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EXERCISES FROM UNIT 5 TO UNIT 8 1. VERB TENSES Simple past or present perfect?

Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1. Jim is away on holiday. He _______ to Spain. a. is gone b. has gone c. has been d. went 2. Everything is going well. We _______ any problem so far. a. didnt have b. dont have c. havent had d. havent 3. Linda has lost her passport again. Its the second time this ______ . a. has happened b. happens c. happened d. is happening 4. We are good friends. We _______ each other for a long time. a. know b. have known c. knew d. knowing 5. Sally has worked here ________ . a. for six months b. since six months c. six months ago d. before six months 6. There is nobody in the office. They all ________ for lunch. a. have gone b. went c. were going d. are gone 7. The Chinese _______ printing. a. invent b. have invented c. were invented d. invented 8. Ian ________ in Scotland for ten years, then he moved to London. a. lives b. has lived c. is living d. lived 9.________ a car when they were living in London? a. Had they b. Did they have c. Were they having d. Have they had 10. I ________ TV a lot when I was young, but I dont any more. a. Was watching b. watched c. Have watched d. watch Simple past or past continuous? Write the verbs in the correct tenses. 11. Jane ( wait) for me when I ( arrive). 12. What _________ ( you/ do ) this time yesterday ?- I was asleep. 13. ________ ( you/ go out) last night ? No, I was tired. 14. Was Carol at the party last night?- Yes, she ( wear ) a really nice dress. 15. How fast _________ ( you/ drive)when the accident ( happen)? 16. John __________ ( take) a photograph of me while I _________ (not look). 17. I havent seen Alan for ages. When I last ________ ( see) him, he _________ ( try ) to find a job in London. 18. I ________ ( walk) along the street when suddenly I ________ ( hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody _________ ( follow) me. I was frightened and I _______ ( start) to run. 19.When I was young I ________ (want ) to be a bus driver. 20. I _______ ( cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man _______ ( step) out into the road in front of me. I ________ (go) quite fast but luckily I ________ ( manage) to stop in time and _________ ( not, hit ) him.

WILL or BEGOING? Write the verb in the correct tense. 1.- Why are you turning on the television? - I __________ ( watch ) the news. 2. - Oh, Ive just realized. I havent got any money. - Dont worry. I __________ ( lend) you some. 3. - Ive got a headache. - Wait there and I ________ (get ) you some aspirins 4. - I have decided to repaint this room. - Oh, have you? What colour _______ you ( paint ) it? 5. - I dont know how to use this camera. - Oh, its quite easy. I ________ ( show ) you. 6. - What would you like to eat ? - I ________ ( have) a sandwich, please. 7. - George phoned you while you were out. - OK, I ________ (phone ) him back. 8. Look at those black clouds. I think it ________ ( rain). 9. - Are you going shopping? - Yes, I ________ (buy) something for dinner. 10. Did you post the letter for me ? - Oh, Im sorry. I completely forgot. I _______ ( do ) it now. 2. VERB PATTERNS (1) Choose the correct verb form for each sentence. 1. How old were you when you learn _______ ? a. to drive b. drive c. driving d. drives 2. I dont mind ________ home but Id rather get a taxi. a. to walk b. walk c. walking d. walked 3. He had made his decision and refused _______ his mind. a. to change b. change c. changing d. changes 4. Remember ________ Tom tomorrow. OK. I wont forget. a. to phone b. phone c. phoning d. will phone 5. I like _________ carefully before________ a decision. a. think/ make b. to think/ to make c. thinking/ making d. think/ making 6. How do you make this machine _______ ? a. work b. to work c. works d. working 7. Do you want ________ with you or do you want to go alone? a. me come b. me coming c. me to come d. to come 8. Are you looking forward _________ Ann again ? a. seeing b. to see c. see d. to seeing 9. ________ in public areas is not allowed . a. Smoke b. Smoking d. To smoke d. To smoking 10. Would you like something _________ ?

a. drink

b. to drink

c. drinking

d. to drinking

3. COMPARISONS A. Write the comparatives and superlatives or equal comparisons of adjectives and adverbs 1. I am sorry Im a bit late. I got here _________ ( fast) I could. 2. It is too noisy here. Can we go somewhere _______ ( quiet) ? 3. You are talking very fast. Can you speak a bit ________ ( slow) ? 4. He was a bit depressed yesterday, but he looks _________ ( happy) today. 5. Sally and Kate are both 12 years old. Sally is ______ ( same) age as Kate. 6. I prefer warm weather to cold weather. I feel _______ ( comfortable ) in spring. 7. Men often drive _______ ( careless) than women. 8. That was _______ ( boring ) film Ive ever seen. 9. Its becoming ________ and _______ ( hard ) to find a job. 10. I think she is thirty, but she is much ________ (old). 11.Canada and Russia are _______ (large) countries in the world. 12. Russia _______ (large) Canada. 13. _______ (high) waterfall in the world is in Venezuela. 14. The Suez Cannal joins the Mediterranean and Red seas, It is 190 kilometres long. It is ________ (long ) the Panama Cannal. 15. The Atacama Desert in Chile is ________ (dry) place in the world. 16. Mount Waialeale in Hawaii gets 1,170 centimetres of rains a year. It is _________ (wet) place on earth! 17. _________ 9hot ) capital city in the world is Muscat, in Oman. 18. The continent of Antarctica is ________ (cold) any other place in the world. 19. The Himalayas are some of _________ (dangerous) mountains to climb. 20. Badwater, in California Death Valley, is _________ (low) point in North America. 21.Mont Blanc in the French Alps is ___________ (high) the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps. 22. The Pacific Ocean is ________ (deep) the Atlantic Ocean. In some places the Pacific Ocean is 11,033 metres deep. B. Complete the conversations with the words in the box worst latest- more as(2) funniest- funnier- than- friendlier- tastier- like- was whatthe- most 1. A: I started a new job today, working in an office. B : Really! How did it go? A : It was OK. I was a bit nervous. B : What are the other people _______ ? A : They are very nice. They seem _______ than the people in my old job, and the job is much _________ interesting.

B : You worked in a shop before, didnt you? A : Yes. Working in an office is better ________ working in a shop. Ill tell you! That was the _________job Ive ever had. I hated it. 2. C : We went out for a meal at Luigis last night- you know, that new Italian restaurant. D : Mm, I know. What _______ it like? C : It was _______ best Italian meal Ive ever had, and it wasnt as expensive ____________ Giovannis, so I think well go there again. D: Yes. Giovannis used to be the __________popular restaurant around here, but then it started getting very expensive. C: And the service isnt _______ good as it used to be. D: What did you have? C: Paul and I both had veal, but mine was cooked in wine and herbs, and it was _________ than Pauls. But he liked it. D: It sounds great. 3. E: Have you read John Harrisons ________ book, Going Round the World? F : No. ________ s it like? E : I think its the ________book hes written. I laughed out loud all the way through. F : I didnt like The Truth and the Light, the one that came out last year. E: Neither did i. This ones much _________ . F: Can I borrow it? 4. ADJECTIVES or ADVERBS? A. Write the words in brackets in the correct form. 1. We didnt go out because it was raining very ( heavy). 2. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very ( quick). 3. Do you usually feel ( nervous) before examinations? 4. Linda like wearing ( colour) clothes. 5. I think you behaved very ( selfish) 6. Dont go up that ladder. It doesnt look ( safe) 7. He looked at me ( angry) when I interrupted him. 8. Dont walk so ( fast). I cant keep up with you. 9. She fell and hurt herself quite ( bad) 10. Id like to buy that car, but its ( complete) impossible for me at the moment. B. Complete a fairy story with the words in the box. Adjectives beautiful green hot angry adverbs carefully happily quickly suddenly

deep handsome unhappy

immediately unfortunately quietly

Once upon a time there was a _________ princess who had a golden ball. She lived in a palace with her father, the King, and her seven sisters. Every day she played with her ball in the garden of the palace. At the end of the garden there was a _________ , dark lake. When the weather was __________, the princess like playing near the lake. ___________, one day she dropped her golden ball into the water. She was very ___________ and she sat on the grass and started to cry. __________ she heard a voice: Dont cry, princess. She opened her eyes and saw a large _________ frog. Oh, please help me! she said, I cant get my ball. Ill help you, said the frog, if I can come and live with you in the palace! Yes, yes, of course. I promise, said the princess. So the frog jumped into the water and came back with the ball. The princess laughed and took the ball and forgot all about the frog. The frog was very _________ . He followed the princess into the palace and told his story to the King. A promise is a promise, said the frog. Yes, said the King and called his daughter. A promise is a promise, my daughter. Take this frog to your room and look after him __________. The princess cried again, but she took the frog and put him on her bed. The frog looked at her and said __________, Please kiss me, princess. She closed her eyes and kissed him. ___________, the frog turned into a ________ prince. Of course, he and the princess fell in love. One week later they married and they lived __________ ever after. 5. RELATIVE CLAUSES Choose the best relative pronoun for each blank. 1. I dont like stories _______ have unhappy endings. a. where b. they c. which d. who . 2. What is the name of the man ________ ? a. which you borrowed his car b. which car you borrowed c. whose car you borrowed d. his car you borrowed 3. Jane works for a company ________ makes shoes. a. which b. where c. who d. ____ 4. My brother Jim, _______ lives in London, is a doctor. a. that b. who c. he d. whom 5. The new stadium ______ can hold 90,000 people will be opened next month. a. where b. that c. what d. when 6. Theyve got three cars, two _______ they never use.

a. of whom b. of which c. of them d. of that 7. He is going to the fan club ______ he can meet his favourite singer. a. which b. where c. that d. who 8. Sue has a lot of friends, many ________ she was at school with. a. of which b. of whom c. of who d. whom 9. Winter is the time _______ birds migrate to warm places. a. where b. which c. when d. that 10. The dress ____ Ann bought doesnt fit her very well. a. that b. which c. _______ d. all are correct 6. MODALS Fill in the blank with a suitable form of have to or must. 1.You cant turn right here. You _____ turn left. 2. I dont want anyone to know about this. You _____ tell anyone. 3. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I _______ go to work. 4. Whatever you do, you _______ touch that switch. Its very dangerous. 5. Jack left before the end of the meeting. He _______ go home early. 6. You really _______ work harder if you want to pass the examination. 7. Paul doesnt like his new job. Sometimes he ______ work at weekends. 8. Julia wears glasses. She _______ wear glasses since she was very young. 9. I went to the bank this morning. There was no queue, so I _________ to wait. 10. We couldnt repair the car ourselves. We ________ take it to a garage 7. LINKING WORDS Choose the best linking word for each space. 1. _______ it rained we enjoyed our holiday. a. Because b. So c. However d. Although 2. We had planned everything carefully. _______ a lot of things went wrong. a. However b. So c. Although d. While 3. She accepted the job _______ the salary was rather low. a. because b. and c. although d. in spite of 4. I couldnt get to sleep ________ the noise from the neighbours party. a. although b. while c. because d. because of 5. Ill be in London next week. I hope to see Tom ______there. a. while my visit b. during my visit c. when I will be d. during I am 6. ________she cant drive, she has bought a car. a. Even b. Even though c. Even if d. Even when 7. I havent seen her _______ such a long time. a. about b. for c. since d. from 8. They are twins. _______, they are quite different from each other. a. So b. Because c. However d. Who 9. I fell asleep _______ the film. a. While b. during c. when d. as 10. She was coming home from work _______ she heard someone call her.

a. when

b. which

c. While

d. where

8. PREPOSITIONS Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition 1. Ive got an interview next week. Its _____ 9:30 _______ Tuesday morning. 2. The train service is very good. The trains are nearly always ______ time. 3. They didnt come to the airport ______ 4 :00 because of the terrible traffic. 4. Although we are twins, I am quite different ______ my sister. 5. Mozart died _______ Vienna ______ 1791 _______ the age of 35. 6. Our flat is _________ the second floor of the building. 7. They walked ______ me without looking at me. I felt so sad. 8. You have to walk ________ the street at the zebra crossing. 9. Parents should be more responsible _______ their childrens study. 10. We live near the airport. It is difficult for us to sleep while planes are flying _____ the house during a day. 11. Marcel is French. He has just returned ______ France after two years ____ Brazil. 12. Have you ever been ______ China ? 13. I had lost the key but I managed to climb ______ the house though a window. 14. Im moving into my new flat next week. Im staying with a friend ____ then. 15.They accused me _______ telling lies. 9. MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST

Choose the best words or phrases to complete the following sentences TEST 1
1. When the student saw his professor, he stopped _________ him. a/ to greet b/ greeting c/ greeted d/ greets 2. We will use their services_________ they are expensive. a/ because b/ so c/so that d/ although 3. She looked at me_________, but didnt say anything. a/ kind b/ kindly c/ with kindness d/ in a kindly way 4. The castle __________ on that hill for 900 years. a/ has been stood b/ was standing c/ was stood d/ has stood 5. Im out tomorrow morning, ________ give me a call in the afternoon. a/ so b/ because c/ although d/ since 6. Without his glasses, the doctor could not see_________ a/ clearly b/ carefully c/ nearly d/ good 7. The company ________ not yet answered our complaint. a/ has b/ does c/ will d/ is 8. His father taught him ________ when he was young. a. to swim b. swim c. swimming d. how swim 9. To cross the sea, passengers have to go _______ the tunnel. a. by b. through c. out of d. under 10. Her step- mother was so ________ . She always let her go to bed with an empty stomach.

a. generous b. meanness c. cruel d. nice 11. Peter came last in the race. He was __________. a. the quickest b. the fastest c. the slowest d. the stronge 12. Susan got higher grade on the last test than me. I did _______ than her. a. as well as b. better c. worse d. more badly 13. Theyre building a new school_________ the street from my office. a/ over b/ across c/ before d/ of 14. Id like a seat_________ the window, please. a/ by b/ for c/ as d/ since 15. Its too__________ to work here. a/ noisily b/ noisy c/ noise d/ noises 16. We ________ to the baseball game when it started to rain. a/ are driving b/ drives c/ driven d/ were driving 17. My parents __________ in Florida since 1990. a/ has lived b/ have lived c/ are living d/ live 18. Mitch is afraid of ________ alone at home at night. a. be b. to be c. being d. am 19. My ex-girlfriend would like _________ me to her wedding next month. a. invite b. inviting c. to invite d. invitation 20. Sometimes, Harry thinks about __________ to another city. a/ to move b/ moving c/ moves d/ move TEST 2
1. When the professor entered the room, the students stopped .. a. to talk b. talking c. talked d. being talked 2. Can you show me how ______ get to the nearest post office ? a. to get b. getting c. get d. to getting 3. I dont like alone in the street at night. a. to walk b. walk c. walked d. walking 4/ Our grand mother is going . us next month. a. to visit b. visit c. visits d. will visit 5. Sometimes, I want on my own. a. live b. to live b. living c. to living 6. Joe won the first prize in the garden contest. His garden was the ___________. a. as beautiful as b. more beautiful c. most beautiful d. ugliest 7. I and my husband are the same age. He is ___________ me. a. as old as b. older than c. the oldest d. not as old as 8. Waiter : What would you like to order, sir? Customer : I __________ a salad and a hamburger. a. have b. am going to have c. ll have d. had 9. Look at the black clouds. I think it _________. a. is raining b. rains c. will rain d. is going to rain 10. I have to stay up late to study for the exam. I _______ a cup of coffee to keep me awake. a. like b. would like c. am like d. alike 11. Children are part of parents __________ . They want their children to succeed in life.

a. decisions b. ambitions c. education d. programmes 12. When you have any problems with friends, just go to the school ________for advice. a. nutritionist b. chauffer c. bodyguard d. counsellor 13. I _________ with her boring stories about her last journeys. a. gave up b. turned up c. was fed up d. ran out of 14. My uncle is so ________. He is willing to buy us whatever we want. a. mean b. generous c. unkind d. spoilt 15. What _______ the weather like yesterday ? It was fine.-warm and sunny. a. did b. was c. had d. were 16. Hetty ________ the money which she inherited from her rich father in stocks and shares. a. offered b. gave c. invited d. invested 17. His father passed away last week and he left a two-page_________ to the children. a. note b. story c. will d. message 18. You have to be sure about your _________ before you decide to study abroad. a. account b. finance c. financial d. fiance 19. He suggested _________ to a restaurant after the film. a. go b. to go c. going d. will go 20. I said hello to my neighbour, but he walked _______ me without saying a word. a. across b. past c. over d. into TEST 3 1. Whats wrong with your watch? It needs .. a. repairing b. repair c. to repair d. repaired 2. I remember . him once in my life. a. to meet b. meet c. meeting d. met 3. My country has developed so __________ recently. a. quick b. rapidly c. fastly d. in rapid ways 4. Canada is the second __________ country in the world. a. larger b. largest c. much larger d. large 5. His father taught him how__________ . a. swam b. to swim c. he could swim d. swimming 6. Natural resources are running out now, because people have exploited them too much. a. are being produced b. are being exhausted c. are being manufactured d. are being created 7. Its strange that he is late. Hes usually.. a. out of time b. at time c. in time d. on time 8. According to the weather, there will be snow tomorrow. a. plan b. information c. forecast d. survey 9. She invites me the meeting next week. a. to attend b. attending c. for attending d. attend 10. Have you seen John ? a. lately b. recent c. late d. long ago 11. . dont you ask Peter? He can help you with that problem. a. What b. Why c. When d. How 12. It was . a boring speech that we felt asleep. a. so b. much c. such d. too

13. They accused me lies. a. of telling b. to tell c. with telling d. telling 14. . are people between ages 13 and 19. a. Middle-aged peopleb. Teenagers c. Youngsters d. Elderly people 15. They slept soundly. They slept . a. noisily b. deeply c. fast d. good 16. The class leader suggested ________ for a picnic at the end of the semester. a. to go b. going c. go d. went 17. The man was away on holiday. a. wanting to see b. I want to see him c. I wanted to see d. I wanted to see him 18. We had so little time together that our marriage was breaking up. a. coming to an end b. shortened c. forgotten d. boring 19. People their money because they want it to grow in value. a. save b. put away c. invest d. hide 20. Movies, sports and reading are forms of . . They help us relax a. exercise b. study c. entertainment d. research TEST 4 1. I like to see World News. Its my a. popular b. preferable c. favourite d. likable 2. There were fewer people in the shop than usual. There were a. as many as usual b. not as many as usual c. as few as usual d. more than usual 3. Ted has been worried all the week, and hes . worried. a. yet b. even c. still d. any more 4. He got such a fright. He was .. frightened. a. so b. such c. such a d. more 5. Maths is .. more difficult than literature. a. a few b. much c. many d. very 6. . does she intend to take a rest? Every two hours. a. How long b. How much c. How many d. How often 7. There are several cases of people . said they had seen the UFOs. a. which b. when c. they d. who 8. Tom, .. is the best student in the class, was in hospital for an operation. a. that b. who c. which d. (a) and (b) are correct 9. I wanted to see how the other lads did it. a. boys b. dancers c. soldiers d. policemen 10. They were walking slowly .. the field a. pass b. over d. across d. crossing 112. This orange tastes a. sweetly b. sweet c. sweets d. sweeten 12.Hes the man.. died in an accident last month. a. his wife b. of whom his wife c. of which his wife d. whose wife 13. Thats the club groups of friends often go dancing. a. where b. which c. that d. on which 14. We all.forward to our summer holiday. a. bring b. carry c. look d. wish 15. The twins are so alike that I can never .. the difference between them. a. tell b. say c. decide d. make

16. They lost the key. However, they ________ to get in through window. a. managed b. was able c. succeeded d. achieved 17. Hes the man.. was stolen in Cambridge. a. his passport b. his passport of which c. of whom passport d. whose passport 18. Shes the woman.. I told you . a. who/to b. whom/to c. whom/about d. whose/about 19. The building he lives. is very old. a. where/in b. which/ in c. that/within d. where/on 20. There are so many books on the shelf, many are science books. a. of whom b. of which c. of these are d. whom TEST 4 1. The test was difficult. _________ , he managed to do it. a. However b. So c. Because d. Although 2. Normal Hall is .. the corner of 13th Street and 5th Avenue. a. in b. on c. over d. through 3. The girl . yesterday was waiting for you downstairs. a. you told me b. you told me about c. which you told me d. who you told me about her 4. Shop assistant: I think this shirt fits you very well. Customer: OK. I ________ take it. a. am going b. will c. can d. must 5. You brother is very tall. What is his exact. ? a. high b. size c. length d. height 6.Sophie? _______ me? Oh, James! Yes, of course I will. a. will you marry b. Are you going to marry c. Do you marry d. Did you marry 7. Your son is grown up and has to take responsibilities _____ himself. a. with b. for c. about d. at 8. My grandfather rode a camel the Sahara dessert in his last journey. a. to b. from c. across d. past 9. Cher met her second husband _____ was also a famous rock star. a. which b. whose c. that d. whom 10. Donna and Terry, who live in such a .. house are a famous couple. a. rich b. luxurious c. wealthy d. wonder 11. Cuba is one of.. sugar-growing areas in the world. a. the larger b. the largest c. largest d. as large as 12. There were ______ people in the shop than usual. a. as many as b. bigger c. fewer d. more than 13. I and my husband are at the same age. He is ________ me. a. older b. younger c. as young as d. as old as 14. My brothers a cook and he ______stand all day cooking in the kitchen in a restaurant. a. should b. must c. have got to c. has to 15. Students who live in the dormitory _______ go out after 10 p.m. a. dont have to b. mustnt c. shouldnt c. couldnt 16. The changes in this city have occurred .. a. with swiftness b. rapidly c. fastly d. in rapid ways 17.Ted has been worried all the week, and hes . worried.

a. yet b. even c. still d. any more 18. . she smoked, drank and never took exercise, she lived to be 100. a. Because b. Although c. When d. As soon as 19. The pharmacist sold the patients what his doctor had written in the ________ . a. note b. prescription c. symptom d. appointment 20. I have had a sore throat for a week, so it is difficult to ________ . a. cough b. swallow c. chew d. walk TEST 5 1. Excuse me. Do you have a ________. We need to set a fire. a. fire b. cigarette lighter c. candle d. pipe 2. Daughter: Why do you buy so many eggs? Mother: I __________ make some cake a. will b. should c. am going to d. need 3. Wars have made thousands of people live in _______ . a. wealth b. crisis c. poverty d. poetry 4. The _______ were shipped across the Atlantic from Africa to work on cotton fields. a. immigrants b. soldiers c. nutritionists d. slaves 5. Hollywood kids do not ______ ordinary lives. They grow up in such unreal atmosphere. a. lead b. head c. need d. led 6. It is important to wash your hands with soap to prevent _________ . a. antibiotics b. infections c. diarrhea d. poisonous 7. The woman was accused _______ killing her husband and was sentenced to death. a. for b. about c. of d. to 8. In Vietnam, having two wives at the same time is _________ . a. legal b. legally c. illegal d. illegally 9. Hes the man ________ died in an accident last month. a. his wife b. of whom his wife c. of which his wife d. whose wife 10. Derek is a lot more responsible_______ his sister. a. as b. for c. than d. that 12. They reach the hotel _______ after landing at the airport. a. already b. shortly c. hardly d. quick 13. After two years of hard work, she in getting her Ph.D. a. managed b. was able c. succeeded d. achieved 14. Thats the club Mr. Van Buren met his wife. a. where b. which c. that d. on which 15. They were walking slowly .. the Directors room. a. pass b. passed d. passing d. past 16. Mr. Pike is a _________. He has to repair broken pipes and faucets. a. miner b. vet c. mechanic d. plumber 17. The bosses made slaves______ on their cotton platations. a. fight b. work hard c. do hard d. hardly work 18. My uncle, who owns a small shop and a nice house, is the ____man in the village. a. happier b. happiest c. happily d. most happily 19. I am _______ worried about Jane because she always seems to be tired. a. so b. such c. more d. almost 20. ________ does it take to get to Bangsaen from here?- Two hours by bus.

a. How far b. How fast c. How d. How long TEST 6 1. Her husband was dead in a car accident and she became a _________ . a. window b. widower c. widow d. lonely 1. _________money in stocks and shares isnt always a safe way . a. Saving b. Keeping c. Investing d. Selling 3. Workers didnt receive their salaries on the usual day because of the companys ________ difficulty. a. finance b. financial c. financially d. financed 4. Natural disasters, storms, volcanoes and ________, make peoples lives hard. a. sunshine b. earthquakes c. winds d. snow 4. Chris was in hospital because he had __________ . a. food poisoning b. canned food c. frozen food d. fast food 5. You cant have this ball back_____ you promise not to kick it at my cat again. a. when b. until c. while d. as 6. The gunman_______ the pilot of the plane to change direction. a. claimed b. made c. controlled d. forced 7. He lives______ but he doesnt feel______ because he has a plenty to do. a. alone-lonely b. lonely alone c. single- lovely d. himself private 8. Shes _______ a lot of weight, so she is taking an aerobic class three times a week. a. gaining b. losing c. increasing d. decreasing 9. The speaker is delivering _____ a boring speech that I fall asleep. a. very b. too c. such d. so 10. The skirt you bought is different _______ mine. a. to b. with c. from d. as 11. The weather has been bad this week. Next week it will probably be even ______ . a. more badly b. worse c. worst d. worser 12. _______ did he pay for the transistor radio ?- Only three hundred baht. a. How high b. How long c. How much d. How often 13. ________ is strictly forbidden in that factory. a. To smoke b. Smoking c. Smoke d. Smokers 14. ________ the harvest time, farmers are busy______ in the fields. a. During- working b. While- working c. As- work d. When- in working 15. They looked very _______ when they came to see us last night. a. cheer b. cheerful c. cheerfully d. cheering 16. Have you read Johns new book ?- Yes. Its _______interesting than his first four books. a. the most b. very much c. much more d. the more 17. ________ of all of the 1980 presidential candidates was Ronald Reagan. a. The richest b. The rich c. The most wealthy d. The poorer 18. When I was a child I wanted to be an actress, but I changed my _____ later on. a. head b. heart c. mind d. memory 19. Parents are willing to pay for their children to get ________ for future jobs. a. schools b. qualifications c. standards d. lessons 20.The police _______ and his assistants came to the scene to investigate the crime. a. personal b. investigation c. detective d. office 10. SENTENCE WRITING

Write sentences with the following words. 1. she/happy/ when/ hear/ exam / result 2. parents / live/ countryside/ all life/ not/want/ move 3. Joanna / travel / many / part / world/ so far 4. I/ like/ know/ what time/ play/start 5. we/meet/ recording studio/ while/ I/ record/ first song 6. she/win/several/ award/ and / some of/ play/ performed/ London/stage/ recently 7. when/ grow up/ he/ want/footballer/play/ Manchester United 8. they/ lucky/ escape/ danger / when/ get lost/ forest. 9. I/think/ Mrs. Johnson/ best / teacher/ we/ ever/ have. 10. New York/ very/ cosmopolitan/city/ because/ there/ people/ different races/ world /there 11. city/ attract/ lot/tourists/ because/ have/ combination/ old/ new/ architecture 12. Dubai/ most/interesting/ because/ it/ so /different/ other places/ I / ever/ know 13. people / like/leave/ town/ get back/ nature/ weekends 14. Bangkok/ it/ take/ people/hours/ travel/ their home/ work / everyday 15. I / work / chef/ big/ hotel/ city /centre / and/ have / work/ very/ unusual hours 16. After/ graduate/ cooking school/five years ago/ I / write / six hotels/ and/ one of/ give/ job. 17. there/ lot/ thing/ do/ see/ when/ you/ travel / round/ world. 18. children/ always/ need/ parents/ support/ even /when/ mature 19. I/ must/ a word/ neighbour/ noises/ they/ make/last night 20. how/ you/ find/ be/ famous/people? 21. you/ ever/ any/ foreign country? 22. what/ most/ interesting/ experience/ you/ever/ have/ your/life? 23. how long/ the last meeting/ director board/last? 24. how long/ take/ travel/ HCM city / Nha Trang/ train? 25. how many/ tablet/ doctor/ told/ take/ each time?

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