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SmartPTT Advanced

Deployment Guide

SmartPTT Advanced
This Guide shows step-by-step the process of SmartPTT Advanced deployment and includes 5 major stages: SmartPTT Software Installation MotoTRBO Radios Programming
Base Radio Programming Subscriber Radio Programming

SmartPTT Cable Preparation SmartPTT Radioserver Configuration SmartPTT Dispatcher Configuration


SmartPTT Software Installation

Before you start with software installation: 1. If you have downloaded SmartPTT Advanced distribution kit from our website or one of websites of our partners, unpack it to the separate folder, so you see the folder structure similar as on next page. 2. If you get SmartPTT Advanced distribution kit on CD, please insert it in CD-ROM. The installation process should start automatically, so you can skip the first step.

Run autorun.exe

In appeared window click on Install SmartPTT Radioserver item

Click on Next > button

Enter your credits and click on Next > button

You can change the destination folder. But it is recommended to setup in default folder. Click on Next > button.

Microsoft SQL Server is used by SmartPTT Radioserver to log all events data. This feature is optional at Radioserver and is turned off by default.

Click on Install button

After the installation is completed, click on Finish button

Now select Install SmartPTT Dispatcher item

Click on Next > button

Enter your credits and click on Next > button

You can change the destination folder. But it is recommended to setup in default folder. Click on Next > button.

Microsoft SQL Server is required for SmartPTT dispatcher console. If you dont already have installed instance of SQL Server make sure to install SQL Express together with the dispatcher console.

Click on Install button

After the installation is completed, click on Finish button


Base Radio Programming

Please connect to PC via a programming cable (item PMKN4016) your radio, which is going to be used as base radio. Then run MotoTRBO Customer Programming Software (CPS).

Click Read to read configuration from the radio

Select View menu item

Select Expert menu item to gain access to all possible configuration parameters

Review the tab Device Information to ensure that firmware version is no older than R01.04.00. Otherwise contact the supplier to request a firmware upgrade.

Switch to General Settings tab

Set the Radio ID. This ID number must be unique for each radio in the communication system.

Switch to Accessories tab

Click here to change Cable Type

Select Rear PC & Audio item

Switch to Network tab

Enable Forward to PC check-box so all messages received by the base radio are forwarded to the radioserver

Open the tab Contacts, rightclick the tab Digital

Add All Call. This contact will be used by the dispatcher to call all subscribers covered by the network.

You can rename contact to All Call for your convenience

Add to the contact list subscriber groups which are planned to be created in the system and which must be serviced by the dispatcher. Set a unique ID for each group.

Group ID is not related to radio IDs and can have the same values (e.g. 1 and 2 in our example). All call ID is 16777215 and cannot be changed.

Switch to an available list in the area RX Group Lists

Add created groups from the Available to the Members list.

Create a necessary number of channels on Channels tab. Click on channel to open channel configuration page.

Set required RX and TX frequencies for this channel

Set Group List option to a list of groups in which the dispatcher is included

Repeat the configuration procedure for each created channel

Click Write to write configuration back to mobile radio when you are done. Then close the configuration file.

Subscriber Radio Programming

Now disconnect your base radio from PC. Connect radio that intended to be used by subscriber.

Click Read to read configuration from the radio

It is recommended for the subscriber radio to have the same firmware version as the base radio.

Switch to General settings tab

Set the Radio ID. It must be unique for each radio in the communication system.

For example enter 4

Enable GPS to track the subscriber location

Switch to Network tab

Set ARS Radio ID in accordance with the base radio ID (1 in our case)

Set TMS Radio ID in accordance with the base radio ID (1 in our case)

Open the tab Contacts, right click the tab Digital

Add Group Call for each group where the subscriber base station will be included.

Set appropriate Group ID for each group

Switch to an available digital list in the group RX Group Lists

Move created groups from Available to Members list

Create a necessary number of channels on Channels tab. Then click any of them to open the channel configuration page.

Enable ARS

Set required RX and TX frequencies for this channel

Set Group list to a list of groups where the subscriber is included

Set Contact Name to one of previously created digital contacts, e.g. Group1

Repeat the configuration procedure for each created subscriber channel

Click Write to write the configuration back to radio


MotoTRBO radio is connected to the radioserver via a special cable, which must be capable to manage radio and transfer voice and data.

SmartPTT Cable Preparation

There are two options how to make this cable. You will receive the same features using both types of cable, so please select the most convenient way for you. You should download the instructions from Download section of our website. 1. Use MotoTRBO Programming Rear Accessory Cable (item PMKN4016). This cable enables radio management and digital data transfer. To transfer voice data, an additional adapter is required, connecting a DB-25 connector of PMKN4016 cable and PC sound card. 2. Make your own cable using MotoTRBO Rear Accessory Connector (item PMLN5072).

SmartPTT Cable Types

SmartPTT cable made from MotoTRBO Programming Rear Accessory Cable (item PMKN4016) SmartPTT cable made from MotoTRBO Rear Accessory Connector (item PMLN5072)


Radioserver Configuration
Please connect base radio to PC with SmartPTT Radioserver using the cable you prepared on previous stage. Run Radioserver Configurator using shortcut on your Desktop or from Start menu (SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator).

Switch to Licenses tab

Click Install Licenses button

Select the license you have

Make sure that license has not expired. Review the list of available additional features.

Add the record for Control Station base radio connected to Radioserver PC by means of USB + Audio Cable described before (Right click on Control Stations item)

Make sure that it is Active

IP and ID settings must correspond to IP address and Radio ID programmed at the base radio by CPS

Switch to Channels tab

Add all channels which were set up in the base radio

For your convenience you can change the alias of any channel

Enter Zone number (first zone in the list in CPS is 1)

Enter appropriate Channel number (first channel in list in CPS is 1)

Switch to Groups tab

Enter all contacts that were added in the base radio

Switch to Audio tab

Set Audio Input to sound device which base radio's audio output is connected to

Change Input Line to line which base radio is connected to

Set Audio Output to sound device which base radio's audio input is connected to

Click Save button to save configuration

Click Start to start service


Dispatcher Configuration
Run SmartPTT Dispatcher using the shortcut on your desktop or from Start menu (SmartPTT SmartPTT Dispatcher).

Enter database name, where all dispatcher data will be stored

Click Create New Database

Click OK

Click Next

Click Add to add Radioserver to the list

Enter Name (you can use any alias) and Address : Port of Radioserver. In our case we use Radioserver and is IP of the computer where Radioserver is installed and started

Set Active to enable connection to Radioserver

Click OK to save Radioserver configuration

Click Next

Review Statuses settings and click Next

Review Event Log Management settings and click Next

Review Call Window Settings and click Next

In Audio Input and Audio Output set appropriate sound device, which are used by dispatcher

Click Next

Here you can change the folder, where all recorded calls will be stored

Review other Audio Record Settings and click Next

Review GPS Settings and click Finish

Default Administrator password is empty. Click OK to proceed.

If you have correctly configured SmartPTT, after some radio subscribers activity you will see log entries in dispatcher window

Also you should see your radioserver in Online section on left panel.

Elcomplus LLC
Web: E-mail: 634021, Russia, Tomsk Frunze 130a Tel./Fax: +7 (3822) 522-511

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