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Table of Contents

CHAPTER I Problem and Its Background Introduction.....1 Background of the Study..3 Theoretical Framework.....4 Conceptual Framework.6 Statement of the Problem.8 Hypothesis......9 Significance of the Study..9 Scope and Limitations of the Study11 Definition of Terms12

CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Study Foreign Literature.....14 Local Literature.....17 Foreign Study....19 Local Study.......22 Synthesis...23

CHAPTER 3 Research Methodology Research Method Used..27 Research Paradigm.28 Population and Sample Size..30 Sampling Technique30 Description of the Respondents.31 Research Locale..32 Instrumentation....33 Data Gathering Procedure.34 Statistical Treatment of the Data...34

CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data..36 CHAPTER 5 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations Summary..45 Findings46 Conclusions.48 Recommendations.49

LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 Figure 2 8 31

LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Distribution of the Population of Grade 7 to Fourth Year High School 2 3 4 5 Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Age Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Gender Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Year Level Assessment on the Mastery of the Respondents in the Four (4) Basic Rules in Subject-Verb Agreement in Terms of Compound subjects joined by and 6 Assessment on the Mastery of the Respondents in the Four (4) Basic Rules in Subject-Verb Agreement in Terms of Compound subject joined by either-or and neither-nor 7 Assessment on the Mastery of the Respondents in the Four (4) Basic Rules in Subject-Verb Agreement in Terms of Collective Nouns 8 Assessment on the Mastery of the Respondents in the Four (4) Basic Rules in Subject-Verb Agreement in Terms of Intervening Words between the Subject and the Verb 9 Assessment on the Mastery of the Respondents in the Four (4) Basic Rules in Subject-Verb Agreement were they Commit Fewer Mistakes 44 43 42 41 39 30 36 37 38 Page


Assessment on the Mastery of the Respondents in the Four (4) Basic Rules in Subject-Verb Agreement were they Commit More Mistakes 46

LIST OF APPENDIXES A. Letter of Request for Survey B. Letter to Validate Instrument C. Sample Questionnaire D.

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