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Robotics and Engineering May Science Challenge Limiting Factors in the Earths Biomes

Todays challenge will test your understanding of food chains that exist in the major biomes on Earth. Your group will randomly select one of the seven major biomes on Earth and will model a food chain that exists in that biome. Your group will also select a limiting factor that will influence the food chain in your particular biome using the Arts and Bots kits designed by the Create Lab at Carnegie Mellon University. The Earth is divided into six major biomes: freshwater, deserts, forests, grasslands, marine, and tundra biomes. Your first task will be to research your chosen biome to learn more about the food chains that exist in that environment. In this challenge, you will build a model of a food chain using at least three different species that live in the biome of your choosing. Your model will demonstrate the relationship between the species in your ecosystem and the affect of a limiting factor on a particular food chain. Below are several websites that you may want to visit to learn more about your particular biome. These websites are a good starting point, but your group may want to find other websites that will offer information specific to your particular food chain and the limiting factor that will be influencing that food chain. The Six Major Biomes on Earth: All food chains on Earth are influenced by limiting factors. Your task will be to not only model a food chain but to demonstrate the impact of a particular limiting factor on a particular food chain. Limiting factors are resources that may influence the growth of a population. Your group will randomly select one of the following limiting factors: food, predators, disease, and invasive species. Once you have chosen your limiting factor, your group will need to research the possible consequences of that limiting factor in your food chain. There are several websites listed below that will provide more information about limiting factors and their impact on populations within an ecosystem. Limiting Factors: On the first day of this science challenge you will need to determine which species would best represent a food chain that exists in your chosen biome. You will then need to determine how that food chain will be influenced by your chosen limiting factor. Once you have come up with a model, you will build this model using craft

materials and the Arts and Bots kit. On the second day of this science challenge, you will program your robotic model in order to demonstrate the relationship between the organisms in your food chain and the limiting factor that will influence the population growth of those organisms. You will be graded on your model using the rubric below, and winners will be chosen based on total points earned. Awards will be given for first and second place as well as best teamwork.

Modeling a Food Chain in One of Earths Biomes Student Names: ______________________________________________________ CATEGORY Information Gathering 4 Accurate information taken from several sources in a systematic manner. Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for all components. 3 Accurate information taken from a couple of sources in a systematic manner. Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for most components. 2 Accurate information taken from a couple of sources but not systematically. Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. 1 Information taken from only one source and/or information not accurate. Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. Total

Scientific Knowledge


Plan provides Plan does not clear show measurements measurements and labeling for clearly or is most components. otherwise inadequately labeled. Inappropriate materials were selected and contributed to a product that performed poorly.

Construction -Materials

Appropriate materials were selected and creatively modified in ways that made them even better.

Appropriate Appropriate materials were materials were selected and there selected. was an attempt at creative modification to make them even better.

Construction Care Taken

Great care taken in construction process so that the structure is neat, attractive and follows plans accurately. Structure functions extraordinarily well, holding up under atypical stresses. The food chain depicted is relevant to the biome chosen, at least three species are shown, and the relationship between the species is accurate. The limiting factor is clearly illustrated in the model and the populations are appropriately influenced by the limiting factor.

Construction was Construction careful and accurately accurate for the followed the most part, but 1-2 plans, but 3-4 details could have details could have been refined for a been refined for a more attractive more attractive product. product. Structure functions well, holding up under typical stresses. Structure functions pretty well, but deteriorates under typical stresses. The food chain depicted is not relevant to the chosen biome; there are at least three species depicted but the relationship between these species is not entirely accurate. The limiting factor is shown but is not clearly illustrated; its influence is not accurate and does not demonstrate an effect on the populations in the food chain.

Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product. Fatal flaws in function with complete failure under typical stresses. The food chain depicted is not relevant to the chosen biome, there are less than three species depicted, and the relationship between these species is not accurate. The limiting factor is not shown and its influence on the populations in the food chain is not depicted by the model.


Model of Food Chain

The food chain depicted is relevant to the chosen biome; there are at least three species shown but the relationship between these species in not entirely accurate. The limiting factor is clearly illustrated in the model but the influence of the limiting factor is not 100% accurate.

Influence of Limiting Factors

Tuesdays Agenda: 12:50 1:00 1:00 1:30 1:30 2:00 2:00 2:10 2:10 3:10 Wednesdays Agenda: Arrival and Debriefing Students will meet in the loft area. Ms. Hopkins will explain the science challenge, and students will select their biome and their limiting factor. Research Students will be given time to research their chosen biome and their limiting factor. Planning Students will create a plan for their model by answering the questions in the Illustrating the Affects of Limiting Factors in a Food Chain questions below. Introduction to Arts and Bots Kits Ms. Hopkins will explain the kits and how they can be used in this design challenge. Model Building Students will use the craft materials available to build their robotic models of the influence of a limiting factor on a food chain in a particular biome.

12:50 1:15

1:15 1:45 1:45 2:45 2:45 3:15

Arrival and Debriefing Students will meet in the loft area, and Ms. Hopkins will explain how the students will be programming their robots to illustrate the relationship between species in their food chain and how those species are affected by a limiting factor. Introduction to Programming Students will go to the MAC Lab and Ms. Hopkins will show students how to log onto the programming software and how to attach their robot. Ms. Hopkins will teach students how to use the software to program the robots. Programming the Models Students will work with their group to program their robot so that it illustrates the relationship between the species in their model and the affect of the limiting factor on those populations. Showcase Students will present their robotic models to the group and will be judged using the scoring rubric. Winners will be selected for 1st and 2nd placed based on total points, and one group will receive a Best Teamwork award. Illustrating the Affects of Limiting Factors in a Food Chain

1. What Biome did your group select? _______________________________________________________ 2. What is the climate like in this biome? ____________________________________________________

3. What organisms live in this biome? _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ 4. What organisms have you chosen to illustrate in a food chain? What is the relationship between these organisms? __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ 5. What is a limiting factor? _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ 6. Which limiting factor did your group select? _______________________________________________ 7. How will this limiting factor affect the populations of organisms in your food chain? _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____
8. How do you plan to illustrate the affect of this limiting factor on your food chain? Describe in detail

what your model will look like.

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