Compound Adjective

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ADJECTIVE + PRESENT / PAST PARTICIPLE Let us consider some examples: 1) Absent-minded = forgetful (The second part of the compound

adjective is Past Participle) 2) Big-headed = proud of one's self (The second part of the compound adjective is Past Participle) 3) Cold-blooded = a kind of classification of animals (The second part of the compound adjective is Past Participle) 4) Easy-going = easy unobstructed progress (The second part of the compound adjective is Present Participle) 5) Good-looking = attractive, beautiful (The second part of the compound adjective is Present Participle) 6) In-the-middle-aged = being roughly between 45 and 65 years old (The second part of the compound adjective is Past Participle) 7) Left-handed = having long legs (The second part of the compound adjective is Past Participle) 8) Quick-witted = intelligent (The second part of the compound adjective is Past Participle) 9) Thick-skinned = not easily offended (The second part of the compound adjective is Past Participle) The second part of the compound adjective is usually a present participle or past participle. ADJECTIVE + ADVERB + PRESENT / PAST PARTICIPLE Let us consider some examples: 1) Far-reaching = Having a wide range, influence, or effect 2) Free-standing = Standing or operating independently of anything else 3) Good-looking = Of a pleasing or attractive appearance; handsome 4) Hard-wearing = Hard to beat 5) Labor-saving = Designed to replace or conserve human and especially manual labor 6) Long-lasting = Existing for a long time 7) Mouth-watering = Appealing to the sense of taste 8) Never-ending = Not ending 9) Record-breaking = Surpassing any previously established record

ADVERB +ADJECTIVE The adverbs intensify the meaning of the adjectives they modify. Let us consider some examples: 1) Almost helpless 2) Extremely Painful 3) Quite fiercely 4) Rather selfish 5) So grateful 6) Very excited 7) Very remarkable ADJECTIVE + NOUN 1) Busy Day = Engaged in activity throughout the day 2) Curly hair = Hair having curls 3) Deep-sea = of or taking place in the deeper parts of the sea 4) Friendly People = People having friendly attitude 5) Full-length = Showing or fitted to the entire length, especially of the human body or Of a normal or standard length 6) Last-minute = The period just before a significant or concluding moment such as a deadline, due date, or scheduled event 7) Lonely house = House located at a lonely place 8) Lovely person = Person having lovely manners 9) Prime Minister = Head of Cabinet of Ministers NOUN + ADJECTIVE 1) Trouble-free = without problems or difficulties 2) Lead-free = not containing the element lead 3) World-famous = Most famous

NUMBER + NOUN+ ADJECTIVE 1) Eleven-man team 2) Forty-mile Having forty miles distance 3) Four-Stroke = having four stroke 4) One-Eyed = having only one eye 5) One-layered disk = Disk having single layer 6) Single-Handed = done by one person 7) Six-and-a-half-year-old child = Child's age 8) Six-Sided = having six sides 9) Sixteen-week semester = Duration of Semester 10) Three-legged stool = Stool having three legs 11) Three-storey house = House having three floors 12) Twenty-Page = Having twenty page 13) Two-bedroom flat 14) Two-car garage = Garage for parking two cars 15) Two-Stroke = engine having two strokes 16) Two-Door = Having two doors 17) Sweetheart = a person whom another loves PLACE + NOUN/ADJECTIVE 1) Farm-fresh = Fresh from farms 2) Indian Bazaar = a specific place or market wherein you will find Indian shops, restaurants. 3) housewife = a married woman devoted to work for her family and attends all house hold activities at home 4) home-made = prepared at home, not bought from a shop

Number of Websites (Ref. Source 1-6) have attempted to organize the English Compound adjectives into digestible chunks. This article is just another attempt. It is a mere compilation. As a successful writer you may be knowing how to use these compound adjectives correctly. However I have slightly improved my grammar knowledge by attempting to write this piece.


Words like densely-populated are compound adjectives and they are made up of two or more words, normally with hyphens between them. Something that is dense contains a lot of things or people in a small area. Thus a densely-populated town or city is one with a high population count within the city boundaries. A densely-wooded hill would be one that is difficult to get through because the trees are so close together. adj / adv + past participle Adjective or adverb plus past participle is one of the most common patterns for forming compound adjectives. Some common examples would include:cold-blooded kind-hearted old-fashioned open-minded brightly-lit deeply-rooted densely-populated well-behaved Most animals are warm-blooded but all reptiles are cold-blooded. He was a cold-blooded murderer and showed no emotion of any kind. She lived in an old-fashioned house, but was kind-hearted and open-minded. Nevertheless, she held deeply-rooted beliefs about the sanctity of marriage. The dimly- / brightly-lit streets in our town encourage / discourage burglars. Note that adverb / past participle combinations when they are used with a copular verb like be or seem, and come after the noun they modify, are not hyphenated: The streets in our town are dimly / brightly lit and encourage / discourage burglars. There are sometimes many possible combinations, e.g. broad-minded, narrow-minded, absent-minded, strong-minded, as well as open-minded. It is partly a matter of knowing which adjectives or adverbs collocate or go with which participles and nouns. We have brightly-lit streets, but also brightly-coloured dresses or swimsuits or sweets.

Compound adjectives are regarded as productive features of English which means that use is not so restricted as it is in many categories of grammar. New combinations are always possible, so if you think something may work, try it out with your English-speaking friends, Tokmokje, and see if it is meaningful. For example, brightly-patterned curtains illustrates the productive nature of this combination, as would brightly-shining stars, and here we come to a new pattern, which is also very common: Adj / adv / noun + present participle Here are some common examples:good-looking hard-wearing far-reaching long-lasting never-ending labour-saving mouth-watering record-breaking free-standing

The good-looking chef was dressed in hard-wearing clothing and sitting in front of a free-standing cooker. The dishes he had prepared with all the labour-saving devices at his disposal were all mouth-watering. We signed a long-lasting agreement for his services which we hoped would be never-ending. Other common patterns for compound adjectives include: noun + past participle: shop-soiled, tongue-tied, sun-dried, noun + adjective: trouble-free, lead-free, world-famous, adj + noun: deep-sea, full-length, last-minute, number + noun: two-door, twenty-page, forty-mile. When they refused to exchange the shop-soiled item, I was tongue-tied and didn't know what to say. If you want trouble-free motoring, make sure you use only lead-free petrol. The sun-dried tomatoes that we sell are world-famous. She was wearing a full-length dress, quite unsuitable for deep-sea diving. The forty-mile journey in the two-door, open-top convertible was ill-advised in such inclement weather. Try out other combinations of these patterns for yourselves, e.g. four-door saloon, five-page document, well-advised, etc. Make a note of compound adjectives that you come across in your reading and note the way they are used with particular nouns.

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