The Issue of Halal Meat - Colour Leaflet

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Eat of that which Stunning is not an Islamic method of

is lawful and slaughtering. It causes harm to the animal
as well restricts spilling of the blood from
good on the the animal.
earth Captive Bolt Gun Experimental studies in Europe have
[Al Baqarah 2:168] deduced the following:

The issue of halal meat is one of importance in Islam, however "Islamic slaughtering is the most
in recent times with the advent of modernisation Muslims have
humane method of slaughter and
gone away from tradition methods of slaughtering. We should
always refer back to Allah and His Messenger for all Islamic that captive bolt stunning,
rulings, as Allah (swt) says, practiced in the West, causes
(And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to severe pain to the animal."
Allah and His Messenger [Surah An Nisa’ 4:59]
The Effects Of Stunning The Effects Of Dhabh
‘THE ISLAMIC PRACTICE IS TO SLAUGHTER THE ANIMAL’ Animals die before Dhabh Dhabh does not touch the
In Islam the practice is known as 'Dhabh' (slaughter) which has Rotten blood is left inside nervous system at all. Rather
always been to apply a sharp blade to the neck of the animal. Pain & cruelty inflicted it allows the brain to function
Repeat stunning on failure and thereby keeps the heart
The Messenger (saw) said,
Risk of Mad Cow Disease working expelling the blood.
"Verily Allah has prescribed proficiency in all things. Thus, if (BSE)
you kill, kill well; and if you slaughter, slaughter well. Let each
one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the COMMON HARAM PRACTICES
animal he slaughters."[Sahih Muslim] #5167 Abu Hurayrah (R.A.) narrates that the
And Allah (swt) says, Prophet of Allah (SAW) said, "A time will
Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice come upon the people wherein a person
(to Him only) [Surah Al Kawthar 108:2] will not bother what he intakes,
Allah (swt) has twinned slaughtering with prayer, both are ritual whether from a Halal source or from a
acts. The ritual act in Islam has a set form which must be done BEWARE! Haram source."[Sahih Bukhari]
in accordance with the example of Muhammad (saw) who said,
z Taped Tasmiyah playing of ‘Bismillah Allahu Akbar’.
“Take (learn) your ritual acts from me” [Musnad Ahmed] #14793
z Non–Muslims Slaughtering the animal.
z Mechanical slaughter carried out by a mechanical rotating
There are six main conditions:
blade with no Muslim to actually carry out the dhabh.
n Muslim slaughterer (Male or Female)
z Butchers unaware of the Islamic Method (Even though they
o The Slaughterers must pray
display the Halal logo!)
p The knife must be sharp
q The slaughtering must be merciful z Proclaiming Bismillahi over haram meat does not make it
r Must mentioned Allah (swt) name halal. Especially burgers from McDonalds etc...
s Must spill all blood of the animals z Haram meat in schools, restaurants, fast-food shops, planes,
The following should be considered: trains and other public places.
z Don't harm the animal pre-dhabh z Haram meat at Muslim functions & gatherings. Generally we
z Carry out dhabh in a slaughterhouse shouldn’t doubt them. However in light of the issue we should check.
z Use Halal Meat Only slaughterhouse
z This is to avoid haram contamination CONCLUSION
In order for any meal to be considered Halal, it is necessary
THE CONSEQUENCE OF HARAM . . . . . . that the entire process from the raw source; meat,
: Unanswered Supplication (Dua’) : ingredients to preparation; cooking, freezing, storage and
"O Lord! O Lord!" While his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, dispatch to consumption be in accordance to the Islamic
his clothing is unlawful, and he is nourished unlawfully, so how can he requirements.
be answered?" [Sahih Muslim] #2393 It is imperative that we ensure the meat we eat is halal to
: Will Not Enter Paradise: the best of our abilities. It is sinful to eat meat which is not
A body nourished with Haram will not enter Jannah (Paradise)". slaughtered or cooked in accordance to Islam. Haram meat is
[Tirmidhi and Tabarani] void of any blessings from Allah (swt) and this will have
consequences on our subsequent actions. The text on the
: Incur The Wrath Of Allah (Swt): issue is so clear- cut and the practice of Muslims for centuries
“And Allah curses him who sacrifices for anyone besides Allah” [Sahih was to adhere vehemently to the ways of the Messenger
Muslim] #5239 (saw) and his Companions (Rah).
: Leads to Apostasy: We trust this short treatise explained the key points related
'Eat not, Oh believers, of that meat on which Allah (swt's) name to the issue of Halal Meat, and Allah (swt) knows best.
has not been pronounced at the time of slaughtering the animal,
for surely it is Fisq and certainly the evil do inspire their friends to For further information on the issue of Halal Meat
dispute with you and if you were to obey them by making a dead please refer to our book - 'The Issue of Halal Meat’
(un-slaughtered) animal lawful and eating it, then you would web: email:
indeed be Mushrikoun' (Polytheists). [Surah Al Anam 6:121] There is no copyright in Islam. This article may be circulated freely

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