Modules of E - Commerce

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Modules of E-Commerce

1) Products-This module allows maintaining a product database, along with prices, images, and various other attributes. It also has 'add to cart' and 'checkout' functionality. Time- 1 day 2) Inventory- In this module we have 4 pages Sales, Purchase, Purchase Return and Sales Return. Through this module we can transact our products and track the quantity of products in hand and track or get details of our customer or client. All type of Inventory works are done in this module. Time- 4 day (each day on one page) 3) Billing- In this module we provide billing options such as, adds billing through credit card or other shopping card according to customer requirement. 4) Transactions- In this module we can we feed information of how much receipt from vendors or customers and how much payment to vendors or customers. Time- 1 day 5) Shipping- The process of transporting an item, usually through the mail. Shipping is a very basic, common way of getting an item from one place to another, or from one person to another. It tracks all the information of shipping products, such as ordered item, delivered item, items on the way, manage of shipping charges or products and many more. Time- 2 to 3 days 6) Feedback- Feedback is essential to running a business. It tells you whats working and whats not. It provides you with fresh ideas on ways to improve your business. And it gives you insight into the needs of your customers. We have to work on this module because this is new module. Time- 2 days 7) Testimonials- A testimonial is an advertisement that uses either written or spoken quotes from people (famous or common) to praise the good qualities of a product. Time- 2 days 8) Customer Info- In this module we can add, update, delete and more actions of customer. We can also see current balance of a particular customer. Time- 1 day 9) Vendor Info - In this module we can add, update, delete and more actions of vendor. We can also see current balance of a particular customer. In this module we can also track the vendor on location, name, address, products and many more. Time1 day 10) Complaints- This module is just like a blog. Through this module any register customer complaints of our products and ask any type of questions, through this we can short out his/her complaints or questions. Time- 2 day

11) SMS- Through this module we can send SMS alert to our permanent or register customers of our latest offers. 12) Payment Gateway- payment gateway is a service that authorizes credit card payments and processes them securely with a users merchant account. Often, a merchant account and payment gateway are set up in one process through the same company. 13) Reports- In this module generates and prints many type of report. Such as: a) Stock Report: In this report we can see all details of products. Such as, Stock sell price, stock purchase price, stock in hand and many more. b) Party Report: In this report we can see register party details. Such as party details, balance, sell or purchase to a particular party. c) Amount Receivable: In this report we can see those register party names and balance whose balance due. d) Amount Payable: In this report we can see those register party names and balance whose balance we have to pay. f) Purchase Register: In this report we can see purchase report on different search criteria. g) Vendor Report: In this report we can see vendors details. Such as vendors details, balance, sell or purchase to a particular party. h) Sales man report: In this report we can see sales mans details. Such as Sales man details, Sales man performance on different search criteria. I) cash report: In this report we can see cash purchase, sales, purchase return and sales return details. Time- 2 day 14) Admin Master- The eCommerce administration modules are used to administrate products, prices, orders, offers, invoices, customers, financials and product packaging. The modules can be freely placed and used together to define multiple eCommerce solutions. Below is a list of the eCommerce administration modules with a short description. a) Bill Sundry administration- It is used for manage different type of discount and profit. b) Measurement Unit administration-It is used for manage unit measurement. c) Item Group administration It is used for manage product group. d) Product administration It displays all products and prices in a table view. The product administration module implements product search and order options and enables a merchant to edit products and prices directly in the table. e) Customer administration Enables a merchant to create and administrate customer addresses and customer account settings. Multiple customer groups can be implemented and used in the order and other administration tools. Time- 2 day

15) Order- A simple order module to work in conjunction with the Products, and the Cart modules to provide a simple interface to show submitting orders items. Time- 2 days

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