Student Handbook

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Financial Training Institute

Student Handbook

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Welcome note by principal ................................................................................................................... 3 About ACCA ........................................................................................................................................... 4 About FTI ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Tutor contact details ............................................................................................................................. 6 Rules and Regulations ........................................................................................................................... 7 Course Structure ................................................................................................................................... 8 Attendance policy ................................................................................................................................. 9 Refund policy ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Use of computer services policy ......................................................................................................... 11 Class cancellation policy.................................................................................................................. 15 Complaints procedure..................................................................................................................... 16 Hostel facilities ................................................................................................................................ 17 PER (Practical Experience requirement) ......................................................................................... 19 Other important information.......................................................................................................... 20 Annexures ....................................................................................................................................... 21

1. Welcome note by principal

Dear Student, It is my pleasure to welcome you to Financial Training Institute. The management, faculty and I believe that FTI is a wonderfully supportive and unique living and learning environment for students from all parts of the world who come to Bangalore to study. We like our students to feel that FTI is their home, and so we are informal, welcoming and quality focused. The members of our teaching faculty are the best that can be found in the area in terms of their qualifications as well as their dedication and commitment to the students. They mentor the students and help them to perform their best. They are caring, understanding, affirming and encouraging. But they also challenge them at the same time so that the best in them can be manifested. Our faculty places teaching as their highest priority and personal attention is the rule here and not the exception You have chosen a course that is challenging, yet allows flexibility. We encourage you to take up this challenge whole-heartedly and dedicate your time to attend tuitions, assignments, revision classes and mock examinations. In our experience, attendance is a key factor in the success of our students. We look forward to you joining us and hope to see you pass the chosen course with flying colors. Narayanan Nambiar Principal

2. About ACCA

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. ACCA aims to offer business-relevant, first choice qualifications to persons of application, ability and ambition globally who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. ACCA supports 154,000 members and 432,000 students throughout their careers, providing services through a network of 83 offices and centres. ACCA's global infrastructure means that examinations and support services are delivered and reputation and influence developed at a local level, directly benefitting stakeholders wherever they are based, or plan to move to, in pursuit of new career opportunities. The focus is on professional values, ethics, and governance, and delivers value added services throughout 57 global accounting partnerships, working closely with multinational and small entities to promote global standards and support. ACCA uses their expertise and experience to work with governments, donor agencies and professional bodies to develop the global accountancy professional and to enhance the public interest. ACCA's reputation is founded in providing over 100 years of world-class accounting and finance qualifications. ACCA champions opportunity, diversity, integrity, and their deep routed traditions complemented by modern thinking, backed by a diverse, global membership. ACCA promotes global standards, support their members wherever they work and aims to meet the current and future needs of international business.

3. About FTI

Managed by professionals from the field, Financial Training Institute is also known to have the best faculty for ACCA, in India, in the field of specialised financial education. The FTI team consists of highly qualified and experienced ACCA's, CA's and MBA's and matches any international standards in the field of Financial Training. Our team is lead by Narayanan Nambiar, a Chartered Accountant who has more than 30 years experience in Financial Management, Accounting, Audit and Taxation. He has handled several training projects of UN, World Bank and DFID of UK. His passion for teaching started at the age of 25. He was principal of a financial training institute in East Africa and formed Financial Training Institute, Bangalore in the year 2007. He has also handled IFRS training programs for a vast number of reputed international organisations. The other faculty members are: Mr. MC Shekar, B.Com., FCCA, CISA, a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK and has more than 25 years of professional experience 2 CA Nandakumar Raja, B.Com., FCA, is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, with more than 25 years professional experience out of which more than 10 years in teaching 3 Ms. Vandana Kumar, MBA from Cleveland State University, Ohio, International MBA from University of San Diego, has 10 years of corporate experience in India and USA and 2 years of teaching experience 4 Ms Minu Thomas, ACCA, has experience with one of the Big 4 audit firms and also in teaching ACCA subjects 5 CA Subramaniam, B.Com., FCA, CIA, CISA with more than 25 years of experience and a specialist in training 6 CA Vinayak Pai V, B.Com., FCA, ICWAI Inter, EPGBM (IIM-C), CertIA, DipIFRS, CertIFRS, having more than 15 years of corporate and teaching experience. Former Vice President Finance of Infosys Limited. 7 CA Madhukuttan Pillai, Bsc, FCA, Ex-Chairman SIRC Aleppey, having more than 14 years teaching experience and 9 years professional experience. 8 Ms. Saritha Prasanna Kumar, BA, LL.B, Practicing advocate and visiting faculty in Law for more than 20 institutes with more than 22 years of experience 9 Ms. Lakshmi Ramesh, LL.M, Faculty in Law for the past 15 years 10 CA Ramakrishnan K P, FCA, CIA, CISA and has over 27 years of professional experience 11 CA Thomas Mathew, BSc., FCA and has over 15 years of experience in India and Abroad 1

4. Tutor contact details

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Phone number 9886804997 9742010365 9980994410 9741224631 9535111806 9535215846 9400813410 9845043343 9497187095 9746313235 9961272153 9880304136

Email id

5. Rules and Regulations

1. On registration Rs. 60,000/- fees is to be paid and the remaining amount is to be paid in two equal parts within the completion of course opted. Registration is not complete until the student has paid his or her fees by the prescribed deadline 2. Attendance is mandatory for all students including all Tests/Mock exams conducted by FTI. Please refer to attendance policy for more details 3. Papers opted for exams in a particular semester have to be informed at the beginning of the semester 4. The Exam /ACCA Registration/ACCA Annual fees paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Refund of tuition fees will be made only in exceptional circumstances as outlined in the refund policy 5. Exam fees to be paid before March 8th / September 8th to avoid excess payment 6. Students should inform Management incase their ACCA registration is not through within one month of the commencement of the FTI classes. 7. Students must maintain discipline and professional behavior within FTI premises and at ACCA examination centers 8. Students must keep in their possession their student ID cards while at FTI premises. 9. Students utilizing the computer services must abide by the Use of Computer Services policy 10. FTI may cancel or reschedule a class at its discretion, and if it does, will use reasonable efforts to notify you at least one week in advance. FTI is not liable for travel or accommodation costs incurred by students in the event of cancellation / rescheduling.

6. Course Structure

FTI does not mandate the number of papers to be attempted by students at each sitting. Students may determine the number of papers to attempt based on their convenience. However, FTIs recommended progression is as follows: 1st Sitting: F1, F2, F3 2nd Sitting: F4, F5, F6 3rd Sitting: F7, F8, F9 4th Sitting: P1, P2, P3 5th Sitting: Two papers out of P4, P5, P6 or P7 Students attempting more papers than what is recommended will receive all support required from the faculty or administration. Please note that currently we do not provide tuition for P6. However, if there are more than 5 students wishing to take this paper, classes will be arranged. Also, students are required to take note of the variants for which tuition is provided: F4 Corporate and Business Law ENG variant F6 Taxation UK variant F7 Financial Reporting International F8 Audit and Assurance International P2 Corporate Reporting International P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance International

7. Attendance policy

The Importance of Attendance You have made a commitment to work towards achieving academic success by enrolling in ACCA. We know, as you do, that in order to achieve ultimate success in your studies it is important that you attend all your lectures and revision classes. We therefore regard attendance as essential, as we are sure you will. Punctuality is also crucial (if you turn up late you may find you will not be allowed to enter -late attendance causes disruption for others). Other aspects of behaviour are important as well - for instance, no food or drink should be consumed in lectures or classes, all mobile phones should be turned off. Recording attendance We are obliged to keep records of your attendance. You must ensure that you can demonstrate your attendance through this recording process. If you cannot attend If you are unable to attend classes or other required activities for any reason you must inform the administration as soon as practicable, and in any case within 7 working days. Be advised: Students whose attendance falls below 100% will not be eligible to attend the classes free of cost in the subsequent semester In case of sponsored students, sponsors (including parents) will be notified if students are absent without an independently verifiable cause from classes on three consecutive occasions and/or students attendance falls below 75% at any time Students with attendance less than 90% during the course duration will NOT be eligible for placement assistance with Big 4 and MNCs Students with marks less than 30% in mock examinations conducted during the course duration will NOT be eligible for placement assistance with Big 4 and MNCs If you attend regularly If you attend regularly you will get the most out of your studies, you will maximise your chances of success, and you will find the relationships you build up in your classes support you in your achievements.

8. Refund policy

Refund of tuition fees will be made only in exceptional circumstances. The request for refund has to be made to the administrator who shall seek the approval of the Principal. Once approved, the refund will be made in the following manner: 1. Students who have paid entire course fees (Amount paid) Less (Fees for papers attended) Please note: Paper-wise fees will be considered here Papers attended will be determined by considering whether students have continued attending classes beyond the demo class

2. Students who pay paper-wise fees No refunds will be made to students who continue attending classes beyond the demo class 3. Students with 100% attendance in classes, assignments and revision and mock exams will be eligible to re-sit classes in the event that they fail a paper

9. Use of computer services policy

At FTI, we provide students with web access through PCs and also WIFI is available to students who want to connect through their laptops. Please contact the Administrator to avail these services. The following are the guidelines to remember while availing these free services. 1. Introduction A. Email/Internet services are Institute facilities intended for use for teaching, learning, research and administration in support of the Institutes objectives. B. Computing resources are provided to support the academic, research, institutional, and administrative objectives of the Institute. These resources are intended for the sole use of the Institutes staff and other authorised users (users) to accomplish tasks related to the users status and duties as a member of the Institute consistent with the Institutes objectives. These resources, including software and data provided by the Institute, must not be used for commercial use or significant personal use. C. Computers are powerful communication tools and must be used wisely. Use of these resources in a manner which contravenes these Regulations may result in disciplinary action which may include suspension or expulsion from the Institute. D. The basic principle is that all users are expected to use common sense and to conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner in their emails and use of the Institutes computer facilities and the Internet. E. Users are individually accountable for all actions associated with their use of the Institutes information and technology systems. F. Use of the Institutes computer facilities is a privilege granted to students and the Institute reserves the right to withdraw or limit access to such facilities. G. These Regulations apply to all users of Institute computer resources. 2. Confidentiality A. The Institute does not provide users a guarantee or right to privacy or confidentiality in connection with the use of email and internet systems, and users should have no expectation of privacy in this regard. B. The Institute reserves the right to retrieve information from its computers for the purpose of finding lost information or retrieving information lost due to system failure. The Institute reserves the right to

monitor computer usage if there is a suspicion on reasonable grounds of criminal activity or any breach of these Regulations, and in this event there should be no expectation of prior warning or notice. C. Such monitoring includes the generation of logs which may be posted to detect and establish breaches of these Regulations. The Institutes computers and networks are Institute property and subject to standard maintenance and auditing activities as well as reasonable cause searches without notice to staff. D. Users consent to such monitoring and accept that it is essential to properly safeguard the business of the Institute and to protect the rights of all staff. 3. Use of Computer Resources A. Reporting/Queries Users must immediately advise the relevant members of staff of any suspected acts of violation, breach in the security system or virus. If users have any queries about the Institutes information and technology systems they should seek advice from the relevant member of staff. B. User Access Users must not utilise any other persons access rights. Users must not attempt to gain access to resources or data for which they have not been specifically authorised nor should they attempt to bypass or probe any security mechanisms governing access to the computer systems. A user must not misrepresent himself or herself as another individual in electronic communications. Users must not divulge their Institute email address to any website that is not required by virtue of their designated duties, studies or research. C. Content The Institutes computer facilities and services should not be used to create, send, post, download, forward, view, store or display offensive, abusive, slanderous, vulgar, threatening or defamatory messages, text, graphics, or images or material from whatever source which may put the Institute at risk of prosecution, civil action, embarrassment or loss of reputation. This includes harassment, discrimination and intimidation of individuals on the basis of race, sex, religion, ethnicity, sexual

orientation, disability, age marital status, family status or membership of the traveller community, etc. Specific examples include, but are not limited to, material that:

is sexually explicit (whether visually or in written form) including descriptions or images of nudity or sexual acts; is discriminatory; advocates or supports violent or criminal acts; involves gambling; is by way of chain letter; violates copyright laws; breaches the Institutes harassment guidelines; involves use or transfer of unauthorised or unlicensed software; involves knowingly transferring viruses or virus based files; involves participation in responses to SCAMS, SPAMS or illegal activities.

Provided that the user first obtains the consent in writing from his or her Head of School or other designated officer, access to material described above for the purposes of bona fide study or research undertaken as part of an Institute programme of studies is not prohibited. Email messages should be accurate, courteous and necessary. Users should note that all messages on the Internet or access to Internet sites coming from the Institutes information and technology systems are identified as Institute activities. Electronic mail will be treated as a record of the Institute. It may be required to be retrieved as legal evidence. Therefore electronic mail should be used in the same way as other forms of written communication on Institute notepaper and all electronic mail messages should be regarded as permanent documents which will or may become public whether under the Freedom of Information Act or otherwise. Users must not use Institute computer facilities to comment or communicate unofficially on any legal disputes or actions involving the Institute, its employees or students. D. Computer Security Users must not remove the Institutes information and technology equipment from Institute premises without prior authorisation of FTI Management. Users must ensure that they do not deliberately or otherwise corrupt or destroy any software or data facilities or equipment accessible to them or introduce viruses to these resources. Users must not physically damage or deface any computer, ancillary equipment, documentation or related materials.

Messages should not be sent to a larger audience than is reasonably justifiable, in particular when they contain attachments. Care should be taken when addressing email messages, to avoid mis-delivery. Large and non-essential Internet downloads should be avoided, especially during peak hours, when they may be likely to impact on network performance. Users are advised that software products are covered by licensing agreements. Such products and related materials shall not be copied. Eating, drinking and smoking are strictly forbidden in any computer service area. Users may not remove, disconnect, power off or otherwise interfere with any item of computer equipment without authorisation. E. Compliance Users must comply with the instructions and advice of Institute staff having responsibility for provision and support of computer services and for regulation of their use. 4. Discipline Any user in breach of these regulations is liable for the legal and / or disciplinary consequences of that action which may take the form of withdrawal of facilities, suspension, expulsion or prosecution.

10. Class cancellation policy

Cancellation of classes at FTI will be made only under exceptional circumstances. Examples of such circumstances are below: Lecturers personal emergency Strikes Natural disasters

(This is only a suggestive list. This is not a comprehensive list.) In case, students are not notified regarding class cancellation without proper notice, students can make a formal complaint to the Management as per the complaint procedure.

11. Complaints procedure

You can make a complaint verbally, in writing, by telephone or email. If you complain verbally, the details will be written down onto the Complaints Form (Annexure 1) on your behalf. You can make your complaint straight onto the form if you prefer. Forms are available with administration. The form asks you to tell us: your name and address or email; the date on which you are making the complaint; telephone number; details of the complaint; what you would like us to do.

Details of your complaint will be passed to Management for action within 5 working days.

12. Hostel facilities

FTI provides hostel facilities in Bangalore for women. Following are the rules and regulations applicable to these hostels: 1. The hostellers will be permitted to change their rooms only after Directors approval 2. The hostel rooms are subject to inspection by the Institute / Hostel authorities to make sure that they are kept neat and tidy and no unauthorized items like drugs, lethal weapons etc., are kept in the room. Possession of any lethal weapons or any instrument / contrivance, which is likely to cause physical harm to others, is strictly prohibited. 3. Perfect silence is to be maintained in the hostel premises including rooms, bathrooms, dining halls, corridors, common areas etc., Every student of the hostel should have the civic responsibility that she should not be a cause of inconvenience, annoyance or disturbance to others. 4. The hostellers should not enter into any unnecessary conversation, quarrel or altercation with the hostel staff. If anyone has any complaint against any employee of the hostel, a written complaint against the person is to be lodged with the Warden. Use of abusive, vulgar and unparliamentarily language against the hostel/mess staff is strictly forbidden. Any complaint received from staff/faculty towards students will be taken action seriously. 5. If any hosteller is found indulging in any form of instigation / intimidation / threat to any other hostellers she will be asked to vacate the hostel forthwith. In this regard, the decision of the Chief Warden is final and binding on the individual's concerned. 6. Celebrating birthday parties inside the hostel rooms is strictly prohibited. 7. Collection of donation for any purpose (Religious/ otherwise) is also strictly prohibited. 8. When leaving the rooms for attending classes or for vacation, etc., fans, electrical gadgets, lights etc., should be switched off. Glass windows are to be closed securely 9. Students absenting themselves from regular classes will have to take the permission of the Warden and communicate the information to the Institute. 10. Hostellers coming to the Hostel after 8 PM without prior permission or without valid reason would not be encouraged. Regular late comers will not be allowed to stay in the hostel. Request for permission to enter after 8 PM should be as per Annexure 3 11. Water should be carefully used and not wasted. 12. In case of any quarrel between or among roommates it should be reported to the Warden for appropriate action. 13. At the time of starting of the semester, no student should lock any room other than the officially allotted room. If the allotted room is a shared accommodation the student should inform the other student in the room or Warden whenever they are going out of the hostel. Students leaving the hostel after the semester or discontinuing their stay should never lock their rooms and cupboards. 14. The meal timings are displayed at the entrance of the dining hall. These timings are to be strictly adhered to. It is not obligatory on the part of the kitchen/dining hall staff to serve the meals outside the prescribed timings. 15. The hostellers shall not waste food, electricity & water. If anyone is found indulging in such wastage, he/she will be asked to vacate the hostel, since wastage causes unnecessary and unavoidable expenditure to others.

16. Sick person will be served food in the room, only if the student registers their name with the Warden 17. Parents would be allowed to take their wards for week end outings including overnight stay for any number of times provided if they come in person and accompany with them

13. PER (Practical Experience requirement)

Becoming an ACCA-qualified accountant does not just involve passing your exams and completing an ethics module, you also need to complete practical experience. You can gain your practical experience before, during or after you complete your exams. PER provides a structure for you to follow by setting you a range of performance objectives. The performance objectives ensure you gain the experience to demonstrate that you have the abilities required to become a member. To begin achieving your PER, you need to be working in an accounting or finance-related role. You will need to: find a workplace mentor complete 36 months employment in an accounting or finance-related role(s) achieve 13 performance objectives record your progress using the online My Experience record

For queries related to PER, please contact the PER counselor at

14. Other important information

1. Student feedback It is very important that FTI continually strives to improve ourselves. In order to do this, we require valuable feedback from the students. Hence students are encouraged to fill in the feedback forms circulated by the Administration 2. Study material The study materials followed by the faculty at FTI is BPP. Students are encouraged to use BPP textbooks and revision kits as this is currently ACCAs only platinum approved content provider. Students who wish to purchase the books should please contact the Administrator at the earliest. 3. In case sponsors (including parents) require a progress report regarding the student, a written request needs to be sent to the administrator and the report will be given in the format as per Annexure 3 4. ACCA connect For any queries with ACCA directly, please visit : Phone: +44 (0)141 582 2000 Fax: +44 (0)141 582 2222 Post: 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street Glasgow G3 8BW UK

15. Annexures

Annexure 1 Financial Training Institute Complaint form Name: Email id / Address: Tel No.: Details of complaint: Date of complaint:

Expected action:

Annexure 2 Name: Course: Papers:

Attendance Total number of classes: Classes attended:

Performance in internal assessment Homework assignment 1 (remarks from lecturer): Homework assignment 2 (remarks from lecturer): Mock examination 1 marks: Mock examination 1 remarks from lecturer:

Prognosis of final exam results Remarks from lecturer:

General attitude to study Remarks from lecturer:

Annexure 3 Students Leave Permission Letter (to be filled in by Parents/23guardian) 1 Students Name 2 Students Reg. No. 3 Hostel Block Name 4 Hostel Room No. 5 Date & Time of Departure Date & Time of Arrival 6 (only in case of Term End Vacation leave) 7 Destination City 8 Parents Name 9 Mobile Number or Landline Number 10 Purpose of leave

Date : Note :

Signature of the Parent/Guardian

Please mail/submit in person/post this form This form should be sent at least 72 hours (3 days) before the departure time mentioned above. Otherwise, outing permission will not be granted. For students safety, students are discouraged to travel in odd hours. So they will not be allowed to leave the hostel or arrive at the hostel between 8.00pm and 7.00am

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