David Hinkson Motion For Reconsideration

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R L- C E I V E D

bG.cotilc cr APPEAL.S
JAN 3 1 2213
US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Case # 12-35824
Civil Action 2012-cv-196-RCT
US District court Criminal Action 1:04-cr-00127-RCT-1
David R. Hinkson, pro se
USP Atwater U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 019001
Atwater, California 95301
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 1 of 20
u.s. ( ; o u r ~ T OF APPEALS
J;t\N 3 1 2013
ALEO_---- ----
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CASE NO: _____ _
US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Case # 12-35824
Civil Action 2012-cv-196-RCT
US District court Criminal Action 1:04-cr-00127-RCT-1
Peti tioner/Defendan t
David R. Hinkson, pro se
Reg. No. 08795-023
USP Atwater U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 019001
Atwater, California 95301
Sl 1-1( ( t$ ) tsl-lzrl- st s () fr rtlts ()1155 (11-s tjreed Ahrl-tll til e tri tl () ()tl11 ..........................................- 1 -
CO E IE T ON- SPO S1 O ERS A DICTATES! ............ -4-
13 I?LIIEII zlkl;G 1!l$T-1- l1N1 ; I-TIDIA (7RT (;F l?L1 (2 (;N ; 11T)11la?k-1-1 ON......................................- 1 1 -
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 2 of 20
PRELIMINARY STATEMENT - GROSS ERROR ............................................................ -1-
Six (6) ''jurists of reason" disagreed with the trial court .......................................... -1-
BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES .............................................................................. -2-
ISSUE ONE: ............................................................................................................. -2-
ISSUE TWO: ............................................................................................................ -3-
ISSUE THREE: ........................................................................................................ -3-
ISSUE FOUR: .......................................................................................................... -4-
GROUNDS TO ISSUE A COA ............................................................................................ -4-
OVERVIEW OF THE PROBLEM ....................................................................................... -7-
BRIEF ARGUMENT IN SUPPORT OF RECONSIDERATION ...................................... -11-
Table of Authorities
Federal Cases'.
sliller-El &. Cockrell, 537 IJ.S. 322 (2003). . . . . . .... . . . . . ....... . . . ..... 4, 5
Napue v. Illinois, 360 U.S. 264, 79 S.Ct. 1173, 3 L.Ed.2d 1217 (1959). . . . . . 8, 14
Phelps v. Alameida, 569 F.3d 1120 (9th Cir 2009). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8 *;
Sivak l?.Hardison, 658 F.3d 898, 11 Cal.Daily Op.Serv. 11516,2011 Daily
Journal D.A.R. 13666 (9th Cin, 2011).................................8, 14
Slack v McDaniel, 529 U.S. 473,120 S.Ct. 1595,146 L.Ed.2d 542 (2000).
Federal Statutes:
Constitutional References:
'tution 14tb mendment
.................................... 11 S.Constl ,
-ttltior.t 5th l'nezldrnezlt
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 S.Constl ,
. .
.S.Constltutlon, 6 rnendlnent... ...... . . . . .... . . . . . . ....... ...3, 4, 11
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 3 of 20
Table of Authorities
Federal Cases:
Miller-El v. Cockrell, 537 U.S. 322 (2003) .............................. 4, 5
Napue v. Illinois, 360 U.S. 264, 79 S.Ct. 1173,3 L.Ed.2d 1217 (1959) ...... 8, 14
Phelps v. Alameida, 569 F.3d 1120 (9
Cir., 2009) ....................... 2, 8
Sivak v. Hardison, 658 F.3d 898, 11 Cal. Daily Op. Servo 11516,2011 Daily
Journal D.A.R. 13666 (9
Cir., 2011) ................................. 8, 14
Slack v McDaniel, 529 U.S. 473,120 S.Ct. 1595, 146 L.Ed.2d 542 (2000) ...... 4
U.S. V. Hinkson, 585 F.3d 1247 (9
Cir., 2009) ..................... 10, 12, 13
Federal Statutes:
18 U.S.C. 1113 ..................................................... 14
18 U.S.C. 1114 .................................................... 14
28 U.S.C. 2253(c)(2) ............................................ 1, 5, 8
28 U.S.C. 2253 ..................................................... 4
28 U.S.C. 2254 ..................................................... 4
28 U.S.C. 2255 ................................................. 14, 15
Constitutional References:
U.S. Constitution, 14th Amendment .................................... 11
U.S. Constitution, 5
Amendment ..................................... 11
U.S. Constitution, 6
Amendment ................................. 3, 4, 11
Other Authorities:
Daily Journal'.
http' .//www.dailyl'ournal.com/commoiprintemail/printArticle.cfmg
&SCid=162208&cid=0................................................. 11
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 4 of 20
Other Authorities:
Daily Journal:
&scid=162208&cid=O ................................................. 11
Mr. Hinkson, who has consistently maintained his innocence through all
proceedings, by and through his own hand
, now respectfully requests
reconsideration of the denial of his Motionfor Certificate ofAppealability rdCOA'')
Mr. Hinkson is conclusively entitled to a Certificate of Appealability
.lt was gross
error leading to manifest injustice to deny the same.
In order to obtain a COA, Mr. Hinkson must simply demonstrate that at
least one djurist of reason''would disagree with the trial court. Since he has shown
that six (6) such jurists actually disagreed with the trial court - specifically, Judge
Fletcher (who in two separate opinions twice disagreed with the trial court), Judges
Hug, Pregerson, Wardlaw, Paez, and Kozinski
, all of whom qualify as ljurists of
reason'' have disagreed with the trial court in Mr
. Hinkson's case.
It was gross error for Judges Fisher and Nguyen to deny Mr
. Hinkson's
Petition for COA without a written decision that can be appealedz - this panel
denied Mr. Hinkson's COA without a single word of explanation
. Unfortunately,
the only rational explanation for this error is purely political
. There was no
consideration g'iven to any issue, no findings
no conclusions of law, in short, like
in a totalitarian state,only a summary order was entered denying the COA
.lf not
Motions for clarification, reconsideration or rehearingoforders entered by a motionspanel
are not favored by the Court and should be utilized only where counsel believes that the
Court has overlooked or misunderstood a point of law or fact, or where there is a change
in legal or factual circumstances after the order which would entitle the movant to relief
(Rev. 1/1/04) - FED.R.APP.PROC. 27-10 (italics in originalj
The order in question reads in it's entirety:
appealability is denied. &cc 28 U.S.C.j 2253(c)(2).
denied as moot.''
ddrlahe request for a certificate of
A11 pending motions, if any
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 5 of 20
Mr. Hinkson, who has consistently maintained his innocence through all
proceedings, by and through his own hand, now respectfully requests
reconsideration of the denial of his Motion for Certificate of Appealability ("COA,,).1
Mr. Hinkson is conclusively entitled to a Certificate of Appealability. It was gross
error leading to manifest injustice to deny the same.
In order to obtain a COA, Mr. Hinkson must simply demonstrate that at
least one "jurist of reason" would disagree with the trial court. Since he has shown
that six (6) such jurists actually disagreed with the trial court - specifically, Judge
Fletcher (who in two separate opinions twice disagreed with the trial court), Judges
Hug, Pregerson, Wardlaw, Paez, and Kozinski, all of whom qualify as "jurists of
reason" have disagreed with the trial court in Mr. Hinkson's case.
It was gross error for Judges Fisher and Nguyen to deny Mr. Hinkson's
Petition for COA without a written decision that can be appealed
- this panel
denied Mr. Hinkson's COA without a single word of explanation. Unfortunately,
the only rational explanation for this error is purely political. There was no
consideration given to any issue, no findings, no conclusions of law, in short, like
in a totalitarian state, only a summary order was entered denying the COA. Ifnot
Motions for clarification, reconsideration or rehearing of orders entered by a motions panel
are not favored by the Court and should be utilized only where counsel believes that the
Court has overlooked or misunderstood a point of law or fact, or where there is a change
in legal or factual circumstances after the order which would entitle the movant to relief.
(Rev. 1/1/04) - FED.R.APP.PROC. 27-10 [italics in original]
The order in question reads in it's entirety: "The request for a certificate of
appealability is denied. See 28 U.S.C. 2253(c)(2). All pending motions, if any, are
denied as moot."
corrected, no rational person could ever believe that Mr
. Hinkson obtained even a
modicum of justice from this appellate body.
Given the trend these last few decades on the part of Congress and the
Supreme Court to ddincreasingly to bar the federal courthouse door to litigants with
substantial federal claimsr'' 3 habeas petitioners - including petitioners who may
have suffered severe deprivations of their constitutional rights -
now face myriad
procedural hurdles specifically designed to restrict their access to the once Great
Writ.In this modern era, which prizes tfefficiency
'' (d
parity,'' and djudicial economy''
often at the expense of Justice and liberty,4 it is not at a1l unusual for an
individual who fails to satisfy one of those many procedural hurdles to toil on for
years in hopeless pursuit of an opportunity to be heard on the merits of his claim
an opportunity that he may never receive.And the Phelps case typifies this gross
Mr. Hinkson's Petition for COA contained clear statements of issues of fact
and law demonstrating that his conviction was secured in violation of his U
Constitutional rights to due process of law
. Those issues are:
ISSUE ONE: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Hinkson that it
was error to allow the testimony of a perjurer to stand without advising the jury
they had been lied to, especially when both the court and the prosecution knew it
Phelps t). Alameida, 569 F.3d 1120 (9th Cir., 2009) quoting Juidice t). V(zf/
, 430 U.S.
327, 346, 97 S.Ct. 1211, 51 L.Ed.2d 376 (1977) (Brennan, J., dissenting
,joined by M
arshall, J.)
Phelps v. Alameida, 569 F.3d 1120
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 6 of 20
corrected, no rational person could ever believe that Mr. Hinkson obtained even a
modicum of justice from this appellate body.
Given the trend these last few decades on the part of Congress and the
Supreme Court to "increasingly to bar the federal courthouse door to litigants with
substantial federal claims," 3 habeas petitioners - including petitioners who may
have suffered severe deprivations of their constitutional rights - now face myriad
procedural hurdles specifically designed to restrict their access to the once Great
Writ. In this modern era, which prizes "efficiency," "parity," and "judicial economy"
often at the expense of justice and liberty,4 it is not at all unusual for an
individual who fails to satisfy one of those many procedural hurdles to toil on for
years in hopeless pursuit of an opportunity to be heard on the merits of his claim
- an opportunity that he may never receive. And the Phelps case typifies this gross
Mr. Hinkson's Petition for COA contained clear statements of issues of fact
and law demonstrating that his conviction was secured in violation of his U.S.
Constitutional rights to due process of law. Those issues are:
ISSUE ONE: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Hinkson that it
was error to allow the testimony of a perjurer to stand without advising the jury
they had been lied to, especially when both the court and the prosecution knew it
3 Phelps v. Alameida, 569 F.3d 1120 (9
Cir., 2009) quoting Juidice v. Vail, 430 U.S.
327, 346, 97 S.Ct. 1211, 51 L.Ed.2d 376 (1977) (Brennan, J., dissenting, joined by
Marshall, J.)
Phelps v. Alameida, 569 F.3d 1120, 1123
was perjury PRIOR to the conclusion of trial.5 Hinkson's Petition points out that
the prosecution's sole witness - subsequently convicted of perjury for his false
claims of combat heroismB - was completely uncorroborated
ISSUE TW0: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Hinkson that the
trial court lacked subject matter jurisdiction based on a plain reading of the
statutes under which Defendant was charged
Lack of subject matter jurisdiction
can be raised at any point in the proceeding and its failure demonstrate
s a
fundamental lack of due process constituting a gross violation of Defenda
Constitutional rights and reversible error
ISSUE THREE: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Hinkson that
the trial court should have dismissed his case based on a gross failure of
Defendant's trial counsel to competently represent Mr
. Hinkson, constituting a
complete abridgment of his Sixth Amendment Constitutional right to effective
assistance of counsel at and before trial
. The trial court, in support of its denial of
Mr.Hinkson's IAC claim asserted two opinions
, which effective contradict each
other: one that Hinkson's trial counsel (attorney Nolan) was an excellent attorney
who's savage cross-examination of the witness Swisher tdthoroughly discredited''
him, while at the same time acknowledging the fact that Nolan had made a seriou
At least six jurists of reason completely agree with Mr
. Hinkson on this point.
, with the governmentprovidingthe canvas
, brushes
and gallery, as a man who supposedly served his country in battle
, unselfishly, at great
risk to his own life, when in fact
, this heroic image was a lie and when in fact the exact
opposite was true; his 2008 conviction proved he was a coward
, convicted and guilty of
stealing valor from those who had earned the right to make such claims
,using forgery, f
raud and perjury to steal nearly two hundred thousand dollars in government funding
from other veterans and the taxpayers - all proven at Swisher's own trial over 3
yrs after Hi
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 7 of 20
was perjury PRIOR to the conclusion of trial.
Hinkson's Petition points out that
the prosecution's sole witness - subsequently convicted of perjury for his false
claims of combat heroism
- was completely uncorroborated.
ISSUE TWO: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Hinkson that the
trial court lacked subject matter jurisdiction based on a plain reading of the
statutes under which Defendant was charged. Lack of subject matter jurisdiction
can be raised at any point in the proceeding and its failure demonstrates a
fundamental lack of due process constituting a gross violation of Defendant's
Constitutional rights and reversible error.
ISSUE THREE: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Hinkson that
the trial court should have dismissed his case based on a gross failure of
Defendant's trial counsel to competently represent Mr. Hinkson, constituting a
complete abridgment of his Sixth Amendment Constitutional right to effective
assistance of counsel at and before trial. The trial court, in support of its denial of
Mr. Hinkson's lAC claim asserted two opinions, which effective contradict each
other: one that Hinkson's trial counsel (attorney Nolan) was an excellent attorney
who's savage cross-examination of the witness Swisher "thoroughly discredited"
him, while at the same time acknowledging the fact that Nolan had made a serious
At least six jurists of reason completely agree with Mr. Hinkson on this point.
Swisher boldly painted himself, with the government providing the canvas, brushes
and gallery, as a man who supposedly served his country in battle, unselfishly, at great
risk to his own life, when in fact, this heroic image was a lie and when in fact the exact
opposite was true; his 2008 conviction proved he was a coward, convicted and guilty of
stealing valor from those who had earned the right to make such claims, using forgery,
fraud and perjury to steal nearly two hundred thousand dollars in government funding
from other veterans and the taxpayers - all proven at Swisher's own trial over 3 yrs after
tactical error by failing to question Swisher on the issue of his perjury regarding
his appearance in court wearing a phony purple heart medal on his jacket lapel
the while sustaining the notion that Swisher was credible
. These opposites create
enough cognitive dissonance as to drive the average reader to complete di
ISSUE FOUR: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Mr
that the trial court's unannounced
ex parte meeting with the perjuring witness
immediately prior to his entering the courtroom to take the witn
ess stand, was
gross reversible error that denied Mr
. Hinkson his fundamental SixthAmendment
Constitutional right to a fair trial
, and denied his right to have his trial overseen
by a neutral arbiter.
The standing rule of law regarding the issuance of a COA is found in the
seminal case of Miller-El v
. Cockrell, 537 U.S.
322 (2003) and is this:
ddBefore a prisoner seeking post-conviction relief under
or dismissal of the petition
he must first
from a circuit
jurisdictional prerequisite.
have been satisfied. When a habeas
appeals should limit its examination to
justice or judge, j2253.
A COA will issue only if j2253's This is a
applicant seeks a COA, the court of
a threshold inquiry into the
underlying merit of his claims
. E.g., Slack, 529 U. S
at 481.7 This inquiry
does not require full consideration of the factual or legal bases supp
the claims. Consistent with this Court's precedent and the statutor
y te
xt, the prisoner need only demonstrate da substantial showing of
and obtain a COA
appeal a district court's denial may
Slack v McDaniel, 529 U.S. 473, 120 S.Ct.1595
, 146 L.Ed.2d 542 (2000)
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tactical error by failing to question Swisher on the issue of his perjury regarding
his appearance in court wearing a phony purple heart medal on his jacket lapel, all
the while sustaining the notion that Swisher was credible. These opposites create
enough cognitive dissonance as to drive the average reader to complete distraction.
ISSUE FOUR: Whether a jurist of reason could agree with Mr. Hinkson
that the trial court's unannounced, ex parte meeting with the perjuring witness
immediately prior to his entering the courtroom to take the witness stand, was
gross reversible error that denied Mr. Hinkson his fundamental Sixth Amendment
Constitutional right to a fair trial, and denied his right to have his trial overseen
by a neutral arbiter.
The standing rule of law regarding the issuance of a eOA is found in the
seminal case of Miller-El v. Cockrell, 537 U.S. 322 (2003) and is this:
"Before a prisoner seeking post-conviction relief under 2254 may
appeal a district court's denial or dismissal of the petition, he must first seek
and obtain a eOA from a circuit justice or judge, 2253. This is a
jurisdictional prerequisite. A eOA will issue only if 2253's requirements
have been satisfied. When a habeas applicant seeks a eOA, the court of
appeals should limit its examination to a threshold inquiry into the
underlying merit of his claims. E.g., Slack, 529 U. S., at 481.
This inquiry
does not require full consideration of the factual or legal bases supporting
the claims. Consistent with this Court's precedent and the statutory
text, the prisoner need only demonstrate 'a substantial showing of
Slack v McDaniel, 529 U.S. 473, 120 S.Ct. 1595, 146 L.Ed.2d 542 (2000)
the denial of a constitutional j2253(c)(2)
. He satisfies this
standard by demonstr
-nl that J'urists of reason could disazree
with the district court's resolution of his case or that the issues
presented were adequate to deserve encouragement to proceed further
. E.g.,
id., at 484. He need not convince a judge, or, for that matter
, three judges,
that he willprevail, but must demonstrate that reasonablejurists wouldfind
the district court 's assessment of the constitutional claims debatable or
wrong, ibid. Pp. 335-338./' (emphasis addedq
The foregoing is controlling law
. This court is bound by it's own precedent
and by that of the US Supreme Court
. Anything less creates chaos in our legal
system. The rule announced in Miller-El v
.Cockrell, requires ONLY that Mr
Hinkson demonstrate thatjurists of reason could disagree with the district court's
resolution.Mr.Hinkson easily met and considerably exceeded this threshold
standard by showing conclusively MORE THAN ONCE
, that jurists in this very
court of appeals, DID DISAGREE with Mr
Hinkson's trial courtjudge ... and then
he went further by demonstrating conclusively that jurists in other circuits AND
also disagreed with the notion that
somehow Swisher's lying to thejury during his testimony didn't matter
. A1l these
individuals have been schooled
, trained and experiencedin the same court with the
same law, who disagreed with Hinkson's trial court judge.Hence
, the standard of
at least one tjurist of reason'' expressed by the US Supreme Court in Miller-El v
Cockrell, was met and exceeded many fold
The manifest injustice created by the
denial of his COA is absolutely insane
, and if it weren't so deadly serious (a death
sentence hangs in the balance), it would be laughable.
But yet, the small panel assigned to Hinkson's Motion for COA couldn't or
wouldn't determine that there were manyjurists of reason who had already voted
against the trial court. Clearly, the panel judges are guilty of ddcontempt without
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 9 of 20
the denial of a constitutional right.' 2253(c)(2). He satisfies this
standard by demonstrating that jurists of reason could disagree
with the district court's resolution of his case or that the issues
presented were adequate to deserve encouragement to proceed further. E.g.,
id., at 484. He need not convince a judge, or, for that matter, three judges,
that he will prevail, but must demonstrate that reasonable jurists would find
the district court's assessment of the constitutional claims debatable or
wrong, ibid. Pp. 335-338." [emphasis added]
The foregoing is controlling law. This court is bound by it's own precedent
and by that of the US Supreme Court. Anything less creates chaos in our legal
system. The rule announced in Miller-El v. Cockrell, requires ONLY that Mr.
Hinkson demonstrate that jurists of reason could disagree with the district court's
resolution. Mr. Hinkson easily met and considerably exceeded this threshold
standard by showing conclusively MORE THAN ONCE, that jurists in this very
court of appeals, DID DISAGREE with Mr. Hinkson's trial court judge ... and then
he went further by demonstrating conclusively that jurists in other circuits AND
THOSE OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT, also disagreed with the notion that
somehow Swisher's lying to the jury during his testimony didn't matter. All these
individuals have been schooled, trained and experienced in the same court with the
same law, who disagreed with Hinkson's trial court judge. Hence, the standard of
at least one "jurist of reason" expressed by the US Supreme Court in Miller-El v.
Cockrell, was met and exceeded many fold. The manifest injustice created by the
denial of his COA is absolutely insane, and if it weren't so deadly serious (a death
sentence hangs in the balance), it would be laughable.
But yet, the small panel assigned to Hinkson's Motion for COA couldn't or
wouldn't determine that there were many jurists of reason who had already voted
against the trial court. Clearly, the panel judges are guilty of "contempt without
investigation'' and weren't looking at the information provided
. It is more than
passing strange that so many great minds overlook the obvious (Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Jr.). Whereas, the rest of the world can discern that Hinkson met the
standard for the COA by even an exceedingly brief examination of the histor
y of
this case (sort of an TfEmperor's New Clothes'' situation) the panel judges of the
Ninth Circuit made not one comment or observation
. This failure to grant
Hinkson's COA by summarily denying the request without the slightest
to justify their ruling, flies in the face of the rule of S/crc Decisis
, and the only
reason that this court is ignoring it
, is political. The precedents are dead set
against this kind of non-opinion kangaroojustice. The only excuse this defendant
can find for the laek of the panel's COA review ignoring the facts and law is mer
cronyism. lf that's not the case
then why else would the panel elect not to write
an opinion, was it afraid that if it dealt honestly with the issues
, it would be
reversed on further appeal,or be compelled to order a COA?
Not a single one of those issues was addressed by the panel assigned to Mr
Hinkson's COA Petition
(See footnote #2 above). The thundering silence of the
court on every issue, while denying Mr
Hinkson even a modicum of justice, truly
speaks volumes as to the political nature of the order
which was clearly not based
on law or reason.
Now, with the Order denyingMr
. Hinkson's COA without written opinion by
yet another Ninth Circuit panel
this appellate court has distinguished itself by
reaching a new low in jurisprudence simply by ignoring all rational argument
matter how compelling, and entering an order that is politically consistent with
Judge Tallman's past rulings
, without regard to the merits
. Tyrants follow the
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 10 of 20
investigation" and weren't looking at the information provided. It is more than
passing strange that so many great minds overlook the obvious (Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Jr.). Whereas, the rest of the world can discern that Hinkson met the
standard for the COA by even an exceedingly brief examination of the history of
this case (sort of an "Emperor's New Clothes" situation) the panel judges of the
Ninth Circuit made not one comment or observation. This failure to grant
Hinkson's COA by summarily denying the request without the slightest attempt
to justify their ruling, flies in the face of the rule of Stare Decisis, and the only
reason that this court is ignoring it, is political. The precedents are dead set
against this kind of non-opinion kangaroo justice. The only excuse this defendant
can find for the lack of the panel's COA review ignoring the facts and law is mere
cronyism. If that's not the case, then why else would the panel elect not to write
an opinion, was it afraid that if it dealt honestly with the issues, it would be
reversed on further appeal, or be compelled to order a COA?
Not a single one of those issues was addressed by the panel assigned to Mr.
Hinkson's COA Petition. (See footnote #2 above). The thundering silence of the
court on every issue, while denying Mr. Hinkson even a modicum of justice, truly
speaks volumes as to the political nature of the order, which was clearly not based
on law or reason.
Now, with the Order denying Mr. Hinkson's COA without written opinion by
yet another Ninth Circuit panel, this appellate court has distinguished itself by
reaching a new low in jurisprudence simply by ignoring all rational argument, no
matter how compelling, and entering an order that is politically consistent with
Judge Tallman's past rulings, without regard to the merits. Tyrants follow the
same pattern and say: dron't confuse me with facts ov law
, my mind is already
de up.'' ma
Of the thousands of members of thelegalprofession and the public whoh
viewed, and more who are viewing this case all the time
all see that the law
apparently no longer matters to the Ninth Circuit - that an attack upon a person
such as Mr. Hinkson, who is disliked by the U
.S.Government for his political
positions on issues such as income taxation
, can easilybe targeted byfalse criminal
accusations and prosecuted for political reasons without actual law being applied
to him.8
Knowledgeable observers see that prosecutions such as the one against Mr
Hinkson designed to achieve a political result
, can more easily be entered when
protected by cronyism on appeal because the trial court judge also sits on the
appellate bench;an otherwise unresolvable conflict of interest
. The cronyism
exhibited by the narrow majority judges of the en banc panel who voted in favor of
trial courtjudge Tallman, was so patently obvious that main stream commentators
identified political protection of their colleague as the underlying reason for
adoption of Judge Carlos Bea's decision which is a total abomination in the eyes of
the law. Judge Bea erroneously contrived a conflict by improperly applying the
Harrington factors in a manner inconsistent with logic
, reason and precedential
history. As a result of Judge Bea's decision adopted by a thin majority of the en
lf there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls f
attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought
,not free thought for those
who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate
Oliver Wendell Holmes
, Jr.
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 11 of 20
same pattern and say: "Don't confuse me with facts or law, my mind is already
made up."
Of the thousands of members of the legal profession and the public who have
viewed, and more who are viewing this case all the time, all see that the law
apparently no longer matters to the Ninth Circuit - that an attack upon a person,
such as Mr. Hinkson, who is disliked by the U.S. Government for his political
positions on issues such as income taxation, can easily be targeted by false criminal
accusations and prosecuted for political reasons without actual law being applied
to him.
Knowledgeable observers see that prosecutions such as the one against Mr.
Hinkson designed to achieve a political result, can more easily be entered when
protected by cronyism on appeal because the trial court judge also sits on the
appellate bench; an otherwise unresolvable conflict of interest. The cronyism
exhibited by the narrow majority judges of the en bane panel who voted in favor of
trial court judge Tallman, was so patently obvious that main stream commentators
identified political protection of their colleague as the underlying reason for
adoption of Judge Carlos Bea's decision which is a total abomination in the eyes of
the law. Judge Bea erroneously contrived a conflict by improperly applying the
Harrington factors in a manner inconsistent with logic, reason and precedential
history. As a result of Judge Bea's decision adopted by a thin majority of the en
If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for
attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought, not free thought for those
who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate. - Oliver Wendell Holmes,
cncpanel, the Ninth Circuit went on record as an appellate court that could easily
flip-flop from its own holdings to adopt opinions not only contradictingits own case
precedents, but the precedents of the other circuits and the U
.S. Supreme Court.
Napue v.Illinois, 360 U.S. 264,79 S
Ct.1173, 3 L.Ed.2d 1217 (1959); Sivak v.
Hardison, 658 F.3d 898, 11 Cal. Daily Op
.Serv.11516,2011 Daily Journal D
13666 (9th Cir., 2011). As noted commentators have observed
the Bea decision was
for the advancement of a political agenda
and was not consistent with any law
theretofore in existence.
If this court' s denial of Mr.Hinkson's CoAis allowed to stand
this court will
be piling-on proof that it has no regard for the principle of Stare Decisis
. Surely,
if the terse reference to 28 U.S.C. j2253(c)(2) in the Order Denying Hinkson's COA
Petition means anything, it stands as undeniable proof that the panel did not read
a single word of the Petition. 28 U.S.
C. b2253(c)(2) provides as follows: (c)(2) A
certificate of appealability may issue under paragraph (1) only if the applicant has
made a substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional right
. Hinkson's
Petition for COA repeatedly shows prima facie verification that his Constitutional
Rights were denied-he provided proofs, not mere allegations
, or naked assertions;
ergo, to have denied the Petition for COA required either examining these issues
and making proper and reasoned conclusions of law (which didn't happen), or
completely ignoring everything submitted (which did happen). Since no findings
or conclusions of any kind were made, the only rational inference is that the panel
members did not bother to read the Petition. The Phelps case demonstrates that
Circuit courts have a history of completely ignoring the valid claims of those
convicted with procedural focus which fractures the requirement of
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 12 of 20
banc panel, the Ninth Circuit went on record as an appellate court that could easily
flip-flop from its own holdings to adopt opinions not only contradicting its own case
precedents, but the precedents of the other circuits and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Napue v. Illinois, 360 U.S. 264, 79 S.Ct. 1173, 3 L.Ed.2d 1217 (1959); Sivak v.
Hardison, 658 F.3d 898,11 Cal. Daily Op. Servo 11516,2011 Daily Journal D.A.R.
13666 (9
Cir., 2011). As noted commentators have observed, the Bea decision was
for the advancement of a political agenda, and was not consistent with any law
theretofore in existence.
If this court's denial of Mr. Hinkson's COAis allowed to stand, this court will
be piling-on proof that it has no regard for the principle of Stare Decisis. Surely,
ifthe terse reference to 28 U.S.C. 2253(c)(2) in the Order Denying Hinkson's COA
Petition means anything, it stands as undeniable proof that the panel did not read
a single word of the Petition. 28 U.S.C. 2253(c)(2) provides as follows: (c)(2) A
certificate of appealability may issue under paragraph (1) only if the applicant has
made a substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional right. Hinkson's
Petition for COA repeatedly shows prima facie verification that his Constitutional
Rights were denied - he provided proofs, not mere allegations, or naked assertions;
ergo, to have denied the Petition for COA required either examining these issues
and making proper and reasoned conclusions of law (which didn't happen), or
completely ignoring everything submitted (which did happen). Since no findings
or conclusions of any kind were made, the only rational inference is that the panel
members did not bother to read the Petition. The Phelps case demonstrates that
Circuit courts have a history of completely ignoring the valid claims of those
convicted with procedural focus which fractures the requirement of
Constitutionally dictatedfundamentalfairness contained withinthe concept of due
process of law. Such breakdowns turn what is the appearance of JUSTICE into a
stick by which the petitioner can be further flogged and denied his constitutional
A matter of solemn concern is that the trial court judge came from this very
court - as a novice trial judge sitting for the first time in a matter of any
consequence. His actions were so politically motivated that the record is replete
with examples of Judge Tallman practicing law from the bench, instructing the
prosecutor as to how to improve their case, and excluding all exculpatory evidence.
Judge Tallman actually created a false fact from the bench, stated it was true
made a finding that the fact existed, and then entered the critical evidentiary
ruling that denied Mr. Hinkson the opportunity to show the jury that the sole
prosecution witness whom the jury found somewhat credible was a perjurer.
Strangely, it was Judge Tallman who introduced the lie and compounded the effect
of that lie into the pivotal ruling.
Judge Tallman effectively perjured the record by creating non-existent facts
in order to assist the US Attorney in making its false case against Mr. Hinkson.
The court stated:
tirlahe proffered documents state,in summation, that Swisher's record does
not indicate that he earned any service record or service medals during his
military duty; however, other documents available to the court suggest that
Swisher might, indeed, have earned such medals''.
lt is as if the entire Ninth Circuit must suffer the loss of reputation because it
insists on protecting the reputation of one of its members who had distinguished
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 13 of 20
. .
Constitutionally dictated fundamental fairness contained within the concept of due
process oflaw. Such breakdowns turn what is the appearance of JUSTICE into a
stick by which the petitioner can be further flogged and denied his constitutional
A matter of solemn concern is that the trial court judge came from this very
court - as a novice trial judge sitting for the first time in a matter of any
consequence. His actions were so politically motivated that the record is replete
with examples of Judge Tallman practicing law from the bench, instructing the
prosecutor as to how to improve their case, and excluding all exculpatory evidence.
Judge Tallman actually created a false fact from the bench, stated it was true,
made a finding that the fact existed, and then entered the critical evidentiary
ruling that denied Mr. Hinkson the opportunity to show the jury that the sole
prosecution witness whom the jury found somewhat credible was a perjurer.
Strangely, it was Judge Tallman who introduced the lie and compounded the effect
of that lie into the pivotal ruling.
Judge Tallman effectively perjured the record by creating non-existent facts
in order to assist the US Attorney in making its false case against Mr. Hinkson.
The court stated:
"The proffered documents state, in summation, that Swisher's record does
not indicate that he earned any service record or service medals during his
military duty; however, other documents available to the court suggest that
Swisher might, indeed, have earned such medals".
It is as if the entire Ninth Circuit must suffer the loss of reputation because it
insists on protecting the reputation of one of its members who had distinguished
. .
himself by being willing to play fast and loose with the truth
Judges are first, last,and foremost, PEOPLE
. They have their own biases
and beliefs and prejudices. The mere act of donning a black robe does not strip
them of their humanity and no amount of erudite protestations to the contrary will
ever convince anyone.Judges are always influenced by their experiences and
desires. lt is absolutely impossible to believe that all the judges in the court are
immune to the vagaries of human nature. As it was put by one experienced
attorney who practices regularly before this circuit ABOUT THIS VERY CASE:
ddBut, Keker said he is disturbed by the fact that 9th Circuit judges are in
effect judg-ing one of their own colleagues, Tallman, who heard the case in
Boise,Idaho, in 2005.In an 7-4 en banc decision in November
the circuit
affirmed Tallman's decision making at trial. U.S. v.Hinkson
585 F.3d 1247
(2009). The majority redefined upward the degree of deference an appellate
panel owes a trial judge, holding that only Willogical'' or ddimplausible'' trial
court rulings amount to an abuse of discretion warranting reversal
Tallman's rulings did not meet that new standard
, the majority held.''
Keker went on to say in his interview with John Roemer of the Daily Journal:
Yudges always tell you they are immune from any human frailties when
they put on their robes,and we have to believe them
. If we get up and say
we don't believe them, we get thrown in jail,''Keker said.
ttlfeker took particular offense at Tallman rulings that evidence proving
Swisher lied about his service record was dnot dmaterial'to the issues at trial''
and was tddmerely impeaching' because it did nothing more than attack
Swisher's credibility regarding his military service rather than his testimony
regarding the solicitations (to murderq charged,'' according to language
Keker cited from the appellate record.''
9 S Trial Transcript page 1124 lines 13-
21 wherein Judge Tallman states, ee
fallaciously, that there is evidence which could support his claim of combat service
. In
fact, there is nothing in the subpoenaed military file to support the notion that Swisher
was ever in combat,as Swisher's perjury and fraud trial proved conclusively.In other
words, Judge Tallman concocted the ddevidence'' out of whole c10th and then ruled the file
inadmissible to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to contradict him
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 14 of 20
himself by being willing to play fast and loose with the truth.
Judges are first, last, and foremost, PEOPLE. They have their own biases
and beliefs and prejudices. The mere act of donning a black robe does not strip
them of their humanity and no amount of erudite protestations to the contrary will
ever convince anyone. Judges are always influenced by their experiences and
desires. It is absolutely impossible to believe that all the judges in the court are
immune to the vagaries of human nature. As it was put by one experienced
attorney who practices regularly before this circuit ABOUT THIS VERY CASE:
"But, Keker said he is disturbed by the fact that 9
Circuit judges are in
effect judging one of their own colleagues, Tallman, who heard the case in
Boise, Idaho, in 2005. In an 7-4 en banc decision in November, the circuit
affirmed Tallman's decision making at trial. U.S. v. Hinkson, 585 F.3d 1247
(2009). The majority redefined upward the degree of deference an appellate
panel owes a trial judge, holding that only "illogical" or "implausible" trial
court rulings amount to an abuse of discretion warranting reversal.
Tallman's rulings did not meet that new standard, the majority held."
Keker went on to say in his interview with John Roemer of the Daily Journal:
"Judges always tell you they are immune from any human frailties when
they put on their robes, and we have to believe them. If we get up and say
we don't believe them, we get thrown in jail," Keker said.
"Keker took particular offense at Tallman rulings that evidence proving
Swisher lied about his service record was "not 'material' to the issues at trial"
and was "'merely impeaching' because it did nothing more than attack
Swisher's credibility regarding his military service rather than his testimony
regarding the solicitations [to murder] charged," according to language
Keker cited from the appellate record."
See Trial Transcript page 1124 lines 13-21 wherein Judge Tallman states,
fallaciously, that there is evidence which could support his claim of combat service. In
fact, there is nothing in the subpoenaed military file to support the notion that Swisher
was ever in combat, as Swisher's perjury and fraud trial proved conclusively. In other
words, Judge Tallman concocted the "evidence" out of whole cloth and then ruled the file
inadmissible to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to contradict him.
These excerpts are direct quotes from the Daily Journal article published in
response to the Bea decision in the Hinkson case, a publication which has the most
widely read reportage on Ninth Circuit activities and rulings available to the legal
community and the public alike. - available online.lo
The foregoing article was published in 2010 and since then thousands of
individuals, lawyers, teachers, law schools, etc
have read it. Now the proof of the
charge is before us: the denial of Mr. Hinkson's due process rights
, the denial of his
Petition for COA, and with those, this court is on the cusp of being seen as the
laughingstock of the legal community.
The denial should be reconsidered because the existing order denying Mr
Hinkson's COA is an abuse of discretion, and embodies manifest injustice from
gross errors and constitutes a failure to conform to existing precedent - a general
denial of Sixth Amendment due process from its failure to produce findings of fact
or conclusions of law or opinion from which an appeal can be taken
. The trial
court's stance was shown by Mr.Hinkson in his Motion for COA to be contrary to
fundamental constitutional law,contrary to U.S. Supreme Court rulings and
contrary to controlling Ninth Circuit precedent.ll In fact
the Hinkson case stands
alone in American jurisprudence as the only case where state-sponsored perjury
has been permitted to sustain a conviction;truly a black mark upon the reputation
of the Ninth Circuit. The trial court asserted, albeit incorrectly
that Swisher's lies
, http://wsvw.daGiournal.com/conlnlon/printemaiFprintairticle.cfm?eid=go8oz7&evid=l&scid=l6zzo8&cid=o
11 Ignoring controlling precedence is a denial of due process under both the 5th and
14th Amendments to the US Constitution
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 15 of 20
These excerpts are direct quotes from the Daily Journal article published in
response to the Bea decision in the Hinkson case, a publication which has the most
widely read reportage on Ninth Circuit activities and rulings available to the legal
community and the public alike. - available online.
The foregoing article was published in 2010 and since then thousands of
individuals, lawyers, teachers, law schools, etc., have read it. Now the proof of the
charge is before us: the denial of Mr. Hinkson's due process rights, the denial of his
Petition for COA, and with those, this court is on the cusp of being seen as the
laughingstock of the legal community.
The denial should be reconsidered because the existing order denying Mr.
Hinkson's COA is an abuse of discretion, and embodies manifest injustice from
gross errors and constitutes a failure to conform to existing precedent - a general
denial of Sixth Amendment due process from its failure to produce findings of fact
or conclusions of law or opinion from which an appeal can be taken. The trial
court's stance was shown by Mr. Hinkson in his Motion for COA to be contrary to
fundamental constitutional law, contrary to U.S. Supreme Court rulings and
contrary to controlling Ninth Circuit precedent.
In fact, the Hinkson case stands
alone in American jurisprudence as the only case where state-sponsored perjury
has been permitted to sustain a conviction; truly a black mark upon the reputation
of the Ninth Circuit. The trial court asserted, albeit incorrectly, that Swisher's lies
11 Ignoring controlling precedence is a denial of due process under both the 5
14th Amendments to the US Constitution.
didn't matter because it was only important what Hinkson believed
not what the
jury believed.
But what is REAI,LY at issue is not whether Hinkson believed the lies told
by Swisher about his militarybackground, what's at issue is what thejurybelieved
about Swisher's testimony - when Swisher lied to the jury.The question is, would
Swisher have had sufficient credibility if the trial court had admitted his
ACTUALIZ military record into evidence? The jury accepted as true what was
otherwise a totally unbelievable scenario about Hinkson hiring Swisher to murder
federal officials because they were bamboozled into believing that Swisher had the
credibility of a Gsuper Hero,'' that is, one who could not, or would not lie.13 Had
they, by the time of their deliberations, known what the judge and prosecution
knew,they never would have convicted David Hinkson.See the Affidavit of juror
Ben Casey submitted with Hinkson'Motion for New Trial and again with his 2255
Motion. In the final analysis, it is the trial court's denying the defense the
opportunity to show his military record that ultimately created the problem.Now
looking objectively at all the facts, after Swisher has been convicted for the very
perjury he committed in the Hinkson case,it is the Ninth Circuit that can, through
its rearview mirror approach, rightthis horrible wrong and unfathomable injustice
by simply granting Hinkson's COA Petition and allow an innocent man the
opportunity to prove the wrongness of his conviction.
That Swisher lied to Hinkson is of minimal importance,if any at all. Either
12 Notthe false DD214 which the prosecution and lyingwitness displayed to thejury.
13 The jury accepted this as true because they were denied any evidence to the
contrary - evidence known to the trial court and the prosecution well prior to the end of
the trial. U.S. v Hinkson, 585 F.3d 1247 (9th Cir., 2009) at pages 1276-1278.
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 16 of 20
didn't matter because it was only important what Hinkson believed, not what the
jury believed.
But what is REALLY at issue is not whether Hinkson believed the lies told
by Swisher about his military background, what's at issue is what the jury believed
about Swisher's testimony - when Swisher lied to the jury. The question is, would
Swisher have had sufficient credibility if the trial court had admitted his
military record into evidence? The jury accepted as true what was
otherwise a totally unbelievable scenario about Hinkson hiring Swisher to murder
federal officials because they were bamboozled into believing that Swisher had the
credibility of a "Super Hero," that is, one who could not, or would not lie.
they, by the time of their deliberations, known what the judge and prosecution
knew, they never would have convicted David Hinkson. See the Mfidavit of juror
Ben Casey submitted with Hinkson' Motion for New Trial and again with his 2255
Motion. In the final analysis, it is the trial court's denying the defense the
opportunity to show his military record that ultimately created the problem. Now,
looking objectively at all the facts, after Swisher has been convicted for the very
perjury he committed in the Hinkson case, it is the Ninth Circuit that can, through
its rearview mirror approach, right this horrible wrong and unfathomable injustice
by simply granting Hinkson's COA Petition and allow an innocent man the
opportunity to prove the wrongness of his conviction.
That Swisher lied to Hinkson is of minimal importance, if any at all. Either
Not the false DD214 which the prosecution and lying witness displayed to the jury.
The jury accepted this as true because they were denied any evidence to the
contrary - evidence known to the trial court and the prosecution well prior to the end of
the trial. U.S. u Hinkson, 585 F.3d 1247 (9
Cir., 2009) at pages 1276-1278.
Swisher was a credible witness whom the jury had a right to believe, or he was a
lying witness, self-clothed with a false persona of credibility that belongs to actual
combat heroes!This is the essence of the legal issue in Mr.Hinkson's case. It is
clear without any possibility of contradiction that the jury found Swisher credible
as a wounded combat veteran, worthy of belief as to other assertions as well
as the false murder for hire allegations. It is also known that the OTHER
witnesses who testified against Mr.Hinkson all of whom had a financial stake in
seeing Mr. Hinkson sent to prison, were found to be completely non-credible and
were not believed by the jury, which refused to return guilty verdicts on ANY OF
THOSE COUNTS. lndeed, the prosecution used Swisher's perjured testimony
duringit's summation to thejury, withfull knowledge that they were compounding
the perjury by failing to tell the jury the truth about Swisher's false combat and
military testimony.
One very important point Mr.Hinkson raised in his Petition for COA is that
the only evidence supporting the notion that Hinkson believed the lies of Swisher
about his military combat was from Swisher himself - now a known and convicted
perjurer.The 9th Circuit panel supposedly evaluating the Motion for COA erred in
not examining this issue about Swisher's military record proving his combat
assertions to be false - Swisher's lies went directly to the issue of the credibility of
The issue in this case is NOT whether this court has the jurisdiction to
overturn the trial court's discretion when it denied Mr. Hinkson's motion for a new
trial (see 2nd Hinkson appeal, U.S. v. Hinkson, 585 F.3d 1247 (9th Cir., 2009)). The
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 17 of 20
Swisher was a credible witness whom the jury had a right to believe, or he was a
lying witness, self-clothed with a false persona of credibility that belongs to actual
combat heroes! This is the essence of the legal issue in Mr. Hinkson's case. It is
clear without any possibility of contradiction that the jury found Swisher credible
as a wounded combat veteran, worthy of belief as to other assertions as well, such
as the false murder for hire allegations. It is also known that the OTHER
witnesses who testified against Mr. Hinkson all of whom had a financial stake in
seeing Mr. Hinkson sent to prison, were found to be completely non-credible and
were not believed by the jury, which refused to return guilty verdicts on ANY OF
THOSE COUNTS. Indeed, the prosecution used Swisher's perjured testimony
during it's summation to the jury, with full knowledge that they were compounding
the perjury by failing to tell the jury the truth about Swisher's false combat and
military testimony.
One very important point Mr. Hinkson raised in his Petition for COA is that
the only evidence supporting the notion that Hinkson believed the lies of Swisher
about his military combat was from Swisher himself - now a known and convicted
perjurer. The 9
Circuit panel supposedly evaluating the Motion for COA erred in
not examining this issue about Swisher's military record proving his combat
assertions to be false - Swisher's lies went directly to the issue of the credibility of
The issue in this case is NOT whether this court has the jurisdiction to
overturn the trial court's discretion when it denied Mr. Hinkson's motion for a new
trial (see 2
Hinkson appeal, u.s. v. Hinkson, 585 F.3d 1247 (9
Cir., 2009)). The
issue is whether thejury could have been influenced to believe the lie. It is without
question that Swisher is a liar, the real question is
, what would a jury have done
with that information had it been timely presented to them
. That determination
needs to be made pursuant to Napue and Sivak anda host of other similar
controlling precedents. Mr. Hinkson deserves an opportunity to have this issue
decided and the issuance of a Certificate of Appealabilityis necessary and required
under the law. Justice demands that his claims not be ignored as in Phelps
that he be given his day in court.
FURTHER, there is the issue of jurisdiction.The sole basis for the trial
judge's denial of Mr. Hinkson's 2255 Motion under the jurisdictional claim in his
Section 2255 Motion (Claim Five) was that there wasn't any jurisdictional
statement within the words of Section 1114 of Title 18
The trial judge asserted
that the penalty section of the implicated statute (Section 1113) is divorced from
the geographical limitation in that statute - apparently because the penalty
provision is all that the trial court wanted to incorporate
. Simply put, this holding
is in error. ln reasoning that the trial court can ignore one portion of the wording
of the statute but apply another portion of it
, it is inherent that statutory
construction be ignored when convenient to the trial court
. Nowhere in over 200
years of law making,judicial interpretations, and applications of these, can it be
found where a court is allowed to pick-and-choose
, selecting some words out of a
statute and applying only those words and ignoring the remaining statutory
language.This Motion for Reconsideration hereby fully incorporates all the
arguments regarding this matter contained in Mr
.Hinkson's 2255 motion and his
Motion for COA.
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 18 of 20
issue is whether the jury could have been influenced to believe the lie. It is without
question that Swisher is a liar, the real question is, what would a jury have done
with that information had it been timely presented to them. That determination
needs to be made pursuant to Napue and Sivak and a host of other similar
controlling precedents. Mr. Hinkson deserves an opportunity to have this issue
decided and the issuance of a Certificate of Appealability is necessary and required
under the law. Justice demands that his claims not be ignored as in Phelps, but
that he be given his day in court.
FURTHER, there is the issue of jurisdiction. The sole basis for the trial
judge's denial of Mr. Hinkson's 2255 Motion under the jurisdictional claim in his
Section 2255 Motion (Claim Five) was that there wasn't any jurisdictional
statement within the words of Section 1114 of Title 18. The trial judge asserted
that the penalty section of the implicated statute (Section 1113) is divorced from
the geographical limitation in that statute - apparently because the penalty
provision is all that the trial court wanted to incorporate. Simply put, this holding
is in error. In reasoning that the trial court can ignore one portion of the wording
of the statute but apply another portion of it, it is inherent that statutory
construction be ignored when convenient to the trial court. Nowhere in over 200
years of law making, judicial interpretations, and applications of these, can it be
found where a court is allowed to pick-and-choose, selecting some words out of a
statute and applying only those words and ignoring the remaining statutory
language. This Motion for Reconsideration hereby fully incorporates all the
arguments regarding this matter contained in Mr. Hinkson's 2255 motion and his
Motion for COA.
Then there is the issue of IMPROPER EX.PMWE JUDICIM CONTACT.
When the trial court denied Mr. Hinkson's 2255 motion he openly admitted that
the meeting took place while at the same time pretending that it was of no
consequence. Thejudicial impropriety of conducting such an cxpcrjc meetingwith
a witness, hostile to the defendant, immediately prior to testimony, is such a gross
violation of judicial propriety, this court would be well within it's right to remove
Judge Tallman from this case summarily. As to the cx parte meeting by Judge
Tallman and Swisher, the following applies:
FACT: The meeting was not denied by Judge Tallman confirming that it took
FACT: Judge Tallman tried a clumsyattempt at dismiss the meeting as
insignificant. Conducting an unannounced exparte meeting with Swisher before
he testified, is, by itself, grounds for reversal of the conviction.
For the foregoing, the COA should issue forthwith.
/.ts- R
espectfully submitted this /1 day of January,2013, by:
V X- < ' + / e' 'm . c ' VI'Y
David R. Hinkson, pro se
Reg. No. 08795-023
USP Atwater U.S.Penitentiary
P.O. Box 019001
Atwater, California 95301
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 19 of 20
Then there is the issue of IMPROPER EX-PARTE JUDICIAL CONTACT.
When the trial court denied Mr. Hinkson's 2255 motion he openly admitted that
the meeting took place while at the same time pretending that it was of no
consequence. The judicial impropriety of conducting such an ex parte meeting with
a witness, hostile to the defendant, immediately prior to testimony, is such a gross
violation of judicial propriety, this court would be well within it's right to remove
Judge Tallman from this case summarily. As to the ex parte meeting by Judge
Tallman and Swisher, the following applies:
FACT: The meeting was not denied by Judge Tallman confirming that it took
FACT: Judge Tallman tried a clumsy attempt at dismiss the meeting as
insignificant. Conducting an unannounced ex parte meeting with Swisher before
he testified, is, by itself, grounds for reversal of the conviction.
For the foregoing, the COA should issue forthwith.
Respectfully submitted this M1{fay of January, 2013, by:
~ ~ d IL i . l ) ~ ~ - ~
David R. Hinkson, pro se
Reg. No. 08795-023
USP Atwater U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 019001
Atwater, California 95301
MOLLY C.DCA/''f' (JrJ- CkE' 9K
.;2 - .. k.l ;. yy j j;r U
S. C0t.lR , Cl, >.9r !.:-
JAN 3 1 2213
- ED
* 2013 a true and corre
ct copy of I HEREBY CERTIFY that on January YZ , ,
the foregoing MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION was deposited with the US
Post Office,First Class postage prepaid,and sent to the Court as addressed below
and a copy by US Mail to the attorney of record as addressed below
John F.De Pue
Michael Taxay
DOJ National Security Division
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Clerk of the Court
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
P.O.Box 193939
San Francisco, CA 94119-3939
Served by:
Case: 12-35824 01/31/2013 ID: 8495817 DktEntry: 4 Page: 20 of 20
. . ..
JAN 3 1 2013
DOCKETED_--::-:o,o;=TE=-- -'N-""'IT""""AL-
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on January r1g
, 2013, a true and correct copy of
the foregoing MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION was deposited with the US
Post Office, First Class postage prepaid, and sent to the Court as addressed below
and a copy by US Mail to the attorney of record as addressed below.
John F. De Pue
Michael Taxay
DOJ National Security Division
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20530
Clerk of the Court
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
P.O. Box 193939
San Francisco, CA 94119-3939
Served by:

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