Research Methodology-Zikmund-A Comparison Between Google and Yahoo

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For our assignment we have a keyword Business research to search on both the search engines GOOGLE & YAHOO. Here, our major objective was to enter the search keywords in both search engines and research among the search results displayed in both engines.

Evaluation of Google & Yahoo search engine results:

First thing came up during the research is the number of search results found. Comparing to Yahoo, Google is far way best finding 1,410,000,000 results within .27 seconds where Yahoo was able to find only 460,000,000. Since we are working with this large population is hard so only the first page results were taken as sample. And we will also explain the difference between the results in terms of information amount, efficiency and use. The characteristics of results are compared considering several factors. It should be considered that the chart below is the overview of the 1st page of the search results, does not represent the total search result:

Properties Number of search results in 1st page Related search option Top 5 search result average website rank (http://www.prchecker. info) Type of result 11 0 7.2 23 11 6.4

Basically definition and light overview on business research. There is very little number of journals and papers in the search result. only one result found: nal/01482963

Definition and overall overview including rich number of strategy and journal information. There are also side topics on business research.
Two major result found: -of-business-research &

Image Search

Image display in the search result. Most of the images are logos,

Images are not displayed in the search results but an extra image

cartoons and clip arts, few charts are in the top.

Search Keyword


search tab option shows lots of images including logos, cartoon, real time image, clip arts and large number of topic related charts Ascending results are related to Keyword density is prioritized. topic, keyword density (ration The meta tags (links for related between search keyword & total search in the search result sites) word) matters less, meta words and are not preferred. H1 tags are preferred. e.g.- The first result is e.g.- The first result is http://www.business with 9 search ournal-of-business-research/ with keyword match but very few only 7 search keyword but wide internal links numbers of internal link and meta tags Does not show advertisements for Shows related advertisements st search keyword in 1 page. just in the right of the main search result. These advertisements are basically marketing tools for the users who need to get a research paper done by others. e.g.-


Focuses on the overall sites. For example- 4 of top 5 results are core search keyword match website related directly to business research 5 4 1

Number of .com sites Number of .org sites University Sites

Focuses on the individual pages in result. 3 of the top 5 results are page based result but the websites are not direct matched to the search keywords 10 3 0

Comparing the results we found from two search engines, we can see that Yahoo provides a clear and elaborate idea about Business research. It also provides a related search option. One important difference is Google provided theoretical results about business research; whereas Yahoo gave a more or less practical result about the topic like Start your business research and journals of business research etc.

Quality or quantity? From the data mentioned above we can conclude that Google provided us more results but
Yahoo provides us fewer results with quality. Besides Google search results can be easily optimized by popularity which is tough in Yahoo. This step ensures the quality of data found in Yahoo. Again, we already mentioned Yahoo results are more elaborated and practical. So considering these factors we conclude that Yahoo provides us better information on the very topic Business Research

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