TheSun 2009-02-27 Page06 Court To Make Transfer Ruling On March 5

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6 theSun | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 2009

news without borders

Anwar’s sodomy trial

Court to make transfer ruling on March 5

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court
will decide on March 5 whether
dated Sept 9, 2008 to the sessions
court to seek a transfer of the case to
In his submission, Sulaiman said
the attorney-general has not filed
law, for example, the decision-
maker is biased or is disqualified,
general who affirmed an affidavit.
“How does the solicitor-general
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy the High Court. The certificate was any affidavit denying or rebutting it is incumbent upon the particular know what the attorney-general was
trial can be moved to the High Court signed by Attorney-General Tan Sri the assertions made against him by decision-maker to affirm and file an thinking?” Sulaiman said.
or remain at the sessions court. Abdul Gani Patail. Anwar. Anwar had filed an affidavit affidavit rebutting the allegation and In reply, Datuk Mohd Yusof Za-
Justice Datuk Mohd Zabidin Diah The defence had objected, say- on Sept 22, 2008. not someone else,” Sulaiman said. inal Abiden said the sessions court
fixed the date yesterday, after hearing ing the attorney-general has been Sulaiman said when a decision- He said the rationale for this is wrong when it held that the cer-
submissions from lead prosecutor disqualified from taking any part in maker’s (attorney-general’s) decision principle is that in order for the af- tificate of transfer is invalid. He also
Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden the investigation and prosecution is being challenged, it is incumbent fidavit to amount to an adequate and submitted that the sessions court has
and Anwar’s lead counsel Sulaiman against Anwar. The defence argued for him to reply. satisfactory rebuttal, it must be af- no authority to hear the application.
Abdullah. that the certificate is invalid. “When a person files an affidavit firmed by the person who possessed “The sessions court is not the proper
On Sept 10 last year, the prosecu- The judge rejected the application alleging that a particular decision personal knowledge of the facts. forum, you (the defence) have to file
tion produced a certificate of transfer to transfer the case. was not arrived in accordance with Instead, he said, it was solicitor- (the application) in the High Court.”

BN to look into
Pakatan’s ‘no 43 migrant workers on hunger strike
salary’ challenge by Tan Yi Liang
them to pay their own airfares
back to India.
tickets at their expense. The
employer did not do that. They
has written to Immigration di-
rector-general Datuk Mahmood
by Humayun Kabir “They had to hand over the also did not renew their work Adam calling for action to be PETALING JAYA: Forty-three cash, and some were forced to permits,” Rajasekaran said. taken over the 43 detainees .
migrant workers from India hand over their ATM cards. In He also said the employer had “We are giving him one week
IPOH: The Barisan Nasional state govern- started a hunger strike yesterday total, they paid out more than RM failed to pay the workers their for a response, after which we will
ment will look into the challenge by Pakatan to protest their detention at the 10,000,” Rajasekaran told a press last drawn salary. file a report with the Malaysian
Rakyat state executive councillors not to Pekan Nenas detention centre in conference here yesterday. The passports of the 51 have Anti-Corruption Commission.
claim salary for official administrative work Johor, Malaysian Trades Union He said under the law, em- since been collected by the em- “We want the employer’s per-
until the High Court decides who is the legal Congress (MTUC) secretary-gen- ployers had to pay such fares. ployer from the Johor Immigra- mit to be revoked, and if need be,
administrator of Perak. eral G. Rajasekaran said. “The law requires that they tion Department. we will seek a meeting with the
This was Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Ab- They were among 51 workers (the employers) provide the air Rajasekaran said the MTUC home affairs minister on this.”
dul Kadir’s response to DAP state chairman who came to Malaysia to work
Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham’s call to BN exco mem- legally as factory workers and
bers not to take any salary for administration their contract expired in July
of the state until the court decision. 2008. Their employer in Johor,
Likewise, Ngeh said, the Pakatan exco who is an outsourcing agent,
members will not draw any salary so as not however kept them working
to burden the people. until December.
Zambry said: “This is a tit-for-tat attitude Rajasekaran said the 51, aged
of the Pakatan team after we announced between 23 and 35, left Johor
that we will return the annual holiday al- on Jan 17 to seek help to be
lowance of RM20,000 allocated for exco sent back, as their contract had
members.” expired.
When asked about DAP Taiping MP Nga “They boarded a bus to
Kor Ming’s demand that Zambry call for the Kuala Lumpur to seek the help
dissolution of the state assembly and call for of the Indian High Commission.
fresh elections within two days, Zambry said However, the bus was stopped
it sounded like a warning and suggested that by police in Muar. They (the
Nga be asked for the answer. police) checked the passengers
On Monday, Nga had stated in parliament and detained the 43. Eight of
that Perak assembly speaker V. Sivakumar them escaped in the commotion,
will call for a special assembly meeting if and lodged a complaint with the
Zambry refuses to call for the dissolution of MTUC,” he said.
the state assembly within two days. He said the 43 were sent to the
Nga had said that Sivakumar had writ- Pekan Nenas detention centre the
ten to Perak Sultan Azlan Shah last week same day .
requesting his consent to convene a special He also said the MTUC had re- MTUC deputy president Mohd
assembly meeting and the palace had yet ceived reports that the employer Khalid Atan makes a point
to respond. had been allowed into the camp while Rajasekaran looks on at
to intimidate the 43, and forced the press conference.

MACC should act on IGP: Respect

PM’s advice: Bar Council privacy
MALACCA: Inspector-General
PETALING JAYA: The Malay- tiality of the Commission. of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan
sian Anti-Corruption Commis- Then, yesterday, the MACC said the public should respect an
sion (MACC) should act on reportedly interrogated the individual’s privacy and private
the “sobering” advice given Speaker of the Perak Legisla- rights. He said with the advent
by Prime Minister Datuk Seri tive Assembly for three hours,” of technology and availability of
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and se said. facilities like handphones with
not underestimate the public, Ambiga added that the Bar built-in cameras, there was more
said Bar Council president Council was concerned over need for the people to be more
Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan such actions. cautious.
“When launching the “How is the MACC seek- “An individual’s private rights
MACC, the Prime Minister ing to remove the negative and privacy have to be re-
gave the advice that the perceptions the prime min- spected,” he told reporters after
MACC must not end up with ister spoke of? These events a meeting with state crimes
the same perceptions that also question the regard the investigation heads nationwide
afflicted the ACA – of not authorities have for the inter- here yesterday.
He advised people to refrain
being independent, of being ests of the public and public
from indulging in improper
a toothless tiger, of practising perception,” she said.
activities such as exposing
selective enforcement and of She called on senior mem-
themselves in acts which could
not being professional in their bers of the Bar to do their part
be deemed as pornographic.
investigations, all of which to ensure that the MACC acts Musa said this in response to a
damaged the ACA’s reputation in a responsible manner. statement issued by the Selangor
and credibility,” said Ambiga in “Respected members of palace on Wednesday expressing
a press release yesterday. the Bar have been appointed Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-
She cited instances where to the MACC’s Anti-Corruption haj’s concern over the intrusion of
the MACC had failed to heed Advisory Board, Operations an individual’s privacy and rights
the advice of the PM. Review Panel and Complaints for the purpose of destroying
“The MACC director had Committee. We urge them one’s dignity and reputation.
made a public statement to address the concerns that On the probe into Bukit
about investigations against have been expressed in rela- Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth
the mentri besar of Selangor tion to the MACC’s actions and Wong’s private pictures scan-
in a way that raises serious play their role in ensuring that dal, Musa said police were still
questions about the impar- the rule of law is upheld.” investigating.

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