis, laborer, h :!2~ Ridge ers alp E., k P . . h igl ire Byers Robert H., elk S. S. Co., h 3an Myers B ers Sam I, b ks . h, . - S on H ers 'ill 1 H., lab er, 1 51 watara Byler Warren L., elk P. R. R. depot, h Hbg rd hn ,Ia rer 15 -\d s Byrd Sydney, laborer, h 152 Adams ren ViI' 111. el . So., 31 ver _ rod eorge B., etter carner, 'h 11 S 4th Calder A. Russell supt furnaces, h 223 WaIn t - Ide Va ce fo lal 2 S Calhoun Alton J., elk S. S. Co., h 17 X Front Iho CrIes '., 48 ver Callag lan Charles F .. elk. h 3~:~ Lmcoln C,llag11an Denni J., Ik P. S C h 3')- Li 'oln lIa, n ean st gr, 32;~ inc Callaghan John ]., helper, h :328 Lincoln Ila n ia, 32: im n

c( ella I n -:VI ttl

Callaghan ~Iary. elk ~. S. Co .. h 8:?:1 Lincoln .M nc yc 32 Lin In

Redmond'SWagon Works} ~':.IJd~':.'f;b~~~l~d a)~l Ra'~~ts;

A. B. TACK} Wall Paper ud Window Shades h:l"r.=~

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Callaghan Michael, h 323 Lincoln Callaghan Rose, telephone opr. 41 N Front, h 323 Lincoln '--Callaghan William P., student, 'h 323 Lincoln CaIman Alma F., elk, h 432 Swatara CaIman Arthur H., helper. h 432 Swatara Campbell Joseph A., laborer, h 705 S Front Campbell Justin W., supt shipping dept P. S. Co., h 364 Pine Campbell !\ewton, laborer. h 158 Adams Campbell William A., laborer, h 209 ~fain Campour Charles, driver S. S. Co., h 313 Adams Canning James A., laborer. h 335 Lincoln Canton Steelton, Xo. 41. Patriarchs :Militant, meets first and third Tuesday at 15 ?\ Front, Gideon O. Ecklin, elk Capan Frank, grocer. 4th bel Hoffer. h do Capello Benjamin A .. laborer. h 50!l Lincoln Cappelo Jacob. foreman. P. S. Co., h 541 N Front Carhaligh' Xicholas K .. lahorer, h 107 Frances Carey Amanda, charwoman. h r 2:!:{ Franklin Care~' Benjamin, laborer. h 22:! Bailey Carey Edward L .. laborer. h Uil Adams Cargill Challncey. hricklayer, h 412 Swatara Cargill Ira L.. student. h 412 Swatara Cargill Samuel S., lahorer, h 412 Swatara

Caric Luka. laborer, h 921 S 2d Caricato Charles, fireman. h !l25 S :ld Carl Charles. laborer, h 2d nr Felton Carl Henrietta, tea~her, h If.l(j S :!d Carl Lydia A., wid 10hn F .. h ISH S 2d Carlson Erik J.. steelwkr. h 319 !\ Front Carlson Harry J., driver. h 31H 1\ Front Carlson William F., ironwkr, 11 319 X Front r' Carney Frank D .. asst genl supt P. S. Co., h 422 Spruce N Carpenter Huhert, laborer. h r 217 Franklin ;.. Carpenter Lorenzo E .. engr. h (i47 X 2d n Carpenter Rohert. lahorer. h 2;iZ"i Adams Carpenter Sarah C. ~Irs .. h 276 ~ryen; ;.. Carr David G .. machinist, h 220 Lincoln :::0 Carr Earnest W., laborer, h 328 N 2d ;: Carr Edward J., laborer. h 105 Main c.n Carr John. driver S. S. Co., h 153 Lincoln Carr Margaret, h 137 Lincoln Carr Rufus T .. marker, h 15!l Lincoln Carr \Vitliam. laborer. h 545 Bessemer Carricats Charles, laborer. h 325 S 3d Carricats Theresa, fruit, 327 S 3d. h do Cartan Stephan. laborer, h 240 Christian Carter Burrel, lahorer. h 152 Adams Carter Henry. laborer. h 126 Ridge,


TH E" PATRIOT'S-:-;:~~':;'-;,;:':
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H M KELLEY a CO. 1 JAMIa . . .......... . o. t J1 Xenia . . . . ...

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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


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Carter Joseph \Y., laborer, h 1:14a Ridge Carter Kortney, wid Wii!iam, h :l:U ~ :!d Carter Richard \Y., laborer, h 7(; Furnace Carthage Lodge, ~ o. 194, K. of P., meets :\!ollday eve. at Red l\lell's Hall; E. R. Jenkins, sec Carty John E., laborer, h ;~5()~ Christian Casey Annie K., elk, :~ S Front. h 538 N :!d Casey Elizabeth P., telephone opr, 6 S Front, h 5:18 N 2d Casey John, helper, h 53~ ~ :!d Cass Walter S., laborer, h 11f1 S 4th Cassel John 'vV., farmer, h Harrisburg c Walnut Cassner John D .. molder, h 15 S Front Castetter Hiram, police P. S. Co., h 211 ~Iain Caton John. blacksmith P. S. Co., h Hbg. Caton ~fartin B.,, h ;W5 ~Iyers Centenary U. B. Ohurch, Rev. Ethan A. G. Bossler, pastor, 222 S 2d Central Baptist Church, Rev. Henry E. Paull, pastor, Main c Trewick Central Hotel, Shelley Bros., proprs, 129-135 S Front Ceperick Nicholas, laborer, h 245 Frederick Cerjanec :\Iichael, laborer, h 513 S 3d Cerjanec Peter, laborer, h 840 S 2d Cernie John, laborer, h 128 Frederick Cernilo Stief, laborer, h 562 S 3d

GORGAS} -FAIR- PRICED DRUGGIST- - -N. - - - U6 - 3d SL _ . _ - - - _ _ ---- ---..

Cernugely Martin, laborer, h (;3 Frederick Ceryanic George, laborer, h 236 Frederick Cerzulla Michael, shocmkr, h 679 S 2~ Ccrzzullo Joseph. laborer, 'h Gi!l S 2d Cetnarsky John. laborer, h 850 S 2d Chambers Alice, wid John, h :34 Furnace Chambers Charles. laborer, h 260 ~Iyers Chambers Elizabeth Al., packer. h 260 l'>'Iyers Chapman Eben L., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Chapman George F., elk, 9 N Front, h 33 S 3d C'oapman J ames ~1., laborer, h 350 Myers Chapman Robert S .. molder, h :l50 :Myers Charneff Nicola, restaurant. 503 Main. h do Chernugel Martin, laborer, h 63 Frederick Chick Walter E .. draftsman P. S. Co .. h 3:l4 Spruce Chracher Stephen. laborer, h 212 Frederick Christian Charies, laborer, 11 108 Ridge Christman Frederick. driver, h 19 X Front Christoff Peter, laborer, h 50G Main Chubb William H., helper, h r 943 S Front Chunn Charles. watertender, h 74 Furnace Church of God, Rev. O. J. Farling, pastor, 919 S Front Cico Andrew, laborer, h 648 S 3d Cieo Damon. laborer. h '546 S 3d Cico Stephen, laborer, h 715 S 3d


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
~1 j


Citizen's Band of Steelton, meets Tuesday and Friday eves. PI at 162 S Front; Charles George, sec Citizen's Fire Co. No.1, Charles A. H. Roberts, sec, 58 N Front -I City John, la:borer, h 149 Adams Clair Sarah, wid Frederick H., h 236 Pine Z Clancy Annie V., laundress, h 419 N 3d Clancy Bridget, wid James, h 419 N 3d PI Clancy Elizabeth V., teacher, h 419 N 3d Clancy James P .. blacksmith, h 419 N 3d Clancy John A., blacksmith, h 419 N 3d C Clancy Margaret D., teacher, 'h 419 N 3d C) Clancy Regina, saleslady, h 419 N !ld Clark Ebenezer, machinist, h :l29 Swatara Clark Ellen, wid John, h 329 Swatara Clark Peter, laborer, h 868 N Front Clarkin John, laborer, h 172 Main Clarkin Michael, laborer, h 27!l Christian Clausen Anna c., elk, h !lU S 2d Clausen Erasmus, rigger, h ;Ul S 2d Clave Angus, laborer, h 506 S 2d Clay i\hry, cook, 169 N Front Clemens George E., local express, 44 S Front, h do Clementson Niles A., draftsman P. S. Co., h 2643 S 3d Clendenin Charles, elk S. S. Co., h 23 S 4th

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "'::=i~b:'i~t.~~.

Clendenin Edith, elk S. S. Co., h 2:l S 4th Clendenin Elsie S., stengr, h 2:l S 4th Clepper John. steelwkr, h 224 Locust Clerical and Professional Relief Assn., meets first Monday night of each month at 162 S Front; G. W. Neff, cor sec , Clever Blanche, teacher, h 26 S 4th Cline James F., warehouseman S. S. Co., h 362 Pine Cline William \Y., elk, ;W.J. Myers, h 204 do Clipp Eugene W., laborer, h 414 Swatara Clouse Sarah, wid George, h 149 S Front Clouser Emerv I., machinist, h :l51 S 2d Cluck Oliver t., elk, 1:l 1\ Front, h 25 do Coates Mary c., dressmkr, h 112 Main Coates Richard. laborer, h 315 Adams Coates William A., bricklayer, h 112 Main Cobbs Sidney, laborer, h a47 Canal al Coble Herman. laborer, h 8:l2 S 2d Cocklin Alice I.. boarding, 28:3 Main, h do Cocklin Frank C., heater, h 579 S 2d Cocklin Man- A., wid William D .. h 283 Main Cocklin Samtlel A., charger, h 325 Myers Coder Clark NI.. rougher, h 107 N Front Coder Edward L., steelwkr, h 317 Myers Coder Sarah J., wid Eugene F.~ h 107 S Front


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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


"he :\11 t,!' S11l . h I) I de k Cohen lohn, dry~oods, :!14 Frederick, h do Ie nja n. m h 4 R ge Cole Charles H., laborer, h 2:14 Ri<lge Ie - Iw< ,Ia rer J - S ' I1t ,--ole Israel, lahorer, h ~Oj Bessemer Cole hcob lahorer, h Central Hotel Ie ren I, lore h ~ N ron Cole 'Tohn W., elk S. S. Co., h 415 S Front Ie' 1m ja or, 410 F nt lok :--.a11luel, jr., laborer. h 4Hi ~ Front C len 1.\ la.\l clr ""Illkr :Hif) i\iain h <10 len H ry ,pI og phs ~ S ror h Coleman James ]., machinist, h 369 :\Iain len :\ ga ,W '" am h !l ~ n Coleman Samuel, lahorer. h 128 Adams -len \. en t' ,h l!I. Fro . len \ ian .. , chi .t, h HI in Cole~ Rchecca L., wid Cieon~'e B., h :~42 Bessemer les k 10r ., sIal n, . ro ab eag Colestock (-;eorge lL, salesman, h 21)7 S 2rl ' "lie: <re icl r., P. C h ~. (ollier "il ldm .T., Ci\l engr P. '0' Co., 1 J g. Cnllim Jame", \\'atchnnn, h 243 Main !lin Jan J. k ". ,h :1:\ 111




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Collins Tohn, laborer. h 262 Main lIin ~Ii el, 13' _in n Collins Patrick, laborer, h 400 Lincoln 111f SI S e, ss F ,p r, N on l. omp }Iartm L., foreman, h 271 Christian Om]) . 1 \\l'llian me<;<;enger h 40'" Ridge rnr E( 11, ,h 1 d Conklin Daniel ~I., laborer, h 24 X 2rl nkl Cie ge ,\ eh 1, I Hi Fr t Connaghan John Rev., asst pastor ~t. James R. C. Church h 17 Fro onnc Bc 1e mi ., Idc . h 2_ Lo 5t Con ncr :'IInrris, lahorer. h 1fi~ l\hers 1l'a Da k ter ~t... Lin III Conrad Ella R.. wid Franklin H.. h 3:!Z'i \Yalnut nra .Tol \Y. aT{ ter 17 Lin n Conrad ~Ii1toll. lalpent(r. h _H . cI Conrad Solomoll K., elk P. S. Co .. II (j(jj ~ 2r1 ok C\\' Ia rer l:i icl Conke ~IaT\' II .. h ll1Z'i S 4th )]..:l Yill' 11 1 Re\ I 1 S 4 l. OOIlC\' I I '~rr\' H .. elk. h ,2:\ ':"\ 4th opc' Fra k ~[ draft"man P. " \() h C1mp Hill _ we ~ar C. res 1,r. 14' !Ill II Cnp]l('dg-e Charle~ E .. ell. :i~ 5' Front. h 3:!fl ~ Front

Electric Automobiles} A HE HE ON

3d IDr .I~ "



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{ 1. ' . II. . . . . ... . .Ill. . . 8pec1alty' .of r.bUo Bwldl.... PlalaTl... lrI\1J11Me1Q1_

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Corbet "'/illiam A., laborer. h 217 ~leyers Corder Benjamin F., machinist, h 4!H Catharine Corder Charles fl., laborer, h 317 S Front Corkle William. miller, h :ms Christian Corl Aaron H., driller, h 172 ~Iain Cormeny Frank H., drug- clk, H7 X Front, h 265 do Cornman Anna E .. wid Samuel, h 319 Christian Costoff Petro, laborer, h 328 Franklin Couffer Charles M., carpet cleaner, h 454 N front COUFFER HOUSE, Lewis C. Keirn, propr, 169-171 N Front Couffer Ross C.. laborer, h 454 N Front Couffer Samuel, (Couffer & Sultzaberger), treas Dauphin Hosiery Co .. pres S. L. H. and P. Co., h 256 N Front Couffer Samuel S .. laborer. h 2:11; X Front Couffer & Sultzaberger. (S. CoutTer and D. Sultzaberger), l'oal and feed. 2:~~ !\ Front Coulson Tames v .. laborer, h 182 S Front Coultri(le'r Sarah. wid Ephraim, h Lincoln opp cemetery Council Chamber and Lockup. 114 Walnut Covt'r Gt'orge R.. foreman. h 341 Poplar Crabara Anton. laborer, h 351 S 3d Craig Harry G .. janitor. h 482 Main Craig John c., roll turner. h 161 Lincoln Craig John HI' conductor, h 681 S Front








Cramer Rees~ S., machinist. h 26 S 2(1 Cramer Thomas II.. laborer, h 267 ~ Front -Crampton John L.. laborer. h 256 Ridge Craver George M., laborer, h 549 Christian Creamer Earl. laborer. h 156 Bessemer Creamer ~[alinda. wid Robert \\',. h 156 Bessemer Crt'sswell I-larry ~f., inspector P. S. Co., h lIbg. Cresswell Joseph F" elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Crevar Miles, laborer, h ;36 S !ld Crinner Tohn. driver. h 350 Christian Crist An'nie M .. wi(1 Henrv. h 405 Swatara Crist Clavton L., elk, h 4:11 Swatara Crist G, Addison. car inspector. h 177 Christian Crist Henry A.. helper, h 178 :\Iyers 'Crist John A .. carpenter. h 114 1\ 2d Criswell Tohn W .. fish warden. h 319 S 4th 'Critchle,,' Arthur I.. stecJwkr, h 149 Lincoln Critchle,' Frank 0 .. overseer. h !l1 S 4th Critchle,' William E .. foreman. h 25:~ Lincoln Critchle,' William \\' '. elk. h :!5!l Lincoln Crittt'mien Thomas C. Rev .. h 215 K 2d Croft Charles. laborer, h 407 S River av -Croll F. Roy. draftsman p, S. Co,. h Hog. Croll John p" draftsman P. S, Co" h 326 Lincoln
Nil DAILY TO INTClur.T - T H E LADle. I N -

~::::~Harrlsburg SaiD,s and Loan A"I.{ ~= < ~ Cramer Harn' T., slate roofer, 266 N Front. h 264 do ::D


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M. M. KELLEY .. CO.}ODICB3, :1I~:"\'taf~'::~{COAL AND WOOD




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R20 Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. Cromwell 1. Homer, fitter, h Front nr Frances Crone Cla'rence H., laborer, h 314 S 2d Cronin Sadie !If rs., boarding. 802 S 2d. h do Cronin Sarah B.. elk S. S. Co .. h 342 N Front Crook Joseph E., puddler, h 468 Orchard av Crosby George, laborer, h 58 Frances Cross Mary, wid Nicodemus, h 101 Main -Crouse Nora, teacher, h 337 Locust Crowley Dennis, laborer, h 457 N 2d Crumlich Jacob A., laborer, h 407 Catharine Crumling Hugh L.. laborer. h 161 Frederick Crummey Sheridan, lahorer, h 152 Adams Crump Frederick, machinist. h 470 ~ 2d Crump George, machinist. h 40 S 2d Crump James, laborer. h 470 N 2d Crump William W., h 470 N 2d Crusade Castle, No. 73, K. of ~I. C, meets each Tuesday eve. in G. A. R. Hall; S. F. Jenkins, sec Crveni Carl, laborer, h 312 Frederick Csiortan Stefan, laborer, h 240 Christian Csric Miter, laborer, h 915 S 2d Cucilovic Mile, laborer, h 593 S 3d Cuckovic Xikola. laborer. h 591 S 3d Cuddy Margaret. wid James, h 401 S Front uddy Thomas, laborer, h 401 S Front

N.3d It

Cuenot Paul A., mechanical engr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Cuenot William A., tracer p. S. Co., h Hbg. Culp John F., chief surgeon P. S. Co., h Hbg. Cumbler Arthur B., elk, h 34 S Front Cum bier Charles -C, supt, 1000 S Front, h Highspire Cumbler Elizabeth E., wid Jacob 0., h 34 S Front CUMBLER GEORGE W., (est), Steelton Stone Quarries, 1000 S Front CUMBLER HORACE M., dentist, M S Front, h do Cumbler Wilmer H., elk, 1000 S Front. h 622 S 2d Cummings Owen T., machinist, h 420 Spruce Cumora Rada, laborer, h 511 S 3d Cunningham Richard, laborer, h 122 Adams Cuntz William C, sales agt P. S. Co., h 333 Spruce Cupank Mike, laborer, h 28 Chambers Curley Ella, starcher, h 366 ~Iain Curley Joseph, molder, h 366 l\Iain raJ Curley Nora, h 366 Main ~ Curran Samuel B., elk P. S. Co., h 349 Swatara Curry Ada R., elk, hIS Harrisburg Q Curry Amanda, wid James, h 223 Franklin ~ Curry Charles C, laborer, h 464 N Front . Curry Georgianna, wid Joseph, hIS Harrisburg II!: Curry Levi, watertender, h 464 X Front Q Cusack Jol1n J., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 706 ~ Front

1 L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOA{1240IlarkotStnIt
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Coogle ______ _

A. B. TACK ::''::.on~~ Ion pooor ond IIndOl bS r.l~\~:llr

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
Cusack ~lary C, housekeeper, 706 N Front Cpsack Matthew, h 706 ~ Front Cusack Matthew M., elk P. S. Co., h 706 N Front Cusack Thomas P., elk P. S. Co., h 706 N Front Cver Andrew, tinsmith, h 675 ~lohn Cvjetnicanin Mojsija, iaborer, h 626 S 3d Cyrus Amanda Mrs., h 128 Adams Dailey Cornelius, foreman. h 19 \Vaillut Dailey James, janitor, h 171; :\lain Dailey James H., machinist, h 176 )'1ain Dailey :;\Iargaret E .. folder. h 47 S 2d Dailey :\Iaurice }f.. clk P. S. Co., h 21 Walnut Dailey Patrick, charger. h 47 S 2d Daile\' Thomas, laborer. h HiS Frederick Daile;' Thomas J., elk P. S. Co .. h 716 S 2d Dailey William P., physician, 7Hi S 2d, h do Daley F. Patrick, engr, h !l:1 Main Daley George W., laborer, h !):~ :\fain Dale\' Tames H .. craneman, h m~ :\lain Dalton" James H .. laborer, h 1:14 Ridge Daly Tames P., steelwkr, h 226 ~ 2d Dal~ 'Margaret, wic\ Philip. h 226 X 2cl Daniel Paul. laborer. h 520 :.\Iohn Daniels Annie E., cigarmkr, h :n1 S 4th ---- - - - - --'---------Daniels CHarry, templetmkr. h !l11 S 4th Daniels George \V., foreman. h :n1 S 4th -Daniels William. laborer, h 176 Adams Danneker John M .. Rev., h 1128 S 2d Darhy George \V .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. DARBY WILLIAM F., lawyer, room 3, Steelton Trust bldg, 15 N Front, h 245 Pine Daron E. & Son, (Edward L.), pianos. 41 ?\ Front Daron Edward Rev., (E. Daron & Son), h Hbg. Daron Edward L., (E. Daron & Son), jeweler, 41 N Front, h Hbg. DARON ELLSWORTH M., job printer, 50 N Front, h 52 do Darr Charles \V .. lahorer. h :1!!~ )'hers Darr Lillie I., cigarmkr. h :t!~ :\Iyers Darr Reuhen L., laborer. h :~28 :\1 rers Dan'ash Bernard, draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Daubert Samuel, electrician, h 261:l S 2d Daubian George, lahorer. h 523 :\10hn Daugherty Rebecca. wic1 John H .. h 2d nr Felton Daug'hters of America. Camp Xo. 10, meets every Friday night in Old G ..\. R. Hall. :\lrs. Abraham Prowell, sec Daughters of Liherty. Xo. 1;)8. meets every Friday night at 111 S Front, \\'iIIiam Otstott. H'C Daum Harry H .. t'ngr. h UII5 X :!d

IONEY ADVAN CEO }..DaPltRPaRT LOO {an.-a Mark.,BI,o.. AIID IleV.ITT co. s.;:
& N.
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Boyd's Steelton Directory 1908,




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Daupll1n County Bllild1l1g and Loan Association. meets ev y 0 a) ve at 4ii' 01 \ S Fi 'es, se Dauphin Hosiery Co, E A. Himer p s; S. Co ffe tre s, 4.' 0 Da 'd Geo ge ab re h 4 10 DaVidson Kate Mrs., h 553 1\ 2d Da ds n ar h se ee r, 5.~ 2 Davidson Pearl weaver h 553 1\J ')d Da ds n 'ola ].. wid Samue , h :143 i\ Front Da 'es Da 'd, lab er h "~6 il olr Davies Eleazar T., steelwkr, h :!22 Lincoln )a 'es Fr k ., y as r S. 0 1: II! 2 Davies 'Thomas, laborer. h 4117 S Front Da es .\' ki H., gr er. 5_ Li 01, h .36 0 Da,i,;; Annie, wid J\el'ion. I 10- A,lal )a s hal' es, aborer. h 1.19 A.dams Da ,'s Cha les -.. in Hi S 10 I IS: S DavIs Edmund :vI.. conductor. h un l\hers )a' s eo g-e ., b er 1 5 2d . Davis Tohn L., laborer, h 2U l\Ivers )a s ' nh \\r, cI P. . 0.. i S 2d Davis 'I\forris I'd., laborer h :t'l~ S Fr nt D:l S 0 ert, abarer. 1_ I ldge Da ,'s Tho a 1., b er, 2 '') . ai Day Alden A" laborer, h :~79 ChrIstian





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Day Alfred, huggyrnan, h 218 Bailey Da P er R, on a , 37 C is n Da ~'hoff ]-lInes firern . I 40~ S,' ta Da., or 1l1chael J., bar elk, .Il. ~ Front. h do )a 0 W' ia T. ste '\' . I ")1 X I Dean Charles. laborer. h X 2d )t 1 ra . bo r, :1 .\ 2d Dearborn Peter, lahorer. h 717 S Front Dc"ke H ve) T .. en,.,r, 1 2.), .\ yers I)t' ke' Eras rna in' t, 6" :\ hI Deen John C, draftsman p, S, Co., h IIbg . De rin" E n a rs h: 4,:! . Defral1ka Haffaeli. laborer. h :16!H S :ld )( an () ah to . 11 ch is. h 115.-, De< ira\' John, draftsman P S Co h Hh::r )t Ill' jn p F .. savvyer. h 1 ~il1u)ln Delnc \V' lia E Ie l'r ar 'er. :1' L' c n Deibler Frank. helper, h 24-1 ~ :!d Dt. )Ie H r)1. rk r. 24 S Deihler Ralph. laborer. h 4111 X 2d j) . rtl r .. I r C', !I F nt, h; .2 ~ 2d Dt'ik Car} laborer h 1)12 S 2<1 Lk rerleric< H .. cI P .. , 0 . 151_ S _d n' an ah -Ik :!1 01 h -12 2 Delk Harry, elk !:'teelton ]\ at. Bank. h 512 S 2d --- - - - - - -T


RE()MUN()~i~d ~Ibd R~IIIJ~" e

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Dcik ,\lartha, elk S. S. Co., h 512 S 2d Deitrich Ross A., laborer, h :U8 l\Iycrs Delane\' \ViIIiam A., foreman. h 2:~ \\'alnut Deluca' Raffaele, grocer, 502 S ~d. h do Dem111\' Bessie. shirt waistmkr. h 7tll X Front Demm\' Christian A., laborer. h 167 S 2d Demmy Harry M., jr., test roller P. S. Co., h 25 S 2d Demmv Henrv E., h 701 K Front Demm:v Isaac' I., molder, h 701 111 Front Demo ~icholas, laborer. h 50:H ~hers Dengler Felton S., student, h 237 S' Front Dengler Frederick, h 2:17 S Front Dengler ~brgie E., teacher. h 2:~7 S Front Dennis Joseph, laborer, h 5:n X Front Derflinger Leonard G., grinder, h 1:!0 Frederick Dern13s Tohl1. laborer, h 363 Frederick Derma,; 'Michael, laborer, h 324 Frederick Derr Andrew, laborer, h 503 M vers Derr John D., machinist. h 240 ~lain Derr Stephen, hborer, h 503 ~lyers DeSilvia Mary A., wid John L., h fi44 X Front Detweiler Charles G., mgr l"nited Ice and Coal Co., h 161 S Front Detweiler Elmira R., wid Samuel G., h 161 S Front Detweiler James P., restaurant. 103 S Front. h 301 S 2d


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Detweiler John C. engr, h a37 Bessemer n Devlin David C, elk P. S. Co .. h 421 Swatara Devlin Joseph C, laborer. h 221 Jefferson > ::D Devore Annie. elk S. S. Co .. h 168 S 2d Devore Annie S., wid George W., h !fiR S 2d > D"evorc Harry, steelwkr, h 355 Swatara U) Devore Margaret, seamstress, h 168 S 2d Dewalt Clarence T., fireman, h 17 Hoffer De\Yitt Elmore, civil engr P. S. 'Co . h 348 Spruce Dezelon Joseph, laborer, h 607 S 2d Diheler Ralph, riveter, h 401 N 2d Dickey Harry L .. shipper P. S. Co., h Hbg. Dickinson Alma E., teacher, h 343 ~ Front Dickinson Bayard C, elk, h 305 N Front Dickinson Ba'yard T., physician. 343 ~ Front. h do Dickinson Jas. L., justice of peace, 50! N Front, 'It 305 do Diegel David L., laundry, 116 N Front. h 421 Lincoln Diegel Jacob, h !-J0l Bessemer Diegel John J .. driver. h 3.~2 Bessemer Diegel Sara'll J .. 'bundler. h !-J0l Ikssemer Dietrich Otto Rev., h 206 S ad Dietrich William A . draftsman P. S. Co .. It Hbg. Diffenderfer Eva 1\1., student. h ]87 S 2d Diffenderfer Isaac T., foreman. h 360 S 2d Diffenclerfer John C, fireman. h 15 Chambers




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HM wELLEY .. CO'S -BJaeIl Dlamolld. whell {IIIIrl.3II1".... 78 Iles& oner. .... ,tat. .
Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Diffenderfer Lewis J., crane runner, h 15 Chambers Dill William, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Diller Luther, baker, h Lincoln opp cemetery Dimitrovic George, laborer, h 63:3 S :ld Dimkaroff Christo, (c. Dimkaroff & Co.), h 463 Main ;; Dimkaroff C. & Co., (Christo Dimkaroff, John Bijoff and: c.:t Peter Hristoff), grocers, 4113 Main . Dimkoff Arze, laborer, h 440 lUain Dimoff Numo, laborer. h 479 ::\lain Dintiman Eliza, wid George. h 22Hl S 3d Dintiman Luther L., draftsman P. S. Co . h 2212 S 3d _ Dintiman William P., elk P. S. Co . h 2212 S 3r1 U Dian Israel, laborer, h 352 Swatara Ditlow Della l\1rs., h 30 S 3d c:; Ditlow Edward D., laborer, h 30 S 3d ca Ditlow \\'iI1iam 1\1., elk P. S. Co . h 167 :\Iain !! Diveley Charles A., grocer, 364 :\Iain, h do Diveley George L., laborer, h 40(i Reading Diven Jessie, shoe opr. h :i:!~ Lincoln Dixon l'.fary, wid James.ll :lH4 Ridge I.&J Dixon William E .. janitor, h 21)!l ~ 2r1 -I Dohe:m St('phen. laborer. h 4:~:l :\lohn c( Dockrill William H., rigger boss. h Hi!l X Front I.&J Dolinar Barbara, wid l\Iichael. h 616 S :leI

1D Diffenderfer Jonah G., com agt Hbg. Gas Co., h 187 S 2d J:

en a:



h 614 S :ld Dolnier Stanko, laborer. h ;'i1l5 S :ld Donitel Teremiah. grocer. S:!t1 S 2d. h do Donley Calvin L., 'laborer. h :l4:~ Christian Donley James A., laborer. h 122 Frederick Donley John W .. rigger. h 118 Frederkk Donnell\' Elizabeth M .. waitress. h 404 S 2d Donnelly George. driver, h :l2(i Christian Donnelly George H .. watertellder. h 404 S 2d Donnellv Lizzie 1'.Irs .. cook, 12!l S Front. h do Donogh-ue Isabel. wid Thomas. h 113 Frances Donoghue 'William J., barber. 38:~ Main, h 1l:l Frances Donohue M. c., elk. h 31:l Walnut Donovan John M.. elk P. S. Co., h 25 ~ 3d Dormas Michael. laborer. h :l24 Frederick Dorsey Harry. laborer. h 2~2 Ridge Dorwart Emma :\L, wid David. h 24~ ~hers IIi1 Dougherty James. gas snpt P. S. Co., h i9 S :ld U Dougherty John W .. gelll supt P. S. Co . h 112 N Harrisburg Dougherty Sabina. wid Hugh A .. h :l!H S 2d Douglass Charles, laborer. h :l21l Ridge Douglass Omrles c.. electrician, h :l41 S Front Douglass Francis R., lahor<!r. h 43 S 4th Douglass John, laborer. h 2ZJ:-\ Adams

I.&J Dolinar Peter, laborer,

L L ST. CLAIR {TAl LOA {12401lIrkIUtnII

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B ft.. TACK}

EmplOJII uoue buS t1raWlIUII workmen, hence ODI~ J/nl- J 1818 duI .... ud a-l~ Work doueln &111 ,.nor S&aae pI. 84 ...

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Douglass John C .. helper, h 341 S Front :,; Douglass John W .. laborer, h 12 Strawberry PI Downing Albert, laborer, h 340 N 2d Downs Abraham S., stable boss, h 236 Locust Downs Clara. nurse. h 249 N Front -t Downs Fred W .. draftsman P. S. Co., h 249 N Front Downs Harry 1., boilermkr, h 230 N 2d Downs Henrv T. draftsman P. S. Co .. h 242 N 2d Z Downs John 'B:, supt Rail Mill P. S. Co., h 331 Short PI Downs Lawrence A., chauffeur, h 236 Locust Downs Thomas, supt Forge Dept P. S. Co., h 249 N Front Doy John, laborer, h 3114 Ridge .Doyle Tames. laborer. h 411 S Front C) DrabenstadtGeorge R.. stengr P. S. Co., h Mt. Joy Dragovan George. laborer, h lOS Frederick Dragovic Juro, laborer, h 548 S 3d Dragovic Stif, laborer, h 16 Cnambers Drake Charles H., teller People's Bank, h Hbg. Drake William T., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Drawbaugh E. Allen, teacher, h 379 S Front c.n Drawbaugh Eli c., sol Gas Co., h 11 N 4th Drayer Adam, laborer, h 91 Main Draver Caleb A., laborer, h 26 Pine -Drazcnovic'h Mike, laborer, h 848 S 2d

< en



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Drenrove Sawo, frogmkr, h 8 Chambers Dress George W., job printer, 551 'S 2d, h 553 do Dress George W., jr., elk, 'h 147 S 4th DRESS HARRY L., lawyer, room 2, Steelton Trust Co. bldg, 15 N Front, h Hbg Dress John J., inspector, h 165 S 4th Dress Wilhelmina K., elk S. S. Co., h 163 S 4th Dress William, laborer, h 163 S 4th Driscoll Timothy]., mech engr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Drovojovic Stif, laborer, 'h 16 Chambers Drykoff Nicola, laborer, 11 307 Franklin Dubbs Walter R., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Dudo Stephen, laborer, 'h 317 Frances Duffin Fenton, porter, 129 S Front, h 405 S Front Duffin Jesse, driver, h 555 Iron al Dugans Samuel, frog builder, h 466 N Front Dumbervic Evan, laborer, h 860 S 2d Dunbar Sutherland P., elk Pa. freight station, h Hbg. Duncan Alvie 0 .. elk P. S. Co., h Enhaut Dundoff John, (Dundoff & ~Jinoff). h 261 Franklin Dundoff Taschko. grocer, 318 Franklin, 'h do Dundoff & ~iinoff. (J. Dundoff and A. :\1 inoff) , grocers, 261 Franklin Dunkle Abraham B.. supt Dunkle Window Shade Strip Co .. 'h 120 Lincoln


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INDEPENDENT LOAN 110 SECURITY CO. ~J'~~~ {r:.~::::t Coogle

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR }f:f~":.'=.'i:.-:{ 306 Brtd



Boyd's Steelton Directory. 1908.

DUNKLE AMOS W., (J. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co., Dunkle Bros.), sec and treas Dunkle & Knoderer Undertaking Co. and sec and treas Dunkle Window Shade Strip Co., h 251 N 2d DUNKLE BROS., (Samuel F. and Amos W.), insurance and real estate, 148 N Front Dunkle J. A., Sons & Co., (Josiah A .. (est). Samuel F. and Amos \V. Dunkle), real est and exchange, 148 N Front Dunkle Lloyd L.: musician, h 120 Lincoln Dunkle :Margie 1., student, h 251 X 2d Dunkle Mary, wid Josiah A., h 251 N 2d Dunkle Mary, wid Peter F., h 363 Pine Dunkle Samuel F., (J. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co. and Dunkle Bros.), pres Dunkle & Knoderer Undertaking Co. and pres Dunkle Window Shade Strip Co., h Hbg. Dunkle Window Shade Strip Co., S. F. Dunkle, pres; A. W. Dunkle, sec and treas; A. B. Dunkle, supt, 148 N Front : DUNKLE & KNODERER UNDERTAKING CO., D. :! Frank Knoderer, mgr; A. W. Dunkle, sec and treas; a: funeral directors and embalmers, 148 N Front ~ Dunn James J., bricklayer. h 604 X :3d 4: Dunn John T., stengr P. S. Co., 'h Hbg. .A Dunn Joseph, laborer, h 347 Christian ~~ Dunn U. K. & Co., (U. K. Dunn), plumbers, 267 N Front




Tltll 6alfl01y and Sarety Co. Ic:.a::ll fS'~Ir=II~


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Dunn Urial K., (U. K. Dunn & Co.), h 22 Adams Dunn William J., foreman, h 329 Pine Dunstan George, laborer, h 2H5 Main Duralija George, lahorer. h 228 Frederick Dllrban Peter, laborer, h 7 Chambers Durborow Samuel, civil engr, h 616 S 2d Durnan Joseph B.. foreman, h 2117 :'.Iyers Durnhaugh Irvin ~L. chief of police. h i07 N Front Durolle "L;ra. laborer. h 228 Frederick Dmz I..eonan\ S., grocer, ::!15 X Front, h Lincoln 0PP cemeterv Dvornekovic Ivan. laborer. h ::!HH Frederick Earisman Charles E .. molder. h 123 Penn Earle Thos .. Bupt B. and C. Dept P. S. Co., h 324 Catharine Earnest Frank 1'\., machinist, h 3n Pine Earnest Luther J., patternmkr, h ::!14 Pine Earnest Ralph \V .. machinist. h 214 Pine Earnest Robert 1'1., machinist. h 214 Pine Easton Robert, conductor. h 283 ~lain Eaton. Hartz & Co., (W. Eaton. E. Hartz and S. \V. Parsons), cigars. lOll Adams Eaton Lewis. laborer. h 78 Furnace Eaton Willis, (Eaton, Hartz & Co.). h Hbg. Eberly Emory L., car repairer, h 417 Catharine Ebersole Mary C. Mrs., h 319 S Front



REOMDNO}~~'::; :r~~g~ {3d and Rail, Sta.

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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. R27
Eb,' David ~ .. steelwkr. h :l75 ~hers Eb~ Susan, housekeeper, IS7 S ~d Echlin Gideon (> electrician. h 555 X :!d Eckenrode James .-\., foreman, h 3:!7 \Yalnut Eckenrode John D .. engr, h 314 :\Iain Eckert Joseph H . printer. h 18 Pine Eckhardt Anton. lahorer. h 312 Franklin Eckles Lawrence. meat, 328 N Front. h 33n do Eckles Ralph c.. hutcher. h 2116 Pine Ecton John \Y .. lahorer. h 155 Christian Edgerton Ralph \Y .. draftsman P. S. Co . h ~Iiddletown Edwards Alfred. driver, h 11:l! Adams Edwards Jost'ph, hlacksmith, it i43 S Front Edwards Lottie, charwoman. h 484 Main Eichler .\braham S . elk P. R. R.. h :-ua :Main Eiring Henry, lahorer. h 446 :\Iohn ElIenherger Allen \Y., draftsman P. S. Co .. h Enhaut Ellenherger Hugh Grant. driver. h 4115 Bessemer Ellenht'rger LaRue. elk P. S. Co .. It Enhaut Elliot James n .. lahorer. h 14~! Adams Elliott' Emma J., wid James \\':, h 484 ~Iain Elliott Frank. lahorer. h :!4 S Front Elster Tohn B .. lahorer. h 355 Swatara Ely Ca'rl n.. bridge engr P. S. Co .. h Hhg. Ely Harold :'II.. rlraftsman P. S. Co .. h 3;)8 Spruce

l::.. -=:.-r.}Hamsburg Savings and Loan Assn.

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,. :u

Ely John A . blacksmith, h 242 ~[yers Emik John, laborer. h 38!) S 3d Emrick Regina. wid Hugh B., h til:! :\Iain Enck Ora :\1.. seamstress, h 233 Pine Enea George. laborer, h 45a :\Iyers Engle Allen S .. stengr P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Engle Henry B.. elk. 140 X Front. h :l X 4th Engle ~Iary A., bookkpr, h 3 K 4th Engst Stephan, laborer, h 463 Christian Enney George \V .. foreman. h 354 S 2d Enney George \Y .. jr.. draftsman P. S. Co .. h 3u4 S 2d Fnney Sarah C. wid George W .. h !l7:l S Front Ennev \\'ilIiam F . machinist, h 973 ~ Front Ensminger Harry E .. laborer. h 42!1 Catharine nsminger Samuel H .. laborer. h 424 Swatara Ensminger \VilIiam H .. carpenter. h 4:!!I Catharine Eoglo11loe Emil. laborer. h lo:!l Frederick Epler l'riah. laborer. 'h 2~2 :'IIyers Eppinger Charles D .. h 2111 X Front Eppinger Grace. elk S. S. Co., h loa Lincoln Eppinger Oscar L.. assessor. h 111:1 Lincoln Eranija John. laborer. h 2611 Frederick Erb Ro\' A .. elk P. S. Co .. h Shin'manstown Erbe Eil1l11a A., knitter. h 3:')11 nt'!'~e\l1cr Erbe Grace. \Yirl Hermann. h :tufl ne~~emer
T 011' THI NIW. 0 .. THI OAY A~~IAIU. 'IR.T IN

::J: l>

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M KELLEY C I t . {11111 ... 1..1a1'l1li D. CO '1"-" II'"



Boyd's StU!lton Directory, 1908.

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Erbe Martha P., knitter, h 350 Bessemer Erbe Paul A., machinist, h 3ul) Dessel1lt'r Eremits Vakul. laborer, h 508 :\lyers Erger Frank, foreman, h 665 :\fohn Erger Jacob, foreman, h 511 S ~"'ront Erger Julia, wid Anthony. h 665 ~lohn Erger Peter, laborer, h 309 S 3d Erkman Dimitar, laborer, h 731 S 3d Ernev Charles F., butcher S. S. Co., h 156 Lincoln Ernjakovic Jandre, laborer, h 568 S :Jd Ernst Michael, laborer, h 407 Mohn Ernst Oscar, oiler. h 7 N 4th Eshelman Jacob K., laborer, h 169 Lincoln Eskric Gjuro, laborer, h 533 Christian Eslinger Augustus N., elk P. S. Co., h Mechanicsburg Esterly John W., fireman, h 326 Christian Etter John, machinist. h 243 Main Etter Solomon, (Katzman & Etter), h 536 S 3d Evangeline Decree Lodge. No. 163, Daughters of Rebekah, meets first and third Wednesday.of each month at 15 ~ Front, :\1rs. Jane H. Roberts, sec Evans Edward W., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Evans Emma, wid "Veslev. h 407 S River al E\'ans Eugene, laborer, h151 Ridge Evans Evan, laborer, h 154 Lincoln


Evans John \iV., machinist, h 155 S 2d Evans Percy, laborer, h 151 Ridge Evans William B., laborer, h 321 Lebanon Everett Glen. hod carrier, h 220 Ridge Everhart John W., foreman, h 705 N Front EYoscirc Andrya, laborer, 764 S 2d Evoscirc Josef, laborer, h 764 S 2d Eynon John, laborer, h 29 Locust Emon Lewis H., laborer, h 378 ~hin Ezechiel Andra, mason, h 382 S 3d Fabran John, laborer, h 256 Christian Fackler Ira V., draftsman P. S. Co., h Enhaut FacI<:ler Michael H., elk P. S. Co .. h Ellhaut Fahnestock Frank G., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Failor Andrew, salesman, h 101 Locust Fair Sarah A. Mrs .. h 312 Main Fairfax John H., laborer, h 119t Adams Fairlamb Emma 0., elk, 8 S Front. h 25 ~ 4th Fairlamb Jane, milliner, 8 S Front, h 25 l\' 4th Fairlamb Joseph V., elk, 1 S Front, h Hbg. Fairlamb Louisa, h 25 N 4th Fairlamb Robert V., news, 1-3 S Front, h Hbg. Farconi Mike, laborer, h 352 S 4th Farina Frank, grocer, 681 S 2d. h do Farina Louis, laborer, h 681 S 2d


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~:=;:= IDB '.lIIIIllOdOI SOUdes If011 A. B. TACK .I~~..

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

.Farver Jonas, laborer, h 5:$7 S Front Fasovac Simo, laborer, h 715 S 3d Favin Pero, laborer, h 723 S 3d Feehrer E. Ross, machinist, h 1:$1 S 2d Feehrer George N., draftsman P. S. Co., h 2527 S 2d Feehrer Newton S., butcher S. S. Co., h 137 S 4th Feeman Ida C. Mrs., 'h 115 Lincoln Feher Gera, laborer, h 514 Good Feher George, laborer, h 406 Highland FElDT CHARLES, borough secretary, 114 Walnut, h 414 Spruce Fein Abraham, grocer, 467 Myers, h do Feirick Edward, h 244 Christian Ferrick Jacob G., boilermkr, h 244 Christian Feirick )ohn, laborer, h 244 Christian Feirick Richard, helper, h 314 Christian Feite Peter, patternmkr, h 305 Swatara Fejes Joseph, barber, 514 S 3d, h do Felipovic Mato, laborer, h 55 Conestoga Felix Henry K., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Felker Abraham S., jeweler, 48 N Front, h do Felker Lulu M., seamstress, h 48 N Front Felker Roy M., sign painter, h 48 N Front FELTON EDGAR C., pres Pennsylvania Steel Co., h Haverford

Felton School, 'Walnut c 4th Fencil Jennie C, nttrSl. ;) S 2d, h do Fencil Nathaniel S., stoves, &c., 46 N Front, h 5 S 2d Feraiolo Frank .. fireman, h 331 S 4th Ferdebar Mike, laborer, h 1116 Chambers Ferencic Anton, laborer. h 223 Main Fergason Richard, laborer, h 407 Bailey Ferguson John F., teacher, h 622 N 2d Ferguson Martin. laborer, h 174 Ridge Fernsler Irvin. foreman P. S. Co., h "347 Myers Fernsler !\IIabel, domestic, h 347 Mvers Fessler George A .. salesman S. S. Co., h 231 S Front Fessler Maxwell W., barber, 231 S Front, h 250 S 2d Fetrow Abraham M., foreman, h 241 Swatara Fetterhoff Agnes, housekeeper, 2:10 N 2d Fetterhoff Ephraim B., laborer, h 125 S 2d Fickes Clarence W., driller, h 349 S 2d Fickes George W., steel\\'kr, h !l41) Lincoln Fj.-hs \Yilliam ~ .. elk P. ~. Co., h 41~ N 3d Fid<1s Tames. laborer. h HI) Furnact' Fi"lds )ohn W .. teacher. h 25~ Ridge Fields Oscar. porter S. S. Co .. h ~o Furnace Fields Robert 1\1.. laborer. h 1115 Adams Fip,ry Harry, laborer. h 40!l N 3d Fiese Elmer E., treas S. and H. Brick Co., h 311 S Front

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=== Drug and Patent Medicine St.ret'=_~~

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

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Figley Robert, timekpr P, S. Co., h Highspire Finegan John P., foreman, h !lSI S 2d Finger Arthur S., rivetmkr, h 2529 S ::td Finger Guy, laborer, h 209 .:'.Iain Fink Charles E., draftsman P. S. Co .. h Camp Hill Fink Henrietta, h 186 S 2d Fink Robert \Y .. laborer, h 242 Ridge Finkelstein Samuel, grocer. 44:1 ~Iyers. h do Finler Charles L., machinist, h 3:m S 2d Finle) John A., timekpr P. S. Co., h 22 S Harrisburg First Baptist Church, D. H Smith, Adams nr Bailey First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Herbert W. Westwood, pastor, Front c Pine First Presbyterian Church. Rev. 'ViJliam B. Cooke, pastor, S 2d c Elm First Reformed Church. Re,'. E. W. Lentz. 2d c Swatara Fisher Adrian, laborer. h 1;;5 Frederick Fisher Olarles P., laborer. h 232 Ridge Fisher Edward H .. elk P. S. Co., h Xew Cumberland Fisher Frederick A., engr, h 2!l7 Swatara Fishtr George 'V . steelwkr, h Front c Felton Fisher Harriet, wid Levi. h I:i2! Adams Fisher Harry, laborer, h 342 S 3d Fisher Idella M., teacher, h Hi2-! Adams Fisher James A., fireman, h :UU-Lincoln

Fisher Joseph H., jr., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Fisher Paris F., molder, h IH~ S 2d E Fisher Warren, Sentomologist Capitol, h 2631 S 2d Fisher William F., steelwkr, 'it 325 !'\ Front Fishinger Oharles A., foreman, h 25 S 4th Fishinger Margaret, wid Bartholomew, h 161 Main Fitzhugh William, laborer, h 154 Adams Fitzpatrick William r., lineman, Ii S Front, h Hbg. Z Fleager Simpson, laborer, h 31 Chestnut c( Flemming Thomas, laborer. 'h 151 Ridge Fletcher Alfred, h 18 'Valnut Fletcher Ernest, laborer, h 258 Franklin ..J Fletcher Joseph A., hotel. 117 S Front. h do Lillie, seamstress. 25n Z FletcherJohn, laborer. h 1;)1 h.:'.fain Franklin Flojnik c[ Flowers George''' .. paperhanger. h 543 Bessemer Floyd Edwin, timekpr. hlli:~ oS Front Flynn James. laborer. h 245 Christian FLYNN WILLIAM M.. real estate, insurance and LaJ steamship tickets, 136 S Front, h 210 S 2d Foley :Margaret. elk S. S. Co .. h li6 Frederick ..:::: Folev l\Iarv, elk. h l7n Frederick c( Foley Richard E., pitman. 'h 176 Frederick

Fisher James E .. laborer, h 148 Ridge

>- Fisher John L.. h 308 Lincoln



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.A. B. TACK} Wall PaD.r ud Wlnd.w Shades h.a::.~~

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. H31
Folk Isaac, puddler, h 4111 S Front Folk Jesse t., conductor, It 406 Swatara Folkers Harvev W., maC'hinist, h :m4 S 3d. Folkers ~Iaria: wid Seibert, h 3a5 S 2d Folkers Samuel Y., planer ..~ :1H:i S :!d Foltz William, laborer. h 57a S 2d Foot Forrest, laborer, h 344 X 2d Ford Charles A., supt, h 23 X 4th Ford Irvin, laborer, h 420 Ridge Ford John, laborer, h 2aa Christian Ford Lucy E. Mrs., h 420 Ridge . Foresters of America. Xo. 186, meets \\'ednesday, G. A. R. Hall; WilliamW. Walters. sec Forion Philip, laborer, h 414 ~lohn Forman Sara'h, wid Abraham, h :~ii5 S Front Formasi John, laborer, h 43fi Maim Forster Art'hur G., works accountant P. S. Co., h Hbg. Fortenbaugh Abraham P .. bookkpr. Conestoga c Frederick. h Xew Cumberland Fortino John, laborer, h :l51 S 3d Fortney Harry, elk, h 185 X Front Fortney Robert H., driver, h 49 S Front , Fortney William H., restaurant. 171 S Front, h 49 do Fosberg Oscar J., engr, h 211 Swatara Foster D. ~liller, draftsman P. S. Co., h 419 Swatara

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Savings and Loan Assn. U:=

Fothergill School, 2d c Mayberry al Fountain Olive, stengr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Fox Annie, wid Frank, h 701 S 2d Fox Frank, jr., meat, 701 S :!d, h do Fox George W., bricklayer, 'h 247 Swatara Fox John A .. laborer, h 27H Main Fox Minnie E., cirt'ssmkr, 247 Swatara, h do Fox Robert n., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox Sarah L., wid John' B .. h 247 Swatara Fov Elizabeth C, wid Samuel G.. h a~9 S 2d Fo~' John W .. puddler. h 3111 Frances Foy Samuel R., frog huilder, h :.n:!lJ S Front Fraker Joseph E., salesman, It Hl7 Lincoln Francis Ebenezer, supt steel foundry P. S. Co., h 342 Spruce Francis Frank, laborer. h 607 S 2d Franek John, laborer, h 619 S 3d Frank William, oiler, h 403 Catharine Frankalin Duro, laborer, h 4th bel Hoffer Franke \Y. Berkley, timekpr. h 14 Harrisburg Franklin Charles, laborer. h 312 Ritlge Franklin Leah, wid James. h 226 S Front Frantz Edward S., harnessmkr, lfiH Main, h do Frantz Michael A., h Front nr Frances Frantz Seymour, h 169 Main



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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

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Franz Sigmund, meat, 424 ~.John, h UO Frazier Amanda E., h 304 Ridge Frazier Virginia, wid Fate, h 304 Ridge Frealing Eliza, hOllsekeeper. :!:!3 Adams Frederick Edward A., laborer, h 89 ~lain Frederick Jacob T., engr, h 89 :\Iain Freeburn John M .. ins sol, h 268 Myers Freeburn T. Morris, machinist. h 543 N Front Freeburn Walter \\1 .. steelwkr, h 270 Myers Freeburn's Hall. 284 Main Freed Ralph, laborer, h 317 S Front Freeman Frank. laborer, h 334 X 2d Freese Ralph, machinist, h 56!) S 2d Frev Adam, laborer, h 4]3 Mohn Frey Charles T., draftsman P. S. Co .. h 109 N Front Fre~ Doctor, laborer, h r ]5n Adams Frey Ellsworth, elk, h 109 N Front Frey George, grocer, 428 Mohn, h do Frey Joseph, lahorer, h 4R2 Mohn Frey Robert M., grocer, ]O!) N Front, h do Frey Ross M., propr Comfort Shoe Store, 19 N Front, h 109 do . Fries Alfred F., templetmkr, h 323 Swatara Fries Joseph c., foreman, h 323 Swatara Fries Mary E;., cigarmkr, h 323 Swatara


Friger John. labon.'r, h 431 Smith al Friger Sava, laborer. h 451 Smith al Fritz Ada1ine ~L, wid Robert, h ]50 Lincoln Fritz Bertha Mrs., h 150 Lincoln Fritz Michael. l'. ,s. N., h 49 X Front Froh Frank, laborer, h G2 Frances Frost Alfred c.. teacher, h 129 S 4th Frumin Max G .. jeweler. 37 N Front, h 55 do Frv Alonzo, laborer, h 120 S 2d Fry Carl, laborer, h 228 Baile\> Fr~ Edward G., laborer. h 228' Bailev Frv Eliza l\I.. wid Daniel. h 121l S 2d Fr~' Florence; wid William 1\1.. h 141 S Front Fr~' Jefferson D., helper, h 228 Bailey Fry Richard, fireman. h 41il Lebanon Fuller Walton B., draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Fulton Emma A., teacher, h 227 \Valnut Fl1nk Catharil1l', wid Jacob M., h 472 :Main Funk David W .. laborer, h :~76 l\hers Funk Jacob L., porter S. S. Co., h'104 Frederick Funk James B., laborer, h 472 :Main Funk John E .. helper. h 470 Main Funk Luther A., steelwkr, h :H5 l\Iyers Funk Susan E .. charwoman. h 472 ~Iail1 Funk \ViIliam P., laborer, h 251 >Myers

1 L. ST.



Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. 833

Furi~ Peter, cigars, &c., 327 S 3d, h do

Furcich'Spiridion, steamship agency, 231 Frederick, h do , ;

Furjanic Anna, h 824 S 2d Furjanic Janko, helper, h 840 S 2d Furjanic Lovro, laborer, h 527 S 3d Fl.lrjanic Miko, laborer, h 532 S 3d Furjenic Peter, laborer, h 609 S 3d Gabel George, laborer, h 423 Mohn Gabler John,R., driver, h 215 Christian Gadd Charles]., mechanical engr P. S. Co., h 102 N 2d Gaddis Harriet, wid Charles, h 165 Adams Gaffney Albert, mechanical engr, 'II 329 Locust Gaffney Edward F., bricklayer, h 517 N Front Gaffney Honora M., teacher, h 114 N 2d Gaffney James F., installer, h 114 N 2d Gaffney John, melter, h 517 N Front Gaffney John G., machinist, h 28 N 2d Gaffney Mary A., wid Thomas, h 114 N 2d Gaffney Mary c., elk S. S. Co., h 114 N 2d Gaffney Thomas F., bricklayer, h 517 N Front Gaines' Henry M., laborer, h 858 N Front Galauner Florijan, driver, h 469 Myets Galbraith William E., drug elk, 189 S Front, h 230 Locust Gall John, laborer, h 412 :\Iohn Gallagher Amos L .. watchman P. S. Co., h 190 S 2d




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Gallagher Charles A .. grocer, 683 S Front, h do ~_~ Gallagher George H., coremkr, h 627 S Front ~ Gallagher James D., laborer, h 68.3 S Front Gallagher Joanna T., telephone opr, 6 S Front, h 532 N 2d ::11:7 Gallagher John H., machinist, h 190 S 2d ~ Gallagher Michael, watchman. h 532 N 2d Gallagher Thompson K., laborer, h 859 S Front Galloway Archie H., laborer, h 107 Adams Gallus Andrew, laborer, h 5 Chambers Galubich Joseph. laborer. h 921 N Front Gambv Henrv E., laborer. h 367 S Front Gangal Pal1l:laborer, h 5110 :'Ilohn Gantz George J., templetmkr, h 2149 S 3d Gardner Annie L., teacher, h 1.42 Lincoln Gardner Eleanor B. Mrs .. h 2()7 Adams Gardner Eliza A., elk, 11 3n N 2d Gardner Fannie c.. wid Adam, h 1.42 Lincoln Gardner George S., draftsman P. S. Co., h 138 Lincoln Gardner John, steelwkr, h 3n N 2d Gardner Margaret. wid John. h 30 N 2d Gardner Norman L., hoilermkr, h 13n S 2d Gardner Percy 1., draftsman P. S. Co., h 142 Lincoln Gardner Thomas Y .. timekpr P. S. Co .. h 32 N 2d Gardner William H., painter, h 374 S 2d Garitani Dominico, laborer. h 67!l S 2d

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ":i~t,:i-:'-:;;'~~IC ~

IIDEPENDENT LOAN AID SECURITY CO. ~~\' {\"fi:'.r.=." Coogle

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::= ~::~- McIEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ 8::!~


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.







az zc""

(;artws J()~eph. lahorer. h 1II~ Ridge (iarnett Reuhen. laborer. h :m4 Ridge Garonzik :\Iichael, furnitun. :~jj S Front. h do (-;aronzik Samuel. yarieties. :{n S Front. h 406 S 2d Garraty Anna E., wid George. h :U,;l Spruce Garraty Edna. teacher. II ~(j:J Spruce Garraty George D .. asst chemist P. S. Co .. h 363 Spruce Garraty Lulu. saleslady. h :~63 Spruce (-;arrett Franklin K.. bartender. 243 :\Iain. h 242 do (;artI311 :\Ian' II .. teacher. h 37 S 2d Gartner Jacob. laborer. h iili Christian Garver Charles B.. electrician. h 119 \\" alnut (iarverich Frank. laborer. h 1!t! S Front riaspar John. laborer. h 512 Good Gates Jane :\frs .. h r 223 Franklin Gates \\'illiam H .. laborer. h 52!' Iron al Ganer Tohn. laborer. h 525 :\1 \"ers Gault Edwarcl L.. elk S. S. Co". h 461 X :!d Cavrilovies Kate. wid Dusan. h 2115 Christian (;earhart Lillian. telephone opr. h 269 :\Iain Geary Robert. lahorer. h 42 Fur.nace (-;ee )onas. civil engr P. S. Co .. h 12"2 S 3c1 Ciet>sc\' Robert. harbert 183 S Front. h 427 Swatara Ceig-er '\"illiam E .. grocer. :;:;~-5:m X 2c1, h 554 do Ceisler John. laborer. 11 311 S 3d

o TltI. BtU.., ad Slf.1y

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Geist Clara T. :\lrs.. h 1:5 S 2d ('reist Frank'\\, .. laborer. h 376 :\lain (-;eistwhite Charles. steelwkr. h 344 Christian Geistwhite Earnest E .. shoemkr. 33:l S Front. h do Ceistwhite (;eorge :\1.. grocer, 329 S Front, h do Geistwhite Tohn H .. heater. h 3:t'l S Front Geistwhite \\,illiam F .. steelwkr. h :t16 S 2d (:ielnett Cloyd C. carpenter. h 362 :Uyers' Gelnett Eleanora J . cigar packer. h 362 :\Iyers ('relnett Tacob. cranetender. h 362 :\hers Gelnett 'Set'h K., frog builder, h 31)2 :\Iyers Gemmill William X., janitor. h 3:l X River av Ciendell Paul. bridge engr. h 2H2!1 S 2c1 George Charles L.. elk P. S. Co .. h 117 Penn Cieorge Costo. laborer. h 421 :\Iain George Isaac Woo elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. George J. Elmer. paymaster P. S. Co .. h 355 Pine George John, laborer, h 539 Christian . Gerher Bernard. grocer, 22!1 X Harrisburg, h .no Reading (;enl('s Alhert n., patternmkr. h :~4i X Front (~enles Joseph H .. hotel. :~47 X Front. h clo Cenles Oscar. frog huilder. h IIi) Lincoln Gerencsen ),fichael, laborer. h 540 S 3d (;ergal Tal. laborer. h :\Iohn nr limits Gerhard John F .. bricklayer, h :~5!l :\lain

Electrlc Automobiles} AIDREW R-ED-M-OI-~i-g!i~-e~-b~~-o-R~-g-P~-


8 TACK l

f~. PabUo aa.ldlap Ia

Ibk. . . 8peela1ty of M. . . . . PlaID TID. . . . . . . . . . .


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Gerhart Andrew, laborer, h 5:!9 Christian .Gerhart Andrew, jr., laborer, h :J:!9 Franklin Gerke Konstanti, draftsman P. S. Co., h 2144 S 2d German Lut'heran Chure-h, Rev. E. ~letzenthin, 209 S 2d Gersig George, foreman, h :!17 Calumet al Gersig Joseph, laborer, h 217 Calumet al Gersig :\1artin, lahorer, 11 217 Calumet al Getz Edward, fireman, h 557 S Front Geukes Fannie F., wid John H., h 338 S 2<1 Geukes Harry c., crane runner, h 3!J8 S 2d Gevencien xlichael, laborer, h 503 S 3d Geza Feher. laborer, h Good ab 4th Gibb Jdhn H., constable, 15 N Front, h 529 S Front Gibson Jacob T., porter,'h 145 Ridge Gibson James R., porter, h 145 Ridge Gibson Robert, laborer, h 38 Furnace Giffin Mary, wid Henry, h 85 Main Giffin William VV., laborer, h 85 Main Gilbert Rachel, wid William, h 115 S 4th Gilger David M., laborer, h 37 K Front -Gillbaugh Edward, molder, h 254 S 2d Gilmore Albert T., bridge builder, h 364 S 2d -Gingrich Christopher C, stengr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Gintzer Harrv C, conductor, 'h 55;) X 2d Gismadea Jacob, laborer. h -til:! ~Io11l1




(Jistwite Gistwite -Gitwite S. :\lorris, oiler, h 184 :\lain ~ Gittlin Isaac, drygoods, 571 S 3d, h do N .(iittiin Nathan, grocer, 512 S 3d. h do > Given Frank, laborer, h 7U4 X Front n CIVEN HARRY A., sanitary plumber, 637 and 639 N Front, h do > Glad Adam. h R65 S 3ct, Gland Enoch, engr, h 66IJ ?\ 2C\ Glanll Jacob M., frog builder. h 2:!1 S Front Glaser Benedict, laborer, h :15:1 ~lain Glaser ~label, oomestic, 34~ :\lyers .class Grover C, stengr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Glass Harry W., clk S. S. Co., h G38 N 2d Gledic l\1ike, laborer, h 367 Christian Glocler Charles, laborer, h 24,l Christian .Gluck Adam. painter, h 40G ~1011l1 Godmanuer \Yalter. machinist. h :~~:l :\Iain Godof Frank. laborer. h 4~!l :\101111 Goff Annie :\lrs., h .218 Baile\" 'Golden \Villow Tabernacle. Xo. 7~. Galilean Fisherman. (colored), meets every Tuesday eve. at 140 Adams; C W. James. sec Goldschmidt Samuel, ster!\\,kr, h 4:!fi :\lain

Savings and Loan Assn.{ ::=: < > Annie, wid H. Romanus, h 184 ~lain = o Hervey, steelwkr; h 184 }lain



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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}ODlces. :.~:~:'~1.~tt;'~{COAL AND WOOD

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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


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Golles Andrew, laborer, It 5 Chambers Golubic Josepb, laborer, h 921 S Front Golz Katie Mrs., h :l Chambers Good Enos W., h 431 ~10hn Good George E., laborer, h 349 Pine Good Tohn, laborer, h 411 N 3d Good Lawrence J., laborer, h 212 ~1yers Good Maggie, wid Jacob, h 212 ~lyers Good William c., carpenter. h 4Hl Mohn Goodfellow Addison. mech engr, h 258 S 2d Goodling Clinton c., laborer, h Front bel Felton Goodling Lloyd A., farmer, h Front bel Felton Goodwin George K., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Gordon Ernest, laborer, h 210 Ridge Gordon Ira L., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Gordon John T., laborer, h 210 Ridge Gore Alice Mrs., domestic, 150 Adams Gore Joseph H., detective, h r 120 Adams Gore Lucy, domestic, r 120 Adams Gorrup John, steelwkr, h 316 Frederick Gorrup Thomas, laborer, h 320 Frederick Gorsa Thomas, laborer, h 110 Frederick Gottlieb Jdhn, laborer, h 564 S 3d Grabo Fr~nk, labor~~~I)?_ ~~~ ___ _ Grace United Evangelical Church, Rev. H. M. Wingert, pastor, Lincoln bel Harrisburg Gracey G. Reed, elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Gramm Calvin F., foreman, h 43 S 3d Gramm Claude H., draftsman, h 43 S 3d


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g~:~tA~~I~hH~ii, ~~~eNn~;~~th 43 S 3d


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Grand Army Post, No. 351; organized June, 1883; meets Friday eve., G. A. R. Hall; C. E. Scott, adjt Grant Jasper, laborer, h 34 Furnace Grasa Lawrence, laborer, h Chambers nr 2d Grass Joseph, templetmkr, h 167 Lincoln Grass Peter, sawyer, h 662 N 2d Grav Ida Mrs., charwoman, h 475 Main Gray John, laborer, h 142 Ridge Gray John, laborer, h 46 Furnace Gray John W., laborer, h 404 Swatara Gray "Villiam, laborer, h 54 Furnace Gray William A., jr., carpenter, h 81 Main Graybill Frank G., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Greasley James S., varieties. 159 N Front, h ]52 S 2d Green Abram H., laborer, h 625 N Front Green Bessie A., elk, h 625 N Front' Green Carrie, stengr, h 205 Swatara Green Charles E., stengr, h 5 Hoffer Green Charles W., laborer, 11 36 N 2d


{1240 ..arket Streit

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A. B. TACK t:&t::.on~:!1loU pooer and IIndOI ShOd3S 1:1~\~3U.


Directory, 1908.


Green Christian S., heater. h :!03 Swatara Green Daniel. laborer, h 4:?3 S Front Green Earle. elk P. S. Co .. h nherlin Green Frank, foreman, h 3fo;:! ~ :!d Green Frank M., draftsman P. ~. Co., h Hbg. Green George A., chief elk P. S. Co., h New Benton Green Isaac, laborer, h 104 Ridge Green Tennie, student, h ~03 Swatara Green Oliver C, electrician, h 446 Lincoln Green \Valter, laborer, h 14~ .-\dams "reen \\,illiam, machinist. h :rl!l S Front (;ret'll \\"illiam F .. laborer. h :!Ii:! :\Iain Greenawalt Andn:\':, laborcr. " 11~ :\[ohn Greenawalt Winfield S., asst SlIpt O. H. Dept. P. S. Co., h :l32 Pine Greene John J., machinist, h 3118 Lincoln Gregory Benjamin, janitor S. ~. Co . h 34 Furnace Gregory James, machinist, h 258 X Front Gregson John, jr., asst supt steel foundry P. S. Co., h 341 Spruce Gre~s Ernest :\1., teacher, h 42ft Swatara Gribble Jacob L., laborer, h 563 S Front Griest William P., timekpr P. S. Co., h 30 Walnut Griffee Edward. heater. h :!5 ~ 3d Griffith Belle, domestic. 243 Pille

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b:i~-:'~~E

Griggs George. laborer, h 347 Orchard al Grigsby Ellis c., laborer. h :!ii4 Franklin Grills \\"illiam R., laborer, h 1:JZi Adams Grimes Emauel J., lahorer. h :!(i6 Myers Groff Charles A., elk P. S. Co .. h 21i:!7 S 211 Groom Ernest, huggy runner. h 324 S 2d Groome Jacob L., ins sol, h :~;)7 Pine Gross Andrew M., laborer. h 419 Cat'harine Gross Frank 1., weigher, h 368 Myers Gross Henry 5., supt merchant mill P. S. Co., h Spruce c 4th Gross-Kreuz Oswald, draftsman P. S. Co., h 2637 S 2d Gross Martin, laborer, h 414 Myers Gross William A., fireman. h 3fot!l 5 ~d Grosskreuz Oscar A.. draftsman P. S. Co., h :?633 S 2d Grove Charles .I., laborer. h 13~ S 2d Con Groye Jacob F., laborer. h 317 Myers Grove Jacob H., laborer, h 51 Frederick Groye Tohn, laborer, h S 4th bel Hoffer Gro\'e lohnL., cOllnty treas and sec, 2:? S Front, h 178 S 2<1 Groye John W., foreman P. S. Co .. h 49 S 4th Groye TohnW. F .. laborer, h 171 S 2<1 Grove \'ictor R.. steclwkr. h Imj X 2d ~ Grubacavic Peter, steelwkr. h :!Gfj Frederick


MO N AD VA NeED } 'Inltc"y.IY~f' {~ rJ:1:.:n~ Ef

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er C es c., ber, _ X Fr ,1 :J84:.. 2d Gruber Charles J., bricklayer, h 38-!i S 2d Gruber Elia laborer h 558 B er al el, la r, h Fran ic ~ ru ic Thomas, la orer, h 428 . lain Grubite Thomas, steelwkr, h 428 ~Iain G bor Alk labo b 558 . d ff V labo h 36 ristia rtnc PhIlp, laborer, 777 . d Gruin ~Iito, laborer, h 474 :'IIain Grummonds Alexand r, sh kr, :!r \lain, J d den e, wi artin h 30 d den ard., orema . S. Co., 36.3 Grundon :\Iargaret, wid William, h 13 X 3d Guarantee Savings and Loan -\ssoci t" n, Jo' L. Gr sec, Fro dv:\ el F., orer, .3 X r Gugger Julius, laborer. h 470 ~Iohn Gulbrandsen Gustaf c'hief draftsman P S. Co I Hbg rand Walt rafts P: S ,h H m R. V., h _ Line n ns \ Gunther Anna, wid Johann, h H30 S :!d Gunther John J., (Gunther & Breinach) h 3 Hoffer her eina John unth d An y Br aeh), rs, h offe



REOMOND{3~ In~ Rel~ Sta



I. B. TACK} FIN~E!~A~,.~:'!',,'icl~~ER{ 121610rtD TnlJdht

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
H<tggerty James, foreman, h !!6G :\lain Hagg.:rty Michael, foreman, h 266 .\Iain Haggerty Morris, foreman, h 266 ~lain Hagy Fanny, wid Henry, h 320 Pine Hagy Henry \\' .. molder, h 623 S 2d Hahn Benjamin A., foreman, h 2:15 Swatara HC1in Harry B.. elk P. S. Co .. h Penbrook Haines Janles W., constable, 15 X Front, 11 320 S 2d Haines :\Iary Mrs., h 1 S Front H;;.jdinovic George, laborer. h 57 Conestoga HakeI' John, taborer, h 418 Swatara Haker John H., laborer. h 418 Swatara Haker Ross 0 .. machinist, h a29 Poplar Hale Daniel M . barber, 283 :\Iain, h 230 Pine Hale Rosanna. wid Jacob, h :l()l S 2<1 Hall rieorge W., laborer, h 152 l\lain Hall Harvey, laborer. h 140 Ridge Hamaker Emlen F., elk P. S. Co., h Middletown Hamilton Cordelia H. Mrs., tailoress, h H)! S Front Hamilton Frank P., elk S. S. Co., 11 Hbg. Hamilton John B., laborer, h :Hil :\Jyers Hamilton Lester, mech engr, h 32H Locust Hamilton Lizzie, housekeeper. 551 Iron al Hamilton Martin L., laborer, h 122 Adams Hamilton Ray C .. butcher, h 315 l\lyers




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Sayings and Loan Assn,:::

> n


Hamilt(ln William n., laborer. h :m X Front Hammaker Flel11uel, farmer, h Lochiel Farm Hammaker George H., laborer, h 405 Catharine Hammaker Joseph A., farmer, h Loc-hiel Farm Hamll1es .\Iargaret. wid John, h 6fi3 1\lohn HaJ11l11il James S., boilermkr, h 47 Frederick Hammond Edward 'vV., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Hanbv Charles, hammerman, h -U2 Swatara Hanb~' George \\' .. lahorer, h 4-12 Swatara Handlein Adam, laborer, h 396 1\101111 Handley Charles, planer, h 454 X 2(1 Handley James, engr, h 304 Main Handley Kate, wid John, h 454 N 2d Handle\" :\1 an' E., elk, h 536 X :!rl Ha:lrlle~' :\IiellaeL boilermkr, h 5af) X 2cl Hancllev Paul, bricklaver, h 454 X 2d Hanrlle~ William J., bricklayer. h 162 N 2r1 Hanf'Y Rohert W., eng-r S. S. Co., h 20 \\'alnut Hankin nennt'tt A .. chief elk r. S. Co .. h 340 Locust Hanshlle Sarah, wid Samuel. h :tt:1 )J Front Hanson Gustav, florist, 136 X Front, h Hbg. Hanson William. laborer. h :~47 Christian Harclerode Carroll E .. machinist. h 24 S :M Harclerode Emma n .. stengr. h :!:l:l S :!cl Harclerode George A .. sub letter carrier. h 352 S 2d


> :D


THE PATRIOT M"oa....N~~:~'1J

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'h:F a T_ .r

H II KELLEY aD CO'S -Bla.,11 D.

Dia,..ODdl WbCD { 1 rtb 10U DeKt order. lD'~ .d , .....

a. .....

. . 840

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.




,. -(I)



l&J .J


Harclerode Grace, stengr. h 2:l~ S 2d Harclerode Harrison M., elk Steelton Trust Co .. h 233 S 2d Harclerode Michael, laborer. h' 233 S 2<1 Harclerode William :\1.. vf)calist, h 233 S 2d Harder Ella G., wid James L.. h 366 ~Iyers Harder Frank, electrician 1)& s. (~o .. h 366 l\lyers Harder J. Bert, machinist, h :n!) :\Iyers Harder Wilson S .. gas fitter. h :166 :\Iyers Hardy Benjamin F., h 265 Myers Hardy George ::-'1., craneman, h 265 ~lyers Harlacher Joseph. laborer, h 2M Myer!' Harlan Benjamin S .. laborer. h r 425 Lincoln Harfan Hicks II .. baker, h 425 Lincoln Harlan Horace G .. switch builder, h :352 Swatara Harlan Isabella. wid Louis, h 16~ S Front Harlan Joseph, stcelwkr. h a58 Swatara Harlan Millard F,. grocer, 163 S Front, h do Harm Wilhelmina, wid Christian, h 648 N 2d Harman Sallie }f. Mrs., h 329 Lincoln Harner Joseph. laborer, h 314 Frederick Harner Thomas, laborer, h 168 Mvers Harris Alexander, laborer, h 255 Adams Ha:-ris Charles, laborer, h 216 Ridge Harris Moses, laborer, h 162 Ridge Harris Samuel, laborer, h 249 Adams



Harris Sarah. wid John. h Front bel Swatara Harrishurg Gas Co .. L. S, \\i1Iiams. mgr, 132 S Front Harrod Arthur A., laborer. h 88 Furnace Harrod Hayes, laborer, h 86 Furnace Harrod Lewis, laborer, h 152i Adams Hart Samuel W .. elk P. S. Co .. h Hhg. Hartman Albert F., elk P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Hartman George ~ .. ice cream, a07 Myers, h do Hartman Harry, butcher, 'h 384 S 3d Hartman Harry, molder, h 365 S 2d Hartman Harry A., livery, 448-450 N Front. 11 107 Lincoln' Hartman Louisa, wid Edwa.-d, h 348 Swatara Hartman Mary, wid Aaron, h 256 Lincoln Hartman P. Wilbur, baker, h 404 Reading Hartman Robert 0., tracer P. S. Co., h 256 Lincoln Hartman William c., driver, h 412 N Harrisburg Hartman William H., baker. 409 Bessemer. h 405 do Hartwick Henr", laborer. h 417 :Molm Hartz Edward, -(Eaton, Hartz & Co.). h 211) Adams Harvey Samuel A., steelwkr, h 305 S 2d Harvey William N., laborer, h 24 ~ 3d Haupt O1arles W., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Hawkins Charles, laborer, h 129 Adams Hawkins Charles A .. laborer. h 253 Adams Hawkins George, laborer, h Hi2 Adams

l L. ST. CLAIR{TAILOR{1240IlarkltS.
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EmploJlt hwl... wortmea, be_ onl,. . . . J 1.1. A B TACK} . . . . .- -s-r-I&. WortdoDeln aD1 putof Slate 1 !f.Id8&. l1li4

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. Hayes Albert B., hod carrier, h 448 Ridge Head David D., gastender, h 445 Catharine Heagy -Fannie F., wid Henry, h 320 Pine Heagy John M., livery, 104 S Front, h 39 do Heagy Kate, h 320 Pine Heck Andrew .1., steelwkr, h 3li Swatara Heck William W., foreman P. S. Co., h 31 Chestnut Heckart Azora, elk S. S. Co., h 303 Pine Heckart Clyde S., elk P. S. Co., h 303 Pine Heckart Joseph P., order elk S. S. Co., h 303 Pine Hecker Samuel S., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Heefner Charles, carpenter, h 229 Main Heefner John c., laborer, h 229 Main Heefner WilIiam H., craneman, h 376 :\Iain Hefley John, h 409 N 3d Hegarty James, foreman, h 266 Main Hegarty Morris, gasmkr, 11 266 Main Hegerman Harry, foreman. h 237 Myers Heiges James V., timekpr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Heiges Russell, timekpr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Heil Frank W., driver, h 232 N 2d Heimerdinger Elizabeth, elk S. S. Co., h 652 N 2d Heimerdinger Fred W., butcher, h 652 N 2d Heiser Frances A., wid James, h 441 Catharine Heiser :\forris A., laborer. h 441- Catharine

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~bli~-:;'~~E ~

Heisler Charles, laborer, h 344 Christian Heller Samuel, fruit, 4521 Myers, h do Heller William, brakeman, 11 167 Myers Hellier James R., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Helm J. Calvin, laborer, h 45 Penn Hemperly John B., laborer, h 348 ~Iyers Hench David M .. tracer P. S. Co., h Hbg. Hench William M., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Henderson Elijah, laborer, h 420 Ridge Henderson Elijah \V., tailor, 118 Adams, h do Henderson Ernest c., foreman, h 24!) Swatara Hendricks Charles E., agt. h 3181 S 2d Hendrickson Clarence B.. agt Pa. frt station, h Hbg. Hennessy John. elk, h :144 Locust Henry George ,,'., teacher. h 325 \Yalnut Hensel Ada B., elk P. n .. h 22!) Tefferson Hensel Harry X., h 2:?fI Jefferson Hensel Lucretia. wid Howarrl E .. h :?:?!) Jefferson Hepler Charles E . laborer, h HI X 4th Hepler George. h 34 'X 2d Hepler John G .. laborer. h 27 'X 3d Herecker 10hn, laborer. h 41;H Mohn Herecker Stephen, laborer, h il84i S :ld Herman Adam D .. laborer. h 83:? S :!d Herman Agne~, housekeeper, lIili nes~emer






IIDEPEIDENT LOA I AID SECURITY CO. ~o"~~~ {Ie:,~::!.1::: Coogle

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MelEiL'S PAIN EXTERIIIAIOR ~~:f~"'J.':~-:~ 306 I,.,


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Herman Anna M., wid JO'hn B., h 168 Bessemer Herman Frank l;., engr, h 166 Bessemer Hernel Frederick, butcher S. S. Co., h 267 N Front Hernjak Daniel, laborer, h 159 Main Hernjak Xiko, laborer, h 159 Mairi Herrman Elmer E., cigars. h 146 S 2d Hershey Clara L., elk, Hi8 Lincoln, h do I-h'rshe~' Edward W .. laborer, h 147 Lincoln Hershe~' Cirace c., h 1 ~ Harrisburg Hershey Harry L., grocer, 168 Lincoln, h do Hershey Harvey T .. foreman, h 168 Lincoln HERSHEY HENRY F., postmaster, 2 S Front, h 1 N Harrisburg Hess Abraham R., grocer, 28 X 4th, h do Hess Bertha l\1., h 41111 ~ Front Hess Carrie, dressmkr, h 353! S 2d Hess Christian, surveyor, h 353~ S 2d Hess Edgar J., driver, h 363 S Front HESS JOHN, coal and wood, 400 N Front, h do Hess Leroy B., elk, h Middletown Hess Linnie A., teacher. h 28 X 4th Hess S. Agnes, wid William, h 3Hl Lincoln Hess Susan. dressmkr, h 353! S 2<1 Hetrick George W., laborer, h 531 N Front Hetrick Nicholas, janitor; h 353 l\1ain








> Z


Hetwick Henrich, laborer, h 517 Mohn Hetzel Andrew G., machinist, h 656 N 2d Hetzel Charles, brakeman, h 38H S :!d Hetzel Frederick. bricklaver. h (j51l N 2d Hetzel Tacob, watchman, 'h 656 ~ :!d H etzei 'racob T h 6:;6 N :!d .. Ht'lzel Sallluei W .. engr. h H90 S 2(\ Hickman Harvey H .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Hicks Benjamin c., hookkpr, h 2:l7 Walnut Hicks Jennie, housekeeper, 1:~4a Ridge Hicks Robert. laborer, h 12f1 Ridge Higgins Charles H., h 156 S 2d Hiler John H .. melter, h 2a5 N Harrisburg Hill Ada M., teacher, h 220 Pine Hill Annie. wid Andrew, h 555 Iron al Eliza, wid Benjamin L., h 246 Pine Hill Ella, imner, h 162 Adams Hill Emanuel H.. laborer, h 539 N Front Hill Frank, elk P. S. Co., h 404 N 3d Hill C;arfield, laborer, h 125 Adams Hill George H .. draftsman P. S. Co., 11 44 :\ 2d Hiil (;eorge W .. draftsman P. S. Co., h all Pine Hill (ieorge \V .. laborer. h 2 Cmnbler's row Hill Harriet, wid John W. S., h 162 Adams Hiil Harriet c., h 246 Pine

ANDREW REDMOND}~.t=::.::~ :r~~~ {3d and Rilly Sfa. Coogle

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L B. TACK} IALL PIPER ~::::~ 111001 SHlDEShr.~:' II&.

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
Tohn .-\., laborer, h 1:12 Riuge :\Iarian H ... wid Edward: h :!211 Pine Pearl A., teacher, h 220 Pine William A., laborer, h 420 Ridge tIiII Wiiliam P. Rev., h 246 Pine Hilpert ~Iier G., engr P. S. Co .. h Hhg. Hilton Joseph E .. foreman. h :U:l C11ristian Hilton ?lfarshall. Iaborer, h :~ Cumbler's row Hilton V';iIIiam. brakeman, h :n:J Christian Hines Samuel ;\., laborer. h f}8 Furnace Hiney George F., steelwkr, h a!l~ Locust Hiney Horace F., student. h 402 Spruce Hiney Isaac S., supt real estate P. S. Co., h 4112 Spruce Hiney Solomon. asst chemist P. S. Co., h :~j(i Spruce Hintermeyer Franz, h H4!l S !ld . Hirner E. A., (Dauphin Hosiery Co.), h :\lIento\\'n Hite Jerome, h :~42 N Front Hite William, h :142 X Front Hoeh Benjamin S .. laborer, h 4211 Lincoln Hoc'll Edgar J., police sergt, h 740 S 2d Hoeh Howard R.. bridge inspector. h 3!14 S 2d Hoch l\fary L .. wid Samuel, h 418 Lincoln Hoch Otto 1\1.. draftsman, h 341 Locust Hoch William H. Rev., h !WI Locust Hocker Grace ~f., elk S. S. Co., h 3(il S Front Hiil HIll H ill Hill




-=,.. -=:.-::a}Harrisburg SaYings

and Loan Assn.


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Hocker Martin M., grocer, 361 S Front, h do Hocker :\'1artin P. Rev., h 25 N Front Hocker Walter c., draftsman P. S. Co., 11 Paxtang Hoeflein Frank X., draftsman P. S. Co .. h 174 Lincoln Hoerner Robert K .. foreman, h 621 X Front Hoffer Elizabeth, wid Christian, h 146 X 2d Hoffer Jacob H .. elk, Trewick c Canal, h 146 N 2d Hoffer James 1\1., foreman, h 2144 S :ld Hoffer john, pres John Hoffer Flouring Mill Co., h Hbg. Hoffer John, jr., treas John Hoffer Flouring ~li1l Co., h Hbg. HOFFER JOHN FLOURING MILL CO., INC., J. Hoffer, pres; J. Hoffer, jr., treas; H. H. Howard, sec, Trewick c Frederick Hoffert Charles K.. machinist, h 15 ~lohn Hoffert Charles P .. blacksmith. h 15 ~Io1111 Hoffman Celia 1\1.. teacher, h a:m Locust Hoffman Charles H .. machinist, h :!:l S :!d Hoffman David R.. attendance officer. h 12;) Lincoln Hoffman Edward. crane opr. h :!:~ S":!(I Hoffman (;eorge. oiler. h 664 X :!d Hoffman (~eorge. !'teelwkr. h 411; X Front Hoffman ~Ian' E .. clressmkr. h lii!1 ~ Front Hoffman ~[innie E .. cashier. h 411 S :!d Hoffman Roy X .. elk. h ~:~;) Locllst
---~ ~

o .
N l>

:a ;;



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OVR BOD. .&Coal,MOTTO. - } 1I0De.' WelSh&

H M KELLty & CO {llIIt l1li ..... I .... 11II1II111.1l1li r;

. . Hoffman Samuel 1-1., steehd;r, h 14:> Lincoln Hoffman \Y. C;uyn, elk. h 115 54th Hoffman William L., elk, h 3:m Locllst .c:; Hoffmfln Zacharias, It 393 5 Front Hoffmaster Erwin, laborer, h 260 5 ::!d Hoffrneister Ivan L .. elk P. S. Co., h 6 X 4th ~ Hofford Jacob, h 1455 Front .ii Hofsass Christian D., butcher, h 348 S 3d 2! Hogan Charles, laborer, h !!44 Ridge ~ Hogan Ella, h 158 Adams Hogan Harry, laborer, h 244 Ridge :: Holen Arne, draftsman, h 25 N 4th 'E Hollenbach Christopher, laborer, h 503 Myers .c::a Hollern David, .laborer, h 153 Ouistian -I Hollern Dennis, foreman, h 364 Pine Holly Hartman R., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. ~" Holmes Daniel, hod carrier, h 402 Ridge VI Holmes Harvey M., hooker, h 391 S 2d Holmes Mary E. Mrs., h 61. J:rederick Holmes Walter A., laborer, h 154 Adams . . Holmes William, laborer, h 226 Adams Holt Albert, foreman P. 5. Co., h Hbg. Ho!ton Charles R., sec to v-pres P. 5. Co., h 360 Pine C Holtzmann \Vayne, steelwkr, -h 150 'Bessemer Holzer John, laborer, h 478 Main


. RU

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.





Home Building and Loan Assn., Eli C. Drawbaugh, sec; meets first Tuesdav eve. of each month at 145 N Front Hood John, helper, h 238 Lincoln Hood Myra, elk 5. 5. Co .. h 238 Lincoln Hoopes Dora E., h !!4 54th Hoopes Esther, saleslady, h 24 54th Hoopes George, elk, h 18 Pine Hoopes John 5., h !!4 54th Hoover Charles. bartender. 129 5 Front, h 134 S 2d Hoover David M., h 171 Christian Hoover Frank I., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Hoover John W., laborer, h 265 S 2(\ Hoover l\fary, domestic, 1~5 K Front Hoover Mary C, wid Daniel H., h 123 Penn Hoover Park, bartender, 947 S Front, h 6i7 do Hoover Percy, porter S. 5. Co., h Highland Hoover Susan, wid Harry, h MO Main IiII HOO\'er \Villiam. laborer, h 447 Catharine Y Hope Maud, wid Robert, h :149 Spruce Hoppes John S., stengr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Q Horner Christian, elk S. S. Co., h Churchville IiII Horvat John, laborer. h 426 Molm Horvat Martin, laborer. h 659 S 3d Z Horvath Amelia. wid John. h 61lS S :!d C Horvath Frank F., barber. 6n~ S 2d. h do



I. L. S1.

-----CLAIR fT A I LO A {1240 IIlrklf Sir...



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d's S elt

ry, 1908.

Horvath Jacob, carpenter, h 332 Chnstian Horvath John, laborer. h 527 S 3d rva Jos po ma 60 2d Horvath ~lichael J., printer, 5U :t\ Front, 11 608 S 2c1 Horvatic George, h :t!(i Frederick rva 1 M lab r, h 3 C tian Hose Solomon, bottler, h :.17 N Front Hose \Villiam bartender. h 276 1\1 vers tz abe wid illia H., 2S Houck John A., heater, h 31a S 2c1 Houck William S. Rev., h aVl S 2d ucle I A s, I rer, 2t1 cI Houdeshel Harry, blue printer P. S. Co., h H g. Hourleshel John H., laborer, h 3Hi N 2d ucle I L F.. t ro ,h Li In Householder John T., driller. h 3M Locust Housman Charles, heater, h 343 S 2rl USI Jo J., n ler, l40 d Housman LottIe, forelarlv. h il4a. _d Housman Viola. elk. h il4a S 2d usn 'N m stu , h 3 S Howard Charles F., teacher, 1 11 Ridge Howard George E., elk P. S. Co .. h }lic1dletown war Har H., Tal Ho Flo ng IC 12,1 S 2d .



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Howard Lewis, laborer.h 227 ~ 2d war dv r A me P. ' 0 . , ' 33 P lar wer arry ., c P. So., I ben r Hov Edna V., wid William A., h 273 S 2d Y W' 'am tim epe S. ,h Po yer om ., c ten ,h 3d Hovl William, driller. h 23 Walnut .n alia 252 in non, 11 Ma Hrestak Ignatz, laborer, h 848 S 2d 'sto ete C . kar & , h 463 M ber nni ., tIer. 5 P n Hughes Hudson, inspector. h 34t1 S 2d ghe vin aste h ') S 3d ghe ohn ore 44 rna Hughes Lewis, laborer, h 363 S 3d ghe illi ma h'nist h 704 N Front ghe infi S., ster h 2 S 2d Hull Reuhen R .. elk P. R. R., h 17 Swatara I ~I ' man T. III it Frances h ~ew Cumberland ncr illia H.. . 11 } \1 s Hummel Charles F., carpenter, h 249 S Front H 11m 1 Clar \Y .. h "4!) S Front mm Elm C, c h 2 S F t Hummel Jacob G., planer, h 152i Lmcoln







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CLARK'S =t'~ Drug and Patent Medicine Storels!':t}:~

Hummel Jeannette, elk, h 303 Swatara Hummel Jos. B., mess Steelton Xat. Bank, h 303 Swatara ;; Hummel :\Iary, wid Joseph. h 305 S Front ~ Hummel Ralph E., machinist, It 171 S 4th Hummel Roy E., paperhanger, h 247 S Front ~ Hummel William E., ironwkr, h 130 Frederick a: Hummel W. Scott, carpenter S. S. Co., It 35 N 3d Hummer Jacoh, h 543 Bessemer .... Hummer Samuel H., mgr Baldwin Cemetery, h do 1~ Humphreys James W .. helper, h 302 N Front ! i Humphreys Robert, elk P. S. Co., 11 Hbg. jii: Hunsicker \Valter c., draftsman P. S. Co.,h 25 N 4th Huntsberry \Valter H., carpenter, It 254 S 2d ~i Hursh Lawrence R., tobacconist, 155 X Front, h do .I" Husic ~Iary, wid John, h 152 Frederick Husic Obdija, laborer, h 815 S 3d Col) Husic Peter, laborer, h 224 Frederick to- Hustice Elizabeth, wid Bader, h 609 S Front Z Hygienic Hill School. 'Bailey bet Adams and Ridge . Hygienic Hose Co. 'Xo. 5. Bessemer bet Bailey and Har~ risburg . . Hyler Jacob, stcelwkr. h G50 N 2d ~ Hypsch William. laborer, h :m5 Swatara ~ Iberson Harry, lineman, h 213 Swatara ~ Ickes William H., laborer, h 515 Lincol_n_ _ _ _ _ __ &.&.I. -rw.a...nm&7_d ....... O" {..... ..........Itra, ~ ........ { , . . . . .



Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

~ a:; .


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Ig-aly John. laborer, h 592 ~fohn 1neff Alecso, la:borer, h 459 :;\lain Imboden Xorman, butcher, h :~2~ S Front Imboden Xorman B.. elk. a46 S Front, h 323 do lmcs Aura c., teacher. h 22:~ Ridge Imes Cindie c.. wid George H .. h 22:1 Ridge. 1111ro Sageto. laborer. 11 5!16 }Iohn Inkovic John. lahorer, h 211 Christian (,) Intrieri Antonio. laborer. h :~:12 S 4th Intrieri Dominic, machinist. h 385 S 2d Intrieri Kicholas, laborer, h :3:13 S 4th c( Irons Lucy \' . housekeeper. 146 Ridge Irvin Alvin G., teacher, h 61:.l S 2d IRVIN ELMER G., bottler. 58. S Front, h 326 N Front ..J Inin Frank \V., trav salesman. h 6la S 2d Irvin John F., foreman, h 24 Chestnut .., Irvin Robert F., foreman. h 5~ S Front, h 140 S 2d ~ ltnyrc Joshua. painter, h :{52 S Front (,) Ivanoff Ilia, restaurant. :HH Franklin. h do hcrson Harr~. electrician, h 21a Swatara hon Yovan. laborer. h ;)47 :'livers LaJ lack!' Anna C.. wid Sherman h ;~25 Walnut IIIC )ack!'on Allen, lahorer. h 12:~ Adams II:: Jacksl)n Champion. cngr. h io'fi4 X Front C Jack~on Daniel. lahorer. h ]:?~ Adams


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Redmond's Wagon Works f~!l~d~';.t'=~ {3d and RelitIII.

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.A. B. TAeK} Wall Piper ad Wlldol Shades h:l".~~

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. Jacbon Ernest. hostler. h :>4:1 Iron al Jackson Fannie J . wid James. h 545 Iron al Jackson George, laborer. h r ~:!:{ Franklin Jackson Henry, laborer, h HI:) Adams Jackson Howard P., machinist ~. S. Co., h :{~:! S 2d Jackson James. laborer, h Hili Ridge Jackson James E . laborer. h 5U:! Ridge Jackson John C. laborer. h :WH Swatara Jackson John E . laborer. h 2H1 Ridge Jackson John H., laborer. h 2~7 Adams Jackson Joseph. laborer, h (i~ Furnace Jackson Luther ~r.. dk, h :W!) ~watara Jackson Xelson L., laborer. h 412 Ridge Tackson Reuben, laborer. h 15~ .-\dams jackson Robert. laborer, h r 2H Franklin lackson Russell, laborer, h 42 Furnace jackson Spencer. laborer. h 401 Bailey Jackson William, grocer. 1:{!I Adams. h 2fiO Ridge Jackson William fl., laborer. h :lml Swatara Jackson William H .. laborer, h r 217 Franklin Jacohson Andrew. laborer. h 11!) 'Yashington Jacoby Charles E., clipper. h 4:n :\Iohn Jaklevic Jozef, crane opr. h lil!! Main Jakofcic John, laborer, h 844 S 2d Jakovlev Vasa, laborer, h 4RIl ~Jain 847


r!:.;*'::::'-r.}Hlrrilburl SaYiap lId loaD Alln. {::=


Jamorosic Mike. laborer. h 145 ~fain James Charles R., laborer.h 225 Adams James Charles W., janitor S. S. Co., h ~25 Adams James Vernon; teacher, h :!;H Adams James William M., treas and supt Steelton Planing Mill Co., h X ew Cumberland Jamison Alfred E., electrician. It ~(j11 S 3d Jamison George, lahorer. h 31;-; Adams Janez Simec. laborer. h 159 ~Iain Janie Rade, laborer. h 7f)4 S 2c1 Janjanin Stif. lahorer, h 'j:~l S 3d Jankovic Paros. laborer. 'h 7:!7 S :~c1 Janosek ~[artin, laborer. h 4:,W Highland Janvic Metar, helper, h 147 Main Javanov Duchon, laborer, h 309 Franklin Javanov Rezto, laborer, h 307 Franklin Jefferies Joseph c., frog builder. h 364 Locust Jefferies William A., steelwkr. h 332 S 2d Jeffers B. Butler, physician. 36 N Front, h 34 do Jefferson Frank L.. elk, h 213 Adams Jefferson Henry, laborer, h 228 Adams Jefferson Millie, wid John B.. h 176 Adams Jellup Adam. laborer. h 727 S 4th Jenkins Edward R., collector. h !l:!!) Locust' Jenkins Howard W., bookkpr. 58 S Front. h 239 Locust

... i ;:


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".r Coogle



H M KELLEY a CO. 11............ . . . D. t 11 . . . . . ........


-= .... 848 =

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.




a: t-

-------------------------Z GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST{16 N.3d SL o

t) Johnson Lewis E .. asst supt B. and C Dept. P. S. Co" b
241 S 4th 10hnsol1 Melissa :\1. )11'5 . teacher. h 141 S 4th 'Johnson Oscar T.. elk. 21 ~ Front. h :~ml S Front '10hnson Oscar V., machinist. h i):J6 N 2d 'Tohnson Ottowa\" laborer. h 147 Adams 'Tohnson Pe\'ton \V .. hlacksmith. h 525 N Front 'Johnson Richard. laborer. h ;:; Cumbler's row 'Tohnson Richard. plastenr. h 21:\ ~ 2d }ohnson Richard 1\1.. laborer, h 222 N Front Johnson Samuel. helper. h 4:\7 Lincoln Johnson Thomas. carpenter. h ~n9 Frances lohnson Thomas H .. laborer. h 3:12 N 2d johnson Tra\'is. lahorer. h 117t Adams Johnson \"'illiam, watchman. h 125 Ridge Johnson William ~I.. barber. h 244 Ridge Johnston Julius C. blacksmith. h 14R Lincoln Jokovac Joseph. lahorer. h 466 ~lo11l1 Tokovich Nikola. laborer. h 572 S :~d Jones Clinton. policeman. h 12n Adams ,Tones Elmer, laborer. h 58 Furnace Jones George 0 .. machinist. h ~40 Swatara Tones Handv, fireman. h 128 Adams 'Tones Harr,' E.. baker. 6!lR S 2d, h do )ones Lewis H.~ lahorer, h 111 ~lail1

Jenkins Richard, laburer, h 144 Adams Jenkins S. Frank, crane opr, h If;~ :Myers Jenkins William A .. livery, h 154 Ridge Jennings James L., laborer, h 2H; Ridge Jiras Josef, steamship agt, ~63 S Front, h 261 do Johan Victor, laborer, h 400 Mohn Johanson Adolf P., templetmkr, h 2613 S 3d Johnson Albert, printer, 50 N Front, h 309 Frances Johnson Alonzo, laborer, h Hi5 Adams lohnson Anna E., wid Tacob S., h 226 Elm " ohnson Annie B., wid" Oscar V., h 556 N 2d )ohnson Charles, laborer, h 136 Ridge Johnson Edward, laborer, h 10 Cttmbler's row Johnson Frank, laborer. h 3112 Ridge Johnson George. lahorer, h 856 X Front Tohnson Grace L., teacher. h 141 S 4th johnson Harry P., laborer, h 213 N 2d lohnson Harvey L., laborer, h 220 Baile,"Johnson Ha\'w~od. laborer. h 313 Orchard av )ohnson Hei1ry C. gas producer. i1 311 Adams Johnson Isabella ll., teacher, h 556 N 2d Johnson Jackson, laborer, h 142 Ridge T ohnson T ohn c., elk. h 344 Locust johnson john 1\1., laborer, h 446 Ridge Johnson John W" laborer, h 128 Ridge


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. Jones Lucy L., h 228 Adams Jones Marie, wid Wyatt, h 58 Furnace Jones Martha, wid Ashby, h 313 Orchard al J ones Mary E., h 2613 S 3d Jones ~lary E., wid James, h 340 Swatara Jones Oscar, laborer, h 247 Adams Jones William H., elk, h 638 S 2d Jordan Frank, laborer, h 157 Adams Jordan Gilbert E., laborer, h 149 Ridge Jordan Mary E., wid Washington, h 157 Adams Jordan Richard, laborer, h 255 Adams Jornan William, steelwkr, h 514 New Ridge Josephs Bernoski, laborer, h 543 lMyers Josephs Frank, laborer, h 316 Ridge Josephs Taso, laborer, h 262 Franklin Jossel Fannie Mrs., grocer, 612 S 3d, h do Jossel :\Iorris, salesman, h 612 S 3d Jossifoff Tosa, laborer, h 531 Christian Jovanovitch Alexander. cook, h 117 Conestoga Jovanovitch George. laborer, h !lll Franklin Jovanovitch Simon, laborer, h 632 S 3d Jovanovitch Vlada, laborer. h 449 Myers Jovic Juno, laborer, h 864 S 2d Jovics Rocta, laborer, h 3411 Christian Jowanowick Woja, books, 615 S 3d, h do




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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~t,~~-::.~~.

Jozof Pandurov, laborer. h 4RO Main Judge Elizabeth E., wid Thomas, h 517 N Front Judy William, laborer, 11 !l50 S Front Juksic Paul, laborer, h :!61 :\Iyers Juksic Rabe, laborer, h 508 S 3d Julius Charles, laborer, h :~4!) Canal al Jumper Alice A., teacher. 'h 27 S 3d Jumper Ephraim W., well digger, h 27 S 3d Jumper Theodore M., helper, h 27 S 3d Jura Dubra, laborer, h 225 Christian Jurico George, laborer, h 349 Frederick Jurina George, laborer, h 5il S 3d J uro Deno, laborer, h 322 Franklin Juvich Triesha, laborer,h :n1 Franklin Kada George, laborer, h 231 Christian Ka'hn Rebecca Mrs., h 241 S 2d Kajaic Marko, laborer, h 923 S 2d Kajanic Max, laborer, h 190 S Front Kajganic Pavao, laborer, h 518 S 3d Kambic Joseph, laborer, h 542 S 3d Kambic Joseph, laborer, h 25 Chambers Kambic Marko, laborer, h 542 S 3d Kapp Amos G., machinist, h 229 Locust Karacsony Frank, laborer, h 481 Mohn Karmatz Morris, grocer, 480 Myers, h do



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i =-

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Karneski John. laborer; h l'i Ohambers Karstetter David W., planer, h 26S Christian Kasbari ~Iarko, laborer, h 4th 'bel Hoffer Kastrevec Tohn. watchman. h 1 Cumbler's row Katarinic iIichael. laborer, h 166 Frederick Katz Joseph D .. shoemkr, 40 S Front, h Hbg. Katzman Abraham. (Katzman & Etter), 'h 536 S 3d Katzman & Etter, (A. Katzman and S. Etter), grocers, 356 S 3d Kauer Frank. tailor, h 6113 S 2d Kauffman John. jr., draftsman P. S. Co., h Xew Cumbo Kauffman William C, cJk. h 243 Myers Kaufman Charles C, driller. h 147 Christian Kaufman }Ian', h 241 Mvers Kautz Benjam'in F., laborer, h 133 Lincoln Kautz John F., electrician. h 405 Catharine Kautz ~Iargaret V., cigarmkr, h 13:J Lincoln Kautz Stephen, pipe fitter, h Hi!) S Front Kavarlusic Laze. laborer, 'h 55 Conestoga Kaylor & Xicely. (H. A. Kaylor and A. L. Ste~ick), skating rink, 19f1 N Front Keagle Sarah E .. wid George W., 'h 353 Christian Keammerer ~lartin, foreman, h 6 K 3d Kearns \ViIlis C 2\lrs., h 167 Myers


- ----- -- Title-SIUU" - -S'f'"- -lerulll. {IA" ... IIfir E- -}-Secttrl17 C, I...... I I, I,. h_. Cllllncllra I:IIrII Tn.....-.


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Keckler Fleming G., restaurant. 321 N Front, h Enhaut Keckler Harry]., barber, 175 N Front, h Enhaut Keefer Henry C, carpenter, h 388 S 2d Keefer John. bridge builder, h 468 N Front Keefer Lemuel M., steelwkr, h 530 S 2d Keeney Arthur F., electrician, 118 S Front, h 319 Short Keeney Frederick E .. supt and genl mgr, 118 N Front. h 319 Short Keeney Mabel, cJk S. S. Co .. h 3UI Short KeiICharles H .. laborer, h :lS7 S 2d Keil John, butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg. Keim Aaron, h 98:3 S Front Keirn Carl F .. student. h lfj!l N Front Keim Charles E .. grocer. :n!l S Front. h do Keim George H .. teamster. 11 !l8.'l S Front Keill! Harn' A .. steelwkr. h :~II!I Main Keim Hubart J.. bricklanr. h li5 Lincoln Keill! John L.. elk. h :!at S Front Keim J. Earl. conductor, h 175 Lincoln h~eim T. Lowl, rol1 turner. h 175 Lincoln Keim 'Laura A .. wid Oliver J.. h 17;) Lincoln 1\:eim Lewis C, propr Couffer Honse, h Hi!! N Front l,cim 1Iar\' :\., wid William, h :to!! Main Keim Thoinas L., steelwJ.:r. h 41l!l S 2c1 Keim \Yil1iam H .. bar elk. :m> S Front. h 552 N 3d

Electric Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND t3d lid Rilly S1a. Coogle

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A B TiCK l "

l ilia...... 8pee1all7 of r~p.bU. Bwldtu.ala PlalDTlDu Jr.UmMMGl_


Ii." ..

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

KEISTER W. A. & SON, (William A. and Walter F.), grocers, 187 N Front Keister Walter F., (W. A. Keister & Son), h 18i 1\ Front Keister William A., (\V. :\.. Keister & Son), h lSi N Front Kekick Felica. h :la Cumblers' row . Kekick Pavao laborer, h aa Cumblers' row Keleml'n (;eorge, laborer. h 454 Mohn Kelemen Sandor, laborer. h 480 l'.Iohn Kell John H., buver, h 4!) X Front Kell \Villiam H.:c1k, h :m~ K !!d Kelleher James G .. elk P. S. Co., h 55i ~ ~d Kelleher Patrick. laborer, h 55i X 2d Kellenherger vViIliam. elk P. R. R.. h 155 Frederick Keller David S., helper. h 1:l4 Lim'oln Keller Jennie A., dressmkr, :WH S 2d, h do Keller John G .. wall paper. H!! :\ Front, h ao do Keller Louis E .. machinist, h 610 X 2<1 Keller Rov B., boilermkr, h 262i S :ld Keller San1l1el D .. fencemkr. h HII9 S 2d Keller Sebastian. machinist, h 19 Chestnut Keller William E., machinist~ h 2H Walnut Kellev Charles A .. marker. h 109 Main Kelle~' Clarence 0 .. painter. h 1H S !{d Kelley Earl. weigher. h a:{s Christian Kelley Jerome C, plumber, a06 N Front, h Hbg.

::c :.~=~}Harrlsburg Sayings and Loan Assn.{ :::.: :::D < Kelley J. Harr~', elk P. S. Co .. h 22 ); 4th >
::a 0 n

Kelley 1Iargaret A. asst postmaster. h 18 Adams Kelly Henry. laborer. h 14Hi Adams Kell\' Hiram, laborer. h ~84 N Front Kcll) janlcs, restaurant, ;l55 X Front, h do Kelsey Benjamin F., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 151 Elm Kemin Jojef, laborer, -h 414 Highland Kempf l\lartin, steclwkr. h 552 S 2d Kennecly J. Griffith, shearsman. h :m 1\ Front KCI111ed)' Lesslie, laborer, 'II 365 Myers Kenlledy L. JaRe, h :m K Front Kenney Eliza A . housekeeper, 23a Locust Kenney Frank ;\f.. puddler. h l5i S 4th Kenne\' lames, lahorer. h 2:l:l Locust K enne)' Patrick, lahorer, h ~3:l Locust Kenney \Yilliam A., machinist. h ~:{a Locust KEPNER JOHN A., florist, 159 S Front, h New Cumberland Kerns Edward, laborcr, h 380 M vers Kerns John. eng-r. h :W8 Main . Kerstetter David W., planer, h 268 Christian Kctkovic Agnes. cigarmkr. h 426 Highland Keys James, lahorer, h 411 S Front Keys James E., laborer. h 123 Ridge Keys Joseph H., laborer, h 123 Ridge

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M. M. KELLEY" CO.}ODlCes. :ai'.-:.r..f~'lrt{COAL AND WOOD

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Boyd's Steelton Directory. 1908.




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Keys Sterling c., laborer, h 58 Furnace Kidman Lucinda, candles. 182 S Front, h do Kilmore Lillie V., elk S. S. Co., h 342 Pine Ki!more Oscar G., patternmkr, h 342 Pine King Harry M., fireman, h 368 Main King John T., shoemkr, 322 N 2d, h do King William E., brakeman. h 322 N 2d Kingston Edna, elk. h 9 N 4th Kingston Lawrence, elk. h 9 N 4th Kingston Rosa, wid Daniel L., h 9 N 4th Kinney Emma D., wid John P., h 183 S 2d Kinsel Michael, laborer. h 394 Molm Kintz Howard L., elk S. S. Co., h 9 S 4th Kirby Cecelia B. Mrs., h 18 Adams Kirby James G., salesman, h 14 Strawberry av Kirby Thomas J., electrician, h 307 S 2d Kirich Henry, laborer, h 511 Myers Kirk Jacob E., wall paper, 539 N Front, h Hbg. Kirkwood John, laborer. h 118 Franklin Kiselic Joseph, laborer, h 225 Myers Kiss Balind F., laborer, h 444 Mohn Kiss Istvan, laborer. h 402 Mohn Kiss Joseph, laborer, h 47S Mohn Kistler William H., engr, h 196 S 2d Kitanov Elija, laborer, h 307 Franklin

Kitchen Richard S., ins sol, h 222 Elm Kitner Allen L., melter, h 367 S 2d Kittell James, carpenter, h 283 Main Klaiss Frederick c., steelwkr, h 149 S Front Klaiss George 0., steelwkr. h 207 Lincoln Klawansky James, furniture, 180 S Front, h Hbg. Klawansky Samucl. furniture'. 317 S Front, h Hbg. Kleincsak Mark, laborer, h 6()7 S 3d Kleinsky Wolf, grocer, 464 Myers, h do Klepech Peter, laborer. h 208 Frederick Klerner George F., laborer, h 23 "'alnut Kline Blaine, elcctrician, 118 ~ Front. h Enhaut Kline Clarence S .. butcher S. S. Co., h Highspire Kline Elizabeth, wid William E., h 284 l\lyers Kline Ephraim, bricklayer, h 155 S 2d Kline John, steelwkr, h 31:~ S :ld IiIi1 Kline William, produce, 382 l\iyers, h do U Klinger Randall, assembler, h 2605 S :ld Klinger Samuel E., engr, h 2605 S 3d Klotz Joseph. driver, h 409 1\lohl1 Knezaoic Rade, laborer, h 565 S 3d Knezic Dimo, laborer, h 355 Frederick Knights of Maccabees Trust Tent Xo. 410 meets in G. A. R. Hall every Thursday evening. J. E. H. Roberts, R. K. K niley George L., electrician, h 3:~6 :VIain

Z GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRU661SH16 I. 38 St - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - -

At 8. TACK::~~:!1lou PtlDer ODd 1l1Id01_ r.~\~ 31r

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. S53
Knisely Abraham Y., men's fllrngs, Ii;:) S Front, h 371. S 2d Knoch John, laborer, h 4"5 :\Iohn Knodcrer :\ndrew c., carpenter, h 661 N Front Knoderer D. Frank, (Dunkle & Knoderer Cndertaking Co.), h 212 N 2d Knoderer Jacob, carpenter, h 7!l7 S Front Knoderer Milton A .. butcher. h 2an Elm Knuth :\Ugllst, laborer, h IiOH X :~d Knuth Frederick. laborer, h lim ~ :~d Kocl'\'ar John. lahorer. h 5:n S ad Kacl'var Stif. laborer. h 52] S :~d Koccvoir John, laborer, h :!:O Frederick Koch Eberhard, laborer. h 518 1\lohn Koch Harry, lahorer, h 7]2 S 2d Koch John F., fish. 267 S 2d, h do Kochenderfer John B., bricklaver, h :W1 :\hers Kocher John R.. elk. h 11!l Penn . Kochi\'ar John, laborer, h 2a4 Frederick Koczeth Stephen. laborer, h 585 S 3d KOF AL T MARKO, groceries, shoes, clothing and drygoods, 844-846 S 2d, h do Kohler Harry F., colI. Conestoga c Frederick, h ~ew Cumberland Kohler John. heater, h il5() S 2d

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~t,~~-:'~~IE

Kohler Robert H .. elk. 1a N Front, h New Cumberland Kohlhaas J. Geo. H., elk P. S. Co .. h a64 Main Kohlhaas john F. laborer, h 227 Swatara Koligar Frank. labqrer, h 6117 S 2d ;Kolon ::\[ike, e1erk. ~liii S Front. h 1a Chambers Kone Caleb, laborer, h :t29 Myers Kone Clarence. laborer, h 4(11 ~ 3d Kone Lydia W. Mrs .. h :{2!l ~\.Jyers Konecny Jdhn, laborer, h 105 Ohambers Konkol Robert. laborer, h 67 Frederick Koon Ernest, cleaner, h 348 Myers ](00ns Jacob L., btl\,~ S. S. Co., h Camp Hill Kopella John. laborer, h 250 Main Korac Peter, laborer. h 6W~ S ad Kos George. driver, h f'1I2 S 2d Ko~ar Andrew. mixer. h 164 Frederick K05;;ovan Peter, laborer. h an Franklin Koc,;tdlac Matthe\\,. hborer. h ilfi1 S act Kostellac :'.Iichael. laborer. h 527 S :ld Kostich :\1 ilo. laborer. h 2:l!l Franklin Ko~toff Peter. laborer. h :l:!~ Franklin KOSllh Mike. laborer. h 1116 Chambers KO~ltlic Damjen. lahon\". h ;;7t1 S :~c1 KOllg-h Harry n.. t'llgr. h 2fi \\'alnut Koup Charles A .. hrakeman. h 747 S :!(l



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LrOog e

854 Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
vac Pay bo h 7 " ;~( vacs 0110, aborer, 1 HI, lighland Kozjan Michael, laborer, h ~:i:~ S Front zza arb ,wi lar 11 !) !!d raber obert E., stengr P. S. Co., h 17 N 4th Kraeling Henry, laborer, h 448 :vI011tl aem Joh ., b er, SF t, h 26 Fre erick alj aul,la rer, Krall John E., melter, h H42 N Front at! n E "s man S. h H am ha s, mac l1l1ist, 1 4:!:l atharll1e Kramer Tohn M., machinist, h 4:!B Catharine asn 'To lab r, I 4 F eric aso ~la ,m ,:!~_ rederllk. h ( cy Kraszewic Tohn, laborer. h l:i7 ~Iail1 'asz . St len, o~re ;):l :leI aus . Ibe ~., b r, 5 R ding Krebs Elsie, domestic, :.!1:) X :!d e11\ G ge, Iwk 1 1Ii hris n eso Kat . rs., .~6 , 1 Krieg William F., elk ~. ~, Co., h 42 S 3d 'ine Iber ., c P. So., I nha ipp tep , la cr, I 1 ~. rs Krista Camizsitz, laborer, h :nH Franklin . ixe 1111 en h 7' '\ 2(
h 1ml 61mah l.~ SUri"CO ICUIT.I, { fllfIlI_1.... I~- { Tru1; Bull...... -a,. II CMInI... 1 s.cunu ., . PUla.

at ., Il.


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lza inc bor h 9 S 2{ Krock l\1iko, laborer, h 848 S 2d Krohn J hn, II cks . h, I ~11 ~ ') I ope Fra lab r, h 4 S Krouse Harr\' N" elk P. S. Co., h 1 14 ~ 2d K out I.:; angi G .. f cma h 1')~ " Fr tleg Em raf an .C 1 H Krueger Paul. laborer, h 2142 S !!d russi '''rn SI 'a, I I rer, I 417 CI isti z\'z k I et01 abo h Fr rick Krz"'zosiak :\lichae1. laborer, h :~47 Frederick h.uccerel" Jose)h,lal0 er, I 41:; \1 ~n lCe\ Stc 11, I rer, :!1 K ucic Josef. stonemason, 'h 710 S :!d K llcovi 11ilos labo e , h -')() S '{c\ lelll Lilli ., c ier, .),) d I,ugel Karl, photographer, h 5U5 S Front ],unlnl'lll Geor e H <;teelwkr, h ~,)- 'Be" ner ilm nil' d F k, l I S Kuhn Anthon\', laborer, h lilll S :!d Kuhn Frnest 'Iaborer h B4~ \her.;; Ijer im bor 'h Ii '" :"ltl Kukarof Mata, laborer, 11 :t~l Franklin K ulp :\Ionrol' laborer h :{j'f} S Front I1kl lau W. fore n P Co Hb

il"oP!\F~~.~I..etlonof UAI1N]<,S,,, eall on.....

ANDREW REDMONO{3d lad RllIl Sts..e :.0


I. B. TACK} FIN~ac~~A~I.~~~,,';o,~~R {1216 lant 1DIJ1_

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. tiS!)
Kunz Frederick C., engr of construction P. S. Co., h Hbg. Kure ~larko, laborer, h 159 ~Iain Kurjork Joseph, laborer, h 521 :\lolm Kurtley Milton, laborer, h 121 Ridge Kuss William, molder, h 393 S Front Kvako George, laborer, h 60a S :~d Lafferty James, steelwkr, h 377 :\Iyers Lafferty James E., electrician, h 377 Myers Lafferty Samuel, switch builder, h 377 Myers Lafferty William H., steelwkr, h 371 Myers La'hn John, laborer. h 707 S Front Laibach Peter J., tailor, 411 S Front, ih 605 S 2d LaIic Samuel. laborer. h 7iI S ad Lama Serafino B. Rev., h 33a S 3d Lambert Carrie V., wid Horace. h a51 Ridge Lambert John, laborer, h 518 :\10hn Lamke Albert. laborer. h 519 Lincoln Lamke Bertha. wid August, h 519 Lincoln Lamke Frederick, laborer, h 393 S 2d Lamke Frederick ]., machinist, h 352 :\Iain Lamparter John :\1.. weigher. h 1:J2 Frederick Lance Peter, laborer, 'h 451 ~Iain Landis Alexander, bridge huilder. h 226 S Front Landis Harry ]., rougher, h 226 S Front Landi!; Harvey L., stengr P. S. Co .. h 244 Pine


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~~WB~:::::I} Hanlsbarg

Savings and Loan Assn.:: : :

Lanclonia Frank. laborer. h :U7 S :~d Lane Cvnthia, charwoman. h Hi1 Adams Lane T~hn, h 707 S Front Lane "vincent, laborer. h 520 Ridge Lang John. carpenter. h 5118 :\Iohn Langdun Claude A .. civil engr P. S. Co., 'h Hbg. Lang!otz Bransby F., draftsman P. S. Co., 'h Hbg. Lannon John, laborer, h 551 Christian Lanza Antonio. laborer. h 24 Adams Lanza Joseph. confectioner, 157 N Front, h 24 Adams Lape .\llison, elk. 11100 S Front. h 963 do Lape David. stable boss. h 965 S Front Lape Elizabeth. wid John, h 9()a S Front LaRew Charles A .. stengr, 'h :~:~ S :ld

LAU WILLIAM C., baker, 106 Trewick, h 104 do

Laudh Peter, molder. h 50!) S Front Laudig ()scar 0 . supt. h 370 Pine Laurie John B. F . elk P. S. Co .. h Hhg. Lawler William (i., lahorer. h .t07 Rl'ading Lawless Cel'elia Y., launclress, h ..: 1j ~ 3d Lawless :\Jan. wid fohn. h417 l\ 3d La\\"kss Thornas stl'd\\"kr. h 4:!0 Swatara La\\"ltss Winifred, bookkpr, riO S Front, h 417 N 3d Lawrence Charles E., ekctrician, h 2(;27 S 3d Lawrence Frank A .. master mechanic, h 2627 S 3d




HAlu. . . .u .. Q~oogIe

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H M IELLEYCO'SBlaeJlDlamODdaWheD{'.IrI~Id'heIt. at - 70. Dea& . .e ... 'II.......... .

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Lawson Charles, laborer, h l1u~ Adams Lawson James C, lahorer, h 856 N Front Lay George. car inspector. h 117 Lincoln I: Laza I1ich, laborer, h 3311 Christian ~ Lazerovich Svatozrr. laborer, h 25!1 Christian =i Leader George E., laborer, h 1II!1 Frances ~ Leader Morris, gasmkr, h 264 ~Iain Leahy Patrick, steelwkr. h (iHi ?\ 2d Leaman Elsie. wid Isaac, h 40:J S 2<1 Leaman Jennie. elk S. S. Co., h 403 ~ 2d Lear Wiiliam W., engr. h 217 ~Jain _ Lechthaler Rov }I.. elk P. S. Co., h Xl'\\' Cumberland ~ Lee George \\;., lahorer. h 126 Aclams Lee Helen. wid James H., h 2;)8 Franklin c:: Leeds Albert F., chief elk to v-pres P. S. Co., h 483 N Front Leeds Benjamin II., elk, h ]:m Lincoln (/) Leeds 1. Ncwton. jr., draftsman P. S. Co., 11 135 Lincoln Leeds Isaac X .. station agt P. & R.. depot, h 135 Lincoln Leerly George \V . heater. h Front c Felton l&J Leedy Tames A . steelwkr. h 220 Main ..J Leed~ Joseph K., elk P. S. Co., h Front hel Felton c:( Leeper David, engr, h :l24 Christian l&J Lees John. florist, h 171 X 2d C Lees William. laborer, h 171 X 2d




l&J o _

GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U6 N. 3d St. -------------Lehman Alonzo n.. rail stamper, h (i3!1 X 2d
Lehman Benjamin F., lahorer. h 541 1\ Front Lehman Harry K., ('arpenter. h 34u ~Iyers Lehman John \Y., laborer, 11 f)3!1 X 2d Lehr Ge~rge n., lahorer. h :mo X 2d Le11r Jt1ra. iaborer, h uHR ).Iohn Lehrman Ahraham J .. clothing. :~j S Front. h :m do' Lehrman LOllis. grocer, :WII S 2d, h do Lehrman Solomon, groccr, ~(ju S Front. h do Leidig Joseph L., foreman, h :~22 ~I yers Leillig Luther J., student. h :{:!2 :\/yers Leidy George, engr. h 416 Spruce Lengyel Yosko, buggy runner. h 24 Chambers Lenhart Susan. domestic. lilt Locllst Lennert l'.Jathias, laborer. h fili:l ~101111 L'0 Frank. iaborer, h :14H S :M Leo Salvatore, helper. h :Wl S :td Leonard James H .. stcelwkr. h :ml S Front Leonard iames \V . foreman P. S. Co .. h 21i1!1 S 2d Leone Frank. bartender. h :Wl S :~d Leone Peter. laborer, h :Ull S :~d Leonhard (lara .:\r.. clk. Hi~ Lincoln. h do Leonhart Jacob J .. bril'klayer. h li4R X 2<1 Leopold Henry. salesman. ::ill:! :\lyers. h Hj do Lerch Nelson D .. carpenter. h 2:15 S Front


DODe baS llrawlua wortml'llo b J 18 A 8 TACK} dcullIIIirt......... IL Work douelD au, _ }Inl- lIf... II&. ,.noU'ate
Empl~ oal~


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Lescl1l"c Edward H., foreman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Lescure Edward J .. blue printer P. S. Co., h Hbg. Lesher Daniel, janitor. h 520 N 2d Leslie Albert, laborer, h !l78 Myers Lcvak Thomas, laborer. h 8(13 S 3d Levay Arthur, draftsman P. S. Co., h 720 S Front Levin Jacob, watchmkr. !l1l4 X Front, h do Levin :Marks, grocer, 5Of,.S 3d, h do Levitan Isadore J., watchmkr. h 654 S 3d Le\'itan Lewis. grocer, 654 S 3d, h do Levitz :\1ax, clothier. 40 N Front, h do Lewis Annie. wid Laban. h 528 Lincoln Lf'wis Charles, laborer, h 3!l6 Swatara Lewis Charlotte, wid Lindsey, h 11(1 Ridge Lewis Chauncev. laborer. h :126 N 2d Lewis Edward: foreman P. S. Co .. h 211 :Myers Lewis George, laborer, h 151 Ridge Lewis Gideon B., laborer, h 162 Adams Lewis Jacob, helper, h 427 Catharine Lewis James E., blacksmith, h 2513 S 2d Lewis lane 0., h 22 Adams Lewis 'lohn W .. elk S. S. Co .. h :no Lincoln Lewjs Julius. laborer, h :!-l!) Orchard av Lewis Roger R .. laborer. h ~4~ 1\ Front Lewis "Talter. laborer. h 240 Ridge


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MILLER BROS. l BAKER} ~:i~b~-:':'~~IE

Lewis \ViIliam R, planer. h 52~ Lincoln Leybol1rn ::.\fargaret. h 1:;1 S 2d Lichtenwalner Xathaniel, laborer, h 216 Elm Lickel Tolbert c., asst supt, h 4a6 Swatara Lieber Peter, tailor, h 6(15 S 21 Ligan Ed\\'arcl H., meat market, 144-148 S Front, h 159 do Light Samuel. laborer. h 254 S 2d Lightner Charles E .. c1k P. S. Co., h 2489 S 2d Lightner E. Frank. laborer. h 219 Lincoln Lighty Albert. foreman P. S. Co., h 547 Lincoln Lighty Frank 11., blacksmith. h 405 Lincoln Lighty Harry D., student, h 405 Lincoln Lighty l\largaret. wid Daniel B., h 405 Lincoln Lighty Susan, teacher. h 405 Lincoln Lighty Thomas B., elk S. S. Co .. h 4115 Lincoln Linas Abraham, s'hoemkr, :!(I:! X Front. h 204 do Lincoln Abraham, laborer, h 153 Adams Lindamut'h William J., steelwkr. h 43 X Front Lindemuth Harry J.. elk P. S. Co., h 41 S 3d Lindsay Alexander ~f.. teacher, h :!37 Pine Links Leo. draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Linn John W., laborer, h 1)31 S Front Linta Andrew. labore"r. h 64(j S 3d Linta Tovan. lahorer. h t4f1 S ad Lipp Flenjamin F .. helper. h 424 X Front


INDEPENDENT LOAN liD SECURITY CO. t':~~~ U'I.lizin:stoogle



Boyd's Steelton Directory. 1908.



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-Tl-II.-61.rI0';Iniiureh CO~ I~c.~an-"'-f~sl"'; 1II1II1ltIeI,T,.II fir i ;;"-"-{-l-8e-,,-a-ri-lT PE.... II III ...

" I,.

Lippi Louis. br,ewer, h ;):!:! X :!d Lipsitz Isidore, grocer, 45:1 ~'d yers. h do Lipsitz Xathan. peddler. h 51:! S :~d Litch Alwilda, h 411 S :hi Litch John B . h 411 S :ld Litch Jo'hn E . draftsman P. S. Co .. h 4!1 S 3d Little James E., mechanical engr P. S. Co., h 347 Spruce Litz John, laborer, h 4th bel Hoffer Litzeilberg Homer L.. chief elk to genl supt P. S. Co's, h 31)0 Pine Ljubicic Yujo, laborer. 11 630 Booser al Llewellyn Samuel, draftsman P. S. Co .. h 22 N Harrisburg Lodge Edward, 'helper. h 303 S Front Lolits Szima. laborer. h 50S ~hers Loncar Frank. laborer, h H25 S :td Loncar Ceorge. janitor, h r 841; X 2d Loncar Joseph. laborer, h r 84fi S :!d Loncar Jovo, laborer, h 5SS Sad Loncaric August. grocer. ill:! S 4th, h do Loncina ~lilos. laborer, h 764 S :!d Long .;\lbert D., laborer. h 27H ~fain Long Amanda E.. wid George \Y .. h 4:14 Swatara Long Edgar ~I., elk P. S. Co .. h :\ew Cumberland LONG GEORGE M., drygoods, notions and men's furnishings, 21 and 27 N Front, h 21 do


--------------------------------------------Long James E., carpenter. h 4:13 Swatara

Truat HI....






Long Samuel D., cabinetmkr, h 152 S 2d Logan Richard, cigars. &c., 15:! Ridge, h do Longenecker Albert P .. laborer, h 418 S 2d Longenecker Elva, elk S. S. Co., h a!15 S :!d Longenecker John H .. craneman. h 21i ~lyers LOllg('necker Samuel, laborer. h a!l5 S 2d Longenecker William H .. rail chipper, h 380 S 2d Longnaker Hiram P .. barl)er. :1iH S Front. h 8851 do Lontz \"illiam 1.. driver. h :!a!l Christian Lonzine Frank: laborl"r. h ~~Zl S 2d LOllzinc Peter. lahorer. h ~~:{ S :!d Loose \Vesley S., elk P. S. Co .. h Hbg. LORD BERT N., wall paper and paperhanger, 27 Chestnut, h do Lotz Harry. laborer. h ZlHi C;ood Lotz Sanuid. butcher. h 510 ~[ohn Loveland George E .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Lovett Charles \Y .. machinist. h 2:!i Jefferson Lowe Preston Y .. bartender. h ~~3 ~iain Lm Frank P .. elk P. S. Co .. h .j.f) S 4th Luh:l Rasaraba. laborer, h a:w Christian Lubevic Pet<:r. laborer. h Ii:!!l S ~d Lubictz Pero. milk, 622 S ~d. h do Luchich Gyttra, laborer. h 521 Christian

ANDREW REDMOND} :t=~~ :rt~g~ {3dJJld ReilY Sta. L; 0 ogle

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l B. Tiel} III PIPER e:::r~:.:: 111001 SUDES{l'(~:'

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.



Luckett Charles F., lah.orer.h W:i Adams Luckett William. janitor. h Hi5 Adams Ltt<!es Harr\' (; .. student. h 5:m X 2d Lmlts l\Iatthias Foo shoemkr. h ;':;9 X :!d Lr.oes William. postal dk. h ii5H X :!d Ludwick Charles Coo laborer. h 21:! Pine L1.ldwick Edwanl S .. rougher. h 3:! S :!d Ludwick John J.. turner, h 3:!ii S Front Ludwick Peter:\!.. policeman P. S. Co .. h 212 Pine Lujanov Ilia. laborer. h 511~ :\Jycrs Lukacic Tamo. laborer. h ;)5 Conestoga Lukic Paya. laborer. h a:!:~ Francis Lupfer Albert X .. shipping elk P. S. Co., h 2:!:! Pine Lupfer Henry F., steelwkr. h 111 S 2d Lupul Cseda', lahorer. h 45; ;\Iyers Luxenberg Sarah, wid David. h a:!:~ Trewick Lynan Xicholas. supt machine dept P. S. Co., It 1112 X 2d Lynch Catharine. wid Thomas. h 2:)1 X Front Lynch Charles .-\ .. laborer. h :!:;1 X Front L)'nch John Poo grimier. It I1a Lincoln Lvnch :\lan' A .. h 2ill X Front Lynch Thoillas F .. postal elk. h 251 X Front L\'ne :.\Ian' A. )'Irs .. h !I:U S'Front L),ter cFils. laborer, h 554 X 3d Lytle Mary E .. wid Ephraim. h r !t43 S Front

"" r~

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r!:*'::::'-r.}Hlrrllbur, Sayings and Loan Assn. {a.;.:

Lytle Reynolds K.. toolmkr, h 221 \"alnut Lytle Sarah. wid John W., h 221 Walnut l\face I.'. Grant. c'lk. ~W; S Front, h ami do Mack .ling. laundry. 42 X Front, h do :Macri .'\brogio. lahorer. h :J3:J S 4th Madden George F .. fireman, h 4112 Ridge Madden Peter A .. g-enl storekpr P. S. Co .. h :~:!3 Pine Madison Xancy, wid Alexander. h 14i Ridge Magarac Lazar, laborer, h 5;1} S 3d Magaro Carl. laborer, h 321 S 3d MAGINNIS WILLIAM F., hardware, 13 N Front, h 127 Lincoln Magnelli Frank. barber. 3m S Front. h :~5:!~ S 3d MagnelIi Peter, laborer, h 351 S 3d Magnelli Peter. laborer, h jill} S 2d Mag-nelli Raffaele. lahorer. h ~1I3 S :ld Mahovlic ~lato, driver. h :!3~ Frederick Main Street C11t1rch of God, Re\,. Cyrus I. Behney, pastor, 332 ~Iain Malaboric :'\lilo. laborer. h jj3 S :1d Malan Eli. lahorer, 'h 308 Frederick Malata Frederick.Too draftsman P. S. Co .. It Hbg. MalehoTll Bros .. (John B. and Omri E. B.). painters, 214 Lincoln Male-horn John B.. (~faleltoTll Bro<). h 214 Lincoln


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OUB MOTTO. - } a .... c..a,BtWelcbt

H KELLEY &,.0 {IIIt.... 1111.IIrHI U ......~ U In.

Boyd's Steelton . SfiO John G., carpenter, Directory, 1908 " :Vfale'horn ~ 212 Lincoln :Ylalehorn Omri E. B., (Malehorn Bros.), h 522 Lincoln :Ylaljevac Stevo, laborer, h 114 Main Mamuvic Michael, laborer, h 761 S 3d 1Ianherz George M., carpenter, h 303 S 2d Manherz John H., molder, h 336 N Front Manmiller Joseph, laborer, h 202 Myers ~lanmiller Joseph c., elk P. R. R., h 202 .Ylyers Manning James c., fireman, h 661 N 2d Manning William, engr S. S. Co., 'h 661 N 2d Manning William B., brakeman, h 661 N 2d :\Ianning William S., laborer, h 323 Myers Manum Clinton S., laborer, h 543 N Front Maqua Peter, laborer, h 317 S 3d Maravic Sava, laborer, h 644 S 3d Marcus George, laborer, h 493 Mohn Marentic George, laborer, 'h 159 Main Margolis John, laborer, h 531 Christian Margolis Nathan, grocer, 274 Frederick, h do Marinjak George, laborer, h 603 S 3d Marinjak John, laborer, h 613 S 3d Markel Oharles G., laborer, h 117t Adams MARKLEY A. A. & SON, {Edward C.), meat market, 346 S Front



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Markley Abraham A., (A. A. Markley l Son), h Middletown Markley Daniel, laborer, h 636 S 2d Markley Edward c., (A. A. Markley & Son), h 345 S Front Markley Jacob J., laborer, 11 41 Penn Markley Leroy H., blue printer P. S. Co., h Midtiletown ~{arks Albert W., machinist, h 7 N 4th MARKS DURWARD B., genl sec Y. M. C. A., h 232 Pine Marks Harry Z., machinist, h 7 N 4th Marks Levi, engr, h 7 N 4th Marks Matovias S., puncher, h 262 Myers Marks Melancthon S., elk S. S. Co., h En11aut Marks William J., elk, h 262 Myers Marney Stephen ]., fireman, h 629 N Front Marovic Nikola, laborer, h 641 S 3d Marquett John, laborer, h 103 Main Mars Ada M., milliner, 38 S Front, h 36 do Mars Harry, h 36 S Front Marshall John, laborer, h 66 Furnace Marsico Charles, laborer, h 382 S 3d Marsico Frank, confectioner, 121 S Front, h do Marsico Frank, jr., laborer, h 319 S 3d Marsico Gaetano, laborer, h 330 S 4th Marsico Joseph, grocer, 355 S 2d. h 382 S 3d Marslnft Stif, laborer. h 712 S 2d

lL S1. CLAIR {T A I LO ~it~!~!~~~ksre'"

t-=;..-:;r no '.lIIIllndOJ shades lrom A. B. TACK .:~~..

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Martin Elmer H., conuuctor, h 171 Christian Martin Gustav F., elk P. S. Co., h 181 S Front Martin Jacob D., supt Bessemer Dept. P. S. Co., h 141 Lincoln Martin John, laborer, h 4U1 ~lolm Martin Levina, wid John, h 205 S 2d Martin Mary, wid Abraham, h 174 Lincoln Martin Mary, elk S. S. Co., h 174 Lincoln Martin \VilIiam F., contractor, 3(10 X Front, h do Martin William J., electrician, h 18 Pine l\lartinac Mato, laborer, h 320 Frederick :\1artz Arthur A., puddler, h 513 !\ Front Martz Bertha Mrs., h 555 N 3d Martz C. Sophrona, dressmkr, h 55 ~ Front Martz Elizabeth, wid William K., h 55 N Front Martz Roscoe L., elk S. S. Co., h 2:!(i Elm MARTZ WILLIAM K., druggist, 55 N Front c Pine, h do Martzon Frederick. laborer, h 51!) X 3d Martzon Barn' F., machinist, h 519 N 3d Marzolf Frederick, foreman P. S. Co., h Hhg. Mason Bettie }lrs., h 266 Canal al Mason James, laborer, h 370 Canal al Mason James W., laborer, h 150 Ridge Masters Valentine, bartender, h 509 S Front

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~I!'t.~~1I: -~

Matan Ivan, laborer, h 23:1 Main :\;latchett Ida c., stengr, 22 S Front, 'h 250 S 2d Matchette Ellen R., elk, h 250 S 2d Matchette Mary E., wid George, h 250 S 2d Matesveac Fabian, laborer, h 523 S 3d Mathes Joseph, laborer, h 453! Smith al Mat'hews Daniel, laborer, h li6 Adams Mathews Randolph, laborer, h 228 Adams Mathias Benjamin F., carpenter. 'h 253 S Front Mathias Charles F., laborer, h 261 S 2d Mathias Geo. D., foreman Steelton Plan. Mill Co. h Hbg. Mathias Harry c., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Mathias Ida, waitress. 169 N Front Mathias John Woo wall paper, 389 S Front, h 634 S 2d Mathias Lester, foreman, h 412 K Front Mathias Theodore, salesman, h 153 S 2d Mathisz Joseph, laborer, h 369 Frederick Matijasic John, laborer. h 400 Highland Matjasic }lichal'1, elk ~. S. Co .. h j;)6 S 2d M atits Pl'ra. laborer. h 5U~ :\1 vers ~atkO\'idl T\'an. laborer. h ~.ix S 2d Matkovich Stif. laborer. h ~4~ S 2d Matthews Charles F., laborer, 'h !{84 Swatara Matthews Louisa Mrs., h 147 Adams Matyasic Martin, elk, h 607 S 2d

i ."



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CURl'S ::=~ Drug and Patent ledlclne Stereia:s;4lr~


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

HenrY, laborer, h Good ab 4th

t:i ~latz

~ Matzinger john \V., watchman S. S. Co., h Hbg.

l\Iaurer Henry, machinist, h 20 Adams Mavertic Marko, meat, 766 Sad, h 767 S 2d ~lay Adam, laborer, h 472 xIyers ~laze 'Benjamin, laborer, h 234 Ridge Mazza Antonio, laborer, h r 551 S 2d McAfee Jo'hn H., h 303 Bessemer :\IcCaa George S., draftsman P. S. Co., h 22 X Harrisburg McCall Andrew H., shearsman, Ih 137 Lincoln ~fcCall Catharine. elk S. S. Co., h 137 Lincoln McCall Ellen, wid Patrick, h la7 Lincoln l\IcCall Helen, elk, h 137 Lincoln McCall Hugh, watchman. h 345 Swatara McCall James ]., machinist, h 137 Lincoln :McCall Jahn J., steelwkr. h 508 N 2d :McCall Marv, bookbinder. h 345 Swatara McCall Nellie M., elk S. S. Co., h 137 Lincoln :McCall William F., elk P. S. Co., 'h a45 Swatara :McCarthy Frank S., draftsman P. S. Co., h Cumbler's Heights McCauley Arthur V., draftsman P. S. Co., h 305 Pine ~IeCauley Hiram, bricklayer, h 260a S :~d McClurg James, laborer, h a:m X Front lvfcCord Edward J., driver, h 136 S 2d
Tltl. a-Dt7 aDd IIan&.J' 0.. {IIIII" _I..."'..... r-tIrI........ { 1 ...... -.IeNa.a, P . D _ IMIII . . . ~... II . . . .11.... r.., ...










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l\IcCoy Charles W . stee1wkr, h 24 S Harrisburg ~\lcCr,y Edgar B., machinist. h 22 S :ld i\IcCurd~' John A., druggist. ll'N Front, hIS :~d :McDonald James. plumber. h 7115 S Front :\IcDonnell George R.. frog builder, h 346 Christian :\IeDonnell Patrick J .. laborer. h 62ll ?\ Front :\Ie Elhenny Wiliiam H .. planer. h 4:J:l Catharine :\JcElrov Charles W . laborer. h 17 S 2d }IcElro)' Ernest B., elk S. S. Co., h 17 S 2d :'IlcElroy Margaret E .. wid Robert. h 17 S 2d ~lcEluee Russell, elk S. S. Co .. h 2(i5 N Front l\IcEntee Tohn T.. ironwkr. h rm1 X 2d :'IlcEntee j)eter'J .. bricklayer. h :')111 ::\ 2c1 ~IrEntce Thomas T .. supt O. H. Dept. P. ~. Co., h 477 N Front :\TcFallen Albert, laborer. h :l21l Ridge :\IeGarv Irvin, sawyer h r 177 Lincoln :\TcGcehan Amhrose A .. ~teel\\'kr. h 246 Christian ?\IcGeehan Anthonv. brickla\'er. h 27;:) ~h-ers 1\IcCieeh,lO Edwani F., steel-ivkr. h 2:J8 MYers :\k:(;eehall Mary. telephone opr. 6 S Front. h Hbg. :.\ft(iinley l\l argaret :'II rs .. h :'):~:~ X Front IcGinncg Lemuel E .. snpt schools. h 158 S 2d :\IeC;illnes Sarah E .. h Iiii'( S 2d :'IlcCovern Hugh J.. lahorer. h :~;; S 2d

Redmond'. Wagon Works f-::Adli:.t.==: ~3d and Rel', Stat

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A. B. TAeKl Wall Pagar ad Window Sbadas {.. ~~ .

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. 863 McGuyern James. steelwkr. h 5t11i X 2d McGuire l~lysses, laborer. h ;;2:~ X Front l\lcHazell \\'ilson J .. laborer. h iOn S Front McIlhenny John K.. laborer. h :l1l9 Pine McKamey Caroline. wid Joseph. h 21~ Dailey McKamey George. laborer. h 218 Bailey McKamey Ida. charwoman. h 218 Bailey l\IcKame\' Lee D .. driver S. S. Co .. h 15:~ Adams ~kKame\' Xewton. hostler, h 218 Bailey l\IcKame~' Wallace. laborer, h 218 naile~' McKav Richard Y .. foreman. h 2:~ ~ 4th IVkKee Frank. tinner. h 215 Christian 1\lc K~e John A .. blacksmith. h 21;) Christian I\ld(ibben Harry A .. planer, h :mi ~dyers l\Ic Kim William J.. driller, h !l20 ~1ain l\lcKinn~' Ellen H .. wid William. h :no Christian l\fcKune (;eorge. steelwkr, h 126 Frnlerick l\fcKune James H., ladleman, h 242 Myers ~lcLaughlm S. Clarence, draftsman. h 22 :-.: Harrisburg McLucas Charles A . barber. 217 X Front, h 267 do l\lc~amee John. laborer. h ;;12 Lincoln Mc:\amce John M .. elk. h ;)48 Lincoln McNeal H. Lee. elk S. S. Co .. h 244 ~ 2{1 :McNear Benjamin F., jr.. grocer. :mt ~Iain. h !l03 do McXorton \Yilliam. laborer, h :l5l" ~Iyers

I !

I .. !

~ s:::.Of.}Harrisburg ..

Sayings and Loan Assn. U:=

Meals Ferclinand Y., butcher S. S. Co .. h 364 Myers Mechanics' and Helpers' Relief Assn. meets second and ff)urth \\'ednesda\' eves. of each month in G. A. R. Hall, C. E. Scott: sec Mechanics' Building and Loan Assn., C Hess, sec, 32 S Front M(ckley Benjamin F .. craneman. h 443 Lincoln Megary Oliver. elk, h 254!l S 3d Mcgary Sallit'. wid Adam. h Chambers nr limits Megary \\'alter J .. foreman, h Chambers nr limits :\tdhorn Edward L., foreman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. )'1t:1linger Ira C, elk. h !l:l5 Poplar Hellon Benjamin, grocer, 14!l Adams, h do l\'telman David, clothing, 65 Conestoga, h do Mendelssohn Joseph, draftsman, h 9 N 4th Mendenhall James C, carpenter, h 47 S 2d Mendle Wilhelmina, wid Frank, h 556 S 3d Mengle Edwin H., cashier P. S. Co., h 235 Walnut ~.Iennig James H., elk. 155 X Front, h do ~l.ntzer James F., molder, h a:!5 S 2d Mucer Charles H., civil engr, h 251 S 4th Merectith Albert S., machinist. h 27 Locust Meredith Roth L., machinist. h 27 Locust Merryman George L.. pipe covering. 211~ Lincoln, h do Mertz Frank, laborer. h 421 :\10hn


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T h _r t l f t . N _~or a p o ~_p_r _ _
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H M KELLEY &CO {I North 8d 8&Net. loth aDd



Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

(i ..



~\!e!--sersnlith I)avid l\1.~ carpellt{~r, h j:!8 S 2d

street commissioner, h 311i Pine

t ....

iii ~


a: (0.



... z

~Il~sersmith James \\" .. engr, h M9 S Front Messersmith Paul S .. elk. h :U!.I S Front MESSINGER BROS., (W. L. and H. S.), marble, granite and cemetery fencing, 124 S Front ~ressinger Charles. elk P. & R. frt station, h 13 Swatara .\le"singer Harry S .. (Messinger Bros.), h 13 Swatara .\l('ssinger William L., C\lessinger: Bros.), h 15 Swatara Yleltala Frank, laborer, h 3i9 S :~d Metzenthin Ernest Rev .. h :!1I6 S 3<1 lHetzenthin Selma, teacher. h :!1I6 S 3d ~"letzger Albert (; .. elk P. S. Co., h 225 Locust ~\Ietzger Edward W .. chief elk P. R. R. frt station, h Hbg. Micie!i Frank. mason, h ~n9 ~1011l1 Middleton William J .. physician. 101 N 2d. h llYJ .do YIirlland Cemetery, S. F. and A. W. Dunkle, trustees, 148 N Front ~ligeire Simo. laborer, h i Chambers ~ihajley GYllricza. laborer. h 508 Myers Mihajlovitc Ziva, laborer, h :.!O3 Christian Mihal Tohn. laborer. h 623 S 3d Mihalic Frank, laborer: h r 844! S 2d Mihalic Marian, h 266 Frederick ~Iihi Roaca, laborer, h 608 S 3d


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:\1ika Joseph, lahorer, h 84:! S 2d Mikan :Michael, laborer, h 527 S 2d Miladinov Ziva, laborer. h tiOS Myers Miles Samuel S., laborer. h 3! S Front Milic Marko. laborer, h 846 S 2d Miliceva Yema. laborer, h 481 ?lhers Militic Frank, laborer, h r 480 r.,{ohn :\-liljevic George, laborer, h 546 S 3d . Millar Jahe B., timekpr P. S. Co., h 126 Lincoln Millar Rodne\' n., elk P. S. Co., h 126 Lincoln Millard Howard, ticket agt P. R. R. depot, h 243 :\fain Millard John A., carpenter, h 19 N 4th Millard Robert K .. draftsman P. S. Co., h 19 N 4th l\lil1eisen Henry R., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. j\IiIler Andre\\'. laborer, h 428 Swatara Miller Anna R., wid George C, h 355 :'.Iyers Miller Arthur S., molder. h 232 Elm Miller Charles A., lahorer, h 235 ~ Harrisburg III Miller Charles H .. laborer, h 162 S 2d ~ MILLER CHARLES R., physician, 198 S 2d, h do; office hours, 7 to 8 a. m., 1 to 3 and 6 to 9 p. m. Miller Edward D., craneman, h 2d nr Chestnut Miller Franklin E., laborer. h 334 Christian Miller Frederick, laborer, Ii 207 Mohn ;\-filler George 0 .. rivetmkr. h :!fi45 S 3d

1 L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOR {1240 lIarkltSfrl"

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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
Miller Harry, machinist, h 379 S Front Miller Harry 1.., draftsman P. S. Co., h Enhaut Miller Harry R, barber, 175 N Front, h 155 do ~.filler Harvey c., laborer, h 317 S Front Miller Henry, laborer, h 423 Mohn Miller Henry, pressman, h 235 N Harrisburg Miller Irvin, laborer, h 755 S Front Miller Jacob M., planer, h 511 Lincoln Miller James, laborer, h 150 Adams Miller James, laborer, h 401 Bailey Miller James G., laborer, h 412 S 2d Miller John, laborer, h 337! S Front Miller John L., laborer, h 356 'Main Miller John M., elk, h 38 S 2d Miller John N., draftsman P. S. Co., h Middletown Miller John S., steelwkr, h 162 S 2d Miller Joseph H., laborer, h 334 Christian Miller Joseph K., laborer,h 432 Lincoln Miller Katherine M., saleslady, h 162 S 2d Miller Lee H., elk P. S. Co., h 408 Reading Miller Lewis, laborer, h r 120 Adams :\[iIIer Margaret R, wid Jacob, h 334 Christian Miller Mary A., wid James, h 317 S Front Miller ~ancy M., wid George, h 235 N Harrisburg Miller Peter, laborer, h 525 Ouistian








s: II

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "'=~b:i~:'~"';:1I:

Peter N., elk P. S. Co., h 6 N 4th Robert J., foreman, h 553 N 2d Simon E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 2643 S 2d Thomas c., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Thomas F., elk P. S. Co., h Middletown ~[iIIer \Valter Rev., h 147 N Front Miller William F., laborer, h 171 Christian Miller William G., civil engr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Miller William R, laborer, h 337! S Front Miller William R, stengr P. S. Co., h Penbrook Miller Winslow A., elk P. S. Co., h 180 S 2d Milletics Anton, mason, h 673 Mohn Mills Benjamin, draftsman, h 322 Penn Mills Brutus, machinist, 'h 103 Main :Mills S. Ralph, elk P. S. Co., hIS Front Mills William S., machinist, hIS Front ~Iiloszsvlyerijs George, barber, 641 S 3d, h do Miner Charles, painter, h 270 Christian Minie Michael, laborer, h 553 S 3d Minoff Alexander, (Dundoff & Minoff), h 261 Franklin Minor Henry A., laborer, h 226 Bailey Minor Peter, laborer, h 317 S 3d Minor Sylvia G., housekeeper, 226 Bailey Minter Allen W., laborer, h 217 Ohristian Mircheff Peter, laborer, h 225 Franklin Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller





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:::: ~::;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS ~ g:."-~=-



Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

o o z c o J

)'lisceyic Joseph, laborer, h 7:n S 3d !\liscevic Petro, laborer, 'h 731 S 3d Miscevic Teran, laborer, h 717 S 4th )Iisenhelter Xora E., weaver, h 35~ S 2d ~litC"heIl Amos, helper, h 348 Christian )litcheII Arthur J., rigger, 'h :!o. Main l\litcheII George )1., laborer, h 18:~ Ouistian 11itchell \Vilson ~1., c\k S. S. Co .. h 524 N 2d !\1itrikeff Christo. (Patoff & Mitrikeff). h 25!! Franklirr :\litrovic ZiYa. laborer,h 209 Christian 11ixell Clark R.. laborer, h 10;3 Frances MixeII Jacob, laborer. h 1113 Frances Mobley Benjamin, laborer, h 232 Ridge :\lockler James, helper, h 142 )lyers 110ckler 1-1ary, wid 1-I!chael, h 142 .Myers :\loder Stefan, molder, h 630 S 2d :\Iodern \Voodmen of America Camp. :\0. 5689, W. H. \Vhitebread, sec: meets every Thursday eve. at 130 N Front . )'Ioeslein Adam E .. elk S. S. Co .. h Hbg. Molnar :\I ichael. laborer. h 412 ~fo"n Momirov Durcon, laborer. h 461 1\1 vers 1-lonahan Anna, wid :\lichael, h 2H~ Elm Monahan David A., elk, 'h 218 Elm Monahan Elizabeth L., h 218 Elm
TlU. G_Ilt7 _d Saret.J Co. {IIIIId.I.I.In..... EnnfIrI. "nl. { I ...,. - . . . .&oa.P._,,.... lid IIII'III'~"" ,.... , ..... , ..., . . .


l\Ionday Henry, laborer, h 154 Adams Monk Samuel A., laborer. h 215 Adams l\Ionmi1Ier George, bar elk, 16!J )J Front, h do Monn John L., laborer, 'h 306 Christian Monroe Burrel, contractor, h 565 S 2d Monroe George. laborer. h 257 Adams Monroe James, driver, h 115-! Adams Mont Tames. laborer, h :nfi Ridge :'If ontag. Frank, molder, h 55!! iI: 2d :\Jontgomery Samuel L., laborer. h Hi8 Ridge :\[ontt William A .. laborer, 11 216 Ridge 1-fonumental A. 1\L E. Church. Rev. W. R. Gullins. pastor, .\dams c ~d :'IlOOT(' (11arles J.. machinist. h 121 Penn ,\loore Ed~ar j., rigger. h 2U' l'Iain )[oore Tohn. bricklaver. h 'Ht S 2d :\10ore )01111 F .. cooper. h 2:) ?\ ;~d :'Iloon' Joseph. hricklaYer. h 7:~4 ~ 2d :\Joore \Villiam 9 .. laborer. h ~ni :\lail1 :'Ilor<111orst C. Julius. chemist P. ~. Cn .. h 416 Swatara :\If'reiaml :\mal1(la. wid John A .. 11 .tU!) S Front :'IlonI1i Pl1neesco. laborer, h in2 S 2d 'Iorg-an .\lfred. laborer. h :ml S Front Morgan Philip T lahor!'r. h 2:Ui 'Ivers .. ;\'lorg-avin Frank. lahorer, h (i5:~ S :~d

Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND !i~~e~~~~t~e'


-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

l Specialty A B TACK f:I'N-mc Make. aHallelinp Inof TIDy {1.18 N.84 It. PabUc PlaiD BltlmataGITea

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Morrett Clayton D., boilermkr, h S Front c Heagy Morrett 1):>.ytOI1, boilermkr. h ;~:w l\lyers Morrett George, planer, h :!II:~ Myers Morrett Jacob \\T., eng-r, h 440 Swatara Morris Emma :\/.. dressmkr, 129 S 4th, h do ~'lorris Howard F .. bartender, h 121} S 4th .Morris Jacob. grocer. 4;)11 l\Iohn. h do Morris John J.: painter, h 256 Myers Morris Sarah, wid l\Jilton K., h 129 S 4th Morris T. Bessie, milliner, h 129 S 4th Morrison Andrew 1'.1.. mgr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Morrison Ellen. elk, h 2:!O Elm ~Iorrison Ephraim, boilermkr, h 220 Elm ~lorrison l\lax P .. draftsman P. S. Co., h a5 S 2d Morrissev \Villiam, laborer, h 6:l5. K Front ~Iorrissey \Villiam J., timekpr, h fi35 ~ Front ~lorrow Albert R., foreman, h 420 X Front Morrow John C, steel inspector P. S. Co., h Highspire Morton Walter E., engr, h :U3 N Front .~foser Charles. hlacksmith, h 2213 S ad Moser Henrv H., foreman Merchant ~Iill, h 115 S 4th Mosorinski Kosta, shoemkr. h 5:l7 Christian Moss l\Iag-gie H .. wid Richard. h 22:~ Adams 1'.1ossee Amos, laborer. h 25;; Adams Moten David, driver. h 5:H Iron al


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l\Ioten Quitten, laborer, h 105 Adams Moten Turner, laborer, h 64 Furnace Motten George, laborer, h 402 Ridge !'"' Motter George 0., patternmkr, h 2Hi K Front N Motter William H .. laborer. h (j4~ !\ Front :.:Moulton Karl, draftsman P. S. Co .. It 325 Walnut n Mount Anthom. laborer, h 211 X 2d ::c Mount William L., lahorer. h 211 N 2d :.:Mount Zion Baptist Church. Rev. T. C. Crittenden, pastor, . Locust nr 2d :.:Mowerv Adam A., machinist. h :{4 S 2d V Mowry' John G .. straightener. h a:~!J Pine Moyer Anna, wid Henry B., h 107 Main Mover Charles \,y., laborer, h 5411 Bessemer Moyer Jeremiah. laborer, h 520 Lincoln . Muc John. laborer. h 260 Franklin Muckley David. laborer, h :l12 Ridge Mucklev Oscar, laborer, h 255 Adams Muldoon Joseph ~l.. foreman. h 41 Frederick Muldoon Thomas J.. policeman P. S. Co., h 45 Frederick Mulvihill Ella E. )'Iiss. h 4117 X Front ~Iumma Catharine. wid Joseph. h 1:l4 Lincoln M ull1ma C. N isslev. salesman .. h 2(} X 4th Mumma x[ark, tax collector, Hi X Front, h 221 Pine Mumma Xorman H .. laborer, h 1R4 Lincoln

:.:~::::}Harrlsburg SaYings and Loan Assn. { .1:'= < :.:-


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THE PATD~it~e~b~~OgIe D I ~T

H. M. KELLEY &. CO.}OIIICes, :.r"~:'~":~{COAL AND WOOD

;:; 868 Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

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o c( a:

l\Jumma Robert W., elk P.O., h 20 N 4th Mundorff Emanuel, foreman, h 368 S 2d ~Iurphy Charles R., h 151 S 2d :\Iurphy George W., craneman, h 334 Myers :\[urphy Jacob W., blacksmith, h 334 Myers ~Iurphy John H., machinist, h 539 N Front ~lurphy John J., bricklayer, h 2::W Main xlurphy John J.. bricklayer, h 178 :\Iyers :\Iurphy John P., craneman, h !l!l4 Myers :\lurphy Joseph, laborer. h 540 X 2d :\Iurphy Lottie, wid James. h 2!l7 Christian :\furphy Mary H., saleslady. h 540 ~ 2d ~rurpIty Richard, laborer, h r 642 K Front :\1 urphy Thomas, h 151 S 2d :\furphy Thomas, laborer, h 453 N 2d l\htrray John E., asst supt, h :l68 Pine ~furry Perry E . laborer, h 547 Iron al Muzc Martin, laborer. h 14 Chambers Myers Benjamin F., elk Steelton Xat. Bank, h 138 N 2d Myers D. Edward. dentist, 127 S Front, h 150 S 2d 11 vers Elenora. wid Thomas, h 365 Christian Myers Eitner c., carpenter, h 433 Swatara Myers Florence, asst cashier S. S. Co., h 138 N 2d ~Iyers Frank K., elk, It 2:l2 S 2d ~1yers George S., machinist. h 138 N 2d

o _


Myers Golden, elk, 164 N Front, h Enhaut Myers Henry, laborer, h 166 Adams >- Myers Hewitt c., physician, 232 S 2d. h do Myers Ira F., cashier S. S. Co., h 14 N 3d I11III: l\fyers Jacob 1_, machinist. h 138 N 2d a.. :\1yers John H., civil engr P. S. Co., h Hbg. IE! Myer!; Thomas, weigher P. S. Co .. h 138 N 2d o Myers William c., laborer, h 259 Main U :\lyers William K., draftsman P. S. Co.. h Hbg . ...;J Nace Oscar c., elk P. S. Co., It 22 N Harrisburg C Nagy Joseph, laborer, h 410 Mohn o Nagy Lasslo, laborer, h 439 Mohn U Nangle Annie, cigarmkr, h 703 N Front Q Nangle Edward F., laborer, h 703 N Front 2: Nankivell Lillie ~L, teacher, h 622 N 2<1 C Naseff Peter. notions. h 58:1 S 3d W National Brewing Co., J. Biehl, pres: F. E. Smith, sec and u treas, Conestoga c Frederick Naugle Samuel. laborer, h :l41 Lincoln Q Nauss Abraham B.. elk S. S. Co .. h 426 Swatara W Nauss Bertram S .. foreman. h 31il Pine Nauss Delanson c., foreman, h HI Pine I!: Nauss George R., steel inspector. h III Pine c:t Nauss Harry W., molder, h 214 S 2d Nauss Pauline. domestic. 405 Bessemer



A. B. TACK::~e:!~ loU pouer and IIndow ShOd3S el~\~:,m.

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
Nauss Theresa. h HI Pine KaYlor John D .. foreman. h H Penn Nebing-~r Edwin. h HI S 4th Nebinger Eliza B.. elk. h In x 4th Xebingcr Elizabeth. elk. h ~2!} S Front Xehinger Frederick R.. machinist. h 636 K 2d Nebinger Ida 1\1.. milliner. h 221l S Front Nehinger Jacob P., blachmith. h 22!l S Front Kebinger Mary A.. wid Clayton. h 6:36 X 2<1 Nehinger Oscar C. helper. h :-l:3fl S 2d Nehjn;~er R. Sigmond, machinist. h 2:30 Elm Nehinger Sarah, wid Jacob A .. h l!l. )J 4th Neff Davirl, rail straightener. h :~:I!J :.\Iver s ~eff r;eorge W .. elk P. S. Co .. h 251 i'S 2d Keff Sarah. wid Tacob, h a.Ja.l\hers )Jegley Jo~eph, planer, h 16 Ad~l1l1s Keiman Est"an. laban-r. h till4 :'.lohn Xein Annie E .. h 125 S 4th Kein Jennie, h 125 S 4th ~el1 Levi H . gauger. h 258 Lincoln Kell William H .. cashier People's Bank, h 1!) Locust ~el1 Zuh R., elk. h 2GR Lincoln Nelle\' Cornelius C.. mal'hini~t, h !147 S Front Kel1e~' Sarah, wid (orJ1l'lius. h 94i S Front 1\ ell e)' Thomas J.. hotl'l, 94i S Front, 11 do e9

! o

n .. .. .


Nelson Herman A., elk. h 248 Myers c:: Xelson Samuel S .. laborer, h 248 l\lyers -,::p Kemet Stephen, machinist. h 620 Molm Kerhood Charles II .. laborer, h Lincoln opp cemetery if NERON DAVID W., notary public, fire insurance. real :;r estate and collector delinquent bills, 392 S 2d, h do Kcron Elmer E., painter. h :3!12 S 2d Nesbit John H., helper, h 2fi S Harrisburg Netling Conrad, laborer, h 447 Mohn ~ Neubaum Frank A., machinist, h 381 S 3d !':eubaum Frederick, laborer, h 381 S 3d P Xeubaum William F., switchstand builder, h 129 Lincoln ~ Kcwbaker Charles E .. elk P. S. Co., h 372 S 2d Cl Kewhaker }liram. laborer. h ;j311 S 2d c:::x Newbakcr John J.. master merh Merchant Mill, h 192 S 2d _ Xewhaker Leon, elk, h 1!l:! S 2d Newcomer Samuel S., elk, h 3 N 3ct Kewkam Carl, railmkr. h 380 S 3d '-II Newman Arthur. laborer. h 351 Ridge Ne\Hnan David 1\1., mcn'hant tailor. 2ii Myers. h do Kcwsbeidel 01aries \\" .. messenger P. R. R.. h 221} Swatara Newton Sarah .1 .. hOl1sekeeper, 1fl!) Adams Key Harn' D .. amusement parlor. h tall S Front Ney \Ian' )'Irs .. milliner. t:m S Front. h do Ney Paui M., amusement parlor, h 139 S Front


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MeIEIL'S COUSH REMEDY }~:l!~::I':,'!:! {AT~I~~trm

870 Boyd's Steelton Directory. 1908.
Xichols Joseph F .. carpenter, h :t!U Main 2':ichols Ross F., cranemanj h 326 Main Xicis Stevan, laborer. h 644 S 3d Xickens Daniel, h 7 Cumbler's row ~ickens Rollin H. Rev., h 3 Cumbler's row Nickey William J .. laborer, h 426 N Harrisburg ~ielson Waldemar, draftsman P. S. Co., h 9 N Front )Jikolic Michael, boarding, 775 S 3d, h do Xiksic Luka, laborer, h 587 S 3d Xisley Jacob A., h fi4S ~ Front Xisley Maria, wid Samuel. h l:H Lincoln Xisslev Amos H., elk Steelton Xat. Bank. h Oberlin Xissle) H. Hoyt. elk P. S. Co . h 2669 S 2d Xivin Thomas R.. elk P. S. Co .. h 36U Pine Xogglc John T .. restaurant. Jill S Front,h 350 do Xoll Catharine. wid Jacob, h 122 S Front Xoll Harley H., frog builder. h 122 S Front ~oll John J., grocer. 267 X Front. h do Xoll }linnie. domestic. 122 S Front ?\oll Wilson P., carpenter, h 12(} S 2d Xoonan Jdhn F., foreman P. S. Co., h 253 ~ Front Noonan Michael J., steelwkr, h 13 S 2d Xorris Allison H., machinist.h 364 Spruce Xorris Francis A., elk. h 3H4 Spruce ~_o~r~ri~.P_at_r_ic_k, steelwkr. h 604 1\ 2d




o I) z c

Xorsel Torno, laborer, h 660 S 3d Noumoff Sidor, laborer, h 322 Franklin ~tinemaker Benjamin A .. laborer, h 346 Main Xunemaker Joanna. wid Benjamin A., h 34ti Main X unemaker J olm X .. laborer. h 306 Christian Xuncmaker Jdhn W .. laborer. h 205 ~Iain Xunemaker William H., laborcr, h 346 Main Xnsbidle Rudolp'h. watcrtender. h 229 Swatara :\\'amciz :\icola. lahorer, 11 :Ul Frances :\\'e I. Walmer, electrician, h 1117 S 4th :\\'e Lcvi B.. teachcr. h 232 Locust :\~'e William F .. foreman P. S. Co . h Hbg. Obcrcash Julia, wid Jacob, h 243 Main Ubcrcash l\Iichaei A., Bessemer Housc. 24:l-24::i Main, 'h do O' Brien Daniel. laborer. h 237 Christian O'Brien John. chief of police P. S. Co .. h n S 2d ()'Bricn Lulu D., embroidercr. h 41 S 2d Odd Fellows' HalJ, 140 Adams O'Donnell A. Curtin. laborer. h 175 X Front O'Donnell Annie. dressmkr. 'h li:~2 N 2d O'J)onnell Rentz. driver. h 175 X Front. O'Donnell James B., steelwkr. h 17 S Front O'Donnell 10hn G .. machinist. h 632 X 2<1 O'Donnell 'Patrick. steelwkr. h ()32 X 2d O'Donnell Thomas .T., bricklayer. h 612 N 3d
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I. B. T FIN~EC~~A!I.~~!-,,~c,~!'pER {1216 Nonn lDlnI hI lei}

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Ofack :Michael. laborer, h 353 Frederick Ogden Frederick H., draftsman P. S. Co., h 223 Pine Ogel James A., laborer, h 56 Frances O'Gorman Jeremiah, steelwkr, h :')1 S 2d Ohaii W. Logan, dept. printer P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Ohmit :\nnie ~I., wid Christian. h :t411 X Front Ohm;t 1. Christian. craneman. h a40 X Frt'>nt Okcll .-\nnie. wid Joseph. h RlCl S !!d Okcn John. laborer, h ~ln S 2ci Oh'sarski Roman. fireman, h 124 Frederick O'XeiII James J. elk P. S. Co .. h 5:;ii X Front Orecic ~ikola. laborer. h 5~7 S !lei Oresc:Ulin Xikoli, laborer, h fi4fi S :~d Orcscanin Petro. lahorer. h 1i4fi S :~d Orescanin Rada. laborer. h 1i!!4 S :~d Oresl'anin Stanko. lahorer. h (i:!4 S :td Ore<;tan Stif. laborer, h 725 S aci Orndorf C!\'(le R.. stucient. h :{:~:l Locust Ornrlorf John foreman, h :~:~1 Locust Ornc!,)rff'Samuel J.. blacksmith. h :~2:! Locust nrri~ Helll'. teacher, h 171 S !!d Orris H. Eugene. ron turner. h Front nr. Heagy Orsafsky \'ictor, laborer. h :liil Frederick Orstein Wolf, clothier. a7 S Front, h 4tt do Ortem:a Jacob. laborer. h 2u7 S 4th . -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - ---"- ---- -- -


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Savings and Loan


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Onh 10hn G .. haker, 11 S Front. h f)~ do OTwan Charles. electrician, 11~ X Front. h 4f) cio Orwa~' ~Ielia. laborer. h 181'! S Front OsbornI' Rose. wid Edwin. h 220 ).Iain Osman Helen !\1.. stengr P. S. Co .. h Hhg. Osman ~Iay 'n., teacher. 4th c Elm. h Hhg. I. }stoic JiliJa. laborer. h 1f) Chambers Oswalci Carl. laborer. h :~:~2 Christian Otc\' Horace. lahorer. h Hi.t Adams O'l'oole Edward. laborer, h Rj :\lain -ntstot Franklin G., stengr. h .tIS ~ Front ()l~tot "'ilIiam F., carpenter. h .t14 X Front Ott Le\i. laborer, h .tIll S Front ntto Benjamin J.. polisher. h HI4 K ::!d Ovler Charles A., laborer, h 41 Penn .()iemas F:-ank. laborer, h 1~1i S Front -ozinil' \ido. lahorer. h fi!l Conestog-a OzYalt Franz. laborer. h R.tfi S 2d Pag-a~ic :\1 ichacl. laborer. h iiii Cnt1l'stoga Pa!.:!'e Charles. coachn;an. h 4!1ii lhilcy P:1.g-e Elizaheth :\Irs .. h :a 1 Ridge P~~e ]. Edward. stel'iwkr. h :!R S 2(1 Page ~a111uel. laborer. h 1211 1<idge Paieric Adam, laborer. h :m:: Francl's PClJoYics Lepojko. laborer. h 211j CJui!'tian

:c ::D

TI7 a

TOD of

H M KELLEY CII CO'S -HI."k Utamond. wheD { ,IDI.ert~ ad ... "" P. llreet. )'OU next order. ..... II
Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Palamida Lvuba. laborer. h 1;;9 Christian Palamida Ziva. lahorer. h a21 Trewick ~ Palmer Tesse. laborer. h -1 Cumbler's row ~ Palmer john H .. laborer. h :n:~ Adams Palmer William n .. driver. l:!O S Front. h :!3:l Christian o Palmeri Vincenzo. lahorer. h :I:i:~ S 4th ~ Pannell Clarence ~J., elk P. S. Co .. h lill S 4th Papenfus Elizabeth. rigarmkr. h 2-1:! }Tain Papic Anthony. laborer. h 1;):! Frederick Parks Carrie. elk. h 179 S Front Parks George W .. sewing machines. 177 S Front. h 179 do Parse Carmine. laborer. h 7Zl6 S :!d Parsons Elizabeth. h Spruce c 4th Parsons George \V., h Spruce c 4th Parsons Harry R., painter, h :l77 S 2d Parsons Margaret. h 4th c Spruce Parsons S. Walter, (Eaton. Hartz & Co.). h Hbg. (I) Parthemore Harvey G.. har elk. 375 S Front. h Enhaut Pasceri Anton. shoemkr. :!:{!) S Front. h 3n7 S 4th Patoff Boris, (Patoff & ~Iitrikeff). h 2:;n Franklin l&J Patoff & ~Iitrikeff. (B. Patnff and C \Iitrikeff), meat, 259..J Franklin c( Patsen Tohn. laborer, h Zlll Frances l&J Paukner Tosef. stonemason. h 7W S :!d C Paul Daniel, laborer, h 503 S Front :;

,. 872




Paull Henry E. Rev .. h 21:~ ;\hers Paulus Conrad T.. laborer. h 344 S 3d >- Pavlovich Tohn: laborer. h :!17 Calumet al ~ Pavlovicz Sandor. laborer. h .i7ll ;\hers Pa."son Russell C. draftsman P. S.- Co .. h :lH Locust E Paxtang Council, No.2. D. of P .. meets Tuesnay eve. at 12 S Front:. Mrs. Effie Ecklcin. St'C U Paxtang Hook and Lanrler Co .. Albert Sellers. sec, 320 N ....:I Front ~ Pax tang Tribe, Xo. 243. 1. n. R. }L: organized Jal1., 1882; o meets Thurscla\' en'. at 1:! S Front: T. Oscar Russell, U C. of R . ' . Q Paxton Tohn ~r.. milk. h :!:n ~hers z: Paxton Lodge, Xo. ]6.. \. Y. ~r.. (colored). meets at 140' ~ Adams second and iourth Tue!'(laY eves. of each mont h ; John Heasley. sec W Pavne Charles R., labort'r. 11 :?:!Il Adam~ ~ Pa~'nl' Tacoh. chauffeur S. S. Co .. h 4~ Furnace Q Pa\'ne "Tames. laborer. h !l4!1 Canal al W Pa\'ne "Tames H .. laborer. h 1:!:{ Adams ~ Pa\'l1e Thomas laborer. h :l:il Rid~c Paz<1c:rac Yelena ;\irs .. h :;:;~ S :~d . Peace Charles L.. cralH:man. h :!:!II ~hers Peace OmrI. laborer. h :m Frederick' Peachey Thoma~, laborer, h 411:; Dailey _ -

a. o



Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Pearson James \V., laborer, h 342 N 2tl Pearson John H., engr, h 746 S 2d Peck . Charles W., printer, h :n6 Christian Peck Harvev T., brakeman. h 701 S Front Peiffer James R, bridge builrler, h 346 Lincoln Pejcic Josef, laborer, fl 803 S 3d Pelcic Ivan, laborer, h 48u ~1 vers Pelen John W .. planer, h 3u8'S 2d Pendleton Frederick. laborer, h 109 Adams Penner Charles \V., blacksmith, h 44 N Front Penner Robert H., printer, 'h 44 N Front Pennsylvania R R Depot. ft Trewick PENNSYLV ANIA STEEL CO. (THE), mfrs steel rails, railroad switches, bridges, &c., E. C. Felton, pres see adv back cover Penysee Charles, laborer, h 920 S 2d PEOPLE'S BANK, D. B. Traver, pres; W. H. Nell, cashier, 18 S Front Pereff Traico, laborer, h :n6 Franklin Peregoy John N .. estimating elk P. S. Co., h Front ab Felton Pericx J uro. laborer, h 238 Christian Perin Luza, laborer, h 480 1\lain Perin :\1i\os, laborer, h 508 ~1vers Perin Stephen, laborer, h 4811 Main

= "".

Peros Martin, laborer. h 13 Chambers Perri Joseph, laborer, h 3(j9~ S 3d Perry Teresa Mrs., h 367 S 3d Peter Sehrin, mac'hinist, h 943 S Front Peterman Casper, roller. h 621 S Front Peterman Henry. laborer, h 392 Mohn PETERS D. AUGUS'(US, pharmacist, 189 S Front, h :1:: 191 do I""I"t Peters J. Markward, physician, 195 S Front, h 193 do Peters William E., driver, h 85(1 N Front Petrie Joseph, laborer, h 548 S 3d Petrie :\1artin, laborer, h 855 S 2d Petroff :'vIilon, laborer, h 124 Franklin Petroff Stephen, laborer, h 307 Franklin Petroff Stephen, laborer, h 324 Franklin Petrosic Tohn, laborer. h 85H S 2d Petrosic )'larco. watchman. h 849 S 2d Philadelphia and Rearling Freight Station, R R c Trewick . Phillips Bruenton, butler, 11u N 2d, h do Phillips Harriet F .. teacher, h 162 Adams Phillips Tacy L., wid James, h 2d nr Fulton Phillips William A., mac-hinist, h 171) S 2d Phoenix Edward. watchman. h 4fi Furnace Phoenix George. laborer. h 401 S Front Phoenix \Vilmer. laborer, h 4fi Furnace


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IcIEiL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~::~:'f:~~:'{'30& Iro

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
Pierce ..\I111ie. wid Jordan. h 12S Adams Pierce Isaac, driver. h 12~ Adams Pierce Sadie. wid Hubert. h :l42 Swatara Pierson Thomas. steelwkr. h 4117 S Front l'inclulic Ivan, rigger, h :!;;~ Frederick Pinter Emerv, laborer, h 411S ~Iohn Pirar (ioirr. 'Iaborer, h 2HS Christian Piservic Jacob. laborer, h :l5fi :'.Iain Pisko Evan. laborer, h IH7 S ad Pisle Charles A., frog builder, h 6Hi S 2d l'isle n. Rov, laborer, h 24 \\'alnut Pisk Cieorge n.. laborer. h 24 \\'alnut Pitshler William, laborer, h a7 River Pitz Tobias, laborer, h 514 Mohn Plank John R .. physician. tnti N Front, h do Platt George W .. fireman. h Im7 S Front Plesec Joseph, laborer. h U)2 Frederick Plesec :\1ichael, laborer. h 2d nr Hoffer Plctzer John, laborer, h 4:l7 1\lohn Plowman Charles W., elk P. S. Co .. h 363 l\hin Pluta John. lahorer, h 31R Frederick Plutt Frank, carpenter. h 1li4 Main Podnar Evan. laborer, h 1(1) Frederick Poles Michael, laborer, h 10 Chambers Poles Samuel R., laborer, h 121 Ridge





THIII.arally lad Surety Co. le:'-:::'I. fl'?'..=': ~,::- {or'r:::;:g,

Pollock Henry C. elk, h 176 Lincoln Polm Samuel. grocer. 516 S 3d. h do Poloisik Thomas, laborer, h 38:! S 3d Polston Lloyd, pool, &c., 1211 Adams, h 119 do Polston William J., laborer, h 232 Ridge Poltl Herman, hookkpr, 5~ S Front. h Enhaut Pnpl~ Anthony T., lahorer, h :~2liN Front Pope Elizabeth C, housekeeper. 32!) X Front Pope Frank, lahorer, h 32;') ~ Front Popon Pera, laborer. h 307 Franklin Popovic l\Iortin. bender, h tn2 Chambers Popovich Eli, lahorer, h 471 :\Iyers Popovich John, laborer, h 111) Main Popp Jonas. lahon.'r, h 107 Chamber Porr John L., drnggist, 147 N Front, h 139 do Portcr Hettie. charwoman. h 549 Iron al Porter lohn. drivcr. h Wi S Front Pnrtt'r Leonard. driver, h 56 Furnace Porter Louise, wid Albert, h 2110 Adams l'ortt'r l\lajor. h 441) Ridge Porh'r Rohert. laborer, h 112 Ridge Portzline Charles F., conductor, h 321 S Front Posega Kazimir, steamship agt, IiO::? S 2d, h do POSC\- 11 enr\' G .. notar\' public, real estate, 143 ~ Front,

o o
tal III


> Z



ANDREW REDMOND}~==~=d ~~~z!~~~t~~~IL


el} LPIP




Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

ST FI ,H y F ersh P. 2 ron Postal Tel. Cable Co., F. E. Bailey, mgr, 7 S Front ton ne, . G e h 14 Ridg ton 'illia J.. orer 141 idg Potocnik John, laborer, h m.l4 S 3c1 tig 'ho ,Ia er, 09' d vde -\nn .. sa ady S nt, 18 risb g Powden Charles E., mgr, 19 N Front, h 418 N Harrisburg veil mu ., s eke , It) S II isbt n'lI erlie k, h S risb Powell Yirginia 1:1., hookkpr, 1;~:.! S Front, h Hbg. ) \'er hn " lab r, h 14!1l Ad ms wer har 1'.1., chil ,h S :. Prasnjak Franko, laborer, h R44i S 2d snj - }Iic' lab r, 'n ~44t S ')d ter arl abo ,h ~ A 1S Prayer Frank, laborer, h 5114 S 2d inu Yin ,lab er, I ');~i) Cl isti n sic nde bar h J ~lai Preski Xikola. laborer, h 618 S ad P ssle' Che H. I bore :h::!74 \Ivers tz rge ,st nt, 05 ;d Pretz Samuel L., collector, h 105 X 2d P 'bice' W ,laborer, h 476 }'l vers bon Jose abo h S h be off




Ice Jo n B., raftsman . '. Co., h L .' 3d Prosser\:ViIlard L., machinist, h a43 S Front osse ViII H. 343 Fro Proud Anthon" mac unist, 1 119 me Proud Robert B., machinist, h 169 S 4t'h outf Ch S,' ern h ~I Prowel Abram ~I., a orer, 733 1 Fron Prowell Albert, laborer, h 31:.! Christian owe -\nd S., pen h 2 Chr an Prowe ~har es H., engr, .:>1?'" ron Prowell Edward, fireman, h H20 Main owe . ran 1., r, h 9 C stia rowe Jaco _., c pente, 23 lye Prowell Tennie E .. wid William R., h 22:l Pine owe . ere h ~ ott mkr :144' 2d rowe . Ha y, c ,55. ron, .", inc Prowell Levi H., brakeman, h 733 X Front owe 'ell -., c h 2 Pin . rowe Rob ,lab r, h _ 5 ~, PROWELL TOLBERT, Ph. G., druggist, 385 S Front, h 0' \' ill , ,,,., nt, r, a :\ owe Pryor \\,illiam H., pipe bender. h :144 N ~d mh R are yek an. n P afts Co, Hb 1n ., chie gh
".8TOFTHI: ""Ewe OFTH!: DAY ~I:A fiRS ..

N :J:-




OUR HODe.' Welcbt HODeat Coal,MOTTO. - }

H M KELLEY &CD {III. 1M 11111IlfIIt '11IftI1. ....... I I



c: ~_-

.Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. Pugliese Frank, laborer, h 339 S 4t'h






II: o I-


~ =--


o C a: o _

Pigiiese Joseph, laborer, h 359 S 3d Puller Edward, laborer, h 226 Adams Pulse Frank, laborer, h 4th nr Blackberry Punch Garrett, helper, h 517'N Front Putnik Peter, laborer, h 622 S 3d Putric Luka, laborer, h 106 C'hambers Puvanic Samuel, laborer, h 815 S 3d Quick Charles E., machinist, h 269 Myers Rachman Joseph, elk, 25 S Front, h 23 do Rack Peter, laborer, h 547 Ohristian Raclosavic Mile, laborer, h 916 S 2d Rada Dolics, laborer, h 519 Myers Radaievi Stephen, laborer, h 510 S 3d Radanovic Damija, laborer, h 515 S 3d Radanovic Luke, laborer, h 540 S 3d Radanovic. Michael, laborer, h 545 S 3d Radford George, laborer, '11 43 Penn Radin Ziva, laborer, h 508 .xlyers Rados JO'l1n, laborer, h 261 Myers Radosafavitch Wasa, laborer, h 466 Myers Radoscovik Peter, laborer, h 647 S 3d Radosevic Stando, lalJorer, h 514 S 3d Rahn Charles, helper, h 607 N 3d Rahn Irwin ]., boilermkr, h 714 N 2d




a.. E o



151 y Q 151





Raidc Joseph, laborer, h 57:! S 3d Raikoyich Kika, laborer, h 519 Christian Railing Silas, asst surg P. S. Co., h 316 Main Rakaric Tony, laborer, h lOti Chambers Rakavic Peter, laborer, h 656 S 3d Rakozi jo'hn, lahorer, h 481 :\Iain Ralf Au'gust, foreman, h 704 S 2d Raly :;\like, laborer, h 12 CUl11bler's row Ramen Mary, wid Dominic, h 433l Mohn Ramsey Oliver H., elk P. S. Co., h 427 S Front Randolph Charles W., elk, 107l Adams, h Hbg. Raniiovic Mike, laborer, h !l41 S Front Rashinsky Louis, clothier. :lll::! Frederick, h do Ratcliff Robert R., bookkpr, Conestoga c Frederick, 'It Camp Hill Rathkovitch Peter, elk, 141; K Front, h 515 S Front Raub .-\dam, laborer, h 541 l\-1yers Raunick Charles, electrician. h 381 S Front Raunick Wilhelmina, wid Augustus, 11 547 K 3d Raver Menona, wid Samuel, h S66 N Front Ray Jacob E., laborer, h 374 l\Iain Ready Felix B., laborer, h 511 N Front Reagan Cornelius, laborer, h fH9 N 3d Reber Robert G .. butcher S. S. Co., h 17 ~ Front Rebling Detle. saleslady. 'h 2~~ Pine

Yb;Ub~~~-:,:;r lOll P. ODd IIndOw ShOdes from A.

B. TACK .I:~~..

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Rebling George B., engr, h 23)0; Pine Rector Charles H., driver, h 6t! Furnace Rector Grant, laborer, h 136 Ridge Redd Hamlin, laborer, h 207 Adams Reed Frank, laborer, h 453t Smith al Reed John c., elk, 146 ~ Front, h Oberlin Reed John c., foreman, h 429 Lincoln Reed John c., supt electrical dept P. S. Co., h 620 N 2d Reed W. Wesley, carpenter, h 263 Christian Reede Carrie, machine opr, h 3U~ S 4t'h Reede Samuel, laborer, h 31:J S -!th Reeder Albert R., engr, h 415 Catharine Reeder Jacob A., electrician, 'h H3 Catharine Reeder James P., driller, h 988 S Front Reeder John T., laborer, h 379 S Front Reeder Sarah E., wid Henry, h 413 Catharine Reeder Scott v.;., laborer, h 413 Catharine Reehling Bros., (c. A. and C. F. A.), drygoods, 302 :Myers . Reehling Charles A., (Reehling Bros.), h 304 Myers Reehling Charles F. A., (Ree'hling Bros.), h ;W4 Myers Reehling Charles H., elk, h 304 Myers Reehling Mary A., saleslady, 302 ~lyers, h 304 do Reeser Harry, laborer, It 30:! Christian Regan Eliza, wid Malachi, h 61G ~ 2d Regan Ellen B., h 616 ~ 2d

IIILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~bli~~~&

Regan Lizzie, milliner, h 616 N 2d Regan :Matilda ~I., teacher, h 616 N 2d Regan Michael c., laborer, h 87 ~Iain Rehbeck Jacob, laborer, 'h :J04 ~ 2d Reich Adam, laborer, h 53() Good ReiC'henbaugh Oliver 1., dri\'er S. S. Co., h 500 Lincoln Reichert Lizzie, charwoman, h 43 N Front Reidel George D., boilermkr, h 149 Christian Reider Ira B., salesman, h 210 Myers Reider John R., furnaceman, h :no }Iyers Reider Myrtle, elk, h 210 ~lyers p Reider William J., timekpr P. S. Co., h 447 Lincoln Reigart Daniel M., engr, h 4:~5 Lincoln Reigart M. Luther, draftsman P. S. Co., h Wormleysburg :z ReigartWilliam M., roller, h 4:35 Lincoln ~ Reigle Edward E., boilermkr, h j;J Frederick Reinhart John, laborer, h 452 Mohn Reinoehl Charles W., supt F. & S. dept P. S. Co., 'h 330 Con, Spruce Reinoehl ~l'lson :\ .. elk 1'. S. Co., h Hbg. Reisch Charles F .. painkr. h :~:;2 ~Iy('rs Reisch Danid F .. electrician. h :~4:! ~Iain Reisch Louisa, wid Daniel .\ .. h :142 ~Iain Reitzel Charles E .. student, 'h :nr. S 2d Reitzel John H., supt lahor dept P. S. Co .. h a4l Pine






Digitized by

CLARI'S =I~= Drug and Patent Medicine Store{=:~


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

~ ;;

t:; Reitzel Samuel E., carpenter, h :HH S 2d


'! i


; :z: ....


Relic Erica. laborer, h fi4S S :;d Relic Miha, laborer,h r ~44! S 2d Rengers :\Iary, 'housekeeper., 2d nr Hoffer Restak Ignatz, laborer, h :;IIH S :ld Restak Louis, grocer. 4H5 )'Iyers, h do Rettinger Edward S .. butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg. Reynders John Y. W .. v-pres P. S. Co., h 115 N 2d Rheam Annie, saleslady. It Hfj:l i\ Front Rheam George. musician, h 6G:~ :\ Front Rheam John H .. grocer. lilia X Front. h do Rhoads Clara E .. bookkpr, HI6 S Front. h :l:5:1 Lincoln R'hoads Eva. dressmkr, h ;;4:l X Front Rhoads Jesse, driver, h a5;l Lincoln Rhoads 'Levi J., engr. h :~5:t Lincoln Rhoads :Nlima, wid Albert H., h 1H~ )'hers ~llOads William H., laborer, haaS Lincoln Rhodes Joseph 'B., supt, lfj4 X Front. h Hhg. R'hynes Robert. laborer. h 1211 :\<lal11s Riak Anton. laborer, h ~50 S 2d Ribaric Xicholas F., tailor. 1 HI X Front. 11 154 :\Iain Rice Daisy 1\'1., clk, 17 S Front, 'i1 24fi Lincoln Rice Irene, elk, no N Front. 11 :!4(i Lincoln Rice Jeremiah, patternmkr, h 24.i Lincoln Rice Thomas B., rivetmkr, h 364 S :!d
TlU. O_n&7 811Nt7 Co. { ....... EMwIIra.....,... { I ...... -1Icr_toD, P ..... f .....n I. 111.1. III, J. . . . 1..... f .... ....







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Rich Charles D., baker, h 157 Frederick Richards George, elk. 11 :!:!f1 Pine Richards Xicholas. laborer. h :l4!l Pine Richardson Charity. wid George. 11 156 Adams Richardson Harold, elk. h :!4:{ Main Rickenbach Daniel, brakeman. h ;jllfi S :ld Rickert Allen :\1.. h 22 X :1c1 Rickert George B. ),1.. 10ftsI11an, h 257 ~lain Rickert Goldie ~I.. cigar packer. h 257 Main Rickert Raymond R.. boilermkr. h :!57 :\Iain Ridel Grant, painter. h 21!1 Christian Rider Charles H., driver. h ]59 Frederick Rider Ira M., elk P. S. Co .. h Xew Cumberland Ridinger Robert C, weigher. h :!111 X 2d Riley :\fartin J .. heater. h l~l Christian Rineer Pearl, cigarmkr. h II!) S 4th Rinick Charles B.. plum her. -It Hi7 )'lyers Risser Edgar \V., conductor. h 1i811 S 2d Ritc'hcreek Jesse. steelwkr. h HfI Lincoln Ritter Alexander }1., hrakcman. 'i] 17i ).Iain Ritter Harry xl .. elk P. & R. depot. h 177 ~Iain Ritter James \V .. cng-r. h 1j j Main Ritter ]. Frank. elk P. ~. Co .. h Hhg. Ritter :\Iahel D., housekeepcr. 177 :'Ilain Rittner Annie )'lrs .. h :37 l\ River av
- --------- -----

Redmond's Wagun Works }~::'t~ {3d lid R.- SII. Coogle

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.1. B. TACK} Wall Paper ud Window Shade, h:=~

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. 879
Rittner Erdman. laborer. h 4U:l Christian c::t c::: Robbin James X, elk, h ;{55 S Front :It Robbin Joseph. elothier. :355 and furniture 371 S Front, h CII :355 do :; Robbins Frank .\ .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. :. Roberts Albert, laborer. 11 31:~ Ridge ~ Roberts B. Howard. laborer, h 6() Furnace 04' Roberts Charles A., machinist, h :lt6 Locust :Roberts Glarles A. H .. elk P.O .. h 3 S 3d E; Roherts George H., foreman. h 3 S :ld Roberts George W. H., machinist, h 3 S:ld Roberts Howard, laborer, h 66 Furnace ~ Roberts John R.. labor&r, h 5:~(I Ridge Roberts Joseph E. H.. letter carrier. h 13 S 4th !;; Roberts Mary A., h 163 Adams ,., Roberts ~Ian' A., wid Thomas. h a4fi Locust Roberts T ..-\rt1mr H .. machinist. h :l S 3d Robinski Andrew, pipe tester. h :339 S 2d ~ Robinson Albert, laborer, h 36 Furnace ::::; Robinson Andre'... J., elk, h 21 Chestnut Robinson Ashby, steelwkr, h :!14 Ridge !!i Robinson Frank X., steward P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Robinson Henry, janitor, h 36 Furnace ~ Robinson Horace. la'borer, h 84 Furnace ,. Robjnson Junius, laborer, h 320 Ridge C;



Larp-Jn"-"~-8;::'~~f.} Harrisburg Sallngs aDd-L-oa-n Assn. U:=' ~

Robinson Thomas, laborer, h 122 Adams Robinson William X., elk S. S. Co .. h 393 S Front Rockev Gm' H., electrician, 11 466 X Front Rockey ~I;n', wid William. h 4fi6 X Front Rocke)' William ~I.. 'helper, h 461l X Front Roda Shevo. laborer. 11 551 Christian Rodase"ic Stanko, laborer. h 514 S 3d Roden Clifford S., elk P. S. Co .. h 5:!f) :-\ 2d Roden David. gasmkr. h 5:!1l N :!d Roden Silvanus. machinist. h 52; X 2d Rodfong George ~I.. draftsman P. S. Co., h Middletown Rodfong' "'alter K .. elk P. S. Co .. h :\[iddletown Rodic Josef. 1aborer, h S 4th bel Hoffer Roebuck George W., driver, h 228 Adams Roenn Isaac, grocer, 634 S 3d, 'h do Roesler Ignatz, laborer, h 311 Franklin Rogers John, laborer, 'h 61 Frederick Rogers William, rigger, h 61 Frederick Rohacek Andrew, laborer. h 4]3 'Main ~ ~I Kohih Isaac, grocer, fi34 S 3d. h do ( Roiban Martin. laborer. h 459 Myers IRojkov Milos. laborer, h 508 Myers !. Roksandic John, laborer, h 729 S 3d !L Roksandic Mile, laborer. h 7:!!I S 3d _ ~~~~a~d~,=---~t~h~n,.lab~rer. h 7~fI S 3d ____ __ ~

t. .:


THE PATRIOT'S :::~.::;.';.~~~

4 Digitized by



H M KELLEY.' CO. {1.-'It ltd ....... at HIll ......... 1M.



Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.





a: o r(,) a: rz

Rokuic Peter, laborer, h 7t.i5 S ad Romero Celestino, printer, 154 S Front, h 35 S 2d Roney James c., pipectltter, h 4:!1 Catharine Roof Geary, laborer, h 266 Myers' Rose Jacob, laborer, h 14 Cumbler's row Rose Jacob, jr.. lahorer, h 7 Hoffer Rosenberg Isaac ~I., grocer, 60'2 5 ad, h do Rosinski Stanislaus. lahorer, h 247 Frederick Ross Bella, domestic, 24i S 4th Ross Clyde 5., laborer, h 3:{4 ~ 2d Ross John E .. painter, h Myers Ross ~fary A. ~lrs., dressmkr, 360 Myers, h do Roth Conrad, laborer, h 4(;0 Mohn Roth Heinrich, laborer, h 461) .\101111 Rot1h James P., bricklayer, h 3485 2d Roth Tohn. laborer. h 4611 .\Iohn Roth 'Levi B., letter carrier, h 29 S 4th Rothrock Andrew, engr. h 122 ~Iain Rothrock James A .. engr, h 1165 Front Rothrock John, craneman, h 122 Main Rouch Sarah, wid Jacques W .. h !J03 S Front Rouscher Charles. boilermkr. h 118 Main Row Eva L., wid John H., h324 Myers Rowan Robert, fireman, h !J28 Christian l~o\Ye George W., laborer, h 153 Frederick


Howinske\' Amos 'Y .. laborer. h 935 S Front Rozman John, laborer, h 169 1Iyers Rub~' Thomas. helper, h ~W4 Main Rudman Lawrcncc, steel\\'kr, h 256 Main Rudy Jacoh, shoemkr. lOt ~ 2<1, h do Rudy S. C1arenl'e. elk, h 1O!l Conestoga Ruff' Joseph, molder, h 517 S Front Ruhl Frank F., agt Adams Express Co., 120 S Front, h 17 S 3d Rupcic Josef, laborer. h ~1I:.l ~ ad Rupic :\Jile, laborer, h (j:~6 S 3(\ R upp Abraham L., elk, h 22!i 1\ Front Rupp David E .. track foreman, h 751 S Front Rupp George F .. laborer, h 225 N Front Rupp Gertrude, teacher. 225 X Front Rupp H. Russell, dk P. S. Co . h 203 Pine Rupp Mabel, bookkpr, 118 ~ Front, h 225 do Rupp Mary, wid Patrick. h 631 X Front Rupp Rehecca. h 2:!5 X Front Ruppert John, laborer. h ;;]6 l\[ohn R usnob Michael, h 555 S 3d Russ John, laborer, h 2:32 Frederick Russeil Edward. lahoreI'. h 257 Adams

SinlOn R.. dri\;er. h ~hers (,) Hover Mato. laborer, h 551 2773d . Ho~ic S




z: o


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


Russell J. Oscar, teacher, h 347 Pine Russell Joseph P., laborer, h 21:! S 2d Russell William H., salesman, h 347 Pine Rutherford Catharine I., elk, 116 X Front, h 228 Elm Rutherford James A., foreman P. S. Co., h Paxtang Rutherford J. Percy, shipping elk P. S. Co., h 2667 S 2d


< en


RUTHERFORD ROBERT M., pres Steelton National Bank and Steelton Trust Co., h 247 S 4th 2 Rutherford Tohomas M., draftsman P. S. Co., h Paxtang PI Rutherford L:rias A., carpenter, h 228 Elm Rutherford William S., mgr order dept P. S. Co., h Hbg. Ryan Bridget Mrs., h 268 Main Ryan Julia B., packer, h 268 Main c;) Saba Joseph, laborer, h 483 Mohn Sachs Mollie, elk, h 241 S 2d Sacks Mollie, elk, h 804 S 3d Sacks Mary, saleslady, h 302 Frederick Sacks \Volf, shoes, 119 Conestoga, h 302 Frederick Sadler William A.. elk, 187 N Front, h do Safran Pajo, laborer, h 608 S 3d Sahlstrom Gustaf N. E., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. c.n St. Ann's R. C. Church, Rev. Serafino B. Sama, rector, 3d c Blueberry av . St. James' Convent, Sisters of Mercy, 427 N Front


:u c:

o .


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~~~K

St. James' Parochial School, 2d bet Conestoga and Jefferson ~ St. James' Parochial School, :!d bet Conestoga and Jeffer- ~: son St. James' R. C. Church, Rev. G. L. Benton, rector, 423 N ; ; Front e= St. James' Temperance Legion, Edward Carr, sec, 142 N ~ Front . St. John's German Catholic Church, Rev. John :\'1. Dan- $! neker, rector, 628 S :!d ~ St. John's Lutheran Church, Rev. M. P. Hocker, pastor, 2d

St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. Walter Miller, pastor, Lincoln c 2d St. Marv's Parochial School, 833 S 2d St. ~1ary's R. C. Church, Rev. F. J. Azbe. pastor, 2d nr Hoffer St. Nicholas Servian Orthodox Church. Re\'. Theofil Stefanovich, pastor, 762 S 2 d ' Sajn Ana, h 920 S 2d Salajor Nikolo, laborer, h 721 S 3d Salamunic Stephen, laborer, h 658 S 3d Salanger Lovro, laborer, h 231 Frederick Salanger Stephen, laborer, h Hi8 Frederick Salerno Charles, laborer, h 349 S 3d Salingar Lovro, laborer, h 322 Frederick

c:> :I:






Digitized by


::: ~~~- MoNElL'S COLD TABLETS !:g:r':.~':


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Salingar Lovro, meat. 3Hl Frederick, h do Salinger George, ins agt, h 758 S 2<1 SALINGER JOSEPH, artist, picture frames and sewing machines, 758 S 2d, h do ~alterno George, laborer, h 357 S 3d Salvatore Lupia, laborer, h 324 S 4th SAMA SERAFINO B. REV., pastor St. Ann's R. C. Church, h 333 S 3d Sample Agnes, wid Jerome, h 749 S Front Sample :\Iinnie, cigarmkr. h 749 S Front Sample Samuel. watertender, h 714 1\ :!d Samsel George, electrician, h 411 Reading Samsel William A., laborer, h 440 Lincoln Sanders Charles W., laborer, h 345 S 2d Sanders David F., bartender, ] 17 S Front, h 737 do Sanders Frank, driver. h 433! Mohn Sanders George H., laborer, 'h 737 S Front Sanders Harry J., molder, h 345 S 2d Sanders Tohn W., laborer, h 239 MYers Sanders Penrose 0., repairsman. h '7R7 S Front Sands L. Mabel. teacher. Walnut c 4th, h Hbg. Sandv Frank, driver, h 619 S Front Sansom Annie. wid Philip, h 265 l\lain . Santanno James, laborer, h 373 S 3d Santanno Michael, steelwkr, '11 :3~4 :\Iohn

o o


u. Slr'lI C.s::-


.. } l~~:'





_ tIJ II.

Santek Andro, laborer, h 860 S 2d Santonno Salvator, laborer, h 365 S 3d Saser Josep'h, laborer, h 220 Frederick Sasic Tacob, laborer. h 576 S 3d Saso joso,'laborer, h 220 Frederick Sato Christo, laborer. h ]20 Franklin SA UL CHARLES H., physician, 28 and 30 Locust, h do; office hours, until 9 a. m., 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. Saul Charles Y .. laborer, h 1 n S 2d Saul James B., asst chemist P. S. Co., It Hbg. Saul Ross D., elk P. S. Co., h 416 S 2d Saul William ]., foreman P. S. Co., h 171 S Front Savastio Leonard. draftsman P. S. Co., h Hummelstown Saverio Palmisano, laborer. h 353 S 4th Savoy Haves, laborer, h lila Adams Savo\' Rohert. hostler S. S. Co., h 54 Furnace Savo)' \\'ashington, laborer, h If):l Adams SavIor Charles F .. laborer, h ::w;~ X Front Sa~'lor Harry, helper. h 321 S 2d Sa\'omis lohn. laborer, h ]~(i S Front Sa\tar :\iisko. laborer, h 23 Cumbler's row Scaromella Raffaele, h 3:;:~ S 4th Schade }largaret, wid Henry P., h :Uf.: Lincoln Schadler Alhert, steelwkr. h 223 Locust Schadler Andrew C, electrician, h :!2;l Locust

Bactnc Autolloblles} ANDREW REDMONQgJ~~b~~~~~"

A. B. TACl~.--....;= -:,~&7la1-""Tba"{=:.:e.~
Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. RS:J
Schaefer William A., inspector. h 21i21 S 2d Schaeffer Tohn, laborer, h 51:! ~lohn Schaeffer ~lelancthon, miller. h 283 Main Scheetz Ellen, wid George \V., h 344 Bessemer Sellt'll Benjamin F., carpenter, h 435 Mohn ~chell ~usan ~'lrs .. h 4~m Swatara Scherer fohn, laborer, h i:m S 2d Scheriff Gwrge W., machinist, h 2;:;5 Christian Schick :Maucle L., warper. h 26 :\f 4th Schiffhauer Frank P., foreman. h 2551 S 3d Schlein Charles, h 3511 S Front Schkssman John P., laborer, h 336 Bessemer Schlessman Theodore H .. letter carrier, h 110 N Front Schmauch Charles E .. laborer, h 25 N 2(\ Schmick ~hrtin, lahorer. h 2:!::? :\Iain Schmidt Charles, h 6H!) X 3d ~chmidt Henry. laborer, h Good nr 4th Schmidt Johann, driver, h 4i7 Myers Schmidt Joseph F .. butcher S. S. Co., h Highland Schonk Jacob, laborer, h 5 Chambers Schreiner Edward 13 .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Enhaut Schrh'er Clara E . laundress, h 514 Lincoln Schri\'cr Edward (;., student. h 514 Lincoln Schriver William T., laborer, h 514 Lincoln Schuavic Peter. laborer. h ii7 S 3d

~==} Harrisburg

SaiDgs and Loan Assa. { :::=

Schubauer Carrie, wid William. h 227 Swatara Schukofski Frederick. roller, h 504 S 2d Schukofski Louisa, wid Adam, h 504 S 2d Schwartz Harry, grocer, 4i)f) Myers, h do Sehwyzer Herman, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Scott Charles E., elk P. S. Co .. h :17 S 2d Scott l\Jayberry H., clk P. S. Co .. h 321 Poplar Scott :Millie Mrs., h 146 Ridge Scull John. engr, h 237 X Harrishurg SeahoItz Daniel, laborer. h 272 M vers Seal Eugene F., elk P. S. Co .. h 306 Walnut Seasholtz Malinda. wid David, h 272 Myers Seihert Annie ~L, housekeeper, 2!l S Front Seibert \YilIiam H., ~1. D., physician, 31 S Front, h 29 do . Seiders Alvin ~r., crane runner, h 971 S Front Seiders Emanuel. foreman. h fli7 S Front Seiders :\[ orris E .. steelwkr. h 32:i Locust Seider!' Samuel F .. elk S. S. Co., h 214:1 S :!<l Seiders \\'iIIiam E., student, h :t!ii Locust . Seig George A., crane runner, h G:!5 ~ Front Seitz Milton, laborer, h 26 Adams Sellers Alhert J., foreman P. S. Co., h 33!l ;\ Front Sellers Benjamin F., laborer, h 355 Swatara Sellers Edward H., cigars. :!2;j X Front, h ~:u Swatara Sellers Frank Y., engr, h 315 Swatara


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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}DBlCIlI, :1i'''~:'~~!':.':{COAL AND WOOD

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

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Sellers Harry L.. steelwkr, h 17 Pine Seltzer Charles K., oiler, h 237 Myers Seltzer John, laborer, h 379 S Front Selway George, laborer. h 7 S 4th Sendi Jrat, laborer, h 375 S 3d Serbula Milic, laborer, h 504 S 3d Servian Orthodox Church, 2d nr Hoffer, Rev. V. Bev Theofil Stefenovich, rector Severes George, laborer, h 2a4 Ridge Sewell George, laborer, h 172 Ridge Shaar Jacob, salesman, h HI1 Locust Shade Percy C, melter, h 368 Pine Shaffer George, teamster, h Front bel Felton Shaffer John W., plasterer. 355 S Front, h do Shaffer Samuel ]., heater, h 673 S Fro'nt Shaffer Sarah A., wid Joseph B., h 319 Lincoln Shaffner Allen E., carpenter, h 448 Swatara Shaffner Catharine J., wid \\'iltiam II., b 1 S 4th Shaffner John F., salesman, 201 S 2d, h do Shaffner John H., laborer, h Front bel Swatara Shaffner 'Tulia A., wid Tacob 0., h 137 S 2d Shaffner Mayme J. Mrs., h 365 Christian Shaffner Myrtle E., dressmkr, 201 S 2d, h do Shambaugh :\Iary :\1., wid George, h 631 ~ Front Shank Calvin L., laborer, h 245 :\[yers

o o

Z GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRU&&ISH1& N. 38 Sf. - - ----------- --- -----------Shank Jacob C, laborer, h 117 Steel al Shanley Henry A .. machinist, h 253 Ouistian Shannon Bridget, wid John, h 249 :Yfyers Shannon Ellen, wid Patrick, h 243 Main Shannon Harry, telephone opr P. S. Co., h 249 Myers Shannon :rv~artin J .. yardmaster P. S. Co., h 243 1fain Sharavskev Dora. h 151 S Front Sharavske~' Ellis ~L. grocer. 202 Frederick, h do Sharavskey Harry P., law student, h 151 S Front Sharavskey Israel, grocer, 703 S ~d. h 151 S Front Sharavskey :\Iary, h 151 S Front Sharavskey Minnie, coal, 1711 S Front: clothier, 149 do, h 151 do Sharon Ada :\1.. wid Kirk, h 355 Christian Sharon Blanche H .. h 355 Christian Sharon Elizabeth E .. wid Laurence. h 3aa Christian Sharon Thomas L., foreman, h :~;j5 Christian Sharp William, laborer, h 209 Main Shatto Charles :\1., molder, h 248 S 2d Shaub '''illiam, carpenter, h :!:~7 X Harrisburg Shay Edward. laborer, h 6117 X Front Sha\' Harriet 1\1rs .. h 607 ~ Front Sha~' Robert C, laborer. h 1:;5 Lincoln Sheaffer Charles E., hlacksmith. h :lH Swatara Sheaffer Harper L.. molder. h 115 Frances

1 L. Sf. CLAIR {TA I LO R {1240 "ark.t S1ntt Coogle

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'- B. TACK 1::&'::':=:::1 lOB POPer ~Od IIOdOISbOdeS l=l~\~.2lr

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Sheaffer John L.. tinsmith, h 241 Christian Sheeler Wi1Iiam. laborer, h :J50 ~watara Sheesley Adam C. stop 'liner, h 241 Lincoln Sheesley Edward J" supt, h :mfi Pine Sheesley John H., repairsman, h 1H6 Lincoln Sheesley Raymond H., elk P. S. Co., h 214 Conestoga Sheeslev Sarah W., dressmkr, b laG Lincoln Sheeslev Wi11iam M., barber, h !l:?() Christian Sheets 'Abraham, driver, h !l49 Lincoln Sheets David Foo laborer, h 521 Lincoln Sheets (;eorge, laborer, h :t?~ Bessemer Sheets Harn', machinist, h n:.!a Bessemer Sheffer Gea;y, bricklaver, h nn7 X Front Sheldon Ed,,:ard, labo~er, ';, 230 Adams Shell Sarah, wid Daniel, h 822 S :?d Shellenberger n. Frank, elk P. S. Co., h 431 Swatara Shelley Abraham, elk, h ~!l K Front Shelley Bartram, (Shelley Bros.), h H:? Walnut

SHELLEY BROS., (Kirk and Bartram), Central Hotel, 129-135 S Front Shelley Edith C, teacher, h a3 X Front Shelley John P., restaurant, 1~;) X Front, h do Shelley Kirk, (Shelley Bros.). h 12!1 S Front Shellev Pru<!el1l'c B. ?\irs., h 33 N Front Shelle) Ralph, elk, h ]I)] S Front

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~:=i~b;'i~:.~~1E

Shelly Reuben, lahorer, h ] 12 Frederick Shepherd John, conductor, h ]57 Adams Shepherd I. \\'ilbur, elk, h 39 S 4th Shepherd James M . labon-r, h ]:?6 Ridge Shepherd Lewis E" chauffeur, h ];jll Adams Shepherd Salome, elk S. S. Co., h 3ll S 4th Shepler l'ria, shoemkr, 214 Elm, h do Sherbocker William, laborer, h 304 Christian Sherer Harry, craneman, h 175 N Front Sherer H. Wilson, steel inspector P. S. Co., h 111 S 2d Sheriff George B., laborer, 11 255 Christian Sheriff George W., laborer, h 255 Christian Sherrie Minic, laborer, h 775 S 3d Shettel hadore, wid Tacob Boo h 634 S 2d Shiekls W. Wesley, iab(lrer. h li:?fI S 2<1 Shimko John, laborer, h 61m S !ld Shimmel" l\Iary, teacher, 4th C Elm, h lIbg. Shine Thomas, laborer, h 55:1 S :~d Shipp Harry H., laborer, h 3iin Swatara Shipp William, laborer, h 212 l\lyers Shires Harrv n., steC\wkr, h 327 Lincoln Shires Tacob S., heater, h a:m Locllst Shires \"illiam R., lahorer, h :l:m Locllst Shi~sler Tennie E., domestic, 1:!~ Lincoln Shively jrederick. lahoTl>r. h 117 \ \' alnut
.IIDKIIT IOIEY IDVIN CEO }..DK.saCVIITTLOAII {..,..a rlo:rd Bl,'.. AIID Co. a N. llark.,
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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.



Shivhnovic Toso. laborer, h :!I;(I Christian Shneiker Henry, laborer, h (i:!:! :\101111 Shoop Frederick, inspector, h 257 S 2d Shoop William F., laborer, h 106 Frederick Shope Annie E., nurse, h 20 N 4th Shope Benjamin H., laborer, h 356 S Front Shope Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Shope Helen, stengr P. S. Co., h Hummelstown Shores William ]., contractor, h 235 S Front Shorts Daisv, h 113 Adams Shorts Elizabeth Mrs., h 11:J Adams Shott Ida, wid James, h 857 S Front Shott Lawrence E., laborer, h 857 S Front Shrauder Arthur R., laborer, h 32] Conestoga Shraucler Bent, pumpman. h 3118 Christian Shraurier Samuel. planer. h 337 Christian Shrauder Willis c.. elk. h 3:r; Christian Shrauder Winfiekl S . hottleI'. h 3311 Christian Shughart John A., miller, h Conestoga bel Front Shuldice T ohn, laborer, h 4rlfi :\1011t1 Shl1ldice John, laborer. h 476 :\Iohn Shulenberger Robert, roller, h 163 S Frollt Shuler Edward E .. laborer, h 41S Lincoln Shumaker Samuel D .. lahorer. h 3:iln S Front Shuman Luke, machinist, h 42 S Fro-nt

ntll Bllnlty II~ Slrl., CI. "::::'1, {"'-;:=!r'~ {orr!.~

Shupp Elmer E., patternmkr, h ]53 S 2d Shupp Estella, stengr, h 153 S 2d Shupp John E., cigars, 391 S Front. h 389! do Shutt William L .. lahorer. It 411:! Reading SHUTTER CHARLES, plumber and gas fitter, 187 S Front, h do Shutter George F .. elk. h 11<7 S Front Shutter ~farv R., teacher, h ] 87 S Front Sible Charles A., electrician. h 271 :\Iain Sible C;eorge H .. dk P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Sidle Leah. wid Latimer C. h ;l7!1 S Front Sieb H(nry. jr.. machinist. h 5411 S :!d Sieg Fannie. wid William P., h :ns Christian Sieg James Y .. printer. 154 S Front. It Hhg. Sieg Sanmel H., pilot. h :n~ Christian SIEG WILLIAM H. H . publisher Steelton Reporter. 154-156 S Front, h 123 S 2d see adv opp page Sieg William P., elk, h :~:1Il Locllst ~ikutics :\Iartin. laborer. It 7(17 S ~d Silver Joseph, grocer, 764 S ~d. It do ~il\'er Selig, grorer, 4~4 :\loh11. h (10 Simck ~Iartin. laborer, h ;Uil Frederick ~ill1111arS John. pressman, h 1711 Main Simon Joseph. lahorer, h il~~ S :ld Simon :'.Iichael, laborer, h i):!S Good



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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Simon Stephen, carpenter, h 547 Christian Simonic John, grocer, 1u5 Main. h 'do Simonic John W .. tinsmith, 417 S Front, h do Simons Robert. bricklayer, h 364 Swatara Simons Samuel. machinist, h 364 Swatara Simons Sarah. wid (;eorge. h :-l64 Swatara Simoyick Paja, casemkr, h 441 ~Iohn Sines Edwin S .. templetmkr, h 7~8 S ~d Singiser Harry C. foreman, h HIll X ~d Singiser :\fary E .. h 11m X 2d Sinkfield .\rnold. laborer. h 1~7 Adams Sinkfield Raymond Eo, laborer, h 1~7 Adams Sinkfield Richard H., h 1~7 Adams Sinkoyic Alex. laborer. h 477 Main Sipe Albert. electrician. h 267 N Front Siskoff Mico. laborer. h 474 :\h'ers Sister Hecla. h 8~!l S 2<1 . Sister Chrysoston. superioress. h 427 K Front Sister Cypriana. h i-!!l~ S 2d Sister Philippine. h 8.1~ S 2d Sister Rita. h s:~~ S 2d Sivan :\[irt. laborer. h 4HI Christian Sizer Jacob D., policeman. h ~8:~ :\Iain Skof John. laborer. h 161 Main Skrbin Mato. laborer. h 713 S 3d

:II rrI








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'::lEF~~':J~~} Harrisburg

Savings and. Loan Assn.~: :;:.:~



Skrtie Iuro, laborer. h 5l)7 S 3d Skutar . (;iyo. lahorer, h 314 Franklin Slabonich Michael. Iwater, h 55] Hoo!'er al Slat Tacob, laborer, h H24 S 3d Slater Henry. laborer. h 313 Orchanl al Slater Park; laborer. h 3112 Highland Slan'rnic Tohn. meat. :!3:~ Frederick. 'h do Slavish P~ople's Store. grccers, 526 S 3d Slaybaugh Clyde ).L, weigher P. S. Co., h 265 N Front Slaybaugh Samuel S .. carpenter, h :!()5 K Front Slayhal1gh William \V .. har elk, ]69 ~ Front, h :!6u do Slesh Zundel, rabbi, h Ii-! K 2d Slike \YiIliam H., agt. h 37il S 2d Sloop (~eorge \Yo, h HI1 Lincoln Sloop Samuel, elevatorman S. S. Co., h 101 Lincoln








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All Home Print. The OfHcl,,1 Paper of Steelton. The Best AdwerU ..llIg Medium In tile County. Ooe .. Into .11 Home OF EVERY DE!lCRIPTION Ne"Uy Elle...... cu&ed. Tbe Late.t Style. of Type. and F t PNUU DrI"en by Blectrlct,.. PrIce. Low for Good Work. Addre ....



W. H. H. SIES, 'Ibllsher, 154 II~ 15& S. Front, Cor. Ell, St"ltol, '1. THE PAT~IOT MORN, . .G.UR~. ogIe HAR'. r""III: .. It
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TOD 01

H M KELLEY CIt CO'S -Black DlamoDd. wheD { Iliff. ,. 11r.... D. YOB Dut order. 1t.,.Ia.

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

l&J . l&J


,. Slusac Aleksa. laborer. h 9];) S 2ct Slusser- David I.. laborer. h 32H Conestoga Smee Tolbert C. elk P. S. lo .. h Oherlin Smeigh Frank H . chemist P. S. Co .. h -tiO N Front -; Smeigh Wilhert, weigher. It fH1 X :?d ~ Smeltzer Charles E .. tracer. h 21:; Lincoln ..: Smeriglio John, bender, It 704 S 2d Ct Smiley \V. Herman. foreman. h Front c Felton. Steelton Smitli Albert R.. burgl'!'s and real estate. 15 ~ Front, h MO' -. N:?d -co- Smith Alfred. helper, h 211 N H :trrishurg -. ~ Smith Arthur A., mgr. h ]:3n S :?d Smith Charles, hostler. h 6(1!l K 3d Smith Charles C. laborer, h tIl7!, A(bms E Smith Daniel A., teacher. h Hi5 Lincoln Smith Dora ~lrs .. h 1311 Rielge :; Smith na yid, variety. 14:l ~Iain: grocer. :!27 Christian, h do :IE Smith Edgar J.. draftsman P. S. Co . h 231 S Front Smith Edwarcl H. Rev., h 411n Lehanon (J) Smith Edwin H., cigarmkr. h 2113 S 2d Smith Emma K .. wid II"\,in, h :147 Swatara SMITH FREDERICK E., secretary and treasurer, Conl&J estoga c Frederick; wholesale liquor dealer and bot- ..J tIer, 237 N Front, h do Smith Ceorge I.. nl1chini!'t. h 124 S 2c1

S C-"' ==






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Smith J lel1rY, lahorer. h 623 S Front Smith H el1r~' n .. foreman. h 221 S 2d Smith Henr,' \V . steelwkr, h :>14 Ridge Smith II ugl-i 11.. machinist. h 22 X 4th Smith Tames, hoilermkr. h 71 Frederick Smith -fames L., lahorer. h Adams nr 2d Smith 'fohn. laborer. h 228 LOl'u~t Smith "fohn C. foreman. h fi1fi X 3d Smith }01111 N"., laborer. h 1::;;; Adams Smith fohn N., assembler. h 41:~ X :1,1 Smith 'fohn R .. laborer. h l:i2! Adams Smith )oseph D .. machinist, 11 122 S :!<I Smith Katie. wid Herod. h 40n Lebanon Smith Letta ~I rs .. h :{.j$ X ::!d Smith ).fargaret G .. milliner. h 211:1 S 2d Smith Milton A .. draftsman P. ~. Co .. h Hhg-. Smith Reuben T .. dri\'cr. h 21la S 2d Smith Robert H .. laborer. h 420 Ridge Smith Samuel. laborer. h 114~ X 2d Smith Stanley H .. representative P. S. Co .. II Scranton Smith Susan H .. wid \Yilliam D .. h :11 S 2d Smith "'alter J .. brakeman. h 17" Christian Smith \Yilliam C, hlacksmith. :t44 Frederick. h 2:t:J Pine' Smith \Yilliam R .. laborer. h 1iJ2 Rillge Smothers John. lahorer. h :114 Ridge

I. L. ST. CLAIR {TAl LOR {1240 .arketS1nll

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Bmplon DODe bDS IrsL-elallll workwf'D.llnce ODIJ JIr. J Ilt18 A B TACI} . .. . t... -..u.IL WorkdonelDuJ,.nollf&atelK.acl ...

Boyd's Steelton 'Directory, 1908.


Smothers Sylvester, gas producer, h 413 Lebanon Smrekar John, laborer, h 161 Main Smythe Elizabeth. wid John A., h 418 N 3d Snare Mary c., wid Henry H., h 34 N River av Snavely Amelia Mrs., h 433 Catharine Snavely John H., notary, 32 S Front, h do Snavely Lottie M., elk, h 32 S Front Snell Alice Mrs., h 283 Main Snell Asher L., puller, h 336 Myers Snell Elizabeth H .. wid Henrv. h :106 Main Snell Frank, bricklayer, h 735'N Front Snell Harvey, laborer. h 348 Myers Snell John A., heater, h 336 Myers Snell Tohn R., laborer, h 342 Mvers Snell Laura V., wid Jacob, h 342 Myers Snell Meril L., timekpr P. S. Co., h 342 Myers Snell Thomas, hricklayer, h 349 Main Snell William H., <iriller, h 23 Locust Snoddy Mary J., wid Thomas S., h 56 Frances Snyder Benj~min F., h 1 N 4th Snyder Charles B., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Snyder Emory A., restaurant, 863 S Front, h 371l do Snyder George, laborer, h 80:1 S 3d Snyder George W., elk P. & R. irt station, h 117 S 2d Snyder Gertrude, domestic, 3371 S Front


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Snyder Harry, laborer, h 416 Reading Snyder Henry B., janitor, h :146 l'1ain Snyder James E., car repairer. h 323 Poplar Snyder J. Clyde. elk. 237 N Front, h 371-1 S Front Snyder John, laborer, h 323 Poplar Snyder Lyrlia K., wid Christian D., h 346 Main Snyder Marian, h 19 Locust Soard Michael, laborer, h 803 S 3d Sohr :\iathias, lahorer. h 80:1 S 3d Solerno Louis. tailor, h 386 Mohn Sollenherger Charles M .. lahorer, h :1~2 Christian Solomon Isaac, grocer. 3 Chambers, h do Sopig Peter, laborer, h 809 S :1d Sostor Matthias, h 863 S 2d Sougareff Peter, grocer, 485 Main, h do Soulliard Charles, harber. a23 N Front, h 468 N 2d Soulliard John IL. painter, h 468 N 2d Spahr George W., mgr builrling dept P. S. Co., h Penbrook Spahr 1hry E,. stengr, 15 N Front, h 165 Lincoln Spangler Charles E . ins sol. h 3fi6 S 2rl Spath Jennie L.. rlomestic, 238 Lincoln Speck B. Rush. carpenter, h 432 N 3d Spehan Michael. helper, h ] 72 Frederick Spence John L., draftsman P. S. Co .. h 2511 S 2d SpelH'cr Benjamin. rlrivcr, h Adams nr 2d

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b~~-:;'~~IE -






McIEiL'S PAil EXTERMINATOR ~r:c~~:.r:~:.-:::{ 306 Irt"

H90 Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
Spencer (;eorge F., laborer. h 1~6 Adams Sperm\' James l;., laborer, h iii5 S 2d SperO\\' John E .. laborer, h ui5 S 2d Sperow Robert, laborer, h iliii ~ ~d Spero\\' ,,'illiam, h 5i5 S ~d Spicer Rohert H., foreman, h :!511 S 3d Spidle Edgar A.. elk, h 3!m S 2d Spidle ) larry H., lahorer. h 3!Ui S 2d Spidle Samuel. foreman. h ;196 S :!d Spillman John, laborer, h 142 Ridge Spillman :\lajor, fireman, h 152k Adams Spink Arnold fl., extractor, h 306 l\lain Spink Ralph E., opr. h 306 Main Spircoff \" ell'. laborer, h 32n Franklin Spirkoff ~Ioico. laborer. h 50:! Main z:: Spirkoff Sotir, (S. Spirkoff & Co.), h 263 Franklin C Q Spirkoff S. & Co., (Sotir Spirkoff and Tasco Abracoff), -' grocers, 2fi:3 Franklin z:: Spoljaric Adam, lahorer. h u31 S :lei c Main u Spiro Peter, laborer, h 483 43i :\Iain Spiroff Rampo. laborer, h a:: Spolgaric Wid, laborer. h 811:3 S :~d E Spong J. William, bartender. h 3! S Front c Sponsler "'ilIiam L., boilermkr. h 164 S 2d ~&. Spot wood John A., barber, 23; S Front, h Hbg.

c:a u



---------------------------------------l\e Spriggs George \V., hostler. h 212 Ridge

Springer Ira R., elk P. S. Co., h Middletown Sprow Charles D., rheter. h 218 N 2d Sprow Clarence, engr. h 339 :Myers Sprow John A., molder, h 3~:_t Conestoga Sprow John H., watchman, h 3;)9 ~lyer;; Sprow Philip. laborer. h :!l!) Christian Stahnau \VilIiam, roller. h :133 Swatara Stahler Adam T., steelwkr, h 21H Swatara Stahler Tames Yt. machinist, h ~5f) X Front Stahler Josephine. elk S. ;;:. Co., h 219 Swatara Stahler l\largaret ~1., elk, h 21!) Swatara Staiich Toma. laborer, h ii2:~ Christian Sta}onaff Trajka, lahorer. h 3:~2 Franklin Staley Abraham, foreman. h 990 S Front Stall'" Tohn, electrician. h 265 N Front Stale)' john, ladle runner, h 1~:! Main St'lndarcJ Amusement Co., 12:;': K Front Standard Sa\Oing amI Loan .-\S~l1o, H. L. Dress, sec, 15 N Front Stanfnrd William ?\l.. templetmkr, h 2613 S 3d Stannard Charles. lahoreI'. h 253 Adams Stanosnff Elias. lahorer, h 321) Franklin Stanton Lee. laborer, h I' 21i Franklin Starasinic Mathias, laborer. h 617 S 2d

Title SlIrlnt, ID~ SUfell Co. sC:::J~" f S-:~I~~.r..: ~.,;::- { ~:~B~


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ANDREW REDMONDh~.t~m:s~ :r~W~ {3d and Reily IlL Coogle

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1 B. TACI} III PlPEll!:~"= 111001 SBIDES{N~:'

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.



Starasinic }l ichael. grocer. ;)9fj .s :ld. h 594 do Starner Alfred X. R.. machinist. h Front ab Felton Starseyie Paul. laborer. h :!58 ~Iain Staudt Cora ~I.. stengr, h 351 Lincoln Staudt Daniel E., laborer. h :151 Lincoln Stauffer (ieorge. craneman. h 45 S !ld Stauffer Harris C. laborer. h :{40 ~Iain Staver Wilson W., teacher. h 42!J Swatara Steckley Mary, wid Joseph. h aCt;) Swatara Steel "'orkers' Building and Loan Assn., 171 X Front; T. T. Barnet, sec Steeie "clarence H., brakeman. h :n ~ Front STEELTON AND HARRISBURG BRICK CO., INC., E. E. Fiese, treas; W. E. Abercrombie, sec; S. M. Brightbill, mgr; brick mfrs and general hauling, 20 S Front, Steelton; 9th c Reily and 17th c Herr, Hbg. Steelton & Harrisburg Local Express. 44 S Front Steelton Board of Health. 19;) S Front: Dr. J. :\1. Peters, sec Steelton noot and Shoe Dept. S. S. Co .. 6 X Front Steelton Building and Loan :\ssociation. meets every Saturday eve. at 145 X Front. Charles E. Scott, sec Steelton Camp, Xo. 5Gfo(!J, M. W. of A .. meets every Thursday eve. in \\'oodman's Hall. l:m X Front: \V. H. Whitebread, elk

,. < ,. l:*.::::.-r.}Harrisbarl Salills and Loan Assn. {::a:=

:0 :0 C

Steelton Castle, No. 493, K. G. E., meets C\'erv Monday eve. at G. A. R. Hall: \Y. H. Humer. sec' . Steelton Clothing Dept. S. S. Co .. 2 N Front Steelton Conclave, :-.Jo. 106, 1. O. Heptasophs, Front c Locust: T. T. Newbaker. sec Steelton COlindl. Xo. 162, Jr. O. t". A. :\L. meets every Thursday eve. at Ziegler's Hall, :!~4 ~Iain: Charles \\'.. Biddinger, sec Steelton Council, Royal Arcanum, ~ o. !I!l!l. meets second and fourth \\' ednesdavs of each 1110nth at '2 S Front; Albert X. Lupfer, sec Steelton Encampment. :-':0. 27S. 1. O. of O. F .. org. Aug., lSI'S: met'ts second and fourth \\'ednesclays of each month at 15 X Front: George H. Rohert;, scribe Steelton Ferry Co .. ft Frances; S. H u11. mgr Steelton Free Library. High School bldg: Charles S . Davis, sec Steelton High School. 4th c Elm Stet'lton Light. Heat and Power Co .. 111' X Front; S. Couffer. pres: F. E. Keeney. supt Steelton Lodge. Xo. 41], K. of P.: org. ,Tulle 10, 1892; meet<: Thursday eye. at 1;; N Front: Albert \V. Marks, K. of R. and ~: Steelton Lodge. :\0. ]~4. I. O. of O. F.: org. August, 1896; l11e('ts Friday, Hi K Front: Edward E. Zerby, sec

,. :u

,. o

o .

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OVB Boa ' Wetcb' Boa.' o..a.MOTTO, - }



t .Ift~'" 111111 .............

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.




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O I-

o . a:

tZ ---- --- ---- -- - --- ------- -- -- - - - - - GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d St.

StcdtOll Market Co., t:lO-]3n ~ Front; 1\1. R. Alleman, mgr STEELTON NATIONAL BANK, Front c Locust, cap ital, $150,000; Robert M. Rutherford, pres; W. E. Abercrombie, v-pres; H. W. Stubbs, cashier STEELTON PLANING MILL CO., Frank A. Stees, sec; W. M. James, treas and supt; mill work, &c., 520 N Front see adv Steelton Press, 118 Adams: P. S. Blackwell, editor STEELTON REPORTER, William H. H. Sieg, publisher, 154-156 S Front see adv Steelton Stone Quarrie!', (G. W . Cumbler est), 1000 S Front STEELTON STORE CO., LTD., general merchandise, wholesale and retail, Locust c Canal, W. E. Abercrombie, genl supt Stl elton Tent, No. 410, Knights of the Maccabees, meets every Thursday eve. at G. A. R. Hall; Joseph Roberts. r1k STEELTON TRUST CO., capital, $125,000; Robert M. Rutherford, pres; W. E. Abercrombie, v-pres; H. W. Stubbs, sec; C. F. Zimmerman, treas; Front c Locust Steelton \Yater Dept.. ::?S::? Christian: O. P. Baskin, supt Steelton ~V~lOlesale Grocery and Supply Co .. 190 ~ Front, H. \'haman, sec and mgr




< o u



Stees R., elk S. S. Co., h 243 Swatara Stees Edith G., teacher, h 115 S 2d Stees Frank A., sec Steelton Planing Mill Co., h 2645 S 2d Stees Mardocheus F., furnaces. &c., 198 S Front, h 115 S ::?d Stefanic ::\Iartin, janitor. h 601 S 3d Stefanic Nicholas, carpenter. h 154 Main Stefenovich Sheva, laborer. h 45; Myers Stefenovich V. Bev Theofil Rev., h 762 S 2d Stehman Benjamin D .. hrakeman. h 224 S Front Stehman Benjamin H., engr. h ::?::?4 S Front Stehman Edward E .. laborer, h :!:n ?\ Harrisburg Stehman Guy R., c~, h 224 S Front Stehman Jefferson G .. fireman , h 224 S Front Steiger Alex, laborer, h 478 Main

~ Q LIJ ....


And General Dealers in LUl\f BBR


l. L ST. CLAIR{TAILOR {1240 Mlrk.tStr It

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GOog e

-:-=~~~.:r r:ou ,.IIIIInOOW snoaes lrom A. B.

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

TACK .I:~~..

. Steigleman Jacob G., molder, h 119 Lincoln Stein Heinrich, helper, h 4:!4 Mohn Stein Henry, laborer, h 437 :\Iohn Steiner Charles E., bricklayer, It HI :\Iain Steiner Jacob, stableman, h 387 S 3d ~teiner John, painter, h 15U Lincoln Steiner William G., bricklayer, h :J:!8 S :!d Steinle J. George, civil engr, h 3:!!I \\"alnut Steinman John A., keeper, h 24 S Front Stengle Samuel E., laborer, h 3Gi 1'1 yers Stephen Job, laborer, h 5Ua Myers Stephens Sylvester, laborer, h 145 :\dams Stephenson Harry, elk, 237 ~ Front. h Enhaut Stephey Luther C, bartender, 37:~ S Front, h :mj S 2d Stetler N"ora J., cigarmkr, h 470 :\'1ain Stevenson 01arles 0., engr, h 401 Bailey Stevenson Joseph H., la'horer, h 1:391 .-\dams Stevenson \\"illiam. engr, It 82 Furnace Stevick A. Lincoln, pool, 188 1\ Front, h Hbg. Stevick Carl B., engr, h 310 Main Stevick Ne\.-ton E., tailor, h 310 Main Stewart C Earl, elk P. S. Co .. h 644 X Front Stewart Conway, laborer, h 166 Ridge Stewart Edward, laborer, h 154 Adams Stewart Frank S., dhief timekpr P. S. Co .. 'h Hbg.

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ."~~t.~~:~~~E -_ _---------Stewart George \\" .. elk P. S. Co .. h 401 Myers Stewart James D., helper, h 411:! Swatara Stewart Margaret. wid Ceorge W., h 644 ~ Front Stewart Mary, elk. h 4112 Swatara Stewart Roger. elk P. S. Cu .. h Hbg. Stewart Roy. laborer. h 2:!4 Baile\' Stickel Conrad. laborer. h 4:!1l l\lohi'l Stidler Levi. laborer, h 334 Locust Still Levi If., laborer, h 514 S 2d Stimeling Elmer, steclwkr. h 554 ~ 3d Stimeling William L., lahorer, h 554 N 3d Stiteler Harn'\' S .. draftsman P. S. Co., h :!41 S 2d Stitely :\lorris.' laborer. h 101 Frances Stoey Elmer E., hricklaver. h 9:!9 S Front Stoev Tohn E., elk P. S. Co .. h lU5 1\ 2d Stoe~' 'Paul, electrician, h 383 Main Stoika Michael, laborer, h 325 Franklin Stojadinov Jova, laborer, h 213 Christian Stniano\'ic ;\bta. laborer. h 473 :\l\'crs St(~ll ?llargarl't :\ .. wid Hetthl'l1 C. Ii 17 N 4th Stoll }Iatthias. lab>rer. h 7:!fI ~ :!d Stune John. chauffeur S. S. Co .. h :!lIii Pine Stuner' EHwyn .\\., agt 1'. R. R. (Icpot. h 313 \\"alnut Stoner Eva F .. teacher. 4th c Elm. h Highspire Stoner \VilIiam, driver, h 121 Conestoga


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1 ...

g an




806 &lid


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Ston r Ge H.,' r, h 2 effer Stan \Vi H., er S. .0, h Pin Stonesifer \Yilliam L., carpenter, h 140 Myers Stonesifer William R., elk, h 2114 Pine Stou T ane 47 t 5tou 'Villo by ~ nekp S. C Hbg Stough (;eorge E . laborer, h 163 S Front Stough Lanah. wid Jacob P., h ](j3 S Front -';tou 'ward . fore . h 2 ine -';to\, Tro labo h 33' ankli Stratlff Elzie :\1., conollC'tor, h 412 Reaoing Straw Benjamin F., blacksmith, h 327 Swatara Stra, John labo 1 372 in "tree wen sttn 313 nut Stribhng Lucy. WId \Vllham, h :!ilb Franklm Strickler J. Landis, elk P. S. Co., h Hummelstown Strin aries rten( 1 383 in "trin "de, ende '383 Strine George C. hotel. 3b3 ~lall1, h do Strine Grace P., h 383 Main 5troc reoer' mol< 327' () I "tron er D H., llan, 00 S Stroud Joseph E .. laborer. h ] on. Front Strusa Peter, laborer, h 519 S 2d



STUBBS HARRY W., cashier Steelton National Bank and sec Steelton Trust Co, h 324 Pine 'truc 1Iike cher 5] S
"tugl Iicha .bore 4]7 Stulic John. laborer, h H:!8 S 3d Stum Kate, domestic. :?5U :\ Front "tum 1arry orer, ;) S "tum fatth abor r 47 ohn Stvles Frank c.. laborer, h 2Hl Swatara St~'les William H., laborer, 11 24 N 3d "t~p b, la r, h nr 1 "ubic nko. rer. 5 S :. Sugar Joseph S . laborer. h 53!) Myers Sukle Toseph. laborer. h 108 Frederick 'ulli, -\lber gree ocer, 2d, 5ulli, Denn hore 87 :\1 Sullivan Tames 1.. ladle turner. h ]78 Main Sullivan 'fohn L .. lahorer. h ~7 \fain "ultz '~er el 0 ouffe SuIt ont Sultzer Tohn. ironwkr. h :m) S Front Summer's Mary, cook, h :14 Furnace "um Da labo 1 lH5 ams "unci ames orer 173 Sunday Rosa. wid Michael. h :n:~ S Bd Sl1nda~' \VilIial11 H .. !'teehd.;:r, h li:t8 N 2d

o o z




Wag Work



A. B. TACK} Wall Papar and Window Sbada. {q~.~~

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. 895 Sunic Michael, laborer. h 7f;:! S 3d Sunic Zadosar, laborer. h :):!7 Christian Suponcic :\Jartin. laborer. l~ 619 S Front Susquehanna Tribe. :\0 .. :!!lS. 1. O. R ~l.: org. Dec. 1, 1890; meets Monda, eve . old G. A. R Hall; Gustav F. Martin, C. of R . Sut Ivan. laborer, h l5n :\lain Sutich Joseph, laborer. h :!H, Frederick Sutton Leroy H., elk P. S. Co .. h !l:?4 Pine Sutton Rankin B.. weighmaster. h !l:!4 Pine Suydam Eugene \V .. foreman P. S. Co .. h 222 Locust Suzvanyic Simon, laborer, h 581 S :1d Svilli Mirko, laborer, 'h 81ifl S :?d Swab John, foreman, h 5:!9 S 2d Swain Rodnev E., laborer. h 18() }Iain Swartley Benjamin. laborer. h 47:! ~rain Swartz Mary, wid Elijah. h 449 S Front Swatara Council, Xo. 55. Pocahontas Lodge. meets Tuesday eve. at old G. A. R Hall; :\Irs. Emma H. Frantz, C:of R. Swatara Lodge, 1901, G. l". O. of O. F., meets every Thursday eve. at 140 Adams: (;. Frank Madden, sec Sweeney Grant \V . steelwkr. h 544 X !ld, Sweene'y Ross K, elk P. & R. frt station. h Xew Cumbo Sweigard Aaron l\f.. weighmaster. h !l85 S Front


.!:;* a::::'-:.lHarrlsburg Saylags and Laan Assn. {:= ..

Sweigard Ointon 1., craneman. h 907 S Front Sweigard Harry \Y., elk P. S. Co .. h 895 S Front Sweigard Noble T., craneman. h 8ft5 S Front Sweiler Lydia, wid John, h 155 Lincoln Sweitzer Howard, pipe fitter, h 28:~ :\Iain Sweitzer James C.. rh'eter, h 541 Lincoln Sweitzer William H., laborer, h :u):~ Myers Swenson Charles, watchman S. S. Co .. h Hbg. Swetozer Alexan, laborer. h :?29 Christian Swisher \Villiam R, electrician. 118 X Front, h 174 Main Sz\ilengatyin Mladen. laborer, h 54:{ :\fyers Taggart Edgar C, laborer. h 3:?4 Pine Takais Antal, laborer, h 449 Mohn Taleff Melon, laborer, h 422 Myers Taleff Nedelko, laborer, h 465 Main Taleff Nosto, laborer, h 439 Main Tanta Mehal, laborer, h 472 Mohn Tarasi Peter, laborer, h 347 S 4th Tarnovwski Michael. laborer, h 409 Main Tate Kate Mrs .. h 130 Adams Taylor Bayard M., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Taylor Charles E .. yardmaster, h 2629 S 3d Taylor Grace E. Mrs., h 214 Pine Tavlor Henry F., laborer. h 68 Furnace Ta)'lor Lee A.., laborer, h 523 N Front




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H M KELLEY C I t . {I Kortll ad ....... o. CO 1O&b aad

stAt. ....


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908,

..... -c:




o ... o


I- GORGAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST U6 N. 3d SL Z Thompson Edward ~I.. pipe fitter, h 371 S Front

-_ ....._ - - - - - - - -

Taylor \\'illiam, cook, h :!:!'j X :!d Tchealcff Alexander, laborer. h 4~ }Iain Tell-om :\Iieu. lahorer, It 4'j~ }l~'ers Teperson Samul'l. variety, lillil :'Ilohn, h do Terasio Rosario, laborer, h 347 S 4th Terdinac Imbro, laborer, h 5!1 Frederick Terrell Edward, laborer, h 345 Canal al Terrell Jolm \\'., laborer. h 4:!1J Ridge Tern' William C. draftsman P. S. Co . h 227 \\'alnut Tersio Peter. brickla~'er, h 347 S 4th Tessmer Hl'rman. laborer, h ri51 X 3d Tczek Anton. laborer, h 20fi Frederick Tezek Martin, laborer, h Uti Frederick Theisinger Frank W., janitor, 2d c \\'alnut, h do Thomas t\'rus ,,' .. molder. h 14G S 4th Thomas Eiiza. wid loshua. h :lOll X :!d Thomas George \\':. machinist, h 1O:! Frederick Thomas Henry, lahorer. h 31J6 Ridge 1110mas Lee, laborer, h 8HII X Front Thomas Man, wid Adam. h 351 Lincoln Thomas \\illiam. laborer, h 1~ S 2d Thomas William. jr., laborer, h 18 S 2d Thompson Beverly. laborer, it 14io1 Adams Thompson Charles. butcher S. S. Co .. h r li4:! X Front Thompson Clinton \V., elk P. S. Co., h 349 Poplar
- ---.


o o

Elizaheth, wid \\illiam. it 4 Conestoga (;eary \\' .. engr, h 4 Conestoga (;eorge. helper. 'h :!:!Ull S :{d (;eorge \\' .. planer, h a4:! }Iyers Thomp~on Iloyt. lahorer. h 1:!R Lincoln Thompson James R.. fireman. h ]:!~ Lincoln Thompson Jamcs \'., driller, h 211 S :!d Thompson Jeal1cttc. wirl JanH:s, h :!() S :!d Thompson John S .. frog builder. h 2:W:! S :{d Thompson }Iaggie E .. wid Acldison. h 54fi Lincoln Thompson Ralph R,. lathe hand. h 1'j S 4th Thompson Richard J .. frog huilder. h :!1ii :'Ilyers Thompson Robert B.. draftsman. h :!lri Myers Thompson Robert B.. engr. h ~~5 Pine 111ompson Robert \' .. laborer. h 224 Elm Thompson Sandy. steelwkr. h 1:!:! Ridge Thompson Sarah A. Mrs .. h :m1 Swatara Thompson Sarah A. l'Ilrs .. h 1:!:{~ Adams 111Ompson Thomas. laborer. h 'j:!:! ~ :!d 111Ompso11 \\'altt'r S .. foreman. h :W ~ 4th 'l'hompson \\'illiam U .. fireman. h 1:!~ Lincoln Thompson \\,illiam \' .. laborer. h :W!I! S:!d Thornton Gowell. laborer. h Ii:! Furnace Thoth George, laborer, h 4:l~ :\Iohn

Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson

1 L. ST.



oy s Stee ton irec ory, 90.

, 7

on Ro t. b kla ,I 81 hri . n Thumma Benjamin F .. butcher S. S. Co., h Highland 1m S uel labo r. h 6'16 S <'d hs 1ar,. la rer. 1: Ri e Tilg-hman John 0,. clkP. S, Co., h Hbg. k I- f\' abo r. I 58 loh Tinsley Lewis, laborer. h :n:! Lincoln , sle Lu A.. id ,is 11 A s , Ittle " LeVI, trav sa eS\11 ,C est ga c re ick, Hbg. lor icJ.. aus abo r. Sf} 3d Todorovieh Stanko, laborer, h 584 S ad T 1. ah, id me 1] S Takach Anthony, laborer, h aU (100 T mas' h P ter, steelwh, h ":!~~ Christian m. En 1Ue ~., g I Ide I 3 L st Toome\' Michael I .. melter, h aS7 Main , m' \\' am' , fo ma h:1 L st Toplak Slavko, lahoreI', h 848 S :!d T hv' G cs lab rer 4- 1) y!. rs . ro Ant . la rer. ;j Ch tial TovallO\'ie Sam, lahorer. h 7:!8 S 4th T utn n L ra 15 :\1 n Trautmann Carl. lahorer, h 4:l8 Swatara


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L. _ .... T' INeURANOIE




sic' n,

S }. rOt1t, h do.

ver '-;am I!\ asst lIrO' 'on l' S. Co., and ph sic ian 53. :!d, c1 Travitz Harrv H .. driver. h :t?l Lebanon Twit Lla lce ., ckl r. 160 In n Trawitz :\lan-. WId Henn-. h 121 Lmcoln Twit Vi' 111 en'. h':! L' col Trenn ohan, la rer. C sti nr ran n Trice .fohn C. laborer. h :nn Ridge 1 ee rna a, :\1 . h 1H ss er Trieee Charles E., asst chcmist P. S. Co., h 305 Bessemer T ce ani Ial cr, 3tH' Fr t 1 nece Harr~, helper, h 1!1 essemer T . ee 1\athan, hel cr, h :nn Lincoln l,..,a \'a. lor h :J:\ crs Trinity Episcopal Church, Rev. \"'1. 1', Hill, rector, Pine ab :!d Tnnitv (,crman Lutheran l hurch, Rev. Ernest ~'1etzentli' :?~r S :?d nt T nb ) J ph. oli 1al, l' S Troup Charles \V .. riveter, h ri:Ui S :!{I T lp ani L.. ;j:l~ :!( Trulee Ivan. lahorer. h ~i-l5 Sad T st ' . IJ . din !I . Frc Tuch 1.s her .. , t ' . h .. 7. ers




EC IT 0/ \' {


:::: ~:;- McNEIL'S COLD TABLETS !.rg:.".tr.=


= Tuch Morris A., peddler, ;\lyers =- Tuch Jacob, grocer. 537 h 537 h do -= Tucker Paja. laborer, h 451 hMyers Adams Tueity : Tames M., laborer, 133~


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

Tuckey) acob, h 333 Lincoln

~1 Tukarovic Tudor. laborer, h 541 Chrstian


t!!! Tuckey James A., laborer, h 324 X 2d

Tuckey Samuel E., engr, h 324 X 2d

ij Tuptanoski Frederick, laborer. h 101 Frances

{hid', O O Tyson Xewton H., engr,h h55726 N 2d lTglenovic Ilia, laborer, Conestoga Fhland Clarence E., stengr P. S. Co . h Highspire C1bricht Frederick .. laborer, 744 Z l'lrich Barbara, widGSolomon, hh 131 1\-1ohn Lincoln C Ulrich John A., milk, 239 Lincoln, h Lincoln George machinist, h 239 Urich do

Tuptonoski Frank, heater, h 613 X 3d Turano Louis, h 320 S 4th ~.t Turau John, shoemkr, 411 Mohn. h do Turban David, laborer, h 609 S Front c .. Turner Charles P .. chief engr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Turner Edward, laborer, h 222 Ridge Turner Emanuel, laborer. h 173 Adams Turner Joseph, watertender, h 74 Furnace Turner Lucius, laborer, h 161 Adams Turner Thomas, laborer, h 520 Ridge Turpin Charles C, conductor, h 1n] S Front Turpin James H., h fiR:! S 2d Turpin Mary E., wid James P .. h 682 S 2d Tuta Frank, laborer, h 412 Mohn Tuwhorn Peter. laborer. h 7 Chambers Tvkovic ;.\Iike, laborer, h 719 S 4th

TiU. GaaraDtJ' _d lIareQ Co. .'.I.I.tra..... Ene ..,.......iau, { , ......., - . . . .&011. p _ _ , . . ." au IIll1Mr kla'' J.....ll..... , ... _

o J


III C c:

Vlrich William. laborer. h 213 Lincoln Underwood J. Arthur, dk P. S. Co . h Hbg. l'nger Henry, laborer, h 388 Mohn UNITED ICE AND COAL CO . C. G. Detweiler, mgr,. Conestoga c Frederick and 240 S Front l"rban William .1., machinist. h 224 Mulberry av Frbas Anton, laborer, h 853 S Front Urich Kate Mrs .. boarding. 3t S Front. h do Vrich William J., elk P.O .. h 3} S Front P rsso Mike, laborer, h 679 S 2d Valcis George, laborer. h fill S 3d Valentine Charles E .. laborer. h 551 Iron al Yaljatta Mark, laborer. h 560 ~ !kl Yanatta Catharine A.. elk. 21 X Front. h JA:1 Catharine Vanatta Henry C. engr. h 443 Catharine '"anatta Luther H .. foreman. h 439 Catharine Yancas Miko, laborer. 'h 228 Canal Vanier George P., chief chemist P. S. Co .. 11 229 S 4th

Electr!c Automobiles} ANDREW REDMOND


"l Specialty A B TAC1\ r......ooID. Mak aBalldia. . IIIof Tlau {I.'. N. 84 at. PabUo Plaia BlUma&elGl_
Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.
VanSant S. Kinsey, boltmkr, h 2513 S 3d Van\\:agner Lawrence \Y:, stengr P. S. Co., h Hbg. Varga John. laborer, h 436 ~Iohn Varney Lewis G., draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. Vamide Howarrl. electrician, h 319 N Front Va so Vasilyevics. foreman, h 309 Franklin Vass .\ldrich, laborer. h ;;26 New Ridge Vass James K.. laborer, h 3M Highland Vaughan Frederick J., laborer, h 321 S Front Vaughan Theophilus, laborer, h 722 S 2d Vaughan Thomas E., laborer, h a21 S Front Veleff Kocho, laborer, h 330 Franklin Velkovitz Miller, laborer, h 503 :\lyers Venda Antoni, laborer, h 21 H.) ~Iohn Verhos Franco, barher. h 621 S 3d Verbos Irvin, steelwkr, h 51a S :td Verbos Joseph, laborer. h 51i3 S :ld Verbos Lovro, barber, 144 Frederick, h do Verbos 1.ovro, laborer. h 529 S 3d Verbos ~rato, laborer, h 513 S 3d Verbos ~Iichael. laborer. h 529 S 3d Verri Pasquale, laborer, h 3a7 S 4th Vetic Joseph, laborer, h 484 xlo'hn Vetere S\'lvester. laborer, h :~71 S 3d Vetic Joseph, laborer. h 4Hl ~lohl1




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~ :::: JHarrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. { ~


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Viapino Carl, laborer. h 321 S 3d Victor Tohn. machinist. h 40n l\Iohn Vidakovic Vaso, laborer. h 1>11 S ad Vidas Filip. laborer, h :l:~ Cumbler's row Vigncvic Peter, laborer, h 803 S :ld Vincze Paul, laborer, h 442 Mohn Vinkler Joseph, lahorer, h 26 Chambers Vogel George, ironwkr, h ;;f)1 S Front Voges Ottilia, cook, 215 N 2d. Vojecic George, laborer, h 597 S 3d Vokm'ec George. laborer, }1 ~06 S 2e1 Volkes John \\T .. steelwkr, h :m6 Main Vonck as Nlichael, laborer, h 229 Frederick Voorhees Theodore. ~ales agt P. S. Co., h Hbg. Vorkopic Evan, laborer. h 777 S 3d Vorkopic xIichael, laborer, h :td bel !-Joffer Vorkopic Stephen, lahorer, h 767 S 3e1 Vorkorkajni Duro. laborer. h 7fil S :leI Vranosevic Peter, laborer, h 508 S 3d Vuictic Elias, laborer, h 248 Main Vukmanic NIichael, laborer. h r.21 S 24 V\!koje\' Jocza, laborer, h 508 Myers Vukovic Paul, laborer, h 729 S 3<1 Vuletis ~icholas, laborer, h 110 Frederick '\\'ade Peter\V .. laborer, h 168 Adams


-----------------THE PAT R I ;T oogIe

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H. M. KELLEY 8. CO.}Omces. :..t:'~~~":!{COAL AND WOOD

d's elto ire












'Vade WYatt laborer h Hi~ Adams gen h rie elk . ChI Linc "'agenbach Charlotte, seamstress, h 132 Lincoln \Vagenba h F st F ngr h 132 L'ncol gen h deri E., S. So.. 011 L oln Wagenbach John A .. machinist. h 328 Lincoln \ Vagner Adam mason h 3c)fl ~I } gnc 'ha E., ore :37 lye Wagner Frank. laborcr, h 803 S :Jd \\"lgner Frank H .. clk P. R R .. h High re gne 'rec ck lab , h Be mer Wagner (;eorg-e :\1.. frog builder, h 228 X 2d Wagner Jacob v1., bricklayer h 3')8 ~Iain gne enn wid el E 27!) ain \\ agner Jesse ~., laborer. h 4:l0 Lincoln 'Vagner John laborcr h 405 \lyep; gn olm bor h3 lyc \\ agner John c., ironwkr, h 314 N 2d 'Vagner John L, survcyor h 279 \lain gn 0111 .. b r, :. :\ly h 3 Chr an "agner Reuben, bridge budder. h 4:10 Lmcoln Waidlev Georgc W. planer h 301 Main it llSS for n. I ;:~ ust "alck J. vVilson. machinist. h 3;'1 Main 'Yalker' Charles H., laborer h :31;-) Orchard av

Ike 'har L.. 1cr. fi5 d Ike oct F., r, h 3 A lS ...- vYalker Grovcr, steelwkr, h 37!) S Front >Ike enr aho . h Ad s Ike . ame., aho , h App e al Co . og 'Yalker James, laborer. h 24i Adams 0.. Ike me ., I rer, 07 ms I: Ike me err, Iraf. an . S. C .. h H g. o 'Valley George \Y., steelwkr. h 201 Lincoln U lIin H e ' C. idg ilde 25 S 3( ..J Ime ran. mac ist. 42 hn o Walsh Michael 1\J., steelwkr, h 76tH ~ 2d r Iter arn . te er, LIst u Iter wis . ste kr, 28 ~ Q '\falter Lewis H .. buycr S. S. Co .. h 241 Pine 2: 'Iter har A .. ' orer 50!)' Fro Iter rate ,wi Ohl1 ., h I S (;II Walters Samuel. bricklayer. h 3fl7 N Front U Iter 'Iili W. k' P Co. 273' d Iz rge, eng 2fl 3d 'Yanbaugh John \V., carpenter, h 459 1\ 2<1 ,\r nze ame ., j . or, 7fi ams rfel vin, ore 1l4;) 2d "'aricar nude. laborer. h 55 Conestoga \V rne ndr' D.. ore 242 ~ 2d

z: <




l L. ST. CLAIR {....- A I LO R {1240 MarhtStrtlf




Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

\Varner Harry E., stee\wkr, h :l:l:! Lincoln \\'a!'hington Camp, Xo. III:!, P. (). S. of A., meets every Tuesday eve. at 1:111 X Front: D. C. Xauss, sec \Vashington Carroll (; .. laborer, h !!2i Adams vVashington Edward T., laborer, h 111 Adams vVashington James, hod carrier. h :.n 1 Adams \Vashington James, laborer, h :n4 Lim'oln \Vashington Jane, wid Albert, h l:l:3 Adams Washington John P., laborer. h 411:! Ridge \Vashington ~laria:\\'id Edward. h 104 Ridge "Vashington Rohert J .. driver S. S. Co., h ]:33 Adams \Vashington \Villiam X., laborer, h II:! Ridge \\'atkins Tames ()., labon'r, h 4111 X 2d \Vatkins ':\linnie, domestic. l:m X Front \\'atson Charles L.. machinist. h i14 ~ :!(I \-ratson Harry C., laborer, h :~4a Lincoln \\'atson Harr~' S .. machinist. h 1!1 X :3d \\'atson Jacob E., planer, h 41:1 Swatlra \\'atson John H., mail mes~enger. h HI X 3d 'Watson JoSl~ph C. craneman. h 1il S :!d \Vax Thomas. lahorer, h ~;;:! X Front Weaver Bent L., asst supt F. and S. dept P. S. Co., h Middletown \\'caver Frederick \V., elk 1'. ~. Co., h Penbrook \\' caver C;eorge \r., expressman. h R14 X Front

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} ~~~b:l~:'~~-=

\\'eaver liar1'\' .'\ .. student. h :~:!!I \Valnut \i\r ewer Harr, \Y., elk, h :i:~i S Front 'Weaver Sanlttel R., salt-sman. h :3:!!I \Valnut Weaver \Villiam E., elk. h iH S :!d Weawr \\' iIIiam :\1.. lahorer. h U!I Ridge Weber (;corge. h :I:!(i,\ S:!d "Yeber :\lilt~n R .. elk-I'. S. Cn . h ~hircman~to\\'n \\'ehster Henry 1I.,lmtltr. h 1:14a Ridge \i\!'ehster Henr\' \Y., laborers, h !3Ci8 Canal al Wehster ~icholas, laborer, h Hlfli Adams Wehster William, huver S. S. Co., h 201 S 3d \regaml Henry, laborer, h j:lfl S 2d \\' egem'r IIermann F., salesman, h :!():! Mohn \\' cgelH'r \\'ill1l'11Il F .. confectioner, 2C12 :\10hn, h do ,,'eiger Charles F., hrit-kla~'l'r. h li)U :\Iain \Ytiger (;eorg-l' A., smelter, h li)U :\Iain VY einlwrg- R()~e, wid II yman, h 4:1 S Front v\' einlll3nn Frank, l'lH!r, It 344 Bessemer \Veintrauh Jacob S .. ~Iothing. lit Conestoga. h do Weirich lacoh 1... denti~t, Hit :\ Front, h do Weis{'nfnrd John :\1.. printt'r, h 41i) Christian \i\'ei"enfnrd fohn \Y .. lahorer. h :n 1 Swatara \\'eisenforcl ':\Iiltnn A.. hhorer. h :n 1 Swatara \i\'eisl'nford ~. Fra!1k, engr. h :lIi:! ~\\"atara Weiss Surl. laborer. h 4::4 Swatara

ION Ef A V~A NCEO } '=I~'/ctYlJy~f'-{ ~ :J:l:':U~ 0

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Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

\V eitzel Conrad, laborer, h 4;)2 Mohn


Welden Joseph D., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Welder George, laborer. h 464 :\Iohn Wendel Nicholas, laborer, h 5116 :\Iohn Wells Charles E., steelwkr, h 22 S 2d Wells Frank, boilermkr, h 215 N Front Wells Joseph C., confectioner, 179 N Front, h do Wells Samuel N., elk, h 179 X Front Welsh John W., painter, h 834 S 2d Wendal Charles C, elk P. S. Co .. h Highspire Wenrich David, millwright, h 24:1 :\lain \Ventzel Alax, laborer, h 41;) :\101111 \Vertz Edgar :\1., machinist, h Front nr Heagy \Vcst Edmund, laborer, h :m4 Ridge \\' est Side Hose Co .. X o. :~. 283 :\1 \'crs \\' cst Side School, :\lain ab Conestoga \\' est William R., bicycle repairer. :lUi:; S Front, h Elizabethtown Westbrook Harry S .. rail straightener, h 333 S 2d \\'estbrook Kanev, h 374 :\hers Westbrook Ralpli C, elk P. S. Co., h :no :\Iyers \\i estbrook William A . laborer. h 374M vers Western l'nion Tel. Co .. L. R. Hursh, mgr. 155 N Front \\'e~thafer Ancevilla. wid Daniel. h Hl8 S Front Westhafer Lucius A . hammerman. h 1118 S Front

J VVestwood Oscar, steelwkr, h h343 Myers Westhafer L Herbert W. Rev., 314 Pine r \Vethers Eoward, driver. h Aoams ab Harrisburg - Wharton \\,illiam, elk, hS. Co .. h Locust tinner S. Z \\"etzel
~Iiles, :~30
3~;1 ~Iain

Tltle-harlDIy lid Slr.lyh.'V, {~~-i.~ {~~




Wheeler Daniel R., elk P. S. Co .. h Hbg. \\"heeler John \Y., laborer. h 7:m S Front l1li\ Whisler RO\' E .. electrician, h :\I\-ers nr Francis J Whitaker Robert :\1.. carpentl'r. 11 :~a5 :\Iain White Lewis A .. rail straightener, h 363 Locust White :\Ian' R .. teacher, h 141 S 4th \\'hite Pete"r, varieties, 2()() S Front, h Hbg. White Samuel E., clk S. S. Co., h 17 X Front Whitehrcad :'Ilelvina, wio William. h 41R X Front Whitebread \\,illiam H .. confectioner, 251 K Front, h 26 " 1\ 4th Whiteley Reuben, dri\'er, h :~"H; ~ 2c1 \\,hitman Harry, sec. HHI X Front. h 46;) X 2d \\"hitman John" S., machinist, h 24!l Lincoln #II \Yhitllloyer Jerome II., elk, h :l42 N Front ~ \Yhitl11oyer John C. ~teelwkr, h :~42 X Front \\'hittington Charles, painter. h :nll S Front \\'hittington Joseph, steelwkr, h :n!l Bessemer \YiL'i":l'nheiser Robert, laborer, h 320 N 2d \\"irkl'rsham Frank B., lawyer, hIS Harrisburg


::w=.':!uee::-.: ANDREW REOMONO{3d and R.II, S1a.

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A. 8. TICK} FIN~I!O~~A~I.~~!-"~OI~~ER ~ 1216 Nonn Third 81r111 ,

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908. '\Vickrrsham ()scar G., lawyer, 2:! S Front, h 402 Pine Wiedeman Josep11, oiler, h 534 X :!d '''Tiedeman Joseph F., helper, h 534 K 2d Wieger Frank, grocer, 327 N Front, h do Wig-field Frederick, timekpr P. S. Co., h 271 S 2d Wightman Ed\\'in E., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg. Wiginton Galon, laborer. h 854 X Front Wikel John J. bricklayer, h 215 Main Wileman \ViI1iam H., driver S. S., Co.. h 310 Christian Wiley Henry, laborer, h 165 Adams Wilkins Thorley, laborer, h 129 Adams Willi Edith M .. hom) N Front Willi Sarah A., wid George W .. h 313 X Front \;Villiams A"a rvlrs., elk, h 33 S 3d Williams Bettie, charwoman, h 48:! ~1ain Williams Earl G., laborer, h 40n N 3d Williams Edward. laborer, h 219 Franklin Williams Frank, laborer, h 53!) Iron al Williams George, plasterer, h 131 Ridge Williams Henn', laborer, h 249 Adams Williams Henry C, laborer, tl 221 Adams Williams John, fireman, h 253 Adams Williams Lahmer P., elk S. S. Co .. h Ii N Front Williams Loren L., molder, h 22 S 2d Williams Luther S., mgr, 132 S Front, 'h Hbg.



en o o rr-

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Savings and Loan

Assn,:~=!t ~


N Williams Martha ]., ciomestic, 401 Pine > Williams ~[ary Mrs., charwoman. h 420 Ridge n 'Williams Otto, laborer. h 253 Adams :l: 'WiIliam" Robert ]., laborer, h 12!} Adams > \-\'illiams \\'iIIiam E., laborer, h I2!) Adams ::D 'Willis J. Harry, elk. h 33 N Front 'Willis John E .. laborer. h 247 Adams Willis ,'inn, wid William. h 247 Adams 'Wilson John. blacksmith, h 214 N' Front III 'Wilson 'John, watchman, h 343 Canal al Wilson Lizzie. wid Charles W., h 2311 Adams ~ 'Wilson Walter. conductor. h 23IJ Aclams ~! Wilt Chester. clk. 46 S Front, h :ns S 2<1 ,: Wilt (;eorge L., helper S. S. Co., h 212 ~ Front WILT'S H. SONS, (W. Russell and Lee G.), furniture and carpets, 60 S Front r Wilt Hannah R, wid Jacob, h 319 Trewick Wil~ Harry, undertaker, 46 S Front, h 3n Pine Wilt Harry, jr., elk, h 11 S 3d Wilt Lee G., (H. Wilt's Sons), h 1~7 S 2d Wilt Nettie ~I.. wid Francis R., h 341 S 2d Wilt Viola }L. wid Frank, h 663 N Front 'Wilt W. Russell, (H. Wilt's Sons), h 179 S 2d Wingert Blanche P., teacher. h 228 Lincoln Wingert Henry M. Rev., h 228 Lincoln




M~"RN~~:U~'1ca ...
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Toa of

H M KELLEY at CO'S -Black DlamoDd. whea { 1l1li ......... IP. 1 1. ._ .. IInIL ae~& order. 70D


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

\\'inkdman Edward .\ .. craneman, h un S 2<1 'Vinkehnan William F., laborer, h 2m) Christian -.. \Vinkleman Joseph (;., craneman. h !;W Christian Winks Joseph. laborer. h lHlj Bessemer 'Vinks Joseph. sawyer. h H)~ Bessemer Winters Rachel E .. \\"id Ephraim A .. h 51i Frances \Vise ,\l1thol1\' F .. craneman, h ;;;;7 ~ Front ;5 Wise Cathari;le. \\"ifl Joseph. h 4]5 ~Iohn ~ 'Vise William H .. carpenter. h ~44 ~ 2d \Vitman Oliver H .. machinist. h .11:l S Front Witmer Edgar. elk P. R. R .. h :\11 Pine '''oehle Charles H .. draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. \\'oeIAe .\dam, harber, 254 Frederick. h :!:i5 Orchard al _ \,yo!f fohn. lahorer. h i"j:n S Front .. Wolf [1enja11lin. lahorer. h 2Hi"j Orchard al \Volf Catharine. wid George A., h 40~ Lincoln 'Volf Conrad. crane rttnner. h !l1I5 S Front \ Volf Eel \\"a rd E.. laborer. h :n j S 2d Wolf Frank 1... elk S. S. Co .. h t 7 X Front fI) Wolf Certrmle. cigarmkr. h 217 Christian Wolf (;rm'er C. car inspector. h 2711 S 2d Wolf Harry. helper. h 21 j Christian l&J 'Volf Barn' (; .. le\'erman. h ~i2 X Front .J Wolf Josel;h (; .. lahorer. h ~::2 :\' Front C \\'olf ~lartil1. patternmkr. h 4f1~ Lincoln







Wolf ~Iartin L.. driller. h :~i~ :\hers Wolf :\Iary. wid Samuel H.. h 217 Christian Wolf Xic'/wlas. lahorer, h Good nr 4th Wolf Oscar. draftsman P. S. Co .. h 414 X HarrisburgWolf Robert L.. elk S. S. Co .. h 17 X Front \VoH Robert. machinist. h 4f1~ Lincoln W olf ~aJ11l1el. dry goods. 4l'tH :'Ilohn. h do Wolf Samuel P .. engr, h :30U S 3d 'Volfenc\etl Frank, draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg. 'Vollet Chester A .. laborer. h :~;l4 ~ Front Wollet John F .. cooper, h in :\Iain Wood John A., lahorer, h :l:!O Ridge \"'nods Arthur A .. h 35 S 2d "'ood\'ar<l Frank. lahoreI'. h 156 Adams Woolcott Harry E., lahorer. h 169 Lincoln '\'oolcott Harr~' J., supt, Trewick C' Frederick, h Hbg. \\'orkman Benjamin. stee1wkr, h 401 S Front 'Vorkman George W .. foreman. h :179 S Front '''ren (-;eorge R.. foreman, h 42:1 Swatara Wright Art11Ur R .. carpenter. h ali:! LOCllst "'right Ephraim n., contractor, 3H2 Locust, h do "'right Ceorg-e F., blacksmith, h S5!) S Front \Vright Harry C. l:Ontractor. 4n5 Swatara. h do "'right James. fireman. h ~5!l S Front '" right Jessie :\1., teacher, h ali:! Locust

o -


l L. ST. CLAIR{TA1LOR{1240lIlrtIUtrIII Coogle

Digitized by

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.


'Wright Leonard, machinist, h 141 S Front Wright \\"iIliam, driver ~. S. Co., h 146 Adams 'Vueschinski Albert W .. planer. h 45 S 3d \Vueschinski Augusta C .. h 47 S :Jd ,,'ue!'chinski Christian F .. craneman, h 47 S 3d Wl1eschim~ki Elanora. wid (;ottfried. h 47 S 3d \Yueschinski Custav A., draftsman P. S. Co., h 47 S 3d




WUESCHINSKI HERMAN G., plumber and steamheating, 173 S 2d, h 47 S 3d

\\-'uhrl Augustus, watertender. h 302 X 2d W uhrl Ceorge, lahorer, h :~1I2 ?\ 2d \Vnlll Harn', laborer. h 21 :\' a(1 W"nn 10hn: bricklayer. h 2H2 Main W}'nn 'Margaret M ,; elk S. S. Co .. h 21 X 3d \\'\,l1n ;\lan', wid Thomas, h 21 X 3d Yamhrocic 'l\Jichael, laborer, h 14ll ;\laill Yancy William, laborer. h 142 Ridge Yarasone Benedetti, laborer. h 35;-) S 4th Yates Clara. bookkpr. h 31 S 2d Yeager Charles, elk P. S. Co., h Highland Yeager John, blal'ksmith, h fil X Front Yeager Joseph, lahoreI', h :3!l2 Mohn Yeager W, Fiske. elk P. S. Co . h l\fiddletown Yerkes Joseph, engr. h :11l:3 Myers Y ('stadt Bertha E .. h 4:iR "':\: 2d



MILLER BROS. " BAKER} ~~~b~~-:'~~E

Yestadt Frederick J., draftsman p, S. Co., h 458 N 2d Yestadt John W .. foreman P. S. Co., h 45~ N 2d Yetter David H., lahorer, h :m2 S Front Y.etter HenrY, heater, h 34f1 1tain Yetter J eren1iah. heater. h 311:J 1\1 yers Yetter Jeremiah l\r.. helper, h 4Hi N Harrisubrg Yetter John A., h 31R l\fain Yetter John R., lahorer. h 3tR 1\Iain Yetter LeRoy, frog builder. h :n ~ l\Iain Yetter l\-Ielvin, deaneI'. h :3(1:1 M ,'ers Yetter l\Iilton. timekpr P. S, Co.: h Hbg. Yetter Thomas, packer. h :W:l Myers Yinger l\1ary, wid 1-1 enry C. h 32:l Pine Yinger Oscar. Iahorer, h 444 Swatara Yoffe Harry, varieties. 14 S Front. h Hhg. Y olle I Iarn', varieties, ;)51 S 2d. h do Yoffe l\IOSl:S. furniture. 1in X Front. It Hbg. York Hawn \Vatt'r and Power Co .. Elm c Hbg. Yosclowitz Jacob. jeweler. 29 ?'\ Front. h do Yoselowitz fohn F .. varieties. X(,\\, Denton c Chambers, h do ' Yoselowitz Theodore. varieties. Sli~ ~ 2d. h do Yost Charlt's H .. 1)11\'er ~. ~. Co .. h t !I:~ S Front Yost Thomas M .. fr;rcman 1'. ~. Co .. h ~lid<1letown Y ottey (;eorgt' :\.. elk P. ~. Co .. h Oherlin ----Digitized

IIiDEPENDENT LOAN alo SECURITY CO. ~J'~~~ U':.~:: I.t.. b;eoogle

McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~:~:.r:~r:.:{ 306 Br~


Young Cadville D., electrician, h 364 S 2d Young Charles J., grocer, :!1I1 S 2d, h do Young Edith E. D., teacher. h :!27 Walnut Young Elizabeth V., elk, h :l29 S 2d Young Enoch, farmer, h S F;ront nr limits Young James \\'., pipe fitter. It S Front nr limits Young John D., h :!27 \\'alnut YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, 2d c Walnut; D. B. Marks, genl sec Young ~loses B.. helper, h :t!!l S 2d Young :\Iyrtle H., stengr P, S. Co .. h Hbg. Young Samuel B., machinist, h Front c:i YO~ltz \\' alter J., foreman. h 177SLincoln nr limits u Zahic Peter. la'borer, h ~n9 S ad Zacks Joseph, clothier, 25 and 11:1 S Front, h 2:J do c Ct Zales Peter, laborer, h a57 Frerlerick Zard Adam, laborer, h 545 Christian c Zarevoic Luka, laborer, h 1 Cllmbler's row Zavoch Ivan, laborer, It 3H;{ Frederick U ICC Zeager Reuben. laborer, h ~:l4 S 2d Zebic Joseph, laborer. h lOG Chambers :IE Zeger Abram. shoemkr. h Hill X Front c Zeiders Caroline, wid James W" h 329 Lincoln ~L Zeiglemyer George, laborer, h 217 N Front


Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.

-= ..... -= .....

u Title GllrlDIy IDd Sarel, Ce. le,-::::'I, p'~=': ~,=" {~.=.

(\II Zeigler Charles W" steelwkr. h 214 Myers


> bI

bI bI


Zeigler George W,. rec elk S. S. Co,. h 64:l ~ Front Zeigler Jacob :\1.. engr, h 625 S Front Zeigler Josiah. driver. ,It 425 Orchard al Zeigler Mary E., h (i4~ X Front Zeigler :\fary E., saleslady. h 64:1 X Front Zeigler Obadiah .T,. driller, h 328 Locust Zeiters George A., brakemafl, h 1I1:l ::\Iain Zelcic \'ictor, carpenter, h 6112 S 2d . Zeleznak Frank, laborer, h 320 Frederick Zelock John, laborer. h 1~4 S Front Zentner Frantz, foreman. h (ili S Front Zeorgt'r :\Iary. domestic. 141 S Front Zerance George. grocer, 2aH Frederick, h do Zerance John, boarding, 51:1 S 3d. h do Zerance lVIichael, laborer. h 196 S Front Zerby Charles !\L, steelwkr, h :!28 :\Iain Zerb~ Edward E., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg. Zerby Emanuel W., grocer. 2553 S 3d, h do Zerby Florence V., elk, h 2::>:>a S :{d Zerby ~Ielvil1c C., to:lgsman, h 3:~4 S 2d Zerh~' \\,illiam H., elk, h 344 Locltst Zevko Vesitz, laborer. h 430 Main Zieglds Hall, 284 Main Ziegler Sarah J., wid Daniel, h 284 Main


REDMOND}~':=:~=ci :;~~~{3d aruLR.i~ Ita.

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L 8. Tiel} IlL PIPER

Boyd's Steelton Directory, 1908.



ZIEGLER WILLIAM L., pharmacist and physician, 284 Main, h do Both 'phones Ziegler WiIliam 1.., jr., druggist, h 284 Main Zimerisz Milon. laborer, h 319 Frances Zimmerman Alton E., machinist, h 241 S 2d Zimmerman Amos C, molder, h 344 Main Zimmerman Charles, laborer, h 243 S Front ZIMMERMAN CHARLES F., treas Steelton Trust Co., h 340 Pine Zimmerman Charles \V., driver, h 153 S 2d Zimmerman Daisy, knitter, 'h 226 ~lulberry av Zimmerman James M., frames, 35 S 2d, h 33 do Zimmerman Jeremiah F., meIter, h 373 Myers Zimmerman Jessie, wid Christian, h 874 X Front Zimmerman rohn D .. laborer, h 903 S Front Zimmerman )oseph H., steelwkr, h 421 Swatara Zimmerman J. \\'eir, elk, h 350 Pine Samuel, laborer, 2d nr LOC\lSt Zimmerman ~arah E., Mrs., h 239 Christian Zimmerman Susan E., cigars, :!21 S Front, h 866 N Front Zimmerman \\'alter S., elk P. S. Co., h Shiremanstown Zlogar Andrew, laborer, h 170 Frederick Zlogar John, laborer, h 170 Frederick Zlogar :\lartin, laborer, h 170 Frederick Zook Harry W., elk P. S. Co., h 331 Locust


Sayings and Loan Assn. {~~tc:e~

< ,. :u

x ,.

Zorger Harvey, elk People's Bank, h 35 S 3d Zorger Martin :M .. furniture, 326 S Front, h 35 S 3d Zorger Mary J., cook, h 141 S Front Zrncic Vinko, laborer, h 803 S 3d Zubapvich Seymore, laborer. h 116 l\Iain Zug \\'illiam B .. elk S. S. Co., h Hbg. Zugaja Stanko, lahorer, h 713 S 3d Zujilg Martin, laborer, h 156 Main Zuliovich Tohn, laborer. h 116 Main Zulovich i30ta, laborer, h 1111 Main Zuna Rudolph, laborer, h Good ab 4th Zunic Cueto, laborer, h Frances nr :\1yers Zunick Ivan, lahorer. h 49 Frederick Zutic Nikola, laborer. h 723 S 3d

o o .

l> l> l>





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, ,


have been Stolen from Subscribers

Under the 1-_.," Pretense of Borrowing ~~-... ~



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Yb;l1b~~~~:~ won P.lDIlIDdOW Shodes lrom A. B. TACK ...:~..

Berrysburg, &c., Business Directories, 1908. 909


Principal Towns m
IUlJUU'SRl'UG. Bishoff P. ,V., undertakel' Brugger J., brooms Brugger J. M., shoemkr Deibler P. F., huckster Deibler "'. R., barber Deibler & Son, sawyers Fo~tel' H. G., genl store Hartman Hros., flour mllI Huover Bros. Mig Co. Hoovel' H .. l'ontrat"tor Hoover J. H., planing mill Hooy". '\'. L., undertaker Kambel J .. dining Keboch C., meat K"boch I., tru('k KOl'he. F. E., Insuram'e Lebo C., carpenter Lyter E. E., vet Burg Matter H. II .. barber

Dauphin County. r

::s: (D

:s (D


Pol'fenbet'gel' \V. L., blacksmith Reed \V. F., genl store Sellers C. 'V., hotel Shoop G. \Y., il'e Shoop S. T., grist mill Shope C. 'Y., postmaster l-lponsler J. C . genl stor .. Steckley It .. shoemlu' Stricker \V., meat Swpitzel' T. G .. tln~mlth 'I'alle~' L'. \V .. shoes \Yolf John. undertalier


J)EODATE. Endel'lIn R.. bla(~ksmlth Faltz J. E .. ,r .. amery FOLTZ C. ll .. jCeul stOl'6 and IlOO't mllSU'1" Hol'fl'r J. H., carpcntt.:.. Landis J. C., meat .

Miller ,Yo H .. harness Morris D . shoemkr Ol'man F. B., hotel RombergPI' A .. m .. at Rombf'rg"I' J. F., genl "lor.. Shoop E .. hides STO\'EU .J ...... po"uull"ler l-ltroup J. C .. phy><ician 'Yade G .. agrl Implt" 'Walters 'Y.. "later \Varner G. F .. bhll'iismith 'Veavel' D. E., painter 'Yeaver H., painter

- - - - - - - - - - - - -- --

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER}--------- - - - ~=~\:,&~-::.~~. --

Shenk J. A .. justk!' Shenk J. X., hors!'s Shpnk H. K .. meat Stoll J. G .. wagonmkr

BEHHY CHrUCH. liu>'aman G .. blaC'ksmlth Her"h,,~- ,\. E.. grist mill Hpr>,llPY Pro>' .. creamery IlEHSJlEY CHOCOLATE CO. Hershey Farm Co. Hl'I'''h('~' Imp. Co. Hersh(), :\1. L.. phYHieian Hersh"" Tl'ust ('0. IM.rpillX. HHriek G .. meat Ballf't .. "'. A., jusUep Holling>lworth L, H .. justice Bender H. A., men'" furng,. .\[Iller J. H. K,. shoeml,r Brooks :\1.. drp""mkr .\loy,,1' J. H .. l'llal Buffington (~. \V., paperhanger Pa!ntpl' J .. mason COB[,E A. C. DR., druggist Patril-k Roo live stock Crousp \Y. K .. meat Hldl'r H. :\f .. barber Dauphin Bridge and Constru,- Shaff"'I' E. n., physician tion Co. S!H'nk .\. H .. stone Dnw!1,>n L, .T .. H. H, ,,~t \\'p~n(>I' \ \ ' .. hnrbf'I' Eg.. \\'. H ...ill"; in' /"Pl1tnloypl- H., pnintc-r Gal'n'l'i('h ""'. n .. :.!f"nl !-'ton" Z, ntlll<lY"I' H. \V .. genl store HtnJi~t' n. H., ShOf'nllir ZBI:\IEI:lI.\X II, ll" postKln' .. r (~. :\1., R. H. agol IIln"Il',' 1(int"I" \\'. J) .. unllertal,Pl' Mal"hul'n J .. barb"l' nu~TlncH. :\lous L. H., flour Parr\' ('. I.. lumbC'r :\"'Xf'ely E.. milliner Flsh~'r R, blaeksmlth Mowry S., painter



CLARK'S =~~: Drug and Patent Medicine StoreLs'='}:~

910 Dietrich, &c., Business Directories. 1908.
Xaylor M. A. Mr ..... novelties Xaylor "l. F... dentist Penna. Telephone Co. ReiL-hard A . mallon Rlest ('arpenter ELIZABETH \'ILLE. Hom berger A. :\1.. gE'nl store Adams Express Hornberger J. A .. grain. &c. AmE'ri('an Telephone Romhergel' Joo mE'dkint's Bauder W. A . baker HO~JBERGEn P. C . postmaster Bender L., carpenter Rombergt'1' S. P. & Sons, hides Bingaman X. X., station agt ~ht'etz J. :\11':;., drt'"smkr Bonawitz 1. X . contractor ~hoop A . huC'ksle>r Bonawitz, Uhler & Co . genl store Shrt'tIlt'r C .. art good!' Bowman 'V. H., dining ~hrf'tIler H. \\' .. eal'penter Bressler A. J .. brooms Smith T. 'Y .. ,C"~'Butllngton I. T . planing mill SXl'DER C. T .. hole) Collins H. H., vet surg Snydt'r J .. mason Conley J . blacksmith Sn"d(>r \\'. H .. :;:1Irt mtl' Cook C. livery STiXI<> UROS . Il.elll slore Cooper H. M., shoemkr StlnI' D. :'.f.. clothi.,r Daniel I. S . shoemkr Stine S. T . hucklller Daniel I. S. Mrs., dressmkr Stroup C. Boo druggist Daniel W. J., Mrs., mdlllner ~troup C. B. :\11'8.. dressmkrDeibler C. E., genl store Stroup M. E . law!'E'r Deitrich S. A., jeweler Stroup X. "'.. ph~'siclan Dubendort J .. blacksmith Swab Carrlagt' Co. EAGLE TANNING CO.. IXC. Swab Fnundr~' Co. Eby C. F . confectioner Rwab "'Rgon Co. Eby J. :\1., jeweler TE'mple G., C'arpenter Eby S. L., groC'er ,,'agnt'r L. B .. mediC'lnt's ELlZABETHl'1LLE GAS CO. "TeavE'r & Son. dl!:.tlllers Ellza-bE'thvllle Ice Co. 'Vt'rnE'r D . carpf'nter ELIZABETlIl'ILLE W ATE U WkonisC'o Tel. Co. CO. "'h'e A. J., jewt'ler Enders O. E., news 'Wise J., mason MIl1('r J. ,V. saw mill Snyder H. A . shoemkr SNYDEH II. H bolel Travltz C. E . lumber



TlU. Guuan107 _4 8 _ _ Co. { ...... *l1li111l1li. hlelflra, ......... { , . . . . -1Iena..... P _ TIIIIut II1II all II_ ~ at JIIII.I ,.... TIIII __

o o z c( o ..J
o -: a



Enterprise Hosiery Mllls, Inc. Fawber F., cigar mtr FawbE'r J .. carpenter Fetterhoff I., palntE'r FlC'klngt'r J. R .. medlc-lnE's FlcklngE'r & Hoffner. meat FIRST XATIONAL BAXK FORXEY C. E . news agt and _ t )lOStrnaster Hawk P., timber Hawthorn Prt'ss Hoke J. M., hardware Hoke J. W., plasterer Hoke W. G., contractor HokE' W. G. :\lr8. drE'ssmkr KE'lter C. Foo IIvE'ry KE'rstE'ttt'r G. M .. gE'nl store Kopt'nhaver C. B.. plasterer KopE'nhaver J. M., huC'kster Lt'bo J. B . saddler Lt'iter G. K . contraC'tor LE'ntz J . C'lgars LYKEXR "ALLEY BANK Lykens Valley Mut Fire Ins Co. Martyn C. ~ .. physIcian Matter G., mason Mattis C. T., flour Mattis 1. W .. barbE'r MIIIE'r 1.. paInter :\11IIE'r J .. real P!'tate :'.fillE'r J. A., mC'c11C'lnE's MILLER ~f. A .. pnbllsllf'r Millpr M. M .. gC'nl Rtorf' Millpr P. Mrs., laundry Mumma J. A .. hotE'1

WisE' "iV. R .. teas ZE'IF:I(>\' F . plumbE'r ZiC'glE'I' L. H., SIO\'t'S :EXn:RLIXE. Ah'ord S. 'V.. carpet mfr Enders' E., millE'r H.\.IUIAX C. F.. genl l)rlllter all() postmaSter Hoffman P., saw mill Lebo J .. mllJE'I' ShE'E'tz 'V.. sa w mill ~hnop Bros., sawyers ,"ISJIER\'ILI,E.
F Ixlf'r J. C .. wagon!' l'owerman C. M .. justice


End('r" G. 'V. Doo grocer Erh Poo shoes Fa\\'ht'r J. A .. carpenter Laird & Co . genl store Lentz R. A . palntE'r Lnuc1!'rmilch F .. shirt mt.~L\ nSf[ C . . .. hOI.-1 -\ XnhlE't J., l'arpE'ntl'r Xnhlpt U. J., C'8l'JWntE'r HI~"lngE'r F .. blaC'ksmlth I''ORT HliXTER. In,()SSF.R D.. genl store' aid

Prnwn G. L .. phys\C'lan Christman J. :\1.. posts

Digitized by

Redmond's Wagon Works f~~J"A':.I(;~-;t"m::{3d anltaillhr.s" U~~8 f~




}W Pap


dow ada

Red '116



Fort Hunter, &c., Business Directories, 1908.

ave ., ho Hoover J. E. & D., genl store Miller W. H., genl store t F. law am A., & R., r Reily J. W., Iron forge Hudy A. E., painter aw car ter ibbe S. K ago r '" estern Union Tel. Co. Ko nhe B., Ing Koppenhel'l'er c., stoves Koppenhel'l'er J. P., mason Le J. H nl s Le h G ,su or Lyter J. E., coal Marrow J., blacksmith Ma all ,ph Ian Mo C. arb Motter H. E., carp en er ~ace W. B., druggist

9Jl -<

gel' jew Pr I A. . & C' o hoe s Potteiger S. B.o carpenter Richter C' o barber and justice Sh G. not To W lac xpr SHEnK JACOB S., genl store Wert G. L .. genl store and postmaster Zimmerman C., rustic work CItz . F. Son rnes Zi rma . C., ery



NOBLET N E., postmaster

'kel ., b !tml Cassel S., fertilizers Emerich C. E. physician ss \ furn e im R., I





yJer M., on wm C. T loth Buffington J. J., saddler j):\XIEh'i I" hol.el se J ,\'e rg
n':-:H gen ore

AH P., d smk At s;\l. 'e st Aurend R. E., milk

ROHIUER E., hotel

Bo Eu Cover Cover Cu Du Es rdn J. M lack I., ft ml A., machllllst M. V., meat er \VI mgr rou R., h war aue '0 dl til

Hartman C., tanner HplpE'r I.. men'hant 'ffm E. F tove ,ke ., g slor h.iehncr J. G., carpen er

Krotzer C. U .. blacksmith Lt'ho \V. E., physician Hcr H., rta 1ler Bro. nl s Moller J., stagl'

'ngs d Lo


18 North




Fahs C. A., baker Fahs S., whf'elwright Ge II D rpe (; N O . , ho Gruver T. L., pool jHILIJ.IPS .J. \V., postmaster Hocker A. C., genl store Hoke R., cl aI's abuc' ., s n H{) I' J. ntra tzm A. S "tic tzm, F.'~.. aloo Ka a n . J. o la I' ~('hotTstall H. D., shoemkr Kelley M. B., barber Tohlas H \V. !lro,'er Klugh A. D" justice bla T.. pet Le R. Iiq aver )1. lAS F., I st "Ike " ft postmasl.el' McDannel H. Dr., druggist H.~ AX ::\r r E. prin Pa mol' , ne ker C.. ena Poorman E .. shoes lli8hofr H. W .. physic'lan Raudibaugh J., tinsmith Bowman G, \V., mE'at Ra bau ~ .. !l . 'mk pms . \V odu Hu H. Ilk "pc J., In Rhe ey C. ., can y FelterhotT G. A .. hotel FETTE H HOFI" H. L. & RHO .. ~ldpR G. o gl'o('er Sides & Keefer, meat gel) rc Sl' er E \'e" rne . C.. w m St :\1. stat agt hllber " gen ~ orc '\V(mscll Emll~', milliner Gnty \V. B., jllsth-e HALIP'\ X G~ZE'l'TE C. H. \VlI""n Distillery Co., Ltd. Zi ('rm .. 11 Sho prop
'\1.1 . 1I.'\IJIF,\X I. IJ~It'I, \1,1 . ling store 1:\ tA:\ XA'rJONAIJ

> ::J:J > ::J:J

n .





eashl", SJ 'CO J. &



.n , "pi dun .. h smi Pa Bare ;\'1. E . photographer






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HooBlt Col&l, HOOBMt WeiCht


H M KELLEY &CO { , rIIIl. . .II,... .. II. llat,





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B D., ges Blessing F. D., genl store Bolton J. J., Insurance Bol!- J., ba b B rdner ., pal B r J. gar m Brightbill J. M., lumber Brinser D., mat Brownstone Store Co., genl store Bider oal CI Rei ,pai CI N., d Dashel' J. B., painter Early J., blacksmith Earnest N., trees E t R. eal e yslcla E t S. S E t 'V. " awye Else-held A. K., hotel Emerleh L., meat En I & Lo cker, F.; R. J. emkr E hade , dres Ettel" 'V. H., milliner Etter E. Z., groeer FAIUIERS' BANK, capital 00: pora \.1)1'11, ; All Wa pres; {Hr ashie Frantz F., barber Garrett W. H., painter Gensler J., shoemkr G walt , tree G walt ro., m e nler G . L.,

lough ., dr gg t Kilmer J. C., candy Kilmer W. J., watchmkr pp W maso' ch E riage Moyer 'V. H., contractor Murray J. M., grocer Muth F. T., jeweler URAN Tl:"A RE TOWN O. 0 MMl . Nis. sec Nissley J. P., insurance Nissley M. F., genl store Nissley M L, physician 'SLE W., ster E J. ustiee ye & Conrad, har wal'e Olewlne H. M., insurance Pennington W. 'R., barber la., R & p'\ Tel C la. & ding Co. gel D clga Remsburg J. T., justice Rhoads D. C., horse dealer Handel's P., blacksmith an aeffe R., p fAFF F. J. Yt'1' chin pe P , sewin Shuey"". P., contractor Sh ull W. M., physician Simonetti & Snyder hotel de ;\1 stere cher harn w()pe H.. orses


., gem


H en C. rees H y J. S .. rist HENI>RICKS WII,JJAIU R . Hummelstown Sun H C., co H C. L. ng ho It TEIN ., hot Hoover A. D., restaurant Hummel C. E., notary Hummel F. L. harness H '1 L. enl s II ELS B W N~E C ., R. J. aiton, supt: S. O. Goho, Hbg. I'epresentative, J'ost Office. "'altonm nau I Coun H ELST CA JNG Hummelstown Electric Light, Heat and PtHl!pr Co. Hummplstown Market Co. H ELS ~ NA ANK, at $. J; In rated 188 1m ,",sl!'y. pres; John P. ""ssl('y, ('ashier HUMMELSTOWN SHOE CO .. .Jollt'l)h S. SU'lckler, ))I'CS, sec . Ex Co. Imer . (est), carriages \"alters J. H., agrl Implts "\\Teber F. H., tailor eeler . Mrs dy Itmer . liv eA. en's gg \Vlse J. H .. baker WOLA V"~R II .. stmoes Yingst D., flour gst P at

a.. :lie


, mllI

er " tallo Zeller G. A., pool Zerfoss Samuel B., plumber





AI,DJ"'GEU W. C., hotd BALTHASER. E. E., postmaster Bergner J., carpenter e C. Son, store RE R aWl't' sel E ce~k Daniels E., shoemkr Feeser E. T., painter Feesser U F, mason mgr tv W ice d S. ainte H ELST V SlJ V. R. d W .. pteI' r\('ks, p PI' Hess J., dining Hummelstown 'Vater Co. Imboden A., IIvpry Johnson J., blacksmith opfer wago Jo J. L. <; ,mil ns H cattl ler K ny W rnftur ns I., ionee K G. H emkr

ANDREW REDMOND} ~.t::M~a~~i :.t~gr~ {3d and Raily StS.




A. B. TACKlWall Paplr. Win S.dls{~J(~k..

Linglestown, &c , Business Directories, 1908. 913
Koons ~I., meat LAZARDiE D., hotel Lease O. B., genl store Lenker L., carpenter Lingle C. D., barber Moyer B. F., Ins Painter V .. blacksmith Relg,le S., well digger Relmert J. H . meat Rhein E .. dentist Schaner J. H., harness Shenk F. L., physician Shuey W., shoemkr Smith C. H., physicIan Smith H. I., saw mill Smith J. P .. physician ZImmerman W. G., undertaker Hechler W .. jr., hotel Henry H. E., baker Hensel 'r. A., men's turngs Hof't C. A .. hardware Hof'tman J., clothier HOJo'FMAN L.. botel Hof'tman M. P.. hotel Holwlg M., varietIes Hummel G., watchmkr Irving W., hotel Keen & Knlley, hosiery Kolva C., 'blacksmith Kolva H., grocer Koppenhef'ter & Son, meat KoslE'r G., express KRAMER a SON, bottlers Kreider J. H., physician Lebo E .. stoves LE-hman E., shoemkr Lf'hman J., dining LO~A:{1J'ON. Lehr H.. box mfr Boyer J. W., agrl Impits LE-hr M. D., physician ETZWEILER E., asst postmaster Lltz J .. candle!! ETZ\\'EILER a HELT, pnl Long A. C., pianos Ludf's John M .. barber store Fisher J. C., miller L 1.' KEN S BREWING 00., Good D. A. & Sons, millwrIghts "'entzler Bros. HEIII' J. D., postmaster L)'kf'ns Knitting and Mfg. Co. Johns W. B .. genl store I,VKENS STA!\O"'DARD, S. B. Kessler R., distiller Coles a Son. pubs Lower C. W., wagonmkr Lykens Theatorlum Miller J. A., blacksmith L'l'KEXS \' AI,LEY COAL 00., Schatfstall W., carpenter n. A. Quln. mlr1'. S 2d Snyder N. E., blacksmith Lykens Valley 'Vater Co. Zerbe J., hotel Mllnhattan Supply Co., teas

l!;'':::::'-:.lHarrisbarl SulllI Lun

LYKENS. Adams Express Co. Atlantic Relining Co. Baker J. N., dentist Bellis W. H., grocer Bingaman J., livery Blair C. A. 'Mrs., dressmkr Boeckler C., barber Boecklf'r R., barber Boeckler W., barber Boedde M. B., milliner Bowman H., meat Bueck F., liquors Bufflngton H. E., lawyer Coble R. & Sons, genl store COLES S. B. &: SON, pubs Lykens Standard Collier A. F., marble Cook A., grocer ~per W. B., grocer Deitrich & BOD, Ice cream Delaney J. I., Irenl store Douden F. J., contractor Dreamland, moving pIctures DllNCAN J., foundr)' Eby J. H., barber Fegley D., plasterer FEINDT H .. post,master Fennel E. H., painter FIsher J. R., genl store FIsher J. R., hosiery Fothrlnglll J., grocer Fritz A., dinIng Gerdom H. E.. photographer Grand UnIon' Tea Co.



Martz H. E., I!hoemkr Matter D. S., bowling MATTER W .. k'e Mf'l!!!ner E. D., pool Miller J. C., (est), stationer MIllE'r J. M., grocer Miller M. S., typecutter

MINERS' DEPOSIT BANK, I. MOMOP, pres; F. H. V08&, ra",hler

MYE'rs G. "0'., dentist MYE'rs J. F., confectioner Noll C. 'V., photographer OmaHa P., shoem'kr Uverholser A. C .. cigars Parfet G. W .. genl !'torE' Penn Clothing Store Penna. Tel Co. Postal Tel-Cable Co. PrIce C. J., mine IIlJIpector Prudential Insurance Co. Radel M. E.. milliner Relf't J. S., furniture Relf't &: Hof't, cement blocks REITZ D" hotel Rettinger & Son. contraclOl' Romberger W. H., saloon Romberger & Son, liour ROW G., ice Rudisill A. A., genl store St. Clair C., grocer ~chnelder 'M.. drf'ssm)no Schreffler J. W., saloon Sheesley H., brush mfr ShU)f'r J., coal
T h . ~_p.r ~r ap ........ N _ _ _
Digitized by





H M Ifr:LLEY. CO {lll.nll. .. ........ . le&Ia . . . . . . . .



Lykens, &:c., Business Directories, 1908.

CITlZEXS' X.\TlOXAL B.\X~. l"a.piUll. $50,000: J. ,,'. Uewlllt. "l't.'S: H. A, Bl'll. <-'IIshter
Cobaugh E., milliner Cohen 1.. agt, drygoods



.... t)
C It

:-lkelttln G. \\". paperhanger :-lmeltzer A., dressmkr Smith E. G. Mrs., millinel' Smith G .. druggist Smith H. E., tailor Smith W. J., physll'lan SYYDER B., lh'ery Snyder N. E., jewelel' Steln C. M., drygoods Stover G., station agt Sl"lUUT BR<\..~CH mXDiG CO" U, A. QUiD, OIgr. S 2d Summit Bran('h R. R. Co. Tallman H. H., hotel ThOfIlpson A. F., lawyer Trevltts 0., gr{)eer Trout J., blal'ksmlth Troxell C. W., shoemkr t:I1LER W. H" druggist Ulsh J. A . physician Umholtz R. G .. palntt'r U. S. Express Co. United T. & T. Co. Wahl H. & Co., lime \Vallace S., eating

COXKLIY W, W" hotel Crawfol'd O. B., dentist

Croll A. B., agt. hardware Croll H., meat Dailey P .. laundry De('kard I. K., \'et Burg De('kard J. 8., agt, 110ur Deltrlch D. P., dentist J)E11)1Y E. K . IJOstmaHter Detweiler H. C .. meat Doup J .. shoemkr Doutl'l('h I. H .. men's furngs Dugans J., clgars J)ITES .J. A . hotel Earlsman C. B .. meat

l':l1AUS OHPHAXS' 1I0l'SE, ('. Pete~, prill

Espenshade I., eating

E'M'ER A. L., prol)r 11lddleto\\n Journlll

Eureka Bowling Alley

Lykens Eves P. W. Mrs., (est). millinel' fo' A U 11 E It S BAXK. ('IIpltal, We!\tern Union Tel. Co. $50,000; SUrl)lus. $90.000: S. Williams Valley R. R. Co. C. Young, prf'S: A. H. Reider, \-Vllmel' C. J., saloon ('ashler .Wltmer J. W., harness FE\V C. So, druggist W.ol('ott C., justice Fisher W. R., statlon('r
Wynn C., grocer Wynn F., musIc Foltl! A. U .. hot('1 Fortney J. J., bla(,ksmith



o CJ

YOl'XG WALTfo,R S . Jllsttee of Freedman R .. men's furngs the 11CtI('e. :108 llarket Fry J. M., boarding 1IInULI':TOWX.
Aekt'rman J. :\1., mt'at Adam!! Expre!;s (,,,. Adams F., bottler Alwine H. K., ('attle Antrim E., grocer Antrim T. J., ellnfe('tionel' Arndt A. P., groeer Fuerneisen \Y., jew('l('r Fuhrman X, C,.barbel George \\'. H .. physician Gilbert M. R .. grocer Glngri('h S. B .. hotel Gipe R. :\f .. shoemkr GI~h J. L . contractor Grundon S. M .. grocer Hammaker & Bro.. plumbers


Hartline C. C .. justi('e H'l'lL-\X F:. I~., gnK'Cr Hat .. H .. meat H .. ndrl('kson W.. baker Hi('kel'n('11 S. S .. just\('e Hlppl(' J. H., coal Hippie R. D., ('oal Hoffer C. H.. surveyor Hoffman H. C., ('ontra('tor Hoffman J. E. :\Ir.... mlllln('r HOSTEn A. \Y" pension attorH.~


Baird R. L .. supervisor Eak('1' C. G .. barber Paker C. H., baker Banks Bros., varletlelol Bal'r F. H., Insul'anee Bauder A. & Son, hides BAlJUI',R BROS., florists Bauder H. R . bla(,ksmlth Baumba('h V., shoes Baxtl'('ss(,I' I~ros., sho('s Beard C. F., gro('er Beck W., shoemkr Belstllne M. H.. pool Berman M . clothier Bowers C. E .. physl('lan Brestle G. E. & Bro.. undertakers Brinser 8. C., cornmeal Cain L.. gr()('er Campb('11 J., ju!;tll'e'


Howden \Y. R., physician Huntzberger D. W .. gro('er Hut('hinson C. H .. Insurance Keevel' \V. F.. stoves Keiffer B. B .. stables Klahr E. H .. jeweler Klawansky A., ('Iothl('!' Klelndopf J., birds Kling D. S . painter Krauss Bros., clothiers Landis J. J., saloon

l. B. TA1:K

~-:f 101 Par ODG 110001_ ltI1\~ ~1Jl

Roth H. S., undertaker Huhl J.' H., phy~lelan S"haetrer O. 0., druggist ~ehlefer H. G . shopmkr Schuetz F., meat ~ehuetz \Y., .. hoe" Sehwan G. A .. t'aling S(ldelS K \Y., grocer Selders \V. E., palmel' Sel"er H. S., "toves Seltzer C. A., "IHldlpr SIL\I"~ RHI(,K ('0. Shant'or G. \Y., painter Shank H., painter Shellenberger H. H., harne" .. Slurrlck D. M .. 1I\"~ry Shireman I. "" .. grll.e: Shireman \Y. & Sun. ,'oal Sillp>; 'Yo S.. eon tral'tor ~lIhe .. mal1 J.'& 1'1'0 . rag" HlngPI' D., """ond-hand good!! :-lmeltllPr J . oil" Smith '1'. C., grOl'et :-ln~'del' :\1 .. hotel Snyder P., tax ('oll"('!nr ~nhn A. E .. tuhal'l'onist :-lohn A. G .. dining Swartz O. :\1.. grOl'l'r :-lwplgard D .. ('oal 'I'eghtmpyer A. E .. dl'e!lSmkl' Trump :\1. :\11''' .. dr .. ""mkr United State" Expl" "" Co. Wagner J .. mpat Weaver 'V., hlal'k"mlth \-\'eller J. L .. {'oal

Middletown, &c., Business Directories, 1908. 915

w. ~I . (~~t). lumber Laverty D. C., physician Laverty E .. druggist Lenhart H., val'letles Lennpy J. M., photographer Lerch ,.., contractor J410yd C. S., hntel Lingle J. C., phy,delan Longenecker I. K., ('onfectloner LOl1geneckel' J. So & Son, cattle Lu('kenblJl A. H .. marble Lutz & Kurtz, barbel'" Mansberger j. \Y., genl store :\Iartln A. C.. grOI'('r :\lcCnrd K. R. IIQunrs .\Id'rf'ary ,Yo \Y., ~aloon llcDonald D. K, ponl :\leXpal H. R . in ...... ra;we :\Ic""eal M. B .. ('ontral"tor ~Ietropnlltan Life Ins. Co. Middletown Bill Posting Co. }IJI)I~TOW~ (',\it WOHKS :\Iiddlewwn Chain Works ;\fiddletown Cigar ('0. ~liddlpt()wl1 DI'alnage Co. ~llddlptown Furniturp Co. AIlI)))JA':TOW~ .J 0 r It X A I., (dally Hnd w('('kl)) .-\. I,. :ttt'r, Ilrollr lIlI)DI"::TOW~ Pit ESS. (weel.I)'). I. O. ~ 11<>111'),. Ilropr :\flddlptown Holh'I' Mill ~Iilldlptown Steam Laundry Middlptown "reI. Co. llll1er A. L., plumber
Mil'h G. F.. physl('lan ~lonagh8n & Leggore, produl'e Munll'ipal Elt'('tril- Light Plant Musgra\"e J. H., barber Muto P .. lI'luor" Myel'l< F. ,,'.. II\'(,IT JIi;\TIO~.\I, Trillo: co. Xlct'ly A. T., "h"pmlcr Xhll .. y J. L .. agr'l ImpJts ~1" .. ley K M., Vt't !lUrg Obpr C., hal'dwal'(' Orth C., grocpr Parthemore F. A., cigars Penna. R. R. Co. Ppnna. 'I'elephon(' Co. p .. ters J. R., drygoods Petprs & Hi<'kernell, ('oal Philo.. Rdg. & P'vllle Tel. Co. Phlla. & Rrlg. R. R. ('n. Pnlst C. H.. barbpr Rank 'V .. barbpl' HAY)IOX II .. J)hllllht!r H.'\ \,~IO~J) ~"'G ('0., "ton'" Raymond H. P., hard warp RpltZl'1 ,,'. 'Y., grO('pr Rpwalt J. \V., druggl"t Rhan F. L., hottler Hho<1e" H. H .. phy"h-Ian nu'l~ .J. W. I,"~.\TIJJ.:H CO. RIC .. J. & Rro .. real I'stotp Ringland .T. H .. <1pnUst norlfong n. W .. justiep Rog .. rl' P. ,,'. ('onfp"tlnnt'1' Rombergt'r H . .-\ .. ho"ler~' Rnop J. :-l., grOl'er

\\'pstern Pnlon 'I'd. Co. \\'hislf'r "". I., grncel' Whitman :\1 .. bakn \\'Ist' E .. grn("el' YNt'r S. L .. inRuran, .. YntTe :\<1., grOl")' Young L .. millinpr Young "'. H., baker

Adam .. Exp~('!,s Co. ATLASTIC n.~""XI~G CO, Ball' H. :\-1., grOl'er Bowers 8. L., barber Bowman L. B., "to\'l'S Bowman L. E., ,Irygoods Bowman R .. plumher Powman H. 8 .. lawyer Brubaker A .. tinl<mlth I'rubaker \\'. L. & Bros., dies ('armany H, A .. gpnl I<tore ('oldl'pn E. Y. P., gro('pr Corbett J. L .. ju,.tiC"e ('ulp C . tallo) Day C. ,,'.. broomF Day \\'. F. & ('0 .. jl'well'rs Ditty .J.. jr.. e\gaJ'" Dou<1en A .. Planln!1; }IIII ('0. Jo~ledl'i<' 'I'hentr .. EtzwplJ .. r J., ('allll;: Falr{'hlhl" '1'. L .. furnlturp Fau"t F. :\1., harh!'!" Fp\clt D. K. f"rnlt U!"t' F .. idt R., bok .. r


10NEY IOVIICEO} ........UT LOA1I { .......... 81". AIID laCVUT1' co. llark.n.L:ogle
Digitized by uO

MoNElL'S COU6H REMEDY }=o~::G-:: {'~~~'I~

916 Millersburg, ac., Business Directories, 1908
FIRST XAT. BAXK, J. W. HotTman, cashier Fralick F., dining Frank J. E. & Son, furniture Frank J. N., drygoods Freck N. -M., hotel Gilbert A. C. Mrs., genl store Gilbert H. S., tobacconist Graetf P. F., shoemkr Heckert J. S. & Son, marble Helwig H., undertaker HERALD ~LY, J. B. Seal, pub Herrold R. Mrs., grocer H()ttensteln L. E., physician Hoy H. H., genl store Hoy \V. I., agrl Implts Johnson Baillie Shoe Co. ,JOHXSOX BROS., plumbers Johnson J. -M., contractor Johnson S., plumber Kawel S. N. & Co., genl store Kllne G. W., carpets Knoutf F. L., dining Kocher E. E., blacksmith Koppenhaver M. R. :Urs., hotel Lark H. L .. lawyer LetHer E. H., dentist Lenker F. K., machinist Lenkel' H. C., distillery Light S. T .. tinsmith :\fackert J .. bottler :\fartz \V. P., blacksmith :\fatter C. E., baker .\Ieck J. E. & Son, shoes Troutman H. X .. mea: Troutman J. B .. flour Ulrich M., physkian United T. & T. Co. Voss M .. genl store Weavel' & Co., meat WlIllamson A. N., cigars Wingard F. H., brooms WOODSIDE R. E., lnsuraaoe and postmaster OBERLIN. Attlcks J. B., milk Berkheimer J. M., milk Blnehour I.. undertaker Brown S. S .. genl store Durr J .. blacksmlth Eshena wer G .. carpenter. Eshenawer H. G., milk Jones H .. meat Nissley C. M., milk Peck J. H., barbel' Putt M. 0 .. physician Sh()pe A. H . painter Smith J. H., hotel Stengle G. A .. genl store Stoutfer E. A., painter Yotte~' W. F .. painter PAXTON. Freeborn M. E .. grocer Kautfman W., genl store I.em<>n & Snyder, phosphate Messner I . carpenter

.. .-. u


I I:

"'" E

I ::J

I ::J I-

lflLLERSBURG BANK, J. S. Gllbert, cashier lllLLERSBURG BOA R D OF l1UAI>E, S, S. Bowman, pres; II. ,,'. Bowman, sec lflLLE HSBURG FIFTH WHEEl, MFG. CO. lIILI,{';HSBl'RG HARDWARE

ORNDORFF C. N., cupeIlter.. paperhanger and postmaster Searer H. W., carpenter Troutman S. A. Mrs., candy



o J

PEXBROOK. Barnhard S., dressmkl' Baum A. B., meat co. II ILL E R S BURG MFG. 00., Bollinger F.. driller DAt.'PHIX COUXTY TIME.", planing 111111 MIL L ).: It S B 1.' R G ROLLER Elcenser P. C.. tailor Flshbaum S. A., genl store lIII,[,S lllLI,}:n.. Bl'nG ... SEXTINEL, Frantz :r. H., barber Heck U. A., pumpmkr II. ,,'. BOWI11RII, pub Hillard J. C., genl l"tore MlLLERSBl.'RG SHOE. CO. Klchman J .. dining :-.i'eagley E. E .. -genl store Knupp & Bro .. marble Neagley H. C . genl store Koons J. A., eontra('wr Noll C. W .. photographer Lel'ch S. P .. barber Novinger R. 0 .. carpets Lime D .. mason' Pick S. S., clothing LudWig E. S., genl store Plambeck W., tailor Ludwig M. L. & Bro .. Ih'e stock Polk A. J. & Son, dies Martin J., jeweler Ransom T. H., barber McElhenny A . meat Richards E., milliner McGarvey J. W., painter Rowe J. H. & Sons, Insurance Miller A. D., contractor Hausser C. E .. sh()8mkr Mumma J., milk Sausser J., harness Packer :r .. milk Reebold F. P., dentist Reichert D. E. Mrs .. dressmkl' Seller S., shoemkr Rohrer & Son. real estate Sherk L. A., phys\('lan Ruhl C. H., baker SNYDER C. J . coRI SCHMINKEY G. M .. physician ~tarr J. W., druggist SHOPE A. L., physlfolan ~teever C. C., druggist Snoddy J., wagonmkr Swartz C. H., livery









onn rn Suwl



Speas B. R., Insurance h D plas er U W neI' N. tov Wlrt C. L., harness Wirt W., barber F nl W H. re, a d pos master ZEIGLER J. B" physlctan

PILLOW. B ner M. enl re B ner M rlst ill Bowman W. H., undertaker Boyer L mill r()oller B ng ~ ju e Buffington J. N., marble Buffington & Bro., wheelwrights D leI' . H ote key W, ust Garis J., shoemlu' Gei er D milliner ha\ ., cks h Messnel' C., painter Moyer H. J., genl store N let S., ne. P wang Sto Rakel' \\-., physician R d F ., p slci R d J " p sicl Sharrer & Strayer, saw mlil Snyder L A. Mrs., milliner S der L., und e st S. & Bro., meat WlLIJIARD D., postmaater
AY R Y R} KOllE ....'1ROUGH

Ridell McC., painter Ide ~\'., int ud & H., Rudy \V: W., meat Shuey D., shoemkr ker me rJ Ilk ::.meltzer S., milk Strine W . blacksmith rul ger ., m \-ea \\., mil

en o

WA RA A N. alsbaugh J. H., justice Bomberger C. S., electrician oy P., rpe I' ur J. ,gra, co EmerlchS., contractor Gin 'ch S \1., 11 e loe l' J n. h 1 Longenecker B., coal MINNICH A., genl store I'll G. sta n a tau l' A., ur . or Swatara iltone and Lime Co. Vit n F " c et ver nt n H gen ore

:c >

"-lie .:. pu Cortrell P., blacksmith Cur W \1., f nitu Ear t S ., p sicl Eisenhower 1., tinsmith Fausnacht J., candy


arrIs urg avings and loan Assn.3: ~tree&

Fau ach Hetrick D .. meat Jones J., carpenter w lwr Kill er fe Ku A. m \\ Landis A. L., justice Mill A., arn Mil ent H. . c Peiffer H., grocer Pfeil V\'.. stage Ral r J as H .. genl 8 re, _'1'1 RA illl})It" and I)()stlllllstl"r Ru G. ho ta Sch er Shertzer H., cooper Shertzer M dressmkr Sho Int J .. Wagner A., separators Wagner C., brick .. Wa r brl Wa r " c sta Walmer M" painter

WL '".'\ EY Baker J. H. & Son, undertakers Bowman C.. genl store C snit . E flou III C b!l . 'V., lac l-mit Chubb H. W., jr .. painter G -\CF . ge sto nn ).0;11 tt'r Hon'man J. M., phosphate Keiter & Baker saw mlll
L dis






Meredith Meredith tel' S er, Straw W.


D. F., genl store J. E .. genl store jr, rod C.. eat D., produce 19a d C. PI' ce iga J. car nter



U ~.

.. I

= :,1

r B 011 't. Wl BoYer H. A . furniture Hoov'r P mason leI' J., tel Hu Hummer S. ~ .. blacksmith LOSER H. A., gent store and Kline W., justice H., enl ore Z KU ()8tJ ter p __ ..D18er m Lingle A., carpenter MummertS., Jr., milk ju She I W. e Packer R , mtlk R., oem Sto ton lou F Co

m ., hogs Haln W., contractor rne Rote e ., k Holtzman A, J.. milk Knupp G, stock PP m t ramer C., milk




Try. Toll of

H M KELL[Y CO'S Diamond, when { ''''1.'Id 11m' I rth \;; GIl ;yoa Ileat. order. llate""


co, &





WICOXISCO, W.o gr<I('er B td ff J. H ,'\\'S B ff S. as C gr DavIs E. L. Mrs., candy Erdman A. H., milk Fetterhoff S., blacksmIth F E. C.. I F barb
G T.,



Harman C. H., justice Harman E . tinsmith HEXSEL )1.. llOStlJlllSter H n A., I H "'.. er II'< F .. sh KE'l'n & Bro .. <ll'uggisl8 Kelt"r I. A .. physiCian Kell"" \\'., l'U "I' K E'r \ & Knapp H. B., ph~'sleian Kopppnhpffel' 1<' .. meal Long J. J., g"nl store L~ Vall al Co M J. H. t'mkr :1.1 S. G. "IeI' :\1I's8n,-r '1' .. ponl l\lillt'r A., grO('E'r Millt'l' S., dl'yguo<!s M h E.. PI' :If & L' siery :II G.. 'I' MUI'ph)' J. J .. hotel




Da\'is T. B., druggist Day H. G., I'Pwing machines H. . urnit gf'r l't. co tor ley ( ttler Durhin J. \\. & Son. genl store IH'UBIX I, .J., law)'('r Eby A., watchmkr \"ard" otel 'h P.. ber patri :l.lrs liner Frisch J., clothing GEIST H. H .. hot('1 (iriftith J. hotel ffith gro ffith 001 s R. '. physiC an Hall \\'. T .. hotel Haneock J. R. Mrs., milliner H ll('ock doth' genl s T. rnltu gins inst lit Hoffman n. C., truck Hugh ... " \\'. D . gpnl store Hummel C. :IiI'S., gl'ocer rsh T. 0., dl; ts gston hoes nger rocer Lebo \V. Y .. meat LE'iningpr \\' .. blacksmith J,psher J. B., genl stor,' tel' J sic liEX. WII IS V Ell' J. . "TIUC A1' LyJ{ens Valli')' T. and T. Co.






Pink.!ton G. A .. justice POXTJl'S J. If,. hotel Prout J. S., druggist !'p mil Sh V. 0 Co., s St & S, ws Tippins L., eaIul), Umholtz E .. saloon '\" :If r' 'E'ssm \\. sco D Co. \V seo 1 lrium "'ltmer D. K .. constable


CE J Illeal Malich H., lumb('r .'IfEJ.:H,\X .J. I ... SIlloon sers J .. bl !th lE'r 1<: groce ori" J roer Morris \\'. :III'S.. grocer' :lIoyer J. R . gC'nl store Xace J. B.. real estate h C., er \'ton nl sto I S. wing lnes P .. ,nna. Tel. Co. Ralph A . furniture \\,II,l,I:HISTOW~, Halph A hotel A, A . P er nk (' yer. nk E. d{'nt\<' A L.. I' ank & . latter, genl store Al III ruster ., baker Haudenbush G:, fancy goods Baird & Co., installment nEII,I,1' .J, ]<:,' hot e) B.'iKI;n J. N., dentist 'sig F kpr B I E., \' E. ullder B f C acor \. ,.\'. meat B E.. '~a post- Howland J., genl store BI~A~~IXG .JA)IES 1-.. Howland T" photographer nUlster Blanning \\" .. haruware Rubendall C " ' .. station agt aeff" liver B ER "hot dIe F justi B I' \Y. r'oce ffer ph~' B S" g tore ~tites G. :\f., physician Budd Bros., timber Stokes 'V. G., eigars Buggy J. P .. g"nl store Thomas R hardware l'A ItL L. C .. lawyer ore mps C .. g tore C . R. rs .. g mps B.. c D J. M quor mps H., ier D T. P., I

l L. ST. CLAIR{"AILORt~g~~~III~~S~.1t

Yby\-:~l:~~c:;! WOII Paper OIIlllndOl ShOdes from A.

Thompson W., tailor U. S. Exprt>ss Co. Unrivaled Hosiery Mills Walklngshaw A., novelties

B. TACK ...1:~~..

Williamstown Business Directory, 1908.

- -- -

\\,i1l1a~l~ Yalley L .. H. and P . Co . \\. I I, t, I A )( S'l' 0 W X TillES, Times . "ub ('0., flUbs

Walklngshaw A., jr., genl store WHITTLE J., Kenl store Williams J., pool WILLIAMS VALLEY BANK

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER} "~~b:i~:'~~E - - - - - - - --- - - - -.-- -- - - - - -

Wren G. ""., tailor Zimmerman A. D ., shoes Zlmmt>rman J. F .. barber



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