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Milleu = to have a positive environmental manipulation Primary focus of milieu therapy can be described as = living, learning or working environment

Short periods of exposure to phobic objects is a form of behavior modification known as = systematic desensitition How does cognitive theory work in major depression = helps examine how your

thoughts & feelings control your difficulties I get down on myself when I make mistake, using cognitive approach, the nurse should = help client modify the belief that anything less than perfect is horrible most advantage therapy for a preschool child with history of physical + mental abuse = play cognitive behavioral approach to anorexia

nervosa = provide supportive environment + therapeutic communication Clients suited for reminiscing therapy = client with mild depression who exhibits/demonstrates normal cognition Cognitive-behavioral intervention for low self esteem = examination of negative thought Strongly advocated as treatment for post-

traumatic stress disorder = group therapy (psychotherapy) Maximum member for group therapy = 10 members ( 7 10 ) Use of disulfiram for alcohol abuse is a form of = aversion therapy Biological/medical approach in treating psychiatric patient = somatic therapy secondary level of psychiatric intervention =

emergency psychiatric services if a client has attempted a suicide = refer to a psychiatrist defense mechanisms of phobic clients = displacement goal of therapy in phobia = change her reaction towards anxiety most effective therapy in phobia = behavior therapy

flooding = abruptly decreasing fear + anxiety related to phobia ineffective individual coping = a client with phobia which has greatly affected her chances of success in her job projection = most common defense mechanism used by paranoids When client says to you: the voices are telling me bad things again, the best

response is: I do not hear the voice you say you hear Nursing diagnosis in clients with auditory hallucinations = sensory perceptual alterations If the client refused to eat and tells that the food is poisoned = offer him food in his own container The nurse should consider the following when communicating with delusional patients =

refrain from touching the client Initial appropriate diagnosis in ritualistic behavior = ineffective individual coping OCD is best decribed as = recurring unwanted + disturbing thought alternating with behavior

NURSING TIPS VOLUME #3 Accountability = willingness to assume responsibility Responsibility = obligation to perform ones own duties Alcoholism main coping style = denial & rationalization Alcohol withdrawal symptoms = tremors, insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, nausea, hyper-alertness, increase in all v/s Immediate care of the newborn: remove the mucus from the babys mouth & nose with your finger & piece of gauze after the cord has stopped beating = tie or clamp it with 2 forceps, 5cm apart, cut b/w them with sterilized scissors/razor blade dry, wrap and give baby to mother; help mother put baby to breast; dont remove all vernix ( protects the baby ) do apgar & repeat in 5 minutes *BSE ( breast self exam ): - once a month, a week after mens, regular monthly interval - compare findings with previous exam - lie down with towel under right shoulder - raise R arm above the head - use pad of the middle finger when palpating - repeat to the L breast with same manner Burns: diagnosis = pain if pain is relieved, breathing pattern will be more effective severity: determined by Total Body Surface Area apply silver sulfadazine (silvadine) or mafenide acetate (sulfamylon) In collaborating with members of health team, negotiation & decision making skills are important., Career mapping = strategic, long term plan for ones career 3 types of stroke: embolic, hemorrhagic, thrombotic hemorhagic stroke = trauma, damage to blood vessel, aneurysm isolation = separation of persons belongings, article, discharges during periods of communicability quarantine: limitation of persons movement during longest incubation period Phases of Community Organizing: 1. preparatory= AREA SELECTION, PROFILING, ENTRY 2. organizational= social preparation, spotting potential leaders, core group formation, setting up community organization 3. education + training= community diagnosis, training of CHW, health services+ mobilization, leadership formation activities

4. intersectoral collaboration 5. phase out COLOR CODING TRIAGE: RED: most urgent, life threatening, no delay in treatment YELLOW: urgent, injury with systemic effects, 30 60 min delay GREEN: 3rd priority, walking wounded, minimal injury, delayed seeral hrs BLACK: dying or dead, catastrophic, no treatment FIDELITY: honoring a contract; kkeping promise Health Belief Model, except: person should think that he is not susceptible to health problem being addressed 4As in quitting smoking: ask smoking status, advise to stop smoking, assist developing quit plan, arrange follow up Reiki Therapy= placing hands on the clientand energy flows from one to the other

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