Chapter 4B Part B: Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals Design of Analog Filters

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Chapter 4B

Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals

Part B
Design of Analog Filters

Design of Analog Filters

Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications Butterworth Approximation Design of Other Types of Analog Filters

1. Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications

Typical magnitude response of an analog lowpass filter may be given as indicated below H ( j)

1+ p

1 p
pass band

transition band stop band


p c s

1. Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications

In the passband, defined by0 p , we passband require 1 p H a ( j) 1 + p , p i.e., H a ( j) approximates unity within an error of p In the stopband, defined by s , we stopband require H a ( j) s , s i.e., H a ( j) approximates zero within an error of s

1. Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications

p -- passband edge frequency s -- stopband edge frequency p -- peak ripple value in the passband s -- peak ripple value in the stopband

Peak passband ripple p = 20 log10 (1 p ) dB Minimum stopband attenuation s = 20 log10 ( s ) dB

2. Butterworth Approximation
The magnitude-square response of an N-th order analog lowpass Butterworth filter is given by 1 2 H a ( j) = 1 + ( / c ) 2 N 2 First 2N1 derivatives of H a ( j) at = 0 are equal to zero The Butterworth lowpass filter thus is said to have a maximally-flat magnitude at = 0 maximally-

2. Butterworth Approximation
Gain in dB is G () = 10 log10 H a ( j) dB As G(0)=0 dB and G ( c ) = 10 log10 (0.5) = 3.0103 3 dB c is called the 3-dB cutoff frequency

2. Butterworth Approximation
Typical magnitude responses with c = 1
1 0.7071 0.8 N=2 N=4 N=10

2. Butterworth Approximation
Two parameters completely characterizing a Butterworth lowpass filter are cand N These are determined from the specified bandedges p and s , and minimum passband magnitude H a ( j p ) , and maximum stopband ripple H a ( j s ) c and N are thus determined from
H a ( j p ) =








Analog angular frequency in rad/s

1 1 + ( p / c ) 2 N

H a ( j s ) =

1 1 + ( s / c ) 2 N

2. Butterworth Approximation
According to the definition of the loss function 1 = 10 log10 2 H ( j) We know that
= 1+ 2 H ( j ) c 1

2. Butterworth Approximation
= s p
kp =
p s

10 10 1 10 10 1


N =

lg k p lg p

1+ p c

= 10 10

1+ s c


= 10 10

2. Butterworth Approximation
Since order N must be an integer, value obtained is rounded up to the next highest integer This value of N is used next to determine by satisfying either the stopband edge or the passband edge specification exactly If the stopband edge specification is satisfied, then the passband edge specification is exceeded providing a safety margin

2. Butterworth Approximation
Transfer function of an analog Butterworth lowpass filter is given by N N c c C H a (s) = = N = N 1 N l DN ( s ) s + dl s ( s pl ) l =0 l =1 Where pl = c e j[ ( N + 2l 1) / 2 N ] , l = 1, 2, , N Denominator DN ( s ) is known as the Butterworth polynomial of order N

2. Butterworth Approximation
Example Determine the lowest order of a Butterworth lowpass filter with a 1-dB cutoff frequency at 1 kHz and a minimum attenuation of 40 dB at 1 5 kHz 10 log = 1
2N 1 + (2000 / c ) 1 = 40 10 log10 2N 1 + (10000 / c )

3. Design of Other Types of Analog Filters

Highpass Filter Step1 Develop of specifications of a prototype analog lowpass filter HLP(s) from specifications of desired analog filter HD(s) using a frequency transformation. Step 2 Design the prototype analog lowpass filter Step 3 Determine the transfer function HD(s) of desired analog filter by applying the inverse frequency transformation to HLP(s)

100.1 1 1 N = log10 4 log10 = 3.2811 5 10 1

3. Design of Other Types of Analog Filters

Let s denote the Laplace transform variable of prototype analog lowpass filter HLP(s) and s denote the Laplace transform variable of desired analog filter H D ( s ) The mapping from s -domain to s -domain is given by the invertible transformation s = F ( s ) Then H D ( s ) = H LP ( s )
s=F (s)

3. Design of Other Types of Analog Filters

Spectral Transformation (Lowpass to Highpass) Highpass) s= P P s where P is the passband edge frequency of dddd( s ) and P is the passband edge H LP frequency of H HP ( s ) On the imaginary axis the transformation is = P P

H LP ( s ) = H D ( s ) s = F 1 ( s )

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