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10th Grade World History Research Paper

Worksheet and Information Packet
YES Prep Public Schools

Table of Contents
Level 1 - Choosing Your Research Topic............................................................................................................... 2 Level 2 Focusing the Topic.................................................................................................................................. 4 Level 2 Worksheet Focusing on Topic ................................................................................................................ 5 Level 3 Choosing the Research Question ............................................................................................................ 7 Level 3 Worksheet Choosing the Research Question .......................................................................................... 9 Level 4 Identify and Collect Sources ................................................................................................................. 12 Level 4 Worksheet Identify and Collect Sources .............................................................................................. 17 Level 5 Organize Your Research Materials ....................................................................................................... 18 Level 5 Worksheet Organize Your Research Materials ..................................................................................... 19 Level 6 Info and Worksheet Evaluating Your Sources ..................................................................................... 20 Level 7 Info and Worksheet Analyzing and Making Sense of Your Sources ................................................... 22 Level 8 Info and Worksheet Writing the Thesis and Introduction .................................................................... 25 Level 9 Info and Worksheet Creating the Outline ............................................................................................. 30 Level 10 Writing Your Body Paragraphs .......................................................................................................... 32 Level 10 Worksheet Writing Your Body Paragraphs ........................................................................................ 34 Level 11 Writing Your Research Paper ............................................................................................................. 35 Level 12 Building Your Bibliography ............................................................................................................... 37 Level 12 Worksheet Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 39

YES Prep Public Schools World History Research Paper

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Level 1 - Choosing Your Research Topic

Starting off our research: What broad area do you plan on researching?

Fill in as many of the following spaces regarding your research topic as you are currently able. (Feel free to use Wikipedia to fill out this basic information.) Broad Topic ___________________________________________________________ Time Span ____________________________________________________________ Geographic Area/Location ________________________________________________ Person or Group ________________________________________________________ Event or Aspect ________________________________________________________ Protest issue __________________________________________________________ Other relevant details ____________________________________________________ Search Strategy 1: identifying keywords, keyword phrases, and synonyms Keywords/ Phrases Synonyms

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My Research Topic is: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

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Level 2 Focusing the Topic

Working on the Research: Finding our Specific Topic
In order to write a successful research paper, you need to choose a topic that is not too broad and not too narrow. If a topic is too broad, then you will find so much information that you wont know what to do with it all. If your topic is too narrow, you wont be able to find enough information. Examples: Too Broad: Europe Too Narrow: The lives of women in Manchester, England, during the month of March in the year 1825

In order to choose a specific topic that is right for you, you can follow these steps: 1. Think about your topic. What about that topic am I particularly interested in working through? 2. Think about your sources! If you are scared that you cant find much, this is a reason to shy away from a topic 3. What about the topic specifically interests me? What is it that I want to learn and teach others about? 4. Why does it matter? Why should anyone care about my topic or the question Im coming up with?

Some Friendly Advice for Your Specific Topic

Keep it manageable: create subtopics. A topic will be very difficult to research if it is too broad, or too narrow. One way to narrow a broad topic, such as revolutions", is to create subtopics. Common ways to create a subtopic are: By geographic region o Example: What revolutions affected the Middle East the most? By culture o Example: What did Christian thinkers think of the French Revolution? By time frame o Example: What was the most prominent revolution that occurred in 18th century?

Ask questions about your general topic: Revolutions Example: What time period do I want my revolution to come from? Example: Do I want my revolution to be political, cultural or economic? Example: Do I want a revolution to be successful or a failure?

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Level 2 Worksheet Focusing on Topic

Strategy #1: Create subtopics based on your general topic General Topic


Explanation of Subtopic

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Strategy #2: Ask questions about your general topic or subtopics Topics

Questions 1.






My Focused Topic is __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ For Teachers use only

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Level 3 Choosing the Research Question

You will often begin with a word, develop a more focused interest in an aspect of something relating to the word, and then begin to have questions about the topic. An example: Topic Revolutions in France and Napoleons Reign Focused Topic Napoleons Impact in Europe Focused Research Question What are the most significance impacts of Napoleons rule on Europe? A strong, focused research question is: Open Ended o This means that there are several ways you can answer the question. This allows room for argumentation and debate! An Interesting Question o The questions should spark an interest in the reader Researchable o You need to be able to find evidence to support your answer for the question o Not too broad and not too narrow

Here are some examples of good research questions from students in previous years: What is the role of youth leadership in Egypts revolution? What was the effect of Christianity on the Roman Empire? What were the effects of European colonization on the Native Americans? How has the Holocaust influenced how Germans are perceived and treated? How did some people in Africa react to European colonization? How did soccer develop in Brazil? What was the effect of the Cold War on the development of nuclear weaponry? How did graffiti art develop on the Berlin Wall? What was the influence of the original dream team on basketball development?

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Are you curious about what your history teachers wrote about in College? Examples of Focused Research Questions Long Papers Over 10 Pages How have recent British historians changed the way that the American Revolution is looked at from the British perspective? How does the Japanese educational system compare to the American system and what systematic tradeoffs are made based on cultural attributes? Who denies the Holocaust and why do they do it? How were Modern Middle Eastern Scholars attacked by neo-conservative and pro-Israel critics in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the Iraq War? What were the interactions between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages? How did Jewish immigrants to America navigate and create their identities? How is Science subjective and human-created and how does this affect the project of scientific exploration? What was the role of the London City Council in the establishment of the welfare-state of England? What was the effect of World War II on the religiosity of the British People? How is Hispanic or Latino identity created in the United States? SP Under 10 Pages How does history validate certain decisions by presidents to ignore the Constitution? How does Buddhism change depending on the region it is practiced in? How does the devotion towards the Virgin Mary affect the role of women in Spanish Harlem? How do different Jewish communities interpret the biblical verse Nehemiah 8:1-3 and why does this matter? How does Saul Friedlander's memoir present two different visions of Jewish identity? Why does the Ramayana have such a lasting influence? Special Edition High School 10th Grade - To what extent is American society affected by anti-intellectualism and how is this visible in popular culture? 11th Grade What were the effects of the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima? 12th Grade What were the European Witch Hunts and what were their long term effects on perceptions of witchcraft today?

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Level 3 Worksheet Choosing the Research Question

Rewrite your Focused Research Topic in the box below

Here are 3-5 thoughtful, on-topic, and interesting open-ended questions about my focused research topic NOTE: if you arent ready to complete this step, return to your research topic and learn more about it before you move on. There is no shame in thisyou want to get this right now, so you dont have to start over later.






Now, which one of these questions will make a good RESEARCH QUESTION? REMEMBER, a good research question: Is an open-ended question Is an interesting question Is researchable Is not too broad, and not too narrow In the table below, there is a row of boxes for each of the questions you wrote. Put a checkmark in a box if you think that question meets that criterion. If you think that question does not meet a criterion, make a brief note in that box explaining why you think it does not.

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Question 1




Not Too Broad or Too Narrow

Look back through the results on your table. Which question fits most or all of the criteria for a good research question? Do you have a question that works? If you DO NOT, use the box below to think of questions you want to ask your teacher so that they can help you out!

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Does more than one of your questions meet all the criteria? Lucky you!! Write the question youre most interested in researching below and show it to your teacher My Research Question for the 2013 10th Grade Research Paper is. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Use the space below to explain why it is a good research question and why you find it interesting

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Level 4 Identify and Collect Sources

Now that you have chosen your topic, focused your topic, and written your research question, its time to start your research.

Steps for: Basic Research and Finding Sources Step One: Create a chart to organize your basic information (Key People, Terms, Dates and Events) Step Two: Do a Google Search and check Wikipedia in order to fill out chart Step Three: Read enough about each term, person, or date to form a basic understanding of your topic and add this information to your chart Step Four: Use these terms to search for academic sources that can be cited in your research paper Step Five: Record each source on a Source Overview handout, including its MLA citation Step One: Create a chart to organize your basic information (Key People, Terms, Dates and Events)
Using either a Word Document or notebook paper, create the following chart in order to keep track of the information you discover in your research: People Basic Information


Basic Information

Dates and Events

Basic Information

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Step Two: Do a Google Search and check Wikipedia in order to find Key Terms, People, Dates and Events
My topic is: the Occupy Wall Street Protests My research question is: What caused the Occupy Wall Street protests and how have they affected Americans ideas about social classes?

People The One Percent (1%) The Ninety-Nine Percent (99%) Terms Income Inequality

Basic Information

Basic Information

Dates and Events September 17th, Zucotti Park

Basic Information

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Step Three: Read enough about each term, person, or date to form a basic understanding of your topic and add this information to your chart
My topic is: the Occupy Wall Street Protests My research question is: What caused the Occupy Wall Street protests and how have they affected Americans ideas about social classes?

People The One Percent (1%)

Basic Information The richest Americans who control most of Americas wealth

The Ninety-Nine Percent (99%)

Terms Income Inequality

The huge majority of people who control much less than the 1%
Basic Information The idea that the upper class makes way more money than everyone else

Dates and Events September 17 , Zuccotti Park


Basic Information The date of the first Occupy Wall Street Protest in New York City

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Step Four: Use these terms to search for academic sources that can be cited in your research paper
Use a search engine at an academically citable webpage (such as the New York Times website) to look for sources:

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Step Five: Record each source on a Source Overview handout, including its MLA citation

Source Overview
What is the title of this source? New York Times Topic: Occupy Wall Street Where did you access it? (include link if internet source) timestopics/organizations/o/occupy_wall_ street/index.html?8qa What kind of source is this? Newspaper accessed on the internet

What is the main topic of this source? This source gives a complete overview of Occupy Wall Street. It says that Occupy Wall Street was a movement in New York City where people with less money protested against the inequality of wealth possessed by the 1%.

Include the MLA citation below:

"New York Times Topic: Occupy Wall Street" New York Times. 08 Feb. 2013 < ml?8qa>.

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Level 4 Worksheet Identify and Collect Sources

To gain credit for this section, make sure you fill out a source overview for each source listed below. You should fill out that information in your source overview packet. Source #1 Description of Source







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Level 5 Organize Your Research Materials

Now that you have collected RELIABLE sources about your chosen topic, you are ready to move on. It is so important to take careful notes of the information you find in your sources. This method of taking notes on index cards will let you keep track of where every bit of your information comes from, re-arrange them in the order you will want the information in your paper to go in and from there your paper almost writes itself! Here is how ALL of your note cards should look:

Each note card should only contain ONE piece of information, in order to make it easier to arrange your information later

Number each card with the same number as the source it comes from

Make sure to notate the page number where you found the information listed on the card.

The front of your notecards should list your name, your class period and the title of your source.

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Level 5 Worksheet Organize Your Research Materials

Now comes the fun part! You get to read all about your topic and make cards so you dont forget what you learned and read about. To complete this level you need to write a total of 5-10 note cards for EACH of your sources. I am asking for this many because you have to write at least 5 pages worth of research and that is going to take a lot of ideas and facts. ITS NOT AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS! Especially with only 1 idea per card The goal is to have extra so you dont run out of ideas and information when its too late and all the books are at school. For Teachers use only

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Level 6 Info and Worksheet Evaluating Your Sources

Now that you have collected sources and pulled important ideas from each for your note cards, its time to evaluate your sources. If you decide a source is good, you will go ahead and use it for your paper. Sources that are bad will be removed from your research. Use the following organizer for each source. Authority. Who says? Know the author.

Who created this information and why? Do you recognize this author or their work? What knowledge or skills do they have in the area? What else has this author written? Does the author acknowledge other viewpoints and theories?

Objectivity. Is the information biased? Think about perspective.

Is the information objective or subjective? Are a balance of perspectives represented? Could the information be meant as humorous, a parody, or satire?

Authenticity. Is the information authentic? Know the source.

Where does the information originate? Is the information from an established organization? Is this a primary source or secondary source of information? Are original sources clear and documented? Is a bibliography provided citing the sources used?

Timeliness. Is the information current? Consider the currency and timeliness of the information.

Does the page provide information about timeliness such as specific dates of information? Does currency of information matter with your particular topic? How current are the sources or links?

Relevance. Is the information helpful? Think about whether you need this information.

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Does the information contain the breadth and depth needed? Is the information written in a form that is useable (i.e. reading level, technical level)? Is the information in a form that is useful such as words, pictures, charts, sounds, or video? Do the facts contribute something new or add to your knowledge of the subject? Will this information be useful to your project?

Efficiency. Is this information worth the effort? Think about the organization and speed of information access.

Is the information well-organized including a table of contents, index, menu, and other easy-to-follow tools for navigation? Is the information presented in a way that is easy to use (i.e., fonts, graphics, headings)? Is the information quick to access?

There are several copies of this document in your Sources Packet. Please make sure you use for each source you have. Once you are done, show it to your teacher and you are ready to move on! For Teachers use only

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Level 7 Info and Worksheet Analyzing and Making Sense of Your Sources
You need to understand: Your sources will guide you as you write your research paper. Your sources will be your answer to your research question. Before you begin working on your thesis statement and your paper outline, you must determine whether your sources will allow you to answer your research question and support your thesis with evidence AND that is why we are spending so much time working on knowing EXACTLY what our sources are doing and saying before we do ANY writing. My Current Research Question ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

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Sort and Rank In the boxes below, name, sort, and rank (from strongest to weakest, with strongest at top of chart) all your sources (secondary and primary) into three possible categories: (1) sources that are directly related to your research question. (2) sources that are useful, but indirectly related to your research question (e.g., will provide valuable background or context information in your research paper, but will not help you directly answer your research question). (3) sources that are not really related to, or not useful for, your research paper. Directly related sources Useful, but indirectly related, sources Not related/ not useful sources

Choose a different color highlighter to represent each of the three categories above. Looking back through your note cards, highlight the source from each note card to symbolize how useful that note card is in answering your research question. Once you are finished, you can remove those note cards that are not useful for answering your question and set them aside.

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Organize Now that you have refined your sources and are focusing on those note cards that are the most useful for answering your question, organize your note cards into related stacks. Identify the major theme/ topic that each stack of note cards has in common: 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________ Evaluate In your opinion, which of the following best describes your situation? Circle your answer. (1) I am confident that my current sources will allow me to answer my research question and support it with evidence as I write my research paper. I am ready to begin organizing my ideas and outlining my research paper. (2) I believe that my current sources will partly allow me to answer my research question. To answer it fully, I need to collect a few more strategic resources to close the gaps in my research. (3) I believe that my current sources will probably not allow me to answer my original research question; I think need to revise my research question and/ or collect more sources before I can begin planning my paper outline. Explain your answer below

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Level 8 Info and Worksheet Writing the Thesis and Introduction

You are almost to the finish line (a final paper!) Just a few more steps to go. In level 8, you will use your Document Note sheets from layer 4 and your note cards from layer 5 and use them to write a FANTASTIC INTRODUCTION! This Introduction statement will be the EXACT same format as the thesis statements you have been writing all year for your DBQs. It will guide your paper and create the skeleton of your outline. Here are the steps to follow: Step 1: Refining your research question After evaluating your sources in Layer 7, do you have enough information to fully answer your research question? (remember, you need enough content to write a 3-5 page essay on this topic) Yes No Unsure

If yes, good for you! Move on to writing your introduction paragraph. If no, use the questions below to guide your thinking. o Are there other related sources you havent investigated that might help you answer your research question? If so, repeat the steps for Layers 4-6 to help you analyze the information you find in these additional sources. (theres a good chance youll be able to find more information out there) o If not, review your research materials. Based on the information you identified in your note cards and the major themes you identified in Layer 7, how could you revise your research question to better fit the information you were able to find? In other words, come up with a new research question you could answer using the research materials youve collected. If you need to revise your research question, please use the space below

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Step 2: Answering your research question Now that you are confident that you have the materials needed to write an amazing paper, its time to start answering your research question by writing your thesis. Your thesis should directly answer the question and present your argument. Write your thesis (the answer to your research question) in the space below. Please remember, your thesis statement needs to have two components: it needs to answer the question and how it answers the question. Research Topic Question: What was the importance of Michael Jordan on the game of basketball? Thesis Statement: Michael Jordan was immensely important to the history of basketball. Through his talent and fame, he changed the way the game was marketed, how the game was played and made basketball one of the most popular sports in the world. Now, we can use a COMPOUND thesis statement (but only if you are comfortable: COMPOUND Thesis Statement: Michael Jordan changed the nature of international basketball, turning it from a game that was played in mostly the United States to an international juggernaut, whose sports stars are amongst the most recognized in the whole world. Thesis Statement

We, however, know that an introduction is not just a thesis statement. We need to be able to add in the following information: A) Our Background Information that is Necessary to understand our thesis B) Our information on how we are going to prove our thesis (usually the groupings) C) The Historical Significance of our topic or thesis

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Example of a Good Introduction Question: What was the importance of Michael Jordan on the game of basketball?


It is impossible to separate to think about the NBA and international basketball without recognizing the

influence of Michael Jordan. As a rising young start, Michael Jordan was drafted into the NBA in 1984 and he never looked back. Jordan would become arguable the greatest player to play basketball. He had one of the highest scoring averages in the leagues history, several dunk contests and retired as a sixtime NBA champion. Even today, he is often referred to with an air of royalty His Airness and many consider him the bar that all other players must clear the G.O.A.T, or Greatest of All Time. 2.

Michael Jordan was immensely important to the history of basketball. Through his talent and fame, he

changed the way the game was marketed, how the game was played and made basketball one of the most popular sports in the world. 3.

His talent allowed the NBA to market him and future generations of players as individual athletes,

rather than just as members of a team. His fast paced style and ability to individually break down a defense led to a new generation of players that sought to drive to the basketball and score many points. Combined, they took basketball from a small time sports league in the United States to an international spectacle, culminating in events such as the 1992 Dream Team. 4.

One cannot tell the history of one of the most popular sports in the history of the world without

discussing the rise of Michael Jordan and his legacy on the game.

1 2

Background Information Thesis Statement 3 Explanation of Our Evidence (our method) 4 Historical Significance/Relevance YES Prep Public Schools World History Research Paper Page 27

Your Turn!!! Background Information

Thesis Statement

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Evidence that Proves our Thesis (or the Explanation of your groupings)

Historical Significance

On a separate, typed sheet of paper, please make sure you turn in a TYPED introduction. You need to use size 12 font, Times New Roman, and it must be double spaced. Once you turn it in, your teacher will confirm and sign below. Introduction Due Date:

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Level 9 Info and Worksheet Creating the Outline

You are almost to the finish line (a final paper!) Just a few more steps to go. In this layer you will use all those note cards you made and the amazing introduction to organize a well written paper. You are about to realize how important all those note cards are! Developing a good outline will help you do several things. 1. It will tell you where you need to complete more research (if any). 2. It will help you to get rid of information you dont need that might make your final paper go off on a tangent. 3. It will help you to organize your thoughts and all your notes into an amazing paper that is so, so easy to write. So, now that you love this idea of an outline lets get started! Lets look at an example outline so you can see how it looks: I. Thesis Statement a. Big idea/Definition/Background Information b. Argument- 3 pieces of evidence i. evidence ii. evidence iii. evidence Background Information- flesh out the background information for your topic. What happened in 1953? What happened in 1979? What is the connection to 1979? a. This will be 1-3 paragraphs, depending on topic b. Be sure to provide a quality overview that clearly explains your topic and uses your sources. Argument-Evidence 1 a. Topic Sentence: Restate your argument from your thesis, focusing on the first piece of evidence b. This should be 1-3 paragraphs, and include a large amount of evidence based in your sources c. Show how your evidence should directly tie back to your research question!




Argument-Evidence 2 a. Topic Sentence: Restate your argument from your thesis, focusing on the second piece of evidence b. This should be 1-3 paragraphs, and include a large amount of evidence based in your sources c. Show how your evidence should directly tie back to your research question! Argument-Evidence 3 a. Topic Sentence: Restate your argument from your thesis, focusing on the third piece
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of evidence b. This should be 1-3 paragraphs, and include a large amount of evidence based in your sources c. Show how your evidence should directly tie back to your research question! VI. Conclusion a. Wrap up your paper- revisit your argument and pieces of evidence. b. Do no restate your thesis word for word.

You must type this outline out. Same standards apply as the Introduction. If thats done, turn in your paper and remember your paper is now 80% finished! Please look at the sample outline that your teacher has given to you. Outline Due Date:

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Level 10 Writing Your Body Paragraphs

It can be sometimes difficult to see how you should write body paragraphs in your research paper. The best way to think about it is that in many ways, it is similar to how you write a DBQ, except now you get to use quotes if you feel the need to. A strong paragraph that you can use (and is easily to follow) is called a POWER paragraph and it is structured like this: 1) Topic Sentence What part of your thesis will you be discussing in your paragraph? 2) Evidence #1 What evidence do you to support the point you made in the topic sentence a. Explanation of Evidence #1 What does it mean? Give us information about its significance. b. Analysis of Evidence #1 Analyze how the evidence supports the point you made in your Topic Sentence AND in your thesis. 3) Evidence #2, #3 and so forth 4) Conclusion Sentence You should have a sentence that ties in your topic sentence and discusses how you proved it. In addition, you are going to write a paragraph that you rarely write normally in World History. The Conclusion A Conclusion is actually a very simple paragraph to write. In it, you are hoping to accomplish three things: A) Restate your thesis B) Summarize the evidence you provided C) Explain the historical significance of the event you are working on. The conclusion is NOT the time to introduce NEW evidence or arguments. It is simply an opportunity to summarize all of the information and wrap it in a neat bow. While it seems easy, it is also an opportunity to really put everything together. Some of historys greatest essays have only become that through a conclusion that succinctly put everything together and were able to tie everything to a common idea. On the next page, there is a worksheet that has the structure for you. Give it a whirl.

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Conclusion Framework Explain the purpose of your paper AND restate your Thesis Statement

Summarize your essay. You can use things like In this paragraph, we discussed X.

Historical Significance or Relevance Remember, these are your last thoughts. Why is this an important subject to study?

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Level 10 Worksheet Writing Your Body Paragraphs

At this point, your body paragraphs must be turned in typed and basically your whole essay is done. If you do this section well, you will not have to turn in another rough draft and you are basically all set to go. Make sure you meet the usual guidelines: Times New Roman, 12 Double-Spaced

Body Paragraphs are Due___________________________________

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Level 11 Writing Your Research Paper

You are almost done! This very exciting! You are ready to put everything together and get started on typing out the best research paper ever! A couple of important notes as you type out your research paper. #1 You want to use the following settings on your word processor. A) 12-inch Font, Times New Roman B) Double-Space the paper the whole way (except block quotesbut you already know this!) C) Use 1 margins across the paper #2 Make sure to create an appropriate HEADER for your word document. Your header needs to say the follow: A) Your last name B) Your page number C) It should be at the top of the page, on the right side! #3 Make sure your FIRST page meet MLA formatting. Id use on the next page to guide how you do it. Thats about it! You are ready to get start typing out your essay. Make sure you have it all together and that you format it well. A badly formatted essay looks sloppy and it makes your reader question whether you are a careful writer as well. For Teachers Use Only

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Sample 1st Page MLA Formatting

Proper Information for your 1st page

Dont forget the title!!!

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Level 12 Building Your Bibliography

Youve done an amazing job! Youve put in a whole lotta work to get to your research paper. Youve written those amazing paragraphs, gotten together your sources and have everything typed up and edited too! Lets focus on the last bit The Bibliography. This page contains all the sources you cited or looked at that informed your paper. The purpose of this is twofold: A) We get to see all your sources in one section, saving the reader the trouble of writing them all down as we read. B) It is a way to see what influenced your paper and to confirm that you did not engage in acts of plagiarism. In the next page, there is a sample MLA bibliography for you to look at, but for right now, lets look at one very important resource you can use to have an easy to organize MLA bibliography. As teachers, many of us used online resources that build the bibliography for us we just had to put in our sources and it pumped it out for us! There are two major websites that can handle that for you: or These two websites allow you to input your information and it will create the Bibliography. I would strongly suggest you create an account and always make sure to save all your information throughout the whole research process. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, but I would take the opportunity to explore them! Good luck on writing your bibliography. And HEY! You are almost done!

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Level 12 - Sample Works Cited Page "Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action." Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May 2007. Web. 24 May 2009. Clinton, Bill. Interview by Andrew C. Revkin. Clinton on Climate Change. New York Times. New York Times, May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009. Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times. New York Times, 22 May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009. Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." Rev. of An Inconvenient Truth, dir. Davis Guggenheim. Sun-Times News Group, 2 June 2006. Web. 24 May 2009. Cooler Heads Coalition, 2007. Web. 24 May 2009. Gowdy, John. "Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics of Sustainability." International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14.1 (2007): 2736. Print. An Inconvenient Truth. Dir. Davis Guggenheim. Perf. Al Gore, Billy West. Paramount, 2006. DVD. Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology. New York: Springer, 2005. Print. ---. "Global Warming Economics." Science 9 Nov. 2001: 1283-84. Science Online. Web. 24 May 2009. Uzawa, Hirofumi. Economic Theory and Global Warming. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. Print

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Level 12 Worksheet Bibliography

You must show your typed, bibliography. The usual business (Times New Roman, Size 12, Double Space) For Teachers Use Only

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