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Didactical and methodological requirements to the English lesson

Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 1. Didactical requirements for modern teaching lesson...................................................................4 2. Language classes and methodological content............................................................................6 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................9 List of used literature.....................................................................................................................10

Introduction Lesson planning is a special skill that is learned in much the same way as other skills. It is one thing to surf the Net to retrieve lesson plans from other sites and adapt them to your needs. It is quite another thing to have the skill to develop your own lesson plans. When you are able to create your own lesson plans, it means you have taken a giant step toward "owning" the content you teach and the methods you use, and that is a good thing. Acquiring this skill is far more valuable than being able to use lesson plans developed by others. It takes thinking and practice to hone this skill, and it won't happen overnight, but it is a skill that will help to define you as a teacher. Knowing "how to" is far more important than knowing "about" when it comes to lesson plans, and is one of the important markers along the way to becoming a professional teacher. It is also in keeping with a central theme of this site that you should learn to plan lessons in more than one way. The corollary is, of course, that there is no one "best way" to plan lessons. Regardless of the form or template, there are fundamental components of all lesson plans that you should learn to write, revise, and improve. The old adage, "Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect" is at the core of learning this skill. Trust me on this.

1. Didactical requirements for modern teaching lesson Dignity lesson on the quality of teacher preparation for it. Training - it is nothing like the lesson development, modeling and design, decorated in the lesson plans. Lesson plans - is not only a rational design of the lesson, but also a program of activity, a product of creativity teacher, a reflection of his teaching of handwriting, the most important element of culture, a means of saving time and effort. The project is a prototype of the intended result, an attempt to look into the future. Lesson will never be holistic systemic if not thorough preparation for it. Teacher today is not the only source of information and its role in the classroom is to organize the work of students with the information they receive from a variety of sources, and this requires careful thought of the learning process. Zharov LV In his book "Learn to independence" focuses on teacher planning not only their work in the classroom, but above all of the students and to involve themselves in the development plan for the next lesson, the real strokes which can be identified at the end of the previous one [5, c. 43]. Thus, the teacher can gradually attach students to plan their activities in general in the classroom, and in particular to the implementation of certain types of jobs or to reply. Pupil in practice becomes one of the most important skills - the ability to plan. Joint design lesson, interaction, dialogue, partnership - this is the lesson of modern features. You may think that designing lesson plans for one and the same technology will uniformity lessons. That will not happen ever. Individual teacher, different levels of competence, creativity, different subjects, different subjects lessons, age-appropriate students, the degree of teacher and student skills will not make the same lessons [3]. The success of the lesson is determined not only by the quality of planning, not just by how emotionally to tell or explain to the teacher, but above all the level of teacher communication with students, organization of interaction of students with each other, the nature of their activities, and interest in the lesson. And the

lesson of the teacher should not be bound by its own implementation plan. In the course of the lesson is not excluded any improvisation. But the good improvisation is possible only if premeditated lesson. Requirements for modern teaching lesson: - clear definition of educational objectives in general, and its constituent elements and their relation with developmental and educational tasks. Definition of place in the overall system of lessons; - determination of the optimal content of the lesson, in accordance with the requirement of the curriculum and the objectives of the lesson, with the level of training and preparedness of students; - predicting the level of mastering the students scientific knowledge and skills of formation, as in the classroom, and on individual stages; - selection of best practices, techniques, and training resources to promote and monitor the impact of their best at every stage of the lesson, the choice of providing cognitive activity, - a combination of various forms of collective and individual work in class and as independent as possible in the teaching of students; - implementation in the classroom teaching of principles; - create the conditions for successful teaching students [2].

2. Language classes and methodological content The main psycho-pedagogical and methodological requirements for foreign language lessons are communicative, individualization of the learning process, verbal orientation tasks, situational learning, novelty. The basis for the construction of a lesson is a collection of scientific principles that define its characteristics, structure, logic and methods of work. This collection is called methodological content of the lesson. Communicativeness. If you want to teach a person to communicate in a foreign language, you need to teach it in terms of communication. This means that the training should be organized so that it is similar to the process of communication (communication). Only in this case it will be possible to transfer the formed skills: the student will be able to operate in the real world [4]. Individualization. Anyone have a personality with all its features. During training, speech activity personal individualization becomes very significant, because the faceless voice does not happen, it is always individual. It is closely associated with the mind, with all the mental health problems of man as an individual. You can not effectively teach speech activity without referring to individual student. Therefore, teachers need to learn a class of students, their interests, characters, relationships, experience, motivational sphere, and more. The difficulty is that this knowledge should be used in determining the content of exercises and their organization. Not only the content of the training, but the same techniques and methods have different effects on students, depending on their individual circumstances. For example, pair work will have no effect if the "sides" of this pair does not harbor sympathy for each other, no sense to offer a class assignment - to ask questions to the student, if the voice of his status in the team is low, it is not necessary to adjust the phlegmatic individual task or offer to who by nature sociable and likes to talk in the group. Individualized assignments conveniently given at home. In this case, the combination of individual training with the group: the student tells the class that

taught at home. As his comrades did not know the content of his story, it is interesting to them and storyteller. Such work is used as a charge for voice lessons. Verbal direction. Verbal directions, first of all, means practically oriented lesson. It is a practical speech activity should be devoted almost all a lesson. Every lesson should address some specific practical problems and approximate student to his goal, not only teachers, but students need to know how or in what language skills they possess the ability to end the lesson [1, c. 21]. Situational. Situational learning a foreign language requires all spoken in the classroom somehow touched interlocutors - student and teacher, student and another student, their relationship. Situational - this is the correlation of sentences from those that are located at the sides. Situational - a condition vital for teaching speaking. The situation is an incentive to speaking. The essence of situational shows that its implementation is impossible without personal individualization, since the creation of the classroom situations as a system of relationships is only possible with a good knowledge of potential interlocutors, their personal experience, context, activities, interests, feelings, and the status of their individual in the collective class. So, as a component of the situational methods of lesson defines the following provisions: - The situation of communication in the classroom can be created only if it is based on the relationship between the interlocutors (students and teachers); - Every phrase, uttered in the classroom should be situational, ie relate to the relationship interlocutors; - Situational is essential not only for the development of verbal skills, but also in the formation of skills, eg in preparatory exercises (vocabulary and grammar). Novelty. Impossible to master a foreign language only through intensive learning, because, first, it is inefficient: you can learn a lot of dialogues and texts, and not able to speak a foreign language, and secondly, not interested. When learning a foreign language speaking the principle of novelty implies constant variance speech situations, which is needed in order to prepare students for

"meeting" with any new situation, not just to the one encountered in the classroom. Achieved this skill by constantly varying speech situations, by replacing the speech situation every time some new components: verbal tasks, contacts of the interlocutors, buddy relationship, an event that changes the relationship, the characteristics of the person or some object, the subject matter etc. All this is necessary in order to teach communication in adequate conditions. The novelty of the methodology as part of lesson foreign language is one of the main factors for the interest of students. Here we have in mind the novelty of educational content, novelty shapes lesson (lesson-tour, lesson-press-conference), the novelty of the work - that is, a constant (within reason) the novelty of all elements of the educational process [6, c. 62].

Conclusion A lesson plan identifies the enabling objectives necessary to meet the lesson objective, the materials and equipment needed, and the activities appropriate to accomplish the objective. Enabling objectives are the basic skills (language skills such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation) and the life skills (including cultural information) that are necessary to accomplish the objective. Materials and equipment should be identified and secured well before class time to ensure that activities can be carried out as planned. These may include realia (real-life materials like bus schedules and childrens report cards), visual aids, teacher-made handouts, textbooks, flip chart and markers, overhead projector, tape recorder, etc. Activities generally move from more controlled (e.g., repetition) to a less structured or free format (e.g., interviewing each other). They should be varied in type (e.g., whole group, paired, individual) and modality (e.g., speaking, listening, writing).

List of used literature 1. ..

.- .: ". ", 2001.- 87 . 2. Burns, A. (1999). Collaborative action research for English language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 210p. 3. Effective Lesson Planning for Adult English Language Learners III-C-1 Trainer Guide 4. Freeman, D. (1998). Doing teacher research. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. 91p. 5. Jo McDonough and Steven McDonough. Research Methods For English Language Teachers. Arnold, 1997. 262p. 6. M.E.S. Elizabeth. Methods Of Teaching English. Discovery Publishing House, 2010. 384p.


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