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Friday 3 March 2006 00:16
Since the following analysis was published [see below] and posted here, John Prescott, the
so-called British Deputy Prime Minister, has disgraced the country, his Party and his high
office by the exposure of his predatory sexual misdemeanours while supposedly performing
his official duties. On 7th May 2006, it was reported that the Metropolitan Police may be
looking into this and into the wanton behaviour of his former diary secretary. The fate of
the brainwashing operation run out of Prescott's former office, which is the subject of this
posting, was therefore uncertain; but it can be taken for granted that this dangerous
revolutionary operation, the purpose of which is to develop a core nationwide cadre of
brainwashed revolutionary 'implementers', will not have been affected.

To confuse matters, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister has, all of a sudden,
metamorphosed into the Department of Communities and Local Government (ensuring
some print contractor yet another avalanche of taxpayer-funded bonanza orders). Note
the use of the word 'Community' in the new title, which of course connects with the
'Common'/Community/Communist agenda here.


The following analysis appears in the current issue of GLOBAL ANALYST [Volume 2,

The British Fabian Government, which carries the misleading label ‘New Labour’, is in
fact the cover for a ‘gradualist’ revolution – the pace of which is perpetually accelerating.

Presiding over the actual revolutionary content of this very dangerous Government is its
leading in-house Bolshevik, John Prescott. One of his top, taxpayer-funded civil servants
runs, from Mr Prescott’s own office, a nationwide neurological linguistic control
brainwashing programme.

Many BBC, ITV and other media personnel are graduates of this operation.

The British Deputy Prime Minister is a former ship’s steward and long-term Bolshevik
who, like his ‘ex’-Soviet counterparts, lives in luxury (in his Hull constituency, in a
well-appointed official flat in Admiralty Arch, Central London, and at Dorneywood, an
official UK Government residence in the countryside). The image that this fellow projects
is one of contrived working-class buffoonery, reinforced by the occasional violent outburst
of uncontrolled violence, as when he punched a member of the public in the face
on-camera. In January, Prescott was compelled to ‘apologise’ to the House of Commons
for having failed to remit his Council Tax – which his own Office of the Deputy Prime
Minister (OPDM) sets and imposes on the rest of us. A never-ending catalogue of botches,
failures, aborted schemes and other loony fiascos is his speciality. He has been in place ever
since the so-called New Labour clique led by the deeply compromised Tony Blair –
allegedly financed by funds originally derived from the Trinity Mirror newspaper group’s
old pension fund stolen by the late Mossad operative, Robert Maxwell – swept to power in
a landslide following a carefully orchestrated operation to highlight ‘sleaze’ (corrupt or
sexual misbehaviour) within the Conservative Party. There were 19 such sleaze
‘exposures’, and the consequence was that ‘New Labour’ took office in 1997 amid
expectations that it would remain in power for a generation.

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Given the image of buffoonery that this John Prescott projects, observers have for some time been
asking themselves why on earth this figure has remained in his senior position for so long, unaffected
by Blair’s Cabinet reshuffles and other disturbances which have destabilised this revolutionary
Fabian Government. The answer to this question has emerged in recent months thanks to diligent
and persistent research by extremely competent analysts who have, as the British often say, ‘smelled
a rat’ – believing John Prescott to be much more important than his crass image would suggest.

It transpires that the ramshackle Office of the Deputy Prime Minister employs a certain female
revolutionary operative as Head of Personnel Selection, named Mrs Julia Middleton. But that is just
her cover job. Middleton’s real focus is as so-called Founder and Chief Executive of a vast
networking organisation calling itself ‘Common Purpose’ – a responsibility that she somehow
manages to combine with her official rôle as a senior civil servant paid by the taxpayer.

You will have noticed two features of this name: the use of the aesopian Communist/revolutionary
word ‘Common’ – which is to be found replicated many millions of times throughout all European
Union Collective documentation – and the initials CP, which double for Communist Party. They are
also, appropriately, the ‘Conservative’ Party’s initials (see below).

Characteristic of revolutionary jargon is a deliberate failure ever to define any terms at all.
Accordingly, the adjective ‘Common’ is not defined, and neither is the noun ‘Purpose’. This is
because, if the true revolutionary ‘purpose’ were to be exposed, the 'Useful Idiots' who have allowed
themselves to be conned into supporting and financing this revolutionary putsch, would be appalled,
and most of them would cancel their sponsorship.

A partial list of the‘Useful Idiot’ sponsors is given at the end of this exposure article.


An expert in psychological manipulative techniques used by corrupt intelligence agencies has
identified the agenda of this subversive organisation as neurological linguistic control, which means
that it specialises in mind control and brainwashing. The technique used is akin to that employed by a
parallel, but older, offensive, named Moral Rearmament (or MRA). What that old, well-funded
operation does is to seek to strip its targets of all loyalties, the established neuro-control technique,
by indoctrinating them into confessing all past ‘sins’ to the collective. The consequence, of course, is
that many victims become blackmailable, and may therefore be less resistant to the next evil step –
demands for money, which aim to deprive the victim of his or her independence and to strap them
permanently to the organisation. In other words, the standard Tavistock-originated cult
indoctrination techniques are used.

In the case of ‘Common Purpose’, its huge neurological linguistic control offensive is directed at
sweeping all resident notions from the victim’s mind and psyche, and replacing them with ‘slides’ , or
the ‘politically correct’ notions that the control manipulators seek to impose. As a component of the
brainwashing that takes place at ‘Common Purpose’s’ fake ‘educational’ sessions, which are held all
over Britain, the following cynical routine is employed in one way or another: first of all, a
predetermined ‘consensus’ line is promulgated before the group; secondly, notions which conflict
with the predetermined ‘consensus’ are dismissively, and perhaps rudely, debunked. In the event that
anyone voices ‘dissenting’ views, they are sharply and insultingly criticised, à la Cultural Revolution,
and made to look foolish in front of their peers. This is standard practice.

Thirdly, ‘lines’ are unveiled for all present to accept without question – preconceived ‘slides’ which
are always so reasonable that no-one could dare object to them; and anyone who does, is forthwith
labelled ('type-cast as') an ‘extremist’.

The sophisticated revolutionaries concerned maintain a large vocabulary of prejorative epithets

which can be directed at ‘non-conformers’. For instance, your correspondent attended an event at
the International Monetary Fund/World Bank Annual Meetings held in Prague in 2000, which was
addressed by the former President of Ireland, an unbelievably unpleasant woman called Mrs Mary
Robinson. For some reason, she was sounding off all about the ‘Roma’ (gypsies) – listing their
problems, how they were ostracised from society, and how society owed them a better deal. Your

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correspondent pointed out that experience in Britain with these people was that no matter what
services were provided for them, they invariably failed to ‘clean up their act’. If a field gate is left
open, they are liable to enter the field and to squat there indefinitely: so field gates have to be
padlocked against that eventuality.

Mrs Robinson, whose politics seemed so far to the Left that she was ‘off the chart’, failed to answer
the question put to her and resorted instead to clichéd verbal abuse, saying that the Editor was
‘finger-pointing’, ‘demonising’ and ‘type-casting’.

Let us now step away from ‘Common Purpose’ for a moment, and consider what has happened to
the Conservative Party in Britain in recent weeks.

Just as the Labour Party was taken over in the 1990s by a small, well-funded, ruthless clique, so has
this Party been hijacked by a young revolutionary with a curiously blank face who will brook no
opposition. Within days of assuming the leadership of the ‘Conservative Party’, David Cameron
indicated by his pronouncements and actions that his political orientation is more to the Left of
‘New’ Labour, if that can be imagined, than Blair himself. But he is not to the Left of Prescott,
because his pronouncements carry the imprimatur of ‘Common Purpose’.


Mr Cameron is ‘into’ every ‘politically correct’, prefabricated notion (termed ‘slides’ by the CIA*)
that could have been crammed into his probably tabula rasa brain. For his dull New Year message,
Cameron pronounced that ‘we should remember Mahatma Ghandi’s words and "be the change we
want to see in the world"'.He added: ‘I think it’s incredibly important to show that politics isn’t just
about policies and elections, it’s about personal commitment and making change happen – today’.

It's incredible that Cameron could be so insensitive as to cite the revolutionary Ghandi, and many
have concluded that this blunder must be due to blind arrogance. The Great Brainwashed believe
that they are right, and have a solution for every problem that humanity faces.

Change from what, to what, precisely, Mr Cameron?

And what makes you assume that everybody wants the change that you fail to define?

Like all brainwashed, deluded revolutionaries, he doesn’t say: because if he did, the befuddled
Conservative Party Constituency Association membership that is responsible for voting for this
revolutionary clique into control of the Party’s continuation would hand in their Party cards and
the whole ‘grassroots’ system which sustains what remains of this wayward Party, would collapse.

It is apparent that Cameron and his brainwashed colleagues understand this likelihood, which is why
they have developed a slick Internet blogging infrastructure, citing various successful recent
Internet-driven political campaigns from US experience as justification. They may imagine that they
can recruit enough supporters by this means, to make up for all the old 'fuddy-duddies' they have
already certainly lost as a consequence of their cynical putsch – which we have no doubt at all has
been assisted, behind the scenes, by elements of the manipulative UK intelligence services.

(It is not sufficiently yet understood that the intelligence community is in control, is out of control,
and urgently needs to be brought under control. Prime Ministers, Chancellors, sidekicks, leaders of
the Opposition et al may have their intelligence 'handlers').

David Cameron’s gratuitously revolutionary socialist ‘change’ agenda involves what he designates
‘personal commitment’: so, what about cancelling that foreign holiday and that polluting plane trip,
for example? ‘Today’, he pompously insisted in his New Year’s Day Message, ‘I shall be emailing our
members and writing to every Constituency Association Chairman so as to encourage all our
membership to visit the Climate Change Now website and to switch their electricity supplier to a
renewable source’. His first open ‘initiative’ was to promulgate a programme to ensure that more
women are selected as Members of Parliament. There is, we can assure you, no fashionable (and
secretly revolutionary) cause that this brainwashed, vapid instrument of the New Underworld Order
will not espouse. What are the naïve and grossly deceived Conservative Constituency Associations,

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who made the wrong decision, doing about this coup d’état?

They are stunned at their own reiterated, insatiable stupidity.

Elements of MI6, which is partly associated with German and French secret intelligence (and thus
ultimately with the Nazi continuum ‘Black’ intelligence organisation located at Dachau, Deutsche
Verteidigungs Dienst), have been systematically implementing a secret policy of procuring the
removal of all traces of what was once known as ‘Thatcherism’ (which really consisted in part of
policies presented to Mrs Thatcher directly by your own correspondent many years ago). David
Cameron is part of this operation. He represents the follow-up.


But there is a deeper dimension to the putsch that has taken over the ‘Conservative’ Party, which of
course shares the same initials as 'Common Purpose' and Communist Party. It is the very
little-understood one that Cameron is intended to be Blair’s successor, in lieu of Gordon Brown. Now
some US subscribers may perhaps be a little hazy about who these characters are. Gordon Brown is
ostensibly Tony Blair’s ‘successor’, although he would have to be elected by the Labour Party’s
apparat. According to the false story fed years ago to the media, Blair and Brown struck a ‘deal’ at
a fashionable restaurant, to the effect that Brown was to take over from Blair at a given stage of
Blair’s premiership.

In reality what happened was that Blair, who was in possession of compromising information
concerning Brown’s background, allegedly blackmailed the Chancellor of the Exchequer-to-be who,
though also aware that Blair was likewise himself allegedly compromised, did not evidently possess
the court-derived proof of the matter (whereas Tony Blair allegedly possessed proof of his
allegations against Brown).

The sequel to this unpleasant state of affairs is that Gordon Brown is believed to be secretly much
more favourably disposed to Britain finally leaving the hyper-corrupt European Union Collective
altogether, which is not at all what the controlling intelligence cadre led by the head of MI6, John
Scarlett, and other operatives who may have been corrupted (financially) by continental ‘Black’
intelligence, have in mind.

Collectively, the relevant components of controlling UK intelligence have concluded that the Great
British Public is now sufficiently dumbed-down to be unable to make out the difference between free
enterprise and collectivism, as the wrong-headed decision to elect David Cameron by the
Conservative membership confirms.

Arrangements were therefore made for a further political coup d’état to take place – this time
within the ‘Conservative’ Party, so that the emerging leadership would ‘appeal’ to the evermore
suspicious electorate, which is gauged to be liable to fall these days for every ‘politically correct’
piece of revolutionary claptrap on offer. David Cameron’s empty, asinine rhetoric mirrors what
they teach at the 11-Day Matrix or Focus false indoctrination-cum-neurological linguistic control
programmes propagated by 'Common Purpose' all over the country, which is run out of the Office
of the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott.


It will have been noticed that we have provided hardly any information about what ‘Common
Purpose’ actually ‘teaches’. This is because, in line with the Leninist technique of not defining one’s
terms, very little hard information about the ‘curriculum’ is actually available. However
confirmation of the mind-control focus is obtainable by studying what the American version of this
very dangerous revolutionary offensive is offering. In the United States, 'Common Purpose' has a
hyphen: please refer to www.common-purpose.org. There, you will be introduced to Mrs Julia
Middleton’s parallel US front person, Lisbeth B. Schorr – Director, Project on Effective
Interventions at Harvard University.

Lisbeth Schorr’s propaganda gives the game away:

‘Lisbeth Schorr’s work has focused over the last three decades on “what works” in social programs

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to improve the outcomes for disadvantaged children and families. Most recently, colleagues at the
Pathways Mapping Initiative have been exploring novel approaches and organizing actionable
information to help communities solve urgent social problems’.

‘www.pathwaysoutcomes.org contains a uniquely broad, deep, and coherent collection of findings

about what it takes to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and families living in America’s
tough neighbourhoods. Pathways now available are to the outcomes of School Readiness and Family
Economic Success’.

Sounds ever so impressive, doesn’t it? But when we examine what on earth this verbose and woolly
University Lecturer means by Pathways Mapping, a.k.a. ‘mental mapping’, we run into, guess what?
A mechanism for neurological linguistic control:

‘Mental mapping is a vehicle for movingwell beyond the piecemeal presentation of evidence from
diverse bodies of literature and for ensuring the unbiased synthesis of findings that can inform
broader discussions of effective strategies. We distinguish claims for which there is strong consensus
from those that fail to stimulate any consensus, are drawn from a single program or organization’s
experience, or represent an idiosyncratic point of view, and we discard the latter’.

Notice that the terms ‘unbiased’, ‘idiosyncratic’, ‘synthesis’ and ‘consensus’ are not defined.

Of course not. Who decides what is biased and what is not?

Who decides what is ‘idiosyncratic’ or not?

Who decides the synthesis of the ‘diverse’ information reviewed?

Who makes the compromises between opposing components of that information?

Who, in other words, engineers the pre-intended ‘consensus’?

The answer to these questions is the same: the neurological linguistic controllers, who are the cynical
mind-manipulating, Tavistock Institute/Frankfurt School/ mental ‘slide’ merchants, a.k.a. the
developers and implementers of this malevolently subversive mind- and personality-control
programme which is quaintly intended to force whole populations to think alike, by accepting
uncritically prefabricated notions that are consistent with the sterile mental thought-patterns
considered to be prerequisites for trouble-free control by the self-interested revolutionary
geomasonic Illuminati élite.

[For further detailed information of how the Illuminati dialectical method operates, so that ‘both
sides’ are controlled, with ‘actives’ on both the so-called Left and the Right largely unaware that
they are controlled and manipulated, please order a copy of Christopher Story’s forthcoming book
The New Underworld Order, details of which are given in the Books section of this website].


We understand that certain attendees at these spurious events directed by Mrs Middleton from her
office inside the OPDM, have suffered mental breakdowns and marriage break-ups. Victims are
called upon to pay substantial sums by way of attendance fees, but do so willingly, or have employers
who do so readily, just as those blackmailable Moral Rearmament victims are forced to part with
funds – as it is none-too-subtly suggested that the path to preferment in the police, in hospital
management, in local authorities, within multinational corporations, large banks and any of the
other categories of organisation whose ‘Useful Idiot’ managements are sponsoring this subversive
operation [see list below], is smoothed by graduating from these courses.

Many more ‘Common Purpose’ marriages will collapse, and many more mental breakdowns will
follow – until such time as John Prescott, who has diabetes, is forced out of office, Common Purpose
is exposed (for once, elements of the UK ‘mainstream’ media seem interested), the Conservative
Party’s foolish David Cameron experiment is aborted or fails, or unforeseen developments take
place which ensure that this revolutionary offensive is closed down.

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It is paving the way for the completion of the Communist Revolution in Britain, and it has burrowed
dangerously deep into the corrupt local structures of the United States, as well.


A ‘slide’ is a prefabricated, ‘politically correct’ blanket ‘pop’ ‘opinion’, ‘view’ or ‘take’ upon a
particular issue of general interest which is designed to preclude further consideration, analysis or
investigation of the issue in question. In other words, it is a ‘collectivised’ mental position which is
never to be questioned. This is precisely the ‘product’ of the Deputy Prime Minister’s insidious
neurological linguistic control programme ‘Common Purpose’.


Brock Chisholm, a former Director of the UN World Health Organisation, explained that:

‘To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their
individualism’. That’s what Cameron and ‘Common Purpose’ are all about.


It is very well understood by all in Britain who are not accustomed to sitting on their brains that
‘Conservative’ Party politicians are usually interested almost exclusively in themselves and their own
wretched careers. Occasionally, uncorruptedand less selfish figures emerge who CARE about the
survival of Britain as the most successful nation state in the world.

Those ‘Conservatives’ who have seen through David Cameron and his brainwashed clique must RISE
UP WITHOUT DELAY and make it clear that they are willing to face a further Party upheaval in
order for this putsch to be reversed. Yet another grave mistake has been made, and it needs to be

We should remember not to be concerned about what others think of us: that is their problem.

Come on, let's get moving.



The following text, taken from the Common Purpose website, gives an idea of what is going on. The
website displays a ‘sun symbol’, which indicates that this network is a dimension of the
geomasonic/Illuminati revolutionary offensive. All components of the intended New World Order
display their allegiance to the ‘Common Purpose’ of revolutionary global control by means of the
use of symbols. The imprecise, deliberately woolly prospectus reads as follows:

What issues are explored?

Whether you choose an 11-day Matrix or a six-day Focus programme, you’ll cover a range of key
issues. What will they be?

The programmes are delivered in a series of intensive workshops, each studying a particular aspect
of life in an area.

For example, on Matrix, days include:

Day 4: The power map: Who runs this area? Where are the real levers of power? Who controls
them? Who really controls them? And how can you?
[It’s all about POWER, which can ONLY be controlled collectively].
Day 5: The first challenge: real people, real problems: Work together on a real issue facing your
area. Briefed by the real people who deal with it every day. With one day for you to propose a real
answer to it. When should you lead – and when do you need to follow your leaders?
Day 8: Expanding your network: We are all defined by the influences we choose, the peers we trust
and the networks we have developed. But what happens if you go beyond this "bubble"? How do you
do it? And why should you do it? [Networking, promoted here, is always nasty, instrumental,
insincere, manipulative, unpleasant and highly disruptive of personal and family relationships. It

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should happen, if at all, naturally, not as a ‘goal’, which leads to personal hardness, emptiness and
On Focus, participants investigate a range of areas, including:

Education [meaning indoctrination and ‘mental mapping’].

Governance [not government. What they mean is the replacement of democratic government by
controlled ‘groups’: NGOs and ‘stakeholders’ ].
The economy [i.e., the comprehensive collectivisation thereof].

Participants will learn through practical experience, interactive group exercises, case studies, expert
presentations, site visits, panel discussions and debate. Participants will also learn from each other
and will become skilled at working with others very different from themselves. They will learn about
alternative approaches to leadership through the eyes and experience of fellow participants. The end
result is that participants will learn a lot more about themselves as leaders, as well as how society
works – exploring the themes of leadership, partnership and diversity.

Intended ‘synthesis’ (sorry, ‘Outcome’): Participants emerge brainwashed, mentally ‘mapped’-out,

and with a dogmatic collectivist mindset, hamstrung by prefabricated ‘slide’ ‘opinions’, NO



ABL Ltd, Bradford

Admiral Insurance Services Ltd
American Express, Brighton
ARRIVA, Head Office
ARRIVA, Leeds City Station
Arts Council England, North-West, Manchester
Astra Zeneca UK Limited, Macclesfield
Astron, Edinburgh
Aylesford Newsprint Ltd, Aylesford
BAE Systems, Rochester
Baillie Gifford & Co, Edinburgh
Baker Tilly, Milton Keynes
Barnsley College, Barnsley
Barnsley Hospice, Barnsley
BASF Plc, Middlesbrough
Bayer CropScience, Norwich
Begbroke Science Park, University of Oxford, Yarnton
British Petroleum, Grangemouth
Bradford Vision, Bradford
Brighton & Hove City Council, Hove – King's House
Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership, Brighton
BSkyB, Dunfermline
BT Scotland, Edinburgh – Alexander Graham Bell House
BUPA Ireland, Dublin
Business Link, North & Western Lancashire
Cairn Energy Plc, Edinburgh
Campsmount School, Doncaster
Cardiff City AFC, Cardiff
Cathays High School, Cardiff
ChamberLink Ltd, Manchester
Chapel Royal , Brighton
Cherwell School, Oxford
City and County of Cardiff, Cardiff – County Hall

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City College Coventry, Butts Centre

City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Bradford
Clackmannanshire Council, Alloa
Cork Prison, Cork
Coventry Evening Telegraph, Coventry
Darton High School, Barnsley
Department for Education and Skills, Darlington
Derby College, Derby
Dewsbury Health Care NHS Trust, Dewsbury & District Hospital
Diageo plc, Dublin
Diageo plc, Leven – Banbeath Industrial Estate
Diamond Corrugated Cases Ltd, Londonderry
Dixons City Academy, Bradford
Donnington Valley Hotel, Newbury
Dover Harbour Board, Dover
Dublin Bus, Dublin
Dubrovnik Hotel, Bradford
EON UK plc, Coventry
Education Bradford, Bradford
Education Client Team, Bradford
Egg, Derby
EMI Records Group UK and Ireland, London
English Institute of Sport Sheffield, Sheffield
Eversheds, Cardiff
Fife College, Kirkcaldy
Fife Constabulary, Police Headquarters
Fife Council, Kirkcaldy – Town House
Ford Motor Company Limited, Southampton
Forth Valley College of Further & Higher Education, Falkirk Campus
Fox's Biscuits, Batley
Glasgow City Council, City Chambers
Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow
GlaxoSmithKline, Dartford – Acacia Hall
Goodwin Resource Centre Association, Hull
Grattan plc, Bradford
Grimsby and Scunthorpe Newspapers Ltd, Grimsby
Gripple Ltd, Sheffield
Hartlepool Primary Care Trust, Hartlepool
Headquarters 2nd Infantry Brigade, Folkestone
Health Promotion, Coventry
HM Prison Cardiff, Cardiff
HM Prison Edinburgh, Edinburgh
HM Prison Glenochil, Tullibody
HM Prison HMYOI Polmont, Falkirk
HM Prison Maidstone, Maidstone
HM Prison Stafford, Stafford
HM Prison Standford Hill, Sheerness
HM Prison Swaleside, Isle of Sheppey
Home Office Refugee Integration Section, Croydon
Hothouse Centre for Ceramic Design, Stoke-on-Trent
HSBC Bank plc, Manchester
Hull Citybuild, Hull
Hull Cityventure Limited, Hull
Huntsman Petrochemicals [UK] Ltd, Redcar
IBM United Kingdom Limited, Edinburgh
Indian Muslim Welfare Society, Batley
John Wheatley College, Glasgow
Karmand Community Centre, Bradford
Keele University, Keele

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Keepmoat plc, Doncaster

Kellogg's, Manchester
Kent Thameside Delivery Board, Gravesend
Kickstart, Sheffield
Kimberly-Clark Ltd, Barton-Upon-Humber
Kingston upon Hull City Council, The Guildhall
Komedia, Brighton
Laganside Corporation, Belfast
Lancashire Constabulary, Nr Preston
Learning + Skills Council, Hull
Legal & General, Cardiff - 2 Fitzalan Place
Longley Park Sixth Form College, Sheffield
Lothian Buses plc, Edinburgh
Marriott Hotel, Glasgow
Marriott Hotel, Sunderland
Marriott Sprowston Manor Hotel & Country Club, Norwich
Maxxium UK Ltd, Stirling
McCann FitzGerald Solicitors, Dublin
Meadowhall Centre Limited, Sheffield
Medway Ports, Sheerness
Met Office, Exeter
Middlesbrough Borough Council, Middlesbrough – Vancouver House
Millennium Chemicals, Grimsby
Milton Keynes Museum, Milton Keynes
MKM Building Supplies Ltd, Hull
National Children's Centre, Huddersfield
National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford
New Appointments Group, Sittingbourne
Newbury Town Council, Newbury
Newcastle Building Society, Newcastle Upon Tyne
North Lincolnshire Council, Scunthorpe
Northern Echo, Darlington
Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Trust, Scunthorpe
Northwest Development Agency, Warrington
Norwich City Council, City Hall
Novartis Grimsby Ltd, Grimsby
O2 Ireland, Dublin
OCR, Coventry
Outokumpu Stainless Ltd, Sheffield
Oxford City Council, St Aldate's Chambers
Panasonic UK Ltd, Bracknell
Patcham High School, Brighton
Pfizer Limited, Sandwich – Ramsgate Road
PricewaterhouseCoopers, London – Embankment Place, Head Office
PricewaterhouseCoopers, London – Plumtree Court
Prudential plc, Reading
Prudential plc, Stirling
PSA Peugeot Citroen, Coventry
PSA Peugeot Citroen, Manufacturing Plant
Quest International Ltd, Ashford
REACT, Rotherham
Reading Borough Council, Reading
Reed In Partnership, Doncaster
Ridgewood School, Doncaster
Robin Hood Airport, Doncaster Sheffield, Doncaster
Rok Build, Reading
Rolls-Royce plc, Inchinnan
Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, Dinnington
Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Edinburgh – The Younger Building

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Safefood, Cork
Salford Primary Care Trust, Salford
Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley, Stirling
Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow
Scottish Executive, Edinburgh – Victoria Quay
Sheffield City Council, Sheffield – Town Hall
Shepherd Neame Ltd, Faversham
Shoosmiths Solicitors, Milton Keynes
Slough Enterprise Gateway, Slough
South Norfolk District Council, Norwich
South Wales Fire Service, Cardiff
St Andrews Bay Hotel, St. Andrews
St Saviours C of E Church, Folkestone
St Simon Stock School, Maidstone
Staffordshire University, Stafford
Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Stoke on Trent
Strathclyde Police, Headquarters
Sussex County Cricket Club, Hove
Sussex Innovation Centre, Brighton
Sussex Police, Hove Police Station
Swale Borough Council, Sittingbourne
Swale Forward, Swale
Swale Primary Care Trust, Sittingbourne
Swan Valley Community School, Swanscombe
Tesco Charity Trust, Cheshunt
Thames Valley Police, Reading – Castle Street
Thames Valley Police, Slough
The Bridge (Oxford) Ltd, Oxford
The Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival, Brighton
The City of Edinburgh Council, Head Office
The Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education, Grimsby
The Recovery Project, Brighton
The Thornbury Centre, Bradford
Thomson Snell & Passmore (Solicitors), Tunbridge Wells
Tonbridge Grammar School, Tonbridge
Unipart (DCM), Oxford
University of Bradford, Bradford
University of Glasgow, Glasgow
University of Greenwich, Chatham

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