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Chemistry of Life
Learning outcomes: Atoms, elements, ma8er, and molecules The four main elements in life Chemical bonds Atomic structure Proper=es (and consequences) of water The pH scale

Some Basic Deni=ons

Ma8er: anything with mass. Element: A substance consis=ng of atoms which all have the same number of protons. Atom: The basic unit of an element. Molecule: two or more atoms which chemically combine to form a single species.

Chemical Basis of Life

About 96.3% of the human body is composed of just FOUR elements: Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon HONC! (rest of the 25 elements are considered trace )

Atomic Structure

If it has a dierent number of protons, it is a dierent element.

Isotopes: when #n > #p

Q. If you have 10 grams of carbon, and the 1/2 life of carbon-14 is 5730 years, how many grams of carbon would your have aeer 11460 years (2x5730 years)?

Electronic structure determines proper=es of an element

The arrangement of electrons determines the chemical proper=es of an element. Ques=on: How many other atoms can a carbon atom bind to?

How many bonds can Nitrogen and Oxygen form?

Electronega=vity- an atom s a8rac=on/ love for it s electron

What does electronega/vity mean for molecules?

NON-POLAR molecules

POLAR molecule

How do elements chemically combine?

Ionic Bonds form compounds Covalent bonds form molecules

Ionic bonds, in contrast to covalent bonds do NOT share electrons.

Ques=on: What does this picture imply about the electronega=vity of chlorine?

Life Requires Water

Heat Capacity: The amount of heat required to change the temperature of a substance. Heat of vaporiza=on: The amount of heat required to change from liquid to gas. Consequences: Water moderates temp. Water promotes evapora=ve cooling.

Property 1. Water has a high specic heat capacity and heat of vaporiza=on.

Property #2 Water has cohesiveness

Cohesiveness: Polar water molecules s=ck together. Consequence: Water has high surface tension.

Property #3: Hydrogen bonding permits INCREASED spacing between solid water molecules.
Consequence: Solid water is less dense than liquid water. Therefore, ice oats. Water below ice is above freezing temps, allowing life to survive.

Property #4: Water is a universal solvent. Almost anything will dissolve in it.
Consequence: Everything in a cell is dissolved in water. This is why the search for life on other planets begins with the search for water.

The pH scale
Acidity and basicity have an eect on biological processes.

Fur trees are suscep=ble to acid precipita=on

What par=cle determines the iden=ty of an element? A. The number of electrons B. The number of neutrons C. The number of protons

How many chemical bonds can carbon make?

A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One

Can you draw the electron shells surrounding a carbon atom?

What is the dierence between covalent bonding and ionic bonding?

A. Covalent bonding involves sharing of electrons while ionic bonding involves the stealing of an electron from one atom by another. B. Ionic bonding involves sharing of electrons while covalent bonding involves the stealing of an electron from one atom by another.

Is a solu=on with a pH of 8 neutral or basic?


In a solu=on, the amount of H+ is greater than the concentra=on of OH-. The solu=on is:
A. [OH-] > [H+] Basic B. [OH-] < [H+] Acidic

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