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ControlMonitor Loudspeaker System


Control Series

KeyFeatures: b High sensitivity (90

2.83V@ 1 m)


b Tapped, switchable autotransformer for use on 100 V lines may be bypassed F High power handling (150 W continuous pink noise with autotransformer bypassed) with internal protection network F Molded enclosure with shielded magnetic structures b Accepts all Control 1 optional mounting hardware MTC

Sound system installers have used many thousands of JBL Control 1 loudspeakers in restaurants, clubs, discotheques, shopping centers, and other locations where multiple loudspeaker systems are driven by a common source. The JBL Control 1AT is designed to simplify installation of multiple systems in these environments. The Control 1AT features the acclaimed acoustical performance of the Control 1 and adds to it a high quality internal autotransformer which allows easy connection to a constant-voltage loudspeaker distribution line. The autotransformer may be set to 7.5,15,30 or 60 watts when fed from a 100 volt line, and it can be bypassed to connect the system directly to the power amplifier. The autoformer switch is mounted on the rear of the enclosure exterior and is screwdriver adjusted.

SYSTEM Frequency Reywnse ( t 3 dB) Sensltlvlty~ Factor (Q) Index (DI) impedance Tzps Lo\\ 120 Hr to 20 kHL 150 w 90 dB SPL, 2 28 4 5 4 ohm\ 75, 15, 30,60 Wplus b!pa\s, externall! sultchahle Les\ than 1 dB Less than 0 5% THD at or belou 6 kHL Posltwe voltdge to + (red) termmdl low frequent! cone motion Polypropylene Black 235 mm H x 159 mm W x 149 mm D (S m H x 6% m W x 57x m D) i, 2 2 kg (5 lb) 5 3 kg (12 lb) This clamp-on umt allows the Control IAT to be mounted on photographic tripods, mlcrophone stand\ (wth the MTC-4 or MTC-6) and other manufacturers uall or clamp mount systems Pax packed This umt allows the Control 1AT to be mounted to an\ rlgd surface while permlttmg the speaker to be almdd m almost any dlrectlon OptIonal colors avallahle gray and white This umt allows the Control IAT to be cldmped onto a varlet! of oblects wch a\ shelve\, poles or table tops while permlttmg a range of adlustments Optional colors avaIlable grav and white This umt allows the Control 1AT to be mounted on a mlcrophone stand wth European (Japanese) standard threads when used m conjunctlon with an MTC-1 This umt allows the Control 1AT to be mounted on a mlcrophone stand with American standard threads It mcludes the MTC-1 Low cost, fixed angle wall mount avaIlable gray and white bracket OptIonal color\ structural foam cause\ outward rated [power Power Capac1ty1 Dlrectwlt! Duxxtlwty Nommal Autotransformer Autotransformer Crossover

83 \ 1 m (3 3 ft) ,

Autotransformer Insertwn

Dlstortlon Frequent! Polarltv GENERAL


Material Fuxsh

Dlmenxons Net Weight (each) Shlppmg Weight (pax) ACCESSORIES MTC-1 Adapter

MTC-2 + Wall/Celling


MTC-3 + Clamp Mount System

MTC-4 (European) MIcrophone MTC-6 ( Japanese) Stand Adapter MTC-7 American MIcrophone Stand Adapter

MTC-8 Wall Mount Bracket

b Control@ Control Monitor LoudspeakerSystem lAT

The JBL Control IAT has the same magnetically shielded 135 mm (5% in) low frequency and 19 mm (% in) high frequency drivers as the Control 1, so it can be mounted in close proximity to video monitors without interference with the picture. It features the same high power handling (150 W continuous pink noise), high sensitivity (90 dB SPL, 2.83 Vat 1 m), excellent frequency response (120 Hz - 20 kHz + 3 dB), internal protection network, and molded enclosure design, and it accepts all Control 1 optional MTC mounting accessories. For monitor sound quality, easy and unobtrusive installation, and long, reliable life, the JBL Control 1AT is without equal. Distortion vs. Frequency 10 W, Distortion Raised 20 dB Frequency Response at 1 W, 1 meter; Impedance


The loudspeaker shall con\t\t of d 135 mm (5 % m) low frequent! trdn\ducer, 19 mm ( m) dome htgh frcquenc\ I+ transducer, frequenq dtbtdmg network dnd autotransformer m\tdlled m a ported enclosure The magnettc as\embhes shall use ferrtte magnet\, wth mtegral shteldmg of the external magnettc field The low frequent\ votce cot1 shall be 25 mm (1 in) tn dtameter The frequent! dtvtdmg network shall hate a crossover frequenq of 6 kHL dnd \hdll utllwe polyprop! lene bypass capacttors to reduce hrsterw\ effects on the \tgnal The autotransformer shall be mstalled m the mterlor of the enclosure and shall have an externalh acce\\tble \\\ltch for vzelectmg Its tap\ for power \etttng\ of 15, 30 and 60 watt\ when drtven from d 100 bolt 5, hne The external wtrmg connectors shall be \prmg loaded dnd gold plated, and shall accept bare wire, stngle or dual banana-tape connectors wtth 19 mm spactng Performance \pectficatlons of typtcdl productton 1 urut utth the autotransformer swttched to bypass shall be as follows measured sensttwtt! (SPL dt 1 m [3 3 ft] wth 2 83 V Input, \uept from 500 HL to 2 5 kH<) shall be at least 90 dB SPL Frequrnq response shall be wtthm plus or minus 3 dB from 120 HL to 20 kHr I sable frequencl response shall extend downward to 70 Hr Nommal mlpeddnce shdll be -I ohms Rated power capactt! shall be dt lea\t 150 watts contmuous pmk not\e, bd\ed on a test stgndl of filtered random not\e conformtng to mternattonal standard IEC 268-i (pink notse wtth 12 dB/octa\e rolloff below 40 H/. and above 5 kHL with a peak to average rntto of 6 dB), two hours duratton The Internal autotransformer performance specthcattons measured from dn) wattage tap shall be a\ follows frequenq response shdll be wtthm plus or mmus 2 dB from 40 HI. to 10 kHz Total harmomc dtstortton shall be less than 0 5% at or below rated power level\ Insertton 1055 shall be le\s than 1 dB The entire enclosure shall be mdnufactured of molded pohproprlene structural foam Opttonal mountmg bracket\ \hdll be avatldble for postttonmg of the loudspeaker at various angle\ for both temporat-!: and permanent mstallattons Overall dtmenslons shall be no greater than 235 mm (9% m) b) 159 mm (6% m) by 149 mm (578 m) deep Fmtsh shall be black, wtth metal grtlle and rubber end protectors The system shall be the JBL Model Control 1AT


and Vertical Beamwidth

(-6 dB) vs. Frequency


vs. Frequency

JBL Incorporated 8500 Balboa Boulevard Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A

HAH arman lnternattonal Company
PSlOl-2 11/92

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