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I am really privileged to have the pleasant task of welcoming the distinguished gathering for the management meet On behalf of the I warmly and respectfully welcome the Chief Guest, Honble . We are indeed grateful for graciously and readily accepting our invitation. Let me extend my thanks to Mr. who has always beenwith us. His presence is always a moral boost for us. Now,I am pleased to invite all the student co ordinators of paper presentation. My word of welcome goes next to the vibrant students who have come from various college and friends its ur time to reveal ur talents over here Therefore, each and every participant is winner of priceless self confidence.Sharing our ideas with others is the best way of creating more ideas. So let us share and discuss ourideas. An idea can change our life but the ideas of the you people can change the course of theworld.So, get ready to quench your thirst for technical section. Once again I welcome u all.

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