MN 3 Topline - For Release

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Gun Questionnaire Minnesota CD 3

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC February 8-11, 2013 MN-3 questionnaire with likely voters

Screening Questions 1) 18 and older Under 18 (END) 2) Do you consider yourself a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent? 30% Republican 37% Democrat 27% Independent 1% Some other political party 5% Not sure 3) How likely are you to vote in the 2014 midterm elections? Absolutely certain Very likely Possibly [END] Not very likely [END] Not at all likely [END]

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC February 8-11, 2013 MN-3 questionnaire with likely voters

Issues 4) Which of the following issues will be most important to your vote for Congress in the next election [first and second choice selected]? 63% The economy 39% The federal budget deficit 10% Taxes 18% Health Care 4% Immigration issues 9% Abortion 7% Same sex marriage 10% Gun violence prevention 6% Fixing gun laws 6% Protecting our children from crime and violence 21% Education 0% Not sure General gun issue questions 5) How important is that President Obama and Congress support the rights of gun owners but also advocate for stronger gun laws to reduce gun violence? 81% TOTAL IMPORTANT 13% TOTAL NOT IMPORTANT 54% Very important 27% Somewhat important 2% Not very important 10% Not at all important 6% Not sure 6) Do you favor or oppose reasonable restrictions on gun ownership to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and other people who are already barred from having guns?

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC February 8-11, 2013 MN-3 questionnaire with likely voters
88% TOTAL FAVOR 10% TOTAL OPPOSE 81% Strongly favor 6% Somewhat favor 0% Somewhat oppose 10% Strongly oppose 3% Not sure 7) Do you favor or oppose stronger gun violence prevention laws to keep illegal guns out of the wrong hands? 68% TOTAL FAVOR 22% TOTAL OPPOSE 62% Strongly favor 6% Somewhat favor 10% Somewhat oppose 12% Strongly oppose 10% Not sure Background checks 8) Do you favor or oppose requiring all gun buyers to pass a criminal background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter whom they buy it from? 81% TOTAL FAVOR 16% TOTAL OPPOSE 72% Strongly favor 9% Somewhat favor 5% Somewhat oppose 11% Strongly oppose 3% Not sure 9) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Background checks are a responsibility that come with our Second Amendment right to bear arms. They are meant to keep guns out of the wrong hands criminals, the mentally ill, minors, and addicts. 4

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC February 8-11, 2013 MN-3 questionnaire with likely voters

TOTAL FAVOR TOTAL OPPOSE Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Not sure

87% 10% 70% 16% 2% 8% 3%

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC February 8-11, 2013 MN-3 questionnaire with likely voters

Demographics 10) Gender Man Woman 11) Age 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-64 65 or older Dont know/Refused 12) Race White or Caucasian Black or African-American Hispanic Asian Other Dont know/Refused 13) Religion Protestant (includes Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and other Christians) Evangelical Catholic Jewish Muslim Atheist or Agnostic Other None

50% 50%

2% 6% 12% 26% 50% 3%

93% 2% 0% 1% 1% 3%

52% 1% 20% 1% 1% 3% 5% 13% 6

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC February 8-11, 2013 MN-3 questionnaire with likely voters
2% Not sure 14) Do you consider yourself conservative, moderate or liberal? 36% Conservative 35% Moderate 24% Liberal 5% Not sure 15) How did you vote in the 2012 election for Congress and Senate Democrat, Republican, or did you split your ticket? 39% Democrat 38% Republican 21% Split 3% Dont know/Refused 16) Do you or does someone in your household own a gun? 25% I own a gun 15% Someone in my household owns a gun 55% Neither I nor someone in my household owns a gun 5% Not sure 17) Are you a member of the National Rifle Association, or the NRA? 8% Yes 90% No 3% Dont know/Refused 18) How would you describe your current employment status? 31% Full-time 10% Part-time 6% Unemployed 51% Retired 2% Dont know/Refused 7

Douglas E. Schoen, LLC February 8-11, 2013 MN-3 questionnaire with likely voters

19) Were just about finished You and your family earn less than $20,000 annually $20,000 to $40,000 $40,000 to $60,000 $60,000 to $75,000 $75,000 to $100,000 More than $100,000 Not sure

8% 14% 16% 13% 11% 16% 22%

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