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Lesson Plan

Theater Name: Arts and Bots Comprehensive Lesson Day 1 Subject/ Skill: Math Date: WV CSO/ Objective: M.S.5.3 Through communication, representation, reasoning and proof, problem solving, and making connections within and beyond the field of mathematics, students will analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships, specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems, apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations, and solve problems using visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling. The students will start to brainstorm about creating a robot. The robot will represent things we learned in class during summer school. Procedure: I will set up the Arts and Bots material on the table for the students to explore and become familiar with the items. Once the students have seen the materials, I will start to explain what we will be doing with the technology equipment. I will show the students an example of a robot that I build. The students will have the opportunity to interact with the robot. I will also show the students videos of other robots that students their age have built. I will end the lesson by asking the students to bring items that they would like to use to build the robot. Also remind the students that this robot is to represent things we learned during summer school. The students will be able to build a robot with everyday household materials. The students will have 4 days to create a blueprint and execute their design. This lesson will cover the exploring the materials and learning the possibilities of Arts and Bots kit. Materials needed: Arts and Bot kit and computer Assessment/Evaluation:

Discuss about the Arts and Bots kit

Lesson Plan
Name: Arts and Bots Comprehensive Lesson Day 2 Subject/ Skill: Math Date: WV CSO/ Objective:


M.S.5.3 Through communication, representation, reasoning and proof, problem solving, and making connections within and beyond the field of mathematics, students will analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships, specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems, apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations, and solve problems using visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling. The students will start to their blueprints about what they want to robot to represent, making sure they include concepts learned throughout summer school. Procedure: I will set up the Arts and Bots material on the table for the students to explore and review. I will also have some construction materials such as boxes, plastic bottles, paper, etc to given the students an idea of things we can use to build the robot. I will pass out blank paper for the students to start their blueprints. The students can create any type of robot they would like; however, the only catch is we are building one robot as a class. Therefore we have to work as a team to build the robot. As the students are drawing their blueprints, I will continue to show the students the different operations the robot is capable of performing. I will end the lesson by asking the students to bring items that they would like to use to build the robot. Also remind the students that this robot is to represent things we learned during summer school. The students will be able to build a robot with everyday household materials. The students will have 4 days to create a blueprint and execute their design. This lesson will cover creating the blueprints they will follow when constructing the robot. Materials needed: Arts and Bot kit, computer, paper, and household items

Assessment/Evaluation: Discuss about the Arts and Bots kit and blueprints

Lesson Plan
Name: Arts and Bots Comprehensive Lesson Day 3 Subject/ Skill: Math Date: WV CSO/ Objective:


M.S.5.3 Through communication, representation, reasoning and proof, problem solving, and making connections within and beyond the field of mathematics, students will analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships, specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems, apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations, and solve problems using visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling. The students will start to construct their robot. The robot will represent things we learned in class during summer school. Procedure: I will set up the Arts and Bots material on the table for the students to explore and review the items. The items that the students have brought from home will also be on the table of the students to see. Once the students have seen the materials, I will show them how to properly use the tools to assemble the parts. Before beginning construction, I will go over the blueprints that all the students created the day before. It is important for the students to understand what they will be building prior to starting. Once all the students have an understanding, they may start building the robot. I will be there to assist the students with the technology and assembly. I will have examples of robots if the students need to refer to other materials. The students will be able to build a robot with everyday household materials. The students will have 4 days to create a blueprint and execute their design. This lesson will cover the construction of the robot. Materials needed: Arts and Bot kit, computer, paper, household items, and tools Assessment/Evaluation:

Discuss about the Arts and Bots kit and construction of robot.

Lesson Plan

Name: Arts and Bots Comprehensive Lesson Day 4 Subject/ Skill: Math Date: WV CSO/ Objective: M.S.5.3 Through communication, representation, reasoning and proof, problem solving, and making connections within and beyond the field of mathematics, students will analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships, specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems, apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations, and solve problems using visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling. The students will start to construct their robot. The robot will represent things we learned in class during summer school. Procedure: I will set up the Arts and Bots material on the table for the students to explore and review the items. The items that the students have brought from home will also be on the table of the students to see. Once the students have seen the materials, I will show them how to properly use the tools to assemble the parts. Before beginning construction, I will go over the blueprints that all the students created the day a few days before. It is important for the students to see if they are following the blueprints they created. Once all the students have an understanding, they may continue building the robot. I will be there to assist the students with the technology and assembly. I will have examples of robots if the students need to refer to other materials. The students will be able to build a robot with everyday household materials. The students will have 4 days to create a blueprint and execute their design. This lesson will cover the construction and completion of the robot. Materials needed: Arts and Bot kit, computer, paper, household items, and tools Assessment/Evaluation: Discuss about the Arts and Bots kit and construction of robot.

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