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Anthony Gianaras Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Title: Allies become enemies Description (1-2 sentences): The United States and Germany had joined together to fight the war Germany in World War II. After the war they were the two most powerful nations in the world. However, their alliance quickly turned into competition for world influence. Subject: U.S. History Instruction time: 45 min Students level by grade: 9th grade

Standard(s) to be addressed: Understand the effects of economic needs and wants on individual group decisions. - Understand the historical relationship between economic growth, higher production levels, new
technologies, and standard of living.

Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions targeted in this lesson (for units created using the Understanding by Design framework only): What was the purpose of the Marshall plan, and what was the result of the plan for Europe? What U.S. foreign policy changes arose from the threat of Communism in the postwar world?

Learning Objectives for this lesson (Written using verbs from Blooms Taxonomy): Students will analyze the major events of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1946-1951.

Identified student needs and plans for differentiation: Cornell notes will be provided to each student. This note taking system guides student acquisition of the materials by enabling them to group the concepts and organize their material around the essential question of the lesson. One section of the notes is allocated for the big/main idea, while the other section allows students to fill in the details on each main idea or concept.

Specific resources needed for this lesson: -PowerPoint -Cornell Notes -Projector

Instructional method(s) used in this lesson: The main instructional methods that will be utilized for this lesson are discussion and think-pair-share. There will be a PowerPoint lesson that students are encouraged to engage in. They will have a chance to share their opinions of the information covered with each other and elaborate on any new findings.

Lesson Sequence: Hook (How will you get students excited about learning/Introduce students to your objectives?) There will be a short discussion before we begin the PowerPoint. I will reassess students background knowledge on the material. This discussion will allow them to remember previously discussed material as well as develop a sense of direction for the Unit. Direct instruction/Modeling The bulk of the information will be relayed to students through PowerPoint presentation. The content material will be discussed during the class and as new information is covered. Students will engage in the learning objectives and advance their comprehension of the essential question. Guided practice Each student will be given a Cornell note taking sheet. This sheet will facilitate their learning by allowing them to develop a link between the essential question, main idea and details of the material. Its a structured note taking template that helps students organize information and main ideas. In addition to the Cornell notes, I will answer any student questions to the best of my ability. Independent practice The guided practice portion of the lesson is directly linked to the independent study. Students will be responsible for completing their Cornell notes worksheet. There will also be a handout for students to complete as homework on the Berlin Blockade. Check(s) for understanding and scaffolding of student learning The level of student understanding will be gauged through their active participation in discussions. I will also check for understanding by calling on students who dont participate on a regular basis. It is ways for me to tell who is paying attention to the material and understands what is being covered. Assessment of/for learning Learning will be assessed through students completion of Cornell Notes. I will assess their notes by going to each students desk and inspecting their work. Closure of the lesson Every student will complete an exit slip summarizing their learning for the day. I want to make the information relevant and allow them to make personal connections to the material. The exit slip will be checked and it should be logged under the starter activities section of their notebook. Bridge to next lesson The exit slip will act as the bridge to the next lesson.

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