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A MaN oF No


AT RISE: The Social HalI, adjacent to It is L964. It

St. Imelda,s, a small parish church in a quiet neighborhood of Dublin. is spring. The roonr, a large one, is dark now but little sunlight manages to filter through the windows which are both dirty and made of an opaque-ish glass. Though we cnnnot see into the room aery clearly, we are aery au)are of the sound of a flute playing a somewhat melancholy air. We bask in it a moment. It's a beautiful tune.

This continues a beat, eaen as ute hear sounds from outside. The door is opened and a little more sunlight comes into the

A man has come into the room. His name is ALFIE ByRNE. He is in his 40's, aaerage looks and build. He utears a Dublin
bus conductor's uniform, cap and ticket-dispensing gear. He does not turn on the lights at first, but stands there, silhouetted against the door.

"How beautiful is the Princess Salome tonight! She is like the shadow of a white rose in a mirror of silver. She is like a dove that has strayed. She is like a narcissus trembling in the wind. She is like a silver flower."


Who's there? Is somebody in there? (ALFIE ignores this. He doesn't wen seem to hear it.
music continues)


"You are always looking at her. You look at her too much. It is dangerous to look at people in such a fashion. Something terrible may happen.,,

Would that be you down there, Alfie Byrne?

"Ah! I have kissed thy mouth, Jokanaan, I have kissed thy mouth. There was a bitter taste but what matter? what matter? I have kissed thy mouth."

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