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Quoted Speech

He said, "I live in Paris." He said, "I am cooking dinner." He said, "I have visited London twice." He said, "I went to New York last week." He said, "I had already eaten." He said, "I am going to find a new job." He said, "I will give Jack a call."

Reported Speech
He said he lived in Paris. He said he was cooking dinner. He said he had visited London twice. He said he had gone to New York the week before. He said he had already eaten. He said he was going to find a new job. He said he would give Jack a call.

Expressions of time if reported on a different day this (evening) today these (days) now (a week) ago (an hour) ago last weekend last year here next (week) tomorrow

that (evening) yesterday ... those (days) then (a week) before (an hour) before the weekend before last / the previous weekend the year before there the following (week) the next/following day

Example: Joe: Im going to the movies. A. B. A. B. Tell me, have there been any calls? Yes. Joe called. Oh? What did Joe say? Joe said he was going to the movies.

Use reported speech to complete the following conversations: Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." A. Tell me, have there been any calls? B. Yes. ________________ called. A. Oh? What did ___________________ say?

B. ____________________ said________________________________________. Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend." A. B. A. B. Tell me, have there been any calls? Yes. ________________ called. Oh? What did ___________________ say? ____________________ said________________________________________.

Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow." A. B. A. B. Tell me, have there been any calls? Yes. ________________ called. Oh? What did ___________________ say? ____________________ said________________________________________.

Peter: "I cleaned the black shoes yesterday." A. B. A. B. Tell me, have there been any calls? Yes. ________________ called. Oh? What did ___________________ say? ____________________ said________________________________________.

Mary: I want to bring my children to the wedding. A. B. A. B. Tell me, have there been any calls? Yes. ________________ called. Oh? What did ___________________ say? ____________________ said________________________________________.

George: I am baking a cake for the party. A. B. A. B. Tell me, have there been any calls? Yes. ________________ called. Oh? What did ___________________ say? ____________________ said________________________________________.

Thomas: Mr. and Mrs. Blake are going to move to France. A. Tell me, have there been any calls? B. Yes. ________________ called. A. Oh? What did ___________________ say?

B. ____________________ said________________________________________. Read and CIRCLE examples of quoted speech and UNDERLINE examples of reported speech:

Woman Wakes From 6-Year Coma For Three Days

A woman named Christa Lilly who went into a coma in November of 2000 awoke this week for three days, spoke with her family and a local television station before falling asleep again on Wednesday. "I'm fine," Christa Lilly told her mother on Sunday -- her first words in eight months. She has awakened four other times for shorter periods of time. "I think it's wonderful. It makes me so happy," Lilly said. She also got to see her youngest daughter, Chelcey, now 12 years old, and three grandchildren.
Her neurologist, Dr. Randall Bjork, said he couldn't explain how or why she awoke. "I'm just not able to explain this" he said.

"The good Lord let me know she's alright, he brings her back to visit every so often and I'm thankful for that," said Minnie Smith, her mother and caregiver after Christa returned to a comatose state. After Christa Lilly awoke she said the thing she missed most was eating cake. After suffering a heart attack and then a stroke in November 2000, Lilly slipped into a coma. Her family has cared for her for the past six years, not knowing what her future held. Then on Sunday Lilly woke up, and was now talking and eating all by herself. Her mother said she had woken up four times before, but never like this. Lilly said it has been frustrating learning to talk again, but she looked forward to getting to know her three grandchildren born while she was asleep, according to ABC News.


Reading: True/False Christa Lilly said she missed eating pizza. (T/F) Her mother helps take care of her. (T/F) Christa Lilly has one grandchild. (T/F) Her neurologist doesnt know why she woke up. (T/F) She was in a coma because she had cancer. (T/F) Read the following examples of quoted speech and then fill in the blanks of the story using reported speech: Your parents sold their house and moved to Florida. Your daughter is going to graduate from high school next month. Your best friend married a chef and they opened a restaurant. Your sister and brother-in-law are going to have a baby. Your son has visited London twice. A new president was elected last week. There was a hurricane last year.

Jill woke up after being in a coma for ten years. Many things had changed during that time. Her husband told her about all the things she had missed. She didnt know her parents _____________ their house and ______________ to Florida. She also didnt know that her daughter ______________ to graduate from high school next month. She was very surprised to learn that her best friend _____________ a chef and they __________________ a restaurant. Her husband also told her that her sister and brother-in-law _______________to have a baby. In addition, she didnt know that her son ______________ London twice.

Jill missed many important events while she was in a coma. She had no idea that there _______________ a hurricane the year before. She also discovered that a new president _________________elected the week before. Many things had happened while Jill was in a coma.

Person A Interview Do you live near the school? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________ Where did you go last weekend? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________ Have you ever been to Mexico City? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________ Whats your favorite ice cream? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________

Person B Interview Have you ever seen a rainbow? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________ Were you at home last night? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________ Are you going to take a vacation soon? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________ Are you going to study English tonight? Quoted speech:_________________________________________ Reported speech:________________________________________

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