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LISTENING (40 minutes approximately)


You will hear four different extracts. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One

You hear the beginning of a radio programme about anger. 1 What does the speaker say about losing your temper? A B C It's easier for adults to restrain themselves. It's made worse by the pressures of modern living. It's difficult for some people to acknowledge.

2 How does the speaker suggest we feel after we have regained our temper? A ashamed at our loss of control B determined to avoid repeating the incident C unaware of how foolish we appeared

Extract Two

You hear part of a discussion in which a writer, Michael Holmes, is talking about the difference between biographies and autobiographies. 3 According to Michael Holmes, the writers of autobiographies tend to A reveal information about themselves unintentionally. B provide a fuller picture of their lives than a biographer can. C get the facts right about the details of their careers. 4 What is Michael Holmes' attitude to the rock star, Frank Silver? A B C He finds Frank overprotective of his family. He criticises Frank's obsession with his image. He is surprised by Frank's desire to get the facts right. Extract Three

You hear an environmentalist talking about alien plant species. 5 The speaker is concerned about alien plant species because their presence

A reduces the overall number of different plants. B encourages the introduction of harmful diseases. C changes the climatic conditions in certain areas. 6 According to the speaker, why were alien plant species introduced? A to eliminate certain insect pests B to make an area visually attractive C to improve native plant stocks

Extract Four

You hear part of a talk about science and public opinion.

The speaker uses the example of genetics to underline people's A vulnerability in the face of false claims. B willingness to believe a good story. C inability to understand deep concepts.

8 What is the speaker doing in this part of the talk? A complaining about our lack of imagination B encouraging us to take science more seriously C questioning our faith in scientific findings

Part 2

You will hear a man called Derek Lane giving a talk on the subject of ancient trees. For questions 9-17, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Ancient trees were once believed to possess and played an important role in folk tales.

Ancient trees were often used as a venue for both religious and 10 events in past times.

The oldest tree, known as the creosote bush, has a distinctive 1 1 Researchers did not expect to find ancient trees in areas classified as 12

In recent research, a technique known as 13 was used to calculate the age of trees.

Recently it has become possible to collect information about 14 by analysing ancient trees.

Derek explains that it is a mistake to regard 15 trees as being unhealthy in any way.

The technique known as coppicing was designed to produce a long-term 16 supply.

Many species of wildlife rely on the process of 17 in old tree trunks.

Part 3

You will hear a radio discussion on the subject of dictionaries. For questions 18-22, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.


Elaine says she is under pressure at work as a result of A B C D the growth of the market. the quality of the competition. the demand for greater profits. the need to manage resources.


Elaine decides to include a word in her dictionaries after checking A B C D how it is used in the press. whether it is on the database. what researchers think of it. whether its use is widespread.


According to Elaine, in which area of her work has new technology had the greatest impact? A B C D the accuracy of the entries the speed of the research the reliability of the data the quality of the language


According to Tony, what may influence a dictionary compiler's decision to include a particular term? A B C D technical experience reading habits personal interests objective research


According to Elaine, what prevents dictionary compilers from inventing words themselves? A respect for their colleagues B lack of inspiration C fear of criticism D pride in their work

You will hear part of a conversation in which two friends, Maria and Stuart, are discussing Maria's search for a new job. For questions 23-28, decide whether the opinions are expressed by only one of the speakers, or whether the speakers agree. Write: M for Maria, S for Stuart, or for Both, where they agree. B

Part 4

23 I find a poor working environment unacceptable.

23 24

24 I expect to have several changes of direction in my career.

25 26

25 Internal promotion does not necessarily depend on good working relationships. 27 28 26 It is important to have the security of a signed contract.

27 Looking for a new job is an exciting challenge.

28 What I do for a living is part of the image I present to the world.

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