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The War on Drugs Part 2

Once upon a time, the vast majority of Americans accepted the premise that the get "tough on crime" rhetoric was feasible. Today, we live in a new era of time. For over forty years, we have tried the War on Drugs in America. The conclusion (even pronounced or stipulated by the former President Bill Clinton recently) is that the War on Drugs has been a failure in American society. We've focused on mass incarceration instead of treatment for those who unfortunately experience the debilitating condition of drug addiction. Millions of people color, the poor, and even the innocent being in prisons represent the fruit of the War on Drugs. Folks from across the political spectrum like libertarians and even pro-CNP preachers like Pat Robertson disagree with certain aspects of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs have been so bad that people with even mere possession of marijuana or any controlled substance non-violently can risk sentencing as high as life imprisonment. That's cruel and unusual punishment off the bat. We have to present the truth since anything else would be uncivilized. Many organizations are calling for reforms or even radical solutions in response to this nefarious complication. There are proposals from drug legalization to the medicinal usage of drugs. One thing is certainly true though. The current status quo is certainly not what we need. Its been a two party system with the Republicans and the Democrats doing the same thing like Bill Clinton speaking notoriously about the get tough on crime rhetoric. Dont get it twisted, because Bill Clinton is the most famous th centrist, DLC type of President in the 20 century hands down. Poverty, lack of economic job opportunities, and discrimination historically has contributed to the War on Drugs (and other such issues in general). President Bill Clinton supported laws that denied even food stamps to folks who were once caught with drugs and other reactionary, caste like policies. Clinton wanted to win back the white swing voters. That is all the more reason for us to fight to eliminate mandatory minimum laws, to end unfair

sentencing practices with those with mere possession of drugs, and to end the War on Drugs once and for all. Alternatives ought to be made in place too. Even Rand Paul is right to disagree with drone policy of potentially assassinating American citizens without due process of law. I do not agree with Rand

Paul on many issues, but he is exactly right on this issue. The unconstitutional drone strikes have been condemned by human beings from across the political spectrum. On the other hand, this action has existed before the brother President Barack Obama was
in the White House, so I dont blame the brother for every foreign policy evil in the world. I just feel that the current President is accountable for these likeminded policies. The newly confirmed by the Senate CIA director John Brennan was one of the key architects of the secret drone program. There is still the threat of drone massively being used against Americans domestically, which is very similar to the dystopian movie Minority Report. Innocent bystanders have been killed by these drone attacks including at least 176 children. We have the 16 page memo released by Obamas lawyers in the Department of Justice. The memo tries to in sick way justify the President to assassinate via drone any American citizen he names, anytime, anywhere for any reason. This has no basis on legal grounds in national or international law at all. The usage of drones is not just the only tyrannical action advanced by some in the government. Eric Holder wrote a letter saying that the authorization to use military force in the war on terror extends in the United States. Others are stop and frisk, warrantless wiretap searches, checkpoints, and other evils. On average, 50 innocent people are killed for every suspected terrorist who dies in a drone strike. Anwar al-Awlakis 16 yer old son definitely didnt deserve to die. Even Senator Feinstein wanted to grabble with the idea of deploying military force in America against U.S. citizens. Senator Lindsey Graham is a neo-con that wants to use the drone assassination program. You cant save lives when innocent men, women, and children are being murdered by this wicked war on terror. The kill list of the current administration is blatantly immoral. There is no doubt about it. We do not need our democratic rights to be obliterated for the sake of politics at all.

The Sister Michelle Alexander wrote an excellent, new book entitled, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. In this year of 2013, we have an awakening on issues. The union of movements is more revitalized than decades ago. People are passing resolutions in states across America that oppose pro-War on Drugs policies. The truth is as old as the origin of the Universe and as clear as the law of thermodynamics or the Scriptures. The Drug War hasnt been successful in eliminating drug kingpins or lowering drug addiction at all. They can stop and frisk in Brooklyn and Harlem, but never in Cambridge or rich suburbs have (some of these areas have areas with high drug abuse).

The Drug Wars evils have been exposed by numerous people. Today, we see that the Drug War has been used by the West as a means to militarized Latin America under the guise of free trade. The U.S. government has used hypocrisy (or claiming to be for freedom and be against gun violence, but use military arms in advancing gun violence and even restrict human liberties via fusion centers plus NSA warrantless wiretapping policies globally) as a means to justify this war. The war on Drug has been a war on youth, women, dissidents, and indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. Now, we realize the existence of privatized prisons and individuals have been linked to the global drug syndicate with ties to the establishment among many times. The prison system is a revenue maker and even the U.S. military industrial complex has to deal with the large opium crops in Afghanistan. Over 40 percent of Americas 2.3 million prison inmates are jailed on nonviolent drug related crimes. America is a prison society today. Congress passed legislation that sent harsh sentences for those with mere possession of marijuana. Revenues in the private prison corporations passed the $1 billion mark in 1998 and are now closing in on $2 billion. Two companies dominate the privatized incarceration industryCorrections Corporation of America (CCA) and the GEO Group, formerly known as Wackenhut Corrections. These two companies control 75 percent of the for-profit incarceration marketand make huge donations to Cabal lackeys. Tough on crime legislation hasnt work to solve our issues. It has only made obscene profits in the world, especially in the corporate world. There has been detention of migrants where immigrants are exploited to this very day. The more human beings in private prisons, the more money they make. ALEC is an extreme reactionary group that is allied with the private prison industry that advances anti-immigrant legislation as found in certain forms of legislation. Russell Pierce is an ALEC member and he is an Arizona state Senator. He is one of the strongest supporters of SB1070. Other copycat laws in other states regularly advance profit for the prison industry in the USA. A consortium that is made up of Corrections Corporation of America, the Geo Group, and the Management Training Corporation, own over 200 prisons and make a profit of close to $5 billion per year. The Drug War allows itself to be used as a cover for military intervention in other nations. It adds to the military budget. It increases the foreign sales of U.S. weaponry. The Drug War increases the underground market of drugs without seeing radical alternatives to it like treatment programs. The documentary entitled, American Drug War: The Last White Hope documented all of the truth as found in the circumstances of the War on Drugs. Our civil liberties have been attack in this war as well. Since 1979, Americans using illicit drugs have gone down. A 1998 investigation of Citibank by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) revealed that Citibank had secretly transferred between $90 million and $100 million of alleged drug money for a Mexican client, using many creative methods to camouflage the movement of the assets. Big banks and drug laundering go hand and hand for long decades in human history.

A Summary of the Drug Wars History Richard Nixon first declared the war on drugs in 1971. Back then, there were fewer than 500,000 hardcore drug addicted human beings in America. Most of these individuals were addicted to heroin. Over 4 decades later, we have paid the expenditure of 1 trillion dollars, but the number of addicted folks has exceeded five million human beings. America has been the supermarket of the drug war. There is a wider variety and bigger supply of drugs at cheaper prices than ever before. This problem of drug addiction and the bad fruits of the Drug War cut across demographics and socioeconomic backgrounds. According to Michael Levin, the CIA prevented him from destroying the Chang Mai factory. That was one major source of the heroin being smuggled into America inside of the bodies and body bags of GIs killed in Vietnam. That is sick and an exploitation of soldiers indeed. Not a single source in Southeast Asia was ever indicted by U.S. law enforcement. Many major drug smuggling cases have been ended by the CIA and the State Department. CIA owned airlines like Air America were being utilized as a means to ferry drugs all over Southeast Asia (as a means to support American allies during the Vietnam War). According to Levin, CIA banking operations were used to launder drug money. Michael Levine said that in 1972, he worked on a case involving top Panamanian government officials who were using diplomatic passports to smuggle large amounts of heroin and other drugs into the U.S. Manuel Noriega was found in the investigation. Once the CIA protected Noriega and even when Bush was Director of the CIA, Manuel Noriega was paid a salary as a CIA asset. This was when 40 computer files of the DEA classified him as a drug dealer. We know about the huge drug traffickers in the world like the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, the Bolivian cocaine cartels, some Mexican cartels, those in the Nicaraguan Contras, Columbian drug dealers, European drug dealers, etc.

What can you say about these men? Both Richard Nixon and George H. W. Bush were allies with the establishment. George H. W. Bush was sworn in as the Ambassador to the United Nations as early as February 26, 1971 with Nixon by his side. Bush Sr. was sworn by his fellow Bonesman & Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Justice Potter Steward. George H. W. Bush would be a strong member of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1971 to 1979. George H. W. Bush would later be the Director of the CIA and the President of the United States during the late 1980s. Both men were key in advancing the War on Drugs into new heights.

Even back in July 17, 1980, drug traffickers took over Bolivia. Bolivia was once the source of virtually of the cocaine entering America. CIA-recruited mercenaries and drug traffickers unseated Bolivias democratically elected president, a leftist whom the US government didnt want in power. Immediately after the coup, cocaine production increased massively, until it soon outstripped supply. This was the true beginning of the crack plague" according to Michael Levine. Michael Levine said that the CIA along with the State and Justice Department would combine forces as a means to protect their drug dealing assets by destroying a DEA investigation. The deal is that major cartel with ties to governments, big banking, and intelligence agencies were more protected than independent or low level drug traffickers. Back in 1990 even, U.S. Customs intercepted a ton of cocaine being smuggled via Miami International Airport. A Customs and DEA investigation quickly revealed that the smugglers were the Venezuelan National Guard headed by General Guillen, a CIA asset who claimed that he had been operating under CIA orders and protection. The CIA soon admitted that this was true. This story was not reported publicly until 1993 when the New York Times had the story back in 1990. Even the administrator of the DEA or Federal Judge Robert Bonner said to Mike Wallace that this action is CIA drug smuggling and it is illegal. Michael Levine is a 25 year veteran of the DEA. He has written articles about the Drug War. He is a very credible source along with Gary Webb in exposing drug smuggling in the world. That is why we need rehabilitation, treatment, and other reforms without a militarized Drug War that only benefits the 1% and not the poor.

We know of the dangerous consequences of the war on Drugs. It has been a war on human beings who use drugs. Even during the Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton yeas, the War on Drugs harmed much of the Bill of Rights. Many drug kingpins are not affected by it, but mothers, fathers, small time dealers, medical marijuana users, and even children. In Denver, Colorado, SWAT Team members raided the wrong residence. Ismael Mena was murdered by the SWAT Team members when he just said Policia. He was a father of nine and was instantly killed when he was hit by eight bullets. No drugs were found at his home. In Washington, D.C. Marsha Simmons on many times called the police to remove her crack selling grandchildren from in front of her house. The police responded by seizing her home because her grandchildren had sold crack on the property. In Pennsylvania, then 21 year old John Hirko was shot to death by police. They were dressed in ninja style uniforms. They never knocked on the door. They threw a grenade through a window. This action set fire to the house. John Hirko was completely unarmed when this incident transpired. He was suspected of dealing with small amounts of marijuana and cocaine. He tried to flee the fire and he died on his stairway. The mandatory minimum sentences have violated the Eighth Amendment. The Drug War have caused drug courts, lowering standards of probable cause for search and seizure, and restrictions on commercial speech, which are in violation of the First, Fifth, Fourth, and Sixth Amendments of the Bill of Rights. In the war on Drugs, there are huge misconceptions. Studies document that whites do significantly more drugs including crack than African Americans. Even back in the year of 2000, Tim Wise wrote that: "...According to the Department of Health and Human Services, Whites are eleven percent more likely to have used drugs than Blacks and twenty-five percent more likely to have done so than Hispanics." He further reports that a National Drug Abuse Survey from the Centers for Disease Control found that Whites in high school were seven times more likely than Blacks to have used cocaine or heroin, and six times more likely to have used methamphetamine..." Wise shown information findings from the National Institutes on Drug Abuse, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Health and Human Services, admitting the fact that contrary to popular belief, Whites were at least as likely, if not more likely, to use drugs than their black and brown Americans. There are even prescription drug addiction epidemic amongst numerous white Americans. Now, events like the Opium Wars are examples of how elites and international banking cartels exploited drug usage as a means to weaken the culture and society of other cultures The First Opium War was from 1839 to 1842. The Second Opium War was from 1856 to 1860. The dispute was basically about the British Empire trying to conquer the Qing Dynasty in China under the guise of trade including diplomatic relations. In China, opium was used for medicinal purposes. Europeans introduced mixing opium with tobacco for smoking. The British East India Company facilitated drug trafficking in China, which contributed to the opium wars. The British Empire, not sincere British human beings, never wanted negotiation. They wanted control over China. What do Empires want historically? More power. We all know the solutions to this. The get tough policy never worked. We can

allow medical usage of marijuana among states to not be harmed by the federal government. We can reduce sentences for human beings who commit nonviolent drug law offenses. There can be drug treatment programs for those with drug addiction instead of lengthy prison sentences. Portugal has followed similar actions and they have drastically decreased its rates of violent crime, addiction, and disease transmission since reforming its drug laws.

Drug Treatment Programs

There has been the issue of drug treatment programs. On many times, these programs havent been funded adequately. Some individuals who seek help lack access to treatment; they experience insurance barriers, have months of long waits, or participate in programs that dont meet their needs. Some cant even have treatments because of an arrest or a criminal conviction. Almost 40% of people who wanted drug or alcohol treatment reported that they are unable to obtain it, because they had no health coverage and could not afford it. There ought to be an expansion of drug treatment programs as a means to handle the end of the War on Drugs. It should be focused in handling health, safety, and improving quality of life among human beings. Others have advocated heroin assisted treatment, which has been documented to work abroad, but it is still not available in the United States. If more funds were sent to treatment and other health approaches to drug use, then you can save a whole lot of taxpayers dollars. The effectiveness of reducing drug addiction and likeminded issues ought to discovered on the overdose deaths, amounts of drug addicted human beings, and the transmission of diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. Drug policies ought to be made and judged on the ability to help society, to improve the environment, to build up families, to restore civil liberties, and the elimination of racial disparities in the judicial system. The New Jersey Senate Health Committee unanimously passed a new bill that will expand access to the lifesaving overdose antidote called naloxone. The interesting thing about this development is that this policy witnesses a widespread bipartisan support. Now, the bill comes into the full Senate in the state of New Jersey. Naloxone is a prescription medication that blocks and reverses the effects of opioid drugs like heroin and Oxytocin. Even now, it is normal medical practice for emergency personnel to administer when summoned to the scene of an overdose. Naloxone is only in prescription, so overdose victims regardless lack access to it. S2082 seeks to expand access by providing protection from civil and criminal liability to medical professionals who prescribe the drug and laypeople who administer it. Overdose deaths are a serious issue in New Jersey. This is a great policy since it can prevent human overdose all over the state of New Jersey. Senator Joseph Vitale, the sponsor of the bill in the Senate, says Drug overdose continues to be the leading cause of accidental death in New Jersey. Each year it surpasses the number of deaths caused by automobile accidents and guns. Expanding access to naloxone will allow this medication to reach its full public health potential and will be an important part of New Jerseys comprehensive efforts to address drug abuse. Patty DiRenzo of Blackwood lost her son, Salvatore, to an overdose when he was 26 years old. Sal was a beautiful soul who unfortunately struggled with addiction. If the people he was

using with on the night he died had access to naloxone, he might still be alive today. Instead, my son was left alone to die. Its extremely important to have policies like this one in place, so that other families are spared the grief that mine has endured. The Opioid Antidote and Overdose Prevention Act has tons of support from a wide spectrum of public health organizations, treatment providers, and advocacy groups like the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug DependenceNJ, the New Jersey State Nurses Association, the National Association of Social WorkersNew Jersey, Integrity House, the Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry, Hyacinth AIDS Foundation, etc.

My brothers debate me on this issue, because my brothers are more progressive or militant than me on some issues. Yet, I am more progressive than my brothers on this issue or the War on

Drugs in general. For a while now, I do now believe in medical marijuana and I believe in ending the War on Drugs in a strong, comprehensive fashion. Of course, I dont believe that
children should utilize dangerous drugs recreationally at all from cocaine to meth. A child is still growing physically and physiologically. Such drugs as studies prove can damage a childs potential to be strong, healthy human beings, especially in the long term. I never believe in anyone using drugs for recreational purposes at all. Yet, I believe in executing treatment for those with addiction issues not massive imprisonment for nonviolent drug addicts. The vast majority of Americans according to polls now agree with medical marijuana that is reasonable without extremism. Still, I reject the fear mongering about marijuana. Marijuanas effects are less harmful than those of most other drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. According to the Federal Institute of Medicine study in 1999, fewer than 10 percent of those who try marijuana ever meet the clinical criteria for dependence. They found that while 32 percent of tobacco users and 15 percent of alcohol users do. According to federal data, marijuana treatment admissions

referred by the criminal justice system rose from 48 percent in 1992 to 58 percent in 2006. Just 45 percent of marijuana admissions met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria for marijuana dependence. More than a third hadnt used marijuana in the 30 days prior to admission for treatment. Marijuana has been shown to be effective in reducing the nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy, stimulating appetite in AIDS patients, and reducing intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma. There is also appreciable evidence that marijuana reduces muscle spasticity in patients with neurological disorders. So, marijuana is less harmful and less addiction than alcohol, meth, tobacco and cocaine.

We know that the War on Drugs have been a huge detriment to our society. It is a war on humanity, because lives have been ruined by the War on Drugs. Even folks like Mike Ruppert, Cynthia McKinney, and the late Gary Webb have exposed the truth that the CIA has been instrumental in the drug trade. California Congresswoman Maxine Water took trips into nations like Nicaragua to investigate the situation. She found and document how some in the CIA are involved in drug trafficking. For example, the CIA provided covert funds for the Kuomintang or the KMT forces that were loyal to General Chiang Kai-shek. The KMT were fighting the Chinese communists under Mao Zedong. Since the CIA wanted to support the KMT, the CIA helped the KMT to smuggle opium from China and Burma to Bangkok, Thailand. The CIA provided airplanes owned by one of the front businesses called Air America. The Kerry Committee report was released on April 13, 1989. It concluded that members of the U.S. State Department provided support for the Contras were involved in drug trafficking. The elements of the Contras themselves knowingly got financial and material assistance from drug traffickers according to the Kerry Committee report. The Drug War was declared by President Richard Nixon back in June 17, 1971. Even before that time, we had alcohol prohibition. It was a failure since violent crime and the murder rate rose 50% between 1919 and 1933, peaking at 9.7 murders per 100,000 populations in 1933, when the country finally decided enough was enough. Alcohol prohibition was gone before the end of WWII. Now, we know that Ron Pauls Austrian libertarianism is nothing more than a repackaging of the neo-Milton Friedman Chicago School of Economics neo-feudalism. So, just because I disagree strongly with the Drug War, doesnt mean that I am a libertarian like Ron Paul. I am an economic progressive. It is a historical fact that USA economy grew greatly when there was a progressive economy. The oligarchs have sponsored libertarian/neo-liberal economic views for centuries. The robber barons and the slaveholders followed massive free trade philosophies indeed. For profit prisons is corporate corruption at its finest. The War on Drugs is directly linked to the prison industrial complex, because the prison system is reliant on criminals to be placed into them for a profit basically. There is more history where that came from. We know as early as 1840, Abraham Lincoln when he was a lawyer said the following about prohibition: Prohibition makes a crime out of things that are not crimes A prohibition law strikes a blow

at the very principles upon which our government was founded In 1842 even, cannabis made up of half of all medicines sold in America. No one reported serious problems with its use. We know that there were no federal laws against drugs in the United States of America until 1884. We know about William Randolph Hearsts false yellow journalism that fueled the fires of the Spanish American War with the bombing of the USS Maine. Hearst executed a campaign of racism against Hispanics, Asians, and African American in relation to drugs. Even in 1921, tobacco cigarettes in America was banned in 14 states.
More folks in prison will cause more money sent into the prison industrial complex. This is fully exposed in the 2002 book entitled, Hard Time Blues: How Politics Built a Prison Nation. Draconian drug laws like the Rockefeller laws in NYC are just as harsh as the three strikes laws of California. Some Rockefeller laws can potentially cause a person to experience 25 or even 40 years to life for just selling cocaine. There are those with 10 years for mere possession of cocaine as well. A minority of crime is violence relates while most crime is done by either drug offenses or other forms of criminal activities. It is unfair to allow nonviolent offenders to be in jail in the same realm as rapists, murderers, and corporate crocks. The

war on Drugs can cause fathers to be absent from their families and neighborhoods and including mothers too. More mothers are in prisons in increasingly shocking numbers. For mere marijuana possession, individual lives have been ruined with felonies in real life. This is not some fantasy. This is real. We need drug treatment and healing for those who are experience drug addiction. It is wrong for federal agencies to make it difficult for farmers to grow and market industrial hemp. Hemp that is industrialized ought to be made legal. As for the Second Amendment, I believe in civil liberties. I believe that innocent, law abiding citizens should never be restricted of the right to bear arms at any circumstance. That is my view and I will not back down from it at all. It is very hypocritical for anyone to lecture about gun disarmament when they ignore the governments role in using weapons to kill men, women, and children in Vietnam, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Iraq, places in Africa, and throughout the Earth. What we need is to end the war on terror and not scapegoat innocent humanity for massive, evil massacres in America. The fake liberals talk about guns, but they want the First Amendment to be violated with the Fairness Doctrine and some of them agree with the NATO war crimes in Libya. I am opposed to military war crimes and police brutality too when they use guns in an inappropriate way. Even the vast majority of Americans favor medical marijuana. We dont jail those with alcohol addiction or those with cigarette addiction. Therefore, those with drug addiction of any drug who is nonviolent ought not to be jailed at all.

The feds raided indoor gardeners and they find only tomatoes and squash plants. So, when anyone tells you that we do not have tyrannical government action, then they should witness facts like these. This is one fruit of the out of control war on drugs. Some folks are suspected of conducting illegal drug activities when they are just growing plants and vegetables indoors. The state police and sheriff's deputies in Kansas raided the home of Adlynn and Robert Harte. They were ironically 2 former CIA employees. The feds made a fruitless search for marijuana. They conducted a 2 state drug sweep in conjunction with Missouri police agencies. These 2 human beings just grew vegetables inside of their home. The couple was improperly searched in the operation. So, they filed suit as a means to get more information about why sheriffs deputies searched their home in the upscale Kansas City suburb of Leawood last April 20 as part of Operation Constant Gardener a sweep conducted by agencies in Kansas and Missouri that netted marijuana plants, processed marijuana, guns, growing paraphernalia and cash from several other locations, The Associated Press reported. That date of them being raided has been used by marijuana users as a means to celebrate the drug. Marijuana remains illegal on the federal level except in 2 states

(Colorado and Washington). These 2 states have legalized it for recreational use last November. Attorney Cheryl Pilate represents the Harte couple. The attorney said that the clients' 1,865 square ft. split level home was targeted since they recently purchased hydroponic gear to grow small numbers of tomatoes and squash in their basement. With little or no other evidence of any illegal activity, law enforcement officers make the assumption that shoppers at the store are potential marijuana growers, even though the stores are most commonly frequented by backyard gardeners who grow organically or start seedlings indoors, says the suit. The suit was filed under the Kansas Open Records Act. It came after authorities in Johnson County and Leawood denied their initial requests to see records justifying the search of their particular home. Leawood officials went so far as to say they had no such relevant records, but the Hartes say that answer isnt good enough. Per AP: "The Hartes say the public has an interest in knowing whether the sheriffs departments participation in the raids was based on a well-founded belief of marijuana use and cultivation at the targeted addresses, or whether the raids primarily served a publicity purpose." The Harte family was shocked by the federal raid on their own property. Robert Harte told the AP that it felt like a cops TV show and like Zero Dark Thirty. Cops watched them for months. The deputies are accused in the suit of making rude comments to them and imply that their son was a dope smoker. No charges have been filed in the affairs and both Hartes deny using drugs. You cant go into peoples homes and conduct searches without probable cause, Pilate said, adding that a successful lawsuit could serve as a basis for a future federal civil rights suit. This is not an ambiguous case. This is a clear case of violations of the Harte family's civil liberties.

The Drug War has been waged in poor communities, especially poor communities of color when people of color are not more likely to sell drugs than the white community. The Drug

War never dealt with drug addiction or drug abuse strongly, but reactionary politics (from from the Southern Strategy, etc.) etc as a means to scapegoat the poor plus minorities. This act harmed many of the gains of the Civil Rights Movement as well. The Counterrevolution The counterrevolution is ever real. Three months into the second term of the administration, we see reality. There has been an expansion of militarism in America, an attack on the social safety net, and an unprecedented assault on democratic rights. Others are right to believe that policies of Reagan continued under Clinton, Bush Jr., and even the current President Barack Obama. Agents in the administration act as agents of the banking elite. This is shown in domestic and foreign policy matters. Trillions of dollars have been sent to the big banks. There has been record stock market profit, but high poverty is still a reality in America. The 2012 election came about, because most Americans viewed Obama as the lesser of two evils. In reality, the current administration has shown more effective evil. Mitt Romney lost, because he was so in league with the radical austerity agenda of the two party system. We today witness a historic assault on the social programs that aided American society. Many of these programs came from the 1930's and the 1960's. The Republicans advance draconian cuts, yet the Democrats want to slash social spending. This is expressed in the current budget proposal. Sequester cuts can harm more from low income women (from the WIC program), education, the military, and other avenues of American society. We have Michigan Governor Rick Snyder with having almost unlimited powers over the city of Detroit. He allowed the emergency manager Kevyn Orr to control money to benefit Wall Street interests. Detroit is being privatized and harmed. Even in Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel (or Obama's former chief of staff) plans to close down 61 public schools. This could be the largest single school closure announcement in U.S. history. While the US Federal Reserve prints $85 billion a month to buy up the mortgage and other assets possessed by the banks, nothing is done to aid cash-strapped cities and states throughout the country. The aim is to force through historically unprecedented cuts in public education, health care and retirement programs that benefit the working class. In foreign policy, we know about the Western provocative acts in East Asia. That means that the West is flying nuclear capable bombers through a region with national and geopolitical conflicts (like North Korea). There are drone attacks and assassinations of U.S. citizens without due process of law. Even the administration wants to justify the government to assassinate U.S. citizens on U.S. soil under certain circumstances for the first time. The White House has threatened whistleblowers and jailed Bradley Manning for publicly exposing the truth that the war crimes by the West is truly common. The Republicans and the Democrats in their leadership is ruled by the Western establishment (with its banker agents). The ruling class with their faux institutions is discredited. That is why we need revolutionary, independent voices as a means to build up society. The political establishment uses the policies of continuity spanning decades and thousands of years as a means to control as much of society as possible. You cannot blame totally the Republicans for rising unemployment, homelessness, foreclosures, rising health care costs, genocide in Africa (from Libya to Congo. Presidential Review Memorandum NSCM/46 back in 1978 wanted America to desire a more hands on approach to Africa), the harm to universal free quality education, etc. Both major parties in the West are responsible for this reality. The reason this is happening is that the establishment used the President as a means to present reactionary evil policies as somehow moderate, which they

are not. This agenda is also to have the ruling elite to present bourgeois compromisers as somehow cutting edge when they are not. They are the water carriers of the Empire. When the President tried to praise Margaret Thatcher, you know we live in dangerous times. I still have hope for the future though. The Empire is harming folks of color and the whole human race. Now, we see that the President of the United States of America Barack Obama (though not perfect. He is still accountable for his individual, voluntary actions though) is the scapegoat of the centuries long oppressive system of white supremacy. That is the bigger picture you know.

In Closing

In our world, good is battling against evil. Some folks believe that if a tyranny like in Nazi Germany came about, then they will recognize it. Yet, we live in a society filled with tyrannical laws, fascism, and militarism. We still have militarism, yet this system of nepotism existed long before 2008. It is part of human history wherefore the forces of good are battling against the forces of evil. The Patriot Act has many similarities to the Enabling Act. The massive war crimes in the war on terror from the West and others are similar to the war crimes done by the Axis Powers. These modern 21st century war crimes are not just drone attacks, but cluster bombs and wars of aggression (in violation of national and international laws). The workers have been harmed worldwide via austerity measures and economic exploitation. This subsequent exploitation generates a widening of economic inequality. Here, we live in police state conditions here. In the UK, habeas corpus is virtually gone. In the States, in NYC, human beings can be illegally searched via the stop and frisk policy. In Detroit, some want some unitary leaders to control the political

functions of the entire city indeed. In our modern day society, we must continue to think critically about issues. These issues are economic, political, social, and other components of intellectual thinking. Too many human beings in the world, not only in the West, do not understand the premise of right and wrong. When you have moral relativism, society will exist in chaos or in a nihilistic capacity. When you have threats like SOPA, the NDAA, the Patriot Act, and other evil laws, then you have a problem in America too. We have an issue too when some want to see human beings as aliens or less than a member of the human race. The lie that we need to reduce America's debt in a radical fashion is a scam by some in trying to loot the workers' tax money and give it to the banksters and imperialists. We have poisoned water globally, corporate funded GMOs, and a brutal criminal justice system (that harms especially the poor of every color). The existence of evil is real. Evil tries to destroy the essence of goodness in society. One issue now is that some human beings see this current world as normal or that everything is okay. The CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies spying on American citizens without warrants or on trumped up charges is not normal. When Agribusiness is involved in dangerous GM seeds, then that is not normal. So, we should inform ourselves and we have the responsibility in doing something constructive in helping the human race from activism to building a real infrastructure that can solve our problems. We have to be about it and contribute our time in public in helping our neighbors indeed.
By Timothy

I am going to be Up on the Truth

Goodbye for Now.

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