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Annotated Bibliography

We are researching the controversy of schools serving junk food. Our research question is: should schools be responsible for combating childhood obesity in the United States? With childhood obesity rates on the rise, parents are searching for solutions. One solution is to control what their children eat. This is why some parents want to eliminate junk food from schools. However, some schools use junk food to subsidize their income and some companies believe they should have the right to sell their products in schools. This is where the controversy starts. There are many opinions on how to handle the situation and each uses different methods to present their argument.

Boukhris, Tommy T. A Public Response to Childhood Obesity: Evaluating the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program in Texas Schools. Publication. Texas State University, Oct. 2007. Web.

This report done by Tommy T. Boukhris is a report that reflects what the state of Texas has tried to do to fix the obesity problem within their schools. He talks about the Fruit and Vegetable program being implemented and its accuracy of fixing the problem. Tommy Boukhris is a Program Specialist V at the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), in Austin, Texas. He works in the Center for Communications and External Affairs where he manages executive level communications systems within DSHS divisions and programs, Health and Human Services Enterprise agencies, stakeholders, and legislators. In the first chapter Boukhris analyzes the problem with childhood obesity and gives a good definition and examples. Chapter three talks about the implementation of the Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) in the Texas school system and if it works or not. Also contains a brief formal evaluation of the FFVP in Texas and an introduction to the working hypotheses. Chapter 6 is also useful because it summarizes the findings and shows an accurate conclusion to the research. We will use this article when we talk about the theme of schools.

Summary By: Pate Rauluk Braunstein, M.D., Glenn D. "Childhood Obesity: An Epidemic That's Growing Up Fast."The Huffington Post., 21 June 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2013 This doctor has wrote an article about the SATS of childhood obesity. He says One of every three children in America is now considered overweight or obese, and childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. He talks about the many ways we have gotten to be like this for example, I can be hereditary, sitting in front of the TV too much, not being active and having poor nutrition. This article can be used to argue that the parents of children should be help responsible for this problem and He lists many reasons most of them taking place in the home. Summary By: Jenna Aldulaimi Cerretani, Jessica. "Targeting Childhood Obesity Early."Harvard Gazette. Harvard University, 18 Sept. 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Jessica Cerrentani talks a lot about how child obesity has become a huge problem and giving the example that is it effecting 17 percent of children in America. She focuses mainly on the children of our country and ultimately she wants her readers to understand the problem and know what is causing in order to prevent it in the future. She continues her article to discuss all the different ways we can prevent this from happening such as being breast fed and started good eating habits early on in life. We can use this to talk about how obesity is an actually problem here in the United States and further proving that point we can move on to discus why this has happened and who should be responsible for it. Summary By: Jenna Aldulaimi

Childhood Obesity in New York City Elementary School Students. American Public Health Association -. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.

This article is a case study from New York City elementary schools and their decision to test BMI in schools. The researchers that wrote this article are Lorna E. Thorpe, PhD, Deborah G. List, PhD, Terry Marx, MD, Linda May, MA, Steven D. Helgerson, MD, and Thomas R. Frieden, MD. They found out that 43% of the students were overweight and that it is definitely a problem that they need to fix. Obesity among public elementary school children in New York City is an important public health issue. Particularly high levels among Hispanic and Black children mirror national trends and are insufficiently understood. We will use the information given in the research to show that their students are at risk of obesity because of the statistics found. The case study is organized well and is easily navigable to the information needed for the aid of the analysis of the controversy.

Summary By: Pate Rauluk FERRAN, LEE. Michelle Obama: Lets Move Initiative Battles Childhood Obesity. ABC News. ABC News Network, 09 Feb. 2010. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.

This article from ABC news is a source that includes the first lady, Michelle Obama. She talks about how she wants the United States to see the childhood obesity be resolved and extend the lifespan of Americans. She talks about several things in the article that we can relate to our analysis. First she talks about the governments role in battling the obesity. She talks about a Nutrition Act that her husband is trying to pass. She also talks about the importance of battling the obesity epidemic in schools. This quote is directly taken from the article. On the front lines in the war against childhood obesity are the nations schools, where 30 million American

children are getting a majority of their calories. In addition to the governments effort to support nutritional meals in schools, the first lady said there also needs to be a focus on physical activity in school. Her input on the issue will be used to direct the analysis with ethos, considering she is the wife of the president of the United States. Summary By: Pate Rauluk Gonzalez, Isabella. Childhood Obesity: Do Parents Have the Right to Point Fingers?Divine Caroline. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013.

Isabella Gonzalez gives many points in the article that aid to the relativity of the right for parents to point fingers at fast food companies. She goes back and forth with the argument, as she is neutral on the situation. Her article is basically the combination of researchers saying that its the parents faults for the childrens weight problem and the parents saying that its the fast food industries faults for not having healthier options. The argument of whether kids are getting fat in school is also double sided in her article showing both sides arguments on the subject. We will use this main point from this article The government and other organizations are taking actions to combat childhood obesity. For instance, first lady Michelle Obamas Healthy HungerFree Kids Act, which was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate and is now awaiting President Obamas signature to become law. This bill encourages schools to serve nutritional meals that comply with the standards set by the National Academy of Sciences. Schools are given subsidies in order to make these nutritional meals possible. Our themes within our essay include the action of the government and this source will mostly cover this subject.

Summary By: Pate Rauluk Krisberg, Kim. Schools Taking Center Stage In Battle Against Childhood Obesity. (Cover Story). Nations Health 35.7 (2005): 1-23. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. %3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=18199859

The article addresses USDA nutritional guidelines claiming they are out of date. Krisberg most importantly points out that the current policies allows junk food such as candy bars and sugary sports drinks to be sold in cafeterias. The article then explains things like sodas that cannot be sold in the cafeteria, but can be sold in vending machines because the USDA nutritional guidelines dont have any power outside the cafeteria. The source is fairly biased and uses words like takes advantage when talking about junk food companies subsidizing the schools budget. This takes away from the ethos that a newspaper naturally has. However, she quotes many doctors, giving her article logos and compensating for the loss of ethos through her biases. This article has effective statistics and ideologies in favor of schools fighting childhood obesity that can be used in our paper.

Summary By: Addison Earle Lehmann, Deborah. Why School Cafeterias Are Dishing Out Fast Food. 2013. Web. 25 Feb. 2013

This article explains that schools sell junk food for the revenue. She explains that the revenue is used for school programs such as field trips. The article also explains how the lunches are made to fit the USDA guidelines. This article lacks facts, but presents very important ideologies. Although the article is in favor of schools having junk food they express their opinion from a fairly neutral stance. Lehmann stays away from pathos and using strong language. This gives the article a seemingly neutral stand and gives the article ethos. This article would be useful to present ideologies and reasoning to why schools should be allowed to sell junk food.

Summary By: Addison Earle Li, Ji, and Neal H. Hooker. Childhood Obesity And Schools: Evidence From The National Survey Of Childrens Health. Journal Of School Health 80.2 (2010): 96-103. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. 04fb019-b159-4884-9a9b-9911c6420e31%40sessionmgr13&hid= Ji, Li and Neal Hooker base their article off data form the National Survey of Childrens Health conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2003 and 2004. Using the data from this research they point out relationships between BMI and physical exercise, socioeconomic standings, academic achievement, and food programs, like the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. This scholarly article is very neutral. The article has strong ethos because of the structure of the writing and the sources used. The article purley relies on logos. This article is filled with good facts and statistics but lacks a view into our controversy. This article should be used for facts and statistics in the paper.

Summary By: Addison Earle MeMeRoth. MeMe Roth- NAAO- Junk Food in Schools- Stuart Varney. Youtube.Youtube, 11 Mar 2007. Web. 25 Feb. 2013

This is a video from fox news. Although intended to be neutral reporting the anchor interjects opposing viewpoints while questioning the interviewee. He brings up the point that people shouldnt have the right to parent others children. He also bring up that it could cost the schools thousands of dollars. The story also presents Meredith Roths, a concerned mothers, view on the issue. Although a biased source it presents both sides to our controversy. The sides

presented lack logos to back up their claims but contain a lot of the pathos from both arguments. This article would be useful in presenting ideologies from both sides.

Summary By: Addison Earle

Moreno, Geraldine, Deb Johnson-Shelton, and Shawn Boles. "Prevalence And Prediction Of Overweight And Obesity Among Elementary School Students." Journal Of School Health 83.3 (2013): 157-163. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Mar. 2013.

This article explores links between BMI and school programs, neighborhoods, and socioeconomic status. Although the bulk of the article lacks a view into the controversy the introduction is full of important statistics and also shows an opinion. The opinions of the authors are that legislation regarding school lunches, venders, and physical exercise are the keys to solving fixing childhood obesity. This scholarly article is very effective in its use of ethos and logos. The reason for this is because they use the Center for Disease Control as a source. This article would be great for introduction material as well as material for the parent theme of our paper.

Summary By: Addison Earle

"Preventing Childhood Obesity by Reducing Consumption of Carbonated Drinks: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.

The following article shows the results of drinking carbonated drinks in elementary schools. This article talks about a test in which doctors and physicians went to 6 different schools and asked 3 of them to stop drinking soda and three of them to continue drinking soda. The evidence gathered from this experiment goes to show the correlation with consuming carbonated drinks and becoming obese.

Summary By: John Parker

Rabin, Roni Caryn. "VITAL SIGNS; CHILDHOOD: When the Cafeteria Line Leads to Tater Tots." The New York Times. The New York Times, 08 Feb. 2011. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.

This article does a great job of showing the affects of eating a meal provided by your school at lunch as opposed to bringing your own from home. In a study done at several southeastern schools in Michigan there was a 29% increase in obesity found from children who bought lunch at the school as opposed to brining it from there house. This goes to show that the school is more worried about saving money than getting nutritious food for there children.

Summary By: John Parker Ross, Robert. "President Obama Takes Fitness, Sports and Nutrition to the Next Level."The Huffington Post., 23 June 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Ross talk about how president Obama is working hard to take a big step in nutrition to help aid the childhood obesity dilemma we are having as a country. He has created what he calls "Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. Obama along with a council created the 50 pound challenge to push young children to be healthy. A main thing to consider in what we are talking about is who are the people that should be taking control and steeping forward stopping

childhood obesity. This is an example fo the government and the president of America taking action in the prevention and solution for childhood obesity. We will use this source in our essay to show that there are many sides to this issue and many people think that the government should take action. This article is showing action being taken and a push for the greater of this country and the children that live in it. Summary By: Jenna Aldulaimi Severson, Kim. "There's a Fight Inside the School Cafeteria."The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 Mar. 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. This article is trying to prove that a main problem that is leading to childhood obesity is school lunch's. It is said that In Washington, where Michelle Obamas anti-obesity campaign continues to point a finger at the school lunch line A main reason for this is the funding that the school is receiving which isnt enough to have completely healthy food at school. Funds are trying to be raised to help this problem. This article is a huge relation to our topic directly attacking schools for the problem of childhood obesity in our country. This article can be sued in our paper to have our readers see the side that schools are responsible and should be changing the types of food they sell in class to help and prevent this problem in the future. We can argue this source by showing the money that the school has and that has a huge factor on the food that they are able to provide. Summary By: Jenna Aldulaimi

Super Size Me. Dir. Morgan Spurlock. Perf. Morgan Spurlock. Sony, 2004. DVD.

Super Size ME is a documentary that follows Morgan Spurlock for 30 days while he is on a diet of purely McDonalds. Throughout his documentary he does several interviews with people in one way or another involved with the obesity epidemic in America. In one segment of the film he interviews Mary Bollino, the Food Services Director, and some children. In this scene it shows the children buying getting nothing but junk food for their meals. This scene is obviously

biased towards getting rid of junk food and takes away from Spurlocks ethos. The scene also lacks logos to back up the claims presented by Spurlock but it does a great job of outlining the problem. This documentary would be great background information for the introduction of the paper.

Summary By: Addison Earle

"Taking a Bite out of Childhood Obesity: New Proposed School Snack Standards." LiveWell Colorado. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar.


Maren Stewart does a great job explaining the issues of child obesity and how it relates to our schools. She goes on to say how the USDA has proposed an updated nutrition standards for schools across our country. This new proposition will force schools to implement healthier choices in school vending machines. Maren states some interesting facts; she mentions how 50% of our childrens diet is directly correlated to our schools food options, by implementing these new ideas hopefully we will see a difference in childhood obesity ratings.

Summary By: John Parker

"Top 10 Causes of Obesity in Children - Boston Children's Hospital - Top 20 Health Challenges." YouTube. YouTube, 29 Oct. 2012. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.

This video shows the top 10 reason why are children are becoming more obese. The man states that most of the issue of obesity is due to our poor diet. He mentioned that sugary drinks

were the top cause for child obesity but also that processed foods at factories play a crucial role in our countries obesity problems. He also mentioned that lack of excersise was a huge cause for this issue but that our diet is still the most important thing we need to be worried about.

Summary By: John Parker

Wallis, Claudia. Americas Obesity Crisis: Activists: The Obesity Warriors. Time Magazine, 7 Jun. 2004: Web. 13 Feb. 2013,9171,994389,00.html

Wallis starts the article pointing out how junk food companies are advertising to our kids. With the addition of their commercials representing themselves as healthful snacks there is a lot of confusion. The article talks about how its hard for small communities to fight against junk food companies with such huge resources. Wallis then brings to light the view of some peers. One of these are Ludwig whom argues that promoting physical well-being should be part of a schools education. Ludwig also points some statistics behind soft drink and their relationship to child hood obesity. Ludwig then explains that fast food meals such as Pizza Hut, Burger King, and McDonalds are still making it into our childrens cafeteria. Wallis then explains what the government should do to stop this epidemic. This even includes the idea of taxing soft drinks to raise money for combating obesity as well as a financial deterrent. This article presents a range of views from removing junk food to compromises. The article has strong ethos because it was wrote by TIME and it is fairly neutral. This article would be useful in presenting many sides of our controversy.

Summary By: Addison Earle

Conclusion I. Introduction A. Rhetorical Situation

i. Econ. ii. History of obesity iv. How obesity is becoming worse v. What junk foods do schools sell? vi. Ideologies a. Freedom 1. Choice 2. Speech b. Child c. Parents d. Schools- loco parentis II. Theme 1- View points from Schools A. Schools money- not enough money for healthy food B. Parents should send lunch with children C. Schools want to put better food in schools D. The extra money from unhealthy food is used a lot to benefit other programs in the school. E. Children should learn to make healthy choices on their own III. Theme 2- Parents A. Parents want schools to have better food B. Parents dont like the schools food they should provide their own i. Parents dont want other parents to have control over their children C. Varying degrees of action i. tax soda ii. Get rid of venders iii. Update policies D. Parents should be responsible for teaching their children good eating habits IV. Theme 3- Companies A. They make revenue they have the right to B. Some companies are trying to compromise in a sense by creating healthier options C. Freedom

i. government rules and regulations VII. Conclusion A. Overview of controversies B. Which argument was presented the best C. Setup 3rd paper

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