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1 Lora Contor Foundations of Psychology Paper PSY/300 February 21st 2013

The Foundations of Psychology As contemporary psychology has evolved, the creation of four differing perspective has created a pool of information explaining the area each school of thought sets out to explain and their major underlying assumptions. In many respects, these perspectives have evolved independently, and at the center of each are phenomena the others tend to ignore (Kowalski & Westen, 2011, p. 12). Despite the differences, each school of thought sought advancement for the science of psychology and progression of human understanding while focusing on a distinctive aspect of contemporary psychology. An additional key foundation of psychology is the understanding of uncomplicated biological functions. Before psychologist are able to grasp basic trifling of human thought or intuition, they must first comprehend the biological basis of psychological thought or actions. In addition to the perspectives, which have helped develop contemporary psychology, these foundations permit for understanding and gratitude to psychology. Psychodynamic Perspective Sigmund Freud was one of the best influential thinkers of the early twentieth century, his work leading to the earliest school of thought in psychology, the psychodynamic perspective. The psychodynamic perspective belief is that most of mental processes and emotions happen at the unconscious or subconscious levels, below the consciousness awareness. The main tenet of Freuds theory was that the human mind consisted of three basic components: the id, the ego, and the superego. Freud believed that when these components conflict, in internal struggle ensues, negatively affecting behavior. The Behaviorist Perspective Pioneered by John B. Watson and developed into a reputable and respectable perspective by B.F. Skinner, the behaviorist perspective is the second perspective major school of thought to have an impact on psychology. Psychology is an essential area of study which has enabled many to receive help and understanding regarding emotions, thoughts and behaviors. In order to understand psychology, it is imperative to understand the foundation on which it was built, the biological aspects of it as well as the major schools of thought associated with it. Psychology began in the realm of philosophy. William Wundt founded the first psychological laboratory in Germany in 1879. He is known as the father of psychology. (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). During that time, Philosophers searched for answers to questions about the nature of thought, feeling, and behavior in their minds, using logic and argumentation (Kowalski & Westen, 2009, p. 8). Wundt used introspection as a method in order to study thoughts, feelings and behaviors. His work was

2 monumental in the field of psychology and without it; psychology would not be where it is today. The Behaviorist Perspective assumption is when a particular behavior is learned through different forms of stimuli. Stimuli are known as the environment also. The environment contributes to a persons behaviors. The environment is able to control different types of behaviors. When a stressor is involved then a certain form of behavior can come about. When a person is frightened by something then an instinct to run or scream will surface.

Primary Biological Foundations Since psychology is based on some biological factors, it is important to study the biological foundations of it. The biological foundations of psychology began when doctors began to examine people who had suffered from severe head injuries. (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). While studying various cases, neuroscientists concluded that brain function had many different areas. For example, Paul Broca (18241880) discovered that brain-injured people with lesions in the front section of the left hemisphere were often unable to speak fluently but could comprehend language (Kowalski & Westen, 2009, p. 6). Carl Wernickes work added to the field as well. According to Kowalski & Westen, 2009, Carl Wernicke (18481904) showed that damage to an area a few centimeters behind the section Broca had discovered could lead to another kind of aphasia (p. 6).

The Cognitive Perspective assumption focuses on the way people perceive, process, and retrieve information. (Kowalski, & Weston, 2005, p. 15) Cognition has to do with the thought process. Thoughts of each person are thought differently than others. Some people are able to understand information better than others. Many times information is received better than others. Sometimes information is thought to be other than what it is meant to be. Many people are able to remember information for a really long time. Many tend to forget information a lot more than others. A lot of times knowledge is obtained much easier for some.

The Evolutionary Perspective assumption is that the behaviors have changed over the years. Evolutionary psychology is focused on the study of how evolution explains physiological processes. Psychologists and researchers take the basic principles of evolution, including natural selection, and apply them to psychological phenomena

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