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Kurdish Exile Association (KEA)

1 Thorpe Close,LondonW10 5XL Tel: 07939884687 -E-Mail:

Kurdish Book Club is launching a newly published Kurdish book,

Who Are The Kurds?

As part of a series of seminars, Kurdish Book Club, is pleased to invite you to the launch of and a seminar about a newly published book in Kurdish. The book: Who Are the Kurds? TheHistory of Kurds and the Origin of their Language from the Dawn ofCivilization to the Tenth Century A.D Author: SoranHamarash Language: Kurdish The History of the Kurds and the origin of their language have been open subjects for debateamongst scholars for centuries. Some believe that the history of Kurds stretches back five thousand years; others suggest that until the Middle Ages the term Kurd was used as a reference to a social status rather than an ethnicity. The wide gap in these views suggests that the subject matters require further study. In thisbook, Hamarash attempts to tackle this very issue. Hamarash explained that he spent several years researching and studying ancient records and languages such as Sumerian, Hurrian, Median, Luvian (or Luwian), Hittite, Avestan, Latin, Sanskrit, Carian, Lydian, Thracian and other languages. In his book he questions the prevailing theories and tries to trace the root of the Kurdish race and the origins of their language. In this quest, Hamarash paused some questions such as: if the Kurds descended from the Medes, as some suggest, when did they changed name? What language did the Median speak? What alphabet did the Kurd have in ancient times to record their literature, if they had any? Is there any connection between Kurdish language and the ancient Mesopotamian and Anatolian languages? What about connections between Kurdish and other Indo-European languages? Did the Indo-Europeans emigrated to or migrated from Zagros Mountains? In his epic endeavor, Hamarash uncovers evidence that would challenge our understanding of the history of Kurds and of the Middle East in general, for example: Kurdish texts which he believes are over four thousand years old,

Texts that suggest that the Median language was not very different in comparison to the current Kurdish language Texts suggestingthat Kurdish was the language of other Mesopotamian and Anatolian communities. A manuscript dated back to 861 A.D that describes Kurdish ancient alphabet. History of Kurdish empires and rulers who ruled in the region from the dawn of civilisation until the tenth century A.D. Views of Kurds during the ninth century A.D that suggest their awareness of their history and ancient past.

This book is published in Kurdish (Sorani dialect) and the French and English translations are underway. The seminar, which will be held in Kurdish, will be chaired by Dr Rebwar Fattah. All are welcome

Date and time of the event: 15:00 -18:00, 9th March 2013 Location: Birkbeck College, University of London Lecture theatre B33 Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX

The evening is sponsored by Levenes Solicitors:

Nearest underground Stations: Russell Square, Euston Square, Warren Street, Goodge Street Buses: 7, 59, 168, 68 and 188 all stop outside Russell Square. The entrance to the Malet Street building is off Torrington Square. This is the only entrance to the main building.

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