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Data Description Document An ISO27001 & ISO9001 Certified Company Project Digital map data of 26 cities of Peru Project Code 300-73-884-1-4901 Viet Vuong Telecom Client

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Topographic Details: City Arequipa (Peru)

Data Format & Resolution Output Data Resolution Output Data Format Vintage of Satellite images Resolution of Satellite image Used Production Date 5 Meters Atoll, Asset, Mapinfo 2011 5 Meters July 2011

Projection System Projection Units Zone Datum Hemisphere Central meridian Universal Transverse Mercator Meters 19 WGS84 Southern 69o West

Extents of the Data Grid XMIN YMIN XMAX YMAX Meters 221550 8174850 237130 8195580 Geographic 7136'29.73"W 1629'30.90"S 7127'36.24"W 1618'23.25"S

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Vector Classification ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Class Highways Main Roads Streets Other Roads Railways Airstrip Water Coastline

Clutter Classification Class Class Definition


Edge of the database

Skyscrapers/ Highrise

Tall isolated buildings with 40 meters or more height.

Dense Urban 2

Areas within urban perimeters, Inner city, very little/negligible vegetation. Closely packed buildings indicative of high density with only major streets and roads being visible. Absence of large open spaces.

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Medium Urban

Medium density of buildings, vegetations are less but higher than the dense urban, major pedestrian zones being partially visible and streets and roads visible. Comparatively more open spaces exist within this region Low density of buildings with some vegetation. Generally outskirts of any city or sparse built up inside city with open area in between. Areas surrounding big cities with moderately built-up; with some vegetation and network of roads are clearly visible. The areas are basically well mixture of vegetation and built-ups Industrial: Factory, Garage, Shipyards, Mostly situated outside the main city. Commercial: Central Mall, Office Complexes with large building footprints, Commercial buildings.

Low Urban



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All kinds of dense forest (70-85% dense trees in unit area) in rural areas, over hills/ mountains, Natural Parks with high tree density. Cultivated areas, Croplands, farmlands etc.


Low tree

Low density of trees, Low vegetation, thin density of forest, bushes, scrubs with low tree density.



This class will consist of confined water bodies (smaller scale), lakes, and dams.

Open_area 11

No buildings, no vegetation e.g. desert, beach, major roads in urban area and open lands


Quasi open

Areas with some obstruction like scattered trees or bushes with some mixed built-up etc. Characteristic land cover features: natural grasses occurring around airports. Page 5 of 7 6-March-2013

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Dynamic (flowing) water bodies. Only rivers containing water in the satellite imagery will be captured.



Sea, Ocean, water beyond coastline away from land.



Airstrip / runway

Data Organisation: The data is organised as follows: Folder Hierarchy arequipa\ arequipa\atoll arequipa\atoll\clutter\ arequipa\atoll\heights\ arequipa\atoll\vector\ arequipa\asset arequipa\asset\clutter\ arequipa\asset\heights\ arequipa\asset\vector\ arequipa\mapinfo arequipa\mapinfo\clutter\ arequipa\mapinfo\heights\ arequipa\mapinfo\vector\ Files Contained ddd_arequipa.doc and 3 subfolder 3 sub folders 1 bil file. 1 bil file. 7 mid/mif files 3 sub folders 1 binary file, index.txt and menu.txt file. 1 binary file, index.txt and projection.txt file. 7 tab files 3 sub folders 1 grc file. 1 grd file. 7 tab files

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File Description Files ddd_ arequipa.doc Binary Files Index.txt Menu.txt Description Provides information about data shipped These are as per asset format. Contains respective feature data Respective feature extents defined in UTM projection Provides class names mapping to numeric Ids

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