Preparation by Departments For NBA

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PREPARATION BY DEPARTMENTS FOR NBA: A. 1. Laboratories General : Prepare Acrylic sheet for Lab name Notice Boards 2.

Names of Lab Incharge (on Acrylic sheet) Lab Assistant (on Acrylic sheet) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Consolidated list of Experiments on A-3 sheet laminated Display Charts inside the lab. (Obtain additional charts, discard old charts) List of Dos and DONTs on A-3 sheet & laminate Name plate for each experimental set up on acrylic sheet Internet connection on 1-2 computers (only P IV computers) Provide White Board + Pen + Duster + Light on Board Arrange Stools for students Tube lights, fans, Curtains in working condition List of all equipments in a file Stores Inventory on ledger (Capital & Consumable) Equipment maintenance schedule shall be drawn up Lab budget and its utilization details be prepared Lab Manuals be prepared spiral bound Lab record of students signed date wise (last 2 years) Lab schedule for conduct of experiments (on A-3 size paper) All lab equipments in working condition. Teaches be able to perform all experiments and shall hold standard results. List of syndicates of students deputed to do the experiments CDs for special experimental work List of major items purchased during last 3 years Projects lab shall be established by each department List of top 3 projects (best projects) Project report to be prepared as per attached formats



Rubber pads under all machines having electrical power supply Electrical Labs Mechanical Labs (under few machines)


Major specifications of the equipments shall be displayed on the 'Acrylic Plate' and fixed to the equipment in all the departments.

DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARY: 26. 100-150 books in book shelves with proper classification number, accession record, stamp, etc. 27. 28. 29. 30. Library register Books issue/receipt record Proper displays - Photo of Scientists Project reports of students - Separate colour for each department on cover - Standard format be followed - Where missing generate
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Summer training reports of students 2-3 study tables / chairs Projection facilities (LCD projector) Library timings (Acrylic Plate) Acrylic plate - Name of Incharge (faculty) Rules (file) Downloaded copies of Journals from INDEST in Library Get few (2-3) specialist journals for departmental Library Copies of books written by own staff CDs on special topics




Time table (Master Time Table, individual faculty time table, and lab time + table) A summary of the number of hours taught shall be prepared for each subject (Theory + Practical). Theory shall not be for less than 45 hrs. per semester, tutorial for 15 hrs. and practicals for 30 hrs. Teachers file to contain:


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

Time table (individual) Syllabus Lesson plan Tutorial sheet Model Question papers Lecture notes Attendance register Record of extra classes (with details of topics covered, date wise) Teaching beyond syllabus for each unit Mentoring undertaken (complete record)


Teachers be ready to answer Questions pertaining to their subject (visiting team is understood to have spent time in the cabins of faculty members, particularly the APs and asked them to show their 'files' (teachers file) and discuss with them even some of the aspects of their subject)


Topics beyond syllabus; they expect certain discussion for such topics related with each unit'. (we need to thus identify certain topics related with each unit).


Tutorials and Assignments: a. b. Both sets shall, in principle, be different Tutorial sheets to contain mainly the numerical



Assignments shall be containing university Exam type questions viz. theory and numericals both.

d. e. f.

Assignments shall have not more than seven (07) questions. ' These shall be UPLOADED on line. These shall also be available on CDs in the library


Prepare files containing a. all syllabi (printed syllabi + amendments) (+download from university web site) b. c. d. e. all lesson plans (all teachers, sem. wise) all time tables (sem. wise, teacher wise, lab wise) summary of faculty load (Theory + Practicals + other assignments) list of teachers + staff (lab Asstt. +Lab attendants) with years of teaching / industry / R&D experience + Qualification + DOJ+DOB (Separate files)

SI. No.

Name Rank Qualification Experience D.O.B. D.O.J.

Salary Grade Remarks / Total


Roll list of students (year wise)

7. 8. 9. Fail

Sessional marks list All Tutorial sheets (semester wise for each subject) (a) Results Analysis file shown in pie diagram : (show number of students) 50-60 60-75 75-80 >80

10. 11. 12. 13.

Record of extra classes with details of topics covered, date wise. Record of Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities Communication with parents (record) Departmental society activities



Guest speakers : Topic Date

Name /Institution


Details of Industry Visit List of students visited Date of visit Area of focus

Name of Industry

16. 17. 18.

Record of placement / Placement Committee Alumni list / register of membership Faculty and staff development activities : a. b. c. Details of faculty and staff members deputed for UIB Counselling Actions taken to improve faculty performance

19. 20.

List of Software held Departmental Committees- Formulate various committees (Seminars evaluation, industrial training reports, practicals viva-voce, results analysis, placement, time table, budget, departmental library, departmental Research, etc.) a. b. c. d. minutes of meeting actions taken academic monitoring (weak students) attendance monitoring! communication with parents


Institutional /Departmental development activities (each faculty member shall have the details of contributions made by him/ her in the development of the Institute /department). a. b. c. d. e. Coordinator Lab Incharge and lab development Counsellors . Departmental library Industry visit coordinated


f. g. h. i.

In-plant training coordination Time table Seminar / Symposium Coordination Placement

22. 23. 24.

Training beyond syllabus (record of topics for each unit) Revision of syllabus PDP CLASSES (SCHEDULE, TOPICS COVERED, STUDENTS ATTENDANCE)


Projects assignment (year wise) Name of students Project Name of faculty

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Projects writing format be introduced (being done centrally) Project report cover sheet in different colours (centrally) Formation of clas committees List of ISO internal auditors University assignments being executed by faculty members Deputation for Higher education details a. Faculty name b. Course details c. Area of specialization d. D.O.J. e. Name of Institute f. Status (completed / Dissertation still to be submitted / .. )


Details of paper publication a. Name b. Title of paper c. Name of journals d. Reference details



Details of conferences attended (year wise) a. Name of faculty b. Name of Conference c. Dates d. Financial Arrangement Invited lecture delivered, if any details: Incentives (year wise) a. Faculty b. Students c. Staff

34. 35.


Students appeared! qualified GATE / CAT / GRE etc (year wise)

37. 38. 37.

Students gone for higher studies Details of Industry visit (year wise for 3 years) Details of in-plant training (year wise for 3 years)

Following documents must be in possession of the HODs during the presentation to the Expert Committee Feedback form filled by students and the analysis subject wise. Evaluated sessional copies of each subject Tutorial Sheets of each subject Departmental Master time table (each period of one hour) Individual time table Lab Time table List of Faculty Publications Training details of students Placement Details Results of the students Faculty load Labload


Cadre ratio Internet should be working on all the computers in the lab. Departmental Library should be in good state Details of extra classes taken by faculties
List of experiments Lab record of students. Faculty participation in departmental activities Floor area of each lab, batch size (as shown) Faculty and staff appraisal forms for last 3 years , List of staff! faculty given cash awards Remedial actions taken shall be started to overcome the Stock registers shall be separately maintained for Consumables Capital equipments

Budget shall be recorded separately for Consumables

Capital equipments


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