Module 2

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Narrow escapes!

In this module Ss will learn about natural phenomena, stories, and peoples experiences and feelings. Whats in this module?

Refer Ss to the title of the module Narrow escapes!

and ask them to suggest what it means and what they think the module is about. Elicit answers and tell Ss to browse through the units and check. Suggested Answer Key The title refers to escaping from or avoiding dangerous situations. We will learn about different natural disasters and peoples experiences and feelings.

Module page


Lesson objectives: Overview of module Vocabulary: Feelings (surprised, relieved, tired, bored, terrified, worried, calm, excited)




Lesson objectives: To read for specific information, the past simple, to talk about experiences Vocabulary: crystal clear, roar, disappear, hills, screaming, breathe, surface, safe, grabbed, gasped for air, adjectives (sunny, massive, shocked, safe, lonely, huge, horrified, bright, abandoned, unharmed), other (tsunami)

Use pictures 1-8 to engage Ss attention, to

prompt a discussion and to stimulate their interest in the module. Point out that only some of the pictures can be found in the module, and elicit which ones these are (Pictures 1, 2, 4 and 6). Ask questions to begin a discussion about the topics that will be covered in the module. Suggested Answer Key Focus Ss attention on picture 1. T: S1: T: S2: T: What page is picture 1 from? (p. 27) Its from p. 27. What can you see in picture 1? A ghostly man. How do you think the picture is related to the title of the unit? S3: I think it relates to a scary story. etc T: What page is picture 2 from? (p. 26) What can you see in picture 2? How do you think the picture is related to the title of the unit? How do you think he feels? What else can you see on p. 26? etc




Lesson objectives: To listen and read for specific information, forming adverbs, time words Vocabulary: Natural phenomena (earthquake, lightning, flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption), other (nightmares, drowning, swept away, burst its banks, hit, lamppost)




Lesson objectives: To put events in sequence, summarising, to write a story Vocabulary: heavily, basement, crashing, calm down, damage, worried, searched, bushes


Culture corner


Find the page numbers for

Lesson objectives: To read for specific information, to talk about a folk tale Vocabulary: myth, legend, giants, warriors, kings, tale, hero, overcome, obstacles, beast, incredible, entertain, moral values, fairies, leprechaun, pots; phrases with spend

Ss find the page numbers for the items listed. Ask

questions to check Ss understanding. Answer Key an extract from a novel (p. 27) What is the title of the novel? Who wrote it? Do you know any other works by this author? What do you think the story is about? etc a quote (p. 25) Who said this? What do you think he meant? Are there any similar sayings in your language? etc Vocabulary


Oh my goodness!


Lesson objectives: To narrate past events, present //, // Vocabulary: upset, shock, shouting, screaming, fountain, snake, stripes, cage


Curricular Cut: Literature


Elicit/Explain the meaning of the words in the list.

Ss match them to the pictures. Refer Ss to the Word List if necessary. Ss translate the adjectives into their language and elicit when they felt like this. Answer Key 1 surprised 2 terrified 3 relieved 4 calm 5 excited 6 worried 7 bored 8 tired

Lesson objectives: To introduce a literature extract Vocabulary: novelist, dramatist, ambassador, haunted house, clank of metal, struck a match, exactly, footsteps, slippers, dressing case, handcuffs, rusty chains, wrists, ankles, oiling, lubricant, marble

Self Check 2



Narrow escapes!
N Whats in this module?
peoples experiences & feelings natural phenomena past simple forming adverbs from adjectives time words sequence of events stories Which of the pictures (1-8) can you find in Module 2?

N Match the pictures to the words below. Listen and check.
surprised relieved tired bored terrified worried calm excited What are these words in your language? When was the last time you felt this way? The last time I felt surprised was when my parents bought me a cat as a pet for my birthday.

N Find the page numbers for

an extract from a novel a quote 3 2 4

5 6 1


he morning of 26th December was warm and sunny on Phi Phi Don Island in Thailand. The sunshine was a welcome change from the wet, rainy weather in London. After breakfast we went to the beach. My parents decided to sunbathe and I ran straight into the crystal clear water. Nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen. Suddenly, I heard a loud roar. The water under my feet disappeared. I heard people screaming and pointing at the sea. Whats going on?, I wondered as I turned to see a massive wave coming towards me. Mark, run!, I heard my mum shout before the huge wave swallowed me. I was under the water. I tried to breathe and reach the surface, but the force of the water just pushed me down. Then, out of nowhere, a hand grabbed me and pulled me up. I gasped for air and looked around. I was in a palm tree with a Thai man. I could see people in the distance running in panic. I felt like crying but I was too shocked to even do that. The only thing I could do was to sit and watch, unable to move. The hours passed slowly. Suddenly, the Thai man started shouting and pointing to a helicopter. The pilot saw us and came to rescue us. Half an hour later we were safe in the hills. There were a lot of people there. I felt lonely and lost. Mark, youre safe, I heard my mums voice say. I dont remember feeling more relieved in my life than at that moment. Two days later we left the island. We felt lucky to be alive but we were sorry for the locals that lost their homes. It was a terrible experience.






1 2 3

The pictures tell the story in the text. What is the text about? Read, listen and check. Check these words in the Word List. crystal clear roar disappear hills screaming breathe surface safe grabbed gasped for air relieved Read the text again and complete the sentences. Use two to four words.

3 Mark couldn't wait to .................... when they reached the beach. 4 A ....................... hit him. 5 A Thai man managed to ......... a palm tree. 6 Hours later, .................... rescued them. 7 In the hills, Mark found ....................... . 8 Mark and his family went back to London. They felt very ....................... .

Answer the questions.

1 Which natural disaster did Mark experience? 2 How did he feel? How does Marks story make you feel?

1 Mark went ................... with his parents. 2 The weather there was ......................... .

Warm-up Activity Ask Ss to look at the title and the pictures on p. 20 and elicit what Unit 2a is about (real life experiences, possibly about a person who experienced a disaster).

9 Explain the situation (sad, funny or scary

moments on holiday) and allow Ss enough time to complete the task. Monitor Ss as they do the activity, then ask some pairs to report back to the class. Suggested Answer Key 1 B: ... Portugal. 2 A: What was the weather like? B: It was hot and sunny. 3 A: How did you get there? B: I got there by boat. 4 A: Where did you stay? B: I stayed at a campsite. 5 A: What did you do? B: I swam every day and ate local dishes. 6 A: What happened? B: We went sailing and there was a storm. 7 A: Who were you with? B: I was with my friends. 8 A: How did you feel? B: I felt scared. 9 A: What happened in the end? B: We got rescued. 10 A: How did you feel in the end? B: I felt lucky to be alive.

To predict the content of a text from pictures Draw Ss attention to the pictures and elicit what they show (a tropical beach, a huge wave/ tsunami, a flooded area with damaged houses). Brainstorm with the class for ideas for what the text might be about. Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text to check. Suggested Answer Key The text is about a huge wave/tsunami that hit a holiday resort in Thailand.

To present new vocabulary Allow time for Ss to look up the words/phrases in the Word List. To read for specific information and inference Tell Ss to read through the gapped sentences (1-8), then allow Ss time to read the text again. Ss complete the task. Remind them to use two to four words. Point out that some of the answers are clearly stated in the text, while others are paraphrased or just inferred. Check Ss answers. Suggested Answer Key 1 on holiday to Thailand 2 warm and sunny 3 run into the water/go swimming 4 massive/huge wave 5 pull him into 6 a helicopter 7 his mum 8 lucky to be alive

10 Explain the task and call on various Ss around

the class to relate their partners experience. Suggested Answer Key Last year John went on holiday to Portugal with his friends. They went there by boat. They stayed at a campsite and had a great time. They swam every day, then in the evenings they ate local dishes. One day they decided to hire a boat and went sailing. Suddenly the weather changed. Soon it started to rain and there was a storm. They were very scared. Luckily, some fishermen rescued them. They all felt lucky to be alive.

To answer questions on a text Read each question aloud and elicit answers from around the class. Provide any necessary vocabulary. Suggested Answer Key 1 Mark experienced a tsunami/huge wave. 2 Mark felt shocked and upset, then he felt lonely and lost and in the end he felt relieved and lucky to be alive, but sorry for the locals. (I felt shocked at what happened to him and sorry for the locals.)

Extra Activity for weaker classes

Write these phrases on the board. Ss use them to write the story. went on holiday with friends stayed at campsite swam decided to hire went sailing suddenly started to rain were scared fishermen rescued them felt lucky to be alive


To understand new vocabulary through synonyms Read the list of adjectives 1-6. Tell Ss that they may refer to the text, and read the word in context if necessary. Ss match the adjectives to their synonyms. Then Ss explain the words in bold. Answer Key 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 f 5 e 6 d

To present the past simple tense Read the theory box aloud. Draw Ss attention to the negative and interrogative forms and the short answer. Elicit how the past simple is formed for regular verbs in the affirmative (by adding ed to the end of the main verb); the negative (did not/didnt + the main verb without ed) and the interrogative (did + subject pronoun + main verb without ed). Refer Ss to the Grammar section on p. 120 for more details if necessary. Answer Key We form the past simple for regular verbs in the affirmative by adding ed to the end of the main verb. We form negations with did not/didnt + the main verb without ed. We form questions with did + subject pronoun + main verb without ed. Irregular verbs do not follow this pattern but they form negations and questions with did and did not/ didnt and the main verb.

15 gasp gasped regular (breathe in quickly) 16 look looked regular (see/direct your eyes at sth) 17 feel felt irregular (touch/experience an emotion) 18 pass passed regular (go by) 19 start started regular (begin) 20 see saw irregular (understand through your eyes) 21 come came irregular (arrive) 22 leave left irregular (depart) 23 lose lost irregular (no longer have sth/not succeed)

To identify and practise /t/, /d/, /id/

Explain the task and read out the example. Ss complete the table. Play the recording.
Ss listen and check their answers. Answer Key /t/ /d/ /d/ pushed, gasped, looked, passed disappeared, wondered, turned, swallowed, tried, grabbed, pulled decided, started

To practise the past simple Allow Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss answers by asking various Ss to share their answers with the class.

7 a

To identify past forms of regular and irregular verbs Go through the list of verbs and elicit explanations or synonyms for each one. Ss do the task. Check Ss answers on the board.

Suggested Answer Key Yesterday, I went to the cinema. Once, I swallowed a fish bone. This morning I felt tired. I could ride a bike when I was five. I started learning English four years ago.

Suggested Answer Key 1 be was/were irregular (exist) 2 go went irregular (travel/move) 3 decide decided regular (choose) 4 run ran irregular (move quickly) 5 can could irregular (be able to) 6 hear heard irregular (be aware of a sound through your ears) 7 disappear disappeared regular (vanish/move out of sight) 8 wonder wondered regular (think) 9 turn turned regular (change direction) 10 swallow swallowed regular (put in stomach) 11 try tried irregular (attempt) 12 push pushed regular (move sth away from you with force) 13 grab grabbed regular (get hold of sth) 14 pull pulled regular (move sth towards you with force)

To practise the past simple Allow Ss time to complete the task. Then check Ss answers. Answer Key A 1 felt 2 didnt know B 1 didnt take C 1 became 2 started 3 started 4 couldnt 2 grabbed 3 rushed 3 tried 5 were 4 didnt work

9 10

To ask and answer questions about the past (See p. 20(T) for Tips and Suggested Answer Key.) To relate someones experience, to practise the past simple third person singular (See p. 20(T) for Tips and Suggested Answer Key.)



Match the adjectives to their synonyms. Then explain the words in bold. a b c d e f huge horrified bright calm abandoned unharmed

c) Choose five of the verbs and make sentences about yourself. My aunt came to visit us last Sunday.

1 sunny (l. 1) 2 massive (l. 8) 3 shocked (l. 14) 4 safe (l. 18) 5 lonely (l. 19) 6 relieved (l. 21)


Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Grammar p.see 120

Past simple

I 1) ........... (feel) scared. I 2) ........... (not/know) what to do. People 3) ........... (start) to run and scream but I 4) ........... (not/can) move.

Read the theory. How do we form the past simple?

It 1) ........... (not/take) long to realise it was an earthquake. We quickly 2) ........... (grab) a few things and 3) ........... (rush) outside the hotel.

We use the past simple for actions which happened in the past. They stayed in a hotel. (regular verb) They went to Thailand. (irregular verb) They didnt enjoy their holiday. Did they leave the island? Yes, they did. Time expressions: yesterday, last week/month, two days/a week ago, etc.

C The sky 1) ........... (become) grey and cloudy and it 2) ........... (start) to rain. George 3) ........... (try) to radio for help, but the radio 4) ........... (not/work). We 5) ........... (be) scared to death.

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ask and answer questions about your funniest, saddest or scariest experience on holiday. where/you go? A: Where did you go? B: I went to ... . what/weather be like? how/you get there? where/you stay? what/you do? (eat local
dishes, take pictures, visit museums, etc)

a) Explain these verbs. Find the past forms of the verbs below in the text. Which are regular? Which are irregular? be was go decide run can hear disappear wonder 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 turn swallow try push grab pull gasp look 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 feel pass start see come leave lose

what happen? who/with you? how/you feel? what/happen in the end? 10 how/you feel in the end?

6 7 8 9

b) Copy and complete the table with the past regular forms in Ex. 7a. Listen and check. /t/ pushed /d/ /d/



Use your partners answers in Ex. 9 to tell the class about his/her funniest/ saddest/scariest experience on holiday. Workbook 2a


4 tornado

3 flood 1 earthquake

Natural phenomena

2 lightning

Listen and repeat words 1-7. Which are common in your country? Which three of these phenomena do you think are the most dangerous? Give reasons.

You probably cant imagine being caught up in the middle of a tornado, a hurricane or a flood, but dont be so sure that it could never happen to you! We spoke to John about his experience ... Are you afraid of water? Well, John is! He had terrible nightmares about drowning. In the nightmares there was always heavy rain, he said, and then water swept me away. I desperately shouted for help, but no one ever came. I woke up very scared, but happy that it was just a bad dream. Last year, while John was on holiday in Cornwall, his horrible dream came true! One morning, he decided to go for a cup of tea in the village. On his way, he went into a little shop to buy some postcards. As he entered the shop, it started to rain heavily. Nice weather for ducks, said the lady in the shop. I hope the river doesnt burst its banks again like last year, she added. John opened the door to leave the shop but, as soon as he stepped out, water swept him off his feet and washed him down the road. Oh no! The river!, he thought, terrified. Then, suddenly, he hit a lamppost. He quickly grabbed it and pulled himself out of the water. He was wet and cold, but very relieved to be alive!

Predicting content Key words from a text help you predict what the text is about.



Read the title and the introduction. The following words/phrases appear in the text. What is the text about? Read, listen and check. Where could you read this text? nightmares about drowning water swept me away rain heavily river burst its banks grabbed a lamppost wet and cold relieved alive 5 hurricane 6 tsunami



7 volcanic eruption


Warm-up Activity Direct Ss attention to the title and the pictures on p. 22 and elicit suggestions as to what Unit 2b may be about (natural disasters).

9 Explain the task and divide the class into

groups of three or four.

Allow Ss time to research and prepare their

presentations using the website given as well as encyclopaedias, reference books etc or assign the task as HW. Ss present their work to the class who may vote for the best presentation. Encourage Ss to use visual prompts to accompany their work. Any Ss who are able may prepare a PowerPoint presentation if so desired. Suggested Answer Key The Herald of Free Enterprise was a British car and passenger ferry. On 6th March 1987, at 6:05 pm, it left the Belgian port of Bruges-Zeebrugge on its way to Dover in England. There were 459 passengers and 80 crew on board as well as 81 cars, 3 buses and 47 lorries. It started to sink a minute and a half later because workers forgot to close the bow doors. At 6:29 pm the ship sank just 90 metres from the shore. A rescue helicopter arrived within 30 minutes as well as the Belgian Navy but still 193 people died. As the ship sank in shallow water, they managed to re-float it a month later in April, 1987.

To present new vocabulary and consolidate through discussion Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat the words. Ask Ss to give their meanings by referring to the pictures. Ss translate each phenomenon into their L1. As a class, discuss which, if any, occur in their country. Suggested Answer Key In my country we often have earthquakes. Allow Ss 2 minutes to prepare their answers. Ss write a few sentences on the topic, then tell their partner. Invite some Ss to read out their answers to the class. Suggested Answer Key To me the most dangerous ones are tornadoes, floods and hurricanes because they can occur suddenly, without much warning, and cause major damage.

Read aloud the Learning to learn box. Ask Ss to

look at the words/phrases given in Ex. 2. Explain that these key words/phrases are from the text that follows. Elicit that key words/phrases give the reader an idea of what the text is about.

To predict the content of a text Ask Ss to read the title, introduction and list of key words/phrases. Elicit/Explain the meanings of any unknown words (e.g. nightmare bad dream, drowning dying under water, swept washed away, lamppost streetlight). Elicit suggestions from Ss around the class as to what the text may be about (a flood). Allow Ss time to read the text and check, then elicit where a text like this could be read (a magazine).


To read for specific information Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions. Check Ss answers. Answer Key 1 John was afraid of water. 2 He went to Cornwall on holiday. 3 The river burst its banks, and water swept him off his feet and washed him down the road. 4 He grabbed a lamppost and pulled himself out of the water. 5 He was very relieved to be alive.

their own, using the time words. (He waited until it was dark and then he went out.)

To practise using time words Allow Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss answers. Suggested Answer Key 2 They walked in the park until it got dark. 3 He went on holiday after he finished school./ After he finished school, he went on holiday. 4 The phone rang as soon as she entered the room./As soon as she entered the room, the phone rang. 5 It stopped raining and then they left the office. 6 It was late, so he decided to get a taxi.

To match pronouns to nouns Ss complete the task. Check Ss answers. Answer Key 2 John 5 the lady in the shop 3 Johns 6 John 4 the rivers 7 the lamppost To present how we form adverbs Read out the examples and elicit which sentence in each pair contains an adjective and which contains an adverb. Draw Ss attention to the ly endings of the adverbs and point out the irregular example (good well). Elicit how adverbs are formed (we usually form adverbs by adding ly to the adjective). Answer Key We usually form adverbs by adding ly to the adjective. Adjectives ending in le drop the e and take y; adjectives ending in consonant + -y drop the y and take ily; adjectives ending in l take ly. Talk about friendly which is an adverb.

8 a

5 a

To listen for specific information Direct Ss attention to the picture, the title and the gapped notes and elicit what they think the listening exercise is about (the sinking of The Titanic). Ask Ss to read through the gapped notes and elicit what type of information is missing from each gap (1 the name of a place, 2 a date, 3 a time, 4 a number, 5 a month). Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss answers. 3 2:20 4 1,500 5 September

Answer Key 1 New York 2 14th

To form, ask and answer questions

Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss around the class as they do the Ask various pairs to ask and answer a question
in front of the class to check Ss answers. Answer Key 2 A: What was its destination? B: New York. 3 A: What happened four days later? B: The ship hit an iceberg (in the North Atlantic Ocean). 4 A: When did the ship sink? B: On 15th April. 5 A: What time was it? B: 2:20 am. 6 A: How many people died? B: More than 1,500. 7 A: When did they locate the ship? B: On 1st September, 1985. activity.

To practise forming adverbs

Do the first item as an example, then Ss

complete the task. Check Ss answers, then Ss make sentences using the adverbs. Answer Key slowly, happily, safely, fast, really, completely, well Suggested Answer Key She is singing happily., I always drive safely., I can run fast., He really likes chocolate., She is completely happy., She speaks English well.

To present time words Go through the theory box with Ss. Allow Ss time to find examples in the text. Answer Key ... and then water swept me away. Last year, while John was on holiday ... . ... as soon as he stepped out into the road ... . Then suddenly, he ... . As an extension, ask Ss to make sentences of

To make a presentation (See p. 22(T) for Tips and Suggested Answer Key.)



1 2 3 4 5

Read the text again and answer the questions. Then explain the words in bold. What was John afraid of? Where did he go last year? What happened to him? What did he do? How did he feel? Match the pronouns (1-7) from the text with the nouns below.
the rivers the lady in the shop Johns the lamppost

Join the sentences. Use the words in brackets.


1 They started screaming. They saw the lion. (when) They started screaming when they saw the lion./When they saw the lion, they started screaming. 2 They walked in the park. It got dark. (until) 3 He went on holiday. He finished school. (after) 4 The phone rang. She entered the room. (as soon as) 5 It stopped raining. They left the office. (and then) 6 It was late. He decided to get a taxi. (so)

Listening & Speaking

a) Listen and complete the missing words. left port of Southampton for 1) .................. hit iceberg in the North Atlantic at 11:40 pm ship sank at 3) .................. am, more than 4) .................. people died ship located near Newfoundland, Canada

1 3 5 7

He (l. 5) John, 2 I (l. 8), his (l. 11), 4 its (l. 15), she (l. 16), 6 him (l. 18), it (l. 20)

10th April 0) 1912: 2) ............ April: 15th April: 1st 5) .......... 1985:

Forming adverbs

a) Read the examples. How do we form adverbs? b) Put the words in the correct order to form questions. Use the information in Ex. 8a to ask and answer the questions. 1 When/did/Southampton/the Titanic/leave? A: When did the Titanic leave Southampton? B: On 10th April, 1912. 2 was/What/its destination? 3 later/What/days/happened/four? 4 the/did/When/sink/ship? 5 time/What/was/it? 6 people/How many/died? 7 they/When/did/ship/locate/the?

Hes a careful driver. He drives carefully. The test was easy. He answered the questions easily. Shes a terrible cook. She cooks terribly. Hes an early bird. He gets up early. Hes a good swimmer. He swims well. b) Form adverbs from the adjectives. Make sentences. slow happy safe fast real complete good He walks very slowly.

Time words

Read the theory. Find examples in the text.

Work in groups. What other disasters at sea do you know of? Collect information. Then, present it to the class. You can visit this website: Search keyword: Titanic Go to See Also and click on List of shipwrecks. Workbook 2b


We use as soon as, when, while, so, after, until and then to refer to the time or order in which something happened. It started raining as soon as he left.


Reading & Writing

1 2

Look at the picture and listen to the sounds. What do you think the story is about? Read and check. Complete Lauras story with phrases (a-e). Listen and check. Explain the words/ phrases in bold.

a and asked us to keep calm b when suddenly the sky turned dark grey c but she was very scared d so we ran quickly inside the house e because they couldnt find their dog

Put the events in the order they happened. Use the plotline to summarise the story for the class. It began to rain. They went to the basement. The wind stopped. The children were in the garden. 1 They closed the windows. They helped their neighbours. They went inside the house. They heard a loud crashing noise. They went outside again.

My sister Susan and I were in the garden playing with our neighbours dog last Saturday afternoon 1) ........... . Minutes later, it began to rain heavily, 2) ........... . Mum asked us to close all the windows. Just as I shut the window in the kitchen, I heard a loud noise. It sounded like a train. Dad took us to the basement 3) ........... . From there, we could hear the strong wind outside. All of a sudden, we heard a loud crashing noise and my sister started to cry. We tried to calm her down 4) ........... . After a few minutes, the wind stopped and everything was quiet. We slowly made our way up from the basement. The house was full of glass from the broken windows. The real damage was outside though. There were trees on the streets and damaged cars all over. Our neighbours were very worried 5) ......... . We searched everywhere and finally found him behind some bushes. It was a horrible experience and we were relieved it was over. At least we were all OK. (Laura, 15)


(a story)

Think of an unusual experience you have had. Answer the questions in the plan.
Introduction (set the scene) Para 1 Where were you (school, home)? What was the weather like? Who else was with you? Main Body (events in the order they happened) Para 2 What happened? What did you/the others do? Para 3 What happened afterwards? Conclusion (end the story) Para 4 What happened in the end? How did you/the others feel?

Sequence of events Write the events in the order they happened. This helps the reader follow your story.

Portfolio: Use your answers to write your story entitled What an Experience (80-100 words). Workbook 2c


Warm-up Activity Ask Ss to look at the picture and the title and elicit guesses as to what Unit 2c is about (a story about a scary experience).

Read the box aloud. Point out that before you write
a story you need to think of the events that happened and present them in chronological order to help the reader follow the story.

To predict the content of a text from audio and visual material Direct Ss attention to the picture. Play the recording. Ss listen and make guesses about what the story is about. Allow Ss time to read the story and check if their guesses were correct. Suggested Answer Key I think the story is about a hurricane which destroyed someones house.

To read for text structure and cohesion Demonstrate the task by reading the first sentence of the text aloud, followed by each of the phrases (a-e), one at a time. Elicit which phrase fills the gap (b). Tell Ss to complete the task in the same way by trying each phrase in every gap until the text is completed, and to check that it makes sense. Check Ss answers. Then Ss explain the words/phrases in bold. 3 a 4 c 5 e

To write a story Brainstorm with the class for unusual experiences (e.g. earthquake, flood etc). Discuss the questions for each paragraph in the plan. Ask some Ss to give an oral summary of the plotline for their story. Allow Ss time to write their stories in class or assign the task as HW. Ask various Ss to read their completed story to the class.

Answer Key 1 b 2 d

To order events and give a summary of a story

Suggested Answer Key I was on holiday in Athens with my parents last year. Three days before we left, we decided to go shopping for souvenirs. It was a hot sunny day. We were about to leave the hotel room when, suddenly, we heard a loud noise. The ground began to shake and we realised it was an earthquake. My dad told us to stay calm. We stood in a doorway and waited for it to stop. It was over in a few seconds. It was a frightening experience and we were relieved it was over. At least we were all OK. Writing Bank: stories To write a story we first decide on the type of story, the plot, and the main characters. In the first paragraph, we set the scene; that is, we write when and where the story took place, who the main characters were and what happened first. In the main body paragraphs, we describe the events in the order they happened leading to the climax event (the most important event). We normally use time linkers (after, when, while, before, etc) to show the sequence of events. In the last paragraph, we write what happened in the end and how the characters felt.

Allow Ss some time to put the events into the

correct order. Tell Ss to use the plotline as a guide to give a summary of the story to the class. Ss prepare their answers. Answer Key 2 It began to rain. 3 They went inside the house. 4 They closed the windows. 5 They went to the basement. 6 They heard a loud crashing noise. 7 The wind stopped. 8 They went outside again. 9 They helped their neighbours. Suggested Answer Key The children were in the garden when it began to rain. They went inside the house and they closed the windows. The family went down to the basement and they could hear the wind blowing. They heard a loud crashing noise and they were scared. After a while, the wind stopped and they went outside again. They helped their neighbours find their dog.

Extra Activity for weaker classes

Write these phrases on the board. Ask Ss to use them to write their story. on holiday with parents last year hot & sunny hear loud noise ground begin to shake earthquake stand in a doorway stay calm be over frightening experience relieved TEACHERS RESOURCE PACK: pp. 22-23


Warm-up Activity Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the title. Elicit what Unit 2d may be about (stories). Then elicit what stories may be about (fairies, gold, forests, princesses, etc).

To identify the country of origin of a music extract Play the recording. Ss listen and say which country they associate with the music. Answer Key Ireland

To talk about stories and moral values Allow Ss enough time to brainstorm about their three favourite stories and the moral values they teach. Ask some Ss to share their answers with the class. Suggested Answer Key My three favourite stories are the Brothers Grimm Little Red Riding Hood, and Aesop's fables The Tortoise and the Hare and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The first story teaches us not to talk to strangers/beware of wolves in sheeps clothes; the second teaches us not to underestimate others and the third story teaches us to always be honest.

To listen and read for specific information

Elicit whether Ss can identify any of the

creatures from the pictures (e.g. fairy).

Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the

text in their books. Elicit information about the creatures in the pictures from Ss around the class. Suggested Answer Key The man on the left is a seanchai or a storyteller. The creature next to him is an elf called a leprechaun, who makes shoes and has a hidden pot of gold. The man on the horse is a warrior/ hero and the girl may be a princess. The creature on the far right of the picture is a fairy.

To retell a popular folk tale Divide the class into groups. Explain the task and allow Ss time to come up with a popular folk tale. Monitor the activity and encourage Ss to think of different tales. Ask each group to present their folk tale to the class.

To answer comprehension questions based on a text Read the questions (1-4) aloud. Tell Ss to read the text again, if necessary. Ss answer the questions. Check Ss answers. Answer Key 1 Seanchais tell stories. 2 Myths, legends and folk tales. 3 They are about giants, warriors and kings. They are about heroes who overcome great obstacles, fight with magical beasts and have incredible adventures. 4 They have fairies and elves including leprechauns.

To present new vocabulary Read out the phrases and elicit which phrase Ss can find in the text (spend a cold, winter night). Allow Ss time to make sentences and check Ss answers around the class. Suggested Answer Key I spend 12 a week on bus fares. I spend most evenings reading or watching TV.

Suggested Answer Key The story of Icarus and Daedalus is about a boy and his father. Daedalus was the architect for the King of Crete. One day he made the king angry and he was put in prison along with his son Icarus. He decided to try to escape but the only way off the island was by boat. It seemed impossible because all the boats were full of the kings guards. He decided to make some wings and fly off the island. He made wings for himself and Icarus from feathers held together with wax. He told his son to make sure that he did not fly too close to the sun or the wax would melt and the wings would fall apart. Icarus and Daedalus escaped and flew away from the island and across the sea. Icarus was so excited to fly that he forgot his fathers warning and flew very high. Daedalus called out to Icarus but he didnt listen. The wax on his wings melted and he fell into the sea and drowned. Daedalus named the closest island Icaria in memory of his son, but he was sad for the rest of his life and he never flew again. The story teaches us to listen to our parents. Icarus didnt listen to his father and he died. TEACHERS RESOURCE PACK: Pairwork Activities pp. 25-26



A story should be told eye to eye, mind to mind, heart to heart. Stanley Robertson (storyteller)

1 2 3

Listen to the music. Which country does it remind you of? What can you see in the pictures? What do you know about them? Listen and read to find out. nswer the questions. Then explain the words in bold.

erhaps the best way to spend a cold, winter night in Ireland is to enjoy the company of a seanchai, a storyteller. Ireland has great stories to tell. yths and legends are stories about giants, warriors and kings. They are tales of heroes who overcome1 great obstacles, fight with magical beasts and have incredible2 adventures. One such legend is the story of Finn Mac Cumhail and his group of warriors, the Fianna, who protected the high kings of Ireland. olk tales entertain3 people while teaching them moral values4. These stories are about very unusual characters, such as fairies and elves. The most popular are the leprechauns. Their name means small body. They make shoes and have a hidden pot of gold. As legend has it, if you catch a leprechaun, it must tell you where the pot of gold is. But be careful! It will try to trick you into looking away for a second, and then it will disappear!
1 get over 2 unbelievable 3 amuse 4 right behaviour

1 What do seanchais do? 2 What types of stories do people tell in Ireland? 3 What are Irish myths/legends about? 4 What characters do you find in Irish folk tales?

Word power

5 6

Name three stories you like. What value(s) does each one teach?

Read the box. Which phrase can you find in the text? Make sentences using the phrases.

Work in groups. Think of a popular folk tale in your country. What is it about? Who are the main characters? What happens in the story? What moral values does the story teach? Tell another group. Workbook 2d

+ money (= pay) He spent on 10 sweets. + time (= pass) He spent all day reading the book.


John: Penny: John: Penny: John: Penny: John: Penny: John: Penny:

John: Penny: John: Penny:

Hi, Penny. Hi, John. Youll never guess what happened to me. What is it? You look a little upset. Oh dear. I had quite a shock this morning. Really? Why? I was at the zoo, when I heard people shouting and screaming. What on earth was it? Everyone was around the fountain and they all looked really scared. Oh, my goodness! What was going on? Did someone fall in the water? Not someone, but something. There was a long orange snake with black stripes swimming around in it. Oh, dear! Was anyone hurt? No. The guards caught it quickly and put it back in its cage. Imagine that! You dont see that every day, do you? No, you certainly dont.

Narrating past events

Listen and repeat. Which are the stressed words? Oh, my goodness! You look a little upset. What was going on? Oh, dear!

Everyday English Find phrases in the dialogue which mean:

4 Thats unusual. 5 Fancy that.

Youll never guess what happened to me. I had quite a shock. What on earth was it? What is it?

1 Oh, my. 2 Whats the matter? 3 You seem a bit shaken up.

6 7

2 3 4

The sentences in Ex. 1 are from a dialogue between John and Penny. Look at the picture. What do you think happened to Penny? Listen and check. Read the dialogue and list the events in the order they happened. Compare with your partner. Say the sentences in Ex. 1 in your language.

Portfolio: Tell your friend about something unusual that happened to you. Use the sentences from Ex. 1 to act out your dialogue. Record yourselves.

Pronunciation //, //
Listen and tick (). Listen again and repeat. // he here bee // beer knee near Workbook 2e // //

Warm-up Activity Ask Ss to look at the title of the unit and the picture and guess what Unit 2e is about (an unexpected event).

4 You dont see that every day. 5 Imagine that!

To act out a dialogue

To practise pronunciation and intonation

Brainstorm with the class for ideas for unusual

events (e.g. see a ghost/famous person/wild animal/find or lose something). Draw this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. Student A Greet friend state that sth happened. (Hi, ... . Youll never ... .) Say where you were & what you heard. (I was ... when I heard ... .) Describe what people did. (Everyone ... .) Describe event. (A ... .) Say what happened in the end. (No ... .) Reply to partners comment. (No, you ... .) of the class. Suggested Answer Key A: Hi, John. Youll never guess what happened to me. B: What is it? You look a little upset. A: I was in the supermarket when I heard people shouting and screaming. B: What on earth was it? A: Everyone was at the entrance and they all looked really scared. B: Oh, my goodness! What was going on? A: A lion was outside the supermarket. B: Oh, dear! Was anyone hurt? A: No. Animal Control came and took it away. B: Well, you dont see that every day, do you? A: No, you certainly dont. Student B Ask for details state friend looks upset. (What ...? You look ... .) Ask for clarification. (What on earth ...?) Express surprise & ask for details. (Oh my ...! What was ...?) Express shock & ask if anyone was hurt. (Oh ...! Was ...?) Comment on what friend said. (Well, you ... .)

Play the recording once, then play again with

pauses. Ss listen and repeat and identify the stressed words. Answer Key Youll never guess what happened to me. I had quite a shock. What on earth was it? What is it? Oh, my goodness! You look a little upset. What was going on? Oh, dear!

To predict the content of a dialogue Explain the task and elicit guesses from Ss around the class. (e.g. She saw a snake.) Play the recording. Ss listen and check if their guesses were correct. Answer Key She saw a snake at the zoo. The snake escaped from its cage and went in a fountain.

To read and give the sequence of events in a text Allow Ss time to read the dialogue. Ss list the events in the order they happened. Check Ss answers around the class. Suggested Answer Key 1 Penny went to the zoo. 2 Penny heard people shouting and screaming. 3 She saw people around the fountain, looking really scared. 4 She saw a long orange snake swimming in the fountain. 5 The guards caught the snake and put it back in its cage.

Ask various pairs to act out their dialogues in front

To consolidate new vocabulary Elicit the L1 translations for the sentences/ expressions in Ex. 1. Point out that these should be the equivalent expressions rather than direct translations. To understand the meaning of everyday English expressions Explain the task and allow Ss enough time to read the dialogue and find the matching phrases for phrases 1-5. Check Ss answers. Ask some Ss to read out their answers. Answer Key 1 Oh, dear./Oh, my goodness! 2 What is it? 3 You look a little upset.

To pronounce //, // Play the recording. Ss listen and tick. Then Ss listen and repeat. Elicit other words with the same sounds from Ss around the class. Answer Key he here bee //   //  beer knee near //   // 

Suggested Answer Key //: she, me, we //: fear, spear, dear, deer


Warm-up Activity Ask Ss to look at the name and picture of the author and elicit if they know any of his works (e.g. The Happy Prince, Lady Windermeres Fan).

To predict the content of a text

To read for specific information Direct Ss to skim through the text and find a suitable sentence to match the picture. Elicit answers from various Ss. Suggested Answer Key My dear sir, said Mr Otis, those chains need oiling./Here, take this small bottle of lubricant./I will leave it here for you and I will give you more if you need it.

Ask Ss to read the title of the story, and look at

the picture at the bottom of p. 27 and elicit what they think the story is about (a ghost, a haunted house). Ss read text A and find out. Answer Key The story is about a family who buys a haunted house.

To predict the content of a text from audio clues Play the recording. Ss listen and make guesses. Suggested Answer Key I think the ghost moves around in chains. Someone hears the noise and goes to see what is happening.

To continue a story Explain the task and divide the class into small groups. Ss discuss their ideas and then share them with the class. Play the recording. Ss listen and check to see if their guesses were correct. Suggested Answer Key I think the ghost got very upset that Mr Otis wasnt scared of him and went away upset.

Play the recording of the extract. Ss listen and

follow the text in their books to check if their guesses were correct.


3 a

To present and use new vocabulary Ss look up the words/phrases in the Word List. Allow Ss some time to read the extract and do the task. Check Ss answers. Then Ss explain the words in bold.

Chain story. Write this sentence on the board. John was very tired, so he decided to go to bed. Ss, one after the other, continue the story entitled The ghost.

Suggested Answer Key 1 ambassador 2 haunted house 3 clank of metal 4 ghost, handcuffs, rusty chains 5 lubricant


Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was a popular Irish poet, novelist and dramatist. His most famous works include The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest, as well as some excellent short stories like The Canterville Ghost. This story is about an American ambassador and his family who buy a haunted house .

1 2 3

What is The Canterville Ghost about? Read text A to find out. Listen to the sounds. What do you think happens in this extract? Listen, read and check. Check these words in the Word List. Use them to complete the sentences. Explain the words in bold. clank of metal ambassador struck a match haunted house handcuffs ghost rusty chains lubricant

At eleven oclock the family went to bed, and by halfpast all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr Otis woke up because of a noise outside his room. It sounded like the clank of metal. He got up at once, struck a match and looked at the time. It was exactly one oclock. Mr Otis was quite calm. The strange noise continued, and with it he heard the sound of footsteps. He put on his slippers, took a small bottle out of his dressing case and opened the door. Right in front of him he saw an old man. He looked terrible! His eyes were red. His hair was long and grey. His clothes were old-fashioned and dirty, and there were handcuffs and rusty chains on his wrists and ankles. My dear sir, said Mr Otis, those chains need oiling. Here, take this small bottle of lubricant. I will leave it here for you and I will give you more if you need it. With these words the ambassador put the bottle down on a marble table, and went back to bed, closing the door behind him.

1 Mr Otis was a(n) ................ . 2 Mr Otis bought a(n) .......... . 3 Mr Otis woke up because of the .................. . 4 Outside his bedroom, he saw a(n) ............ with ............ and ............ . 5 Mr Otis gave the ghost ........... .

4 5

Which sentence best describes the picture? What do you think happened afterwards? In groups, continue the story. Then, listen and check.

Workbook 2f


Complete the crossword 2 in your 3 notebook.


Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Across 2 large wave that flows onto land 3 shaking of the ground 5 strong wind storm in which a tall column of air spins around quickly Down 1 violent wind or storm 4 large amount of water that covers an area

1 How ......................... (you/feel) when it ................... (start) to rain? 2 He .................................. (not/find) his friends, so he .............. (come) back home. 3 Where ............................ (they/go) last weekend? They .............. (travel) to Paris. 4 .......................... (he/ask) for help? No, he ................. (be) afraid. 5 When ..................... (he/arrive)? An hour ago. He ................. (bring) Ann with him.

Write the past simple forms. reach ................ 6 dive ................. 7 find .................. 8 try ................... 9 start ................. 10

Points: ___ 20 5X4

Points: ___ 20 5X4

1 2 3 4 5

come ................ decide ................ hear ................. leave ................ feel ..................

Fill in the correct word related to feelings.

1 We were all r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to be back home safe. 2 She had nothing to do, so she felt b _ _ _ _ . 3 He was very w _ _ _ _ _ _ when he realised the kids werent back from school. 4 Sam tried to keep c _ _ _ when he saw the ghost. 5 Hes afraid of flying. He feels t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each time he gets on a plane.

1| 2| 3| 4|

Points: ___ 10 10X1

Match the sentences (1-4) with their responses (a-d). What was that? You look a little upset. Where did you go? I heard a loud roar. a b c d I had quite a shock. A snake. Oh, my goodness! To Lisbon.

( (

Points: ___ 20 4X5

Now I Can ...

My score: ___ 100

) )

Points: ___ 20 5X4

Choose the correct item.

talk about natural phenomena narrate past events describe feelings use time words in narration tell/write a story

... in English

1 He waited in the airport as soon as/until the plane arrived. 2 Mary called her mother as soon as/until she got home. 3 He tried to find a good job until/after he graduated. 4 She was in bed when/after the phone rang. 5 He watched TV when/after he had dinner.

I got an anonymous letter today.

Oh, really? Who was it from?


Points: ___ 10 5X2

Self Check
Allow Ss 10 to 15 minutes to complete the Self Check. Ask Ss to check their answers against the key on p. 151. Then Ss read the Now I Can section and evaluate themselves. TEACHERS RESOURCE PACK: p. 27, Test 2 pp. 101-104

Chain Story Play in teams. Get two pieces of paper and ask the first S in each team to write the beginning of a story. He/She writes the last word on the line underneath and folds the paper so that the next person can see only the last word. The next person also writes a sentence that continues the story, beginning with the last word of the previous sentence. Continue this until everyone in the class has written at least one sentence. Ask Ss to read their stories.


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