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Resolution N O13/HCM/M23/2013 of 27 February 2013 concerning the impeachment of the President of the Movement of 23 March The Military High

Command - Given the Statutes of the March 23 Movement, as amended to date, - Given the Rules and Regulations of the March 23 Movement, and with regard to Decision No 002/HCM/M23/CNDP/2012 of 9 July 2012 establishing a body responsible for the coordination of political action of the Movement, - Considering Decision No 003/HCM/M23/CNDP/2012 of 9 July 2012 appointing a Coordinator of the Political Wing of the Movement, - Considering the relevant resolutions of the Extraordinary Congress held on March 23 Movement dated 17 August 2012 relating to the restructuring of the Movement, - Considering the need to ensure the defense and protection of the noble cause that led to the creation of the Movement of March 23; - Considering the inability of Mr. Jean-Marie RUNIGA Lugerero to drive the vision of the March 23 Movement and to implement its political program, - Considering the inability of the concerned individual to define and provide General policy guidance to the different structures of the Movement in order to ensure the required visibility and appropriate advocacy; - Whereas it is an established fact that Jean-Marie RUNIGA Lugerero offered to outsiders to the Movement, namely General Bosco Ntaganda, the political leverage to influence the decisions of the Movement at the highest level; - Whereas during his tenure at the helm of our Movement, Mr. Jean-Marie RUNIGA Lugerero has diverted finances of the Movement to support obscure and prohibited activities such as the recruitment of political and military leaders on behalf of General Bosco Ntaganda to whom he answers to thus enabling the General the opportunity to attempt to sow unrest and divisions;
CONTACT: - Tl. Cabinet du Prsident: +243970723967, +243993684692, Porte-parole : +243994435673, +256757876519, +243997710965, Com. Cell USA: +18176906863, Com Cell. Europe: +33681699360, Com Cell Canada: +16136681056 - E-mail: - Website:

- Given the charges brought against Mr. Runiga including financial embezzlement, divisions, ethnic hatred, deceit and political immaturity; - Given that during the meeting of the Military High Command extended to Executive Board Members and senior officials of the Movement, Mr. RUNIGA acknowledged the charges brought against him and consequently agreed to abide by the final decision of the Military High Command; - Whereas in its conclusions, the Military High Command has qualified of High Treason the charges against Jean-Marie RUNIGA Lugerero, - Whereas it is fitting to ensure the proper functioning of the Movement and continue driving the peace process at a time when positive signals are coming from both the national and international community to ensure a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Given the need and urgency, the Military High Command HAS DECIDED as follows: Article 1: Mr. Jean-Marie RUNIGA Lugerero is relieved of his duties as Chairman of the Movement of March 23 with immediate effect; Article 2: The Vice-President of the Movement assumes on an interim basis, the functions of President until the appointment by Congress of a new President of the March 23 Movement. Article 3: All previous provisions contrary to this decision shall be repealed with effect on the date of its signature. Done at Bunagana, February 27, 2013 For the Military High Command of the March 23 Movement

SULTANI MAKENGA Brigadier general

CONTACT: - Tl. Cabinet du Prsident: +243970723967, +243993684692, Porte-parole : +243994435673, +256757876519, +243997710965, Com. Cell USA: +18176906863, Com Cell. Europe: +33681699360, Com Cell Canada: +16136681056 - E-mail: - Website:

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