Rodriquez Final Project Rubric (1) 365

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Use these criteria to assess your performance on this assignment.

Explain how/if you have met each criterion, citing evidence from your paper to support your judgments. Directions are followed completely and accurately_______

ED 365 Final Project Literacy Plan: Self Assessment/Feedback

Evidence Exceeds Criteria

Evidence of going beyond

Sufficient Evidence to Meet Criteria

Criteria 1: The project begins with a clearly articulated personal philosophy about literacy teaching and learning for students in a middle grade classroom. . .including concepts related to brain-compatibility. The philosophy accurately identifies and explains the theorists/theories upon which it is based. Connections between theory and practice are clearly evident throughout your plan, classroom design, and reflection. Evidence:

Minimal Evidence to Meet Criteria


Evidence Does Not Meet Criteria/Goal


You very clearly describe your philosophy and its relationship to students. The relationship to braincompatibility is very clear.

Course Goal 2
Evidence of going beyond Criteria II: The summary accurately describes the range of reading and writing behaviors of students in a middle grade classroom. The summary reflects a solid understanding of the appropriate use of development continuums to describe the range of reading Evidence:

The rubric that youve included her very clearly explains the behaviors you expect to see students demonstrate. It

is very much in-depth. You can use it to create smaller rubrics to assess students performance on a variety of tasks.

and writing behaviors in a diverse middle grade classroom.


Course Goal 6
Evidence of going beyond Criteria 3: a, b, c, d: The role of the teacher clearly translates the philosophy into specific classroom practice. This practice demonstrates an solid understanding of literacy practices, including brain-compatible teaching practices, in the following areas: a. Assessments Assessments are appropriate for meeting the diverse needs of the students in a middle grade classroom. An understanding of the relationship between assessment and instruction is clearly articulated. Course Goal 3 b. Concepts/Strategies: The concepts, skills, and strategies addressed meet the appropriate literacy needs of the students within your middle grade classroom in both reading and writing. Course Goal 4,5 c. Instructional components: The components of literacy Evidence:

You have clearly identified and made connections between the strategies you have selected and students needs. You have matched the students to strategies that will assist them in their reading development and comprehension of text. This extends to what you see students doing as writers.

instruction are accurately described and show a clear understanding of the purpose. An understanding of the relationship between the role of the teacher, student and the environment for each component is evident. Materials and/or genre are appropriately discussed for each component. Course Goal 1, 2, 5, 6


Evidence of going beyond

Criteria 4 The classroom design/floor plan clearly supports the philosophy and instruction described in the written plan. The written reflection clearly articulates an understanding of the role the environment as it relates to your philosophy and instruction. Course Goal 1, 2


Your classroom design, appears to support student learning in the ways you have identified throughout the plan.

Evidence of going beyond Your PDP will continue to support your growth and development as a teacher

Criteria 5 The reflection/Professional Development Plan is complete and insightful. It clearly reflects a self-awareness of an understanding of areas for future growth for you as a learner.


of content and literacy.

The three goals selected are supported by a strong rationale based upon your class plan and classroom design. Course Goal 7

Evidence of going beyond

The paper consistently addresses these L3 Criteria for Effective Writing: Establishing and Maintaining Context Verbal Expression Appropriate Conventions Purposeful Structure Acceptable Formatting of references Evidence:


Additional Comments:

___This is a successful performance

___This is an unsuccessful performance

Name_______________________ Date____________ Instructor________________________

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