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The Keepers: Total Recall of His Alien Abductions

Tim Beckley reveals a whole new Peter Gersten

Alien Graffitti all around the world. What does it mean?

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Vol. 22 No. 1

Jim Sparks
By Sean Casteel

Understanding A

n 1988 Jim Sparks was in his mid-30s and living a relatively comfortable life as a real estate and land developer when he began to awaken from a recurring dream that someone had been in his house during the night. He vividly recalled little creatures escorting him out of his bedroom as he slept, walking him through an unopened floor-level window and into the woods near his home. He would have no further memory of what took place until he was returned via the same route by which he had been taken. Gradually Sparks began to have more insight into what had caused the recurring dream, and he could consciously recall some of the actual events. The conscious part, Sparks said, was I was lying in the bed and then I was awakened to a loud, whirling, RPM whipping sound. It just kept getting louder and louder until it was screaming in my head. I felt this torque or this terrible energy coming from my stomach and working its way up into my torso. Then it was almost as if somebody pulled a roller coaster handle, and I felt an acceleration a hundred times faster than a roller coaster. I was disoriented, and it was G-forces beyond anything Ive ever experienced. Along with the disorienting effects of motion, Sparks also recalled feeling the familiar paralysis experienced by abductees. He said he cried out mentally I dont want to die before blacking out completely. When I came to, he said, I found myself in a room that was aboard somewhateverstarship, craft. Paralyzed on a bench with a desk-like thing with a screen on it, and then another larger screen up against the wall. So that was my first conscious experi54

ence with that and from that point on, almost all my experiences were consciously recalled. Sparks has recently written about his abduction history and what he feels it all ultimately means in a new book called The Keepers (Wild Flower Press, 2006). After the initial breakthrough event, the experiences began to happen with increasing frequency and Sparks

January 2007

Alien A, B, Cs
convert characters from the English alphabet into their alien equivalent. He would watch images on the larger screen and then copy them on the smaller screen in front of him. After he had gained some experience with the alphabet tasking, he was told telepathically that he was to apply his new skills to a kind of says he had no understanding of just who these creatures were. I didnt know whether they were aliens or demons, he said. I didnt understand any of this stuff, so it was pretty traumatizing in the first 18 months. At first, I didnt see what was doing this, but in my peripheral vision I could see it was something small. As the typical Grays started to coalesce in his vision, Sparks began to undergo a learning process with an apparent alien alphabet, which he feels may have had something to do with an education in telepathic communication. His task was to
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So, in order for us to politically join the galactic neighborhood, weve got to clean up our own backyard first.
that they radiate energy that paralyzes you, that drains all the chemicals in your brain down into your body. So youve got fear, youve got anger, youve got adrenalin, youve got all this stuff going through you at the same time. You feel isolated and confused. But as time went on, he continued, and I started getting used to these sensations, I realized that its nonhuman intelligence, with the emphasis on nonhuman. They dont have human social skills. They dont come from a place that is like us and the way we interact. Theyre straight and to the point and they get the job done. So I also learned over time in the abduction experiences that the more I cooperated, the sooner I could go home. But Id always resisted, always fought them in any way, shape, or form. Any kind of experiment, any kind of test, anything they ever wanted to do, I did everything I could to booby-trap it, to just make it where it wouldnt work. Meanwhile, the aliens seemed to take Sparks resistance in stride. Emotion isnt the word for these guys, Sparks said. They do have emotions, but theyre emotions that I dont understand. They were pretty tolerant about my anger. But every word in the book that you can think of would come out of my mouth. There were times in the early yearsI laugh about it nowwhen I would scream and cuss at them at the top of my lungs and then theyd paralyze my mouth so I couldnt yell. Then I would keep that inside me like that, screaming inside my head at them. After seeing that his anger served little useful purpose, Sparks said he began to have a change in attitude and started to actually become fascinated by what he was learning. For instance, he was shown something

competition. He was amazed to see his wife there beside him, poised and ready to compete. They wanted to see how fast I could do some of the things Id learned, Sparks said, relative to how fast and efficiently she could. She was way better than I was. It just shocked me that she had so much involvement in this thing and I had had no clue about it. She was very efficient at it and not traumatized by it. She was natural with the whole thing. After Sparks and his wife were returned home, she refused to talk about what had happened. Sparks eventually decided not to interfere with her use of denial as a method of coping and quit asking her to discuss her experiences, but he was not happy about how things were going, to say the least. The anger and loathing for the aliens was so strong, he said. I was never asked; I was never invited. I didnt want to be any part of this stuff. What made it difficult for me, what made me angry all the time, is

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rom the beginning of Jim Sparks abduction experiences, he was called upon to convert characters from the English alphabet into their alien equivalents. He did so by watching a large screen onboard a ship and then tracing the designs with his finger on a smaller screen in front of him. Sparks would be rewarded for successfully completing his tasks by pleasing physical and psychological sensations that he felt functioned as the cheese in a mouses maze. While he at firstangrilytried to refuse to do the letter exercises, it eventually dawned on him that he was better off to simply comply with what the aliens wanted. And just what did they want? Were they trying to give Sparks a primer in their language? I cant say for a fact that thats their language, Sparks said. I thought that at first, in those earlier months and years, that thats what that was. Then as time went on, I started seeing it as something that was a middle-ground form of communication. It wasnt our alphabet and it wasnt theirs, it was one in the middle with which to communicate. The aliens have the apparent ability to compress a great deal of information into very small symbols, according to Sparks. We could take this interview, he explained, which you and I are having here, which may take 40 minutes or an hour or however long it takes, and that can be abbreviated in sort of an alien text shorthand, a symbol thats no bigger than a pea or a dime. And when you look at that symbol, you get the whole hour that you and I just had in conversation. The whole understanding of it, what we talked about, everything there. So you just look at something the size of a dime or pea andboom!youve got all the text and data in your brain just by looking at it. The alien written language may also help to facilitate telepathic communication. Its not so much that youre reading my mind or Im reading your mind in words, Sparks said. Youre taking your brain waves and structuring them in a disciplined pattern. So if youre saying Hello, how are you? You have to see a symbol for Hello, how are you. You see a symbol, whatever the agreed on symbol is. There is the added requirement of having to view the alien written symbols in three dimensions, not two, as with our printed words. You have to start it from a certain angle, Sparks said, and you have to make the pattern turn and the motion has to be precise and exact. And as you do that, you develop like an energy signal from the little-bitty symbol in your head. Then

someone can receive that thought, like youre the transmitter and theyre the receiver. But theyre receiving that symbol; theyre not receiving the Hello, how are you. Theyre seeing the symbol and they have the understanding of it. Sparks compared learning the intermediate alien language with being trained in Morse Code. If you were studying Morse Code, he said, in the beginning, as a student, it would be dots and dashes. As you mastered the code, you wouldnt hear that stuff anymore. Youd just hear full sentences and paragraphs. You dont even hear the dots and dashes, you just know what they mean. Its the same thing with telepathic communication. Sparks hopes that the language and telepathy skills he has developed will receive genuine interest someday from the mainstream scientific community. If it ever hit the right ears, he said, like a research team that was studying this, studying brain waves or how brain waves are naturally transmitted and received, they might think This guys got something and maybe this would work for us. UFO


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I would leave my house and go to another state. They would find me there.
very interesting about the nature of time as it is manifested in the abduction experience. Lets say I was pulled and onboard, he said, and we were doing a task. And one ET would be in the left corner of the room and there was another one in the center of the room. And I was working on some kind of puzzle on that screen-table I was telling you about earlier. The experience lasted for lets say an hour and a half, and then it was done. When I would get back, he went on, I might be home ten days and then get pulled onboard again. And I would find myself exactly where I left off. The same being would be in the same corner of the room and the other one would be in the center of the room and Id find myself sitting in front of the same puzzle. So it was almost as if I might have left for a second or two where they were, even though I was gone for ten days here. So when I started seeing things like that, it started to fascinate me even more. Are these guys not aging when theyre in this other dimension? The time flow was different, and the laws of physics as we understand them dont apply to whatever dimension theyre working in. And thats when I started learning stuff.


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The most terrifying aspect of the abduction experience comes down to plain, old-fashioned fear of dying.
Nevertheless, the overall trauma of the experience must not be underestimated. I cant put that aside, okay? Sparks said. In spite of how Im so evenkeeled with it now and I understand so much more and I can take it as it comes now, Im not embracing alien culture here. Im still very guarded about it, and I always have been. I dont take anything they say at face value. I always question and study what theyre saying, and I dont absorb it just because they said it. The trauma, the horrific intrusion into my life, the impact that it

had on daily human livingI cant put that aside as being okay. In an attempt to free himself from the nightmarish trauma, Sparks made more than one attempt to escape, using what he called conventional methods. This is what I thought would work to get away from these guys, he explained. I would leave my house and go to another state. They would find me there. I would drive hundreds and hundreds of miles, and they would find me. I would check into hotels in the middle of major cities, high-rise hotels, and I would be

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in the middle of it, so I could be surrounded by all this concrete and everything, thinking that they wouldnt bother me there. And I got pulled there as well. So no

But as time has gone on, I think theres nothing better in the universe than humans because were the closest thing to animals that we could possibly be, and

Sparks compared learning the intermediate alien language to being trained in Morse Code.
matter where I went, and no matter how I tried to escape, whether I was at home or I was somewhere else geographically, it didnt make any difference. They would pull me. Like most abductees, Sparks experiences run the gamut from beautiful to terrifying. When asked what was his most beautiful experience, Sparks talked about an incident in his book in which he and some other abductees were shown images of the earths natural beauty. Just how gorgeous our planet is, he said. Of course, I hate the negativity. The screens slowly moved on to show how bad things are getting. Ive heard people say that human beings are of interest to a lot of extraterrestrial nonhuman intelligent beings for different reasons. by the same token were the closest thing possible to rationality and intelligence. Weve got a combination of things here that are rooted in the basic animal part and the emotional part and the ability to intellectualize. In all the different things Ive seen in the last 18 years out there, theres nothing that comes close to what we are. The most terrifying aspect of the abduction experience comes down to plain, old-fashioned fear of dying, according to Sparks. What would be scary would be the fact that these things come in the middle of the night and then suddenly your heart rates at a thousand miles an hour, youve got adrenalin flowing, youve got fear flowing, youve got everything going through your body and youre just wondering,


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Am I going to live? So youre always wondering if youre going to make it each time. But as time went on, I realized that I didnt die. I always got back safe, and I was always okay. So I hung onto the thought during those terrifying times that Ive always made it through this and lived. So why should I think its going to be anything other than that? Ive got a long way to go with this, but its finally going somewhere at least. Im seeing something here. As for the government and its role in the whole abduction phenomenon, Sparks does report a couple of incidents in his book in which he awakened to find he was in the presence of earthly military personnel who seemed to be working on the same agenda as the aliens. But the fact that this cross-species cooperation is so tightly covered up acts as a kind of poison, in Sparks opinion. We know that its a poison, he said, when the government covers up something that we know to be so and makes us look silly. Because then it makes you question their truthfulness when it comes to anything or any of their policies. And thats not a good thing. I understand why, in the earlier yearssay the 40s or 50sthat they would want to do something like that because we were so far removed from anything high-tech. Then as the 60s, 70s and 80s came along, different alien species were making contact and interacting with various heads of state, those that are in power, and trying to work to correct problems with the environment, that kind of thing. But there was still the problem of human greed and the lust for power to factor in. The aliens decided that their campaign of outreach to human leaders had failed, and they began to shift their efforts to making contact with the average person. Do you remember those years when the abductions were happening by the thousands on a weekly basis? Sparks asked. That, in a sense, was a power play. A lot of average people were being contacted and abducted and were receiving information. Now probably tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of abductees may have what I know stored inside them in their subconscious. The idea is to keep the leaders in check by having perhaps millions of humans who all of a sudden can wake up one day and know everything. So, in order for us to politically join the galactic neighborhood, weve got to clean up our own backyard first. And weve still got a ways to go. But there may be alien agendas that are not necessarily in the best interests of mankind, Sparks cautions. There are different agendas with different species of ETs who use raw material or raw natural resources for their own benefit. They view us as simply cows in a pasture. Now thats not the bulk of them, but its been going on for thousands of years with human beings, and of course weve been oblivious to it.

Ive started to understand the business of natural resources and the callous, non-caring attitude of some of the aliens. There are particular beings that seem to need the different types of energy that we emit, whether its love or hate, as well as our biological materials. The idea of human emotions being farmed and harvested is strange enough, but apparently the aliens also use those human energies in their own particular kind of commerce. They barter these things throughout the cosmos, Sparks said. There are commercial reasons that are at play here. These are intelligences that have gone beyond the spiritual debate as to whether this is proper or not. Its just something that they do. Still, Sparks feels there is good reason for hope in spite of the grim foreboding that seems to spring so naturally from the phenomenon. Im getting glimpses, he said, and having experiences here that are very, very promising. Heres the really cool stuff: Ive been having experiences in the last couple of years that have involved plain-jane everyday human beings from the future. The near futuremeaning anywhere from a few hundred years to a couple of thousand years ahead. People who come back here and intermingle with us. They say a few things, but theyre tight-lipped about what their time is really about. For good reason, I guess. So if weve got people coming back from the next few hundred to a couple of thousand years in the future, that tells me obviously that were still going to be around. Now what we may go through between now and then, Im still not sure yet. But all indications are that there is a timeline were inevitably going to cross one day. Right now were at a preserve, so to speak, or a sanctuary in regard to what the rest of the cosmos is about. And maybe its tomorrow, maybe its ten years from now, but well get to a certain point in our timelineas we comprehend timeand once we reach that point, a lot of this is going to break out and things will change. This will mean open contact, according to Sparks. Where its no longer a secret, he said. Where it cant be contained anymore. Right now, were in a state of ignorance-is-bliss, even though its extremely frustrating because we want to know everything. But I think were running out of options for keeping this a secret anymore. Were almost at the end of the line. The expression Live and learn could not apply any more urgently than it does here. If you live, you learn. UFO
Sean Casteel is the author of UFOs, Prophecy and the End of Time, Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming, and The Excluded Books of the Bible, all of which are available online at Casteels website as well as through and Filament Books. Visit Sean Casteels UFO Journalist website at


January 2007



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