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HSIE - Environments Stage 1 Term 1 Environments Patterns of Place and Location Relationships with Places

ENS1.5 Compares and contrasts natural and built features in their local area and the ways in which people interact with these features. examines the differences between natural and built features and places uses a range of geographical terms to describe location and features (eg east, west, mountain, valley, hill, city) and terms for geographical tools (eg maps, globes, atlas) uses geographical tools to locate and investigate places, eg maps, globes, atlases uses geographical tools to locate and investigate a country in the world, eg in the Asia-Pacific region, Africa examines the values that people place on natural and built features and places recognises Aboriginal peoples special relationship with the land. ENS1.6 identifies ways in which people depend on the environment identifies ways in which peoples interactions with the environment can change that environment, eg the result of blocking up a river or chopping down trees evaluates results of human change on environments relevant to them recognises that Aboriginal people have interacted positively with the environment for a long time recognises that people from other cultures have differing relationships with the environment demonstrates an aesthetic appreciation of the environment identifies ways in which people use technology to modify environments.

Week 2

Teaching and Learning Activities Register Introduce the term environment. What makes up an environment. Create a venn diagram for natural and man made environments. Investigate a wetland environment. Students give verbal descriptions of wetland environments. Create a wetland environment artwork. Review venn diagram of natural and man made environments. Display a picture of a wetland, desert, grassland, rainforest. In groups students will discuss positives and negatives for living in each environment. Case study the desert quoll. Discuss how the desert quoll has adapted to live in the desert. Students label a picture of the desert quoll and write about how it survives in the desert. Revise previous lesson on the desert quoll. Discuss how animals are suited to survive in their environment. Show students a picture of an egret. Highlight the long legs on the egret. Students write about why the egrets long legs help it to survive in the wetlands. Show students a picture of a house on stilts. Ask students why they think this house has been built. Label parts of the house on stilts that protect it from its environment. Look at a map of Australia. Teach students about the key on the map that shows arid and wet areas. Create a key in students work books.

9 10

Introduce Alice Springs to students. Talk about the environmental conditions at Alice Springs. Students write about Uluru in their books. Review map of Australia from previous lesson. Introduce the population map of Australia. Show students where most people live in Australia. Discuss the reasons behind this. Discuss why Newcastle is a popular place to live. Students colour in their own map showing highly populated areas of Australia and write about why Newcastle is a popular place to live. Display a photo of the Sydney CBD. Brainstorm what buildings, transport, natural and built environments can be seen. Look at a photo of a skyscraper. Discuss the need for skyscrapers in the city. Talk about what technology and machinery needs to be used to build and use a skyscraper. Students write about skyscrapers. Display a photo of Sydney harbour pre settlement. Compare the photo with the images seen in the last lesson. Show students images of Aboriginal shelters. How did the shelters protect aboriginal people from the environment. Students create their own shelter in groups. Students finish their shelters. Students label their shelters. Show students an image of land being cleared for housing. Discuss the impact of this on the environment. Read information about nomadic Aboriginal Australians. Discuss how the Aboriginal people took care of the land. Read Aboriginal story.

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