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INTRODUCTON: An earthquake is the most deadly catastrophe, which strikes within seconds without any warning. Most lives are lost a property destroyed or damaged due to result of earthquake and nonearthquake resistant features of the construction. India has about 55% of its land area susceptible to strong ground motion and 75% of the population in seismic zone of India lives in houses, which have not been designed to resist earthquake. Construction of new, retrofitting of old and restoration of damage building require consideration of all aspects needed for adequate safety and economy. This paper deals with all these factors. Restoration:The process of existing damaged buildings bringing back to a former condition is called restoration. Retrofitting:The process of making the structure fit or to make improvement in deficient structure for the future uncertainty is called retrofitting . Effects of earthquakes: The point on the earth surface vertically above the focus is called epicenter. The main area of earthquake effects surrounds this point. Three types of waves are produced from the focus. Primary waves: The first types of earthquake waves are called primary waves. Areas of contraction and expansion are alternately produced in these waves; these are really sound waves, which produced, and rumbling noise at the time of earthquake. The speed of these waves ranges from 5.4 to 13.8 km/sec.

G.P. Amravati



Secondary waves: These are second types of waves. The vibration of these waves is at right angle to direction of propagation of p-waves. That is why these waves are called transverse waves they are knows as s-waves. The speed of these waves is 3.2 to 7.2 km/sec. Tertiary waves: These waves are called l-waves. There speed is 4 to 4.3 km/sec. The speed of these waves is more stable than that of the other waves. The effects of earthquakes are usually classified as primary, if due directly to the causative process such as faulty or volcanic action and secondary when due to ground motion resulting from the passage of seismic waves of the secondary effects, two types may be distinguish of those associated with land slides or soil consolidation or liqiuification triggered by earthquake motions where inertial effects in structure are negligible and other in which dynamic (inertial) effects are predominant. Except under usual circumstances, most of the damage associated with earthquake has been due to lateral type of effects and engineering efforts aimed at designing earthquakeresisting structures are concerned mainly with such effects.

Response of building to earthquake motion: The reason why buildings are damaged by earthquakes is easy to understand. An earthquake sets up oscillatory (backward and forward) motions of the ground. Close to the epicenter, there also a vertical movement. Due to earthquake, the foundation of building move with the ground, but the inertia of rest of the building prevents (resist) it from moving instantaneously and there slight delay before the upper portion start moving. This delay leads to differential stress and subsequent cracking because the roof tends to separate from its supports and the walls tends to be torn apart. The force exerted on a building due to earthquake depends upon the height of the building as well as the movement of the ground. For heavier buildings, the force is more and consequently larger damage as comparative lighter roof. Methods of seismic retrofitting restoration of buildings: India was the first country to prepared an earthquake resistant building construction code IS: 4326-1967, revised in 1976. However before this, India formulated a general earthquake G.P. Amravati PAGE 2


resistant design code IS: 1893, which has been updated lately in 1984. These codes and IS: 139201993, IS: 13935-1993, an explanatory handbook SP: 22 and monograph on no engineer construction prepared by the International Association Of Earthquake Engineering, are very useful in seismic retrofitting and restoration work. The performance criteria implicit in most earthquake code provisions required that a structure be able to resist a) Earthquake of minor intensity without damage. b) Moderate earthquakes with minor structural and some not structural damage. c) Measure catastrophic earthquakes without collapse. Retrofitting / Restoration of masonry building: Experience has shown that collapse of masonry building is the single largest factor contributing to the heavy losses and casualties during earthquake. Their heavy weight and poor strength of material in tension makes them vulnerable to earthquake force .a large number such building exists because of climatic suitability, material availability, wide spread knowledge of construction as well as being cheaper than RCC for low rise constructions. Various retrofitting / restoration methods for them discuss are of paramount importance. 1) Reinforcing the masonry: -the most important operation for seismic strengthing of existing unreinforced masonry building weather damaged of undamaged, is installation of horizontal and vertical reinforcement. This adds ductility and considerable strength to building, which provides defense and permits people to escape or remove valuables. There are various schemes of reinforcing the building for example, in Yugoslavia splint and bandage scheme was used successfully after earthquake of 1963. In this scheme the Bandage is for horizontal bands and splints for vertical steel. Here welded mesh type steel equivalent to the required steel area has to be provided at the critical sections, properly nailed to the masonry after removing the plaster and raking the joints and covering the steel with concrete to bond it with the walls. Such bands and splints should theoretically be provided on all external or internal walls along with Crosstie bars, going across the building in both direction, and embedded in the external wall bands. The cross bars are absolutely necessary in both direction to ensure integral action of the bearing walls without separation at vertical corners.

G.P. Amravati



2) Stitching of stone wythes: - for random rubble or half dressed type stone masonry stitching is required, as failure is due to absence of through or bond stone for new construction the through stone or bonding elements are provide from facing to backing. Such stones when provided every meter apart vertically and horizontally will ensure a good bond between facing, hearting, backing.

G.P. Amravati



FOR RETROFITTING work providing stitching of elements, at about mid height between the floor and reinforced concrete lintel level band (i.e. About 1.2m from floor) and at horizontal distance not more than about 2m for installing the bonding, a hole is made to the wall by removing the stones, after cleaning the hole, it is to be filled with concrete while embedding an 8mm dia bar hooked at both ends in it transverse to the wall length. The length of this bar is kept 5cm less than the wall thickness to omitted where cross wall exists at right angle to the external wall. 3) Grouting: For repairing cracks in walls, cement grouting is an effective method. For fine cracks the grout should be neat cement and water in the ratio of 1:1 for wide cracks cement and fine sand in the ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 depending upon the crack width can be taken. A low-pressure mobile grouting pump can be used for the operation. The grouting is to be done starting with the lowest part ant proceedings upwards after the lower part of the crack gets filled up.

G.P. Amravati



4) Shotcrete Method: Shotcrete is the name given to mortar or concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity on to a backup surface, compacts the material so that it can be supports itself without sagging or sloughing even on a vertical face or overhead. To provide earthquake resistance a 75mm layer of shotcrete should be applied to either the outside or inside surface of the wall. Retrofitting or restoration of concrete building: To rectify weakness and avoid damages during earthquakes, as well as for post earthquakes restoration following strengthing method are useful, Building up: -structurally deficient beam and columns of rigid frames are provided with extra reinforcement at end sections. Existing cover is removed, extra reinforcement is welded for a distance of 1/5th of span from either end, and then grouting of the section is done. Strengthing by CFS / FRP: -in these days carbon fiber sheets, a kind of high strength fiber or fiber-reinforced plastics are being attractive. They have high tensile strength, low weight and resistance to corrosion. Here high strength epoxies are used for the adhesion of plates to the member (study of CFS on concrete member is in initial phase) Casing: providing additional concrete and reinforcement increases -in this method moment of resistance and ductility. All the four sides of the sections are cased with new concrete and reinforcement.

G.P. Amravati




Casing 6mm dia. bar @ 3d c/c

Jacketing: -this method is suitable for retrofitting under reinforced beam. The beam is enclosed from three sides with new concrete and reinforcement.

6mm dia bar @ 5d or 450 mm

Column Jacketing Epoxy injection: - for cracks in concrete elements epoxy injection method is very suitable. Epoxy resins a very good and strong material, which also offer protective covering to the corroded rebar. (This is not generally used due to its two pack operational difficulties.

Conclusion: India has about 55% of its land area susceptible to strong ground motion and 75% of the population in seismic zone of India lives in houses, which have not been designed to resist earthquake. It is fairly possible at a reasonable cost to remove many of the constructional defects G.P. Amravati PAGE 7


and introduced enough strength to meet the future earthquake resistance requirements by applying the retrofitting / restoration methods discussed here.

Reference: Construction gernal Jan2000. Earthquake resisting structures by Ghosh S. K. Seismic retrofitting of masonry and concrete buildings by Arya A.S.

G.P. Amravati



Seminar on earthquake damages to building and their retrofitting & restoration ByD. S. Deshmukh An earthquake is the most deadly catastrophe, which strikes within seconds without any warning. Most lives are lost a property destroyed or damaged due to result of earthquake and nonearthquake resistant features of the construction. India has about 55% of its land area susceptible to strong ground motion and 75% of the population in seismic zone of India lives in houses, which have not been designed to resist earthquake. Construction of new, retrofitting of old and restoration of damage building require consideration of all aspects needed for adequate safety and economy. This paper deals with all these factors. Restoration:The process of existing damaged buildings bringing back to a former condition is called restoration. Retrofitting:The process of making the structure fit or to make improvement in deficient structure for the future uncertainty is called retrofitting Types of waves produce from the focus Types of waves Primary waves Secondary waves Tertiary waves Speed 5.4 to 13.8 km/sec 3.2 to 7.2 km/sec 4 to 4.3 km/sec

G.P. Amravati



G.P. Amravati


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